SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 5/60 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 4.2. 2024 5. NEDELJA MED LETOM 5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ V prvem berilu poslušamo tožbo človeka, ki trip v evangeliju pa Jezus prihaja naproti ljudem, ki trpijo. Prvo berilo je vzeto iz Jobove knjige in je polno žalosti. Job ugotavlja, da ima človek na svetu zgolj trdo delo in je kot suženj, ki hrepeni po senci, in je kot najemnik, ki čaka na svoj zaslužek. Namenjeni so mu meseci blodnje in noči, polne trpljenja. Ko se uleže, razmišlja: »Kdaj bom vstal?« Ko vstane, ga čakajo preizkušnje in nadloge brez konca. Zato govori Gospodu: »Spomni se, da je moje življenje le dih, moje oko ne bo več videlo sreče.« V evangeliju pa srečamo Gospoda, ki prihaja naproti ljudem, ki trpijo: vsi ljudje, ki trpijo, se lahko zavedajo, da je Jezus z njimi, da jim želi s svojim sočutjem pomagati v njihovem trpljenju. Jezus se pred nobenim trpljenjem ne umakne: potolaži preganjane, pomaga bolnim. Marko navaja prvi čudež, ki ga je storil Jezus, ko je bil v hiši Simona in Andreja, prvih dveh apostolov. Simonova tašča je v postelji z mrzlico in Jezus se ji preprosto približa, jo prime za roko, dvigne in ozdravi. Žena je popolnoma zdrava, saj je takoj sposobna streči gostom. Ko se je stvar razvedela, so Jezusu prinašali mnoge bolnike in obsedene. Z določenim pretiravanjem evangelist navaja, da se je »pred vrati zbralo vse mesto«. Jezus se neutrudno posveča tem bolnim in obsedenim. Številne izmed njih ozdravi, ker so trpeli zaradi različnih bolezni, in izžene veliko hudih duhov. Naslednje jutru Jezus zgodaj vstane in se še v temi napoti na samoten kraj in moli. Jezus je za nas zgled. V vsakršnih okoliščinah najde čas za molitev. Molitev je potreba njegovega srca. Jezus želi biti v navezi z Očetom; zato išče samoto, vedno takrat, ko mu je to mogoče, da se lahko obrne k njemu, se z njim pogovori in tako živi svoj sinovski odnos. Ko Peter zjutraj ni našel Gospoda v hiši, ga je šel iskat; ko ga najde, mu pravi: »Vsi te iščejo!« Vendar mu Jezus, namesto da bi se vrnil z njim, VESTNIK 2024 | pravi: »Pojdimo tudi v bližnje vasi, da bom tudi tam oznanjal, kajti zato sem prišel!« Tu se razodeva Jezusova gorečnost. Njegovo poslanstvo je vse drugačno od poslanstva Janeza Krstnika. Ta je odšel v puščavo, živel življenje puščavnika in ljudje so prihajali k njemu. Pri Jezusu je drugače: on je tisti, ki se premika, ki hodi od vasi do vasi in oznanja. Jezus je tisti, ki prihaja k ljudem, kjer koli pač so, ne da bi čakal, da pridejo k njemu. Prišel je, da izpolni to poslanstvo: oznanjali božje kraljestvo, podariti vsem ljudem svetlobo in moč, da moremo priti naproti trpečim in sprejemati celo grešnike. Božji Sin je prišel na svet, da nas lahko najde. Njegovo »potovanje« je skladno s poslanstvom, ki ga je prejel od Očeta in ga je dovršil s svojo smrtjo in z vstajenjem. Drugo berilo nam daje razumeti, da kristjani ne smemo biti samo obdarovanci Jezusove dobrote: sami moramo iti naproti ljudem, ki trpijo, jim pomagati premagovati težave. Pavel se nam predstavlja kot vzor. Posnemal je Gospoda, odšel je na vse kraje, da bi oznanjal evangelij. Z druge strani pa je Jezus napovedal: »Kdor veruje vame, bo dela, ki jih izvršujem jaz, tudi sam izvrševal in še večja bo ta.« (Jn 14,12). Pavel torej vzklika: »Kajti gorje meni, če evangelija ne bi oznanjal!« In doda, da hoče evangelij oznanjati povsem brez plačila. Ljubezen vedno predpostavlja vidik zastonjskosti: ne gre za osebne koristi, temveč hoče izgoreti v velikodušnosti do drugih. Za Pavla je oznanjevanje evangelija naloga, ki mu je zaupana. Kako jo bo izpolnil? Evangelij bo oznanjal brez plačila, da bo mogel imeti zasluženje pri Bogu. Če bi namreč oznanjal evangelij in pri tem uporabil vse koristi, ki izhajajo iz tega, kako bi lahko pokazal, da gre za velikodušno dejanje? »Čeprav sem od vseh neodvisen, sem vendar postal služabnik vseh, da bi jih čim več pridobil.« Bil je ob Gospodu, da bi lahko vsem posredoval veselo novico božje ljubezni, ki prihaja, da bi spremenila svet. Oznanja evangelij, ne le z besedami, temveč tudi s svojim velikodušnim ravnanjem. Vsak kristjan mora posnemati Jezusa. Ne sme se ustavljati ob milosti, ki jo prejema od njega, temveč jo mora posredovati drugim ljudem. Spraševati se mora torej, kateri ljudje okrog njega potrebujejo njegovo pomoč, katere ljudi lahko osreči in razsvetli, ne le z besedo, temveč predvsem s svojim obnašanjem. (prim. Oznanjevalec 2009, št. 1) 38 | VESTNIK 2024 5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: Sing praises to the Lord who heals the broken-hearted. First Reading: Job 7: 1-4. 6-7 Life is a burden for the melancholy who have no hope. Second Reading: 1 Cor. 9: 16-19. 22-23 To preach the Gospel is a duty, even if it’s one that is not chosen. Gospel: Mark 1:29-39 He cured many who were suffering. “He cured many who were suffering.” Illustration If you’ve ever come into contact with a charity or other organisation that works with people who are really down on their luck – people who are suffering from homelessness, say, or unemployment, or drug and drink problems – then you will have heard tales of how it’s not just the experience of physical suffering that is so hard, but how troubled they have been, often feeling as if they have no hope left. But you often hear remarkable stories of transformation – of how those who have fallen by the wayside have been picked up by an organisation and helped to have their lives turned around. Even more extraordinary are the stories of those who, with help, have not only rebuilt their lives and rediscovered hope, but have then volunteered to help others. It’s like a reverse domino effect: once one is built up, others are too. A community is formed where once people felt isolated, worn down by life, and are now healed. Application Gospel teaching This account from Mark’s Gospel is typical of many of the stories of Jesus’ ministry. It is the Sabbath and Jesus has been to synagogue with James and John, and then they went on to Simon and Andrew’s house. They would have followed tradition by resting for the rest of the Sabbath, until they discover that there is someone in need – Simon’s mother-in-law, who is sick. So, Jesus puts scruples to one side and focuses on what matters and attends to the woman. She is only the first of many to call for his help that day. By sundown, the end of the Sabbath, practically the whole town is crowding into the house. Nobody of faith is turned away, but eventually there comes a time when even Jesus needs a break. It’s worth noting how often we are told in the Gospels that Jesus takes times to pray. Prayer is as much a part of his life as action, before he again fulfils his mission by preaching. There is one line in this Gospel that could easily be overlooked but is deeply significant because it confirms how the impact of Jesus means conversion: when Simon’s mother-in-law is cured of her fever, she doesn’t relax, or run to tell people all about it. It is her moment to wait on the others – to serve them, just as Jesus had served her. The verses from Job, heard as part of the readings, suggest a sense of isolation, of feeling that life offers no purpose, no meaning and is overwhelming. Those are sentiments that could equally be expressed by people today. Job’s world seems very small: he doesn’t look out to others, nor is there a sense of God being there to sustain him. Mark’s Gospel is very different. Even on a quiet Sabbath day, this world is teeming with people: Jesus and his apostles, Simon’s mother-in-law, the crowds who flock to Simon’s house. Jesus is at the centre of a community. There is not the same isolation. But it is Jesus who makes a difference, turning to each person who needs him, one by one. Like those who follow him in Mark’s Gospel, we too can have our lives transformed by Jesus. Conversion requires trust, though, and like those who came to Simon’s house at the end of the Sabbath day, trusting that Jesus would cure them, so we must be ready to offer him our trust if we are to undergo our own conversion. A cure of a physical ailment may take a moment and last a lifetime, but conversion is not a one-off. Like a physical cure, it is about one’s life changing for good, but it also requires our constant engagement. Conversion is a relationship, a mutual exchange between God and ourselves. God’s love is there for us – but are we willing to reciprocate? We glimpse an insight into what full engagement – that conversion – means from what happens to Simon’s mother-in-law. Jesus overturns the Sabbath order to cure her of fever that day, and what he gives to her inspires her to in turn give to others as she waits on them. Conversion brings us to God, just as the encounter of Simon’s mother-in-law with Jesus brought her to God. But sustaining our conversion needs prayer, just as Jesus also needed prayer. And that prayer will also help us build our relationships with our communities. Converted to Jesus, ready to serve others, we will, unlike Job, be able to cast aside our melancholy and our eyes will indeed see joy. VESTNIK 2024 | 39 V nedeljo, 28. januarja je zakrament svetega krsta prejela Lily Kristina Pozeg. Naj božji blagoslov spremlja njeno družino. V zadnjih tednih se pri sv. Jožefu skoraj vsak teden nekaj praznuje. Lepo je videti nasmejane obraze, posebej če je še kaj za pod zob in za prilit, da grlo ni suho. 40 | VESTNIK 2024 VESTNIK 2024 | 41 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV 4th - Feb. - Bled - Koline th - Feb. 10 - St. Gregory - Pustovanje - Feb. 11th - London - Maša ob 3:00 p.m. - Feb 14th - St. Gregory - Ash Wednesday - Pepelnica - Feb 19th - Slovenski Park - Family Day - March 3rd - Lipa Park - Spring General Meeting - Election of New Executive - March 3rd - CWL - KŽZ - Bazaar - Mass 10 a.m. - March 17th - Sv. Jožef - Banquet - Mass 10 am CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - Feb. 10th - Gosgnach team - Feb. 17th - Štefka Eržen team BRALCI - READERS - FEBRUARY 4TH Slovenian - Terezija Sarjaš English - Mary Miklavčič GIFT BEARERS AT MASSES - Feb 4th - Stanko in Elizabeth Petek - Feb 11th - Milena Volčanšek & Majda Lukežič DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA Torkovi večeri so v polnem teku. Vabljeni, da pridete skupaj in preživite nekaj uric v dobri družbi prijateljev. Na mizi v cerkveni veži so še kuverte za članarino. V kuverti je članska izkaznica za leto 2024. Dajte denar za članarino ($15) v kuverto in kuverto oddajte v nabiralnik za nedeljsko nabirko. St. Joseph will have their Annual General Meeting on March 3rd, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. 42 | VESTNIK 2024 CWL - KŽZ CWL members are asked to pay their membership dues if they have not already done so since a cheque needs to be sent to our national office by the end of January. Our next CWL general meeting will take place on Wed. Feb. 7th after 7:00 PM Mass. Our CWL invites our parish community to our BAZAAR on Sunday, March 3rd. The day will begin with a Mass at 10:00 a.m., followed by a luncheon and a myriad of activities for all ages. We kindly request some contributions to enhance our bazaar. Please bring in prizes on Saturday morning, March 2nd, and baked goods early on the morning of Sunday, March 3rd. We thank you in advance for your generosity. Luncheon tickets will be made available at Sunday Masses. Prepayment is required to make a reservation and receive a ticket; please prepay by Sunday, February 26th. Ticket prices: U 13 years and up: $25.U 6 -12 years: $10.U 5 and under: Free Contact person is Terezija Sarjaš: 905-930-7990. As you are well aware proceeds of our bazaar directly support our wonderful St. Gregory the Great Slovenian parish. Thank you! - Hvala! - Rosemary Šušteršič Pustovanje - Mardi Gras - Dress-Up Fun V Sloveniji je, 30. januarja 2024, v bolnici v for all ages! Next Saturday, February 10th come to St Gregory the Great Parish, upper hall Cividale, umrla sestra našega farana Jožefa Gosgnach, Elena (Ela) Gosgnach, stara 94 let. - doors open at 6pm. Come in full costume, be ready to dance, sing a karaoke tune or two, enPogreb pokojne je bil v Mersino Alto, 1. fejoy some food and drinks and a festive evening bruarja ob 2h popoldne; ta dan smo v naši before lent. Bring your kids, grandparents, incerkvi darovali sveto mašo za pokoj njene vite your family and friends and come out for a duše. Iskreno sožalje Jožefu in sorodnikom, party - looking forward to seeing everyone at pokojni Eleni pa večni mir in pokoj. Pustovanje next Saturday! - Heidy V petek, 2. februarja, je v mariborski bolnišnici, po hudi bolezni, umrla Danica Novak. Pokojna je bila svakinja in draga teta naših župljanov družin Novak in Archer. Iskreno sožalje možu Stanetu in hčerki Moniki z družino. Maša zadušnica bo pri nas na dan pogreba, to je. 6. februarja. Pokojni Danici pa večni mir in pokoj v domači zemlji. POKOJNI - DECEASED V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Rihar Kerec Mihelčič Sampl Kastelic Marušich Recek DON BOSCO Stephanie Anton Neža Alojz Vid Thea Giorgia John February 5, 2012 February 8, 1999 February 8, 2001 February 8, 2019 February 9, 2016 February 9, 2019 February 10, 1992 SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2024 | 43 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Za žive in rajne župljane 5. NEDELJA MED LETOM † Rozina Zorko, obl. TH 5 SUNDAY IN † Ela Gosgnach ORDINARY TIME 4. FEBRUAR † Frank Starešinič 9:30 A.M. - - - - - - Milan in Sandy Ferletič Helena K. †† Tony in Elizabeth Ferko 11:00 A.M. Štefan Godina Jožica Novak z družino † Loreta Rachykle 7:00 P.M. Ana Plosinjak Pavel Miki, muč. † Eileen MacKenzie † Danica Novak 7:00 P.M. N. N. Frank Novak z družino SREDA - WEDNESDAY 7. FEBRUAR Za mir na svetu † Frank Gimpelj, Jr. 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak z družino CWL - KŽZ †† Francka in Ivanka † Tony Ferko 7:00 P.M. Sestra Jožica Novak z družino Anica Omahen (Windsor) † Rozalija Kolenko † Viktor Glavač 7:00 P.M. Marija Korošec z družino Žena Olga z družino † †† †† †† † † † † † Janez Recek, obl. Antonija in Alojz Lesjak Pok. iz družine Klepec (Joliet) Štefan, obl. in Marija Gabor Viktor Glavač Lidia Scarcelli Tony Ferko Martin Simončič Štefka Rihar, obl. 5:30 P.M. Jožica z družino Marija Košir Družina Malevič Angela Antolin z družino Sin Marjan Elizabeth Gimpelj Kathy Simončič Žena Kathy Mož Frank z družino Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 A.M. - - - - - - Žena Veronika z družino Sestra Veronika Sampl z družino Irena Kolmanič z družino Oskar, škof PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 5. FEBRUAR Agata, devica-mučenka TOREK - TUESDAY 6. FEBRUAR Julijana, vdova ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 8. FEBRUAR Hieronim redovnik PETEK - FRIDAY 9. FEBRUAR Apolonija, mučenka SOBOTA - SATURDAY 10. FEBRUAR Sholastika, redovnica Alojzij Stepinac, škof 6. NEDELJA MED LETOM † Alojz Sampl, obl. † Marija Andolšek, obl. 6TH SUNDAY IN † Emilija Ferko ORDINARY TIME 11. FEBRUAR Luška Mati Božja Svetovni dan bolnikov 44 | VESTNIK 2024 †† Pavel in Paul Richard Novak 11:00 A.M. Jožica Novak z družino †† Pok. Slovenci iz Londona 3:00 P.M. St. John the Divine Parish