from the field of palaeontology. He was one of the world's leading experts on rudists. He discovered and described 106 species of rudists from 64 sites in Slovenia. Among them, new genera and 11 new species, which have be- come important for the entire Mediterranean area. His scientific work include over 100 original discus- sions (papers, monographies, reports, book chapters) within almost 250 bibliographical units. He (co)authored profound works on stratigraphy of Cretaceous rocks and fossils (e.g. Hipurites fauna from Stranice, Upper Creta- ceous rudists in Slovenia), basic regional studies of Slo- vene territory (Geology of Cerknica Lake etc.), on oil and mineral resources. He was an excellent promotor of science, contributing almost 40 popular science texts. He also collaborated on monography Geology of Slovenia and many encyclopaedic entries on geology. He received many awards from geological societies, other scientific institutions and state institutions. Mario Peničar took numerous assignment and functions, from leading evaluation on natural resources in Slovenia, taking part in editorial work, and many sci- entific societies, boards and committees. As a long time member of Editorial Board of Acta Carsologica between he had always supported editorial work and new ideas and at the same time contributed his own. Even in his last years, when already in decline, his supporting wife On October 16th 2016, a member of Editorial Board of Acta Carsologica, academician prof. dr. Mario Pleničar has passed away. Mario Pleničar was born on August 5th 1924 in Ljubljana. He completed all his studies in Ljubljana and during his doctoral work spent a year in Vienna. After graduating, he took position at the Geological Survey in Ljubljana, than worked at the petroleum production company in Lendava, followed by assignments in Algeria from where he returned to Ljubljana. Since 1970, he had been a professor at the Ljubljana University. He lectured petroleum and physical geology, biostratigraphy of Me- sozoic, and geological mapping. He continued collabo- ration with Geological Survey in Ljubljana and several other geological and petroleum institutions from Eu- rope. He collaborated at many international projects. Throughout his career, Mario covered several dis- tinct topics in geology. In petroleum geology, his focus were oil resources and geology of eastern Slovenia. While leading project of Basic geological map of Slovenia, he focused to stratigraphy, paleoecology and economic ge- ology, while still staying active as a field mapper. He pre- sented detailed studies of Cretaceous beds in Slovenia, and located the boundaries between different Cretaceous ages. He (co)authored several geological maps and ex- planatory books. However, his most important works are IN MEMORIAM MARIO PLENIčAR (1924-2016) ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2−3, 355–356, POSTOJNA 2017 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 46/2–3 – 2017356 drove him to the meetings in Ljubljana, where he care- fully followed and contributed to discussions. We have always admired his friendliness and supportive attitude. In the same manner, he also contributed to the work of Karst Research Institute, where he served for years as a member of the Scientific Board. Academician Pleničar left rich heritage, which will serve to future generation of geoscientists. He will be re- membered as a dedicated researcher, professor, mentor and a friend. Dragica turnšek and franci gabrovšek IN MEMORIAM