E. ROMHANJI et al.: HOMOGENIZATION OF AN Al-Mg ALLOY AND ALLIGATORING FAILURE 531–536 HOMOGENIZATION OF AN Al-Mg ALLOY AND ALLIGATORING FAILURE: INFLUENCE OF THE MICROSTRUCTURE HOMOGENIZACIJA Al-Mg ZLITINE IN KROKODILJENJE: VPLIV MIKROSTRUKTURE Endre Romhanji, Tamara Radeti}, Miljana Popovi} University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Karnegijeva 4, POB 35-03, 11 120 Belgrade, Serbia endre@tmf.bg.ac.rs Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-06-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-06-12 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.111 In this study the influence of the microstructure of Al-5.1Mg-0.7Mn alloy on the propensity towards an alligatoring failure was evaluated. The morphology of the constituent particles appears to be the key factor, with dissolution and fragmentation of fibrous Mg-Si-Sr and transformation of the Al6(Fe,Mn) into more compact shapes taking place at homogenization temperatures above 520 °C, contributing to improved ductility and diminished propensity towards alligatoring. Homogenization at tempe- ratures below 500 °C gave rise to a non-uniform precipitation of the dispersoids. Such a microstructure favored localized slip that induced stress concentration at the grain boundaries and triggered grain boundary embrittlement. Keywords: Al-Mg alloy, homogenization, microstructure, localized slip, alligatoring V {tudiji je bil ocenjen vpliv mikrostrukture zlitine Al-5,1Mg-0,7Mn na pojav krokodiljenja. Izgleda, da je morfologija delcev klju~na, ker sta raztapljanje in drobljenje vlaknastih Mg-Si-Sr ter pretvorba Al6(Fe,Mn) v bolj kompaktne oblike, kar se dogaja med homogenizacijo pri temperaturah nad 520 °C, prispevala k izbolj{anju duktilnosti in k odpravi krokodiljenja. Homogeni- zacija pri temperaturah pod 500 °C povzro~i pove~anje neenakomernega izlo~anja delcev. Taka mikrostruktura pospe{uje lokalno drsenje ki povzro~i koncentracijo napetosti na mejah zrn in spro`i pojav interkristalne krhkosti. Klju~ne besede: zlitina Al-Mg, homogenizacija, mikrostruktura, lokalno drsenje, krokodiljenje 1 INTRODUCTION Fabrication of high strength Al-Mg sheet products requires careful design of the thermo-mechanical process to avoid hot fracture.1 In the first part of this study, we report on the effect of homogenization temperature on failure by alligatoring during hot rolling of the Al-5.1Mg-0.7Mn alloy.2 Alligatoring has been studied mostly from the aspect of rolling process optimization1 while microstructural factors influencing the occurrence of alligatoring are far less understood. However, there is evidence that the microstructure contributes to a propensity to alligatoring. Cold rolling of spheroidized 1020, 1045 and 1090 steels failed due to the alligatoring only in the last alloy, which has greatest density and length of linear inclusions.3 Another study on a steel4 showed that the occurrence of the alligatoring was influenced by the presence of MnS inclusions. The high density of coarse Mn-based consti- tutive particles increased the susceptibility to alligatoring in Al-Mg alloys.5 The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of homogenization temperature and resultant microstructu- res on the occurrence of alligatoring in Al-5.1Mg-0.7Mn alloy during hot rolling experiments. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK The Al-5.1Mg-0.7Mn alloy studied had higher Mg and Zn contents compared to the standard AA 5083 alloy. The exact chemical composition was given in 2. The industrial cast alloy was hot rolled in the labo- ratory. Prior to hot rolling, the plates were homogenized. Three homogenization regimes were applied, with a difference in the homogenization temperature. Regime I corresponded to the homogenization temperature of 460 °C, Regime II to 520 °C and Regime III to 550 °C. Details of the homogenization treatment and hot rolling procedure were given in 2. Microstructural characterization involved light micro- scopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Specimens were prepared by fine mechanical polishing of sections of interest. SEM characterization was con- ducted in JEOL JSM-6610LV at 20 kV equipped with an Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) detector. Specimens for light microscopy were examined in the as-polished state and after electrolytic etching with Barker’s reagent. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 4, 531–536 531 UDK 666.1.031.16:669.715:669.721.5:620.17 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(4)531(2016) 3 RESULTS 3.1 Microstructure around the alligator crack tip A cross-section of an alligator crack tip in the fractured plate interior is shown in Figure 1a. A number of cracks and micro-cracks was observed in its vicinity (Figures 1 and 1b). The micro-cracks were associated with a fracture (Figures 1c and 1d) of the constituent particles. The alligator crack propagated in the inter- granular manner (Figure 2a), but some deviations, most likely following the slip bands, were observed. In a number of grains, bands with coloration different from the surrounding matrix were observed (Figure 2b). Barker’s etch has a sensitivity toward changes in the crystallographic orientation, so the bands were most likely slip bands introduced by intensive localized slip. The bands were present in plates homogenized at 460 °C (Regime I) and 520 °C (Regime II), but in the latter case they were finer and more evenly distributed. 3.2 Microstructure Microstructure of the as-cast state consisted of con- stituent particles and Al matrix.6 Products of solidifica- tion, coarse constituent particles were mostly situated along the dendrite boundaries that, to a large extent, overlapped with grain boundaries. The constituent parti- cles were identified as Al6(Fe,Mn), Mg2Si and Mg-Si phase enriched in Sr (Sr is present as a trace element in the alloy)2,6 and Al6(Fe,Mn) phase with a Chinese script morphology. Thin, fibrous Mg-Si-Sr phase with attached rectangular Mg2Si lined the grain boundaries. Homo- genization induced rounding of the sharp facets of the constitutive particles.6 E. ROMHANJI et al.: HOMOGENIZATION OF AN Al-Mg ALLOY AND ALLIGATORING FAILURE 532 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 4, 531–536 Figure 2: Light micrographs of the plates etched with Barkers’ reagent: a) intergranular propagation of the alligator crack (homogenization at 520 °C – Regime II), b) slip bands (homogenization at 460 °C - Regime I) Slika 2: Svetlobna posnetka plo{~e, jedkane z Barker jedkalom: a) napredovanje aligatorske razpoke med zrni (homogenizacija pri 520 °C - Re`im II), b) trakovi drsenja (homogenizacija pri 460 °C – Re`im I) Figure 1: Light micrographs of: a) the tip of alligator crack, b) to d) microcracks and fractured constitutive particles in a plate homogenized at 460 °C Slika 1: Svetlobni posnetki: a) vrh krokodilje razpoke, od b) do d) mikrorazpoke in prelom delcev v plo{~i, homogenizirani pri 460 °C During homogenization at 460 °C (Regime I), growth and precipitation of Mg2Si phase took place at interfaces of the constitutive particles with the aluminum matrix (Figure 3a). At homogenization temperatures above 500 °C, Mg-Si rich phases appear to dissolve as the fibers short- ened (Figure 4). Clusters of the fibers delineating grain boundaries were still present after the homogenization at 520 °C (Regime II), but had almost completely vanished E. ROMHANJI et al.: HOMOGENIZATION OF AN Al-Mg ALLOY AND ALLIGATORING FAILURE Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 4, 531–536 533 Figure 4: Size distribution (length) of fibrous Mg-Si-Sr constitutive particles. The total number of measured particles (240), was the same for each histogram. Slika 4: Razporeditev velikosti (dol`ine) vlaknastih Mg-Si-Sr delcev. Celotno {tevilo izmerjenih delcev (240), je bilo enako za vsak histo- gram Figure 3: Light micrographs of the fibrous Mg-Si-Sr/Mg2Si constitutive particles: a) 460 °C (Regime I), b) 550 °C (Regime III) Slika 3: Svetlobna posnetka vlaknastih delcev Mg-Si-Sr/Mg2Si: a) 460 °C (Re`im I), b) 550 °C (Re`im III) Figure 5: Light micrographs of the Al6(Fe,Mn) constitutive particles: a) 460 °C (Regime I), b) 550 °C (Regime III) Slika 5: Svetlobna posnetka delcev Al6(Fe,Mn): a) 460 °C (Regime I), b) 550 °C (Regime III) E. ROMHANJI et al.: HOMOGENIZATION OF AN Al-Mg ALLOY AND ALLIGATORING FAILURE 534 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 4, 531–536 Figure 7: Backscattered SEM electron images of the microstructure after the homogenization anneal: a), b) 460 °C (Regime I), c) 520 °C (Regime II) and d) 550 °C (Regime III) Slika 7: SEM-posnetek, s povratno sipanimi elektroni, mikrostrukture po homogenizacijskem `arjenju: a), b) 460 °C (Re`im I), c) 520 °C (Re`im II) in d) 550 °C (Re`im III) Figure 6: a) Size and b) form factor distribution of Al6(Fe,Mn) constitutive particles. The form factor is defined as F = 4·Area/ Perimeter2 and reflects the particle shape. It is equal to 1 for a perfect circle and < 1 for less regular shapes. The total number of measured particles (585), was the same for each histogram. Slika 6: a) Velikost in b) faktor oblike razporeditve delcev. Faktor oblike je dolo~en kot: F = 4·povr{ina/obseg2 in odra`a obliko delcev. Enak je 1 pri popolnoma okroglih delcih in je < 1 pri manj pravilnih oblikah. Celotno {tevilo delcev (585), je bilo enako pri vseh histogramih. after homogenization at 550°C (Regime III) while the few remaining fibers were fragmented (Figure 3b). Annealing at higher temperatures (Regimes II and III) resulted in a partial dissolution and break down of the branches of the Al6(Fe,Mn) phase to more compact forms. The process was particularly advanced after the homogenization at 550 °C (Regime III) as can be seen from Figures 5 and 6. Homogenization in a temperature range of 430–500 °C resulted in the precipitation of dispersoids in the dendrite cores (Figure 7a). Dendrite cores, with a high density of dispersoids, were surrounded by channels that were almost dispersoid free (Figure 7b). The width of the channels was in the range of 4–25 μm. Precipitation of coarser, rod- and plate-shaped Al-Mn-Fe particles took place during homogenization above 500 °C. The precipitation occurred in the "precipi- tate free" channels formed during the first homogeni- zation stage (annealing at 430 °C) of Regimes II and III. After homogenization at 520 °C (Regime II), the distinc- tion between the regions was preserved (Figure 7c). The homogenization at 550 °C (Regime III) resulted in more uniform precipitation of coarser Al-Mn-Fe particles (Figure 7d). Cooling down to the hot rolling onset temperature (500 °C) caused further precipitation of dispersoids. 4 DISCUSSION Non-heat treatable Al-Mg alloys contain two types of the particles, dispersoids and constitutive particles. The domination of ductile intergranular fracture in the alliga- tored plates points out the important role of constitutive particles in the failure. The tendency toward break-up of the constitutive particles is dependent on their mor- phology, i.e. complex and plate-like shapes are more prone to break-up than compact morphologies.7 In this study, the increase in the homogenization temperature led to changes in the constitutive particles that improved the ductility of the alloy. Thin plates of Mg-Si-Sr phase enveloping grains comprised the majority of the broken particles filling the dimples of the fractured plates which had been homogenized at 460 °C (Regime I). Their fraction decreased with a partial dissolution at 520 °C (Regime II). Homogenization at the highest temperature, 550 °C, lead not only to almost complete dissolution of the Mg-Si-Sr phase, but also to a change in the size and shape of the Al6(Fe,Mn) phase. Al6(Fe,Mn) transformed into more compact morphologies (Figures 5 and 6) resulting in an alloy with a good hot ductility that did not alligator during the hot deformation. The primary function of the other type of particles in the alloy, dispersoids, is to limit grain growth during hot deformation. It is also known that they can contribute to the homogenization of slip8 and to reduction of the ten- dency toward intergranular embrittlement in Al-Mg-Si alloys.9,10 However, in the studied alloy, homogenization below 500 °C resulted in non-uniform precipitation of the dispersoids and formation of broad precipitate free channels (Figure 7b). Such a microstructure strongly promoted localized slip. Impingement of the dislocation pile-ups at the grain boundaries or large constituent particles could create significant local stresses triggering grain boundary decohesion and embrittlement2 as well as break-up of the constituent particles (Figure 1). Absence of the brittle intergranular fracture in the plates homo- genized at 520 °C (Regime II)2 indicates that precipi- tation of the rod-like dispersoids in the "precipitate free" channels decreased the extent of the slip localization that was the cause of the grain boundary decohesion. Apparently, homogenization affected both types of particles present in the Al-5,1Mg-0,7Mn alloy. The increase in the homogenization temperature led to a more uniform distribution of the dispersoids and, hence, more uniform slip, as well as the reversal of the mor- phology of the constituent particles toward a more break-up resistant shape. The result was that the micro- structure developed during the homogenization Regime III showed high resistance toward intergranular fracture and the absence of alligatoring. 5 CONCLUSION The microstructure of the plates homogenized at 460 °C (Regime I) with well-defined precipitate rich and free zones promoted localized slip and inhomogeneous deformation resulting in brittle and ductile intergranular fracture. Precipitation of rod-like dispersoids into the precipitate free channels during homogenization at 520 °C (Regime II) contributed to the more uniform distribu- tion of slip and only the ductile variant of intergranular fracture was observed. During homogenization at 550 °C (Regime III), fairly uniform distribution of the disper- soids, dissolution of Mg-Si-Sr phase and reversal of Al6(Fe,Mn) constituent particles toward more compact morphology contributed to the development of a ductile material that did not show a proclivity toward alliga- toring. 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