MODEL POLYMERS WITH DIMETHYLAMINE AND SULFOZWITTERIONIC END-GROUPS. SYNTHESIS AND SELF ASSEMBLY IN SOLUTION AND IN BULK MODELNI POLIMERI Z DIMETILAMINSKIMI IN SULFOZWITTERIONSKIMI KONČNIMI SKUPINAMI NIKOS HADJICHRISTIDIS, S. PISPAS, M. PITSIKALIS University of Athens, Department of Chemistry, Panepistimiopolis Zografou, 15771 Athens, Greece Prejem rokopisa - received: 1997-10-01; sprejem za objavo - accepted for publication: 1997-10-21 The dilute solution and bulk properties of a variety of vvell-defined polymers of different architectures (linear homopolymers, diblock and triblock copolymers and star homopolymers) having dimethylamine and sulfobetaine end groups mainly synthesized in our laboratory are reviewed. The end functionalized polymers were synthesized by means of anionie polymerization high vacuum techniques, using 3-dimethylaminopropyl-lithium as initiator for the introduction of the dimethylamine group at the chain end. This group was converted to sulfozwitterionic by reaction with cyclopropanesultone. Extensive molecular characterization proved the high homogeneity of these model materials. Their aggregation properties in dilute solutions, of solvents of different polarity and selectivity tovvards different parts of the molecules, vvere studied by viscometry, static and dynamic light scattering. The co-functionalized polystyrenes and the block copolymers of styrene have a much lovver degree of association, than the homopolydienes, probably due to the polarizability of the phenyl group. The bulk properties of end-functionalized homopolymers and diblocks vvere studied by SAXS, reology and dielectric spectroscopy revealing nevv features of self organization at this lovv ionic content and extraodinary phase behavior at high temperatures. The adsorption behavior of stars vvith different number of functionalized arms in dilute solutions vvas also investigated by ellipsometry shovving different behavior compared to linear polymers. Key vvords: end-functionalized polymers, anionie po!ymerization, macromolecular arehiteeture, association, phase separation, adsorption V delu je podan pregled lastnosti vrste dobro definiranih polimerov z različnimi arhitekturami (linearni homopolimeri, diblok in triblok kopolimeri, zvezdasti homopolimeri) z dimetilaminskimi in sulfobetainskimi končnimi skupinami, v razredčenih raztopinah in v masi. Polimere s funkcionalnimi končnimi skupinami smo sintetizirali z anionsko polimerizacijo z visoko-vakuumsko tehniko. Z iniciatorjem 3-dimetilaminopropiIitijem smo na konec verige uvedli dimetilaminsko skupino, ki smo jo z reakcijo s ciklopropansultonom prevedli v sulfozvvitterionsko. Temeljita molekularna karakterizacija je potrdila, da so sintetizirani modelni materiali zelo homogeni. Z viskozimetrijo ter statičnim in dinamičnim sipanjem svetlobe smo raziskali njihove agregacijske lastnosti v razredčenih raztopinah, v topilih različne polarnosti in selektivnosti do določenih delov molekul, co-funkcionalizirani polistireni in blok kopolimeri stirena imajo, verjetno zaradi polarizabilnosti fenilne skupine, mnogo nižjo stopnjo asociacije kot homopolidieni. S SAXS reologijo in z dielektrično spektroskopijo smo študirali lastnosti co-ftinkcionaliziranih homopolimerov in diblokov v masi ter ugotovili nove oblike samoorganiziranosti pri tej nizki koncentraciji ionov ter nenavadno obnašanje faz pri visoki temperaturi. Z elipsometrijo smo raziskali tudi adsorpcijske lastnosti zvezdastih polimerov z različnim številom funkcionaliziranih vej v razredčenih raztopinah in ugotovili, da se razlikujejo od lastnosti linearnih polimerov. Ključne besede: polimeri s funkcionalnimi končnimi skupinami (to-funkcionalizirani polimeri), anionska polimerizacija, makromolekularna arhitektura, asociacija, fazna separacija, adsorpcija 1 INTRODUCTION The presence of even a few highly polar groups dis-tributed along or fixed at the ends of nonpolar chains changes dramatically the properties of polymers'-7. These changes are caused by association of polar groups in the nonpolar environment of the hydrocarbon chains in the bulk or of the aliphatic solvents in solution. The least complicated examples of polymeric associ-ating species are chains vvith one polar group89. These simple materials offer an essential starting point for testing theories and establishing the basic strueture-proper-ties relationships, vvhich vvill help to design associating polymers for practical applications. Although many routes exist for the synthesis of end functionalized polymersUH2, living anionie polymeriza-tion has been proven to be the most efficient method for synthesizing vvell defined macromolecules1314, since it gives the possibility to control many struetural variables including placement of the ionic groups. This revievv vvill be focused on the dilute solution and bulk properties of dimethylamine and sulfozvvitterionic end-functionalized polymers having different architectures (linear homopolymers, diblock and triblock copoIy-mers and star polymers vvith a different number of functional groups), synthesized mainly in our laboratory. 2 SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION Homopolymers 3-Dimethylaminopropyl-lithium (DMAPLi) vvas used as initiator for the introduction of the dimethylamine group at the end of the polymer chain in ali cases. DMAPLi vvas prepared by reaction of the corresponding chloride (DMAPCl) and Li dispersion according to Ste-vvart et al.15. Styrene (St), Isoprene (Is) and butadiene (Bd) were polymerized with DMAPLi. The molecular vveight distributions are low in the čase of polydienes. Stoichiometric molecular weights are in very good agreement vvith the number average molecular vveights, measured by osmometry. These results indicate that DMAPLi is an efficient initiator for the polymerization of isoprene and butadiene. The microstructure of the polydienes vvas investigated using 'H-NMR spectroscopy. The results clearly show an increase of the vinyl content with decreasing chain length, due to the presence of the polar dimethy-lamine group in the initiator. The slow initiation rate vvas readily observed during the polymerization of St by the gradual appearance of the orange color16, vvhich is characteristic of the living polystyIyllithium chains. This fact in combination vvith the very fast propagation rate for the polymerization of St resulted in very broad molecular vveight distributions (1=1.23-1.27). In addition, the M„(SEC) of samples vvith stoichiometric molecular vveights Ms<9300 vvere much higher than the stoichiometric ones, vvith the difference being higher by decreasing Ms. This behaviour can be explained by partial consumption of the initiator. This vvas verified by the subsequent addition of Is, vvhich pro-duced polymers having bimodal distribution (figure 1). The lovver molecular vveight peak, not seen by the UV detector, corresponds to NPI homopolymer, produced by the DMAPLi, vvhich remained unreacted during the po-lymerization of St. The higher molecular vveight peak is attributed to the NPSt-b-PI block copolymer vvith the amine group at the PSt chain end, produced by the cross-over reaction of NPStLi vvith Is. Addition of THF to the mixture of St and DMAPLi ([THF]/[Li] > 3) gave poly-mers vvith close agreement betvveen Ms and Mn and lovver polydispersities. 3 DIBLOCK AND TRIBLOCK COPOLYMERS Block copolymers of styrene and isoprene having di-methylamine end-groups at the one or the other chain end vvere prepared using DMAPLi and sequential addition of monomers17. When Is is polymerized first, a small amount of THF is added after the polymerization of the diene is completed to accelerate the crossover reaction vvith St. The reaction scheme is the follovving: (CH3)2NCH2CH2CH2Li + n CH2CHC(CHj)CH2 —benzene > ch3 ch3 I I (CH3)2NCH2CH2CH2-eCH2—CH-C—CH2-^,CH2-CH=C- CH2LI mCH2 CH O ™3 -► (CH3)2NCH2CH2CH2-(CH2—CH=C—CH2->-tCH2—CH-VLi THF n i CH,OH ---► NIŠ Triblock copolymers, having dimethylamine groups at both chain ends vvere prepared by coupling diblock chains vvith dimethyldichlorosilane, (CH3)2SiCl2. The products are characterized by compositional and chemical homogeneity and lovv molecular vveight distributions. The samples are designated vvith the letter N corresponding to the end-amine group, follovved by the sequence of blocks starting vvith the block at vvhich the functional group is attached. 4 co-FUNCTIONALIZED STAR POLYISOPRENES AND Mono-, Di- AND Tri-co-FUNCTIONALIZED THREE ARM STAR POLYBUTADIENES Three and tvvelve arm PI stars18 and three arm star PBd vvith ali ends functionalized vvith dimethylamine groups19 vvere synthesized by the reaction of end-func-tionalized living polymers with suitable chlorosilanes. As an example the 3-arm polybutadienes have been prepared according to the follovving scheme: Elutlon volumt (mL) Figure 1: SEC chromatograms of (a) NS-3B (purifted DMAPLi; polymerization in pure benzene) and (b) NS-3B after the addition of isoprene (first peak, diblock formed; second peak, homopolyisoprene formed by reaction of isoprene vvith unreacted DMAPLi). The UV detector sees only the PS part Slika 1: SEC kromatogrami (a) NS-3B (očiščen DMAPLi; polimerizacija v čistem benzenu) in (b) NS-3B po dodatku izoprena (prvi vrh ustreza diblok kopolimeru; drugi vrh ustreza homopoliizoprenu, ki nastane v reakciji med izoprenom in nezreagiranim DMAPLi). UV detektor zazna samo polistirenski del blok kopolimera Bd +DMAPLi 3NPBdLi + CH3SiCl3 (-) (+) • (CH3)2NaaaaaaA ; Lf ' NBdLi Q (nm-1) OJ 0^5 Q (nm"1) Figure 7: SAXS profiles for tvvo (o-functionalized IS diblock copolymers at T=303 K. Data vvere corrected for density fluctuations and the intensities are given in absolute units Slika 7: SAXS krivulje dveh co-funkcionaliziranih izopren-stirenskih (IS) diblok kopolimerov pri T=303 K. Pri podatkih so upoštevane fluktuacije gostote, intenzitete so podane v absolutnih enotah a) a background originating from density and concentration fluctuations b) an excess intensity at lovv Q related to heterogeneities vvith long correlation lengths in the čase of ionom- ers31 c) the microdomain peak32 characteristic of the micro-phase separation process betvveen PI and PS phases and d) the peak related to the polar groups, vvhich emerged in the čase of the zvvitterionic sample. The last three characteristics are temperature depend-ent vvith the aggregate peak intensity being much less sensitive to changes of temperature for the specific ex-periment temperature range. The microdomain peak in-tensity has a similar temperature dependence for both the amine and the zvvitterion-capped copolymers. A completely different behavior is observed vvhen the functional group is attached to the PS chain-end, as shovvn in figure 8. The microdomain peak dominates the scattering pattern in this čase. The peak increases in in-tensity, sharpens, and moves to slightly higher Q values vvith increasing temperature. The absence of any dissolu-tion process clearly indicates that the microdomain structure is stabilized by the ionic aggregates. In the čase of ZvvSI samples the ionic groups are trapped vvithin the PS phase vvithout being able to aggregate. The increase of temperature increases the mobility of the polar groups leading to the formation of aggregates vvithin the "hard" phase. This is schematically shovvn in figure 9 for both systems, ZvvIS and ZvvSI. As a consequence the incom-patibility of PI and PS is enhanced and a completely different phase behavior is observed. So only by changing the position of the polar group, from the PI to the PS chain-end it is possible to change the phase diagram. 10a CO | lO4-D aj 103 • ° • ° ' \ \\ \\ • : NHS*5 • :ZwHS#5 • \ Q (nm-1) 1 Figure 8: Comparison of the SAXS profiles for the dimethyIamino-and zvvitterion-substituted to-functionalized copolymers at tvvo temperatures Slika 8: Primerjava SAXS krivulj dimetilamino- in zvvitterionsko substituiranih co-funkcionaliziranih kopolimerov pri dveh temperaturah Zw-IS Zw-SI (g) Low T (b) Hgh T (O) tT„m rrinL|__jJlll Figure 9: Schematic illustration of the microstructures in to-functionalized SI block copolymers, showing the Zw-IS (left) and Zw-SI (right) cases at low (upper) and high (lower) temperatures. The corresponding electron density distributions are also shown Slika 9: Shematska predstavitev mikrostrukture co-funkcionaliziranih SI blokkopolimerov pri nižji (zgoraj) in višji temperaturi (spodaj) za Zw-IS (levo) in Zw-SI (desno). Prikazana je tudi ustrezna porazdelitev elektronske gostote The conclusions derived by SAXS studies vvere confirmed by rheology. In the čase of the zvvitterionic co-polymers an extension of the rubbery plateau is observed. This behaviour is explained considering that the aggregates act as physical crosslinks vvithin the PI phase. Furthermore, vvithin the temperature range investigated no sign of an order-disorder transition vvas observed in agreement vvith SAXS results, meaning that the cubic microdomain structure is stable up to high temperatures. Dielectric spectroscopy also offers the means to ver-ify the conclusions dravvn so far through the selective probing of the Pl chains. In the čase of ZvvIS copolymers in addition to the fast segmental and the slovv normal mode an intermediate process, vvith activation parameters which are reminiscent of the segmental process, is observed. This intermediate process arises from regions of the reduced mobility created around the aggregates impending the motion of the PI chains in their immediate environment. Hovvever differential scanning calorimetry, DSC is not so sensitive and the size of these regions very small in order to detect an intermediate Tg value, al-though an increase on the Tg of the polyisoprene block has been observed at lovv molecular vveights33. The combination of the association process caused by the presence of polar groups in a nonpolar solvent vvith the micellization procedure, promoted in selective solvents leads to interesting solution behavior. The dilute solution properties of ©-functionalized diblock copoly-mers having dimethylamine or zvvitterion groups at the PS chain-end vvere studied in n-decane a nonpolar selective solvent for the PI blocks34. The presence of the polar groups introduces another factor capable to enhance the aggregation numbers for the zvvitterionic samples in n-decane. Much lovver Nw I ■ 1 1 1 ' 1 i - NSMF D 0 o„ 0 Oo _ o o ° o o _ _ o o 1 1 t 1 - (Ml MM cftj/mL) 12.00 ZMSMF o ooooo Oo O H - Oo, m, £ t Oq0 MM* Oj) - Tonparetui* fC) Figure 10: Kc/ARe vs concentration plots given for (a) sample NSI-4F and (b) sample ZwSI-4F in n-decane at 25°C. (c) Intensity vs temperature plot for the same samples at c=2.800 x 10"3 g/mL for NSI-4F and c=1.629 x 10"3 g/mL for ZwSI-4F Slika 10: Kc/ARe v odvisnosti od koncentracije za vzorca (a) NSI-4F in (b) ZwSI-4F v n-dekanu pri 25°C; (c) odvisnost intenzitete od temperature za NSI-4F pri c=2,8 x 10'3 g/mL in za ZwSI-4F pri c= 1,629 x 10"3 g/mL values were observed for the amine-capped copolymers, meaning that the amine groups are not polar enough to enhance the association process. TVpical LALLS plots are given in figure 10. From DLS measurements negative kD values vvere obtained for the amine-capped polymers as expected having in mind the negative A2 values. For the zvvitte-rionic samples the kD values vvere positive meaning that the equilibrium is shifted in favor of the micelles. Viscometry measurements vvere also performed. The Huggins coefficients increase vvith increasing molecular vveight for the amine-capped polymers. This behavior is consistent vvith a star-like structure. For the zvvitterionic samples constant kH values, around 1.1 vvere obtained, meaning that rather compact structures exist in solution. The Rv and RH values are identical vvithin experimen-tal error for the amine polymers but for the zvvitterionic polymers RH is much higher than Rv. The former result is consistent vvith star-like structures, vvhereas the latter can be explained considering the high sensitivity of DLS to large structures and/or to the development of shear forces in the capillary tube able to disrupt the larger ag-gregates. The fact that the polar core probably has an elongated structure vvith antiparallel placement of the zvvitterionic groups is able to support the above assump-tion, since a break of the association at one point can cause a large reduction of the micelle's size. Intensity vs temperature measurements at concentra-tions vvhere micelles are the dominant species revealed that the micelles formed by the zvvitterionic copolymers are stable at much higher temperatures than the ones made of amine-capped precursors. It seems that in the former čase the high temperature resistive ionic cores stabilise the micelles (figure 10(c)). 8 STAR SHAPED POLYBUTADIENES VVITH END-FUNCTIONAL GROUPS The amine-capped star polymers provide no evidence of association in cyclohexane, vvhereas strong association is observed in the čase of zvvitterionic samples. It is evident that (a) among the different series of polymers the aggregation number decreases vvith increasing num-ber of functional groups and (b) among the samples vvith the same number of polar groups the degree of association decreases vvith increasing molecular vveight of the precursor polymer, due to excluded volume repulsions. These results are given schematically in figure 11. Multifunctional samples, especially the trifunctional stars form gels even at lovv concentrations. This result connected vvith the lovv aggregation numbers for these samples leads to the conclusion that in very dilute solution intramolecular association dominates and by increasing concentration there is a rather sharp transition from intramolecular to intermolecular association able to produce stable gels. 20 15 I 10 S o 0 SOOOO 100000 190000 200000 (Mw)N Figure 11: VVeight-average aggregation number, Nw vs base molecular vveight (MJN of the star polymers: Zw-lN-3PBd (o), Zw-2N-3PBd (■). and Zw-3N-3PBd (A) Slika 11: Utežno povprečje števila agregacije Nw v odvisnosti od molske mase (MW)N zvezdastih polimerov: Zw-lN-3PBd (o), Zw-2N-3PBd (■) in Zw-3N-3PBd (A) The degrees of association of monofunctional stars are lovver than those measured for the linear co-function-alized PBd, meaning that the star structure prevents the association due to the steric hindrance caused by the un-functionalized arms. The hydrodynamic behavior of the functionalized stars vvas studied by DLS and viscometry35. The increased values of p2/T2 (>0.2) indicate that the aggre-gates produced by the zvvitterionic samples are polydis-perse in agreement vvith the MO and LALLS results. Lovv kD values vvere observed in most cases as a con-cequence of the decreased second virial coefficients. The strongly negative kD values for the trifunctional stars indicate the existence of strong hydrodynamic in-teractions betvveen macromolecular chains eventhough these samples have lovv aggregation numbers and shovv only small increases in RH compared to their precursors. This behavior can be seen as evidence of intramolecular association in very dilute solutions. For the čase of di-functional stars the above analysis is not straightforvvard. It is clear that intermolecular association cannot be ruled out. For monofunctional samples there is no possibility of intramolecular association. The star model can be used for these samples considering that the aggregates corre-spond to star polymers and their precursors to the arms of these stars. Consequently, it is possible to calculate the aggregation numbers from DLS measurements, Ndls-The results shovv that the aggregates formed from the monofunctional samples behave hydrodynamically as star polymers vvith functionality equal to 2NW. It seems that the tvvo unfunctionalized arms anchored at the pe-riphery of the aggregates are responsible for the overall size of micelles. The conclusions drawn by DLS are verified by vis-cometry for the amine-capped polymers. Zwitterionic tri-functional samples have lovver intrinsic viscosities than their precursors but the kH values are extremely high, in-dicating the presence of strong hydrodynamic interactions. This behavior implies that in very dilute solutions compact structures are formed through intramolecular association. This result is in agreement vvith LALLS and DLS data. Comparative examination of Rv and RH values shovvs that R„