Marinček / Rehabilitacija - letn. XIII, supl. 1 (2014) UVODNIK EDITORIAL Petindvajseti dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine sovpadajo s 60-letnico Univerzitetnega rehabilitacijskega inštituta Republike Slovenije - Soča (URI - Soča) in 95-letnico tehnične ortopedije v Sloveniji. To vsekakor niso običajne številke ampak spoštovanja vredne obletnice, ki zaslužijo več kot običajno pozornost. Za začetek organizirane dejavnosti tehnične ortopedije imamo leto 1919, ko so v lesenih barakah na mestu sedanje Filozofske fakultete na Aškerčevi cesti v Ljubljani začeli izdelovati proteze predvsem za vojake, ranjene na Soški fronti. Prve rehabilitacijske dneve smo organizirali leta 1989 in zbornike na začetku izdajali kot doktrinarne publikacije, saj uradno priznane terciarne klinične dejavnosti takrat še ni bilo. S pomočjo Katedre za fizikalno in rehabilitacijsko medicino, ki se je ob ustanovitvi leta 1997 pridružila organizaciji rehabilitacijskih dnevov, smo med predavatelje pritegnili veliko eminentnih tujih strokovnjakov in s tem obogatili prenos znanja iz tujine in pripomogli k uveljavljanju novih metod. Kot organizator prvih rehabilitacijskih dnevov leta 1989 sem vesel, da lahko pišem te vrstice tudi ob srebrnem jubileju. Ob tem bi navedel nekaj hvalevrednih podatkov. V URI - Soča je do danes opravilo specialistični izpit iz FRM 134 kolegic in kolegov. Samo nekaj manj je zaposlenih po vsej Sloveniji. Na Medicinskih fakultetah v Ljubljani in Mariboru je habilitiranih in aktivnih 25 učiteljev in asistentov. Dnevom rehabilitacijske medicine, ki so za razvoj naše stroke v Sloveniji zelo pomembni, želim tudi v prihodnosti veliko uspešnih, vsebinsko bogatih in zanimivih srečanj. The 25 th Rehabilitation Days coincide with the 60th anniversary of the University Rehabilitation Institute in Ljubljana and the 95th anniversary of technical orthopaedics in Slovenia. These are certainly not ordinary numbers - they are venerable anniversaries that deserve more than the usual attention. The beginning of organised technical orthopaedics dates to 1919, when production of prostheses (mainly for soldiers wounded at the Isonzo Front) begun in the wooden barracks in the Aškerčeva Street in Ljubljana (on the location of the present-day Faculty of Arts). The first Rehabilitation Days were organised in 1989. The proceedings were initially published as doctrinal publications because there was no officially recognised tertiary clinical work. With the help of the Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, which joined the organisational efforts for Rehabilitation Days upon its establishment in 1997, we have been able to attract a number of eminent experts from abroad, thus facilitating the knowledge transfer and contributing to the introduction of new methods. As the main organiser of the first rehabilitation days in 1989 I am happy to be able to write these lines for the Silver Jubilee. On this occasion, let me quote some laudable data. So far, 134 colleagues have passed the Specialty Examination at the University Rehabilitation Institute in Ljubljana. Nearly all of them are employed throughout Slovenia. There are 25 elected and active professors and assistants at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana and in Maribor. I wish that the Rehabilitation Days, which are very important for the development of our medical specialty in Slovenia, will continue providing numerous successful, illuminating and interesting meetings in the future. prof. dr. Črt Marinček, dr. med., viš. svet. predstojnik Katedre za fizikalno in rehabilitacijsko medicino MF, UL Prof Crt Marinček, MD, PhD Head of the Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana 5