34. NEDELJA MED LETOM-KRISTUS KRALJ 34TH SUNDAY IN O.T. CHRIST THE KING SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 47/52 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 20. 11. 2016 Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL Gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca WEB PAGE www.carantha.com HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL Hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca VESTNIK Mesija Križ je bil zadosten dokaz, da Jezus ni Mesija! V srednjem veku so pogosto razmišljali o božji vsemogočnosti. V našem čudnem svetu je veliko stvari, ki bi jih Bog lahko storil le, če bi delal proti samemu sebi in proti vsemu vesolju. Ne more zaustaviti vojaških spopadov, dokler mi sami nismo pripravljeni to storiti. Ne more narediti tega, ker nas noče spreme-niti v lutke. V Stari zavezi človek pogosto govori o božji veličini. Pokorna so mu nebesa in zemlja.Tema je podnožje njegovih nog in on se sprehaja na krilih vetra. Včasih se nam zdi to opisovanje sredi sveta neonskih svetil, vesoljskih ladij, ki raziskujejo vesolje, malce naivno. Predramiti se moramo iz vsakdanjika, če hočemo verovati. Spoznali bomo, kako velik mora biti Bog, če hoče biti Bog. Vendar njegovo veličastvo ne temelji na moči. Bagdadski kalif Harum-al-Rašid se je večkrat zvečer odpravljal na ulice in se kot nepoznan sprehajal med ljudmi, ker jim je želel pomagati ob njih napakah in spametovati njihovo srce. Jedro veličastva je, da ne sili v ospredje. V človekovem srcu so prostori, kamor se ne moremo preriniti s silo. Šele, ko se bomo zavedali svoje slabosti, bomo razumeli, zakaj se Bog roga mnogim človekovim prizadevanjem. Človeškost je bila in je zmožna zlorabiti večnost, kot je to storila ob stolpu v Babelu. Človek ne bi nikoli poskušal tekmovati z Bogom, če mu ne bi bil podoben in bi ne imel moči, ki jih nikoli ne bo izčrpal. Venar raje dela to, kar mu je všeč in pozablja na Boga. Vendar je slabost, ki jo Bog sam sprejme, močnejša od vseh naših prizadevanj, ko se želimo »osvoboditi izpod božjega jarma«. Kristusov križ je več kot le vžigalna vrvica, ki je stoletja ležala pozabljena. Ponos in jeza, potrtost in veselje, na koncu lahko vsakdo prispe v slepo ulico, kjer tudi sebe raztrga na kosce. Znana je zgodba ameriškega vojaka, ki je umrl v bojih z Japonci. Kot v slutnji, kaj se lahko zgodi, je pisal svojim staršem, naj pokojnino, ki jo bodo prejemali po njegovi smrti, uporabijo kot štipendijo za kakšnega japonskega fanta na ameriškem kolidžu. »Želim jim povrniti, kolikor morem, za izgubo njihovega sina,« je izjavil Japonec, ko je izvedel, da je bil sprejet na univerzo. 422 | VESTNIK 2016 424 | VESTNIK 2016 426 | VESTNIK 2016 428 | VESTNIK 2016 430 | VESTNIK 2016 432 | VESTNIK 2016 November 20, 2016 Solemnity of Christ the King Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As the Jubilee Year of Mercy draws to a close, I am struck by what a gift it was to have experienced this period of special reflection on the inexhaustible mercy of God. In calling the Church into this Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has shown himself to be greatly attuned to a pro-found need of the Church and the world. How deeply the People of God long to encounter God’s mercy anew! And how desperately our world needs an outpouring of God’s mercy for all! Of particular significance during this Jubi-lee Year were the various Holy Doors, thresh-olds through which the faithful were called to pass, symbolic of their desire to enter into the heart of God – the source of all mercy and com-passion. The Holy Doors were a special gift of this Jubilee Year, and they give us a way to re-flect on this year of God’s great mercy. As part of my duties as President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, I was in Rome on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception when Pope Francis opened the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica and inaugurated the Jubilee Year of Mercy. I was deeply moved to witness Pope Francis pass through the Holy Door, followed by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. As I passed through the Holy Door moments lat-er with brother bishops from around the world, the intentions of our Diocese passed through with me, as I prayed that the Year of Mercy would be for all of us a special time of encounter with the tenderness and compassion of God. In addition to St. Peter’s and the other Pa-pal Basilicas, Pope Francis called for Holy Doors at every Cathedral and other designated church-es around the world. When I returned to the Dio-cese, I had the privilege of blessing and opening our own Holy Door in the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King. I was astonished by the number of the faithful who joined in this celebration, standing shoulder to shoulder in McNally Hall, then passing through the Holy Door in waves until the entire church was full. It was a tremen-dous experience of God’s mercy for all. Many busloads of Parishioners from across the Dio-cese made pilgrimages throughout the year to pass through the Holy Door, and many more visited the Sacred Heart Parishes designated as pilgrimage sites for the Jubilee Year. What a tes-tament to the deep desire for mercy that exists among the People of God! In his letter outlining the jubilee indulgence associated with passing through a Holy Door, Pope Francis took the extraordinary step of naming the threshold of each jail cell a Holy Door of Mercy. Pause for a moment to consider what this must have signified to prisoners - those confined not only by their physical sur-roundings but also by the circumstances that brought them to prison. God’s mercy is truly endless, available to each and every one of us, without exception, condition, or limit. As Pope Francis often expresses, God never tires of for-giving; it is we who tire of asking for God’s mer-cy. What a beautiful testament this is to the lib-erating force of divine mercy! God’s merciful compassion extends also in a special way to the poor, the hungry, the home-less, the vulnerable and those on the margins. In Hamilton’s downtown core, a special ministry of mercy was realized this year, when St. Patrick Parish and neighbouring St. Patrick Catholic Ele-mentary School partnered to open the De Ma-zenod Door. This outreach effort, named for St. Eugene de Mazenod, founder of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, extends compas-sion and welcome to the needy through meals, conversation, and friendship – it is a door through which the corporal works of mercy flow! “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” (Matthew 25:35) The De Mazenod Door itself was declared a Holy Door of Mercy for the balance of the Jubi-lee Year, and I pray that God’s graces will contin-ue to bless all of those who seek his mercy there. I was also very impressed to see students in the Bruce Grey Catholic District School Board who created their own doors of mercy – old wooden doors, taken and painted with various themes, scripture verses and other expressions of God’s mercy. These doors were featured in our Year of Mercy youth rally, the school board’s Bishop’s Dinner, and various other events – con-stant reminders that God’s mercy is open to all who seek it. The Church provides us with so many rich and beautiful symbols through which the mys-tery of God can be encountered, but this image of the door endures. Our world is too often filled with doors that are closed. But we know by faith that no door is closed so tightly that Christ can-not open it. “Knock, and the door will be opened for you.” (Matthew 7:7) At Pentecost, fear led the disciples to lock the door to the upper room. Nevertheless, Christ entered and stood among them, offering the gift of his peace – his first gift to the Church. As the apostles were sent forth to evangelize the world, let us also go out bringing God’s mercy to all! Let us continually enter more fully into the mystery of Christ, who is himself the door of the Father’s mercy - the way we all must travel to enter into the saving mystery of God. At the close of this extraordinary year, we turn to Mary, the Mother of Mercy. Through her intercession may we be led to ever closer union with her Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Father’s gift of mercy to the world. Sincerely in Christ and Mary Immaculate, (Most Rev.) +Douglas Crosby, OMI Bishop of Hamilton 20. november 2016 Praznik Kristusa Kralja Vesoljstva Dragi bratje in sestre v Kristusu. Ko se Jubilejno leto usmiljenja bliž a koncu, se s ele žavedam, kako velik dar je bilo to leto, ta ižkus nja temeljitejs ega ražmis ljanja o neižc r-pnosti bož jega usmiljenja. Da je papež Frac is ek povabil Cerkev, da obhaja to leto usmiljenja, je s tem on sam pokažal, da ražume globoko potrebo Cerkve in in sveta po usmiljenju. Bož je ljudstvo si žares ž eli srec ati se ž bož jim usmiljenjem. In kako nujno svet potrebuje raždajajoc e se bož je usmiljenje. Ižredno pomebnost so odigrala ražlic na Sveta vrata v tem jubilejnem letu, prehod skoži katerega so bili verniki povabljeni stopiti, s c imer so simbolic no ižražili svoje hrepenenje, da bi stopili v bož je srce, ki je vir vseh milosti in soc utja. Sveta vrata so bila poseben dar tega jubilejnega leta in nam dajejo prilož nost, da ražmis ljamo o tem letu velikega bož jega usmiljenja. Kot predsednik Kanadske katolis ke s kofovske konference, je bila moja dolž nost, da sem s el lansko leto na pražnik Brežmadež nega spoc eja v Rim, ko je papež Franc is ek odprl sveta vrata pri bažiliki sv. Petra in nažnanil žac etek jubilejnega leta usmiljenja. Globoko sem bil ganjen, ko je papež stopil v bažiliko skoži sveta vrata; ža njim s e vstopil bivs i papež Benedikt XVI. Ko sem tudi sam, nekaj trenutkov požneje, stopal skoži ta vrata, skupaj ž ostalimi s kofi iž vsega sveta, so bili ž menoj tudi vsi nameni nas e s kofije, ko sem prosil, da bi bilo to leto usmiljenja ža nas vse poseben c as srec anja ž bož jo ljubežnivostjo in soc utjem. Poleg bažilike sv. Petra in drugih papes kih bažilik, je papež ž elel, da so v vsaki bažiliki in drugih ižbranih cerkvah po svetu, sveta vrata. Ko sem se vrnil v s kofijo, sem imel ta privilegij, da sem blagoslovil in odprl sveta vrata v nas i katedrali-bažiliki Kristusa Kralja. Prevželo me je ob pogledu množ ico vernikov, ki so se udelež ili slovesnosti, v nabito polni dvorani McNally, potem pa trumoma stopali skoži sveta vrata in napolnili cerkev. To je bila ža vse ižredna iskus -nja bož jega usmiljenja. V tem letu so iž mnogih ž upnij pris li ž avtobusi in poromali v katedralo, da so lahko stopili skoži sveta vrata; s e veliko vec jih je obiskalo cerkve Srca Ježusovega, ki so bile ižbrane kot romarska sredis c a ža jubilejno leto. To je bilo pric evanje globokega hrepenenja po usmiljenju, ki je pric ujoc e med bož jim ljudstvom. Papež franc is ek je v svojem pismu, kjer je ražlož il o odpustkih povežanih s prehodom skoži sveta vrata, napravil s e korak naprej in je vsa vrata celic žaporoov ražglasil ža sveta vrata usmiljenja. Zaustavimo se ža trenutek in pomisli-mo, kaj je to pomenilo ža jetnike - ža vse, ki so žaprti ne samo v fižic no žapornis ko celico, ampak jih utesnjujejo tudi okolis c ine, žaradi katerih so pris li v žapor. Bož je usmiljenje je žares neskonc no, na ražpolago vsem in vsakemu, brež ižjem, pogojev ali omejitev. Papež Franc is ek rad vec krat poudari, da se Bog nikoli ne utrudi odpus c ati; obic ajno smo mi, ki se navelic amo prositi ža bož je usmiljenje. Kako c udovito to dejstvo pric uje o osvobajajoc i moc i bož jega usmiljenja. Bož je usmiljeno soc utje se ražteža tudi na na revne, lac ne, breždomce, ranljive in obrobne. V mestnem sredis c u Hamiltona, so letos v sodelo-vanju ž upnije St. Patric in bliž nje osnovne s ole St. Patric, odprli De Maženod Door - menžo ža lac ne. To delo je dobilo ime po ustanovitelju misijonske druž be Oblatov Marije Brežmadež ne, sv. Eugenu del Maženod; tako bodo vsi potrebni - s e posebej lac ni, dobili hrano, priliko bodo imeli tudi ža pogovor in prijateljstvo - to so vrata skoži katera se delijo dela telesnega usmiljenja! »Bil sem lačen in ste mi dali jesti, bil sem žejen in ste mi dali piti, bil sem tujec in ste me sprejeli.« (Mt 25,35) Tudi ta vrata so bila ražglas ena ža sveta vrata usmiljenja prav v jubilejnem letu usmiljenja in prosim, da bo bož ja milost s e naprej blagoslvaljala vse tiste, ki tu is c ejo usmiljenja. Zelo sem bil presenec en, ko sem videl, da so s tudentje v Bruce Grey katolis kem okrajnem oddelku, napravili svoja vrata usmiljenja - stara lesena vrata so poslikali ž ralic nimi motivi, citati iž svetega pisma in drugimi ižraži bož jega usmiljenja. Simboliko svetih vrat smo uporabili na ražlic nih podroc jih - pri organižaciji mladin-ske prireditve ob letu usmiljenja, pri kosilu, ki ga je organižiralo s olsko ministrstvo ža potrebe s kofije in ob drugih podobnih dogodkih. Sveta vrata so bila nenehna spodbuda, da je bož je usmiljenje odprto in dostopno vsem, ki ga is c ejo in po njem hrepenijo. Cerkev nam daje mnogovrstno in bogato simboliko, preko katere se lahko približ amo bož jim skrivnostim, a je podoba vrat nadvse enkratna in trajna. Na svetu je vse prevec vrat, ki so žaprta. V veri pa vemo, da nobena vrata niso tako trdno žaprta, da jih Kristus ne bi mogel odpreti. »Trkajte in vrata se bodo odprla!« (Mt 7,7) Na binkos tni pražnik so se uc enci, žaradi strahu pred Judi, žaprli v žgornjo ižbo. Kristus je kljub temu pris el, stopil v njih sredo in jim prinesel svoj mir - to je bil prvo darilo Cerkvi. Kakor so bili apostoli poslani, da ponesejo ožnanilo evangelija v svet, tako tudi mi pojdimo in vsem ponesimo bož je usmiljenje! Nenehno odkrivajmo Kristusovo skrivnost, saj je on sam vrata Oc etovega usmiljenja - samo na tak nac im bomo lahko vstopili b bož jo odres enjsko skrivnost. Ob žakljuc ku tega ižrednega leta se obrnimo na Marijo, Mater usmiljenja. Po njeni pripros nji bomo pris li do s e tesnejs e ždruž itve s Sinom, Gospodom Ježusom Kristusom, ki je oc etov dar usmiljenja svetu. Vdan Kristusu in Mariji Brežmadež ni, +Douglas Crosby, OMI Hamiltonski s kof PASTIRSKO PISMO našega škofa Douglasa Crosbyja ob zaključku izrednega leta usmilje-nja. Naročil nam je, naj pismo objavimo in ga na praznik Kristusa Kralja tudi v cerkvi preberemo. Poleg angleškega originala imta tudi slovenski prevod, ki se vsaj v glavnimi ujema z orginalom. VESTNIK 2016 | 423 VESTNIK 2016 | 425 VESTNIK 2016 | 427 VESTNIK 2016 | 429 VESTNIK 2016 | 431 MARTINOVANJE V soboto, 12. novembra je bilo v župnijski dvorani zopet živahno, saj smo po večerni maši v dvorani praznovali sv. Martina. Že dopoldne so Heidy Novak, Elka Pešin, Tony Horvat, Joe Pust, Majda Lukežič in Terezija Uduč pripravili in okrasili dvorano. Res da je v zadnjem času čedalje manj takih, ki doma še »pridelajo« vino, pa skušamo to slovensko tradicijo ozhranjati, kakor se pač da. Dodali smo tudi ocenjevanje domačih potic. Dvorana ni ravno pokala po šivih zaradi gostov, je pa bilo vseeno lepo, prijetno, domače razpoloženje, še posebej, ker je na odru igral Ansambel Brajda (Eric Marinko, Dennis in Mike Gregorič in najmlajši Jonathon Gregorič). Članice Slomškovega društva so pripravile dobre krofe (Jožica Vegelj, Majda Lukežič, Gizela Hauzar in Terezija Uduč ). Nancy Taylor-Dundek je skupaj s pomočnicami (mamo Aranko Dundek in Dragico Ferenčak) skuhala klasično martinovo večerjo. Pri vstopnini sta delala: Sidonia in Robert Poppa, v baru pa Tony Horvat, Jay Cestnik in Stan Pelcar. Sodniško ekipo je sestavil Frank Novak, Milan Ferletič pa jo je vodil. Vino in potico so ocenjevali: Lojze Ferenčak, Joe Gosgnach, Frank Majzelj in Betty Lovrin. Nagrade za najboljše vino in potico so dobili: 1. mesto: Frank Novak (rdeče vino), 2. mesto: Elizabeth Petek (belo vino), 3. mesto: Štefan Gašpar (belo vino). Najboljšo potico je spekla Aranka Dundek, drugo mesto pa je zasedla Jožica Šušteršič. Nagrade za »Raffle« so prispevali: 1st prize - Two Tickets to New Year’s Eve (St. Gregory the Great Parish Council) - value $150 2nd prize - Liquor/Wine Basket (St. Gregory the Great Parish Council) - value $90 3rd prize - Frozen Goose (Moya Financial) - value $50 4th prize - Sausage & Marble Cutting Board (Moya Financial) - value $40 5th prize - Chocolate Gift Basket (Moya Financial) - value $30 6th prize - Dishes (Moya Financial Credit Union) - value $35. Hvala vsem, ki ste se martinovanja udeležili, iskrena hvala vsem, ki ste pomagali pri pripravi srečanja - še posebej vsem članom župnijskega pastoralnega sveta. Upam, da se drugo leto zopet vidimo ob prenovljeni obliki Martinovanja. CHRIST THE KING - 34TH O.T. Response: Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord. First Reading 2 Samuel 5:1-3 David is chosen as the undisputed king of Israel by all the tribes at Hebron. David was God’s choice; people agree that he alone is fit to lead God’s people. Second Reading Colossians 1:12-20 The Son of God is the image of the unseen God, the firstborn of all creation, the one who existed before anything was created. Gospel Luke 23:35-43 The kingship of Jesus is recognised by the un-likeliest of people: a self-confessed criminal who admits he deserves to die for what he has done. “Above him there was an inscription: ‘This is the King of the Jews.’” Illustration Near the beginning of the Via Dolorosa in Jeru-salem, beneath the convent of the Daughters of Sion, there is an area of limestone pavement that has been smoothed by the passage of feet over two thousand or more years. In the Gospel of John, this area is called “the Pavement”. It is where Pontius Pilate sat in judgement on Jesus and sentenced him to death. Very near the Pavement is a section of the limestone where the markings of a board game played by Roman soldiers are still visible. The game is known as “the Game of the King”. John’s Gospel gives us background: “the soldiers twisted some thorns into a crown and put it on his head, and dressed him in a purple robe”. They are playing the game of the king. The irony deepens as Pilate ques- tions Jesus, “Are you the king of the Jews?” In some Bible translations Jesus eventually answers in the affirmative, but this is not what the original Greek text says. Gospel Teaching In none of the four Gospels does Jesus claim to be a king. The Jerusalem Bible translation has Jesus reply to Pontius Pilate’s question, “So you are a king then?” with the words, “Yes, I am a king.” A better translation would be, “you say I am a king”. In each Gospel, Jesus does not affirm that he is a king, but he does not deny it either. In John, Jesus focuses rather on his purpose: “I came into the world for this: to bear witness to the truth; and all who are on the side of truth listen to my voice.” Jesus, although he has agreed that he is a king, is at pains to show that his kingship is not to be understood in terms of this world. The Sunday Gospels for this year have been predominantly from Luke, and this feast is no ex-ception. Like the other three evangelists, Luke avoids any suggestion that Jesus explicitly claimed to be king. He does not explicitly reject the title, however, and in each of the Gospels the evangelist gives some insight from the story of Jesus’ passion and death to illustrate just what kind of king Jesus may be. Not surprisingly, in Luke’s account, which we have just been listening to, there is a particular emphasis that we can identify, and which appears throughout the whole of the Gospel. There is a con-stant emphasis on the mercy of God throughout Luke – from the reference in Mary’s Magnificat, be-fore the birth of Jesus, where Mary proclaims that God “has come to the help of Israel his servant, mindful of his mercy”, through Jesus’ initial procla-mation in the Nazareth synagogue that he has come to bring “good news to the poor”, on to the parables of the good Samaritan and the prodigal son, and continuing to his prayer while he is being nailed to the cross: “Father, forgive them; they do not know what they are doing.” Finally, this mercy is extended to the criminal crucified beside him: the one who has just acknowledged that he and his co-accused were paying for what they had done, whereas Jesus had “done nothing wrong”. This one asks, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus replies, “I promise you, today you will be with me in paradise.” In word and action throughout his life, and now in the final stages of his suffering and as his death approaches, Jesus shows that his kingship lies in his expression of the mercy of God – a mercy he makes a reality and not just an aspiration. Application In John, Jesus defines his kingship in terms of witnessing to the truth, saying that all who are on the side of truth listen to his voice. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus’ words and actions require – demand – a response from those who claim to be his follow-ers. He requires of his followers that they be merci-ful as his Father is merciful. If we need evidence as to what the mercy of God is like, all we need do is look at the action of Jesus, the king who embodies the mercy of God. As he told the lawyer who identi-fied the Samaritan in the parable as a true neigh-bour, we can imagine Jesus saying to us that if we would know what the mercy of God is like, we need only consider Jesus’ words and actions – and then “do the same yourself”! MIKLAVŽEVANJE - ST. NICHOLAS Slovenska šola pri sv. Gregoriju Velikem v Hamiltonu vljudno vabi na Miklavževanje, ki bo v nedeljo 4. decembra, 2016. Po 10:00-ti maši bo v dvorani film za otroke. Ob 12:00 bo v cerkveni dvorani odlično kosilo, nato pa pride Miklavž s spremstvom. Prosimo, da za rezervacijo kosila čimprej pošljete email Sandy Ferletič ( sferletic@gmail.com ) ali pokličete na telefonsko številko: (905) 977-8464. St. Nicholas will soon bee visiting our parish once again. The Slovenian School invites you to our annual St. Nicholas Celebration on Sunday December 4, 2016. After the 10:00am Mass there will be a children's movie from 11:00am to 12:00pm. A delicious lunch will be served at 12:00 noon, after which St. Nicholas and his angels will come to visit our parish's children. For reservations, please call Sandy Ferletič at (905) 977-8464 or by email at sferletic@gmail.com. If you would like a specific table please call early as seats are given on a first come/first serve basis. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKE VAJE V četrtek, po večerni maši so pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI . 24. november: SOD - Memorial Mass . 27. november: Sava-Breslau - Maša 1:00 p.m. . 30. november: CWL - Memorial Mass . 1. december: Lipa park - Tree decorating . 4. december: Miklavževanje: Slovenska šola-St. Gregory the Great, Lipa park, London-Triglav . 11. december: Bled - Božičnica-Christmas lunch; Slovenski park - Miklavževanje . 18. december: Sava-Breslau : Maša ob 12:00 noon, Triglav-London: Maša ob 4:00 p.m. v St. John the Divine Church . 26. december: Lipa park: Maša ob 3:00 p.m. . 31. december: Silvestrovanje: St. Gregory the Great, Bled, London-Triglav, Lipa park, Sava-Breslau. GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠATA . 20. november, 9:30 a.m.: Maks in Jožica Pvaličič . 27. november, 9:30 a.m.: Ivan in Angela Antolin . 4. december, 10:00 a.m.: Family Taylor-Dundek IZLET V SLOVENIJO - 2017 Jože Razpotnik zbira informacije, če bi se nabralo dovolj zanimanja za izlet v Slovenijo in Madžarsko (Budimpešta). Predvideni čas je od 25. junija do 10. julija 2017. Za več informa-cij ga pokličite na telefon: 1-519-461-0653. TALENT SHOW - TORONTO Talent show is scheduled for Sunday, No-vember 20th, 2016 at 3:30 p.m., at Miraculous Medal Slovenian Parish at Browns Line Hall. MOYA FINANCIAL Moya Financial has moved Krek Branch eve-ryday banking transactions to the 725 Brown’s Line location. Lending Services, Estate Admin-istration and Wealth Management will remain at the 747 Brown’s Line location. 416-255-1742. BOŽIČNI KONCERT - DOM LIPA TORONTO Poseben BOŽIČNI KONCERT v podporo DOMA LIPA bo v cerkvi Brezmadežne na Browns Line v soboto, 10. decembra, ob 7:00h zvečer. Nastopili bodo zbori: Naša Pesem, Plamen, Croarte Chorale, Klapa Maestral, in Mladinski zbor Brezmadežne. Vstopnice so $25 vključujejo tudi prigrizek v dvorani po koncertu. Vstopnice lahko kupite pri Moya Financal kreditni banki. SLOMŠKOVO OLTARNO DRUŠTVO Slomškovo oltarno društvo sporoča, da bodo tudi še danes po obeh mašah prodajale štrudelj (zmrznjen). Štrudelj boste lahko kupili v župnišču - v kuhinji! V četrtek, 24. novembra, se bomo pri večerni maši spomnili pokojnih članic Slomškovega oltarnega društva. ZAHVALA Družina Gerič se zahvaljuje vsem, ki ste domačim izrazili sožalje, se prišli poslovit od rajne Irme, se udeležili molitve v Funeral Home in jo pospremili k večnemu počitku. SLOVENSKA ŠOLA: COFFEE & DONUTS V nedeljo, 27. novembra 2016, Vas Slovenska šola, po obeh mašah, vabi na kavo in krofe v spodnjo župnijsko dvorano. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday – Petek/Friday: 7:00 P.M. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 P.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 A.M. – angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app’t, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app’t, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 P.M. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest – please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO YEAR OF MERCY CLOSING CELEBRATIONS On Sunday, November 20th, Bishop Crosby will preach at the Masses on the Feast of Christ the King at the Cathedral Basilica. All those attending will enter the church through the Doors of Mercy. Masses at the Cathedral Basilica are Sunday at 9:00 a.m.; 11:00 a.m.; and 4:00 p.m. All are welcome. MEMORIAL MASS - CWL On Wednesday, November 30th @ 7pm the Catholic Women's League will host their annual MEMORIAL MASS with a small reception to follow. We invite and encourage all our membership and parish families to attend this special mass that honors the memory of our deceased, who were family and friends to us all. We would greatly appreciate your help by notifying any family and friends outside of our parish with this information and by extending this invitation to them.We look forward to this important mass and hope for your presence. DAROVI Za gradbeni sklad /streho/ so darovali: - $50 Jožica Vlašič - $200 Stanko in Jožica Vegelj - $100 Ignac in Terezija Kolenko - $130 Aranka Dundek z družino - $1000 Monika in Štefan Gašpar - $25 Mary Ann Edmondstone - $200 Maximilian in Josephine Pavličič - $200 Štefan in Francka Antolin Hvala vsem za vaše darove. Bog vam povrni. POKOJNI V Londonu je 16. novembra 2016 odšel k Bogu po večno plačilo Frank Matuš, star komaj 48 let. Bolezen ga je vzela prehitro od družine in otrok. Od pokojnega ste se lahko poslovili v John T. Donohue Funeral Home v Londonu. Pogrebna sveta maša se je darovala za pokoj njegove duše v soboto 19. novembra v cerkvi St. George. Žena Julija in otroka Sophia in Matthew ga bodo pogrešali. Iskreno sožalje mami Anni, sestri Julie in bratu Josephu. Naj počiva v božjem miru. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 7969 Vabi v soboto 3. decembra 2016 ob 7:00 p.m v St. Francis Xavier Church, Stoney Creek na božični koncert. Nastopa Burlington Welsh Male Chorus. Vstopnice lahko dobite pri Sonyi Podrebarac: 905-902-6311, cena $20. Dobiček je namenjen za St. Francis Savier in za različne dobrodelne ustanove. Po koncertu je program v župnijski dvorani (Cash Bar, Prizes) KRISTUS KRALJ 20. NOVEMBER Edmund, kralj † †† Za žive in rajne župljane Rudi Hanc Starši Žižek in sin Tone 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Joe in Olga Hanc Družina Žižek PONEDELJEK-MONDAY 21. NOVEMBER Darovanje Device Marije † † † Pavel Novak Vida Scherz Za zdravje Franka Brajer Irma Gerič, 30. dan 7:00 P.M. Marija Hočevar Brat Martin Malevič z družino Manja Erzetič Hči Rose Gerič TOREK - TUESDAY 22. NOV. Cecilija, muč. † † Albina Baznik Vid Kastelic 8:00 A.M. Jožica Vegelj Jožica Vegelj SREDA - WEDNESDAY 23. NOVEMBER Klemen I., papež muč. † † † †† † Toni Lukežič Mijo Starešinčič Marija Fotivec Janez in Terezija Prša Ivanka Zidar (Slovenija) 7:00 P.M. Žena Majda z družino Žena Ivka Marija in Karel Volf Hči Marija in Karel Volf Lojze in Peter Grebenc ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 24. NOVEMBER Andrej Dung, mučenec †† †† † † † † Pokojne članice SOD Pokojni iz družine Kološa Zdravko Troha Pavel Novak Jan Jankowsky Stane Kanc, obl. 7:00 P.M. Slomškovo oltarno društvo Majda Salajko Danica Mešani pevski zbor (6) Jožica Novak Žena in otroci PETEK - FRIDAY 25. NOVEMBER Katarina Sinajska, muč. † †† † †† †† Franc Bukvič Pokojni starši salezijancev Sidonia Drvarič, obl. Angela in Alojz Kocmut Sidonia in Franc Drvarič 7:00 P.M. Tone in Marija Bukvič SDB Poppa - Drvarič Hči Elizabeth Gimpelj z druž. Aranka Dundek z družino SOBOTA SATURDAY 26. NOVEMBER Valerijan oglejski, škof † † † †† † † † † Po namenu (šolska maša) Anica Veselič Anica Veselič Matija Vlašič Pokojni iz družine Železen Ivan Tompa Jože Žižek Slavko Slobodnik Albina Baznik 9:15 A.M. 5:30 P.M. N.N. Jožica Vlašič z družino Toni in Katica Kuzma Žena in otroci Cilka Lehner Joe in Verona Tompa Olga Čulig Karlina Nemanič Mož z družino 1. ADVENTNA NEDELJA 27. NOVEMBER Virgil in Modest, šk. †† †† †† † Za žive in rajne župljane Elizabeta, Štefan & Robert Starši Hozjan in Robert Zver Starši in brat Serbec Janko Kragl 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 1:00 P.M. Ivan Antolin z družino Družina Žižek Zinka Mirt Zinka Mirt SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Od 20. 11. 2016 Do 27. 11. 2016 Maša pri društvu Sava-Breslau Kramar, obl.