Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians /rcj-10322 W NOlONIiaV 0Ut U aa asnoHianoo X0 x American home VCNVAVH>I NV1IW Ameriška Domovina1 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER USPS 024100 Serving over 200,000 American Slovenians The Most Rev. Anthony M. Pilla, Bishop Diocese of Cleveland This Christmas 2001, with ears and hearts of faith, we can hear the Word crying in a manger. Unlike the too familiar tears of terror-struck Americans, this infant’s cry is one of reassurance. Like the anticipated first burst of tears at every birth, this cry affirms that life succeeds. But this year, in these times, we find a deeper consolation in this cry we hear; a necessary reassurance that God lives. For this is the cry of Jesus, one whose name means “God saves” and whose mission means that death gives way to life and darkness cannot conquer daylight. With the reassurance of that cry of Christ present among us I extend Christmas greetings to all the faithful. We need the reassuring murmur of the infant Jesus in these disturbing times in America. The din of this world’s noise, however, demands that we listen prayerfully in order to catch the comforting sounds of Emmanuel, God-with-us. A deeper, more frequent, listening-prayer, more than any other remedy to our fears, concerns, and discord, will serve to open our hearts to hear the promised presence that can save us, Jesus the Christ. Without this turn to prayer, the doubt and anger that is bom from hollow, fear-driven, self-absorbed busyness will deafen us to the reassuring cry from the manger. And we need that reassurance. Our need for that reassurance is made obvious by our receptiveness to the many and varied voices promising us security here at home, military success abroad, an improving economy, and a reclaimed sense of family, country, and God. But the more desperate indicators of our need for reassurance is the 40% increase in visits to psychological professionals, the 20% increase in domestic violence, the aggravated racial tensions, and contentious negotiations between management and labor. We are sorely in need of authentic reassurance from the only one who can save us, Jesus Christ. And the celebration of His birth is just such assurance. His cry from the manger, however, is not only drowned out by the din of life in this world, it is simply too contrary to our worldly expectations. Who would think that a child unable to lift His own head could be the messiah who “would save His people from their sins?” From the moment His birth was announced by the angel, this unsettling disguise of God has troubled human beings of all stripes. But those with discernment, with hearts and minds of faith, even today can hear that infant cry from the manger and find there boundless joy and unending reassurance. More than ever we need a persuasive reassurance that God lives, that God saves, and that God has made our lives meaningful by dwelling among us. This is especially true for those who are defending our country on the battlefield, those who will experience their absence due to this service, and particularly those grieving a loved one lost in the attacks of September 11th and in the fight against terror. Our prayers and blessings go out to them as they gather at tables with empty places this year. May our prayer, especially the Eucharist we cherish, tune our ears to listen through the darkness of night, the challenge of grief, the hatred of terror, and the clamor of battle for that reassuring cry. Having heard Him and paid Him homage may our joy be complete and His gift to us be peace. May God bless all those who seek Him in this holy season with sincere hearts. UtmUAHA|l tk. MU AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 20, 2001 MMto k/ Ssills/ MY FA¥@tBTi CUtBST^AS 100 WORDS MOKE OR EESS by John Mercina CHRISTMAS 2001 ! This year, we Americans need the celebration of Christmas more than any other Christmas in the history of Otis nation. The 911 attack on our homeland was a wake-up call for all of us. As tragic as the event was, it was a miracle that less than 4,000 people died out of the 50,000 that would normally work in the two towers in New York and at the Pentagon, as well as at least 10,000 visitors to the towers on a normal day. The deaths of the innocent civilians awakened in most of us the pride of being Americans. The events forever changed the way we approach life and what we took for granted in the past. The actions of the evil doers united us and made us realize that we need greater love for our fellow man. We heard more patriotic songs and mentions of our Creator. We heard more stories about people helping other people and at least for a moment forgot what divided us. We filled the churches and showed genuine concern for the victims. We became more caring and humble. As we gather with friends and family, let us extend the good will to those outside of our circle* Let the spirit of Christmas carry on for die rest of our lives. Christmas tree ornament legend of the Compassionate Robin by RUDY FUS r I 1o each of you I wish a Merry Christmas and JL a Happy New Year. This is my favorite time of year and has many memories for me. A vivid memory of a special Christmas I have is because of my mom. During basic training, we were told “If you put out and do well, you’ll be home for Christmas.” -- it didn’t happen. Christmas in Dixie was our lot. Not only that, but we were told 120 of our company was going to Korea during the war there. When my mom found out, she decided to use my dad’s railroad pass and go to Alabama for Christmas. She didn’t come alone, either. She asked my girlfriend if she would like to go along. Not being experienced travelers, they almost missed getting off the train in Montgomery. As I stood in the train station waiting, wondering where they were, I finally saw them heading toward me. They were laughing and enjoying themselves as they walked right past me. I let out a good yell and they stopped, turned, and finally recognized me in my Army uniform. After midnight Mass, I walked my mom and Therese to their room at the guest house. I was so pleased that they were with me. I could have stayed up with them all night. But my mom said she was tired and told me to go back to camp so they could get some sleep. I couldn’t believe it; they threw me out! On Christmas Day our cooks outdid themselves. What a meal. After eating, many soldiers went to the day room for relaxation. Therese and I hadn’t seen each other for four months, an eternity for teenagers. As we sat and talked, I couldn’t help noticing my mom in a chair, surrounded by homesick soldiers. My mom had many sons that day and was in her element as she talked and listened to many, some of whom did not return from Korea. I have not received a gift on any Christmas to compare with that Christmas at Camp Rucker in 1952. What a gift from my mom. And from somebody above, a gift for my mom and Therese and me. When my orders came, I was sent to Germany, not Korea. Genealogy Meets Weather permitting, the Ohio Chapter of the Slovenian Genealogy Society International will meet in January as follows: West Side - Monday, Jan 7 from 7 - 8:30 p.m. at Parma Regional Library, 7335 Ridge Road. East Side - Tuesday, Jan. 8 from 7 to 8:30 p.m., at the Euclid Public Library, 631 E. 222nd St., Euclid. The program for both meetings will be devoted to an in-depth examination of how to access records at the Archbishopric Archives of Ljubljana. Discussion will include valuable information for (l) those who plan to travel to Slovenia in the future to do their own research at the Archives; (2) those who plan to write to the Archives; and (3) those who are looking for someone to do the research for them. If weather is questionable, please call Rose Marie Jisa at (440) 230-2960. Christmas donation Thanks to John Dejak of Gates Mills, Ohio who sent in a beautiful Christmas card with a $100 check inside as a donation to the Ameriška Domovina. The card reads, “May this be a Merry Christmas, a time of gladness and cheer... May the joys of today be with you to stay tomorrow, and all throughout the year.” Robins have been associated with Christmas for ages, for it was on this occasion years ago that it acquired its red breast. According to legend, the robin’s heart ached when it saw the Christ Child shivering as the fire in the stable began to die. The bird flew close to the embers and began fanning them with its wings. The flames grew and the fire soon burned brightly. The heat had turned the compassionate robin’s breast red. The tum-of-the-century Christmas cards frequently depicted the colorful robin’s image, often surrounded by sprigs of holly and other holiday greenery. Today, the robin Christmas tree ornament is traditionally clipped to a prominent bough of the tree to remind us of its selfless compassion and to commemorate its important role in the Christmas celebration. (440) 602-5120 Fax (440) 602-5124 ZELE & ZELE CO., L.P.A. RONALD ZELE & SCOTT J. ZELE Attorneyiat Law Centre Plaza South Suite 330 35350 Curtis Blvd. Eastlake, Ohio 44095 May the Spirit of Christmas Fill Your Heart with LOVE Majestic Title Agency LLC 2132 Case Parkway N. Twinsburg, OH 330-486-0950 A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives roses American Home on Internet You can e-mail notices articles, information directly to the American Home newspaper at ah@buckeyeweb.com _____ CHRIST WAS A« HA6W mW YIA! Gerald McFaul Sheriff, Cuyahoga County Escape from Communism PART II by ANTON ŽAKELJ edited by JOHN ŽAKELJ (Continued from last week) Wednesday, May 9, 1945 We had hoped that Slovenia would be occupied by the Americans or British, but it’s becoming clearer that it will be controlled by the communists. Two of my friends arrived yesterday and wanted me to go north with them. I asked them to stay for the night, since I had not yet made up my mind to leave. I talked with my fiancee, Cilka. We had planned to get married before the war began, but we delayed our marriage for many years because of the war. Today she said, ‘‘If you’re thinking about leaving, we’d better go now!” I was surprised she said that, because I had not expected that she would be willing to go with me when we didn’t even know where we would go. I loved her, but I didn’t think I could ask her to go with me under such dangerous and uncertain circumstances. I had thought more about the practical difficulties and not how I felt about her. (Many years later, 1 am still grateful to her for saying that sentence.) I had always wanted to be married by my brother Stanko, a Lazarist priest. But he was mobilized as military kurat to Nis (a city in Serbia). A couple of days later he was taken by Germans as a prisoner of war and transferred through Bulgaria, Romania and Poland to Bruck (city) (Slesia). There 0nly his French brothers saved him from death of starvation. After half a year he was transferred to war prisoners camp in Italy where he received a new uniform, cap- tain’s pay, and every week fresh underwear (in Germany he never got it). Six more months he was transferred again - now to Croatia where he was interned to Svetice Monastery near Karlovac. There they remained alive by eating plums. Everything else was stolen by the partisans. When the Russian Army occupied Belgrade I wrote to him to come home (we expected to be occupied by Anglo Americans). He responded that he doesn’t want to come again under German command and that Bishop Stepinac advised all priests to stay where they were. And so Cilka and I decided to leave. About 10 of our co-workers and friends (all men) decided to go with us. Some of the others think we will return in 14 days. But I remember how my father said the same thing when he was drafted to fight in World War I. He didn’t return for more than four years. Cilka and I stuffed some clothes in a suitcase and a briefcase, put some cans and other food in a mesh bag and hung it all on my bike. I went to the cooperative one last time and borrowed 500 Reich marks. At 11 a.m., we joined the river of refugees. We left what some people were calling the beginning of freedom for Slovenian - the promised workers’ paradise - and headed for the unknown. The bike was too loaded to ride on, so we walked alongside it, with me pushing from behind and Cilka steering the front. After three hours we were tired and hungry. We sat down in the grass by the road and opened a can of sauerkraut. Sauerkraut had never tasted so good! As we sat by the side of the road, a squad of Cossack Need a gift idea? sveTa noc The st.vifus CHRjsTmAS CHoiB^ St. Vitus Church Choir presents it’s 2000 recording of Sveta Noi— a collection of traditional Slovenian Christmas carols featuring “Sveta NoČ,” “Polnočni Zvon ” and Marian songs including “Je Angel Gospodov." The heavy line from Kranj to Vetrinje shows our journey - about 30 miles -all on foot, over the steep mountain pass into Austria. There were many other Slovenians for whom the journey was even longer or more difficult in other ways. Some families, such as the Rihtars, made the trip with babies and small children. soldiers went by on their horses. They skillfully pulled the pins from their grenades and threw them high into the air, so they exploded just at their highest point. But one grenade must have exploded in a young Cossack’s hands. When he rode by in a horse-drawn carriage, I heard his penetrating moans and I saw him holding up the bloody stumps of both arms. I felt sorry for him. We met some people who had looted a factory and a warehouse. They had shoes, leather and food which they had taken. They encouraged us to do the same. I refused. I’ve never stolen anything and I’m not about to start now. After our snack, we continued walking and soon caught up with other people we knew. Near Trzic (about 11 miles from Kranj) we met a woman who used to live in our home town of Ziri. She warned us to go back home. She said there was a large number of partisans un ahead, along the Drava river, and they were not allowing anyone to get across. But she * AVAILABLE At: St. Vitus Rectory, St. Mary's Rectory. Polka Hall of Fame (291 E.222nd Street — Shore Cultural Center), Patria Imports (794 £. 185th Street) OR^CA ll: Joanne Celestina 216.486.1973 John Srsen 440.944.5709 TomSrsen 440.352.7455 Martina Jakomin 440.944.6997 ORBITI A1 L ORPER5 To: St. Vitus Choir ‘/, Joanne Celestina 2010 E.233rd Street Euclid, OH 44117 Prices: CDs $15.00, Cassettes $ 10.00 - Make checks payable to St. Vitus Choir fit. include $2.00 for shipping & handling. didn’t scare us off. (I learned later that the partisans wanted to capture the home guard troops and possibly prevent the civilian refugees from leaving. The partisans also hoped to extend Yugoslavia’s borders to include the “Koroško” region of Austria, where there is a large Slovenian population). As we walked on, we came closer to the Ljubelj mountain pass and the road became steeper and more difficult. Alongside the road, we saw more and more abandoned and broken bicycles, motorcycles and automobiles. Just before night fell, we finally reached the Ljubelj pass and tunnel (about 17 miles from Kranj). There was a very large crowd of people waiting to go through the tunnel. Part of our group decided to go through the tunnel, but Cilka and I de- cided to stay in a nearby barracks. We found some empty rooms with beds and even a clean kitchen in a part of the barracks that had been a hospital for workers who were building the tunnel. (Another part of the barracks had been used by the Germans for French prisoners of war.) On one of the rooms we found a sign that said, “Dr. Bauer.” (Later I read in the newspaper that this doctor was tried for war crimes: he “treated” sick prisoners by injecting them with gasoline.) Across the street from the barracks we found a bus full of coffee, tea, macaroni and other food. Nearby we found a large container of butter, and buried in the hillside we found huge quantities of potatoes. Now we have food and a place to sleep until we decide what to do next. (To Be Continued) Independent and Catered Living A RETIREMENT COMMUNITY • Private garden apartments * Housekeeping • Planned activities • Transportation • 24 hr. Emergency Pull Cord • Free Laundry Facilities • Nutritious Meals • No endowment or entrance fee Callus today for a lunch and lour 25900 Euclid Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44132 261-8383 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 20, 2001 AMERIŠKA E MOVINA, DECEMBER 20, 2001 4 Happy 93'd Birthday January 1, 2002 To Our Wonderful Sister and Aunt ALICE OPALICH ILOVE Dorothy Urbancich Jim, Madeline and James Debevec, and John Urbancich Family Christmas in America In America, Christmas is both a religious and a secular holiday, filled with significance for both young and old. As we know it, Christmas is a time for family and friends. It is a time for giving thanks and opening presents. And it is a time of song and lights and joy. And many of the ways in which Americans celebrate came from the early settlers, who brought European Christmas customs with them across the Atlantic. But it hasn’t always been such a festive occasion. For the Puritans of New England, Christmas was indeed NOT a time for parties. In fact, it was banned in Massachusetts from 1659 until 1681. During that time, a fine of five shillings was assessed against anyone who dared to observe the holiday. Christmas was first declared a legal holiday in America in 1836 in Alabama. Orange Slice Holiday Cake Cream together: 1 cup butter & 2 cups sugar. Add: 4 eggs (1 at a time), — beat well. Measure & sift together: V/i cups flour and 1 teaspoon soda. Reserve 'A cup flour. Blend flour and 1 cup buttermilk into butter mixture. Have ready: 1 lb. orange slices, cut 6 oz. chopped dates 2 cups chopped nuts 2 cups flaked coconut Add to batter and mix well. Pour into well greased and floured bundt {ran. Bake at 300 degrees for 2 hours. Glaze with: 2 cups powdered sugar 1 cup orange juice Blend, pour slowly over hot cake. Leave in pan overnight. Remove from pan and slice. -- Can be frozen. X Herbal, Multi-Vitamin & Mineral Supplements Glyconutrional Supplements “The Most Effective” Call Michael J. Mivsek (216) 361-9909 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. B.A. Biology / Exercise & Sports Science - WILL DELIVER - PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Soe hosier icicle Ornaments ANNE LARKO Anne Larko (nee Kolar), 99, wife of the late Emery; mother of Patricia (Donald) Močnik, Barbara Roland (deceased), and Lucille (Robert) Armour; grandmother of 14; greatgrandmother of 10; sister of the late Jennie Debevec, Mary, Michael, and Rose. Died Dec. 15, 2001. Mass of Christian Burial Tuesday, Dec. 18 at Villa Sancta Anna Nursing Home in Beachwood at 11 a.m. officiated by her grandson Rev. Fr. James Armour of Nashville. Family received friends from 10 to 11 a.m. prior to the Mass. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Arrangements by Brick-man and Sons Funeral Home. The one who does not have Christmas in his heart will not find it under the tree. “What means this glory round our feet,” The Magi mused, “more bright than morn!” And voices chanted clear and sweet, “Today the Prince of Peace is born.” -James R. Lowell. St. Vitus Sweat Shirts If anyone is interested in purchasing St. Vitus Parish sweatshirts, contact Louise Strauss, at (216) 531-2966, to place orders. Prices are: children’s -$15/$ 18 each; adults: $25, $28, $30 & $33. Proceeds benefit St. Vitus Village. Icicles are a nostalgic reminder of a story which legend says took place on a cold December night long ago. As a snowstorm raged throughout the forest, a little child seeking shelter crept under the thick, strong branches of a sturdy fir tree. He remained protected there until the storm had passed. The next morning the grateful child thanked the fir tree. After learning that it had been the Christ Child who had been kept safe under its branches, the fir tree wept with joy. The fir tree’s tears froze upon its boughs as icicles, which glistened and shone in the bright winter sun. •m tr Merry Christmas & Happy New Year % S — Visit Us Soon — $ —We Are Open from 6 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. -— SEVEN DAYS A WEEK — — SERVING BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER — Mary Vesel Family Phone: 243-7373 4t 7533 Pearl Rd., Middleburg Hts, Ohio Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 Q/itui. Q/ittayz 6114 Lausche Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44103 St. Vitus Village is now open. Only a few apartments are still available. Persons 60 years of age or older who are able to live independently are welcome to become a resident at St. Vitus Village. For information on becoming a resident, now er in the future, for yourself or a AaCV member, please call St. Vitus Rectory at (216) 361-1444 and ..rk far j&idv Sterk. $ Authentic Wine Cellar Shown at Martinovanje CLEVELAND - On Saturday, October 27, Štajerski Klub of Greater Cleveland unveiled a life-size display °f an authentic Štajerski wine cellar and wine press at the Slovenian National Home for Martinovanje, their annual event which celebrates the feast of St. Martin, and marks the moment during the year when the wine vintage has matured and is ready to taste. Romano Vitulich and Charles Gliha of Woodworking Craftsmen Inc., took painstaking detail to research, design and craft models that are one-third scale of the original proportions in order to educate attendees of the historical process of wine production. Vitulich, who currently serves as vice president of Štajerski Klub felt the annual celebration could be enhanced by visuals that serve as a reminder of beautiful Slovenian traditions. The custom of celebrating Martinovanje originated in recognition of St. Martin of Tours, a principal apostle of Prance and one of the first oishops honored by the Church of the West. He died j” 397 A.D., but continues to honored throughout Europe on his feast day of November 11. Over time, it became customary to appreciate a fine vintage with trib-bic to St. Martin, and thus me tradition began. On display was the Hram " a building which occupies a prime position in the Slovenian winery (Gor’ca). 0r i1 is here that the estate’s Principal product, wine, is ^ored under lock and key. ten 30-foot long and of substantial height, the win-°wless structure is built of eayy timbers, a wood-less 0br, and, in the Štajerska region, a thatched roof. It is s°metimes partitioned to Provide a place for field 0rkers to gather for lunch 0r to seek shelter from rain. Also on display will be e Preša (Stiskalnica) that is ue-third scale model of the achine in which wine is to^acted from grapes. The 00 typically stands as tall as Van and is made, in Štajer- ska, of heavy wood timbers -although its design varies in different regions. It stands permanently in the open air next to the Hram, with a single roof to protect it from the weather. Grapes are loaded into the central drum, and pressure is applied by turning the wood screw and its stone weight. Perforations in the wood drum allow the juice to escape into the pan and travel through the pipe into the waiting barrels. This display is aweinspiring and evoked nostalgia for all those who used by JOHN R. TELICH, CLU, ChFC (216) 289-7729 Our country is now in the midst of the most horrific tragedies trying to determine who and where these terrorists are holding out so as to determine our most precise and expeditious manner to quell their actions. Many folks are now looking to the certainty of the guarantees provided by annuities. The gyrations of the market do not seem to fulfill investment objectives. Deferred Annuities allow funds to accumulate without current taxes and Immediate Annuities are able to provide an income stream for one’s lifetime. You cannot outlive an annuity income stream and many benefits may still be payable for the similar tools in their original Slovenian homes and environments. Vitulich and Gliha appreciate the rich history and are pleased to accentuate this annual event by providing a historical context. This new display further enhanced the miniature wheel barrels containing real grapes they created last year as dramatic table center-pieces for every guest to enjoy. They hope that their artistic creations will continue to inspire celebration and a deepening respect for Slovenian custom. remainder of the guaranteed period. It may be time to measure the flow provided by your allocable assets. Remembering that “Wealth is a Flow Not a Fund” we’re available for consultation in these areas as well as Estate Alignment. * My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. He said to try to be in the first group because there was less competition there. —Indira Gandhi * When you are making a success of something, it’s not work. It’s a way of life. You enjoy yourself because you are making your contributions to the world. —Andy Granatelli ♦ God Bless America! Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185'k Area ^ 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Services) Year End Musings The Christmas stable made every year by Louis Oblak. This was his pride and joy every Christmas. May he rest in peace with the angels up above.___ Wishing Our Patients a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2002 from Dr. Mirko Vombergar D.D.S. 6551 Wilson Mills Road Mayfield Village, Ohio 44143 Call for your appointment 1-440-473-4746 Office Hours - by appointment only. Saturday and evening hours available. We also speak SLOVENIAN! To All Our Members and Friends and to All American Slovenians Slovenian American Heritage Foundation blew National Atlas of Slovenia J1® English-language version of the 2001 National Atlas ' Slovenia is a great reference book for students of all 9es and a captivating portrait of Slovenia to share with •ends or give as a gift. The well-documented and ®ndsomely presented atlas has 106 maps, 76 color olographs and 24 tables and graphs in its nearly two odred pages. It is imported by Mark Ryavec, the or^l General Emeritus of Slovenia in Los Angeles. To to “|r’ P,ease ser*d a check payable to Delphi Associates | ^Slovenian Atlas," 453 Rialto Avenue, Venice, CA ;i Cloth-bound edition - $75.00; special ieather-■ ’ 7r)d collectors edition - IfOG.GC. The doth -boun \ ■I **v- :: -C’ or ae ve iovene. .“or ivorn.i' :ot: .... 0' . • • NEW INTEREST YIELDS Tax-Deferred Annuity 5,70% Interest Yield 5.60^0 Interest Yield GUARANTEED GUARANTEED for 12 Months on \ o Months on Deposits of Deposits of $25,000 and above 5 j qqq . $24,999 The Renewal Interest Yield is Currently 5.25% Yields subject to dung* without notice Atnercan Slovanirtn Catholic Union (KSV.3) jticnv/coč Ave , Jo’ir.'. .7 ŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 20, 2001 . .. % , 'T;«r*- - VINA, DECEMBER 20. 6 1 g s THE SIFT T’was the night before Christmas and he lived all alone. In a one bedroom house made of plaster and stone. I had come down.the chimney with presents to give, And to see just who in this home did live. I looked all about, a strange sight to see, No tinsel, no presents, not even a tree. No stocking on the mantle, just boots filled with sand. On the wall hung pictures from far distant lands. With medals and badges, awards of all kinds, A sober thought came through my mind. For this house was different, dark and so dreary. I found the home of a soldier, one I could see clearly. The soldier lay sleeping, silent, alone, Curled up on the floor in this one bedroom home. The face was so gentle, the room in disorder, Not how 1 had pictured a United States soldier. Was this the hero of whom I’d just read. Curled up on a poncho, the floor for a bed? I realized the families that I saw this night Owed their lives to our soldiers, willing to fight. Soon round the world the children would play, And grownups would celebrate a bright Christmas day. They all enjoyed freedom each month of the year, Because of the soldiers like the one lying here. I couldn’t help but wonder how many lay alone, On a cold Christmas Eve in a land far from home. The very thought brought a tear to my eye. I dropped to my knees and started to cry. The soldier awakened and I heard a rough voice, “Santa don’t cry, this life is my choice. I fight for freedom, I don’t ask for more. My life is my God, my country, my corps.” The soldier rolled over and soon drifted to sleep. I couldn’t control it. I continued to weep. I kept watch for hours, so silent and still As we both shivered from the cold night’s chill. I didn’t want to leave on that cold, dark night This guardian of honor, so willing to fight. Then the soldier rolled over with a voice soft and pure Whispered, “Carry on, Santa. It’s Christmas Day. All is secure.” One look at my watch and I knew he was right. “Merry Christmas my friend, and to all a good night.” Thanks to Patricia Habat for submitting this poem. Every ray of light we shed upon others is reflected upon ourselves. —Ellen G. White The Perfect Gift i A gift subscription to the American Home Newspaper is the perfect Christmas present that will last the entire year. Your recipient will think of your thoughtfulness each time the paper arrives. Besides that, you will be supporting the only independent Slovenian newspaper while insuring your wonderful Slovenian heritage will be perpetuated. And we’ll send a card to the new subscriber telling of your informative gift. Subscriptions are $30 a year. Mail to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103; or call (216) 431-0628; fax: (216) 361-4088 ore-mail: ah@buckeyeweb.com Name.......... Address....... City, State, Zip: Your name Address........ City, State, Zip i ■y j Christmas Vacation As is our custom, there will be no Ameriška Domovina (American Home) newspaper printed the week between Christmas and New Year’s. The custom of observing Boxing Day in Australia, Canada, Great Britain and New Zealand is said to come from the traditional British custom of handing out boxed gifts to servants and employees on the day after Christmas. “The joy of brightening other lives, bearing each others’ burdens, easing others’ loads and supplanting empty hearts and lives with generous gifts becomes for us the magic of Christmas.” - W.C. Jones Christmas is not just a day... It is a spirit which should permeate... our lives. To believe that the spirit of Christmas does change lives., is the essence of our faith in Christ. At Christmas I no more desire a rose/ Than wish a snow in May’s newfangled mirth; But like of each thing that in season grows. —William Shakespeare Love’s Labour Lost Help Wanted Cleaning condo Highland Heights. Call (216) 566-0500 IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216-731-9780 Anise Cookies Carol Koch gave me this recipe for Italian anise cookies. Ingredients: 3 eggs 1 t anise extract Vi C butter, melted and cooled % C sugar 1 T baking powder V* C milk 3 C flour Directions: Beat eggs, anise, butter and sugar in mixer. Add baking powder, milk and flour until batter is elastic and pulling away from the sides of the bowl. Roll into shapes and bake on ungreased cookie sheet 8-10 minutes at 350°. (Hint: these rise a lot, so don’t put them close together on the sheet). While still hot, frost with powdered sugar and milk mixture. You can add some anise extract and food coloring, if desired. --Kim Ann Kaifesh Our Family Recipes Double Divine ' Chocolate Cookie 2 pkg. (16 osquares) Semi-Sweet Baking Chocolate, divided V* cup firmly packed brown sugar Va cup butter or margarine 2 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla Vi cup flour Va tsp. Baking Powder 2 cups chopped nuts (optional) HEAT oven to 350°F. Coarsely chop 8 squares (1 pkg.) of the chocolate; set aside. MICROWAVE remaining 8 squares chocolate in large microwavable bowl on HIGH 1-2 minutes. Stir until chocolate is melted and smooth. Stir in sugar, butter, eggs and vanilla. Stir in flour and baking powder. Stir in reserved chopped chocolate and nuts. Drop by 'A cupfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet. BAKE 12 to 13 minutes or until cookies are puffed and feel set to the touch. Cool on cookie sheet 1 minute. Transfer to wire rack to cool completely. Makes about 1V2 dozen cookies. Christmas Radio Show Mario Kavcic will host an international music Christmas radio program on Christmas Day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on WATJ 1560 in Chardon, Ohio. ■ ■■ ■■ ■ " 1 ■— — .B ■ 12503 EDISON dVL SUPERMARKET LAKEWOOD. OHIO 44107 216 521 4619 ATTENTION WEST SIDE RESIDENT: WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF A VARIETY OF EUROPEAN COUNTRY (SLOVENIA, SERBIA, CROATIA, ROMANIA, HUNGARY, BULGARIA, MACEDONIA, BOSNIA, HOLLAND, SWITZERLAND... ETC....) GROCERIES, LUNCH MEAT, 7 VARIETIES OF SARDINES, FETA CHEESE, TEA, COFFEE, GREEN COFFEE BEANS, MINERAL WATER (RADENSKA, BORSEL, ST. ANDREW), SOFT DRINKS, COOKIES, CANDY, CHOCOLATE, JUICE, NOODLES, BEER, AND LARGE SELECTION OF WINE AND MUCH, MUCH MORE... - IVE SELL EUROPEAN TELEPHONE CARDS. - MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8 AM- 8PM SUNAY 9 AM TO 6 PM Christmas Donation Thanks to Belokranjski Klub who sent in a $100.00 donation to the American Home newspaper. The Greatest Keep sending the good news and great stories. Being Slovenian is the greatest. Frank Zigman J & F Snow Removal (216) 531-2319 Willoughby Hills, OH & Ludwig’s Tavern, Euclid, OH Donation Thanks to Steffie Smolič of Cleveland, OH who renewed her subscription plus added a $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Martin Tominc of Willowick, OH who renewed his subscription plus added a $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to world travelers Marie and Rudy Pivik of Middleburg Hts., OH who sent in a $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Anna R. and Joseph Zgonc of Willowick, OH for their donation of $20.00. Donation Thanks to Frančišek E. Kuhar of Lyndhurst, OH for the $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lamovec of Rich-m°nd Hts., OH for the $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to SNPJ Circle #2 Junior Chorus who donated $20.00 to the American Home newspaper. Donation Thanks to West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland for the $20.00 donation. Rudy Pivik writes, “Keep the news coming.” Christmas Donation Thanks to the American Slovene Club of Greater Cleveland who donated $50.00 to the American Home newspaper. Donation Thanks to Helen and John Kozlevchar of Willowick, OH who sent in a donation of $20.00. Donation Thanks to tour guide Mimi Stibil of Parma Hts., OH for the $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to B. Svetlic of Baltimore, MD who donated $20.00. Donation Thanks to readers Millie and Fran Virant of Euclid, OH who submitted a $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stalcar of Milbrae, CA who for their donation of $20.00. Donation Thanks to members of TABOR who sent in a $50.00 Christmas donation. Donation Thanks to author Mara and artist Gary Hull of Lakewood, OH who gave a $15.00 donation to the Ameriška Domovina. Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Anonymous of Wickliffe, OH for the $150.00 donation. Christmas gift Thanks to Stefan and Sonja Durjava of Euclid, OH who sent in a $20.00 Christmas donation. Donation Thanks to Col (Ret.) Thomas J. and Jo Ann Zgonc Strauss of Harker Heights, TX who donated $50.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Donation Thanks to Raymond Mlakar of Parma Hts., OH who donated $30.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Donation Thanks to Richard and Mary Sterle of Euclid, OH who donated $20.00 to the American Home newspaper. Donation Thanks to Mary Zim-perman of South Euclid, OH who submitted a $20.00 donation to the American Home newspaper. CD OR IRA MATURING? FREE INTEREST RATE HOT-LINE Learn about safe guaranteed alternatives that can earn 1.5% - 2.0% higher than you are currently earning on your savings RATES UPDA TED DAILY CALL NOW FOR MORI DKTAILS 1-800-846-6341 Absoluiely no cost or obligation. Best Wishes for a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year 2001 SUNSET INDUSTRIES, INC. Euclid, Ohio Comings BvervCy Friday, Dec. 28 St. Vitus Christmas Choir concert of traditional Christmas songs, 6:30 p.m. in St. Mary’s Church (Holmes Ave.) Sunday, Dec. 30 St. Vitus Christmas Choir concert of traditional Christmas songs, 3 p.m. in St. Vitus Church. Feb. 1,2,3 Slovenian Ski Weekend at Windham, NY. Call John F. Kamin 718-424-2711. Sunday, Feb. 3 St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian School annual family-style dinner, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Adults $11; children $5. Take-outs available. February 17-24 Slovenian Ski Trip to Steamboat, CO. Only $1195. For information call Ivan Kamin (718) 424-2711. Sunday, Feb. 24 St. Vitus Slovenian Language School annual benefit dinner from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the parish auditorium. Sunday, March 10 St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian School breakfast 8:45 a.m. to 12 noon featuring homemade sausage and crepe. Adults $6.00, children $3.00. Saturday, March 16 43rd Annual Slovenian . Man and Woman of the Year Awards Banquet at Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Serving 4 p.m. Program, 6 p.m. Donation $20. John Telich and Jean Križman are Main Honorees. Sunday, April 7 Super Button Box Bash 20 - Slovenian Junior Chorus at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid. Friday, April 12 St. Mary’s (Holmes Ave.) Slovenian School Reverse raffle at Slovenian Home, Holmes Avenue to benefit the “Discover Slovenia -2002” tour. Sunday, July 28 Slovenian School of St. Vitus parish summer picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Sept. 22 St. Lawrence Church, 3547 E. 80,h St., Newburgh, Cleveland, concludes 100lh year anniversary with Mass celebrated by Bishop Anthony Pilla, Bishop A. Edward Pevec, and Bishop Roger Gries. A dinner follows at Slovenian National Home on E. 80th St. For information call parish office at (216)341-0496. Pepper . . . and Salt VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! A Blessed Christmas Day to an our relatives and friends and a Healthy, Happy, Joyful New Year! Our Wish For You is Much Happiness! Josephine Ambrosic and Joe, Pat, and John Jason and Marie Orazem AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. DECEMBER 20, 2001 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 20, 2001 Our Slovenian Christmas (Continued from last week) by JOE GLINŠEK (Conclusion) Dad was a painful perfectionist when trimming the tree. In spite of its shape, he could always make it look presentable. An example of his fastidious care, was how he draped each strand of tin-foil individually, so it looked like an icicle. (To this day I call them ‘tinsel’ which is wrong). These could have been from my parent’s first Christmas as well. Impossible, you say? If you could see him unroll a thick wad of newspaper, remove and place each single strand on the tree, and weeks later remove them. one by one to rest side by side in the rolled newspaper, you’d believe it. Being so inordinately meticulous about his icicles, you can imagine how carefully those precious glass ornaments were wrapped and stored. Patience and frugality were two of his many virtues. Sad to say, I inherited only a few. Our tree was usually decorated on a Sunday before Christmas. As a teenager, it drove me nuts to watch him, but he did wonders with those crippled trees. By now, I was trusted to check our strings of lights - they all conked out even if only one bulb was bad. During this tedious job, I acquired an advanced degree in ‘sotto voce’ cursing. Once, in my late teens, I asked to decorate the tree by myself, thinking it would be a real kick. Dad accepted my offer and did not watch or interfere. My job was made more pleasant with surreptitious doses of Christmas ‘spirit.’ I did reasonably well with the lights and ornaments, and even tried doing the icicles like Dad. But even stone sober, this tedium would have been too much. The neat single strands graced only a couple of branches. The rest were applied by pinching little globs of silver foil and flinging it at the bare spots with the flourish of a Picasso dashing off an abstract painting. I was satisfied with the quick results, but Dad just smiled. He wouldn’t lie by praising my efforts, nor did he criticize my childish act of impatience, but it must have required great restraint. He never ‘fixed’ my icicles on ‘my tree.’ A saintly man, my father. That was the first and last time I decorated a tree while living at home. Under Dad’s patient hands, the decorations fortunately obscured most of the tree whose needles started dropping from day one, disappearing from under the ornaments at a rapid pace. The short needle fir was the usual Christmas tree sold at the time, and were it not for the blanket of decorations and lights, it would have looked like the skeleton of a large fish within a week. The mere vibration of walking through the room produced an audible shower of needles dropping on tissue paper and boxes. Our homemade “tree stand” lacked a water reservoir, and the dry heat from our furnace quickly stripped the tree. No matter how bad it looked, it stayed up until January 6th, a day known by any of three names: The Epiphany, the Feast of the Magi, or Little Christmas. That’s about how Christmas played out in the 1930s, and 40s. We also sang tradi-. tional and Slovenian carols around the piano. Music was in our gene pool, and it was ordained that I would start piano lessons at age six. Mom had also studied on the old “Kurtzman” upright, and she had met Dad in the church choir. The Slovenian carols we all loved were in a tattered ancient book of hymns that has long since disappeared. “Glej Zvezdice Božje,” (Look at the Christmas Stars) was one of our favorites. I can still play the melody, but some of the words have escaped me. Uncle Mike was “an easy touch,” especially around Christmas. Sentimental songs like “Roses of Picardy,” “The Rosary,” and “Moonlight and Roses,” were always good for a few coins in pocket change. I had only to catch him in the living room arid tease him with a few other tunes. I played his usual list of requests. They brought tears to his eyes and money to my pocket. Mike was not only sentimental, but very generous. I’ve written about our Christmas customs and traditions, but there was one I shared only with Dad - we played our annual game of chess. The beautiful inlaid board and a handsome set of carved wood pieces was a gift from Mom to Dad, probably for his 40,h birthday. I remember him teaching me the rudiments of the game sometime before I finished grade school in 1943.1 still treasure the board. Here in Florida, I had it coated with the thick epoxy that’s used on restaurant tables, added four legs and made it into a table. The chess set is complete except for one rook which was lost. We played on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon sometime between Christmas and New Year. I never won, and either Dad had never heard of the “three minute rule,” or he ignored it. (I never heard of it until years later). Often I had time to make sandwiches while he contemplated his next move and several beyond that ahead. At that age, I was very impatient with the deadly slow pace of the game. I became less so as I grew older. And now, I understand how much he looked forward to our Christmas game. As I’m waxing sentimental, let me also include a bit about Uncle Mike who took so much ribbing about the crooked Christmas trees he brought home. After he died in 1974, I was cleaning out the coal bin in our old house for my mother. Reaching up to pull the chain on the light bulb, I noticed something between the joists above the door. I called Mom down from the kitchen to show her my find - she knew nothing about it. Tucked in the dark recess was a dusty bundle of round sticks with marks on their ends. The first one I pulled out was a short length of a small tree trunk with little nubs where the branches had been snipped. After brushing off the coal dust, it had a definite ‘piney’ smell, and the marks were legible. Written on the end with ‘indelible’ purple pencil was ‘1971.’ There were more than a dozen others, one for every year from 1958 through 1973. Visions of quick-shedding short- needled fir tree flashed through my mind. These were pieces cut from the trunks of Christmas trees that Mike bought and put up himself. And, it took Mom but an instant to connect the dates. 1958 was the year Dad died in January, and our twin girls were bom on his birthday, December 3ru, just in time for their first Christmas. 1973 was the last Christmas for Uncle Mike - he missed 1974’s by just a couple of months. We felt tinges of guilt for teasing him all those early years about his crooked trees, and both of us got a little misty-eyed thinking about Mike and his sentimental soul. It reminded me of past Decembers, and how lucky I was to have nothing but fond memories of Christmas.__________________ Joe Glinšek “Grew up Slovenian” in Collinwood and now lives in Sarasota, Fla. This article is excerpted from a book he hopes to have published. HAPPY HOPIBAY^ West Park Slovene Home 4583 W. 130th St. FRESH HOME-COOKED SPECIAL MEALS by Char 7 Days 11:30-9 (216) 941-3224 BEST WISHES for the Holiday Season! s The Frances and Jane S. Lausche Foundation An anae! meets the devil My Adventures Discovering American Christmas Customs by ANN ŽAKELJ "T Xe came to America X/Xl in 1950. Ata T ▼ found a job in a factory on St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland, and Mami soon joined him there. An elderly lady, Mrs. Stanonik, took care of me at her home on Bonna Avenue during the day. She was a loving woman with a daughter and grandchildren of her own, and I was fortunate enough to be in her charge. My first summer there was spent in Mr. Stanonik’s huge garden which overflowed with flowers, vegetables, and fruit trees, and chickens who picked at the scattered feed and pecked at my bare toes. I had many adventures in their acres of back yard, always warily avoiding the compost pit at the very back, and careful to stay on the path which formed a gigantic rounded A through lush vegetation. (Many years later, long after the Stanonik’s had gone to their rest, I was disappointed to discover that their back yard was typical of the lots on St. Clair, small and cramped and not the endless Eden that I had encountered as a child.) Mrs. Stanonik was a terrific cook and made me yummy dishes like Aunt Jemima Pancakes dripping with Log Cabin syrup, and Jell-0 and bananas. To this day, when I have these staples, 1 remember her. But this food wasn’t the 0nly American tradition that she introduced me to... A Visit to Santa Claus At Christmas time, Mrs. Stanonik took her granddaughter Penny and me to Bigbee’s to see Santa Claus. 1 was clueless. I had already received my gifts on the feast of St. Nicholas from the saintly bishop himself, and 1 thought it very odd that this strange bearded man dressed ln red velvet had me sitting 0n his lap telling him what I Wanted for Christmas. 1 told him that I’d like a d°ll; it was my heart’s desire. So when he asked me what else I wanted, I was dumbstruck! What else could Want? Under pressure now to come up with another wish, I looked around me ar>d saw painted on the sur- * rounding walls huge wooden soldiers. They must have oen 20 feet in height, with ue and red uniforms and 311 black hats. That’s as 8ood a gift as a,^ j thought, and blurted out to the round stranger, “i want a BIG MAN!” For a three-year-old Slovenian, that was as much English as I could string together. It’s my first Christmas memory, but still vivid after all these years. Special Delivery In the 1950s the Christmas season for us officially began on Thanksgiving morning. As a teenager, my brother Miro worked at E-J Hardware on St. Clair Avenue helping the owners (Joe Penko and Ed March) with odd jobs, one of which was distributing their annual Christmas catalog to the entire neighborhood. Early Thanksgiving morning, my brother would load our little wagon with Ed and Joe’s Christmas flyers, and the three of us, Miro, Milena and I, would start our trek. Systematically, we moved from house to house, street to street, block to block, stashing the flyers into mailboxes. I avoided the dilapidated houses, those that had crumbling walks and front yards overgrown with bramble bushes because maybe, Johnny Verbec lived there. Sometimes, I would see him walking down Prosser Avenue, dark, lanky, unshaven and dressed in a long black coat which was at least once, I recall, around a little mutt he was carrying. He looked like he was rescuing those mutts, but all of us neighborhood kids knew the truth: he ate the dogs (we imagined). We trudged on, warm breath escaping in little puffs, noses red and fingers not quite frozen, delivering the advertising to nearly every house between East 52nd and East 72nd Streets, from St. Clair to Superior Avenues. By afternoon we were tired, cold, hungry, and ready to devour the Thanksgiving turkey that Mami had made. December 6lh Sveti Miklavž came to our house each December 6lh sometime during those dark, indistinct hours between supper and bedtime. I know, because right after school, I would check my room only to find that it was as I had left it, my bed covered with its chenille spread and nothing else. But by bedtime, I would walk into the room and discover the bed heaped with wonderful presents, all left by the kindly saint. A shiny apple. Cookies and figs and Hershey chocolate bars. A navy blue sweater with white and red embroidered flowers. Matching gloves. A minia- ture stove and icebox, both made of metal, with little red plastic pots and pans and tiny little ice trays. A set of aluminum dishes that came in a big box decorated with pictures of food, like coffee that you could cut out in a disk and stick into the coffee cup so that it looked like you were drinking real coffee. ■ A doll with auburn hair done in bangs and braids that were tied with little blue ribbons and wearing a straw hat and white socks with blue shoes and a blue dress with a gauzy pinafore that had the ABC’s printed on it and carrying one of those magic notepads where the writing disappears when you lift the gray plastic sheet and... and... Just how did Sveti Miklavž deliver all these marvelous gifts without my ever seeing or hearing or sensing him? When I was a little older, I recall looking under beds and in closets and even rifling through Miro’s briefcase for packages stashed by Ata and Mami, but as a very young child I wasn’t preoccupied with the logistics of their delivery because the answer was so simple: It was a miracle! Miklavzevanje I remember how my knees shook as I sat listening for my name to be called. Back in those days, the red and black-clad devils roamed the small auditorium, hissing at the terrified children and rattling their chains on the floor. As we approached the stage and Sveti Miklavž, we had to run the gauntlet of homed parkeljni anxiously awaiting to snatch us up and take us to hell. Of course, there were as many angels to guide us to the saint, but never enough. A half dozen victims invariably disappeared behind the scrim, their screams slowly tapering off to moans of agony. I often wonder how any of us kids ever survived that psychological abuse. We students, though, were especially pleased when a teacher or a priest was hauled off. One year, Mr. Intihar, the local insurance salesman, was taken by the devils. A few weeks later, I saw his picture and ad in the Ameriška Domovina, and then actually saw him walking down St. Clair. Was I confused? You betcha. I had thought he was burning in hell. Miklavž disbursed the presents. Everyone who attended or helped at Slove- nian School received a brown paper bag wrapped in red cellophane and tied with a silver ribbon. Sticking out of the bag was a siba or switch (stick), a white branch sprayed with silver glitter. In the bag were cookies, an apple or orange, figs and nuts, and a big gingerbread cookie with a paper St. Nicholas stuck to the icing. It was such a simple gift, but wonderful. The pageants haven’t changed much. The devils, using chains and pop-flares and flashlights under their chins, still scare the hell out of the little kids. The angels now wear twinkling lights in their hair instead of a star tied around their foreheads. The cast of characters is the same, although the actors change from year to year, from decade to decade. And the goodies still come in a paper bag; the red cellophane has been replaced by plastic, and the switch is just a branch without the paint and glitter. In the bag, the usual: cookies, an apple, some candy, figs and nuts, a St. Nick cookie and one of the devils with a long red tongue made of satin ribbon attached with a dab of icing. At a recent pageant, after 40-some years, my name was called by Sveti Miklavž. I was too surprised to realize that 1 wasn’t frightened by the devils. I walked across the stage and accepted the gift from the saint, thanked him with a “Najlepsa hvala!’ and sped past the devils who hissed at me and rattled their chains at my feet. I had gotten the goodies once again, unscathed. Christmas Eve On Christmas Eve I envisioned my American friends and their families as if in a Norman Rockwell painting. Some were gathered around the Christmas tree singing carols and drinking eggnog, while others strung popcorn and baked gingerbread cookies. After all, isn’t this how every American spends the night before Christmas? On Christmas Eve at our house, we prayed the rosary. How I loathed it. After supper, Ata and Mami knelt down before the sofa and chair in our dimly lit living room and, giving us The Stare, began the prayers, “V imenu Očeta, in Sina, in Svetega Duha...” I can’t speak for my siblings, but I remember how reluctant I was to join in. Last year’s ruse, a stomach ache, couldn’t possibly work this year, I was sure, so I fell to my knees in surrender. With every bead, every response, every ‘amen’, 1 counted the prayers and mentally calculated the number remaining until our release from captivity. At the end of the Fifty Joyful Mystery, I would leap up, only to be stared down again as Mami began the Sorrowful Mysteries. A groan, barely audible, escaped from my parched throat. One-third down; two-thirds to go. We were praying the entire rosary. Ten Hail Mary’s times 15 decades, that’s 150, not counting the Our Father’s and Glory Be’s and the little Slovenian epilogues tacked on to the end of every prayer. No one, I thought had ever experienced this much suffering, not even Dominic Savio when he slept on crushed walnuts. Eventually, the final Doxology \yas said and the last rosary bead fingered. We rose from our penitent poses, ready to begin the second half of the annual ritual, the blessing of the house. Ata took a tin pie plate sprinkled with incense that had been burning on top of our Grand stove while Mami prepared the holy water. Then the two would begin the solemn procession through the house. We followed them as they blessed every nook and every comer of every room. Up to the attic and down to the basement we proceeded, until we reached the crawl-space where Ata had buried dozens of gallons of his homemade wine. With a grand gesture, he wafted the intense toward the opening. Mami, gently mocking his ceremony, sprinkled what was left of the holy water onto the buried, aging vino. I can still see them now, trying unsuccessfully to stifle their laughter as we said our last amen’s. (Continued on page 10) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 20, 200 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 20, 2001 10 About St. Mary's Slovenian School lovenian School at St. Mary’s in Collinwood k-J is in full swing for the 2001-2002 school year. The enrollment has increased to 46 students, the majority of them in the youngest age groups. We welcome the new families who have enrolled this year. Officers for the year are: Marija Sedmak, president; Julie Tromba, vice president; Marie Kushner, treasurer; Silvija Pisom, secretary; Margie Koerwitz, corre- sponding secretary; Justi Novak, kitchen manager; Jovo Mejak, refreshment manager. We are thankful to have a great group of parents who volunteer their time whenever there is a planned event. We also thank the parish and extended Slovenian community for their continued support of our school. The 7 classroom groups are organized more by ability than grade, allowing for a better pace. The classes can be structured less formally because of the smaller groups, allowing for more group work. The books and worksheets are supplemented with the use of music, discussion, drama, blackboard activities, posters, flash cards, puzzles, games, and other hands-on activities. This helps the students maintain interest in learning. Standing outside the classroom doors you can hear the 4-year-olds playing Raca, Raca, Gos (Duck, Duck, Goose) and imitating the sounds that a krava (cow) and other barnyard animals make. The alphabet is taught with a song composed by talented musician and elementary singing teacher Mike Dolinar. Eight-year-olds are learning geography while assembling a challenging version of a jigsaw puzzle of Slovenia. As they work, they learn the capital city, the regions, and proudly point out where stara mama and stara ata are from (Where is Ribnica, anyway?). Sometimes children may spend the last few minutes of the day playing “Hangman,” but with a twist - all the words must be in Slovenian. This encourages them to spell words like Ljubljana correctly. They challenge each other by thinking up the hardest words they know. In the middle and upper grades, the workbooks are supplemented with children’s magazines from Slovenia, such as “Ciciban.” Of course, there are still the more classic activities, like memorizing poetry by France Prešeren. The students are encouraged to “experience” the tra- ditions, rather than hearing about them. Writing St. Nicholas letters encourages them to figure out how to ask for a new truck or doll in Slovenian. St. Nicholas brings them apples, figs, nuts, and a siba (spanking switch) along with the medenjak cookie, shaped of a honey-gingerbread dough in the form of Miklavž himself. And which student hasn’t been caught singing Mi angelčki smo mali (We Are Little Angels) in the car or in their bedroom? (Graduates, confess that you still sing it when no one’s around to hear you!) For pust (Mardi-Gras), the students have cut out and deep fried krofe (doughnuts) after learning the recipe in Slovenian: En funt pa pol moke (A pound and a half of flour)... They also make butare for Palm Sunday, arranging the pussy willow and greenery and bows into miniarrangements to carry in the procession. For Easter, they dye pirhi (Easter eggs) the old-fashioned way: arrange leaves of parsley on the raw egg, wrap in a rag or old stocking, and hard boil in a pot with lots of onion skins at the bottom. When unwrapped, the eggs are a beautiful rust-orange with yellow or light-green imprints on them. Some of the students will be able to discover Slovenia up close this July. The school is planning a “Discover Slovenia - 2002” two week trip, following a successful trip in 1998. We will be making repeat visits to a few favorite spots, but mostly visiting new places. The trip is designed for the children, with a variety of activities planned, in addition to sight-seeing. The group will travel by bus, visiting the cities and countryside. We hope to participate in some of the traditional crafts of pottery, lace-making and wood crafting as we visit local artisans who have continued these and other traditions. We are planning food-tastings of the wind-cured Kraški pršut hams, domači kruh (bread), and other delicacies. We will be visiting a few of the many breathtaking churches, historical points-of-interest, the breathtaking (literally) farms, and the crystal factory. We are planning a boat ride, carriage ride, and a train ride. Other plans are to see the Sent-jakob puppeteers perform a fairy tale, attend the open-air spectacular theater production of “Miklova Zala,” and learn to dance a Belokrajnsko kolo. Swimming was a big hit last time, so we will visit the hot springs and splash around in the Kolpa River bordering Croatia, and brave the freezing waters of the Bohinj mountain lake. The students’ trips are being partially financed by separate fund-raisers ongoing since last year (strudel sales, breakfasts, Gund Arena and Jacobs Field concessions, an upcoming Reverse Raffle) as well as by; donations. After our previous trip, Slovenian school took on a whole new meaning for those students who were able to go. We hope the 2002 trip will be as motivational. This year’s teaching staff is Kristina Sedmak, Anica Nemec, Monika Povirk, Marija Sedmak, Bine Lampič, Brigita Mejak, and Janez Nemec. They are assisted by the unbelievably dedicated Mr. Rudi Knez for drama and singing, and Mike Dolinar for preschool/elementary singing. Last year’s Slovenian school graduates Robert Zalik and Joey Štepec, are to be congratulated. Robert continues to be part of the parish activities as an altar server and occasional lector. He is currently attending Lake Catholic High School. Joey can be recognized playing his violin pieces at holiday Masses and in the pit orchestra for Miklavž and Mother’s Day Slovenian school performances. He attends St. Ignatius High School. We thank their families and extended families for all their help over the years. Tom Štepec served as a past president of the Parent’s Board, and Elizabeth Zalik is to be commended for her many years of hard work as an outstanding treasurer. We hope Robert and Joey will continue their involvement in the Slovenian community and our parish and school community. Čestitamo! --Silvija Pisorn The one who does not have Christmas in his heart will not find it under the tree. American Christmas (Continued from page 9) The pungent smell of incense permeated the house. It clung to my clothes and to my hair, and to the pillows on my bed. I fell asleep, listening. .. not for the sound of reindeer hooves, but to the silent echoes of the prayers that we had prayed. Jaslice It was embarrassing not having a Christmas tree. Few of my friends were privy to this dark secret, and even my best friends didn’t understand that a tree just wasn’t a tradition in our family. Neither was exchanging gifts, or writing letters to Santa, or putting out milk and cookies on Christmas Eve. So my best friend Margie Frank, bless her heart, took pity on me annually, and invited me to her house on the day after the holiday. We spent a couple of hours together, she playing carols on the piano, showing me the gifts she had received and offered me that thin ribbon candy which always cut my tongue to shreds. But I didn’t mind because this was the way Americans celebrated Christmas, and at Margie’s house I always felt like I belonged. At our house, the jaslice, the Nativity scene, was the focal point of the Christmas holidays. Miro bought a creche at the hardware store, not just a stable with the basic figurines, but extra shepherds, and a little plastic bridge spanning a little plastic pond, and dozens of sheep that we scattered on a field made of paper flecked with little bits of green foam rubber. He would make a hill by putting a cigar box under the paper, then poke a hole through the paper, edge it with red tissue and rig up a red light bulb, creating the shepherd’s campfire. Some years we’d find moss and add it to the scene, all of which was delimited by a white plastic picket fence, historically inaccurate, but who cared? The diorama covered the entire top of the buffet which had a mirror at the back, doubling the drama of the scene. I would spend long hours before it, rearranging the figures, adding the Christ Child on Christmas morning and the Three Kings on the feast of the Epiphany, listening to the tinny sound of Silent Night emerging from the music box imbedded into the side of the stable. My American friends had their Santa Claus and their artificial trees strung with glaring lights and covered with tangled tinsel. But we had Bethlehem! Fallen Angels My friend Nusa and I weren’t asked to be angels for the annual Miklavzevanje because we were The Troublemakers. While American kids played CYO basketbali on Saturday mornings, we attended St. Vitus Slovenian School... under duress. In class, Nusa and I passed notes, giggled incessantly, and decorated our fingernails with aluminum foil while Gospodična Bolha, a saint-in-the-making, tried to impart to us at least a modicum of Slovenian grammar, history and literature. Putting up with us for three hours a week was probably all she could take. One Saturday after school, wc just showed up at the pageant rehearsal, joined the others on stage, and learned the songs and dances. The choreographer, Gospod Krmavner, assumed we were legit, and the bona fide angels didn’t seem to mind. We were in! Mami made me a costume, the standard garb for a 1957 angel: a long white gown, sleeves and hem bordered with silver ribbon, and a silver star attached to a band that I wore around my forehead. The pageant rarely changed. My classmates and I, dressed as angels and devils, performed songs from the operetta Miklavž Prihaja while an older boy, usually of high school age, played the part of Lucifer. Dressed in a long black cape with red satin lining, horns protruding from his forehead, Lucifer’s job was to keep the younger devils in line by cracking his whip, rattling his chain, and giving them evil looks. I wonder how many of those fledgling devils actually believed that he was truly Satan, imported from hell for this special assignment? This particular year, the part was played by a rather tall young man, a student at Cathedral Latin High School, and a recent arrival from Slovenia. The details of the pageant are a blur, but I do remember seeing him in the following weeks and months, walking in the St. Clair neighborhood. Without fail, I would razz him, yelling, “Looocifer! LOOOCIFER!” He ignored me. Years later, when we were dating, John would say to me, “You were such a pain...” And when our kids asked me, “How did you and Dad meet?” I’d reply, “Well... Dad was Lucifer and L.. I was an angel.” HAPpy News © © Mlakar's Walk Down Memory Lane m A little humor for starters this month, thanks to Norma Grif. Two moths got fed up with Cleveland winters and decided that the next winter they would meet in Florida and stay there until spring. The first year, the first moth ventured south and waited and waited for his friend, but the 2nd moth never showed up. The second year, the same thing happened. The 2nd moth was nowhere to be seen. The third year, late into the winter season, the missing moth finally arrived. His friend asked him, “What happened to you? I haven’t seen you in over 2 years.” The second moth, pale and emaciated, replied, “I couldn’t come. I was caught in some Slovenian’s wallet.” Guest speakers at November’s HAP meeting were Jill Branthover and Patrick Petsche from the Petsche Group of Merrill Lynch. For the benefit of all the “Slovenian wallets” in attendance, Jill explained that investors need 3 things: patience (especially since Sept. 11th), discipline (making a financial plan and sticking to it), and balance (having a percentage of one’s investment in stocks, bonds and cash). To underscore the idea of Patience, Jill presented market figures 60 days after the attack on Pearl Harbor which stood at -8%. One year later the market had rebounded to +2.2%. To lose patience and sell is to lose money in the long run. Patrick suggested invest-ments in tax-free bonds. Although their rates are lower, the fact that the interest in non-taxable makes their rate °P return comparable to other honds/stocks in the long run. He also outlined changes in Educational IRA’s. Pres-ently, one can deposit $500 Per year into these special tax-deferred accounts which, when applied to college costs, can be withdrawn tax free. However, beginning in 2002, the yearly maximum deposit in these IRA’s will increase to $2000, certainly a more realistic figure, given the ever-rising cost of a college education. These IRA’s are perfect accounts for grandparents to set up for their grandchildren. We were certainly Pleased to have Patrick and ■Ell with us and grateful for ne information they provided. The remainder of the meeting was rather brief. A m°ment of silence was observed to honor the memory cf Fritz” Hribar, not only a ensioner friend, but a long- time friend to most of the Slovenian community. Our deepest sympathy is extended to his family. Kudos to Bill Zabukovec who improved our sound system and presented us with a portable microphone as well. As our hearing declines, we need all the audio related help we can get. Thanks, Bill. Treasurer Louise Fujda is accepting dues for 2002. Payment must be made by Jan. 12th. Don’t let that due-date slip by or you will be dropped from the list of active members. To Art Tibyash, who has undergone double knee surgery, we send along get-well wishes from the entire HAP membership... And to all HAP shut-ins everywhere, please know that we keep you in our prayers at the start of each and every meeting. By the time this report reaches you, our yearly Christmas Dinner will have already passed. There really is no better way to celebrate our “fellowship” as an organization than by taking part in this special afternoon each Christmas season in the company of old and new friends. Without a doubt, this event will always remain the highlight of the year. To everyone, near and far, we wish for you and yours a truly blessed Christmas. For the New Year, it is our wish that from the personal introspection that most of us have experienced since Sept. lllh, will grow, both individually and collectively, a gentler, kinder and more loving spirit, not only among us here in America, but throughout the world. Finally, on a personal note, this HAP report will be my last. For a little more than 6 years now I have been the reporter and have enjoyed sharing news of activities, events and people that make this such a special organization. I have received wonderful support over that time from our Board and the membership in general. I find, however, that the words are no longer coming very easily and that getting an article ready seems to take an ever increasing amount of time. And so I believe that the time has come to turn the job over to a new correspondent who will bring a new and fresh perspective to future reports. 1 thank everyone most sincerely for their kind words and encouragement over these 6 years. It has been a true privilege to serve you. Gratefully, Myra Jerkič By RAY MLAKAR “T ~T Tell before we get \A/ to the GI Party, Y Y time out for a couple of jokes. It seems that a man fell asleep in church and tumbled out of his seat. He woke up just as the minister was preaching about what the church needs. The man stood up and said, “What this church needs is seat belts.” - Okay, one more. Did you hear about the, man who sat down at dusk and waited to see where the sun went? — It failed to dawn on him. Back to the Army and Basic Training and the first of many so-called GI Parties. I soon found out that they have a warped sense of humor for what they call a party. The sergeant comes back promptly at 1800 hours and said we would go to chow first, then the party afterwards. Chow. Odd dam, what is that? Well, we soon found out. But we wondered why didn’t the sergeant just say, “We’re going to have supper first, then the party afterward.” After awhile you soon found out that those dudes have a language all their own. “Chow” was something else that I will talk about in later articles. After chow, we went back to the barracks for the big GI Party because I am sure that most of us could hardly wait for the party to get started for the food at “chow” was nothing to write home about. The sergeant yells, “Are you mama’s boys ready to party?” - “Yes, sir,” we reply, _ “You six dudes, come with me for the party supplies. A bunch of us yelled, “Be sure to bring back all the goodies you can.” Shortly, the six dudes and the sergeant came back with brooms, mops, buckets, GI soap, and bundles of newspapers. The sergeant yells, “You mama’s boys start with hot buckets of soapie water. Use the scrub brushes and scrub the floor spotless because you may have to eat off them.” The sergeant has to be sick, we think. He calls this a GI party? We have got to talk to the chaplain about this because that cool cat needs help. The sergeant also hollers, “And don’t forget the rafters above the windows.” He was right, the captain did wear white gloves and I am sure a lot of us made a mental note to talk to the chaplain about him, too, and wearing white gloves when it is 90 degrees in the shade. After a couple of hours the place smelled like a disinfected morgue. I know for I recall picking up quite a few bodies at the morgue. Boy, was I pooped. You heard all kinds of complaining and moaning like, “I never had to do this at home.” The sergeant yells, “Sorry, but mommies are not allowed to do the house cleaning here... it’s a man’s job.” Then came the windows. “Hey sarge, where is the Windex?” “It is in the bathroom dripping from the faucets. Use the newspaper, that’s what it is for.” After it passes the white glove inspection, the captain gave the sergeant permission for us to go to the warehouse to pick up our beds. Unfortunately, they were not the four poster kind. Even when we got them to our barracks, we had to hose them off. Then we went back for the mattresses. What can 1 say? They were not Posturpedic. And I had just hoped that the soldier who had last slept on it was house trained. Sheets and blankets were issued but we had to go through intense training on how to make up a bed. That no good yo-yo sergeant had us make up those beds a half dozen times before they were made up to his satisfaction. You had to make what they called a “white collar” spread, that is the white sheet folded back exactly eight inches. The sergeant carried a small ruler to check each bed. The “U.S.” emblem on the blanket had to be cen- tered in the middle of the j j made-up bed. The blanket had to be made taught (tight) so that a quarter could bounce off of it. Boy I felt like some of the other soldiers that we would have a lot to discuss with the chaplain when we got to see him, for we felt that there were a lot of officers and sergeants who needed mental help -real bad. Whoopie. Finally bed time and here it was after midnight already. The sergeant yelled, “We blow the whistle at 05:30 (a.m.) Have your beds made, be washed, shaved and out in the company street by 06:00. Odd dam, was he kidding? Tomorrow is a full day: hair cuts and uniforms. One wise kid from New York says, “Sarge, I’ll sleep in since I do not need a hair cut. I just had one before I left New York.” - “Sure,” said the sergeant, “Anything you say, son. Get to bed and say your night prayers, you’ll need them.” Well, he did not have to remind me for I was gonna have a heart-to-heart talk with God about getting all those yo-yo’s some mental help and send us a new crew as our training instructors, For some reason God was not listening or perhaps those yo-yo’s had more pull with God than I did. Sorry, this is the end of the column for 05:30 comes mighty early for a city slicker like me. See ya in the next article for I am sure the sergeant will not lose his whistle. In the meantime May the good Lord bless and watch over all of you and without fail - God Bless America. This is one time in our history that we need all the blessings and help God can give us. Božične Praznike SWIRRY COTJSTRI&S AMD HAPPY MEW YiAK from Your Cleveland Ward 13 Councilman Joe Cimperman AMERIŠKA. DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 20, 2001 The Perfect Gift In An . /* !f The Republic of Slovenia ji REPUBLIKA SLOVENIA ^ Wishes Everyone M A Very Merry Christmas j| and Happy New Year ^ Vesele BožiČne Praznike ^ Dr. Davorin Kračun, g Ambassador S Embassy, Washington, DC M 202-667-5363 S Andren Podvrsic H General Consulate vj New York, NY || (212) 370-3006 § Toni Gogala General Consulate J Cleveland $ (216)589-9220 Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto Merry Christmas and Happy New Year | Society of Martin Krpan f martin_krpan@hotmail.coni I- S Merry ll Christmas Horvath Medical Supply, Inc. Frank Horvath - Owner Licensed Prosthetist (440) 423-1921 • Fax (440) 423-1522 Lymphedema Compression Pumps Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto vam želi Prijatel’s Pharmacy Slovenska Lekarna Prescriptions - Vitamins - First-Aid Supplies 6718 St. Clair Ave. Tel. 361-4212 ALLEN PERSE, Proprietor May the Peace, Love and Joy of the Christmas Season Remain in your hearts throughout the year. Jim, Madeline Wouldn’t life be worth the living; Wouldn’t dreams be coming true... If we kept the Christmas spirit. All the whole year thru? Heap on more wood!—the wind is chill; But let it whistle as it will, We’ll keep our Christmas merry still. —Sir Walter Scott The time draws near the birth of Christ: The moon is hid; the night is still; The Christmas bells from hill to hill Answer each other in the mist. Four voices of four hamlets round, From far and near, on mead and moor, Swell out and fail, as if a door Were shut between me and the sound. Each voice four changes on the wind, That now dilate, and now decrease. Peace and goodwill, goodwill and peace. Peace and goodwill, to all mankind. -Alfred, Lord Tennyson Flo’s Slovenian video 2 hr. video: making potica, krofe, strudel, pohajna (flancate) (angel wings), and more. The perfect Christmas gift. $29. (includes postage) - Call 440-946-2803 or send check to: Florence Petrich, 38453 Wood Rd., Willoughby, OH 44094. Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Services 496 E. 200th St., Euclid, OH 44119-1597 (216) 404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http://stimburysaccounUng.com Enrolled to Practice Before the Internal Revenue Service Servicing Individuals Corporations i Small Businesses. r W. MAIER ffc. DOORS UNLIMITED {.Garage door Repair and re- { ] placenfent. Entrance 1 and ] ] storm‘doors. Door openers { ! aiid electrical repairs. {Call (Slovenian) Walter! { Maiec at 236 - 732-7100. j 1* Merry Christmas to all our relatives and friends in Slovenia, USA and Canada Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto Želita vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem If jf MARIA and ANNA LUNDER ^ 1150 E. 60 St., Cleveland, Ohio Merry Christmas and Happy New Year | St. Clair Pensioners Clubf ^ Cleveland, Ohio ^ MERRY CHRISTMAS AMD HAPPY MEW YEAR Joe and Josephine Baškovič 481 Derby Run Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092-2677 I I Charlie & Majda Lončar ^ Family !§ 31025 Miller Ave., Willoughby Hills, Ohio m mmm eniLtsT^&s Am mafw mm year ft g Lloyd and Carmen McBrayer & Family Richmond Place - Richmond Hts., Ohio Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Tony and Albina Pozelnik 3^ 1103 Schaefer Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 ..........Ilk"””" M€RRV CHRISTMAS Happy New Year Mrs. Dorothy URBANCICH Euclid, Ohio Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2002 Stan J. Erzen Hilltop Village Apt. 918 B 25900 Euclid Ave., Euclid, OH 44132 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBE Merry Christmas Paul J. Hribar Joyce Ann Hribar -- Attorneys at Law - Omni Bldg. - Suite 500 27801 Euclid Avenue - near 1-90 261-0200 PROBATE, ESTATE PLANNING, REALESTATE MATTERS AND GENERAL CIVIL PRACTICE eHtfiSWSAS AW HAPPY mm YiAP 1@@1 QUICK' 2 <#01 EUCLID AVE SIMS-.®.. in CO £ 4a SHOOT WAV 1 “ CN ui 8800 ! V®-j «St! «?. I I ■ UCUD.V, V ^ 0 1 is l f j CHAROON ROAD K£ T 1 EUCLID 20941 EUCLID AV 692-3900 TOLL FREE 1-800-688-SIMS (7467) from: Charlie and Tom SIMS Merry ChrUtrnay arid/ Happy New Year2002 STATE REPRESENTATIVE Hon. ED JERSE Euclid - South Euclid - Mayfield Heights Richmond Heights - Lyndhurst A* ^ . msmr cmmrmAB Am $ mm mw | Lake County Auto Service Inc. 3380 Ridge Rd. - Perry, OH 44081 P.O. Box 337 (Complete parts warehouse for retail and wholesale) Joe, Frank, and Frank A. Vidmar (440) 951-1577 - (440) 259-2991 Fax: (440) 259-5433 Service Dept.: (440) 259-0076 COMPLETE A UTO SER VICE For Imported and Domestic Autos Certified Technicians Authorized BOSCH Service Center Bridgestone Firestone Authorized Tire Dealer 1 I Holiday Greetings The Board of Directors, Lodge Officers and All Members of the AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION o (r D tT 19424 South Waterloo Road Cleveland, Ohio 44119-3250 Phone: 216-531-1900 Fax: 216-531-8123 Fraternal Insurance Societ\ (Sl)7. - Slovenska - Dobrodelna 7.vc/a) Affiliated »ith: National Fraternal Congress of America, Ohio Fraternal Congress V Vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto VOSCl Družina Stane Mrva 3014 Rockefeller Rd., Willoughby Hills, OH Vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto! Lenka Mismas in družina 36450 Eddy Road Willoughby Hills, Ohio ANTOINETTE GERBEC Antoinette Gerbec (nee Arko), 91. Mrs. Gerbec belonged to St. Cecelija lodge of SDZ (AMLA), St. Mary Magdalene lodge of KSKJ, St. Vitus Altar Society, and St. Clair Pensioners. She was the wife of the late John; mother of Richard (deceased) (Dorothy), Nancy Slapnik (Don), and Antoinette Heinen (Joseph); beloved grandmother of Louis Slapnik, Shelli March, Mark Gerbec, Leslie Park, Jay Gerbec, Laurie Spreng, Scott Gerbec, Sean Mickey, and Kristen Mickey; greatgrandmother of Lisa March; great grandmother of 13. She was the sister of Jennie Prime, Mary Turek, Sophie Turek, Louis Arko, Joseph Arko, Frank Arko, Frances Arko, and Victor Arko (all deceased). Family received friends at The Zak Funeral Home on Friday, Dec. 14 from 3-8 P-m. Funeral Mass on Saturday, Dec. 15 with 11:30 a.m. Mass in St. Vitus Church, interment in Calvary Cemetery. JOSEPH BOJC Joseph Bojc, 76, a 51-year resident of Cleveland, formerly of Slovenia, passed away on Sunday, Dec. 2, 2001. Mr. Bojc was bom in Slovenia on May 2, 1925. He belonged to Slovenska Pristava, Tabor, and K.S.K.J. Mr. Bojc was employed as a cabinet maker for Leiden Cabinet Co. of Cleve-land for over 10 years, retir-lngin 1992. Mr. Bojc is survived by his wife, Poldi; children Jo-SePh (Diana), John (Janice), Marjeta (Pete) Laughlin; grandchildren Joseph, Phil-Fp, Brad, Ashley, and Wil-ilam; sisters Francka and Anna; and nieces. His brother Frank, is deceased. Friends were received at “rickman & Sons Funeral Home on Wed., Dec. 5. Funeral took place on Thursday, Dec. 6. Burial in All Souls Cemetery in Char-don, OH. CARST-NAGY Memorials »5425 Waterloo Rd. 4S1-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Community.” In Memory Thanks to Karl Gorišek of Willoughby Hills, OH who donated $15.00 in memory of Barbara Olson, well known television commentator and author, who was a passenger killed aboard one of the airplanes which terrorists crashed on September 11. In Memory Thanks to Angela Am-brosic of Euclid, OH who donated $20.00 to the American Home newspaper in memory of Frances Am-brosic. In Loving Memory of the 36,h anniversary of our dear Mother, Grandmother, and Great-Grandmother Mary Hrastar passed away Dec. 25, 1965 Sadly missed by Son - Bill (deceased) Daughters - Elsie Urbic Marlene Dobrzeniecki (Fla.) Grandchildren, Great-grandchildren and remaining relatives. Remembrance John (J.P.) Jevnikar Born May 16,1918 Died Dec. 26,1993 Not dead to those who loved him Not lost, but gone before, He lives with us in memory and will forever more. Wife. Mary Daughter, Jenien Beach son-in-law. Bill Sons, John and Bob Grandsons John, Jeffrey In Memory Thanks to Maria Curk of Barberton, OH who sent in a $10.00 donation in memory of her husband, Vinko Curk. In Memory Thanks to Ann Lekan of Parma, OH who sent in a $10.00 donation in memory of her husband, John. In Memory Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cencic of Euclid, OH who submitted a $20.00 donation in memory of their parents. In Memory Thanks to Olga Kalar of Euclid, OH who donated $10.00 in memory of her husband, Ludvik. In Memory Thanks to Minka Kmetich of Richmond Hts., OH who donated $20.00 in memory of her beloved husband, Victor. In Memory Thanks to Mary Okicki of Cleveland who donated $10.00 in memory of her husband, Tony’s birthday in December. In Memory Thanks to Rev. William Jerse of Euclid, OH who donated $20.00 in memory of his father, Joseph A. Jerse. In Memory Thanks to the Merc and Tonkli Families of Euclid, OH who donated $10.00 in memory of John and Jožica Varsek. In Memory Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jagodnik of Sleepy Hollow, NY who donated $45.00 in memory of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Mlack and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Jagodnik. In Memory Thanks to Joseph and Flora Jenko of Cleveland, OH who enclosed a $20.00 donation in memory of their parents. In Memory Thanks to Maria Cugelj of Cleveland, OH who donated $10.00 in memory of her husband, Ivan. In Memory Thanks to Amalija Gregorc of Richmond Hts., OH who donated $10.00 in memory of her husband, Anton Gregorc. In Memory Thanks to Anna Marinch of Las Vegas, NV who donated $10.00 in memory of her husband, AI Marinch. In Memory Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Edi Mejac of Willoughby Hills, OH who donated $20.00 in memory of Jaka Mejac. In Memory Thanks to Marie Oblak of Cleveland who donated $10.00 to the American Home newspaper in memory of her husband, John V. Oblak. In Memory Thanks to Jean Samsa of Cleveland who sent in a $15.00 donation in memory of husband John’s birthday. In Memory Thanks to Mary Kette of Bessemer, PA who sent in a $20.00 donation in memory of Pauline Vrečar and Frank Vrecar.. Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sturm of Lynd-hurst, OH who sent in a $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Marija Brod-nick of Willoughby Hills, OH who renewed her subscription plus enclosed a $20.00 donation. Christmas donation Thanks to St. Anne Lodge #4 A.M.L.A. who gave a Christmas donation of $150.00. A card, signed by lodge secretary, Lillian B. Novak, reads, “The members of St. Anne Lodge #4 wish you and yours the best of the Holidays.” Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL LOCATED AT 452 E. 152 Street Phone 481-3148 Family owned and operated since 1908 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 20, 2001 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 20, 2001 When You Want to Travel... Then Contact Travel Experts at Hansa Travel Service C.S.C. Travel Group Travel Max 911 E. 185 St., Cleveland, Ohio 216-692-1700 ask for Boris or Suzie If you are interested in buying imported food items or musical cassettes, videos from Slovenia, then visit Patria Imports at 794 E. 185 St. Cleveland, OH 44119 phone: 216 531-6720 On the West Side visit Hansa Import Store and Travel Agency 2717 Lorain Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44113 631-6585 Merry ChrUfonccycund/ Hccppy, Healthy bJeMi Year CoIIinwood Slovenian Home l From All of Us at ALBIE’S Restaurant I We Wish You a I Merry Christmas and Happy New Year The Euclid Office & Medical Plaza 26250 Euclid Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44132 CooftLny u’UA tjou in mind. ALBERT SOMRACK Owner/Manager Hours: Monday thru Friday 8 am to 4 pm (216) 289-0836 w 1 Hours: Monday thru Friday 8 am to 4 pm (216)289-0836 ® R <& D Sausage Open Mon 8-2 Tues. thru Sat. 8 to 5 Slovenian Smoked Sausage Rice & Blood Sausage Cottage Ham - Želodec POTICA & STRUDEL IMPORTED FOODS FROM EUROPE 15714 Waterloo Rd. - Joe Zuzak (216) 692-1832 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Somraki ‘Kitchens CUSTOM CABINET DESIGN CENTER Now that you're ready to make your dream come true. Realize your dream of having a custom kitchen with the professional staff and quality products Somrak's can provide. Visit our showroom and see the stuff dreams are made of. 26201 RICHMOND RD. BEDFORD HEIGHTS. OHIO 44146 Distributors of Fine Cabinetry 464-6500 HOURS MON-FRI 8:30-5 SAT 9-2 • • • EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT During this holiday season we wish you joy, happiness peace and goodwill SLOVENE NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY 247 West Allegheny Road Imperial, PA 15126-9774 1-800-THE SNPJ (800-843-7675) 724/695-1100 Fax: 724/695-1555 e-mail: snpj@snpj.com website: www.snpj.com InfUMpte 'rtearr Affiliated with the National Fraternal Congress of America LIFE INSURANCE - ANNUITIES - LIFE PLANNING FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina .. ST; Tfi Ti I f f 1 TcX; It 'TI!TaT ^ AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, December 20, 2001 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Novi nuncij Marian Oleš v ponedeljek prispel v Slovenijo - Dosedanji nuncij Edmond Farhat že odpotoval v Turčijo Po 14-urnem letu iz Kazahstana je novi apostolski nuncij v Sloveniji mons. Marian Oleš prispel na Brnik. Na letališču ga je pričakal in pozdravil nadškof dr. Franc Rode. Dan prej, v nedeljo, je odšel na novo delovno mesto dosedanji nuncij Edmond Farhat, ki je sedaj nuncij v Turčiji, pokriva pa še Turkmenistan, Oleš pa, kot je doslej Farhat, pokriva še Makedonijo. Novi nuncij govori francosko, italijansko, angleško in špansko. Odločili so se za “najbolj čisto ime” V ponedeljek je bila v Ljubljani seja glavnega odbora SLS SKD Slovenske ljudske stranke. Na seji so se odločili, da ime stranke spremenijo. Odslej je stranka znana kot Slovenska ljudska stranka, njene kratice pa so SLS. Za spremembo je glasovalo 128 članov, proti jih je bilo 25. Proti spremembi so baje bili v prvi vrsti nekdanji člani Slovenskih krščanskih demokratova oziroma SKD. Nova Slovenija (NSi) ima potrjena dva podpredsednika V ponedeljek se je prvič po novembrskem kongresu stranke Nova Slovenija sestal strankin takrat izvoljeni svet. Predsednik sveta je Lojze Peterle. Na sestanku je svet potrdil dva podpredsedika stranke, to na predlog predsednika Andreja Bajuka. To sta Janez Drobnič, bivši generalni državin tožilec Slovenije, in Alojz Sok. Drobnič in Sok sta poslanca državnega zbora, Drobnič je pa bil na sestanku izvoljen tudi za podpredsednika strankinega sveta. Strankina ženska zveza je želela, da bi eno podpredsedniško mesto pripadlo predstavnici ženskega spola, a Bajuk tega ni podprl. Lojze Peterle je dejal, da bo strankin svet sesta- jal pogosteje kot doslej in da bo svet odslej resničen parlament stranke. Luč miru iz Betlehema na poti po Sloveniji — Plamen bo ta konec tedna odnesen tudi na vrh Triglava Betlehemsko luč miru je preteklo soboto iz Avstrije v Maribor prinesel izbranec slovenskih skavtov 12-letni Rok Ozebek. V nedeljo so plamen miru slavnostno sprejeli tudi v Ljubljani, najprvo verniki med mašo v stolni cerkvi, po bogoslužju pa so mu namenili krajšo prireditev pred Mestno hišo. Iz rok meščanov je šla lučka na pot k predsedniku države Milanu Kučanu, nadškofu dr. Francu Rodetu in k poslancem državnega zbora. Glavni nosilec projekta luč miru iz Betlehema je Združenje slovenskih katoliških skavtinj in skavtov. Skupina skavtov ga bo odnesla tudi na Triglav. Milan Kučan uradno obiskal Anglijo Pretekli teden je bil slovenski predsednik Milan Kučan na uradnem obisku v Veliki Britaniji. Kučan se je srečal z angleškim premierom Tonyjem Blairom v Blairovi u-radni rezidenci na 10 Downing Street. V palači Buckingham je Kučana; sprejela .kraljica Elizabeta II. Kučan je označil obe srečanji za zelo pozitivni za Sloveniji, dobil se je pa tudi z angleškim zunanjim ministrom Jackom Strawom in obrambnim ministrom Geoffom Hoonom. Kraljica Elizabeta II. je Kučana odlikovala z velikim križem sv. Mihaela in sv. Jurija, Kučan pa ji je podelil zlati znak svobode Slovenije. Kučan je kraljico povabil na obisk v Slovenijo, kakor je tudi Blaira. Obetavno zagotovilo glede cestne mreže Do konca 2005 bo zgrajena celotna štiripasovna avtocesta med Mariborom in Koprom. V sedmih letih avtocestnega programa je bilo zgrajenih: 217,8 km avtocest in hitrih cest. PARAFRIRANJE VATIKANSKEGA SPORAZUMA - Dne 10. decembra sta direktor vladne službe za zakonodajo Matjaž Nahtigal (desno) in apostolski nunc(j Edmond Farhat parafrirala tkim. vatikanski sporazum. Pretekli petek, 14. decembra, sta pa zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel in nadškof Jean Louis Tauran, tajnik Svetega sedeža za odnose z državami, podpisala sporazum. Tekst sporazuma je na str. 18. Na fotografiji zgoraj so na levi mariborski škof dr. Franc Kramberger, koprski škof Metod Pirih (zadaj) in ljubljanski nadškof dr.' Franc Rode. V tem času je nuncij Farhat Slovenijo že zapustil, njegov naslednik poljskega rodu, 67-letni msgr. Marjan Oleš, že prispel v Slovenijo. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Božični dan oddaja— Na božični dan, to je prihodnji torek, boste lahko od 8.30 do 9.30 zj. poslušali posebno slovensko božično oddajo. Pripravila in izvedla jo bo Radijska družina Cleveland (Pesmi in melodije iz naše lepe Slovenije) na postaji WCSB 89.3 FM. Več v obvestilu na str. 18. Božičnica to nedeljo— Že vrsto let prireja SPB božičnico za svoje člane in prijatelje. Letos bo božičnica to nedeljo, 23. decembra, v šolski dvorani pri Sv. Vidu ob 3h popoldne. Vsi lepo vabljeni in dobrodošli! “Pristavska noč”— Upravni odbor Slovenske pristave prireja tradicionalen večer Pristavsko noč v soboto, 26. januarja, v SND na St. Clairju Za glasbo in ples bo poskrbel ansambel Staneta Mejača. Za rezervacijo miz in več informacij, pokličite MaryAnn Vogel na 216-383-9307. Vsi člani in prijatelji SP prisrčno vabljeni. Božična koncerta— V petek, 28. decembra, bo imel pevski zbor pri Sv. Vidu koncert božičnih pesmi v cerkvi Marije Vnebo-vzete in to ob 6.30 zvečer. V nedeljo, 30. decembra, bo koncert ponovil pop. ob treh v cerkvi Sv. Vida. Novi grobovi Anne Larko Dne 15. decembra je u-mrla 99 let stara Anne Larko, rojena Kolar, vdova po Emeryju, mati Patricije Močnik, Lucille Armour in že pok. Barbare Roland, 14-krat stara mati, 10-krat prastara mati, sestra Jennie Debevec, Mary, Michaela in Rose, teta Jamesa V. Debevca, več desetletij zaposlena v pisarni AD. Pogreb je bil 18. decembra s sv. mašo v Villa Sancte Anne na Chagrin Blvd. s pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. William E. Ponikvar Umrl je William E. Ponikvar, vdovec po Olgi roj. Hrovat, oče Patricije Wolf, Williama in Ronalda, 9-krat stari oče, 8-krat prastari oče, brat že pok. Josepha. Pogreb bo danes dop. ob 9.30 s sv. mašo v cerkvi St. Wenceslasa s pokopom na Vseh svetnikov pokopališču. Božično voščilo— Uprava Ameriške Domovine vošči vsem našim naročnikom vesele božične praznike ter srečno in še posebej zdravo leto 2002! Zadnjič letos— Prihodnji četrtek, 27. decembra, Ameriška Domovina ne bo izšla, tako se s to številko poslavljamo od leta 2001. Prva številka v novem letu bo izšla v četrtek, 3. januarja 2002. Do konca tega leta naročnino še lahko obnovite po stari ceni, kajti s L januarjem bo malce dražja. Lepo božično darilo— Če morda še niste končali nakupovanja božičnih daril, vam je na voljo zgoščenka (ali kaseta) “Sveta noč”. Zgoščenka predstavlja svetovidski pevski zbor, ko poje mnoge božične pesmi. Poglejte na str. 3 za več informacij. Narodnostno gibanje— To soboto ima Ameriško narodnostno gibanje oziroma American Nationalities Movement svoje letno kosilo, tokrat na nemški pristavi na Columbia Rd. v Olmsted Townshipu. Kakor vsako leto, gibanje izroča priznanja nekaterim svojim članom, tako je letos prišel na vrsto tudi urednik AD. Sen. George V. Voinovich je povabil več njemu znanih predstavnikov narodnostnih skupin na posvetovanje, ki bo v dvorani omenjene ustanove dop. ob lih. Senator skuša organizirati podporo za širitev NATA, do katere naj bi prišlo novembra 2002 na sestanku na vrhu v Pragi, Češka. Slovenija se zanima za prejem povabila k članstvu in baje ima trenutno dobre možnosti. Darovi— Primorski klub je daroval $100 v podporo našemu listu. G. Janez Dejak, Gates Mills, O., je prav tako poklonil $100. Društvo “Tabor” je daroval $50. G. Štefan in ga. Sonja Durja-va, Euclid, O., sta darovala $20. G.ga. Louis Čenčič, Euclid, sta darovala $20, v spomin staršev. Ga. Mara in g. Gary Hull Lakewood, O., sta darovala $15. Ga. Glga Kalar, Euclid, je darovala $10, v spomin moža Ludvika. Ga. Mary Kette, Bessemer, Pa., je darovala $20, v spomin Pauline in Franka Vrečar.. Ga. Ann Lekan, Parma, O., je darovala $10, v spomin moža Johna. Iskrena hvala vsem! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $30 letno za ZDA; $35 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $40 letno (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $160 letno SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $30 per year; Canada: $35 in U.S. currency Foreign: $40 per year U.S. or equivalent currency >■?< Slovenia: $160 per year (air) Posebna božični dan oddaja CLEVELAND, O. - Dragi slovenski poslušalci oddaj Pesmi in melodije iz naše lepe Slovenije! Študentje na clevelandski državni univerzi WCSB 89.3 FM po-stji so nam sporočili, da nam odstopajo eno uro časa na sam božični dan in sicer od 8.30 do 9.30 zjutraj. Tako se Vam bomo oglasili z enournim božičnim programom na sam Božič. Vas že sedaj vabimo, dragi slovenski poslušalci, da odprete svoje sprejemnike v torek ob pol devetih zjutraj. Tako bomo lahko skupaj praznovali prihod Novorojenega Odrešenika s prelepimi pesmimi, ki nas vse obogate in še tesneje medsebojno povežejo v teh lepih praznikih. Poslušajte nas! Radijska družina Cleveland Slovenski kulturni center v Lemontu: Poročilo AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly for $30 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 50 December 20, 2001 Tekst: Sporazum med Republiko Slovenijo in Svetim sedežem o pravnih vprašanjih Republika Slovenija in Sveti sedež sta, - izhajajoč iz Sporazuma o vzpostavitvi diplomatskih odnosov med pogodbenicama; - upoštevajoč. Republika Slovenija svojo ustavo, zlasti 7. in 41. člen. Sveti sedež, dokumente 2. vatikanskega koncila in norme kanonskega prava; - zavedajoč se pomena človekovih pravic ter zlasti ob sklicevanju na mednarodno priznana načela svobode mišljenja, vesti in verovanja; - izhajajoč iz večstoletne zgodovinske povezanosti med slovenskim ljudstvom in Katoliško cerkvijo; sklenila naslednji sporazum: 1. člen Republika Slovenija in Sveti sedež potrjujeta načelo, da sta država in Katoliška cerkev, vsaka v svoji ureditvi, neodvisni in samostojni, in se zavezujeta k polnemu spoštovanju tega načela v svojih medsebojnih odnosih in k sodelovanju pri napredku človekove osebe in skupnega dobrega. Katoliška cerkev v Republiki Sloveniji deluje svobodno po kanonskem pravu, v skladu s pravnim redom Republike Slovenije. 2. člen Republika Slovenija priznava pravno osebnost Katoliške cerkve. Republika Slovenija priznava tudi pravno osebnost vseh teritorialnih in personalnih cerkvenih institucij s sedežem v Republiki Sloveniji, ki imajo to osebnost po normah kanonskega prava. Cerkvena oblast jih mora v skladu s pravnim redom Republike Slovenije priglasiti pristojnemu državnemu organu, da jih registrira. 3. člen Pravni red Republike Slovenije Katoliški cerkvi zagotavlja svobodo delovanja, bogočastja in kateheze. Vsa izredna javna bogoslužna opravila in druga javna verska zbiranja (romanja, procesije, srečanja) pristojna oblast Katoliške cerkve v skladu s pravnim redom Republike Slovenije priglasi pristojnemu državnemu organu. 4. člen Pristojna cerkvena oblast je izključno pristojna za vzpostavitev, spremembo in ukinitev cerkvenih struk- (dalje na sir. 20) WESTMONT, 111. - Po 11. maši na nedeljo, 28. oktobra, se je od nas poslovil naš delovni in priljubljeni župnik p. David Šrumpf. Prestavljen je bil za župnika pri Kostanjevici pri Novi Gorici. Dokončno smo se še osebno poslovili od njega pred lemontskimi cerkvenimi vrati po maši. Po malem kosilu v Domu smo začeli našo kulturno uro, kot po navadi na četrto nedeljo v mesecu. To pot smo imeli izrednega predavatelja, gosta dr. Ivana Štuhca iz Slovenije. Ker je dolgo deloval za slovensko škofijsko sinodo, nam je z lahkoto podal sliko Cerkve v Sloveniji. Po študijih slovenskega prebivalstva, delo za sinodo se živelj v Sloveniji deli na tri več ali manj številčno enake skupine: one, ki so krščeni katoličani in hodijo redno v cerkev, one, ki so krščeni katoličani in redko pridejo v cerkev in zakramentom, in one, ki niso krščeni in so agnostiki, ateisti ali drugih ver. To slovensko družbo je dr. Štuhec ponazoril s trikotnikom z enakimi stranicami. S to delitvijo prebivalstva je lahko razumeti, zakaj vlada v Sloveniji tak sistem kot je. Cerkev težko uri vero ljudem v cerkvi, če ljudje ne pridejo. Zato je treba najti nove načine, kako vplivati na ljudi. Katoličani sami morajo pokristjanjevati ljudi o-sebno, potom individualnih vernikov z dialogom in tudi z občestvom. To zadnje naj bi bilo na župnijski in dekanijski ravni. Kako lahko vplivamo? Na snidenjih, veselicah. plesih, športnih udejstvovanjih, kjer pridemo v osebni stik z ljudmi, jih spoznamo in postanemo prijateljski in zaupljivi drug do drugega. Potom osebnega stika jih morda približamo Kristusu. To stanje je dr. Štuhec ponazoril s koncentričnimi krogi, ki so se širili iz trikotnika navzven: pridobiti zunanje kroge ljudi za Kristusa v centru trikotnika. Še eno misel je imel: izmenjavo študentov med ZDA in Slovenijo. Za izpeljavo tega podviga bi morali ustvariti organizacijo tu in tam. Vsi bi ga še kar poslušali, ker zna zamotane stvari razčleniti in enostavno, jasno povedati. Saj ni čuda, da je tudi ravnatelj mariborskega semenišča. Kot vsako leto, smo se spomnili našega pokojnega škofa Gregorija Rožmana. Letos je bilo to na prvi nedelji v novembru. Ob dveh popoldan smo se zbrali pri njegovem grobu na frančiškanskem pokopališču v Lemontu. Od tod smo krenili v procesiji proti cerkvi z našim novim župnikom in provincia-lom, p. Metodom in p. Vendelinom na čelu. Kakih petdeset nas je bilo iz Jolieta in čikaške okolice. Verno smo gredoč zmolili rožni venec do cerkve. V cerkvi je maševal p. Bernardin, p. Metod je somaševal, p. Vendelin je orglal in vodil pevski zbor. Po maši je Jože Rus obudil spomine, tudi osebne, na škofa Rožmana. Spomnil se je njegovih anekdot. Kako se je škof rad šalil! Tako smo ga tudi s te strani malo bolj spoznali. Lidija Goršič in njena sestra Milena Žerdih sta na vijolino zaigrali narodne pesmi in potem spremljali ljudsko petje teh pesmi. Lojze Gregorič se je spominjal škofa ob njegovem grobu. Sledile so recitacije Fanike Goršič in Mihaele Simrayh. Za konec smo zmolil oče naš za škofa in vse naše rajne in one v Sloveniji, katerih grobovi še vedno niso znani. Navadno se naše nedeljske prireditve začno po enajsti maši. To našo šesto obletnico Doma smo tudi tako začeli, z mašo v naši veliki dvorani. Udeležilo se je je čez 350 ljudi. V procesiji s tremi ministranU in okoli deset narodnih noš, so prišli v dvorano p. Peter Lah, p. Blaž, p. Metod. Le-ti so somaše-vali z dr. Ivanom Štuhcem. Maša na odru dvorane je bila svečana. Cerkveni zbor je bil blizu odra pod vodstvom p. Vendelina. Da ni bilo gneče, so delili obhajilo na različnih krajih v dvorani. Maši je sledilo kosilo; ki ga je pripravila Lillian Čepon. Program smo : začeli : z razglasom nagrajenke Prešernove nagrade i iz Slovenije Nice Jakobson, učenke Slomškovo slovenske šole. Otroci so pod vodstvom Erike Bajukove risali prešernove motive iz njegovih pesnitev. Tekmovali so Zi otroki iz Slovenije im od drugod. Erika je tudi predstavila slikarsko razstavo umetnika Johna Culika, ki sedaj razstavlja v Domu. Sledila je ameriška himna, ki jo je s čistim, lepim glasom zapela Kristina Markun, nato pa slovenska himna, ki smo jo skupno zapeli. Na odru je najmlajša skupina slovenskih plesalcev Slovenskega kulturnega centra zaplesala ples Šumarjanka. Sledila je starejša skupina s plesoma Cepelke in Čin-dara. Vsi smo z veseljem in občudovanjem gledali te otroke pod vodstvom Sheene Litt. Naslednja plesa. Notranjski ples in Gorenjski splet, sp nasmejano in z užitkom zaplesale odrasle gospe (dalje na str. 19) Letno zborovanje Družbe za slovenske študije na konferenci AAASS v Arlingtonu, Va. BOŽIČ KAJ POSTALI LJUDJE SMO MI, KAM SE NAM TAKO MUDI? V RAZKOŠJU SLAVIMO TE LEPE DNI. A SREČE PRAV NIKJER JE NI. PRIPRAVLJAMO IN HITIMO, VSEH DOBROT JE PREOBILNO. PRAZNOTO V DUŠI MI PUSTI, KO SLAVIMO PRAZNIČNE VSE TE DNI. ZA SVETNO VSO DOBROTO V DUŠI ČUTIM LE SAMOTO. PO SVETU SE BOŽIČ PRAZNUJE, A V ČLOVEKU PRAZNOTA ZMAGUJE. NEKOČ DETE BOŽJE SMO SLAVILI, SKROMNO V SVETI NOČI SE VESELILI. SPOMIN NA IZGUBLJENI ČAS OBUJA SE ZNOVA IN ZNOVA DUŠA POGREŠA TE. SONJA Ur. AD: Prvič, v prejš nji številki je izšel ponatis članka, ki ga je bila v Ljubljani objavila novinarka Alenka Puhar, ki je bila navzoča na omenjenem zbovoranju. Njeno ime je bilo pomotoma izpuščeno pri ponatisu. Drugič, nisem vedel, da bom prejel še eno poročilo, tokrat od prof. dr. Timothyja Pogačarja iz ohijske univerze Bowling Green, ki ga je pripravil v sodelovanju s prof. dr. Metodom Mila-čem. To poročilo se bolj podrobno ukvarja z delovanjem na zborovanju članov in članic Družbe za slovenske študije oz. DSS. ♦ bowling green, o. - Sredi novembra, od 15. do 18., se je v predmestju Washingtona, D.C., v Arlingtonu, vršila konferenca Ameriškega združenja za pospeševanje slovanskih študij, največje severnoameriške akademske organizacije te vrste. Pod njenim okriljem je Imela Društvo za slovenske študije (Society for Slovene Studies) svojo redno letno zborovanje, na katerem je gostovala vrsta uglednih severnoameriških, evropskih in drugih strokovnjakov, diplomatov in, seveda, članov DSS. Slovenske zadeve -zgodovina, kultura, politika, vojaška vprašanja -so bile dobro predstavljene. Na konferenci je bilo letos pet strokovnih sestankov o slovenskih zadevah. Poleg tega je bila Slovenija predstavljena tudi na drugih, pri-merjalnih sestankih. Po številu m dovršenosti Predavanj so slovenske teme zavzele ugledno mesto na tej mednarodni konferenci. V petek, 16. novembra, sta sprejela udeležence in goste minister za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije dr. Dimitrij Rupel in veleposlanik RSlo-venije v ZDA dr. Davorin Kračun. Tega sprejema so se udeležili tudi drugi sodelavci veleposlaništva v Washingtonu. Na sprejemu je dr. Rupel v nagovoru pozdravil in čestital Družbi za slovenske študije, katerih sestankih se že dolga leta tudi sam udeležuje kot strokovnjak in diplomat. Predsednik DSS dr. Metod Milač se je v svojem odgovoru v imenu Družbe zahvalil dr. Ruplu in dr. Kračunu za ta prijeten večer. Lepo presenečenje za vse prisotne je bila dr. Ruplova objava, da bo dr. Carole Rogel v kratkem prejela od predsednika RSlovenije Milana Kučana priznanje Častni znak svobode Republike Slovenije. Dr. Rogel, avtorica številnih strokovnih del (npr. The Break-up of Yugoslavia and the War in Bosnia, 1998), je bivša predsednica DSS in še vedno članica izvršilnega odbora DSS, že desetletja pospešuje slovenske študije v ZDA. Celotni program slovenskih sestankov na konferenci je urednik A-meriške Domovine dr. Rudolph M. Susel, že objavil v številki z dne 8. novembra. Dr. Susel je bil prisoten na konferenci. Podrobno je komentiral skupaj z dr. Jožetom Velikonja (ki je sicer bil odsoten, a je svoje pripombe poslal v pisni obliki), predavanja kolegov dr. Franceta Dolinarja (tudi odsoten), dr. Matjaža Klemenčič in dr. Jere Vodušek-Staričeve o arhivih Slovencev, ki so se v letih 1945-47 izselili, posebno tistih, ki so domovino zapustili maja 1945. Skrb za profesionalno ureditev pomembnih podatkov je bila problematika tega sestanka. Slovenski strokovnjaki se ukvarjajo s tem vprašanjem zdaj deset let. Pred leti (1996) Je, na primer, dr. Vodušek-Starič predstavila rezultate svojih raziskav na podobnem sestanku v okviru AAASS v Bostonu. Te vrste arhivov se nahajajo po bivši Jugoslaviji, v Londonu, v ZDA in drugod, v ustanovah tako kot v rokah izseljencev in njihovih potomcev. Opazke dr. Susla in dr. Velikonje so privedle k živahni diskusiji. Sestanek je vodila univerzitetna profesorica v pokoju (Ohio State) dr. Carole Rogel. O življenju in delovanju intelektualcev v Sloveniji pod komunizmom so predavali dr. Mirjam Hladnik (o pisateljici Angele Vode), profesor Ljubljanske univerze Andrej Inkret (o pesniku Edvardu Kocbeku /zaradi dr. Inkretove odsotnosti je njegov referat prebral g. Milan Kravanja iz Washingtona/) in novinarka Alenka Puhar (tema: “Ignori-rani intelektualci v dobi železne zavese”). Predavanja je komentiral zgodovinar dr. Peter Vodopivec, ki je tudi v izvršilnem odboru DSS. Ta sestanek je vodila dr. Lea Plut Pregelj (U. of Maryland), kateri so bili vsi udeleženci hvaležni za njeno splošno organiziranje slovenskih sestankov na AAASS. Po desetih letih samostojne slovenske republike, je prišel čas pregledati diplomatska dejstva in mnenja ljudi o terni ameriško-slovenskih odnosov v preteklosti in v naprej. Zanimive vidike so predstavili bivši veleposlanik v ZDA dr. Ernest Petrič (zdaj zastopa Slovenijo v OZN), bivši konzul v Los Angelesu Mark Ryavec, in profesor Charles Bukowski (Bradley University). Profesor Karl Ryavec, ki je pred leto obravnaval to temo v reviji Slovene Studies, je spretno vodil diskusijo. Na razpravah o slovenski Koroški, ki jih je vodil dr. Susel in za katere je dal iniciativo zdaj že pokojni dr. Andreas Moritsch, sta dr. Valentin Sima in dr. Tina Bahovec podala zanimive poglede na dobo integral- SKC v Lemontu (nadaljevanje s str. 18) pod vodstvom Dane Rej brice Blase. Ta dan je bil praznik sv. Martina, martinovanje. Kdo bi si mislil, da. je v našem Domu največ Martinov, kar sedem. Za vsakega godovnika je. Stuart Nyberg opisal, v začetku neimenovanega Martina, iz katerega dela Slovenije prihaja sam ali starši, nakar je eden od plesalcev z odra šel iskat godovnjaka in jo ali ga pripeljal na oder.' Tam so točili vino - ki se je spremenil iz mošta na sv. Martinov dan -za odrasle in mošt za mladoletne. Sledili so mešani pari skupine Veselje in zaplesali plese Landler in Koroški ples. Za konec smo z vsemi nastopajočimi, odborniki, kuharicami in strežniki pred odrom na plesišču in z ljudmi v dvorani skupno zapeli pesem Bog te živi. Naj se tu zahvalim za pripravo celega programa Dani, Corinne Leskovar in Nandi Puc. Sledila je prosta zabava in ples ob glasbi Staneta Mejača iz Clevelanda. A.A. nega nacionalizma (1918-1945). Dr. Dennison Rusinow (U. of Pittsburgh) je v izbranih besedah dodal svoje poglede na obe razpravi, kakor je tudi dr. Anton Gosar z Ljubljanske univerze, ki je poleg komentarja na predavanja podal kratko poročilo o delu in zaslugah pok. dr. Moritscha. V nedeljo, 18. novembra, zjutraj, na razpravi o socialnih zvezah oz. povezavah v slovenski družbi, je bila predstavljena raziskava prof. dr. Franeta Adama o slovenski eliti (ekonomski, politični, kulturni). Dr. Jurij Fikfak je predaval o simboliki, novi in bivši, v enem majhnem mestu zunaj Republike Slovenije (na italijanski strani meje). Njegova kolegica v Slovenski akademiji znanosti in umetnosti, dr. Tatiana Bajuk-Senčar, je obravnavala delež eko- (dalje na sir. 20) V BLAG SPOMIN OB 12. OBLETNICI Franka Kastigar ki je umrl 25. dec. 1989 Že dvanajsto leto je minilo, odkar Te več med nami ni, a misel nate še vsaki čas bedi. Žalujoča družina Euclid, Ohio, 20. decembra 2001. Dr. Karl B. Bonutti Veleposlanik Republike Slovenije pri Svetem sedežu in žena Hermina želita vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE /N SREČNO LETO 2002! Rim, Italija Tekst sporazuma med Stovenijo in Svetim sedežem (nadaljevalec s str. 18) tur, zlasti cerkvenih območij (nadškofij, škofij, apostolskih administratur, personanih in teritorialnih pre-latur, opatij), samostanov, župnij ter ustanov posvečenega in družb apostolskega življenja. Nobena škofija Katoliške cerkve v Republiki Sloveniji ne bo obsegala ozemlja, ki je zunaj meja Republike Slovenije, in noben del ozemlja Republike Slovenije ne bo pripadal škofiji, katere sedež je zunaj Republike Slovenije. 5. člen V pristojnost Katoliške cerkve sodi, da po normah kanonskega prava podeljuje imenovanja in cerkvene službe. Imenovanje, sprejemanje odpovedi in premestitev škofov so v izključni pristojnosti Svetega sedeža. 6. člen Katoliška cerkev v Republiki Sloveniji ter njene pravne in fizične osebe lahko svobodno vzpostavljajo in neovirano ohranjajo stike s Svetim sedežem in med seboj. Prav tako lahko tudi svobodno vzpostavljajo stike in sodelujejo s škofovskimi konferencami, drugimi cerkvenimi ustanovami ter drugimi organizacijami in pravnimi osebami, bodisi doma ali po svetu. 7. člen Katoliška cerkev ima polno svobodo posedovanja lastnih sredstev obveščanja in ima, enako kot druge pravne osebe, pravico dostopa do vseh javnih sredstev obveščanja. 8. člen Pravne osebe Katoliške cerkve lahko ustanavljajo združenja v skladu z zakonodajo Republike Slovenije. Republika Slovenija priznava pravico vernikom, da v skladu z normami in cilji, določenimi s kanonskim pravom, ustanavljajo združenja, ki svobodno in javno delujejo. Pravni vidiki dejavnosti teh cerkvenih združenj se urejajo v skladu z ustreznimi predpisi Republike Slovenije. Pravne osebe Katoliške cerkve lahko ustanavljajo fundacije, ki delujejo v skladu z zakonodajo Republike Slovenije. 9. člen Pravne osebe Katoliške cerkve s sedežem v Republiki Sloveniji lahko v skladu zakonodajo Republike Slovenije pridobivajo, posedujejo, uživajo in odtujujejo premičnine in nepremičnine ter pridobivajo lastninske in druge stvarne pravice ali se jim odpovedujejo. 10. člen Katoliška cerkev ima v skladu z zakonodajo Republike Slovenije in v skladu s kanonskim pravom pravico ustanavljati in upravljati šole vseh vrst In stopenj, dijaške in študentske domove ter druge izobra- ■v1 V BLAG SPOMIN c¥3 Anton Adamič Pavla Adamič 1899-1982 1913-1997 Božični čas, čas tihe miline, Čas grenkih spominov, Čustev polno v nas se porodi, Saj odsotna sta premnogo dni. Bo^a milost n^j nad Vami bdi, Pokoja tihega želimo mi. Otroci: Pavla Dolinar, Mira Kosem in Tone Adamič z družinami ter družina Veider ževalne in vzgojne ustanove. Država bo podpirala ustanove iz prejšnjega odstavka ob enakih pogojih, kot podpira druge tovrstne zasebne ustanove. Status dijakov, študentov in gojencev teh ustanov je izenačen s statusom gojencev v javnih ustanovah. . 11. člen Pristojni državni organ in pristojni organi lokalnih skupnosti ter pristojna cerkvena oblast sodelujejo pri ohranjanju in vzdrževanju kulturnih spomenikov ter drugih kulturnih dobrin in arhivov, ki so v cerkveni lasti. 12. člen V Republiki Sloveniji je zagotovljeno celovito spoštovanje verske svobode posameznikom v bolničnicah, domovih za ostarele, zaporih in drugih' ustanovah, v katerih je oteženo svobodno gibanje oseb, ki se v njih nahajajo. Katoliška cerkev ima pravico do pastoralnega delovanja v teh ustanovah v skladu z ustreznimi zakoni s tega področja. 13. člen Dobrodelne in socialne cerkvene ustanove in organizacije, ki se ukvarjajo z dobrodelnostjo in družbeno solidarnostjo ter so organizirane v skladu s slovensko zakonodajo, so glede olajšav, pomoči in drugih spodbujevalnih ukrepov izenačene z drugimi podobnimi dobrodelnimi organizacijami v državi. 14. člen Republika Slovenija in Sveti sedež bosta reševala sporazumno po diplomatski poti morebitna razhajanja, ki bi lahko nastala pri razlagi ali uporabi določb tega sporazuma. Republika Slovenija in Sveti sedež si bosta nadalje prizadevala obravnavah vsa odprta vprašanja, ki niso predmet tega sporazuma, z namenom njihove sporazumne rešitve. 15. člen Ta sporazum bo ratificiran v skladu s pravili vsake od pogodbenic in bo začel veljati z izmenjavo listin o ratifikaciji. Podpisano v Ljubljani................ v dveh izvirnikih, od katerih je vsak v slovenskem in italijanskem jeziku, pri čemer sta besedili v obeh jezikih enako verodostojni. V BLAG SPOMIN obletnice smrti naših dragih staršev 51. obletnice našega dragega očeta, starega in prastarega očeta JOSEPH MIHEVC ki je umrl 28. decembra 1950 19. obletnice smrti naše ljubljene matere, stare in prastare matere ki je umrla 29. dec. 1982. Preteklo je 51 let že, ko hladna zemlja krije Te; zelo vsi smo Te ljubili, in prezgodaj igubili. Srčno ljubljena nam mama, šla prezgodaj si od nas; dobra, skrbna si nam bila, vdano molimo za vas. Oba prosita za nas vse Boga, da življenje nam srečno da, ko bomo tudi mi k Vam prišli, veseliti bomo se vsi. Žalujoči ostali: Sylvia Plymesser - hčerka; Glenna - snaha; vnuki in vnukinje ter ostali sorodniki. Zborovanje DSS (nadaljevanje s str. 19) nomskega diskurza v sestavi slovenske identitete. Prof. John Cox (Wheeling Jesuit U.) je komentiral predavanja z vidike zgodovinarja. To sekcijo je vodil dr. Timothy Pogačar. Poleg strokovnih sestankov je imela DSS ob tej priliki tudi svoj letni občni zbor, to pod vodstvom predsednika dr. . Milača. Na zboru so bili prisotni kot običajno tako člani kot drugi udeleženci zborovanja. Na žalost se letos niso mogli udeležiti zborovanja AAASS in DSS nekateri vodilni člani. Iz vrst DSS na primer: dr. Henry Cooper (bivši predsednik DSS, sicer profesor na Univerzi Indiana v Bloomingtonu), dr. William Derbyshire (tajnik DSS, sedaj živeč v Seattlu, Wash.), dr. Tom Pristley (bivši predsednik in živeč v kanadski provinci Alberta), in dr. Rado Lenček (DSS Raziskovalno - dokumentacijski center), čigar osemdesetletnico smo pred kratkim praznovali. Radi bi še omenil prisotnost pomembnega števila strokovnjakov iz Slovenije, nekaterih članov DSS, ki se vsako leto udeležijo sestankov AAASS (g. John Karns, Allentown, Pa.) ali pridejo od zelo daleč (Savo Tory, Avstralija). Izmed ljudi prav iz Washingtona smo imeli v svoji sredi tudi dolgoletnega člana DSS Staneta Šušteršiča in že omenjenega g. Milana Kravanje. Prispevali so veliko znanja in zanimanja. Vsi, ki se zanimajo za slovenske zadeve, bodo nadvse dobrodošli na zborovanjih, ki bodo jeseni 2002 v Pittsburghu, Pa., leta 2003 v Torontu in, lahko vsaj omenimo, v Salt Lake Cityju leta 2004 in Bostonu 1. 2005. Informacije o teh konferencah in informacijah o DSS sploh lahko dobite od urednika okrožnice DSS, dr. Davida Stermo-le, čigav internet naslov jr: www.arts.ualberta.ca/~liubljan. dr. Tim Pogačar za dr. Rado Lenček, direktor Raziskovalno-dokumentacijskega centra DSS Dr. JOŽE BERNIK, poslanec v državnem zboru Komentar o Sloveniji v drugi polovici novembra Buenos Aires, Arg. -Zadnje čase je slovenska vlada do neke mere spremenila svoj pol stoletni nekulturni odnos do pobojev po koncu vojne svojih slovenskih idejnih nasprotnikov in njihovih grobišč. Ne, ni se zgodil čudež. To je med drugim storil pritisk realnosti približevanja Slovenije Evropski zvezi (EZ). Odločitev za vsaj delno odpravo povojnih krivic in grobega kršenja ustavne pravice mrtvih do človekovega dostojanstva ni od danes. Po vseh znakih sodeč je sedanji načrt vlade trenutno času najbolj primerna opcija od mnogih možnih opcij, ki so bile pripravljene že v času “sestopanja z o-blasti" od tedanjih komunističnih oblastnikov. Spričo pričakovanja slovenskega članstva v EZ v dveh letih se je pričelo muditi. Scenarij je torej skrčen v čas dveh let, vendar bo država po delnem izvajanju urejanja grobišč mogla pokazati svetu ta napredek, za neizvršene obljube se bo mogla izgovarjati na pomanjkanje časa in finančnih sredstev Kljub že mnogim dosedanjim razočaranjem ob vladnih obljubah, vendarle upamo, da tokrat dane besede ne bo vzela nazaj in da bo obljubo izpolnila do konca. Od čuječnosti naših državljanov bo odvisno dosledno izvajanje obljubljenega programa. Priznati pa je tudi treba, da so verjetno tudi na našem drugem političnem bregu ljudje, ki so prišli do spoznanja, da s tem pol stoletnim sramotnim bremenom ne moremo stopiti med ev- ropske narode, ki so svoje tragedije, čeprav mnogo manjše, mogli urediti že pred desetletji. V zadnjih nekaj mesecih je eden od poslancev Nove Slovenije v Državnem zboru dvakrat postavil vprašanje vladi, enkrat pa varuhu človekovih pravic Hanžku, kako se namerava država oddolžiti za velik humanitarni dolg do povojnih žrtev. Uredili naj bi grobišči v Kočevskem Rogu in na Teharjah. O deseterih drugih grobiščih ni bilo niti besede. Čeprav se je ob najdbi grozljivega grobišča pri Slovenski Bistrici prvič pojavila v javnosti slovenska generalna državna tožilka Zdenka Cerar in je bila, priliki primerno, zgrožena nad domnevnimi zločini, storjenimi v začetku leta 1946. (sic.) Napovedala je različne pravne posege, vendar ne posebno prepričljivo. Ker od tožilstva ni bilo zaznati nobenih odločnih korakov, je v začetku oktobra omenjeni poslanec pisal generalni tožilki o njeni dejavnosti glede grobišč. Drugo vprašanje je bilo glede aretacije in prevzema domobranskih ranjencev v dveh bolnišnicah v Ljubljani takoj po koncu vojne. Kot je dokumentirano v knjigi Brez milosti prof. dr. L. Šturma, je za temi ranjenci in bolniki izginila vsaka sled. To pismo je imelo za posledico napoved obiska v omenjeni poslanski skupini, nato do odpovedi in končno do tiskovne konference v Državnem zboru skupaj s predsednikom Borutom Pahorjem, go. Cerarjevo Vsem Slovenkam In Slovencem v Združenih državah Amerike, Kanade in drugod po svetu želiva blagoslovljen Božič in zelo dobro novo leto 2002! Our best wishes to all Slovenians in the United States, Canada and elsewhere in the world for a blessed Christmas and a very happy New Year 2002! Dr. Marija Bernik in/and dr. Jože Bernik, Member of Parliament, Republic of Slovenia in generalnim direktorjem policije Markom Pogorelcem. Tu ni bilo nobenih dramatičnih izjav ali obljub. Človeka pa čudi, da je generalna državna tožilka apelirala na vse, ki bi mogli kaj vedeti o zločinih in zločincih, naj stopijo iz anonimnosti in povedo kar vedo, čeprav je prav ona tista, ki bi po svoji službeni dolžnosti morala vedeti največ o teh zločinih in storilcih zločina. Njeni strankarski predhodniki niso izgubili nobene prilike za preganjanje in strahovanje svojce žrtev in druge še živeče morebitne priče zločinov. Ob vseh teh dogajanjih se je pojavila v DZ pobuda, da bi se začeli pogovarjati o nekakšni deklaraciji o obžalovanju povojnih pobojev in o spravi. Kot je znano je prišlo v zadnjih nekaj letih do več predlogov take deklaracije, vendar nobena ni uspela. Nekaj dni pred omenjeno tiskovno konferenco sta poslanca Lojze Peterle in Janez Janša ponovno zahtevala obravnavo v DZ njune resolucije^ ki je bila vložena proti koncu leta 1997, pa ni bila nikdar dana na dnevni red. Predsednik Kučan je poslal v DZ vse svoje iz- V BLAG SPOMIN ob drugi obletnici Ciril Štepec Umrl je 20. decembra 1999. Dve leti že počivaš. Pri Bogu srečo uživaš. Naš dom pa prazen je, od kar te več med nami ni. Le počivaj v božjem miru, kjer ni gorja, kjer ni solza. In trudna pot na svetu, naj nas pripelje k Tebi vrh zvezda. Žalujoči: Žena - Urši Sinovi - Viktor, Daniel in Robert Vnuka - Daniel in Jacob Vnukinja - Ashley Brat - Tone z družino Sestre - Pepca (v Kanadi) Mara, Vida in Ani z družinami Jave o povojnih pobojih, grobiščih, skupnem spomeniku in deklaraciji, in predlagal obravnavo o trenutnem stanju. Seveda pa nikjer ni o-menil dejstva, da je v vsem tem času nastopal v javnosti s stigmatiziranjem ideoloških, ubitih in živih nasprotnikov. Prav tako ni povedal, da je celo v mednarodni javnosti pred dvema letoma trdil, da je komunistična Jugoslavija ravnala s svojimi kolaboracionisti s sovražnikom po določbah Potsdamske konference (čeprav je bilo največ umorov v maju in juniju 1945, omenjena konferenca pa je bila šele v juliju istega leta...). V zaprtem posvetovanju v DZ je pretekli teden (tj. v predzadnjem tednu novembra, op. ur. AD) prišlo do soglasja, da imajo ureditev grobišč in poprava krivic prednost pred potrebo po deklaraciji in skupnemu spomeniku. V petek (tj. 23. nov., op. ur. AD) je vlada o-bravnavala in sprejela svojo deklaracijo in tudi predlog zakona o vojnih grobiščih, ki ga meni poslati v DZ v drugo obravnavo. V deklaraciji je videti napredek, vendar je pomanjkljiva, med drugim tudi v tem, ker ne omenja poprave krivic žrtvam revolucije v vojnem času. Predlogi in komentarji so dobrodošli. Lep pozdrav vsem. Škofja Loka, 26. novembra 2001 Povzeto iz Svobodne Slovenije z dne 6. decembra 2001. str. 1. ZAHVALA v spomin * Tonetu Umek CLEVELAND, O. - Iskrena hvala sorodnikom in prijateljem, ki so večkrat telefonsko poklicali iz Slovenije, Avstralije, Nizozemske in Kanade ter iz raznih krajev ZDA ob času Tonetove bolezni. Hvala za obiske na mojem domu in v Hospice. Hvala župniku Neil Walters od župnije sv. Felicite in župniku John Kumšetu od Marije Vne-bovzete, za obiske v Hospice, ko sta Toneta pripravila za odhod iz tega sveta, kakor tudi za lepo pogrebno sv. mašo ter spremstvo na pokopališče Vernih duš. Hvala pevkam za res lepo petje Tonetu priljubljeno “V nebesih sem doma”. Hvala vsem, ki ste prišli v pogrebni zavod in v cerkev in ga spremljali na zadnji poti, ter vsem posameznikom in Primorskemu klubu za darovano cvetje in denarna darila ter tolažbo. Ob tej priložnosti želim vsem sorodnikom, znancem in prijateljem vesele in blagoslovljene božične praznike in srečno, zdravo Novo leto 2002, to iz vsega srca. Prejšnja žena Mary Umek iTiii’ / VOŠČILO TREM SLOVENKAM ' Naj Kristusovo rojstvo ob pomoči slovenske Cerkve in ljudi dobre volje z novim letom 2002 prinese vsem trem Slovenijam: doma, v zamejstvu in svetu zasluženo blaginjo. Naj duhovne, moralne in narodne vrednote zopet zaživijo v slovenskih srcih. To so moje želje in voščila rojakom - Slovencem! Vinko Levstik DIPLOMAT •>BO: EUPO Hotel***. . • • Restaurant GORICA, Corso Italia 63, tel 0039 0481 82166, faks 0039 0481 31658, e-pošta: levstik.vinko@eurodiplomatbotel.it ED MEJAČ Vodja Radijske Dnuine Pesmi "TT j • • in Melodije WCSB 89.3 FM Nedelja 9-10 am Sreda 6-7 pm iz Naše Lepe Slovenije 2405 Somrack Drive Radijska Družina Cleveland Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 m/FAX web: www.wcsb.org ----Tt----------------------------ZTt--- BLAGOSLOVLJEN BOŽIČ TER SREČNO LN ZDRAVO LETO 2002 ŽELIJO VSEM SLOVENSKIM ROJAKOM IN LJUBITELJEM PRELEPIH SLOVENSKIH PESMI Fantje na vasi iz Clevelanda Vesele božične praznike ter srečno Novo leto želim vsem mojim prijateljem in znancem Lojzka Zabukovec Cleveland, Ohio ^ Vesele in milosti polne božične praznike fl ter srečno, mirno in blagoslovljeno % Novo leto želim vsem znancem Maria Žakelj Cleveland, Ohio Triglavske novice GURNEE, 111. - V jesenskem času so naši garači na Triglavskem parku podrli več suhih dreves, največ dela pa je bilo z grabljenjem listja. Določen je bil dan in vsi so bili povabljeni na veliko čiščenje. Hvala Bogu za traktorje in drugo mehanizirano opremo, sicer bi se obrabile grablje in tudi roke bi odpovedale. Ko so končali se je tra- V BLAG SPOMIN OB 19. OBLETNICI SMRTI NAŠEGA DRAGEGA OČETA vse je na po- va spet videla in bilo pripravljeno mlad. Hvala vsem, ki ste prišli in pomagali. Na praznik sv. Martina, jesenskega patrona, se je zbralo lepo število članov v zakurjeni dvorani. Odmevalo je po parku: “Prišel je svet’ Martin, ki je požegnal vin...” in še in še so se vrstile pesmi do večera. Bilo je res lepo popoldne. Potem je prišel sv. Miklavž - stara navada! Priklical nam je v spomin lepe čase, ko smo bili še mladi in smo sveto verjeli v Miklavža. Lepo je videte otroke, že tretji rod, ko hitijo na oder s tresočimi koleni in se z rožnimi venci otepajo vsiljivih parkljev. Ves program je pripravi- Alojzij Zupančič ki je umrl 27. dec. 1982. Devetnajst let je že minilo, odkar Te več med nami ni. V naših srcih še živiš, in boš živel do konca naših dni. Žalujoči: Andrej in Lojze - sinova Marija Sever - hči ter ostalo sorodstvo tu in v Sloveniji, iciid, Ohio, 20. decembra 2G01. Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 216-641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJ!! la naša vedno skrbna Helenca. Hvala ti! To je navadno zadnje srečanje pred Novim letom in seveda veselo srečanje. Letos je bilo še prav posebno, ker smo obenem obhajali 70-letni-co našega zvestega člana Darkota Berginca, edinega pevca, ki nam je še ostal od našega “zbora”. Ko nas je bilo še veliko, smo vsako nedeljo prepevali z dušo in srcem. Darko je tudi dolgoletni pevec pri fari sv. Janeza, in pri USPEH-u. Darko, na mnoga leta! Okoli Zahvalni dan praznika so naša dekleta pod vodstvom Lizi Gordon pripravila slovensko razstavo za vsakoletni Folksfair. Slovenija je bila bogato predstavljena. Sedaj pa še nekaj bolj resnega. Vsako leto izgubimo kakega člana, ki se pridruži našim že pokojnim Triglavanom. Letos smo izgubili zavednega in zvestega člana Martina Simčiča, Belokranjca. Pogrešali smo ga letos na vseh piknikih in seveda tudi na trgatvi. Martin je bolehal že dolgo, pa je le rad prišel na Park. dokler ni bil priklenjen na posteljo. Zdaj je rešen vsega trpljenja, mi pa pogrešamo njegovo dobro voljo in nasmeh, ki je bil razveseljiv za vsakogar. Tablica z njegovim imenom se je pridružila premnogm drugim v kapelici nad jezerom. Martin, počivaj v miru. Poleg smrtnih primerov imamo še celo vrsto bolnikov: Jože Smolič in njegova Rezi, Ralph Cof-felt, Loni Limoni, Rezi Kotar, Vera Ornik, Rozi Dovnik, Minka Mejač, Zofi Rifelj itd. itd. Tudi dopisnikarica tega članka je imela letos slabo poletje. Zato so se vsi dopisi zelo zamudili. Triglavami vsem znancem in prijateljem želimo srečen božič, zdravja in božjega žegna v novem letu, in na svidenje v Parku. m.K. Blagoslovljene božične praznike in srečno Novo leto želi vsem, posebno pa še obiskovalcem naših prireditev PEVSKI ZBOR KOROTAN DRUŽINA POLDI BOJC ŽELI VSEM PRIJATELJEM IN ZNANCEM BLAGOSLOVLJEN BOŽIČ IN SREČNO, ZDRAVO NOVO LETO BLAGOSLOVA POLNE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE TER SREČNO NOVO LETO 2002 VSEM SORODNIKOM IN PRIJATELJEM ŽELIMO Polde in Fani Omahen ter Elie z družino Richmond Heights, Ohio VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE /N ZDRAVO, SREČNO NOVO LETO \r ZEL! Majestic Title Agency LLC 2132 Case Parkway N. Twinsburg, Ohio 330-486-0950 I BLAGOSLOVA IN RADOSTI POLNI BOŽIČ TER SREČNO NOVO LETO! St. Vitus Holy Name Society Cleveland, Ohio A BLESSED AND JOYFUL CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Kanadska Domovina ANICA RESNIK Toronto, Ont. NASE ŽIVLJENJE... Č.g. Ivan Plazar - 65-letnik “je v prvem letu tretjega tisočletja zaznamovano s strašnimi dogodki. Preračunana hudobija, želja po oblasti, sovraštvo v spopadu svetovnih ideologij je bruhnilo na dan in vsekalo globoko bolečo rano ameriškemu ljudstvu. V jutru enajste-ga septembra je v pičli uri skoraj štiri tisoč ljudi izgubilo življenje, žalost prevzela osirotele družine, mesto New York onemelo v dosedanjem svetu neznani, enkratni katastrofi. To teroristično dejanje le raztrgalo dragoceno Podobo svetovnega miru, Modernega napredka in °sebne varnosti v zdra-Vem okolju. Nov čas je tu- z novimi zahtevami, °dgovornostjo in vprašaji o medčloveških odnosih in splošnem smislu življenja. Ob newyorški jami “Ground Zero” je sedaj za ves svet nova življenjska postaja. Ta zemlja, del neskonč-nega vsemirja, vpletena v s°nčni krog z luno in Milijardami zvezd, je v uasprotju s trpljenjem in 2Motami, iskanjem človeštva od vekomaj na isti P°ti, v štirih letnih časih okr°g sonca. Sedaj je že zelo pozna Jesen. v lepih dneh se s°nce nagiba na južno stran. Drevje je zgubilo Sv°j zlati plašč, polja in ^tovi svoje sadove in CVetje. v zgodnjem veče-ru zažare cestne luči. Slovenskem letovi-^ u so po Zahvalni ne-eJi zaprta glavna vrata. ^rezJanska Marija se je kapelice preselila v ^rnejši dom, poletne hi-ice samevajo. V lepih. sončnih dneh se še vedno vračamo k njim, v mir in lepoto jesenske pokrajine. V skupini torontskih društev deluje skupina Vztrajnost, ki že skoraj enajst let zbira slovenske vdove, jim nudi družabnost, prijateljstvo in medsebojno pomoč. Ustanoviteljica te skupine je Cveta Arhar, ki je kmalu po smrti moža Franca začutila in spoznala potrebo po posebnem združevanju. Danes je v skupini zapisano do dvesto vdov, ki se občasno zbirajo v Domu Lipa. Duhovni vodja Je g. Tone Zrnec. Organizirajo izlete, romanja itd. Gospe Mija Ferkulj, Francka Kramar, Marija Por so njene zveste pomočnice. Tako smo v oktobru romali k Roženvenski Mariji v Merlin v londonski škofiji, v spremstvu Romana Travarja, novega kaplana pri Brezmadežni. Koncem novembra je bil izlet v Owen Sound k predbožičnemu koncertu. Organizacija je odlična in odziv vedno številen, saj je dobrodošla mešana družba mož in žena, ki preživi en dan ali dva v domačem pogovoru, petju in molitvi. Na praznik Vseh svetih in vernih duš smo prižgali sveče v cerkvah in na pokopališčih, se spominjali in molili za vse pokojne. Novi grobovi se odpirajo, stari znanci odhajajo... Desetega oktobra se je Francka Kavčič v Torontu poslovila od svoje velike družine, imela je devet otrok, 26 vnukov in šest pravnukov, ter odšla k ljubljenemu možu Johanu v nebeške kraje. Pokojna Francka je vse življenje ostala pristna Gorenjka izpod romantičnih Dolomitov, v mladostnih letih vzor slovenske lepote, delavna, tiha, poštena žena in mati, ki je poleg velike družine našla čas za slovensko cerkev in skupnost. Množice ljudi so se zbirale ob njeni krsti v pogrebnem zavodu in pri pogrebni maši v cerkvi Brezmadežne. Žalostno slovo se je spreminjalo v zahvalo Bogu za plemenito Franckino dušo, za dar vere, ki nam po trpljenju in smrti prinaša tolažbo večnega življenja. V temnem povojnem času, leta 1948, je komunistična oblast mladi materi Francki iztrgala iz naročja in doma pet malih otrok in jo držala dve leti v zaporih, ker niso našli njenega moža. Ob spominu na vso žalost in trpljenje je vedno pripomnila, da bi brez vere ne preživela... 30. oktober ... Cvetje na Franckinem grobu je komaj ovenelo, ko smo na slovenskem delu pokopališča Vnebovzetja spremljali v zadnji dom na zemlji Marico Bastič, poročeno Cerar. Osemdeset let ji je bilo namenjenih na zemlji. V horjulski fari, v vasi Lubgoj-na, 'kateri je posvetila pozneje v Kanadi lepo povest, je preživljala mladost in postala dobra učiteljica. Komunistična revolucija ji je umorila očeta in mater ter tri brate. Po treh letih begunstva v avstrijskem Spittalu je našla nov dom v Kanadi. S pokojnim možem Francem Cerarjem sta v Torontu ustvarila družino s štirimi otroki in bila ves čas delavna v slovenski skupnosti, pri župniji Brezmadežne kot učiteljica v slovenski šoli, v skavtski in drugih organizacijah, v starostnem domu Lipa, kjer je do zadnje bolezni vodila aktivno skupino starejših žena in bila članica upravnega odbora. TORONTO, Ont. - Č.g. Ivan Plazar, duhovnik Misijonske družbe sv. Vincencija Pavelskega, je bil rojen 25. novembra 1936 v Hrastniku. Leta 1947 se je družina preselila v Brežice, kjer je Ivan končal gimnazijo. Vdanu univerzitetnega študija v Ljubljani, kjer je študiral kemijo in pozneje pouk zamenjal za ekonomijo, je začel razmišljati o duhovniškem poklicu. Ob nekem predavanju g. Franca Sodja pri frančiškanih v Ljubljani se je odločil za Misijonsko družbo. Po vojaški službi je 8. septembra 1959 v Beogradu vstopil v noviciat in 11. septembra 1964 v škofijski kapeli v Mariboru postal duhovnik lazarist. Novo mašo je daroval 13. septembra v Brežicah. Teološke študije je začel že v noviciatu v Zagrebu in jih v petih letih končal na ljubljanski univerzi z odličnim uspehom in naslovom Master of Divinity. Duhovniška pot je Ivana Plazarja vodila iz Zagreba v Celje in na razne kraje po Sloveniji kot misijonarja. V prvih letih je bil prefekt dijakov v Zagrebu, ekonom, kaplan, župni upravitelj, misijonar v katoliški diaspori v Beogradu in Srbiji. V Kanado je prišel 14. decembra 1969 za kaplana k Mariji Pomagaj. Potem je v kratkem času kot kaplan pri Brezmadežni leta 1972 postal odgovoren za pastoralno delo med Slovenci brez lastnih župnij po Kanadi od Montreala do Pacifika. Svoje bogoslovno znanje je uporabljal v vodenju duhovnih vaj v Torontu in Clevelandu. V tem času je bil ,še upravnik mesečnika* Božja Beseda. 5. septembra 1976 je bil poklican za slovensko župnijo Lurške Matere božje v Winnipegu, kjer je uspešno deloval do 1. 1981 skupno z mlado slovensko skupnostjo, ki je kmalu pridobila visok ugled v pisanem mednarodnem Winnipegu. 23. julija 1981 se je Ivan Plazar vrnil k Mariji Pomagaj. Kot župnik je skupaj z gg. Ivanom Janom in Jožetom Ča-slom skrbel za duhovno življenje velike torontske skupnosti, polne z raznimi društvi in dejavnostmi. 7. avgusta 1987 je sprejel še dolžnosti supe-riorja torontske hiše lazaristov in ostal v tej službi devet let. Po zlati maši g. Janeza Kopača 4. julija 1988 in odpovedi župnikovanja je Ivan Plazar postal župnik pri Brezmadežni, kjer deluje še danes. V tem času je začel delovati slovenski starostni Dom Lipa. Župnik Ivan je kot predsednik upravnega odbora Domu Lipa posvetil več let. (dalje na str. 25) Povišanje letne naročnine Pisarna AD sporoča, da zaradi izrednega povirja poštnine in prav tako znatno višjih cen časopisnega papirja, nadomestnih del za tiskarski stroj in druge opreme, bo s 1. januarjem 2002 letna Vročina na Ameriško Domovino povišana za pet ^°tarjev, torej na $35 letno od dosedanjih $30. ^sak naročnik, ki bi rad pred 1. januarjam svo-0 naročnino obnovil, ne glede na to. kdaj bo pote- j ^a' to lahko stori za sedaj veljavnih $30 na. leto. Misijonska Znamkarska Akcija (MZA) Catholic Mission Aid (CMA) je javna, nepridobitna, dobrodelna misijonska organizacija. Ustanovil jo je Fr. Charles A. Wolbang, CM. Registrirana je v mestu Columbus, Ohio, ZDA. Za pomoč slovenskim misijonarjem zbira finančno pomoč -za njih delo med ubogimi v misijonskih deželah ter za vzdrževanje bogoslovcev za domači misijon. Hvaležni bomo za vsak dar, ki ga boste darovali v ta namen. Spomnite se misijonarjev in ubogih v svojih oporokah. Za vse prejete darove izdamo potrdilo za “Income tax”. Uradni naslov: MZA - CMA 17826 Brian Ave., Cleveland, OH 44119 Giavni odbor MZA-CMA. Cleveland 'i KANADSKA DOMOVINA Z novim prizidkom bo DOM LIPA v Torontu imel prostora za 100 stanovalcev TORONTO, Ont. - V soboto, 10. novembra, so se prijatelji slovenskega starostnega doma Lipa zbrali na letnem banketu pri Brezmadežni v New Torontu. Darko Medved, sedanji predsednik upravnega odbora, je pozdravil vse navzoče. Dom Lipa - Slovenian Linden Foundation - je od leta 1985 dosedaj največja samostojna slovenska ustanova, priznana od ontarijske vlade za življenjsko vzdrževanje starejših Slovencev. Leta 1987 je bilo poslopje Doma Lipa vredno štiri milijone dolarjev na trgu nepremičnin. Je last slovenske skupnosti, ki vsako leto na občnem zboru izvoli in potrdi odbor Slovencev za nadzor in pravilno delovanje zavetišča. Za vse odbornike je to častna, brez-plačana služba služba skupnosti, neprecenljiv in plemenit dar Domu Lipa, ki je zgrajen popolnoma iz darov kanadskih Slovencev. Ontarijsko ministrstvo za zdravstvo in socialno skrbstvo nadzoruje delovanje doma in delno krije današnje stroške. V Domu Lipa bo z novim prizidkom, ki bo odprt v juliju 2002, prostora za sto (100) oseb, razdeljenih v dva oddelka: ostareli stanovalci (residents) in onemogli, ki potrebujejo celodnevno oskrbo (extended care). Za Božič 1987 je tedanji torontski škof koa-djutor dr. Alojzij Ambrožič blagoslovil poslopje in novo kapelo. Umetnik Tone Jemec jo je okrasil s kipom Vstalega Kristusa v glavnem oltarju in križevim potom. V januarju 1988 se je tam naselil prvi stanovalec, g. Franc Sodja, kmalu za njim pa še štirinajst oseb. G. Sodja je še danes skupaj z g. Ivanom Janom duhovni vodja Doma Lipa, ki s ss. Mirto in Veroniko skrbijo in delijo duhovno tolažbo in mir sedanjim stanovalcem. Med starostnimi domovi v Torontu zavzema Dom Lipa visoko mesto priznanja in ugleda pri mestnih in pokrajinskih oblasteh. Vsesplošen red in čistoča, poslovanje, zlasti pa številni prostovoljci in prostovoljke v vseh oblikah delovanja, stalno duhovno vodstvo in navzočnost sester dajejo domu odlično spričevalo in zgled sličnim ustanovam v Torontu. Prav ta karitativnost, uspešnost in ugled v skupnosti, vsa ta socialna zavest je vabilo in vez, ki današnjega predsednika Darkota druži z Domom Lipa. Odzval se je vabilu in prošnji župnika Janeza Kopača in 1. 1993 prevzel to odgovorno mesto, kjer uspešno in odlično vrši svoje delo. Po njegovih lastnih besedah, sta mu poleg drugih odbornikov v veliko pomoč odvetnik Anthony Klemenčič in hišna zdravnica dr. Elizabeta Kocmur, vod'teljica odbora za povečanje doma. Dolga je vrsta dobrotnikov, podpornikov, prostovoljnih delavcev, ki so pomagali graditi Dom Lipa in ga še podpirajo od prvih začetkov v 1. 1975. Imena Jože Kastelic, mentor, nadzornik vseh preteklih in sedanjih gradbenih del, arhitekt Franc Levec, ki skrbi za Dom Lipa kot za svoj lastni dom, inženir Franc Markež, praktični strokovnjak, pokojni Lojze Babič, organizator nabiralnih akcij in prostovoljcev, Miro Rak, prvi organizator Walkathona, dr. Stane Bah, prvi administrator Doma Lipa, uspešni predstavnik pri kanadskih oblasteh, ki je v 1. 1992 pridobil Domu Lipa Nursing Home License - so z zlatimi črkami zapisana v zgodovino Doma Lipa. Ker Slovenci od 1. 1988 niso nikdar zasedli vseh 64 postelj (30 samskih in 30 za onemogle), je bila uprava zaradi zdravega gospodarskega položaja prisiljena sprejemati prebivalce drugih narodnosti, predvsem pa Slovane. Danes je v Domu stalno 75 do 80% Slovencev. Čedalje večja je potreba. Po dogovorih z oblastmi glede finančne pomoči in odlični oceni Doma Lipa, sedaj gradbeno podjetje Canning Co. gradi novo poslopje za 36 novih stanovalcev, ki bo povezano s prvotno stavbo. Tako bo v 1. 2002 velika slovenska družina praznovala spet lep dan in pomagala svojim starejšim do mirnega in prijetnega kotička v Domu Lipa. Anica Resnik <4 Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio 90.3 FM Saturdays 9-10 pm ^o'lenik S 440-944-2538 HRANILNICA IN POSOJILNICA \/am f\<)- a P Vesel Božte m blagoslovljeno A/ovo- Leto-2002 SLOVENIA Parishes Credit Union •% # 44 Years of Service 725 Brown’s Line. Etobicoke, Ontario M8W 3V7 Tel: 416 255-1742 Fax: 416 255-3871 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.. 10 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thursday, Friday......... ioa.m. -7:30 p.m. Saturday..................8:U0 a.m. - 12 noon. 618 Manning Ave., Toronto, Ontario M6G 2V9 Tel: 416 531-8475 Fax: 416 531-8533 Monday................................Closed Tuesday, Wednesday..........10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thursday.......................10:00 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday ........................10 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Villa Slovenia 23 Delawana Drive, Hamilton, Ontario L8E 3N6 Tel: 905 578-7511 Fax: 905 578-5130 Thursday...........3:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m. Friday.............12:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Saturday...........9:00 p.m. - 12 noon. Dom Lipa, Etobicoke Ontario (For residents only) Tuesday..........3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. IVO ŽAJDELA Ljubljana, Slovenija S SPRAVO NAD ZLOČINE To jesen je predsedik države Milan Kučan mnoge presenetil, ko se je opredelil glede povojnih pobojev. 26. septembra je za nacionalni radio izjavil: “Moje stališče /.../ je, da je potrebno, da se v Sloveniji krivice popravijo tam, kjer jih je še možno popraviti, da se zločinu reče zločin in se ugotovi, kdo je za zločine kriv. Tako tiste medvojne kot tiste povojne, in da se krivce postavi pred sodišče, ki potem človeka ali obdolženca spozna za krivega ali ga oprosti. Zločin ostane zločin. Tudi če pravno stvari zastarajo, moralno ne zastarajo.” To je ponovil čez nekaj dni v Kopru, na proslavi desete obletnice odhoda zadnjega jugoslovanskega vojaka iz Slovenije, ko je dejal, da za zločine kolaboracije in za povojne poboje ni opravičila. ■ ■ ■ ' ■ V intervjuju za Delo 30. oktobra je dejal, da smo bili “soočeni z dvema hudima grehoma. Prvi se je zgodil s prostovoljnim sodelovanjem z okupatorjem, ko je bil slovenski narod obsojen na uničenje, drugi pa, ko je komaj konstituirana država uporabila svoje organe in vojaške enote za nezakonite zunajso- Č.g. Ivan Plazar (nadaljevanje s str. 23) Vedno zvest Gospodovemu klicu Pasi moje ovce. Je ob 35-letnici župnije Brezmadežne organiziral dvotedenski misijon, kakor 1. 1981 pri Mariji Pomagaj. Njegova zamisel so bila Marijina romanja po slovenskih družinah v obeh župnijah, kakor tudi molitvene skupnosti za poglobitev verskega življenja v župniji. Župan Ivan deli odgovornost za uspešno rast svoje župnije s člani gospodarskega in pastoralnega sveta. Lepo vzdrževana cerkev, poslopja in vsa okolica pričajo o dobrih gospodarjih in vernem slovenskem ljudstvu, ki vsako nedeljo polni cerkvene klopi, se zbira v cerkveni dvorani h kulturnim in društvenim Prireditvam, kot je bil slavnostni večer 22. novembra ob praznovanju 65-letnice rojstva župnika Ivana. Naš jubilant se zaveda svojega duhovniškega poslanstva v sedanjem hitrem času, ki nima ne časa ne posluha za Večno Resnico, in želi biti duhovni vodnik in prijatelj vsem ljudem. Hvala, gospod Ivan, in Bog naj Vas ohranja v Svojem vinogradu še ntnogo let! Anica Resnik dne poboje. Obe dejanji sestavljata celoto.” V teh treh izjavah je torej izenačil medvojno kolaboracijo in povojne poboje. Oboje je po njegovem bilo zločin. Mnogi so bili nad temi izjavami zelo presenečeni. Spraševali so se, kaj se je zgodilo s Kučanom o-ziroma kam meri njegov “obrat”. Toda spregledali so. da je Kučan z njimi naredil dvoje. Prvič, hotel je zmanjšati zločinskost komunistov v povojnih pobojih, saj je v situaciji, ko smo se poudarjeno pogovarjali o povojnih pobojih, tem dodal medvojno kolaboracijo. Dejanje povojnih pobojev je hotel razbremeniti z “dodatkom”. Drugič, ponovil je le obrazec, ki so ga po letu 1990 ponavljali borci. Ti so govorili, da je bilo to dejanje potrebno ali vsaj opravičljivo, saj da so v povojnih pobojih bili pobih kolaboracionisti. Zdaj je torej Kučan to ponovil. Kaj je slovenski javnosti hotel povedati oziroma ji vsiliti? Da so povojni poboji sicer res zločin, toda v tem dejanju so pobili kolaboracioniste. Ti so bili zločinci, zato so s poboji (z zločinskim dejanjem) pobili zločince. Politično se povojne poboje torej da tudi zagovarjati. Kučan je torej ponovil samo ta konstrukt in prav nič drugega. Pri tem ga seveda ni prav nič zanimalo, ali te njegove besede zdržijo soočenje z osnovnimi zgodovinskimi dejstvi. Dejal je namreč, da so bili domobranci kolaboracionish, da so to bili prostovoljno in da so tako torej zločinci. Poleg tega je poudaril, da obe dejanji, kolaboracionizem in povojni poboji, sestavljata celoto. Toda pri tem je povsem zamolčal bistveni del te zgodbe, da v Sloveniji med vojno ne bi bilo nobenih domobrancev (protirevolucionarjev), če ne bi bilo komunistične revolucije, ki je s svojim revolucionarnem terorjem ljudi prisilila - v pogojih okupacije oziroma ob prisotnosti okupatorja! -da so se pred to revolucijo organizirali v samoobrambne protirevolucionarne formacije, najprej v vaške straže, potem v domobrance. Kučan je pri svoji izjavi računal, da je povprečni Slovenec izredno močno indoktriniran s povojno komunistično mitologijo o medvojnem dogajanju na Slovenskem. V tej mitologiji so nastopali partizani kot dobri fantje, ki so se borili proti okupatorju in za osvoboditev domovine, domobranci pa so bili slabi fantje, saj so bili kolaboracionisti, ker so sodelovali z okupatorjem. Kučan je torej zamolčal bistveni del zgodovinske resnice. Ta Je, da pri slovenski protirevoluciji nikakor ne moremo govoriti o (klasični) kolaboraciji. Pri protirevoluciji je šlo izrazito za samoobrambo pred revolucionarnim terorjem. Stiska protirevolucije Je bila še posebej velika, saj se proti revolucionarnemu terorju nikakor niso mogli organizirano upirati mimo vseprisotnega okupatorja. Poleg tega je nesporno dejstvo, da je protlrevolucionarje terorizirala in pobijala revolucija, ne pa okupator. Toda če bi se protirevolucija kakor koli organizirala mimo okupatorja, bi jo ta začel takoj uničevati. To bi počel celo bolj sistematično, saj so protirevolucijo sestavljale nacional(istič)ne slovenske sile, komunisti pa so bii s svojo ideologijo internationalisti in kot taki za okupatorja lahko tudi bolj sprejemljivi. Protirevolucija Je lahko kolikor toliko uspešno obstajala le tako, da si je zaščitila hrbet proti okupatorju. Na dveh frontah, hkrati proti revolucionarnemu terorju in proti okupatorju, se nikakor ni mogla boriti, saj Je že tako njena po- zicija bila zaradi revolucije izrazito izsiljena. Šlo je torej za povsem Jasen modus vivendi, šlo je za čisto (samo)obrambno pozicijo. Tej poziciji se zaradi izrazito nasilnega revolucionarnega nastopanja od poletja 1941 naprej ni dalo izogniti! Bila je neizbežna in v svoji poziciji zelo prizadeta, saj se je nahajala pred samimi slabimi okoliščinami in možnostmi, na eni jo je pobijala revolucija, na drugi je stal okupator. Govorjenje o prostovoljnosti kolaboracije je zato zaradi izrazite krivičnosti naravnost zločinsko podtikanje. Je le to, kar so komunisti v zvezi s tem od vsega začetka leta 1941 počeli. Svoje žrtve so morali čim bolj očrniti. Zato je danes naravnost perverzno, da razni novinarji, politiki in zgodovinarji, večina namer-(dalje na str. 26) Naše življenje (nadaljevalce s str. 23) Za vse njeno delo -naša hvaležnost in prošnja, da bi Najvišji učitelj našel nove delavce za Njegove šole življenja na zemlji. Enaintridesetega oktobra je v Torontu ugasnilo mlado življenje Adriane Jamnik Sousa. Dan pred njenim dvajsetim rojstnim dnevom so jo angeli sprejeli v Večno pomlad. Bolezen raka ji Je v treh letih končala zemsko pot. Po praznikih Vseh svetih in vernih duš je zadnjič obiskala cerkev Marije Pomagaj v beli krsti popisani z zadnjimi pozdravi sošolk, sošolcev in prijateljev družine Jamnik Sousa. Cerkev je bila premajhna za vse, ki so Adriano spremljali na zadnji poti na pokopališče Gora miru. Mnogi so ostali zunaj na stopnicah. Duhovne pesmi deklet Mladinskega zbora Novi rod in združeni cerkveni pevci so navzoče vodili v premišljevanje o smislu življenja. Mlada Adriana je bila in je zdaj še bolj žgled današnji mladini. Nadarjena visokošolka je ves čas bolezni ohranila pozitiven pogled na življenje in končala trinajst let šolanja. Za vstop na univerzo ni bilo več mo- či. Bila je zvesta prijateljica; priljubljena in sijajna organizatorka šolskih prireditev. V zadnjem letu bolezni Je njena ideja prireditve Festival of Arts zajela učitelje in študente štirih šol, ki je zbral 10 tisoč dolarjev za raziskovanje rakovih bolezni in za Terry Fox Fund. V pesmi iz njenih šestnajst let se odkriva široko duhovno obzorje, ki jo je zdaj za vedno sprejelo v vrste angelov in njenih starih staršev Jožice in Ludvika Jamnik. S cvetjem in solzami, z molitvijo in poslušanjem njenih najljubših pesmi, smo se poslavljali od te posebne deklice, katere zgled in spomin naj vedno živi med nami. Nekdo je dejal: “To je naša mala Terezika!” Njena pesem (odlomek): “There is a life after death, a life far beyond our wildest dreams, a paradise for those who have suffered the tyrannies of a heartless world, a place of peace and eternal solitude. May this truth be your guiding light in the struggle to escape the clutches of darkness and open your mind and heart to the true light of God." (Pesem iz leta 1996.) Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS V BLAG SPOMIN NAŠEGA moža, ata, IN STAREGA ATA Deseta obletnica smrti MILAN DOLINAR ki je umrl 14. decembra 1991 Deset let Te zemlja krije, v temnem grobu mirno spiš; Srce Tvoje več ne bOje, bolečin več ne trpiš; Nam pa žalost srca trga, solze rosijo nam oči; Dom je prazen in otožen, odkar Te več med nami ni. Žalujoči ostali: Pavla — žena Rozi, Milena — hčerki, in zeta Miran, Gregor — sinova, in snahi vnuk in vnukinji Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1407. Božič - Praznik veselja, miru in ljubezni! Vsakdo se ga veseli. Iskreno in od srca si voščimo zdravja, sreče, zadovoljstva ter božjega blagoslova, kar naj vsakega spremlja ne samo ob praznikih, pač pa skozi vse leto. Iskrene čestitke in dobre želje uredništvu Ameriške Domovine, vsem sodelujočim pri Misijonski Znamkarski Akciji, vsem dobrotnikom misijonarjev ter onim, ki vzdržujejo bogoslovce, ter vsemu božjemu ljudstvu. Božje Dete Jezus naj vsem obilno poplača. Blagoslovljene božične praznike. Zdravo in uspešno novo leto 2002, v imenu MZA iskreno želim Sonja Ferjan. Od srca do srca iz misyonskega sveta Tudi za božič nas želi razsvetliti misijonar iz japonskega Tokia g. Vladimir Kos s sledečo pesmijo: RADU J SE, SODELAVEC, SODELAVKA! 1. ) Sodelavec, sodelavka Gospoda: je Božič prav posebej vajin dan? Brez dvoma! Sina Božjega prihod pripravljajo še zmeraj srca vdana. 2. ) Ni pr\>a - Miriam misijonarka? In Jožef, zvesti, pridni, čisti mož? V ozadju odigrava njun se dar -kot prst, vodo in zrak želi si roža. 3. ) In naš Gospod želi si pomagdnja, čeprav bi vse lahko ustvaril Sam. Moči nam da za verovanje Vanj, in da v ozadju tiho Zanj garamo. 4. ) Radujta se božične melodije, pri Njem sodelavec, sodelavka! po vaju tudi ta božični sij ljubezen božjo v daljni svet oznanja. S prisrčnim pozdravom voščim blagoslovljen Božič in blagoslovljeno Novo leto 2002. Vaš vdani Vladimir Kos, SJ. ■ ■ ■ ■ Pater Pepi Lebreht, Misyon Nadoba, Togo, Afrika, piše: Za božične praznike se vam zopet na kratko oglašam. Vsem, ki sem vas med poletnimi počitnicami srečal v Sloveniji, se iskreno zahvaljujem za izmenjane besede, za vse darove in vso razumevajočo podporo. Po vrnitvi v Nadobo, med pleme Tamberma na jugu Toga, se je zopet marsikaj zgodilo. Najprej je neko soboto ponoči udarila zelo močna strela. Uničila je precej aparatov, pa tudi telefon. S pokritjem nemajhnih stroškov nama je uspelo vse popraviti. Brevir smo začeli moliti v novem oratoriju sv. Frančiška. Hvala Bogu, prihaja k molitvi brevirja tudi precej mladih. Kakšen večer se jih zbere tudi do dvajset. Lepo je moliti z njimi. Gradnja hiše sester sv. Avguština, hvala Bogu, je sedaj že pri koncu, tako da upamo, da se bosta prvi sestri vselili že za Božič. Naši načrti postajajo resničnost; darovi mnogih slovenskih vernikov pa že rojevajo svoj sad. Začeli smo tudi z gradnjo nove knjižnice. Novembra so naši kmetje v velikih in hrupnih skupinah želi glavno in najbolj priljubljeno žitarico “fonijo”, katerega zrna po obliki spominjajo na gris. Delali so po skupinah. Podnevi so ga želi, ponoči pa z nogami “mlatili”. Drug drugemu si pomagajo in za plačilo ničesar ne zahtevajo. Gostitelj dela mora delavcem zagotoviti le dovolj polente z mesom in domačo pijačo “čukutu”. Prva adventna nedelja je bila nabito polna: najprej prečudovito peta, odploskana, z bobni odmevna sv. maša, pri kateri je vstopilo v katehumenat 35 ljudi (med njimi so bili v glavnem mladi). Po sv. maši pa smo pripravili dan Karitasa, kjer so odrasil kristjani skupaj z mladimi pripravili različno hrano, domačo pijačo, razne igre in prodajo rabljenih oblek, ki so prišle iz Evrope. Na ta način smo nekoliko napolnili blagajno župnijske Karitas, nekaj pa je odcurljalo še v škofijsko Karitas. Po posameznih osnovnih in srednjih šolah v Nadobi in nekaterih okoliških vaseh vstopamo v višje razrede in prinašamo otrokom in mladim znanje o religijah. Prinašamo tudi molitev in Božjo besedo. Ne gre za neposredno oznanjanje Kristusa, marveč za sejanje njegove Besede in dobrote, ki moreta v nekaterih srcih poroditi odgovor ponižne in zaupne vere. V krščanski skupnosti poskušamo poživiti katoliška gibanja med mladino in otroci. Pri tem nam pomaga že ena od novih redovnih sester. Istočasno volimo nove odgovorne v krščanski skupnosti. Naš škof je skupaj s sodelavci pripravil pravilnik o tem, kdo je lahko izvoljen in kakšno delo naj kot odgovorni opravlja. Praznik Kristusovega rojstva. - Iz srca vam želim, da bi lepoto božične skrivnosti doživeli odrešujoče v globini svojega srca. Naj bo za vas in za vse vaše bližnje božični čas Kristusovega rojstva, čas posebnih milosti, poln božjega blagoslova, miru in ljubezni. Naj veselje nad Odrešenikom, ki vedno z nova prihaja, napolnjuje tudi vse dni leta Gospodovega 2002. Najlepši praznik Gospodovega rojstva v najlepšem srcu! Vdani in hvaležni, p. Pepi Lebreht. ■ ■ ■ ■. Misijonska sodelavka ter poverjenica MZA v Windsorju, ga. Mimi Martinčič, se je letos odločila, da bo poskusila izvršiti preko pisem nabirko za slovenske misijonarje. Radi zdravstvenih razlogov ni mogla pripraviti srečanja in misijonskega kosila, kot je to mnoga leta prirejala z njenimi pomočnicami, katere so ji letos pomoč odpovedale, verjetno tudi iz opravičenih pomislekov. Resnično ji moramo dati vse priznanje, kako izredno je iznajdljiva, kljub vsem nevšečnostim; še celo pri hoji si mora pomagati z “walker”-jem. Razposlala je okrog 80 pisem za pomoč misijonarjem ter za vzdrževanje bogoslovcev. Hvalimo Gospoda za vse razumevajoče, kajti uspeh je bil lep. Odzvali so se sledeči: Iz Windsorja: Jan Grebenc $50; Vencelj Horvat $90; Tončka Javornik $30; Kristina Javornik $10; Viktor Javornik $10. Še po $10: Mary Kolar, Mary Peršolja, Lizika Štrukelj, Marjeta Tompa. Po $15: Ivanka Košnik, Micka Kužnik. Po $20: Zalka Pirih, Irena Reduta. Anica Novak $60; Helena Perz $30; Justi Šepetanc $50; dr. Vladimir Pezdirc $50; Peter Martinčič $100; Mimi Martinčič $140. Iz hrvaške fare sv. Frančiška Asiškega so darovali: Peter Bakič $10; po $20: Jelka Bernardič, Milivoj Darkovič, Branka Gavrič, Zdravko Kuharič; Mate Car $50. Dobrotniki iz Detroita, Midi.: Vida Požar $10; po $20: Jožef Briški, Rafael Drenšek, Mary Ana Lunder; Frank Gerkman $30; po $50: Rezka Gerkam, Mary Košir, Frančiška Mehle. dr. Marjeta Jamšek-Tehlirian $100. Vseh darov skupaj US $350 za vzdrževanje bogoslovcev ter kan. $890.07 za vse misijonarje ter za misijonarja Mavriča. Stroškov za znamke in za fotokopije je bilo v skupnem znesku $60.93. Mariji Martinčič se je vsem darovalcem zahvalila za njih razumevanje in dobroto ter velikodušnost. Iskrena zahvala Mimi Martinčičevi za njen napor in žrtev. Srčna zahvala pa tudi vsem darovalcem - Bog plačaj. Veliko dobrega lahko v življenju naredimo - samo hoteti je treba. Če je žrtev večja, je pri Bogu še večja nagrada. Mimi, zdravja Ti želimo ter lepo praznuj božične praznike in prav tako vsi ljudje, ki imate srce za potrebne. Dobrota se poraja v naših srcih. Božič je dobrota - ljubezen, in to je Jezus v nas. V Božiču za MZA - Sonja Ferjan 79 Lunness Rd., Toronto ON M8W 4M7, Canada S SPRAVO NAD ZLOČINE (nadaljevanje s str. 25) no, nekateri pa tudi iz nevednosti, prepuščajoč se mitu, ki so nam ga vbijali v glave pred letom 1990, še vedno ponavljajo lažnjivi komunistični konstrukt in mit o slovenski kolaboraciji. Kolaboracija je bila v Franciji, v Belgiji, na Nizozemskem, Danskem, Norveškem, na Madžarskem, skratka v mnogih evropskih državah. O kolaboraciji govorimo tam, kjer so domače politične sile povsem prostovoljno sodelovale z okupatorjem, čeprav ni bilo pri njih nobene komunistične revolucije, ki bi jih v kaj takšnega prisilila. Zato je tudi uporaba termina, da je šlo za državljansko vojno povsem napačna. Ena stran je napadala, druga se je branila. Poleg tega se ta druga sploh ne bi branila oziroma se ne bi znašla v tej poziciji, če Je revolucija ne bi povzročila. Gre torej za dve izrazito neenakovredni poziciji: napadalno in obrambno. O državljanski vojni bi lahko govorili, če bi se med seboj spopadali dve politični strani znotraj naroda v bolj ali manj “čistih" okoliščinah. V Sloveniji pa v letih 1941 in 1945 ni bilo teh “čistih” okoliščin, saj je bila dežela okupirana oziroma zasedena z močno tujo vojsko. O nekaterih elementih državljanske vojne bi lahko, pa še to zelo pogojno, govorili šele za obdobje leta 1944 in do konca vojne, ko se je protirevolucija bila prisiljena preoblikovati (zaradi strašnih pobojev revolucije jeseni 1943) v mnogo resnejše vojaške formacije. Te (domobranci) so bili od leta 1944 tudi ofenzivne, ne več samo defenzivne (obrambne), kot prej vaške straže. Mimogrede, zato so bile tudi besede dr. Franceta Bučarja na prvem zasedanju demokratičnega parlamenta leta 1990, da se je zdaj končala državljanska vojna, povsem napačne in do “ene strani” krivične. “Državljanska vojna” se leta 1990 nikakor ni mogla končati, saj je v Sloveniji od leta 1945 do leta 1990 pustošila klima komunistične diktature, skozi udbovski aparat ene najbolj dodelanih v svetovnem merilu. Končala se je torej diktatura, ne pa državljanska vojna! Le kaj naj si človek misli ob takšnem govorjenju in ob tako zgrešeni uporabi znanih in zelo jasnih politoloških terminov? Vrnimo se h Kučanu. Predsednik države je torej vse to zamolčal. Ponovil je stari komunistični obrazec (konstrukt) o medvojni kolaboraciji in povojnih pobojih te kolaboracije. Z zločinom se je torej šlo na zločin. Nekako tako kot zdaj Zahod z bombardiranjem v Afganistanu uničuje teroristične zločince. Toda z zgornjo izjavo, da so bili povojni poboji zločin, ki bi ga tudi bilo treba kaznovati, je Kučan kljub vsemu za mnoge sile na Slovenskem šel predaleč. Borci mu prav gotovo niso ploskali! In še marsikdo ne. Zato je kmalu zatem v intervjuju za Delo (30. okt. 2001) svojo prejšnjo izjavo nadgradil in jo s tem bistveno omilil. Osredotočil se je na prvi del, na kolaboracioniste. Pri tem je potegnil iz rokava nekak-(dalje na str. 27) BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216) 481-5277 Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 St. in Euclid, Ohio Vesele Božične Praznike in Srečno Novo Leto! Lojze in Silva Lončar in družina 9630 Woodcroft Ct. Kirtland, Ohio 44094 Vesele, miru polne božične praznike ter sreče, zdravja in uspehov polno novo leto želi vsem Družina S Matija Lončar Vesele Božične Praznike in Srečno Novo Leto! Folklorna skupina Kres Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Blagoslovljene božične praznike in srečno ^ novo leto želi prijateljem in znancem JANEZ PROSEN 16211 Trafalgar, Cleveland, OH 44110 Vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto vam želijo Milan, Blažena, Barbi, Suzi in Franki RIHTAR kakor tudi David, Kerry, Jack in Max s » u V f ^aem našim sorodnikom in prijateljem namesto Igeebnih voščil prav iz srca želimo blagoslovyenel 1* božične praznike In srečno novo leto. družina Miro Odar družina Andy Odar \ S SPRAVO NAD ZLOČINE (nadaljevanje s str. 26) šno svojo “zasebno” zgodbo o svojem očetu in stricu. Oč naj bi bil izrazit pozitivec, tako kot partizani nasploh, saj je kot komunist in partizan padel in dal svoje življenje proti okupatorju na sremski fronti. Vse nekaj drugega pa naj bi bil njegov stric. Ta naj bi leta 1941 pričakal Madžare kot velik madžaron. Zato je bil po vojni, leta 1945, “justifi-ciran” na dvorišču soboškega gradu. S to “osebno zgodbo”, za katero ni dvoma, da je bila zelo učinkovita, je izredno zvito poskušal o-bremeniti kolaboracioniste iz svoje predhodne “koprske" izjave in povedal, da so bili v povojnih pobojih povsem u-pravičeno pobiti. Tako kot njegov stric. Kučan si madžaronstva svojega strica verjetno ni izmislil. Zaradi tega madžaronstva je bil ta njegov stric po vojni “ju-stificiran” (mar res, mar je bil prej pravnomočno obsojen?). Če je to z “velikim madžaronstvom” res, potem je prav gotovo bil kolaboracionist v takšni obliki, kot to ta pojem opredeljuje. Kola-borirati pomeni prostovoljno pomagati okupatorju pri doseganju njegovih vojaških in političnih ciljev na škodo lastnega naroda. V Prekmurju med vojno ni bilo revolucije, tako kot v osrednji Sloveniji. Kučan je torej s to “svojo" zgodbo hotel o-bremeniti v povojnih pobojih pobite domobrance. Pri tem ga ni prav nič motilo, da pri domobrancih oziroma slovenski protirevolucionarji, kot smo kratko nakazali zgoraj, nikakor ni šlo za prostovoljno sodelovanje z okupatorjem, ampak za izrazito prisiljeno navezo. Če so hoteli sploh obstajati, so si morali zaščititi hrbet. Imeli so dve zelo slabi možnosti: ali se pustijo še naprej pobijati komunistom, ali pa se proti temu početju organizacijsko naslonijo na okupatorja; mimo njega se pač ni dalo! Če je od tega imel okupator (dalje na str. 28) Blagoslovljene božične praznike in srečno, zdravo Novo leto želimo vsem! Družina Klesinova 1930 Himrod Street Ridgewood, NY 11385-1231 Namesto božičnih kart pošiljamo pomoči potrebnim NAJ BOŽIČNA ZVEZDA NAJDE PROSTOR V VAŠEM SRCU, KJER UPANJE BLESTI, KJER MIR BOŽIČNI ŠELESTI, KJER LEPOTA SVETEGA VEČERA VEDNO NAJ i i 1 8 f i i § ŽIVI VESEL BOŽIC VSEM ŽELIMO LAH-OVI Vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto zdijo Dr. in ga. David Turk in družina 8572 Windsor Way, Broadview Hts., Ohio 44147 m Vesele in blagoslovljene božične praznike 4? .v. leto! m srečno novo želijo prijateljem in znancem Rudi in Anica Knez in Družina ^ Blagoslovljene božične praznike in srečno novo leto želi vsem prijateljem in znancem n Tony, Vida, Marko in Veronica Oblak Euclid, Ohio $ Vsem članom in prijateljem ® želimo srečno in blagoslovljeno Novo Leto PRISTAVSKI UPOKOJENCI Srečno Novo leto 2002 vsem članom in prijateljem ter rojakom želi Belokranjski klub Cleveland, Ohio DRUŠTVO SLOVENSKIH PROTIKOMUNISTIČNIH BORCEV Cleveland, Ohio želi članom, sobojevnikom, vsem rojakom in njihovim družinam vso srečo v novem letu 2002 VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! DRUŽINA VIKTOR TOMINEC 24912 Pleasant Trail Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! Ivanka Matic z družino Družina Janez Semen Willoughby Hills, Ohio ŽELI VSEM PRIJATELJEM IN ZNANCEM BLAGOSLOVLJEN BOŽIČ IN ZDRAVO, SREČNO NOVO LETO_ Precision Grinding Corp. PRECISION GRINDING AND GENERAL MACHINGING 6717 St. Clair Ave. Phone:391-7294 Želimo vsem rojakom vesele božične praznike in vso srečo v novem letu! Želiva vsem prijateljem in znancem Blagoslovljen Božic, ter zdravo in srečno novo leto. Frank and Ivica Mavsar Cleveland, Ohio Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo teto MARIA BAJC 963 E. 179 St., __________aeveland, OH TU P)_______ Vesele Božične Praznike in Srečno Novo Leto! Heinz Mikota, D.D.S. Tel.: 431-3772 6420 St. Clair Ave & Cleveland, Ohio 44103 28 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 20, 2001 S SPRAVO NAD ZLOČINE (nadajevanje s str. 27) kakšno korist, je to bila samo izrazita posledica, ki pa gre v celoti na rovaš tistega, ki je protirevolucijo povzročil, to pa so bili komunisti s svojim partizansko-revolucio-narnim nasiljem. Za nameček je v intervjuju za Delo dejal: “Mislim, da bi bil poraz slovenstva, če bi si kbt cilj postavili kaznovanje za zločine kolaboracije ali za zločine neposredno po vojni. Za prihodnost slovenstva je potrebna narodna pomiritev ali sprava. To naj bo naš skupni cilj.” Sprava torej! Spet so morali poseči po tej temi. Tako kot so dediči komunistične revolucije hoteli svoje politično-du-hovne očete - revolucionarje - zaščititi s projektom sprave že ob prelomu z diktaturo na začetku 90. let, tako zdaj spet vlečejo ta prosluli projekt na piano. Spravljajmo se torej, saj ni važno kaj piše v ustavi in zakonih. Saj ni važno, da ustava in zakoni za nekatere veljajo, po tej spravaški logiki pa za druge ne. Eni imajo pač moč govoriti in delati vse, drugi nič. Kučanu na kraj pameti ni padlo, da bi ob sodnem preganjanju domobranca Vinka Levstika kaj govoril o “porazu slovenstva”. Deset let je imel za to priložnost. Levstika so preganjali, ga medijsko nenehno linčali in na koncu obsodili na 12 let zapora, ne da bi mu karkoli dokazali -vse na osnovi “rekla kazala". Kučan pa se zdaj, ko se je vsaj malo pisalo o grobiščih povojnih pobojev, ki so širom po Sloveniji, naenkrat spet zateka k spravi. ■ Milan Kučan, predsednik države, nam torej ni povedal nič novega. Spretno je ponovil stari boljševistični obrazec s pomočjo uporabe tipičnih polresnic. Celo svojega strica je moral uporabiti za renoviranje nekega ideološkega mita. Zgodovina bo o takšnem predsedniku prav gotovo izrekala svojo neizbežno sodbo. 18. novemba 2001 VESELA EOŽIČNE PRAVNIKE m SREČNO NOVO EEEO Družina Pavle Košir 7755 Eagle Road Kirtland, Ohio 44094 Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto Tillie Špehar in družina 1886 Brashview Drive Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143-1242 Vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto VOŠČI Pavla Dolinar z družino 1146 E. 60 Street Cleveland, Ohio 4A Sorodnikom, prijateljem, znancem in čitateljem Ameriške Domovine želita Blagoslovjen Božič ter Srečno, zdravo in uspehov Polno novo leto France in Mara Hren Richmond Hts., Ohio Vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto! Stane in Milka Krulc 34900 Glen Kyle Lane Willoughby Hills, Ohio Vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto želi J I j Družina Anton in Marija Lavnsa, 1004 Dillewood Dr., Cleveland, Ohio______j VESELE PRAZNIKE ŽELI Slovenska „ Pristava