SOM vesti s hriba Marec 2012 [ AVSTRALSKO SLOVENSKO SOCIALNO ŠPORTNO DRUŠTVO MELBOURNE INC AUSTRALIAN SLOVENIAN SOCIAL SPORTING ASSOCIATION MELBOURNE INC 82 Ingrams Road, Research, Vic. Australia PO Box 185 Eltham 3095 a n nc_m a rk k'Y/h ot m a i I. com Številka 19 VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE HAPPY AND SAFE EASTER 2012 DRAGI ROJAKI ŠTEFANOVANJE IN SILVESTROVANJE Kar nekaj dogodkov je za nami od kar so zadnjic prispele med vas Vesti s hriba. Predstavila vam bom rojaka, kateri je pred nedavnim praznoval 100 let, na žalost pa moram spet poročati tudi o pokojnih. V Sloveniji se je končno uredila vlada, vendar kriza celotne Evrope pospešuje težkoče tudi v Sloveniji in njeni novi vladi. Te dni so poročila polne samih poplav katere so zajele kar nekaj Vicktorije, NSW in Queenslanda. Ravno na božični dan pa je hudourje zadelo, v popoldanskih urah, Melbourne in povzročilo kar nekaj škode tudi našim rojakom. Vsem skupaj želim vesele, zdrave in prijetne velikonočne praznike. MIKLAVZEVANJE Diamond Creek fire brigade predstavnik - pripeljal Miklavža Letos nas je ponovno obiskal Miklavž in razveselil naše malčke kateri so ga nestrpno pričakovali. Ni jih razočaral, pripeljal se je na gasilskem avtu in tako je otroke še bolj navdušil njegov prihod. Prav presenečeni so se srečali z Miklavžem in njegovim spremstvom, istočasno pa hrepeneli po darilih katera jim je nato hitro razdelil. Zahvaljujemo se Diamond Creek Fire Brigade za prevoz in dodatno pozornost, da so otroci uživali ta dan, saj to je njihov dan veselja, sicer pa včasih kar preveč bogato obdarjeni. Tudi to je ponovno zaživelo da smo se lahko srečali s prijatelji in rojaki, si stisnili roke in zaželeli vse najlepše eden drugemu ter malo pokramljali v domači družbi. Obisk ravno ni bil kaj številčen ne na Štefanovo niti na Silvestrovo, vendar možnost nam je bila dana da smo lahko šli v " Eltham" kamor smo tako radi zahajali že toliko let. Letos mineva 40 let odkar je bil ta naš hribček kuplen. Koliko lepih in prijetnih doživetij nam ostaja v spominu. Koliko lepih srečanj in trdega dela. SUMMERDAYS Frances Johnson-Urbas in Michelle van Beek-Fistrič To je bila zamisel in delo mlajše generacije. Kot smo že slišali, imamo nekaj mladih kateri želijo da se obdrži slovenska kultura, da privabijo k sodelovanju sovrstnike in tako nadeljujejo delo svojih staršev. Viktor Lampe, Ron Smith in John Bird - zanimivost otrokom Prijetnega srečanja, v nedeljo 12 februarja, se je udeležilo lepo število mlajše generacije in tudi nekaj starejših. Kot ena velika družba smo preživeli zelo lep popoldan po zamisli mladih. Upamo da to ni bila edinstvena taka prireditev. Mladim čestitke in hvala za zamisel in trud. Več o tem je napisala Frances Urbas-Johnson. 13. SLOVENSKI FESTIVAL Letos se je vršil že trinajsti slovenski festival in to pri slovenskem društvu Planica, kjer je bil tudi prvi (sicer Tabor) leta 1988. Naslednji, čez dve leti, bo spet pri SDM. Dvodnevni festival, s pričetkom v sototo, 17. in 18. marca se je odvijal v skupnem sodelovanju slovenskih društev: SDM, Planica, Jadran, in Geelong . Sobotnemu uradnemu kulturnemu programu je sledila veselica ob zvokih ansambla Vagabundi iz Slovenije, naslednji dan so se vršile balinarske tekme in pokaži kaj znaš. Na ogled je bila zgodovina posameznih društev, ročna dela in razstava peciva.. Festival je uradno odprl slovenski veleposlanik dr. Milan Balažic. Festivala so se udeležili tudi rojaki iz Canberre. Številna srečanja starih znancev. Krofi na razstavi peciva DRAGI CLANI - FELLOW MEMBERS Since mid November much activity has taken place at SDM: • The Hunters section held a picnic at Westerfolds Park in late November last year. This was very well attended and the day turned out to be perfect • We have successfully held three events in December, the first being Miklavzevanje followed by the Boxing Day picnic and finally to see the year out a New Years Eve Party. • Our biggest function was in February 2012 planned & organised by our next generation of members. The turnout was so large that at one stage all our carparks were full (and that's something that has not happened for a long time.) • We also participated in the 13th successful Slovenian Festival at "Planica" on Sat/Sunday 17718th March 2012. A lot of planning and organising went into this joint function with the clubs from Planica, SDM, Geelong and Jadran. The weekend went well with a good turnout of members from all clubs. Coming up on the 25th March will be the Hunters second picnic for the year which will be held at Westerfolds Park. Unfortunately it could not be held at SDM due to the dining room already being hired out. On Friday 30th March the young ones are holding a 'footy fever' night. Then in April will be the traditional Easter Monday picnic. In May we will organise a Mothers Day lunch with a professional chef at the helm - traditional Slovenian food and something special will be served on the day so we expect a large turnout. Lastly at the end of June we plan to hold a special 21st Slovenian Day of Independence. Invitations will be sent out two weeks before each event to remind you and your families/friends. Work on the ground floor disabled toilet and first floor verandah will proceed as soon as funding is made available from the Victorian Multicultural Commission. In the meantime the committee has re-established our overdraft facility with the ANZ Bank in case we need it. Till the next newsletter, nasvidenje/cheers Stan Penca President Andrew Fistric, Frances Johnsons in Stan Penca SDM SLOVENIAN SUMMERDAYS There has been much discussion recently around the future of Slovenian culture in Australia, particularly the uncertainty of the Slovenian clubs - how will they survive? I would like to share a story with you, which may give some hope. On Saturday, 11th February SAM hosted its first Slovenian Summerdays event. The event was organised by the Sub-Committee for the younger generation, including Amanda Hervatin, Michelle and Stephen Van Beek and myself, Frances Johnson-Urbas. With the guidance of club president, Stan Penca and Treasurer Julija Campelj, planning for the event started in November last year. We wanted to create a day that all ages would enjoy: children, parents and grandparents. We wanted to give something back to all members, who loyally support the club. Over 250 people attended throughout the day, enjoying the BBQ, bocce, animal farm, jumping castles and face painting activities. It was amazing to see so many new and old faces - and from the feedback received thus far, many truly enjoyed the event and were excited to see the club come alive with the positive energy that the event ignited. And Melbourne's changeable weather did not let us down either - it was sunshine all the way! To showcase Slovenian culture, an exhibition was held in the main hall, giving guests a taste of the club's heritage: display of national costumes, France Preseren slideshow honouring the Slovenian poet, many photos from the club's history, the amazing handicrafts of Anica Kodila and the display of Elizabeth Tomazic's beautiful cookbook, From hands and hearts. Of most interest was the cake competition - we had an array of beautiful cakes and sweets entered in the competition. All the sweet delights were later auctioned to the highest bidder, helping to raise money for the club. The place winners for the competition were: Presentation category: 1st- Susie Kollaris (pears, almond cake biscuits and bread basket) 2nd- Sam Pisotek (chocolate mud sandcastle cake) 3rd- Madeline Fistric (coffee cheesecake) Cakes: 1st- Andrea Gregoric (gluten free chocolate cake) 2nd- Mila Remsnik (traditional walnut cake) 3rd- Angelca Polh (home made Doughnuts) Slices and biscuits: 1st- Amanda Hervatin (Apple and sour cream slice) 2nd- Mila Remsnik (apple slices) 3rd- Danila Stolfa (baklava) We live in a wonderful country; Australia is very proud of its multi-culturalism. Slovenian Summerdays made me proud to have both Slovenian and Australian heritage. Watching the crowd enjoying the music entertainment was a highlight. Thank you to the 'youngies' who happily listened to traditional Slovenian music; thank you to the 'oldies' who embraced the Australian music. I know we are all proud of our Slovenian heritage but I am also proud of how well our parents and grandparents assimilated to the Australian way of life. Whilst planning Slovenian Summerdays we also conducted a membership drive, to recruit new members to the club. Prior to the event, we signed up over 40 new members, many of whom visited the club on Slovenian Summerdays. On the day, another 30 new members signed up, giving the club over 70 new members. I sincerely thank these new members and our existing ones, for their commitment, enthusiasm and for having faith in the future of the club. Without our members, there is no club. Whilst on the subject of members, it was overwhelming that our small sub-committee was backed by one of the best support networks to ensure the event was a success. So many amazing people helped out at Summerdays and did it with a smile. It was one of the greatest team efforts I have had the pleasure of being involved with. Thank you to all of you who contributed to the event's success! The membership drive and social events are a small step - the club - all Slovenian clubs - still need to develop further ways to attract the younger generation whilst keeping Slovenian heritage alive. Please take a few moments to let us know what you thought of the event, by completing the enclosed feedback questionnaire. Coming soon....we are launching a website for the club in the coming weeks. Personally, I am passionate about keeping Slovenian culture alive in Australia, whilst blending it with the Australian way of life - just as our parents and grandparents did. If you, or anyone you know is interested in becoming actively involved please contact Frances Johnson - Urbas on 9850 7929 or 0403 423 695. Being involved is not just about working bees! Many of you are astute, intelligent people with extensive business experience and many skills to offer - it's time to think outside the square. Frances Johnson-Urbas Amanda Hervatin Michelle Van Beek Stephen Van Beek Congratulations and a big thank you to all involved. It was a great day for all, as Frances said in the above article. Great effort! NI VSAKOMUR DANO 100 LET ROMAN URŠIČ rojen 24.2.1912 Pred nedavnim je praznoval 100 letnico rojstva, gospod Roman Uršič. Rodil se je v vasi Kozaršče pri Tolminu. V družini je bilo devet otrok: ena sestra in sedem bratov, Roman je bil četrti. Življenje ni bilo lahko. Ž e, kot tri letni otrok je gospod Uršič zaslutil grozote prve svetovne vojne, selitev v tujino, po končani vojni vrnitev na skoraj do tal porušeno domačijo, odsotnost očeta zaradi vojne, bolezen in rana smrt š tirih bratov, sestre in matere vsi zaradi tuberkoloze, hudo ekonomsko stanje med prvo in drugo svetovno vojno in še marsikaj v tistih pomanjkanja polnih in kritičnih časih. Doživel pa je tudi veliko življenskih sprememb, posebno drveče hitrih tehničnih napredkov. Roman je že v rani mladosti opravljal delo kot šofer. Zaposlen je bil na gradnji elektrarne Most na Soči, kjer je spoznal svojo bodočo ženo Frančiško in se leta 1937 z njo poročil, sedaj že šest let po^na. Sledila so dela v Ajbi, Anhovem in nato v Italiji. V zakonu so se rodili trije otroci, Ana Marija, Aleksandra in George, ki je umrl star komaj 34 let. Ima tudi 5 vnukov in 4 pravnuke. Po končani drugi svetovni vojni se je družina znašla v taborišču blizu Napoli in tam se je porodila želja po bolj šem življenju. Prošnja za Ameriko je bila odbita, begunce sta sprejemali Nova Zelandija in Avstralija. Prošnjo za preselitev je zaslišal v Italiji od Dr. Milka Škofiča, moža Gine Lollobrigide. Družina Uršič se je tako septembra 1951, preko Nemčije, znašla v Avstraliji. Najprej so živeli v Bonegilli, od koder je Roman kar hitro odšel na delo v tovarno železa v Brooklynu, Melbourne. Čez dva meseca so sledili še žena in otroci. Najprej so živeli v taborišču Maribyrnong. Frančiška se je zaposlila kot šivilja in so si čez leto dni že kupili lastni dom v Angliss Street, Yarraville. Po štirih letih tovarniškega dela, si je Roman kupil prvi tovornjak in ostal samostojni prevoznik vse do upokojitve, ko je napolnil 68 let. Tudi Slovenijo je večkrat obiskal. Ko so potovali v Avstralijo je bila družina razdeljena na ladji. Žena in otroci so spali v kabini, Roman na slami v pritličju blizu motorjev. Uršičevi so imeli ta privilegij, da so si lahko s seboj pripeljali tudi nekaj osebnih, gospodinjskih predmetov in orodja. Še danes obstojajo, kot na primer nekateri kozarci in krožniki. Lojze Marki c se spominja Romana, ko so s fanti iz Baragovega doma po terenu iskali in nabirali kamenje ki ga je Roman dostavljal v Kew za gradnjo Lurške votline, in nato še gradbeni materijal za gradnjo cerkve. Roman je bil clan prvega upravnega odbora, kot odbornik brez listine, pri SKM - sedaj SDM Roman je po razpadu Italije izgubil Italijansko državljanstvo, Jugoslovanskega nikoli ni imel, niti ni dobil Slovenskega. Je pa nadvse zelo ponosen, ker je med mnogo številnimi drugimi čestitkami, vključno od kraljice Elizabete dobil tudi lastnoročno napisano čestitko od veleposlanika Republike Slovenije v Avstraliji, iz Canberre, Dr. Milana Balažica. Štejem si v veliko čast, da mi je bila dana možnost se pogovarjati z našim rojakom, živeč v Melbournu, kateri je dočakal 100 letnico življenja. Sto let obdobja v katerem je doživel veliko hudega, neizmerno veliko napredkov, veselja in razošaranj. Gospoda Uršiča poznam že veliko let, ko je z veseljem prihajal na srečanja upokojencev v Eltham. Vedno prijazen, nasmejan in vljuden do vsakogar. Takšen je še danes, ko sem se srečala z njim v njegovem prijetnem domu v Yarraville. Preseneca me njegova zbranost in njegov spomin Ne, nebi mu dala 100 let! Uršičeva družina Gospod Uršič še na mnoga zdrava leta vam kličemo vsi pri SDM. Na zdravje! Ni vsak dan praznik in prav je tako! Zato naj ti bo še posebej lepo. Naj zdravje in sreča si roki podata. Naj iskrici svetli v očeh zamigljata, naj usta raztegnejo se ti v nasmeh, naj angel te spremlja na prav vseh poteh, da dan bo, kot se za tvoj praznik poda, naj sreča bo večna, naj se ne konča! Janez Medvešek » Nii vsakomu dano« DEAR MRS GOMIZEL, POKOJNI - ZADNJE SLOVO Thank you very much for lending us the national Slovenian costume. Max looked fantastic in the national dress as you can see in the enclosed photo. I am sure we'll be back next time we've got an international day at school, and also when Chris and Samantha (the 2 year old twins) start school Max, vnuk Marije in Franca Pongračič Če si želite sposoditi narodno nošo, ali če imate slučajno katero od sposojenih še doma, morda teči pozabljena kje v omari, prosim pokličite Dragico Gomizel na 9439 5177 ČESTITKE Čestitke izrekamo Natashi in Marie Pišotek. Obe dekleti sta se odločili da je življenje v dvoje lepše. Natasha se je zaročila s sodelavcem, učiteljem Andrewjem, Marie pa je svojega bodočega moža Heimisha spoznala v Angliji, sicer iz Nove Zelandije. Srečno in uspešno z načrtovanji proti oltarju. Kaj nam pomagajo kupi zlata.......... Spet smo se poslovili od dolgoletnih članov SDM ki so toliko prispevali k našemu uspehu in bili velik del skupnega garanja, veselja in druženja. Vse prehitro ugašuje luč življeneja. ALBIN SMRDEL, rojen v Knežaku leta 1932 se je za vedno poslovil in zatisnil oči 8.januarja 2012 na svojem domu v Greenvale. Pokopan je na pokopališču Keilor. Albin zapušča ženo Tončko, hčerko Magdo in sina Roberta z družinama. PETER KRNEL, rojen v vasi Radohova pri Pivki leta 1945, je mirno in za vedno zapustil to zemeljsko pot v ponedeljek, 27. februarja 2012. Pokopan je na pokopališču Keilor. Pred več kot tridesetimi leti nas je vse hudo pretresla njegova prometna nesreča ki je pustila hude posledice. Vse do nesreče je bil Peter vnet balinar, družaben in marljiv delavec. Za njim žalujejo Sandra, hčerka Julie, sin David z družino, sestri Roza Ogrizek in Mima Č esnik ter drugi številno sorodniki. IVAN SMRDEL, rojen leta 1928 v vasi Selce pri Pivki, je med košnjo trave na svojem vrtu , zadet od srčne kapi, odšel k večnemu počitku 29. februarja 2012. Ivan zapušča ženo Milko in hčerko Tanjo. Vsem sorodnikom in prijateljem izrekamo iskreno sožalje. Naj jim sveti večna luč. Hitro in uspešno okrevanje vsem bolanim, kar nekaj vas je ki ste morali v bolnico. Misleči pa tudi na vas po domovih ostarelih. Thanks again Silvia Pongračič footy tipping COMPETITION 2012! ^^ Thanks to all those people who have already joined the Tipping Competition for 2012. There is still time to join if you are interested. You can join the competition online by typing in the web address below, registering and joining our competition. If the internet is not for you, you can still be a part of this competition! Just call Michelle Fistric on 0438 069 027 to register your interest, and she will be able to give you more information about how to enter your tips weekly. (She will be up at the club on Friday 23rd March at the bocce if you would like any more information) Online Instructions: 1. Type in the link listed here 2. Click the "Click to Register Here" button. 3. After you have registered click the Join a competition 4. Enter the competition Key code: symb2yuh47 FRIDAY FOOTY TIPPING @ SDM Looking for something to do on a Friday night? Friday Footy Fever @SDM is a new initiative that is starting this year! Throughout the football season we will be showing various Friday Night games on the big screen! The bar will be open, door prizes drawn and sweeps for first goal and final score will be happening as well, you may even like to pop down for a bowl in the bocce centre at half time. Doors open at 7:00pm. (***Pizzas can be ordered and delivered to the Club for you.) First match will be on FRIDAY 30TH MARCH - Collingwood vs Hawthorn. SEE YOU THERE! Gathering of the younger generation at SDM —JSgJ IU ____I J&sL, Suzie in Mick Kollaris, magda Pišotek Otroci so se razveselili Miklavža Novozaročenca Marie in Heimish Ročno delo Anice Kodila Ročno delo Anice Kodila mm Plutovi Simon Penca in Damien Pišotek Mladi po srcu - Tine, Tone, Tone, Frane in Stanko SDM vesti s hriba uredila Anica Markič