>>: S •. ' v-* > \V> - t y vv *1 iREnn inzHR RimSKO STEKLO SI0UEI1IJE the Roman gloss of siovEnin yr .1 r'-- RR) ‘v-.1-- ®$8ßj »Sä; •••/.. ■ >$£;M , Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 7 TDFMAIA7AD rimsko steklo Slovenije 11 [AIM THE ROMAN GLASS OF SLOVENIA © 2003, ZRC SAZU, Inštitut za arheologijo. Založba ZRC Uredniški odbor/ Editorial board Jana HORVAT, Andrej PLETERSKI, Anton VELUŠČEK. Prevod/ Translation Barbara SMITH-DEMO Jezikovni pregled besedila / Language advisors Janko GERMADNIK, Mary R. DEMAINE Oblikovanje / Graphic art and design Milojka ŽALIK HUZJAN Fotografije / Photographs Tomaž LAU KO, Matjaž FARIČ, Mitja GUŠTIN, Borut KRIŽ Risbe/ Illustrations Andreja IZLAKAR Izdal in založil / Published by Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU / Institute of archaeology ZRC SAZU Zanj/ For the publisher Oto LUTHAR and Jana HORVAT Glavni urednik / Editor in Chief Vojislav LIKAR Tisk / Printed bv Tiskarna List, Ljubljana 2003 Izid publikacije so omogočili / This publication was funded by the MINISTRSTVO ZA ŠOLSTVO, ZNANOST IN ŠPORT REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE / MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SCIENCE, AND SPORT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA, POKRAJINSKI MUZEJ CELJE / REGIONAL MUSEUM, CEUE Fotografija na ovitku, foto Tomaž Lau ko CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 904(497.4):748 748(37) 666.1(37) LAZAR, Irena, 1962- Rimsko steklo Slovenije = #The #Ronian glass of Slovenia / Irena Lazar; | prevod Barbara Smith-Demo ; fotografije Tomaž Lauko ... |et al.| ; risbe Andreja Izlakar). - Ljubljana : Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2003. - (Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae ; 7) ISBN 961-6500-18-X 126703360 Vse pravice pridržane. Noben de! te izdaje ne sme biti reproduciran, shranjen ali prepisan v kateri koli obliki oz. na kateri koli način, bodisi elektronsko, mehansko, s fotokopiranjem, snemanjem ali kako drugače, brez predhodnega pisnega dovoljenja lastnikov avtorskih pravic (copyrighta). inr\\ t i7in RIMSKO STEKLO SLOVENIJE IKL/NA LALAK THE ROMAN GLASS OF SLOVENIA ZALOŽBA Z R C LJUBLJANA 2003 iTa^fž, VSEBINA PREDGOVOR.........................................................................7 PRAZGODOVINSKO STEKLO V SLOVENIJI.............................................10 PREGLED RAZISKAV RIMSKEGA STEKLA V SLOVENIJI..................................15 TIPOLOGIJA, KRONOLOGIJA IN KATALOG RIMSKEGA STEKLA SLOVENIJE.................... 17 TERMINOLOGIJA...............................................................17 OBLIKOVANJE SKUPIN STEKLENIH IZDELKOV.......................................24 OBRAZLOŽITEV KATALOGA IN LEGENDA............................................27 LEGENDA..................................................................28 IZDELKI, ULITI V KALUP....................................................... 29 OPIS TEHNIKE............................................................... 29 PREGLED OBLIK...............................................................33 SKUPINA 1 - KROŽNIKI ....................................................33 SKUPINA 2 - SKODELICE................................................... 34 SKUPINA 8 - POSODICE ZA OLJA IN DIŠAVE...................................44 IZDELKI, PIHANI V KALUP.......................................................46 OPIS TEHNIKE................................................................46 PREGLED OBLIK.............................................................. 50 SKUPINA 2 - SKODELICE................................................... 50 skupina 3 - Čaše.........................................................52 SKUPINA 6 - STEKLENICE...................................................53 SKUPINA 10 - OSTALO..................................................... 55 PROSTO PIHANI IZDELKI........................................................ 56 OPIS TEHNIKE............................................................... 56 PREGLED OBLIK....................r..........................................64 SKUPINA 1 - KROŽNIKI ....................................................64 SKUPINA 2 - SKODELICE....................................................68 SKUPINA 3 - ČAŠE.........................................................87 SKUPINA 4 - ZAJEMALKE.................................................. 122 SKUPINA 5 - VRCl....................................................... 126 SKUPINA 6 - STEKLENICE..................................................139 SKUPINA 7 - LONCI.......................................................158 SKUPINA 8 - POSODICE ZA OLJA IN DIŠAVE..................................168 SKUPINA 9 - SVETILKE....................................................197 SKUPINA 10 - RAZNO......................................................201 PROIZVODNJA RIMSKEGA STEKLA V SLOVENIJI.........................................209 STEKLO IN NJEGOVE LASTNOSTI................................................209 PECI....................................................................210 RIMSKE STEKLARSKE PECl..................................................210 SLEDOVI RIMSKIH STEKLARSKIH OBRATOV V CELJU, LJUBLJANI IN KRANJU...........214 STEKLARSKE PEČ! NA PTUJU................................................219 REKONSTRUKCIJA STEKLARSKIH PEČI.........................................220 STEKLARSKI ODPADKI OB PEČEH........................................... 224 KATALOG..................................................................... 231 ZAKLJUČEK.............................4^.......%\............................233 LITERATURA................................................................. 245 TABLE.......................................... M............................253 * W CONTENTS PREFACE........................................................................ PREHISTORIC GLASS IN SLOVENIA .............................................. A REVIEW OF RESEARCH INTO ROMAN GLASS IN SLOVENIA........................... TYPOLOGY, CHRONOLOGY AND CATALOGUE OF THE ROMAN GLASS OF SLOVENIA.............. TERMINOLOGY............................................................... GROUPS OF GLASS PRODUCTS ACCORDING TO FORM................................ EXPLANATION OF THE CATALOGUE AND CAPTIONS................................. SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS.............................................. CAST PRODUCTS............................................................... DESCRIPTION OF THE TECHNIQUE.............................................. REVIEW OF FORMS........................................................... GROUP 1 - PLATES....................................................... GROUP 2 - BOWLS........................................................ GROUP 8 - VESSELS FOR OIL AND PERFUME.................................. MOULD-BLOWN PRODUCTS........................................................ DESCRIPTION OF THE TECHNIQUE.............................................. REVIEW OF FORMS........................................................... GROUP 2 - BOWLS........................................................ GROUP 3 - BEAKERS...................................................... GROUP 6 - BOTTLES...................................................... GROUP 10- MISCELLANEOUS ............................................... FREE-BLOWN PRODUCTS......................................................... DESCRIPTION OF THE TECHNIQUE.............................................. REVIEW OF FORMS........................................................... GROUP 1 - PLATES....................................................... GROUP 2 - BOWLS........................................................ GROUP 3 - BEAKERS...................................................... GROUP 4- LADLES........................................................ GROUP 5 - JUGS......................................................... GROUP 6 - BOTTLES...................................................... GROUP 7 - STORAGE VESSELS AND URNS..................................... GROUP 8 - VESSELS FOR OIL AND PERFUME/COSMETICS........................ GROUP 9 - LAMPS........................................................ GROUP 10 - MISCELLANEOUS .............................................. THE PRODUCTION OF ROMAN GLASS IN SLOVENIJA GLAS AND ITS QUALITIES.................................................... FURNACES............................................................... ROMAN GLASS FURNACES................................................... REMAINS OF ROMAN GLASS PRODUCTION CENTERS IN CELJE, LJUBLJANA AND KRANJ .... THE GLASS-WORKING FURNACES AT PTUJ .................................... RECONSTRUCTION OF THE FURNACES......................................... GLASS WASTE FROM THE FURNACES.......................................... CATALOGUE................................................................... CONCLUSION ................................................................. BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................ PLATES...................................................................... ...7 . 10 . 15 .. 17 .. 17 „24 ..27 . 28 . 29 . 29 . 33 . 33 . 34 . 44 . 46 . 46 . 50 . 50 . 52 . 53 . 55 . 56 . 56 . 64 . 64 . 68 ..87 123 126 139 158 168 198 202 209 210 210 219 214 .219 224 ,231 233 245 253 PREDGOVOR PREFACE Monografija Rimsko steklo Slovenije je v manjši meri prilagojena doktorska disertacija Rimsko steklo Slovenije, kije nastala pod mentorstvom izr. prof. dr. Božidarja Slapšaka in je bila ohranjena februarja 2002 na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. V knjigi je zajeto objavljeno stekleno gradivo z območja Slovenije, z izjemo emonskega. Precejšen del zajema tudi neobjavljeno gradivo, ki so ga dali na razpolago kolegi iz različnih ustanov po Sloveniji, pomembno pa je gradivo ptujskih steklarskih delavnic, ki gaje izkopal pokojni Blagoj Jevremov (Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj). Gradivo z emonskih nekropol ni vključeno v monografijo kataloško, temveč je upoštevano le kot primerjave. Izpuščeno je bilo na željo vodje emonskih izkopavanj dr. Ljudmile Plesničar Gec, kije obdelovala gradivo emonskih grobišč v mednarodnem projektu, v katerem je bilo posebej obravnavano tudi stekleno gradivo. Na tem mestu bi se rada posebej zahvalila kolegici Marjani Tomanič Jevremov (Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj), ki mi je izročila v obdelavo in objavo neobjavljeno gradivo in dokumentacijo z izkopavanj Blagoja Jevremova, mi pomagala pri obdelavi ter me opozorila na mnoge najdbe v depoju ptujskega muzeja, povezane s proizvodnjo stekla v tem mestu. Ogled neobjavljenih steklenih najdb z izkopavanj in njihovo vključitev v študijo so mi omogočili še naslednji kolegi: Alma Bavdek in Tine Schein (Notranjski muzej Postojna), Saša Djura Jelenko (Koroški pokrajinski muzej Slovenj Gradec), dr. Marko Frelih (Logatec), prof. ddr. Mitja Guštin (Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za arheologijo), Alenka Jovanovič (Posavski muzej Brežice), Snježana Karinja (Pomorski muzej Sergej Mašera Piran), Milan Sagadin (ZVKDS OE Kranj), Marija Lubšina Tušek in Ivan Tušek (ZVKDS OE Maribor), Nada Osmuk (ZVKDS OE Nova Gorica), izr. prof. dr. Božidar Slapšak (Filozofska fakulteta. Oddelek za arheologijo), mag. Marko Stokin (ZVKDS OE Piran), Andrej Šemrov (Numizmatični kabinet NMS). Vsem se na tem mestu še enkrat iskreno zahvaljujem. This monograph, The Roman Glass of Slovenia, differs only in minor details from the doctoral dissertation of the same title, written under the mentorship of Prof. Božidar Slapšak, and defended in February 2002 at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana. The book encompasses all the published glass material from the territory of Slovenia, with the exception of that from Emona. It also encompasses part of the unpublished material, which was made available by colleagues from various institutions throughout Slovenia. Particularly important is also the material from the glass workshops of Ptuj, excavated by the late Blagoj Jevremov (Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj) that was also made available. The material from the cemeteries of Emona is not included and is referred to only for analogies. It was left out in accordance with the wishes of the director of the Emona excavations, Dr. Ljudmila Plesničar Gec, who studied the material from the Emona cemeteries in an international project, where the glass material was dealt with separately. I would especially like to thank my colleague Marjana Tomanič Jevremov (Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj), who made available to me for study and publication unpublished material and documentation from the excavations of Blagoj Jevremov, helped me with the analysis, and drew my attention to many finds in the storerooms of the Ptuj museum related to the production of Roman glass at this site. Examination of unpublished glass finds from excavations and their inclusion in this study was also made possible by the following colleagues: Alma Bavdek and Tine Schein (Notranjski muzej Postojna), Saša Djura Jelenko (Koroški pokrajinski muzej Slovenj Gradec), Dr. Marko Frelih (Logatec), Prof. Mitja Guštin (Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology), Alenka Jovanovič (Posavski muzej Brežice), Snježana Karinja (Pomorski muzej Sergej Mašera Piran), Milan Sagadin (ZVKDS OE Kranj), Marija Lubšina Tušek and Ivan Tušek (ZVKDS OE Maribor), Nada Osmuk (ZVKDS OE Nova Gorica), Prof. Božidar Slapšak (Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology), Marko Stokin MA (ZVKDS OE Piran), Andrej Šemrov (Numismatic Za ogled steklenega gradiva v depojih in zbirkah se zahvaljujem tudi dr. Janki Istenič (Narodni muzej Slovenije), Borutu Križu (Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto), doc. dr. Vereni Vidrih Perko (Gorenjski muzej Kranj) in Mojci Vomer Gojkovič (Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj). Mag. Gudrun Glöckner gre zahvala (Graz, Avstrija), da je omogočila brezplačne analize vzorcev stekla v okviru projekta »Multi-Element-Determination in Roman Glasses«. Analize je opravil mag. Oliver Schwinger, Institut für Analytische Chemie, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (Avstrija). V knjigo so vključene fotografije steklenega gradiva iz mnogih slovenskih muzejev. Fotografiranje so mi omogočili dr. Janka Istenič (Narodni muzej Slovenije v Ljubljani), Alenka Jovanovič (Posavski muzej Brežice), Borut Križ (Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto), Marjana Tomanič Jevremov, Mojca Vomer Gojkovič in Ivan Žižek (Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj). Hvala tudi dr. Erichu Hudeczku iz Deželnega muzeja (Landesmuseum Joanneum) v Gradcu, ki mi je dovolil objavo ptujskega gradiva, ki je shranjeno v graškem muzeju. Odlične fotografije so skoraj v celoti delo Tomaža Lauka (Narodni muzej Slovenije), za kar se mu najtopleje zahvaljujem. Hvala tudi Matjažu Fariču, Mitji Guštinu in Borutu Križu, ki so prav tako prispevali slikovno gradivo za monografijo. Risbe gradiva in računalniško pripravo tabel je izdelala Andreja Izlakar, diapozitive je pripravil Dragutin Valoh, karte in grafe pa Mateja Belak. Zahvaljujem se predstojnici dr. Jani Horvat in Inštitutu za arheologijo ZRC SAZU za razumevanje in vključitev te monografije v njihovo serijo. Pri nastanku publikacije so mi bili v pomoč tudi Andreja Dolenc Vičič, Dragica Knific Lunder, Primož Pavlin in dr. Anton Velušček. Posebno zahvalo dolgujem dr. Mary R. DeMaine, specialistki za antično steklo iz Minneapolisa v Minnesoti (ZDA). Ves čas je podpirala moje delo in mi tudi jezikovno pregledala prevedeno besedilo. S svojim prijateljstvom in naklonjenostjo mi je odprla mnoga vrata v tujini, omogočila stike s tujimi strokovnjaki in udeležbo na mednarodnih posvetovanjih ter mi podarila svojo knjižnico rimskega stekla z redkimi starimi publikacijami. Čeprav je monografija posvečena rimskemu steklu, zaradi izjemnih prazgodovinskih najdb uvodoma na kratko predstavljamo arheološko zapuščino starejših obdobij. S tem smo želeli opozoriti na bogato tradicijo te obrti že v predrimski dobi in možen obstoj lokalnih delavnic v času starejše železne dobe. Knjigo sestavljata dva dela. Prvi del je posvečen predstavitvi steklenih izdelkov, ki se na slovenskem prostoru pojavljajo v rimski dobi, oziroma od 1. do 5. stoletja. Predstavljene so do leta 2000 objavljene najdbe in del neobjavljenega gradiva. Izdelki so najprej deljeni v tri večje skupine glede na tehniko izdelave (uporaba Cabinet, NMS). I would like once more to express my sincere gratitude to them all. For examination of glass material in storerooms and collections, I would also like to thank Dr. Janka Istenič (Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana), Borut Križ (Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto), Dr. Verena Vidrih Perko (Gorenjski muzej Kranj) and Mojca Vomer Gojkovič (Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj). Thanks must also go to Gudrun Glöckner MA (Graz, Austria), who enabled analysis of glass samples free of charge in the framework of the “Multi-Element-Determination in Roman Glasses” project. Analysis was performed by Oliver Schwinger MA, Institut für Analytische Chemie, Karl-Franzens-Universitiit, Graz (Austria). Photographs of glass material from many Slovenian museums are included in the book, and permission to photograph was granted by Dr. Janka Istenič (Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana), Alenka Jovanovič (Posavski muzej Brežice), Borut Križ (Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto), Marjana Tomanič Jevremov, Mojca Vomer Gojkovič, and Ivan Žižek (Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj). I would also like to thank Dr. Erich Hudeczek of the Landesmuseum Joanneum in Graz, who permitted the publication of the material from Ptuj kept in this museum in Austria. The excellent photographs are almost entirely all the work of Tomaž Lauko, for which I warmly thank him. I would also like to thank Matjaž Farič, Prof. Mitja Guštin, and Borut Križ, who also contributed illustrative material for this work. The drawings of the material and the computer preparation of the tables were made by Andreja Izlakar, the slides by Dragutin Valoh, and the graphs by Mateja Belak. I am grateful to Dr. Jana Horvat, head of the Institute of Archaeology ZRC SAZU, for her understanding and the inclusion of this monograph in their series. The following from the same institution also aided me in preparing the publication: Andreja Dolenc Vičič, Dragica Knific Lunder, Primož Pavlin, and Dr. Anton Velušček. My special thanks goes to Dr. Mary R. DeMaine, a specialist for Roman glass from Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA). She supported my work and also edited my text in English. With her friendship and benevolence she opened many doors for me in foreign places, enabled contacts with foreign experts and participation at international conferences, and also gave me her library on Roman glass, with rare older publications. Although this study is dedicated to Roman glass, due to the existence of exceptional prehistoric finds, a brief presentation of the archaeological legacy from earlier periods serves as an introduction. We wished to draw attention to the rich tradition of this craft even in the kalupa, pihanje v kalup in prosto pihanje), kot je v navadi pri drugih objavah steklenega gradiva, znotraj tega pa skupine izdelkov in njihovih oblik. Za boljše razumevanje izrazov so pred vsakim sklopom predstavljeni steklarska tehnika in rezultati najnovejših raziskav. Datiranje posameznih oblik je bilo povsod, kjer je mogoče, opredeljeno na osnovi grobnih celot in ostalih datiranih kontekstov s slovenskih najdišč, v primeru posamičnih najdb sloni časovna opredelitev na primerjavah z gradivom z drugih evropskih najdišč. Tudi če je bilo za posamezno obliko na voljo malo ožje datiranih najdb, smo se odločili za datacijo na osnovi primerjav z najdbami z drugih evropskih najdišč. Na koncu poglavja so priložene preglednice oblik za vsako steklarsko tehniko posebej. V drugem del publikacije predstavljamo do sedaj neobjavljeno gradivo s petovionskih steklarskih delavnic na Spodnji Hajdini. Uvodoma smo zaradi boljšega razumevanja značilnosti obdelave in izdelave steklenih posod predstavili osnovne lastnosti stekla kot materiala in možnosti njegovega oblikovanja. Pregled stanja raziskav o lokalni proizvodnji stekla v rimski dobi na Slovenskem pa uvaja v raziskavo o proizvodnji stekla v Petovioni. Glavni poudarek velja ostankom steklarskih peči, delavniškim odpadkom in rekonstrukciji ter interpretaciji izkopanega gradiva. V zaključku sta oba dela združena v celoto in na osnovi obravnavanega gradiva so predstavljene glavne značilnosti razvoja lokalne steklarske obrti, trgovske poti, uporaba steklenega gradiva v vsakdanjem življenju, odnos med posameznimi skupinami izdelkov in odraz razvoja ter romanizacije našega prostora skozi ta del materialne kulture. Posebej je označena in zbrana tudi vsa bibliografija objav rimskega stekla v Sloveniji. pre-Roman period, along with the possible existence of local workshops in the period of the early Iron Age. The book consists of two sections. The first part is dedicated to the presentation of the glass products found in Slovenia from the Roman period, i.e. from the Is' to the 5"' centuries AD. Finds published up to 2000 are presented, as well as some of the unpublished material. The products are first classified into three major groups based on the technique of manufacture (core-dipping, mould-blowing, and free- blowing), as is the practice in other publications of glass material, followed by the definition of specific groups of products and their forms. To better understand the terminology, the glass making technique is presented for each group, along with results of the most recent research. The dating of individual forms was wherever possible determined on the basis of grave units and other dated contexts from Slovenian sites, while only in the case of individual finds was the chronological determination based on comparisons with material from other European sites. Similarly, if few specifically dated finds were available for individual forms, dating was preferred on the basis of comparisons with finds from other European sites. Tables of forms for each glass making technique are provided separately at the end of every chapter. The second part of the publication consists of as yet unpublished material from the glass workshops of Poetovio at the site of Spodnja Hajdina. As an introduction, for better comprehension of the characteristics of the treatment and production of glass vessels, we have discussed the basic nature of glass as a material and the possibilities of its formation. A review of the state of research into the local production of glass in the Roman period in Slovenia leads into an investigation of the production of glass at Poetovio. The main emphasis is placed on the remains of glass furnaces, manufacturing debris, and the reconstruction and interpretation of the excavated material. In the conclusion, both sections have been fully integrated, and on the basis of the analyzed material, the main characteristics are presented of the development of the local glass-working craft, trade routes, the use of glass material in everyday life, the relations between individual groups of products, and the reflection of the development and Romanization of Slovenia as seen through this aspect of the material culture. All publications referring to Roman glass in Slovenia are separately noted and collected in the bibliography. PRAZGODOVINSKO STEKLO V SLOVENIJI Prvi stekleni predmeti, to so predvsem steklene jagode in predmeti za okraševanje, so znani iz srede 3. tisočletja pr. n. š. Kosi surovega stekla in drobni stekleni izdelki, odkriti na najdiščih današnjega Iraka (Ešnuna, Eridu), kažejo, da so Sumerci prvi poznali skrivnost proizvodnje in obdelave stekla (Grose 1989, 45). Steklene posode se pojavijo več stoletij kasneje, okrog leta 1500. Med najstarejše sodijo najdbe z najdišč hetitskega kraljestva (Nuzi, Tel al-Rimah) in Sirije (Ninive, Ašana); njihovo uporabo omenjajo tudi pisni viri (Grose 1989, 46). V Sloveniji so prve steklene najdbe znane iz obdobja kulture žarnih grobišč. Najstarejši grob s stekleno jagodo je grob 289 iz Dobove iz 11. stoletja pr. n. š. (Stare 1975, t. 41: 3). V mlajših grobovih kulture žarnih grobišč, v 9. in 8. st. pr. n. š., je steklenih ogrlic vse več. Jagode so najprej večinoma zelo majhne (pr. 0,4-0,6 cm), bele ali Sl. 1: Drobne steklene jagode so prilagali v grobove že v kulturi žarnih grobišč. Novo mesto, Mestne njive, gr. 295, Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto (foto: T. Lauko). Fig. I: Tiny glass beads were used as grave goods as early as the Urnfield Culture. Novo mesto, Mestne njive, gr. 295, Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto (photo: T. Lauko). * V •' "T-> * /> , ‘■'V. H •v n*'' y „ -v"> % N •v > ^ * Sa'*. i ' ' J* ■ ' C - -A v. , ^ § O * '1r PREHISTORIC GLASS IN SLOVENIA The first glass objects recovered to date are primarily glass beads and other decorative items. They are known from the mid 3rd millennium BC. Fragments of raw glass and tiny glass products discovered at sites in present day Iraq (Eshnuna, Eridu) indicate that the Sumerians first knew the secrets of producing and working glass (Grose 1989,45). Glass vessels appear several centuries later, around 1500 BC. Among the eldest are finds from sites of the Hittitte Kingdom (Nuzi, Tell al-Rimah) and Syria (Ashana, Niniveh); their use is also mentioned by written sources (Grose 1989, 46). In Slovenia, the first glass finds are known from the Urnfield Culture period. The oldest grave with a glass bead is grave 289 from Dobova, from the II"1 century BC(Stare 1975, pi. 41: 3). In later graves of the Urnfield Culture, from the 9lh and 8"1 centuries BC, glass necklaces become more common. The beads were first very small (dia. 0.4 - 0.6 cm), and were white or blue (Fig. I). Several graves at the site of Mestne njive in Novo mesto from the Bronze Age - Iron Age transition contain large blue beads with white or yellow eyes (Križ 1995, pi. 57: 113). In the early Iron Age, glass decorations in the European (and Slovenian) region experienced an extraordinary augmentation in colour and form, and the first glass vessels appeared. Glass beads were usually strung on long necklaces, and they are also found sewn onto clothing. Beads are circular, barrel-shaped, tubular, shaped like baskets, ram heads, or birds, and some have iron loops for hanging (Križ 1997,38 below). The colour combinations are highly variegated, and the decorative motifs include wavy lines, dots, zigzags, eyes and applied elements of differently coloured glass (Haevernick 1974, 61). Tumulus I at Stična contained 20500 glass beads (Haevernick 1974, 62), and a grave at Magdalenska gora was also rich, but only 7310 glass beads were found in it (Rutar 1894, 184). Several decorative brooches - fibulae were also adorned with glass. The “porcupine" fibulae are particularly interesting, found at Magdalenska gora, Vače, Brezje, Šmarjeta (Haevernick 1959, Taf. 1:1-8). The bow of these fibulae has a bronze wire core surrounded by a coating of transparent blue-green glass with spiky applied elements. The coating of dark blue glass that ornaments the fibula from Boštanj is decorated with glass threads in a contrasting yellow colour, drawn out in a zigzag design, and with beads in the shape of eyes (Haevernick 1959, Taf. 2: 8, 9). The bow of the fibulae from Rovišče was also made differently; amber glass was wound in a spiral around the wirecore, and the decoration was completed with small glass projections modre barve (sl. /). V nekaterih grobovih z Mestnih njiv v Novem mestu, ki sodijo v prehod iz bronaste v železno dobo, se pojavljajo tudi večje modre jagode z belimi ali rumenimi očesci (Križ 1995, t. 57: 113). V starejši železni dobi doživi stekleno okrasje v evropskem in slovenskem prostoru izreden razcvet v barvah in oblikah, pojavijo pa se tudi prve steklene posode. Steklene jagode so običajno nanizane v dolge ogrlice, najdemo jih tudi našite na oblačilih. Jagode so okrogle, sodčaste, cevaste, oblikovane kot košarice, ovnove glavice ali ptice, nekatere imajo celo železne zanke za obešanje (Križ 1997, 38 spodaj). Barvne kombinacije so zelo pestre, okrasni motivi obsegajo valovnice, pike, cik-cak linije, očesca in aplike drugobarvnega stekla (Haevernick 1974, 61). V gomili I iz Stične je bilo najdenih 20500 steklenih jagod (Haevernick 1974,62), prav tako bogat pa je bil grob z Magdalenske gore, v katerem pa so našteli le 7310 steklenih jagod (Rutar 1894, 184). S steklom so bile obogatene tudi nekatere okrasne zaponke - fibule. Med njimi so še posebej zanimive fibule ježevke, najdene na Magdalenski gori, v Vačah, na Brezju in Šmarjeti (Haevernick 1959, Taf. 1: 1-8). Lok teh fibul ima na bronastem žičnatem jedru obloge, oblikovane iz prozornega modro-zelenkastega stekla, z ježastimi aplikacijami. Oblogi iz temno modro obarvanega stekla, ki krasita fibuli iz Boštanja, sta okrašeni s steklenimi nitmi v kontrastni rumeni barvi, raztegnjenimi v cik-cak motiv, in z jagodami v obliki očesc (Haevernick 1959, Taf. 2: 8, 9). Spet drugače sta izdelana loka fibul iz Rovišča, kjer je steklo jantarne barve v obliki spirale ovito okrog jedra, na sredini pa okras dopolnjujejo še steklene bunčice (Haevernick 1959, Taf. 2:5,7). Fibule s stekleno oblogo se pojavljajo predvsem v 6. st. pr. n. š. (Gabrovec 1987, 49). Izjemen pojav v grobovih jugovzhodnoalpskega prostora so tudi majhne posodice z vertikalnimi rebri na ostenju. Verjetno gre za izdelke narejene v kalupu, ki so jim nato naknadno narebrili ostenje (Haevernick 1958a, 14). V Sloveniji jih poznamo v 5. stoletju pr. n. š. v Mostu na Soči (Haevernick 1958a, Taf. 1:4-5; 2; 3: 1, 2) in Črnolici pod Ritnikom (sl. 2) (Pirkmajer 1994, sl. 40). Izdelane so iz naravno obarvanega, rahlo zelenkastega stekla, iz obarvanega stekla jantarno rjave barve ali iz modro obarvanega stekla v različnih odtenkih. Predvsem modre skodelice so pogosto okrašene z nitmi drugobarvnega stekla v ravnih ali cikcak linijah. Nekatere iz Mosta na Soči imajo tudi presegajoč, narebren ročaj (Haevernick I958a, Taf. 2: 3-6). Nekateri avtorji domnevajo, da so bile te skodelice namenjene shranjevanju kozmetičnih proizvodov (Fossing 1940, 56); glede na velikost in izdelavo ustja pa lahko potrdimo, da niso bile pripravne za pitje. Razvejani trgovski stiki kultur starejše železne dobe jugovzhodno alpskega prostora s svetom zahodnih in sredozemskih kultur se ne odražajo le v izbranih importih kovinskih in keramičnih izdelkov, ampak tudi v steklenem gradivu. Mednje sodijo posodice, izdelane (Haevernick 1959, Taf. 2: 5, 7). Fibulae with a glass coating appear primarily in the 6"’ century BC (Gabrovec 1987,49). An exceptional element in the graves of the southeastern Alpine region is represented by small vessels with vertical ribbing on the walls. These were probably products made in a mould, the walls of which were ribbed subsequently (Haevernick 1958a, 14). They are known in Slovenia from the 5"' century BC from Most na Soči (Haevernick 1958a, Taf. I: 4-5; 2; 3: 1, 2) and Črnolica beneath Rifnik (SI. 2 - Pirkmajer 1994, Fig. 40). They were made from naturally coloured, slightly greenish glass, and from coloured glass of amber brown or blue in various shades. Primarily blue cups were frequently decorated with threads of other coloured glass in straight or zigzag lines. Some from Most na Soči also had an extended, ribbed handle (Haevernick 1958a, Taf. 2: 3-6). Some authors consider that these cups were intended for the storage of cosmetic products (Fossing 1940, 56); in terms of their size and the formation of the rim it can be stated that they were not intended for drinking. The developed trading contacts of the early Iron Age Culture of the southeastern Alpine region with the world of the western European and Mediterranean culture is not reflected merely in high quality imported metal and pottery goods, but also in the glass material. This includes vessels made on a core, which had the widest distribution among products of the Hellenistic glassworks in the Mediterranean. They were created by dipping a previously prepared core attached to a rod into a mass of molten glass. Glass threads in other colours were added to the base form, formed into various zigzag decorations with a rod, and they were pressed into the base by marvering or rolling. The handles and base were made separately and were then attached to the vessel. When the product cooled, the core was scraped out. An almost entirely preserved core-made vessel was found at Stična (Kastelic 1960, Pl. 3: 2). The double handled blue flask (amphorisk) was decorated with multicoloured glass threads in a zigzag motif, supplemented by simple lines on the neck and shoulders. Fragments of identical products are also known from the tumuli at Šmarjeta (Dular 1991, Pl. 29: 26-28). One of them contained a small dark blue vessel with a handle and the rim bordered with a yellow glass thread. The walls were decorated with yellow and pale blue glass threads, drawn into peacock feather or zigzag motifs. In both cases, on the basis of analogies, these vessels can be classified as products of Mediterranean workshops from the end of the 6lh to the beginning of the 4"' century (Harden 1981,77, Pl. II: 175-190). The exceptionally variegated palette of glass beads and other decorative objects found in early Iron Age sites in the southeastern Alpine region, which have na jedru, ki so najbolj razširjen izdelek helenističnih steklarskih delavnic v Sredozemlju. Nastale so z nanašanjem steklene mase na vnaprej pripravljeno jedro, pritrjeno na palico. Na osnovno surovino so dodali steklene niti v drugi barvi, jih s palico oblikovali v različne cik-cak okrase in jih nato z valjanjem vtisnili v podlago. Ročaje in noge so izdelali posebej in jih nato pritrdili na posodo. Ko seje izdelek ohladil, so jedro izpraskali. Skoraj v celoti ohranjena posodica, izdelana na jedru, je bila najdena v Stični (Kastelic 1960, t. 3: 2). Dvoročajna modra steklenička (amforisk) je po ostenju okrašena z večbarvnimi nitmi stekla v cik-cak motivu, ki ga dopolnjujejo še enostavne linije po vratu in ramenu. Odlomke enakih izdelkov poznamo tudi iz gomile v Šmarjeti (Dular 1991, t. 29: 26-28). Eden od njih je pripadal posodici temno modre barve z ročajem, ustje obroblja rumena steklena nit. Po ostenju je okrašena z rumenimi in svetlo modrimi steklenimi nitmi, potegnjenimi v motiv pavjih peres oziroma cik-caka. V obeh primerih gre po analogijah za izdelke mediteranskih delavnic od konca 6. do začetka 4. stoletja (Harden 1981, 77, t. 11: 175-190). Izredno pestra paleta steklenih jagod in ostalih okrasnih predmetov v starejši železni dobi na jugovzhodno alpskem prostoru nam s številnimi izvirnimi oblikami, barvami in okrasi, najdenimi samo na tem prostoru, ponuja domnevo, da so tu delovale steklarske delavnice. Na to možnost je prva opozorila že T. E. Haever-nick, kije proučevala steklene jagode s slovenskih najdišč (1974, 65). Nove najdbe, predvsem iz gomil na Kapiteljski njivi v Novem mestu (Križ 1997, 37), so paleto barv in oblik steklenih jagod iz starejše železne" dobe še obogatile (.s/. 3). Prav zaradi tega se zdi domneva o lokalni proizvodnji toliko bolj verjetna. Žal imamo zaenkrat v celoti raziskanih predvsem veliko grobišč. Raziskanost prazgodovinskih naselbin, kjer bi lahko odkrili sledove steklarske obrti, pa je precej bolj skromna. Poleg tega za izdelavo jagod zadošča že peč manjših dimenzij, odpadkov je malo, zato je verjetnost, da bi odkrili ostanke take peči, majhna. Verjetno je, daje steklo kot surovina prišlo v naše kraje oziroma halštatska središča kot import ali rezultat trgovske izmenjave in je tu tekla le proizvodnja jagod. Druga možnost so tudi potujoči obrtniki, ki so se selili iz kraja v kraj, postavili peč in v nekem daljšem časovnem obdobju zadostili potrebam, željam in okusu prebivalcev posameznih naselbin. Jagode bi bile lahko izdelane tudi v delavnicah izven našega ozemlja, vendar po naročilu in okusu odjemalcev z Dolenjske. Morda so služile celo kot neke vrste plačilno sredstvo. Taki primeri so poznani v srednjeveški steklarski industriji (Calvi di Coenzo 1996, 10). Dokler nimamo neposrednih dokazov za izdelavo jagod v prazgodovinskih naselbinah, ostaja ideja o lokalni proizvodnji in steklarski obrti samo hipoteza. Sl. 2: Odlomka steklenih posodic iz gomile v Črnolici pod Rifnikom (a) in kopiji (h, c) obeh posodic. 5. st. pr. n. š„ Pokrajinski muzej Celje (foto: T. Lauko). Fig. 2: Fragments of glass vessels from Ihe tumulus at Črnolica under Rifnik (a) and copies (b, c) of both vessels. 5"'century BC, Pokrajinski muzej Celje (photo: T. Lauko). forms, colours, and decorations exclisive to this area, leads to the conclusion that glass workshops were active in this region. This possibility was first noted by T. E. Haevernick, who studied the glass beads from Slovenian sites (1974, 65). New finds, primarily from the tumuli at Kapiteljske njive in Novo mesto (Križ 1997, 37) have further enriched the palette of colours and forms of early Iron Age glass beads (Fig. 3). Sl.Raznolike oblike steklenih jagod iz halštatskih grobov v Novem mestu. 6.-5. st. pr. n. š.. Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto (foto: B. Križ). Fig. J: Various forms of glass beads from Hallstatt graves at Novo mesto. 6"'-5"' centuries BC, Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto (photo: B. Križ). Stekleno gradivo mlajše železne dobe kaže značilnosti, ki ga ločijo od izdelkov starejše železne dobe. V ogrlice nanizanih jagod je v tem obdobju zelo malo, velikokrat gre za dediščino staroselskih prebivalcev. V latenskih grobovih na Kapiteljski njivi v Novem mestu prepoznamo številne oblike jagod, ki so bile v uporabi v starejši železni dobi (Križ 2001, 61). V srednjelatenskem obdobju pa se pojavljajo tudi novi tipi, z drugačnim okrasom (Križ 2001, 125 - gr. 471; 126-gr. 491), kvaliteta izdelave pa je precej slabša kot pri izdelkih iz starejše železne dobe. Daleč najbolj razširjena oblika v mlajši železni dobi, posebej v srednje latenskem obdobju, so steklene zapestnice (sl. 4). Pri izdelavi zapestnic so najprej na palici oblikovali debelejšo stekleno jagodo oziroma prstan in ga nato s pomočjo druge palice in ob stalnem vrtenju raztegnili do željene velikosti; vzorci so nastali z valjanjem prstana po matrici oziroma modelu, preden so zapestnico raztegnili (Korfmann 1966, 53-54). Pojavljajo se različice v prozorni, rumenkasti in temno modri barvi, pogosto so okrašene še s trakovi drugo- The hypothesis of local production seems yet more likely because of this. Unfortunately, complete excavation has been undertaken primarily in large cemeteries. Research into prehistoric settlements, where traces of glass-working could be discovered, has been quite limited. Additionally, a furnace of small dimensions is sufficient for the production of beads, resulting in little debris, and thus the likelihood that the remains of such a furnace would be discovered is minimal. It is probable that glass arrived as a raw material in this region, or more specifically at the Hallstatt centers, as an import or a result of trade exchange, and that only the production of beads took place here. Another possibility would be travelling craftsmen who moved from place to place, set up their furnaces, and in some more or less lengthy period satisfied the needs, wishes, and tastes of the inhabitants of individual settlements. The beads could also have been produced in workshops beyond the boundaries of the territory in question, although by order and in accordance with the tastes of the customers in Lower Carniola. They could even have served as some form of means of payment, as such examples are known from the medieval glass industry (Calvi di Coenzo 1996, 10). Until we gain direct proof of the production of beads in the prehistoric settlements, the concept of local production and a glass-working craft remains merely a hypothesis. The glass material of the late Iron Age exhibits traits that distinguish it from the products of the early Iron Age. Bead necklaces are very rare in this period, and often represent the inheritance of the indigenous inhabitants. The La Tene graves at Kapiteljske njive in Novo mesto contain numerous forms of beads that were in use in the early Iron Age (Križ 2001, 61). New types appear in the middle La Tene period, with different decorations (Križ 2001, 125-gr. 471; 126-gr. 491), and the quality of the products also differs from the early Iron Age examples. By far the widest distributed form in the late Iron Age, particularly in the middle La Tene, was the glass bracelet (Fig. 4). To make a bracelet, a thick glass bead or circlet was first formed on a rod, and with the help of a second rod and constant spinning, the glass was stretched to the desired size, and patterns were created by rolling the circlet in a stencil or model before stretching the bracelet (Korfmann 1966, 53-54). Variants appear in transparent, yellowish, and dark blue colours, often decorated with bands of differently coloured glass Sl. 4\ Stekleni zapestnici iz mlajše železne dobe. Novo mesto. Kapiteljska njiva, 3.-2. st. pr. n. š„ Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto (foto: B. Križ). Fig. 4\ Glass bracelets from the Late Iron Age. Novo mesto. Kapiteljska njiva, 3ril-2"J centuries BC, Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto (photo: B. Križ). barvnega stekla na notranji strani, zunanjo stran krasijo geometrijski okrasi v mnogih različicah (Gebhard 1989, 73; Križ 2001, 60). Tudi lok nekaterih fibul je okrašen s steklom, kot npr. fibule iz Vinice, kjer lok krasi odlomek steklene zapestnice, ki so ga prevrtali in nasadili na žico (Haevernick 1960, Abb. I: 1-4). Omenimo naj še redke steklene prstane iz Brstja (Pahič 1966, t. 1:4,5) in veliko, modro-rumeno stekleno jagodo iz poznolatenskega groba 201 iz Beletovega vrta v Novem mestu (Knez 1992, t. 71:6). Zanimivo je, da iz tega obdobja na našem prostoru in splošno v latenski kulturi ne poznamo steklenih posod. on the inner side, while the outside was decorated with geometrical decorations in numerous variants (Gebhard 1989, 73; Križ 2001, 60). The bows of several fibulae were also decorated with glass, such as a fibula from Vinica decorated with a fragment of a glass bracelet that had been pierced and threaded onto the bow (Haevernick 1960, Abb. 1: 1-4). Other examples are the rare glass rings from Brstje (Pahič 1966, Pl. 1: 4, 5), and a large, blue-yellow glass bead from the late La Tene grave 201 at Beletov vrt in Novo mesto (Knez 1992, Pl. 71: 6). It is interesting that from this period in Slovenia, and in general in the La Tene Culture, no glass vessels are known. PREGLED RAZISKAV A REVIEW OF RESEARCH RIMSKEGA STEKLA INTO ROMAN GLASS V SLOVENIJI IN SLOVENIA Zgodovina raziskav v Sloveniji je v primerjavi s svetom, kjer so se raziskavam posvečali že od 19. stoletja dalje, manj razgibana in precej krajša (Harden 1984, 10). V 19. stoletju ni bilo objavljenih člankov, ki bi se posvečali le steklu na prostoru današnje Slovenije. V poročilih z nekaterih izkopavanj je bilo gradivo sicer objavljeno, vendar ne posebej opredeljeno. Prvi se je tej tematiki podrobneje posvetil R. Ložar v objavah najdb iz Črnelega in Polhovega Gradca (Steklena čaša iz Črnelega, Glasnik Muzejskega društva za Slovenijo 16, 1935; Rimska najdba iz Polhovega Gradca, Glasnik Muzejskega društva za Slovenijo 19, 1938). Steklene izdelke je natančno opisal, razložil tehnike izdelave in predmete tudi časovno opredelil. Publikacije po drugi svetovni vojni so v kataloških izdajah sicer objavljale steklo, vendar dlje od opisa navadno niso segli. Precej steklenega gradiva s področja današnje Slovenije je v svoje članke vključila T. E. Haevernick. Omenimo naj članke o pihanih rebrastih skodelicah s spiralo (Zarte Rippenschalen, Saalburg Jahrbuch 17, 1958) in številne raziskave na temo prazgodovinskega stekla (Beiträge zur Glasforschung, 1981). Prvo krajšo sintezo rimskega stekla je z objavo gradiva z Dolenjske pripravila S. Petru (Antično steklo iz dolenjskih grobov, Razprave L razreda SAZU 6, 1969). Steklo je tipološko razdelila in ga časovno opredelila na osnovi primerjav in obstoječih grobnih celot. Pomemben prispevek k razvoju raziskav o rimskem steklu je pomenil kolokvij ob 150-letnici Narodnega muzeja v Ljubljani na temo Antično steklo v Jugoslaviji. Referati s kolokvija so zbrani v Arheološkem vestniku 25 (1976) in prinašajo pregled stanja raziskav v Jugoslaviji in kratek sintetičen pregled rimskega stekla v Sloveniji (S. Petru, Rimsko steklo Slovenije; Z. Šubic, Tipološki in kronološki pregled rimskega stekla v Poetovioni). Kljub obetom pa je bilo nadaljevanje skromno. Z izjemo nekaj krajših člankov S. Petru (Rimska steklena situla, Situla 14-15, 1974; Rimska steklena kupa s prizorom cirkuške dirke, Situla 20-21, 1980) se v naslednjih letih redko pojavljajo članki, povezani s steklarstvom v rimski dobi. V. Bertoncelj Kučarje zbrala nakitne predmete iz stekla (Nakit iz stekla in jantarja, Arheološki vestnik 30, 1979), L. Plesničar Gec je objavila ostanke steklarske delavnice (The production of Glass at Emona, Arcliaeologia Iugoslavica 21-22, 1981) in kratko opredelila gradivo iz starokrščanskega centra v Emoni (Starokrščanski center v Emoni, Katalogi in monografije 21, 1983). Kompleks steklarskih delavnic s Ptuja je ostal The history of research into Roman glass in Slovenia, in comparison to elsewhere, where research began as early as the 19th century, is less developed and considerably shorter (Harden 1984, 10). No articles dedicated exclusively to glass were published in the 19"' century on the territory of present-day Slovenia. Material was published in reports from several excavations, but it was not dealt with separately. The first to devote attention in detail to this theme was R. Ložar in the publication of the finds from Črnelo and Polhov Gradec (Steklena čaša iz Črnelega, Glasnik Muzejskega društva za Slovenijo 16, 1935; Rimska najdba iz Polhovega Gradca, Glasnik Muzejskega društva za Slovenijo 19, 1938). He described the glass products in detail, explained the production techniques, and also chronologically classified the objects. Publications after the Second World War published glass in catalogue editions, although usually they did not include more than a description. A considerable amount of glass material from the region of present-day Slovenia was covered in the articles of T. E. Haevernick. Here we will mention only the article on free-blown ribbed cups with a spiral (Zarte Rippenschalen, Saalburg Jarhbuch 17, 1958), and numerous investigations on the theme of prehistoric glass (Beiträge zur Glasforschung, 1981). The first brief synthesis of Roman glass was prepared by S. Petru in the publication of material from Dolenjska (Antično steklo iz dolenjskih grobov, Razprave 6, 1969). She classified the glass typologically, and dated it on the basis of comparisons and existing grave units. A significant contribution to the development of research on Roman glass was offered by a colloquium on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the National Museum in Ljubljana on the subject of Roman Glass in Yugoslavia. The papers from the colloquium were collected in Arheološki vestnik 25 (1976), offering an overview of the state of research in Yugoslavia and a brief synthetic review of Roman glass in Slovenia (S. Petru, Rimsko steklo Slovenije; Z. Šubic, Tipološki in kronološki pregled rimskega stekla v Poetovioni). Despite the promising start, advances were modest. With the exception of several brief articles by S. Petru (Rimska steklena situla. Situla 14-15, 1974; Rimska steklena kupa s prizorom cirkuške dirke, Situla 20-21, 1980), articles dealing with glass production in the Roman period rarely appeared in the following years. V. Bertoncelj Kučar gathered jewellery made of glass (Nakit iz stekla in jantarja, Arheološki vestnik 30, 1979), and L. Plesničar Gec published the remains of a glass workshop (The neobjavljen, če izvzamemo kratko informacijo B. Jevremova v Varstvu spomenikov (Varstvo spomenikov 23, 1981, 258). Zadnji prispevki na temo rimskega steklarstva so zajeti v diplomski nalogi Prispevek k proučevanju antičnega stekla v Sloveniji (I. Lazar 1988, Ljubljana, tipkopis) in člankih o steklarski obrti v Celeji ter rimskih rebrastih skodelicah v Sloveniji (I. Lazar, Sledovi steklarske proizvodnje v Celeji, Celjski zbornik 1993; Steklene rebraste skodelice v Sloveniji, Celjski zbornik 1994; Ribbed glass bowls from the territory of modern Slovenia, Annates du I4e Congres de I’AIHV, 2000). Na verjetno lokalne oblike nekaterih steklenih izdelkov je v zadnjem času opozorila J. Istenič (The »Emona« Glass Beakers, Arheološki vestnik 45, 1994), kratek pregled petovionskega stekla je pripravila I. Lazar (Steklo rimske Petovione - novi podatki o oblikah in lokalni proizvodnji, Archaeologia Poetovionensis 2, 2001), nekatere izjemne najdbe s Ptuja pa je objavila tudi J. Istenič (Poetovio, zahodna grobišča I in II, Katalogi in monografije 32, 1999 in 33, 2000; An early mould-blown pyxis from Poetovio, Instrumentum 13, 2001). Med prispevki, ki govore o steklarski proizvodnji v rimski dobi naj omenimo še objavi M. Sagadina [Late antique glass workshop in Kranj (Slovenia), Instrumentum 9, 1999; Poznoantična steklarska delav-nica v Kranju, Kranjski zbornik 2000] in širšo predstavitev I. Lazar o stanju raziskav v slovenskem prostoru (The State of Research into Roman Glass production in Slovenia, Annates du I5e Congres de IAIHV, 2002). Razveseljivo je, da se v zadnjem času pojavljajo članki o srednjeveškem steklu, kar je nedvomno spodbudil študij mlajših obdobij na Oddelku za arheologijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. Omenimo naj prispevke M. Kos (Steklo v obdobju gotike, v: Gotika na Slovenskem, katalog razstave, Ljubljana 1995), I. Lazar (Srednjeveško steklo, v: Grofje Celjski, katalog razstave, Celje 1998; Srednjeveško steklo iz Celja, v: Srednjeveško Celje, Archaeologia Historica Slovenica 3, 2001) in diplomsko nalogo B. Petek, Poznosrednjeveške in novoveške steklene najdbe iz Turjaške palače v Ljubljani (1999, Ljubljana, tipkopis). Prav zaradi skromnega obsega raziskav in člankov o steklarski obrti se pojavljajo težave v terminologiji, neenotnost v poimenovanju tehnik, oblik, okrasov in podobno. Vse to nas opominja, da imamo na tem področju še veliko dela s temeljnimi problemi in smo še daleč od kakršnekoli večje specializacije. Production of Glass at Emona, Archaeologia lugoslavica 21-22, 1981), and briefly discussed the material from the early Christian center in Emona (Starokrščanski center v Emoni, Katalogi in monografije 21, 1983). The complex of glass workshops in Ptuj has remained unpublished, if we exclude short reports by B. Jevremov (Varstvospomenikov 23, 1981, 258). The most recent contributions on the subject of Roman glass include the BA thesis Contributions to the Study of Roman Glass in Slovenia (I. Lazar 1988, Ljubljana, manuscript), and articles about glass production in Celeia and Roman ribbed bowls in Slovenia (I. Lazar, Sledovi steklarske proizvodnje v Celeji, Celjski zbornik 1993; Steklene rebraste skodelice v Sloveniji, Celjski zbornik 1994; Ribbed glass bowls from the territory of modern Slovenia, Annates du !4e Congres de IAIHV, 2000). The probable local forms of glass products have been pointed out recently by J. Istenič (The “Emona” Glass Beakers, Arheološki vestnik 45, 1994), while a brief review of the glass from Poetovio was prepared by I. Lazar (Steklo rimske Petovione - novi podatki o oblikah in lokalni proizvodnji, Archaeologia Poetovionensis 2, 2001), the finds from the western necropolis of Poetovio were published by J. Istenič (Poetovio, zahodna grobišča I and II, Katalogi in monografije 32, 1999 and 33, 2000; An early mould-blown pyxis from Poetovio, Instrumentum 13, 2001). Contributions dealing with local glass production in the Roman period include two articles by M. Sagadin [ Late antique glass workshop in Kranj (Slovenia), Instrumentum 9, 1999; Poznoantična steklarska delavnica v Kranju, Kranjski zbornik 2000], and a general presentation by I. Lazar about the state of research in Slovenia (The State of Research into Roman Glass Production in Slovenia, Annales du 15e Congres de IAIHV, 2002). It is encouraging that in the recent period articles have appeared about medieval glass, which has undoubtedly been stimulated by the study of later periods at the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of Arts of the University in Ljubljana. Mention should be made of the contributions by M. Kos (Steklo v obdobju gotike, in: Gotika na Slovenskem, exhibition catalogue, Ljubljana 1995), 1. Lazar (Srednjeveško steklo, in: Grofje Celjski, exhibition catalogue, Celje 1998; Srednjeveško steklo iz Celja, in: Srednjeveško Celje, Archaeologia Historica Slovenica 3, 2001) and the BA thesis of B. Petek, Poznosrednjeveške in novoveške steklene najdbe iz Turjaške palače v Ljubljani (1999, Ljubljana, manuscript). The modest scale of the research into and articles about glass production has led to difficulties in terminology, specifically non-uniformity in terms for techniques, forms, decorations, and so forth. This all indicates that a great deal of work on fundamental problems still awaits us in this field, and that we are far from any true form of specialization. TIPOLOGIJA, KRONOLOGIJA IN KATALOG RIMSKEGA STEKLA SLOVENIJE TYPOLOGY, CHRONOLOGY AND CATALOGUE OF THE ROMAN GLASS OF SLOVENIA TERMINOLOGIJA Predstavitev uporabljenih izrazov in predlog poenotenja nekaterih opisov in poimenovanj TERMINOLOGY Terms used and suggestions for simplifying some descriptions and names Pri opisovanju in določanju oblik je opaziti veliko neenotnost avtorjev tako pri opisovanju steklarskih tehnik in okrasov kot pri opisovanju posameznih delov posod. Najbolj se to izraža pri opisovanju oblike in izdelave ustja in dna. Deloma gre to pripisati nepoznavanju steklarske proizvodnje in proizvodnih tehnik, večkrat pa gre preprosto za nekritično prepisovanje že uporabljenih izrazov. V tem poglavju je predstavljena terminologija, kije uporabljena v katalogu in pri opisovanju posameznih form. V glavnem se opira na izrazoslovje, ki je uveljavljeno pri angleških in nemških avtorjih. Prevedeni izrazi so oblikovani po posvetu s steklarji in steklopihači, tako daje izrazoslovje ustrezno tudi glede na obstoječe izraze v steklarski obrti. Opozoriti želimo predvsem na najznačilnejše oblike oziroma različice, ki so med objavljenim gradivom tudi najpogostejše. Na začetku predstavljamo tudi poimenovanje, ki smo ga uporabili za posamezne dele posod (sl. 5). In describing and determining form, great variety can be seen among authors both in describing glass making techniques and decoration and in describing individual parts of a vessel. This is particularly true in the description of forms and execution of rims and bases. This can partly be attributed to a lack of knowledge of glass production and manufacturing techniques, but often it simply results from uncritical copying of previously used terms. The introduction presents the terminology that is used in the catalogue and in the description of individual forms. It is mainly based on terminology used by English and German authors. The translated expressions have been formed in consultation with glass workers and glass blowers, so that the terminology also corresponds to existing terms in the glass working craft. We primarily wish to draw attention to the most characteristic forms or types, which are also the most common among the published material. At the beginning we also present the names used for individual parts of the vessels (Fig. 5). IZDELAVA IN OBDELAVA USTJA POSODE (sl. 6) Rob ustja steklenih posodje lahko izdelan na dva glavna načina; s toplotno ali hladno obdelavo. Toplotna dodelava ustja poteka med izdelovanjem posode, ko je steklo še vroče. Ustja t. i. hladne obdelave so dokončana, ko se posoda ohladi; na ustreznem mestu steklo zarežejo in odlomijo odvečni del. Izpostavljene so samo nekatere najznačilnejše variante, to je predvsem tiste, ki se pojavljajo največkrat. Prevladujejo toplotno obdelana ustja, le pod zaporedno številko 6 (sl. 6a: 6) je ustje hladno obdelano. Izdelava in oblika ustja je pri steklu kronološko občutljiva, zato so ponekod dodane okvirne datacije. THE PRODUCTION AND TREATMENT OF VESSEL RIMS (Fig. 6) The rim of a glass vessel can be made in two main ways, by hot or cold treatment. Hot treatment occurs during the production of the vessel while the glass is still hot. The rims in cold working are finished when the vessel cools; the glass is cut at a suitable place and the excess part is broken off. A limited number of the most characteristic variants are set forth, primarily those that appear most often. Hot worked rims are predominant, only under no. 6 (Fig. 6a: 6) was the rim cold worked. The production and form of rims in glass are chronologically sensitive, hence approximate dates are occasionally added. RAME / SHOULDER PREMER DNA / BASE DIAMETER NAJVEČJI PREMER / MAXIMUM DIAMETER ZUNANJI PREMER USTJA / RIM DIAMETER NOTRANJI PREMER USTJA / RIM THICKNESS USTJE /RIM VRAT/NECK OSTENJE / WALL NOGA/FOOT TELO I BODY Sl. 5: Poimenovanje posameznih delov posode. Fig. 5: The terminology for individual parts of vessels. GLAVNI NAČINI OBLIKOVANJA ROBA USTJA (sl. 6a) 1 - zataljeno ustje Ustje je odrezano in na kratko ponovno segreto, da seje rob zaoblil. Tako izdelana ustja posod so najpogostejša in jih najdemo na izdelkih od 1. do 4. stoletja; najbolj razširjena pa so od sredine 2. do sredine 3. stoletja (gl. str. 94). 2 - odebeljeno ustje Ustje je odrezano in ponovno segreto, daje rob zataljen in odebeljen. Takšna ustja so pogosta predvsem pri izdelkih od konca 1. in v 2. stoletju (skodelice, čaše) (gl. str. 102). 3 - cevasto ustje Ustje posode je izvihano navzven, rob je nato stisnjen ob zunanjo steno, da nastane cevasta odprtina. Cevasta ustja so pogosta pri izdelkih 1. in 2. stoletja (skodele, lonci) (gl. str. 80). THE MAIN METHODS OF FORMING A RIM (Fig. 6a) 1 - fire-rounded rim The rim is cut off and briefly heated again, so that the edge becomes rounded. Rims produced in this manner are most common everywhere and they can be found on products from the 1st to the 4"' centuries; type is most widespread from the mid 2nd to the mid 3rd century (see page 95). 2 - fire-thickened rim The rim is cut off and reheated, to leaving the edge is melted and thickened. Such rims are common primarily on products from the end of the Is' cent, and in the 2nd cent, (cups, beakers - see page 102). 3 - tubular rim The rim of the vessel is curved outwards, the edge is then pressed against the outside wall to create a tubular opening. Tubular rims are frequent on products of the Is1 and 2nd centuries (dishes, pots - see page 80). SI. 6: Izdelava ustja, nagnjenost in naklon ustja in oblika dna. Fig. 6: The production of rims, the inclination and angle of the rim, and the form of the base. 4 - sploščeno ustje Ustje posode je izvihano, nato zapognjeno navznoter in sploščeno na vrhu. Na ta način izdelana ustja najdemo predvsem pri steklenicah in vrčih v I. in 2. stoletju (gl. str. 149). 5 - zavihano ustje Ustje posode je zavihano ob zunanji površini stene navzdol in stisnjeno ob vrat posode. Tako izdelana ustja so pogosta predvsem pri loncih in žarah iz I. in 2. stoletja (gl. str. 158). 6 - odrezano ustje Ustje je odrezano in obrušeno, rob ni toplotno obdelan. Tako enostavno izdelano ustje imajo že balzamariji v I. stoletju; zelo razširjeno pa je predvsem v poznorimski dobi pri čašah in svetilkah (gl. str. 119). 4 - flattened rim The rim of the vessel is everted, then bent inwards and flattened on the top. Rims made in this manner can be found primarily on flasks and jugs from the Is' and 2nd centuries (see page 149). 5 - collar rim The rim of the vessel is everted downwards along the outside surface of the wall and is pressed up to the neck of the vessel. Such rims are common primarily on pots and urns from the Is1 and 2nd centuries (sec page 158). 6 - cut rim The rim is cut and ground, the edge is not heat treated. Such simply made rims are present on balsamaria in the Is' century; the type was widespread, primarily in the late Roman period on beakers and lamps (see page 120). OBLIKA USTJA - NAGNJENOST USTJA GLEDE NA OSTENJE POSODE (slika 6b) 1 - ravno ustje Posode s cilindričnim ostenjem, ki se ravno nadaljuje v ustje in rob. Premer ustja in ostenja sta enaka. 2 - uvihano ustje Rob ustja je rahlo nagnjen navznoter, njegov premer je manjši od največjega premera ostenja. 3 - navzven nagnjeno ustje Ostenje posode je navadno rahlo nagnjeno navzven in tej liniji sledi tudi ustje, kije sicer nagnjeno, ni pa posebej izvlečeno iz profila. 4 - izvihano ustje Rob ustja je izvlečen oziroma izstopa iz profila posode. Premer zunanjega roba ustja je večji od premera notranjega roba. 5 - močno izvihano ustje Rob ustja je izvlečen oziroma izstopa iz profila posode. Premer zunanjega roba je več kot 1 cm širši od premera notranjega roba ustja. 6 - klekasto ustje Ostenje posode pred iztekom v rob ustja tvori manjši klek. Tako oblikovano ustje je najpogostejše pri izdelkih poznorimske dobe, pri čašah in svetilkah. 7 - stopničasto ustje Pod robom ustja je oblikovana izrazita stopnica, ki se nato nadaljuje v ostenje. To obliko ustja srečamo le pri redkih oblikah (kantarosi, čaše na nogi). FORMS OF RIMS - THE POSITION OF THE RIM IN RELATION TO THE WALLS OF THE VESSEL (Fig. 6b) 1 - straight rim Vessels with cylindrical walls that continue straight from the rim and edge. The diameters of the rim and walls are the same. 2 - inturned rim The edge of the rim is gently curved inwards, and its diameter is less than the diameter of the walls. 3 - slightly out-turned rim The walls of the vessels usually gently slope outwards and this line is followed by the rim, which is curved and lot drawn out from the profile. 4 - out-turned rim The edge of the rim is everted, meaning it exceeds the vessel profile. The diameter of the outer edge of the rim is greater than the diameter of the inner edge. 5 - highly everted rim (splayed-out rim) The edge of the rim is everted, meaning it exceeds the vessel profile. The diameter of the outer edge is more than 1 cm wider than the diameter of the interior edge of the rim. 6 - curved rim The walls of a vessel create a small curve at the transition to the edge of the rim. These rims arc more frequent on late Roman period products, in particular beakers and lamps. 7 - stepped rim Under the edge, the rim has an emphasized step-like form, which continues into the walls. This rim form is OBLIKA DNA (slika 6c) 1 - ravno dno Dno posode je na osrednjem delu samo sploščeno, daje oblikovana stojna ploskev. 2 - vboklo dno Dno posode je sploščeno in potisnjeno navznoter, tako da posoda stoji le na zunanjem robu dna. 3 - dno s prstanasto nogo Na dno posode je prilepljena steklena nit v obliki prstana, ki služi kot nizka noga. 4 - dno z dvojno prstanasto nogo Nekatere oblike imajo na dnu prilepljena dva kolobarja iz steklene niti, ki sta med seboj ločena. Tako sta oblikovani dve nizki nogi. 5 - izvlečena prstanasta noga Posamezne posode imajo dno oblikovano tako, da je zunanji rob dna stisnjen in izvlečen iz posode tako, da tvori nogo oziroma stojni prstan. 6 - posebej pihana nizka noga Izdelana je tako, daje na dno posode prilepljen steklen disk, ki je po robu zapognjen navzdol in tvori nekoliko dvignjeno nogo posode. 7 - posebej pihana visoka noga Noga posode je pihana posebej in prilepljena na čašo. Navadno je stik med ostenjem in nogo majhen, noga je višja od prej opisanih primerov. Omeniti je potrebno še eno tehnično značilnost mnogih prosto pihanih rimskih posod - to je sled prijemalke na dnu posod. Steklar je po pihanju posodo prenesel na železen drog - prijemalko, daje do konca obdelal ustje posode, izdelal okras in dodal ročaje (Schuler 1959, 119). Stik prijemalke z dnom posode je opazen kot razmazana sled kaplje stekla, včasih ima nekoliko ostrejši rob. Rimski steklarji so le redko obrusili ostanke stekla na dnu, kjer je sta se stikali posoda in prijemalka. ROČAJI Ročaji posod, predvsem steklenic in vrčev, so izdelani na več načinov; večinoma z vlečenjem, nekateri so dodatno še oblikovani z glavnikom. Navadno sojih pritrdili tako, da so ročaj pritalili na vrat ali rame posode in ga nato povlekli navzgor ter natalili na rob ustja ali tik pod njim. Ponekod so ročaj tik ob ustju zapognili v izrastek ali gubo. Tako je nastala opora za palec. found only on rare vessel forms (kantharoi, footed goblets). FORM OF THE BASE (Fig. 6c) 1 - flat base The base of the vessel is merely flattened in the central section to form a flat standing surface. 2 - concave base The base of the vessel is flattened and pressed inwards, so that the vessel stands only on the outside edge of the base. 3 - base with a base ring A glass coil is attached to the base of the vessel in the form of a ring, serving as a low foot. 4 - base with a double base ring Some forms have two rings of glass coils (separate from one another) attached to the base. Two low feet were formed in this manner. 5 - base with a tubular base ring Individual vessels have a base formed by the outer edge of the base being pressed and pulled away from the vessel, creating a foot or a standing ring. 6 - separately blown foot A glass disc is attached to the base of the vessel, which is pushed down along the edges, creating a somewhat raised foot of the vessel. 7 - separately blown high foot The foot of the vessel is blown separately and attached to the vessel. The contact between the walls and the foot is usually small, and the foot is taller than the previous examples. It is necessary to mention yet another technical characteristic of many free-blown Roman vessels: the pontil-mark on the base of the vessel. The glass worker attached the blown vessel onto an iron rod, called a pontil, so as to finish working the rim of the vessel, to decorate it, and to apply any handles (Schuler 1959, 119). The contact point of the pontil and the base of the vessel can be seen as a blurred trace of glass drops, sometimes with somewhat sharper edges. Roman glass workers only rarely ground off the remains of glass on the base where the vessel and pontil had touched. HANDLES The handles of vessels, primarily flagons and jugs, Predstavljamo najbolj pogoste oblike oziroma preseke ročajev (skica 1): BARVE Steklarji so že v prazgodovini stekleno maso namerno obarvali z različnimi oksidi, da so dobili čimbolj izrazito barvo steklene taline (gl. npr. Henderson 2000, 29). Z dodajanjem različnih kovinskih oksidov surovinam za pripravo stekla so tudi steklarji v rimskem obdobju izdelali intenzivno obarvano steklo, npr. temno modro, temno rdeče, temno zeleno, rumeno, rjavo, jantarno in podobno. Dodajanje bakrovih oksidov je obarvalo steklo temno modro, temno zeleno ali rubinasto rdeče, odvisno od pogojev v peči pri taljenju. Kobalt je bil dodan za steklo intenzivno temno modre barve, mangan so uporabili za rumeno in rdeče obarvano steklo in železo za bledo modre, zelenkaste in jantarne odtenke. Mlečno belo steklo je nastalo z dodajanjem antimona. Prav tako so dobro obvladali tehniko namernega razbarvanja, da so dobili resnično brezbarvno steklo. Zaradi nečistoč je namreč steklo navadno zelenkastega ali modrikastega odtenka. Da bi nevtralizirali železove okside, ki so najpogostejši vzrok tega obarvanja, so surovemu steklu dodajali mangan ali antimon (Velde, Hochuli-Gysel 1996, 185). Če so bili pri količinah nepazljivi in so uporabili npr. preveč mangana, se je steklo obarvalo vijoličasto (.v/. 7). Zaenkrat še ne obstaja splošno uveljavljen način poimenovanja barv stekla pri vizualnem opisovanju izdelkov. Nekateri avtorji so poskušali barve določiti s pomočjo različnih barvnih lestvic. L. Berger (I960, 96) je npr. uporabil lestvico za opis barv pri barvnih svinčnikih, B. Follmann-Schulz (1988,2) pa seje odločila za lestvico barv, ki jo uporabljajo zbiralci znamk. Nekateri arheologi svetujejo uporabo lestvice po Munsell Soil Color Charis (New York 1992). Žal ta za steklo ni primerna, saj je prirejena za zemeljske plasti in ustreza izdelkom iz gline. were produced using several techniques, mostly by drawing out, but additionally combing. They were usually applied to the shoulder or neck of the vessel and then drawn up and attached to the rim or just below the rim edge. Sometimes the handle was pulled into a protrusion or fold just beneath the rim. Thumb holds were made in this manner. The following are the most common forms (cross-sec-tions) of handles (text Jig. I): COLOURS Glass workers deliberately coloured glass, even in the prehistoric period, with various oxides so as to acquire the most intense possible colour of the molten glass (see Henderson 2000, 29). With the admixture of various metal oxides to the raw materials used to make glass, glass workers in the Roman period also produced intensively coloured glass, such as dark blue, dark red, dark green, yellow, brown, amber, and so forth. The addition of copper oxides coloured glass dark blue, dark green, or ruby red, depending on the conditions in the furnace during melting. Cobalt was added for glass of an intensive dark blue colour, manganese was used for yellow and red coloured glass, and iron for pale blue, greenish, and amber tones. Milk white glass was created with the addition of antimony. Glass workers also mastered the technique of deliberate discolouring, so as to acquire a truly uncoloured glass. Glass is naturally greenish or blue toned because of impurities. To neutralize iron oxides, the most common cause of such colouring, glass workers added manganese or antimony to the raw glass (Velde, Hochuli-Gysel 1996, 185). If they were inattentive to the quantities and used, for instance, too much manganese, the glass would be violet coloured (Fig. 7). A generally accepted methodology of distinguishing the colour of glass in the visual description of specimens still does not exist. Several authors have attempted to determine the colour with the aid of various colour scales. L. Berger (I960, 96), for example, used a colour scale for coloured pencils, while B. Follman-Schulz (1988, 2), opted for a colour scale used by stamp collectors. Several archaeologists have advised the use of the Munsell Soil Color Charts (New York 1992). Unfortunately, this system is not applicable to glass, as it is or- c /\ c— —\ trakast / banded ( J trikoten / triangular J profiliran / profiled narebren / ribbed gosto narebren / reeded SI. 7: Izdelki iz obarvanega in razbarvanega stekla ter posode iz naravno obarvanega stekla različnih odtenkov: a - jantarne barve (Dobova, gr. 39A, Posavski muzej Brežice), b - modrikasto (Ptuj, Gasilski dom. Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj), c - zelenkasto (Emona, Mestni muzej Ljubljana), d - olivno zeleno (Ptuj, Dijaški dom. Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj), e - namerno razbarvano (Ptuj, Zgornji Breg, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj), f - mlečno belo (Ptuj, Rimska ploščad. Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj); (foto T, Lauko). Fig- 7: Products of coloured and decoloured glass, and vessels of naturally coloured glass in various shades: a - amber (Dobova, gr. 39A, Posavski muzej Brežice), b - bluish (Ptuj, Rimska ploščad. Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj), c - greenish (Emona, Mestni muzej Ljubljana), d - olive green (Ptuj, Student Dormitory, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj), e - decoloured (Ptuj, Zgornji Breg, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj), f - milk white (Ptuj, Rimska ploščad, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj); (photo: T. Lauko). Predvsem angleški raziskovalci zavračajo uporabo teh lestvic, ker so prirejene za neprosojne materiale. Steklo pa je prosojen material in od debeline stene je odvisna tudi intenzivnost barve. Čim debelejša je posoda, toliko temnejša je barva. Steklo lahko na osnovi barve delimo v tri glavne kategorije: - obarvano steklo (kolorirano); - modro-zelenkasto ali naravno obarvano steklo; - brezbarvno ali razbarvano steklo (dekolorirano). ganized according to soil layers and best corresponds to clay-based products. It is mostly English researchers who reject the use of these charts, as they are intended for opaque material. Glass is a transparent material, and the intensity of colour is also dependent upon the thickness of the walls. The thicker the vessel, the darker the colour. Glass can be divided on the basis of colour into three main categories: - coloured glass, Pri opisovanju barv obarvanega stekla so uporabljeni izrazi za širše in enostavne opise. Uporabljeni so npr. opisi temno modro, modro, temno rdeče, temno zeleno, zeleno, rumeno, rjavo, jantarno. Ker je steklo v glavnem prosojno, to v opisovanju ni posebej navedeno. Posebej je v opisih označeno le neprosojno steklo, pri katerem debelina stekla nikjer ne prepušča svetlobe. To je najpogosteje opaziti pri izdelkih iz mozaičnega stekla. Naravno obarvano steklo ima zaradi železovih oksidov v surovinah navadno modro-zelenkast nadih. V teh opisih so uporabljeni izrazi modrikast, modro-zelen, zelenkast, olivno zelen, zeleno-rumen. Pri uporabi dveh barv v opisu prevladuje barva, ki je prva navedena. Seveda je uporaba teh izrazov nujno subjektivna in zato je verjetno najprimernejši izraz za poimenovanje in opis kar modro-zelenkasto oziroma naravno obarvano steklo. V kataloških opisih pihanega stekla je opisovanje barvnih odtenkov večinoma opuščeno. Izraz brezbarvno steklo je uporabljen samo pri steklu, ki je bilo namerno razbarvano oziroma deko-lorirano. To vrsto stekla so začeli izdelovati v tretji tretjini 1. stoletja, v 2. in 3. stoletju pa so ga uporabljali izključno za boljše izdelke, namenjene namizni uporabi. Deko-lorirano steklo rimske dobe je le redko povsem brezbarvno, kakršnega poznamo danes, največkrat ima rahel rumenkast nadih. OBLIKOVANJE SKUPIN STEKLENIH IZDELKOV - blue-green or naturally coloured glass, - colourless or decoloured glass. Generalized and simplified expressions are used in describing the colours of coloured glass. Descriptions used include dark blue, blue, dark red, dark green, green, yellow, brown, amber. Since glass is mainly transparent, this is not listed specifically in the descriptions. Only opaque glass, where no light is admitted through the thickness of the glass, is specially designated in the descriptions. This can most often be noted in products made from mosaic glass. Naturally coloured glass has a natural blue-green tint because of iron oxides in the raw materials. The expressions bluish, blue-green, greenish, olive green, and greenish-yellow are used in these descriptions. When two colours are used in a description, the colour that predominates is cited first. Nonetheless, the use of thus expressions is necessarily subjective, and this probably the most suitable expression in naming and describing would be blue-green or naturally coloured glass. In the catalogue descriptions of blown glass, the descriptions of colour tones have mostly been omitted. The expression colourless glass is used only for glass that was deliberately decoloured. This type of glass began to be produced in the last third of the 1st century, and in the 2nd and 3rd centuries, it was used exclusively for better quality products intended to be used as table ware. Decoloured glass in the Roman period was rarely entirely colourless, such as we know today; instead most often it had a slight yellowish tinge. Stekleno posodje smo razvrstili v širše skupine, oblikovane glede na namembnost posodja in sorodnost oblik (sl. 8). V zadnjo skupino smo uvrstili različni uporabi namenjene posode izjemnih oblik, ki pa se pojavljajo redko in v majhnih količinah. V tej delitvi smo se opirali na skupine in delitve, ki sta jih opredelila Van Lith in Randsborg (1985, 413). V okviru skupine so oblikovane podskupine, npr. skupina steklenice je deljena v podskupini steklenice in steklenice z ročaji in nato sledijo različice oblik. Skupine I do 5 združujejo posodje za pitje in namizno serviranje hrane, kot shrambeno posodje lahko označimo skupini 6 in 7, kozmetični, medicinski in religiozni uporabi pa so bili namenjeni izdelki v skupinah 8 in 9. Skupina 1 Krožniki (krožniki in pladnji) Skupina obsega plitve posode na nizki nogi. Oblika je dokaj redka in v zahodnih provincah večinoma omejena na I. stoletje. GROUPS OF GLASS PRODUCTS ACCORDING TO FORM The vessels have been classified into broad groups based upon their purpose and their similarities of form (Fig. 8). The final group contains vessels of odd forms intended for various purposes, which appear both rarely and in small quantities. We based this classification on the groups and classifications defined by Van Lith and Randsborg (1985, 413). Sub-groups were formed within individual groups; e.g. the flask group is divided into sub-groups with or without handles, followed by various shapes. Groups 1 to 5 encompass vessels for beverages and serving food at table, groups 6 and 7 can be defined as storage vessels, while products from groups 8 and 9 were intended for cosmetic, medical, and religious purposes. Croup I Plates (plates and platters) This group contains shallow vessels on a low foot. The form is fairly rare and in the western provinces is mostly limited to the lsl century. KROŽNIKI / PLATES SKODELICE / BOWLS ČAŠE/CUPS ZAJEMALKE / LADLES V VRCI /.JUGS STEKLENICE / BOTTLES LONCI! JARS POSODICE ZA OLJA IN DISAVE / COSMETIC VESSELS CK0 — SVETILKE / LAMPS OS TALO / MISCELLANEOUS SI. 8\ Skupine steklenih izdelkov. Fig. iS: The groups of glass products. Skupina 2 Skodelice (skodelice in skodele ali sklede) Plitve, odprte steklene posode, katerih širina je vedno večja od višine, kar je pomembno tudi pri ločevanju oblik na čaše in skodelice. Skupina je obsežna, saj je repertoar oblik izredno pester predvsem v I. stoletju. V teku 2. stoletja je opaziti močan upad števila oblik, dokler jih v pozni rimski dobi ne ostane le še nekaj. Skupina 3 Čaše (čaše, čaše na nogi in kozarci) Ta dokaj obsežna skupina zajema steklene posode, ki so služile za pitje. Nekateri ločujejo to skupino izdelkov na visoke čaše (angl. beakers), ki so vedno višje kot širše, in čaše (angl. cups), ki so skoraj enako visoke kot široke. Ker pri nas tako detajlno poimenovanje ni jasno ločeno in obstajajo razlike v razumevanju pomena izrazov čaša, kozarec ali kupa, smo se odločili vse posode za pitje združiti v skupino čaše. Skupina 4 Zajemalke Zbrani so stekleni izdelki za zajemanje tekočin z dolgim pokončnim ali vodoravnim ročajem. Deljeni so v dve podskupini. Skupina 5 Vrči V to skupino so uvrščene vse tiste enoročajne in dvoročajne steklene posode, ki imajo dno izrazito ožje od največjega oboda ostenja in vse, ki imajo ustje oblikovano v izliv. Služile so kot namizno posodje, za serviranje različnih tekočin. Skupina 6 Steklenice (steklenice in steklenice z ročaji) Širša skupina shrambenega posodja, zbrane so steklenice vseh oblik, z ročaji in brez njih. Tuje ponovno potrebno opozoriti, da ponekod poimensko ločujejo steklenice in steklenice z ročaji, kar je pri nas zaradi skupnega izraza steklenica težje. Skupina 7 Lonci (shrambene posode in žare) Posode četverokotne ali kroglaste oblike, s kratkim vratom ali brez njega, ostenje skoraj direktno preide v široko ustje. Služile so za shranjevanje živil in kot žare v grobovih. Skupina 8 Posodice za olja in dišave Širša skupina posod, kamor so uvrščene vse miniaturne posodice, stekleničke kvadratne oblike z dolgim vratom (Merkurjeve stekleničke), stekleničke za uporabo v kopališčih in številni balzamariji. Group 2 Cups and bowls (cups and dishes or bowls) Group 2 comprises shallow, open glass vessels, whose width is always greater than the height, which is also important in distinguishing the various forms among cups and small bowls. The group is extensive, as the repertory of form is exceptionally varied, particularly in the 1st century. A severe decline in the number of forms can be seen in the 2nd century. By the late Roman period the number of forms is limited to a few examples. Group 3 Beakers (beakers, footed goblets, and jars) This somewhat extensive group encompasses glass vessels used for drinking. Some divide this group of products into tall glasses (beakers), which are always taller than wide, and jars (tumblers), which are almost equally tall and wide. Because detailed terminology is not clearly distinguished in Slovenian, and various understandings exist for the meanings of beaker, goblet, and jar, we have decided to unite all vessels for drinking into the beaker group. Group 4 Ladles The products in this group were used to scoop liquids with long oblique or horizontal handles. They are divided into two sub-groups. Group 5 Jugs These include all types of single and double handled glass vessels that have a base that is significantly narrower than the widest circumference of the walls and all those whose rim is formed into a mouth for pouring. They served as tableware for various liquids. Group 6 Bottles (flasks and bottles with a handle) A broad group of storage vessels, which includes flasks of all shapes, with or without a handle. It is again necessary to warn that although flasks and bottle-flagons are distinguished in other areas of Roman world, the commonly used Slovene expression “steklenica”, often makes distinctions between flasks and bottle-flagons in the Slovene material impossible. Group 7 Jars (storage vessels and urns) These group comprises vessels of square or globular form, without a neck or with a short neck, the walls almost directly enter into the wide mouth. They served for food storage and grave urns. Skupina 9 Svetilke Vse steklene posodice, ki sojih predvsem v pozno rimski dobi uporabljali za osvetljavo. Skupina 10 Ostalo (pikside, kapalke, pivski rogovi, mešalne palčke) V zadnjo skupino so uvrščeni izdelki različnih oblik, ki se pojavljajo le redko. Sem sodijo npr. kapalke v obliki ptic, pivski rogovi, lijaki, pikside in različne mešalne palčke. OBRAZLOŽITEV KATALOGA IN LEGENDA V katalogu predstavljene najdbe so najprej deljene v tri osnovne skupine glede na steklarsko tehniko, s pomočjo katere je bila posoda izdelana. Prvo skupino tvorijo posode, izdelane v kalupu, sledijo v kalup pihane in prosto pihane posode. Skupine oblik in njihove različice si sledijo v enakem zaporedju, tako da se npr. krožniki v skupini ulitih izdelkov pojavljajo z različico 1.1.1. in nadaljujejo v skupini prosto pihanih izdelkov s podskupino in različico 1.2.1. Pri opredelitvi forme smo v oklepaju dodali samo opredelitev oblike po Isingsovi, če le-ta obstaja, ostalih pa ne. Nekatere novejše opredelitve oblik so omenjene v komentarju, če je bilo to potrebno. Značilnosti oblik so obrazložene v drobnem tisku s predstavitvijo oblikovanja ustij, dnov in ostalih podrobnosti, ki opredeljujejo posamezne različice in na osnovi katerih smo se odločili za opredelitve določene oblike. Datacije so, kjer je mogoče, opredeljene na osnovi datiranih kontekstov s slovenskih najdišč, drugače pa na osnovi primerjav z najdbami izven našega prostora. Sledi seznam najdb, ki smo jih opredelili v obravnavano skupino oziroma obliko, s podatki o merah, hrambi in objavah. Posebej so navedene primerjave oblik izven našega prostora. V komentarju so predstavljene širše značilnosti posameznih oblik in različic, primerjave in razlage oblik z najdišč po Sloveniji in v svetu ter obsežnejše utemeljitve časovnih opredelitev. Risbe gradiva na slikah so izdelane v merilu 1:3, na preglednicah oblik pa ni merila. Group 8 Vessels for oil and perfume/cosmetics This is a broad group of vessels, including all miniature vessels, cylindrical long-necked flasks (Mercury flasks), flasks for use in baths, and numerous balsamaria. Group 9 Lamps This group consists of all glass vessels that were primarily used in the late Roman period for lighting. Group 10 Miscellaneous (pyxides, unguentaria, horns, mixing rods) The last group consists of products of various forms that appear only rarely. We have made distinctions among unguentaria in the form of birds, beer horns, funnel-shaped unguentaria, pyxides, and various mixing rods. EXPLANATION OF THE CATALOGUE AND CAPTIONS The finds presented in the catalogue are first divided into three basic groups that reflects the technique used in producing the vessel. The first group consists of vessels made in a mold, followed by those blown into a mold, and free-blown vessels. Within the technique classifications, the vessels are grouped by form and further subdivided into variations of the forms. For examples, molded dishes are placed under variant 1.1.1., while free-blown dishes are placed under sub-group and variant 1.2.1. In the determination of the form, we have added in parentheses the form as classified by Isings if it exists. Several more recent determinations of form are mentioned in the commentary, if this was considered necessary. The characteristics of the form are explained in fine print, citing the form of the rim, base, and other details that determine individual variants, which served as the basis for classification. Where possible, the dating was carried out on the basis of dated contexts from Slovenian sites, and otherwise on the basis of analogies with finds beyond this area. A list of the finds follows, arranged in the above groups or forms, with metric data, the current location, and publication. Analogies of form from outside Slovenia are cited separately. The commentary presents the general characteristics of individual forms and variants, analogies and comparisons of forms from sites in Slovenia and throughout Europe, as well as more extensive bases for the chronological determinations. The drawings of the material were made at a 1:3 scale, while the tables of forms are not to scale. LEGENDA SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS Oznake skupin, podskupin in njihovih različic: 1. 1.1. 1.2.1. skupina podskupina oblika Symbols for groups, sub-groups, and their variants I. 1.1. 1.2.1. group sub-group form Gr. grob GN gomilna najdba ZN zakladna najdba NN naselbinska najdba PN posamična najdba gr. TF HF SF IF grave tumulus find hoard find settlement find individual find Mere Viš. Pr. ustja Najv. obseg Pr. noge Vel. višina premer ustja največji obseg premer dna ali noge velikost odlomka (višina x širina) Measurements ht. dia. rim gr. circ. dia. base dim. height rim diameter greatest circumference diameter of the base or foot size of the fragment (height x width) Kratice muzejev in zavodov, v katerih hranijo gradivo / Abbreviations for the museums and institutions where the material is store: BM Belokranjski muzej / Museum of White Carniola, Metlika DM Dolenjski muzej / Museum of Lower Carniola, Novo mesto FF Oddelek za arheologijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani / Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana GM Goriški muzej / Museum of Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica GMK Gorenjski muzej / Museum of Upper Carniola, Kranj K.HMW Umetnostnozgodovinski muzej Dunaj / Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Austria KPM Koroški pokrajinski muzej / Museum of Carinthia, Slovenj Gradec LMJ Deželni muzej Joanneum / Landesmuseum Joanneum Graz, Austria NHMW Prirodoslovni muzej Dunaj / Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria NMP Notranjski muzej / Museum of Inner Carniola, Postojna NMS Narodni muzej Slovenije / National Museum of Slovenia, Ljubljana PMB Posavski muzej / Museum of the Sava Basin, Brežice PMC Pokrajinski muzej / Regional Museum, Celje PMK Pokrajinski muzej / Regional Museum, Koper PMMb Pokrajinski muzej / Regional Museum, Maribor PMMS Pokrajinski muzej / Regional Museum, Murska Sobota PMP Pokrajinski muzej / Regional Museum, Ptuj PMPi Pomorski muzej »Sergej Mašera« / Maritime Museum, Piran Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Republike Slovenije z enotami: / Institute for Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Slovenia with Branches: Ce OE Celje Lj OE Ljubljana Mb OE Maribor NG OE Nova Gorica NM OE Novo mesto Pi OE Piran IZDELKI, ULITI V KALUP OPIS TEHNIKE Vključitev helenističnih držav v okvir rimske države v 2. in 1. st. pr. n. š. je omogočila pogoje, v katerih se je steklarstvo razvilo in razcvetelo v eno najmočnejših industrij rimskega imperija. Helenistični mojstri so imeli v začetnem razvoju glavno vlogo, postopno pa se je razvila samosvoja in samostojna obrt, jasno ločena od zgodnjih helenističnih vplivov. Mnoge helenistične tehnike so rimski steklarji prevzeli in jih izboljšali, včasih poenostavili ali dopolnili z rezultati svojih izkušenj (Grose 1991, 185, 241). Prve vrste izdelkov so tudi v rimski steklarski obrti še vedno nastajale z ulivanjem. S tem izrazom so zajete vse tehnike, ki vključujejo toplotno obdelavo stekla in uporabo enodelnih odprtih kalupov, večdelnih zaprtih kalupov in kalupov za upogibanje steklenih diskov (gl. npr. Grose 1984). Kalupi so bili izdelani iz različnih materialov, npr. kamna, žgane gline, kovine ali celo lesa. Tehniko ulivanja so že od 3. st. pr. n. š. dalje uporabljali steklarji helenistične dobe. Ulivanje v enodelne odprte kalupe - na ta način so nastajale steklene gerne, žigi, obloge, stekleni okraski ipd. Vroče steklo so vlili v ogret kalup in ga z orodjem valjali in stiskali, dokler se model ni povsem zapolnil. Po ohlajanju so izdelek obrusili in zloščili. Ulivanje v zaprte večdelne kalupe - ta način so uporabljali pri izdelavi mozaičnih in enobarvnih izdelkov. Pri mozaičnih izdelkih so pripravljene večbarvne steklene ploščice položili po notranji strani kalupa in nato nanje položili gornji del kalupa. Vse skupaj so potisnili v peč, da so se ploščice zlile. Po ohladitvi so posodo dodelali z brušenjem oziroma glajenjem na stružnici. Pri enobarvnih izdelkih so namesto barvnih ploščic prostor med obema kalupoma zapolnili s koščki stekla, steklenimi paličkami. Med segrevanjem so nato dodajali koščke stekla ali staljeno steklo, da seje kalup popolnoma zapolnil. Posebno skupino, izdelano v večdelnih kalupih, tvorijo enobarvne posode intenzivnih barv, ki s svojimi profili posnemajo sočasno aretinsko keramiko in srebrno posodje julijsko-klavdijske dobe (Grose 1991, 2). Po ulivanju in ohlajanju so bile obrušene in dodelane na stružnici, da so dobili željene izrazito profilirane forme. Ti izdelki so samostojen proizvod rimske steklarske obrti oziroma njenih mojstrov (Grose 1989, 254). Uvijanje steklenih diskov preko kalupa - postopek zahteva dve stopnji dela. Najprej so pripravili ploščat steklen disk iz enobarvnega ali večbarvnega stekla. Mozaični je bil sestavljen iz večbarvnih ploščic ali paličk. CAST PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION OF THE TECHNIQUE The inclusion of the Hellenistic states into the framework of the Roman state in the 2nd and Is' centuries BC enabled conditions under which glass working developed and flourished into one of the most powerful industries of the Roman Empire. The Hellenistic craftsmen played a major role in the initial development, and gradually an independent and autonomous industry developed, clearly distinguished from the early Hellenistic influences. The Roman glass-workers took over many Hellenistic techniques and improved them, sometimes simplifying or supplementing them according to the results of their own experience (Grose 1991, 185,241). The first types of products in the Roman glass-work-ing craft were created by casting. This technique encompasses all forms that include working heated glass and the use of one-part open moulds, multi-part closed moulds, and moulds for curving glass discs (see Grose 1984). The moulds were made from various materials, such as stone, fired clay, metal, or even wood. The technique of casting was used from the 3rd century BC onwards by the glass-workers of the Hellenistic period. Casting in a one-part open mould - This was used to produce glass gems, seals, linings, glass decorations, et cetera. Molten glass was poured into a heated mould, then rolled and pressed with a tool to completely fill the model. After cooling, the product was ground smooth and polished. Casting in a dosed multi-part mould - This was used in the manufacture of mosaic and single coloured products. Mosaic products were made by placing prepared multicoloured glass lamellas along the inner side of the mould and fitting the upper part of the mould on this. It was all pressed together in the furnace, so that the canes merged. After cooling, the products were completed with burnishing or polishing on a lathe. Single coloured products were made by filling the area between both moulds with fragments of glass, glass canes. While heating, additional pieces of glass or molten glass were added to fill the mould entirely. A special group manufactured in multi-part moulds consists of single coloured vessels of intensive colour, imitating in their profiles contemporary Arretine pottery and the silver vessels of the Julio-Claudian period (Grose 1991, 2). After casting and cooling, they were burnished or polished on a lathe, so as to acquire the desired profiled form. These vessels were the independent products of the Roman glass-working industries or rather their craftsmen (Grose 1989, 254). Na robu je bil navadno zaključen s spiralasto stekleno nitjo, kije držala koščke skupaj. Disk so nato postavili v peč, da seje segrel, se počasi upognil in se oblikoval po kalupu (skica 2). Zaradi tega je ostenje teh posod pri dnu tanjše kot ob ustju. Ohlajeno posodo so nato obrusili na stružnici. Ker je bila ena stran posode izpostavljena vročini in s tem zglajena, so navadno polirali le notranjost. Tudi enostavne enobarvne polkroglaste skodelice so bile največkrat uvite preko kalupa. Na podoben način so nastale zelo razširjene rebraste skodelice. Postopek izdelave le-teh je zahteval, da so na disk še pred uvijanjem preko kalupa vtisnili okras reber s posebnim orodjem ali kalupom. Tudi tu je po ohlajevanju sledilo brušenje notranjosti posode na stružnici. Sled poliranja se pogosto opazi tudi na obeh straneh ustja. Razpoznavna je v vodoravnih linijah, tankih kot las. Med ulitimi izdelki posebej izstopajo posode z raznobarvnimi vzorci, nastalimi z mozaično tehniko. Posode iz večbarvnega oziroma mozaičnega stekla so nastajale že v helenističnih delavnicah. Rimski steklarji so močno razširili repertoar vzorcev večbarvnih paličk, barvna lestvica pa je v glavnem ostala enaka (Grose 1989, Fig. Text flg. 2: Curving a glass disc over a mould. (From: Cumings 1980) Curving glass discs over a mould - This process required two phases of work. First a flat glass disc was prepared of single- or multi-coloured glass. Mosaic discs were composed of multicoloured rods or canes. The edges usually ended in a spiral glass thread that held the canes together. The disc was then placed in a furnace to heat up, was slowly curved, and was shaped into the mold (text fig. 2). The walls of these vessels are thinner at the base than at the rim due to the production technique. The cooled vessel was polished on a lathe, usually only the interior because the exterior had been subjected to direct heat and smoothed. Simple single coloured hemispherical bowls were most often curved into a mould in this manner. The widely distributed ribbed bowls were created in a similar manner. The production process required the ribbed decoration be applied to the disc with a special tool or mould before curving it over the mould. After cooling, the interior of the vessel again had to be polished with a lathe. Traces of polishing can often be noted on both sides of the rim and in angles in the form of hair-thin horizontal lines. Outstanding items among cast products are vessels with multicoloured patterns created in the mosaic technique. Vessels made from multicoloured or mosaic glass had previously been created in the Hellenistic workshops. The Roman glass craftsmen greatly broadened the repertory of patterns of multicoloured canes, while the colour scale essentially remained the same (Grose 1989, Fig. 102, 143); (text Jig. 3). The dimensions of the plate from which the disc was formed were sometimes considerably larger than for the Hellenistic products, and when onyx vessels were imitated, the disc was composed only of three to four large plates with spiral patterns (Grose 1989, Fig. 125). Such plates were cut from what is known as a “cow-horn”. This means that one end of a roll was broadened, with a greater surface, and that it truly did have a horn shape (text. fig. 4). These patterns certainly intermingled every time. In addition to floral (milleflori) and marbleized patterns, banded, patchwork, and other composite motifs were also created (Fig. 9). Another special group consists of products with a webbed or lace pattern (reticella). The walls of such vessels are composed of transparent or slightly coloured canes, which were wound with thin threads of glass of another colour. The pattern derived directly from the Hellenistic tradition. On the Hellenistic vessels, the pattern wound spirally from the base towards the rim, while the Roman glass-workers placed one rod next to another in straight lines (Grose 1989, 00). The rims of the vessel usually ended in spirally wound glass threads. Then the glass disc was reheated and formed according to the prepared mould. Skica 2: Uvijanje steklenega diska preko kalupa; (po: Cumings 1980). 102, 143; skica S). Dimenzija ploščic iz katerih so oblikovali disk, je bila včasih precej večja kot pri helenističnih izdelkih, kadar pa so posnemali posode iz oniksa, je bil disk sestavljen le iz treh do štirih večjih ploščic s spiralastim vzorcem (Grose 1989, Fig. 125). Take ploščice so razrezali iz tako imenovanega kravjega roga (angl. cowhorn). To pomeni, daje bil en konec svitka razširjen v večjo površino in je res imel obliko roga (skica 4). Seveda so se ti vzorci sproti dopolnjevali. Poleg cvetnih (millefiori) in marmoriranih vzorcev so nastajali še trakasti, kvadratni in drugi sestavljeni motivi (sl. 9). Posebna skupina so tudi izdelki z mrežastim oziroma čipkastim (reticella) vzorcem. Ostenje takih posod je sestavljeno iz prozornih ali rahlo obarvanih paličk, ki so ovite s tankimi nitmi drugobarvnega stekla. Motiv ravno tako izvira že iz helenistične tradicije. Pri helenističnih posodah vzorec polžasto raste iz dna proti ustju, rimski steklarji pa so polagali eno paličko poleg druge v ravnih linijah. Ustje posod so navadno zaključili s spiralasto ovito stekleno nitjo in nato stekleni disk s segrevanjem oblikovali po pripravljenem kalupu. Med luksuzne večbarvne izdelke sodijo tudi posodice z zlatimi trakovi. Njihova posebnost je uporaba tanke zlate folije, stisnjene med dve plasti prozornega stekla. Tako pripravljene ploščice so skupaj z zelenimi, modrimi, rumenimi in belimi sestavili v ploskev. Iz te so z večkratnim Skica .Sestavljanje večbarvnih steklenih paličk (1-2) in raztegovanje, da se vzorec pomanjša (3-4); (po: Moretti 1984). Text Jig. 3\ The composition of multicoloured glass rods (1-2), and the process of stretching to reduce the pattern (3-4). (From: Moretti 1985) Luxurious multicoloured products also include vessels with golden bands. Their special feature is the use of thin gold foil, placed between two layers of transparent glass. Such platelets were placed together with others of green, blue, yellow, and white. The walls of the vessel were formed by multiple bending and twisting. The technique was taken directly from the Hellenistic tradition. The only new elements were the form and bands of dark green (emerald green) glass (Grose 1989, 261). In describing glass working techniques using casting, the recent theories of Rosemarie Lierke should be mentioned, who argued and proved the use of the potter’s wheel in the production of certain glass vessels, such as ribbed bowls, hemispherical bowls from mosaic glass, and others (Lierke 1993; 1996, 55). For the time being, these theories have not been accepted entirely, as identical products could have been produced in several different ways. Probably we will never be able to claim with certainty that ribbed bowls, for instance, were created only by casting in two-part moulds. The possibility must definitely be allowed that Skica 4: Tako imenovan »kravji rog« - iz njega so narezali ploščice premera do 10 cm in ostenje posodje bilo sestavljeno le iz štirih ali petih lakih ploščic; (po: Grose 1989). Text fig. 4: The so-called "cow-horn" - from which plates up to 10 cm in diameter were cut, and the walls of vessels were composed only from four or five such plates. (From: Grose 1989) prepogibanjem in vijuganjem oblikovali ostenje posode. Tehnika je ravno tako prevzeta iz helenistične tradicije, nove so le oblike in trakovi stekla temno zelene (smaragdno zelene) barve (Grose 1989, 261). Pri opisovanju steklarskih tehnik s pomočjo ulivanja, moramo omeniti tudi novejše teorije Rosemarie Lierke, ki zagovarja in dokazuje uporabo lončarskega vretena pri izdelavi nekaterih steklenih posod, npr. rebrastih skodelic, polkroglastih skodel iz mozaičnega stekla itd. (Lierke 1993; 1996, 55). Zaenkrat te teorije še niso v celoti sprejete, saj so lahko enaki izdelki nastali na več različnih načinov. Prav zaradi tega verjetno ne bomo mogli nikoli z gotovostjo trditi, da so npr. rebraste skodelice lahko nastale samo z ulivanjem v dvodelne kalupe. Vsekakor moramo dopustiti možnost obstoja različnih tehnik izdelave enakih oblik steklenih posod pred odkritjem pihanja. Tehnika pi! v 1. stoletju prevlada in omogoči proizvodnjo večje količine enakih izdelkov za nižjo, vsem dostopno ceno; zanimanje za obarvane izdelke upade in nastopi moda naravno obarvanih in dekoloriranih posod in tehnika ulivanja počasi zamre. various techniques existed for the production of identical forms of glass vessels before the discovery of glass blowing. The technique of glass blowing prevailed in the Is1 century, enabling the production of a large quantity of identical products for a lower price accessible to all; the interest in coloured products declined, naturally coloured and decoloured vessels came into fashion, and the technique of casting slowly died out. In the second half of the Is1 century, exceptional SI. 9: Raznoliki vzorci rimskega mozaičnega stekla: a -marmorirani, b - cvetni, c - mrežasti, d - posnemajoč posode izoniksa. Polhov Gradec, Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana (foto: T. Lauko). Fig. 1>: Various patterns of Roman mosaic glass: a - marbled, b - millefiori, c - lace, d - imitation of onyx vessels. Polhov Gradec, Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana (photo: T. Lauko). T' ' - V,. • • : • t? V drugi polovici I. stoletja nastanejo izjemni izdelki iz namerno razbarvanega (dekoloriranega) stekla, uliti v kalup in okrašeni z brušenjem. Posode visoke kvalitete odražajo okus višjih slojev, ki so v izdelkih iz razbarvanega, povsem prozornega stekla videli nadomestek za dragocene posode iz kamene strele. PREGLED OBLIK (sl. 10-12; 54) SKUPINA 1 - KROŽNIKI 1.1. KROŽNIKI, IZDELANI V KALUPU 1.1.1. Krožniki z ravnim dnom in izvihanim ustjem (ls 19); {sl. 10): To so uliti izdelki, ustje je navadno rahlo izvihano, dno ravno, na sredini rahlo vboklo, stojni prstan ni oblikovan. Izdelani so iz mozaičnega ali obarvanega stekla. Datacija: prva polovica 1. st. Ptuj (NN) Odlomki iz temno zelenega stekla z rdečimi cvetovi in rumenimi paličkami. 11.1. - pr. ustja 17 cm - PMP R 7381. Lit.: Korošec 1982, sl. 1-4. Formin (NN) Odlomek iz temno zelenega stekla z rdečimi, rumenimi in zelenimi paličkami. 11.1. - pr. ustja 28 cm - PMP R 7387. Lit.: Korošec 1982, 34. Primerjave: Cool. Price 1995, No. 200. Komentar: Odlomki krožnikov iz mozaičnega stekla iz Formina in Petovione nimajo povsem ustreznih paralel med gradivom s slovenskih najdišč. V večini primerov gre le za odlomke, ki jim težko določimo vse detajle v obliki. Primerjave s širšega prostora najdemo med gradivom Štalenske gore, Cose, Vindonisse in Colchestra (Cool, Price 1995, 34). Izdelki so pogosti v avgustejskih do klavdijskih in zgodnje neronijanskih plasteh, potem pa njihova uporaba hitro zamre. Petovionski odlomek je bil najden v plasti, datirani v prvo polovico 1. stoletja (Korošec 1982, 35). products were created from deliberately decoloured glass, cast into a mould and decorated with facet-cut ornaments. The high quality vessel reflect the taste of the upper classes, who saw in the decoloured, entirely transparent glass a replacement for valuable vessels made from rock crystal. REVIEW OF FORMS (Figs. 10-12; 54) GROUP 1 - PLATES 1.1. PLATES MADE IN A MOULD 1.1.1. Plates with a flat base and everted rim (ls 19); (Fig. 10): These are cast products, the rim is usually slightly everted, the base flat, slightly convex in the center, no ring base was formed. They were made from mosaic or coloured glass. Date: first half of the Is' century Ptuj (SF) Fragments of dark green glass with red flowers and yellow rods. 1.1.1. - dia. rim 17 cm - PMP R 7381 Lit.: Korošec 1982, Fig. 1-4. Formin (SF) A fragment of dark green glass with red, yellow, and green rods. 1.1.1. - dia. rim 28 cm - PMP R 7387. Lit.: Korošec 1982, 34. Analogies: Cool, Price 1995, no. 200. Comments: The fragments of dishes made of mosaic glass from Formin and Poetovio do not have entirely adequate parallels among the material from Slovenian sites. In most cases, these are merely fragments and it is difficult to distinguish details of the form. Analogies in the broader region can be found among the material from Magdalensberg, Cosa, Vindonissa and Colchester (Cool, Price 1995, 34). These vessels are found frequently in Augustan to Claudian and early Neronian layers, declining rapidly thereafter. The Poetovian fragment was discovered in a stratum dated to the first half of the Is'century (Korošec 1982, 35). SKUPINA 2 - SKODELICE 2.1. SKODELICE, IZDELANE V KALUPU 2.1.1. Konične skodelice s kanelurami pod ustjem (sl. 10): To so izdelki, nastali z uvijanjem preko kalupa, zato je debelina ostenja pri dnu tanjša kot pri ustju. Ostenje ravno prehaja v zaokroženo ustje. Zunanjost in notranjost posodje zbrušena, dno je zaokroženo, na notranji strani ostenja je okras kanelur v pasovih. Datacija: druga pol. 2. st. pr. n. š. - 1. st. pr. n. š. Razdrto - Preval (PN) Odlomek ustja jantarno rjave barve, pod ustjem na notranji strani dve kaneluri. 2.1.1. - pr. ustja 24 cm - NMP R 3806. Lit.: neobjavljeno. V —j ^ 1.1.1. 2.1.1. 2.1.2. Sl. 10: Oblike posod, izdelanih v kalupu (1.1.1.: Korošec 1982, 34; 2.1.1.: Razdrto, neobjavljeno; 2.1.2.: Petru 1976, t. 11: 5). M. = 1:3. Fig. 10: Forms of cast vessels (1.1.1.: Korošec 1982, 34; 2.1.1: Razdrto, unpublished; 2.1.2.: Petru 1976, Pl. 11: 5). Scale = 1:3. GROUP 2 - BOWLS 2.1. BOWLS MADE IN A MOULD 2.1.1. Conical bowls with channels under the rim (Fig. 10): These products were created by curving over a mould, and thus the walls are thinner towards the back than at the rim. The walls have a direct transition into a rounded rim. The exterior and interior arc burnished, the base is rounded, and wheel-cut lines decorate the inner side of the wall. Date: second half of the 2"d cent. BC - Is' cent. BC Razdrto - Preval (IF) A rim fragment of amber brown, two wheel-cut lines below the rim on the inner side. 2.1.1. - dia. rim 24 cm - NMP R 3806. Lit.: unpublished. Analogies: Oliver 1967, Fig. 8, 9; Weinberg 1970, 20: nos. 3, 6, 9; Grose 1979, 56. Comments: The fragment of a conical bowl was made of yellow-brown or amber coloured glass. The rim is rounded and on the inner side, just below it, are two somewhat deep wheel-cut lines. The walls become thinner towards the base. The bowl can be compared to a group of Hellenistic bowls made in a two-part mould and then polished on a lathe. It was one of the first forms that the Hellenic craftsmen mass-produced in large quantities (Grose 1979, 55-57). The only decoration on these vessels are two or three deep horizontal grooves on the inner side of the walls, in several cases also on the exterior side, around the base. The scale of colour ranges from brownish-yellow or amber brown, through olive green and transparent examples. Bowls of the 2.1.1. group, or group A according to the classification of Grose (1979, 56) are known from the 2nd and l51 centuries BC. In the earliest contexts (150-100 BC), they were found at the Athenian Agora (Weinberg 1961,389, Fig. 3:11-12), while in Is'century BC strata they are known from Jerusalem, Delos, Cosa, and Volterra (Grose 1979, 58). Their production probably ceases sometime in the mid l51 century BC. 2.1.2. Bowls with slightly out-turned walls and horizontal lines on the walls (Fig. 10): The vessels were made in a mould. They outside were polished on a lathe. The upper part of the walls is everted and goes straight into the rim. The walls are decorated Primerjave: Oliver 1967, Fig. 8,9; Weinberg 1970, 20: No. 3, 6, 9; Grose 1979, 56. Komentar: Odlomek konične skodelice je iz rjavo-rumeno oziroma jantarno obarvanega stekla. Ustje je zaobljeno in na notranji strani sta tik pod njim dve dokaj globoki kaneluri. Debelina ostenja se proti dnu tanjša. Skodelico lahko primerjamo s skupino helenističnih skodel, ki so bile delane v dvodelnem kalupu in nato brušene na stružnici. Gre za eno prvih oblik, ki sojih helenistične delavnice proizvajale serijsko in v večjih količinah (Grose 1979, 55-57). Edini okras na teh posodah sta dve ali tri globlje horizontalne kanelure na notranji strani ostenja, v nekaterih primerih tudi na zunanji strani, okrog dna. Barvna lestvica obsega rjavo-rumene oziroma jantarno rjave, olivno zelene in prozorne izdelke. Skodele 2.1.1. ali skupine A po razvrstitvi Groseja (1979,56), so znane iz 2. in 1. st. pr. n. š. V najstarejših kontekstih (150-100 pr. n. š.) so bile najdene v atenski Agori (Weinberg 1961, 389, Fig. 3: 11-12), v slojih 1. st. pr. n. š. pa so znane iz Jeruzalema, Delosa, Cose, Volterre (Grose 1979, 58). Njihova proizvodnja preneha verjetno nekje sredi 1, st. pr. n. š. 2.1.2. Skodelice z navzven nagnjenim ostenjem in s horizontalnimi linijami na ostenju (sl. 10): Posode so nastale v kalupu. Notranjščina je polirana na stružnici. Gornji del ostenja je nagnjen in ravno prehaja v ustje. Ostenje krasi pas brušenih linij. Dno je rahlo vboklo, stojni prstan ni posebej oblikovan. Datacija: prva polovica 1. st. Polhov Gradec (gr.) Skodelica iz temno rdečega stekla, dno rahlo vboklo, ostenje nagnjeno navzven, pas brušenih linij na klekastem prehodu ostenja v dno. Na zunanji strani sledi brušenja. 2.1.2. - viš. 8,5 cm; pr. ustja 10 cm - NMS R 6987. Lit.: Ložar 1938, sl. 16. Polhov Gradec (gr.) Skodelica iz temno rdečega stekla, dno rahlo vboklo, ostenje nagnjeno navzven, pas brušenih linij na klekastem prehodu ostenja v dno. Na zunanji strani sledi brušenja. 2.1.2. - viš. 8,5 cm; pr. ustja 10 cm - NMS R 6986. Lit.: Ložar 1938, sl. 16. Primerjave: nepoznane. Komentar: Skodelici med objavljenim gradivom zaenkrat nimata ustreznih primerjav. Te vrste posod so navadno izdelovali v dvodelnih kalupih, nato so bile na zunanji in notranji strani zglajene oziroma zbrušene; sledovi brušenja in with a zone of wheel-cut lines. The base is gently concave, without a base ring. Date: first half of the Is1 century Polhov Gradec (gr.) A bowl of dark red glass, the base gently concave, the walls everted, a band of wheel-cut lines at the curved transition from the walls to the base. Traces of polishing on the exterior. 2.1.2. - ht. 8.5 cm; dia. rim 10 cm - NMS R 6987. Lit.: Ložar 1938, Fig. 16. Polhov Gradec (gr.) A bowl of dark red glass, the base gently concave, the walls everted, a band of wheel-cut lines at the curved transition from the walls to the base. Traces of polishing on the exterior. 2.1.2. - ht. 8.5 cm; dia. rim 10 cm - NMS R6986. Lit.: Ložar 1938, Fig. 16. Analogies: none indetified. Comments: The bowls do not have any corresponding analogies among published material. Such vessels were usually made in two-part moulds, and were then polished or ground on the outer and inner sides; traces of grinding and treatment on a lathe are visible on both bowls from Polhov Gradec. The bowls were probably part of a grave and are dated to the first half or the middle of the lsl century according to other finds from the cemetery in Polhov Gradec (information from D. Božič; see also Božič 2003). 2.1.3. Hemispherical bowls (Is I); (Fig. 11): Simple hemispherical vessels were made in open or closed moulds, or were curved over a mould. The walls merge directly into the rim, the base is flat or gently concave. They were made from mosaic or strongly-coloured glass, rarely also from blue-green glass. Date: first half of the Is1 century Polhov Gradec (gr.) A fragment of rim and wall with a lace pattern of transparent and white glass, the rim was made of braided white and brown glass. 2.1.3. - dia. rim 17 cm - NMS R 6988a. Lit.: Ložar 1938, Fig. 17; Petru 1976, PI. 11: 11. Polhov Gradec (gr.) A fragment with a lace pattern of clear and white glass, the rim of braided white and brown glass threads. 2.1.3. - dim. 6 x 8 cm - NMS R 6988b. Lit.: Ložar 1938, Fig. 17; Petru 1976, PI. 11: 3. obdelave na stružnici so vidni na obeh skodelicah iz Polhovega Gradca. Skodelici izvirata z grobišča in sta datirani na osnovi ostalih najdb v prvo polovico 1. stoletja (podatek D. Božič; Božič 2003). 2.1.3. Polkroglaste skodelice (Is 1); (sl. II): Enostavne polkroglaste posode so nastale v odprtih ali zaprtih kalupih oziroma so bile uvite preko kalupa. Ostenje ravno prehaja v ustje, dno je ravno ali rahlo vboklo. Izdelane so iz mozaičnega ali intenzivno obarvanega stekla, redko tudi iz modro-zelenkastega. Datacija: začetek I. st. Polhov (■rudec (gr.) Odlomek ustja in ostenja z mrežastim vzorcem iz prozorne in bele steklene mase, ustje je iz prepletenih belih in rjavih niti. 2.1.3. - pr. ustja 17 cm - NMS R 6988a. Lit.: Ložar 1938, sl. 17; Petru 1976, t. II: 11. Polhov (iradec (gr.) Odlomek z mrežastim vzorcem iz prozorne in bele steklene mase, ustje je iz prepletenih belih in rjavih niti. 2.1.3. - vel. 6 x 8 cm - NMS R 6988b. Lit.: Ložar 1938, sl. 17; Petru 1976, t. 11:3. Analogies: Berger I960, Pl. 1: 4, 5; Grose 1984, Fig. 6, 420: 398-401; Harden 1968, Fig. 18-19; Vitrum 1990, no. 59. Comments: The first products with lace patterns (reticella) were found in a group of glass vessels from Canossa in Italy (Harden 1968, 27, Fig. 18, 19; 31, Pl. II) from the 3r‘‘ century BC, and among the cargo of a shipwreck from Antikythera (Weinberg 1965, 38) from the 1st century BC. In his comparison of closed units with these products, Harden concluded that vessels of mosaic glass with lace patterns were produced from as early as the 3rd century BC onwards (1968, 37, 43). The Roman glass workers manufactured vessels with lace decoration from the end of the 1st century BC onwards. Their products were somewhat different from the Hellenistic ones, as they placed glass rods next to one another to form a flat disc, which was then reheated and curved over a mould. The distribution of these bowls Sl. II: Oblike posod, izdelanih v kalupu (2.1.3.: Petru 1976, t. 11: II; 2.1.4.: Petru 1976, t. 11: 8; 2.I.5.: Petru 1976, t. 11: 2; 2.1.6.: Petru 1976, t. II: 9). M. = 1:3. Fig. II: Forms of cast vessels (2.1.3.: Petru 1976, Pl. II: II; 2.1.4.: Petru 1976, Pl. 11:8:2.1.5.: Petru 1976, Pl. 11:2:2.1.6.: Petru 1976, Pl. II: 9). Scale = 1:3. Primerjave: Berger 1960, Taf. 1: 4, 5; Grose 1984, Fig. 6, 420: 398-401; Harden 1968, Fig. 18-19; Vitrum 1990, No. 59. Komentar: Prve izdelke z mrežastim oziroma čipkastim (reticella) vzorcem najdemo v skupini steklenih posod iz Canosse v Italiji (Harden 1968, 27, Fig. 18, 19; 31, Pl. II;) iz 3. st. pr. n. š. in med gradivom tovora ladje iz Antikythere (Weinberg 1965, 38) iz I. st. pr. n. š. Harden v svoji primerjavi zaključenih celot s temi izdelki ugotavlja, da so posode iz mozaičnega stekla z mrežastim vzorcem izdelovali že od 3. st. pr. n. š. dalje (1968, 37, 43). Rimski steklarji proizvajajo posode z mrežastim okrasom od konca 1. st. pr. n. š. dalje. Njihova izdelava je nekoliko drugačna od helenističnih, saj polagajo steklene paličice drugo ob drugo in oblikujejo ploščat disk, kije nato segret in uvit preko kalupa. Razprostranjenost teh skodel je omejena na območje Italije in njenih zahodnih provinc. Njihov izvor zato pripisujejo italskini delavnicam, proizvodnja traja le kratek čas in je značilna za avgustejsko obdobje (Grose 1989, 253). V celoti ohranjenih posod skoraj ni, najbolje sta ohranjeni posodi, kijih hranita muzeja v Rimu in Corningu (Grose 1989, 253, Fig. 133, 134). Polkroglasti skodelici z mrežastim vzorcem sta pri nas zaenkrat znani le z grobišča v Polhovem Gradcu. Obe sta le delno ohranjeni. Izdelani sta iz prozornega stekla z belimi nitmi, ustje je posebej dodano in izdelano iz steklenega traku, prepletenega v beli in rjavo-rumeni barvi. 2.1.4. Rebraste skodelice (Is 3); (sl. II): To vrsto izdelkov so najverjetneje izdelovali z uvijanjem pripravljenega diska preko kalupa. Okras reber je bil narejen s šablono ali ročno. Ustje je ravno in na vrhu zaokroženo, dno rahlo vboklo. Notranjost so obrusili na stružnici. Izdelane so iz mozaičnega, obarvanega ali modro-zelenkastega stekla. Datacija: 1. st. Polhov Gradec (gr.) Skodelica iz mozaičnega stekla z belim in modrim marmo-riranim vzorcem. 2-1.4. - viš. 5,5 cm; pr. dna 9,5 cm - NMS R 6983. Lit.: Ložar 1938, sl. 14 levo; Petru 1976, t. 11:8. Polhov Gradec (gr.) Rebrasta skodelica iz mozaičnega stekla z marmoriranim vzorcem. 2.1.4. - pogrešana. Lit.: Ložar 1938, sl. 21. Razdrto - Preval (NN) Odlomek skodelice iz mozaičnega stekla z belo-vijoličastim marmoriranim vzorcem. 2-1.4. - NMP R 3001. Lit.: neobjavljeno. was limited to the region of Italy and its western provinces. Their source can thus be attributed to Italic workshops, where production continued for only a short time and was characteristic for the Augustan period (Grose 1989, 253). There are almost no entirely preserved vessels, the best preserved being in museums in Rome and Corning, NY (Grose 1989, 253, Fig. 133, 134). Hemispherical bowls with lace patterns are known in Slovenia only from Polhov Gradec. Both examples are only partially preserved. They were made from clear glass with white threads, while the rim was separately added, made from a glass band braided in white and brownish-yellow. 2.1.4. Ribbed bowls (Is 3); (Fig. II): This type of product was probably manufactured by curving a prepared disk over a mould. The ribbed decoration was made with a stencil or by hand. The rim is straight, rounded on the top, the base gently concave. The interior was polished with a lathe. They were made from mosaic, coloured, or blue-green glass. Date: Is'century Polhov Gradec (gr.) A bowl made from mosaic glass with white and blue marble patterns. 2.1.4. - ht. 5.5 cm; dia. base 9.5 cm - NMS R 6983. Lit.: Ložar 1938, Fig. 14, left; Petru 1976, PI. 11: 8. Polhov Gradec (gr.) A ribbed bowl of mosaic glass with marble patterns. 2.1.4. - Polhov Gradec. Lit.: Ložar 1938, Fig. 21. Razdrto - Preval (SF) Fragment of a bowl of mosaic glass with white-violet marble patterns. 2.1.4. - NMP R 3001. Lit.: unpublished. Analogies - bowls made of mosaic glass: Petru 1972, PI. 21:17; Plesničar 1983, PI. 3: 12; Berger 1960, PI. 1: 16-17; 2; 18-21; Goethert-Polaschek 1977, PI. 3: 186; Fassold 1985, Fig. 7: 1; Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 48: 423; 49: 443, 445; Grose 1989, 415: 285-86; 416: 288-295; Cool, Price 1995, nos. 1-5. Hrastnik (SF) Fragment of a rim of dark blue glass. 2.1.4. - ZVK.D Ce. Lit.: unpublished. Hrastnik (SF) Fragment of a rim of amber glass. 2.1.4. - ZVK.D Ce. Lit.: unpublished. Ra/.drto - Preval (SF) Part of a rim of dark blue glass. 2.1.4. - NMP R 3274. Lit.: unpublished. Primerjave - skodelice iz mozaičnega stekla: Petru 1972, t. 21: 17: Plesničar Gec 1983, t. 3: 12; Berger 1960, Taf. 1: 16-17; 2: 18-21; Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Taf. 3: 186; Fassold 1985, Abb. 7: 1; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 48: 423; 49: 443, 445; Grose 1989,415: 285-86; 416: 288-295; Cool, Price 1995, No. 1-5; Hrastnik (NN) Odlomek ustja iz temno modrega stekla. 2.1.4. - ZVKD Ce. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Hrastnik (NN) Odlomek ustja iz stekla jantarne barve. 2.1.4. - ZVKD Ce. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Razdrto - Preval (NN) Del ustja iz temno modrega stekla. 2.1.4. - NMP R 3274. Lit.: neobjavljeno. 7 Ptuj (NN) Odlomek rebraste skodelice iz temno modrega stekla. 2.1.4. - pr. ustja 12,2 cm - PM Ptuj. Lit.: Korošec 1982, t. 2: I. Primerjave - skodelice iz obarvanega stekla: Plesničar Gec 1972, t. 97: 6; 1983, t. 3: 15; Berger 1960, Taf. 2: 24-27; Fassold 1985, Abb. 8: 3; Cool, Price 1995, No. 7-21. Cerknica (gr. 1/1974) Rebrasta skodelica iz zelenkastega stekla. 2.1.4. - viš. 5,6 cm; pr. ustja 12 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, t. 1: 8. Cerknica (gr. 1/1974) Rebrasta skodelica iz zelenkastega stekla. 2.1.4. - viš. 5,6 cm; pr. ustja 12 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, t. 1: 9. Petrušnja vas (gr. 6) Rebrasta skodelica iz zelenkastega stekla. 2.1.4. - viš. 4,4 cm; pr. ustja 12,5 cm - NMS. Lit.: Petru P. 1969, t. 29: 2 Verdun (gr. 125) Rebrasta skodelica iz zelenkastega stekla. 2.1.4. - viš. 4,6 cm; pr. ustja 11,5 cm - DM 2168. Lit.: Breščak 2002, kat. 76/2, 139. Celje (NN) Odlomek ustja iz modro-zelenkastega stekla. 2.1.4. - pr. ustja 12 cm - PMC R 21608. Lit.: Lazar 1993, t. 2: 7. Celje (NN) Del ustja iz modro-zelenkastega stekla, ohranjena vertikalna rebra. 2.1.4. - pr. ustja 17,5 cm - PMC R 21778. Lit.: Lazar 1994, 21, št. 14. Celje (NN) Del ustja iz modro-zelenkastega stekla. 2.1.4. - pr. ustja 17,5 cm - PMC R 21779. Lit.: Lazar 1994, 21, št. 15. Celje (NN) Del dna, ohranjena pokončna rebra. 2.1.4. - pr. dna 6 cm - PMC R 21609. Lit.: Lazar 1993, t. 2: 5. Ptuj (SF) Fragment of a ribbed bowl of dark blue glass. 2.1.4. - dia. rim 12.2 cm - PM Ptuj. Lit.: Korošec 1982, Pl. 2: 1. Analogies - bowls of coloured glass: Plesničar Gec 1972, PI. 97:6; 1983, PI. 3: 15; Berger I960, PI. 2: 24-27; Fassold 1985, Fig. 8: 3; Cool, Price 1995, nos. 7-21. Cerknica (gr. 1/1974) Ribbed bowl of greenish glass. 2.1.4. - ht. 5.6 cm; dia. rim 12 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, PI. 1: 8. Cerknica (gr. 1/1974) Ribbed bowl of greenish glass. 2.1.4. - ht. 5.6 cm; dia. rim 12 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, PI. I: 9. Petrušnja vas (gr. 6) Ribbed bowl of greenish glass. 2.1.4. - ht. 4.4 cm; dia. rim 12,5 cm - NMS. Lit.: Petru P. 1969, PI. 29: 2 Verdun (gr. 125) Ribbed bowl of greenish glass. 2.1.4. - ht. 4.6 cm; dia. rim 11.5 cm - DM 2168. Lit.: Breščak 2002, cat. 76/2, 139. Celje (SF) Fragment of a rim of blue-green glass. 2.1.4. - dia. rim 12 cm - PMC R 21608. Lit.: Lazar 1993, PI. 2: 7. Celje (SF) Part of a rim of blue-green glass, vertical rib preserved. 2.1.4. - dia. rim 17.5 cm - PMC R 21778. Lit.: Lazar 1994, 21, no. 14. Celje (SF) Part of a rim of blue-green glass. 2.1.4. - dia. rim 17.5 cm - PMC R 21779. Lit.: Lazar 1994, 21, no. 15. Celje (SF) Part of a base, preserved upright rib. 2.1.4. - dia. base 6 cm - PMC R 21609. Lit.: Lazar 1993, PI. 2: 5. Celje (SF) Part of a base of a vessel with upright ribs. 2.1.4. - dia. base 5.5 cm - PMC R 16068. Lit.: unpublished. Drnovo (IF) Ribbed bowl of greenish glass. 2.1.4. - ht. 5.6 cm; dia. rim 12.8 cm - NMS R 727. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 12. Dolca vas (IF) Frgament of a ribbed bowl of greenish glass. 2.1.4. - PMMS. Lit.: Miki Curk 1959, PI. 29: 2. Ptuj (IF) Fragment of a rim and wall of blue-green glass. 2.1.4. - PMP R 1410. Lit.: Šubic 1976, Fig. 7. Ptuj (SF) Fragment of a ribbed bowl of blue-green glass. 2.1.4. - dia. rim 13 cm - PMP R 10686. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1993, PI. 10: I. Celje (NN) Del dna posode s pokončnimi rebri. 2.1.4. - pr. dna 5,5 cm - PMC R 16068. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Drnovo (PN) Rebrasta skodelica iz zelenkastega stekla. 2.1.4. - viš. 5,6 cm; pr. ustja 12,8 cm - NMS R 727. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 12. Dolga vas (PN) Odlomek rebraste skodelice iz zelenkastega stekla. 2.1.4. - PMMS. Lit.: Miki Curk 1959, t. 29: 2. Ptuj (PN) Odlomek ustja in ostenja iz modro-zelenkastega stekla. 2.1.4. - PMP R 1410. Lit.: Šubic 1976, sl. 7. Ptuj (NN) Odlomek rebraste skodelice iz modro-zelenkastega stekla. 2-1.4. - pr. ustja 13 cm - PMP R 10686. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1993, t. 10: 1. Razdrto - Preval (NN) Del ustja skodelice iz modro-zelenkastega stekla. 2-1.4. - pr. ustja 9,2 cm - N M P. Lit.: Bavdek 1996, Abb. 10: 5. Razdrto - Preval (NN) Odlomek skodelice iz modro-zelenkastega stekla. 2.1.4. - NMP R 2936. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Razdrto - Preval (NN) Odlomek skodelice iz modro-zelenkastega stekla. 21.4. - NMP R 3270. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Razdrto - Preval (NN) Odlomek skodelice iz modro-zelenkastega stekla. 2-1.4. - NMP R 3271. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Vrhnika (NN) Spodnji del rebraste skodelice iz modro-zelenkastega stekla. 2-1-4. - pr. dna 15,4 cm - NMS R J 19. Lit.: Horvat 1990, t. 36: 2. Ljubljana (NN) Skodelica iz modro-zelenkastega stekla, dno manjka. 2.1.4. - pr. ustja 13 cm - ZVKD Lj. Lit.: Vičič 1993, t. 3: 24. Ljubljana (NN) Skodelica iz modro-zelenkastega stekla, dno manjka. 21-4. - pr. ustja 12,9 cm - ZVKD Lj. Lit.: Vičič 1993, t. 4: 9. ■ jubljana (NN) Lstje iz modro-zelenkastega stekla. 2 l-4. - pr. ustja 12,4 cm - ZVKD Lj. Lit.: Vičič 1994, t. 15: 25. Primerjave - skodelice iz naravno obarvanega stekla: Petru l972, t. 8: 22; 50:19; 116:10; Plesničar Gec 1972, t. 24: 7; X7:I6; Plesničar Gec 1983, t. 3: II, 13; 9: l;Damevski 1976, t. 7: 3; Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Taf. 10: 117d; Czurda-Ruth '979' Taf. I: 83, 114, 115, 278; Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 3:31; Pollmann-Schulz 1988. Taf. 48: 421-31; 49; Biaggio Simona !"1' Tav. 2: 0024, 156, 001; 3: 001, 013; Cool, Price 1995, f|g. 2.2-2.6. Razdrto - Preval (SF) Part of the rim of a bowl of blue-green glass. 2.1.4. - dia. rim 9.2 cm - NMP. Lit.: Bavdek 1996, Fig. 10: 5. Razdrto - Preval (SF) Fragment of a bowl of blue-green glass. 2.1.4. - NMP R 2936. Lit.: unpublished. Razdrto - Preval (SF) Fragment of a bowl of blue-green glass. 2.1.4. - NMP R 3270. Lit.: unpublished. Razdrto - Preval (SF) Fragment of a bowl of blue-green glass. 2.1.4. - NMP R 3271. Lit.: unpublished. Vrhnika (SF) Lower part of a ribbed bowl of blue-green glass. 2.1.4. - dia. base 15.4 cm - NMS R J 19. Lit.: Horvat 1990, PI. 36: 2. Ljubljana (SF) Bowl of blue-green glass, base missing. 2.1.4. - dia. rim 13 cm - ZVKD Lj. Lit.: Vičič 1993, PI. 3: 24. Ljubljana (SF) Bowl of blue-green glass, base missing. 2.1.4. - dia. rim 12.9 cm - ZVKD Lj. Lit.: Vičič 1993, PI. 4: 9. Ljubljana (SF) Rim of blue-green glass. 2.1.4. - dia. rim 12.4 cm - ZVKD Lj. Lit.: Vičič 1994, PI. 15: 25. Analogies - bowls of blue-green glass: Petru 1972, PI. 8: 22; 50:19; 116:10; Plesničar Gec 1972, PI. 24: 7; 87:16; Plesničar Gec 1983, PI. 3: II, 13; 9: l;Damevski 1976, PI. 7: 3; Goethert-Polaschek 1977, PI. 10: 117d; Czurda-Ruth 1979, PI. I: 83, 114, 115, 278; Barkoczi 1988, PI. 3:31; Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 48: 421-31; 49; Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 2: 0024, 156, 001; 3: 001, 013; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 2.2-2.6. Comments: One large group of products consists of ribbed bowls made from mosaic, coloured, and naturally coloured glass. The source of form should be sought in the Syr-ian-Palestinian workshops, later copied by workshops throughout the Mediterranean and Italy (Grose 1989, 61). Ribbed bowls were the most widespread among all cast products, and the different variations in modeling and colour prove that they were manufactured by numerous workshops (Grose 1984, 29). The results of excavation at sites in Cosa, the House of Livia in Rome, and Morgantina on Sicily confirm that the Roman glass-workers produced them from as early as the last decades of the Is' century BC onwards (Grose 1977, 22). The multicoloured products were most widely distributed in the first half of the Is' century, while their popularity afterwards slowly declined, and singlecoloured bowls in intensive blue, green, and amber colours predominated. In the mid Is’ century the fashion Komentar: Večja skupina izdelkov so rebraste skodelice, ki so izdelane iz mozaičnega, obarvanega in naravno obarvanega stekla. Izvor oblike moramo iskati v sirijsko-palestinskih delavnicah, posnemajo pa jo nato še delavnice Sredozemlja in Italije (Grose 1989, 61). Rebraste skodelice so med vsemi ulitimi izdelki najbolj razprostranjene in raznolike variacije v izdelavi in barvi dokazujejo, da so jih proizvajale številne delavnice (Grose 1984, 29). Rezultati izkopavanj na najdiščih v Cosi, Livijini hiši v Rimu in Morgantini na Siciliji potrjujejo, da sojih rimski steklarji izdelovali že od zadnjih desetletij 1. st. pr. n. š. dalje (Grose 1977, 22). Večbarvni izdelki so najbolj razširjeni v prvi polovici I. stoletja, njihova priljubljenost nato počasi upade in prevladajo enobarvne skodelice v intenzivni modri, zeleni in jantarni barvi. Sredi prvega stoletja pa moda obarvanih izdelkov preneha in uveljavijo se izdelki iz naravno obarvanega stekla. Ponekod se sicer pojavljajo že od avgustejskega časa dalje (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 31), najbolj razširjeni pa so v drugi polovici 1. stoletja. Edino skodelice iz naravno obarvanega stekla so bile resnično v uporabi pri vseh slojih prebivalstva, njihova proizvodnja počasi preneha v flavijskem obdobju. Bogato paleto različic rebrastih skodelic poznamo iz Polhovega Gradca. Vse so iz mozaičnega stekla, z marmoriranim vzorcem ali vzorcem rož. Rebrasti skodelici z enostavnim, rahlo vboklim dnom iz Polhovega Gradca (Ložar 1938, 14, 21) in Razdrtega (Preval) imata v slovenskem prostoru največ primerjav med emonskim gradivom (Petru 1972, t. 21: 17; Plesničar Gec 1983, t. 3: 12). Grob 202 iz Emone (Petru 1972, t. 21: 17), ki je datiran na začetek 2. stoletja in ima med pridatki tudi rebrasto skodelico iz mozaičnega stekla, dokazuje, da so bili izdelki iz obarvanega stekla posebej dragoceni in jih zaradi uporabe skozi daljši čas najdemo kot dediščino še v mlajših grobnih celotah. V evropskem prostoru poznamo primerjave s številnih najdišč, med drugim v Colchestru (Cool, Price 1995, No. 1-5), Vindonissi (Berger I960, Taf. 1: 16-17; 2: 18-21) in Bonnu (Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 48: 423; 49: 443, 445). Rebraste skodelice iz obarvanega stekla s Ptuja, Hrastnika in Razdrtega so le delno ohranjene in se pojavljajo v modri in rjavo-rumeni oziroma jantarni barvi. Skodelice iz obarvanega stekla so znane tudi v emonskih grobiščih (Petru 1972, t. 117: 6; Plesničar Gec 1972, t. 29: 1) in na prostoru starokrščanskega centra v Emoni (Plesničar Gec 1983, t. 3:15), najdišča v evropskem prostoru so še Colchester, Vindonissa in Kempten. Količina in raznolikost skodelic iz naravno obarvanega oziroma modro-zelenkastega stekla dokazujeta, da se uporaba razširi in so izdelki dostopni za nižjo ceno, kot so bili unikatni kosi iz mozaičnega in obarvanega stekla. Število najdišč, kjer se pojavljajo ti izdelki, je for coloured products ceased, and products of naturally coloured glass predominated. While they occasionally appeared from as early as the Augustan period (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 31), they were most widely distributed in the second half of the Is1 century. Only bowls of naturally coloured glass were truly in use in all strata of the population, and their production slowly ceased in the Flavian period. A rich palette of various ribbed bowls is known from Polhov Gradec. All were made from mosaic glass, with marbled or floral patterns. The best analogies in Slovenia for the ribbed bowls with simple, slightly concave bases from Polhov Gradec (Ložar 1938, 14, 21) and Razdrto (Preval) come from the Emona material (Petru 1972, Pl. 21: 17; Plesničar-Gec 1983, Pl. 3: 12). Grave 202 from Emona (Petru 1972, Pl. 21: 17), which is dated to the beginning of the 2nd century, included a mosaic glass ribbed bowl among the grave goods. Their extended use proves that these products made of coloured glass were particularly valued, and that they can be found throughout a longer period, even in later grave units as heirlooms. Comparisons can be found in the broader European context at numerous sites, such as Colchester (Cool, Price 1995, nos. 1-5), Vindonissa (Berger I960, PI. 1: 16-17; 2: 18-21), and Bonn (Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 48: 423; 49: 443, 445). Ribbed bowls of coloured glass from Ptuj, Hrastnik, and Razdrto are only partially preserved, and appear in blue and brownish-yellow or amber colours. Bowls of coloured glass are also known from the Emona cemeteries (Petru 1972, PI. 117: 6; Plesničar Gec 1972, PI. 19: I), and from the early Christian center in Emona (Plesničar Gec 1983, PI. 3: 15), while more distant European sites are Colchester, Vindonissa, and Kempten. The quantity and variety of bowls made of naturally coloured blue-green glass proves that their use spread and that such products were available for a lower price than that of the unique items of mosaic and coloured glass. The number of sites where such products appears is three times greater in comparison to sites of coloured or multicoloured bowls (Lazar 2000, 64). Numerous variants in the production and form of ribs (shallow, deep, high with a cup-shaped form) indicate various production centers and perhaps also local manufacture (Lazar 1994, 14). The ribs could be densely or thinly arranged, sometimes extending only halfway up the walls, and exceptionally were separately made from glass threads and attached to the walls (Emona, grave 948; Petru 1972, PI. 72: 6). The grave units containing such bowls arc mostly classified to the second half of the 1" century, while they can still be found exceptionally in the early 2IU| century (Lazar 1994, 16). trikrat večje v primerjavi z najdišči obarvanih in večbarvnih skodelic (Lazar 2000, 64). Na različne proizvodne centre in morda tudi na lokalne izdelke opozarjajo številne različice v oblikah (plitve, globoke, visoke s čašasto formo) in izdelavi reber (Lazar 1994, 14). Le-ta so gosto ali redko narebrena, ponekod segajo le do polovice ostenja, izjemoma so celo izdelana iz steklenih niti in prilepljena na ostenje (Emona, grob 948 - Petru 1972, t. 72: 6). Grobne celote, v katerih se pojavljajo te skodelice večinoma sodijo v drugo polovico 1. stoletja, izjemoma jih poznamo še v zgodnjem 2. stoletju (Lazar 1994, 16). 2.1.5. Rebraste skodelice na nogi z ravnim ustjem (sl. II): Posode so izdelane na enak način kot prejšnja oblika, le da imajo dodano votlo nogo. Do sedaj so poznane samo različice izdelane iz mozaičnega stekla. Ostenje ravno preide v ustje. Datacija: prva polovica I. st. Polhov Gradec (gr.) Skodelica iz mozaičnega stekla. Na modri podlagi so cvetovi z rumenim jedrom in belimi krogi. 2-1.5. - viš. 9,2 cm; pr. ustja 14,5 cm - NMS R 6984. Lit.: Ložar 1938, sl. 12: Petru 1976, t. 11: 2. Primerjave: Berger 1960, Tal'. 2: 22; Stern, Schlick-Nolte 1994, No. 94. 2.1.6. Rebraste skodelice na nogi z izvihanim ustjem (sl. II): Posode so izdelane na enak način kot oblika 2.1.4., le da imajo dodano votlo nogo, ustje je izvihano navzven. Do sedaj so Poznane samo različice izdelane iz mozaičnega stekla. Datacija: prva polovica 1. st. Polhov Gradec (gr.) Skodelica iz mozaičnega stekla, ustje izvihano. Na jantarno rjavi podlagi so proge modre in bele barve. 2.1.6. - viš. 12,5 cm; pr. ustja 17 cm - NMS R 6985. L>t.: Ložar 1938, sl. 13; Petru 1976, t. 11:9. Primerjave: Grose 1989, 413: 250-255; 414; 415: 275-283; Štern, Schlick-Nolte 1994, Nr. 93; Lcyge 1990, 86, nr. 46. Komentar za obliki 2.1.5. in 2.1.6.: Dblika skodelice z ravnim ustjem in vzorcem rož 2.1.5. ( Ložar 1938, 12) ima paralele v zbirki E. Wolfa (Stern, Schlick-Nolte 1994, Nr. 94) in Vindonissi (Berger I960, Taf. 2: 22). Skodelica na nogi z izvihanim ustjem in marmo-riranim vzorcem 2.1.6. (Ložar 1938, sl. 12) ima malo 2.1.5. Ribbed footed bowls with a straight rim (Fig. II): These vessels were made in the same manner as the previous form, with the addition of a hollow foot. To date only variants made from mosaic glass are known. The walls pass straight into the rim. Date: first half of the 1st century Polhov Gradcc (gr.) Bowl of mosaic glass. Blue background, flowers with a yellow center and while circles. 2.1.5. - ht. 9.2 cm; dia. rim 14.5 cm - NMS R 6984. Lit.: Ložar 1938, Fig. 12; Petru 1976, Pl. II: 2. Analogies: Berger I960, PI. 2: 22; Stern, Schlick-Nolte 1994, no. 94. 2.1.6. Ribbed footed bowls with an everted rim (Fig. II): These vessels were made in the same manner as the previous form (2.1.4.), with the addition of a hollow foot, and the rim was turned outwards. Only variants made of mosaic glass are known to date. Date: first half of the Is' century Polhov Gradec (gr.) Bowl of mosaic glass, out-turned rim. Blue and white stripes on an amber brown background. 2.1.6. - ht. 12.5 cm; dia. rim 17 cm - NMS R 6985. Lit.: Ložar 1938, Fig. 13; Petru 1976, PI. 11: 9. Analogies: Grose 1989, 413: 250-255; 414; 415: 275-283; Stern, Schlick-Nolte 1994. no. 93; Leyge 1990, 86. no. 46. Comments - forms 2.1.5. and 2.1.6.: The form of bowl with a straight rim (2.1.5.) and a floral pattern (Ložar 1938, 12) has parallels in the E. Wolf Collection (Stern, Schlick-Nolte 1994, no. 94) and in the material from Vindonissa (Berger 1960, PI. 2: 22). Footed bowls with an out-turned rim (2.1.6.) and a marble pattern (Ložar 1938, Fig. 12) have few parallels among the published material. An identical form is known from Autun (Augustodunum) in France (Leyge 1990, 86), and the E. Wolf Collection (Stern, Schlick-Nolte 1994, 93), while several fragments are in the museum in Toledo (Grose 1989, 413: 250-255: 415: 275-283). The motif copies patterns on onyx vessels, as the vessel is composed only from five large multicoloured plates (four for the walls, one for the base - see pp. 32). These vessels, like the other forms (2.1.4.) and mosaic products, were distributed in the first half of the 1st century, and were then supplanted by naturally coloured products. paralel med objavljenim gradivom. Enaka oblika je znana iz francoskega Autuna (Augustodunum) (Leyge 1990, 86) in zbirke E. Wolfa (Stern, Schlick-Nolte 1994, 93), več odlomkov hrani muzej v Toledu (Grose 1989, 413: 250-255; 415: 275-283). Motiv posnema vzorce posod iz oniksa, saj je posoda sestavljena le iz petih večjih raznobarvnih ploščic (štiri za ostenje, ena za dno - gl. str. 32). Posode so tako kot skodelice 2.1.4. in ostali mozaični izdelki razširjene še v prvi polovici 1. stoletja, nato pa jih izpodrinejo enobarvni izdelki. 2.1.7. Skodelice z ovratnikom (sl. 12): Posoda je nastala z ulivanjem v kalup. Zaenkrat je znana samo skodelica iz modro-zelenkastega stekla. Datacija: 1. st. Unec (gr. 11) Skodelica iz naravno obarvanega stekla, izvihano in odebeljeno ustje v obliki ovratnika, noga ni v celoti ohranjena. 2.1.7. - viš. 4,5 cm; pr. ustja 7,6 cm - NMP. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Primerjave: nepoznane. Komentar: Skodelice z ovratnikom so pogoste med prosto pihanimi izdelki, ulite posode te vrste pa so redkost. Skodelica iz groba 11 v Uncu iz naravno obarvanega stekla je posebnost, saj nima analogij med objavljenim steklenim gradivom. Po obliki bi jo lahko primerjali s sigilatnimi izdelki severno italskih delavnic iz prve polovice 1. stoletja (Conspectus 1990, Form 22, 23), predvsem zaradi oblike in profilacije ustja. Skodelice z ovratnikom izdelane s pihanjem so sicer pogosta oblika 1. stoletja, saj se pojavljajo nekako od flavijskega časa dalje. Grobišče na Uncu obsega grobove od 1. do 4. stoletja, grob 11 pa sodi med najzgodnejše grobove, ki ga glede na pridatke lahko opredelimo v 1. stoletje. 2.1.8. Plitve skodelice z vrezanim okrasom (sl. 12): Skodelice so bile ulite v dvodelne kalupe in nato dodelane z brušenjem in rezanjem. Izdelane so iz namerno razbarvanega stekla. Datacija: druga polovica 1. - 2. st. Logatec (NN) Skodelica iz dekoloriranega stekla z brušenim okrasom. Ustje je močno izvihano in ostro profilirano; spodnji del ustja, 2.1.7. Bowls with a collar rim (Fig. 12): The vessel was created by casting in a mould. Only bowls made from blue-green glass are known. Date: ls( century Unec (gr. 11) A bowl of naturally coloured glass, with an everted and thickened rim in the shape of a collar, the base is not preserved in entirety. 2.1.7. - ht. 4.5 cm; dia. rim 7.6 cm - NMP. Lit.: unpublished. Analogies: none identified. Comments: Bowls with collar rims are common among free-blown products, while cast vessels of this type are rare. The special feature of the bowl from grave 11 at Unec of naturally coloured glass is that it has no analogy among published glass material. In terms of shape it could be compared with the sigillata products of northern Italic workshops from the first half of the Is' century (Conspectus 1990, Form 22, 23), primarily because of the form and the profile of the rim. Blown bowls with collar rims are otherwise a common form of the Is' century, appearing from sometime in the Flavian period onwards. The cemetery at Unec encompassed graves from the Is1 to the 4"' centuries, and grave 11 was among the earliest graves, which can be dated on the basis of the grave goods to the Is' century. 2.1.8 Shallow bowls with facet-cut decoration (Fig. 12): The bowls were cast in two-part moulds and further worked with grinding and cutting. They were made from deliberately decoloured glass. Date: second half of the Is1 - 2"' centuries Logatec (SF) A bowl of decoloured glass with facet-cut decoration. The rim is highly out-turned and sharply profiled: the lower part of the rim, the walls, and the base are decorated with a facet-cut decoration in the shape of almonds or wheat grains. 2.1.8. - ht. 3.7 cm; dia. rim 14 cm; dia. base 6.5 cm - NMP. Lit.: unpublished. Ptuj (gr. 615) A shallow bowl of decoloured glass with facet-cut decoration. The rim is highly out-turned and sharply profiled. Rim edge and base are decorated with facet-cut decoration. 2.1.8. - dia. rim 8,3 cm - LMJ 2535. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 134: 4. ostenje in dno so okrašeni z brušenim okrasom v obliki mandljev oziroma žitnih zrn. 2.1.8. - viš. 3,7 cm; pr. ustja 14 cm; pr. dna 6,5 cm - NMP. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Ptuj (gr. 615) Plitva skodelica iz dekoloriranega stekla z brušenim okrasom. Ustje močno izvihano in profilirano. Rob ustja in zunanji del dna okrašena z brušenim okrasom. 2.1.8. - pr. ustja 8,3 cm - LMJ 2535. Lit. Istenič 2000, t. 134: 4. Primerjave: Fassold 1985, Abb. 10: 11; Rütti 1991, Taf. 36: 796-801; 37: 804-805; Cool, Price 1995, No. 209-211. Komentar: Posebna skupina steklenih izdelkov 1. stoletja so ulite posode iz namerno razbarvanega stekla. To so zadnje oblike, ki sojih še izdelovali s tehniko ulivanja, celo dlje od najbolj razširjenih rebrastih skodelic. Moda brezbarvnega stekla pomeni precejšen preobrat v primerjavi s prvo polovico 1. stoletja, ko so vladali izdelki iz mozaičnega in intenzivno obarvanega stekla. Zanimanje zanje usahne sredi stoletja in od šestdesetih let dalje je, kot piše Plinij Starejši, »najbolj cenjeno brezbarvno in prozorno steklo, ki spominja na izdelke iz kamene strele« (Grose 1991, 14). Odlično ohranjena skodelica z vrezanim okrasom iz Logatca je edina te vrste pri nas. Oblike karakterizirajo oglate forme, nova barva (namerno razbarvano steklo) in predvsem izredna kvaliteta izdelave vrezanega okrasa. Grose jih opredeljuje kot izdelke najvišjega kakovostnega razreda v zgodnjem cesarstvu (1991, 1). Oblike so prevzete od bronastih in srebrnih posod, v glavnem Prevladujejo tri forme: plitva skodelica s širokim 'zvihanim ustjem na poudarjeni nogi, krožnik z enako ■zdelanim ustjem in nogo ter plitev krožnik skoraj pladenj s premerom ustja, večjim od 20 cm. Pladnji so večinoma neokrašeni, ponekod se pojavljajo le fasetirani vzorci v obliki krogov ali žitnih zrn. Sl- 12: Oblike posod, izdelanih v kalupu (2.1.7.: Unec, gr. 11, neobjavljeno; 2.1.8.: Logatec, neobjavljeno; 8.1.1.: Vodnik 1931, sl. 28b). M.= 1:3. neobj; lavljeno; Logatec. posod izdelanih (2 7. Unec, kalupu gr. v lig- 12: Forms of cast vessels (2.1.7.: Unec, gr. II, unpublished; 2.1.8.: Logatec, unpublished; 8.1.1.: Vodnik 1931, Fig. 28b). Scale = 1:3. Analogies: Fassold 1985, Fig. 10: 11; Rütti 1991, PI. 36: 796-801; 37: 804-805; Cool, Price 1995, no. 209-211. Comments: A special group of glass products of the lsl century consists of cast vessels of decoloured glass. These were the last forms produced in the casting technique, even later than the most widespread type, ribbed bowls. The fashion for colourless glass meant a considerable turn-about in comparison with the first half of the I st century, when products of mosaic or intensively coloured glass predominated. Interest in them died out mid century and from the sixties onwards, as noted by Pliny the Elder, “colourless and transparent glass is most highly valued, reminiscent of products made from rock crystal” (Grose 1991, 14). The excellently preserved bowl with cut decoration from Logatec is the only one of its kind in Slovenia. The form is characterized by angular shape, the new colour (deliberately decoloured glass), and particularly the exceptional quality of the cut decoration. Grose defines them as products of the highest quality class in the early Empire (1991, 1). The forms were taken from bronze and silver vessels, with three shapes mostly predominating: shallow bowls with a broad everted rim on an emphasized foot, dishes with an identical rim and foot, and shallow dishes, almost platters, with a rim diameter greater than 20 cm. The platters are mostly undecorated, sometimes only facetted patterns appear in the form of circles or wheat-grains. The distribution of these products is exceptionally wide, and they can be found from Britain to northern Africa and from Spain to Syria, appearing in dated units from the Flavian period to the reign of Hadrian (Grose 1991, 15). The location of the production centers of these items is still in question. They were first placed in Alexandria. Recent research and the wide distribution pattern suggest that they were probably created in various Razprostranjenost teh izdelkov je izredno široka, najdemo jih od Britanije do severne Afrike in od Španije do Sirije, v datiranih celotah se pojavljajo v obdobju od Flavijcev do Hadrijana (Grose 1991, 15). Kje so bili proizvodni centri obravnavanih izdelkov, je zaenkrat še vprašljivo. Prvotno sojih locirali v Aleksandrijo. Zadnje raziskave in široka razprostranjenost pa kažejo, da so verjetno nastajale v različnih centrih (Grose 1991, 16). Novejše najdbe teh izdelkov iz Augsta kažejo (AR 16. 2.), da njihova uporaba in proizvodnja traja dlje kot so prvotno domnevali, saj najdemo tovrstno posodje še v celotnem 2. in celo še na začetku 3. stoletja (Rütti 1991, 82) Skodelica iz Logatca je bila najdena med izkopavanji postaje Longaticum (Logatec), v sloju z novcem cesarja Domicijana (ustni podatek M. Frelih), kar potrjuje časovne okvire najzgodnejših izdelkov te vrste. Skodelica iz ptujskega groba je del grobne celote, ki jo Isteničeva datira v prvo polovico 3. stoletja (Istenič 2000, 203), vendar smemo domnevati, da je skodelica lahko tudi starejši izdelek, nastal še v 2. stoletju. SKUPINA 8 - POSODICE ZA OLJA IN DIŠAVE 8.1. POSODE, IZDELANE V KALUPU 8.1.1. Stekleničke z bikoničnim trupom (Is 7); (sl. 12): Vnaprej pripravljeno večbarvno ploščico slekla so s segrevanjem uvijali in oblikovali željeno formo. Dodelali so jo z brušenjem. Ustje je izvihano, vrat kratek, trup bikoničen, dno rahlo vboklo. Ostenje poudarjajo vodoravne kanelure. Datacija: prva polovica 1. st. Ilasberg nad Planino (PN) Steklenička z bikoničnim trupom iz raznobarvnih steklenih trakov. Med steklene trakove bele, vijoličaste, modre in zelene barve so dodani trakovi prozornega stekla z zlato folijo. Dve kaneluri na ramenu, ena nad dnom. 8.1.1. - viš. 12 cm - NMS R 2095. Lit.: Vodnik 1931, 58, sl. 28b. Primerjave: Oliver 1967, Fig. 14, 15; Harden el at. 1988, Nr. 17; Komentar: Že helenistične delavnice so izdelovale posode, sestavljene iz večbarvnih steklenih trakov, ki so imeli vmes dodane trakove z zlato folijo. Najbolj priljubljena oblika so bili različni balzamariji (Oliver 1967, 20). Izdelki rimskega obdobja imajo dodane zelene trakove v večbarvno kompozicijo teh stekleničk, kar jih centers (Grose 1991, 16). Recent finds of these products from Augst (AR 16.2) indicate that their use and manufacture continued longer than had originally been thought, as such vessels can be found throughout the entire 2nd century and even at the beginning of the 3rd century (Rütti 1991,82). The bowl from Logatec was found during excavations at the mansio Longaticum (Logatec), in a stratum with a coin of the emperor Domitian (information from M. Frelih), which confirms the chronological framework for these products. The bowl from Ptuj was part of a grave that Istenič dated to the first half of the 3rd century (2000, 203), although it can be considered that the bowl could be an earlier product, made as early as in the 2nd century. GROUP 8 - VESSELS FOR OIL AND PERFUME 8.1. VESSELS MADE IN A MOULD 8.1.1. Flasks with a biconical body (Is 7); (Fig. /2): Previously prepared multicoloured plates of glass were bent with the application of heat to form the desired shape. They were additionally worked with grinding. The rim is turned out, the neck shorl, the body biconical, the base slightly concave. The walls are accentuated by horizontal grooves. Date: first half of the Is' century Masher;; above Planina (IF) A flask (unguentarium) with a biconical body of multicoloured glass bands. The glass bands of white, violet, blue, and green were joined by bands of clear glass with gold leaf. Two grooves on the shoulder, one above the base. 8.1.1. - lit. 12 cm - NMS R 2095. Lit.: Vodnik 1931, 58, Fig. 28b. Analogies: Oliver 1967, Fig. 14, 15; Harden et al. 1988, no. 17. Comments: As early as the Hellenistic workshops, vessels were manufactured from multicoloured glass bands, with additions of bands with gold leaf. The most popular forms were various balsamaria (Oliver 1967, 20). Roman period products have additional green bands in the multicoloured composition of these small bottles, which distinguishes them from the Hellenistic products (Grose 1989, 260). The forms arc narrowly limited, including vessels with a lid (pyxides), biconical, and globular miniature bottles. Biconical unguent bot- loči od helenističnih izdelkov (Grose 1989, 260). Oblike so ozko omejene, izdelovali so posodice s pokrovom (pikside), bikonične in kroglaste stekleničke. Bikonične stekleničke imajo na zunanji strani po robovih pogosto plitve kanelure, ki poudarjajo bikonično obliko. Najdišča teh izdelkov so skoncentrirana v Italiji in zahodnih provincah. Verjetno so nastali v eni od italskih delavnic, datirani so v prvo polovico 1. stoletja (Grose 1989,261). Steklenička iz večbarvnega stekla s trakovi zlate folije s Hasberga je redek in izjemen steklarski izdelek. Med gradivom s slovenskih najdišč nima primerjav, drugje jo najdemo predvsem v večjih zbirkah, kot so Corning in British Museum. Glede na nejasen izvor posodice je vprašljivo, ali gre za ostanek rimske materialne kulture na naših tleh ali za redek primerek iz zasebne zbirke, ki je bil kupljen na trgu starin. ties often have shallow groves on the exterior side along the edges, which emphasize the biconical shape. Finds of these products are concentrated in Italy and the western provinces. They were probably manufactured in one of the Italic workshops, and are dated to the first half of the 1st century (Grose 1989, 261). The flask of multicoloured glass with bands of gold leaf from Hasberg is a rare and exceptional glass product. There are no analogies to material from other Slovenian sites, while they can be found elsewhere primarily in major collections, such as those at Corning or the British Museum. Given the unclear provenience of the vessel, it can be debated whether it represents an actual remnant of Roman material culture on Slovenian territory or instead a rare specimen from a private collection, purchased as an antiquity. IZDELKI, PIHANI V KALUP MOULD-BLOWN PRODUCTS OPIS TEHNIKE Tehnika pihanja v kalup seje razvila po odkritju pihanja stekla. Dolgo časa je bilo uveljavljeno mnenje, da je pihanje v kalup predstopnja v razvoju pihanja stekla (Israeli 1991, 47; Stern 1995, 37, 45). Sodeč po arheoloških najdbah, je pihanje stekla najmanj sedem desetletij starejše od pihanja v kalup. Ob pojavu pihanja v kalup v 1. stoletju je bilo prosto pihanje razširjeno že po vsem rimskem svetu. V kalup pihano steklo se pojavi v prvi polovici druge četrtine 1. stoletja. Najstarejši izdelki so poznani iz tiberijskega in zgodnje klavdijskega obdobja, niso pa znani iz avgustejskega in zgodnje tiberijskega časa (Price 1991,64). Verjetnostt, da so pihanje v kalup razvili kjerkoli na območju rimske države, kažejo primerjave s sorodnimi keramičnimi izdelki. Dokazani vplivi oblik in okrasov v kalupih delanih keramičnih posod na steklene izdelke, podpirajo mnenje, da so tehniko pihanja v kalup lahko razvili tudi na področju severne Italije. Zato ni več umestna trditev, da je sirijsko-palestinsko področje zibelka novo odkrite tehnike (Price 1991, 71). Možnost, da so s pomočjo kalupa naredili več popolnoma enakih izdelkov, je kmalu vodila do serijske proizvodnje različnih skupin izdelkov. Na steklenih posodah so radi posnemali motive in okrase kovinskih posod in drugih dragocenih materialov. Kalup za pihanje stekla mora biti kvaliteten in močan, da lahko zdrži vročino in pritisk pihanega stekla. Rimski steklarji so kalupe izdelovali iz različnih materialov: gline, kovine ali kamna in v nekaterih primerih celo lesa. Verjetno pa so bili najbolj razširjeni kalupi iz žgane gline. Med ohranjenimi kalupi je največ glinenih, nekaj pa tudi iz kamna in celo lesa (Stern 1995, 45). Ker se steklo za razliko od keramike po ohlajanju ne krči in obdrži svojo prvotno velikost, morajo biti kalupi izdelani v dveh ali več delih, da lahko posodo nepoškodovano vzamejo iz njih. Največ informacij o vrstah in kvaliteti kalupov lahko dobimo iz posod samih. Jasne in ostre linije reliefnih okrasov govorijo o uporabi kovinskih kalupov, razbrazdana površina motivov pa je sled stika z zrnatimi površinami kalupov iz keramike in kamna. Večina kalupov je bila dvodelnih, poznamo pa izdelke, ki so nastali v petdelnih (čaše bogov) ali tridelnih (čaše z mandljastim okrasom) kalupih (s/. 13). Mnoge oblike so imele posebne kalupe za spodnje dele, spet druge so bile pihane v enotne modele, kar kažejo vlivni šivi na nogah posod (sl. 14). DESCRIPTION OF THE TECHNIQUE The technique of blowing into a mould developed after the discovery of glass blowing. It was long thought that blowing into a mould represented a stage in the development of blowing glass. Judging from the archaeological finds, blowing glass is at least seven decades older than blowing into a mould. At the date of the appearance of blowing into a mould in the Is' century, free-blowing was already distributed throughout the entire Roman world. Mould-blown glass appeared in the first half of the second quarter of the Is1 century. The earliest products are known from the Tiberian and early Claudian periods, while they are not known from the Augustan and early Tiberian periods (Price 1991, 64). The probability that mould blowing developed anywhere throughout the Roman state is indicated by comparisons with similar pottery products. The proven influence of the form and decoration of pottery vessels made in a mould on glass products supports the hypothesis that the technique of blowing into a mould could SI. 13'. Pikside so bile narejene v tridelnih kalupih, dno in pokrov pa sta bila pihana posebej. Ptuj, gr. 773, Landes-museum Joanneum Graz (Istenič 1999, 76, sl. 61); (foto: T. Lauko). Fig. 13: The pyxides were made in a tripartite mould, the base and lid were blown separately. Ptuj, gr. 773, Landesmuseum Joanneum Graz (Istenič 1999, 76, Fig. 61); (photo: T. Lauko). Sl. 14: Balzamarij v obliki mandlja je nastal v dvodelnem kalupu, ob strani je viden šiv. Neznano najdišče, Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto (foto: T. Lauko). Fig. 14: The almond-shaped balsamarium was made in a two-Part mould, seams are visible on the sides. Unknown provenance. Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto (photo: T. Lauko). 15: Sredi 1. stoletja so bile priljubljene v kalup pihane skodelice s pokončnimi rebri na ostenju. Trebnje, Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana (foto: T. Lauko). Fig. 15: Mould-blown bowls with vertical ribs were popular in the middle of the 1“ century. Trebnje, Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana (photo: T. Lauko). Kvaliteta v kalup pihanih izdelkov je bila odvisna tako od izdelovalcev in oblikovalcev kalupov kot od steklopihačev. Morda je ves postopek izvedel en sam m°jster, še verjetneje pa je, da so bili postopki ločeni in Je vsak od delavcev opravil svoj del. Po raziskavah Sternove so v 1. stoletju razvili osem Slavnih tipov kalupov (1995, 47). S proučevanjem rnn°g°kotnih stekleničk je ugotovila, da se ne spreminja samo kvaliteta okrasa, ampak tudi velikost posod. Iz tega similarly have developed in the region of northern Italy. It has been claimed that the Syrian-Palestinian region had been the cradle of the newly discovered technique, but it is no longer persuasive (Price 1991, 71). The possibility of manufacturing several completely identical products with the help of a mould soon led to mass production of various groups of products. The glass vessels copied motifs and decorations from vessels of metal and other precious materials. The mould for blowing glass must be strong and of high quality so as to endure the heat and pressure of the blown glass. The Roman glass-workers made moulds from various materials: clay, metal, or stone, and even wood in some cases. The preserved moulds are mostly of clay, however some are of stone and even wood (Stern 1995, 45). The most widely distributed moulds were probably those of fired clay. Since glass, as opposed to pottery, does not shrink after cooling, and retains its original size, the moulds had to be formed in two or more parts so the vessel could be removed undamaged from the mould. Primary information about the types and quality of the moulds can be acquired from the vessels themselves. Clear and sharp lines of relief decoration indicate the use of metal moulds, while a wrinkled surface of a motif represents traces of contact with the grainy surfaces of clay or stone moulds. Most of the moulds were two-part, but products are known that were created in five-part (mythological beakers) or three-part (cups with almond-shaped decorations) moulds (Fig. 13). Many forms had special moulds for the lower parts, while others were blown into single models, as is shown by the pouring seams on the legs of vessels (Fig. 14). The quality of products blown into a mould was thus just as dependent on the manufacturer of the mould as on the glass blower. Perhaps the entire process was performed by just one craftsman, although it is more likely that the processes were separate and that each person did his part. According to Stern’s research, eight main types of moulds were developed in the Is1 century (1995, 47). Through the study of polygonal flasks, she established that not merely does the quality of the decoration change, but so does the size of the vessel. From this it was concluded that the new moulds took their model from previously made flasks. Due to the contraction of the clay, each new mould was slightly smaller than the previous one, as was true of the product blown into the new mould (Stern 1995, 48). The spectrum of decoration of these vessels is very broad. They could be manufactured with shallow or deep relief, enlarged if the vessel was later additionally free blown (optic-blowing), and many bear inscriptions of the craftsmen (Enion, Jason, Aristeas, Meges), or the names of the winners or competitors on beakers with depictions of circus races or gladiator battles. je sklepala, da so za nove kalupe vzeli model po že narejenih stekleničkah. Zaradi krčenja gline pa je bil vsak nov kalup komaj opazno manjši od prejšnjega in s tem tudi izdelek, ki je bil pihan v nov kalup (Stern 1995, 48). Spekter okrasov teh posod je zelo širok, lahko so izdelani v plitvem ali globokem reliefu, povečani, če so posodo kasneje še prosto pihali (optično pihanje), mnoge nosijo napise mojstrov (Enion, Jason, Aristeas, Meges), na čašah s prizori cirkuških dirk ali gladiatorskih borb so imena zmagovalcev ali tekmovalcev itd. V 1. stoletju se pojavljajo tri večje skupine v kalup pihanih izdelkov, ki jih lahko tudi ožje časovno omejimo. 1. skupina Skupina izdelkov iz tiberijskega in zgodnje klav-dijskega obdobja obsega cilindrične Enionove čaše, polkrožne skodelice z rebri (2.2.1.) in čaše s horizontalnim rebri. Pihani so iz obarvanega (npr. modrega, temno zelenega) in iz modro-zelenkastega stekla. Te vrste izdelki so bili odkriti v Italiji, Avstriji, Švici in Nemčiji (Price 1991, 65); (sl. 15). 2. skupina V času od klavdijskega do srednje neronskega obdobja še vedno proizvajajo nekatere že omenjene oblike, med njimi predvsem rebraste skodelice (2.2.1.). Najpopularnejše pa so čaše s prizori gladiatorskih bojev, tekem z vozovi in drugih športnih dogodkov, ki so obeleženi tudi z imeni udeležencev (Petru 1980,446, sl. 1). Najdbe iz datiranih kontekstov kažejo, da so te vrste čaš izdelovali v sorazmerno kratkem časovnem obdobju v tretji četrtini 1. stoletja (Price 1991, 68); (sl. 16). 3. skupina Zadnja skupina posod iz pozno neronskega in flavijskega obdobja obsega vrče z Enionovim podpisom, mnogokotne stekleničke (Emona - gr. 87; Petru 1976, t. 5: 1), še vedno so v uporabi rebraste skodelice (2.2.I.), na novo pa se pojavijo prisekane visoke čaše (J 1.1.) in figuralne steklenice (6.1.1.). Le-te so najpogosteje ulite v kalupe s podobami obrazov, predvsem črncev. Čaše vsebujejo raznolike motive, med njimi mandlje, meandre, mrežo, spirale in podobe božanstev (Ložar 1935, 97); (sl. 17). Razprostranjenost posameznih skupin izdelkov je zelo različna. Nekatere najdemo na vseh straneh imperija Sl. Kr. Odlomek čaše s prizorom cirkuške dirke. Čaše s prizori športnih bojev so bile priljubljene v tretji četrtini I. stoletja. Emona, insula VII, Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana (foto: T. Lauko). Fig. 16: Fragment of a cup with a racing scene. Beakers with scenes of sporting competitions were popular in the third quarter of the 1" century. Emona, insula VII, Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana (photo: T. Lauko). Three large groups of mould-blown products appear in the Is1 century, which can also be limited to a narrow chronological frame. Group I This group of products from the Tiberian and early Claudian periods includes cylindrical Enion beakers, hemispherical ribbed bowls (2.2.1.), and cups with horizontal ribs. They were blown from coloured (e.g. blue, dark green) glass, and from blue-green glass. Such products have been discovered in Italy, Austria, Switzerland, and Germany (Price 1991, 65); (Fig. 15). Group 2 In the period from the Claudian to the middle Neronian periods some previously mentioned forms were still produced, primarily ribbed bowls (2.2.1.). The most popular items were beakers with scenes of gladiator fights, chariot races, and other sporting events, which were also marked with the names of participants (Petru 1980, 446, Fig. I). Finds from dated contexts indicate that these cups were produced in a relatively brief chronological period in the third quarter of the lsl century (Price 1991, 68); (Fig. 16). Group 3 The last group of vessels from the late Neronian and Flavian periods encompasses jugs signed by Enion, polygonal bottles (Emona-gr. 87; Petru 1976, PI. 5: 1), while ribbed bowls (2.2.1.) were still in use, and new elements included truncated high beakers (3.1.1.) and figural bottles (6.1.1.). The latter were most often blown into moulds with images of faces, mostly Negroid. The beakers exhibit various motifs, including almond shapes, meanders, webbing, spirals, and depictions of deities (Ložar 1936, 91)\(Fig. 17). The distribution of individual groups of products was highly varied. Some can be found everywhere throughout the Empire (such as ribbed bowls 2.2.1., mythological beakers 3.1.1.), while others were more popular in individual regions, which can be related to ■■ Sl. 17: V flavijskem obdobju so izdelovali čaše s podobami božanstev. Črnelo, gr. 1, Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana (foto: T. Lauko). Hg- 17: In the Flavian period, beakers were manufactured with depictions of gods. Črnelo, grave 1, Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana (photo: T. Lauko). (npr. rebraste skodelice 2.2.1., čaše bogov 3.1.1.), spet druge so bolj omejene na posamezna področja, kar lahko Povežemo s specializiranimi delavnicami ali s potujočimi steklarji. Pihanje v kalup je vzcvetelo v času, ko je bilo v niodi obarvano steklo. V začetku flavijske dobe se okus sPremeni, prevlada povpraševanje po brezbarvnih, dekoloriranih izdelkih, ki so posnemali izdelke iz kamene strele. Vendar je tudi ta razcvet trajal le nekaj desetletij. Obe skupini izdelkov v tretji četrtini 1. stoletja počasi 'zpodrine cenejše in vsem dostopno prosto pihano steklo. To seveda ne pomeni, da med mlajšim gradivom ne poznamo več izdelkov pihanih v kalup (Stern 1995, 87). Vendar so ti izdelki dokaj redki (stekleničke v obliki človeške glave, školjk, kroglaste stekleničke z enostavnimi geometrijskimi okrasi) in njihovo število nikoli več ne doseže razširjenosti in priljubljenosti posod iz 1. stoletja. specialized workshops, but also to itinerant glass-work-ers. Mould blowing flourished in the period when coloured glass was in fashion. At the beginning of the Flavian period, tastes changed, and the demand increased for colourless products imitating those made from rock crystal. This phase also lasted only a few decades. Both groups of products were slowly supplanted in the third quarter of the Is' century by the cheaper and ever more available free-blown glass. This nonetheless does not mean that later material does not contain mould-blown products (Stern 1995, 187). Still, these products are somewhat rare (bottles in the shape of a human head or shells, globular bottles with simple geometric decoration) and their numbers no longer approach the wide distribution and popularity of the Is' century vessels. PREGLED OBLIK (sl. 18; 55) SKUPINA 2 - SKODELICE 2.2. SKODELICE, PIHANE V KALUP 2.2.1. Rebraste skodelice (sl. 18): Izdelki imajo po ostenju okras gostih tankih reber, horizontalna rebra so tudi na prehodu ostenja v rame in dno. Ustje je rahlo izvihano, odrezano in obrušeno, dno ima oblikovan stojni prstan, v sredini je vboklo. Datacija: sredina - druga polovica 1. st. Ptiy (gr. 774) Skodelica iz naravno obarvanega stekla z gostimi rebri. 2.2.1. - pr. ustja 6,6 cm - LMJ 2409. REVIEW OF FORMS {Fig. 18; 55) GROUP 2 - BOWLS 2.2. MOULD-BLOWN BOWLS 2.1.1. Ribbed bowls (Fig. 18): They have a decoration on the walls of dense thin ribs, also with horizontal ribs at the transition from the walls to the shoulders and base. The rim is gently everted, cut, and ground, the base has a base ring and is concave in the center. Date: middle - second half of the lsl century Ptiy (gr. 774) A small bowl of naturally coloured glass with dense ribs. 2.2.1. - dia. rim 6.6 cm - LMJ 2409. SI. 18: Oblike posod, pihanih v kalup (2.2.1.: Slabe 1977, sl. 2; 3.1.1.: Ložar 1935, t. 1; 6.1.1.: Petru 1976, t. 2: 3; 10.1.1.: Istenič 1999, sl. 61). M. = 1:3. Fig. 18: Forms of mould-blown vessels (2.2.1.: Slabe 1977, Fig. 2; 3.1.1.: Ložar 1935, Pl. 1; 6.1.1.: Petru 1976, Pl. 2: 3; 10.1.1.: Istenič 1999, Fig. 61). Scale = 1:3. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 174: 5. Velika Stara vas (gr.) Skodelica iz temno modrega stekla z gostimi rebri, na dnu tri tanka krožna rebra. 2.2.1. - viš. 5,1 cm; pr. ustja 9, 4 cm - NMS. Lit.: Slabe 1977, sl. 2. Ljubljana (NN) Odlomek ustja temno modre rebraste skodelice. 2.2.1. - pr. ustja 13 cm - LRZVKD. Lit.: Vičič 1994, t. 15: 26. Ptuj (NN) Del skodelice iz naravno obarvanega stekla z gostimi rebri, pri dnu dve prstanasti rebri. 2.2.1. - viš. 3,5 cm - PMP R 10686. Lit.: Šubic 1976, sl. 45. Trebnje (PN) Skodelica iz temno modrega stekla z gostimi pokončnimi rebri, na prehodu v vrat je profilirana, ustje ravno, pri dnu dve tanki horizontalni rebri. 2.2.1. - NMS R 17037. Lit.: Kastelic 1988, 289. Primerjave: Berger 1960, Taf. 9: 139-142: Hayes 1975, Fig 2: 82; Czurda-Ruth 1979, Taf. 2: 318: Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 4: 017; Rütti 1991, Taf. 44: 972-981; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 3.3: 243-245. Komentar: V kalup pihane rebraste skodelice so nekateri raziskovalci Poimenovali sirijske (Berger I960, 55). Dolgo so jih uvrščali v isto skupino kot ulite rebraste skodelice in tudi Isingsova jih ni opredelila kot samostojno obliko. Prvi je natančneje obdelal Berger (I960, 55). Poznamo J>h v treh različicah, kot plitve, globoke ali visoke skodelice. Ustje je navadno le rahlo izvihano, rebra so Plitva, na spodnji strani jih navadno omejujejo horizontalni prstani, dno je rahlo vboklo. Največ različic se Pojavlja pri izdelavi reber. Le-ta so navadno gosto razporejena po vsej površini, pojavljajo pa se tudi posode 2 redko postavljenimi in širšimi rebri. Izdelane so iz obarvanega stekla modre barve, v zelenih odtenkih in iz naravno obarvanega stekla. Oblika sodi med najzgodnejše v kalup pihane tzdelke. Najstarejši so znani iz Vindonisse. odkriti so bili v tiberijskih in zgodnje klavdijskih plasteh (Berger 1960, 55)' jn štalenske gore (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 314). Največje število skodelic je datiranih v klavdijsko-neronsko obdobje in sicer v Vindonisst (Berger 1960, 55), Oberwintherthurju (Rütti 1988, 35), Kölnu (Fremersdorf 1961,42) in na britanskih najdiščih (Cool, r|ce 1995, 53), pojavljajo pa sc tudi še ponekod v zSodnje flavijskih kontekstih. Med zbranim gradivom s slovenskega prostora sta Ve lcmno modri skodelici in modro-zclenkasta skodelica '*■ I etovione v celoti ohranjeni, ostali dve pa le delno, 'rob 774 iz Petovione je imel v grobu priložen omicijanov novec, kar umešča grob na konec 1. stoletja stenic 2000, 248). Skodelica iz Velike Stare vasi je Lit.: Istenič 2000, Pl. 174: 5. Velika Stara vas (gr.) A small bowl of dark blue glass with dense ribs, on the base three thin circular ribs. 2.2.1. - ht. 5.1 cm; dia. rim 9.4 cm - NMS. Lit.: Slabe 1977, Fig. 2. Ljubljana (SF) Fragment of the rim of a dark blue ribbed bowl. 2.2.1. - dia. rim 13 cm - LRZVKD. Lit.: Vičič 1994, PI. 15:26. Ptuj (SF) Part of a bowl of naturally coloured glass with dense ribs, on the base two annular ribs. 2.2.1. - ht. 3.5 cm - PMP R 10686. Lit.: Šubic 1976, Fig. 45. Trebnje (IF) A bowl of dark blue glass with dense upright ribs, profiled at the transition to the neck, rim straight, two thin horizontal ribs at the base. 2.2.1. - NMS R 17037. Lit.: Kastelic 1988, 289. Analogies: Berger 1960, PI. 9: 139-142; Hayes 1975, Fig 2: 82; Czurda-Ruth 1979, PI. 2: 318; Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 4: 017; Rütti 1991, PI. 44: 972-981; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 3.3: 243-245. Comments: Some researchers have considered mould-blown, ribbed bowls to be Syrian (Berger 1960, 55). They were long classified in the same group as cast ribbed bowls, and even Isings did not distinguish them as an independent form. They were first discussed in detail by Berger (1960, 55). They are known in three variants, as shallow, deep, or high. The rim is usually only slightly everted, the ribs are shallow, and horizontal rings usually border the ribs on the lower side, while the base is gently convex. The greatest variations occur in the ribbing. The ribs are usually densely arranged on the entire surface, while vessels also appear with infrequent and broader ribs. They were made of coloured glass (blue and green shades), and of naturally coloured glass. This form is amongst the earliest of mould-blown products. The earliest examples are known from Vindonissa, where they were discovered in Tiberian and early Claudian layers (Berger 1960, 55), and from Magdalensberg (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 314). The greatest number of bowls is dated to the Claudian-Neronian period, at Vindonissa (Berger 1960, 55), Oberwinterthur (Rütti 1988, 35), Köln (Fremersdorf 1961, 42), and British sites (Cool, Price 1995, 53), and they otherwise sometimes appear even in early Flavian contexts. The material known from Slovenia consists of two entirely preserved dark blue bowls, a blue-green bowl from Poetovio, while the other two are only partial. Grave 774 at Poetovio had a coin of Domitian placed in the grave, which would place the grave at the end of the Is' century (Istenič 2000, 248). The bowl from Velika Stara ostanek uničene grobne celote in tudi skodelica iz Trebnjega nima točnih podatkov o izvoru, zato je njuna časovna opredelitev v sredino I. stoletja lahko le tipološka. Posamična najdba je tudi odlomek skodelice iz naravno obarvanega stekla s Ptuja. Iz datiranih slojev izvira le odlomek iz naravno obarvanega stekla iz Ljubljane, ki sodi v fazo IV na Gornjem trgu (Vičič 1994, 34), datirano z novcem cesarja Klavdija kot terminus post quem. SKUPINA 3 - ČAŠE 3.1. ČAŠE, PIHANE V KALUP 3.1.1. Prisekane konične čaše z upodobitvami bogov (Is 31); (sl. 18): Nastale so z ulivanjem v večdelne kalupe, štirje deli za ostenje in eden za dno. Steklo je običajno modro-zelenkasto. Datacija: druga polovica 1. st. Črnelo pri Stični (gr.) Čaša iz naravno obarvanega stekla pihana v večdelni kalup. Upodobljene so štiri figure, ki so med seboj ločene s pokončnimi stebri, med njimi visijo na gornjem robu girlande. 3.1.1. - viš. 13 cm - pr. ustja 6,5 cm - pr. dna 4 cm - NMS R 7013. Lit.: Ložar 1935, t. 1: 1-4. Primerjave: Weinberg 1972, 26-47; Wight 1994, 37-47. Komentar: Redki in izjemni izdelki, nastali s pihanjem v večdelne kalupe, so tudi čaše z mitološkimi prizori oziroma pri nas bolj znane kot čaše bogov. Prva je čaše zbrala Weinbergova (1972, 26-47), kije v seznam uvrstila tudi najdbo izČrnelega. Oblikovala je dve skupini, ločeni po obliki ustja, in opredelila upodobljena božanstva kot Neptun, Bakhus, Merkur in neznano boštvo. Novejšo raziskavo je pripravila Wightova (1994,24-55), ki je glede na obliko ustja, mere in upodobitve figur oblikoval 4 skupine in na novo določil božanstva, upodobljena na čašah. Po njegovi delitvi sodi najdba iz Črnelega v skupino II (1994, 38), na njej pa so upodobljena naslednja božanstva: A - figura Bakha stoji frontalno. Oblečen je v hitonisk, v levici ima tirsovo palico, z desnico pa iz kantarosa zliva vino v usta panterja, ki sedi na njegovi desni. B - Himenaj je oblečen v kratko tuniko, preko levice nosi gorečo baklo, v desnici drži posodo, morda svatbeni leutroforos. Himenaj je bil bog svatbe, njegovi simboli so poročna bakla, piščal in venec vrtnic. vas was the remnant of a destroyed grave unit, and the bowl from Trebnje also lacks exact data about the site of discovery, so their chronological dating to the middle of the Is1 century is only typological. The fragment of naturally coloured glass from Ptuj is also an isolated find. Only the fragment of naturally coloured glass from Ljubljana comes from dated strata, phase IV at the Upper Square (Vičič 1994, 34), dated by a coin of the emperor Claudius as a terminus post quern. GROUP 3 - BEAKERS 3.1. MOULD-BLOWN BEAKERS 3.1.1. Truncated conical beakers with depiction of deities (Is 31); {Fig. 18): This vessels were created by blowing into a multi-part mould, with four sections for the walls, and one for the base. The glass was usually blue-green. Date: second half of the Is' century. Črnelo pri Stični (gr.) A beaker of naturally coloured glass blown into a multi-part mould. Four figures were depicted, separated by upright columns, with garlands hanging between them on the upper edge. 3.1.1. - lit. 13 cm - dia. rim 6.5 cm - dia. base 4 cm - NMS R 7013. Lit.: Ložar 1935, PI. I: 1-4. Analogies: Weinberg 1972, 26-47; Wight 1994, 37-47. Comments: Rare and exceptional products created by blowing into multi-part moulds include beakers with mythological scenes, also known in Slovenia as “cups with gods”. The beakers were first collected by Weinberg (1972, 26-47), who also included the find from Črnelo in her list. She formed two groups, distinguished by the shape of the rim and determined the depictions of the gods as Neptune, Bacchus, Mercury, and an unknown deity. A more recent study was made by Wight (1994, 24-55), who formed four groups on the basis of the rim shape, the measurements, and the depictions of the figures, and again distinguished the deities depicted on the beakers. He assigned the find from Črnelo to group II (1994, 38), which included depictions of the following deities: A - A figure of Bacchus standing frontally. He is dressed in a chiton, holding a thyrsus in his left hand, and pouring wine from a kantharos in his right hand into the mouth of a panther seated to his right. B - Hymen dressed in a short tunic, holding a burning torch in his left hand, and a vessel in his right. C - Neptun je frontalno upodobljena figura z brado v dolgem oblačilu, v dvignjeni levici drži trizob, na iztegnjeni desnici pa je delfin, obrnjen navzdol. D - Bonus Eventus je oseba v tuniki, ki drži v spuščeni desnici tri vejice žitnega klasja ali cvetja, na iztegnjeni levici pa počiva verjetno ptica. Božanstvo je rimska presonil ikacija žetve, kasneje pa simbol obilja in sreče. Kakšen je pomen take kombinacije božanstev na posodi, je nejasno, morda so bile namenjena kot darilo ob posebnih priložnostih ali pa so služile ob verskih ritualih (Wight 1994, 54). Večina čaš sodi v julijsko-klavdijsko obdobje. Grobna celota iz Črnelega (Ložar 1935, 103) vsebuje poleg čaše še rebrasto skodelico s spiralo (2.3.1.), pečatno oljenko z žigom FRONTO, kantaros z barbotinskim okrasom, balzamarij in flavijski novec. Iz tega lahko sklepamo, da grob ni starejši od zadnje tretjine I. stoletja. SKUPINA 6 - STEKLENICE 6.1. STEKLENICE, PIHANE V KALUP 6.1.1. Steklenice, pihane v kalup v obliki glave (Is 78a); (.v/. 18): Nastale so v dvodelnih kalupih, o čemer pričajo vlivni šivi ob straneh. Izdelane so iz obarvanega ali modro-zelenkastega stekla. Datacija: druga pol. 1.-2. st. PtUi (gr. 169) Vrat in spodnji del v kalup pihane stekleničke iz vijoličastega slekla, vidna usta obraza. Na dnu okras rombov in kroga v sredini. - pr. ustja 2,8 cm - LMJ 2653. Istenič 2000, t. 37: I. *>0<*firaj pri Ilirski Bistrici (PN) podnji del steklenice v obliki človeške glave, del vratu in Ustje manjkata. 61.1. - Pogrešana. Lit-: Petru 1976, t. 2: 3. Primerjave: Vessberg 1956, fig. 49: 9, 1; Calvi 1969, Taf. 16: : Cermanovič-Kuzmanovič 1976, t. 1:5; Stern 1995, 327: no. 142, 145-46. Komentar: V kalup pihane stekleničke so bile razširjene že od sredine I. stoletja. Večjo skupino tvorijo npr. večkotne stekleničke z reliefnim okrasom. Pihane so bile v kalupe različnimi motivi, npr. z motivi sadja, mask, ptic ali !ahkanim- Simboli (Stern 1995’ 78)- K zadnj‘ skuP'ni 0 Prištejemo poligonalno stekleničko iz emonskega perhaps a wedding leutrophoros. Hymen was the god of weddings. His symbols were a wedding torch, flute, and rose wreath. C - Neptune was depicted frontally, with a beard in long clothing, in his raised left hand holding a trident, and in his outstretched right hand a dolphin turned upside down. D - Bonus Eventus is a figure in a tunic, holding in the lowered right hand three bunches of grain or flowers, while on the extended left hand rests what is probably a bird. The deity was the Roman personification of the harvest, and later the symbol of plenty and felicity. The meaning of such a combination of gods on a vessel is unclear. Perhaps they were intended as gifts on special occasions or were used in religious rites (Wight 1994, 54). They can mostly be assigned to the Julio-Claudian period. The grave unit from Črnelo (Ložar 1935, 103) additionally contained a ribbed bowl with a spiral decoration (2.3.1.), an oil lamp stamped FRONTO, a kantharos with barbotine decoration, balsamaria, and Flavian coin. It can be concluded from this that the grave was not earlier than the last third of the 1st century. GROUP 6 - BOTTLES 6.1. MOULD-BLOWN BOTTLES 6.1.1. Bottles blown into a head-shaped mould (Is 78a); {Fig. 18): They were made in two-part moulds, as is indicated by the seams on the sides. They were produced from coloured or blue-green glass. Date: second half of the Ist - 2nd century Ptuj (gr. 169) The neck and lower part of a mould-blown bottle of violet glass, mouth of the face visible. On the base a decoration of rhombs and a circle in the center. 6.1.1. - dia. rim 2.8 cm - LMJ 2653. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 37: 1. Podgraj near Ilirska Bistrica (IF) Lower section of a bottle in the shape of a human head, part of the neck and rim missing. 6.1.1. - Missing. Lit.: Petru 1976, PI. 2: 3. Analogies: Vessberg 1956, Fig. 49: 9, 1; Calvi 1969, PI. 16: 6; Cermanovič-Kuzmanovič 1976, PI. 1: 5; Stern 1995, 327: nos. 142, 145-46. Comments: Mould-blown bottles were widespread from as early as the middle of the Is' century. A large group consists of groba, z motivi vrčev, venca in strigila (Plesničar Gee 1967, Y 93: 3; Petru 1976, 15, 28, sl. 1, 2). Upodobljeni simboli so bili večinoma interpretirani kot atletski atributi, zadnje raziskave pa kažejo, da jih je bolj smiselno povezovati z Dionizom (Stern 1995, 81). Steklenička je iz groba, datiranega v sredino I. stoletja, in po razvrstitvi Sternove pripada t. i. Generaciji Alb (1995, 83). Steklenice s podobami obrazov se pojavljajo od druge polovice 1. stoletja dalje, najstarejše najdbe poznamo iz Pompejev (Stern 1995, 202). Nekatere imajo enega ali dva ročaja, največkrat pa so brez njih. Izdelovali so jih v treh osnovnih različicah: s podobo ene glave, dveh (t. i. Janusova glava) ali več glav. Kljub zahtevnemu motivu so bile, sodeč po ohranjenih šivih, pihane le v dvodelne kalupe. Šivi so skriti v kodre las pri enojnih in dvojnih glavah. Kot kaže, so stekleničke s podobo glave v prvem stoletju izdelovali v italskih in siro-palestinskih delavnicah. V 2. in 3. stoletju primat prevzamejo delavnice vzhodnega Sredozemlja, v 4. stoletju pa ima vodilno vlogo v izdelavi stekleničk Köln (Stern 1995, 203). V prvem stoletju so nastali štirje tipi (A-D) teh stekleničk, trije z enojno (glava črnca, otroka, otroka z grozdom) in eden z dvojno glavo (podoba Meduze) (Stern 1995, 204). V 2. stoletju prevladajo stekleničke z dvojno glavo s podobami Meduze, ženskega obraza in nedoločljivega spola. V grobu 169 iz zahodnega petovionskega grobišča so se ohranili deli stekleničke iz vijoličastega stekla, pridobljenega z dodajanjem mangana. Kljub skromni ohranjenosti so na spodnjem delu vidna usta obraza in kodri, ki segajo do dna posodice, ki ga krasi geometrijski okras. Verjetno gre za upodobitev Meduze kot pri skupini B po Sternovi (1995, 208). Odtis okrasa na dnu je zelo redek, taki izdelki so nastali v kalupih MCT Vil s posebej pihanim dnom (Stern 1995, 204). Primerjavo najdemo med gradivom iz Toleda, kjer je ohranjena steklenička iz vijoličastega stekla s podobo Meduze in enakim geometrijskim vzorcem na dnu (Stern 1995, 223, Fig. 142). Grobna celota iz Petovione je datirana v drugo polovico 2. oziroma na začetek 3. stoletja (Istenič 2000, 66). Figuralno oblikovana steklenička v obliki glave iz Podgraja pri Ilirski Bistrici je pogrešana. Okoliščine najdbe so neznane, obstaja le fotografija stekleničke, ki kaže da je bila izdelana verjetno v dvodelnem kalupu, ustje manjka. Zaradi manjkajočih najdiščnih podatkov lahko stekleničko iz Podgraja opredelimo le na podlagi primerjav, iz katerih po obliki frizure in obliki vratu sklepamo, da verjetno predstavlja obraz Meduze. Glede na to je verjetno nastala v drugi polovici 1. oziroma v 2. stoletju (Stern 1995, 221-223). polygonal bottles with relief decoration. They were blown into moulds with various motifs, such as fruit, masks, birds, or mixed symbols (Stern 1995, 78). A polygonal bottle from a grave at Emona can be assigned to the latter group, with motifs of jugs, wreaths, and strigils (Plesničar Gee 1967, Y 93: 3; Petru 1976, 15,28, Fig. 1, 2). The symbols depicted were mostly interpreted as athletic attributes, while the latest research has indicated that they were more likely associated with Dionysus (Stern 1995,81). The bottle is from a grave dated to the mid Is' century and would belong to Generation Alb according to Stern’s classification (1995, 83). Bottles with depictions of faces appear from the second half of the Is' century onwards, and the earliest finds are known from Pompeii (Stern 1995, 202). Some have one or two handles, but most often they lack them. They were manufactured in three basic variants: with the image of one head, two (i.e. Janus), or more. Despite the difficult motif, it seems, judging from the preserved seams, that they were blown exclusively into two-part moulds. The seams were hidden in the curls of hair of single and double heads. Four types (A - D) of these bottles were created in the first century (Stern 1995, 204), three with single heads (Negroid, child, child with bunch of grapes), and one with double heads (Medusa). Bottles with double faces predominated in the 2nd century, with images of Medusa, a female face, and of undeterminable sex. In grave 169 from the western cemetery of Poetovio, fragments were preserved of a bottle of violet-coloured glass, acquired by the addition of manganese. Despite the poor degree of preservation, the mouth of the face and curls are visible in the lower part; the latter extend to the base of the vessel, which has geometric decoration. This was probably a depiction of Medusa, as in group B according to Stern (1995, 208). Impressions of decoration on the base are very rare; such products were created in MCT VII moulds with a separate flat discshaped base section (Stern 1995, 204). Analogies can be found among the material from Toledo, where a bottle was preserved of violet glass with an image of Medusa and identical geometric patterns on the base (Stern 1995, 223, Fig. 142). The grave unit from Poetovio is dated to the second half of the 2nd century or the beginning of the 3rd century (Istenič 2000, 66). The figurally formed bottle in the shape of a head from Podgraj near Ilirska Bistrica is missing. The circumstances of discovery are unknown, and only a photograph of the bottle remains, showing that it was probably made in a two-part mould. The lack of data about the find means that the bottle from Podgraj can only be classified on the basis of comparisons, and according to the form of the hair and the neck it can be concluded that it probably represents the face of Medusa. Given that, it was probably created SKUPINA 10 - OSTALO 10.1. POSODE, PIHANE V KALUP 10.1.1. Doza s pokrovom - piksida (sl. 18): Posoda je bila pihana v večdelni sestavljen kalup, pokrov je bil delan posebej. Datacija: prva četrtina 1. st. Ptuj (gr. 773) Piksida iz neprosojnega, mlečno belega stekla. Po osmero-kotnem ostenju so upodobljeni različni simboli, pokrov manjka. 10.1.1. - pr. ustja 5 cm - LMJ 3690. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 173: 10. Primerjave: Matheson 1980, 46, no. 12: Harden el al. 1988, 158, no. 80. Komentar: Posoda je bila pihana v tridelni kalup, dno in pokrov sta bila delana posebej. Robovi ustja in pokrova so bili naknadno dodelani in obrušeni. Dno in pokrov sta okrogla, ostenje je osmerokotno. Krasijo ga različni motivi, deljeni med seboj s pokončnimi letvicami. Predstavljeni so: kolo s prečkami, palmeta, romb s krogom v sredini in rastlinski okras. Vsak motiv se dvakrat ponovi. Dno posode krasijo koncentrični krogi, na pokrovu pa so palmete. Doze ali tudi pikside imenovane (pyksis), so služile različnim namenom. Po antičnih virih sodeč so jih uporabljali za hranjenje kozmetičnih in medicinskih pripravkov, celo snovi Povezanih z magijo, strupov ali medu. Znane so srebrne P'kside, ki so služile kot črnilniki. Oblika piksid je različna, okrogla, večkotna, toda vedno imajo pokrov. Izdelovali sojih iz različnih materialov - brona, svinca ali lesa. Bolj dragoceni izdelki pa so bili narejeni iz zlata, srebra, slonovine ali stekla. Ohranjenih je le malo piksid tega tipa. Večinoma so 'zc*elane iz mlečno belega stekla. Posoda iz ptujskega groba ni v celoti ohranjena, manjka ji pokrov (Istenič -000, t. 173: 10). Pihana je bila v tridelni kalup. Analiza Piksid te vrste je pokazala, da so se ohranile celo 46)atCre k' S° P'^ane v 'st' kalup (Matheson 1980, Posodica iz ptujskega groba je nastala verjetno v 1 onu, v današnjem Izraelu, v prvi četrtini (.stoletja in ot dragocen kos je bila priložena v grob iz 1. stoletja na Ptuju (Istenič 1999, 76; 2001, 23-24). in the second half of the Is' century or in the 2nd century (Stern 1995, 221-223). GROUP 10 - MISCELLANEOUS 10.1. MOULD-BLOWN VESSELS 10.1.1. Small case with a lid - a pyxis (Fig. 18): The vessel was blown into a multi-part compound mould, and the lid was made separately. Date: first quarter of the lsl century Ptuj (gr. 773) A pyxis of opaque, milk-white glass. Various symbols were depicted on the octagonal walls, the lid is lacking. 10.1.1. - dia. rim 5 cm - LMJ 3690. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 173: 10. Analogies: Matheson 1980, 46, no. 12; Harden et at. 1988, 158, no. 80. Comments: The vessel was blown into a three-part mould, while the base and lid were made separately. The edges of the rim and lid were subsequently added and ground. The base and lid are circular, the walls octagonal. It was decorated with various motifs, separated from one another by vertical bands, including: a spoked wheel, a palmette, a rhomb with a circle in the center, while palmettes were depicted on the lid. Small cases, also known as pyxides (pyxis), served various purposes. Classical sources indicate that they were used for storing cosmetics and medical preparations, and even items related to magic, poisons, or honey. Silver pyxides are known that served as ink holders. The forms are varied, circular, polygonal, and they always have a lid. They were made of various materials: bronze, lead, or wood. More valuable specimens were made of gold, silver, ivory, or glass. Very few pyxides of this type have been preserved. Most were made from milk-white glass. The vessel from the Ptuj grave was not entirely preserved, as the lid is lacking (Istenič 2000, PI. 173: 10). It was blown into a three-part mould. Analysis of pyxides of this type has shown that several have been preserved that were blown into the same mould (Matheson 1980, 46). The vessel from the grave at Ptuj was probably created at Sidon, in present day Israel, in the first quarter of the Is' century, and was placed as a valuable item in a grave from the lsl century at Ptuj (Istenič 1999, 76; 2001, 23-24). PROSTO PIHANI IZDELKI OPIS TEHNIKE Poleg iznajdbe stekla kot surovine je v razvoju steklarstva najpomembnejša iznajdba pihanja stekla. Nova tehnika je v razvoju obrti pomenila pravo revolucijo. Pihanje je proizvodnjo poenostavilo in s tem pocenilo izdelke ter jih razširilo kot vsesplošno dobrino. Izum in razvoj nove tehnike sodi v čas, ko so bili v okvir rimske države vključeni tudi najpomembnejši mediteranski steklarski centri, feničansko-sirijska obala (63 pr. n. š.) in Egipt z Aleksandrijo (30 pr. n. š.). Natančen kraj in čas izuma pihanja stekla je neznan. Nekaj časa je veljalo, da nekatere risbe iz egipčanskih grobnic prikazujejo steklopihalce, vendar so kmalu dokazali, da gre za delavce, ki razpihujejo ogenj (Grose 1977, 10). Spet drugi avtorji, npr. B. Neumann, so dokazovali obstoj pihanja stekla že v Mezopotamiji v 3. st. pr. n. š. (Forbes 1967, 143). Sčasoma pa je večina raziskovalcev povzela mnenje A. Kise, da seje pihanje razvilo malo pred začetkom krščanske ere nekje ob vzhodnem Sredozemlju, čeprav ni bilo znanih arheoloških najdb iz 1. st. pr. n. š. (Harden 1979, 337). Prve dokaze so prinesla izkopavanja v jami En-Gedi v Izraelu, kjer so med grobnimi pridatki našli majhno pihano stekleničko. Grob je bil datiran v leta 40-37 pr. n. š. in pihana steklenička je bila tako prva najdba iz časa pred 1. st. n. š. (Grose 1977, 11). Kmalu pa je prišlo do novih odkritij, ki so pripomogla k razjasnitvi prvih razvojnih stopenj pihanja stekla. Izkopavanja v starem delu Jeruzalema v t. i. Židovskem predelu leta 1971 so odkrila ostanke številnih ulitih in pihanih steklenih posod. Pod tlakovano cesto, zgrajeno v času kralja Heroda (37-34 pr. n. š.), so odkrili ostanke opuščenega kopališča, katerega bazeni so bili zasuti z različnimi odpadki. Eden od bazenov je bil zapolnjen pretežno s steklenimi odpadki. Keramika in novci datirajo najdbo v prvo polovico 1. st. pr. n. š. (Israeli 1991, 47). Poleg koščkov ulitih steklenih posod so največ pozornosti pritegnile steklene palice različnih dolžin in debelin, odlomki votlih steklenih palic, delno pihane posodice in nedokončani izdelki. Očitno je šlo za delavniške odpadke neke steklarske delavnice in z njenimi ostanki so zasuli bazen kopališča. Študij teh zanimivih ostankov je pripeljal izraelske arheologe do naslednjih zaključkov, ki jih na kratko povzemamo (Israeli 1991, 53). Steklene cevi so zvili iz ploščatega kosa stekla, jih segreli in zgladili. Nekatere so po dolgem ovili z nitmi drugobarvnega stekla, če so želeli pripraviti večbarvne izdelke. Nato so en konec cevi zaprli, ga ponovno ogreli in zatem pihali vanjo. Tako FREE-BLOWN PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION OF THE TECHNIQUE After the discovery of glass as a raw material, the most important discovery in the development of glass-working was the blowing of glass. The new technique meant a true revolution in the development of the craft. Glass blowing simplified the production process, thus making the products cheaper and causing their spread as universal goods. The invention and development of the new technique occurred in the period when the most important Mediterranean glass-working centers had been incorporated within the framework of the Roman state, i.e. those of the Phoenician-Syrian coast (63 BC) and Egypt with Alexandria (30 BC). The exact area and period of the invention of glass blowing is unknown. It was claimed for a time that certain drawings from Egyptian tombs depicted glassblow-ers. However, it was recently shown that these were workers blowing up a fire (Grose 1977, 10). Other authors, such as B. Neumann, have claimed the existence of glass blowing in Mesopotamia in the 3rd century BC (Forbes 1957, 143). In the course of time, the majority of researchers recapitulated the opinions of A. Kisa, that glass blowing had developed somewhat prior to the beginning of the Christian era somewhere in the eastern Mediterranean, although archaeological finds were not known from the lsl century BC (Harden 1979, 337). Excavations in the cave of En-Gedi in Israel offered the first proof, where the grave goods included a little blown glass. The grave was dated to 40-37 BC, and a blown bottle was thus the first find from the period prior to the Is' century AD (Grose 1977, 11). Soon new discoveries came to light that aided in explaining the first developmental phases of blowing glass. Excavations in the old part of Jerusalem in the so-called "Jewish section” in 1971 discovered the remains of numerous cast and blown glass vessels. Under a paved road built in the period of King Herod (37-34 BC), archaeologists discovered the remains of abandoned thermal baths with their pools filled with debris, one of which was filled primarily with glass. Pottery and coins date the find to the first half of the lsl century BC (Israeli 1991, 47). In addition to fragments of cast glass vessels, the most interesting finds were glass rods of various lengths and thickness, fragments of hollow glass rods, partly blown vessels, and unfinished products. This was evidently debris from some glass workshop, and the pool of the baths was filled with these remains. The study of these interesting remains led Israeli archaeologists to several interesting conclusions, which napihana steklenička je bila nato odrezana od steklene cevi in dodelana ob ustju. Pihanje v steklene cevi danes razlagajo kot eno od predstopenj pihanja v pravo kovinsko steklarsko pipo. Vsekakor je bil korak od pihanja v steklene cevi do pihanja v steklopihaško pipo problem inovacije oziroma tehničnega napredka. Prvi pihani izdelki so verjetno nastali z uporabo glinenih pip in šele kasneje so razvili kovinske. Tako mnenje zagovarja Sternova (Stern, Schlick-Nolte 1994, 133), ki svoje trditve preverja z različnimi poizkusi. Po njenem je bil steklarjem najlaže dostopen material prav glina. Njene lastnosti so dobro poznali, na zalogi je bila v vsaki steklarski delavnici. Poleg tega glina precej slabše prevaja toploto kot kovina, zato je z glino laže delati, posebej če je pipa kratka, npr. 30-60 cm. Izdelava kovinske cevi ni prav enostavna, glineno Pa si lahko izdela steklar sam. Zato jim ni bilo potrebno investirati v drage kovinske pripomočke, ampak so si lahko orodje izdelali po svojih željah in potrebah. Enostavna izdelava orodja je bil morda tudi eden od vzrokov za bliskovito razširitev nove tehnike (Stern, Schlick-Nolte 1994, 134). Trditev, da so bile pipe najprej glinene, deloma Potrjujeta upodobitvi pihanja iz rimskega obdobja na oljenkah iz Benkovca (Asseria) v Dalmaciji in Ferrare v ■taliji (Abramič 1959, 151; Baldoni 1987, 23). Oljenki sta povsem identični in sta verjetno celo nastali v istem kalupu. Predstavljata steklopihača pred pečjo. Pipa, s katero steklar piha, je izredno kratka. S tako kratko kovinsko pipo bi bilo nemogoče rokovati, saj kovina Prehitro prevaja toploto in bi bila prevroča; verjetno steklar uporablja glineno pipo (Stern, Schlick-Nolte '^94, 134). Po taki interpretaciji so glinene pipe uporabljali še v drugi pol. 1. stoletja, če upoštevamo datacijo oljenk (Baldoni 1987, 24). Viri, ki govore o hitrem razvoju in razširitvi nove tehnike, so tako pisni kot arheološki. Nihče sicer direktno ne govori o izumu pihanja, številni pisci pa poročajo o novih izdelkih, steklarski obrti, surovinah zanjo itd. ajizčrpnejši izbor vseh antičnih virov o steklu je še vedno delo M. L. Trowbridge (Philological Studies in Ancient Glass, Urbana 1930). Arheološke najdbe zadnjih let potrjujejo uporabo Pihanega stekla v 1. st. pr. n. š. tudi na italskih tleh. menimo naj najdbe z območja rimskega foruma in j|ne hiše na Palatinu v Rimu (Grose 1977, 17, 21) vT najdišči Cosa v Etruriji (Grose 1975, 31) in Morgantina na Siciliji (Grose 1982, 26). we will briefly summarize here (Israeli 1991, 53). The glass tubes were rolled from flat pieces of glass that were heated and smoothed. Sometimes they were wrapped lengthwise with threads of other coloured glass, if glass-workers wanted to create multicoloured products. Then they closed one end of the tube, heated it again, and blew into it. Bottles blown in this manner were cut off the glass tube and the rim was shaped. Blowing into a glass tube is explained today as one of the preliminary phases of blowing into a metal glass-worker’s pipe. Certainly the step from blowing into a glass tube to blowing into a glass blower’s pipe was a product of innovation or technical advance. The first blown products were probably created with the use of a clay pipe and only later were metal ones developed. These opinion is argued by Stern (1994, 133), who has tested this claims in various experiments. According to Stern, the most accessible material for glass workers would be clay. Its qualities were well known, and it was in stock in every glass workshop. Additionally, clay conducts heat more poorly than metal, and thus it is easier to work with clay, particularly if the pipe is short, such as 30-60 cm. The production of a metal pipe is not exactly simple, while a clay pipe could be made by the glass-worker himself. Thus glass-workers did not need to invest in expensive metal instruments, rather they could make tools according to their desires and needs. The simple production of tools was perhaps also one of the reasons for the rapid and swift spread of the new technique (Stern, Schlick-Nolte 1994, 134). The claim that the pipes were first made of clay is partly confirmed by depictions of Roman period blowing on clay lamps from Benkovac (Asseria) in Dalmatia and Ferrara in Italy (Abramič 1959, 151; Baldoni 1987, 23). The lamps are completely identical and were probably made in the same mould. They depict a glass blower in front of a furnace. The pipe with which the glass worker is blowing is exceptionally short. Since a short metal pipe would be impossible to handle, as metal conducts heat too rapidly, and it would be too hot to hold; the glass blower was probably using a clay pipe (Stern, Schlick-Nolte 1994, 134). According to such an interpretation, clay pipes would have been used as late as the second half of the Is' century, if we take the dating of the lamp into account (Baldoni 1987, 24). The sources that speak of a swift development and spread of the new technique are written as well as archaeological. While no one speaks directly of the invention of glass blowing, numerous writers report on new products, the glass working craft, raw material for it, etc. The most exhaustive collection of all classical sources about glass is still the work of M. L. Trowbridge (Philological Studies in Ancient Glass, Urbana 1930). Archaeological finds in the recent period confirm the blowing of glass in the 1SI century BC in Italy itself. Finds are known from the area of the Roman Forum OKRASI NA PROSTO PIHANIH STEKLENIH IZDELKIH Nova tehnika izdelave steklenih posod je prinesla tudi novosti v okraševanju izdelkov. Posode so lahko krasili med samo izdelavo, ko je bilo steklo še toplo, ali pa je proces krašenja potekal v ločenih delavnicah, potem ko so bili izdelki že ohlajeni. and the House of Livia on the Palatine in Rome (Grose 1977, 17, 21), as well as the sites of Cosa in Etruria (Grose 1975, 31) and Morgantina on Sicily (Grose 1982, 26). DECORATIONS ON FREE-BLOWN GLASS PRODUCTS I. OKRAŠEVANJE POSOD MED PIHANJEM Nataljeni koščki stekla, kaplje in niti: Raznobarvni koščki stekla, nataljeni in vtisnjeni v ostenje, so pogost okras na izdelkih 1. stoletja. Delno napihano stekleno kepo so povaljali po majhnih raznobarvnih koščkih stekla, nato sojo valjali po gladki podlagi, da so se koščki vtisnili v ostenje. Sledilo je ponovno ogrevanje in dodatno pihanje, pri tem pa so se vtisnjeni koščki stekla raztegnili v barvne lise na ostenju posode (Dobova - Petru P. 1969, t. 11: 1; Emona, NMS R 2279); (sl. 19). Koščki stekla enake barve kot posoda so bolj redki, vendar tudi tak okras prepoznamo na izdelkih 1. stoletja (Slovenj Gradec - Egger 1914, 61). Nataljene kaplje obarvanega stekla, največkrat modre in zelene, so pogost okras na skodelicah in čašah pozno rimske dobe. Njihova značilnost je, da niso Sl. 19: Enoročajna čaša iz temno modrega stekla z belimi, rumenimi in svetlo modrimi lisami, vtisnjenimi po ostenju. Emona, posamična najdba, Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana (foto: T. Lauko). Fig. 19: Cup with a handle of dark blue glass with white, yellow, and pale blue spots marvered into the walls. Emona, individual find, Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana (photo: T. Lauko). The new technique of producing glass vessels also brought new elements in the decoration of products. The vessels could be decorated during manufacture itself, while the glass was still hot, or the process of decoration could take place in separate workshops later, when the products had already cooled. 1. DECORATION OF A VESSEL DURING BLOWING Applying chips of glass, blobs, and trails: Multicoloured chips of glass, heated and pressed (marvered) into the walls were a common decoration on products of the 1sl century. A partly blown glass gather was rolled over small multicoloured glass chips, and this was then rolled over a smooth surface, so that the chips would be imbedded in the walls. The vessel was reheated and blown again, and the impressed chips stretched into coloured spots on the walls of the vessel (Dobova - Petru P. 1969, PI. 11: I; Emona NMS R 2279); (Fig. 19). Chips of glass of the same colour as the vessel are more rare, although this decoration can also be found on Is' century products (Slovenj Gradec - Egger 1914, 61). Blobs of coloured glass, most often blue and green, are frequent decorations on bowls and cups of the late Roman period. Their characteristic is that they are not fully pressed into the vessel surface, and slightly protrude from the walls of the vessel. They were applied in straight lines along the circumference of the vessel or in small groups, such as three drops together (Ptuj - Miki Curk 1976, Pl. 4: 11); (Fig. 20). A special group of applied decoration consists of glass medallions with masks, for example in the form of Medusa, deities, lion heads, etc. Such applied elements are frequent on jugs in the Is' century, and were applied to the lower part of the handle (Ptuj - Subic 1976, PI. I: 7). Another type of medallion was used in the late Roman period. Gold leaf with figural motifs was pressed between two layers of transparent glass and the medallion created in this manner was applied to the wall or the base of the vessel. These products were widespread in the 3rd and 4'h centuries. A fragment of a medallion with a motif of a lamb in gold leaf was preserved among the Ptuj finds (Miki Curk 1963, 492). povsem vtisnjene v podlago in rahlo izstopajo iz ostenja posode. Nataljene so bile v ravni vrsti po obodu posode ali v manjših skupinah, npr. po tri kaplje skupaj (Ptuj -Miki Curk 1976, t. 4: 11); (sl. 20). Posebno skupino nataljenega okrasa predstavljajo stekleni medaljoni z maskami, npr. v obliki meduze, božanstev, levje glave ipd. Take aplike so pogoste na vrčih v 1. stoletju in so nataljene na spodnjem delu ročaja (Ptuj - Šubic 1976, t. 1:7). Drugo vrsto medaljonov uporabljajo v pozno rimski dobi. Zlato folijo s figuralnim motivom stisnejo med dve plasti prozornega stekla in tako nastali medaljon nalepijo na ostenje ali dno posode. Ti izdelki so razširjeni v 3. in 4. stoletju. Ostanek medaljona z motivom jagnjeta na zlati foliji je ohranjen med ptujskimi najdbami (Miki Curk 1963, 492). Okras steklenih niti se na izdelkih pojavlja pretežno med 2. in 4. stoletjem. Najbolj enostaven okras predstavljajo niti stekla enake barve kot posoda, ki so v horizontalnih linijah nataljene po vratu, ostenju ali celi posodi (Ptuj - Vomer Gojkovič 1996, sl. 24; Istenič 1999, 75, sl- 58); (sl. 21). Niti raznobarvnega stekla tvorijo že bolj razgiban in dopadljiv okras, kije pri nas redek (Celje -neobjavljeno), največ pa so ga uporabljali v kölnskih delavnicah. Sl. 20-, Del polkroglaste čaše z nataljenimi kapljami modrega stekla. Ptuj, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj (foto: T. Lauko). Fig. 20: Part of a hemispherical cup with applied drops of blue glass. Ptuj, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj (photo: T. Lauko). Lauk')^r^' Z nata^en'm‘ n'tm' stekla. Ptuj, gr. 595, 759, Landesmuseum Joanneum Graz (Istenič 1999, 75, sl. 58); (foto: T. L’iuk ))^UgS W'**1 app*'et* 8'ass tra‘'s- 8r- 595, 759, Landesmuseum Joanneum Graz (Istenič 1999, 75, Fig. 58); (photo: T. SI. 22: Gube na ostenju posode so oblikovali, ko je bilo steklo še toplo. Šahovec, gr. 1, Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto (foto: T. Lauko). Fig. 22: Indents on the walls of vessels were made while the glass was still hot. Šahovec, grave 1, Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto (photo: T. Lauko). V redkih primerih so steklene niti razširjene in sploščene v različne vegetabilne ali kačaste okrase, ki jih najdemo na čašah na nogi ali steklenicah v 2. in 3. stoletju (Ptuj, gr. 371: Kujundžič 1982, t. 28: 10; Ptuj, gr. 11/1982: Lazar, Tomanič Jevremov 2000, t. 2: 4). Oblikovanje površine posode z orodjem: Gre za okrase, ki niso nastali z dodajanjem stekla, ampak so bili izdelani z oblikovanjem površine še tople posode. S škarjami so npr. iz ostenja potegnili majhne izrastke, s pritiskom na steno posode oblikovali večje in manjše gube ali kroglaste vdolbine ali pa stisnili steklo v gubo, ki je obkrožala npr. skodelico (sl. 22). Te gube ponekod izstopajo iz ostenja (Celje - Kolšek 1972, Y 152, 4: 66, 69), lahko pa so stisnjene in tvorijo dvojen cevast rob (Celje - Kolšek 1972, Y 152, 4: 59, 61). II. OKRAŠEVANJE OHLAJENIH IZDELKOV Slikanje - emajlna poslikava: Za poslikavo so uporabili zdrobljeno steklo, zmešano z vezivom (voda ali olje), in s tako dobljeno zmesjo slikali na steno posode (Riitti 1991 a, 122). Le-to so nato ponovno nekoliko segreli, da se je poslikava sprijela s podlago. Ta način krašenja ni bil nikoli zelo razširjen, ohranjenih je le malo izdelkov z ostanki poslikave. Najbolj znane so polkroglaste čaše z motivi ptic in vinske Decoration with glass threads or trails appeared primarily between the 2"u and 4,h centuries. The most simple decoration was trails of glass of the same colour as the vessel, applied in horizontal lines to the neck, walls, or the entire vessel (Ptuj - Vomer Gojkovič 1996, Fig. 24; Istenič 1999, 75, Fig. 58); (Fig. 21). Trails of multicoloured glass created an even more lively and attractive decoration, which is rare in Slovenia (Celje -unpublished), and this technique was used most in the Köln production centers. There are rare examples where the glass trails are broadened and flattened into various floral or snakelike decorations, which can be found on footed goblets and bottles in the 2nd and 3rd centuries (Ptuj, gr. 371: Kujundžič 1982, Pl. 28: 10; Ptuj, gr. 11/1982: Lazar, Tomanič Jevremov 2000, Pl. 2: 4). Forming the surface of the vessel with tools: These are decorations that were not created by adding glass, although they were produced by manipulating the surface of still hot vessels. Scissors were used to pull small protrusions out from the walls, and pressure applied to the walls of a vessel caused large or small folds or circular indentations, or glass would be pressed into a fold which would enclose, for example, a bowl (Fig. 22). These folds sometimes protrude from the walls (Celje - Kolšek 1972, Y 152, 4: 66, 69), and they could be pressed to form a double tubular fold (Celje - Kolšek 1972, Y 152, 4: 59, 61). II. THE DECORATION OF COOLED PRODUCTS Painting - enamel: Crushed glass mixed with a binding agent (water or oil) was painted on the wall of a vessel (Riitti 1991a, 122). It was then reheated somewhat so the painting would bond with the surface. This manner of decoration was never very widespread, and only a few specimens have been preserved with remains of painting. The best known are hemispherical cups with motifs of birds and grape vines from the second half of the Is' century. So far, the only fragment of such a cup in Slovenia is known from Emona (Riitti 1991a, 124). Cutting and grinding: All types of engraved decoration were made using a rotating stone or metal wheel and points. The majority of vessels with such decoration were made of colourless, deliberately decoloured glass, while some vessels from the Is' century were also from coloured glass. 1. Horizontal lines, wheel-cutting Simple horizontal lines and wheel-cut bands, made with the help of a rotating stone or metal wheel, were a trte iz druge polovice 1. stoletja. Pri nas je odlomek take čaše doslej znan samo iz Emone (Rütti 1991 a, 124). Vrezovanje in brušenje: Vse vrste vrezanih okrasov so izdelali z uporabo vrtečih se kamnitih ali kovinskih koleščkov in konic. Večina posod s temi okrasi je bila izdelana iz brezbarvnega, namerno dekoloriranega stekla, nekatere posode iz 1. stoletja pa so tudi iz obarvanega stekla. 1. Horizontalni vrezi, brušeni pasovi Preprosti horizontalni vrezi in brušeni pasovi, izdelani s pomočjo vrtečega se kamnitega ali kovinskega koleščka, so bili priljubljen in enostaven način krašenja rimskih posod od prvega do 4. stoletja. Prepoznamo jih tako na izdelkih iz obarvanega ali dekoloriranega stekla kot na posodah iz modro-zelenkastega stekla (Trebnje, Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto, R 47); (sl. 2J). Vrezi in brušeni pasovi so včasih kombinirani tudi z drugimi oblikami vrezanih okrasov v raznolike geometrijske vzorce (Ptuj, Zgornji Breg, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj); (sl. 24). 2. Fasetiranje Okras vdolbinic v obliki mandljev ali žitnih zrn so izdelovali z različno debelimi koleščki, ki so imeli kroglasto zaobljene robove. S površine posode so odbrusili precej stekla, zato je bilo pomembno, da je bilo ostenje debelo nekaj milimetrov. Ta okras so uporabljali na ulitih izdelkih iz druge ^ Horizontalni vrezi po ostenju so bili priljubljen in ‘uostaven okras na steklenih izdelkih. Trebnje, Dolenjski mu-zej Novo mesto (foto: T. Lauko). 'ig. 2.?. Horizontal wheel-cut lines on the walls were a popular lfi simple decoration of glass products. Trebnje, Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto (photo: T. Lauko). Sl. 24: Od konca 2. stoletja dalje so bile priljubljene polkroglaste čaše z geometrijskimi okrasi, ki sojih izdelali z brušenjem. Ptuj, Zgornji Breg, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj (foto: T. Lauko). Fig. 24: From the end of the 2"d century onwards, hemispherical cups with geometric wheel-cut decoration were popular. Ptuj, Zgornji Breg, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj (photo: T. Lauko). popular and simple manner of decorating Roman vessels from the lsl to the 4lh centuries. They can be found on artifacts of coloured or decoloured glass, as well as on vessels of blue-green glass (Trebnje, Dolenjski muzej Novo mesto, R 47); (Fig. 23). Lines and ground bands were occasionally also combined with other forms of incised decoration in various geometrical patterns (Ptuj, Zgornji breg, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj); (Fig. 24). 2. Facet-cutting A decoration formed of facets in the shape of almonds or grains was made with wheels of varied thickness, which had circular rounded edges. They ground off a considerable amount of glass from the surface of the vessel, and it was hence important that the walls be several millimeters thick. This decoration was used on cast products from the second half of the 1st century, tall beakers (3.3.4.) of decoloured glass from the end of the Is' and beginning of the 2nd centuries, and on hemispherical bowls (2.6.2.) in the 2nd and 3rd centuries (Ptuj, gr. 289; Istenič 1999, 76, Fig. 62); (Fig. 25). 3. Relief-cutting Decoration in high relief has been preserved only on very few vessels from the Roman period. The surfaces of the vessels were worked with cutting and grinding so that the decoration stood out 1-2 mm in relief SI. 25: Čaša z vrezanim okrasom iz Petovione. Ptuj, gr. 289, Landesmuseum Joanneum Graz (Istenič 1999, 76, sl. 62); (foto: T. Lauko). Fig. 25: A beaker with facet-cut decoration from Poetovio. Ptuj, grave 289, Landesmuseum Joanneum Graz (Istenič 1999, 76, Fig. 62); (photo: T. Lauko). polovice 1. stoletja, visokih čašah (3.3.4.) iz dekolorira-nega stekla iz konca I. in začetka 2. stoletja in na polkroglastih skodelicah (2.6.2.) v 2. in 3. stoletju (Ptuj, gr. 289: Istenič 1999, 76, sl. 62); (sl. 25). 3. Okras visokega reliefa Le na redkih posodah iz rimske dobe seje ohranil okras v visokem reliefu. Z brušenjem in vrezovanjem so obdelali površino posode, daje okras reliefno izstopal 1 -2 mm iz ostenja. Motivi navadno predstavljajo vitice, liste vinske trte, bršljan ipd. Izdelki s tem okrasom so znani iz konca 1. stoletja, nekaj pa tudi iz pozno rimske dobe. Izvrsten in redek izdelek s reliefnim okrasom je kantaros iz groba 11 na Ptuju (3.7.4.; Lazar, Tomanič Jevremov 2000, t. 2: 1); (sl. 26). Posebno skupino posod z reliefnim okrasom tvorijo diatretni izdelki iz 4. in 5. stoletja, ki pa jih zaenkrat med našim gradivom ne poznamo. from the walls. The motifs usually consisted of tendrils, grave leaves, ivy, etc. Products with such decoration are known from the end of the lsl century, and some also from the late Roman period. An excellent and rare artifact with relief decoration is the kantharos from grave 11 at Ptuj (Lazar, Tomanič Jevremov 2000, PI. 2; 1); (Fig. 26). A special group of vessels with relief decoration are the diatreta or cage-cup vessels of the 4'" and 5‘" cen- Sl. 26: Izdelki z okrasom v visokem reliefu so sodili med luksuzno posodje. Ptuj, gr. 11/1982, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj (foto: T. Lauko). Fig. 26: Products with decoration cut in high relief can be considered luxury vessels. Ptuj, grave 11/1982, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj (photo: T. Lauko). S/- -7. Na steklenici z brušenim okrasom je verjetno upodobljen aleksandrijski svetilnik. Ptuj, gr. 11/1982, Pokrajinski muzej ptuj (foto: M. Farič). fig- 27. The bottle with wheel-cut decoration probably depicts the lighthouse of Alexandria. Ptuj, grave 11/1982, Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj (photo: M. Farič). 4- Figuralni okras Za izdelavo figuralnega okrasa so mojstri uporabili različno debele koleščke s koničastimi ploskimi ali poševnimi robovi in ostre konice za prostoročno rašenje. Na ta način so lahko izdelali najbolj drobne etajle figur in prizorov s katerimi so polepšali skodele, °aše in steklenice v poznorimski dobi. Zaradi zahtevnosti >zvedbe in dragocenosti teh posod najdemo figuralni ° ras predvsem na kvalitetnih dekoloriranih izdelkih. °tivi so pretežno vezani na religiozno tematiko, Pogoste so biblijske scene. Med redke v celoti ohranjene posode s figuralnim (6 V7°m Pr' naS S0C*' ste*c*en’ca ‘z groba 11 na Ptuju : Lazar’ Tomanič Jevremov 2000, t. 1); (5/. 27). 5- Kameo tehnika or ^rasa na izdelkih z dvojno plastjo stekla. Z 0 jem - različnimi nožički, ki sojih uporabljali rezalci sv Tl 'n 'Came-* so >zrezovali okras v gornjo, navadno Le ej.S0’.p*ast stekla. daje reliefno izstopil od podlage. oh»3 JC °^'^ajno Pihana iz temnejšega, npr. modro n r''ane8a stekla. V Sloveniji zaenkrat ne poznamo posod, izdelanih v tej tehniki. turies, which are as yet unknown among the Slovenian material. 4. Figural decoration To produce figural decorations the craftsmen used variously thick wheels with pointed flat or oblique edges and sharp points for free-hand etching. In this manner they could produce the most infinitesimal details of figures and scenes used to beautify bowls, cups, and bottles in the late Roman period. The demanding nature of the decoration and the high value of such vessels mean that figural decoration is found primarily on high quality decoloured products. The motifs are primarily tied to religious themes, and biblical scenes are common. The rare entirely preserved vessels with figural decoration in Slovenia include a bottle from grave 11 at Ptuj (Lazar, Tomanič Jevremov 2000, PI. 1); (Fig. 27). 5. The cameo technique This technique involves carving a decoration on products with a double (cased) layer of glass. With tools that consisted of various small knives used by gem and cameo cutters, workers carved a decoration into the upper, usually lighter layer of glass, which stood out in relief against the background. The background was usually blown from a darker coloured glass, such as blue. No vessel produced with this technique is known at present from Slovenia. PREGLED OBLIK SKUPINA I - KROŽNIKI (sl. 28; pril. 1) 1.2. KROŽNIKI Z RAVNIM OSTENJEM 1.2.1. Krožniki z zataljenim ustjem (Is 47); (sl. 28): Plitve posode s pokončnim ali nekoliko navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ki ravno preide v zataljeno ustje, dno ravno, s prstanasto nogo, ki je nataljena ali izvlečena iz dna. Datacija: druga polovica 1. - začetek 2. st. Celje (gr. 4) Krožnik z zataljenim ustjem in prstanasto nogo. 1.2.1. - pr. ustja 17.6 cm - PMC R 4199. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 54. Celje (gr. 4) Del krožnika z zataljenim ustjem. 1.2.1. - pr. ustja 18 cm - PMC R 4275. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 55. Ptuj (gr. 85) Krožnik z zataljenim ustjem in izvlečeno prstanasto nogo. REVIEW OF FORMS GROUP I - PLATES (Fig. 28; Appendix I) 1.2. PLATES WITH STRAIGHT WALLS 1.2.1. Plates with a fire-rounded rim (Is 47); (Fig. 28): Shallow vessels with straight or somewhat out-turned walls that extend directly into the lire rounded rim; the base flat with a base ring, which was applied or drawn out from the base. Date: second half of the Is' - beginning of the 2nd centuries Celje (gr. 4) Plate with a fire-rounded rim and a base ring. 1.2.1. - dia. rim 17.6 cm - PMC R 4199. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 54. Celje (gr. 4) Fragment of a plate with a fire-rounded rim. 1.2.1. - dia. rim 18 cm - PMC R 4275. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 55. 3.2 .2.3 SI. 28: Skupina 1 - krožniki (1.2.L: Kolšek 1972, 152: 54: I.2.2.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 56; I.2.3.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 53; 1.2.4.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 57; 1.3.1.: Pahič 1969, t. 3: 6; 1.3.2.: Logatec, neobjavljeno). M. = 1:3. Fig. 28: Group 1 - plates (1.2.1.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 54; 1.2.2.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 56; I.2.3.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 53; 1.2.4.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 57; 1.3.1.: Pahič 1969, Pl. 3: 6; I.3.2.: Logatec, unpublished). Scale = 1:3. 1-2.1. - pr. ustja 15,8 cm - LMJ 2178. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 18:7, Primerjave: Damevski 1976, t. 10: 5; Hayes 1975, Fig. 13: 327; Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Abb. 4; Czurda-Ruth 1979, Taf. 4: 624, 627, 636; Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 2: 225. 1.2.2. Krožniki z odebeljenim ustjem (sl. 28): Plitve posode s pokončnim ali nekoliko navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ki ravno preide v odebeljeno ustje, dno ravno, s prstanasto nogo, ki je nataljena ali izvlečena iz dna. Datacija: druga polovica 1. - začetek 2. st. Ce|je (gr. 4) Del krožnika z odebeljenim ustjem. '•2-2. - pr. ustja 16 cm - PMC R 4276. Lit-: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 56. Primerjave: PlesničarGec 1972, t. 133:11; 202:10-12; Barkoczi l988, Taf. I: 3; Ružič 1994, t. 28: 4. 1.2.3. Krožniki s profiliranim ustjem (sl. 28): Plitve posode s pokončnim ali nekoliko navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ki ravno preide v zataljeno in profilirano ustje, dno ravno, s prstanasto nogo, kije nataljena ali izvlečena iz dna. Datacija: druga polovica I. - začetek 2. st. c«lje (gr. 4) Del krožnika s profiliranim ustjem. ' P'- ustja 18,8 cm - PMC R 4274. L|t.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 53. 1 nmerjave: Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 1:139.2.034. 1-2.4. rozntki s cevastim ustjem (Is 46a); (sl. 28): osteT' P°S0^e s P°k°nčnim ali nekoliko navzven nagnjenim s nr r|J,ern’ k' ravno preide v cevasto zavihano ustje, dno ravno, s anasto nogo, ki je nataljena ali izvlečena iz dna. Datacija: druga polovica I. - začetek 2. st. Cc|je (gr. 4) I a s cevastim, navznoter zavihanim ustjem. Lit • k-' ,Pr' USlja 15,2 cm " l>MC R 4276a-ut- Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 57. RutTmT (p0ethcrt'l>olaschek 1977, Taf. 30: 52. 53; Czurda- • Tat- 4: 613; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 53: 481. Ptuj (gr. 85) Plate with a fire-rounded rim and a drawn-out base ring. 1.2.1. - dia. rim 15.8 cm - LMJ 2178. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 18: 7. Analogies: Damevski 1976, PI. 10: 5; Hayes 1975, Fig. 13: 327; Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Fig. 4; Czurda-Ruth 1979, PI. 4: 624, 627, 636; Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 2: 225. 1.2.2. Plates with a fire-thickened rim (Fig. 28): Shallow vessels with straight or somewhat out-turned walls that extend directly into the thickened rim; the base flat with a base ring, which was applied or drawn out from the base. Date: second half of the Is' - beginning of the 2nd centuries Celje (gr. 4) Fragment of a plate with a fire-thickened rim. 1.2.2. - dia. rim 16 cm - PMC R 4276. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 56. Analogies: Plesničar Gee 1972, PI. 133: 11; 202: 10-12; Barkoczi 1988, PI. 1: 3; Ružič 1994, PI. 28: 4. 1.2.3. Plates with a profiled rim (Fig. 28): Shallow vessels with upright or somewhat out-turned walls that extend directly into a fire-rounded and profiled rim; the base flat with a base ring, which was applied or drawn out from the base. Date: second half of the Is' - beginning of the 2nd centuries Celje (gr. 4) Fragment of a plate with a profiled rim. 1.2.3. - dia. rim 18.8 cm - PMC R 4274. Lit.: Kolšek 1972. Y 152: 53. Analogies: Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 1: 139.2.034. 1.2.4. Plates with a tubular rim (Is 46a); (Fig. 28): Shallow vessels with upright or somewhat out-turned walls that extend directly into a tubular rim; the base flat with a base ring, which was applied or drawn out from the base. Date: second half of the Is' - beginning of the 2"d centuries Celje (gr. 4) Fragment of a plate with a tubular rim. rolled inwards. 1.2.4. - dia. rim 15.2 cm - PMC R 4276a. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 57. Komentar za oblike 1.2.1. do 1.2.4.: Oblika lsings 47 tako na evropskih najdiščih kot med gradivom v Sloveniji ni zelo pogosta. Ostenje posode ravno preide v ustje, dno je lahko ravno ali pa ima prstanasto nogo, ki je nalepljena ali potegnjena iz ostenja. Isingsova navaja najdbe iz Pompejev in Est, datirane od sredine do poznega 1. stoletja (1957, 62), krožnike iz Herculanea pa Scatozza Höricht opredeljuje kot obliko 4 in postavlja v drugo polovico 1. stoletja (1986, 31). Na Štalenski gori se oblika lsings 47 pojavlja že v plasteh, datiranih v prvo polovico 1. stoletja (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 84-87). Tudi v kantonu Ticino v Švici se krožniki oblike lsings 47 in oblike 48 (s cevasto gubo na prehodu iz ostenja v dno) pojavljajo v grobovih 1. stoletja (Biaggio Simona 1991, 52-54). Krožniki s cevastim ustjem (1.2.4. - lsings 46a, AR 107) se v Augstu pojavljajo v drugi polovici 1. stoletja in v prvih desetletjih 2. stoletja že izginejo iz uporabe (Rütti 1991, 69). Med gradivom s slovenskih najdišč najdemo primerjave v emonskih grobovih iz prvega stoletja (Plesničar Gec 1972, t. 133: 11:202: 10-12). Krožniki oblike 1.2.1. do 1.2.4. izvirajo, z izjemo enega krožnika iz Petovione, iz istega groba iz Celeje, razlikujejo se le po različno oblikovanem ustju; prstanasta noga je nataljena ali izvlečena iz dna. Grob je datiran v flavijsko obdobje (Kolšek 1972, Y 152, 2). Edini krožnik s petovionske zahodne nekropole je bil najden v grobu z novcem Domicijana, ki je glede na ostale pridatke datiran v 2. stoletje (Istenič 2000, 40). 1.3. KROŽNIKI Z NAVZVEN NAGNJENIM OSTENJEM 1.3.1. Krožniki z izvihanim cevastim ustjem (var. Is 45); (sl. 28): Plitve posode z rahlo navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ustje izvihano navzven in cevasto zapognjeno, dno prstanasto. Datacija: 2. st. Miklavž pri Mariboru (GN) Krožnik z izvihanim, cevasto zavihanim ustjem, dno prstanasto. 1.3.1. - pr. ustja 14,5 cm - PMM A 2253. Lit.: Pahič 1969, t. 3: 6. Primerjave: Hayes 1975, Fig. 6: 195. Komentar: Krožnik se od prejšnjih oblik razlikuje predvsem po izvihanem ustju, ki je cevasto zavihano in nekoliko sploščeno. Prstanasta noga je nataljena na dno. Posode s cevastim ustjem se pojavljajo od I. stoletja dalje, razpon oblik pa je dokaj širok, saj med njimi Analogies: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Pl. 30: 52, 53; Czurda-Ruth 1979, Pl. 4: 613; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Pl. 53: 481. Comments - forms 1.2.1. to 1.2.4.: The form is not very common either at European sites in general nor among the Slovenian material. It corresponds to Isings 47, the walls extend directly into the rim, and the base can be flat or have a ring base, which was attached or drawn out from the walls. Isings cited finds from Pompeii and Este dated from the middle to the late l51 century (1957, 62), while plates from Herculaneum were classified by Scatozza Höricht as form 4 and placed in the second half of the Is1 century (1986, 31). At Magdalensberg the Isings 47 form also appeared in strata dated to the first half of the 1st century (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 84-87). Plates of Isings types 47 and 48 (with a tubular fold at the transition from the wall to the base) appear in the canton of Ticino in Switzerland in graves of the Is'century (Biaggio Simona 1991, 52-54). Plates with tubular rims (1.2.4.; Isings 46a, AR 107) appeared at Augst in the second half of the Is1 century, and the first decades of the 2nd century already disappeared from use (Rütti 1991, 69). The material from Slovenian sites includes examples from Emona graves of the first century (Plesničar Gec 1972, PI. 133: II; 202: 10-12). The plates of forms 1.2.1. to 1.2.4. all come, with the exception of one plate from Poetovio, from the same grave from Celje, and they differ only in the varied formation of the rims, while the ringed bases were applied or drawn out from the base. The grave is dated to the Flavian period (Kolšek 1972, Y 152, 2). The only plate from the western cemetery of Poetovio was found in a grave with a coin of Domitian, and in terms of the other grave goods was dated to the 2nd century (Istenič 2000, 40). 1.3. PLATES WITH OUT-TURNED WALLS 1.3.1. Plates with everted tubular rims (var. Is 45); (Fig. 28): Shallow vessels, the rim is everted outwards and is tubular; ring base. Date: 2nd century Miklavž near Maribor (TF) Plate with an everted tubularly rolled rim, ring base. 1.3.1. - dia. rim 14.5 cm - PMM A 2253. Lit.: Pahič 1969, PI. 3: 6. Analogies: Hayes 1975, Fig. 6: 195. prepoznamo skodelice, globoke sklede in krožnike (Cool, Priče 1995, 94). Med izdelki s cevasto zapognjenim ustjem so krožniki najmanj razširjena oblika, njihova uporaba pa traja do sredine 2. stoletja (Cool, Price 1995, 95). Najdba iz Miklavža je zaenkrat edina te vrste pri nas, izvira pa iz gomile iz 2. stoletja (Pahič 1969, 74). 1.3.2. Krožniki z apliko na izvihanem ustju (sl. 28): Nizke posode z močno navzven izvihanim ustjem, na njem nataljeni dve narebreni apliki, dno oblikovano, z nataljeno ali izvlečeno prstanasto nogo. Datacija: 2. st. Logatec (NN) Krožnik z močno izvihanim ustjem z nazobčanima aplikama, ostenje klekasto, dno prstanasto. 1.3.2. - viš. 3,8 cm; pr. ustja 26 cm - Zasebna zbirka. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Unec (gr. 24) Krožnik z močno izvihanim ustjem z dvema nazobčanima aplikama, dno prstanasto. 1.3.2. - NMP. Lit.: Vičič, Schein 1987, 164. unec (gr. 24) Krožnik z močno izvihanim usljem z dvema nazobčanima aplikama, prstanasto dno izvlečeno iz posode. 1.3.2. - NMP. Lit.: Vičič, Schein 1987, 164. Primerjave: Hayes 1975, fig. 6: 195; Damevski 1976, t. 11: 7. Komentar: Krožniki s širokim izvihanim ustjem in narebrenima aplikama na njem med gradivom v Sloveniji niso pogosti. Oblika po velikosti nekoliko odstopa od prejšnjih, Prstanasta noga je izvlečena iz ostenja in ne nataljena. zdelek sodi med proizvode, razširjene predvsem na mediteranskem področju, kjer je bil v 2. in 3. stoletju med steklarskimi centri posebej močan Ciper. Tem elavnicam pripisujejo izdelavo plitvih krožnikov in skodelic z rebrastimi aplikami na ustju (Damevski 1976, whitehouse 1997, 75). Na Cipru se te oblike Pojavljajo v datiranih kontekstih iz konca I. in v 2. stoletju (Vessberg 1956, 196), Enako so datirane najdbe lz Bakra in posode iz zbirke muzeja v Torontu (Damevski '9/6, 65; Hayes 1975, 66). Krožnik iz Logatca je naselbinska najdba in sodi v " stoletje (Frelih 1991,9). Grob iz Unca je imel priložen novec Antonina Pija (138-161). Na osnovi tega pa lahko atiramo krožnik v sredino ali drugo polovico 2. stoletja (Vičič, Schein 1987, 164). Comments: This plate differs from the preceding forms primarily in terms of the everted rim, which was tubularly rolled and somewhat flattened. The ring base was applied to the base. Vessels with tubular rims appear from the second half of the Is' century onwards. The range of forms is fairly wide, as they also include cups, deep bowls, and dishes (Cool, Price 1995, 94). Plates are the least widespread form among products with tubular rims, and their use continued to the mid 2nd century (Cool, Price 1995, 95). The find from Miklavž is the only one of its kind in Slovenia so far, and it comes from a 2nd century tumulus (Pahič 1969, 74). 1.3.2. Plates with corrugated bands on an everted rim (Fig. 28): Shallow plates with a strongly out-turned rim, with two ribbed bands applied, the base formed with an applied or drawn out ring base. Date: 2nd century Logatec (SF) Plate with a highly everted rim with corrugated bands, stepped walls, ring base. 1.3.2. - ht. 3.8 cm; dia. rim 26 cm - Private collection. Lit.: unpublished. Unec (gr. 24) Plate with a highly everted rim with two corrugated bands, ring base. 1.3.2. - NMP. Lit.: Vičič, Schein 1987, 164. Unec (gr. 24) Plate with a highly everted rim with two corrugated bands, ring base drawn out from the vessel. 1.3.2. - NMP. Lit.: Vičič, Schein 1987, 164. Analogies: Hayes 1975, Fig. 6: 195: Damevski 1976, PI. 11: 7. Comments: Plates with broad out-turned rims and ribbed applied bands on them are not common among the material from Slovenia. The form differs somewhat in size from the preceding ones, and the ring base is drawn out from the walls, and not applied. These products were distributed primarily throughout the Mediterranean region, where in the 2nd and 3rd centuries Cyprus was particularly powerful among the glass working centers. The production of shallow plates and bowls with ribbed applied elements on the rim is attributed to the workshops there (Damevski 1976, 65; Whitehouse 1997, 75). On Cyprus these forms appear in dated contexts from the end of SKUPINA 2 - SKODELICE (sl. 29, 30; pril. I) 2.3. KROGLASTE SKODELICE 2.3.1. Kroglaste skodelice z vertikalnimi rebri na ostenju (Is 17); (sl. 29): Kroglaste skodelice z izvihanim, ravno odrezanim ustjem in vboklim dnom. Ostenje krasijo vertikalna plastična rebra in horizontalne niti iz drugobarvnega stekla. Izdelane iz obarvanega ali modro-zelenkastega stekla. Datacija: 1. st. Črnelo (gr.) Skodelica iz modro-zelenkastega stekla z nataljenimi belimi progami, ustje izvihano, dno ravno. 2.3.1. - viš. 6 cm - NMS R 7014. Lit.: Ložar 1935. t. 2: 1, 2. Dobova (gr. A 39) Skodelica iz jantarno rjavega stekla z rumenimi horizontalnimi nitmi, ustje izvihano, dno ravno. 2.3.1. - viš. 6,3 cm; pr. ustja 6,7 cm - PMB. Lit.: Petru P. 1969, t. 11: 2. Drnovo (PN) Skodelica iz jantarno rjavega stekla z belimi vodoravnimi progami, ustje izvihano, dno ravno. 2.3.1. - viš, 6,7 cm - NMS R 731. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 26: I. Križna gora (NN) Odlomek skodelice iz jantarno rjavega stekla z belimi vodoravnimi progami. 2.3.1. - vel. 4,5 x 3,2 cm - NMP 1462, S 3. Lit.: Urleb 1974, t. 43: 13. Mihovo (gr. 43) Skodelica iz temno rdečega stekla z belimi vodoravnimi progami. 2.3.1. - NHMW 52160. Lit.: Haevernick 1958, no. 51 a. Mihovo (PN) Jantarno rjava skodelica z belimi vodoravnimi progami. 2.3.1. - NMS 3346. Lit.: Haevernick 1958, no. 5lb. Mihovo (PN) Jantarno rjava skodelica z belimi vodoravnimi progami. 2.3.1. - DM. Lit.: Haevernick 1958, no. 51c. Ostrog (PN) Skodelica iz temno rdečega stekla. 2.3.1. - N11MW 55413. Lit.: Haevernick 1958, 21, no. 53. Ptuj (gr. 4, Sp. Hajdina) Skodelica iz temno rdečega stekla z belimi vodoravnimi progami. 2.3.1. - LMJ 2650. Lit.: Haevernick 1958, 21, no. 54a. the 1st century and in the 2nd century (Vessberg 1956, 196). The finds from Bakar and Toronto museum are dated similarly (Damevski 1976, 65; Hayes 1975, 66). The plate from Logatec is a settlement find belonging to the 2nd century (Frelih 1991, 9). The grave from Unec contained a coin of Antoninus Pius (138-161). On the basis of this, we can date the plate to the middle or the second half of the 2nd century (Vičič, Schein 1987, 164). GROUP 2 - BOWLS (Fig. 29, 30; Appendix I) 2.3. GLOBULAR BOWLS 2.3.1. Small globular bowls with vertical ribs on the walls (Is 17); (Fig. 29): Globular bowls with an everted, straight cut rim and concave base. The walls are decorated with vertical relief ribs and horizontal trails of different coloured glass. They were made of coloured or blue-green glass. Date: 1st century Črnelo (gr.) Small bowl of blue-green glass with applied while trails, everted rim, and flat base. 2.3.1. - lit. 6 cm - NMS R 7014. Lit.: Ložar 1935, PI. 2: 1, 2. Dobova (gr. A 39) Small bowl of amber brown glass willi yellow horizontal threads, everted rim, flat base. 2.3.1. - lit. 6.3 cm; dia. rim 6.7 cm - PMB. Lit.: Petru P. 1969, PI. 11:2. Drnovo (IF) Small howl of amber brown glass with while horizontal trails, everted rim, flat base. 2.3.1. - lit. 6.7 cm - NMS R 731. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 26: I. Križna gora (SF) Fragment of a small bowl of amber brown glass with while horizontal trails. 2.3.1. - dim. 4.5 x 3.2 cm - NMP 1462, S 3. Lit.: Urleb 1974, PI. 43: 13. Mihovo (gr. 43) Small bowl of dark red glass with white horizontal trails. 2.3.1. - NHMW 52160. Lit.: Haevernick 1958, no. 51a. Mihovo (IF) Amber brown cup willi while horizontal trails. 2.3.1. - NMS 3346. Lit.: Haevernick 1958, no. 51b. Mihovo (IF) Amber brown bowl willi while horizontal (rails. 2.3.1. - DM. 2.3.1 2.3.2. 2.4.1. 2.4.2. 2.4.3. 2.4.4. 2.4.5. 2.4.6. j’/ -,y: Skupina 2 - skodelice (2.3.1.: Petru, Petru 1978. t. 26: I; 2.3.2.: Petru P. 1969, t. 5: 8: 2.4.1.: Petru 1976, t. 2: 4; 2.4.2.: n eb 1984, t. 13: 2; 2.4.3.: Urleb 1984, t. 25: 4; 2.4.4.: Urleb 1984, t. 9: 6; 2.4.5.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 28: 22; 2.4.6.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 17). M. = 1:3. 29: Group 2 - bowls (2.3.1.: Petru, Petru 1978. Pl. 26: 1; 2.3.2.: Petru P. 1969, Pl. 5: 8; 2.4.1.: Petru 1976, Pl. 2: 4: 2.4.2.: neb 1984, Pl. 13: 2; 2.4.3.: Urleb 1984, Pl. 25: 4; 2.4.4.: Urleb 1984, Pl. 9: 6; 2.4.5.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 28: 22: 2.4.6.: Petru, ,elr“ '978. Pl. 25: 17). Scale = 1:3. Ptuj (NN) Odlomek skodelice. 2.3.1. - vel. 2. 5 x 2,8 cm - PMP. Lit.: Korošec 1982, t. 2: 2. Polhov Gradec (gr.) Skodelica iz mlečno belega stekla z modrimi horizontalnimi progami, ustje-izvihano, dno ravno. 2.3.1. - viš. 5,5 cm; pr. ustja 7,5 cm - NMS R 6982. Lit.: Ložar 1938, sl. 14 desno. Polhov Gradec (gr.) Skodelica iz temno rdečega do vijoličnega stekla z belimi horizontalnimi progami, ustje izvihano, dno ravno. 2.3.1. - viš. 7 cm; pr. ustja 7 cm - NMS R 6981. Lit.: Ložar 1938, sl. 15. Slcpšek (PN) Skodelica iz jantarno rjavega stekla. 2.3.1. - NMS 1763. Lit.: Havernick 1958, no. 57. Strmec nad Belo cerkvijo (GN) Odlomek skodelice iz temno modrega stekla z belimi vodoravnimi progami. 2.3.1.-viš. 6,2 cm-NMS 32830. Lit.: Dular 1991, t. 54: 17. Strmec nad Belo cerkvijo (GN) Temno modra skodelica z belimi vodoravnimi progami, ustje izvihano, dno ravno. 2.3.1. - viš. 6 cm; pr. ustja 6,4 cm - NMS 32829. Lit.: Dular 1991, t. 54: 18. Strmec nad Belo cerkvijo (GN) Odlomek posode iz jantarno rjavega stekla z belimi vodoravni progami. 2.3.1. - najv. obseg 8,5 cm - NMS 32806. Lit.: Dular 1991, t. 54: 22. Strmec nad Belo cerkvijo (GN) Odlomek posode iz jantarno rjavega stekla z belimi vodoravnimi progami. 2.3.1. - najv. obseg 9,2 cm - NMS 32807. Lit.: Dular 1991, t. 54: 23. Unec (gr. 18) Skodelica iz jantarno rjavega stekla z belimi horizontalnimi progami, ustje izvihano, dno ravno. 2.3.1. - viš. 8,2 cm - NMP. Lit.: Vičič, Schein 1987, sl. 4. Vinji vrh (PN) Temno modra skodelica z belimi vodoravnimi progami. 2.3.1. - NMS 2934 Lit.: Müllner 1900, t. 49: 4. Primerjave: Haevernick 1958,82-89; 1967, 154-161; Riitti 1991, Taf. 43: 931-968. Komentar: To skupino skodelic je podrobneje obdelala Haeverni-ckova in jih poimenovala »zarte Rippenschalen« (Haevernick 1958, 76). Opazila je veliko koncentracijo skodelic v jugovzhodnoalpskem alpskem prostoru in domnevala, da gre za lokalno proizvodnjo. Skodelice so izdelane iz obarvanega ali redkeje iz modro-zelenkastega stekla, na ostenju so vtisnjene vodoravne črte belega ali modrega stekla. Razpon barv iz katerih so izdelane je Lit.: Haevernick 1958, no. 51 c. Ostrog (IF) Small bowl of dark red glass. 2.3.1. - NHMW 55413. Lit.: Haevernick 1958, 21, no. 53. Ptuj (gr. 4) Cup of dark red glass with white horizontal trails. 2.3.1. - LMJ 2650. Lit.: Haevernick 1958, 21, no. 54a. Ptuj (SF) Fragment of a small bowl. 2.3.1. - dim. 2.5 x 2.8 cm - PMP. Lit.: Korošec 1982, PI. 2: 2. Polhov Gradec (gr.) Small bowl of milk-white glass with blue horizontal trails, everted rim, flat base. 2.3.1. - ht. 5.5 cm; dia. rim 7.5 cm - NMS R 6982. Lit.: Ložar 1938, Fig. 14 on right. Polhov Ciradec (gr.) Small bowl of dark red to violet glass with white horizontal trails, everted rim, flat base. 2.3.1. - ht. 7 cm; dia. rim 7 cm - NMS R 6981. Lit.: Ložar 1938, Fig. 15. Slcpšek (IF) Small bowl of amber brown glass. 2.3.1. - NMS 1763. Lit.: Havernick 1958, no. 57. Strmec nad Belo cerkvijo (TF) Fragment of a bowl of dark blue glass with white horizontal trails. 2.3.1. - ht. 6.2 cm - NMS 32830. Lit.: Dular 1991, PI. 54: 17. Strmec nad Belo cerkvijo (TF) Small bowl of dark blue glass with white horizontal trails, everted rim, flat base. 2.3.1. - ht. 6 cm; dia. rim 6.4 cm - NMS 32829. Lit.: Dular 1991, PI. 54: 18. Strmec nad Belo cerkvijo (TF) Fragment of a vessel of amber brown glass with white horizontal trails. 2.3.1. - circ. 8.5 cm - NMS 32806. Lit.: Dular 1991, PI. 54: 22. Strmec nad Belo cerkvijo (TF) Fragment of a vessel of amber brown glass with white horizontal trails. 2.3.1. - circ. 9.2 cm - NMS 32807. Lit.: Dular 1991, PI. 54: 23. Unec (gr. 18) Small bowl of amber brown glass with white horizontal trails, everted rim, flat base. 2.3.1. - ht. 8.2 cm - NMP. Lit.: Vičič, Schein 1987, Fig. 4. Vinji vrh (IF) Small bowl of dark blue glass with white horizontal trails. 2.3.1. - NMS 2934. Lit.: Müllner 1900, PI. 49: 4. Analogies: Haevernick 1958,82-89; 1967, 154-161; Riitti 1991. PI. 43: 931-968. Comments: This group of small bowls was analyzed in detail by širok, med gradivom s slovenskega prostora je najpogostejša jantarna barva. Novejše najdbe potrjujejo največjo koncentracijo teh skodelic v severni Italiji, Sloveniji in tudi v Švici. Verjetno je, da so na tem področju obstajale delavnice, ki so s svojimi izdelki trgovale širom imperija, saj so najdbe teh izdelkov razširjene od zahodne Evrope do severne Afrike, Grčije in egejskega področja (Haevernick 1967, 155). Skodelice so izdelovali v prvi polovici 1. stoletja, v drugi polovici pa že počasi izginejo iz uporabe. Najzgodnejše najdbe so znane iz avgustejskih plasti na Štalenski gori (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 46), večinoma pa se Pojavljajo od tiberijskega do neronskega časa (Van Lith 1977, 33). V kasnejših desetletjih so vse redkejše, kar kažejo tudi najdbe iz Augsta (Riitti 1991, 66, 69). Številnost skodelic, najdenih na slovenskem ozemlju, morda lahko povezujemo tudi z bližino delavnic severne Italije in Akvileje kot trgovskega centra, ki je zalagal naš prostor v rimski dobi. Najdene so tako v grobnih celotah kot v naselbinskih plasteh. O zgodnji uporabi (v avgustejskem obdobju) te oblike pri nas govore grobne najdbe iz Mihovega (Haevernick 1958, 80), v nnlajših grobnih celotah pa jih srečamo vse do konca I. stoletja (Petru P. 1969; Ložar 1938) in ponekod še v začetku 2. stoletja (Trebnje, gr. 109 - Slabe 1993, 25). O lokalni proizvodnji na Slovenskem ne moremo govoriti, ker za to, razen številnosti najdb, ni nobenih drugih dokazov. Steklarske delavnice so našem območju Pričele s proizvodnjo šele v mlajšem času, ko te skodelice niso več v uporabi. 2.3.2. I litve skodelice s prstanasto nogo in odebeljenim ustjem (Is 44); (sl. 29): Skodelice imajo polkroglasto ostenje, ki ravno preide v odebeljeno ustje, noga je prstanasta. ' Datacija; druga polovica 1. st. gobova (gr. A 23) litva skodelica iz modro obarvanega stekla, ustje odebeljeno, Prstanasta noga. - 3.2 viš. 2,8 cm; pr. ustja 5,6 cm - PMB. Lit.: Petru P. 1969, t. 5; 8. Verdun (gr. |76) skodelica s cevasto zavihanim ustjem in prstanasto nogo. • -■ - viš. 4 cm; pr. ustja 6,9 cm - D M 2343. ,l- Breščak 2002, kal. 81. 141. N^1 maVe: StCrnini l991, PL 59: 346' 347: Whitehouse 1997, Haevernick, who termed them "zarte Rippenschalen" (Haevernick 1958, 76). She noted a large concentration of cups in the southeastern Alpine region, and hypothesized local production. The bowls were made of coloured or more rarely from blue-green glass, and horizontal lines of white or blue glass were impressed into the walls. The range of colours from which they were produced is wide, the most common among the Slovenian material being amber brown. More recent finds confirm the greatest concentration of these vessels in northern Italy, Slovenia, and also in Switzerland. It is probable that workshops existed here that traded their goods throughout the entire Empire, as finds of these products are distributed from western Europe to northern Africa, Greece, and the Aegean region (Haevernick 1967, 155). The bowls were manufactured in the first half of the lsl century, and in the second half they slowly fell out of use. The latest finds are known from the Augustan strata at Magdalensberg (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 46), while most appeared from the Tiberian to the Neronian period (Van Lith 1977, 33). In later decades they were ever more rare, as is also indicated by the finds from Augst (Riitti 1991, 66, 69). The great number of bowls found on Slovenian territory can be connected to the near vicinity of the workshops of northern Italy and Aquileia as trade center that provided our region in the Roman period. They were discovered both in grave units and in settlement strata. The early use of this form in Slovenia is indicated by the grave finds from Mihovo (Haevernick 1958, 80), and in later grave units they can be found to the end of the lsl century (Petru P. 1969; Ložar 1938), and sometimes even from the beginning of the 2nd century (Trebnje, gr. 109 -Slabe 1993, 25). It is not possible to claim some local production in Slovenia as no evidence exists other than the numerous finds. Glass working centers began production in this area only in a later period, when such bowls were no longer in use. 2.3.2 Shallow cups with a ring base and fire-thickened rim (Is 44); (Fig. 29)-. The cups have hemispherical walls that extend directly into the thickened rim, with a ring base. Date: second half of the Is1 century Dobova (gr. A 23) A shallow cup of blue glass, thickened rim, ring base. 2.3.2. - lit. 2.8 cm; dia. rim 5.6 cm - PMB. Lit.: Pelru P. 1969, PI. 5: 8. Verdun (gr. 176) A shallow cup with a tubular rim and ring base. Komentar: Primerjave za to skodelico dokaj majhnih dimenzij niso prav številne. Najdemo jih predvsem na območju severne Italije in Švice. Večinoma so izdelane iz naravno obarvanega stekla, n. pr. skodelica iz Verdunskega groba. Tudi ostale najdbe, npr. izTicina (Biaggio Simona 1991, 83-85), Sardinije (Roffia 1993, 78) in Herkulanea (Scattozza Höricht 1986, forma 8, 33) so datirane v 1. stoletje, natančneje v čas med neronsko-klavdijskim obdobjem in začetkom 2. stoletja. Med objavljenimi najdbami s slovenskih najdišč skodelici iz Dobove in Verduna nimata ustreznih primerjav, glede na grobni celoti pa sodita v drugo polovico I. stoletja (Petru P. 1969, 14; Breščak 2002, 141). Kot posebno različico te oblike moramo omeniti skodelice z napisom iz zlate niti, ki je bil na medaljonu pritaljen na dno posode. Na gornji površini steklenega diska so najprej izdelali željen napis, nato pa so ga pritrdili na dno skodelice, robove medaljona pa upognili v visoko prstanasto nogo (Filippini 1996, 115). Napisi so bili kratki - napitnice, voščilnice, ipd. Izdelki so bili navadno pihani iz dekoloriranega stekla, oblike skodelic pa niso vedno enake. Odlomek skodelice, ki je morda pripadal obliki lsings 44 je bil najden na Ptuju (Miki Curk 1963, 493). Danes je napis iz zlate niti še komaj viden, medtem ko je V. Skrabar še bral OMO in (Filippini 1996, 124). Ker je ohranjeno samo dno posode in njene oblike ne moremo z gotovostjo določiti, je nismo uvrstili v katalog. Tovrstni izdelki so bili zaradi svoje dragocenosti v uporabi skozi daljši čas (2.-4. st.), le ena skodelica pa je znana iz datiranega konteksta, iz groba iz sredine 3. stoletja na Portugalskem (Alarcäo 1968, 71). 2.4. SKODELICE Z NAVZVEN NAGNJENIM OSTENJEM 2.4.1. Skodelice z navzven nagnjenim ostenjem in izvihanim ustjem (Is 41 b); (sl. 29): Ima prstanasto nogo, ustje je izvihano in odebeljeno ali cevasto zavihano. Datacija: druga polovica I. - 2. st. Dobova (gr. A 23) Skodelica z navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ustje izvihano in zataljeno, dno prstanasto. 2.4.1. - viš. 4,6 cm; pr. ustja 8 cm - PMB. Lit.: Petru P. 1969, t. 5: 7. Miklavž pri Mariboru (GN) Skodelica z navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ustje zataljeno, dno prstanasto. 2.3.2. - lit. 4 cm; dia. rim 6.9 cm - DM 2343. Lit.: Breščak 2002, cat. 81, 141. Analogies: Sternini 1991, Pl. 59: 346, 347; Whitehouse 1997, No. 113. Comments: Comparisons for these cups of somewhat small dimensions are hardly numerous. They are primarily found in the region of northern Italy and Switzerland. Most were made from naturally coloured glass, such as the cup from the grave at Verdun. Other finds, such as those from Ticino (Biaggio Simona 1991, 83-85), Sardinia (Roffia 1993, 78), and Herculaneum (Scatozza Höricht 1986, form 8, 33), are dated to the lsl century, more exactly to the period between the Neronian-Claudian reigns and the beginning of the 2"d century. While the published finds from Slovenian sites, the vessels from Dobova and Verdun, have no suitable analogies, in reference to the grave units they can be classified to the second half of the Is' century (Petru P. 1969, 14; Breščak 2002, 141). Special variants of this form should be mentioned: cups with inscriptions made from gold thread, attached on a medallion to the base of a vessel. On the upper surface of the glass disk, glass workers first made the desired inscription, and they then attached it to the base of the cup, the edges of the medallion were pressed into the high ringed foot (Filippini 1996, 115). The inscriptions were short - toasts, congratulations, etc. The products were usually blown from decoloured glass, and the form of the cups is not always identical. A fragment of a cup, that may be part of form Is 44 was found at Ptuj (Miki Curk 1963, 493). Today the inscription in gold is barely visible, but V. Skrabar succeeded in reading OMO and VALE(Filippini 1996, 124). Only the base was preserved of the vessel from Ptuj. The form could thus not be determined and it was not included in the catalogue. Such items were in use throughout a lengthy period because of their value (2nd-4th centuries), and only one cup is known from a dated context, from a grave of the middle 3rd century in Portugal (Alarcäo 1968, 71). 2.4. BOWLS WITH TURNED-OUT WALLS 2.4.1. Bowls with out-turned walls and everted rims (Is 41b); (Fig. 29): The vessel has a ring base, and the everted rim is thickened or tubular. Date: second half of the Is' - 2"1' centuries 2-4.1. - viš. 5,5 cm; pr. ustja 11 cm - PMM A 2250. Lit.: Pahič 1969, t. 3: 9. Miklavž pri Mariboru (GN) Skodelica z navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ustje zataljeno in cevasto zavihano, dno prstanasto. 2-4-1 - - viš. 5 cm; pr. ustja 11,5 cm - PMM A 2249. Lit.: Pahič 1969, t. 3: 8. Stari trg pri Slovenj Gradcu (gr. 2) Skodelica z navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ustje izvihano in zataljeno, dno prstanasto. 2.4.1. - viš. 6,2 cm; pr. ustja 10,8 cm - LMJ 14817. Lit.: Petru 1976, t. 2: 4. Primerjave: Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 5: 024, 115, 127; Sternini 1991, Pl. 58: 329-331; Whitehouse 1997, No. 150-152. Komentar; Oblika je zelo razširjena, največ najdb pa poznamo iz talije in njej bližnjih najdišč. Skodelice so izdelane iz modro-zelenkastega ali intenzivno obarvanega stekla, predvsem temno modrega. Med številnimi primerjavami naj omenimo najdbe 12 ^ornPejev, Herkulanea (Scatozza Höricht 1986, forma - 35) in Ostije, kjer se pojavljajo v plasteh datiranih v cas Domicijana in Trajana (Scatozza Höricht 1986, 36). drugo polovico I. stoletja sodijo tudi najdbe iz Bologne (Meconcelli Notarianni 1979, 40, No. 24). Najzgodnejšo najdbo take skodelice objavlja zurda-Ruth s Štalenske gore in jo datira v avgustejski Cds ^ '979. 87_ no (,53) Zaenkrat je to edina tako zgodnja najdba. Najdbe iz kantona Ticino v Švici so datirane v J^ugo polovico prvega in še na začetek 2. stoletja (Biaggio Simona 1991, 78-80). Najdbe s slovenskih najdišč sodijo v flavijsko obdobje („pr. Dobova - Petru P. 1969, 14) in se pojavljajo udi se v 2. stoletju (Miklavž pri Mariboru - Pahič 1969, 2-4.2. Skodelice z vodoravno izvihanim ustjem (Is 42a, b); (sl. Prst ‘Hlasta noga, izvihano ustje je zataljeno, odebeljeno ali cevasto zavihano. datacija: druga polovica 1.-2. st. Skodel Pr' Mariboru (GN) ■•c- 'Ca s P°lkroglastim ostenjem, izvihanim in zataljenim “Hiem, dno prstansto. ' ' • ' viš. 4,5 cm; pr. ustja 9,8 cm - PMM A 2248. L'L: Pahič 1969, t. 3- 2 ^kitica (gr. 26) ica z močno izvihanim in cevasto zapognjenim ustjem, dno Prstanasto 2 4 2 I it’ VIS' 4,4 cm: Pr- ustJa 17 cm - NMP. Urleb 1984, t. 13: 2. Dobova (gr. A 23) Bowl with out-turned walls, everted and fire-rounded rim, ring-shaped base. 2.4.1. - ht. 4.6 cm; dia. rim 8 cm - PMB. Lit.: Petru P. 1969. PI. 5: 7. Miklavž pri Mariboru (TF) Bowl with out-turned walls, fire-rounded rim, ring-shaped base. 2.4.1. - ht. 5.5 cm; dia. rim 11 cm - PMM A 2250. Lit.: Pahič 1969, PI. 3: 9. Miklavž pri Mariboru (TF) Bowl with out-turned walls, fire-rounded and tubular rim, ring-shaped base. 2.4.1. - ht. 5 cm; dia. rim 11.5 cm - PMM A 2249. Lit.: Pahič 1969, PI. 3: 8. Stari trg pri Slovenj Gradcu (gr. 2) Bowl with out-turned walls, everted and fire-rounded rim, ring-shaped base. 2.4.1. - ht. 6.2 cm; dia. rim 10.8 cm - LMJ 14817. Lit.: Petru 1976, PI. 2: 4. Analogies: Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 5: 024, 115, 127; Sternini 1991, PI. 58: 329-331; Whitehouse 1997, No. 150-152. Comments: The form is widely distributed, while the majority of finds are known from Italy and its vicinity. The bowls were made from blue-green or intensively coloured glass, particularly dark blue. From the numerous examples we should mention the finds from Pompeii, Herculaneum (Scatozza Höricht 1986, form 10, 35), and Ostia, where the form appeared in strata dated to the period of Domitian and Trajan (Scatozza Höricht 1986, 36). The finds from Bologna also belong to the second half of the Is' century (Meconcelli Notariani 1979, 40, No. 24). The earliest find of such a bowl was published by Czurda-Ruth from Magdalensberg, and was dated to the Augustan period (1979, 87, no. 653). This is the only such early find to date. Finds from the canton of Ticino in Switzerland are dated to the second half of the Ist century, as well as the beginning of the 2nd century (Biaggio Simona 1991, 78-80). The finds from the Slovenian sites are dated to the Flavian period (Dobova - Petru P. 1969, 14), and they also appear in the 2nd century (Miklavž pri Mariboru -Pahič 1969, 113). 2.4.2. Bowls with horizontally everted rims (Is 41a, b); (Fig. 29): Ring base, the everted rim is fire-rounded, thickened or tubular. Date; second half of the lsl - 2nd centuries Miklavž pri Mariboru (TF) Bowl with hemispherical walls, everted and fire-rounded rim, ring base. Formin (gr. 47) Skodelica z izvihanim in odebeljenim ustjem, dno prstanasto. 2.4.2. - viš. 4 cm; pr. ustja 14 cm - PMP. Lit.: Miki Curk 1975, Y 183: 3. I/.ola, Simonov zaliv (NN) Močno izvihano ustje skodelice z vrezanim okrasom riževih zrn. 2.4.2. - pr. ustja 15 cm - MZVKD Pi 1080. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Izola, Simonov zaliv (NN) Močno izvihano ustje skodelice z vrezanim okrasom riževih zrn. 2.4.2. - pr. ustja 15 cm - MZVKD Pi 1065 Lit.: neobjavljeno. Izola, Simonov zaliv (NN) Močno izvihano ustje skodelice iz mlečno belega stekla. 2.4.2. - pr. ustja 14 cm - MZVKD Pi 1063. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Miklavž pri Mariboru (GN) Skodelica s polkroglastim ostenjem, izvihanim in zataljenim ustjem, dno prstanasto. 2.4.2. - viš. 4 cm; pr. ustja 8 cm - PMM A 2247. Lit.: Pahič 1969, t. 3: I. Miklavž pri Mariboru (GN) Skodelica z izvihanim in cevasto zapognjenim ustjem, dno prstanasto. 2.4.2. - viš. 4,5 cm; pr. ustja 14,5 cm - PMM A 2254. Lit.: Pahič 1969, t. 3: 7. Primerjave: Hayes 1975, Fig. 5: 177; Damevski 1976, T. 2: I; Riitti 1991, Taf. 92: 2106; Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 6: 131; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 6.4: 693; Tarpini 2000, Fig. I. Komentar: Ta oblika skodelic je precej manj razširjena kot prej opisana skupina. Pogoste so na italijanskih najdiščih in najdiščih zahodne Evrope (Tarpini 2000, 96, Fig, 2,3). Najdbe iz Štalenske gore kažejo, da se pojavljajo nekako od sredine 1. stoletja dalje (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 57-58). Obliko najdemo tudi med gradivom iz Pompejev in Herkulanea. Tu so bile najdene z ostanki materiala za transport (Scatozza Höricht 1986, 35). V Švici, v kantonu Ticino, se ta oblika skodelic pojavlja nekako od šestdesetih let prvega stoletja naprej. Njihova uporaba traja vse drugo stoletje in celo v začetku tretjega, vendar so najbolj razširjene med letoma 70-130 (Biaggio Simona 1991, 82). V Augstu so ti izdelki (AR 80) pogosti šele v 2. stoletju (Riitti 1991, 83). Mlajšo različico z okrasom na ustju je Riitti v Augstu označil kot AR 83, razširjena je predvsem v 2. stoletju in se pojavlja še tudi na začetku tretjega (1991, 83). Skodelice z okrasom na ustju so zelo razširjene tudi na najdiščih severne in centralne Italije, kjer so najpogostejše v 2. stoletju (Tarpini 2000, 97). Skodelice iz gomile v Miklavžu sodijo glede na grobno celoto v 2. stoletje (Pahič 1969, 74), kamor sodi tudi grob iz Cerknice (Urleb 1984, 312). Skodelice z okrasom riževih zrn na ustju, t. i. varianta Limburg (Tarpini 2000, 95), so zaenkrat znane samo med 2.4.2. - ht. 4.5 cm; dia. rim 9.8 cm - PMM A 2248. Lit.: Pahič 1969, Pl. 3: 2. Cerknica (gr. 26) Bowl with a highly everted and tubular rim, ring base. 2.4.2. - ht. 4.4 cm; dia. rim 17 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, PI. 13: 2. Formin (gr. 47) Bowl with an everted and fire-thickened rim, ring base. 2.4.2. - hi. 4 cm; dia. rim 14 cm - PMP. Lit.: Miki Curk 1975, PI. 183: 3. Izola, Simonov zaliv (SF) Highly everted rim of a bowl with incised decoration of grains. 2.4.2. - dia. rim 15 cm - MZVKD Pi 1080. Lit.: unpublished. Izola, Simonov zaliv (SF) Highly everted rim of a bowl with incised decoration ofgrains. 2.4.2. - dia. rim 15 cm - MZVKD Pi 1065. Lit.: unpublished. I/.ola, Simonov zaliv (SF) Highly everted rim of a bowl of milk-white glass. 2.4.2. - dia. rim 14 cm - MZVKD Pi 1063. Lit.: unpublished. Miklavž pri Mariboru (TF) Bowl with hemispherical walls, everted and fire-rounded rim, ring base. 2.4.2. - ht. 4 cm; dia. rim 8 cm - PMM A 2247. Lit.: Pahič 1969, PI. 3: I. Miklavž pri Mariboru (TF) Bowl with a highly everted and tubular rim, ring base. 2.4.2. - ht. 4.5 cm; dia. rim 14.5 cm - PMM A 2254. Lit.: Pahič 1969, PI. 3: 7. Analogies: Hayes 1975, Fig. 5: 177; Damevski 1976, PI. 2: 1; Riitti 1991, PI. 92: 2106; Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 6: 131; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 6.4: 693; Tarpini 2000, Fig. I. Comments: This form of bowl is somewhat less widely distributed than the previously described group. They are common at Italian and western European sites (Tarpini 2000, 96, Fig. 2, 3). The finds from Magdalensberg indicate that it appeared sometime from the middle of the Is' century onwards (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 57-58). This form can also be found among the material from Pompeii and Herculaneum. They were found there together with remains of material for transport (Scatozza Höricht 1986, 35). This form of bowl appeared in the canton of Ticino in Switzerland sometime from the sixties of the lsl century onwards. Their use continued throughout the second century and even to the beginning of the third, although they were most widely distributed in 70-130 AD (Biaggio Simona 1991, 83). At Augst these products (AR 80) were frequent only in the 2nd century (Riitti 1991, 83). A later variant of this form has a decoration on the rim and Riitti clasified it at Augst as AR 83; it was widely spread primarily in the 2nd century and also appeared at the beginning of the third (1991, 83). Bowls with decoration on the rim are also highly widespread at the sites of northern and central Italy, where they were most frequent in the 21"1 century (Tarpini 2000, 97). gradivom Simonovega zaliva v Izoli in sodijo glede na stratigrafijo najdišča v zgodnje 2. stoletje (ustni podatek M. Stokin). 2.4.3. Skodelice z apliko na vodoravno izvihanem ustju (Is 43); (sl. 29): Skodelice imajo plitvo polkrožno oblikovano telo na prstanasti nogi, ustje izvihano ali cevasto, na njem dve narebreni apliki v obliki držajev. Datacija: druga polovica 1.-2. st. Cerknica (gr. 39) Skodelica z izvihanim in cevasto zavihanim ustjem, dno Prstanasto, na ustju narebreni apliki. 2-4.3. - viš. 5,2 cm; pr. ustja 18 cm - N M P. Lit.: Urleb 1984, t. 25: 4. Primerjave: Hayes 1975, Fig. 5: 179; Damevski 1976, t. 2: 5; Barkoczi 1988, Tar. 2: 9; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 52: 472; ggi° Simona 1991, Tav. 6: 001, 072; Whitehouse 1997, 75, No. 93. Komentar: Skodelice s svojevrstnimi narebrenimi ročaji sodijo med 'z elke, razširjene predvsem na mediteranskem področju (Whitehouse 1997, 75). V 2. in 3. stoletju je bil med steklarskimi centri Sredozemlja posebej močan Ciper. cm delavnicam pripisujejo izdelavo skodelic in ■ožnikov z rebrastimi aplikami na ustju (Damevski 1976- 67, t. H:7). Na Cipru se le skodelice pojavljajo v datiranih kontekstih iz konca 1. in v 2. stoletju (Vessberg 1956, - Fig. 42: 16, 17). V Evropi najdemo primerjave v VIC'.’.na ^ret'’ Pa tudi v Izraelu in Alžiriji. Tudi na teh najdiščih se ti izdelki pojavljajo od druge polovice 1. in v 2. stoletju (Whitehouse 1997, 75). Grobna celota iz Cerknice sodi glede na ostale Pn atke v drugo polovico I. oziroma na začetek 2. stoletja (Urleb 1984, 312). 2.4.4. Ittve skodelice s cevasto zavihanim ustjem (sl. 29): no„CllJ? SU ravno zaključi v cevasto zavihano ustje, prstanasta 8a- dno vboklo. Datacija: druga polovica I. - začetek 2. st. Cerknica (gr. 17) m-st.» s'w>L*e^ca- ostenje prehaja v cevasto zavihano ustje, noga P'stanasta. n,-4; r,V1S' 3 Cm: pr- ust-ia 15-2 cm - N M P. L't- Urleb 1984, t. 9: 6. The bowls from the tumulus at Miklavž can be dated to the 2nd century in terms of the grave as a whole (Pahič 1969, 74), which also applies to the grave from Cerkica (Urleb 1984, 312). Bowls with decoration in the form of a grain of rice on the rim, also known as the Limburg variant (Tarpini 2000, 95), are known to date only from Simon Bay at lzola, and belong to the early second century in terms of the stratigraphy of the site (information from M. Stokin). 2.4.3. Bowls with applied corrugated bands on an everted rim (Is 43); (Fig. 29): The bowls have a shallow hemispherical body on a ring base, the rim everted or tubular, with two ribbed applied elements in the form of handles. Date: second half of the lsl - 2nd centuries Cerknica (gr. 39) Bowl with an everted and tubular rim, ring base, ribbed applied elements on the rim. 2.4.3. - ht. 5.2 cm; dia. rim 18 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, PI. 25: 4. Analogies: Hayes 1975, Fig. 5: 179; Damevski 1976, PI. 2: 5; Barköczi 1988, PI. 2: 9; Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 52: 472; Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 6: 001, 072; Whitehouse 1997, 75, No. 93. Comments: Bowls with ribbed bands or “handles” are among products primarily distributed throughout the Mediterranean region (Whitehouse 1997, 75). In the 2nd and 3rd centuries, Cyprus was particularly powerful among the larger glass working centers of the Mediterranean. Bowls and plates with ribbed applied elements on the rim are attributed to these workshops along with other products (Damevski 1976, 67, Pl. II: 7). These bowls appear on Cyprus in a dated contexts from the end of the Is' and during the 2nd century (Vessberg 1956, 196, Fig. 42: 16, 17). Comparisons can be found in Europe in Switzerland, on Crete, and also in Israel and Algiers. The products similarly appear at these sites from the second half of the Is' century and in the 2nd century (Whitehouse 1997, 75). The grave unit from Cerknica belongs to the second half of the 1st century or the beginning of the 2nd century on the basis of the grave goods (Urleb 1984, 312). 2.4.4. Shallow bowls with a tubular rim (Fig. 29): The walls extend directly into a tubular rim, ring foot, concave base. Primerjave: Hayes 1975, Fig. 12: 463-465; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 52: 471. Komentar: Posode s cevastim ustjem so v uporabi že nekako od sredine 1. stoletja dalje, med njimi so najštevilčnejše skodele in skodelice, manj je krožnikov in ostalih oblik. Tak način izdelave ustja ostane priljubljen še v 2. stoletju (Cool, Price 1995, 94). Včasih je zaradi slabe ohranjenosti težko določiti, kakšni obliki je pripadalo ohranjeno ustje; ugotovimo pa lahko, da so plitve skodelice, v primerjavi z večjimi, globokimi skodelami med gradivom bolj skromno zastopane. V Vituduru (Unteres Bühl) najdemo odlomek podobne posode, ki jo lahko opredelimo kot varianto oblike Isings 45 (1957, 60). Najzgodnejše najdbe s švicarskega najdišča sodijo v klavdijski čas, bolj razširjene pa so v obdobju med zadnjo četrtino 1. in v začetku 2. stoletja (Rütti 1988, 34). Grobna celota iz Cerknice je iz druge polovice 1. in začetka 2. stoletja (Urleb 1984, 313). 2.4.5. Skodelice z ovratnikom (Is 69a, b); (sl. 29): Razlike v oblikovanju ovratnika, ki je lahko profiliran, ima poudarjeno spodnjo gubo ali pa samo tvori ovratnik okrog ustja. Dno je ravno ali pa ima prstanasto nogo. Ostenje nagnjeno navzven, nekoliko polkrožno. Datacija: druga polovica 1.-2. st. Celje (gr. 4) Poudarjena guba na spodnjem delu ovratnika, prstanasta noga. 2.4.5. - viš. 7,2 cm; pr. ustja II cm; pr. dna 4,6 cm - PMC R 4268. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 66. Celje (gr. 4) Poudarjena guba na spodnjem delu ovratnika, prstanasta noga. 2.4.5. - viš. 4,2 cm; pr. ustja 8,5 cm; pr. dna 2,6 cm - PMC R 4269. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 64. Drnovo (PN) Ovratnik ravno oblikovan, ustje ravno odrezano, prstanasta noga. 2.4.5. - viš. 6,7 cm; pr. dna 10 cm - NMS R 728. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 22. Ptuj (gr. 774) Poudarjena guba na spodnjem delu, prstanasta noga. 2.4.5. - pr. ustja 5,9 cm - LMJ 2410. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 174: 4. Ptuj (PN) Poudarjena spodnja guba, dno prstanasto. 2.4.5. - viš. 6,2 cm: pr. ustja 9,6 cm - PMP 1235. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 4: 7. Trebnje (gr. 109) Poudarjena guba na spodnjem delu ovratnika, prstanasta noga. Date; second half of the 1st - beginning of the 2ml centuries Cerknica (gr. 17) Shallow bowl, the rim extends into a tubular rim, ring base. 2.4.4. - ht. 3 cm; dia. rim 15.2 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, PI. 9: 6. Analogies: Hayes 1975, Fig. 12: 463-465; Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 52: 471. Comments: Vessels with tubular rims were in use sometime from the middle Is' century onwards. The most numerous forms were bowls and cups, while there are fewer dishes and other forms. This manner of making rims remains popular even in the 2nd century (Cool, Price 1995, 94). Occasionally it is difficult because of poor preservation to distinguish to what form the remains of a rim belonged; it is possible to establish that shallow bowls in comparison with larger, deeper bowls are less represented among the material. A fragment of a similar vessel was found at Vitudurum (Unteres Bühl), which can be classified as a variant of the Isings 45 form (1957, 60). The earliest finds from the Swiss site belong to the Claudian period, while they were more widely distributed in the period between the last quarter of the 1" century and the beginning of the 2nd century (Rütti 1988, 34). The grave from Cerknica is dated to the second half of the lsl and beginning of the 2nd centuries (Urleb 1984, 313). 2.4.5. Bowls with a collar rim (Is 69 a, b); (Fig. 29): Differences exist in the formation of the collar, which can be angular, have an emphasized lower fold, or merely form a collar around the rim. The base is flat or has a ringed foot. The walls arc out turned, somewhat hemispherical. Date: second half of the Is' - 2nd centuries Cclje (gr. 4) Emphasized fold on the lower part of the collar, ring base. 2.4.5. - ht. 7.2 cm; dia. rim 11 cm; dia. base 4.6 cm - PMC R 4268. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 66. Celje (gr. 4) Emphasized fold on the lower part of the collar, ring base. 2.4.5. - 111. 4.2 cm; dia. rim 8.5 cm; dia. base 2.6 cm - PMC R 4269. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 64. Drnovo (IF) Collar formed flatly, straight cut rim, ring base. 2.4.5. - ht. 6.7 cm; dia. base 10 cm - NMS R 728. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 22. 2.4.5. - viš. 5,1 cm; pr. ustja 8,9 cm; pr. dna 4 cm - DM 817. Lit.; Slabe 1993, t. 16: 9. Trebnje (PN) Profiliran ovratnik, ravno dno. 2.4.5. - viš. 5 cm; pr. ustja 11,2 cm - DM. Lit.; Knez 1969, t. 7; 5. Trebnje (PN) Profiliran ovratnik, prstanasta noga. 2.4.5. - viš. 6 cm; pr. ustja 11,6 cm - DM. Lit.; Knez 1969, t. 7; 4. Primerjave; Petru 1972, t. 27: 2,6; Hayes 1975, Fig. 9; 295; Damevski 1976, t. 9; 4; Czurda-Ruth 1979, Taf. 3; 510, 511, 517; Rutti 1991, Taf. 76; 1672-1674. Komentar; Skodelice z ovratnikom ali široko gubo pod ustjem so bile priljubljene že v zgodnjem I. stoletju, izdelovali so -I'li v kalupih, največkrat iz intenzivno obarvanega stekla (Whitehouse 1997,86, no. 120, 121). Po obliki in ostrih formah so posnemale izdelke iz sigilate. Priljubljena oblika ostane v uporabi še vse I. stoletje, ko se razširijo pihani izdelki. Ovratnik je lahko 'zdelan enostavno, s stopničastim prehodom na ostenju, ali pa je steklo oblikovano v gubo, ki izstopa iz ostenja oziroma je ob njem položena. Ti detajli so verjetno značilnost posameznih delavnic ali steklarjev, ki so skodelice izdelovali. Skodelice so dokaj razširjene predvsem v zahodnem delu imperija, najbolj so pogoste v drugi polovici 1. Poletja (Whitehouse 1997, 84). Njihova priljubljenost ob koncu stoletja očitno upade in s tem preneha tudi njihova proizvodnja. Najdbe s slovenskih najdišč so zastopane tako v grobnih celotah kot naselbinskih najdbah. Dve skodelici IZ ^eje Pripadata grobni celoti iz flavijskc dobe (Kolšek 2- Y 151, 2), v isti čas sodi tudi petovionski grob 774 z novcem Domicijana (Istenič 2000, 248); grob iz ^re njega pa je datiran v drugo polovico 1. in na začetek • stoletja (Slabe 1993, 25). Ostale skodelice so Posamične najdbe in brez podatkov o najdiščnih kontekstih. 2.4.6. Miniaturne skodelice z usločenim ostenjem (ls 49); (sl. je izvihano, dno ravno in vboklo ali prstanasto. Datacija; 2. st. Bobovek (gr.) 2 4 (,C''ea V 'zv'han'm in zataljenim ustjem, dno ravno. 1 j,. . ~ yis- 2’9 cm; pr. ustja 6,9 cm - GMK 558. Ptuj (gr. 774) Emphasized fold on the lower part, ring base. 2.4.5. - dia. rim 5.9 cm - LMJ 2410. Lit.; Istenič 2000, PI. 174; 4. Ptuj (IF) Emphasized lower fold, ring base. 2.4.5. - lit. 6.2 cm; dia. rim 9.6 cm - PMP 1235. Lit.; Miki Curk 1976, PI. 4; 7. Trebnje (gr. 109) Emphasized fold on the lower part of the collar, ring base. 2.4.5. - ht. 5.1 cm; dia. rim 8.9 cm; dia. base 4 cm - DM 817. Lit.; Slabe 1993, PI. 16; 9. Trebnje (IF) Profiled collar, flat base. 2.4.5. - ht. 5 cm; dia. rim 11.2 cm - DM. Lit.; Knez 1969, PI. 7; 5. Trebnje (IF) Profiled collar, ring base. 2.4.5. - ht. 6 cm; dia. rim 11.6 cm - DM. Lit.; Knez 1969, PI. 7; 4. Analogies: Petru 1972, PI. 27: 2, 6; Hayes 1975, Fig. 9: 295; Damevski 1976, PI. 9: 4; Czurda-Ruth 1979, PI. 3: 510, 511, 517; Rütli 1991, PI. 76: 1672-1674. Comments: Bowls with a collar or broad fold under the rim were already popular in the early Is' century. They were made in moulds, most often of intensively coloured glass (Whitehouse 1997, 86, Nos. 120, 121). In shape and angular form they copied sigillata products. This popular form remained in use throughout the Is' century, when free blown products began to spread. The collar could be made simply, with a stepped transition to the walls, or the glass could be formed into a fold, which jut out from the walls or was sticked to them. These details probably reflect the traits of the individual workshops or glass workers who made the bowls. The bowls were somewhat widespread primarily in the western part of the empire, and were most frequent in the second half of the Is' century (Whitehouse 1997, 84). Their popularity evidently declined at the end of the century, and their production ceased. The finds from Slovenian sites come both from graves and settlements. Two bowls from Celje belonged to graves from the Flavian period (Kolšek 1972, Y 151, 2), and grave 774 from Poetovio also belonged to the same period with a coin of Domitian (Istenič 2000,248), while the grave from Trebnje is dated to the second half of the Is' and beginning of the 2nd centuries (Slabe 1993, 25). The other bowls are isolated finds lacking data about the context of discovery. 2.4.6. Miniature bowls with concave walls (Is 49); (Fig. 29): Rim everted, base flat and concave or ring-shaped. Drnovo (PN) Ustje izvihano, dno ravno, na sredi rahlo vboklo. 2.4.6. - viš. 3 cm; pr. ustja 7 cm - NMS R 729. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978. t. 25: 17. Ptuj (gr. 80) Ustje izvihano, noga prstanasta. 2.4.6. - viš. 2,6 cm; pr. ustja 9 cm - PMP 1260. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 4: 8. Primerjave: Scatozza Höricht 1986, Tav. A: 11. Komentar: Plitva miniaturna skodelica je varianta oblike Isings 49. Navzven nagnjeno ostenje je rahlo konkavno, dno je vboklo, brez noge. Primerjavo obliki najdemo med kovinskimi skodelicami zaklada Boscoreale. Steklene najdbe so znane iz Pompejev in Herculanea, kjer so opredeljene kot oblika 11 (Scatozza Höricht 1986, 36). Skodelice s slovenskih najdišč so med seboj precej raz-lične po kvaliteti izdelave. Pri petovionski in skodelici iz Bobovka bi zaradi stekla, polnega mehurčkov ter grobo in nepravilno izdelanega ustja in dna, lahko pomislili na lokalno izdelavo. Najdba iz Drnovega sodi med najdbe brez ohranjene celote, skodelici iz Petovione in Bobovka pa pripadata grobnima celotama iz 2. stoletja (Miki Curk 1976, 7; Petru, Valič 1959, 133). 2.4.7. Globoke skodelice na visoki nogi (sl. .?()): Guba pod ustjem, dva držaja na spodnji strani ostenja, noga prstanasta in dvignjena. Datacija: konec 1.-2. st. Trebnje (gr. 109) Ustje zataljeno, na notranji strani guba, dva polžasta držaja na ostenju, noga visoka. 2.4.7. - viš. 11,5 cm: pr. ustja 14,6 cm - DM 816. Lit.: Slabe 1993, t. 16: 11. Primerjave: Hayes 1975, Fig. 13: 472; Whitehouse 1997. No. 420. Komentar: Obliki nismo našli povsem ustreznih primerjav. Glede na gubo pod ustjem in nekoliko višjo nogo bi jo morda lahko imenovali kar varianta modiola (lat. modiolus), čeprav ima namesto ročaja dva polžasta čepka na ostenju. Oblika je sicer nižja in širša, zato jo umeščamo med skodele in verjetno je posoda služila za serviranje na mizi, kot npr. plitve skodele. V istem grobu je tudi steklena skodelica z ovratnikom (2.4.5.), kar bi kazalo na časovno primerljivost. Grob 109 ima priloženo bronasto zajemalko kot najmlajšo najdbo, ki sodi v 2. stoletje (Slabe 1993, 25). Date; 2nd century Bobovek (gr.) Small bowl with an everted and fire-rounded rim, flat base. 2.4.6. - ht. 2.9 cm; dia. rim 6.9 cm - OMK 558. Lit.: unpublished. Drnovo (IF) Everted rim, flat base, slightly concave in the center. 2.4.6. - ht. 3 cm; dia. rim 7 cm - NMS R 729. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 17. Ptuj (gr. 80) Everted rim, ring base. 2.4.6. - ht. 2.6 cm; dia. rim 9 cm - PMP 1260. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 4: 8. Analogies: Scatozza Höricht 1986, PI. A: 11. Comments: Shallow miniature bowls are a variant of the form Isings 49. They have turned out walls that are gently concave, the base is concave, without a ring. Comparative forms can be found among the metal bowls of the Boscoreale Hoard. Finds are known from Pompeii and Herculaneum, where they were classified as form 11 (Scatozza Höricht 1986, 36). The bowls from Slovenian sites differ considerably in terms of the quality of manufacture. The bowls from Poetovio and Bobovek, given their bubbly glass and coarsely and irregularly worked rim and base, could well be of local manufacture. The find from Drnovo is among the earlier finds, while the bowls from Poetovio and Bobovek belong to grave units from the 2"'1 century (Miki Curk 1976, 7; Valič, Petru 1959, 133). 2.4.7. Deep bowls on a high foot (Fig. 30): A fold under the rim, two handles on the lower side of the walls, a ring-shaped and high foot. Date: end of the Is1 - 2"d centuries Trebnje (gr. 109) Rim fire-rounded, fold on the inner side, two snail-shaped handles on the walls, high foot. 2.4.7. - ht. 11.5 cm; dia. rim 14.6 cm - DM 816. Lit.: Slabe 1993, PI. 16: II. Analogies: Hayes 1975, Fig. 13: 472; Whitehouse 1997, No. 420. Comments: No entirely suitable comparisons could be found. In terms of the fold under the rim and the somewhat high foot, it could perhaps be termed a variant of a modiolus, although in place of true handles it had two snail-shaped lugs on the walls. The form is otherwise lower and broader, V) ' pina 2 ~ skodelice (2.4.7.: Slabe 1993, t. 16: II; 2.5.I.: Urleb 1984,1. 17: 5: 2.5.2.: Slovenj Gradec, neobjavljeno; 2.6.I.: o m er Gojkovič 1996, t. 21: 19; 2.6.2.: Šubic 1976, l. 6: 47; 2.6.3.; Urleb 1984. t. 20: 8; 2.6.4.: Perko, Bavdek, Lazar 1998, t. I: 8; " Vomer Gojkovič 1996,1. 21: 23). M. = 1:3. Vor i<0f?rOUP 2 " bowls (2-4-7.: Slabe 1993, Pl. 16: II; 2.5.1.: Urleb 1984, Pl. 17: 5; 2.5.2.: Slovenj Gradec, unpublished; 2.6.1.: 1' 8.e;.Gl,jkovič l996. Pl- 21: 19; 2.6.2.; Šubic 1976, Pl. 6: 47; 2.6.3.; Urleb 1984, Pl. 20: 8; 2.6.4.: Perko, Bavdek, Lazar 1998, Pl. • -5.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, Pl. 21; 23). Scale = 1:3. Na osnovi grobne celote smo opredelili tudi datacijo oblike. 2.5. SKODELICE S CILINDRIČNIM OSTENJEM 2.5.1. Skodelice s cilindričnim ostenjem in cevastim ustjem (Is 44); (sl. 30): Ostenje ravno prehaja v ustje, ki je odebeljeno ali cevasto zavihano navzdol. Prstanasta noga je lahko prilepljena v obliki stojnega prstana ali izvlečena iz dna in oblikovana v stojni prstan. Datacija: druga polovica I. - 2. st. Cerknica (gr. 31) Skodelica s cevasto navzdol zavihanim ustjem, noga prstanasta. 2.5.1. - pr. ustja Ilcm; pr. dna 6,6 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, t. 17: 5. Verdun (gr. 125) Skodelica s cevasto zavihanim ustjem in prstanasto nogo. 2.5.1. - viš. 8,1 cm - DM 2167. Lit.: Breščak 2002, kat. 76/1, 139. Drnovo (PN) Skodelica z odebeljenim ustjem, ki tvori na ostenju kaneluro, noga prstanasta. 2.5.1. - viš. 5,2 cm; pr. ustja 8,2 cm - NMS R 726. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 18. Ptuj (PN) Skodelica z odebeljenim ustjem, noga prstanansta. 2.5.1. - viš. 5,4 cm: pr. ustja. 9 cm - PMP 1242. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 4: 5. Primerjave: Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 2: 12, 16; 6: 60, 61; Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 7: 009, 155, 260; 8: 001; Riitti 199+, Taf. 91; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 6.2: 649, 651. Komentar: Različne oblike skodelic in skodel s cevastim ustjem se pojavljajo po vsem imperiju v 1. in zgodnjem 2. stoletju. Rob ustja je zavihan navzven in navzdol, da tvori cevasto ali sploščeno, ob ostenje stisnjeno ustje. Plitvo skodelico s polkrožnim ostenjem smo že omenili (oblika 2.4.4.), bolj pogoste pa so globlje skodele z ravnim ostenjem, nekatere oblike pa preko kleka bikonično prehajajo v dno (Cool, Price 1995, 94, Fig. 6.3; 677). Skodele so navadno izdelane iz modro-zelenkastega stekla, pojavljajo pa se tudi različice iz obarvanega stekla. Oblika skodelic 2.5.1. se ponekod pojavi že ob koncu I. stoletja pr. n. š. (Grose 1975, 50), zelo razširjene pa so od sredine 1. stoletja dalje in predvsem pogoste v flavijski dobi (Cool, Price 1995, 95). Najdemo jih na najdiščih vse zahodne Evrope in Velike Britanije. Njihova uporaba traja vse do sredine 2. stoletja, kar je vidno tudi na histogramu najdb, zbranih iz evropskih najdišč (Cool, and thus it has been placed among bowls. The vessel probably served as tableware, as shallow bowls etc. The same grave contained a bowl with a collar rim (2.4.5.), which would offer a chronological comparison. Grave 109 contained a bronze ladle as the latest find, dated to the 2nd century (Slabe 1993, 25). The form has been dated on the basis of the grave unit. 2.5. BOWLS AND CUPS WITH CYLINDRICAL WALLS 2.5.1. Bowls with cylindrical walls and a lubular rim (Isings 44); (Fig. 30): The walls extend directly into the rim, which was fire-thickened or turned down into a tube. The ring base could be attached in the form of a standing ring or drawn out from the base and formed into a foot. Date; second half of the Is1 - 2nd centuries Cerknica (gr. 31) Bowl with bent down tubular rim, ring foot. 2.5.1. - dia. rim 11 cm; dia. base 6.6 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, PI. 17: 5. Verdun (gr. 125) Bowl with a tubular rim and ring foot. 2.5.1. - lit. 8.1 cm - DM 2167. Lit.: Breščak 2002, cat. 76/1, 139. Drnovo (IF) Bowl with a fire-thickened rim, which creates a groove on the walls, ring foot. 2.5.1. - lit. 5.2 cm; dia. rim 8.2 cm - NMS R 726. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 18. Ptuj (IF) Bowl with a fire-thickened rim, ring foot. 2.5.1. - lit. 5.4 cm; dia. rim 9 cm - PMP 1242. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 4: 5. Analogies: Barkoczi 1988, PI. 2: 12, 16; 6: 60, 61; Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 7: 009. 155, 260; 8: 001; Riitti 1991, PI. 91; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 6.2: 649, 651. Comments; Various forms of cups and bowls with tubular rims appear throughout the entire empire in the I'1 and early 2nd centuries. The edge of the rim is bent out and downwards, creating a tubular or flattened rim pressed against the walls. A shallow bowl with hemispherical walls has already been mentioned (form 2.4.4.), while more frequent types are deep bowls with straight rims, and some forms extend biconically in a stepped form to the base (Cool, Price 1995, 94, Fig. 6.3; 677). The bowls were usually made from blue-green glass, but variants also appear in coloured glass. This form of bowl (2.5.1.) sometimes appears as early as the end of the 1st century BC (Grose 1975,50), Price 1995, 95, Fig. 6.1). Nekatere najdbe so bile odkrite še v depozitih druge polovice 2. stoletja (Price 1987, 202, Fig. 1: no. 4, 5). Grob 31 iz Cerknice je imel poleg steklene posode priloženo le še glineno čašo, skodela iz verdunskega groba pa je imela priloženo ulito rebrasto skodelico (2.1.4.). Groba sodita na konec 1. oziroma začetek 2. stoletja in Potrjujeta uvrstitev oblike 2.5.1. v 1. in 2. stoletje. 2.5.2. Skodelice s cilindričnim ostenjem in ravnim dnom (sl. 30): Ustje rahlo izvihano, ravno odrezano ali zataljeno, dno ravno ali v sredini rahlo vboklo. Na ostenju ponekod horizontalne kanelure. Datacija: druga polovica 2. st. Drnovo (PN) Skodelica z zataljenim ustjem, dno ravno. 2-5.2. - viš. 3 cm; pr. ustja 6 cm - N MS R 730. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 9. ■Stari trg pri Slovenj Gradcu (gr. 1) Skodelica z izvihanim, ravno odrezanim ustjem, dno ravno, na ostenju plitve vodoravne kanelure. 2.5.2. - viš. 9,6 cm; pr. ustja 15.4 cm - LMJ 14803. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Stari trg pri Slovenj Gradcu (gr. 1) Skodelica z izvihanim, zataljenim ustjem, dno v sredini rahlo vboklo. 2-5.2. - viš. 4,5 cm; pr. ustja 7,6 cm - LMJ 14859. Lit-: neobjavljeno. Stari trg pri Slovenj Gradcu (gr. 2) Skodelica z izvihanim ravno odrezanim ustjem, dno ravno, P° ostenju horizontalne kanelure. 2.5.2. - viš. 7,6 cm; pr. ustja 12,2 cm - LMJ. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Primerjave: Rütti 1991, AR 38; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 5.10. Komentar: Najbolj razširjene čaše za pitje so bile v 2. stoletju Posode iz brezbarvnega ali mlečno belega stekla s horizontalnimi vrezi na ostenju. V detajlih se med seboj razlikujejo, a jih družijo nekatere skupne značilnosti, k()l so cilindrično ostenje, izvihano in odrezano ustje ln ravno ali prstanasto dno. Variante teh oblik so tudi nekoliko bolj plitve forme, kijih moramo uvrstiti med skodelice (oblika 2.5.2.). Dno tch posod je navadno ravno, v sredini rahlo vboklo, Ponekod ostenje klekasto preide v dno, kot npr. pri Posodah iz Augsta (Rütti 1991, AR 38, 73). Na r>tanskih najdiščih so podobne oblike znane iz lrajansko-hadrijanskega obdobja (Cool, Price 1995, 79). V švicarskem Augstu se tovrstne skodele, opredeljene kot oblika AR 38, pojavljajo od flavijsko-trajanskega and it was widely distributed from the middle of the Is1 century AD onwards, and was particularly common in the Flavian period (Cool, Price 1995, 95). These bowls are found at sites throughout western Europe and Great Britain. They continued in use to the middle of the 2nd century as is evidenced on a histogram of the finds gathered from European sites (Cool, Price 1995, 95, Fig. 6.1.). Some finds have even been discovered in deposits from the second half of the 2nd century (Price 1987, 202, Fig. 1: no. 4, 5). Grave 31 from Cerknica contained a pottery cup in addition to the glass vessel, while the bowl from the Verdun grave was accompanied by a cast ribbed bowl (2.1.4.). The graves can be dated to the end of the Is' or the beginning of the 2nd century, and confirms the placement of form 2.5.1 in the Is' and 2nd centuries. 2.5.2. Cups with cylindrical walls and a flat base (Fig. 30): The rim is slightly everted, cut or fire-rounded, the base flat or slightly concave in the center. There are sometimes horizontal wheel-cut lines on the walls. Date: second half of the Is' - 2nd centuries Drnovo (IF) Cup with fire-rounded rim, flat base. 2.5.2. - lit. 3 cm; dia. rim 6 cm - NMS R 730. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978. Pl. 25: 9. Stari trg pri Slovenj Gradcu (gr. I) Cup with an everted, cut rim, flat base, shallow horizontal grooves on the walls. 2.5.2. - ht. 9.6 cm; dia. rim 15.4 cm - LMJ 14803. Lit.: unpublished. Stari trg pri Slovenj Gradcu (gr. 1) Cup with an everted, cut rim, base slightly concave in the center. 2.5.2. - hi. 4.5 cm; dia. rim 7.6 cm - LMJ 14859. Lit.: unpublished. Stari trg pri Slovenj Gradcu (gr. 2) Cup with an everted, cut rim, flat base, horizontal grooves on the walls. 2.5.2. - ht. 7.6 cm; dia. rim 12.2 cm - LMJ. Lit.: unpublished. Analogies: Rütti 1991. AR 38; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 5.10. Comments: The most widely distributed drinking glasses in the 2nd century were vessels of colourless or milk-white glass with horizontal grooves in the walls. They differ in details, but are united by common characteristics, such as cylindrical walls, everted or straight cut rims, and flat or ring bases. Variants of these forms consist of somewhat shallower types, which must be placed among cups (form časa dalje (Rütti 1991, 73). Najbolj pogoste so med gradivom 2. stoletja, proti koncu le-tega pa počasi izginejo iz uporabe in jih med materialom s konca 2. stoletja ni več najti (Riitti 1991, 79). Skodelice iz te skupine, z izjemo najdbe iz Drnovega, izvirajo z grobišča v Slovenj Gradcu. Skodelice lahko na osnovi podatkov o sestavi grobov iz inventarnih knjig LMJ Graz datiramo v 2. stoletje. 2.6. POLKROGLASTE SKODELICE 2.6.1. Polkroglaste skodelice (var. Is 96); (sl. 30): Klekasto, ravno odrezano ustje, dno zaokroženo in ravno, v nekaterih primerih na sredini malo vboklo. Redko se pojavljajo horizontalne plitve in ozke kanelure. Datacija: konec 3. - 4. st. Ptuj (gr. 23) Ostenje skodelice, ravno odrezano ustje je nagnjeno navznoter. 2.6.1. - pr. ustja 8,5 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, t. 9: I. Ptuj (gr. 30) Polkroglasta skodelica s klekastim ustjem, dno ravno. 2.6.1. - viš. 5 cm; pr. ustja 11,2 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, t. 11:2. Ptuj (gr. 38/9) Skodelica z ravno odrezanim ustjem in zaokroženim ravnim dnom. F 2.6.1. - viš. 5,2 cm; pr. uslja 9,2 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, t. 13: 8. Ptuj (gr. 45) Skodelica s klekastim ustjem, na ostenju plitve vodoravne kanelure, dno zaokroženo in ravno. 2.6.1. - viš. 5,6 cm; pr. ustja 10 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, t. 15: 2. Ptuj (NN) Skodelica s klekastim ustjem, dno zaokroženo in na sredini rahlo vboklo. 2.6.1. - viš. 4.8 cm; pr. ustja 10,2 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, t. 21: 19. Ptuj (PN) Klekasto ustje, ravno zaokroženo dno. 2.6.1. - viš. 6 cm; pr. ustja 10,9 cm - PMP 14532. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 31: 21. Ptuj (PN) Klekasto ustje, trup prehaja zaokroženo v dno. 2.6.1. - viš. 5,7 cm; pr. ustja 9,7 cm - PMP 3501. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 4: 2. Ptuj (PN) Klekasto ustje, trup zaokroženo prehaja v dno. 2.6.1. - viš. 4,9 cm; pr. ustja 11,8 cm - PMP 3469. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 4: 3. 2.5.2.). The bases of such vessels are usually flat, slightly concave in the center, and sometimes the walls descend in stepped form to the base, such as on the vessels from Augst (Rütti 1991, AR 38, 73). Similar forms are known at British sites from the Trajan-Hadrian period (Cool, Price 1995, 79). At Augst in Switzerland, such cups, classified as form AR 38, appear from the Flavian-Trajan period onwards (Rütti 1991, 73). They are most frequent among the material of the 2nd century, towards the end of which they slowly disappear from use. They can no longer be found among the material at the end of the 2nd century (Riitti 1991, 79). The cups of this group, with the exception of the find from Drnovo, come from the cemetery at Slovenj Gradec. The cups can be dated to the 2nd century on the basis of data about the composition of the graves from the inventory books of the Joanneum Museum in Graz. 2.6. HEMISPHERICAL BOWLS 2.6.1. Hemispherical bowls (var. lsings 96); (Fig. 30): A stepped, cut rim, the base rounded and flat, some examples slightly concave in the center. Shallow and narrow horizontal wheel-cut lines appear rarely. Date: end of the 3rd - 4"' centuries Ptuj (gr. 23) Wall fragment of a bowl, straight cut rim benl inwards. 2.6.1. - dia. rim 8.5 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, PI. 9: I. Ptuj (gr. 30) Hemispherical bowl with a stepped rim, flat base. 2.6.1. - ht. 5 cm; dia. rim 11.2 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, PI. 11:2. Ptuj (gr. 38/9) Bowl with a straight cut rim and a rounded flat bottom. 2.6.1. - ht. 5.2 cm; dia. rim 9.2 cm - PM I’. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, PI. 13: 8. Ptuj (gr. 45) Bowl with a stepped rim, shallow horizontal grooves on the walls, the base rounded and flat. 2.6.1. - ht. 5.6 cm; dia. rim 10 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, PI. 15: 2. Ptuj (SF) Bowl with a stepped rim, the base rounded and slightly concave in the center. 2.6.1. - ht. 4.8 cm; dia. rim 10.2 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, PI. 21: 19. Ptuj (IF) Stepped rim, flat rounded base. 2.6.1. - ht. 6 cm; dia. rim 10.9 cm - PMP 14532. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, PI. 31: 21. Primerjave: Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 2: 17, 21; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 44: 80, 83; Ružič 1994, t. 27: 5,6. 2.6.2. Polkroglaste skodelice z brušenim okrasom (Is 96b); (sl. 30): Oblika je enaka prejšnji, le da se na ostenju pojavlja brušen okras, navadno geometrijski. Ostenje odebeljeno. Datacija: 3. st. Celje (NN) Del ostenja skodelice iz prozornega stekla z brušenim geometrijskim okrasom. 2.6.2. - najv. obseg 13 cm - PMC. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Hrušica (NN) Skodelica z brušenim geometrijskim okrasom na ostenju. 2-6.2. - viš. 6,4 cm - N MS. Lit.: Giesler 1981, t. 49: 4. Hrušica (NN) Skodelica z brušenim geometrijskim okrasom na ostenju. 2-6-2. - viš. 6 cm - N MS. Lit.: Giesler 1981, t. 49: 5. I*tuj(PN) Del ostenja skodelice z brušenim geometrijskim okrasom. 2-6.2. - PMP R 845. Lit.: Šubic 1976, t. 6: 47. ■»(PN) Del ostenja skodelice z brušenim geometrijskim okrasom. 2-6.2. - PMP R 10793. Lit.: Šubic 1976, t. 6: 51. Primerjave: Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 4: 39, 41, 42; Riitti 1991, Taf. 59-61. Komentar za obliki 2.6.1. in 2.6.2.: • olkroglaste skodelice so različica oblike Isings 96 (1957, *3). Ker pa so nižje od čaš te skupine in bolj polkro-ßlaste kot plitve skodelice oblike 2.6.4., smo jih uvrstili v Posebno skupino. Osnovne značilnosti so enake kot P'1 ostalih izdelkih pozno rimske dobe. Ravno odrezano Ust-ie ni posebej obdelano, dno je ravno in le v sredini ycasih rahlo vboklo. Pojavljajo se enostavne, neokrašene skodelice (2.6.1.), posebno skupino pa tvorijo izdelki z ^'ušenim geometrijskim okrasom (2.6.2.). Različica •6.1. sodi med široko razprostranjene izdelke, ki se Pojavljajo od 3. stoletja dalje, najbolj pa so razširjeni v ■ stoletju, na nekaterih najdiščih so znane posamične "ajdbe že s konca 2. stoletja (Rutti 1991, 95: AR 60). dJdbe s slovenskih najdišč smo na osnovi ptujskih grobov umestili na konec 3. in v 4. stoletje (Vomer Gojkovič 1996, 245). Skodelice z brušenim okrasom (oblika 2.6.2.) so ^ aj razširjene, saj se pojavljajo tako v zahodnem delu roPe kot na vzhodu, npr. ob Črnem morju, v Libanonu. ane so iz naravno-obarvanega, včasih pa tudi iz Ptuj (IF) Stepped rim, the body curves into the base. 2.6.1. - lit. 5.7 cm; dia. rim 9.7 cm - PMP 3501. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 4: 2. Ptuj (IF) Stepped rim, the body curves into the base. 2.6.1. - hi. 4.9 cm; dia. rim 11.8 cm - PMP 3469. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 4: 3. Analogies: Barkoczi 1988, PI. 2: 17, 21; Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 44: 80, 83; Ružič 1994, PI. 27: 5, 6. 2.6.2. Hemispherical bowls with whcel-cut decoration (Is 96b); (Fig. JO): The form is identical to that above, but wheel-cut decoration, usually geometric, appears on the walls. The walls are thickened. Date: 3rd century Celje (SF) Part of the wall of a bowl of clear glass with wheel-cut geometric decoration. 2.6.2. - greatest circ. 13 cm - PMC. Lit.: unpublished. Hrušica (SF) Bowl with wheel-cut geometric decoration on the walls. 2.6.2. - ht. 6.4 cm - NMS. Lit.: Giesler 1981, PI. 49: 4. Hrušica (SF) Bowl with wheel-cut geometric decoration on the walls. 2.6.2. - lit. 6 cm - NMS. Lit.: Giesler 1981, PI. 49: 5. Ptuj (IF) Part of the wall of a bowl with wheel-cut geometric decoration. 2.6.2. - PMP R 845. Lit.: Šubic 1976, PI. 6: 47. Ptuj (IF) Part of the wall of a bowl with wheel-cut geometric decoration. 2.6.2. - PMP R 10793. Lit.: Šubic 1976, PI. 6: 51. Analogies: Barkoczi 1988, PI. 4: 39, 41, 42; Rütti 1991, PI. 59-61. Comments - forms 2.6.1. and 2.6.2.: Hemispherical bowls are a variant of the Isings 96 form (1957, 113). As they are lower than the cups of this group and more hemispherical than the shallow bowls of form 2.6.4, they have been placed in a separate group. The basic characteristics are the same as for the other products of the late Roman period. The cut or crackedoff rim was not worked; the base is flat and only sometimes slightly concave in the center. Simple undecorated bowls exist (form 2.6.1.), while a separate group is formed of products with whcel-cut geometric decoration (2.6.2.). Variant 2.6.1. is among widely distributed products that appear from dekoloriranega (namerno razbarvanega) stekla. Ostenje nekaterih skodelic je dokaj debelo, kar je bilo pomembno zaradi brušenega okrasa. Pogoste so tudi v panonskem prostoru, kjer lahko glede na obliko okrasa ločimo več skupin (Barkoczi 1986, 186). Najenostavnejši okras ima t. i. prva skupina, kjer je ostenje zapolnjeno s horizontalnimi vrezi, krožci in mandljastimi vdolbinami (Barkoczi 1986, Abb. 4). Pri drugi skupini okras tvorijo krogi in pokončne vrezane linije, oblikovani v geometrijskem redu (Barkoczi 1986, Abb.6), tretja skupina ima najbolj razgiban okras, saj ostenje krasijo vrezane mreže, polkrogi - kombinirani so vsi elementi, ki se posamično pojavljajo v prvih dveh skupinah (Barkoczi 1986, Abb. 9). Skodelice z brušenim okrasom z najdišč ob Črnem morju umešča Sorokina že na konec 2. in v začetek 3. stoletja (1978, 117). V Panoniji ti izdelki nastopajo šele od 3. stoletja dalje in v začetku 4. stoletja (Barkoczi 1986, 188), enako datira najdbe iz Germanije tudi Fremersdorf (1967, 81). Skodelici iz Celeje in Petovione nista v celoti ohranjeni, obe pa sodita med naselbinske najdbe. Okras je preprost, vidne so ovalne linije in okras krogov kot pri drugi skupini po Barköcziju (1986, Abb. 6). Njihovo datacijo lahko opredelimo na podlagi primerjav z ostalih najdišč. Tudi pri tej obliki poznamo izdelke s figuralnim okrasom, datirane v 3. stoletje (Whitehouse 1997, 237, No. 401). 2.6.3. Polkroglaste skodelice z reliefnim okrasom (sl. 30): Polkroglaste skodelice s spodnjim delom pihanim v kalup. Datacija: 2. - 3. st. Cerknica (gr. 36) Spodnji del skodelice z reliefnim okrasom v obliki križev. 2.6.3. - pr. dna 4 cm - NMI’ Lit.: Urleb 1984, t. 20: 8. Primerjave: Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 4: 36. Komentar: Niso zelo razširjene, največ primerjav je v sosednji Panoniji. Enak okras poznamo s skodelic in tudi s steklenic. Večinoma gre za najdbe iz mlajših obdobij, predvsem iz 3. stoletja (Barkoczi 1988, 63). Odlomek iz Cerknice je del uničene grobne celote, ki jo je težko časovno opredelili (Urleb 1984, 310). Čeprav Urlebova datira grobišče v drugo polovico I. in prvo polovico drugega stoletja (Urleb 1984, 315), smemo po najdbah nekaterih steklenih izdelkov (npr. 2.5.1. in 2.6.3.) domnevati, daje grobišče v Cerknici obstajalo v celotnem 2. stoletju in ne samo v njegovi prvi polovici. the 3"' century onward, and are most widespread in the 4"' century, while at some sites individual finds are known from the end of the 2nd century (Rütti 1991, 95; AR 60). The finds from Slovenian sites have been placed at the end of the 3rd and in the 4th centuries on the basis of graves from Ptuj (Vomer Gojkovič 1996, 245). Bowls with wheel-cut decoration (form 2.6.2.) are somewhat widely distributed. They appear both in the western part of Europe as well as in the east, such as along the Black Sea and in Lebanon. They were made from naturally coloured, and sometimes also from deliberately decoloured glass. The walls of some bowls are quite thick, which was important because of the ground decoration. They are frequently found in the Pannonian region, where several groups have been distinguished on the basis of the decoration (Barkoczi 1986, 186).The simplest decoration was on the first group, where the walls were ornamented with horizontal incisions, circles, and almond-shaped facets (Barkoczi 186, Fig. 4). The second group had decorations of circles and vertical incised lines formed in geometric bands (Barkoczi 1986, Fig. 6). The third group had the most lively decoration, as the walls were ornamented with incised webbing, half-circles - all elements were combined that appear individually in the first two groups (Barkoczi 1986, Fig. 9). Bowls with wheel-cut decoration from sites along the Black Sea were dated by Sorokina to the end of the 2nd and the beginning of the 3rd centuries (1978, 117). These products were present in Pannonia only from the 3rd century onwards and at the beginning of the 4"1 century (Barkoczi 1986, 188). The finds from Germania were dated similarly by Fremersdorf (1967, 81). The bowls from Celeia and Poetovio, both settlement finds, were not preserved completely. The decoration is very simple, oval lines and a decoration of circles are visible, as in the second group of Barkoczi (1986, Fig. 6). Their date can be determined on the basis of comparisons with other sites. Products of this form with figural decoration are also known, dated to the 3rd century (Whitehouse 1997, 237, No. 401). 2.6.3. Hemispherical bowls with relief decoration (Fig. 30): Hemispherical bowl with mould-blown walls. Date: 2nd - 3rd centuries Ccrknica (gr. 36) Lower part of a bowl with relief decoration in the form of crosses. 2.6.3. - dia. base 4 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, PI. 20: 8. Analogies: Barkoczi 1988, PI. 4: 36. 2.6.4. Plitve polkroglaste skodelice (Is 116); (sl. 30): Ustje je klekasto, odrezano in obrušeno, ostenje nagnjeno navzven, dno rahlo vboklo. Datacija: druga polovica 4. - prva polovica 5. st. Šmarata (NN) Gornji del skodelice s klekastim ustjem, ostenje nagnjeno navzven. 2-6.4. - pr. ustja 16.2 cm - N M P. Lit.: Perko, Bavdek, Lazar 1998, 276, t. 1: 8. Primerjave: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Abb. 7: 74, 76. Taf. 31; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Tal'. 51; 52: 460-64; Riitti 1991, Taf. 56: 1270-1274. 2.6.5. Plitve polkroglaste skodelice zgubami na ostenju (Is 117); (sl. 30): Skodelice imajo polkroglasto, navzven nagnjeno ostenje z gubami, klekasto ustje, dno je ravno in včasih rahlo vboklo. Pojavljajo se tudi različice na prstanasti nogi. Datacija: druga polovica 4. - prva polovica 5. st. Ptuj (PN) Skodelica z gubami na ostenju, ustje ravno odrezano, dno Prstanasto. 2-6-5. - pr. ustja 12 cm - PMP 1377. L't-: Miki Curk 1976, t. 4: 4. ptuj (NN) Skodelica z gubami na ostenju, ustje ravno odrezano. 2-6-5. - pr. ustja 11 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, t. 21: 23. Sl»arata (NN) L>el ustja in ostenja skodelice z gubami, ustje ravno odrezano. 2-6-5. - pr. ustja 15,6 cm - N M P. L't.: Perko, Bavdek, Lazar 1998, 276. Primerjave: Hayes 1975, Fig. 21: 644; Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 3: 3°: Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 50: 453-56; Riitti 1991, Taf. 56: >275; Ružič 1994, t. 28: 1. Komentar za obliki 2.6.4. in 2.6.5.: Dbe obliki sodita med značilne izdelke pozno rimske dobe. Ravno odrezano ustje, ki v kleku prehaja v ostenje 111 Preprosta oblika sta značilni za repertoar oblik že od konca 3. stoletja dalje. Plitva skodelica (oblika 2.6.4.) je l1lzJa različica polkroglaste skodelice in ima lahko gladko ostenje ali pa je okrašeno s plitvimi gubami (oblika 2-6.5.). Primerjave oblikama lahko najdemo med gradivom ' grobišč v Kölnu (Friedhoff 1991, t. 3:7), Bonnu (Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 51: 458, 459; 52: 460-462) ln Trierju (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Taf. 25: b; 33; 70), Comments: These vessels are not highly widespread, the greatest number coming from neighbouring Pannonia. The same decoration is known from bowls and bottles. Most are finds from later periods, particularly the 3rd century (Barkoczi 1988, 63). The fragment from Cerknica was part of a destroyed grave, which is difficult to date chronologically (Urleb 1984, 310). Although Urleb dates the cemetery to the second half of the Is1 century and the first half of the 2ni1 century (Urleb 1984, 315), it is possible to suggest on the basis of finds of several glass products (e.g. 2.5.2. and 2.6.3.) that the cemetery at Cerknica in fact existed throughout the entire 2"d century and not merely in the first half. 2.6.4. Shallow hemispherical bowls (Is 116); (Fig. 30): The rim is curved, cut, and ground, the walls turned outward, and the base slightly concave. Date: second half of the 4"' - first half of the 5lh centuries Šmarata (SF) The upper part of a bowl with a curved rim, the walls angled outwards. 2.6.4. - dia. rim 16.2 cm - NMP. Lit.: Perko, Bavdek, Lazar 1998, 276, PI. 1: 8. Analogies: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Fig. 7: 74, 76. PI. 31; Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 51; 52: 460-64; Riitti 1991, PL 56: 1270-1274. 2.6.5. Shallow hemispherical bowls with indents on the walls (Is 117); (Fig. 30): The bowls have hemispherical, out-turned walls with indents, a curved rim, the base is flat and occasionally slightly concave. Variants are also known with a ring base. Date: second half of the 4th - first half of the 5th centuries I’tuj (IF) Bowl with indents on the walls, cut rim, ring base. 2.6.5. - dia. rim 12 cm - PMP 1377. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 4: 4. Ptuj (SF) Bowl with indents on the walls, cut rim. 2.6.5. - dia. rim 11 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, PI. 21: 23. Šmarata (SF) Part of the rim and wall of a bowl with indents, cut rim. 2.6.5. - dia. rim 15.6 cm - NMP. Lit.: Perko, Bavdek, Lazar 1998, 276. kjer je oblika Trier 15a datirana v drugo polovico 4. stoletja (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, 28). Skodelice obeh različic najdemo tudi med izdelki pozno antične steklarske delavnice v Seveglianu, ki je delovala od sredine 4. do začetka 5. stoletja (Termini Storti 1994, 209, 219-Fr. 7, 8). V Franciji, na najdišču Bourse v Marseillu, so tovrstni izdelki značilni za fazo I, datirano od druge polovice 4. do začetka 5. stoletja (Foy, Bonifay 1989, 290, Fig. 1: 13-21). Dokaj številno sta ti obliki zastopani tudi med gradivom starokrščanskega centra v Emoni (Plesničar Gec 1983, t. 27: 13, 15; 28: 19) in med t. i. ostanki delavnice v insuli XXXI, ki so datirani v 4. stoletje (Plesničar Gec 1981, 139, t. 3). Najdbe z ostalih najdišč izvirajo v glavnem iz pozno antičnih naselbin, na Šmarati se najdbe skladajo s keramičnimi ostanki, ki sodijo na konec 4. in v prvo polovico 5. stoletja (Perko, Bavdek, Lazar 1998, 179), najdbe s Ptuja pa pripadajo poznoantičnemu grobišču, datiranemu v 4. stoletje (Vomer Gojkovič 1996, 234). Omeniti moramo tudi izdelke z vrezanim figuralnim okrasom, ki pa jih zaenkrat med gradivom s slovenskih najdišč ne poznamo, ali pa so odlomki tako majhni, da ni mogoče opredeliti njihove oblike. Skupina skodelic z vrezanim okrasom je posebej številna na najdiščih v Porenju, zato njihov izvor pripisujejo kölnskim delavnicam (Fremersdorf 1967, 160-170, No. 206-229; Harden et at. 1988, 197-198,226-230). Analogies: Hayes 1975, Fig. 21: 644; Barkoczi 1988, PI. 3: 30; Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 50: 453-56; Riitti 1991, PI. 56: 1275; Ružič 1994, PI. 28: I. Comments - forms 2.6.4. and 2.6.5.: Both forms represent characteristic products of the late Roman period. The straight cut rim, which extends in stepped form to the walls, and the simple form are characteristic for the repertory of forms from as early as the end of the 3rd century onwards. The shallow bowl (form 2.6.4.) is a lower variant of the hemispherical bowl, and can either have smooth walls or is decorated with shallow indents (form 2.6.5.). Comparative forms can be found among the material from the cemeteries of Köln (Friedhoff 1991, Pl. 3: 7), Bonn (Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 51: 458, 459; 52; 460-462), and Trier (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, PI. 25: b; 33; 70), where the form Trier 15a was dated to the second half of the 4"' century (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, 28). Both forms can also be found among the products of the late Roman glass workshops at Sevegliano, which was active from the middle of the 4"' to the beginning of the 5"' centuries (Termini Storti 1994, 209, 219 - Fr. 7, 8). In France, at the site of the Bourse in Marseilles, such products are characteristic for phase 1, dated from the second half of the 41" to the beginning of the 5"1 centuries (Foy, Bonifay 1989, 290, Fig. 1; 13-21). These forms were also fairly well represented among the material from the early Christian center in Emona (Plesničar Gec 1983, PI. 27; 13, 15; 28: 19) and among the so-called workshop remains in insula XXXI dated to the 4"' century (Plesničar Gec 1981, 136, PI. 3). The finds from the other sites mainly come from late Roman settlements. At Šmarata the find corresponds to the pottery remains that belong to the end of the 4"' and the first half of the 5"' centuries (Perko, Bavdek, Lazar 1998, 179), while the finds from Ptuj come from a late Roman cemetery dated to the 4"' century (Vomer Gojkovič 1997, 301). Products with wheel-cul figured decoration should also be mentioned, as even though to date they have not been recognized among the material from Slovenian sites, or the fragments are often so small that their form cannot be determined. A group of bowls with figural decoration is particularly numerous at sites along the Rhine, and their source is thus attributed to the Köln workshops (Fremersdorf 1967, 160-170, No. 206-229; Harden et at. 1988, 197-198,226-230). SKUPINA 3 - ČAŠE (sl. 31-35; pril. I) 3.2. ČAŠE S HORIZONTALNIMI VREZI 3.2.1. Kroglaste čaše s horizontalnimi vrezi (Is 12); (sl. 31): Polkroglaste čaše, katerih ostenje prehaja v zoženo ustje, kije ravno odrezano in obrušeno, dno vboklo, po ostenju plitvi pasovi brušenih linij. Izdelane so iz obarvanega ali modro-zelenkastega slekla. Datacija: 1. st. Drnovo (PN) Kroglasta čaša z ravno odrezanim ustjem in vboklim dnom, na ostenju plitve kanelure. 3-2.1. - viš. 7,1 cm; pr. ustja 8 cm - NMS R 725. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 21. Vr>i pri Križu (gr. 1) Kroglasta čaša z ravno odrezanim ustjem in vboklim dnom, na ostenju dva pasova brušenih linij. 3-2.1. - viš. 7 cm; najv. obseg 8,2 cm - DM. Lit.: Knez 1969, t. 1: 3. Primerjave: Hayes 1975, Fig. 3: 132; Czurda-Ruth 1979, Fig. 2: 329, 359, 360; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Tal'. 42: 358-375; B'aggio Simona 1991, Tav. 3: 045; Cool. Price 1995, Fig. 5.2. Komentar: Čaše oblike 12 po delitvi Isingsove( 1957,28) so poznane tudi pod imenom Hofheim čaše. Ime so dobile po najdišču v Nemčiji, kjer sojih našli v velikem številu in j'h tudi prvič opredelili (Ritterling 1913, 365). Oblika Vi>riira od polkroglaste do bolj cilindrične. Ustje je nagnjeno navznoter, odrezano in obrušeno, P°d njim so na ostenju plitve brušene linije. Dno je zoženo in ravno ali v sredini vboklo. Čaše so navadno izdelane iz modro-zelenkastega s'ekla, poznani pa so tudi izdelki iz modro, zeleno ali Jantarno rjavo obarvanega stekla. Ostenje enako oblikovanih posod je bilo v redkih Primerih tudi okrašeno z nataljenimi in vtisnjenimi nitmi ^rugobarvnega stekla (Cool, Price 1995, 60) ali posli-ano z emajlnimi barvami - stekleni prah obarvan s 0vinskimi oksidi in pomešan z vodo ali oljem je bil na-neSen na P°s°do, ki sojo potem segreli, da so se barve ^Prijele s podlago (Rütti 1991 a, 122). Odlomek poslikane °ašeje znan tudi iz Emone (Rütli 1991a, 124). Razprostranjenost te oblike je široka in zajema vsa Področja imperija, od Britanije, zahodne Evrope preko eje do Cipra in Izraela (Cool, Price 1995, 65). Čaše so poznane že v avgustejskih kontekstih na 'alenskigori (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 37). Najbolj razširjene s° v drugi in tretji četrtini 1. stoletja (Cool, Price 1995, GROUP 3 - BEAKERS (Fig. 31 -35; Appendix I) 3.2. BEAKERS WITH HORIZONTAL WHEEL-CUT LINES 3.2.1. Spherical beakers with wheel-cut lines (Is 12); (Fig. 31): Hemispherical beakers whose walls extend into a narrowed rim, which is cut straight and ground, the base concave, shallow bands of wheel-cut lines on the walls. They were made from coloured or blue-green glass. Date: lsl century Drnovo (IF) Spherical beaker with a straight cut rim and concave base, wheel-cut lines on the walls. 3.2.1. - hi. 7.1 cm; dia. rim 8 cm - NMS R 725. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 21. Vrh pri Križu (gr. 1) Spherical beaker with a straight cut rim and concave base, two wheel-cut lines on the walls. 3.2.1. - lit. 7 cm; greatest circ. 8.2 cm - DM. Lit.: Knez 1969, PI. 1: 3. Analogies: Hayes 1975, Fig. 3: 132; Czurda-Ruth 1979, Fig. 2: 329, 359, 360; Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 42: 358-375; Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 3: 045; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 5.2. Comments: Beakers of form 12 according to Isings classification (1957, 28) are also known as Hofheim cups. They received this name from a site in Germany where they were found in great numbers, and where they were first classified (Ritterling 1913, 365). The forms vary from hemispherical to more cylindrical. The rim is inverted, cut and ground, with shallow wheel-cut lines under it on the walls. The base is narrow and flat or concave in the center. The beakers were usually made from blue-green glass, while examples are also known of blue, green, or amber brown glass. The walls of similarly formed vessels in rare examples are also decorated with applied trails of different coloured glass (Cool, Price 1995, 60), or painted with enamels. Crushed glass coloured with metallic oxides and mixed with water or oil - was applied to a vessel (Rütti 1991a, 122). A fragment of a painted beaker is also known from Emona (Rütti 1991a, 124). The distribution of this form is extensive, encompassing all regions of the Empire, from Britannia and western Europe through Aquileia to Cyprus and Israel (Cool, Price 1995, 65). The beakers are known even from Augustan con- 65). Berger na osnovi najdb iz Vindonisse domneva, da se njihova uporaba nadaljuje še v pozno 1. stoletje (1960, 43). Primerjave med emonskim gradivom poznamo med drugim v grobovih 73, 857 (Petru 1972, t. 8: 17; 40: 7) in 365 (Plesničar Gec 1972, t. 95: 24). Čaša iz Vrha pri Križu je del grobne celote iz 1. stoletja (Knez 1969, 110), drnovska čaša pa sodi med najdbe iz neohranjenih grobnih celot. 3.2.2. Ovalne čaše s horizontalnimi vrezi (Is 29); (sl. 31): Ovalno ostenje se proti ustju in dnu zoži. Ustje odrezano in obrušeno, dno vboklo. Po ostenju horizontalni pasovi plitvih brušenih linij. Izdelane iz obarvanega ali modro-zelenkastega stekla. Datacija: 1. st. Unec (gr. 16) Ovalna čaša iz medeno rjavega stekla z vrezi pod ustjem in na sredini ostenja, ustje ravno odrezano, dno rahlo vboklo. 3.2.2. - viš. 9,2 cm; pr. ustja 7 cm - NMP. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Primerjave: Calvi 1969, Taf. 6: 4; Czurda-Ruth 1979, 99, No. 745-792. Komentar: Poleg polkroglastih so istočasno v uporabi tudi druge oblike čaš, katerih skupna značilnost so plitvi horizontalni vrezi po ostenju. Tudi ti izdelki imajo ravno odrezano in obrušeno ustje ter ravno ali v sredini vboklo dno. Izdelani so večinoma iz naravno obarvanega stekla, niso pa redki kosi iz modrega, jantarno ali medeno rjav&ga in zelenega stekla. Najzgodnejši izdelki te vrste so znani s Štalenske gore iz tiberijskega obdobja, številne fragmente je Czurda-Ruth (1979, 95) razdelila v tri skupine po obliki: cilindrične, ovalne in stožčaste. Čašam je našla ustrezne paralele med keramičnim gradivom, datiranim od srede do konca 1. stoletja (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 96-97). Na ostalih evropskih najdiščih, kot so Akvileja, Pompeji, Vindonissa, Hofheim, Köln, se čaše pojavljajo od sredine do konca 1. stoletja. Ovalna čaša iz prozornega stekla s horizontalnimi vrezi je poznana tudi s fresk t. i. četrtega stila v Herkulaneu, datiranih v leta 50/60-79 (Naumann-Steckner 1991, 96, pl. 23a). Paralele med emonskim gradivom najdemo v grobovih 34 (Petru 1972, t. 13: 37) in 371 (Plesničar Gec 1972, t. 98: 19). Grob 16 iz Unca po pridatkih sodi v sredino 1. stoletja (ustni podatek T. Schein). texts at Magdalensberg (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 37). They were most widely distributed in the second and third quarters of the Is' century (Cool, Price 1995, 65). On the basis of finds from Vindonissa, Berger considered that their use continued into the late Is' century (1960, 43). Comparisons with the material from Emona can be made for graves 73, 857 (Petru 1972, PI. 8: 17; 40: 7), and 365 (Plesničar Gec 1972, PI. 95: 24). The beaker from Vrh near Križ was part of a grave from the Is' century (Knez 1969, 110), while the beaker from Drnovo is a find from unpreserved grave units. 3.2.2. Oval beakers with wheel-cut horizontal lines (Is 29); (Fig. .?/): The oval walls contract toward the rim and base. The rim is cut and ground, the base concave. The walls have horizontal wheel-cut shallow lines. They were made from coloured or blue-green glass. Date: lsl century Unec (gr. 16) An oval beaker of honey brown glass with wheel-cut lines below the rim and in the middle of the walls, the rim cut, the base slightly concave. 3.2.2. - ht. 9.2 cm; dia. rim 7 cm - NMP. Lit.: unpublished. Analogies: Calvi 1969, PI. 6: 4; Czurda-Ruth 1979, 99, No. 745-792. Comments: At the same time as hemispherical beakers, other variants of beakers were also in use that had the same characteristic of shallow horizontal lines on the wall. These examples also have cracked-off and ground rims and flat or slightly concave bases. They were mostly made from naturally coloured glass, but fragments of blue, amber or honey brown, and green glass were also fairly common. The earliest products of this type are known from Magdalensberg from the Tiberian period. The numerous fragments were divided by Czurda-Ruth (1979, 95) into three groups according to form: cylindrical, oval, and conical. Parallels for the beakers were found among the pottery material dated from the middle to the end of the Is1 century (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 96-97). At other European sites, Aquileia, Pompeii, Vindonissa, Hofheim, Köln, the beakers appear from the middle to the end of the lsl century. An oval beaker of clear glass with horizontal lines is also known from a fresco of the so-called fourth style at Herculaneum, dated to 50/60-79 (Nau-mann-Steckner 1991, 96, PI. 23a). Grave 16 from Unec can be dated to the mid Is' century (information from T. Schein). 3.2.3. Cilindrične čaše s horizontalnimi vrezi (Is 29); (sl. 31): Ostenje cilindrično, ravno prehaja v odrezano in obrušeno ustje, dno vboklo. Po ostenju horizontalne plitve brušene linije. Datacija: druga polovica 1.-2. st. 3.2.3. Cylindrical beakers with horizontal lines (Is 29); (Fig. 31): Walls cylindrical, extending straight into a cut and ground rim, base concave. Shallow horizontal wheel-cut lines on the walls. Date: second half of the Is1 - 2n{i centuries 3.2.1 3.2.4. 3.2.2. 3.2.3. 3.2.5. 3.3.1 7* 1 3.3.2. 3.3.3. 31: Skupina 3 - čaše (3.2.1.: Knez 1969, L I: 3; 3.2.2.: Unec, gr. 16, neobjavljeno; 3.2.3.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 68; 3.2.4.: Urleb l984. t. 3: 7; 3.2.5.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 16; 3.3.1.: Urleb 1984, t. I: 14; 3.3.2.: Miki Curk 1975, 182: 6; 3.3.3.: Ptuj, neobjavljeno; 3.3.4.: Istenič 1999, sl. 63). M. = 1:3. 1 '8- 31: Group 3 - beakers (3.2.1.: Knez 1969, Pl. 1: 3; 3.2.2.: Unec, gr. 16, unpublished; 3.2.3.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 68; 3.2.4.: Urleb 1984, Pl. 3: 7; 3.2.5.: Pelru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 16; 3.3.1.: Urleb 1984, Pl. I: 14; 3.3.2.: Miki Curk 1975. 182: 6; 3.3.3.: Ptuj, UnPublished; 3.3.4.: Istenič 1999, Fig. 63). Scale = 1:3. % 't t' Celje (gr. 4) Gornji del cilindrične čaše z ravno odrezanim ustjem in horizontalnimi vrezi na ostenju. 3.2.3. - pr. ustja 7,6 cm - PMC R 4318. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 68. Šempeter (gr. 6) Del cilindrične čaše s horizontalnimi vrezi na ostenju, dno ravno. 3.2.3. - pr. dna 5 cm - PMC R. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 153: 8. Primerjave: Czurda-Ruth 1979, Taf. 5: 734, 735; Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 3: 045. Celje (gr. 4) Upper part of a cylindrical beaker with a cut rim and horizontal lines on the walls. 3.2.3. - dia. rim 7.6 cm - PMC R 4318. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 68. Šempeter (gr. 6) Part of a cylindrical beaker with horizontal lines on the walls, flat base. 3.2.3. - dia. base 5 cm - PMC R. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 153: 8. Analogies: Czurda-Ruth 1979, PI. 5: 734, 735: Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 3: 045. 3.2.4. Cilindrične čaše s horizontalnimi vrezi in izvihanim ustjem (sl. .?/); Cilindrično ostenje prehaja v izvihano ustje, ki je odrezano in obrušeno, dno ravno ali rahlo vboklo. Po ostenju horizontalni pasovi plitvih brušenih linij. Prehod ostenja v dno nekoliko klekast. Datacija: druga polovica 1.-2. st. Cerknica (gr. 7) Čaša s cilindričnim ostenjem in izvihanim ustjem, na ostenju dva pasova plitvih kanelur. 3.2.4. - viš. 5,2 cm: pr. ustja 7,2 cm - N M P. Lit.: Urleb 1984, t. 3: 7. Celje (NN) Čaša s cilindričnim ostenjem in izvihanim ustjem, dno ravno, na ostenju dva pasova plitvih kanelur. 3.2.4. - viš. 6 cm; pr. ustja 8 cm - PMC R 20303. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Primerjave: Damevski 1976, t. 10: 4; Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 7: 69; Riitti 1991, Taf. 50: AR 38; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 5.3: 335, 336, 345. 3.2.4. Cylindrical beakers with horizontal lines and an everted rim (Fig..?/); The cylindrical walls extend into an out-turned rim, which is cut and ground, the base flat or slightly concave. Horizontal bands of shallow abraded lines on the walls. The transition from the walls to the base is somewhat curved. Date: second half of the Is' - 2nd centuries Cerknica (gr. 7) Beaker with cylindrical walls and an everted rim, two abraded bands on the walls. 3.2.4. - ht. 5.2 cm; dia. rim 7.2 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, PI. 3: 7. Celje (SF) Beaker with cylindrical walls and an everted rim, flat base, two abraded bands on the walls. 3.2.4. - ht. 6 cm; dia. rim 8 cm - PMC R 20303. Lit.: unpublished. Analogies: Damevski 1976, PI. 10: 4; Barkoczi 1988, PI. 7: 69; Rütti 1991, PI. 50: AR 38; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 5.3: 335, 336, 345. 3.2.5. Bikonične čaše s horizontalnimi vrezi (sl. 3!)\ Bikonično ostenje se proti vrhu zoži v izvihano in odrezano ustje, dno vboklo. Po ostenju ponekod pasovi plitvih horizontalnih brušenih linij. Izdelane so iz obarvanega ali modro-zelenkastega stekla. Datacija; druga polovica 1. - 2. st. Celje (NN) Spodnji del bikonične čaše, dno ravno, na ostenju pasovi plitvih kanelur. 3.2.5. - pr. dna 4,6 cm - PMC R 20303a. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Drnovo (PN) Bikonična čaša z zoženim zgornjim delom in izvihanim ustjem, dno ravno. 3.2.5. Biconical beakers with horizontal wheel-cut lines (Fig. .?/); The biconical walls taper towards the top into an everted, cut rim; concave base. The walls occasionally have bands of shallow horizontal lines. They were made from coloured or blue-green glass. Date; second half of the lsl - 2nd centuries Celje (SF) Lower part of a biconical beaker, flat base, bands of shallow wheel-cut lines on the walls. 3.2.5. - dia. base 4.6 cm - PMC R 20303a. Lit.: unpublished. 3.2.5. - viš. 6,7 cm; pr. ustja 6,8 cm - NMS R 724. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25; 20. Drnovo (PN) Bikonična čaša z zoženim gornjim delom izvihanim ustjem in ravnim dnom. 3.2.5. - viš. 6,1 cm; pr. ustja 7 cm - NMS R 722. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 16. Unec (gr. 39) Bikonična čaša iz temno modrega stekla, na klekastem delu ostenja dve kaneluri. 3.2.5. - viš. 6,5 cm; pr. ustja 8,5 cm; pr. dna 5 cm - NMP. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Primerjave: Damevski 1976, t. 12: I; Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 6: 64; Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 4: 251. Komentar za oblike 3.2.3. do 3.2.5.; V prvi polovici 2. stoletja so najbolj razširjene čaše za Pitje izdelki iz brezbarvnega in tudi mlečno-belega stekla z okrasom brušenih horizontalnih linij. Ustja teh čaš so ravno odrezana in obrušena, včasih nekoliko klekasta. Po izdelavi dna in obliki ostenj se razlikujejo le v detajlih, lahko pa jih ločimo v dve glavni skupini; v prvo sodijo Posode s cilindričnim ostenjem in ravnim, v sredini vboklim dnom ali dnom oblikovanim v prstanasto oziroma posebej pihano nogo. Druga skupina ima ostenje nekoliko bikonično oblikovano in klekast prehod •z ostenja v dno ter višjo, posebej pihano nogo. Vse čaše so zelo tanko pihane. Časovni razpon, v katerem se pojavljajo, sega od sredine 1, stoletja do konca 3. stoletja, največji razcvet Pa doživijo v sredini 2. stoletja (Cool. Price 1995, 79, Fig. 5.9). Razširjene so po vsej Evropi, med drugim v ^ituduru (Rütti 1991, AR 39, 40), na Nizozemskem (Isings 1971, 18), v Kölnu (Fremersdorf, Polönyi- Fremersdorf 1984, 18), Colchestru (Cool, Price 1995, 80). Bikonične čaše (3.2.5.) so večkrat opredeljene kot 'zdelki ciprskih delavnic, ki so svoj največji razcvet dosegle v drugem in tretjem stoletju (Vessberg 1952, 1 '9). Calvijeva pa je na drugi strani opozorila na številne najdbe na območju severne Italije, okrog Akvileje (1969, 68-69). Primerjave iz Emone poznamo v grobu 4 (Petru *^2, t. 1:6) za obliko 3.2.3., grobovih 253 in 328 (p|esničar Gec 1972, t. 69; 21; 85; 3) za obliko 3.2.4. in grobovih 29, 51 in 1116 (Petru 1972, t. 4; 4; 84: 8,9; 104: ■ 11) za obliko 3.2.5., grobovi sodijo v 2. stoletje. Čaši 3.2.3. iz Celeje in Šempetra pripadata grobnim Ce|otam izflavijskegačasa (Kolšek 1972, Y 152)oziroma ščetka 2. stoletja (Kolšek 1972, Y 153). ^ Grob 7 iz Cerknice je imel kot edini pridatek čašo '■4., grobišče pa nima grobov mlajših od prve polovice stoletja (Urleb 1984, 315). Bikonične čaše (3.2.5.) so številne, a le ena je iz grobne celote (Unec, gr. 39), ki je z novcem datirana v eta 37-42 (Vičič, Schein 1987, 100). Drnovo (IF) Biconical beaker with a narrowed upper section, everted rim, and flat base. 3.2.5. - ht. 6.7 cm; dia. rim 6.8 cm - NMS R 724. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 20. Drnovo (IF) Biconical beaker with a narrowed upper section, everted rim, and flat base. 3.2.5. - ht. 6.1 cm; dia. rim 7 cm - NMS R 722. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 16. Unec (gr. 39) Biconical beaker of dark blue glass, two wheel-cut lines on the curved part of the wall. 3.2.5. - ht. 6.5 cm; dia. rim 8.5 cm; dia. base 5 cm - NMP. Lit.: unpublished. Analogies: Damevski 1976. PI. 12: I; Barkoczi 1988, PI. 6: 64; Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 4: 251. Comments - forms 3.2.3. to 3.2.5.: In the first half of the 2nd century the most widely distributed glasses for drinking were products from colourless and also milk-white glass with decoration of wheel-cut and abraded horizontal lines. The rims of such glasses were cut straight and ground, and occasionally somewhat curved. They differ only in details in the working of the base and the shape of the walls, and they can be divided into two main groups. The first contains vessels with cylindrical walls and a flat base concave in the center, or a base formed with a ring-shaped or separately blown foot. The second group has somewhat biconical walls and a curved transition from the walls to the base, and a higher, separately blown foot. All glasses were very thinly blown. The chronological range in which they appear extends from the middle of the Is' century to the end of the 3"1 century, with their greatest popularity occuring in the middle of the 2nd century (Cool, Price 1995, 79, Fig. 5.9). They were distributed throughout all of Europe, among other places at Vitudurum (Rütti 1991, AR 39, 40), in the Netherlands (Isings 1971, 18), at Köln (Fremersdorf, Polonyi-Fremersdorf 1984, 18), and Colchester (Cool, Price 1995, 80). Biconical glasses (3.2.5.) have often been classified as products of workshops on Cyprus that achieved their greatest prosperity in the second and third centuries (Vessberg 1952, 119). On the other hand, Calvi noted numerous finds in the region of northern Italy, particularly around Aquileia (1969, 68-69). Parallels can be found among the material at Emona in graves 34 (Petru 1972, PI. 13:37) and 371 (Plesničar Gec 1972, PI. 98: 19) for form 3.2.2, in grave 4 (Petru 1972, PI. I: 6) for form 3.2.3, graves 253 and 328 (Plesničar Gec 1972, PI. 69; 21; 85; 3) for form 3.2.4, and in graves 29, 51, and 1116 (Petru 1972, PI. 4: 4; 84: 8,9; 104; 10, 11) for form 3.2.5. All graves were from the 2nd century. 3.3. ČAŠE Z ZVONČASTIM IN KONIČNIM OSTENJEM 3.3.1. Zvončaste čaše (sl. 31): Zvončasto ostenje prehaja v izvihano in zataljeno ustje, prstanasto dno. Datacija: druga polovica 1.-2. st. Ccrknica (gr. 2/1974) Deli čaše z izvihanim ustjem in prstanasto nogo. 3.3.1. - pr. ustja 8,5 cm; pr. dna 4,8 cm - N M P. Lit.: Urleb 1984, t. I: 14. Verdun (gr. 152) Čaša z izvihanim ustjem in prstanasto nogo. 3.3.1. - viš. 7,9 cm; pr. ustja 8,9 cm - DM 2294. Lit.: Breščak 2002, kat. 79, 140. Celje (NN) Čaša z izvihanim ustjem in ravnim dnom. 3.3.1. viš. 9 cm; pr. ustja 9,8 cm - PMC R 14684. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Bobovek (PN) Čaša z izvihanim ustjem in prstanasto nogo. 3.3.1. - viš. 9,8 cm; pr. ustja 12,6 cm - GMK R 3105. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Ptuj (PN) Čaša z izvihanim ustjem in prstanasto nogo. 3.3.1. - viš. 10 cm; pr. ustja 9 cm - PMP. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 4: 13. Primerjave: Hayes 1975, Fig. 5: 184; Barkčczi 1988, Taf. 6: 65; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 35: 281-284. 3.3.2. Zvončaste čaše z nataljenim okrasom (sl. 31):' Ustje izvihano in odebeljeno, po ostenju nataljena steklena nit v več pasovih. Datacija: druga polovica 1.-2. st. Kormin (gr. 14) Gornji del čaše z izvihanim, odebeljenim ustjem, na ostenju nataljena steklena nit. 3.3.2. - pr. ustja 7,5 cm - PMP. Lit.: Miki Curk 1975, Y 182: 6. Primerjave: Hayes 1975, Fig. 5: 186. Komentar za obliki 3.3.1. in 3.3.2.: Zvončaste oblike čaš nimajo prav številnih primerjav. Njihova oblika z rahlo izvihanim ustjem in prstanasto nogo bi bila lahko primerljiva z obliko Isings 34 in z najdbami iz Augsta, kjer so sorodne čaše opredeljene kot oblika AR 37 (Rütti 1991, 44) in se pojavljajo od The beakers 3.2.3. from Celeia and Šempeter belonged to grave units from the Flavian period (Kolšek 1972, Y 152), and the beginning of the 2nd century, respectively (Kolšek 1972, Y 153). Grave 7 from Cerknica had a beaker 3.2.4. as the only grave good. The cemetery is said to have no graves later than the first half of the 2nd century (Urleb 1984, 315). Biconical beakers (3.2.5.) are numerous, but only one is from a grave unit (Unec, gr. 39, dated by a coin to AD 37-42 (Vičič, Schein 1987, 100). 3.3. BEAKERS WITH BELL-SHAPED AND CONICAL WALLS 3.3.1. Bell-shaped beakers (Fig. 31): The bell-shaped walls extend into an everted and fire-rounded rim, ring base. Date: second half of the Is' - 2na (gr. 1) 3-4-L - pr. ustja 7,6 cm - NMS R 8491. Lit.: Istenič 1994, 97. Za|na (gr. 2) j*-41- - pr. ustja 7,8 cm - NMS R 8493. Lit.: Istenič 1994, 97. Primerjave: Szönyi 1973, Taf. 10: 1; Fuchs 1980, Taf. 41; 3; Urban 1984, Taf. 53: 7; 57: 12. 3.4.2. Jajčaste čaše z gubami na ostenju (.s/. 32): p . e z jajčastim ostenjem, izvihano in zataljeno ustje, pod nJ>m rebro, noga prstanasta, na ostenju gube. datacija: konec 1. - prva polovica 2. st. ^tui (gr. 698) ^aša z izvihanim ustjem pod njim rebro, dno prstanasto, na °stenju štiri vbokline. •2- - pr. ustja 7,1 cm - LMJ 2480. Istenič 2000, t. 159- I 'ri'linje (PN) Z lzv'*1an'm- zataljenim ustjem, pod njim rebro, dno 0 nasto, na ostenju štiri vbokline. ~ - viš. 8,9 cm; pr. ustja 6,6 cm - DM R 1741. u" S‘abe 1993, T. 21: 7. Prim eriave: nepoznane. a bluish tone was found during excavations in 1997, and in terms of form it belongs to the first group, meaning tall beakers (information from V. Vidrih Perko). The beaker from Poetovio has a facetted decoration arranged in six rows and belongs to the short form. It was part of a closed grave unit from the Flavian-Hadrian period (Istenič 2000, 99). 3.4. OVIFORM BEAKERS 3.4.1. Oviform beakers on a ring base (Fig. .?2): Oviform walls, turned-out and fire-rounded rim, a relief rib beneath it; ring base, concave in the center. Date: end of the 1st - first half of the 2nd centuries Cerknica (gr. 32) Beaker with an everted, fire-rounded rim, a rib beneath, ring base, center concave. 3.4.1. - dia. rim 6.7 cm; dia. base 4.4 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, PI. 20: I. Ptuj (gr. 495) Beaker with an everted rim, a rib beneath, ring base. 3.4.1. - dia. rim 6.3 cm - LMJ 2667. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 103: 5. Ptuj (IF) Beaker with an everted rim, a rib beneath, ring base. 3.4.1. - ht. 9.5 cm; dia. rim 8.5 cm - PMP R 1241. Lit.: Šubic 1976, Fig. 9. Strehovec (gr.) Beaker with an everted, fire-rounded rim, a rib beneath, ring base, center concave. 3.4.1. - ht. 8 cm; dia. rim 6.7 cm - PMMS. Lit.: Šavel 1990, PI. 2: 4. Štrekljevec (gr. 7) Beaker with an everted rim, a rib beneath, ring base, center concave. 3.4.1. - ht. 8.8 cm; dia. rim 7.6 cm; dia. base 7.6 cm - BMM R 158. Lit.: Dular 1977, Pl. II; 2. Trebnje (gr. 27) Beaker with an everted, fire-rounded rim, a rib beneath, ring base, center concave. 3.4.1. - ht. 9.2 cm; dia. rim 7.2 cm - DM R 679. Lit.; Slabe 1993, PI. 2: 5. Žalna (gr. 1) 3.4.1. - dia. rim 7.6 cm - NMS R 8491. Lit.: Istenič 1994, 97. Žalna (gr. 2) 3.4.1. - dia. rim 7.8 cm - NMS R 8493. Lil.: Istenič 1994, 97. Analogies: Szönyi 1973. PI. 10: 1; Fuchs 1980, PI. 41: 3; Urban 1984, PI. 53: 7; 57: 12. 3.4.2. SI. 32: Skupina 3 - čaše (3.4.1.: Slabe 1993, t. 2: 5; 3.4,2.: Slabe 1993, t. 21: 7; 3.5.1.: Urleb 1984, t. 6: 6; 3.5.2.: Gabrovec 1954, t. 3: 1; 3.5.3.: Urleb 1984. t. 16: 2; 3.5.4.: Slabe 1976, t. 2: 2; 3.5.5.: Petru, Valič 1959, t. 8: 4; 3.5.6.: Tomanič Jevremov 1998, št. 18: 3.5.7.: Breščak 1990, 25). M. = 1:3. Fig. 32: Group 3 - beakers (3.4.1.: Slabe 1993, Pl. 2: 5; 3.4.2.: Slabe 1993, Pl. 21: 7; 3.5.1.: Urleb 1984, Pl. 6: 6; 3.5.2.: Gabrovec 1954, Pl. 3: 1; 3.5.3.: Urleb 1984, Pl. 16: 2: 3.5.4.: Slabe 1976, Pl. 2: 2; 3.5.5.: Petru, Valič 1959, Pl. 8: 4: 3.5.6.: Tomanič Jevremov 1998, no. 18; 3.5.7.: Breščak 1990, 25). Scale = 1:3. Komentar za obliki 3.4.1. in 3.4.2.: Čaše z značilnim jajčasto oblikovanim ostenjem, izvihanim ustjem in prstanasto nogo so znane predvsem z najdišč v JV alpskem in panonskem prostoru, zato oblika tudi ni vključena v tipologije objavljenega steklenega gradiva. Poleg čaš z gladkim ostenjem sta znani tudi dve čaši z gubami, ki ju lahko umestimo v isto skupino, glede na način izdelave in detajle v obliki. Največ čaš je znanih iz Emone, primerjave obliki pa Poznamo še v Avstriji, na Madžarskem in na Hrvaškem (Istenič 1994, 96). Ker je po številu največ čaš poznanih iz Emone, J'lije Isteničeva poimenovala kar »emonske čaše« (1994, 94). Glede na razprostranjenost oblike v panonskem Prostoru bi kvečjemu lahko domnevali, da gre za Proizvod ene od lokalnih delavnic na tem območju. Hkrati velja tudi omeniti, da delni dokazi o steklarski Proizvodnji v Emoni obstajajo šele za poznorimsko obdobje, čeprav so izražene domneve o možni lokalni Proizvodnji že v 1. stoletju (Plesničar Gec 1981, 136). Čaše obeh oblik se pojavljajo v grobovih od druge Polovice I. do prve polovice 2. stoletja, pogoste so Predvsem v grobovih trajanskega obdobja (Istenič 1994, )■ C e sklepamo po grobu 698 iz zahodne petovionske nekropole, kjer se čaša pojavlja skupaj s plitvim . ro‘'n>kom, pa je verjetno, da traja uporaba teh izdelkov se sk°zi celotno drugo stoletje. 3.5. caše z gubami na ostenju 3.5.1. p » 'lse gubanke z ravnim dnom in izvihanim ustjem (Is 32); U 32): Čuš zat- navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ki prehaja v izvihano in štiri JCn° USt^e' ^no vb°klo, po ostenju vdolbine, navadno I. - prva polovica 2. st. Datacija: druga polovica Ajdovščina (NN) 138) ^U*3an^c z odtisom novca (avers, Hadrijan, 117— ^■5 l- - ZVKD NG. 11" ne°bjavljeno. junica (gr. 10) 3.5 | ‘ZVIane8a U8^a 'n ravnega dna čaše gubanke. I I.. i r.Pr' Ustja l0’6 CIT|: P'- dna 1,8 cm - N M P. „ - Urleb '984, t. 6: 6 Urnov0 (PN) stoletja)6 8Ubankc 7 odtisom novca (rever, druga polovica 2. Lir ' ~ Pr' dna 4,3 cm - NMS. neobjavljeno. 3.4.2. Oviform beakers with indents on the walls (Fig. 32): Beakers with oviform walls, turned-out and fire-rounded rim, a rib beneath, ring base, indentations in the walls. Date: end of the Is' - first half of the 2nd centuries Ptuj (gr. 698) Beaker with an everted rim, a rib beneath, ring base, four indents on the walls. 3.4.2. - dia. rim 7.1 cm - LMJ 2480. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 159: I. Trebnje (IF) Beaker with an everted, fire-rounded rim, a rib beneath, ring base, four indents on the walls. O - 3.4.2. - lit. 8.9 cm: dia. rim 6.6 cm - DM R 1741. Lit.: Slabe 1993, PI. 21: 7. Analogies: none identified. Comments - forms 3.4.1. and 3.4.2.: Beakers with characteristic egg-shaped form to the walls, an everted rim and ring base are known primarily from sites in the southeastern Alpine and Pannonian region, and thus the form has not been included in standard typologies of published glass material. In addition to beakers with smooth walls, two beakers are also known with indentations, which can be placed in the same group in terms of the manner of production and details of the form. The greatest number of beakers is known from Emona, and comparative forms can further be found in Austria, Hungary, and Croatia (Istenič 1994, 96). As the greatest quantity of these beakers comes from Emona, Istenič called them “Emona beakers” (1994, 94). In terms of the distribution of the form in the Pannonian region, at the most it would be possible to conclude that these beakers were the product of one of the local workshops in this area. It should also be mentioned that partial proof of glass production in Emona exists only for the late Roman period, although hypotheses have been set forth about extensive local production as early as the 1st century (Plesničar Gec 1981, 136). Beakers of both forms appear in graves from the second half of the Is1 to the first half of the 2"11 century, and they are frequent finds primarily in the graves of the period of the reign of Trajan (Istenič 1994, 95). If we can infer from grave 698 from the western cemetery of Poetovio, where the beaker was found together with a shallow dish, it is probable that the use of these products extended throughout the entire second century. Ivanci (NN) Spodnji del čaše gubanke z ravnim dnom. 3.5.1. - pr. dna 5 cm - PMMS 397. Lit.: Horvat Šavel 1978, t. 8: 7. Logatec (NN) Spodnji del čaše gubanke z vboklim dnom, na dnu odtis novca (Antoninus Pius,'as, 139-161, kovnica Rim). 3.5.1. - pr. dna 4,6 cm - Privatna zbirka. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Logatec (NN) Spodnji del čaše gubanke z vboklim dnom. 3.5.1. - pr. dna 4,6 cm - Privatna zbirka. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Stari trg pri Slovenj Gradcu (gr. 1/1977) Čaša gubanka z izvihanim ustjem in ravnim, v sredini vboklim dnom. 3.5.1. - viš. 10,4 cm; pr. ustja 9 cm - KPM. Lit.: Strmčnik Gulič 1981, t. 18: 2. Šempeter (gr. 12) Spodnji del čaše gubanke z ravnim dnom. 3.5.1. - pr. dna 4,4 cm - PMC R 1967. Lit.: Kolšek 1977, t. 7: 5. Primerjave: Damevski 1976, t. 10. 33; Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 11: 120, 121; Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 10: 046, 068. 3.5.2. Čaše gubanke s prstanastim dnom in izvihanim ustjem (sl. 32): Čaše z navzven nagnjenim ostenjem in izvihanim, zataljenim ustjem. Noga prstanasta, v sredini vbokla. Po ostenju gube. Datacija: druga polovica 2. st. Straža pri Šentrupertu (GN) Čaša z izvihanim ustjem, štirimi vboklinami na ostenju in prstanastim dnom. 3.5.2. - viš. 9,5 cm; pr. ustja 7,4 cm - DM R 8086. Lit.: Gabrovec 1954, t. 3: 1. Primerjave: Scatozza Höricht 1986, forma 21. 3.5.3. Čaše gubanke z ravnim dnom in cevastim ustjem (sl. 32): Čaše s skoraj cilindričnim ostenjem, ki prehaja v cevasto, navzven zavihano ustje. Gosto nagubano ostenje prehaja v vboklo dno. Datacija: prva polovica 2. st. Cerknica (gr. 28) Čaša gubanka z gosto nagubanim ostenjem, ravnim dnom in cevasto zavihanim ustjem. 3.5.3. - viš. 7,8 cm; pr. ustja 9,2 cm - N M P. Lit.: Urleb 1984, t. 16: 2. 3.5. INDENTED BEAKERS 3.5.1. Indented beakers with a flat base and everted rim (Is 32); (Fig. 32): Beakers with out-turned walls extending to an everted and fire-rounded rim. The base concave, indentations in the walls, usually four. Date: second half of the lsl - first half of the 2nd centuries Ajdovščina (SF) Base of an indented beaker with the impression of a coin (obverse, Hadrian - 117-138). 3.5.1. - ZVKD NG. Lit.: unpublished. Cerknica (gr. 10) Parts of the everted rim and flat base of an indented beaker. 3.5.1. - dia. rim 10.6 cm; dia. base 1.8 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, PI. 6: 6. Drnovo (IF) Base of an indented beaker with the impression of a coin (reverse, second half of the 2ni1 century). 3.5.1.- dia. base 4.3 cm - NMS. Lit.: unpublished. Ivanci (SF) Lower part of an indented beaker with a flat base. 3.5.1. - dia. base 5 cm - PMMS 397. Lit.: Horvat Šavel 1978, Pl. 8: 7. Logatec (SF) Lower part of an indented beaker with a concave base, impression of a coin on the base (Antoninus Pius, as, 139-161, Rome). 3.5.1. - dia. base 4.6 cm - Private collection. Lit.: unpublished. Logatec (SF) Lower part of an indented beaker with a concave base. 3.5.1. - dia. base 4.6 cm - Private collection. Lit.: unpublished. Stari trg pri Slovenj Gradcu (gr. 1/1977) Indented beaker with an everted rim and a flat base, concave in the center. 3.5.1. - lit. 10.4 cm; dia. rim 9 cm - KPM. Lit.: Strmčnik Gulič 1981, Pl. 18: 2. Šempeter (gr. 12) Lower part of an indented beaker with a flat base. 3.5.1. - dia. base 4.4 cm - PMC R 1967. Lit.: Kolšek 1977, PI. 7: 5. Analogies: Damevski 1976, PI. 10: 33; Barkoczi 1988, Pl. II: 120, 121; Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 10: 046, 068. 3.5.2. Indented beakers with a ring base and everted rim (Fig- 32): Beakers with out-turned walls, and an everted, fire-rounded PROSTO PIHANI IZDELKI Primerjave: nepoznane. 3.5.4. Čaše gubanke s prstanastim dnom in odebeljenim ustjem (sl. 32): Čaša s skoraj cilindričnim ostenjem, ki preide v odebeljeno ustje, pod ustjem nataljena steklena nit. Ostenje gosto nagubano, noga prstanasta. Datacija: druga polovica 2. st. Šahovec pri Dobrniču (gr.) Čaša z gosto narebrenim ostenjem, ki ravno prehaja v odebeljeno ustje, pod njim nalepljena steklena nit, noga Prstanasta. 3-5 4. - viš. 7 cm; pr. ustja 8,3 cm - DM. Lit.: Slabe 1976, t. 2: 2. Primerjave: Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 11: 113. 3.5.5. ^aše gubanke z visokim, cilindričnim ostenjem in Prstanasto nogo (Is 35); (sl. 32): ^isoke cilindrične čaše z izvihanim in odrezanim ustjem. stenje nagubano, noga prstanasta ali oblikovana v nizek s °jni prstan izvlečen iz ostenja. Pod ustjem plitva kanelura a 1 nataljena steklena nit. Pogosto iz mlečno-belega stekla. Datacija: 2. st. Bobovek (gr. 17) '.soka z subami na ostenju, ustje izvihano in ravno 3 Poc* nJ'm dve kaneluri, dno ravno. • -5- - viš. 13,2 cm; pr. ustja 6,5 cm - G M K. R 601. L"-: Petru, Valič 1959, t. 18:4. Cerknica (gr. 2/1974) 1 Vls°ke čaše z gubami, ustje zoženo in ravno odrezano, °n° Prstanasto. I f,'5;,' Pr' Ustja 4l3 cm: Pr- dr>a 3,8 cm - N M P. Lit -Urleb 1984, t. 1: 17. tuJ (gr. 2/1975) niim* 8U.^an^a 'z dekoloriranega stekla, ustje izvihano, pod 3 s na epljena steklena nit, noga prstanasta. Lit’. T~ Pr' ustja 6 cm - PMP AT 5276. " omanič Jevremov 1998, št. 19. Pr'merjave: Barkoczi 1988, Taf. II: 117. rim. Ring base, in the center concave. Indentations in the walls. Date: second half of the 2nd century Straža pri Šentrupertu (TF) Beaker with an everted rim, four indentations in the walls, and a ring base. 3.5.2. - ht. 9.5 cm; dia. rim 7.4 cm - DM R 8086. Lit.: Gabrovec 1954, PI. 3: I. Analogies: Scatozza Höricht 1986, form 21. 3.5.3. Indented beakers with a flat base and tubular rim (Fig. 32): Beakers with almost cylindrical walls, extending into a tubular, outwardly rolled rim. The densely indented walls descend to a concave base. Date: first half of the 2',d century Cerknica (gr. 28) Indented beaker with densely indented walls, flat base, and tubular rolled rim. 3.5.3. - ht. 7.8 cm; dia. rim 9.2 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, PI. 16: 2. Analogies: none identified. 3.5.4. Indented beakers with a ring base and thickened rim (Fig. 32): Beakers with almost cylindrical walls that extend to a thickened rim, with an applied glass trail under the rim. The walls densely indented, ring base. Date: second half of the 2nd century Šahovec pri Dobrniču (gr.) Beaker with densely ribbed walls, with a straight transition to the thickened rim, under it an applied glass trail; ring base. 3.5.4. - ht. 7 cm; dia. rim 8.3 cm - DM. Lit.: Slabe 1976, PI. 2: 2. Analogies: Barkoczi 1988, PI. 11: 113. 3.5.5. Indented beakers with tall, cylindrical walls and a ring base (Is 35); (Fig. 32): Tall cylindrical beakers with everted and cut rims. The walls indented, the base ring-shaped or formed into a low standing ring drawn out from the walls. A shallow groove or applied glass trail under the rim. Often made of milk-white glass. 3.5.6. Čaše gubanke z visokim cilindričnim ostenjem na visoki nogi (sl. 32): Čaše s skoraj cilindričnim ostenjem, ustje izvihano in odrezano, pod njim nataljena steklena nit, ostenje nagubano. Noga pihana posebej in dodana, Izdelane iz brezbarvnega ali mlečno-belega stekla. Datacija: prva polovica 2. st. Ptuj (gr. 2/1975) Čaša gubanka iz dekoloriranega stekla, ustje izvihano, pod njim steklena nit, noga visoka in posebej pihana. 3.5.6. - viš. 16,5 cm; pr. ustja 4,2 cm; pr. dna 4,5 cm - PMP AT 5275. Lit.: Tomanič Jevremov 1998, št. 18. Primerjave: Barköczi 1988, Taf. 11: 115. Date: 2"d century Bobovck (gr. 17) Tall beaker wilh indentations in the walls, the rim everted and cut straight, two grooves underneath, flat base. 3.5.5. - ht. 13.2 cm; dia. rim 6.5 cm - GMK R 601. Lit.: Petru, Valič 1959, Pl. 18: 4. Cerknica (gr. 2/1974) Parts of a tall indented beaker, rim tapered and cut straight, ring base. 3.5.5. - dia. rim 4.3 cm; dia. base 3.8 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, PI. 1: 17. Ptuj (gr. 2/1975) Indented beaker of decoloured glass, turned out rim, glass trail under it, ring base. 3.5.5. - dia. rim 6 cm - PMP AT 5276. Lit.: Tomanič Jevremov 1998, no. 19. Analogies: Barköczi 1988, Pl. II: 117. 3.5.7. Čaše gubanke z narebrenim ostenjem pihanim v kalup (.sl.. 32): Visoka čaša s poševno narebrenim ostenjem, pihanim v kalup, ustje izvihano in odrezano. Dno oblikovano v stojni prstan izvlečen iz ostenja. Ostenje nagubano. Datacija: 2. - 3. st. Verdun (gr. 61) Visoka čaša gubanka, ostenje pihano v rebrast kalup, ustje ravno odrezano, dno prstanasto. 3.5.7. - viš. 13,7 cm - DM 1943. Lit.: Breščak 1990, 25. Primerjave: nepoznane. Komentar za oblike 3.5.1. do 3.5.7.: Čaše gubanke so pogoste najdbe med rimskim steklom in se pojavljajo v mnogih različicah. Vdolbine oziroma gube na ostenju so vertikalne in so najpogosteje le štiri, ponekod pa je ostenje tudi bolj gosto nagubano. Najzgodnejše gubanke imajo cilindrično ali rahlo navzven nagnjeno ostenje, ustje je ravno odrezano ali zataljeno, dno je vboklo ali oblikovano v prstanasto nogo. Ostenje je največkrat okrašeno le s štirimi večjimi gubami. Tej skupini izdelkov lahko pripišemo obliki 3.5.1. in 3. 5.2. Čaše so izdelane iz modro-zelenkastega in brezbarvnega stekla. Te oblike čaš se pojavljajo od sredine 1. stoletja dalje in so pogoste predvsem v flavijskem obdobju, pojavljajo pa se tudi še v začetku 2. stoletja (Cool, Price 1995, 70). Gubanke so pogoste najdbe tako v severnih provincah kot v Italiji in mediteranskem področju, izdelovali so jih v različnih centrih od Kampanije do Cipra. 3.5.6. Indented beakers with tall cylindrical walls on a high foot (Fig. 32): Beakers with almost cylindrical walls, the rim everted and cut, a glass trail underneath, the walls indented. The base was separately blown and added. They were made of colourless or milk-white glass. Date: first half of the 2"1' century Ptuj (gr. 2/1975) Indented beaker of decoloured glass, rim everted with a glass trail underneath, separately blown high foot. 3.5.6. - ht. 16.5 cm; dia. rim 4.2 cm; dia. base 4.5 cm - PMP AT 5275. Lit.: Tomanič Jevremov 1998, no. 18. Analogies: Barköczi 1988, Pl. II: 115. 3.5.7. Indented beaker with ribbed walls blown into a mould (Fig- 32): A tall beaker with obliquely ribbed walls, blown into a mould, the rim everted and cut. The base formed into a standing ring drawn out from the walls. The walls indented. Date: 2nd - 3rd centuries Verdun (gr. 61) Tall indented beaker, the walls blown into a ribbed mould, the rim cut, ring base. 3.5.7. - ht. 13.7 cm - DM 1943. Lit.: Breščak 1990, 25. Analogies: none identified. V 2. stoletju se oblike gubank nekoliko spremenijo. Pogosti so izdelki iz brezbarvnega stekla, forme postajajo višje, ustje je odrezano in obrušeno (3.5.5.), poleg Prstananste noge se pojavljajo tudi čaše s posebej pihano in dodano nogo (3.5.6.). Te oblike so znane v kontekstih 2- in tudi še 3. stoletja (Cool, Price 1995, 88). Posebej zanimiva je kombinacija dvojnega okrasa, Pihanja v kalup in gubanja, ki jo srečamo na čaši iz Verduna (3.5.7.). Med gubankami izstopajo čaše z odtisom novcev na dnu. V Sloveniji so zaenkrat redke, saj poznamo le odlomke iz Logatca, Drnovega in Ajdovščine. Čaša iz Logatca nosi odtis prednje strani asa Antonina Pija (138— '61), drnovska ima odtisnjeno zadnjo stran novca iz druge polovice 2. stoletja, odlomek iz Ajdovščine pa ima odtisnjen novec Hadrijana (117-138) (novce je opredelil A- Šemrov). Primerjave tem gubankam moramo iskati v širšem evropskem prostoru, večino najdb z italijanskega ozemlja je zbral Taborelli (1982, 315-340; 1992, 95-97), precej j'h poznamo tudi s sosednje Hrvaške (Gluščevič 1995, 221-242). Žigosanje dna z novci je posebnost, ki jo najpogosteje prepoznamo prav pri čašah gubankah. Verjetno so * tem označevali delavnice ali posebno vrsto proizvodov. °t je ugotovil Taborelli, se žigi novcev pojavljajo od vjade Nerona do Aleksandra Severa (1982, 323). avadno je odtisnjena prednja stran, le redko se Pojavljajo odtisi revera (Gluščevič 1995, 236). Te oblike feubank niso bile namenjene pitju, ampak hranjenju in ransportu dišečih snovi, balzamov in kozmetičnega Prahu. Iz njih so vsebino pretresli v manjše posodice. Za obliko 3.5.1. najdemo primerjave v Emoni v grobu 301 (Petru 1972, t. 27: 25), 159 in 332 (Plesničar ec 1972, t. 44: 6; 86: 10), za obliko 3.5.2. v grobu 253 | etru 1972, t. 25: 15) in za obliko 3.5.4. v grobovih 885 n 21 (PleSnicar Gec 1972, t. 53: 19; 69: 3), po grobnih ee otah iz Cerknice, Šempetra in Starega trgaje različica ■1' datirana na konec 1. in v 2. stoletje. Vsi odlomki 8U ank z odtisom novca s slovenskih najdišč so iz 2. stoletja. Str- ,.(^U^an*ca °hlike 3.5.2. je bila najdena le v grobu v raži i/ druge polovice 2. stoletja, v katerem je bil novec n UCI^h. ^era ^a^rovec 1954, 144), gubanka z gosto 'gubanim ostenjem (3.5.3.) pa je del grobne celote iz Prve polovice 2. stoletja (Urleb 1984, 315). V drugo na °^co 2. stoletja sodi tudi grob iz Šahovca (gosto 8U ana čaša na prstanasti nogi 3.5.4.) z novcem ma Pija (Slabe 1976, 245). steki- ~ sto*etje sodita tudi obe čaši iz mlečno belega « a s * luja (3.5.5.; 3.5.6.), najdeni sta bili skupaj v nem grobu (Tomanič Jevremov 1998). nj Ze|0U^an^a s P°ševno narebrenim ostenjem (3.5.7.) Poi- r P°gosta °blika. Optičen okras poševnih reber se nasledr ^ st°letja dalje, najbolj pogost pa je v njem. Podobne čaše z v kalup pihanim ostenjem Comments - forms 3.5.1. to 3.5.7.: Indented beakers are frequent finds among Roman glass and appear in many variants. The hollows or indentations in the walls are vertical and most often there are only four, although sometimes the walls are also more densely indented. The earliest indented beakers have cylindrical or slightly out-turned walls, the rim is straight cut or fire-rounded, and the base is concave or formed into a ringed foot. The walls are most often decorated with four large indentations. Forms 3.5.1. to 3.5.2. can be attributed to this group of products. The beakers were made form blue-green and colourless glass. These forms of beakers appear from the middle of the Is' century onwards, and are common primarily in the Flavian period, while they also appear at the beginning of the 2"d century (Cool, Price 1995, 70). Indented beakers are frequent finds in the northern provinces as well as in Italy and the Mediterranean region. They were produced in various centers from Campagnia to Cyprus. The form of indented beakers changed somewhat in the 2nd century. Products made from colourless glass are common, the forms become taller, the rim is cut and ground (3.5.5.), and in addition to ring bases, beakers also appear with separately blown and added feet (3.5.6.). These forms are known from contexts dated to the 2nd century and even the 3rd century (Cool, Price 1995, 88). A particularly interesting combination is the double decoration of blowing into a mould (optic-blown) and indentation that can be found on the beaker from Verdun (3.5.7.). Special examples are indented beakers with impressions of coins on the base. They are rare in Slovenia at present, as only fragments are known from Logatec, Drnovo, and Ajdovščina. The beaker from Logatec bears the impression of the obverse of an as of Antoninus Pius (138-161), the example from Drnovo has the impression of the reverse of a coin from the second half of the 2nd century, while the fragment from Ajdovščina bears an impression of the obverse of a coin of Hadrian (117-138) (coin determination by A. Šemrov). Comparisons for these indented beakers must be sought in the broader European context. The majority of finds from Italy were collected by Taborelli (1982, 315-340; 1992, 95-97), and some are also known from neighbouring Croatia (Gluščevič 1995, 221-242). Stamping the bases with coins is a special feature that is most often found specifically on indented beakers. In this manner they probably marked workshops or a particular type of product. As was noted by Taborelli, coin stamps appear from the reign of Nero to that of Alexander Severus (1982, 323). Usually the obverse is stamped, and only rarely does an impression of a reverse appear (Gluščevič 1995, 236). These forms of indented beakers were not intended for beverages, but iz Trierja so datirane v prvo polovico 4. stoletja (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, 350). Grobna celota iz Verduna sodi na konec 1. oziroma v 2. stoletje (Breščak 2002, 148), verjetno je čaša gubanka v grobu najmlajši element. 3.6. ČAŠE S PRSTANASTO NOGO 3.6.1. Cilindrične čaše s prstanasto nogo (Is 85a); (sl. 33): Cilindrično ostenje ravno prehaja v ustje, ki je zataljeno, odebeljeno ali ravno odrezano, noga prstanasta, v obliki nalepljene steklene niti. Datacija: 2. - 3. st. Ptuj (gr. 38) Čaša s cilindričnim ostenjem, ustje odebeljeno, noga prstanasta. 3.6.1. - viš. 6, 5 cm; pr. ustja 8 cm - PMP 13773. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 4: 20. Ptuj (gr. 90) Čaša s cilindričnim ostenjem, ustje odrezano, dno prstanasto. 3.6.1. - viš. 6 cm; pr. ustja 8,5 cm - PMP 14028. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 9: 18. Ptuj (gr. 87) Čaša s cilindričnim ostenjem, ustje odrezano, noga prstanasta. 3.6.1. - viš. 5,3 cm; pr. ustja 8,3 cm - PMP 14018. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, T. 9: 17. Šempeter (gr. 6) Spodnji del cilindrične čaše s prstanasto nogo. 3.6.1. - pr. dna 3,2 cm - PMC R 1158. Lit.: Kolšek 1977, t. 4: 6. Logatec (NN) Dno cilindrične čaše s prstanasto nogo. 3.6.1. - pr. dna 3,2 cm - Privatna zbirka. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Vransko (NN) Dno cilindrične čaše s prstanasto nogo. 3.6.1. - pr. dna 3,9 cm - PMC R 22079. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Vransko (NN) Dno cilindrične čaše s prstanasto nogo. 3.6.1. - pr. dna 3,9 cm - PMC R 22078. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Vransko (NN) Dno cilindrične čaše s prstanasto nogo. 3.6.1. - pr. dna 4,3 cm - PMC R 22076. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Vransko (NN) Dno cilindrične čaše s prstanasto nogo. 3.6.1. - pr. dna 3,7 cm - PMC R 22065. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Vransko (NN) Dno cilindrične čaše s prstanasto nogo. 3.6.1. - pr. dna 4 cm - PMC R 22037. Lit.: neobjavljeno. rather for the storage and transport of perfumed items, balsams, and cosmetic powders. The contents would be shifted to small vessels as needed. Comparisons can be found for form 3.5.1. at Emona in graves 301 (Petru 1972, T. 27: 25), 159, and 332 (Plesničar Gee 1972, T. 44:6; 86; 10), for form 3.5.2. in grave 253 (Petru 1972, T. 25: 15), and for form 3.5.4. in graves 885 and 921 (Plesničar Gee 1972, T. 53: 19; 69; 3), while on the basis of closed grave units from Cerknica, Šempeter, and Stari trg, the form (3.5.1.) is dated to the end of the Is' and in the 2nd century. All fragments of indented beakers with coin impressions from Slovenian sites are from the 2nd century. An indented beaker of form 3.5.2 was found only in a grave at Straža from the second half of the 2nd century, which contained a coin of Lucius Verus (Gabrovec 1954, 144), while an indented beaker with densely indented walls (3.5.3.) was part of a closed grave unit from the first half of the 2nd century (Urleb 1984, 315). The grave from Šahovec, which included a coin of Antoninus Pius (Slabe 1976, 245) also belonged to the second half of the 2nd century (densely indented beaker on a ring base 3.5.4.). Both beakers of milk-white glass from Ptuj are dated to the 2"d century (3.5.5.; 3.5.6.); they were found together in a cremation grave (Tomanič Jevremov 1998). Indented beakers with obliquely ribbed walls (3.5.7.) are not a very common form. Optical decoration of oblique ribs appears from the 3rd century onwards, but they were most frequent in the next. Similar beakers with mould-blown walls from Trier are dated to the first half of the 4lh century (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, 350). The grave from Verdun belonged to the end of the Is' or in the 2nd century (Breščak 2002, 148). The indented beaker was probably the youngest element in the grave. 3.6. BEAKERS WITH A RING BASE 3.6.1. Cylindrical beakers with a ring base (Is 85a); (Fig. 33): The cylindrical walls extend straight into the rim, which was rounded, thickened, or cut straight, the base was ringed, in the form of attached glass trails. Date: 2nd - 3rd centuries Ptuj (gr. 38) Beaker with cylindrical walls, thickened rim, ring base. 3.6.1. - ht. 6.5 cm; dia. rim 8 cm - PMP 13773. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, PI. 4: 20. Ptuj (gr. 90) Beaker with cylindrical walls, cut rim, ring base. 3.6.1. - ht. 6 cm; dia. rim 8.5 cm - PMP 14028. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, PI. 9: 18. 3.6. 3.6.4. 3.7.2. 3.6.2. 3.6.3. 3.6.5. 3.7.1. 3.7.3. 3.7.4. 33: Skupina 3 - čaše (3.6.1.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 4: 20; 3.6.2.: Kolšek 1977, t. 4: 3; 3.6.3.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 30: 8; 3.6.4.: usek 1993, t. 15: 5; 3.6.5.: Miki Curk 1996, t. 9: 3; 3.7.I.: Pahič 1969, t. 1:6; 3.7.2.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 65; 3.7.3.: Kolšek 1978, s • 10; 3.7.4.: Lazar, Tomanič Jevrcmov 2000, t. 2: I). M. = 1:3. Hg- 33: Group 3 - beakers (3.6.1.: Kujundžič 1982, Pl. 4: 20; 3.6.2.: Kolšek 1977, Pl. 4: 3; 3.6.3.: Kujundžič 1982, Pl. 30: 8; j. 4 : Tušek 1993, Pl. 15: 5; 3.6.5.: Miki Curk 1996, Pl. 9: 3; 3.7.1.: Pahič 1969, Pl. I: 6; 3.7.2.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 65; 3.7.3.: °lšek 1978, Fig. 10; 3.7.4.: Lazar, Tomanič Jevremov 2000, Pl. 2: 1). Scale = 1:3. Primerjave: Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Abb. 20-21; Barköczi 1988, Taf. 6: 60, 61; Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 8: 001. 3.6.2. Cilindrične čaše z dvojno prstanasto nogo (Is 85b); (sl. 33): Cilindrično ostenje ravno prehaja v zataljeno ali odebeljeno ustje, nogo tvori dvojni stojni prstan iz steklenih niti. Datacija: 2. - 3. st. Šempeter (gr. 6) Cilindrična čaša z odebeljenim ustjem in dvojno prstanasto nogo. 3.6.2. - viš. 5,5 cm; pr. ustja 7,1 cm - PMC R 956. Lit.: Kolšek 1977, t. 4: 3. Vransko (NN) Dno čaše z dvojno prstanasto nogo. 3.6.1. - pr. dna 3,8 cm - PMC R 22077. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Primerjave: Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Abb. 24; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 41: 340-46; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 5. 12. 3.6.3. Bikonične čaše s prstanasto nogo (sl. 33): Bikonično ostenje se zožuje v izvihano ustje, ki je odrezano in obrušeno, redko tudi zataljeno, noga prstanasta. Datacija: 2. st. Ptuj (gr. 391) Bikonična čaša z izvihanim ustjem in prstanasto nogo. 3.6.3. - viš. 7,5 cm; pr. dna 3,5 cm - PMP 16729. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 30: 8. Primerjave: Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 6: 59; Price 1987, Fig. 2: 8, 9. Komentar za oblike 3.6.1. do 3.6.3.: Cilindrične čaše (3.6.1. in 3.6.2. - Isings 85 a,b) sodijo med najbolj značilne in razširjene oblike v 2. in 3. stoletju. Najbolj pogosta je neokrašena čaša z ravnim ali rahlo uvihanim ustjem, ki je zataljeno ali odebeljeno. Na dno je prilepljena prstanasta noga, v sredini je pogosto opazna sled prijemalke. Prstanasta noga je pogosto kombinirana še z eno nitjo, tako da nastane t. i. dvojna prstanasta noga. Redkejše variante teh čaš imajo izvihano in zataljeno ustje in pod njim nataljeno tanko stekleno nit, enaka nit je na prehodu iz ostenja v dno. Redko se pojavljajo horizontalne nataljene niti v kontrastni barvi. Kvalitetnejši izdelki so okrašeni tudi s Ptuj (gr. 87) Beaker with cylindrical walls, cut rim, ring base. 3.6.1. - ht. 5.3 cm; dia. rim 8.3 cm - PMP 14018. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, PI. 9: 17. Šempeter (gr. 6) Lower part of a cylindrical beaker with a ring base. 3.6.1. - dia. base 3.2 cm - PMC R 1158. Lit.: Kolšek 1977, PI. 4: 6. Logatec (SF) Bottom of a cylindrical beaker with a ring base. 3.6.1. - dia. base 3.2 cm - Private collection. Lit.: unpublished. Vransko (SF) Bottom of a cylindrical beaker with a ring base. 3.6.1. - dia. base 3.9 cm - PMC R 22079. Lit.: unpublished. Vransko (SF) Bottom of a cylindrical beaker with a ring base. 3.6.1. - dia. base 3.9 cm - PMC R 22078. Lit.: unpublished. Vransko (SF) Bottom of a cylindrical beaker with a ring base. 3.6.1. - dia. base 4.3 cm - PMC R 22076. Lit.: unpublished. Vransko (SF) Bottom of a cylindrical beaker with a ring base. 3.6.1. - dia. base 3.7 cm - PMC R 22065. Lit.: unpublished. Vransko (SF) Bottom of a cylindrical beaker with a ring base. 3.6.1. - dia. base 4 cm - PMC R 22037. Lit.: unpublished. Analogies: Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Fig. 20-21; Barkoczi 1988, Pl. 6: 60, 61; Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 8: 001. 3.6.2. Cylindrical beakers with a double ring base (Is 85b); (Fig. 33): The cylindrical walls extend straight into a rounded or thickened rim, Ihe base is formed from two rings ofglass coils. Date: 2nd - 3rd centuries Šempeter (gr. 6) Cylindrical beaker with a thickened rim and a double ring base. 3.6.2. - ht. 5.5 cm; dia. rim 7.1 cm - PMC R 956. Lit.: Kolšek 1977, PI. 4: 3. Vransko (SF) The bottom of a beaker with a double ring base. 3.6.1. - dia. base 3.8 cm - PMC R 22077. Lit.: unpublished. Analogies: Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Fig. 24; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Pl. 41: 340-46; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 5. 12. slikanimi motivi in brušenim okrasom (Fremersdorf 1970, Taf. 4-8). Čaše so delane iz modro-zelenkastega in pogosto tudi iz brezbarvnega stekla, navadno so zelo tanko pihane. Služile so kot posode za pitje in sojih uporabljali kot del namiznega servisa (Charlesworth 1971, 35). Razširjene so bile v 2. in 3. stoletju (Cool, Price 1995, 83). Zelo številno so zastopane v Britaniji in na porenskih najdiščih, v Franciji, Švici, redko pa v severni Italiji in vzhodnem Sredozemlju (Welker 1974, 113). Fremersdorf je najdbe s porenskih najdišč pripisal kölnskim delavnicam (1970, 59). Cilindrične čaše (3.6.1. in 3.6.2.) iz ptujskih grobov so del grobnih celot iz 2. in 3. stoletja (Kujundžič 1982, 13), čaši iz Šempetra pa sta del grobne celote iz 2. stoletja (Kolšek 1972, Y 153). Številni fragmenti čaš iz Logatca in Vranskega so naselbinske najdbe, na Vranskem sodijo v drugo polovico 2. stoletja. Čašo iz ptujskega groba 391 (3.6.3.) lahko glede na grobno celoto umestimo v 2. stoletje (Kujundžič 1982, 13). 3.6.4. Hruškaste čaše z zoženim ustjem in prstanasto nogo (sl. 33): Čaše z razširjenim spodnjim delom trupa, ki preide v zoženo ustje. Pod ustjem nataljena nit, noga prstanasta. Mlečno belo steklo. Datacija: druga polovica 2. - prva polovica 3. st. <>j (gr. 7) ^ aša iz mlečno belega stekla, ustje zoženo, na vratu nataljena nit, noga prstanasta. 3.6.4, - viš. 7, 8 cm; pr. ustja 3, 6 cm - ZVKD Mb. L>t.: Tušek 1993, t. 15: 5. Primerjave: Rütti 1991, 91, AR 53.3. Komentar: Nenavadna oblika čaše nima povsem ustreznih Pnmerjav. Posoda je izdelana iz mlečno belega stekla, k' je bilo posebej priljubljeno pri izdelkih iz 2. stoletja (gl. str. 22). Najbližja obliki ptujske čaše je oblika AR 53.3. iz Augsta (Rütti 1991, 91). Tam so čaše tudi okrašene z enostavnimi horizontalnimi linijami, okras na ptujski čaši Pa predstavlja le nataljena steklena nit pod ustjem. Čaše iz Augsta se pojavijo ob koncu 2. stoletja in lraJajo do tretje četrtine 3. stoletja, med gradivom P°znega 3. stoletja se ne pojavljajo več (Rütti 1991, 100). Grobna celota iz Ptuja sodi med bogatejše grobove, SaJ so bili v grob položeni tudi številni jantarni predmeti, ^a osnovi grobne celote, v kateri je tudi kroglasta 3.6.3. Biconical beakers with a ring base (Fig. 33): The biconical walls taper to an everted rim, cut and ground, rarely also fire-thickened, ring base. Date: 2nd century Ptuj (gr. 391) Biconical beaker with an everted rim and a ring base. 3.6.3. - ht. 7.5 cm; dia. base 3.5 cm - PMP 16729. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, PI. 30: 8. Analogies: Barkoczi 1988, PI. 6: 59; Price 1987, Fig. 2: 8, 9. Comments - forms 3.6.1. to 3.6.3.: Cylindrical beakers (3.6.1. and 3.6.2. - Isings 85 a, b) are among the most characteristic and widespread forms of the 2nd and 3rd centuries. Most often they are undecorated, with a straight or slightly everted rim, which is rounded or thickened. A ring base is attached to the bottom, and a pontil mark can often be seen in the center. The ring base is often combined with yet another coil to create what is known as a double ring base. Some variants of these beakers have everted and rounded rims, with an applied thin glass trail beneath it, and the trail at the transition from the wall to the base. Rarely horizontal applied trails appear in contrasting colours. Higher quality products were also decorated with painted motifs and ground decoration (Fremersdorf 1970, PI. 4-8). The beakers were made from blue-green and also often from colourless glass, and they were usually very thinly blown. They served as vessels for beverages, and were used as part of tableware sets (Charlesworth 1971, 35). They were widely distributed from the second half of the 2"d century and during the 3rd century (Cool, Price 1995, 83). They were well represented in Britannia and at the Rhineland sites, in France and in Switzerland, but they were rare in northern Italy and the eastern Mediterranean (Welker 1974, 113). Fremersdorf attributed the finds from the sites along the Rhine to the workshops of Köln (1970, 59). The cylindrical beakers (3.6.1. and 3.6.2.) from the graves at Ptuj were parts of grave units from the 2nd and 3rd centuries (Kujundžič 1982, 13), while the beakers from Šempeter were found in graves from the 2nd century (Kolšek 1972, Y 153). Numerous fragments of beakers from Logatec and Vransko were settlement finds, and at Vransko they belonged to the second half of the 2nd century. The beaker from Ptuj grave 391 (3.6.3.) can be placed in the 2nd century on the basis of the grave unit (Kujundžič 1982, 13). steklenička z zajedo na vratu, bi čašo lahko umestili v pozno 2., morda pa celo že na začetek 3. stoletja (Tušek 1993, 408). 3.6.5. Kroglaste čaše na visoki prstanasti nogi (.s/. 33): Čaše s kroglastim ostenjem, ki se proti ustju zoži, visoka prstanasta noga, na ostenju pod ustjem in nad nogo plastično rebro. Datacija: 2. st. Ptuj (gr. 32) Kroglasta čaša, ustje zoženo in ravno odrezano, noga visoka, prstanasta, pod ustjem in nad nogo plastično rebro. 3.6.5. - viš. 11 cm; pr. ustja 8,4 cm; najv. obseg 11 cm - PMP R 10551. Lit.: Šubic 1976, t. 7: 60. Primerjave: nepoznane. Komentar: Kroglasta čaša iz petovionskega groba nima primerjav. Izdelana je iz modro-zelenkastega stekla. Kroglast trup preide v izvihano in zataljeno ustje, pod njim je nataljena steklena nit, debelejše rebro je nataljeno tudi na prehodu v dno. Čaša stoji na visoki, posebej pihani nogi. Zaradi nenavadne oblike smemo domnevati, da gre v tem primeru za izdelek lokalnih delavnic, glede na grobno celoto, v kateri je bil priložen tudi Hadrijanov novec, pa lahko opredelimo posodo v prvo polovico oziroma v sredino 2. stoletja (Miki Curk 1996, 164). 3.7. ČAŠE Z ROČAJI 3.7.1. Enoročajne čaše (Is 37); (sl. 33): Čaše konične oblike, ki se proti ustju razširijo, ustje izvihano in zataljeno; dno prstanasto, tik pod ustjem ročaj. Datacija: druga polovica 1. - prva polovica 2. st. Miklavž pri Mariboru (GN) Konična čaša, proti ustju razširjena, dno prstanasto, pod ustjem ročaj. 3.7.1. - viš. 13 cm; pr. ustja 13, 3 cm - PMM A 2244. Lit.: Pahič 1969. t. 1: 6. Primerjave: Hayes 1975, Fig. 7: 203; Damevski 1976, t. 6: 2; Czurda-Ruth 1979, Taf. 2: 474. Komentar: Posode tega tipa so navadno poimenovane modiolus. To 3.6.4. Pear-shaped beakers with a tapered rim and ring base (Fig. 33): Beakers with a broadened lower section of the body, which merges into the tapered rim. An applied trail under the rim, ring base. Milk-white glass. Date: second half of the 2nd - first half of the 3rd centuries Ptuj (gr. 7) Beaker of milk-white glass, narrow rim, applied trail on the neck, ring base. 3.6.4. - ht. 7.8 cm; dia. rim 3.6 cm - ZVKD Mb. Lit.: Tušek 1993. PI. 15: 5. Analogies: Rütti 1991, 91, AR 53.3. Comments: The unusual shape of this beaker has no entirely suitable comparisons. The vessel was made of milk-white glass, which was particularly popular for products of the 2nd century (see pp. 22). The closest form to the beaker from Ptuj is AR 53.3 from Augst (Rütti 1991, 91). The beakers there were also decorated with simple horizontal lines, while the decoration on the Ptuj beaker was an applied glass trail below the rim. The beakers from Augst appear at the end of the 2nd century and continue to the third quarter of the 3rd century, but they no longer appear among the material of the later 3rd century (Rütti 1991, 100). The grave from Ptuj was among the richer graves, as it also contained numerous amber objects. On the basis of the grave contents, which also included a globular bottle with a constriction on the neck, the beaker could be placed in the late 2nd century, and perhaps even at the beginning of the 3rd century (Tušek 1993, 408). 3.6.5. Globular beakers on a high ringed base (Fig. 33): Beakers with globular walls, narrowing towards the rim, a high ring base, on the walls below the rim and above the foot a relief rib. Date: 2nd century Ptuj (gr. 32) Spherical beaker, the rim narrow and straight cut, high ring base, relief ribs below the rim and above tha base. 3.6.5. - ht. 11 cm; dia. rim 8.4 cm; greatest circ. II cm - PMP R 10551. Lit.: Šubic 1976, PI. 7: 60. Analogies: none identified. je pomanjševalnica iz lat. besede modius - mera, navadno za količino žita. Vendar posode variirajo v obliki in velikosti, tako da z njimi vsekakor niso merili le količine žita. Hilgers označuje to obliko kot pivsko posodo (1969, 223-224). Značilnost oblike je en sam ročaj, pritrjen tik pod ustjem ali na zgornji polovici posode, izvihano ustje, ki je navadno odebeljeno, ostenje se proti dnu zoži in zaključi s prstanasto nogo ali tudi z ravnim dnom. Redko najdemo na teh posodah tudi okras brušenih horizontalnih linij in rastlinski motiv (Whitehouse 1997, no. 389, 390). Poleg steklenih izdelkov so znane številne variante iz gline in srebra, med njimi izdelki iz Boscoreala in Pompejev (Scatozza Höricht 1986, 42 - forma 22). Isingsova je zbrala poznane najdbe iz datiranih kontekstov in ugotovila, da večina sodi v drugo polovico 1. stoletja (1957, 52-53), najdbe s Štalenske gore pa se pojavljajo že v tiberijskih in klavdijskih slojih (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 52). Razprostranjenost oblike je po ugotovitvah Welkerjeve pretežno vezana na zahodni del imperija (1974, 27-30), vendar so znane tudi najdbe z vzhoda, npr. Jordanije, Turčije, Izraela (Whitehouse 1997, 229). Med gradivom iz emonskih nekropol najdemo številne in raznolike forme enoročajnih čaš (v več kot dvajsetih grobovih), navajamo le nekatere, npr. grobovi 35, 75, 101, 320, 380, 973 (Plesničar Gec 1972, t. 9: 15; 18: 19; 25: 17; 82: 7; 102: 4; 193: 7). Pojavljajo se tudi v grobovih prve polovice 2. stoletja - grobova 325 in 380 z novcema Trajana oz. Hadrijana (Plesničar Gec 1972, 64, 75). Čaša iz Miklavža je del gomilnega pokopa, datiranega na začetek 2. stoletja (Pahič 1969,74). 3.7.2. Dvoročajne čaše (sl. 33): Nizke čaše z vodoravno narebrenim ostenjem in dvema trakastima ročajema tik pod ustjem, ustje zataljeno, dno vboklo, nakazan stojni prstan. Datacija: druga polovica 1. st. Ce|je (gr. 4) Nizka čaša z vodoravno narebrenim ostenjem, dva trakasta r°čaja, dno v sredini vboklo. 3-72. - viš. 7,6 cm; pr. ustja 6,6 cm - PMC R 4198. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 65. CcÜe (gr. 4) Nizka čaša z vodoravno narebrenim ostenjem, dva trakasta ročaja, dno v sredini vboklo. 3-7-2. - pr. ustja 7 cm - PMC R 4285. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 67. Primerjave: nepoznane. Comments; The globular beaker from a grave at Poetovio has no analogies. It was made of blue-green glass. The spherical body extends into an everted and rounded rim, with an applied glass trail under it, while a thicker rib was also applied at the transition to the base. The beaker stands on a high, separately blown foot. The unusual shape leads us to believe that this was the product of a local workshop, and in terms of the grave where it was found, where a coin of Hadrian was also placed, the vessel can be dated to the first half or the middle of the 2nd century (Miki Curk 1996, 164). 3.7. BEAKERS WITH HANDLES 3.7.1. Single handled beakers (Is 37); (Fig. 33): Beakers of conical form that widen toward the rim; the rim everted and fire-rounded; ring base, the handle just under the rim. Date: second half of the Is1 - first half of the 2nd centuries Miklavž pri Mariboru (TF) Conical beaker, broadened towards the rim, ring base, handle under the rim. 3.7.1. - lit. 13 cm; dia. rim 13,3 cm - PMM A 2244. Lit.: Pahič 1969, PI. 1: 6. Analogies: Hayes 1975, Fig. 7: 203; Damevski 1976, PI. 6: 2; Czurda-Ruth 1979, PI. 2: 474. Comments: Vessels of this type are usually called modiolus. This is a diminutive from the Latin world modius - measure, usually for a certain quantity of grain. The vessels, however, varied in form and size, and certainly were not used merely to measure a quantity of grain. Hilgers termed this form beer mugs (1969, 223-224). The characteristic of the form is the single handle attached just under the rim or on the upper half of the vessel, the everted rim, which was usually thickened, while the walls taper towards the bottom and end in a ring base or occasionally in a flat base. Such vessels rarely also can have a decoration of ground horizontal lines and floral motifs (Whitehouse 1997, No. 389, 390). Numerous variants in clay and silver are known in addition to the glass products, including examples from Boscoreale and Pompeii (Scatozza Höricht 1986, 42 -form 22). Isings gathered the known finds from dated contexts and concluded that most belonged to the second half of the Is1 century (1957, 52-53). The finds from Magdalensberg appear even in the Tiberian and Claudian Komentar: Dve čaši iz Celeje nimata primerjav. Njuno ostenje je narebreno, kar pomeni, da je bilo pihano v kalup. Ustje je ravno in zataljeno, dno je v sredini rahlo vboklo. Izdelani sta zelo kvalitetno, steklo modrikastega odtenka je enako kot pri ostalih steklenih posodah v grobu, kar lahko pomeni, da so nastale v isti delavnici, težko pa bi rekli, da gre za izdelke domačih delavnic. Grobna celota je iz flavijske dobe (Kolšek 1972, Y 152, 2). 3.7.3. Čaše na nogi z dvojno steno (sl. JJ): Polkroglasta čaša z dvojno steno, zunanja stena preide v votlo nogo z odebeljenim robom. Datacija: druga polovica 1. st. Celje (gr. 5) Čaša na nogi, kroglast trup je potisnjen navznoter, da tvori dvojno steno pokroglasti čaši. 3.7.3. - viš. 10,3 cm; pr. ustja 10, 6 cm - PMC R 4323. Lit.: Kolšek 1978, sl. 10. Primerjave: Hayes 1975, Fig. 2: 117; Auth 1976, 91, no. 98; Whitehouse 1997, No.159. Komentar: Čaša na nogi z dvojno steno je oblika, kije morda nastala kot rezultat eksperimentiranja steklarja. Napihano posodo oziroma steklenico kroglaste oblike je steklar obrnil in spodnji del dna potisnil navznoter. Nastala je dvojna stena. Polkroglasta posoda je nato obrnjena, da stoji na ustju, ki služi kot votla noga. Dva trakasta ročaja sta pritrjena na zgornji del ostenja, vendar sta iz stekla drugačnega odtenka zato domnevamo, da gre za napačno rekonstrukcijo in čaša ni imela ročajev. Posoda je bila najdena v uničenem grobu, v profilu izkopa in je mogoče, daje prišlo do napake. Oblika je izjemna in ji najdemo le malo primerjav, nobene pa v dobro datiranih celotah. Najbliže ji je čaša iz muzeja v Newarku (ZDA), datirana v 1.-2. stoletje (?) (Auth 1976, 91, no. 98) in steklenička, ki jo objavlja Hayes ( 1975, Fig. 2: 117) iz 2. oz. začetka 3. stoletja. Čašo z dvojno steno hrani tudi muzej v Corningu (New York, ZDA). Whitehouse jo kot čašo na nogi umešča v 4.-6. stoletje, z opombo, da je datacija sporna (1997, 106, No. 159). Smith je razložil funkcijo teh posod kot »obrnjena steklenica. Koje napolnjena, ji zamašijo vrat in jo obrnejo. Tekočina je ujeta med steni in daje vtis do vrha polne čaše. Ko jo pivec dvigne k ustom, da bi jo izpraznil, se ne zgodi nič.« (1957, 129). Velja omeniti, da še danes steklarji poznajo ta trik in z njim radi ponagajajo novincem. Čaša iz Celeje je del uničene grobne celote z strata (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 52). According to Welker, the distribution of forms was primarily tied to the western part of the empire (1974, 27-30), although finds are also known from the east, such as from Jordan, Turkey, and Israel (Whitehouse 1997, 229). The material from the cemeteries of Emona includes numerous and varied forms of single handled beakers (in more than twenty graves), only some can be cited, such as graves 35, 75, 101, 320,380,973 (Plesničar Gee 1972, T. 9: 15; 18: 19; 25: 17; 82: 7; 102: 4; 193: 7). They also appeared in graves of the first half of the 2nd century (graves 325 and 380 with coins of Trajan and Hadrian, respectively) (Plesničar Gee 1972, 64, 75). The beaker from Miklavž was part of a tumulus burial, date to the beginning of the 2nd century (Pahič 1969, 74). 3.7.2. Double handled beakers (Fig. .?.?): Low beakers with horizontally ribbed walls and two ribbon handles just below the rim, rounded rim, concave base, standing ring. Date: second half of the 1st century Celje (gr. 4) Low beaker with horizontally ribbed walls, two ribbon handles, base concave in center. 3.7.2. - ht. 7.6 cm; dia. rim 6.6 cm - PMC R 4198. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 65. Celje (gr. 4) Low beaker with horizontally ribbed walls, two ribbon handles, base concave in center. 3.7.2. - dia. rim 7 cm - PMC R 4285. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 67. Analogies: none identified. Comments: The two beakers from Celeia have no analogies. The walls are ribbed, evidence for their walls having been blown in a mould. The rim is straight and fire-rounded, while the base was slightly concave in the center. They are very well made, and the glass with a blue nuance is the same as that used for the other glass vessels in the grave, which could mean that they were created in the same workshop, but it would be difficult to say that these had been the products of local production centers. The grave is from the Flavian period (Kolšek 1972, Y 152, 2). 3.7.3. Footed beakers with double walls (Fig. .?.?): A hemispherical beaker with double walls, the outside wall descends to a hollow foot with a thickened edge. grobišča iz flavijske dobe oziroma druge polovice 1. stoletja (Kolšek 1972, Y 152). 3.7.4. Čaše na nogi s presegajočima ročajema in reliefnim okrasom (Is 38); (sl. 33): Čaše z izvihanim ustjem, ročaj presegajoč in perforiran, z opornikom za palec, noga v sredini prstanasto odebeljena. Ostenje krasi plastičen rastlinski okras. Dekolorirano steklo. Datacija: prva polovica 3. stoletja ptuj (gr. 11) Čaša iz brezbarvnega stekla z izvihanim ustjem in presegajočima ročajema, noga ima prstanasto odebelitev. Ročaja Perforirana, ostenje krasi reliefen rastlinski okras. 3.7.4. - viš. 8,4 cm; pr. ustja 7,2 cm; pr. dna 4,3 cm - PMP AR 55386. Lit.: Lazar, Tomanič Jevremov 2001, t. 2: 1. Primerjave: von Saldern 1991, Pl. 29. Komentar: Te vrste posod lahko zaradi izredne zahtevnosti tehnike (brušenje in rezanje površine debelo pihanega stekla) Uvrstimo med t. i. luksuzno steklo. Ločene so tri glavne skupine tovrstnih izdelkov: prva skupina je istočasna z 'zdelki s t. i. fasetiranim okrasom (3.3.4.) (Koster, Whitehouse 1989, 25, Fig. 1-6), druga skupina zajema maloštevilne izdelke iz 3. stoletja z reliefnim okrasom, tretja in najbolj znana skupina pa so diatreta izdelki iz 4- stoletja, ki jih v Sloveniji zaenkrat ne poznamo. Med oblikami so čaše najpogostejše, druge forme, nPr. skifosi, kantarosi ipd., pa posnemajo kvalitetne ■zdelke iz srebra, kamene strele in agata tako v obliki kot okrasu (von Saldern 1991, 117). Mlajše izdelke, znane izTrierja, Krefeld-Gellepa in K-ölna, lahko v celoti umestimo v 3. stoletje (von Saldern '991, 118). Okras dopolnjujejo poleg že omenjenih rn°tivov tudi listi in vitice, kar prepoznamo tudi na okrasu ptujskega kantarosa. Čašo iz Petovione lahko glede okrasa primerjamo 2 najdbo iz Trierja (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, 340, no. '44) in skifosom iz Kölna (von Saldern 1991, Pl. 29a), datirano v 3. stoletje. Oblika ptujskega kantarosa je brez dvoma povzeta P° kovinskih predlogah, posebej zanimiva sta ročaja 'zdelana v predrti tehniki z opornikoma za palec na vrhu ^0caja. Grobna celota s kantarosom je datirana v zgodnje • stoletje in vsebuje tudi visoko cilindrično steklenico z 'ušenim figuralnim okrasom (Tomanič Jevremov 1998, st- 16, 17; Lazar, Tomanič Jevremov 2000, t. I). Date: second half of the Is' century Celje (gr. 5) Footed beaker, the spherical body was pressed inwards to create the double walls of a hemispherical beaker. 3.7.3. - ht. 10.3 cm; dia. rim 10.6 cm - PMC R 4323. Lit.: Kolšek 1978, Fig. 10. Analogies: Hayes 1975, Fig. 2: 117; Auth 1976, 91, No. 98; Whitehouse 1997, No. 159. Comments: The footed beaker with double walls is a form that perhaps originated as the result of experimentation by glass workers. The blown vessel, a bottle of spherical form, was inverted by the glass worker and the lower section of the base was pressed inside. A double wall resulted. The hemispherical vessel was then again turned over, to stand on its rim, which served as a hollow foot. Two ribbon handles were attached to the upper part of the walls, although they are of a different shade, and thus it can be concluded that this resulted from an incorrect reconstruction and that the beaker did not originally have handles. The vessel was discovered in a destroyed grave in the profile of a trench, and it is possible that a mistake was made. The form is exceptional, and only a few examples can be found, none in well-dated contexts. The closest chronologically is from the museum in Newark (New Jersey, USA), dated to the lsl-2,ul centuries (Auth 1976, 91, no. 98), and a small bottle, published by Hayes (1975, Fig. 2: 117), from the 2nd or the beginning of the 3rd centuries. A beaker with double walls is also in the collections of the museum in Corning (New York, USA). Whitehouse dated it as a footed goblet to the 4u'-6'h centuries, with a note that the dating is questionable (1997, 106, no. 159). Smith explained the function of these vessels as an inverted bottle. "When it was filled, the neck was stoppered, and it was turned over. The liquid flowed between the walls, given the impression that the glass was full to the top. When the drinker would raise it to his mouth to drain it, nothing would happen.” ( 1957, 129). It should be noted that even today glass workers know of this trick and use it to tease novices. The beaker from Celeia was part of a destroyed grave from a cemetery from the Flavian period, meaning the end of the Is’ century (Kolšek 1972, Y 152). 3.7.4. Footed beakers with curved handles and relief decoration (Is 38); (Fig. 33): Beakers with an everted rim, curved and perforated handles, with a thumb rest, the base with a ring-like thickening in the center. The walls decorated with relief floral decoration. Decoloured glass. 3.7.5. Čaše na nogi z ročajema (Is 39); (sl. 34): Skoraj cilindrično ostenje preide v zataljeno ali odebeljeno ustje, ponekod pod njim rebro, noga pihana posebej in dodana, spodaj ravno odrezana. Na ostenju dva ročaja, ki se ob ustju končata z izrastkom. Datacija: druga polovica 1. st. Celje (gr. 4) Čaša na nogi z navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ustje odebeljeno in profilirano, dva ročaja z izrastki nad ustjem. 3.7.5. - viš. 8 cm; pr. ustja 8,4 cm - PMC R 4271. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 63-62. Primerjave: Price 1987, Fig. 2; Sternini 1991, Pl. 55: 308, 309; Tirelli 1995, Tav. 15; Whitehouse 1997, No. 132-134. Komentar; Dvoročajne čaše na visoki ali nizki prstanasti nogi z dvema ročajema, poimenovane tudi skifos, imajo svoje vzore v kovinskem posodju in keramiki (Hilgers 1969, 75, sl. 65, 66). Ročaji imajo navadno obliko črke IVI ali vsaj na zgornji strani izrastek oziroma ploščico za oporo palcu. Najzgodnejši stekleni izdelki te oblike so bili narejeni že v I. st. pr. n. š. v kalupih, pihane čaše pa se pojavijo sredi 1. stoletja n. š. (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 56). Tudi ta oblika je znana s fresk v Pompejih, kjer je upodobljen skifos iz prozornega stekla, napolnjen z vinom (?) (Naumann-Steckner 1991, 95). Med bolj zanimive izdelke sodijo čaše z napisi izdelovalcev na ročaju, ki so se podpisovali z grško ali latinsko obliko imen (Whitehouse 1997, 93). Obliko so prvotno prav zaradi teh napisov pripisovali vzlfodnim delavnicam. Zadnje raziskave pa kažejo, da je večina posod nastala v Italiji in napis označuje le izvor izdelovalca, ne pa kraja delavnice (Whitehouse 1997, 94). Posode se med seboj razlikujejo v obliki ustja, izdelavi noge ipd., kar kaže, da so jih proizvajali v različnih delavnicah. Oblika je najbolj razširjena v I. stoletju (Rütti 1988, 64). Skifos iz Celeje je del grobne celote iz flavijskega obdobja (Kolšek 1972, Y 152). 3.8. ČAŠE NA NOGI 3.8.1. Čaše na nogi s stopničastim ustjem (Is 36a); (sl. 34): Čaša s cilindričnim ostenjem, ki prehaja v stopničasto ustje, noga posebej pihana in dodana, pod dnom ponekod prstansto Date: first half of the 3rd century Ptuj (gr. II) Beaker of colourless glass with an everted rim and curved handles, the base has a ring-shaped thickening. The handles perforated, the walls ornamented with relief floral decoration. 3.7.4. - ht. 8.4 cm; dia. rim 7.2 cm; dia. base 4.3 cm - PMP AR 55386. Lit.: Lazar, Tomanič Jevremov 2001, PI. 2: 1. Analogies: von Saldern 1991, PI. 29. Comments: This type of vessel, also called a kantharos, can be classified among luxurious glass products because of the exceptional demands of the technique of manufacture (grinding and cutting the surface of thickly blown glass). Three main groups of such products are distinguished: the first group is contemporary with products with facetted decoration (3.3.4.) (Koster, Whitehouse 1989, 25, Fig. 1-6), the second group encompasses scarce products of the 3rd century with relief decoration, and the third and best known group are the diatreta (cage-cup) products of the 4"’ century, unknown in Slovenia to date. Beakers are most common among the forms, and other types, such as skyphoi, kantharoi, etc, copied high quality products made from silver, rock crystal, and agate both in form and decoration (von Saldern 1991, 117). Later products, known from Trier, Krefeld-Gellep, and Köln, can be placed in the 3rd century (von Saldern 1991, 118). The decoration, in addition to the previously mentioned motifs, was supplemented by leaves and tendrils, which can also be recognized on the decoration of the kantharos from Ptuj. The beaker from Poetovio can be compared in terms of decoration to the find from Trier (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, 340, no. 144) and the skyphos from Köln (von Saldern 1991, PI. 29a), dated to the 3rd century. The form of the kantharos from Ptuj was undoubtedly taken from metal models, and the handles are particularly interesting. They were made in a perforated technique with thumb rests on the top of the handles. The grave with the kantharos is dated to the early 3rd century and also contained a tall cylindrical bottle with wheel-cut figured decoration (Tomanič Jevremov 1998, no. 16, 17; Lazar, Tomanič Jevremov 2000, PI. 1). 3.7.5. Footed beakers with handles (Is 39); (Fig. 34): I lie almost cylindrical walls extend into a fire-rounded or thickened rim, sometimes with a rib underneath, the foot was blown separately and added, cut off straight below. Two handles are attached to the walls, which end at the rim with protrusions. odebeljena. Na prehodu ostenja v dno cevasta guba, ki tvori rebro. Datacija: druga polovica 1. st. Celje (gr. 4) Čaša na nogi, ostenje cilindrično, ustje stopničasto, na prehodu v dno odebelitev, ki jo tvori zaprta cevasta guba. 3.8.1. - viš. 14,4 cm; pr. ustja 14,5 cm - PMC R 4277. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 61. Celje (gr. 4) Čaša na nogi, ostenje cilindrično, ustje stopničasto, na Prehodu v dno odebelitev, ki jo tvori zapognjeno ostenje. 3.8.1. - viš. 14 cm; pr. ustja 13,6 cm - PMC R 4278. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 59. Celje (gr. 4) Čaša na nogi, ki je v sredini prstanasto odebeljena, ostenje nagnjeno navzven, ustje odebeljeno in profilirano. 3-8.1. - viš. 8,6 cm; pr. ustja 8,4 cm - PMC R 4272. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 60. Primerjave: Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 6.5; Whitehouse 1997, no. 130. Komentar: Posode na nogi, bolj znane pod imenom kelih (carclie■ sium), imajo značilno stopničasto oblikovano ustje in večinoma tudi dva manjša ročaja ali samo nakazana 'zrastka. Noga je izdelana posebej in pritrjena na dno Posode, včasih se zaključuje s prstanasto odebelitvijo ob dnu. Posodo opredeljujejo kot čašo za pitje vina 'n tudi za uporabo pri verskih obredih - libacijah (Hilgers >969, 140). Med najbolj reprezentančne izdelke sodijo posode ‘z stekla intenzivnih barv, z drugobarvnim nataljenim a*> vtisnjenim okrasom (Van Litli 1991, 101) ter z živobarvnim kačastim okrasom, ki pa že sodijo v 3. stoletje. Navedemo lahko primere iz Kölna (Harden el al■ >988, 109, no. 42), Vitudura (Rütti 1988, 932-947), dva v celoti ohranjena keliha z nataljenim večbarvnim °krasom iz 1. stoletja sta poznana tudi iz Emone (Petru 1972, t. 18: 15; Plesničar Gec 1972, t. 218: 1). Oblika 36a po Isingsovi (1957, 50) je v glavnem Vezana na 1. stoletje, saj je iz datiranih kontekstov 2. stoletja ne poznamo več (Isings 1957, 51). Vse tri posode iz Celeje so bile najdene v enem 8r°bu, datiranem v flavijsko obdobje (Kolšek 1972, Y ’52). Omeniti velja tudi fragment stopničastega ustja iz ^odro-zelenkastega stekla z modro nataljeno nitjo na r°hu ustja (neobjavljeno). Najdenje bil v istem grobu in ■ie verjetno pripadal isti obliki. Date: second half of the Is' century Celje (gr. 4) Footed beaker outturned walls, the rim thickened and profiled, two handles with protrusions under the rim. 3.7.5. - ht. 8 cm; dia. rim 8.4 cm - PMC R 4271. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 63-62. Analogies: Price 1987, Fig. 2; Sternini 1991, PI. 55: 308, 309; Tirelli 1995, PI. 15; Whitehouse 1997, No. 132-134. Comments: Beakers on high or low ring bases with two handles, also known as skyphoi, had their models in metal and pottery vessels (Hilgers 1969, 75, Fig. 65, 66). The handles are usually M-shaped, or at the least have a protuberance or a thumb rest on the upper surface. The earliest glass products of this form were made as early as the Is1 century BC in moulds, while blown beakers appear in the mid 1st century AD (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 56). This form is also known from the frescoes in Pompeii, where a skyphos of clear glass was depicted, filled with wine (?) (Naumann-Steckner 1991, 95). Interesting examples include beakers with the inscriptions of the glass workers on the handles, who signed themselves with Greek or Latin forms of their names (Whitehouse 1997, 93). These signatures originally caused this form to be attributed to eastern workshops. The most recent research has shown that most of the vessels were created in Italy, the signatures marking merely the source of the craftsmen, and not the region of the production center (Whitehouse 1997, 94). The vessels vary in the form of the rim, the manufacture of the foot, etc., which indicates that they were produced in different workshops. The form was most widespread in the Is' century (Rütti 1988, 64). The skyphos from Celeia was part of a grave unit from the Flavian period (Kolšek 1972, Y 152). 3.8. FOOTED GOBLETS 3.8.1. Footed goblets with a stepped rim (Is 36a); (Fig. 34): Goblets with cylindrical walls that extend to a stepped rim, the foot was separately blown and added, occasionally there is a ring-shaped thickening below the base. At the transition from the walls to the base, a tubular fold creating a rib. Date: second half of the Is'century Celje (gr. 4) Footed goblet, cylindrical walls, stepped rim, a thickening at the transition to the base created by a tubular fold. 3.8.1. - ht. 14.4 cm; dia. rim 14.5 cm - PMC R 4277. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 61. IWIIIll'i 3.8.4. SI. 34: Skupina 3 - čaše (3.7.5.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 63; 3.8.1.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 61; 3.8.2.: Šribar 1959, t. 1:4; 3.8.3.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 5: 6; 3.8.4.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 28: 10; 3.8.5.: Sunkovsky 1956, sl. 20). M. = 1:3. Fig. 34: Group 3 - beakers (3.7.5.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 63; 3.8.1.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 61; 3.8.2.: Šribar 1959, Pl. 1: 4; 3.8.3.: Kujundžič 1982, Pl. 5: 6; 3.8.4.: Kujundžič 1982, Pl. 28: 10; 3.8.5.: Sunkovsky 1956, sl. 20). Scale = 1:3. 3.8.2. Čaše na nogi z ovalnim ostenjem (sl. 34): Ovalno ostenje prehaja v rahlo izvihano in zataljeno ustje, Pod njim dve kaneluri, noga pihana posebej in dodana, rob odebeljen. Datacija: druga polovica 2. - 3. st. Žalna pri Veliki Loki (gr.) Čaša z ovalnim ostenjem, ki se ravno konča v odebeljeno ustje, Pod njim dve tanjši rebri, noga posebej pihana. 3.8.2. - viš. 10,5 cm; pr. ustja 7,5 cm - NMS. Lit.: Šribar 1959, t. 1: 4. Primerjave: nepoznane. 3.8.3. Čaše na nizki nogi z okrasom ovalov (Is 33); (sl. 34): Čaše rahlo bikonične oblike se proti ustju zožijo, ustje zataljeno, pod ustjem in pri dnu rebro, noga pihana posebej in dodana, rob cevasto zavihan. Po ostenju okras podolgovatih ovalov. Datacija: druga polovica 1. - začetek 2. st. Ptuj (gr. 41) Čaša z bikoničnim ostenjem, ki se proti ustju oži, pod ustjem 'n nad dnom plastični rebri, noga posebej pihana. 3.8.3. - viš. 10,9 cm; pr. ustja 6 cm - PMP R 13792. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 5: 6. Primerjave: Berger 1960, Taf. 19: 52, 53; Rütti 1991, Taf. 52; •215-1216. Komentar: Za različico 3.8.2. med objavljenim gradivom nismo našli ustreznih primerjav. Izvira iz grobne celote, ki sodi v drugo polovico 2. in morda še na začetek 3. stoletja (Šribar 1959, 000). Čaše oblike 3.8.3. so istočasne z gubankami oblik ^•5.1.-2., saj so v uporabi v drugi polovici 1. stoletja, najbolj popularne pa so v flavijskem obdobju. Okrasje 'ahko namesto z vrezi ali nanešenimi nitmi izveden tudi z gubanjem, ki pa je zelo plitvo, primeri so znani npr. v Britaniji (Cool, Price 1995, 71). Največja koncentracija teli čaš je znana na področju Italije in Švice (Berger I960,47). V severozahodnih delih ■mperija niso tako razširjene, primerjave pa lahko navedemo iz Nemčije (Heddernheim), Nizozemske (Nijmegen) in Velike Britanije (Welker 1974, 25; Cool, price 1995, 71). V Augstu je Rütti to vrsto čaš opredelil kot formo AR 48 in jih datira v čas med drugo polovico I. in na začetek 2. stoletja (1991, 60). Grobna celota s Ptuja vsebuje volutno oljenko in Celje (gr. 4) Footed goblet, cylindrical walls, stepped rim, a thickening at the transition to the base created by pushing the walls. 3.8.1. - ht. 14 cm; dia. rim 13.6 cm - PMC R 4278. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 59) Cclje (gr. 4) Footed goblet, a ring-shaped thickening in the center of the base, wall out turned, rim thickened and profiled. 3.8.1. - ht. 8.6 cm; dia. rim 8.4 cm - PMC R 4272. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 60. Analogies: Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 6.5; Whitehouse 1997, No. 130. Comments: Footed beakers, better known as goblets or chalices (carchesium), have a characteristic stepped rim and most also have two small handles or merely misshapen protuberances. The foot was made separately and attached to the base of the vessel. Sometimes it concludes with a ring-shaped thickening adjacent to the base. The vessel type is often considered a wine glass and was also used in religious ceremonies for libations (Hilgers 1969, 140). The most luxurious examples are vessels of intensively coloured glass, with molten applied or impressed decoration in other colours (Van Lith 1991, 101), as well as brightly coloured snake-thread decoration, which was typical for the 3rd century. Examples can be cited from Köln (Harden et al. 1988, 109, no. 42), and Vitudurum (Rütti 1988, 932-947). Two entirely preserved chalices with applied multicoloured decoration are also known from Emona (Petru 1972, Pl. 18: 15; Plesničar Gee 1972, Pl. 218: 1). Form 36a, according to Isings (1957, 50), is mainly tied to the Is1 century, as examples are no longer known from dated contexts of the 2"d century (Isings 1957, 51). All three vessels from Celeia were found in one grave, dated to the Flavian period (Kolšek 1972, Y 152). A fragment should also be mentioned of a stepped rim of blue-green glass with a blue applied trail on the edge of the rim (unpublished). It was found in the same grave and probably belonged to a vessel of the same form. 3.8.2. Footed goblets with oval walls (Fig. 34): The oval walls extend into a slightly out turned and fire-rounded rim with two grooves beneath it, the foot was blown separately and added, the edge thickened. Date: second half of the 2nd - 3rd centuries Žalna pri Veliki Loki (gr.) Goblet with oval walls, which end directly in a thickened rim, under it two thin ribs, the foot blown separately. 3.8.2. - lit. 10.5 cm; dia. rim 7.5 cm - NMS. Lit.: Šribar 1959, PI. 1: 4. zlat uhan s steklenim vložkom in jo lahko umestimo na konec 1. ali začetek 2. stoletja (Kujundžič 1982, 18). 3.8.4. Cilindrične čaše na nogi z nataljenim okrasom (Is 86); (sl. 34): Visoke cilindrične čaše na nogi, ustje zataljeno ali odebeljeno, noga posebej pihana. Ostenje krasi nataljen geometrijski ali rastlinski okras iz enakega stekla kot čaša, pod ustjem nataljena steklena nit. Brezbarvno ali naravno obarvano steklo. Datacija: druga polovica 2. - 3. st. Ptuj (gr. 371) Visoka cilindrična čaša na posebej pihani nogi, ustje odebeljeno, pod njim rebro, na ostenju plastičen rastlinski okras. 3.8.4. - viš. 14, 8 cm; pr. ustja 6 cm - PMP R 16239. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 28: 10. Ptuj (gr. 11) Odlomki ostenja visoke cilindrične čaše za nataljenim rastlinskim okrasom. 3.8.4. - PMP AR 55389. Lit.: Lazar, Tomanič Jevremov 2000, t. 2: 4. Primerjave: Barkoczi 1988, Abb. 7, 8. Komentar: Značilen plastičen okras, ki krasi ptujski čaši, je znan tudi s steklenic in drugih steklenih izdelkov (Harden et al. 1988, No. 59-62). Čaše na nogi so razen z enostavnimi geometrijskimi okrasi pogosto okrašene še z listi, motivi ptic in celo delfinov. Te izdelke nekateri avtorji pripisuje sirijskim delavnicam in jih uvrščajo v prvo polovico 3. stoletja (Barkoczi 1981, 57), nekateri zgodnji izdelki pa se pojavijo že konec 2. stoletja (Barag 1967, 59). Največ primerjav petovionskima čašama poznamo v Panoniji in Porenju. Barkoczi jih je zbral in razvrstil v štiri skupine glede na obliko in sedem skupin glede na okras (Barkoczi 1981, 36). Čaša iz groba 371 ima v okrasu kombiniran motiv paličk in podolgovatih listov, ki se po do sedaj zbranem gradivu pojavljajo le na čašah v panonskem prostoru (Barkoczi 1981, 52). Kölnske delavnice, kjer so nastajali podobni izdelki, so delovale od konca 2. in v 3. stoletju, njihove proizvode povezujejo z dotokom prebivalcev z vzhoda konec 2. stoletja, med njimi tudi steklarskih mojstrov (Fremersdorf 1959, 15). Barkoczi zaradi številnih odlomkov in na panonska najdišča vezanih okrasnih motivov teh čaš zagovarja lokalno proizvodnjo v Intercisi, kjer je v 3. stoletju delovala steklarska delavnica (1981, 56). Grob 371 je datiran na konec 2. oziroma v prvo polovico 3. stoletja, grob 11 pa na začetek 3. stoletja (Lazar, Tomanič Jevremov 2000, 200). Analogies: none identified. 3.8.3. Goblets on a low foot with a decoration of ovals (Is 33); (Fig. 34): Goblets of a slightly biconical form narrow toward the rim, the rim rounded, under the rim and at the base a rib, the foot blown separately and added, the edge curled into a tube. A decoration of elongated ovals on the walls. Date: second half of the lsl - beginning of the 2nd centuries Ptuj (gr. 41) Goblet with biconical walls that taper toward the rim, relief ribs under the rim and above the base, the foot blown separately. 3.8.3. - ht. 10.9 cm; dia. rim 6 cm - PMP R 13792. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, PI. 5: 6. Analogies: Berger I960, PI. 19: 52, 53; Riitti 1991, PI. 52: 1215-1216. Comments - forms 3.8.2. and 3.8.3.: Form 3.8.2. has no exact comparisons among published material. It is part of a grave unit dated to the second half ob the 2nd and beginning of the 3rd century (Šribar 1959, 235). Goblets of form 3.8.3. are contemporary to indented beakers of forms 3.5.1 -2., as they were in use in the second half of the lsl century, while they were most popular in the Flavian period. In place of webbing or overlapping trails, the decoration could also be carried out with indentation, very shallow, examples of which are known, for example, from Britannia (Cool, Price 1995, 71). The greatest concentration of these goblets is known from Italy and Switzerland (Berger I960, 47). They are not as widespread in the northwestern parts of the Empire, but examples can be cited from Germany (Heddernheim), the Netherlands (Nijmegen), and Great Britain (Welker 1974, 25; Cool, Price 1995, 71). At Augst, Riitti classified this beaker type as form AR 48, and dated it to the period between the second half of the Is' and the beginning of the 2"d century (1991, 60). The grave from Ptuj contained a volute lamp and a gold earring with glass inlay, which can be assigned to the end of the Is1 or the beginning of the 2nd century (Kujundžič 1982, 18). 3.8.5. Cilindrične čaše na nogi z brušenim okrasom (sl. 34): Visoka cilindrična čaša na nogi, ustje zataljeno ali odebeljeno, noga pihana posebej. Ostenje okrašeno z vrezanimi geometrijskimi okrasi in ponekod tudi z napisi. Datacija: druga polovica 3. - 4. st. Novo mesto - Bršljin (gr.) Visoka cilindrična čaša, ustje odrezano, na ostenju brušen okras in napis v grščini »Na (mnoga) leta«, noga manjka. Okras v več vodoravnih poljih. 3-8.5. - viš. 24 cm; pr. ustja 7 cm - KHMW AS 975. Lit.: Sunkowsky 1956, Abb. 20. Primerjave: Barköczi 1981, Abb. 12; Whitehouse 1997, no. 429. Komentar: Oblika visoke cilindrične čaše je dokaj pogosta. Poleg že opisanih nataljenih okrasov jih včasih krasijo le vodoravni vrezi ali pa je ostenje neokrašeno (Whitehouse 1997, no.128, 429; Leclant 1973, 52). Bolj znani so izdelki z različnimi napisi, najpogosteje v grščini. Črke so navadno izdelane v več linijah, motiv okrasa je razdeljen v več polj, ki so izpolnjena z geometrijskimi ali rastlinskimi okrasi. Okrasje izdelan s plitvim ali globokim vrezom s pomočjo stružnice. Primerjave poznamo tudi ob Črnem morju, z najdišč Tanais in Pantikapaion, kjer je figuralni okras naslikan na površino čaše (Sorokina 1979, Abb. 2). V Kölnu je ohranjena čaša s figuralnim okrasom, ki predstavlja Prometeja (Fremersdorf 1951, Taf. 10). Prvotno so te čaše predvsem zaradi grških napisov Pripisovali aleksandrijskim delavnicam (Morin-Jean '913, 240; Harden 1936, 101). Kasneje je Fremersdorf ugotovil, da več kot tretjina ohranjenih posod s figuralnim okrasom izhaja s kölnskega področja, ostala najdišča pa so tudi vezana na območje izvoza tega mesta | '951, 22). Iz teh ugotovitev je zaključil, da je večina lzdelkov nastala v kölnskih delavnicah, grški napisi pa lzPričujejo močan dotok prebivalcev z vzhoda v 2. in 3. stoletju (1951, 23). Čaše so datirane v pozno 3. in 4. stoletje (Whitehouse 1997, 89), v Tanaisu celo že na začetek 3. stoletja (Sorokina 1979, 149). Odlomek iz Intercise je iz grobne celote iz konca 4. in začetka 5. stoletja (Barköczi 1981, 54). Bršljinska čaša je iz uničene grobne celote, zato je njena datacija le tipološka. 3.8.4. Cylindrical footed goblets with applied decoration (Is 86); (Fig. 34): High cylindrical fooled goblets, the rim fire-rounded or thickened, the foot blown separately. The walls are ornamented with snake-thread geometric or floral decorations of the same colour as the goblet, with an applied glass thread below the rim. Colourless or naturally coloured glass. Date: second half of the 2nd - 3rd centuries Ptuj (gr. 371) High cylindrical goblet on a separately blown foot, rim thickened with a rib underneath, snake-thread decoration on the walls. 3.8.4. - lit. 14.8 cm; dia. rim 6 cm - PMP R 16239. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, PI. 28: 10. Ptuj (gr. 11) Wall fragments of a high cylindrical goblet with applied snake-thread decoration. 3.8.4. - PMP AR 55389. Lit.: Lazar, Tomanič Jevremov 2000, PI. 2: 4. Analogies: Barköczi 1988, Abb. 7, 8. Comments: The characteristic snake-thread decoration made of colourless glass on the Ptuj goblets is also known from bottles and other glass products (Harden et al. 1988, No. 59-62). Footed goblets were decorated with simple geometric ornaments, with leafs, motifs of birds, and even dolphins. Some authors attributed these products to Syrian workshops and placed them in the first half of the 3rd century (Barköczi 1981, 57), while several earlier products appear as early as the end of the 2"d century (Barag 1967, 59). The greatest number of these goblets is known from Pannonia and the Rhineland. Barköczi collected and classified them into four groups in terms of form and seven groups in terms of decoration (Barköczi 1981, 36). The goblet from grave 371 had a decoration of combined motifs of rods and elongated leaves, which in terms of material gathered to the present, appears only on beakers in the Pannonian region (Barköczi 1981,52). The workshops of Köln, where similar products were made, were active from the end of the 2"d century into the 3rd century, and their manufacture is related to the arrival of inhabitants from the east at the end of the 2nd century, among them glass workers (Fremersdorf 1959, 15). The numerous fragments and the related decorative motives at the Pannonian sites at this time caused Barköczi to suggest local production at Intercisa, where a glass workshop was active in the 3rd century (1981, 56). Grave 371 was dated to the end of the 2nd or the first half of the 3rd century, and grave 11 to the beginning ofthe 3rd century (Lazar, Tomanič Jevremov 2000, 200). 3.8.6. Konične čaše z dnom oblikovanim v nogo (Is 109a); (sl. 35): Visoke čaše z nekoliko navzven nagnjenim ostenjem in izvihanim ustjem, ki je ravno odrezano in obrušeno. Dno je oblikovano v nogo. Datacija: druga polovica 3. - 4. st. Ptuj (PN) Visoka konična čaša, ustje nagnjeno navzven in odrezano, dno oblikovano v nizko nogo, dekolorirano steklo. 3. 8.6. - viš. 20,8 cm; pr. ustja 9,9 cm - PMP R 3489. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 4: 14. Primerjave: Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Abb. 38-40; Barköczi 1988, Taf. 8: 88. Komentar: Poleg čaš, ki v poznorimski dobi nimajo več široke stojne ploskve ali noge, ampak so navadno konično zaključene, se pojavljajo tudi čaše, katerih dno je oblikovano v višjo nogo. Ostenje prehaja v odrezano ustje, ki je nekoliko klekasto, proti dnu je močno zoženo. Ponekod je na čašah okras brušenih horizontalnih linij, izdelane so tudi iz razbarvanega stekla. V Augstu se te čaše (oblika AR 70) pojavijo v poznem 3. stoletju in so v rabi še v 4. stoletju, njihov časovni razpon je dokaj ozko omejen med letoma 270 in 350 (Riitti 1991, 104, 34, Abb. 20). Tudi najdbe s kölnskih grobišč dokazujejo pojav te oblike že v poznem 3. stoletju in trajanje do sredine 4. stoletja (Friedhoff 1991, 143). V Trierju so čaše pogoste v zadnji tretjini 4. stoletja (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, 350). Ptujsko čašo smo kot posamično najdbo datirali na osnovi opisanih datacij. 3.9. KONIČNE ČAŠE 3.9.1. Konične čaše z ravnim dnom (Is 106a); (sl. 35): Čaše z navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ki ravno prehaja v odrezano ali zataljeno ustje. Dno ravno ali vboklo. Datacija: 4. st. Drnovo (PN) Konična čaša z navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ki ravno prehaja v odebeljeno ustje, dno ravno. 3.9.1. - viš. 11,4 cm; pr. ustja 8 cm - NMS R 720. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 9. Ptuj (gr. 14/15) Konična čaša z navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ki prehaja v odebeljeno ustje, dno rahlo vboklo. 3.8.5. Cylindrical footed goblets with wheel-cut decoration (Fig. 34): High cylindrical footed goblets, the rim fire-rounded or thickened, the foot blown separately. The walls are decorated with wheel-cut geometric forms and occasionally also with inscriptions. Date: second half of the 3rd - 4lh centuries Novo mesto - Bršljin (gr.) High cylindrical goblet, cut rim, ground decoration on the walls, with the Greek inscription “For many years”, foot missing. Decoration in several horizontal fields. 3.8.5. - lit. 24 cm; dia. rim 7 cm - KHMW AS 975. Lit.: Sunkowsky 1956, Fig. 20. Analogies: Barköczi 1981, Fig. 12; Whitehouse 1997, No. 429. Comments: This form of high cylindrical goblets is somewhat common. In addition to the already described snake-thread decorations (form 3.8.4.), they are also occasionally decorated merely with horizontal lines or the walls were undecorated (Whitehouse 1997, No. 128, 429; Leclant 1973, 52). Products with various inscriptions are better known, most often in Greek The letters were usually executed in several lines, while the decorative motif was divided into several fields, filled with geometric or floral decoration. The decoration was carried out in shallow or deep wheel-cut with the aid of a lathe. Examples are also known from the Black Sea, from the sites of Tanais and Pantikapaion, where a figural decoration was painted on the surface of the vessels (Sorokina 1979, Fig. 2). A goblet with a figural decoration depicting Prometheus was preserved from Köln (Fremersdorf 1951, Pl. 10). Originally these goblets were attributed to the Alexandrian workshops because of the inscriptions in Greek (Morin-Jean 1913, 240; Harden 1936, 101). Fremersdorf established that more than a third of the preserved vessels with figural decoration came from the Köln region, while the others sites were also related to regions or export from this city (1951, 22). On the basis of this, it was concluded that the majority of such products had been created in the Köln workshops, while the Greek inscriptions merely documented an increased influx of inhabitants from the cast during the 2nd and 3rd centuries (1951, 23). The goblets have been dated to the late 3rd and 4'" centuries (Whitehouse 1997, 89), and at Tanais even to the beginning of the 3rd century (Sorokina 1979, 149). The fragment from Intercisa came from a grave from the end of the 4th and the beginning of the 5th century (Barköczi 1981, 54). 3.9.1. - viš. 14 cm; pr. ustja 8 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, t. 6: 3. Ptuj (gr. 23) Konična čaša z navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ki ravno prehaja v odrezano ustje, dno vboklo. 3.9.1. - viš. 13,6 cm; pr. ustja 10 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, t. 9: 5. Ptuj (gr. 43) Konična čaša z navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ki ravno prehaja v odebeljeno ustje, dno rahlo vboklo. 3.9.1. - viš. 11,2 cm; pr. ustja 5,2 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, t. 14: 7. Ptuj (gr. 57) Konična čaša z navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ki prehaja v odebeljeno ustje, dno rahlo vboklo. 3.9.1. - viš. 13,6 cm;pr. ustja 8 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, t. 19: 1. Ravno brdo (gr. 5) Konična čaša z navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ustje odrezano, dno rahlo vboklo. 3-9.1. - viš. 8,2 cm; pr. ustja 8,9 cm - NMS. Lit.: Stare 1952, sl. 1: 2. Primerjave: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Taf. 42: 291, 292; Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Abb. 18; Barköczi >988, Taf. 9: 98, 100, 101; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 37: 294-301. Komentar: Konične čaše (Isings 106 in 109) so v uporabi v istem obdobju kot polkroglaste čaše. Tudi v tem primeru gre za posodo, namenjeno pitju. Ustje čaš je rahlo klekasto ali nagnjeno navzven, navadno je odrezano in obrušeno. Dno je ravno ali vboklo, ima pa tudi prstanasto nogo ali dno oblikovano v nogo, kot smo videli pri prejšnjih oblikah. Ostenje čaš Je gladko ali okrašeno s horizontalnimi brušenimi 'inijami. Spodnji del je ponekod zelo zožen in včasih je težko definirati, ali gre za čašo ali svetilko. Čaše 3.9.1. so v uporabi od 4. stoletja dalje. Oblika se je verjetno razvila že konec 3. stoletja, a je dosegla Vrh uporabe v naslednjem stoletju (Cool, Price 1995, 90). Najdbe so razširjene po vsem zahodnem delu iniperija (Cool, Price 1995, 90; gl. Primerjave). Najštevilneje so zastopane čaše z ravnim ali vboklim dnom (3.9.1.). Na grobišču pri Dijaškem domu na Ptuju Se čaše pojavljajo v grobnih celotah 4. in začetka 5. stoletja (Vomer Gojkovič 1996, 240, 247). 3.9.2. Konične čaše s prstanasto nogo (Is 109c); (sl. 35): p, . '-ase z navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ki ravno prehaja v °drezano in obrušeno ali zataljeno ustje, dno prstanasto. datacija: 4. st. The goblet from Bršljin came from a destroyed grave, and thus its dating is merely on the basis of typology. 3.8.6. Conical goblets with a base formed into a foot (Is 109a); (Fig. 35): I ligh goblets with somewhat out-turned walls and an everted rim, straight cut and ground. The base was formed into a foot. Date: second half of the 3rd - 4th centuries Ptuj (IF) High conical goblet, the rim out turned and cut, the base formed into a low foot, decoloured glass. 3.8.6. - ht. 20.8 cm; dia. rim 9.9 cm - PMP R 3489. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 4: 14. Analogies: Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Fig. 38-40; Barköczi 1988, Pl. 8: 88. Comments: In addition to goblets that in the late Roman period did not have wide standing platforms or feet, rather they usually ended conically, beakers also appeared whose base was formed into a high foot. The walls extended into a cut rim, which was somewhat curved, while the walls were strongly tapered toward the base. The vessels sometimes bore a decoration of wheel-cut horizontal lines, and they were made from decoloured glass. These goblets (form AR 70) appeared at Augst in the late 3rd century, and were in use throughout the entire 4"' century, while their chronological span was somewhat limited to between AD 270 and 350 (Rütti 1991, 104, 34, Fig. 20). The finds from the Köln cemeteries prove the appearance of this form as early as the late 3rd century and its continuance to the middle 4th century (Friedhoff 1991, 143). At Trier, such goblets are frequently found in contexts from the last third of the 4th century (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, 350). The goblet from Ptuj can also be dated to the same period as an individual find. 3.9. CONICAL BEAKERS 3.9.1. Conical beakers with a flat base (Is 106a); (Fig. 35): Beakers with out turned walls that extend directly into a cut or fire-rounded rim. The base was flat or concave. Date: 4lh century 3.10.3. 3.10.2. SI. 35: Skupina 3 - čaše (3.8.6.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 4: 14; 3.9.1.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 9; 3.9.2.: Jevremov 1990, t. 1:4; 3.10.1.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 1: 14; 3.10.2.: Stare 1952, sl. 1: 1; 3.10.3.: Knez 1969, t. 11: 1). M. = 1:3. Fig. 35: Group 3 - beakers (3.8.6.: Miki Curk 1976, Pl. 4: 14; 3.9.1.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 9; 3.9.2.: Jevremov 1990, Pl. 1: 4; 3.10.1.: Kujundžič 1982, Pl. I: 14; 3.10.2.: Stare 1952, Fig. I: I; 3.10.3.: Knez 1969, Pl. 11: I). Scale = 1:3. Ptuj (gr. 5) Konična čaša z navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, ki ravno prehaja v odrezano in obrušeno ustje, dno prstanasto. 3.9.2. - viš. 10,9 cm; pr. ustja 8,4 cm - PMP R 13555. Lit.: Jevremov 1990, t. 1:4. Primerjave: Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 9: 94, 96. Komentar: Tudi to obliko prepoznamo med poznorimskimi izdelki. Gre za različico prejšnje oblike 3.9.1, le da stoji na prstanasti nogi, ostenje pa je ponekod tudi okrašeno z brušenimi linijami. Primerjave s poznorimskili grobišč v Kölnu umeščajo obliko na konec 3. in v 4. stoletje Drnovo (IF) Conical beaker with out turned walls that extend directly into a thickened rim, flat base. 3.9.1. - ht. 11.4 cm; dia. rim 8 cm - NMS R 720. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 9. Ptuj (gr. 14/15) Conical beaker with out turned walls that extend into a thickened rim, base slightly concave. 3.9.1. - hi. 14 cm; dia. rim 8 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, PI. 6: 3. Ptuj (gr. 23) Conical beaker with out turned walls that extend directly into a thickened rim, base concave. 3.9.1. - ht. 13.6 cm; dia. rim 10 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, PI. 9: 5. (Friedhoff 1991, 143), najdbe iz Trierja pa sodijo v prvo polovico 4. stoletja (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, 80). V Augstu so prav tako pogoste v prvi polovici 4. stoletja (Rutti 1991, 47). Čaša iz petovionskega groba je s priloženimi predmeti v grobu datirana v drugo polovico 4. stoletja (Jevremov 1990, 395). 3.10. POLKROGLASTE ČAŠE 3.10.1. Polkroglaste čaše s klekastim ustjem (Is 96); (sl. 35): Čaše s polkroglastim ostenjem, ustje klekasto, ravno odrezano in obrušeno, dno vboklo. Datacija: druga polovica 3. - 4. st. Ptuj (gr. 12) Polkroglasta čaša, ostenje prehaja v klekasto, ravno odrezano ustje, dno rahlo vboklo. 3.10.1. - viš. 5,9 cm - PMP R 13646. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 1:8. Ptuj (gr. 17) Polkroglasta čaša, ostenje prehaja v klekasto, ravno odrezano ustje, dno rahlo vboklo. 3.10.1. - viš. 10 cm; pr. ustja 10 cm - PMP R 13663. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 1: 14. Ptuj (PN) Polkroglasta čaša, ostenje prehaja v klekasto, ravno odrezano ustje, dno rahlo vboklo. 3.10.1. - viš. 7,5 cm; pr. ustja 8,6 cm - PMP 3457. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 4: 12. Martinj Hrib (NN) Odlomki polkroglastih čaš. 3.10.1. - viš. 5,9 cm - NMS. Lit.: Leben, Šubic 1990, t. 5; 6; 7. Primerjave: Damevski 1976, t. 15: 1-3; Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Abb. 33; Barköczi 1988, Taf. 14: 148, 152, 155, 156. 3.10.2. Pokroglaste čaše z nataljenim okrasom (Is 107b); (sl. 35): Polkroglaste čaše s klekastim, ravno odrezanim in obrušenim ustjem, dno vboklo. Po gornji polovici ostenja nataljene kaplje modrega stekla. Nataljene so v ravni liniji ali v skupinah po več kapelj. Datacija: druga polovica 3. - 4. st. Ravno brdo (gr. 3) Polkroglasta čaša s klekastim ustjem, dno rahlo vboklo, po obodu kaplje modrega stekla, nad njimi brušena linija. Ptuj (gr. 43) Conical beaker with out turned walls that extend directly into a thickened rim, base slightly concave. 3.9.1. - ht. 11.2 cm; dia. rim 5.2 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, PI. 14: 7. Ptuj (gr. 57) Conical beaker with out turned walls that extend into a thickened rim, base slightly concave. 3.9.1. - ht. 13.6 cm; dia. rim 8 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, PI. 19: 1. Ravno brdo (gr. 5) Conical beaker with out turned walls, cut rim, base slightly concave. 3.9.1. - ht. 8.2 cm; dia. rim 8.9 cm - NMS. Lit.: Stare 1952, Fig. I: 2. Analogies: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, PI. 42: 291, 292; Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Fig. 18; Barköczi 1988, PI. 9: 98, 100, 101; Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 37: 294-301. Comments: Conical beakers (Isings 106 and 109) were in use in the same period as hemispherical cups. In both cases, these were vessels intended for beverages. The rim of the beakers is slightly curved or everted, usually cut and ground. The base is flat or concave, and there are also ring bases or a base formed into a foot, as was seen for the previous forms. The walls of the beakers are smooth or decorated with horizontal wheel-cut lines. The lower part is sometimes highly tapered and occasionally it is difficult to define whether the product was a beaker or a lamp. The beakers 3.9.1. were in use from the 41" century onwards. The form probably developed as early as the end of the 3r‘‘ century, reaching its peak of use in the following century (Cool, Price 1995, 90). The finds are spread throughout the entire western part of the Empire (Cool, Price 1995, 9; see the Analogies). Beakers with flat or concave bases (3.9.1) are most numerous. At the cemetery at the Students’ Dormitory in Ptuj, the beakers appeared in graves from the 4"' and beginning of the 5"' centuries (Vomer Gojkovič 1996, 240, 247). 3.9.2. Conical beakers with a ring base (Is 109c); (Fig. J5): Beakers with out turned walls that extend directly into a cut and ground or fire-rounded rim, ring base. Date: 4'" century Ptuj (gr. 5) Conical beaker with out turned walls, rim cut and ground, ring base. 3.9.2. - hi. 10.9 cm; dia. rim 8.4 cm - PMP R 13555. Lit.: Jevremov 1990, PI. 1: 4. 3.10.2. - viš. 6,2 cm; pr. ustja 6 cm - NMS. Lit.: Stare 1952, si. 1: 1. Ptuj (PN) Čaša z izvihanim, ravno odrezanim ustjem, dno vboklo, po ostenju skupine s po tremi pikami modrega stekla. 3.10.2. - viš. 6,1 cm; pr. ustja 6,7 cm - PMP 3502. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 4: II. Ptuj (PN) Del čaše z ravno odrezanim ustjem, po ostenju linija pik iz modrega stekla, nad njimi kanelura. 3.10.2. - PMP 1166. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 5: 9. Martinj Hrib (NN) Odlomki polkroglastih čaš z nataljenimi modrimi kapljami. 3.10.2. - NMS. Lit.: Leben, Šubic 1990, T. 8: 100-114; 9: 115-122. Hrušica (NN) Odlomek polkroglaste čaše z nataljenim okrasom. 3.10.2. - NMS. Lit.: Giesler 1981, T. 49: 1-3. Primerjave: Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 14: 144, 148, 152, 155. 3.10.3. Polkroglaste čaše z ostenjem, pihanim v kalup (Is 107a); (sl. 35): Polkroglaste čaše z ravno odrezanim in obrušenim ustjem, dno vboklo, ostenje pihano v kalup v obliki satovja. Okras zaključuje linija pokončnih kanelur. Datacija: 4. st. Trebnje (gr. 5) Polkroglasta čaša z ravno odrezanim ustjem, spodnji del pihan v kalup v obliki satovja, nad njim navpične kanelure, dno vboklo. 3.10.3. - viš. 10,6 cm; pr. ustja 11 cm - DM. Lit.: Knez 1969, t. II: 1. Primerjave: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Taf. 25: 309a; Matheson 1980, 109, no. 284. Komentar za oblike 3.10.1. do 3.10.3.; Polkroglaste čaše (3.10.1.) oblike 96 po Isingsovi imajo klekasto ali navzven nagnjeno ustje, ki je odrezano in obrušeno. Polkroglasto ostenje se pri dnu zoži v rahlo vboklo dno. Čaše so izdelane iz olivno zelenkastega stekla, redki pa so izdelki iz brezbarvnega stekla. Tudi te čaše so tako kot čaše konične oblike služile kot glavno pivsko posodje v 4. stoletju. Poleg neokrašenih izdelkov so pogoste čaše z nataljenim okrasom pik (3.10.2.), horizontalnimi vrezi in vrezanim figuralnim ali geometrijskim okrasom. Redkejši so primeri čaš z ostenjem, pihanim v kalup (3.10.3.), razširjenje bil motiv satovja (Isings 107a). Najpogostejši je okras nataljenih pik drugobarvnega stekla, ki so ga nanesli na podlago, dokler je bila ta še Analogies: Barkoczi 1988, Pl. 9: 94, 96. Comments: This form can also be found among late Roman products. It is a variant of the previous form 3.9.1, but it stands on a ring base, while the walls are sometimes decorated with wheel-cut lines. Comparison from the late Roman cemeteries in Köln place the form at the end of the 3rd and in the 4"' centuries (Friedhoff 1991, 143), while the finds from Trier belong to the first half of the 4"' century (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, 80). At Augst they arc similarly frequent in the first half of the 4,h century (Rütti 1991,47). The beaker from the grave at Poetovio was dated along with the other grave goods to the second half of the 4th century (Jevremov 1990, 395). 3.10. HEMISPHERICAL CUPS 3.10.1. Hemispherical cups with curved rims (Is 96); (Fig. 35): Cups with hemispherical walls, rim curved, cut and ground, base concave. Date: second half of the 3rd - 4th centuries Ptuj (gr. 12) Hemispherical cup, the walls extend into a curved, cracked-off rim, base slightly concave. 3.10.1. - ht. 5.9 cm - PMP R 13646. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, PI. I: 8. Ptuj (gr. 17) Hemispherical cup, the walls extend into a curved, cracked-off rim, base slightly concave. 3.10.1. - lit. 10 cm; dia. rim 10 cm - PMP R 13663. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, PI. 1: 14. Ptuj (IF) Hemispherical cup, the walls extend into a curved, cracked-off rim, base slightly concave. 3.10.1. - ht. 7.5 cm; dia. rim 8.6 cm - PMP 3457. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 4: 12. Martinj llrih (SF) Fragments of hemispherical cups. 3.10.1. - ht. 5.9 cm - NMS. Lit.: Leben, Šubic 1990, Pl. 5; 6; 7. Analogies: Damevski 1976, PI. 15: 1-3; Fremersdorf, Polonyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Fig. 33; Barkoczi 1988, PI. 14: 148, 152, 155, 156. 3.10.2. Hemispherical cups with applied decoration (Is l()7b); (Fig. 35): Hemispherical cups with a curved, cut and ground rim, base vroča, da se je naneseno steklo sprijelo s podlago. Obstajata dve osnovni skupini: posode z enobarvnimi kapljami in posode s kapljami različnih barv (temno modrih, zelenih, rjavo-rumenih in prozornih; Harden el. al. 1988, 103). Na zahodu imperija, predvsem v Porenju, se polkroglaste čaše ne pojavijo pred sredino 3. stoletja, proizvodnja doseže višek v zgodnjem 4. stoletju in traja še do konca 4. in začetka 5. stoletja (Harden et ai 1988, 102). Čaše z modrimi pikami se pojavljajo v vsem rimskem imperiju. V Egiptu so pogoste konične oblike, ki so služile kot svetilke (Harden 1936, 156; Whitehouse 1997, no. 366-370). V Italiji in zahodnih provincah imperija imajo čaše bolj polkroglasto obliko in širšo stojno ploskev. Seveda se enak okras pojavlja izjemoma tudi na drugačnih oblikah, npr. steklenicah, skodelah, rogovih (Harden etal. 1988, št. 48, 49). Vrezan okras na čašah se pojavlja v geometrijski in figuralni obliki (Harden et al. 1988, 183). Med gradivom s slovenskega prostora se pojavljajo čaše brez okrasa, izdelki z modrimi pikami in v kalup pihani izdelki. Čaše z nataljenimi kapljami so zastopane tudi med emonskim gradivom (Plesničar Gec 1983, 8), številne najdbe pa poznamo s poznoantičnih postojank, kot so npr. Martinj hrib in Hrušica (Leben, Šubic 1990, 329; Giesler 1981, 102). Čaši iz Trebnjega najdemo primerjavo med najdbami v Trierju, kjer je enaka čaša priložena v grobu iz 4. stoletja (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, 62, Taf. 25: 309a). concave. On the upper half of the walls applied blobs of coloured glass. They were applied in a straight line or in groups of several blobs. Date: second half of the 3rd - 4"' centuries Ravno brdo (gr. 3) Hemispherical cup with a curved rim, the base slightly concave, blobs of blue glass on the circumference, wheel-cut lines above them. 3.10.2. - ht. 6.2 cm; dia. rim 6 cm - NMS. Lit.: Stare 1952, Fig. I: 1. Ptuj (IF) Cup with an everted, cut rim, base concave, on the walls groups of three dots of blue glass. 3.10.2. - ht. 6.1 cm; dia. rim 6.7 cm - PMP 3502. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 4: 11. Ptuj (IF) Part of a cup with a straight cut rim, on the walls a line of dots of blue glass, a groove above it. 3.10.2. - PMP 1166. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 5: 9. Martinj Hrib (SF) Fragments of hemispherical cups with applied blue blobs. 3.10.2. - NMS. Lit.: Leben, Šubic 1990, Pl. 8: 100-114; 9: 115-122. Hrušica (SF) A fragment of a hemispherical cup with applied decoration. 3.10.2. - NMS. Lit.: Giesler 1981, PI. 49: 1-3. Analogies: Barkoczi 1988, PI. 14: 144, 148, 152, 155. 3.10.3. Hemispherical cups with mould-blown walls (Is 107a); (Fig. 35): Hemispherical cups with a straight cut and ground rim, base concave, the walls mould-blown in the shape of a honeycomb. The decoration ends with a line of upright grooves. Date: 4th century Trebnje (gr. 5) Hemispherical cup with a straight cut rim, the lower part blown into a mould in the shape of a honeycomb, above this vertical grooves, base concave. 3.10.3. - ht. 10.6 cm; dia. rim 11 cm - DM. Lit.: Knez 1969, Pl. II: 1. Analogies: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, PI. 25: 309a; Matheson 1980, 109, no. 284. Comments - forms 3.10.1. to 3.10.3.: The hemispherical cups (3.10.1.) of form Isings 96 have curved or out turned rims, which were cut and ground. The hemispherical walls narrowed at the bottom into a slightly concave base. The cups were usually made from olive green glass; vessels of colourless glass were rare. SKUPINA 4 - ZAJEMALKE (sl. 36; pril. 2) 4.1. ZAJEMALKE Z VODORAVNIM ROČAJEM 4.1.1. Zajemalke z vodoravnim ročajem in cilindričnim ostenjem (Is 75b); (sl. 36): Ostenje je cilindrično in ravno prehaja v ustje, ki je cevasto zavihano navzven. Na ustje je nataljen trakast horizontalen ročaj. Dno je v sredini vboklo. Datacija: druga polovica 1. - prva polovica 2. st. Ptuj (gr. 759) Gornji del zajemalke s cevastim ustjem in vodoravnim trakastim ročajem. 4.1.1. - pr. ustja 10 cm - LMJ 2401. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 170: 2. Ptuj - Videm (GN) Zajemalka s cevastim ustjem, ročaj trakast, dno rahlo vboklo. 4.1.1. - viš. 5 cm, pr. ustja 10, 6cm - PMP R 10443. Lit.: Šubic 1976, t. 6: 52. Primerjave: nepoznane. 4.1.2. Zajemalke z vodoravnim ročajem in navzven nagnjenim ostenjem (sl. 36): Ostenje je nekoliko nagnjeno navzven in nepravilno oblikovano, ustje je rahlo izvihano in cevasto zapognjeno, nanj je pritrjen vodoraven ročaj. Dno je v sredini rahlo vboklo. Datacija: druga polovica I. - prva polovica 2. st. Miklavž pri Mariboru (GN) Zajemalka s cevastim ustjem, navzven nagnjenim ostenjem in trakastim ročajem, dno rahlo vboklo. 4.1.2. - viš. 4,4 cm; pr. ustja 10 cm - PMM A 2251. Lit.: Pahič 1969, t. 3: 3. Miklavž pri Mariboru (GN) Zajemalka s cevastim ustjem, navzven nagnjenim ostenjem, horizontalen ročaj delno ohranjen. 4.1.2. - viš. 5 cm; pr. ustja 10,2 cm - PMM A 2252. Lit.: Pahič 1969, t. 3: 4. Primerjave: Scatozza Höricht 1986, forma 15; Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 8: 139.2.036. These glasses, along with beakers of conical shape, served as the main drinking vessels in the 4'" century. In addition to undecorated examples, cups with applied decorations of dots (3.10.2.), horizontal lines, and cut ligural and geometric decoration were common. Examples of cups with mould-blown walls were rarer (3.10.3.), whereas the honeycomb motif was widespread (Isings 107a). The most common decoration was applied dots of coloured glass, which were applied to the background while it was still hot so that the attached glass would luse with the walls. Two basic groups existed: vessels with single coloured drops and vessels with drops of different colours (dark blue, green, yellow-brown, and clear). In the western part of the Empire, and particularly along the Rhine, this type of vessel do not appear before the mid 3rd century. Production reaches its peak in the early 4'" century, continuing to the end of the 4"’ and the beginning of the 5"' centuries (Harden et al. 1988, 102). Cups with blue dots appeared throughout the entire Roman Empire. Conical forms that served as lamps are frequent in Egypt (Harden 1936, 156; Whitehouse 1997, No. 366-370). In Italy and the western provinces of the Empire, the cups had a more hemispherical shape and a broader base. The identical decoration occasionally also appears on other forms, such as bottles, bowls, or horns (Harden et al. 1988, No. 48, 49). Incised decoration on the cups appears in geometric and figural forms (Harden et at. 1988, 183). The material from the Slovenian sites includes cups without decoration, products with blue dots, and mould-blown examples. Cups with applied blobs are also represented among the material from Emona (Plesničar Gee 1983, 8), and numerous finds are known from Late Roman fortresses, such as Martinj hrib and Hrušica (Leben, Šubic 1990, 329; Giesler 1981, 102). Comparisons for the cup from Trebnje can be found among the finds from Trier, where an identical cup was placed in a grave from the 4th century (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, 62, PI. 25: 309a). 4.2. ZAJEMALKE S POKONČNIM ROČAJEM 4.2.1. Zajemalke s pokončnim ročajem in gubo pod ustjem (sl. 36): Posode imajo nekoliko navzven nagnjeno ustje, kije zataljeno. Nanj je nataljen pokončen trakast ročaj. Pod ustjem na ostenju ovratnikasta guba. Dno v sredini rahlo vboklo. Datacija: druga polovica 1. st. Celje (gr. 4) Zajemalka z gubo pod ustjem, vertikalen ročaj odlomljen, dno rahlo vboklo. 4. 2.1. - viš. 2,7 cm; pr. ustja 5,3 cm - PMC R 4200. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152-4: 69. Primerjave: nepoznane. GROUP 4 - LADLES (Fig. 36; Appendix 2) 4.1. LADLES WITH A HORIZONTAL HANDLE 4.1.1. Ladles with a horizontal handle and cylindrical walls (Is 75b); (Fig. 36): The walls are cylindrical and extend straight into the rim, which is bent outwards into a tube. A horizontal ribbon handle was applied to the rim. The base is concave in the center. Date: second half of the Is1 - first half of the 2"d centuries Ptuj (gr. 759) Upper part of a ladle with a tubular rim and a horizontal ribbon handle. 4.1.1. - dia. rim 10 cm - LMJ 2401. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 170: 2. Ptuj - Videm (TF) Ladle with a tubular rim, ribbon handle, base slightly concave. 4.1.1. - ht. 5 cm, dia. rim 10.6 cm - PMP R 10443. Lit.: Šubic 1976, PI. 6: 52. Analogies: none identified. 4.2.2. 5/. 36: Skupina 4 - zajemalke (4.1.1.: Šubic 1976, t. 6: 52; 4.1.2.: Pahič 1969, t. 3: 3; 4.2.1.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 69; 4.2.2.. Pahič '969, t. 3: 10). M. = 1:3. %. 36: Group 4 - ladles (4.1.1.: Šubic 1976, Pl. 6: 52; 4.1.2.: Pahič 1969, Pl. 3: 3; 4.2.1.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 69; 4.2.2.: Pahič '969, Pl. 3: 10). Scale = 1:3. 4.2.2. Zajemalke s cevastim ustjem in pokončnim ročajem (sl. 36): Zajemalke imajo cevasto zavihano ustje, ki se ravno nadaljuje v cilindrično ostenje. Dno v sredini vboklo, ročaj vertikalno pritaljen na ustje. Datacija: druga polovica 1.-2. st. Miklavž pri Mariboru (GN) Zajemalka s cevasto zavihanim ustjem in pokončnim ročajem, dno rahlo vboklo. 4.2.2. - viš. 5,3 cm; pr. ustja 6,5 cm - PMM A 2246. Lit.: Pahič 1969, t. 3: 10. Primerjave: de Franciscis 1963, Fig. 1: 1, 4; Plesničar Gec 1976, t. 1:4: Scatozza Höricht 1986, forma 17b. Komentar za oblike 4.1.1. do 4.2.2.: V skupini so zajeti tako izdelki z vodoravnim kot pokončnim ročajem. Posode imajo trakast ročaj, pritrjen na robu ustja. Zajemalke s pokončnim ročajem (cyathus) in posode s horizontalnim ročajem (trulla) so uporabljali v različne namene: v hiši kot del servisa pri pivskem posodju, kot obredne posode pri daritvenih in pogrebnih običajih, morda celo v kopališčih pri umivanju (White-house 1997, 198). Tako ena kot druga oblika posnemata vzore v kovinskem posodju (Hilgers 1969, 56). Zajemalke z vodoravnim ročajem (4.1.) so običajno datirane od srede 1. do sredine 2. stoletja. Najzgodnejše najdbe so znane iz Pompejev in Herkulanea (Scatozza Höricht 1986, 38), najdbe z ostalih najdišč po Evropi so večinoma iz 3. stoletja. Pretežno so izdelane iz naravno obarvanega stekla, poznamo pa tudi v kalup pihane kose (Fremersdorf 1958, Taf. 133) in nekatere bogato okrašene posode s kačastim okrasom (Fremersdorf 1959, Taf. 50-53). Vse posode s horizontalnim ročajem (4.1.) iz Slovenije so preproste oblike, dno je ravno, brez prstanaste noge, ki je običajna pri mnogih izdelkih. Obe zajemalki iz Miklavža sta del grobne najdbe iz konca 1. stoletja (Pahič 1969, 74), posodi iz Petovione pa sta iz grobov s konca I. in prve polovice 2. stoletja (Šubic 1976, 43, št. 37; Istenič 2000, 244). Vse štiri zajemalke so si po izdelavi zelo sorodne, dno je ravno, brez stojnega prstana, ki je značilen za ostale tovrstne izdelke. Morda bi lahko v tem primeru zaradi enotne izdelave in geografske bližine najdišč tudi pomislili na lokalno proizvodnjo. Zajemalke s pokončnim ročajem imajo največ primerjav kar med emonskim gradivom (Plesničar Gec 1976, 35). Obliko najdemo tudi med gradivom iz Pompejev in Herkulanea, datirano v sredino I. stoletja (Scatozza Höricht 1986, forma I7b) in v Vituduru, datirano na konec 1. in začetek 2. stoletja (Rütti 1988, 63). 4.1.2. Ladles with a horizontal handle and out turned walls (Fig. 36): The walls are somewhat turned out and irregularly formed, the rim is slightly everted and tubular, and the horizontal handle is attached to it. The base is slightly concave in the center. Date: second half of the Is'- first half of the 2nd centuries Miklavž pri Mariboru (TF) Ladle with a tubular rim, turned out walls and a ribbon handle, the base slightly concave. 4.1.2. - ht. 4.4 cm; dia. rim 10 cm - PMM A 2251. Lit.: Pahič 1969, PI. 3: 3. Miklavž pri Mariboru (TF) Ladle with a tubular rim and turned out walls, the horizontal handle partly preserved. 4.1.2. - ht. 5 cm; dia. rim 10.2 cm - PMM A 2252. Lit.; Pahič 1969, PI. 3: 4. Analogies: Scatozza Höricht 1986, form 15; Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 8; 139.2.036. 4.2. LADLES WITH VERTICAL HANDLES 4.2.1. Ladles with vertical handles and a fold under the rim (Fig. 36): The vessels have a somewhat everted rim, which is fire-rounded. A vertical ribbon handle is attached to it. Under the rim on the wall iss a collar-like fold. The base is slightly concave in the center. Date: second half of the lsl century Celje (gr. 4) Ladle with a fold under the rim, the vertical handle broken, the base slightly concave. 4. 2.1. - ht. 2.7 cm; dia. rim 5.3 cm - PMC R 4200. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152-4; 69. Analogies: none identified. 4.2.2. Ladles with a tubular rim and vertical handle (Fig. 36): The ladles have a tubular curled rim that continues further into cylindrical walls. The base is concave in the center, the vertical handle attached to the rim. Date: second half of the lsl - 2nd centuries izstopajoče število zajemalk s pokončnimi ročaji v grobovih severnega emonskega grobišča je omogočilo kronološko opredelitev posameznih skupin izdelkov, ki se pojavljajo v grobovih od klavdijskega obdobja do sredine 2. stoletja (Plesničar 1976, 35). Plesničarjeva domneva lokalno proizvodnjo mlajših variant teh izdelkov, a vseeno ne izključuje možnosti importa iz severnoitalskih delavnic (1976, 37). Glede na trenutno stanje raziskav zaenkrat ni dokazov o zgodnji steklarski proizvodnji v Emoni in bolj verjetno je, da so številne najdbe vezane na okus priseljenih italskih prebivalcev Emone, ki so se z boljšimi izdelki oskrbovali preko Akvileje. Obe zajemalki pripadata zaključenim grobnim celotam. Oblika 4.2.1. je iz groba v Celeji, datiranega v flavijsko obdobje (Kolšek 1972, Y 152), oblika 4.2.2., ki ima med emonskim gradivom več primerjav (Plesničar 1976, t. 1:2,4), pa je iz gomile datirane na konec 1. in začetek 2. stoletja (Pahič 1969, 114). Miklavž pri Mariboru (TF) Ladle with a tubular curled rim and a vertical handle, the base slightly concave. 4.2.2. - ht. 5.3 cm; dia. rim 6.5 cm - PMM A 2246. Lit.: Pahič 1969, PI. 3: 10. Analogies: de Franciscis 1963, Fig. 1: 1,4; Plesničar Gee 1976, PI. 1: 4; Scatozza Höricht 1986, form 17b. Comments - forms 4.1.1. to 4.2.2.: This group encompasses products with horizontal as well as vertical handles. Both types of vessels have a ribbon handle attached to the edge of the rim. Ladles with vertical handles (cyathus) and vessels with horizontal handles (trulla) were used for different purposes: in the house as part of a serving set with a beverage vessel, with ritual vessels used in votive and funerary customs, and perhaps even in baths while bathing (Whitehouse 1997, 198). Both forms copied metal vessels (Hilgers 1969, 56). Ladles with horizontal handles (4.1.) are usually dated from the middle of the lsl to the middle of the 2nd centuries. The earliest finds are known from Pompeii and Herculaneum (Scatozza Höricht 1986, 38), while the finds from other finds in Europe are mostly from the 3"1 century. They were primarily made of naturally coloured glass. Mould-blown pieces are also known (Fremersdorf 1958, PI. 133), as well as several richly decorated vessels with snake-thread decoration (Fremersdorf 1959, PI. 50-53). All vessels with horizontal handles (4.1.) have simple forms, the base is flat, without a ring base, which is usual for many products. Both such ladles from Miklavž were part of grave finds from the end of the lsl century (Pahič 1969, 74), while the vessels from Poetovio were from graves from the end of the 1st and the first half of the 2nd centuries (Šubic 1976, 43, no. 37; Istenič 2000, 244). All four ladles were very similar in terms of manufacture, and the base was flat without a standing ring, which is otherwise characteristic for the other products of this type. Perhaps in this case local production could be considered. Ladles with vertical handles have the greatest number of comparisons among the material from Emona (Plesničar Gee 1976, 35). This form can also be found among the material from Pompeii and Herculaneum, dated to the middle of the lsl century (Scatozza Höricht 1986, form 17b), and from Vitudurum, dated to the end of the 1st and the beginning of the 2nd century (Rütti 1988, 63). The exceptional number of ladles with vertical handles in the graves of the northern cemetery of Emona has enabled the chronological determination of individual groups of products that appear in the graves from the Claudian period to the middle of the 2nd century (Plesničar 1976, 35). Plesničar suggested the local pro- SKUPINA 5 - VRČI (sl. 37-40; pril. 2) 5.1. ENOROČAJNI VRČI 5.1.1. Vrči s stožčasto oblikovanim ostenjem (Is 55a); (sl. 37): Posode imajo ostenje stožčasto oblikovano, dno je dokaj široko, brez posebej oblikovane stojne ploskve oziroma noge, rahlo vboklo. Datacija: sredina - druga polovica 1. st. Ptuj (gr. 741) Spodnji del enoročajnega vrča s stožčastim ostenjem, dno vboklo. 5.1.1. - pr. dna 7,7 cm - LMJ 2515. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 165: 6. Primerjave: Cool, Price 1995, fig. 8.3. Komentar: Najpogostejša oblika vrčev v 1. stoletju so posode s kroglastim ali stožčasto oblikovanim ostenjem, opredeljene kot oblika Isings 52 in 55 (lsings 1957, 69, 72). Izdelani so iz modro-zelenkastega ali tudi iz obarvanega stekla. Vrči 5.1.1. (Is 55) imajo dolg vrat, ki je navadno na prehodu v ostenje poudarjen z zajedo, ostenje ravno prehaja v nekoliko vboklo dno. Ostenje je pri nekaterih posodah pihano v rebrast kalup. Narebreni ročaji so pritrjeni na vrat in ostenje, ponekod je na spodnji zaključek pritrjena aplika oziroma medaljoji s podobo meduze, leva ipd. Med petovionskim gradivom je ohranjena steklena aplika v obliki levje glave, ki je morda pripadala podobnemu vrču (Šubic 1976, t. 1: 7). Vrči s koničnim oziroma stožčasto oblikovanim ostenjem so pogosti med grobnimi in naselbinskimi najdbami v drugi polovici 1. stoletja, njihova uporaba pa se nadaljuje tudi še v 2. stoletje (Cool, Price 1995, 123). Vrč iz groba 741 zahodne petovionske nekropole je bil najden v grobu z novcem Klavdija in sodi v drugo polovico 1. stoletja, morda še na začetek 2. stoletja (Istenič 2000, 240). 5.1.2. Vrči s hruškastim ostenjem (Is 13); (sl. 37): Posode z bikonično razširjenim spodnjim delom ostenja, ustje izvihano in odebeljeno, dno oblikovano v stojni prstan, v sredini vboklo. Profiliran ročaj z zanko (oporo za palec) je pritrjen na rame in vrat posode. duction of the later variants of these products, but nonetheless did not exclude the possibility of imports from the northern Italic workshops (1976, 37). Given the present state of research, no evidence exists momentarily about early glass production in Emona, and it is more likely that the numerous finds were tied to the tastes of the newly settled Italic inhabitants of Emona, who acquired better quality products through Aquileia. Both ladles belonged to closed grave units. Form 4.2.1. was from a grave at Celeia dated to the Flavian period (Kolšek 1972, Y 152), and form 4.2.2., for which there arc several examples among the material from Emona (Plesničar 1976, PI. I: 2,4), came from a tumulus dated to the end of the Is1 and the beginning of the 2nd century (Pahič 1969, 114). GROUP 5-JUGS (Fig. 37-40; Appendix 2) 5.1. SINGLE HANDLED JUGS 5.1.1. Jugs with conical walls (Is 55a); (Fig. 37): The vessels have conicaly shaped walls; the base is somewhat broad, without a specially formed foot, slightly concave. Date: middle - second half of the Is' century Ptuj (gr. 741) Lower part of a single handled jug with a conical body, base concave. 5.1.1. - dia. base 7.7 cm - LMJ 2515. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 165: 6. Analogies: Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 8.3. Comments: The most common form of jugs in the Is' century consists of vessels with spherical or conical walls, classified as the forms Isings 52 and 55 (Isings 1957, 69, 72). They were made of blue-green and also coloured glass. The jugs of form 5.1.1. (Is 55) have a long neck, which is usually emphasized with a constriction at the transition to the walls, which extend straight downwards to the somewhat concave base. The walls of several vessels were blown into a ribbed mould. The ribbed handles were attached to the neck and the body, and sometimes a medallion with an image of Medusa, a lion, etc., was applied to the lower joint. A glass applied element in the form of a lion’s head is preserved among the material from Poetovio, which perhaps belonged to a similar jug (Šubic 1976, PI. I: 7). Jugs with conical or triangular bodies are frequent Datacija: sredina - druga polovica 1. st. Polhov Gradec (gr.) Vrč iz zelenkastega stekla, trup pri dnu razširjen, dno rahlo vboklo, ročaj v obliki črke omega. 5.1.2. - viš. 17,5 cm, pr. dna 7 cm - NMS R 6980. Lit.: Ložar 1938, sl. 19. among cemetery and settlement finds in the second half of the Is' century, and their use continued even into the 2nd century (Cool, Price 1995, 123). The jug from grave 741 of the western necropolis of Poetovio was found in a grave together with a coin of Claudius, and can be dated to the second half of the Is' 5.1.2. 5.1.1 5.1.3 5.1.4. S/. .?7: Skupina 5 - vrči (5.1.1.: Istenič 2000, t. 165: 6; 5.1.2.: Ložar 1938, sl. 19; 5.1.3.: Ložar 1938, sl. 18; 5.1.4.: Kolšek 1972, l52: 83). M. = 1:3. Fig. 37: Group 5 - jugs (5.1.L: Istenič 2000, Pl. 165: 6; 5.1.2.: Ložar 1938, sl. 19; 5.1.3.: Ložar 1938, sl. 18; 5.1.4.: Kolšek 1972, l52: 83). Scale = 1:3. Primerjave: nepoznane 5.1.3. Kroglasti enoročajni vrči (Is 52a); (sl. 37): Posode s kroglastim ostenjem, ustje izvihano, dno oblikovano v stojni prstan. Profiliran ročaj je pritrjen na rame in vrat. Datacija: sredina - druga polovica 1. st. Polhov (iradec (gr.) Vrč iz zelenkastega stekla, ustje izvihano, ročaj manjka. 5.1.3. - viš. 25 cm - NMS R 6979. Lit.: Ložar 1938, sl. 18. Primerjave: Calvi 1969, Taf. 7: 3, 4; Scatozza Höricht 1986, forma 28; Barkoczi 1988, Taf: 45: 459-61. 5.1.4. Kroglasti enoročajni vrči s horizontalnimi vrezi na ostenju (Is 52a); (sl. 37): Posode kroglaste oblike, stopničasto ustje je izvihano navzdol in nato navzgor, dno oblikovano v stojni prstan, v sredini vboklo. Narebren ročaj je pritrjen na rame in vrat. Po ostenju plitvi horizontalni vrezi. Datacija: druga polovica 1. st. Celje (gr. 4) Enoročajni vrč iz zelenkastega stekla, na ostenju horizontalni pasovi tankih vrezov, ročaj rebrast. 5.1.4. - PMC R 4284. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152-5: 83. Primerjave: Berger I960, Taf. 20: 76: Goelhert-Polaschek 1977, Taf. 7: 85g: 9: 106d. Komentar za oblike 5.1.2., 5.1.3. in 5.1.4.: Najbolj razširjeni vrči v poznem 1. in v prvi polovici 2. stoletja so kroglasti, včasih tudi konični vrči, ki jih je Isingsova opredelila kot obliko 52 (1957, 69). Vrči imajo zapognjeno ali trikotno oblikovano ustje, vitke, precej dolge vratove in v sredini vboklo dno. Rob dna je pogosto oblikovan v stojni prstan, prehod vratu v ostenje je poudarjen z rahlo zajedo. Ročaji so ostro zapognjeni in pritrjeni na vrat vrča, tik pod ustjem, in na rame, kjer se rebra ročaja pogosto kot šapa podaljšajo na ostenje. Ročaji so navadno narebreni, srednje rebro pogosto nekoliko izstopa. Ostenje nekaterih vrčev je včasih narebreno, izdelano z optičnim pihanjem, z nataljenimi ali z orodjem oblikovanimi pokončnimi rebri. Izdelki iz obarvanega stekla so pogosto okrašeni z večbarvnimi lisami, vtisnjenimi v ostenje. Vrči so v uporabi že od prve polovice 1. stoletja (Berger 1960, 42, no. 89), bolj razširjeni pa postanejo century, and perhaps even to the beginning of the 2nd century (Istenič 2000, 240). 5.1.2. Jugs with pear-shaped walls (Is 13); (Fig. 37): Vessels with a biconically widened lower part of the body, the rim everted and thickened, the base formed into a standing ring, concave in the center. The profiled handle with a loop (thumb rest) was attached to the shoulder and neck of the vessel. Date: middle - second half of the Is' century Polhov Gradec (gr.) Jug of green glass, body broadened toward the base, base slightly concave, omega shaped handle. 5.1.2. - ht. 17.5 cm, dia. base 7 cm - NMS R 6980. Lit.: Ložar 1938, Fig. 19. Analogies: none identified. 5.1.3. Globular single handled jugs (Is 52a); (Fig. 37): Vessels with a globular body, the rim everted, the base formed into a standing ring. The profiled handle is attached to the shoulder and neck. Date: middle - second half of the Is1 century Polhov Gradec (gr.) Jug of green glass, rim everted, handle missing. 5.1.3. - ht. 25 cm - NMS R 6979. Lit.: Ložar 1938, Fig. 18. Analogies: Calvi 1969, PI. 7: 3, 4; Scatozza Höricht 1986, form 28; Barkoczi 1988, PI.: 45: 459-61. 5.1.4. Globular single handled jugs with horizontal lines on the walls (Is 52a); (Fig. 37): Vessels of globular form, the stepped rim was everted down and then up, the base was formed into a standing ring, concave in the center. The ribbed handle was attached to the shoulder and neck. Shallow horizontal wheel-cut lines on the body. Date: second half of the 1st century Celje (gr. 4) Single handled jug of green glass, horizontal bands of thin lines on the body, ribbed handle. 5.1.4. - PMC' R 4284. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152-5: 83. od sredine 1. stoletja dalje. Najdbe dokazujejo, da njihova uporaba traja še v pi vi polovici 2. stoletja, nato pa jih počasi izpodrinejo nove oblike (Cool, Price 1995, 123, Fig. 8.2). Vrč iz Polhovega Gradca oblike 5.1.2. zaradi svojega nenavadno oblikovanega ročaja nima povsem ustreznih primerjav. Vendar sama oblika ustja (zapognjeno in trikotno v preseku), enostavno vboklo dno, ki ima rob oblikovan v stojni prstan, in pritrditev ročaja na vrat posode kažejo, da gre za zgodnjo obliko vrča, kije najbolj razširjen v sredini in drugi polovici I. stoletja (Cool, Price 1995, 122, Fig. 8. 2). Vrča iz Polhovega Gradca (oblika 5.1.3.) ne moremo datirati pred sredino 1. stoletja (Petru 1976, 14), vrč iz Celeje (5.1.4.) pa je del grobne celote iz flavijskega obdobja (Kolšek 1972, Y 152, 2). 5.1.5. Kroglasti enoročajni vrči z nataljenim okrasom na ostenju (ls 14); (sl. 38): Kroglaste posode z izvihanim in zataljenim ustjem, dno v sredini vboklo. Profiliran ročaj z oporo za palec je pritrjen na rame in ustje. Po ostenju nataljeni koščki slekla enake barve kot posoda. Datacija: 2. st. ^tari trg pri Slovenj Gradcu (gr. 8) Vrč z izvihanim ustjem, vboklim dnom in trakastim ročajem. Po trupu nataljene bunčice stekla. 5-L5. - viš. 7 cm - LMJ 14841. Lit.: Egger 1914, 61. Primerjave: Calvi 1969, Taf. 2: 8. Komentar: Miniaturni vrček ima med objavljenim gradivom malo Primerjav. Edina podobna najdba je znana iz Akvileje, kjer ima skoraj enak enoročajni vrček po ostenju nataljene koščke belega stekla (Calvi 1969, Taf. 2: 8). Po načinu okrasa in izdelavi ustja in dna sodita obe najdbi med izdelke s konca I. in prve polovice 2. stoletja (Calvi 1969, 16). Vrček iz Starega trga pri Slovenj Gradcu (rimski tolatio) je del groba 8, ki je bil izkopan v začetku tega stoletja. Glede na ostale ohranjene grobne pridatke (rokopis inv. knjige LMJ Graz) sodi grob v 2. stoletje. 5.1.6. Vrči z ovalnim ostenjem (Is 52c); (sl. 38): I osode z izvihanim in zataljenim ali odebeljenim ustjem, noga Prstanasta, trakast ali rebrast ročaj pritrjen na rame in ustje. Nekateri vrči imajo po ostenju pasove plitvih brušenih linij. Analogies: Berger 1960, Pl. 20: 76; Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Pl. 7: 85g; 9: I06d. Comments - forms 5.1.2., 5.1.3. and 5.1.4.: The most widespread jugs in the late 1st and in the first half of the 2"d century are spherical, sometimes also conical jugs, which lsings classified as form 52 (1957, 69). The jugs have folded or triangular rims, slim, fairly long necks, and the base concave in the center. The edge of the base is often formed into a standing foot, and the transition from the neck to the body is emphasized by a slight constriction. The handles are strongly pinched and applied to the neck of the jug, just under the rim, and on the shoulder, where the ribs of the handle often elongate like a paw on the walls. The handles are usually ribbed, and the central rib often stands out somewhat. The walls of some jugs are occasionally ribbed, made with optic blowing, with applied or tool formed vertical ribs. Jugs of coloured glass are frequently decorated with multicoloured spots impressed into the walls. Jugs were in use as early as the first half of the lsl century (Berger 1960, 42, no. 89), and became more widespread from the middle of the Is' century onwards. The finds show that that their use continued at least into the first half of the 2nd century, after which they were slowly supplanted by new forms (Cool, Price 1995, 123, Fig. 8, 2). The jug of form 5.1.2. has no entirely suitable analogies because of the unusually formed handle. The form of the rim (folded and triangular in section), the simple concave base that has an edge formed into a standing foot, and the attachment of the handle on the neck indicate that this was an early form of jug, most widespread in the middle and second half of the Is' century (Cool, Price 1995, 122, Fig. 8: 2). The jug from Polhov Gradec (form 5.1.3.) cannot be dated prior to the middle of the Is' century (Petru 1976, 14), while the jug from Celeia (5.1.4.) is part of a grave from the Flavian period (Kolšek 1972, Y 152, 2). 5.1.5. Globular single handled jugs with applied decoration on the walls (Is 14); (Fig. 38): Globular vessels with everted and rounded rims, the base concave in the center. The profiled handle with a thumb rest was attached to the shoulder and rim. The walls have applied chips of glass of the same colour as the vessel. Date: 2nd century Stari trg pri Slovenj Gradcu (gr. 8) Jug with an everted rim, concave base, and ribbon handle, chips of glass applied to the body. 5.1.5. - lit. 7 cm - LMJ 14841. Lit.: Egger 1914, 61. 5.1.6. 5.1.5 SI. 38: Skupina 5 - vrči (5.1.5.: Egger 1914, 61; 5.1.6.: Urleb 1984, t. 13: 1). M. = 1:3. Fig. 38: Group 5 - jugs (5.1.5.: Egger 1914, 61; 5.1.6.: Urleb 1984, Pl. 13: 1). Scale = 1:3. Datacija: 2. st. Cerknica (gr. 26) Vrč z odebeljenim ustjem, prstanasto nogo in rebrastim ročajem. 5.1.6. - viš. 15,8 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, t. 13: 1. Ptuj - Sp. Breg (gr. I) Enoročajni vrček z izvihanim cevastim ustjem, dno s prstanasto nogo, ročaj narebren. 5.1.6. - viš. 14,5 cm - PMP R 11308. Lit.: Šubic 1972, Y 137-2: 10. Trebnje (gr. 22) Vrč iz zelenkastega stekla, ustje izvihano in odebeljeno, noga prstanasta, ročaj trakast. 5.1.6. - viš. 19,7 cm - DM R 671. Lit.: Slabe 1993. t. I: 3. Velenik (GN) Deli vrča iz zelenkastega stekla, ustje izvihano, noga prstanasta, ročaj trakast. 5.1.6. - viš. 23,5 cm - PMM R 7095. Lit.: Pahič 1978, t. 18: 10. Primerjave: Šaranovič-Svetek 1986, t. 17: 5: Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 36: 394. 5.1.7. Vrči z ovalnim ostenjem in nataljenim okrasom (sl. 39): Oblika je identična gornji, le da imajo v tem primeru vrči na ostenje nataljene niti stekla ali samo okrasno narebreno apliko na ročaju. Datacija: 2. st. Analogies: Calvi 1969, Pl. 2: 8. Comments: This miniature jug has few comparisons among published material. The only similar find comes from Aquileia, in the form of an almost identical single handled jug with applied little pieces of white glass (Calvi 1969, PI. 2: 8). According to the manner of decoration and the form of the rims and bases, both finds can be classified among products from the end of the Is' and the first half of the 2nd century (Calvi 1969, 16). The small jug from Stari trg near Slovenj Gradec (Roman Cotatio) was a part of grave 8, which was excavated at the beginning of the last century. In terms of the other preserved grave goods (manuscript inventory book of the Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz), the grave was dated to the 2nd century. 5.1.6. Jugs with oval walls (Is 52c); (Fig 38): Vessels with everted and rounded or thickened rims, ring base, ribbon or ribbed handle attached to the shoulder and rim. Some jugs have bands of shallow ground lines on the walls. Date: 2"d century Cerknica (gr. 26) Jug with a thickened rim, ring base, and ribbed handle. 5.1.6. - ht. 15.8 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, PI. 13: 1. Ptuj - Sp. Breg (gr. I) Single handled small jug with an everted tubular rim, ring base, and ribbed handle. 5.1.6. - ht. 14.5 cm - PMP R 11308. Lit.: Šubic 1972, Y 137-2: 10. Trebnje (gr. 22) Jug of green glass, rim everted and thickened, ring base, ribbon handle. 5.1.6. - ht. 19.7 cm - DM R 671. Lit.: Slabe 1993, PI. I: 3. Velenik (TF) Parts of a jug of green glass, everted rim, ring base, ribbon handle. 5.1.6. - ht. 23.5 cm - PMM R 7095. Lit.: Pahič 1978, PI. 18: 10. Analogies: Šaranovič-Svetek 1986, PI. 17: 5; Barkoczi 1988, PI. 36: 394. 5.1.7. Jugs with oval walls and applied decoration (Fig. 39): The form is identical to that above, however the jugs have applied trails of glass on the walls or decorative ribbed applied elements on the handle. ■’tuj (gr. 4) Vrč iz temnega, skoraj črnega stekla, ustje odebeljeno, dno prstanasto, na ročaju gosto narebrena aplika po vsej dolžini. 5.1.7. - viš. 23,2 cm - P M P. Lit.: Tušek 1993, t. 6: 1. Ptuj (gr. 759) Vrč z ovalnim ostenjem in nataljenim okrasom po ostenju, ustje cevasto zavihano navznoter, izvlečena prstanasta noga, ročaj profiliran. 5-1.7. - pr. ustja 4,6 cm - LMJ 2399. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 170: 4. Primerjave: nepoznane. Komentar za obliki 5.1.6. in 5.1.7.: Med drugim in četrtim stoletjem so bili v uporabi vrči z ovalnim in kroglastim ostenjem različnih oblik. Od zgodnejših izdelkov jih ločijo predvsem razlike v izdelavi ustja in dna, pa tudi način krašenja. Ustje je pogosto ■zvihano in zataljeno ali zavihano navznoter, vratovi so krajši in nekoliko konkavni, dno ima pogosto prstanasto nogo. Ročaji so zelo pogosto trakasti ali profilirani z odebelitvijo na straneh. Gornji del ročaja, kije navadno Pritrjen na ustje vrča, ima oblikovano oporo za palec. Le-ta ni več oblikovana kot zanka, ampak stisnjena v Ploščico, ki izstopa iz ročaja. Vrči z ovalnim ostenjem so izdelani najpogosteje 12 rnodro-zelenkastega stekla, pojavljajo pa se tudi vrči 'z obarvanega stekla, kakršen je npr. ptujski (Tušek 1993, L I). Vratovi teh posod so konkavni in enakomerno Prehajajo v ostenje, po velikosti pa presegajo vrče s kroglastim ostenjem in so na pogled elegantnejši. Oblika ■n njene različice so v uporabi skozi 2. in 3. stoletje, kasneje pa njihova uporaba zamre in prevladajo druge oblike (Cool, Price 1995, 134). Vrč iz groba v Trebnjem je del grobne celote iz 2. ali začetka 3. stoletja (Slabe 1993, 17). Vrč z nataljenim okrasom iz zahodne petovionske nekropole je iz groba 'z konca 1. in prve polovice 2. stoletja (Istenič 2000, 244), vrč, ki ga krasi še horizontalno narebrena aplika na ročaju pa sodi glede na grobno celoto v 2. stoletje (Tušek 1993, 407). 5.1.8. Kroglasti enoročajni vrči z nataljenim okrasom (sl. 39): Posode s kroglastim ostenjem, ustje izvihano in zataljeno, pod nJirn prilepljena nit stekla, noga prstanasta. Trakast ročaj Pritrjen na rame in pod ustje. Po vratu ponekod nataljena steklena nit ali celo girlanda. Datacija: 3. - 4. st. Date: 2"d century Ptuj (gr. 4) Jug of dark, almost black glass, rim thickened, ring base, on the handle densely ribbed applied elements along the entire length. 5.1.7. - ht. 23.2 cm - PMP. Lit.: Tušek 1993, PI. 6:1. Ptuj (gr. 759) Jug with oval walls with applied decoration, tubular rim curved inwards, drawn out ring base, profiled handle. 5.1.7. - dia. rim 4.6 cm - LMJ 2399. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 170: 4. Analogies: none identified. Comments - forms 5.1.6. to 5.1.7.: Jugs with oval and globular bodies of various forms were in use between the 2"1' and the 4"’ centuries. They are distinguished from the earlier products primarily in terms of differences of the rim and base, as well as the manner of decoration. The rim is often everted and rounded or bent inwards, the necks are shorter and somewhat concave, and the base often has a ring base. The handles are very frequently banded or profiled with thickenings on the sides. The upper part of the handle, which is usually attached to the rim of the jug, features a thumb rest. The latter is no longer formed as a loop, but is rather pressed into a small flat surface that protrudes from the handle. Oval jugs were most often made of blue-green glass, but jugs also appear of coloured glass, such as the example from Ptuj (Tušek 1993, Pl. 6: 1). The necks of these vessels are concave and merge regularly into the walls, in size they exceed the jugs with spherical walls, and they appear more elegant. These jugs were in use throughout the 2nd and 3rd centuries, while other forms predominated later (Cool, Price 1995, 134). The jug from Trebnje was found in a grave from the 2nd or the beginning of the 3rd centuries (Slabe 1993, 17). The jug with applied decoration from the western cemetery of Poetovio was from a grave from the end of the Is' and first half of the 2nd centuries (Istenič 2000, 244), while the jug decorated with horizontal ribbed element on the handle is dated to the 2nd century (Tušek 1993, 407). 5.1.8. Globular single handled jugs with applied decoration (%. m Vessels with a globular body, the rim everted and fire-rounded, a trail of glass applied beneath, ring base. The ribbon handle is attached to the shoulder and under the rim. A glass trail or even garland occasionally applied to the neck. Date: 3rd - 4"' centuries Brezje nad Zrečami (gr. 31) Vrč iz zelenkastega stekla, na vratu rob, prstanasta noga, rebrast ročaj. 5.1.8. - viš. 13,5 cm - PMM A 1702. Lit.: Pahič 1969a, t. 7: 1. Ptuj (gr. 595) Enoročajni vrč z izvlečeno prstanasto nogo, profiliranim ročajem in girlandasto apliko na vratu. 5.1.8. - pr. ustja 5, 3 cm - LMJ 2263. Lit.: Istenič 2000. t. 127: 2. Ptuj (gr. 595) Enoročajni vrč z izvlečeno prstanasto nogo, profiliranim ročajem in girlandasto apliko na vratu. 5.1.8. - pr. ustja 5, 9 cm - LMJ 2262. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 127: 2. Ptuj (PN) Kroglast vrč z odebeljenim ustjem ročaj trakast, dno manjka. 5.1.8. - viš. 12 cm - PMP 3494. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 2: 10. Ptuj (PN) Vrč z izvihanim ustjem in prstanasto nogo, ročaj manjka. 5.1.8. - viš. 18,7 cm - PMP 3461. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 2: 11. Ptuj (PN) Vrč z izvihanim in odebeljenim ustjem, ročaj profiliran, dno manjka. 5.1.8. - viš. 16 cm - PMP 3474. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 2: 8. Ptuj (PN) Vrč iz zelenkastega stekla, ustje izvihano, dno prstanasto, ročaj manjka. 5.1.8. - viš. 18,4 cm - PMP R 11180. Lit.: Šubic 1976, t. 4: 38. Ptuj (PN) Vrč iz zelenkastega stekla, ustje izvihano, dno prstanasto, ročaj narebren, sega preko ustja. 5.1.8. - PMP R 12096. Lit. Šubic 1976, sl. 5. Ptuj (PN) Vrček iz zeleno rumenkastega stekla, ročaj trakast, dno prstanasto. 5.1.8. - viš. 7 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, t. 21: 20. Primerjave: Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 47: 469; 49: 477; Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 42: 176.2.217; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 23: 196. 197; Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, No. 164-167; Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Taf. 15: 169a; 20: 208d; 23: 258c. 5.1.9. Kroglasti vrči z nataljenim okrasom in narebrenim ostenjem (sl. 39): Posode z izvihanim, odebeljenim ustjem, noga prstanasta, trakast ročaj prilepljen na rame in ustje. Po vratu nataljena steklena nit, spodnji del posode je pihan v kalup in poševno narebren. Datacija; druga polovica 3. - 4. st. Bre/.je nad Zrečami (gr. 31) Jug of green glass, ring base, ribbed handle. 5.1.8. - ht. 13.5 cm - PMM A 1702. Lit.: Pahič 1969, PI. 7; I. Ptuj (gr. 595) Single handled jug with a drawn our ring base, profiled handle, and a garland-like applied element on the neck. 5.1.8. - dia. rim 5.3 cm - LMJ 2263. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI.127: 2. Ptuj (gr. 595) Single handled jug with a drawn our ring base, profiled handle, and a garland-like applied element on the neck. 5.1.8. - dia. rim 5.9 cm - LMJ 2262. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 127: 2. Ptuj (IF) Spherical jug with a thickened rim, ribbon handle, base missing. 5.1.8. - ht. 12 cm - PMP 3494. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 2: 10. Ptuj (IF) Jug with an everted rim and ring base, handle missing. 5.1.8. - ht. 18.7 cm - PMP 3461. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 2: 11. Ptuj (IF) Jug with an everted and thickened rim, profiled handle, base missing. 5.1.8. - ht. 16 cm - PMP 3474. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 2: 8. I’tuj (IF) Jug of green glass, everted rim, ring base, handle missing. 5.1.8. - ht. 18.4 cm - PMP R 11180. Lit.: Šubic 1976, PI. 4: 38. Ptuj (IF) Jug of green glass, everted rim, ring base, handle ribbed and extending above the rim. 5.1.8. - PMP R 12096. Lit. Šubic 1976, Fig. 5. Ptuj (IF) Small jug of yellow-green glass, ribbon handle, ring base. 5.1.8. - ht. 7 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, PI. 21: 20. Analogies: Barkoczi 1988, PI. 47: 469; 49: 477; Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 42: 176.2.217; Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 23: 196, 197; Fremersdorf 1984, No. 164-167; Goethert-Polaschek 1977, PI. 15: 169a; 20: 208d; 23: 258c. 5.1.9. Globular jugs with applied decoration and ribbed walls (Fig. 39): Vessels with an everted and thickened rim, ring base, and ribbon handle attached to the shoulder and rim. Glass trails applied to the neck. The lower part of the vessel was optic-blown and is obliquely ribbed. Date; second half of the 3ri1 - 4th centuries Ptuj (PN) Vrč z izvihanim odebeljenim ustjem, noga prstanasta, ročaj trakast. Ostenje poševno narebreno. 5.1.9. - viš. 16,8 cm - PMP 14655. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 31: 22. Primerjave: Šaranovič-Svetek 1986, t. 5: 2; 6: 2, 3: Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 47: 467; 55: 492, 493. 496a; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 23: 199; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 8.11: 1161. Ptuj (IF) Jug with an everted thickened rim, ring base, ribbon handle. The walls obliquely ribbed. 5.1.9. - ht. 16.8 cm - PMP 14655. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, PI. 31: 22. Analogies: Šaranovič-Svetek 1986, PI. 5: 2; 6: 2, 3: Barkoczi 1988, PI. 47: 467; 55: 492, 493, 496a; Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 23: 199; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 8.11: 1161. S7. 39: Skupina 5 - vrči (5.1.7.: Tušek 1993. t. 6: 1; 5.1.8.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, t. 21: 20; 5.1.9.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 31: 22; 5.2.1.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 80). M. = 1:3. hg- 39: Group 5 - jugs (5.1.7.: Tušek 1993, Pl. 6: 1; 5.1.8.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, Pl. 21: 20; 5.1.9.: Kujundžič 1982, Pl. 31: 22; 5-2.1.; Kolšek 1972, 152: 80). Scale = 1:3. Komentar za obliki 5.1.8. in 5.1.9.: Kroglasti vrči se prav tako kot obliki 5.1.6. in 5.1.7. pojavljajo že od drugega stoletja dalje. Njihove značilnosti v izdelavi ustja in dna so enake kot pri ovalnih vrčih, le da vrat prehaja v ostenje bolj ostro. Prstanasto nogo pri mlajših izdelkih tvorita dve niti, nataljeni ena na drugo (Vomer Gojkovič 1996, T. 21: 20). Izvihano in navzven nagnjeno ustje ima pod robom ponekod prilepljeno stekleno nit, kar je posebej značilno pri izdelkih 4. stoletja (Cool, Price 1995, 134). Nataljene niti so najbolj pogost okras na teh vrčih, ki lahko krasijo samo vrat, ostenje ali posodo v celoti. Pojavljajo se že od 2. stoletja dalje. Nekateri imajo po ostenju tudi poševna rebra (Kujundžič 1982, t. 31: 22). Le-ta so nastala s pihanjem ostenja v kalup, nato pa so s sukanjem pipe rebra diagonalno zasukali. S končnim pihanjem je vzorec postal mehkejši in razvlečen. Izjemna sta dva petovionska vrča iz groba 595, ki imata nataljeno nit narezano v girlando (Istenič 2000, t. 127). Vrči z nataljenim okrasom in rebrastim ostenjem so v Trierju datirani v drugo polovico 3. in v 4. stoletje (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, 204), na najdiščih Velike Britanije pa enaki izdelki izvirajo večinoma iz 4. stoletja (Cool, Price 1995, 136). Med zbranimi najdbami le tri izvirajo iz ohranjenih grobnih celot. Vrček iz Brezij je del grobne celote, ki je z novcem Avrelijana datirana v drugo polovico 3. stoletja (Pahič 1969, 244). Ptujska vrča sta bila najdena v istem grobu in sta edini pridatek. Isteničeva ponuja dokaj široko datacijo 3. do 5. stoletja (Istenič 2000, 193), vendar glede na izdelavo in sorodne oblike vrča verjetno izvirata iz 3. stoletja (gl. npr. Tomanič Jevremov 1998, št. 15). 5.2. VRČI Z USTJEM Z IZLIVOM 5.2.1. Kroglasti vrči z ustjem z izlivom (Is 56a); (sl. 39): Kroglaste posode z izvihanim in odebeljenim ustjem, ki je oblikovano v izliv, dno vboklo ali s stojnim prstanom, izvlečenim iz posode. Trakast ali rebrast ročaj, ki presega ustje, je pritrjen na ramenu in tik pod ustjem. Datacija: druga polovica I. st. Celje (gr. 4) Gornji del vrča iz modrikastega stekla, ustje odebeljeno, ročaj narebren, dno manjka. 5.2.1. - PMC R 4267. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152-5: 80. Primerjave: Calvi 1969, Tal'. 7: 2; Czurda-Ruth 1979, laf. 8: 1049,1051; Fassold 1985, Abb. 16: 1. Comments - forms 5.1.8. and 5.1.9.: Globular jugs, just like the previous two forms (5.1.6. and 5.1.7.), appear as early as the second century onwards. Their characteristics in the formation of the rim and base are identical to that of the oval jugs, only the transition of the neck to the body is sharper. The ring base on later products was formed from two glass coils, applied one on the other (Vomer Gojkovič 1996, PI. 21: 20). The everted and out turned rims sometimes have an applied glass trail under the edge, which is characteristic of 4"'century products (Cool, Price 1995, 134). Applied trails are the most common decoration on these jugs (5.1.8.), which can decorate just the neck, the walls, or the entire vessel. They appear from the 2nd century onwards. Some jugs also have oblique ribs on the walls (Kujundžič 1982, PI. 31: 22). The ribs were created by blowing the walls into a mould, and the ribs were then diagonally twisted by spinning the pipe. In the final blowing, the pattern became softer and stretched. Two jugs from grave 595 at Poetovio are exceptional, as they have applied trails cut into garlands (Istenič 2000, PI. 127). Jugs with applied decoration and ribbed walls (5.1.9.) were dated at Trier to the second half of the 3rd and the 4'" centuries (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, 204), while at sites in Great Britain such products mostly come from the 4"1 century (Cool, Price 1995, 136). Only three of the gathered finds come from preserved graves. The small jug from Brezje was part of a grave dated by a coin of Aurelian to the second half of the 3rd century (Pahič 1969, 244). The jugs from Ptuj were found in the same grave and were the only grave goods. Istenič offered a fairly broad dating from the 3rd to the 5th centuries (Istenič 2000, 193), although in terms of the manufacture and similar forms, the jugs probably came from the 3rd century (Tomanič Jevremov 1998, 15). 5.2. SPOUTED JUGS 5.2.1. Globular jugs with a spout (Is 56a); (Fig. 39): Globular vessels with an everted and ihickened rim formed into a spout, the base concave or with a drawn out standing ring. The ribbon or ribbed handle was attached to the shoulder and just under the rim. Date: second half of the lsl century Celje (gr. 4) Upper part of a jug of bluish glass, the rim thickened, handle ribbed, base missing. 5.2.1. - PMC’ R 4267. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152-5: 80. Komentar: Elegantni kroglasti vrči s presegajočim ročajem in deteljasto oblikovanim ustjem z izlivom, posnemajo grško oinochoe in so služili za serviranje pijač. Oblika se v več različicah ohrani v uporabi skozi daljši čas. Zgodnejši vrči imajo nekoliko širši vrat, dno običajno vboklo ali oblikovano v stojni prstan, izvlečen iz ostenja, izliv je zaokrožen in deteljasto oblikovan, ponekod je vrh izliva rahlo zavihan navzgor. Izdelali so ga tako, da so rob ustja z dveh strani potisnili skupaj. Prvotno so pojav oblike postavljali v flavijsko obdobje na osnovi najdb iz Italije - Este (Isings 1957, 74). Najdbe s Štalenske gore (odlomki vrčev iz jantarno rjavega in modrega stekla, Czurda-Ruth 1979, Taf. 16: 1049, 1051) pa kažejo, da sojih verjetno izdelovali že v prvi polovici 1. stoletja (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 142). V uporabi ostanejo do zgodnjega 3. stoletja (Cool, Price 1995, 131). Primerjave v Emoni poznamo v grobovih 906, 1028 (Petru 1972, t. 66: 1; 81: 6) in 326 (Plesničar Gec 1972, t. 84: 26). V mlajših obdobjih jih zamenjajo izdelki nekoliko drugačnih oblik, npr. 5.2.3. in 5.2.4. Vrč iz Celeje je del grobne celote iz flavijskega obdobja (Kolšek 1972, Y 52: 2). 5.2.2. Vrči z ustjem z izlivom in vtisnjenimi večbarvnimi lisami na ostenju (sl. 40): Posode z izvihanim in zataljenim ustjem, oblikovanim v izliv, dno v sredini vboklo, trakast ročaj prilepljen na rame in vrat. Po ostenju nalaljene in vtisnjene v podlago kaplje drugo-barvnega stekla. Datacija: l. st. Dobova (gr. A 39) Vrč iz zelenkastega stekla, ustje izvihano, dno vboklo, ročaj narebren. Po ostenju vtisnjene rumene, rdeče in rjave lise stekla. 5.2.2. - viš. 8 cm - PMB. Lit.: Petru P. 1969, t. 11: 1. Primerjave: Fassold 1985, Abb. 13: 2: Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 41: 176.2.019. Komentar: Vrč je po obliki soroden prejšnji različici, a ga časovno opredeljuje predvsem značilen okras raznobarvnih steklenih lis po ostenju. Največja koncentracija izdelkov 2 okrasom pisanih kapelj je opazna v severni Italiji in sosednjih pokrajinah, čeprav so znane najdbe tudi z mediteranskega in egejskega območja (Whitehouse 1997, 207; Harden etat. 1988, 102). Grose ugotavlja, da sodijo ti izdelki med najzgodnejše pihano steklo in so verjetno posnemali posodje iz mozaičnega stekla (Grose 1984, 45). Njihova proizvod- Analogies: Calvi 1969, Pl. 7: 2; Czurda-Ruth 1979, Pl. 8: 1049, 1051; Fassold 1985, Fig. 16: 1. Comments: The elegant spherical jugs with an extending handle and a trefoil shaped rim with a spout imitate the Greek oinochoe form, and were used to serve drinks. The form remained in use throughout a long period with several variants. The earlier jugs have a somewhat broader neck, the base was usually concave or drawn out from the walls into a standing ring, the rim was rounded and trefoil shaped, and sometimes the top of the rim was slightly turned upwards. It was made by pressing the edges of the rim together from two sides. Originally the appearance of this form was placed in the Flavian period on the basis of the finds from Italy - from Este (Isings 1957, 74). The finds from Magdalensberg (fragments of jugs of amber brown and blue glass; Czurda-Ruth 1979, PI. 16: 1049, 1051) show that they were probably manufactured as early as the first half of the Is' century (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 142). They remained in use to the early 3rd century (Cool, Price 1995, 131). Examples from Emona are known from graves 906, 1028 (Petru 1972, PI. 66: I; 81: 6), and 326 (Plesničar Gec 1972, PI. 84: 26). In later periods they were replaced by products of a somewhat different form, e.g. forms 5.2.3. and 5.3.4. The jug from Celeia is part of a grave from the Flavian period (Kolšek 1972, Y 52: 2) 5.2.2. Spouted jugs with impressed multicoloured spots on the walls (Fig. 40): Vessels with an everted and fire-rounded rim formed into a spout, the base concave in the center, the ribbon handle attached to the shoulder and neck. Applied and marvered blobs of multicoloured glass on the walls. Date: ISI century Dohova (gr. A 39) Jug of green glass, rim everted, base concave, handle ribbed. Marvered yellow, red, and brown spots of glass. 5.2.2. - hi. 8 cm - PMB. Lit.: Petru P. 1969, PI. 11: I. Analogies: Fassold 1985, Fig. 13: 2: Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 41: 176.2.019. Comments: The jug is related in shape to the previous variants, and it is dated primarily on the basis of the characteristic decoration of multicoloured spots on the walls. The greatest concentration of products with a decoration of variegated glass blobs was noted for northern Italy and nja naj bi se pričela že na začetku 1. stoletja, dosegla vrh okrog leta 50 in trajala do sedemdesetih let 1. stoletja (Biaggio Simona 1991, 238). Izdelki z enakim okrasom so znani med drugim tudi v Emoni (Petru 1972, t. 16: 6; 18: 15; 104: 16: Plesničar Gec 1972, t. 218: 1). Grob iz Dobove, v katerem je bil najden vrček z nataljenim okrasom pisanih kapelj, sodi po grobni celoti v drugo četrtino 1. stoletja oziroma bolj verjetno v sredino 1. stoletja (Petru P. 1969, 36). 5.2.3. Vrči z ustjem z izlivom in nalepljenimi nitmi po ostenju (Is 88b); (sl. 40): Kroglaste posode z močno izvihanim in odebeljenim ustjem, oblikovanim v izliv, dno v sredini vboklo. Trakast ročaj pritrjen na rame in ustje, zgoraj se zaključi z razširitvijo. Po ostenju posode nataljena steklena nit. Datacija: sredina 2. - prva polovica 3. st. Ptuj (GN) Enoročajni vrč s kroglastim ostenjem, ustje z izlivom, po ostenju nalepljena steklena nit, dno vboklo. 5.2.3. - ZVKDMb. Lit.: Tušek 1985, sl. 67. Primerjave: Welker 1974, 102-16a; Fassold 1985, Abb. 16: 1. 5.2.4. Vrči z ustjem z izlivom in rebrom na ramenu (var. Is 53); (sl. 40): m Kroglaste posode z izvihanim in odebeljenim ustjem oblikovanim v izliv, noga prstanasta. Trakast ročaj pritrjen na rame in ustje, kjer se razširi v ščitnik za palec. Na ramenu rebro. Datacija: 3. st. Ptuj (gr. 672) Vrč z ustjem z izlivom, na ramenu rebro, ročaj trakast in presegajoč. 5.2.4. - viš. 10 cm - LMJ. Lit.: Šubic 1976, t. 3: 22. Primerjave: Fremersdorf, Polonyi-Fremersdorf 1984, No. 185. Komentar za obliki 5.2.3. in 5.2.4.: Gre za mlajšo različico vrčev z izlivom, ki so v uporabi že od 1. stoletja dalje (Isings 1957, 56). Ročaj je postavljen nasproti izliva ali pravokotno nanj, ob ustju ima navadno oblikovan ploščat disk oziroma izrastek, ki služi kot ščitnik ali opora za palec. Dno je pri obliki 5.2.3. ravno in v sredini vboklo, pri obliki 5.2.4. pa se neighboring regions, although finds are also known from the Mediterranean and Aegean areas (Whitehouse 1997, 207: Harden et al. 1988, 102). Grose established that these products were among the earliest blown glass, and that they probably imitated vessels of mosaic glass (Grose 1984, 45). Their production would have begun as early as the beginning of the Is' century, reached its peak around the year AD 50, and extended through the seventh decade of the I51 century (Biaggio Simona 1991, 238). Products with identical decoration are known from Emona (Petru 1972, Pl. 16: 6; 18: 15; 104: 16; Plesničar Gec 1972, Pl. 218:1) The grave from Dobova where the small jug with marvered decoration of multicoloured blobs was found is dated to the second quarter of the Is' century, or more likely to the middle of the I'1 century (Petru P. 1969,36). 5.2.3. Spouted jugs with applied trails on the walls (Is 88b); (Fig. 40): Globular vessels with a highly everted and thickened rim shaped into a spout, the base concave in the center. The ribbon handle was attached to the shoulder and rim, ending above in a broadened section. Applied glass trails on the walls. Date: middle of the 2nd - first half of the 3rd centuries Ptuj (TF) Single handled jug with a globular body, rim with a spout, applied glass trails on the walls, base concave. 5.2.3. - ZVKD Mb. Lit.: Tušek 1985, Fig. 67. Analogies: Welker 1974, 102- 16a; Fassold 1985, Fig. 16: 1. 5.2.4. Spouted jugs with a rib on the shoulder (var. Is 53); (Fig. 40): Globular vessels with an everted and thickened rim formed into a spout, ring base. The ribbon handle was attached to the shoulder and rim, where it spread into a thumb rest. A rib on the shoulder. Date: 3rd century Ptuj (gr. 672) Jug with a spout, a rib on the shoulder, extending ribbon handle. 5.2.4. - lit. 10 cm - LMJ. Lit.: Šubic 1976, PI. 3: 22. Analogies: Fremersdorf, Polonyi-Fremersdorf 1984, No. 185. pogosto zaključi s prstanasto nogo. Obliko 5.2.4. opredeljuje značilno nataljeno rebro na ramenu, ki se pojavlja tudi pri nekaterih različicah steklenic (Isings 53 - 1957, 71). Od 2. stoletja dalje se na teh vrčih pojavljajo različne kombinacije okrasov nataljenih steklenih niti in rebrasto ostenje, poznani že na prejšnjih oblikah. Pri mlajših vrčih je izliv koničasto povlečen iz ustja, kije ponekod nekoliko dvignjeno. Te oblike so pogoste v drugi polovici 2. in v 3. stoletju (Cool, Price 1995, 130). Vrči z nataljenim okrasom (5.2.3.) se v datiranih celotah pojavljajo od sredine 2. stoletja in še v prvi Comments - forms 5.2.3. and 5.2.4.: This was a later variant of the jugs with a spout, which was in use from the Is' century onwards (Isings 1957, 56). The handle was placed opposite the spout or perpendicularly to it, and next to the rim usually had a flat disc or protrusion, which served as a thumb rest or guard. The base was flat in form 5.2.3. and concave in the center, while in form 5.2.4. it often concludes in a ring base. Form 5.3.4. is classified primarily by the characteristic applied rib on the shoulder, which also appears on several variants of bottles (Isings 52 - 1957, 71). From the 2nd century onwards, various combina- 5.3.1 5.2.4. ■S/. 40: Skupina 5 - vrči (5.2.2.: Pelru P. 1969, t. 11: 1; 5.2.3.: Tušek 1985, si. 67), 5.2.4.: Subic 1976, t. 3: 22; 5.3.1.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 82). M. = 1:3. polovici 3. stoletja (Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, 81; Fassold 1985, 223). Vrč oblike 5.2.3. izhaja iz grobne celote datirane v 2.-3. stoletje (Tušek 1985, 242), drugo obliko (5.2.4.) iz groba 672 pa lahko datiramo na osnovi primerjav v 3. stoletje (Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, 81). 5.3. DVOROČAJNI VRČI 5.3.1. Dvoročajni vrči z ovalnim ostenjem (Is 15); (sl. 40): Ovalne posode, vrat skoraj ravno prehaja v zataljeno ali trikotno oblikovano ustje, izvihano navzven, navzdol in navzgor. Dno je oblikovano v prstanasto nogo, izvlečeno iz ostenja. Dva ročaja sta pritrjena na rame in na vrat tik pod ustjem. Datacija: druga polovica 1. st. Celje (gr. 4) Ovalni vrč z dvema ročajema, dno oblikovano v prstanasto nogo. 5.3.1. - viš. 25 cm - PMC R 4283. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152-5: 82. Primerjave: Berger I960, Taf. 20: 79, 80: Calvi 1969, Taf. 1: 79; Rütli 1988, Taf. 23: 1624: Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 44: 003: 45:111. Komentar: Dvoročajni vrč posnema obliko amfore, zato ga nekateri poimenujejo tudi amforisk. Oblika je znana tudi v kovinski in keramični izvedbi. Stekleni izdelki te vrste so razširjeni po vsem imperiju. Telo je navadno ovalno, ustje je značilno trikotno v profilu - izvihano navzven, navzdol in navzgor. Amforiske so izdelovali iz večbarvnega, obarvanega in naravno obarvanega stekla. Izdelki z nataljenimi večbarvnimi kapljami so najzgodnejši. Izdelovati sojih pričeli nekje v prvi polovici I. stoletja (med leti 20-50); (Grose 1975, 42). Posebej popularna je oblika v tretji četrtini 1. stoletja in se ohrani v uporabi vse do konca 1. stoletja. Redko so ti izdelki poznani še v kontekstih zgodnjega 2. stoletja (Welker 1974, 69). Primerjave tej obliki poznamo tudi v Emoni, v grobu 1080 iz druge polovice 1. stoletja (Petru 1972, t. 87: 16). Dvoročajni vrč iz Celeje je izdelan iz naravno obarvanega stekla in izredno tanko pihan, je del grobne celote datirane v flavijsko obdobje (Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 2). tions of decoration known from the previous forms also appear on these jugs, such as applied glass trails and ribbed walls. On the later jugs, the spout was conically pulled from the rim, which was sometimes somewhat raised. These forms were common in the second half of the 2nd and in the 3rd centuries (Cool, Price 1995, 130). Jugs with applied decoration (5.2.3.) appear in dated contexts from the middle of the 2"d century and even in the first half of the 3rd century (Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, 81; Fassold 1985, 223). The jug of form 5.2.3. comes from a grave dated to the 2"d-3rd centuries (Tušek 1985, 242), while the other form (5.2.4.) from grave 672 can be dated on the basis of comparisons to the 3rd century (Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, 81). 5.3. JUGS WITH TWO HANDLES 5.3.1. Two handled jug with oval body (Is 15); (Fig. 40): Oval vessels, the neck almost directly extends into the rounded or triangular rim, bent outwards, down, and up. Ring base drawn out from the walls. Two handles were attached to the shoulder and the neck, just under the rim. Date: second half of the 1st century Celjc (gr. 4) Oval jug with two handles, ring base. 5.3.1. - hi. 25 cm - PMC R 4283. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152-5: 82. Analogies: Berger I960, PI. 20: 79, 80: Calvi 1969. PI. I: 79: Rütti 1988, PI. 23: 1624; Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 44: 003: 45:111. Comments: The two-handled jug imitated the form of an amphora, and thus some also call it ampltoriskos. The form is also known in metal and pottery. Glass products of this type were distributed throughout the entire Empire. The body is usually oval (convex), and the rim is characteristically triangular in profile - bent outwards, downwards, and upwards. Amphorisks were made of multicoloured, coloured, and naturally coloured glass. Examples with applied multicoloured drops are the earliest. Production of them began sometime in the first half of the Is' century, between AD 20 and 50 (Grose 1974, 42). The form was particularly popular in the third quarter of the Is' century, and it remained in use up to the end of the lsl century. These products are only rarely known in contexts from the early 2nd century (Welker 1974, 69). This form is also known from Emona, found in SKUPINA 6 - STEKLENICE (sl. 41-45; pril. 2, 3) 6.2. STEKLENICE BREZ ROČAJEV 6.2.1. Kroglaste steklenice z brušenimi pasovi na ostenju (Is 16); (s/. 41): Trup kroglast, ustje zapognjeno navzdol, dno ravno, na ostenju pasovi horizontalnih brušenih linij. Datacija: I. st. Celje (gr. 4) Del ostenja in vrat kroglaste steklenice s pasovi brušenih linij po ostenju. 6.2.1. - viš. 11,6 cm - PMC R 4287. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 84. Ptuj (PN) Ostenje in del vratu kroglaste steklenice s pasovi brušenih linij na ostenju, dno ravno. 6.2.1. - viš. 10 cm - PMP 1254. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. I: 14. Primerjave: Czurda-Ruth 1979, Tal'. 7: 978; Riitti 1988, Taf. 19: 1320. 6.2.2. Kroglaste steklenice z izvihanim ustjem (sl. 41): Trup okrogel, ustje izvihano, dno ravno ali rahlo vboklo. Datacija: I. st. Celje (gr. 4) Steklenica s kroglastim trupom, ustje izvihano in okrašeno z nataljeno modro nitjo, dno ravno. 6.2.2. - viš. 21 cm; najv. obseg 16 cm - PMC R 4279. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 81. ■‘tuj (gr. 314) Ostenje kroglaste steklenice, dno rahlo vboklo. 6-2.2. - viš. 8,3 cm - PMP 15936. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 23: 24. Ptuj (PN) Ostenje in del vratu kroglaste steklenice, dno rahlo vboklo. 6.2.2. - viš. 9,4 cm - PMP R 1251. Lil.: Miki Curk 1976, t. I: 13. Primerjave: Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 24: 290-94. Komentar za obliki 6.2.1. in 6.2.2.: Steklenice s kroglastim ostenjem 6.2.1. so po obliki Podobne balzamarijem Isings 26, vendar jih od njih loči Predvsem višina. Ustje steklenic je zapognjeno navzdol grave 1080 from the second half of the Is' century (Petru 1972, PI. 87:16). The two-handled jug from Celeia was made of naturally coloured glass and was exceptionally thinly blown. It was found in a grave dated to the Flavian period (Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 2). GROUP 6 - BOTTLES (Fig. 4!-45; Appendices 2, 3) 6.2. BOTTLES WITHOUT HANDLES 6.2.1. Globular bottles with wheel-cut bands on the walls (Is 16); (Fig. 41): Globular body, rim bent downward, flat base, bands of horizontal wheel-cut lines on the walls. Date: Is1 century Celje (gr. 4) Part of the walls and neck of a spherical bottle with bands of wheel-cut lines on the walls. 6.2.1. - lit. 11.6 cm - PMC R 4287. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 84. Ptuj (IF) Walls and part of the neck of a spherical bottle with bands of wheel-cut lines on the walls, flat base. 6.2.1. - lit. 10 cm - PMP 1254. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 1: 14. Analogies: Czurda-Ruth 1979, PI. 7: 978; Riitti 1988, PI. 19: 1320. 6.2.2. Globular bottles with an everted rim (Fig. 41): Globular body, everted rim, base flat or slightly concave. Date: Is'century Celje (gr. 4) Bottle with a globular body, the rim everted and decorated with an applied blue trail, base flat. 6.2.2. - lit. 21 cm; greatest circ. 16 cm - PMC R 4279. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152: 81. Ptuj (gr. 314) Walls of a spherical bottle, base slightly concave. 6.2.2. - ht. 8.3 cm - PMP 15936. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, PI. 23: 24. I’tuj (IF) Walls and part of the neck of a spherical bottle, base slightly concave. in nato navzgor, pod vratom je včasih rahla zajeda, ostenje pa krasijo plitve horizontalne brušene linije. Isingsova te steklenice umešča že v prvo četrtino 1. stoietja (1957, 34). Najdbe s Štalenske gore pa kažejo še zgodnejšo datacijo, saj jih umeščajo že na konec 1. st. pr. n. š., medtem ko je večina najdb iz tiberijsko-klavdijskega obdobja (Czurda-Ruth 1979. 126). Obe steklenici različice 6.2.1. sta le delno ohranjeni, celjska najdba pa je iz grobne celote datirane v flavijsko obdobje (Kolšek 1972, Y 152). Tudi različica 6.2.2. izhaja iz groba v Celju, ki sodi v drugo polovico 1. stoletja (Kolšek 1972, Y 152), ptujski grob 314 pa ima poleg delno ohranjene steklenice 6.2.2. - ht. 9.4 cm - PMP R 1251. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, Pl. 1: 13. Analogies: Barköczi 1988, Pl. 24: 290-94. Comments - forms 6.2.1. and 6.2.2.: Bottles with spherical walls (6.2.1.) are similar in form to the balsamaria type Isings 26, although they are distinguished from them in terms of height. The rim of the bottles is bent downwards and then up. occasionally there is a slight constriction under the neck, and the walls are decorated with shallow horizontal wheel-cut lines. Isings placed these bottles in the first quarter of 6.2.4 6.2.2. SI. 41: Skupina 6 - steklenice (6.2.1.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 1: 14: 6.2.2.: Kolšek 1972, 152: 81: 6.2.3.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 2: 7; 6.2.4.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 20: 9). M. = 1:3. priložen samo še žebelj in ga ne moremo točneje datirati (Kujundžič 1982, t. 23: 23, 24). 6.2.3. Kroglaste steklenice z ostenjem pihanim v kalup (Is 101); (sl. 41): Kroglast trup, ostenje pihano v enostaven rebrast kalup, ustje izvihano in odebeljeno, dno na sredini rahlo vboklo. Datacija: konec 3. - 4. st. Ptuj (gr. 9) Stekle nica s kroglastim, v kalup pihanim trupom, ustje izvihano in odebeljeno, noga prstanasta. 6.2.3. - viš. 15, 4 cm; pr. ustja 5 cm - ZVKD Mb. Lit.: Tušek 1997, t. 4: 7. Ptuj (gr. 41) Stekle nička s kroglastim, v kalup pihanim trupom, ustje izvihano in odebeljeno, dno vboklo. 6.2.3. - viš. 16,4 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1997, t. 4: 2. Ptuj (PN) Steklenica s kroglastim, v rebrast kalup pihanim trupom, ustje izvihano in odebeljeno, dno ravno, na sredi vboklo. 6.2.3. - viš. 13,1 cm - PMP 3422. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 2: 7. Ptuj (PN) Stekle nica s kroglastim, v rebrast kalup pihanim trupom, dno ravno, v sredini vboklo. 6.2.3. - viš. 9,9 cm - PMP 3472. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 2: 9. Ptuj (PN) Kroglast trup steklenice s stiliziranim žlebljenim okrasom, dno na sredini vboklo. 6.2.3. - viš. 8,4 cm - PMP 16533. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 31: 20. Primerjave: Damevski 1976, t. 13: 4; Barkoczi 1988. Taf. 24: 297; 29: 324. Komentar: Steklenice s plitvim žlebljenim okrasom niso tako pogoste kot posode z nataljenim okrasom. Optično pihan okras (najprej pihano v kalup in nato dopihano ter sukano na steklarski pipi) srečamo razen na steklenicah tudi na vrčih in nekaterih čašah. Okras se ne pojavlja na zgodnjih izdelkih, najbolj razširjen je v 4. stoletju, tehnika pa se nadaljuje še v zgodnjesrednjeveškem obdobju, ko na ta način krasijo predvsem številne čaše (izdelki frankovske in merovinške dobe - Cabart, Feyeux 1995, 75, Fig. 43). Najdbe iz Velike Britanije se pojavljajo v kontekstih Poznega 3. in v 4. stoletju (Cool, Price 1995, 136). Na nemških najdiščih so steklenice s tem okrasom datirane v zadnja desetletja 4. in v zgodnje 5. stoletje (Haberey '942, 263), najdbe iz Madžarske pa v 4. stoletje (Barkoczi 1988, 139). the 1st century (1957, 34). The finds from Magdalensberg indicate even earlier date, which would assign them as early as the end of the 1st century BC, however most of the finds are from the Tiberian-Claudian period (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 126). Both bottles of variant 6.2.1. are only partly preserved; the find from Celje comes from a grave dated to the Flavian period (Kolšek 1972, Y 152). Variant 6.2.2. also comes from a grave in Celje, dated to the second half of the lsl century (Kolšek 1972, Y 152), while grave 314 from Ptuj contained only a nail in addition to the partly preserved bottle and cannot be more exactly dated (Kujundžič 1982, t. 23: 23, 24). 6.2.3. Globular bottle with mould-blown body (Is 101); (Fig. 41): Globular body, walls blown into a simple ribbed mould, the rim everted and thickened, the base slightly concave in the center. Date: end of the 3rd - 4"' centuries Ptuj (gr. 9) Bottle with a globular mould-blown body, the rim everted and thickened, ring base. 6.2.3. - lit. 15.4 cm; dia. rim 5 cm - ZVKD Mb. Lit.: Tušek 1997, PI. 4: 7. Ptuj (gr. 41) Bottle with a globular mould-blown body, the rim everted and thickened, base concave. 6.2.3. - ht. 16.4 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1997, PI. 4: 2. Ptuj (IF) Bottle with a globular body blown into a ribbed mould, the rim everted and thickened, the base flat and concave in the center. 6.2.3. - ht. 13.1 cm - PMP 3422. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 2: 7. Ptuj (IF) Bottle with a globular body blown into a ribbed mould, flat base, concave in the center. 6.2.3. - ht. 9.9 cm - PMP 3472. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 2: 9. Ptuj (IF) Globular bottle with a stylized ribbed decoration, the base concave in the center. 6.2.3. - ht. 8.4 cm - PMP 16533. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, PI. 31: 20. Analogies: Damevski 1976, PI. 13: 4; Barkoczi 1988, PI. 24: 297; 29: 324. Comments: Bottles with shallow ribbed decoration are not as common as vessels with applied decoration. The optic-blown decoration (first blown into a mould and then again free Dve steklenički iz Petovione sta iz ohranjenih grobnih celot, ena je z novcem datirana v drugo polovico 4. stoletja (Tušek 1997, 293), grob iz Rabelčje vasi -Dijaški dom pa tudi sodi v 4. stoletje (Vomer Gojkovič 1996, 312). Ostale stekleničke so posamične najdbe in jih lahko datiramo le tipološko. 6.2.4. Kroglaste steklenice z okrasom niti (sl. 41): Kroglast trup, ustje ravno ali rahlo izvihano, zataljeno ali odebeljeno, dno ravno ali prstanasto, nataljena nit na vratu in ramenu enojna ali v več pasovih. Datacija: druga polovica 2. - 3. st. Ptuj (gr. 1) Steklenička s kroglastim trupom, ustje izvihano in odebeljeno, dno ravno, okrog vratu ovita steklena nit. 6.2.4. - viš. 7,2 cm; najv. obseg 5,3 cm - PMP. Lit.: Šubic 1972, Y 137: 9. Ptuj (gr. 1) Kroglasta steklenica, ustje rahlo izvihano in odebeljeno, dno ravno, na sredi vboklo, nit na vratu in ramenu. 6.2.4. - viš. 11,2 cm; najv. obseg 9,2 cm - PMP 11309. Lit.: Šubic 1972, Y 137: II. Ptuj (gr. 132) Kroglasta steklenica, ustje ravno in zataljeno, dno prstanasto, nit na vratu in ramenu. 6.2.4. - viš. 11,4 cm; najv. obseg 9,2 cm - PMP 14873. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 12: 1. Ptuj (gr. 255) Kroglasta steklenica, ustje izvihano in zataljeno, dno prstanasto, nit na vratu in dve niti na ramenu. 6.2.4. - viš. 13,5 cm; najv. obseg 10 cm - PMP 15617. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 20: 9. Ptuj (gr. 785) Kroglasta steklenica s prstanasto nogo, na ramenu nataljena nit, ustje manjka. 6.2.4. - viš. 10 cm - LMJ 2171. Lit. Istenič 2000, t. 177: 11. Drnovo (PN) Kroglasta steklenica, ustje izvihano in zataljeno, dno prstanasto, nit na spodnjem delu vratu in ramenu, nad dnom rebro na ostenju. 6.2.4. - viš. 12,7 cm - NMS R 706. Lit.: Petru. Petru 1978, t. 25: 2. Primerjave: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Taf. 59: 898; Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Abb. 105; Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 25: 303-305. blown and sometimes twisted on a glass blower’s pipe) can be found on jugs and some beakers as well as bottles. This decoration does not appear on early products, rather it is most widespread in the 4'" century, and the technique continued even in the early medieval period, when it was used to decorate numerous beakers (Frankish and Merovingian periods - Cabart, Feyeux 1995, 75, Fig. 43). The finds from Great Britain appear in the context of the late 3rd and 4'" centuries (Cool, Price 1995, 136). At German sites, bottles with such decoration are dated to the last decades of the 4"' and the early 5"1 centuries (Haberey 1942, 263), while the Hungarian finds are classified to the 4'" century (Barkoczi 1988, 139). Two of the bottles from Poetovio are from preserved graves, one with a coin dated to the second half of the 4"’ century (Tušek 1997, 293), and grave 41 from the Ptuj site of Rabelčja vas - Student Dormitory was also from the 4lh century (Vomer Gojkovič 1996, 312). The other bottles were isolated finds and they can only be dated typologically. 6.2.4. Globular bottles with trailed decoration (Fig. 4l)\ Globular body, the rim straight or slightly everted, rounded or thickened, flat or ring base, applied trails on the neck and shoulder in single or multiple bands. Date: second half of the 2nd - 3rd centuries Ptuj (gr. 1) Bottle with a globular body, rim everted and thickened, base flat, a glass trail wound around the neck. 6.2.4. - ht. 7.2 cm; greatest circ. 5.3 cm - PMP. Lit.: Miki Curk 1972, Y 137: 9. Ptuj (gr. I) Spherical bottle, rim slightly everted and thickened, base flat, concave in the center, glass trail on the neck and shoulder. 6.2.4. - lit. 11.2 cm; greatest circ. 9.2 cm - PMP 11309. Lit.: Miki Curk 1972, Y 137: II. Ptuj (gr. 132) Spherical bottle, rim straight and rounded, ring base, glass trail on the neck and shoulder. 6.2.4. - ht. 11.4 cm; greatest circ. 9.2 cm - PMP 14873. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, PI. 12: I. Ptuj (gr. 255) Spherical bottle, rim everted and rounded, ring base, glass trail on the neck and two on the shoulder. 6.2.4. - ht. 13.5 cm; greatest circ. 10 cm - PMP 15617. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, PI. 20: 9. Ptuj (gr. 785) Spherical bottle with a ring base, applied trail on the shoulder, rim missing. 6.2.4. - ht. 10 cm - I.M.I 2171. Lit. Istenič, PI. 177: 11. 6.2.5. Bikonične steklenice z okrasom niti (sl. 42): Trup bikoničen, ustje nagnjeno navzven in zataljeno, noga prstanasta, okrog vratu nataljena nit v eni ali več linijah. Datacija: druga polovica 2. - 3. st. Ptuj (PN) Steklenica, ustje odebeljeno, noga prstanasta, na vratu ovita nit v več pasovih. 6.2.5. - viš. 13 cm; najv. obseg 9,4 cm - PMP 1253. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 2: 6. Ptuj (PN) Steklenica z bikoničnim trupom, ustje izvihano in odebeljeno, dno prstanasto, okrog vratu ovita nit. 6.2.5. - viš. 13, 5 cm; najv. obseg 7,1 cm - PMP 1248. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 1:9. Primerjave: Hayes 1975, Fig. 6: 201; Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Abb. Ill; Barköczi 1988,Taf. 31: 344, 345. Komentar za obliki 6.2.4. in 6.2.5.: Med drugim in četrtim stoletjem so v uporabi steklenice kroglaste ali ovalne oblike, ki se med seboj ločijo predvsem po načinu izdelave ustja ali dna, za lažjo časovno opredelitev pa je pogosto pomemben tudi način okrasa. Okras nataljenih niti se na steklenih izdelkih pojavlja od konca 1. stoletja, najbolj pa je priljubljen v 2. in 3. stoletju. Na steklenicah in vrčih je okras niti ponekod omejen le na vrat, drugje je okrašeno ostenje ali pa posoda v celoti. Kroglaste steklenice z nataljenimi nitmi in rebrom na vratu (6.2.4.) so po okrasu blizu enoročajnim vrčem z rebrom na ramenu, ki so v uporabi od konca 1. in v prvi polovici 2. stoletja (Isings 1957, 53: Welker 1974, 89). V detajlih izdelave obeh ptujskih steklenic pa opazimo značilnosti, ki kažejo na mlajši nastanek teh oblik. Ustje je zataljeno in rahlo nagnjeno navzven, na dno je prilepljena nit, ki tvori nizko prstanasto nogo. Tudi glede na primerjave z drugih evropskih najdišč lahko vidimo, da gre za izdelke, pogoste v drugi polovici 2. in v 3. stoletju (Barköczi 1988, 141; Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, 42). Grobni celoti s Ptuja bi po pridatkih lahko postavili v drugo polovico 2. stoletja (Kujundžič 1982, 12-14). Bikoničnim oblikam (6.2.5.) najdemo nekoliko manj primerjav, najbližje so na Madžarskem in v Nemčiji, nekaj celo v daljni Tripolitaniji (Price 1985, 80). Med luksuzne izdelke te oblike sodijo posode z nataljenim okrasom niti, ki so priljubljene v začetku 3. stoletja in navadno izdelane iz brezbarvnega stekla (Barköczi 1988, 154, No. 344). Pri nas zbrane steklenice ne izvirajo iz grobnih celot, vendar bi glede na primerjave sodile v drugo Polovico 2. in v 3. stoletje. Drnovo (IF) Spherical bottle, rim everted and rounded, ring base, trail on the lower part of the neck and the shoulder, a rib on the walls above the base. 6.2.4. - ht. 12.7 cm - NMS R 706. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 2. Analogies: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, PI. 59: 898; Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Fig. 105; Barköczi 1988, PI. 25: 303-305. 6.2.5. Biconical bottles with trailed decoration (Fig. 42): Biconical body, rim bent outwards and fire-rounded, ring base, around the neck an applied trail in one or more lines. Date: second half of the 2nd - 3rd centuries Ptuj (IF) Bottle, thickened rim, ring base, a trail applied around the neck in several bands. 6.2.5. - ht. 13 cm; greatest circ. 9.4 cm - PMP 1253. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 2: 6. Ptuj (IF) Bottle with a biconical body, rim everted and thickened, ring base, trail applied around the neck. 6.2.5. - ht. 13.5 cm; greatest circ. 7.1 cm - PMP 1248. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, Pl. I: 9. Analogies: Hayes 1975, Fig. 6: 201; Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Fig. Ill; Barköczi 1988, Pl. 31: 344. 345. Comments - forms 6.2.4. and 6.2.5.: Spherical and oval bottles were in use between the second and fourth centuries. They can be distinguished primarily according to the manner of forming the rim or the base. The decoration is also frequently important for easier chronological classification. Decoration with glass trails appeared on glass products from the end of the lsl century, and was most popular in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. The decoration is sometimes limited to the neck on bottles and jugs, and otherwise the walls or even the entire vessel could be decorated. Globular bottles with applied trails and a rib on the neck (6.2.4.) are close in decoration to the single handled jugs with a rib on the shoulder, which were in use from the end of the lsl and in the first half of the 2nd centuries (Isings 1957, 53; Welker 1974, 89). The details of the manufacture of both bottles from Ptuj show characteristics pointing to a later creation of this form. The rim is fire-rounded and slightly out turned, while a glass coil was attached to the base, creating a low ring foot. In comparison with other European sites, it can also be seen that these products were common in the second half of the 2"d and the 3rd centuries (Barköczi 1988, 141; Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984,42). 6.2.6. Kroglaste steklenice z zajedo pod vratom (Is 103); (sl. 42): Stekleničke s kroglastim trupom, prehod med vratom in ostenjem loči zajeda, ustje ravno odrezano in obrušeno, dno vboklo. Datacija: druga polovica 3. - prva polovica 4. st. Celje (gr. 13) Kroglasta steklenička z zajedo pod vratom, ustje ravno odrezano, dno v sredi rahlo vboklo. 6.2.6. - viš. 13,2 cm; najv. obseg 8,3 cm - PMC R 342. Lit.: Bolta 1957, sl. 6. The graves from Ptuj could be dated on the basis of the grave goods to the second half of the 2nd century (Kujundžič 1982, 12-14). Somewhat fewer comparisons have been found for the biconical form (6.2.5.), the closest are in Hungary and Germany, while some are known even from distant Tripolitania (Price 1985, 80). Luxurious forms of these biconical bottles include vessels with an applied snake-thread decoration, which was popular at the beginning of the 3rd century and was usually made of colourless glass (Barköczi 1988, 154, No. 344). The bottles collected from Slovenian sites do not come from graves, but nonetheless in terms of comparative material, they can be dated to the second half of the 2"d and the 3rd centuries. SI. 42: Skupina 6 - steklenice (6.2.5.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 2: 6; 6.2.6.: Lazar 1997a, t. I: 5; 6.2.7.: Miki Curk 1976, t. I: 12; 6.2.8.: Lazar 1997a, t. 1: 6). M. = 1:3. Celje (gr. 13) Kroglasta steklenička z zajedo pod vratom, ustje poškodovano, dno v sredini rahlo vboklo. 6.2.6. - viš. 12 cm - PMC R 343. Lit.: Bolta 1957, sl. 7. Ptuj (PN) Steklenica s kroglastim trupom, pod vratom zajeda, dno na sredini rahlo vboklo. 6.2.6. - viš. 12,5 cm; najv. obseg 10,3 cm - PMP 1258. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 1: 15. Ptuj (PN) Steklenica s kroglastim trupom, pod vratom zajeda, dno v sredini rahlo vboklo. 6.2.6. - viš. 13,4 cm; najv. obseg 11 cm - PMP 1257. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 1: 12. Primerjave: Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, No. 89-100; Barköczi 1988, Tal'. 26: 311, 313; 27: 317, 318. 6.2.7. Kroglaste steklenice z zajedo pod vratom in brušenim okrasom (Is 103); (sl. 42): Steklenice s kroglastim trupom, prehod med vratom in ostenjem je zajeden, ustje ravno odrezano in obrušeno, dno vboklo. Ostenje krasijo pasovi brušenih horizontalnih linij. Datacija: druga polovica 3. - prva polovica 4. st. Ptuj (gr. 615) Steklenica s kroglastim trupom iz dekoloriranega stekla, zajeda Pod vratom, horizontalne brušene kanelure na vratu in ostenju, okras brušenih krogov po ostenju. 6.2.7. - pr. ustja 2,2 cm - LMJ 2533. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t 134: 6. ■’tuj (gr.) Steklenica s kroglastim trupom, pod vratom zajeda, po ostenju in vratu pasovi brušenih linij. 6.2.7. - ZVKDMb. Lit.: Tušek 1985, sl. 67. Ptuj (PN) Steklenica s kroglastim trupom, pod vratom zajeda, dno na sredini rahlo vboklo. 6.2.7. - viš. 12,5 cm; najv. obseg 10,3 cm - PMP 1258. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 1: 15. Ptuj (PN) Steklenica s kroglastim trupom, pod vratom zajeda, dno v sredini rahlo vboklo. 6.2.7. - viš. 13,4 cm; najv. obseg 11 cm - PMP 1257. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 1: 12. Primerjave: Goethert-Polaschek 1977. Taf. 58: 913; Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Abb. 89-100; Barköczi 1988, Taf. 26: 314; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 7: 86. 87; 8: 89. Komentar za obliki 6.2.6. in 6.2.7.: Stekleničke z izrazito zajedo na prehodu iz ostenja v vrat so razširjena in značilna oblika pozno rimske dobe. 'zdelane so iz naravno obarvanega ali brezbarvnega 6.2.6. Globular bottles with a constriction beneath the neck (Is 103); (Fig. 42): Bottle with a globular body, the transition between the neck and the walls is separated by a constriction, the rim cut and ground, the base concave. Date: second half of the 3rd - first half of the 4"' centuries Celje (gr. 13) Globular bottle with an indentation below the neck, the rim straight cut, the base slightly concave in the center. 6.2.6. - ht. 13.2 cm; greatest circ. 8.3 cm - PMC R 342. Lit.: Bolta 1957, Fig. 6. Celje (gr. 13) Globular bottle with a constriction below the neck, the rim damaged, the base slightly concave in the center. 6.2.6. - ht. 12 cm - PMC R 343. Lit.: Bolta 1957, Fig. 7. Ptuj (IF) Bottle with a globular body, constriction below the neck, the base slightly concave in the center. 6.2.6. - ht. 12.5 cm; greatest circ. 10.3 cm - PMP 1258. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. I: 15. Ptuj (IF) Bottle with a globular body, constriction below the neck, the base slightly concave in the center. 6.2.6. - ht. 13.4 cm; greatest circ. 11 cm - PMP 1257. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 1: 12. Analogies: Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, No. 89-100; Barköczi 1988, Pl. 26: 311, 313; 27: 317, 318. 6.2.7. Globular bottles with a constriction on the neck and wheel-cut decoration (Is 103); (Fig. 42): Bottles with a globular body, the transition between the neck and the body is constricted, the rim straight cut and ground, the base concave. The walls are decorated with bands of wheel-cut horizontal lines. Date: second half of the 3111 - first half of the 4"' centuries Ptuj (gr. 615) Bottle with a globular body of decoloured glass, constriction under the neck, horizontal wheel-cut lines on the neck and the walls, decoration of circles on the walls. 6.2.7. - dia. rim 2.2 cm - LMJ 2533. Lit.: Istenič 2000. PI. 134: 6. Ptuj (gr.) Bottle with a globular body, constriction under the neck, wheel-cut lines on the walls and neck. 6.2.7. - ZVKDMb. Lit.: Tušek 1985, Fig. 67. Ptuj (IF) Bottle with a globular body, constriction under the neck, the base slightly concave in the center. stekla, dolg vrat se proti ustju zoži, ustje je značilno ravno odrezano. Nekateri kvalitetnejši izdelki (6.2.7.) imajo ostenje okrašeno z brušenimi horizontalnimi pasovi, geometrijskimi okrasi ali figuralnimi motivi, nekatere celo krasijo različni napisi (Harden et al. 1988, 208, sl. 116; Fünfschilling 1999, 81, Abb.6). Najdbe iz grobov v Trierju (oblika 93) so datirane v drugo polovico 3. in prvo polovico 4. stoletja (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, 351), najdbe iz Kölna pa pretežno v drugo polovico 3. stoletja (Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, 36-39). Nove grobne najdbe z istega najdišča pa kažejo, da tudi tu sega časovni razpon še v prvo polovico 4. stoletja (Friedhoff 1991, 158). Dve steklenički iz Celeje (6.2.6.) pripadata skromnemu pozno rimskemu grobu iz 4. stoletja (Lazar I997a, 326), ptujska steklenička z brušenim okrasom krogov in vodoravnih kanelur (6.2.7.) je iz groba iz prve polovice 3. stoletja in verjetno import iz kölnskih delavnic (Istenič 2000, 203), steklenička s pasovi horizontalnih brušenih linij pa pripada grobu, ki ga lahko umestimo na konec 3. stoletja (Tušek 1985, 242). 6.2.8. Kroglaste steklenice z navzven nagnjenim vratom (Is 104); (sl. 42): Trup steklenice je kroglast, vrat nagnjen navzven, ravno prehaja v ustje, ki je odrezano in obrušeno, dno je v sredini rahlo vboklo ali ravno. Datacija: druga polovica 3. - 4. st. Ptuj (gr. 466) Gornji del stekleničke z navzven nagnjenim vratom. 6.2.8. - viš. 6,3 cm - LMJ 2570. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 95: 8. Ptuj (gr. 499) Gornji del stekleničke z navzven nagnjenim vratom. 6.2.8. - pr. ustja 6,6 cm - LMJ 2584. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 105: 4. Ptuj (gr.) Steklenica s kroglastim trupom, vrat nagnjen navzven ustje ravno odrezano, dno na sredini vboklo. 6.2.8. - viš. 14, 7 cm; najv. obseg 10,4 cm - PMP 16924. Lit.: Jevremov 1990, t. 3. Celje (PN) Steklenica s kroglastim trupom, vrat nagnjen navzven, ustje ravno odrezano, dno ravno. 6.2.8. - viš. 11 cm; najv. obseg 8 cm - PMP R 404. Lit.: Lazar I997a, t. 1:6. Primerjave: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Taf. 62; Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Abb. 101-103: Barköczi 1988, Taf. 26: 308, 308a; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 29: 243, 244, 247. 6.2.7. - ht. 12.5 cm; greatest circ. 10.3 cm - PMP 1258. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 1: 15. Ptuj (IF) Bottle with a globular body, constriction under the neck, the base slightly concave in the center. 6.2.7. - ht. 13.4 cm; greatest circ. II cm - PMP 1257. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. I: 12. Analogies: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, PI. 58: 913; Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Fig. 89-100; Barköczi 1988, Pl. 26: 314; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Pl. 7: 86, 87; 8: 89. Comments - forms 6.2.6. and 6.2.7.; Bottles with an emphasized constriction at the transition from the neck to the walls are a widespread and characteristic form of the late Roman period. They were made of naturally coloured or colourless glass, the long neck narrowed toward the rim, and the rim was characteristically cut straight. Several luxurious products (6.2.7.) have walls decorated with wheel-cut horizontal bands, geometric decorations, or figural motifs, and some examples are even decorated with various inscriptions (Harden et al. 1988, 208, Fig. 116; Funfschilling 1999, 81, Fig. 6). The finds from graves at Trier (form 93) are dated to the second half of the 3rd and the first half of the 4'" centuries (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, 351), while the finds from Köln were mostly from the second half of the 3rd century (Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, 36-39). New grave finds from the same site indicate that the chronological range extends into the first half of the 4"' century (Friedhoff 1991, 158). The two bottles from Celeia (6.2.6.) belonged to a modest late Roman grave from the 4"' century (Lazar 1997a, 326). The bottle from Ptuj with a wheel-cut decoration of circles and bands (6.2.7.) was from a grave from the first half of the 3rd century (Istenič 2000, 203), while the bottle with bands of horizontal wheel-cut lines belonged to a grave that can be placed at the end of the 3rd century (Tušek 1985, 242). 6.2.8. Globular bottles with a funnel mouth and neck (Is 104); (Fig. 42): Bottles with globular bodies, the neck turned out, straight transition to Hie rim, which was cut and ground, the base flat or slightly concave in the center. Date: second half of the 3rd - 4'" century Ptuj (gr. 466) Upper part of a bottle with a funnel mouth and neck. 6.2.8. - hi. 6.3 cm - LMJ 2570. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 95: 8. Ptuj (gr. 499) Upper part of a bottle with a funnel mouth and neck. Komentar: Kroglaste stekleničke z navzven nagnjenim vratom, ki z zajedo prehaja iz trupa v vrat, so lahko izdelane iz naravno-obarvanega ali brezbarvnega stekla. Ravno odrezano ustje je značilnost, ki jo prepoznamo na številnih čašah, skodelah in tudi steklenicah v poznorimski dobi. Enostavna steklenička se pojavlja na različnih najdiščih v skoraj enaki izvedbi; ponekod je le ostenje razčlenjeno z gubami, dno pa je ponekod ravno in v sredi vboklo, drugje pa je na dno prilepljena nit, ki tvori prstanasto nogo. Redko na teh stekleničkah prepoznamo tudi brušen okras, znan je npr. motiv pogrebnega sprevoda s stekleničke iz severne Francije (Harden etal. 1988, 236), nekatere krasijo celo napisi (Fünfschilling 1999, 81, Abb. 5). Primerjave obliki najdemo na mnogih pozno rimskih grobiščih in med naselbinskimi najdbami. Omenimo naj najdbe iz Kölna (Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, 40, no. 101-103), datirane v drugo polovico 3. stoletja, Osijeka (Bulat 1976, t. I: 1), Akvileje (Calvi 1969, t. 23), vTrierju je ta steklenička kot oblika 101 (Form 101 a-c) datirana v 4. stoletje (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, 156,351). Stekleničke iz petovionskih grobov so datirane glede na sestavo grobnih celot na konec 3. in v prvo polovico 4. stoletja (Jevremov 1990, 395; Istenič 2000, 151, 163), celjska steklenička pa je posamična najdba s pozno rimskega grobišča, kjer so bili odkriti grobovi iz 4. stoletja (Lazar 1997a, 326). 6.2.9. Cilindrične steklenice (Is 102); (sl. 43): Ustje izvihano in odebeljeno ali zataljeno, dno vboklo, ostenje cilindrično. Datacija: 2.-4. st. Ptuj (gr. 167) Steklenica s cilindričnim ostenjem, ustje izvihano in zapognjeno navznoter, dno vboklo, ročaj profiliran. 6-2.9. - pr. ustja 3,6 cm - LM.I 2652. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 36: 3. •’tuj (gr. 499) Stekle nica s cilindričnim ostenjem, ustje izvihano in zapognjeno navznoter, dno vboklo, ročaj gosto narebren. 6-2.9. - pr. ustja 5,2 cm - LMJ 2355. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 128: 8. Pt“j (gr.) Steklenica s cilindričnim ostenjem, ustje izvihano, dno vboklo. 6-2.9. - viš. 16 cm; pr. dna 7,2 cm - PMP R 3462. Lit.: Šubic 1976, t. 2: 20. <‘tuj(PN) Steklenica s cilindričnim ostenjem, ustje izvihano in odebeljeno, dno vboklo. 6.2.8. - dia. rim 6.6 cm - LMJ 2584. Lit.: Istenič 2000, Pl. 105: 4. Ptuj (gr.) Bottle with a globular body, the neck angled outward, the rim cut straight, the base concave in the center. 6.2.8. - ht. 14.7 cm; greatest circ. 10.4 cm - PMP 16924. Lit.: Jevremov 1990, PI. 3. Celje (IF) Bottle with a globular body, the neck angled outward, the rim cut straight, the base flat. 6.2.8. - ht. 11 cm; greatest circ. 8 cm - PMP R 404. Lit.: Lazar 1997a, Pl. I: 6. Analogies: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, PI. 62; Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Fig. 101-103; Barköczi 1988, PI. 26: 308, 308a; Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 29: 243, 244, 247. Comments: Globular bottles with a funnel mouth and neck and a constriction at the transition from the neck to the walls could be made from naturally coloured or colourless glass. The straight cut rim is a characteristic that can be recognized on numerous beakers, bowls, and also bottles in the late Roman period. Simple bottles appeared at various sites in an almost identical form; sometimes the wall is made with indentations, the base is sometimes flat and concave in the center, and a coil is attached to the base, creating a ring base. Rarely on such bottles can we also find wheel-cut decoration; a motif is known, for example, of a funerary procession on a bottle from northern France (Harden et al. 1988, 236), and some even have inscriptions (Fünfschilling 1999, 81, Fig. 5). Comparative material can be found at many late Roman cemeteries and among settlement finds. This includes the finds from Köln (Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, 40, No. 101-103), dated to the second half of the 3rd century, Osijek (Bulat 1976, PI. 1: 1), and Aquileia (Calvi 1969, PI. 23). At Trier this type of bottle as form 101 (Form 101 a-c) was dated to the 4"' century (Goethert-Polaschek 1977, 156,351). The bottles from the Poetovio graves are dated in reference to the composition of the grave goods to the end of the 3rd and the first half of the 4th centuries (Jevremov 1990, 395; Istenič 2000, 151, 163), while the bottle from Celje was an isolated find from a late Roman cemetery where graves from the 4"' century were discovered (Lazar 1997a, 326). 6.2.9. Cylindrical bottles (Is 102); (Fig. 43): The rim everted and thickened or rounded, the base concave, the walls cylindrical. Date: 2nd - 4lh centuries SI. 43: Skupina 6 - steklenice (6.2.9.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 2: 12; 6.3.1.: Petru, Valič 1959, t. 8: 3; 6.3.2.: Pahič 1969, t. I: 5; 6.3.3.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, t. 10: 7). M. = 1:3. Fig. 43: Group 6 - bottles (6.2.9.: Miki Curk 1976, Pl. 2: 12; 6.3.1.: Petru, Valič 1959, Pl. 8: 3; 6.3.2.: Pahič 1969, Pl. 1: 5; 6.3.3.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, Pl. 10: 7). Scale = 1:3. 6.2.9. - viš. 12,8 cm; najv. obseg 5,6 cm; PMP R 3485. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 2: 13. Ptuj (PN) Steklenica s cilindričnim trupom, ustje izvihano in odebeljeno, dno vboklo. 6.2.9. - viš. 18, 3 cm; najv. obseg 5,6 cm - PMP R 11182. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 2: 12. Primerjave: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Taf. 64: 1147-50, 1158; Whitehouse 1997, No. 308, 309. Komentar: Cilindrične steklenice imajo ostenje oblikovano v enostavnem kalupu, dno je navadno nekoliko vboklo, izvihano ustje je zataljeno, odebeljeno in pri nekaterih zgodnejših izdelkih celo zapognjeno navznoter in sploščeno. Primerjave tem steklenicam niso zelo številne, največjih najdemo na najdiščih vzhodnega Sredozemlja (Stern 1977, 77-80). Najzgodnejši izdelki so datirani na konec 1. stoletja, srečamo pa jih tudi še v sredini 4. stoletja na najdiščih v Izraelu (Whitehouse 1997, 176). Steklenici iz grobov zahodne petovionske nekropole pripadata grobovom iz 2. (gr. 598) in 3. stoletja (gr. 167; Istenič 2000, 194, 151). Ostale steklenice so posamične najdbe in jih lahko na osnovi oblike in izdelave ustij opredelimo od 2. do 4. stoletja. 6.3. STEKLENICE Z ROČAJI 6.3.1. Nizke kvadratne steklenice z ročajem (Is 50a); (sl. 43): Steklenice s kvadratnim trupom, vrat kratek, ustje izvihano in sploščeno, ročaj gosto narebren, rebrast ali trakast, na dnu odtisi geometrijskih ali figuralnih motivov. Datacija; druga polovica 1.-2. st. Bobovck (gr. 1) Steklenica z ravnim ustjem, rahlo vboklim dnom in rebrastim ročajem. 6.3.1. - viš. 14,8 cm; pr. ustja 2,8 cm - GMK. Lit.: Petru, Valič 1959, t. 1:3. Bobovek (gr. 4) Steklenica s sploščenim ustjem, rahlo vboklim dnom in gosto narebrenim ročajem. Na dnu odtis rozete. 6-3.1. - viš. 13,9 cm; pr. ustja 3,2 cm - GMK. Lit.: Petru, Valič 1959. t. 8: 3. Cerknica (gr. 2) Deli steklenice, dno vboklo, ročaj gosto narebren. 6-3.2. - najv. obseg 6,2 cm - N M P. Lit.: Urleb 1984, t. I: 18. Cerknica (gr. 10) Steklenica z rahlo izvihanim in sploščenim ustjem, dno vboklo, r°čaj trakast. Ptuj (gr. 167) Bottle with cylindrical walls, rim everted and turned inside, base concave, handle profiled. 6.2.9. - dia. rim 3.6 cm - LMJ 2652. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 36: 3. Ptuj (gr. 499) Bottle with cylindrical walls, rim everted and turned inside, base concave, handle densely ribbed. 6.2.9. - dia. rim 5.2 cm - LMJ 2355. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 128: 8. Ptuj (gr.) Bottle with cylindrical walls, rim everted, base concave. 6.2.9. - lit. 16 cm; dia. base 7.2 cm - PMP R 3462. Lit.: Šubic 1976, PI. 2: 20. Ptuj (IF) Bottle with cylindrical walls, rim everted and thickened, base concave. 6.2.9. - ht. 12.8 cm; greatest circ. 5.6 cm; PMP R 3485. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 2: 13. Ptuj (IF) Bottle with a cylindrical body, rim everted and thickened, base concave. 6.2.9. - ht. 18.3 cm; greatest circ. 5.6 cm - PMP R 11182. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 2: 12. Analogies: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, PI. 64: 1147-50, 1158; Whitehouse 1997, No. 308, 309. Comments: Cylindrical bottles have walls formed in a simple mould, the base is usually somewhat concave, the everted rim is rounded, thickened, and in several earlier examples even turned inwards and flattened. Comparisons for these bottles are not very numerous, and most can be found at eastern Mediterranean sites (Stern 1977, 77-80). The earliest examples are dated to the end of the Is' century, while they can also be found from the middle of the 4'" century at sites in Israel (Whitehouse 1997, 176). The bottles from the western necropolis of Poetovio came from graves of the 2nd (grave 598) and the 3rd centuries (gr. 167; Istenič 2000, 194, 151). The other bottles were isolated finds and on the basis of the form and manufacture of the rims they can be classified from the 2nd to the 4"’ centuries. 6.3. BOTTLES WITH HANDLES 6.3.1. Low square bottles with a handle (Is 50a); (Fig. 43)\ Bottles with a square body, the neck short, the rim everted and flattened, the handle reeded, ribbed, or banded, on the base impressions of geometric or figural motifs. Date: second half of the lsl - 2nd centuries 6.3.1. - viš. 13,4 cm; najv. obseg 4,6 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, t. 7: 2. Ptuj (gr. 463) Steklenica s sploščenim ustjem, gosto narebrenim ročajem in odtisom koncentričnih krogov na dnu. 6.3.1. - pr. ustja 4,5 cm - LMJ 2569. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 94: 3. Trebnje (gr 111) Spodnji del steklenice z rahlo vboklim dnom in trakastim ročajem. 6.3.1. - viš. 21,7 cm; pr. dna 10,8 cm - DM R 831. Lit.: Slabe 1993, t. 17: 6. Trebnje (gr. 111) Steklenica s sploščenim ustjem, ravnim dnom in trakastim ročajem. 6.3.1. - viš. 15,3 cm; pr. dna 6,8 cm - DM R 827. Lit.: Slabe 1993, t. 17: 9. Drnovo (PN) Steklenica s sploščenim ustjem, vboklim dnom in trakastim ročajem. Na dnu vtisnjeni koncentrični krogi. 6.3.1. - viš. 16,1 cm; najv. obseg 9,2 cm - NMS R 717. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 14. Trebnje (PN) Steklenica s sploščenim ustjem, vboklim dnom in trakastim ročajem. 6.3.1. - viš. 14,2 cm; najv. obseg 6,8 cm - DM. Lit.: Knez 1969, t. 7: 1. Primerjave: Berger 1960, Taf. 21: 82, 83; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 10:99; 11: 100-102; Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 35: 007, 047; 36: 065, 013. 6.3.2. Visoke kvadratne steklenice z ročajem (Is 50b); (sl. 43): Steklenice z visokim štirikotnim trupom, vrat zelo kratek, ustje izvihano, zavihano in sploščeno, ročaj gosto narebren, na dnu geometrijski vzorci. Datacija: druga polovica 1.-2. st. Miklavž pri Mariboru (GN) Visoka steklenica s kratkim vratom, sploščenim ustjem, vboklim dnom in gosto narebrenim ročajem. Na dnu odtis rozet in pelte v vogalih. 6.3.2. - viš. 28,7 cm; najv. obseg 9,5 cm - PMM A 2241. Lit.: Pahič 1969, t. 1: 5. Ptuj (gr. 463) Visoka steklenica s sploščenim ustjem, gosto narebrenim ročajem in okrasom romba na dnu. 6.3.2. - pr. ustja 5 cm - LMJ 2568. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 94: 2. Drnovo (PN) Visoka steklenica s kratkim vratom, ustje sploščeno, dno ravno, ročaj gosto narebren. Na dnu vtisnjeni koncentrični krogi. 6.3.2. - viš. 20,5 cm; najv. obseg 7,2 cm - NMS R 716. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 13. Bobovck (gr. 1) Bottle with a straight rim, a slightly concave base, and a ribbed handle. 6.3.1. - ht. 14.8 cm; dia. rim 2.8 cm - GMK. Lit.: Petru, Valič 1959, Pl. 1: 3. Bobovek (gr. 4) Bottle with a flattened rim, a slightly concave base, and a reeded handle. Impression of a rosette on the base. 6.3.1. - ht. 13.9 cm; dia. rim 3.2 cm - GMK. Lit.: Petru, Valič 1959, Pl. 8: 3. Cerknica (gr. 2) Parts of a bottle, the base concave, the handle reeded. 6.3.2. - greatest circ. 6.2 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, PI. 1: 18. Ccrknica (gr. 10) Bottle with a slightly everted and flattened rim, concave base, ribbon handle. 6.3.1. - ht. 13.4 cm; greatest circ. 4.6 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, PI. 7: 2. Ptuj (gr. 463) Bottle with a flattened rim, densely ribbed handle, and impressions of concentric circles on the base. 6.3.1. - dia. rim 4.5 cm - LMJ 2569. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 94: 3. Trebnje (gr 111) Lower part of a bottle with a slightly concave base and ribbon handle. 6.3.1. - ht. 21.7 cm; dia. base 10.8 cm - DM R 831. Lit.: Slabe 1993, PI. 17: 6. Trebnje (gr. Ill) Bottle with a flattened rim, flat base, and ribbon handle. 6.3.1. - ht. 15.3 cm; dia. base 6.8 cm - DM R 827. Lit.: Slabe 1993, PI. 17: 9. Drnovo (IF) Bottle with a flattened rim, concave base, and ribbon handle. Impressed concentric circles on the base. 6.3.1. - ht. 16.1 cm; greatest circ. 9.2 cm - NMS R 717. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 14. Trebnje (IF) Bottle with a flattened rim, concave base, and ribbon handle. 6.3.1. - ht. 14.2 cm; greatest circ. 6.8 cm - DM. Lit.: Knez 1969, PI. 7: 1. Analogies: Berger 1960, PI. 21: 82,83; Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 10: 99; II: 100-102; Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 35: 007, 047; 36: 065, 013. 6.3.2. Tall square bottles with a handle (Is 50b); (Fig. 43): Bottles with a high square body, the neck very short, the rim everted, bent, and flattened, the handle reeded, geometric patterns on the base. Date: second half of the Is1 - 2ni1 centuries Miklavž, pri Mariboru (TF) Tall bottle with a short neck, flattened rim, concave base, and reeded handle. On the base an impression of a rosette and peltae in the corners. Primerjave: Berger 1960, Taf. 21: 84; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 13: 116; Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 35: 007, 047; 36: 065, 013. 6.3.3. Mnogokotne steklenice z ročajem (sl. 43): Steklenice z mnogokotnim ostenjem, ustje izvihano in sploščeno, ročaj gosto narebren, dno vboklo. Ponekod odtisi vzorcev na dnu. Datacija: druga polovica 1.-2. st. Ptuj (gr. 26) Šesterokotna steklenica s sploščenim ustjem, vboklim dnom in gosto narebrenim ročajem. Na dnu odtisnjena rozeta. 6.3.3. - viš. 17,2 cm; najv. obseg 6,4 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, t. 10: 7. Drnovo (PN) Šesterokotna steklenica, ustje manjka, dno vboklo, ročaj narebren. 6.3.3. - viš. 16 cm; najv. obseg 8, 4 cm - NMS R 718. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 14. Primerjave: Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 37: 153, 154, 128,042, 056; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 11.8: 2124, 2143. 6.3.4. Nizke cilindrične steklenice z ročajem (Is 5la); (sl. 44): Cilindrična steklenica, ustje izvihano in sploščeno, dno vboklo, ročaj narebren. Datacija: druga polovica 1. - prva polovica 2. st. Unec (gr. 24) Cilindrična enoročajna steklenica, dno vboklo, ročaj narebren. 6.3.4. - viš. 10,6 cm; najv. obseg 9 cm; pr. dna 8 cm - NMP. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Unec (gr. 57) Cilindrična enoročajna steklenica, dno vboklo, ročaj narebren. 6.3.4. - viš. 14 cm; najv. obseg 10,5 cm - NMP. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Unec (gr. 57) Cilindrična enoročajna steklenica, dno vboklo, ročaj narebren. 6.3.4. - viš. 14 cm; najv. obseg 10,5 cm - NMP. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Ptuj (PN) Steklenica z izvihanim ustjem, ročaj trakast. 6.3.4. - viš. 21 cm; najv. obseg 8,9 cm - PMP 3493. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 2: 15. Primerjave: Berger 1960, Taf. 21: 85; Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Abb. 182, 183; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 17: 149; Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 30: 005. 6.3.2. - ht. 28.7 cm; greatest circ. 9.5 cm - PMM A 2241. Lit.: Pahič 1969, PI. 1: 5. Ptuj (gr. 463) Tall bottle with a flattened rim, reeded handle, and a decoration of rhombs on the base. 6.3.2. - dia. rim 5 cm - LMJ 2568. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 94: 2. Drnovo (IF) Tall bottle with a short neck, flattened rim, flat base, and reeded handle. Concentric circles impressed on the base. 6.3.2. - ht. 20.5 cm; greatest circ. 7.2 cm - NMS R 716. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 13. Analogies: Berger 1960, PI. 21: 84; Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 13: 116; Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 35: 007, 047; 36: 065, 013. 6.3.3. Polygonal bottles with a handle (Fig. 43): Bottles with polygonal walls, rim everted and flattened, handle reeded, base concave. Pattern sometimes impressed on the base. Date: second half of the 1st - 2nd centuries Ptuj (gr. 26) Hexagonal bottle with a flattened rim, concave base, and reeded handle. Rosette impressed on the base. 6.3.3. - ht. 17.2 cm; greatest circ. 6.4 cm - PMP. Lit.: Vomer Gojkovič 1996, PI. 10: 7. Drnovo (IF) Hexagonal bottle, rim missing, concave base, ribbed handle. 6.3.3. - ht. 16 cm; greatest circ. 8.4 cm - NMS R 718. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 14. Analogies: Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 37: 153, 154, 128, 042, 056; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 11.8: 2124, 2143. 6.3.4. Low cylindrical bottles with a handle (Is 51a); (Fig. 44): Cylindrical bottles, the rim everted and flattened, the base concave, the handle ribbed. Date: second half of the I5' - first half of the 2nd centuries Unec (gr. 24) Cylindrical single-handled bottle, concave base, ribbed handle. 6.3.4. - ht. 10.6 cm; greatest circ. 9 cm; dia. base 8 cm -NMP. Lit.: unpublished. Unec (gr. 57) Cylindrical single-handled bottle, concave base, ribbed handle. 6.3.4. - ht. 14 cm; greatest circ. 10.5 cm - NMP. Lit.: unpublished. Unec (gr. 57) Cylindrical single-handled bottle, concave base, ribbed handle. 6.3.5. Visoke cilindrične steklenice z ročajem (Is 5lb); (sl. 44): Cilindrične steklenice, ustje izvihano, zavihano in sploščeno, dno vboklo, ročaj rebrast ali trakast. Datacija: druga polovica I. - prva polovica 2. st. Miklavž pri Mariboru (GN) Steklenica z izvihanim in sploščenim ustjem, dno vboklo, ročaj narebren. 6.3.5. - viš. 19,3 cm; najv. obseg 11,7 cm - PMM A 2242. Lit.: Pahič 1969, t. 1:4. Milavž pri Mariboru (GN) Steklenica iz izvihanim in sploščenim ustjem, dno vboklo, ročaj trakast. 6.3.5. - viš. 20,2 cm; najv. obseg 11,2 cm - PMM A 2243. Lit.: Pahič 1969, t. 1: 3. Primerjave: nepoznane. Komentar za oblike 6.3.1. do. 6.3.5.: Enoročajne in dvoročajne steklenice so služile različnim namenom. Bolj kot serviranju so bili ti izdelki namenjeni shranjevanju tekočin. V njih so lahko hranili vse vrste tekočih in poltekočih snovi, zelo primerne pa so bile tudi za transport. Posebej pripravne so bile kvadratne steklenice, saj sojih lahko zložili drugo poleg druge in izkoristili ves prostor v zabojih. Cilindrične so bile glede prostora bolj potratne. Četverokotne steklenice so bile pihane v kalupe ali prosto pihane in dooblikovane. Po pihanju sojih še vroče sploščili na marmorni ali železni plošči pred pečjo (Seitter 1991, 527, Abb. 1, 2). Ustja steklenic so obdelali na več načinov, navadno so izvihana, zapognjena nazaj in navznoter ter sploščena. Seveda pa se pojavljajo tudi druge različice, tako da poznamo še strehasta, gobasta, dvakrat zapognjena ustja (Charlesworth 1966, 27). Premer ustja navadno ni veliko večji od širine vratu. Ročaji steklenic so pritrjeni tik pod ustjem in na prehodu vratu v telo steklenice oziroma na ramenu. Ročaj je navadno eden, pri nekaterih pravokotnih in poligonalnih steklenicah tudi dva. Največkrat so ročaji dokaj široki, gosto narebreni (s posebnim orodjem - glavnikom), nekateri pa so tudi gladki (trakasti), profilirani ter z dvema ali tremi rebri (Rottloff 1999, 41). Posebna značilnost kvadratnih in pravokotnih steklenic je na dnu vtisnjen okras (sl. 45). Najpogosteje se pojavljajo različni geometrijski vzorci, kombinirani z rozetami, poznamo pa tudi odtise črk in imen, ki pa na gradivu iz Slovenije zaenkrat niso zelo pogoste. Te lahko razlagamo kot oznake delavnic ali proizvajalcev, poznamojih tudi na kvadratnih loncih (Stern 1997, 130). Vsi ti odtisi so morda neke vrste zaščitni znak, njihovo proučevanje lahko odgovori na vprašanja o distribuciji in trgovskih poteh posameznih izdelkov. 6.3.4. - ht. 14 cm; greatest circ. 10.5 cm - NMP. Lit.: unpublished. Ptuj (IF) Bottle with an everted rim and ribbon handle. 6.3.4. - ht. 21 cm; greatest circ. 8.9 cm - PMP 3493. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 2: 15. Analogies: Berger I960, PI. 21: 85; Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Fig. 182, 183; Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 17: 149; Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 30: 005. 6.3.5. Tall cylindrical bottles with a handle (Is 51b); (Fig. 44): Cylindrical bottles, the rim everted, bent, and flattened, the base concave, the handle ribbed or banded. Date: second half of the 1sl - first half of the 2nd centuries Miklavž, pri Mariboru (TF) Bottle with an everted and flattened rim, concave base, ribbed handle. 6.3.5. - ht. 19.3 cm; greatest circ. 11.7 cm - PMM A 2242. Lit.: Pahič 1969, PI. 1: 4. Milavž pri Mariboru (TF) Bottle with an everted and flattened rim, concave base, ribbon handle. 6.3.5. - ht. 20.2 cm; greatest circ. 11.2 cm - PMM A 2243. Lit.: Pahič 1969, PI. 1:3. Analogies: none identified. Comments - forms 6.3.1. to 6.3.5.: Single and two handled bottles served various purposes. Such products in general were intended for storing liquids rather than serving them. They could be used to store all types of liquid and semi-liquid substances, and they were also quite suitable for transport. Square bottles were particularly convenient, as they could be placed immediately adjacent to one another, thus utilizing all the space available in crates. Cylindrical bottles were more wasteful of space. Square bottles were mould-blown or free blown and reworked. After blowing, while still hot they were flattened on marble or iron plates (marvers) in front of the furnace (Seitter 1991, 527, Fig. I, 2). The rims of bottles were made in various ways. Usually they were everted, bent backwards, and flattened. Other variants also appear, so that roof-shaped, mushroom-shaped, and doubly bent rims are also known (Charlesworth 1966, 27). The diameter of the rim was usually not much larger than the width of the neck. The handles of bottles were attached just under the rim and at the transition from the neck to the body, i.e. at the shoulder ol the bottle. There was usually one handle, while some rectangular and polygonal bottles have two. Most often the handles were somewhat broad, Sl. 44: Skupina 6 - steklenice (6.3.4.: Urleb 1984, t. 7: 2; 6.3.5.: Pahič 1969, t. 1: 3; 6.3.6.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 8: 6.3.7.: Knez 1969, t. 7:2). M. = 1:3. Fig. 44: Group 6 - bottles (6.3.4.: Urleb 1984. Pl. 7: 2: 6.3.5.: Pahič 1969, Pl. 1: 3; 6.3.6.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 8: 6.3.7.: Knez 1969, Pl. 7: 2). Scale = 1:3. Med arheološkimi najdbami se je ohranilo nekaj kalupov, s pomočjo katerih so krasili dna steklenic. Izdelani so iz kamna, ki je bil očitno najbolj obstojen, med motivi pa so najpogosteje ohranjeni vzorci koncentričnih krogov (Rottloff 1999, 42, Abb. 2-5; Barköczi 1988, 27, Abb. 2) Najpogostejše so steklenice s kvadratnim ostenjem, reeded (with a special tool comb tool), and some were also smooth (ribbon handles), profiled, or with two or three ribs (Rottloff 1999, 41). A specific characteristic of square and rectangular bottles is the decoration impressed into the base (Fig. 45). This most often consists of various geometric patterns, combined with rosettes, and impressions of let- SI. 45: Skupina 6 - Vzorci odtisnjeni na dnu steklenic [1, 10 - Ptuj (Istenič 2000, t. 93: 6; 94: 2); 2, 3, 5, 7-9 - Ptuj (Miki Curk 1976, t. 5: 2, 8, 10, 13, 16, 18); 12 - Ptuj (Vomer Gojkovič 1996, t. 10: 7); 4 - Bobovek (Petru, Valič 1959, t. 8: 3); 6, 11 - Celje (Lazar 1993, t. 2: 1, 2)J. Fig. 45: Group 6 - Base marks on the bottles 11, 10 - Ptuj (Istenič 2000, Pl. 93: 6; 94: 2); 2, 3, 5, 7-9 - Ptuj (Miki Curk 1976, Pl. 5: 2, 8, 10, 13, 16, 18); 12 - Ptuj (Vomer Gojkovič 1996, Pl. 10: 7); 4 - Bobovek (Petru, Valič 1959, Pl. 8: 3); 6, 11 - Celje (Lazar 1993, Pl. 2: I, 2)J. precej manj pogoste so pravokotne in mnogokotne, redke so tudi trikotne (Cool, Price 1995, 179). Najzgodnejše kvadratne steklenice so znane s Štalenske gore (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 135), zares široko uporabo pa doživijo od druge polovice 1. stoletja dalje. V uporabi so skozi daljše časovno obdobje, ponekod jih zasledimo še v 4. stoletju (Isings 1957, 64-65). Redkejše najdbe so mnogokotne steklenice. Njihova uporaba je podobna, tudi pri teh posodah je dno ponekod okrašeno. Pojavljajo se od druge polovice 1. do prve polovice 2. stoletja (Cool, Price 1995, 185). Za razliko od kvadratnih steklenic so cilindrične precej redkejše. Običajno so telo steklenice napihnili v cilindričen, debelejši cevi podoben kalup. Dno navadno ni okrašeno, ustja pa so izdelana na podoben način kot pri kvadratnih steklenicah. Izdelovali so jih od sredine 1. stoletja dalje, v uporabo so bile še v prvi polovici 2. stoletja (Cool, Price 1995, 184). Med zbranim gradivom v Sloveniji so najštevilnejše nizke kvadratne steklenice (6.3.1.), kijih glede nagrobne celote lahko umestimo v čas od konca 1. stoletja (Trebnje, gr. 111 - Slabe 1993, 25) do sredine 2. stoletja (Cerknica, gr. 2, 10 - Urleb 1984, 313-314), v grobu 463 iz Petovione sta steklenici del celote, ki sega še na začetek 3. stoletja (Istenič 2000, 150), ostale najdbe so posamične. Visoke kvadratne steklenice (6.3.2.) iz gomile v Miklavžu lahko datiramo glede na celoto na začetek 2. stoletja (Pahič 1969, 74). Cilindrične steklenice (6.3.4.) poznamo iz grobov v Uncu. Grob 24 je z novcem datiran v sredino 2. stoletja (Vičič, Schein 1986, 100), kar je dokaj pozno, glede na najdbe z evropskih najdišč (Cool, Price 1995, 184). Grob 57 je iz začetka 2. stoletja (podatek T. Schein). Na začetek 2. stoletja sodi tudi visoka različica (6.3.5.), sodeč po najdbah iz gomile v Miklavžu (Pahič 1969, 74). Mnogokotna steklenica iz ptujskega groba (6.3.3.) je bila edini pridatek v skeletnem grobu na pozno rimskem grobišču (Vomer Gojkovič 1996, 278). Glede na izdelavo ustja in ročaja lahko zaključimo, da gre za starejši izdelek, verjetno iz 2. stoletja. 6.3.6. Cilindrične steklenice z ročajem in zoženim dnom (Is 126); (sl. 44): Cilindrične steklenice z navzven izvihanim lijakastim ustjem, Pod njim rebro, ostenje pri dnu zoženo, dno vboklo, ročaj gosto narebren. Datacija: konec 2. - 4. st. Ptuj (gr. 127) Cilindrična steklenica z izvihanim ustjem, trakastim ročajem in zoženim dnom. ters and names are also known, which are not very common among the material from Slovenia known at present. These can be explained as marks of the workshop or the glassworker, and they are also found on square jars (Stern 1997, 130). All of these stamps were perhaps some kind of trademark, and their study could offer answers about the distribution and trade routes of individual products. Some moulds have been preserved among archaeological finds that were used to decorate the base of bottles. They were made of stone, which evidently endured best, and the most frequently preserved motifs were patterns of concentric circles (Rottloff 1999, 42, Fig. 2-5; Barköczi 1988, 27, Fig. 2) Bottles with square body were most frequent, while rectangular and prismatic bottles were considerably less common, and triangular forms were also rare (Cool, Price 1995, 179). The earliest square bottles are known from Magdalensberg (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 135), while they enjoyed a truly broad use from the second half of the 1st century onwards. They continued in use throughout later chronological periods, and sometimes they can be traced even into the 4lh century (Isings 1957, 64-65). Finds of polygonal bottles are rarer. Their use was similar, and the base was also sometimes decorated. They appeared from the second half of the Is1 century to the first half of the 2"d century (Cool, Price 1995, 185). In contrast to the square bottles, cylindrical examples are fairly rare. The body of the bottles was usually blown into a cylindrical mould. The base was usually undecorated, and the rim was made in a manner similar to that for square bottles. They were manufactured from the middle of the Is' century onwards, and they were still in use in the first half of the 2nd century (Cool, Price 1995, 184). The most numerous among the material gathered here were short square bottles (6.3.1.), which can be classified on the basis of grave finds to the period from the end of the Is1 century (Trebnje, gr. Ill - Slabe 1993, 25) to the middle of the 2nd century (Cerknica, gr. 2, 10 - Urleb 1984, 313-314), while grave 463 from Poetovio contained bottles as part of grave goods extending in date to the beginning of the 3rd century (Istenič 2000, 150). The other finds represent isolated discoveries. The high square bottles (6.3.2.) from the tumulus at Miklavž can be dated in reference to the grave goods to the beginning of the 2"J century (Pahič 1969, 74). Cylindrical bottles (6.3.4.) are known from the graves at Unec. Grave 24 was dated by a coin to the middle of the 2nd century, which is somewhat late when compared to the finds from other European sites (Vičič, Schein 1986, 100). Grave 57 was from the beginning of the 2nd century (information from T. Schein). The tall variant (6.3.5.) also belonged to the beginning of the 2nd century, judging by the finds from the tumulus at Miklavž (Pahič 1969, 74). 6.3.6. - pr. ustja 4, 5 cm - LMJ 2267. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 26: 2. Drnovo (PN) Steklenica z izvihanim ustjem, dno rahlo vboklo, ročaj gosto narebren. 6.3.6. - viš. 18,6 cm - NMS R 719. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 8. Primerjave: Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Abb. 171-174; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 15: 140; 16: 141, 147, 148. 6.3.7. Cilindrične steklenice z ročajem in brušenim okrasom (sl. 44): Cilindrične steklenice z izvihanim ustjem, vboklim dnom in enim ali dvema ročajema. Ostenje krasijo brušeni geometrijski ali figuralni okrasi. Datacija: konec 2. - 4. st. Ptuj (gr. II) Visoka cilindrična steklenica z brušenim okrasom s prizorom svetilnika in morja z ribami. 6.3.7. - viš. 22 cm; najv. obseg 10,1 cm - PMP AR 55387. Lit.: Lazar, Tomanič Jevremov 2000, t. I. Trebnje (PN) Spodnji del steklenice z okrasom mrežasto prepletenih linij, vmes rombi in krogi. 6.3.7. - viš. 16 cm; najv. obseg 13 cm - DM. Lit.: Knez 1969, t. 7: 2. Primerjave: Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 17: 149; Klein 1996, fig. 3-9. Komentar za obliki 6.3.6. in 6.3.7.: V pozno rimski dobi so enoročajne steklenice manj pogoste. Njihova oblika in način izdelave pa kažejo nekatere posebnosti, po katerih se hitro ločijo od starejših izdelkov. Ustje je zataljeno in izvihano navzven, pod njim je pogosto nataljena steklena nit. Ostenje se proti dnu rahlo zoži, kvadratnih form ni več, izpodrinejo jih cilindrične steklenice. Ročaji so s pomočjo glavnika gosto narebreni. Na izdelkih poznega cesarstva opazimo še eno novost - tudi steklenice krasi brušen okras. Navadno gre za raznolike geometrijske motive, izjemoma pa naletimo tudi na figuralni okras (Klein 1996, 151). Najzgodnejše steklenice z okrasom brušenih horizontalnih linij se pojavijo že v poznem 2. stoletju in so navadno izdelane iz kvalitetnega brezbarvnega stekla (Cool, Price 1995, 200), kasneje je razširjen razčlenjen geometrijski okras v več pasovih, pogosto tudi v obliki satovja (Follman-Schulz 1988, T. 17: 149; Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 32: 352; 57: 501, 503). Figuralni okrasje redkejši, najdemo ga pogosteje na skodelah in čašah kot na steklenicah (Klein 1996, 152, Fig. 2). A polygonal bottle (6.3.3.) was the only grave good in an inhumation grave from the late Roman cemetery at Ptuj (Vomer Gojkovič 1996, 278). It can be concluded on the basis of the working of the rim and the handle that this was an earlier product, probably from the 2ni1 century. 6.3.6. Cylindrical bottles with a handle and a tapered base (Is 126); (Fig. 44): Cylindrical bottles with an outward bent funnel-shaped rim, under it a rib, the walls taper toward the base, concave base, reeded handle. Date; end of the 2"d - 4"' centuries Ptuj (gr. 127) Cylindrical bottle with an everted rim, ribbon handle, and tapered base. 6.3.6. - dia. rim 4.5 cm - LMJ 2267. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 26: 2. Drnovo (IF) Bottle with an everted rim, the base slightly concave, the handle densely ribbed. 6.3.6. - ht. 18.6 cm - NMS R 719. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 8. Analogies: Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984, Fig. 171-174; Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 15: 140; 16: 141, 147, 148. 6.3.7. Cylindrical bottles with a handle and wheel-cut decoration (Fig. 44): Cylindrical bottles with an everted rim, concave base, and one or two handles. The walls are decorated with wheel-cut geometric or figural motifs. Date: end of the 2nd - 4'" centuries Ptuj (gr. 11) Tall cylindrical bottle with wheel-cut decoration with an image of a lighthouse and the sea with fish. 6.3.7. - ht. 22 cm; greatest circ. 10.1 cm - PMP AR 55387. Lit.: Lazar, Tomanič Jevremov 2000, PI. 1. Trebnje (IF) Lower part of a bottle with a decoration of webbed interwoven lines, with rhombs and circles between. 6.3.7. - ht. 16 cm; greatest circ. 13 cm - DM. Lit.: Knez 1969, PI. 7: 2. Analogies: Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 17: 149; Klein 1996, Fig. 3-9. Comments - forms 6.3.6. and 6.3.7.; Single handled bottles were less frequent in the late Roman period. Their form and manner of manufacture Lokalizacija delavnic teh izdelkov je še vedno nekoliko vprašljiva. Fremersdorf je na osnovi bogatih najdb zagovarjal mnenje o zahodnem, kölnskem izvoru teh izdelkov in obstoju tamkajšnjih delavnic (1951, 22), Harden pa seje nagibal k ideji o delavnicah v Aleksandriji (1988, 182). V zadnjem času prihaja do kompromisa in mnogi dopuščajo obstoj dveh proizvodnih centrov, vzhodnega in zahodnega (Riitti 1988, 129-133). Figuralno okrašene steklenice najdemo v Nemčiji (Fremersdorf 1951, 8, Taf. 6,7; Klein 1996, 152, fig. 2), na odlomku steklenice iz Rima pa prepoznamo biblijsko sceno (Harden et al. 1988, 182-186). Tudi vprašanje časovne opredelitve teh izdelkov je včasih problematično, saj mnogi ne izvirajo iz datiranih celot. Nekatere postavljajo že na konec 2. stoletja (Harden etal. 1988, 197; Cool, Price 1995, 200), večina izdelkov z vrezanim figuralnim okrasom pa pripada 3. in 4. stoletju (Harden et al. 1988, 182-186). Kölnska delavnica mojstra Lynkeusa je po Fremersdorfu delovala v sredini in drugi polovici 3. stoletja, po mnenju B. Follmann-Schulz pa že v prvi polovici in sredini 3. stoletja (1951, 8-10; 1988, 7-8). Steklenica iz groba 127 v Petovioni (6.3.6.) je s svojim izvihanim ustjem in zoženim dnom značilen mlajši izdelek, ki sodi morda na konec 2., verjetno pa v 3. stoletje in se ne sklada z nekoliko zgodnjo datacijo groba (Istenič 2000, 53). Motiv svetilnika in obale z delfini, ki ga prepoznamo na drugi ptujski steklenici (6.3.7.), je vsekakor mediteranski, morda gre res za izdelek vzhodnih delavnic. Grob 11 iz Petovione sodi po sestavi grobne celote v prvo polovico 3. stoletja (Lazar, Tomanič Jevremov 2000, 200). Steklenice z vrezanim okrasom med našim gradivom niso prav pogoste (6.3.7.). Steklenici iz Trebnjega najdemo primerjave med emonskim gradivom (Petru 1972, t. 119: 17), v evropskem prostoru so primerjave bolj številne in so datirane pretežno v 3. in 4. stoletje (Klein 1996, 150). show certain special features that quickly distinguish them from earlier products. The rim is fire-rounded and bent outwards, frequently with a glass trail beneath. The walls taper slightly towards the base. The square forms had been supplanted by cylindrical bottles. The handles were densely ribbed - reeded with the aid of a comb tool The products of the late Empire exhibit yet another new element - even bottles have wheel-cut decoration. This usually consisted of varied geometric motifs, and exceptionally also figural decoration (Klein 1996, 151). The earliest bottles with a decoration of wheel-cut horizontal lines appeared as early as the late 2nd century, and they were usually made of high quality colourless glass (Cool, Price 1995, 200). Later a divided geometric decoration in several bands became widespread, also often in the form of honeycombs (Follman-Schulz 1988, PI. 17; 149; Barköczi 1988, PI. 32: 352; 57: 501, 503). Figural decoration is rarer, and can be found frequently on bowls and beakers as on bottles (Klein 1996, 152, Fig. 2). The location of the workshops that made such products is still somewhat in question. Fremersdorf supported a western source at Köln for these products, including the existence of workshops, on the basis of the rich finds (1951, 22). Harden was inclined to suggesting production centers in Alexandria (1988, 182). Lately a compromise has been reached, and many support the existence of two production centers, eastern and western (Riitti 1988, 129-133). Figural decoration on bottles can be found in Germany (Fremersdorf 1951,8, PI. 6,7; Klein 1996, 152, Fig. 2), and a biblical scene can be recognized on a fragment of a bottle from Rome (Harden et al. 1988, 182-186). The question of the chronological classification of these products is also sometimes problematic, as many do not come from dated contexts. Some are assigned as early as the end of the 2nd century (Harden et al. 1988, 197; Cool, Price 1995, 200), while the majority of products with figural decoration belong to the 3rd and 4,h centuries (Harden et. al. 1988, 182-186). The Köln production center of a glass-worker Lynkeus would have been active according to Fremersdorf in the middle and second half of the 3rd century, while B. Follmann-Schulz would date his work to the first half and middle of the 3rd century (1951, 8-10; 1988, 7-8). The bottle from grave 127 at Poetovio (6.3.6.) with its everted rim and narrowed base is a characteristically later product from the late 2nd or the 3rd century, and does not agree with the somewhat earlier dating of the grave (Istenič 2000, 53). The motif of the lighthouse and coast with dolphins found on the second bottle from Ptuj (6.3.7.) was certainly Mediterranean, and perhaps it truly was a product of the eastern workshops. Grave 11 from Poetovio would belong to the first half of the 3rd century on the basis of the composition of the grave goods (Lazar, Tomanič Jevremov 2000, 200). SKUPINA 7 - LONCI (sl. 46-48; pril. 3) 7.1. ČETVEROKOTNILONCI 7.1.1. Četverokotni lonci z navzdol zapognjenim ustjem in vdolbinami na ostenju (Is 62); (sl. 46): Četverokotne posode, katerih ostenje prehaja v ravno ustje, kije zapognjeno navzdol, da tvori ovratnik. Nekatere posode imajo na ostenju vdolbine in žig na dnu. Datacija: druga polovica 1.-2. st. Bobovek (gr.) Lonec z zapognjenim ustjem, na ostenju vdolbine, dno ravno. 7.1.1. - viš. 11,2 cm - G M K. Lit.: Petru, Valič 1959, t. 2: 3. Ptuj (gr. 718) Kvadraten lonec z navzdol zapognjenim ustjem, na dnu odtis kvadratov. 7.1.1. - pr. ustja 10 cm - LMJ 2482. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 161: 8. Ribnica (gr. 3) Kvadraten lonec z nazaj zapognjenim ustjem, na ostenju vdolbine, na dnu okrog kroga odtisnjene črke T C T CQ. 7.1.1. - viš. 9,4 cm: pr. dna 3,6 cm - PMB. Lit.: Petru P. 1969, t. 17: 1. Primerjave: Cermanovič-Kuzmanovič 1976, t. I: l6;Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Taf. 63: 1137; Barkoczi 1988. Tar. 32: 347, 348; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 10: 93, 94, 96. 7.1.2. Četverokotni lonci z ravnim izvihanim ustjem (sl. 46): Posode s četverokotnim ostenjem, ustje nagnjeno navzven in zataljeno, na dnu ponekod žig ali odtisnjen okras. Datacija: 2. st. Drnovo (PN) Lonec iz zelenkastega stekla, ustje izvihano, dno rahlo vboklo. Na dnu odtis s črkami in rozeto v sredini (napis KAABAC ?). 7.1.2. - viš. 16,4 cm; pr. ustja 8,4 cm - NMS R 713. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 10. Primerjave: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Tal’. 63: 1139; Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 32: 350. Bottles with wheel-cut decoration (6.3.7.) are not very common among the Slovenian material. A comparison to the bottle from Trebnje can be found among the material from Emona (Petru 1972, Pl. 119: 17). Comparisons are even more numerous among other European finds and are dated to the 3rd and 4"' centuries (Klein 1996. 150). GROUP 7 - STORAGE VESSELS AND URNS (Fig. 46-48; Appendix 3) 7.1. SQUARE JARS 7.1.1. Square jars with the rims bent down and indents on the walls (Is 62); (Fig. 46): Square vessels where the walls extend into a straight rim, which was bent downward to form a collar. Some vessels have indentations in the walls and a stamp on the base. Date: second half of the 1st - 2nd centuries Bobovek (gr.) Jar with a bent rim, indents on the walls, flat base. 7.1.1. - ht. 11.2 cm - GMK. Lit.: Petru, Valič 1959, Pl. 2: 3. Ptuj (gr. 718) Square jar with a downward bent rim, impression ofa square on the base. 7.1.1. - dia. rim 10 cm - LMJ 2482. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 161: 8. Ribnica (gr. 3) Square jar with a rim bent back, indents on the walls, 011 the base the letters T C T CQ stamped around a circle. 7.1.1. - ht. 9.4 cm; dia. base 3.6 cm - PMB. Lit.: Petru P. 1969, PI. 17: I. Analogies: Cermanovič-Kuzmanovič 1976, PI. 1: 16; Goethert-Polaschek 1977, PI. 63: 1137; Barkoczi 1988, PI. 32: 347, 348; Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 10: 93, 94, 96. 7.1.2. Square jars with everted rim (Fig. 46): Vessels with rectangular walls, the rim everted and fire-rounded, sometimes a stamp or an impressed decoration on the base. Date: 2nd century Drnovo (PN) Jar of green glass, the rim everted, the base slightly concave. 7.1.3. Cetverokotni lonci z izvihanim ustjem in vdolbinami na ostenju (sl. 46): Cetverokotne posode z navzven nagnjenim ustjem, ki je zataljeno, na ostenju vdolbine na vseh štirih straneh, dno vboklo. On the base an impression with letters and a rosette in the center (the legend KAABAC ?). 7.1.2. - ht. 16.4 cm; dia. rim 8.4 cm - NMS R 713. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 10. Analogies: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, PI. 63: 1139; Barköczi 1988, PI. 32: 350. —y \ \ \ \ t 7.1.1. 7.1.2. 7.1.3. 7.1.4. SI. 46: Skupina 7 - lonci (7.1.1.: Petru P. 1969, t. 17: 1; 7.1.2.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 10; 7.1.3.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 3; 7.1.4.: Istenič 2000, t. 26: 3). M. = 1:3. F‘g- 46: Group 7 - jars (7.1.1.: Petru P. 1969, Pl. 17: 1; 7.1.2.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 10; 7.1.3.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 3; 7.1.4.: Istenič 2000, Pl. 26: 3). Scale = 1:3. TIPOLOGIJA. KRONOLOGIJA IN KATALOG RIMSKEGA ... Datacija: 2. st. Drnovo (PN) Lonec z izvihanim ustjem, vboklim dnom in vdolbinami na ostenju. 7.1.3. - viš. 13 cm, pr. ustja 7,4 cm - NMS. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 3. Primerjave: Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 32: 349, 350; Ružič 1994, t. 22: 5. 7.1.4. Četverokotni lonci s cevastim ustjem (Is 62); (sl. 46): Četverokotne posode, ostenje preko ramena prehaja v nekoliko izvihano in cevasto zavihano ustje, dno ravno. Datacija: 2. st. Ptuj (gr. 130) Kvadraten lonec s cevastim ustjem, dno vboklo, odtis koncentričnih krogov. 7.1.4. - pr. ustja 15 cm - LMJ 2548. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 26: 3. Formin (PN) Odlomki kvadratnega lonca, ustje cevasto, dno ravno. 7.1.4. - viš. 8,7 cm; pr. dna 6 cm - PMP R 7377. Lit.: Šubic 1976, t. 1:8. Primerjave: Veličkovič 1976, Fig. 1; Biaggio Simona 1991, Tav. 27: 137. Komentar za oblike 7.1.1. do 7.1.4.: Kvadratni lonci so posode, katerih ostenje je bilo pihano v kalup. Ostenje je včasih okrašeno z vdolbinami, dno pogosto krasijo različni odtisi in tudi žigi, ki pa so redkejši. Odtisi črk na nekaterih izdelkih so lahko oznaka izdelovalca oziroma delavnice ali morda trgovca. Lonci so predvsem služili kot posode za shranjevanje, njihova oblika je bila posebej prilagojena tudi za transport. Od drugega stoletja dalje so pogosto uporabljeni v grobovih kot žare (Biaggio Simona 1991, 162). Zanimiv je tudi lonec iz Gleisdorfa, kije bil uporabljen kot žara in pokrit s svinčenim pokrovom (Artner 1994, Taf. 12: 37). Isingsova je vse posode te vrste uvrstila v eno skupino pod obliko 62 (1957, 81), medtem ko je npr. Goethert-Polaschek ločila več variant (1977, 123, 182). Razprostranjenost teh izdelkov po imperiju je precej neenakomerna. Na vzhodnem področju teh loncev tako rekoč ne poznajo, številne najdbe so znane iz Panonije, nekaj iz Pompejev ter večje število z galskega in porenskega območja (Welker 1974, 108). V kölnskih delavnicah so nastale posode z žigom CC/PC, ki se pojavlja na posodah z ovratnikastim in izvihanim ustjem. Fremersdorf domneva, daje ta delavnica delovala že od konca 1. stoletja dalje (1958, 54). Datirani konteksti kažejo, da se lonci s kvadratnim 7.1.3. Square jars with an everted rim and indents on the walls (Fig. 46): Square vessels with an everted and rounded rim, indents on all four sides of the walls, concave base. Date: 2nd century Drnovo (PN) Jar with an everted rim, concave base, and indentations in the walls 7.1.3. - ht. 13 cm, dia. rim 7.4 cm - NMS. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 3. Analogies: Barkoczi 1988, PI. 32: 349, 350; Ružič 1994, PI. 22: 5. 7.1.4. Square jars with a tubular rim (Is 62); (Fig. 46): Square vessels, the walls extend across the shoulder into a somewhat everted and tubular rim, flat base. Date: 2"d century Ptuj (gr. 130) Square jar with a tubular rim, concave base, impression of concentric circles. 7.1.4. - dia. rim 15 cm - LMJ 2548. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 26: 3. Formin (PN) Fragments of a square jar, thickened rim, flat base. 7.1.4. - hi. 8.7 cm; dia. base 6 cm - PMP R 7377. Lit.: Šubic 1976, PI. 1: 8. Analogies: Veličkovič 1976, Fig. I; Biaggio Simona 1991, PI. 27: 137. Comments - forms 7.1.1. to 7.1.4.: Square jars are vessels whose walls were mould-blown. The walls are sometimes decorated with indentations, and the base is often decorated with various impressions, and even stamps, which are rarer. The impressions of letters on several products could be the mark of the glass worker or workshop, or perhaps even a merchant. The jars served primarily as storage vessels, and their form was specially adapted for transport. From the second century onwards they were often used in graves as urns (Biaggio Simona 1991, 162). The jar from Gleisdorf is interesting, which was used as an urn and covered with a lead lid (Artner 1994, PI. 12: 37). Isings placed all the vessels of this type into one group under form 62 (1957, 81), while others, such as Goethert-Polaschek, divided it into several variants (1977, 123, 182). The distribution of such products throughout the Empire is fairly nonuniform. Such jars are almost un- ostenjem pojavljajo od druge polovice 1. stoletja dalje in so najbolj razširjeni v 2. stoletju (Biaggio Simona 1991, 163). Grobovi 1. stoletja v Mainzu in Minusiu in grobovi iz sredine 2. stoletja (Welker 1974, 107) kažejo, da so izdelki s širokim, navzdol zavihanim ustjem najzgodnejši (7.1.1.). Ta oblika ustja je znana tudi na kroglastih loncih (Isings 67c), ki so v uporabi od flavijskega obdobja dalje. Posode z izvihanim ustjem (7.1.2.; 7.1.3.) se ne pojavljajo pred 2. stoletjem. Iz tega časa so najdbe iz Heddernheima (Welker 1974, 108) in Kölna (Fremersdorfl958, 53-54), Barkoczi pa lonce iz Madžarske datira že v 3. stoletje (1988, 156). Uporaba kvadratnih loncev počasi zamre v 3. stoletju (Welker 1974, 108). Primerjave poznamo tudi iz emonskih grobov. Grob 628 iz druge polovice 1. oz. 2. stoletja ima pridan lonec z navzdol zapognjenim ovratnikastim ustjem in okrašenim dnom (Plesničar Gec 1972, t. 144: 17), v grobu 903 iz 2. stoletja pa je lonec z izvihanim zataljenim ustjem (Petru 1972, t. 65: 17). Petovionski grob 718 z loncem oblike 7.1.1. je datiran v flavijski čas in prvo polovico 2. stoletja, grob 130 z loncem oblike 7.1.4. pa je iz druge polovice 2. stoletja (Istenič 2000, 235, 54), obliki 7.1.2. in 7.1.3. smo datirali na osnovi primerjav (Welker 1974, 108; Fremersdorf 1958, 54). 7.2. KROGLASTI LONCI 7.2.1. Kroglasti lonci z izvihanim in odebeljenim ustjem (Is 94); (sl. 47): Kroglasta posoda s kratkim vratom in močno izvihanim, odebeljenim ustjem. Dno vboklo. Datacija: druga polovica 1. - prva polovica 2. st. Stari trs pri Slovenj Gradcu (gr. W7) Ustje žare, izvihano in odebeljeno. 7.2.1. - viš. 14,5 cm - KPM. Lit.: Strmčnik Gulič 1981, t. II: 18. Šempeter (gr. 3) Ustje žare, izvihano in odebeljeno. 7.2.1. - pr. ustja 16,2 cm - PMC R 1086. Lit.: Kolšek 1977, t. 2: 49. Drnovo (PN) Kroglasta žara z izvihanim in odebeljenim ustjem, dno vboklo. 7.2.1. - viš. 19,2 cm - NMS R 734. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 26: 4. Drnovo (PN) Kroglasta žara z izvihanim in odebeljenim ustjem, dno vboklo. 7.2.1. - viš. 18,8 cm - NMS R 733. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 26: 3. Ptuj (PN) Kroglasta žara z izvihanim, ravnim ustjem, dno precej zoženo in vboklo. known, so to speak, in the east, while numerous finds are known from Pannonia, a few from Pompeii, and large numbers from the regions of Gaul and along the Rhine (Welker 1974, 108). Vessels with the stamp mark CC/ PC were made in the Köln workshops; this stamp appears on vessels with collar and everted rims. Fremersdorf considered this workshop to have been active from the end of the Is1 century onwards (1958, 54). The dated contexts indicate that square jars appeared from the second half of the Is' century onwards and were most widely distributed in the 2nd century (Biaggio Simona 1991, 163). Graves of the Is1 century from Mainz and Minusio and graves from the mid 2nd century (Welker 1974, 107) indicate that products with broad downward bent rims were the earliest, (form 7.1.1.). This form of rim is also known on spherical urns (Isings 67c), which were in use from the Flavian period onwards. Vessels with everted rims (7.1.2; 7.1.3.) do not appear before the 2nd century. The finds from Heddernheim (Welker 1974, 108) and Köln (Fremersdorf 1958, 53-54) come from this period, while Barkoczi dated the vessels from Hungary to the 3rd century (1988, 156). Comparative material is also known from the Emona cemeteries. Grave 628 from the second half of the Is1 or 2nd centuries contained ajar with a downward bent collar rim and a decorated base (Plesničar Gec 1972, PI. 144: 17), and grave 903 from the 2nd century had one with an everted fire-rounded rim (Petru 1972, PI. 65: 17). Grave 718 from Poetovio with ajar of form 7.1.1 is dated to the Flavian period and the first half of the 2nd century, while grave 130 with a vessel of form 7.1.4 was from the second half of the 2nd century (Istenič 2000, 235, 54). Forms 7.1.2. and 7.2.3. are dated according to comparisons (Welker 1974, 108; Fremersdorf 1985, 54). 7.2. GLOBULAR JARS 7.2.1. Globular jars with an everted and thickened rim (Is 94); (Fig. 47): Globular vessels with a short neck and a highly out-turned, thickened rim. Concave base. Date: second half of the Is' - first half of the 2nd centuries Stari trg pri Slovenj Gradcu (gr. W7) Rim of ajar, everted and thickened. 7.2.1. - lit. 14.5 cm - KPM. Lit.: Strmčnik Gulič 1981, Pl. 11: 18. Šempeter (gr. 3) Rim of ajar, everted and thickened. 7.2.1. - dia. rim 16.2 cm - PMC R 1086. Lit.: Kolšek 1977, PI. 2: 49. Drnovo (PN) Globular jar with an everted and thickened rim, concave base. 7.2.1. - ht. 19.2 cm - NMS R 734. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 26: 4. Drnovo (PN) Globular jar with an everted and thickened rim, concave base. 7.2.1. - ht. 18.8 cm - NMS R 733. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 26: 3. 7.2.1. 7.2.2. Sl. 47: Skupina 7 - lonci (7.2.1.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 26: 4; 7.2.2.: Pahič 1969, t. 1: I). M. = 1:3. Fig. 47: Group 7 - jars (7.2.1.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 26: 4; 7.2.2.: Pahič 1969, Pl. 1: I). Scale = 1:3. 7.2.1. - viš. 18,5 cm - PMP. Lit.: Šubic 1976, sl. 3. Primerjave: Czurda-Ruth 1979, Taf. 9: 1163; Fremersdorf, Polönyi-Fremersdorf 1984. No. 79, 81; Barköczi 1988, Taf. 40: 526; 41: 528; Follmann-Schulz 1988, Taf. 33: 255; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 7.7: 828, 834-838. 7.2.2. Kroglasti lonci z izvihanim in navzgor zapognjenim ustjem (sl. 47): Kroglasta posoda s kratkim vratom in zataljenim ustjem, ki je izvihano navzven in nato zapognjeno navzgor, da tvori cevast rob. Dno vboklo. Datacija: druga polovica 1. - začetek 3. st. Miklavž pri Mariboru (GN) Kroglasta žara z izvihanim in navzgor zapognjenim ustjem, dno vboklo. 7.2.2. - viš. 23,7 cm - PMM A 2239. Lit.: Pahič 1969, t. 1: 1. Ptuj (gr. 616) Žara z izvihanim in navzgor cevasto zavihanim ustjem, dno vboklo. 7.2.2. - pr. ustja 12 cm - LMJ 2536. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 133: 7. Stari trg pri Slovenj Gradcu (gr. 1/1977) Žara z navznoter zapognjenim ustjem, dno vboklo in odebeljeno v sredini. 7.2.2. - viš. 9,6 cm - KPM. Lit.: Strmčnik Gulič 1981, t. IX: 1. Ptuj (gr. 641) Žara z izvihanim in navzgor cevasto zavihanim ustjem, dno vboklo. 7.2.2. - pr. ustja 15,2 cm - LMJ 2314. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 142: 6. ■Šempeter (gr. 7) Ustje žare, izvihano in zapognjeno navzgor. 7.2.2. - pr. ustja 15 cm - PMC R 943. Lit.: Kolšek 1977, t. 5: I. Primerjave: Welker 1974, Taf. 17: 280-282; Sternini 1990, Pl. 9: 18: 10: 19; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 7. 4: 772, 784-787. 7.2.3. Kroglasti lonci z izvihanim in navzdol zapognjenim ustjem (Is 67a); (.v/. 48): Kroglasta posoda s kratkim vratom, ustje zataljeno, izvihano navzven in zapognjeno navznoter. Dno vboklo. Datacija: druga polovica 1.-2. st. Miklavž pri Mariboru (GN) Kroglasta žara z izvihanim in navzdol zapognjenim ustjem, dno vboklo. 7.2.3. - viš. 21,2 cm - PMM A 2240. Lit.: Pahič 1969, t. 1:2. Ptuj (gr. 139) Žara z izvihanim in navzdol zapognjenim ustjem, dno vboklo. 7.2.3. - pr. ustja 10,5 cm - LMJ 2552. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 30: 14 Bahovec pri Dobrniču (gr.l) Kroglasta žara z izvihanim in navzdol zapognjenim ustjem, dno vboklo. Ptuj (PN) Globular jar with an everted flat rim, the base fairly narrowed and concave. 7.2.1. - ht. 18.5 cm - PMP. Lit.: Šubic 1976, Fig. 3. Analogies: Czurda-Ruth 1979, PI. 9: 1163; Fremersdorf, Polonyi-Fremersdorf 1984, No. 79, 81; Barköczi 1988, PI. 40: 526; 41: 528; Follmann-Schulz 1988, PI. 33: 255; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 7.7: 828, 834-838. 7.2.2. Globular jars with everted and rolled up rims (Fig. 47): Globular vessels with a short neck and fire-rounded rim, which is turned out and then rolled up to create a tubular edge. Concave base. Date: second half of the 1st - beginning of the 3rd centuries Miklavž pri Mariboru (GN) Globular jar with an everted and upwardly bent rim, concave base. 7.2.2. - ht. 23.7 cm - PMM A 2239. Lit.: Pahič 1969. PI. 1: 1. Ptuj (gr. 616) Jar with an everted and upward bent tubular rim, concave base. 7.2.2. - dia. rim 12 cm - LMJ 2536. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 133: 7. Stari trg pri Slovenj Gradcu (gr. 1/1977) Jar with an inwardly bent rim, the base concave and thickened in the center. 7.2.2. - ht. 9.6 cm - KPM. Lit.: Strmčnik Gulič 1981, Pl. 18: 1. Ptuj (gr. 641) Jar with an everted and upward bent tubular rim, concave base. 7.2.2. - dia. rim 15.2 cm - LMJ 2314. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 142: 6. Šempeter (gr. 7) Rim of a jar, everted and bent upwards. 7.2.2. - dia. rim 15 cm - PMC R 943. Lit.: Kolšek 1977, PI. 5: I. Analogies: Welker 1974, PI. 17: 280-282; Sternini 1990, PI. 9: 18; 10: 19; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 7. 4: 772, 784-787. 7.2.3. Globular jars with everted and downward bent rims (Is 67a); (Fig. 48): Globular vessels with a short neck, the rim fire-rounded, turned outward and bent downwards. Concave base. Date: second half of the Is1 - 2nd centuries 7.2.3. - vis. 23,7 cm; najv. obseg 30 cm - DM. Lit.: Slabe 1976, t. 2: 4. Šempeter (gr. 1) Kroglasta žara z izvihanim, navzdol zapognjenim ustjem, dno zoženo in vboklo. 7.2.3. - viš. 15,9 cm; pr. ustja 11,2 cm - PMC R 951. Lit.: Kolšek 1977, t. 1: 2. Šempeter (PN) Ustje žare, izvihano in zapognjeno navzdol. 7.2.3. - pr. ustja 11 cm - PMC R 1688. Lit.: Kolšek 1977, t. 32: 18. Primerjave: Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 41: 527; Sternini 1990, Pl. 10: 20. 7.2.4. Kroglasti lonci z izvihanim in navzdol dvakrat zapognjenim ustjem (sl. 48): Kroglaste posode s kratkim vratom, zataljeno ustje je izvihano, in navzdol dvakrat zapognjeno v obliki osmice. Dno vboklo. Datacija; druga polovica 1. - 2. st. Bobovek (gr. I) Kroglasta žara, ustje izvihano in dvakrat zapognjeno, dno vboklo. 7.2.4. - viš. 15 cm; pr. ustja 11 cm - G M K. Lit.: Petru, Valič 1959, t. 1: I. Celje (gr. 4) Ustje žare, izvihano in navzdol dvakrat zapognjeno. 7.2.4. - pr. ustja 14,1 cm - PMC R 4280. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152-1: 6. Celje (gr. 4) Ustje žare, izvihano in navzdol dvakrat zapognjeno. 7.2.4. - pr. ustja 14 cm - PMC R 4282. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152-1: 8. Cerknica (gr. 2) Deli žare, ustje dvakrat zapognjeno navzdol, dno vboklo. 7.2.4. - pr. ustja 19,2 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, t. 1: 13. Dobova (gr. A17) Delno ohranjena žara, ustje izvihano in dvakrat zapognjeno, dno vboklo. 7.2.4. - viš. 24 cm; pr. ustja 17,6 cm - PMB. Lit.: Petru P. 1969, t. 3: 1. Novo mesto - Beletov vrt (gr. 69) Deli žare z navzdol dvakrat zapognjenim ustjem, dno vboklo. 7.2.4. - pr. ustja 13,2 cm - DM 487. Lit.: Knez 1981, Y 262: II. Ptuj (gr. 621) Žara z navzdol dvakrat zapognjenim ustjem, dno vboklo. 7.2.4. - viš. 22 cm - LMJ 2463. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 136: 4. Ptuj (gr. 622) Žara z navzdol dvakrat zapognjenim ustjem, dno vboklo. 7.2.4. - pr. ustja 13,8 cm - LMJ 2466. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 137: 1. Ptuj (gr. 646) Žara z navzdol dvakrat zapognjenim ustjem, dno vboklo. Miklavž pri Mariboru (GN) Jar with an everted and downward bent rim, concave base. 7.2.3. - ht. 21.2 cm - PMM A 2240. Lit.: Pahič 1969, PI. 1: 2. Ptuj (gr. 139) Jar with an everted and downward bent rim, concave base. 7.2.3. - dia. rim 10.5 cm - LMJ 2552. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 30: 14 Šahovcc pri Dobrniču (gr.I) Globular jar with an everted, downward bent rim, concave base. 7.2.3. - ht. 23.7 cm; greatest circ. 30 cm - DM. Lit.: Slabe 1976, PI. 2: 4. Šempeter (gr. 1) Globular jar with an everted, downward bent rim, base narrowed and concave. 7.2.3. - ht. 15.9 cm; dia. rim 11.2 cm - PMC R 951. Lit.: Kolšek 1977, PI. 1; 2. Šempeter (PN) Rim of ajar, everted and bent downwards. 7.2.3. - dia. rim 11 cm - PMC R 1688. Lit.: Kolšek 1977, PI. 32: 18. Analogies: Barkoczi 1988, PI. 41: 527; Sternini 1990, PI. 10: 20. 7.2.4. Globular jars with collar rim (Fig. 48): Globular vessels with a short neck, the rounded rim is everted, rolled in, bent out and down in the shape of a figure-eight. Concave base. Date: second half of the Is' - 2nd centuries Bobovek (gr. 1) Spherical jar, rim everted, rolled in, then out and down, concave base. 7.2.4. - In. 15 cm; dia. rim 11 cm - GMK. Lit.: Petru, Valič 1959, Pl. 1: 1. Celje (gr. 4) Rim of ajar, everted, rolled in, then out and down. 7.2.4. - dia. rim 14.1 cm - PMC R 4280. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152-1: 6. Celje (gr. 4) Rim of ajar, everted, rolled in, then out and down. 7.2.4. - dia. rim 14 cm - PMC R 4282. Lit.: Kolšek 1972, Y 152-1: 8. Cerknica (gr. 2) Parts of a jar, rim rolled in, then out and down, concave base. 7.2.4. - dia. rim 19.2 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, Pl. I: 13. Dobova (gr. A17) Partly preserved jar, rim rolled in, then out and down, concave base. 7.2.4. - ht. 24 cm; dia. rim 17.6 cm - PMB. Lit.: Petru 1969, PI. 3: I. Novo mesto - Beletov vrt (gr. 69) Parts of a jar with a rim rolled in, then out and down, concave base. 7.2.4. - dia. rim 13.2 cm - DM 487. 7.2.4. - pr. ustja 18,4 cm - LMJ 2321. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 143: 8 Verdun (gr. 30) Žara z izvihanim, navzdol dvakrat zapognjenim ustjem, dno vboklo. S 2.7.4. - viš. 18,4 cm - DM 1696. Lit.: Breščak 2002, 138, kat. 74/5. Drnovo (PN) Kroglasta žara z izvihanim, navzdol dvakrat zapognjenim ustjem, dno vboklo. 7.2.4. - viš. 17 cm; najv. obseg 20 cm - NMS R 735. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 26: 5. Lit.: Knez 1981, Y 262: 11. Ptuj (gr. 621) Jar with a rim rolled in, then out and down, concave base. 7.2.4. - lit. 22 cm - LMJ 2463. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 136: 4. Ptuj (gr. 622) Jar with a rim rolled in, then out and down, concave base. 7.2.4. - dia. rim 13.8 cm - LMJ 2466. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 137: 1. Ptuj (gr. 646) Jar with a rim rolled in, then out and down, concave base. 7.2.4. - dia. rim 18.4 cm - LMJ 2321. SI. 48: Skupina 7 - lonci (7.2.3.: Pahič 1969, t. 1:2; 7.2.4.: Petru, Valič 1959, t. I: 1; 7.3.1.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 4: 9). M. = 1:3. Fig. 48: Group 7 - jars (7.2.3.: Pahič 1969, Pl. 1: 2; 7.2.4.: Petru, Valič 1959, Pl. 1: 1; 7.3.1.: Miki Curk 1976, Pl. 4: 9). Scale =1:3. Drnovo (PN) Kroglasta žara, izvihano ustje dvakrat zapognjeno navzdol, dno vboklo. 7.2.4.-viš. 13,6 cm - NMS R 737. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 26: 6. Drnovo (PN) Žara z izvihanim, dvakrat zapognjenim ustjem, dno vboklo. 7.2.4. - viš. 15,9 cm - NMS R 1337d. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 26: 7. Drnovo (PN) Kroglasta žara s sploščenim, navzdol dvakrat zapognjenim ustjem, dno vboklo. 7.2.4. - viš. 19 cm; najv. obseg 21,2 cm - NMS R 732. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 26: 2. Šempeter (PN) Ustje žare, sploščeno in navzdol dvakrat zapognjeno. 7.2.4. - pr. ustja 17,2 cm - PMC R 1748. Lit.: Kolšek 1977, t. 38: 29. Primerjave: Czurda-Ruth 1979, Taf. 9: 1155, 1157, 1160; Sternini 1990, Pl. 11; 12. 7.3. DVOROČAJNI KROGLASTI LONCI 7.3.1. Dvoročajni kroglasti lonci z izvihanim ustjem (sl. 48): Kroglaste posode s širokim vratom in izvihanim, odebeljenim ustjem. Ročaja sta pritrjena na rame in ustje posode, dno vboklo. Datacija: 1.-2. st. Ptuj (PN) Kroglasta žara z izvihanim ustjem, vboklim dnom' in trakastima ročajema. Ročaja imata ob ustju gubo. 7.3.1. - viš. 17,8 cm; najv. obseg 17 cm - PMP R 1234. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 4: 9. Primerjave: Sternini 1990, Pl. 8: 15, 16; 9: 17. Komentar za oblike 7.2.1. do 7.2.4. in 7.3.1.: Kroglaste posode s širokim izvihanim ustjem in vboklim dnom so med steklenimi izdelki pogoste in razširjene oblike. Različice lahko ločimo predvsem glede na obliko in izdelavo ustja, ki je izvihano in nato zapognjeno na več načinov. Izdelovali sojih v mnogih velikostih in verjetno so jih uporabljali v različne namene. V manjših posodicah (oblike 8.2.1.-3.) so hranili mazila, večje pa so služile največkrat kot žare. Kot potrjujejo naselbinske najdbe iz Pompejev in Herkulanea sojih pogosto uporabljali tudi v gospodinjstvu kot shrambene posode (Scatozza Höricht 1986, 68-70). Oblika je zelo razširjena predvsem v zahodnem delu imperija, medtem ko je na vzhodu zelo redka (Whitehou-se 1997, 175). Lit.: Istenič 2000, Pl. 143: 8 Verdun (gr. 30) Jar with an everted rim rolled in then out and down, concave base. 7.2.4. - ht. 18.4 cm - DM 1696. Lit.: Breščak 2002, 138, cat. 74/5. Drnovo (PN) Spherical jar with an everted rim rolled in, then out and down, concave base. 7.2.4. - ht. 17 cm; greatest circ. 20 cm - NMS R 735. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 26: 5. Drnovo (PN) Spherical jar, everted rim rolled in, then out and down, concave base. 7.2.4. - ht. 13.6 cm - NMS R 737. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 26: 6. Drnovo (PN) Jar with an everted rim, rolled in, then out and down, concave base. 7.2.4. - ht. 15.9 cm - NMS R 1337d. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 26: 7. Drnovo (PN) Spherical jar with a flattened rim, rolled in then out and down, concave base. 7.2.4. - ht. 19 cm; greatest circ. 21.2 cm - NMS R 732. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 26: 2. Šempeter (PN) Rim of ajar, flattened, rolled in, then out and down. 7.2.4. - dia. rim 17.2 cm - PMC R 1748. Lit.: Kolšek 1977, PI. 38: 29. Analogies: Czurda-Ruth 1979, PI. 9: 1155, 1157, 1160; Sternini 1990, PI. 11; 12. 7.3. TWO-HANDLED GLOBULAR JARS 7.3.1. Two-handled globular jars with an everted rim (Fig. 48): Globular vessels with a broad neck and a turned-out thickened rim. Two handles are attached to the shoulder and rim of the vessels. Concave base. Date: lsl - 2n(l centuries Ptuj (PN) Spherical jar with an everted rim, concave base, and ribbon handles. The handles arc folded next to the rim. 7.3.1. - ht. 17.8 cm; greatest circ. 17 cm - PMP R 1234. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 4: 9. Analogies: Sternini 1990, PI. 8: 15, 16; 9: 17. Comments - forms 7.2.1. to 7.2.4. and 7.3.1.: Globular vessels with a broad everted rim and a concave base represent a frequent and widespread form among glass products. Variants can be distinguished primarily in terms of the form and working of the rim, which was everted and then bent in several ways. Poleg enostavnih kroglastih posod brez ročajev, so razširjeni tudi izdelki z dvema ročajema različnih oblik (oblika Isings 63 in 65), ki sta vertikalno pritrjena na rame ali na rame in vrat posode. Predvsem izdelki 1. in 2. stoletja imajo ponekod dodan tudi pokrov. V redkih primerih je pokrov oblikovan kot lijak in je služil pri pogrebnih svečanostih (Whitehouse 1997, no. 302). Položili so ga na ustje žare z dulcem navzdol, da so lahko v posodo vlivali daritve, namenjene pokojniku (Whitehouse 1997, 172). Več vrst žar z ročaji in s pokrovi poznamo iz emonskih grobov. V grobovih 109 in 746 (datiranima z novcem Nerona) sta bili najdeni žari z ročajema (Petru 1972, t. 15: 33; Plesničar Gec 1972, t. 208: 1), iz grobov 732 in 734 pa sta ohranjeni žari s pokrovoma (Plesničar Gec 1972, t. 169: I; 170: I). Po razširitvi skeletnih pokopov od 3. stoletja dalje, je uporaba v pogrebnih običajih počasi zamrla, kot posode za shranjevanje pa sojih uporabljali še v mlajšem času (Cool, Price 1995, 110). Najzgodnejši izdelki oblike Isings 67 so znani s Štalenske gore iz sredine 1. stoletja (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 156), od druge polovice 1. in do začetka 3. stoletja pa so pogosti na mnogih najdiščih zahodnega dela imperija (Cool, Price 1995, 109). Tudi najdbe s slovenskega prostora so v glavnem del grobnih celot, medtem ko jih iz naselbinskih slojev poznamo zelo malo (Plesničar Gec 1983, t. 3: 18; 9: 2,3; 30: 16; Celje - neobjavljeno gradivo). Najdbe iz naselbin so zaradi fragmentarne ohranjenosti tudi teže prepoznavne oziroma določljive. Kroglasti lonci z izvihanim in odebeljenim ustjem (7.2.1.) so najdbe brez datiranih celot. Po primerjavi z najdbami z ostalih najdišč je opaziti, da sodijo med zgodnejše oblike. Na Štalenski gori so tovrstni izdelki prisotni že v prvi polovici 1. stoletja (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 157), histogram najdb iz Colchestra pa kaže, da sodi največ najdb v drugo polovico 1. in prvo polovico 2. stoletja, nato pa jih zamenjajo druge oblike (Cool, Price 1995, 113, Fig. 7.6). Obliki 7.2.2. in 7.2.3. se pojavljata v grobnih celotah od sredine 1. stoletja do začetka 3. stoletja. Najstarejši je grob 7 iz Šempetra, v katerem je bil najden Avgustov novec (Kolšek 1977, 15), žari iz gomile v Miklavžu pa sta del celote iz konca 1. in začetka 2. stoletja (Pahič 1969,74). Žare iz Petovione sodijo v grobne celote iz 2. stoletja (Istenič 2000, 204, 214, 57). Najmlajši sta žari iz groba v Šahovcu in groba 1 v Šempetru, ki sodita v drugo polovico 2. oziroma na začetek 3. stoletja (Slabe 1976, 245; Kolšek 1977, 13). Najštevilneje so zastopane žare z dvojno zavihanim ustjem v obliki osmice (7.2.4.). Pojavljajo se v grobovih druge polovice 1. stoletja - Dobova, gr. A 17, Celeja, gr. 4 (Petru 1969, 35; Kolšek 1972, Y 152), Petoviona. gr. 622, 646 (Istenič 2000, 207, 216), grobovih iz začetka 2. stoletja - Novo mesto, gr. 69 (Knez 1992, 40), They were manufactured in many sizes and they were probably used for varied purposes. The small vessels (forms 8.2.1.-3.) were used to store unguents, while the larger ones most often served as urns. As is confirmed by the settlement finds from Pompeii and Herculaneum, they were often also in everyday household use as storage vessels (Scatozza Höricht 1986, 68-70). The form was highly widespread primarily in the western part of the Empire, and it was very rare in the east (Whitehouse 1997, 175). In addition to single globular vessels without handles, products with two handles of various forms were also widespread (Isings 63 and 65), which were attached vertically to the shoulder or to the shoulder and neck of the vessel. Products of the Is' and 2nd centuries occasionally also had a lid added. On rare examples, the lid was formed like a funnel, and served in burial rituals (Whitehouse 1997, no. 302). It was placed on the lid of the urn with the spout facing downward, so that offerings for the deceased could be poured into the urn (Whitehouse 1997, 172). Several types of urns with handles and with lids are known from the graves at Emona. Graves 109 and 746 (dated by coins of Nero) contained urns with han-dles (Petru 1972, PI. 15: 33; Plesničar Gec 1972, PI. 208: 1), and graves 732 and 734 contained urns with lids (Plesničar Gec 1972, PI. 169: I; 170: I). With the spread of inhumation burial from the 3rd century onwards, their use in burial ceremonies slowly died away, while as storage vessels they were used even in later periods (Cool, Price 1995, 110). The earliest examples of the Isings 67 form are known from Magdalensberg from the middle of the Is' century (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 156), and from the second half of the 1st century up to the beginning of the 3rd centuries they were common at many sites in the western part of the Empire (Cool, Price 1995, 109). The finds from Slovenia for the most part come from grave contexts, while very few are known from settlement strata (Plesničar Gec 1983, PI. 3: 18; 9: 2,3; 30: 16; Celje - unpublished material). The fragmentary preservation of the finds from settlements also makes recognition and classification more difficult. Jars with everted and thickened rims (7.2.1.) are finds without a dated context. Through comparisons with finds from other sites it can be noted that they are among the earliest forms. At Magdalensberg such products are present as early as the first half of the 1st century (Czurda-Ruth 1979, 157), while the histogram of finds from Colchester shows that the finds belong mostly to the second half of the Is' and the first half of the 2nd centuries, after which they were replaced by other forms (Cool, Price 1995, 113, Fig. 7.6). Forms 7.2.2. and 7.2.3. appear in grave units from the middle of the 1"' century to the beginning of the 3rd century. The earliest was grave 7 from Šempeter, which Petoviona, gr. 621 (Istenič 2000, 206) in v grobovih 2. stoletja - Bobovek, Cerknica, Verdun (Petru, Valič 1959, 134; Urleb 1984, 315; Breščak 2002, 138). Številne najdbe iz Drnovega so iz neohranjenih grobnih celot. Dvoročajna žara iz Petovione je posamična najdba (7.3.1.). Primerjava z najdbami z ostalih najdišč jo umešča v 1. in 2. stoletje (Sternini 1990, 18). SKUPINA 8 - POSODICE ZA OLJA IN DIŠAVE (sl. 49-51; pril. 3, 4) 8.2. KROGLASTI LONČKI 8.2.1. Kroglasti lončki z izvihanim ustjem (Is 68); (sl. 49): Lončki imajo kroglasto ostenje, kratek vrat in močno izvihano ustje, ki je zataljeno. Dno je v sredini vboklo. Datacija: druga polovica 1.-3. st. Ptuj (gr. 338) Kroglast lonček s kratkim vratom, ustje izvihano, dno vboklo. 8.2.1. - viš. 4,5 cm; pr. dna 2,6 cm - PMP 16065. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 26: 4. Ptuj (PN) Kroglast lonček s kratkim vratom, ustje izvihano, dno vboklo. 8.2.1. - viš. 3,9 cm - PMP 1259. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 4: 10. Primerjave: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Taf. 25: 285a; Barkpczi 1988, Taf. 60: 513. 8.2.2. Kroglasti lončki z izvihanim in odebeljenim ustjem (sl. 49): Posodice s kroglastim ostenjem imajo izvihano ustje, ki je zataljeno in odebeljeno, dno je zaokroženo in ravno. Datacija: druga polovica 1. - 2. st. Formin (gr. 14) Kroglast lonček z izvihanim in odebeljenim ustjem, dno ravno. 8.2.2. - viš. 5 cm - PMP. Lit.: Miki Curk 1975, Y 182: 7. Primerjave: Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 60: 519, 516, 520. contained a coin of Augustus (Kolšek 1977, 15), while the urns from the tumulus at Miklavž belonged to a grave from the end of the 151 and the beginning of the 2"d centuries (Pahič 1969,74). The urns from Poetovio came from 2nd century grave contexts (Istenič 2000, 204, 214, 57). The latest were urns from grave 1 at Šahovec and grave 1 at Šempeter, dated to the second half of the 2nd and the beginning of the 3rd century (Slabe 1976, 245; Kolšek 1977, 13). The most represented form was globular jar with collar rim (7.2.4.). They appear in graves from the second half of the Is'century - Dobova, gr. A 17, Celeia, gr. 4 (Petru P. 1969, 35; Kolšek 1972, Y 152), Poetovio, gr. 622, 646 (Istenič 2000, 207, 216), graves from the beginning of the 2nd century - Novo mesto, gr. 69 (Knez 1992, 40), Poetovio, gr. 621 (Istenič 2000, 206), and graves from the 2nd century - Bobovek, Cerknica, and Verdun (Petru, Valič 1959, 134; Urleb 1984, 315; Breščak 2002, 138). The numerous finds from Drnovo came from unpreser-ved grave units. The two-handled jar from Poetovio is also an isolated find (7.3.1). Comparison with finds from othersites places it in the Is1 and 2"d centuries (Sternini 1990, 18). GROUP 8 - VESSELS FOR OIL AND PERFUME/ COSMETICS (Fig. 49-51; Appendices 3, 4) 8.2. SMALL SPHERICAL JARS 8.2.1. Small globular jars with a turned out rim (Is 68); (Fig. 49): The small jars have globular walls, a short neck and a fire-rounded highly everted rim. The base is concave in the center. Date: second half of the Is1 - 3rd centuries Ptuj (gr. 338) Small spherical jar with a short neck, everted rim, concave base. 8.2.1. - ht. 4.5 cm; dia. base 2.6 cm - PMP 16065. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, PI, 26: 4. Ptuj (IF) Small spherical jar with a short neck, everted rim, concave base. 8.2.1. - ht. 3.9 cm - PMP 1259. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 4: 10. Analogies: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, PI. 25: 285a; Barkoczi 1988, PI. 60: 513. 8.2.3. Kroglasti lončki z izvihanim in nazaj zapognjenim ustjem (sl. 49): Posodice s kroglastim ostenjem imajo izviliano ustje, ki je nazaj cevasto zapognjeno in ponekod sploščeno, dno je v sredini vboklo. Datacija: druga polovica 1.-2. st. 8.2.1 8.2.2. Small globular jars with a turned out and thickened rim (Fig. 49): Small vessels with globular walls have an everted rim that is fire-rounded and thickened; the base is rounded and flat. Date: second half of the 1SI - 2"d centuries 8.2.3. 8.3.2. 8.3.4. 8.4.1. 8.5.1. SI. 4()\ Skupina 8 - posodice za olja in dišave (8.2.1.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 26: 4; 8.2.2.: Miki Curk 1975, 182: 7; 8.2.3.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 15; 8.3.1.: Istenič 2000, t. 170: 3; 8.3.2.: Urleb 1984, t. 14: 3; 8.3.3.: Istenič 2000, t. 62: 2; 8.3.4.: Slabe 1993, t. 2: 4; 8.4.1.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 24: 37; 8.5.1.: Šubic 1976, t. 1: 3). M. = 1:3. Fig. 49: Group 8 - cosmetic vessels (8.2.1.: Kujundžič 1982, Pl. 26: 4; 8.2.2.: Miki Curk 1975, 182: 7; 8.2.3.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 15; 8.3.I.: Istenič 2000, Pl. 170: 3; 8.3.2.: Urleb 1984, Pl. 14: 3; 8.3.3.: Istenič 2000, Pl. 62: 2; 8.3.4.: Slabe 1993, Pl. 2: 4; 8.4.1.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 24: 37; 8.5.1.: Šubic 1976, Pl. 1:3). Scale = 1:3. Drnovo (PN) Kroglast lonček z nizkim vratom, ustje izvihano in zapognjeno, dno vboklo. 8.2.3. - viš. 6,8 cm - NMS R 711. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 25: 15. Ptuj (gr. 237) Kroglast lonček z izvihanim in navznoter cevasto zapognjenim ustjem, dno rahlo vboklo. 8.2.3. - pr. ustja 3,3 cm - LMJ 2416. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 49: 6. Primerjave: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, Taf. 6: 72b: 10: 118k; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 7. 10. Komentar za oblike 8.2.1. do 8.2.3.: Mali kroglasti lončki s širokim izvihanim ustjem so izdelani iz naravno obarvanega stekla, verjetno so služili za hranjenje različnih mazil. Med seboj se razlikujejo le v detajlih. Večinoma imajo močno izvihano ustje, ki je zataljeno, odebeljeno ali cevasto zavihano. Ostenje je navadno kroglasto, ali nekoliko bolj cilindrično potegnjeno. Lončki ne sodijo med zelo pogoste najdbe, a jih vseeno poznamo z najdišč v Britaniji, Nemčiji in na Madžarskem. Najstarejše najdbe, datirane v klavdijski čas, so znane iz Hofheima - oblika 19 (Ritterling 1913, 376). Najpogosteje se pojavljajo v kontekstih od konca 1. in v 2. stoletju, najdemo pa jih tudi v grobovih 3. stoletja (Cool, Price 1995, 116). Najdbe z Madžarske so datirane večinoma na konec 1. in v 2. stoletje (Barkoczi 1988, 205), Rütti pa najdbe iz Augsta datira od klavdijskega časa do 4. stoletja (1991, 51). Grob 14 iz Formina je datiran na konec I. oziroma začetek 2. stoletja, grob 338 s Ptuja pa v 2. stoletje (Miki Curk 1975, Y 182; Kujundžič 1982, 50). Grobova 238 in 778 z zahodne petovionske nekropole sta iz prve polovice 2. stoletja (Istenič 2000, 87, 251). 8.3. KROGLASTE STEKLENIČKE Z ROČAJI 8.3.1. Kroglaste stekleničke z ročajem (sl. 49): Stekleničke s kroglastim trupom, ustje zapognjeno navznoter, dno rahlo vboklo, ročaj pritrjen na ustje. Datacija: 2. st. Ptuj (gr. 759) Kroglasta steklenička z ročajem, dno ravno, ročaj izvlečen iz ostenja. 8.3.1. - pr. ustja 3, 8 cm - LMJ 2400. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 170: 3. Primerjave: nepoznane. Formin (gr. 14) Globular small jar with an everted and thickened rim, flat base. 8.2.2. - lit. 5 cm - PM P. Lit.: Miki Curk 1975, Y 182: 7. Analogies: Barkoczi 1988, PI. 60: 519, 516, 520. 8.2.3. Small globular jars with a turned out tubular rim (Fig. 49): Small vessels with globular walls have an everted rim that is rolled up into a tube and is sometimes flattened; the base concave in the center. Date: second half of the Is1 - 2nd centuries Drnovo (IF) Globular small jar with a short neck, the rim everted and rolled up, the base concave. 8.2.3. - lit. 6.8 cin - NMS R 711. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 25: 15. Ptuj (gr. 237) Globular small jar with an everted and tubular rim rolled inwards, the base slightly concave. 8.2.3. - dia. rim 3.3 cm - LMJ 2416. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 49: 6. Analogies: Goethert-Polaschek 1977, PI. 6: 72b; 10: 118k; Cool, Price 1995, Fig. 7. 10. Comments - forms 8.2.1. to 8.2.3.; Small globular jars with a broad everted rim were made of naturally coloured glass, and probably served for storing various ointments. They differ only in details. Most have a highly everted rim, which was fire-rounded, thickened or rolled into a tube. The walls were usually globular, somewhat cylindrically rolled. Small jars are not very common finds, but they are nonetheless known from sites in Britain, Germany, and Hungary. The earliest finds, dated to the Claudian period, are known from Hofheim - form 19 (Ritterling 1913, 376). They appear most frequently in contexts from the end of the Is1 and in the 2nd centuries, and can also be found in graves of the 3rd century (Cool, Price 1995, 116). The finds from Hungary are mostly dated to the end of the Is1 and to the 2nd centuries (Barkoczi 1988, 205), while Riitti dated the finds from Augst from the Claudian period to the 4th century (1991, 51). Grave 14 from Formin was dated to the end of the lsl or the beginning of the 2nd century, and grave 338 from Ptuj to the 2nd century (Miki Curk 1975, Y 182; Kujundžič 1982, 50). Graves 238 and 778 from the western cemeteries of Poetovio were from the first half of the 2nd century (Istenič 2000, 87, 251). 8.3.2. Kroglaste stekleničke z ročajema (sl. 49): Telo kroglasto, ustje zataljeno, izvihano navzven, nato cevasto zavihano nazaj in sploščeno, dno ravno, v sredi vboklo. Ročaj trakast, speljan tik ob vratu in zavihan nazaj. Datacija: 1. - 3. st. Cerknica (gr. 27) Kroglasta steklenička z dvema ročajema, ustje izvihano in sploščeno, dno rahlo vboklo. 8.3.2. - viš. 8 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, t. 14: 3. Ptuj (gr. 4) Kroglasta dvoročajna steklenička, ustje sploščeno, dno ravno. 8.3.2. - viš. 5,8 cm - PMP. Lit.: Tušek 1993, t. 6: 6. Ptuj (gr. 11) Kroglasta dvoročajna steklenička, ustje zapognjeno nazaj in sploščeno, dno vboklo. 8.3.2. - pr. ustja 3,6 cm - LMJ 2253. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 3: 9. Ptuj (gr. 615) Kroglasta dvoročajna steklenička, po ostenju nataljene steklene niti, ustje narezano. 8.3.2. - pr. ustja 3,6 cm - LMJ 2534. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 134: 5. Primerjave: Welker 1974, Taf. 3: 39, 42: Barköczi 1988, Taf. 33: 354. 8.3.3. Kroglaste stekleničke z ročajema v obliki delfinov (Is 61); (sl. 49)\ Stekleničke z izvihanim zataljenim ali odebeljenim ustjem, ki je sploščeno. Dno ravno ali v sredi vboklo. Ročaj, ki se drži vratu, ima obliko delfinov. Datacija: 1.-3. st. Ptuj (gr. 303) Kroglasta steklenička zapognjenim in sploščenim ustjem, ročaja v obliki delfinov. 8.3.3. - pr. ustja 2,9 cm - LMJ 2441. Lit.: Istenič 2000, t. 62: 2. Ptuj(PN) Kroglasta steklenička z izvihanim ustjem, ročaja v obliki delfinov. 8.3.3. - viš. 6,5 cm - PMP 1236. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, t. 4: 6. Primerjave: Fremersdorf 1958, Taf. 36, 37; Welker 1974, Taf. 3: 31-33, 36-38: Barköczi 1988, Taf. 355-59. 8.3. BATH FLASKS WITH HANDLES 8.3.1. Bath flasks flasks with a handle (Fig. 49): Small flasks with a globular body, the rim bent inwards, the base slightly concave, the handle attached to the rim. Date: 2nd century Ptuj (gr. 759) Globular small flask with a handle, base flat, the handle drawn out from the walls. 8.3.1. - dia. rim 3.8 cm - LMJ 2400. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 170: 3. Analogies: none identified. 8.3.2. Bath flasks with handles (Fig. 49): Globular body, rim fire-rounded, turned outwards, then rolled inwards into a tube and flattened, the base flat, concave in the center. The ribbon handles were drawn out adjacent to the neck and bent inwards. Date: 1st - 3rd centuries Cerknica (gr. 27) Globular small flask with two handles, the rim turned outward and flattened, base slightly concave. 8.3.2. - ht. 8 cm - NMP. Lit.: Urleb 1984, PI. 14: 3. Ptuj (gr. 4) Globular two-handled small flask, rim flattened, base flat. 8.3.2. - ht. 5.8 cm - PMP. Lit.: Tušek 1993, PI. 6: 6. Ptuj (gr. 11) Globular two-handled small flask, the rim bent inwards and flattened, concave base. 8.3.2. - dia. rim 3.6 cm - LMJ 2253. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 3: 9. Ptuj (gr. 615) Globular two-handled small flask, applied glass trails on the walls, cut rim. 8.3.2. - dia. rim 3.6 cm - LMJ 2534. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 134: 5. Analogies: Welker 1974, PI. 3: 39, 42; Barköczi 1988, PI. 33: 354. 8.3.3. Bath flasks with handles in the shape of dolphins (Is 61); (Fig. 49): Small flasks with an everted fire-rounded or thickened 8.3.4. Kroglaste stekleničke z bronastima zankama namesto ročajev (sl. 49): Kroglaste stekleničke s sploščenim ustjem, ki imajo bronast ročaj pritrjen neposredno na ostenje posodice. Datacija: 2. st. Trebnje (gr. 27) Kroglasta steklenička s sploščenim ustjem, bronast ročaj pritrjen z dvema bronastima zankama na ostenje. 8.3.4. - viš. 8,3 cm - DM 680. Lit.: Slabe 1993, t. 2: 4. Primerjave: Whitehouse 1997, 201, no. 351. Komentar za oblike 8.3.1. do 8.3.4.: Kroglaste stekleničke s kratkim vratom in dvema ročajema so bile namenjene uporabi v kopališčih. V njih so obiskovalci nosili s seboj olja, navadno so bile pripete na bronastih verižicah ali ročajih. Osnovna izhaja iz kovinskih posod, poznani pa so tudi izdelki iz polihromnega stekla iz 6.-4. st. pr. n. š. (Harden 1981, 89). Posodice so pogosto poimenovane z grškim imenom aryballos, latinsko ime zanje pa je ampulla (Hilgers 1969, 37-38, 102-104). Izdelki iz pihanega stekla se, kot kažejo najdbe, ne pojavljajo pred drugo polovico 1. stoletja, v uporabi pa ostanejo vse 2. in še v zgodnjem 3. stoletju (Cool, Price 1995, 156). Razširjene so po vsem rimskem imperiju, seznam datiranih najdb prinašajo Isingsova (1957, 78-81), Sorokina (1987, 40-46) in Cool, Price (1995, 156-159). Grob 27 iz Cerknice (8.3.2.) sodi po pridatkih na prehod I. v 2. stoletje (Urleb 1984, 312-313), delno uničen petovionski grob lahko umestimo v prvo polovico 2. stoletja (Tušek 1993, 391), grob 11 sodi v 2., grob 615 pa v 3. stoletje (Istenič 2000, 20, 203). Steklenička iz groba 27 v Trebnjem (8.3.4.) nima povsem točnih primerjav. Najdba je bila slabo ohranjena in nato rekonstruirana. Na rekonstruirani posodici verjetno manjkata vsaj majhni stekleni zanki, skozi kateri so bili obešeni bronasti obročki. V nobenem ohranjenem primeru namreč niso bronaste zanke pritrjene neposredno na ostenje posode (Sorokina 1987, Fig. I: 7; 2: 5). Možno je tudi, da je bila steklenička že poškodovana priložena v grob, ki je po pridatkih datiran v prvo polovico 2. stoletja (Slabe 1993, 13). Med posebnosti sodi tudi steklenička iz Petovione iz groba 759 - oblika 8.3.1. Ročaj ni nataljen na ostenje ampak izvlečen iz napihanega trupa; oblika nima primerjav in je verjetno nastala v domačih delavnicah, grob je datiran na konec I. oziroma v prvo polovico 2. stoletja (Istenič 2000, 244), glede na priloženi vrč pa bi ga lahko opredelili v 2. stoletje. flattened rim. The base flat but concave in the center. The handles, which are close to the neck, are dolphin shaped. Date: Is1 - 3rd centuries Ptuj (gr. 303) Globular small flask with an outward, then inward turned and flattened rim, handles in the shape of dolphins. 8.3.3. - dia. rim 2.9 cm - LMJ 2441. Lit.: Istenič 2000, PI. 62: 2. Ptuj (IF) Globular small bottle with an everted rim, handles in the shape of dolphins. 8.3.3. - hi. 6.5 cm - PMP 1236. Lit.: Miki Curk 1976, PI. 4: 6. Analogies: Fremersdorf 1958, PI. 36, 37: Welker 1974, PI. 3: 31-33, 36-38; Barköczi 1988, PI. 355-59. 8.3.4. Bath flasks with bronze loops in place of handles (Fig. 49): Globular small flasks with flattened rims, which have bronze handles attached directly to the walls of the vessel. Date: 2nd century Trebnje (gr. 27) Globular small flask with a flattened rim, a bronze handle attached with two bronze loops to the walls. 8.3.4. - lit. 8.3 cm - DM 680. Lit.: Slabe 1993, PI. 2: 4. Analogies: Whitehouse 1997, 201, No. 351. Comments - forms 8.3.1. to 8.3.4.: Small globular flasks with a short neck and two handles were intended for use in baths. Visitors carried oils in them, and they were usually fastened onto bronze chains or handles. The original form was derived from metal vessels, and examples from polychrome glass from the 6th—4,h centuries BC are also known (Harden 1981, 89). These small vessels are often called by the Greek name aryballos, while the Latin name for them is ampulla (Hilgers 1969, 37-38, 102-104). As is shown by the finds, products made of blown glass did not appear prior to the second half of the Is' century, and they remained in use throughout the 2nd and in the early 3rd centuries (Cool, Price 1995, 156). They were spread throughout the entire Roman Empire. Lists of dated finds were composed by Isings (1957, 78-81), Sorokina (1987,40-46), and Cool, Price (1995, 156-159). Grave 27 from Cerknica (8.3.2.) belongs on the basis of the grave goods to the transition from the Is' to the 2nd century (Urleb 1984, 312-313), a partly destroyed 8.4. MERKURJEVE STEKLENIČKE 8.4.1. Četverokotne stekleničke z dolgim vratom in odtisom ali žigom na dnu (Is 84); (sl. 40): Stekleničke imajo daljši štirikoten trup in dolg vrat s široko izvihanim in sploščenim ustjem. Dno je navadno okrašeno z napisom izdelovalca ali rastlinskim okrasom, ponekod tudi z likom Merkurja. Datacija: 2. - 3. st. Drnovo (PN) Steklenička s kvadratnim trupom, vrat enako dolg, ustje izvihano in sploščeno, na dnu okras rastlinja in pik v vogalih. 8.4.1. - viš. 13,7 cm - NMS R 704. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, t. 24: 37. Logatec (NN) Dno stekleničke z geometrijskim odtisom na dnu. 8.4.1. - pr. dna 4 cm - N M P. Lit.: neobjavljeno. Primerjave: Barkoczi 1988, Taf. 21: 266-70: Facchini el al. 1995, Tav. A. B. Komentar: Četverokotne stekleničke so znane pod imenom Merkurjeve stekleničke. Služile naj bi za hranjenje olj in dišav, dolg vrat naj bi preprečeval prehitro hlapenje vsebine. Ostenje je bilo pihano v kalup. Glavna značilnost teh posodic so različni žigi in odtisi na dnu, redkeje tudi na ostenju. Najpogosteje je na dnu okras palmete, ki je kombiniran s štirimi pikami v vogalih ali s kraticami izdelovalca (Facchini et al. 1995, Tav. B, D). Bolj preprosti odtisi imajo le označeno kvadratno polje, kroge v vogalih ali posamezne črke (Facchini et al. 1995, Tav. A). Nekatere stekleničke pa imajo na dnu lik boga Merkurja in kratice izdelovalca (?) v vogalih in prav to je dalo stekleničkam ime (Facchini et al. 1995, Tav. C: 28; E: 1, 3). Izjemoma se pojavljajo tudi šesterokotne posode, ki so znane med drugim v Istri in Dalmaciji (Fadič 1987, 113; Kirigin 1980,63). Večina najdb je datiranih v 2. in 3. stoletje (Facchini et al. 1995, 171), čeprav Isingsova navaja tudi najdbo iz flavijskega obdobja (1957, 100). Različne variante teh posodic kažejo, da so nastajale v mnogih delavnicah. Izredno število stekleničk na območju severne Italije, grupiranih predvsem vzdolž vodne poti ob Padu, kjer je potekala trgovina padanskega območja z ozemljem Vzhodnih Alp, pa navaja k sklepu, da je tudi nekje na tem območju obstajala delavnica tovrstnih izdelkov (Facchini et al. 1995, 170). Obe najdbi iz Slovenije sta posamični, zato je njuna časovna opredelitev v 2. in 3. stoletje določena na osnovi primerjav z najdbami na ostalih evropskih najdiščih. grave from Poetovio can be dated to the first half of the 2nd century (Tušek 1993. 391), grave 11 is dated to the 2nd century, and grave 615 to the 3rd century (Istenič 2000, 20, 203). The small flask from grave 27 at Trebnje (8.3.4.) lacks any exact analogies. The find was poorly preserved and then reconstructed. The reconstructed vessel probably lacks at least the small glass loops through which the bronze circlets would have been hung. No preserved examples have bronze loops directly attached to the vessel (Sorokina 1987, Fig. 1: 7; 2: 5). It is also possible that the flask had been placed already damaged in the grave, which was dated on the basis of the grave goods to the first half of the 2nd century (Slabe 1993, 13). The small flask from grave 759 at Poetovio is also unusual - form 8.3.1. The handle was not attached to the walls but was instead drawn out from the blown body. The form has no analogies and was probably created in a local workshop. The grave was dated to the end of the Is1 or in the first half of the 2nd centuries (Istenič 2000, 244), but given the presence of the jug among the grave goods, it could be assigned to the 2nd century. 8.4. MERCURY FLASKS 8.4.1. Small square flasks with an elongated neck and an impression or stamp on the base (Is 84); (Fig. 49): The small flasks have a four-sided body and a long neck, with horizontal and flattened rim. The base is usually decorated with the name or mark of the maker, or floral decoration, and sometimes also with the figure of Mercury. Date: 2,,d - 3rd centuries Drnovo (IF) Small flask with a square body, equally long neck, everted and flattened rim, on the base a floral decoration and dots in the corners. 8.4.1. - ht. 13.7 cm - NMS R 704. Lit.: Petru, Petru 1978, Pl. 24: 37. Logatec (SF) Base of a small flask with a geometric impression on the base. 8.4.1. - dia. base 4 cm - NMP. Lit.: unpublished. Analogies: Barkoczi 1988, PI. 21: 266-70; Facchini etal. 1995, PI. A, B. Comments: Small four-sided flasks are also known as Mercury flasks. They probably served for storing oils and perfumes, the long neck preventing rapid evaporation of the contents. The walls were mould-blown. 8.5. CILINDRIČNE STEKLENIČKE 8.5.1. Cilindrične stekleničke s kratkim vratom (sl. 40): Ostenje cilindrično, vrat kratek in nagnjen navzven, dno ravno ali v sredini vboklo. Datacija: 1.-2. st. Ptuj (gr. 332) Cilindrična posodica z izvihanim ustjem, dno vboklo. 8.5.1. - viš. 8,5 cm - PMP R 16025. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 25: 8. Ptuj (gr. 332) Cilindrična posodica z izvihanim ustjem, dno vboklo. 8.5.1. - viš. 8 cm - PMP R 16026. Lit.: Kujundžič 1982, t. 25: 9. Ptuj (PN) Miniaturna steklenička s cilindričnim ostenjem in kratkim vratom, dno ravno. 8.5.1. - viš. 7 cm - PMP R 765. Lit.: Šubic 1976, t. 1:3. Ptuj (PN) Miniaturna steklenička s cilindričnim ostenjem in kratkim vratom, dno ravno. 8.5.1. - viš. 4,6 cm - PMP R 10498. Lit.: Šubic 1976, t. 5: 41. Primerjave: Welker 1974, Taf. 8: 143-145: Barköczi 1988, Taf. 16: 182, 184-186: Rütti 1991, ARR 116/1. Komentar: Male cilindrične stekleničke so prav tako služile za hranjenje kozmetičnih in morda tudi medicinskih oziroma farmacevtskih pripravkov. Njihova višina ne presega 10 cm, telo pa je ozko in dolgo. Primerjav za to obliko ni prav veliko, povsem identične izdelke poznamo z madžarskega prostora (Barköczi 1988, 110) in Heddernheima (Welker 1974, 55), podobne miniaturne stekleničke iz Kölna pa objavlja tudi Fremersdorf (1958, Taf. 95). Najdb iz točno datiranih kontekstov je malo. Barköczi predlaga na osnovi naselbinske najdbe iz Regölyja datacijo v 1. stoletje (1988, 110), za isti čas se opredeljuje tudi Fremersdorf (1958, 45). Posodice s široko izvihanim ustjem iz Heddernheima Welkerjeva umešča v 2. stoletje (1974, 55). Posodici iz groba 332 sta del grobne celote iz prve polovice 2. stoletja (Kujundžič 1982, 12). Drugi dve miniaturni steklenički s Ptuja pa sodita med posamične najdbe. Po obliki in izdelavi sta vsekakor najbolj sorodni madžarskim stekleničkam, ni pa izključeno, da je bila enostavna in uporabna oblika v rabi skozi daljše časovno obdobje. The main characteristic of these small vessels is various stamps and impressions on the base, and rarely also on the walls. The most common is a decoration of a palmette on the base, which is combined with four dots in the corners or with the initials of the manufacturer (Facchini et at. 1995, PI. B, D). Simpler impressions consist merely of square fields, circles in the corners, or individual letters (Facchini et al. 1995, PI. A). Some flasks have an image of the god Mercury on the base and the initials of the manufacturer (?) in the corners, and this was what gave the flasks their name (Facchini et al. 1995, PI. C: 28; E: I, 3). Hexagonal vessels are also sometimes found, they are known from Istria and Dalmatia (Fadič 1987, 113; Kirigin 1980, 63). The majority of finds are dated to the 2',d and 3r* I - £ Grad • Hameršek Preložnik Rabelčja vas G,. im > /^v !' • Spodnja Hajdina • TV/ -;\-v - -; Zgornji Breg Vil-,) 'V-J'v=ly " mr S Sl. 58: Karta Ptuja z ostanki steklarske dejavnosti (obseg mesta po: J. Horvat et al. 2003. Vir: temeljni topografski načrt merila 1:5000: © Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije: Ptuj 9, 10, 19, 20, Ormož 1,11- 1999). Fig. 58: Map of Ptuj with the remains of glass working (town extent after: J. Horvat et al. 2003. Source: topographic plans at 1:5000 scale; © Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia (SM A): Ptuj 9, 10, 19, 20, Ormož 1, 11 - 1999). 2 k. o. Hajdina. Odkopani so bili ostanki treh steklarskih peči. REKONSTRUKCIJA STEKLARSKIH PEČI The Preložnik plot From 17 May to 25 May 1978, archaeologists from the museum in Ptuj oversaw the digging of the foundations for the Preložnik house on plot 1102/2 of the Hajdina land registry. The remains of three glass furnaces were excavated. Tlorisi peči in deli konstrukcije so se bolje ohranili na parceli Hameršek in na osnovi tega lahko poizkusimo obnoviti izgled ptujskih steklarskih peči. Po obliki je šlo za podolgovate, ovalno oblikovane objekte, velikosti približno 2,05 x 1,00 m, če vzamemo zunanje mere, notranje mere pa so znašale 0,70 x 1,30 m. Zidani so bili iz opek različnih vrst in zamazani z glino. Posebej na notranji strani so bili sloji glinenih premazov precej debeli. Notranjost peči je bila deljena v dva dela, v enem je bilo kurišče, drugi je služil kot delovni prostor (Lazar 2003, 78, Fig. 1). Ob kurišču, na stranskem deluje ležal Sl. 59: Ptuj - poskus rekonstrukcije peči, tloris in prerez. Fig. 59: Ptuj - possible reconstruction of a furnace, ground plan and cross-section. RECONSTRUCTION OF THE GLASS FURNACES The ground plans of the furnaces and construction remains were better preserved on the Hameršek plots, and on the basis of their preservation an attempt can be made to reconstruct the appearance of the glass furnaces of Ptuj. In form, these furnaces were elongated oval structures, with dimensions of approximately 2.05 x 1.00 m for the outer measurements, and the interior measurements of0.70 x 1.30 m. The walls were made of brick of various types, plastered with clay (Lazar 2003, 78, Fig. I). Particularly on the interior, the layers of clay coating were fairly thick. The interiors of the furnaces were divided into two KURIŠČE/ FURNACE CHAMBER PREDPROSTOR/ STOKEHOLE I DELOVNI PROSTOR/ WORKING AREA TLORIS/ GROUND PLAN \ I PREREZ/ SECTION kanal, ki je služil kot manipulativni prostor pred pečjo, iz katerega so oskrbovali kurišče z gorivom (sl. 59). Glede na tloris je bil kuriščni del nekoliko večji od delovnega prostora in na eni strani polkrožno zaključen, velik je bil približno 0,60 x 0,40 m. Vmesni zid je ločil oba dela peči. Delovni prostor je bil pravokotno kvadratne oblike. Po ostankih v peči 1 je verjetno, daje bila v tem delu neke vrste polica ali rešeto, na kateri so stale posode s steklom. Ta del peči je imel delovno odprtino, ob kateri je delal steklar (sl. 59). Kako je izgledal gornji del peči, lahko le ugibamo. Morda je bil nad delovnim prostorom še eden manjši del, v katerem so odlagali izdelane posode. Iz ohranjenega tlorisa ni vidno, da bi bil sam delovni prostor deljen na dvoje, en del za pihanje, drugi del za ohlajanje posod. Kakšna sta bila tloris in izgled peči na parceli Preložnik, ne moremo sklepati, ker so bili odkriti samo ostanki. Deli opek in ostanki konstrukcij kažejo, da je bil način gradnje podoben ali enak, to pomeni, da so bile zgrajene iz različnih vrst opek in zamazane z več plastmi gline. Kakršnikoli zaključki o njihovem zunanjem izgledu bi bili v tem primeru preveč spekulativni. Morda lahko samo ugibamo, daje sta bila konstrukcija in izgled podobna kot pri pečeh na parceli Hameršek, nedaleč stran. Raziskana površina ob steklarskih pečeh je bila majhna, saj je šlo za posege pri zasebnih gradnjah. Zaradi tega ne moremo sklepati, ali je bil ob tem raziskan celoten obrat ali pa samo del večje steklarske delavnice. Tudi arhitekturni ostanki v bližini peči so pri obeh kompleksih skromni, tako da ne moremo potrditi, ali so peči ležale znotraj objektov ali so bile zamejene z zidovi, kako je bilo s streho in podobno. Lega delavnic je bila usklajena s položajem ostalih mestnih obrti. Lokacija steklarskih obratov je umeščena v mestno četrt, kjer so poleg stanovanjskih hiš delovale delavnice različnih obrti. Na Spodnji Hajdini so delovale lončarske, opekarske in druge delavnice (Jevremov 1981 a; 1985, 419). Njihov položaj ni bil ločen od stanovanjskega predela kot posebna obrtna četrt, hkrati pa je bil postavljen v bližino osrednje mestne komunikacije. Vendar lahko po nekaterih manjših najdbah potrdimo, da steklarji niso delovali samo na območju Hajdine. Pri izkopavanjih leta 1976 so na današnji Rimski ploščadi pred gradnjo stanovanjskih blokov (sl. 58; najdišče Kotlovnica - Rabelčja vas, osrednji del; Jevremov 1985, 419), na območju nekdanje petovionske obrtniške četrti, med številnim keramičnim gradivom našli odlomke dnov in ustij keramičnih posod z ostanki staljenega stekla (sl. 60, 61). Gradivo hrani Arheološki oddelek Pokrajinskega muzeja Ptuj (inv. št. R 64755, 65366, 56367 (3 odlomki), 65390, 65391). Notranjost posod je prekrita s tankim, milimeter debelim slojem stekla, ki je ponekod zbrano v manjše parts, one was for the fire, and the other served as working area. Next to the exterior part of the heating section lay a channel that served as the handling area in front of the furnace, from which they supplied the fuel for the fire (Fig. 59). In terms of the plan, the furnace area was somewhat larger than the working space, and on one side it ended in a semicircular, approximately 0.60 x 0.40 m in size. A wall divided both parts of the furnace. The work area had a square shape. According to the remains in furnace I. it is likely that there was some kind of shelving or grating on which the vessels with glass stood. This part of the furnace had an opening for work, next to which the glass worker stood (Fig. 59). The appearance of the upper part of the furnace can only be conjectured. Perhaps another smaller section was located above the work area where the glass-workers placed finished vessels. It cannot be seen from the preserved plan if the working area was divided into two sections, one for blowing, and the other for cooling vessels. The plan and appearance of the furnaces on the Preložnik plot cannot be determined because only remains were discovered. Parts of bricks and other construction remains indicate that the manner of construction was similar or identical, meaning that they were built of various types of brick and plastered with several layers of clay. Any conclusion about their external appearance would be too speculative in this case. Perhaps it can be conjectured that the structure and appearance were similar to those at the Hameršek plot, located not far away. Only a small area around the glass furnaces was investigated because these were interventions on private property. Thus it cannot be concluded whether the entire workshop was excavated or just part of a larger glass production center. The architectural remains in the vicinity of the furnaces were modest at both complexes, so that it cannot be established whether the furnaces lay within a structure or if they were bounded by walls, what form the roof took, and so forth. The position of the workshops was similar to that of the other crafts in the town. The location of the glass production centers was placed in a city quarter where there were workshops of various crafts in addition to dwelling structures. Spodnja Hajdina had pottery, tile and brick, and other production centers (Jevremov 1981a; 1985,419). Their position was not separated from the residential section into a special craft quarter, while at the same time they were located in the vicinity of the central communication route of the town. It can also be confirmed from several smaller finds that glass-workers were active beyond the Hajdina area. Excavations in 1976 at Rimska ploščad (the site of Kotlovnica - Rabelčja vas, central section; Jevremov 1985, 419 - Fig. 58), in the area of the former craft quar- kepice. Na nekaterih ustjih je lepo vidno, kako je steklena masa spolzela po ostenju. Pri odlomku dna posode je ohranjen najdebelejši sloj stekla, ki znaša 2-3 milimetre Sl. 60: Ostanki talilnikov za steklo. Pluj - Kotlovnica, 1976 (kv. 19, 20). M. = 1:2; 2-5 = 1:1. Fig. 60: Fragments of crucibles. Pluj - Kotlovnica, 1976 (quad. 19, 20). Scale = 1:2; 2-5 = 1:1. ter of Poetovio, among abundant ceramic material, fragments of pottery vessels with remains of melted glass were found (Fig. 60, 61). The material is kept in the Archaeological Department of the Regional Museum in Ptuj (inv. no. R 64755, 65366, 56367 (3 fragments), 65390, 65391). The interior of the vessels is covered with a thin, millimeter thick layer of glass, sometimes collected into small lumps. It is quite apparent on some rims that the /#er^% I s Ljubljana^ (sl. 61: 2). Brez dvoma gre za ostanke talilnikov oz. talilnih loncev - posod v katerih so talili steklo. Oblike ohranjenih odlomkov keramike kažejo, da so za talilnike uporabljali na vretenu izdelane posode, njihova oblika v tem primeru ni bila posebej prilagojena. Glede na ustje lahko rečemo, da so za taljenje uporabili nizke lonce enakih oblik, kot jih srečamo med ptujsko kuhinjsko keramiko (Istenič 1999, 137, sl. 130). Najdbe talilnikov pa niso edine, ki govore o delovanju steklarjev v tem delu mesta. Pri zaščitnih izkopavanjih pred gradnjo stanovanjskih blokov so odkrili kose amorfnega stekla, na osnovi katerih je Paola molten glass crept down the walls. One fragment of a vessel base has the thickest preserved layer of glass, measuring 2-3 millimeters (Fig. 61: 2). These were undoubtedly the remains of crucibles or melting pots -vessels in which glass was melted. The forms of the preserved shards of pottery show that wheel-made vessels were used as crucibles, and their shape was not specially adapted in this case. In terms of the rims, it can be stated that for melting they used short pots of the same form as those found among the cooking ware of Ptuj (Istenič 1999, 137, sl. 130). The finds of crucibles are not the only things to SI. 61: Ostanki talilnikov za steklo. Ptuj - Kotlovnica, 1976 (kv. 13, 20). M. = 1:1. Fig. 61: Fragments of crucibles. Ptuj - Kotlovnica, 1976 (quad. 13, 20). Scale = 1:1. Korošec sklepala, da so v bližini obratovale steklarske peči (1982, 23). Zaradi velike količine odlomkov okenskega stekla je tudi domnevala, da so ga morda izdelovali prav v Rabelčji vasi (1982, 22, t. 5). Večji kos amorfnega stekla (vel. 8,5 x 5 cm, pr. 3- 4 cm) je bil najden tudi na Panorami. Pobran je bil na površini povsem slučajno leta 1983 in najditelj Viktor Knez gaje podaril Pokrajinskemu muzeju Ptuj. Na osnovi posamične najdbe je sicer težko sklepati, vendar je mogoče, da so poleg drugih delavnic na Panorami delovali tudi steklarji. Vse te najdbe dokazujejo, da steklarska dejavnost v Petovioni ni bila omejena samo na en del mesta. STEKLARSKI ODPADKI OB PEČEH V neposredni bližini peči in v pečeh samih so bili na obeh najdiščih izkopani raznoliki stekleni odpadki, s pomočjo katerih lahko neposredno dokažemo obstoj steklarske delavnice in izdelovanje steklenih predmetov oziroma tako imenovano sekundarno proizvodnjo. Arheološke ostanke, ki nedvomno dokazujejo proizvodnjo steklenih izdelkov, lahko umestimo v pet kategorij (Price 1991 a, 23). Prve so prav gotovo peči. Pri opredelitvi nam zato pomagajo predvsem določene značilnosti, po katerih jih lahko jasno opredelimo kot peči za proizvodnjo stekla, npr. plast staljenega stekla na opeki, stekleni odpadki v peči in ob njej ipd. (sl. 62, 63). Različne steklaste glazure, ki nastanejo na kamenju ali glini zaradi vispkih temperatur, še niso zadosten dokaz, daje peč služila za taljenje in pihanje stekla. Podobne steklaste prevleke velikokrat opazimo tudi na topilnikih za kovino, le-te nastanejo zaradi topljenja določenih primesi v glini, kadar je ta večkrat in dalj časa izpostavljena izjemno visokim temperaturam. Drugo skupino predstavljajo ostanki surovin za proizvodnjo surovega stekla oziroma stekleno talino, to je steklena zmes, pripravljena do prve stopnje. Sledijo talilniki oziroma posode za taljenje in ostanki stekla v njih, nato orodje in pripomočki za proizvodnjo stekla ter na koncu raznoliki odpadki, nastali ob taljenju in pihanju stekla. Surovine Osnovne surovine za proizvodnjo stekla so bile kremenčev pesek, soda in apnenec. Ostanki teh surovin v večji količini v neposredni bližini peči bi dokazovali, da so v obratu najprej pripravljali surovo steklo in ga nato talili za proizvodnjo. Priprava steklene taline je potekala v dvostopenjskem procesu. O tem postopku obstajajo zapisi že na indicate the presence of a glass workers in this part of the town. During rescue excavations prior to construction of an apartment block, fragments of amorphous glass were discovered, on the basis of which Paola Korošec concluded that a glass furnaces had been located in the vicinity (1982, 23). The large quantities of window glass fragments also caused her to consider that they had perhaps been made at the site of Rabelčja vas itself (1982, 22, PI. 5). A large piece of amorphous glass (dim. 8.5 x 5 cm, dia. 3-4 cm) was also found at Panorama. It was gathered as a surface find quite by chance in 1983, and given by the discoverer, Viktor Knez, to the Regional Museum in Ptuj. On the basis of an isolated find it is difficult to conclude, although it is possible, that in addition to the other workshops at Panorama, glass was also produced. All of these finds prove that the glass working activities at Poetovio were not limited to a single part of the town. GLASS WASTE BY THE FURNACES Varied glass working waste was excavated at both sites in the immediate vicinity of the furnaces and also inside them. This material can be used as direct proof of the existence of a glass workshop and the manufacture of glass objects in what is known as secondary production. Archaeological remains that prove without any doubt the manufacture of glass products can be classified into five categories (Price 1991a, 23). The first category consist of furnaces. Certain characteristics are essential for the classification of structures as glass furnaces, e.g. a layer of melted glass on the bricks, glass waste in the furnace and around it, etc. (Fig. 62, 63). Various glassy mass created on stone or pottery as a result of high temperatures are insufficient proof that the furnace served for melting and blowing glass. Similar glassy coatings can often be noted in crucibles for metal, created due to the fusing of certain fluxes in the clay when it was exposed consecutively and for long periods to exceptionally high temperatures. The second group is represented by the remains of raw materials for the production of raw glass, meaning the molten glass mixture prepared for the first stage -frit. The other categories consist of crucibles or pots for melting and the remains of glass in them, tools and equipment for the production of glass, and finally the various forms of glass waste created through the melting and blowing of glass. Raw materials The basic igredients for manufacturing glass were quartz sand, soda, and lime. Remains of these raw mate- glinenih ploščicah iz Mezopotamije, opisuje pa ga tudi rimski pisec Plinij Starejši (Stern, Schlick-Nolte 1994, 20). Najprej so dalj časa segrevali osnovne surovine pri nižji temperaturi, okrog 850°C. Tako dobljeno surovino so nato ohladili in jo nato ponovno segrevali pri temperaturi med 1000 in 1100°C. Šele po tem postopku je nastalo pravo steklo, kije bilo pripravljeno za nadaljnje postopke. V obliki večjih kosov ali ingotov so ga dobavljali steklarskim delavnicam za izdelavo steklenih posod. Tu je nato potekal še postopek obarvanja, razbarvanja, dodajanje antimona za motno, nesvetlečo površino (mlečno belo steklo) in nato izdelava steklenih posod. Dolgo je veljalo mnenje, da so tudi lokalne delavnice vse postopke v proizvodnji stekla, od priprave osnovnih surovin do taljenja in pihanja, opravljale same. Nove raziskave in analize surovin in izdelkov so dokazale, da sta bila postopka ločena. Šele od šestdesetih let Sl. 62: Ostanki peči s kosi stekla. Ptuj, parcela Preložnik (foto: M. Guštin). Fig. 62: Remains of a furnace with fragments of glass. Ptuj, Preložnik plot (photo: M. Guštin). rials in large quantities in the immediate vicinity of a furnace would demonstrate that at the workshop they first prepared raw glass and then melted it for production. The preparation of glass took place in a two-stage process. Records about this process exist on clay tablets from Mesopotamia, and it was also described by the Roman writer Pliny the Elder (Stern, Schlick-Nolte 1994, 20). First glass workers heated the basic ingredients at a relatively low temperature (ca. 850° C) for a long period. This mixture was then cooled and reheated to a temperature between 1000 and 1100° C. This procedure prepared glass, which was ready for further processing. It was supplied in the form of large chunks or ingots to glass production centers for the manufacture of glass vessels. Further processes then took place, including colouring, decolouring, adding antimony for an opaque, matte surface (milky white glass), leading finally to the blowing of glass vessels. It was long thought that even local workshops performed all the stages in the production of glass, from preparation of the basic ingredients through melting to blowing, by themselves. New research and analysis of raw materials and products has shown that these processes were separate. It wasn’t until the 1960’ that the distinction between primary and secondary production was recognised (Price 1998, 331). Primary production refers to the preparation and making the glass from the basic ingredients (fritting and melting), while secondary production was the manufacture of glass vessels from previously prepared raw glass (Gorin-Rosen 2000, 52). Chemical analysis of the composition of glass from various regions has shown a surprising uniformity in the proportions and quantities of given elements. It can be concluded from this that the same sources were always used for individual raw ingredients (Aerts, Jansens, Velde, Adams & Wouters 2000, 119). Analysis of the glass and products from a glass workshop in Lyons in France has shown that as a modifying agent glass-workers regularly added only natron, in the form of plant ash imported from the Mediterranean, while the quartz sand came from the Beluš River region in Israel (Nenna, Vichy, Picon 1997, 81). Further comparations of glass from Mediterranean workshops have confirmed that raw glass was produced by several production centers in the Mediterranean, for example in the vicinity of Alexandria and in Israel, and prejšnjega stoletja dalje ločijo v rimskem steklarstvu primarno in sekundarno proizvodnjo (Price 1998, 331). Primarna proizvodnja pomeni pripravo in taljenje stekla iz osnovnih surovin, sekundarna pa izdelavo steklenih posod iz že pripravljenega surovega stekla (Gorin-Rosen 2000, 52). Kemijske analize sestavin stekla z različnih področij kažejo presenetljivo enotnost v razmerjih in količini določenih elementov. Iz tega lahko sklepamo, da so za posamezne surovine uporabljali vedno enake vire (Aerts, Jansens, Velde, Adams & Wouters 2000, 119). Analize stekla in izdelkov steklarske delavnice v Lyonu v Franciji so pokazale, da so npr. kot topilo redno dodajali samo natron, pepel morskih rastlin, uvožen iz sredozemskega področja, kremenčev pesek pa iz območja reke Beluš v Izraelu (Nenna, Vichy, Picon 1997, 81). Nadaljnje primerjave stekla iz sredozemskih delavnic so potrdile, da so surovo steklo izdelovale nekatere delavnice v Sredozemlju, npr. okolica Aleksandrije, Izrael, in ga nato dobavljale izdelovalcem stekla oziroma steklarskim delavnicam v Evropi (Nenna, Vichy, Picon 1997, 85; Stern, Schlick-Noltel994). Do enakih rezultatov so prišli tudi ob primerjavi surovega stekla z vseh znanih zahodno evropskih steklarskih delavnic. Ugotovili so, da je potrebno analizirati sestavo peska v surovem steklu in ti rezultati potrdijo, od kod so izvirale surovine (Foy, Vichy, Picon 2000, 51). Peči oziroma delavnice za pripravo steklene taline so bile sodeč po najnovejših raziskavah povsod ločene od delavnic za proizvodnjo steklenih izdelkov. Analize Sl. 63: Ostanki peči s staljenim steklom in kosi surovega stekla. Ptuj, parcela Hameršek (foto: M. Guštin). Fig. 63: Remains of a furnace with melted glass and pieces of raw glass. Ptuj, Hameršek plot (photo: M. Guštin). that these workshops subsequently supplied raw glass to manufacturers in Europe (Nenna, Vichy, Picon 1997, 85; Stern, Schlick-Nolte 1994). Identical results were achieved through the comparison of raw glass from all known western European glass working centers. These analyses established that it is necessary to analyze the composition of the sand in the raw glass, and the results confirm the source of the raw material (Foy, Vichy, Picon 2000, 51). Furnaces or workshops for the preparation of raw glass, judging by the most recent research, were separated everywhere from workshops for the manufacture of glass products. Analyses in France have shown that no workshops involved in the primary production of glass were located in this region (Foy, Vichy, Picon 2000, 52). The majority of European production centers purchased already prepared glass as a raw material. Glass ingots were broken up and were melted together with pieces of recycled glass in furnaces, and were then used for manufacture. In addition to the trade in raw glass, trade was also organized in recycled glass, i.e. broken vessels, which was added to the raw glass. 'C ITT? . Sl. 64: Stekleni odpadki ter kosi surovega stekla. Ptuj, parcela Preložnik (foto: M. Guštin). Fig. 64: Glass waste and pieces of raw glass. Ptuj, Preložnik plot (photo: M. Guštin). v Franciji so pokazale, da na tem območju ni bilo delavnice, ki bi se ukvarjala s primarno proizvodnjo stekla (Foy, Vichy, Picon 2000, 52). Večina evropskih delavnic je kupovala že pripravljeno steklo kot surovino. Steklene ingote so razbili in jih skupaj s kosi odpadnega stekla talili v pečeh ter nato uporabili za proizvodnjo. Poleg trgovine s surovim steklom je bila organizirana tudi trgovina s steklenimi odpadki oziroma razbitimi posodami, ki sojih dodajali surovemu steklu. Na Ptuju ni bilo ob delavnicah odkritih nobenih ostankov ali depozitov surovin, iz katerih bi lahko sklepali, da so tam pripravljali tudi talino. Proizvodnja steklenih izdelkov je tudi tukaj najverjetneje slonela na uporabi uvoženega surovega stekla in dodajanju recikliranih steklenih odpadkov. Dokaz za trgovanje s surovim steklom in uporabo že pripravljenih steklenih ingotov, so večji kosi surovega stekla, ki so včasih debeli tudi več kot 2 cm (sl. 63, 64). Razen na Ptuju, so bili podobni kosi odkriti tudi v Celju v Levstikovi ulici (sl. 57: 2), medtem ko jih z drugih najdišč v Sloveniji ne poznamo. Talilniki Med keramičnimi najdbami z lokacij Hameršek in Preložnik na Ptuju ni nobenega odlomka, ki bi ga lahko opredelili kot talilnik za steklo. Glede na velikost peči smemo domnevati, daje v njej stala le ena talilna posoda. Po ostankih posod s staljenim steklom na dnu in ostenju, ki so bili najdeni v Rabelčji vasi - Kotlovnica, lahko sklepamo, kako so ti talilniki izgledali (sl. 60, 61). Oblika ustja in dna kaže, da jih lahko po obliki primerjamo z nizkimi lonci z izvihanim in odebeljenim ustjem, značilnimi oblikami domače kuhinjske keramike. Kvaliteta gline, iz katere so bili izdelani je bila seveda boljša, uporabili so prečiščeno glino brez primesi, kije lahko zdržala visoke temperature v steklarskih pečeh ter večkratno segrevanje in ohlajanje. At Ptuj, no remains or deposits of raw materials were found by workshops that would indicate that raw glass had been prepared there. The manufacture of glass products here also was most probably dependent on the use of imported raw glass and the addition of recycled broken glass. Proof of the trade in raw glass and the use of already prepared glass ingots is offered by large pieces of raw glass, sometimes as thick as 2 cm (Fig. 63, 64). Other than at Ptuj, similar fragments were also found in Celje at the Levstikova Street site (Fig. 57: 2); however, they are unknown from other sites in Slovenia. Crucibles The pottery finds from the Hameršek and Preložnik sites in Ptuj contained no fragments that could be defined as crucibles for glass. Given the size of the furnaces, it can be suggested that only one crucible would have stood in them. The appearance of these crucibles can be inferred from the remains of vessels with melted glass on the bottom and on the walls that were found at Rabelčja vas - Kotlovnica (Fig. 60, 61). The form of the rim and base indicate that they can be compared to low pots with everted and thickened rims, characteristic of local cooking ware. The quality of the clay from which they were made was certainly better because they used fine-grained clay without admixtures, which could endure high temperatures in glass furnaces and multiple heating and cooling. Some fragments of amorphous glass bear remains of clay on one side. The clay could have come from the walls of the clay crucibles in which the glass was melted. The presence of the clay at the same time show that in these workshops, the glass blowers gathered the glass for blowing from a crucible and did not gather chips of glass on the pipe (so-called chunk-gathering). Nekateri kosi amorfnega stekla imajo na eni strani ostanke gline. To je lahko ostalo od ostenja glinenih topilnikov v katerih seje talilo steklo. Ti ostanki hkrati dokazujejo, da so v tej delavnici steklarji zajemali steklo za pihanje iz talilnih posod in niso nabirali koščkov stekla na pipo (t. i. chunk-gathering). Orodje Najdbe steklarskih orodij iz rimske dobe so zelo redke. Nekateri pripomočki so bili verjetno izdelani iz lesa, ki se le redko ohrani. Drugo orodje, npr. škarje, pa je bilo uporabno za različne namene in če ga niso odkrili neposredno ob pečeh, ne moremo dokazati njegove uporabe pri izdelavi stekla. Zaenkrat so najdbe steklarskih pip in drugega orodja znane le iz Meride v Španiji (Price 1973, 82) in iz Salone v sosednji Hrvaški (Auth 1975, 167). Na Ptuju je bilo ob delavnicah Hameršek in Preložnik najdenega le malo drobnega gradiva in žal nobene od teh najdb ne moremo povezati s steklarsko obrtjo. Na odlomkih dnov nekaterih steklenih posod pa se je ohranila sled prijemalke, kar posredno dokazuje uporabo kovinske palice v procesu izdelave posod. Ko je steklar napihal osnovno obliko posode, jo je ob ustju pipe odrezal in prenesel na kovinski drog - prijemalko, da je dokončno oblikoval ustje posode in npr. dodal ročaje ali izdelal okras (Schuler 1959, 119). Na prijemalko je zajel majhno kapljo stekla, na katero je pritalil posodo, ki jo je obdeloval. Ta steklena kaplja se ohrani na dnu posode v obliki okrogle, nekoliko grobe in tanke plasti stekla. Rimski steklarji navadno niso odbrusili sledov prijemalke s posode, kot je to običaj pri kasnejših izdelkih. Steklarski odpadki Najbolj neposreden dokaz obdelave in izdelave steklenih izdelkov so stekleni odpadki. Večinoma so lete seveda pobrali in ponovno stalili, tako da količina teh odpadkov ni merilo za obseg proizvodnje ob posameznih pečeh. Steklenih odpadkov je več vrst, zato so opredeljeni v štiri skupine (Price 1991a, 25). V prvo so uvrščeni koščki stekla, ki so na prvi pogled Tools Finds of glass working tools from the Roman period are extremely rare. Some implements were probably made from wood, which is rarely preserved. Other tools, such as scissors, could be used for various purposes, and if they were not discovered immediately next to the furnace, their discovery does not present proof of their having been used in the manufacturing of glass vessels. At present finds of glass blowing pipes and other tools are known only from Merida in Spain (Price 1973, 82), and from Salona in neighboring Croatia (Auth 1975, 167). Only a small amount of material was found at Ptuj by the Hameršek and Preložnik furnaces, and unfortunately none of these finds can be directly connected with glass manufacturing. On the base fragments of several glass vessels pontil marks were preserved, indirectly proving the use of metal rods in the process of manufacturing vessels. When the glass worker had blown the basic shape of the vessel, he would cut it off on the tip of the pipe and transfer it to a metal rod - the pontil, then finish forming the rim of the vessel, and add, for instance, a handle or decoration (Schuler 1959, 119). A small gob of glass was put on the pontil to which the vessel to be worked was attached. This glass drop was preserved on the base of the vessel in the form of circular, somewhat coarse and thin layers of glass. Roman glass workers usually did not grind off the pontil marks on a vessel, as was the case with later products. Glass working waste The best direct proof of the working and manufacture of glass products is glass waste and wasters. Most of them were collected and remelted, so that the quantity of such debris is not a measure of the extent of production at individual furnaces. There are several types of glass waste and they have been divided into four groups (Price 1991a, 25). The first group consists of pieces of glass that at first glance resemble somewhat deformed rims of small flasks (PI.1-7; S: 8, 9). These are moiles - fragments of glass from the end of a glass blowing pipe, which remain on the pipe after the vessel is blown and trans- W W WWW SI. 65: Različne vrste steklarskih odpadkov, ki nastanejo na koncu steklarske pipe (po: Ainrein, Hochuli-Gysel 2000). Fig. 65: The various types of glass moiles from the end of the blowing iron (after: Amrein, Hochuli-Gysel 2000). podobni nekoliko deformiranemu ustju manjših stekleničk (/. 3:1-7; 8:8,9). To so odlomki stekla s konca steklarske pipe, ki ostanejo na pipi potem, ko je posoda napihana in prenesena na prijemalko (.v/. 65). Najbolj pogosta oblika je polkroglasta, z zaobljenim vrhom, ki jo prepoznamo tudi med ptujskim gradivom. Steklo je polno zračnih mehurčkov, tudi smeti, ponekod so celo vidne kot las tanke praske oziroma razpoke v steklu. Na osnovi premera teh odpadkov lahko ugotovimo, kakšen je bil premer konca steklarskih pip, ki sojih uporabljali v delavnici. Vsi odlomki imajo premer med 2 in 2,5 cm. S pipo takega premera so lahko izdelovali tudi večje posode, npr. steklenice. Drugo obliko teh odpadkov predstavljajo ostanki, podobni pokrovu, njihov gornji del je cilindričen, spodaj pa se močno razširi in ima ravno odrezan rob (Price 1991a, 25). Taki ostanki so nastali pri izdelavi posod s širšim ustjem, npr. večjih čaš ali plitvih skodel, vendar jih med obravnavanim ptujskim gradivom ne najdemo. Drugo skupino predstavljajo odpadki, nastali ob posameznih stopnjah dela ob peči. Kako in pri katerem postopku so nastali majhni kroglasti koščki, ki imajo gladko in sijočo površino ter premer okrog 1 cm, ni jasno (t. 3: 11, 12). Laže razložimo ostanke potegnjenega in nekoliko zasukanega kosa stekla z razširjenim spodnjim delom (t. 4: 15). Verjetno gre za dele, ki so ostali od oblikovanja ročajev ali tordiranih steklenih paličk. Kot slučajne odpadke pri pihanju lahko opredelimo staljene koščke steklene mase nepravilne oblike (t. 3:10, 13-15; 4:13, 14) in kot las tanke steklene nitke (/. 2:4; 4: 1-10). To so ostanki stekla, ki odpadejo s steklarske pipe po nabiranju steklene taline na pipo; nekateri pa menijo, da so nitke nastale zaradi preverjanja viskoznosti stekla in ugotavljanja, če je že primerno za pihanje (Whitehouse 1991, 386). Staljeni amorfni kosi nastanejo ob potopitvi steklarske pipe v vodo. Zadnjo skupino odpadkov predstavljajo uničene in slabo izdelane steklene posode ali njihovi odlomki. Pri tem je potrebno opozoriti, da velja ločiti ostanke steklenih posod, ki so bile naknadno poškodovane v ognju in so zato staljene in nepravilne oblike, ter odlomke slabo izdelanih in med pihanjem deformiranih posod. Od ognja deformirane in poškodovane posode imajo ostenje motno in skoraj hrapavo površino, pogosto polno smeti, ki so se pritalile na ostenje. Posode, deformirane med pihanjem, pa so gladke, steklo je prosojno, njegova površina nepoškodovana in le slabo izdelano in nepravilno oblikovano ustje, ostenje ali dno posode kažejo, da gre za odpadli izdelek steklarske delavnice. Pri pečeh na Ptuju teh ostankov ni bilo prav veliko, saj sojih v delavnicah vedno sproti zbirali in ponovno stalili. Kot deformirane izdelke lahko opredelimo nekaj ostankov ustij (t. 5: 5, 7, 8; 7:1, 7), ostanke ostenja (t. 8: 6) in dele slabo izdelanih ročajev različnih posod (/. 5: 13; 7: 4, 9; 8: 11). Večina ostalih odlomkov pripada razbitim stekle- ferred to the pontil (Fig. 65). The most common form is semicircular with a rounded edge, which can also be found among the Ptuj material. The glass is full of air bubbles, and also impurities, and sometimes even hair-thin scratches or cracks in the glass are visible. On the basis of the diameters of these moiles, it is possible to establish the diameter of the end of the glass blowing pipe that was used in the workshop. All fragments have a diameter between 2 and 2.5 cm. A pipe with this diameter could be used to manufacture large vessels, such as bottles. Another form of this waste is represented by remains with a lid shape. The upper section is cylindrical, while below it strongly flares outwards and has an edge cut straight. Such remains were created in the manufacture of vessels with broad rims, such as large cups or shallow bowls (Price 1991a, 25). Such moiles were not found among the analyzed material from Ptuj. The second group consists of waste created from individual phases of work at the furnace. It is not clear how and in what process small circular pieces with a smooth and shiny surface and a diameter of ca. I cm were created (PI. 3: 11, 12). It is easier to explain the remains of stretched and somewhat rolled pieces of glass with a broad lower section (PI. 4: 15). These were probably parts that remained from the formation of handles or spirally twisted glass rods. Accidental waste created during blowing would be represented by melted irregularly shaped pieces of glass (PI. 3: 10, 13-15; 4: 13, 14), and hair-thin glass threads (PI. 2: 4; 4: 1-10). These are remains of glass that fall from the gather after gathering the molten glass onto the pipe. Some think that the threads were formed in testing the viscosity of the glass and establishing if it was ready for blowing (Whitehouse 1991, 386). The melted amorphous pieces were made when the glass blowing pipe was plunged in water. The last group of debris consists of poorly made or distorted vessels or fragments of them - wasters. It should be noted that it is necessary to distinguish between the remains of glass vessels that were subsequently damaged in fire and are thus melted and of irregular form, and fragments of poorly made vessels and those deformed in blowing. Vessels deformed and damaged in fire have walls with an opaque and almost rough surface, often full of impurities adhering to the walls. Vessels deformed during blowing are smooth, the glass is transparent, and the surface is undamaged, while the poorly worked and irregularly formed rims, walls, or bases of the vessels show that these were discarded products of a glass house. The furnaces at Ptuj did not contain a great number of such remains, as at workshops they were always collected and remelted. Wasters consisted of some rim remains (PI. 5; 5, 7, 8; 7: 1, 7), remains of walls (PI. 8: 6), and parts of poorly made handles for various vessels (PI. 5; 13; 7: 4, 9; 8: 11). nim posodam, ki sojih zbirali v vsaki steklarski delavnici in dodajali stekleni talini, da je bila čistejša. Med temi odpadki moramo iskati tudi morebitne ostanke proizvodov ptujskih delavnic. Precej odlomkov je pripadalo kvadratnim steklenicam. Trije odlomki dnov (/. /.- 6-8) so bili okrašeni z rozeto, ohranilo seje nekaj odlomkov ostenij (/. 2: 1; 6; 11, 12) in več kosov gosto narebrenih ročajev, značilnih za te steklenice (t. 8: 2, 3, 12). Odlomki posod s prstanasto nogo (t. 5:14) in dnom z izvlečeno prstanasto nogo (/. I: 5; 5:16, 17) so verjetno pripadali enostavnim cilindričnim čašam (obliki 3.6.1. in 3.6.2.), ki so bile zelo priljubljene v 2. stoletju. Med celotnim gradivom obeh delavnic ni zaslediti odlomkov posod, ki bi sodile v pozno rimsko dobo. Steklo je kvalitetno, zelenkasto-modre ali modro-zelenkaste barve, ostanki posod so dokaj tanko pihani, zračnih mehurčkov skoraj ni. Pregled odpadnega gradiva delavnic, ne glede na to, ali gre za odpadne izdelke ali steklo pripravljeno za reciklažo, kaže, da imamo pred seboj ostanke izdelkov, ki so bili v uporabi od konca 1. do vključno 3. stoletja. Med odlomki, ki jih po njihovih značilnostih lahko datiramo v drugo polovico 1. stoletja, sodijo ostanki ustij balzamarijev in steklenic z navznoter zavihanim in sploščenim ustjem (t. 7: 7; 8:4), del ročaja vrča, ki se na spodnji strani šapasto razširi (t. 8: 10), dvojna guba na ostenju, ki jo najdemo na kantarosih in nekaterih čašah (l. 5: 11) ter tudi odlomki dnov in ostenij kvadratnih steklenic (t. /.- 6-8; 2:1). Za 2. stoletje so še vedno značilni odlomki kvadratnih steklenic, odlomki cilindričnih čaš z ravnim in odebeljenim ali izvihanim in zataljenim ustjem (/. /.- 3, 4; 5: 3, 7), cevasto navzdol zavihano ustje (t. 5: 1, 9), ostanki balzamarijev s trebušastim in cevastim ostenjem (t. 5: 12; 1: 10). V naslednje, 3. stoletje, trajajo še prej omenjene cilindrične čaše, okrasi z nataljeno nitjo po ostenju v isti ali kontrastni barvi (/. 2: 6; 6: 5), kvadratni lonci (t. 6:12). v manjši meri pa tudi kvadratne steklenice. Glede na ostanke steklenih izdelkov predvidevamo čas obratovanja peči na Spodnji Hajdini v 2. in morda še na začetku 3. stoletja. Most of the other fragments belonged to broken glass vessels, which were collected in every glass workshop and were added to the crucible of molten glass so as to be cleaner. The possible remains of the products of the Ptuj workshops should be sought among this fragments. A fair number of fragments were from square bottles. Three base fragments (PI. 1: 6-8) were decorated with a rosette, and a few fragments of walls were preserved (PI. 2: 1; 6: 11, 12), as well as several pieces of reeded handles, characteristic for these bottles (PI. 8: 2, 3, 12). Fragments of vessels with a ring base (PL 5: 14) and a base with a drawn out ringed foot (PI. 1: 5; 5: 16, 17) probably belonged to simple cylindrical beakers (forms 3.6.1. and 3.6.2.), which were very popular in the 2nd century. No traces of vessel fragments from the late Roman period could be found among the material from both workshops. The glass was of high quality, green-blue or blue-green, and the remains of the vessels were fairly thinly blown, with almost no air bubbles. A review of the discarded material of the workshops, without consideration of whether this was discarded products or glass prepared for recycling, indicates that this represents the remains of products that were in use from the end of the 1st up to and including the 3rd centuries. Fragments that can be dated on the basis of their characteristics to the second half of the Is1 century include remains of the rims of balsamaria and small flasks with an inwardly bent and flattened rim (PI. 7: 7,- 8; 4), part of a jug handle with a clawed broadening at the bottom (PI. 8: 10), double fold on the walls, which can be found on kantharoi and some beakers (PI. 5: 11), as well as fragments of the bases and walls of square bottles (PI. 1: 6-8; 2: 1). Still characteristic for the 2nd century are fragments of square bottles, fragments of cylindrical beakers with straight and thickened or everted and fire-rounded rims (PI. 1:3, 4; 5:3, 7), tubular rims rolled downwards (PI. 5: /,.9), and the remains of balsamaria with globular ands tubular walls (PI. 5: 12; 1: 10). In the following 3rd century, the previously mentioned cylindrical beakers still continued, as well as decorations with applied trails on the walls in the same or contrasting colours (PI. 2; 6; 6:5), square jars (PI. 6:12), and to a lesser extent square bottles. The remains of glass products indicate that the furnaces at Spodnja Hajdina were in function in the 2"d century and perhaps also at the beginning of the 3rd century. KATALOG TABLA I Hameršek, ob peči 1 (1-10). 1. Del ustja posode, steklo, pr. 12 cm, PMP 4780/1. 2. Del ustja posode, steklo, pr. 9 cm, PMP 4780/2. 3. Del odebeljenega ustja in ostenja čaše, steklo, pr. 5,2 cm, PMP 4780/3. 4. Del odebeljenega ustja, steklo, vel. 3,8 x 0,8 cm, PMP 2271/4. 5. Dno posode, oblikovano v prstanasto nogo, steklo, pr. 5 cm, PMP 4780/4. 6. Del dna steklenice z odtisom rozete, steklo, vel. 3,9 x 2,8 cm, PMP 2271/2. 7. Del dna steklenice z ostankom odtisa kroga, steklo, vel. 3.5 x 1 cm, PMP 2271/3. 8. Del dna steklenice z odtisom rozete, steklo, vel. 5,8 x 3,6 cm, PMP 2271/1. 9. Del vratu stekleničke, steklo, pr. 2, 6 cm, PMP 4780/5. 10. Spodnji del balzamarija, steklo, ohr. v. 4 cm, pr. 1,9 cm, PMP 5093/1. TABLA 2 Hameršek, ob peči 2 (1-3), peč 3 (4-6). 1. Del ostenja steklenice (?), steklo, vel. 2,9 x 9,5 cm, PMP 5100/2. 2. Noga čaše, steklo, pr. 4 cm, PMP 5100/1. 3. Noga posode, steklo, pr. 3,8 cm, PMP 5094/1. 4. Kapljica stekla, steklo, dl.2,2 cm, PMP 5561/3. 5. Del noge, steklo, pr. 5,3 cm, PMP 5561/1. 6. Del ostenja z nataljenim okrasom, steklo, vel. 2,5 x 3,4 cm, PMP 5561/2. TABLA 3 Preložnik, peč 2. 1. Del stekla, odlomljenega ob pipi, vel. 2,4 x 1 cm, PMP 5576/17a. 2. Deformirano ustje ali odlomek s pipe, steklo, vel. 2,5 x 1,3 cm, PMP 5577/2. 3. Del stekla, odlomljenega ob pipi, vel. 2,2 x 1,3 cm, PMP 5576/17d. 4. Del stekla, odlomljenega ob pipi, vel. 1,8 x 1,2 cm, PMP 5576/17c. 5. Del stekla, odlomljenega ob pipi, vel. 1,9 x 1 cm, PMP 5576/ 17e. 6. Del stekla, odlomljenega ob pipi, vel. 1,7 x 1,2 cm, PMP 5576/17b. 7. Del stekla, odlomljenega ob pipi, vel. 2,2 x 1 cm, PMP 5576/17a. 8. Del stekla, odlomljenega ob pipi, vel. 2,4 x 1,6 cm, 5576/ 17f. 9. Del stekla s steklarske pipe, vel. 2x1,8 cm, PMP 5575/4. 10. Staljena kaplja stekla, vel. 1,3 x 1,9 cm, PMP 5576/18c. 11. Staljena kaplja stekla, vel. 1 x 0,8 cm, PMP 5576/ I8a. 12. Staljena kaplja stekla, vel. 1,4 x 1,2 cm, PMP 5576/18b. 13. Staljena kaplja stekla, vel. 1,2 x 2,2 cm, PMP 5576/ 18e. 14. Staljena kaplja stekla, vel.1,2 x 1,9 cm, PMP 5576/18g. 15. Staljena kaplja stekla, vel. 2,7 x 2,8 cm, PMP 5576/18f. TABLA 4 Preložnik, peč 2. 1. Raztegnjena kaplja stekla, dl. 3,6 cm, PMP 5576/16a. 2. Raztegnjena kaplja stekla, dl. 3,4 cm, PMP 5576/16f. 3. Raztegnjena kaplja stekla, dl. 4,3 cm, PMP 5576/16b. 4. Raztegnjena kaplja stekla, dl. 3,5 cm, PMP 5576/16g. 5. Raztegnjena kaplja stekla, dl. 4,2 cm, PMP 5576/16c. 6. Raztegnjena kaplja stekla, dl. 2,6 cm, PMP 5576/ 16h. 7. Raztegnjena kaplja stekla, dl. 1,7 cm, PMP 5576/16i. 8. Raztegnjena kaplja stekla, dl. 3,1 cm, PMP 5576/ 16d. 9. Raztegnjena kaplja stekla, dl. 1,9 cm, PMP 5576/16j. 10. Raztegnjena kaplja stekla, dl. 2 cm, PMP 5576/16e. 11. Raztegnjena kaplja stekla, dl. 2,2 cm, PMP 5576/16k. 12. Raztegnjena steklena kaplja, dl. 2,1 cm, PMP 5577/5. 13. Staljena kaplja stekla, vel. 1,4 x 4,5 cm, PMP 5576/ 18h. 14. Stopljeno steklo, vel. 2 x 2,5 cm, PMP 5575/12. 15. V kapljo oz. nitko potegnjeno steklo, vel. 4,4 x 1,7 cm, PMP 5575/5. 16. Staljena kaplja stekla, vel. 3 x 1,9 cm, PMP 5576/ 18d. TABLA 5 Preložnik, peč 2. 1. Del cevasto zavihanega ustja, steklo, pr. 10 cm, PMP 5577/ 4. 2. Del izvihanega in zataljenega ustja, steklo, vel. 1,9 x 0,9 cm, PMP 5575/3. 3. Izvihano ustje čaše, steklo, pr. 7 cm, PMP 5576/5. 4. Del izvihanega in zataljenega ustja posode, steklo, vel. 1,9 x 0,8 cm, PMP 5576/6. 5. Del cevasto zavihanega ustja posode, steklo, vel. 4,2 x 0,5 cm, PMP 5575/2. 6. Del cevasto zapognjenega ustja, steklo, vel. 2,8 x 0.4 cm, PMP 5576/12. 7. Del nazaj zavihanega in sploščenega ustja, steklo, vel. 2,2 x 1 cm, PMP 5577/3. 8. Del cevasto zapognjenega in sploščenega ustja, steklo, vel. 3.2 x 0,5 cm, PMP 5576/13. 9. Del izvihanega in zataljenega ustja, steklo, vel. 2,7 x 0,8 cm, PMP 5577/1. 10. Del cevasto zapognjenega ustja, steklo, vel. 3,4 x 0,4 cm, PMP 5576/14. 11. Del ostenja posode s cevasto zavitim robom, steklo, vel. 3.3 x 0,9 cm, PMP 5576/15. 12. Del dna in ostenja stekleničke, steklo, pr. 5,4 cm. ohr. v. 3,5 cm, PMP 5576/2. 13. Del trakastega ročaja, steklo, vel. 2,4 x 2,7 cm, PMP 5576/ 10. 14. Dno čaše s prstanasto nogo, steklo, pr. 3,9 cm, PMP 5576/ 8. 15. Del vratu posode, steklo, vel. 2,2 x 1,2 cm, PMP 5576/19. 16. Del dna čaše s prstanasto nogo, steklo, pr. 3,3 cm, PMP 5576/7. 17. Del dna čaše s prstanasto nogo, steklo, pr. 5,4 cm, PMP 5575/1. TABLA 6 Preložnik, peč 2. 1. Del vratu in ramena posode, steklo, vel. 3, x 1,7 cm, PMP 5576/4. 2. Del ostenja posode, steklo, vel. 5 x 3,5 cm, PMP 5576/3. 3. Odlomek posode, steklo, vel. 3,2 x 4 cm, PMP 5575/11. 4. Del temno modrega stekla, vel. 3,1 x 2,6 cm, PMP 5575/ 7. 5. Del ostenja posode z nataljeno nitko, steklo, vel. 1,9 x 2 cm, PMP 5576/9. 6. Odlomek posode, steklo, vel. 1,9 x 2,8 cm, PMP 5575/9. 7. Del ostenja posode, steklo, vel. 3,8 x 2,1 cm, PMP 5575/ 6. 8. Del vratu posode, steklo, vel. 1,7 x 1,4 cm, 5576/20. 9. Odlomek posode, steklo, vel. 2,8 x 2 cm, 5575/8. 10. Odlomek posode, steklo, vel. 4,6 x 4,7 cm, PMP 5575/10. 11. Del dna kvadratne steklenice z odtisom koncentričnih krogov, steklo, vel. 6,1 x 3,9 cm, PMP 5576/1. TABLA 7 Preložnik, ob peči 2 (1-3), površinsko (4-9), peč 1 (10). 1. Del navzven cevasto dvakrat zavihanega ustja posode, steklo, vel. 3,2 x 1,9 cm, PMP 5453/11. 2. Del prstanastega dna čaše, steklo, pr. 5,1 cm, PMP 5453/ 10. 3. Steklena nitka, dl. 4,1 cm, PMP 5453/9. 4. Del ostenja in ročaja posode, steklo, vel. 2,9 x 1,3 cm, PMP 5409/1. 5. Deformiran del profiliranega ročaja, steklo, vel. 1,5 x 2,7 cm, PMP 5409/2. 6. Del narebrenega kosa stekla, vel. 1,8 x 1,5 cm, PMP 5410/ 2. 7. Del navznoter zapognjenega in sploščenega ustja in vratu stekleničke, steklo, pr. ustja 2,4 cm, ohr. v. 1,8 cm, PMP 5410/1. 8. Del odebeljenega ustja ali noge, steklo, vel. 2,3 x I cm, PMP 5410/3. 9. Odlomek zvitega kosa stekla, kot ročaj, vel. 2,5 x 2,2 cm, PMP 5455/1. 10. Ročaj mešalne palčke, steklo, pr. 3 cm, db. 0,4-0,9 cm, PMP 5414/1. TABLA 8 Preložnik, peč 3 (1-9), SV del ob peči 3 (10-12). 1. Del ostenja in ročaja, steklo, vel. 2,7 x 3 cm, PMP 5460/ 3. 2. Del narebrenega ročaja, steklo, vel. 2,6 x 2,9 cm, PMP 5571/8. 3. Del narebrenega ročaja, steklo, vel.2,8 x 3,3 cm, PMP 5460/2. 4. Del navznoter zapognjenega in sploščenega ustja stekleničke, steklo, pr. 4 cm, PMP 5415/4. 5. Del ostenja in ročaja posode, steklo, vel. 2,2 x 2,4 cm, PMP 5460/1. 6. Del ramena steklenice (?), steklo, vel. 4,2 x 1 cm, PMP 5415/5. 7. Del dna posode iz temno zelenega stekla, pr. 6 cm, ohr. v. 0,8 cm, PMP 5572/3. 8. Odlomek stekla s konca steklarske pipe, vel. 2,5 x 0,8 cm, PMP 5571/7. 9. Odpadek stekla s steklarske pipe, vel. 2,3 x 1,7 cm, PMP 5572/2. 10. Del ostenja in spodnji del ročaja posode, steklo, vel. 2,5 x 2,8 cm, PMP 5404/2. 11. Del ostenja in trakast ročaj posode, steklo, vel. 2,2 x 1,4 cm, š. ročaja 0,9 cm, PMP 5404/3. 12. Del gosto narebrenega ročaja, steklo, vel. 2 x 2,6 cm, PMP 5404/1. ZAKLJUČEK CONCLUSION Rimskodobno stekleno gradivo, ki se pojavlja na ozemlju današnje Slovenije, je bilo razvrščeno v deset skupin posodja, v okviru katerega smo lahko določili 154 različic posameznih oblik. Za razvrstitev po različicah smo upoštevali samo tiste odlomke, ki so bili ohranjeni toliko, da smo iz njih lahko razbrali dovolj izrazite značilnosti. Zbrano gradivo nam je po razvrstitvi v skupine in določitvi posameznih različic znotraj teh skupin ponudilo dovolj značilnosti, na osnovi katerih lahko strnemo nekaj poudarkov in ugotovitev. Razmerje med posameznimi steklarskimi tehnikami, ki je prikazano na grafu, kaže popolno prevlado pihanih izdelkov (sl. 66). To je razumljivo, saj gre za novo tehniko, ki je izpodrinila bolj zamudne in drage procese izdelave (izdelovanje s pomočjo kalupov), hkrati pa njen razvoj sovpada s širitvijo rimske države tudi na naše področje in popolno romanizacijo tega prostora. Pihanje v kalup je proces, ki se razvije kasneje in zaradi svoje zahtevnosti ne doživi zelo velikega razmaha, bolj je vezan na trenutne želje in okus posameznih skupin odjemalcev, le-ta pa je vedno podvržen hitrim spremembam. Razmerje posameznih skupin izdelkov, glede na njihovo uporabo, je pokazalo, da močno prevladuje namizno posodje (70 %), saj je bilo steklo zaradi svoje krhkosti za tako uporabo tudi najbolj primerno. Za shranjevanje in transport je bilo namenjenih 21% posodja, ki ga predvsem zastopajo različne steklenice in lonci, ki so služili za shranjevanje živil. Preostali procenti izdelkov pripadajo različnim posodam za kozmetične in medicinske pripomočke in manjši skupini ostalih oblik, ki se pojavljajo le kot posamični primeri (sl. 67). Pregled števila različic po posameznih skupinah (sl. 68) prav tako pokaže, da so najbolje zastopani izdelki, ki so služili kot del namiznega servisa. Skodelice in čaše (skupini 2 in 3) po svoji količini in številu različic povsem odstopajo in izstopajo izmed preostalih steklenih izdelkov. Njihovo zastopanost skozi stoletja in medsebojni odnos je bilo mogoče primerjati skozi več stoletij. Čeprav čaše po številu različic presegajo skodelice, je pri obeh oblikah opazen enakomeren porast od konca 1. in v 2. stoletju ter nato izreden upad v kasnejših stoletjih. S tema skupinama smo po količini lahko vzporejali samo še skupini 5 in 6 (vrče in steklenice), ki sta glede na število različic in količino izdelkov dokaj dobro zastopani, število ostalih izdelkov je bilo za ustrezno primerjavo preskromno. Vrči (skupina 5) so dokaj razširjeni v prvih dveh stoletjih, njihova uporaba traja še do prve polovice The Roman period glass material found on the territory of present-day Slovenia has been classified into ten groups of vessels, with 154 different forms distinguished. The classification into variants was carried out using only those fragments preserved to the extent that sufficiently distinctive characteristics could be noted. The collected material, following its classification into groups and the definition of individual variants within those groups, offered sufficient characteristics on the basis of which some points for emphasis and findings could be summarized. The proportions among individual glass working techniques, as shown on the graph, indicate a total predominance of blown products (Fig. 66). This is understandable since it was a new technique that supplanted more complicated and expensive manufacturing processes (production using moulds), and at the same time its development coincided with the extension of the Roman state into the territory of Slovenia and the complete Romanization of this area. Blowing into a mould was a process that developed later and because of its demanding requirements, it did not experience any great popularity. Rather it was tied to the momentary desires and tastes of individual groups of customers, which were always subject to sudden changes. The proportions of individual groups of products in reference to their use showed that tableware predominated greatly (70%), as glass was best suited for such a purpose because of its fragility. Storage and transport was the purpose of 21% of the vessels, primarily represented by various bottles and jars that served for the storage of provisions. The remaining products were various small vessels for cosmetics and medical preparations, and smaller group of other forms that appear only as individual examples (Fig. 67). A review of the number of variants per individual form (Fig. 68) also shows that products that served as part of a table service were best represented. Bowls and beakers (groups 2 and 3) diverge and stand out from the remaining glass products in terms of quantity and the number of variants. Their representation and mutual relations could be compared through several centuries. Although beakers exceed bowls in terms of quantity, an equal growth was noted for both forms from the end of the 1st century and in the 2nd century, with a subsequent exceptional decline in later centuries. With these groups could be compared in terms of quantity only groups 5 and 6 (jugs and bottles), which in terms of the number of variants and quantity of products were fairly well represented, while the number of the other products was too modest for suitable comparison. ■ ulilo / cost n pihano v kalup / mould-blown M prosto pihano / free blown Sl. 66: Grafikon s prikazom števila oblik po posameznih tehnikah. Fig. 66: Graph showing the number of forms for individual techniques. tretjega, nato pa njihova količina močno upade. Primerjava s steklenicami lepo pokaže, da je razmerje med številom različic obeh oblik nekje do sredine 3. stoletja še dokaj uravnoteženo, nato pa steklenice povsem prevladajo. Steklenice se pojavljajo vse do konca 4. stoletja in kažejo dokaj enakomerno zastopanost od druge polovice 1. stoletja dalje. Primerjava dveh podskupin je pokazala prevlado steklenic z ročajem v prvih dveh stoletjih in njihov močan upad v 3. in 4. stoletju. V mlajših stoletjih se pojavljajo redko in v uporabi prevladajo navadne steklenice brez ročajev. Na posebnem grafu smo primerjali število oblik in njihovih različic skozi stoletja (sl. 69). Rast števila različic v 1. stoletju na eni strani in na drugi upad števila oblik in različic v 4. in 5. stoletju odražata tako razvoj in zastopanost uporabe steklenih izdelkov v materialni kulturi rimske dobe na našem ozemlju, kot tudi gospodarske razmere v državi. Že v 1. stoletju je očiten premik med prvo in drugo polovico. Samo v prvi polovici 1. stoletja so vse tri tehnike izdelave dokaj enakomerno zastopane in količina izdelkov kaže na določeno sorazmerje. V drugi polovici 1. stoletja število oblik naraste za več kot 100 % in dokazuje razširitev uporabe stekla med vsemi sloji prebivalstva in ne nazadnje tudi popolno romanizacijo prostora današnje Slovenije. Do konca tega stoletja so bile na novo ustanovljene in dobile mestne pravice vse večje naselbine, z vzpostavitvijo cestne mreže in provincialne uprave je rimska civilizacija zajela celotno slovensko ozemlje. Med ulitimi izdelki v prvi polovici 1. stoletja prevladuje rebrasta skodelica (oblike 2.1.4.-2.1.6.) v različnih izvedbah, ki jo najdemo med grobnimi in naselbinskimi najdbami. V tej skupini izdelkov najdemo tudi kar nekaj luksuznih kosov mozaičnega stekla 9% ■ shrambeno / storage vessels □ kozmetično posodje / cosmetic vessels S3 namizno / tableware Sl. 67: Grafikon s prikazom razmerij med namiznim, shrambenim in kozmetičnim posodjem. Fig. 67: Graph showing the proportions between groups of products. Jugs (group 5) were somewhat widespread in the first two centuries, and their use extended up to the first half of the third, after which their quantity declined drastically. Comparisons with bottles show quite well that the proportions between these forms were fairly balanced to sometime in the mid 3rd century, after which bottles were entirely predominant. Bottles appeared up to the end of the 4'" century and exhibited a relatively uniform representation from the second half of the Is1 century onwards. The comparison of two sub-groups has shown a predominance of bottles with a handle in the first two centuries and their marked decline in the 3rd and 4th centuries. They appear rarely in later centuries, and bottles without handles predominate. One graph was used to compare the number of forms and their variants through the centuries (Fig. 69). The increase in the number of variants in the 1S1 century on the one hand, and on the other the decline in the number of forms and variants in the 4,h and 5lh centuries reflect the development and representation of glass products in the material culture of the Roman period in Slovenia, as well as the economic conditions prevailing in the state. Even in the lsl century, a changing point between the first and second halves is evident. Only in the first half of the 151 century were all three manufacturing techniques more or less equally represented, and the quantity of products indicates a relative proportion between them. In the second half of the Ist century, the number of forms increased by more than 100%, showing that the use of glass had spread among all strata of the population, and further indicating the total Romanization of the region of present-day Slovenia. To the end of that century, all larger settlements were awarded municipium status, receiving rights of citizenship, and with the es- skupina /Group lin..-- 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 leto / Year Sl. 68: Grafikon s prikazom števila različic po skupinah. Fig. 68: Graph showing the number of variants per group. (najdbe iz Polhovega Gradca), ki so bili uvoženi iz severno italskih delavnic. Posebno vrednost ima steklenička z zlato folijo s Hasberga (oblika 8.1.1.), kije predstavnik najkvalitetnejših izdelkov rimskega steklarstva (sl. 70). Luksuzni import je tudi v kalup pihana piksida iz belega neprosojnega stekla iz Petovione, ki je nastala verjetno v Sidonu v Libanonu (oblika 10.1.1.). V drugi polovici 1. stoletja prevladajo izdelki iz pihanega, modro-zelenkastega stekla. Pri njihovi izdelavi so značilna nazaj zapognjena in sploščena ustja, trikotno Fig. 70: Flask made of polychrome gold-band glass. Hasberg, Narodni muzej Slovenije. Ljubljana (photo: T. Lauko). SI. 69: Grafikon s prikazom števila različic skozi stoletja. Fig. 69: Graph showing the number of variants through the centuries. tablishment of the road network and provincial administration, Roman civilization took over the entire territory of Slovenia. In the group of cast products in the first half of the Is1 century ribbed bowls predominate (forms 2.1.4.- 2.1.6.), found in various versions among grave and settlement finds. This group of products also includes several luxurious pieces of mosaic glass (the finds from Polhov Gradec), which were imported from northern Italian production centers. Of particular value is the small flask with gold foil from Hasberg (form 8.1.1.), which represents the highest quality products of Roman glass industry (Fig. 70). Another luxurious import was the pyxis of white opaque glass from Poetovio, which was probably made at Sidon in Lebanon (form 10.1.1.). Products of blown blue-green glass predominated in the second half of the 1st century. Characteristic forms had bent back and flattened rims, triangularly shaped rims, tubular rolled rims, while the base was often simply formed and concave in the center, sometimes the standing surface was drawn out on the edge, and formed or pressed into a low ring base. Many forms imitate products made from precious materials, such as two-handled beakers (skyphoi - 3.7.5.) and footed goblets (chalices - 3.8.1.) with a characteristic stepped rim. Such forms are no longer found in the following centuries, except as individual pieces. A special feature of this period was also small ladle with a vertical handle (forms 4.2.1.; 4.2.2.), and shallow dishes and jugs of coloured glass also appear. Also very popular and well represented in the second half of the I81 century were small globular bowls with ribs and an impressed decoration of horizontal trails (so-called zarte Rippenschale - 2.3.1.). The bowl from Logatec (2.1.8.) stands out, as it shows that wealthy individuals followed changes in fashion and demand. The popularity of deliberately decoloured glass, imitating products made from rock crystal, was characteristic for the Flavian period, and the bowl with facet-cut decoration made of decoloured glass is the most attractive example from that period in Slovenia (form 2.1.8.). SI. 70: Steklenička iz obarvanega stekla z dodano zlato folijo. Hasberg, Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana (foto: T. Lauko). oblikovana, cevasto navzven zavihana ustja, dno je pogosto enostavno oblikovano in na sredini vboklo, ponekod je stojna ploskev na robu izvlečena in oblikovana ali stisnjena v nizko prstanasto nogo. Mnoge oblike še posnemajo izdelke iz plemenitih materialov, tako najdemo med njimi dvoročajne čaše (skifose - 3.7.5.) in čaše na nogi (kelihe - 3.8.1.) z značilnim stopničastim ustjem. Teh oblik v naslednjih stoletjih ne najdemo več ali pa samo kot posamične kose. Posebnost tega časa so tudi male zajemalke s pokončnim ročajem (obliki 4.2.1.; 4.2.2.), pojavljajo se nizki krožniki in vrči iz obarvanega stekla. V drugi polovici 1. stoletja je zelo priljubljena in tudi številno zastopana mala kroglasta skodelica z rebri in vtisnjenim okrasom vodoravnih črt (t. i. zarte Rippenschale - 2.3.1.). Posebnost predstavlja skodelica iz Logatca (2.1.8.), ki dokazuje, da so premožni posamezniki povsod sledili spremembam v okusu in povpraševanju. Priljubljenost namerno razbarvanega stekla, ki posnema izdelke iz kamene strele, je značilna za flavijsko dobo in skodelica z vrezanim okrasom iz razbarvanega stekla je pri nas najlepši primer iz tega obdobja (oblika 2.1.8.). Mnogi izdelki druge polovice I. stoletja so pihani iz stekla z izrazito modrikastim nadihom, to je opazno pri predmetih iz grobov flavijskega časa v Celeji in nekaterih steklenih servisih v Emoni. Ta posebnost govori o sorodnem ali enakem izvoru izdelkov, ki so v teku 1. stoletja prihajali k nam predvsem s posredništvom Akvileje kot osrednjega trgovskega centra za naš prostor. Izvor večine izdelkov smemo pripisati severno italskim delavnicam (sl. 71). V teku 2. stoletja je rimski imperij v obdobju vjade sposobnih in močnih adoptivnih cesarjev doživljal ekonomsko in politično moč. Dosegel je največji teritorialni obseg in materialno blaginjo. Stabilnost države je omogočala bogato civilno življenje tako v sami Italiji kot v provincah, zagotovljena je bila nepretrgana trgovina in razcvet obrti, kar seje seveda odrazilo tudi v steklarstvu. Drugo stoletje kaže nadaljevanje izrednega razmaha v uporabi steklenih izdelkov. Mnoge oblike, ki so se pojavile že v 1. stoletju, so še vedno v uporabi. To so predvsem steklenice z ročaji (6.3.1. do 6.3.5.), skodelice z ovratnikom (2.4.5.), nekatere oblike gubank (3.5.1. in 3.5.2.), ki se jim pridružijo nove različice (3.5.4. do 3.5.7.). Zelo razširjene so enostavne cilindrične čaše (obliki 3.6.1. in 3.6.2.), ki se pojavljajo v mnogih Many products from the second half of the 1st century were blown from glass with an emphasized blue shade, as can be noted on artifacts from graves of the Flavian period in Celeia and several glass sets in Emona. This special feature indicates related or identical sources of products that during the lsl century primarily reached Slovenia through Aquileia as the central trade center for this area. The majority of the products can be attributed to the northern Italian workshops (Fig. 71). During the 2nd century, in a period of the reigns of competent and powerful adoptive rulers, the Roman Empire experienced great economic and political power. It achieved its greatest territorial extent and material prosperity. The stability of the state enabled a rich civilian life in the provinces as well as in Italy, and uninterrupted trade flourished, leading to the further development of crafts and industry, which was certainly reflected also in the production of glass. The second century showed a continuation of the exceptional growth in the use of glass products. Many forms that appeared as early as the lsl century were still in use. These were primarily bottles with a handle (6.3.1. to 6.3.5.), collared bowls (2.4.5.), and some forms of indented beakers (3.5.1. and 3.5.2.), which were joined by new variants (3.5.4. to 3.5.7.). Simple cylindrical beakers (forms 3.6.1. and 3.6.2.) were very widespread, which appeared in many sizes and variants. They were often made of decoloured glass. High quality thinly blown beakers and indented beakers from milk white glass were also popular. Cast products disappeared from use, particularly ribbed bowls, and small globular ribbed bowls with trailed decoration were also no longer widespread. Certain special features and changes in production can be noted, characteristic for this and the following SI. 71: Enoročajni vrček z vtisnjenimi lisami obarvanega stekla. Dobova, gr. A 36, Posavski muzej Brežice (foto: T. Lauko). Fig. 71: Jug with marvered decoration of coloured glass blobs. Dobova, grave A 36, Posavski muzej Brežice (photo: T. Lauko). velikostih in različicah. Velikokrat so izdelane iz dekoloriranega stekla, priljubljene pa so tudi kvalitetne, tanko pihane čaše in gubanke iz mlečno belega stekla. Iz uporabe izginejo uliti izdelki, predvsem rebraste skodelice, tudi kroglaste skodelice z rebri niso več razširjene. Pri izdelavi je opaziti nekaj posebnosti in sprememb, značilnih za to in naslednje stoletje. Izdelava ustja je bolj preprosta, rob je zataljen ali odebeljen, ustja steklenic so enostavno izvihana, nekoliko lijakasta, dno ima najpogosteje nataljeno prstanasto nogo, kije enojna ali dvojna. Poudarjena je enostavna forma, okrasa je manj, prevladujejo gube. Dve okrasni tehniki se na novo pojavita v tem stoletju in sicer nataljene niti stekla po ostenju, vratu, tudi po vsej posodi ter vrezan geometrijski okras, ki se kasneje razvije tudi v figuralne motive, vezane na religiozno in vsakdanje življenje. Del povpraševanja po steklenem posodju za vsakodnevno rabo so v tem času prav gotovo že zadovoljile domače delavnice. Najdbe iz Ptuja in Celja dokazujejo obstoj steklarske proizvodnje vsaj od 2. stoletja dalje. Večina izdelkov, predvsem boljše kvalitete, še vedno prihaja iz severno italskih delavnic (npr. 2.4.1.; 2.4.4.; 3.5.6.), konec 2. stoletja pa se jim že pridružijo izdelki centrov iz Porenja (npr. 2.6.2.). Med dragocenimi izdelki moramo omeniti nekaj najdb s Ptuja. Nataljen okrasje na kvalitetnejših posodah posnemal vegetabilne in figuralne motive. Ti izdelki so bili uvoženi iz vzhodnih delavnic, zanje je značilno brezbarvno, namerno razbarvano steklo in okras v enaki barvi. Dve čaši na nogi iz Petovione sta lep primer teh posod (oblika 3.8.4.). Proizvodi zahodnih, predvsem kölnskih delavnic, ki so krasile posode z raznobarvnimi steklenimi nitmi, zaenkrat pri nas niso zastopani v večji meri, ohranjenih je le nekaj manjših odlomkov (Lazar 1993, 9, t. 2:4). Razgibani politični dogodki v 3. stoletju, stalna nasprotja in spopadi za oblast so se kmalu odrazili tudi v ekonomiji države, negotove razmere so vplivale na celotno gospodarstvo. V 3. stoletju je tudi na vzhodnoalpskem prostoru že opaziti precejšen upad količine steklenih izdelkov, posamezne oblike izginejo iz uporabe in se ne pojavljajo več. Tako kot količina samih steklenih posod se zmanjša tudi raznolikost oblik. Različni enostavni vrezani okrasi, ki so se pojavljali že na izdelkih v 2. stoletju (npr. pri obliki 2.6.2.), zdaj prerastejo v zahtevnejše geometrijske in figuralne motive (6.3.7.). Vse bolj razširjene postanejo enostavne polkroglaste oblike skodelic (2.6.1.) in čaš (3.10.1.), spremenijo se tudi detajli v izdelavi, predvsem način obdelovanja ustja posod. Vse več je izdelkov z ravno odrezanim ustjem, ki je ponekod obrušeno, pri bolj preprostih izdelkih pa še to ne. Značilen izdelek 3. stoletja so polkroglaste skodelice dokaj debelega ostenja iz brezbarvnega ali tudi century. The formation of the rim was more simple, the edge was fire-rounded or thickened, rims of bottles were simply turned out, somewhat funnel-like, the base most often had an applied single or double ring foot. The emphasis was on simple forms; the decoration was reduced, indentations predominating. Two decorative techniques newly appeared in this century: the application of glass threads or trails on the walls, neck, and even all over the vessels, and wheel-cut geometric decoration that later developed into figural motifs related to religion and everyday life. Part of the demand for glass vessels for everyday use in that period was certainly satisfied by products from local workshops. The finds from Ptuj and Celje prove the existence of glass production from at least the 2nd century onwards. Most of the products, and particularly those of better quality, still came from the northern Italic workshops (e.g. 2.4.1.; 2.4.4.; 3.5.6.), and at the end of the 2nd century they were joined by production centers from the Rhine valley (e.g. 2.6.2.). Some finds from Ptuj must be mentioned among the valuable products. The applied decoration on higher quality vessels copied floral and figural motifs. These products were imported from eastern workshops, and they were characterized by deliberately decoloured glass and decoration in the same colour. Two footed goblets from Poetovio are a good example of such vessels (form 3.8.4.). Products of the western, mostly Köln workshops, where the vessels were decorated with multicoloured glass threads, at present are not represented to any great extent in Slovenia, as only a few small fragments have been preserved (Lazar 1993, 9, PI. 2; 4). The tumultuous political events in the 3rd century, the constant contentions and conflicts to gain power soon began to be reflected in the economic situation in the state, the uncertain conditions affected the entire economy. A considerable decline in the quantity of glass products can also be perceived in the 3rd century in the eastern Alpine region. Some individual forms pass out of use. The variety of individual forms was also reduced in addition to the quantity of vessels. The various simple wheel-cut decorations that appeared on products in the 2nd century (such as on form 2.6.2.), at this point evolved into demanding geometric and figural motifs (6.3.7.). Simple hemispherical forms ofbowls (2.6.1.) and beakers (3.10.1.) became ever more widespread, and details of the manufacture also changed, primarily referring to the manner of forming the rims of the vessels. There were increasing numbers of products with cut rims, which were sometimes ground, but not on the simpler products. Characteristic products of the 3rd century were hemispherical bowls with somewhat thickened walls of colourless or sometimes opaque white glass, decorated motno belega stekla, ki jih krasijo geometrijski okrasi krogov, mandljastih vdolbin in rombov (oblika 2.6.2.). Najdragocenejši izdelki tega obdobja so posode z vrezanim figuralnim okrasom in z okrasom visokega reliefa. Med redkimi ohranjenimi kosi najdemo v Petovioni ponovno dva izdelka, ki sodita med vrhunske izdelke rimske steklarske obrti in sta bila najdena v istem grobu. Steklenico iz brezbarvnega stekla krasi vrezan motiv s prizorom svetilnika in morja (oblika 6.3.7.), dvoročajni kantaros pa reliefno izdelan rastlinski vzorec (oblika 3.7.4.). Poleg že omenjenih velja nameniti pozornost tudi skodelici z napisom iz zlate folije na dnu. Črke in napis so že skoraj neprepoznavni, pripadali pa so plitvi polkroglasti skodelici (?), luksuznemu izdelku iz 3. stoletja (Miki Curk 1963, 493; Filippini 1996, 124). V 4. stoletju se število oblik izredno zmanjša, prav tako število posameznih različic. Prevladujejo konične čaše (3.9.1., 3.9.2., 3.10.2.) in polkroglaste skodele z ravno odrezanim, klekasto oblikovanim ustjem (2.6.4. in 2.6.5.), dno je ravno ali rahlo vboklo, ponekod se pojavlja tudi prstanasta noga. Redek okras predstavljajo le horizontalne brušene linije, ki se jim kasneje pridružijo še nataljene kaplje stekla v kontrastni barvi. Nova oblika pozno rimske dobe so konične svetilke in svetilke z ročaji (9.1.-9.2.), pri katerih je včasih težko opredeliti, ali gre za čaše ali svetilke. Shrambenega posodja je malo (6.2.6., 6.2.8.). Steklenice imajo pogosto ravno odrezano, navzven nagnjeno ustje, pojavlja pa se še ena značilnost - pod ustjem je nataljena nit (6.3.6.). Ostenje steklenic z ročaji je proti dnu rahlo zoženo (6.3.6.). Njihova količina je majhna in zaprte oblike počasi izginejo iz uporabe. Prevladuje namizno posodje, predvsem posode za pitje, npr. že omenjene enostavne čaše in skodele ter konec stoletja še plitve polkroglaste skodele (obliki 2.6.4.; 2.6.5.). Okras na teh izdelkih je redek, pojavljajo se le gube. Najbolj značilne oblike stekla iz 4. stoletja so najbolje zastopane na poznorimskem grobišču v Rabelčji vasi na Ptuju. Stekleni izdelki se pojavljajo v moških, ženskih in otroških grobovih in so pogosto edini pridatek. Dragocenega posodja poznorimske dobe, predvsem skodel z brušenim figuralnim okrasom, diatretnih izdelkov in izdelkov z zlatimi medaljoni, skoraj ne poznamo, ohranjeni so samo skromni odlomki. Mednje sodi odlomek medaljona s figuro jagnjeta na zlati foliji iz Petovione, slučajne najdbe, kije zaenkrat edini primer tovrstnih izdelkov (Miki Curk 1963, 492). Trgovske poti steklenih izdelkov so do našega ozemlja v prvih stoletjih vodile v glavnem preko severne Italije in prvi stekleni predmeti so bili dragoceni mozaični izdelki. Z raznolikim spektrom izdelkov (2.1.1., 2.1.4.) iz 1. stoletja pr. n. š. in začetka 1. stoletja n. š. izstopa najdišče Razdrto (Mandrga in Preval), ki je s svojim položajem with wheel-cut geometric decorations of circles, almond-shaped hollows, and rhombs (form 2.6.2.). The most valuable products of this period are vessels with cut figural decoration and decoration in high relief. Among the rare preserved pieces, two vessels representing top quality products of the Roman glass working craft were found at Ptuj, both in the same grave. The bottle of uncoloured glass was decorated with a motif showing a scene of a lighthouse and the sea (form 6.3.7.), and the double-handled kantharos had a floral decoration cut in high relief (form 3.7.4.). In addition to those already mentioned, part of a bowl should be noted with an inscription made of gold leaf on the base. The letters and the inscription are almost unrecognizable. This was a shallow hemispherical bowl (?), a luxurious product from the 3rd century (Mikl Curk 1963, 493; Filippini 1996, 124). In the 4th century, the number of forms was drastically reduced, as was the number of individual variants. Conical glasses predominate (3.9.1., 3.9.2., 3.10.2.) and hemispherical bowls with cut, curved rims (2.6.4. and 2.6.5.), while the bases were flat or slightly concave, and ring bases sometimes also appear The rare decoration consisted only of horizontal wheel-cut lines, later joined by applied drops of glass in contrasting colours. New forms of the late Roman period were conical lamps and lamps with a handle (9.1.-9.2.), although it is sometimes difficult to determine between beakers and lamps. There are few storage vessels (6.2.6., 6.2.8.). Bottles frequently have a cut, outwards turned rim, and one more characteristic also appears - a thread applied under the rim (6.3.6.). The walls of bottles with a handle gently taper towards the base (6.3.6.). Their quantity was minimal and closed forms slowly disappear from use. Tableware predominated, particularly drinking vessels, such as the previously mentioned simple beakers and cups, and at the end of the century also shallow hemispherical bowls (forms 2.6.4.; 2.6.5.). Decoration on these products is rare, usually consisting only of indentations. The most characteristic forms of glass from the 4"' century are best represented at the late Roman cemetery of Rabelčja vas in Ptuj. Glass products appear in male, female, and child graves, and were often the only grave offering. Valuable vessels of the late Roman period, such as bowls with wheel-cut figural decoration, diatreta products, and those with gold medallions, are almost unknown in Slovenia. They are preserved only as modest fragments. A fragment of a medallion with the figure of a lamb in gold leaf was a chance find in Poetovio, and at the moment is the only example of this type of product from Slovenia (Miki Curk 1963, 492). The trade routes for glass products to Slovenia in the first centuries led mostly through northern Italy and the vezano na prazgodovinske trgovske poti in s tem tudi na prve poti rimskega vpliva na naše ozemlje. Glavni trgovski center za trgovino v Vzhodnih Alpah, Panoniji in na Balkanu je predstavljala Akvileja, kjer so se zbirali izdelki severno italskih delavnic in delno delavnic srednje Italije. Redki dragoceni izdelki so prihajali tudi iz vzhodnega Sredozemlja in Egipta. Akvilejski vpliv na območju jugovzhodnih Alp se nadaljuje še v prvo polovico 2. stoletja, saj večina izdelkov še vedno prihaja iz italskih delavnic, to še posebej velja za kvalitetno posodje iz dekoloriranega stekla (2.1.8., 3.5.6.). V sredini 2. stoletja se razvijejo in razširijo vpliv steklarski centri v Porenju, posebej kölnske delavnice (sl. 72). Njihova proizvodnja začne počasi izpodrivati vpliv italskih delavnic in zadovoljevati potrebe tudi na tem delu imperija (3.7.4., 3.8.4., 3.8.5.). V tem času začno povpraševanje po steklenih izdelkih za vsakdanjo rabo do neke mere zadovoljevati tudi lokalne steklarske delavnice, npr. v Celeji in Petovioni. Povpraševanje po vsakdanjih izdelkih je na trgu dovolj veliko, da ga zapolnjujejo tuje in domače delavnice. Politična trenja poslabšajo ekonomske razmere v 3. stoletju in povzročijo precej sprememb, ki se kmalu odrazijo tudi v steklarski industriji. Od druge polovice stoletja povpraševanje močno upade, večji del trga so lahko zalagale domače in sosednje panonske delavnice, uvoz iz Porenja postaja predrag in upada. Dragoceni predmeti se pojavljajo le izjemoma, vendar so ti še vezani na kölnske delavnice. V 4. in 5. stoletju se nazadovanje še nadaljuje. Za ta čas je težko trditi, v kakšni meri je bila še prisotna trgovina in do katere mere je lokalna obrt še delovala in first glass products were valuable mosaic glass items. The sites at Razdrto (Mandrga and Preval) stand out with a varied spectrum of products (2.1.1., 2.1.4.) from the lsl century BC and beginning of the Is1 century. The position was tied to the prehistoric trade routes, and thus also with the first routes of Roman influence on what is now Slovenian territory. The main merchant center for trade in the eastern Alps, Pannonia, and the Balkans was Aquileia, where the products of the northern Italian and partly the central Italian workshops were gathered. Rare valuable products also arrived from the eastern Mediterranean and Egypt. The Aquileian influence in the southeastern Alpine region continued into the first half of the 2nd century, as the majority of products still came from Italic workshops, which particularly applies to high quality vessels of decoloured glass (2.1.8., 3.5.6.). The influence of the glass production centers in the Rhine valley, particularly the Köln workshops, developed and spread in the middle of the 2nd century (Fig. 72). Their production began to displace the influence of the Italic workshops and satisfy demands even in that part of the Empire (3.7.4., 3.8.4., 3.8.5.). In this period, the demand for glass products for everyday use to some extent began to be satisfied by local glass production centers, for example at Celeia and Poetovio. The demand for everyday products was sufficient that it could be filled both by foreign and local workshops. Political conflicts aggravated economic conditions in the 3rd century and caused considerable changes, which were soon reflected in the glass industry. From the second half of the century demand declined greatly, and most of the trade could be supplied by local and nearby Pannonian production centers, while imports from the Rhine valley declined. Expensive objects appeared only exceptionally, and they were still tied to the Köln workshops. The regression continued in the 4lh and 5'h centuries. It is difficult to establish to what extent trade was still extant, and to what extent local industry was active in supplying at least the immediate vicinity. The quality of the glass products was poorer, the walls were full of glass bubbles, and an olive green colour predominated, meaning that they were adding increasing amounts of SI. 72: Steklenica z brušenim geometrijskim okrasom na ostenju. Ptuj, gr. 615, Landesmuseum Joanneum Graz (Istenič 1999, 77, sl. 64); (foto: T. Lauko). Fig. 72: Bottle with wheel-cut geometric decoration on the body. Ptuj, grave 615, Landesmuseum Joanneum Graz (Istenič 1999, 77, Fig. 64); (photo T. Lauko). oskrbovala vsaj neposredno okolico. Kvaliteta steklenih izdelkov je slabša, ostenje je polno zračnih mehurčkov, prevladuje olivno zelenkasta barva stekla, ki kaže, da so talini dodajali vse več recikliranega stekla. Oskrba s surovinami, ki so večinoma prihajale iz Sredozemlja, in surovim steklom je bila slaba in neredna, proizvodnja je upadla. Vsekakor so v tem času razmere v večjih mestih še omogočale nadaljevanje tradicije in uporabe steklenih posod, ki pa je v manjših naseljih zaradi slabih ekonomskih razmer že skoraj zamrla. Steklarska proizvodnja je na ozemlju današnje Slovenije delovala od 2. stoletja dalje. Njen obseg verjetno ni nikoli presegel lokalnih okvirov in z izdelki so predvsem zapolnili povpraševanje po vsakdanjih uporabnih predmetih, kot so bili balzamariji, steklenice in tudi okensko steklo. Najdbe peči, surovega stekla in steklarskih odpadkov iz Celeje in Petovione dokazujejo, da seje tu steklarska obrt razvila že na začetku 2. stoletja, podobno kot v večini lokalnih centrov v ostalih provincah. Ostanki iz Emone izvirajo iz poznorimske dobe, vendar odkrite najdbe dokazujejo le zbiranje odpadnega stekla ali trgovino, ostanki, ki bi lahko pripadali pečem, pa so preskromni. Nedavno raziskani obrat v Kranju je poleg odkopanih objektov odkril veliko količino steklenih odlomkov. Opredelitev, da gre za pozno rimsko steklarsko delavnico, pa moramo pred celovito objavo jemati s pridržkom. Med gradivom namreč pogrešamo značilne elemente, npr. surovo steklo, steklarske odpadke, ki so običajni za steklarske obrate rimske dobe; ne nazadnje pa tudi konstrukcija objekta ne ustreza steklarskim pečem. Ostanki surovega stekla, odpadki pihanja in uničeni izdelki v Celeji in Petovioni dokazujejo obstoj sekundarne proizvodnje stekla oziroma izdelavo steklenih posod. Obrt je slonela na uporabi uvoženega surovega stekla, ki so ga pripravljali v večjih steklarskih centrih. Primarna steklarska proizvodnja, to je priprava surovega stekla iz osnovnih surovin, glede na trenutno stanje raziskav, pri nas ni obstajala. Steklarska obrt je bila, sodeč po danes znanih najdbah, najbolj razvita in razvejana v Petovioni. Odkrite steklarske peči, ostanki talilnikov in drugih odpadkov neposredno dokazujejo proizvodnjo stekla in razvito steklarsko obrt. Tlorisi ohranjenih peči nam omogočajo verjetno rekonstrukcijo njihovega izgleda. Ovalne konstrukcije so bile deljene v dva glavna dela, kurišče in delovni prostor. Na raziskanem predelu so bili odkriti ostanki najmanj šestih peči, kar kaže, daje tu deloval večji steklarski obrat, v katerem je lahko naenkrat delalo več steklarjev. Daje delavnica obratovala skozi daljše časovno obdobje, dokazujejo sledovi obnove peči in gradnja novih objektov preko starejših in dotrajanih peči. Pregled različnih vrst odpadkov, nastalih med proizvodnim procesom, osvetljuje nekaj dejstev o sami recycled glass. The trade in raw material, as well as raw glass, which mostly came from the Mediterranean, was feeble and irregular, and production declined. Conditions in larger towns at that time certainly enabled the continuation of tradition and the use of glass vessels, which in smaller settlement had almost died out because of poor economic conditions. Glass manufacture took place on the territory of present-day Slovenia from the 2nd century onwards. It probably did not extend beyond a local framework, and the products primarily filled demand for objects of everyday use, such as balsamaria, bottles, and window glass. Finds of furnaces, raw glass, and glass working waste from Celje and Poetovio prove that a glass industry developed here as early as the beginning of the 2nd century, similarly as in the majority of local centers in the other provinces. The remains from Emona come from the late Roman period, although the discovered finds show only the collection of broken glass or trade in glass products, as remains that could be attributed to a furnace are too meager. The recently investigated workshop at Kranj contained a large quantity of glass fragments in addition to the excavated structures. The claim that this was a late Roman glass production center must be considered with reserve prior to publication in detail. Characteristic elements that are usual for the glass workshops of the Roman period are missing, such as raw glass, glass waste and wasters, and not least, the construction of the structures does not correspond to that of glass working furnaces. Remains of raw glass, waste from blowing, and destroyed products at Celeia and Poetovio prove the existence of the secondary production of glass, meaning the manufacture of glass vessels. The craft depended on the use of imported raw glass, which was prepared in larger glass production centers. Primary glass production, meaning the preparation of raw glass from the basic ingredients, according to the present state of research would not have existed in the region of Slovenia. Judging from the finds known to date, glass manufacture was best developed and ramified at Poetovio. The discovered glass furnaces and remains of crucibles and glass waste directly prove the production of glass and the developed glass working craft. The plan of the preserved furnaces enables a probable reconstruction of the appearance of these furnaces. The oval structures were divided into two main sections, the area for fire and the working area. At least six furnaces were discovered in the excavated area, which indicates that a large workshop was located here, where several glass workers could work at the same time. The use of the workshop through a long period of time is proven by traces of renovation to the furnaces and the construction of new structures above old and worn out furnaces. Analysis of the various types of waste created in the proizvodnji v Petovioni. Odpadki s steklarske pipe potrjujejo pihanje stekla s pipami premera med 2 in 2,5 cm. Uporaba steklarskih pip različnega premera dokazuje izdelavo manjših in večjih izdelkov, npr. steklenic. Ostanki prijemalke na dnu posod kažejo na uporabo kovinskega droga - prijemalke med procesom izdelave in dodelave posod. V bližini delavnic niso odkrili ostankov surovin za pripravo stekla, zato ne moremo govoriti o obstoju primarne proizvodnje oziroma taljenju stekla iz osnovnih surovin in pripravi surovega stekla. Različni steklarski odpadki, nastali med proizvodnjo, govore o obstoju sekundarne proizvodnje, to je pihanju izdelkov iz že pripravljenega stekla. Ostanki izdelkov, ki so nastali v teh delavnicah, med izkopanim gradivom niso zelo številni, a po nekaterih odlomkih lahko vsaj domnevamo, da so ptujski steklarji izdelovali kvadratne steklenice z okrasom rozet na dnu (6.3.1., 6.3.2.), cilindrične čaše (3.6.1., 3.6.2.) in balzamarije (8.6.15.). Kemijske analize surovega stekla in odlomkov steklenic so pokazale, da gre za steklo enake sestave, kar potrjuje našo domnevo. Tipološki pregled stekla s ptujskih najdišč je pokazal še na nekaj izdelkov, ki po obliki izstopajo in bi lahko nastali v domačih delavnicah. Največja skupina so balzamariji s stopničasto razširjenim vratom ob prehodu v ustje (8.6.15.). Oblika se ne pojavlja na drugih najdiščih, ampak je značilen pridatek petovionskih grobov. Druga zanimiva oblika je čaša kroglaste oblike na visoki prstanasti nogi (3.6.5.), ki nima primerjav (sl. 73). Najdena je bila v grobu iz 2. stoletja in zaradi njene unikatnosti domnevamo, da gre za domač izdelek. Zadnjo skupino domnevno domačih izdelkov tvorijo stekleničke in vrčki s kroglastim trupom in nataljenim okrasom niti, ki so med ptujskim gradivom prav tako številni (5.1.8., 5.1.9., 5.2.3.). Njihova skupna značilnost je na skoraj enak način izdelan nataljen okras. Kemijske analize surovega stekla iz ptujskih peči (Schwinger 1998) in njihova primerjava z najdbami surovega stekla iz delavnic v Gleisdorfu in Flavii Solvi je pokazala, da so imele delavnice tega območja iste vire pri dobavi surovega stekla in so med seboj trgovale s končnimi izdelki (okensko steklo iz Flavie Solve je verjetno nastalo v Petovioni - Schwinger 1998, 138). Kaže, da so bile delavnice specializirane in so izdelovale le posamezne vrste posodja. Ostanki steklarskih peči na Hajdini, talilnikov za steklo v Rabelčji vasi in posamične najdbe amorfnega stekla s Panorame potrjujejo, daje bila steklarska obrt zastopana v različnih mestnih predelih. Delavnice so delovale v obrtnih četrtih, skupaj z ostalimi mestnimi obrtmi. Na osnovi steklenih in keramičnih najdb, odkritih poleg steklarskih peči, lahko za delavnice na Spodnji Hajdini ugotovimo, da so delovale v 2. in 3. stoletju, production process illuminates certain facts about manufacture at Poetovio. Moiles from glass blowing pipes confirm the blowing of glass with pipes of a diameter between 2 and 2.5 cm. The use of glass blowing pipes of varied diameters indicates the production of small and large products, such as bottles. Pontil marks on bases of vessels show the use of a metal rod - the pontil - in the process of the production and finishing of a vessel. No remains of the raw materials for the preparation of glass were found in the vicinity of the workshop, and thus we cannot speak of the existence of primary production here, meaning the melting of glass from basic ingredients and the preparation of raw glass. Various glass waste created during the manufacturing process shows the existence of secondary production, i.e. the blowing of products from previously prepared glass. The remains of products created in these workshops are not very numerous among the excavated material. On the basis of several fragments it can at least be hypothesized that the Ptuj glass workers manufactured square bottles with the decoration of a rosette on the base (6.3.1., 6.3.2.), cylindrical beakers (3.6.1., 3.6.2.), and balsamaria (8.6.15.). Chemical analysis of the raw glass and fragments of bottles has shown that the glass had the same composition, which confirms the hypothesis. The typological analysis of the glass from the Ptuj sites has pointed to some products that stand out in terms of form and could have been produced in local workshops. The largest group consists of balsamaria with a stepped widened neck at the juncture with the rim (8.6.15.). The form does not appear at other sites, however it is a characteristic offering in the graves of Poetovio. The second interesting form is a goblet of globular form on a high ringed base (3.6.5.), which has no analogies (Fig. 73). It was found in a grave from the 2nd century, and its unique nature leads to the assumption that this had been a local product. The last group of hypothesized local products is composed of small bottles and jugs with globular bodies and an applied decoration of glass trails, which are numerous among the material from Ptuj (5.1.8., 5.1.9., 5.2.3.). Their common characteristic is the almost uniform manner of forming the applied decoration. Chemical analyses of raw glass from the Ptuj furnaces (Schwinger 1998) and their comparison to finds of raw glass from workshops at Gleisdorf and Flavia Solva have shown that the workshops of this region had the same source in acquiring raw glass, and that there was trade in the final products (the window glass from Flavia Solva was probably made at Poetovio - Schwinger 1998, 138). This indicates that the workshops were specialized and manufactured only specific types of vessels. The remains of the glass furnaces at Hajdina, the crucibles for glass at Rabelčja vas, and isolated finds of natančneje vsaj v njegovi prvi polovici. Najdbe iz konca 1. stoletja so preskromne, da bi začetek steklarske obrti v Petovioni postavili v zgodnejše obdobje. Številne naselbinske in grobne najdbe iz Petovione omogočajo tudi vzporejanje in primerjanje razvoja mesta ter odraz le-tega v materialni kulturi oziroma v našem primeru steklenih izdelkih. Petoviona je za vlade cesarja Trajana dobila status kolonije in v naslednjih dveh stoletjih doživljala obdobje največjega razvoja v ekonomskem in političnem smislu, v mestu je bil sedež ilirske carinske službe. Izdelki prve polovice 1. stoletja so med petovion-skim gradivom skromno zastopani. Od druge polovice 1. stoletja dalje pa število steklenih posod poraste za skoraj 300 %. To so preprosti in v glavnem neokrašeni izdelki za vsakdanjo rabo. Večina oblik ostane v uporabi še v naslednjem stoletju, ko se spekter oblik dopolni in se pojavijo novi okrasi. V 3. stoletju se razpon oblik krči, dokler se v 4. stoletju ne omeji pretežno na oblike, namenjene pitju. Zanimivo je, da kljub omejenemu spektru steklenih posod, ki so v rabi v 4. stoletju, petovionska grobišča kažejo še vedno redno uporabo steklenih predmetov in njihovo prilaganje v grobove. To odraža še živahen utrip mesta, morda lahko značilne konične čaše (3.8.6., 3.9.1.„3.9.2.) in svetilke (9.1.1., 9.1.2.) povežemo z močno krščansko skupnostjo in religioznim življenjem mesta. Med arheološko dediščino steklenega gradiva v Sloveniji Petoviona izstopa z nekaj dragocenimi in izjemnimi izdelki, ki so bili zaradi redkosti in visoke cene dostopni oziroma dosegljivi samo premožnim slojem. Med steklenimi izdelki se od 2. stoletja dalje redno amorphous glass from Panorama confirm that glass making was present in various parts of the town. The workshops were located in artisan quarters along with the other crafts of the town. On the basis of the glass and pottery finds discovered next to the glass furnaces, it can be established that the workshops at Spodnja Hajdina were active in the 2nd and 3rd centuries, more specifically at least in the first half of the latter. The finds from the end of the Is1 century are too minimal for the beginning of glass manufacture in Poetovio to be placed in an earlier period. The numerous settlement and grave finds from Poetovio also enable analysis and comparison of the development of the town and the reflection of this in the material culture, and in this case in the glass products. Poetovio received the status of a colonia during the reign of the emperor Trajan, and in the following two centuries it experienced the period of the greatest development in the economic and political sense, as the town was the seat of the Illyrian customs service. Products from the first half of the lsl century were scarce among the material from Poetovio. From the second half of the Is' century onward, the number of glass vessels increased by almost 300%. These were simple and mostly undecorated products for everyday use. The majority of forms remained in use in the following century, when the spectrum of shapes was supplemented and new decorations appeared. The range of forms shrunk in the 3r7?}r.11 10.5.1. . B-. - * ^ifeC'-—>/ iS.K tm ' US Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae