šolsko polje, letnik xxix, številka 3–4 236 in the study “The quality of life of patients after kidney transplantation” and a Slovenian project: Explaining effective and efficient problem solving of the triplet relationship in science concepts representations. She is cur­ rently working on several EU projects (HAND in HAND, BRAVEdu, ETTECEC). Igor Ž. Žagar Igor Ž. Žagar je študiral filozofijo, sociologijo in lingvistiko na univerzah v Ljubljani, Parizu in Antwerpnu. Doktoriral je iz sociologije kulture na Univerzi v Ljubljani. Je redni profesor retorike in argumentacije (Univerza na Primorskem), znanstveni svetnik (predstojnik Centra za diskurzivne študije) na Pedagoškem inštitutu v Ljubljani in trenutno tudi njegov di­ rektor. Predaval je na univerzah v Belgiji, Združenih državah Amerike, Italiji, na Kitajskem, Tajvanu, Nizozemskem, v Združenem kraljestvu, Španiji, Rusiji, Romuniji in na Poljskem. Žagar se ukvarja predvsem s pragmatiko (teorija govornih dejanj, (kritična) analiza diskurza), filozofi­ jo jezika, argumentacijo in retoriko. Je (so)avtor in (so)urednik petnajstih knjig in preko sto člankov. Igor Ž. Žagar studied philosophy, sociology, and linguistics in Ljubljana, Paris, and Antwerp. He received his doctoral degree in Sociology of Culture from the University of Ljubljana. He is Professor of Rhetoric and Argumentation (University of Primorska), Senior Research Fellow (Head of the Centre for Discourse Studies) at the Educational Research Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, and currently also its director. He has lec­ tured in Belgium, United States, Italy, China, Taiwan, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Spain, Russia, Romania, Poland, and France. Žagar is especially interested in pragmatics (speech act theory, (critical) discourse analysis), philosophy of language, argumentation, and rhetoric. He is the (co)author and (co)editor of fifteen books, and more than a hundred articles. Janja Žmavc Janja Žmavc je izredna profesorica za jezikoslovje in kot višja znanstve­ na sodelavka zaposlena na Pedagoškem inštitutu v Ljubljani. Področja njenega raziskovanja so: zgodovina retorike, retorična teorija in praksa, retorična sredstva prepričevanja (ethos, pathos, logos), argumentacija, te­ orija argumentacije, jezikovna pragmatika, didaktika klasičnih jezik­ ov ter didaktika retorike. Je avtorica in soavtorica treh monografij in več člankov s področja retorike, argumentacije in jezikovne pragmatike ter soavtorica edinega slovenskega učbenika za pouk retorike v osnovni šoli pri nas. Kot predavateljica retorike in argumentacije vrsto let sodeluje s avtorji ■ authors 237 slovenskimi univerzami ter na seminarjih Retorika za učitelje retorike, ki so namenjeni učiteljem obveznega izbirnega predmeta retorika. Janja Žmavc is an associate professor in linguistics and works as a senior re­ search associate at the Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana. Fields of her research are: history of classical rhetoric, rhetorical theory and prac­ tice, rhetorical means of persuasion (ethos, pathos, logos), argumentation, theory of argumentation, linguistic pragmatics, didactics of classical lan­ guages and didactics of rhetoric. She is an author and a co­ author of three monographs and several papers from the field of rhetoric, argumentation and pragmatics and a co­ author of the only Slovenian textbook for rheto­ ric lessons in the primary school. She has years of experience in lecturing rhetoric and argumentation at Slovenian universities as well as at the In­ service teacher education for teachers of rhetoric.