BARBARA MOHR INDIANAPOLIS, IN ‘ 54788 Our bright and shining future leaders! S.W.U. SCHOLARS OF 1983-84 ANNE E. PAULIN WASHINGTON, D.C. SEPTEMBER, 1983 No.9—Vol.55 ANITA MARIE KRAUS JOLIET, IL SHARON MRAMOR CLEVELAND, OH MARY KOROSHEC GILBERT, MN rag ....... r |^;1983 Regional Sep. 25 - WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION & 55th ANNIVERSARY. Br. 17. West Allis. WI Oct. 2 - ILLINOIS-INDIANA STATE CONVENTION 55TH ANNIVERSARY, Joliet, IL DATES TO REMEMBER Sep. 8 - LUNCHEON IS SERVED. Br. 42 Maple Hgts., OH Sep. 10 - CARD PARTY, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wl Sep. 24 - GRAPE FESTIVAL DANCE, Br. 20, Joliet, IL Sep. 21 - ANNUAL MASS FOR DEPARTED MEMBERS, Br. 32, Euclid, OH Sep. 24 - BAKE SALE, Br. 24, LaSalle, IL Sep. 25 - TRIP TO SORROWFUL MOTHER SHRINE, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., OH Oct. 23 - CARD PARTY, Br. 14, Knuth Community Center, Cleveland, OH BARAGA POSTCARD IN 1984 Our members will be happy to know that (he U.S. Postal Department will issue a postal card in 1984 with an imprinted stamp honoring the Slovenian-Ameriean Missionary Bishop, Frederic Baraga. On June 20, 1983, the Postmaster General issued the order and in a letter to former Senator of Ohio, Frank J. Lausche, commented that they will be designed by renowned artist, David Blossom and done in colors appropriate to the design. Senator Lausche has asked that anyone who wishes to contribute suggestions may do so by writing to us and we will forward to the proper authorities. The long, drawn-out effort to have a Baraga commemorative stamp is supported by Bishop Baraga Association, the Slovenian Women’s Union and individuals such as Mr. Victor Lauter of Barberton, OH and of course, many of our prominent Americans in government and civic life. Sen. Paul Durenburgcr of Minnesota should be credited with some of the preliminary work as are the senators from Illinois and Ohio. It took the energetic and concentrated effort of Senator Lausche, however, to bring this dream to fruition for which we are all very grateful. So, be looking for (he Baraga post card next year, issued perhaps from his first archdiocesan capital, Marquette, Michigan. EDITOR ZARJA - THE DA WN (ISSN 0044-1848) NO. 9 SEPTEMBER, 1983 VOL. 55 Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Published monthly except January, June & August — izhaja vsak mesec razen januar, junij in avgust. Annual Subscription for non-members, $10.00 — naročnina $10.00 letno za ne-članice. Publisher:S L O V EN! A N WOMEN'S UNION Oh AMERICA 43/ No. Chicago St.. Joliet, II. 60432 Telephone (815) 727-1926 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, IL All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the first week of the month — vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do I. v mesecu. Editor, CORINNE LESKOVAR Editorial Office, 2032 W. Cermak Rti., Chicago, IL 60608 Telephone (312) 847-6679 HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN SEPT Presidems Sept. 5 — Ann Kapel, Br. 100, Fontana, CA Sept. 7 — Freda Michelitch, Br. 103, Washington, D.C. Sept. 14 — Mary Ann Samuelson, Br. 89, Oglesby, IL Sept. 17 — Stavia Dobersek, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wl Sept. 24 — Mildred Lipnos, Br. 42, Maple Hgts, OH Secretaries Sept. 2 — Joanne Ponikvar, Br. 54, Warren, OH Sept. 10 — Mary Dezman, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wl Sept. 15 — Linda Mikus, Br. 92, Gunnison, CO Sept. 16 — Mary Satkovich, Br. 97, Universal, PA Sept. 19 — Louise Puchreiter, Br. 83, Crosby, MN Sept. 22 — Rosemary Mlakar, Br. 100, Fontana, CA Sept. 25 — Wanita Helmer, Br. 24, LaSalle, IL Sept. 26 — Josephine Turk, Br. 5, Indianapolis, IN Sept. 28 — Patricia Emerson, Br. 105, Detroit, Ml Sept. 30 — Minka Chrnart, Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, PA MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! HAPPY SCHOOLDAYS! /J.NDEPENDEN1 j|>avin( ;s 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731- 8865 920 E 185th Cleveland. Ohio44119 486-4100 “KEEP THE SPIRIT GOING!” _,R Membership Campaign till March 31,1984! IS Our new membership Campaign, which began April 1, resulted in 47 members during the past four months. Of these there were seven As including four transferees, 24 Bs including nine transferees and 16 juniors. Of the Juniors there were eight newborns including a set of twins, namely Kelly and Scott Kochniarczyk sponsored by Mary Podder of Branch No. 2, Chicago. Of the thirty-three individuals who enrolled three members each were Marion Marolt, Branch No. 17, West Allis, WI, Ann Tercek, Branch No. 50, Cleveland, OH and Rose Maras, Branch No. 56, Hibbing, MN. Nineteen branches participated with Branch No. 2, Chicago in first place with eight members, followed by Branch No. 50, Cleveland, OH with 5, Branch No. 1, Sheboygan, WI and Branch No. 14, Euclid, OH with 4 each. With the hot, lazy summer days just about over and with our energies restored, we are ready to enroll new members into our ZVEZA! Right? Olga Ancel, National Secretary BB ............■— As I write this, we are experiencing a heat wave that has endured for too many days. How nice, if we could set some aside for the cold wintry days. But then, what would we complain about? I am still in the after-glow of our recent convention and enjoying in my mind the graciousness of our hostesses, members of the Minnesota branches. As you will peruse the minutes of the meetings and by-laws printed in ZARJA, you will appreciate the work done at these sessions. The delegates were very cooperative and full of suggestions for our future. You will find a few changes in the by-laws - a necessity since the last printing. All agreed that our greatest need was the enrollment of new members. The present campaign “Keep the Spirit” is already in progress and off to a good start. I hope you will be serious in seeking interested candidates for membership. There were many questions by State-Presidents -some regarding having meetings every two years; to discuss the necessary items that arise, it is necessary that conventions on a state level be held every year. Also, State Presidents should made an effort to visit each branch in their jurisdiction, at least for one meeting. They should also encourage participation of your young people. We have several branches that have officers in their early 30’s. I’m sure this will be an incentive for younger women to attend meetings and socials. With the fall approaching, we are preparing for State Conventions. Make them interesting and you shall have good attendance with lively reports. Our Board meetings in July brought our new officers to Joliet for a briefing and also an insight into the workings of our organization. It was a very good meeting; some of them stayed overnight to attend Branch 2 Zveza Day in Lemont. This was a very enjoyable time for all who were there. Welcome aboard to our new officers. It is with difficulty that I write about the sorrow that has come upon our local community. The sudden death of Lud Leskovar has left his widow Corinne devastated; his children, Miriam and Lud feeling a deep loss. He was a great friend of SWU, a constant advocate for our cause. We have lost two more family heads who will be please turn to page 2 Meet our new Vice-President Cirila Kermavner was born and educated in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She arrived in the United States in 1949, and married the following year. She and her husband, John, have one son, John Jr. Cirila had worked as a dental assistant for many years until her recent promotion to office manager for a Cleveland area dentist. In addition to her professional duties, she finds time to help her neighbors in the St. Vitus-St. Clair area. She has served as regional vice president of the St. Clair-Superior Coalition, and also belongs to KSKJ (Mary Magdalene Lodge) and AMLA (St. Anne, No. 4). Cirila is espeially proud of her 31 year membership in the Slovenian Women’s Union, Branch No. 25, Cleveland. She is happy to serve as National Vice President as well as Secretary-Treasurer of her local branch. Needless to say, the S.W.U. is fortunate to have such a wonderful new officer as is our Cirila who made many new friends at the last National Convention. She also represents one of our pioneer branches of Cleveland still one of the largest in the Union. Congratulations and best wishes for success! CONGRATULATIONS! 55th ANNIVERSARY CHARTER MEMBERS AND OFFICERS Their celebration is this month and the members of Br. 17 are planning a gala affair at St. Mary’s Church Auditorium on Sept. 25th. The REGIONAL CONVENTION of the State of Wisconsin will also take place then. Heartiest congratulations to the officers and members and many more! From left, first row: Lillian Hartman, 3rd Auditor, Mary Murn, Slovenian Reporter, Mary Petrich, Charter member, Josephine Schlosar, Organizer, Josephine Nimmer and Josephine Paucek, Charter members, Marion M. Marolt, President and National Auditor. Second row: Frances Piwoni, Recording Secretary, Vida Yakos and Apolonia Limoni, Committee members, Helen Ruthenberg, 1st Auditor, Rose Schubert, Committee member, Marie A. Floryan, Secretary-Treasurer, Robin Marolt, 2nd Auditor, Angeline Starich, Committee, Victoria Kastelic, Vice president and Josephine Imperl, Committee member. Among these officers four are past National Officers, Mmes. Nimmer, Schubert, Imperl and Floryan. So grateful! West Allis, WI — I would like to thank all the National Officers, branches, and delegates and members for the lovely carnation bouquet, candle flower arrangement, plants, numerous get well wishes, masses, and telephone messages during my stay at the Mesabi Center, Hibbing, MN. Also a thank you to Rev. C. Kelleher, pastor of St. Joseph’s Church, Hibbing, MN. Your thoughtfulness at this time has been very greatly appreciated. I hope and pray that (he good Lord will bless you with good health and happiness in the years to come. Many thanks to all of you. Marie A. Floryan delegate Br. No. 17 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Continued.. sorely missed: Victor Mladic, husband of Ann (past officer of Branch 2), father of 6 and grandfather of 15. He was an ardent worker for the Baraga Cause and leader of it’s local group. Our reporter, Ann Scieszka lost her husband Joe in the same week. She and her family, as well as the Leskovars and Mladics are extended our deepest sympathy. We ask the Lord to welcome them, as well as our other friends who left this life, into His Heavenly abode to be with Him forever. May God Walk With You Mary Muller From The Youth Director At the S.W.U. National Convention held in Chisholm, I was elected to serve another four year term as your Youth Director. Many of your promised to make an extra effort to encourage and promote youth membership and activity within your respective branches. I’m holding you to your word! Delores Heski from Br. No. 33 Duluth, MN already came forward with a junior activity report from her branch. I want to thank her for her quick response and I hope others will do the same. The convention was such a beautiful experience and so well-planned. A great big “Thank You” to all the wonderful members of Br. No. 38 Chisholm, MN for your hospitality, good food and fun. It was a time to renew old acquaintances and meet new ones. How I missed all of you when 1 got home. I hope I don’t have to wait 4 more years before I see you all again. My very best wishes and congratulations to our S.W.U. Scholarship winners. I was very impressed with all the applicants and it was very difficult to choose the winners. We can be very happy that as an organization we are able to share in the investment in their further education. I hope in turn these young people will be able to inspire and help other junior members attain their goals in education. Anna L. Hodnik 0HU NO. 1, SHEBOYGAN, W1 Greetings: We held a short June meeting. The opening prayer was recited for all living and deceased members. Also included was our past recording secretary and State President, Anna Modiz. A schedule with information was given by Agnes Gruenke on the bus trip to West Allis, where Branch No. 17 is celebrating their 55th anniversary in conjunction with the Wis. Regional State Convention to be held September 25th. More plans were made for the annual card party September 12th in the Church Hall. Do plan to attend. As delegate to the National Convention in Chisholm, I had a resume on the meetings. We wished the R. Maurin family a safe trip and a wonderful visit with their relatives in Jugoslavia. After adjourning the meeting a program presided by the Vice-President, Janet Maurin, honored our “Special Member”. Christine Sterk, with an arm bouquet of red carnations and with congratulations from the branch members. Also Rev. R. Fale extended his best wishes to the honoree. Julia Gruenke read two inspiring poems. Janet Maurin with her pupil D. Zimmerman performed several selections on their ac-cordians. This concluded an enjoyable program. A lovely buffet was served to all the guests. Our belated congratulations and blessings to Theodore and Veronica Hosfeld upon their 50th wedding anniversary. To Joan Golob, a successful manager of the Argicultural Stabilization and Conservation Service office in Sheboygan Co. the past 30 years our best wishes and good health in her retirement. An adult Scouter active in promoting religion activities in Scouting, Ronnafran Jakel was presented the Fleur-De Lis Award. Congratulations to her on the prestigious award. Our heartfelt condolences are extended to the family and relatives of Corinne Leskovar, upon loss of her dear husband, Ludwig. May his soul and all the faithful departed Rest in Peace! Get well wishes to all the sick and shut-ins. Our meeting date is September 20th. We would love to see you present. CHUCKLE - Diet Dilemma “The Second day of my diet is always easier than the first, said one woman. “For me too replied her friend. By the second day, I’m off it.” MARGARET FISCHER NO. 2, CHICAGO, 1L July 17th was “ZVEZA DAY” in Lemont, and also “ANN ZORKO DAY”, it was her 80th birthday. Family and friends surprised her with a party. She also received a greeting from President Ronald Reagan. The picnic was well attended due to the excellent planning of officers and committee, with activities for all ages. The Mass was beautiful and the church filled with members and friends. Thanks to all who helped by donating time, prizes and bakery to make the affair the success it was. Angie Koziarz was the lucky winner of paid-up dues for 1984. The “111. State Convention” will be held on Oct. 2nd, hosted by Branch 20 in Joliet. Members should call and make reservations. Sick list: Mary Kuncic, Helen Storcz, hospitalized for the second time, Patricia Zubek, surgery, and Verna Antolin. Mass for sick members will be Sept. 8 at 8:00 AM. We are all saddened by the sudden deaths of Ludwig Leskovar, husband of our Editor, Corinne Leskovar; Victor Mladic, husband of Ann Mladic; Joseph Scieszka, husband of your reporter Ann Scieszka; and Frank Banich, husband of social member Mayme Banich. Let us remember them in our prayers and may God grant them peace. Mary Jager and Jennie Puhek celebrated their 49th Wedding Anniversaries, and Jennie had an 80th Birthday in June. Mrs. Frances Jasbec had her 61st Anniversary on June 5th. Congratulations to all. Joanne and John Hozzian, graduates, will be attending Loop College, Bernard Scianna going to Villa Nova in Penn. Best wishes to all. Also, Lori Schultz graduated from beauty culture school, and John Scieszka completed chef training at Washburne. Again, congratulations in order. Marilyn Zefran was also appointed to the membership committee of the Illinois Funeral Directors Assoc, at its 103rd Annual Convention in Springfield. See you in September. ANN SCIESZKA BR. 2 BOOK WINNERS! Dinnerware: Martynowicz, Flatware: Rose Garcia, Cookware: Corinne Leskovar, Pair of Lamps: Mary Foys Lauretig, Radio: Mary Gerdevich, Girl Picture: Wm. Zubek, Bird Pictures: Mary Kosar, Hand Painted Plate: Debbie Zefran Jerry, Afghan: Antonia Glavach, Wrist Watch: Mary Todd, Travel Alarm: Josephine Šinkovec, Juice Pump: Mary Ornick, 19pc. Glasses: Gloria Nusko, Kitchen Set: Jean Scianna, Winnie the Pooh: Kay Sraberneck, Blue Bear: Frances Kozel, Rabbit Candle: Phil Dallasto, Action Bag: Josephine Klobucer, Hostess Egg Set: George De Derz, Pearl Necklace: John Guddan Jr., Phono: Robert Alles, $20 certificate: Mitzie Krapenc. Congratulations! NO. 6, BARBERTON, OH Just a reminder, our next meeting will be Oct. 2nd, 1983 at 2 o’clock at the Slovene Center. Please attend the meeting. We would like to have a younger woman take over as secretary and president. Are any of our members interested? We will have election at your convenience but it must be this year. Otherwise, we wilfhave to join another branch. We would like to keep our own, so come to the meeting and we will decide and explain all. See you there. MITIZI NO. 12, MILWAUKEE, Wl Our June meeting was very well attended. Mary Evanich again filled in for Christine Boyance who is home from the hospital but unable to get around. We’re looking forward to her re-joining us in the fall again. Reports were all accepted as given. Stavia reported on the National Convention to which she was a delegate. We’re glad the socials will have voting privileges in a limited way as we have a number of them as active members. Our picnic plans all finally realized as well as our Amish tour. Prizes and goodies for the lunch were donated by Evanich, Starich, Kiel, Pesec, Stark, Alma H. Jelinek, Jelenc, Rozman, Železnik and Plesko; also Ann and Erin Grambow, Olga F., Sophie Stamp-fel, Jo Wilhelm and Stavia, “Peppy” and “Toots”. Happy birthday was sung for “Toots”, Sophie S, Jo Wilhelm, PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN IN THE CHIPPEWA LANGUAGE With English translation by Myles Goddard, M. A. Verse one: Bojo mani kee gi abiskona Jesu chi Hail Mary, you who have brought Jesus to inniniwin. all mankind; Nin wawijendam min dash non We rejoice and greatly kitchiwawendam. honor you. Verse two: Kin bidoma kigwis tchi endasshiiang. You bring your Son to all of us. Kinodogwissina bandjiiwe Your Son conquers mat chi od gashkiewisiwin. the power of the evil one (the devil). The members attending ZVEZA DAY in Lemont this year in July were pleasantly surprised to have Myles Goddard appear after the Mass at the St. Mary’s Monastery to chant this prayer in the original language. Mr. Goddard, a former director of the American Indian Center in Minneapolis-St. Paul, was familiar to the members as he had been a special guest at the April meeting of Br. 2, a friend of the president, Frances Morison, to present a slide show and demonstration of Indian artifacts from his private collection. Among the most precious items is an original dictionary written by Bishop Baraga in the Chippewa and English languages. This book is treasured by historians of American Indian culture still today. September is the month many associate with Baraga because it is the time Americans gather to commemorate Baraga Days. This year it will be Labor Day weekend at Manistique, Michigan. Gifts presented at Zveza Day Mass grace the altar of St. Mary’s in Lemont. Photo of Bishop Baraga, red carnation bouquet and the Slovenian national headpiece “Auba”, represented the precious traditions and dedication of Slovenians in America. Grambow and Jean Jelenc. The meeting ended with prayer for Ann Plautz who passed away suddenly. Our sympathy to her family. Our Junior picnic was held again at Jackson Park and was well-attended and as usual, the members were very generous with their very good baking as well as baked beans and coleslaw to accompany the lunch. Great big thanks go to you all as well as great appreciation for the help at the grill by Ed Kiel, A. Jelinek and M. Železnikar. These men do come in handy! Games were enjoyed by the Juniors with prizes for their efforts. MARY DEZMAN NO. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CA We are very saddened by the death of our beloved Frances Chiodo who passed away suddenly while on vacation in New Orleans. We send our deepest sympathy to her loved family, husband Joe Chiodo, son, Stephen and daughters, Beverly Jackson and husband Brian, Barbara Rathbun and husband Walter and grandchildren, Janet Jackson and Joe and David Rathbun. Frances will be missed by all who knew her, our members, friends and relatives. She was brought in as a member by my mother Katie Judnich who Frances called “Teta Katie” in June 1937. She became active in our branch right away and has held every office in our branch in her 46 years of membership. Frances made trips for our members and also luncheons, giving her time for all our functions with gifts and food. She was a very active, outgoing, warm, loving person. She was our Reporter for over 25 years. Frances gave to our Branch No. 13 so much and will be sorely missed. Frances is bringing happiness to Heaven just as she did on Earth, her laughter, love and friendship for all. She leaves behind wonderful memories for her friends and family. Frances was my cousin and she will be sadly missed. May she rest in peace. JOSEPHINE AIUTO, President Verse for our Editor Corinne: In the pain and sadness When your heart is heavy with grief Turn to Him who in His love Has bled and died for you and me. His everlasting love will lead the way Through life and in the end You will rejoice with your love again. Poldica Podgornik NO. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CA From San Francisco, our deepest sympathy to the editor of ZARJA on passing of Dr. Leskovar. It was a shock for all of us. From our president, Jo Aiuto, Zveza’s members and all our Slovenian people here, we extend deepest sympathy. How charming was the beauty of two people joined in the drama of life. Mrs. Corinne, the memory of your husband’s love will be with you always. Slovenian people are so grateful for all the untiring efforts you and Dr. Leskovar did for us and to retain our Slovenian culture in America. The meeting will be after vacations are over in September. Our sick members are still the same and some are in old people’s homes. Please try to visit them so they won’t feel so lonely and forgotten. Until we find someone to replace Frances Chiodo, t LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR God was good to us for the three decades he gave us our beloved husband and father. We think that, when he died, Lud was prepared to meet the Lord Whom he had loved in life. He had fought a long and courageous fight with an invincible spirit and tremendous will to live. We find now our sadness, that of the children and mine, is softened by the wealth of memories he has left us... Of his bravery and faith, his strong dedication to the highest ideals of morality and ethics, his brilliant intellect and his pride as a Slovenian-American. Nothing in this world could shake his loyalty to the people and things he loved and it was perfectly natural that we would respond with an equal measure. This is his legacy to us. It is now the moment for gratitude. The messages, gifts, and prayers of so many members of ZVEZA and friends will be remembered forever. May your intercessions on his behalf be returned to you with abundant blessings from God. You have done what only the human spirit can do, to sustain and uplift a fellow human being. Thank you. May God’s love bring him peace. Corinne Leskovar For those who have been faithful, O Lord, life is not ended, but merely changed; and when this earthly abode dissolves, an eternal dwelling place awaits them in heaven. Requiem Preface From the Roman Missal our late sister and reporter, I will try to write in English, too. If you have something to report, call me at 661-7808 in the evenings. In the last ZARJA, I read the column about traditions in Belokrajina by Prof. Conrad. What is said by Niko Curet, ethnologist, is of traditions perhaps 200 years old. In Metlika we had Pust Day with numerous national costumes. People came by the thousands to observe them. But taking food on Easter Saturday, to be blessed by the priest, was a church tradition. People of Belokrajina today are not super-stituous any more, they are prosperous, intelligent and as progressive as any in Europe. Easter eggs colored by hand are works of art. They are known all over Europe as is the work of our great Slovenian artist, Maxim Gaspari, who portrayed Slovenian life in the most beautiful ways. POLDICA PODGORNIK NO. 14, EUCLID, OH Reminding members with unpaid dues to contact Sect. Donna Tome at 1000 Dillewood Rd., Cleve., Ohio 44119, phone 481-9374. Ileene Collins has announced the date for our Card Party to be held Sunday, October 23 at the Knuth Community Center, 24151 Briardale in Euclid, from 1:00-4:00 p.m. with free refreshments, table and door prizes for only $2.50. A bake sale will also be held that day with mouth-watering baked goods, noodles, breads and other assorted goodies baked by our ladies. Tickets may be obtained from members, at the door, or call Vera Bajec at 481 -7473. Everyone is cordially invited for an afternoon of fun and neighborly socializing. Last year’s event was a big success and we hope that changing the location will give us a little more room for everyone’s comfort. Quite a large crowd turned out for our annual member picnic with, of course, an abundance of food. We sure enjoyed sampling all of the goodies made by our ladies. Once again, Ileene Collins and her husband Jay, were the gracious hosts at their lovely home. Thanks also to all the ladies who helped set up and serve and also the clean up crew. Recuperating at Home after surgery is President Agnes Tome, and also Mary Mramor who had eye surgery. I’ve also heard that Mrs. Josephine Cebul is in Richmond Hts. General Hospital. We pray for a speedy recovery for all of our ill ladies and wish for them good health in the future. Our delegates to the National Convention, Vera Bajec and Antoinette Zabukovec wish to thank the hostess committee for the wonderful hospitality in Chisholm, Minn, this past May. They returned with Continued on page 9. 1983 S.W.U. SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS The Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship Committee is very pleased to announce the 1983 scholarship winners who are outstanding students, capable and worthy of our recognition. Each will receive a $750 award. They are: Mary Ann Koroshec, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Koroshec of Gilbert, MN, and member of Branch No. 31. She will major in Veterinary Medicine at the Medical Institue of Minnesota. Anita M. Kraus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Kraus of Joliet, 111., and member of Branch 20. She will major in Pre-Medicine at Northwestern University. Anne E. Paulin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Paulin, Gaithersburg, MD, and member of Branch No. 103. Anne will major in Computer Science at Cornell University. Barbara Mohr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mohr, Brownsburg, IN, and member of Branch No. 5. Barbara will major in Computer Science at Indiana University or Bradley University. The special FRANCES SEITZ SCHOLARSHIP (also $750) sponsored by the Cleveland area branches is won by, Sharon Mramor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mramor of Cleveland, OH, and member of Branch No. 50. We extend CONGRATULATIONS to these fine ' young women and wish them success and happiness in their chosen careers. Sincerely, Mary Muller Rose Kraemer Olga Ancel Irene Odorizzi Mary Bostian Anna Hodnik Hermine Dicke, Chm., Scholarship Committee """.............111111...111111......11.....11111.......................... »niti....................................... liliiiilliiiiimimiiimiiiii............ »n......................................................... What the Slovenian Women’s Union Means to Me? Since I am a full-blooded Slovenian, with strong family ties, my background has been a significant part of my life. I have grown not only with education I received through my heritage. Because my grandparents came directly from the “old country”, I have heard stories of their struggling which has shown me the strong, common bond of unity that exists among Slovenian families. Also, I have found that basic values such as loyalty, understanding, pride in our work, and a strong faith in the church are prominent in our families. The Slovenian Women’s Union is a way of preserving the Slovenian heritage in today’s busy world. Being a part of it has made me even prouder of my Slovenian nationality. In closing, I would like to extend a very special thank you to the Slovenian Women’s Union of America and to the Scholarship Committee. Thank you for making this opportunity possible. IHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinillllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIIMIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIMIIIIIIHIIMIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIHIIIIIIMIllliiiiiiiiiiiiiMlllllllllllll The Slovenian Women’s Union has enabled me to grow through learning and experiencing more about my Slovenian heritage. For the past seven years I have attended various group activities, such as Mother’s Day celebrations, dinner dances and folk festivals. Through these activities I have learned many traditional Slovenian songs and dances. I am especially fond of cooking the delicious Slovenian desserts, and I like eating them even better. Because of the success of all the activities in which I have participated, I can appreciate the intense planning and organization that is involved. Sharing my experiences with the other members helped build long-lasting friendships. The Slovenian Women’s Union has meant an intense sense of heritage, good music, fine food and especially nice people. The Union is the way to keep in touch with the traditions of the old country here in the United States. IMHIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIMIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIMIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIinMIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIUIIIIMlllMIIMIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIMIIIII The Slovenian Women’s Union is a link between my Slovenian heritage and myself. It tries to keep the customs of this heritage alive and active. The S. W.U. helps us to remember where and from whom we have come. It has been a part of my family for four generations, my great-grandmother was a charter member of Indianapolis Branch No. 5. Both of my parents' families originated in Slovenia. Ultimately, my great-grandparents and grandparents came to America and settled in Indiana bringing with them the customs and traditions of their homelands. My paternal grandfather, when / was a small child, would tel! me stories of his family life in Novo Mesto. My maternal grandmother expressed to us the value of being brought up in a total Catholic Slovenian environment. Now that / am older and / no longer have living grandparents to share with me their Slovenian history, / look to the S. W. U. to help me keep in touch with others having similar backgrounds, therefore, providing that special link between my heritage and myself. IIIMI lllllllll I I Hill II lllllllllllllll IIIHHIIIIII Mary Koroshec Anne E. Paulin Barbara Mohr Anita Kraus My name is Anita Marie Kraus. I have just graduated from St. Francis Academy in Joliet, Illinois. My first eight years of schooling were in my family’s parish, St. Joseph’s School. Being a fifth generation member of this parish, St. Joseph’s has great meaning for me and my family. Many years ago, St. Joseph’s was called the Austrian parish. The founders of St. Joseph’s were basically from one area in Austria and were Slovenian speaking people. My great-great grandfather, Anton Nemanich, was one of them. His daughter, my great grandmother, Francis Nemanich Kraus is a member of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America, as is my grandmother Anne Krasovic Kraus. I feel I have a great heritage and family that have worked to help build St. Joe’s and have a responsibility to keep our forefathers’ heritage strong. The traditions of my forefathers are still being carried on today in my community. My church celebrates its background annually with fairs, dinners and dances. I really enjoy these activities where my nationality plays a great part. The Slovenian Women’s Union of America unites the women from separate Slovenian parishes into one big community. It has helped me to relive the tradition of my ancestors’ past. I enjoy being in a Union in which I can identify my Slovenian heritage while living in the United States. Because the Slovenian Women’s Union of America is built on a strong Slovenian foundation, it has given me the potential to become a proud American Slovenian. IIIIIIIIIIIIKIVIIHIUIUUIHIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIMIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIII I was overjoyed to receive the news that I had won the $750.00 schoarship from the “Slovenian Women’s Union”, and especially because it was the Frances Sietz award. Mrs. Sietz was a member of my branch and a great Youth Promoter. I saw these qualities in her during the meetings and planning of the Cotillion Ball in which I was a Deb. “Slovenian Women’s Union” means more to me personally than just being a member for I am very proud to carry on the work and tradition that my grandmother, Ann Tercek, believes in and who is the Ohio-Michigan Regional President. I enjoy many Slovenian traditions such as Slovenian singing and dancing in our National Costumes. I await the arrival of the Dawn Magazine which I always read the Immigrant stories, also the recipes as I like to cook and bake. My grandmother and mother make many Slovenian dishes, but what stands in my mind most vividly is the Potica every Christmas and Easter. At the end of September I will be going to the Ohio State University and will be majoring in Nursing. I thank the “Slovenian Women’s Union of America” for giving me the opportunity to further continbe my education. IIIIIIIUIIIIIIMMIIMIHIIIIMIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIirMIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIII Sharon Mramor SEMI-ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND REPORT Dear Contributors: It is with deep gratitude that your contributions to the S.W.U. Scholarship Fund are acknowledged. These donations were received from Jan. 1 to July 1, 1983. Your thoughtfulness and generosity are sincerely appreciated which allow us to continue our worthwhile scholarship program. Contributor: In memory of: Amount: Emma Planinšek, Joliet, IL $ 10.00 Branch No. 16, S. Chicago, IL Pauline Kozul 5.00 Ivanka Matic, Euclid, OH Mary Novakovič, sister 15.00 Rose Ziherl, East Stuart, FL Thomas Ross, son-in- law 25.00 Mary Ermenc, Milwaukee, WI Frank Ermenc, husband 200.00 Br. 17, West Allis, W1 John Schaff Sr. 10.00 Anthony Orazem Family, Aurora, MN Shirley G. Orazem 10.00 The John Rosandich Family, Ely, MN Barbara Rosandich, S.W.U. Nat’l Auditor 25.00 Branch 20, Joliet, IL Barbara Rosandich 5.00 Mary Marolt, Joliet, IL Barbara Rosandich 5.00 Branch 103, Wash. D.C. 30.00 Frank A. Turek, Wickliffe, OH Antonia Turek, wife, S.W.U. Nat’l President 10.00 Slovenian Women’s Union of America Antonia Turek 25.00 Frances A. Nemanich, Euclid, OH Antonia Turek 10.00 Mary Bostian, Euclid, OH Antonia Turek 5.00 Jennie Feme, Cleveland, OH Antonia Turek 10.00 Edward and Olga Ancel Joliet, IL Antonia Turek 25.00 Antoinette Celesnik, Cleveland, OH Antonia Turek 10.00 Justine Pieman, Cleveland, OH Antonia Turek 5.00 Mary Ivanich, Joliet, IL John L. Jevitz 5.00 Br. 33, Duluth, MN Anne Kompare, S.W.U. Nat’l Vice-Pres. 25.00 Mary Marolt, Joliet, IL Anne Kompare 5.00 Anna Hodnik, Aurora, IL Anne Kompare 5.00 Mary Reshetar, Euclid, OH Marija Samsa, mother 5.00 Olga Samsa, Willowick Marija Samsa, mother-in-law 5.00 Helen Hrastar, Willowick Mike Nemeth, father 20.00 MOTHER OF THE YEAR Mary Ogrnec Vihtelic BR. 105, DETROIT Mary Ogrnec was born on November 29, 1888 in (Podgorje) Kamnik, Slovenia, the second of seven children. At the age of nineteen, she left her homeland for the United States. She settled in New York City, living with her older sister, Frances. She obtained employment doing housework while she learned the millinery trade which she practiced as soon as she could find a job in the industry. On November 22, 1914, Mary married Frank Vihtelic whom she met at a Slovene Singing Club. Mary and Frank moved to Detroit, Michigan in 1915 when Frank’s sister-in-law died leaving four young children. Mary was pregnant with her first child at the time, but pitched right in until her brother-in-law, John, remarried. During that time she taught the millinery trade to her niece, Marie Maisel, who also found a job making hats. Frank and Mary had three children - Frankie, Stanley and Pauline. Stanley is a retired General, U.S. Air Force; Pauline is the mother of three of Mary’s granddaughters; and Frankie, who died at the age of 51 leaving 9 children, was a metallurgist. At present count, Mary has fifteen grandchildren and sixteen greatgrandchildren. All of them are productive, useful citizens. One of her grandsons, Louis, is an inspector for an airline in Saudia Arabia; another, Larry, is a pilot with American Airlines; Frank is in the National Guard stationed in Alaska where he was a member of the Honor Guard during Pope John Paul II’s visit to Alaska. One of Mary’s grandsons, Johnny, was trapped under an overturned car for 16-1/2 days before he was found. His courage and resourcefulness during this time have been the subject of numerous newspaper and magazine articles. Mary joined the Slovenian Women’s Union of America, Branch 9, in Detroit as a charter member in 1932. Although she has not been active in recent years, her dues are always among the first to be paid. Although Mary Vihtelic, Mother of the Year of Br. 105, with her daughter, Pauline and son, Stanley at the Branch banquet in her honor. many of the original members of Branch 9 dropped out over the years, Mary stayed with the SWU because, as she puts it, “you never quit something you start”. Over the years, Mary has made several trips back to Slovenia. Another indication of her stamina is that she climbed up the Kamniške Pianine at the age of 70! In addition to raising her family, Mary worked for the Crown Hat Factory in Detroit for 42 years. Her husband, Frank, died in 1939 and Mary has been a widow for 42 years. She has been “grandma” to the children in her Dearborn neighborhood, baking cookies and listening to their problems for many years. Mary is an avid fan of the Detroit Tigers and still does her own cooking and baking. Our Mother of the Year for 1983, Mary Vihtelic, typifies the strong, hard working Slovenian immigrant who came to the United States in the early 1900’s. Many of our members had mothers and grandmothers of the same stock. We are proud to have Mary as a member of our Branch and congratulate her on her many accomplishments. We wish her many more years of good health, happiness with her family, and continued joy in living her life to the fullest. Reporter SCHOLARSHIP FUND CONTINUED: Contributor In Memory of: Amount: Helen Hrastar, Willowick Dorothy Hrastar, sister-in-law 15.00 Anna Buck and Gladys Buck, Chicago, IL Frances Hopkins 10.00 Anna Pachak, Pueblo, CO Johana Klun and Angela Roitz 5.00 Mary Jo Rom, Cleveland Harold R. Buscher, uncle 10.00 Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., OH Danica Ducic 5.00 Br. 32, Euclid, OH Antonia Jerkic 5.00 Br. 12, Milwaukee, WI Joanna Turk 5.00 John Turk, Milwaukee, WI Joanna Turk 5.00 Julia Pesec, Milwaukee, WI Joanna Turk 5.00 Ann Grambow, Milwaukee, WI Joanna Turk 5.00 Victoria Sporis, Milwaukee, WI Joanna Turk 5.00 Ursula Ruppc, Milwaukee, WI Joanna Turk 5.00 Louise Epley, Cleveland, OH Sister Matthew Marie 10.00 Rose Bavec, Cleveland, OH 5.00 Br. 16, Chicago, II Mary Jurich 5.00 Respectfully submitted, Hermine Dicke 5>tKI tMbtK A month of new beginnings for everyone, and especially the young, going away to school, leaving home for the first time. It will be a new experience for them and their parents, too, with an empty room to see. Before you know it, the children grow up and parents grow older and all they have left are memories of the past. These are times when finally the mothers feel free to attend meetings and get active in lodge work. It serves a dual purpose — to be entertained and also to reminisce about each others families. When we are at meetings, we hear good news and we hear bad news and the news of Lud Leskovar, Corinne’s dearly beloved husband’s death, has stunned us ali. We pray for God to give her strength in these trying times ahead. Again we have to say “PA GA NI VEČ”! Albina Uehlein Women’s Activities Director NO. 14: nothing but kind words and praises about the lovely people they met there. By the way, members are asked to bring donations of door prizes to our meetings in August, Sept. and Oct. to be awarded at our October Card Party. Deepest sympathy is extended to the family of member Anna M. Pavlovich who passed away in June. Also, condolences to members Olga Klanchar, Sylvia Ule, and Mary Jane Hiti on the death of their father, Anton Milavec. May God grant eternal rest on our deceased loved ones and provide comfort to their families. ALICE KUHAR NO. 16, SO. CHICAGO, IL Our June meeting was opened with a prayer by Mary Ann Sambol. Marge Prebil then gave a report on our Nat’l Convention. We were pleased to hear that our organization’s name remains unchanged. Her report was very interesting. Our lodge made plans for our Founders Day Mass on the first Sunday in November. Branch No. 16 was also represented at the convention with handmade items donated by Sylvia Spretnjak, Marge Prebil, Catherine Cerny and Gladys Buck, that were sold there for the Scholarship Fund. Plans were made to have a Penny Social at our October meeting in order to raise money for our Children’s Christmas Party. Also, there will be a $1.00 per child donation from Br. No. 16. Our Sunshine Prizes were won by Pauline Klobučar and Gladys Buck. Our June birthday celebrants were Ann Ksiazek and Marge Spretnjak, and in July Marge Prebil, Anna Buck and Mary Crnokrok. Get well wishes were sent to Mary Puterko and Loretta Paolone. Congratulations to Marge Prebil on the birth of her new granddaughter, Kristi Lin Nishimura. Remember, we will be taking reservations at the Sept. meeting for the trip to Joliet for the III.-Indiana State Convention in October. Andrea Krai won second place at ourS.W.U. Bowling Tournament. A sincere thank you Marge Spretnjak for taking notes at our last meeting, since my husband Ed, daughter Beki and I were in California to attend the graduation of our Daughter, Sheri from Brooks College, in Long Beach. Sheri graduated with honors - and now holds a position with Rich-Wili Import-Export Merchandisers in Los Angeles. ANDREA KRAL, Reporter NO. 17, WEST ALLIS, WI Reminder: On Sunday September 25, 1983, we will be celebrating our 55th anniversary combined with the Wisconsin Regional Convention. Sweets and coffee will be served from 9:00 to 9:30 A.M., and the convention meeting will follow immediately. At 11:30 a.m. Rev. Fred Smith, will officiate at the Holy Mass. After Mass, a cocktail hour and a banquet dinner at 1:00 p.m. with a short program. We will honor our organizer and honorary president, Josephine Schlossar, and 3 charter members, Josephine Nimmer, Mary Petrich, and Josephine Paucek. We will also honor the Woman of the Year, and the 50 year members, Emily Jeray, Mary Pauc, Justine Bertoncel, Antoinette Hagner, and Augustine Zoril. The dinner reservations must be made by September 15, 1983. Please call the secretary, 327-1444 or yours truly, 327-3871. Just received word that Anna Dries, of Janesville, WI, took a trip to Florida to visit with her aunt Mary Grasch, a former Milwaukean. Maybe she can convince her aunt to visit us for our 55th anniversary. Nice time to visit Wisconsin and also visit with your friends! Think about it, Mary! The USPEH Churus is going to make their first Fall appearance at our 55th Anniversary to be held at St. Mary’s Auditorium, So. 60th and W. Madison St. on the 25th of September. We look torward to hearing them. Ladies, we have the Pots & Pans cook book on hand. What a beautiful and lasting gift to give to the new bride, either as a shower or wedding gift! Best wishes and a speedy recovery is extended to Mary Ermenc, now convalescing at home, and Josephine Stariha, West Allis Memorial Hospital, and to all the shut ins. MARION M. MAROLT NO. 20, JOLIET, IL Corinne, we love you! We send our thoughts and prayers to you at this sad time. “It is possible to hear and obey the summons to move ahead when you don’t know where you are going — it is possible to find God in the dark.” Memories are golden. We send sympathy and thoughts of consolation to many of our members this month who have also experienced the loss of a loved one. To Rose Semrov on the death of her husband, Jacob; to Theresa Marentič, on the death of her sister Margaret; to Frances Kostelc, son Bob and wife Bernice, and Ann Kostelc, on the death of husband Anton, father and brother. Bernice belonged to the Cadet Drill Team, and Bob was its manager for many years. To Mary Ivanich on the death of her sister Helen; to Mayme Fedo on the death of her son Robert; Dorothy Koncar, on the death of her brother Robert Fedo, and daughters Diane Tyzner and Marcia on the death of their father; to Frances Higgins and daughter Jennifer on the death of their husband and father, William. This hot weather spell has taken its toll on the health of some of our members; we send get well wishes to Bernice Skrinar, Bernice Plankar, Mary Mutz, Josephine Erjavec and Ann Sternisha. Also to Joe Gregory, husband of Evelyn, who has been hospitalized for 5 weeks, and to Millie Briski’s husband Tony who has been confined to the hospital again. Wedding congratulations go to Cyndi and Sonny Conte who were married in May. Cyndi is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Louis Fabian. Congratulations to Sharon and William Grossklauss who were married in June. Sharon is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hulbert. Congratulations to Beverly Tribbett and Jim Scheidt who are about to be married. Jim is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Scheidt; his mom is one of our trustees. The Joseph Grezetich family has two weddings to celebrate this year; son Steve and Kathy Hurt were married in May and daughter Christine Marie will be married to Charles Deeg in August. Anniversary congratulations are in order for the Erjavecs, their 63rd. A little family celebration was held; among guests present was their bridesmaid Mayme Fedo and husband; sisters Frances Stonisch and Tressa Sepich and brother Winte Erjavec and his wife and Josephine Muster. A 48th anniversary was celebrated by Catherine and Felix Peraud; 35th anniversaries were celebrated by Stan & Mary Marolt and Agnes & A1 Lovati. We have another bit of good news to share. Michael L. Papesh, grandson of Ann Papesh will be ordained in September in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. This is an occasion of great pride. We congratulate the whole family and to Michael, God’s blessings. Lillian Brule, artist for the Miners Project, has received yet another honor. Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, Archbishop of Chicago has appointed her to a newly formed resource committee for pastors and parishioners involved in the building and remodeling of places of worship. She is one of fourteen members. The Kraus girls have added another accomplishment to their ever growing list. Annette has been named a member of the cheerleading team at Marquette University and Anita has been awarded a SWU Scholarship. Continued success in every endeavor. Roman Possedi, member of Branch 20, was honored at a surprise birthday party given by his band members at Union Hall in Chicago. Who played?? Our annual Grape Festival Dance will be held on September 24, at St. Joseph’s Parish Park Hall with Ken Juricic furnishing the music. This has been such a fun time in the past, this year’s should even be better. All committees have been chosen; beef, smokies and strudel will be served, along with all kinds of liquid refreshments. The Mayor and wife for the evening’s celebration will be chosen, along with all the necessary officers to form the entourage. Come, you’ll have a good time. Branch 20 will be hosting the State Convention in October, on the first Sunday. After the convention meeting and mass, a dinner will be served at the beautiful Renaissance Center. Hope you are planning to attend; a great day is in the making. Along with the Convention we will be honoring our 50 year members; Johanna Rogel, Emma Planinšek, Jennie Konopek, Antonia Susterich, Justine Gregorich, Thresa Juricic, Josephine Sumic, Frances Vraničar and Helen Darin. Bring family and friends; the dinner is $10.00 and we’re having scrumptious Stuffed Pork Chops with all the trimmings! While you’re in the area, stop at the home office and check out our new supply of T-shirts “It’s in every sLOVEnian”, buttons, Pots and Pans Cookbooks and other Slovenian articles and of course admire the home office. Our fall meeting schedule begins Sept. 20th at the Parish Park Hall at 7 p.m., just four days before the Grape Festival Dance. Come to get the latest details for the dance and the convention which will be the following week. Our Junior picnic had to be cancelled; first because of the weather and then because of deaths in families. Next year will be better. Call me if you have any bits of information you would like to share with us, we’re always interested in what keeps our members going. Till next month, keep cool! HELEN PLUT NO. 20. JOLIET. IL Bowling News Believe it or not it’s that time of the year again! Our season gets into full swing September 12, 1983 6:30 p.m. at Rivals Bowl. Our officers for the 1983-84 season are: President, Judy Derlinga; Vice President, Polly Bick; Secretary, Judy Kozol; Treasurer, Mary Kay Demick; Sgt-At-Arms, Kathy Lovati; Sunshine Chairman, Dorothy Horvat. Our 1982-83 final standings: SWU, Br. 20 48-1/241-1/2 NRC 47-1/2 42-1/2 Fred C. Dames Funeral Home 46 44 Slovenian Home 43 41 Merichka’s Rest. 42-1/2 47-1/2 Tezak’s Funeral Home 42-112 47-112 Our tnp five bowlers were-Judy Derlinga 158 Lorraine Rothlisburger 158 Vicki Bernickas 157 Marj Wajchert 154 Betty Fassiotto 151 Most improved bowler was Polly Sternisha, 13 pins from 113 - 146. Congratulations are also in order for Polly who married in May. She is now, Mrs. Henry Bick! Well, we’ll see you at the lanes on Mondays! JUDY KOZOL, Secretary 6 Room Apartment for Rent 431 N. Chicago St., Joliet, Illinois 60432 Heat and water provided. Call Home Office for information 727-1926 NO. 21, WEST PARK, OH Hello, ladies. Vacation time is over and it’s time to go back to work. Hope you all had a nice vacation, good health and happiness. Reminder, our meeting will be on the 2nd Wednesday, Sept. 14th at 1 p.m.... don’t forget your obligation and take care of dues for the year. We would appreciate your taking care of this matter. Some of the ladies have been confined in the hospital and we want to wish them a speedy recovery. They are Lillian Lunder and Edith Cimperman. On behalf of Br. 21, our deepest condolences to Corinne Leskovar and family upon the death of her husband, Lud. May his soul rest in peace. Congratulations to Frances Cimperman, grandmother of 17 who writes that May and June have been busy months for her as six grandchildren graduated from schools in Wisconsin, So. Carolina and Cleveland. What a blessing and joy it has been to be able to participate in these celebrations, she says. Lillian Lunder, our former recording secretary has become a great grandmother for the first time as James David was born to Jeanne and Michael Reichert, her granddaughter and husband. Best wishes to all on this event. Many thanks to Molly Strle and Mary Gorsek for your donations to our treasury. We wish all our ailing members a fast recovery and all the birthday ladies, many happy returns. God bless you all. STELLA DANCULL NO. 22, BRADLEY, IL True to the season, the summer’s heat made its oppressive debut June 21, when we met at Anna LaMon-tagne’s home but, being the gracious hostesses they are, Anna and her sister Mollie McIntyre made us comfortable with air-conditioning and provided us a most pleasant evening. With even a few members missing at our meetings there is a void as deep as a canyon. People do have legitimate reasons for their absences. Marge Planton, for one, was awaiting the momentary arrival of her brother John Spreitzer. He was stopping in Bradley on his way to Colorado Springs, there to be with his son and to enjoy his retirement. So, after the completion of routine business our president Mary Spreitzer Rittmanic picked up her raffle prize and went off to join this family reunion, leaving our group further diminished! Happenings galore in the Rittmanic family keep Mary busy and beaming. To the question: Is there a doctor in the house? Mary answers, TWO! They are her grandsons, Karl and Mark Hoffmann; Dr. Karl H. now in active practice in Wisconsin and Dr. Mark H., a recent summa cum laude graduate from the U. of Wisconsin Medical School at Madison. We congratulate them and also their proud parents, Helen and Matt Hoffmann, who were recognized by the Medical Department as outstanding parents. Mary is equally proud of her daughters, Barbara and Katie, dedicated nurses who are continuously advancing in their professions. Might as well continue with more congratulations: to Anna Jamnik on her 85th birthday, August 29; to Lisa Metschuleit, grand- daughter of Mollie McIntyre, married on July 2, and to Frank Znidarsich upon winning an open tennis tournament at Cobb Park, retaning “last year’s advanced crown”. Did you know that L-o-v-e in tennis means no score, just plain nothing, but to us unathletic folk, l-o-v-e is the vital force that makes the world go ‘round? English is sure a funny language. By the way, Frank is the son of our member Emma. And best wishes to all! The Joe Sebastiani and John Starasinish families did a tremendous job in co-chairing the local Slovenian picnic 011 July 24 at Leo’s Acres. What pleasure in greeting former Bradleyans and meeting new friends and in enjoying the company of our own townspeople. They came from far and near: Rose Barothy and Mary Ann from Indianapolis and friend Hilda from Los Angeles; the Stefanich sisters, Mary Widmar and Bernadette Kresovich, from Chicago; Frances Vraničar from Fort Lauderdale, with sister Rose of Joliet, and Mrs. and Mrs. John Novak from Chicago. It was a nice gathering, to be repeated again same time, same place next year! Into each life, some rain must fall. With suddenness it has left sadness all about. To Corinne Leskovar and children n Chicago and to the Joseph Chiodo family in San Francisco we offer our sympathies and prayers in the loss of their loved ones. May they rest in peace. EMMA LUSTIG, Reporter __________NO. 23, ELY, MN____________ Our May meeting was well-attended and very impressive. After a prayer, a delicious pork dinner was served by Britton’s Cafe. Pres. Mary Petritz introduced our Woman of the Year 1983, Mary Gotchnik. our Reporter gave her life history. She also read congratulatory cards from all her children and grandchildren. Frances Pengal, program chairman, introduced Miss Lorene Kosir, our Ely Queen, and Justina Pulies who sang several solos and duets. They were accompanied by Bonnie Starkman at the piano. Our two living charter members were introduced. They are Katherine Slogar and Katherine Kapsch. Each was presented a gift. Margaret Shuster and her committee decorated the tables in a blue and white motif with a water fountain. They did a beautiful job! Our Woman of the Year wore a blue dress, too. After dinner, Marv Gotchnik entertained us on her ac-cordian. Our guests included Father Larson and Father Hughes. A beautiful poem called “Friends” was read by Ann Saari at the June meeting. Over 50 members and guests attended. Mary Petritz and Angie Skala reported on the convention held in Chisholm. Social members dues will be $8.00 per year. A discussion was held on having a picnic in August. Katherine Slogar was reported as a sick member. Mary Palcher and Mary Gotchnik entertained the group as “Mima” and “Tina”. They dressed up in old-fashioned clothes. During lunch, Mary Gotchnik played several numbers on her accordian. Mary Jamnik and her committee served a delicious lunch. Card “B” concluded the evening’s entertainment. MARYPALCHER NO. 24, LA SALLE, IL We haven’t held any meetings during the hot summer months so there isn’t much to report. Our membership was shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Lud Leskovar. We offer our heartfelt sympathy to Corinne and her family. May God grant his soul eternal rest! Several of our members were able to personally offer their sympathy to Corinne at the visitation and funeral. A special thank you to Angela Nico for driving us. Matthew Ilman recently graduated with honors from La Salle Catholic School. Matthew is quite an artist; he won first place prize in the IVC Hospital Poster contest, a repeat performance as he won first place the previous year. Best wishes for continued success with your education as you enter high school, Matthew. Mary Gramce was in Lemont on July 17th, enjoying Zveza Day. Mary Predanich has been hospitalized at IVC Hospital in Peru. We hope this finds her feeling better. Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the Resurrection Church Rectory. We will be completing arrangements for our Bake Sale which will be held in the La Salle Catholic School gym on Saturday, September 24th. We ask each member to be generous in donating baked goods, as this is our only project to raise funds for our SWU activities. Plan to attend our meeting and insure a successful sale. ANNE M. WANGLER Reporter NO. 25, CLEVELAND, OH When cold January rolls around, maybe we can try to warm ourselves with the memories of this summer’s heat waves! One of the best things about summer is vacation! Frances Novak spent a month in Europe recently. Frances Laurich made a journey back to her hometown in northern Minnesota. Hope all of our travelers have safe and happy trips. Unfortunately, some of our members have been in the hospital recently. We wish a speedy recovery to Jennie Feme, Marie Kovacic, and Emilee Jenko. In July, Joseph Jaklic, the dear brother of Rose Levstek, passed away. May he rest in peace. ♦ * * At the June meeting, our convention delegates told about the many things that were accomplished in Chisholm. There was a discussion of the changes and a plea was made for new members. Junior members are especially welcome to join, since they will assure the continuance of the Slovenian Women’s Union. For membership information and/or applications, don’t hesitate to call the Secretary-Treasurer, Cirila Kermavner at 881-4798. There will be a 50/50 moneymaking project at the September 13th meeting. And, of course, there will also be the “B” games that we enjoy so much. Hope to see you there! Happy Birthday to Mary Brajdič! On September 15th, she will be celebrating 101 years. God bless you, Mary! CECELIA KERMAVNER NO. 32, EUCLID, OH Since I was gone the better part of July, I wish all who had birthdays and anniversaries belated best wishes. For those who were ill, good health with the hope you are all sound and well again. Our June meeting included the report on our annual picnic which was very enjoyable and as usual we had our two musicians, Hank Kersman and Chuck Krivec for our dancing and listening pleasure. The annual Memorial Mass will be 011 Sept. 21st at 7:00 p.m. at St. Christine’s church — not in October as planned. Our sympathy to Mary Drenik whose son, William passed away in June. Congratulations to 1st time grandmother, Dorothy Lamm whose daughter Denise Kneisley had a girl, Stephanie Ann 011 May 20th. Also, to Ann Rossman whose daughter, Barbara Melgalham had a boy, James Foster, on July 2nd. Louise Demojzie and her husband were married 36 years on June 28th TWO NATIONAL TREASURERS Mary Marolt, out-going and Sylvia Vukodin-ovich, newly elected, join hands in a relaxing moment at the Convention, while... Delegates Mary Lou Prhne (Br. 42) and Angeline Voytko (Br. 40) match winning smiles. and Sophie and John Skopitz, 46 years July 30th. Congratulations! We are very proud of our Twirlettes who won first prize at three parades in May and June in Euclid, Chardon and Chagrin Falls. Happy birthday to Ann Rossman, Louise Demojzie and Jo Skabar. Travelers this summer include Ann Chinchar and her husband to Pittsburgh to celebrate Ann’s cousin’s 40th anniversary; Ann Urban went to England to visit relatives; Agnes Ward to Wyoming in May to attend her granddaughter Nancy Rolhron’s graduation. Nancy won a 4 year scholarship to Wyoming State University. Sophie Skopitz is looking forward to having her two grandsons visiting for the summer. They reside in Glencarbon, Illinois. My sister, Jo Jevec and I traveled to Slovenia. Caroline Lokar and Emily Kersman and their spouses spent a week at the Enon Valley campsite in June. We wish you all a happy time and will see you at the Sept. meeting. * * * As you know, my sister, Jo Jevec and I went to Slovenia with Cilka Dolgan and her group. There were twenty of us, including singers, button box players and the Sumrada brothers band. Altogether there were fifty in the group. We arrived in Ljubljana on June 30th. Instead of touring with the group the first week, we opted for staying in the city to get acquainted with same and to get in touch with our relatives. We were met at the hotel by our cousin, Ivanka Habjan, our mother’s niece. Another relative, her sister, Pepca Sajovic, with whom we had corresponded for years, died two years ago. Jo had visited her on her first trip to Ljubljana. Her son, Jože Sajovic came from Rakovnik which is a suburb of Ljubljana to drive us to meet his wife Sonja and son Luka. The next day we went to Vas Luče, near Grosuple. Ivanka lives in the house that our mother, Marjeta Habjan Jamnik, was born in one hundred years ago. There is no running water and she uses the neighbor’s facilities (one holer). Despite all, she is happy and contented with her 2 pigs and her chickens. Will continue next month. ESTHER GARBINCUS NO. 33. DULUTH, MN Father Willard Spehn led the Rosary to begin our “Mother of the Year” meeting honoring Doris “Dodie” Skull May 4. Tributes by her two daughters; “Buttonbox serenade” by husband Bill; songs by KSKJ Singers made an enjoyable evening for the 95 members in attendance. Our “Penny Social” that took in $86.00 was fun. Thanks to Dorothy Jacobson who donated beautiful cake. Liz Smolnikar donated 3 lbs of coffee. Attendance prize for May $15.00 won by Bertha Panyan and $5.00 by Nancy Scanlon for June. Chosen as Queen of the Month for June Matilda Budimir and for August Peggy Collard. Janice Waltner (Burlovich) presented a program on “Chemical Dependency” in June. Sharon Baker and Donna Carl had craft program in April. Our Branch membership well represented at Chisholm National Convention. Also husbands there: Bill and John Skull, Bill Spehar, Tony Zupancich, Nick & Bob Rukavina, Ed and Joe Panyan, Charles Ostazeski, Tom Caskey and Martin Heski. A very enjoyable day for all. Prayers of sympathy; Anna Sever (87) 40 year member to daughters Virginia Mikrut, Althea Tverbeg; also to Loretta Immerfall and Florence Burger - husbands. Sick List includes Mary Skender, Mary Mega and Jane Purdy. Congratulations; Mary Morris and Fran Blatnik - twins; Mary Hin-nenkamp and Betty Mrak. New social member is Mildred Olsen. Branch voted to make donation of $100.00 to scholarship fund at Convention. Visit to Virginia Mikrut’s daughter in England by her and Helen Mosack and on to Yugoslavia and Rome. Congratulations to Susan Skull, one of our young mothers, who organized the KSKJ singing group. They sang July 30 at Ethnic Day at the Depot (Museum) in Duluth. Ethnic foods were sold. The group did an excellent job. All of the women are members of Branch No. 33 and the group also includes some of the husbands. Doris Skull was responsible for working out many of the details for the Depot program and making costumes for men singers. Our branch is very proud of our many women who go out of their way for others. Prayers of sympathy to Florence Burger, brother; Alice Cacich, sister; Ann Maki, Mary Chivotti, Julia Le Brasseur, Angeline Jaskari, their father, and Corinne Leskovar, husband. Mass for recovery for Nancy Scanlon. Congratulations to Margaret (Mrak) Boben, son; and grandmothers Ruth Boben and Betty Mrak. LOIS PELANDER ZARJA—THE DAWN ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS SLOVENIAN MINER AND LABORER MEMORIAL June and July, 1983 MEMORIAMS Individuals $100.00 Joseph Musich of Hibbing, MN $25.00 given by daughter Mary Dr. Joseph Gorsic, Elmhurst, IL Emmanuel, Keewatin, MN As a Thank You to Branch No. 38, Paul Emanuel given by wife Mary of Chisholm, MN from National Keewatin, MN Auditor, Irene Jagodnik. Organizations $100.00 $5-00 Slovenska Družba, Willard, WI . Ann Arko, Chisholm, MN, Frances £25 qo Champa, Chisholm, MN American Mutual Life Assn of Ohio, No. 2 of Cleveland, OH Interest 57 // Balance May 31, '83..........................................$16,464.38 June <6 July Inc.................................................392.11 Total July 31, '83...........................................$16,856.49 CONVENTION COMMENTS... Really enjoyed our trip to Chisholm. The people are beautiful, friendly, helpful in so many ways. The folks that came to get us at the airport... the drivers that picked us up and took us to our dinners, luncheons, church... thank you so much! The Polka Mass was so pretty. The singing... I just cannot say enough about it all. It was a pleasure and I hope we will meet again. God bless. Frances Skul Br. 3, Pueblo, CO I certainly enjoyed the activities as well as the convention - most of all, meeting so many new friends. Angie Voytko Br. 40, Lorain, OH Donors write sharing their thoughts with us “Please add the enclosed check for $75 to the $25 previously sent in loving memory of Marie and John Prisland. May their names be included on your Slovenian Miner’s Memorial plaque. This worthwhile project is a beautiful tribute to our Slovenians. Sincerely, Bob & Hermine Dicke Madison, WI” “This contribution is being made in memory of my Grandfather, Anton Berdice (Berdajs), Sr., who was killed in a mining accident in the Miller Mine in Aurora, Minnesota on Dec. 11, 1923. Barbara Berdice Vodovnik Bloomington, MN” “Our sister lives in Richmond Hgts., OH and works in the Slovenian Home for the Aged where she reads ‘ZARJA — The Dawn’. She sent us the articles on the memorial to be erected in Chisholm, MN. We are enclosing a check in the amount of $100 towards this memorial so our father, Frank G. Turk’s name will be also inscribed on the memorial. This donation is being given by his children, Christine Turk of Ohio, Debbie Turk Krall, Sandy Turk Hammer, Frank Dusty Turk, and Cathy Jo Turk, the last four from Eveleth, MN. Sincerely, Debbie Krall Richmond Hts., OH” “Enclosed is a check for $10.00 in memory of John Putzel of Aurora, MN. His dad, Joe Putzel was a miner on the Iron Range and his mother, Josephine Putzel, is a member of Br. 35, Aurora. Joseph and Molly Boben Keewatin, MN” “Dear Members of S.W.U. I’m sorry I cannot contribute a larger amount, but I do wish to send it in memory of my father, Stefano Ruttar who worked in the Pennsylvania Coal Mines. Edith Drawenek Fontana, CA” “We are enjoying the articles on the Slovenian Miners and Laborers Memorial and especially ‘Sharing a Dream’ by Lillian Brule, the artist. It is most interesting to be with her in her development of such a worthy and deserving cause, thru her talent, as an artist. Donation $10 is enclosed. Ferd & Pauline V. Klobučar Br. 16, So. Chicago, IL” “Dear Olga, enclosed check for $200.00 for the Slovenian Miners’ and Laborers’ Memorial. Said memorial is for the late Louis J. Zefran from wife and children. Elizabeth Zefran Louis R. and Marilyn Zefran Chicago, IL” “Enclosed is a check for $300.00 so that my husband, John Furlong, formerly of Bovey, MN, his father, Steve Furlong and my father, Ignace Schwrtz, will have their names inscribed in the Miners and Laborer’s Memorial at the Interpretative Center in Chisholm. My husband experienced every type of labor because he started to work in the mines as a teenager. We are proud of our fathers, both deceased, who gave of their strength and energy in the mines on the Mesaba Range to help make this country great. p.S. — My mother, Veronica Schwartz, joined the Slovenian Women’s Union in 1937 at Keewatin and now belongs to the Hibbing lodge No. 56. I am a social member of the same chapter, sponsored by Irene Odorizzi. In her book, ‘Footsteps Thru Time’ my mother’s story is on page 123 while my mother-in-law’s story in on page 71. John’s mother passed away in 1980 but my mom is 90 and lives in an apartment 3 blocks from us. These two were fantastic women; we should emulate their courage and positive outlook. Fritzi Furlong Menomonie, WI” Frances Seitz Scholarship Fund Donations The Frances Sielz Scholarship is actually funded from Clevaland by Br. 50, from devoted members who lovingly and wholeheartedly raised this money in Frances ’ memory. $100: Donna Bischof and Frank Seitz; $25: S.W.U. Br. No. 10; S.W.U. Br. No. 14; $20: S.W.U. Br. No. 68; $15: Rev. Father Victor N. Tome (Pastor, St.Mary’s); Josephine Seelye. $10: Josephine Gilek, Anna Lukek, Ann Tereek, Donna Bischolf, Ernestine Jevec, Betty Lee Gorgon, Mamie Marin, Josephine Misic, S.W.U. Twirlettes, Mary Jo Rom, Ivanka Matic, Amelia Gad, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Jagodnik, Molly Mauer, Diane Bencin, Sherri Bencin, Frances Nemanich, Anne Rijavec, Mary Susnik, Mary Marinko, Ann Winter, Vi Zak, Frances Mausser, S.W.U. Br. 40, Jean Žagar, Jean Križman; $6: Irene Jagodnik; $5: Frances, Josephine and Marie Bencin, Vida Rupnik, Justine Pieman, Rose Želodec, Fran Marold, Mary Winter, Christine Leskovec, Ann Cooke, S.W.U. Br. 32, Gertrude Laurich, Mary Sterling, Anne Stekar, Ernestine Jevec, Ella Skoda, Josephine Sieworek, Marie Azman, Ann Kristoff, Helen Hrastar, Marge Maslar, Sylvia Vegney, Mary DeLost, Angie Shine, Mary Kovelan, Mary O’Kicki, Josephine Rotter, Sophie Koplan, Dorothy Tusek, Carol Kalic, Donna Fornadley, Mary Petrie, Helen Levstik, Anna L. Hodnik, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Prhne, Molly Mauer, Pauline Klemenc, Hermine Prevesk, Josephine Trunk, Sophie Zagorc, Rose Bavec, Rose Skully, Helen Raplenovic, Mary Vukčevič, Anne Parker, Nettie Leslie, Mary Cesnik, Bea Tome, Marie Dolinar, Vera Nosan, Jane Berkopee, Mary Wolf, Mary Petrovič, Mary Sinkovič, Jane Somrack, Helen Bonae, Caroline Budan, Ann B. Hočevar, Ann Orlikowski, Alice Bozic; $3: Jane Vidic; $2: James Bradek, Fanny Kaltenbaeh, Rosemary Mam, Mary Perusek, Theresa Petrich; 1: Mary Klemenčič. Heartiest thanks to all our generous members! “Please be advised that this is the list of donations for Frances Seitz Scholarship Fund for 1983. All other names and donations will be printed later for 1984 Scholarship Fund donations.” Dorothy Winter THANKS Lud and Albina Savel (Perusek) were married 25 years ago, July 19, 1958. Albina is a member of Br. 10, Cleveland (Collinwood). We were happy to be reminded that their picture was printed in ZARJA on that occasion. They have sent us the following note that expresses their gratitude to all who participated in their anniversary celebration. * * * Many thanks to Bernie and Klsie Zalar of Willowick, Ohio who gave us the surprise anniversary party at their home on Sunday, July 17th, 1983 and thanks to our immediate family and bridal party w ho were there to help us celebrate. Thanks to Rev. Victor Tome. He renewed our marriage vows that day. Our relatives and friends from Florida and California all helped to make the occasion festive. We thank them and all for the gifts and cards we received. God bless each and everyone who made our 25th Anniversary so wonderful for us to remember always. LUD & ALBINA SAVKL itiorv i'Of gMCATtON LRSHH-* Fran’s picture and a commemorative plaque are on display at the SWU Heritage Room. MOURN FATHER DEMSHAR Rev. Ferdinand Demshar, pastor of St. Mary Assumption Church in Pittsburgh (Lawrenceville) passed away June 25, 1983. He was 69 at the time of his unexpected death. He was an Army Chaplain and awarded with various medals especially during the Korean War when he was a Captain. Fr. Demshar was the pastor of St. Mary’s since 1966; previous to this he was assistant pastor. He is survived by three sisters and a brother. Mary Slaney, secretary of Br. 26, wrote the following report which tells a little of his funeral. * * * Rev. Demshar was the Spiritual Advisor of Br. 26 and did anything that was asked of him. He was wonderful and gladly served all our needs. His funeral was large — the church packed with people and his fellow priests. He was well-known among the old and the young. He had been sick for well over a year, and we knew it but we never thought he would be gone so soon. He was a fighter and always made it back to better health. He died in his sleep and was found by parishioners who had been waiting for him to begin the morning mass. Now we are anxious about our church. It’s too beautiful to be turned into a Mission Church. Only time will tell. We shall always remember him with fondness and respect. God bless him and grant him eternal peace. L. MINUTES OF THE 19TH NATIONAL CONVENTION OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA St. Joseph’s Church Hall, Chisholm, Minnesota May 23-24, 1983 REPORTS OF NATIONAL OFFICERS REPORT OF NATIONAL PRESIDENT Rev. Father Lovrenčič, National Officers, Delegates and guests: As your President, it is my pleasure to extend sin-cerest greetings to each here present, this our 19th National Convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union. Since our last convention in 1979, the term of office for the Board has been extended. A meeting with Deputy Director of Insurance for the State of Illinois was arranged and he suggested a way the law could be amended to allow our organization, as a burial society, to elect four year terms; also to hold conventions every four years. This was a great help to us financially. We have lost many dedicated members since our last convention; several served on the Board and will have to be replaced at this session. The campaign for new members has been encouraging. 1 am deeply grateful to these diligent workers who ever strive to increase our ranks. We are again meeting in beautiful Minnesota, through the efforts of the Chisholm committee and look forward to enjoying their gracious hospitality. Many thanks for your efforts. It is rewarding when we read in ZARJA about the success of various State Conventions made possible through the diligent work of our Regional Presidents; they are the nucleus that binds us together. Also, my appreciation to our local officers, who constantly strive to keep members interested in branch activities. This is important; we need the input of all. At this time I want to especially note the help and understanding of the Board members during my term of office. You have been a joy to work with. Also, corresponding with various branches, I felt brought me many new friends, whom I shall cherish. You have been considerate when I was unable to attend our functions or help with your problems. This cooperation is what keeps us together in Slovenian Women’s Union. Our hope is for a successful convention, with consideration for our future and determination to make our ZVEZA top priority. Let us show love and kindness to our sister-members and remember we arc all God’s creatures. May God Walk With You. Mary Muller REPORT OF NATIONAL SECRETARY My most sincere greetings to one and all. To be back in beautiful Minnesota or God’s Country is a lovely encore. 1 am most appreciative lo the Chisholm hostesses for all their concern and hard work with the convention preparations, as well as to all Minnesota members for their kindnesses and hospitality. Two important topics for any organization are membership and finances. Membership — The Slovenian Women’s Union is experiencing the same unfavorable trend as in all fraternal or burial insurance organizations - loss of members particularly in the under 18 age group. Our decline in membership amounted to 1,435 of which 707 were deceased members and 587 were lost due to the dues increase of the last convention. However, the current trend shows our decline has stabilized. As of the end of the year, there were 23 branches that had an increase or remained at the same level as in the previous year. Comparison of Membership by Age Group 1978 % 1982 % 20 and Under 1695 18.8 1245 16.4 21 to 40 1208 13.4 894 11.8 41 to 60 2214 24.6 1726 22.8 61 to 80 3081 34.2 2899 38.3 Over 80 814 9.0 813 10.7 9012 100.0 7577 100.0 As one can see, young membership is badly needed. Approximately 1/4 of our membership is under forty years of age. Financial Condition — During the four year period ending December 31, 1982, we had a net gain of $63,568.00 reflecting Total Assets of $724,225.00. The increased dues coupled with a higher investment yield primarily contributed to this favorable trend. The % yield on Investments rose from 7.98% as of December 1978 to 9.3% at December 1982. Considering the inflationary increase in utility costs, taxes and other maintenance costs and the drastic increase in ZARJA publication and mailing costs, we made a wise move at the last convention in increasing dues. In 1978 our average cost for one issue of the ZARJA was $2,950.00, in 1982 the cost was $4,790.00, which means we are paying 67« for each member’s copy for each issue. It will be noted that in 1982 (with only ten issues of the ZARJA) we paid $47,864.00 for the publication or 67.5% of the total assessments collected. But what can we do without the ZARJA. ZARJA is Zveza. It is surprising the number of compliments that are received for the ZARJA from men, primarily husbands of Slovenian Women’s Union members. This is a reflection of the excellent editorship of Corinne Leskovar, who provides for the readers an interesting and informative magazine of superb workmanship. The triennial audit by the Illinois Insurance Department in 1981 directed our organization to take measures to reduce expenses to a level equal to our less than 65% of the assessments collected. In an effort to comply with the provisions of the Illinois Insurance Code the Board of Directors at their meeting in February 22 and 23 initiated the following measures to decrease expenses: 1. Adopted a four-year convention cycle as opposed to the previously required three-year cycle. 2. Eliminate at least two monthly editions of the ZARJA, as well as reducing the number of publication pages. In conjunction the Editor volunteered to reduce her salary accordingly. 3. Placed a moratorium on officers travels and decrease social expenses. Thanks to the efforts of our legal advisor Mr. Bernard Kompare. He had obtained a deviation from the Insurance Department to segregate the Social function of the organization and classify ZARJA expense as Social and thereby conform to the 65% rule. Furthermore, to keep expenses below the 65% level we will have to cover all Convention Expenses from Cookbook Sales or other revenue. For this convention we have a totaf of $22,300.00 to cover expenses. Since the organization is paying a per diem allowance, it is suggested that we do not exceed a total 3-day allowance of $100.00. This payment plus transportation expenses and miscellaneous convention expense will among to approximatley $23,000.00, which will keep us in our budget. Most heartfelt gratitude is due Hermine Dicke, husband Bob and brother Ted Prisland, as without their dedication and hard work with “Pots and Pans” our Convention Fund would indeed be insufficient. Recommendations — In order to keep within our projected income and comply with the Illinois Department Insurance Code, I recommend the following: 1. Freeze officers or employee wages. 2. Keep ZARJA at nine or ten issues per year with reduced number of pages. 3. No Convention expenses be paid from the General Fund. (Note: If all cookbooks we have printed are sold, we should have a Convention Fund of at least $20,000 for the next convention.) Throughout the past seven years of my secretaryship, I have enjoyed meeting personally and via mail many of our members, as well as branch officers and especially dedicated secretaries, who so conscientiously take care of their members and send in the dues. I enjoyed working with every member of the national board, who always displayed their deep concern and interest for our Zveza. God bless you all! Olga Ancel REPORT OF THE TREASURER Rev. Clergy, National Officers, Delegates to this 19th Convention of the Slovenian Women’s Union, here in Chisholm, Minnesota: The past four (4) years, ending December 31, 1982 have been financially successful, in spite of the serious bad economy of the country. This was due to a concentrated effort by the National Board to not only cut any fat, (which there really wasn’t any), but also to cut the meat out of spending. All of the Slovenian Women’s Union members should be commended too for their cooperation in these matters. There was a gain of $63,568.00 for the four (4) year period or an approximate gain of $15,892,00 per year. This is a substantial gain considering all of the increased costs and expenses of the past four (4) years. During the past four (4) years 1 have fulfilled the duties as Treasurer by maintaining a record of all recipts and disbursements of the organization, signed all the checks presented to me, and deposited all of the monies of the organization in the banks. 1 have participated in the securing of the investments and documents of the Slovenian Women's Union, and the safe keeping of these important documents. I have attended the National Board meetings and participated in the deliberations and policy making of the Slovenian Women’s Union organization. I, as a Treasurer, encouraged increase membership in the organization. Promoted Slovenian heritage and fraternalism of the organization, and participated in most of the activities of the organization. I have a personal statement or recommendation for the good of the Slovenian Women’s Union. I am in favor of a two (2) term office for the National Treasurer. This allows more flexibility and newer ideas to enter into the organization. I am also in favor of the National Treasurer working part time. This would create a part time position for the National Treasurer. This would allow the National Treasurer to work closer with the National Secretary in the Home Office, to handle the day to day business of our organization. I believe the organization would be the sole benefit of this arrangement. When I accepted the nomination and elected position as Treasurer of this great organization, at the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania convention in 1976, it was with the knowledge that 1 would serve for nor more than two (2) terms, which according to the By-laws is six (6) years. I also accepted the extra one (1) year extension, because of the change in Illinois insurance department laws, where we could hold a convention every four (4) years. From the very beginning I agreed to fulfill this committment, and hope and pray I did so successfully. I will not be a candidate for National Treasurer at this convention. I will still be active in our local Branch, (perhaps not necessarily as an officer) for as long as I am able. Since our last convention I have fulfilled the duties of Treasurer, encouraged new membership, and participated in many programs. During the past seven (7) years I have met many good friends in the organization. I have enjoyed working with my dear friend Olga Ancel and all of the members of the National Board. I have enjoyed my terms as National Treasurer. I shall look back upon it as one of the most exciting times in my life. I want to thank all of the Board members and the other members of all the Branches for this opportunity to serve you. I would especially like to thank Joliet’s Branch No. 20 for their continued support and encouragement. In November 1982 I was elected to the Will County Board of Supervisors, and I now have many new duties and responsibilities, along with many meetings to attend. I hope that this convention will be successful in our endeavors and deliberations. May God bless all of you and continue to bestow His blessings on the Slovenian Women’s Union of America organization. It has been a privilege and an honor to serve you, as National Treasurer the past seven years. Thank you! Mary Marolt REPORT OF 2nd NATIONAL AUDITOR I wish to convey my warmest greetings to Rev. Athanisius Lovrenčič, the National Officers, and delegates at this 19th National Convention. Since our last National Convention in Duluth, I have attended all of the National Board meetings, and have performed my elected duties as auditor to the best of my abilities. Through the combined efforts of auditor, Irene Jagodnik; president, Mary Muller; secretary, Olga Ancel; and treasurer, Mary Marolt; we have carefully examined the ledgers of the National Secretary, National Treasurer, the Scholarship Fund, and the ZARJA records, to find them all to be in satisfactory order. The Slovenian Women’s Union was deeply saddened by the passing of theseprominent and respected officers: National Auditor, Barbara Rosandich; Wisconsin State President, Ann Modiz; and National Vice-President, Ann Kompare. Their outstanding leadership qualities and personal magnetism will never be duplicated. I had the unparalleled opportunity to work closely with them, and their absence will always be a loss to us. As president of branch No. 17, West Allis, Wisconsin, I am active in all lodge functions, and at- tempt to participate in our sister branches functions. I attended all of the Wisconsin State Regional Conventions and strive to publicize the deeds of the Slovenian Women’s Union. Branch No. 17 members comprised seven teams in the Midwest Bowling Tournament; that annual event which promotes sportsmanship, friendship, and good fellowship. 1 would like to personally thank all of the people I nave worked with since the last convention. The high spirit of cooperation, has made working together a pleasure. Through the efforts of the representative delegates, and with the guidance of the Lord, the Slovenian Women’s Union can continue to attain the high standard of excellence which historically has defined the organization. Marion M. Marolt REPORT OF EDITOR (Editor’s Report folio is available to Reporters; contact the Editor.) Dear Delegates: As the Editor of ZARJA—THE DAWN for over 30 years, it seems to me that there is much information and knowledge that 1 could pass on to you who are interested in the publication. This report is a detailed explanation of what it takes to bring ZARJA to your home each month and some background information on its management thru the years. Needless to say, your good will and continued participation is crucial to our success as without readers we have no existence and without writers we have no contents. I also wish to convey my sincere thanks to the National Officers of Slovenian Women’s Union, its members and certainly to every Reporter and contributer for your understanding, diligence and loyalty. The S.W.U. torch was lighted and has been carried by our predecessors for more than 50 years. It was sometimes a difficult and exhausting task to combine dreams with reality, but they did it. How well they succeeded is now evident in the fact that we, their beneficiaries, are still imbued with the spirit and dedication to our sisterhood that they demonstrated. As our grandmothers and mothers, they showed us that the dream and reality can be combined and that there is strength in each of us to face the future courageously and with the same determination to succeed. In 1986, only three years from now and before the next National Convention, we will reach our 60th Anniversary. Few organizations can claim such longevity and it is indeed another source of pride and satisfaction for us all. ZARJA is the medium by which the S.W.U. has the unity that it takes for success. We must continue to use it as a strong and vital force binding the members. To insure a successful future we must have a plan and this is the work before us ai this convention. Corinne Leskovar REPORT OF SCHOLARSHIP FUND PRESIDENT Dear National Board Members and Delegates to the 19th National Convention: 1 wish you a very productive and successful convention. The highlight for me since the last convention was the release of my cookbook “POTS AND PANS”. Your support and promotion of the cookbook is an exciting experience. Never did I dream that six months after the first printing of 5000 copies another printing was in demand. I sincerely hope that this book extends my mother’s dedication to her beloved Slovenians to whom she was devoted for a lifetime with pride, deep affection and total commitment. The SCHOLARSHIP FUND continues to be a well supported and worthwhile project. To date, since its inception in 1949, the organization has awarded: $31,875 for 109 scholarships to 103 high school graduating seniors 525 for small grants to 13 non-winning applicants for a total of, $32,400 total during the 34 vears The current balance is $24,160.62. Five scholarships will again be awarded this year at $750 each including the Frances Seitz Scholarship. We are proud of our member-winners who are outstanding, capable students with high ideals and goals. The Scholarship Committee consists of Olga Ancel, Mary Bostian, Anna Hodnik, Rose Kraemer, Mary Muller, Irene Odorizzi and Hermine Dicke, as chairman. Final selections are made by this committee. To avoid partiality, the information to the committee members is given without names, addresses, city or branch numbers. Applicants are identified only as A,B,C, etc. We are constantly grateful to our members and branches who so generously support the Scholarship Fund. Through letters, the students who benefit from this fund, are most appreciative and extend heartfelt thanks. In advance we thank Branch No. 38 of Chisholm for having a scholarship booth during the national convention. We also thank all the members who will be donating articles as well as purchasing items during the sale. Respectfully submitted, Hermine Dicke REPORT OF HERITAGE DIRECTOR Four years ago my convention report reflected the necessity of the Slovenian Women’s Union to continue planning future heritage objectives for the organization. One of the major suggestions was to stress the historical importance of the Slovenian immigrants by continuing to foster interest in their contribution to the American way of life. This goal could be realized in a number of ways, some being: by fostering interest in ethnic festivals, planning classes, continuing to promote the cultural aspect of the Slovenian nationality, and by preserving the traditions and the artifacts which have been handed down to us. It is with pleasure that I can report significant progress within the past four years. You are aware of the Miners’ project which is a major accomplishment. The Slovene-American population has rallied to this cause, under the capable leadership of Father David Stalzer, by erecting a beautiful memorial representative of the Slovenian working man, and designed by the Slovene Artist Ms. Lillian Brule. The dedication of this memorial has coincided with the SWU Convention and, fortunately, we have been privileged to attend this impressive ceremony. A continuous achievement throughout the past four years has been the branch festivities which have always included tradition and culture. These have been recorded in the ZARJA by the capable reporters. Thirdly, the National SWU Heritage Day, which thus far has been sponsored by Branch No. 20 with nearby branches participating with demonstrations, buttons, arts and crafts, and programs, must be commended for their total involvement. Through the festivals a sufficient amount of money has been raised to establish a Heritage Room in the SWU Home Office. Commendations are in order for the Heritage Committee which worked toward the effective room and memorabilia arrangement as well as planned and inspiring dedication. These ladies are Mildred Pucel, Agnes Lovati, Marie Malnarich, Mary Ivanich, and also the Reverend David Stalzer. All members and friends are invited to visit the Heritage Room and to contribute artifacts, books, and memorabilia for the continuation of this project. Considered objectives for 1983-1987 are continuation of: (1) Phase 1 of the Heritage Museum, (2) SWU Heritage Day, (3) sale of promotional items, which can be the word “Slovenian” in view; “Kiss” and “Love” buttons; “Love” tee shirts; “Love” bumper stickers; full length and cobbler style “Love” aprons; and the books, “Footsteps Through Time” and “From Slovenia to America”; (4) new projects will include acceptance of donations for the heritage fund in the form of (a) memorial cards ($5.00 and above), and memorial •plaque ($100.00 donation), the name to be engraved on the plaque and hung in the Heritage Room, (5) we also encourage the Convention delegation to accept a heritage goal as one of the objectives of the Slovenian Women’s Union constitution and by-laws, (6) the preservation of branch and national records, minutes of meetings, souvenir books, and other items associated with the branch’s business and social and cultural functions. Hopefully, through the cooperation of National Presidents, plans will be made at the Convention for increased heritage activities throughout the next four years, and we respectfully request the assistance of all members in achieving these collections. Remember - “think heritage!” Irene M. Odorizzi REPORT OF WOMEN’S ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR Rev. Father, Supreme Officers, Hostess Branch No. 38, Delegates, & friends: The past four years have gone by fast since the last convention in Duluth, at which time I received the office of Women’s Activities director. During these years, I faithfully submitted articles in ZARJA to make the women awareof programs they could have in their respective branches. I attended all of the Combined Branches meetings in Cleveland, Ohio and numerous functions of the Slovenian Women’s Union. In the future, 1 will continue to work for the progress of our organization, and as President of our Branch No. 40 of Lorain, Ohio will continue to contribute toward the betterment of the Slovenian Women’s Union. My best wishes to everyone for a most successful convention. Respectfully submitted by Albina M. Uehlein REPORT OF YOUTH DIRECTOR To the Delegates and Sisters of the Slovenian Women’s Union: Having served a four-year term as your Youth Director, 1 want to thank you for your help. I had no idea of what this job entailed, but was helped tremendously by former Youth Director, Frances Seitz. Without her enthusiasm and encouragement, I could not have done my job. Thanks to all who offered suggestions and words of encouragement and appreciation. It sure helps to get “feed back” from your members. I feel I could have done a lot more and been more organized had I not had the job of local branch secretary. It was just more than I could handle and do justice to both jobs. Through my job, 1 learned a few things about our organization. First of all I really came to appreciate the women who founded the organization. They were faced with much more difficult times than we face today yet they had courage and foresight to establish the Slovenian Women’s Union. I became more aware of the fact that we cannot let this organization die and let these women down. I came to appreciate the work of the officers, especially our national secretary Olga Ancel, our editor of ZARJA, Corinne Leskovar and Scholarship and “Pots and Pans” director Hermine Dicke. I also learned that there seems to be apathy among the different branches and lack of understanding and cooperation. It is evident in some of the branch reports in ZARJA, which go on and on about where people are going or coming but little of real action at meetings. Junior members are enrolled by parents and grandparents and are not made aware that they belong to the Slovenian Women’s Union. As we look to the future, I am hoping for a renewed interest and a change of attitude. Don’t be afraid to offer suggestions and ideas on how to better the SWU and branch meetings and vow to offer only constructive criticism. If everyone does just one little job and not leave everything up to the officers, we would all benefit and our organization would come alive and well again. Above all show interest in our youth and set good examples. Anna L. Hodnik REPORT OF REGIONAL PRESIDENTS MINNESOTA Since 1981,1 have presided at three state conventions hosted by the following branches: Branch 34, Tower-Soudan, 1980; Branch 23, Ely, 1981; and Branch 38, Chisholm, 1982. That will be the last meeting in which I will preside as an election of a new State President will take place at that time. I attended meetings and/or celebrations in Aurora, Biwabik, Chisholm, Duluth, Ely, Eveleth, Gilbert, Kitzville and Tower-Soudan. On September 14, 1980, Branch 34, Tower-Soudan hosted the Minnesota Slate Convention. At that meeting it was decided that each branch would take care of the payment of dues for members 80 years of age and older. Hermine Dicke represented the National Board as our guest speaker whereby we received an informative report concerning the S.W.U. Scholarship Fund and the “Pots and Pans” recipe book. As a member of the steering committee for the Slovenian Miners and Laborers Project, I attended a meeting in Aurora, Minnesota on Sunday, April 26, 1981, with Fr. David Stalzer presiding. It was at this meeting that the committee gave their approval of the memorial. When requested, I provided necessary information to Fr. Stalzer and I also submitted publicity in our local newspapers to promote this project with the hope of increasing the solicitation of funds for this undertaking. After months of organizing and planning a 4-day trip via chartered bus, 32 from Minnesota participated in the 1st Christian Women’s Conference held in Lemont. Illinois on July 18 & 19, 1981. It was an impressive and memorable experience. On September 13, 1981, branch 23, Ely hosted the Minnesota State Convention. National Auditor Marion Marolt, representing the National Board, stressed the need for increased membership. I informed the group that the Board of Directors’ term in office was changed from 3 to 4 years, due to an amended Illinois Insurance Statute which became effective July 1981. Hence the change in the National Convention to 1983 instead of 1982. On September 12, 1982 the Minnesota State Convention was held in Chisholm, Minnesota hosted by Branch 38 with a record attendance of 387 people. Preconvention membership campaign was stressed. Sales of “Pots and Pans” cookbooks were doing very well. Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship winners were acknowledged. We were particularly pleased to have three recipients from Minnesota selected, namely: Jean Adkisson, Tower; Mary Spehar, Duluth; and Richard Turk, Aurora. Ann Hodnik represented the National Board as the guest speaker. She spoke on scholarships and our youth. Information pertaining to the National Convention was discussed. Homemade crafts are to be donated at the convention; all proceeded will go towards the S.W.U. Scholarship Fund. Besides having their regular business meeting, the local branches celebrate with Valentine parties, honoring the Mother/Women of the Year, Christmas parties and special celebrations. Most branches donated toward the Slovenian Miners and Laborers Memorial. Some donated to the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, the Cause of Bishop Baraga, Area Retarded Citizens and other special interests. Many have a Mass said for their deceased members of the Slovenian Women’s Union. As Minnesota State President, these past four years have been both a challenging and a rewarding experience. I have attempted to instill a sense of pride in our Slovenian heritage. With continued support and stability in the Slovenian Women’s Union, we can face the coming years with optimism and enthusiasm. May God in His divine Wisdom richly reward you in your good work. Victoria Bobence OHIO-MICHIGAN Greetings to Reverend Father Lovrenčič; National President-Mary Muller, National Officers, Delegates and Guests of this 19th Quadrennial Convention! I am completing the unexpired term of the late Sophie Magayna as the Ohio-Michigan Regional President and I am hoping that we will have a peaceful and successful convention. In the four years since our last convention many things have happened, some good and some sad. First, I want to extend my sincerest condolences to the families and relatives of all of our dearly departed officers who have gone to their eternal rest. I am sure that they will be missed by all of us present at this convention, namely Spiritual Director Reverend Father Okorn; Foundress Marie Prisland; National Vice President, Ann Kompare; 2nd National Auditor, Barbara Rosandich; Regional President of Wisconsin, Anna Modiz; Regional President, Ohio-Michigan, Sophie Magayna; the past National President, Antonia Turek; and the past National Youth Director, Frances Seitz. May they rest in peace My Regional Group consists of 13 Greater Cleveland branches and 5 branches in other Ohio cities and 2 in Michigan. During the ten months I have served as Regional President I have been constantly in touch either in person, by phone or correspondence with all branches, and with the National Board to be of assistance wherever needed. Our State Convention and a Mass for the late Albina Novak is held every year in the month of October. The Combined Branch meetings are held six times a year. Here the ladies report on their activities, donations, drive for new members, loss of deceased members and special events. The attendance is very good. The branches represented are: No. 10, 14, 21, 25, 32, 40, 41, 42, 47, 50 and 73. One of these days I hope to have the two Michigan branches join us also. We are happy to have the colorful Marie Prisland Cadets of Br. 50 who are still very active and also the S.W.U. Dawn Choral Group, both of which I am a member. The singers meet every Monday night and sponsor a concert every November. We also have the S.W.U. Twirlettes, a group of 30 girls participating in many parades and festivals. They have won numerous trophies and awards, as well as cash prizes for their activities. All of this adds up - to keep our Slovenian Women’s Union in the “limelight.” We have a Frances Seitz Scholarship Fund. Monies have been donated for our beloved Frances in the amount of $1,500.00. At this convention an award will be given to a student entering college. The second Scholarship will be awarded in 1984. There is also a Sophie Magayna Scholarship Fund which is being sponsored by Branch No. 10. That award will go to a student at St. Mary’s School in Collinwood where Sophie was a parishioner. Our Combined Branches of Cleveland have also made a pledge of $3,000 to furnish a room for 2 people at the Slovene Home for the Aged in Cleveland, Ohio. We are really proud of this home and many of the S.W.U. members reside there. In the ten months as Regional president I have attended many of the branch meetings. There have been quite a few new officers elected, namely those of branches No. 10, 14, 25 and 32. I was very pleased to see these younger ladies take office. This is what we need. The meetings were conducted in an orderly manner, showing good taste, togetherness and having a friendly atmosphere. I felt very welcome and gave them much encouragement to carry on. I also attended many of the “Mother of the Year” programs and dinners. I am proud of our Ohio Branches, and we hope to progress forward in our future years. I always look for new members wherever I go, and promote S.W.U. We should be proud that we are members of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America. May the Good Lord guide us at this Convention, for the future betterment and continued progress of the Slovenian Women’s Union. Respectfully yours, AnnJ. Tercek WISCONSIN Best wishes to Rev. Lovrenčič, all national officers and delegates at this 19th national convention. The state regional meetings these last 4 years have been productive and are the perfect arena to gather and exchange ideas. Throughout the state of Wisconsin, the individual branches have various types of gatherings: card parties, bowling leagues, picnics, and sewing circles, but they all have the same common goal in mind — to promote the ideals of the Slovenian Womens Union, especially to the junior members, who will one day be the foundation of the organization, and the leaders of tommorrow. Submitted by, Marion Marolt WESTERN STATES During my term as Regional President of Western States, I contacted officers of San Francisco, Portland, Oregon, and Enumclaw, Washington. It has been my great pleasure of having the op- portunity of serving as Regional President of Western States, a post of which I am proud and to which I have been loyal and faithful in performance of duties entrusted to me. Simultaneously, I am grateful for the privilege of meeting the many fine women of the lodges whose warm and cordial reception accorded me shall continue to warm by heart when I reminisce of the “Bygone’ days. The lack of youth participation is extremely evident, as in many other organizations, and measures must be taken to bring about a change if the organization is to flourish. Mary J. Jasina COLOR ADO-KANSAS-MISSOURI Since our last national convention held in Duluth, MN 1979 our branch No. 3 membership was 374 members and now membership is 311. Eighteeen members passed away. I did get a few new members and some dropped out. Our branch is helpful in many ways. We send get-well cards to sick members, we give High Mass for deceased members, donation to our Church at Christmas and Easter. We have a Christmas and Mothers Day Party, at which the Mother-of-the Year receives a gift. Branch No. 3 will host the State Convention in 1984. I would ask that my recommendations for ZARJA not change — let it stay the way it is up to now. 1 also recommend that there be no raise in dues. If you will raise our dues many members will drop out of our branch which is now in good standing. Also I do hope the home office will pay per diem and transportation. I have been pretty busy to let you know that three of us will attend the National Convention, namely our delegate Frances Skul, honorary and past national officer, Anna Pachak and myself. 1 hope and pray that our national convention will be a huge success. My best regards to all. Frances Simonich ILLINOIS-INDIANA The ten branches included in this region are: Br. No. 2, Chicago; Br. No. 5, Indianapolis; Br. No. 16, So. Chicago; Br. No. 20, Joliet; Br. No. 22, Bradley, II.; Br. No. 24, La Salle, II.; Br. No. 85, DePue, II.; Br. No. 89, Oglesby, II.; Br. No. 95, So. Chicago, II.; Br. No. 99, Elmhurst, II. In 1979 the III.-Ind. Regional Convention was cohosted in Oglesby, President presided. I recorded the minutes of the meeting. Later I accepted the responsibility of being elected Regional President for 3 years. The 1980 Convention was hosted by Br. No. 95, So. Chicago. The late National Vice President, Anne Kompare was general chairman. The 1981 Regional Convention was hosted by Br. No. 2, Chicago, 11., Corinne Leskovar and committee making arrangements. Jean Zubek, ticket chairman. In 1982 Br. No. 16 hosted the Convention. Gladys Buck, chairman., So. Chicago. The 1983 Convention will be on Oct. 2, 1983, in Joliet, combined with 55 th anniversary celebration of Br. No. 20. Agnes Lovati and Mildred Pucel and committee are in charge of arrangements. All National officers who are present are given recognition and time for comments. All past local and National officers are honored. Election of a State President was delayed to conform with the change in the National Convention to be scheduled every four years, in 1983. Each Convention meeting is a success in promoting unity among the Slovenian Women’s Union, and in sharing a heritage bond. We look forward each year to renew our friendship with members of all regional branches. The cultural entertainment at these special occasions also helps to reinforce our unity. In 1980, the Bishop Baraga Days were filled with aura and solemnity in honor of Bishop Baraga. We shared with many members at this event in Joliet. The annual Pilgrimage Day in Lemont, sponsored by Br. No. 2, Chicago, the 3rd Sunday in July, opened another opportunity for members to meet again. Instead of the Zveza Day in Lemont in 1981, a major highlight of the year was the Christian Women’s Conference scheduled for the weekend. We gained a greater spiritual insight. I shared in the English reading at Mass. This was not to be confused with a retreat. Bishop Aloysius Ambrožič, Toronto, shared the spiritual comments with Fr. Athanasius Lovrenčič. The Minnesota Branches were well represented. We rotate the Regional Convention locations. Br. No. 5, Indianapolis, is much farther away, but they may host the convention in the future. I have contact and hear from all the branches except Br. No. 99 which has only a few members, all close to being octogenarians, having a reason' for their lack of involvement. In 1980, Evelyn Driscoll recorded the convention minutes, in 1981, Shirley Melissa, recorded, and in 1982 Phyliss Perko recorded them. I shared in the joys of honoring Mrs. Josephine Erjavec, former National Secretary and Mrs. Emma Planinšek, Branch president No. 20, for 47 years, celebrating at their Testimonial Dinner in Feb. 1982. Both women were involved with other offices, both National and Local. I have attended the Heritage Days in Joliet and the Slav Day in 1981 and in 1982. The Heritage Room was dedicated in Joliet in the National Home Office to coincide with the annual Board meeting. The displays are beautiful. More items are requested. My traveling to other branches was limited but I have had occasion to talk with them by telephone when necessary. I attended the Midwest Bowling Tournament weekend with our Br. No. 89 ladies, in 1982, in Cicero, II. As a non-bowler, I have been tempted to start bowling, and try my skills. I enjoyed seeing so many ladies again. Br. No. 24 invited me to be their installing officer in 1981, and to their May banquet. We honored Mary Suarez as Mother of the Year. Br. No. 89, No. 24 and I represented our area to pay respects for Anne Kompare, our National Vice President in 1982. She will surely be missed. I was able to assist in delivering cookbooks from Joliet to Br. No. 24, 85, and 89, and also sell some. My attendance at our local Br. No. 89 is regular. I seldom miss a meeting. Some topics that have been discussed at the III.-Ind. Regional Conventions were: The beginning of a Memorial Fund for the dedication of the Slovenian Miners and Laborer’s Memorial. Fr. David Stalzer was General Chairman. He was also chosen as our advisor and pastor to be chairman of all special events. Heritage Days and the progress report. Artifacts are still needed for the Museum. Bishop Baraga Days and the promotion to have him canonized, and to have a commemorative stamp issued in his name, was also discussed. I have written to the following Congressmen for their support in reaching our goal: Frank Annunzio, II., Daniel Rostenkowski, II., James Oberstar, Minn., Ray Kogovšek, Colo., George O’Brien, II., Martin Russo, 111., Tom Corcoran, II., and Senators: Charles Percy, and Alan Dixon of Illinois. The response was encouraging, but they are booked for two years and cannot consider it until then. A discussion to change the name of the organization. A request to have this discussed at the National Convention. Name suggestions are: Slovenian Women’s Society, Slovenian Women’s Association, and Slovenian Women of America. The latter suggested by Fr. David Stalzer which could change the SWU to SWA. Another suggestion to have all the Illinois Branches work together to conduct Heritage Days. Also to have a Slovenian Concert and dance in Chicago with other branches assisting. The Milwaukee singing group called Uspeh was suggested to be the performers. A Debutante Cotillion, to raise funds, and that the Baraga Assn. could be the recipient of the proceeds. This was tabled for lack of motions. Fr. David Stalzer expressed concern for membership which needs more members in the age of 30 to 40, to help the organization survive. Olga Ancel discussed the S.W.U. Scholarships and the importance of this function of the organization. A suggestion to have the Regional Convention every two years. It was pointed out the By-Laws state a convention must be held after every national convention. A request to purchase cookbooks from the Home Office at a reduced rate was denied. This would discourage the local sales. My future dream put on a Slovenian Play. I have*contacted Tony’s Polka Village in Cleveland, for information. They referred my letter to Josephine Turkman who responded with encouragement. I am retiring from teaching this school year and may be able to move forward in this project. For more detailed information, please consult the ZARJA for their published report of the minutes of the meeting or write to me and I shall be glad to comply. A special thank you to all the members for their cooperation. Angela Kuhar Nico * *Keep the Spirit going! * * Working on Convention parapharnelia were Millie Pucel, Emma Nosse, Mary Marolt of Joliet, Angie Nico of Oglesby, Sylvia Baraga of Chisholm, Agnes Lovati of Joliet and Robin and Marion Marolt of West Allis. Violet Rupercich, Chisholm songstress, appeared at the Dedication ceremony of the Slovenian Miners and Laborers Memorial dressed in the National Costume of Slovenian Carinthia (Koroško) and delighted the audience with her singing. The Director of the Interpretative Center in Chisholm, Robert Scott, second from right. GREETINGS RECEIVED AT THE CONVENTION The following branches sent greetings to the National Convention in Chisholm: Br. 1, Sheboygan, Br. 5, Barberton, Br. 14, Cleveland, Br. 17, West Allis, Br. 32, Euclid and Br. 43, Milwaukee. Messages came from officers, Mary Bostian, former Nat’l President, Mary Tomsic, Hon. State President and Rose Scoff, former State President, also Josephine Comenshek of Br. 32, as well as from the American Slovenian Catholic Union, Joliet, Illinois. SWU HAS ITS OWN SEAT NOW! The Chisholm High School Auditorium has just had its grand re-opening after being closed down some years in disrepair. Thru the efforts of Veda Ponikvar’s newspaper, The Free Press, the town took on the task of refurbishing their high school auditorium in time for this year’s graduation. This took a lot of money but mostly a lot of time, which was freely donated by unemployed townspeople. We visited the beautiful auditorium and were inspired by the efforts being made there. We know it will be a valuable and important addition to Chisholm’s cultural life. Before leaving, the group of our delegates made a contribution to purchase one seat in the auditorium so from now on we will be able to claim that there's an “SWU seat” in Chisholm! BRANCH ASSESSMENTS January 1 to June 30,1983 Branch 1. Sheboygan, WI 2. Chicago, IL 3. Pueblo, CO 5. Indianapolis, IN 6. Barberton, OH 7. Forest City, PA 8. Steelton, PA 10. Cleveland, OH 12. Milwaukee, WI 13. San Francisco, CA 14. Euclid, OH 15. Cleveland, OH 16. South Chicago, IL 17. West Allis, WI 19. Eveleth, MN 20. Joliet, IL 21. Cleveland, OH 22. Bradley, IL 23. Ely, MN 24. LaSalle, IL 25. Cleveland, OH 26. Pittsburgh, PA 27. North Braddock, PA 28. Calumet, MI 29. Browndale, PA 30. Home 31. Gilbert, MN 32. Euclid, OH 33. Duluth, MN 34. Soudan, MN 35. Aurora, MN 37. Greaney, MN 38. Chisholm, MN 39. Biwabik, MN 40. Lorain, OH 41. Cleveland, OH 42. Mpl Hgts.,OH 43. Milwaukee, WI 45. Portland, OR 46. St. Louis, MO 47. Garfield Hgts., OH 50. Cleveland, OH 52. Kitzville, MN 54. Warren, OH 55. Girard, OH 56. Hibbing, MN 57. Niles, OH 59. Burgettstown, PA 63. Denver, CO 64. Kansas City, KS 65. Virginia, MN 66. Canon City, CO 67. Bessemer, PA 68. Fairport Hrbr, OH 70. West Aliquippa, PA 71. Strabane, PA 73. Warrensville His., OH 74. Ambridge, PA Amount Adult Junior 902.15 159 25 1,595.65 278 109 1,320.55 244 60 326.40 70 4 252.80 59 5 286.60 38 1 69.60 19 0 794.30 207 17 557.00 105 22 541.95 98 10 1.213.50 242 7 1.373.50 107 0 878.10 148 41 765.65 165 62 262.60 63 4 2,119.85 462 120 415.25 80.10 867.55 501.00 2,163.95 581.00 211.55 270.00 75.80 289.05 215.40 1,203.40 1,066.50 209.35 400.00 31.50 380.50 220.75 479.30 261.30 439.00 1.119.10 87.00 85 14 200 102 313 126 22 54 8 28 45 205 176 42 64 9 84 47 75 78 178 32 17 442.25 81 2,463.60 363 254.00 83.75 225.35 211.55 278.50 94.20 38 25 25 40 47 47 10 12 0 21 16 18 11 0 2 1 19 38 7 21 9 2 4 1 4 16 68 7 1 18 65 77. NS Pittsburgh, PA 78.00 18 4 79. Enumclaw, WA 476.10 41 4 80. Moon Run, PA 20.05 4 0 81. Keewatin, MN 138.00 21 2 83. Crosby, MN 37.50 11 0 84. New York, NY 58.60 21 1 85. DePue, IL 147.60 27 0 86. Nashwauk, MN 60.60 13 0 88. Johnstown, PA 49.80 20 0 89. Oglesby, IL 170.35 47 0 90. Bridgeville, PA 91.80 18 0 91. Oakmont, PA 72.65 33 0 92. Gunnison, CO 140.45 25 5 93. Brooklyn, NY 128.50 34 0 95. So. Chicago, IL 887.15 144 5 96. Universal, PA 136.25 30 1 97. Cairnbrook, PA 58.80 9 0 99. Elmhurst, IL 20.70 6 0 100. Fontana, CA 381.90 46 20 101. Bedford Hts., OH 130.95 19 8 102. Willard, WI 198.55 34 0 103. Washington, DC 284.80 34 7 105. Detroit, MI 251.85 43 0 106. Meadowlands, PA 85.50 19 •o TOTALS:: $35,350.65 6,417 984 150.80 41 I 182.00 33 3 241.70 53 16 262.60 63 3 267.20 51 i 138.30 27 6 475.95 99 22 435.10 82 20 208.80 19 0 Socials — 364 FINANCIAL REPORT JANUARY 1 to JUNE 30, 1983 FINANČNO POROČILO 1. januarja do 30. junija 1983 Income - Dohodki: Assessments................................$35,350.65 Interest from bonds...........................26,741.47 Interest bank certificates, savings, checking......................... 3,860.77 Rental........................................ 1,722.25 Bond Sale profit.............................. 1,596.26 Convention Fund (Cookbooks sales proceeds)............... 21,820.98 $91,092.38 Disbursements - Stroški: Death Claims - 79..........................$ 9,350.00 Salaries...................................... 9,375.00 Administrative, travel, perdiems officers..........................4,424.70 Unemployment tax................................ 249.90 FICA............................................ 628.10 Illinois Insurance Department filing fee....................................25.00 Real estate tax............................... 1,773.38 ZARJA—THE DAWN Printing.....................$15,338.03 Postage ____________________1,808.73 ---------------17,146.76 Electricity, gas, water....................... 1,748.65 Advertising, printing, stationery..............1,458.02 Postage and telephone........................... 568.42 Bond sale loss...................................217.50 Maintenance................................... 1,005.36 Awards: Campaign $426.50 50-yr Mem $285.25 Bowling 270.00 Junior Secretary 964.60 Activities 70.00 ----------------2,016.35 Slovenian Miners Project.........................125.00 HARD HATS DO NOTA MINER MAKE! Violet Ruparcich, Mary Muller, Donna Schock, Jennie Samsa and Hermine Dicke were principals at the farewell dinner that delegates and officers enjoyed at (he conclusion of the Convention. Donna performed an excellent theatrical piece from a Broadway show and starred in a local Chisholm high school production. A group of Delegates donned hard hats and looked over the Hibbing Taconite Mine near Chisholm - but not with any intention of working, we’re sure! Rev. Athanasius Lovrenčič, O.F.M.: Floral tribute and scholarship fund memorial deceased nat’l officer Antonia Turek..................................63.10 Illinois Fraternal dues.............................40.00 Investment charges................................ 562.00 Miscellaneous......................................180.79 Convention......................................21,613.31 Paid for Accrued Interest....................... 3,038.93 75,610.27 Gain for six months.............................. 15,482.11 Balance December 31, 1982 ........,..............724,225.39 Balance June 30, 1983 ...........................$739,707.50 Ledger Assets: Union National Bank and Trust Company...........................$ 16,264.17 Depositin bank in savings....................... 55,973.69 Bonds.......................................... 574,959.42 Real Estate..................................... 66,621.81 Furniture and Fixtures........................... 8,356.01 Song Books and From Slovenia to America...................................4,100.00 Pots and Pans................................... 13,432.40 $739,707.50 OlgaAncel, Nat’l Secretary Echo from Chisholm The pleasant memories of Chisholm, Minnesota are still vibrating through our hearts and minds; it was good to come together under the clear Minnesota sky; even the weather cooperated with us. It was good to listen to the delegates and the exchange of the ideas. Very probably all who write for “Zarja” will express their opinion in one way or the other on the Convention; and this is good. The Convention is “celebrated” once every fourth year. Therefore we should get as much fruit as we can out of it! It was said and it will be repeated: The officers and the members of the branch 38 did superb job; people like Mrs. Samsa, Veda, and the smiling faces of the hardworking kitchen crew will not be easily forgotten! There were many responsible for the smooth operation of the convention. Many hours were spent in preparation in certain offices, in private homes and halls. And now that the convention is behind us and already history, we should not pass on without reflecting on it. It is always a pleasant feeling to see that members of a certain group are enthusiastic for their cause; they are not afraid to sacrifice time and talents when common good demands. This was evident in Chisholm. It is very important that every member contribute her share and feel responsible for the well-being of our Union. There it was shown how much good can be done. - There was another evident point: The communication between branches is important; not only that we encourage each other by knowing what “they” are doing, but that we help to achieve the mutual goals we have. Here our publication “Zarja” is indispensable. Nowadays we see how the enemies of our society and especially of religion are organized and dedicated to their cause, which is our destruction. More than ever before we should strive to achieve our goals, encourage each other and work for unity among ourselves, because in unity is strength! Life shows us that things do not run always smoothly; there are ups and downs, but dedication will lead to success. As we start to read the reports of certain events, it does not mean that they are just history; no, most of these events have a profound influence on our future life, and so it is with our Chisholm convention: this gathering must be a guiding light for another four years, when we meet again for the 20th convention hosted by Branch No. 20! NO. 38, CHISHOLM, MN Letter To The Editor CHISHOLM-FREE PRESS-TRIBUNE Delegates and Sisters Chisholm, Minnesota of theS.W.U.! CHISHOLM- YOU ARE THE GREA TEST! From the flags flying brightly on the Bridge of Peace Down main street to the ScotWood Motel At St. Joseph's magnificent church and hall At the high school’s newly refurbished Auditorium At the Slovenian Home where we were always happy And, at the Free Press Office At the Iron Range Interpretative Center And the Range Center And Heritage Manor And even at Calvary Cemetery We began to know you and the memories are permanent! It is with deepest appreciation that we send this message hoping it reaches the many citizens of Chisholm who showed i)s a special kind of hospitality. You have a friendliness that is an example for all of us, from big towns and little towns across the United States. It may be because you have such a big, blue sky and such delicious, clean air. It may be because you have people who come from goodstock, hardworking families who delight in being good neighbors to all. Whatever the reason, you showed us a warmth and friendship that will stay with us and inspire us. Thanks, Chisholm! Na svidenje! Till we meet again. Officers and Delegates, Slovenian Women's Union iiiiiiHMiiiiitiiiiiHHHtitiiMimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmimimHiHiiiiiiiiiHiiiiMimimiiimimiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiHiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiHiiiiniiiiMinii Thanks to you all for coming to the convention and we hope you all had a good time. For us, the job is done and we enjoyed doing it! Thanks to all who had any part in it and helped to make this 1983 National Convention a success. I enjoyed everything, the meetings were interesting, programs fantastic, meals and lunches were great! Most of all, 1 enjoyed meeting the ladies and delegates! We hope you come again. Remember “Chisholm, ’83!” * * * Summertime! It’s been a hot summer and I hope everyone enjoyed it. I love the sun, berry picking, swimming and all the special events that have been going on - on the Iron Range. We had a meeting June 8th at the Moose Hall - a short one. Sixty five ladies attended! Minutes of the previous meeting were read and Kathy gave the final report on the 83 National Convention. It was a fantastic convention! Jennie Samsa, our president, thanked everyone for helping. Again, my thanks to those who worked and made the convention a success. After the meeting, a lovely dinner was served. Card “B” was played and many door prizes were given. Since we were busy with the convention in May, this dinner was also for the “Mothers”. We had a large attendance and 1 hope to see you all coming again, to our Sept. meeting. Plans are being made to attend Minn. Day at Keewatin. We were all saddened to hear of the death of Corinne’s husband. We got to know Corinne at our convention. She is a wonderful person. We extend our deepest sympathy to her and her family. Bless you all! ROSE N1EM1, Secretary NO. 40, LORAIN, OH I keep writing “Time flies so fast” and its so true - its still the middle of summer but, when you read this; we’ll have had the last holiday of the summer, Labor Day; and so much has happened! Our June meeting had Jean Balogh winner of the attendance prize - and Angie Voytko donated it. On our sick list are Beverly Popovich, Ann Udovich and Annette Septaric - and all the rest of our members who are ill - hurry and get well. We were all happy to welcome back Elsie Malinas - from her stay in Florida and a bout with serious illness. Keep making an excellent recovery. Our prayers are with you. Heard very good Convention reports from both Angie Voytko and Binnie Uehlein — Happy to welcome them back. Hostesses for the meeting were Angeline Martin, Elaine Uehlein and Angeline Tomazic - donating prizes were Ann Delillo, Helen Kosjan and Agnes Tomazin. A delicious dessert lunch was served and happy birthday sung. Many thanks to all. Our sincerest sympathy to Ann Udovich on the death of her brother, Robert Morog, who had been ill for some time - also to Pauline Strong on the death of her sister, Theresa Krajec. May they rest in peace. On a happy note - Best wishes to Frank and Fran Pavlovčič on the marriage of their daughter Kathleen Shullick to Stan Koziura. May they have a long and happy life together. Here it is another month - good attendance - surprising for such a hot night. Attendance prize won by Elsie Malinas and donated by Angie Voytko. Brithday girls were Ann Rozanc, Mary Ferlic and Julia Tomazic - Happy Birthday was sung and a dessert lunch was served. Congratulations to Mike and Agnes Tomazin on the birth of a granddaughter, parents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tomazin, Jr. The baby has been named Amber Morgan. Binnie Uehlein has been ill but, is now doing just fine. To our wonderful editor and friend, Corinne Leskovar, our heartfelt sympathy from each and every member of Branch 40. The recent loss of her beloved husband, Ludwig, has brought great sorrow to her. Perhaps knowing we all care, will ease her burden. May he rest in peace — may I add this verse? His life is a beautiful memory. His absence a silent grief. He sleeps in God’s beautiful garden. In the sunshine of perfect peace. MARY PLOSZAJ NO. 41, CLEVELAND, OH On Sunday, June 5th, we honored our Mother of the Year, Mary Fende. It began with Mass at beautiful St. Mary’s Church. Father Victor Tome made an introductory talk about our honoree and her family.. especially her mother who at one time, was the housekeeper at St. Mary’s... a fact we did not know when we wrote up Mary’s life story. The well-known St. Mary’s Choir sang the Mass and traditional songs which were enjoyed especially by our honoree, her family and friends. Our heartfelt thanks to all members of the Choir and Mr. Knez, the organist and to both Fathers, Victor Tome and Louis Tometz. After church we met at Pano’s Buffet on Vine Street where we had a lovely dinner, each person selecting his or her own food. Present were 38 friends including our staunch supporters from Branch No. 10, 14, 32 and 50, who paid tribute to Mary (nee Coprich), her husband John and lovely daughter Lori. Amalia Oswald, our dear' President, presented Mary with gifts from No. 41.. a lovely gold necklace and a beautiful silk flower centerpiece which was arranged by No. 41 member Trudi Dever, daughter of the late Jo Hirter. Branch No. 50 also presented a useful gift of stainless steel knives. Mary was lauded for her many activities and volunteer services. After the speakers, Steve Shimits, our official photographer, stood up to tell a story which evoked much laughter... and then one by one our members and visitors told one story after another. The laughter brought tears to our eyes! So, on a happy note, ended another beautiful Mother of the Year tribute. Members of Branch No. 41 extend sincere thanks and appreciation to Sec’y-Treas. Justine Prhne who, with our Recording Secy. Cecelia Wolf, arranged the lovely affair. JUSTINE GIROD, Reporter NO. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OH First to thank all the wonderful ladies from Br. 38, Chisholm for the wonderful convention held there. We had a great time, delicious food, wonderful ladies! Thank you to Jennie Samsa and her ladies. Thank you to Veda Ponikvar for the great programs. The unveiling of the Slovenian Miners Memorial was thrilling and beautiful. The National Guard Band and the colorful flags -something to behold. The Center really is something. Maybe we could all go together some time. Thank you for electing me your delegate as I was glad to represent you. Birthday ladies this month are Theresa Filips, Millie Lipnos, Mary Prhne (Aurora), Ann Marie Buehner, Pat Wolf, Lee Hawkins, Kim Shega and Frances Prhne, 92 years young. We hd some graduates. Beth Ann Haar going to Beaumont Abbey College, Lynn Marie Hrovat going to Bowling Green. Congratulations, girls! A new baby girl for Mary Catherine and John Gruden and grandmother Angie Gruden. Katie is her name. She also is in our branch, 2 weeks old. Welcome! She has a sister, Gabrielle. Congratulations again to Frances Prhne, a great grandmother to a new grandson, the 3rd one. Welcome to our branch: Christine Hajek, Jennie Intihar’s daughter and Kathleen Hrovat also Jennie’s niece. Our vacationers were Mary Fink and Millie Lipnos who went to Washington, D.C. and saw all the beautiful sights there including the Slovenian Chapel. Nellie Chapas went to Virginia to visit her daughter’s family. Dolores and John Lipnos drove down to Florida to see the Epcot Center, Disneyland and visit Julia and Louis Lipnos, John’s brother. Marge and A1 went to West Virginia, Ed and Lillian Sadowski went to Canada fishing. Madaline and Mike Milakovic spent their weekends on their boat in Sandusky. Sally and Rudy Prhne did, too! Mrs. Simončič is doing nicely at St. Augustine Manor nursing home. Fr. Slapshak is there, too, so they get to see each other. Send them a card. Also, to Jennie Perko who is in Aurora Nursing Home. Visited Mrs. Stavec, Mrs. Molek, bless them, they are doing well. Please visit them. Our sympathy to Niki Ler-chbacker on the loss of her sister in Yugo. She was 85. Yours truly and Lou lost our cousin, Marija Novak, who was here just a year ago visiting from Slovenia. Our deepest sympathy to our editor, Corinne, who lost her husband, Lud. May they all rest in peace. Sept. 8th is our Luncheon is Served. On Sept. 25th we are going to the Sorrowful Mother Shrine, there are few seats left. Oct. 12th is the Grape Festival so see you at all the affairs. MARY LOU PRHNE NO. 50, CLEVELAND, OH June meeting was well-attended which started earlier as Mr. Adair showed slides on Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal. Enjoyed the slides and it seems his tours are quite interesting and reasonable. Some members were thinking of signing up for the future pilgrimages. A fine report on the recent convention was made by Ann Ryavec who was a delegate. Good to know we have such dedicated members who will stand up for our ideas, so we thank you, Ann, for all the information and we’ll send you again if you enjoyed the convention! Marge Maslar won the free year’s dues. Lucky you! See you’re wearing your shoes again, Marge, which means you’re all better! Sharon Mramor, granddaughter of Ann Tercek, was the fortunate recipient of the Frances Sietz Scholarship. Her high point average in school grades was the deciding factor, we believe! Congratulations! Wanda and Tony Golobic celebrated their 44th anniversary with their son and two daughters and their families at a dinner at Swingo’s. Their son and family came from Colorado Springs to enjoy the reunion and festivities. Many more anniversaries to you; and to Mary Pucel on her 47th and Marie Beck on her 42nd and to Martin and Bea Tome and Frank and Vera Šebenik on their mutual 48th anniversaries same day - same time, only different churches. One new grandmother, Alice Bozic, a grandson, (2nd). How nice, Alice! Sick list: Recovering are Jean Pierman, Helen Hraster, Marie Dolinar, Ann Kristoff, Agnes Tome AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC UNION r<9.h - LIFE INSURANCE FOR THE FAMILY HOME OFFICE: 2439 GLENWOOD AVENUE • JOLIET, IL 60435 (815) 741-2001 and Mary Sherry. Take care, ladies, and return to our meetings again. Sympathy to Millie Yeray, whose brother-in-law, Stanley Yeray, passed away and Loretta Kess whose sister-in-law was buried recently and Ann Evanetich who lost her husband, Matthew. We are sorry for your losses. On a lighter note - glad to write Mary and John Susnik enjoyed their vacation in New Jersey while visiting their eldest son, Raymond and family. Also visited Atlantic City and the Hershey Company and points east. Ann and Dorothy Winters had gone to Wisconsin Dells and to Nova Scotia during the summer months and still have the wanderlust. Likewise with Amy Gad who attended a 35th anniversary graduation of nurses in San Diego. She visited and enjoyed touring the city with a classmate, a Lt. Commander in the Navy whom she was glad to meet again. Subsequently visited another classmate in Las Vegas, saw more of the west and left her quarters in the slot machines, like the rest of us have done, but had a grand reunion. Hope you had a nice summer and enjoyed trips and picnics and do come to the Sept. meeting which will be surprise night, so come and find out. VERA ŠEBENIK NO. 54, WARREN, OH Our branch held the Mother-Daughter Luncheon in June and we honored Anne Brdek as our Mother of the Year. It was well-attended and we had a lovely afternoon. Anne’s daughter came from Texas and her daughter-in-law, daughter and granddaughter were in attendance. Our president, Josephine Kassan, was leaving for Slovenia and she was presented a gift by our group. We know she’ll have a great time, traveling with sister, Fran Salvato, aunt Agnes who is 83 from Washington and some other friends. It is with much sadness that I write about the passing of our charter member and my mother-in-law, Mary Ponikvar on June 1st. She was 79 and had been ill for 3-1/2 years. She suffered the last few months and was gravely ill. It was a blessing that the Good Lord took her to finally be at peace and rest. She leaves her husband, Frank, to whom she was married for 56 years, son Harry, 9 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. A son, Frank, Jr. died 14 years ago. Our members all came to her bier and Josie gave a prayer reading and several came to the funeral. The mass was so touching. My oldest son gave the readings. Sister M. Cheryl sang and many were there to pay their last respects to Mom P. She is laid to rest at All Soul Cemetery. She will be deeply missed. * * * Summer is nearly over and we have had such lovely weather. Our president, Josie Kassan, is back from Slovenia after a 3 week trip. She loved it! She said they ate, drank, danced and sang continually. Sounds great! Maybe, when our children are all grown, Harry and I can scoot over there for some of the same kind of fun. Heading for Ohio State is our juvenile member, Patty Shine. She graduated from high school with high honors and is planning on being an electrical engineer. Good luck, Patty! Her dad, Albin, is a Supreme Officer of AMLA and our Warren lodge secretary. Get well wishes to all those ailing and remember our meeting is Sept. 21st, a Wednesday, 1 p.m. at L & K Restaurant on East Market St. JOANNE PONIKVAR NO. 55, GIRARD, OH After a busy summer, we are all back in the swing of things. Our Sept. 8th meeting will start a half hour earlier, at 7 p.m. and all meetings after that will be at the new time of 7 p.m. every second Thursday of the month. I hope we have a nice turn out, ladies. I’m very sorry to report the death of Josephine Perusek, a very lovely person. I know we will all miss her very much. She had been very active in our group. I know many of our members had nice vacations this summer, but as of this writing, no one has told me about them, except for Louise Catterlin. She and her grandson, Jason, went to Florida for two weeks and had a real good time. Mary Selak went to Uniontown, PA to visit her cousins for two weeks. She stayed for the July 4th holiday, too. The birthdays in August were Debbie Caisango, Barbara Koalane, Margaret Young, Margaret Tripotis; September, Nettie Juvančič, Frances Juvančič, Anna Unock, Theresa Lozier. Happy birthday to everyone. Hope to see most of you at the next meeting. Love, ROSEMARY GORDON BE A ZVEZA BOOSTER! Hope you are all enjoying your summers. We are having a hot and humid one but we can’t complain because before long we will have the cold weather. By the time you read this article, we will have had our 50th anniversary dinner. Hope everyone enjoyed it. One thing which was done this summer was the soliciting for our Slovenian flag which was installed along with flags of other countries on July 18th. Happy to report that we made our quota. We have lost two members, namely, Jennie Skornshek and Mary Pulis. Also, Pep Erickson lost her husband. To the families we extend our deepest sympathy and may they rest in peace. Also, to Corinne Leskovar we extend our deepest sympathy on the loss of her husband. We are looking forward to our Minnesota Day in Keewatin, Sept. 11th. See you at the Sept. meeting. To all sick, a speedy recovery and may God bless you all. ANNE SATOVICH NO. 57, NILES, OH____________ Our June meeting was held at the home of our secretary Virginia Zevkovich, and plans were made to hold a picnic in July, with each member bringing a covered dish. Games were played and the lunch was werved by Mary Opalka, Ann Gunther, and Julia Yakup. Virginia Filipan and Virginia Zevkovich both had eye surgery and can now see more clearly. Frances Racher’s husband Lou is recovering from some serious surgery, so keep improving to full recovery. Our July picnic was held at the home of Virginia Zevkovich and was a huge success. Evryone enjoyed the food and companionship. We also decided to hold a white elephant sale in August. This is always a fun time, opening the “surprise packages” and eating our sack lunch. A prayer was said in memory of our member Josephine Perusek who passed away. She shall be missed by all who knew her, may her soul rest in peace. It has been a sad time for Rebecca Trotagot who lost her son and Phyllis Mucchio who lost her sister. May the Lord lighten their heavy hearts. In the hospital and recovering is Frances Stanek. She has been ailing for quite some time and let’s hope the removal of the kidney stones will make her feel like her old self again. Jane Logar and Mary Klobučar are Hermine Prisland Dicke 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wisconsin 53711 LINGUINI PRIMA VERA PotS and ypftns At the national board meeting in July Corinne Leskovar graciously shared two gourmet recipes that she and her aunt, Jean Križman, of Cleveland, enjoy. One is from the Farmer’s Market Cookbook, Crunchy Peach Romanoff. It and the Linguini Primavera are really scrumptuous. Tory Bobence, our newly elected national auditor from Tower, Minn., gave us her excellent method of baking hamburgers while Anna Hodnik, national Youth Director, of Aurora, Minn., suggested an exceptional dish that she enjoys serving: Marinated Vegetable Salad. Fondly, Hermine both on the sick list and we hope they get well very soon. Mary Moler is taking her retirement with great pleasure, she is also proud of her granddaughter Hope who was a June graduate. RAIN Into each life some rain must fall... By poets we are told... That’s why they make umbrellas for... The young and for the old... The fact that you are young in years... Is not a certain sign... That you’ll escape the heartaches, or... Your world will always rhyme... For, God, somehow,sees to it that... We all will have our share... And somewhere on this road of life... We’ll have a cross to bear... Some folks are glad to carry it... they always wear a smile,. While others make an awfull fuss... And Providence defile... So why not learn this simple prayer... And say, “Thy will be done,”... Then you’ll not need a raincoat when... Your rainy seasons come. From the writings of Bill Mc-Morri5w ANN PEASE Reporter 3/4 pound linguini tablespoons hot oil cups total, of broccoli and cauliflower flowerettes and slivered carrots small zucchini or squash, sliced Sliced mushrooms, as desired Cooked shrimp (optional) tablespoons butter '/2 pint whipping cream (unwhipped) 112 cup grated Parmesan or Romano cheese Salt and pepper, to taste Cook linguini according to package directions. Set aside when cooked. Stir fry in the hot oil the broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, zucchini and mushrooms. Cook until just tender, yet crisp, not mushy; stirring constantly. In another fry pan heat the butter. Stir in the cream, cheese, salt and pepper and continue heating. To the hot cream mixture add the cooked vegetables. Add to the linguini and toss until well mixed. Serve with green salad. Makes 6 servings. Option: Substitute with any other vegetable. A frozen vegetable mix may be used instead of fresh vegetables. CRUNCHY PEACH ROMANOFF 4 egg yolks 1 cup heavy, cream, whipped 7/8 cup (scant cup) 8 regular peaches or 4 large, granulated sugar peeled and sliced 1 cup sherry or white 1/4 cup praline, crushed, (1 (Rhine) wine praline from candy store) or one Heath bar, crumbled In top of double boiler beat the egg yolks and sugar. Stir in the sherry or wine. Place over boiling water and cook until it thickens, about 5 to 8 minutes, stirring constantly. When cool, fold in the whipped cream. Spoon mixture over individual servings of fruit slices -peaches best. Sprinkle cushed praline or Heath bar over the top of each serving. Serves 8. BAKED HAMBURGERS 3 pounds lean ground beef 3 teaspoons salt, or 1 tablespoon instant as desired onion flakes ]/4 teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon Worcestershire Mix ingredients well and form into 12 patties (may be frozen for later use). Place patties on broiler pan and bake at 375° for 15 minutes. Turn patties and bake 5 minutes longer. Have ready 12 unbuttered buns wrapped tightly in aluminum foil. During that last 5 minutes of baking place wrapped buns in oven and heat along with hamburgers. If desired, top hamburgers with slices of cheese after turning off oven; let cheese melt before removing hamburgers. Place hamburgers in unbuttered buns and serve with tossed or 3 bean salad or stewed tomatoes. MARINATED VEGETABLE SALAD medium head cauliflower, cut into bite size flowerettes bunch broccoli, cut into bite size flowerettes; cut up stem pieces medium onion, thinly sliced 1 /: cup ripe or stuffed olives (more if desired); cut in half package Good Seasons Italian Dressing (not low cal), mixed according to package directions Mix all ingredients (vegetables uncooked) and marinate overnight in refrigerator. Toss occasionally. Will keep up to one week. Learn Slovenian! Let’s try some everyday expressions that you and your family can use in your daily conversation. 1 was happy to hear from the women at the convention that they like my “Learn Slovenian” column and put it to use. How quickly time goes by! — Kako hitro teče čas! Help me! — Pomagaj mi! Tell me. — Povej mi! Give us — Daj nam! Bring me — Prinesi mi! Write to me - Piši mi! Ask them - Vprašajte jih! Please show me — Prosim pokaži mi! Look at him -- Poglej ga! Dear members and friends: As Summer comes to pass, we can look forward to the beginning of Autumn and Fall. Don’t you often wonder where did the months go? We hope that Ann Secan is feeling much better. We missed her at our meetings the last couple of months. Special thanks to Mary Dovrsak for selling about 20 Pots and Pans cookbooks. I’m sure her family and friends will enjoy all those delicious recipes. Virginia Bendick enjoyed a nice vacation with relatives in Ormond Beach and Boca Raton, Fla., then went to see her nephew in Louisiana. Frances Montequin spent a week with her niece and family who live in Holts Summit, Missouri. Her brother and his wife were also visiting at the same time. Virginia Montequin took her first plane ride to Clearwater, Fla., where she visited with her sister and husband. Other family members, also from the Pennsylvania area, joined them for a family reunion. Virginia really enjoyed herself and looks forward to going back for another visit. Celebrating a September birthday is Mary Farulli and for October will be Mitzi Lawrence and Becky Paskitius. Happy Birthday, gals! I’ll close with wishes for a pleasant day. ROSEMARY NO. 71, STRABANE, PA We are proud to say that our May meeting and social was a great success with 29 members attending. It was nice to have Helen Hervol and Rose Germovsek join us. This year, our Mother of the Year was Frances Tomsic, but, due to ill health, she was unable to attend. Our members wished her well and presented her with a corsage. Happy birthday wishes were sent out to Julia Cushma, Marge Valenčič, Josephine Cushma and Ann Koklich in June, Joann Mals in July, and Helen Hervol, Cheryl Striner, Mary Striner, Alice Stanizewiski and Dorthy Bruce in August. Members celebrating wedding anniversaries of 50 years or more this summer are Verona Talpas, Frances Polaski, Alice Stanizewiski and Josephine Verholtz. God bless all of you! We send our get well wishes to Helen Meny, Frances Tomsic and Ruby Taylor. Our prayers are with you. We are saddened by the passing of our sister member, Margaret Mathia in March. She had been a member for 31 years and leaves her husband, a son and a daughter and 3 grandchildren. She will be greatly missed. Following the meeting a wonderful social was held with each member receiving a small plant. Thanks go out to Marlene, Marge Valenčič, Dorcie, Aggie, Josephine, Marge Striner, Sharon and Lucy for their donations of goodies to the luncheon and thank you also to Dorcie, Joann Mals and Frances Polaski for prizes donated to make the games more fun. Our next meeting is scheduled for Sept. 8th at 7:30 and a social will be planned by Rose, Dorcie, Frances, Denise, Marge and Sharon. For our added enjoyment, custom decorating consultants from Penney’s will present a demonstration on new home decorating techniques. On June 18th, our lodge held a bake sale at a local shopping center which was very profitable. Many thanks go to all the members who donated baked goods or gave monetary donations and special thanks to Dorthy Bruce and Beanie Engott for taking time out to sell all of those delectable items. We are planning to put those profits toward the transportation cost for our annual trip to see a show in the fall. PEG GRICAR NO. 73, WARRENSVILLE HGTS., ________________OH_________________ Our June meeting and branch was held at the beautiful colonial home, set in a woodland setting, of Mary Ann Pikus in Novely, Ohio. A large home, each room so tastefully decorated, but the foyer so outstanding with its white woodwork, bright maroon carpeting, and a chandelier out of this world. All I could see was this as a background for a bride to descend, and was told that Mary Ann’s eldest daughter did use this staircase for some of her bridal pictures. Mary Ann promised to bring them to our annual cook-out held August 22nd this year. We all thank you, Mary Ann, for entertaining us, and wish you and your lovely family good health and happiness in your lovely home and always. Joann (Kunka) Lasik recently visited her daughter in Jacksonville, Florida, and her sister in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Steve and Nettie Kainec came to Bedford Heights, Ohio to visit daughter and family. Pauline Svette, her husband and son, came to Cleveland from Rialto, California to attend their granddaughter’s wedding. Mary Sue Spremulli, daughter of member Rose Spremulli, enjoyed a lovely vacation in the Bahamas. Sorry to report that Mary Kocjan passed away at the Slovenian Home for the Aged, at ninety-five years of age. She was the Mother of Sylvia and John Kocjan. Also, very sorry to hear that Tony Svette’s eldest brother, John, of Cleveland also passed away. To you and your family Corinne, our prayers and heartfelt sympathy with the recent loss of your beloved husband and father, Ludwig. He shall always be remembered for all the time and hard work, as well as other accomplishments he activated in keeping the Slovenian people ever mindful of their rightful heritage. May the dear Lord open his arms to the above deceased, and watch over them so they rest in peace! We want to thank those members of our branch who have already contributed towards our pledge to the Slovenian Home for the Aged, and hope to hear from those who have forgotten same. Thanks to Adeline Trzaska, Josephine Turk, Louise Epley, Mary Szabo, Ann Yoger, and Mary PelG Beautiful memories... A LOVELY MOTHER HONORED was presented with a floral bouquet by her loved ones, and in return 1 presented her with a brass plaque, with the proper inscriptions written on it. It was difficult for me to ignore the expression on her face, who was coping effectively to hold back the tears, she became speechless. Helen would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who from the bottom of her heart for the tributes that have been paid her, and all the gifts that she has received, saying that she will always cherish your friendly sentiments. 1 must say that one of the glories of the evening was the overflow of food prepared by Helen and Joe Spelich, owners of the jovial Club. You would think after a lifetime of cooking that they would be tired of it all, but they are not and they still love it, and in return we love them for their prompt and courteous service. For those who wondered who made that big beautiful cake fit for a queen, it was none other than our Hannah Piekarski. Getting their fill wasn’t difficult, it was gone in no time. Nevertheless, the real people who should be thanked are Evelyn Driscoll, Chairlady and Julie Hansen, Co-chairlady and their committee, Sylvia Vukodinovich, Helen Alb, Mary Ann Taporis, Helen Golich, Mildred Poropat, to all who contributed the prizes and all the goodies. Space does not permit me to give you a detailed report, but 1 will let you know who won the prizes; Charlotte Fryza, coffee pot; Manda Dosen, Iron; Ann Youre, Umbrella and gloves; Ann Klasna, Lawn Chair; Theresa Evans, Salad Bowl; Charlotte Fryza, Pyrex; Helen Santy, Calculator; Fran Ostrowski, Mixing Bowls; Helen Hoff, Kitchen Ware; Fran Benkovich, Hand Bag; Victoria Beasly, Soap; Fran Griffin, Stole; Bernice Morrison, Butter Members of Br. 79 gathered May 15th at our parish hall for a Mother’s Day celebration and pot luck. Those present enjoyed dancing and good food. Special guest of the day was Helen Chacata, our Mother of the Year. She is pictured here with our long-standing president, Mary Mihelich. D. SLEIGH TTTTrroinnnnnnnmrvfl a a a a Dish; and Evelyn Driscoll, Plant donated by Miday Florist. We send our warmest congratulations to Sylvia Vukodinovich who has been elected to serve on the SWU National Board as Treasurer. I can assure you that she will bring to the office competence and an open mind. Please accept our best wishes and continued success, Sylvia. Congratulations to Adeline Marino who entered a contest on a Radio Show by answering all the questions asked. She won a huge grandfather clock! She claims that it wasn’t easy, she had to do a lot of leg work to go the library and research on the many questions that were asked. We also held our once a year money-maker, chaired by Evelyn Driscoll, and the winners are: Mildred Poropat, Evelyn Driscoll, Ann Pave, Amelia Cuzella, Charlotte Fryza, Helen Hoff, Lou Goldina, Dolores Hennelly, Ann Brkljacic, and Harriet Isek. Congratulations winners! Hostesses for our May meeting were: Matilda Martin, Dolores Hennelly, Minnie Pujduk, Helen Alb and Mary Maclaughlin, and Mary (Matt) Perkovich. Goodies by: Eva Cora two cakes, Helen Alb, Matilda Martin, Minnie Pujdak, Emma The 1983 Convention is over, but I will never forget it! For me it was very inspiring. The Interpretative Center, the Unveiling of the Beautiful Slovenian Miner’s and Laborer’s Memorial, the dinners at the Slovenian Home, The Polka Mass, the Convention Banquet, the closing of our meeting at the Slovenian Home, the Beautiful Memorial service to our deceased members with the Lighting of the Candles acted out, the Honor Guards and all the different Flags. And, most of all, all the nice people and at the top, Veda Ponikvar and her smile. The beautiful singing of Violet Ruparcich and all of the ladies of Br. 38 headed by the president, lovely Jennie Samsa. Too beautiful to ever forget! Mary Slaney Pittsburgh, PA NO. 79, ENUMCLAW, WA for the cancelled stamps they sent in for our drive. Hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Labor Day holiday. MILDRED D. ROBERTS, Reporter NO. 92, GUNNISON, CO June 21st meeting was at the home of Loretta Zaller. Roll call showed 11 members. Meeting was opened with prayer and Treasurer’s and Minutes were approved as read. A letter of awards was received for new members. Nursing home birthday party will be Sept. 24th. We discussed ideas for the Sugar Plum Festival. Fran Austin talked about her trip to Europe. It was a very interesting time. She kept a diary of her day to day experiences. Mystery box was donated by Fern and won by Frieda. We all wish Addie Croft a speedy recovery. High winners were Ann and Frances Somrok, low, Frances Guerreri and Fern. We closed the meeting with prayer for Addie and our hostesses served a fruit salad and brownies. FERN WHITE NO. 95, SO. CHICAGO, IL We are blessed with members who offer a special atmosphere when it comes to honoring our “Woman Of The Year”. For Helen Price, so strong is their affection, for her and each other, togetherness triumphs over separateness long before the evening is done. Call it the loving spirit. Among the special people who gathered around were her loving family, relatives and friends. The evening began by yours truly paying a special tribute to Helen, and honoring all of our deceased members. During the ceremonies she f In Me mori a m \ V BLAG SPOMIN ? 2 - MaryGarbais — 75 yrs old Angeline Kerzich Pauline Kobal - 51-yr member 3 - Catherine Zunick - 92 yrs old 50-yr member 10 - Mary Novinc - 91 yrs old 13 - Frances E. Chiodo 14 - Anna Pavlovich 15 - Amalia Turk - 85 yrs old 25 - Antonia Kalish - 92 yrs old 53-yr member 27 - Rose Samsa - 75 yrs old 28 - Agnes Rastello - 84 yrs old 32 - Frances Widemire 33 - Anna Sever - 88 yrs old 41 - Anastazia Husta - 91 yrs old 51-yr member 50 - Stella Roitz - 76 yrs old 54 - Mary Ponikvar - 80 yrs old 51 yr member 56 - Mary Pulz-89 yrs old Jennie Skornshek - 99 yrs old 57 - Josephine Perusek 71 - Mary Sedmak - 90 yrs old 88 - Ivana Klina - 90 yrs old 105 - Mary Benkovich - 88 yrs old Yergovich, Mary Mclaughlin. Donations by: Harriet Isek - $2 and Rose Kmeta $2, who moved to Florida and took the time out to visit us. Please, Rose, stop by and visit us anytime; we love your company and we miss you. In conclusion try to attend one of our meetings! On Sept. 7th, we will resume for our fall session. Get well wishes to Pat Pavich who underwent surgery, to Rose Ballock who is also on the mend, to all of our members who are ailing. Birthday greetings to all of our members who have celebrated in the months of June, July, August and September. It is difficult to name each one in detail now, on account of how our ZARJA is being published; with the missing months as they appear I just don’t have the space anymore. I do hope our members will understand. Kate Alfirovich, back from her trip from Dalmatia, visited all her relatives and friends whom she had not seen for a long time and had a most pleasant time in renewing her friendship all over again. She enjoyed the trip so much she is looking forward in returning soon. It is difficult indeed to find words to express our regret of the death of a splendid man, Ludwig A. Leskovar, whose devotion and duty to his community and fellowman will long be remembered and mourned by the many who had contact with him in the various offices which he had graced. I can only add, that the size of his funeral that Dolores Hennelly and I attended tells all of this remarkable man. To Corinne, her daughter, Miriam Burkland and son, Ludwig Jr., we extend our heartfelt sympathy. MILDRED JAMES NO. 100, FONTANA, CA The annual Slovenian May Day Devotions were held at the Sacred Heart Church in Etiwanda and were impressively conducted by Fr. Jezbctz, assisted by Fr. Horvath and Fr. Strancar. I’m positive that the many persons attending were as happy and appreciative as I was to partake in a mass that was in Slovenian. The choir, conducted by Florence Sirnad, singing Slovenian hymns was beautiful, beautiful! The dinner following mass was also very commendable. Ii was organized under the capable direction of Mary Jasina and with the aid of her efficient friends who are always ready to give a hand when needed. I am taking this opporiunity to wish all our members a Happy Birthday for the months of June, July, August and September. God grant you many healthy returns and of course, happy ones. Our secretary, Rosemary Mlakar gave a glowing report on the events that took place at the Convention in Chisholm. Her description of the proceedings, the costumes, the solemnity, the gaiety, the entire time devoted to this special session was indeed memorably described. Mary Jasina, our Western States President, also attended the convention and at our last meeting encouraged our secretary to give the report and as I already stated, Rosemary did so, excellently. May God grant better health to our ill members. I especially wish this for my dear friend, Mary Kebe, also to Mary Galissini, a member of Br. 2 who makes her home in Florida. Ladies, don’t forget to enroll a new member. The more the merrier! We have a good organization, so let’s keep it going full speed ahead. I am still carrying an abundance of happiness within me that was instilled by a very memorable visit from my “family”. I always considered the Melissas as family because as a child in a coal mining town in Pennsylvania, their home was my second home. Elsie, Shirley, Valerie and Sister Trudy paid me an unforgettable but altogether too short stay. The last time 1 saw Sister Trudy who is in the order of Sisters of Mercy, she was three years old and that was 54 years ago! Dear God in Heaven, time indeed has wings! And, too, swiftly they beat away the hours. "I like to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, thru which Cod speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in”. Walk with God and you’ll never walk alone. Respectfully submitted, EDITH DRAWENEK NO. 103, WASHINGTON, l).C. On Saturday, May 21st, our branch participated in the 7th Biennial Northern Virginia Folk Festival and Bazaar held at the Thomas Jefferson Community Center in Arlington, VA, one of 35 ethnic groups. We enjoyed the affair so much because we saw so many crafts which are still made by hand and they remain a part of our heritage. We saw old ways in the new world in relationship to a diversity of cultures. Ethnic foods arc endless and it is nice lo see older and younger persons demonstrating their specialities. It gives us an opportunity to meet Slovenes in the area that we do not know such as Mrs. Mary P. Bodling, former of Johnstown, PA but now residing in Arlington. She is an artist and has had her paintings on exhibit at the Watergate in Washington. Even tho the competition is great, our area still remains a favorite, because of our delicious klobase, sauerkraut, Slovenian potato salad and delicious pastries. We like getting together ahead of time to prepare the baked goods. Thanks to Marie Paulin and Mary Lou Terselich for making oodles of Flancete. Nika Kovacic again made her special Honey dough for lovely Slovenian decorated heart cookies which go quickly and the butter cookies which were attractively packaged. Thanks to Tillie Ausich and yours truly along with Mary Lou for assisting her. Molly Thomas and Tillie Terselie made delicious Slovenian Christmas cookies. Thank You. Tončka Cigole and Mara Chokel prepared the apple strudel which disappeared quickly. Betty Cesnik and Nika each made a large bowl of potato salad. Thank you all for your time and effort. Our area was brightened by a large “majolka” filled with red carnations and a lovely poster of Lake Bled. Later, Bernardette Kovacic and Nancy Terselic appeared in Slovenian narodne noše and mingled in the crowd. Besides all the members mentioned, 1 would like to thank Angela Daly, Ivanka and Ana Antolin and Maria and Ann Paulin. We missed our staunch helpers, Iča Zebot, Mimi Mejac and Matilda Ausich. Looking forward to 1985 and thank Molly Jerich Thomas for acting as our laision officer. We extend our deepest sympathy and prayers to our long-time member, Mrs. Dora Voyatzis on the death of her husband, Steve. We commend her for the devotion and care she gave him throughout his long period of illness. May he rest in peace. Our best wishes to Mimi Mejac, our secretary these many years for a quick recovery following her hospitalization. Congratulations to our new high school grads as they enter a new phase in their lives: Ann Paulin from Stone Ridge School, chosen as valedictorian of her class, a very special honor and making us very proud. She will enter Cornell in New York. Marlene Skopac, from Woodward high school will work in the Radiation Safety Lab at Nat’l Institute of Health and attend Catholic University, Following an audition with the U. of Maryland Choral Group, she has the honor of being accepted as a member — a wonderful accomplishment. Robert Terselic graduated from Our Lady of Good Counsel high school with high honors, ranking 3rd in his class. He will attend Penn State on a full Naval ROTC scholarship joining his suster, Susan, who will be in her junior year. At present they are touring Europe by Eurail and culminating it in Ljubljana where they’ll meet their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Terselic, and sister, Nancy. We wish them a wonderful trip. On May 7th I attended the 3rd annual Spring Concert of the Georgetown University Women’s Chorus of which Molly Jerich Thomas is a member. Congratulations to her. It was a lovely and varied program and most fitting amidst the lovely setting of Dalghren Chapel. On May 15th we held our annual Mother’s Day celebration honoring our chosen Woman of the Year, Matilda Ausich. Our recording secretary and charter member. She is our monthly reporter and selected as delegate to the National Convention in Chisholm. Please see the May issue for the story of Tillie’s life. Ivanka Antolin, program chairman and Bernadette Kovacic, are to be complimented for the manner in which they planned the program. Our juniors and friends performed in a recital of talent at which they exhibited their ability to entertain. Marlene Skopec surprised us by her presentation of two songs, “Po jezeru” and “Raining on my heart” from the musical “Dames at Sea”; she is appearing in this play at her school. We enjoyed her lovely voice and delightful gestures that her second selection required. Bernadette accompanied her on the piano. The Bajuk children performed admirably with some help from the parents. Young Natasha recited a poem “Otrok poje” (A child sings). Two piano selections were played, one by Tatjana and a waltz with Andrej and Natasha perticipating. Lydica Millonig, age 4, made her debut by reciting two short Slovenian poems and was very reluctant to stop, looking very pleased at her attention from the crowd. Very proud were her parents, Lydia and Peter, and grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Florjan Bevec. The Raptakis children, friends of the Kovacic family, made their first appearance, Andrew playing a flute selection, Angelique, a duet with her teacher, Bernadette, and Katrin chose to play “The Entertainer” by Scott Joplin. Mrs. Ausich, Tillie’s mother, is now 92 years of age, was unable to be present. She was our member for a short time and is a delighful person. She loved to write. In tribute to her, Mrs. Ivanka Antolin read with much feeling, her nostalgic poem, “Stare spomini” published in the August 1971 ZARJA. Mrs. Ann Raspet played a few Slovenian folk songs on her accordian which all enjoyed. We wish to thank all the members of the Washington Slovenian choral group under the direction of Mr. Vladimir Pregelj who sang lovely Slovenian selections. This is always a highlight! At this time we presented the traditional bouquet of red carnations to our Woman of the Year and she looked lovely and very pleased. Our Spiritual Advisor, Fr. Raymond Wadas, then gave a blessing to all so that we could partake of the delicious buffet luncheon prepared and donated by our ladies under the chairmanship of Mrs. Matilda Terselic. We thank her for cleaning the kitchen afterwards., John Underwood then assisted us with popular games. We thank him for his help and generosity in donating the lovely bouquet in memory of his mother, the late Mrs. Matilda Podbevsek, our member. We missed two of our active members, Mimi Mejac and Molly Thomas. We express our prayers and best wishes for a quick recovery following surgery to Mary Lynn Thomas, our former member. Our deepest sympathy to Molly Thomas and family on the death of her cousin, Joseph Fink, who always attended our functions. FREDA H. MICHELITCH NO. 105, DETROIT, MI It has been many years since I have attempted to write anything for ZARJA. However, I am certain that faithful members of long-standing will remember me since I, as well as my late mother, devoted many years of hard work for our organization, serving both as officers and also on the 1952 convention committee. After that, I decided that some other members should share and learn how it is to lead a branch. Some intervening years were spent in living and working in other states and also nursing my Dad who needed complete care for many years. I refused to put him in a nursing home though many advised it. I was not well nor strong enough to care for him day and night, but I do not believe in the word “can’t”. Other problems and my own illness also stole time and snatched my strength. Working with people who have special health problems is also an unending task which takes most of my time. Only people who have experienced similar sitiations can hope to understand this. We had been hoping that you would consider Detroit for the next convention, even though some thought it too much work. I know that though it takes much work and worry, it also gives much pleasure and the joy of accomplishment. Hope that there will be a next time. I have written Dr. Conrad whose article on traditions of Belokrajina appeared in the last ZARJA as I had a couple of contributions to his collection. Maybe other members can do the same. Likewise, perhaps 1, too, can try to write a few lines once in a while. I am always happy to read articles by young people; that is how I got my start! Though a bit late, I would like to wish my brother and his wife Victor and Verna Bombach, many more happy, healthy years. They celebrated their Golden Anniversary in March at a family dinner. 1 arranged for them to ride in a 1933 Ford as they did 50 years ago! MARIE BOMBACH DYE IRENE ODORIZZI: 2362 Paddock Lane Restcn, Va. 22091 THE IMMIGRANT t Dorothy Strnisha DOROTHY FROM ROVTE Part I Our family lived in Rovte, a small city located in the Notranjsko region of Slovenia. We were very poor and many, many times we were hungry. My father and my mother, Neža Zagar, raised eight children, so there were many mouths to feed. My brother, Jacob, the eldest in the family, was nine years older than I; next came my sister Mary; then Anna who was seven years older; Valentine followed; a sister died at the age of three. A sister, three years younger than I remained in Europe with Mother; another sister, Frances, who was five years younger than 1 followed us to America after we sent her passage. Now, all are dead except me, the fifth of the family, born on February 6, 1889. I attended school until the fourth grade, which was customarily the length of time a poor Slovene could spare his sons or daughters to learn the basic rudiments of education: reading, writing, and arithmetic. Attendance at school rotated yearly between morning or afternoon sessions. One year, I attended school two hours a day in the morning, and the following years, two hours in the afternoon. Each Thursday, the girls stayed one hour after school and learned hand work, such as crocheting, knitting, and sewing. I also learned how to make gloves and stockings. After school, we youngsters had to work at home doing odd jobs and sharing in the family responsibilities. Father could barely support our large family as there were no jobs to be had in or around Rovte during the fall and winter months, so he went to Croatia every year in October and returned in April with money he earned as a lumberman. Finally, in 1898, he decided to emigrate to America and after becoming acquainted with his new country, sent © Irene M. Planinšek Odorizzi, 1983 money for Mary, my eldest sister, to join him. Later, Jacob, my eldest brother, followed. Then, in 1905, my sister Mary Zakrajšek, who was married, sent money for me to come to America. I Begin My American Adventure I arrived when I was 16 years and five months old, and found residence in Cleveland on 64th Street, formerly called Demer Street. My sister had five children; it seemed that every 15 months they were blessed with another bundle of joy. She said, “I need you to help me with the children.” Believe it or not, coffee was only 13 I U n H sSp g» X G-qrVeo Branch No. 33 Duluth, MN Youth Activity Report: We would like to congratulate our college graduate, Sandra Collard and our High School graduates, Karen Reindl, Jeanne Janchar and Joseph Janchar. Good luck to them in their future endeavors and we hope they will remain S.W.U. members by transferring to the adult membership. Two of our junior members performed in dance recitals this spring. Theresa Rzatkowski had her first recital and Becky Johnson has performed many times and has become quite professional. Our junior members enjoyed their McDonald gift certificates of $3.00 given to them by our branch. This gives them a chance to enjoy an outing with family or friends. Recently enrolled Jr. Members, twins Brenda and Barbara Bucar, are following their Dad’s footsteps.. They are getting to be excellent accordian players. Theresa Rzatkowski and her family are now on their way to Hamburg, Germany and Poland where they will visit relatives. Because her Dad was transferred to Kansas City, Missouri, Jeanne Janchar remained here with relatives to finish her high school education. She plans to come back to Duluth after her summer vacation to attend college. We hope all our young members enjoyed a healthy happy summer. DELORES HESKI, Pres. Is there a word in the English language that contains all the vowels? Yes, unquestionably! DAVY’S COLUMN Heidi’s Gone Recently, Heidi and I moved to a new neighborhood. While I’d be gone at work, I’d tie Heidi up outside. We had only been here about a week when I came home one evening to find Heidi gone. The only sign of her was her small brown collar and tags, which were laying in the yard. The buckle of the collar had broken off. I immediately searched the neighborhood on foot, but I had no idea how long she was gone. With no luck I went over to my girlfriend’s, and together we got in the car and continued the search. With sunset upon us we were forced to end our search. That night as I laid in bed it started to rain, and I died at the thought of her being outside in that storm somewhere. The next day I called the local radio station, and they announced Heidi’s description. Later that morning I received a call saying a dog fitting Heidi’s description was seen at a gas station. I hurried down to the station to nje oi'are AA cwYie.' mmf discover it was the wrong dog. I spent my lunch hour calling Animal Control, The Humane Society and all the local vets. No Heidi. I also put an ad in the lost and found section of the newspaper. That night it rained again. The next evening a lady called who saw my ad. She told me a little dog that answered Heidi’s description was running around the apartment house where her parents lived. Drawing by Andrea Selak, age 5 Girard, Ohio (Br. 55) She gave me directions, and off 1 was. The apartment houses were 3 miles north of where I lived. The lady must have called her mother, because when I arrived an elderly woman was waiting for me. Heidi was no where in sight. (For the conclusion of “Heidi’s Gone” read next month’s ZARJA— The Dawn.) DAVY -Mr ^ cO»aa. .23 q/l ^ Jl/ LOLUS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors ami Embalmers CHICAGO, IL 60608 847-6688 ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583) GEREND HABERMANN Funeral Home SHEBOYGAN, WI 903 N. 6th St., SHEBOYGAN WI 53081 FRED C. DAMES FUNERAL HOME Joel L. Dames Mark L. Dames Jon P. Dames 251 N. CENTER AT CAMPBELL JOLIET, ILLINOIS 60435 PHONE AREA CODE 815/726-5211 A Name to Remember THE BANKERS TO SEE ARF AT li ilnl Union National Bank U H| andTrust Company MEMBER fins' MIDWEST BANCORP N SO West Jefferson, Joliet, Illinois 60431 Slovenian Women’s Union proudly presents: Slovenian-International Cookbooks Popular for many years: WOMEN’S GLORY — THE KITCHEN $5.00 New, jusi on the market: POTS & PANS $8.00 Books on Slovenian Immigrants and Pioneers FR OM St. O VLNIA TO A MER 1C A $5.00 hardbound — $3.50 softbohnd FOOTSTEPS THROUGH TIME $6.00 1 or orders, send rcmiuancc plus $1 postage per hook 10: SLOVENIAN WOMI N'S I MON 431 NO. CHICAGO ST., -IOI.II I . 11 1 . 6(1435 TEZAK FUNERAL 459 Norlh Ottawa Street HOME Joliet, IL60435 First in service since 1908 Phone 772-0534 Cookbook Order Form “POTS& PANS” Please send me copies at $8.00 each plus $1.00 for postage and handling per book. NAME________________________________________ Address_____________________________________ City ________ State ________ Zipeode _____ Make checks payable to and send order >b.: Slovenian Women’s Union, 431 No. Chicago, St., Joliet, II. 60432. GRDINA FUNERAL HOMES 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 531-6300 1053 East 62nd St. 431-2088 GRDINA FURNITURE STORE 15301 Waterloo Rd. 531-1235 Cleveland, Ohio