Alenka Glazer perspektive v zgodnjih otroških pesmih otona župančiča Povzetek Župančičeve otroške pesmi se po odnosu do otroka in sveta sploh — na osnovi česar je mogoče razsojati o perspektivah v tej poeziji — delijo v dve dobi, prvo od 1894 do 1903 in drugo od 1907 do 1948. Pri tokratnem premišljanju so upoštevana besedila, ki spadajo v čas literarnih začetkov, od prvih objav v Vrtcu in Angeljčku (ter deloma Domu in svetu) leta 1894 do sredine leta 1896, do pesmi Oblaček. Ta pesem vnaša v Župančičevo otroško poezijo nova čustva in razpoloženja, ki napovedujejo neposredno osebno izpovednost in s tem novo obdobje v tej poeziji. V začetku so pesmi še močno naslonjene na pesniško tradicijo pri nas in se v njih oblikuje svet vrednot in pojmovanje otroka ter njegovega mesta v tem svetu, kakršni so bili splošno veljavni, kar potrjuje primerjanje s sočasno in starejšo otroško poezijo in z »literarnim programom« urednika Angeljčka in Vrtca Antona Kržiča. Hkrati pa se že od začetka v Župančičevih pesmih pojavljajo poudarki, ki pričajo o njegovih odmikih od literarne tradicije. Ena prvih Župančičevih pesmi Na Jurjevo, ki je nastala najpozneje v aprilu 1894, kaže na pesnikovo od literarne tradicije neodvisno povezavo z domačim življenjem, belokranjsko ljudsko pesmijo in običaji ter na neobremenjeno pojmovanje otroka, ki je odraslim enakovreden sooblikovalec življenja ter znanilec radostnega zaupanja v prihodnost, iz česar raste ena velikih tem Župančičeve poezije sploh: vera v prihodnost, katere nosilec je otrok. Summary Perspectives in Oton Župančič's early poems for children According to the relationship between a child and the world itself (the base forjudging perspectives in this poetry) Župančič's poems for children are divided into two periods: the first from 1894 to 1903 and the second from 1907 to 1948. Our concern considers the texts that belong in the time of literary beginnings, when he first published in Vrtec and Angeljček (partly in Dom in svet) from 1894 till the mid 1896, as well as Oblaček. This very poem brings into his poetry new feelings and moods, which foretell a direct personal declaration and thus a new period in his poetry. His first poems rely highly on the Slovene poetic tradition. The poems form the current world of values, the comprehension of a child and his place, what is proved by the comparison of the contemporary and older poetry, as well as »the literary programme« written by Anton Kržič, the editor of Angeljček and Vrtec. At the same time, his poetry reveals some emphasis from the very beginning, that bear witness to his deviations from the literary tradition. One of his early poems Na Jurjevo (a national custom in Bela Krajina), written the latest in April 1894, presents the poet's independent connection with home life, folk songs and customs in Bela Krajina, as well as unburdened understanding of a child. He equals a child to an adult, who co-forms life and announces his joyful faith in the future. The faith in the child of the future is one many famous themes of Župančič poetry. Translated by Bojana Panevski 34