JO SUMIC M SPORTSWOMAN OF THE YEAR ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 3 MARCH, 1975 VOLUME 47 ZARJA - THE DAWN No. 3 MARCH, 1975 VOL. XLVII Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske ženske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. ftnriual Subscription $5.00 — naročnina $5.00 letno For Social Members, .40 per month za družabne članice .40 mesečno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rekah urednica do 1. v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 OATES TO REMEMBFR. Mar. 2 — Mar. 15 — March 19 March 22 April 17 April 17 May 25 June 1 June 8 J'uiy 20 - Sept. 16 — Oct. 16 GAMES PARTY, Br. 16, So. Chicago, III. 16 39th ANNUAL MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNAMENT, Joliet, III. hosted by Br. 20 at Rival’s Lanes. - BAKING DEMONSTRATION, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio - "KROFE IN KAVA” SALE, Br. 2, Chicago, - CARD PARTY, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. - CARD PARTY, Br 55, Girard, Ohio, at Slo- venian Home - OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio - MOTHER’S DAY PARTY, Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio - MOTHER’S DAY MASS, Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., 0. ZVEZA DAY IN LEMONT, ILL. hosted by Br. 2, Chicago, III. VANITY FAIR PARTY, Br. 14, Euclid. Ohio. - CARD PARTY, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. HAPPY BIR'lHDAY IN MARCH BRANCH PRESIDENTS: Anna Kastelic, B’. 91, Oakmont, Pa. Theresa Pahula, Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. Mary Zakrajšek, Br. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. Josephine Artac, Br. 102, Willard, Wise. Mary Ann Brletich, Br. 81, Keewatin, Minn. Paula Kokal, Br. 96, Universal, Pa. Frances Hren, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. Betty Ann Murphey, Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. Mary Kameen, Br. 7, Forest City, Pa. Sylvia Stanfield, Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. Maria Bernik, Br. 2, Chicago, III. Mary Kolegar, Br. 25, Cleveland, Ohio REGINA’S RHYMES & RHYTHMS (See Jr. Page) As well known as great classics of poetry are many short verses like: Star light, star bright, First star I see to-night; I wish, I may, I wish I might, Have the wish I wish to-night. March 5 March 8 March 8 March 13 March 15 March 16 March 20 March 20 March 21 March 23 March 25 March 31 SECRETARIES: March 3 — Jennie M. Flisek, Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. March 4 — Anna Trdan, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. March 8 — Mary Podgornik, Br. 99, Elmhurst, III. March 9 — Julia Klemenčič, Br. 90, Oakmont, Pa. March 15 — Ann Dickovich, Br. 81, Keewatin, Minn. March 25 — Frances Kucic, Br. 27, Braddock, Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! 39th ANNUAL MIDWEST “JO SUMIC” BOWLING lOI IiNAVIINI % I HE COVER... A lady of spirit and diligence is an apt description of Josephine Sumic, for many years the strong and energetic head of the Br. 20, Joliet Bowling League and officer of the Midwest Bowling Association. In fact, it is a 38 year record that she holds as the sparkplug of this group! Most appropriately, the directors of the Midwest Bowling Association have named the annual tourney this year in honor of Jo Sumic, as thanks and tribute from them. We think it is most fitting that a person receives accolades from those with whom she is most involved. Jo will be happy! and so will the teammates end sisters of the bowling group. We salute you. Jo! Thanks for being a sensitive and helpful National Sports Director and Auditor; thanks for the loyalty you have shown to this organization; thanks for all the thrills and excitement you have helped to make possible for many sports-minded young women of our S.W.U. You have always produced over and above your duty. We bring you some old, historic pictures from Jo’s scrapbook: Winners of the Joliet Bowing League: left to right: Ann (Sraj) Jasper, Ann (Ramuta) Savol, J'o (Ramuta) Sumic, Ann Papesh and Helen Rozich. (1938) Midwest Bowling Tournament, Sheboygan, Wis., 1945. In the 40’s, local league had super number of bowlers. Proudest picture, the accomplishment of first place position in 1941 tourney: 'eft to right: Edith (Ogrin) Tru-lock of Waukegan, Jo (Ramuta) Sumic, Ann Mutz (deceased), Mary (Pasdertz) Briik and Jo Buchar. Most of the girls were still sing'e in 1937. Jo Sumic was a pioneer businesswoman in Joliet, as owner of a fur shoppe in the downtown area. Making good use of their capable member, Br. 20 has elected her treasurer for the past 23 consecutive years. In the center photo she is pictured as their Mother of the Year in 1973 with president Emma Planinšek and past vice-president, Josephine Muster. President* IfleAAacfe Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. Living Lent Again the time has come to wish all our members a Happy Easter. Special thanks to all for your sincere holiday greetings. Hearty thanks are extended to all who helped with the overall work of our Cotillion Charity Ball, which was held Dec. 28, 1974 at the Slovenian National Home in Cleveland, Ohio. The committee not only helped and served the S.W.U. Program, but also created an interest among our younger members. The challenge to keep our Slovene Heritage alive amcng our second and third generations, represents one of the biggest tasks that has ever faced us before and we can truly emphasize that the Ball was a complete success in all ways, especially the get-together of our younger group to mingle with brothers and sisters, parents and grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and friends. It was a joy to behold and let’s hope this will catch on and follow through among all our branches. The very foundation of the S.W.U. Organization lies in enrolling more members each month. In checking over reports from our National Seccy., Fanika Humar, you will notice we are losing more members each month as the years go by. That’s why it is necessary to have our past wonderful hard-working members replaced. Safeguard your investments by signing up new members and let others know the advantages a member can receive belonging to the Slovenian Women’s Union. After reading through our Magazine I'm very happy to notice so many of our branches are really cn the ball, with all sorts of exciting things going on., I must point out a few notes of interest. The Dec. issue featured all the Scholarship Winners from the first to the 25th year. Wouldn’t it be nice if more of them would write and let us know what they are doing today. Officers, check up on your scholars. Tell them ws would love to hear from them. A few of the students have already written to Mrs. Dicke which she graciously included in her monthly Sports as the Scholarship Fund Secretary. Helping our young people certainly shows that our S.W.U. is interested in Youth Programs. That’s the reason for a plea to all our members to help the Koroško Slovene boys and girls to a higher education. Do a good deed by donating to this worthy cause to help the young people keep up their Slovenian Heritage, language and customs. Compliments to Liz Putzell, who is keeping up the interest of Bowling in Chicago and surrounding cities. To Ann Hočevar who also has four teams Bowling and going strong in Cleveland, Ohio, and Branch No. 20! What team work they have among their members! That’s the way it should be. It was a pleasure to read all their activities in the “Capsule” column by Marie Prisland. That’s the way a branch stays active; every member should get involved because as you become more involved in your own branch you begin to realize how effective and meaningful and important it is to belong to S.W.U. Remember to follow jp on Father Okom’s Spiritual Messages, especially now with Lent & Easter coming up. Also we will plan on another trip to Lemont on Br. 2’s Zveza Day In July. Don’t forget, ladies, I am planning on your promise. Happy Birthday to all our March celebrants. Get well wishes are extended to all our sick members, Hope you’ll soon be well. My heart to you and 3!ess you all. A Happy Easter. MARY BOSTIAN. Lent is time for spiritual renewal. It is preparation for Easter. Many Catholics already forgot the real meaning of Lent. Let us examine ourselves. Some people are very good. Other people could not get a spiritual inspection sticker without a few repairs. For some, complete overhauling may be necessary to pass the road test to heaven. The road map of Christ says: “If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me”. For most of us it is a need to reconcile ourselves with God. We have to change the way of direction from present way of life. Christ expects penance from all of us. He went all the way for us. That fact is easily forgotten. If we had never seen a crucifix, and suddenly discovered Christ on the cross dying for us then penance would be better understood. Love for God must be the real motive behind penance because Christ’s love for us was proven by his suffering for us. A lot of people do not like Lent; however, deep down in our hearts we all know that Lent is needed. For that we have Jesus’s words: “Unless you do penance, you shall all likewise perish.” No one wants to perish. No one is exempt from doing penance which is not limited to Lent but is highlighted in Lent. The little girl was only seven. “I made a sacrifice for Jesus today," she told her mother as she showed her skinned knee. “Falling and skinning your knee, is that a sacrifice?" asked her her mother. “No, rriom, but I didn’t cry." Being able to take it for Jesus proves the virtue. Just looking into the icebox without taking a snack is still a penance for most people. Candy, cigars, cigarettes, magazines, movies and television have taken such a hold on people that a more moderate use of them or total abstinence during Lent is a struggle indeed, a struggle pleasing to God. Complimenting rather than critizing people; being patient in a difficult situation; keeping your hand off the horn in congested traffic, being pleasant on a crowded bus; giving a full day’s work in school or to the company; going out of your way to make people happy; being cheerful at breakfast; having a headache without acting like a martyr; not seeking excuses for your mistakes, disagreeing without being disagreeable; letting another his way; making it to Church in the evening for the lenten services — all these are ways of living Lent with and for Christ. Most of the joy of Easter comes from knowing that we tried to walk the way of the cross with Christ. No sacrifice no salvation, no cross no Christ, no changing of heart no reccnciliation. Love Christ above all and you will live Lent with Him. A few nice words about our ladies May I say a few nice words to our ladies who attend the Combined Branches meetings. Most of you are officers of your branches and you all give such nice reports. There were many things going on in 1974 and you were all nice to participate. We have more nice plans for 1975 and this will be discussed when we have our next meeting, April 24th at the regular place. 1 would like to inform you that Br. 42 in Maple Hgts., will host the State Convention for 1975 and this wili take place on May 25th. Mary Lou Prhne has some wonderful plans for us and we are so happy to know they will have us. Hope all the branches have chosen their Mothers of the Year. Our National President, Mary Bostian and I will try to visit each branch. Next year will be convention year and that will be here before we know it. So, ladies, keep up the good work. I’m very proud of you. SOPHIE MAGAYNA. Slovenian fraternal world mourns a leader Mr. Joe Nemanich, president of the American Slovenian Catholic Union, passed away suddenly in January, still in the prime of his life. Joe left this world behind for a place in God’s own paradise. We wish him peace and happiness there. He was a man high up tlie ladder of the prestigious Slovenian leaders. His members and friends loved him and respected him. What was most admirable was his tenacious spirit and loyalty to all things Slovenian. We extend to his wife, Frances, an active member and reporter of the Dawn Choral Group, his sons and daughter, his sister, Barbara Yapel, Reporter of Br. 34, Soudan, Minn, and other relatives, our deepest condolences. EDITOR. • ACTIVITIES Come for “Krofe” Members and friends of Br. 2, Chicago, III. are invited to attend a Baking Demonstration and Sale of KROFE, Sat. and Sun. March 22-23, 1975 at St. Stephen’s gym hall, after masses. The ladies will be there to show how the tasty doughnuts are made and you can purchase them to take home to your families. Sat. from noon until 7:30 p.m. and Sunday from 8 to noon — as long as the Krofe last! COMMITTEE. No. 3 PUEBLO, COLO. It's late to wish you all a very Happy New Year, but now this is my first edition for the Zarja, as I was elected to be the reporter from our Lodge. Our first meeting was held January 9, our meetings are usually held the first Thursday of the month, as the weather was bad it was postponed until January 9. At our meeting in December, the election of officers were held, and all the same officers were elected. Congratulations to you all. We also had our Christmas party and was well attended especially by our J'unior members. Want to thank the committee of Mrs. DeNiro, Helen Miklich, Mrs. Simonich, Mrs. Remes and Mrs. Mesojedec for the lovely refreshments, and also thank the ladies who dcnated the door prizes. Our January meeting was started with a prayer from our President Mary Guzzal. We could not have the installation of officers as some of the officers were absent, so we’ll have it at our next meeting. Report on Slovene Home for the Aged Donation There is really no way to describe the good feeling you receive when a good deed is done. Sat. Feb. 1st, a group of members attended the Pre- sentation of $2,000 to the Slovene Home for the Aged. This amount was the from the proceeds of our grand S.W.U. Cotillion Benefit Ball in Cleveland. A program given by our Junior Baton Twirlers and singing by Tillie Ramos and Carole Traven rounded out the program. The residents were very happy for all the entertainment. They just loved the juniors and had a great time singing along with Tillie and Carole. Refreshments were served by the Debutantes and members from different branches. To all who attended this affair, a big Thank You! FRANCES SIETZ. Mrs. Dalgon brought her niece that was visiting her from Yugoslavia. On our sick list we have Katherine Krašovec, Margaret Tomsick, Mary DeRose, Gabriela Drobnitch, Anna Grehak, and Carol Yengich. With no other business the meeting was adjourned with a prayer. We hope more members will be at our next meeting. The ladies enjoyed playing “B”. See you ladies at our next meeting. Margaret Kochevar, Reporter. No. 7, FOREST CITY, PA. It has been a long time since you heard from me. Good health to all our members who are not feeling well, Jennie Terchek, Fannie Kavsek, Kathryn Zigon. In January we lost a member, Mildred Dutchman. She was ill for a long time. She is survived by a son, Dr. William Dutchman from Munsey, Indiana, a daughter, Mildred Mazike-vich who is a practical nurse in San Jose, Calif, and 7 grandchildren. She is also mourned by two sisters, Angeline Gosciewski and Miss Rose Sear at home. Our deepest sympathy to all. God rest her soul and may she rest in peace. We elected the same officers for 1975. Members who donated to our Br. 7 are Mary Kotar, $2.50, Mary Zager, $1, Jennie Matyan, $1 and Margaret Kusher, $1. Thank you all. Wishing you a very Happy Easter, best wishes, good health to all my members and also to all the national officers. God bless you all. JOSEPHINE GOSTISHA. No. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Louis Yerkich of Euclid, celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary this month! Mr. Yerkich is well-known in the Collinwood area where he was active in Slovenian lodges and the Slovene Home on Holmes Ave. They have three children, two daughters and one son and a few grandchildren. Mrs. Yerkich is our member for many years. We wish them many more anniversaries enjoying good health and much happiness! ATTENTION, BOWLERS! No. 2, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, BOWLING NEWS March 15 and 16 will see the 39th Annual S.W.U. Midwest hdcp bowling tournament at the Rivals Bowl in Joliet. I hope to see a lot of people come to watch and root tor the bowlers. A few places that the girls might want to go to on Saturday or Sunday to eat or for entertainment are: Northwest Club at 1265 Cora, Slovenian-American Home at 1500 Clement, Merichka’s at 604 Theodore, and the Crows Nest at 1400 N. Center. During the day, lunch will be served at the Rivals Club by the Joliet Branch. See you in Joliet! LIL PUT2ELL Sports Director and Sec’y Midwest Bowling Assn. FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT—1975 SCHOLARSHIPS HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS: If you are interested in competing for a $300.00 Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship then please request an application form from Mrs. Hermine Dicke, 3717 Council Crest; Madison Wis., 53711. The deadline for the required information is extended to April 15th. Please hurry! More news from a former winner. Susan G. McNattin (Susan Grahek), a 1968 scholarship recipient from Ely, Minnesota writes: “I graduated from the University of Minnesota, Duluth, in June 1972 in Speech Pathology and Audiology. In July, I was married to Steve McNattin, a mechanical engineer. 1 have been employed with the Hampton City Public Schools (Virginia) as a speech therapist for the past two and a half years. I’d like to thank you very much for the scholarship that you so kindly granted to me. It helped ease the financial burden of college”. Respectfully submitted, HERMINE M. DICKE, Secretary Scholarship Fund,S.W.U. Our J’anuary meeting was very well attended. In 1974, we lost 15 members and honored their memory by lighting a candle for each one at the Meeting. Then our president, Ann Markovich led us in prayer for them. I would like to thank all the ladies for their nice letters and cards that we received. Also, for all the donations that help to keep our branch going. The business part of the meeting contained discussions and plans for the future. We are only a little way '"to the new year and already we have a bad start for 1975. We lost Mary Mišic, Ivana Gomback and Mary Ferlin. The first two ladies were over 80 years of age and Mrs. Ferlin was 97- She would have been 98 in March. Our deepest sympathies to all the families and eternal rest to our members. This io a bad time of the year to be sick. Wish all our ailing members a speedy recovery. Best wishes to all of you. SOPHIE MAGAYNA. No. 12, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Happy New Year, Happy Easter! Here’s hoping we all have good health and happiness in the months to come! The “flu bug” was very active amongst a lot of our members during the holiday season but in spite of it, a good number of our loyal members came to the January meeting and I know they were very satisfied as the meeting and reports were well run and ideas for the year were expressed. Let’s all try to attend as many meetings as possible and in that way one gets more out of being a memDer. We are always open for new ideas and discussion. Our officers and several members are always there with a well set table and good lunch, generally donated by that month’s birthday girls. I, too, was sick with the flu during the last month so I didn’t get to write an article on time. I did attend the meeing and Christmas party which had a very good crowd. Gifts were ex-(Continued on page 4) As of 1-28-75, Dr. Grill’s Team is 8 games in the lead; K & K is in second place. Tied for 3rd place are Marquette and Zefran’s. Railroad pickups are: G. Niedzielko 5-7, A. Vucko 3-10, B. Shiliga 5-7 and 5-7-9. J. Ovnik 3-10, H. Fitzgerald 5-6, M. Zefran 2-7, E. Statkus 5-6-10 and 5-10, A. Marrazzo 2-10, G. Dellegrazie 2-10, L. Putzell 2-7, B. Jakubowski 6-7-10, M. Krapenc 3-4-10, H. Drobec 5-10, M. Stuck 3-10, J. Muelleman 2-7, M. Marrazzo 5-7-9. 200 games were bowled by A. Vucko, 203, B. Haas, 237 and S. Gorka, a 242. On February 4, A. Vucko and B. Zurek were to be in the Semi-finals of the "Beat the Champs”. Good Luck and good bowling, girls! LIL PUTZELL. No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. BOWLING NEWS Our Christmas Party was held at Rival’s Club rooms. Prizes in games were awarded to A. Verbiscer, V. Guertin, M. Ellena, Lill Anderson, M. Nemanich, V. Bemikas. I’m sure every one had a good time. Branch meeting was held Jan. 12th. Mrs. Emma Planinšek, our president, opened with prayer and thanked all members for their wonderful cooperation during the past year. Plans were also discussed by the group for the coming bowling tournament to be held March 15-16 at Rivals Lanes in Joliet. Later, the new officers were installed by Monsigner M. J. Butala followed by an interesting report on various subjects. The meeting was closed by Monsigner Butala. Refreshments were served from tables carried out in green and white First of all, we want to thank all our bowling sponsors for being so nice.. Report on Bowling-4 Man Teams: Wins-Loses No. 2, F.C. Dames, 28—23 No. 6, Tezak Funeral, 27J—23i No. 1, Northwest Club 26J—24i No. 5, Merichka’s Rest. 26 —25 No. 4, Crow’s Nest 24 —27 No. 3, Amer. Slov. Home 21 —30 High 3 Game Scratch: Merichka’s Rest. 1609; High Single Team, Me-richka’s Rest. 564; High Single Game: C. Putrich, 221; High Single Series: V. Bernikas, 539. More again next time, may God be willing. MARY RUDMAN, Bowling Reporter. No. 12: changed and door prizes were given as well, so we all went home with something. The very good Christmas “goodies” and lunch were donated by Mmes. Pipan, Bojance, Plesko, Stampfel, Laurich, Stavia and wine from Mrs. Alpner fnd Mrs. Kratchnik. The chicken and trim were brought from our “Z” mcney. We all went away well fed and happy we were there! Several members visited our older members in the Nursing Homes where some fruit, cookies and candy were left with the ladies to enjoy. We want to make the visits a monthly affair if possible as the women were all so grateful and happy to see us. Call me if you have the wish to see any of them and I’ll see that you get there! The same officers were unanimously reelected and Christine Bojance (Mrs. Pipan’s daughter) was selected as Mother of the Year. Christine has been a very active and generous member since she joined us and in February she was to be hostesses and bring the lunch again. That was her birthday month, too. Prayers were said for our deceased members, Anne Vidmar and also our sympathy goes out to her family and to Mary Evanich who lost her husband, Carl. During January's meeting, the officers were sworn in and it was decided that the members would be asked to make dues payments ahead and once informed of being late, and receiving no response, such member will be suspended. So, please contact the Secretary when notified. A tour was also discussed but left for destination and date until next meeting. The usual "tasty” luncheon was served, this time donated by Stavia Dobersek in honor of her mother’s birthday. And, the tab'e settings and set up were donated by our loyal president, Jo Wilhelm and her twin sister, Ann Meier. They always do a superb setting, making a pleasant sight when you walk in. The day ended with our usual "Z” games. Most of us hate to see it end, but the ladies do have to get home! Remember to pay your dues and let us all try to get a least one new member this year. Three juniors were added last December, they are the grandsons of Mary Evanich, Evelyn Laurich and granddaughter of Theresa Sukys. God bless you all. Notify Mary Evanich of any members are sick. She’s our “Sunshine Gal”. Any volunteers for a new reporter? MARY DEZMAN. No. 15, CLEVELAND, NEWBURG, OHIO With the help of our national president, we have again gathered for monthly meetings. We are happy to have a new secretary, Mary Pabijan and her sister Patricia Harschler, assistant. The members elected yours truly as president. All our other officers we will try to elect at the forthcoming meeting so we can work together in the future for our branch end the S.W.U. Meetings will be on the second Tuesday of the branch at 2 p.m. at the SND on 80th St. Please try to remember this date and attend the meetings. We will have a lunch and social time after each meeting. We will elect a Mother of the Year also. On Mother’s Day, our branch will remember the living and deceased members with a special holy mass. Please come to the meetings so we can make further plans and according to vour wishes, how to conduct the meeting, in Slovenian or English. We sadly announce the passing of two sisters, Mrs. Perko and Mrs. Habijan. Our deepest sympathy to the families and may they rest in eternal paradise. Greetings to all. ANTONIA STOKAR, President. No. 16, SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. There was no official meeting in January but many of our members saw each other when we met at Kompare’s Funeral Home to say the Rosary at the Wake of Evangeline Nagoda. Mrs. Nagoda, who was eighty-two, is survived by her husband John, sen Dr. Edward Nagoda of Tucson, Arizona and daughter Mrs. Dolores Plunket of Mexico City, Mexico, seven grandchildren and five great grandchildren. She was the sister of Pauline Klobučar and sister-in-law of Anne Kompare. Funeral Mass was at St. George’s Church, with entombment in Holy Family Mausoleum, St. Mary Cemetery. Our sincere sympathy is extended to all the family members. Congratulations to Rose Marie Prebil and John Nishimura who were married on New Years Day at St. Francis de Sales Church. Rose Marie, the daughter of Marge and Anton Prebil, will continue her studies at University of Illinois, Chicago Circle Campus while performing her duties as a housewife. Best wishes to Mr. end Mrs. Nishimura for many years of happiness. Our best wishes for improved health are sent to Mary Borota, Frances Grotkowski and Edna Winters who are recuperating at home after recent hcspitalization. MARGE SPRETNJAK, Reporter. No. 17, WEST ALLIS, WISC. I hope the year had a happy and heaithy beginning for each one of you. Our annual meeting and Christmas party was well attended and the hall had a festive decoration. The business meeting with discussions on resolutions for the coming year went along nicely as there was a lot to be done. The officers were all unanimously re-elected to their respective offices. Congratulations to our Mother of the Year, Mary Kastner, A very deserving honor to a wonderful woman, who has worked hard to help build up our branch., Mary is residing at St. Camillus Nursing Home, 10100 W. Blue Mound Rd., Milwaukee, Wise. I am sure a visit or a card would be greatly appreciated by her. We will again have 2 card parties this year. The first one will be Thursday, April 17, for the church, and on Thursday, October 16, for our treasury, at 7:45 P.M. at St. Marys Help of Christians Auditorium. Please mark these dates on the calendar and remember to bring a friend or two along for a few hours of leisure entertainment. Cake and coffee will be served. Donations and prizes are always appreciated. Congratulations and best wishes are extended to Mr. & Mrs. Ernest lmperl of West Allis who recently celebrated their 25th. Silver anniversary. They attended a solemn high mass at St. Frances Seminary, which was held for the silver and golden anniversary couples of the year. A large group of relatives and friends attended the dinner and reception which was given by their children, Claudette, Collette, Elizabeth, Michael and Mathew at St. Marys Help of Christians. Ernest is the son of one of our charter members, Frances lmperl and is also the brother of Josephine, who is also our branch trustee and the organist at St. Marys Church. Mrs. Colleta lmperl and her children are all members of our organization. Get well wishes are extended to Rose Udovich at the Marian Heights. Anyone in the neighborhood, kindly drop in for a few moments, she will be very glad to see you. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family of Mary Jungwirth. We will miss her on our bus excursions as she was willing to go anywhere with our branch. May she rest in peace. Notice: There will be no meeting in March, as we will be participating in the S.W.U. Bowling Tournament in Joliet. Anyone interested in going along please contact the secretary (327-1444) or president (327-3871). We have also chartered a bus for the K.S.K.J. Bowling Tournament in Newburg (Cleveland) Ohio for April 12-13. Anyone again interested in visiting friends or just being our cheering section, please contact the above parties for reservations. Members in arrears, please bring your dues up to date. As you know it has been published in the Zarja that Class A members will be paying 55* a month, and Class B 80* a month. Members over 75 years of age in Class A pay 20* and in Class B 35*. Juvenile members still pay 10* a month. Please remember to add an additional $1.00 for expenses, and the assesment for the deceased members in 1974. There were 2 deaths: Antoinette Rauth and Catherine Kokošin, and for 1975 we have just lost Mary Jungwirth. To all our sick members and shut-ins we wish a speedy recovery. MARION M. MAROLT. No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Our first meeting of the year was very well attended, "just like old times”, was the comment of our president, Mrs. Planinšek. It reminded us of the days We used to carry chairs from another room to acommodate all the members. Any of you who did not attend this session missed a wonderful program during the meeting, the fine atmosphere and friendliness. Please promise to come again, ladies. The first member to pass away this year was our old time member, Mrs. Catherine Matkovich of Summit St. who spent two years in a nursing home. She attended our meetings in the past years. At her death she was 76 years old and is mourned by her family who loved her very much. While she was waked before burial, her husband, Joseph was taken to the hospital and died within a week. He was a member of various societies and clubs, too. They were buried in the family cemetery alongside each other. They were long time members °f St. Joseph Parish. Surviving are three daughters and two sons. About the same time, the husband °f our member, Theresa Pasich died after a lingering illness. He was Marko Pasich, age 77. Besides his wife, he is mourned by two daughters and grandchildren and numerous other relatives. After a brief illness, Tcny Petrovich (Clutch) passed away at the age of ^8. He was brother of our member Ann Mihelich and member of many clubs. He is also survived by his wife, (Bozich) and other relatives. May al1 our dearly beloved departed rest in peace and condolences to the families. Our secretary announced that in 1947, 24 new members have joined our branch. At this time, three new members were initated by the president, namely, Mrs. Frances Kimak, daughter of Mrs. Krall, Justine Kos-te'ec and Josephine Malone, latter two ane nieces of our president. Congratulations to the Chuck Allen family for the increase in their family of a cute little girl. They already have four boys. Mother’s family name is Marie May Erjavec. Mr. & Mrs. Anton Mravle are the parents of another fine boy. He will be the brother of litt'e Tony. Mr.. Mravle is the Supreme Treasurer of KSKJ while Judy, the mother, is president of St. Gen Society No. 108. Congratulations. You can visit Mrs. Terlep or mail her a card to the Lakewood Nursing Home, 1111 E. Eastern Ave., Plainfield, 60544. Also, to Josephine Sumic at 1305 N. Center St. Joliet, 60434. We wish them both a speedy recovery. Hope Mary Briick gets her health back soon — she has been ill for some time. Our Monsignor installed the officers for the new year. Their names are in the Slovenian section. The, Monsigner gave a very interesting talk to the members who enjoyed him very much., A number of bowlers attended the meeting and plans were made for us to cooperate with them in hosting the annual Midwest Bowling Tournament to be held at Rivals Park. The committee will be hard at work for this tournament to make it a success. Many new ideas came from the floor. After the meeting, lunch was served donated by the officers. Also, Mrs. Anna Sternisha made a banana cake, Marge Gasperich, bottles of orange drink, and Mary Trautman with "wine of the century”. Beautiful cut embroidery pillow cases were hand made by Mary Weis-mantel and donated to the branch for prize. It was won by Emma Nosse. It helped the branch treasury this way. Many thanks also to those who volunteered to sell for the benefit of the branch. Our good and loyal member, Mrs. Johanna Krall of Hickory St. was chosen as our Mother of the Year. We know her as a very sincere and helpful person. She also brought a large box of home made cookies to the meeting. She is an expert at fancy baking. Congratulations, Mrs. Krall. Emma Nosse's son provided us with much enteratinment. Thanks. We'll see you at the next meeting in March, and at the Tournament. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC. No. 21, CLEVELAND, OHIO Some time has lapsed since the holidays which has been taken up with various after-season business. Those few of us who attended the Dec. meeting were coce again happy to see each other. By-laws of our Union were quickly reviewed followed by the annual election of officers. Motion was made and carried that all members are asked to remit $1.00 per this year to replace the annual May project. In this way we are not soliciting friends to buy; one dollar is little to ask in these times. The supreme board has stipulated an additional increase in dues of 10* per month. You may have read this news in earlier issue of your Zarja. Results of the election are: Rose Kosko stays on as President; welcoming newly elected Albina Zakrajasek as Vice Pres.; Stella Daneull remains Sec., Treas. While Lil Lunder accepted Rec. Sec. graciously, Mary Hosta and Pauline Stepic will audit. Mary Sanker is Sgt. at Arms as Ann Jesenko and Helen Konkoy, Reporters to Zarja. We are reminded that the honor of holding office should be cherished since we are retaining the culture of our parents’ heritage by leading a branch of a strong Slovenian society. One of the recent activities of our community outstanding in the area & the Slovene social circle is the grand reopening of our fire damaged hail. The combined efforts of a few to restore and clean-up and the supreme work of rruny on that day resulted in a successful two-day celebration. We are grateful especially to the officers of the National Homes Assoc, and those who baked from Waterloo to our crew of local people not to mention every one who so generously baked an array of delicacies. The committee was overwhelmed but many volunteers helped to lighten the burden. We wish the officers great success and congratulate them for what was no small task. We indeed must remember to join hands with all other S. Nat. Homes in support for what they rendered in our time of need was not to be measured. All of you out here bring a friend; join in the social whirl. Help our home to succeed; drop in pay a visit to La Veme at the bar. Friday meals are delicious. Congratulations!!! Marie Hosta, grandmother third time, a girl to Chuck. Theresa Lach great grandmother, a girl to son Frank. Good recovery to Ceil Katherien, post operation. Let's see you Ceil. We visited Mr. & Mrs. Weiss during holidays.. What a pleasure; resigned to the personal care of Josephine, a March, 1975 5 happy atmosphere. Believe it or not, Mrs. Zupan a great lady alone in her circumstance bravely entertained all her family for ham and potica. Mary and Jo helped and care. You wouldn’t believe Mrs. Kavc is the belle of Slov. Home-Aged.; cute as a buttcn she is perky and lovab'e. We don’t wish to forget any shut-ins ever. Get your cards going girls. Florence J'esen is too sweet to forget 2911 Saratoga, 44109 . . . Molly Sterle is in town at Euclid senior apts. 125 E. 156 apt. 502, 44110. Welcome home Molly! Stella asky you to send self-addressed envelopes with your dues payment; well anyway, a stamp. Meetings are in effect only February, April, May, October, November, and December. Mark your calendar, please. Senior citizens over 55 look for a call to meet at our church for coming opportunity to socialize and get involved. See you soon. Fondly as always. HELEN L. KONKOY. I M <5^— ■ ■■ No. 23, ELY, MINN., DAWN CLUB Holiday greetings to all the members. May your new year be filled with haDpiness and good health. Our Christmas party was held cn the 15th of Dec. at the St. Anthony’s church hall. A very delicious dinner was served, breaded pork chops with all the trimmings. This was prepared by the following ladies: Rose Pucel, Barbara Rosandich, Sally Davidson, Pauline Deyak, Mary Pershe-rin, Rose Novak, Ann Miklausich, Fran Grahek, Ann Lunka, Jen Erchul, Mary Knapp, Mary Folio, Mary Mavetz and Mary Petritz. I hope I didn’t omit any names, if so, I’m sorry. For entertainment, Frank Levar (son of Mr. & Mrs. Stan Levar) sang three Slovenian selections, Sveta Noč, Rajske Strune and Lepa si Roža Marija. He was accompanied cn the piano by Mary Hutar. Frank, you did a very nice job. Thank you. Mary Gotchnik played the accordian we all sang and had a lovely time. Also, played "B” for a while so all in all, it was a fun evening. Many thanks to Mary Jamnik, Molly Zupančič and Mary Reichenburger for bringing a few of the able patients from the Ely Nursing Home to the party. They certainly did enjoy themselves. Remember, Zveza members, our meetings now will be on the 1st Tuesday of the mcnth and the Dawn Club meets on the third Wednesday of the month, so hoping we see you then. MARY ZGONC, Reporter. No. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. A happy and healthful new year is extended to all the members. We, the officers, hope that everyone enjoyed the holidays with their loved ones and friends. New members added to the rolls are Catherine Flajnik, Vicky Flajnik, Margaret Westwood, Donna Westwood and Rose Steckel. The annual Christmas party was held Dec. 17th. Refreshments were served and Santa was there to give the women grab-baggifts. Everyone had a most enjoyable evening. Also, we had a business meeting this same evening with 60 members in attendance. Election of officers took place with the same officers being voted in.. All the officers accepted their duties again. We a'so selected our candidate for Mother of the Year. Her name is Angie Veselic, an honor that she well deserves for hers was one of the first names to join Br. 26 and has been an active and very cooperative member for many years. Our sincere congratulations go out to you, Angie! With the unpredictable weather during January and February, our next meeting will be held March 18th. We hope to have a large attendance and please ladies, try and bring in a new member. Get well wishes to all the sick and a cheery hello to all the aged and shut-ins. You are always remembered in our prayers. We again hope the new year will bring the best of everything to all, no matter where you may be. God bless and watch over everyone. HELEN CESNIK. No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO We 'nad a nice group of ladies at our Jan. meeting. We celebrated the new year and wore hats and trimmings proper for the occasion. It really was different from the other years. Our hostess had a list of donations for the new year party and she gave up her job to Anne Rossman, who accepted. Mary will be in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. for about 2 months visiting her sister and granddaughter plus many friends out there. She works hard and we’re glad for her that she is on a vacation. Her husband, Frank, is with her. Our secretary reminds us again that dues went up 10e, is married and living in Milwaukee, Wis. -4, Of./ 3r J, EUin, Way the road rise up to meet you, Way the wind be always at your back, Way the sun shine warm upon your face, And rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again — Way God hold you in the palm of his hand. At Easter time and always, GOOD COOKING! Fondly, HERMINE. Yield: 4 loaves 12 inches long. YEAST MIXTURE: 1£ ounces yeast l/4 cup lukewarm milk 1J teaspoons sugar i/4 cup flour Dissolve yeast in lukewarm milk; add sugar and flour and mix well. Set aside to rise. DOUGH MIXTURE: 1 cup milk % cup sugar 2 teaspoons salt i cup butter 3 beaten eggs 5-6 cups flour Scald milk, add sugar, salt and butter. Set aside to cool. Add yeast mixture to milk mixture. Add beaten eggs and then flour beginning with 5 cups, adding a sifterful at a time, beating well after each addition. Keep adding flour until dough may be handled without sticking. Knead dough on floured board for about 20 minutes. Place dough in well-buttered bowl; cover and let rise in warm place for about 2 hours until double in bulk. (Do not knead again after it has risen). Spread dough on table covered with cloth and sprinkled with flour. Start rolling dough with rolling pin then pull it thin to about Vs inch thickness. Spread with filling to edge of dough. It is also my pleasure to include Frances Vranicar’s original recipe for this tasty CRUMBLED TOPPED APPLESAUCE PIE which is easy to prepare. Frances is from Joliet, Illinois and a member of Branch No. 20. CRUMPLE TOPPED APPLESAUCE PIE One 9-inch Deep Dish Pet Ritz Pie crust baked until very lightly browned (crust is found in frozen pie crust section in supermarket). FILLING: 21 cups applesauce y4 cup apple cider, if available, or ^cup water (cider is definitely better) FILLING MIXTURE: i cup butter i cup honey 2 cups sugar (less, if desired) 1 pint milk 2 pounds finely ground walnuts 3 egg yolks (beaten) Rind of one lemon 3 egg whites (stiffly beaten) Cinnamon Melt butter. Add honey, sugar and milk. Bring to rolling boil. Pour mixture over over ground walnuts. Add beaten egg yolks and lemon rind. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites after mixture has cooled. Sprinkle the spread dough and filling with cinnamon, The potica is rolled up like a jelly roll, starting the first inch by hand. Then, picking up the nearest end of the cloth on which the filling and dough are spread, Pauline raises the c'oth gently so that the dough rolls itself, over and over, ever so easily. Use the edge of a plate for cutting the loaves, sealing the dough automatically, sc that the filling will not escape. Put into well-greased pans. Cover and set in warm place to rise until double in bulk. Bake 1 hour at 325 degrees. Brush the top with beaten egg or milk before placing in oven. Tops of loaves may be frosted with a thin powdered sugar icing or just sprinkled with powered sugar after baking. Note:—Pauline added: "I received many calls from people after the article appeared in The Press who have never made potica, tried it and had success with it — even men, believe it or not”. Mix together: 2 tablespoons cornstarch y4 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon cinamon y4 teaspoon nutmeg Mix together until blended and add to the applesauce mixture and blend together. Pour into crust. CRUMBLE TOPPING: y4 cup all-purpose flour y4 cup well-packed brown sugar (not brown ulated) y3 cup firm butter or oleo Mix until well blended and crumbly. Spread evenly over pie filling. Bake 40 minutes, or until nicely browned, in preheated 400 degree oven. Serve with ice cream or whipped topping. No. 40. coming celebration of the 45th Anniversary of our Branch. More about this as plans progress. Let's all try to attend the meetings and make this one really a great anniversary year. We will all benefit from it. I’ll close with God Bless Everyone of You. MARY PLOSZAJ, Reporter. No. 41, CLEVELAND, OHIO Lodge No. 41 has a new secretary: Jane Kaplan, 19309 Preston Road Warrensville Hts., Ohio 44128 Any correspondence or paying of dues should go to her address. Our meetings will be revived and continued cn the first Tuesday of each month at the Slovenian National Home on Waterloo Road. Meeting starting at 1:30 till 3:30 p.m. Please come and tell us what kind of programs you would like and what you like to do. We are interested in you so please come and get acquainted with us again. As you all know dues have been increased 10(f per month. Class A is 7.20 and Class B is 10.20 per year. Anybody who is 75 years old come and see the secretary because your dues will be cheaper. Do you know this is the time to select a Mother of the Year? Come and give us suggestions who you would like to choose. I am very anxious to meet all of you ladies. So please come to the meetings. Again dues are due at this time. When you come to the meetings give me your telephone number. Any news that you would like printed give it to me and I will see to that it will get into the Zarja. JANE KAPLAN. No. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO Hello, ladies! First to remind you that we decided on May 25th for the big day for this branch! Three events will be held that day. It will be the Mother of the Year celebration honoring Millie Lipnos, a!so the 45th anniversary party for our branch and thirdly, the State Convention for Ohio-Michigan wiP be held here. This will be at the Slovenian Na-tioal Home on Stanley Ave. here in Maple Hgts. We’ll start with an early meeting, mass at 12 at St. Wences-laus Church and Banquet at 1:30 p. m. More about all this in the next issue. Happy Birthday to Mary Hočevar, Frances Legan, Margaret Lipnos and Millie Rizzo, our new member. Travelers are President, Toncka Kastelic and her husband in California for the remainder of the winter — hope they enjoy their stay at their daughter’s. Frances Legan and her husband are still in Florida — these lucky ladies. Betty Kosak flew down to New Orleans with her son, Dan, to see another son, Dave get married. She was also in Columbus, Ohio for the Inauguration. Belated 66th Wedding Anniversary to Mr. & Mrs. Frank Legan (Antonia) and Betty Ann and Wal.y Harr on their 20th! Margaret Lipnos’ son, Dave, got engaged and there will be a wedding in October. Our best wishes to them. Visiting here for Christmas in Macedonia where Mary Yemec lives was her daughter and family from Denver, Colo, her son and family from Michigan and son and family from Lake Lacerne here. To our all our sick members a speedy recovery. Theresa Filips, glad to hear you are doing so well since your surgery. Angela Perko was in St. Vincent Charity Hospital for eye surgery and Agnes Vercek back home after all her treatments. Our deepest sympathy to Olga and Dorothy Ponikvar and families on the death of their husbands’ father. Ladies, Planina is planning a concert on April 27th. Please keep the date in mind and attend. You know there are 8 of us Ženska Zveza members in that group? Till next month, God bless you. MARY LOU PRHNE. No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. The January meeting wasn’t too well attended as it was the day after New Years. We did discuss some business but the important part was postponed till February. We would like to welcome all our new members and hope that they enjoy coming to our meetings. Feb. 6th meeting we voted on having our meeting place changed to Rebernisek’s 36 Club at 3400 W. Loomis Rd. and the day is the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. except the months of July and August when there are no meetings due to vacations. A bus has been chartered for the trip to Joliet March 16th for the Midwest Bowling Tournament. This tournament will be in honor of Josephine Sumic. You will be informed as to where to meet the bus and the time. Anyone else wishing to go along is welcome, please call 481 7357. Come and watch our girls bowl on Wednes- day evenings at Gorishek’s Bowling Alleys and you will se the fun they have. Mitzi Mohorko bowled a 245 game! Julie Douglas, one of our newcomers, a 224 and Elsie Gallun, the sausage girl, a 206! Our Florida vacationists are as follows: The Adolph Zortzs spent two weeks mostly at the beach; the Joe and Bruce Spende families traveled to Ft. Lauderdale and Disneyland besides other places of interest. Lucille Jenich who is now Mrs. Louis Ganzel and her husband and the John Bentzs were in Reno, Nevada. Lucille and Louis were married in Reno and the Bentzs were their attendants. Congratulations, Lucille and Louis. May all your troubles be littles ones. We would like to congratulate Mr. & Mrs. James Goggins, Sr. on their new grandson, Joseph and Mr. & Mrs. J'ohn Brophy on their new granddaughter, Maria Elena, also the parents! Mary Tratnik, the gal who loves to play the one-arm bandits was also vacationing with 5 other gals in Las Vegas. From all hearsay, they had a really glorious time. Live it up, ladies, whi.e the livin’ is good! Vickie Sporis spent a few days in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn, on a tour to see their Winter Carnival. Mary Martino spent two weeks with her daughter and family in California. She just hated to come back to this Wisconsin cold climate. The weather was beautiful out there while she was on the west coast. Congratulations for Terry Cerar and Rick Alan Lemanski on their engagement. Terry is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs., Joseph Cerar. The couple plans a June 25th wedding. Jenny Pugel had surgery and is now recuperating at home. To her and all our other sick and shut in members, a speedy recovery. Mitzi Mohorko was picked as our Mother of the Year. To all March birthday celebrants, our best wishes and congratulations. Our sympathy to Antoinette Kosiba whose husband passed away recently, He had surgery several times and was ailing for quite a while. May his soul rest in peace. Also to Katherine Holmberg and her family who recently lost husband and father. He, too, was sick for sometime. Sincerest sympathy to you and yours in your hour of deep sorrow. May his soul rest in peace. A reminder for your dues, please check and take care of this at your earliest convenience. Next meeting, March 6th at Rebernisek’s Club 36 at 3400 Loomis Rd. at 7 p.m. Happy St. Patrick’s Day! ROSE KRAEMER. No. 46, ST. LOUIS, MO. We are now deep into the cold and flu season. By the time this is in print, in March, we will be halfway into Lent and then, Easter. Spring is on the way! Right after I mailed in my last article for Zarja, I learned of the deaths in the families of two members. Marie Gartner lost a second brother-in-law in December. This was her husband's brother. And our member, Audrey Gabrian’s father passed away on Christmas Eve. Our sincere sympathy to these families. Hope to see everyone at the next meeting. JO ANCEL. No. 47, GARFIELD HGTS., OHIO The reports from the Debutante Cotillion Ball were wonderful to hear especially since two of the first debs, Katherine Wallace and Mary Lou Cul-kar were among those on the committee directed by Frances Sietz. We congratulate the two new debs from our branch who were introduced Dec., 28th, namely Janice Culkar and Debra Flak. Both of them are beautiful girls and had their photos in the January Zarja. We wish them all the best in life. Mrs. Mary Culkar of Stone Rd. wrote such a nice article about them in Zarja and we thank her for signing up the two debs and their mothers, Mrs. Helen Culkar and Mrs. Irene H. Flak. And added congratulations to Mary Culkar on being named Mother of the Year from our branch! At the annual meeting we had a good attendance and we thank all who attended and brought good things, especially Ann Kresevic. All our good cooks really showed their talents that night and Mrs. Kresevic and Mrs. Vlcek brought prizes and favors. Thanks also to Ann Harscti, Ann Kresevic and Jennie Gerk for serving. All the same officers were re-elected except Julia Mezgec who declined office and in her place we elected Mary A. Mundscn, sister of our recording secretary, Jennie Praznik. May we also extend to them our sympathy on the loss of their brother, Louis Praznik of California. The special mass in honor of our departed members will be the second Sunday in June. I wish to remind all our members °f the assessment change for the current year, 1975. Please remember that Class A for our branch is 60^ Per month and Class B is 85*. This ls due to the raise in general as- sessment of 10and our branch still retains a nickel charge each month for our expenses. God bless you all and have a Happy Easter. JENNIE PUGELY. ^ ^ ii Clili ---- No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO "ERIN GO BRAGH” AND LUCK OF THE IRISH TO ALL! Our March meeting was welcomed with 103 members in attendance. After the minutes were read, Frances Seitz and Antonia Turek presided over Installation of Officers. Six of our cadets, in parade dress, escorted our officers and presented candles, after which they repeated the pledge of their office.. It was a beautiful and solemn occasion. Congratulations are in order to our new officers for 1975: PRES.—Ann Hočevar; VICE-PRES.— Dorothyann Winter; REC. SEC’Y—Jean Paik; SEC’Y-TREAS.—Irene Jagodnik; SENTINEL—Ann Kristoff; AUDITORS Marie Dolinar and Antonia Turek; REPORTER FOR ZARJA—Ann Winter and MOTHER OF THE YEAR 1975: Jean Tomsic. Here's hoping this year will be a most enjoyable and rewarding one for all. Sympathy acknowledgements were received from the Anna Snyder (Žnidaršič) and Frances Glavan families. Thank you cards were read by our Vice-Pres. Dorothyann Winter from the following people: Agnes Bradek; Louise Križman and Jbsephine Debelak. Our sick members are as follows: Cecelia Žnidaršič, Josephine Debelak, Eleanor Karlinger, Janet Lawrence and Mary Champa. Please remember these people ;n your prayers. Deepest sympathy to Mrs. Frances Nemanich and Family on the loss of their husband and father, Joseph Nemanich. Mr. Nemanich was a very active man in the Slovenian community. For 17 years he served as National President of the American Slovene Catholic Union Societies and in the League of American Slovenes and other fine groups. He was a councilman and usher at St. Vitus Church for 35 years and active in the Holy Name Society of that parish. The Slovenian Communty has truly lost a great and dedicated man. May God Grant Him Eternal Peace. New members this month are: Vera Mateyka, Ann and Bernadette Schultz (mother and daughter) and Josephine Pureber. Welcome ladies! In honor of it being St. Joseph's day in March, we will honor all of our ladies whose first name is “Josephine”. HEAR YE! HEAR YE! Come to the meeting. "COME, COME, COME TO THE FAIR.” VANITY FAIR that is. To be held on Monday evening, April 21st, 6:30 p.m., at the Euclid Park Clubhouse. Supper will be served along with many other interesting surprises. Proceeds will go to the Scholarship Fund. Tickets will be available at this meeting from Ann Hočevar. Don’t be left out; Ladies let’s have a good turnout. HEAR YE, HEAR YE! COME TO THE FAIR.” Happy Birthdays and Anniversaries to all our members. Thanks to all the officers and members who baked this month. There’s never a dul moment at our meetings — Please Come. See you next month. ANN WINTER. EUROPE AND SLOVENIA IN 1975 Trying to keep the cost down and fight inflation Hollander World Travel, Inc. will offer agains in 1975 a large number of charter flights to Ljubljana, as well as other cities in Yugoslavia. Departures from May to October from 2 to 19 weeks stay Round trip from PITTSBURGH, CLEVELAND, DETROIT to LJUBLJANA, $398.00 Round trip from CHICAGO, $409.00 — From NEW YORK, $386.00 Enjoy your vacation moro — travel with Hollander, an expert in the travel field for over 50 years! Call or write for your departure schedule today! HOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL, INC. Main Office: 589 EAST 185th STREET - CLEVELAND’’ OHIO 44119 » Telephone: (216) 692-2225 - Telex 98-0294 CHICAGO, Illin^ DETROIT, Michigan 37 South Wabash (60603) 19741 Van Dyke Ave. (48231) Telephone: (312) 332-4721 Telephone: (313) 366 4300 ~ NEW YORK, New York 2032 West Cennak Rd. (60608) 31-06 42nd St., Astoria, N.Y. 11103 Telephone: (312) 847-6679 Telephone: (212) 721-1132 ——-—*■ "** *** *** .*** -'?* ,a, Marie Prisland: yjew 'L^ear Olieruation A prominent friend from Oak Park, III. has sent me the following New Year observation which I would like to share with you: We are saddened by wars and rumors of wars; by man’s inhumanity to one another; by a worsening of our economy of our own making; by en- ' durance of politicians with warped minds and venal hands; by the constant erosion of our old moral codes; by corporations too hungry for profits; by endless strikes powered by irresponsible leaders; by judges unworthy of their robes; and many more too numerous to mention. We crave an answer to correction of these evils. History is replete with similar tales of woes which by our thinking populace will change our most onerous situation by democratic means rather then via a tyrannical route. May our friendships shape our bonds of affection on the anvil of our common weal; my our Commonwealth once again prosper; may Peace be a reality and may the good T.ord guide our thoughts and actions! THE LEGEND OF THE RAINDROP The legend of the raindrop has a lesson for us all. . As it trembled in the heavens questioning whether it should fall For the glistening raindrop argued to the genie in the sky: "I am beautiful and lovely as I sparkle here on high, Anri hanging here I will become part of the rainbow’s hue And I’ll shimmer like a diamond for all the world to view.” But the genie told the raindrop; “Do not hesitate to go, For you will be more beautiful if you fall to earth below. For you will sink into the soil and be lost a while from sight, But when you reappear on earth, you’ll be looked on with delight: You will be the raindrop that quenched the thirsty ground And helped tiie lovely flowers to blossom all around, And in your resurrection you’ll appear in queenly clothes Wit'- the beauty of the lily and the fragrance of the rose. Then, when you wilt and wither, you’ll become part of the earth, « And make the soil more fertile and give new flowers birth . . . « For there is nothing ever lost or eternally neglected, For EVERYTHING GOD EVER MADE is always RESURRECTED. So trust God’s all-wise wisdom and doubt the Father never, For in HIS HEAVENLY KINGDOM THERE IS NOTHING LOST FOREVER. HELEN STEINER RICE. ^ ~ - mi, ,fin - r, r- -■ VOA Slovene broadcasts terminated After 32 years and despite strenous efforts to retain them, the Slovenian broadcasts of the Voice of America were terminated as of Saturday, February 1, 1975. Among many interventions made i11 this matter, the effort of Senator Frank Lausche, Cleveland mayor Ralph Perk, Congressman Joe Skubitz (Kansas) and Phillip Ruppe (Michigan), deserve a special mention. Also helpful were many senators and representatives, as well as many prominent Slovenes and organizations such as Slovenian Women’s Union and American Slovenian Radio Club of Chicago. Recognition should be given also to "Ameriška Domovina”, “Amerikanski Slovenec” and to “Zarja-The Dawn”. However, James Keogh, Director of the United States Information Agency, without a persuasive argument, rejected all actions for the continuation of the Slovenian broadcasts in any form. Officially, the budgetary reasons and inflation were cited as the reason for their termination. This seems odd, as the Slovenian language was the only one among 37 others, to be totally eliminated. Some senators and representatives however, indicated, that they will restudy this problem in the near future, when Congress begins hearings on the USIA and VOA budget. It is therefore urgent that Slovenian organizations and individuals anywhere in the United States, write to their senators and congressmen, protest against this decision by the USIA and ask them to demand at the first opportunity that the Slovenian broadcasts of the VOA be reinstated. No. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. Our meeting was held at the Little Grove at which time there were 25 members present. We installed the newly sleeted officers, namely, sisters Rose Trombly, president, Margaret Andrican, Vice-President, Virginia Krak, Secretary-Treasurer, Dorothy Russo, Recorder, Jennie Crea, Ann Roberts and Margaret Kotchevar, Auditors. Our Mother of the Year is Jessie Bunetto. Congratulations, sister Jtessie. We all know that our choice was a wise one. Jessie Bunetto is a hard worker; whenever she is called upon to do her duty she is right on hand. She has many duties to perform such as cooking at the convent, taking care of the kitchen at Blessed Sacrament, golfing and taking care of her husband, Steve. Also, she takes time out to be with her three children, Kay, tri Lute to n n - - In today's society, our branch presidents are the backbone of our organization. It is essential that they guide and keep the interest of every member high, so that they will want to attend as many meetings as possible. For examp'e, President of Br. 50, Ann Hočevar, is a very competent president, very warm, understanding and very active. At our January meeting, you just couldn't help but admire all the plans and activities she had in store for the members for 1975. The program she presented for the months ahead were great. January, Installation of Officers was held in high fashion with the Marie Prisland Cadets in charge. In February, an outstanding member was crowned Miss Valentine. March is St. Patrick’s month, all members asked to wear something green or they’ll have to pay a fine and we also plan to honor all Josephines. April is a Once-a-Year Event, initiating all the new members; also, an extra program called “Vanity Fair” sponsored by a popular radio station at Euclid Club House. May is the month for recognition of our Mother of the Year and a Sunday in June will be reserved for outdoor mass at Chardon Hill, Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto and breakfast. July is the month of leisure — vacation time. August, a yearly picnic at Mary Susnik's home. September Card Party plans will take us to Euclid Park Club. October is the Mystery Ride and Supper, November, Election of Officers and December, annual Christmas Party at the Slovenian National Home on Holmes Ave. Because of Ann’s enthusiasm, members really respond to all these activities. A good president, Ann Hočevar — God Bless You! Who is the Guiding Light in your branch? Why not write in and let us know about her. FRANCES SIETZ, A Member of Br. 50. Steve and Charlotte and cares for her grandchildren. We know that there are a lot of mothers who deserve the honor but we all know that only one can be chosen each year. We pray that all our members have very nice Mothers Days and to Sister Jessie Bunetto, we pray that her day will be a special one, too. God bless you all. We wish to take this time out to wish all our sick members Gods speed to a rapid recovery. To sister Mary Bartol who spent the holidays in the Hibbing General Hospital with a broken leg and to sister Dorothy Russo who is in St. Luke’s Hospital — hoping and pray that God willing, you will all be up and around soon. We all wish to express our depest sympathy to sister Katherine Adamich and family on the loss of their dearly beloved husband and father. We all know what his departure means to you and we hope and pray that in some way this message may help to sustain you. We all know what you feel. His burden was heavy and now is lightened and placed at the right hand of God. God bless you and yours. May his soul and all souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. We have had a decline of members ln our branch. Sister Betty Strazishar, Sandra Strazishar, Sharon Strazishar, Ann Nelmark and Bernice Bonacci have dropped out of the Union. And, kronica Krismanich transferred to lhe Hibbing Branch. It was very sad lose these members in this fashion. We just hope and pray that they will reconsider and return. Well, | hope and pray after all the confusion is settled down we will return to normal procedures and buckle down and get some new members again. Our new president, Rose Trombly, led us in prayer and thus brought our meeting to a close. We had a social with cards and refreshments. Honors went to the following sisters: Margaret K ochevar, Ann Roberts, Muriel Sabbatini, Alice Baratto, Bridge, Julia Mancuso, Mary Techar, Josephine Oswald and Ivana Prelesnik who also won the door prize. A delicious luncheon was served by our hostess, sister Jennie Crea, Angeline Russ, Pauline Germe, Angsnne Hrovat and Frances Shega, who treated us to her fancy flancate. Thus, our delightful evening came to a close. May God bless you all and keep you in the best of health until we meet again. Yours truly. GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR, Reporter. No. 54, WARREN, OHIO Greetings from Warren, Ohio. A New Year — and we hope that health, happiness and prosperity will be with all of you. And, some new members. The December meeting was well attended. The members were in a happy mood and why not; the Christmas spirit, gift exchange and delicious lunch. The meeting was at the home of Betty Vadas, beautifully decorated. We accepted a new social member, Milly Pollock. We planned the Valentine (February) meeting at the home of Rose Racher with her as hostess and Mrs. Mary Zuga. To make it a little rnore exciting, we asked all members to bring a Valentine for exchange. Also, I would like to give you advance notice of the meeting dates for the months of 1975 as follows: April 15th, May 20th, J'une 17th, Sept. 16th, Nov. 18th and Dec. 16th. If you mark ycur calendar now, you can remember to attend the meetings. So many say, "I forgot!” Now you can see all the dates in advance. Please attend these meetings as it is fun. We always have a social time and luncheon after the meetings. Thank you. ANN SAVOR. No. 54, WARREN, OHIO Thanks to Betty Vadas, our hostess and all who made our Christmas party such a success. It was great. We also had a wonderful Feb. meeting at Rose Racher’s with help from Mary Zuga. April meeting will be at the home of Mary Waltko, 2068 Milton S.E. with Elsie Persin as co-hostess. Try to make the meetings in this year. We are planning a Mother-Daughter Dinner for May. More details in the next issue. Member Mary Tomsich is critically ill and has been in a nursing home for several years. We all pray for her not to suffer. Heard from our long time member, Mrs. Defillippo of Houston, Texas. We all send her our best wishes. Congratulations to Eugene Shine, son of our member, Elsie, who was married last week to Barbara Sutton of Pittsburgh. Eugene works for Kodak in New York. We all wish them many years of happiness. Congratulations also to Junior member, my Pat, who qualified for the Y.W.C.A. Swimming Nationals at Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. in April. We all plan to make the trip down to watch her swim. She is twelve years old and loves the sport. Happy and blessed Easter to all and come to the meeting. JOANNE PONIKVAR Sec’y—Treas. No. 55, GIRARD, OHIO It’s been a few months since my last report, so I thought I'd start the new year out right by writing about the news of our branch. Our Christmas Party was held at the Slovenian Home with a very nice attendance. The tables were beautifully decorated with Christmas decorations and laden with many delicacies from those each lady brought as a covered dish. The food was so tempting, that it was hard to resist anything on the table. Those who attended really had a good time. Vacationing during the holidays were Jo Perusek who visited her son and family in Florida and Mary Kristin visiting daughter, Joan, and family in New Jersey. Our congratulations to Larry Kren and Paulette Sherock who will be married on March 1st at ceremonies taking place at St. Rose Church. Best of luck to two fine people. Larry is the son of Tony and Sophie Kren and attending the wedding will be Tony and Sophie’s son and daughter — in-law, Sonny and Pat Kren of England and their daughter and son-in-law Pat and Rick Harper of Boulder, Colo. A big event coming up this April 17th is our annual card party at the Slovenian Home. We want to make this a huge success as was last year’s. So, keep the date in mind. We've had very good compliments on our past parties, and people are eagerly awaiting to attend the next one. Congratulations to the Warren Junior Military Band which had been selected as the top marching band in the Jan. 1st Orange Bowl Parade in Miami, Fla! Cindy Majovski is a member of that band and Captain of the Color Guard. There are 109 boys and girls in the group. For their outstanding performance, they received a plaque. Happy Birthday to those celebrating their big day during January and February: Betty Majovsky, Barbara Popovich, Sophie Kren, Rose Knempas- ky and Bud Mccck. To those who are ill, a speedy recovery to you. Ladies, we would like to see more at our meetings. We haven’t had the attendance there should be. Surely we can circle the date on the calendar when it s meeting night. All our meetings are concluded with a very nice lunch served by the luncheon com- mittee and is always followed by games. Keep this in mind. Plan to attend some of our meetings in the new year. See you a'l next on March 13th. FRANCES HRIBAR. 1975 ASSESSMENT tWith the new year, Class A ^ and B, adult assessment has been slightly increased as follows: Class A — 55t per month Class B — 80?> per month There Is no change in assessment for elderly members over ,, 75 years of age which remains: $ Class A — 20 cents and Class B — 35 cents a month. Juvenile class dues Is 10 cents per month as before. Social members pay 40 cents per month and receive ZARJA. This increase Is for tha expense fund of the organization and was made necessary due to rising costs of operation and publication. Secretaries are kindly asked to remind the members of the new assessment and that the increase is in effect beginning January, 1975. No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. Warmest greetings — and many blessings for each day of the New Year to all our sisters and friends in "Zveza”! With all the trials and grievances of the past year completely forgotten our chapter has set its course to a very active and —hopefully— fruit-full new year. From now on, our meetings wil' be very important as we have taken upon ourselves to host the 1975 Minnesota Day festivities. Attendance should be very good — as members have the privilege to offer suggestions and ideas to the convention planning committee so that an efficient scheduled program may be provided. In the writer’s opinion, the strong leadership and good cooperation which we are fortunate to have, is bound to spell success. Chair-pcrscns for the different committees will be selected shortly, that they may have ample time to work with their respective committee members. Presently, the convention planning committee consists of the chapter officers, namely: President, Rose Maras; general chairman; Mary Massich, Vice President; Mary Medows, Financial Sec.; Amelia Domen, Recording Sec.; and Katherine Marolt, Treasurer. Others will be added as needed. The resignation from official duties of Mrs. Agnes (Clifford) Barkis was accepted with regret. Agnes did a tremendous job of fulfilling her obligations as Vice-President of our chapter for over 15 years. She has been sn active member of the chapter for several years prior to her years in executive service. With Mr. Barkish now being retired, they plan a program of “Togetherness” with hopes and plans to travel — and, with their family, enjoy tha many outdoor activities our great Minnesota has to offer. Her efficiency and gracious loyalty, with unselfish willingness to give of her time and efforts in behalf of the chapter, will always be remembered. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Barkis every success — much happiness rnd contentment. We are very fortunate to have Mrs. Mary (Joseph) Massich to accept the responsibilities of Vice-President. Mary has been a very loyal and active member for over 20 years — always willing to give of her time and efforts to fulfill any need. A qualified person with talent and experience, she has carried responsibilities in several fraternal and civic organizations on a community, state, and national level. We offer congratulations to Mary and wish her every success in this direction. Mrs. Mary (Frank) Puhek, affectionately called "Mimi” by her many friends, has been chosen our “Mother of the Year”. She has been an active member of the chapter for about 40 years and is very deserving of this recognition. Congratulations to “Mimi” — our Mother of the Year! Again — we hope 1975 has in store for all of you — many satisfactions and much contentment! A. SELVO, Pub. No. 67, BESSEMER, PA. We celebrated our 39th Anniversary in February at the Croatian Club. Each guest had her choice of dinner menu. Pres. Mary Snezic served the refreshments before dinner and Mary Brcdesko had her cassette recorder with Slovenian music playing. After dinner, we had our meeting and want to thtnk all the ladies for coming and paying their dues and attending the celebration. We stayed afterward and danced to a Band music. We are planning a trip to a flower show in March — let us know if you wish to come along. We also wish to express our condolences to Ruby Medich on the loss of her brother. Mrs. Mary Kozel lost her husband, Angelo and Mrs. Anna Kinkula in New Castle, on the loss of her husband, Louis. He was a retired barber in Bessemer for a good many years. For March, April, we wish happy birthdays to Albina Buckovich, Mildred Pušnik, Linda Romano, Virginia Di Matteo, Helen Snezic, Nada Moore. And, to all the ladies whose birthdays I missed, best wishes, too. The oest of health to our shut-ins, Frances Samsa, Mary Sankovich, Albina Buckovich, Frances Lubich, Victoria Yardas. Try to visit them or drop them a card. Let them know that we are still thinking of them and that they are not forgotten. May God bless everyone. MARY PERCIC, Sec’y & Reporter. No. 68, FAIRPORT HARBOR, OHIO Greetings to you all. As the New Vear starts out in a busy way. Our Christmas party was a huge success, we again had our excellent cook and caterer Albina Mohner prepare and serve an excellent dinner, she really does outdo herself for us and we all appreciate it. It was held at the American Slovene Club in Fairport Harbor, Ohio. We hold our monthly meetings there on the Third Thursday of each month. Husbands and sweethearts came along to help us celebrate. The evening was spent singing Christmas Carols and just plain visiting. It was nice to gather and catch up on all the news frcm eveyone. At our December meeting we held election of officers and I am happy to report that they will be the same as in 1974, and they are as follows: Pres., Rose Bradack, Vice-Pres., Jennie Mohorocic, Sec. & Treas. Frances Ulie, Rec. Sec., Molly Juzna., Auditors, Molly Juzna, Mary Grzely, Rose Bradack, Amer. Rep. Frances U lie, Slovenian Rep. Angela Godec, Sar-geant of Arms, Jennie Troha, Our Spiritual Advisor: Fr. Geo. Oleyneyk. Our January meeting was well attended and several projects were discussed for the coming months. We are sorry to report the loss of Mary Jopko’s Husband Robert and who is also the father of member Patty Cesen. We want to express to them our deepest Sympathy and may God grant him eternal rest and peace. To our Shut-ins Jennie Zupan and Mary Snidersich we send our very best regards and to tell them we miss them from our meetings. From all of us here we send you all our very regards and hoping the New Year will be the very best. FRANCES ULLE, Reporter. No. 73, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, OHIO We finally were able to celebrate our annual Christmas Party and Pot Lucky Dinner the first Monday in January, after its postponement in December due to inclement weather. We had a large attendance, food was delicious as always and plentiful, a few games were played for prizes, and some of the ladies wore long dresses to help make the occasion more festive. Many thanks to Josephine Turk, our hostess for keeping up the lovely Christmas decorations in her Recreation Room, as this factor plus other events of the evening, made us all feel that we were all enjoying Christmas all over again. Each member attending received some small favors but useful ones, made by some of the members, and I know these were all appreciated also. Let us hope and pray the good Lord gives everyone good health and happiness for the new year. We held election of officers for 1975, and the same officers were reelected: Kay Yuratovac, President; Ann Fike, Vice President; Agnes Walters, Treasurer; Louise Epley, Secretary; and Gloria Dusek, Recording Secretary. These ladies have done a fine job in the past and we know they will continue their good work. Congratulations to one and all. Instead of exchanging gifts at our Party, each member attending donated some money, and some was taken out of our treasury, and the total amount was then designated as a donation for the Holy Family Cancer Home and the Hattie Larlham Home for the physically handicapped and retarded children. Congratulations to Geriann Hrovat, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hrovat (Dorothy), who recently a c h i eved scholastic excellence at Trinity High School. Geriann is also a Junior Member of our group. Sorry to hear that Sophie Maurer was hospitalized recently, and also Roseann Crummie, a J'unior Member, e.nd hope that both have a speedy ccnvalesence. We have some new Junior Members, and these are: Robert Vorisek, William Jones, Kimberly Jones, and Christine Crummie. Welcome to our group, one and all. Besides the various coupons and cancelled stamps of which I have reminded everyone periodically through my articles, I would like to bring it to the attention of all the members, that we are in the process of saving "Campbell Soup” labels for the Catholic schools. Whatever refund they get from these labels is then used to purchase necessary items needed by said schools. We trust that everyone will do their best to participate for this worthy cause. Glad to hear that Andrew and Florence Daule came to Cleveland from their home in Florida recently, and were able to see and visit with friends and relatives. MILDRED D. ROBERTS, Reporting Secretary. ----------— i ■«» i ^------------- No. 95, So. CHICAGO, ILL. Our branch held no meeting in January. However, this gives me an opportunity to report in what direction our branch is going. Remember the "Clubwomen” of today have a frantic schedule of activities in other areas and private groups, nonetheless, we are going to try very hard not to frivole away our meetings with gossip and discontent. Things are moving along in a most encouraging manner in our group and I have planned interesting programs for the coming year. As all of you know, things are different today. We don’t come to meetings anymore in flowered hats! It’s all straight talking; members are fighting in so many things today, they are interested in politics, promoting highway safety, educating woman in consumerism, finances, health, and many other interesting projects. My aim will be to try very hard to increase our membership, and make our members aware of what’s going on in this fast moving world we live in, and keep you well informed. Determination on the part of all of us to make a worthwhile contribution to the good of everybody is to try to attend our meetings, participate on one of our committees, support our money-making projects. Don’t wait for an emergency, especially one in which only your selfish interests are concerned; show us all the good-will you all have. To all of our members who are ailing, a speedy recovery. And, a Happy Birthday to the following celebrating in March: Catherine Alfere-vich, Manda Dosen, Karen & Helen Go-lich, Ann Granich, Elaine Grankowski, Cecelia Isek, Lucy Kopilash, Viola Spitz, Ann Pave, Ann Pearson, Rose Marie Perpich, Catherine Placzkows-ki, Helen Rapaich, Eva Starcevich, Josephine Zadro, Rose Marie Budese-tich, Kathleen Rose Quinn, Mary Childs, Shirley Duich, Virginia Pilars-ki, Beverly Diane Kropenc, Virginia Kwiatkowski, Catherine Ann Hanson and Marie Zeffiro. God Bless You All. Strive to be a doer, and encourage others to be the same. MILDRED JAMES. £oUka pctncč koroškim Itucfehtm Do prvega januarja letos je ravnatelju slovenske gimnazije v Celovcu za šolsko leto 1974-75 bilo odposlano $4,500.00 z imeni devetih talentiranih finančne pomoči potrebnih študentov-prosilcev. Za šolsko leto 1975-76 bo treba zbrati novo vsoto. Prejela sem ter Zvezini glavni tajnici kot blagajničarki tega projekta-poslala sledeče vsote: Dr. Rick Šuštarič, profesor na Berkeley univerzi v Californiji mi je ponovno poslal $500.00 kot štipendijo svojega očeta Jurija Šuštariča. To vsoto je glavna tajnica omenila v ZARJI zadnji mesec. Novi prispevki so: Podružnica št. I v Sheboygan, Wise. $65.00 Darovale so: Podružnica $20.00; Marie Prisland $20.00; Hermine Dicke $10.00; Olga Saye $5.00; Margaret Fischer $5.00; Anna. Modiz $5.00. Mr. in Mrs. Frank Ermenc, Milwaukee, Wis 46.00 Podružnica 20, Joliet Darovali: Mr. in Mrs. Mar-kun $15.00; Mr. in Mrs. Gale $10.00; Joliet branch $6.00; Mr. in Mrs. Erjavec $5.00; Mr. in Mrs. Ancel $5.00; Ed Kuglich $3.00; Zbrala Olga Ancel. Skupno 44.00 članice podružnice št. 50 v Clevelandu. 40.00 Zbrala Frances Seitz. Podružnica 12 v Milwaukee; darovala Mrs. Jean Jelenc 35.00 Dr. in Mrs. Edward Gobetz, Willougby, Ohio 25.00 Članice podružnice 3, Pueblo. Zbrala Anna Pa-chak 21.00 članice podružnice 32, Euclid, O. Zbrala Emma Eppich 20.00 Mary Bostian, Euclid O. 10.00 Skupno $306.00 Vsem darovalcem iskrena zahvala. Ker je pomoč nujna apeliram za nadaljne prispevke. Poseben apel velja tistim, ki jih je zelo navdušil koroški pevski zbor GALLUS naj svojo zadovoljnost temu zboru podprejo z darilom za koroške študente. Sprejeto bo z veliko hvaležnostjo. Koroška mladina se bo kot janičarji borila za obstoj svoje narodnosti, ki preti utoniti v nemškem navalu. MARIE PRISLAND. No. 100, FONTANA, CAL. The absence of members at our January meeting left some thing to be desired. We can only be as successful as our attendance, and the more members present, the more can be accomplished. Our President, Mary Jasina laid out an itinerary for the year. It has a very sound basis and should prove promising in both business and pleasure. So, sisters, make an effort to be present at our gatherings on the 1st Thursday of each month. We do need membership participation in order to function sucess-fully. It doesn’t look like there will be any mushrooms this year in their fields just above my home. I've always looked forward to January to gather one of my favorite foods. Since we’ve had such little rain, there just aren’t any to be found. Speaking of mushrooms, have you ever had them french-fried? I use the button size, just dip them first in flour, then egg and bread crumbs and fry in deep fat until golden brown. If you like mushrooms and have never eaten them in that manner, you’re in for a delightful treat. I was made very happy by a Christmas call from my good friends of the Frank Reich family of Chicago. Hearing the voices of friends and loved ones over the miles is just like hearing music. Just think of how often we take the telephone for granted, then think again of what a beautiful instrument it is! This month we have four sisters who are in the hospital, namely Julia Vlasic, Dorothy Petrich, Ursula Gorišek and Frances Kopel. We wish them well and may they soon be up and about, feeling in top condition again. Our birthday celebrants for the month of January are Cynthia Conley, Sheila Tennant, Elsie Cizak, iulia Kukman, Christine Pierman, Julia Bla-sic, Lillian Duller, Stefie Osterman and Frances Pavsek. May you all have many birthdays, happy and healthy ones. Julia Kukman had a beautiful birthday celebration this year. She was escorted to Griswold’s lovely restaurant in company with children, grand and great grandchildren. Actually, it was a family reunion, a big surprise, kept in abeyance until all were seated. Then, Julia's daughter, Jo Meden of Chicago, walked in to greet her mother. I would have liked to see Julia’s face when she spied Jo’s form walking in. What a beautiful moment! Mayor Horzen and "Mrs. Mayor” were also in company as they are related to Julia. Jimmy Horzen played his accordian, the entire party sang Slovenian songs and did some dancing. I guess Griswold’s restaurant will have something to talk about for quite a while. May you all have a joyful and bless Easter. EDITH DRAWENEK. No. 103, WASHINGTON, D. C. Our first meeting of the new year was an exciting one. We were delighted to have with us Father Francis Blatnik of Patterson, New Jersey, our spiritual advisor, and to preside at our annual installation of officers. We deeply appreciate his generosity of time and travel. Once again we have been very lucky to receive into our group a new and vivacious member, Mrs. Maria Paulin of Gaithersburg, Maryland. We do indeed welcome her in. This was also the time of a unique achievement for Antonia Cigale. The acquisition of her United States citizenship papers.. Those of us who can remember our parents receiving their citizenship papers know that this is a truely proud moment. Our congratulations to Toncka. This occasion plus Toncka’s "Rojstni dan” and her desire to celebrate resulted in a pleasant social afternoon. We invited the friends and families of the S.W.U. and were pleased that so many could come. They serenaded Toncka with the singing of a lovely Slovenian Melody. She was presented with a white carnation corsage, encircled with a delicate red, white and blue ribbon.. Later we were treated to a beautifully decorated table from which we chose delicious sandwiches, cole slaw and assorted pastries. Toncka wishing to participate as a hostess brought along the "vino” and her delicious apple strudel. Our many thanks to the following for their preparation and contribution of the desserts. Tillie Terselic, Matilda Podborsek, Mimi Mejac, Mary Lou Terselic, Becky Nagel and Molly Thomas and lea Ze-bot. Sincere thanks also to Tillie Terselic, Helena Spaceapan, Dora Voyatzis, for assuming the serving and cleaning duties. May the New Year be good to all!! FREDA H. MICHELITCH, President. MARIE PRISLAND OH, TA SVET Iskren pozdrav novim članicam! Iz poročila glavne tajnice je razvidno, da je v zadnji kampanji pristopilo 314 novih članic, kar je lepo število. Vsem-od prve do zadnje-ki ->te se v tem oziru potrudile, najlepša zahvala! Novim članicam kličemo: PRISRČNO DOBRODOŠLE! Trden obstoj organizacije ni v njeni blagajni naj bo še v tako dobrem stanju, MOč ZVEZE JE V ČLANSTVU! Zavedajmo se tega ter ob vsaki priliki pridobivajmo nove članice. Čestitamo najpridnejšim delavkam v kampanji, ki so: Rose Kraemer, državna predsednica za Wisconsin in tajnica podružnice 43 v Milwaukee; Fanika Humar, na več načinov delavna Zvezina glavna tajnica in tajnica čikaške podružnice; Christine živoder, nova tajnica naše največje podružnice št 25 v Clevelandu. Christine stanuje v veliki slovenski naselbini. Imela bo priliko za aktivnost. Upamo, da bo sčasoma postala vidna zvezda na Zvezinem obzorju. KOSILO PA TAKO! Siegfrid Schweingruber je bi! trgovec z jestvinami ob avstrijsko štajerski meji. Mož je bil pošten in prijazen zato mu je štacuna kar dobro uspevala. Od štajerskih odjemalcev se je naučil nekaj slovenščine, oni pa od njega nekaj nemščine — in vse je šlo gladko naprej. Herr Schweingruber je bil ves neumen na gobe. Po vseh gozdih jih je nabiral in vse je poznal; strupene mišnice, užitne jurčke, lisičke, šampijone, prusnice, smrčke, maslenke, globane, itd. Vso okolico je oblezel za njimi in njegova žena je vsakikrat, ko se je vrnil z nabirko morala pripraviti gobovo kosilo, kar se je že kar malo naveličala. Neki dan mu je njegov odjemalec povedal, da je na štajerski strani veliko gob v tamošnjih gozdovih. Trgovec Se je takoj odločil, da gre pogledat; morda najde tam novo vrsto gob. V nedeljo je v svoj volkswagon naložil vso družino ter povabil prijatelja Hansa Tannenbauma naj gre z njim po gobe. Hans Tannenbaum je takoj naložil vso družino v svoj volkswagon in cela kolona je oddrdrala na štajersko stran. Gob so našli veliko. Nabrali so jih polne košare. Prišedši na drugi strani iz gozda so zapazili gostilno, kamor so se takoj napotili. Ko so vstopili je Herr Schweingruber prosil gostilničarko, če bi bila tako dobra in jim pripravila gobovo kosilo. Gobe je hvalil: "Dobri gobe, fain gobe, gut gobe, viele gobe ...” Gostilničarka ni bila poznavateljica gob zato se je takoj uprla: “Nak,” je rekla. "Diese gobe sind nicht gut, gobe so falsch, in vi boste tot, če jih boste jedli. Jaz že ne bom napravila .. "Dobre gobe, fain gobe, gut gobe,” je prepričevalno drdral avstrijski trgovec. Ko je videl, da nikamor ne pride is gostilničarko vprašal, če bi njegovi ženi dovolila pripraviti gobovo kosilo., “To pa dovolim”, je rekla gostilničarka vesela, da bo imela nikake odgovornosti za gobe ter odpeljala gospo Schweingruber v kuhinjo, j: dala masti in jajc. Trgovčena žena se je takoj spravila h kuhi. Iz kuhinje Je lepo zadišalo in ga. Schweingruber je kmalu na mizo Postavila lepo ocvrte gobe. Krasno! Imenitno! — so vzklikal: lačni člani obeh družin ter se takoj spravili h ko- MILIJONE ČRK “Grandma, ali ne pišeš preveč? Bolela te bo glava”, je gostolela moja vnukinja, ki je prišla na obisk ter me našla pri pisalnemu stroju. “Aii veš, kolikorat moraš na tipke pritisniti in koliko črk napisati za dve koloni v ZARJI?” je vprašala. Da ne vem, sem rekla. “Bom preštela jaz”, se je ponudila. Dognala je, da ima slovenska ko'ona 5,400 črk, angleška pa 3,000. Torej mesečno nad 8,000 letno pa skoro 100 tisoč črk. “Pišeš že več let, kaj ne, grandma”, je vrtala dalje. Pomislila sem; letos menda res poteče že 60 let odkar javnost “martram” z mojo pisavo. Radovedni vnukinji, ki rada piše in slika, sem povedala tole: Leta 1915 sva z č.g. Chernetom, ustanoviteljem naše fare, organizirala žensko podporno društvo Kraljica Majnika št. 157 KSKJ. Prevzela sem tajništvo ter takoj pričela pisati in se boriti za žensko enakopravnost pri Jednoti, ki nam je bila podeljena na knovenciji leta 1919. Prvotno sem v GLASILO KSKJ pisala 12 let, pozneje pa 4 leta tedensko kolono DOMA in DRUGOD. Poročevalka sem bila za dnevnik AMERIKANSKI SLOVENEC od leta 1915 do časa, ko je list prenehal izhajati. Od leta 1926 pišem za Zvezo. Veliko pisave je zahtevala knjiga FROM SLOVENIA — TO AMERICA in kuharska knjiga WOMAN’S GLORY THE KITCHEN, katero sem prenovila dvakrat. V mojem arhivu se nahaja stotine pisem Zvezinih odbornic in članic, katere sem odgovorila. Urada pri JPO-SS in SANS sta zahtevala ogromno pisave. Pisavo za javnost je treba ugladiti in prepisati preden gro v tisk. Torej, če bi se da'o prešteti vse črke bi jih res bilo več milijonov. Mnogokrat občudujem pisateljsko nadarjenost, storilnost in razgledanost urednikov naših slovenskih publikacij, ki znajo na zanimiv način predočiti dnevne in druge dogodke. Uredniške članke vedno najprvo preberem. WV »V »p« H'-ir 'if n» silu. Oba možakarja sta gobe zalivala še z dobrim štajerskim vinom. Naenkrat je eni izmed deklet padel na tla košček gobe in izpod mize Se je prikazala glavica črne gostilničarkine psičke, ki je gobo v hipu pojedla. To je ostalim tako ugajalo, da so gospodinjo prosili za pasjo posodico, da bi vanjo zmetali ostanke gob. Psička se je zadovoljno mastila z gobovim kosilom, Herr Schweingruber pa veselo konstantiral: “Hund pojedla vse gobe; Dobre gobe, gut goba .. Nenadoma pa je psiška pričela cviliti in se zvijati. “Kaj?... Hund, goba nicht gut...?” se je začudil g. Schweingruber ter s strahom zrl na zvijočo in cvilečo psičko. “Nicht gut, saj sem vam rekla, da so gobe falsch”, jih je pričela oštevati gostilničarka. “Donnerwetter — takoj v spital in h doktor”, je zavpil avstrijski trgovec in obe družini sta jo cvrli ven, se hitro skobacali v avtomobila in oddrdrali v bližnjo mesto, da poiščejo zdravnika, ki bi jim izpral želodce. Ko je zdravnik svoje delo opravil in jih zagotovil, da so njih želodci in želodčki zdaj prazni in smejo jesti, kar hočejo, so se vrnili v gostilno, da poravnajo račun za vino. Gostilničarka jim je že od daleč mahala z roko ter veselo vzklikala: “Gobe gut, gobe sehr gut! Hund nicht bolana, le dva luštkana mičkena psička je povrgla. Schone kleine Hunde! Srčkana Hund! Poglejte jih! Spet en donnerwetter iz grla gospoda Schweingru-berja, a vkljub temu sta se obe družini pričeli gromko smejati. — Tega kosila prav gotovo ne bodo kmalu pozabili. Po R.G. p. Klavdij Okorn ofm: Vstajenje Ko bomo vstali v novo življenje v večnosti, bo naše telo poveličano. To pomeni, da ne bo takšno kot je sedanje. To se pravi da ne bo sestavljeno iz žil, celic in molekul, da ne bo podrženo zakonom, ki veljajo sedaj, na primer težnosti, da ne do zemeljski dogodek, ki ga bo mogoče fotografirati.. Umrli vstajajo. Jezusovi učenci so otroci vstajenja. Kdor umrje v Bogu zaživi v vstajenju. Vstajenje se prične z zemeljsko smrtjo in se bo dovršilo v vsej polnosti ob koncu sveta. Tisti, ki so umrli v Bogu, živijo poveličano, spremenjeno življenje, podobno življenju angelov. Ob koncu sveta ob zadnji sodbi se bo vsem ljudem pokazalo skrito življenje v Gospodu, ki vanj vstopijo kristjani po smrti. Gotovo bo zato drugi Gospodov prihod zelo važna dopolnitev. Jaz sem življenje in vstaienje, pravi Gospod. Prišel je med nas, da bi umrljivi ljudje imeli življenje in ga imeli v izobilju. Mrtvi živijo. Kako živijo, na kakšen način, človek nadaljuje svoje življenje ne vemo. Sv. apostol Pavel pravi, da je vprašanje o tem, kako morejo vstati telesa mrtvih, nesmiselno. Rastlina, ki vzklije iz vsajenega semena, je sicer ista, vendar je nekaj popolnoma drugega kakor zmo, ki smo ga položili v zemljo. Hudo pa je to, da tisti, ki ne poznajo božje moči in se jim upirajo preveč materijalne predstave o vstajenju, zavržejo misel na posmrtno življenje in živijo kot ljudje, ki nimajo upanja. Zato pa je treba poglabljati vero v vstajenje. Bog bo vse naše veselje spremenil v največjo srečo, na način, ki nam sedaj ni dostopen, ki silno presega vse naše pričakovanje. Petnajstleten fant se smeje tistemu, kar je imel kot osemleten za največjo srečo, tridesetleten se smeje tistemu, kar mu je bilo največje pri petnajstih. Tako je vse zemeljsko nič v primeri s tisto srečo, ki jo je Bog obljubil tistim, ki njega ljubijo. Je pa obenem vse zemeljsko lepo in dobro podoba tiste večne sreče, ki jo je Bog obljubil vsem, ki Njemu služijo. Mima ura v veličastnem božjem stvarstvu, umetniški užitki, veselje v človeški ljubezni, tudi dobra kapljica, če že ravno hočemo, vse to je slabotna podoba zarje tistega kar bodo doživeli otroci vstajenja. Brez Kristusove milosti no moremo duhovno rasti in ne poglabljati naše vere. Potrebno je stalno notranje spreobračanje tako posameznikov kakor skupnosti. Kristusovo vstajenje daje trdno oporo naši veri. Velikanoč nas potrjuje v naši izpovedi: Verujem v vstajenje mesa in večno življenje. VESELO VELIKO NOČ VSEM. Vabilo na krofe in kavo ŠT. 2, CHICAGO: članice in prijatelji naše podružnice ste vljudno vabljeni na ogled pečenja in prodaje peciva, ki se bo vršilo v veliki sveto-štefanski dvorani v soboto in nedeljo dne 22. in 23. marca. Po vsaki maši bodo naša dekleta postregle goste s svežimi krofi in okusno kavo ter vam razkazale kako se pripravlja razno pecivo, ki bo tudi na prodajo. Vsi najlepše vabljeni! ODBOR. ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Čestitamo Mr. & Mrs Louis Jerkich, ki ta mesec obhajata 50 letnico zakonskega življenja. Louis je bil prav aktiven v Collinwoodu pri Slovenskem Domu na Holmes Ave. in drugih društvih, sedaj je podpreds. pri društvu Kras, že mnogo let. Vzgojila sta tri hčere in enega sina in imajo dosti vnukov (grandchildren). Naši dolgoletni članici in njenemu soprogu želimo še mnogo let zdravja in veselja, da bosta še mnogo let praznovala poročne obletnice. Naša seja v januarju je bila še dobro obiskana. V letu 1974 smo izgubile 15 članic in smo za vsako prižgale svečo in skupno molile. Rade se spomnimo tudi naših bolanih članic in upamo, da jim Bog nakloni čimprejšnje zdravje. To leto v mesecu januarju smo izgubile 3 sestre: Mary Mišic, Ivana Gombach in Mary Ferlin. Vse so bile črez 80 let stare in Mrs. Ferlin je dosegla častitljivo starost 98 let. Ze'o smo žalostne, da jih Bog pokliče. Naše globoko sožalje žalujočim sorodnikom. Naj naše dobre članice počivajo v miru. Lepo se zahvalim članicam, ki ste darovale v našo blagajno. Prisrčna zahvala tudi za Vaše karte in pisma. Ko sem jih prebrala na seji, so bile članice vesele, da se spomnite na nas, čeprav ne pridete na seje. Lepo vabljene, da pridete na sejo v marcu. Videle boste, kako se imamo rade. Lepe pozdrave Vam vsem skupaj. SOPHIE MAGAYNA, Tajnica. ŠT. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Kako hitro mine čas; pravkar smo peli okoli božičnih jaslic, a zadaj smo že v februarju. Naša preds. se ni mogla udeležiti te seje zaradi močnega prehlada, zato je podpreds. vodila sejo. Udeležba je bila bolj pičla. Mrs. čebul se je vrnila na dom iz bolnišnice, kjer so jo obiskale dve Mary Satražišar in Mary iz Kevani. Zahvalila se je s kartico. V tem času imamo še precej bolanih članic: Mrs. Belih je v bolnici, Mrs. Novak, Mrs. Kastelec, in Mary Girl iz Ženeve je prestala operacijo. Želimo jim, da bi kmalu ozdravele. Pred kratkim smo dobili sporočilo, da je v starem kraju umrl moj nečak, Slavko Jerman, star komaj 35 let. Zapustil je veligo sorodnikov tukaj in tam. Na seji ni bilo posebnih sporočil. Več sester se pripravlja na obisk Slovenije. Prosim sestre, če imate kaj časa, da obiščete tudi naše sestre v domu ostarelih na Nef Rd. Slišim, da so nekatere tam precej žalostne, zato jih razveselite z obiskom. Vse lepo vabljene k udeležbi na naših sejah. Tega večera so darovale: Vera Krajc, Vera Adams, ženi Zagorc in Mary Guzeli. Prisrčna hvala vsem! Naj Vam Bog da zdravja. Vse lepo pozdravlja. ANTONIJA SUSTAR, por. ŠT. 15, CLEVELAND (NEWBURG), OHIOI S pomočjo gl. predsednice smo se zopet zbrale skupaj. Posrečilo se nam je dobiti novo tajnico, Marijo Pabijan in njeno sestro Patricia Harschler in mojo malenkost so imenovale za predsednico. Drugo pomoč pa bomo poskusile dobiti na prihodnji seji. Poskusile bomo oživeti podružnico, ZAPISNIK DRŽAVNE KONVENCIJE, OHIO-MICHIGAN Sejo drž. konvencije je z molitvijo odprla drž. predsednica, Sophie Magajna, dne 28. dec. 1974 ob 3 uri pop. v Slov. Narodnem Domu na St. Clair Ave. v Clevelandu. Predstavila je gl. preds., Mary Bostijan, med tem pa so v zgornji dvorani pripravljali oder in mize, da predstavijo naša vrla slov. dekleta (Cotillion Ball.) Zborovanje ni bilo polnoštevilno zastopano, zato je upati, da bodo na prihodnjo sejo vse podr. poslale svoje delegatinje. Zastopane so bile naslednje podr.: št. 10—2, 14—2, 15—2, 21—4, 25—3, 32—5, 42—1, 47—1, 50—3, 54—1, 106—1. Št. 10 se pohvali, da so njihove seje dobro obiskane. Imajo 8 sej na leto ter imajo 3 sv. maše letno za žive in mrtve. Št. 14, Mary Iskra poroča, da je 10 članic odšlo v večnost. Mladinski krožek pod vodstvom A. Zabukovec, dobro napreduje in nastopajo v številnih aktivnosti. Letno imajo card party in dobiček gre v dobrodelni namen otroškega zavoda za slaboumne. Na pepelnično sredo imajo sv. mašo za umrle čla. Priporoča, da Zarja oznanja v velikem tisku, da je članarina povišana za 10^ na mesec. Št., 15, Mrs. Stopar poroča, da je nujno potrebno organizirati in izvoliti nove odbornice, ali pa dovoljenje, da pristopijo k najbljižnji podr. Gl. preds. in drž. preds. potrdijo, da to izgotovijo v letu 1975. Preds. št. 50, Ann Hočevar poroča, da se je podr. št. 49 priključila št. 50, ki je tako pridobila 25 članic. Prav za božične praznike pa so izgubili 2 čla. Pod. št. 21 poroča, da so zgubile 4, izstoplo jih je 6 in pridobile so 3 nove. Sv„ maše se bere v okt. za umrle čla. št. 32-42 se pohvali, da so seje dobro obiskane. Št. 47, Mrs. Pugelj pošlje čestitke in želi zborovanju uspeh. Št. 50 pod vodstvom A. Hočevar izredno napreduje. Aktivne odbornice iščejo vsaki mesec nove ideje in jih izvršijo. Gl. preds. Mary Bostian predlaga načrt za pridobitev novih članic tre načrt za potrovanje v Lemont v Juliju 1975. Prebran je bil zapisnik zadnje konvenčne seje in poslane čestitke. Lepa pismena voščila so poslale: Mrs. Marie Prisland, Mrs. Adamic iz Detroita, Mrs. Tomsic iz Penna., in Mrs. Kramer iz Wise. Vaša zapisnikarica, Marie Beck je bila ponovno iz- voljena. Hvala vsem! V imenu gl. preds. Mary Bostian, drž, preds. Sophie Magajna in podpisane želimo vsem podružnicam in odbornicam, mnogo sreče in uspehov v letu 1975. Seja je bila zaključena ob 5 uri pop., čas in kraj prihodnje konvecije bo določen pozneje. I appeal to ali Ohio-Mich. branches, please participate in the next annual convention. It's most important to discuss and hear your pros and cons from everyone, and please enroll your friends, neighbors $nd relatives. Till next time, sincerely, your reporter. MARIE BECK. ako bo mogoče kaj napraviti za napredek Zveze in podr. Seje bomo imele drugi torek v mesecu ob 2 uri v S.N.D. na 80 cesti, zato že sedaj prosim članice, da se odločijo in pridejo na seje. Imele bomo malo prigrizka in razvedrila po seji. Izvolile bomo tudi Mater za to leto. Še sedaj tudi sporočam, da bomo imele sv. mašo žive in umrle članice na Materinski dan. Pridite na sejo, da bomo videle, ako je še kaj zanimanja, da bo podr. ostala in delovala tudi v bodoče. Na tej seji bomo tudi odločile, ali bo seja v slovenskem ali angleškem jeziku, karkoli boste izbrale. Ta teden smo izgubile 2 sestri: ses. Perko in ses. Habijan. Naše sožalje družinam, pokojnima pa naj sveti raj nebeški. Pozdrav. ANTONIA STOKAR, Preds. ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILLINOIS Naša prva seja v jan. je bila zelo dobro obiskana. Preds. Emma Planinšek je pripomnila, da je kakor v starih časih, ko smo morali prinašati stole iz sosednje sobe. Vse je bilo v vese-lem razpoloženju. Žal moram poročati, da smo izgubile prvo članico v tem letu, to je našo dolgoletno ses. Catherine Matkovič iz Summit St. Bila je 2 leti v Nursing home in dosegla je lepo starost 76 let. Zapušča moža Jožefa, 3 hčerke in 2 sinova, 12 vnukov, več nečakinj in drugega sorodstva. V Jo-lietu je živela 55 let. Pokopana je bila iz domače cerkve Sv. Jožefa na farno pokopališče, članice smo stoje molile ze pokoj njene duše. Bomo jo pogrešale, saj je rada prihajala na sejje, dokler ji je zdravje dopuščalo. Istega dne, ko je umrla Catherine, so tudi njenega soproga odpeljali v bolnišnico, kjer je do par dneh tudi preminul. Tako so imeli kar 2 pogreba v enem tednu. Bil je dolgoletni faran naše cerkve in član Presv. Imena in drugih društev. Skoro v istem času je ležal na mrtvaškem odru Marko Pasich, soprog naše čla. Therese. Pok. je dosegel 77 let starosti in je dalje časa bolehal. Zapušča 3 nuke, 2 hčerke in več drugih sorodnikov. Pokopan je bil iz farne cerkve na domače pokopališče. Naj vsi pok. mirno počivajo in naj jim Bog podeli večni mir. Vsem žalujočim ostalim naše sožalje. Ob tem času smo tudi imenovali našo "častno mater” za podr. in sicer našo dolgoletno, pridno in agilno čla., Mrs. Jennie Krall iz N. Hickory St. Vsak ki jo pozna, ve ceniti njeno iskrenost in požrtvovalnost. Naši podr. je velikokrat preskrbele razne torte in drugo oecivo. Vsi jo imamo radi in smo ji hvaležni. Je tudi odbornica raznih društev. Tajnica poroča, da smo pri podr. dobile 24 novih članic. Iskrena hvala velja njej, ki se je najbolj trudila za nove čla. Na seji je preds. Planinšek sprejela tri nove in sicer: Josephine Malone, Justine Kostelec (obe njene nečakinje) in pa Frances Kimak. hčerka naše zaslužne matere, Jennie Krall. Čestitke družini Chuck Allen (Marie Mae Erjavec), ko so dobili punčko in imajo sedaj 4 sinove in eno deklico. Naš Msgr. M. J. Butala je po lepem nagovoru zaprisegel, naslednji odbor za leto 1975: Preds. Emma Planinšek, podpreds. Mary Ivanich, taj. Olga An-cel, zapis. Josephine Erjavec, blag. Josephine Sumic (ki je bila zaradi bolezni odsotna), nadzornice: Frances Stonich, Theresa Marentich, in Emma Nosse. Rediteljica Theresa in duh. vodnik je naš Msgr. Butala. Na seji smo razpravljale o načrtih za kegljaško tekmo, ki bo v Rivals dva tedna pred Velikonočjo v marcu. Tudi odbor za izvedbo tekme je bil izbran, želimo srednje-zapadni tekmi velik uspeh.. Po seji je bil postrežen prigrizek, katerega so prispevale s pecivom preds. Emma Planinšek, taj. 0!ga An-cel, podpreds. Mary Ivanič, zap. Josephine Erjavec, nadzornice Emma Nose, Theresa Marentich, Theresa Muhic, Frances Stonich, Anna Ster-nisha banana cake, Mrs. Krall veliko škatljo raznih vsakovrstnih piškotov, Marge Gasperich flaške (pomarančne- ga soka) in Mrs. Trautman (Wine of the Century). Krasno izdelale blazine je ročno naredila Mary Weismantel in iste darovala, da smo dobile nekaj dobička za podr. Iskrena hvala njej in vsem, ki so prispevali za lunch. Posebna zahvala tudi sinu Mrs. Emma Nosse, ki nas je zabaval s svojo harmoniko. Mr. Anton Petrovich, brat naše čla. Anne Mihelič, je na hitro umrl v starosti 48 let. Zapušča ženo in več sorodstva. Bil je član raznih klubov. Pokopan je bil iz farne cerkve Sv. Jožefa na domače pokopališče. Naj v miru počiva. Prizadeti družini naše sožalje. Vabimo vas vse na prihodnjo sejo, ko bomo praznovale god Sv. Jožefa. Do tedaj pa ostanite vse zdrave, JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC. ŠT. 21, CLEVELAND, OHIO Naša zvesta članica in prejšnja blagajničarka, Josephine Weiss bo dne 15. marca praznovala svoj rojstni dan, ko bo 80 let mlada. Z možem sta slavila 60 letnico. Naše čestitke in želje za dobro zdravje, kakor tudi vsem ostalim članicam. , Dobro poznano Florence Jesen (Hunter) bolezen že 12 let drži na postelji. Mlada žena mora veliko prestati, tako tudi mož, če ni žena pri zdravju. Moja dobra prijateljica v Euclid, Frances Kog se nahaja v Domu na Neff Rd. že 3 leta. Zadela jo je kap in ne more govoriti in hoditi. Upam, da ste imele vesel Valentinov dan. Kmalu bo tu pomlad, delo nas čaka na vrtovih in zopet si bomo pridelale domačo zelenjavo. Pozdrav vsem! ANNA JESENKO. ŠT. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Hitro gre čas naprej. Predno bo ta dopis odjavljen, se bomo že bližale zeleni pomladi. Pri naši podr. se bliža 45 leto odkar je društvo bilo ustanovljeno. To bo dne 21. aprila 1930. Mnogo se je spremenilo v tem času. Naših prvih članic ni dosti več med nami. Dve ustanoviteljici sta še med nami: Berta Anzelc in Antonija Udovič. Vseeno še dosti dobro napredujemo. Imamo vrlo tajnico, Angelo Kozjan, ki vedno pridobi nove članice. Tudi naše seje so precej dobro obiskane. Upamo, da boste tudi v naprej tako pridne. Ne morem pa se pohvaliti, da bi katera prevzela kakšen urad. Imamo novo poročevalko, Mary Ploszaj. Jaz sem upala, da bo katera druga prev-sela predsedstvo, ker moja leta so visoka in sem že dosti pomagala, da smo napredovale in bi bil čas, de bi katera mlajša prevzela. Jaz sem Preds. od leta 1933 in sem bila že na tretji konvenciji, ki se je vršila v Colinwoodu. Tajnica je bila deiegatin-ja, Frances Bresak in blag. Mary Cer-nilec, ki že počivata odkoder ni vrnitve. Bila sem tudi na peti konvenciji v Chisholm, Minn. 1939. Mnogo mojih prijateljic je že odšlo v večnost. Naj počivajo v miru. Upam, da bi imele mnogo napredka v letu 1975. Vse glavne uradnice prav lepo pozdravljam, pravtako vse pri naši podr. Bolnim pa želim ljubega zdravja. AGNES JANČAR, Preds. ŠT. 47, GARFIELD HTS., OHIO Žal se nisem mogla udeležiti Drž. konvencije, ki se je vršila 28. Dec., ker je prav isti dan bila prireditev Cotillion Ball naših mladih deklet Debutants. Vesela sem bila, da je prireditev tako lepo uspela in, da je bila naša podr. dobro zastopana. V pripravljalnem odboru sta bile tudi naše dve, prve debutantke: Katherine Wallace in Mary Lou Culkar ter še druga dekleta, ki so bile prejšnje debutants, pod nadzortvom Mrs. Frances Sietz, ki se veliko trudi, da obdrži mladino pri SŽZ. Na tem kotiljonskem plesu smo imele dve novi članici J’anice J. Culkar in Debra Flak. Njihove slike in opisi so bili v januarski Zarji. Naše čestitke odličnim mladim dekletom in želimo jim veliko uspehov v življenju. Hvala Mrs. Mary Culkar iz Stone Rd., ki je vpisala ta mlada dekleta in njihove mame: Helen Culkar in Irene H. Flak. Prisrčno dobrodošlico vsem novim članicam! Posebne čestitke Mary Culkar, katero smo izvolile za zaslužno mater leta 1975. Na letni seji je bila dobra udeležba. Posebna zahvala vsem, ki so prinesle pecivo in druge dobrote, posebno ses. Anna Kresevic. Se pozna, da ste vse dobre kuharice. Ses. Vlček je napravila več božičnih okraskov, ses. Kresevic afgan in še več drugih dobitkov. Hvala Ann Harsch, Ann Kreševic in Jennie Gerk, ki so nam servirale na mizo. Odbor je ostal prejšnji razen podpreds. Julije Mezgec, ki zaradi prezaposlenosti ne more prihajati na sejo. Na njeno mesto je bila izvoljena Mary A. Mundson, ki je sestra zapisnikarice Jennie Praznik. Ob tej priliki jima izrekamo naše sožalje ob izgubi brata Louisa Praznika, ki je v nov. preminul v Calif. Zapušča ženo, hčerko ter brate in sestre v Clevelandu. Naj počiva v miru. Sv. maša za žive in mrtve članice bo drugo nedeljo v juniju. Opozarjam vse tiste, ki pošiljate asesment po pošti, da je sedaj za razred A 60 na mesec: A 60^ mesečno, 55 MINN. 55808 Hosier of Officers — No. 34, SOUDAN, MINN. SS7S2 Pres.: Theresa Pahula, Box 91 Sec’y. St Treas.: Mary Pahula, Box 26. Meeting: 3rd Wed. Catholic Men's Club No. 35, AURORA, MINN. 5570} Pres.: Anna Hren, 401 N. Maine St. Sec’y & Treas.: Frances Bradach, 28 N. Erie. Meeting: 4th Wed. Church Hall No. }7, CREANEY (Gheen), MINN. 55740 Sec'y: Mrs. Mary Krall, Gheen, Minn. No. 38, CHISHOLM, MINN. 55719 Pres.: Frances Hren, 300 N.W. 1st St. Sec’y. & Treas.: Anna Trdan, 215 5th S.W. Meeting: 2nd Wed. Slovenian Hall. No. 39, BIWABIK, MINN. 5570S Pres.: Ann Krager, 124 So. 6th Ave. Sec’y & Treas.: Margaret Setnikar, 307 — 6th Ave. N. Meeting: 2nd Thurs. St. John’s Church Basement. No. 40, LORAIN, OHIO 44055 Pres.: Agnes Jancar, 1686 E. 32nd St. Sec’y: Angela Kozjan, 1628 W. 29th St. 44052 Treas.: Mary Klinar, 1326 W. 34th St. Meetings: 2nd Wed., S.N.D. 7.00 p.m. No. 41, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44110 Pres.: Rose Pujzdar, 1238 E. 169th St. Sec’y: Jane Kaplan, 19309 Preston Rd., Warrensville Hgts., Oliio 44128 Meeting: 1st Tues. S. W. Home 15335 Waterloo Rd., 1:30 p.m. No. 42, MAPLE HEIGHTS, OHIO 44137 (P.O. Bedford, Ohio) Pres.: Antonia Kastelic, 15905 Grant Sec’y: Mary Lou Prhne, 5141 Miller Treat: Cecelia Hočevar, 16312 Raymond Meeting: 3rd Tues., every other month, S.N. Dom, 5050 Stanley Ave., 7:30 p.m. No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. 53207 Pres.: Mary Tratnik, 3600 So. Howell Ave. Secy 8c Treas.: Rose Kraemer, 3162 S. Pine Meeting: 1st Thurs., Rebernisek’s Club 36, 3400 VV. Loomis Rd. 7 p.m., except July & Aug. No. 45, PORTLAND, ORE. 97216 Pres.: Mary E. Roso, 215 S.E. 86th Ave. Secy: Wilma Frandskovich, 1031 "B” N.E. 90th. 97220 Treas.: Rosemary Gordon, 15338 S.E. Sunrise Ct„ Milwakie, Ore. 97222 Meeting: 2nd Tues., 2815 W. Raleigh. No. 46, ST. LOUIS, MO. 63109 Pres.: Theresa Gabrian, 9281 Fayette Ave. Secy 8c Treas.: Helen Skoff, 6255 Westway PL. Meetings: 2nd Sun., Jos. Prebil’s home, 3110 A. Providence PI. No. 47, GARFIELD HGTS., OHIO 44125 Pres.: Jennie Gerk, 9103 S. Highland Ave. Secy: Jennie Pugely, 10724 Plymouth Ave., Treas.: Antonia Dolinar, 8805 Vineyard Ave. Meetings: 2nd Sun. Alternate months at SNH, 5050 Stanley Ave. Maple Hgts. No. 49, WICKLIFFE, OHIO 44092 Pres. 8c Sec’y: Mary Stusek, 29654 Grand Blvd. Treas.: Frances Kochevar, 19551 Nauman Ave. Euclid 44119 Meeting: Every 3 months at home of Jennie Kosten No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44143 Pres.: Ann Hočevar, 21900 Maydale Ave. 44123 Sec’y & Treas.: Irene Jagodnik, 6786 Metro Park Dr. Meeting: 3rd Tues., Euclid Public Library, 222nd St. except July & August No. 52, HIBBING, (Kitzville) MINN. 55746 Pres.: Rose Trombley, 3748 E. 4th Ave. Sec’y & Treas.: Virginia Knak, 2509 3rd Ave. E. Meetings: 1st Wed., Little Grove Club Rm. No. 54, WARREN, OHIO 44484 Pres.: Josephine Kassan, 300 Howland - Wilson Rd. N.E. Sec'y fc Treas.: Joanne Ponikvar, 4010 Greenmont Dr. Meeting: 3rd Tues. Feb., April, May, June, Sept., Nov., Dec. Member’s homes. No. 55, GIRARD, OHIO 44420 Pres.: Mary Macek, 12 Pittsburgh St. Sec’y & Treas.: Mary Kristin, 15 Townsend Mcetting: 2nd Thurs., Slovenian Home. No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. 55746 Pres.: Rose Maras, 2215 1st Ave. Sec’y: Mary Meadows, 1410 15th Ave. E. Treas.: Cathran Marolt, 1986 E. 25th St. Meetings: 2nd Tues., Assumption Hall No. 57, NILES, OHIO 44446 Pres.: Frances Yerman, 2110 Robbins Ave. Secy: Virginia Zevkovich, 2557 Chestnut St. Girard 44420 Treas.: Mary Strah, 318 Baldwin Ave. Meetings: 2nd Tues., Pres', home. No. 59, BURGETTSTOWN, PA. 15021 Pres.: Frances Korošec, Main St. Sec’y: Virginia Bendich, Box 213, Slovan (15078) Meetings: First Tues., Slovenian Home. 1975 No. 61, BRADDOCK, PA. 13104 Secy: Pauline Stolec, 2019 Monroe, Pittsburgh, 15218 Treas.: Jennie Novosel, 901 Greensburg Pike, E. Pittsburgh. Meetings: Second Sunday, Croat. Home. No. 62, CONNEAUT, OHIO 44030 Pres.: Mary Jane Dello, 542 Detroit St. Sec’y 8c Treas.: Anna Mundi, 431 16th St. Meetings: 1st Sat. Treas. Home. No. 63, DENVER, COLO. 80216 Pres.: Adelaide Glavitz, 4760 Beach Ct., Denver, 80211 Sec’y & Treas.: Angie Wortman, 2449 W. 41 Ave. 80211 Meeting: 4th Sun., Slovenian Hall No. 64, KANSAS CITY, KANS. 66101 No. 65, VIRGINIA, MINN. 55792 Pres.: Celia Simlch, 701 12th St. N. Sec’y & Treas.: Jennie Tavchar, 719 10th St. N. Meetings: 3rd Fri. 7:30 p.m. C. Slmlch’i Home. Pres.: Antonia Kostelec, 617 Splitlog. Sec’y: Catherine Lastelic, 637 Orville. Treas.: Regina Cop. 317 Orchard Ave. Meetings: 3rd Sunday, Holv Family Hall. No. 66, CANON CITY, COLO. 81212 Pres.: Christine Konte, 112 Catlin Ave. Secy 8c Treas.: Helen L. McFarland, 1442 Chestnut St. Meeting: No regular meetings. Home of Sec’y No. 67, BESSEMER, PA. 16112 Pres.: Mary Snezic, Box 47 Sec’y Mary Percic, P. O. Box 546. Treas.: Mary Brodcsko, Box 449. Meetings: 1st Sun. 7 P.M. Croatian Club, Poland Ave. No. 68, FA1RPORT HARBOR, O. 44077 Pres.: Rose Bradack, 8189 Plains Rd. Mentor, Ohio 44060 Sec’y 8c Treas.: Frances Ulle, 156 Charlotte St., Painesville, Ohio 44077 Meeting: 3rd Thurs. Amer. Slov. Club, Fairport Hrbr., O. No. 70, W. ALIQU1PPA, PA. 15001 Pres. 8c Treas.: Stella Cicconi, 104 Main Ave. Sec'y: Mary Derglin, 85 Maple Ave. Meetings: Second Tuesday, 104 Main. No. 71, STRABANE, PA. 15363 Pres.: Mary Tomsic, 431 Chartler« Ave. Sec’y.: Lucille Smith, 37 Latimer Ave. Treas.: Mary Boštjančič, 32 Latimer Ave. Meeting: 2nd Wed., K.S.K.J., 7 P.M. Hosier of Officers — 1975 No. 72, CHICAGO (Pullman), ILL. 60628 Pres.: Jennie Glusac, 209 Blaekstone, Thornton, 111. 60426 Sec’y 8c Treas.: Wilma Zagar, 17801 Wentworth, Lansing, 111. 60437 Meeting: Every 3 months at members’ homes. No. 73, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44128 (P.O. Warrensville Hgts.) Pres.: Kay Yuratovac, 19511 Sumpter Rd. Secy: Louise Epley, 20294 Emery Rd. Treas.: Agnes Walters, 24717 Emery Rd. Meetings: 1st Mon. at 22714 Vera St. No. 74, AMBRIDGE, PA. 1500} Pres.: Mary Hablch, 160 Maplewood Ave. See’y & Treas.: Stephanie Plese, 151 Merchant St. Meetings: Second Sunday, Slov. Audit. No. 77, PITTSBURGH, PA. 15212 Pres.: Betty Ann Murphey, 1612 Walz St. Sec’y: Minka Chrnat, 9S7 Haslage Ave. Treas.: Elizabeth Conway, 1610 Walz St, Meeting: Twice a year: May-Dee. at St. Mary’s Lyceum, 938 Chesnut St. No. 79, ENUMCLAW, WASH. 98022 Pres.: Mary Mihelich, 1730 Hillcrest Sec’y & Treas.: Anna Mae Anderson, 409 Rainer Ave. Meetings: 2nd Sun., Sept., Dec. and when necessary at members’ homes. No. 80, MOON RUN, PA. 15136 Pres. Ann Petanovich, Steubenville Pike, McKees Rocks, Pa. Sec’y.: Mary Christian, 23 McCormack Rd. Meetings: No regular meetings. No. 81, KEEWATIN, MINN. 55753 Pres.: Mary Ann Brletich Sec'y: Ann Dickovich Treas.: Mary L. Marolt Meeting: 4th Wed., every other montl, member’s homes. No. 83, CROSBY, MINN. 56441 Pres.: Frances Vidmar, 20 — 4th St., N.W. Secy: Louise Puchreiter, 403 4th St., N.E. Treas.: Mary Deblock, Riverton Rt., Ironton Meetings: 1st Mon. member's homes. No. 84, RIDGEWOOD, N.Y. 11227 (New York City) pres.: Angela Voje, 1825 Woodbine St. Sec’y & Treas.: Elizabeth Birk, 61-20 67th St., Middle Village, 11379 Meeting: Approx. 4 times yr. at Pres. home.. No. 85, DEPUE, ILL. 61322 Pres.: Mary Oberch, Box 7, De Pue, II. Treas.-Sec'y: Mary Yermenc, Box 206 Meeting: 3rd Sun., 2 P.M. No. 86, NASHWAUK, MINN. 55769 Pres.: Mary ZakTajsek, 602 — 2nd St. Sec’y 8c Treas.: Christine Meyer, 225 — 4th St. Meeting: 4th Tucs., Church Hall, Linsmcyer Hall. No. 88, JOHNSTOWN, PA. 15902 Pres.: Mary Kuzma, 218 View Street Sec’y: Jennie Stusek, 541 Russell Ave. Treas.: Mary Zupan, 546 Forest Ave. Meetings: 2nd Mon. 7:30 P.M. Dickinson House. No. 89, OGLESBY, ILL. 61348 Pres.: Irene Peterlin. 231 Main St. Secy: Mary Kemz, 125 E. 3rd St. Treas.: Sophie Frank, 311 Elm St. Meetings: 2nd Mon. 7:30 P.M. Dickinson House except Jan. & Feb. No. 90, BRIDGEVILLE, PA. 15017 (Presto) Pres.: Sophie Sorcan, 900 Steen Rd. Sec’y: Julia M. Klemenčič, 202 Charlet St. Treas.: Anne Sorcan, Kirwan HgU. Meetings: 3rd Sun. 3 p.m. St. Barbara's Hall, Presto. No. 91, OAKMONT, PA. 15139 Pres., Anna Kaltelic, Old New Kensington Rd. Sec’y: Jennie M. Flisek, 721-3rd St. Treas.: Janet Kirn, 378 Hulton Rd. Meetings: 2nd Tues., 7:30 p.m. March, May Sept., Dec. Sec’y’s home. No. 92, GUNNISON, COLO. 81224 Pres.: Sherry Carricato, Rt 4, Box 15A, Gunnison, Colo. 81230 Sec’y: Myma Krlzmanich, 508 W. Tomichi, Gunnison Treas.: Margaret Malenšek, Rt. 2, Gunnison Meeting: 1st Sun. 7 P.M. Member’s homes No. 93, BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11237 Pres.: Agnes V.larich, 61-29 Gates Ave. Secy’:: Anna Kerkovich, 1920 Greene Ave. Treas: Helen Hodnick, 60-42 68th Rd. Meeting: 3rd Sat. Amer. Hall, 253 Irving Ave., 3 P.M. No. 94, CANTON, OHIO 44706 Dues Paid to Home Office. No. 95. SO. CHICAGO, ILL. 60617 Pres.: Mildred James. 38 SW Florence Rd. RR 1, Mokena, 111. 60448 Sec’y.: Mildred Poropat, 8314 Saginaw Treas.: Helene Golich, 9633 Manistee Ave. Meetings: 1st Wed. at Sacred Heart School 96th & Exchange Ave. No. 96, UNIVERSAL, PA. 15235 Pres.: Paula Kokal, 2820 Reiter Rd., Penn Hills, Pgh., Pa. Sec’y: Mary J. Klemendc, 3401 Clements Rd. Plumboro. Pgh., Pa. 15239 Treas.: Mary E. O’Block, 668 Center Rd., Plumboro, Pgh., Pa. 15239 Meeting: March 10, June 3, Aug. 11, Oct. 6 8c Dec. 1, Slov. Ass’n Meeting Room. No. 97, CAIRN BROOK, PA. 15924 Pres.: Nancy Satkovich, Box 6 Sec’y and Treas.: Mary Satkovich, Box 125, Meetings: 2nd Sun., Sec’y’s home, 2 p.m. No. 99, ELMHURST, ILL. 60125 Pres.: Victoria Volk, 243 Larch Ave. Sec’y & Treas.: Mary Podgornik, 148 Maple Ave. Meeting: lit Sun. Member’s homes No. 100, FONTANA, CALIF. 92335 Pres.: Mary Jasina, 1021 E. Yale Ontario, Cal., 91764 Sec’y fc Treas.: Mary Omaits, 9527 Juniper, Apt. 2 Meetings 1st Thurs., K.S.K.J. Hall 7 pm. No. 101, BEDFORD HTS, OHIO 44137 Pres.: Rosalie Brown, 2576 Garden Rd., Oakwood, Ohio, 44146 Sec’y.: Dorothy Kastellic, 5206 Joseph St., Maple Hgu. Treas.: Florence, Mertel, 21400 Franklin, Mectingl.: 1st Thurs., Bedford City Hall. No. 102, WILLARD, W1S. 54493 Pres.: Josephine Artac, R. 1 Sec’y: Mary Djubinskl, R. 1 Meeting:' Once every 3 inos. No. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20016 Pres.: Freda Michelitch, 9000 Old Dominion Dr. McLean. Va. 22101 Sec’y: Mary Mejac, 4445 Butterworth PI.. N.W. Treas.: Mary L. Terselic, 5506 Greystone St., Chevy Chase, Mi 20015 Meetings: 1st Sun. S. Columba’j Hall No. 105, DETROIT, MICH. 48221 Pres.: Pauline Adamic, 16844 Griggs Ave. Sec'y.: Johanna Bole, 434 E. Webster, Ferndale, Mich. 48220 Treas.: Audrey Krullc, 15834 Sussex, Detroit, Mich. 18227 Meeting: 2nd Sun. at member's homes. No. 106, MEADOWLANDS, PA. 15347 Pres.: Josephine Jacobs Sec’y.: Catherine Hofler, Box 197 Treas.: Anna Pavello FINANČNO POROČILO - ^]cij v miru počivajo: Mary Misic Br. 10 FINANCIAL REPORT. JANUARY, 1975 Mary Turk Br. 15 Mary Jungwirth Br. 17 Br. No. Amount: Adults: Jr. Re.: Br. No. Amount: Adults: Jr. Re.: Margaret Turk Br. 19 1 $124.80 182 64 CO 23.35 12 3 h Frances Stanich Br. 19 2 295.65 409 199 81 16.20 27 1 Mary Udovich Br. 19 3 172.45 260 119 C3 7.35 15 4 8.70 11 — a C4 34.10 39 2 b Jennie Cigolle Br. 24 5 82.90 79 15 a 85 — 35 1 Ursula Dejak Br. 25 6 56.50 107 17 86 9.80 19 — Marian Wolf Lipoid Br. 25 7 52.00 86 28 88 27.45 45 6 Josephine Ulcher Br. 31 8 29.20 38 — b 89 31.55 62 22 Rose Miklavčič Br. 41 9 20 1 90 16.10 38 5 10 133.15 264 21 91 — 40 7 Mary Perhne Br. 42 12 67.90 138 54 92 — 30 17 Cecelia Vachetz Br. 43 13 125.25 107 28 b 93 20.25 44 3 Frances A. G!avan Br. 50 14 163.65 275 41 94 — 5 — Elizabeth Derlicka Br. 50 15 166.85 160 5 b 95 220.95 169 17 b Anna Žnidaršič Br. 50 16 113.30 151 67 96 52.20 43 — Helen Miskulin Br. 56 17 96.40 149 105 97 12 — 19 53.15 90 9 99 5.10 13 — Anna Mikan Br. 63 20 — 356 114 100 40.80 47 17 Katherine Hlebec Br. 77 21 69.15 106 46 101 28.05 34 12 Johanna Mravitz Br. 77 22 — 15 — c 102 76.50 34 2 b Anna Kerzan Br. 85 23 24 122.25 62.45 212 115 29 30 103 105 17.65 23 28 15 6 Olga Cigoj Br. 99 25 310.60 518 129 106 26.70 24 — Rest in peace dear departed! 26 27 80.50 124 33 FANIKA HUMAR 2J45 36 2 $5,227.72 7,739 23 68 28 10.50 11.60 21 104 A Remarks: Pd. /an. & Feb. a; Dec. 29 30 1 & Jan. . b; Pd. in Dec. c; Nov. Dec. HI BOYS AND GIRLS 38.95 124.45 72 184 21 64 d: Dec. e: Jan. Feb. . Mar. f; Nov. & 31 32 Jan. g; ; Oct. 74 to Jan. 75 h. With Easter comes the seasonal 33 34 129.60 178 121 lily, as well as the decorated egg, a 22.75 35 4 INCOME IN JAN. 1975 symbol of new life. In nursery rhyme 35 32.40 50 28 DOHODKI: there is a most famous egg known 37 17 1 as Humpty Dumpty. 38 48.65 102 Assessment: $5,227.72 Hurnpty Dumpty sat on a wall, 39 20.45 43 3 Rent: 210.00 Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; 40 64.45 103 1 Interest 1,493.13 All the king’s horses and all the 41 66.80 168 29 Miscell. 32.00 king’s men, 42 30.60 52 2 Books 674.45 Cannot put Humpty Dumpty together again. 43 295.30 203 129 b $7,637.30 45 21.15 37 10 Children all over the world have 46 15.75 31 3 Books asset: 674.45 danced and played games making up 38 songs rhymes to go with their play- 47 73.40 113 $6,962.85 50 443.80 306 54 Total: ing. These rhymes were passed along 52 37.75 51 16 to other children. Childhood rhymes 54 55.50 48 31 b DISBURSEMENTS — STROŠKI cover every game as chasing, count- 55 35.10 55 19 JAN. 1975 ing or guessing.. For skipping rope 56 50.00 89 7 there is: 57 36.15 54 13 Claims — zavarovalnice $2.300.00 Apple, peach, pumpkin pie, 59 26.90 26 — d Salaries — plače 908.22 How many years before 1 die? 61 2.40 5 — Administration 363.00 One, two, three, 62 23.20 20 — a Internal Revenue — davek 378.02 The poem, “Pease porridge hot, 63 96.42 79 16 b Social Security 71.62 Pease porridge cold,” is recited to 64 39 1 Unemployment tax 42.01 the clapping of hands. With the use 65 18.00 36 20 € Fuel - - kurjava 124.96 of buttons, thimbles, handkerchiefs 66 49 18 Zarja 1,730.72 or other small object a hunting game 67 46.90 67 8 Office rent 75.00 rhyme is: 68 39.45 54 25 Office suplies 20.37 70 22.20 12 — f Postage & teleph. 62.33 Drop the handkerchief Saturday 71 63.80 111 37 Real Estate tax 408.87 night, 72 14.30 18 — a Heat repairs 450.00 Where do you think 1 found it? 73 64.05 98 59 Legal fee 90.00 Up in the sky, ever so high, 74 — 26 1 Donations 41.10 A thousand stars around it. 36.00 33 g All the players but the one who 77 79 68.10 36 18 f Total • skupno ■ Jan. 1975: $7,066.22 is "it” form a circle. TOK THE YOUNG AT HEART ff ,.aCo..a&\ «ff» iJk—A—- There are tongue-twisters in rhyme in all languages. The most famous English one is Peter Piper. Most of the fun comes in reciting them as fast possible. Try this one: When a twister, twisting, would twist him a twist, For twisting a twist three twists he would twist; But if one of the twists untwists from the twist, Then the twist, untwisting, untwists the twists. Little Jack homer was an interesting historical tale of dishonest dealings in the days of King Henry VIII of England. Nursery rhymes described military movements, political party schemes and even King George's friend ships with the women of the court: Georgey Porgey, pudding and pie, Kissed the girls and made them cry; When the boys came out to play, Georgey Porgey ran away. Many a nursery rhyme was written to tell a story with a lesson in it or point out a moral. This one suggests that it is just as important to attend to little details as to big ones: For want of a nail, the shoe was lost; For want of the shoe, the horse was lost: For want of the horse, the rider was lost; For want of the rider, the battle was lost; For want of the battle, the kingdom was lost; And all for the want of a horseshoe nail! A famous rhyme is the Lord Mayor in which a part of the face is touched as itis rec'ted: Here sits the Lord Mayor, (forehead) Here sits his two men, (eyes) Here sits the cock, (right cheek) Here sits the hen, (left check) Here sit the little chickens, (tip of nose) Here they all run in; (mouth) Chinchopper, chinchopper, Cninchepper chin! (chuck the chin) A lesson of kindness is found in a more recent rhyme telling of the adventures of Mary and her lamb. “The Mary of the poem is generally said to be Mary Elizabeth Sawyer. Her lamb followed her to the Old Redstone Schoolhouse, near Sterling, Mass. Polly Kimball was the teacher who sent the lamb out. Sarah Josepha Hale wrote the verses, although they have been claimed by several others.” Of its six stanzas MARY’S LITTLE LAMB has a Bostonian version: Tradition testifies, and history verifies the testimony that one Mary was at one time possessed of a youthful member of the genus sheep, Whose excellence of blood and neatness of manner rendered his, or her, exterior fringe as beautifully translucent as the driven, beautiful snow; And ;t is stated in the most authentic manner that nowhere did the charming little lady perambulate, But the aforementioned quadrupedal vertebrate did with alacrity approximate thither." The Bostonian as well as the following four versions of Mary and her 'amb come from Russell Crouse's Compilation of the American Keepsake. The Chinese say: “Was gal named Moll had lamb, Flea all samee white snow, Evly place Moll gall walkee, Ba ba hoppee long too.” This is the way a son of Erin understood it: “Begorry, Mary had a little shape, And the wool was white intoirly; An’ wherever Mary sud sthir her sthumps, The young shape would follow her complately.” So celebrated a poem should have a French version: “La petite Marie had le Jeune muttong, Ze wool was blanchee as ze snow; And everywhere la belle Marie went, Le Jeune muttong was sure tc go." And of course there has to be a Slovenian version which was provided by Mary Rozman: “Micka imela ovčko malo Kožušček njen bel kot sneg: In prav povsod kjer Micka gre Ovčka pa za njo.” And here's just one more aboul Mary: “Mary had a little lamb. A little pork, a little jam, A little egg, a little toast, Some pickles and a great big roast; An ice-cream soda topped with fizz, And boy! How sick our Mary Is!” To all Marys and their friends, who enjoy nursery rhymes, springtime, eggs and lilies, may your Easter be happy, loving and Blessed. Your Friend, REGINA. God smiled . . . Anti there was sunshine Softly streaming all around. God iL'ept . . . And there were showers Gently nourishing the ground. (•od beckoned. . . . There were blossoms Bursting forth from all t)\- trees. And all the world was beau- tiful And every living thing 11 as blessed with joy and gladness. God loved . . . And there was Easter! »■ FRANC GORŠE R A* p, CITY BOX 232 ■ NF.7. YORK, N.Y. 10032 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941 43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Director and Embalmers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688 METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST Company “ 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 FDiG GEREND - HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN. WISCONSIN 53081 LISTEN TO CHICAGO’S SLOVENIAN RADIO PROGRAM! LUDWIG A. 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Greenfield Ave. Phone 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin cniiiBiiiiiBiiiiiaiiiiiBiiiiiB mmm wmmm ii® I H' IB' B'iB ":l! II IB" aWBEMCT a Fr. Frank Perkovich Presents... | SONGS & HYMNS FROM THE POLKA MASS § Celebrated at Resurrection Church, Eveleth, Minnesota a With .JOE CVEK and the VARIABLES ORCHESiRA p AND CHORALEERS. ■ Stereo record: $5.00 H 8—Track. $6.00 j;J| Cassette: $6.00 Jg A<1>1 0.50 for postage an a POLKA MASS BOX 586 Eveleth, Minnesota 55734 liniiniiiiii'iniiMi—imnr ommihbi:»vbs.» bimbhit; □ j n El □ ra HOME JOLIET, ILL. 459 North Ottawa Street Phoi.r 722-0524 "First in service since 1908" B! B ! I ra a 13 | ia ’ ra RJ a a f 0 lllBIIIIIBIHIBIIIIIBr IIIBIIIIII