mmmm Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 52/55 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 22. 12. 2019 4. Adventna NEDELJA 4th Sunday of Advent Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Phone: 905-561-5971 Cell: 905-520-2014 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Novorojeni bojevnik naj razvedri in odpre naša srca Modri Salomon v Knjigi modrosti piše: »Ko je spokojen molk ovijal vse stva n in je noč v svojem teku bila na pol poti, je tvoja vsemogočna beseda z nebes, s kraljevega prestola, kot srdit bojevnik priletela v sredo pogubi izročene dežele« (Mdr 18,14-15). Naziv »vsemogočna beseda« se sicer nanaša najprej na angela pokončevalca (2 Mz 12,23; Heb 11,28), ki je udaril egiptovske prvorojence in dosegel, da je faraon osvobodil in odpustil Izraelove sinove. Potem pa se naziv »vsemogočna beseda« lepo nanaša tudi na Besedo, »ki je meso postala«, na učlovečenje Božjega Sina, ki ga vsako leto slavimo za božič. Naj bo torej tudi prihod učlovečene Božje Besede v našo deželo in med nas tako uspešen, kot piše o Božji besedi prerok Izaija: »Kakor pride dež in sneg izpod neba in se ne vrača tja, ne da bi napojil zemljo, jo naredil rodovitno in brstečo, dal sejalcu seme in uživalcu kruh, tako je z mojo besedo, ki prihaja iz mojih ust: ne vrne se k meni brez uspeha, ne da bi storila, kar sem hotel, in izpolnila, za kar sem jo poslal« (Iz 55,10-11). Naj torej Novorojeni bojevnik prevetri in prezrači našega duha, naj razvedri in na široko odpre naša srca. V imenu Slovenske škofovske konference iskreno voščim vsem vernim blagoslovljeno in milosti polno Gospodovo rojstvo. Prisrčno pozdravljam vse oslabele in bolne, vse sodelavce in prostovoljce Slovenske karitas, vse zamejce in izseljence, vse urejene družine in vsa razdrta družinska ognjišča, vse iskalce in vse iz družbe odrinjene osamljence. Iskreno voščim tudi vsem bratom pravoslavnim in evangeličanom; pozdravljam vse, ki imamo očaka Abrahama za skupnega očeta: naše starejše brate jude in mlajše brate muslimane. Naj nas navdihuje skupna pisana Božja beseda in naj nas blagoslavlja naša učlovečena Božja Beseda! Mir Gospodov naj bo vedno z vami! Msgr. dr. Jurij Bizjak, koprski škof VESTNIK 2019| christmas message 2019 The Most Reverend Richard Gagnon Archbishop of Winnipeg President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Dear Friends, Reconciliation is a much used word in our present-day culture, but we seldom ponder in our hearts what a treasure and mystery reconciliation really is. In the Christmas season, its meaning and implications are vividly concrete as the birth of Christ brings a new light and a saving grace to our capacity to be reconciled and be reconcilers in our daily life. In this liturgical season, we enter the Gospel scenes with new insights as we see and hear the angel choirs in the heavens and witness the shepherds experiencing a life-changing moment; in contrast, the inn does not have room for Mary and Joseph. The shepherds hasten to the manger to see what they are told, amaze others when telling them what they see, and when returning home, glorify and praise God for what they saw and heard. On the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God, we are told that, in a most unique and life-giving way, Mary treasured the words said of her Child and ponders them in her heart. The star gives encouragement and direction to the wise men from the East; their search results in their being overwhelmed with joy and faith. Herod and his courtiers see no star of hope but in their self-imposed darkness plot death and misery. Such are the contrasts which continue throughout the celebrations of Christmas week These mysteries of the life of Jesus, mysteries of our faith and indeed of the life of every believer, take on a beautiful significance when read in light of reconciliation. Reconciliation means embracing another, the coming together of those estranged. It begins by seeing and hearing anew, undergoing a profound change, turning from past ways and turning to the lord and to others in new ways. /see next Vestnik/ 582 | VESTNIK 2019 4. Sunday of Advent Response: May the Lord come in; he is king of glory. First Reading Isaiah 7:10-14 The Lord gives a sign of his presence with his people: the maiden is with child. Second Reading Romans 1:1-7 Jesus was proclaimed Son of God through his resurrection from the dead. Gospel Matthew 1:18-24 Joseph's dream and God's dream. "God-is-with-us." Illustration How do you decide whether to trust someone or not? Our ability to get it right when it comes to trusting others is crucial, affecting our relationships, our finances, our careers. Make the wrong decision and the consequences can be devastating. So it is surprising to discover that some psychological studies suggest that we make judgements about people's trustworthiness almost instantaneously - within just three-hundredths of a second - based solely on their facial features. Apparently, the most trustworthy faces have upturned eyebrows and lips and prominent cheekbones, while the least trustworthy faces have eyebrows pointing downwards and lips curled at the edges (picture the Joker in the Batman films), with furrowed brows and sunken cheeks. Making snap judgements may have been an effective survival instinct for our ancestors but it is clearly not an effective tool for assessing trustworthiness in today's world. The modern con artist can have all the facial features of an attractive and trustworthy person. Trustworthiness is more than skin-deep. Psychology helps identify some guidelines for making better choices about whom to trust than relying simply on intuition. These include: don't act impulsively -take time to think; beware being pressurised; be careful of people who move too fast in relationships; ask yourself what you know about the person; be holistic - use both your emotions and your brain, your intuition and your experience of the world. In other words: take time to ensure that your trust is well placed. Gospel Teaching At first glance, King Ahaz seems to be a good man who has complete trust in God; he refuses to ask for a sign: "I will not put the Lord to the test." In fact the reverse is true. Ahaz proves himself to be an evil king. Faced with invasion and imminent defeat, Ahaz turns away from the true God to worship pagan gods, even instigating child sacrifice to appease them. Ahaz doesn't want to put his trust in the Lord God and he definitely doesn't want a sign, because if the sign comes true, Ahaz will have no choice but to admit his mistake and turn back to the Lord. However, God promises a sign anyway: a maiden who is with child. And the child himself will be a sign of the very thing that Ahaz rejects: that the Lord is with his people. Joseph also has to make a decision about whom to trust. Will he trust Mary, his betrothed? Will he believe the fantastical claim that though still a virgin she is pregnant and that this is God's doing? Joseph also has to decide whether to trust his dream in which God's angel gives him a message that harks back to that ancient promise of God to Ahaz, that the child will be the fulfilment of God's promise to be with the people. The Gospel doesn't tell us explicitly how Joseph makes the decision to trust Mary and to trust his dream. But clearly it has to involve a process of combining his intuition and his experience both of Mary and of God. Ultimately, of course, Joseph has to trust himself and his ability to listen both to his heart and his head. Application Each individual, and perhaps each generation, faces the same question that Ahaz and Joseph faced: whom do I trust? On what foundations do I build my life? The fundamental promise that God makes - to Ahaz, to Joseph and to us - is: "I am with you." And the choice each of us then has to make is: do I trust God? Do I live my life based on the belief that through all the challenges and difficulties of life, God is with me, with us as a community? As we face our own threats and challenges in life -both as individuals and as Church - we can, like Ahaz, choose to place our trust in the false gods of our own time: materialism (money, possessions) or power (using people for our own ends, putting popularity, status and success before principle and truth). Or, like Joseph, we can listen to the still, quiet voice of the God who speaks to our better self in the silence of our dreams and our hopes - the God who quietly yet persistently invites us to live our lives in hope and confidence, rather than insecurity and fear. To genuinely trust God - to believe that God is with us - has the most profound consequence for our lives and for our community. VESTNIK 2019 | 547 ckets i Admission Includes Reserved Seating, A complimentary signature welcome drink, appetizers Charcuterie board with assortment of meats, cheese, relish condiments Dinner (prepared by Nancy Dundek & staff) Home style soup with noodles, bread & butter Penne in rose sauce Roast Beef, gravy & horse radish Chicken Marsala, Parisienne potatoes Mixed vegetable Medley & Green salad with vinaigrette dressing Cheesecake Dessert Late Night Buffet Krajnske Klobase, cold cuts, Red/White Pizza, Breads, Fruit, assorted pastries ^^^m Featuring a Super Star ■Surprise Guest Performance! Grammy/Oscar winner! Volunteers needed to help with set-up Sunday Dec 29 1:00pm Band - Sibaj featuring Brian Pavlic, John Horvat Guy Cayen, Peter Kralj, Marc Cayen Raffle (prizes - over $1,100 value) St. Gregory the Great - upper Hall Donations for raffle prizes always welcome! Contact Heidy An event and facility presented for members and supporters of St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Parish and Hamilton Diocese 602 | VESTNIK 2019 Ringing in 2020 is going to be amazing with this year's theme: "A night at the Oscars - On the Red Carpet" it will be impossible for this night not to win an Oscar itself! Featuring a Grammy/Oscar winning superstar performance, New Year's 2019 will be a night to remember! As some of you figured out - yes, we have a superstar performer lined up and singing many of her songs at the top of the music charts. This live once in a lifetime performance is scheduled for 9:30pm. She has agreed to also make herself available for photos with our guests, so be sure to have your cameras ready! We've got the music, décor and a delicious meal being prepared by Nancy Dundek and her staff, which includes appetizers, late night buffet and a complimentary drink upon entrance into our New Year's event! However, for those who may not be able to make it for dinner, we are now selling tickets valid for entry into the hall after dinner beginning at 9:00 p.m. These tickets only cost $50, however, this ticket will give you access to our New Year's celebration including our surprise Grammy winning Novo leto v društvu Sava performer, a live band, celebration accessories and late night buffet! Of course, there will be a raffle which will include over a $1,100 in raffle prizes to be won. All this should guarantee an amazing time for everyone! On Monday we began a Special Christmas sale with tickets priced at $85 for adults and $60 for students - this pricing will stay valid until the final day to purchase tickets which is Thursday, December 26th. So... to reserve a place at this 'New Year's Oscars/Red Carpet event', be sure to contact Heidy Novak at 905-317-6002. Also, a quick reminder that we always need helping hands to make this a great night, so, volunteers, give me a call and sign up! Call your family members and friends and invite them to this New Years celebration so that we can ring in 2020 in style. Friends of our community, we always welcome raffle prizes - if you can help out with this, please let us know ahead of time - and thank you in advance for your generosity. - On behalf of your parish council, and Slovenski Park - We wish you all a wonderful and hopefully warm Sunday and look forward to seeing you at New Years! Sreda, 1. januar 2020 - NOVO LETO Pričetek praznovanja ob 1:00 p.m. Za dobro razpoloženje bosta skrbela Ansambel Niagara Button Boxers in Walter Ostanek. Praznično kosilo bo samopostreženo ob 2:00 p.m. Obvezne rezervacije. Cena vstopnice: Odrasli $30, Študentje $15 Otroci od 12 let navzdol prost vstop Rezervacije sprejemajo: Marija Prilesnik (519-884-4736), Angela Prilesnik (519-579-8620), Zinka Mirt (519-884-6194) VESTNIK 2019 | 547 BOŽIČNICA PRI DRUŠTVU SAVA - BRESLAU Odbor društva Save se iskreno zahvaljuje vsem članom, ne-članom IN prijateljem, ki so se nam pridružili v tako velikem številu na Božično praznovanje v nedeljo, 15. decembra, v društveni dvorani. Najlepša hvala g. Dragu Gačniku za darovano Božično mašo. Enako naši kuhinji za odlično kosilo. Posebno lepo je bilo videti cele družine; nabralo se je preko 22 otrok in 10 od teh je nastopilo v Božičnem programu. Zapeli so nam pesmi v Slovenskem in Angleškem jeziku, čeprav se njihova povprečna starost giblje med 4 in 6 leti in tako razveselili vse navzoče obiskovalce v dvorani. Iskrena hvala vsem staršem in starim staršem za delo in sodelovanje z vašimi otroci. Posebna zahvala Kristini Mihelič in Mariji Prilesnik za to delo, organizacijo in izpeljavo otroškega programa. Sv. Miklavž - Santa Claus je nato otroke obdaril z darili in s tem smo zaključili res lepo Adventno praznovanje. V imenu odbora Društva Save čestitamo, vsem članom, ne-članom in prijateljem društva v naši okolici in širši Slovenski skupnosti: »Srečne in blagoslovljene božične praznike ter veselo, zdravo in napredno Novo Leto 2020; obenem pa se Vam priporočamo za nadaljnji obisk našega društva Save v letu, ki prihaja.« Steve Ivančič za odbor Društva Save 586 | VESTNIK 2019 VESTNIK 2019 | 547 BOŽIČNICA PRI DRUŠTVU TRIGLAV - LONDON: V nedeljo, 15. decembra 2019, smo se ob 4h popoldne zbrali pri sveti maši skupaj s člani društva Triglav v cerkvi St. John the Divine. Pri maši nam je pesmi spremljala na klavir Gabriella, bralca sta prebrala berili, prinesli so tudi darove in ob koncu maše sem jim še razložil zakaj »božično zvezdo«, tukaj imenujejo »poinsettia«. Včasih je dobro poznati tudi malo zgodovine. Po maši smo se, kot je navada, zbrali v dvorani, kjer smo se pogostili ob dobrotah, ki so jih prinesli. Ob koncu pa me je čakalo še presenečenje. Jože zadel in Ivan Horvat sta v imenu društva Triglav izročila ček v vrednosti 10.000,00 dolarjev za župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega. Iskrena hvala za velikodušen dar. Čeprav društvo Triglav z Novim letom zaključuje svoje uradno delovanje, pa se bomo še na - prej, kot slovenska skupnosti, mesečno zbirali pri daritvi sv. maše v cerkvi. Hvala vsem za sodelovanje. 588 | VESTNIK 2019 VESTNIK 2019 | 547 Obvestila - Announcements dogodki v bližnji_ prihodnosti_ ♦ 22. dec.: St. Gregory - Mass 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. ♦ 24. dec.: St. Gregory the Great - Christmas Eve -English Mass 6:00 p.m., Slovenian Mass 10:00 p.m. ♦ 25. dec.: St. Gregory the Great - Christmas Day -Slovenian Mass 9:30 a.m., English Mass 11:00 a.m. ♦ 26. dec.: Lipa Park - St. Stephan - Mass 3:00 p.m. ♦ 31. dec.: St. Gregory the Great & Slovenski Park -New Year's Eve Celebration ♦ 1. jan. 2020: Lipa Park - New Year's Day Luncheon ♦ 1. jan. 2020: Sava - New Year's Day Luncheon ♦ 12. jan. 2020: Sava - Mass 12:00 noon ♦ 12. jan. 2020: London - Mass 4:00 p.m. gift bearers - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO_ ♦ 22. dec. 9:30 a.m.: Sue in Zdravko Augustin ♦ 25. dec. 9:30 a.m.: Danny & Aranka Dundek ♦ 29. dec. 9:30 a.m.: Jožica Vegelj & Eva Erzetič ♦ 5. jan. 9:30 a.m.: Maks in Jožica Pavličič ♦ 12. jan.: 9:30 a.m.: Družina Dundek ognjišče_ Prosimo vse naročnike, da čimprej povedo ali bodo naročeni na revijo OGNJIŠČE tudi v letu 2020. Naročnina za leto 2020 je 88 kanadskih dolarjev. Hvala. letnekuverte_ V veži so letne kuverte. Vzemite si jih in če je kakšna napaka v naslovu, prosim, da mi to sporočite, da popravimo. Če morda kdo ni našel svojega zavoja kuvert naj mi tudi sporoči in ga mu bomo pripravili. Poleg kuvert so tudi Marijanski koledarji. Drugi koledar, za niagar-ske klube pa je še v pripravi. Pride kmalu! cwl - kzz CWL initiated Food Drive for the month of December. At this time of year our minds turn to thinking of the less fortunate. In the spirit of the Christmas season we are inviting everyone to donate non-perishable food items for those in need. Consider donating items such as canned fish/meat, canned/dry soup, pasta/ rice, sauce, canned vegetables and baby food. A donation box has been placed in the church foyer. We thank you for your support. darovi_-_ donations_ Za gradbeni sklad so darovali: - $50 Matilda prša - $50 Family Klanfar - $200 Stanko in Jožica Vegelj - $500 Ivan in Mary Horvat - London - $100 v spomin na pok. Franca Mariča in $100 v spomin na pok. Hermana Gomboc, Štefan in Monika Gašpar - $100 Ned Sejranič v spomin na pok. Ed Kodarina. - $100 je darovala Jožica Hapke oltarnemu društvu za rože. Hvala vsem za vašo velikodušnost in podporo naše župnije. Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 590 | VESTNIK 2019 Week 1 Candle : Prophet's Candle Symbolizes: Hope Reminds Us: Jesus is coming Verse: Romans 15:12-13 Prayer: O Lord, stir up Thy power, we pray Thee, and come; and with great might help us, that with the help of Thy grace, Thy merciful forgiveness may hasten what our sins impede. Who livest and reignest forever. Amen. Week 2 Candle: Bethlehem Candle hH Symbolizes: Faith HH Reminds Us: Mary and Joseph's H journey to Bethlehem Verse: Luke 3:4-6 ' : Prayer: O Lord, stir up our hearts that we may prepare for Thy only begotten Son, that through His coming we may MH be made worthy to serve Thee with pure minds. Who livest and reignest forever. Amen. Christ Candle Light on Christmas Eve Hvala družini Mramor, da so si vzeli čas in zopet postavili jaslice. Prav tako hvala Olgi Glavač, za krasitev in skrb, da so rože vedno pravočasno in prav zalite. Kdor tega ni delal, niti ne ve koliko skrbi in dela je potrebno, da je naša cerkev vedno lepo urejena. Hvala tudi Milki Ferko, ki nam redno pere prtičke za mašo. Prav tako hvala vsem, ki med letom čistite cerkev. Hvala tudi Pameli, ki poskrbi, da je urnik čiščenja pripravljen pravočasno. Week 3 Candle: Shepherd's Candle Symbolizes: Joy Reminds Us: The Joy the world experienced at the coming birth of Jesus. Verse: Luke 2:7-15 Prayer: O Lord, we beg Thee, incline Thy ear to our prayers and enlighten the darkness of our minds by the race of Thy visitation. Who livest and reignest forever. Amen. Week 4 Candle: Angel's Candle Symbolizes: Peace .. Reminds Us: The message of the ' ^ angels: "Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men". L -J Verse: John 3:16-17 Prayer: O Lord, stir up Thy power, we ^^ pray Thee, and come; and with great Q J might help us, that with the help of Thy grace, Thy merciful forgiveness may hasten what our sins impede. Who livest and reignest forever. Amen . f # SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is 111 only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call don bosco for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971, VESTNIK 2019 | 547 od 22. 12. 2019 do 29. 12. 2019 svete maše - masses 4. Adventna nedelja 22. December Frančiška, red. ustanov. Za žive in rajne župljane ff Matija in Martin Zelko f Janez Kosednar f Ed Kodarin f Janez Recek 9:30 a.m.------ Toni in Marija Franc Žena Hema z družino Ned Sejranič 11:00 a.m. Družina Recek Ponedeljek - Monday 23. December Barbara Car, obl. Za mir na svetu Frank Gimpelj Marija Bukvič 7:00 p.m.Hči Marija Berkovič z družino Slomškovo oltarno društvo Žena Elizabeth z družino Sestra Elizabeth Gimpelj Torek - Tuesday 24. December Adam in Eva, prastarša Sveti večer ff Jože in Marija Heric f Florian Miklavčič ff Ivan (obl.) in Luise Sarjaš f Martina Kolar ff Mihael in Zofija Ferenčak ff Rudi in Terezija Hajdinjak ff Lojze in Marija Ipavec 6:00 p.m. Družina Miklavčič Žena z družino Alojz Sarjaš z družino Mož 10:00 p.m. Lojze in Dragica Ferenčak Dragica in Lojze Ferenčak Marija in Ivan Sreda - Wednesday 25. December Gospodovo rojstvo BOŽIČ Za žive in rajne župljane f Ed Kodarin f Ed Kodarin f Ignac Korošec f Katarina Mujdrica 9:30 p.m.------ Ned Sejranič Žena Stanka 11:00 a.m. Žena z družino Korošec Marija Četrtek - Thursday 26. December Štefan, diakon f ff tt f f tt Štefan Zadravec Pokojni iz družine Kovač Štefan in Elizabeta, Robert Kramar Štefan Prša Štefan Ray Pokojni člani društva Lojze Seljak 10:00 a.m. Brat Franc in Ljudmila z druž. Ljudmila Zadravec Lojze Ferenčak z družino Žena z družino Žena Gizella in družina 3:00 p.m. Maša pri društvu Lipa park Francka Seljak Petek - Friday 27. December - Janez, ap V čast Jezusovi krvi Marta Žalik 7:00 p.m. Ana Tadic Matilda Prša Sobota Saturday 28. December Nedolžni otroci Anton puščavnik f Ana Nedelko f Cecilija Smodiš f Matija Vlašič f Karel Volf ff Marija Granič -Jerič f Miroslava in Viktorija Sinigoj f Marija Nemec f Ana Nedelko f Cecilija Smodiš 5:30 p.m. Mož z družino Ivan Nedelko z družino Žena in otroci Olga Čulig Olga Čulig Julija Sagadin Hermina Kavčič Marija in Jože Magdič z druž. Družina Raduha Sveta Družina The Holy Family 29. December David, kralj 592| VESTNIK 2019- Za žive in rajne župljane f Štefan Dundek ff Stane in Frančiška Napast f Viktor Doma f Ed Kodarin ff Štefan in Verona Prša, obl. 9:30 a.m.-------- Aranka Dundek Družina Pinter Družina Mramor Ned Sejranič 11:00 a.m. Joe in Kathy Prša