4. ADVENTNA NEDELJA 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 52/53 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 24. 12. 2017 Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca WEB PAGE www.carantha.com HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca VESTNIK »In blagoslovljen sad tvojega telesa« Gotovo smo se že prepričali, da imajo evangelij odgovor za vse. Morda bo potrebno, da danes spregovorimo prav o telesu, ker nikoli ni bilo človeško telo tako zelo v središču pozornosti kot v našem času: vse je treba storiti za njegovo zdravje, nego, videz in ohranjevanje. Po drugi strani pa morda ni noben čas tako kruto razvrednotil človeškega telesa. Lahko bi z naštevanjem začeli pri zavračanju še nerojenega otroka, pri genetskem manipuliranju in raznovrstnih zlorabah že pri samem zarodku ter nadalje-vali pri nedovoljenem trgovanju s človeškimi organi, z zlorabo delovne sile, s ponižujočim izkoriščanjem v najbolj umazane in razčlovelujoče namene, ki ne prizanašajo niti otroški nedolžnosti, z grobim nasiljem, ki si ga privošči pornografija, zapostavljanje ostarelih in »neproduktivnih« ljudi ... Kaj je moje telo? Ali sem si že zastavil to vprašanje? Ali sploh poznam svoje telo? Moral bi se zahvaliti Bogu za noge, ki me nosijo v gore, za oči, s katerimi občudujem sončni zahod, za roke, s katerimi obdelujem zemljo, za ustnice, s katerimi lahko poljubim otroka, za glas, s katerim lahko prepe-vam, za sluh, ki ujame pesem vetra v krošnjah dreves. Kaj naj rečemo o možganih? Ali sploh vemo, da vsebujejo sto milijard informacij (možgansko kabelsko morežje meri 400.000 km!). Zares čudovito je človeško telo. Za srcem, ki je nekaj najlepšega, gre drugo mesto telesu, tej čudoviti skrinji srca! Morali bi zavriskati od sreče, podobno kot starozavezni psalmist: »Kako čudovitega si me ustvaril!« Četrta adventna nedelja kliče k temu razmišljanju. Srečanje dveh mater v blagoslovljenem stanju, ki je vedno veljalo za najlepši povzetek adventne-ga pričakovanja, skriva v sebi nesluteno sporočilo. Dete se je v materinem telesu od radosti zganilo. Bog je hotel s tem dejstvom ovrednotiti sleherno človeško bitje, človeka kot takšnega, njegovo življenje in njegovo enkrat-nost, ne glede na zunanji videz, čeprav je še v obdobju nastajanja, še vedno potopljen v skrivnost ljubezni, ko ga mati nosi pod srcem. Človeško telo. Moje telo in telo vsakogar - ta izjemna mojstrovina, ki je bila najprej spočeta v Stvarnikovi zamisli. Moje telo ni le »nekaj«. Moje telo sem jaz. S svojim telesom sem ustvarjen »po Božji podobi« (1 Mz 1,27). Tako je izredno in nedopovedljivo dragoceno, da ne bo propadlo v izničenju, ampak bom vso večnost »iz svojega mesa gledal Boga« (Job 19,26). Še več: ta Bog, naš in edini Bog je hotel premagati vsako razdaljo, tudi razdaljo med Stvarnikom in stvarjo. Zato si je privzel telo: »Žrtve in daritve nisi hotel, a telo si mi pripravil« (Heb 10,5 - drugo berilo). Človeško telo - premalo in napačno oboževano v naši dobi. Še zdaleč ne tako, kot ga »obožuje« sam Bog. Tu se pretaka življenje, veletok Življenja. In vse v meni vpije: »Izberi življenje! Izberi življenje!« Še je potreben advent, da nam odpre oči uma in srca, posebno sedaj, ko se Cerkev odločneje postavlja na stran življenja. 550 | VESTNIK 2017 552 | VESTNIK 2017 554 | VESTNIK 2017 556 | VESTNIK 2017 558 | VESTNIK 2017 560 | VESTNIK 2017 562 | VESTNIK 2017 564 | VESTNIK 2017 BOŽIČ - GOSPODOVO ROJSTVO KRISTJAN ČLOVEK VESELJA Vesel božič! Božič veselja, velikega veselja. »Oznanjam vam veliko veselje, ki bo za vse ljudstvo.« In res, luč tega veselja, ki je zasvetila sredi božične noči, se je v dveh tisočletjih prelila v ves svet in presadila v njegovo srce. Božična noč je noč veselja, neizmernega veselja, kot je ves evangelij oznanilo veselja. Jasli, dete, Marija, poglobljena v skrivnost nebes, in Jožef, pravični mož, prekaljen v veri. To je pravzaprav vse. Toda tu je resnično »skriti Bog nebes«. Sam nebeški Oče, ki edini pozna Sina, nam ga podarja v novorojenčku, da ga počastimo in gremo za njim. Nobenega zunanjega hrupa, ne reklame v bližnjem mestecu, ki je potopljeno v hlad brezbrižnosti. Edino pastirjem je podarjena bližina božične skrivnosti. Njim je dano s preprostostjo čistega pogleda prodreti onstran videza in odpreti srce resničnemu veselju. Njim, da bi se sami prepričali in nam s pristnim pričevanjem prinesli novost in veselje: »Kajti dete nam je rojeno, sin nam je dan« (lz 9,5). Krščanstvo je vera veselja. Od prvega »veselega« oznanila ob izgonu iz raja skozi zgodovino sveta odzvanja ta glas. Vse do božične noči, vse do brezštevilnih src, ki se še danes prepustijo objemu tega izrednega sporočila. Jezusov evangelij, to veselo oznanilo človeštvu, je od začetnega sporočila v blagrih »veselite in radujte se« (Mt 5,12) pa vse do njegove oporoke, »da bo moje veselje v vas in da bo vaše veselje dopolnjeno« (Jn 1 5,11), vseskozi prepojen z veseljem. Celo trenutki bolečine so namenjeni še večjemu veselju, kakor to Jezus nazorno pove v prispodobi z ženo na porodu (prim. Jn 16,21). Od kod to veselje, od kod krščanstvu pečat optimizma? »Rodil se vam je Odrešenik« (Lk 2,1 1). Človek, obremenjen s težo svoje človečnosti in pod pritiskom številnih stresov, se sreča z odrešenjem. Dotakne se vira neznanske sreče, najde polnost veselja. Zato božično povabilo ne more nimo dejstva: »Našli boste dete« (Lk 2,12), kar lahko razumemo: »Pojdite in boste našli.« To je prvo, kar mora zanimati našo dušo in pritegniti srce za ta praznik. Ali hočemo znova doživeti božič? Ali hočemo obnoviti milost srečanja z Življenjem? Potem je treba takoj in brez oklevanja poslušati glas iz nebes, glas, ki nam oznanja počelo in pravila, ki vodijo k veselju. Če se torej hočemo srečati s Kristusom, če hočemo, da bosta v nas zaživela božično veselje in milost, potem imamo eno samo dolžnost: poslušati njegovo besedo, uravnati svojo misel in svojo besedo po Besedi in svojo bit po večni Biti. Večna Bit in neustvarjena Beseda je Bog Ljubezen. Zato se tam, kjer je ljubezen, ponovi božič: učlovečenje, Bog. Saj ni ostal le pri medli obljubi, da bo z nami vse dni, ampak nam je med mnogimi načini svojega bivanja dal tudi tistega, kjer je navzoč med ljudmi, ki so zbrani v njegovem imenu (prim. Mt 18,20). Jezus med nami - to je resnični božič. To je zopet božič. Naj nas v letošnjem božnem času znova prevzame veličastno sporočilo: »Slava Bogu na višavah in na zemlji mir ljudem, ki so mu po volji« (Lk 2,14). VESTNIK 2017 | 551 VESTNIK 2017 | 553 VESTNIK 2017 | 555 VESTNIK 2017 | 557 VESTNIK 2017 | 559 VESTNIK 2017 | 561 VESTNIK 2017 | 563 A star proclaims to seeking hearts, »The Light has come, the night departs, The One who made each galaxy Now shines with hope for all to see!« As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, may you be adorned with His love, graced with His peace, and filled with His presence. SAVA - BRESLAU V nedeljo, 17. decembra, se je v društveni dvorani zbralo precej članov in prijateljev društva. Ob dvanajstih smo začeli s sveto mašo, ki je bila že delno božično obarvana - posebej pesmi, ki jih ne bodo mogli peti na božični dan v slovenščini. Lep obisk in zbrano sodelovanje nas je razpoložilo za adventno praznovanje veselja - kot imenujemo tretjo nedeljo adventa zaradi sporočila, ki ga prinaša v božji besedi. Po maši so v kuhinji pripravili bogato kosilo za 100 ljudi - toliko se jih je prijavilo. Po končanem kosilu sta Marija Prilesnik iz predsednik Walter Jurman izročila Ludviku in Tereziji Čeh priznanje in knjigo o društvu Sava - za dolgoletno sodelovanje pri društvu; nato je Miklavž-Santa z darili razveselil tudi otroke. Hvala vsem, ki so pripravili vse potrebno za praznovanje, lepo okrasili dvorano, pripravili kosilo in organizirali vse potrebno. Hvala vsem tudi za voščila in dobre želje. - župnik Drago TRIGLAV - LONDON V nedeljo, 17. decembra, smo ob štirih popoldne obhajali sveto mašo s člani društva Triglav v londonski cerkvi St. John the Divine. Pri maši smo imeli tudi nekaj mladih, ki so na začetku maše prižgali svečke na adventnem venčku, pozneje pa še prinesli darove. Hvala bralcem beril in prošenj in Gabrielli, ki zadnje čase zvesto igra pri maši, tako, da lahko veliko lažje pojemo. Po maši pa smo zavili še v dvorano, kjer so nas čakale dobrote, ki so jih prinesle pridne gospodinje; Marie Jose Kočevar pa jih je s svojimi pomočnicami pripravila na mizo. Prav tako hvala Ivanu in Mary Horvat, ki skrbita, da je v cerkvi vse pripravljeno za mašo. V lepem številu smo se zbrali in tako pripravili na božično praznovanje. Naslednja maša pa bo v nedeljo, 7. januarja 2018 prav tako ob 4h popoldne. BOŽIČNICA PRI DRUŠTVU SV. JOŽEFA Vsakoletna božičnica društva sv. Jožefa zbere precejšnje število svojih članov. Odbor je letos poskrbel, da so mize dobile nove prte, vse v božičnih barvah. Tony je sem in tja raztegnil harmoniko, delno pa smo poslušali božično glasbo. Večerjo sta - kot že pred enim tednom, ko je bila božičnica za stanovalce Ville Slovenie - pripravila Milena in Ivan Krušič, postregle pa Andrea in Megan Farkaš. Na začetku je Jerry Ponikvar vse pozdravil, župnik pa je zmolil blagoslovno molitev in kaj hitro so se v vrsti pomikali mimo mize dobrot in vsak je našel svoj prostor; 67 nas je bilo, če sem prav slišal pogovor Petra, ki je bil pri pripravi miz in stolov. Po večerji so letos izbrali drugačno metodo za žreb »božičnih zvezd« - vsaka miza je dobila vrečko, kamor so vrgli svoje srečke in potem so izžrebali dva dobitnika rož. Letos se je zbrala rekordna vsota - $400. Društvo jo je namenilo za gradbeni sklad župnije in bodo dodali še svojo polovico. Veseli in razpoloženi smo se razšli na svoje domove. JASLICE - OKRASJE V CERKVI Prejšnjo sredo smo dokončali jaslice v naši cerkvi. Zahvala gre družini Lorie in Frank Mramor, ki so priskočili v sredo in smo zložili jaslice skupaj. Vsako leto naredimo jaslice hitreje, saj izkušnja vedno pomaga, da gredo stvari hitreje naprej. Prav tako iskrena hvala ga. Olgi Glavač, ki vsako leto poskrbi, da imamo v cerkvi ob pravem času adventno in božično okrasitev. Hvala tudi Jožici, Gizeli in Rosemary za skrb za cerkvene prte, da so vedno urejeni in primerni za liturgični čas. Prav tako hvala ga. Milki Ferko, ki redno skrbi, da so prtički za mašo lepo oprani, zlikani in poštirkani. Kot pravijo, vedno so določena dela, ki se jih na zunaj ne vidi veliko, so pa potrebna in to vemo tisti, ki smo deležni le-tega. 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Response: Foerever I will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord. First Reading 2 Samuel 7:1-5. 8-12. 14. 16 The prophet Nathan assures David that his kingdom will be protected, but it will not be his task to build the Temple. Second Reading Romans 16:25-27 God’s plan is for the Good News of Jesus to reach out to the pagans as well. Gospel Luke 1:26-38 Mary is chosen and she consents to be the mother of the son whose throne will be established for ever, as foretold in the book of Samuel. “Let what you have said be done to me.” Illustration Interest in our family histories seems to have become more and more popular as websites offer the opportunity to delve into the past and trace our lineage back down through the ages. Likewise, TV programmes such as Who Do You Think You Are?, in which celebrities are invited to share their stories – the series was first broadcast on the BBC, but there have been adaptations of the show in countries around the world – can capture our imagination and encourage us to try to piece together our own family trees. Among the interesting aspects of these pro-grammes are the discoveries of eccentric ancestors. Sometimes they are heroic figures who withstood all kinds of adversity and you sense the pride in the ce-lebrities as they reflect on how those same qualities were handed down to their parents or grandparents or even to themselves. By the same token, we some-times see their distress when they uncover some deeply unhappy or criminal members of the family, whose stories are not so edifying. When this happens, it is interesting how the instinctive response is to look for some redeeming features or for reasons that would explain or excuse their behaviour. Gospel Teaching Of course, there is nothing new in all this. The Jewish people were deeply imbued with the story of their ancestors and lived in hope that God would re-deem them from past failures. Matthew and Luke provide us with genealogies of Jesus, which do not attempt to hide the rogues and miscreants in his fam-ily tree. After all, even King David’s personal story is clouded by sin, but he repented and God forgave. Now the long-awaited Messiah is announced and Luke is concerned that we make the necessary con-nections, and see that this is God’s plan, so long fore-told by the prophets, coming to fulfilment. Isaiah prophesied that a “virgin would be with child”: Mary is that virgin. Joseph, the one to whom she is be-trothed, is of the House of David. There is another sign that God is blessing this new generation: it is to be found in the pregnancy of Elizabeth, who will be the mother of John the Baptist, the precursor of Jesus. Like Sarah and Hannah before her, she is, strictly speaking, beyond the age of child-bearing, but noth-ing is impossible to God. Application As we approach the celebration of the great feast of Christmas, once again the Church is inviting us to think about our heritage. Like the Jewish peo-ple of old, Christians are generally very conscious of the chequered history of the past two thousand years. It is the story of saints and sinners, struggling with the complexities of life in every age. Pope Fran-cis encourages us to grapple with the complexities of our own age and recognise the presence of God amidst all the confusion. Like the people of the Old Testament, we may often be tempted to imagine that God has abandoned us. But in his letters Paul is constantly reminding us that, while the mystery may have been kept secret for endless ages, now it has been revealed and is accessible for everyone, including the pagans. We are part of the new inher-itance, invited to be brothers and sisters of Jesus and therefore heirs to the kingdom of God. The message announced to Mary is proclaimed again this Christmas and we are to be its heralds. Once Mary has given her consent – “Let what you have said be done to me” – we know that she hurries off to see her cousin, Elizabeth, and it is then that St Luke places on her lips the words of the Magnificat: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit exults in God my saviour; be-cause he has looked upon his lowly handmaid. Yes, from this day forward all generations will call me blessed, for the Almighty has done great things for me.” When we are able to allow the Lord to place those same words on our lips, then hopefully we will be beginning to see the connections in our sto-ries and the hand of God at work in them. Likewise, we will be on the way to unlocking the mystery Paul writes about when he explains that God is wisdom itself and that our vocation is to give God glory through Jesus Christ. CHRISTMAS Response: All the eands of the earth have seen the vict'ry of our God. First Reading Isaiah 52:7-10 The good news of salvation is for all people to hear. Second Reading Hebrews 1:1-6 Throughout history God has spoken to God’s people in various ways, but now the revela-tion is personal, through God’s Son. Gospel John 1:1-18 The glory of God is to be seen in the eternal Word who was made flesh and lived among us. “The Word was made flesh, he lived among us.” Illustration What sounds do you associate with Christmas? Strangely, the sound of silence comes to mind. Per-haps it’s because in places where Christmas is cele-brated as a public holiday, there is little traffic on the roads and so the perpetual hum of urban traffic is hushed. We may be wakened by the sound of the radio playing Christmas carols; in other places the sound of church bells is a welcome sound on Christ-mas morning. And in many family homes the happy sound of children opening their presents cheers the hearts of those who hear it. Gospel Teaching For the prophet Isaiah, the glad sound of the herald’s feet approaching to bring good news of peace and happiness announces that God has re-turned to console and redeem God’s people. Throughout their history, God’s chosen people, Isra-el, were at times cheered, at times challenged by the sound of the prophet’s voice. They say, howev-er, that actions speak louder than words, and today we hear God’s word in action: “the Word was made flesh, he lived among us”. People who live near a railway or an airport may become so accustomed to the noise that they hardly hear it. They are able to shut it out of their consciousness. Over the genera-tions of human history, our eyes and ears have be-come insensitive to the sight and sound of God act-ing and speaking in our world. We live among such beauty, yet we often take it all for granted and com-plain when it is too wet or too hot. We experience the joy of loving relationships and yet we are forev-er finding fault with each other. Throughout all these generations, there has been a constant word from God through the proph-ets. They announced God’s way as the true and only way to find the happiness and fulfilment for which we long. In the end, God’s final word of love has been spoken, the eternal expression of God’s love before anything even existed; this same word, ut-tered by God, brought about the whole of creation. This same word of God, proclaimed by the prophets to God’s people, was not heard by them. For the most part, it was rejected by them. This constantly repeated word of God’s life and love is the action of God that speaks louder than words. That same “Word was made flesh, he lived among us”. Jesus, born of Mary in a stable in Bethlehem, is the Word made flesh. Surely now that we can see and touch and hear God’s Word of love to us that is Jesus, we will at last listen to it, believe it and respond to it? Application And yet, the mistakes of history continue to re-peat themselves. In our search for happiness and ful-filment, human beings allow self-interest and greed to influence the decisions and choices that we make as individuals, as families and as nations. We are afraid of those who are different and we close our hearts and our borders to those who are poor, to refu-gees, to those who are seeking a life of safety and security. Fortunately for us, however, the history of God’s saving love also repeats itself. God never grows tired of offering mercy and forgiveness. Our annual celebration of Christ’s birth witnesses to this fact. No matter how insensitive we become to God and to each other, the good news of Christ’s birth is a con-stant reminder that we are made for something bet-ter. Jesus is the perfect model of what a human being is meant to be. He was born into a state of foreign oppression. He and his family had to flee as refugees to Egypt to escape the murderous intent of Herod. Yet he grew up attentive to God’s law, discovering his true vocation as the suffering servant whose purpose was to give his life as a ransom for many. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKE VAJE ZA MEŠANI ZBOR V četrtek, 28. decembra, so pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor. Zbor se pripravlja za drugi del božičnega časa. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI . 24. december: St. Gregory the Great: Masses: 10:00 a.m., Christmas Eve: 6:00 p.m. (English), 10:00 p.m. (Slovenian) . 25. december: St. Gregory the Great - Masses: 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. . 26. december: St. Gregory the Great - Mass at 10:00 a.m.; Lipa park - Mass at 3:00 p.m. . 31. december: St. Gregory the Great, Lipa park, Sava, Triglav - Silvestrovanje . 1. januar 2018: St. Gregory the Great - Mass: 10:00 a.m. GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO . 24. dec., 10:00 a.m.: Raduha Family . 25. dec., 9:30 a.m.: Lojze in Peter Grebenc . 31. dec., 9:30 a.m.: Toni in Marija Franc . 1. jan., 10:00 a.m.: družina Pučko . 7. jan., 9:30 a.m.: Stanko Petek in družina DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad - »Raise the Roof« darovali: - $500 - Štefan Kričaj in Frances Stegne - $100 - Ivan in Minka Šemen - $750 - Noble total Comfort Systems - $100 - John Božnar - $250 - Vlado in Mary Mlacak - $200 - Jerry in Ljerka Ponikvar - $100 - Ivan in Mary Miketič Iskrena hvala za vaše darove. NEW YEAR'S EVE AT ST. GREGORY THE GREAT New Year's is only a week away. To reserve your table, please contact Heidy Novak at 905-317-6002 to make arrangements. Special price for the tickets after 9:00 p.m.. More information on the Flyer. Also we are looking for VOLUNTEERS to help out with planning, and the actual evening. So if you are able to lend a hand, please contact Heidy and let's do what we can together to Ring in 2018 with style. COOKING SESSION - FEBRUARY 24, 2018 Kitchen Secrets is hosting another day in the kitchen on Saturday, February 24th at 9:00 a.m. (Lower Hall). This session will feature the creation of kremšnite. There is limited space in this session and spots will be available on a first come first serve basis only. Please contact Heidy Novak at novakh@sympatico.ca if you would like to participate in this baking event. Looking forward to hanging out with friends in the kitchen! KOLEDARJI, LETNE KUVERTE ZA 2018 Koledarje za leto 2018 si vzemite v atriju na mizi. Od lani koledarjev več ne pošiljamo po pošti. Prav tako imate v atriju LETNE KUVERTE za 2018. Če se vam zdi, da je kakšna napaka ali da ste spremenili naslov ali telefon, prosim, da to sporočite. Prav tako, če bi kdo želel imeti kuverte, pa jih ni tam, mi sporočite. OGNJIŠČE ZA LETO 2018 Prosimo, če čimprej sporočite, kdo bo naročnik za Ognjišče za leto 2018, tako da še pravočasno sporočimo v Slovenijo, da nam bodo poslali dovoljšnje število izvodov. Naročnina za leto 2018 je 83 CAD. CWL - KŽZ Our CWL wishes our parishioners and Slovenian community the blessings of the Christmas season and a Happy New Year! Blagoslovljene božične praznike in srečno novo leto! CWL membership renewal is currently underway. Members, note that a CWL enve-lope has been inserted into your 2018 Sun-day collection box. Kindly renew your mem-bership with either Pamela Gosgnach or Milena Krušič or place your membership envelope with remittance into the collec-tion basket at Mass. New members are also most welcome. Our next scheduled CWL meeting will take place on Wednesday, January 10th, 2018. CHURCH CLEANING 2018 The schedule for church cleaning 2018 is now on the notice board in the foyer. Please ask Pamela if you would like a personal copy. We are still looking for a team for these dates: May 18th and November 30th. If you think you could help, please fill in your name on the schedule in the foyer. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 A.M., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 8:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slovenian), 11:00 A.M. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is only at 10:00 A.M. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO 50. LETNICA POROKE - 50TH ANNIAVERSARY OF MARRIAGE - IVAN IN MARY MIKETIČ V soboto, 23. decembra 2017 sta Ivan in Mary Miketič v krogu svojih najbližjih obhajala 50 let skupnega življenja - zlato poroko. Ob 11h dopoldne smo se zbrali v cerkvi in se pri sveti maši zahvalili Bogu in Materi Božji za njuno pričevanje ljubezni. Naj ju Gospod še naprej ohranja in blagoslavlja. 4. ADVENTNA NEDELJA 24. DECEMBER SVETI VEČER CHRISTMAS EVE † † † †† †† Za žive in rajne župljane Franc Raduha Janez Kološa Florian Miklavčič Pokojni iz družine Zorčič Pokojni iz družin Ferletič in Zorko 10:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 10:00 P.M. Slomškovo oltarno društvo Hči Majda Kološa Družina Miklavčič Jožica in Ivan Vegelj Milan in Sandy Ferletič PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 25. DECEMBER BOŽIČ - CHRISTMAS Za žive in rajne župljane Framily Grebenc Starši Kelenc in Glavač Ignac Korošec 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Lojze in Peter Grebenc Marija Glavač Žena Marija z družino TOREK - TUESDAY 26. DECEMBER Štefan, diakon-muč. † † †† † †† † Štefan Prša Štefan Hozjan Štefan Zadravec in starši Ternar Štefan Gonza Ivan-John, Marija, Jožefa in Blaž Jože Seljak 10:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. Žena z družino Družina Hozjan Terezija Zadravec Žena Vera z družino Pavla Kunej - LIPA PARK Družina Seljak SREDA - WEDNESDAY 27. DECEMBER Janez, apostol-evang. † † † Franc Raduha Slavko Slobodnik Frank Gimpelj 7:00 P.M. Ančka Miklavčič Družina Klamfar Žena Elizabeth z družino ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 28. DECEMBER Nedolžni otroci † †† Marija Grebenc Bogu in Materi Božji v zahvalo Miroslava in Viktorija Sinigoj 7:00 P.M. Lojze in Peter Grebenc Jožica Novak z družino Julija Sagadin z družino PETEK - FRIDAY 29. DECEMBER Tomaž Becket, škof †† † Štefan in Verona Prša, obl. Matija Vlašič Po namenu 7:00 P.M. Joe in Kathy Prša Žena in otroci Ana Tadič SOBOTA SATURDAY 30. DECEMBER Feliks, papež Božična osmina †† †† †† † † † Pokojni iz družine Gačnik Pokojni sorodniki Za duše v vicah Patricia O'Brian Branko Ježovnik Elizabeta Gerič 8:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. Jože in Jera Gačnik N.N. Marija Košir Francka Cestnik Družina Fabina Družina Antolin SVETA DRUŽINA 31. DECEMBER Silvester I., papež † † †† Za žive in rajne župljane Elizabeta Gerič Branko Ježovnik Pokojni iz družine Jelenc in Varto SILVESTROVANJE - NEW YEAR'S EVE 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. Toni in Marija Franc Toni in Marija Franc Julija Sagadin z družino PARISH HALL SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Od 24. 12. 2017 do 31. 12. 2017