SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 29/60 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 21.7. 2024 16. NEDELJA MED LETOM 16TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 289-339-6900 E-MAIL hallrental@ Bogoslužje danes ponuja pogled Jezusa in apostolov na pastoralno življenje, ki je zalo pomenljiv tudi za pastoralno življenje vseh Gospodovih služabnikov. V evangeliju se Jezus izkaže sočuten, ker vidi, da so ljudje kot ovce brez pastirja. Prvo berilo je izrek preroka Jeremija, ki graja pastirje izvoljenega ljudstva in naznanja, da bo Bog sam skrbel za svoje ljudstvo. Drugo berilo govori o miru, ki ga je Jezus prinesel s svojo predanostjo do smrti. Evangelij poroča, da se apostoli, po svojem prvem poslanstvu, vrnejo k Jezusu in mu pripovedujejo, kaj so naredili in učili v skladu z naročili, ki so jih dobili od njega. Niso samo učili, ampak so tudi delali, zlasti s svojo velikodušno požrtvovalnostjo do bolnih. Jezus tedaj poskrbi, da jih usmeri k počitku; reče jim: »Pojdite sami zase v samoten kraj in se malo odpočijte!» Tudi počitek je vidik pastoralnega življenja. Ni mogoče dolgo časa nadaljevati močne pastoralne dejavnosti, ne da bi se ustavili; spoštovati moramo zahteve človekovega organizma, ki terja menjavo dela in počitka. Toda ob tej priložnosti se Jezusov namen ni mogel uresničiti, ker je množica videla, da je odšel z učenci, in je hitela tja, kamor so bili namenjeni on in učenci, ter jih je prehitela. Jezus je s čolnom odplul proti samotnemu kraju, toda ko je prispel tja, kraj ni bil več samoten; čakala ga je velika množica. V takšnih razmerah se marsikdaj znajdemo tudi mi. Ne uspe nam izpeljati načrtov, ker vmes poseže nujna potreba, ki se je moramo lotiti z vso pripravljenostjo. Ko je Jezus stopil iz čolna, je videl množico, in bil je ganjen. Njegovo srce je polno sočutja, ker se zaveda, da so ti ljudje kakor ovce brez pastirja. Sočutje ga predvsem sili, da uči. Ljudje potrebujejo resnico, ki naj vodi njihovo življenje. Ne morejo živeti brez luči, in luč zanje je resnica. VESTNIK 2024 | Kdor ne pozna bistvenih resnic, ne more najti prave poti v življenju, ampak se izgubi in bo končal v slepi ulici; življenje tedaj zanj postane stalen obup. Kogar pa vodi globok verski nauk, lahko v življenju urno napreduje in tako živi zares uspešno življenje. Pomenljivo je, da sočutje Jezusa sili najprej v poučevanje, da ljudem pojasni, kako se morajo obnašati v odnosih z Bogom, z bližnjimi in s stvarmi, kako lahko napredujejo v ljubezni. V prvem berilu Bog po ustih preroka Jeremija graja Izraelove pastirje, ker so ovce razkropili, namesto da bi jih zbrali: »Vi ste razgnali moje ovce, jih razkropili in niste skrbeli zanje.« Gospod obljublja, da bo sam zbral ostanek ovc iz vseh dežel, kamor so bile pregnane. Potem obljubi, da bo postavil pastirje, ki jih bodo pasli. Zato si bo pomagal s človeškimi sredstvi - kot si Jezus pomaga z apostoli - da jih pridruži pri svojem pastoralnem poslanstvu. Jeremijev izrek namiguje zlasti na Davidovega naslednika, ki bo pravi pastir, poln modrosti in velikodušnosti. Imenoval se bo »Gospod, naša pravičnost«. Ta izrek se izpolni v Jezusu, ki je Davidov potomec in »dobri pastir«, ki tako skrbi za svoje ovce, da zanje daruje svoje življenje. V drugem berilu Pavel govori o združitvi vseh ljudi v eno samo ljudstvo: »Jezus Kristus je naš mir.« Jezus je pastir, ki ne deli, ampak vse združuje v eno samo čredo. Pred njim je bila delitev, zid ločevanja med izvoljenim ljudstvom in poganskimi narodi. Ta zid je povzročal medsebojno sovraštvo. Jezusovo delo v njegovi velikonočni skrivnosti pa ga je podrlo, razveljavilo je predpise postave, ki so ločevali Jude od drugih narodov. V Kristusu ni več razlike med Judom in Grkom ampak so vsi poklicani; vsi sprejmejo božjo milost, to je opravičenje in polnost božje ljubezni. Ljudje so poklicani, da jo sprejmejo skupaj, združeni med seboj, ker je Jezus spravil vse. Ta sprava je bila dosežena po križu, ki je uničil sovraštvo med Judi in pogani. Jezus je oznanjal mir onim, ki so bili daleč (pogani), in tistim, ki so bili blizu (Judje). Tako se lahko vsi skupaj, ena sama čreda, čutimo združeni pod enim samim pastirjem (Jezusom). - (prim. Oznanjevalec 2003, št. 3) 302 | VESTNIK 2024 16TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. First Reading Jeremiah 23:1-6 God promises, through Jeremiah, a shepherd who will care for his sheep, take away their fears and bring home those which are missing from the flock. Second Reading Ephesians 2:13-18 Through his death and resurrection, Jesus has united humanity and offered us peace. Gospel Mark 6:30-34 Jesus had compassion on the crowd because they were like sheep without a shepherd. “He saw a large crowd; and he took pity on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd.” Illustration The Olympic Games are scheduled to start in a few days’ time. Of course, it would be difficult to miss the constant media coverage of the preparations and of the athletes and supporters heading to Paris. We’ve seen and heard impressive accounts of the huge amount of training which each athlete has willingly undertaken, often until it hurts. Each has taken for granted the early mornings and late nights, reduced time with friends and families, strict diets and rigorous, long hours of daily practice so that, when their event takes place, each can hope to be physically and mentally at their peak performance. Each will hope – however unrealistically – to win at least a bronze medal, whereas some will dream of several gold med- the Good Shepherd who cared for his sheep. Application als as they participate in more than one event. An Olympic medal is surprisingly heavy for its size but it also carries a weight of responsibility because each athlete can be a role model for children and youngsters who also carry a dream of sporting success. Each athlete represents their country with pride. Very few will have the luxury of time for themselves until the Olympic Games and subsequent celebrations are over, when, perhaps, they can think of curling up in front of the television for some bingeviewing of their favourite programmes. Until then, however, they must keep on working. Not only medals, but also achieving a personal best, depend on unwavering commitment, effort and teamwork. Whoever gains an Olympic medal earns it. Gospel teaching Jesus and the disciples were so busy that they needed a break. The demanding crowds had prevented them from even having time to eat. We can imagine their sighs of relief when Jesus told his disciples that they would all go away for a few days of peace and quiet by themselves. They climbed into the boat and paddled away, planning to spend the next day or so busily doing nothing. However, despite Jesus’ best intentions, when they pulled into shore, people had already guessed where they were going and arrived ahead of them. How the disciples’ hearts must have sunk! Jesus felt sorry for the crowd, abandoned his plans for relaxation he abandoned his plans for relaxation, and instead spoke to the crowd and healed those who were sick. He was Some years ago, the famous Spanish opera singer Plácido Domingo was due to sing at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden. Knowing that many people could not afford the cost of the tickets to his concert, he gave a free, impromptu performance in the piazza outside for anybody who cared to listen. His thoughtful gesture touched many hearts and earned huge gratitude. One man’s voice united complete strangers in joy. Without the shepherd, sheep can get into difficulty, especially in bad weather or during the lambing season. We’re familiar with the idea of Jesus as the Good Shepherd but sometimes forget that the pictures of him walking through lush meadows with a lamb artistically draped around his shoulders are probably unrealistic. Such images overlook the weight of the animal, its potentially greasy fleece and any fleas and associated “livestock” which might inhabit the wool and transfer across to the shepherd. A shepherd’s life is never easy. He must always be willing to go the extra mile on behalf of the sheep. That is why, when Jesus saw the crowds and thought that they resembled a flock of sheep, he had no alternative: he was the shepherd but he was also the pasture. So it is with the coaches who support Olympic athletes. Their care and attention to detail make the difference between success and failure. The athlete might win the medal, but it is the constant support of the coach which helps to make the possibility a reality. The athlete doesn’t compete in isolation: he or she is part of a team. Each of us has our own supporting team: those who love and understand us and who are prepared to be with us through thick and thin. We are also probably people on whom others depend. If Jesus is the Good Shepherd, we are called to imitate him and to shepherd the people around us. VESTNIK 2024 | 303 2024 SLOVENIAN CANADIAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION 2024 Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation Awards Application Now Available. The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation was created to provide students of Slovenian-Canadian descent, residing within the Halton, HamiltonWentworth, and Niagara regions, the opportunity to be recognized for their academic achievements, community involvement, and appreciation of their Slovenian heritage. Select applicants will be granted a monetary award in the form of a scholarship or bursary from the foundation. The presentation of awards will be held on September 22, 2024 at St. Gregory’s Fall Banquet. Application forms are available via email request to Teresa Zupančič at Completed application packages must be submitted via email to by 9:00 p.m. on Friday August 23, 2024 for award consideration. Please forward any questions to Teresa at 905-930-7545 or Irene Glavač Petrič at Day Camp 2023 304 | VESTNIK 2024 SUMMER DAY CAMP 2024 Reminder that this year’s SUMMER DAY CAMP is being held AUGUST 13-16. Registration forms will be available Sunday. If you have children who want to come, play, sing, do crafts and make new friends call and register. Little ones are welcome with the supervision of a parent or grandparent! It well be a week filled with fun and an end of week BBQ and our annual Campers vs. family Soccer game! Also looking for Highschool students and older to help out! If you need volunteer hours or if you’re just happy to help out, call and get ready for a fun filled week. Looking forward to a week of fun and laughter - August 13-16 - Heidy Novak 905317-6002 Day Camp 2023 As you all know we are celebrating our 60th Anniversary all year long. We were honoured to nave His Grace Ivan Jurkovič, Apostolic Nuncio to Canada with us on Thursday, June 27, to celebrate Mass as a sort of start to the blessing of our milestone celebration. As you all know, we are selling raffle tickets in honour of our anniversary. The tickets are $60 each and the grand prize is a $6000 travel voucher. We are also organizing our Fall banquet on September 22nd to include a short walk down memory lane. We hope that all members of our parish, past and present will participate in our celebration events as we embark on the next years of our journey as a proud Slovenian community. VESTNIK 2024 | 305 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV - July 21st - Bled - Proščenje; Mass: 1:00 p.m. Ansambel Šibaj - Aug. 4th - Slovenski Park - 60th Anniversary of Park & 50th Anniversary o the Chapel - Avg. 11th - Sava-Breslau - Picnic, Mass 1p.m. - Avg. 13-16th - St. Gregory the Great - Day Camp - Avg. 24th - Lipa Park - Music in the Park Picnic - Slovenian Band: Raubarji & Peški Oktet - Avg 25th - Bled - End of Summer Picnic - Sept 1st - Slovenski Pak - Labour Day Weekend - Baseball Tour. - Mass at 1:00 p.m. - Sept 14th - Bled - Golf Tournament - Sept 15st - London - Mass at 3:00 p.m. - at St. John the Divine Church - Sept 22nd - St. Gregory the Great - Fall Banquet - 60 years of the Parish - Mass: 10 a.m. BRALCI - READERS: July 21 - Mirko Zorko July 28 - Sidonia Poppa August 4 - Slovenian August 11 - Rita Bartula CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - Aug. 3rd - Lojzka Novak team V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: Koren Žižek Petrone Zorko Zorko Radman Franc Jožef Matteo Matilda Anton Jožica 306 | VESTNIK 2024 Saturday, July 22, 2017 Sunday, July 24, 2016 Saturday, July 26, 1997 Sunday, July 28, 1996 Tuesday, July 28, 1998 Sunday, July 28, 2019 V SESLOVENSKI KULTURNI O DBOR Dear Slovenian Community Members, We wanted to invite all our members to our Slovenian Heritage Nights. We have 2 this year: ARGOS - August 22, 2024 We have kids' experiences reserved. In order for your kids to sign up they must have a purchased ticket and you can email us with the header “SHN Kids Participation” by July 22! If we surpass 170 tickets we can have more opportunities. With Argos our group will be sitting in the same section and it is lower and closer to the Field. So please come out and support this one as it’s our first time with the Argos. TFC - September 18, 2024 We also are lucky to keep our TFC night going but we also need to sell around 120 tickets for kids to get experiences. So please share with your clubs/groups. We are fortunate to have these offered to our community but we need your help to spread the word to your membership as well. We’d love to try to get our entire community together. Thank you so much for your continued support. Millie Muhič-Dolenc, Events Coordinator Svete maše - Masses 16. NEDELJA MED LETOM 21. JULIJ 16TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Krištofova nedelja † †† † †† †† †† † Za žive in rajne župljane 10:00 A.M. Monika Gašpar Francka in Avgust Fujs Martin Tompa Ivan in Barbara Tompa Franc (obl.) in Matilda Lovrenčec Vinko in Katarina Antolin Rozalija Marič (redovnica) †† Pokojni člani društva Bled DON BOSCO ------Družina Gašpar Marina Štefanec z družino Štefan in Francka Antolin z druž. Hči Marija Horvat z družino Sin Janez z družino Družina Čule Rozalija Čule z družino 1:00 P.M. Maša za proščenje SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2024 | 307 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 22. JULIJ † Eileen MacKenzie 7:00 P.M. N. N. †† Sestri Francka in Ivanka † Mary Dolinar 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak z družino Family Leorux SREDA - WEDNESDAY 24. JULIJ † Joe Ivan Prša † Francka Cestnik 7:00 P.M. Slavko Salajko Olga Glavač z družino ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 25. JULIJ † Martin Tompa 7:00 P.M. Žena z družino Bogu v zahvalo za 65 let poroke Toni in Marija Franc Marija Magdalena, sp. Ž. TOREK - TUESDAY 23. JULIJ Brigita Švedska, red. Krištof, mučenec Jakob starejši, apostol † † 26. JULIJ †† Joahim in Ana, starša D.M. † Pavel Novak Ana Ferenčak Avgust in Marija (obl.) Smodiš Ana Doma 7:00 P.M. Žena Jožica z družino Štefan in Francka Antolin z družino Hči Olga Glavač z družino Olga Glavač z družino † † SOBOTA - SATURDAY † † 27. JULIJ Gorazd, Kliment in učenci †† †† Cirila in Metoda † † Matija Vlašič Joe Lackovič Marija Joželj, obl. Joe Ivan Prša Vinko (obl.) in Katarina Antolin Za duše v vicah John Stevens Martin Simončič 5:30 P.M. Žena in otroci Štefan in Francka Antolin z družino Hči Sonja Langenfus z družino Jože in Marija Magdič z družino Jože in Albina Antolin z družino Marija Košir Terezija Prša z družino Žena z družino PETEK - FRIDAY 17. NEDELJA MED LETOM 28. JULIJ 17TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Za žive in rajne župljane † Ann Božnar † Slavko Glavač † Stanko Vegelj 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - John Božnar z družino Štefan in Francka Antolin Lojze Baznik Dan starih staršev Until September 22 nd Sunday Masses are only at 10:00 a.m. 308 | VESTNIK 2024