Original Scientific Article Travel Motivations as Criteria in the Wellness TourismMarket Segmentation Process Ana Težak Damijanić Institute of Agriculture and Tourism, Croatia tezak@iptpo.hr The purpose of this paper is to explore travel motivations as criteria in the segmen- tation process of wellness tourists. Data was collected through a self-complete ques- tionnaire on a sample of tourists staying in one out of 15 wellness hotels situated in four wellness tourism regions of the Republic of Croatia. Research was conducted fromMay through June in 2013. The data were processed using univariate, bivariate and multivariate statistics. Univariate statistics was used for a general description of the sample; bivariate analysis was applied to examine the differences among the clusters, while multivariate statistics was employed in order to determine the factors underlying the travel motivation construct and to discover the clusters. A total of nine travel motivation factors were identified by applying the theory of the push and pull travel motivations (three push motivation factors, and six pull motivation fac- tors). Push travel motivation factors were labelled as Health trend, Relaxation and reward, and Novelty; pull motivation factors related to a wellness tourist product were labelled as Basic wellness, Intangible wellness, and Extra wellness, while pull motivation factors related to tourist destination were labelled as Cultural and natu- ral heritage, Entertainment and recreation, and Landscape. Three clusters emerged by using travel motivation factors as segmentation criteria (high wellness, imma- terial wellness, and low wellness clusters). Relaxation, wellness infrastructure and natural resources are important factors in wellness tourism research. However, both push and pull motivation factors are important variables in distinguishing among the segments. Keywords: travel motives, market segmentation, wellness tourists, segmentation criteria https://doi.org/10.26493/2335-4194.13.201-213 Introduction Due to the competitive nature of tourism, tourist des- tinations and tourism providers must focus their ef- forts on developing an adequate strategic plan for the wellness tourism market (Sheldon & Park, 2008). In order to achieve this, it is necessary to get deeper in- sights into this market. Market segmentation may aid in the process of developing an adequate strategic plan. In general, market segmentation is used in different fields, e.g. retailing (Segal & Giacobbe, 1994), and the online game industry (Lee et al., 2004); and different segmentation methodologies are applied, like ratings of proposed product design (Sewall, 1978), cost bene- fit approach (Winter, 1979), purchased-based market segmentation methodology (Tsai & Chiu, 2004), etc. It is also widely applied in tourism settings, mostly with the purpose of determining the profile of tourists (Tkaczynski, 2009) and often focusing on different Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 2, December 2020 | 201 Ana Težak Damijani Travel Motivations tourists’ special interests like food (Su et al., 2020), recreation experience (Lee et al., 2018), and wine (Gu et al., 2018). However, to achieve appropriate results adequate segmentation criteria need to be selected (Dolnicar, 2008; Tkaczynski, 2009). Selection of the segmentation criteria or base is the first step in the market segmentation process (Dol- nicar, 2008; Yankelovich, 1964). Different criteria are used for segmentation purposes (Tkaczynski, 2009) and this problem is evident even in wellness tourism (Dryglas & Salamaga, 2018; Mueller & Lanz Kauf- mann, 2001; Voigt et al., 2011; Mak et al., 2009; Hallab et al., 2003; Konu, 2010; Kim & Batra, 2009). Namely, criteria like travel motives (Dryglas & Salamaga, 2018; Huh et al., 2019), emotions (Sharma & Nayak, 2019), lifestyle (Konu, 2010; Kucukusta & Denizci Guillet, 2016) and benefits (Koh et al., 2010; Pesonen et al., 2011) are often used for segmentation purposes. Wellness tourism is a form of special interest tour- ism and is considered as a certain niche market. How- ever, different wellness tourist segments are detected (Dimitrovski & Todorović, 2015; Dryglas & Salam- aga, 2017; Koh et al., 2010; Mueller & Lanz Kaufmann, 2001) due to the usage of different variables as segmen- tation criteria. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to explore travel motivations as criteria in the segmenta- tion process of wellness tourists.With this inmind, the goals of this paper aremainly twofold: (1) to determine travel motives dimensions of wellness tourists; and (2) to classify wellness tourists based on their travel mo- tives. Therefore, this research contributes to theory and practice by analysing travel motives as criteria in the segmentation process of one special interest tourist segment. Furthermore, it highlights the most com- monly identified travel motivations related to wellness tourists. Theoretical Background Market segmentation was first introduced in litera- ture in order to make a clear distinction betweenmar- ket segmentation and product differentiation (Smith, 1956). It includes selection of the segmentation crite- rion/base, grouping of respondents, and profiling and managerial assessment of the usefulness of the mar- ket segments (Dibb, 1998; Dolnicar, 2008). The aim of market segmentation is to achieve the segments where members of one segment are as similar as possible to each other and where members of different segments are as different as possible (Dolnicar, 2008), thus selec- tion of the appropriate variables used as segmentation criteria is crucial. The market segmentation procedure in tourism does not differ compared to other industries, how- ever, due to certain peculiarities of the tourism mar- ket, the main difference is evident in the segmenta- tion criteria variables. Variables used as segmenta- tion criteria are often divided into different categories (Swarbrooke & Horner, 2007) like geographical (e.g. region), socioeconomic (e.g. occupation, income), demographic (e.g. age, gender, nationality), psycho- graphic (e.g. lifestyle, attitudes, opinions and person- ality) and behaviouristic (e.g. loyalty, purchase occa- sion, benefits, user status, attitude). Although these variables are used in tourism settings as well, an addi- tional category emerged, i.e. tourism specific segmen- tation criteria (Swarbrooke & Horner, 2007). Tourism-specific segmentation criteria includes variables like purpose of travel, travel motivations, and benefits received from the travel (Dimitrovski & Todorović, 2015; Koh et al., 2010). Although travel motivation is often used for segmentation purposes (Bieger & Laesser, 2002; Boksberger & Laesser, 2008; Heung et al., 2001; Jönsson & Devonish, 2008; Kozak, 2002; Sangpikul, 2008), variables in ‘classical’ segmen- tation criteria categories, like age, gender, education level, and income, are very often used for segmenting the tourist market (Tkaczynski, 2009). Therefore, to gain better understanding of tourist market segments, more frequent usage of tourism-specific segmentation criteria is desired, like travel motivations. Travel motivations are inner drives that cause peo- ple to take action to satisfy their needs (Hudson, 2008). In tourism settings they are either analysed by group- ing them considering different types of travel that share some common characteristics or by using a be- havioural marketing approach (Middleton & Clarke, 2001). The former is a more simplistic approach to travel motivations because travel motivations are pre- sented in a very straightforward way. In contrast, the latter approach is a more complex one and it encom- 202 | Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 2, December 2020 Ana Težak Damijani Travel Motivations passes different theories like behavioural theory of travel motivation, theory of classified purpose, the- ory of personal and/or interpersonal experiences in destination settings, theory of personal and/or in- terpersonal experiences in destination settings, etc. (Awaritefe, 2004; Chang, 2007). However, the theory of push andpullmotivations is themostwidely applied motivation theory within the behavioural approach and it will be examined in this paper. The theory of push and pull motivations distin- guishes between two main groups of factors that mo- tivate tourists to travel: push factors and pull factors. Push factors refer to internal forces that motivate or create a desire to satisfy a need to travel, while pull fac- tors are recognised as destination attributes (Kozak, 2002; Lubbe, 2003). Both groups of motivation fac- tors are delineated by various dimensions, e.g. escape (Crompton, 1979; McGehee et al., 1996; Uysal & Ju- rowski, 1993; Yoon&Uysal, 2005), relaxation (Cromp- ton, 1979; Kozak, 2002; McGehee et al., 1996; Suni & Pesonen, 2019), education (Crompton, 1979; Yoon & Uysal, 2005), heritage and culture (Kozak, 2002; McGehee et al., 1996; Uysal & Jurowski, 1993), and comfort (McGehee et al., 1996). Health preservation and promotion may also be a travel motivation di- mension. Additionally, preservation and promotion of one’s health is one of the oldest motivators in tourism (Swarbrooke & Horner, 2007). Health as a travel motivation resulted in the cre- ation of health tourism. Wellness tourism is regarded as a subcategory of health tourism and tourists whose prime aim is preserving or promoting their health are labelled as wellness tourists (Kim & Batra, 2009; Mueller & Lanz Kaufmann, 2001). Wellness tourists are usually interested in various programmes and treatments centred on health preservation and pro- motion, e.g. natural agents, exercise, anti-stress pro- grammes, therapy, and beauty programmes (Andri- jašević & Bartoluci, 2004), although they may also include aspects like spirituality, and social interac- tion (Smith & Puczkó, 2009). Therefore, the wellness tourist segment can be very heterogeneous. The twomain reasonswhy the wellness tourist seg- ment is so heterogeneous are the numerous elements that can constitute a wellness tourist product (Chi, Chi & Ouyang, 2020; Smith & Puczkó, 2009) and different segmentations basis (Chen et al., 2013, Dimitrovski & Todorović, 2015; Dryglas & Salamaga, 2017; Hal- lab, 2006; Kucukusta &Denizci-Guillet, 2016; Mueller & Lanz Kaufmann, 2001). Different wellness tourist product elements like natural agents, exercise, anti- stress programmes, therapy, beauty programmes (An- drijašević & Bartoluci, 2004) may result in different sub-segments, e.g. demanding health guests, and in- dependent infrastructure users (Mueller & Lanz Kauf- mann, 2001). Chi et al. (2020) have proposed a con- ceptual framework for wellness hotels that focuses on three main domains: physical wellness (fitness fa- cilities and workout opportunities), mind wellness (mind wellness activities and education programmes), and environmental wellness (clean environment and healthy environment). Additionally, usage of different variables, e.g. lifestyle, travelmotivations, and benefits, also yields different sub-segments (Azman & Chan, 2010; Hallab, 2006; Konu & Laukkanen, 2009; Mak et al., 2009). The push and pull motivation theory is also used for analysing the travel motivation of wellness tourists in general (Bennett et al., 2004; Hallab, 2006; Konu & Laukkanen, 2009; Mak et al., 2009; Mueller & Lanz Kaufmann, 2001), examining the link between travel motives, and satisfaction and behaviour intentions (Kim et al., 2017; Lim et al., 2016) and for determin- ing different sub-segments (Dimitrovski & Todorović, 2015; Dryglas & Salamaga, 2017; 2018; Huh et al., 2019). In analysis of travel motivation in wellness tourism, certain scholars have examined both the push and the pull travel motivation factors (Azman & Chan, 2010; Hallab, 2006), only push travel motivation fac- tors (Dimitrovski & Todorović, 2015; Dryglas & Sala- maga, 2018; Huh et al., 2019; Koh et al., 2010; Konu & Laukkanen, 2009; Lim et al., 2016; Mak et al., 2009; Voigt et al., 2011) or only pull travel motivation factors (Chen et al., 2013; Dryglas & Salamaga, 2017; Mueller & Lanz Kaufmann, 2001). By examining both push and pull travel motiva- tions, Hallab (2006) found five push motivation fac- tors (healthy living, excitement, education, indulgence and escape) and five pull motives (health and fitness, hygiene and the environment, history and nature, vig- Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 2, December 2020 | 203 Ana Težak Damijani Travel Motivations ilance and health, and arts and urban luxury), while Azman andChan (2010) identified three pushmotiva- tion factors (escape – relay and pamper, destress/time out, and regeneration) and two pull motivation factors (tangible resources and marketing image). Focusing exclusively on pull travelmotivation, Chen et al. (2013) identified eight pull motivation factors (Personnel ser- vices, Health promotion treatments, Environments, Healthy diet, Relaxation, Social activities, Experience of unique tourism resources, Mental learning), and Dryglas and Salamaga (2017) found four pull motiva- tion factors: Natural resources, Cultural and natural environment, Spa/Wellness infrastructure and Social and political environment. However,most of the research regarding travelmo- tivation of wellness tourists focused on push motiva- tion.With push motivation in mind, Mak et al. (2009) discovered five push motivation factors (friendship and kinship, health and beauty, self-reward and indul- gence, relaxation and relief, and escape); Konu and Laukkanen (2009) determined seven push motiva- tion factors (self-development, healthy and physical activity, relaxation and escape, isolation and nostalgia, nature, autonomy and stimulation, and social status); Koh et al. (2010) found four push motivation factors (Social, Relaxing, Healthy, and Rejuvenating); Voigt et al. (2011) uncovered six push travel motivations (Transcendence, Physical health and appearance, Es- cape and relaxation, Important others and novelty, Re- establish self-esteem, Indulgence); Dimitrovski and Todorović (2015) detected six push motivation fac- tors (Rejuvenating, Socialization and excitement, He- donism, Obsession with health and beauty, Relax- ation, Escape); and Lim et al. (2016) determined four push motivation factors (Relaxation and rest, Self- exploration, Accessibility, and Novelty). In their fur- ther work regarding wellness travel motivation, Dry- glas and Salamaga (2018) focused on push travel mo- tives and have determined four factors (spiritual and medical care, entertainment and networking, relax- ation, and aesthetics). Huh et al. (2019) suggest three new wellness push motivations, namely tourism fac- tor, prevention factor and treatment factor. In summary, there is no consensus related to the travel motivation dimensions, and the main result is evident in the detection of different wellness tourists segments, e.g. demanding health guests, independent infrastructure users, care-intensive cure guests and undemanding recreation guests (Mueller&LanzKauf- mann, 2001); escapists, neutralists and hedonists (Koh et al., 2010); socially active tourists, and self-focused tourists (Dimitrovski & Todorović, 2015); nature and culture seekers, spa/wellness seekers, and social con- tact seekers (Dryglas & Salamaga, 2017): pleasure pur- suers, healing pursuers and relaxation pursuers (Dry- glas and Salamaga, 2018); and wellness and treatment seekers, treatment seekers, and tourism, treatment and wellness seekers (Huh et al., 2019). Methodology The target population included those tourists who vis- ited hotels offering wellness as an additional tourist product. This study focused on guests staying in well- ness hotels because it was a part of a larger research linking health, travel motives and customer value. The survey was conducted from May to June in 2013 in 15 hotels situated in a coastal part of Croatia. For the pur- pose of sampling, a list of hotels that were members of the Croatian Wellness Tourism Association was ob- tained. In 2012, a total of 65 hotels in Croatia were members of this Association, and Croatia was divided into 10 regions (Table 1). Most of the hotels were situ- ated in the Istria andKvarner regions (16 hotels in each region), while the Dubrovnik and Split regions were second (9 hotels in each region). Hotels were mostly categorised as four-star hotels (40 hotels), while only 17 hotels had five stars. Therefore, regional dispersion and hotel category were used in designing the sam- ple. Hotels situated in four wellness regions, namely the Istria, Kvarner, Split, and Dubrovnik regions were taken into account because they had hotels with well- ness centres categorised as three-star, four-star and five-star hotels. In the process of onsite data collection, the re- searcherwas stationarywhile the respondersweremo- bile (Veal, 2006). Hotel guests were approached by the researcher and asked to participate in the survey. The researcher explained the purpose of the survey, stated that the survey was anonymous, and handed out a questionnaire in the appropriate language. Data was 204 | Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 2, December 2020 Ana Težak Damijani Travel Motivations Table 1 Accommodation Facilities with Wellness Centres in Croatia in 2012 Region () () () () () Istria      Kvarner      Dalmatia – Zadar      Dalmatia – Šibenik      Dalmatia – Split      Dalmatia – Dubrovnik      Lika (Karlovac)      Central Croatia      Zagreb      Slavonia      Total      Notes Column headings are as follows: (1) number of well- ness community members, (2) total number of hotels with wellness centres, (3) three-star hotels, (4) four-star hotels, (5) five-star hotels. collected through a self-complete questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 15 questions that were di- vided into four sections: (1) wellness-related lifestyle, (2) perceived value, (3)motivational factors and (4) re- spondents’ characteristics. It was originally designed in Croatian and then back-translated into English, German, Italian, Russian, French, Spanish, and Slove- nian. No changes were made to the original transla- tions because the only detected differences were in the usage of different synonyms. As a self-complete ques- tionnaire was administered, the minimal number of 300 responders was set to satisfy the requirement for performing a data analysis (Hair et al., 2010). The data were processed using statistical methods consisting of descriptive statistics, bivariate and mul- tivariate. Descriptive statistics was used to provide a general description of the sample; bivariate statistics was applied to examine the differences among the clus- ters, while multivariate statistics was employed in or- der to determine the factors underlying the travel mo- tivation construct and to discover the clusters. The in- dividual items were examined through checks for ac- curacy of data entry, missing data and distribution. The cases with the missing values were replaced using an mcmc method for item imputation. Exploratory factor analysis was done using maximum likelihood factor analysis and promax rotationwith an eigenvalue of 1.00 or more being used to identify potential fac- tors. Internal reliability was determined by computing Cronbach’s alpha. Travel motivation factors were cal- culated as a mean value for each respondent (DiSte- fano et al., 2009). The responders were a posteriori grouped based on the importance they placed on various travel mo- tivations factors. The number of clusters was deter- mined by splitting the sample and using the hierarchi- cal clustering technique. A hundred observationswere randomly selected. The Ward method, with squared Euclidean distance, was used to establish the prelimi- nary number of clusters. A three-cluster solution was selected on the basis of the largest and most plausi- ble proportionate change. A non-hierarchical cluster analysis procedure (k-means) was utilised to finalise the cluster solutions using the a priori determined number of clusters. Cluster validation was done us- ing a one-way anova analysis and five measures that were not included as travel motivation items (Hair et al., 2010). A five-point Likert scale (ranging from 1 – to- tally not important to 5 – totally important) was used to measure the travel motivation factors’ perceived importance. Items measuring travel motivation fac- tors were divided into two main groups based on the theory of push and pull motivation factors and were adopted from general travel motivation liter- ature (tourist destination pull factors) and wellness tourism motivation literature (push factors and well- ness tourist product pull factors). A total of 18 items were used for measuring push factors (Bennett et al., 2004; Kim & Batra, 2009; Koh et al., 2010; Konu & Laukkanen, 2009; Mak et al., 2009; Monteson & Singer, 2004; Pesonen et al., 2011; Voigt et al., 2011). Pull factors were divided into two sub-groups: well- ness tourist product and tourist destination. A total of 24 items were used for measuring the first group of pull factors (Andrijašević & Bartoluci, 2004; Bennett et al., 2004; Mak et al., 2009; Mueller & Lanz Kauf- mann, 2001; Pesonen et al., 2011), while 20 items were used formeasuring the second group (Awaritefe, 2004; Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 2, December 2020 | 205 Ana Težak Damijani Travel Motivations Table 2 Descriptive Statistics and Results of Explanatory Factor Analysis of Push Travel Motivations Variables Mean sd Factor  Factor  Factor  Get in better shape . . . Health improvement . . . Feel younger . . . Weight control interest . . . Practice healthy lifestyle . . . Feel healthier . . . Visit trendy place . . . Stress release . . . Escape from everyday life . . . Reward for hard work . . . Stay in quiet and peaceful place . . . Interest in landscape . . –. Get to know other cultures . . –. Try new things . . –. Eigenvalues . . . Percentage of variance . . . Percentage of cumulative variance . . . Cronbach’s α . . . Crompton, 1979; Heung et al., 2001; Jönsson&Devon- ish, 2008; Kozak, 2002; McGehee et al., 1996; Yoon & Uysal, 2005). This list was examined by four tourism experts to achieve content adequacy (Hinkin et al., 1997). Results and Discussion In all, 548 responderswere used in the analysis.Most of the responders stayed in four-star hotels in the Istria or Kvarner region. The proportion of female responders (56) was slightly higher than that of males (44). A majority of the responders were between 35 and 54 years of age (48). Most of them had obtained higher education (68). In general, the responders were em- ployees (45), 16 were self-employed and approxi- mately 14 were managers. Most of them were from Austria (23) and Germany (23), almost 11 were from the uk, and about 10 originated from Italy. The most frequent monthly net income was between €1,000 and €2,000 (38). Almost 65 of the respon- ders came to the hotel with their partner. About 2/3 of the responders visited the hotel for the first time, but most of them (57) had already visited the region.Half of the responders obtained information about the ho- tel using the Internet, travel agencies were the second source of information (35), while recommendation from friends and relatives was the third information source (20). To identify dimensions of push and pull travel mo- tivation, three exploratory factor analyses were done. Itemswith loading below0.04 and cross-loadingswere deleted, resulting in retention of 14 push travel moti- vations items (Table 2), 17 pull travel motivations for wellness tourist product items (Table 3), and 15 pull travel motivations for tourist destination items (Ta- ble 4). The push travel motivations means (Table 2) var- ied from 2.26 (‘Weight control interest’) to 4.26 (‘Stress release’). Initially five factors were detected, however, after purifying the scale, three factors representing 206 | Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 2, December 2020 Ana Težak Damijani Travel Motivations Table 3 Descriptive Statistics and Results of Explanatory Factor Analysis of Pull Travel Motivations: Wellness Tourist Product Variables Mean sd Factor  Factor  Factor  Sauna . . . Steam bath . . . Solarium . . . Massage (traditional) . . . Range of health amenities . . . Massage (alternative) . . . Beauty treatments . . . Atmosphere . . . Relaxation . . . Surroundings . . . Competence . . . Tips for back home . . –. Understanding special needs . . –. Supervised Sport . . –. Detoxification . . –. Tai Chi, Yoga and similar activities . . –. Mud baths/wraps . . –. Eigenvalues . . . Percentage of variance . . . Percentage of cumulative variance . . . Cronbach’s α . . . push travelmotivations formed clear factor structures. Jointly, they accounted for 51.11 of accumulated vari- ance, andmost of the factor loadingswere greater than 0.60. They were labelled as Health trend, Relaxation and reward, andNovelty. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were between 0.733 and 0.888. Health trend was com- prised of different items related to getting healthier and in better shape. Relaxation and reward included items like stress release, escape from everyday prob- lems, and the feeling of being rewarded. Novelty en- compassed various items regarding learning about new things. In general, push travel motivations re- lated to health aspects and luxury were mostly unim- portant, while those push travel motivations that em- phasise interest in learning new things, and relaxation and reward were mostly important to the responders. The detection of these three push travel motivation factors are partially supported by the findings of Hal- lab (2006), Mak et al. (2009), Konu and Laukkanen (2009), Koh et al. (2010), Voigt et al. (2011), Dimitro- vski and Todorović (2015), Lim et al. (2016), Dryglas and Salamaga (2018), and Huh et al. (2019). Relax- ation as a push motivation factor was the factor most commonly identified in research regarding wellness tourists (Dimitrovski & Todorović, 2015; Koh et al., 2010; Konu & Laukkanen, 2009; Lim et al., 2016; Mak et al., 2009; Voigt et al., 2011). The pull travelmotivationsmeans related to a well- ness tourist product (Table 3) varied from 2.02 (‘So- larium’) to 4.44 (‘Atmosphere’). Originally four factors were detected, however, after purifying the scale, three factors representing pull travel motivations for a well- Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 2, December 2020 | 207 Ana Težak Damijani Travel Motivations Table 4 Descriptive Statistics and Results of Explanatory Factor Analysis of Pull Travel Motivations: Tourist Destination Variables Mean sd Factor  Factor  Factor  Variety of architectural styles . . . Theatre and performances . . . Cultural heritage . . . Diversity of attractions . . . Natural protected areas . . . Variety of entertainment activities . . . Entertainment possibilities . . . Shopping possibilities . . . Local events . . . Sports and recreation . . . Variety of cultural events . . . Beautiful nature . . . Ecological preservation of the destination . . . Climate . . . Picturesqueness and tidiness of the place . . . Eigenvalues . . . Percentage of variance . . . Percentage of cumulative variance . . . Cronbach’s α . . . Table 5 Results of Cluster Analysis Measures () () () () Health trend . . . .*** Relaxation and reward . . . .*** Novelty . . . .*** Basic wellness . . . .*** Extra wellness . . . .*** Intangible wellness . . . .*** Cult. and nat. heritage . . . .*** Enter. and recreat. . . . .*** Landscape . . . .*** Notes Column headings are as follows: (1) cluster 1 – im- material wellness, (2) cluster 2 – high wellness, (3) cluster 3 – low wellness, (4) F-value. *** Significant at 0.001. ness tourist product formed clear factor structures. Jointly, they accounted for 58.85 of accumulated vari- ance, andmost of the factor loadingswere greater than 0.60. They were labelled as Basic wellness, Intangible wellness, and Extra wellness. Cronbach’s alpha coef- ficients were between 0.800 and 0.912. Basic wellness included aspects like massage and sauna; intangible wellness encompassed various items that correspond to intangible aspects of a tourist product e.g. atmo- sphere and interactions, while extra wellness included attributes like detoxification, Tai Chi, etc. In general, pull travel motivations related to tangible aspects of a wellness tourist product, like Sauna, Solarium, Mas- sages and Steambath, weremostly unimportant, while the intangible aspects of a wellness tourist product (competence, relaxation and atmosphere) weremostly important to the responders. The detection of these three pull travel motivation factors are partially sup- ported by the findings of Azman andChan (2010), and Chen et al. (2013). The pull travelmotivationsmeans related to tourist 208 | Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 2, December 2020 Ana Težak Damijani Travel Motivations destination (Table 4) varied from 2.49 (‘Theatre and performances’) to 4.24 (‘Beautiful nature’). At first, four factorswere detected, however, after purifying the scale, three factors representing pull travelmotivations for tourist destination formed clear factor structures. Jointly, they accounted for 53.95 of accumulated vari- ance, andmost of the factor loadingswere greater than 0.60. They were labelled as Cultural and natural her- itage, Entertainment and recreation, and Landscape. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were between 0.767 and 0.877. Cultural and natural heritage was comprised of different items like theatre, architectural styles, and natural protected area. Entertainment and recreation encompassed various activities and objects regarding entertainment, shopping, and sports. Landscape was composed of items referring to geographical features of the tourist destination. The pull travel motivations were mainly important to responders. However, cer- tain cultural activities (e.g. museums and exhibitions, and theatre and performances) and activities related to tourists’ special interests (like shopping and events) were marked as rather unimportant. The detection of these three pull travel motivation factors is partially supported by the findings of Hallab (2006), Chen et al. (2013), and Dryglas and Salamaga (2017). Natural resources were identified as a pull travel motivation in all three cases. The travel motivations dimensions were cluster analysed. The number of clusters was determined by splitting the sample and using the hierarchical cluster- ing technique.Ahundred observationswere randomly selected. The Ward method, with squared Euclidean distance, was used to establish the preliminary num- ber of clusters. A three-cluster solutionwas selected on the basis of the largest and most plausible proportion- ate change. A non-hierarchical cluster analysis proce- dure (k-means) was utilised to finalise the cluster solu- tions using the a priori determinednumber of clusters. The latter procedure confirmed the three-cluster solu- tion (Table 5 and Table 6). The identified clusters were named according to the cluster centroids. Cluster 2 (N = 210), being the largest, represented 38.3 of the guests staying in wellness hotels, while Cluster 3 (N = 133) was the smallest and represented 24.3 of the guests staying in wellness hotels. Cluster 1 (N = 205) represented 37.4 of the guests staying in wellness ho- tels. Although the clusters differed statistically in all nine measures, dimensions that may be considered as more of an intangible kind stood out, i.e. push moti- vation factors (Relaxation and reward, and Novelty), pull motivation factors (Intangible wellness, as well as Cultural and natural heritage, Entertainment and recreation, and Landscape). Thus, the clusters were subsequently named taking into account these vari- ables. The guests staying in wellness hotels in Cluster 3 expressed a very low level of importance, or rather unimportance, related to travel motives in general, therefore this cluster was labelled as ‘Low wellness.’ In contrast, the guests staying in wellness hotels in Clus- ter 2 expressed the highest importance on all travel motivation dimensions; hence, this cluster was la- belled ‘High wellness.’ Intangible travel motivation di- mensions were the variables that differentiatedCluster 1 from the other two clusters, consequently labelling this cluster as ‘Immaterial wellness.’ The application of travel motivations in wellness tourism settings re- sulted in three clusters (high wellness, immaterial wellness, and low wellness clusters). The number of identified clusters is in accordance with the findings of Koh et al. (2010), Dryglas and Salamaga (2017), Dryglas and Salamaga (2018) and Huh et al. (2019), who also uncovered three clusters. However, the char- acteristics of clusters is only partially supported by the findings of Mueller and Lanz Kaufmann (2001), Koh et al. (2010), Dimitrovski and Todorović (2015), Dryglas and Salamaga (2017), Dryglas and Salamaga (2018) and Huh et al. (2019). In all, 5 measures related to travel motivations that were not included in previous analyses were used to validate the clusters. All of themwere significant, veri- fying the statistical differences among the clusters and providing support for the criterion validity of the items (Table 6). Conclusion This paper explores travel motivations as criteria in the segmentation process of one market niche, more precisely wellness tourism. A total of nine travel moti- vation factors were identified by applying the theory Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 2, December 2020 | 209 Ana Težak Damijani Travel Motivations Table 6 anova Results for Cluster Validation Measures Cluster  Cluster  Cluster  F-value Mean sd Mean sd Mean sd Enjoy being pampered . . . . . . .*** Want to have fun . . . . . . .*** Organised short time trips . . . . . . .*** Personalised service . . . . . . .*** Healthy diet . . . . . . .*** Notes *** Significant at 0.001. of the push and pull travel motivations. Three push motivation factors of wellness tourists emerged. They were labelled as Health trend, Relaxation and reward, and Novelty. A group of motivations related to inter- est in learning new things, and relaxation and reward stood out as important motives to wellness tourists in general, while items related to health aspects and luxury were mostly unimportant. A total of six pull travel motivation factors were established; three moti- vation factors related to a wellness tourist product and three motivation factors related to tourist destination. Motivation factors related to a wellness tourist prod- uct were labelled as Basic wellness, Intangible well- ness, and Extra wellness, while those motivation fac- tors related to tourist destination were labelled as Cul- tural and natural heritage, Entertainment and recre- ation, and Landscape. Pull travel motivations related to tangible aspects of a wellness tourist product, pre- sented through basic and extra wellness factors, were mostly unimportant, while itemsmeasuring the intan- gible wellness factor were mostly important to the re- sponders. The pull travel motivation factors related to tourist destination were mainly important to respon- ders. However, certain cultural activities (e.g. muse- ums and exhibitions, and theatre and performances) and activities related to tourists’ special interest (like shopping and events) weremarked as rather unimpor- tant. By using travel motivation as segmentation crite- ria in wellness tourism settings three clusters were de- tected. Theywere labelled as highwellness, immaterial wellness, and low wellness clusters. The high wellness cluster placed high importance on all nine travelmoti- vation factors. Pullmotivation factors related to awell- ness tourist product were important in distinguish- ing between the high wellness segment, and immate- rial and low wellness segments, while pull factors re- lated to the destination provided differences between immaterial and high wellness segments, and the low wellness segment. In contrast, push travel motivations weremostly important to all three segments, with only health trend being themotivation factor that stood out in differentiating between the high wellness segment, and the other two. This paper suggests that both push and pull moti- vation factors are crucial in the market segmentation process of wellness tourism as a form of niche market. Relaxation as pushmotivation, wellness infrastructure and natural resources as pull motivation factors are important factors in wellness tourism research. How- ever, push travel motivations related to health issues are vital in differentiation between segments that are highly wellness-oriented and those who are less well- ness oriented, i.e. who are more oriented on achieving well-being. The findings have certain implications for tourism managers. This research provides deeper in- sights into sub-segments of wellness tourists. Thus, in hotels where awellness tourist product is an additional tourist product, and not the main focus, there may be a certain number of guests who are more interested in intangible wellness aspects like atmosphere, relax- ation, and surroundings, compared to tangible well- ness aspects. Thus, they do not place importance on tangible wellness aspects and are not likely to use ser- vices like massage, sauna, mud baths/wraps, etc. The findings also suggest that tourist destination attributes play an important role for hotel guests who are inter- 210 | Academica Turistica, Year 13, No. 2, December 2020 Ana Težak Damijani Travel Motivations ested in a wellness tourist product as well as for those guests who are more interested in immaterial aspects provided by the wellness concept. There are certain limitations of this study. This study included guests staying in wellness hotels that offer wellness as an additional tourist product. 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