Štev. 49 — No. 49 CLEVELAND, O., 8. DECEMBRA (DECEMBER), 1931 LETO (VOLUME) XVIL DRUŠTVENA NAZNANILA Društvo Vitezi sv. Jurija, st. 3. Joliet, 111. Prihodnja naša glavna letna seja se bo vršila dne 13. decembra v navadnem prostoru, zato Zato so posebne naklade od Jednote. Hudo je za tajnika, ko vidi, da je kak član pri društvu že 20 do 38 let, pa ga mora suspendati, ker mu ni mogoče 'i — ste naprošeni vsi člani, da se plačati asesmenta. Upam, da iste gotovo udeležite, slišali boste račun od naše zadnje veselice z dne 14. novembra povodom 40-letnice ustanovitve na šega društva. Ta veselica je izpadla povsem povoljno, da kaj takega nismo pričakovali v teh slabih časih; za kar se lepo zahvalim vsem, ki ste pri tej prireditvi kaj pripomogli, kakor tudi vsem udeležencem. Cenjeno mi članstvo! Leto se bliža h koncu. Iz tajniških knjig je razvidno, da članstvo ne plačuje redno svojega asesmenta ; nekateri predolgo zaostajajo; zato vas prosim, da poravnajte svoj dolg kakor hitro vam mogoče, kajti vsak tajnik rad vidi, da ima čisti račun koncem leta. da lahko izroči čiste knjige svojemu nasledniku. Dalje vam naznanjam, da bom na dan letne seje, dne 13. decembra začel pobirati asesment v navadnem prostoru že ob 12:30 popoldne, da bo lahko vsakdo plačal že pred sejo; med sejo se ne bo pobiralo asesmenta. ker imamo več drugih važnih stvari za rešiti; izvolite torej cenjeni sobratje to vpošte-vati. Ker bo na tej seji volitev odbora za leto 1932, je članstvo prošeno, da volijo dobre člane se bo na prihodnji polletni seji glavnih uradnikov v tem pogledu kaj ukrenilo in da v bodoče vsaj posebne naklade ne bodo razpisane. Pridite vsi na našo glavno letno sejo dne 20. decembra, da skupno razmotrivamo, kaj in kako bi bilo najboljše narediti v korist društva in Jednote. Seja se začne točno ob 2. uri popoldne, asesment se bo pa pobiralo že ob eni uri. Torej na svidenje na seji dne 20. decembra v Slovenskem Domu n? 57. cesti. Vas sobratski pozdravlja Vinko Besal, tajnik. Društvo sv. Jožefa, št. 16, Virginia, Minn. - Naznanjam vsem članom tega društva, da se vsi polnošte-vilno udeležijo glavne letne seje tretjo nedeljo v decembru, to bo 20. decembra, točno ob devetih dopoldne v navadnih prostorih. Na tej seji bo volitev društvenega odbora za prihodnje leto in na dnevnem redu imamo še več drugih važnih točk, ki morajo biti rešene na tej seji. Dalje opozarjam vse one člane. ki še dolgujejo na ases-mentih, da dolg gotovo porav- ________ _ _ najo na tej seji, kajti v na- za urad, ki bodo radevolje de- sprotnem slučaju bodo suspen- lali za dobrobit društva in Jednote. S sobratskim pozdravom, Peter Metesh, tajnik. NAZNANILO članstvu društva sv. Roka. št. 15, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sklep zadnje društvene seje je bil, da v bodoče se mora vsak član ali članica, ki svojega asesmenta ne plača vsaj v dveh mesecih, pri društvu suspendati; to pa vsled tega, ker naša društvena blagajna močno nazaduje in nekateri člani tega ne vpoštevajo. Na prihodnji letni seji se bo tudi moralo nekaj ukreniti za pokritje društvenih stroškov, ki znašajo na leto okrog $400, to so plače uradnikov in drugi upravni stroški. Za društvene stroške dosedaj nismo člani in članice plačevali popolnoma nobenega asesmenta; kar plačamo, pošljemo vse na glavni urad. Ako bo šlo to še tako dalje, se bo društvena blagajna kmalu izpraznila. Da bi se v teh slabih delavskih razmerah priredile kake veselice v prid društvene blagajne, se ne izplača, ker je več stroškov kakor dohodkov; poleg tega se pa tudi članstvo ne zanima in se prireditve ne udeleži, samo par članov pa ne more zadostiti vsem potrebam. Torej da bo članstvu znano, da kateri član ako dva meseca dolguje, se ne udeleži mesečne seje in se ne oprosti pri društvu, bo brez izjeme suspendan ter ni upravičen do bolniške podpore, katero člani v teh slabih časih za vsako malo stvar zahtevajo. dani, potem pa naj posledice samim sebi pripišejo; društvo od sedaj naprej ne bo za nobenega zalagalo za asesmente. Torej vas prosim, da to naznanilo vpoštevate in se po istem ravnate. Z bratskim pozdravom, Joseph Jakše, tajnik Društvo sv. Janeza Krstnika. št. 20, Ironwood, Mich. Tem potom opominjam naše člane in članice, da se polno-številno udeleže prihodnje glavne seje dne 20. decembra in to točno cb 1. uri popoldne. Kateri izostane neopravičeno, zapade globi po društvenih pra vilih. Na dnevnem-redu bo dosti važnih točk; tako tudi v prvi vrsti volitev društvenih odbornikov za bodoče leto in poglavitna stvar, kaj in kako vzdrževati člane in članice, ki dolgujejo društvu, kajti naša društvena blagajna bo .kmalu prazna, in mi imamo dolgoletne ter dobre člane in članice, ki ne morejo zmagovati društvenega ter Jednotinega asesmenta zdaj v teh slabih časih. S sobratskim pozdravom, Martin Bukovetz, tajnik. je, da smo na tako važni seji vsi skupaj, kjer bo treba kaj koristnega ukreniti; stari odbor ni menda pri najboljših in tudi naša društvena blagajna se niža z vsakim mesecem. Temu pa ni kriv tajnik, kar lahko dokaže, kadar nadzorni odbor zahteva; krivda pri tem je neredno ali slabo plačevanje asesmenta od strani članov. Več je takih, ki radi čakajo, da jih tajnik opomni, kar seveda ni prijetno za tajnika. Zdaj so odprta vrata; kdor se zanima za društvo, naj pride z resnico na dan dne 20. decembra, da bo ta ali drugi zvedel o tajništvu. Jaz mu iz srca privoščim to čast; tako je tudi pravilno, da se uradniki društva menjajo. Je pri tem sicer precej težaven začetek, in pa tudi ne, kajti stari tajnik kar ve in zna, bo novemu tajniku na razpolago pri vsaki priložnosti, da bo šlo poslovanje društva redno naprej. Parkrat sem se letošnje poletje oglasil v Glasilu, pa so mi prišle besede na uho, da se gre tukaj za novo izvolitev; to je popolnoma neresnično; svetujem pa, da naj ta urad vsak skusi, potem šele bo prišel do prepričanja, kaj je pravzaprav tajništvo. Torej ponovno opominjam člane, ki še niso plačali mesečnih prispevkov, da to takoj storijo, da mi bo mogoče urediti ter zaključiti knjige koncem leta. Vse naše člane in članice prijazno pozdravljam in želim novemu odboru največ uspeha tako tudi društvu. John Polaynar, tajnik. glasuje za kogar mu njegova vest veli, da bo najbolj sposoben in dober delavec za napredek društva in Jednote. Ako bomo vsi tako glasovali, bomo gotovo imeli dober odbor za leto 1932. Ako bodo izvoljeni dobri uradniki, potem bomo imeli tudi zaželjeni napredek pri društvu. Znano je, kjer društvo ne napreduje, je temu največ vzrok odbor. S sobratskim pozdravom, Marko Kofalt, tajnik. Društvo Jezus Dobri Pastir, št. 32, Enumclaw, Wash. Najprvo opominjam člane in članice našega društva,' da se vsi udeleže letne glavne seje, in sicer dne 20. decembra; na tej seji se vrši volitev odbora za prihodnje leto, torej vas ponovno prosim, da se vsak član in članica iste udeleži. Zborovati bomo pričeli takoj po sv. maši v navadnih prostorih. Treba Društvo sv. Alojzija, št. 42. Steelton, Pa. S tem se naznanja vsem članom ter članicam našega društva, da bo naša redna mesečna seja dne 20. decembra v društveni dvorani kakor po navadi. Ker bodo na tej seji društvene knjige zaključene za tekoče leto 1931, zato so vsi člani pro-šeni, ki dolgujejo na mesečnih asesmentih, da poravnajo svoj dolg pred 20. decembrom, ali pa na seji dne 20. decembra, da bodo na ta način društvene knjige saj enkrat na leto popolnoma čiste. Važno! Dne 27. decembra se vrši letna društvena seja, kjer bo prečitan celoletni račun o dohodkih in izdatkih. Nato sledijo volitve društvenih uradnikov za leto 1932; volitev bo tajna z listki, da bo lahko vsak do volil po svojem prepričanju, da ne bo kake zamere. Zatorej se pričakuje, da bo vsak naš član navzoč na tej glavni letni seji. Poseben opomin naj ve Ija tistim, ki niste bili še nikoli na glavni seji. Potem pa, ko je novi odbor izvoljen, pa okrog obrekujejo novi odbor brez vsakega vzroka. Taki člani so največji sovražniki svojega lastnega društva. Zdaj ima te še dosti časa za govorfti; zdaj se o tem dogovarjajte pred volitvijo, potem pa pridite na glavno sejo, kjer lahko od krito poveste svoje mnenje s tem, da glasujete za kogar hočete. Pri volitvah naj se ne gleda na prijateljstvo in ne na sorodstvo, ampak naj vsak član Iz urada društva sv. Alojzija, št. 47, Chicago, 111. Redna mesečna seja našega društva se bo vršila .v soboto, 12. decembra; začetek točno ob pol osmi (7:30) uri zvečer v cerkveni dvorani sv. Štefana. Ker je ta seja ena najbolj važnih sej v letu, na kateri se uredijo in izpopolnijo društvena pravila in, obenem se voli društvene uradnike, kateri bodo vodili društvene zadeve prihodnje leto, je dolžnost vsakega posameznega člana in članice, da je za gotovo osebno pričujoč na seji in tako pripomore po svojem lastnem prepričanju urediti pravila po najboljši zmožnosti in izvoliti člane ali članice v društveni odbor, katere uvidimo, da bodo delali vestno in nepristransko za blagor društvenega članstva in na katoliški podlagi naše slavne matere Jednote. Člani in članice se v imenu odbora vljudno prosijo, komur le okoliščine dopuščajo, da na tej seji uredijo svojo finančno dolžnost do društva. V slučaju, da je kateremu članu ali članici zaradi brezposelnosti, nemogoče poravnati društvene prispevke, ser s tem vljudno vabi, da se udeleži seje osebno in pojasni članom in članicam svoj položaj. Člani in članice društva so prijazni in bodo v tem oziru prav gotovo našli sredstvo, da pomagajo prizadetim, kar bo mogoče. V prijaznost in za božično darilo naše slavne matere katoliške Jednote bodo prav lepi stenski koledarji za leto 1932 razdeljeni članom in članicam na tej seji. Upati je, da bodo člani in članice vpoštevali to prijazno vabilo ter se udeležili seje pol-noštevilno, izvzemši le slučajno nepričakovanega zadržka. Pomnite, da seja se bo začela točno ob pol osmi uri zyečer v soboto. 12. decembra. V imenu društva želimo čla nom, članicam in njih družinam kakor tudi vsemu članstvu naše dične katoliške Jednote vesele in zadovoljne božične praznike ter srečno, zdravo in uspešno Novo leto. S sobratskim pozdravom, Frank Kozjek, predsednik, Joseph Kremesec, tajnik, Math Kremesec, blagajnik. Društo Marije Device, št. 50, Pittsburgh, Pa. Tem potom vljudno pozivam cenjeno članstvo našega društ va, da se v polnem številu ude ležite prihodnje glavne letne seje dne 13. decembra popoldne v veliki dvorani Slovenskega Doma na 57. cesti. Na podlagi sklepa zadnje redne seje se bo glavna letna seja pričela eno uro poprej kakor navadno, asesment se bo začel pobirati že opoldne, da se večino asesmenta skolekta še pred začetkom seje. Nadalje cenjeni mi sobratje in sestre; Sedanja kriza brezposelnosti je prizadela vse; tako tudi v tem oziru ni bilo izvzeto naše društvo. Za vsakega člana ali članico se je zalagalo, Če je pravilno prosil pri društvu. Zdaj se je pa tozadevna blagajna društva izčrpala, da ne bo več mogoče pri najboljši volji zalagati za članstvo. Zatorej bi svetoval vsem prizadetim, da si na kak način skušajo sami pomagati za par asesmentov; morda se v tem času že na kak način kaj na boljše ukrenilo? Ponovno vas prosim, da se vsi udeležite prihodnje glavne seje, da se tudi v tem oziru kaj ukrene. Na dnevnem redu bo dosti točk za rešiti; tako bo tudi volitev odbora za prihodnje leto. Torej pridite vsi, da Doste videli, kaj se bo ukrenilo. Za bodoče poslovanje si izvolite odbor po vaši volji. Poročati imam tudi žalostno t vest, da smo dne 22. novembra izgubili kar dva člana našega društva. Zjutraj je umrl sobrat Blaž Rebac; popoldne nas je pa iznenadila vest, da se je tudi ločil od nas sobrat Marko Ostronič; svoječasno naš jako agilni član, ki je izvrševal razne urade pri društvu in je bil tudi glavni uradnik pri naši K. S. K. Jednoti. Ran j kima so-bratoma naj bo lahka ameriška gruda ter blag jima spomin! Prizadetim družinam naše iskreno sožalje. Končno apeliram še na one starše, ki še nimate vpisanih svojih otrok v mladinskem oddelku te Jednote, da jih vpišete, ker se vam nudijo lepe ugodnosti in nagrade. Vaša dolžnost je, da imate vse svoje drage male tam, ali pri onem društvu, kjer ste tudi vi sami. S sobratskim pozdravom, Math Paviakovich. tajnik. 1932. Vsi oni, ki se ne udeležite te glavne seje, boste morali plačati $1 globe. Še enkrat se vas opozarja, da vsi člani, ki so zaostali dolžni na asesmentu, da poravnate dolg na prihodnji seji dne 20 decembra. S sobratskim pozdravom, Joseph Žitnik, tajnik. Društvo sv. Cirila in Metoda, št. 59. Eveleth, Minn. S tem uradno pozivam vse naše člane in članice, da se udeležite seje, dne 13. decembra v navadnih prostorih po prvi sv maši in sicer v polnem številu, kajti na dnevnem redu bo volitev odbora društva za prihodnje leto. Torej vas ponovno prosim, da pridete vsi na to glavno sejo in si izvolite odbornike po vaši volji, da ne bo potem nobenega oporekanja ali nepotrebnega govorjenja. Dalje opominjam vse one člane in članice, ki dolgujejo na asesmentu, da poravnajo svoj dolg na letni seji, da bo mogel tajnik urediti knjige za zaključek tega leta. Torej na svidenje na seji dne 13. decembra! S sobratskim pozdravom, John Bayuk, tajnik. Društvo Vitezi sv. Mihaela, št. 61, Youngstown, O. S tem naznanjam članom našega društva, da se bo vršila glavna letna seja dne 20. decembra točno ob dveh popoldne v cerkveni dvorani sv. Petra in Pavla. Na tej važnih seji bodo tudi izvoljeni novi društveni odborniki za prihodnje leto Društvo sv. Lovrenca, št. 63. Cleveland, O. S tem naznanjam članom in članicam našega društva, da bo prihodnja naša seja zaeno glavna letna seja, katere je dolžnost članstva se udeležiti. Ta seja se vrši dne 13. decembra v navadnih prostorih S. N. Doma. Začetek točno ob 1. uri popoldne. Znano je, da se na letnih sejah nekako začrta pot društvenega poslovanja za prihodnje leto; zaradi tega bodite vsi navzoči. Dalje opominjam one, ki se niste udeležili naše zadnje društvene veselice, da poravnate določeno s v o t o in tako tudi asesment za mesec december, da bom zamogel dati čisti ra-ičun od letošnjega poslovanja kot tajnik. Končno opozarjam še nekatere, katerih po mojih mislih )ii malo, zaradi vaiSh dedičev na certifikatih. Veliko število je še takih, ki imajo svoje certifikate narejene morda še na ime pokojne žene ali pokojnega moža. i V drugem slučaju ima kak član narejen svoj certifikat na dva ali tri otroke z imeni; je pa sedaj v resnici že šest ali sedem otrok v tej družini; število otrok je v tem času na-rastlo. Je še več sličnih pomot na certifikatih, ki so važne ter jih je treba popraviti, vsled česar nastanejo v slučaju smrti člana velike sitnosti za društvenega tajnika, tako tudi Z3 glavni urad. Prosim vas torej ponovno, da pregledate svoje certifikate; če se vam isti ne zdi pravilen, prinesite mi ga na dom osebno, da se stvar uredi. Pri tem morate biti vi sami navzoči, da se na spremembi lastnoročno podpišete; zatem boste dobili v kratkem novi, pravilni certifikat; sprememba isteg<> velja samo 50 centov. Ako pa vam ugaja in ste zadovoljni 7 vašo oporoko na certifikatu, pa tudi jaz nimam nič za opore kati. K sklepu ponovno vse vljudno vabim, da pridete na prihodnjo letno sejo. S sobratskim pozdravom, Anton Kordan, tajnik. znano, bo ta seja zaradi tega važna, ker moramo na isti izvoliti novi odbor za prihodnje leto; to je zelo važna točka, ker bo od novega odbora odvisno vse poslovanje društva v prihodnjem letu. Ponovno vas torej prosim, da pridete vsi, brez izjeme na glavno sejo dne 20. decembra. Ksklepu pa želim celokupnemu članstvu naše Jednote prav vesele božične praznike in srečno Novo leto! S sobratskim pozdravom, A. J. SkofF, tajnik. Društvo Vitezi sv. Martina, št. 75, La Salle, IU. Cenjeno članstvo našega društva! Naznanja se vam ter se vam toplo priporoča, da se udeležite prihodnje glavne letne seje dne 20. decembra točno ob drugi uri* popoldne v cerkveni dvorani. Na tej seji bo volitev društvenega odbora za prihodnje leto in še več drugih važnih točk imamo za urediti; torej vas s tem opozarjam, da naj nobeden ne izostane od te važne seje; oni, ki se ne ne bodo te glavne seje udeležili, bodo morali plačati v društveno blagajno 50 centov kazni. ' Dalje opominjam vse one člane in članice, ki dolgujejo na asesmentu, da poravnajo svoj dolg do prihodnje seje. Torej na svidenje dne 20. de-ccmbra na naši glavni seji! Bratski vam pozdrav, Frank Misjak, tajnik. Društvo sv. Srca Jezusovega, št. 70, St. Louis, Mo. Tem potom naznanjam celokupnemu članstvu našega društva sklep zadnje seje, da bomo imeli po dovršeni glavni letni seji dne 20. decembra v navadnih zborovalnih prostorih malo družinsko ali domačo zabavo z okrepčili za suha grla in želodce; to vse bo brezplačno. Torej nikar se ne izgovarjajte, da ne morete ali nočete iti na sejo, ker ste brez dela; toliko se je še nam posrečilo prihraniti, da bomo imeli na tej letni seji za vse brezplačno-prijazno zabavo; pridite torej vsi dne 20. decembra! Kakor vam je tudi gotovo Društvo Marija Čistega Sp3Čet-tja, št. 85, Lorain, O. Tem potom opozarjam vse članice našega društva na glavno letno sejo, ki se bo vršila 13. decembra, to je drugo nedeljo v mesecu kakor običajno v navadnih prostorih točno ob eni uri popoldne. Prosim članice, da vpoštevajo točnost, ker čim prej bomo začele s sejo, tem prej bomo zvršile naloge, katere nam veli glavna letna seja. Kakor vam znano, je na tej seji na dnevnem redu mnogo važnih stvari za razpravljati, in ako hočemo vse potrebno in koristno ukreniti za društvo in Jednoto, moramo vpoštevati točnost. Kar se pa tiče udeležbe glavne seje, pa že vse veste, da je bilo sklenjeno na zadnji letni seji, da članica, ki nima posebno važnega zadržka, se mora udeležiti seje, če ne, zapade kazni en dolar v društveno blagajno. Prosim, da si zapomnite to, da ne bo potem nepotrebnega prerekanja in izgovarjanja. Kakor vam je tudi znano, praznuje naše društvo ta mesec svojo patrono Marija Čistega Spočetja na 8. decembra, zato je bilo sklenjeno na zadnji mesečni seji, da se udeležimo skupnega sv. obhajila, in sicer v nedeljo 13. decembra pri prvi sv. maši ob 8. uri, katera bo darovana za vse žive in mrtve Članice našega društva. Apeliram na vse članice, da sc v kolikor mogoče velikem številu udeležite tega skupnega sv. obhajila,, da vsaj malo izkažemo čast naši društveni patroni, pod katere zaščito smo. Nadalje hočem opomniti vse matere našega društva, katere null« na ^ atraoi še nimate svojih otrok pri našem druitvu, da jih vpišete ta mesec, kar mesec december je zadnji mesec kampanje, torej imate fte prav lepo priliko, ker je prosta pristopnina, po vrhu pa dobite fte 50 centov iz glavnega urada kot odškodnino za zdravniftko preiskavo. Res niso posebno dobri časi, vendar pa tudi svota ni velika, 15 ali 80 centov na mesec; pri drugih za-varovalninskih družbah morate plačati toliko ali pa več na teden za asesment otroka. Zavarovani so pa tako, ali pa še boljše pri naši Jednoti. In ako se nesreča pripeti, pa vam ni treba stikati okoli tuje govorečih agentov, ampak greste k svojemu tajniku ali tajnici in vam vse potrebno uredi. Nadalje hočem ali moram opomniti vse tiste članice, ki so dolžne na asesmentu že več mesecev, da istega poravnajo ta mesec, da se potem knjige v red spravijo. Tudi tiste, katere še niste poravnale tistih 50 centov, ki so bili razpisani iz glavnega urada za mesec november, naj ne pozabijo. Torej, da ne pozabimo: v nedeljo zjutraj 13. decembra pridemo vse članice k skupnemu sv. obhajilu, popoldne točno ob eni uri pa na sejo! S pozdravom, Mary Pavlovcic, tajnica. Društvo sv. Antona Padovan-skega, št. 87, Joliet, 10. Tem potom ste vsi člani pro šeni, da se udeležite letne sejer dne 13. decembra, ker na tej seji bo treba rešiti neko prav važno točko; pridite fore j vsi! Tukaj lahko poveste svoje mišljenje, ne pa potem po seji. Ta seja bo tudi glavna ali letna, kjer se vrši volitev odbora za bodoče leto. Pridite torej vsi in volite po vaši volji prave može; ni treba nič gledati na prijateljstvo; pazite samo na takega, *ki je zmožen za svoj urad in videli boste, da bo vse O. K. Nikar ne sedite doma. potem pa vpraševati, kdo je izvoljen? Ce ni bil izvoljen uradnik po vaši volji, potem pa rečete, da zopet ne boste šli na sejo. Na tej seji si izvolite dobre može ali fante; saj imamo pri našem društvu tudi dosti mladih moči, ki. so izobraženi ter zmožni za vsak urad. Ni treba voliti vedno po starem enih in istih. Volite kandidate po vašem prevdarku; kar b? gotovo pripomoglo uspehu društva in boljši udeležbi na sejah. S sobratskim pozdravom, Leo Adamich, tajnik. točno ob eni uri; torej pridite sami; nikakor se ne bo denar jemal od otrok. Izjema za člana je le, če dotičnik dela ali če je morda bolan. Kateri bo poslal asesment po svojem otroku, ta bo nazaj poslan; in če se morda potem dotičnemu članu pripeti suspendadja, naj posledice sam sebi pripiše. Kateri se ne udeleži te glavne letne seje, bo kaznovan po društvenih pravilih; torej upam, da bom zopet videl člane na tej seji, katerih že nisem videl od zadnje decembrske seje leta 1930. — S pozdravom, F. J. Habich, tajnik. Gospojinsko društvo sv. Barbare, broj 92, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pozivam naše sestre na go-dišnju sjednicu, koja če biti točno u 2 sata posle podne u dvorani kako obično na 13. decembra. Sestre ne zaboravite, da je to godišnja sjednica; tu bi morale sve biti, ali vas ima dosta, koje niste bile več dugo na kakvoj sjednici; barem na godišnju bi morale doči; tu če biti biranje odbora za godinu 1932; tu če biti i svakojakog zaključaka; šta se na ovoj sjednici zaključi, je u krijeposti cijelu godinu i tome nitko ne može poreči. Sestre, koje dugujete društvu, na sjednici izjavite, što je na stvari, i recite da vas društvo čeka; j a nišam sama gospodar društva, o tome je sve članstvo; meni ne vjeruje, ako ja sama izjavim; nekoji je Jedno-ta pomogla, zato se treba Jednoti zahvaliti na dobrobit, što vam je pomogla. Sestre, koje ne bunde na tu sjednicu, platiti če $1 globe, tako je zaključeno na prošloj sjednici; to če biti u korist društvene blagajne za bolestne; samo bolest se izgovara. Tolik« do znanja našim članicama. Sa pozdravom, Mary Novogradac, tajnica. Društvo sv. Petra in Pavla, št. 91, Rankin, Pa. Bliža se konec tega leta; tako se tudi bliža naša zadnja društvena seja, ki se bo vršila dne 13. decembra. Ker je ta seja ena izmed najbolj važnih, kar jih je v celem letu, zato se prosi članstvo našega društva, da se polnoštevilno udeleži te glavne seje, kjer bo volitev novega odbora za bodoče leto. Vaša sveta dolžnost je, da se vsak član in članica udeleži te pomembne seje. Dalje se priporoča našemu članstvu, da bi na tej seji vsakdo poravnal svoj asesment, ker to je zadnja seja tekočega leta; tajnik društva mora v tem času zaključiti knjige in iste izročiti novemu odboru. Poleg tega bo še več drugih važnih točk na dnevnem redu, o katerih moramo razmotrivati. Upam da ne bo to moje naznanilo samo bob v steno. Pridite na prihodnjo sejo v velikem številu, ker letos so bile iste v obče bolj slabo obiskane; včasih celo tako, da predsednik ni sploh mogel seje pričeti kakor pravila zahtevajo. Iz tega lahko raz-vidite dragi mi člani, kako sc brigate za svoje društvo in seje. Ce vas pa slučajno zadene kaka bolezen, pa tedaj niste tako pozni ali da bi se sploh ne naznanili bolnega. Asesment bom začel pobirati Društvo Friderik Baraga, št. 93, Chisholm, Minn. Članom našega društva naznanjam, da se bo vršila glavna letna seja v nedeljo, dne 13. decembra ob desetih dopoldne v Sartovi dvorani. Asesment bom začel pobirati že ob 9. uri. da bo lahko vsak preje plačal. Lahko pa asesment že tudi preje plačate ali v petek ali v so boto. Prošeni so vsi člani, da se te seje gotovo udeleže, kjer se bo vršila volitev društvenih odbornikov za bodoče leto; poleg tega, bo tudi glasovanje o resolucij' zaradi pregledovanja bolniških listin. Ker je potrebno, da vsak član vsaj enkrat na leto pride na sejo, naj to stori sedaj, ko je glavna seja. Na zadnji seji je bilo sklenjeno, da se vsak član kaznuje z globo- 50 centov, kdor se ne udeleži glavne seje brez tehtnega vzroka. Naklade meseca novembra za J e d n o t i n poškodninski sklad smo plačali za vse člane iz društvene blagajne. Ker torej društvo skrbi za člane, da niso obremenjeni v sedanjih slabih časih, je potrebno, da se tudi l*|iiwMiii>>i De de France Dec. 11, Jan. 30 10 P. M. 12:05 A. H. Paris.—*......Jan. 15 May 14 tO P. M. 12:06 A. H. N®Jlnr®JŠ® Pit pt & v MH&i labtel ■ ufctontl —— •Min Irahteja. VprataJto M. — Pilate tm sIm »ia. urate* mUkm French Line M PubUe Sffan, Cleveland. Obte. želodčna tonika za one, ki trpe ko se vozijo "Chicago, IIL, 7. novembra, 1931 — Jaz nisem mogla več prenašati, ko sem se vozila v avtomobilu ali poulični kari, vselej sem se počutila tako slaba, da sem morala Izstopiti. Ampak od kar vžlvam Trinerjevo Grenko Vino se lahko vozim ves dan brez vsake sitno« ti. Tudi imam dober ape tit in sem pridobila na teži precej funtov zadnji čas. Vaša Mrs. Marie Dvorak." To Je le en izmed mnogih slučajev, ki se Jim lahko odpomore, ako se vži va Trinerjevo grenko vino. To sdra-vUo povrne zdrav apeUt, pomaga prebavi. odpravi zaprtnico ln smrdljiv zdravnikov ga priporoča. V vseh ledih. ter da mirno spanje. Veliko karaah v malih ln velikih steklenicah, vrednosten kupon v vsakem zavoju. Ako se ne dobi v vaši sosedšči-ni. pišite na Joseph Triner Co.. 1333 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, m. (Adv.) JOSIP KLEPEC, Javni notar Real Estate. Insurance. Leans 107 N. Chicago 8t JOUXT. ILL = Zlato sv. mašo je daroval dne 15. novembra v frančiškanski cerkvi v Novem mestu pater g. Alfonz Furlan. Novi grobovi.—V Železnikih nad Škofjo Loko so pokopali usnjarskega pomočnika Lovro Špendla. — Na Jesenicah je umrla Marija 2abkar, rojena Knafeljc, vdova po okrajnem gozdarju v pokoju. — V Stari vasi pri Št. Jerneju je zapustila dolino solz Ana Frančič, rojena Selak. — V Mariboru so položili v grob 81-letnega Rein-harda Ussarja, uslužbenca Ci-rilove tiskarne. — V Celju je na veke zatisnil oči Josip Strm-,5 šek, policijski pristav. — V Ž i-1S cah je izdihnila Ivana Nagode. — V Skofji Loki je nenadoma umrl bivši župan Lovro Sušnik, brat predsednika mestne hranilnice ljubljanske, — V Kranjski gori je preminul posestnik in lesni trgovec Jožef Košir. V Celju so pokopali soprogo davčnega kontrolorja Marijo pošle, tako da nelHvaste, rojeno Drozovič. — V dajati šest knjig Stožicah pri Ljubljani je preminul Alojzij Pečnik, oče ravnatelja Osrednjih mlekarn. Pokojni je bil vse svoje življenje navdušen gasilec. — V Ljubljani je odšla v večnost trgovska sotrudnica Marija Debevec. 25172 £5092 59086 25169 25163 25154 25150 25144 25126 25124 25179 25173 25123 25056 25057 25084 25088 25116 25122 23010 23014 23016 25164 25171 25159 25097 25151 25090 25163 25165 25161 25158 25143 25138 25135 25128 »071 25063 25360 25043 25041 81713 24055 25113 25095 24036 25167 25160 25066 25042 25054 UllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiHiiiiiiiiig ZADNJI HB za naročilo božičnih COLUMBIA in VICTOR PLOŠČ Sedaj Je čas, da se pripravite za dolge zimske večere, ln zato ni lepšega kakor da poslušate lepe slovenske melodije na vašem gramofonu, in zato vam priporočam sledeče plošče, katere pošljem kamorkoli telite. Božične pesmi "Zvellčar se Je rodil,'' "Božična pesem," Lausche-Udovich 75c "Sveta noč," "Sv. Jožef ln Marija," Anton ŠubelJ. 75 centov "Sveta noč," 1. in 2. del. Adria pevci. $1.25. 10 INCH 75 CENTOV PoJeU Mary Udovich in Josephine Lausehe-Welf "Ne bom se možlla," "Mornar" "V davnih starih časih," "En Šuštar me Je vprašov" "Pastirček," "Lovec" "Eno rcico ljubim," "Moj fanttč Je prljesdil" "Hlš'ca pri cest' stoji." "Pojmo veseli zdravlco" "Kal sem prislužil." "Veterček po zraku gre" "V Smihelu Jaz hlš'co imam," "MoJi tovar'žl so me napravili" 5 ' Poje pevski sbor "Domovina" Is New Yerka "Vcnček 3lovenskih narodnih pesmi," prvi in drugi del "Venček slovenskih narodnih pesmi," tretji ln četrti del "Sinoči je pela." "Planinarica" Poje pevski sbor -Jadran" is New Torka "O mraku," "Dolenjska" "Slovenec sem," "Perice" "Nočni čuvaj," "Pevec na note," komična "Takrat v starih časih," "Pozdrav" "Dobro srečo za kravo rudečo," "Živela je ena deklica" "Tam za goro zvezda sveti," "Naša kri" "Spomin na Bled," "Dva gorenjska slavčka" "Po gorah," "Megla v Jezeru" "Ob zimskih večerih," komična, prvi in drugi del Poje John Germ is Pneblo, Colo. S "Pa kaj mi nuca planinca," "Triglav" "Cvetočih deklic prša bela." "Metuljček" "Ne dajte ženam, da bi hlače nosile," "Oh ko bi le mamica vedeli vi" Poje Anton Šobelj "Dekle to mi povej," "Pastir" "Mamica moja," "Kesanje" "Zaspanček," "Megla v Jezeru" Pojeta Belle In Plat Is Cleveland*, O. "Oh deklica povej mi to" "Ko na planine" "Spominek," "Pri oknu deva Je slonela" "Kje prijazne ste višave," "Glasno bi zavrisnil" "Spet ptičke pojo," "NJega ni" Hojer Trlo, sa ples, harmonika, banjo In kitara "Samo tebe ljubim," "Krasna Karollna" "Vesela Urška," valček. "Holzhaker," marš Večerni valček," "Hopsasa polka" "Moja ljub'ca," valček, "Katarinka polka" "Regiment po cesti gre," "Blenenhaus marš" "Ančka pojd plesat," "Treplan" "Šušter polka," "Sieben irit" "Polka štaparjev," "TI si moja," valček "Veseli rudarji," koračnica. "Sladki spomini," valček "Vipavska polka," "Milka moja," valček "Oberstajeriš," "Slovenski šotiš," Strukel Trio "Zapeljivka," "Iz dolenjskih goric," Prank Lovšin "Sladke vijolice," "Pod dvojnim orlom," Louis Spehek "Wien blelbt Wien," Ropasz Band na harmoniko Columbia Orkester sa ples "Cerne oči," polka ,4Marička," polka "U kranjski gostilni," polka "Ženitovanska polka" "Kranjski spomini," valček. "Luna valček" "Daleč v gozdu," valček. "Večerni valček" "Bodimo veseli," polka. "Na Jadranski obali," valček. 12 inch 11.25 "Zlata poroka," pevci Adria, komična, prvi in drugi del "Botrinja," "Kadar imajo vsi Jožetl god," pevci Adria "Kmečka svatba," pevci Jadran, prvi in drugi del "Hail Bremen," "Bremen Flleger," vojaška godba "O Isabella," "Der Pruehling in Berlin," vojaška godba "Schusterbuben polka," "Schneider Tanz," kmečka godba "61 Infanterie Marsch" "29 Regiment Marsch," vojaška godba "Landjaeger Marsch," "Boulanger Marsch," vojaška godba "Stille Nacht" "O Tannenbaum," Manhetten Kvartet 73001 73002 68005 55117 55069 55005 55136 55169 55099 ZASTONJ eno ploščo sa 75 centov in 200 glasnih igel, kdor naroči najmanj 6 plošč. Označite s x, katere ploMe želite In napišite vaš natančen naslov spodaj... Priložite Money Order aU ček In pošljite ml ta oglas. THE NORTH AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY Edina slovenska banka v Clevelandu, Ohio. GLAVNI URAD: PODRUŽNICA: 6131 St. Clair Avenue 15601 Waterloo Rd. GLAV NIČNO PREMOŽENJE POL MILIJONA DOLARJEV CELOTNO PREMOŽENJE NAD S MILIJONOV Na tej slovenski banki vložite denar brez skrbi in vam nosi tepe obresti. Kadar hočete poslati denar v staro domovino, pofiljite ga ) najceneje po naši banki. SPREJEMAMO HRANILNE VLOGE TUDI PO POSTI Is stare domovine se že oglašajo sa koledar Jo is Amerike. Neki rojak is Kosarič. oošta. Stari trg pri Rakeka, Pile, da ima tukaj troje sorodnike in ždl. da ma pošljejo naš koledar. Mnogi Imate doma ovoje. Spomnite se Jih. Ker mnogim ni mogoče, da bi Jim poslali božične darove v denarja, pošljite Jim vsaj koledar r znamenje, da fte niste pozabili na nje. Kdor pa le more, naj se Jih spomni tudi s darovL Kakor vsako leto. tako Imamo tadi letos lepe. velike koledarje, ki so sa PožUJatev selo primerni. Doma se takih koledarjev zelo razveselijo In imajo celoletni spomin od vas. ako Jim pošljete ta koledar. Mi smo vsako leto poslali po naročilih naših odjemalcev do par tisoč koledarjev v staro domovino, ln so vam bili ado hvaležni sa iste. Tudi t® leto Jih imamo sa odjemalce ta ln sa požlljatev v stari kraj. Prosimo pa. da ne bi odjemalci jemali koledarjev sa sebe in iste sami pošiljali v stari kraj. kajti to bi bUo izkoriščanje. Bil radi damo naš koledar vsaki družini zastonj v hiše. toda sa koledarje, ki ae jih pošilja t stari kraj, vprašamo le malo svotico 20 centov, sa koledar in znamke. Za en dolar pošljemo lahko pet koledarjev, in a tem razveselite pol vaaL Ml sami odpošiljamo za vas koledarje, ako Jih pri nas plačate. Pridite v našo prodajalno ali pa nam pišite! Lahko Jih naročite v glavni trgovini ali pa pri podružnici v Collin woods. Anton Grdina in Sinovi 6019 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, O. ZA PRAZNIKE Skupno potovanje Ako ste namenjeni za božične praznike v stari kraj. tedaj Je v vašem interesa, da se pridružite svojim rojakom na glavnem božičnem skupnem potovanju Slovencev NA 1L DECEMBRA. Nudijo se vam Izredne ugodnostL Takoj pišite za vsa potrebna pojasnila na spodnji naslov. Denarne pošiljke Božič Je čaa denarnih pošiljk v stari kraj. Ako le morete, se spomnite potrebnih svojcev s primernim darom, četudi majhnim; vsak dolar bo dobrodošel. — Naša denarna nakazila za božič, poslane po naši trrdki, bodo hitro in zanesljivo dostavljena v starem kraju, pa bodisi že v dinarjih, lirah, dolarjih ali drugi valuti. Vsa pisma In. druge pošiljke naslovite na: Leo Zakrajšek 630—9th Avenue, NEW YORK, N. Y. Nase zveze s staro domovino v vsoh dsnaraifc neprskoaljivs. VI iivits lahko kjerkoli žirom Edrafenib Driav ia vendar is vsa mogoč« poslati denar r atari kraj potom nato bank« prav tako točne in zanesljiv* kot da bi priill sami osebno hs banko. NASE CENE BO PO DNEVNEM KURZU podvržen« spre membl, toda zmerne ia po-itene. Denar pošljemo kot zahtevano ali v dolarjih ali pa v dinarjih po denarnih nakaznicah, plačljivih po staro-krajski polti ali pa v čekih (draftu); plačljivih po tamožnjib bankah. POSKUSITE NAŠO DENARNO POilLJATEV in prepričani bodita, da boste zadovoljni. Pilite nam ali pa pridit« ssmi poizvedeti dnevn« cene in jih potem primerjajte z onimi, ki jih dobite drugje. Nai« po-žiljatve bodo dosegle vsže ljudi nsj U ti iive v kaki zakotni gorakl vasici ali pa v največjem mestu, v kolikor najkrajiem času mogoča, Vsi nsži bančni posli so podrvieni nadzorstvu zvezne vlad«. Kapital in reaervni sklad nai« baake presegs svoto 1740.000 km fte mak varnosti sa vai " JOLIET NATIONAL BANK CHICAGO IN CLINTON 81. 1? JOLHT, fLU Wa Rodmoad, proda Chss. a Peste«, ksgtt J«e«ph Dvsda, pom si. kasir F. KERŽE, 1142 Dallas Rd. N. E. CLEVELAND, O. K. S. K. J. Društvom: Kadar naročate zastave, regallje ln drugo, pazite na moje ime ln naslov, če hočete dobiU najboljše blago za najnižje cene. Načrti ln vzorci ZASTONJI «iiiiiiiiMiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiniiitnmmum»»tttrtnn?!mniiuuu NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA. Ime.. Naslov___________ Se vam priporočam vai rojak Anton Mervar House 6021 ST. CLAIR AVE. CLEVELAND, OHIO ^IIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIUIIIIIIIHIIUUHIHIIII slovenski , dnevniki imate v svoji hiši, ako | i zahaja v vašo hišo 'Ameriška Domovina' | i ki izhaja dnevno. Prinaša vse s jvetovne novice, slovenske vesti E is cele Amerike, krasne, ori- £ ginalne povesti, članke ter dosti S ea šalo in za pouk. Naročite s se. Naročnina po Ameriki le s •5.50 sa celo leto. E Lepe tiskovine § lahko naročita ob vsakem časa 5 v tiskarni "Ameriške Domovi- j§ ne," vam bodo točno ln po S najbolj smernih cenah postregli. S Se priporočamo. S Potrtega srca naznanjam v;tm sorodnikom, prijateljem in znanccm tužno vest, da je moj ljubljeni soprog George Malovrh po samo petdnevni bolezni dne 20. novembra umrl. Pokopan je bil 24. novembra na Calvary pokopališču. Pokojnik je bil rojen leta 1865 v vasi Babna gora. fara Polhov gradcc; v Ameriki je živel 30 let. Zadnjih 15 let Je bil za orga-nista in cerkovnika pri hrvatski fari sv. Pavla v Clevelandu. V prvi vrsti izrekam lepo hvalo g. župniku Rev. M. O. Do-mladovacu za opravljene cerkvene pogrebne obrede in lep govor cb krsti pokojnika. Hvala cerkvenim pevcem za petje in žalo-stinke; hvala tuni častitlm šolskim sestram in šolski mladini za na~top pri sprevodu. Hvala društvu sv. Vida, št. 25 KSKJ za darovani venec in lepo spremstvo pri pogrebu. Posebna hvala Mr. Geo Gorniku, iskrenemu prijatelju pokojnika, ki je bil noč in dan pri njemu. Lepa hvala družini Prank Soklič v Lorainu za izraženo sožalje in rože. Lepa hvala hrvatskemu Altar nem u društvu "Krunica," ker so prišle molit za pokojnika ln za udeležbo pri pogrebu. Posebna zahvala sledečim, ki so prišli na pogreb iz daljnega Jolieta, 111.: Mrs. Mary Golobič, Mrs. Anna Staudohar. Mrs. Mary Donovan, Mrs. Bara Gasparič in Mr. Anton Golobič. Hvala sledečim, ki so darovali za sv. maše zadušnice: Mrs. Agnes Bratci, ta rojakinja je dne 2. decembra tudi umrla; Mrs. Josephine Dragonič, Mrs. Eva Ponikvar, družina V. Mola. Mr. Prank in Mrs. Mary Kenik, Mr. John Hrovat, Helena in George Achčin, Mr. in Mrs. Prank Zavirsek; v Lorainu'. Mr. Gabriel Klinar, Mr. Andrew Klinar, Mrs. Zortz in družina, in Mr. Prank Pavlich; v Jolietu, 111.: Mrs. Mary Golobič, Mrs. Anna Staudohar. Mr. in Mrs. Simon Šetina in družina Josip Erjavec. Vence in rože so darovali sledeči: Mr. Anton Gerjol. Mr. Blaž Gerjol, Mr. in Mrs. Nick Perencevic, pevski zbor cerkve sv. Pavla, Mr. Anton Šarlija, Prank. John in Theresa Shiffrar. -družina Žlindra, Julia's Flower Shoppe, družina Ignac Slapnik, družina Ralph Cebrun, Paul in Anna Draganič in družina, Mr. George Gornik, Mr. John Skuly, družina Anton Grdina Sr., družina Mrs. Louis Knaus, Mrs. Zorman, in uslužbenci Stahl Gear and Machine Co. Ako sem morda v naglici v tej zahvali kako ime izpustila naj se mi to oprosti. Končno izrekam tudi lepo zahvalo pogrebnemu zavodu A. Grdina in Sinovi za lepo oskrbo pogreba Pokojnika priporočam v molitev ln blag spomin. Delo rajni Je dovršil, zanj je delavnik končal, in Gospod ga je poklical, da bi mu plačilo dal. Z Bogom George, le mirno spavaj večno spanje v grobu tem, v raju svetem pa uživaj, radost nam neznano vsem! Mary Malovrh, žalujoča soproga. Cleveland, O., meseca decembra,* 1931. JOSIP ZELE IN SINOVI POGREBNI ZAYOD V CLEVELANDU. OHIO 0502 ST. CLAIR AVENIJE Tel.: ENdieott 05M COLLI NWOODSKI URAD: 452 E. 152D STREET TeL: KEnmore Silt Avtomobili in bolniški voa redno in ob vsaki url na razpolaga Mi smo vedno pripravljeni s najboljšo postrežbo """'.............."""""................ .................................................... "With the coming of winter, darkness predominates, and nature is benumbed with the rigors of cold. We then like to withdraw to the quiet and warmth of our homes. In similar spirit the cycle of winter feasts is mainly of a meditative character. In the midst of the spiritual darkness of a sin-benumbed world the Church sees arising within herself the light and the heavenly glory of Christ. This coming of the divine Light in the wintry night of earthly life is—Christmas." Such are the opening words of Father Haering, O. S. B., in hie essay on Advent. But before the feast of the birth of our Savior comes Advent, which means a preparation for the coming of our Lord. It should also remind us of the long waiting of the world before the time of our waiting for another coming. We distinguish a threefold Advent: 1. The arrival of Jesus upon earth af His birth. Think of Him as a helpless Babe, read} and willing to bless you. 2. The arrival of Jesus in the hearts of men. He comes to you in Holy Communion ready tc grant you every desire. 3. The arrival of Jesus at the Last Judgment when He will come in all glory and splendor. Nature with her shortening days and lengthening nights, with her cold wintry days recalls those dreary times before our Lord's coming. The quiet season of Advent suggests that we withdraw from di^ractia0 worldly pleasures and encourages us to do penance. attend the meeting When a friend of ours has a birthday, we like to remember her with a little gift as a token of our love and appreciation. Have you ever paused to think who your greatest friend is? He is an ever changeless Friend and we can always be sure of His love. When all human friends fail, this divine Friend is eagerly waiting to help us. He has given us countless gifts* gifts that are more precious than life itself. Don't you think it would be well to prepare a gift for Him during the season of Advent and present it to Him on Christmas?. Won't you join in with the Blessed Virgin of Mary Sodality, Joliet, in offering Him a Spiritual Crib, consisting of: A bedstead of gold Stations of the Cross Ten little slats Ten Rosaries A little apring Abstain from candy A soft mattress An act of contrition Two fine little sheets Two aspirations A small white blanket Litanies of the Holy Name A little blue comforter Spiritual visit to the Blessed Sacrament A silken coverlet Spiritual Communion A little white spread An act of kindness A pillow of down Receive Holy Communion a« often as possible A silken garment act of love r-* A gift for the Blessed Mother Salve Regina Aloysius' Lodge, Chicago, IU. The regular monthly meeting of St. Aloysius' Lodge, No. 47, will be held Saturday, Dec. 12, in St. Stephen's Church hall and will be called to order promptly at 7:30 p. m. This is a most important meeting of the year. It affects every individual member of our lodge. At this meeting the rules and by-laws of our lodge will be reviewed and improved if necessary. Election of officers will be held to guide the destiny of our lodge in the coming years. All the members are cordially invited to attend this meeting and to help improve the rules and by-laws of our lodge BROOKLYN KNIGHT The annual lodge elections are here. Our active members everywhere are gleefully planning to attend en masse the yearly lodge meetings, to elect or re-elect such members as will prove worthy of their positions entrusted to them by the membership. Occupying a lodge office means work—work in the right direction. By earnest work a lodge officer can accomplish much, and your lodge aspirations can be realized with comparative ease. Such is the duty of all the lodge officers; he or she owes it to his lodge, to his membership and to the society. Attend your yearly lodge meeting and select and elect wisely members whose merits vouch that they will exert their ability for the advancement of the lodge intelligently and honestly, and that their endeavors will be a credit to you and your lodge in every respect. Discard all personal grudge, bury your prejudices and on election day perform your lodge duty businesslike and systematically. Be active! The easiest way for any member to get interested in his lodge work is by attending meetings and by taking part in discussions in progress at the meetings. That will automatically bring you into your lodge activities. Inactivity stagnates your lodge progress as well as your interest in the lodge. There should always be "something going on." Do not be satisfied with the things aa they are. Be alert in every respect ; be lodge conscious. Show your willingness to co-operate and the result will be that your lodge will reap the desired success in abundance, materially and morally. If you plan with serious thought, your lodge enterprises must succeed. So if you have certain good and hard working men or women imbedded in your mind for different individual offices, jot their names down on your ballots. Notice of Meeting On Sunday, Dec. 13, St. Ann's Society, No. 139 KSKJ, is to hold its annual meeting in St. Roch's Hall on Sixth St., h» Salle, 111. As this is the big meeting of the year, every member is requested to attend. Election of officers will take place at this time—a very important fact to be considered. Think of those who work for the KSKJ lodge in your town. Are they efficiently holding their positions? 11' so, see to it that they are reelected. The attendance of each and every member will be greatly appreciated by the officers of St. Ann's. -o- best to our ability; also to select members who will conscientiously fulfill the duties of office. The members are requested to meet their financial obligation to our lodge, if possible. Any member financially unable on account of unemployment to make remittance is sincerely invited to attend the meeting personally and explain his or her condition to the members. Consequently, the members will endeavor to find the means to help those affected. In appreciation of our grand Catholic organization, the beautiful calendars for the year 1832 will be distributed to the members. Members will kindly consider this invitation to attend this meeting in the lull number for the benefit of our lodge membership as well as for our grand Catholic organization, except if a member is unexpectedly prevented to do so. Reserve the date and time— Saturday, Dec. 12, 7:30 p. m. In the name of our lodge we wish all the members and their families, as well as the membership of our grand Catholic organization, a Merry Christ-mass and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Fraternally yours, Frank Kozjek, Pres. Joseph Kremesec, Sec'y. Math Kremesec, Treas. —-o- KNIGHTS OF ST. MICHAEL No. 61, Youngstown, O, Is submitting contributions to Oar Pag«, plsase consider the following: 1. Usa ona aids of paper only. 2. Manuscripts written In pencil viU not bo considered. 3. If possible typswrlts material, using double-epaeer.. 4. All contributions must be signed by suthor. Name will bo withhold from publication by request. 5. Material must bo recoivod by Our Page net later then 8 a. m. Saturday prk. to intended publication. 6. Manuscripts will not be returned. 7. Address communicstions to Our Page, 0117 St Clair Ave., Cleveland, O. Notice of Meeting The Frederick Baraga So- ciety, No. 93, Chisholm, Minn., will hold its annual meeting Sunday, Dec. 13, 9:30 a. m. at Sartori Hall. Election of officers for the ensuing year will be in order. Other important business will also be discussed, consequently every member is requested to attend this meeting. Any member who fails to attend this meeting will be assessed a fine of 50 cents. Don't fail to attend! John J. Sterle, Sec'y. o- Get the Page Habit! Members will kindly note that our lodge will hold its annual meeting Dec. 20, 2 p. m., in the SS. Peter and Paul Church Hall. Election of officers as well as discussion of important topics will be in or^ der. A fine of $1 will be imposed upon every member failing to attend this meeting. Members in arrears will please mak« their payment at this time. Joseph Zitnik, Sec'v. -o- To the Members of the Y. L. S. of Waukegan, 111. As the annual meeting will be held Friday, Dec. 11, at 7:30 p. m., to elect officers and to discuss the program for the coming year, all members are urgently requested to be present. Anne G. Slana, Sec'y. Principal in "Wedding" Miss Sophie Zalar last week was the principal figure in the "Wedding," a one-act play presented under the auspices of the Community Centei Dramatic Club at Collinwood High School. The presentation was one of the three plays presented that evening. meeting dates Members, note when your lodge meets and show your interest in the Union by your attendance. Practically all lodges assess a fine for non-attendance. Dec. 9 No. 239, Cleveland, O. No. 208, Butte, Mont. No. 191, Cleveland, O. Dec. 10 No. 218, Calumet, Mich. No. 243, Barberton, O. Dec. 12 No. 47, Chicago, 111. Dec. 13 No. 170, Chicago, 111. No. 69, Great Falls, Mont. No. 77 .Forest City, Pa. No. 86, Rock Springs, Wyo. No. 94, Sublet, Wyo. No. 105, New York, N. Y. No. Ill, Barberton, O. No. 30, Calumet, Mich. No: 40, Hibbing, Minn. No. 65. Milwaukee, Wis. No. 109, Aliquippa, Pa. No. 145, Beaver Falls, Pa. No. 230, Montreal, Que. No. 14, Butte, Mont. No. 176, Detroit, Mich. No. 194, Canonsttfcrg, Pa. No. 226, Cleveland, O. No. 12, Forest City, Pa. No. 53, Waukegan, 111. No. 74, Springfield, 111. No. 59, Eveleth, Minn. No. 63, Cleveland, O. No. 87, Joliet, 111.' No. 91, Rankin, Pa. No. 147, Rankin, Pa. No. 93, Chisholm. Minn. No. 203, Ely, Minn. No. 3, Joliet, 111. No. 115, Kansas City, Kas. No. 174, Willard, Wis. No. 50, Pittsburgh, Pa. No. 139, La Salte, 111. No. 163, Pittsburgh, Pa. No. 196, Gilbert, Minn. No. 190, Denver, Colo. No. 92, Pittsburgh, Pa. No. 143. Joliet, 111. No. 85, Lorain, O. No. 178, Chicago, 111. No. 217, Salida, Colo. No. 223, Kirkland Lake, Ont. Dec. 14 No. 113, Denver, Colo. Dec. 17 No. 169, Cleveland, O. No. 193, Cleveland, O. Dec. 20 No .32, Enumclaw, Wash. No. 80, South Chicago, 111. No. 16, Virginia. Minn. No. 15, Pittsburgh, Pa. No. 110, Barberton, O. ,No. 135, Gilbert, Minn. No. 171, New Duluth, Minn No. 235, Portland, Ore. No. 70, St. Louis, Mo. No. 164, Eveleth, Minn. No. 216, McKees Rocks, Pa No. 198, Aurora, Minn. No. 202, Virginia, Minn. No. 75, La Salle, 111. • No. 20, Ironwood, Mich. No. 61, Youngstown, O. No. 161, Gilbert, Minn. No. 42, Steelton, Pa. Dec. 27 No. 7, Pueblo, Colo. No. 42, Steelton, Pa. Mary Immaculate Conception Lodge, No. 88, Lorain, O. The annual meeting of Mary Immaculate Conception Lodge, No. 85, Lorain, O., will be held Sunday, Dec. 13, 1 p. m., in the usual place. All members are requested to attend this meeting or otherwise be assessed a fine of $1 to be claimed by the lodge treas ury, according to the by-luws of our lodge. Members are also reminded that at the last meeting Dec. 13 was selected as communion Sunday, and all members are to receive holy communion at the 8 o'clock Mass in honor of the patron of our lodge, Mary Immaculate Conception. Please remember Dec. 13, 8 o'clock Mass, communion in a body and at 1 p. m. the meeting. Mary Pavlovcic, Sec'v. -o- IMPORTANT MEETING To the Members of the St. John the Baptist Society, No. 143, Joliet, 111. You are requested to attend the regular monthly meeting of the society, which will be held Sunday afternoon, Dec. 13, at 2 o'clock in the Slovenia Hall. As this is the yearly meeting, it is expected that every member will be present. Several important matters will be in order, including the election of society officers for the year 1932. All menjbflr^ wb,o are in arrears with their dues are requested to try to pay up at this meeting. Kindly arrange to be present at this meeting. Refreshments will be served imme-; diately after the meeting. Fraternally yours, Steve G. Vertin, Sec'y. -o Attention! An earl of Saxon had won great favor with the king. Other nobles envied him, for he stood high in the king's esteem. He was entrusted with the care of the young prince and took care of the king'? household. Important documents would be given to no one except to the Earl of Saxon. Then one day an enemy of the the king offered the earl precious jewels and costly ornaments if he would betray the king and give the enemy one of the important documents. At first the earl remained loyal to the king, but as the temptation increased the earl finally yielded. For his high treason he was deprived of all his possessions; he lost the trust and confidence of the king; he was outlawed from the country. As a result his children, instead of being members of a royal family, were born under the ban of exile, in poverty and misery. Because of their ancestor's crime they were outcasts from the country that should have been their native land. * * ♦ Between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers stood a gar- was exempt from original sin. The Immaculate Conception means that Mary's soul was created in the state of grace.* It means that her soul through a special grace of God and in behalf of the merits of Christ was never tainted with original sin, but that it was always radiant with the light of divine grace. Compared with other souls, Mary's soul is as a peerless bride clothed in majesty. Depression seems to be hitting every nation, every corporation, every individual, no matter in what position or state of life he may be. But there is one place where there is no depression. There is one man whose profits are ever increasing. The place is hell, and the man is the devil. Impurity is the cause of prosperity in hell. If you saw a highway robber attack a helpless traveler, would you not rush to the aid of the traveler? There is a highway robber who comes into our daily lives. He is the devil and he rides on a swift charger. He attacks and conquers many souls, for his weapons against purity. Many falter and fall by the wayside, victims of his wickedness and intrigue. The sodalities of the United den called Paradise. God raised States have resolved to wage a nobleman whom He called Adam. By God's goodness and liberality, he was raised to that state of divine favor and royal war against this highway robber of souls by devotion to the Blessed Virgin. The sodalities are sponsoring a triduum which dignity which we call superna- ■ may be made any time betWeen tural grace. He, too, as the I Sunday, Dec. 6, and Thursday, Earl of Saxon, turned against Dec> 17> The triduum consists ATTEND your local lodge meeting this month. The Sacred Heart of Jesus* Society, No. 70, St. Louis, Mo., will hold its annual meeting Dec. 20 in the usual meeting place. Everyone is requested to attend. Following the meeting a luncheon will be served and the members will be entertained by one of our member? who will offer some new selections on his accordion. All this will be free, so you cati't afford to miss it. Let's not stress the entertainment too much, but let us remember that we have work to perform. Election of officers will be in order. Put the best man in the best place; in order to do this you must be present at 2 p. m. sharp. Attend the meeting and do your duty! Fraternally, A. J. Skoff, Sec'y. -o- Notice of Meeting The Young Men's Holy Name Society of the Sacred Heart Church, Barberton, O., wil) hold an important meeting Friday evening, Dec. 11. in the parish clubhouse. Elections will be held and basketball will be discussed. All members are requested to attend. -o-- When a woman is away from ! home two weeks her husband is j apt to use all the napkins in the (house for washrags. -o-- The people who are paid to be good never earn a very big salary. the King. For his treason he and his descendants were outlawed from God's kingdom and found themselves deprived of all supernatural graces and privileges. Deprived of the favor of the King, their lot was suffering and misery. This state of deprivation of God's grace is called original sin. It makes the soul dead in the eyes of God. The Blessed Virgin of Mass and Holy Communion for three days and is to be offered for the intention of the Holy Father, for our own intention and that we may be protected against the sins of impurity. We may rest assured that Mary's petitions for us to her divine Son rise from a heart all s blaze with purest love, and therefore her prayer will never alone j be refused. -o- Organize League The Mother of God Church. Waukegan, 111., is organizing a basketball league for the winter season and so far the following teams have entered: The St. Joes and the St. Mary's KSKJ teams, the Holy Family team and the school alumni Some keen competition is promised and many a hard battle will be fought before the sea son ends. -o- Card Party The Christian Mothers Society, La Salle, 111., will sponsor a card and bunco party for the benefit of the church on Thursday, Dec. 17, at 8 p. m., in St. Roch's Hall on Sixth St. Bridge, euchre and bunco will be played. There will be refreshments after the games. The entire proceeds are to go for the benefit of the church. The society will also sponsor A Word of Thanks We wish to thank every one who was so kind as to remember us on our silver (25th) wedding anniversary with a surprise party and several beautiful gifts. Your generosity and kind wishes will always remain greatly appreciated. We thank you once again! Mr. and Mrs. John Gottlieb, Chicago, 111. Veselica a Success Oil Thanksgiving Day the members of the Holy Name Seniors, assisted by the Christian Mother Society, held an old-time veselica in the school, lower hall. Geese and turkey galore. The entire proceeds of the affair went for the benefit of St. Roch's Church, La Salle, 111. -o- K. C. K. Announces Kansas City, Kas. — The Young Men's Social Club of this city will sponsor a dance j a similar party Dec. 10, at 2 Jan. 7 in the newly decorated p. m., for the benefit of the Holy Family hall at 515 Ohio Benedictine Sisters of St. Roch's Ave. The young men extend School. in invitation to everybody. -o---o- KSKJ vs. SNPJ Sport Scores Heavy Pittsburgh KSKJ Boosters Joe Oros, forward, tallied 17 will meet the undefeated SNPJ points and was the big factor in ! Morning Star bowling five in a helping Collinwood High nose match scheduled for 2 p. m. out Cleveland Heights, 34 to Dec. 13. The teams will toe the 33, in a basketball tilt Friday line on the Slovenian Audito- night. Joe is the same Mr. Oros rium alleys. Rooters from both who wore and performed in a organizations will witness the,St. Joseph Sports KSKJ base-rollings. i ball suit this year. flashes win first from comrades By O. P. SporU The entire Grdina KSKJ CHICAGO JUGOSLAVS CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY By Florian Booster About 6,000 Jugoslav people Flash squad was responsible j of Chicago and surrounding for a 20 to 5 victory over the j cities of the Midwest jammed Comrades on the bill that lifted | the spacious Ashland Boule-the curtain of the Cleveland Jvard Auditorium Sunday eve-Girls' Interfrat Basketball ning, Nov. 29, to celebrate the League last Wednesday night, j 13th anniversary of the United Steiss led the Flash attack Kingdom of Jugoslavia. This with six pointers, alternating I huge celebration was designed with Fran Malovrh, who col-! to aid in swelling the joint lect«?d four. The Comrades tal-! emergency relief fund for the lied one field goal and had dif- unemployed of Chicago, also a ficulty penetrating the Flash part of Chicago's Carnival of PACKING PARTY GIVEN BY Y.L.S. IS SUCCESS defense. The George Washingtons won their first game in two years of league play by besting the Progressives, 14 to 11. The two-time champ Sokols were favored to beat the Masks, but the mystery team fooled the dope-sters and won 22 to 14. The Dehler Flashes hook up with the formidable Masks in the final of the bill scheduled for Dec. 9. Because of their win over the Sokols, the Masks are slight favorites. However, although beaten twice in league play by the Masks last year, the Flashes trimmed the Masks on the eve of the latters' championship bid. The green and white Kay Jays have a smooth running team, with a defense that just can't be penetrated. The girls all seem to "have the eye" and before the season is over should be well on top. And if you use chips, place even piles; one or two extra on the Flashes should be safe. Results Dec. 2 Nations. On this occasion Slovenes, Croats and Serbs min gled and fraternized in a spirit of good-will and friendship. An elaborate program was presented, in which all three nationalities participated; some of them were garbed in characteristic national attire of beautifully embroidered handiwork which lent vivid color to the spectacle. There were interpretations of various folksongs and dances, and a magnificent choral arrangement of massed singers representing all prominent singing societies in Chicago. The Slovenian group included among them were Adria, Slovan and Svoboda. Rene Maison, great Belgian tenor of the Chicago Civic Opera, rendered several brilliant and familiar songs and received an enthusiastic ovation from the audience. The Serbian kolo was fantastically interpreted by a score of lively youngsters, who danced vividly to the fast, stirring music of the tamburitzas. The program wa? concluded with a colorful tableau scene which included the j three nationalities, featuring the "Guslar," with a unique instrument, who droned out a stirring monody about the tra-I ditions of the nation. The program was augmented by a list of prominent speakers, including Mayor Anton Cermak, Dr. George Kolombatovich, consul general of Jugoslavia; Brig. Gen. John V. Clinnin and John R. Palandech, president of the Foreign Language Press Association. Dancing was in order ning. The importance of this affair can only be stressed by the interest that was displayed. There Wednesday, Dec. 9 j were group representation? Comrades vs. Washingtons, i from various localities and 7:15 p. m. ; neighboring cities, and the ros- Progressives vs. Sokols, 8[ter contained a list of notables p. m. land professional individuals Flashes vs. Silver Masks, from every walk of life. Out- R ode.If........ I-aurieh.rf Steisi.c___. Pate.lv------- Zalar. r» -LauricK.Jr Malovrh c Suhad'nik.lf Malovrh.If Flashes I Comrades G. F. T. G. F. T. _____ 0 0 0 nrueh'ch'rjf 0 1 1 S Snydcr,rf..„ 1 0 2 6; Spik.c..... S GrmsekJc --- 0 Peterlin.rjr . 1 Stn.nonik.rf 4 M.Spik rf._ 2! 1| Totals 1 _| Totals 8 4 20 Washingtons Progressives G. F. T. G. F. T. Goreneie.lf • 1 1 ZelleJf______ 2 S 7 Jaklich.rf s T 11 Roberts rf 0 0 0 Hamilton.c. 0 0 o Seson.c........ 1 2 4 Hamilton.re 0 0 0 H.Lebar.lu.. S 0 0 K rebe l.Ik -- 1 0 2 M.Lebar.re 0 S • Vnetji____ 0 0 0 Totals 3 8 14 Kants.r*.... s 0 0 A.Kants.ru . 0 0 0 Totals 3 6 11 Sokols Silver Maslu G. F. T. G. F. T. Brexovar.lf 1 1 3 Foutes.Jf.... t 1 5 S la per .tf... 1 S 5'Osieekie.rf.... t 0 * Knaus.e_____ a S 4I Doljaek.c ... 4 2 10 Klope« lc-- 0 • 0; Arthur I*.... 0 3 S Gasperec.rs 1 0 2 Kastelic.rs S S 0 Hlatnik.le. 0 0 «| Englehart,lf s S 0 K ms h Ian.If 0 0 •1 Debevec.ls . 0 0 . o 1 Totals 8 6 22 Touts s 4 14! Last year the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary of St. Joseph's Church, Joliet, 111., sponsored a packing party for the benefit of the missions in pagan lands. But this year the sodality sponsored a packing party for the benefit of the needy of our parish and they are lo be helped first. On Sunday, Nov. 29, the parishioners of St. Joseph's Parish came in great numbers to the Slovenia Hall and brought bundles of new and old clothe* for the needy. The party was a success beyond our expecta-tions.^ The donations were many, so that many will be helped during the coming winter, especially the little children of our school. The sodalists wish to extend their thanks to all the donors for their donations for the poor. May God bless them for their kindness. We wish to extend our gratitude to Messrs. Edward C. Stukel, Edward S. Mutz and Fred Kern for their help at the various booths. These gentlemen worked hard, and for their work the packing party was such a grand success in a financial way. The proceeds of this party will be used for the purchase of supplies for the Christmas baskets which will be distributed among the needy of the parish. We wish also to extend our thanks to the committee of the sodality members who had charge of this work and who worked so willingly for the success of the packing party. The credit for the success of the party is due in the first place to the head of the committee, Miss Elizabeth Znidersich, who for weeks donated her time and work for its success. We thank also the members of this committee, the Misses Mayme Gas-pich, Elizabeth Mutz, Mary Ogulin, Lillian Grayhack, Irene Bluth, Mary Stukel, Bertha Mutz, Anna Mutz, Agnes Go-vednik, Amalia Bezek, Henrietta Brunskol, Gertrude Brun-skol, Frances Planine, Anna Planine, Frances Gaspich, Catherine Stefanich, Mary Verdnik, Mary Judnich, Julia Verdnik. Helen Mutz, Lucille Zivetz. Once more we say, "Thank KSKJ ATHLETIC BOARD John Churnovich, chairman, 904 N. Hickory St., Joliet, 111. Anton Grdina Jr., 1053 E. 62d St, Cleveland, O. F. J. Sumic, 222—57th St, Pittsburgh, Pa. John J. Kordish, 325 Howard St., Chisholm, Minn. Pauline Treven, 1229 Lincoln St., North Chicago, 111. Rudolph Maierle, 1120 W. Walker St., Milwaukee, Wia. you i" Mavretic-Jaklic Nuptials 8:45 p. m. [standing among them were the members of the Jugoslav diplomatic corps, which included several prominent Slovenes. Early Thanksgiving Day the j The consul general of Poland nuptial Mass was read for Miss and consul general of Czecho-Mary Mavretic of Harrisburg, | Slovakia were also among the Pa., and Mr. Paul Jaklie of | distinguished guests. The KSKJ Cornwall, Pa. Miss Mavretic was represented by two Su-was a member of the Little preme Board members, M. Jo-Flower Sodality of the St. Pe |Seph Zalar and William F. ter's Church in Steelton, Pa., j Kompare, the latter also a and was very popular with the member of the committee in younger set both in church and j charge of the affair. social activities. The newly- -o- weds were given a surprise din- Successful Banquet ner at the bride's home, leav The banquet and dance that ing from there on a honeymoon took place in Steelton, Pa., on employed as a draftsman -o —DEADLINE S A. -o M. SATURDAY— Organize New Choir trip to the New England states. the eve of Thanksgiving Day They will make their home in was a huge success. Among the Cornwall, where Mr. Jakiic is | Slovenian folks there were over 100 guests from Shamokin, who helped to make this auspicious occasion more joyful. The hall was packed by the merry-making throng that A new junior choir for Slo-1 »urged within. There seemed venes in Oglesby is being! to be a mutual feeling of friend-planned. The first gathering shiP among the guests and was held Sunday, Nov. 29. Fa- home folks. The dance broke ther Bernard, who is organiz-1 UP in the wee small hours in the ing this choir, was more than j morning. pleased by the response of the -P- young people. He said that the! Grocery Shower outlook for the project was The regular monthly meet very promising. The young Slo- in8 of the Y. L. S., Dec. 14, at venes were very much enthused St. Roch's Hall, La Salle, 111., is and promised to co-operate j to be turned into a grocery B. V. M. Sodality. -o- CHISHOLM KAY JAYS CLICK WITHOUT COACH with Father Bernard to make this a success. BOOST K. S. K. J. SPORTS I shower for the benefit of the Benedictine Sisters of St. Roch's School. Each member is requested to bring her donation The boys playing on the Kay Jay basketball team have nol had any tutoring from any coach. None of them have played on any organized team other than that sponsored bj the lodge. Yet some of thest boys are promising basketball players. All the coaching is done by boys on the team, whe submit ideas to a captain-manager and he carries out the bes' points in the group ideas. In the coming years the Chisholm Kay Jays expect to put up a very strong team. There are several boys that are playing with the high school team. The promising stars are Joe Ekart, Stanley Laurich and Ludwig Kordish. The former two were members of the last year's team that was defeated by Glencoe in the state championship playoff. Due to a ruling in the high school, these boys are not able to play with the Kay Jays. Basketball is one of the most popular games here. Games arc well attended by members and the other townsfolks. Chisholm is putting a strong bid for the Minnesota KSKJ championship. Rudolph Gazvoda. SPONSOR BENEFIT FOR NEEDY MEMBERS By F. J. Sumic The sodality girls of the St. Nicholas' Parish, Millvale, Pa., last Sunday entertained some 700 people with a play and reception, sponsored for the benefit of unemployed members of St. Michael's Lodge of the KSKJ. The program included the presentation of a play under the direction of the good Sisters of the parish school ind the encouragement of the pastor, the Rev. 2agar; national songs by the renowned Croatian Singing Society Javar; selections by a youthful violinist, and the supreme treat to the audience the singing of Louis Katusin. The program opened with a short talk by Matt Brozenic, president of St. Michael's Lodge, who emphasized the benefits derived by membership in the KSKJ. He begged all to folhv the banner of St. Michael's'Lodge .in its march for progress in the KSKJ. Frank J. Lokar, supreme officer of the KSKJ, speaking in the Croatian language, gave a descriptive talk outlining the Union from the date of organization to its present-day excellence. He also enumerated the benefits possible through insurance in the KSKJ. In. the English language he implored the younger element to join a fraternal organization that stands for all the:ideals of their respective race. In closing, he invited the young people to join the KSKJ Booster Club, an organization free of assessment? and dues and open to all KSKJ members of Pittsburgh and vicinity. The play centered around a wretched old woman, who, in her greed for hoarding, lost a vager of $200 because she could not hold her tongue for two hours. The audience was in sympathy with the torment ed creature. The cast included the Misses Margaret Moguš, Mary Modrič, Anne Belanic, Mary Yagish, Rose Simunič, Anne Cunič, Catherine Moguš, Barbara Pi-pic, Barbara Salupek, Anne Yagish, Barbara Pavkovic, Victoria Stokan, Mary Simunic, Sophie Libric, Mary Rudar and Mary Cvekovic. Such fine talented ladies would be just the proper members of the KSKJ Booster Club. You are invited, girls; -o- VIC WILL PLAY WITH SALLY ANN RECEIVES APPLAUSE IN LASALLE STEELTON TEAM to this meeting. Much important business is to be discussed, therefore everyone is urged to attend. By the Buddies Steelton's St. Peters' basketball team had its first workout of this season Wednesday night in the St. Peter's Hall and look? like a formidable aggregation for any team to encounter. Rumor has it that Vic Simo-nic, the outstanding versatile basketball player of the St. Peter's team, was to retire from the field of sport activities due to injuries received last season, but by the workout and the persuasion of his teammates Vic decided that his injuries would not seriously handicap his style of playing. So the coming season may see Vic at his regular position. Vic has played basketball for over a period of 15 years and has a large collection of gold basketballs and medal? due to his spectacular playing ■ "Only Sally Ann," a comedy drama in three acts, was presented by St. Roch's Dramatic Club at St. Roch's Hall for the first time on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 29, and repeated Dec. 3. "Only Sally Ann" is the type of play that is appreciated by those who not only want to laugh but also shed a few tears. In this play the dark clouds and the sunshine race across the lives of the characters and both tears and smiles are evenly divided. One minute you will find yourself weeping with sympathy and the next you take the roof off the hall with laughter. The audience sits very tensely as Sally Ann plows through her exciting fortunes. Sally's father. Captain Ross, has left Sally with his brother's family while he sails off in quest of treasure that has been lost ages ago. This part is ably portrayed by Louis Hrovat. For a while things go well with Sally, then her relatives begin to treat her meanly and antagonistically when they learn a rumor has been spread about town that her father has been lost at sea. To top everything, Hector Larkins (portrayed by-Joseph Baznik) has been forcing his attentions on Sally— and Sally, knowing that he is an unscrupulous fellow, avoids him. Hector is murdered and Sally gets the blame. All this and the manner in which Sally is cleared of the crime, plus the merry burst of sunshine at the end of the play, makes it very interesting. The parts included stalwart old Captain Ross and his narri brother Timothy, who has been associating with the scheming Hector Larkins; the minister, who is the real thing; Crazy-Jake and appealing A1 Piper; Mrs. Ross, the mother; her spoiled daughter, Ruth, and Adeline and Hyacinth of the sewing circle, two old maids; Drucilla, sharp-tongued; Sally Ann. the plucky little girl. Martha Ross, Ann Piletic; Drucilla, Josephine ergovich; Adeline, Betty Tomazin; Hyacinth, Agnes Bildhauer; Ruth. Eleanor Newton, Timothy Ross. Anthony Kastigar; A1 Piper, known as Huckleberry, Matty Kastello; Sally Ann, Mary Bildhauer; Crazy Jake, Joseph Piletic; Hector Larkins, Joseph Baznik; Rev. Miles Vance, the new minister. Matty Bildhauer; Captain Caleb Ross, Louis Hrovat. La Sallita. PERSONALS La Salle, III.: Miss Ann Pel-ko, entertained the members of the newly organized choir at her home on Seventh St. on Saturday, Nov. 28. The guests included the organist, Miss Frances Mrezar, the choir members and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Juricic along with a party of friends from Joliet. 111. Games were played and the prizes awarded to Misses Jane Just, Barbara Repsel, Frances Jancer and Frances Mrezar. Dancing was also enjoyed and several members took turns in tickling the ivories. • At midnight a six-course luncheon was served to the guests. Misses Agnes and Evelyn Baznik, Nellie Ovnik, B. Bri-gach and Rose Urbanch motored to Lemont last Sunday, where they visited with Miss Genevieve Baznik. Rankin, Pa.: Frank Habich, secretary of SS. Peter and Paul Society, No. 91, is slowly recuperating from an operation performed on his arm for the removal of a tumor. Frank Habich Jr., who made such a splendid showing during the recent minstrel show of the Pittsburgh Boosters, had the misfortune of breaking his leg and will be incapacitated for the next several weeks. kay jays sponsor new year dance BOOSTERS BOOST PITT K. S K. J. BOWLING LEAGUE Pittsburgh, Pa.—Exactly 72 Boosters last week saw the "never die" Notre Dame team set the strong Mt. Carmel pin-sters two games in one of the most exciting and nail-biting matches rolled in the Pitts burgh KSKJ Boosters Bowling League. They also saw the Vil-lies set back the Dukes. The league is assuming the attention of all the members in this locality and were it not foi the economic situation the Booster league would have a roll call of 72 members. These Wednesday night frays afford an interest even more gripping in enthusiasm than the major sports of the country. Standing W L Pet. Mt. Carmel .......... 6 3 .666 Duquesne.............. 5 4 .555 Notre Dame.......... 4 5 .444 Villanova ............ 3 6 .333 Schedule Dec. 9 At Golob's: Mt. Carmel vs Villanova. At Kobe's: Notre Dame vs Duquesne. Dec. 16, 8 P. M. At Golob's: Mt. Carmel vs. Duquesne. At Kobe's: Notre Dame vs Villanova. F. J. Sumic, Sec'y. By Rudolph Gazvoda A tradition has been set by the older members of the Frederick Baraga Lodge in Chisholm, Minn. Every year on Thanksgiving Day some sort of a program is presented for its members and the public. Prior to the last two years a play in the Slovenian language was given and was followed by a dance program. Proceeds went to the lodge treasury. These good-hearted gentlemen gave the Kay Jays the privilege of carrying out the tradition, and the boys resorted to giving a dance at Mahne's Hall on every Thanksgiving. Last year's dance was a success and so was this year's. Because the crowd kept coming until late, dancing was extended until 1 o'clock. By extending the dancing it not only meant more publicity to the Kay Jays, but it insured the public a good time. All the members did a good share of advertising by selling tickets and talking about tne big social affair. The Kay Jays plan to give the public another treat in the near future. It has been decided that another dance will be given on New Year night at Mahne's Hall. The proceeds of the dance will go toward financing the Kay Jays' athletic program. The boys are taking a great deal of interest in the sports club and are also creating a feeling of good-will among the other Range towns which sponsor similar teams and organizations. They are boosting the KSKJ in every way. -o- Ccmplete KSKJ Booster Cast Pittsburgh, Pa.—The KSKJ was well represented at the presentation of "Boosting Bridget," staged by the Slovenian Ladies' Union No. 26 on the stage of the Slovenian Auditorium Thanksgiving night. The play, which preceded a reception, was enacted by a complete KSKJ Booster Club cast under the direction of Francis J. Sumic. Miss Rose Stampehar as Bridget threw the audience into noisy outbursts of laughter with her mimics. A dashing coed with inspiring ideas was Miss Frances Sumic, while Miss Barbara Jesih was very entertaining as she made doilies for her hope chest. An old maid from the country was Mrs. Joseph Balkovec, accomplished with her rural mannerisms. Miss Mary Bahoric portrayed a superficial society manner and Miss Elizabeth Balkovec blinded the audience with her array Of diamonds and costly jewelry. Miss Molly Sumic, poor mistress of the house, was embarrassed, bewildered and surprised as the plot developed. The Ladies' Union thanks all who were in any way responsible for the success of the program.—M. S. -o- Bunco Party The Young Men's Holy Namo Puncer, K. Delicek, M. Evanich, Society, Barberton, O., will L. Stanha, M. Veranich, S. Mil- hold a bunco party in the dub_ ler, L. Scrubey and A. Remic. houae Saturday evening, Dec. Others present were Mr. and 12 Everybody is invited to at-Mrs. F. Winkler, Mrs. Theresa tend> A gQod time is agsured Pittsburgh, Pa.: Mr. and Mrs. Jaklich, newlyweds of Cornwall, Lebanon County, spent their honeymoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rudman Sr. of Wilkinsburg. Pa. After receiving the usual instructions from their elders they departed for their home on Nov. 29. Prior to her mar riage Mrs. Jaklich was very ac tive in KSKJ circles in the Steelton, Pa., district. Milwaukee, Wis.: An un usual surprise party was held Nov. 25 in honor of Miss Frances Koren at her home on 617 W. Pierce St. The occasion was the 21st birthday of Miss Koren (Lady of Baraga), who is the organist at the St. John the Evangelist Church and directress of the women's choral club, Planinska roža. Both organizations combined to make the event one of the most outstanding and successful in local circles. The surprise was neatly executed, so much so that the young lady could not fully recover for the remainder of the evening. Her many friends showed their appreciation for her services rendered to them by presenting her with numerous gifts. Members representing St. John's choir were: The Rev. L. Gladek, pastor, Messrs. M. Pu-gel, J. Bender and F. Koren Jr., Mesdames F. Janzovnik and J. Simerl, the Misses Frances and Mary Winkler, F. Janzovnik,_ M. Pugel, J. Lemovsek, A. Per-loznik, A. Graebner and J. Simerl. The Planinska roža club was represented by Mesdames M Krapsha, Mrs. Mary Dobnik, Mrs. G. Delopst, Mrs. A. Britz, and Messrs. J. Koren, E. Loase, B. Mahoney and R. Bender. Miss Koren is prominent in her choral work with the various Slovenian lodges of Milwaukee. She plays considerable part in the production of Slovenian operettas, concerts and dramatics. North Chicago, 111.: On Nov. 30 a birthday surprise party was given by the Misses Mary Petrovič and Helen Podboy in honor of Miss Stephanie Novak all, so don't forget the date— Dec. 12. at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Novak Sr. of 1037 Wadsworth Ave. Thirty guests attended and enjoyed several popular games that were played. A buffet lunch was served during the course of the evening. Miss Novak was the recipient of a beautiful gift. On Nov. 28 announcement was made of the engagement of Miss Novak to Mr. Matthew Kochevar of Joliet, 111.