•* « L. 't- SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, III. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Advisor—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. Honorary Convention Delegate—BARBARA KRAMER, 480 Kansas St., San Francisco, Calif. * * * HOARD OF DIRECTORS: Founder MARIE PRISLAND, 10.54 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin President JOSEPHINE LIVEK, 331 Elm Street, Oglesby, 111. Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago 8, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor MARY OTONIČAR, 1110 E. 66th Street, Cleveland 3, Ohio Auditor—KATIE TRILLER, 1724 Stanton Ave., Whiting, Indiana Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. * * * DIRECTORS of Recreational and Sports Activities: Women's Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Juvenile Division—CHRISTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. * He * Managing Edit or—COR INN E LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Vice-President—FRANCES GLOBOKAR, 19192 Abbey, Euclid 19, Ohio State President oj Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 2021 So. K.K., Milwaukee, Wis. State President oj Ohio-Michigan— ANTOINETTE TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio Stale President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President oj California-Oregon-Washing ton—■ ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cal. State President of Illinois-Indiana— MARY MULLER, 1846 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: JOSEPHINE LIVEK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec'y., ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; JOSEPHINE LIVEK, ALBINA NOVAK * * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAI), CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ZARJA —THE DAWN Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union oj America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske, Zveze v Ameriki Annual Subscription ,$2.00 - Naročnina $2.00 lemo For SWU members $1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the tenth of the month. 1 'si dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 10. v mesecu. HAPPY Ul RT II D.4 Y ll\ SEPTEMBER Supreme Officers: Sept. 7 — Mary Lenich, Past Supreme Auditor, Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Sept. 1 — Barbara Rosandich, State President of Minn., Ely, Minn. Branch Presidents: Sept. 4 — Anna Rudman, Br. 65, Virginia, Min. Sept. 4 —Rose Hribar, Br. 104, Johnstown, Pa. Sept. 6 — Mary Stusek, Br. 49, Noble, Ohio. Sept. 10 — Helen Sebastiani, Br. 22, Bradley, 111. Sept. 15 — Helen Kolar, Br. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. Sept. 23 — Katherine Grahek, Br. 23, Ely, Minn. Sept. 23 — Mary Smolich, Br. 35, Aurora, Minn. Sept. 30 — Theresa Lozier, Br. 55, Girard, Ohio. Many Happy Returns of the Day! On the Cover . . . THE NEED. Four youngsters in this photo typify the children in the country today whose proper education demands new school construction at a near-frightening rate. The statistics: close to 11,600 infants born each day; even the 68 thousand classrooms being built this won’t keep up with requirements. But, September means school-time, and nothing can change the thrill of the first day at school for our fortunate American youngsters. STATE-PRESIDENT MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN EXTENDED to Dec. 31, 1959 two extra months for you to enroll a new member Special prizes will be awarded to Grandmothers who enroll their grandchildren during the S.W.U.’S "birthday" month, DECEMBER! See page 182 for all details. ZARJA “‘DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXI — No. 9 SEPTEMBER, 1959 LETO XXXI — Št. 9 MINUTES OF THE DIRECTORS’ SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING Home Office, August io, 11, 1959. The semi-annual meeting of the Board of Directors began on Monday morning, Aug. 10, 1959 at the Home Office in Chicago, 111., at 9:30 a.m. Present were the following officers: president, Josephine Divek; honorary president, Marie Prisland; secretary, Albina Novak; treasurer, Josephine Železnikar and auditors, Mary Otoničar, Katie Triller and Anne Podgoršek. The first item of business on the agenda was the examination of financial ledgers. The audits completed, a visit was made to the Metropolitan State Bank to examine the contents of the safety deposit box. All investments were found in order as specified in the secretary’s statement. The auditors expressed their satisfaction that all financial accounts and documents were found in perfect order. In the afternoon, the Directors continued the meeting with the reading of reports. Greetings to the Directors assembled at the meeting were received from former Supreme Auditor, Mary Lenich of EVeleth, Minn, and l'roni Antonia Nemgar, President of the Eveleth branch. Report of the Supreme President ESTEEMED DIRECTORS: Accept my warm greetings and wish for a successful meeting. Since our last session in January I have been busy answering letters that come into my office in regards to State Conventions. I was very happy to receive them because it showed me the eagerness and resourcefulness of the officers involved. As you all know, it has been my utmost desire for a long time to institute State Conventions in order to have closer relationship with the members to encourage membership growth. If you recall, the delegates of our membership approved this action at our last convention and seasoned fraternalists and speakers have also complimented us for taking this action. Furthermore, I would like to carry this program to realization along with the cooperation of the state presidents until it serves the purpose it is intended for. However I look forward to a great many improvements next year. The largest convention was in Ohio under the supervision of Sister President Antoinette Tanko. I attended this convention as well as the one in Illinois and had to decline the invitation from Pennsylvania due to illnes. Further announcements have been received from Minnesoto which is to be held on September 13: Wise., September 27 and California, October 11th. I have also received an invitation to the Wisconsin convention from the State President Sister Kraemer. The Colorado State Convention previously announced for August 16 has been cancelled for the time being duo to the illness of the President. California has announced that they will conduct Zveza Day on October 11. It is difficult for this state to hold a State Convention as the distance between San Francisco and Fontana is 500 miles therefore making it costly for such an occasion but San Francisco will continue with Zveza Day and this they do harmoniously and with great success. I would like to recommend a pamphlet called “The Preparation and Procedure of a State Convention”, which ev-ry state president should have for reference purposes. No doubt you have browsed through the 30tli jubilee edition of the Dawn magazine and liked it, too. This was possible only through your generosity by getting ads for which we are grateful. MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN This campaign has only G more weeks to go before its October 1st closing. Because many of the branches do not hold meetings two or three months of the year, I propose that this campaign be continued to December 19th, the birthdate of the Slovenian Women’s Union. PILGRIMAGE IN LEMONT This Pilgrimage was again a success. The donations that have been requested and received have been put to good use. The Altar, large and beautiful, was already installed in the chapel upstairs in Baraga Hall. A great many improvements have taken place and it is my wish that all members who have given so generously will come and pay a visit and see what cooperation can do. We congratulate the Fathers on their good supervision. Dedication ceremony was held August 9th with most Directors present. On Zveza Day at four o’clock, the state President sister Mary Muller called the meeting to order. First in the agenda was the appointment of the state recorder sister Brebrick of Br. 16, So. Chicago. Twenty delegates and members were present. Ways and means were discussed and everyone! promised to push the current membership drive. Our spiritual advisor Father Okorn was present and added some needed advice. South Chicago, Br. 16, wras selected to be the site of the 1960 Illinois State Convention. This meeting was held in the newly furnished meeting room in Baraga Hall. Due to the lateness of the day, no program was held at the meeting, as there was program conducted in the open in the afternoon. The President, closed the meeting with prayer at five thirty o’clock. Members of Branch 2, Chicago who have charge of Zveza Day annually, prepared meals and served one thousand pilgrims. Not only that, but the singers who are also members of the famous Choral Club, sang at the mass held at the grotto. It was a strenuous day for them, but they mastered it beautifully for which we are grateful. At this meeting we should discuss something about the time of bowling tournaments. We have many teams in Wisconsin that due to the bad weather that prevails so early in the spring, they never know if they will arrive to bowl on time. We should inform the Sports Director to look into tills matter with her officers. I would also suggest the Sports Director to try and contact Pennsylvania to form Bowling Leagues there, as there are many sports-minded members there. In my correspondence with State Presidents, I have always urged them to push the membership drive in their State I will have my circular letters to the branches ready soon to be sent out by the time they will resume with their meetings again. I hope, that we will conclude this meeting most harmoniously, be guided by the by-laws, so help us God. Josephine Livek, Supr. President Report of Secretary of Finance Committee and President of Scholarship Fund Heartfelt greetings to all assembled Directors. For the past six months, I have the following to report. In January, No. Dakota Bonds matured; they were bought, in 1937 for $3,000.00 cashed for the same. Dividends totaled $3,150.00. Also cashed were Government Bonds Series J bought for $25,000 now valued at $27,565.00. Dividends on those bonds totaled $2,365.00. Investments were made as follows: $15,000.00 U.S. Treasury Bonds bought for $14,015.63; $10,000.00 U.S. Treasury Bonds for $9,678.13; $7,000.00 U.S. Treasury Bonds bought for $6,571.25. They will mature in 1965, 1961 and 1966 respectively. The dividend rate is 4%. Bonds were also purchased in St. John Kanty parish in Milwaukee, Wise, for $6,000.00; they will mature in 1967 and carry 4%% returns. Total investments in the six month period is $36,265.01. Scholarship Fund: Six applications were received for scholarships this year but only 3 qualified. The Scholarship committee selected the following students: Patricia Hren, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn., who is studying sociology at Marquette University in Milwaukee; Joseph Widina, son of sister Agnes Widina, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa., who is studying to be a priest attending St. Fidelis College. To both students our sincere wishes that they will complete their terms with honor grades. Financial Report of Scholarship Fund: To a balance of $7,440.93, following income was received: Dividends on investments: $133.96; Anna Pachak, donation of her yearly salary as State President: $10.00; Anna Pachak, donation in memory of departed Margaret Kozjan: $2.00; Marie Prisland, donation in memory of departed Mary Fale: $5.00; total $7,591.89. Disbursements were for three scholarships (Maxine Krolnik, Rudolph Otoničar, Ronald Puhek) each: $100.00, total $300.00. Balance in this Fund as of June 30, 1959: $7,291.89. Benefit Fund Standng: The balance in this Fund was $203.65. There was no income; disbursements: $18.00; balance June 30, 1959: $185.65. Further, in regard to charity, I am happy to report that the Sheboygan clinic is sending a total of 335 pieces of used instruments to two needy medical centers in Slovenia, through my influence. The shipments will be gratefully accepted for there is great need and want in the areas where the clinics are located, namely, in Sostanj and Koper. These two towns suffered deprivation in World War II after the retreat of the Italian forces who moved from the area and took everything with them. The complete success of the various state celebrations has pleased me especially because it was a new idea for our organization and encompasses a wide area. We hope that in the next year even more interest and success will come with the expansion of this program, and all credit to our fine state presidents for their efforts. To the membership, our gratitude for their cooperation. The state day in Wisconsin will take place on the last Sunday in September in Sheboygan and we hope for a representation from all the Wisconsin branches. In July our monthly ZARJA came in a festive form celebrating its 30th year. Our young editor deserves recognition for the work involved in making it a well-edited jubilee edition. This concludes my report; I hope we will have a pleasant conference. Marie Prisland Report of the Supreme Secretary With the sincere wish that this first meeting of the year will bear fruitful results, I greet you all warmly. Today we are gathered for^the first time in the more spacious meeting room of our Home Office, since I vacated my household from the premises on July 1st to move into a home near the office. Thus, we will have more room for our office equipment and archives which are increasing with time. The office work is continuing smoothly even with the additional work concerned with the payment ot more and more death claims. In the last six months, 105 claims were paid, 100 of which were in Class A, 4 in Class B and 1 in the Junior department (the latter case being that of a member enrolled only a few months). Claims totaled: $10,000.00 in Class A, leaving a balance of only $859.70 in this fund — which shows how necessary was the 5^ per month increase in assessment in effect since January. Without the increase, this fund would be deepljr in deficit. We are all getting older, and every month the number of members reaching 80 years is growing larger, which means that their health is poor and death sooner inevitable. I am happy to report, however, that in the first few months of the current campaign, the number of new mem-bers enrolled is encouraging. But, I believe we can expect a more successful outcome of this campaign if we lengthen-the period of work for a few more months. We appeal to all officers to take interest in the campaign and bring it to a good conclusion. Among the state presidents most active is Mrs. Antonia Tanko of Ohio who has enrolled 15 new members herself and this is more than all the state presidents together. It would be heartening if some of the other presidents would take this example. In certain vicinities there are members who have left the ranks for one or another reason, and I am sure that these former members could be reinstated with a little encouragement from the officers. On Monday, May 25th two State Insurance Examiners visited the Home Office, for their regular examination, the' last such visit being 3 years ago. Their work was most thorough and complete with careful examination of all' books and investments, all ledgers and whatever pertains-to the business of our Union. They were in the office 7]/z days in all. During this period, the regular work of the office had to be done in the night-time hours, because the entire day I had to be at their call for various explanations and service. The work of the secretary’s office was found to be in order, and we can expect a complete report from the State Insurance Department office giving their official' findings. Our actuary, Carl Tiffany, was also called in to show certain operations of our business to the examiners. The cost of the Union for the state examination was $375.00 which was paid to the State Insurance Dept. As in the past, we can expect regular visits about eveiy three years or so as long as we continue to be in existence. Many of our branches observed events in the past half-year, among them was branch 95 in So. Chicago who were celebrating their 20th anniversary and held a gala banquet on May 25, which I attended. On this occasion, their veteran officer and president for all those years, Mary Mar-kezich was honored. Because of poor health, Mrs. Mar-kezich has left office, but will be ably succeeded by sister Mildred James, their new president. On June 14, I was invited to attend the Pennsylvania State Day in Strabane which brought together many members from around the Pittsburgh area. Accompanying me was sister Tanko, president of neighboring Ohio. Sister Mary Tomsic, the president of Penna., worked tirelessly to arrange a wonderful State Day and the success of the event goes to her credit. The Hon. Toastmaster of the banquet was Mr. John Bevec, Supreme Officer of K.S.K.J. July 4th found us in Ohio, attending the Ohio State Day. The “Queen” whom it was my pleasure to crown on that day, was Mrs. Molly Legat, the president of br. 14, Euclid, Ohio. As Ohio Zveza Queen of 1959, she typifies all the good things which our sisterhood promotes. The picnic of the day was enjoyable to all for it was capably arranged by sister Tanko and her cooperating committees comprised of members of all the branches in Cleveland. Perhaps the most thrilling and meaningful hour of the day was that of the appearance of the two junior drill teams making their first performance since they were organized by former Drill Team Captain sister Frances Sietz, president of br. 50 and several other equally conscientious members. The following day being the Ohio State Convention, T was happy to be present at the meeting presided by the state president, Antonia Tanko, who again showed her grand leadership. At the banquet which followed, our sister Mary Otoničar, Supreme Auditor, and her staff proved their kitchen talent Isn’t only hearsay, by providing a sumptuous dinner for 300 guests. The special personages who attended the banquet included Supreme Officers of various organizations such as K.S.K.J., S.D.Z. and S.M.Z. and Mayor of Girard as well as Cleveland councilman Kovačič who all had good words to say about the Union. Zveza Day in Lemont on July 19th was well-attended as usual and highly successful through the efforts of hostesses, br. 2, Chicago who have a working committee of very industrious members. The Choral Club of the branch showed their beautiful singing at the Mass and the officers provided all things necessary to make it an enjoyable day. The interesting afternoon program was directed by sister Leskovar. It was my first opportunity to see the new chapel in Barage Home and the magnificent altar which donated by the members of our organization who contributed over one thousand dollars. These donations came from many members and branches, the top donors being branch 1G, So. Chicago, 111., which gave over $100, branch 2, Chicago, $50, and the combined branches of Cleveland who gave $50 from their Ohio picnic profit. To one and all who were so generous, our sincere thanks! I am happy to see that sister Prisland returned home safely from her trip to Slovenia this summer. We can tell by her rested appearance that the trip and the clear air and wonderful climate of Slovenia did her good. Many members have been asking me about the possibility of having a S.W.U. excursion to Slovenia next year which would also include a pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes, Rome and a visit to the Eucharistic Congress in Munich. Now would be the time to make plans for such an extended trip, since there is sufficient time for the travel bureau to get proper reservations. In conclusion, I wish to join the many congratulations extended to ZARJA on its 30th anniversary and to the editor, Corinne Leskovar for her conscientious work. God willing, that our ZARJA will continue to voice the work and goals of our organization for many years. Albina Novak Statement of Income and Disbursements Pregled dohodkov in stroškov January 1, 1959 — June 30, 1959 Income — Dohodki: Assesment : Class A ...................... $17,375.55 Juvenile dept............ 1,022.75 Social members .......... 67.85 Class B ...................... 8,159.50 Miscellaneous ............... 379.28 Interest: Bonds — Obresti .................. 1,239.60 Savings — bančnih vlog 4,693.71 Rental Income — Najemnina..................... 870.00 Total income — Skupaj dohodki ....................... $34,408.24 Disbursements — Stroški: Death claims — Smrtnine: Class A — Razred A — 100 cases .. $10,000.00 Class B — Razred B — 4 cases .. 8^0.00 Juvenile de9. For the anniversary, and according to the last Directors’ meeting decision, a jubilee edition was planned and completed for the July issue. I know it was interesting and educational in that the issue was comprised of 48 pages with much historical data, pictures and items of Interest. In this special edition, tribute was paid to the founders of our organization, its pioneer workers and the past officers, both living and dead. It is my hope that in some future issue this year, we would have the opportunity of telling a story of the present and future life of the Union with currently interesting facts and pictures. The expense of the jubilee issue was $570.00 more than our regular 32 page monthly, and this amount was paid by the Publisher’s Fund which increased through the solicitation of ads by our diligent officers and cooperation of the branches and business people. The total contributed in advertisements was $700.50 for this issue alone. It goes without saying, that all gratitude is given to the many interested parties whose efforts helped to bring this about. I especially thank the branch officers for their part because it was chiefly through them, that the ads were collected from; all over the states. I hope their reward for the good work will be repaid a-thousandfold. In this way, the jubilee year for ZARJA was observed and I hope it was to the satisfaction of all. Besides the interesting July issue, the activities of our Union in all phases has been constantly reported. Emphasis has been placed on the branch activities and achievements, such as, anniversaries, state-days and state-conventions, bowling and the Midwest Tourney held in Da Salle this year, scholarship news and pictures, death announcements of our members and their families, and charitaoble drives instituted by the members. The May issue, as usual, was dedicated to the Mothers of our organization and carried a tribute to them in pictures and writing. One of the most successful campaigns for funds was that originated at the last semi-annual directors’ meeting, and that was for the Memorial Altar Fund for Uemont, 111., in memory of our beloved past spiritual advisor, Father Alexander and of Father Kazimir Zakrajšek, fonder of the Shrine, at Demont which our Union has grown to love. The Union showed goodness of heart and a good spirit among the branches in supporting this cause. Once again the Union led the way and we should be grateful for the acknowledgement of our work by Franciscan Fathers in their publications. The membership drives which have been of current interest continue to find support by the officers and members and seldom does any branch report end without a message of encouragement for the enrollment of new members. This is a very important activity and I trust, the Directors at this meeting wil see good results in the past few months’ work. Stress has been laid on the enrollment of juniors and this being the greatest field for prospective members, our junior activity in the branches must be strengthened in order that more interest will be aroused. On our Junior Page in ZARIA, we have appealed to the young members to contribute some material. Our most ardent writer is Donna Seitz #50, who has undertaken the job of beginning the Pen Pal Club. Since she is our most recent columnist, I couldn’t forget to mention her in this report and to encourage her in this activity. And, needless to say, I hope all our members will encourage their children to write for ZARJA and join in the junior programs intituted by their local branches. Since the last meeting, thei suggestion I proposed that more interest could be shown in promoting our Slovenian culture and history, has been carried out and this, in the form of complimentary copies of the book “This is Slovenia”, a historical — picture journal of the Slovenians, written by Dr. Rudolf Cujes, to the libraries of major cities and Catholic and other universities. The copies were sent along with dedicatory messages on behalf of the Union. 1 have received grateful answers which has made me feel we were justified in doing this. The Publisher’s Fund covered the expense. I^ast month I was indeed proud and happy to be present at the Ohio State Day and Convention where many of our officers, representing the branches in Ohio and Michigan,, met with me and discussed with me ther interest in ZARJA. My grateful thanks to the hostesses and to all who were so kind and complimentary to my work. I can say that it was an inspiration for me to be with them and to renew the fine spirit of sisterhood we feel for one another. ZARJA PUBLISHER’S FUND Balance, December 31, 195s .......................... $ 320.0ft Income: Subscriptions ........................ $ 14.00 Cuts .................................. 15.00 Advertisements ........................ 788.00 Miscellaneous ........................... 2.94 $ 819.94 Total ................ $1140.03 Disbursements: Engraving of cuts .................... $208.14 Postage .............................. 108.84 Office supplies ........................ 99.77 Commissions & awards .................. 230.00 Picture material and subscriptions 68.57 $ 715.32 Balance, June 30, 1959 ................................ $ 424.71 All reports were accepted. In conclusion, my heartfelt wish is that we continue in the same fine way in the future and that cooperation among all the ZARJA office and the officers and reporters will always be as complete. Corinne Leskovar Mrs. Elizabeth Zefran, Director of women's activities gave a verbal report which was accepted. MOTIONS AND DECISIONS Written reports from the State-Presidents announcing their fall events were read accepted. The Minnesota president, Barbara Rosandich announced their State Day on Sept. 13, 1959 in Ely, Minn. Rose Kraemer of Milwaukee reported Wisconsin State Day to be held in Sheboygan on Sept. 27, 1959. Rose Scoff reported on California State Day in San Francisco on Oct. 11, 19>59. The reports included invitations for official representation from the Supreme Board and scheduled were: Mrs. Livek to attend the State Day in Sheboygan and Mrs. Novak to go to Ely on Sept. 13th. The State President of Colorado, Mrs. Anna Pachak’s resignation from office was read but not accepted by the Board. The Directors have asked Mrs. Pachak to reconsider her decision because shet has served so well under all conditions and has the confidence of her sister members. Scholarship awards given by the Union annually will remain as they are in amount and frequency until decided otherwise by a convention assembly. Investments. The' Directors agreed that an investment will be made in Boston Fund bonds for ?G,000. Letter of Thanks sent in behalf of the membership to the Sheboygan, Wise. Clinic for sending a shipment of used hospital equipment to needy clinics in Slovenia free of cost. This was procured through the intercession of Mrs. Marie Prisland. Excursion to Europe. It was decided to sponsor an excursion to Europe in 19G0. Secretary, Mrs. Novak will be in charge of arrangements. Extensive publicizing will begin with October Zarja. State-President Membership Campaign. The term of the campaign for new members has been extended from Oct. 1, 1959 to Dec. 31, 1959 with the hopes that the Bowling season is here. No. 20, Joliet, III. — The Mid West SWU Bowling Association annouces that this impending bowling season 1959-60 will bring about a most successful bowling program for the leagues and teams affiliated. The Association also invites and encourages every SWU member who bowls to join in the association program — which eventually culminates in the grand Bowling Tournament which takes place on the week end two weeks before Easter. This year the Tournament will be held In Joliet, 111. As we know from previous experiences some of our most successful tourneys were held in Joliet — where the general entertainment program which attended the tournament was the most delightful. Joliet is already working on the preparations with many interesting features. It must be understood that bowling under the auspices of the Mid West SWU Bowling association is in no way restricted to branches in the Mid West, —it is open to every banch in the S.W.U. From Portland, Oregon — Fontana, California — Iron Ranges in Minnesota — New York City and all points in between. Membership in the Mid West S.W.U. Bowling Association is acquired by entering a team in the current tournament — there are no other charges or stipulations. The one aim of the Mid West S.W.U. Bowling Association is to make the annual tournament most inclusive — In that every S.W.U. member is afforded the privileges of participating and of winning the beautiful trophies and cash awards. That main purpose is to promote bowling as one of the recreation and sports activities of the S.W.U. It wishes to get members Interested in forming and organizing bowling leagues in their branches and in their localities for the purpose of making its tournaments bigger and bigger; also with the view of bringing the sport within the grasp of every member. The Union itself subsides bowlers in any organized team. For particular information about this, write the secretary of the Association. Statistics show that almost 30% of our membership is active in bowling — yet we have so few organized leagues and such a small number of us participating in the annual tournaments — less than 2%. Wouldn’t it be wonder- branches will increase their interest in the fall and winter months. Zveza’s Birthday Month. December is Zveza’s birthday month and this year it will be “mother’s and gradmother’s” month as well. The opportunity to enroll children and grandchildren will be encouraged by the special emphasis placed on this idea during the one month of December. The junior assessment for all children enrolled in December, 1959 will be 1.00 total for the first year. This will be a gift of the Union to the families who will work to enroll their youngsters, and a lasting tribute. Paid-up Certificate. Presently under consideration is the possibility of issuing paid-up certificates to members who join early in life. This new offer will be a big attraction for the young people who are prospective members. The new plan will, without a doubt, be one of the acceptable proposals of the coming convention giving the Union’s young members a chance to pay for the policy within a regulated number of years. Final1 claim paid. Notice was received from Kaspar American State Bank in Chicago advising that final payment will be made on claim in connection with the account of 25 years back. The meeting was adjourned at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 11th by the president who wished the Directors safe return to their homes. Josephine Livek, President Albina Novak, Record. Secret. STATE PRESIDENT OF MINNESOTA STATE ANNOUNCES STATE DAY, SEPT. 13th! We are inviting all to our Minnesota Convention to be held in Ely, Minn., on Sept. 13th. The celebration will start with a Holy Mass at 10:30 a.m. at our new church, St. Anthony’s, with Fr. Frank Mihelčič our Spiritual Advisor, officiating at the ceremony. The Banquet will be at 12:30 at the Community Center followed by a program and entertainment. Mary Huter is in charge of the program. The Convention meeting will be held immediately afterward in the Auditorium. At the conclusion of the meeting, a coffee social will top off the day’s activities and send everyone off for home feeling good. I would like to see all the branches represented at this Day and the same warm invitation to all our neighboring states and to those members who might be vacationing in this part of the state, to come to Ely and help us celebrate. Just a meminder: The campaign for new members is one which will show how active each state can be — and I hope Minnesota will take the lead and really come through with a grand number of new members. There will be some nice awards for your efforts, ladles. In Ely we are working hard to make our Statei Day a success and at the same time, to bring in some new members to the State Convention meeting, Fraternally yours, Barbara Rosandich ful if every bowler would become an active S.W.U. bowler — thereby becoming a credit to her branch, locality and the grand organization in general. Our S.W.U. annual tournament rates in the Women’s International Bowling Congress. Its importance to the congress is well known since following its progress are several top notch nationally famous stars like peer of Women’s bowling Marian Ladewig. We, the S.W.U. are a part of the big show and we wish to include all our bowlerettes in it. Josephine Sumic Pres, of the S.W.U. Mid West Bowl. Assoc. Illinois Celebrates State Day in Lemont Another “Zveza Day” has come and gone, leaving many pleasant thoughts anil memories. Despite the ominously threatening clouds, a huge crowd came to Lemont on July 19tli, to participate in the “High Mass”, celebrated by our spiritual director, Rev. Claude Okorn. We are grateful to Father for making the trip from Milwaukee. I’m sure our prayers were numerous and devout, because the rains held out until most of the crowd came indoors for dinner. Our ladies always amaze me with the sumptuous meal they prepare for such a huge crowd. This is a good opportunity to thank our splendid cooks. Some of them came on Saturday to make preparation for this great turnout. The food, as always, was delicious. They say that it’s always the same “old gang” working, but I seeaned to see a few new faces this time. Keep it up girls. In the afternoon, we held our first convention. Of the eleven branches in Illinois-Indiana, six sent delegates. We had a few guests who came with the delegates: Josephine Livek, Albina Novak, Corinne Leskovar, Kate Triller and Elizabeth Zefran were representatives of the Supreme Board. Many thanks, ladies, for your encouraging words. We had a surprise guest in Father Okorn, who also added a little humor to his sound advice. We elected Mary Brebrick of Branch #16 as our recording secretary. Also, it was decided to hold our next convention exclusive of our Zveza Day, because there is too much activity on that day and we don’t have enough time to defvote to our meeting. Therefore, Branch #16 kindly invited us to South Chicago for our next meeting. The ladies decided to have it in May, 1960. Any member of the Zveza who wishes to come is invited. I’m sure that by then, our delegates will have done some scouting in their respective branches and come up with some splendid ideas. Once again, I want to say how nice it bas been meeting and working with you. Mayme Muller, State Pres. On to Sheboygan for Wisconsin Zveza and Convention. No. 2, Chicago, III. — A cordial invitation is extended to all the members and friends to the "Big Party” on Sunday, afternoon, Oct. 11th. Hande-made pillow cases will be given as prizes. Our meeting on Sept. 10th should bring large attendance since we had no meeting in Aujrust, and I’m sure the ladies missed the monthly gathering. Will be seeing you then. Albina Novak No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Our members learned at our August meeting that the work at the Zveza Day Picnic did not go in vain. Our president, Amalia Legat, surprised us with a (at check for treasury. We hope we will do as well or even better next year. A hearty thanks to all those ■who helped. Our treasury donated $10 for the new altar which was built in Baraga Home in Lemont. As I was writing this column I had learned that another one of our mem- YOUR SAVINGS EARN MORE! Accounts Insured to $10,000.00 Current Rate per Annum 4% "Assets Over $16,000.000.00” ALICE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION "Where Hundreds Save Millions" ROBT. R. MULLEN, Jr., President P. O. Box 60 ALICE, Tex. Milwaukee, Wis. — All plans have Convention Day, which will be held in Milwaukee members can get in touch with their branch secretaries, and m/ake bus reservation Immediately. Here are the phone numbers: Mary Schimenz: Br. #12 — Br. 6-3284; Marie Floryan: Br. #17 — Sp. 4-2061; Rose Kraemer: Br. #43 — Hu 1-7357; Mary Staut: Br. #102 — Willard, Wis. Everyone is welcome. Members are urged to bring their families and their friends. Sheboygan has planned for this big event, and now it’s up to the branches to attend the gala Wisconsin Zveza Day Convention. It’s the first of its kind, let’s make it a big success. Our Honorary President, Marie Pris-land, and our Supreme President, Josephine Livek will be our honored guests. Buses will leave from St. John’s Church at 1028 So. 9th St. in Mil- been copleted for Wisconsin Zveza and Sheboygan, Wise, on Sunday, Sept. 27th. waukee at 8:30 a.m. and also from St. Mary’s Help of Christians in West Allis, at 8:30 a. m. The round trip fare is $3.00. Anyone going by car should take Highway 141. The schedule for the day: 11:30 — Low Mass — St. Cyril & Methodius Church. 12:30 — Dinner — at Church Hall. 2:00 — Program. Convention meeting will follow. Shortly after the meeting buses will return to Milwaukee. A reminder: Have you signed up a new member? If not, do so today. Just a few weeks left for the State President’s membership Drive. Your branch secretary has the forms, contact her. And now, will be seeing you all in Sheboygan, Sept. 27th. Rose Kraemer, State Pres, of Wis. bers, Mrs. Virginia Vance, passed away after a long illness. To her family and loved ones our deepest sympathy. Operated and sick in the hospital last month was Mrs. Mary Stražišar from Keewanee. I hope the she and all the other sick members will be well on the road to recovery when they read this column. Happy Birthday to all our members who will celebrate during the month of September: Angela Arko, Rose Fajdigo, Antonia Ipavec, Mary Jernejčič, Mario Kebe, Angela Kern, Rose Klemenčič, Mary Kovacich, Mary Ludvik, Mary Mandich, Mary Novinec, Ann Ogrin, Frances Opara, Mary Pirk, Frances Plut, Margaret Pugel, Caroline Ratzman, Anna Rozman, Mary Sadar, Dorothy Simens, Julia Strnad, Mary Sustarsic, Marie Lunka, Rose Sajovec, Mary Globokar, Anna Novak, Mary Pecek, Doris Andolek, Frances Schenk, and Frances Barnett. Belated congratulations to Zarja on its 30th anniversary. Pauline Cesar No. 17, West Allis, Wise. — The time is coming again when we have to think of our lodge’s interest. First on the fall agenda is the Wisconsin State Zveza Day on Sept. 27th at Sheiboygan. At our May meeting, it was decided that we attend in a group, so at the present time, I am taking reservations for the bus trip up there. Members, please contact me if you wish to go along on this very enjoyable trip. Let’s malce it a huge turnout. Next on the program is our Miscellaneous Card Party, the proceeds of which go into our own treasury. That Joliet prepares huge Bowling program. No. 20, Joliet, III. — All the girls bowling in the Joliet S.W.U. League are alerted to be ready to start at the Rivals Club Alleys on Monday, September 14th at 7 P.M. The secretary has all the teams in readiness for a most succes-ful completion of the coming 1959-60 season. However, there may be several openings available to be given preference. Every member of the Branch 20 who desires to bowl is invited to register as a sub with the secretary, Jo Goron 2202 N. Center street, Dial 3-2934. The commitee members of the Joliet S.W.U. Cowling League are: President, Bernice Kostelc, Vice President, Josephine Mlakar, Secretary, Josephine Goron, Treasurer, Edna Grohar, Sentinel, Mary Nahas, Reporter, Josephine Sumic. News about some of the Summer activities of our members. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Berge spent two weeks in the scenic wonderlands of Northern Michigan. Mr. .& Mrs. Joseph Savol with daughters Roseann and Mary Jo, along with Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Sumac were guests of the Sumic’s in Pittsburg, Pa. From there they took an extensive tour of Washington B.C. and Gettysburg, Pa. In Washington, they visited, besides the many national shrines, points of interest in the goverment agencies which run America. In Gettysburg they were guests of Cliff Arquette (Charley Weaver). He proved to be a regular down-to-earth. American just like your neighbor. Mary Jo (9 years old) will ever treasure the affectionate caress he bestowed on her. Frances Gaspicli the secretary of our Branch #20 and one of our veteran bowlers spent three weeks in sunny California with her sister Mary, visiting her sisters Mrs. Josephine Levon and her brother Dr. Robert Gaspich in Los Altos and Norwalk, Cal. Edna Grohar and Ann Cox spent two weeks in the sea breeizes and tropical Miami, Florida. At nine o’clock Mass the morning of August 8 in St. Joseph’s Church, Miss Bernice Metesh became the bride of Gerald J. Zobel, Congratulations! A Blessed Event for Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Sorg who became the proud parents of a baby girl, July 21. Josephine Sumic, Leag. Repor. will be held on Sunday, October 25th at 8:00 p.m. at the St. Mary’s Auditorium, lower hall, So. 60th and Madison St. We are in need of donations for prizes and will greatly appreciate your help in securing them. Please bring them to my home or to the Sept. meeting on Sunday, Sept. 20tli at the lower hall, room 3 at 2:00 p.m. Please use the rear door for entrance. Congratulations are in order for ZARJA-THE DAWN, on the 30th anniversary celebrated in July. Much is due to the past and the present Editor, for all the hard work that was and is put into it to make it well-liked and widely read by both Slove--nian and English speaking members. Congratulations again! (Thank you very much. Ed.) The S.W.U. Pilgrimage to Lemont at the shrine of the Mother of Perpetual Help is behind us now, but from reiports by our members, that had a wonderful day and the trip was thoroughly enjoyed. Our deepest sympathy to our recording secretary, Fanny Medle, who just a month ago, received a letter from Europe telling her that her mother, F. Cotman, passed away. And now, after several months of illness, her dear husband, Frank also passed away. May they rest in peace. Members on the sick list are: Frances Moor, 5209 W. Howard, Apt. 2 and Emily Imperi, 1012 S. 60th St. Maybe some of you members can visit them. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to all our sick members. And, greetings to all. Marie Floryan, Secretary No. 30, Aurora, Minn. — For a long time, we haven’t heard from Aurora in our Zarja, and after reading Mrs. Anna Pachak’s Slovenian “dopis” in August, asking about our regular re-porter, Mrs. Frances Kranjc, I decided to write and to tell you why she hasn’t been heard from. It’s because Mrs. Kranjc is ill and now recuperating from a two month hospital stay. She is now with her son and daughter-in-law in Lombard, 111., and we hope she’ll soon be feeling as good as new. Maybe some of her friends would like to cheer her up with a card? If so, her address is : 555 Harding Rd., Lombard, 111. Here in Aurora everything is going along as usual. As I sit in my bed, I get the news from friends who visit me, since my illness which has kept me from getting around as I used to. My Zarja in one of the things I enjoy most, and I read everything, even what’s printed in Slovenian. My husband is Slovenian, and I am Polish. Our members have visited me and brought good things to eat to cheer me up. Last Christmas they again brought me a gift and paid my dues for the whole year. They are really too good to me. Mrs. Theresa Zefron comes to see me and last time she even brought her 75 year young mother along to visit with me. I don’t know how to say thank you enough, dear ladies and Mrs. Zefron. Mrs. Anna Basick is another good friend and she often surprises me with some good cooking and baking which is ever so good. The other day she called me and promised a visit soon — so, I’m going to wait, now, Mrs. Rasick! I see in the August Zarja that Mrs. Emma Tomse had a birthday last. month — so even if it’s late, ha|,py birthday, Emma. She is the daughter of Mr. Joe Rasick who is the godfather to our 35 year old son. Best wishes to all members and I’ll be reading about you in Zarja. Josephine Mezan No. 32, Euclid, Ohio. — I am writing again to remind all of you to attend the October meeting. At that, time we will be celebrating our 30th Anniversary. A social evening is being planned along with refreshments. So I urge all of the members, young and old to be there on October fith. There was no meeting in July or August, so we ask those of you who are in arrears with your d«“" *o please pay them at the next meeting or send them to the secretary. In July, our first president of the branch, Jennie Pink, passed away after a long illness. She was an active member, for many years. May she rest in peace. Just a month later her husband passed away. To the bereaved family, we express our deepest sympathy. I regret to say there were just a few of our members at the Ohio S.Z.Z. picnic on July 4th. To those of you who weren’t there, you missed a nice picnic. The Jr. Drill Team put on a very nice performance. We could have had a bigger group from Euclid, if the mothers would have sent their daughters to practice. They would have enjoyed it just like the girls who were in it. A big hand to Mrs. Frances Seitz, for the splendid job she did in teaching them. Also, congratulations to our Queen, Mrs. Molly Legat, from branch #14, our neighboring branch. She really is a charming queen. Among the sick members who were recently operated on are, Antonia Mah, Marie Koss, and Louise Kalis ter. They are now recuperating at home. To them and all the other sick members we do not know about, we wish a speedy recovery. Best wishes to all the members celebrating birthdays or anniversaries this month. May you have many more. This is Jill for now. I hope to see-every one at the October 6th meeting. Ann Cooke, reporter No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. — Back to meeting time again, girls. The first session after our short vacation will be on September 21st. at 8 p.m. at St.. Vitus School. Bring along a guest, for we plan to have a merry time. There will be so much to discuss, namely the big picnic and dinner date, plus, the wedding party of our member, Cecelia Žnidaršič and much more. So, plan on coming on Sept. 21st — just remember, the third Monday every month. At this time, we wish to extend our deepeest, sympathy to our two very loyal members, Mamie Marin and Ernestine Jevec on the loss of their beloved father who passed away suddenly. May God help them to endure the pain of losing a loved one. Frances Sietz, Pres. No 72, Pullman, III. — By this time the end of the summer is almost at hand and most vacations are just pleasant memories. I hope you had a very happy summer. Did you go away? Tell me about your vacation and I wil be happy to write it up in this column. My family and I had a lovely trip thru the southeast. On our way we stopped at Cleveland for a short visit with Mr. & Mrs. Louis Levstik, who wish to be remembered to all their old friends here in Chicago. Prom there we toured the beautiful Blue Ridge Moutains and thru the state of Virginia to the Atlantic Ocean. Then we headed up north and spent two wonderful days sightseeing in Washington, D.C. Prom there we continued north thru New York state, Niagara Falls, across Canada at that point and into northern Michigan to my brother’s summer resort at Tawas City on Lake Huron. We had a lovely trip and enjoyed every minute of it. The Orazems spent their vacation at Grand Haven, Michigan, and from reports I heard, they had a grand time. They saved a part of their vacation to spend in Chicago with Betty Orazem’s sister, who came here from California. At our June meeting the important topic was "Zveza Day” at Lemont. In spite of the rain and threatening weather in the Chicago area, we had a wonderful ady in Lemont and were happy to see so many of our members from Pullman there. When is your birthday? Why not come1 to the meeting that month and let us help you celebrate it? As it was my birthday in June, I treated the ladies to cake and ice cream, and in July Mrs. Bezlaj treated us to cake and ice cream to celebrate her birthday. It’s a lot of fun to get together in this way after a meeting. Won’t you join us? Wilma Zagar No. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. — What a beautiful summer we are enjoying in the Northwest; lots of sunshine without the humidity. At. our last meeting we were graciously entertained by our hostess, Jenny Beaver. It was decided that in lieu of any project this summer, each member donate a dollar ($1.00) to the treasury for our Christmas and other needs, and the secretary was instructed to so collect from the members. Our next meeting will be held on October 11th, at the home of Fannie Ramshak, and everyone, please attend ! Mary Bratovich, Reporter No. 89, Oglesby, III. — At the last meeting of the Slovenian Women’s Union Branch #89, Mrs. Frances Nemeth, president and also state delegate gave her report on the State Convention held in July. A Roving Balte Sale was held among the members. Each monthly chairman started the bake sale and the proceeds are satisfactory. A Hamburger Fry was held following the meeting on the lawn of Mrs. Louise Kernz. Mary Kernz, rec. sec. No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. — On July 12, our lodge had a picnic; only eight members attended as most had relatives or friends visiting and were unable to come. The picnic wasn’t much of a success as it turned out to be a cold day. Mrs Joe Pogorelz, Margaret Malenšek and Mrs. Josephine Somrak served at the' picnic. The second of August our meeting was held at the home of Miss Aurelia Welch. Helen Cobai and Miss Aurelia Welch were hostesses, but since AureJia went to Central City, Margaret Malenšek served for her. There were nine members present. The evening was spent playing Canasta. Helen Cobai, repor. No. 100, Fontana, California — Due to the illness of our English Reporter, Anna Petrich, I’ll venture to write a report in her place. Tb Anna Petrich and Frances Lukanich the members extend wishes for a speedy recovery. Notice please! The meeting time and day has been changed to the first Tuesday of each month, at 7:00 P. M. at the K.S.K.J. Hall. Sincere effort has been made with hopes that the new scheduled time will be more convenient and increase the attendance. Sincerely hoping that we will have the pleasure of meeting two ne Zvezin dan in piknik v Ohio Še malo poročila od skupnih prireditev S.Ž.Z. Ohio in Mich. Piknik 4. julija in konvencija sta za nami. Obe prireditvi sta bili še kar v zadovoljstvo pripravjalnega odbora in članstva. Lahko bi bilo bolje, pa ker je bila to naša prva prireditev je kar lepo uspela. Ni dosti ostalo od piknika; na banketu primanjkljaj, pa oboje skupaj je nekaj ostalo. Gotova vsota se da v Lemont za kapelo v romarskem domu, ki jo podpira S.Ž.Z. in članice so vse zadovoljne s to mislijo. Kar pa je bilo preostanka od prodanih listkov je pa lep uspeh. Podružnice bodo dobile po 19 procentov od prodanih listkov. Tiste, ki so količkaj delale, so dobile lepe vsote nazaj. Tudi to je bilo v vseh zadovoljstvo. Gotovo bi radi vedeli koga je sreča zadela, če že ne veste: Televizijo, Mary Ann Ferlič, 1925 E. 34 st., Loraine, O., US Bond, J. Muchitz, 1081 Addison Rd Clev., moško zapestno uro Mrs. J. Giambetro, 1152 E. 61 St., Clev., Ohio, žensko zapestno uro Mrs. Vera Hlod 6807 Bonna Ave., Clev., O., zaboj pijače Cheer Mrs. Mary Česnovar, 4024 E. 52 St. Clev., O. Sedaj bi pa rada dala malo zadoščenja vsem tistim, ki so kaj pripomogli pri teh prireditvah. Najprej gre naši Ohio-Micli. predsednici Antonia Tanko zahvala, ker ona je lme-la največ skrbi in dela; samo tisti ve, ki je bil kedaj v takem delu, pa s pomočjo drugih je šlo še kar dobro. Zatem je podpr. Pauline Stanip-fel, tajnica Mary Iskra, blag. Ella Starin, zapisnikarica Mary Filipovič, tri nadzornice 1. Millie Novak, 2. Rose Leskovec, 3. Frances Novak. Frances Sietz, ki je učila dekleta v korakanju, da so se tako lepo naučile v tako kratkem času. Hvala celemu odboru in članicam, ki so hodile redno ne seje, vsem prav vsem, ki ste kaj in dostojno oblečene, lasje pametno urejeni, priprava za v kakšni užitka polni zabavi, in odkritosrčni pogled iz katerega veje udanostna ljubav do svojcev, kot globoka vera v Boga! Pač lepa ideja, h kateri ni komentarja, pa naj vprašuje za število let kdorkoli... Kar se pa tiče res starosti pa so po tukajšnjem nasvetu odlični recepti, katerim bo baje marsikateri naših Slovencev priseljencev lahko pritrdil: 1) Če le moreš obdržati telo in dušo skupaj, ne bodi v nadlego pri otrocih, pač pa imej raje stanovanje kje drugod. 2) Ne pričakuj od otrok nič, ne časa, ne daril, ne posebne ljubeznji-vosti. Najboljši otroci mislijo dobro, pa mogoče nimajo časa za starejše! 3) Daj nasvšt, če Te vprašajo zanj! 4) Vzemi njihova navodila in pojasnila šele, ko dopolniš 90 let! Otroci so lahko v večno skrb in ukazovanje, tako: kako se moraš obnašati, jesti, oblačiti itd... Tvojih Go letnih izkušenj pripomogli k uspehu. Hvala naši urednici, ki je morala gladiti pisavo, da je bilo mogoče čitati. Skoraj bi bila poza-bla naše kuharce, to je pa nemogoče; kaj pa bi bilo, če ne bi bilo kuharic, da vse pripravijo za piknik in banlceit. Slišala sem, da je bilo vse tako okusno in mi je žal, da nisem bila navzoča, je ravno tako prišlo, da ni bilo mogoče. Bila sem ravno tiste: dni v Kanadi gori pri St. Anni, toda v mislih sem bila dostikrat pri vas na pikniku. Na sestanku jul. 22. smo tudi sklenile, da se prihodnja skupna seja začne v sept. drugo sredo. Pridite vse in pripeljite nove, ker se bo volil odbor za leto 19G0. Kaj se priredi drugo leto to naj vse zanima. Če zasledujete časopise vidite kako se naše vrste krčijo, starejše umirajo in tudi mladini' ne prizanese smrt. Bilo bi dobro, da bi se malo zavzele in dobile novih članic. Lahko vpišete malo deklico od rojstva pa do 21. leta v mladinski oddelek, v odrasli pa lahko pristopi s 14 leti v kateri razred želi A ali B, mlade do 30. leta v B za malo vsoto 65 centov za 300.00. Kje drugje vam je kaj takega mogoče. Pred koncem seje se je tudi Kraljica, ki je kraljevala dva dni prav lepo zahvalila za darila in čast. Toda ona jo je tudi zaslužila. Morebiti sem še koga izpustila, mi je nemogoče imeti vse v glavi, naj bo tukaj izrečena še enkrat prav lepa hvala vsem prav vsem, ki ste kaj pripomogli v tem, prodajali, kupili ali kar hoče. Naj vam vsem Bog plača in Marija naj vas varuje na vseh potih. Tudi se prav lepo zahvalim urednici Zarje, keir je lepo sestavila moje pisanje; naj Ti Marija pomaga v tvojem delu za skupnost in napredek naše S.Ž.Z. Mary Filipovec, poroč. v življenju, tako nočejo upoštevati. Če se ne boš uklanjal, pridejo še vedno nazaj po Tvoj nasvet. 5) Nikdar ne pravi otrokom koliko Imaš prihrankov! Odlašaj z darovi, naj se učijo hraniti in če spoznaš srčne želje za njih res potrebno razvedrilo, jih razveseli nepričakovano! Ljubili Te bodejo s hvaležnostjo njih src. 6) Nad svojim imetjem pa se ne daj kontrolirati nikdar. Amen! K sklepu teh vrstic v obvestilo, da so tu pred par dnevi odprli novo “Sears Roebuck,, trgovino, vredno multimiljon, kar je eno izmed 730ih ostalih tega podjetja izgledno najmodernejše, in v ponos mestu Jacksonville. Resnici na ljubo, zelo se dviga ta “naš” kraj v pridobitev najboljših odnošajeiv in prometa južnih držav in to tolikanj opevano: solnčno Florido. Iskrene pozdrave vsem mojim so-sestram pri št. 18 — in obširnemu članstvu S.Ž.Z. Josephine Praust Čestitke k Ohio Zvezinemu dnevu Strabane, Pa. — Dne 4. in 5. julija so Ohijske podružnice S.Ž.Z. praznovale svoj Zvezin dan pod vodstvom državne predsednice, Mrs. Antonia Tanko. Mrs. Tanko in vsem njenim pridnim delavkam izrekam svoje toplo čestitke k uspehu tega dne, ker vem, da so imele veliko dela in skrbi, toda so vse tako lepo uredile. Dne 4. julija sem se udeležila njihovega piknika. Udeležba je bila sijajna in postrežba prvovrstna. Z mnogimi članicami in prijateljicami sem se srečala, med njimi tudi iz Bessmerja in s sestro Anna Kamen iz Forest City, Pa., ki je obhajala svoj 80 rojstni dan. Želim, ji še mnogo, mnogo srečnih in zdravih let, da se bo drugo leto udeležila tudi Pennsilvanya Zveznega Dneva. Navzoča je bila tudi naša gl. predsednica Mrs. Livek in tudi z njo smo se lepo pogovarjale o naši Zvezi in napredku. Enako tudi z našo prijazno urednico Corinne, ki nam tako lepo urejuje našo Zarjo. Urednica je imela s seboj tudi svojo luštno hčerko in sinčka. Bog jim daj ljubega zdravja. O Zvezinem deilu smo se seveda pogovarjale tudi z našo gl. tajnico Albino Novak, ki je bila poglavitna oseba na pikniku in njena naloga je bila kronanje kraljice in ona je tudi predstavila navzoče gl. odbornice. Lepo je govorila, kakor zna samo ona. Podružnice so tekmovale med seboj, katera bo več tiketov prodala in tako je bila kronana za kraljico, Mrs. Molly Legat, preds. št. 14, ki je prodala največ listkov za Zvezin dan. Prejela je tudi veliko lepih daril. Vse srečne osebe pa so prejele dobitke, če so imele pravi listek. Tudi teh dobitkov je bilo res veliko. Z vsem tem je bilo o-gromno dela in potem pa še banket dne 5. julija in vse drugo. Žal, da se nisem mogla udeležiti nedeljske proslave, toda še enkrat moje res prisrčne čestitke Mrs. Tanko in vsem so-delavkam, ki zaslužijo vso pohvalo. Mary Tomsic, Drž. preds. za Pa. Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Članice so se v lepem številu udeležile seje v augustu, posebno še ker smo imele več važnih stvari na programu za rešiti. Glavno je pa bilo zaradi Minn. Zvezinega dneva, ki bo v Ely. Vsem tistim pa, ki niso bile navzoče naj bo pojasnjeno, da bomo imele svoj bus in to bo 13. sept. Iz Eveleth bomo šle ob 8.30, zato bodite vse katere nameravate iti, že ob 8 uri pri Community building. Na rokah imam tikce za banket. Prosim vas, priglasite se in me pokličite po telefonu. Prosim vse sosetre, da se udeležimo v lepem številu. Sestre to je naš dan. Imele boste priliko videti tudi novo cerkev. Članice v Ely se pa tudi zelo pripravljajo za ta naš Minn. Zvezin dan. Še enkrat vse prisrčno vabljene v Ely 13. sept. Vem, da vam je še v spominu lansko leto kako smo bile vse vesele in zadovoljne ter ponosne na naš dan v Duluthu. Opozarjam Vas, da ne bo seje do okt meseca. Razmotrivale smo tudi kako bi kaj novih članic pridobile. Smrt zmiraj pretrga nit življenja eni ali drugi. Zato sestre skušajmo nadomestiti izgube. Pripeljite jih na prihodnjo sejo. Če katera ve za katero, ki bi pristopila me pa tudi lahko pokliče in bom šla do nje in jo vprašala. Na tem mestu izrekamo sožalje ses. Frances Sterle, ker je zopet in to že drugega sina izgubila. Pri delu ga je zadela srčna kap, star komaj 46 let in je bil na mestu mrtev. Zapušča žalujočo ženo in hčerke v starosti 7 in 11 let. Zapušča tudi žalujočo mater, ki tuguje za ljubljenim sinom. V zadnji vojni je tudi padel za domovino en sin in je bilo njegovo truplo prepeljano iz Italije, da tukaj počiva na domačem pokopališču zraven svojega očeta. To je že tretji udarec za ses. Sterle, prvi je bil mož tudi še v lepi moški dobi. Tudi sin Frank je bil 4 leta v vojni in prišel zdrav domov. Prišla pa je nagla smrt 16. julija ter vzela materi sina,moža in mladoletnim hčerkam ljubega ateta. Naj počivajo vsi v miru božjem in lahka naj jim bo zemlja. Vroči dnevi in počitnice gredo h kraju. Veliko je bilo ljudi iz vseh krajev na počitnicah najsi bo tukaj ali pa v domovini. Tudi več potnikov smo imeli tukaj v Eveleth, ker tukaj imamo res lepi prostor za potnike in zabav v prosti naravi. Tako smo imeli veliki piknik, katerega priredi vsako leto Yugoslav klub ln to skupno z Virginia klub in Chisholm klub. Na ta dan se vse zbere, mlado in staro. Piknik je bil 9. aug. Udeležba je bila res 100 procentna ker je bilo ljudi na ta dan čez 8.000, tako so poročali in pisali. Bil je res lep dan. Kako veseli smo si podajali roke ker so se dobili prijatelji in znanci, ki se niso več videli par let. Na ta dan je bilo res vse' veselo. Podan je bil lep program, katerega je vodila naša sestra Mary Brank, kar je bilo vsem v zadovoljstvo. Vsa čast ti Mary ker vemo, da je s takimi pripravami veliko dela in truda, ampak vselej v zadovoljstvo narodu. Enaka pohvala gre tudi preds. Y. kluba: mladi ,T. Raycek, prezident Eveleth cluba in pa prezident od vseh clubov, Leonard Kne iz Chisholm in pa Ennie Krall.ker so se res vsi s pomočjo ostalih potrudili, da je bil piknik vsem v zadovoljstvo. Glavni govornik je pa bil Judge Nick Cha-nek iz Hibbing. Lepo je govoril na tem pikniku in dal priznanje našemu narodu. Ob koncu tega dopisa, kateri se je res zavlekel vas še enkrat prosim drage sestre priglasite se ob času za bus za na Ely zveza dan. Vsem skupaj pa na svidenje v Ely. Pozdrav vsemu članstvu S.Ž.Z. Mary Lenich, tajnica št. 20, Joliet, III. — V družinah dveh naših članic se je naselila žalost, kajti nenadoma so izgubile svoje soproge, ki sta oba umrla od srčne kapi. Prva je Mrs. Frances Lavrich na N. Hichkory street, katere soprog Mathias je umrl tako na hitro na delu. Bila je to nepričakovana vest za vse njegove številne prijatelje in znance. Umrl je v lepi dobi star komaj 47 let. Bil je za menegerja, pri Bordens Ice Cream, kjer je bil zaposljen 32 let. Spadal je k raznim društvom. Zapušča vdovo Frances, sina Mathew, dva brata Joseph in Paul, (Paul je že dalj časa stalni poročevalec v A-merikanskem Slovencu, ter dve sestri Genevieve in Mary. Pred njim so umrli starši pred več leti in sestra, ki je bila redovnica reda Sv. Frančiška,Sestra M. Mathia. Vdova Frances je iz znane Zlogarjeve družine. Takoj drugi dan za tem je tako nenadoma kar pri kolesu automobila izdihnil znani in spoštovani Mr. Andrew Hochevar iz North Broadway Street. Vsem se je ta novica zdela tako neverjetna vsaj smo ga vsi videli še prejšnji dan pri pogrebu prijatelja Mathias Lavricha v spremstvu svoje soproge in brata Michael Ho-ehevarja. Mr. Hochevar je bil rojen v Žužemberku ter prišel v Ameriko leta 1921, in sicer najprvo v Ohio, nato se tu za stalno naselil leta 1938, kjer je poroči našo Mary Krall katera je bla tudi takrat vdova. Pokojni Andrew Hochevar zapušča soprogo Mary, brata Michael tukaj v Jolietu kateri je bil tudi prejšne čase poročevalec pri Glasilu KSKJ za Jolietske novice, ter dva brata v Clevelandu in dve sestri in dve hčerki iz prvega zakona. Zapušča tudi več nečakov in nečakinj. Med njimi sa trije duhovniki reda Sv. Frančiška in eden nečak pa za redovnega brata. Vsi so prisostvovali pri sveti maši za pokojnim stricem. Mr. Hochevar je bil navdušen delavec pri dr. Sv. Imena, kjer so mu na očetov dan podelili posebno nagrado kot šest letnemu predsedniku. Mr. Hochevar kakor Mr. Lavrich sta oba bila agilna pri cerkvi, in Dr. Prev. Imena. Naj oba prerano umrla rojaka in soproga naših članic in očeta, počivata v miru Božjem, pokojnim sorodnikom pa naše sožalje. V bolnišnici se nahaja že par tednov naša članica Anna Wardjan iz N. Wilcox street. Mož ji je umrl pred dvema meseci, in ker je Mrs. Wardjan tako osamljena so naprošene članice, da jo obiščejo in krajšajo dolge dneve v bolnišnici. Želimo ji hitrega okrevanja. V bolnišnici se je medtem časom tudi nahajala Josephine Buchar iz N. Broadway. Sedaj je že par tednov doma in ji vsi želimo do popolnega okrevanja. Na očetov dan je imel prvo sveto mašo rojak Rev. Leo Dečman. Father Dečman, je bil odsoten več let, toda prlšedši domov mu je fara izkazala lep sprejem, ob prvi sveti maši, kakor tudi na sprejemu popoldne. Kalilo je veselje le da nista bila starša navzoča, ker ju krije že več let zemlja. Mati Mary Dečman je bila naša članica skoraj od začetka in je umrla pred 23 leti. Oče pred par leti. Tako se je Father Dečman mučil na svojo roko, da je postal duhovnik. Tu ima dve sestri in štiri brate. Strica Paul Dolinška in teto Mary Dolinšek iz Bluft' Streeta, katera je tudi naša članica. Father Leo ima tu tudi več drugih sorodnikov. Sedaj je poslan v Korejo, kjer bo misionaril šest let nakar pride na počitnice nazaj domov v Joliet. Dne 15. aug. sta se odpeljala na potovanje v Evropo Mr. in Mrs. Math Verbischer. Mr. Verbischer je tiskar, Mrs. Verbischer pa naša članica dolgo vrsto let. Pred leti ko se je njih sin mudil kot vojak v Nemčiji je porabil priliko, da je obiskal svoje sorodnike v Sloveniji. Tako se mu je tam do-padlo, da je navdušil tudi svoje starše, katera sta pred par dnevi postala tudi prvič stara starša, ravno sinu tega sina, ki se je mudil v Evropi. Oba bosta obiskala večji del Evrope in tudi Slovenijo in ostale dele Jugoslavije. Želimo jima srečno in prijetno potovanje ter veseli povratek, obenem pa naše čestitke k prvemu vnuku. Prihodnja seja naše podružnice bo 20. sept. v navadnih prostorih. Sedaj ko bodo počitnice minule za tiste, ki so šle iz mesta; za študente pa se prične šola, za nas članice pa vsakomesečne seje. Vabljene ste, da se udeležite te prve seje po treh mesecih v polnem številu. Medtem časom se je vrnila tudi Mrs. Prisland iz stare domovine, ter ji kličemo “Welcome Home”; upam, da je imela lepe čase v domovini. Vsem bolnim članicam, ki so na listi okrevanja, želimo, da se čim prej vrnejo v našo sredo. Josephine Erjavec.. št. 24, La Salle, III. — Zopet moram poročati žalostno novico, da je nepričakovano umrla sestra Mary Kramaršič. Bila je zvesta članica S'ŽZ in dobra mati svoji družini. Pokojna zapušča štiri hčere, šest sinov in eno sestro Ano Mavsar in dva brata Anton in .Toe Jenko vsi v La Salli. Nadalje izrekamo sožalje članici, Frances Ahšin nad izgubo njenega moža Lu-ja Ahšin, ki je preminul nepričakovano v najlepših letih star 52 let. Pokojni zapušča žalujočo ženo Frances 3 hčere, več sester in drugih sorodnikov. Obema družinama izrekamo naše sožalje. Pokojnima pa naj bo Bog dober plačnik in naj počivata v miru. Članice, sedaj so počitnice; želim vsem, da se dobro zaibavate in da se vrnete vse- zdrave. Domov iz ob’ska iz stare domovine se je vrnila članica Jozi Kilter in Frank Struna, kjer sta se počutila prav dobro. Potovala sta z letalom tja in nazaj. Članice, sedaj je kampanja za nove članice; pridobite vsaka vsaj eno, da ne bo naša podružnica zaostala zadnja med drugimi. Torej potruditi se in pripeljite jih na sejo; tudi prosim, da pridete na sejo meseca oktobra. Sedaj v aug. in sept. imamo počitnice, torej upam, da se vidimo oktobra. Prosim tudi tiste, katere ste zaostale js asesmientom, da pridete in poravnate, ker jaz ne morem hoditi zbirati in naša ročna blagajna je tudi majhna. Vsem članicam želim ljubega zdravja in se vidimo na seji. Pozdrav, Angela Strukel, taj. Št. 29, Broundale, Pa. — Najbrž, da je letošnja suša tudi črnilo posušila, ker ni bilo že dolgo časa glasu od nas. Posrečilo se mi je, da sem našla svinčnik, da na kratko poročam. Pri meni je bila na počitnicah hčerka s svojo družino in takrat je delo na polju izostalo, ker smo rajši prepevale in se kratkočasile, saj takrat misli človek, da je v ta malih nebesih, ko je med svojimi. Pii petju nam pa pomaga Cilka Kovačič, ki s svojim lepim glasom nas vse spravila v dobro voljo. Pa tudi v cerkvi ona prepeva, da doni kot iz zvona. Oženil se je sin naše sestre Boštjančič, ki si je izbral za nevesto dekle iz New Yorka. Upamo, da ne bo pozabil materni jezik, katerega je vedno rad imel, saj smo starši še posebno ponosni na svoje otroke, ki se ne sramujejo govoriti slovensko. Prihodnji mesec bo zame žalosten, ker bo obletnica, odkar je zgubil sin življenje v najlepši starosti 23 let. Tiha zemlja Tebe krije, sinko moj in srce ljubeče več ne bije, toda spomin nate bo živel v naših srcih do konca zemeljskih dni. S pozdravom, Mary Pristavec Št. 32, Euclid, Ohio. — V oktobru bomo obhajale 30-letnico ustanovitve naše podružnice in to kar po seji, zato ste tu vabljene, da se je če le mogoče vse udeležite. Ker ne bo druge prireditve za dohodke naše ročne blagajne, ste prav lepo prošene, da sežete po listkih, ki vam lahko srečo prinesejo. 30-letnica je lepa doba in veliko se spremeni, tudi smrtna kosa je večkrat posegla v našo podr. Od ustanoviteljic so umrle: Mary Petek, Mary Prostor, Mary Kolman, Jennie Pink, Terezija Zdešar, Mary Lah, Frances Pušnar, Frances Kern, Mary Banda, Frances Nemec, Ana Gole in še druge , skupaj 45 članic. Bog jim bodi dober plačnik; me se jih pa spominjajmo v molitvi. Še žive ustanoviteljice, ki so še članice našo podr. so pa: Karolina Kaljope, Mary Muhič, Mary Praznov-ski, Antonia Karaba, Mary Mance, Karolina Pek, Terezija Potokar, Mary Sedej (Novak), Zofe Femec, Frances Korenčič, Mary Cinko, Frances Sokač, Rose Burgles. Da bi jim Bog dal ljubega zdravja še veliko let. Iz Floride so prišli na obisk k svojim Ana Petrovič, ki izroča pozdrave vsem članicam, obenem se pa zahvaljuje sinovom in njihovim družinam za vso postrežbo. Sin od naše predsednice Stanlej Potokar je tudi prišel po več letih z ženo za par tednov iz Miami, Florida, kjer prodaja zemljišča in hiše. Upamo, da so se vsi dobro zabavali med svojci. Vsem bolnim želimo ljubega zdravja, zdravim pa kličem na svidenje' na seji. Frances Perme, zapisn. Št. 38, Chisholm, Minn. — Zopet se oglašam in to pot samo na kratko. V zadnjem dopisu sem nevedoma spustila notice za trip na Ely. Prosim Vas priglasite se v kolikor Vam je mogoče, da bo večja udeležba. Septembra 13-tega je tako zvani Zve-zin Dan. High Mass bo ob 10:30 v cerkvi Sv. Antona; Banket bo ob 12:30 in imele bodo lep program. Po banketu bo pa seja za vse navzoče članice SŽZ. Če ima katera kakšno dobro idejo, jo lahko predloži na omenjeni seji; samo, da je v korist cele "Zveze”. Po seji bodo servirale coffee predno se podamo proti domu. V zadnjem dopisu sem pozabila omeniti tudi žalostno novico. Našo sestro Deb Crego Ann je usoda bridko zadela. Izgubila je nadvse ljubljenega sina star komaj 20 let. Bil je izvrsten študent, jako bistre glave ali ni mogel doseči kar je želel, britka smrt je prekrižala račune njemu in njegovim ljubljenim staršem. Draga Ann: “Potolaži se ker v tvoji moči ni bilo to preprečiti. Smrt je neizprosna. Ona se ne ozira na tugo staršev. Nas je veliko ko smo šli skozi tako žalost, pa ni druge pomoči, kot podati se moramo in ukloniti usodi.” Blag mu spomin! Na rokah imam še nekaj kuharskih knjig. Prosim, če katera želi jih lahko dobi pri meni. So jako primerne za vsako darilo. Nasvidenje na oktoberski seji. Iskren pozdrav vsem gl. odbornicam in vsem članicam SŽZ po širni Ameriki posebno pa naši urednici Corinne-. Anna Trdan, taj. Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio. — Ob lepi udeležbi članic na zadnji seji, smo največ razmotrivale kako pridobiti novih članic za našo podružnico. Sestre, potrudimo se vse in bo gotovo nekaj uspeha v tem oziru. Vesele smo bile lepe dividende 158 dolarjev, od prodaje srečnih listkov za naš Ohijski Zvezin Dan, ki je kot je bilo že poročano, prav lepo uspel. Na našem izletu v Genevo, O. smo se prav dobro imele. Mrs. Lapp je toliko dobrot pripravila kot za naj- boljšo svatbo. Najlepša hvala Mrs. Lapp in njenim pomočnicam. Pred nedavnim je po kratki bolezni preminul Peter Lindič, soprog ses. Eve Lindič in oče ses. Margaret Milavec. Zapušča tudi sinove: Josepha, Petra in Franka. Vsem naše goboko sožalje. Blagi pokojnik pa naj v miru počiva. Resno je zbolela Olga Benčič, želimo ji čimprejšnjega okreivanja. Zahvalne kartice za voščila k boljšemu zdravju smo prejele od ses. K. Artel in R. Strumble. Odobreno je bilo, da se da mali oglas s čestitkami v spominsko knjigo Slovenskega Doma na Holmes Ave. ob 40 letnici obstoja. V blagajno so darovale sestre: R. Pujzdar, K. Artel, A. Rebolj, M. Cerjak, A. Bozich, E. Lindič, A. Skok, N. Pintar, A. Koželj, K Kropenc in I. Jamnik. Najlepša hvala. Od našega izleta je pa preostalo $1.30. Pridite na prihodnjo sejo. S sestrskimi pozdravi, Ella Starin, tajnica Št. 47, Garfield Hgts., O. — Pozno je že, pa se moram opravičiti, bila sem prezaposlena v društvenih zadet-vah, da tako pozno prihajam z zahvalo o naši večerji (chicken supper). Da smo imele lep uspeh naj omenim zaslužn osebe, ki so delale za to. Za Anna Kreševič in njen zet Andrew Ilorsh, Jo Lea. M. Vlcek, J. Pugely, Antonija Dolinar, M. Rusjan, Agnes Žagar, R. Shuster, Jo & Vic. Hočevar, J. Praznik, O. Bizja-k. Z listki J. Pugely, Anna Kresevic, R. Brgoc, Anna Clcristopek, M. Vlcek, M. Koman, H. Tomažič, Theresa Bizjak, A. Dolinar, M. Rusjan, M. Borbic In Alojzija Kos-tebec. Stregle gostom, so: Jo Walters, Jennie Gerk, Stefania Mahnich, Rose Brgoc, Jennie Praznik. V kuhinji: Roselyn Shuster, Eva Azbolt in Jennie Cvelbar. Za baro so bili Henk Walters, George Cole in Andrew Harsh. Kuharce Anna Kreševic in Roso Simončič. Sestra Mary Skul je naredila lep kejlc in ga darovala. Pridno sta prodajale številke Vel Mervar in njena mlajša hčerka Lucy sta prodale za $15.50. Dobiček je dobila Rose Vatovec od št. 15 Mrs Novak iz 108 st. nam je pomagala prodajati številke na darovane dobitke. Srečni so bili sledeči: Mrs Antonia Tanko predsednica Ohio State in Mich. je dobila $25.00; žensko ogrinjalo je dobila Mimi Marina; obe članici št. 50 Clev. Tretje darilo: prevleke za bla*-zine naša članica Anna Ckristofek; četrto: set glažev Andrew Hočevar in karpet kot peto nagrado: Mike Polam-bo. Za vse skupaj se prav lepo zahvaljujemo karkoli ste storile za napredek podružnice. Tudi članice so točno plačale svojo obveznost: Carol Mausarji ni bilo mogoče pomagati je pa po njeni dobri volji sama kupila več knjižic. Bog naj vam poplača vse. Dne 11 maja nas je zopet zapustila ena naša članica Frances Firem. Njo je bolezen mučila več let. Sedaj jo je Bog rešil trpljenja. Zapustila je štiri sinove in druge sorodnike. Izrekamo preostalim iskreno sožalje. Sestri Frances Firem pa večni mir in pokoj naj ji bo lahka ameriška zemlja. Bog ji podeli večnega veselja onkraj groba. Še vedno so bolane M. Mofko, Amalia Ukmar, Antonio Sila, Josephine Kmet in Mary Lupšina. Na potu okreivanja so Mary Gragel, Joseiphine Gorišek, Frances Miklič, Terezija Bizjak, ki je naša predsednica in Helen Tomažič. Čestitke sestri Carol Mausar in Mr. John Mausar, ki sta postala zopet enkrat več stari očka in mamca. Sedaj imata že osem živih vnukov in vnukinj. Sedaj sem pa izčrpala domače novice. Dnečetrtega julija se je vršil Ohio zveza dan. Vreme je bilo sijajno, prav nalašč kakor mora biti za piknik, ki se je vršil na sv. Jožefa kmetiji K.S.K. J. Udeležba je bila povolna. Navzočih je bilo precej iz države Pa. Warren, Ohio in glav. odbornice: predsednica Josephine Livek, Albina Novak tajnica, in Corinne Leskovar urednica “Zarje”. Piknik je bil vse stransko zadovoljiv; saj je bila kronana Ohij-ska kraljica. To mesto je dobila delavna predsednica podružnice Št. 14 iz Euclid, Ohio, to je Molly Legat. Naše čestitke! Dne 5. julija je bil tudi važen dan za S.Ž.Z. ko se je vršila State convencija. Članice ste vljudno vabljene, da se udeležite seje, katera se vrši četrto nedeljo sept. 27. ob 2 uri popoldne v navadnih prostorih, 8601 Vineyard Ave., pa se Vam bo pojasnilo kako koristni so taki sestanki za vse članice, da bi imela organizacija S.Ž.Z. večji napredek in obstoj v bodočnosti. Naša gl. predsednica za State Ohio in Mich. Antonia Tanko se veliko trudi za napredek. Me ji pa skušajmo pomagati po svojih močeh. Ne pozabite priti na sejo v septembru. Posebno nadzorni odbor naj bo navzoč, da pregleda knjige. Vas pozdravljam in na svidenje na seji. Jennie Pugely, tajnica Št. 64 Kansas City, Kans. — Letos smo imele tukaj v Kansasu kar lepo poletje; ne preveč vročine in precej dežja. Članice prosim, da bi prišle na sep-tembersko sejo v velikem številu, ker nismo imele seje zadnje tri mesece in imamo za razmotrivati o naši prireditvi na tretjo nedeljo oktobra. čez poletje so obiskali svoje starše, brate in sestre sledeči: Hčerka Dolores s soprogom in dvema malima hčerkama so obiskali starše in družino. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gergič iz New Yorka, Mr. & Mrs. Martin Mootz je obiskala hčerka Angeline s soprogom in 4 dečki iz Los Angeles, Calif. Nas je prišel obiskat sin Edward z ženo in 7 malimi otroki iz San Francisco, Calif. Hvala Bogu, da so se vsi srečno vrnili na svoje domove. Pa tudi častite sestre redovnice rade obiščejo svoje drage, kadar dobijo dovoljenje. Tako je obiskala Sister Maristella, (sis. of Mercy) svoje starše, brate in sestre, Mr. & Mrs. John Anžiček. Čast. Ses. Corinne, benedik-tinka je obiskala svoje starše, brate in sestre, Mr. & Mrs. Blaž Žagar. Njena mama je bila letos častna mati naše podružnice. Moja nečakinja Sis. M. Lucy, uršulinka je tudi obiskala drago mamico Mrs. Frances Mac Neal in sestre, nečake in nečakinje. Father Allan benediktinskega reda iz Canon City, Colorado je obiskal mamico, brate in sestro in maševal v naši cerkvi. Tudi drugi radi vidimo ko se fami sinovi in hčerke vrnejo v domačo župnijo, akoravno le za kratek čas. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Kostec sta se podala na obisk k Aninem bratu v Crescent Mills, Calif, in pravita, da se imata prav dobro. Naši dobri članici Mary Sajčan, ki je bila v bolnišnici želimo ljubega zdravja. Naše čestitke Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Juratovich k njuni 25-letnici. Mary je naša bivša podpredsednica več let. Najlepši pozdrav vsem članicam in čitateljem Zarje. Antonia Kostelec Opomba: Naše mesto je slavilo 100-letnico odkar je dobilo ime Wyndotte County in so imeli velike proslave in parado v najstarejši cerkvi sv. Marije, ki je slavila lansko leto sto let in je Mil. Gosp. škof Edward Hunkier daroval Pontifikalno sveto Mašo 2 augusta. Hrvati so tudi imeli lepo floto v paradi. Slavic kolo klub, ki vsebuje slovenske in hrvatske fante in dekleta, so tudi imeli lepo petje in plese, posebno pošter tanc se je vsem dopadel, kakor tudi kranjske klobase, flancati in povitica. Št. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. — Krasno poletje uživamo v našem Severo-za-padu; mnogo prijetnega sonca brez vlažnosti. Na naši zadnji seji nas je lepo zabavala naša gostiteljica Jenny Beaver. Sklenjeno je bilo, da namesto drugih aktivnosti v poletnih mesecih, naj vsaka članica daruje $1.00 v blagajno za Božicnico in druge potrebe; tajnici je bilo naročeno, da naj pobere omenjeni dolar od vseh članic. Naša prihodnja seja bo dne 11. oktobra na domu Fannie Ramshak, in prosim, da se te seje vse udeležite. Mary Bratovich, poročevalka Št. 85, Depue, III. — Še malo iz naše Pepurške Doline. Drage sestre, upam da mi ne boste zamerile, ker se nisem tako dolgo oglasila. Saj si ne morem zamisliti, da gre poletje že proti koncu in jesen je tukaj. Oh, ta čas, kako hitro beži od nas! Prehitro... Oni dan sem za našim vrtom opazovala ptice lastovice kako so bile glasne; mislila sem, da se bojijo sosedovi' mačke, toda ne, skupaj so se zbirale in drugi dan so odletele od tukaj v boljšo domovino. Vse so se skupaj sklicale; niti ena ni ostala. Kake le>o so držale skupaj, koliko bi se mi ljudje od njih lahko naučili. Tudi za nas je čas, da se skupaj zberemo in na delo, ker počitnice so minule. Večina nas je imela počitnice kar doma, ker doma so res počitnice, posebno v tej moderni udobnosti, kakor tisti pregovor: povsod lepo doma najboljše. Zarjo sem prečitala od kraja do konca. Mislila sem, da najdem kak dopis iz Depue. Hvala Mary Zu, ki se je pred kratkim oglasila. Tako zanimivo je opisala doživljaje iz domovine. Le še se kaj oglasi Mary. In tudi druge se kaj oglasite, če veste kakšno novico, ;ili pa meni poročajte. Tudi jaz rada čitam. Zdaj pa bodite pridne in zdrave dokler se vidimo na prihodnji seji, katere se gotovo udeležite. Pozdrav v s eni, Jennie Št. 100, Fontana, Cal. — Naše društvo je bogatejše zaradi naslednjih članic: Preselile so se iz Euclid, Ohio: Mrs. Laverne Novinski in hčerka Gail, ki so prestopile. Gail stara Mamica Mrs. Antonette Donat je prišla s prestopnim listom. Kličemo Vam Dobro došle. Upam;, da se vidimo na sejah. Živijo v Granada Park. Naša tajnica Mrs. Florence Strnad in Mrs. Mary Mayzak so pobirale darove za Lemon tski oltar. Mary Mayzek je rekla, da vsota še ni celotna, nabranega je pa že predcej. Vsem dobro znana Mrs. Anna Petrich je zadnje čase. zelo slabega zdravja, ravno tako je njen mož John. Obema želimo zdravja. Oba sta zelo družabna. Mary Mayzak soprog George se je vrnil iz bolnice, kjer je prestal operacijo na nogi. Zdaj se zdravi doma. Le korajžo George, predno bo čas maškarade boš zopet poskočil. Upajmo. Naše društvo 100 je na posebno srečni listi, do katere smrt še ni dobila pravice. Upajmo, da tako ostane še dolgo časa. Iz daljnei Fontane pošiljam pozdrave in iskrena voščila Mrs. Kaydi Ferk v Brooklyn, N. Y. za hitro ozdravljenje, našim članicam pa najlepše pozdrave in na svidenje v Bonita Park. Mary Vidergar, poroč. BARAGOVE PRATIKE LETOS NE BO! Berwyn, III. —Vsem naročnikom “Baragove Pratike", ki jo je podpisani izdajal od 1542 do 1959, s tem naznanjam, da letos “Baragova Pratika” ne bo izšla, je ne bo. Vzrok: draginja tiska in vedno manjši trg za isto. Ni pomoči. Iz tega razloga prosim vse, da to naznanilo upoštevajo in “Bar. Pratike” letos ne naročajo, ker je ne bo in da ne bo treba naročnine vračati. Prosim lepo upoštevajte to! Vsem iskren pozdrav! John Jerich, Berwyn, III. JUNIOR'S PAGE . i - Donna and Miriam When the branches in Ohio met at their first Ohio State Convention, seated in the sidelines was our favorite columnist of this page, Donna Sietz, who was taking in all the proceedings, so that she could tell her friends about it, and write about it in the ZARJA. Well, low and behold, who do you suppose was there, too? Little Miriam Leskovar, daughter of our Editor, who was anxious to see what was going on! So, Donna and Miriam were snapped in this pose outside St. Vitus Auditorium, on the rainy afternoon of July 5th and hope you’ll all like to see how they look. Hi-Ho, everyone! Here is newrs of our drill teams. The St. Clair group from branches 25 and 50, were asked to perform at a special Nationalities night celebrating the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway. This promises to be a big affair, and we are so proud to be asked. So, Junior members, once you get started in a group activity, be it dancing, singing, marching or baton-twirling, you can be sure to be asked to join in big events that come up in your neighborhoods or towns. And, oh, how proud and good it feels to help celebrate all kinds of wonderful events. So, please juniors, write to me and if ever you wish to start a group of active fun, I’m sure we can contact the right people and help you begin. Sometimes, the younger folks have to start the ball rolling, and express ourselves so that our parents will know what we like to do, and, then they're willing to help. This month, 1 interviewed two members of the St. Clair Drill Team, Joanie Arko and Kathleen Kikel. Joanie Arko is 14 years old and belongs to Dr. 5(1. She was born in Cleveland and is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John Arko. She graduated from St. Vitus Elementary School and is now going to Notre Dame Academy. Her favorite subject in school is Latin, but will major in shorthand and typing so that she can be a private secretary. At present, her position with the drill team is as Captain, which proves she is a very capable girl. Kathleen Kikel is the team's lieutenant and she, too, is a very remarkable girl. The daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kikel, she was born in Cleveland and belongs to Br. 25. Kathy attended East Madison Elementary School and is now going to Collin-wood High. As her career, she wishes to become a teacher. Her favorite subject is art, but, shet is very active as a drum majorette and can play the flute. Next month I will try to interview the drill team members and get their viewpoints on how to be more active and what junior members would really like to do. The St. Clair Drill Team would like to take this means of extending sincere sympathy to Betty Jevec on thei sudden loss of her dear grandfather, Anton Perse whom she dearly loved. Mr. Perse was the father of Betty’s mother, Mrs. Ernestine Jevec, who has done so much to help our team get started. DONNA WORLD SERIES OF 1970! Here is Maxie Traven, 10 years old and ready for the pitch! He’s on the pennant winning White Sox team you see, of the Cleveland little league, and has know-how to make all-star rank, we’re1 sure. Maxie is the son of Mr. & Mrs. Max Traven, 1249 E. 67th St., in Cleveland and is a member of Branch 50. Pen pal Donna Is his cousin, and he plays ball with her brother, Frankie Sietz, too. No matter how the World Series goes this year, or if Maxie’s favorite Cleveland Indiana win over the Chicago White Sox, when he grows up, you can be sure there’ll be a ball player in the Traven family! Happy Birthday to Maxie on Sept. 23rd! What is the best day for making pancakes? Fri-day. * Which travels taster, heat or cold? Heat, because you can easily catch cold. * What has only one finger? A mitten. * Don’t worry if your job is small and your rewards are few. Remember that the mighty oak was once a nut like you. * What table has no legs at all? A timetable. * What’s the one thing in the world that can’t be beat? A broken drum. JPEftRTE THOSE MACHINES BUT TYPEWRITER./, CBNpy What is the difference between a mouse and a beauty prize winner? One harms the cheese, and the other charms the he’s. * What do you lose every time you stand up? Your lap. I COM OPERATE OFFICE NOT R JOSEPHINE A. MIŠIC 50 1111 E. 72 ST. CLEVELAND 3. OHIO PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois JOHN ZELEZNIKAR and SONS FUEL OIL 2045 W. 23rd St. VI 7-6891 Chicago 8, 111. JUVENILE FURNITURE — Dial GL. 2-7711 RAM M’S FUNERAL HOME 1500 Block, S. 12th St. SHEBOYGAN, Wis. JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities Nad pol stoletja že nudi ljubeznivo bratsko pomoč svojini članom in članicam, vdovam in sirotam v slučaju bolezni, nesreče ali smrti KRANJSKO SLOVENSKA KATOLIŠKA tj|P JEDNOTA Najstarejša slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki Certificates: 48,000 Premoženje: $12,000,000.00 K.S.K. Jednota sprejema moške in ženske od 16. do (JO. leta starosti; otroke pa takoj po rojstvu in do 18. leta pod svoje okrilje. K.S.K. Jednota izdaja najmodernejše vrste certifikate za odrasle in mladino od $250.00 do $5,000.00. Če še nisi član ali članica te mogočne katoliške podporne organizacije, potrudi se in pristopi takoj — bolje danes kot jutri! Starši, vpišite svoje otroke v K.S.K. Jednoto! Za pojasnila o zavarovalnini vprašajte tajnike ali tajnice kiajevnih društev KSKJ v vaši naselbini, ali pa pišite na: GLAVNI URAD 351-353 No. Chicago Street Joliet, Illinois THE NORTH AMERICAN BANK COMPANY Rendering Sound and Conservative Banking Service Main Office: 6131 St. Clair Ave. Collinwood Office: 15619 Waterloo Rd. East 93 - Union: 3496 East 93rd St. CLEVELAND, Ohio DR. VICTOR R. CERCEK ZOBOZDRAVNIK — DENTIST Westchester Community Clinic 1938 S. Mannheim Rd., Westchester, 111. Tel.: Fillmore 5-2580 Chicago tel.: Bishop 7-T179 PARK VIEW LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN CHICAGO 8, ILL. ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors A Embalmers Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin H. GRDINO & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 56 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar In dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel: Kenmore 1-5890 Cleveland 10, Ohio