Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 2 Izaäot in stitoM/ Published by ZNANSTVENORAZISKOVALNI GÜNTER SA/U Institut ¿naihcologijo Za/ij / Represented by Oto LUTHAR Uredil / Edited by Ivan TURK Oblikovanje / Graphic art and design Milojka ŽAL t K ¡11 J/JAN Prevod / Translated by Martin CREGEEN, Boris KRYSTUFEK, Amtdas Tisk / Printed by Planprint J.u.u, Ljubljana 1997 Tiskano s podporo Ministrstva za znanost ¡ti tehnologijo Republike Slovenije Published with the support of the Ministry 0f Scicncc and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia ' I Hin tin 7ji nriieotogijo ZRC SAZU, SM000 Ljubljana. Gosposka 13 OP - K.ilalovni /jpiso publikaciji Nanxlna m univerzitetna krj tinier Ljubljana 'X)?(4'X7.4 Divjc babe !) MOUST^RtHNSKA '"koiici» piiinl" in druuet Mjdhe i/ Divjih bab 1 v Sloveniji Moustcrian "bone flute" and other tlndu from Divji- Uubo i cave sile in Stoveniju / urediti k. editor Ivjiii "lurk ; [.murji, sutfiojsl Rasldnilt, Gilllijllio . . [el at.] : Iprcvod, Iftlttlatcd by Martin cregcch, Boris KryiiuiL'k. Amidas) - Ljubljana : Znanstvenoraziskovalni cemerSAZU, 1997. ■ (Opera hisimiii aiihacolojiici Sloveniac . 2) ISii* ¡jü$]-t51fl2»29-J I. Bastiailii Gmliano Z. Turk, I Vati Ml wir, l'i> mnenju Ministrstva /a /nannst iti tulaiutogijo it C v 415-01 -1 13/95 sodi knjiga med p mi/vod l- /u katera sc plačuje 5 % davfk uJ pmmcia proizvodov. MOUSTERIENSKA »KOŠČENA PIŠČAL« IN DRUGE NAJDBE IZ DIVJIH BABI V SLOVENIJI MOUSTERIAN »BONE F LUTE « AND OTHER FINDS FROM DIV JE BA BE I CA VE SITE IN SLO VENI A urednik /editor Ivan Turk Giuliano Bastiani mtitka culiberg JANTRZ Dirjec Boris Kavur Borjs KryStukek Teh-Lung Ku Drago Kunej D. Erle Nelson Mira Omerzel-Terllp v Alojz Sercf.tj Ivan Tljrk ZALOŽBA znc 1 M A H i T V f N Q S A ; I J K o V A t H I CENTER S A Z 1 t ^ons Vsebina 11470724 ['redgovor urednika................................................................................................................................................ 15 t, Uvod Iv viTurk................................................................................................................................................19 2. Stratigrafija in diageneza usedlin Ivan Turk.................................................„........................................ 25 3. Analiza usedlin Ivan Turk it Janez Dirjec.......................................................................................................4i 4. Kadit ikarbo ns ke dotacije k(*sl i in oglja iz Di v j ih bab J 1 > Erie Ne bon. Datirunje kostnih vzo recv iz jame Divje babe I z uranovim nizom (Dodatek) Teh-I.ung Ku....................................................................51 5. K ronolog ija Ivan Turk...............................................................................................................................,..,„.. 67 6. Paleobotani&lfc raz i s k a ve v jami Divje babe I Metku Culiberg (t Alojz Servelj...............................................73 7 Mali sesalci (Inscctivora, C h i ropt e ra, R uden t i a) Boris Krvštufek..................................................................K 5 K, Takso ftomski i n t a fonoms k i pregled sesa I s k e ma k ro fa v ne I van Ti trk <£ Ju ne: Dirjec.....................................99 9, Tafcmomija dolgih cevastiii kosti okončin jamskega medveda Ivan Turk it Janez Dirjec......................... 115 10, Pregled in opis paleolitskih orodij in kurišč Ivan Turk it Boris Kavur........................................................ 119 11, Opis in razlaga nastanka domnevne koščene piščali Ivan Turk, Jane: Dirjec it Boris Kavur. Izsledki poizkusov izdelave koščene piščati z uporabo kamnitih orodij (Dodatek) Giuliuno Basiumi it Ivan Turk „ 157 12, Paleolitske koščene pjiČali - primerjalno gradivo Ivan Turk Boris Kavur................................................ 179 13, Akusiične ugotovitve ra podlagi rekonstrukcije domnevne koščene piSčali Drago Ktinej........................... IH5 14, Tipologija koščenih žvižgavk, pisčali in flavt ter domnevna paleolitska pihala Slovenije Mira Omenef- Tertep....................................................................................... 199 15, Literatura..........................................................................................................................................................219 ) ■ lo>m \\q--fo 4 0J Contents Editor's preface (¡Slovene)......................................................................................................................................i 5 !. Introduction Ivan Turk.............................................,„„„...„,.,„.................¡.„„„¡.-.ssii«!..................... If 2. Stratigraphy and diagjenesis of sediments Ivan Turk.........................................................................................25 3. Analysis of sediments l\ •mi Turk it Jan ezDirjec..............................................................................................41 4. Radiocarbon dating of boiic arn! charcoal from Divje babe I Cave D. Eric Nelson. Uranium series dating of boric samples from liivje babe I cave (Appendix) Teh-Lung Ku ...........................................51 5. Chronology IvUtt Turk.......................................................................................................................................67 (t. Palacobotanic research of the liivje ha he t cave Mi'tka Culiberg A Atojz Scrcclj.......................................... 73 7. Small mammals (i nscetivora, Cliiropicra. Rodciu i a) Boris KiyStu/i'k.............................................................85 K. Taxonomifc and laphonomie review of the mammal macro fauna ¡van Turk m.uns ,..,.........................................................................44 3.5; Divje babé I, Rentgenska difrakcija drobnih fosfatnih agregatov narejena ¡ki Oddelku za geologijo ÑTF v Ljubljani in kemi jski sestav fosfatnega agregata analiziranega s postopkom EDAX na Ministrstvu za notranje zadeve RS......................................................,„„.„.„.„............................................45 3.6: Divje babe I. Fosfatni agregati v frakcijah 10 do 3 nun iti 3 do 0,5 mm.......................................................46 3.7: Divje bahe I, Prosiominske leže osnove kot merilo vsebnosti fosfatnih agregatov in stopnje fusfalogeneze v točkovnih vzorcih usedlin iz posameznih plasti v profilu y ; 2,00 m.................................46 3.K: Divje babe t I'rosto minske teže osnove kol merilo vsebnosti fosfatnih agregatov ni Stopnje fosfatogeneze v področnih vzorcih usedlin iz posameznih kvadratov in režnje v.........................................47 3.9; Divje babe I, Standardne statistike prostoru i nske teže osnove kot merilo vsebnosti fosfatnih agregatov iti stopnje fosfatogeneze v področnih vzorcih usedlin i/ množice kvadratov in režnje v. ki je bila opredeljena po nagubanih plasteh 2 do 5 s pomočjo klasterske analize tipa k-mcww...................48 4,1: Divje babe I: Lokacije radiokarbonskih in U/Tli vzorcev v tlorisu in vzdolžnem prerezu...........................52 4.2: Navidezna ratiiokarbonska slarost glede na količino onesnaženosti............................................................55 4.3: Divje babe I. Vkop, v katerem so biti pobrani vzorci A9 - A12, 51, 61 in 72 za radiomeii ične meritve...... 7.1: Jezična stran ¿podnje čeljustnice poljske rovko Cmcidura teucodon (vzorec 104/H) iz Divjih bab I...........K7 7.2: Odnos med komnoidno višino (CH) in skupno dolžino spodnjih meljakov (M, - M,) pri vrstah Cmcidura leucodon in C. rvssula.................................................................................................................87 7.3: Okolčje (hrbtna stran) krta '¡hipa cumpaea iz Divjih bab I (vzorec 116/3)..................................................8S 7.4; Spodnje čeljustniee nekaterih netopirjev iz Divjih bab 1...............................................................................NK 7.5: Odnos med širino ros t ruina prek meljakov (M3 - M') in razdaljo od podočnika do 3. zgornjega meljaka (C - M1) pri širokouhih netopirjih....................................................................................................89 7.6: Odnos med širino 3, spodnjega meljaka (M,B) in njegovo dolžino [iVM ,) pri širokouhih netopirjih...........89 7,7: Meljaki fosilnih voluharic iz Divjih bab I ....................................................................................................92 7,K: Odnos med količnikom trikotnikov T4s T5 kot imenovalcem (T4/T5) in dolžino 3. spodnjega meljaka (MjL) pri Mknmts agivstis/arvaiis................................................................................................................93 7.9: Odnos med širino 1. zgornjega meljaka (M'B) in njegovo dolžino (M L) pri befonogih miših...................94 7.10: Odnos med Širino 1. spodnjega meljaka (VI,11) in njegovo dolžino (M(L) pri belonogih miših...................95 "7.3 3: Odnos med širino I, spodnjega meljaka (M H) in njegovo dolžino (M,L) pri pod leskih Mascardiinis uielianariax.......................................................„.„.„...........................................................95 7.12: UPGMA dendrogram, ki povzema na Jatcardovem koeficientu (Jt ) temelječo matriko podobnosti med štirimi fosilnimi in eno recentno združbo malih sesalcev............................................................................$6 Figures Research learn of Divje babe I site...................................................................................—.................15 1.1: Geographical and topographical position of the Divji babe I site................................................................19 1.2: Valley of the River Idrijca by the village of li eka.........................................................................................20 1.3; Divje babe I. Groundplan of the cave prior to excavation............................................................................21 1.4: Section of talus on the slope below the Divje babe I site and section oi'colluvium on the pleistocene fluvial terrace of Na Logu............................................................................................................................,22 i 5: Old fluvial lerraccsand the village of Reka..............................................„...,...„„.....................,.„......23 2.1: Divje babe i. Longitudinal section at y 2.00 in in front of and in the cave, up to and including layer 8 , , ,26 2,2: Divje babe I. Longitudinal section at y = 2.00 m in front of the cave, up to and including layer K „...,........30 2,3: Divje babe 1 Longitudinal section at y 2.00 m in the cave, up lo and including layer X...........................31 2,4: Div je babe 1. Cross section at x - 10,00 m behind die eave entrance up to and including layer K...............33 2.5: Divje babe i, Part of cross section 21,00 m in the cave........................................„,,...............................35 2.6: Divje babe I, Pronounced cryoturbalion folds in layers 2 - 5a in longitudinal section at y -6.0(1 m.......37 3,1: Divje babe J. Coatings on corroded dolomite rubhle ....................................................................................41 3.2: Divje babe I. Ratio between matrix and rubble in 20 kilograms of conventional profile samples of sediment from individual layers in section y - 2.00 m .................................................................................42 3.3: Divje balie I. Ratio between matrix and rubhle in 10 to 2(1 kilograms samples of sediment from selected quad nits and spits.............................................................................................................................43 3.4. Divje babe I. Standard statistics lor ratio between matrix and rubble iu 10 to 20 kilograms random samples of sediment from all quadrats and spits, determined lor the folded layers 2 to 5 with the aid of k-menus cluster analysis.............................................................................................................................44 3.5: Divje babe 1. X-ray diffraction of liny phosphate aggregates carried out at the NTF Department of Geology in Ljubljana and chemical composition of phosphate aggregates analysed by the 0DAX procedure at the Ministry of I menial Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia....................................................45 3.6: Divje babe I. Phosphate aggregates in fractions 10 to 3 mm and 3 to 0.5 mm..............................................46 3.7: Divje babe L Volumetric weight of matrix as a measure of the content of phosphate aggregates and the degree ofphosphogenesis iti conventional profile samples of sediment from individual layers in section y- 2.00 m......................................................................................................................................................46 3.8: Divje babe 1. Volumetric weight &f matrix as a measure of the content of phosphate aggregates and the level ofphosphogenesis From selected quadrats and spits. Values are expressed as an average of three spits...................................................................................................................................................47 3.9; Divje babe 1. Standard statistics of volumetric weight of matrix as a measure of the content of phosphate aggregates and levels ofphosphogenesis in random samples of sediment from all quadrats and spits, determined for the folded layers 2 to 5 with (lie aid of k-mains cluster analysis..........................48 ■t , i: Divje babe I. Lay-out of radiocarbon and D 1 h samples in groundplan and longitudinal section..............52 4.2: Apparent radiocarbon age vs. contaminant amount. „..„„.........................................................................„..55 4,3: Divje babel Trench where were sampled samples for radiometric measurements A9 - A12, 51, 61, 63 and 72.......................................................................................................................................................58 7,1: Lingual side of a mandible of Crocuhirti lei/coclon (sample 104/8) from Divje babe 1................................87 7.2: Scatter diagram plot of eoronoid height (( li) against combined length of luwer miliars (M,- M,) in i rut idum leueodon and C'. ntssuItt.........................................................................,................................ 8 7 7.3: Hip-bone (d(irsal v ie w) o f Talpa ¿umpaea li t mi D i vj e bat>e I (sample 116/3).............................................88 7,4: lie ma ins of some fossil bats from I livje babe !.............................................................................................88 7.5: Scatter diagram plot of rostral breadth across molars (M1 - M'l against the distance from the upper canine to the 3rd upper molar (C - M1} in barbastelles..................................................................................89 7.6: Scatter diagram plot of breadth of the 3rd lower molar (M ,B) against its length (M,L) in barbastelles.......89 7.7: Molar patterns in fossil voles from Divjo babe 1...........................................................................................92 7.8: Scatter diagram plot of the quotient of triangles T 4 with T5 as denominator (T4/T 5) against the length of the Mrsl lower miliar (M(L) in Micwlus agrestix/an'alis...............................................................93 7.9: Scatter diagram plot of breadth ol the first upper molar (M'B) against its length (M'L) in wood mice.......94 7.10: Scatter diagram plot of breadth of the first lower molar (MpB) against its length (ML 1 in wood mice......95 7 S, I Divje babe i. Ciklus vseh kostnih odlomkov v posameznih kvadratih in režhjih.......................................101 8.2: Divje babe I Standardne smiislike mlečnih in stalnih zob jamskega medveda iz množice kvadratov in režnjev, ki je bila opredeljena po nagubanih plasteh 2 de 5 s pomočjo kiasterske analize lipa k-means.... 103 8.3: Divje babe J. Ciklus stalnih zob jamskega medveda v primerjavi s ciklusom celih kosi i jamskega medveda brez: sezamoidnita koščic...............................................................................................................104 8,4; Divje babe L Ciklus stalnih /ob v obdobju izraSčanja {juvenilni) nt ciklus popolnoma izoblikovanih stalnih zob (adultm) jamskega medveda ..,.....,,,„........................................................................,,,,............ 105 8.5: Divje babe 1. Zastopanost skeletnih delov novorojenih, mladih in odraslih jamskih medvedov v 150 m usedlin združenih plasti 2 do 5.....................................................................................................................107 8.6; Divje babe 1. Zastopanost in fragment a mos i majhnih disfalnih kosti okončin mladih in odraslih primerkov jamskega medveda ....................................................................................................................109 8.7: Divje babe 1. Gostota ostankov velikih sesalcev brez jamskega medveda v plasteh 2 do 5........................111 X.K: Divje babe I. Pestrost ostankov velikih sesalcev brez jamskega medveda razdeljenih na plenilce (yveri) in plen (rastlinojedi).................................................................................;■:.......................................112 9.1: Divje babe I. Tafonomija dolgih proksimalnih k osli okončin mladih (juvenilni) in odraslih (adultni) primerkov jamskega medveda ..........................................................,.................,,......,„„„..„,,.........-,........... 1 16 9,2: Divje babe t. Primeri različnih .skeletnih delov jamskega medveda s sledovi zverskih /ob..................... 117 10. i: Divje babe I. Projekcija vseh do 3 m oddaljenih si ¡ek.su v v proti I y 2.00 m............................................120 10.2: Divje babe [. Paleolitske najdbe v plasteh 2 do 8 (horizont 0 in horizonti A do 1)) vključno s kurišči in ognjiščem v kvadratih 28, 39 in 40 v tlorisu..............................................................................................121 10.3: Divje babe I. Gobčaato praskalo (plaši 7) in orodje z izjedo t plast S)......................................................134 10.4: Divje babe I. Kostna tvorba .s pravilno okroglo lukn jico (plast 5)..............................................................136 10.5: Divje babe I. Kroglice iz peščenih zrn najdene v plasti 4 (moustenen)......................................................137 10,6: Divje babe I Neobičajen kos dolomita z zarezo najden v sklopu plasti 3 in 4 i of the breadth of the firsi lower molar (M, 11) gainst its length (M(L) in the common dormouse, Muscandinus avellanarius .........................................................................................15 7.12: UPGMA dendrogram summarising similarity matrix of Jaccard coefticients (JC) lor lour lossi! and one reeenl small mammal assemblages....................................................„..,.,......,.,.,„...„.,„..,.....,...,...................96 8.1: Divje babe I. Cycle of all bone fragments in individual quadrats and spiis................................................11)1 8.2: Divje babe I Standard statistics of milk and permanent teeth of cave bear from groups of quadrats and spiis, determined far folded layers 2 to 5 with the aid oik-meatis eluster analysis..............................103 8.3: Divje babe I. Cycle of permanent teeth of cave bear in comparison with eyele of whole bones of eavc bear without scznmoidic bones ...................................,„.,—...,.„„.,..„.......„,.,.„.„—........-,.„.......104 8.4: Divje babe I. Cycle of permanent teeth in the irruption phase (juvenile) and cycle of fully formed permanent lecth (adult) of cave bear .ffi.«,«^...........„.„.................................................................105 8.5: Divje babe I. Frequency ot appearance of skeletal parts of cubs, juveniles and adult cave bear in 150 m1 sediment of combined layers 2 to 5..,,.,................,....,....,„.,..,.,.„.,.„„.........„„......,.....................107 8.6: Divje babe I. Frequency of appearance and fragmenta lion of small tli sta I bones of extremities of juvenile and adult individuals of cave bear................................................................................................. 109 8.7 Divje babe I Densiiy of remains of large mammals without cave bear in layers 2 to S............................. Ill 8.8: Di yje babe I. D i versity of remains of I urge m a m n ra is without ca v e bear, d i vided into e am i vores and herbivores....................................................................................................................................................112 9.1: Divje babe I Taphonomy of proximal limbs of juvenile and adult individuals of cjiVe bear......................lift 9.2: Divje babe I Examples of different skeletal parts of cave bear with tooth marks......................................117 10.1: Divje babe I. Projection of everything up to 3 ni distant silexes in section y 2.00 m...............................120 10.2: Divje babe I. Paleolithic finds m layers 2 to 8 (level I) and levels A lo D) including hearths and fireplace in quadrats 28. 39 and 40 on the groundplan.............................................................................—. 121 10.3: Divje babe I. Nosed scraper (layer 7} and notched tool (layer 8)................................................................134 10.4: Divje bahe I. Hone material with regular circular hole...............................................................................13ft 10.5: Divje babe I, Spheres from grains of sand found in layer 4 (mousterian)...................................................137 10.6: Divje babe I. Unusual piece of dolomite with incision, found in combined layers 3 and 4........................139 10,7: Divje babe 1 Hollowed out fircplacc in layer 5b........................................................................................140 10,8: Divje babe I. One of two fossil ly damaged craniums of adult cave bear found beside the fireplace in layeT 5b......................................................................................................................................................141 10.9: Divje babe I. Charred rib with cut marks (I) and other occasional bones of cave bear with cul marks.....142 10.10: Divje babe I. F i rep I ace in the upper pari of layer S beside which the bone flute was found, Groundplan and cross section........................................................................................................................143 10.11: Divje babe 1 Pieces of the floor of the fireplace in the upper part of layer 8 ...........................................144 10 12: Divje babe 1. Mandibles of cave bear beside the hearth in the upper part of layer 8 beside which the bone flute was found ................................................................................................................................... 145 10.13: Divje babe I. Mandible of a brown bear found under the hearth (quadrat 20, spit 20) beside which the bone llule was found..............................................................................................................................146 10,14: Divje babe I Two-part hearth in layeT 8 and chaotic heap of bones of cave bear.....................................147 10,15: Rarely found shapes n( broken bear craniums, smashed hy man..............................................................148 I M : Divje babe I, Suspected bone flute. Anterior, posterior, lateral views and detail........................................158 11.2: Divje babe 1, Exterior of proximal (I) and distal holes (3) and detail of the exterior of the proximal hole (2) arid the interior of the distal hole f4} on (he suspected bone flute ................................................. 159 11.3: Diyje babe 1 Detail of distal, semi-circular notch on the suspected bone flute.......................................... 160 11.4: Divje babe 1, Detail of proximal senti-circutar notch on ihe suspected bone flute......................................161 11.5: Divje babe 1 Diameters of holes in Ihe bones of cave bear which have been created by natural means .... 162 11.ft: Trial holes bored in fossil bear bone and fresh ted deer bone with ordinary flakes of tuff, such as was used at the Divje bahe f site, The smooth funnel with circular cuts creating by the boring is visible........163 11.7: Aurignaeian bone point with a chiselled out hole, found in Potočka ^ijalka ..............................................165 11.8: Trial chipped hole in a fresh femur of a one year old brown bear (I) and red deer bone (2)......................165 11.9: Possible unsuccessful attempt to chip a hole of diameter 7 mm (I) in the from side of the femur of a young eavc bear from Diyje babel (Moustcrian).....................................................................................166 11.10: Result of attempt to pierce holes with an iron punch on I be posterior of a fresh diaphysis of the femur of a one year brown bear...................................................................................................................167 M.I 1: Point from tuff made specially for an attempt le puncture a fresh bear femur.........................................168 9 11.14: Potočka zijalka. Detajl čeljustnih ne odprtine (Jbramen mantlibulai') na spodnji čelj ustnici jamskega medveda.......................................................................................................................................................I b 9 11.15: Divje babe J. Stegnenica mladiča jamskega medveda z dvema istočasno prebitima luknjicama nepravilne oblike premera 10 in 11 mm......................................................................................................170 11.16: Divje babe I. Povečan odtisek dvodelnega zoba, verjetno derača volka..................................................171 11.17: MokriSka jama (M, Rrodar 1985, 1.3: la). Povečava luknjice premera K mm vdrle z zobom v stegnenico jamskega medveda in droge poškodbe od zob..........................................................................172 I T. I S: Luknjice premera 4 in 5 min poizkusilo predrle z železno konico in s pomočjo primeža posterionio v svežo stegnenico enoletnega r javega medveda.........................................................................................173 1119: Divje babe I Diafize dolgih pevastih kosti okončin mladičev jamskega medveda z. značilno pol krožno izjedo, ki sojo iiEiredile zveri.......................................................................................................................173 11.A1: Poskusno narejena orodja za klesanje lukenj v sveže kosi i......................................................................176 11,A2: Poskusno izklesana luknja v svežo nadlahtnico rjavega medveda...........................................................176 11. A3: Poskusno narejeno nazobčano orodje iz roženea......................................................................................I 77 I I.A4: Detajl poskusno odžaganega disialncga dela sveže stegnenice mladega rjavega medveda......................177 12.1: PaleolitskepiSčali........................................................................................................................................1X0 13.1: Fotografija rekonstruiranega primerka piščali i/ fosilne kosti iz istega obdobja kol je originalna najdba 186 ¡3.2: I oiogralija rekonstruiranega primerka piščali iz sveže kosti današnjega mladega rjavega medveda.........187 13.3: Ncknj načinov vzbujanja zvoka v pihalih....................................................................................................189 13.4: Najpogostejši ustniki piščali......................................................................................................................,, 190 13.5: Preprosti uslniki za vzbujanje zvoka v piščalih (flaviah)............................................................................191 I 6: Vzbujanje zvoka v koščeni piščali z naslonom kosti na spodnjo ustnico...................................................192 13.7: Vzbujanje zvoka v koščeni piščali z naslonom kosti na zgornjo ustnico....................................................193 14,1: Švicarske ljudske koščene žvižgavke bmivke in piščali..........................................................................201 14.2: Žvižga vke iz kosti prstnih členkov iz madžarskih paleolit.sk i h najdišč (z. eno ali več luknjicami).............203 14.3: BrniVke iz kosti...........................................................................................................................................203 14,4: Bolgarska koščena podolžtia p i Seal zafara iz. orlove ulne z ustničnun izrezom in palčno luknjo {ali brez)...........................................................................................................................................205 14,5: Koščene piščali z eno luknjo za vabljenje vider..........................................................................................205 14,6: Piščal za vabljenje vider iz račje golen ice (60 mm) z jedrom.....................................................................207 14.7: Koščene piščali iz ženskega groba..............................................................................................................208 14,K: Piščali iz goveje kosti (257 mm) iz Hollingdala, iz. oveje ali kozje (152 mm) in zajčje kosti (129 mm) z visokoležečo palčno luknjo......................................................................................................210 14.9: Koščene piščali s palčnimi luknjami iz ovčjih in kozjih kosti ....................................................................210 14.10: Replika desne spodnje ecljuslniee jamskega medveda z odbitim rogljem (ramus mandibviae) iz Potočke zijalke (aurignacien)............................................................................................................................................214 14.11: Preglednica {Moeek 1969).............................................................«..........................................................215 14 12: Stegnenica približno enoletnega jamskega medveda z. vrisano piščaljo tz Divjih bab ! ..........................21 h 10 11.12: MokriSka jama (Brodar I9K5. Pl, 5: K). Enlarged hole diameter 9 nim (1) on the posterior of the fragment of the diaphysis of a femur of a juvenile cave bear and detail of the centre of the left edge of the bok i I)...................................................................................................................................................169 11, i 3: Potočka zijalka. Detail of unpublished example of the mandible of a sub-adult cave bear with gqawed ramus mandihutac and clear tooth marks ........................................„„........,...,...........16l) 11,14: Potočka zijalka. Detail of the foramen nunidibulae o it the mandible of a cave bear.................................169 I LIS: Divje babe I. lemur of a juvenile cave bear with two contemporaneously pierced holes of irregular s hape. diameter of 10 and 11 mm..................................................................................170 1 L16: Divje babe I. Enlarged impression of double teeth, probably the camassial of a wolf.............................171 11.17: MokriSka jama (M. Brodar 1985, Pl. 3: la), Enlargement of hole of diameter H mm (I) pierced with teeth in the femur of a cave bear and other dem age of teeth (7) ...............................................................172 11, IX: Holes of diameter 4 and 5 mm from an attempt to pierce ihe fresh femur of a one year old brown bear posteriori^ with an iron spike and with the aid of a vice............................................................................173 It ,|9: Divje babe L Diaphysis of the limb bone of a juvenile cave bear with lypieal scmi-Lireular notches made by carnivores..........................................................................,,................................. ..........................173 I LAI: Experimentally manufactured stone tools for chipping holes in fresh bones...........................................I7f> 11.A2: Experimentally chipped hole in fresh bear cub humerus..........................................................................176 II A3: Experimentally manufactured denticulate tool Of chert............................................................................177 11 ,A4: Dcatil of experimentally sawn off distal end of fresh brown bear cub femur ..........................................177 12,1: Palaeolithic fluies........................................................................................................................................1X0 13.1: Photograph of the reconstructed example of a flute from fossil bone originating from the same period as the original find.,..........................................................................................................................1X6 13-2: Photograph of reconstructed example of a flute from the fresh bone of a young brown hear.................. 1X7 13.3: Some ways of stimulating sound in a wind instrument...............................................................................1X9 13.4: The commonest mouthpieces of flutes........................................................................................................ 190 13 5: Simple mouthpieces for stimulating sound in flutes...................................................................................19! 13-6: Stimulating sound in a bone pipe by resting ihe bone on ihe lower lip.......................................................192 13.7: Stimulating sound in a bone flute by resting the bone against the upper lip...............................................193 14.1: Swiss folk bone whistles, free aerophones (bull-roarers) and whistles.......................................................201 14,2: Whistles from phalanges (with one or several holes) discovered in Hungarian palaeolithic sites..............203 J 4,3: Kree aerophones (bul I-roarers) made of bone..............................................................................................203 14.4: Bulgarian straight bone pipe, :u/nra, made of eagle wing bone, with a notch and (also without) thumbhole....................................................................................................................................................205 14.5: Hone pipes with a single hole (60 - 79 mm) for attracting otters................................................................205 14.6: Ptpe for attracting Otters, made of duck shin bones (60 mm) with block....................................................207 14,7; Bone pipes from a woman's grave ..............................................................................................................20S I4.K: Pipes made of cattle bone (257 mm) from I lollmgdale, of sheep or goat bone (152 mm) and rabbit bone (129 mm) with a high thumbhole......................................................................................210 14.1): Hone pipes with thumhholes, made of sheep and goat bones............................................................-.........210 14.10: Replica of the right mandible of a cave bear with a broken ramus (ramus muiuliAulae) from Potočka zijalka (Aurignacian).....................................................................................................................214 14.11: Table of bone pipes (Moeek 1969).........................................................................................................-215 14.12: Thigh bone of approximately one year old cave bear with the outline of the pipe discovered in Divje babe I.................................................................................................................................................216 363 Table 10.1: Divje babo 1 Aurignacienske in monsterienske najdbe iz plasti 2 in sklopa plasti 3 do 5a........................ 150 10.2; Divje babe I. Moustčrienske najdbe v sklopu plasti 3 do 5a in v plasli 4..................................................151 10.3: Divje babe I. Mousterionske najdbe v plasti 4, v plasti 5 in v sklopa plasti 5 in 6...................................... 152 10.4: Divje babe i. Mousterionske najdbe v plasti 6 in v plasti 7........................................................................153 10.5: Divje babe I. Mousteriensko najdbe v plasti 7 in v sklopu plasti 7 in 8...................................................... 154 10.6: Divje babo I. Mousteriensko najdbe v plasti X ............................................................................................ 155 i 0.7: Divje babe 1. Mousteriensko najdbe v plasti 8 in v sklopu plasti 2 do 8..................................................... I5(i Razpredelnice 4.1: Rádiokarbonskodatirani vzorci.....................................................................................................................54 4.2: Radiokarbonskc tla tac i je vseh vzorcev..........................................................................................................Al 4.3: Povprečne starosti po plasteh ........................................................................................................................62 4. Al: U/Th datacije................................................................................................................................................65 5.1: Divje babe I. Izsledki radiometričmh meritev starosti plasti 2 do 8..............................................................68 5.2: Divje babe I Pomembnejša dogajanja v sedimentaciji in njihova kronološka razlaga.................................7(1 6.1: Pregled oglja po plaslch.................................................................................................................................77 7.1: Opisna statistika za koronoidno višino iit skupno dolžino spodnjih meljakov v treh vzorcih poljske rovke Cwciriwa leucodon................................................................................................................K7 7.2: Variacijska širina dolžine zgornjega niza zob ((.' - M'j, spodnjega niza zob {I' - M J in relativne širine rastnima (Ro % - 100 x Širina rastnima prek meljakov / C - M1) pri recento i h krtih Tni/xt europaea iz Slovenije in fossilnih T. europaea iz Divjih bab I.....................................................................S8 7.3: Opisna statistika za dimenzije rastnima in zob pri recen inem širok o tihem netopirju Barbasiclla barbastellus iz Slovenije in pri fosilnem materialu iz Divjih bab I...............................................................89 7.4: Opisna statistika za dolžino I. spodnjegamfcljaka (M,) prirccqntnih in fosilnih voluharjih Anicah terresfris iz Divjih bab I.................................................................................................................................91 7.5: Frekvence zastopanosti posameznih mdrfotipov I. spodnjega mcljaka pri fosilnih snežnih voluharicab Chionomyx nivalis iz Divjih bab I in dveh recčutnih populacijah izrSlovenije (Julijske Alpe in Snežnik) ..91 7.6: Opisna statistika za dolžino 1. spodnjega tneljaka pri rceentnih in fosilnih gozdnih Voluharicah Cleihriontim r.v glareohis i z Dívj ih batos J ...........................................................................................92 7,7: Opisna statistika dolžino 1. spodnjega meljaka (M,) v treh vzorcih vol uharic s pitymoidním M. 93 7.8: Opisnit staiistika za dolžino in širino prvega spodnjega meljaka (M,) pri recentnili podleskih Muscardinus avellanarius iz Slovenije in fosilnem materialu iz Divjih bab I ..............................................94 7.9: Najmanjše število osebkov v fosilnih in reccntnih združbah sesalcev iz Divjih bab I..................................97 H.i: Divje babe I. Prisotnost - odsotnost velikih in izbranih malih sesalcev po plasteh.....................................100 10.1: Surovinski sestav kamenih najdb brez lusk.................................................................................................132 10.2: Gosto la naj d k amen i li arlo fa k lov po plasteh................................................................................................133 10.3: Pregled orodij (po Hordesu) po plasteh.......................................................................................................137 12 Plates 10,1: Divje b;ihc I Aurignacian and Mousterian finds from layer 2 and combined layers 3 to 5a,....................(SO 10.2: Divje babe 1. Mousterian finds in combined layers 3 lo 5a and in layer 4................................................. 15 I 10.3: Divjc babe 1 Mousterian finds in layer 4, in layer 5 and combined layers 5 and 6.................................... 152 10.4: Divjc babe L Mousterian finds In layer 6 and layer?.................................................................................153 10,5: Divje babe I Mousterian finds in layer 7 and combined layers 7 and 8.................................................... 154 10,6: Divjc babe I Mousterian finds in layer N...................................,.,......,,,,.,,...,.,..,...,.,,.,......,.,....,,...,....,,,.....155 10.7: Divje babe 1. Mousterian finds in layer x and in combined layers 2 to X.................................................... 156 Tables 4.1: Radiocarbon samples dated..............................................................................................................„,..........54 4.2: Radiocarbon data for all samples...................................................................................................................61 4,3: Average ages by layer...................................................................................................„„„..........................62 4.AI: The U/Th dates.............................................................................................................................................65 5.1: Divje babe 1. Results of radiometric age measurements ofhyers 2 to K..............................,.,......„..............6K 5.2: Divje babe I. Major events in sedimentation and their chronological classification ,r~................................70 6.1: Survey of charcoal by layers.....................................................................................................................................77 7. i Descriptive statistics for coronoid height and combined length of lower molars in three samples of Cmculurti leucodon........................................................................................................................................S7 7.2: Ranges lor maxillary tooth-row (C - MJ), mandibular looth-row (P, - and relative rostral breadth I Ro 100 x rostral breadth across molars.' C - M1) for rečeni Tolpa cm apnea from Slovenia and fossil T. ciuxtptica from Divje babe I............................................................................................. 7,3: ]>escriplive statistics for rostral and dental measurements in recent Barbastcila btirbastcllus from Slovenia and fossil material from Divje babe I.............................................................................................S4 7.4: I Descriptive statistics lor length of the 1st lower molar (Jv^) in recent and fossil Atvifoh lit rest ris from Divjc babe i............................................................„„,„.,.,„...........,..,...„,..,..........................................................91 7.5: Frequencies ul morpholypes of the 1st lower miliar in fossil ChinnomyS nivalis frum Divje habe I and two recent populations from Slovenia: the Jul ian Alps .nuj Mi. Snexni.................................................91 l.(y. Descriptive statistics for lenyili of the 1st lower molar in recent and fossil Ck-thrionomys ylamtlus from Divje babe 1...........................................................................................................................................92 7.7: Descriptive statistics for length of the !st lower molar (M) in three samples of votes with pitympid M 93 7.S: Dese ri pt i ve statist ics for length and b read th of t h e (1 rst lower molar (M t) in rečen i Mi iscai iciii i ux tiwlltiiluirtus from Slovenia and fossil material from Divjih bab 1................................................................04 7.9: Minimum number of individuals in fossil and modem small mammal assamblagcs from Divje babe I ......97 N.!: 1 Jivje babe I. Presence - absence of large and some small mammals by layer............................................100 10.11 Raw material composition of stone finds wjtlrout chips..............................................................................132 10.2; Density O fluids of slone arlefaels by layers................................................................................................133 10,3: Survey of tools (Btardcsian typology) by layer............................................................................................137 13 Avtorji - Contributors (milium BAST IAN I Musei Provincial i - Archivio Slûricho - Gorizia Borgo Caste llo 1-34170 Gorizia, Italia Metka CULIBERG BioloSki inštitut Jovana Hadžija Zoa iistvé n oraz i skov a Ini center S A Z U Gosposka 13, Si-11)00 Ljubljana, Slovenija Janez DIRJEC Inštitut za arheologijo Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU Gosposka 13 SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Boris KAVtJR Jožeta Mlakarja 15 Sl-2341 Pekre, Slovenija Boris KRYâTUFEK Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije P. p. 290 SJ-100! Ljubljana, Slovenija Teh-Lung KIJ Department of Earth Sciences University of Southern California Los Angeles, USA Drago KUNLJ Gtasbenonnrodopisni institut Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU Gosposka 13 S1-1000 .1 j ubijali a, Slovenija lJ. EKLE N l:LSOM A rc h a eo logy I Jepa rti ne n t Simon Frascr Univeisity Bumaby, B. C.,Canada Mira OM F.RZEL-TERI.EP Melikova 45 SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Alojz SERCELJ Biološki inštitut Jovana Hadžija Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU Gosposka 13 SI-1000 Ljubljana, Sloveni ja Ivan TUR K InStitut za arheologijo Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU Gosposka 13 SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija 14 Predgovor urednika Raziskovalci Divjih bab!. Od desne proti levi: dr Milja Brodar, Ivan Turk in Jane/. Diijcc. Research teamof Divje bube i site. Frani ri^bl to Icfti Dr, Milja Brodar, Ivan Inrk in Janez Dirjee, Divje babe Iv dolin i Idrijce si i paU toliisko iamsk o najdišči' ktit vsa druga. \'a njih ni nič izjemnega, razen morda izredno debele sedimentacije. in vendar je najdišči' iakmekoe ve: noč zablestelo, in to zaradi ene same najdbe - najstarejše (tiščali, ki je povrhu vsega lahko eelo sporna. listo, kar naredi najdišču pomembno, ni enkratna najdba, temveč natančne in poglobljene Vsestranske raziskave najdišča kot Celote. Samo po sebi je lahka vsako paleolitsko najdišče zelo povprečna ali celo podpovprečno, če se ga lotimo bolj površno in posplošeno ter se ne poglobimo v njegove posebnosti, /m površnega opazovalca strokovnjaka so tudi Divje habí■ I samo kit p kamenja in peska, v katerem so pomešane kosti jamskega medveda, nekaj pa($ólilskih orodij, sem ter tja pa ne dobi še kakšen ostanek ¡m leoiitsk ega t )gnjišet i. Če še tako naprezamo ači, V presekih usedi in ne vidimo prav nič več kot v vseh najdiščih i: tega časa. Tudi najdbe ne prinašajo nič bistveno novega, ¡ 'se je bilo že videno. Kaj nam potem sploh še ostane? Da se poglobimo do samega bistva stvari, skozi labirint svojih zablod in zablod drugih, da potrpežljivo izluščimo iz kaosa tistih nekaj težko opaznih podatkov, ki dajo upati, da smo na poti do odkritja, kako stvari delujejo, kaj so vzroki in kaj posledice, kako so stvari med seboj povezane. Na srečo smo že pred znamenito najdbo stopili na to pot, kar povečuje ugled najdišča kot celote. Tako bo tudi ta najdba lahko pridobila na ceni, ne pa izgubila. Seveda bo tudi sama 15 ¡'m ni |V<:4( i 'lt| liMKA najdba lahko prispevala k ugledu najdišča. Na ugled slovenske ■urokepa bo bolj vplivalo to, kako .viti najdba iti najdišče, dokumentirana Pri opredelitvi znamenite najdbe je bilo ob odkritju polovica možnosti, da ju pravilno opredelimo kot izdelek človeške. roke, ki bi bil <■ tem primeru zelo verjetno ptiča!. Tega dejstva sem se zavedal in bil sum pi vt -i j dolgo zadržan Najditelj se v tak ih primerih lahko odloči čez noč. intuitivno in neaigumendrano. St int tega nisem zmogel. Zdelo se mi je nepošteno do drugih, ker hi jih z napačna odločitvijo lahko zavedel. Zrno sem začel neobičajno najdbo postopno analizirati. To je bito tipanje v neznano. Veliko sem si pomagat z različnimi poizkusi, ki so opisani v tem zborniku. Najbolj me je mučilo vprašanji', kako $o nastale ali bite narejene neobičajno razporejene nenaravne luknjice i kosti, K i ■(■■šil vi i a ju 'olnšk ega i lela ugank eje odločilni > />i ispe vaio sodelovanje z eksperimentalnim arheologom in znancem Giulianom Bastianijem iz Italije. \:a podlagi dolgoletnih izkušenj je Gin liano prišel do pravilnejše in hitrejše rešitve problema kot jaz. ki lakih izkušenj nimam, Zato sem mu globoko hvaležen. Enkratna najdba, ki je ponesla ime najdišča in nove državice Slovenije v svet !er sprožila plaz razprav in ugibanj na akademski in popularni ravni, je stvar naključja, sreče tdi kakorkoli že tO imenujem. Če pa zadevo dobro premislim in se ozrem na sam začetek, ugotovim, da vit* skupaj morda le ni čisto tako. Pri paleolitskih raziskavah sva s prijateljem in najožjim sodelavcem Janezom Dirjecem redno sodelovala že kot študenta arheologije. Tedaj sva pomagata profesorju Francu Osoletu i ekipi, ki smo jo za šalo imenovati Sonda /, stil bila tudi študenta geologije in paleontologije Vasja Mikuž in Jernej Pa všič. Danes sta oba profesorja paleontologije. Poleg tega. da smo v časti študija sodelovali pri vseh izkopavanjih, smo v praksi izvedli tudi vsa tedanja sondiranja (iskanja novih najdišč S pomočjo poskusnih v kopov} pod profesorjevim strokovnim vodstvom. Sam sem t- ta namen pregledal celoten seznam kraških jam v Sloveniji m izbral več vodoravnih jam. ki bi se jih splačalo poizkusilo arheološko raziskan Posebej zanimivi \ta se mi zdeli dve jami: Matjaževe kamre pri liovtah in Divje babe pri Cerknem. Se danes hranim spisek, na katerem sta obe jami posebej označeni, /uradi lažjega dostopa smo se potem odločili, da poskusimo srečo v Matjaževih kamrah In ni bifo zaman. Od tU naprej je moja arheološka kariera za nekaj časa zamrla. Ponovno je oživela na Inštitut a Za ta heologijo s tem, da sem th 1 / it ji H radarju pomagal pri njegovih izkopavanjih in sondiranjih K sodelovanja sem pritegnil tudi prijatelja Janeza Dirjeca, kije i»wl kot arheolog šc manj steče z arheološkimi službami kot jaz. Skupaj sva kopala vsaj v petdesetih jamah i Sloveniji. Samo redke med njimi \o seuvt stile med paleoiitska najdišč a. Taka st > pa nakljnt ji t prišle na vrsto tudi pozabljene Divje habe 1 Na jamo. 16 predvsem pa na najdbe jamskega medveda, je prof. Oso te ta in tir. H radarja opozoril leta 19 7H gospod Jože Skabar, za kar sem mit osebno neizmerno hvaležen. Spominjam se sondiranja, ki mi ga je še istega leta zaupal dr. Bradat. tz Ljubljane i Šchretje sem se pripeljat z mopedom, ker ne vozim avta. Pred tem sem na izkopavanja šinnn po Sloveniji liodil kolesom, C esta od Stopnika do Sebrelj je h i hi toku slaba in strma, da sem se komaj privlekel tja gor Se slabša je bila steza do jame, ki je hita mestoma tudi zelo nevarna. Takoj mi je postalo jasno, Zakaj me je doletela Čast, da lahko sondiram to medvedjo luknjo. Po uspešna opravljeni nalogi mi je bilo dve teti kasneje zaupano še izkopavanje, ki gaje prvih sedem let formalno vodil dr, Brodar. Prvo leto izkopavanj je bito zame najtežje. Ravno ko naj hi začeti, mi je zbolela mama. žena pa je imela roditi. I 'seejfp sem se odločit in šel na željo drugih izkopavat, V času moje odsotnosti je Ana v nevarnih razmerah rodila drugega sina Janeza. Imela sta srečo, da se je porod iztekel brez posledic. Če l>i komu posvečal I o knjigo, bi /o nedvomno njimo. Danes mi Janez in starejši sin Matija pomagata pri delu v Divjih babah t. Mimogrede samo tole Divje babe / so najdišče, ki je zaznamovano z Ivani in Janezi. Nad jamo je eerkev s\: Ivana, lastnik zemljišča, na katerem je jama, je Ivan Šturm, arheološka ekipa je več le/ bivala vSebreljah pri Ivanu Tušku. Pri izkopavanjih v jami nas je v1 i prit ike preizkusiti, ¡'se na k< tpai te i isedli nt ■ smo po Žični t i spravili v dolino, jih Z vodo S prati na sitih in temeljito pregledali. Nekoč smo se zopet za las izognili nesreči s smrtni in Izidom. Dirječev starejši sin Janez je CHLtHiilVOB 1 ItEIlHIKA v santokoinico vred zletel po strmem pobočju pod jcmio ¡11 se ustavil tik nad prepadom. Arheološko delo so spremljate stalne težave zaradi okvar, ki so nastajale na slabi tehnični opremi. VeČino popravil smo mora/i opraviti sam i. kal snu i vedeli in znali. Pri enem lakih popravil sta Jane: Dirjec starejši in mlajši nepričakovano izgubila tla pod »uganit. Oče se je ujet za jeklenko, sin pa za očeta in oba skupaj sta obvisela na ti strmim, golim pobočjem, ki se konča s prepadom. Med obratovanjem žičnice nam je ud vsega začetka najbolj nagajal vi tet. Zaiti smo bili nazadnje prisiljeni, da snto sumi na podlagi negativnih ižkušnej. ki smo jih imeli s starim vitlom, načrtovali in izdelali novega. Z njegovo pomočjo smo se dokopati tudi d a znamenite najdbe pišt oli. C V hi odnehati, ko je stari vitel dokončno odpovedal, npvcga pa ni bilo nikjer ilohiti. kdo Ve, kaj bi bito potem s piščaljo. Natančno delo, ki je bilo sprva spričo redkih najdb paieolitskih orodij videti nesmiselno, se je ob tako potnembni najdbi, kot je pisen i. bogato obrestovala. Vsi natanenu z/mini podatki za plasti nad njo so nam prišli tedaj še kako prav Novico o najdbi so spravili v svet novinarji, ki jim ni bilo dosti mar vseh dvomov, ki so se n leni pt m iili />< > gU i vi od dne. ko jo ji', lane: I tlrjei1 izluščil iz desellističle/ne breče. ne da hi jo pri tem poškodoval. Zopet enkrat neverjetna srečat Medtem ko so drugi širili novice, sem sam stal preti zelo težko nalogo, kako odgovoriti na vprašanje, ali je najdeni predmet izdelek človeških rok in kaj predstavlja. Enkratno najdbo sem moral tudi prikazati v sklopu najdišča, t. j. vseh podatkov, ki dokazujejo njeno pristnost in veliko starost. Kot na tehničnem tudi na strokovnem področju nisem vnel nikoli možnosti zaposliti vseh strokovnjakih, ki so potrebni pri za pleteni h paleolitskih raziskavah, /aro sem moral večino dela. za katerega nisem hit strokovni t usposobljen, opraviti sam vzelo kratkem času. Kaka mi je to uspelo, zgolj na podlagi dolgoletnih delovnih izkušenj, hoda presaditi drugi. Tudi če bo končni izid slab, se tolažim z mislijo, da sem Vet/nt) Pušča I Vse možnosti odprte domačim strokovnjakom in nisem vseh ključnih zadev predal tu jcem za ceno lastne varnosti in udobja Tako mi je uspelo ohraniti najdbo in najdišče do danes kot bolj aH manj izključno slovenski morebitni prispevek k poznavanju duhovnega razvoja človeške vrste. Pri preučevanja najdbe sem šel skozi rvij stopnje spoznanja: od začetnega dvoma do končnega utemeljenega prepričanja, da je kost lahko poteg dragih poznanih dejavnikov na luknjal predvsem človek. Zal, lega ne morem pot I preti z materialnimi dokazi. To je razvidno iz mojega pisanja, med ostalim tudi v tem zborniku Najdba lahko, tako kot se razlaga, pomeni pomembno prelu/unicu v razmišljanju o tistih sposobnostih naših prednikov, ki so obče človeške in ji h zelo težko najdemo v arheoloških zapisih. Odpira povsem nov pogled na zgodovino človeštva in postavijo naše duhovne korenine za novih ¡00.0(10 let V preteklost. V senci te najdbe je ostalo drugo pomembno odkritje iz istega naj d¡št a -ji is i Ine dhakeja msk ega medveda. Toodkt i ¡je, ki ni stvar sreče, ampak resnično odkritje, odpira možnosti rutinskega odkrivanja fosilnih tkiv davno izumrlih živali in tudi ljudi. To bo prineslo nove. sveže podatke o preteklem življenju. Pot do piščali je bila težavna in zapletena. Na njej nam je />omagalo mnogo preprostih ljudi, velika znancev in prijateljev ter redki ljudje na položajih s posluhom do ncprojttnega raziskovalnega dela Saj na tem mestu omenim samo dva, gospoda C i rila Vršiča i: Tolmina in gospoda Borisa Božiča iz Idrije. Oba sta mi materialno veliko pomagala v letu odločilnega preobrata v raziskavah Divjih bab 1 Vsem. ki so mi kakorkoli pomagali, sem neizmerno hvaležen, iskreno tipam, da je naša najdba resnično tu. kar arheologi mislimo, da je. Upam, da ho ostala zapisana v zgodovini arheoloških odkritij in z njo vsi številni dobrotniki, ki so nam nesebično pomagali pri njenem odkrivanju. S hvaležnostjo se spominjam tudi nekaterih stalnih obiskovalcev naših izkopavanj, katerimi smo se z leti spoprijateljili. Naše delo so s svojimi obiski osmišljali gospa Ivana Leskovec, gospod Samo Bevk. gospod Otmar Črnitogar, gospmt Silvano Malagnini in drugi. Najbolj zvest in kritičen Spremljevalec pa je bil tir. Mitja H rudar, kateremu dalgujem zahvalo za svojo paleolitsko kariero. Njegova je tudi posredna zasluga, da je do Divjih bab I in vseh odkritij sploh prišlo. Iskrena hvala. 17 ftUT*¡OVoz Tolmin (I. d.. Elektmprimorska Tolmin. Eiektroprimorska - Nadzorniktvo Cerkno. Kmetijska zadruga Idrija. RototnatikaSpodnja Idrija, Zidgrad Idrija. Rudnik Idrija iip Muzej Idrija. 1 sem se isktvno zahvaljujem. Posebej se zahvaljujem za požrtvovalno tlelo vsem udeležencem izkopavanj, ki so našteti v kronološkem zaporedju po etapah izkopavanj: Praško Josipovič. Marjan Blažon, Janez Joeif, Marjan Med ¡ubi. Sašo Oračem. Darko Zajdeia. Damjan Knijtc. Jernej Zavrta mk. Avgust Martinšek. Markó Frelih, iomaž Demovšek, Pasja Miku!, Jernej Pavšič, Gregor Likar, Martin Majcen, Marina Jež, Helena Verbič, Ivan Belae, Roman deri na. Nada Baznik, Majdo Knifie, ¡Vaško Kn juta; fvš Ba1 't'(, Frani it Js ti 'k. Joži • K t u. D irjet Božetut, Breda Bn ti tiar, Peter I f atinar. Primož Butinar, In ton Derfink, JožeJeram, i d I ter Miekuž, Martin Sede j, Anton Razpet. Janez Dirjec ml. Anton Velušček, M da Jelovšek. Srečko Firšt, Borut Blažič, Jože Podgornik, Primož Pavlin, Jerneja Zantar, Dejan D rote, Matija Dirjec. Janez hirk. Matija Ta) k, Miloš Bovec. Aleš Ogolelet lle/la Debeljak, Iztok Saj ko, Andrej Rupar, Naša Tto k. Boštjan Plrlh. Zdravko Šturm, Boštjan Obid. Robi Obid. Matej Turušek. Auže fíat. Gašper Itak. Jernej Rak, Filip Stemberger. Dušan Stanu, Irena Lebun, Janko Sita m. Matija Likat in Boris KtlvUK IS 1. Uvod 1. Introduction Ivan Turk Divje babe I (katastrska Stcv, DZRJS 812, koordinate I 5.000. \ M16570. y 5108190) so45 m tli)Igu in t!o 15 m široka vodoravna jama 230 m nad strugo reke Idrijce na Reki prt Cerknem (Ttirk in vir 1989 b k Jama seje izoblikovala v dolomitu pod robom Šcbreljske planote. Skupaj z. obsežnejšo Šentviško planoto, Policami in Ravnami predstavlja ostanke nekoč večjega platoja, ki so ga razkosali tektonski procesi in S/. 1.1 Geografska in topografska iega najdišča Divje babe i Legenda: I refne iL-r.isic;2 ■ zemeljski plaz, 3 * meliSii Risha: Dragica Ktiific Ltmdcr, I Jivje babe I (cave-rug i s ter no. N12, coordinates, I : 5.000, s 5416570, v 5108190) is a 45 m long, up to 15 m wide horizontal cave, 230 ni above the course of the River Idrijca, at Reka near Cerkno (Turk et a! 1989). The cav e was fanned in dolomite, under the edge of&ebreljska planota (low mountain plateau), Together with the more extensive plateaus of Šentviška gora. Police and Ravne, it represents the remains of a larger Fig. I I ■ Geographical and topographical position of the Divje b:ihe I sile. i egentl: I - Fluvial terraces, 2 - Col I avium. 3 -I'iiSes. 11 rawing: Dragica Knilie Lunder. 19 U ví «i N SI. 1.2: Dolina reke Idrijce pri zaselka Reka. Najdišče Divje bíihii I je označeno š krogom. Foto: Camwn Narobe, Fig 1.2: Vil I ley of i Sil- Rjver Idrijca by the village of Iteka, The Divje babe I site is m:irkeit hy čire le Pilotu; Carmen Narobe. Idrijca s pritoki. Najdišče le/i na nadmorski višini 45(1 in v razširjenem delu sicer ozke rečne doline, kjer so vidni ostanki starih rečnih teras, zemeljskih plazov m melise (s!. 14 ¡u /.5) | Na pobočju pod današnjim jamskim vhodom so se ohranile debele pobočne usedline pleistoeenske starosti. Te so pred vhodom raziskane do globine 12 m. ne da bi bila pri tem odkrila kamninska podlaga. Domnevna debelina ta lasnih usedlin na pobočju pred jamo je okoli 30 ni, Sistematska izkopavanja, ki potekajo od leta 1980 dalje, so uvrstila najdišče pt> števili i najdb na drugo meslo med srednjepaleolitukimi najdišči v Sloveniji, takoj za Betalovim spodmolom pri Postojni (S. Brodar 1957; Osole 1990; 1991). Po številu paleolitskih horizontov plateau, which was dissected by tectonic processes and the valleys of I he Idrijea and its tributaries. The site lies at an altitude of450 m in 1 lie spreading part ot'an otherwise narrow river valley, where the remains of old fluvial terraces, colluvial deposits and talus are visible (t'ivs. 1.4 and 1.5). On the slope below today's cave entrance, some ihiek talus of Pleistocene age have been preserved. These have been explored in front of the entrance lo a depth of' 12 m, without reaching bedrock. The suspected thickness of the laltis on the slope in front of the cave is around 30 m. Systematic excavations which have been Inking place since 19H0 have classified die sile according to the number of archaeological finds, in second place among Middle Palaeolithic sites in Slovenia, immediately after Betalov spodmol by Posiojna (Brodar 1957; Osotc 1990; 1991). According to the number of palaeolithic levels, it is even in first place. The site will remain notable mainly tor the discovery of fossil hairs 20 Introduction 0.6 6 V ee 6-3 62 G 2c 55 55c M 52 O 47 46 40 M a is 3a JO 36 ■S3 36 ia 4ln 3J 53 34a 41B 41e 34c x - 11 y i-6 - je četo na prvem mestu. Najdi i če bo ostalo poznano predvsem po odkritju fosilnih dlak jamskega medveda in po najdbi najstarejše domnevne koščene pisca h na svetu (Turk in dr. 1995a; 1995b); Pisca! pomeni tako pomembno na jdbo, da zasluži podrobnejšo obdelavo od začasnega poročila (Turk in dr. I995b). Zato bomo v i L-m zborniki) predhodno obdelali krono s trat igrali jo, pomembnejše ostanke mlajše pleistocenske favno in flore ter bolj izčrpno vse paleolitske najdbe do vključno plasti X, v kateri je bila najdena piščalka. Pri tem je potrebno poudariti, da so bile usedline v vbodnem predelu jame (ok. 130 m1 s celotno plastjo 8) v letih 1980 - 1984; (izkopavanja Mitje B roda rja) pregledane brez sejanja in spiranja, usedline v osrednjem delu jame (ok. 200 m1 s samo načeto plastjo H) pa so bile v letih 1990 - 1995 (izkopavanja Ivana Turka in Janeza L) i rje ca) v celoti Sprane in pregledane na šilih i velikostjo luknjic 10, 3 in 0.5 mm. Zaradi različnih metod terenskih raziskav ST. / Divjebabe I. Tlons jame prtd izkopSVanji. Oznaieno je Brodatjevo izkopno pnljt: v lei ¡It I9JJ0 do 1986, PoveCfUlQ jtr prtka/iin» novo ¡zkopno pulje od lelu 1989 daljc rn. o/naktr kvadr&tov. Hi*bin llriiiko Josipovid, IvEin Turk in Dragica Knific Umder Divjy haho I, Grounilplan ol' the CftVe prior tu picavation, Brodar's trench from 1980-1986. The new trench from 1989 onwards, with the quadrat!: marked, is shown enlarged, Drawing; Drasko Jwipovii, lV«l Turk and Dragiua Knitie Lunder. of eave bear and for the find of the oldest suspected flute in the world (Turk a at. 1995a; 1995b). The fluteis such an important And that it deserves more detailed discussion than a preliminary report (Turkcia/. 1995b). So in ill is volume, we will deal first with the clirono-stratigrttphy, the more important remains ol Upper Pleistocene fauna and flora, and mote exhaustively with all palaeolithic tools to level 8 inclusive, m which the flute was found. It must be Stressed that sediments in the entrance part of the cave (around 130 mJ including the whole of level 8) in 1980 -1984 (excavation by Mitja Brodar) were examined without wet sieving, while sediments in ibe ecntral pail of the cave (around 20(1 m1 including the upper part of level 8) in 1990 - 1995 (excavation by Ivan Turk and Janez Dirjee) were washed and examined in entirely in ten-, three- and half-millimetre iron sheet-mesh screens. Because of the different methods of field research, data from the two excavated 21 Uvod Si 1.4: Profil melLŠčii fki pnbitčju p Id - Hearvily wcalhcred dotomitembble in an unehanged .sili mairix olivno rjava (2,5 V 5/3 do 5.'4).: 1'lasi vsebuje redke ostanke jamskega medveda, vendar Ittdii najdbo i/ mlajših arheoloških obdobij. Pripada ji palcolilski horizont 0 / aurignae iensk i mi najdbami. ■ Plast 2a je stalagmitna skorja, ki je pokrivala ok, 70 "»površine ¡¿kopnega polja v osrednjem predelu jame. V sigi je ponekod eetnenliraii debel grušč, kosti jamskega medveda in drobci oglja iAcer, Hedera). Debelina sige je od nekaj cm do 30 cm. Siga je bila naglehele|sa na mestih, kjer je bilo pod njo največ debelega grušča, Usedline pod sigo so se ponekod posedle, tako da so nastali prazni prostori, V njih gnezdijo polhi m drugi mali sesalci. Meje s sosednjimi plastmi so ostre ali pa ne, ■ Plast 2b je droben, skoraj Čist, mešan zaobljeni in osirorobi grušč pod plastjo 2a. Zaradi blatnih (glinenih'?) oblog je ves grttSč navidezno močno zaobljen. Mod gruščem in \ uhlognh je veliko drobcev kosi i in zob ter (oslabitli /me. ki so sekundarno prišli v votline ¡>01! skorjo sige, skupa j / reeenlnimi oslanki listja, pešk in koščkov lesa. Plast vsebuje naravnost ogromno skeletnih m zobnih ostankov polhov, ki še danes 1 itarve smo določili na vlažni pcičenomeljiasti frakciji z upurabu barvne lestvice Muasell Soil Color Chart. Značilna barvna odstopanja znotraj vsake plasti Individual vertically oriented stones arc also connected with ibis folding. Because of lite folding, the layer has various thicknesses. The lower and lateral limits of the layer are not in general sharp. Colour: light olive brown (2.5 V 5/3 to 5/4).' The layer contains occasional remains ol cave bear, but also finds from more recenl ar-theological periods. To this layer belongs the palaeolithic level 0 with Aurignaeian linds • l ayer 2a is a 11 owstone crust, which covered around 70% ofthe area ol'the trench in the ccntral trael of the cave. In places in the flowstonc, there is cemented coarse grained rubble, the bones ol cave bear and fragments of charcoal (Acer. Hedera). The thickness ofthe tlowsione crust is from a few em to 30 em. The llowsione crust was thickest in places in which ihecoarsest grained rubble was beneath it The sctlirnenis under the flowstonc crust had collapsed in places, thus creating cavities. I )ormiee and other small rodents nesl in them. The contacts with neighbouring layers are sometimes sharp, sometimes not. * l ayer 2b is composed 01 fine grained mixed rounded and angular rubble below layer 2a. The nibble is almost without matrix. Because ofthe mud or clay coatings, all the rubble is apparently well rounded Among Ihe rubble and in the coatings there is a lot of liny bones and teeth and phosphate grains, which were secondm ily transported into the cavity under ihe crust of Hows tone, together with recent remains of leaves, cherry stones and pieces 61*wood. The layer contains a huge number ofskcletal and looih remains ofdormice, which today nest under the flowstonc. The thickness of the layer is some centimetres. The contact with the underlaying layer is sharp. ■ Layer 2c is composed ol angular, loosely packed rubble of ail sizes, and eoniains individual blinks. ('oarse rubble and blocks are in the majority. There is no sand or silt. In places, the nibble is only encrusted with ilowsioue, elsewhere also cemented In breccia. The layer appears in large areas ol' both trenches, but not joined. In parts of section x 11 m and y -6 m, ii appears together with layer 2f and has laterally sharp contact with layer 3, We found something similar in the en Ira nee part ofthe eave in section x 9 m. The layer is lull of fragments of recent bones and recent fragments of charcoal, In the unconsolidated part, there were also individual Roman or late Roman fragments of pottery. All linds are mixed with occasional remains ol eave hear and alpine marmot. I he layer is very pale brown (10 YR 8/2) or the natural colour of dolomile rock, The thickness ranges from 10 cm to 100 em. Contacts with neighbouring layers are in places sharp, elsewhere somewhat blurred. 1 Colours were determined on a damp sand and silt tractions by die use ofthe Munscll Soil CoIut Chart. Colour variations wit bin each layer arc characterisae 27 smaluirajflta is [hm»MI /A i 'm'iii iv domujcjo v v in, 7 m in 10 m), v osrednjem predelu jame pa tudi v podolinih profilih (y 2 m iu y -(i ul), Z guban jeni so povezani pokončno zasajeni kamni in večje kosti, ki smo jih zasledili \ vseli nagubanih plasteh. Obe plasli vsebujeta precej ostankov 28 * Layer 2d is a flowstone crust, which we found only locally in section \ 21 m. h has a thickness up to: 20 cm. Contacts with Other layers are sharp. * Layer 2f is composed of angular rubble of various grain ss/c, without matrix or flows lone coating. It appears primarily ill the central part of the cave, I he colour of the layer corresponds to the colour of dolomite rock - very pale brown (10 YR 8/2), The layer is 100 em thick. The contact w ith the underlying layer is sharp. * Layer 3 is composed of coarse, angular rubble with a high content ol sand and silt Individual large blocks also appear i n 11. w inch cut into layer 4. ] lie layer can be reliably recognised only in specific eross-sce-ttoils 111 profiles y 2 111 and V -i) m in the central pari of the cave, where it is intensively folded. Some v ertically oriented cave bear bones and elasts are also related lo the folding. This is a reliable evidence of cryolurbalion. The layer contains a large number of fossil remains and occasional finds of palaeolithic tools, which probably belong lo Moustcrian level A. Colour: dark yellowish brown 110 YR 4/4). The thickness of the layer depends on the height of folds, The contact with layer 4 is very sharp, less so with layer 2. lu general, layers 2 and 3 are not easy to delineate, so we have dealt with them together. * Layers 2 am) 3 arc compos«! predominantly of coarse grained rubble. There are also a fair number of smaller blocks, especially in the narrowest part of the cave between the 7th and 10th metres. The skeleton contains mixed rounded and angular rubble, I he latter predominates iu layer 2. The matrix is composed mainly of sand and sill. The sediments of both layers are loosely packed, except by the eastern wall, where there is also the most rubble. Cryoturbation folds, characteristic of both layers, can be found in the entrance part of the cave tally in transverse section t.x () m. 7 m and It) m), but in the central pari of the cave, also in longitudinal seelion (y 2 m and y - -6 m). The upright stones and larger bones which we traced in all the folded layers are related lo the folding of the sediments. Hoth layers eontain a considerable number ofremai lis of cave bear, and occasional finds of palaeolithic lools belonging lo levels 0 and A, The thickness of the two layers together is 30 - 140 cm. The contact with layer 4 is sharp. * Layer 4 is distinguished from a hove and below layers mainly in being darker. So it can he traced without great ililTiculty in all sections. It is a perfect strat¡graphic marker. It docs not essentially differ in composition from combined layers 2-3. except that it contains a great deal of very fine silt which, ill a damp state, adheres to the rubble and bones as a dark-grey mud. In the entrance part of the cave, the sandy-silt matrix is full of tiny holes, which we observed in no other layer. Sediments were loosely packed in die entrance ol the cave, while in the central pari, here and there sediments arc fairly tightly packed, The brown S I K.VI ILiUAMlY AND 15)Ai.I M MMII SI IJIMI MS jamskega medveda in redke najdhc paleolitskih orodij, ki pripadajo horizontoma <1 in A. Debelimi obeli plasti skupaj jc 30 do 140 cm. Meja s plastjo I je oslra. - Plast 4 je odličen stratigrafski reper. Od sosednjih plasti se razlikuje predvsem po tem, da je precej temnejša, vato smo ji lahko \ vseh profilih sledili brez večjih težav. Po sestavi se bistveno ne razlikuje od združenih plasti 2 do 3, leda vsebuje veliko zelo finega melja. ki se v vlažnem stanju lepi na grušč in kosi i kot te mnosivo blato. \ peščenoilleljasli osilO\ i je i vhodnem predelu jame polno drobnih luknjic, ki jih nismo opazi) i \ nobeni drugi plasti: Usedline so hi le pri vhodu v jamo rahlo naložene. \ osrednjem predelu jame pa mestoma precej zbite. Rjave ohtoge na grušču so pogostejše kot v krovnih plasteh. Kosti so temnejše barve kol v drugih plasteh Plast je nagubana, vendar gube v vertikali niso tako razpotegnjene kol \ plasti 3. Veliko kamnov in kosli je bilo pokončno zasajenih. To so zanesljivi znaki kriotlirbacije. V plasti 4 so bile ugotovljene najbolj številne najdbe paleolitskih orodij, ki pripadajo moustčrienskemu horizontu A. Kurišča se niso ohranila, niti nisino našli večjih drobec v oglja, razen redkih izjem. Pač pa je bilo veliko mikroskopskih ngljcnih drobcev. Plaši vsebuje zelo veliko ost a nkpv jamskega medveda, Barva: rumenkasto rjava i 10 YR 5 4), Debelina: lu do tOp tm v vhodnem predelu in okrog 10 do 50 cm v osrednjem predelu jame. Meje s sosednjimi plaslmi so ostre. • Plast 4a nastopa samo na posameznih mestih v okviru plasti 4 v osrednjem predel ujame, Zanjo je značilen popolnoma pre pere! {"fantomski") grušč. Kjer je lega grušča veliko, ima plast naru\ no barvo dolomitne kamine: zelo svetlo tja* a ( K) Yfi H/2), Sedi meni j c bolj rahel kol \ sami plasii 4. Meje s sosednjimi plastmi so zabrisane. * Plast 5 se na vide/ bistveno ne razlikuje od krovnih plasti. Vendar vsebuje več peščenomeijasto osnove, v kateri je precej več agregatov kot v krovnih 111 a steh. V osnovi prevladuje melj Na gru ič u j e v se \ e č rjavih (fosfatnih?) oblog. V osrednjem predelu jame je bilo v plasti veliko blokov. Tuje bil spodnji del plasti zelo blaten. Svctlorjavo blato se je lepilo v kepice. V tej plasti smo v vhodnem predelu jame prvič ugotovili popolnoma preperel ("limtomski") grušč in rjave (fosfatni?) proge. Usedline so pri vrhu rahlejše kot pri dnu. ¡'last je v /gornjem delu nagubana. Najdb paleolitskih orodij v vhodnem predelu ni bilo. Pač pa imamo redke najdbe v osrednjem predelu jame. kjer ie bilo tudi zelo dobro ohranjeno ognjišče, ki dejansko pripada plasti 5b. Njegov ostanek je viden v profilu v 21 m. Najdbe in ognjišče pripadajo moustčrienskemu horizontu A B. C islankov minskega medveda ie hilo manj kol v krovni plasti. Barva: rjava i 10 YR 5/3). Debelina: 30 do (00 cm. Meje s sosednjimi plastmi so ostre. I'a ko bomo imenovali spriinke različnih velikosti in enomc sestave. (Hej 3, poglav je v icm zborniku. coatings on the rubble are more frequent than in layers above. I he bones are a darker colour than in other layers. fhc layer is folded, but the vertical folds arc not so elongated as in layer 3, Large stones and bones were scattered vertically. This is reliable evidence of eryoturbalion, Layer 4 provided the largest number of finds of palaeolithic tools; which belong to Mo listeria» level A. I learths have not been preserved, nor did we find larger fragments of charcoal, w ith occasional eeplions. 1 lowever, there were many microscopic charcoal fragments. The layer contains a very large number of remains of cave bear. Colour: yellowish brown (Hi YR 5/4). Thickness: 10 - I(10 em in the entrance part, and around 1(1 - 51) cm in the central part of the cave. I he contacts with above and below layers are sharp. - Layer 4a appears only in individual places in the context of layer 4 in the central pari of the cave. It is characterised by heavily weathered rubble (decomposed "phan lo ins" of dolomite rubble). Where there is a lolof this rubble, I he layer has the natural colour of dolomite rock - very pale brown (10 YR 8/2). The sediment is more lightly packed than in layer 4 ilself. The contacts w ill: neighbouring layers arc blurred. ■LaycrSdoes not visibly differ from the above layers. 1 lowever, it contains more sand and silt, in which there were significantly more aggregates-than in the above layers. Silt predominates in the matrix. The rubble is increasingly coated in brown (phosphate?). There were a large number of blocks iti the layer in the central pan of the cavc. I he lower part of the layer here was very muddy. The light brown mud had congealed in small lumps. We litsi ascertained heavily weathered rubble I deeot npo scd "phantoms0 of do lom i te n ibbl e) and bjrip wn (phosphate?) beds in the entrance part of ihe cave in ihis layer Sedimenls were more lightly packed at the lop than at the hoi torn. I he layer is folded in the upper pari, There were no palaeoliihie tools in the entrance part, I lowever, there were occasional finds in the cen-(raj part of the cave, where there was also a very well preserved fireplace which aciually belongs to layer 5b. Its remains arc visible in section x 21 in, The finds and the fireplace belong to Mouslerian level A/B. Remains ol cave hear were fewer than in the above layers. Colour: brown (10 YR 5/3). Thickness: 30 - 100 em, Contacts with above and below layers are sharp. • Layer 5a appears in individual places in the upper pan of layer s in the central part of the cave. The layer is very lightly packed. Typically, it is heavily weathered rubble (decomposed "phantoms" of dolomite rubble) in a sand and silt matrix:. The matrix is lighl brown, impregnated with presumed phosphates. The layer is folded, fhc folds are a result ofcryoturbation. We used the name "aggregates" for lamps of various vol-limes and composition. See Turk & I lirjee Chapter 3, in this volume. 29 S'!'KATK pKAl IJA IS r>IAi]l NlifA USM SI. 2.2: Divje habc 1 V/ilol/111 pro lil pri v - 2,110 tn pred jamo d» vključno ptasli X. Slabo razločne plasti so oštevilčene km na si 2,1, Vidijo se ostanki podom v plasti S. Foto: Caimen N:i robu. Fig,2.2: Divje babe 1. Longitudinal section at y 2.00 til in front of the cave, tip to and including layer X. The pooriy distinguished layers arc numbered as in Fig 2.1, The remains of rack fall may be seen in layer X. Photo. Carmen Narobe. * 1'lasl 5a nastopa na posameznih mestih v zgornjem delu plasti 5 v osrednjem predelu jame. Plast ie /do rahla. Značilen je popolnoma preperel, droben ("fantomski") grušč v pesčenomeljasti osnovi. < )snov8 je rahlo rjavo impregnirana, domnevno s fosfati. Plast je nagubana. Gube so posledica krioturbacije. Plast se barvno ne razlikuje od plasti 5. razen na mestih, k|er prevladuje popolnoma p repe rc I grušč. Tu ima plast naravno barvo dolomit ne kamnine: zelo svetlo rjava 11 (1 YR S/2). Zgornja meja plasti je ostra, spodnja zabrisana. * Plast 5b je ostrorobi grušč brez primesi, ki se pojavlja ponekod v plasti 5 v osrednjem predelu jame. Najbolj pogost je nad skalno potico ob vzhodni jamski steni. Plast je sestavinsko in vsebinsko zelo podobna Phe layer docs not differ in colour from layer S, except in places in which heavily weathered rubble predominates. The layer here has the colour of dolomite rock -very pale brown 1 10 YR 8/2). The upper limit of the layer is sharp, the lower blurred, - Layer 5 h is composed of angular rubble without matrix which appears in places in layer 5 in ihc central pari of the cave. The most frequent is above a rocky shelf by the eastern wall of the cave. The texture and Content of the layer is very similar to layer 2 f. Ihe colour corresponds to the colour of dolomite rock - very pale brown (Id YR 8/2). Contacts with neighbouring layers are sharp. • Layer 6 is the second most characteristic layer in section. In places, it is very similar to layer 4. especially in relation to the colour of the matrix, the dark grey coating on the rubble and the darker colour of bones. In places in winch there is no pronounced colouring, it is very difficult to distinguish u from layers 7, 5 and 5b. In the entrance part, the texture docs not differ from above and below layers, although phosphate coating is very visible on smaller blocks and rubble. In places in the entrance part ot the cave, the lower part of the layer 30 sin al icifl.'vpjiv rt!) piaotnfsisdi lh hi ms plasti 2f. Barva ustreza barvi dolomitne kamnine: zelo svetlo rjava ( K) YR 8/2), Meje s sosednjimi plastmi so ostre. * Plast 6 je tiruga najbolj značilna plast v profilih; Ponekod jc /elo podobna plasti 4, /lasti kar zadeva barvo osnove, lemncraive blatne obloge na grušču in temnejšo barvo kosi i. Na mestih, kjer ni izrazito obarvana, jo je zelo teiko ločiti od plasti 7, S in 5b. V vhodnem predelu se sestavi nsko ne razlikuje od ki ovni ne in talni ne. pač pa imamo na manjših blokih in grušču lepo vidne fosfatne obloge (inkrustacije). Spodnji del plasti je bil ponekod pri v hodu v jamo oblikovan v nekakšne žepe, ki bi bili lahko posledica krioturbaoijc. Nanjo opozarjajo tudi posamezne pokončno zasajene kosti v osrednjem predelu jame. Tu je plast močno gruščnata. Veliko je ostrorobega grušča, k t je običajno hre/ fosfatnih in drugih oblog, Precej je tudi blokov, ki so na spodnji strani korozijsko močno na/lebljeni in rjavo inkrustirani in so nedvomno popadali s stropa. Jamski strop seje nažlebil v nekem relativno toplem iu vlažnem obdobju, v katerem se niso v jami odlagale mehanske usedline. Med bloki se vije lenka in razločna, večkrat prekinjena ogljena proga. Ta proga \ erjetno ponekod leži na cementi rani h usedlinah zgornjega dela plasti K. V osnovi se mešajo agregati in pretežno osirorobi dolomitih klasii Redke najdbe paleolitskih orodij pripadajo tnotislerienskemu horizontu B, ki je bil v vhodnem predelu jame brez kurišč, Vendar smo v plasti našli tudi posamezne drobce oglja. Na rob manjšega kurišča, ogljeno progo in zoglenele kostne drobce smo naleteli v osrednjem has formed pockets of some kind, which may have been the result of cryoturhalion. Individual vertical bones in the central part of the cave also draw attention to diis The layer here includes mostly dolomite clasts. There is a great deal of angular nibble, which is normally without phosphate or other coating, There are also a considerable number of blocks, which have been heavily grooved by corrosion, and encrusted with brown. They undoubtedly felt from the roof. The grooves in the roof of the cave were made during a relatively warm and damp period, in which clastic or mechanical sediments were noi deposited in the cave. Among the blocks twists a thin but distinct, discontinued bed of charcoal, This bed probably lies in places on the cemented sediments of the upper part of layer 8. The matrix contains mixed aggregates and predominantly angular dolomite elasts. Occasional finds of palaeolithic tools belong to Mousterian level H, which was without a hearth in the entrance part of the cave. I lowever, we found individual fragments of charcoal in the layer On the edge of a small hearth iu the central part of the cave, we came upon a bed of charcoal and carbonised fragments of bone. There St. 2.3: Pivje babe I. VzdolSni protll pri y - 2.00 m vjami do vkljuino vrha plastl s. Slabo razlofine plasli so oitevilicnc kot nn si, 2,1. Vidijo seostanki podoroV nad plastjo 8 in 5 Foto Ivan Turk. Fig. 2.3: Divje babe I, Longitudinal secticm ¡it y 2.00 in in the cave, up to and including layer 8. The poorly distinguished layers arv numbered as in Fig\ 2,!. The remains of rock fall may be seen above layers X and 5, Photo: Ivan Turk. 31 SlUAIJi.HiU ll \ IS IIIAHI 'JI /\ I \l 111 IS predelu jame. Fosilnih ostankov jamskega medveda je hi Iti približno tOliko kot v plasti 5. V tej plasti se pr\ ič pojavijo krhke kosti. V osrednjem predelu jame je bilo sorazmerno veliko kostnih drobcev. Barva: temna sivkaslo rjava (10 YR 4/2 in 2.5 V 4/2). Debelina: 20 do 40 cm, Meja s plastjo 7 je zabrisana. • Plast 7 je najdebelejSa na pobočju pred jamo, za vhodom domnevno izgine in se ponovno pojavi \ osrednjem p nedelu jame, kjer je pomešana s plastjo (i. V ¿gornjem deluje podobne barve kol plaši 6, v spodnjem pa kot pkisi 5 in X. Zato smo jo v profilih zelo težko prepoznali in ločili od zgornjega dela plasii K, Obstaja neyarnost, da smo spodnji del plasti 7 in /gornji, nesprijeti del plasti X večkrat zamenjali. Pri vhodu v jamo se nekako po sredini plasii vleče izrazila rjava (fosfatna?) proga. Sestava usedlin je še vedno podobna krovnim plastem Hi si vena razlika je samo v osnovi. V vbodnem predelu jame je značilna večja količina osnove in rahlo zaobljenega grušča. V spodnjem delu plasti nastopa fantomski grUŠi, ki je usedline skoraj belo obarval, V osrednjem predelu jame je plast bolj gruščnata. Vsebuje tudi veliko blokov. Nekateri so močno prcpereli Ob zahodu i jamski steni se v profilu y 2 m kaže ogromen blok ali skalna polica. Gmšč je korozijsko zaobljen, vendar trden. Običajno ima fosfatne obloge. V osnov i močno prevladujejo agregati. Agregati nastopijo prvič v velikem številu tudi v frakcijah do 10 ram. Usedline so ponekod blatne. Najdb palcolitskih orodij v vhodnem predelu jame ni bilo. razen kurišča z enim sileksom na meji s plastjo H [mousierieriski horizont (."). Posamične najdbe paleolilskih orodij, ki domnevno lahko pripadajo plasti 7, imamo se v osrednjem predelu jame. Zaradi slabe ločljivosti plasti, krioturbueijc in drugih motenj je osnovanje samostojnega palcoliiskega horizonta C med bolj izrazitima horizontoma H in D težavno, vendar po vseh znakih sodeč upravičeno. Fosilnih ostankov jamskega medveda je precej več kot v vsaki od krovnih plasti. Predstavljajo vrhunec obiskov in pogina jamskega medveda do vključno plasti 8. Nekateri večji kostni odlomki so biti usmerjeni navpično ali vsaj močno poševno, kar bi bilo pripisati delovanju krioturbacijc. Barva: svetla rumenkasto rjava {10 YR 6/4), Debelina: 10 do M0 cm. Meja s plastjo X je zabrisana. * Plast it je izrabita plast s podorom. V vseli pogledih je zelo neenotna. N jena glaVlla značilnost so močno fosfat i/i rane in cement ¡rane used I i ne, Ob zahodni jamski sieni so bile usedline pri vhodu v jamo na več mestih cementi rane v bolj ali manj trden brečast sprimek. Spri met je zajemal površino veliko več kvadratnih metrov in je hi I v povprečju debel dober meter. Posamezni bolj trdni de i i sprtmka so merili tudi 1 m5. Ob sami steni scdimcnii niso bili sprijen, Prav tako so bile nesprijete ali slabo cementi rane tanjSc vodoravne leče grušča brez peSčenomeljasle osnove v samem spri mitu. Usedline sestavlja poleg večjih was approximately the same amount of fossil remains of cave bear as in layer 5. Brittle hones first appeared in this layer. In the central pari of the cave, there was a relatively large number of small bone fragments, Colour: dark grcyisfi brown< 10 YR 4/2 and 2.5 Y4/2). Thickness: 20 - 40 cm. The contact with layer 7 is blurred, * Layer 7 is the thickest layer on the slope in front of the cave; wilhin the entrance ii is assumed to have disappeared, and if reappears in the central pan of the cave, where it is mixed with layer 6, l[ is similar in cdlpur in Ore upper part to layer 6, and in the lower pan lo layers 5 and X. So in section, we were not always able lo recognise it and distinguish ii from the upper part of layer X. I here is a danger that we several times confused the tower part of level 7 with ihe unconsolidated pari of layer x. At the entrance to the cave, at about the centre of the layer, extends a pronounced brown (plms-phale) bed. The composition of the sediment is still similar to Ihe above layers. The only essential difference is in the matrix. In the entrance part of the cave, there is a characteristic larger quantity ofmairix and sub-rounded nibble. In the lower part of the layer appear decomposed phantoms of dolomite rubble, the sediment of which is almost white. In ihe central part of the cave, ilie layer contains more dolomite elasts. It also contains large blocks. Some arc heavily weathered. Ify the western wall in section y 2 in. a huge block or ruck shell"appears. The rubble is corrosion rounded, but hard. It normally has a phosphate coating, Aggregates greEitly predominate in the matrix. The aggregates appear lirsi in large numbers also in fractions up to 10 mm. Sediments arc in places muddy. There were no palaeolithic remains in the entrance part of ihe cave, except for a hearth with one levallois core on the limit with layer R (Monslerian level ( 1 Individual finds of palaeolithic tools which it is assumed may belong lo layer 7. occur in the eenlral part of the cave. Hecausc of poor differentiation of layers. cryoturbatimi and other disturbances, establishing ail independent palaeolithic level C between the more pronounced levels B and I) is difficult, although all the Signs suggest it is justified. I here are appreciably more Ibssil remains of cave bear than in any of the above layers, h represents the peak of visits and mortality of cave hear up to and including layer X. Some of the larger pieces of bone arc vertically oriented, or at least greatly inclined, to which ihe activity of cryoturbation would have contributed, < olour: light yellowish brown (10 YR (i/4), Thickness: 10 - XOcm, The contact with laycrS is blurred. • Layer K is a pronounced layer with rock fail. It is very ununified, from all poinisot view. Its main characteristic is the strongly cemented, phosphate impregnated sediment. My the western cave wall, at the cn-Iranee to the cave, the sediments are cemented in a number of places inlo more or less hard breccia. The hreceia covers an area of many square metres and was 32 !il1tATIUfiJlPlfY ílNIJ MAGENSSIS O) WJIIMKÍJTS Sí. 2 4 Divje ha be I. Prečni prolil pri x í0,(1(1 m /«jamskim vhodom Jo vk tj učno plasti S, Dobro razločne plasti oštevilčene k;iT ti a si 2, t Foto: Carmen Narobe. Fig, 2.4: Divje babe1 ( toss section al x 10,00 m behind the eave entrance up to and including layer 8, The well distinguished layers are numbered as in Fig. 2, t Photo: Carmen Narobe, podoniih blokov predvsem grušč različnih debelin iu z različno stopnjo korozijske zaobljenosti. V dnu plasti smo našli tudi skoraj kroglast, debel grušč, ki bi ga zlahka zamen jali s prodom. Ves grušč in del podornih blokov in jamskih stenje imel boli ali manj izrazile tja ve fosfatne inkruslacije. Osnove je bilo mestoma precej manj kol v krovnih plasteh, vendar še vedno dovolj, da jc delovala kot polnilo za vezivo v spritnkih in povečevala njihovo trdnost. Na močno preperevitnje po fazi impregnacije s fosfati kažejo teče neobarvane osnove oh vzhodni jamski steni V osrednjem predelu jame smo doslej odkopali samo zgornji, ccmcnt i ran i del plasti S, Predstavlja ga bolj ali manj trden, strnjen karbonat no-fosfatni spri me k v obliki plošče, Površje sprimka je kolaujasUi. V nečem en 11 ran i h delih prevladuje debel grušč. Ves grušč je bolj ali manj zaobljen in obdan s fosfatnimi skorjami. Posamezni večji kosi so skoraj kroglasti;, V peščeno-meljasti osnovi močno prevladujejo agregati. Ti prevladujejo tudi v frakcijah do Ml mm. Pod spriuikoni, ki je v osrednjem predelu jame debel do 50 cm, je neinkrustiran zaobljen grušč v osnovi, ki ima veliko drobnega me I ju. Ta me tj je v odo tesen. Kosti pod brečastim sprimkom so zelo krhke. V zgornjem delu plasti so bile redke najdbe paleoiitskib orodij, ki pripadajo mousterienskemu horizontu IX in dve OgnjiiSči.1 Med najdbami jc tudi znamenita t. i. koščena Za definicijo ognjišča glej Turk in Kavur. It) poglavje v tem ibumikti. on average a good metre thick. Individual harder parts of the breccia even measured I m\ The sediments by file wall itself were unconsolidated. Thin horizontal lenses of rubble with sand and sill matrix in the breccia itself were also unconsolidated, or poorly cemented. The sediment is composed, in addition to larger rock fall blocks, mainly ol rubble of various grain size and varying degrees of corrosion rounding. On the floor of the layer, we also found very well rounded, coarse-grained nibble, which could easily be mistaken for tluvial gravel. All the rubble and part of the rock fall blocks and the cave walls had more or less pronounced brown phosphate coating. The matrix was here and there considerably less than in the above layers, although still enough to operate as a 11 ller for cement in the consolidated sediments and increase their hardness. The lens of colourless matrix by (he east wall of the cave indicates heavy weathering after the phase of phosphate impregnation. In the central part of the cave we have to date only excavated the upper, cemented part of layer 8. It is a more or less hard, condensed earhophospliate breccia in the form of plates. The surface of the breccia is pined, Coarse grained rubble predominates in the un cent en led parts. All the rubble is more or less rounded and coated with phosphate coaling. Individual larger pieces are very well rounded. Aggregates greatly predominate tit the sand and sill matrix. These also predominate in fractions up to 10 mm. Under the breccia, which is up to 50 cm thick in the central part of the cave, there is non-encnisted rounded rubble in a matrix which has a great deal of fine grained silt. This silt is waterproof. Bones under the breccia are very brill le. There were occasional finds of palaeolithic tools in ihe upper pari of the layer which belong to Mousterian level D, and two fireplaces.' Among the finds was also the famous bone flute. Three Por definition of the fireplace see "l urk & Kavur, Chapter 10. in this Volume. 33 stkahcrj'ii ua in ijia, in ! nv of sediment, in addition to fragments of charcoal, there arc an average of 100 charred bone fragments. We there-lore think that the microscopic fragments of charcoal in layer 4 are a trace of a lire in the immediate surroundings of the cave, layer 4, has been deposited in ihc form of a ridge in the middle of the cave, which suggests thai sedimentation at a specific period was greater in the middle of the cave than at ihc sides- Irregular ¡lies were later lilted by sediments of layers 2 and 3, which are m places very thick, fhe deposition of sediments was strongest in front of the entrance. Clastic sediments were deposited here in the form of a cone from layer 8 to layer 4, and they slid partially into the cave, and partially into the valley by the unstable slope in from of ihc cave, with tut inclination of 45J. The more or less cm brae i vc snow blanket at Ihc entrance lo Ihe cave played an important role in this. The la I us sediments of layers 7 and 8 had already slid into Ihe klrijea in the Upper Pleistocene epoch. The event may have been connected witli (he gradual retreat of the cliff onto which Ihc entrance of the eave opens, because of powerful weathering. The cave entrance crumbled at the same time. Hits process had been greatly slowing down from layer 4 upwards, so that from then until today; there has been no major change connected with the cave entrance. It is important that there was no sediment in front of the Cave from layers 2 and 3. and that there is no deposit ill the cave from the Upper Würm, the Late Glacial and almost the entire 1 lolocene epoch, The complete break m the such formerly abundant sediment Can be most easily explained by a root change in the mezoclimale. This could have occurred in the Ptcniglacial only if the very low entrance was completely closed. Because of the shady position, some such thing was possible with permanent snow and ice, However, only aller a period ofperiglacial conditions, as recorded iu the ciyoturbation of layers 2 - 5a (Fig. 2.6). This explanation is eoiTobo-raied by ihc complete absence of remains of arctic rodents in layer 2. which contains a rich mixture of Holoccneand Pleistocene rodent (andother) fauna (see Kryätufek, in this volume). 1 lowevcr, there are only represent! ives in it of temperate and not very cold climates, 35 STRATWRAKDA IN IflAlil Sh/A I'SfXM SS mogoče z večnim snegom m ledom. Vendar šele po obdobju s pcriglaeialnimi raz merami, ki su zabeležene s krioturbacijb plasti 2 ob 5a (si. 2.6). To razlago je podkrepljuje popolna odsotnost ostankov arktičnih glodalcev v plasti 2, ki vsebuje bogato mešano holocensko in pleistoeensko glodalsko(in drugo) favno (glej Krvštufek, la zborniki, Vendar so v njej samo predstavniki zmerno tople in zmerno hladne klime, ki so v jamo prišli v času pred in po glacialnem vrhuncu, ko je bil vhod brez ledenega zamaška. Zaradi močne krionnbaeijc smo imeli resne strat igrafske teža ve p ri op red e Ijcvi inju vsebine močneje nagubanih plastiJ Rešili smo jih s klastersko analizo po metodi k-means. V ta namen smo uporabili dva sedimentološka, iri paleontološke in en arheološki podatek (n b \ 714). Vsi podatki so bdi zbrani po kvadratih in Težnjih. Predvideli smo slratigra fsko razvrstite v ki astrov. ki smo j o lahko neodvisno preveri i i na podlagi obstoječe terenske dokumentacije (proti I i. relativne višnie. naklonski koti kosti). Ker so bile v najbolj razločni plasti 4, ki smo |i lahko dobro sledili med izkopavanji, zbrane skoraj vse paleolitske najdbe, je bila (a plast dobro izhodišče za istovetenje klaslrov s plastmi. S klastersko analizo nam je tako uspelo popolnoma ločiti dve plasti (4 in 5). tretjo (plast 2) samo delno, četrte (plasL .1) pa v eeloli nismo mogli ločili od ostalih plasti. Veliko nevarnost za morebitno inverzno lego p las I i predstavljajo o sadi usedlin na pobočja pred jamo. Zaradi kasnejših d lagcnelsk i h sprememb usedlin je tako preložene usedline zelo težko odkriti (glej Nelson, ta zbornik). which came to the cave before and after the glacial maximum, when the cave entrance was without an ice plug. Because of the strong eryoturbation, we had real slrat[graphic difficulties in defining the content of the strongly folded layers, 'We solved them with k-mcans clustering. For this purpose, we used two sedimento-logical, three pttleonio logical and one archcological data (n = (> x7l4). Data were collected by quadrats and spits. We anticipated a st rat ¡graphic classification of clusters which we could independently check on the basis of existing terratn documentation (profiles, relalive heights, angles of inclination of hones). Since almost all the palaeolithic tools were collected in the most distinctive layer 4, which we could recognize well during excavation, this layer was a good starting point for id ent ill cation ol clusters by layers, Cluster analysis thus enabled us completely to distinguish two layers (layer 4 and 5), a third layer {layer 2) only partially, and a fourth (layer 3) we were unable in entirely to distinguish from other layers. The great danger of possible inverse stratigraphy is represented by the landslip of talus in front of the cave due to the steep in el ¡nation ol the slope. Becausc of later diagcnetic changes lo deposits, such rcdeposited sediments are very difficult lo identify (see Nelson, in ill is volume). 2.3. CikliCnost odlaganja usedlin in USEDI IKSKI RAZI 1ČICE lina od značilnosti naših usedlin je tudi ciklično odlaganje plasti ali ponavljanje usedlin s podobnimi lastnostmi in s podobno vsebino v straligrafskem nizu, Na prvi pogled jo izdajajo veliki podom i bloki v plasteh 7 do K, 4 in 2 do 3 ter ponavljajoči se barvni odtenki nekaterih plasti. Slednje pomeni, da so cikličnost pogojevale tudi močne diagenetske spremembe klastičnili usedlin. Začetek in konec vsakega ciklusa lahko poljubno določimo Tako lahko predstavljajo en eikhis plasti 4.5 in h ali kakšno drugo zaporedje plasti, glede na to. da za starejše plasti nimamo ustreznih podatkov in jih ne moremo vključiti v analizo. Zaradi ciklične narave sedi men tac ije iti diageneze obstaja velika nevarnost zamenjave podobnih plasti v primerih, ko je stratigralski nadzor moten (npr. pri krioturbaciji). Za nekatere ptasli so značilne lalcrahie različice, 1 Plasti smoodkopali po kvadratih 1x1 m in rcfnjih debeline 0,12 m. 2.3. Cyclic nature op deposition of SEDIMENTS AND SEDIMENTARY VARIATIONS One of the characteristics of these sediments is the cyclical deposition of iayers, or the repetition of deposits with similar properties and with similar contents in the si rat ¡graphic order These are revealed at lirsl sight by series ol large roek talis in layers 7 - X, 5. 4 and 2 - .1, and the repetition of colour shades iti some layers. The latter means that the cyclic nature is also conditioned by powerfttI diagcnetic changes in the clastic sediments. The beginning and end of a whole cycle may be arbitrarily defined, So layers 4. 5 and h may represent one cycle, or so me other disposition oi layers, iti view of the fact thai wc do tioi have appropriate data for the older layers and cannot embrace them in the analysis. Because of the cyclical nature of sedimentation and diagenesis, there is a grcal danger of eon fusing 1 Layers were excavated I" a quadrut size 1 x 1 m, and spils of 0,12 in depth. /. njimi označujemo nepravilnosti mali spremembe v usedlinah, ki imajo enak stratigrafski položaj in razsežnost kol plast. Lateralni različici plasti 2 111 3 sta npr. plasti 2c in 2f (.v/. 2.f>) 1 atcralna različica plasti 3 In 4 je nenagubana fosfat oa plaši v ozadju lame, ki je tukaj ne obravnavamo. Razlika med plastjo in njeno različico je vidna že na pogled, lahko pa jo odkrije tudi podrobna analiza usedlin. Do razlik lahko pride zaradi razliCnih pogojev sedi meni i run j a (bližina jamskih sten in polic) in/ali različne diageneze klastičnih usedlin. Kronoloških odnosov med plastmi in različicami plasti običajno ne poznamo. Posebno izjemo predstavlja plast 7, ki je lateralno večkrat prekinjena. Pri oblikovanju različic plasti 5, fi in 7 v osrednjem predalu jame je igrala pomembno vloyo velika, močno nagnjena skalna polica ob vzhodni j ¿piski steni {si. 10.2j. Ta je občasno močno preperevala in prispevala veliko kritik last ičnega grušča v nižje ležeči plasti C» in 7, Zato je del obeh plasti proizvod izrazito mi/le klime, ki sc je končala s periglaciilnimi SI 2.6: Divje biiho i. [/ni/iic krilil urbacijske gube k plasteh 2 - 5a v/doUncga profila pri y -MIO m. K a levi sc vidijo lateral ne različice plasti 2 in 3, Plasti so oštevilčene kot no si. 2.1. Fol o; Marko Zaplati I Fig. 2 A: Divje habu 1 PronoUDCed eryinurhotien folds in lüytrs 2 - >a in Ion g i Uiti i na I swtion al v -6.00 m. Lateral variations in layers 2 :aid 3 are visiblc on ilic leli. Laycrs are numbered as in Fig. 2. i. Photo: Marko Zaplat ih S I H HIH A I'M V AM ? 171 if- Ml- MS I H SttlHMFKTC similar layers in cases when stratigraphic control is disturbed (e. g. tn cryoturbation). Lateral variations are characteristic of some layers, These mark irregularities and/or changes in sediments that have the same strut ¡graphic position and extern as the layer. Layers 2c and 2f, for example, are lateral variations of layers 2 and 3 {Fig.2.6). The unfolded phosphate layer in the back of the cave, which we do not deal with here, is a lateral variation of layers 3 and 4. Differences between layers and their variations are visible on sight, and are also revealed by detailed analysis Ofthe sediments. Variations may occur because of different conditions of sediment at ¡oil (vicinity of the cave wall ami shelves) and/or various diageneses of the elastic sediments. We do not normally know the chronological relations between layei^ and layer variations. Layer 7 is a specific exception, which is laterally discontinued several times. In the formation of the variations of layers 5, (i and 7, in the central pari o( the cave, a large, strongly inclined rock shelf by the eastern wall of the cave played an important role (Fte 10.2). This was occasionally heavily weathered and contributed a ureal deal of cryoclastic rubble in lower positions nt layers 6 and 7, So part of both layers is the product of an explicitly cold climate that ended with perighicial conditions, ciyoturbatton and gelifluetion. In the vicinity of the shelf, in both layers, there Is a lot of fine rubble and sand as aggregates. At the side of the shelf, the content of aggregates increases because of the small range of crybciastic sediments front the source mentioned, flic 37 Straikíkwim in ihaüf nhca iisujtin razmerami. krioturbacijo ni gcliflukcijo. V bližini policaje v obeh plasteh vofi drobnega grušča in peska kot agregatov, Vstran od police pa narasle vsebnost agregatov, zaradi majhnega dometa krioklastičnih usedlin i/ omenjenega \ ira. Tretja plast, ki je nastala na podoben način, je plast 5b. Locirana je nad skalno polico. 2,4. Vržeu v qd laganju usedlin Zatadi stalne prisotnosti jamskega medveda, ki je jamo pozimi uporabljal /a brlog. poleti pa je v njej tudi prenočeval in počival, moramo pričakovati zelo močno bioturbaci jo vseh usedlin. Ta je zlasti moteča v bližini daljših zastojev v odlaganju usedlin. Pri ponovili scdimentaeiji je lahko prišlo do mešanja starejših in mlajših najdb. Največjo vrzel v usedlinah imamo med plastjo 2 in I. Zajema dobrih 30.000 let: od konca wiimiskega interpleniglaeiala do holoeena. Večjo praznino v odlaganju usedlin lahko zanesljivo pričakujemo (udi med plastjo K in 7 (Turk in dr 198%). Ponekod smo na površini plasti 8 ugotovili do 20 c i ti široke žlebove, ki jih je verjetno naredila tekoča voda. Zgornji del plasti 8 je skoraj po vsdd cementi ran v trden karbonat no-fosfat ni spri me k, ki vsebuje veliko k usti tn zob jamskega medveda. V takšnem spri m k u je lieala tudi i, i. koščena pišeal, T)o cememiranja tlela usedlin plasti S - predvsem v osrednjem predelu jame -jc prišlo v daljšem obdobju s povišano temperaturo in povečanimi padavinami, v katerem niso bili podani pogoji za odlaganje drugih usedli ti. vkl jučno s sigo. Nad in poti velikimi podonrimi bloki v plasti K je ponekod nastala le 10 ein debela plastovitš fosfatna skorja. Mineraloška preiskava skorje je pokazala, da gre za minerala francolil in dahlit. Spodnja stran velikih podomih blokov v plašit K je lino nažlebljena in nik jer zasigana. Podobno nažlebljeni so blok« v dnu plasti 5 oz. v plasti f>. Enak relief opažamo ponekod na današnjem jamskem stropu. Kosti v plasteh 6S 7 in v zgornjem delu ¡»lasti S so močno preperclc - krhke in bolj pogosto izlužene kol v drugih plasteh. Kosti v plasteh 2 do 5 so trdne. Vsebujejo neobičajno velik ti kolagena (glej Nelson, ta zborniki. Razlike v ohranje-nosli kosi i so posledica različne diagenezc usedlin. Na krajše ravnovesje jamski h (al bre/ običajnih sedimentacijskih in drugih motenj lahko opozarja tudi skoz iti skoz p re pere I grušč, ki ob dotiku razpade v bel ineij. Tak grušč imamo v plasteh 4a, 5a, 7 in zlasti na nekaterih mestih v plasti 8. Ponekod nastopa skupaj z močno preperclimi bloki. Podoben grušč nastopa ponekod v stalno zmrznjenih tleh na sedanjih per i -glacialnih področjih Ni zanesljiv paleoklimatski V našem prulilu nastopa vedno sk tipaj s krioturbacijo. V plasti 2 ga ni. kljub zetj^ dolgemu zastoju v odlaganju usedlin. third layer to have been created in a similar manner is layer 5b. It is located above ihe nock shelf. 2.4. Gaps in the deposition of SEDlMliNTS Because of the permanent presence of cave bear, which used the cave as a winter lair, and also slept in it at tiichl and rested tn summer, we must expect very powerful bioturbation of all sediments. This causes in particular disturbance around major gaps in the deposition of sediment. A mixing of older and more recent finds can occur with fresh sedimentation. The longest break in sedimentation is recorded between layers 2 and Lit embraces at least HI,00(1 years: from Live end of the wunniin Interpleniglacial to the I lolocene. We can also reliably anticípale a major depositions! break of sediments between layers 8 and 7 (Turk i-r ul 1983bJ. We found channels up to 20 centimetres wide in places on the surface til layer 8, which were prohably made by running water 1 he tipper part ol layer 8 is composed almost everywhere of carbonate and phosphate cemented breccia, which contains a kit oí bones and teeth of cave bear. The suspected bone flute was also slLiek in such breccia. The cementation o I the sediment ofiayerS - mainly in the central part of the cave -occurred during an extended period of raised temperatures and increased moisture, in which there were not the conditions for the deposition o fot her sed intents, including spslcothcmc. Above and below the large rock (all blocks in layer 8, in places only a 10 era I hick laminated phosphate crust was Conned. Mineralógica I analysis of the crust identified the minerals tranco!ite and dahlitc. The lower side of lite large rock fall blocks in layer 8 is finely grooved and not coated with llowstone. The blocks on the floor of layer 5 and layer 6 are similarly grooved. We note the same relief in places on the present cave roof. Bones in layers 6, 7 and the upper part of layér 8 are heavily weathered, briitle and more often leached than in oilier layers. Bones in layers 2 - 5 are hard. They contain an unusually large amount of eollagenelsee Nelson, in this volume). Variation at bone preservation is a result of (he various diágenesis of sediments. During shorter periods til stability of the cave floor surface, without normal sedimentations! and other disturbances, thoroughly weathered rubble can be observed, which disintegrates into white "dust" at the touch. There is such rubble in layers 4a, 5a. 7 and especially in some places in layer 8. In places it appears together with .18 S1 HAI UiftAPHY ANIJ BftHf NI'SIS OF SmTMrMi kazalec, Podobne lahko velja za močno zaobljtSi. skoraj okrogel zdrav grušč, ki nastopa predvsem \ plasteh 7 in S, Kazalci {[labilnih jamskih tal so tudc redke blatne UŠedlinc in obloge v plasteh 4. 5 in 6 in glinene obloge v plasti S, V plasteh 2 do H imamo zanesljive znake večjih in manjših vrzeli \ odlaganj it jamskih usedlin. Najpomembnejša je vrzel v plasti H, ki predstavlja korenito spremembo v zgradbi iti diagenezi usedlin, I ahko jo povežemo / nekim izrazitim interstadialom v wiirmskem interplcniglaciahi. Manjše vrzeli imamo lahko še med plastjo h in 7. plastjo 5 i rt 5b o/. 6 ter med plastjo 4 iti 4a oz, 5a. Sicer je bilo odlaganje usedlin bolj ali manj neprekinjeno. heavily weathered blocks. Similar rubble appears in places in permafrost in presetii periglacial regions.5 It is not a reliable paleoclimalic indicator. Something similar may apply to the very well rounded hard nibble which appears mainly in layers 7 and 8. Occasional mud sediments and coating in layers 4,5 and 6 and Clay coaling in layer 5 ore also indicators of a stable cave floor. There arc reliable signs in layers 2 • 8 of major or minor gaps in the deposition of cave sediments. The mosl important is the gap ill layer 8, which represents a radical change in the texture, Composition and diageilesis of the sediments. It may be connected to some explicit interstadial in the wth mian Interpleniglaeial. There may be smaller gaps between some otiier layers, too ( fable 5,2). Deposition of clastic sediments was otherwise more or less unbroken. In sect inn, n always appears together with cryniiirbaiion. There is none in layer 2. despite t lie very long hiatus in the deposition of scdiiuents. 39 3. Analiza usedlin 3. Analysis of SEDIMENTS Ivan Turk & Janez Dihjec hvk'tek I're ill'i I l smo zrnavost m sesta\ pretežno avtohtonih dolom h m h klastičoih usodi in in njihovo dia genezo Po ley drobcev fosilnih kosti so pomembna sestavina frakcij manjiih nil Ml nun agregati. Kemične in mineraloške analize so pokazale, tla gre preti v s« m /a karbonatno-fosfatne agregate. Ahstravt We studied the texture and composition of the predominantly autochtonous dolomite clastic sediments and ihcir d ¡agenesia In addition to fragment-, of lossil bones, the composition of fractions less than t Omm of aggregates arc important. Chemical and minera logical analysis demonstrated that these are mainly carbophoaphate aggregates. Za plasti 2 do 8 je značilno, da v njili prevladujejo mehanske dolotnitne usedline: bloki, gruič. pesek in tnelj. Taksne usedline so nastale s krusenjem in (ali) podiranjem jamskih sten, polic in stropa ter 2 nadaljnjim Layers 2 - K are characterised by a predomination of mechanical dolomite sediments: blocks, nibble, sand and silt. Such sediments arc created through the crumbling and'or collapse of the cave walls, shelves and SI. i. I: Divje babe 1 t >blogena korodira nem doiomitnem grušču: 1 - Z mo lite/ oblog (v vseli plasteh) 2 - zrno / glineno prevleke (v plasteh 2 in 5), 3 - zmo / rjavo fosfatno skorjo (predvsem v plasteh 7 in H), 4 - /mo z rjavimi lisami (v vseh plasteh). 5 jnfi -zrno / blatno prevleko (v plasteh 4 in ft). FijIlj: Franci C ime rman. Fig: 3-1: Divje babe I Coatings on corroded do torn i te rubble; I grain without coating (in all layers), 2 - grain with clay coating [in layers 2 and V|. - grain «villi brown phosphate crust (mainly in layers 7 and S], 4 * grain with brown streaks (in ail layers), 5 and 6 - grain with mud coating (in layers 4 and Photo: Franci C i merman. 41 ANALIZA «JBHH4N prcperevanjem na jamskih tleh. So avtohtonega izvora. Alohtone primesi v usedlinah so prisotne samo v sledovih, razen fosilnih frankov. Podobne usedline, brez fosilnih ostankov pleistocensko favne, imamo v zaraslih nekdanjih meliščih in v obsežnih zemeljskih plazovih pod jamo (.v/, i 4) Le da tc niso diagenetsko toliko preoblikovane kol jamski sedimentt. Kemične usedline so sige najrazličnejših oblik, eemenl in razne inkrustacijc in impregnacije. Vse sige so nastale po odložitvi plasti 2 in so verjetno ho! ocen s ke starosti. (kllomki d rohni h stalaktitu v s» hdi najdeni samo še v plasti M pred jamoi Kako so vanjo prišli. ni znano. Med sigo in plastjo 2 zija velika časovna praznina. Neposredno pn sedunentaeiji so nastale razne fosfatne inkrustacijc in impregnacije, Kemično preoblikovane mehanske usedline so razni agregati ler korodiran in preperel grušč in kosi i. Plut Layer Mulj. píriük, ¡inií¿ 2-4 nun S t J i. Kind, nibble 2-4 mm f rniiü -4 mm Rubble A mi ii ID 21) til 40 100% SI. 3.2: Do ie ha lie I. Razmeije med osnovo in gru&čem v 21) kilogramskih točkovnih vzorcih usedlin i/ posameznih plašil v pn i fil u y 2.00 m. /.¡i primerjavo navajamo vrednost iz melišča na pobočju pod najdiščem, kije označena / zvezdico. Fig, 3,2. Divje bahe I. Ratio between matrix and nibble in 21) kilograms of conventional profile samples of sediment from individual layers in section y 2:00 m. For comparison, we give the value, marked with a star, from I he talus on the slope under the site. roof, and with further weathering on lite ground surface. They are of autochtonous origin. Alloehtonous admixtures in sediments are only present in traces, except Tor fossil remanís. We have similar sediments, without fossil remains of Pleistocene fauna, in enclosed talus and col I u vial deposits under the cave, except that ihcsc are not diagenfitieally so transformed as the cave sediments (Fie. l.-t). Chemical sediments are Hows I ones of various shapes, cernen I and various encrustations and impregnations All llowstones were created after deposition of layer 2, and are probably ofl loloeene age. Fragments ofsmalI stalactites were oniy found in layer 8 in from of the cave. It is not know n how they were brought there, flic re is a large time gap between the spcleothem formations and elastic sediment of layer 2, Directly alter the sedimenta I i on, various phosphate encrustations and impregnations occurred, The chemically transformed mechanical sediments are various aggregates and corroded or weathered nibble and bones. I'll ese sediments, too, were transformed concurrent wilh sedimentation, or shortly afier. Very coarse rubble (64-256 mm), coarse to line rubble (2-64 mm) and sand together with silt 2 mm) were represented in approximately equal volumetric proportions by layers. Rubble-siz.ed particles, sand ami si It are more or less rounded. The roundness increases in inverse proportion to the particle siz.e. We have only systematically studied the line rubble, in which angular and rounded particles are normally mixed, independent of differences in the rock; coarse grained dolomite or line grained dense dolomite. The former is more frequent than the latter. Relatively the largest amount of angular fine rubble is in layers 2. 2c, 2f, 5b and p. All the rubble is more or less corroded. It has crumbled into (he sill under pressure Various coatings on the surfaces of the rubble particles are typical (Fig. 1). At least half of the rounded particles of rubble have a brown staining, which wc meei in all layers, although as a local phenomenon, Particles without a staining have the natural colour of'dolomite rock. Brown streaks are frequent, which are also obtained on fractured plates. The fractures probably occurred through freezing at the time of the deposition of the rubble. Brown phosphate crusts are more rare, excepi in layer ¡Í, where they are very frequent. They normally cover only part of the surface, standing out in relief. We conclude from this that the encrustations locally or globally halted further corrosion of the rubble particles. Light brown coatings on heavily weathered particles of round rubble in the lower pan of layer 5 area peculiarity. They appear in an environment which is rich in matrix (average .14 fine rubble, sand and silt) in which clay and other aggregates predominate (average weight per volume of the inairtx is 111 g/100 ml). They may he clay coatings, typical of stable areas of sediment (van Vliet- ii 7 - 42 Analysis i* m-.i>imi>is Ttidi te usedline so se prcoblikovale hkrati s sodi-mciiiacijo uli kvefcjcinu nekoliko kasneje. V pribiiijio enakih pnostominskih dclciib so po plasteh znstopaoi zelo debel grilse |64 do 256 mm), debel do drobcn »ruse (2 do 64 mm) in sktipas pesek / meljem (< 2 mm). Lokalno pnevladujcdcleiblokov < ■ 250 mm) Kvjidnil 4t ii Quodral 41 J Mdj, pesck, ¡¡nisi 2-4 nun Mili, sand, nibble 2-4 min Lanoc 1986, p. 93). Together with heavily weathered rubble in layer 4a and 5a, they may represent a bah in I be deposition and hiotorhalion o( sediments. Quantitatively, we studied only fractions smaller than 4 mm (fine rubble, sand and sill), irrespective of the composition. We gave tliem working name matnx. Globirci tiepili cm -54 >106 -t IT -12*» -Ml -15 J -165 -177 (prui£ -4 mm Rubble "1 nun HI 20 30 100™:. CHobina Depth cm -I2*J -141 153 "163 -177 IK'J -2t>! -2 13 -22 5 -2.17 Kvadral 17 (¿ujidr.il 17 Milj, pCMnk, ¡jiiiii- 2-4 Mini Silt, «in J. rubble 2-4 nun ,SY. 3 J; Divje babe 1. Razmerje ined osnovo in gruieem v 10 do 20 kilogramskih podrainih vzorcih used I in i/ posamcznih kvadratov in rcinjev. Vrcdnosti so drse&i povpreija treh rcfcnjev. Fig. ,i..J. Divjc babe I. Ratio between matrix and nibble in 10 to 20 kilograms samples of sediment from selected quadrats and spils. Values arc expressed as an average of three spits (InjiC -4 mm Kulibk 4 mm 2(1 It) 40 Kv.nti.it 4f> Qmiiir-ji 4(i Gkibim Vlclj, pcsck, lVp.li ^ 2'4,11"1 i, Siti. sand, rubtik- 2-4 mm £4 -67 -K2 -V>4 -106 -117 -129 -141 -153 -I (.5 -177 -1HV -201 -213 -225 -2 37 -24*> -2(>l -27* Plafl(i) Layerfs) - 54 cm 3,4 (ini^i mm Rubbk- '4 mm ■ 273 CI" 10 20 100% 43 Axai iza esi [>i Is- Kosi grušča, peska in melja so bolj ali manj zaobljeni. Zaobljenost narašča obratnosorazrnerno /. velikostjo frakcij. Sistematsko smo preučili samo droben grušč, v katerem se običajno mešajo ostro! ob i in zaobljeni kosi, neodvisno od kamninske različice: belega zrnatega dolomita ali temno sivega gostega dolomita. Prvi je pogost ej s i od drugega. Sorazmerno največ ostrorobega drobnega grušča je v plasteh 2,2e\ 2f, 5b in 6. Ves grušč je bolj tih manj korodiran. Globinsko prepereh grušč je krhek in ima zelo hrapavo površino. Ob pritisku razpade v melj. Značilne so različne obloge na površini kosov grušča (si. 3.1). Vsaj polovica zaobljenih kosov grušča ima rjav oprli, ki ga srečujemo v vseh plasteh, vendar kot lokalen pojav. Kosi brc/ oprha imajo naravno barvo dolomnne kamnine. Pogoste so rjave lise, ki se dobijo tudi na ploskvah v razpokah. Razpoke je verjetno naredila zmrzal v času odlaganja ¿trušča. Redkejše so rjave fosfatne skorje, razen v plasti kjer so zelo pogoste. Običajnoprekrivajo le del površine, ki reliefno izstopa. Iz lega sklepamo, da so inkmstacije lokalno ali globalno ustavile nadaljnjo korozijo kosov grušča. Posebnost so svetlo rjave impregnacije na močno preperelih kosili okroglega grušča v spodnjem delu plasti Their values ranged between I 0 % and 70 % net in relation to the coarser rubble. We ascertained the same variability within layers anil between layers. This may be because of the nature of the dolomite rock, various local causcs of its decomposition, and diagenetic processes. In any ease, the data is not the niosi suitable lor studying our sediments. Similarly, die data for all other fractions would not have been suitable. Nevertheless, we can establish an interesting oscillation of the matrix in relation to other nibble sized fractions hy layers, on the basis of values of conventional profile samples, samples from selected quadrats and spits and standard statistics of random samples from ail quadrats and spits. The rcstills, obtained in various ways, are in good mutual agreement (Figs. 3.2 - 3.4). The composition of fractions depends on their size. Grains > J 6 mm are composed almost exclusively from pieces of dolomite and bones. The composition of smaller particles is more varied. In addition to fragments of dolomite and buries, in particles of 10-3 mm appear phosphate aggregates and fragments of teeth, charcoal, flowstone and noncalccrcous rocks (Fig. 3-6), Phosphate aggregates of this size arc. however, rare, although they appear locally from layers 2-3 down. The peak is Mel), pestk, (¡rule 2 - J win ijruii > 4 mm Sill, *iind, rutfrlc 2 ■ J mm Hubble - A rim J-1-1-1-1-1-1-1_i_i_i t Plast(i) Laycrfs) t/2 2,-Sb 3,4 4 5 f> 7 S i) tU 20 30 40 100% .SV. 3.4 ■ Divje babe I. Standardne statistike razmerja med osnovo m gruščem v 10 do 20 kilogramskih področnih vzorcih usedlin iz množice kvadratov in režnjev, ki je bila opredeljena po nagubanih plasteh 2 do 5 s pomočjo klasicrske analize tipa k-mcuns. Legenda: - pokončna e rt tea je srednja vrednost (Ml. - vodoravna črta je standardna deviadja < I S D), - okvire t: k ji: interval zaupanja (CL 99 % za plasti 1 - 5 In 95 % za plasti 6 - S). Fig: 3.4. Divje babe I. Standard statistics tor rano between matrix and rubble in 10 to 20 kilograms random samples of sediment from all quadrats and spi IS, determined for the folded layers 2 to 5 with the aid of k-mtwns cluster analysis, 1 egend: - vertical bar is mean (M), - horizontal bir is standard deviation (I SDK - box is confidence level fit. in layers I - 5 and 45% in layers 6 -8). 44 Analysis « simmhkis 5. Nastopajo v okolju, ki je bogato z osnovo (povprečno 34 % drobnega grušča, peska in mclja), v kateri prevladujejo ilovnati in drugi agregati (povprečna prostori) i nska le?a osnove je 111 g/100 ml). Lati ko gre za glinene plev Inke, značilne za slabil nO površje usedlin (van Vlict-Lanoč I * J fi ii, £3). Skupaj s popolnoma prcpcrelim gruščem \ plasti 4a in 5a bi lahko predstavljale znstnj v odlaganju in bioturbaeiji usedlin. Kvantitativno smo proučili samo frakcije, manjše oil 4 mm (droben grušč, pesek in mclj), nc glede na sestavo. Imenovali smojih z delovnim imenom osnova. Njihove vrednosti se gibljejo med £0 % in 70 % neto v odnosu do debelejšega grušča. Ugotovili smo enako variabilnost znotraj plasti kol med plastmi, To je lahko zaradi narave dolomitne kamnine, različnih lokalnih vzrokov za njeno razpadanje in diagenetskih procesov. Vsekakor podatek ni nuj bolj primeren za preučevan je naših usedlin. Podobno nc bi bili primerni podal k i /a vse druge frakcije. Kljub temu smo lahko ugotovili zanimiva nihanja osnove in ostalega grušča po plasteh, in sicer na podlagi točkovnih vzorcev i/ profila, področnih vzorcev iz kvadratov in režnjev in opisnih statistik področnih vzorcev. Izsledki, pridobljeni na različne načine, so med seboj dobro ujemajo (sL i 2 -1.4). Sestav frakcij je odvisen od njihove velikosti Frakcije nad 16 mm so sestavljene skoraj izključno i/ achieved in layer S, where there arc actually no longer any dolomite elasts ot this si;«, There are also large phosphate aggregates in layers 5 and 7, There are least in layers 2,4 and 5b. Where there is no aggregates, all the rubble is angular, as is the nibble in the "fossil" talus close to the cave. I lic phosphate aggregates, which we submitted to routine chemical analysis by the EDAX procedure (Fig. 3.5), arc notable for the impressions and fossil hairs of cave bear ( 1 nrk ct ul. 1995a). Chapter X presents numerous rounded very small fragments of bones and teeth which were created at the same time as the sediments i synsedimetitprily). Their quantity corresponds with the quantity of fossil remains of cave bear by layer. We obtained the best overview of the composition of sediments by analysing part of the sand-silt fraction of the matrix (0.5 - 3,0 mm). Its mam constituents are: dolomite c lasts. phosphate aggregates and fragments of bone and teeth, I low stone grains and fragments, e liar-coal and nonealccrcous rocks appear in smaller qua mines. There are only tlowsione grains and fragments in layer 2, mainly m the upper part. They gradually disappear with depth. There arc most fragments of Charcoal in layers 2, 4 and h. The phosphate aggregates arc undoubtedly the most interesting. They contain more than 1(1% phosphorous and a fair amount of calcium. X-ray diffraction of the sand-silt fraction of the phosphate layer 6i -■50 ii.-r.nv »it* i i ■ in. .L11 liin* HL^Dy iinTc-1 nr.nt,T IMF- _i_nec Pli- tTJIL'hl PHilT-n^'jCiSCC <"< -^ri* i Mirni H-^ —I--1-1-1-<-1-1-1-H--- 11 tO --40 -30 J- 0 CuKw. ZD0 4J)0 R00 ftM 1000 .V/, i.5: Divje babe I. Rentgenska d i frakcija drobnih fosfatnih agregatov narejena na Oddelku za geologijo KIT v Ljubljani in kemijski sestav fosfatnega agregata analiziranega postopkom EDAX na Ministrstvu /n notranje zadeve liS Fif> .JS.' Divje babe I. X -r;i v Ji ti met um of tiny phosphate aggregates curried om at the NIT Department of Geology in Ljubljana and chemical composition of phosphate aggregates analysed by the EDAX procedure at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of StpVenia. 45 Analiza usedi is kosov dolom i ki in kosti. Sestav manj Siti frakcij ju pcstrcjSi. Poleg koščkov dolomita in kosil se že v frakcijah 10 do 3 mm pojavijo fosfatni agregati ter drobci /ob, oglja, sige in nukarbonatnih kamnin (si. ¡.6). Fosfatni agregati te velikosti so sieer redki, vendar lokalno nastopajo že od plasti 2 do 3 navzdol, Vrhunec dosežejo v plasti 8, kjer dejansko ni več dolom itn ih klastov te velikosti. Veliko fosfatnih agregatov je tudi v plasteh 5 in 7. Najmanj jih je v plasii 2.4 in 5b. Kjer ni agregatov, je ves grušč oslrorob. Takšen je I od i grušč v "fosilnem" tneliSču v bližini jame. Fosfatni agregati, ki smo jih kemijsko analizirali klasično s postopkom EDAX (si. 3.5), so poznani po odtisih in fosilih dlakah jamskega medveda (Turk in dr. I995a), Poglavje zase predstavljajo Številni zaobljeni drobci kosti in zob, ki so nastati hkrati z usedlinami. Njihova količina se ujema s količino fosilnih ostankov jamskega medveda po plasteh. Najboljši pregled nad sestavo usedlin smo dobili s preučevanjem dela pešeenomeljaste frakcije osnove 2cm 2 cm SI. .i. rt. Diyje babe 1. fosfatni agregati v frakcijah KI do 3 mm in 3 do (J,i mm. Manjia li akcija so različno oblikovan» in obarvani agregati v plasti K. Fow: Marko Zaplatil. Fi3.f>; liivjc biihe I. Phosphaie uggregsues in fractions 10 to 3 ffltn und 1 m 0.5 mm. The smaller fractions ¡ire variously shaped «id coloured aggregates in layer K. Photo: Marka j^aplaill. in the back of (he cave, identified in addition to dolomite as the predominant mineral, franco!itc and quartz (anal, N. Zupan Hanjra) (Fig. 3.5) Since ihc fraction contained almost only phosphate aggregates, we may conciudc that live phosphate appears in the form of franeolite. We also found quartz grains in thin sections of the phosphate aggregates. Their origin is unclear. All phosphate and other aggregates up to layer 7 are rounded and brownish in colour. Phosphate aggregates in the shape of cauliflowers, in addition to normal rounded forms, first appear in layer S. They arc also distinguishable from each other in colour the rounded aggregates are lighter, the cauliflower shaped darker [Fig. f>). The I'kist [Layer Aeurcoa« 2 3 wmmmmm HH -MMi 4 Klustj ClaSE-i 9(1 l(ll) E1 CI 1 no 14(1 150 V too ml SI. 3.7: Divje babe J. Prostoru i lis ke reže osnove kol merilo vsebnosti fosfatnih agregatov in stopnje fosfatogcaeza v točkovnih v/oreih usedlin iz posameznih plasii v profilu v 2,0(9 m. Za primerjavo navajamo vrednost u mclisča ru poboCju pod |.mi[i. ki je označena t. /.vezdico, fig, 3.7; Divje habe I. Volumetric wciglil of matrix a.s a measure of the con lent of phosphate aggregates and I he degree of'phospbogenesis in conventional profile samples of Sediment Ironi individual layers in section y - 2 00 m For comparison, we give the value, marked with a star, I'roitt the talus on (he slope under Ihc site. i. - 46 AHALYHISCB- M.IUMIMS Kvadrat 4 hi Ou:nlrLil 4! ll PlnBt(i) Uiyer(s) IOO 110 DO 140 g/100 in! kvadrat 17 OuiidrEil 17 pldraria Dcplh cm 1 AlJ«®»!! ' Agrepti Kij.vti Afcttrcgiiics ■ K kisli (.'lasi? ¿106 St, -i S: Divje babe I. Prost o minske težu osnove ki it merilo vsebnosti fosfatnih agregatov in stopnje foslhlogepeze v področnih vzorcih usedlin i/ posameznih kvadratov in leinjev. Vrednosti so drseča povprečja treh režnje v. Fig, 7. 8 I i i yjc b;jhe 1. Volumctric weight ot matrix as a measurc o!' ilic contcnl ofpllOSph;He aggregales and thc level ot phosphogenesis I rum sclected qundnits and spi is. Values are expressed a.s :in average o I Ihrcc spits, -117 3,4 - SJ Lin -273 cm I (K) 110 120 130 mu u/HMi ml h 47 ASM i/A irsnu is (0,5 do 3,0 mm), Njene glavne sestavine so: dolomilnt klasti, fosfatni agregati in drobci kosti ter/oh. V manjših količinah nastopajo koički in drobci sige. oglja ter nekarbonalnih kamnin. Koščki in drobci sige so samo v plasti 2. predvsem v njenem zgornjem delu. / globino postopno poidejo. Drobcev oglja je največ v plasti 2, 4 in 6. Najbolj zanimivi so nedvomno fosfatni agregati. Vsebujejo več kol 10 % fosforja in precej kalija. Rentgenska d i frakcij a peSčenomeljaste frakcije fosfatne plasli v ozadju jame je poleg dolomita kol večinskega minerala ugotovila še francolit in kremen (si. 3.5) lana!. N. /upu ti I lajna). Ker je frakcija vsebovala skoraj samo fosfatne agregale. lahko sklepamo, da fosfat nastopa v obliki francolita, Kremečcva zrna smo ugotov Mi tudi v /hruški h ibsfalnih agregatov, Njihov izvorni pojasnjen. Vsi fosfatni in drugi agregati do vključno plasli 7 so zaobl jeni in rjavkaste barve. V plasli H sc prvič pojavijo fosfatni agregati v obliki evelaee poleg običaj m h zaobljenih Lini in drugi se ločijo tudi barvno: zaobljeni agregati so svetlejši, eveiačasti pa lemnc jši (si. 3,6). Agregati v obliki evetače so verjetno nastali kol samostojne tvorbe v času cementiranja plasti H, Po nastanku m obliki so podobni sigi, ki se še vedno tvori v aggregates in lite shape of cauliflowers were probably formed ai the lime of the cementing of layer H as an independent formation, tin the basis of the formation and shape of similar flowstone, which is still being created ut the interior pf the cavc. I'he rounded aggregates sometimes have deep cracks. On the surface of these aggregates, and in the surface cracks, arc visible vi\ ianite dendrites. The cracks are evidence of the original plasticity of the aggregates, and Ihe dendrites in them of the fossil age of the cracks. I'he cracks were created by coagulai ion at die t imc of format ion, or phosphatogenesis. I'he rounding may he of mechanical origin, oru may be connected with the mcl ling ol'lhc ice thai formed under past pcriglacial conditions. We systematically traced the content of the phosphate aggregates from layer lo layer on the basis of the volumetric weighi primarily of the sand and silt fraction of the matrix. This ranged from H4 to 149 g/100 ml. Variability among layers is greater than within them So the data is more useful for dividing layers than as a quantity oil he mains. Layer H, which has practically no dolomite c las IS, has the most aggregates. Layer 2 has ihe least aggregates, ("here are almost entirely dolomite Agiugvlt 1 A^tv^m. kl.L.i: ' KIJI.II j\£tiv£!i!es 1 Aggrcgild^'fhitf 1 Llflsb PliKtt I) LilYLTf > | M2 2, Sb 3,4 4 5 b 7 tail no 120 130 14(1 g/| l rh podaja dr. Ku v dodatku k temu prispevku. Radiokarbonska metoda zagotavlja torej najbolj zanesljive podatke o starostih za mlajše najdbe, medtem ko daje pri najstarejših najdbah metoda U/Th verjetno najboljše ocene. Toda nobena od obeh metod ne zagotavlja kronologije, ki bi bila sama po sebi dovolj zanesljiva za podrobno arheološko razlago. Dobljene rezultate moramo torej obravnavati skladno s stra-tigni fij o liajd i šča (glej I u rk, t a zbom i k). 4.2. Vzorci in priprava vzorcev Vzorci, ki so hili izbrani za meritve, so zajemali posamezne primere Številnih medvedjih kost t, najdenih v različnih plasteh, in majhne koSčke oglja več kuriSč (y/. 4.1). Večina vzorcev kosti in vsi vzorci oglja so bili veliko premajhni /a tradicionalno metodo radiokarbonskega datiranja s spektroskopijo beta j|il, v celoti pa so ustrezali zahtevam AMS po vzorcih z miligramsko maso. Spisek in opis podajamo v razpredelnici 4.1. Kemična priprava vzorcev tako velikih slnrosti je kritična, saj lahko celo majhne stopnje koiigaminira-nosti / materiali, ki vsebujejo sodobni ogljik, izdatno spremenijo starost merjenega vzorca. SI. 4.2 kaie navidezno starost vzorcev kot funkcijo stopnje kontanniniranosti s sodobnim ekvivalentom ogljika, (S sodobnim ekvivalentom mislimo na ogljik z radiokar-bonsko starostjo nič ali večjo količino starejšega ogljika, ki bi imel enak učinek). Že komam iniranost z nekaj promili sodobnega ogljika zadostuje, da pri vzorcih, ki so v resnici stari od 70.000 do SO.000 let, izmerimo starost v razponu od 40,000 do 50.000 let. Ta primer pa je neposredno pomemben za našo raziskavo, Nasprotno pa je kontaminiranost / zelo Starim ("mrtvim") ogljikom eelerator mass spectrometry fAMS) was just beginning to be seriously applied to radiocarbon dating. The project was conceived both to test ihe new AMS method and to attempt to obtain reliable archaeological age information for the site. Most Work was done at the Simon I l aser University AMS facility (the now-disbanded li 11)1)1 . Group) located ai MeMaster University in Ontario, Canada. A few samples were later re-measured at the t enter for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry at the Lawrence-Livcrmorc National Laboratory in California, USA, After this radiocarbon work was completed, l)r, T.-I. Km Earth Sciences, University of Southern California) offered to test lour of the bones using the U/Th dating method. While U. lii dating of bane is problematic due to the nature oi l) uptake in the bone, it can reach ages much older than the 1 'C method, and thus it ean provide a uselul elieck. The I ' fh results are given by Dr. Ku in an Appendix to this paper. I or the younger material then, radiocarbon provides the most reliable age information, while Ibr the oldest samples, the U/Th method probably gives the best estimate, However, neither method provides a chronology which is in itself of sufficient reliability for detailed archaeologte interpretation. These results must then be considered in the context of the site stratigraphy (see l urk, in this volume) 4.2. Tin-: SAMPLES AND SAMPLI-; PREPARATION [ lie samples chosen for measurement included indi\ ¡dual examples of the numerous bear bones found throughout the deposits and small pieces of charcoal from several hearths i Fig. 4. i). Most bone and all char-coat samples were far too small for the traditional p-counlmg method of radiocarbon dating, but they were entirely adequate for Ihe mg-sized AMS requirements A list and description is given in Tabic 4.1. Chemical preparation of samples of these great ages is critical, as even small amounts ofe on lamination by materials containing recent carbon can drastically alter the measured sample age, Fig. 4.2 shows (he apparent age of samples as a function of the amount of contamination by Modem-equivalent carbon. < I iy Modem-equivalent we mean carbon with a radiocarbon age of zero, or a greater amount of older carbon which would produce the same effect.) As an example of direct relevance lo this study, contamination by only a few parts per thousand of Modem carbon is sufficient to result in measured ages in the 40 - 50 ka range tor samples of true age 70 lo 80 ka. In contrast, contamination by veiy old ("dead") carbon is a much smaller problem for old 53 Radius (KimiftKO [HTiKiMh kos'ii IMOOua iZ DlVllh itak 1 Razpredelnica 4.1: Radlokarbonsko da li ran i v/ore i. Tabic 4.1; Radiocarhon sámpJcs dated. I'ljil 1 ayer Izkop Spit Kvadrat Square Globina De pili St. vzorca Sample no Tip vzorca Sample type Opis vzorca * Sample de scriptum* 2 tl-llt 186+187 0,80-1.40 AI kosu j. medved - bone, cave bear lobanja, juvenil na - cranium, juvenile 6 VII 203 2.40-2.70 A3 kost, j. medved - bone, čave bear femur, juvenilen - femur, juvenile Ii K X 172 3.40-3.70 A4 kust, j. medved - bore, cave bear ti bi da, adult na - liha la, adult X 172 3.40-3,70 20/84 oglje - charcoal Pinns cf. sylvestris {mugo) 8 XI I S3 3.70-3.90 23/85 oglje/ehareoiil iglavce - conifer (.4/jits) S XI 1 S3 3.70-3.911 AS kost, j, medved - bone, cave bear lobanja, adullna - cranium, adult 10 XII 191 3. y 0-4.20 Aó kost, j. medved - bone, cave bear radius, adulter - radius, adult m XII 131 3 90-4,21) 26/85 oglje - charcoal Pinns 10 XII 182 3.90*4.20 27/85 oglje - charcoal Pinns K) XII 179 3.90-4,20 28/85 oglje - charcoal Pinns tO XII 189 3.90-4,20 29/85 oglje - charcoal Pinas 10 XII j9l 3.90-4.20 30/85 oglje - charcoal Pinns 13 XIII 172 4,20-4.45 A7 kost. j medved - bone, cave bear femur, subadullcn - lemur, sub-adult 13 XII 173 4.20-4.45 37/85 ojjlje - charcoal Pinta/Picea ■ Larix 13 XII m 4.20-4.45 38/85 o^lje - charcoal Pima/Pivea - Larix 13 XI! 173 4.20-4.45 Bil kost, j. med veti - bone. cave bear tibija, ad ultra - tibia, adult 13 XII XII is: 4.20-4.45 Ik) kost, j, medved - bone, cave bear t i luja, sobad uit na - tibia, sub-iidult 13 l S3 4.204.45 137 kosi. j, medved - bone, cave bear tibija, adultna - tibia, adult 13 XII 188 4.21M.45 H3 kost, j. medved - Iwne, cave hear tihija, enoletna - libia, yearling 13 XII 192 4.2Ü4.45 1110 kost, j, medved - hone, cave hear ti bija, adullna ■ tibia, adulí 17¡i XIX 143 5.80(1.00 AS kiwi, j. medved - bone, cave bear melakaipus, adulleu - mctacaijius, adult 17a XXIII 115 6,85 61/86 oglje ■ cJtarcoat Pical - Larix S7a XXIN 115 6.70-7.05 A'í kost, j. medved - bone, cave bear humcnis, juvenilen - humerus juvenile 1K XXIV 109 7.13 63/80 oglje charcoal Pinns - Abies 18 XXIV 109 7.05-7.35 A1 Oíi kost - bone nedoločen odlomek - unidciitif, 1 ragmen t 1« XXIV [09 7.05-7.35 AlOb kost - bone nedoločen odlomek - aniden t if. fragment 19 - 92 7.75-8.30 All kost - bone odlomek rebra - rib fragment I1) - 92 7.90 51/85 oglje - charcoal iglavec -Conifer [t'inns/l'iccii - Larix) 20 XXIX ¡22 8,60-8,90 A12 kost, j. medved - bone, cave bear nedoločen odlomek - unidenlif. Irngment 2U XXIX 122 ■ 115 8.75 72/86 oglje - charcoal Picea/Aht/í'jf * Kosti je določil Ivan Turk. - Bone determination by Ivan Turk Oglje je določil Alojz Sercclj,-Charcoal dete rini nation by A loj/ Šcrcelj. pri starih vzorcih precej manj problematična, saj dodatek 1 % mrtvega ogljika poveča navidezno starost le /a ¡ill let. V tem delu bodo torej problemi s konta m i ti i ranos tj o lahko spremenili časovno lestvico v smeri proti manjšim starosiim. Odpravi jan¡je komuminii auosti v tako majhnih količinah jc zelo težavno. V preteklosti so v ta namen razvili različne kemijske postopke. Vendar učinkovitosti teli metod v vsakem posameznem primeru ni mogoče samples, lis addition of I "¡.of dead carbon increases the apparent age by only NO years. In this study, ihen, problems with contamination will tend to compress the time scale towards younger ages. Eliminating contain i nation at such low levels very difficult, and various chemical procedures have been developed in the past, However, one cannot predict ihe efficacy of these melhnds in any given ease, as circumstances vary from site to site and even from sam- 54 Raduk'AKIMIN n-MIM. lih liter AKDCHAPtCOAl rwiM DlVJI- HAHI I c AVI SI. 4.2: Navidezna radiokarbonska starost (navpično) glede na količino onesnaženosti (vodoravno). Fig. 4.2. Apparent radiocarbon j^e vs. contaminant amount. predvideti, saj se okoliščine od najdišča do najdišča - in celo od ^ zorca do vzorca na enem najdišču - spreminjajo. Priporočljivo je, da datiramo najdbe i/, različnih organskih snovi iz vsake plasti, katere starost nas zanima, saj bodo problemi pri različnih vrstah snovi verjet nt t različni. Skladni rezultati bodo torej nakazovali zanesljive starosti, medtem ko bodo razhajajoči se rezultati pomenili nerešene probleme. Datiranje oglja in kosti bi moralo zagotovili uporaben preizkus metode. Podrobnosti priprave vzorcev so sledeče: 4.2.1. Oglje Oglje je primeren male ri a I za radiokarhonsko datiranje, saj seje pokazalo, daje Oglje z veliko ogljika zelo stabilna snov in daje torej mogoče uporabili natančne čistilne postopke. V lej raziskavi smo vzorce oglja obdelali z Gobovo in Malloyevo metodo kislina-Sug-kislina (Gob in Malloy 1972}. Vsak vzorec smo najprej pregledali pod mikroskopom z majhno povečavo in izbrali lepe koščke za nadaljnje delo. le koščke smo poleni zavreli v 2N HC1. da bt odstranili morebitne karbonate in druge v kislini topljive koiiiatninanie. Podhladitvi in spiranju z destilirano vodo smo preostali material če/ noč namakali v raztopini NaOl I in natri jevega pirofbsfala, da bi odstranili v lugu topljive humusne snov i. To lužno kopel smo ponavljali, dokler razlopitia ni bila čista. Vzorce smo potem znova spridi z destilirano vodo, nato okisali s HCI, da smo odstranili morebiine usedle karbonate, spet s pral i in posušili v peči pri nizki lemperaiun, Preostanke snipi ponovno p regl ed mik rosk opom, 4.2.2. Kosti Kadiokarbonske meritve kosi i so pogosto vprašljive, saj so pretekle izkušnje s tem materialom zelo različne. Kl jub temu smo veČino naših meritev opravili na kosteh, in sicer iz več razlogov. Prvič, zelo majhne velikosti vzorcev, ki jih zahteva datiranje z metodo A M S, nam dovoljujejo, da uporabimo kemične obdelave, ki bi In le pri tradicionalni radiokarbonski metodi nemogoče. Drugič, pri meritvah kosti smo prepričani, kaj datiramo: smrt določene, identificirane živali. Nadalje, kosli na najdišču Divje babe I so bile videli izredno dobro ohranjene za tako zelo stare v zoree. Mnoge od iijjh kažejo malo ali nobenih znakov degradacije. Končno, razvili smo modifikacijo siarejše metode priprave kosti, ki smo jo hoteli preizkusiti v leh zahtevnih okoliščinah. ttudern-etiniuairni Mmaminancm (14) pie io sample within a siie. It is advisable to date different materials from each level of interest, as the problems with each type are likely to be different (oneortl ant results will thus suggest reliable ages, while discordant results will indicate unresolved problems. Dating bo ill charcoal and hone should provide a useful crosscheck. Preparation details of samples are as follows: 4.2.1, Charcoal Charcoal is a favoured radiocarbon dating material, as il has been found that well-carbonized charcoal is a very stable material, and it is thus possible to apply rigourous cleansing procedures, iu this study, wc used the acid-base-acid method ofGoh and Malloy {lL>72) to treat the charcoal samples. Each sample was first examined under a low-power microscope to select good-looking pieces for further work. These pieces were then boiled in 2N i ICl to remove any carbonates and other acid-soluble contaminants. After cooling and washing in distilled water, the remaining material was soaked overnight in a solution nf NaOH and sodium pyrophosphate to remove base-soluble hn-mic material, litis base soak whs repeated until the so-luiion was clear. The samples were then washed again in distilled water, acidified with HC1 to remove any precipitated carbonates, washed once more and dried in a low-temperature oven. The residues were examined again under the microscope. -I.I.2 Bone Radiocarbon measurements on bone are often suspect, as past experience with this material has been very varied. Even so, most of our measurements have been made on bone, lor several reasons, First, the very small sample size requirements of AMS dating allows us to apply chemical treatments which would be impossible with the traditional radiocarbon method. Next, we are certain ol what we are dating in measuring bone; the death Ofa specific, identified animal, f urther, the bones at the Divjc babe I site seemed to he extremely well preserved for samples ol this great age. Many show little or no sign of degradation. Last, we had developed a modification of an older bone preparation method which we wanted to test in these stringent conditions. 55 RMllOKARBQiffiICO IMTlWlPW KOSTI IN OGLJA I> Villi ItAFI I S to modificirano metodo obdelave poskušamo izloči i i i/ kosi i le tiste molekule, ki so morale bili del originalne kosti, vse preostale pa zavreči. Ta pristop je ravno nasproten tistemu, ki ga uporabljamo pri oglju: namesto da bi odstranili nedoločene kontaminante, poskušamo v tem primeru izločili le tisto materiale, ki so morali biti del prvotnega vzorca, Kost tvorila mineralna sestavina (kalcijev hidroksiapatit) in proteinska sestavina, ki je predvsem kolagen. Molekulami kolagen tvorijo tri peptidne verige, vsaka z molekularno težo okrog 110 kDaltonov (ki)), ki so povezane v celoto. Te molekule so potem naprej zvezane tako, da oblikujejo vlakna, ki predstavljajo proteinsfco tkivo kosti. Nil i vlakna niti molekule se ne raztapljajo, posamične peptidne verige pa se raztapljajo. Ta dejstva izkoristimo v našem postopku ekstrakci je kosti na naslednji način: 1) Površino kosi i očistimo s strganjem s čistim nožem ali skalpelom. Potem uporabimo očiščen sveder za kovino (premera 4 - 5 mm) in z električnim vrtnlnikom pri nizkili obratih zvrtamo luknjo v kosi tam, kjei je kostna skorja najgostejša. Izvrtine, ki jih dobimo, predstavljajo vzorce, iz katerega izločimo kostni kolagen. Ta postopek vzorčenja nam ponuja prve znake o ohranjenosti kosli. Dobro ohranjena kost ho med vrtanjem oddajala rahel vonj, spirale pa bodo trdne, i/ra/Ue in bete. Tak material bo dajal veliko ekstrakta. Slabo ohranjena kosi daje prah namesto spirat. To sicer vedno ne pomeni, da bo malo proteinskega ekstrakta, a pogosto je tako. 2) [/vrtine namočimo v d.25 N HCI /a dan ali dva. tako da se i/loči proteinska usedlina, ki jo s pomočjo lillra iz steklenih vlaken speremo / vodo. Tako odstranimo mineralni tlel kosli in morebitne druge v kislini topljive materiale skupaj / vsem degradiranim kostnim proteinom, 3) Ta preostanek damo nato v 0,01 N HCI in v peč s slalno temperaturo 57° (.' S tem postopkom dosežemo, da postane kolagen topljiv, veliki peptidni nizi pa ostanejo v bistvu nedotaknjeni. (Gre za izpeljavo starih metod izdelovanja lepila in želalinc v/ kosli.} J) Raztopino filtriramo enako kot prej, toda nctopljivi material, ki ostane na liliru. tokrat zavrženiu. Takt) odstranimo vse v kislini nctopljive materiale. Material. ki je zdaj v raztopini, mora imeti značilnosti kosi nega kolagena. Količina tega raztopljenega materiala predstavlja informacijo o ohranjenosti kosti. Kosmi kolagen ivori okrog I 5 - 17 % kostne mase. V dobro ohranjenih starih kosteh se velik del kolagena ohrani. Izkušnje kažejo, da kosli z manj kot 2-3 % lega ekstrakta lahko dajo napačne rezultate, in la delež uporabimo kot splošno merilo zanesljivosti. 5) Odločilni nadaljnji korak našega postopka v procesu ločevanja je, da to raztopino spustimo skozi ultra- 56 This modified treatment method attempts to select from ibe bone only those molecules which must have been part ol the original bone, discarding all else, flits is the opposite approach from that used for the charcoal: instead of removing unspecified com am in ants, in this ease we attempt to select only those materials which imist be from the original sample. Bone is made of a mineral component (calcium h yd rosy-apatite) and a proteinaecous component which is primarilyijgplIagen. Molecular collagen is made of three peptide chains, each of molecular weight about 110 jcDaltons (kD). bound logelher to form the whole. I hese molecules are then further bonded together to form the fibrils that constitute the bone protein tissue. Neither the fibril* nor the moleenle are soluble, w hile the individual peptide chains are. We lake advantage of these facts in our bone extraction procedure, as follows: 1) The surface of the bone is cleaned by scraping with a clean knife or scalpel. Then, a cleaned machinist's Iwisl drill I of 4 - 5 mm diameter) is used in a slow-speed eleeiric drill to bore a hole in the most dense part of the bone cortex. The drillings obtained constitute the sample from which the bone collagen is extracted. Phis sampling procedure provides the first clues on bone preservation. Well-preserved bone will give a faint odour when drilled and the turnings will be firm, crisp and white. Such material will yield an abundant extract. Poorly-pre served bone yields a powder instead of turnings:, This does not necessarily mean that there will be a poor yield of protein extract, but that is often the ease 2) The drillings arc soaked in 0.25 N HCI for a day or I wo, after which the proteinaccous residue is ex-Iraeled and washed with water using a glass-fibre filter. I "h i s removes the mi nera 1 part of t he bone and any other aeid-solublc material, including any degraded hone protein. 3) "I bis residue is then placed in 0,01 N 11CJ under reflux iu an oven maintained at 57° C. This procedure renders the collagen soluble, bui leaves the large peptide strands substantially intact. (This is a derivation of the old methods for making glue and gelatin from bones.) 4) The solution is filtered as before, but this lime lite insoluble material remaining on the filter is discarded. This removes any acid-in soluble materials. The material now in solution must have the characteristics of bone collagen. The amount of this solu-biltzcd material provides an indication of bone preservation Hone collagen makes up aboai 15 - 17 % of hone mass, and in well-preserved ancient bone much of (his remains, Experience has shown that bones with less than about 2 - 3 % of this extract may give erroneous results, and ibis measure is used as a general indicator of reliability. filter (npr. Centricon korporaeije Amicon), da hi i/ločili le molekule z molekularno težo >30 k D. Ta izločeni material z visoko molekularno težo /nova speremo tn nato posušimo z liofilizaeijo. Dobljeni ekstrakt iz sodobne kosti je sulia beta pena; pri dobro ohranjeni kosti opazimo, da dobimo material s prav takimi značilnostmi. Lastnosti ekstrakta lahko nadalje preverimo z izmerami koncentracije ogljika in dušika, saj naj bi bilo razmerje C/N t po tezi) v kolagenu približno 2,M, Odstopanja kažejo precejšnjo vključenost nekega drugega materiala. In spet, delež ogljikovega izotopa 13C [podajamo vrednost 5 "C, ki je odstopanje deleža '■'C od povprečne vrednosti) v ekstraktu bi se moral skladati s prehrano živali. Pri medvedih, ki uživajo kopensko hrano, bi pričakovali vrednosti od -20 do -21 /¿o (glej Bocherens 1991) Odstopanja bi spet kazala na probleme. Čeprav morata biti ta dva preizkusa za kosim kolagen nujno izpolnjeni, pa po drug t stran i ne zadostujeta za prikaz absolutne Čistosti vzorca, saj nista ustrezno občutljiva za odkrivanje konlaniuuranosti z ogljikom v promilnih vrednostih, ki vplivajo na vzorce v razponu starosti, ki nas zanima v tem prikazu. Enega od vzorcev, za katerega smo pričakovali, da bo najstarejši {Al 2), smo pozneje uporabili za preizkus po drugi novejši metodi /a pripravo vzorcev, ki je dosti sclcktivnejša od lisic, o kateri smo govorili prej. Pri tej t i, ninhidrinski metodi (Nelson 1991) smo liofilizirani proizvod >30 k D, ki smo ga dobili enako kol zgoraj, hidrolizirali v 6N I i C I, da bi ga zreducirali na njegove sestavne aminokisline. Te aminokisline smo nato podvrgli reakciji / ninhidrinom. To je zelo specifična reakcija, v kateri se le lisi i ogljikovi atomi, ki se nahajajo v karboksilm skupini neokrnjenih aminokislin, sprostijo kol CO,. Ta CO, nato zberemo, kriogensko prečistimo in uporabimo z.a datiran je. Ogljik v končnem proizvodu je torej moral priti iz izvirnih pcptidnth vezi. ki vežejo aminokisline v kolagensko molekulo. To bi torej moralo zagotavljati zanesljivo izmeno starosti vzorca, Vendar pa ta metoda še ni dobro raziskana tn rezultat, ki smo ga dobili tukaj, moramo obravnavati kot prvi poskus. RaDKX'akiki« tWI INIi Oj|t [ioni ami CHAHrilAl \ KOM DlVJI IIAH9' I 1'AVI In our procedure, we take the selection process a definitive step further by passing this solution through an ultra-filter (e. g. Amicon Corporation's Centricon) to extract only molecules tii' molecular weight 00 kD, This extracted high-molecular weight material is washed again and then dried by lyophiI i zittion. The resuhirig extract from modern bone is a dry white foam; in well-preserved bone, we find we obtain material with exactly these characteristics. The n ¡u it re of the extract can he further tested by carbon and nitrogen concentration measures, as collagen should have a ON ratio (by w eight) of about 2.9. Deviations indicate substantial inclusions of some other material. In addition, the carbon isotope ralio (the 6 "C value) of the ex tract should match the animal's diet, lor these terrestrial food eating bears, we would expect values of -20 to -21 %, (cf. Bochevens 1991). Again, deviations would indicate problems. However, while ihese two tcsls must necessarily he satisfied for bone collagen, they are not sufficient to indicate absolute purity of sample, as they ate not adequately sensitive to detect carbon contain ¡nation at the levels of parts per thousand that affect samples in the age range of interest in ihis study. One of the samples that was expected to be the oldest (AI2) was later used in a test of a second new preparation method that is much more selective than that discussed above. In ihis so-called ninliydrin method (Nelson 1991). the lyophi)ized >30kD product ohtained as above was hydrolyzed in fiN H( 1 to reduce tt to its constituent ammo-acids^ and these ammo-acids were in turn reacted with ninhydrin. fhis is a very specific reaction, in which only the carbon atoms present in the car-boxy 1 group of intact amino acids are released as CO.. I his CO, is then collected, purified cryogenically, and used for dating. The carbon in I he final product must then have Come from the original peptide bonds linking the ami no-acids to form the collagen molecule. It should thus provide a reliable measure of the sample age. How ever, this method is not yet well-studied, and the result obtained here must be treated as a first trial. 43. Radiokarbonskj: določitve Meritve radiokarbonskih starosti pripravljenih vzorcev so pri obeh sistemih A M S, ki smo ju uporabili, potekale po istem splošnem postopku. Prvič, del (nekaj mg) vsakega vzorca smo vložili v kreme novo cev skupaj s pol grama CnO, izčrpali zrak, neptedošno zaprli in nato žgal i v peči prt 900° C Dobljeni CO, smo kriogensko prečistili in po metodi Vogla in dr. (1984) zreducirali na grafit na železnem katalizatorju, Ta katalizator, prekrit z grafitom, smo nato vtisnili v 2 - 3 4.3, Radiocarbon dktkrmi nations Measurement of the radiocarbon ages of the prepared samples followed the same general procedure for both a MS systems used. First, a portion ( a few nig) of each sample was placed in a quartz tube together with a hall gram of CuO, evacuated, sealed and then burned in an oven at 9(10° C. The resultant C<), was cryogenically purified and reduced to graphite on an iron catalyst using the method of Vogcl et al. (19K4). I his graphitc-coated catalyst was then packed into a I mm diameter 57 r a[wokarw>n!ijc(> iiaiikasii" kosti iv om ia \t DlVlIJI bub I mm globoko luknjo s premerom I mm v aluminijastem nosilcu, ki smo ga polom položili v ionski izvor na napravah A M S, skupaj z 20 do 30 drugimi iieznanimi vzorci, primarnimi in sekundarnimi standardi in vzorci Ozadja, ki smo jih pripravili na enake nač me kol neznane vzorce, Naprave za AVIS neposredno določajo razmerja med končen (racijami radioaktivnega ogljika in stabilnega ogl jika, i/ katerih izračunamo radiokarbonske starosti. Podrobne opise instrumentov in merilnih postopkov na ohch uporabljenih napravah (Ril>1)1 in CAMS) najdemo v knjigah Nclsona in dr. (1986) iei Proctorja in dr. (1990). lukaj moramo le ornemu, da se by 2 - 3 mm deep hole in an AI button which was then placed in the ion source of the A MS machines, along with 21) - 30 other unknowns, primary and secondary standards and background samples which had been prepared in Ibe same ways as the unknow ns. These AMS devices directly determine the ratios of the radiocarbon to stable carbon concentrations from which the radiocarbon ages arc derived, Detailed descriptions of the instruments and the measurement procedures for the two facilities (KLDDL and CAMS) are given by Nelson ai (1986) and Proctor et til. (1990), I Icre. we need only mention lhal the measurements of the unknowns are made m a rotating sequence SI. 4.3: Divje babe I. Vkop. v kaierem so bili pobrani vzorci A9 - A12. i 1. (->1 in 72 /a radiometrične meritve. Številke so oznake plash, Foto: Carmen Narohe. Fig. ■/,Divje babe I. Trench when; were sampled samples for radiometric measure men Is A1) - A12, 51, (i I. t'.l and 72. Numbers correspond to ihe tallies of layers. Photo: (Airmen !>(smbt.\ IS ¡{■UPUH AKRDMQATINnOF Mu^H- AND CHARCOAL KKOM IllVJI H Alti 1 i AVI meritve neznanih vzorcev opravijo s, meritvami primarnih in sekundarnih standardov in vzorcev iz ozadja v k i tižnt.-ni zaporedju, knr zagotavlja sprotno preverjanje delovanja instrumentov in kakovosti rezultatov. Nezanesljivosti, značilne za oba laboratorija, so na jboljše ocene za celotno vari ¡ran je izsledkov pri eni standardni deviaeiji. Za oba sistema velja, da naj manj Se radiokarbonske koncentracije, k! jih lahko določimo, ustrezajo radiokarbonskim starostim 50.000 - 53.000 let p. s. Zanesljivost rad i »karbonski h določitev ti o le starosti torej določa predvsem čistost vzorca, V času, ko smo opravljali te meritve, nismo imeli mlinskega dostopa do masnega spektrometra stabilnih izotopov. Zato nismo naredili nobenih meritve tt "C na oglja. Starosti smo izračunali ob predpostavki, da so vrednosti za oglje -24 %o. Morebitne napake, ki so posledica te ocene, so pri vzorcih teh starostih nepomembne. Mnogo važnejc je bilo, da določimo vrednosti S 'C, pa tudi razmerja C"N pri ekstraktih i/ kosti, Pri precej vzorcih je bilo to možno v uporabo naprave za masno spektrometri j o na Oceanografskem oddelku Univerze v Britanski Kolumbiji. 4.4. Rezultati in razprava 4,4,1, Priprava vzorcev Vsi vzorci Ogljika razen enega so prestali postopek priprave v/oree\ brez vidnejših problemov. Pri prvi preiskavi so bili vsi videti kol temno črno oglje s prilepljenimi drobci sivega pepela. Prvo namakanje v kislini ni povzročilo velikih sprememb. Pri vseh vzorcih je naslednje namakanje v lužni raztopini odstranilo nekaj materiala, saj se je lužna raztopina obarvala. Drugo namakanje v Jugu je materiale, ki so topljivi v Itigti. izločilo pri vseh vzorcih, razen pri ene in, ki je potreboval več nadaljnjih namakanj, po katerih je ostalo le malo prvotnega materiala, Razen tega vzorca je končni posušeni material obdržal videz oglja. Močno odstopajoči vzorec (št. 61/86 v razpredelnici 4, D je bil videti kol mikroskopsko tkana tkanina, Ugibamo, da je bil ta vzorec ostanek koščka lesa ali drugega rastlinskega materiala, ki tli bil dobro karbon i-ziran. Kakorkoli že, (a vzorec je sumljiv, saj nismo prepričani o njegovi identiteti Njegovo odzivanje pri kemični obdelav i ni bilo takti, kakršnega pričakujemo pri oglju. Razen te izjeme ni razloga, tla bi dvomili v vzorce oglja. Na splošno velja, da so analizirane medvedje kosti - glede na veliko starost vzorcev - zelo dobro ohranjene; Pri večini je celotna količina dobljene proteinske snovi predstavlja la nekaj odstotkov teže kosti. Od tega je imela precejšna količina molekularno težo 30kD, kar kaže, da je bil velik del prvotne molekularne sestave še vedno nedotaknjen. with measurements of the primary and secondary standards and the background samples, providing an on-going control of instrument performance and result quale ity. I he uncertainties lor both laboratories are the best estimates of the over-all measurement variability at one standard deviation, For both systems used, the lowest radiocarbon concentrations thai can be determined correspond to radiocarbon ages of 50 -53 ka HP. The reliability of radiocarbon determinations up to this age is thus determined primarily by sample purity, At the time during which we made these determinations, we had no routine access to a stable isotope mass spectrometer and we made no 5 *C measurements on the charcoal, Ages were calculated assuming charcoal values of -24 %□. Any errors caused by this estimate are ol triv ial size for samples ot'these ages, 11 was much more important to determine the 6 '■'C values as well as the C,N ratios for the bone extracts. it was possible to do this for many of them using the mass spectrometer facility at the Oceanography Dept. of the University of British Columbia. 4.4. Results and discussion 4,4.1. Sample preparation All charcoal samples with the exception of one went through the sample preparation procedure with no pereepiihle problems tin first examination, ail appeared to be dark hlack charcoal with adhering flecks of gray ash. The first acid soak caused little change. For all samples, the subsequent soaking in the base solution removed some ma it! rial, as the base solution was coloured. This base-soluble material was removed by the second base soak for ail but one of the samples, which required several subsequent soakings, after which little of the original material remained. With the exception of this one sample, the linal dried material retained the a ppea ra n ee o fell arena I The exceptional sample (number 61/86 in Jtiblc 4.1) had the appearance of a microscopic woven cloth, We speculate that this sample was the remnant of a piece ol wood or other plant material that had not been well carbonized. In any case, this sample is suspect, as w e are not certain of its identity and its behaviour in the chemical treatment was not that expccicd for charcoal. With (his exception, there is no reason to suspect the charcoal samples. In general, the bones were found to be very well preserved for such old samples. For most, the total yield of proteinaccous material was several percent of bone weight. Of this, a substantial amount was of molecular weight >30 kD, indicating that much of the original molecular Structure was still intact. 51) KflDIIIkAKIUHNSMl IMI1HAN1I KtK.ll IMHil JA L/ DlVFIII 11-'. H I Tipična razmerja ( VN v merjenih kosteh so bila 2.H. in vrednosti 6 "C1 so bile od -20 do -21 %a - oboje v mejah pričakovanja za dobro ohranjeni kostni protein teh živali. Pri teb vzorcih lahko torej pričakujemo, da bodo edini kontaminanti morebitni molekularni delci, ki sii se "prilepili" na prvotne k o la genske molekule, in morebitne manjše količine ag[jiko\ i h materialov, ki snio jih slučajno vnesli nie d predelavo. Ker seje vzorec oglja (61/86) v plasti 17a (v/. 4.3) izkizal za nezanesljivega in ker je izkopavalec (I. Pur k v zasebnem pogovoru) omenil, da so bile kosti t/ le plasti videti nenavadne, ker so bile močno počrnele, koi da bi leíale v zelo vlažnem okolju in razmerah brez kisika, smo se odločili, da proteinsko frakcijo kosti A9 z -30 k D in frakcijo tc kosti z .10 kD.datiramb ločeno, Če bi vzorec vseboval velike količine kontaminatitov, bi bilo mogoče pričakovati, da bodo prevladovali v frakeiii z manjšo molekularno težo. Nadalje, pri vzorcih AI0 in A11 smo ek s trakte datirali z uporabo masnih spektrometrov RIDDL in CAMS,da bi tako preverili ponovljivost. Pri vzorcu A12, kije najglobjl, kar smo jih izmerili, smo uporabili tudi tiinhidrinsko metodo priprave, ki smo j o omenili zgoraj, da bi si tako zagotovili povsem drugačen preizkus tega pomembnega vzorca in zmogljivosti merilnih naprav. 4.4.2 Podatki o starosti vzorcev Vsi dobljeni podatki so prikazani v razpredelnici 4.2. Dobljene starosti segajo od ajerog 35.000 do 54.000 let p. s.. Postavljajo se naslednja vprašanja: V kakšni meri tc datacije pomenijo resnične starosti vzorca? Kakšne so instrumentalne omejitve? Kakšne so omejitve zaradi priprave vzorcev? Sovpadajoči rezultati za vzorec A12 - ob uporabi dveh zelo različnih metod priprave in ti veh različnih naprav AMS - izrazito kažejo, daje starostna meja, ki smo jo dosegli okrog 53.000 do 54.000 let. Instrumenti so torej lahko segli nazaj dook, 30,000 leí. in vsaj za ta vzorec velja isto indi za metodo priprave vzorca. Cc Vzorci iz drugih plasti nisodiugačnt, moramo preostale starosti obravnavati kot prave, dokler n imamo dobrega razloga, da jih O vržemo. Starosti nenavadnega vzorca "oglja" 61/86 nam gotovo ni treba upoštevati, saj ne vemo. kaj datiramo.1 Rezultat pri eni od kosti |A8) iz tiste plasti ni prepričljiv, medtem ko je druga kost (A9) dala skladna rezultata za obe merjen i frakciji, kar kaže na to.dakontamiuiranost ni bila problematična. A vendar, pripomba i z kopava lea o stanj ti vzorca (glej zgoraj) dopušča dvom: morda je bil ta vzorec nenavaden zaradi lastnosti morebitnih navzočih komaminantov. Podrobni statistični preskusi sočasnosti vzorcev iz istega kvadrata in režnja, ali samo režnja ali horizonta. Oglje je dr. A. Sereelj določil kot Picea - Unix. The C/N ratios of the bones measured were typically 2.8, and I he 8 "C values were -20 to-21 : both as expected for well preserved bono protein from ihese animals. For these samples, we can thus expect that the only contaminants will he any molecular fragments which have attached themselves to the original collagen molecules, and any minor amounts of carbonaceous materials introduced adventitiously during processing. As the charcoal sample (61/86) lor layer 17a I Fig. 4 3) turned out to be unreliable, and a.s the excavator (I. Turk, private communication) commented that the bones from this same layer were unusual in thai they were very blackened as if from lying in very wet and anoxic conditions, we dccided to date separately the >30 kl) fraction and the 30 kl> fraction fot bone A4. If there were large amounts of contaminants in the sample. one would expect that they be more prevalent in the Sower mo I ecu 1 ar-wc igh t tract ion. Further, for samples A10 and A11 we dated the extracts using both the RIDDL and the CAMS AMS instruments to test reproducibility. Porsample A 12, the dcepesi one measured, we also used the tiinhydrin preparation method mentioned above to pro\ ide a very different test of this important sample and of lite age limits of lhe machines. 4.4.2, Aril RESULTS All data obtained are given in Table 4.2, The ages obtained range front about 35 ka to 54 ka. The questions are - to what extent do these dates represent the real ages for the sample? What are the instrumental limitations? What are the limitations due to sample preparation? The concordant results for sample A12, using two very different preparation methods and two different AMS facilities strongly indicate that the age limit reached was about 53 lo 54 kit. fbe instruments were then capable of reaching hack to 50 ka, and for at leas! that sample, so was the sample preparation method. Unless the samples from olher levels arc different, the remaining ages must be treated as real until there is good reason lo reject them. The age for the anomalous "charcoal" sample 61 /86 can certainly be removed from consideration, as we do not know what we were dating.1 The result from one of the hones (AM) from that layer is inconclusive, while the other (AO) gave concordant results on the two fractions measured, suggesting that contamination was not a major problem. However, the excavator's note on the sample condition (see above) leav es room tor doubt; Perhaps this sample was anomalous in the nature ol any contain inants present Detailed statistical tests of the contemporaneity 1 Charcoal that is pertaining to Picett - Lurijt was determined by A. Scree]j. 60 RAlS(KA!lm)HI>ATlN1.1 CT IIONK. rt Nin M AKt OAI KKOM Dltjl HAW I CAVH Kuz/im/t'lniai 4.2: Radiokarbonske dalaeije vseh vzorcev. tiihtf 4.2: Radiocarbon data for all samples. PEasi 1 aycr Reženj Spit Št.v/otea Sample ne Tip Vzorca Sttmplc lypc Lab. šle v. Lab, number 6 "C* IJ "C ± 14C starost** "Cage** Nezanesljivost Uncertainty 2 II-lll Al kost - hoile ftlDDL-734 -215 -987.7 1.0 353(10 ±700 6 Vil A3 kost - hone R1DDL-735 -21.3 -995.5 0,7 43400 -t 400 +12(H) 8 X A4 kost - bone RIDDL-745 -20.4 -993.4 0.7 40300 ±1000 8 X 20/84 Oglje - ehareoal R1DQL-739 -24 -996.7 0.8 45800 j1-2400+1800 8 8 XI XI 23/85 oglje - ehareoal RIDDL-750 -24 -997.8 0.7 49200 -3200 K230O A 5 kost - bone R1DDL-736 -21.0 -993,6 0.7 40600 ± 1000 K) XII A6 kost - bone CAMS-562 -21 -995.3 1.3 43000 -3000 (2500 10 XII 26/85 oglje - ehareoal RIDDL-740 -24 -998.1 0.7 50000 -3800 +2600 10 XII 27/85 oglje - ehareoal R1DDL-741 -24 -996.4 0.7 45100 -1800 i 1500 10 XII 28/85 oglje - ehareoal RIDDL-758 -24 -997.5 0.7 48200 1-2800 +2100 10 XII 29/85 oglje - charcoal R1DDL-751 -24 -997.4 0.7 47600 -2600 (2000 10 XII 30/85 ogl je - ehareoal RIDDL-752 -24 -996.9 0.7 46400 -2200+1800 13 xm A 7 kost - bone RIDDL-746 -19.9 -998.1 0.8 50400 -4300 12800 13 XIII 37/85 oglje - ehareoal RTDDL-759 -24 -99 K. 3 0.7 51200 ■4400 +2800 13 XIII 38/85 oglje - ehareoal RlDDL-753 -24 -997.4 0.7 47900 -2600 +2000 13 XIII Bil kost - bone RlDDL-i?56 -20,6 -996.7 0.8 45900 -2300 4 1800 13 XIII B6 kost - bone RIDDU75Š -20,7 -997.0 0.7 46600 -2200 +1800 13 XIII B7 kost - bone RJDDL-735 -210 -997,3 0.8 47500 -3000 1-22(10 13 XIII B3 kost - bone R1DDL-757 -21.6 -997.2 0.7 47200 -2400 +-1900 13 XIII B10 kost - bone RIDDL-749 -20,1 -997.7 0.7 48700 -3100 +2200 I7a XIX A8 kosi - bone CAMS-563 -20.1 -1000,0 5.5 >36000 17a XXIII 61/86 oglje ehareoal RIDDL-742 -24 -968.1 1,3 27700 ±400 17a XXIII A9a kost-bone -30 kD RIDDL-737 -20.1 -993.0 1.3 39900 -1700+1400 17a XXIII A9h kosi - bone <30 kD RIDDL-738 -20 -991.1 0.8 37900 ±800 1« XXJV 63/86 ogl je - ehareoal RfDDL-760 -24 -997.7 0.7 48700 -3000 +2200 18 XXIV AlOa kost - bone RlDDt>747 -21 -996.4 0.8 45200 -1900 +1500 IS XXIV Al Ob kost-hone t'AMS-564 -20.5 -997.6 1.5 48400 -2000 +1300 19 ■ Alia kosi - bone R1DDL-74S -20 -996.3 0.7 44900 -1800+1500 19 - Al lb kost - bone CAMS-565 -19.9 5-997.6 5.6 >36000 19 - 51/85 oglje - ehareoal RIDDL-754 -24 -997.9 0.8 49500 -3800 +2600 20 XXIX A 12a r kost - bone RIDDL-744 -21.4 1000.0 1,3 j >53000 2(J XXIX AI2h kosi - bone C'AMS-403 -21 1000.0 0.5 1 >54000 20 xrx 72/86 oglje - ehareoal RlDDL-743 -24 ■997,5 0.7 48000 -2700 +2000 * Izmerjene vrednosti ti ,LC so podane z enim decimalnim mestom; privzele /a ecla šlevila, - Measured S "C values are giveit to one dccimal plače; those assurned ure imegers. ** Vse radiokarboaske siarosti so navedene ¡io mednarodni konvenciji, opisani v delu Stuivcrja in Polacha (1977), - Ali radiocarbon ages are reported ibllowjng t ho mtemalinnal eonvention as dene ri bed in Slu i ver a ud Folach (1077) 61 RADKlKAItEKIWÏMl IW1KANJE klrtfH'J [H.I 11 I/ Dry/m Fill! i v teh okoliščinah niso zelo pomembni, saj vzorci niso enakovredni. Vsak posamezni horizont predstavlja verjetno nekaj tisoč let odlaganja. Celo zelo majhne količine kontaminantov (glej s/. 4.2) imajo lahko velik učinek na starost, Navedene nezanesljivosti se nanašajo le na meritve in merilne naprave pri vsakem pripravljenem vzorcu in ne upoštevajo nit i dejanskih razlik v starosti mt: kontaminiranimi i. Pa vendar, če sodatacije približno prav ilue in če plasti niso med seboj premešane, potem bi se morala starost posameznih datiranih plasti povečevati z globino, (Pri datiranju tako starih vzorcev moramo najprej iz računat i / napakami Liteženo koncentracijsko povprečje (vrednost I):'t ) ¡11 ga nato preračunati y radiokarbonsko starost). Razpredelnica 4.3 nam kaže izračunane povprečne starosti "C za vsako datiran® plast. Na splošno so rezultati smiselni, saj je vrhnja plast najmlajša, naj g lubja pa daleč najstarejša. V Okviru nezanesljivosti meritev sta plast (i in plast K navidez enako stari. Isto velja tudi za plasti IS in 19. V plasti I7a imamo velik starostni obrat (si. 4.3). Zal nimamo podatkov, ki bi kazali, ali je ta obrat resničen ali je rezultat meritev. Zelo mlado datacijo vzorca "oglja" I7a smo zavrnili zato, ker ni ustreza! merilom priprave. Na različnih frakci jah istega kostnega vzorca smo dobili dve malo starejši dataciji, ki vidno sovpadata, Čeprav ne vidimo nobenega razloga, da hi zavrnili le meritve le zaradi podatkov o pripravi, nas izkopavale i opozarjajo na nenavadne lastnosti kosi i iz le plasti. Rešitev te dozdevne neskladnosti bo torej zahtevala še druge podatke. Ruzpfedctnica 4.3: Povprečne starosti po plasteh. Table 4.3; Average ayes hy layer. Plasi Layer Povprečna starost 1,'C ! Average IJC (vtisoč letih)/(ka) 2 35.3 10.7 b 43.4 i 1.4 8 43.1 +0.7 10 47,1 +o.y 11 47.3¿0.8 17a 38.4 10.7 18 47.0 ±1,5 19 46.7 i; 1.6 20 >53 Razen te nepravilnosti in najgloblje plasti se zdi, da starosti v plasti 10 dosegajo starostno raven okrog 47,000 let pred sedanjostjo, To pomeni bodisi to, da predstavlja starost prihl. 47.it(IO let starostno mejo metode čiščenja in da bi bile lahko prave starosti dosti večje, till pa so le plasti nastale v razmeroma kratkem časovnem razponu. Čeprav se zdi razlaga s konta-minaeijsko mejo najbolj smiselna, pa lahko dve dataciji of samples within a level are not very meaningful in these circumstances^ as the samples are mil equivalent. Eiich level itself likely represents some thousands of years of deposition, and even very small amounts of contaminants (see Fig 4.2) can have a large effect on the age. The uncertainties quoted are only the measurement variability for each prepared sample and do no! take either real age differences or contamination into account liven so, if the dates arc approximately correct, and if the strata are not disturbed, then the average age lor each layer should increase with depth, (l or dates this old. one musl average the uncertainty-weighted concentrations (DMC values) and then re-calculate the radiocarbon ages tor the result.) Tnhie 4.3 gives these calculated average 11C ages lor each dated layer. In general, the results make sense, in thai the uppermost layer has the youngest age and the lowest is by far the oldest. Within measurement uncertainty, layers 6 and K have the same apparent ages, as do 18 and 19. There is a major age reversal at layer 17a {Fig, 4.3). Unfortunately, we do not have the data to determine whether this reversal is real or an artifact of I he measurements. The very young date for the "charcoal' sample from 17a was rejected on the grounds that it did not meet preparation criteria. The two slightly older bone dates were made on different fractions of the same sample and are clearly concordant. While we see no reason lo reject ihese measures from the preparation data alone, the excavators call our attention to the unusual nature of the bones from this level, Resolving this seeming discrepancy will thus require other information, With the exception of this anomaly and the very deepest layer, the ages seem to reach an age plateau of about42 ka BP at layer It). I his either means thai 17 ka represents the age limit of the purification method and the true ages could be much older, or that these levels were formed overa relatively short time span. While tlic contain!nation-limit explanation seems most logical, the two dates on the bone obtained from the deepest stratum do tend to indicate lhe opposite. Both are clearly older {>53 ka and -54 ka), ami these were done using very different preparation methods and different A MS instruments. Either bone A 12 was unusually well-preserved, or the materials above are truly younger. How do Ihese results compare with those obtained by the U/TIt method (Appendix ) on four of the same samples? The U/~fh and ' ages for bone A I are in broad general agreement, as the U Th result is a minimum age. The l,lC age is likely the more accurate, as problems of contamination will tend to make ' 'C ages too young, no! too old flic same argument can be applied m the results lor bone A7. with a great amount of added support for the "(. rcsLill provided by the 7 other dates for this layer. In contrast, the U/Th age for bone A9 is much 62 ÍÍ.MlllH ARUíJV LUT1NU OK HONE1 ANIJ t'KAKt'OAl FHUM lllVJI ILAHI 1 l tVI kosli (vzorec A 12 a in b), ki so jo našli v (jftjjjloblji datirani plasti, kažeta prav nasprotno. Obe sla očimo starejSi (>53.000 in >54.000 kt), dobili pa smo ju z uporabo zelo različnih metod priprave in / različnimi! napravama AMS. Kost A!2 je bila bodisi nenavadno dobro ohranjena, ali pa so višje najdene najdbe dejansko mlajše zaradi prescdimentiranja. Kako lahko te rezultate primerjamo s tistimi, ki jih na stil ih istih vzorcih daje metoda U/Th (Dodatek) Starosti, določene z metod» U/Th in |JC, za kosi Al se v splošnem dobro ujemata, saj podaja rezultat U/Th najmanjšo starost. Starost1 '(. je verjel no holj natančna, saj problemi s kontaminiranostjo lahko povzročijo, tla so starosti ''•C prej premajhne kol prevelike. Isto trditev lahko uporabimo za rezultate pri kosti A7, pri čemer nam veliko dodatno podporo tega rezultata MC daje sedem dragih datacij iz iste plasti. Nasprotno pa je starost U/Th /a kost AlJ mnogo večja od rezultatov l4C. V leni primeru gre /a resno komam i ii i rani >sl. morebiti /a radi prepoji t ve usedlin z vodo, kol sumi Ivan Turk. Morda, a tedaj bi lahko priCakovali, da bi "tainica" vplivala tudi na rezultate u/ Th (y!ej Dodatek), Ta plaši ostaja problematična, /a reši lev tega vprašanja nam primanjkuje podatkov, Obravnavali gaje treba v luči drugih podatkov iz analiz plasti in usedlin. Podatka o starosti za najglobjo plast, ki jih dajeta obe meiodi, spel v grobem sovpadata: najmanjša starost NC je -54.000 let, izmerjeni rezultat U/Th paje 80.500 ± 9.700 let. V le m primeru nam dnigj rezultai daje boljšo Oceno. older than the |JC resri lis. Was there serious contartiination, perhaps d Lie to groundwater movement as sus-peeted by the excavator? Perhaps, but then one would expect thai such groundwater might also affect the U Th results (sec Appendix). This layer remains problematic and we have not the data to resolve tins question, h must be considered in the light o 1'other information from the analyses of the strata, The iige data from both methods for the deepest stratum are aya in in broad agreement, with a minimum 1T ai>e of -54 ka, and a measured UTh result of #0,5 ±9.7 ka. In this case, iliis latter gives the best estimate. 4.5, Sklepi Radiokarbonsko datira nje vzorcev kosti in oglja / najdišča Divje babe I daje trdne dokaze o tem, da so bile p kisli, ki nas zanimajo, naložene v časovnem razponu, ki sega od okrog 35.000 lei do več kol 54.000 let pred sedanjostjo. Vsako nadaljnje širjenje Ecga Starostnega razpona v bolj oddaljeno preteklost presega meri t veno zmogljivost metod "C, ki smo jih uporabili, in verjetno tudi zmogljivost metode |Ji nasploh Dalacijc U/Th Štirih od teli vzorcev na splošno podpirajo radiokarbonske rezultate in kažejo, da sn najstarejše plasti nastale okrog 80.000 let pred sedanjostjo. Omejitve obeh metod zahtevajo, da nadaljnje podrobnosti v zvezi s kronologijo tega pomembnega najdišča dobimo s kombiniranjem podatkov o starosti z drugimi kronološkimi kazalci. 4.5. Conclusions Radiocarbon dating of bone and charcoal samples from this cave site provides strong evidence that the layers of interest were deposited during ihc aye range extending fr om aboul ka BP It) earlier than 54 ka. Any further extension of this age range inlo the more distant past is beyond the measurement capacity of the '■"C methods employed and likely beyond those of the "(' method in general. The U/Th dates on four of these same samples prov ide general support for iliese radiocarbon results and indicate that the oldest layers were formed about SO ka BP. The limitations of both methods require that any ftirthcr details on ¡he chronology of this fascinating site must be obtained by combining this age data with other chronological indicators. 63 R.MHIJ KAKIH hKMKIJ QftTIRANll KOSTI EN I kil l\ i/ DjVIIII II Ml j Zahvala la razprava se v marsičem naslanja na pionirsko île I ii dr, Johna Southona m dr, Johna Vogla, ki .sta načrtovala in upravljala eno prvih naprav AMS. svoje delo pa sta nadaljevala na instrumentu naslednje generacije. Dr. Tom Brown je razvil in uporabil metodo ekstrakcije kolagena, kije še vedno osnova metode, ki jo n po rahljamo danes. Hvaležno moram omeniti tudi kasnejšo podporo kolegov v laboratoriju (L'AVIS. Dr. Shangde Lu o mi je prijazno pomagal pri analizah U/Th. Finančno podporo za to študijo o (latiranju je zagotovil predvsem Kanadski svet za naravoslovne in tehnično^inžinirske raziskave, Acknowledgements This study owes much to the pioneering work of Drs. John Southon and John Vogel in designing and running one of the first AMS facilities, and carrying this work on farther to the next generation instrument. In addition. Dr. Tom Brown developed and applied the collagen extraction method which still forms the basis of the one we nse today. The later support Of colleagues at the CAMS laboratory is gratefully acknowledged. I Jr. Shangde Lno kindly assisted in the U/Th analyses. Funding tor this dating study was supplied primarily by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada d( ) d at f k Dati ra nji; kostnih vzorcev iz jami Divji IJAiîli 1 L URANOVIM NIZOM Appendix Uranium si-itii-s bating of bonf samples from Divji- babe i cave Tkh-Lunc Ki Datiranje štirih kostnih vzorcev iz jame Divje babe z. uranovim nizom smo izvedli na Univerzi južne Kalifornije. Rezultati so predstavljeni v razpredelnici 4. AI. V razpredelnici so navedene koncentracije tirana (izražene kol specifična aktivnost "LliU, to je število razpadov na gram vzorca na minuto), razmerja aktivnosti 1MU/aj*U, 2KTh/:,)U in iulTh/;"Th, pa tudi starosti, dobljene na podlagi razmerij WUPU in "Th/^U Nezanesljivost predstavlja ena standardna dcviacija, ki izhaja le iz statistike štetja. Men t ve smo opravili s spektrometrijo alfa. za umeritev pridelkov pa smo uporabili u'Uin"Th. Radiokemijski postopki, ki smo iih uporabili za ločitev izotopov U in Th iz kosti, so ustrezali opisanim v knjigi Luoa in dr. (1987), a z nekaterimi modifikacijami. Te se nanašajo ua ukrepe, ki smo jih privzeli, da bi še preti postopki čiščenja / ionsko izmenjavo kar najbolj odstranili fosfatne ione, saj ti v po.stopku ionske izmenjave molijo pridobivanje Th. Kot posebnost smo večkratno skupno obarjanje U in 1 h / železovim hidroksidom izvedli pri vrednosti plI J,5 - A namesto običajnega območja vrednosti pl I - 10, Metoda daliranja temelji na prirastku - "Th zaradi razpadanja H1J v vzorcih (Ku IM76), izračunane starosii pa se nanašajo na čas vključitve urana i/ usedlinske \ lage v kost, s;i j je večina urana v fosilnih kosteh sekundarnega izvora, Ta metodi predpostavlja; 1. vključite v sekundarnega U se zgodi kmalu po smrti živali; 2. kostni vzorci se vedejo za U in Th izotope kot zaprt sistem; 3, v kosti so v začetku zanemarljive količine :i'Th, ki spremljajo tudi sekundarno vključevanje u v kost. To zadnjo predpostavko podpira opažanje, da so izmerjena 64 Uranium-series da ling of four bone samples from Divje babe I was carried out at the University of Southern California. The results arc presented in Table 4-Al. In the table are listed the uranium concentrations (expressed as disintegrations per minute of 2WU per gram of sample), Ihe activity ratios oPWU^h/^U and ""W:Th, as well as the ages derived from the '1JU/ -'"II and ^"Th/^U ratios, the quoted uncertainties are one standard deviation derived from counting statistics only. The measurements were made hy alpha spectrometry. using 2}:U and Th as yield tracers, The radiochemical procedures used to separate the U and Th isotopes from the hones followed those described in I .uo el al. {1987) with some modifications. The latter refer to the measures taken to eliminate as much as possible ihe phosphate ions prior to ihe ion exchange purification steps, since phosphate ions interfere with the Th recovery during the ion exchange process. Specifically, repeated co-precipitation ofU and Th with iron hydroxide was carried out at pl I of 3.5 - 4, instead of the usual pH range of 9 It) The dating method is based on the ingrowth of '"Th from the decay of !,,U in the samples (Kti 1476) and the ages calculated refer to the time of incorporation of uranium from groundwater into the bones, as I he majority of uranium in fossil bones is itf secondary origin. The assumptions of the method arc: (I) uptake of the secondary U takes place soon after the death of the animals, (2) the hone samples act as a closed system for U and Th isotopes, and (3) negligible amounts of Th are present initially in the bones, or accompany the sec- It VI)J(K .MMMIM L>iMli«> llh DONE AND CHARCOAL FHOM IllVJE IIAIH I I AH razmerja -'"Th," '"Th v teh v/oreih - v primerjavi / razmerjem aklivnosti IJiTh/J,iTh v zemeljski skorji, ki jet 1 - 3 - mnogo veije (razpwttebuca 4. A I). Po pr\ i prcdposlavki bi lahko imeli siarosti, o katerih poroiamo, za ttajiiiijc ocene slarosti kosli. o Hilary IJ entry. The last assumption is supported by the observation that, compared to the ems la I "'TlirlJTh aetivily raiius of ! - 3, the measured iKTh/niTli ratios in Ihe samples are much higher (Table 4.A I ). From assumption (I). one may consider the ages reported here as minimum estimates for the bone ages. Rnzprwlelnica 4.Al:V l'h damcije. Table 4,A1\ The Lt/Th dates. Stev. v zoi c a Sample no. U(dpm/g) »wni ■"Thr'Th Starost i,(Th -"Th age Al 0.459 ±0.0 ! 6 1.00+0.04 0.215 ±0.011 31 ±3 26.2 ±5.3 ka A7 0.391 10.0M 1,08 ±0.04 0.202 ±0.011 18 ±3 24.5 i4.5 ka Ay 1.84 ±0.05 1.117 ±0.03 0.541 ±0.022 33 ±3 83.7 ±7.2 ka A 12 0,184 ±0,007 1.06 ±0.05 0.527 ±0.027 1A3 +32 80.5 ±9.7 ka ii5 5. Kronologija 5. Chronology Ivan Turk Izvte&k Podlag» /n kronološke sklepe so sedimenioloSki podatki, podiiiki o tii\ ni iti flori ter radiometric IK' datacije(l4C, L.XR: in Th-230). Plasti ~ do ti pripadajo drugi polovici mtcrpl en i glacial». IVI plasti se da n;il:ui£nejc opredeliti v mterstadial Potočke zljalkc, ki jc kronološko primerljiv z imerstadifiloni Hengdo, Del plasti nedvpnmo pripada tudi interfazi I lengelo - Arey. A bmr7 KittiMH ma j A Razpredelnica S I: Divje babe I. Izsledki nadiometričnih meritev starosti plasti 2 3o S. Tabid Sil: Divje babe L Results of radiometric age measurements o flayers 2 to 8. Plast Layer "C(RIDDL - C anada) l4C(Z- Croatia) "C (Wk - New Zeleand ) ;i" 1 It (Kti - USA) 2 35.300 ±700* - - 2 b.200 ±5.300* 3 - - - - - 28.000 ±1.300 - - 5 *** - - 30.840 ±300 - ft 43.400 +1.000/-1.400 - - - 7 - - - - K ++++ 45,800 +1.800A2.400 - - - 45,100 t J.500/-1.800 >38.000 - - 40.600 11.00 49.i00 +2J00/-3J00 - ■ - Isti v/orec kosti. -The same bone sample. Kosti 11 kvadratov 181, 18'i in 190 (Brodarjeva izkopavanja), giohinti -1 .-1tl do -2,00m. - Bones from quadrats I HI, IX1) am! 190 (lirodar's excavation), depth - L40 to -2.00 m. *** Ognjiifie v kvadratih 28, W in 40. - Fireplace within quadrats 28, 39 and 40. **"" Dvojno? kuriSče v vhodnem predelu. - Double? hearth m the entrance area. ***** Kost oh kuri Si u v vhodnem predelu (KI DDL hit oglje (Z). - Hone associated with hearth in the entrance ¡irea (RIDDL) and charcoal {'/.). ****** Kost ¡it oglje v spodnjem delu plasti. - Bone and charcoal in the lower pan of layer, RIDDL Radio Isotope Direct Detection Lab. Simon F nisei University. /.. Institut Ruder HoSkovic, Zagreb. Wk Radiocarbon Dating Laboratory, University of Waiknto. Ku = glej McIs»n, ta zbornik - see Nelson, in this Volume. so se lahko usedline ccmeniirule v trdno do slabič vezano hrečo. Tega dogajanja zaenkrat ne moremo identificirati z doslej poznanimi imerstadiali v Evropi. Opredeljeno je z radio karbonsko datacijo plasti 6 in datacijo spodnjega dela plasti K, V začasni objavi ko&čene piščalke smo pomotoma navedli, daje datirati /gornji tlel plasti namesto spodnji (Turk in dr, 199Sb). /a plast 6 imamo eno datacijo AMS; kosti jamskega medveda, ki je 43.4011 (-I.400/+1 .000) let pred sedanjostjo (p. s.) (RIDDL 735). /a spodnji del plasti 8 imamo po eno končno datacijo AMS vzorca oglja 45.800 (-2.4lX)/+3U0ll) lel p. s. (RIDDL 730) in kosti 45.100 {-L800M 1.500) let p. s, (RIDDL 745) i/ zaključene prostorske enote (kvadrat, reženj) in eno neskončno datacijo oglja na podlagi tradicionalnega poslopka: ■38,000 let p s (Z - 1033).1 Povprečje vseh dotacij AMS za plast 8 je 43.100 ±700 let (glej Nelson, ta zbornik), kar pomeni, da sta lahko obe plasti enako stari To si glede na očitno vrzel meti p last] o S in 7 težko AMS accelerator mass spectrometry (akeeler.ttor.ska masna spekironictrija). Cilcj Nelson, ta zbornik. 1 Za meritev, ki jo je naredil Institut K. Baškovič v Zagrebu, m podatkov, i! K [ion, supported by radiometric measurements (see Nelson, in this volume), Layer H followed a more pronounced utterslatiial, in which sediments adhered into hard brcecia. We cannot Ibr the moment identify this event with known inters lad tub of wurmian age in furope. It is Classified by radiocarbon, with dating of layer (i and dating of the lower part of layer X. In a preliminary report on the bone flute, we mistakenly staled that the tipper part of layer X is dated, instead of the lower ( l urk et ul. 1995b); For layer (>, we have one radiocarbon accelerator (AMS)' dating of the bone of a cave bear, which is 43,400 (I 400/ - 1,000) BP (RIDDL 735). For the lower part of layer X, we have two finite A MS-dates of a sample of charcoal 45,X00 (-2.400/ +1,800) BP(R1DDL 739)and a bone 45,100 (-1,800/+1,500) BP {RIDDL 745) from the same quadrat and the same spit, and one unftnile date of charcoal on the biisis of traditional procedures; -'38,000 HP (Z-1033).' The average of all AMS dates AMS accelerator mass spectrometry. See Nelson, in ibis volume. For measurements which were performed by the Institutu of Ruder BoSkovie in /:igreh there is no data. CmtoNouxiY predstavljamo, čeprav se je plast 8. zaradi podora. zelo hjtro odložila. Kronološko mesto vrzeli bo mogoče preveriti z datacijami oglja in kosti v kurišču med obema plastema, Pravilna opredelitev intersiadialaje ključnega pomena za najdbo t, i. koščene piščalke. toplemu in vltižnemu inlerstadiJu je sledilo krajše hladnejše obdobje, ki se je končalo s perigiaeialuo klimo, V periglacialnih pogojih so se tenke nesprijete plasti nad sprimkom nagubale. Pri tem je lahko prišlo do mešanja različno starih najdb v okviru plasti 7 (ki je lahko necemenliran ostanek plasti S) in plasti 6, Obdobju pred perigiaeialuo klimo pripada I udi radiokarhonsko opredel jeno ognjišče v plasti 5b. Njegova slarosl je bila na podlagi oglja s tradicionalnim postopkom HC ocenjena na 3O.S40 ±300 let p. s. (Wk - 3 152, RDL)4. Ocena ne ustreza stanju palcolitskih najdb v najdišču in drugim podatkom V /vezi s to datacijo moramo omeniti še datacijo kosti v plasti 4 / enakim postopkom. Starost plasti 4 je bila ocenjena na 28.000 ± 1,300 let p, s. i/ I4i>(i)\ Obe letnici sla po naSem mnenju prenizki (glej Nelson. ta zbornik). Po odložitvi krioktastičnega grušča v plasti o in 5b ter krioltiibaciji plasti 6 do 7 so se razmere ponovno izboljšale Jamska tla so bila nekaj časa stabilna (glinene obloge v plasti 5 spodaj}, sledilo je ponovno odlaganje usedlin (plast 5} in Se enkrat umirjanje lal (močno preperel grušč v plasteh 4a in 5a). Plasti X do 4a lahko predstav ljajo mdi en sam interstadialni kompleks, ki ga prekinja kratka mrzla laza (glej razpredelnico >.2), V tem primeru bi bil to (dvodelni?) imctstadial Hertgclo. V nadaljevanju je bilo vse več krioklastičnega grušča, diagenetsko spremenjenega in nespremenjenega, ki doseže vrhunec v plasti 2. Plast 2 edina vsebuje zanesljive aurignaeicnske najdbe v obliki koščenih konic, tudi lake z razcepljeno bazo, če zanemarimo dva koščenim konicam podobna medialna odlomka v plasteh 10 do 13 io 20 (neobjavljeno, izkopavanja M 13 roda tja), ki klOllostratigrafsko močno odstopala od dosedanjega poznavanja razvoja tovrstnih koščenih izdelkov. Radiokarbouska starost kosu jamskega medveda iz plasti 2 jebila s postopkom A M S ocenjena na 35.300 i 700 let p. s. (Rll)DI, 734), Vzorcu iste kosti je bila / 1 Starostje določil Radicaifcon Dating Laboratory, University ofWaikato, Hamilton. Ne« Zealand. Rezultat je prikazan na način. ki je v rabi v reviji Radiocarbon. Parametri so naslednji: D "C: -97 S. 5 ±D.K 'C -22.5%«: raztopina I00k0 %; nova starost - 31.741) ±300; % modernega 2,2 tO, l, čas štetja 3516 min. Izračunana kbnvenčipnalna (Libbyjeva) starost je 30.840 131)0. Napaka je izračunana zail standardno ndstop^rije pomnoženo z eksperimentalno ugotovljenim laboratorijskim mnoiiteljem napake, ki je 1,217. Neva slarosl je i/me rmana na podlagi nove razpolovne dohe 573(1 let Vsebnost (D"C1 je izražena v promilih wrt 9"i % MBS oksalne kisline. Popravek izotopske frakcije (fis^C}je izražen v promilih wrt PDl). 1 Za meritev, ki j» je opravil I ust i ta l R. Boškovič, ni podatkov. Ibr layer X is 43.1011 ±700 BP (see Nelson, in this volume). which means that the two layers may be the same age. In view of the clear gap between layers 8 and 7 or (\ this is difficult to explain, although layer N, because of rock fall, was deposited very quickly. The chronological place of tfe gap will be possible to verify with the dating of charcoal and bones in the hearth between the two layers. A proper determination of the intersladial is of crucial importance for the lind of the so-called bone flute. Brief cold periods followed I be temperate and damper intersladial. which ended with a periglaeial climate. In ihe periglaeial conditions, the thin unconsolidated layers above Ihc breccia folded. A mixing of various old finds in the framework of layer 7 (which could be unccmcntcd part of layer and layer 6 may have occurred at this time, Radiocarbon classification of the lireplace in layer 5b also belongs to the period prior to the periglaeial climate. On the basis of charcoal, by the traditional f procedure, its age was assessed at 30.84Q ±300 years HP (Wk - 3152, HI)I_).J The assessment does not match the stale of palaeolithic tools at the site and other data. In connection with this dating, it should be mentioned that the bones in layer 4 were dated by the same procedure, The age of layer 4 was assessed at 28,000 +1,300 years BP (Z-1466 l\ Both datings in our opinion arc too low (see Nelson, in this volomc). Alter the deposition of the cryoclastic rubble in layers b and 5b. and the cryolurbation of layers 6-7, conditions again improved. The cave floor was slahle for some time (clay coating in layer 5 down), a fresh deposition of sediment followed (layer 5) and again settling of the floor (thoroughly weathered rubble in layers 4a and 5a). Layers S - 4a may also represent a single intersladial complex, which is broken by a short cold phase (sec Table 5.2), In that case, litis would be lite (two-part?) Hengelo inlerstadial. Above, there was an increasing amount of cryoclastic nibble, diagenetically changed and unchanged, which reaches a peak in layer 2.1 ayer 2 is the only one to contain reliable Aurignaeian J Radiocarbon age was performed by Radiocarbon Dating Liborutory, University ofWaikato, I lamilton, New Zealand, the resnhs are laid oat in Ihc style utilised hy the journal Radiocarbon, ("he parameters are us follows- t)|Jt -97^,5 ±0.8 V 6"C -22.5 %o; dilution = LOO.O % sample; new age 31.741) ±300; % Modem = 2.2 ±0.1: count time = 35 H» mills. The conventional age (or Lihby age) is 30,840 ±300. Quoted errors are based upon ± I standard deviation multiplied by an experimentally determined Lab Error Multiplier otT .217. The new age is calculated from the new half life 5730 years. The |J(' depiction (D"C) is expressed in %o wn <)5 % NHS oxalic acid. The isotopic fractionation correction (£1JC) is expressed m%o wrt PUB 1 For measurements which were performed by the Institute nt Ruder Hoskavie in Zagreb there is no data. 69 K Hr INCH i II ¡I I V nietodo uranovega niza {Th-230) določena starost 2 - Intersladial I lengelo '«■Mi • milium UUIV4U UVMUJJI 5 intersladial Hengelo MUM 5b.(> Stadial - 43,000 MUUl mium 7 5 - XV tnieistadial htatu^ - - J1UIUUU HUM - MMM41 S Stadial 43.000 ? Dogaja nje je vprašljivo. - Uvent is uncertain. 11 Začetek dogajanja, ki je vplivalo mi starejše usedline. - Start of event win t h ¡iHeclct! older sediments. 7(1 t'llAOW >1 l*¡Y in zaCcnja pleniglacial zadnje pole den i Ive tlurk in Vctbič 1093), Analize favne, predvsem m ikro ta vrle in analize flore v plasteh 2 do 5 dokazujejo postopno ohlajevanje globalno hladne klime od pjasti 5 navzgor Vendar eksltemnega mraza, značilnega za oba plcniglaciala, ni bilo. To potrjujejo popolna odsotnost stcpskotiuidrskih, t. j. borealnih vrst in predstavnikov kontinentalne stepe na seznamu mi krofa \ ne. V plasti 4, kije poleg plasti 5 edina dala nekaj več peloda, prevladuje zeliščna Vegetacija nad drevesno. Meti zelišči je največ košamic (Copositae), pa tudi nekaj pelina (Artemisia) in alpske dre žice (Sriugi wda seiaginoides). Drevesne vrste so zastopane i/ključno z borom (Piuus) in smreko (Picea). V plasti 5 je delež zelišč manjši. Med drevesnimi vrstami nastopajo poleg bora in smreke tudi redki listavci (Afitus. Tilia, Os aya) (Šercelj in Culiberg 1991), Ognjišče v plasti 5b je vsebovalo izključno oglje iglavcev v zelo pestrem sestavu. Plasti 6 - K vsebujejo zelo redke ostanke malih sesalcev Icr nekaj oglja in peloda, ki kaže zmerno hladno podnebje. Znamenje večje ohladitve je lahko pelod alpske drežiee v plasti K, Prav tako ni bilo nekih izrazito toplih j ateist adia lov, ki bi ;ih potrdile najdbe izrazito termofllne flore in tnalih sesalcev. Takih najdb ni. razen zelo redkih izjem v plasteh 4, 5 nt Sit Predstavljajo jih pelod m ogl je gabra (Carpintis) ter ostanki malega podkovnjaka (Rhinoioplitis hipposidecus) in ostrouhega netopirja (Miatys Hiiiiy). Vsekakor te najdbe opozarjajo na manjša klimatska nihanja v okviru interplcniglaciala, ki jih lahko dobro povežemo z domnevnimi ostanki stabilnih jamskih tal. Delno cementirano ognjišče na meji plasti S in 7 je Vsebovalo skoraj izključno oglje različnih iglavcev m samo sled listavcev. Zaenkrat najtoplejša plast je plast 5. Povezujemo jo z inlcrsladiaioma I Icngclo in Les C otíes v zahodni Evropi na pod lag i radioka rbo n s k ¡ h datacij starejših in mlajših plasti. V Sloveniji je to interstadial Potočke zijalke, k i ga posebej dobro predstavlja plast 7 v istoimenskem najdišču (M. Brodar 197 L 1979; S. Brodar in M. Brodar IMR3), Naj bolj še dokumentirana siadialna plast je plast 4, V plasti 2 se mešajo plcistuceuske in holoecnskc najdbe. Na splošno pa je za večino plasti značilna (občasna?) prisotnost alpinskih iti borealnih elementov, kot so: kozorog (Capia ifrex), gams (Rupicapra rupiiupra), alpskj sv ¡zee (Marmota mu nimio), k una (Martes sp.), snežna sova (Nyctea sp,), belka (Lagopus mutus) med favno in alpska drež.iea (,S¿ •Itigiij t ■Iti i sék ig int iit h -v). mnccscn (Un -i.\ decidua) ter cemprin (Pinna tíéinbru) med Hora. Te plasti lahko brez pomislekov opredelimo v mrzlo obdobje med intersia-dialoma I lengelo in A rey I inter-I lengelo/Arcy) ter med njune korelate sirom Evrope. Interstadial Arcy je morda zabeležen v pogostejšem oglju listavcev in mešam fav ni ^ plasti 2 t glej Krvštufek in Culiberg in Sercelj, ta zbnom i k), I nterpleniglacial na favna na Sega najdišča ima In layers 2 - 8, we probably have the appearance of two separate eryoturbation complexes, of which the younger is sufficiently pronounced. It is perhaps possible to find parallels in the folded sediments in Parska golobina (layer 3 to unknown layer), Betalov spodmol (complex IV A), Momova zijalka and throughout Etiro pe. The eryoturbation of layers 2-5a is a reflection of the pronounced pcrigtaCElll conditions that appeared prior to the glacial maximum and after the interstadial complex Arcy - Denekamp - Slillfried B. We can set ii in a time frame between 20,000 and 30,000 BP, This terminated the long Interplen¡glacial period and marked the beginning of the Pleuiglacial of the Last Glacial (Turk & VerbiC 1993). Available analyses of the fauna, above all micro-fauna and analysis of the flora in layers 2-5 show a gradual cooling of the global cold climate from layer 5 upwards. I low ever, there was none of the extreme cold associated with the two Plen ¡glacials. This is confirmed by the complete absence of steppe-tundra, i. c.. boreal species and representatives of the continental steppe on the list of micro fauna. In layer 4, which was the only one apart from layer 5 to give rather mote pollen, herbaceous vegetation predominates over woody. Of the herbaceous, there was most Composite, as well as some Artemisia and Seiaginella seiaginoides. Woody species arc represented exclusively by pine (Pinus) and spruce (Picea). In layer 5. the proportion of herbaceous species is smaller. Among woody species, in addition to pine and spruce, occasional deciduous trees also appear (A inns. Til in. Ostrya) (Setcelj & C Liliberg 1991). The fireplace ut layer 5b contained exclusively charcoal of conifers ol a very wide range. Layers 6 - X contain very occasional remains of small mammals and some charcoal and pollen, which indicates a relatively cold climate. The pollen of Seiaginella seiaginoides in layer X may be a sign of major cooling. Equally, there was no pronounced warm interstadial. which would be confirmed by the finding of explicitly thermophyle flora and small mammals. There are no such finds, except for very occasional exceptions in layers 4, 5 and 5a. They arc represented by charcoal of hornbeam (.C'erprnus) and remains of the lesser horseshoe hat {Rhinolopjmx hipposidems) and the lesser mouse-eared hat (Miotys biitiiy). In any case, these finds draw attention Ut the minor climatic oscillation in the framework of the Interplen ¡glacial, which might well be linked to the suspected remains of stable cave floor. The partially cemented fireplace on the limit of layers H and 7 contained almost exclusively charcoal from various conifers, and only traces of deciduous trees. 1 or the moment, the warmest climate indicates layer 5. This is connected with the llengeio and Les Cones intersiadials in western Europe, on the basis of radiocarbon dating of the oldest and youngest layers. In Slovenia, this is the Potoeka zi jalka interstadial, which 71 k hi ini h [h plja zelo diihrtz vzporednice v na jdišču Fumaue pri Vetom, ki se nahaja v podobnem okolju, vsebuje podobne galeolitske najdbe in je podobno radiofcarbonsko datirano (Barto lome i in dr, 1992a, bi Broglioin Improta 1994 -1995). Enako zaporedje kronoklimatskih faz. kot v obeh najdišči h m v zahodni Evropi poznamo tudi v pelodnib profilih v severnem Jadranu (Bartolami in dr, 1977), is particularly well presented in layer 7 of the site of the same name [v je babe ! cave has been carried out in parallel to archaeological excavations since 1980. The objects of investigation were pollen and fragments of wood charcoal. Charred seed and fruits, with the exception of an unripe acorn and grass seed, have not to date been found The aim of the research was to obtain a picture of the vegetal ion of the environment in which man lived when lie occasionally occupied the cave (lor hunting purposes). The evidence of man's presence is provided by cultural remains - tools, hearths, burnt animal bones and similar. The wood charcoal from these hearths reveals the vegetation in the direet vicinity of people's dwellings, since ihey certainly diil not ai that time bring wood from a distance, especially for burning or making lools. I be pollen in the sediments dopicls the vegetation picture of the wider environment. We sometimes obtain it in cave layers, together with the cultural remains. Since the wind carries the polled of trees and other ancmo-philous plants far around, it also tarries it into caves when the air currents are favourable. The results or pollen research of sediments in Divje Ixibe 1 cave (Turk eial 1988 - 1989. 1989a; Scrcclj ¿i Culibcrg 1991), and similar research in the Vindija cave in Croatia {Draxler, 1986) have shown that pollen was carried into ihc cave sediments not only hy the wind, bill also indirectly by animals and man. The exlremely high values of fern spores perhaps mean that man brought ferns into the cave as bedding, The large quantifies ol pollen nf herbaceous enlomOphiloos species (Compositae, Caryophyllaceae, Umbelliferae). which the wind does not carry io such an extent, would have 73 pALFOBiHANIČHF RVJSKjWE V IAfc.tl|ll\ir 11,1 [M 1 ali manj nepoškodovan ler se ji: v jatliSkih scdimetllih ohranil kol sc ohrani v koprolitih. been brought by cave hear. In spring, namely', the bears grazed the mountain plateau above the cave (today Sebrelje), which was mauiSy overgrown wilh herbaceous plants and pine, Herbaceous pollen passed through ihe bears' digestive tract more or less undamaged, and was preserved in the cave sediments, as u is preserved in coprolites. 6.2. PALINOLOSKE IN A NT RA KOTGÜÜS KŠ RAZISKAVE V PLASTEH IZ VHODNEGA PREDELA JAME Predvsem velja omeniti rezultate palinoloSkih raziskav plasti K - 14 (Türk in tir. I9SK- 1989). Tu srno dobili zvezni pelodlii diagram, v katerem prevladujejo zeliSčne rastline in praproti, Od drevesnih vrst sta zastopana predvsem hor (Pinttx) in smreka (Picea), dobili pa smo tudi posamezna zrna lipe (Wia), jesena (Fraximä), jelSe (Alnus). vrbe {Salix) in breze (Betah). V drugem pelodnem diagramu, ki zajema plasti 3 do 26 (Šercelj in Culibcrg 1991) vidimo v odseku A i podobno pelodtio vsebino. Tudi tu prevladuje pel od iglavcev (Pittus in Picea), sporadično pa se pojavl ja še pel od nekaterih listavce* breze I Betula). jelše (A Inns), leske (Corylus), lipe I Ts!in), jesena (Ftaxinus\ bukve (Fagus), gabra (Carpintis), črnega gabra (Ositja) in bršljana {lledeni). Od zelišč ie tudi tu največ peloda eniomofilov: nehinovk (Composiiac), trav (Gramineiie). klini nie (Ca ry ophy 11 aceac). kuhi 11 n ie (Um bel 1 i ferne) in značilno, veliko število mono letnih praproti! i h spor (Atkyrium sp. in Dryopreris sp.). Rezultati anlrakotdmskib analiz kažejo, da tudi med lesnim ogljem prevladujeta bor in smreka. Ugotovljeno je tudi oglje jelke (Abies), vendar ga je malo. Od listavcev so zastopani isti taksoni kol pri pelodu, poleg teh pa Sta tu še pancšptja ttfoaeaster) in šmarna hrušiea (Amelattchier). Oglje bukve in jesena v plasti I [Sercelj in Culibcrg 1991) utegne biti kontaminacija mlajše si ai osi i, medtem ko je oglje listavcev v globljih plasteh zelo verjetno sinhrono in doka/ toplejšega podnebja. 6.2, Palynological and anthracotomtcal research of LAYERS FROM THE ENTRANCE PART OF THE CAVE It is above all worth mentioning the results ol palynological and anthraeolomieal research of layers K-14 (Turk ei id. I98K- 1989). Here we obtained an uninterrupted palynological diagram in which herbaceous plans and ferns predominate. Of trees, mainly pine (Pinus) and spruce (Picetfy are present, although we also obtained individual pollen grains of lime (Tilia), ash (Fraxinus), alder (A I mis), willow (Salix) and birch {¡ieiuht). In another pollen diagram that includes strata 3 to 26 in section A similar pollen content is evident (fierceIj & Culiberg 1991). Here too, pollen of conifers (Finns and Picea I dominates but sporadically also pollen of some deciduous trees appears such as: birch (Betula), alder (Afnus), hazel (C'ruy/u.r), lime (lit in), ash (Ftoxin us), beech {Fagus), liornbeam (Carpums), hop hornbeam (Ostrya) and ivy (lledera). Of herbs, there was ayain most pollen of entomophilotts plants of the families of Compositae, Grumincae, Caryophyllaeeae, UmbcUiferae and typically large numbers o! inunulete tern spores (Athyrium sp. and Drynptetis sp,). Pine and spruce also predominated among the charcoaL "I here was marketlly less charcoal of fir i .■ I hies). 1 he same deciduous taxa are represented as by pollen, with the addition of eotoneaster (Cotoneaster) and mespilusALAF.aeonNi( KI SUKIH OV itn DIVJI BABE I I-AVI primerkov jesena in bukve. Poteg teh smo našli £e oglje javorja in črnega gabra. Plast 4 (moustcrien) Tudi ta plast ima zelo malo ostankov oglja. Večina oglja pripada bukvi in jelki. Plast 4 do 5 V teb združenih plasteh je bilo še najmanj oglja. Dva primerka pripadata jelki in eden jesenu. Plast 4 da 5a Poleg koščka oglja borovca je bilo v teh združenih plasteh najdeno Se oglje bukve in gabra, V plasteh 2 do 5 a je bilo oglje nabrano difuzno. V plasteh 5 do 8 j>a je bilo nabrano oglje v glavnem v Ognjiščih in v njihovi neposredni bližini. To je tudi vzrok. Razpredelnica 6.1. Pregled oglja po plasteh. Table 6.1: Survey of charcoal by layers. Plast Layer 2-3 3 3 - 4 4 - 4-5 4-Sa 5* 6* 6-7 7 7-a fi+ Pinus 4 - 2 - - 1 20 33 6 4 3 77 Picea 2 - » 1 - - 14 23 - - - 13 Abies 1 - ! 6 2 - 6 48 2 1 7 - 7'ax ns - - - - - - S 56 8 4 1 9 Juniperus - - - - - - 6 3 - - - - igL nedoJ. undet. con. - - - - - - 6 27 - 6 4 36 Fraxinus 28 4 45 - 1 - - 1 - - - - Fugus 21 2? g - 1 S - - - - Ostrya 3 - 1 7 - - - - - - Carpi tins 2 - - - - 3 - - - - - - Acer 2 - 1 - - - - 2 --—■ - - - Tdia 3 - - - - - - - - - - Uhnus - - - - - - 3 Que reus plod fruit - - - - - - - - - Clematis - - - - - - - 1 Lonicera - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 1 i slav., ne dol. undcl decid. , - - - skorja bark 2 4 - - - kosti - bones smola - pilch x x - - - - x xxx x x XX x*x x * Plasti t. ognjišči in kuriščem. - ¡.avers with fireplaces and hearth. more samples of ash and beech. In addition, we also found charcoal of maple and hop hornbeam. Layer 4 (Mouslerian) This layer was also very poor in remains of charcoal. The majority of the charcoal belongs to beech and fir. Layer 4 to 5 There was [he least charcoal in these combined layers. Two samples belong to fir, and one to ash. Layer 4 to 5a hi addition to a piece of pine charcoal, charcoal of bcecti and hornbeam was found in these combined layers, In layers 2 - 5a, the charcoal was gathered diffusely. In layers 5 to 8, it was gathered mainly in fireplaces or in the vicinity of hearth and li rep laces. This 77 P Al m mm hanifoi] kauskAvi vjamiíJivji ni\ni i tla imamo i/ teh plasti veliko več oglja in da je bolj selekcionirano. Prevladujejo namreč iglavci. Vendar se v plasteh 0 i u 7 dobijo še l ud i posamezni primerki listavcev. Plast S {"C 30.840 ±300 lei p. s., mousterien) Oglje v tej plasti, v glavnem i/ ognjišča, je inkntslirano. Največ primerkov pripada iglavcema boru in smreki. Poleg teh dveh in nedoločljivih primerkov iglavskega oglja je bilo tu najdeno še oglje jelke, tise fer brinja. Od listavcev je bilo v tej plasii osem koščkov bukovega oglja in en nedoločljiv primerek listavca. Plast 6 (|JC 43.400 ±1400 let p. s., mousterien) Tudi v tej plasti je bilo kurišče, zato je tudi tu precej oglja, /.a kurjavo je služil predvsem les iglavcev. Vendar je bil vmes tudi po en primerek oglja jesena in javorja. Prevladuje oglje tise in jelke, precej pa je tudi oglja bora in smreke ter brinja, Zaradi inkrustaeije oziroma popolne impregnacije s los fo karbona t i ni bilo mogoče natančneje določiti večjega števila primerkov iglavskega oglja, Plast 6 do 7 Združeni plasti sta bolj gruščiiati in (udi manj sledov o prisotnosti Človeka jc v njej. Tu ni bilo nobenega kurišča, /ato jc bilo najdenega tudi precej manj oglja. Med vsega skupaj nekaj primerki prevladuje oglje iglavcev - bora, tise in jelke. Od lislavskih predstavnikov jc bilo najdeno le oglje grmičastega kostenieevja, Eonicera (alpinal), ki je tudi danes razširjeno od nižin do alpskega pasu. Plasti 7 in 7 do H Tudi v teh združenih plasteh je bilo razmeroma malo Oglja in to i/ključno iglavskega. V plasteh so tudi fragmenti ožganih kosti. Plast S (povprečna starost "C 43.(00 ±700 let p. s., mousterien) V tej plasti je bilo zopet več kurišč in ognjišče m ob njem je bila najdena tudi koščena piščal. 1/ ognjišča in okoli njega je bilo nabranega veliko oglja, kije tudi delno ali v celoti inkrustirano. Zato je ostalo veliko Število primerkov oglja izključno iglavskega porekla nedetermi ni ranega. Sieer pa med dctormiuu animi primerki daleč prevladuje oglje borovca, nekoliko manj je oglja smreke, še manj pa jelke in tise. Zelo pogosti so organi fragmenti kosti. helps explain why we have a great deal more charcoal and a belter selection in these layers. Conifers predominate. i I owe ver, in layers f> and 7, individual samples of deciduous specics were also obtained. Layer 5('JC 30,840 ±300years 111' Mousterian) The charcoal in this layer, mainly from a fireplace, is encrusted. Most specimens are coniferous-pine and spruce. In addition to diese two, and unidentified specimens of co n i fe rot is charcoa I, charco al of fir, ye w and juniper was also found here, Of deciduous species, eight pieces ofcharcoal of beech and one unidentified, were found. Layer 6 [UC 43,400 11400 years HI* Mousterian) There was also a hearth in I his layer, so a considerable amount ofcharcoal, Coniferous wood was primarily used as fuel However, there was also one sample each of the charcoal of ash and beech. Charcoal of yew and fir predominates, but there is also a fair amount of pine, spruce and juniper. Because of encrustation or complete impregnation with carbophosphates, it was not possible to identity a large number of specimens of coniferous charcoal more exactly. Layer 6 to 7 The combined layers are more rubbly anil there are also fewer traces of human presence in it. There was no hearth here, so considerably less charcoal was found. Among the small total number of samples, charcoal of Cfiilifers predominates - pine, yew and lir. Of deciduous species, only charcoal of honeysuckle. Lonicera (alpina?)', which is also today widespread from the lowlands to the alpine belt. Layers 7 and 7 to .V 1 here was relatively little charcoal in these combined layers, loo. and exclusively condemns There were also fragments of charred bones in the layers. Layer 8(average age MC 43,100 ±700 years RP, Monsterian) There were again a number of hearths and lire-places in ihis layer and the suspected bone flute was found beside one of 1 hem. A great deal ofcharcoal was collected from the fireplace with bone Ilute and around it, which is also partially or completely encrusted. So a large number ol specimens ol charcoal ol exclusively coniferous origin remained undetermined, However, of the identified samples ofcharcoal, pine absolutely predomínales, there is rather less spruce charcoal, and still less fir and yew. Charred fragments of bones are very frequent. N 6,3.1.1. iiOSKLIS INTEHPRhTAi lJli NbKATI RIH NAVIDEZNIH ANOMALIJ V zgornjih nagubanih pasteh, 2 (lo 5a, popolnoma prevladuje ogl je listavcev in jelke (razpredelnica 6J). Nasprotno pa je razmeroma neznatno število oglja borovca in smreke. To je za ledenodobni wurinski čas nenavadno, toda vedeti moramo, da so tedanji l judje uporabljali za kgrjuvo predvsem les, ki jim je bil najbližji v okolici jame. Pojavlja se tudi sum na kontaminacijo plasti 2 /. ogljem iz mlajšega časa. vendar pa imamo približno enako vsebino oglja tudi v spodnjih starejših plasteh vse do plasu 5a. Na videz nenavadno je tudi izredno veliko število pdmtrkov Oglja bukve in jesena v združenih plasten 2 ■ 3 in .1 - 4. Zelo malo jo verjetno, da to ustreza dejanskemu štev Učnemu razmerju drevja v tedanjem gozdu. Mogoče in tudi verjetno je. tla je šlo za kakšen večji kos zoglenelega bukovega in jesenovega oglja, ki pa se je kasneje razdrobil v več manjših koščkov. V zvezi s kompleksom plasti od 5 do Ji pa je se več vprašanj, ki jih je treba racionalno razložiti. V nasprotju s prevladovanjem listavcev v zgornjem kompleksu, tu skoraj popolnoma prevladujejo iglavci. Najbolj naravna razlaga je ta. daje pač v okolici jame tedaj prevladoval klimatsko pogojeni i glav sk i gozd. Vendar pa najdbe listavskega oglja kažejo, da je tu pa tam moralo bili tudi kakšno lisiavsko drevo ali grm. Najbolj neobičajno pa je veliko šievilo primerkov tise, kar prav gotovo ne pomeni tako množične razširjenosti le vrste v bližnji okolici, lisa sicer ni lemiotilna vrsta, je pa bolj htgrofilna i nje imela ugodne rastne pogoje pod vlažnim os le njem, Ti sovine gotovo tudi niso prvenstveno uporabljali kot kurivo. Verjetno so iz nje izdelovali orodje ali orožje, pokurili pa so le "odpadni les". Toliko primerkov oglja lise v plasti 6 bi bilo mogoče pojasniti enako kot * primeru bukve v združenih plasteh 2 - 3: en večji kos zoglenele tisovine seje kasneje razdrobil. Mogoče hi bila lahko vzrok toliki množini oglja tise tudi negotova detenu i racija. Kot smo že omenili, je večina primerkov i/ teh plasti inkrusti-ranih, kar močno otežuje dclcrnnnacijo. Poleg tega so se pri večjem številu vzorcev sekundarne stene traheid. ki imajo pri tisi spiralne odebelit ve, "odluščile", kar hi lahko povzročilo napačno determinaeijo. Iz opisanega sledi, tla Število primerkov oglja posameznih taksonov v kulturnih plasteh ni in ne more biti v nikakršni korelaciji s pogostnostjo dreves teli taksonov. Pjti Aituio'inNK hi simfct ii ni nif DlvJh mm 11 vi 6,3.1.1. altl-mpt to interpret some awahlnt ANOMALtUS In the upper folded layers, 2 to 5a, charcoal of deciduous species and fir absolutely predominates I Table ft /). in contrast to the relative paucity of charcoal of pine and spruce. This is unusual tor the time of the Wümi Glacial, although it must be recognised that people then used wood which was closest to the vicinity of the cave for fuel. 1 he suspicion is raised that layer 2 may have been contaminated with charcoal from more recent periods. However there is approximately the same content of charcoal in the lower, older layers, as far as layer 5a. I be markedly large number of specimens of charcoal of beech and ash in the combined layers 2 - 3 and 3 - 4 is also clearly unusual. It is highly unlikely that it corresponds to the actual frequency of trees in the (hen lorest It is possible, even probable, that these were larger pieces of charred beech and ash which were later fragmented into a number of smaller pieces. In connection with the complex of layers from 5 to K, there are a number of questions which require rational explanation, In contrast with the domination of deciduous species in the upper complexes, there is here an almost complete predominance of conifera. The most natural explanation is that the climatically conditioned coniferous forest then prevailed in the vicinity of the cave. However, the finds of charcoal of deciduous species show that there must here and there have been some deciduous irees or shrubs. The most unusual thing is the large number of samples of yew. which certainty did not mean such a large extent of this species in the near vicinity. Yew is not a thermophilous species, it is more hydrophilous, and had favourable growth conditions below the damp walls. Yew branches were also certainly not used primarily as fuel. Palaeolithic man probably made tools and weapons from it. and burnt only the "waste wood". It is possible to explain so many specimens of yew charcoal in layer 6 as in I lie ease of beech in combined layers 2 - 3: one larger piece of charred yew I hat was subsequently fragmented. Uncertain determination may also have been a reason for such a quantity of yew, As we have already mentioned, the majority of samples from these layers were encrusted, which greally hindered identification. In addition, with a large number of samples, ihe secondary walls of the trac heids, which have spiral thickening in yew, were "leaehed". With such samples, the spiral mierofihrilar structure of the primary wall can be seen, which can lead to mistaken identification. From the above, it follows that a number of samples of charcoal of individual tasa in cultural layers is not, and cannot he, in any kind of correlation to the frequency of trees of these tax a, 79 P .M MDIlOTAK-IČhl RA/lfK AVK vj,»vr UlVJl StAHfi ] P- I.ODNL ANALIZI frletL' na razmeroma ugodne in dovolj povedne rezultate pelodnih anali? vzorcev iz vhodnega predela jame smo opravili ludi pelodne analize ekvivalentnih plasti iz osredn jega predela jame Vzorce smo nabrali v istih plasteh kot v vhodnem predelu jame in to po več vzorcev v eni plasti, a na različnih mestih v profilih. l-.kslrakeijo peloda smo opravili po splošno uporabljeni metodi in v normalnem volumnu sedimenta (ca 3 cm'}, Preparirali in analizirali smo it) vzorcev, toda le v dvanajstih smo ugotovili skromno vsebino peloda, v ostalih IS pa ga sploh m bilo. Od vsakega vzorca smo preiskali najmanj dva do največ šest mikroskopskih preparatov. Rezultati so naslednji: Plm 2 do J V 4 vzoreih, vzetih na različnih mestih teh združenih plasti so hili ugotovljeni pelod in spore naslednjih rastlinskih vrst: Al' (drevesne vrste):Pinus 9 pelodnihzni,Picea 3, Tilia \. NAP (zelišča): Compositae 9, Gramineae 3, Dipsacaceae Caryophyllaceae 2, l ilicc^ (»4, Sela-ginella selaginoides 2, M usci 2. Plast 3 V plasti 3 so hili vzeti vzorci za pelodno analizo napetih različnih mestih. Pelod pa je hil le v treh vzorcih in sicer naslednje vrste: A P: Pinus 3, Picea 2. NAP: Compositae 5, Dipsacaceae !, Artemisia I, Filices6. Plast 4 V tej plasti so bili vzeti vzorci na osmih mestih. Pelod smo dobili te v štirih vzorcih in sicer naslednje vrste: A P: Pinus 5, Picea 2. NAP: Compositae 5, (iramineae I, Artemisia I, Stacln s 1, Filices 9, Plast s V plasti 5 so hili vzeli vzorci na Šestih različnih mestih, pelod pa smo dobili le v enem vzorcu in sicer naslednje vrste: A P: Cttrpiuus I. NAP: Compositae L Filices3 V ostalih vzorcih ni bilo peloda. 6.3.2. Pollen analyses in view of the relatively favourable and snlli eiently revealing results of pollen analyses of samples from the entrance purl of the eave, we also carried out pollen analyses of equivalent layers from the central part of the cave. Samples were collected iu the same layers as in the entrance part of the eave, on the basis of a number of samples in one layer, and in various places in profiles. The extraction of pollen was carried out according to the generally used method and in a normal volume of sediment (cca. 3 cm). We prepared and analysed 31) samples, but only in twelve did we find modest pollen content, in the other 18 there was none. We icsied tit least two and a maximum of 6 microscopic slides from each sample. The results are the following: Layer 2 to 3 The pollen or spores of the following plant Spfi-eies were found in 4 samples, taken in different places of these combined layers: AP (woody species): Pinus 'I pollen grains,/Vera 3, Tilia \, NAP (herbaceous): Compositae 9. Gramineae 3, Dipsacaceae 3, Caryophyllaceae 2, Filices 64, Sela-gin ei la selaginoides 2, Musci 2. Layer 3 Samples for pollen analysis were taken at live different places in iayer 3, There was only pollen in three samples, of the following species: AP: Pinus 3, Picea 2. NAP Compositae 5, Dipsacaceae I, Artemisia I, Filiccs 6, Layer 4 Samples were taken in 8 places in this layer. Pollen was only obtained in four samples, ot the following species: AP: Pinus 5, Picea 2. NAP: Compositae 5. Gramineae I, Artemisia 1, Stachys I, l iliccs9. Layer 3 Samples were taken in 6 different places in layer 5, and pollen obtained in one sample, of the following species: AP Varpinus 1 NAP: Compositae I, Filices 3. In all other samples there was no pollen found 432 Pal Al {lilt)! AMI KkSKAHt ti tli' 1111 l>IVJI II,\l!I I I AVF 6.4. Sklep Prva fuza izkopavanj v paleulilskem najdišču Divje babe J, kije potekal» v letih 1080- J986 pretežno v vhodnem delti jame, je bila uspcSna po rezultatih palinoloSkih raziskav, manj uspešna pa, kar zadeva antrakotomske raziskavo. Rezultati so bili objavljeni ie v riekaj člankih (Culibeig l984;Tttrkindrh 19S8-1989; Turk m dr I989a; Šercclj in Culibcrg 1991). V tem prispevku so prvič predstavljeni rezultati anirakouimskih in palinoloških raziskav sedimentov druge faze izkopavanj, ki so potekala od letu 1990 -1995. I It pa so pomembnejši rezultati antrakotomskih raziskav. Analiziranih je bilo 607 primerkov lesnega oglja [po velikosti od 2 do I Onim), od katerega jih 452 primerkov pripada iglavcem in 155 listavcem. V plasteh 5, ft in S so namreč arheologi našli več ognjišč, zato je tu tudi precej večja koncentracija oglja, ki je hkrati tudi bolj avtentično. 1/ istih plasti je bilo tudi palinološko preiskanih ■50 vzorcev. Dvanajst jih je vsebovalo le malo peloda, v osemnajstih pa ga sploh ni bilo. Ker hočemo spremljati dogajanja v vegetaciji mz\ ojno, to je po časovnem zaporedju, moramo izhajati od najstarejših plasti. Na podlagi rastlinskih ostankov bomo sledili in ocenjevali paieoekološkc in palco-klimalske razmere v času med 4i.000 in 35.500 leti prod sedanjostjo, to je v srednjem vviimiu. Tolikšen časovni diapazon (najmanj I(¡■.000 let) namreč obsega serija na novo izkopanih in paleobotanično preiskanih plasti v jami. Opirali se bomo predvsem na rezultate analiz lesnega oglja, k t odšli kav a drevesno sestavo gozda v neposredni okolici jame. Peloda je namreč v teh sedi meni i h tako malo, da ne daje določne vegetacijske slike ne hit/nje in ne dalj nje okolice. Edino, kar i/ rezultatov palinofo&kih raziskav razberemo je, da tudi ti sed imenu vsebujejo pel od v glavnem entomofilnih rastlin i/ družin nehtnovk I Compositae), ščeličevk ( Dipsaeaeeae). klinenie (Caryophyllaceae) in irav (Gramineae). V prvi fazi raziskav pa je bil tu še pel od družin lobodovk (( henopodiaeeae), zvončičevk (Campanidac.eae), dresnovk (Polygonaceac), broščevk (Rubiaccae), kobuinic (UmbeUiferac) ter rodov pelina (Artemisiti) in popona (Helianthenium), To pa pomeni, daje pelod prišel v jamske sodimente na kožuhih ljudi in medvedov ali skozi njihova prebavila. Drevesnega peloda je minimalno, le nekaj zrne bora U'i>«/*), smreke (Picea) ter po eno znto lipe (7 i i in) in gabra (( arpinus) Generična sestava lesnega oglja, začenši pri na jstarejši spodnji plasti K in nadaljujoč navzgor do plasti 5 kaže prav zanimivo sliko (razpredelnica 6.1). Popolnoma prev ladujc oglje iglavcev. Vmes je te nekaj primerkov listavskega oglja. Nasprotno pa je od pete plasti navzgor zelo malo oglja iglavcev in prevladuje oglje listavcev. To oboje gotovo kaže na prevladujočo 6.4. Conclusion The lirsi phase of excavation at the palaeolithic site Uivje babe I, which took place between 19X0 and I98i> predominantly in the entrance part of the cave, was successful in terms of palynologicul research, but less successful as far as aiithracotomical research. I lie results have already been published in a number of ¿nicies (Culibcrg 1 anil 8, namely, archeologists found a number of fireplaces, so there was also a fairly considerable concentration of charcoal, which is also more authentic. From the same layers, 30 samples were also palynologically studied. Twelve contained a little pollen only, and 18 none at till Since we wanted to monitor the events in vegctational development, that is according to the time succession, we must start from the oldest layers, On the basis of plant remains, we will I race and assess pal aeoecol ogicnl ly and pa I aeoc 11 ma i i cal I y conditions in the period from 45,000 to 35,500 years BP, i. e., the Middle Wiii nt. Such a temporal range (at leas I 10,000 years}, namely, embraces the range of the new excavations and palaeohotatiieal study of layers in the cave, We relied mainly on the resul ts of analysis of wood charcoal which depicts the tree composition oI forests in the direct vicinity of die cave. I here is so little pollen in these sediments that it does not provide a specific vegetalionttl picture ol either the near or more distant surroundings. The only conclusion we can draw from the results ofpalynological research is that these sediments also contain pollen of mainly entomophllous plants from the families Compositae, Dipsacaceac, Caryphyllaeeae, anil Gramineae In the lit si phase ol the research, there was additionally pollen of the families Chenopodiaceae, Campamilaceae, Polygonaceac, Ruhiaceac, Umbctli-ferae and the gencTa Artemisia and Ilelianthenum. This means that the pollen was carried into the cave on the skms of people oi animals, or via t licit digestive tracts. Pollen of tree species is minimal, only a few grains of piuc (Pinus), spruce{(Picea) and one grain each of lime ( Tiliii} and hornbeam (Carpitttis), The generic composition of the wood charcoal, starting with the oldest, lower layer 8 upwards to layer 5 shows a very interesting picture (Table 6J), Charcoal 81 pa i ka/ikkavi- v jakll ddvjf dam i sestavo bližnjega gozda v času odlaganja ustreznih (najdbe vsebujočih) plasti. Taksonomsko pripada iglavsko oglje spodnjih plasti naslednjim rodovom: na prvem mestu sta bor (Pinui) iu smreka (Pite«). Ta dva bi lahko bila indikatorja hladnih razmer. Sem štejemo še zaradi inkrusla nedelerniinirane primerke iglavcev. Vendar pa sta tu še dva igiavska taksona, ki pa nista krioffilna, to sta jelka i. Ihifs) in tisa f Tiuctfs). Glede toplote sla manj, glede vlažnosti pa bolj zahtevna. Jelka namreč seže danes precej v i sekt» v Alpe. areai lise pa se disjuflkliip razteza od balkanskih ter srednjeevropskih gorstev do Norveške. Tisa je namreč "h i grofi I na" in skiafilna in zato bi ji rastišče pod jamo povsem ustrezalo. 7,ii tako veliko Stevilo primerkov oglja tise smo že skušali razložiti vzroke. V tej "iglavski" lazi smo našli le nekaj primerkov lista vskega oglja. Kar zadeva klimatske razmere, lahko taka sestava iglavskega gozda govori za zmerno hladno in vlažno podnebje. Glede na zahtevnost jelke in lise ne gre pričakovati izrazito hladnih, temveč bolj temperiranc razmere v (istem času. Ne sinemo pa tudi prezreti dejslva, da jama leži pod domnevno pleisioccnsko gozdno mejo. Govorili bi torej lahko o nekakšnem subalpskem iglavskem gozdu, Vedeti je treba, daje to bilo v času srednjega wiimia nt da je najhladnejše podnebje nastopilo šele kasneje; Zato ne moremo primerjati tukajšnjih razmer s sočasnimi v Alpah, Dopuščamo lahko šibkejši morski vpliv, saj se tedaj morje še ni umaknilo tako daleč proti jugu kol v višku wiiniia (W0ldstedt 1962). Precej drugačna pa je taksonomska sestava mlajšega kompleksa plasti od 5 do 2, kjer so arheologi dobili maloštevilne. pO različnih kvadratih in než.njth d i sperzno raztresene koščke oglja. Med ogljem iglavcev je bilo največ jelovega, manj borovega in še manj smrekovigaogljii. V celoti pa prevladuje oglje listavcev. Največ koščkov oglja pripada jesenu (Frn\inus J in bukvi (Fagus). V vrhnji plasti (2 do so, kot kažejo najdbe oglja, zastopani tudi črni gaber (f)sirya), beli gaber (Carpinus), javor (Acer), lipa I Titi a), hrast (Quen,us), kosten ičevje (Lonicera). Domneva, da je v plasti 2 do 3 mogoča kontaminacija iz mlajšega časa, je sicer upravičena. Vendar pa so vsi u listavci bili tudi v plasteh 3. 4 in 5, Ce je v času usedanja teh plast i dejansko obstajal tistavski gozd predalpskega tipa, bi to pomenilo inlcrstadialno podnebje. Po mnenju Ivana Turka pa je bolj verjetna razlaga, da se je to oglje odložilo na plasti 2 kasneje. Kajti plašil 2 lahko kronološko sledi interstadial i Arey - Denceamp), katerega sedimentov ni. Lahko pa so v leni časLi (aurignacien) ljudje v jami kurili, S kasnejšo kriouirbacijo v začetku drugega pleniglaciala se je ofconifers completely predominates. There are only a lew samples of charcoal ofdeciduous species mixed in. In contrast, there is very I ill le charcoal of conifers from layer 5 upwards, and charcoal of deciduous species predominates. 1'his undoubtedly dcpicts the prevailing composition of the nearby forest ai the lime of deposition of the appropriate (cultural) layers. Taxonomicallv, the coniferous charcoal of the lower layers belongs to pine (Pinus) and spruce (PUxo). These two may be indications of cold conditions I lowever. there are two further coniferous taxa here thai are not cryophilic, fir (Abies) and yew (Taxus) They are less demanding of warmth, but more so of moist tire. Fir, today, extends fairly high into the Alps, but the area of yew extends disjointed! y from the 11 alkalis through the Central European mountains lo Norway, Yew, namely, is hygrophilous and sciaphilie, and so well stiited to growing below the cave. I hnvover, such a large number of samples of yew charcoal may have originated from a single large charred piece, which subsequently fragmented. In any case, yew was certainly riot originally gathered for fuel; tools and weapons were made from it because it is exceptionally hard and tough. In ihis "coniferous" phase, we found only a few samples of charcoal of deciduous trees. As tar as the climatic conditions arc concerned, such a composition of coniferous forest may mean a fairly Cold and damp climate, hi view of the requirements of fir and yew, explicitly cold conditions are not lo be expected at that time, but temperate conditions. We cannot ignore, too, the fact that the cave lies below the assumed pleistocene Iree-line. We could i here-fore lalk about a kind of sub-alpine coniferous forest. I Ins was at (he time of the middle Wurm, and the coldest climate only appeared later in Wurm. So such conditions cannot be compared with contemporary ones in the Alps. A 2 influence might be allowed for. since the sea had not shifted so far south toward the end of WQrm (Woldsledl 1 %2). The lax onomic compos ition of the younger complex of layers 5 to 2 is considerably different. In these layers, archeologists retrieved small numbers Of dispersed, scattered, pieces of charcoal from various quadrats and spits. It is characteristic thai of conifers there was most fir, less pine and still less spruce charcoal. AiuI deciduous charcoal predominated. The largest number of charcoal pieces belong to asli (Fraxlluis) and heec h (/■ agus). In the topmost layers (2-3), as finds of charcoal demonstrate, hop hornbeam (Ostrya), hornbeam (iarpiiius), maple (zhw), lime ! iilhi), oak (Qttemis). honeysuckle (Lonicera) are also represented. The suspicion that layers 2 and 3 may be con-lam i nfttcd from more recent 1 i i n es is j ustified, However, the charcoal of these deciduous species was also found in layers 3, 4 and The existence of deciduous forest 2 11208370 I'AI AKJI1" IAMI' KI-SI AIH'IL tX ISM E >1V JI 3 LA ILE ! I AM poraeiaSo oglje v plasteh 2 do 5a. krioturbaciji v pleniglaeiafy pa sejcdodatno kontaminirafa predvsem plast 2, Vsekakor pa hi to vpraSanje laliku razreiili le / ¡zmetjeno radiokarbnnsko starostjo oglja iz ich plast i. of a sub-alpine typo indicates that the climate of this temporal section was intcrsladia! According to opinion of Ivan I urk. the layer 2 may be followed chronologically by the in tors tad ml (Arcy - Denekanip) of which there is no sediment I low ever, people could have sheltered in the cave at this lime (Aurignacian). With latercryolurbation at the beginning of the second pleniglacial, the charcoal in layers 2 to was mixed up. Alter the cryoturbatmn in the pleniglaeial, mainly layer 2 was additionally contaminated. Anyway, this question could be solved only by radiocarbon dating of charcoal from lit esc layers. 83 7. Mali sesalci 7. Small mammals (Insectívora, (Insectívora, Chiroptera, Chiroptera, Rodentia) Rodentia) Boris Kry&tufek t-viecek V intefpleniglacialnih plnsleh w zadnjega glaciala paleolitskega nahajaliäia Divjc babe I smo nasli ostankc n;ijrrwnj .S15 prime rkov malih sesaleev. ki pripadaju vsaj 7li razliünim vrstam: Crocidura leite odoa^ Sorex alpimis. S umiieus. S. mint/ins, Tat pa m hh/jucu, Rhittolophus hipposi-deros. BarbasteUtt cfr barbastelhts. Eptesieus nilssani. Mvotis bechsteini. Miitiaptertis schtvibi'rsi, Sciiirits vulgaris; Arvicttlä leriestris. ChUmmnys nivalis, ClßlhrioiUimys glt^fiotwi, Mli 'routs agrestis/arvatis. Mit ro tits m u I tip It rx/sitbterraneus. . I pctle/n us fiu i 'it /> His s \ -h ntH i.t, A luxe art/in its QVc'lia litt i ins < 11 Mi ti.xits glis. Ma osnovi tcdanjih zdrui.li inalili sesaleev domnev.tmo, da je p rev I ad oval mozaiöni tip habitata / mciamim, preleino i^lastimi gozdovi ¡a travniki s kam nisei. Primerjava 11 led tii vi ni 1/ mlfljiega odseka interpleniglaciala wiirm.ske poledenitve (prihl 30.000 do 40.000 let pred sedanjostjo) in recemnö favno i/ okolice Divjih bab t knie na majhnc lazlikc v vrstnt scstavi. Ahsijñet A minimum of 515 specimens belonging to at lea si 20 speeies of small mammals were identified from the Inter-pleiiiglacial <>t' Upper Pleistocene cave deposits from Divje babe I (western Slovenia}. These were: Cmeitiura letteodon. Son- i alpinas, S. tit ti neu s, S. minutus. Tulpa ettrúpaea. Rhinoloplittx hipposiderox, Barbas wlla cfr, barbfistellus, Eptt ■ tit its t tils st un, M vi ¡tis bet 'lisi ¡ii ni, a liiiit ypti-'i its st In t 'ihers i, Sc in fits vulgaris. Aru t ilia terrestris. Cbitmtmiys nivalis, Ctethrfanomys giareohts, Micro t us agtestis/arvalis. Mictvius m it hi pit a . \ it h terra m-its. Apodt m its /lavicoll ts/syl va licita, A lust ardinus uycHuum ins, and Myoxus glis, Gffl the basts of the small mammal assemblages, the habitat indicated was presumably a mosaic of mixed, predominantly coniferous forest, with meadows and accumulations of rocky Imulders. A comparison ofthe faunas from the wünnian I ntcrpleu ¡glacial layers (age approX. 30,000 to 40,000 BP) and recent material from ne¡ir the locality suggests very little change in species composition. 7.1. UVOD Med obsežnimi izkopavanji na paleolitskem nahajališču Divje babe l se je. polet; ostalega, nabralo tudi veliko gradiva malih sesalcev. Čeprav so tnali sesalci boljši kazalec preteklih habitalov, kot so veliki sesalci (Andrews 1000), smo v Sloveniji pri izkopavanjih plcistocctiskih nahajališč icj skupini posvečali le malo pozornosti (pregled dosedanjega znanja podaja Rakovec 1973). Material iz Divjih bab I nam tako nudi izvrstno priložnost, da dobimo boljši vpogled v favno malih sesalcev z južnega roba alpske poledemtve ob koncu pleistocena. v tem Članku so obdelam ostanki žužkojedov, netopirjev in glodalcev. 7. i. Introduction Extensive archaeological excavations at the palaeolithic site of Divje liabe I revealed a rich small mammal fauna. Although small mammals arc much more indicative of past habitats than are larger mammals (Andrews 1000), this group has been nearly always ignored during excavations of Pleistocene sites in Slovenia (for a review of previous work see Rakovcc 1973). The material from Divjc babe I thus provides a good opportunity to obtain deeper insighis into Late Quaternary small mammal faunas from the southern border ofthe Alpine glacier. The remains elaborated in this article are those of Insectivora, (Ihtropteni, and Rodentia. 1.2. Gradivo in metode Jama Divje babe I se nahaja v predalpskem območju zahodne Slovenije na nadmorski višini 450 tu (koordinate, 1:5.000, x - 5416570, y 51 OS190). V 7,2. MÄTERAIL ANI) METHODS The cave Divje babe I is situated in ihe pre-Alpine area of western Slovenia (coordinates, 1:5,000, 5416570, y 5108190), al an altitude of 450 m a s, I. 85 VI m i si i iksirmnia. t'littWrri ha. Kuni snuj pleistoeenskih glacijaeijah je ležala v periglaeialncm pasu la ko i pod južnim robom alpske po leden n ve. Izkopavanja je oprav il InSlitut /a arheologijo Znanstveno raziskovalne ga centra Slovenske akademije znanosti m umetnosti. Pri i /k o pa v a »ju je bila osnovna enota kvadrat I x I m in reženj debeline 12 cm. V plasteh 2 - H je bi ki izkopanih pri bi ižno 1500 takšnih en nt. Z; «radi krioturbacijc se vseh enot ni dalo s trat igralsko uvrsti! i v plasti (glej Turk. poglavje 2 tega zbornika). Prostor-ninsko enake enote usedlin predstavljajo standardne vzorce za vse analize (glej predhodno poglavje). Iz njih je bilo med izkopavanji odvzete okrog J dm> frakcije usedlin velikosti 0,5 - 3,0 mm. Ta je bila kasneje pregledana pri enkratni povečavi Pri tem so bili pobrani ostanki malih sesalcev. Vsi vzorci malih sesalcev so označeni s številko kvadrata in režnja na način kvadrat/ reženj. Rcžnji so označeni od površja navzdol. V gradivo SO vključeni vsi vzorci iz kvadratov I - 68 po plasteh, kot so navedene v tem zborniku. Obdelali smo tudi material i/ kvadratov 69 - 116, katerih Turk s sod. t ta zbornik) ne obravnava. Slednji vzorci zalo še niso slratigralsko uvrščeni. Male sesalce smo določali in merili pod stcrcomikroskopom pri različnih povečavah. Primerjalni material recentnih vrst izvira pretežno i/ Slovenije. Za kvant i tat i v ne p ti merjave smo določi It m i nima I no Število osebkov, ki pri vsakem taksonu temelji ti a isti morfološki strukturi. 7.3. Taksonomija Red I nsect i vora (i ray, IH2 7 Družina Soneidac ! ischci Von Waldlleull, 1817 ('madura leucotfon (Hermann, 1780) Poljski rovki pripitda 9 spodnjih čel j ustnic iti i ost rum. Slednji je vseboval večino zob, z„ito smo na osnov' oblike 4. zgornjega predmeljaka tahko izključili prisotnost vrst C. susveolens in ( russida. Oblika jezične strani kotnega podaljška edine popolne spodnje čeljust niče (si. 7. i) ustreza vrsti C. fcuivdon, ne pa C smiveafens (primerjaj s slikami v Nieliianimer & Krapp 1990, m Spitzcnbetger 1985). Kljub temu pa fosilni material t/ Divjih bab I morfološko ni identičen / rečen t no vrsto C leucodtm iz Slovenije. Kavljasti podaljšek je v fosilnem materialu tli/ji, tako da korono i dna višina dosega celo manj še vrednosti ko! pri majhni reeentni podvrsti C. teucodon narentae Bolkay, 1925 iz Bosne in Hercegovina, Cme Gore in zahodne Makedonije. V skupni dolžini spodnjih meljakov ležijo fosilni primerki med obema reeentnima vzorcema (mptvdeltticii 7.1 |. Dvodimenzionalni diagram med Sfi During Pleistocene glacial periods, it lay just to the south of the southern margin of the Alpine glacier. Excavations wore performed by the Institute of Archeology of the Centre of Scientific Research of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts, The basic sample during excavations was a S x 1 m square vv iih a depth of 12 cm. Approximately 150(1 stieh samples were removed from layers 2 to 8, but all could not be classified into layers because ofcryoperturbatibns (see chapter 2 in this volume by Turk f. Samples ol similar volumes ol sediments represented the standard units of all analyses ¡see other chapters in this volume), During the excavations, approximately .1 dm1 fractions of the sediment (particles 0.5 - TO mm) wore removed, Small mammal remnants were extracted under the dissecting microscope at two fold magnification. All samples ol small mammals arc labeled with the number of their square and 12 cm spit expressed as square/spiL The spits arc labelled from the surface downwards. The material presented contains all samples from squares I to 68 according to their layers as presented in this volume. We also studied small mammals from squares 59 to 1 16 which Turk at at (thisvolume) do not discuss here and they are thus not stratigraphieally allocated. Small mammal material was determined and measured under a dissecting microscope at different magnitudes. Recent comparative material mainly originated from within Slovenia. The minimum number of specimens of a particular taxon is based on the same morphological structure. 7.3. Taxonomy Order In sec ti vora Gray, 1827 Family Soricidae Pi seller von Waldheim. 1817 Crocidura Icucodon (Hermann, 1 78(1) Nine mandibles and one rostrum of white toothed-shrews are ascribed to this species. The rostrum contained the majority of the teeth, which makes possible exclusion of the presence of ( suuvedfens and C ru.wtdii because of the shape ot the 4ih upper premolar, I lie peculiarities of the lingual side ofihe angular processus seen in the only complete mandible (Fig. 7.I} correspond with (' U'tttodon rail tor i htm with Csuavt'ulcm lef, figures in Nielhammer & Krapp 1990, and Spitzcnberger l'J85), Despite this, fossil material from Divje babe I is not identical morphologically with rc-eent C ', leucodon from Slovenia, The coronoid process is significantly lower in fossil material, attaining even lower values than seen in the small, reeent subspecies C. leacodott narentae Bolkay, 1925 from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and western Macedonia. On the other hand, lossil specimens occupy an iiitermedi- SM M I M AM M ALS (J M 5H TIWRA, CHIROTTI KA. RoWNl 1A) kuronoidno višino in skupno dol ž i no spodnjih meljakov omogoča tudi razdvajanje med sedmimi primerki vrste C. russula (material M Nemčije iti Krancjje) in petimi fosilnimi primerki i/ Divjih bab l{\7 7,2). Razpn-deltiica 7.1: Opisna statistika za koronoidno višino in skupno dolžino spodnjih meljakov v Irch vzorcih |K)ljske itivke Malo rovko smo našli v desetih vzorcih, od katcrili sla bila dva iz. plasti 2. Variacijska širina koronoidne višine Šestih primerkov (2,H - 3,4 mm; povprečje 3,14 mm) se sklada z vrednostmi za rečen I no vrsto S. minutus iz Evrope (Kuttcrer 1990). Družina Talpidae Fischer von Waldheim, 1 SI 7 Tu/pit euro[Hti'it Linnaeus, 1758 Ositanki krtov (v glavnem nadlahtnice pa tudi fragmenti podlahtme, rostral ni tleli lobanje, spodnje četjuslnice, okolfja in posamezni kočniki) so bili zastopani v 20 vzorcih. Krt je bil prisoten že v najstarejši plasti 5. Edini dve okoleji kažeta značilnosti europa-eoida 1 nega tipa (v smislu Gnilieha 1971); koščeni mosl povezuje križnico s črevnieo iti s tem posteriomo zapira 4 kri/nično odprtino (s/. 7.3). Takšen tip okoleja je značilen tudi za rceontno vrsto T cumpaea. Relativna širina rostrum a 11 ()(J x širina rostruma prek meljakov / dolžina zgornjega niza zob) jc inanjia kot pri recentnih krtih iz. Slovenije, dolina zgornjega niza zob pa kaze na to, da so bili fosilni krti nekoliko večji od recentnih {razpredehlfia 7.2). Razpredelnica 7.2. Variacijska Širina dolžine zgornjega niza zob (C -MJ), spodnjega niza zob (!', - M J in relativne Ji rine rosi ruma [lin % ! (It) \ širina resirutna prek meljakov ■■' C -M1) pri rcecrilmh krlih tiil/m i-umjmvu iz Slovenije in točilnih 7! europaea iz Divjih huh 1. Zaradi Izraženega spolnega dimerfizma ustali statistični parametri niso podani. T/ihlc 7.2: Ranges fcirmaidlhiry looth-row {C - MJ), mandibular tooth-raw (i1. - M J, and reki live rostral bread 1 h (Ro % 100 x rostral breadth across molars / C - M') lor rečem Tulpn euivpaea irom Slovenia and fossil '!'. europaea from Divje babe I Statistics were not calculated because of the marked sexual dimorphism seen ia moles Red Chiroptcra Blumenbaeh, 1779 (Jslanke netopirjev smo našli v SI vzorcih j od katerih pa smo jih samo 30 (- %) določili do vrste. Družina Rhinolophidae Oray, IM25 Rhinolophus hipposidenw (Beehstein, 1H00) Mali podkovnjak je najpogostejši netopir v fosilnem materialu iz Divjih bab 1. Ostanke moramo 88 SI. 7,3: Okolije (hrbtna stran) krta Tut pu curppaea i / liivjih halj 1 (v/.oree I 16/3}- Vidta je ttioian kosietii most med krijnico in irev-nieo, kl posteriomu Zip ira 4. kri /-iilCtui udprtino, Crtn ustTeza doliini 5 mm. F-'i}>. 7.3: llip-hone(dorsal view)ol Ta/pu europaea lin m Divje bnhe I (samplc 116/3). Note heavy bone anastomosis betweenar sacrum nnd fp.v.vrt t.ïchii elosing thç 4tb foramen sta'rnlf pusleriorly. Seule bar S mm, Son .v alpimis Sell in/. 1837 Seven samples contained remains of the Alpine sit new (two rostral portions of skulls and five mandibular fragments). Two mandibles from layer 5 had coro-ttoid heights of4.3 and 4.3,^ mm, respectively fhis lies within the range seen in recentS. alpinus from Slovenia (KryStufek 1991). Sorex araneu,\ Linnaeus, 17 5-W Four mandibles were those of the common shrew j.samples 103/7, 110/3. 111/4. 112/8). The coronoid height of two of the specimens was 4.7 and 4» mm, respectively, which lies within the range of recent S. a rattens from Slovenia (KryStufek 1991). bab I. (a)RhinolophushippmUleros, levLi stran f vzorcc 109/ lb) Barbastella eft barbastelhtx, leva stran (vzorec 23/ 14); (ei Epwsicus pilxsoni, leva stran (vzorec 49/3); (d) Mctiopk'rus schrvibersi, desna stran (sample ÎQ9/G). ('rta ustreza dolžini 2 mm. Fig. ? -t' Remains i if some fossil bats from Divje babe I. (a) Rhtnohphushipppsideros, lefl mandible (sangle I 09/6); (b) Barbasiella efr. barltaslellus, le H mamltblc (sample 23/14); (e) Epteaicus niissoni, left mandible (sample 49/3); (d) MMoprerwt schrelltersi, right mandible ( sample 109.ii), Seale hi.tr - 2 mm. Slovenija (recentni) Divje babe 1 | Ibsilui) Slovenia (recent) Divje babe 1 (fossil) N mitt max N C - M1 IS 11.3 - 12.9 2 12.9/13.2 P, - M. IS 10.2 - 11.8 2 11.4/11,4 Ro % IS 62.S - 69.6 2 63.6/62.0 Smau mammals (Im*k hvúka. Ciuitoni ka. Roujrvri.«,) verjetno pripisali smrtnosti med prežimovanjem. Pozimi je ta vrsta Se vedno pogosta v slovenskih jamah; najdena je bila do nadmorske višine 1000 m. Družina Vespertiltonidae Gray. IH21 Barbastella cfr. barbastellus (Schrebcr. 1774) Ostanke Sirokouhega netopirja smo našli samo v dveh vzorcih: leva spodnja čelj ustnica (vzorec 23/14) in rostrum brez zob (vzorec 9/8). Spodnja čeljust ni ca je iz globoke plasti in morda sodi v plast 5. Rostrum je nekoliko širši kol pri devetih reeentnih širokouhih netopir i ili iz Slovenije (si. 7.5; razpredelnica 7..!). I'o drugi strani pa dvodimenzionalni diagram med dolžino in širino 3. spodnjega meljaka ne pokaže nobenih razlik med rceentnim in fosilnim materialom (s!. 7.6; razpredelnica 7.3). Zaio se zdi, da so širok ou h i netopirji i z Divjih bab I hI j ž ji recenlm vrsti /i. barbastellas kot pa fosilni vrsii/i shadleriWettestein, l923(Rabeder 1974). Razpredelnica 7. i: Opisna statistika /a dimenzije rostruma in /oh pri recentnem Sirokolihem netopirju Barbastella barbastellus iz Slovenije in pri fosilnem materialu iz Divjih b;ib i Podani so velikost v/oren (v oklepaju), povprečje standardna dcviacija) in variacijsku širina (spodnja vrata) Table 7.3: Descriptive statistics for rostral and dental measurements in recent Barbastella barbastellus from Slovenia and fossil material from Divje bab« I. Also given are sample size (in parentheses), mean (± standard error), and range (lower row). Slovenija (recenlni) Divje babe I Slovenia (recent) Divje babe 1 C-M1 (9) 4.594 ±0.174 4.4 4.25 - 4.85 M1 - M1 (9) 5.283 0.173 5.5 5-[) - 5.5 M, dolžina (9) 1,027 ±0.03 K 1.09 M, length 0.98-l.il M, širina (9) 0,462 ±0.051 0.45 M, breadth 0.42 - 0.55 MjH um- • • om- u» • ■ • * * • • • M]L u9 ics ti ss- M> M1 • • • ta- • • • • m- * - • C-M3 u 4 4 jg te SI. 7.5: Odnos in«! širino rostruma prek meljakov (M1 - M') in razdaljo od podočnika do .1 gornjega meljaka (C - M1} pri širokouhih netopirjih. Pike prestavljajo recinlne primerke Barbastella barbastellus i/ Slovenije, zvezda pa označuje fosilni primerek i/ Divjih bab I Fifi 7.5; Scatter diagram plot of rostral breadth across molars (M' - Ml :igains[ I lie tli stilne o from the upper canine to I he .1 rd upper molar (C IVI1) in barbast e I le s. I Jots reprcsenI ree c lit Barbastella barbaslclhis from Slovenia, while asterisk indicates fossil specimen from Divje bahe i. Sr»v.x minutus Linnaeus, 1766 Tlie pygmy shrew was found in 10 samples, two of which came from layer 2. The range of coronoid heights in six specimens (2-8 - 3.4 mm; mean 3.14 mm) corresponds with recent specimens of S. minutus from Furope ([ bitterer 1990). Family Talpidae Fischer von Waldheim. 1817 Talpa ettmpaea Linnaeus, I 758 Mole remains (mainly humeri, but also fragments of ulnae, rostral portions of skulls, mandibles, hip bones and isolated cheek teclh) were extracted from 20 samples. The moie was already present in ihc oldest layer (layer 5). The two hip bones in the assemblage are of the europaeoidal type (sensu Gmlich 1971j. c, with bone anastomosis between the os sacrum and (he ossa istM closing the 4th foramen sacrale. posteriorly (/-7^' 7.3). Such a pel vie constitution is characteristic of T europaea, The relative rostral breadth (100 x rostral breadth across molars / maxillary tooth-row) is narrow compared it> thai of recent moles from Slovenia, while SI. 7.6- Odnos med šin no 3. Spodnjega molj j ka (M,h) in njegovo tlidJ.mo (M,L) pri širokouhih netopirjih. Pike prestavljajo recentne primerke Barbastella barbastellus i i Slovenije, zvezda psi OHiačuje fosilni primerek i/ Divjih bab I. Fig. 7. rt. Scíi 1 tfir d iagram plot o f breaill h of thc 3 rd lower mola r (MjBJagainstits length (M ,1 ) iti baibastelles. Dots represe nt retent Hiirhu.itvlla barbastellus frtim Slovenia, whileasterisk útil ¡cates fossil specimcn fmjii I Jivje babe I S9 Maj i si-sai i i (Im-ití i iviin.v, nimini ka, Kiiohmtia) Eptesk us nilssoni (Key seri ing and Blas i us, 18 3 9) Severnega netopir j a smo našli v petih vzore iti i 1 D/ 8,41 C/4,49/3,6pi0,83/14). Od teli leži en vzorec blizu združenih plasti 2 ■ 5b. drugi pa morda sodi v plast 4 ali 5. Ta netopir še vedno živi v slovenskih Alpah (Cervcny in Krystulek 1991). Myotic bechsteini (Kuhi, 1817) Velikemu navadnemu netopirju pripada desna spodnja čeljuslmea iz vzorca ] 13/5. Vrsta je vezana na gozdove(Schoher& Grimmberger 1989), Myvtis Mytl¡i (Tomes, 1857} Ostrouhi netopirje zastopan z dvema desnima spodnjima čeljuslnicama iz vzorcev 9/11 in 23/2. Ta netopir živi v toplih območjih, ki niso gosto porasla s. drevjem in grmičevjem (Schober in Grimmbcrger 1989). V Sloveniji je v glavnem vezan na sub mediteransko območje, nedavno pa smo ga zabeležili tudi na južnih pobočjih Julijskih Alp, nedaleč od Divjih bab I (neobjavljeni podatek). Miniopterus schteibersi (Kuh i, 1817) Posten omi del desne spodnje čel justiiice (vzorec 109/6) kaže vse značilnosti dolgokrilega netopirja (si 7,4.d). Red Rodentia Gri fftth, 18 27 Družina Sciuridae Gray, 1821 Alpskega svizca Marmota marmota (Linnaeus, 1758), ki je v plasteh iz Divjih bab 1 pogost, obravnavata Turk in Dirjee (ta zbornik), Sciurus vulgaris Linnaeus, 1758 En sani 1, levi zgornji meljak iz vzorca 113/7 se v ničemer ne razlikuje od rece nt ne navadne veverice iz Slovenije Družina Muridae llliger, 1815 Poddmžina Arvicolinae t iray, 1X2] Arvicol a t erres iris (Linn aeus. 1758) Veliki voluhar je zastopan že v najstarejših plasteh 5 in 4. Prvi spodnji meljaki iz najgloblje plasti 5 nimajo odcbeljcnc posteriorne plasti emajla in tanke unten o me plasti, zato uvrščamo vse primerke k recent ni vrsli A. ter res tris. V dolžini I. spodnjega meljaka se fosilni primerki iz Divjih bab I ne razlikujejo od recentnega materiala z istega nahajališča (razpredelnica 7.4), ki pripadajo majhni fosorialni obliki. Vsi štirje pregledani 3. zgornji meljaki pripadajo morfotipu "Simplex"'^/. 7.7. h). the mandibular looth-row length suggests a slightly larger size in Ibssil moles when compared with recent ones (Table 7.2). Order Chi rt>ptera I i I tune nbae h, 1779 Of the 51 samples containing bat fragments, only 30 (i. e. 58,8 %) eouJd be determined to species. Family Rhinplophidae Gray, 1825 R him ¡¡oph us hipposideros {Bee hstein, 18(10} The lesser horseshoe bat was the most common bat found in the Ibssil assemblages of Divjc babe I -this is most probably due lo mortality ¿luring hibernation. The species is still a common winter dweller in Slovenian caves, being lound up to 1.000 m a. s .1. Family Vespertilionidae Gray, 1821 Mil rbastclla c fr. bu rbastelIt is (Sch rehe r, 1774) Two samples contained fragments of the barbastelle: a left mandible in sample 23/14 and a rostrum (without teeth) in sample 9/8, The mandible is from a deep layer, probably close to layer 5. The rostrum is slightly broader than of nine recent barbastells from Slovenia (Fig. 7,5; '¡able 7,3). On the other hand, a bivariate plot of the width of the 3rd lower molar against its length placed the fossil specimen close to recent Slovenian material (Fig, 7,6; ¡able 7.3). l orthat reason barbastelles from Divjc babe i seem closer to recent B. barbasteilus than to the fossil B shadleri Wetteslein, 1923 (Uabcdcr 1974). Eptesit iis nilsson/ (Keyserl ing and B las ius> 1839) The northern bat was identified in five .samples (10/8.41C/4,49/3,65/10,83/14). two of which are pmb-ably referable lo layers 2 + 5b and 4 or 5, respectively. This specics sii! I populates the Slovenian Alps(Ccrveny & KryStufek 1991), Mvotis bechsteini {Kultl. 1817) A single rigbl mandible (sample 113/5) is referable lo Beehstein's bat, a species generally considered lo be associated with wooded areas (Schober & Grimmbcrger 1989), My at is blythi (Tomes, 1857) Two right mandibles (samples 9/11 and 23/2) belong to the lesser mouse-cared bat. The species inhabits warm areas with not too-dense tree and scrub cover (Schober it Grimmbcrger 1989) In Slovenia it is res trie led mainly io sub-Mediterranean region, but ii was recently recorded also From the southern slopes of the Julian Alps, not far from Divjc babe I (unpublished data). 90 SMAM MAMMtl S (l\SI l i IY< hkA, CHlH0H1 HA. Roll] vi ia) Razpredelnica 7.4: Opisna statistika /a dolžino 1. spi)dii|cga meljuka (M, I pri rcCCnttlih in fosilnih voluharjih Anicola terrestris v/ Divjih bab I. F - test (F 0.0i)5) ni statistično značilen ( p '0.05). Podani so velikost vzorca i N |. povprečje (Ml. standardno deviaeija (SD) in Variacijsku širina (min -ni:i\|. Table 7.4: Descriptive statistics for length o I the t si lower molar (M ) in recent and fossil Anicola ten ■est ris from Divje babe I. F - ratio (i: O.OitS) vrn not sigflifieaul [p O.O.ŠJ. A t so gi ven are snmple size (N), mea n IM ), si a nil a n.1 error (S D) and range (min - mas) N M SD mm max recentiii - recent 7 3.X8 0.293 3.59 4.40 fosilni - fossil 10 3.X4 0.307 3.21 4.29 ('hionoinvs nivalis l Martins. IN42) Snežna voluharica je pogosta v vseli plasteh iz Divjih bab I Povprečna dolžina 1. spodnjega meljaka (Mt) 75 primerkov znaša 2,99 mm (variacij ska širina 2.51 - 3,35 mm, standardnadeviabija 0,161). V materialu iz Divjih bab I so zastopani vsi štirje morfotipi Mr prevladuje pa nivalidni morfotip (si. 7.7: razpredelnica 7.5). Snežna voluharica v okolici Divjih bab i ne živi več; južni robarcnla alpske populacije poteka približno 10 km se ve meje (Kryitufek 1991). Razpredelnica 7,5. Frekvence zastopanost i posameznih mo^fotipov I. spodnjega meljaka pri fosilnih snežnih vol uharicah Chhmtenvs nivalis Iz Divjih ha h I ni dveh rečen Inih populacijah iz Slovenije (Julijske Alpe iti Snežnik}. Podatki /¡i rečeni ne populacije so povzeti i/ Krvšliilkii (1990), Tuhle 7.5; Krct|lietleies ot"ttHirpn0lypesot lhc lst lowermolar in. tassil ( hiono/ms ni\itlix from Divje babe I and lwo reeent popuhnions from Sloveniji; the Julian Alpsand Mt. Sneinik. Valaes for reeent material are from Kryštnfek 11 990}- ( 'letin it mu m \ >s glai vohts (Sch reber. 17 1) Gozdna voluharica jc v fosilnem materialu iz Divjih bab I najpogostejši mali sesalce. Zastopana je v vseh plasteh. Prvi spodnji molja k je pri fosilnih votuharicah daljši kol pa pri rečeni n: h živalih istega nahajališča (razpredelnica 7.6). Reeentne gozdne vol uharice iz Slovenije in sosednjih območij kažejo Miniopterus schretbersi (Kuhl, 1X17) A posterior fragment of a riglit mandible (sample 109/6) displays all the peculiarities of this bat (Fig, 7.4.d). Order Rodcntia Griffith, 1X27 Family Sciuridae Gray, 1X21 The Alpine marmot Mnmiotn irtamioia (Linnaeus, I75X). an abundant species in sediments from Diyje babe I, is prelliminaty discussed by Turk and Dirjec (this volume). Sciurus vulgaris Linnaeus, 175X A single I si lell upper molar from sample 113/7 appears not to differ from recent red squirrels from Slovenia, Family Muridae llliger, 1X15 Subfamily Arvicolinae Gray. 1X21 Arvicola terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758) Water vole was found in the oldest layers, layers 5 and 4, first lower molars from the deepest layer (5) do not show thick posterior vs. thin anierioi enamel, thus all specimens are referable lo the recent A. terrestris. 1 lie lengths of I he 1st lower molar of fossil water voles from Divje babe I do noi differ from that of recent uia-serial from the same locality (Table 7.4) which belongs to a small, fossoriul form. All the 3rd upper molars examined in 4)aicofthe"simplex"niorpbotype(I ig. 7.7 b) i Viionoin)-v nivalis (Martins, IX4 2) The snow vole is abundant in all sediment layers from Diyje babe 1. The average length of the 1st lower molar (M ) in 75 specimen^was 2.99 mm (range 2 51 - 3.35 mm, standard error 0,1611. All four basic VI mi a pbot y pes are represented in the Divje babe I material. with the "invalid" morpholype (Fig. 7, 7) being the most common (I able 7.5). Snow voles no longer occur in I he \ icinity of Divje babe I, with the southern border ot the Alpine population now lying approximately Id km to the north < Kryitufek 1991), I'letIn it >nton c.v gini i'i>his (Schfeber. 17 SO) Bank voles were the most common small mammals in i he fossil fitutui of Divje babe I. and were represented in all layei~s l ossil voles from Divje babe i display a significantly longer first lower molar than recent Counterparts from the same locality [ '¡hhle 7.6). Since recent butik voles from Slovenia and adjacent regions follow Hermanns rule (Janzekovie 1996), larger fossil specimens eould be ascribed to colder climatic regimes associated with more pronounced seasonality in the I ;pper Pleistocene. Divje kibe I fosilni Divje babe I fossil |n 109) "nival id" 62,4 *niv. 33.9 "advanced nival id" 2 . S "gtuT (1.9 Julijske Alpe Snežnik reče nI ni rccenini Julian Alps Ml. Snežnik recent recent in =53) (n - 26) 71.0 65.4 17.0 15,4 7.5 IM 4 5 3.8 91 19813426 VIAI 1 MS,A 1.11 {lNSi:CnVOH,1, ČHIHLHTtRA, Rdlll'Ml.vl pozi liven liergmannov odziv (laužekovič 1996), zato lahko večje fosilne vol uharice razložimo s hladnejšo klimo in bolj izraženimi razlikami med toplim tn hladnim delom teta v zgornjem pleisiocemt. Razpredelnica 7,(>: Opisna statistika /¡i dolžino 1 spodnjega meljaka pri recenlnih in fosilnih gozdnih vol uharic ah Clethrioriomvs glareolus iz Divj ih bah 1,17 - test (I 7. i 711 je stilistično značilen pri p - 0.05. Podani so velikost vzorca (N), povprečje (M), standardna deviacija (SD) m vanacijska Širina (min - mas), Tabli' 7.6: Descriptive statistics lor Il-h^iIi of t lie 1st lower molar in recent and fo^siU 'lelhriowtinysglareolus from Divje babe I. F - ratio (P = 7.371} was significant at p < 0.05, Also £ t ven arc sample size (N), mean \ M), standard error (S!)j and range (min - ma it). N M SD min - max recentni ■ recent 73 2.38 0.117 2 2.58 fosilni - fossil S5 2.43 0,141 2.06 2.74 Mit) Otus ag/1 -stis/anal is Prve spodnje meljake (M^ z ločenima deti bliski ma poljema 3. in 4. tri kotnika [T4and T5) smo našli v plasteh 2, 2 + 5b, 4 in 5. Na osnovi oblike aniero-kotiidnega kompleksa (,17. 7.7) jih lahko vse pripišemo vrstama Mierot as arvalis (I'a I las. i 779) in/ali M. agrestis (J.innaeLis, 1761). Vrstt smo poskušati razlikovati po metodi, ki ¡oje predlagal Nadaehowski (I9K4). V recentnem materialu iz osrednje Slovenije ima vrsta l/. agrestis daljši M,(povprečje \02 nun: variacyska Širina 2,7 6 - 3,45 m m; n 45) kot vrsta M arvalis (po v prečj c 2,66 mm; variacijska širina 2,41 - 2,93 mm; n 45). Vai iacijska širina fosilnih primerkov iz Divjih b£[b I (2,37 - 3.24 mm; n 4')) kaže na prisotnost obeh vrst (glej razpršenost fosilnih primerkov vzdolž abscise; si. 7.iS1). Pri vrsti M arvalis sta trikotnika T4 in T5 bolj ali manj enako velika, pri Vrsti M. agrestis pa je T5 večji Od I 4. Če na nese m o na ordinato količnik T4 s 15 kot imenovalcem (I4T5), na absciso pa dolžino Mt, lahko rečeni ni material z veliko mero gotovosti pripišemo ustrezni vrsti (si. 7,r¥). Fosilni primerki, ki ležijo v poligonu recentnih osebkov vrste M. arvalis ne dosegajo visokih vrednosti količnika T4/T5. Tako imajo, kljub kratkemu Mr dejansko zob tipa "agrestis". Med posameznimi stratigral.skimi plastmi ni nobenih značilnih razlik, v dolžini M, (F 0.756; p > 0.05). ki hi kazale na morebitne trende v spremembi njegove dolžine. To je seveda lahko tudi posledica majhnih vzorcev v posameznih plasteh. Prisotnost vrste M. agrestis v fosilu iS t plasteh potrjujejo irije 2, zgornji meljaki (M ) z, dodatnim posterolingvalnim trikomikom (sL 7,7.1); primerki so iz združenih plasti 2 ■ 5b in iz plasti 4. Tako zaenkrat lahko Alie mías agres/is/arvahis First lower molars (M,) with separated dental fields of the 4tli and 5th triangles (T4 and T5) were identified from layers 2, 2 +■ 5b, 4, and 5. liy the shape of the anteroconid complex (Fig. 7.7), these are all referable to M if rot us arvalis (Pallas, 1779) or M agres! is (Linnaeus, 1761). A method first proposed by Nada-chbwski (I9k4) was applied to ascribe first lower molar? to one or other of the two species. In recent material from central Slovenia, the M, is longer in M. agrestis (mean 3.02 mm; range 2.7b - 3.45 mm; n 45) than in M.arvatis(mean 2,66mm;range 2.41 - 2,93 mm; n 45). The range of the fossil specimens from Divje babe 1 (2,37 to 3.24 mm; n 40) suggests that both M a b c d o t 9 h 1 J k I m ' in SI. 7.7: Meljaki fosilnih vol uharic iz Divjih hab I. (a)Arvitola ter>es Ins: (a} I. spodnji mcljak (vzorec 27/11. plast 5); (b) 3. zgornji mcljak, "simplex*' morfotip t vzorce (• 1/7). Cliionomys nivalis: l. spodnji meIjaki: (c) "nival id " moifoti p (vzorec 114 ¡i): (d) " nivalid-iii(tiecpid" morfotip {vzorec 34C77); (o) "nival id-rail iccpi d" morfotip (vzorec 34A/5); (02. /gornji mcljak, "radnensis" morfotip {vzorec 62B/(i). ('leihrioiuiinys glaredlvS' I. spodnja ttieljaka i/ vzorcev 11 ii/4 ly} in 3(i(i (h); f ■ > 3. zgornji mcljak. "complex" moMblip {vzon-e 7/14, plast 5). Microtia agfi'xtix (vsi i/ p kisi i -I). I spodnja melj.ikn i/. vzorcev 1219 (i) in 48C/3 (k); 111 2, zgoniji mcljak (vzorce 8/ lU. Microtia sublerraneus/midtiplex: I, spodnja mcljak a iz vzorcev 55iV7(m)in 115/7 (n). Črtaodgovarja dolžini l mm Fiti, 7.7. Molar patterns in loss i 1 vole^ from Divje babe L fa) Arvicola Icnvstris: (a) 1st lower molar (sample 27/11, layer 5 >; 1 b J 3 i d upper molar^simp! ex" frtorpbolype {s a i tipi e fi I /7 >. ('iiio/WHjib nivalis: \ si lower molars: (c) "ni vai Id" tnorphotype (sample 114/K); Id) "nival id-railicepid" morphotype (sample 34C/7); (v) "nivalid-ratticepid" morpbotype (sample 34A/.C>): (I) 2nd upper molar, "radnensis" nwrphptype (sample 62B/6) CleihrtDitomv.t glareolttt: 1st lower molars from samples 116/ 1 (g) and fi lli), (113rd uppei malar, "complex" morphatypc (smtiple 7/14, layer 5), Mitnitus agresti.t (nil fro tn lay e r 4): 1st Iowl-i molars from samples 12;<5 (j)and48C/3 (k); (1) 2nd upper molar (sample X/ll), Uicratus subtcrratleus/muliiplex: 1st lower molars from samples 5 5 Hi 7(ht)and 115/7 (n). Scale bar = I mm. 92 Si MA M M A MM IMS (ÍNSECTIVOK A, t'HIKIIIMl.KA, Rop! \illA) z gotovostjo rečemo samo to, da prisotnost vrste A/ ugrestii v Divjih babah I ni sporna. Microtia m u hipiex/subterraneus Pri determinaciji fosilnih pitymoidnih prvih spodnjih meljakov (Ml smo upoštevali dve recent ni vrsti: M. subterraneus(deSclys-Longchamps, 1836)in M. multiplex (Fatio, 1905). Čeprav se razlikujeta v velikosti (M. multiplea- je večji), se vrednosti dolžine M ined obema vrstama na veliko prekrivajo (razpredelnica 7.7). Fosilni material kaže\mesne vrednosti lega znaka, tako da tvori homogena seta /obema rečeni nima vrstama (razpredelnica 7.7). Vseeno pa visoke maksimalne vrednosti dolžine M., ki jih dosegajo fosilni primerki, nakazujejo, da so ti dejansko bližji vrsti M multiplex. Današnja razšir jenost vrstit/, multiplex in M. subterraneus v Sloveniji je pretežno alopatriena (KryStufek 199]). Razpredelnica 7,7, Opisna statistika za dolžino 3. spodnjega meljaka (M,) v In-h v/oreih voluharič S pitymoidairn M,. I tomogeni seli so povezani / navpično Črto. 1 - test je statistično značilen pri p ■ tl.OS (F 3.298). Številke vzorcev; I reccntni Micntiuimbierrtmeus, osrednja Slovenija; 2 - reccntni M. multiplex, Slovenija; i - fosilni vzorec iz Divjih bab i. Podani mi velikost vzorca (N), povprečje (M), standardna dcviacija(SO) in vnriacijska širina {min - max). Table 7.7: Descriptive statistics for length of the 1st lower molar (M,) in three samples of voles with pity moid M,. Ilu-mogeiKOUSsets are connected by a verticals line. I - ratio was Significant a i p ■ 0 05 (F 121>X), Identifying numbers of samples: I - recvTilMicrtHussubterranens,central Slovenia; 2 - reeem M. multiples. Slovenia: 3 fossil sample from Divje babe I- Also given are sample si/e (N), mean (M), standard error (SI >) and range (min - max}. Vzorce N M SD min - max Homogeni mi Sample BonwgemxiLGieb 1 30 2.65 0.129 2.23 - 2.86 X 3 22 2,69 0.164 2.37 - 3.14 XX 2 33 2.75 0.153 2.48 - 3.14 X Poddružina Murinae lllinger, IS 15 A padem t is fla\'it oUts/svi vat k us Ker je mesiolabialna grbica (t3) pri sol na pi i vseh 3, zgornjih meljakih. smo v fosilnem materialu iz Divjih bab I izključili prisotnost vrste A pode mas agrarius (Pallas. 1771). Pri determinaciji smo zato upoštevali samo dve rec entn i vrsti: A poden i us l/a > •« "l/is (Melchi or. 1834) in .1. svlvaticus (Lirmaeus, 1758). Dimenzije I, zgornjega meljaka so omogočale boljše razlikovanje med reecntniina vrstama (si, 7, 'J), kol dimenzi je I. spodnjega meljaka (si. 7.10). Prisotnost ramenogrle mi3i A. jlavicallis v fosilnih plasteh ni vprašljiva, četudi noben a nabs and M. agrestis are present m I he samples (see the distribution of fossil specimens along the x-axis on Fig. 7,iV). Furthermore, in .1/. arvalis triangles T4 and T5 are subequal; whilst in M. agrestis T5 is larger than 14. A bivariaic plot of ihe quotient ot'T4 withTS as the denominator (T4/T5) against M| length successfully separated recent voles jFig, 7.S). 1 fowevcr, fossil specimens within the polygon of rccent M. arvalis do not attain the higher values of the quotient T4T5 and, despite a shorter molar, actually have the agrestis M. morphotype, No significant differences in the lengths of M, between different layers can be demonstrated which could explain, for example temporal size shifts (F 0,756, p > 0.05), However, this could also be an artefact of small sample size amongst st rat ¡graphically allocated material. Further evidence of the presence of M, agrestis amongst the fossil material comes from three second upper molars [M J with an additional pi is lent-lingual triangle (Fig. 7.7. /); these specimens are from layers 2 i 5b and 4. For the time being, we can only say that the presence ofM. agrestis in Divje babe 1 is beyond doubt. Microtus m a Itiplex/su btewotneus Two recent species were considered when determining fossil pityrnoid 1st lower molars (M,); M subterranetts (de Selys-Longchamps, 1836)and M. multiplex f Fatio, 1905). Although the two differ in size (M. multiplei being larger), there is great overlap in M length between them (Table 7.7). Fossil material shows SI. 7.K. Odttos iiicd količnikom irilcpimkov T4 s Tí kot imenovalcem (T4/T5) in dolžino 1. spodnjega meljaka (M,L) pri Mit raui.s ogrextis/arvalis. Poligona obkrožata vrednosti za 45 reccittnih M agrestis (sklenjena črta) in 45 recentnili M. arvalis (prekinjena črta) iz osrednje Slovenije, Pike označujejo fosilne primerke Microtia agfcstix/anwlis v/. Divjih bah I. Fifi. 7.8: Scatter diagram plot of the quotient of'iriangles T4 with T5 as denominator (T4/T5) against the length of the first lower molar (M, I.) in Microtus (tffesiWarvaht, Polygons enclose saxes fin145 recent M agrestis (straight line) and 45 rccent M. arvalis (broken line), both from centra] Slovenia, Dots indicate fossil Afierahisagrestis/arvalis from Divje babe I. 93 Mai i SESlUCl(lNSKt rivdn£ C '■ ITKi "!■■ i ■ ha. Rommia) ud 2. zgornjihmeljakov ne kažezlitih grbtc 16 in 19, kar sc. siccr v različnih trek ven call, pojavna samo pri tej vrsti (Tvrtkovič lL>79). V materialu je verjetno prisotna tudi navadna belonoga miš A. sylvaticux, je pa na vsak način veliko redkejša. Takšno številčno razmerje med dvema vrstama belonogih miši je še danes značilno /a gozdnata območja Sloveni je. Družina Myoxidue Gray, 1821 Muscardinus avellatianus (Linnaeus, 1758) Podlesek je zastopan v šestih fosilnih vzorcih (99/ 5, 100/5, 100/6, 110/3, M0/6, 115/3) z najmanj štirimi primerki. Sodeč po dimenzijah t. spodn jega meljaka so fosilni primerki večji od recentnili pcjdkskov i/Slovenije ( v/, 71! J; razpredelnica 7.S). RaU?rede!mca 7.X: Opisna statistika za dolžino in širino prvega spodnjega meljaka (M() pri rccctitmh pudleskih Musrardtnus avettanarms iz Slovenije in fosilnem materialu iz Divjih bab J. V obeh pri meri h je I - lesi statistično značilen pri p 0,05. Podani so velikost vzorca (v oklepaju), povprečje in i ariacijska širina (spodnja vrsta). Table 7.8: Descriptive statistics for length and breadth of the first lower molar t M i in recent Xiuscardinus avellanarius from Slovenia and fossil material from Divjih bab I, In both eases F ratios were significant at p - 0.05. Also given arc sample size (in parentheses), mean, and range (lower tow). an intermediate position in M, length, forming homogeneous sets with both recent species (Table 7.7), I low-ever, based on the high maximum values for M, length, Divje babe I specimens seem to be closest to M multiplex. Today M, multiplex and M. subterraneux are mainly allopatric in Slovenia (KiyStutek 1991). Subfamily Murinae 11 li nger, 1815 Apodem us flu vii oUis/syh 'a ticus Since all 3rd upper molars display a mesio-labial cone (131 it was possible to exclude ihe presence of Apodem us tigrarius (Pallas, 1771) from the Divje babe I material. Consequently, two recent species were con-si tiered: Apodetttus flavicollis (\1elehior, 1834) and ,-t. svJvatk ux (Linnaeus, 1758). The dimensions of the 1st upper molar provided a better separation between the two recent species (Fig, 7.9) than do the dimensions of the iirst lower molar (Fig 7.10), The presence of A. fhtvit oHis in fossil assemblages is definite, although none oi the 2nd upper molars showed fused cones t6 and I1), a character found only in this species (Tvrtkovie 1979). Apodenmx syUnfit us is also likely to be present in the assemblages, but much rarer. This relationship between the two wood mouse species is common still in the wooded regions of central Slovenia, I ¿unity Myoxidae Gray, 1821 Muscardinus aveltanarius I Linnaeus, 1758) The common dormouse ts represented in six fossil samples (99/5, 100/5, 10(1/6, 110/3, 110/6,115/3) hy at least font specimens. Based on dimensions of the 1st lower molar, specimens from 1 )ivje babe I appear to be larger than recent material from Slovenia (Fig. 7.11; Table 7.8). Slovenija (recent ni i Divje babe 1 F - lest Slovenia! recent) Divje babe t - lesl M, dolžina (111) 1.605 (4) 1.667 5350 M, length 1.51 - 1 ¿65 1.65 - 1.68 M, širina (10) 1.168 (4) 1.246 5.794 M breadth 1.12 - 1.26 1.19-1.25 ■t lyo.wts glh (Linnaeus, 1766) Navadni polh je v fosilnem material n prisoten začenši s plastjo 5, pogost pa je samo v vzorcih, ki so pod površjem. Poleli, v času izkopavanj v Divjih babah I, je 1. Turk (ustno sporočilo) približno 20 cm pod SI. 7.9: Odnos med širino I. /gornjega meljaka (M'B) in njegovo dolžino (Ml.) pri belonogih miših. Poligona obkfiliala vrednosti za -15 recenttiih A. Jlavicutlis (sklenjena i na) in 35 receiuuih/f, sy}vaiicus (prckinjciitairta) iz osrednje Slovenije. Pike predstavljajo fosilne primerke i / Divjih bab I. Fig 7.9: Seal ter diagram plot o!'breadth ofthe ilrsi tipper malar(M'B) against its length(M'( )inwoodmiec. Polygons ene lose seores for ?5 rečen t A. Jlavieollts (stnight lini: t and 35 rečen t A. sylvaticus (broken line), bolh from central Slovenja, Dots inditate fossll spccimens from Divje babe i A h vj.vh.v g!is (Linnaeus, 1766) I he edible do rj no use was recorded from layer 5 upwards, but it was common only in the surface layer. During summer excavations in Divje babe I. living edible dormice were found twice at a depth of appro*. 2(1 - M B 14- * * • 13- / t • / t • • - • * • / • l/ • tl- m'L v ie 23 94 površjem dvakrat našel speče polhe. V obeh primerih so bili pod sigo, kije holocenskega izvora. Polak < 1996) je pokazal, da ptillii redno zahajajo globoko v jame, kjer i ti d i prežim ijo. Zalo ne moremo povsem izključiti kontaminacije najbolj /goni i h pleislocenskih p I asi i / recentnimi polhi. Sm.m i mammaI s (Ins i iivijka, Cuirupii ha Ituui siia) cm below ilie surliiee (I Turk, personal communication)!. In both cases they were found below the flow stone, which is of I lolocene origin. Pofak (19%) provides evidence that the edible dormouse regularly peneirates deep into the caves, where it also hibernates. I litis, we cannot exclude the contamination of the uppermost Pleistocene layers by intrusive recent dormice. 7.4. SESTAVA FAVNf MALIH SFSAI.C'EV fosilni material i/ D K jih bab I vključuje najmanj 515 primerkov malih sesalcev, ki pripadajo vsaj 20 vrstam. (Ruzprvdctnii ti 7. 9) Samo 83 primerkov ( 15 ,S %), od katerih jih je 75 glodalcev, smo lahko uvrstili v eno od petih obravnavani h plasli. Dve od teh plasti, 2 i 5b in 3 + 4 (+ 5a), sta bili združeni,zato si / njima nismo mogli pomagati pri rekonstrukciji favnističnih zaporedij. Najstarejša plast 5 datira v čas približno 40.000 let pred sedanjostjo (odslej p, s), p las I 2 pa v čas pri bi. 30,000 let p,S, Plast 4 lc/i med plastema 2 in 5 (za diskusijo glede absolutnih datacij glej Nelson v tem zborniku). Primerki / /nuno starostjo tako izvirajo iz interpleniglaciala wiirmske puledenilve. Med tremi plastmi ni velikih razlik v sestav i fav ne glodalcev, Vsega je prisotnih 7 laksonov, od katerih je pet voluharic. Bclonoge miši in navadni po J h so zastopani v zelo nizkem Številu, podlesek pa sploh manjka. Najmanj tri vrste (C. glamolus. A. fltivkoliix in M. glis) kažejo na obstoj gozdov. Ker sla vrsti A. JJavicidlis ¡11 M glis 7.4. Composition of small mammal FAUNA At least 515 specimens of small mammal, belonging to a minimum of 20 species were identified amongst fossil material from Divje babe 1 I Table 7.9). I lowever. only 83 specimens (i. e. li.K %). 75 of them rodents, were allocated to one of the five sirat ¡graphic layers. Two of these (2 ■+ 5b and 3 t" 4 (+5a)), were mixed, and thus of liltle help in understanding lauual sequences. The oldest layer 5 is dated lo appro*. 40,000 BP, and layer 2 to apprux. 30,000 bp. Layer 4 is intermediate (see Nelson, this volume, tor discussion on absolute dating). Specimens with known age come thus from the Interpleniglacial of the Wiirm Gluciation. There is not much variation in the composition of rodent faunas between the three layers: they include 7 taxa, 5 of which are voles. Wood mice and the edible dormouse are very rare, whilst the common dormouse is absent from all of these. At least three species (C. glarevljis, ■Iflai'uolh.s, M, gli.t) indicate the presence of forests. Since A. t3r M,B * • * • • 1.2- * • • - * • • • • 1.1- M,L 1SS « mi SI. 7.10: Odnos med Širino I. spodnjega meljaka iM.Ht in njegovo dolžino i M 1,1 pri be le nog i h miših. Poligona obkrožata vrednosti /a .15 reeentmh .1. /Juvici>llis (sklenjena i rta) in 3? reeentnih A. sylvtilicits < prekinjena i na 1 i/, osrednje Slovenije. Pike predstavljajo fosilne primerke i/, Divjih bub l Fig. 7, II) Scatter diagram plot of breadth ut' the lirs! lower molar fM,[l) against it* length i M.L ) III wood mice. Polygons enclose scores lor 35 recent 1 flavicollis (Straight line) and 35 recent I wlvatic&s (broken linel. both from Slovenia. Dol s indicate toss i 1 specimens from Divje babe I SI. 7.11: Odnos med širino 1. spodnjega meljaka (M,B) in njegovo dolžino tMJ.) pri podleskih MuscanJimis awha-nanus P ike predstavljajo reeentne živali i/ Slovenije, /ve/de pa fosilne primerke i/ Divjih btib 1. Fig. 7. !i Scatter diagram plat ol ihe breadth of the first lower molar (m, b) against its length (m,l) in the common dorniousv, Mn-tcardinuxavetlanarius. IX Ms represent ten recent s pee i men s from Slovenia and asterisks indicate fossil material from Divje bahe I. 95 Mai i si.vm i i (Insii umika, t 'inw.ine k.v kuni vfia) odvisni od semen, plodov in podobne mehke ter hranljive hrane, ne moreta preživeli v čistih sestojih iglavcev, Zaradi njune ni/te Številčnosti domnevamo, da so bili prisotni tudi plodonosni listavci, ki pa so hili najbrž redki. Takšen zaključek je v skladu s podatki o pn leo vegetacij i lltvjdi bab l, Culibmg in Šercelj (ta zbornik) sta za plasti 4 in 5 potrdila prisotnost bukve. Snežna v o ki h urica Ch. nivali-t (vezana na kamni Si a) in vrste rodu i turom s t vezane na travnike) pričajo o tem, tla so bili v gozdovih tudi odprti habiiati, torej travniki in kamni še a. Verjetno so bili ha h i ta t i podobni da naš njun na /gornjem robu gozdne meje (1.500 do 2.000 m nad morjem), ki pa jih najdemo tudi v nižjih legah, npr, na strmih skalnatih pobočjih. Izgleda, da je bila klima zmerna. Kri. prisoten v plasteh 4 iu 5, pozimi ne prenese globoko zmrznjenih tal. Edina dva netopirja z znanim stratigrafskim položajem I Rh. hlpposidems in M. bh ifii) sta vezana na topla območja. Po drugi slrtini pa razmeroma velike gozdne vol uharice kanejo na hladnejSo klimo kot je na območju Divjih bab I danes. Prevladuje mnenje, daje treba večino kostnih akumulacij v jamah pripisati plenilcem, še posebej sovam. To pomeni, tla se v sestav i vzorca kažejo preference plenilca do posameznih kategorij plena. V takem primeru vzorci ne k a žejo dej a tisk eses in ve združbe tnalih sesalcev (Andrews IM(V>. Rcccntnn favno, ki smo jo primerjali s fosilno, smo zalo raje kot z neposrednim lovom vzorčili s pomočjo izbljuvkov sov. Vzorec izbljuvkov je nabral I Tur k oh vhodu v S pod mol pod Stražnikom, ki leži vsega 3,5 km jugovzhodno od Divjih bab I, Izbljuvki sn bili že razkrojem, zato ne vemo. kateri sovi pripadajo. Sodeč pO sestav i plena, pa je hita tO najhrž lesna sova St/'ix uhu o (D, Tome, ustno), Rečen In i vzorce je presenetljivo podoben fosilnim združbam i/ Divjiii bab I /a razliko od plasti SI 7.12. LfPGMA dendrogram, ki povzema na iaccurdovcni koeficientu cJC> temelječo matriko podobnosti med štirimi fosilnimi in eno reeenttio združbo tnalih sesalcev. K o tenets k a knrelaCija /naša i fl.059. Oznake: ¡al - ( k'issenkliisterle 2, Nemčija, pribl. ODOlel p,s.;b) Dryas, Nemčija; (g) - Divje bilk i, plast s, pribl 40(100 tel p.s.; (d) - Divje babe I. plast 2. pribl iu 000 lil p s,; (e) - okolica Divjih bob, recentrui, hxlalki z;i vzorca (a) in (b) so povzeti po StOitchu (1992). fjft flut'icolHs and M glis depend on seeds, (mils, and similar soft, nutritional foods, ihey cannot survive in pure con iter stands, Because of their low dominance, we may assume ih.it deciduous trees were present, but rare i Ins conclusion is consistent with palaeovcgetaiional data from Divje babe 1. which confirmed the presence of beech trees Fagin layers 4 and 5 {( 'ulibery & Sereelj, this volume). Snow vole. Ch. nivalis, (a rock dweller) and Micmtus spp, {inhabitants of meadows) suggest that the Ibrest was intermixed with extensive open places or m eat lows with rocky boulders. Overall, the habitat was probably similar to that found si ill in the Alps around the upper tree line (between 1500 and 2001) m a. s J.), but also on siccp, rocky slopes at lower altitudes, "I be climate seems to have been fairly moderate. 1 or instance, moles, which are present iu layers 4 and cannot tolerate deeply frozen winter soils. The only two ha is with certain stratigraphic proven a nee {Rh. hippaxidenas andM. bly/bi)also both prefer warm places. On the other hand, the large size of bank vole specimens suggests a colder climate than is now present ai Divje babe I. Predators, particularly owls, are considered to be the most important causes of fossil small mammal bone assemblages in caves. Consequently,, the composition ol hones collected is biased by the predators' prey preference, and dues noi necessarily reflect the actual structure of the small mammal fauna (Andrews I'>40). fo compare fossil faunas with ihe recent one, we surveyed recent small mammals by searching for owl pellets, rather than by trapping. An owl pellet sample was collected by I. Turk 3.5 km Slr from Divje babe L at the entrance to the cave Spodmol pod Strain ikom. Since the pellcis were already decomposed, the exact identity of the predator remains unknown, however, judging from prey species composition, n was most likely a tawny OW I. Stri i atuco {D. Tome, personal eommuniealion). The recent sample is surprisingly similar to the fossil assemblages from I )iyie babe 1,1 lowever. in comparison with layers 2 to 5, it includes a much higher proportion of dorimee and wood mice, but I ticks snow-vole. This accords with the vegefational changes in Slovenia since the curl o[ the Pleistocene, i.e. with tjle shifting of the tree line to higher altitudes, and by the spread of beech (Screelj 1996), Also characteristic is the absence iu the tossil samples ol the black nil, R Ft%. 7.12.\ !'< IMA dendrogram summarising similarity matrix of Jaccard cocflicieiiis(JC') for four tossil tuid one recent small man una I assemblages, t opheiwiic correlation was r 0.959. Symbols: ti -Geissenklosierte2, Germany (e. 31,000 BP); b-Dryas. (iermany; e - Divje bobe I. layer 5 If. 40,000 BP); d -Divje babe I. layer 2 (c. SO,000 BP);e - vicinity of Divje babe I. recent Data tor samples a aatl b stuiimairised from Slureh 11*)92}. 0 a? ai 0,6 ¡JC a -1 d p SMAI i MAMMAI sflNstrmvoRA, CuiROPffiBA. Roditntia) Riispivikhiicii 7.9: NiijmanjScSicviloosebkov v fosilnih m rcecnmih /družbah scsalce\ i/ Divjih bah I. Tabic 7.9: Minimum nishberof individuals m fossil and modem small mammal assamblagcs from Divje bulic L Plast - Layer* a 1 h c d e f g S.amneus 3 3 S.minutus 6 3 S.alpinus l 2 3 16 C./emotion 4 9 C.siitivaslens 2 N.anomalus 1 T.curopaea l I 5 14 R. hipposideros l 1 12 M.beihsteini 1 M.hfythi 1 2 1 B.burbasteilus 1 E.nii&sQnl 3 P.pipistreltus 1 M.schreibersi 1 S. vulgaris 1 C.glari'olus l 2 4 1 10 66 57 A.terreslris 2 2 2 M 5 Ch. nivalis 12 S 2 3 64 A f. tigreslis/an v lis S 3 3 5 41 14 Af.mu Itiplex/subterr. 3 2 12 25 AifiavicotUs/syiv. 23 US Rirai tus 4 M. g!i s 2 2 J 261 73 M.avellanarius 4 64 Total 2 2K IK 9 26 524 410 * Senčena polja označujejo prisotnost taksona v plasti. Oznake: (¡1) plast 3 + 4 + (5a); (h) plast 2 +■ 5b; tel plast 2. pribl, 30.000 let p. s.: (Ji plast 4: (c) plast 5. pribl. 46 000 tel p, s.: erciliosu$)t ki so jih ob koncu plcistocena zamenjale recentne gozdne vrste, V tem času je bil refugij južno od Alp že poseljen z vrstami, ki so vezane na gozd. Zato je zgornjcpleistocenska favna malih sesalcev iz Divjih bab I bolj podobna recetimi favni z istega območja kot psi sočasni m združbam iz srednje Evrope (si, 7.1 J). Tudi vvfirmske Javne malih sesalcev iz severovzhodne Italije se ne razlikujejo od intcrplen i glac i al nega materiala iz Divjih bab I, po drugi strani pa ne kažejo nobene podobnosti s sočasnim stanjem severno od Alp {Bon in dr. 1991). of the German Mittelgebirge) at the Pleistoccne-Holoeene boundary. This turnover was mainly due to the replacement of boreal and steppe species (Lenwus, Dic.rostonvx, Microtus gregalis, M. oecoitomvs, Spermophilus supencilio&us) towards the end of the Pleistocene by recent forest species. Hie relugitim to the south of the Alps was, at this tune, already inhabited hy forest-associated mammals. For that reason, the Upper Pleistocene mammal fauna of Divje babe 1 resembles the modern fauna from the same area more than communities from the same period from Central Europe (Fig. 7.1 J). Besides, Upper Pleistocene small mammal assemblages from north eastern Italy also resemble the InterpIeniglacial material from Divje babe I, and show no similarity with (lie contemporary situation north of the Alps (Bon et til. 1991). Zahvale Zahvaljujem se dr. Ivanu Turku in Janezu Dirjcu, ki sta mi omogočila študij fosilnega materiala Dr. Tur k mi je ves čas tlela pomagal s spodbudnimi pogovori, kritično pa je komentiral prvo verzijo rokopisa. Dr. Huw. 1. GrifTillisu sem hvaležen m popravke in izboljšanja angleške verzije besedila, pa tudi za pripombe k besedilu. Acknowledgements I am most grateful lo Dr. Ivan Turk and Janez Dirjee, who made it possible for me to study the fossil material of Divje babe I. Dr. Turk provided stimulating discussions during all phases of the work. I thank Dr. Huw I. Griffiths who improved the English and style, and provided critical comments on an earlier draft. '>8 8. Taksonomski in 8. Taxonomic and tafonomskl taphonom1c survey pregled sesalske of mammal makro favne macrofauna i van Turk & Janlz Dirjec kvtcček Oštanltj velikih iti nekaterih večjih tnalih sesalcev pripadajo najmanj 15 razi itn im vrstam. Posebej so obdelani innoiični ostanki jamskega medveda, njihova tafonotnija, starostni in spolni sestav ter ostanki druge favne. Ugotovljene raki ič ne spremembe analiziranih podatkov v slialigrafskem nizu razlagamo z. vedenjskim vzorcem medvedov oz. etoloSkim modelom Pestrost ostale lavne je nluVefja V plasteh, ki vsebujejo največ ostankov jamskega medveda in največ palcolitskih najdb, Največja pestrost se pripisuje ostankom zveri. Pestrost rastlinojedih živalskih vrst je največja v plasteh 2 in 5h, ki vsebujeta zelo malo ostankov jamskega medvedi! in nuj d h paleolilskth orodij. Glavna lovna Žival palcohtsliih lovcev je bi J verjetno alpski svizec. 8. L Uvod Divje babe I so po dostopnih podatkih najbogatejše najdišče mlajše pleistocenske lavne v Sloveniji. V vhodnem predelu jame smo na i I i v plasteh 2 do H (ok. 130 m') brez jamskega medvedu okroglo 130 ostankov makro- in 4 ostanke ni ikro favne (Turk in Dirjcc v pripravi), Najdbe so pripadale 7 vrstam makro- in 3 vrstam mikrofavne. V I5ll m' usedlin plasti 2 do 5 v osrednjem delu jame, ki smo jih sistematsko s pral i na treh sitih, stno našli, brez jamskega medveda 5S7 Ostankov makro- in 92.1 ostankov mikrofavne. Ostanki so pripadali 27 različnim vrstam sesalcev. Med njimi prevladujejo s 16 vrstami mali sesalci (Turk 19%; Kryštufek v tem zborniku). Ker je večina makro favne neobjavljene ali je v obdelav i (Turk in Dirjec), smo pregledno obdelali samo del te favne, predvsem vplasteh 2 - S, liolj natančno smo obravnavali množične fosilne ostanke jamskega medveda, ki predstavljajo zelo pomemben, vendar doslej slabo izkoriščen vir informacij. Vsi ostanki makro favne so dokaj enakomerno razporejeni po plasteh z izjemo plasli 2 in 5 (razpredelnica H.IV V plasti S je navedena samo favna i/. \ hodnega dela jame, razen jamskega leva. Abstract The remains of large and some of the larger small mammals belong to at least 15 different species The large quantity of remains of Cave bear, their taphonomy, age and sex composition, and the remains of other fauna, were processed individually We explain die established cyclical change in the data analysed in the stial ¡graphic series by the bebav ipurfll pattern of bears, or an ctological model DiversiLy of other fauna is greatest in layers which contain the most remains of cave bear and the most palaeolithic finds, The greyest diversity can be ascribed to die remains of carnivores. Diversity of herbivore fauna is grimiest in layers 1 and 5 b,«Inch contain very few cave hear and palaeolithic finds, t he main prey of palaeolithic hunters was probably marmot, 8.1. Introduction According to available data, Dtvje babe I is the richest site of Upper Pleistocene fauna 1 remains in Slovenia, In the entrance part of the cave, we found in layers 2 - 8 (tea. 110 ill1 of sediment), disregarding cave bear, around 130 remains of macro- and 4 remains of micro-fauna. The finds belonged to 7 species of macro-ami 3 species of mierofuuna (Turk & Dirjec, prepared for print). In 150 m3 of sediment of layers 2 - 5 in the central part of the cave, which we systematically washed on three sieves, we found, again nut including cave bear, 587 remains of macro- and 923 remains of micro fauna. 1 lie remains belonged to 27 different species of mammals. Among them, lb species of small mammals predominated (Turk 1996; Krystut'ek, in this volume), Since the majority of the macro fa una data is urt-puWished or in preparation (Turk & Dirfcc). we have surveyed only part of the mammal macro fauna, mainly layers 2 - 5 We will deal more precisely with the mass of fossil remains of cave bear, which provide a very important, although to date badly exploited, source of information. All remains of macro fa una are fairly equally distributed through the layers,1 The only exceptions are layers 2 and £ (Tabic 8. /). Only fauna from the entrance pari oflhe cave is determined in layer it. 9 Takm>NOMM¿! l AlnNOMSKI Mthlll.LUMISM ^Kl MAKRflFAVTfl Razprc-t/ebiica 8.1 Divje babe I. Pnsotntat - odsotnost velikih ¡n izhraflih malih sesalec v po plasich. Table 8.I; Divje habc I. Presence - absence efhrge and some small mammals by layer, Plast Layer 2 in 5b 2 and 5b 3 in 4 3 and 4 4 in 4a 4 and 4a 5 in 5a 5 and 5a 6 7 8 P. leo spelaea P. parthts U. spelaeus U. arctos U. cf. ttrctos Ursus sp C. lupus Cam's sp Maries sp, M, putt trias Musteliuac Artiodaetyla ('. elaphus C t npr coins C. ibex C 'apra sp. R rupicapra Caprinae S. seroja Lepus sp M. marmota Senčena polja označujejo prisotnimi taksona v plasti I literal acia I ne vrste so povdarjene. Shaded Itelds indicate the presence of a species in layer. Temperate species are specially indicated. Od navedenih taksonov živijo danes v okolici jame samo Se rodovi; Mu rte.i, M uštelo, Cervus. Capreolus. Rupicapra m Lcpus. Občasno se pojavi rjavi medved (UrsuS aretos), Of the laxa cited, today only Martes. M uštela, Cervus. Capreolus, Rupicapra and Lepus still live in the vicinity of the gave. Brown bear (Ursus a rt-ios) occasionally appears. 8.2. Jamski medved Ta vrsta zasluži posebno pozornost nato, ker je domnevna piščalka i/delana i/, kosti jamskega medveda. I udi nekatere podobnonaluknjane kosti i/.drugih najdišč v srednji Evropi so medvedje. Jamski medved absolutno prevladuje med fosilnimi ostanki v našem in podobnih najdiščih. Lahko trdimo, daje gostota najdb med največjimi ugotovljenimi v Sloveniji. Najmanjše število osebkov,- preračunano ■ Za metodo ugotavljanja N$Oglcj Turk in dr I98S - llW). 100 K.2. Cave hear This species deserves special attention since the suspected flute was made from the bone of a cave bear. Some similar pierced bones from other sites in Central Europe are also bear. Cave bear absolutely predominates among fossil remains in ihis and similar sites. We may claim that the density of finds is among the greatest established in Slovenia. The minimum number of individuals (MNl)2, ■ F« method of calculating ihe MNI sec Turk ei al. UJSM -f 989. I 4» TAD If >N< >MH' ïl:m VI4 MAM MAI MAC'IM M AUNA Kvadrat 1 j Quad mi 41a r--r 0 0 2 0.4 u 6 os i kg/O. 12 m 1 (¿lubina Deplh (LMH) SI. 8.1. Divjo biabe I. Ciklus vseh kosmih odlomkov v posameznih kvadratih in reí njih. Vrednosti so drseča povprečja i rdi režnjev. Fig. S I; Divje habí: I. Cycle of" all hune fragments in individual quadrats and spils. Values are expressed as an average of three spits. Kvadrat i? Oualrjt 17 0.-1 (lh e.2 1.6 2 kg/O 12 m < l'lasl(i) 1ayerfs) 3,4 - 54 cm ■ 273 cm 10 i TaKSONOMSKI MKINijiMSKI I* Kil FO SiSAl SKK MAKUfllAVM na 1 m1 usedlin, je v obeh vrhuncih v plasteh 3 in in 7 naslednje, Plasti 3 i ji 4:4 odrasli, 6 mladičev v obdobju menjavo zobovju m 37 mladičev z mlečnim zobovjem. Plast 7: II Odraslih, 12 mladičev v obdobju menjave zobovja iii (iS mladičev z mlečnim zobovjem. Gostota najdb v plasteh in njihovih de Jih zelo variira. Variabilnost povzroča velike težave pri razlagah izsledkov raziskav fosilnih ostankov jamskega medveda v najdišču Fosilne ostanke imamo v vseh plasteh, njihovih delih in različicah. Značilno zanjeje, da ciklično nihajo po plasteh in celo v plasteh (v/, 8.1 O). To potrjuje analiza dveh najbolj zanesljivih podatkov: teža vseh kostnih odlomkov po režnjih in kvadratih in opisne statistike vseh stalnih zob v obdobju izraščatija. preračunanih na (J, 12 m' usedlin po plasteh, Teže kostnih odlomkov so kljub dejstvu, da nismo uspeli pobrati vseh kosi ni i) drobcev - in leh je po številu največ -metodološko zelo stabilne. Stalni zobje v obdobju rasti imajo med vsemi zobmi najmanjše nadzorovane tafonomske i/gube. Ciklična nihanja gostote najdb so poznana tudi v drugih najdiščih, vendar so slabo raziskana {M. Brodar (959; S. Btodai in M. Brodar 1983; Sala 1990), Nihanja verjetno niso slučajna in so lahko posledica sprememb v življenjskem okolju, Vrhunci uporabe nižinskih jamskih brlogov in umiranja v njih so lahko povezani s porajanjem pcriglncialmh razmer. Manj verjetno se nam zdi, da predstavljajo toplejša intcrsladialna obdobja kot se običajno misli, Fosilni ostanki predstavljajo, kljub navidezno velikemu številu, dejansko samo manjši tlel vseh v jami-brlogu poginulih medvedov. O tem nas prepričajo nadzorovane ali poznane tafonomske izgube stalnih tu mlečnih zob v združenih plasteh 2 do 5b (Turk in dr. 1992, Turit 1996), Največje so izgube spodnjih mlečnih /ob: povprečno 71 %. Izgube so enake prepustnosti pri pobiran ju, ugotovljeni s kontrolnimi pregledi. Najmanjše so izgube stalnih spodnjih zob v obdobju rasti: povprečno samo 3 %. Zelo velike so izgube Stalnih podočnikov popolnoma odraslih osebkov: povprečno 65 %. Vendar ne v vseh plasteh. V plasti i) / naša povprečna i/guba samo 22 %. Nekatera najdišča, kot n, pr, Potočka zijalka. slovijo po ogromnem številu najdb podočnikov (S. Brodar m M. Hrodar 1983). Pri kosteh lahko ugotovimo nadzorovane tafonomske izgube v plasteh 2 do 5b samo za /gornjo in spodnjo čeIjustnico {Turk in dr. 1992). Od najmanj 733 zgornjih Čclj ustnic sta bih samo 2 celi, Od najmanj KM spodnjih čel ¡ustnic je bilo samo 11 celih. Splošno sprejeto mnenje je. da je jamski medved poginjal med zimovanjem v jamskih brlogih. V fosilnih kosteh so se ohranili dokazi za podoben metabolizem pri jamskem medvedu, kot ga poznamo pri današnjih hi beni atorjih iNelson in tir., v pripravi). Pel od žužkocvetk - nekatere med njimi so priljubljena hrana današnjih medvedov - v plasteh z jamskim medvedom dokazuje, da so bili n prisotni v jamah tudi poleti. 102 calculated per I mJ of sediment, is at a peak in layers 3 and 4, and 7 downwards. Layers 3 and 4: 4 adults, 6 juveniles in the period ofteclh change and 37 cubs with lacteal dentition l ayer 7: II adults. 12 juveniles in the period ofteclh change and 65 cubs with lacteal dentition. The density of finds in layers and their parts is very variable. The variability causes great difficulty in explaining the results of research df fossil remains of cave bear at the site. There arc fossil remains in all layers, their parts and sedimentary variations. It is characteristic of them that they oscillate cyclically by layers and even within layei"s (Fjgs. 8.1 - 8.3). This is confirmed by the analysis of the two most reliable data: the weight of all bone f ragments by spit and quadrat and the descriptive statistics of all permanent teeth in the eruption phase, calculated perO, 12 in' of sediment per layer The weights of bone fragments, despite the fact thai we were unable to collect all the finer bone fragments - which are the most numerous - are methodologically very stable. Permanent teeth in the growth period, of all the teeth, have the least identifiable taphonomic loss The cyclical oscillation of density ot finds is also familiar from other sites, although they arc poorly researched (M. Brodar 1959; S Brodar & M. Brodar 1983; Ssla 1990). The oscillations are probably not coincidental and may be a result of changes m the habitats. The peaks of use of lowland cave dens, connected with high mortality, may be nillu- enced with the emergence ol periglaeial conditions. It seems to us less likely that they represent warmer Intersiadial periods, as is normally thought. Fossil remains, despite the obviously large nytliber, actually represent only a small proportion of the bears thai died in the cave den. The identifiable or known taphonomic loss of ail permanent and milk leeth in combined layers 2 - 5b (Turk <_>/«/. 1992; Turk 1996) is persuasive evidence of this. Lower ini Ik teeth are lost the most: an average of 71 %. Similar losses were established by on site control examinations. Permanent lower teeth in the periiKi ol growth are least lost: an average of only 3 %, There arc very great losses of permanent can incs of fully grown adult individuals: an average of05 %, However, not in all layei~s In layer 6, the average loss amounts to only 22 Some sites, such as Potocka zijalka. are notable for the large number of canines found [S, Brodar & M. Brodar 1983), On bones we can establish controlled taphonomic loss in layers 2 - 5b only for upper and lower jaws fl'urk et at. 1992). I >fat least 733 upper jaw s formerly present, only 2 were whole. Of at least 814 lower jaws, only II were whole. The generally accepted opinion is that cave bears perished during "hibernation" in the cave den. Evidence of a similar metabolism in cave bear as is familiar in today's hibemators has been preserved in she fossil bones (Nelson nagubanih plasteh I do 5 s pomočjo klasterske analize tipa k-meuns. Stalni zobje so razdeljeni na zobe v obodbju izraščiinju (juvenilm)in na popolnoma izoblikovane zobc(adultni). Legenda. - poktjnčiia črtka je srednja vrednost (M), - vodoravna Lila |e standardna deviacija( I SI)), - okvirček je interval zaupanja (C'[ 99 "„ /a plasti 1 - i in 95 "m za plasti i> - K). - nje število emu (0,11 m1) usedlin / najdbami /nit. iig. 8.2; Divje babe I. Standard stat i sticsofmilfc and pcnnarienl teeih ofcave bear ft»m grpupšofquadraisand ■.piis, deiermined tiir folded layers 2 to 5 with the aid (d k-means claster analysis. Pcrmanent teetli are divided iniu teeth in the irnipiion phase (juvenilc) and fuliy form cd tectli (adullj. Legend: - veitical bar is mean (M). - horizontal bar is standard deviation 11 SI J). - bo v is confidence leve I (ČL 99% iti layers I - 5 and ■■ in layers 6 - 8), - n are unlls of sediment tO, 12 m1) contnining teeth. 103 taks<]vliuski l\ 1al(>sh>f,fsm rkhiil.nl sh.s.u ski makkoi-aym: Smrtnost. Mlečnih zob je v vseh p hi s te h daleč največ, kljub največjim tafonomskim izgubam (si, 8.2). Stalni zobje v obdobju i/raščanja prevladujejo nad popolnoma izoblikovanimi stalnimi zobmi do vključno plasti 5, V plasteh 6 in 7 sta obe skupini stalnih zob precej izenačeni. Tedaj je moralo priti do bistvene spremembe v starostnem sestavu fosilne populacije. Slika zob v zgornjem delu plasti S je lahko posledica stanja usedlin. Zaradi breče smo verjetno spregledali veliko mlečnih zob. Zalo so stalni zobje v obdobju izraSčanja in mlečni zobje edino v tej plasti precej izenačeni, Druga mogoča razlaga bi bila, da oboji pripadajo predvsem osebkom, ki so poginili v obdobju menjave zobovja, t. j, do sta rosi i enega lela. Pomembna je statistično značilna korelacija med posamično najdenimi mlečnimi zobmi in stalnimi zobmi v obdobju rasti. Ugotov ili smo ju v vseli analiziranih plasteh do vključno plasti 5 (r 0,359 - 0,507; n 54 -209). Kore I acija pomeni, da veliko teh zob pripada istim osebkom, ki so menjavali zobovje. Korelacije ni med popolnoma izoblikovanimi stalnimi zobmi in stalnimi zobmi v obdobju rasli ter mlečnimi zobmi. Edino izjemo predstavlja zaenkrat plast 4 Statistično značilni at sites with cave bear (Rabedcr 1992; V tiros I9S4) However, they are entirely normal for natural death. Milk teeth were by far the most numerous, despite the great-esl taphononuc loss (Fig, S.2). Permanent teeth in the err Option phase predominate over completely formed permanent teeth inclusive of layer 5. In layers 6 and 7, I he i wo groups of permanent teeth are mure or less balanced, There must have then been an essential change m the age profile of the fossil population, The pattern of leeth in the upper part of layer X may be a result of the state of the sedimentation. Because of the breccia, we probably overlooked many of the milk leeth, So the pcr-mancnt teeth in die crniption phase and milk teeth in ¡his layer only are equal. The other possibility is that both belong t<> individuals which perished in the phase 6f change of teettjtj i.e., up to one year, flie statistically significant posiiivc .correlation between individual finds of milk teeth and permanent leeth m the growth phase is important. We established ii for all laycis analysed, including layer 5 (r 0.359 to 0,567; n 5410 2®). The correlation means that many of these teeth belong to the same individuals, who had changed teeth. There is no correlation between com- Siiilii ziibjc nil I kubi&i i meter Plasi(i) Permanent isolated tceih per 1 cubic metre Layciis) 1/2 | 16 t>S 3.4 Ml ] 5 i 53 5t> | IS 138 3S5 297 1/2-3 1272 0 25 50 75 100% Ccte k ost i na 1 kubični meter Pliistfii Complete bono« per I cubic metre Liiyeris) 1/2 \ 10 til) .1,4 204 i ^ 51 5b ^ 22 141) 1/2 - K 25 50 i2.ki 75 100% .V/ it J, Divje Kuhe L Ciklus stalnih zob jamskega medveda * primerjavi s Ciklusom celih kosti jamskega meti veda brez sezamoidnilj koičic. Fig. 8.3: Divje babe I. Cycle of permanent tal h of cave hn:;ir in comparison with cycle of whole bones til cave benr without sezamoidie bones. 104 "I'AMISÍIMU AN» IAN IONOM II SUKVhY 111-MAMMA I MACHOPMIMA korelaciji v tej plasti (r 0,338 in 0,306; n 54) lahko razložimo z modelom brloga samic z mladiči in pogostejšim skupnim poginom zaradi zaostrenih iivljcnskih pogojev v bližajočih se periglacialnih razmerah. Domnevamo, da se je tedaj v jamskih brlogih povečal tudi delež samotarskih samcev. Pogosti so bili poboji 2- do 3-letnih mladičev, katerih Število naenkrat močno naraste. Vse to je bilo ugotovljeno na podlagi analize cementnih letnic in debeline dentina stalnih /ob v plasteh 2 do 5 (Debeljak 1996, si. 13 in 14). V grobem se le spremembe odslikavajo tudi v razmerju stalnih zob v obdobju rasti in popolnoma izoblikovanih stalnih zob Da so v jami dejansko prežimo vale predvsem samice z mladiči, potrjuje najbolj pogosto razmerje I : 2 med najmanjšim številom odraslih in mladih osebkov po plasteh na podlagi stalnih zob. Razmerje I : 2 ustreza samicam z dvema mladičema. Med stalnimi zobmi je dobra polovica zob od osebkov, ki so poginili v starosti !/!(>: Mil i jiiVL'iiilni /obje PinsiíiJ I™ lated j a v cuit e tcci ii Izolirani jdiillni zobje l&tutcd adult k'v'll'i 3,4 10 100 1000 [000 100 10 kosili* jiitves SI. K.4: I )iv|e batu; I t iklus stalnih zob v obdobju izražanja (juvenilni) m ciklus popolnoma izoblikovanih stalnih /oh (adultni) jamskega medveda. Skala jc logaritemska. Absolutno število enih in dmgih zob po plasteh je posebej označeno Različno velike puEčice pomenijo različno velike spremembe med plastmi, od spodaj navzgor, med Številom mladih in odraslih primerkov /ob. Razlagamo jih / «ravnovesji med različnimi uporabniki brloga, ki se med seboj izključujejo (samotarski sailie i al i samice / mladiči J. Zvezdica pomeni, da so vrednosti utežene. pletely formed periftanent teeth and permanent leeth in she growth phase, and milk icetb. The only exception for the moment is layer 4. The statistically significant correlation in this layer (r 0-338 and 0,306; n 54) can be explained by a model of a den of a female with etibs and frequent mass mortality because of a deterioration of living conditions with the approach of per ¡glacial conditions. We assume that the propon i on of single males in cave dens also increased at that time. Two to three year old juveniles frequently perished, the number of which suddenly increased greatly, This was all ascertained on I he basts of an analysts o I the cememtuin annul i and the dentine thickness of permanent teeth in layers 2. 4 and 5 (Debeljak 19%, Figsi 13 and 14). These changes are also illustrated in rough til the ratio of permanent teeth in the growth phase to completely formed permanent teeth {Fig. N.4). ['hat primarily females with cubs actually hibernated in lite cave is confirmed by the most common rano of I : 2 between the minimum number of adults and juveniles by layer on the hasis of permanent teeth. The ratio I : 2 matches a female with iwo cubs, Among the permanent teeth, a good half are I rom individuals thai perished at age (■> - K months, The same pattern is given by milk teeth without regarding unknown taphonomic loss of teeth belonging to individuals younger than 6 months (Debeljak 1996, Figs. 9 and 12). We assumed that mortality of juveniles was greatest in all layers in i be summer months after the First winter, when the ju-ven iles a Iso began to feed themselves, and at the time of pairing. At that Iinte, male juveniles were most threatened by aggressive adult males. I bis is captured by analyses of pollen, which showed ihat vegetarian cave bears a 1st» sheltered in the cave during the summer months (Scree Ij & C'nliberg 1991). We even have a positive ¡correlation between cntomophilic plants, which probably represent the remains of bear food, and the fossil remains of cave bear by layers. Major irregularities in the age structure among layers appear only in ages mote than 15 years (Debeljak 1996, FigS, 13 and 14}. The disturbance may be natural, if it is connected with a deterioration in living conditions and intra-spc-cies competition - between dominant males and the rest of the population - or artificial, if it was caused by palaeolithic man's hunting. However, there is almost no other evidence of hunting, A good understanding of the Fig. 8.4: Diyjc babe I. Cycle ofpcnnauenl teeth in the irruption phase (juvenile) and eyele of fully formed permanent teeih (adult) of cave bear, the scale is logarithmic. Absolute numbers o I each teeth type by layers is marked individually. The various huge arrows mean the different major changes between layers from below upwards, between die number of juvenile and adult examples of teeth. We explain them as all imbalance between various users of the cave lair which an? mutually exclusive tingle niales or females with etibs), The siars mean that values are weighted. 11)5 TAKNONUMSKI IN rrtUlNOMSKI PHI til I I] M v\| \K| MAKKOfAI'M- 6 tit» 8 mesecev. Enako sliko k:ižejo mlečni zobje. če no upoštevamo neznanih tafonomških izgub zob, ki so pripadali osebkom mlaj Sim od 6 mesecev (Debeljak 1996, si. 9 in 12}. Predvidevamo, da je bila smrtnost mladičev v vseh plasteh največja v poletnih mesecih po prvi zimi, ko so se mladiči začeli tudi sami hraniti in ko je nastopil čas parjenja. Tedaj mladiče najbolj ogrožajo napadalni odrasli samci, To se ujema z analizami pel oda, ki so pokazale, da so se rastlinojedi jamski medvedi zadrževali v jami tudi v poletnih mesecih (Šeneelj in Culibcrg 1991). Imamo celo korclaeijo med pelodom žužkocvetk. ki verjetno predstavlja ostanke hrane, in fosilnimi ostanki jamskega medveda po plasteh. Večje nepravilnosti v starostni sestavi med plastmi nastopajo samo v starosti več kot 15 let (Debeljak 1996, si. 13 in 14), Motnja je lahko naravna, . Unusually, there is an accumulation of normal fragments and whole bones larger than 20 Cm, by layers and in individual places in layers. We recorded .SY. S.S; Divje babe t. Zastopanost skeletnih delov novorojenih, mladih m odraslih jamskih medvedov v 150 m1 usedlin združenih plasti 2 do 5. Skeletni deli so po zastopanosti razdeljeni na pet mest. ki ustrezajo razredom po Spcnncmannu 11985). Zastopanost skeletnih delov se slabša od prvega proti petemu mestu. Fig. ti. 5: Divje habe !. Frequeney of appearance o f skeleta I pans ofcubs, javen i les and adult eave hear in 151) m3 sedi meni of eomhined layers 2 in 5. Skeleta! pam na' divideti according to the freqtieney of appearance into 5 places whiah eorrespond to ilasses by Spentieinaun (19X5). I lic fftsqu£nčy ol appearance ot skeleta) pnrt.s rodueCs Itoiii lsl In Sthplače. 107 TAKMViDMSKJ IV I'AI [ )%t)M!tKl I'HI (■[ I l>SJ-.SA| Mtf MAKKIHVU NJ Za delež majhnih odlomkov ni podatka, Delež kostnih odlomkov, manjših od I cm, od vseli odlomkov se verjetno spreminja od plasti do plasti in v okv iru plasti. Vzrok temu je iskati predvsem v različno močnem preperevanju fosilnih ostankom Odnos med majhnimi kostnimi drobci iu večjimi odlomki 111 vedno linearno prcmosorazmcrcn. Od tega odnosa verjetno odstopata bolj gruičnati plasti 2 in 6, Razlaga bi lahko bila povečano mehansko p re pere vanje v periglaeiafnih razmerah. Večji odlomki, ki hi jih po značilni obliki in po prelomih v neposredni bližini sklepov lahko pripisala človeškim kuhinjskim odpadkom, so izjemno redki (Tink in Dirjec 1991). Nenavadno je kopičenje običajnih odlomkov iu celili kosti večjih od 2t) eni po plasteh in na posameznih mestih v plasteh, Zabeležili smo ga v plasti 4 in njeni bližini ter v plasti i>. Značilno je tudi /a ognjišče v pla^d 5b in /a kurišča v drugih plasleh. Razporeditev večjih kostnih odlomkov v tlorisu se present Ijivo dobro ujema z razporedil vi jo arlefaktov v horizontih A in A/B. Podobno kopičenje večjih kostnih odlomkov smo v vhodnem predelu jame zabeležili \ plasteh 13 in 14, ki vsebujeta največ paleolitskih najdb (Turk in Dirjec 1991). Kosti odraslih primerkov so občutno manj fragment i rane kol kosti mladih primerkov Pri odraslih primerkih imamo dobrih 51) % odlomkov, pri mladih več kol 90 %■ Razliko pojasnjujemo s selektivnim delovanjem zveri. Podatek je pomemben za razlago t. i. koščene piščali, Prispevek zveri k fragmeniamosti kosti se najbolj jasno kaže v zapesmo-nartnih, siopalnih in pismih kosteh (a| Prve in zadnje so tako majhne, da jih lahko večje zveri (lojene, volkov i) požra Cele. Ker so te kosti lahko razpoznavne, imajo zelo malo ali nič nedoločljivih odlomkov. Iz slike teh dtsUthiih kosti okončin, ki se bistveno ne spreminja od enega sklopa plasti do drugega in najnianšega števila osebkov, je razvidno, da so kosti mladih primerkov, ki so manjše in krhkejše, veliko bolj zdestkane kot iste kosti odraslih primerkov. Veliko več je odlomkov. Kosti niso enakomerno zastopane. tako kot so v skeletu. Najmanj je zapeslno-nartnih k osi i, ki so bile zanesljivo požrle skupaj z distalmmi deli juvcnilnjh tibij, radiusov m ulu. ( c br propadle v usedlinah, bi še bolj propadli tretji prstni členki, ki so enako ali še bolj krhki od v ečine zapCstrip-nartnih kosti. Vendar se to ni zgodilo. Kosti odraslih primerkov se v zastopanosti približujejo naravni zastopanosti v skeletu. To pomeni, da jih zveri ali kakšne druge sile niso bistveno prizadele. Zato je tudi sorazmerno malo odlomkov. Na vseh analiziranih kosteh dobimo redke odtise zob, ki neposredno dokazujejo udejstvovanje zveri. Ostanete vprašanje, za kalero zver gre, Mislimo, da najverjetneje za volka, Ostankov volka je v najdišču največ za jamskim medvedom. Volk je bil zmožen požre l i ali načeti preti vsem kosi i mladih primerkov, ki 460 it in layer 4 and ns vicinity and m layer (>. It is also characteristic of the fireplace in layer 5 b and the hearths in other layers, The distribution of larger bone fragments on the groundplan matches surprisingly well the distribution of artefacts in levels A and Ah. We noted similar accumulations of larger bone fragments in the entrance part of the cave in layers 13 and 14. which contain ihe most palaeolithic tools (Turk & Dirjec 1991). Bones of adult individuals are appreciably Jess frag men led than the bones of juveniles. With adults, a good 50% are fragments, and with juveniles, more than 91} In. We explain the difference by the selective ope ration of carnivores. The data is important for explaining Ihe so-called bone ¡lute. The contribution of carnivores to the fragmentation of bones is most clearly shown bv ihe carpal-tarsal, meiapodial and finger bones (Fig. 8.6). The iir si and last are so small that the majority of bone eating carnivores {hyenas, wolves) can eat them whole. Since these bones can be easily identified, they have very lillle or no indeterminable fragments. From the pattern of these disljtl bone extremities, which docs not essentially change from one group of layers lo another, and considering a minimum number of individuals, il is clear that the bones of juveniles, which are smaller and more brittle, are a great deal more fragmented I hail the same bones of adults, fhere are many more fragments. The bones are not equally represented as I hey arc in the skeleton. There are fewest carpal-tarsal, which would certainly have been devoured together with the distal parls of juvenile tibiae, radia and ulnae. If these had disintegrated in the sediment, the third phalanges, which arc as fragile, or even more so. than ihe majority ofcar-paI-tarsal hones, would have disintegrated even more. I lowever, tins had not happened. The bones of adult in-div iduals approach in frequency of appearance the natural frequency ofoccunenee in Ihe skeleton This means thai carnivores, or other forces (e. g. poSt-de positional processes) did not essentially affect thorn. There arc also thus relatively few fragments. We gel occasional loot h marks on all analysed bones, which directly demonstrate the activity of prcdalors. flie question remains of what carnivore is concerned. Wc believe tl was probably wolf- A Her cave hear, iherc are most wolf remains at ihe sile. A wolf was capable of eating or starting mainly the bones of juveniles. which are softer. Hyena must certainly be eliminated. Firstly, hyena remains were nol found al the site. Fossil remains of hyena are also very rare in Slovenia i Rakpvec 197.3). Secondly, a hyena would certainly also start on the earpos-tai sus and other compact distal bones of extremities of adult cave bear, which are a harder task for a wolf, and it leaves behind it a characteristic pattern of the stale ol these bones (Mareitn 1991 j. At Icasl until layer 7 inclusive, there is none of this. It is similar with limb bones. The polishing and rounding of bone fragments. Taxonomic a "jo taphoiiamic sorvi v (f mammai m,m [tofauna Utcicnib liiWiiv l.ttl!(L\l JIÏCCËS 100 KO 70 <¡0 îii 41) 30 20 3 Cl Arfuhftâ, plasti 2-5 AdultSi iayiirs 2-5 odlomljene kusti fragmcnicd bonus «sic fcwW mlcgnil bnrics Kiirp. ( "aip. Tur/ I Lirs. Ml p. Vk-Nip NiU> - 132 MNl 132 tal. t P hal. I m Fal.2 PbaL 2 FaiJ rli. 11 ..i Utc&nih krisav I ¿mded piccçs 100 no 71) «) 5fl ■tli M) 21) 10 0 Adultne, plasti 6-7 Adultes, (nycn 6-1 mili jih [je ne kwili li.itincnk'd Imiits kS C^li: tu:.11 i ukinil Ihiiil's kurji. Tëiiy_ M ¡p. NÈO 'il MNl l)7 Pni, I Bit 2 (■nI .1 Ulcženih ki>M>v l.iHidcà jpieccs I (H> <50 k!) 70 M) 5(1 •10 10 31) 10 Juvcnilnc, pl.u.n 2-5 Juvcuiles. I.iyufs 2 - 5 ihIIoihI(l'ik ki im i fttguiCttted hgnts g; tek' kosti intcural bones Kiirp. t. ¡up Tar/ T uns, Mlp. M etap. 2J2 MNl -2-J2 Fal.l PluL t Kal. 2 Pliai, i 1-iiU PbBl 1 Ulciciiih kosov l.tVIlItfl piooos 100 SO 70 60 i ii JO .10 20 10 iuvertilriL' ptaxt i fi-7 Jiivcniks, taytrs fi-7 mlkutiljan; kosil ri.ijuilll'hk'il IllHlL'S tacate toili integral bones N$0 - 10K MNl - ION m, K;trp. Tmz. Mlp, Fal I l:ii I. 2 tal. .1 S'A iV.6 Divje babe I. Zastopunost in fragmentarnimi majhnih distatnih kosti qjkonfiîn mladih in odraslih primetkov jamskega medveda. NajmanjSc Število osebkov i/združenih plasti je ocenjeno na podlagi izoliranih stalnih zob. Analizirani ostanki so i/ usedlin spranih in pregledanih na silili. Istemu vzorcu usedlin pripadajo ostanki prikazani na.*/, 9.1 Fig, /t. rt: Divje babe I. i requCTtcy of appeaiance and fragmentation ofsmall ilistttl bones ol" ex I re inities of juvénile and ud uit indtvidoals of cave bear. Tho minimum uumhcr of individuals IVoni tli« combined layers is ussessed on ihe hasis of I&obted permanem teeth. fhe analyscd remnins ;ire from sédiments coLLe^ted and cxumincd on sieves, I he remains shown on Fig 9.1 belong in the same sample. 109 TaKSONOMsKIIN lAFlWOMMtl huxi.KlttffiiAt skí MaKHOFAVMI so mehkejše. Hijena zanesljivo ne pride v pošle v, Prvič, v najdišču ni bila najdena. Njeni fosilni ostanki .so tudi sicer zelo redki v Sloveniji (Rakovec I97_T), Drugič bi sc hijena zanesljivo lotila (udi /apcsino-nartnih in drugih distaluih kosli okončin odraslih primerkov jamskega medveda, ki su /a volka trši oreh, iu pustila za sabo značilno sliko stanja teh kosti (Marean 1991). Tega pa vsaj do vključno plasti 7 ni. Podobno ,ie z dolgimi cevaslimi kostmi. Gglajienost kostnih odlomkov, ki so ji vi asi h pripisovali umeten izvor, je očitno povezana z maso fosilnih ostankov. To dokazuje med drugim tudi statistično značilne visoke pozitivne korclacije med številom oglajenih, odlomkov večjih od 5 cin. in težo vseh kostnih odlomkov po plasteh 2 do 5 (r (1,449 do 0,785; n 54 - 209). Glavni povzročitelj oglajenosti je bil brez dvoma jamski medved, ki je dobro prcmeSal vse. kar je leíalo na jamskih tleh iu lik pod njimi. Ostali pojavi na kosteh, kamor Štejemo, patologijo, i/luž.evanje, sledove grizenja iu vreze, narejene s sileksom. so zastopani z deseti rtkam i odstotkov. V najdišču Badanj je v izredno bogatih paleolitskih plasteh npr, l.l % določljivih kosli obgrizenih (Nltraelc 1995. Table 6,5). V Divjih babah I manj koi 0,5 %, Med več kot 200.000 kostmi in kostnimi odlomki smo odkrili samo S primerkov /. vrezi, narejenimi s sileksom {xl. K) 9). Vsi primerki pripadajo mouslerienskima horizontoma A in A/B. Samo en primerek je iz plasti 4. H.3, Ostala i avna Ker se je v vhodnem predelu jame našlo poleg fosilnih ostankov jamskega medveda sorazmerno malo ostankov druge favne, smo obdelali samo bogatejše ostanke iz osrednjega dela jame (Turk in Diijcc v pripravil. Pn tem smo upoštevali le 216 ostankov, ki smo jih lahko ločili po plasleh 2 do 5 Pripadajo 17 tak.sonmn od skupno 27 doslej ugotovljenih. Vsi ostanki iz plasti 6 do 8 in več kot polovica ostankov iz plasti 2 do 5 m zajetih v tem prikazu Med ostanki je 45 % zveri (Ursidae, Canidae, Mustclidac). Takšno stanje je značilno za večino jamskih najdišč ssrednjepaleolitskimi najdbami v Evropi (Gamble Í9X.1; Naj bol [ pogosta vrsta v najdišču za jamskim medvedom je alpski svizec (Marmota marmota)* ki predstavlja skoraj tretjino vseh najdb, Med zvermi jc treba poudariti velik delež predstavnikov družine psov, predvsem volka Div je babe I so najdišče največjim številom fosilnih ostankov volka v Sloveniji. Volk je lahko odigral določeno vlogo pri nastanku koščene piščalke. Vsi fosilni ostanki so močno fragment ¡ra ni. Zastopanost skeletnih delov jc slaba iu bistveno drugačna kot pri jamskem medvedu. Število opredeljenih kosov lavne, preračunano na 0,12 m' usedline vsake posamezne I M) which is sometimes ascribed to an artificial origin, is clearly connected with the mass of fossil remains, Tins is shown by, among other things, the statistically sig-nificam high positive correlation between the number uf polished and rounded fragments larger than ? em. and the weight of all bone fragments by layers from 2 -5 (r 0.449 to 0.785; n 54 lo 209), The mam cause of polishing and rounding was undoubtedly cave bear, wllich thoroughly mixed everything which lay On the living floor of the cave and immediately below ii. Other phenomena of the bones, in which we include the pathology, grooving, traces of gnawing and cut marks made by silex, are represented by tenths of a percentage. Ai ihe Badanj site, in e«ceptionally rich palaeolithic layers, lliere is. e.g., I I of bones with distinguishable gnawing (Miracle 1995. Table 6.5). In Divje babe I, there is less than 0.5%. Among more than 200.000 bones and bone fragments, we discovered only N eases with eui marks made with idles (Fig 10.9), All examples belong to Moiislerian level A or A/B. Only one example is from layer 4. 8.3. Rlmaining fauna Since, apart from the Ibssil remains of eave bear, we found relatively tew remains of other fauna in the entrance pari of the cave (Turk & Dirjee, prepared for print), we processed only the richer remains from the central part of the cave In this we considered only 216 remains, which we could separate by layers 2-5. They belong to 11 taxaofa total of 27 established to dale. All remains from layers 6 - S. and more than half the remains from layers 2 - 5. arc not covered hy this survey. Qf the remains, 45 % are carnivores (Ursidae, Canidae, Mustelidac). Such a state is typical of the majority of cave sites with middle palaeolithic tools iu Europe (Gamhie I9S3; 1986} I he most frequent species at the site after cave hear is the marmot (Marmota marmota), which represents ulmusl a third of all finds. Among Ihe carnivores, the high proportion of representatives oflhe Can is family, mainly wolf, should he stressed. I )ivjc babe I is the site with (he highest number of fossil remains of wolf in Slovenia, Wolf may have played a specific role in the creation of the bone fluteAll fossil remains arc greaily fragmented. Ihe frequency of re presentation of skeletal elements is poor and essentially different than tor cave bear. The number of identified specimens of fauna, calculated to 0.12 mJ T \ S DM mil nil I Ali KISOM II' SLlAVEV H MAMMAL MACKGFAI N,\ plašit da zanesljiv pregled gosi o le ostankov po taksonih m sprememb po plasteh (si. $.7). Dobro se vidi razliko med ostanki zveri (Carnivoraj in rastlinojedov, ki obsegajo sodoprste kopitarje (Arttodactyla) in rodova Lepn:. ter Mar motu. Izhajajoč / splošne domneve, da so bile zveri, podobno kot ljudje, lahko predvsem uporabniki jame, rastlinojedi pa skoraj izključno njihov plen, smo natančneje preučili pestrost ali d i verzi leto obeli skupin živalskih ostankov (Bobrowsky in Hali 198?; Lconard in Jones 1989) (si 8.8). Pestrost je mera, sestavljena i/ števila ostankov po taksonih ali gostote in Števila taksonov ali bogastva oz. revščine. Pestrost ponuja dober količinski ¡11 kakovostni pregled lavne in omogoča hitro primerjavo med najdišči in po plasteh Diverziteio smo izrazili z indeksi, preračunano na 0,12 m1 usedlin vsake plasti. Tako smo omilili, če ne popolnoma odstraniti učinek korelacije med velikostjo vzorcev in obema merama diver/itete (Graysoh 1984; Meh zer in dr. 1992). I is ima za posledico, da število of sediment tor each layer individually, gives a reliable survey of the density of remains hv taxa and changes by layer (Fig. H.7). The difference between the remains of carnivores (Camivora) and herbivores, which embrace the Arliodaelyla and I he genera Lepus aild Marmota is evident. Deriving from the general premise that carnivores, including humans, were probably the primary users of the cave, and herbivores almost exclusively their prey, we studied more precisely die variety or diversity of the two groups of animal remains (liobrowsky & BaJI 1989; Leonard & Jones 1989) (Fig. 8.8). Diversity is a measure composed of the number of remains by taxa, or density, and the number of taxa, or richness or paucity. Diversity provides a good quantitative and qualitative surv ev of the fauna, and enables a speedy comparison among sites and by layers. We expressed diversity with an index, calculated on 0.12 m' of sediment for each layer. Wc thus mitigated, if not completely removed, the effect of correlation between size of samples and I'lasKiHn ctiut *) LayeMs) (a uiiiis *) m 1 used tin m ' of sediments P, Irti speiaea Pnntlwm pcirdu-s (Jrsuir arctos Ursus sp, Ccinis fuptts Cants isp, MBrtt'-S" sp. Mustt'Ia ¡¡imiriiis Musu'linao Ucrtiivora Census ''tophus Copra (bra Capra s p. K, rup(capra ( iipriiuc M. marmots \/2 3d 2.5b (! 70} 20.4 3,4 (73) S,7 4(54) 5 (210) 25.2 * EilaeiKMa jc 0,12 m1 usedli in.1 ■ One unti is 0. 11 in" of seditncnl SI H.,7: l.iivje babe I. Goslota ostankov velikiti scsalcev brezjamskega medveda v plastch 2 do 5. Oil malih sesalcev jedodan alpski svizec. Vrednosii so povpreOja stevila oslatikov prcraamana na 0,12 m' uscdlin vsake plasit, Plaati so bile opredeljene s klasimko analizo ttpa k-meatts. Fig. 7. Divje babe 1. Density of remains of large mammals without cave bear in layers 2 to 5. Of small mammals, alpine marmot is shown. The number of identified specimens is calculated on 0.12 mi of sediment from every layer Layers were determined by k-meons cluster analysis. 111 Táxsomjmskj IN rvinsmisia ™H¡I rnsrsACvvi MAKRomvw različnih taksonov v vzorcu običajno naraSi u / njegovo velikostjo, našem primeru prostornino used I m. Prav tako običajno narašča v velikostjo vzorca tudi število predstavnikov posameznega laksona. Ostanki favne so najbolj pestri v plasti 4 in \ plasteh 3 do 4. To se ujema z vrhuncem fosil niti ostankov jamskega medveda in paleolitskih najdb. Najmanj pestri so ostanki v plasteh 5 in 5b, kjer je tudi najmanj fosilnih ostankov jamskega medveda in paleol tiskih najdb; K bogastvu vrst prispevajo v vseh plasteh, razen v 1 in 5h, predvsem zveri. Bogastvo vrst je \ zgornjem delu plasti 2 skoraj enako kot v plasti 4, kar je razumljivo zaradi njene dolge i/.postavljen ost i vplivom različnih okolij. Gostota vrst je pri zvereh in rastlinojedih precej izenačena. V vseh plasteh, razen v 2 in Sb.je gostota pri zvereh rahlo večja. Z» plasti 2 in 5b je značilna najmanjia gostota zveri in največja gostota rastlinojedov. Razlika je tako velika in očitna, da zanesljivo neka j pomeni. V teh plasteh smo ugotoi ili tudi največ ostankov alpinske favne ((". ihtur. R. rupicapra, M. mar mota), /a plast 2 imamo dobre vzporednice v auriguacienski plasti v najdišču ¡■'umane pri Veroni (Barlolomei in dr, 1992a, b). Naše na jdhe alpinske favne bi mogoče lahko razložili kot ostanke lovskega plena aurignacienskih lovcev. Ni pa za to nobenih otipljivih dokazov. Gostoto v plasteh 3 do 4 povečujejo pred v sem ostanki alpskega svizca. Bogastvo zverskih vrst, ki se močno spreminja od plasti do plasti m doseže največjo pestrost \ plasteh 3 in 4 na eni slram, icr revščino rastlinojedih vrst, ki se the two measures of diversity (Grayson 1984: Mcltzer et at. I 992). This has the effect that the number of different tax a in a sample normally increases with its size, m this case the volume of sediment. Equally, the number of representatives of individual taxa also normally increases with size of sample. The remains of fauna are most diverse in layer 4 and in layers 3-4 I'hese are embraced by the peak of fossil remains of cave bear and palaeolithic tools. Least Varied are remains in layers 2,5 and 5b, where there are also fewest fossil remains of cave beai and palaeolithic tools. Carnivores, above all, contribute to the species richness in all layers, except 2 and >b. Species richness is almost the same in the upper part of layer 2 as in layer 4. which is understandable In view ol its long exposure to the influences of different environments. The density of species is almost the same between carnivores and herbivores, hi all layers except layer 2 and 5 b, the density Of carnivores is slightly greater. I ay era 2 and 5 b are characterised by the lowest density of carnivores and highest density of herbivores. The difference is so great and nb\ ions that it certainly means something. In these layers, we also found the most remains oi alpine fauna (( '. ibex, R. rupicápra, 1 / marmota). There is a good parallel for layer 2 in the Aurignacian layers at the site at I untune by Verona (Bartolomé i et ai. 1992a, b) Our lindsol alpine launa could be explained as the remains oi prey hunted by Aurignacian hunters, But there is no tangible evidence of thjs. The rema ins of marmot, above all, increase in density in layers 3 - 4. 1/7 2. J h 3,4 4 5 2ft 17(1 73 54 2111 Bogastvo Richness t instóla I tensity l'esmisi Diversity Pfasi(t) n en oí * Laycrts) a units* /.veri RasiJinujfjdí Zveri Carnivores Hcrblvunsi Carnivores 3.1 2U.4 N.7 fr.í RasllirHijt-tli /•. lti Herbivores Carnivores Rasllínojedi Herbivores (1.4 0.4 0.4 11.4 11.4 IJ.4 j * I-! iii ennla je U.I 2 ni1 usedline * I Jut unit is O.J 2 m1 of st.il imeni St. 8.8: Divje babe I Pestrost ostankov velikih sesalcev brc/jamskega medveda razdeljenih na plenilec (zveri) in plen (rastlinojed i )i Upoštevane so vse vrste navedene v gl. 8.7. Vrednosti vseh mer so povprečja preračunana na 0,12 m usedlin vsake plasti in njihovih sklepov. Pestrost je seštevek l-n jljlisis ;l in gostote. f'iy rS'. tt: Divje babe I, Diversity of remains of'large mammals without cave hear, divided into carnivores and herbivores, All species cited in H. 7 are considered. All values arc an average calculated 1111 (1,! 2 m l of sediment for each layer and their combinations. Diversity is a product ol"richness and density t 12 IAXOKOMII AMR TAPttlWOMK 3UHVEY OF MAMMA1 MACHÚFAUNA komaj kaj spreminja ud plasti do plasti in doseže največjo pesi rost v plasteh 2 in 5b na drugi strani, lahko razlagamo ^ s I abSai tjem življenjski h pogoj c\ \ času od la ga i ij a plast i 3 do 4 m naravnim poginjanjem. Druga mogoča razlaga je, da so ljudje v paleolttskem horizontu A lovili predvsem zveri v zelo omejenem obsegu, Razmerje med zvermi in rastlinojedi ne ustreza naravnemu ravnovesju, razen morda v plasteh 2 in 5b. /veri je povsod preveč. Iz tega lahko sledi, da je bilo najdišče predvsem zverski brlog in/ali vir hrane, ki so jo predstavljali jamski medvedi. Ostankov sodoprstih kopitarjev je v plasteh 3 in 4, ki vsebujeta največ najdb zveri in paleolitskih artelaktov, tako malo. da je vprašanje, ah ti ostanki dejansko predstavljajo ostanke plena zveri i na I i ljudi. Podpbnosltko poznamo v Črnem Kafu in v Grotta del Uroion (S. Brodar (958, 315; Sala IWI), 144), Kav no obratno je z alpskim sv izecm, Njegovi ostanki v stmtigratskem nizu niso v korelaciji s številom vseh opredeljenih ostankov favne, Zato velikost vzorcev v nobnem primeru ne more vplivali na Število Opredeljenih ostankov svizca po plasteh ((irayson 1984). Pač pa je gostota svizca v močni pozitivni korelaciji z gostoto zveri, vključno in predvsem / jamskim medvedom; kakor tudi s paleoliiskimi najdbami. Ker se obe najbolj Številni živalski vrsti v jamskem habitaiu izkjučujeta - vemo, da so danes svizcem podobne živali priljubljena medvedja hrana -je treba prisotnost svizca v plasteh 3 do 4 razlagali predvsem kol lovski plcrf ljudi in/ali zveri, vendar ne medvedov. Svizcu, ki ima sicer rad skalne, vendar tudi sončne habitate, ne ustreza niti senčna lega jame in okolice. Na ostankih favne nismo odkril i nobenih znakov udejstvovanja ljudi ali zveri. Zalo mislimo, da gre, razen pri alpskegcm svizcu, bolj ali manj za ostanke naravno poginulih živali. The richness ol carnivore species, which greatly changes from layer to layer and achieves its highest diversity in layers 3 and 4 on the one hand, and the paucity of herbivore species, which barely changes from layer to layer and achieves ¡Is greatest diversity in layers 2 anil 5b, Oil the other hand, may be explained by a deterioration in living conditions at the time of deposition of layers 3 - 4, and natural mortality. A nod icr possible reason is that ihe human inhabitants in llic age of palaeolithic level A hunted, mainly carnivores, only to a very limited extent. The ra lio between carnivores and herbivores does not match lhe natural equilibrium, except perhaps in layers 2 and 5b. There are too many carnivores through' out. It may follow from this ihat the site was primarily a carnivore lair and/or source of food, represented by deceased cave bear. There are so few remains of Artiodac-tyla in layers 3 and 4 lha! n is questionable whether these remains are in fact the remains of the prey of carnivores and/or palaeolithic hunters. There is a similar pattern al í mt Kal and at Grolta del Broion (S, Brodar 195X. p 315; Sala 1990. p 144). Ii is quite ihe reverse with marmot. Their remains are not in correlation in the straligraphic series with I lie number of all identified remains of fauna. So ihe size of sample cannot in any case influence the number of identified remains of marmot by layer (Grayson ¡9X4). I hnvever. the density of marmol is in strong positive correlation with the density of predators, including and above ail with cave bear, as well as with palaeolithic tools. Since the two most numerous animal species are mutually exclusive in a cave habitat - we know thai today similar animals to marmot are a favorite food of hears - ihe presence of marmot in layers 3 4 must be explained mainly as the prey of palaeolithic Inmlers and/or beasts other than bears. Moreover, although the marmot likes cliffs, il prefers a sunny habitat, so the shady position of the cave and surroundings would not snt! it. We have (lot discovered in the remains of fauna, any signs of the activity of humans or predators. So we I In nk ilia!, except lor marmot, these are more or less the remains of naturally perishing animals. 113 9. Tafonomija dolgih 9. Taphonqmy of umu cevastih kosti bones of cave i3ear okončin jamskega medveda Ivan Turk & Janez Dirjec kvlcii-k Med dolgim i L-cvasliiiii kostmi mladih in odraslih primerkov jamskega medveda obsojajo velike razlike v stopnji fragmenta most i m oh^rizcnoslL Razlagamo jih z dejavnostjo plenilcev in ;tli mrhovinarjev / omejenimi sposobnostmi popolne konzmnacije plenu ;ili mrhovine s kusimi vred. Prisotnost jamske hijene je popolnoma izključena na podlagi vsestranske j|fgalivne c v u let lce N ek: itere i V; igi ■ ic nt i r; me h >sf r Odraslih primerkov so morda tudi posledica dejavnosti Človeka v smislu izkoriščanja kostnega mozga in možganov. Za razlago najdbe domnevne piščalke so pomembni nekateri talonomski podatki, ki nam lahko povedo nekaj o morebitnem drugačnem nastanku luknjic v stegnenični kosi i. V slovenski strokov ni literaturi se namesto pomanjicvalniee uporablja izraz luknja /a večje in luknjica /a manjše primerke (M, Brodar 30S5Mi teli razlik i le delamo, ker so ra/vidne iz navedenih mer. O luknjicah v fosilnih kosteh jamskega medveda in njihovem naslanku je nazadnje pri nas izčrpno poročal Mitja Brodar (1985). Od starejše literature je s tem \ ¿vezi treba omeniti Frana Kosa (1931). Niti prvi niti drugi ni luknjic obravnaval v širšem lafonomskcm sklopu najdišč, \ katerih nastopajo kosti z luknjicami. Oba avtorja sla se luknjic lotila selektivno. V najdišču Divje babe I imamo prvič priliko obravnavati pojav luknjic na kosteh na nesciekliveii način, V približno ISO m1 na silili pregledanih usedlin v osrednjem predelu jame je ta tonom s ka podoba dolgih cevastih kosti okončin jamskega medveda, kakor sledi. Vzorce fragmenta m ost i odraslih in mladih primerkov, k t ili lahko jasno ločimo na podlagi zaraščenosli epillz, je mučno različen (Turk in Diijec 11}. Fragnientarnost mladih primerkov je več kot tnkrat večja od fragmen-tarnosti odraslih primerkov ts/. v./). I'n odraslih primerkih imamo 5 določljivih odlomkov načelo knst 1'ri mladih primerkih I'J. Velike so tudi razlike ^ fragmcntamosli med posameznimi dolgimi kostmi. Relaiivnonajvečodhnnko\ iman, pr. fibula, ki zavzema med dolgimi eevustimi kostmi okončin jamskega medveda posebno mesto. Med odlomki mladih Ab&tract Major differences exist in the degree of fragmentation and having been gnawed. between limb bones ol juvenile and adult individuals of cave hear. We explain this by the aeti vines of predators ancVor scavengers with limited capacities completely to consume their prey or earriain. The presence of cave hyenas is entirely excluded on die hasis of negative cvi-tlcnee Some limb bone fragments of adult specimens ore also perhaps the result of human activities m the sense of extracting the marrow. iti order to explain the find of the suspected llutc, some taphonomie data arc reijtiiied. which cliti tell os something about possible other origins ol' the holes in the femur. In the Slovene professional literature, the expression "luktija" is used for larger and "luknjica" lor smaller examples 1 l ilH < CF YAS1111 ki IV11 (IK< IS I AM S.K K i \ \1 H1YI' [ l.\ primcrkov prevladujcjo diafizCj rped odlomki odraslih primerkoV pa epiilye ( lurk in Diijec IWi, 7, si. I). I'ragmen ta most in diafi/ni odlomki sta pri mladih primcrkih povczani, kot kaie podobnost diagramov (.*/. 9!), Pri odraslih primerkih lake povezave ni, Nato. ali je pove/uva all je ni, laliko vplivnjo nenndyoiovniie (ncxiiaiie) lafonomskc izgubc celih kosii, ki so laliko od pri mem do pri mera razl iine. Pov/roC i le so ji h lahko la ko zvuri kot ljudjc, ee so kosli sfileklivno odstranili 7, mcnts predominate, while among adults* proximal in distal end fragments(Turk A Pirjoc 1991, p. 7. Fig. I), There is a connection between fragmentation and shaft fragments with juveijale bones, as ilie similarity of diagrams shows (Fig. 9.1). In adult bones, there is no such connection. Whether or not there is a connection may he influenced by unidentified (unknown) taphonomie loss of whole bones, which can differ from case to case. It may he caused by either predators or humans, if the Stcv. fraEiACntciv nn celo kiul No. of fragments per complete bond Adulmi(n 4&3) Al 111 Ill's I lumenrs Radius Ulna Femur 'fib in Fibula in 20 .10 a kosov pieces Sicv. fogmciuoiv na celo kou uf fragments per cumplete luinc fnveniltii fn 3016) IU 2U 30 411 50 % obgnKcnih kosli " <1 of juiawcd tiones Juvenllai (n N4i luvtnilrs (id 70 0 ktisov picccy K 111 12 % i i . -. . - i -. i I - . . Fragtncnti ¡idulmi la 3S6) gagmcnis of ml nil specimens l>iiili/e I [nli/e Qi aptly*:* Epiphyses 0% 20% 40% 60% Si I" ii I I ragmcnii juvcnilni (p 28691 Fragments of juvenile specimens Diali/ir l.:piti/e i' i .ipl tyscs fjtiphvsLLs 20% 401„ 60% 80% 100% .S7. 9.1: Divjc babe f. Taibnomijadolgih proksimalnih kosli okoniin mladih {juvcniffil) in odinslih (aduflni) pri merkov jams teg.i medveda. Anallzlrarti ostanki so i/ uscdlin spranih in prcgledanlh nasitlh. Istemu vzorcu (plasii 2 do 5) pripadajOosumki nasi. H.6. Fig. sieves, the remains slmum on Fig. 8,6 [layers 2-5) belong to I he same sample. 116 t AMIDMIhlY (II I1MH BtlHIMX L AVI Li! IK najdišča. Drugi razlog /a povezavo so lahko večinski določljivi veliki odlomki diafiz pri mladih primerkih, za uepovezavo pa večinski nedoločljivi majhnih odlomki diafiz pri odraslih primerkih. Pomemben je odstotek obgrizenih kosti, ki nas opozarja na dejavnost plenilcev in(ali) mrhovinarjev med firaujenejem na plenu ali mrhovini, / izrazom obgrizen smo zajeli vse sledove zverskih zob, vključno / luknjicami (predrtimi). vdrtinicami in odtiski po M Brodarju i ll)X5). Odstotek posameznih obgrizenih dolgih kosi i okončin je pr i mladih primerkih precej večji kol pri odraslih, Največji jc pri femurju, l, j. kosi, iz katere je narejena domnevna piščalka (a-/. 9, i). Vseh obgrizenih dolgih kosti okončin jc pri mladih primerkih 4,5 "■«. 2,6 % pa pri odraslih primerkih. Razen dolgih eevastih kosti okončin so ohgrizenc I ud i vse druge k o si i v skelel ti, naj bolj vre lene a in rebra (si. 9.2). Največ bones have been selectively removed from ihe siie. Another reason for the link may be the majority identification of large shaft Iragmems with juveniles, and for the lack of connection ihe majoriiy non-identification of small shaft fragments of adults. I he percentage oI gnawed hones is miportntu. drawing attention U> ihe activity ol predalors and:or seav -en gets during feeding on prey or carrion. Pronounced gnawing provides all the various traces of a carnivore's teeth, including punctured holes and iiuieniaiions, according to M Brodar (19K5). The percentage of indi-\ idiial gnawed limb bones is considerably greater among juveniles than among adults. The highest is with lemurs, t. e,. the hone from which the presumed flute was made (Fig.9. /). Among juveniles, 4,5 % of all limb bones are gnawed, and % among adults. In addition to limh hones, all other bones in the skeleton are gnawed, most $} V.2 Divje htihe 1 Primed rnzliCmh skeldnihdetev jamskifga njedveda s sledovi zverskih zob. (Whctto nierilo, Foto: Marko Zaptalil /■ >1,'. 9.2: I Si vje hahe 1.1-samples of different skeletal parts of cave hear Willi toalh marks. Various scales. Photo: Marko Zuplatil. !'.\i'(im>mija r«n t.if ti uvstth kiisri okiif^isi iamski l.a mi nvi iia predrtih luknjic in vdrtmicjena fonturju,3,6%. Sledita h(imcnis z 2.5 % in ulna z 2,1 %. Ostale dolge kosti jih imajo histvcn dolgih eevaslih in drugih kosti. Če izločimo še človeka, ostane samo mehansko razpadanje. I'oseh no pozornost zašla ž i tafonomi]a femiuja mladih primerkov, kei je i/ njega izdelana domnevna piščalka. Femurje najmanj fragment i rft(ia dolga eevasta kost okončin. Podobno kol ulna in radius. Ima največ epifiznih odlomkov. Protislovno je to. da je najbolj obgrizen. ZeiIo bi pričakovali največjo fragmentamost in med odlomki najmanj epifi/. Radius in ulna sla najmanj obgrizen i kosti in imata bistveno manj ohranjenih epifi/ kot fennit. Tudi toni v skladu z našimi pričakovanji Razen zveri so morali biti prisotni Se drugi tafonomski dejavniki. Morda človek. of ail vertebrae and ribs (Fig. 'A 2) The must punctured holes and indentations are on the femur. 3.6 %. It is Ibl-lowed by the humerus, with 2.5 % and Ihc ulna, with 2.1 %. Other limbs have essentially less, 0 I - 1.6%. A similar pattern is characteristic of the collection of bones w ith holes which was published by M. Brodar (1985). The most holes and indentations there, too, are in the femtur. In Austrian sites, holes appear mostly in the bones of juvenile bears (Ehronberg 1976a,ib; Motll 1950a;ti). Even in the Slovene collection, holes in the bones Of juveniles predominate. In this, M. Brodar's (19851 finding is interesting, that there are no holes in bones, or they are very rare, at Other sites in the area of the Alps and in Europe. The reason for the cited taphonomic results may be very simple. I he fragmentation of the bones of juveniles is mainly a result of carnivores feeding on bones. So almost all proximal fragments are removed. The most gnawed bones are the femur and the tibia. Why'.' All carnivores usually start feeding on the upper hind leg. where there is the most meat. The fragmentation of bones of adult individuals is more difficult to explain. II" we ascribe ii to palaeolithic man, which on the basis of the material evidence is the only acceptable explanation, si nee only lie at tins stle eould have smashed a solid shaft - having excluded the cave hyena, as explained above - the characteristic epiphysal shall fragments arc missing ( link Dirjec 1991 } In addition, there is almost no trace of si lex (Fig, /0 V). These appear on a mere 4 96» of bones. If we exclude man, only mechanical fragmentation remains. The taphonoiny of femurs of juveniles deserves special attention, because tile suspected flute was made from one. The femur is the least fragmented of the limb bones. Similar to the ulna and radius. It has the most shail fragments. Against this is that u is the most gnawed. So we would expect the greatest fragmentation and among fragments, fewest epiphysal shafts, The radius and ulna are the least gnawed bones and have essentially fewer epiphysal fragments preserved than the femur. This, too. docs not accord with expectations. In addition to carnivores, other taphonomic factors must have been present, Perhaps Palaeolithic man. 118 10. Pregled in opis paleolitskih orodij, kurišč in ognjišč 10. Survey and description of palaeolithic tools, fireplaces and hearths Ivan Turk & Boris Kavi r Izvleček Paleolilske najdbe obsegajoartcfakte in ostanke kuiiič ter dveh ognjišč. AnetaklJ pripadajo enemu aurignacienskemu :n več moustčHeiiskinl horizontom linstotu nnjdb j t; niajhna /.i mnustiirienske horizonte ju značilen sorazmerno visok odstotek inlaj&palcolitskih orodij, ki povečujejo pestrost zbirke. Ognjišča m kurišča so v na \ mousioicnskih plasteh. Večina je radiu karbonsko datiranih. Značilna je povečana l raymcntai nost kostnih ostankov ob kuriščih in kadile ni skupki večjih k tis t i jamskega medveda, predvsem lobanj, mandibul m mazgOvnih knsti K osi i t. vrezi so zelo redke Abstract Palaeolithic find* embrace artefacts and the remains ill hvMiihs ami two fireplaces. The artefacts belong la one Aurignacian and a number of Ministerial! levels. The density of finds is small. Moustertun levels ¡ne characterised hy a relatively lii^li percentage of Upper Palaeolithic tools. The fireplaces and hearths are .ill in Monsterian layers, fhe majority 11jve been radiocarbon dated. An increase of the fragmentation of bone remains beside the hearths is typical, as well as chaotic heaps oflargcr cave bear bones, mainly era« nuns, mandible!. and marrow bones. Bones with emmarks are rare exemptions. 10.1. UVOD Pa I eo 1 tiske najdbe do vključno plasti K so razvrščene v šest horizontov, enega aungnaeienskega (horizont o v plasti 2) in pet moustčrienskih (horizonti A v plasti 4, A li v plasti 5, U v piasli 6, L' v plasti 7 in D v plasti K). V nobenem primeru ne gre /a horizonte v obliki tenkih plasti / najdbami, ki so med seboj ostro ločeni. Najdbe so razpršene po vseli plasteh in na različnih globinah v okvira plasti (v/ ¡0.1). Vzrok je verjetno tjneba iskati v bui- m krioturbaciji usedlin, V plasteh 2 do 5a, ki |ih je motno prizadela krioittrbacija, smo najbogatejši horizont A v plasti 4 in horizont nad { (1) in pod ( A/H) njim, določi h v osrednjem predelu jame s klastcrsko analizo po metodi k-means. Ostale horizonte [B. C. D) v plasteh 6,7 in S smo sttni t igralsko opredelili na podlagi relativnih globin najdb in dokumentiranih profilov, Po tem postopku smo opredelili tudi vse horizonte \ vhodnem predelu jame. Pri obeh postopkih v mnogih primerili ni bila mogoča točna opredelitev najdb v horizonte, leda j navajamo samo plasti brez horizontov (razpretlelnice lil.! 10.3). Da gre dejansko za horizonte, v katerih so bile nekatere najdbe sčasoma preložene, potrjujejo ostanki kurišč in dveh ognjišč v plasteh 5,6,7 in 8. Vendar ob kuriščih iu ognjiščih, proti pričakovanju, ni bilo povečane gostote a rte taktov iti kuhinjskih odpadkov. Po najdbah sodeč so ljudje enako pogosto uporabljali prostor pri vhodu in 10.1. Introduction Palaeolithic idols and hearths up to and including layer 8 (Brodar's and Turk & I hrjcc's excavations) are Classified into six levels, of which one Aurignacian t level 0 in layer 2) and five Mousterian (level A in layer 4. A/B in layer 5. I) in layer 6, C in layer 7, and D in layer X). In no ease is the level in the form of a thin bed, with finds which are sharply separated among levels, binds are scattered throughout all layers and at various depths in the context of layers (Fig. 10.1). his probably necessary to seek the cause in bio- and cryoturbation of the sediment. In layers 2 - 5a, which are powerfully affected by cryoturbation, we identified the richest level, level A in layer4 and the level above (' 0)and below ( A/B) it, in the central part of the cave with cluster analysis wiili the k-meunx method. Other horizons (B. C, D) in layers 6, 7 and K, were slrat¡graphically determined on the basis of the relative depth of the finds and the documented sections. By this simple procedure, we also identified ail the levels in the entrance part of the cave, l.ven vviih both procedures, in many cases an exact classification of finds to levels was not possible. In such cases, we cite only the layer, without the level (Tables in. I - n 1.3). That these are actually levels in which some tiiids were contemporaneously deposited is confirmed by the remains of hearths and two fireplaces in layers 5. 6,7 and 8. However, next to the hearths and fireplaces, 119 Put lil I I] PA I I ill 11 skill ilkurilj. KtJHlSC IN IHWI'J v osrednjem delu jame (si. !0.2), Vendar je bilo pri vhodu, glede na različne Lehnike izkopavanja, verjetno več artefaktov, Od katerih smo večino manjših od 1 cm spregledali. Lateralna razporeditev anelaktov vseh horizontov kaže določeno zakonitost v izrabi osrednjega dela jame po ljudeh in/ali posebnosti v odlaganju usedlin. Lokalne raz.iičiee plašit 2e. 21' in Sb, ki so nastale s preperevanjem skalni h polič, in vse usedline nad njimi, so takorekoč brez paleolilskih najdb. against expectations, there was no increase in the density of artefacts and kitchen refuse. Judging by I he finds, people used ibe area at the entrance and in the central part of the cave with equal frequency (Fig. ¡0.2), However, at Ibe entrance, in view of the various excavation techniques, there were probably more arte facts, the ¡majority of which smaller than 1 cm were overlooked, The lateral distribution ofartefaels of all levels appears lo follow a specific rule in the use of the central pari of the cave by people and or particularities in the deposition of sediment, Local variations of layers 2c, 2f and 5 h, which were created with the weathering of the rock shelves, and all sediments above them, are virtually without palaeolithic tools. .V/. 10.1 Divjcltabc* I. Projekcija vseh itn i m oddaljenih sileksov \ profil y r..lH) m. SilcJrsi, ki zelo verjetno pripadajo plaši i -t. čeprav mi projéeirattt nad ali pod njo, mi označeni > piku m navpična črto (Jznačene so ihl-il: plasti in režnjev ter globine režnje i [iishir Ivan liirfc m Dnigiea Kiniic Luttder Fig, 10,1: Djyie bube I Projection ol everylliiny lip to .1 m distant sileves in seclinii y 2.(10 m. íhe silexes, whieh prohably be ion ¡j to 1 ayer-t. although ihcy are projeeted abo ve or below it. are marked wilh a point and a line. The limits ol layers ¡ind spiis. and thcdcplhfofspllsarc marked, Drawing: Ivan Turk and Dragica Kntfic Lundcr, 120 Si«'. ii ann niwLHirmiN 1» s'ai akh unit rool-s, nntm.cti and hkakhin SI 1(1,2: D i vje habc t Paleolitskc najdbe v ilaslcli 2 tin X I horizon! 0 in hoii/nnti A tin D} vfctjuimi s kuris£i in ognji^Ccm \ i vadralih 2K, 39 in 40 v llnrisu. Kap jo owtiiOcTia Ortkano. Jamskc stcne prcd i/kopavunji sooznaCene / debelo Orto, jamske stone mied izkopavanji inmejc tzkopov pa tenko erto. Legcnda: i kuri&ia in ogrtjisOa, ^Insko, 3 odbitki, 4jedra in rnzbilirie, Sorodja, 6 koBSene konice. liisha: Jane/ llirjee. Ivan Turk In Dragica Knific Lmidcr. Fig. ¡0,2:I )ivjc babe I. Paleolithic finds in layers 2 to K (level (I and levels A lo D) including hearths and fireplace in quadrats 28, 39 and 40 on die groundplan. The drip-line is marked underlined, the cave walls before excavation arc marked with a thick line, cave walls during eseai ations and Irene lies with a thin line Legend: 1 I leans, 2 Chips, 3 l lakes. 4 Cores and chunks. 5 Tools. 6 Bone points. Drawing: Jane/ Dirjec, Ivan Turk and Dragica Unifies Lundcr. 121 I'uu.i i u in OHS I'Mfjii rrskjm umirili, KtmriC imkaiKi 10.2. Katalog paleolitskih artefaktov TABLA 10,1 ], Konica z razcepljeno bazo, izdelana i/ kostne kompakte neznane sesalske vrste. Terminalni del je fosilno odlomIjen, prav tako obe polovici razcepljene baze. Robovi prelomov so zaobljeni. L na polovica preeepljcne baze je bila najdena v neposredni bližini konice, druga ne. Konica je bila prelomljena na dva dela tudi pri kopanju. Dtslalni del je spiralno zavil. V bližini reeenlnega preloma je več mikroskopskih vzporednih zarez, ki so ene pravokotne in druge vzporedne / robom konice. Inv. šle v, 4D7, kvadrat 53. reženj I (površjedo -0,42 m). Najdbi ni mogoče natančno določili plasti, vendar je njen stratijjrafski položaj zelo verjetno nad plastjo 4. 1. Di sta In i odlomek koiliee. izdelane rz kostne kompakte neznane sesalske vrste, Vrb je poševno odlom I jen. Oba preloma sta fosilnega izvora in imata zaobljene robove Ob straneh so dolgi, plitki m široki /lebovi, ki bi lahko nastali pri izdelavi konice, inv. štev. 427. kvadrat m reženj neznana. Odlomek je bil najden v usedlinah, ¡zmetanih izpod sige ob vzhodni jamski steni. 3. Distalni odlomek koščene Sivanke ali konice. Vrh je odlom Ijon, oba preloma sta fosilnega izvora in imata zaobljene robove, Inv. štev. 429, kvadrat 57, reženj 3 (-0,54 m do -0.67 nt). Najdbi ni mogoče natančno določili plasti, vendar jc njen st rut igralski položaj nedvomno nad plastjo 4. 4. M cd in! ni odlomek konice, izdelane iz kostne kompakte neznane sesalske vtsic. Oba preloma sta fosilna in imata zaobljene robove. Na ohranjenem odlomku ni nobenih prask ali zarez, ki bi nastale pri izdelavi ali uporabi predmeta. Inv. štev. 408, kvadrat 12. reženj 2 (-0.42 m do -0,54 m), plast 2. 5. Strgalo na odbitku \v. grobozmavega zelenega tufa. Tipološko podrobneje neopredeljivo (62). Levi rob je v zgornjem delit direktno retuširan, tako da je nastala plitka izjeda. V spodnjem delu ima izmenično retušo. Ta Ion je velik in gladek. Teža 38 g. Inv. štev. 414, kvadrat 51, reženj 1 (-0,42 m do -0,54 m), plast 2. 6. Strgalce (strgae) (30) na odbitku i/ kvalitetnega črnega rožeiien, Talon je odbit. Skrajno desno od odbitega dela ta Iona je ostanek preparirane površine jedra. Na spodnjem robu odbitka j c direktna, preeej strma in neprekinjena retuša. na levem pa izmenična polstrma. Verjetno psevdo rctuSa. Teža 4 g, Inv. štev. 412, kvadrat 45. reženj 3 (-0,54 m do -0.67 m), sklop plasti 3. 4 in 5a. 7. Proksimalni odlomek strga I ca (39) na (klinastem'.') 1 0,2, C ATA I .OC i U E OF PAT A KOI .ITH1C ARTEFACTS PLATE 10.1 1. Split-based bone point, produced from the cortical bone of unknown mammal species. The terminal part is t'ossilly broken, as are both ha Ives of the spl it base. The edges of the fracture arc rounded. One half of the splii base was found in ilic direct vicinity of the point, the other not. flic point was also broken into two parts during excavation. The distal part is spirally wrapped. There arc a number of microscopic parallel incisions, some of which arc at rigjtt angles to and others parallel with the edge of the point. Inv. no. 407. quadrat 53, spit I (surface to -0,42 in}. It is not possible to identify exactly the layer for the find, but its stratigraphic position is probably above layer 4. 2. Distal fragment of a bone point, made from the cortical bone of an unknown mammal species. The tip is obliquely fractured. Doth fractures arc fossil in origin and have rounded edges. Along both sides are long, shallow, wide grooves, which may have been created til the time the point was made. Inv no. 427, quadrat and spit unknown. The fragment was found in sediments removed from below the flowstone of the eastern cave wall. 3. Distal fragment of a hone needle or point The tip is fractured. Both fractures arc fossil in origin and have rounded edges. Inv. no. 420, quadrat 57. spit 3 (-0.54 m to -0.67 m). The layer ofthc find cannot be precisely identified, but its st rati graphic position is undoubtedly above layer 4. 4. Medial fragment of a point, made from the cortical bone of an unknown mamma! species. Both fnic-turcs arc fossil in origin and have rounded edges. There are no scratches or cuts on the preserved fragment which could have been made during the fashioning or use of the artefact. Inv. no. 40K, quadrat 12. spil 2 (-0.42 in to -0.54 m). layer 2. 5. Side-scraper on a flake blank of course-grained lull". Not lypologically defined in more detail (62). The left edge in the upper pari is directly retouched, so that a shallow notch has been created. There is an alternating retouch on the lower part. The butt is liiigc and lint. Weight 38 g. Inv. no. 414, quadrat 51, spit 2 (-0.42 m to -0.54), layer 2. 6. Raeleite (39) on a flake blank ofhigh-qnSliiy black chert. The butt has been knapped. The extreme right of"the knapped part of the bull is the remains of the cortex removal or sirikiug platform of the core, On the distal edge uilhc Make is a direct, fairly abrupt total retouch, and on the lef\, an alternating semi- 122 odbitku i/ neopredeljene svctlozelone kamnine. Disialni del odbitka je poševno odlomljen. Talon je skoraj gladek, / ostanki korleksa in ita desni strani delno odbit. Levi rob ima po vsej dolžini zelo drobno inverzno relušo. ki je lahko nastala tudi t uporabi) odbitka. Sled zelo finih retušje tudi na desnem robu. Teza 3 g. In v. štev. 426, kvadrat 16. reženj 6 (-0,94 m do -1,06 m), sklop plasti 3,4 in 5a, TABLA 10.2 t. Strga lee (39) na klinastem odbitku iz tem nosi vega i oí enea Talón ni ohranjen. Desni rob je širino direktno retuSiran in ima tudi plitv o izjedo. Levi rob ima visoko direktno strmo retii&o. kakršna je značilna za nože s hrhtom. Teža I g. In v. Ste v. 420. kvadrat 17. reženj 5 (-0.K2 m do 0,94 m), sklop plasli 3,4 in 5a, 2. Proksimalni odlomek strga I ca (39) na širokem odbitku iz črnega mženea. Talon je morda fasetiran. Disialni prečni rob je poškodovan. Teža 3 g. Inv.šlev 419, k vadrat 1 7, reženj 5 (-0,82 m do -0,94 m), sklop plasli 3,4 in fia, 3. Prečno izbočeno sírgalo!23J naodbilku iz zelenega tufa. Talon je Odbit. Na levem zgornjem robu je ohranjenega nekaj korleksa. Desni rob je v celoti retuširan, vendar lip reluše ni zanesljivo ugotovljiv. Verjetno gre /a š k oljko vilo relušo. Retuširan rob ne kaže znakov intenzivne uporabe, razen posameznih drobnih zobcev. Teža 17 g. Inv. štev. 463, kvadrat 57. reženj 7 (-1,06 m do -1.17 m), sklop plasti 3.4 in 5a. 4. Kombinirano nazobčano orodje (43) in sveder (34) na odbitku iz tem nosi vega roženca. < iladek. nekol iko okrcan (poškodovan) lalon. je na desni strani odbit. Bul bus ima izrazil udarni stožec. Nad desnim robom je ohranjen del odstranjenega korleksa, Sam rob ima direktno školjkovilo relušo, ki sega prav do preostanka korleksa. l ak, kakršen je. je lahko služil kol strgalo. Levi rob je v celoti direktno pol.strmo retuširan in nazobčan. Distalni del orodja je prirejen v,s veder. Zaradi vseh naštetih značilnosti orodja, je lahko klasifikacija zelo subjektivna, kar pri srcdnjepaieolitskih oiodjih ni redkosi (Mellars 1989, 345 s). Teža 22 g, Inv, štev. 421. kvadrat I 7. reženj 5 <-0.82 m do-0,94 m), sklop plasli 3, 4 in 5a. Odbitek štev. 434, ki je izdelan iz isic surovine, je iz plasti 4. 5. S t iga I o s stanjšani m hrbtom (¿7) na de he I em odbitku iz svetlozetenega tufa. Talon in bulbos nista SlJKVtV INI? lil -ÍL KI I' I HIM K' f,\l l.Ul. H H K UMU h, KIKJ l'l.A( IA .\\l! I »■WIN* abrupt retouch, probably a pseudo-retouch. Weight 4g. I nv. no. 412, quadra 1 45„ spit 3 (-0-54 rn to -067 m), combined layers 3.4 and 5a. 7, Prosimal fragment of racleltc (39) on a blade shaped or flake blank of tin identified light green stone. The disial part ofthe blank is obliquely broken. The bun is almost flat, with the remains of cortex and partially knapped on the right side. 1 he left edge has a very fine inverse retouch all along its length, which may have been created by use ofthe blank. There is also a irace of very fine retouch on the right edge. Weigh i 3 g, Inv. no. 426. quadrat 16, spit 6 (-0.94 m lo -1.06 m), combined layers 3.4 and 5a. PLATE 10.2 1. Raelette (39) on a blade shaped blank of dark grey chert. The butt has noi been preserved The righi edge has an abrupt direct retouch, as well as shallow notch flic left edge has a high direct abrupt retouch, such as is typical of a backed knife. Weight 1 g. Inv, no. 420. quadrat 1 7, spit 5 (-0.S2 m to -0.94 m), combined layers 3.4 and 5a. 2. Proximal fragment of a raelette (39) on a wide flake blank of black chert- The butt is perhaps facetted. The distal transverse edge is damaged. Weight 3 g. Inv no. 419, quadrat 17, Spit5 (-0.82 m to -0.94 m), combined layers 4 and 5a. 3- Convex transversal sera per (23) on a flake blank of green tuff. The butt is knapped. Some cortex has been preserved on the left upper edge. The right edge is retouched in entirety, but the lypc of removal has not been reliably identified. It is probably a scaled retouch, lhe retouched edge shows no sign of intensive use, except for individual fine dent ieu Lit ions. Weight 17 g. Inv, no, 463. quadrat 57, spit 7 (-1.06 lit lo -1.1 7 m). combined layers 3. 4 and 5a. J. Combined denticulated tool (43) and borer(34)ona flake blank ot dark grey eh en. The Hat, slightly damaged but I is knapped on the rig 111 side, l'hc bulb has a pronounced lip, Part ofthe removed cortek has been preserved above I lie righl edge. The edge ¡(sell has a direct sealed retouch which extends right up to lhe remains ofthe corlex. This, such as il is. may have served as a side-Scraper. The left edge is in entirely directly semi-abruptly retouched and denticulated. The distal part ofthe tool is arranged ¡is a borer. Because of all the enumerated characteristics ol'the look, the classification may he very subjective, which is not unusual wilh nliddle palacolithic tools (Mellars 1989, p. 345). Weight 22 g. Inv, no. 421, quadrat I 7. spit s (-0.K2 m lo -0.94 in), combined layers 3. 4 and 5a. Fragment 434. which was made from lite same material is from layer 4. 123 Pmoii.hii ¡n uns caí mu 11 mí m oaoihi. mitiwr in ixínjisc določljiva. Na dorzalni strani so vidni negativi odbitkov. Ven traía) dei je ob desnem robu stanjšan (ploskovno retuširan) s širokimi, domnevno tenkimi odbitki Desni rob je direktno rahlo retuširan v izbočeno strgalo. Proksimnlno ima nekaj inverznih retuS. Levi rob je distaino strmo retuširan v rahlo izbočeno strgalo. Proksimafno rma izmenično retuSo. Teža 127 g. Inv. Slev. 5)3, kvadrat 48 e, reženj JI) [-1,41 m do -1,53 m), plast 4, 6. Strgalo na debelem odbitku (62) i/ svetjózelcnega tufa. Ialon in bulbus nista določljiva. (Odbitek je totalno retuširan. Na levem robu so vidni negativi predhodnih odbitkov. Teža 6 g. Inv. i lev. 65, \ 5t87m,y -3,05 m, z -1,74 m, plast 4. 7. Atipični sveder (35) na klinastem odbilku i/ neopredeljene temno- in svet I osi ve kamnine, verjetno tožene a. Ta Ion je majhen in tasen ran. Bulbus je neizrazit in ima jeziček. Levi rob je retuširan z izmenično drobtinčasto retuSo. Teža 4,5 g. Inv. štev. 64, x 5.91 m. y 0,OŠ m. z -1,86 m, plast 4. 8. Orodje / «/jedo (421 na odbitku sivega roženca. Talon je gladek. Na desni strani je Ostanek korleksa. N;i levem robu sta dve plitki t/jedi, tino flfréklno retuširarii. Teía 3 g, Inv. Štev. 432. kvadrat 31), reženj 5 (-0,82 m do -0,94 m), plast 4. 9. Strgalce (39) na klinastem odbitku iz prosojnega le m nosi vega dobrega rože ne a. Ta loti je gladek. H nI bus je plosk* ivh Oretuširan. Ves de sil i ro b je d i rek t no drobtinčasto retuširan. Levi rob je izmenično retuširan z drobtinčasto retuSo. Teža I g. Inv Ste v 443, kvadrat 12, reženj 6 (-0,94 m do -1,06 m), plast 4, 10. M ikrolitsko orodje na odbitku (62) iz neopredeljene črne kamnine. Talonje fasetimii Bulbus je izrazil. Desni rob j C inver/.no retuširan. Teža 0,5 g. Brez inv. štev,, kvadrat 34e. reženj 10 ( -1.41 m do -1,53 m), plaši 4. \ \. Nazobčano orodje (43) na širokem, slrmo, izmenično rc tuši ranem odbitku iz svet losi vega tufó. Teža 6 g. Inv, štev. 56, x 5,41 m, y 0,36 m, z - -I,KI tli. plast 4, t2.(Nohlasto?) praskalo (It) ali 30?) na odbitku iz lemnosivega rožene a. Faseliran talonje s fino slrmo inverzno retušo predelan v praskalo. Bulbus je izrazit. Ostali robovi so delno iciuširaiii / drohtin často rettišo. Teža 2 g. J it v. štev, 62. x 5,40 m, y -2,11 m, z - -1,86 m, plaši 4. 13, Strga lee (39) iz temnosive kamnine, domnevno rožene a. Talen ni določljiv. Bulbus je neizrazit. Robovi so retuSirani z izmenično drobtinčasto reiušo. Teža 1,5 g. 5. Side-scraper with thinned back (27) on the thick (lake blank of light green lutl. I he butt and brdb are no! distinguishable. On I he dorsal side are visible the seal's of the Hakes. The vetilral part was thinned along the right edge (facially retouched 7) with wide, presumed thin flakes or removals.' The right edge is directly partialy retouched into a convex side-scraper. It has some proximal inverse retouch. The left edge is distally abruptly retouched into a slightly convex side-scraper. Proximal !y, it has an alternating retouch. Weigh I 127 g. Inv. no. 513, quadrat 48 c. spil 10 (-1.4 I m to 1.53 m). layer 4. 6. Side-scraper on a thick flake blank (62) of light green tuff. The butt and bulb are not distinguishable The tlakc is totaly retouched. On the lefl edge are visible the sears of the former Hakes, Weight 6 g, Invno. 65, x 5.87 m, y 3.05 m, /. 1.74 m, layer 4. 7. Atypical borer (35) on a blade shaped blank of unidentified dark and lighi grey rock, probably chert The butt is small and facetted. The bulb is not pronounced and lias a scar, The left edge is retouched with alternating fine removal. Weight 4.5 g, Inv. no. 64, x - 5.91 m, y 0,08 m, / = -1.86 m, layer 4, 8. loot With noteh (42) on a tlake blank of grey chert The butt is flat. There are the remains of cortex on the right side There are two shallow notches on the left side, finely directly retouched. Weight 3 g. Inv, no. 432, quadrat 30,spit 5 (-0.82 m to -0.94 m), layer 4V 9. Raclette (39) on a blade shaped blank of iranspar-ent tlark grey good chert. The butt is flat. 1 he bulb has many stats The entire' ighl edge is directly finely retouched. The left edge has alternating fine retouch. Weight I g. Inv no. 443,quadrat 42, spit 6 (-0.94 m to 1.06 m), layer 4. 10. Microliie tool (62) on a flake blank of unidentified black rock. I he buti is facetted. The bulb is pronounced The right edge is inversely retouched. Weight 0.5 g. Without inv, no., quadrat 34e, spit 10 (-1.41 m to -1.53 m), layer 4, 11. Denticulate tool (43) on a wide, abrupt, alteniatingly retouched flake blank of light grey lull. Weight 6 g. Inv no. 5b, x 5.4 I in, y 0,36 m, z 1.81 m, layer 4. 12. (Unguiform ?) end-scraper 110 or 30?) on a tlake blank of dark grey chert. Facetted bull is worked into a scraper with line, ah nipt, inverse retouch. The bulb is pronounced. Other edges are partially retouched with tine retouch. Weight 2 g. Inv. no. 62, x 5.40 m, y -2.11 m, z 1.86 m, layer 4. 124 Inv. šlev. 57, x 5,15 m, y -2,18 iti, z - I.XX m, plast 4, 14. Izbočen» strgalo (10) na debelem odbitku ali jedra iz plastovilfiga svetlo- in temnosivega roženca. Talon in bu I bus nista določljiva. RetuSa je polstrma in školjkovita. Na retuSiranem robo jc plitva izjeda. Feža 5.1 g. In v. stcv. 276, x 4,65 m. y 2,711 m. z -2.16 m. plast 4. TABLA 1Q.3 1. RetUŠirmi odbitek (62) Svet k) zelenega tula, ralon je ra ven i n gladek. ter nekol iko poškodovan. Buihus je izrazit in ima jeziček. Proksimalni del desnega roba ie inverzno retuSiran / droblinčaslo retušo. Na robu se vidijo negativi prejšnjih odbitkov. Teža 7 g. In v. Ste v. XX, x 3,71 m, y -4.52 m. z = - 1,62 m, plast 4. 1. S i rga lee I Vi) na masivnem odbitku i/ sivega pluslovitega Toženca. Talon ni ohranjen. Desni in spodnji rob sta direktno retu Si rana \ strga Ice. i evi rob je nazobčan in izmenično re) uši ran, kar bi govorilo za psevdo- ali krioretušo. leža 3 g, Inv. ste v. 433. kvadrat 3X, reženj 5 HUÍ 2 m do -O/M m), plaši 4. 3. S trga Ice (39) na klinastem odbitku iz lemnosivega tula. Talón je gladek. Levi rob ima zelo t) ne direktne retufie in majhno izjedo. Termina In i del je raven in ima obliko rezila. Na njena so zelo fine izmenične retuše. Teža 2 g. Inv. ¡¡tev.459tkvadrat 21. reženj 7 (-1.06 m do -1.17 m), plast 4. 4. Rct tisi ran klinast odbitek [(>2} i/ neopredeljene tomnosivc kamnine, verjetno iz roženca. Talon je majhen in gladek, Bulbusje neizrazit, oba Literalnu robova sta delno retuširuna z direktno drabtinčasto retušo. Težit 2 g, Inv. štev. 202, \ 7,59 m, y 0,12 m, z -1.07 m, plast 4, 5. IV bel ret uši ran klinast odbitek (62) iz zelenega t tila Talon je gladek. Na desnem, rahlo nazobčanem robu, ki je direktno retuSiran s totalno retušo, je morda ostanek korieksa. Levi rob je top ÍD inverzno prekinjeno retuSiran. Orodje bi lahko z vprašajem označili kot izmcničnO Strgalo (29j. Teza 10 g. Inv. štev 509, kvadrat h2 b. reženj 12 (-1.65 m do -1,77 m), plast 4. A, RetuSiran odbitek (621 i j' zelenega tula. Talon je delno odbit. Ostane nek I a Iona je lasctiran in retuSiran. Na levem, rahlo nazobčanem robu je izmenična psevdo-ali krioretuSa. Desni rob jc top in brez retuše. Teža S g, Survey \mu dim kipih^ oi- i'.ii aflx itiik torn <;, i i«f?i al hs and lit akiiis 13. Raclelie (39) on a Hake blank of dark grey rock, possibly chert. The hint is not identifiable, I lie bulb is unpronouneed. The edges are retouched with alternating fine retouch. Weight 1.5 g. Inv. no. 57. x 5.15 m, y -2, IX m, z - - I,NX m, layer 4, 14. Single convex side-scraper 110) on a thick llake or core blank of laminated light and dark grey c lie it. I he butt and bulb are not identifiable. The retouch is semi-a bin ¡it and sealed. There is a shallow notch on the retouched edge. Weight 53 g. Inv. no. 276, x 4,65 m, y 2.70 in. z -2.16 m. layer 4. PLATE 10,} 1. Retouched flake (62) of light green tuff. The butt is siraigln and flat, and slightly damaged. The bulb is pronounced and has a scar. The proximal part of the i ighl edge is inversely retouched \\ ilh a line retouch. On the edge arc visible the scars of the former II tikes. Weight 7 g. Inv. no. XK, x 3,71 tn. y -4,52 m, z -1.62 m. layer 4, 2. Uaeietle 139) on a solid flake blank of grey laminated chert, Flie butt is noi preserved. The right and lower edges are directly retouched into a raelctie. [ he left edge is denticulate with alternating retouch, which could suggest a psetulo- or cryo-retotieh. Weight 3 g. Inv. no. 433, quadrat 3X, spii 5 (-0.H2 m to -0.94 m), layer 4. 3. Raelette (39) on a blade shaped blank ol dark grey laminated tuff. The butt is flat. The left edge has a very fine direct retouch and small notch. The distal edge is straight and sharp. There arc very fine alternating retouches On it. Weight 2 g. Inv, no. 459, quadrat 21, spit 7 (-1,06 m to-LI7 m). layer 4. 4. Retouched blade shaped tool (62) of unidentified dark grey rock, probably chert. The butt is smal I and flat. The bulb is unpronouneed. Both lateral edges are partially ic touched with direct ft no removals. Weight 2 g Inv, no. 292, x 7.59 m, y 0.12 m, z -1.07 m, layer 4, 5. Retouched blade shapetl massive tool (62) ol green tuff. The butt is flat. On ihc l ight, lightly denticulate edge, which is directly retouched with a total retouch, there is perhaps the remains of cortex. The left edge is obtuse and inversely retouclied with discommons removals. The tool may be tentatively classified as ¡in alternate retouched side-scraper (29). Weight 10 g. Inv. no, St 19, quadrat 62 b, ^pn 12 (-1 ,f>5 tn lo 1.77 m), layer 4. 6. Retouched flake (62) of green mil". The him is partially knapped, flie remnant of the tutu is faceted 125 pRFClLFl} IV: QMS fALEOI 11 ^k lit W.ODU, M fUÍ¿ J M OilSJlSÍ Inv. i lev. 441, kvadrat 34, rcicnj (> 1-0.94 m do ! ,06 m), plast 4. 7. Nazobčano orodje (43j na odlomku, verjetno klinastega odbitka iz svetlosivcga plastovitega lufa. Prvotno zelo majhen talon je bil z retuiami popolnoma odstranjen H is talni del odbil ka je odlomi jen Robova prelomne ploskve nista retuširana. M a ostanku levega nazobčanega roba so inverzne poIstrme relnše. Na ostanku desnega roba so strme, izmenične retuie, ki so veijetno nastale po namvni poti. Teža 6 g. Inv. siev. 462, kvadrat 50, reženj 7 (-1,06 m do -1,17 m), verjetno plast 4, S. RetuSiram odbitek (ii2l v/ zelenega lula, I a Ion je gladek in nekoliko okrcan (poškodovan). Levi rob je direktno strmo retuSiran. Desni rob je od direktne drobne retuše lino nazobčan, RcluSa je močnejža v bližini odlomljenega terminalnega dela, ki bi lahko bil konica (kotnega) svedra (34). Ker je orodje poškodovani» je to le domneva. Teža 2 g. Inv. gtev. 5(17. kvadrat 42, reženj 14 (-1.89 m do -2,01 m), plast 5. 9. Atipično praskalo (31} na odbitku iz kvalitetnega črnega roženca. Talon je majhen in gladek, Rulbus je izrazil in ima izrazil jeziček. Na distalnem deluje polovica praskala, Leva polovica je odlomi jena ali pa je leva stran ostanek neke fosetirane udarne ploskve, ki je po robovih drobtinčastd retuširana. Na desnem robu je nekaj izmeničnih retuii. Teža 10 g. Inv, Stcv. 100, x 5,76 m. y - 0,60 m, z -2,25 m, plast 5 10. Izmenično (kouvergentnn) strgalo (29) na odbitku iz svetlozelencga tnfa. Talon je konveksen in domnevno fasetiran. Rulbus je izrazil. Desni rob je bil dislalno poškodovan pri izdelavi ali uporabi. Levi rob je inverzno totalno reuiširan, Teža 2H,5 g, Inv. Štev. 534, kvadrat 54. reženj 16 (-2,13 m do -2,25 m), sklop plasti 5 do 6 TABLA 10.4 I. Sveder(34) na odbitku iz sivega plastovitega lufa. Talon ni ohranjen. Rulbus je neizrazit. Robovi odbitka so direktno strmo retuširani, Konica svedra je domnevno na ostanku talonu. Narejena ie s tremi večjimi retuSami na ven I ra [m strani odbitka in z inverzno ríluSb na robov ih. Konica s vedra j e poškodovana ali in (kasneje) direktno retuširana. Teža 5 g. I nv. štev. 277, 5 x - 3.43 m, y 4,06 m, z -2,31 m. plast6. and probably retouched. On the left, lightly dentieu-lale edge is an alternating pseudo- or eryo-retoueh, The right edge is blunt and without retouch. Weight 8g. Inv. no. 441, quadrat .14, spi: 6(-0.94 m to -1,06 m), layer 4. 7. Denticulate tool (43) on a blank fragment, probably blade shaped of light grey laminated tuff. I he original very small butt has been completely removed. The distal part of the flake is broken. I he edges of the fracture faces have not been retouched, On the remnant of the left denticulate edge are inverse semiabrupt retouches. One the remnant of the right edge are abrupt alternating retouches which were probably created by natural means. Weight 6 g. Inv. no. 462,quadrat 50, spit 7 ( -1,06m to-1.17 m), probably layer 4. x. Retouched flake (62) of green tuff. The butt is flat and slightly damaged. The left edge is directly abruptly retouched. The right edge is finely denticulate from a direct tine retouch. The retouch is stronger in the vicinity of the broken distal part, which may have been the point of an (angle) borer (34). Since the tool is broken, this can only be guessed, Weight Inv. no, 507. quadrat 42, .spit 14 (-1.K9 m to -2,01 in), layer 5. *). Atypical end-scraper (31) on a flake blank of high quality black eherl. The butt is small and flat. The bulb is pronounced and has a pronounced scar. On the distal part is half of an end-scraper. I he left half is broken, or on the left side there is the remnant of a facetted striking platform which is finely ret on died along the edges. On the right edge there is some alternating retouch. Weigh I 10 g. inv. no. 100, x 5 76 m, y 0.60 m, z -2.25 m, layer 5 10, Alternate retouched (convergent) side-seraper (29) Oil a flake blank of grey-green tuff. The hull is convex and possibly facetted. The bulb is pronounced. The right edge suffered distal damage in the making or use. The lefl edge is inversely totally retouched. Weight 2K.5 g. Inv. no. 534. quadrat 54, spit 16 (-2.13 m lo -2.25 m), combined layers 5-6, PLATE ¡0.4 1. Borer ( V)} on a Make blank oi grey laminated tulf. The butt has not been preserved. The bulb is not pronounced- The edges of the flake arc directly abruptly retouched, The pouii of the borer is presumably on the remnant of the butt. It is made with three larger retouches on the ventral side of the flake and with inverse retouch on the edges. The point of the borer was probably broken or/a nil (later) directly retouched. Weight 5 g. 126 StIHVKY A^U IHiM'HlPriON I'H I'll Al tu I IMil ■ ;r H MKi rl .-UTS -i\l) IFItVK I PIP, 2. Prečno retuširan dobitek (40) i/. črnega rožen ca. Ta I on m ohranjen, Bulbusjc ncizta/it. Prečna retuSa je strma. Oba stranska robova sta nazobčana. Teža 3 g. Inv. Štev. 35. x 3.62 m, y = -2,KO m, z -2,27 m. plast 6. 3. Proksimaltii odlomek retuiiiranega odbitka (62) iz svetlosivcga tufa. falonje raven in fasetiran. Bul-busje neizrazit. Levi rob iti distalni del sia slrmo totalno retuširana. Teža 3 g. Inv. slev. 246. \ 2.22 m. y 2,93 m. z -2.29 m, plast 6. 4. NeretuSiran (levalloisjski?) odbitek iz s vel losi ve hifskc breče. Ta Ion je na večjem delu vbočen. na rtianjšem raven in fasetiran. Lejw se vidijo sledovi obdelave jedra. Bulbus je izrazil. Na d I stalnem delu dor/alne strani je ostanek korteksa. Teža 14 g. Inv Štev. 326, x 4,19 m,y -0,87 tn, z -2,15 m, plast 6. 5. Levalloiftjsko jedro iz sveilosivega En l'a. Viden je negativ odbite konice. Teža 72 g. Itiv. štev. 30a,b, \ 2,97 m. y -0,01 in, / -3,02 m, plast 7, 6. Atipično praskalo (31) na odbitku iz zelenega keratolirja. [a Ion je izbočen in morila fasetiran. Hul-busje neizrazit. Distalni tlel je površno sirmo prečno retuširan. I Kirzalno je na proksnnalnem delu negativ manjšega odbitka, ki nudi dobro oporo /a palce Teža 15 g. Inv. Šiev 52, * 4,41 m, y -0,54 m. z -2.K6 m. plast 7. 7. I olalno rctHŠiran odbitek (62) iz svetlozelenega tufa. Ta Ion je majhen, raven in fasetiran. Bulbus je izrazit. Os orodja ni isla kot os odbijanja. Levi rob je izmenično retuširan. Distalni del in desni rob sta direktno rel uši rana. Teža 27 g Inv. štev. 155. s -0,27 m, y = 3,33 m, z -3,00 m, plast 7. 8- Praksimalni odlomek reluširanega odbitka (02) iz svet lozelenega tufa. Ta Ion je raven in gladek. Bulbus je izrazil, Oba robova sta inverzno rctuSirana z drobtmeasto relnso. Teža I g. Inv. Štev. 51 K, kvadrat 20. reženj 17 (-2.25 do -2.37 m), plast 7. TABLA 10,5 1. Oobčasto praskalo (13)na širokem, debelem odbitku iz zelenega npženea, Talon je gladek in z ostankom korteksa. Bulbusjc izrazil. Na njem sta dva jezička. Os orodja ni ista kol os odbijanja. Distalni rob v osi odbijanja je prečno povsem retuširan. Desni rob ima nekaj plitkih retuš. teža 10 g. Inv. no. 277, 5 x 3.43 in, y 4.06 m, z : -2,31 m, layer (i. 2. Truncated flake (40) of black chert, the butt has not been preserved. The bulb is not pronounced. The end retouch is abrupt. Both side edges are denticulate. Weight } g. I iiv. no. 35, x 3.62 m, y -2.SO m, z. -2.27 m, layer 6. 3. Proximal fragment of a retouched flake (62) of light grey tuff, The bun is straight and facetted. The bulb is not pronounced. The left edge and distal part are abruptly totally retouched. Weight 3 g. Inv no. 246, x 2.22 m, y - 2,y.3 m. z -2,29 in, layer 6. 4. Unretouehed (levallois?) tlake of light grey tuff breccia. I lie butt is lor the most part concave, a smaller part straight and facetted. Traces of shaping of the core are well visible. The bulb is pronounced. There are the remains of cortex on the distal part of the dorsal side. Weight 14 g. Inv. no. 32(i. X = 9.1m. y = -0.87 m. z = -2.15 m, layer 6, 5. Levallois core of light grey tuff, ¡"he sear of the knapped point is visible, Weight 72 g. Inv. no, 30a, b, \ 2.97 m. y -0.01 m, z. -3.02 in. layer 7. 6. Atypical end-scraper (31) on a tlake blank of green kei atophyre. The butt is convex and perhaps facetted. The bulb is not pronounced. The distal part has summary abrupt transverse retouch. Dorsally, there is the scar of a smaller flake on I he proximal part, which provides good support for the thumb, Weight 15 g. Inv, no. 52, x = 4.41 m, y -0.54 m, z -2.M6 m, layer 7 7. Tola I ly retouched flake (62) of light grey i u fT. The buit is small, straight and facetted, The bulb is pronounced . The morphol ogic a I a x i s is not the same as the "debitage" axis, fliere is alternating retouch on the left edge. The distal part and right edge are directly retouched Weight 27 g. Inv. no. 155, x -0,27 m, y 3.33 m, z -3.00 m, layer 7. H, Proximal fragment of a retouched llake (62) of light green tuff. The butt is straight and ft at, I he bulb is pronounced. Both edges are line inverse retouched. Weight! g. Inv. no. 51K, quadrat 20. spit 17 (-2.25 m to 2.37 m), layer 7. run: 10,5 I. Nosed cat mated scraper (1.3) on a wide, thick flake blank of green cltcri. The but! is flat, with the remains of cortex. The bulb is pronounced. There are I wo seats on ii. the morphological axis is nol the same as the "debitage" axis, The distal edge of the "debitage" axis is transversely retouched all over. 127 Pkk.i i h in ore rn roi i inkiii dhudii. hi m£c is ih,sji'",i' Inv. štev. 10), x 5,30 m, y -1,42 m, z - -2,70 ni, plast 7. 2. I Ji stalni odlomek retuširanega odbitka (62) iz syëtlozelencga tufa (62). Lahko gre /a ostanek strgala. Desni rob je polstrmo retuširan. Levi rob je izmenično retuširan. Teža 3 g. Inv. štev. 519, kvadrat 2!. reženj IS (-2.37 m do -2,49 ni), plast 7. 3. Izbočeno strgalo (1(1) na odbitku iz neopredeljene črne kamnine. Talon je odbil oz. poškodovan. Iltil-hns je neizrazit. Desni izbočeni rob strgala je pol strmo, levi vhočeni rob pa izmenično povsem retuiiran. Teža 7.5 g, Inv. štev. 70. x 1,90 nt. y 1,73 m. z -2,90 m. plast 7, 4. Povsem relus i ran (klinast?) odbitek 162) iz svcllo-ze lenega tufa. Talon je konveksen in fasetiran. Bulbus je neizrazit, i evi rob je delno strmo, delno pol strmo inverzno retuširan. Desni rob je izmenično strmo retujSiran. Teža 5 g. Inv. štev, 516, kvadrat 13, reienj I m (-2,37 m do -2,4<) m sklop plasti 7 do 8. 5. Prečno retnsiran odbitek (40) iz svet loze I enega tulil. Talon in bulbus nista določljiva. Prečna retuša je strma. Levi rob je ua d i stal nem delu inverzno retuširan, Teža .3 g. Inv, štev, 523, kvadrat 26. reženj IK 1-2,37 m do -2,49), sklop plasti 7 do S. Ci. Retuširan odbitek ((>2). lahko prečno (40). iz svetlozelenega tufa, Talon in bulbus nista določljiva. Retuša je totalna in izmenična. Na desnem robu je strma. Teža .3,5 g. Inv. šlev, 525, kvadrat 31, reženj 17 (-2.25 m do -2,37 m), sklop pjasti 7-8. 7. Strgalee (39) na odbitku iz svctlosivega tuth. Talon in bulbus nista določljiva. Odbitek je izmenično rettiširan s strmo drubiinčnsio reiuSo. Teža 1.5 g. Inv. štev. i 17. kvadrat I S. reženj 18 (-2.37 m do -2,49 m), sklop plasti 7-8. 8. D i sta)ni odlome k debc lega retu š i ranega odbitka ( 62) iz temnosivega tufa. Teža 1.5 g, Brez inv. štev. kvadrat 17, reženj 17 (-2,25 m do -2,37 m), sklop plasti 7-8. 9. Retuširan debel odbitek (62) iz svetlosivega, močno preperelega tufa. I a Ion in bulbus nista določljiva. Proksimalni tlel levega roba je retuširan / visoko sinilo retušo, Distalni del bi lahko hi I nekakšen otopel atipičen sveder (35), Teža 4.5 g, Inv. šlev. 24K, * 2,1 L> m, y 3,67 m Z -2,46 ni, sklop plasti 7 do 8, 10. Retuširan debel odbitek (62) iz svetloielenega tufa. Talon je raven in fasetiran. Bulbus je slabo viden, Desni rob je polstrmo retuširan. Na ventndrti strani sega z. levega roba široka ploskovna retuša. 1'cza 4 128 The right edge has some low angle retouch. Weight 10 g. Inv, no. It)I, x 5.30 m, y -1.42 m, z -2.70 in. layer 7. 2. Distal fragment of retouched Make (62) of light green tuff. It may he the remnant of a side-seraper. S he I iglu edge lias semi-abrupt retouch. The left edge is alternatingly retouched. Weight 3 g. Inv. no. 519, quadrat 21. spit IK (-2.37 m to -2.4lJ m), layer 7, 3. Single convex side-seraper (III) on a ¡lake blank of unidentified black rock. 1 he butt is knapped or damaged. The bulb is not pronounced. The right convex edge of the side-scraper is semi-abrupt retouched, the let) concave edge has alternating retouch all over. Weight 7.5 g. Inv, no. 70. x 1.90 m. y = 1.73 m, z -2.90 m. layer 7. 4. Totally retouched tlake or blade (62) of light green tuff. The hutt is convex and facetted, I he bulb is not pronounced, flic left edge is partially abrupt, partially semi-abrupt inverse retouched. The right edge has alternating abrupt retouch. Weight 5 g. Inv, no. 516. quadrat 13. spit 16 (-2.37 m to -2.49 m). combined layers 7-X. 5. find retouched flake (40) of light green tuff. The butt and bid h arc not distinguishable. The end retouch is abrupt. The left edge on the distal part is inversely retouched. Weight 3 g. Inv, no. 523, quadrat 26, spii 18 (-2.37 m to -2,4') in), combined layers 7-8. 6. Ret'ouched llake (62), perhaps end retouched (-10), of light green tuff. The butt and bulb are not distinguishable. The retouch is total and alternating. (>n the righl edge it is abrupt. Weight 3.5 g. II iv. no. 525, quadrat 31, spit 17 (-2.25 m to -2.37 m), combined layers 7-8. 7. Rac I cite (39) on a tlake blank of light green lull. I he butt ant! bulb are nndislinguisable. The flake is retouched with alternating fine abrupt retouch 8. Distal fragment of a thick retouched flake ((»2) of dark grey tuff. Weiglu 1.5 g. Without inv. no., quadrat 17, spit 17 (-2.25 m (o -2.37 ni i, combined layers 7-8. l). Retouched thick flake f(i2) of light grey, heavily weathered tuIf The hitu and bulb are not distinguishable, The proximal part o I the left edge is retouched with an abrupt retouch. Ik-distal part may have been some sort of blunt atypical borer (35). Weight 4 5 g. Inv. no. 248. x 2.19 m, y 3,67 m, z -2.46 m. combined layers 7-8. HI, R el ouc he d thick llake (62) of light green luff. The butt is straight and facetted The bulb is poorly visible. I he righl edge is semi-abrupt retouched- On the ventral side, a wide facial retouch extends from the left side. Weight 4 g. SSFRVI Y ANI> I JI H HIPTKIN (H I'AI.Ai (HI Hill HKJI KIKEJ'I Al I > AMD III.AHMI» štev. 533, kvadrat 45, reženj 17 (-2.25 m do -2.37 m), sklop plasti 7 do S. 11, Na/občano orodje (43) izsvet I ozel enega Hita. Talon je raven in gladek. Bulbus je i/ni/il Levi rob je nazobčano, desni i/menično reiuširan. l e/a 12.5 g. Im šle v. 524, kvadrat 28, reženj 1 7 (-2,25 m do -2,37 m), sklop plasti 7 do 8. TABLA i0.6 1. Izbočeno strgalo [10), orodje / izjedo (42) ali nazobčano orodje (43) na odtMlku i/ temnosive tufske hreêe. falon je majhen, raven in gladek. Bulbusje rahlo stanjšan / eno samo ploskovno retušo. Levi rob jo polsfrmo retuêirau s školjko\ ito remšo v slrgalo ah nazobčano orodje. Desni rob je izmenično polstrmo re t uši ran. Sredi desnega roba je izjeda. narejena / direktno lelnšo. Teža I 3 g, In v. šle v. 335, x 7,63 m. y -1.10 m, z -3.94 m. plast K. 2. Strgalo na trebušni si ran i (25) na med ia I nem odlomku domnevno klinastega odbitka iz temno-zel enega tu ta. levi nazobčani rob je inverzno re I uši ran in lop. Desni rob ima samo nekaj reiuš. Teža 6.5 g. hi v, Stev. 25!, \ 1,70 m, y = 2.87 m. z ° -3.5 I m. plast 3. Atipični s\ eder (35) na reluširanem odbil ku iz črnega rožcnca. Talon je raven in fasetinm. Bulbusje izrazit in ima jeziček I evi rob odbitka je izmenično retuširan / drobtinčasio retuSo. Desni rob ima nekaj nepravilnih reluš. $veder je direktno reluSiran. IV z a 3,5 In v. štev, 333. x 7,3 I m, y -0,4 I m, z -3,87 m, plast 8, 4. Atipiien lev.illoisjski odbitek (2) iz svetlosivega tufa. Retuširan talon ie izboèenen in lasetiran ("chapeau de gendarme'^! Bulbusje izrazit. Na levem robu so ostanki korteksa. Teža 9 g. Inv.Stev. 11)5,x 5j0m.y -1.80 m. z -U>3 m, plast ti. 5. tipičen ievaliolsjski odbitek ( 11 i/ teinnosivega plastov ¡tega t ii la. Talon je i/bočen in lase tiran (morda "chapeau tle gendarme") Bulbusje izrazit, l eža 6 g. Inv. itev. 343, X 5,50 m, y 4,94 m, z -3,99 m, dno plasti 8?, t». Strgalo s stanjšani m hrbtom 127) na masivnem odbitku i/, sveltosivegji tulil, Ta Ion in bul bus nista določljiv^ Dorzaina stran je pokrita / negativi odbitkov. Ventral ni del levega roba je stanjšali / retušo. ki je na dislahtcm delu levega roba precej strma Desni rob je direktno precej strmo reluSiran v izbočeno slrgalo. Teža l> I g. Inv. stev. 157, x - -0,8 I m,y - 3.24 m, z - -3,46 m, sredina plasti S. inv. no. 533, quadrat 45. spit 17 (-2.25 m to -2.37 m). combined layers 7-8, 11. Denticulate tool (43) of light green tuff. The bull ts straight and flat. The bulb is pronounced. The left edge is denticulate, the righl alternating retouched. Weight 12.5 g, Inv. no. 524, quadrat 28. spit 17 (-2.25 jm to -2.37 m), combined layers 7-8. PLATE ¡0.6 1. Single convex side-scraper (I note lied ¡ool (42) or denticulate tool (43) on a flake blank of dark grey tuffbrcceia, The butt is small, straight and Hat. The bulb is lightly thinned with a single facial retouch. I he left edge is semi-abrupt retouched with a scale retouch into a sidc-scrapcr or denticulate tool, The righl edge has alternating semi-abrupt retouch. In Ihe middle of the edge is a notch, made with a direct retouch, Weight 13 g. Inv. no. 335. * - 7.63 in. y - -1.10 m, z = -3.94 in. layer 8. 2. Side-scraper on ihe ventral surface (25) of a medial fragment of a suspected blade shaped blank of dark green tuff. The left denticulate edge is inversely retouched and blunt. I ite righl edge has some retouch only. Weight 6.5 g. Inv. no. 251, x 1.70 m. y 2.87 m. z -3.51 m. layer 8, 3. Atypical borer (35) on a retouched Hake blank of black chen. The butt is straight and facetted. The bulb is pronounced and has a scar, The left edge has alternating line retouch. I he right edge has some irregular retouch. The borer is directly retouched. Weight 3.5 g. Inv, no. 333, x 7.31 m, y -0.41 m, / -3,87 m, layer 8, 4. Atypical ievallois flake (2) of light grey tuff, Uuntouched. The butt is convex and facetted "chapeau de gendarme". The bulb is pronounced. On the left edge are the remains of cortex. Weight 9 g. Inv. no. 105, x 5.10 m, y -1.80 m, z -3.63 m, layeT X, 5. typical Ievallois flake 111 of dark grey laminated lull". Without removals. I he butt is convex and facetted, probably "chapeau tie gendarme". flic bulb is pronounced. Weight 6 g. Inv; nit, 343, x ^,50 m, y 4.94 m, z -3.99 m. Iloor ot layer 87, 6. Side-serapor with thinned back 12"?) on a massive flake blank of light grey tuff, fhebutt and bulb are not distinguishable. The dorsal side is ui entirety covered with sears of previous knapping. The veu-tral part of the left edge is thinned with removals. Retouch is fairly abrupt on the distal pari. The right edge i> directly fairly abruptly retouched into a single convex si tie-sera per, Weight 91 g. 129 I'm I H.LD IN OMS IVkl.H HI t S* HI I JK( Ji )IJ, Kl Kl^' l\ (JtiN ?l!Ši'" TABLA ¡0.7 1. Tipično vbadalo (32) v kombinaciji / ravnim strgalom m izjedo, izdelano na debelem odbitku svetlozelenega tufa. Ta Ion je raveŠ in fasetimn. Na lalonu je ostanek korteksa. Bulbgs jc izrazji. Na levem robu je s polslrmo stopnjevito retušo izdelano ravno strgalo (9). Na distalnem delu levega roba je narejena izjeda. Na ventralni strani distalnega dela je hit z levega roba odbit vbadalni odbitek, Teia 33 In v. štev. 304, x 4,30 m, y 5,50 m, z - -3,63 m, plast 8?. 2. Di stal ni odlomek retuširanega odbitka (62) i/ svetlobe! ene ga lufa. Levi rob je strmo, desni drpbtinčasto retuširan. Teža I g In v. štev. 543. kvadrati 19, 21 do 24. reženj 19 (2.49 m do -2.6 I m), plast H. 3. Orodje z izjedo (42) iž temno zel enega tufa. Talonje raven in faseliran. lialbu.s je neizrazit. Na ventralni strani levega roba je proksimalno elaeionska izjeda z uporabnimi retušami. Distulno je na levi strani inverzna relusa, Na desnem robu je ostanek korteksa Teža 6 g. In v. štev. 32K, kvadrat 169, reženj S (-2.70 m do -3,10 m), plasl 8?. 4. Orodje z. izjedo (42) na odbitku iz Črnega rozonca. Talonje fasetiran. Bulbusje izrazit in ima jeziček, Izjeda je narejena z dvema direktnima re nišama. Rob iz jede je drobi inčasio retuSi ran, Distalni del je videti odlomljen, ker je del ohranjenega desnega roba strmo inverzno res uši ran. Teža I g. Inv. štev. 221, x " 0,71 m, y 4,05 m, z -3,41 m. plast S, 5. Praksimalni? odlomek retuširanega odbitka (62) i/ s vctloze lenega lufa, Domnevni proksimalni rob je direktno retuširan s polslrmo retušo. Teža 1,5 g. Inv. štev. 92. x = 4,60 m, y B -2,00 m, z ',43 m, plasl K, (>. Jedro ali debel odbitek iz svctlozelenega tufa, predclanfo) v strgalo 162). Retuše se prilagajajo strukturi kamnine. Teža 46 g. Inv. šle v. 545, kvadrati 19, 21 do 24. reženj 19 (2,49 m do -2,61 m), plast H. 7. Nazobčano orodje (43) na debelem klinastem odbitku iz s vel lo sivega tu ta. Ta Ion je raven in gladek, Bulbusje izrazit. Levi rob je grobo retuširan in le na di stalnem delu nazobčan. Desni izbočeni rob je izmenično nazobčano retuširan. Teža 12 g. IniV, 5 te V 36, bre/ koordinat, sklop plasl i 2 do 8. K, Nazobčano orodje (43) na odbtiku iz svetlosivega tula. I a Ion in bulbus nista določljiva. RetuSa je strma in izmenična. Teža 3,5 g, Inv. štev. 242, brez. koordinat, sklop plasti 2 do S. 11)5 Inv. no !57, X -0.XI ill, y 3.24 m. s -3.46 m. middle of layer X. PLATE 1(1. 7 1. Typical burin (32) in combination with a straight side-sera per and notched tool, made on a thick I lake blank of light giten tuff. Tbe butt is straight and faceted, There is the remains of cortex on the butt. The bulb is pronounced; On the left edge is a single straight side-serapei" (9) made with a semi-abrupt stepped retouch, A notch has been made on the distal part of the leli edge. On the ventral side of the distal pint, a burin spall lias been knapped from the lett edge. Weight 33 g. Inv. no, 304, X 4.30 m, y 5.50 m. z. = -3.63 m. layer 8?. 2. Distal fragment of ret one bed Hake (62) of light green tulf. The left edge is abruptly, Ihc riglu finely retouch cd. Weight I g, Inv. no. 543, quadrat 19,21 -24, spit 19 (-2.49 m to -2.61 m), layer«. 3. Notched tool (42) on a flake blank of dark green tuff. The butt is straighl and facelled. 1 he bulb is not pronounced. On the ventral side of the left edge is a proximal Claetonian notch with retouch Irom tise. There is inverse retouch disially on the left side. On the right edge, there are the remains of cortex. Weight 6 g, Inv. no. 328, quadrat 169, spit K (-2_70 m to -3.10 m), layer ft?. 4. Notched tool (42) on a Make blank of black chert. The butt is facetted. The bulb is pronounced and has a sear. The notch is made with two direct retouches. The edge of the notch is finely retouched. The distal pan is visibly broken, since part of the retained nghi edge is abruptly inversely reiouelied, Weight 1 g, inv. no, 221, x 0.71 m, y 4.05 m, z -3.41 m, layer X. 5. Proximal?fragment ofa retouched flake (62) of liglu green tulf. The suspected proximal edge is directly retouched with semi-abrupt retouch. Weight 1,5 g, Inv. no. 92. X 4.60 m. y -2,00 m. z -3.43 m. layer ti. 6. tore or thick flake of light green lull', worked into a side-scraper (62). The retouches are adapted lo the structure of the stone. Weight 46 g. Inv, no. 545, quadrats 19, 21-24. spit 19 (-2.49 m lo -2,61 m). layer X. 7. Denticulate tool (43) on a thick blade shaped blank of liglu grey tuff. I be butt is straight and llat. The bulb is pronounced. I he left edge is summary reiouelied and denticulate only on the distal part. The right convex edge is alternatingly denticulate retouched. Weight 12 g. Inv. no. 36, without coordinates, combined layers 2 - S, it. Denticulate tool (43) on a Hake blank of light grey Si kvi v ,imi hi h.HiITiOn m mi .inji i um" rimi s. iikfj'i aci s akij jii imiis 9. Orodje z i/jedu (42) na odbitku i/, sivega roženca. lalon in bul h lis nista določljiva. Robovi odbitka so totalno .strmo retuširani. Hrbtna stran je ploskovno retuSirana. Teža 3 g, tnv. itev. 241, brez koordinat, sklop plašil 2 do K. 10-Strgalce (39) na proksimalnem odlomku (klinasie-ga?) odbitka i/ sivega roženca. Tu Ion je gladek. Distalni del odbitka je gladko odlomIjen. Prelom je bre/ sledov uporabe Desni rob je direktno fino remsiiun, Teža I g. Inv. štev. 485, kvadrat 48 b, reženj 6 (-0,94 m do -! .Ob m) sklop plasti 2 lin 5ja, 11. Retuširan odbitek (62) iz svetlozelfcnega tufa. Talon in bulbus nista določljiva. Proksimalni del ima na venlralni strani delno ploskovno rctuSo. Distalni del je ravno prečno retuširan * polstrmo retuio, I ev i rob je inverzno polstrmo retuširan Teža 3 g. Inv. štev. 528. kvadrat in reženj neznana, sklop plasti 2 do K. (0.3, AN al1za a rtf. fa k io v Najpomembnejši sklop najdb predstavljajo kameni artefakti. Ti so bre/ lusk približno enako Številni v vhodnem (ne zvez ne inventame številke 53 do 326) in v orednjeni predelu jame (zvezne invenlarne številke 409 do 426, 42«. 430 do 547). Ker jih nikjer ni prav veliko, jih bomo obravnavali skupaj. ArheoloSke straligrafske korelacije med različnimi predeli jame so mogoče na podlagi izstopajočih plasti 4, 6 in 8 ter na podlagi nekaterih odbitkov iz iste kamnine, ki so bili najdeni v obeh predelih jame v istih plasteh. I i odbitki imajo naslednje invenlarne številke: v horizontu A: 54 in 463, 62 in 469, 63 in 45N. 65 in 441. 8K in 4X7, 292, 319;jii 459,32tif in 430; v horizontu C: 153, 156 in 5()X. Surovinski sestav najdb je prikazan v razpredelnici 10.1. Makroskopsko jih je opredelil mag. Aleksander Horvat (N IT, Katedra za paleontologijo iti geologijo). Najpogostejša surovina so lufi (50 %), Med njimi imamo tudi redke tufske breče m kol posebnost plastoviti tu t, ki se le redko pojavlja tudi v drugih srednjepaleoiitskih najdiščih v Sloveniji. Na drugem mestu so makroskopsko neopredeljene kamnine / vsebnostjo kremena (27 %). Na tretjem mestu so rožene i [19 %), med njimi tudi plastoviti, Tuti in roženei so značilne lokalne kamnine, ki jih dobimo tudi med prodom Idrijce. Zanimiva sta keratofir v horizontu i in neopredeljena surovina v horizontu 0. ki je ni \ Slo\ eniji Lusk nismo posebej opredeljevali. Med njimi je verjetno tuft". The butt and bulb tire not distinguishable. The retouch is abrupt and alternating. Weight 3.5 g. Inv. no. 36, without coordinates, combined layers 2 - 8. 9. Notched tool (42) on a flake blank of grey chert. The butt and bulb are not distinguishable. The edges of the flake are totally abruptly retouched. The dorsal side is facially retouched. Weight 3 g, Inv, no. 241. without coordinates, combined layers 2-8. 10. Racleite (39) on the proximal fragment of a blade shaped or Hake blank of grey eheri. The bull is flat, The distal part of the (lake is smoothly broken. The fracture is without trace of use. The right edge is directly, finely retouched. Weight i g. IllV. no. 485, quadrat 48 b. Spit 6 (-0.94 in to -1.06 m). combined layers 2 - 5a. 11. Retouched flake (62) of liglu green tuff. The butt and bulb are not distinguishable. The proximal pan has a partial facial retouch on the ventral side, The distal part is straight, end retouched with a semiabrupt retouch The left edge is inversely scmi-abniplly retouched. Weight 3 g. Inv. no. 528, quadrat and spil unknown, combined layers 2-8. 10.3. Analysis of artefacts i he "debitage" products are the most important group of finds, t hose without chips are approximately equal in number in the entrance (continuous inventory numbers 53 - 326) and in the central part ol'lhe cave (discrete inventory numbers 409 - 426,428, 430 - 547). Si nee there is not a targe number anywhere, they will he dealt with together. Archaeological strati graphic correlation among the various pai ls of the cave are possible on the basis of ¡he pronounced layers 4.6 and S, and on the basis pi" some Hakes of the same rock which were found ill both parts of the cave at the same layers These flukes have the following inventory numbers in level A: 54 and 463.62 and 469, 6,3 and 45K. 65 and 441. KK and 487, 292, 319 and 459, 320 and 430: in level C: 153, 156 and 508. The raw material composition of the finds is shown in liihte !0.1. 1 hey were identified macroscopi-cally by Mag Aleksandcr 1 lotvai (NTF Ljubljana, Department of Paleontology and Geology), The most common raw material is tuff (50 They include also occasional luff breccia, and, as a peculiarity, laminated lull', which has appeared at other Middle Palaeolithic sites in Slovenia, too- but only rarely. In second place are mac-roscopically unidentified rocks with a quartz content OJ In third place are cherts < 19 %), including laminated cherts. Tuffs and ehens arc typical local rocks, which are also found among the riv er alluv ium of the 483 1'HM.U [i IS liris i'M i1imiskih ilklldij, KUfflV is [WISJliT največ lufskih, Kosov iz kvaliietnega, večinoma črnega roženca je samo 3,5%. Največ jih je v horizontu A. Večina sileksov je močno prcpereltli in imajo rahlo zaobljene robove. Prepcrela površina je drugačne barve od notranjosti. Približna gostota najdb kamenih artefaktov je podana v razpredelnici 10.2. Približna zalo, ker smo kij ah sejanju in spiranju vseh odkopanih usedlin naši i v osrednjem predelu jame največ K5 % artefaktov, velikih okoli H) mm. in samo približno 20 % zelo majhnih lusk. Največ najdb je v horizontu A (33 % z luskami m prav toliko brez njih). Med najdbami prevladujejo v vseh horizontih luske, manjše od t cm in lažje od Ig. Skoraj vse luske so bile najdene v Osrednjem predelu jame, kjer smo vse odkopane usedline pregledali s sejanjem in spiranjem. Lusk je največ v horizontu A (34 %). V krioturbatno prizadetih plasteh 2 do 5a pride na eno orodje povprečno 5,6 luske, v plasteh 6 do H pa samo I,K luske. Večina lusk je zelo majhni h in so lažje od 0.5 g. Nedvomno gre za 1 tiske, ki so nastale pri retuširanju. Ni izključeno, da je del lusk posledica krioturbaci je. Na nekaterih artefaktih hi bile tako lahko tudi psevdoretuSe ( r. 10. J: 6). Pri klasifikaciji najdb v razpredelnici 10.2 smo se oprli na Osolelove opredelitve kamenega gradiva v Bctalovcm spod molu, najbogatejšem srednjepaleoljt-skem najdišču v Sloveniji (Osole 1991. >¡1. Te so naslednje: 1, Orodja so vsi namensko oblikovani silekst po Bordesovi tipologiji. 2. Jedra so kosi sileksa.ki imajo več orientiranih ploskev- negativov, ki so jih zapustili odbitk i. 3, Klinast i (lamelami) odbitki so k linam podobni 132 Idrijca. The kcralophyreon level C and the unidentified raw material on level 0. are interesting, neither occurring in Slovenia. Chips were not identified individually. They probably contain most tuff. Only 3.5 % of pieces arc high quality, for the most part hlack, chert. There are most on level A. The majority of silex is heavily weathered and has slighlly rounded edges. The weathered surlaee is a different colour to I he interior. The approximate density of finds of stone artefacts is given in Table 10,2. Approximately, because despite sieving and washing of all excavated sediment, we found ai most K5 % of artefact*, in the central part of the cave of around 10 mm size, and only approximately 20 % of very small flakes I g(e. g. chips}. Most finds came front level A (33 ".3: f>) In the classification of finds in Table 10.3, we relied on O sole's definitions of stone material in Bctalov spodmol. the richest Middle Palaeolithic .site in Slovenia itazptvdi'hiica ¡0,!: Surovinski sestav kamenih najdb brez lusk. Table 10,1 kaw material composition of slone finds without cships Plast 1 lorizont Tuf R ože nee Breča Peščenjak Keratofir Ostalo Skupaj Layer Level Tuff Chert Breccia Sandstone Ketatophyrc Other Total 2 0 2 - - - 1 3 3 - 5a - II 5 - - - 5 21 4 A 43 20 t 2 - 5 71 5.5a, 5b A/B R i - - - 4 14 5/6 - I I - - - - 2 6 B 10 5 - - - 4 19 M 7 - 5 1 - - - 2 K 7 C 10 5 - - 1 II 27 1! K - 10 T - 1 - 1 14 H D 15 2 - 3 - 10 30 2-8 A - D - - - - 19 19 Skupaj Total 114 4.1 1 6 1 62 228 Survey ami ijimuimuh in ™ in ».mm: rood; Humana anu id aWms Plast Layer Horizont Level Orodja Tools Jedra Prodniki {..'ores Nodules Odbitki* I i lades* Odbitki** Flakes** Razbitine Chunks Luske Chips Skupaj Total 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 4 7 3 - 5a A 2 3 0 11 4 38 M 4 A IK 3 0 1 46 S 66 142 3, 5a, 5b A/B 2 1 0 0 K 2 33 46 5/6 - 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 ft B 3 1 0 0 12 1 3 20 6/7 0 0 6 1 6 13 7 e 6 1 0 0 16 10 33 7/8 - S 0 0 0 5 1 15 2») D 9 1 I 0 14 2 13 40 2 -K - 4 0 0 0 14 1 6 25 Skupaj Total 5K 9 4 1 136 20 194 422 * Nencluš Irani klinasti odbitki- - l Ju re tone 1ml blade shaped blanks. ** Nerctuširani in rtih to rem št ram odbitki, -1 In re touched and MyJjily retouch tai llakc blanks Razpredelnica III.-, Gostoia na jd fcjmemh arieftiktov po pUsteh. fable UK J. Density of finds of stoiic anefects by layers. odbitki z bolj ali mafij vzporednima stranskima robovoma, z dobro ločljivo hrbtno in trebuSno stranjo, kjer je bolje ah slabSe izražen bulbus. Brez retuš ali z delnimi retu&ami, rabljeni. 4 Odbitki soploSCati odlomki siloksaz izruzito hrbtno in trebušno stranjo, kjer je bolje ali slabše izražen bulbus, Neretuširani ali le delno retuširan i, rabljeni.' i. Razbitine so odlomki siieksa, kjer so \se dimenzije bolj ali manj izenačene, brez hrblne in trebušne strani, 6. Luske so majhni ploščat i odbitki i cm, I g po naši opredelitvi), 7, Prodniki - gomolji so zaobljeni sileksi, v celoti ali delno prekriti s skorjo. Lahko so celi ali načeti. Dele skorje imajo lahko tudi vse kategorije sileksov od | do 6. Ta Ion je ohranjen samo na polovici odbitkov, l'o$kodovan inlon ima 10 % vseh odbitkov. Taloni s korteksoni so redke izjemo. Olirau ¡en \ taloui so i ascl irani (13 %), gladki (14%) in ncoprcdeljtvi (23 %), Odstotek fasetiranih ta Ionov je največji \ horizontu D, Redki levalloisjski odbitki in eno levalloisjsko jedro {(. 10.4: 4-5; 10.6: 4-5} govore za nesporno uporabo lev al loisjske tehnike za pripravo jeder in odbijanja poleg drugih tehnik. TehnoloSko zanimiv kratek (levalloisjski?) odbitek 11. 10.4: 4) ima dobro vzporednico v horizontu C Belalovcga spodmola (Osole 1991. t. 24:1). Retuš i ran i h je 47 "« vseh odbitkov, vključno z orodji. To kaže na intenzivno uporabo karatnih izdelkov. 1 \ prihodnje bi bil» umestno ločiti rcluSiranc in ncretuiiranc odbitke, vključno s klinastimi. (Osoic 1991, p. 8). Thesu are the fol lowing: 1. fools are all deliberately formed silexes by Bordesian typology. 2. The cores are pieces ol" si lex which have many oriented scars, that Hakes have left behind them. 3. Blades and blade-shaped blanks are productsof"debitage" with more or less parallel side edges, with well separated back and undersides, where there is a more <>r less pronounced bulb. Without retouch or partial retouches, used 4. Flakes are products of "debitage" with pronounced back and undersides, where there is a more or less pronounced bulb. Untffitouched or only partially retouched, used.1 5. ( hunks are picees ofsilex, all of the dimensions ofw Inch arc more or less the same, without hack and undersides. 6, Chips are small. Ilai Makes ( I em, I g according to our definition), 7, Pebbles and nodules are rounded silex, wholly Or partially covered with cortex. They may he whole or splintered, All categories ofsilex from 1 to 6 can also have a partial cortex. The butt litis been preserved on only half of the flakes. Ten percent of all Hakes have a damaged butt. Butts with cortex arc a rare exception. Preserved butts are facetted 113 %), Mat 114 and undefined (23 The percentage of facetted bulls is highest tut level D. Occasional levallois Hakes and one levallois core (PI 10.4: 4-5; I Oft: 4-5) testify to the unarguable use of the levallois technique for preparing a core and knapping, In future, we will artificially divide retouched and unretouehed flakes, including with blades and blatlc-shnped blanks. 133 I'jtKil f.rns (M'ls PALEC* itskiii OHOliU, til kfSC is "HiMISf Pogosta je strma reiuša. Med orodji je 15.-S % polomljenih (i. 10 1; 7; 10,3: 7: i0.6; 2; i0.7: 4. 10), kar lahko dokazuje, da so orodja v jami močno rabili. Odstotek neretuSiranih od lom Ij eni h odbitkov je bistveno nižji. Največ odlomljemh orodij (31J %)jc v horizontu A. Na jedra in razbijiinc pride vsega 6 odbitkov, vključno z orodji. Samo na redkih odbitkih so rahli sledov i reuiš. Vendar jih nismo zgolj na podlagi tega uvrstili med orodja, prikazana ti a tablah 10.1 di> 10. 7. Jedra so nepravilne oblike, razen enega levallois j-skega jedra {I. 10.4 5), najdenega v kurišču horizonta C in enega diskoidnega jedra v sklopu plasti 3 do J (neobjavljeno). Od istega jedra sta dva odbitka, ki nain jih je uspelo sestav it i (in v. štev, 15 J in 1 5(r) Najdena sta bila \ vhodnem predelu jame 0.75 m narazen v plasti 7 (horizont O. Razlika v globini je 24 cm in je verjetno nastala zaradi terenske metode. Odbitek štev 153 je ventra 1110 drugače pa lin i ran kol dorzalno, kar kaže na ponovno uporabo nekoč ze obdelovanih kosov. Iz enake surovine kot sestavljiva odbitka sta tudi odbitka štev. 45t) in 492, najdena v osrednje tli predelu jame v sklopu zgubanib plasti 2 do 5a. in addition toother techniques. The technologically interesting short (levallois?) flake (PI. HL-t: 4) has a good parallel in level CofBetalov spodmol (Osole 1991, PI. 24:1). Forty seven percent of Hakes, including tools, are retouched. This indicates the intensity of use of the flakes as tools. The retouch is oflen abrupt. Among tools, 15:5 % arc broken (PL 10.1; 7; ¡0.3: 7: 10.6:2; 10.7: ■¡. ¡0). which may also show that the tools in the: cave were greatly used. The percentage of unretotichcd broken flakes is essentially lower. There are most broken tools (30 %) on level A. There are (■> flakes, including tools to each core or ¿hunk. Only occasionally do flakes have slight trapes of retouch. However, we considered this inadequate to classify them among tools shown on Plate$ ¡01- 10.7. Cores tne of irregular form, except for one levallois core {Pi 10.4 5). found in the hearth oil lev el (.' and one discoidal core in the combined layers 3 - 4 (unpublished}, Two fltikes which wc succeeded in refitting are from llie same eons linv. nos. 153 and 156), They were found m the entrance part of the cave, 0.75 SI. 10}: Divje babe I. iJobčasto praskalo (plast 7j in orodje z izjedo t plast loto: Marko Zaplati k Fig. i t). 3: Divje babe L Nosed scraper llayer 7| and notched tool (layer N), Photo; Marko ZapSutil. 134 Pfodoik je un sani, razbil v dva različno patín i rana tlela (in v. šle v. .134 in 342). Oba tlela sla bila najdena v vhodnem predelu jame 3.7 m narazen v dna plasti S (horizont D). Bila sla skoraj na isii globini, če upoštevamo nagib plasti. Prodnik je iz zelenega tufa. Razen njega so bili najdeni še trije prodniki iz temnosivega apnenca, vsi domnevno \ horizontu A. Eden je bil razbit. Našli srno tudi odbitke, Ostala dva sta brez sledov uporabe. Skoraj vsa orodja so na odbitkih, kar znese 29 % vseh odbitkov in 25 % vseh najdb bre/ lusk. lve upoštevamo še rahlo rei uši rane odbitke, je odstotek retuiiianih odbitkov večji od 30. To so dosli pogoste \ rednosti v srednje pa I col i t ski h najdiščih Evrope (Gamble 1986. 402 s). V Betalovem spodmolu imamo lako visok delež orodij sanio \ Starejših horizontih, A - t" (Osole 1991. lis, 2 Is). Značilen je tudi za Matjaževe kamre (Osole 1977, 2-4). Mornovo zijalko (M. Brodar I99(i) in lu neobravnavane starejše horizonte \ Divjih babah L V Krapini. kjer ni lusk in prodnikov, je orodij 33 % (Siničk 1991 j. Kline, rchiširane v orodja in uereiušhane, so skrajno redke. Imamo jih samo 2.5 %, V nobenem primeru ne gre za značilne mlajšepaleohlske kline, Krhljast odbitek je samo eden, in sicer i/ kremenovega peščenjak ovc ga prodnika. Odbitkov in orodij s korteksom je 5 %, Večina odbitkov je bila verjetno drugje odbita od skrbno pripravljenih jeder Po vseh znakih sodeč v jami niso izdelali veliko orodij. Vendar niso vanjo prinesli samo gotovih izdelkov. Nekaj orodi j je bilo nedvomno narejenih na najdišču. Še več pa verjetno popravljenih in preoblikovanih. Pri zadnjem oprav ilu so lahko nastale številne zelo majhne luske. Orodja so posebej opisana v katalogu in, kjer je bilo mogoče, tudi opredeljena po Bordesovi tipologiji (l. 10.1 - /0.7). Pregled orodij je prikazan v razpredelnici 10.3. Pomembna so orodja mlajšepaleohlske skupine (Bordesovi tipi 30 do 37 in 4(1). Ta orodja v združenih horizontih A do D sieer niso pogosta, vendar so glede na majhno gostoto najdb vseeno 16-odstotno zastopana. To je za slovenske razmere visok odstotek. Pomembno je tudi, da imamo vse glavne tipe mlajšepaleolilske skupi ne orodij, razen noža s hrbtom. Za atipično praskalo (/. 10.3: imamo dobro vzporednico v mouslčrienskem horizontu H Beta lo vega spodmola (Osole 1991, t. .i 3; 6). Popolna novost v tem Času pri nas so odbitki ia kline s prečno letu So (i. 10.4:2, 10.5: .S). Zelo redko orodje je t tul i izmenično konvergentno strgalo (/. 10,3 ■ 10). Posebnost sta no h (a s to in gobca s to praskalo (Hord eso v tip 10 in 13) kot značilni mlajšepaleoliiski orodji (/. 10,2: i 2: 10,5: I). Vendar sta obe izdelani na širokih odbitkih, sta nepravilnih oblik in kol laki nimata dosli skupnega» podobnima mhijšepaleolitskima orodnima tipoma. Vzporednico za gohčaslo praskalo dobimo predvsem v horizontu h našega najdišča (neobjavljeno), Druga Sum I V \NTi m SCHIPtmN DF PA! MiH ITUK' IDOIS. HRFFI V F'S AN|> HEAKIH5 m apart in layer 7 (level C), The difference in depth was 24 cm, and was probably created by the field recovery technique used Flake no. 153 is patinated differently ventral ly than dorsal ly, which suggests re-use of already worked pieces. Flakes no. 450 and 492. found in the central pttrl of the cave in the combined lolded layers 2 - 5a, are knapped of the same raw material. There is a single pebble, broken inlo two (inv. mis, 334 and 342). Both parts differently patinated were found in the entrance part of the cave, 3 70 m apart on the floor of layer 8 (level D). They were at almost the same depth, bearing in mind the declination ofihe layer. The pebble is of green tuff. Beside it were found a further three pebbles of dark grey limestone, all presumably in level A. One was broken. We also found Hakes. The other two were Without any trace of use. Almost ail the tools are on flakes, and they amount to 29 % of all flakes and 25 % of all finds without chips. If we bear in mtnil slightly retouched flakes, (he percentage of retouched flakes is more than 30. These arc frequent enough values at Middle Palaeolithic sites in Europe (Gamble 1986. pp. 402 on). In Slovene sites there is only such a high percentage of tools in the older levels, A -Cal Betalovspodmol (Osole 1991, pp.] Ion and 2loci). It is also typical of Matjaieve kamre (Osoie 1977, p. 24). Moniova zijalka (M. Brodar 1996) and the older levels of Divje babe I not dealt with here, in Krapina, where there are no chips and pebbles, tools amount lo 33 % (Simek 1991). ii lades, retouched into tools or till re touched, are extremely rare. There are only 2.5 %. incltitling blade shaped blanks. There is no case of a typical Upper Palaeolithic blade. There is only one pebble segment, and this is made of quartz sandstone. Flakes and tools with cortex amount to 5 %. The majority of flakes were probably knapped from cores carefully prepared else where. Judging by all the signs, they did not make many tools in the cave. However, they did noi bring into it only completed products. Some tools were undoubtedly made at the site, and more probably repaired and reshaped, The lasi but one uisk could have created ihe numerous very small chips. Tools are described individually in the catalogue and, where possible, also classified by Bordesian typology (Plates If), I - If), 7). A survey of tools is shown in Table 10.3, Tools of the Upper Palaeolithic group (Bordesian types - 37 and 40} are important, These tools are not frequent in combined levels A - D, but in view of the low density of finds, they represent 10 %, Tliis is relatively high for Slovene Middle Palaeolithic si les, it is also important that all main types of the Upper Palaeolithic group of tools tire here, except a backed knife. We have a good parallel for the atypical end-scraper (PL 10,3: 9) in Mousieriau level U of Betalov spodmol (Osole 1991. PI. 33:6). Flakes and blades with 135 IjM t JL ICD IN Ans iiNJIM posebnost so kombinirano orodja (i ¡0.2: 4. 10.6: t: 10 7: I). V ti veh primerih gre za kombinacijo s skupino mlajScpalcoltiskih orodij 1t. 10.2; 4: 1.0.7; I). Vse te posebnosti in novosti, skupaj / nekaterimi estetsko oblikovanimi orodji (si. 10.J), kažejo napreden značaj tvorcev najdenih tvarnjh ostankov \ Divjih babah I. /ato nas v takem kontekstu konee koncev ne bi smela presenetili niti najdba domnevne koščene piščali. SI. It), j Divje bal«; I. Kosma tvorba > pravilno okroglo luknjico (plaši 5), Pogled od zgoraj in spodaj, Foto: Marko Zaplatil. Fig. 1/1.4: Divje babe 1, Bone material with regular circular hole. View Irom above and below Photo: Marko Zaplatil. end retouch are a complete novelty al that time here (PI. 10.4: 2: 10.JT< 5). The alternating convergent side-scraper is also a very rare tool (PI. 10.3: III), lite ungui forme end-scraper and nosed caminted scraper (Bordcsian tyj>e 1(1 and 13) are particularities as typical Upper Palaeolithic tools (PI. 10.2: 12: 10.5: I). However, both are made from flakes, are of it regular shape and. as such, do obi have enough in common with similar Upper Palaeolithic tool types. There are parallels to the nosed carina ted scraper in level f' of this site (unpublished). Combined tools are another peculiarity (PI, IH.2: 4: 10.6 1: 10.7: /). hi two cases, they are a com-hination of Up|icrPalaeolithic tools 01 10.2. 4: In 7: I). All these peculiarities and novelties, together with some aesthetically shaped tools (Fig. 10.3), show the advanced character of the Palaeolithic man who left the material remains found m Divjc babe I. St) in such a eon I ex t, we should not really be surprised at the find of the suspected bone flute. The entire Middle Palaeolithic tools for the moment do not have real comparisons in other Slovene sites, ¡is concerns density and above all richness of too I types. So we propose for the entire group of finds the working name M oust en an "Divjc babe I type". The proposal is based on the elaborated chronology of the type of site, which is paleoeeologieally and radiometricaily verified, and supported by Aurignaeian finds above the layers with Mousterian, as well us by the general characteristics ol ihe collection of stone tools found. We may additionally ascribe to this type the occasional finds from Matjaieve kamre and iVlornova zijalka (Osole 1977; M. Brodar 1996). However Mitja Brodar (19%) identified the finds from Morn ova zijalka in his most recent study, on the basis of ivpology in die Upper Palaeolithic. The richest level A in Divjc babe I matches ehronosti at ¡graphically Mousterian level li in Bclalov spodmol (t>sole 1991). Retalo\ spodmol has only III "■■ of tools of all finds without eldps at level E, and level A at Divje babe I 20 %. The two levels arc difficult to compare typological|y in view of the small number of tools. The density of individual types and richness of types, namely, arc very dependent on the size of the collection {Gamble l'W6, p. Fig. K.7}, To date, some similar finds in Slovenia have been placed among denticulate Mousterian (Osole 1977; Pctru 1989). On the basis of our findings at Divje babe I, it no longer seems appropriate. The denticulate Mousterian in France is poor iu tool types, there is a perceptible tendency towards blade knapping, the leva No is technique is rare, among tools there arc very few points and side-scrapers and a kit of den lieu late tools 11 Jraily 1992). These are in no sense the general characteristics of this material, which contains a relatively large variety of tool types, and few deniieulates There seems, therefore, lo us the basis for the provisional naming of an independent regional type of artefact assemblage. I3(. Suhvt v wn ni si riitiOn up nu ai-omiiiic irtcii.s, i ai*n .ub ami h kar ms Razpredelnica W.J Pregled orodij i po Hordesu) po plasteh. Table 10.3: Survey of tools (Bordesian typology) by layer. Plast Layer 1 lorizont Level 10 23 25 27 29 30 31 32 35 39 40 42 43 62 Skupaj Total 2 0 - - 1 1 3 - 5a - - 1 - - - - - - ~ - 5 - - - - 6 4 A 1 1 - 1 - 1* 1 4 - 1 2 6 18 5,5a, 5b - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 1 2 5/6 - - - I - - - - - - - - - - 1 6 B - - - - - - - - 1 - - 1 - - I 3 6/7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 C 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - ■ - 4 6 7/8 - - t. - - - - _ - 1 1 - I 5 8 8 D 1 * 1 1 - - | 4* 1 - 2 - 2 9 2-8 A - D - - - - . - - - - - - - - 1 2 l 4 Skupaj Total 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 10 2 4 5 21 Sit Strgala Side-serapers: 10-2'J. Praskalo. Typical end-semper. HI Mlojiepaleolitska orodju, tipper Palaeolithic umlv 31 - 35, 4(J. Strgal«. Raclette: 39. Orndje z izjedo. Notched tool: -t Nazobčano orodje Denticulate: 4.1. Razno, Various: 62. f K11 min ni.....o orodje: sveder - na zobčai io < i rod j e. Combi ned tc iol: bocer - de nt iculatc *"' Kombinirano orodje: vbndaln - ravno si igalo Combined tool: burin- straight side-scraper, Vse srcdiyepaleolitske najdbe zaenkrat nimajo prave primerjave v drugih slovenskih najdiščih, kar zadeva gostoto in predvsem bogastvo orodnih tipov. Zalo predlagamo za celotni skupek najdb delovno oznako inousičrienski "tip Divje babe I". Predlog utemeljujemo / izdelano kronologijo tipskega najdišča, ki je paleoekolo.ško in rad iometrično preverjena in podprta z aurigjiacienskimi najdbami nad plastmi z moustčrienom, kakor (udi s splošnimi značilnostmi zbirke najdenih kamenih orodij, Temu tipu lahko pripišemo še redke najdbe iz Matjaževih kamer in Mom ovc zijal ke (Oso le 1977; M. Btodar 1996). Mitja Brodar(] 9%) je opredelil najdbe iz M orno ve zijal ke v svoji najnovejši študiji na podlagi tipologije v mlajši pa Ice I i lik. Najbogatejši horizont A s Divjih babah I klenostmi igralsko ustreza inoiislerienskemu horizontu I v Belalovem spodmolu (Osole 1991), Belalov spodmol ima v horizontu L samo 10% orodij od vseh najdb brez lusk, horizont A v Divjih babah I pit 2<) %. lipološko sta oba horizonta težko primerljivo glede na majhno število orodij Gostota posameznih tipov in bogastvo upov sta namreč zelo odvisni od velikosti zbirke (i i amble 1986, 356, Fig. H.7), Doslej so se nekatere podobne najdbe v Sloveniji poslavljale v nazobčam mousterien {Osole 1977: Petru 1989). N» podlagi naših ugotovitev In a development;!I sense, the type here, as well as ail Slovene Mousierian. which is most representatively apparent in Retainv spodmol, is connected with the Mousterian in north-east Italy, where towards the end of the Middle Palaeolithic, there were ever more tools of the Bordcsism I Ipper Palaeolithic group (Palma di Ccsnolat 1996, pp.146 on), The other important group of finds is the Aurignacbn finds in level 0 in layer 2 and above layer 4, For (he most part, these ate bone points and only one stone tool (PI. 10.1: 1 - 5). All funis originate from the 0 ¿cm SI. 10.5. Divje babe I. Kroglice i/, peščenih zrn najdene \ plasti 4 (mousterien). Foiu: Marico Zaplatil. liy 10.;i Divje babe I. Spheres from grains o I" sand found m layer.4 rMoustcrian) Photo: Marko Zaplati). 137 I'm < >i i u ik { >m% i*Ai.EOLrrsiûiM ikooii. Kuttist i m f .n ji^1 v Divjih babah I, se nam to nc zdi več primerno. Nazobčani moustérien v Franciji je reven z orodnimi tipi, zaznavna je težnja h klinastim odbitkom, |cvalloisj-ska tehnika je redka, med orodji ima zelo malo konic in silga! ter veliko nazobčanih orodij (Draily 1992), To nikakor niso sploSne značilnosti našega gradiva, ki vsebuje sorazmerno veliko različnih orodnih tipov, pa malo nazobčanih orodij. Zalo se nam /tli začasno osnovanje samostojnega regionalnega lipa umestno. Razvojno se naš tip, kakor tudi ves slovenski moustérien. ki je najbolj reprezentativno zastopan v Uetišjovem spod molu, povezuje / moustérienom v severovzhodni Italiji, kjer je proti koncu srednjega paieolitika vse več orodij Bordesove mlajSepaleoiiiske skupine (Palma di Ccsno I a 1996, 146 ss). Drogi nadvse pomembni sklop najdb predstavljajo aurignacienske najdbe v horizontu 0 v plasti 2 in nad plastjo 4. V glavnem gre za koščene konice in samo eno kameno orodje I/. 10. i: ! - J), Vse najdbe Izvirajo i/ osrednjega predela jame. Plast 2 je bila v vhodnem predelu namreč precej poškodovana. T i polos k o podrobneje neopredeljivo strgalo je za vrednotenje horizonta 0 ne po meh ti o. Koščene konice pripadajo vsaj dvema tipoma, in sicer konici /. razcepljeno bazo (r ¡0 I I ) (Delporte in dr, 1988) in konici tipa Potočka zijalka po Milji Brodarjjii.f.l985b). Piva predstavlja vodilni tip v evropskem aurignacicnti. Najbližje vzporednice zanjo imamo v Potočki zijalki (S. Brodarin M. Brodar 1983, T. 9:102J in Mokriškijami | M. Brodar 1959, T. J). Druga bolj ali manj oddaljena najdišča na južni strani Alp so Fumanc pri Veroni (Banolomei in dr, 1992a, Fig. 9,2; I992b, l ig. 27 - 2N) in Vindija v Hrvatskem Zagorju (Male/ I98K, SI, 2. Tab, 111 Za bogateaurignacicnske horizonte Potočke zijalkeje značilno sorazmerno majhno število retuširanih klin in sorazmerno veliko strgal (S, Brodar m M Brodar 1983, 114 ss. T, I - v Allsworih-.lones 199U, 195). To bi lahko bilo odraz pomanjkanja dobrih surovin /a izdelovanje kamenih orodij. Nekaj podobnega je bilo ugotovljeno v Ispatiijt (Strauss 1990). Če sprejmemo lako razlago, lahko sprejmejo kol mogoče tudi nekatere najnovejše B roda rje ve sira-ligrafske m tipološke opredelitve artefaktov sredii|e-paleolitskega izgleda v Špehovki in domnevno v Mornovi zijalki v aiirignacien (M Brodar 199.1; 1996), Vendar sami sporne najdbe iz obeh najdišč pripisujemo še vedno moustčriehu» in sicer tu predlaganemu "tipu Divje babe I . V Spehovkt imajo srednjepaleolitski orodni tipi, ki jih je M. Brodar uvrstil v atirtgnacicn (1993. T, 3: «1; 2: 66; 73; 4: 31), pogosto ra/e. ki so lahko nastale zaradi premikov v usedlinah, nima pa raz. noben inlajšepaleolitski tip (1993, T I). Zalo lahko dvomimo v prvotno stratigrafsko lego omenjenih najd. Stratigrafija paje Brodarjev g lavni.dokaz zaopredelitcv dela bivših moustenetiskih najdb rs tega najdišča v a tiri gnaei en. Glede na aurignacienske najdbe in klimatske zahteve inierstadiala Potočke zijalke l]e ohranjeno (.i/, 2.5 in 10.7). I:dino izpolnjuje pogoje za ognjišču oziroma in situ kurišča, ki jih predstavljajo prostorsko omejene koueenlraeije ogl ja in/ali pepela z t() m 4- Elm The remains of hearths and fireplaces were discovered in the following layers: 4?, 5, 6, 7 and X. They belong to the following levels: A?, A/B, B, C and I) Some hearths in the entrance part of the cave may he miselassificd due to the an improper field technique (see below). fhe suspected hearth on level A (layer 4) was preserved in the form of a small concentration of fragments ofehareoal of spruce and ash Under large blocks ut the entrance part of the eaVe (quadrat IKÍj, depth -1,4(1 m). The charcoal was in very poor condition, for the most part disintegrated. Because of the difficulty of distinguishing layers at the site of the suspected hearth, it eannoi he excluded that ii belongs to level I) (layer 2) rather than level A. I.aver 4 is lull of microscopic fragments ofehareoal, but not charred bone fragments characteristic of all other hearths, including two fireplaces and layers With remains of hearths. Wc explain this by a fire in the vicinity of the cave and the tesed i mentation of the charcoal fragments. I lie fireplace on lev el A/B (layer 5b) was in the cenital part of the cave and is the lies I preserved at ibis sile (Figs. 2.5 and 10.7) It is ihe one to meet the conditions lora fireplace or in situ hearth provided by a limited concentration ofehareoal and or ash with visible signs of burning in the lonn of rubefaction or burnt ground. According to definition a hearth is without a construction, a fireplace may he dug into the ground, paved, surrounded by stones, or built tip or walled with earth :il one edge (Callow & Com ford 19S6, p. 193; Wattcz 19HH). lilis li replace was in a shallow basin, fhe stones in the vicinity probablydo not belong lo it Similarly not l lie block v\ hieh covered the li replace hollow. Between it and the burnt material there was a thin sterile layer, similar to the layers above and below, fhe several cm thick layer of burnt material is the sharp limit with the neighbouring layer it contained a large number of fragments ofehareoal of spruce, pine, arolla pine, yew. juniper and some deciduouss, and more rarely, pieces of charred bone. The charred material was barely 1.3 "ii of all bone fragments. A charred grass seed is a peculiarity,as isa white inorganic substance, hseheini-cal components are magnesium, silicon, aluminium; potassium and calcium (analysed by the Criminal Investigation Laboratory of the Ministry for Internal Affairs in Ljubljana). These elements are in the wood ash of pine < Wattez I'WK, pp. 356 on). The substance, whiell SI. 10.7. Divje babe I. Poglobljeno ognjišče v plasti 5 h (mfiuslértcnk Risba: Ivan "lurk in Dragica K ni lie [.under. Fig. 10.7: Divje habe I Hollowed out fireplace in [ayer 5h (iiKiusleriari). Drawing: Wan Turk and Dragica Knifiá I under 140 vidnimi posledicami kurjenja v obliki ožganih ali zapečenih ¡al. Kurišče je brez konstrukcije, ognjišče pa je lahko vkopano v tla, tlakovano, obdano s kani ni ah obzidano oziroma nasuto na enem koncu (Ca I low in t o rn lord 1986,193;Wattez 1988). Naše ognjišče je bilo v pbtki kotanji. Kamni \ okolici verjetno ne sodijo zdraven. Prav tako ne blok, ki je pokrival ognjišč no vdolbino. Med njim in žganino je bila tenka sterilna plast, podobna tahiini in krovnim. Nekaj cm debela plast žgan ¡ne je ostro mejila na sosednje plasti. Vsebovala je veliko drobcev oglja smreke, bora, cemprina, tise, brina in nekega listavca ter bolj redke kose zoglenelih kosti. Zoglenelih odlomkov je komaj 1.3 % od vseli kostnih odlomkov. Posebnost je zoglenelo seme trav in bela anorganska snov. Njene kemijske šesta* i ne so tnagne/ij. silicij, aluminij,kalij in kalcij (analiziral Kriminalistični laboratorij Ministrstva /a notranje zadeve v L jubljani i, te sestavine so v lesnem pepelu borovca i Walte/ 1988, 356 s), Snov, ki je mehka, lažja od vode in odporna na visoke temperature in močne kemikalije, je v majhnih količinah nastala v ognjišču. To potrjuje najdba isle snovi v ognjišču v /gornjem delu plasti S v osrednjem predelu jame. Kazen lega je bilo v sami žgani ni še pet zob in dvanajst kosti jamskega med veda ter 363 nedoločljivih kostnih Odlomkov, večinoma manjših od I cm. Povprečna leža kostnih odlomkov v plasti žgan i ne je 0.5 g. kar je Štirikrat manj od povprečne teže v plasti 5. Celih kosti je samo 0.5 % ali trikrat manj od povprečja za plast 5, V neposredni bližini žgan i ne sta biti na ravni ognjišča dve delno razpadli lobanji odraslih jamskih medvedov, ena v kvadratu 31. druga v kvadratu 38 (,si. lO.tS). Potrebno je poudarili, da tako ohranjenih lohani v plasti 5 ni, in da so bili preostali redki primerki (6 lobanj 1 odkriti predvsem v plasti 4 Ostali fosilni ostanki i/ ognjiščuih kvadratov 25, 28, .31, 3S do 40 in na ravni ognjišča, vendar zunaj žgani ne, pripadajo prav tako izključno jamskemu medvedu. Prev ladujejo lobanjski odlomki, predvsem juvenil m Ii primerkov, in odlomki vrctenc ter reber. Kar 97 % odlomkov je manjših od 5 cm. Poprečna teža odlomka je 2,5 g. Celih kosti je samo 1,5%. Pripadajo izključno zapestmmarlntm, stopalniin in prstnim kostem. Ožganih ali zoglenelih kosti ni. Številčno stanjeoscbko\ in starostni sestav sla naslednja: 2 adullna, 3 juvcnilni primerki in 15 nconatov. Na ravni ognjišča so bili najdeni samo trije nepomembni artefakti. / dejavnostjo oh ogn jišču je lahko povezan popolnoma razpadel kos črnega skrilavcav kvadratu 52. reženj 12. Si, 10.iS. ßjyjc habe I. Ena od dveh fosilno poškodovanih lobanj odraslega jamskemu medveda najdena pni eg Ognjišča v plasti 5h. Sagitaloi f|), kiiuialni (2) inokcipitalni (3> pogled. Foio; Marko Zapisu i Fig, id. s: I hvje babe 1. One of two fossilly damaged cram ums ol adult cave lu'ar found beside the fireplace in layer 5 b Sagi tal (I i, lateral (21 and occipital (3) view. Photo: Marko Zaplat i I SI.HVI I AKD HI MUH'I IUMIP imi.AMIL irnii iixiii, uhipi n i s and NI ^FOiit is soft, lighter than water and resistant to high temperature and strong chemicals, is created ut small quantities in a fireplace. 1 Ins is con firmed by the find of the same substance in the fireplace in the upper part of layer X, in the central part of the cave. In addition to this, there were 5 teeth and 12 bones of cave bear in the burnt material itself, together with 363 unidentifiable bone fragments, most smaller than I em. The average weigh! of bone fragments in the layer of the burnt material is (1.5 g, which is four times smaller than the average weight in layer 5. t omplete bones make up only 0.5 %, or three times less than the average tor layer 5, In the direct vicinity of the burnt material, on a lev el with the fireplace, were two partially disintegrated skulls of adult cave bear, one in quadrat 31. the other in quadrat 38 (Fig. 10.8). It should be stressed I hat there are no such preserved skulls in layer 5. and that the few remaining examples (6 skulls) were discov ered mainly in layer 4. Other fossil remains from the fireplace quadpats 25, 28, 31,38 - 40. and on a A iT1- i -JI 1 0 5cm 141 I1« m . i j 11 rs on srnin "i i r ^ i m (mi u m. ki misr in r k IjUiSt Posamezni koščki skrilavec v so bili najdeni tudi v kvadratih 60 in M v globini ognjišča, Radiokar-bonska sta rast lesnega oglja i/ ognjišča, določena s tradicionalnim postopkom,je 30.840 ¿300 Iei p.s, {U p. beforc presenl) (\Vk - 3 152, li 1)1.). V horizontu li (plast 6) so bili odkriti sledovi večjega kurišča. Lesno oglje iti zogleneli kostni drobci so bili raztreseni v več kvadratih \ osrednjem predelu jame. Oglje pripada jelki, smreki, boru, brinu, Lisi in nedoločenim iglavcem, Kurišče ali več kurišč je obarvalo celotno plast 6 do jamskega vhoda in naprej. Kurišča ni bilo mogoče omejiti v tlorisu, ker je očitno razdejano in preloženo, Tenka plast žgan i ne je razločna le ponekod profilu y - 2,00 m m \ 21,00 m (si, 2.3 in 2.5). Pri izkopavanju smo verjetno zadeli samo rab večjega kurišča ali ognjišča, ki je bilo nekje ob zahodni jamski sleni, precej vstran od vhoda. Temu kurišču pripisujemo redko najdbo zoglenelega rebra z vrezi, najdeno \ vhodnem predelu jame (si. ¡0.9) (Turk in Dirjee 1989, si. 7). liadiokai bonsko kurišče ni datirano, pač pa je s postopkom AV1S datirana kost iz plasti G. Njena radiokarbonska starost je 43.400 -1.400/i 1.000 let p. s. (KlDDI. 735). Kurišče v horizontu C (plast 7) je bilo neznatno in postavljeno takoj za današnji jamski vhod. Podrobnosti niso poznane, V samem kurišču je bilo najdeno le val loisjsko jedro (i 10.4; 5). Temu kuriščLi verjetno pripadajo tudi posamezni drobci oglja, najdeni v slabo level with the fireplace but outside the burin material, similarly belong exclusively to cave bear. Skull fragments predominate, mainly juvenile individuals, and fragments of vertebrae and ribs. Some 97 % of fing-mcnis are smaller than 5 cm The average weight til fragment is 2.5 g, Whole bones account for only I 5 %, Thcy belong exclusively to earpaI-tarsal and metapodial bones. I here are no burnt or charred hones. I he numerical stale of individuals and age composition are the following: 2 adults, 3 juveniles and 15 cubs. Three un i important artefacts were found on the level of the fireplace: A completely disintegrated piece of black shale in quadrat 52, spii 3 2 may be linked to activities beside the fireplace. Individual pieces ot shale were also found in quadrats 3S, 60 and 61 at the depth of the fireplace. The radiocarbon age of the charcoal from I he fireplace, determined by traditional procedures, is 30,840 300 BP (Wk -3152, RDL). Traces of a number of hearths were discovered on level B (layer 6). Wood charcoal and charred bone fragments were scattered into a number of quadrats in .S7. ¡0.V. Divje babe i. Zoglenelo rebro / \re/i (I.) in druge redke kosti jamskega medveda J. vre/ i. I'ntii. Mark o / aphid. 10,V; Divje babe I. Charred rih with cul marks (I ] artd other (KCilsibna! bonus ofeavii bear with tut marks Photo: Marko Zaplatilv 142 Si KVI'V AND DFSLfUffHIK Oh tAUNKiH ITHK1 fOOl -i. FIRE II Wl-S \X11 Mr^PtllS razpoznavni plasti 7 v vhodnem predel ujanie, ki so bili pomotoma opredeljeni v plast 8. V horizontu D (plast 8)jc bilo odkritih pel kurišč: štiri v vhodnem in eno v osrednjem predelu jame {si. 10.2). V vhodnem predelu so bila kurišča na treh ravneh, NajzgornejEe verjetno dejansko vendar pripada horizontu C v plasti 7. Ker smo v osrednjem predel li odkrili majhno ognjišče na vrhu plasti lahko horizont I) od zgoraj navzdol upravičeno razdelimo v tri dele (Dl, 1)2 in D3). Delitev je v praksi težko izvedljiva zaradi majhnega Števila paleolitskih najdb in njihove the central part of the cave. The charcoal belongs to fir, spruce, pine, juniper, yew and unidentified conifers, flic hearth, or various hearths, have coloured the entire layer f> to the cave entrance and beyond. It was not possible to delimit it on the groundplan, since it is clearly been scattered and shifted. The thin layer of burnt material is distinguishable only in places in section y = 2.00 mand X 21,00 m (Figs, 2.3 and 2,5), During ex cava ti on, we probably struck the very edge of the hearth or li replace, which was somewhere by the western cave wall, considerably away from I he entrance. We ascribe to this Si, 10.11): Divje babe I. Ognjiiec v zgornjem de hi plasti 8 ob katerem je bila najdena koš£<™ piSČal. Tloris in presek, Foto: Ivan Turk, risba; Ivan Turk i» Dragica Knific Luiider. Fig, 10.10, Divje babe 1. fireplace in the upper part of layer X beside which the bo tie tlute was found. G round p I an and cross section. Photo wan lurk, drawing Ivan Turk and Dragica Knific Lander. 143 I'HkUl lil] IH'tS I'M Mil IISKIll UHilllll. KCRlSf (HlNJlfii oddaljenosti od kurišč, Največ najdb jc, kot kaže. v horizontu D3. Trenutno jo naj pomembnejši horizont P i. v katerem je bila najdena t. i. koščena piščalka. V najzgorncjSem delu plasti Kje bilo kurišče ¡11 ognjišče: prvo v vhodnem, drugo v osrednjem predelu jame Slabo ohranjeno in stniligralsko problematično kurišče v vhodnem predeluje bilo postavljeno med podorne bloke in jc vsebovalo zapestno-narlne in stopalnc kosti mladega jamskega medveda v anatomski legi ier oglje bora. Druge podrobnosli niso poznane, Kurišče tudi ni nidiometrič 110 datirano, Majhno ognjišče v osrednjem predelu jame (kvadrat 20. reženj 19) jc bilo prav tako postavljeno med podorne bloke ¡n verjeino rahlo poglobljeno is/. 10. tO). Usedline pod njim in delno oh njem m v njem so bile cementirane v irdno brečo. Tla ognjišča so bila zaglajeiia (si. tO.If). Vsebovala so pepel in drobce oglja. Ognjišče je nadv se pomembno zaradi bližnje najdbe domnevne koščene piščalke, Ta je bila sicer 12 do 24 cm globlje v breči, vendar to ne izključuje njene morebitne sočasnosti z ognjiščem. V 5 do 0 cm debeli plasti žganjneje bilo oglje bora, smreke, jelke, tise ¡n nedoločljivih iglavcev, ogromnozoglenelih in kalciniranih kostnih drobcev, 9 zob in 10 kosti jamskega medveda, ki pripadajo vsaj šestim različnim SI. K). II. Divje lube t, Deli tal pod ognjiščem v zgornjem delu plasti S. F-oto: Marko Zaplati!. /V t». ¡0. II. Divje babe I. Pieces of the floor of the fireplace in the upper part of layer 8. Photo: Marko Zaplati!. hearth the occasional find of a charred rib with incisions found in the entrance part of the cave (Tig. 10,9) (link & Ditjee 1989, Fig 7). I he hcitrth has not been radiocarbon dated, but a bone from layer 6 has been dated by llie A MS procedure, lis radiocarbon age is 43,400 MOO/-H.OOO BP (RIDDL 735). The hearill on level (.' (layer 7) was hisignificatii and sited right inside today*s cave entrance. Details are not known. A hwallois core was found in the hearth ii sel f (/V. ¡0.4:5). Individual fragments of charcoal found m the poorly identifiable layer 7 in the entrance pai l of tliL- cave, which were mistakenly classified into layer 8, probably also belong to this health. I ivc hftanhs were discovered on level D (layer 8); lour m the entrance and one in the eenlral pari of the cave {Fig. 10.2). There were hearths oil ihrce levels in the entrance part. The uppermost o! them probably in fact belongs to level (.' in layer 7. Since we discovered a small hearth at the top of layer 8 in the central part of the cave, we can subdivide level L) into three superposed sob-levels labelled Dl D3 from top downwards, The division is difficult in practice to make because ol the small number of palaeolithic tools and their distance from the hearths, Most finds, ii appears, are in level D3. Ai the moment, the most important level is Dl, iti which the suspected bone Ihne was loitnd. There were hearth and fireplace in the upjier pari of layer K: one in the entrance, the other in the central part of the cave. The badly preserved and stratigraphi- 144 Si'KVi l AM Lil.M RlpnDN OP PAtABOLfTHIC |ix>l S. FIREFLM i s AND HfiAMMS skelet ni m delom, ier 416 nedoločljivih kostnih odlomkov. Povprečna teža kostnih od lom kov je 0,9 g. kar je petkrat manj od povprečja zgornjega dela plasti S. Celili kosti je samo I %. kar je desetkrat manj od povprečja zgornjega dela plasti H. Polovica vseh kosmih odlomkov je zoglenelih in ki leini ranih. Velika veČina je manjših ud I cm. Poleg ognjišča sta bili \ višini žgani ne po ena adultna in ena ju veti i l na mandibula jamskega medveda (si. ¡0.12). Tik pod žgauino pa je hila >e v breči adulina mandibula rjavega medveda (si, 10.13). Ostanki rjavega medveda so v najdišču zelo redki. Znano je. daje bil rjavi medved pogosteje plen neandcrtalskih lovcev kol njegov jamski vrstnik (Auguste 1992), Celih in skoraj celih spodnjih čel j ustnic jamskega medveda je v vseh phisich od vključno zgornjega tlela p I asi i 8 navzgor veliko. Samo v osrednjem delu jame smo jih našli več kot 50. Zato je prisotnost teh najdb ob ognjišču lahko tudi zgolj naključna. V kvadratih 17, ] S, 20 in 21 v globini ognjišča (reženj 19), vendar zunaj območja žgan i ne. so bili samo Ostanki jamskega medveda. Pripadajo vsem glavnim skeletnim delom, Bistvenih odstopanj od splošne slike SI. 10.12 Divje bobe I. Spodnji čeljusmici jamskega medveda poleg ognjišča v zgornjem delu p lasi i H. ob katerem je bila najdena koSČena piščal. Foto: Ivan Turk. Fig. 10.12 I Ji * je liLibe L Mandibles of cave bear beside the hearth in the upper part of layer & beside which the hone flute was found. Photo: Ivan Turk. cally problematic hearth in the entrance part was erected among rock fall blocks and contained articulated bones from the earpus-tarsus and metatarsus ot juvenile cave hear, and charcoal of pine. Other details arc unknown. The hearth is also no! radiometrically dated. The small fireplace in the central pari of the cave (quadrat 20. spil 19) was similarly set among rock tall blocks and probably slightly hollowed out (Fig. 10.10). The sediments under it and partially beside and in it were cemented into a hard breccia, flic burnt soil was smooth containing ash and pieces of charcoal (Fig. 10. II). The fireplace is primarily important because of the vicinity of the find of the suspected bone flute. This was 12 - 24 cm deep in the breccia, but that it is contemporary with the tireplace cannot be excluded. In a 5 - 10 cm thick layer of burnt material, there was charcoal of pine, spruce, fir, yew and unidentified conifers, a huge number qf charred and calcinated bone fragments, 9 teeth and 10 bones of cave beat, which belong to at leasi six different skeletal pans, and 416 unidentified bone fragments. The average weight of the hone fragments is 0.9 g, which is five times less than the average of the upper part of layer K, 11 a If of all the bone fragments are charred and calcinated. The great majority are smaller ihan I em. In addition to the fireplace, at the height of the burnt material ihcre was one adult and one juvenile mandible of cave bear (Fig 10,12). Right below ¡he burnt material, in the breccia, there was an adult mandible of brown bear (Fig. 10.13). Remains oI brown bear are very rare a( ihe site. 141) F'kh.i i D iv Hifts imi i"ii nSKlIl OKdlJlt. M kim i\ i»iMIm' -V. 10. / i. Divji; haho I Spinln].i čeljustnica rjilVega itludvrtJa najdena pod kuriščem (kvadrat 2d, reJ-enj 20). ob katerem ¡t hib najdena ko.leeaa p licu!, Ling valiti, labial ni in alvcolami pog 1 l' J Folu: M a rko / a p I al i I. Fig Iti./3 Divje babe !. Mandible of,a brown bear found under I lic hearth (quadrat 21), spit 20) beside which l he bone Iliac ivas found. I ingual, la h nil a fid alveolar view PholO; Marko Za p lat i I ni. Največ ostankov, zlasti odlomkov, je v kvadratu 20, /a ta kvadrat je značilno tudi največ majhnih od lom k o v (povprečna teža odlomkov je 2,-1 »), na]manj celih kosti (2,7 %) in največ zoglenelih kostnih drobcev < 18 %)\ Povprečna teža kostnih odlomkov v neposredni bližini žganine jc 2,') g, kar je še vedno manj od povprečja za zgornji del plasti 8 (4,7 g). Celih kosti je 4,6 kar je še enkrat manj od povprečja za zgornji del plasti S. Pripadajo zapesino-nartnim kostem, stopalnim kostem in prstnim členkom, I o ni nič posebnega. Zoglenelih in kaJeiniranth je dobrih [()% kostnih odlomkov. Potem se to ognjišče bist\ eno loči od precej večjega ognjišča v plasti 5b. Precej kosti je izluženih. Številčno stanje in starostna sestava osebkov sta naslednja: I adulten, 4 juvenilni primerki in S neonatov. Na ravni ognjišča so bili v oddaljenosti več metrov najdeni redki t i po loško nepomembni arlcfakti in več skoraj celih Spodnjih čeljustnie in dolgih cevastih kosti okončin jamskega ' V epigravetlieitskSi plasteh / ostanki kuriSČ \ najdišču lladanj je 22 % tk> 4 3 ničnih kosti {Miraele 1995. 188, Hihlc 6.9). It is known that brown bear was more common prey of neanderthal man than tis cave cousin (Anguste 1992), There were a large number of whole or almost w hole low er jaws of cave bear in all layers above the upper part of layer n inclusive. In the central pari of the cave alone, we found more than 50. So the presence of these finds by the hearth may also be merely coincidental. In quadrats 17. IK. 20 and 21, at the depth of the fireplace (spil I 'J), hut out with the area of the burnt material, there were only the remains of cave boar. They belong to all skeletal parts. There are no significant dc\ mlions from the general pattern of skeletal part representation. The most remains,especially fragments, were in quadrat 2(1 Mus quadrat :s aiso characterised by the largest number of small fragments (average weight of fragments is 2,4 g), llic fewest whole bones (2,7 %} and the largest number of charred bone fragments (IK %).' I'he average weight of bone fracjJMftits in the direct vicinity of the burnt material is 2.9 g, which is still less than the average for ihe upper part of layer H (4.7 g), Whole bones make up 4,6 %, which is half the average tor the upper pan of layer 8, They are carpal-tarsal bones, met a podia, and phalanges, Hi is is not unusual. Carbonised bones, black and white in colour, make up a good 10% of bone fragments, in this, ihis fireplace is essentially distinguished IVoni the considerably larger fireplace in layer 5b. A considerable number of bones are leached. The numerical state and age composition ot individuals are the following; I adult, 4 juveniles and 8 cubs. On the level of the hearth, more than a metre from it. were found occasional typologically unimportant artefacts and a number of almost whole lower jaws and limbs of cave bear. I he only ohip found is d¡reelly connected with llie fircplacc. The fireplace has not been radiometrically dated, In ilie central or upper part of layer 8, in Ihe entrance part of the cave, under the hearth already described belonging lo level 7, a further small hearth w as found, In it, tn addition to charcoal of fir, we also found a burnt vertebrae and charred first phalange of a cave bear. Other details arc not known. The hearth has also not been radiometrically dated. i he most extensive hearths so far are preserved in ihe lower part of layer f> in ihe entrance part of the cave. It is interesting that there were three (two) hearths m layerS (orotic in layer 7) placed very close together, or superposed. Uecausc ol the recovery technique used and rock fall blocks in the layer, the stratigraphic relation between the upper and middle hearths is debatable, Ihe middle lor tapper) and lower hearths are strati-graphical iy well distinguished, as was clear from section \ 6.00 m, both are indisputably in layer 8. The 1 !■, i•. m Bpigravcttian layers with the remains of hearths at i he Bitdanj site, there is 22 - 43 % of burnt bones (Miracle ¡905. p. 188. Tabic 6.9). 14(. medveda. V neposredni zvezi / ognjiščem je ena sama najdba luske. Ognjišče radiometrifiho ni datirano. V srednjem ali zgornjem delu plasti fi je bilo v vhodnem predelu jame odkrilo pod že opisanim kuriščem, ki lahko pripada plasti 7, še eno majhno kurišče. V lijem smo poleg oglja jelke našli tudi ožgano vretenee in zogleneli prvi prstni členek jamskega medveda. Druge podrobnosti niso poznane. KuriSče tudi ni radK»iuetrično datirano, Najobsežnejia kurišča so zaenkrat ohranjena v spodnjem delu plasti S v vhodnem predelu jame, Zanimivo je, da so bila tri (dve) kurišea(i) v plasti 8 (in eno v plasti 7) postavljena zelo blizu skupaj drug«! poti drugo. Zaradi takratnega načina kopanja in podom i h blokov v plasti je lahkostraligrafski odnos med zgornjim in srednjim kuriščem vprašljiv. Stratigrafsko dobro ločeni pa sla srednje (je zgornje) in spodnje kurišče, kot je bilo razvidno iz profila x - (S,(JO ni. Obe sta nesporno v plast i 8, Najsta rej 5e kurišče je bilo d vode I no (sL 10.2 in 10.14) V večjem delil kurišča je bilo v 5 em debeli plasti žganinc najdeno veliko oglja smreke ali macesna, smreke, bora m nedoločljivih iglavcev, zogleneli kostni drobci, ožgane lobanjske, stopahie kosti in spodnje čelj ustnic®jamskega medveda ter stopalne in prstne kosti SURVKV .1ni> Hi v HIPTHJW Ol- IMI AkOllTIIK "FIKII S. I IWFPI M I S AS1) HITAHT1IS oldest hearth was two-part (Figs, 10,2 and /O.J4). In the latter part of the heanli, in a 5 cm thick layer of burnt material, a great deal ol charcoal ofsprtiee or larch, spruce, pine and unidentified conilers, charred bone fragments, burnt era ni urns, me I apod ia and lower jaws of cave bear, was found, and articulated metapodial bones. One levallois Hake {Pi. Hi.6 V) was found in the hearth Concentrations of cranial bones of cave hear are common in hearths {Fig. /0.14). Charcoal Iron: the hearth was radiocarbon dated by traditional procedures and aged >38,000 131» {/■ 1033). The second, smaller part of the hearth or independent fireplace was behind a stone block by the western cave wall at a depth of -3,60 m. T he layer of burnt material was up to ¡0 cm lliick, It contained charcoal of pine (dwarf pine?), In bolfi hearth quadrats there were twice as many bone fragments smaller than 5 em than otherwise at the same depth, I here were one broken cranium, five mandibles and two whole limbs of cave bear. The charcoal from the hearth was dated by the A MS procedure and aged 45,800 +1,800/-2,400 UP (R [DDL 739). A bone of a cave bear from the same quadrat and spit as the charcoal was dated in the same way. The age is 45,100 +1.500/-1 ,X()0 years RP (RIDDI. 745). Since these hearths may at the mo- Sl. 10.14- Divje babe I, Dvodelno kurišče v plasti K in kaotični skupki kosti jamskega medveda. Zahod na jamska sten nje močno nagnjena. Prostor pod zahodno steno je bil v ravni kurišča prenizek za ljudi. Cement i rane usedline niso bi le sistematično pregledane. Risba: Ivan Turk in Dragica Knitie Lander. Fig- 10.14, Divje babe I. Two-part hearth in layer 8 and chaotic heap of bones of cave bear. The western cave wal! is greatly inclined. I7ie spate under the western wall was tot: low for people at the level of the Hearth, T he cemented sediments huva sol been systematically examined, Drawing: Ivan Turk and Dragica Kuific I .under. 141) Psull i [h IN oris i'ai iim iisklll DHOI1IJ, UMf iv (XJKJlSi v anatomskih fegah. V kurišču je hi I najden ltu.li en levalloisjski odbitek (t. 10.6: 4). Za kuriščem so pogosti skupki lobanjskih kosti jamskega medveda (.v/ 11/14). Oglje iz kurišča je bilo radiokarbonsko datirano s konvencionalnim postopkom in je staro >38.000 let p s. ('/. - 1033). Drugi, manjši del kurišča aii samostojno ognjišče je bilo za skalnim blokom oh zahodni jamski steni na globini -3,60 m. Plaši žganine je bila debela do 10 cm. Vsebovala je oglje bora i nižja?). V obeh kta iščnih kvadratih je bilo enkrat več kostnih odlomkov manjših od 5 cm kot sicer na isti globini Ob kurišču je bila ena razbita lobanja, pet mandibul in dve celi dolgi kosti okončin jamskega medveda. Oglje iz kurišča je bilo datirano s postopkom AM S in je staro 45X00 t k ,800/-2,400 let p. s, (RIDDL 739). 1/ iste zaključene celote ment be connected with the stratigraphically not much younger - because ol rock tall and inkling of layers -hearth m the central pan of the cave, in addition to which the presumed flute was found at a depth of -2.73 to -2.X5 ni. its average radiocarbon age for the moment is 45,450 years BP. Selected fragments of charcoal of pine, spruce or larch, fir and unidentified conifers in quadrats IXI and 1X3, scattered at a depth of-3.70 to -3»0 m in the entrance pari of the cave, gave a radiocarbon age by iho A MS procedure of49.200 1 2,300-3.2(H) years HI' (RIDDL 750), further excavations in the central part of the cave may reveal new hearths and/or fireplaces below the breccia in layer K. and elanly the strati graphic problem i it the entrance part of the cave. SI 10-15: Ridkc oblike razbitin medvedjih lobanj, ki jih je ra/hil Človek. Dva primerka (1 in 1) sla i/ najdišča Divje babe i (tnousterienski horizont) en primerek (2) je s kolišča na Ljubljanskem barju Foto; Marko Zaplaiil. Fig. 10.15: Rarely found shapes of broken bear cranium*, smashed hy man. Two examples (I and 3) are from die Divje babe I sile (Moustcrian level) and one example (2] from pile dwellings on the Ljubljana marshes. Photo: Marko Zaplaiil. 141) Si ttvi v ami DKsqwrn™ ni 1-Ai aint i um umi s, i iki ri tin aisii hkakhis kot oglje je bila na enak način datirana Se kost jamskega medveda. Stara je 45,100+1.500/-1 800 let p. s. (Rt DDL 745), Ker lahko to kurišče trenutno povežemo s strattgrafsko ne dosti mlajšim - zaradi podora iti nagiba plasti ■ ognjiščem v osrednjem predelu jame, poleta katerega je bila na globini -2,73 do -2,X5m najdena domnevna piščalka, je njena poprečna radio karbonska slarosl zaenkrat 45.450 let p. s. I/hram drobec oglja bora, smreke ali macesna, jelke in nedoločenih iglavcev v kvadaratih 1KI in 183, razpršenega na globini -3,70do -3,90 m v vhodnem predelu jame, je dal s posiopkom AMS radiokarbonsko starosi 49.200 12.3<10M,200 let p. s. (R1DDL 750). Nadaljnja izkopavanja v osrednjem predela jame bodo lahko odkrila nova ognjišča pod brečastim sprimkom v piasti S in pojasnila slral igralske probleme v vhodnem predelu jame. Za dve ognjišči in eno kurišče, ki smo jih podrobneje preučili, je značilen porast majhnih kostnih odlomkov in uporaba kosti /;i dodatno k tujimi. Velika fragmentom ost fosilnih ostankov ni samo naraven pojav, povezan s pfepercvanjcm, temveč tudi umeten pojav, povezan zdnloienimi dejavnostmi ob ognjiščih, /a vsa kurišča in ognjišča so značilni tudi skupki večjih kosi i jamskega medveda v njihovi neposredni bližitu, Posebej sumljive so vsaj delno cele lobanje z razbitim možganskim delom (st. ¡0.15). V najdišču sia bili najdeni samo dve posebni razbitini možganska dela lobanje jamskega medveda, ki imata zelo dobri analogiji \ aurignacionski plasti MokriSkc jame (M. Btodar 1959) in v koliščih na Ljubljanskem barju (si, tO, 15). Prepričani smo, da so te zelo redke oblike razbitin delo človeških rok Narediti jih iti mogla nobena zver, Lobanje se tudi nisO zdrobile V usedlinah, ker nastopa podobna oblika v arheološki povezavi v dveh popolnoma različnih sedimentnih okoljih. V I tiči teli posebnih lobanjski h najdb lahko iščemo del odgovora na vprašanje: zakaj je v najdišču toliko lobanjskih odlomkov in samo dve cel i lobanji jamskega medveda!? I he two hearths and one fireplace that we have studied in detail are characterised by an increase in bone fragments and the use of bones as additional fuel. The heavy fragmentation of the lossil remains i> not simply a natural phenomenon connected with weathering, but also an artificial phenomenon connected with specific activities by the fireplaces. All hearths and fireplace are also characterised by concentrations of larger cave bear hones in their direct vicinity. Particularly dubious are the, at least partially whole, craniums with parts in the vicinity of ihe brain smashed (Fig. /0.15). Two individually smashed cranial parts of I he skull of a cave beat were found at the site, which have a very good antilogy in Amignacian layers of Mokriska jama (M. Hmdar 1959) and on eneolilhic pile dwellings in the Ljubljana marshes ii^'ig. 10.15). We are sure that these very rare forms of smashing are the work of mans' hands No wild animal could do ii The skulls were also not fragmented in the sediments, since similar forms appear in areheo-logieal conned ion in two completely different sedimentary environments, ]i may be that the answer to the question of why are there so many skull fragments at the site and only two whole skulls of cave bear may be sought in these individual cranium finds. 141) pm&i liiiimicis mm.< ».trsta 11 oftoou, mjmsc in ocinjisc Thbia J i). I; Divje babe I. Atirignacicriske (I do 5) in iiMustčrienske najdbe (ftin 7} iz plasti 2 in sklopa plasti 3 do 5a. Risba Dragica Knific L under in vse nadaljnje table. Piute !<>.!; Divje kibe I. Aurignacian i! -51 ami Miktstcriaii 11>-7) finds from layer 2 smd combined layers 3 to 5a. Drawing; Dragica Knific Lander tall tables) 141) ÁOxAnt í ; ^ sl;kvn anuih'-m nm ihn cu l'ai aioi.iihk roots, mkfplaítjíann.heabítl is Tabla lfí.2. Divje babe I. Moustéríenskc najdbe V sklopu plasti 3 do 5a 11 do 4) in v plasti -I (5 do I4l Plaie II) 2; lîiyjc babe I. M mister i an finds in combined layers 3 lo 5o í I - 4) and in layer 4 (5-14). 141) 1'Hh.lMlN t]!>l\ Ml HM I KKtlNlRfUirj, KimiiC IN < KiMlSC o Tabla 10.3 Divje babe i. Moustdrienske najdbe v plasti 4 (I do 7), v plasti 5 (8 in 9) in v sklopu plasti 5 in (> (lt>). Plate 103; Divji; babe I. Mousleiian finds iti layer 4(1 - 7), ■ at layer 5 (8 and 9) and combined layers 5 ulld <> 1IG). 141) Si «(VI Y ANI> 1M SI R!l> T l[ (Jt 1'iVI.AI-OI IT I III1 I [ H11 s, I IK i H .U "I S A NI > NI AH i! IS Tahla 10.4 Divje babe i Ministerien s ke najdbe v plasti 6 i ] do 4) in v plasti 7 [5 do %). Plan-10.1 Divje babe I, Moustcrian finds in Uiyer 6(1 4) and layer 7 141) Pregi.i i) in opis pai i oi irsKiii orodij, kokiSC in «m.njiV Tabla 10.5: Divjc babe I. Mousterienskc najdbe v plasti 7 ( I do 3) in v sklopu plasti 7 in X (4 do 11). Plate 10.5: Divjc babe I. Mousterian finds in layer 7(1 - 3) and combined layers 7 and 8 (4 - II). 141) 1 [ S l'uv k y ami WSGWP7K»! 1)1 pm ill 11IUI" kkii S. uri i i.al i k ami I1ÍJ1RTHS Ttiltiti 1(1.6 Divje kibe I, Mouslérienske najdbe v piasfi K, Plaie 10.6 Divje babe I. Mon si er i an lintls in layer K, 155 Pj< touto in iipis muxttjrskih osonti, kimilt nv tnisflsi Tabla 10.7. Divje babe I, Moustčrienskc najdbe v plasti 8 (1 do 0) in v sklopu plasti. 2 do 8 (7 do M i, Plute 10.7. Divje babe 1. Mousterian Inids in layer fi f I - (j) and in combined layers 2 ¡o M (7 - lil. 141) 11. Opis in razlaga nastanka domnevne koščene p1ščal! ivan turk, janez l>i I/si f.dkj poizkusov iz df lav k koščene piSCali / uporabo KAMNITIH ORODIJ (DODATEK) giuliano basi Izvleček Tehnološka analiza domnevne koitVne piSOali je bila narejena s poudarkom na luknjicah. Nurejeni mi bili poizkusi v smislu obeh najbolj verjetnih hipotez - daje luknjice naredil 0 in vek tn (In so luknjice naredile voCjc ^veri. Dokončna .se nismo mag! i odloČili rtiibenp od njiju. 11. Description and explanation of the origin of the suspected bone flute x & boris kavujr Expérimental manufacture of tue bone flute with stone tools (Appendix) iam a ivan ti hk Abstract Technological analysis ofihc suspected bone flute was made with special stress on (lie holes. Is penmen Is were made along the lines of the two main hypotheses - that the holes are mitn-made, and that the holes were made hy large eaitHvqrcs. We were unable to riueh a final conclusion Urtttll the deciding .experiments of Qniliano Bastiani. 11,1, Oris domnevne piSčali Domnevna piščal jc i/de lana na diafizi leve stegnenične kosu jamskega medveda, ki je poginil ali jc bil ubit v starosti od enega do dveh let (si 11, J) Kosi je povrSinsko, ne p:i tudi globinsko, preperela. kot je del kosmih najdb na stiku plasti 7 in H Po izgledu se ne razlikuje od kostnih ostankov, s katerimi je bila najdena, Dializa je na obeh konceh odlomi jena. Vsi prelomi so zglajeni in zaobljeni. Tako je zglajenih in zaobljenih večina kostnih odlomkov v najdišču in v plasti / najdbo. I-dina malenkostna poškodba, kije nastala pri lušcenju najdbe i/ spriinka, se nahaja poleg proksimalne polovične luknjice. Anteriorna površina, ki jo mestoma močno preperela, ima na več mestih fosilne poškodbe. Poškodbe predstavljajo rahle vdolbinicc in vsaj dvoje plitkih raz, Kuko so poškodbe nastale, je zaradi slabo ohranjene površine težko reči. Največ poškodb je na proksimnlncm delu. D i sta In i anteriorni del diaifize je globoko zalomljen. tako da se odlom konča pod d i stalno luknjico na nasprotni strani. To nas nehote privede na misel, da jc bila m še ena luknjica (si 11 i). Vendar temu ni tako ali pa je bila ta luknjica bolj št i rioglate oblike, Vsekakor lahko o njej samo domnevamo. Amerionia površina je lisasia. Temnejše lise so rjave barve. Lise so nastale med 11.1. description of tiii presumed FLUTE The suspected flute is made from the diaphysis of the lell thigh bone of a cave bear, which perished or was killed in ils second year (Fig. I!.!). The bone litis surface, but not also deep, weathering, as have some other of the bone finds at die limit of layers 7 and K. The diaphysis is broken at both ends. All breaks are smooth and rounded I lie majority of bone fragments at the site, and in the layer with l he find, arc similarly polished and rounded. The only minor damage, which was caused in peeling the Irnd from the breccia is found beside the proximal half-way hole. The anterior surface, which is heavily weathered in places, has fossil damage in a number of places. The damage is represented by slight "indentations" and at least two shallow "cuts". In view of the poorly preserved surface, it is difficult lo say how the damage was caused. Most damage is to the proximal part. The distal anterior part of the diaphysis is deeply fractured, with the fracture ending under the distal hole on the opposite side. This constantly leads to the idea that there was another hole here (Fig. 1/ I) 1 lowever, it is not so, or this hole was more rectangular. In any ease, it can only suspected. The anterior surface is speckled, flic darker spots are brown. The spots were made during impregnation of 141) Odi IN RAZIJlGA NAStAMkA IXIM1HKE KOÍÍHNt l'IM'AU S! II. I: Divje babe1 Domnevna koSúena piSísl. Aiiteriorni, posieriomi, latcralni pogled in detajl. Poto: Marko Zaplatil. Fig. II t: Divje habe I Suspected hone Utile. Anterior, posterior, lateral views and detail. Photo: Marko Zaplstil, 141) USSOUniON AMD EXPLANATION Of rtll ORKHN OF TKI SUSPECTED BOHE FTJLJTÜ Si. 11.2: Divje babe1. Zunanja stran proksimalnc (!) ia dista I ne luknjice (3) in detajl zunanje strani proksimalnc luknjice (2) in notranje strani di stalne luknjice (4) na domnevni koíicni piščalk Slikane s pomočjo makroskopa. Foto: Jurij Majdič. Fig 11.2: Divje babe I Exterior of proximal (I) and distal holes (3) and deiail of the exterior of the proximal hole (21 and the interior of the distal hole (41 on the suspected bone flulc. Photographed with the aid of a mac rus tope. Photo: Jurij MajdiČ. 141) OPIS IN KAM MÍA NAŠTASKA nwNKVNE KOSCfkp PIVAII impregnacijo diafize s karbonat-fosfatom. Nekako tedaj so se nanjo prilepile in kasneje fosili/irale medvedje dlake, ki so v sledovih ohranjene na d ista I nem dela anten orne površine ITurk in tir. 1995b). Poste liorna površina je dokaj enotno rjavo obarvana. Mestoma je nanjo prilepljena meIjasta usedi inska osnova. Razen luknjic na tej površini ni nobenih vdolbinie in m/. Edini vidni poškodbi sta proksimalno ob distalni luknjici, Del stene diafize jc tik ob luknjici nalomljen, za poškodbo pa je delno odstranjena površina kostne kompakte, tako da se vidi njena zgradba. Kako je prišlo do obeh poškodb, je icžko reči. Obe celi luknjici sta nepravilne oblike m na notranji strani lijas to razširjeni (t/, //.J). Proksimalna luknjica ima samo delni lijak, in sicer v proksimalni in distalni 3 141) the diaphvsis with earbo-phosphates, Sometime later, bear fur stuck to it and subsequently fossilised, traces of which have been preserved on the anterior surface (Turk etttL 1995b). The posterior aurfacc is fairly evenly brown. In places, a siliy sediment matrix adhered to it. Except for ihe holes, there are no Indentations or cuts on ¡his surface The only visible damages are prosimally beside the distal hole, Part of the wall of the diaphysis is broken right beside the hole, and behind the damage, the surface of the compact bone tissue is partially removed, so that its construction can be seen. It is hard to say how the two injuries occurred. Both complete holes are of irregular shape and widen in a funnel on the interior side (Fig. /7.2). The proximal hole has only partial funnels, in the proximal and distal directions. The distal hole has an interior edge broken round and round in a funnel shape. The fracture is widest in ihe proximal direction, The external edge of the hole is abruptly broken and subsequently rounded naturally, with no sign of working with a stone tool, The stepped edge of the proximal hole was created during its piercing, by the laminated structure of the bone compact. Ihe semicircular notch on the distal part is similarly of irregular shape. In one place, it has an obliquely formed external edge (Fig, U.i). We examined this edge very elosely, since it could have been cut, and as such, served as the mouthpiece opening of the presumed flute. However, there are no si lex traces on the edge. These were clearly visible on a trial attempt to cut an edge of the same measurements tin a fresh bone. The semi-circular notch on the proximal part may be the remains of a third hole, which was additionally slightly damaged tim ing excavation (Fig. 11.4). The marrow cavity is basically cleaned of spongiosc. The colour of the marrow cavity does not differ from the colour of the external surface of the hone. So we may conclude thai the marrow cavity was already open at the time of impregnation with carbophosphates. Otherwise, it would be a darker colour than the surface of the bone, as we know from coloured marrow cavities of whole limb bones. The broken ends of the diaphysis, the rounded edges, weathering and in places surface damage, impregnation with carbo-phosphates, are indications of the turbulent history of the diaphysis with holes. Tiny traces, crucial for SI. 11.3; Divje babe I Detajl di stalne polk o >/ ne i/jetic na domnevni kosi eni piičali. Del zunanjega roba, levo od razpoke, je poševno oblikovan 1.1) Sli kuno s pomočjo makroskopa. lulo; Jurij MajdiE. Fig, 11. J: Divje babe I Detail of di stal. se ni t-circular note h on (he suspected bone flute. Part of the exterior edge, on die left side of the fissure, is bevelled (.1). Photographed with ihe aid of a macroseope. Photo: Jurij Majdíü. descriptor and explanation ok hie oftlotn op t»£ suspfct fed bone kiaite s men Distalna luknjica ima notranji rob lijasto odlomijcn krog in krog. Odlom je najširši v proksimalni smeri. Zunanji rob luknjic je strmo od lom I j en in naknadno naravno zaobljen, brez vsakrSnih znakov obdelave s kamnitim orodjem. Stopničast rob proksi-malne luknjice jc nastal zaradi plastovite zgradbe kosme kompakte pri njenem prediranju. Pol krožna izjeda na distalncm deluje prav tako nepravilne oblike. Na enem mestu ima poScvno oblikovan zunanji rob (si. ¡1.3). Ta rob ™io natančno pregledali, ker bi lahko bil odrezan in kot tak služil za ustnik domnevne piščalke Vendar na robu ni nobenih sledov sileksa. Ti so se lepo videli na poskusne odrezanem robu enakih mer na sveži kosti. Po I krožna izjeda na proksimalnem deluje lahko ostanek tretje luknjice, ki je bila dodatno poškodovana pri izkopu (si. II. 4). Moštgovni kanal je popolnoma brc/ spongioze. Ostanki spongioze so vidni samo na obeh koncih diafize, kjer je bilo spongioze največ, Barva mozgovnega kanala se ne razlikuje od barve zunanje površine kosu. Zato lahko sklepamo, da ju bil mozgov ni kanal v času prepojilve s fosfatkarbonatom že odprt. V nasprotnem primeru bi bil temneje obarvan kot površina kosu kot je razvidno i/ barve mozgov m h kanalov celih kosi i, razbitih med izkopavanjem, Odlomljena konca diatize, zaobljeni robovi, preperela in mestoma poškodovana površina, impregnacija s karbonat-fosfat i, so znaki, ki govore o burni zgodov ini diafize z lukn jicami. Zato so se lahko zabrisali drobni sledovi, pomembni za presojo, kako so nastale luknjice in oba konca kosu. Na podlagi najmanjših Širin diafize. ki sla: lateralno-medialno 23,5 mm in ariieriorno-postcrionio 17,0 mm, lahko sklepamo, da je bila cela diafiza, brez sklepov, dolga približno 210 mm is!. 12.1:1). Ostale mere so: največja dolžina 113,6 mm, največja lateralno-inedialna širina proksimalno 2K.0 mm in distalno 34,0 mm. Obe ohranjeni luknjici imata naslednja največja in najmanjša zunanja prememu proksimalna luknjica 9,7 in 8,2 mm, distalna Iiiknjica9,0 in K,7 mm. Proksimalna polovična luknjica ima premer 6.5 mm. Distalna pol k rožna izjeda ima največji ohranjeni premer 13 mm. Razdalja med središčem obeh celili luknjic je 35 mm. Medsrediična razdalja med proksimalno luknjico in proksimalno polovično luknjico je 18 mm. Debelina posteriome stene diafize pri disialni luknjici je 4,0 mm. Največji in najmanjši premer mozgov nega kanala je na najožjem delu okoli 13 in 10 mm. SI 114: Divje babe 1, Detajl proksimalne pol krožne izjede na domnevni koščeni ptS&li. Slikano s pomočjo mukroskopa. loto Jurij Maj die Fig. H-t: Divje babe I Detail of proximal semi-circutw notch on i he suspected hone time. Photographed with the aid of a inaeroscopc. Photo: Jurij MajdiČ. judging how the holes and ends of bone were created, may thus have been erased. On the basis of the smallest widths of the dia-phvsis, which are: lateral-medial 23.5 mm and amerior-posterior 17.0 mm, we may conclude that the whole dia-physis. without joints, was approximately 210 mm long (Fig. 12.1: /). The other actual measurements are: maximum length 113.6 mm, maximum lateral-medial width proxinially 28,0 mm and distally 34,0 mm, The two preserved holes have the following maximum and minimum external measurements: proximal hole'J.7 and 8.1 mm, distal hole 9.0 and B, 7 mm, The proximal half hole has a diameter of 6.5 mm. The distal semicircular notch has a maximum preserved diameter of 13 mm. T he distance between the centres of the two complete holes is 35 mm. The centre-centre distance between the proximal hole and the proximal half hole is 18 mm. The thickness of the posterior wall of the diaphysis at the distal hole is 4.0 mm. f he maximum and minimum diameters of the marrow cavity at the narrowest part are around 13 mm and 10 mm. 11.2. tehnološka analiza. ali so DOMNEVNO PIŠČAt NAREDI I 1 UUDJfc ALI ZVERI? Kontekst in starost najdbe sla dve toliko jasni zadevi, da o njima nima smisla ponovno razpravljati t i urk in dr. 1995h in v tem zborniku). Sporna je samo razlaga najdbe. Najprej je treba pojasnili, ali gre za 1 i .2. Technical analysis. Human ORIGIN VLRSUS CARNIVORE ORIGIN OF THE PRESUMED FLUTE The context and age of the I hid are two such clear matters that there is no need to discuss it again (Turk el at, 1995b and m this volume), The identification of the find alone is debatable. It is lirsl necessary to make clear 141) líl'IS IN KAZI ACIA NASTANKA DOMNKVHI KO&f'INI ll'U' Al l 2 urlefaki Lili psevdpartefakt, oziroma kako so nastale luknjice, ki omogočajo uporabo koščene aJafize kol piščalke, ['emuje bil predmet dejansko namenjen, je trenutno drugotnega pomena in stvar nadaljnje razprave, v kateri bodo imeli odločilno besedo paleomuzikologi, Odgovor na naše prvo vprašanje smo najprej iskali \ arheološki povezavi: idejno razmišljanje orodje tehnika surovina: izdelek. Izhodišča smo si omejili s splošno znanimi dejst\ < /a obdobje srednjega paleolitikain zgodnjega mlajšega paleolitika, predvsem aurignaeiena, ki temeljijo na tvanip dokazih. Alternativno smo odgovor na prvo vprašanje povsem upravičeno iskali pil zvereh, ker ne moremo mmio dejstva^ da je bilo najdišče tudi in predvsem brlog večjih /veri O idejnem razmišljanju paleolitskega človeka lahko samo ugibamo. Domnevamo, da seje marsikatera zamisel porodila pri opazovanju narave. Predlogo za luknjice v kosteh je prav tako lahko dobil v narav i. Dale so mu jo zveri in različni naravni postopki, ki lahko kosti naluknjajo (Lyman 1994, 394) (y/. 11.5). Za izdelavo luknjic so bila paleolitskim ljudem na voljo kamnita in koščena orodja v najbolj preprosti obliki, kol sta neretuSiran kantnii odbitek in koščena iver. Posebej obl tkovaua orodja, ki i ill predstav Ijajo t. i, orodi bi tipi, niso nujno potrebna za večino opravil, katerim naj bi ta orodja služila. O tem nas prepriča preprost poizkus izdelave luknjic /. navadnimi odbitki in z različnimi tehnikami. V itHMJSterienu so posebej oblikovana (retuširanaj \ glavnem samo kamnita orodja, /a izdelavo luknjic pridejo v poštc\ naslednji lipi: konice. SI. 11.5: Divje babe I, Primeri luknjic v kosteh jamskega medveda, ki so nastale naravnim polom. Njihovi premeri so I. 2. 3. 4 in M mm, 1 oto: Muko /aplatil. Fig. 11.X Divje babe I. Diameters of holes in the bones of cave bear which have been created by natural means. Their diameters ¡ire 1, 2, .1, 4 .ind X mm. Photo: Marko Zaplalil. whether it is an artefact o tu pseudoartefact, or how the holes were made which would have allowed the shaft of bone to be used as a Ilute or pipe, l or what the object was actually meant, is currently of secondary importance and the subject oí further debate, in which musicologists will have a decisive say. The answer lo our first question must lirst be sought in archeological links: imaginative llhnkmg -tools technique - raw material product. We are limited in our premises to the generally known facts about lite period of the Middle and Harly t Ipper Palaeolithic, above all the Aurignaeian, based on material evidence. An alternative explanation that nríusl be explored is that the holes were made by carnivores, since we cannot avoid the I act that the site was also, and above all, a lair of various large carnivores, We can only guess about the imaginative dunking of Palaeolithic man. We suspect that many ideas originated in die observation of nature. The notion of holes to bones could equally have been obtained from nature. 1 hey were made by beasts and by various natural processes capable of perforating bones: I ,yman 1994. p. 394) (/-V 11.5). Palaeolithic man had the simplest stone and bone tools available for making holes, such as untelouehed stone flakes and bone fragments. Specially shaped tools, representing so-called tool types, were not necessarily needed lor the majority of tasks tor which such tools would have served. A simple experiment at making holes with "déhiiage" blanks and various techniques is testimony enough of that. In the Moustcrian, for the most part only stone tools were specially shaped (retouched). I lie following types must be considered for the making of holes: points, borers, tongues and burins. I hey are till present in Diyje babe I assemblage. These may be completely new tóols, or modified original tools made of ordinary flakes ("debiiagc" blanks), flic purpose of modifying tools was to obtain an improved product. The .s/ ¡1 6,-PoizkuMin izvrtane luknjice \ finalno medvedjo kost in svežo jelenjo ku^t / navadnimi odbitki i/ tufa, k;ikršae^;i mi uporabljali v najdišču Divje babe I Vidi se gladek lijak s krožnimi razami, ki nastanejo pri vrtanju. Zunanji premer lijaka je 17 in II) mm. Koto;: Marto Zaplati I. Fig. 11.6: Trial holes bored tti fossil bear hone and fresh red deer hone with ordinary flakes of lull, s tie h os was used Lit the I Jivje babe 1 sili.- Hie smooth funnel vv itli circular cuts creating by i he horing is i isihJe. The external diameter o lihe runnel is 17 and 10 mm. Photo: Marko Zaplati I 141) I)l St lil H !<>'■; IVI) I Ml AMMIIIN ill rill 1ÍKH.IS III [IT! SI SIM I II II IK IM lll'l si. im./rig. li ó I <>2 OPIS IN KAZLAOA nastanka IWwmiVSE KOSCEM PSCALJ svedri, jezički in vbadala, Vsa ta orodja so prisotna v najdišču Divje babe I I o so lahko popolnoma nova orodja ali le izpopolnjena prvolna orodja, ki jih predstavljajo navadni odbitki. Namen izpopolnjevanja orodij so boljši i/dclki. Razvijanje novih orodij je potrebno pri uporabi novih surovin in izdelavi novih izdelkov, Meja med novimi in izpopolnjenimi orodji je v paleolitiku največkrat zabrisana. Luknjice je bilo mogoče delali z navadnimi odbitki ali z izpopolnjenimi orodji v štirih tehnikah, ki so od najnaprednejše do najbolj preproste: I. vrtanje, 2, izrezovanje (dolhlenje). žaganje, piljenje 3. klesanje in 4. prebijanje. Zadnji dve tehniki sta bili izvedljivi tudi z uporabo koščenih iveri Zgoraj smo omen i I i, da za boljše izdelke potrebujemo boljša orodja. Isti cilj lahko dosežemo tudi / boljšo tehniko oziroma tehnologijo, Medtem ko dovolj dobro poznamo kamnita orodja, je naše poznavanje paleolit&ke tehnologije omejeno in osnovano na modernih poizkusih. L Predmetov z izvrtani mi luknjicami \ rnouste-rienu m pred njim ne poznamo, čeprav obstaja iz tega obdobja okoli 200 raznih na luknjan i h primerkov, Običajno se razlagajo kol obeski iBediiarik 1994, 59), Edino izjemo bi lahko predstavljalo repno Vretence volka iz najdišča Bncksteinsehmiede v Nemčiji, ki ima z dveh strani lijakasto izvrtano luknjico (Wetzel in Bosinski 1969, I ■ 162: 6a - d), vendar samo v primeru, če je bilo najdeno v prvotni legi. Tehnika vrtanja v splošnem pred mlajšim paleolitikom ni dokazana. Zato se lahko vprašamo, čemu so služili t. i. srednjepaleolilski svedri, kijih poznamo t ml i iz našega najdišča. Zagotovo ne samo vrtanju luknjic v les in druge mehke tvarine, ki se niso ohranile. Les kot surovina je btl dokazano v rabi že od starejšega paleolitika dalje. Tehniko, ki s hi ž i obdelavi lesa, lahko brez večjih težav prenesemo na kost in to bi se slejkoprej zgodilo tudi v paleolitiku. Dejansko je do tega prišlo najkasneje v aurignacienu (Hahn 1^77, T, 3: % 8: 2, 37: I, 126: 3 - 4: Dohosi, I9K5. Fig 3: II), Izvrtane luknjice v kosteh jamskega medveda se omenjajo tudi na med vojno uničenem gradivu iz Potočke zijalke (S. Bradar in M. Brodar 19X3, 155 ss). Tehnika vrtanja sodi med najbolj izpopolnjene in učinkovite tehnike izdelovanja luknjic. O tem smo se prepričali s poizkusom, pri katerem smo uporabili običajen odbitek. Lijasta oblika i zvrtan ili luknjic in sledovi vrtalnega orodji so tako značilni, da luknjice, izdelane s to tehniko, zlahka prepoznamo (si. // 6). 2. Tehnika izrezovanja (dolblenja). Žaganja in/ ali piljenja se je verjetno razvila na lesu in drugih mehkih tvarinah terse kasneje prenesla na kosti, Prenos tehnike obdelave / ene na drugo podobno t vari no je dokaj preprost. Različna trdota materialov jc pri isti tehniki in orodjih povzročala velike težave. Rešitev zanje je bilo izpopolnjevanje starih in razvijanje novih orodij. Tehnika izrezovanja {dolblenja) je bila poznana vsaj od srednjega palec I i tik a naprej, čeprav zanjo v zgodnjem development of new tools is required for the use of new raw materials and in the production of new products. The boundary; between new and modified tools is generally blurred in the palaeolithic. the holes could have been made with ordinary flakes or with modified tools in four techniques, ranging from the tnosi advanced to the simplest: I. boring, 2. culling (chiselling), sawing, filing, 3. knapping or chipping and 4, piercing. The lasl two techniques were a I st) carried out wilh the use of bone fragments. We mentioned above thai better tools are needed for better producís. The same aim can he achieved also with a better technique or technology. While stone lools arc familiar enough, Our knowledge of stone and other palaeolithic technologies is limited, and based on modern experiments. 1. Objects with tuired holes in the Moustcrian and prior to i I are unknown, although around 200 different examples with holes exist. They are normally explained as pendants (Bednarik I (J(J4, p. 59). The only exception may be a tail vertebrae of a wolf from the Bocksteinschmcidc site in Í Icrmany. which has funnel shaped bored holes on two sides (Wetzel & Bosiuski 1969, PI. 162: 6a - d). hut only if it was found in ils original position. The technique of boring is not proven prior to the Upper Palaeolithic. We may therefore ask what the Middle Palaeolithic borers, which are familiar also from this site, were used for. Certainly not just boring holes in wood and other softer materials which have nol been preserved. Wood has been shown to have been used as a raw material from the Early Palaeolithic onwards. A technique which was used to process wood, mainly boring, could be transferred without major problems to bone, and this would have happened sooner or laicr in the Palaeolithic. It actually occurred nol later than the Aurignacian (Ilahn 1977. PI 3: 3, 8: 2. 37: I. 126: 3 - 4; Dohosi 19X5, Fig. 3: II). Bored holes in bones of cave bear are also mentioned as among the Aurignacian material from Potocka zijalka destroyed during world war 2 (X, Brodar & M. Brodar 1983. pp. 155 on). The technique of boring is among the most compiele and ctfcct ivc techniques of making holes. This Was made quile clear by experiments in which wc used ordinary flakes. The funnel shaped bored holes and ihe traces of the boring tool arc so characteristic that holes made by this technique are easily recognisable (Fig. 1/6). 2. The technique of cutting (chiselling), sawing and filing probably developed on wood and other soft materials and was later transferred lo bone. The transfer of a processing technique from one material to another, similar one, is fairly simple. Different hardnesses of material caused major difficulties with the same technique and toots The solution was to modify the old and lo create new tools. The technique of cutting (chiselling) was known at leasl from the Middle Palaeolithic 141) 0 2cm '--- ' ' SI. If .7: Aurigoacicnska koičena konica z izdolbeno luknjico, najdena V Potočki zijalki Luknjica j e biki dolhena / d veli strani in t mu značilno lijasto obliko s fasetami, ti nastanejo pri rezanju. Foto: Marko Zaplati]. /■7c 11.7: Aurignaeian bone point with a chiselled out hole, found in Potočka /ijalka. The hole was chiselled out from hotli sides and has a typical funnel shape with I he facetting made by cutting. Photo: Marko Zapfatil. obdobju ni jasnih dokazov, Tc imamo Se le v aurignacienu in to tudi y Sloveniji (.v/. 11.7). V zgodnjem mlaj Sem palcol iti ku je bila ta tehnika zelo priljubljena. Omenja se i ud i na med vojno uničenem gradivu i t Potočke zijal kc (S. Brodarin M. Brodar 1983, 155 ss). Izrezane luknjice imajo navzven široko I ¡jas to obliko. I epu se vidijo tudi potegi / orodjem, ki lijak fasetiraju. 3. Tehnika klesanja sc je v paleolitiktt splošno uporabljala za obdelavo kamna. Tehniko so ie zelo zgodaj prenesli tudi na koSčeno t vari no, za kar je veliko [>FscBirniwi \m) r.KFiJSNAnoN m 1111 rmu.m iifnic stisrWrrrn boni: nim St. //■& Poizkusno tzklesane Inknjiee v svcio stegrienico etiolemega rjavega medveda (I) in jelenjo kost (2). Vidi se lijak z aiaiilnhni poikodbami, ki nastanejo pri klesanju. Premcr lukttjie je <> in 8 mm. Foto: Marko Zaplatil. Fig. Trial chipped hole in a t res It femur ofa one year old brown bear (I) and red deer bone 12}. The funnel with typical damage made by chipping can be seen. The diameter of the holes is 6 and 8 mm, Photo: Marko Zaplatil. onwards, although there is no clear proof of this in the early period. 1 his only appears in the Aurignaeian. in Slovenia, too {Fig. 11.7). This technique was very popular in the Early Upper Palaeolithic. It is also mentioned m the material from Potocka zijalka destroyed during (he world war 2 (S. Brodar & M. Drodar 1983, pp. 155 on}. Chiselled holes have a wide outv, ard conical shape. The marks of the tool, which facet the funnel, are also clearly visible. 3. The technique of chipping (flaking, knapping) was in general use in the Palaeolithic for working stone. The techniques were also transferred very early to bone materials, for which there is plenty of evidence. There is less evidence of it having been used hi the early period for making holes (e. g. Wetzel & Bos in ski 1969, PI. I(i2; 7a - d). Simple tools suitable for this technique could have been stone or bone. It important for them to have had a sharp edge. We attempted lo make a number 141) Opis in hazlas kastanka hmm vni: mjSCi.m i isi vm i dokazov. Manj dokazov je v zgodnjem obdobju /a izklesane luknjice (glej VVetzelin 13osm.sk i 1969, I. 162; 7 a - 7d). Preprosta orodja, primerna loj tehniki, so bita lahko kamnita ali koščena. Važno je, da so imela oster rob. S takim orodjem smo poskusno izklesali vce luknjic v sveže kosi i, Tako narejene luknjice so navzven bolj ali manj Iijasto oblikovane in imajo značilno poškodovan (razpraskan) obod (.si. H.ti). Izklesano luknjico aurignacienske slarosti poznamo i/ Vlukriškejamc (M. D i oda r I 1>K5:l T. 5: 2) (si. 119). Ponesrečen poizkus klcsanja luknjice v kost lahko predstavlja odlomek dialize stegnenice mladega jamskega medveda iz kvadrata reženj 17. plast 5 \ Divjih babah I j\l. 119). Če je človek pri izdelavi luknjic posnemal zveri, je pritisk zob najprej nadomestil / udarci, tako tla je luknjico postopno izklesal Kot nam je znano, so tako narejene luknjice redke, -I. Tehnika prebijanja ali izbijanja se je lahko of holes in fresh bones with swjjh tools. Holes made in such si way hav e a more or Jess conical external shape, and a characteristically damaged (scratched) rim (Fig. 118). Chipped holes of Aurigjiaeian age are known from Mokri5kajama(M. Brodar 19K5a. PL 5: 2) (Fig. 119). The fragment of the diaphysis of the femur of a cave hear cub may be an unsuccessful attempl lochip hole ill bone. 1 rom quadrat 9, spit 19 (combined layei s 7 and 8) in Divje babe I (Fig. 11.9). If man copied carnivores in making holes, tooth pressure was (list replaced with blows, so I hat a hole was gradually chipped out As far is known, characteristic holes made in such a way are rare, J. The technique of punching or piercing may similarly have developed from a technique of working stone. It was used from the very s tari for breaking i narrow bones. A semi-circular break can tints be created. This technique was known in the Middle Palaeolithic St. 11.9. Morebiten ponesrečen poizkus klcsanja luknjice premera 7 mm 11j n.i sprednji strani femurja mladica jamskega medveda iz Divjih babi (inoustčricn). Dve manjši vdulbiniei ob prelomljeni luknjici sta nastali z udarjanjem s si leksoni in nis-ta odtis zoba, Delaj! izklesane luknjice premera 10 nun (2j na media I ni sprednji sirati i femutja jamskega medveda iz Mokri ske iame(aurignacien). Foto; Marko Zaplatil, rish:i Dragica Kuiiiu Lumler. Fig, H V Possible unsuccessful attempt to chip a hole of diameter 7 mm ill in the from side of the femur of a young eave bear from Divje babe I (Mouslerian). the two smaller hollows beside the broken hole were made with a blow with si lev and are not the impressions of teeth. Detail of chipped hole of diameter 10 mm (2) on the medial anterior of the femur of a cave bear from Mokriika jama (Aurignacian). Photo: Marko Zaplati I, drawing Dragica Knitie I.under. 141) hi sunn ms isaisi'i ). Ittko narejene luknjice se ne razlikujejo od luknjic, ki jih v kost lahko vdrejo /veri z zobmi, Za oboje je značilno, da se lijaslo razširijo v smeri delovanja sile. Notranji nepravilni lijak nastane s krušen jem kostne kompakie. Na samem obodu, kije lahko sestavljen iz lokov, ui \ idnih poškodb. Včasih se delček robaodkruši navzgor. and was also mainly used with bone materials. However. it has not been reliably shown to have been used for making holes, although the majority of holes in bones have been apparently punched or pierced. Simple tools suitable for this technique could be stone or bone. It is import ant for them to have a point. We did not succeed in making any holes in fresh bones with such a technique and simple or modified tools (edges of ordinary Hakes, pointed tools such as Mousleriati points and convergent side-scrapers). Only with an iron punch were w e successful, and that with difficulty (Fig. 11.10). I loles made in such a way do not differ from holes which wild animals may have pierced with their teeth. Both are characterised hv a widening of the cone in the direction of tlie operation of force. An internal irregular funnel is created by the crumbling of the hone compact, On the rim ilselt, which can be made m an arc, I here is no v is- ihle damage, Sometimes a fragment of the edge breaks off outwards. St. 11,10 Rezultat poizkusa prebijanja luknjice z železnim piehijaOcm na posteriorni strani sveZe diaiize stegnenice enoletnega ijaveijn medved». Vidita sl- vdrl;i (I) in popolnoma prebita luknjica (2) premera-1.5 mm. Into Marico Zaplati!. Fig. 11. 1(1: Result of attempt to pierce holes with an iron punch on the posterior of a fresh diaphysis ofthc femur one year brown bear. The impressed (11 and completely punched hole (2) of diameter 4:5 mm can be scen. Phoio; Marko Zaplati). ij .3. izsledki poizkusov na svežih medvedjih kosteh in primerjavi s PRELUKNJANIMI FOSILNIMI KOSTMI Izdelek, ki nas zanima, je kost z luknjicami ali domnevna piščalka. K.osi kol surovina je bita sicer poznana že \ starejšem palcoliliku, vendar se je v moustčrienu še vedno zelo redko uporabljala. Pogosteje je lahko služila za izdelavo preprostih orodij, ki jih težko prepoznamo V v ečjem obsegu se kost in njej podobne tvarine začfto obdelovali in uporabljali sele v mlajšem palcoliliku. v moustčrienu so taki izdelki dvomljive narave in v primerjavi z mlajšimpaleolitikom zelo redki. Najbolj znani so prstni členki sodoprslai je\ / eno ali več luknjicami, ki jih starejši avtorji razlagajo koi piščalke (lieinhard £906, j53>, mlajši pa dvomijo v pravilnost enostranskih razlag (Chase 1990. I65ss; Stepanchuk 1993. .1.1), Nedvoumni koščeni izdelki z luknjicami se pojavijo Šele * aitrignacicnii. Pri nas je to že omenjena koščena konica z izrezano luknjico v Potočki zijalki I,v/, lf,7). 11.3. Results of experiments on fresh BEAR BONES IN COMPARISON WITH perforated fossil bones The item that interests us is a bone with holes, or a suspected flute. Bone was a beady known as a raw material in the t\ar1y Palaeolithic, although it was still very rarely used in the Monster tan. 11 may have served more frequently for simple tools which are difficult to recognise. Hone and similar materials began to be worked and used exlensivily only in the Upper Palaeolithic. In the Mousterian, such products are suspeel, and in comparison with the Upper Palaeolithic, very rare I lie best known are phalanges ol at liodacty lae, with one or more holes, which older authors classified as whistles (Reinhard 190b, p. 15.1). while later authors are dubious of single explanations tChase 1990, pp.165 on; Stepanchuk 1993, p. 33). Indisputable bone products with holes appear only in the Aurignacian. Here, these include a bone point with chiselled hole in PotoSka zijalka (Fig. II.?). 141) OPIS IN p! A/ IA(iAVASHVKAHWHM K^fO CNH MS<" AI 1 Luknjice v naši kosti so tako enostavne, da so bile lahko izdelane z najbolj preprostim orodjem in s tako preprosto tehniko, km je prebijanje S poskusom smo ugotovili, da luknjic naše velikosti in oblike v sveži stegne nični kosti mladega ijavega medveda z debelejšo kompakto ni mogoče prebiti niti / navadnim odbitkom niti s kameno (moustčiiensko) konico, izdelano posebej V ta namen (si, I J. 11). Domnevna uporaba kanina jamskega medveda za luknjanje, kot predlagajo nekateri (S, Brodar in M. I i rod ar 1983), je v praksi neizvedljiva. Zobje so za kaj takega prekrhkt, Druga mogoča tehnika, ki pride v poštev v tem zgodnjem obdobju. je k lesa nje. V svežo stegne nično kost mladega rjavega medveda smo z odbitkom i/kiesali nekaj luknjic. !/klesane luknjice imajo na obodu, ne glede na upora hijen o orodje, značilne poškodbe, ki nastanejo pri postopnem odstranjevanji! kostne koinpakte (si. 11.S). Razen lega so luknjice na zunanji strani rahlo Iijasto oblikovane. Naš primerek teh poškodb nima, luknjice pa tudi niso I ijas to oblikovane. Popolnoma enako oblikovane luknjice v dolgih cevastih kosteh jamskega medveda, pretežno mladih primerkov poznamo iz aurignacienskega najdišča v Mokriški jami (si 11.12) (M Brodar 1985a, T. K). Avtor meni, da so delo človeških rok. O tem, kako bi človek luknjice lahko naredit, ne razpravlja. Med vsemi objavljenimi luknjicami se nam /tli pomembna predvsem ena (si. /1.9) (M. Brodar 1985a, T. 5; 2). Ta je edina, kot je videti izklesana, in sicer na izbočeni anieriomi strani distal nega dela temurjn mladega jamskega medveda. Pomembno je, da je zunanja odprtina hjasta in pomaknjena proti media Inemu robu. Nobena zver ne more narediti takšne lukn jice na mestu, kjer je nosilnost in debelina kosme stene največja. Tudi če bi poskušala, bi se prej vdrla šibkejša posterioma stena. Zato lahko tO luknjico z veliko verjetnostjo pripišemo človeku. Luknjice je mogoče prebiti samo v zelo tanke kostne stene. Taka je npr. stena nad živčnim kanalom v tnipu spodnje čeljustnice na lingvaln} strani Luknjice na tem mestu poznamo predvsem iz Potočke zijalke in Mokriško jame (S. Brodar in M. Brodar 1983, 155 ss. si. 57 - 58; M, Brodar 1985a). V našem najdišču so zelo redke. K.osti s takimi luknjicam t, od katerih naj bi bile nekatere celo vdolbene. se razlagajo kot a rte takti. Čeljusinica / vdolbenimi luknjicami i/ Potočke zijalke je, žal, izgubljena. Pri pregledu luknjic na spodnjih čeljusti!icah smo opazili dvoje podrobnosti, ki se v literaturi ne navajata. Pocn primerek iz Potočke zijalke m MokriSkejamc imata popolnoma od žrlo vejo čeljusti (rcitttus mandibulae), lak o da se na trupu razločno vidijo sledovi zob (s/. II.13) (M. Brodar 1983, T. 6: 3). Mundibuia i/ Potočke zijalke z eno luknjico in razširjeno mandibularno odprtino (/in timen mandibular) ter razami zob ima na mestu razširjenega foramnana notranji steni živčnega kanala lepo viden odtis zoba (si. /1.14) iS. Brodar in M. Brodar 1983, si. 57, druga mnndthula od O 2 cm SI li-11: Konica iz lula narejena posebej za poizkusilo prebijanje sveže medvedje stcgncnicc. Vrh konice se jc pri neuspelem poizkusu poškodoval. Foto: Marko Zaplatil. / fjf. I/JI Point from tulTinade speciiily foran atiempt to punclurc a fresh bear temun The tip ofthe point vvasdamaged inan unsucccssful atiempt. Photo: Marko Zaplati!. The holes in the thigh bone from Divje babe I site are so simple that they could have been made with the simplest tool, and thus a simple technique like piercing. We ascertained with experiments ihat holes of this size and form could not be pierced in the fresh thigh bone of a young brown bear with thidker compact tissue. neither with an ordinary flake, nor with a Mousterian point made specially for the purpose (Fig. II. 11). The hypothetical use of cave bear can in as a punch, as some authors suggest tS. Brodar& M, Brodar 1983) is in practice impossible. The teeth are too brittle. The other possible technique which needs to be considered in this early period is chipping. We chipped out some holes in a fresh thigh bone of a young brown bear, using a flake. 1'hc holes chipped out, irrespective ofthe tool used, have characteristic damage caused in the process of removing the compact bone tissue (Fig. 1!. i\). In addition, the holes are slightly conical in shape on the outside Our luid does not have such damage, and the boles are not conical on the outside. Identically shaped holes in the limbs ofcave bear, ma inly juvenilis, are known from the Aurignacian site 141) T >1 -ii It ll"l ION W > I \ I'l ANAlh hM il niM IB (GIN WTItl SI WFCTT D BO^E FLUTl mi Mokriikajama (Fig, H i2) |M. Brodar I9X5a. PI. 5: 8), Ifit,- author believes that they are the work of human hands. He does not discuss how they may have made the holes. Of all holes reported, one above all seems important to us (Fig. IIV) |M. Brodar l9S5a. PI. 5: 2). This is the only one chipped out, as can be seen, on the convex anterior of the distal part of the lemur of a juvenile cave bear. It is important that the outside of the ap-erturc is conical and withdraws towards the medial edge. No carnivore could make such a hole in a place where AY, 11.13: Potočka /tj ilka. Detajl neobjavljenega primerka Spodnje čel j ustnice suhadultnega jamskega medveda / odgrizeno vejo [nanus mandihtdae) iti jasnimi sledovi zverskih /oh. Poln: Maiko Zaplati), Fig. II 13 Potočka /ijalka. Detail of unpublished example of the mandible of a sub-adult cave hear with gnawed ramus mani/lb'tliii- and eleartooth marks. Photo: Marko Zaplatil. SI 11.12. Moki i.ška jama {Brodar IVK5, ! 5; S). Povečana luknjica premera9 mm 11) na posietiomi strani odlomka diafi/e stegnenice mladiča jamskega medveda in detajl sredine levega roba luknjice (2). Slikano s pomočjo makmskopa. l uki Jurij Majdič, Fig. II 12 Vlek risk a jama (B radar l»W5. Pl. 5: »). Enlarged htile diameter 9 mm (I) on the posterior o I" the fragment of the diaphysis of a femur of a juvenile cave hear and detail of the cc ntie of t he !el t edge of the hole (I), Photographed with the aid of a maeroseope. Photo: Jurij Majdič. SI ti.14: Potočka zijalka. Detajl čeljusuiične odprtine (joramen mondibuhe) na spodnji čeijusinici jamskega medveda. Odprtin a jc pnikodova od zoba, kaierega odlisek se je ohranil na lahialm Strani živčnega kanala Foto Marko Zaplati I, Fig: 11.14 Potočka /ijalka, Deiail of^Att/bramentnandibvine o a the mandible of a ca v e bear The foramen is dumaged by tonih, liteimpresiionofwhichhavubeenretainedon theI a tnal side of the nerve cavity. Photo: Marko Zaplati]. 141) OfIs iS RAZtUjA NASTANKA hOMKHVSK Kilifisr PlifALI zgoraj). V steno miijdibiilamega kanitja odtisnjeno vdrtinico (luknjico) navajala v enem primeru tudi S, in VI, Brodar (l^M.T, 155). Navedeni primeri nakazujejo možnost, da so nekatere luknjice m razširitve mandi-bolarne odprtine naredile zveri in ne ljudje. Skoraj vse naluknjane Spodnje ccljustnice pripadajo mladim primerkom, ki so bili najbolj na udaru zveri, Pri prebijanju ali prediranju se kosi na nasprotni strani lijasto odlomi, l ake odlome ima tudi naš primerek. Podobno je oblikovana tudi luknjica na koronoidnem odrastku spodnje jEeljustnice jamskega medveda i/ Potočke zijalke in Divjih bab I (S. Drodar in M. Brodar 1983, s!. 5K; M. Brodar I98ia. T. 5: 3). Zelo zanimiv je primerek diafize femurja mladega jamskega medveda iz Divjih bab I (kvadrat f), reženj I 2. plast 4 do 5a), ki ima na distalnem delu vhodno in izhodno luknjico, tako daje diallza videti, kot dti bi bila prestreljena, Posterioma luknjica (II) mm/9 mm) je vdrta / zunanje strani, nasproti ležeča anterinma luknjica (U mm/9 mm) pa z notranje strani, t. j, i/ mozgovnega kanala ( v/ II 15). To pritrjuje domnevo, da sta bili obe luknjici narejeni hkrati t/ ene smeri, česar pa zveri ne morejo storili. Na sliki se lepo vidi odkruSena oziroma neodkrušena zunanja stena. Poznajo se tudi raze od /ob. Tako preluknjana in izvotljina kos! bi lahko služila kol obesek aLi kot bmivka. Kakšen je spodnji rob značilnih luknjic od zob, ki je pomemben za pravilno presojo nastanka zagonetnih luknjic v kosteh, Žal, ne vemo. Predvidevamo, da je prav tako odkrušen. Luknjice, na las podobne našim, nastanejo lahko tudi s prediranjem kostne kompakte s pritiskom, tako predrejo kosti zveri pred\ sem z derači in ne s podočniki. the strength and thickness of the bone wall is greatest Even if an attempt were to be made, the weaker, posterior WLtlI would break first. So this hole may in ail probability he ascribed to human agency. I loles may be pierced only in very thin bone wall, such as, for example, the wall above the nerve cavity in the body of the lower jaw on the lingual side. Holes in this place are known mainly from Potocka zijalka and Mokti.ska jama (S. Brodar & M. Brodar 1983, pp. 155 on, Figs. 57 - 58; M. Urodar 1985a). They are very rare at the 1 livje babe I sue. Bones with such holes, some of which could even have been "hollowed", are classified as artefacts. A jawbone with hollowed holes, from Potofika zijalka, has unfortunately been lost. In examining the holes in lower jaws, we noticed two peculiarities which are not mentioned in the literature. An exampie each from Potoika zijalka and Moknska jaina have completely gnawed away ramus mandibulae, such that traces of teeth are distinctly visible (Fig, 11.13} (M. Brodar 1983. PL 3i. The mandible from I'otocka zijalka with one hole and widenedforamen mundihatae and scratches from tecih, has a clearly visible tooth mark at the place of the extended foramen on the inner wall ofthe nerve cavity (Fig, //./■/) [S. Brodar & M. Brodar 19K3, lay. 57, second mandible from the top), S. Hnxlar and M Brodar (1983. p 155) also mention a puncture (hole) in (he wall ot the mandibular cavity. The eases citcd demonstrate the possibility thai some holes and widening of ifteforamen mandibular were made by carnivores and nol humans. Almost all pierced lower jaws belong to juveniles, which were mi is I often a Hacked by predators. 1 ' -*■ i nJb i m o SI. 11.15. Divje babe 1. Stegnenica mladiča jamskega medveda / dvema istočasno prebil ima luknjicama nepravilne oblike premera 10 in 11 mm. Povečana anlerioma in posteriorna luknjica Risba: Dragica Kjiific 1, under, fbto: Marko Zaplati t. Fig: 1115. Divje babe I Femur of a juvenile cave bear with two contemporaneously pierced holes of irregular shape, diameter of 10 and 11 mm. Enlarged anterior and posterior holes Drawing: Dragica KniBc Ltinder, photo: Marko Zaplat i I 141) DlAllllMHlN \Nm-XM ASATIIWUI lili IhKKilNCJf I Hh SUSPUITD BONI IT I ■ II kot se običajno misli (Kos 1931; Je£(uieT 1975, HO; \1. Brodnr 1985a). Čeljust deluje pri tem kol primež. Največjo moč dosežejo /\ eri z derači in ostalimi kočniki, ne s podočniki. Pritisk teh /ob je lahko zelo velik, Pri In jen i tudi do 800 kg/cnr. Če vzamemo n. pr. volka kot najvcijctuejšega povzročitelja luknjic \ kosteh i/ Di\ jih bab I - fosilnih ostankov volka imamo namreč v vseh plasteh največ in tafonomska analiza je pokazala, daje Najprimernejši zverski dejavnik - predre kost najprej protokonid spodnjega derača, ki je najvišji in najmočnejši ali parttkon zgornjega derača. Pri nadaljhem stiskanju predre kost še parakonid spodnjega derača, ki je ni/ji in šibkejši aii konid zgornjega prvega ineijaka. Tako so uastaii po dve vdrtiniei ali luknjici, ki sta zelo blizu skupaj. Razlikujeta se lahko po velikosti in globini [si. II.16). V zbirki nagrizenih kosti i/ slovenskih jamskih najdišč (M. Brodar 198Sa) smo našli vsaj 7 primerkov od 29, ki imajo razdaljo med sredino luknjic v razponu 13 do 14 mm, kar približno ustreza velikosti deračev volka. V Divjih babah I imajo to razdaljo 3 primerki od 2b. Na kosteh, ki so jih obdelale zveri, se pogosto poznajo sledovi zgornjih in spodnjih kočnikov. Vendar to ni nujno. Kosti, ki imajo eno steno ravno in drugo obokano, običajno popustijo pritisku zob na ravni ali v bočen i strani, /alo je na ravnih in v bočen i h površinah še enkral več luknjic in vdrtinic kol na izbočenih. Prav tako nastanejo luknjice in vdrtiniee predvsem tam, kjer je kostna kompakia najtanjša. Na izbočenih površinah in odebeljenih (stranskih) stenah pa imamo samo rahle odtiske, ki se lahko pri močno ogla jenih ali preperelih kosteh tudi zabrišejo. Zato m nujno, da sc pri luknjicah, ki so jih naredile zveri, pozna na nasprotni strani sled drugega /oba. Pri dobrem prijemu in pravilno obrnjeni kosti nastanejo samo luknjice \ manj odpornih predelih kostne kom p a k te. Oblika in velikost luknjic se ne razlikujeta od luknjic na domnevni piščalki (si. 11.2 in 11.17). Luknjice, ki imajo obod sestavljen i/ lokov, tako kol luknjicc na domnevni piščalki, dobimo ludi na primerkih, ki so jih nedvomno naredile zveri. Poizkus na sveži stegnenici enoletnega mladiča rjavega medveda / uporabo primeža je potrdil domnevo, da je /a predn ic debelejše kompakte na sredini diafi/e potrebna precej večja sila kot /a predrl je tanj še kom pakte v bližini sklepov (si. U.IH). Luknjicc na sredini diallze so lahko naredile le redke zveri, ki so imele zelo močne čeljusti in zelo koničaste derače. S preizkusom smo tudi ugotovili, daje sveža medvedja kost tako elastična, da lahko vso n:tluknjamo, ne da bi pri tem počila, kakor poči fosilna kosi. Poda oziroma preluknja se samo v točki, na katero deluje večja sila, ali v točki, kjer je kost šibkejša, Na nasprotni izbočeni strani se komaj kaj pozna v točki, na katero deluje enakovredna sila. Ker zveri grizejo predvsem mehkejše sklepne dete dolgih ccvastih kosti, je in največ luknjic od njihovih Zob (M. Brodar 1985a). To je splošno znano dejstvo. Luknjice na SI. 11.16. Diyje babe I. Povečan odtisek dvodelnega zoba. verjetno derača volka. V * eeji luknjici se vidi del vdrle zunanje stene kostne k om pakte. Premera luknjic sla i I mm i a S.4 mm. Koto: Marko Zaplatil. Fig. H. 16. Divje babe I. Enlarged impress! on of double iceth, probably the eanjiissial of a wolf. In the larger hole, (Kin eft he pierced exterior wall of the compact bone tissue can be seen. l"hc diameter of the holes is 11 mm and 5.4 mm. Photo: Marka /uplinil. With punching or piercing, the bone is fractured cornea My on the opposite side. Ouir example also has such fractures, The hole in a coronoid extension of a lower jaw of a env c bear from Polocka zijaika is similar to one from Dn je babe [ IS. HrodarA M. Brodar i$b. Fig. 58; M. Brodar 1985a. PI. 5; 3). An example of a diaphysis of juvenile cave bear ftemur from Divje babe I (quadrat 6. spit 12, combined layers 4 - 5a) is very interesting. It has entrance and exit holes on the distal part, SO that it appears as if the diaphysis hail been pierced by a bullet, The posterior hole (It) mm 9 mm) is broken from the outside, and the opposite anterior hole {11 mm/ 9 mm) from the inside, i, e„ from the marrow cavity (Fig. J1J5). This confirms the suspicion that the two very irregular holes were pierced together from the same direction, which a carnivore could not do. The crumbled, or unerumbled, external wall can be well seen on the photography. Tooth marks are also recognisable. Such a pierced bone could have served as a pendant or as a whistle, it is unfortunately not known what son of lower edge typical holes from teeth have, which is important lor property assessing the creation of puzzling holes in bones. We assume that it would be similarly crumbled. I joles, very similar to those in question, can also be made by I tie piercing of the compact bone tissue by pressure. Carnivores primarily pierce bones in such a way with earnassials, and nol with canines, as is normally thought(kos 1931: Jequier 1975. p. 80; M Btodar 1985a), The jaw thus operates like a vice. Animals achieve the greatest force with premolar and molar teeth, not u lib canines I he pressure of these teeth can he very 17 [ O I1 rS K A/l Al IA VAS 1"AS K A IK IMS I YNh AO£ft Ml PtSCALI osrednjem predelu diafiz so zato precej neobičajne /a zveri, vendar niso izključene, Za pravilno presojo nastanka luknjic v domnevni piSčalki je pomembna tudi velikost luknjic in razdalja med luknjicami. Premeri nekaterih luknjic iz slovenskih jamskih najdišč, ki so jih po vseh znakih sodeč naredile /veri (M, Brodai 1985a), ustrezajo premeni luknjic na domnevni piščalki. Približki medsrediSčni razdalji 35 mm, ki jo itna naš primerek, so pri luknjicah od zob zelo red k i Meritve razdalij tned luknjicami m vdrtinami so pokazale, daje najitianSa medsrediščna razdalja 4,5 mm in največja 61 mm (n 49). Samo Se si meritev ima večjo medsrediščno razdaljo (povprečno 46 mm). Povprečna medsrediščna razdalja ostalih meritev je 14 mm, Približuje se ji medsrediščna razdalja med proksimalno luknjico in proksimalnopolovično luknjico na domnevni piščalki. Večina m cd središčni h razdalj, vključno z medsrediSČno razdaljo na domnevni piščalki, ne ustreza medčeljustnemu razmiku zveri, ki so lahko SI. 11.17: Mokri£kajama(M.Brodar 1985, 1.3: laj. Povečava luknjice premera S mm (11 vdne / zobom v stegnenico jamskega medveda in drugo iioükodbe od zob (2). Foto: Murko ZaplátLk Fig. 11.17. Mokriika jama iM, Brodar 1985, Pl, 3: ta). Enlargement of hole of diameter N mm t1) pierced with teeth in I lie femur of a cave bear and other demage of teeth (2), PhotO: Marko Zaplati), great. In the ease of hyenas, even up to 800 kg'eru . If we lake, c, g.. the wolf as the most probably cause of holes in bo ties from Divje babe I - there are most fossil remains of wolf in all layers, ami la ph on oil tic analysis has shown that ii is the most suitable predator factor -firs I the protocol! id of the lower camassial, which is higher and stronger, or the paracon of the upper camas-sial pierces the bone wall. With further pressure, the paracon id of the lower carnassial, which is lower and weaker, or the con id of the upper first molar, pierces the bone. So two punctures, or holes, ire made very close together. They can vary in size and depth (Fig. 11.16). In the collection of gnawed bones from Slovene eave sites (M. B rodar 1985a) we found at lea si 7 examples out of 29 with a distance between the centre of the holes in the range of 13 - 14 mm, which corresponds appro*i-mately to the si/e of the earn asi i ais of a wolf. In Divje babe I. 3 examples of 26 have this d¡stance. Traces of the upper and lower teeth arc often known on bones on which animals have fed. However, lliis is not necessary, Bones which have one straight wall and I he oilier conven, normally give under pressure on the straight or concave side. So there are twice as many lióles and indentations on straight or concave surfaces than on convex ones, Similarly, holes and punctures are created mainly where the bone compact is thinnest. On con-cavc surfaces and thickened ( side) walls we have only slight impressions which heavy weathering or polishing Of the bones can erase. So it is not crucial for holes Which have buen made by earn i vers to have traces of teeth on the opposite side. With a good grasp and properly inverted bones, holes are only created on (lie less resistant parts of the bone compact. The form and size of the holes docs not di tier from the holes on the suspected Ilute (Figs. I I.J and 11.17). We also gel holes with rims composed ufares, like the holes on the suspected flute, in examples which have undoubtedly been made by carnivores. An attempt on a fresh thigh bone of a one year old young brown hear, using a vice, confirmed the suspicion that to puncture the thicker compact in the middle of the diaphysis requires considerably more force than to puncture the thinner compact in the vicinily of the joints {I 'tg. 11. IS). Holes in the centre of the diaphysis could only occasionally have been made by carnivores, and only by those with very strong jaws and very pointed curnassials. We also ascertained by experiment that fresh bear bone is so elastic thai we could puncture holes in all of it without it smashing as fossil bone smashes. It gives, or punctures, only at the point at which lile greatest force operates, or at the point at which the bone is weakest. The opposite, concave side is hardly ever the point at which equal force operates. Since animals gnaw mainly the softer, knuckle parts of limbs, this is where most holes from their teeth are found(M. I)rodar 19H5a). This is a generally known fact. Holes in the central part 141) dl v we mi is ami 1 xtt AHATIOS of nil' ORIGIN o me susmiED ihjni' flute .S7, I ¡.IS: Luknjice premem 4 in 5 mm poizktisno |jredrtt / islezno konico in s pomočjo primeža posteriomo \ svežo slegneniep enoletnega rjavega medveda. Foto: Marke Zaplati! Fig. i I-IX; i lolcs of diameter 4 and 5 mm from an attempt io pierce the fresh lemur o fa one year old brown bear posteriorly, with an iron spike and with tlit aid of a via-, Photo: Marko Zaplat il. kosti nakiknjale. Za to ni dvoma, da ¡e večina luknjic nastala \ postopku žrtja s preprijemanjem kosti. Premeri luknjic, ki so veeii od 5 do 9 mm, so/a volka preveliki Takšne so namreč mere štrlečega dela protokonida in parakona volčjih deračev. I/ obeh morje razvidno, da of the diaphysis are thus fairly unusual lor an animal origin, though cannot he excluded. The size of and distance between the holes are also relevant to a proper assessment of ihe origin of the holes in the suspected lUuc, Examples of some holes Irom Slovene cave sites which, judging from all the signs, have been made hy carnivores IM, lirodar 19H5a), correspond to the diameter of holes on the suspected Utile. The approximate eentre to centre distance of 35 mm of these holes is very rare with holes from teeth. Measurements have shown that the smallest cenire-eelitre distance of carnivore and other boles is 4.5 mm and the largest 61 mm (n 49). Only six measurements have a greater centre-centre distance (average 46 mm). The average centre-centre distance of other measurements is 14 mm, I he centre-eentre distance between die proximal hole and the proximal half hole on the suspected flute approaches it. The majority of the centre-centre distances, including the centre-centre distance on the suspected IItire, do not correspond to distances within the jaws of carnivores which could pierce a bone, So there is no doubt that the majority of holes arc created in the process of devouring grasped bone. The diameters of holes which are bigger than 5 - 9 mm ¡ire loo big for wolf. These are, namely, the measurements of the protruding part of the protcconid and paracon of a wolf's camassials. It is clear from the two measurements that the points of camassials arc of irregular shape, so it is Si. H IV Dinhabc I. Diafizedolgih ccvasiih kosti okončin mladičev jamskega medveda / značilno pol krožno izjedo, ki sojo naredile/veri, Na enem primerku [Ji se lepo vidijo sledovi /ob. Različna merila, Foto: Carmen Narobe in Marko Zaplati! Fig: 1!. 19; Divje ha he I Diaphysis of the limb bone of a juvenitecave bear with typical semi-circular notches made by carnivores. In une example (4), the too ill marks can dearly be .seen. Various scales. Photo: farme n Narobe and Marko /jiplaril. 141) OPIX t S" BA71 A85a. I'l. 5: 7) {Fig. //./'>), So it cauhot be ascribed exclusively lo palaeolithic man. There are quite a number of such examples on limbs al the site. The spongiose could have been removed naturally through weathering, or artificially. It is certain that the spongiose was no longer there at the time the femur was impregnated with earbophosphales. A large number of similar bones al the site are completely or partially without spongiose. There is no sign of working on them. Any possible polish to the surface of the bone was chemically damaged at ihe time of ecmenting of the bone into the carbdphusphale bone breccia. Ii is thus no longer visihle today. 141) 1! .4. Zaključek Najbolj privlačna najdba v najdišču je t i. koščena p iSCal, ki ostaja zaenkrat kionoloSko-tohnoloSko osamljen primer. Pri razlagi se v tem trenutkuni mogoče z vso verjetnostjo odloČiti med možnostjo, da gre /a kost / več vgrizi zveri, ki niso pustili sledi proti ugriza in možnostjo, da gre /a izdelek domnevnega neandertalca, ki v srednjem paleolitiku še ni poznat/uporahljaJ tehnike vrtanja in dolbljcnja, zato je kost obdeloval na podoben način koi kamen - s tolčenjem. s posebno tehniko, ki jo s poskusi nismo uspeli povsem dognati, je morda znal v kosti prebijati tudi luknjice. V primeru, da gre za drugo možnost, je najdba izjemna, ker jo lahko tedaj bolj prepričljivo razlagamo kol najstarejše glasbilo v M v ropi v, vsemi posledicami, ki i/ lega sledijo, Prepričljivih tehnoloških dokazov za to, da je luknjice na naši kosi i naredil človek, in da imamo pred sabo artefakt namesto pficvdoartefaktu, očitno ni in jih verjetno ne ho, dokler se ne najde še več podobnih predmetov enake starosti. Dokazi za luknjice, ki jih je naredil človek, so morda prisotni v samem najdišču t.v/, II.V in H.15). Prav tako ni prepričljivih tafbnomskih dokazov za to. da je lukn jice naredila z zobmi katera od zveri iz seznama živalskih ostankov v najdišču in drugih najdiščih iz lega obdobja. Tafonomij a te mu t j a, predvsem mladih primerkov, odpira nov pogled na nastanek luknjic, ki. bolj kot ne. nasprotuje arteTakim razlagi. Vendar i c na luknjan femur edini takšen primerek izmed 600 femurjev mladih jamskih medvedov, ki so bili najdeni med izkopavanji. V poštev prihajata vsekakor obe razlagi: Človek in zver, medtem ko so drugi poznani naravni načini nastanku luknjic izključeni (glej Lvman 1994, .194). Naša nemoč pri ugotavljanju nespornega nastanka luknjic pa ne izključuje, da bi nenavadni predmet človek Uporabljal, lahko tudi kot piščalko. Zato na kratko podajamo Se pregled dosedanjih podobnih najdb, pri katerih način izdelave večinoma ni sporen. |)| M'KlfllON AND nXPI^NATIOMiF nibORIGIS'Or lMl-M'M'| i Il lUiOSh II.HI! 11.4. Conclusion The most attractive find from the site is the suspected fiute, which remains for the moment a chronological-technological isolated example. It is not at ill is moment possible in classifying it lo decide with any certainty between the possibilities that it is a bone with a number of bite marks ofcarnivors. which did not leave any trace of the counter-bite, and the possibility thai it is a product of presumably Neanderthal man, who did not know/use the techniques of boring and scooping in tile Middle Palaeolithic, so the bone was worked similar lo stone - with sinking. He perhaps also knew how lo pierce holes w ith a special technique which we did not succeed in grasping in experiments. If the latter possibility holds, ihen it is an exceptional find since we can then more certainly classify it as the oldest musical instrument in Europe and we are aware of the cunsequences. There apparently is no convincing technological evidence that the holes on the thigh bone from Divjc babe 1 site were made by palaeolithic man. that it is an artefact and not a pseudoartefact, and there will probably not be until further, similar objects of the same age are found. Some evidence of holes made by pa I a eoii lineman may be present at the site itself (Figs. 11. V and 11.15). Equally, there is no convincing taphonomic evidence that the holes were made with the teeth of any of the predators from the list of animal remains at the site, or oilier sites from this period. The laphonomy of the femur, above all juvenile examples, opens a new view of the origin of boles which, more than not, conflict with the artefact explanation. Nevertheless, the pierced femur is the only example amongst 600 lemurs of juvenile cave bears found at the site in the course of excavations. Both explanations: man and carniv ore made, must be considered, while other known natural ways of creating holes are excluded (cf. Lyman 1994, p. 394). Our inability to ascertain the undisputed origin of the holes does not exclude the possibility that an unusual object may have been used by palaeolithic man, even perhaps as a flute Of pipe. We therefore present a survey of similar finds lo date, in which how they were made is for the most part undisputed. 141) Oris IS KAZIAÍ.A NAM ANKA DOMNEVNI KllíiílM h'IÍÍ Al I Dodatek Izsledki poizkusov izdelavi KOŠČENE P1ŠČALI Z UPORABO KAM nth H ORODIJ Cll LIANO IÍAS MAM it h'AN tllrk Appendix R [-SUITS PROM THE EXPERIMENT Al M A NUFACTU RE OF A RONE FLUTE WITH STONE TOOLS Potem ko so bili napisani žc vsi teksti tega zbornika, jc Guiliano Bastiani, strokovnjak za palcol i tsko tehnologijo obdelave kamna, na lastno željo ponovil poizkuse Ivana Turka v zvezi z izdelavo luknjic v kosti. Osredotočil seje na poizkus prebijanja luknjic, kajti podobno le h ni ko je po vseh znakih sodeč uporabil tudi paleolilski človek pri izdelavi domnevne piščali. /.a poizkus smo izdelali podobna kamnita orodju, kot so bila najdena v najdišču, med drugim ludi v plasteh, starejših od plasti s piščaljo (Turk in dr., vtem zborniku in delno neobjavljeno): konvergemno strgalo, konico, s veder Jeziček in gobčasto praskalo Konice in jezičke (si ¡1.Al) smo nato uporabiti pri izdelavi luknjic v svežo golen i eo odraslega navadnega jelena in v svežo stegnenico enoletnega rjavega medveda. Orodja so slo/ila kol dleta za klesanje in hkrati kol piebijači. m -ji ' m c. ¿mñ '«: 3 SI, 11 Al: Poskusne narejena orodju za klesanjc lukenj v sveže kosti Rožencc (I in in lokalni tut' 13 in 4). Foto: Mirko Zaplati! Fig. 11,Al; 5'x peri men I al I y manufactured slime iimls for eliipping holes in tresli bones. Chert i I and 2), tuIV13 and4), Photo Marko Zaplati I. Once the articles in the present volume hud been written, Oiuliano Bastiani, an expert in Ihe Palaeolithic technology of stone knapping, decided on his own initiative to attempt the same experimental perforation of bone as Ivan lurk had done. He concentrated on the way he punched the holes, and followed a technique apparently similar to that used by Palaeolithic man to make the supposed musical pipe, I or the experiment, lie manufactured similar stone tools to those discovered at the site, including tools unearthed in layers older than the one in which the flute was found (Turk et at., in Ihis volume and unpublished texts), viz: a convergent si tie-sera per, a pointed tool, a borer, a tongue and a nosed earinated scraper, lie used the pointed tool and the tongued scraper (Fig. II Al) to perforate both ihe fresh shin-bone of an aduli red deer and the fresh thigh-bone of a year-old brown bear, He used the lools both as chisels for chipping and as punches. He did not, however, strike them with a stone hammer as Ivan Turk had done, but with a wooden ham- Sl. 1I.A2: Poskusno izklesana luknja v svežo nadlahtnico rjavega medveda. Uporabili smo koničaste odbitke (glej si II.Ali i, ■/) iz lokalnega tala, ki se je uporablja! v najdišču Divje babe 1. Foto: Marko Zaplattl. Fig A11.2: Experimentally chipped hole iti tresli bear eab humerus using pointed Hakes (see Fig. il.Ai: .}, 4) made of local tilff thill was used in Divje babe 1 site. Photo: Marko Zaplalil. 141) llHACRIMTON I V F1! A M ATKIN Of THk i «iti HM ll rHF JilJSM CTED POKE ULITI Vendar po njih nismo tidinijali s kamnitim tolkačem, kot je to počel prt svojih prvih poizkusih Ivan 1'urk, temveč / lesenim tolkačenv. Z uporabo lesenega tolkača se kamnito orod je ne poškoduje tako hitro kot z uporabo kamnitega t nI kača. Prt uporabi slednjega že en snm močnejši udarec močno poškoduje konico orodja (primešaj poškodovani konici nas/. 11.11 in i. ¡0.2: 4). Hnakg se zgodi lahko z medvedjim kamnom v spodnji čeljusmiei. za katerega so že dolgo domnevali, da je pračloveku lahko služil kol luknjač. Vsaka od poizkusnili luknjic je bila narejena v kombinirani tehniki klesanja in prebijanja v nekaj minutah z obračanjem Orodja (konice, konvergentnega strgala ali jezička) in ne preveč močnim udarjanjem po orodju. 1'ri sem so nastale skoraj okrogle luknjice s premerom 5 mm do 10 mm. Stene luknjic so bde polsume, robovi so bili močno do rahlo poškodovani, odvisno od natančnosti izdelave luknjice. Izrazitega zunanjega lijaka ni bilo, če je pri širjenju enkrat prebite luknjice kamniti sekač deloval navpično na kost in če kostna stena ni bila predebela. Če smo pri širjenju luknjice uporabili še jez i e as to oblikovan se kač, zunanjega lijaka, ki nastane zaradi stožčaste oblike konice ali sekača, ui bilo več (.v/. I1.A2). Sekundarna men By using the latter father than a stone hammer, the stone tools (.lid not become damaged so rapidly. A single blow with a stone hammer can cause a great deal of damage to the point oldie tool (compare Fig. 11.11 and PI. 10.2: ■/). 1 Ins would equally apply to the tool that lias long been supposed to be the punching tool of palaeolithic man. the canine tooth in a bear's lower jaw. which might well suffer in the same way. I a eh of the experimental holes was made in a lew minutes with a method that combined both chipping and punching, turning the tool (in this case the pointed tool), all the time taking care not to slrike the tool too heavily, in this way, he managed to produce holes that were almost completely round, and live to ten millimetres in diameter. The sides of the holes were steep and the damage to the edges was severe to mild, depending oil the accuracy with which the hole lied been made. No distinct bevelling of the outer edges could be observed where, in the process of widening an already punched hole, the stone punch was applied vertically and it the core o I the hone was not excessively thick. In the process of widening the hole, it was discovered that the perennial problem of bevelling of the outer edges, which almost always occurs due to the conical profile of the point or punch, could be avoided altogether if a tongued tool was used instead (Fig. I ¡.A 2). Any nimor damage to the o Liter peri meter, often symptomatic in holes made with stone tools, could be rapidly worn away through constant use or natural abrasion (charriuge ii sec) as the sharp edges of the bone gradually smooth themselves off No trace was found of any distinct bevelling along the inner edges of 1 he holes, which had been a characteristic of the supposed Utile. This bevelling is irrelevant in answering the question by whom the holes St 11 . A.l: Poskusno narejeno nazobčano orodje i/. rnžciiira. Foio: Marko Zaplatil Fig. II A .J; Experimentally manufactured denticulate Mol ot' chert. Photo: Murko Zaplatil. SI. II.A4: Detajl poskusilo od/a gane ca d ¡stalnega dela svežo stegnenice mladega rjavega medveda. Uporabili smO nazobčano orodje i/ toiefiea ijdej si 11.AH), Foto: M.irkn Zaplatil. Fig. -I HA: Detail of enperitnentally saun oif dislal end ni frosh brown bear eub femur using espenmeulallv imide dentienlate lool (see Fig: 1J.A.1). Photo: Marko Zaplati!. 141) OPIS I^J M¡.\ UASTANK I wímmi VNI n<*wi MII PISTAI i ogladitev os in h robov kosti /uradi pot; osic rabo ali naravne abrazije (ciuirriage u sec) lahko zabriše vse rahlejše poškodbe zunanjega roba luknjic, ki so siccr značilne za luknjice, iztolčene s kamnitimi orodji. Izrazitejšega lijaka na notranji kostni steni, kije značilen za luknjice na domnevni pi&čali; ni bilo pri vseh poizkusno iztolčenih luknjicah. Notranji lijak ni bistveno pomemben pri razlagi nastanka luknjic, saj lahko nasiane tako pri prebijanju ko; pri prediranju. Naluknjano svežo medvedjo stegnenico smo rta proksimalnem delu odžagal i z nazobčanim orodjem {s/. II. A J). /. njim smo diatizo najprej po obodu za žaga I i kakšna dva milimetra globoko in nato odlomili.' Na domnevni piščali takšen poseg ni (več) viden, Na proksitnulnem delu imamo sicer naravno zaglajen ostanek ravnega roba, vendar je ta prisekan na notranjo namesto na zunanjo stran, vzporedno z robom pa ni nobenih raz. Pri rezanju ali žaganju je rob prisekan vedno na zunanjo stran, vzporedno z robom pa običajno nastanejo raze (si. HA J). Če bi hoteli dobiti ostrejii rezilni rob pišcalt, bi odrezan rob lahko naknadno odkrušili na notranjo stran. Nadaljevanje poskusov bi morda pokazalo, kako je bil narejen proksimalni rezilni rob domnevne pišeali, ne da bi se pri lem poznali makroskopski sledovi orodja. Preprost poizkus je dokazal le. daje luknjice, kakršne so na domnevni pisca!i, najdeni v mouslčrienski plasti K v Divjih babah I. lahko naredil tudi paleolit.ski človek s kamnitimi orodji, ki smo jih našli v plasti s piščaljo in poti njo, Dalje je poizkus nakazal, daje oblika luknjic odvisna od vrste uporabljenega orodja (konica, jeziček), oblike delovnega deta orodjh (valjasta, stožčasta ali neprav ilna oblika} in stanja kosti (popolnoma sveža, manj sveža, stara, fosilna). Prav tako smo ugotovili, da se orodja pri izdelavi luknjic poškodujejo, da jih je treba večkrat popraviti ali narediti nova orodja, /a Študij poškodb m primerjavo Ic-teh z morebitnimi podobnimi poškodbami na originalnih mousterienskili orodjih iz najdišča, ki bi še bolj podkrepile tezo, da je luknje v fosilno kost naredil paleolitski človek, nam je. žal, /manjkalo časa. Vsekakor nameravamo to storiti kdaj kasneje. were made. It can occur in punching or piercing the bone tissue with stone tool or tooth. Once the bear's thigh-bone had been perforated, it was cut with a denticulate tool at the proximal end (Fig I1.A3). Kirsl, the complete cirfiumteretice of I iic diaphysis was cut to a depth of two mill ¡metre sand then broken off.1 However, tio evidence of this particular operation can be seen on the hone flute itself. While the naturally smoothed vestiges of a straight edge can be found at the proximal end, it is bevelled on the inside rather than the oulside, and there was no trace whatsoever of incisions parallel to the edge. When ii was either cut or sawn, it was always the exterior of the bone that had been bevelled, and the visible cuts themselves appeared parallel to the edge of the hone {Fig. I I.J). In order to give the instrument a sharper ctlge tor sou tiding, the severed edge could be broken otTas required on the inside. More of these experiments may reveal how it was possible to produce the perfect finish, with not even a microscopic trace of hand-working, which can be observed tin the proximal sharp edge ol the original instrument. The scope ofth is simple experiment is limited to a demonstration that the holes in the supposed Ilute, as discovered in Divjcbabe I, in Mousterian layer K, could have been produced with the stone tools discovered in the same layer as the instrument and with tools from layers immediately below, by palaeolithic man In addition, the experiment demonstrated that the size ol the holes depends on both the type of tool employed (whether pointed or tongucd, for example), the shape of the working end of the tool (whether cylindrical, conical or irregular) arid the condition of the bone itself (whethercompletely fresh, less fresh, old, or fossil). 11 was also contended that since, in the process of making the holes the tools themselves must become damaged, and must therefore be repaired or replaced with new ones, then it would he possible to make a comparative sillily of the damage sustained by the tools employed in the experiment and possibly similar damage sustained by the original Mousterian tools discovered at the site. Unfortunately, there was not enough time I o test this hypothesis, although it would provide additional evidence to prove the thesis that the perforations of fossil hone were made by Palaeolithic man. It is our intention to do this at some later time. 1 Ravno stanjšano suya lo z rahlo nazobčanim robom ji. /fi.A. fj), najdeno v plasti K, bi bilo za takimi opravilo kar primemo, I7K ' Such an operation could I Live been performed using a side-scraper with a thinned buck and a slightly denticulate edge, as discovered in layer K 1/7 ÍQ.6: rt). 12. Paleolitske koščene p1ščali - primerjalno gradivo 12. Palaeolithic bone flutes - comparable material Ivan Trk k &. Boris Kaviir Izvleček Navedena so t sa glavna najdišča palco]ii.skíh pišiali i ti osnovni podatki o najdbah s poudarkom na tehnologiji luknjic. Ugotovljene so bistvene tehnološke razlike med piSčaljo i/ Divjih bab I in meti vecino mlajših primerkov. Abstract A11 the main sires of Pakieol due flutes ¡ire mcntitHied, and basic tkna on finds, with a stress on the technology of luilcs. Kssential technological dilfcTences were found between the II h le from Divje bahe I and the majority of later examples. 12.1. Uvod Najstarejše žvižga I ke naj hi bili prstni členki sodoprstih kopitarjev z eno samo predrto ali prebito ali kako drugače narejeno luknjico. Izjemoma imajo lahko tudi več luknjic. Poznamo jih od mousteriena dalje (Marschak 198N. Stepanchuk 1993). Za nas in nasploh so pomembnejše dolge cevaste kosti okončin z dvema in več luknjicami, So podlaga teorijam o nastanku in razvoju glasbe in so pripeljale do naslednjih treh ugotovitev Najbolj zanimiva od vseh možnih uporab luknjicc \ mlajšem paleolitiku je prav uporaba za izdelavo flavt (Marschak 14X8, 70), Glasba je bistvena sestavina mla jšega paleolitika iLeakev in Levvin 1993, 322). Mlajši paleolitik je kultura glasbe (lewin 1993, 146). Vse najdbe dolgih cevastih kosti z več kol eno luknjico pripadajo mlajšemu paleolitiku in se običajno razlagajo kot flavte oz. piščali.1 V Evropi je znanih približno 30 flavt: 18 amignacienskih ingravettienskdi, 3 soku t ee nsk e in nekaj mlajsepaleolitskih brez natančnejše opredelitve (Bahn in Vernit 1989, 68}. Od tega jih je kar 1-4 v najdišču Isluritz \ Franciji (Buisson 1990J. V aurigiiacien so datirane 4 flavte iz najdišč Ahri Blaiiehard, ista loško m (ieisseiiklostcrlc. Tem je n eba dodati še flavto, narejeno iz spodnje čelj ustnice jamskega medveda, najdeno \ Potočki zijalki. I m lina sretluje-paleolilska najdba, poleg naše. izvira iz najdišča Haua Fteah v severni Afriki. 12.1. Introduction I he oldest w histles arc said to be the phalanges ofartiodactyls with only one hole - punched, pierced or made in some other way. Exceptions can also hav e more than one hole. They are known from the Mousterian onwards! Vlarschak 1988; Stephanchuk 1993). For us and in general, limb bones with two or more holes arc more important. I hey are the basis of a theory about the origin and dev elopinenl of music, and have lead to the following three findings I he most intriguing of all possible tises of holes in the I Jpper Palaeolithic is precisely their use for the making of a flute (Marschak 1988. p. 70). Music was an essential element of !he Upper Palaeolithic (Leakey & Lcwin J993, p. 322). The Upper Palaeolithic was a musical culture (Lewin 1993, p. 146). All finds of proximal limbs with more than one hole belong to the Upper Palaeolithic and are generally elussi tied as flutes or pipes. Approxi matcly thirty flutes have been found in Lurope: 18 Auiagnacuin and Graveitian, 3 Soluirean and some Upper Palaeolithic without more exact classification (Bahn & Vertut 1989. p. 68). Of this, some 14 were from a site in Isluritz in France (Buisson 1990). Four Utiles from silcs at Ahri Hlauchard. Islak'isko and Geissen k I österlc have been dated to the Aurignacian. "En these should be added the flute made from the lower [aw of a cave bear, found al PotoOka zijalka. The only Middle Palaeolithic find, in addition lo our own, originates from the HauaFteah site in north Africa. 1 Za icrruinuUigijo glej k tine i in O mrzel-Ter lep v tem zborniku 'Pur terminology, sec Kunq and Omcrzel-Terlep in ihis volume. 141) P/vLE'Il.riSKI KOSfFNKPÉCAL1 PltlM HUAI.SO tillAMVO > o Q- À M m ■ P m t 11 € , i e r TT * ' . "S r c i * * ! | J&s. - r i f , 1 ifs A t . , i i JBÇ-i- ' \ A y ■^Cr \ > \ 9 V, \Jr ™ ^¡j 10 SI. 12.1. Paleolitske pi.séali: I - Divjc babc 1,2 - Haun Flcah (McBumey l'ïf.7, Plate 4.4), î- Islâllnsko (Vénes 1 955, T. 43: Jack 4 - (reissenklosierk' (Hahn in Mûnzel 1995, Abb. 4). 5 - Potoika zijHlka (S Brodarin M. B radar 1983, si. 57), ii - LLcgJocl (Mottl 1950a. T. I: 10), 7 m g - Isttiritz (Buisson 19911, Fig. 2 in 5)j9 • Mo Intima [Sklenar 1 9K5, si. iiastr. 122), 10- Pas du Miroir (Marschak 1990, Fiji 38). liisba: Dragica Knific Lunder. Fig. 12.1 Paleollthic Unies: I - Dtvjcbabe i, : - Haua Fleali (MçBllmey I9fi7, P1 aie 4.4), 3 - Isnillôsko [Vértes 1955, Pl. 43: la-c>,4 -Geissenkiasterte(Hahn in Miin/el 1^95, hg. 4), ? - Pmoika zijulka(S. Brortar ii M, Brodai 1983, Fig 57), 6-1 iegliu.ii fMoltl 1950a, Pl. I: 10). 7 and 8 - [«Uni/ (Buissoi 1990, Fig, 2 in 5), 9 - Molodova (SMcnif 1985. Fig, on p 122). 10 - Pas du Miroir (Marschak 1990, Fig, 3£), [Jrawing: Dragica Knific l under 141) E\U Ahn ».ITI Ik HoNh hl.I riiS ii'M[-AKAMt MAI h Rl AI 12.2. Najdišča pai.eolit.skk piščali Haua Fteah, Libija (st. 12.1: 2) V 17,5 mm dolgem odlomku cevaste kosti je 3,4 ni m široka (nedokončana?) luknjica in na prelomu je sled druge. < MI ume k je bil najden v plasti, katere starost lahko okvirno ocenimo na 60,000 - 40.000 let ( Mcliuniey 1967, 90. 105). Danes se najdba uvršča v srednji palcolitik (Clark 19K2, 249: Bahn in Vcrlut I9H9, (iK). Kci je bila ko^i kemično odstranjena izsprimka, je pov ršina kosti moCno poškodovana. Samo iz fotografije se ne da rekonstruirati tehnika izdelave luknjico. Lahko jo je naredila neka /ver t. Davkison 1991,43, l ig 11. Abri lilanchard. Francija Na ptičji kosii so na sprednji strani 4 luknjico in dve na zadnji strani (Jelinek 1990, 18). Tehnika izdelave luknjic nam ni poznana. Domneva se. da bi flavla i/ Abri Blaneharda lahko pripadala anrigiineieiui 1 po francoski kronologiji (Ilarrold 19^8, 177). I sta I loško. Madžarska (.v/. 12. t: .i) V dializi levega femurja mladega jamskega medveda, ki ima odrezana konca in iz katere je bila odstranjena spongioza. >olri luknjice. Naproksinialnem koncu sprednje strani diafize je bila po navedbi Verlesa 11955) izvrtana luknjica s premerom 0 mm. Luknjica je izrazito lijaslo oblikovana. Premer plitkega lijaka z žarkov no razporejenimi žlehiei je 17mm(Vertes 1955, 124. T. 43: ta - c). Po objav I jeni fotografiji sodeč luknjica ni izvrtana, ampak prej izdolbljena ali izklesana. Na fotografiji je viden lijak t tuli na notranji sieoi. I o bi gov orilo za to, daje bila luknjica prebita. Prvotno prebito luknjico bi lahko im zunanji strani obdelali glodalci ni naredili nažlebljcn lijak (glej Cavallo in dr. 199J, Fig 17 t;). Kii i^ti strani je distal mi izvrtana nepravilna luknjica s premerom I (i dol 3 nun. Na fotografiji se jasno vidi, da je ta luknjica prebita tili predrta. Medsredišena razdalja med obema luknjicama je več kol bil mm (ocenjeno po fotografijah). Tretja luknjica je rahlo ovalne oblike pranem 7 mm in se nahaja na sredini zadnje strani diafize. Kako je narejena Verl es ne pove. Po fotografiji sodeč je prebila ali predrta. Zanimivo je, da llomsitzky (1955. 133) navaja nekoliko drugačne premere luknjic: 5,5,6 nt 11 mm. Najdba se razlaga kot flavta (Vertes 1955. 124: Horusitzkv 1955. 133ss: Soproni 1985. 33$$). Po velikosti, obliki in načinu izdelave vsaj ene od luknjic diafiza popolnoma ustreza primerku iz Divjih bab 1 1 udi /a luknjico nepravilne oblike imamo dobre vzporednice \ našem najdišču (.iL 9.15). Najdba izvira iz mlajše am ignacienske plasti. Radiokar-bonska starosi plasti je, 30.900 J 600 in 31.540 ±660 p. s. (Alsworih-.1 o n es 1986.85). 12.2. Sit i s of palai:olithic bone flutes Hauu Fteah, Libya {Fig. ¡21: 2) In a 17,5 mm long fragment of limb bone, there ts a 3.4 nun wide (unfinished?) hole and (be trace of another on (he fracture. The fragment was found in a layer the age of which could be assessed at 60.1)00 -40,000 BP (McBumey 1967,p. 90and 105). Today, the find is classified in Ihe Middle Palaeolithic (Clark 1982. p. 249; Bahn & Vertut 1989. p. 68>. Since ihe bone was removed chemically from (lie eenienied sediment, the surface of the bone was heavily damaged. The technique of production of the hole cannot be deduced from photographs alone. It may be made by a biting carnivore tooth (Davidson 1991, p. 43, Fig. I >. Abri Blanchard. France There are 4 holes on the front side of a bird's bone and two on the rear side (Jelinck 1990. p, 1 K), The technique of making the holes is unknown to us, It is suspected that the flute from Abri Blanchard may belong to Aurignacian I according to the French chronology (Harrald I98K, p. 177), Istallosko, Hungary (Fig. 12.1 .i) In the diaphysis of ihe femur ol a juvenile cave bear, which has a euI end, and from which the spongiose has been removed, there are three holes, According lo statements by Veriest 1955) on the proximal end of the anterior side of the diaphysis, a hole has been bored vviih a diameter of 6 mm. The hole has a pronounced conical shape. The diameter of a shallow funnel with radially disposed grooves is 17 mm (Vertes 1955 p. 1 24. PI. 43; la - e). Judging from the published photographs, the hole has not been bored but hollowed or chiselled. There is also a cone visible on the internal wall. 1 hat suggests that the hole was punched. A grooved funnel suggests that the original, pierced hole could have been additionally worked by rodents on the outside (cf. Cavallo et til. 199]. I ig. I 7 E). On the same side, (here is a dislally bored (Vcrles's statement) irregular hole with a diameter of III - 13 mm. I( t.s clearly \ isible on (he photograph thiii this hole has been punched or pierced, t he cent re-ceil i re distance between two holes is 65 mm (assessed on the basis ol photographs). I he third hole is lightly oval vviih a diameter of 7mm and is situated in the centre of the posterior side of the diaphysis, Vertes does not say how it is made. Judging from the photograph, u was punched or pierced It is interesting that Hnrtisitzky 11955. p, 133) gives slightly different measurements for the holes: 5.5, 6 and 11 mm. I he find is classified as a flute (Vertes 1955, p. 124; I lorusitzky 1955, pp. 133 on; Soproni 1985, pp. 33 on). According to size, shape and method of production, at least one of the holes on ihe diaphysis completely matches the example from Divje babe I There is also a lsi PAIEOI.II^KI l-Kt'^l ■ PRIMFkMLNOGRAmtO (jeissenkli>slerle,Nemčija (si. ¡2.1: -I) V tem najdišču sla bila odkrita dva polomljena labodja iadijusa z izdolben i mi luknjicami. Rad i asa sla hi I a na enem koncil ravno odrezana. Najdbi se razlagata kol domnevno najstarejši flavti. V odlomku flavte I so ohranjene3 lukn jice, pri flavti 2 pa lahko zaradi velike fragmenti rane si i prepoznamo le eno luknjico. Vsaj dve sta lijaslo oblikovali!; Premeri nepravilnih luknjic so 5,3x3,4, 3,5x3.0 in 2,N\2,4 mm, medsrediščm razdalji pa okoli 40 in 30 mm (ocenjeno po risbi in fotografiji), Obe flavti izvirata iz plasti s koščenimi konicami s precep Ijeno bazo, ki je opredeljena v aurignaeien II. Radiokarbonska slarost plasti je 36.HOO H 0110 let p. s. (Hahn in Miin/.el 1995). Kronološko flavti ustrezata plasti 2 v Divjih h a bali I. I/ tega sledi, da je naša domnevna piščalka precej slarejša od doslej najstarejših llavt. Potočka zijalka. Slovenija (si 12,1: 5) I nkratno najdbo predstavlja mandibula subadul-t nega ali odraslega jamskega medveda, ki ima na lingvahii strani trupa iri luknjice, predrte ali prebite v živčni kanal. Obodi luknjic so pod drobnogledom nepravilnih oblik, sestavljeni ¡z lokov in bolj ravnih odsekov. Prva luknjica - štelo od čeljustne odprtine (jbramen mandihoJae) - ima na robu navznoter zavihan delček površine. Poškodba je lahko nasmla pri prediranju ali pri prebijanju, S poizkusi smo ugotovili, da se delčki robov luknjic pri prehodu koničnega luknjača (/oba) lahko privzdignejo in kasneje odkrušijo ali zavihajo navznoter. Med prvo in drugo luknjico je alvcolamo izrazita trikotna ulolbmica, ki hi jo lahko naredil prolokonid ali parakon derača. Pod drugo luknjico je dolga ozka raza sileksa. Pod tretjo luknjico in levo ter desno od nje so na trupu značilne široke raze /ob. Zelo močna raza se začne lik pod luknjico in konča nad Spodnjim robom mandibule. Podobne raze so tudi nq drugi strani, nekako med prvo th drugo luknjico, Veja čel j ustnice (ranit« mandibulae) je sveže odlom I jen. Premeri luknjic so 5 do ('.5 in 5 mm, Med središčni razdalji sla I4) in 24 mm. Medsrediščna razdalja med pivo luknjico in razširjeno čeljustno odprtino je 17 mm. Najdba izvita iz plasti 4 ali 3Š z aurignacine.sk i in i artefakti. Rndiofcarhonsko ni datirana. Po našem mnenju je nekoliko mlajša od anrignacienske plasti 2 v Divjih babah I. Razlaga se kot prečna tlavia ali kot piščal (S. Brodarin M.Brodar 1983. 157s.si, 57:Hahn ni Mtinzel 1995; Omrzel-Tcrlep, ta /bonuk). gOod parallel al our Site lor the bole with the irregular shape (.Fig V /5), The find originates from the upper Aurignacian layer. The radiocarbon ageoflhe layer is 30.000 +(i(KI and 31.540 ±660 BP (Alsworth-Jones 1986, p, 85). Geisscnkldsterle, Germany (l-ig 12 1: f) AI this site were discovered two broken swan's radiuses with hollowed holes, flic radiuses were cul off Straight at one end. The finds were classified as puta- tively the oldest flutes, In broken fluic I 3 holes have been preserved, and in Mule 2. because of the major fragmentalion, we can recognise only one hole. At least two have a conical shape. The diameters oflhe holes are 5.3 x 3,4. 3.5 x 3.0 and 2.N x 2.4 mm, and the centre-centre distance am ttnd 40 and 30 mm (assessed from drawings and photographs). Both flutes originate from a layer with bone points with split bases, which is classified as Aurignacian II The radiocarbon age of Ihe layer is 16,Silt) ilOOO BP (Hahn & Munzel 1995 J: Chronologically, the flutes correspond to layer 2 in Divjc babe I II follows from I his thai out suspected lime is considerably older than the oldest llute to date. Pot oik a zijalka, Slovenia (Fig, 12 1: I he inaudible ol a sub-adult or adult eave hear, which has three holes, punched or pierced into the nerve cavity on the lingual side of the body, is a unique find. The rims of tlw holes are ofii regular shape when examined closely, made lip ol ares and straighter cuts. the first hole ■ counting from foramen mandibutae - has au inwards winding fragment of the surface on the edge, which may hav e been made dtiring the punching or piercing. We ascertained by experiment that the small parts oflhe edges of holes can lift during the passage of the point of the hole puncher (tooth) and later crumble or wind inwards. Alveolarly between ihe first and second holes is a pronounced triangular hollow which may have been made by a protoconid or paracon cmtiassial, Below the second hole is a long narrow stlex cut. Below the third hole and to the let! and right of ii are typical wide tooth marks on the body A very strong em starts right under ihe hole and ends below ihe lower edge oi ihe mandible. There are also similar cuts on llie other side, between the fust and second littles. The ramus mandibular is freshly broken The diameters of the boles are, 5 ■ 6, 5 and 5 nun. The centre-centre distances are 19 and 24 mm. The eem re-centre distance between lite first hole and the extended jaw opening is 17 nun. I he find originates from upper Aurignacian layers 4 or 5, and is not radiocarbon dated. In our opinion ii is slightly younger than Ihe Aurignacian layer 2 in Divje babe I.It is classified as a flute or pipe (S Brodar & M, Hrotlar 1983, pp. I 57 nn; t ig, 57; I lahn Miin/el 1995; Onirzel-Terlep , in this Volume). 141) Pm .\i-iii urne hiivk nuri ji (mfi'auajnj maii ki m llsenhohlc, Nemčija Iz toga najdiSČa izvira diafizii neznane sesalskc vrste, v kmetije bilo prvolno 5 luknjic. Najdena je bila v plasti s težko opredeljivimi paleolitskitni najdbam i i/ konca srednjega ali začetka mlaj Sega paleolitika. Podrobnosti niso poznane (I Killc 1977, 121), Liegloch, Avstrija (.t/; 12./: 6) Poznana je tibia mladega jamskega medveda, ki ima 4 eik-e:ik:isk>razporejene luknjice. Načm izdelave i it točne mere nam niso znane. Medsrediščna razdalja tli srninih luknjic se približuje medsrediščtii razdalji luknjic domnevne piščalke v Div jih babah I (ocenjentS po risbi i, Na jdišče je (pogojno?) datirano v aurignacien, kosi z luknjicami pa jc brez dobrih slini igralski h podatkov, tako da natančnejša datacija ni mogoča (Mottl 1950s, 22-s.T, J: 10),}. Isturit?. Francija (i/, /2.1: Zin.V) I sluti iz je najdišče z največjim številom na-luknjanih ptičjih kosti, ki sc razlagajo kot lla\ te Število luknjic se giblje med 2 in 4, Nekatere luknjice so izdulbljene, pri drugih pa na podlagi objavljenih risb in totograilj ni mogoče določiti tehnike izdelave. Vsekakor ima veČina luknjic značilen lijak. Po obliki so okrogle in ovalne, Premeri okroglih luknjic so 2 do 7 nun, premeri ovalnih pa 2 \ .1 do (i x 7 (5 \ M J mm. Najbolj pogosta medsrediščna razdalja jc okoli 30 mm (oeenjeno na podlagi risb). Ustniki so v nekaterih primerih ravno odžagani ali odrezani oziroma zarezani in odlomIjem. ločnih podatkov o tehniki izdelave ustnikov in luknjic ni. Najstarejša flavta naj bi po nekaterih navedbah pripadala aurignacienu llKMegaw 1%K, 335; CoticieN in Kamminga 1992, 2SI). Nedavna revizija gradiva jc pokazale, da se stratigrallja pri različnih izkopavale ih taki> razlikuje, da v podrobnostih ni uporabna, Zato jc bila večina flavt, vključno z aurignaeicnsfco, zaradi stilnih in oni amenta huh podobnosii nazadnje uvrščena v graven ten (Buisson 1990,420 ssk Pas du Miroir, Francija {si. 12 I: 10J V tem najdišču je bila odkrita ena najlepše izdelanih magdalenienskih flavt Na sprednji strani dolge eevaste kosu so štiri luknjice in na zadnji pa sla dve. I uknjice so lahko izdelane / vrtanjem ¡določeno po fotografiji). Premeri luknjic iti med središčne razdalje nam niso poznane. Oba konca flavte sta sodeč po fotografiji, ravno odžagana ali zarezana m odlomljcna. Zanimiv je proksimalni ali dislalni del. ki ima na eni strani nekakšen ustnik Ta izhaja iz verjetno prevrtane večje luknje, ki je bila nato razširjena do roba kosu (ost n II sen ho hie. Germany The diaphysis of a mammal species in w hich there were originally 5 holes originates from iliissite. Ii was found in a layer with palaeolithic tools thai were difficult lo classify, from the end of the Middle or beginning of the Upper Palaeolithic, Details are not known 11J iille 1977, p. 121). Licgloch, Austria (Fig. 12.1:6) The tibiaofa juvenile cave bear was found, which has -I holes in a zigzag d istribution. I lie method of production and exact measurements are unknown to us. The centre-centre distance of the distal holes approximate to the c ci lire-cent re distance of the holes of the suspected flute from Diyje babe 1 (judging from drawings). The site is dated lo the Aurignaeian (conditionally?), and I he bone with holes is without good strati graphic data, so that more precise dating is not possible (Mottl 1950, pp. 22on,Pi; I: HI). Isluriiz. Franec (Figs. 12 ! 7and if) Isturilz is the sile with the largest numberofbird hones with holes thai have been classified as Utiles. I lie number of holes ranges from 2 to 4. Some holes have been scooped out, and it is not possible to determine the technique of production of others on the basis of published drawings and photographs, In any ease, the majority of holes have a characteristic funnel, hi shape, they arc circular or oval, file diameters of the circular holes are ?. -1 mm, the diameters of the oval ones 2 x 3 - f> x 7 (5 x Ml mm. The mosi frequent centre-centre distance is around 30 mm (assessed on the basis Of figures) the mouthpiece openings in some eases are saw n or cut straight, or part cut and broken. There is no exact data on the technique of making the mouthpiece openings and holes, flic oldest flute is claimed by some to belong lo Aurignaeian II11 Megavv 1 p. 335; Colterell A Kamminga 1992, p. 291). Recent review of ihe material has shown that the stratigraphy varies so much among different excavations that il is not usable in details. So the majority of flutes, including the Aurignaeian, because of stylistic and ornamental similarities, hav e been reclassified into the Oravettian I Buisson i WO, pp. 420 on). Pas du Moir. France (.Fig. 12. t: in) One of the most beautifully produced Magdalen ian flutes was discovered at this site. On the tmesidc of a limb bone are four holes and on the rear, two, The holes may hav e been made hy hoi iny (based on the photographs), The diameters of the holes and the centre-centre distances are unknown to us. Doth ends of the flute, judging from the photography, are saw n, or cm and broken straight, ll is interesting that it is the proximal or distal part which has some sort of notched mouth -piece opening on one side. Hits probably derives from I <>2 paJUJLI 1-ikj kosciihi pihali primi: ftmlno ghadlvu robovi kažejo na to, da je hi k la del očitno naknadno razširjen z lomljenjem) (Marschak 1990. l ig, 3t>). Podobne izjede z ztiglajeniim robovi na nekaterih kosteh v Divjih babah I ?>o nedvomno naredile zveri (r/. 11.19). Goyet. Belgija Flavta, odkrita na najdišču Goyet v Belgiji in poimenovana Goyet 1.12, je izdelana iz dolge cevaste kosti, k t ima obe epilizi odžagani. Ima dve luknjici, eno na koncu ene strani in drugo pomaknjeno proti sredini dnige strani, [a luknjica je izdelana z Žaganjem kostne kotnpaklc. Strat igralski h podatkov ni. Na podlagi tipologije kamenih najdb lahko najdišče uvrstimo v srednji in mlajši paleotihk {Met onih 1989, I Iti, 140, 265), Molndova v. Ukrajina (sL 12.1: V) Na najdišču Molodova V sla bili odkriti dve flavti. Prva. iz plasti 4, pripada časovno magdalcnienu. Njena radiokarbonska starost je 17.OHO 11.400 lel p. s (Ho flecker 19 8 S, 244) Izdelana je iz rogovja severnega jelena (Lucius 1970, 78). nekateri avtorji pa pišejo, da jc iz rogovja losa (Mcgaw l9f>X, 335). Nji eni strani ima 4 luknjice in na drugi strani 2. Premeri prvih Štirih nepravilnih luknjic so 5 x 2. 6 x 3.2 \ 2 in 2 x 4 mm in drugih dveh 1,5 do 2 mm (I iahn in Miinzel 1995, Tabela I). Meti s rediš ene razdalje nam niso poznane. Zaradi izredno majhnih luknjic dvomijo, da sploh gre za flavto ¡Mcgaw I96K. 33.5). Druga flavta je iz plasti 2, katere radiokarbonska starosl je 11.900 ±238 oziroma 12.300 + 1411 let p. s. (J njej ni podatkov. Pekarna. Češka (Moravska) V plasteh ti, 11 (skupaj 7) je bila najdena ptičja kostzznžagano luknjico (original nam je v Brnu pokazal M. Oliva, za kar se mu najlepše zahvaljujemo). Plast vsebuje magdalenienske najdbe. Njena radiokarbonska starost je 12.940 l25(I oziroma 12.67(1 ±H0 let p. s. (Svoboda in dr, 1994, 163). lite boring of a larger hole, which was I lieu extended to the edge of the bone (the sharp edges indicate that this part was clearly subsequently extended by fracturing) {Marschak 1990.1 ig. 38). Similar notches with polished edges on some bones in Divje babe I are undoubtedly made by carnivores {Fig. 11.19). Goyet, Belgium A flute discovered at a site ai Goyet in Belgium, and called Goyet 132, is made from a limb bone which has both epiphyses sawn oft", h has iwo holes, one at the end of one side and the other shifted towards the centre ofrtlie other side. I his hole is made with sawing of the compact bone tissue. There is no strat ¡graphic data On the basis of the typology of stone finds, the site can be classified in [lie Middle Or I pper Palaeolithic (McCouib 1989. pp. 136, 140 and 2fi5), Molodova V, Ukraine (Fig. 12 1:9) Two flutes have been discovered at the Molodova V site. The first, from layer 4, belongs to the Magdaleniau period. Us radiocarbon age is 17.000 ±1,400 ¿P (Hoflecker 1988, p. 244). I| is made from the antler of a reindeer (Lucius 1970. p. 78}. and some authors have reported thai it is the antler of a moose (Megaw 1968, p. 335). Ii has four holes on one side and 2 on (lie other. The diameters of the lirsl four holes are 5 v 16 \ 3.2 s 2 and 2 x 4 nun and (he Inner two, 1.5-2 mm(llahn& Miinzcl 1995, Table 1). The centre-centre distances are unknown to us. In view of lite exceptionally small holes, it is doubted whether it is in fact a llute (Megaw 1968, p. 335), [ he second Utile is from layer 2. of which the radiocarbon age is 11.9110 ±238 or 12,300 : 140 HI1. We know no data on it. I'ekarna, t zeeh Republic (Moravia I In layers (i. II (together'.'), a bird's bone was found with sawn holes (the original was shown to us in Bmo by M. Oliva, for which we arc very grateful). The layer contains Magdaleniau finds. lis radiocarbon age is 12.9-4(1 1250 or 12.670 t80 BP (Svoboda etat. 1994, p. 163). 141) 13, Akustične UGOTOVITVE NA PODLAGI rekonstrukcije domnevne koščene piščali1 13. Acoustic findings on the basis oh reconstructions of a presumed bone flute1 Drago Kunej Izvleček Osnovni akustičnih razi skuv in poskusov z rekonstruiranimi primerki najdene kosti / luknjicami je bil doka/a ti. daje v takšni kosti mogoče vzbuditi zvok na različne načine Nanjo lahko pisk;nni> kot ti; t podolžno piiča) ali prečno piičal (flavto). Sama oblika najdene kosti 111 luknjico v kosil nam dopuščajo veliko možnosti /a vzbujanje in spreminjanje zvoka /aio i ma mi maji fc m > kost lahko že /a prepr« >si< t g) usbi! o z določeno ¡/razno močjo ali pa signalni zvočni pripomoček. Abstract Mil- main mm of die acoustic reseiireh and experiments with reconstructed examples ol the hune find With holes Was to demonstrate that it is possible to stimulate sound in various ways with such a bone. It can be played as an end-blown flute, nr pipe, nr as a side-blown flute. The shape itself of the bone find, as well as the holes in it, permit much possibility for stimulating and changing the sound. So the Hone find may be eilheT a simple musical instrument with specific expressive power, or a sound signal accessory, 1 V strokovni literaturi se tovrstne arheološke najdbe z luknjicami razlagajo kot H avte. Flavta v ožjem smislu pomeni danaSnjc orkcslerska glasbilo i/ rodu piha), v SirSem smislu pa niz glasbil, ki so si sorodni po načinu vzbujanja zvoka, (Muzička enciklopedija l^iii), AdleSiČ (1964) navaja, da izhaja i/raz flavta i/ lat. tlutus, kar pomeni dih in izra/ povezuje / zvočnim pojavom, ki nastane pri izdihu zraka skozi priprte ustnice. Kot sopomenke / a flavto navaja izraze piičal. svlrel in žvegla. Spet drugje (Markovičs, a. } enačijo lat,fl(itns s pomenom pih.uija ter razlagajo, da so se nekdaj vsa pihala in tel» trobente imenovali llavia in so pfnl tem izrazom navedene v starih dokumentih. i'ri seznamu glasbil po sistematiki Saehsa Hombostla (Kumer 19R3) lahko ugotovimo, da so flavte pihala, kjer vzbudi valovanje zračnega stebrička v eevi razcepitev (ttfl rezanje /raka (zračnega curka) na rc/ilnem robu (ustnici) glasbila. Vendar v slovenščini izraz, piičal ali piščalka pomeni morda bolj splošno glasbi lo - pi hal o kot pa izraz fta v(o fako lahko v Slovarju Slovenskega knjižnega jezika (1W4) preberemo, da je flavta "pihalni in si ni me nt, ki se med uporabo drži povprek k ustnicam", medlem ko jc piščal :ili piščalka "preprosto glasbilo v obliki eevi, v katero se piha", Z izr:wom pišiid se s tem v slovenščini izognemo morebitnemu predpisovanju drže glasbila ¡n i igran ju, čeprav je akustično izraz flavta jasen in dovolj splošen. V akustiki / izrazom Hit vi a označujemo \ sn pihala z rezilnim robom (ustnico), In the professional literature, this kind of archaeological find with holes is classified aS a flute. A flute in tbe narrower sense means today's orchestral instrument in the wind sec-lion, but in the wider sense, a series of instruments which are related in the manner of stimulating sound (Muziika cnc i k loped ija 195 K). Ad leiit (1 <>64) s I atcs. t hat the expre s-sion. flute, derives from the Lai in Jlatus, which means breath and expresses the link with the sound phenomenon that is created by blowing air through a closed mouthpiece. He cites as similar in derivation, a whistle, tife or a pipe. Elsewhere (Markovic s. a.) the Latin, flatus, is equated with the sense of blowing and all wind instruments, even trumpets, are claimed lo have formerly been called tlutc.s. and they are cited in old documents under thai expression. In a list of musical instruments under die S&chs-Hornhostl system (Kanner I 9831 we tlnd that flutes are wind instruments in which a sharp edge cuts air (a jet of air) and stimulates waves in the column of air in a pipe, or tube However, the Slovene expression used in relation lo the find has perhaps a more general meaning as a musical-wind instrument thliii die expression flute. So in the Dictionary of the Slovene Litemiy Language (Slovarstivenskega kniinega jezikn 1994) one finds thai ;i flute is n "wind instrument which is held during playing cross ways to the mouth", while "psSCal" or"pi&iolka" (as used for the find - trans.) ls »"simple musical instrument in the form of :i pipe into which (¡or) is blown", the expression "piSiaJ" thus in Slovene avoids possible prescript ion of the method of holding the instrument while playing, although the expression "lime", professionally and acoustically, is completely cksir and suffi- 141) AülSIliXl Wiurtivirvi MJUIIHAIH RCKONSTlítíKÍ IJ I- I1IHM.1M. KÖSCEM PISÍ'AU 13.1. Uvod V palcol i takem jamskem najdišču Divje bábe I \ dolini Idrijce pri kraju Reka v zahodni Sloveniji icbila med izkopavanji I lurka in J. Dirjevealeta 1995 najdena v peti moUStairienski plasti stegnenica mladega jamskega medveda. Kosi je na obeh koncih polomljena (prelomi so bili naknadno zglajeni), na zadnji strani pa ima dve dobro ohranjeni luknjici ler po! k rožni i z. jedi na proksEmalnem in dislalnem delu kosti. Dislalni anteriorni del diáfizc je globoko znlomljcn. Najdba nesporno pripada moustérienu in je stara okoli 45.000 let. Najdena stegnenica z luknjicami, ki je pripadala mlademu medvedu, na prvi pogled spominja na glasbilo pisčal. Podobni predmeti se še danes uporabljajo kot piSfiaii ali flavte. Tudi arheološke najdbe, ki so po videzu podobne najdenemu predmetu z luknjicami, razlagajo kot flavte. Za glasbilo paje vsekakor bistveno, da se lahko iz njega izvablja zvok, dase nanj lahko igra. Zato smo želeli tudi našo najdbo zvočno preizkusiti, Čeprav je predmet v dobrem stanju in le delno poškodovan, so poškodbe in razpoke v kosti vseeno prevelike, da bi ga mogli zvočno preizkusili brez dodatnih posegov in popravkov. Da hi ohrani ti originalno najdbo za nadaljnje raziskave v prvotni oh!tki, smo /a akustične poskuse izdelali več rekonstrukcij domnevne piščalk Rekonstruirani primerki se bolj ali manj približujejo podobi originalne najdbe, saj smo z njimi poskušali odgovoriti na različna akustična vprašanja, S lovrstno rekonstrukcijo se lahko zadovoljivo pojasnijo temeljna zvočna * prašanja glede vzbujanja zvoka iz najdenega predmeta, poda osnovna akustična slika domnevne piščali m nakažejo možnosti uporabe (igranja). Nikakor pa ni 13.1. Introduction During excavations held by I. I tirk and J Dirjec in the palaeolithic site at Diyje babe I in the Valley of Idrijca, near I-ieka in the western part of Slovenia, the femur of a young hear was found in die fifth Mousierian level, flic bone is broken on both sides (fractures had been additionally smoothed) but has two well preserved holes on its buck side, as well as two semicircular erodes on iis proximal and distal ends. The distal anterior part of the diaphysis is deeply broken. The find unquestionably belongs to the Mousteriau and is at least 45.O00 years old. The femur of a young bear, with holes in it. immediately evokes the idea of a musical instrument, Similar objects arc used as such today as pipes or flutes. (Uber archaeological finds with a similar appearance to the object with holes found, are classified as Utiles. A musical instrument must at the very least he capable of producing sound, one must be able to play it. We therefore wished to lest this lind acoustically, Although the object was in good condition and only partially damaged, the damages ami cracks in the bone were nevertheless too great for it to be possible to lest it acoustically without additional work and repair. In order to preserve the original find for further research, in the original form, we produced a number of reconslruclions of the suspected little lor acoustic testing, 'flic reconstructed examples more or less approximated the appearance of the original find, since we attempted to answer various acoustic questions with them, With this kind of reconstruction, one can satisfactorily clarify basic acoustic questions in relation to stimulating sound from the find. SI. 13.1 fotografija rckonsmiiranugii primerka piščali i/ fosilne kosti iz istega obdobja kot je originalna najdba, Foto; Marko Zaplatil. Fig, Lih Photograph of the reconstructed example of a Utile from fossil bone originating from the same period ¡is the original find. Photo: Marko Zaplalil. ciertfy general. (Trans, note: The term "flute", however, will be used in English, since "pipe" ii noi normally understood in.the sense of a side-blown instrument, whilst "flute" is used iti i lie wide i sense in both professional and popular terminology.) 1X6 An>! mie F¡Ni/iN(WWN H" jmsisín hi mwsikiii niiMSffl a rpvsiiMimîKiM ruin mogoče določiti natančnejše uglasitve in ionskega obsega originalne kos i i z luknjicami i" s lem morda celo v logu in pomen najdenega predmeta v preteklosti. Osnovni cilj dosedanjih raziskav - poskusov je bil dokazati, da se v takšni kosti z luknjicami lahko vzbudi zvok in na kakSne načine sc t» doseže. postúlate a basic acousttc plctureoflhe suspected ilute, and demofctrate the possibil i tiesofits use (playing). In no wqy is il possihlc lo identify more exactly the ttin-ing, or tonal range oi'the original bone with boles, and ihus even the role and significance of the find in llie pjisL ¡ lie main aim ofthepresent teseareh - cxpcrimcuts - was lo demónstrate that sound eould ha ve bcen siittiu-lated in such a bone with holes, and in what kind o I' ways ibis might have bcen achieved. 13.2, Opis rekonstrukcij koščene PIŠČALI Pri poskusih smo uporabljali več različnih rekonstruiranih primerkov koščene piščali. Številne piščah, ki smo jih izdelali iz trstikc in kanele t bambusa) ne bi posebej opisovali in razlagati, saj so služile le kot dodatni pripomoček pri preizkušanju načinov vzbujanja zvoku \ domnevni piSčali in ugotavIjanjVispreminjanj□ osnovne uglasitve. V veliko pomoč so bile tudi pri preizkušanju načina izdelave glasbila i/ kosti, saj je trstiko in kane I o mogoče veliko lažje in hitreje obdelati m dobiti Uit medvedove kosti. Iz stegnenice mladega medveda sla bili narejeni dve piščali. Prva je izdelana iz fosilne kosu mladega medveda m je iz istega obdobja kot originalna najdba (si. 1.1.1). Ker je zelo težko najti fosilno kosi popolnoma enakih mer kot original, smo se zadovoljili z nekoliko manjšo in krajšo kostjo. Približali smo se originalu kolikor so mere iu stanje fosilne kosti le dopuščale, vendar smo s to rekonstrukcijo želeli le ugoloviti, ali se v starih najdbah < kosteh) lahko \ zbudi zvok in na kakšne načine. Poleg lega smo s tem uporabili enako gradbeno surovino s podobno naravno obliko, kot jo ima original. I lruga p i ščal je bila izdelana iz sveže stegnenice 13.2. Description of the reconstruction of i iii honh flute We used a number of different reconstructed examples of bone Hutes in the experiments. The numerous Mules which we produced from cane and bamboo are not Specifically described or explained, si nee they served only as supplementary aids in investigating ways of stimulating sound in the suspected flule, and ascertaining changes in the basic tuning. I hey were also a great help in investigating ways of producing music from such a bone, since cane and bamboo are much easier and quicker to work, and to obtain, than the bones of hear. Two flutes were made from femurs of young bear. The Urs i was made from the fossil bone of a young cave bear, and is from the same period as I be original find {Fig. I i i). Since u was very d¡moult to find a fossil bone of the' same measurements as llie original, we bad to be satisfied with a slightly smaller and shorter bone. We approximated to the original insofar as the measurements and state of the fossil bone allowed, although with ibis reconstruction we wished only lo ascertain whether sound could be stimulated in old finds (of bonesK and in what way. We thus used the same con- SI 13.2; I 'olografija rekonstruiranega primerka piščali i / »veže l-u^ti današnjega mladega rjavega medveda Fotografija prikazuje tudi epiftzi in del kosti na proksimûlnem delu, ki smo jih pri izdelavi odstranili. Koto: Marko Zaplatil. Fi,n 1 i. ? Pholograph ol reeonsmicted example of a flûte timu the I resi i bone ofà voung brown beat J hc photographe Isa shows the epiphysis and pan oflhe bone ai the pnrumaf end, whieli we reino ved durit ijj production. Photo: Marko Zaplat il. 1X7 AkukiičmkLKicrrovrrvi M* kioljMjI RRJiims-muKtUl bbini vm: ku$<'tm nsr.u i današnjega mladega rjavega medveda (si. /3.2). Poskus je želel pokazati, ali lahko vzbudimo zvok v sveži kosti in kako dobro jo je potrebno očistiti in obdelati, da za/vem. Tudi mere kosti so bolj tisirezale originalnim, če p rev so kosti današnjega rjavega medveda bolj dolge in lanjše ko! kosti jamskega medveda in se tako originalu ponovno hi bilo moč popolnoma približati. 13.3, NIHANJ K: zračnega STF.BRIČKA V yOTLI CEVI Zračni stebriček (zrak) v cevi lahko zaniha podobno kot vpeta struna, kar mu omogoča "prozna sila zraka", kol jo je označil Robert Boyle (1627 - 16911. Takšen zračni stebriček v cevi zaniha vzdolžno (longitudinalno) kot nekakšna "zračna palica", saj niha podobno kol longitudinalno vzvalovimo palice. Vendar je v fizikalnem pomenu zelo pomembno, kakšna snov omejuje zrak, t. j., iz česa je cev narejena. Stene cevi morajo biti tako masivne in toge. da ne zanihajo še same in s tem vzbudijo k nihanju še zunanje zračne delce. (Adlešič 1964) Tako lahko vidimo, da ni vsaka snov primerna za izdelavo piščali. Votle lesene palice, trstika, bambus ter kasneje cevi i/ kovine predstavljajo dovolj toge m masivne stene cevi, tla se v njih lahko vzbudi ton. Temu pogoju vsekakor ustrezajo tudi ec vasic kosti okončin, ki se še danes uporabljajo /¡t izdelavo nekaterih preprostih ljudskih glasbil. 13.4, VZBUJANJE VALOVANJA V PIŠČALI Če želimo, da piščitl zazveni, moramo zrak v piščali zanihati in vzbudili stoj no valovanje v cevi piščali. Danes poznamo kar nekaj načinov za vzbujanje valovanja v pihalih. Nekateri načini so lahko dokaj zapleteni in potrebujejo določene dodatke, kot so različni jezički in posebej oblikovani ustniki, spet drog: so lahko zelo preprosti ui "naravni" ter posebnih dodatkov ne potrebujejo. SI. J3.3 prikazuje nekaj načinov vzbujanja pihal. Zelo preprost način vzbujanja zvoka imajo flavte (piščali). kjer ozek curek /raka usmerimo na rezilni rob i ustnico) glasbila. Tam se zračni curek (zračna lamela) lomi in niiia podobno kot v peli jeziček. Okoli rezilnega roba nastajajo zračni vrline i, ki zanihajo zrak v cevi in vzbudijo stoj no valovanje v piščali. Da se izoblikuje ton, mora bili rezilni rob primemo oddaljen od izvora zračnega curka Razdalja struction material, with a similar natural shape as the original. The second flute was made from the I tcsh lemur of a young brown bear (Fig. 13.2). We wanted to demonstrate with I he experiment whether sound could be stimulated in a fresh bone, and how well it is necessary to clean it and "process" it, in order lor il to produce sound. The measurements of the bone also better matched the original, although the diaphyses of a modern brown bear cubs are longer arid thi nner than the diaphyses of cave bear cubs, and so again, il was not possible entirely to match the original f 3.3. Vibration of the column of AIR IN Tllli CAVITY OF A PIPE A column of air (air) in a pipe can vibrate like the strumming of a string, which allows a "flexible force of air", as Robert Boyle (1627 - 1691) put it Sueli a column of air in a pipe vibrates longitudinally like a kind of "wand ol air" since il vibrates like the longitudinal waves of a wand. However, in the physical sense, the kind of malerial that restricts, or contains, the air is very important, i. e , from what the pipe is made. The walls of the pipe must he sufficiently solid and rigid that they do not themselves vibrate and thus additionally stimulate outside air pockets (AdleSie 1964). It can thus be seen that not every material is suitable lor making a flute. The cavity of a wooden slick, cane, bamboo and, later, pipes from metal, have sufficiently rigid and Solid pipe walls that a tone can be stimulated in them Limb hones also certainly meet I his condition, and arc still used today for the production of some simple folk instruments. i 3.4. Stimulating waves in a fluti: If we wish the flute to make a sound, we must vibrate the air within it and stimulate standing waves in the pipe ol the flute, loday, wc know various ways ol making waves in a wind instrument. Some methods can be fairly complicated and need specific accessories, such as various reeds and specially shaped mouthpieces, or they can be very simple and "natural" and special accessories tire not required. Fig. 13.3 shows various ways of stimulating sound in wind instruments. A flute (pipe) has a very simple method ofstimu-lating sound, in which a narrow jet of air is directed and cut on tlie cut edge (mouthpiece) of the instrument, There, the air jet breaks and vibrates like a fixed reed. Eddies of air arc created around the sharp edge, which vibrate the air in the pipe and stimulate standing waves in the flute. In order to create a lone, the cut edge must be the 141) At ui.MlL HWniMiS (iN TIHE BASIS Of KFtONMflUCTIaNSOf A PMSUMFD WJNF n.VTE Si. L!..i. Nekaj načinov vzbujanja zvoka v pihalih. Risba: Dragica K a i i k L under Fig 13.3. Sonic ways of ¡¡t emulating sound in a wind instrument Drawing: Dragic» Kaitk Lunder je odvisna od hitrosti zračnega curka (jakosli pihanja) ter ostrine i ti oblike rezilnega roba. Na rezilnem robu se ustvarjajo frekvence (rezilni Ioni), ki so enake najbližjemu laslnemulonu piščali. Tako lahko z različno oddaljenostjo rezilnega roba od izvora zračnega curka m z različno jakostjo pihanja dosežemo različne lastne frekvence piščali, Še več! te rezilni rob ni primemo oddaljen in oblikovan tei je premalo oster za določeno piSčal. v piščali ne moremo vzbuditi valovanja in s tem zvoka ne glede na spreminjanje jakosli in načina pihanja .S7. /3.4 prikazuje nekaj najbolj pogostih ustnikov piSčali. Nil si ¡k i lahko vidimo primer dveh bolj "dovršenih" in za izdelavo morda zahtevnejših ustnikov. Pri njih se v cevko glasbila vsiavi pri rezan čep (blok), ki oblikuje zračni curek in ga usmeri na rezilni rob. Takšen usinik ima I udi današnja blok flavta, saj z njim dosežemo manjše modulacije intonacije zaradi lažjega nastavka glasbila. Primera preprostejših ustnikov sta tudi prikazana na si. 13.4. Že majhna obdelava roba cevi ali preprosta izvrtana luknjica v cevi zadostu je za vzbujanje zvoka. Pri tanki cevi predstavlja že rob cevi dovolj oster rezilni rob m ni potrebna nikakršna obdelava glasbila, da vzbudimo zvok Takšen način vzbujanja poznamo npr, pri pano vi piščali ali pri preprostem piskanju na ključ. Na si ¡3.5 je nekaj preprostih ustnikov, k t se še danes uporabljajo. Najdeno kost z luknjicami imamo lahko najver- 7.1 pihalo z jezičkom (Salnuijjje nuj verjetneje ne moremo right distance from the source of the jet of air. The distance depends on the speed of the jet of air (strength of blowing) and the sharpness and shape of the cot edge. Frequencies of tones produced on the cut edge are equal to the flute's own harmonics So a variety of a (lute's harmonies can thus be achieved by varying the distance of the out edge from the source of the jet of air, and various strengths of blowing. Furthermore, if the cut edge is not an appropriate distance and shape, or if it is not sharp enough for a specific flute, waves, and thus sound, cannot be stimulated in the flute, regardless of changes in the force and method of blowing. Fig: 13.4 shows some of the commonest mouthpieces of flutes. Examples ol two more "polished", and thus perhaps more eons I met io n a I i y de in atid ing mouthpieces can be seen in the illustration. In them, a block (fipple) is set in the pipe of the instrument to shape the jet of air, and guide it onto the sharp edge. Today's "recorder", or "fipple flute", has such a mouthpiece, which enables a smaller modulation of" intonation because the embouchure for the instrument is easier. Two examples of the simplest mouthpieces are also shown on Fig. 13 4. Even a small worked edge of the pipe, or simple drilled holes in it, suffice l or stimulating sound. With thin pipe walls, the edge of the pipe provides a sufficiently sharp cut edge and no further processing of the instrument is required. Such a method of stimulating sound is similar to pan pipes or simple clef whistles, Fig. 13.5 shows some simple mouthpieces that are still used today. The bone with holes that was found is probably 141) AM M i'1 M utiorovim; NA HMH AOI AFX^SS KUKC IJI DOMNEVNI kok-HM ii&TAIJ SI II. J. Najpogostejši ustniki pihali. Risba; Dragica tCnific I under. Fig. ti-4: Tin; commonest mouthpiece* of flutes. Drawing: Dragica Knifit Lumler jetneje za pihalo i/ rodu Ha v! {pisca li). /c sam videz najdbe nam narekuje misel, da bi lahko vzbujal i zvok pri njej kol pri poti nI ž ni piščali ti I i kot pri prečni flavli. 13.5. PODOLŽNA PISCA L Pri pudolžni piščali bi ena od krujmh (delnih) luknjic služila kot preprost ustnik / rezilnim robom. Temu še |xiscliej ustreza plitka izjeda na širi cm distalncm koncu najdene kosti, saj sama oblika in način odloma distalncga konca kosti to domnevo potijujc. Pahljačasta d i sta I n a razSiritev kosti na prehodu v epifizo oblikuje nekakšen naravni ustnik in s tem olajša nastavek glasbila. Tudi sama polkroina izjeda na tem koncu kosti ima na enem mestu opazen poševno priostren rob. vendar Tia njeni ni videti sledi orodja in s tem dokazov, da gre /a umetno pri ost rite v (Turk in Kavur, \ tem zborniku), Tako bi našo najdbo Lahko uvrstili med podolžrie piščali / zunanjim rezilnim robom (nem. Kerbjlotc), Takšnih glasbil je še danes v rabi preecj, še posebej kot ljudska glasbila nekaterih ljudstev. Tudi veliko sturejSih imeti, saj ti i nikjer sledu o kakršnem koli ustniku ali nastavku za jeziček. Poleg lega zahteva «delava glasbila z jezičkom že več znanja in spretnosti. Tudi irobilo veijctno ne more biti, čeprav smo iz poskusov ugotoviti, tla se koščena najdba oglasa, če trobimo nanjo. Vendar je zvok nejasen iti šihak, poduhen zvokom današnjih ustnikov za trobila, saj je dolžina kosti premajhna, da bi lahko služila kol primemo glasbilo. Tudi luknjice v kosi i pri tem načinu vzbujanju komajda kaj vplivajo na spremembo zvoka, a wind instrument from the family ol llnles . I he appearance of the find itself suggests that one could stimulate sound in il either as a side-hi own flute or as an end-hlnwn one, ] 3.5. End-blown fluth: With an end-blown flute, one of the end (partial) holes would have served as a simple mouthpiece with a cut edge. I'he shallow notch on the wider distal end of the bone find would suit this particularly, since the shape itself and the manner of break of the distal end of the bone tends towards this. The fan-like distal widening of the bone al the transition lo the epiphysis forms a kind of natural mouthpiecc and thus facilitates the mouthpiece of the instrument The semicircular noich itselfat this end of the hone has in one place a noticeable obliquely cut edge, although (here arc no traces of tool marks on it and thus no evidence lhat it has been artificially sharpened (Turk A Kavur, in this volume). So this find could be c I ass i lied among end-blown 11 probably cannot be considered a wind instrument wtth a reed since there is nu ¡race of any kind of uionlhpiece <11 selling lor a reetl. In addition, the production of an instrument with a reed requires a lol of knowledge and skill II is also unlikely to be horn-lype wind instrument, although we ascertained from the experiments that the bnrtc (hid does sound If blown like a horn. However, (he sound is unclear and weak, similar lo (he sound of a modem mouthpiece ler a horn, since the lenglh of the bone is too small for it lo have served as a suitable musical instrument. The holes in the bone, too, wilh ihis way of stimulating sound, have hardly any influence in altering the sound. 141) Ahilistk hmhnGsij^ iim iiasisin rk-onstkU: ttrirss (it rai.si'MRi bohi m ir St. 13,5 Preprosti ustniki vzbujanje zvoka v piSialih (Slav lah). Risba Dragica Knille Lundcr. big, ¡3,5: Simple mouthpieces foi stimulating sound in flutes. Drawing: Drajgtcn Knilit Lunder. (lavi Daljnega Vzhoda pripada lej Vrsti. Pri igranju takšnega pihala /. ustnicami zapremo konec glasbila laku. da ostane prost le ozek koncc glasbila z rezilnim robom, v katerega usmerimo iz usl zračni curek, Glasbilo pa laliko držimo tudi drugače in pihamo v rezilni rob skozi nos in na ta način izvabljamo zvok. Takšno pihalo je npr. prazgodovinska podolžna flavta iz Vzhodne Azi je bazarce, kjer vzbujamo zvok s pihanjem skozi nos, tako da ostanejo usta prosta za ustvarjanje dodatnih glasov. Pri arheoloških najdbah kosti, kijih razlagajo koi piščali (flavte), se način vzbujanja zvoka kot pri podolžnih piščali h nekajkrat omenja (npr. Galin, 19BK). Nedvoumen je npr. tudi pri mlajšepaleoiilski najdbi iz Francije t Pas du Miroir, Turk in Kavur. ta zbornik, si. 12.1: 10). kjer je pri zelo lepo izdelani in ohranjeni piščali jasno viden tudi ustnik. V literaturi pa lahko zasledimo, daavtoiji zavračajo možnost lakšnega načina igranja, ker je po njihov ein mnenju stegnenica mladega jamskega medveda na prehodu v epifizo preširoka, da hi z ustnicami lahko usmerili /rak na rezilni rob glasbila in hkrati zapirali spodnji roh (konec) kosi i ( Horu$itzky 1955).1 To je bil ludi poglavitni razlog, da so glasbilo, podobno našemu, uvrstili med prečne flavte. Pri naših poskusih pa smo dokazali, tla se z ustnicami rob glasbila lahko ustrezno zapre in curek zraka usmeri tako, da kost zazveni. Ib nam je uspelo tako na piščalih iz irstike in katicle. piščali iz sveže medvedje kosi i in pri piščali iz fosilne kosi i Pri tem lahko piščal naslonimo na ustnice na različne načine. Prvič lahko naslonimo spodnji rob kosti na spodnjo ustnico ter pihamo na zgornji rob kosti. Iz slike najdi ne kosi i in podanih mer kihko ugotovimo, da je širina kosu na obeh koncih manjša kot pri naši najdbi. flutes \\ itli an external cut edge (Germ: Kcrbflotf). Such instruments are siill fairly widely used today, especially as folk instruments A great many of the older llnies of the Far Bast also belong to this type In playing such a wind instrument, the end of the instrument is closed with I he hps, so I hat only a narrow end ol the instrument remains free, with a cut edge at which the jet of air from the mouth is directed, flic instrument may also be held othcrw ise and au blown against the sharp edge through the nose, and sound stimulated in that way. Such ati instrument, e, g„ is the prehistoric end-blown Utile from liasl Asian bazaar's, with which sound is stimulated by blowing illrougit the nose, so that the mouth remains free to create additional sounds. With archaeological finds of bones that have been classified as flutes, the manner of Stimulating sound as with end-blown flutes is mentioned several times (e. g„ Galin ll>KX) It is indisputable, e, g.. also with later palaeolithic finds from fiance (Pas du Miroir - Turk Jfc Kavur, iti this volume, Fig. ¡2.1 I0)t where a mouthpiece is also clearly visible tin a very beautifully produced and preserved flute. We can irace in the literature I hat authors reject ihe possibility of such a way of playing because in (heir opinion, the femur of a young cave bear is too wide at the transition to the epiphysis for it lo be possible lo direct the ail with the lips onto (lie cut edge of the instrument and at the same time close the lower edge (end) of the bone (Horusitzky 1955).' So, mainly for this reason, instruments similar io this one have been classified as side-blown flutes. We demonstrated with our experiments thai one can suitably close the edge of the instrument with the lips and direct the air jet such that the bone "sounds". 141) Akuslirril ln,r:nuy)JVi na nwlam rskoksthi kt ui hwm^M mjWInI- ustali SI. I.i.fi Vzbujanje zvoka v koščeni pifičali z naslonom kosti na spodnjo ustnico. Foto: Marko Zaplati!. Fig. 13.6: Stimulating sutind in a bone pipe by rcstlng the bone on ihe lower lip. Photo: Marko Zaplaiil. Drugi način nastavka glashila jc taksen, da glasbilo obnicmo okoli svoje osi tako. da gledajo luknjice navzdol, zapremo zgorn ji rob kosi i z zgornjo ustnico in pihamo v spodnji rob kosti. Obe rekonstrukciji piščali, pri katerih smo zvok vzbujali na omenjena načina, sta sc lepo, čisto in z lahkoto oglašali. Piščal iz sveže kosti je zaradi širšega di stal nega dela na prehodu v epifizo in bolj poudarjenega, globljega rezilnega roba (bolj podoben originaluemii I imela stabilnejši nastavek in zelo majhne modulacije osnovnega tona tudi pri večjem spreminjanju jakosti pihanja. Kostna stena blizu dislalne epifize je kljub debelini 3 mm že sama dovolj dober rezilni roh, da iz jede a i potrebno dodatno osi ril i (čeprav je na originalu, kot smo že omenili, to nakazano), da dobimo lep in cist zvok. Tudi notranjosti kosti ni polrebnodosli čistiti, odstranili je potrebno le mozeg in pri rezilnem robu spongiozo. To smo naredili v notranjosti kosi i z leseno šibo, ob koncih kosi i pa s tršim predmetom kamnom. Preprosto in lepo smo lahko vzbujali zvok v zaprti in odprti piščal i (odprl ali zaprt konec kosti). I Joseči jc bilo možno tudi prepiha vanje. Pri zaprti piščal i smo dosegli I. višji harmonski ton z lahkoto in / lepim zvenom, medtem ko seje pri odprti piščali pojavil le izjemoma in zelo nejasno.1 Piščal i/ fosilne kosti smo zaradi naravnih mer J Tukaj je potrebno omeniti. J.t smo v lazi izdelave najprej preizkusili pri istem ustniku (že popolnoma izdcl.m) piščal večje dolžine, saj tuiiii ji: velikost sveže kusli to dopuSČala (si. /3 2). PiSčal je bila taku za okoli 30 umi daljša nd originala. Tudi takino pisČal smo / IflhkotO vzbiljali z odprtim We succeeded in doing tlii?, both with pipes from cane and bamboo, and pipes from fresh bear bone and fossilised bone. The pipe could be inclined lo the lips in various ways, first, lite lower edge of the bone can be rested on the lower lip and air blown al the upper edge of the bone, lite second way of stimulating sound from the instrument is to turn it on iis axis so that the holes are seen downwards, to close the upper edge of the bone with the Upper lips, and blow at Ihe lower edge of.the bone. Both reconstructions of flutes, with which we stimulated sound in Ihe ways mentioned, easily gave a fine and pure sound. The pipe from fresh bone, because oi the wider distal part at the transition of the epiphysis and the more pronounced, deeply cut edge (more similar to ihe original) had a more stable embouchure and \ery 11ilk* modulation o( the basic tone even with major a I leration s in the I ore e o I blow i ng I h e hone wa 11 c I os e 10 ihe distal epiphysis, despite a thickness of 3 mm. is itscl fa sufficiently well cul edge that the notch need not be additionally sharpened (although on the original, as has already been mentioned, tlii^ is shown) in obtain a fine, pure sound, Lven the interior of the bone need not be excessively cleaned, it is only necessary to remove the marrow and the spongiosc at ihe cul edge, We did this to the interior with a wooden rod. and at the ends of ihe bone with a harder object - stone. We could siimn-laie sound simply and effectively in dosed or open pipes (both by opening and closing the end of the bone), li was also possible loo verb low it - lo produce over-tones, With the closed pipe we achieved the I si higher harmonic tone with ease and with a fine sound, while with the open pipe, it could only be achieved occasionally and very unci early.4 Because of the nature of the measurements of available fossil bones and the damage, we made the pipe slightly til fie re in al the mouthpiece. I lowever, here, loo, the tone stimulated sounded pure and clear. Uccausc of the shape of the break of the diaphysis ai tbe transition lo the distal epiphysis, the embouchure is less uniform, The basic tone can thus change considerably (by a whole 1 It can be established from the picture of the bone find and ihe measurements given, ilaa ihe width of the bone is smaller at belli ends lhan in our find. 1 Tl should he mentioned here that in I lie production phase, We first tested a pipe n I' greater length with ihe same mouthpiece (already completely made), since I he size of the fresh bone allowed this (Fig. 13 J). The pipe was thus some 3(1 mm longer than the original. We could stimulate sound «i such ;i pipe, too, w ith ease, with open or closed end, Overblowing was siill easier because of the greater length and we achieved also the 2nd higher harmonic tone with ihe closed pipe. It was more difficult to achieve ilie basic lime with I he closed pipe, since it Wfls necessary to blow very lightly. Wlieil tile lone Was tunned, il sounded pure I <>2 A( urns ni" n\[)imisi>N mi ilamm» r6;i oNSTRUiTHtN3.rit a pttisijmko ikjni n tnr razpoložljive k osi i in poškodb oblikovali v ustnik malo drugače. Vendar se ludi tukaj vzbujeni toni oglašajo čisto in jasno. Nastavek je zaradi oblike preloma diaiize na prehodu v disttilno epifizo manj enoten. Tako se osnovni ton lahko precej spreminja (za višino celega tona in več). Zaradi naravnega man i šega odlomu in i/jede na spodnjem delu roba kosti (pod rezilnim robom) smo ugotoi. ili. daje možno vzbujati zvok tudi na tem robu. ki je nastal popolnoma nehote ter je dovolj osier iu globok, da ustreza zahtevam rezilnega roba. Tako se prej omenjenima držama glasbila (.v/. in /3.7) pridružita se dve no\ i, pri čemer kost obračamo okoli svoje osi na že omenjen način in pihamo v zgornji ali spodnji rob glasbila. Tudi tukaj lahko vzbujamo zvok v zaprti iu odprti piščali, pri čemer se pn zaprti oglaša le 1. višji harmonski ton, osnovnega tona pa sploh ne moremo dobili. Pri odpni piščali prepiha vanje ni bi i o mogoče. * tovrstno vzbujanje zvoka bi bilo možno tudi na proksimalnem koncu kosti, za kar sicer ni posebnih znakov na najdeni kosti, razen če si globoko pu I k rožno izjedo razlagamo kol globok rezilni rob. Igranje na takšen ustnik se zdi skoraj nemogoče, saj je rezilni rob preveč odmaknjen proti sredim glasbila. Pri poskusih s pišeainu v kanclc nam je uspelo vzbujati zvok v piščali ludi s tako globoko izjedo, vendar samo pri zaprtem koncu piščali, Zvok je bil šibkejši in manj jasen kol pri plitkejši iz jedi. Na piščalih iz kosu teh poskusov nismo mogli izvesti, saj je fosilna kosi na tem koneu močno tone or more). Because of the nature of the small break and the notch on the lower part Of the edge of the bone (under the cut edge) we ascertained that it is possible to stimulate sound also on an edge which had been created entirely accidentally, bin is sufficiently sharp and deep it> meet the requirements of a cu( edge. So the previous Iy mentioned grips on the instrusnent (/*'igs. ¡3,6aiitI I J.7) are joined by a fun her two new ones, whereby we turn the bone on its longitudinal axis in the way already mentioned and blow into the upper or lower edge of the instrument. 11 ere. too, sound can be stimulated in open or closed pipes, whereby will) the closed pipe only the I si higher harmonic tone sounds, and we were completely unable to obtain the basic tone. With the open pipe, overblowing was not possible,' Stimulating sound in this way would also have been possible on the proximal end of the bone, of which, however, there is no particular sign on ihe hone find, unless we explain the deep semi-circular notch as a deep cut edge. Playing on such a mouthpiece seems almost impossible, since thecui edge is shifted loo far towards the centre of the instrument. In experiments with pipes from bamboo, wc managed to stimulate sound in a pipe even with such a deep notch, but only with ihe closed end of the pipe, I he sound was weaker and less clear than with a shallower nolch. We were unable to cany oui these experiments on pipes from bone, since the fossil bone w;ii| heavily deformed at this end, and with Ihe SI 13, 7, Vzbujanje zvoka \ koščeni piščali f naslonom k"sli na zgornjo ustnico. I'oto: Marko Zaplati). Fig, 13 7: Stimulating sound in a Hone pipe by resting the hone again s I the upper lip Photo: Marko Zaplatil in zaprtim koncem Ptepihavanje je bilo zaradi večje dolžine še lažje tako, do smo dosegli I, višji hormonski ion pri odprti in za pni piščali ter z močnejšo s;i|>o in Več trudu tudi ? višji harmonski ton pri zaprti piSčali. Te^jeje bilo doseii osnovni ton pri /aprli piščali, saj je bilo potrebno p i luni zelo rahlo. Ko pa seje ton oblikoval* je zvenel čisto in polno Po opravljenih zvočnih preizkusih smo kosi odrezali na dolžino Originalne kosti. N.i tu vpliva \ veliki meri ludi dolžina piščali iz rešilne kosti, kije nekoliko krajša od piščali i/ sveže kosti. Omenili smo že. da se možnosti prepiha vonja močno spreminjajo že pri relativno majhnih spremembah dolžine. and liill. Aftet Carrying out ihe acoustic «pen metli s. we cut die bone io the length of the original find. [ he length of the flute from tns.sil bone ¡dsn influenced this i o a liirjie extern. It is somewhat shorter than the flute from fresh bone We have already mentioned thai ihe possibility of overblow ing is ¡¡really altered by relatively siual I changes in the lengili. 19.1 Au'MJi'm-i'lhnuui", i ujm juj kimivstFwm in mim'jvsr uHi'im ni!1 aii deformirana, pri sveži kosli pa je debelina kosli prevelika (6mm) in ne ustreza /a tako globok rezilni rob. ! 3.6. Prečna flavta Pri prečni flavti nam ustnik ¡11 rezilni roh lahko predstavlja preprosta luknjica v votli cevi, I/kopana medvedja kosi ima vsaj dve luknjici, ki sta lepo \ idni i a v celoti ohran jeni, ter bi ju lahko upor abili /a vzbujanje zvoka. Pri tem je potrebno držati kost povprek k ustnicam in zapreti vsaj tisti konec cevi. ki je bližji v/bujevalni luknjici. TakSna pihala poznamo danes tako v orkestrskih sestavah kot tudi med številnimi ljudskimi glasbili po svetu, liidi precej t/kopauin kosti / luknjicami se uvršča v to skupino glasbil, saj nas na 10 napelje že ena sama luknjica v kosli, fci omogoča (vsaj teoretično) vzbujanje zvoka. Vendar pa v strokovni literaturi velikokrat zasledimo, daje takšen način igranja na glasbilo mlajši kol podolžno vzbujanje / voka v piSCali I npr. Muziika enciklopedija 1958). O tem je prepričan tudi C. Sachs, ki navaja domnevno razvojno pot flavt (Horusilzkv 1955 po Sachs 1929). Prvi dokumentirani podatki o prečnih flavtah omenjajo kratke, predzgodovinske flavle iz Kitajske, ki jim spreminjamo višino (ona z odpiranjem in zapiranjem koncev glasbila, čeprav je po avtorjevem mnenju takšen način vzbujanja zvoka pihal še veliko starejši (Muzička enciklopedija 1958). Primer razlage in preizkušanja najdene kosti z luknjicami kol prečne flavte je opisan pri najdbi v jami [stilloško na Madžarskem ( Jlorusit/k\ 1955 ). Tudi v rekonstruiranih primerkih naše najdbe lahko vzbujamo zvok kol pri prečnih flavtah, Še posebej je to mogoče pri flavtah iz surov in, ki imajo tanke stene, saj kakorkoli narejena luknjica v cevi hitro zadosti ostrini rezilnega roba, Stena piščali iz fosilne kosii (kostna kotnpakia) je povsod dovol j tanka (okoli 2,S 111111) ah pa unajo vse luknjice dovolj oslcr rob, da lahko s pomočjo luknjice vzbujamo zvok. Seveda moramo pri tem ustrezno zapreti konce piščali Vendar nam je kljub teoretični možnosti vzbujanja pri poljubni luknjici uspelo vzbuditi "uporaben"zvok le pri krajnima luknjicama. Zvok lahko vzbudimo, če držimo kosi na levo ali ua desno stran Sam zvok je čist m jasen, prepiha vanje pa ni mogoče, To vel je tako za vzbujanje pri zaprtem ali odprtem koncu fosilne kosli (zaprt ali odprt spodnji konec glasbila), Nejasen Zvok se pojavi ludi pri pihanju v sredinsko luknjico in zaprtju vseh osialih odprtin (luknjici, konca kosti). l udi pri piščali iz sveže kosli smo lahko 1111 lak način vzbudili zvok. In to pri obeh luknjicah s tem, da smo ustrezno zaprli k raj na robova kosti. Čeprav je stena kosli precej debela (6 mm), je izvrtana luknjica z ostrimi robovi dober rezilni rob. Vendar pa je vzbujanje / voka 141) fresh hone, the thickness of the bone was too great ((1 mm} and the deep cut edge unsuitable. 13.6. SIDE-BLOWN I I.UTF: With a side-blown flute, the mouthpiece and cut edge may be provided by a simple hole in a hollow shall, The excavated hear bone has ai least two lu des which are clearly visible and entirely presen, ed and they could have been used 10 stimulate sound, Il is necessary to hold the bone cross ways 10 the mouth and to close al ieast the end of the shaft which is closest to the hole blown into/across. Such a wind instrument is familiar today both in orchestras and among numerous loik instruments throughout the world. A significant numher of excavated bones v, ith holes have also been classified iu this group of musical instruments, since even a single hole in a bone which enables (al least theoretical I v > the stimulation of sound leads us to 1 his. However, in the professional literature, we oflen find that such a way of playing on tin instrument is more recent than end blowing for stimulating sound in a pipe (c. g.. Muziika eneiklopcdija 1958). Curt Sachs is also convinced of this, who ciles a possible development path for flutes (Horusitzky 1955 citing Sachs 1929). The first documented data on side-blown flutes mention short, preli is lorie Ilutes from China, in which the level of the lone is changed by opening and closing the end of the instrument. although in the author's opinion, such a way of stimulating sound iu a wind instrument is a great deal older (Muiicka eneiklopcdija 195K). The case of classifying and testing a hone with holes found ¡11 Islálloskü cave in I haigary is described (I lorusitsky 1955). Sound can also be stimulated as with a side-blown flute iu the reconstructed examples of this find. This is especially possible with flutes from material (a pipe) which has thin walls, since any kind ofhole made ¡ti the pipe quickly suffices as a cut edge. I it her the wall (compact bone tissue ) of I he pipe from a fossil bone is throughout suflicièntly thin (around 2.S mm), or all the holes have a sufficiently sharp edge, thai w ilh the aid of the holes, sound can he stimulated. Of course, the end of the pipe must be suitably closed. I lowever, despite I he theoretical possibility ol stimulating sound with any of the holes, we only managed 10 stimulate "usable" sound wilh the hole ai the edge, We could make sound by holding the hone by the left or right side, The sound itself is pure and clear, but overblowing is not possible. This applies both to stimulating sound wilh a closed or open end of the fossil bone (closed or open lower end ol the instrument), A11 indistinct sound also appeared with blowing into the centre hole and closing all other openings (holes, end of the bone). We could also stimulate sound in such a way wilh AfiiUlffK.' MNiHNiM cm 1111 HmiNMKi'riiruMiH' a rm sumih imvr nun na luknjicah sveže kostE zahtevalo več truda ¡n vaje. Prepihavanja tudi pri tej prečni tlavti nismo mogli izvesti. the pipe from fresh bone, ll was possible with both holes, provided that we suitably el a soil the extreme edge of the bone. Although I be wall ollhe bone is fairly thick (6 mm), a bored hole with sharp edges is ¿1 sufficiently good cut edge. I Sowcvcr. stimulating sound at the holes iit the fresh bone required more effort and training. We were also unable 10 overblow in this manner. 13.7, Osnovni ion ptSCvu i ] 3.7. Basic tonf. of a flute Kakšno stojno valovanje se v votli cevi oblikuje in katere lastne frekvence lahko pn tem nastanejo, je odvisno predvsem od dolžine cevi piščali, Notranja men/ura (notranji premer iti oblika cevi) predvsem vpliva na /venski spekter zvoka (zven, barva tona). Seveda pa mere cevi vplivajo tudi na to. ali bomo v pihalu vzbudili z\ ok preprosto tn brez truda, katera višja burmanska nihanja se bodo pojavljala in celo, ali ho do nihanja sploh prišlo. i)snov 11 a enačba za določanje hai moničnih nihan 1 v piščali je podana t izrazom c /a odprte piščali in 21 »«-»■ a"? /a piščali, zaprte z ene strani, pri čemer je "e" hitrost zvoka (344 nvs pri 20"C >, "I" dolžina piščali tecu), "ti" pa po vrsti I, 2, .1, 4... Vendar dolžina 1 ni fizikalna dolžina cevi, ampak ji je potrebno dodati še iztočni popravek, ki cev navidezno podaljša, saj seva glasbilo pri konceh zvočno energijo v prostor I/točni popravek "a" je določen s polmerom cevi na konceh iti ga opišemo z izrazom a ~ (J,hI . r pri čemer jc "r" notranji polmer cevi Iztočni poprav ek se spreminja glede na obliko men/ure. \ endar nam navedeni izrazi lahko zadovoljivo služijo pri približnih izračunih. Zgornje trditve veljajo predvsem za valjasto oblikovane cevi ali cevi. ki imajo po vsej dolžini enakomeren prerez (menz.uro} /a piščali, kier se menzura spreminja t koničasto, cksponeneialno,,, 1, pa je osnovno frekvenco po matematični poti veliko težje določiti. Osnovni ton cevi se lahko kljub enakim fizikalnim meram cevi (dolžine, prereza na konceh t zaradi različne men/ure precej razlikuje.1' Notranjost stegnenice mladega medveda ni ' Adk šie navaja (1964,422) primer d\ eh enako dolgih cevi. ki ini;iin koničasto in eksponertcialuo obliko mcnzurc. Prcrtza na o/jeni in širšem delu cevi sta pri obeh oblikah menzure popolnoma enaka. I / grafa lahko razberemo, da so osnovna tono obeh cevi pri danih merah bistveno razlikujeta (skoraj ton in pol}. What kind of standing waves are created in the cavity of a pipe, and which of their own frequencies are created with ibis, depends mainly 011 the length of the pipe of the instrument. The internal measurements (internal diameter and shape of the tube) primarily affects the sound speetfe (sound, tonal colour). Of course, the measurements of the tube also affect whether sound is stimulated m a wind ¡instrument easily and without effort, which higher harmonic waves will appear, and even whether there will lie waves at all, The baste equation for determining the harmonic waves in ¡1 [lute is given With the expression f'=n'JTl lor ¡111 open flute and for a flute closed at one end, where "e" is the speed of sound (344 m/sal 2t)C), "I" is the length of the flute (tube), and "11" in lurn 1, 2. 3. -4 „, However the length "I" is not a fixed length of tube, it is necessary to add an end correction factor which el early extends the length of the tube, since tile instrument radiates sound energy into space at the end. The end correction factor "a" is defined by the radius of the tuheut the end and is described with the expression a = 0,61 . r in which "r" is the internal radius of the tube. I he end correction factor changes in relation to the shape of the internal profile of the instrument, but the cited expression can serve satisfactorily in approximate cal-cu latiOns. The above statements apply mainly to cylindrical shaped tubes or tubes which have the same cross-section throughout the length (mcnsure). With pipes in which this measurement changes (conical I y, exponentially,,,). the basic frequency is a great deal more difficult to determine by mathematical means. I he basic tone of tubes, despite the same physical measurements of the lube (length, profile at ends), can differ considerably because of different internal profiles.'1 * AdleSif (1964, p. 422) citcs a case of two tubes of equal length v. Iiidi had conical and exponential internal profiles, The cross-sect ¡1111 011 I he narrower and wider parts Of I he 141) AKrrillCSI: IXMlluVITVE MA liHll.Mll ARKoSSIhUKail IfQMNhYM M'^'lM IliCAI.I prayilnc val jas tc oblike. Na pniksimalncm. še bolj pa na dislalnem delu. se kosi pahljačasto razširi. kar močno vpliva na notranji prerez kosti. Glasbilo iz taksne kos!i ima zalo men/uro, ki se močno spreminja. Pri takšni menzuri je določitev osnovne frekvence piščali iz fizikalnih mer kosti izredno težko določiti. Dodatno težavo povzroča pri naši najdbi dejstvo, da nam natančna dolžina domnevne piščali ni znana, saj je kost na robovih poSkbdovana. I tidi meritve osnovnih frekvenc rekonstruiranih piščali nam ne dajo zadovoljivih rezultatov, saj se rekonstruirani primerki ne približajo dovolj originala. Tako lahko o natančnejši osnovni frekvenci le ugibamo. Vprašanje pa je, ali je bila v davnini uglasitev takšne piščali sploh pomembna i nje niso morda i/delovali po že obstoječih vzorcih ali kar iz slučajno najdenih pripravnih in dostopnih surovin (Horusitzky 1955). The interior of the femur of a young hear is not a regular cylindrical shape. In the proximal, and even more in the distal part, the bone widens in a Ian shape, which considerably affects the internal cross section of the bone. A musical instrument from such a bone thus has an internal profile which greatly changes. With such an internal profile, determining the basic frequency of the pipe from the physical measurements of the bone is extremely difficult. An additional difficulty with this find is caused by the fact that the exact length of the suspected llute is not known, since the bone has been damaged at the edge, l iven measurements of the basic frequencies of the reconstructed flutes do not give us satisfactory results, since the reconstructed examples are not close enough to the original. We can thus only guess at the more precise basic frequencies. It is also questionable whether the toning of such a flute was at all important at thai distant lime in the past, or whether they did not perhaps make such instruments on the basis ol existing examples or simply from fortuitous finds of prepared and accessible materials (Iforusitzkv 19551- 13.K, Spreminjanje višine tona Spreminjanje višine osnovnega izvajanega tona piščali lahko dosežemo kar na nekaj načinov: spremin janje nastavka in jakosti pihanja, delno ali popolno zapiranje konca glasbila, prepiha vanje, dalj Sanje dolžine glasbila, krajšanje dolžine glasbila. Nekatere načine smo opisovali že sproti, tako da jih bomo sedaj omenili le bežno. Spreminjanje nastavka in moči pihanja lahko pri krajših piščaiih in manj oblikovanih ustnikih zvok bolj spreminja (za cel ton in celo več) kol pri daljših piščalih in bolj oblikovanih ustnikih. Delno zapiranje spodnjega dela piščali lahko teoretično omogoči zvezno spreminjanje tona na dokaj širokem frekvenčnem pasu, Pri naši dimenziji men/ure nam je uspelo izvesti manjše zvezne spremembe tona, nato pa je glasbilo hitro prešlo iz zaprtega lipa \ odprt (ali obratno). Prepihovanje je bilo možno pri tej dolžini piščali le do I višjega liarmonskega iona (glej opombo št..l). Podaljševanje dolžine glasbila hi bilo na preprost način možno le z roko, vendar lak način podaljševanja ne vpliva dosti na spreminjanje zvoka. Lahko pa se uspešno kombinira z delnim in popolnim zapiranjem konca piščali. Najbolj pogosi način spreminjanja zvoka pri pihalih je navidezno krajšanje dolžine glasbila s pomočjo !ukn|ie v glasbilu. Na tej osnovi spreminja višino tona tudi večina današnjih pihal / luknjicami lahko dosežemo čiste in natančne spremembe tonov (skoke). Na splošno velja, da pojav luknjic za spreminjanje zvoka predstavlja že nekoliko viSjo 13.8. Changing the pitch Changing the basic pitch of the flute can be achieved in a number of ways: changing the embouchure or strength of blowing partially or completely ¿losing the end o| the musical instrument, overblowing to produce over-tones, extending the length of the instrument, shortening the length of the instrument. Some methods have already been described above, so they will only be mentioned now in passing. ( hanging the embouchure or strength of blowing causes a greater change in the sound (by a whole tone or even more) with shorter flutes and mouthpieces that have been less shaped, than with longer Holes and mouthpieces that have been more shaped. Partial closing ol the lower part ol the flute can theoreiieally enable a continuous change in the tone on a fairly wide band of frequencies. With these dimensions of internal profile we managed to perform minor such changes of tone, and then the instrument quickly changed from a closed type to an open (or the reverse). Overblowing was possible with this length ol Mule only to the 1st bighei harmonic tone (see note V). Extending the length of the instrument would have been possible in a simple way only with the hand, btu such a way of extending it does not cause much lube in both shapes o I internal profile are entirely the same. It can he seen from the yrapli thai the baste tone of the two tubes with the given measurements are essentially different (almasi a Itnwanil a liallj. 141) acliifmh-1 imhm.mtv mi: insisoi kh:a^sTRUi,-ri(iNs t» v vrisiimhdbohi fli «i siopnjo razvoja pihal, saj se s leni poveča izrazna moč glasbila. Najdena kost ima vsaj dve luknjici, ki sta nedvoumni. Na različnih rekonstrukcijah smo izdelali dve ali iri luknjice, da smopreizkuSali njihov vpliv na spreminjanje zvoka. Tako dve kol trt luknjice \ piSČali opravičujejo svoj pojav in mesto, saj opazno vplivajo na spremembo višine osnovnega v zhajanega tona. Zvok je bil dokaj i" jasen pri različnih kombinacijah odpiranja in zapiranja luknjic ter odpiranja in zapiranja konca piščali. Težko in nezanesljivo je bilo iz vesli le tone. kjer je bila odprta d)stalna luknjica (luknjica najbližja rezilnemu robu). Pri katerikoli odprti luknjici prepiha vanje ni bilo izvedljivo: Z natančnimi meritvami Ionov pri raznih kombinacijah luknjic ter ugotavljanjem morebitnega tonskega niza se nismo posebej ukvarjali, saj lo ni bil cilj naših raziskav. Seveda se vsi zgoraj omenjeni načini spreminjanja osnovnega tona lahko med sabo poljubno kombinirajo, Tako lahko z nekaj spretnosti in vaje dobimo dosti različnih zvokov že iz zelo preprostega glasbila. change in the sound. It can be successfully combined with partial or complete closing of (he end of the tlute, The most common way of changing the sound produced by blowing is clearly shortening the length of the instrument with (he aid of the holes in the instrument. The majority of today's wind instruments change the pitch on litis basts. A pure and exact change o I tone (jump) can be achieved with holes. In general, il applies thai ihe phenomenon ol holes tor changing (he sound already represents a somewhat higher level ofdevelopment of wind inslrumenls, si nee litis increases the expressive power of the musical instrument. The bone I hid has at least two holes which are incontestable. On the various reconstructions, we made two or three holes in order to lest their effect on changing the sound. Both two and three holes in the lUite justified their appearance and position, since they caused a perceptible change to the basic note obtained. The sound was fairly pure and clear with the various combinations of opening and closing the holes and opening and closing the end of the flute. It was only difficult and unreliable producing the note in which the distal hole was open (the hole closest to the cut edge), Overblowing was not possible with any of the open holes. We did not specifically deal with exact measurements of notes wilh various combinations of hole and establishing the possible tonal range. Of course, all the above mentioned ways of changing the basic note can be optionally combined. So with a certain skill and practice, sufficient different sounds can be obtained from a veiy simple instrument, 13.9. Zaki jučkk Rekonstrukcije domnevne koščene piščali so pokazale, da se iz medvedjih kosti podobnih oblik m velikosti, kot je bila naša najdba, lahko izvabijo zvoki. Vzbuja se jih lahko na različne načine i ril ud i zvok lahko na več načinov spreminjamo, S tem dobimo preprosto glasbilo z določeno izrazno močjo ali pa signalni zvočni pripomoček, Č eprav originalne najdbe nismo neposredno preizkusili, pa menimo, da se tudi na njej lahko podobno izvabljajo zvoki kot na omenjenih rekon-striranih primerkih, 13». Conclusion Reconstructions of the suspected bone llute have shown that sounds can be made li oin bear bones ol similar shape and size as the find in question, They can be stimulated in various ways, and the sound can also be changed in a number of ways. We thus obtain a simple musical instrument with specific expressive power, or a signal sound accessory. Although the original find was not directly tested, we believe that similar sounds could he drawn from it as front the mentioned reconstructed examples. V liicraturi se tudi Večknu zasledi (npr. Uorusitzky 1955), da -.o luknjice v domnevnih piščulih vetjettin narejene po določenih vzorcih in morda vizualnih kriterijih m da je i loga višine spreminjanja zvoka lahko drugotnega pomena, h can also be found in the literature (c. g., Homsitzky 1955) ih.it holes in suspected tin id s are probably made on die basis of spcei l ie examples and pL-i I taps \ isual ¡criteria, and iliai the role of pitch changes m the sound may have been of second;! ry importance. 141) 14. Tipologija koščenih žv1žgavk, piščali in flavt 1er domnevna paleolïtska pihala Slovenije1 14. A typology of bone whistles, pipes and flutes and presumed palaeolithic wind instruments in Slovenia1 mirà omt.k/.ke.- l KRl.KP hvim-k Sosledno pojavljanje različnih tipov koSčcnih žvižgnvk in piščali iz stegnenic in golenk sesalcev m ptičjih uln i>lI paleolitskih kultur do.dunaSujih ljudskih glasbi! posvetu priča o arhe tipskem kulturnem elementu Človekove ustvarjal nas ti, ki presega Saiovne i a prostorske omejitve. Med slovenske posebnosti sodijo pa leolitske domnevne piSiali iz medvedjih Če lj ustnic, ki so naravno zvočilo, Poleg domnevnega glashda i/ Divjih t>iih I. ki hi utegnilo Piti piščal različnih lipov, nh lahko uvrSčamo med naj starejše piSiali fosilnega človeka, s katerimi se pričenja zgodovina in razvoj slovenskih, evropskih in svetu v mli glasbil. Extract The regular occurrence of different types ofbone whistles and pipes made from the thighbones and shinbones of mammals and the wtng-booes of birds, of which examples range from Palaeolithic time to present-day folk instruments from all over the world, points to an archetypal cultural element of man ^.creativity which goes beyond the limits of time aild sjiiiee. I'lirtienlar Slovene examples include pipes made from bear mandibles, which function as natural installments. When taken together with whal appears to he a musical instrument discovered in Divje babe I. Which could belong to several different types, these could be some of the very oldest pipes made by prehistoric man, which (.late from die very beginning of the history and the primal development of musical instruments in Slovenia, Europe and the world. 14.1. Uvod Pri študiju fosilnih koščenih piščali prihaja do terminoloških problemov, kako imenovati najzgodnejša domnevna glasbila preprostih oblik, Do sedaj ne ravno /clo števil ne študije o njih |ih imenujejo različno in le rutino loško neusklajeno. Vse, kar piska, in vse, iz česar je moč z ttsli m sapo izvabljati zvok, imenujemo v ustaljeni vsakdanji govorni jezikovni in ljudski rabi piščal, pišola itd, PiSčal je tudi sinonim za pihalni glashetii instrument iz družine aerofonov (Adlciič 1964, 367). Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika (1994) razlaga piščal kol preprosto glasbilo v obliki cevi. \ katero se piha, Curt Sachs (1962) razlaga slovanske različice piščali - pishal, piskalo. Pričujoči sestavek je delček daljSc Študije z naslovom Koščene piši ali, ki je v tisku (Etnolog LVII 6, Ljubljana 1997). Nemško Blasinstrumcnk', angleško wind instruments ali Mu wing instruments. 14.1. Introduction hi the study of fossilised bone pipes, one soon encounters problems of terminology: by what name can we call these, the earliest and simplest supposed musical instruments? The few works written on the subject so far tise different and mutually unmatched tenninol- Anything that you can whistle or from which a sound can be obtained by blowing with the mouth, is called a pipe iu the context of everyday conversation and in traditional folk usage. The word pipe itself also stands for a wind instrument2 from the family of aerophones (AdleSii 1964, p. 36?). The dictionary of Slovene Literary Language (Slovar slovenskegti flic article is a pari of a longer forthcoming study entitled Koščene piščuli (Bone pipes; Etnolog LVII/6, Ljubljana 1997). Biasinstnimente in i kmian. wind instruments or blowing instruments in English. 141) Tire* OfilM k<.«0 NIH ÎVI/iiAVK, PIS* M I IS H AVT Tr« IX1MV1 VHA PAISpUTSKA .....A1 * SlOVI NIH piszei, piSčal... - v nemškem prevodu k«.>i die i'j'aie, pu tudi kieine Flote, v angleškem pa kol pipe ali fife liai. fistula). Tako piščal prevajajo tudi slovarji nemškega in angleškega jezika. V slednjih primerih naj bi razumeli preproste piščali le z nekaj luknjami, večinoma visokozveneče in maloionske (Remnant l')78, 112 ss; Sachs 1940; Diagram group 1976), Piščali so torej aerofona glasbila različnih oblik in različnih možnosti zbujanja zvoka, Način, kako in kje pihamo, določa vrsio aerofona: pihalo ali trobilo, Vendar je tovrstna opredelitev preozka in premalo določna. Klasifikacija C Saehsa in ! .. llornhostla (glej Kumer 19H3), ki so jo za raz\ rSčanje raznovrstnih tn za klasično glasbeno prakso nenavadnih (ljudskih) glasbi I sprejeli predvsem etnomuzikologi, u\ rSÎÛ v veliko družino pihal (aerofonov) poddružino flavt, šalmajcv. klarinetov in trobil. Po akustiku Miroslavu Adlcšiču lahko pihata delimo preprosto tudi na ustnične piščali Iti a v le), jezične piščali (šal maje i it klarinete) in blazinaste piščali (trobila). Pri jezičnih piščal ih zvok vzbujamo s prenihajočtmi ah zadevajoči m i jezički m jih po dosedanjih mu/ikoloških raziskavah v paleoliiiku Se nlnajii. Paleolitske piščali najverjetneje tudi ne sodijo v tip nosnih piščal. pri katerih se zrak v ceveh vzbuja z nosnicami. Nosne piščali zahtevajo pri odprtem koncu glasbila tik pod robom eevi majhno odprtino (luknjico) /a nosno pihan je, konstrukcija tovrstnih piščali pa je precej zahtevna. Muzikolog Ale*ander Duchnei t1981 ) meni. tla brez dvoma naletimo v kameni dobi (misli na mlajši paleolitik) le na enostavne piščali (nemško Pfei/en in Knocftcnp/eijčn, angleško pipe in honepipe ( Remuant 1978)) iz naluknjanih kosti, ki imajo oblikovno le malo skupnega z več tisočletji mlajšo flavto. Najzgodnejše flavte se po mnenju muz.ikologov pojavijo v Evropi šele v 12. stoletju. Muzikološki in akustični terminologiji nista vedno istovetni, zato prihaja često do nesporazumov. Muzikologi razvrščajo glasbila tudi po zgodovinsko razvojnih različicah 1er tehnični dovršenosti: od preprostih žvižgavk in enostavnih piščali do tehnično dodelanih pihal, kot so npr. flavte. Evropska glasbena praksa razume z imenom /hite. Flote, flute, flauto... do srede IS, stoletja kljunasto podolžno piščal. kije vse do tedaj modnejša od prečne. Od srede 18, stoletja pa prične ime flavta označevati prečno piščal standardizirane cilindrične oblike in ustaljenega Števila lukenj (Sest prebiralk z eno palčno luknjo ali brez nje) 1er dobi opisni vzdevek t/ticr-, lilock-ali traversa-. Tudi muzikološki in razvoj no zgodov inski termin flavta je za številne paleolitske koščene piščali neuporaben in nejasen, saj domnevno ne pripadajo upu sodobne prečne ali kljunaste flavte, temveč m/no vrstnim &snOvnoLonskim odprtim podolžuiui plščalim, piščalim z morda ohranjeno cpiflzo ali cpiftzama in kÈstno I <>2 knjiznega jezika 1994) defines a "pipe" as a simple in-sirunient in I lie sliajie of a duet through which air is blown", ( Sachs (1962) gives different definitions for the Slavic expressions Ibr pipe, namely:pishal, piskalo. pis™ei and pisiul - which translate into (iciman as die Pfeife and kieirw Flote and into English as pipe or fife (Lai. fistula), You can find the same definition Of "pipe" in both German and English dictionaries. In our case, the word "pipe" mostly denotes a high-pitched or narrow-range insirument wiih a small number of holes (Remnant 1 #8. pp. 112 ss; Sachs 1940:1 )iagram (JitHip 1976), The "pipe" is, therefore, an aerophonic musical instrument whose shape and means of producing sound may differ from case to case. The differing types of aerophone may be defined by differences in both the way the air is blown and the place into which il is blown: whether n is a woodwind or a brass instrument. Hut nevertheless, these terms remain too narrow and imprecise. I lie classification which was devised by ( ". Sachs and I.I lornhostl (cl. Kumer 1983) was taken up. mostly by e lb no-imi si co log i sis. to accomodate the miscellany of those folk instruments which were Unusual within (lie conventional practice of music. It places within the large family of wind instruments (or aerophones) the sub-lam ilicsof flutcsjoboes, clarinets and brass instruments (trumpcis and horns). According to the acoustician M. Atllesic, \>i ind instruments can be more simply divided into pipes wiih an edge mouIItpicce (flutes), reed pipes (oboes and clarinets) and padding pipes (brass instruments). hi reed pipes, ilie sound is produced either by free or beating reeds, and according lo research conducted so far, these instruments: did not exist in the palaeolithic Age. Equally, palaeolithic pipes probably did not belong to the type of the nose pi pe, whore the ai r is blown into the duct from the nose. Nose pipes necessarily include a small opening (or hole) immediately under the edge ol the open end ol the instrument through which air is blown from the nose, and their structure is extremely eonipl icatcd. 1 he musicologist A. Huchner (f981) maintains that during the Stone Age - meaning the late palaeolithic -die only pipes would have been simple pipes or bone pipes ("Pjeifen" and "Knochi'tipfeifen" in German, see also Renuiani 1978) made from perforated hones, and that ihese have very liule in common with the flute, their younger ancestor by several millennia. According to prevalent opinion among musicologists, the earliest flutes appeared in Europe as late as the 12th century. But the respective terminologies of musicology and acoustics do not always coincide, and this causes frequent misunderstandings. A musicologist will distinguish instruments according to differences in their history and development, and according to ilie degree pftheir technical perfection: from simple whisiles and pipes lo more technically demanding wind instruments such as flules. In European musical practice, the word flute. A fYPflUKIY iii' IKIM svihsii I PICES ANI) MUM', AM) i'm sumi D r.-vi M Lil i Hill' wim1 i\MK|;mi Mli in SluVINIA sredico, lore j tudi kritim i" skodelastim piščalim, preprostim prečnim piščalim in celo trobilom (primer pisčali iz medvedje čdjuslnioc). Po mnenju mu/ikologov in elnomuiiikologov ( Moeck 195 1, 1 %9: Sachs 1940. 1962; Mcylan 1975; Meyer 1969) jo v prazgodovini tehnika prečne 11 avte malo znana, na kar je opozarjal Se posebej Hermann Moeek (1951) v svoji disertaciji, v kateri sledi razvoju piSčali v Evropi od najstarejše človeku ve zgodovine do danes. Akustični termin flavta, loje piSCal z zatičnorežo nI i brez nje in ostrimi ustničnimi robovi /a produkcijo zvoka, je prav tako preozek in se nanaša le napoddniiino pihal - flavti Steklenico ali ključ, na katera so piska, akustiki označujejo kot glasbilo lip;] flavt. Označitev često tudi zavede opredeljevanje in citiranje glasbil, saj se izenači s flavto v zgodovinsko razvojnem (muzikološkcin) in tehnološkem smislu: preprosta žviignvka v ustnikom tipa flavte poslane flavta standardiziranih oblik, hi arheologi neredko tudi nekritično prevzemajo icrtnut flavta za vsa domnevna fosilna pihala. Med paleolitskimi koščenimi glasbenimi priprav ami od k ri vai no glasbila različnih ne sta ndardi-zi ranih oblik iz različnih poddružin aerofonov: tako iz pihalne družine flavt kot tudi trobil in prostih aerofonov (brnivk). Kadar govorimo o t ipologiji različnih pihal od /vižgavk S! 14 1: Švicarske ljudske koščene /vi/gavke (1,21 h mivke (i, JI in pišČLih (5.6) (Meyer tlW>) liisba: Dragica K nitk L. under iïjfj 1-t.l: Swiss folk bone whistles 11, 2). free aerophones (hull-nwrers) (.1, 4) and whistle limes or pipes (5. t>) (Meyer IW)9). Drawing: Dragica Knilie Linlder. Flow, fifth' or jfjauto denotes a beaked, end-blown straight pipe which was more popular than its transverse relative up until the middle oft be I8th century. But from the middle of the iKih century on wants, the word flute came to denote a transverse or cross pipe of standard cylindrical shape and a constant numbef;-of holes f six fmgerhoSes and one or no thumbholg), and we find diversities described by the prefixes que?-, Block- or traversa-. But still the musicological and historical term flute* is not clear enough and cannot be used tor the numerous palaeolithic bone pi pes because they do not seem to belong to the type of either the modern transverse or the older beaked flute, but rather to a variety of grot nuit one open vertical pipe, to pipes with à preserved epiphysis or an epiphysis with retained spougiosc, stopped and vessel pipes, lo simple cross pipes and even to a group of instruments we can denote as brass instruments. of which the bear-mandible pipe would be an example. Musicologists and ethno-mnsicologists I Moeek 1951, I %9; Sachs 1940, 1%2: Meylân 1975; Meyer 1969) maintain that the cross fluie was little known in prehistoric limes, and this point was particularly emphasised by Moeek s thesis ( Moeck 1951) in WInch he s ketch ess the development of the pipe in Europe from the earliest history of mankind to lite present day. In the discipline of acoustics, llie icrtn "Flute" denotes a pipe with or without a slit, and with a mfluth-piece fashioned to a sharpened edge for the production of" the sound, but the term is again too narrow, since it refers only to the llute sub-family of wind instruments. A bottle or even the key when used as a pipe is often described by the acoustics experts as an instrument of the flute type. And tins definition is often misleading when it comes to the classification and listing of musical instruments as it comes to denote the flute in the historical (musicological) and technical sense; according to this definition even a simple whistle with the mouthpiece of the flute type becomes a standard flute, bqually, areheblogists often use the expression flute uncritically for all supposed fossil wind instruments. i lie musical devices made from fossil bones include musical instruments of various non-standard shapes from different sub-families of the aerophone, sue h as the examples from the wind instrument family of II ales, brass instruments and tree aerophones, For the typology of various wind instruments ranging from whistles to limes lo trumpets, only the expression pipe appears sufficiently broad to encompass ¡ill these supposed instrument and is therefore the most appropriate.1 thus the find from Divje babe I, which can be described in terms of a musical instrument, can without ' Tako lahko rečemo, da je npr. med orgelskimi piSčalmi po ' Therefore, according to the criteria of acoustics, almost a akustičnih merilih skoraj Čemi™ p:šiali tipa tlavt. parter of organ pipes could Iv defined as belonging to the flute type. Tilt* I.....A K"!KI Slpil 2VI2G/LVK. FfSCAl I IN H W1 m DOWN I VNA MLKFIMISK v MHAf A Si OVISIJI in flavt ter trobil, se mi zdi termin piSčai za vsa ta domnevna glasbila dovolj širok in zato najustreznejši.' Tudi domnevan glasbilo iz Divjih bab 1 lahko široko in neomejeno opredelimo kot piščal in se tako izognemo nesporazumom, ki bi utegnili nastati zaradi razlik v akustični in mu/ikološki terminologiji. Ub rekonstrukcijah glasbila se zastavljajo tudi vprašanja o morebitnih prezrtih neznanih tipolo&kdt komponentah, ki bi utegnile dati fosilni kosti / luknjami tudi drugačno poddružinsko ime. Bolj gotovo je le njeno družinsko ime: pihalo (aerofon) oziroma glasbilo v obliki cevi, v katero se piha. to je piščal. 14.2. Oris razvoja piščaei in tipologija KOŠČENIH PIHAL Eden od pogojev za piščalje, daje stena iz toge trdite snovi, Zato so kosii zelo primerne, ker so precej trajne, čeprav lahko /apiskamo tudi na rastlinska stebla. PisčiUi imajo eevi odprte (odprte piščal i) ali enostransko /uprle (krite pišeali J.1* V 20. stoletju uporabljamo v glasbene namene predvsem slednje -mednje sodijo tudi današnje 11 avte - predvsem odprte pišeali pa v (ljudskih) in si rum enta nji h različnih kulturnih tradicij. Zaprte cevi ali škode le / Luknjami so morda na i starejša Človekova zvočila, najenostavnejša pa prav gotovo. Mednje sodijo palcolitske žvižgavke5 z eno ali Več luknjam t v prstnih Členkih sodoprslarjev. Znane pa naj bi bile od ntousleriena dalje. Iz prstnih členkov so tudi brnivke (.v/. 14.3: J), na videz zelo podobne žvižgavkain, a imajo obojestransko prebito ali predrto luknjo, skozi katero je mogoče potegnili vrvico, kožo ali rastlinsko vlakno in jih štejemo po Sachs-Horn-bostlovi klasifikaciji med proste aerofone. Tudi po mnenju arheologov (Horusitzky 1955; Dohosi J985 in drugih) in arheoetnotnuzikologov (Mejlan llJ75: Moeck 1951, 1969) so žvižgavke iz prstnih členkov sodoprstaijev (najpogosteje severnega in gozdnega jelena, kozoroga) in tudi drugih živali, kot npr. jamskega medveda, najstarejše zvočne priprave v i-vropi, ki jim sledimo od paleolilika do današnjih dni (Moeck 1969, 46). Raymond Meylan [1975, 13) pa zatrjuje, da so skodela,ste pišeali tipa žvižgavk najstarejše pjščali, ki jih najdemo od Južne Amerike do Kitajske, Azije in I. v rope. Sledimo jih v vseh obdobjih človekove zgodovine od paleoiitika dalje tv/ ¡4.2), Izdelovali naj bi jih /a signaliziranje, vabljenje alt plašenje živali ( v/ ¡4.!)." Ni pa nujno, da je členek votel. Zadostuje že cc je eev povsem zaprta, ne more sevati v /vnuui polje, ' Angleško bi jmii rekli irhistles ali whistles pipeif, nemško I ud i ilie rfvi/c. t udi podelil» piščalko, enostransko zaprto / eno ustitično luknjo in eno prebira Iko ob strani revi, označujejo Angleži z whixtfa. 1 Ker je bil !i. Meylan praktik, je seveda preizkusil izvabiti undue limitation be defined as a pipe, and in this way we can avoid any misunderstandings which may arise due to the differences in terminology between acoustics and musicology. With regard to the reconstruction of the instrument, ii must betaken into account that some of its typological eomponants may have been ignored, and that these components may have given the peí tora led losstl bone a place in a different sub-family. Therefore, only the generic family can be asserted with a sul-ficicnt degree of certainly; as a wind instrument (aerophone) or musical instrument that has the form of a duel which is blown into; ail of which is to say: a pipe. 14.2. An overview of mi: development of the pipe and a typology of hon i wind instruments. It is essential in the making of a pipe that the duct wttlls are made from a firm and rigid material. Although sounds can also be produced from the stalks of plants, bones are much more durable and therefore better suited to the purpose. The ducts of pi pes are open (open pipes) or closed on One side (stopped or closed pipes).* In the 20th century, stopped pipes - which include the contemporary flute - are the most wide-spread, while open pipes tend to lie eon lined to the category of folk instruments from different cultural traditions. Partly stopped pipes or vessels w ith holes may be the oldest and arc undoubtedly the most simple musical instruments. I bey include palaeolithic whistles 1 with One or several holes, which are made from phalanges of eve n-toed ungulates. These arc known to have existed from the Moustcrian period onwards. The same bones are used for instruments which are esternal ly very similar to whistles I Fig. ¡4.3: .?), and differ only in that they have been perforated so that a string, hide or plant fibre may be looped through and which Lire classilied by (.'. Sachs and !:. Ilornbosll lis free aerophones (bull-roarers). Both archeologisis (llorusitzky 1955: Dobosi 1985 and others) and archeo-elhno-musieologisls {Meylan 1975 and Moeck 1951, 1969) also agree that whistles made from phalanges of ungulates (reindeer, red deer and ibex) and other animals, such as cave bear, are the oldest sound-producing devices in Europe, and these instruments can be traced from the Palaeolithic Age right rip to the present day (Moeck 1969, p, 46), R, Meylan (1975, p. 13) even goes on to claim that vessel 1 11" the duct is completely Closed, there can be no expansion of itie sound Into the sound Held. Also Whistle /lipes in English and die Pjeife in tierman. the Pnglish word whistle also denotes an ood stopped straight pipe with ¡i saigle nninth hole and ;i single fiugerlitile on i he sule of the duct 141) A rvmijckiy hi itum uiinsins, rti'i samimi i i .isnini -ii mid mai aioi itiim uim> ism hi mi sis is Si t a-i mi ustrezna vdolbina v kosmi sredici. Po mnenju velikega raziskovalci) sve lov nega glasbenega instriimenlarija Curta Saehsa (1940, 44 ss) so žvižgavke razvojno pred preprostimi vertikalnimi in prečnimi flavtami, Najzgodnejše podolžne žvižgavke (\\>hist!e flutes) so izdelane \/ ptičji h kosti (I lahn in Miinzel 1995), Zdi sc tudijpda številne paleolitske in mlajše po do Iv ne koščene pisen! i pripadajo tipu žvižgavke, l ip žvižgavke i/ prslnih členkov živali sc je t ¡pol oš ko ohranil tudi med evropskimi etnični 111 i skupinami in sicer kot otroška zvočna igrača npr. v Skandinaviji, na Madžarskem in v Švici (si. 14,1 iu/tf.J) (Sarosi 1967. Rauchmami-Geiser 1981; Moeck 1969: Ltffld 1985: Sevag 1969). Ton žvižgavke je odvisen od j a kosti in smeri pihanja na luknjiČni rob, S k odela ustvari SI !4J H mivke i/kosi« (Land I'»i5) 1. Mlajši palcolitik (Danska), - Bmivkn i/ menipudija svinje (Skandinavija). Risba: Dragica Knlfic Luiiter, Fig. 14.2: Free aerophonia (bull-roarers) made df bone (Lund I9K5). I, l.aiePalaeolilhie I Denmark t 2. Irec aerophone (bull-roarer) made of sivine melapodium (Scandinavia). Drawing: Dragica Knifie Lunder, zvoke i/ jelen«vc3£ prstnega členka, ki ga hranijo v Schwcizerischeti 1 aiidesmuseum a Ziirichu, in ugotov il, da je mogoče povsem lire/ Huda dobiti i/ žvižgavke oster in rezek ion. ki zazveni eelo na meji človeku sprejemljivih frekvenc. H. Moeek (1969. 4h) je opqzuril tudi na skoraj povsem prezrt način rabe prStnočlenske ž.viigavke. pri kateri h po rabni k luknjo prekrije s prsiom in tako ustvari n p piši al i / jedmm. O podobni tehniki si; lahko poučimo ludi v izročilu Oceanije. Pri piščalih z npr prcSiroko luknjo [ustnicno f» i—\ hp. -a 1 2 n lik- ti 3 4 Si, N.2. Zviigavke iz kosti prstnib ilcnkov i/ tnadiurskih paleolitskih najd™j (/ L-nn :i!i vei Ijjknjicami) (Dobosi 1985}. Risba Dragica Knifie I. under. Fig. 1-1.2: Whistles I rum phalanges (with one or several holes) discovered m Hungarian Palaeolithic sites (Dobosi 1985). Draw i ng: Dragica Kni (ic Luntlur. pipes of the whistle type are also the oldest pipes which eim be found in Southern America, China, and Asia as well as i mi rope. Their development can be traced through all periods of human history from the palaeolithic age onwards (Fig, 1-1.2). 11 is supposed that they were produced to send warning messages and lo attract or frighten animals (Fig. 14.1)2 But the finger bone is not necessarily hollow. An appropriate indentation in the spongiosc matter will suffice, According to C; Sachs (194(1, pp. 44 on), one of the greatest authorities on the world's musical instruments, the whistle precedes both the simple end-blown and ¡the transverse llute. The earliest vertical whistle flutes were made from bird bones (I [aim & Miinzel 1995). Many bone and straight pipes ofbolhthe Palaeolithic and later ages seem to belong to the whistle type. Instruments of the whistle lype made from animal phalanges have also survived among other European ethnic groups as children's musical toys: such as examples from Scandinavia, I lungary and Switzerland (Sarosi 1967: liauchmann-Gciser 1981; Mocck 1969; Lund i '¡85; Sevag 1969 )(Figs. 14.1 and 14,. i). The pitch of the whistle depends on She force and direction with which you blow across the edge of the hole, below Asa practical man, U Meykin tried to produce a sound from the phalanx of the red deer kept in Schweizcrisclten I.aiidesmuseiim of Ziirieh and thus found out I hat I he whistle easily produced a piercing tone which extends to the very limit of frequencies si ill perceptible to man. II, Moeck (1969, p. Jft) also pointed to the almost completely forgotten use of the (Ingcr-bone whistle, in which the musician covers the hole with the finger, thus creating .i pipe with plug. A similar technique can also be found in the traditions oft )ceania, hi pipes with an excessively wide hole (mouth ikiic), the musician places one linger from each hand into the hole and blows between them, thus ni"iui;i I ly ereat -ihg the block or plug as well as ¡lie tine, which makes the action of blowing ninth easier I Fig. 14.11:7). This technique can also be employed lo adjust I he basic intonation til7 2t).l hi nnxwt taist'ivm tvift iavk, rjscai lis rum i h k »omni-.vsa i-al i.oi tissa itiiai a ki ni odprta, potrebujemo le eno luknjo za pihanje in piščal lahko zazveni vsaj v enem tonu. (> tovrstni praksi pričajo izroCila prvotnih ljudstev npr. Oceanije in Afrike ter stare Amerike odprtino) ntuzikant vtakne v luknjo Se pn en prst vsake roke in piha v glasbilo med obema prstoma, ki tako tvorita jedro ali nos piSčali ter usliueno režo, kar olajšuje pihanje (si 14. II: 'j. Vendar je lo tehniko mogoče uporabljati ludi zato. da se s prsi i uravnava osnovna inlonacija piSČali Intonančnu prilagajanje je pomembno tudi pri so igri. morila pa še iz kakšnega drugega razloga. * V [jem šli ni i - das Kerb, piščal pa die Kt ■rhfk/ic. 141) which the body of the instrument creates a resonating reservoir of air. Another example of this type of musical instrument is the resonating conch from the Neolithic, which must be big enough lobe playable I lollow teeth, which can also be used as small whistles, themselves fall into the same category. (Calin I9XX, p. 136). No whistles made of finger bones are known from palaeolithic sites in SLovema. The only example of this type was made from the finger bone of an adult cave hear and discovered in Potoeka zijalka, Inn uufortunately, has since been destroyed (S. Brodar and M. Brodar 19X3, p. 155). At the Institute of Archeology in the Scientific Research t Venire of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts, there is only a damaged example of a swine metapode vutli two holes dating from the MesolithieAgC. t<.\ A [YlimUrl • ■ I LIL1M- WHIM I I S. P'll'l S FUJI I ^ AMI I'Hl SUMI D IVll 4KH lililí M [Mí ISSIKl MEWS IS Si Iftl NtA Za podolfrlc flavlcje lahko značilen tudi kljunu podoben ustnični nastavek (kljunaste flavte) (si. 14. Ji: 14). Znotraj nastavka je jedro ali nos (si. 14.6).'' Po mnenju Horusitzkcga (1955) in Meylana 11975) so prazgodovinski lovci preprosto napravili \ sredino kostne spongioze samo luknjo (rezu), kostne sredice pa niso povsem odstranili. Tako nepopolno odstranjena spon g i oz a ima lahko vlogo nosu ali jedra piščali. Pri pihanju \ nastalo režo se kosi oglasi z enim tonom. Na podoben način izdelana enostavna glasbila tudi se vedno najdemo nied sodobnimi ljudstvi diski mi. Ameriški Indijanci itd.). Prve piščali z jedrom so torej lahko pisca! i z nosom iz kostne spongioze, pri katerih nos usmerja zrak skozi režo" proti ostri ustnici piščali, Ustnice piščali iz reže iztekajoči zračni tok razde le, tako nastanejo 1. i', rezilni toni. Podolžne piščali se od prečnih razlikujejo Se po tem. tla imajo ob zgornjem delu (danes bi rekli v glav i piščali) zračni zbiralnik. Prečna flavta nima ustniku SI. ¡4 4 Bolgarska koščena podolzna pisca I-ti/ara \t orlovc ulne f ustničnim izrezom in palčno luknjo (ali brc/), ki sojo izdelovali pastiiji do konca 19- stoletja (Atanasov 1077}. Risba: Dragica Knific Lundcr. Fig. 14,4 Bulgariait straight bone pipe—:«/«™, madeofeagle vving bone, witb a rioteh and (aiso without)ihuinbhok\ cralted h v shephcrds until tbe end of Ihe l')ih ecntury (Atanasov 1^77) t)rawing: Dragica Kuific I tinder. '' Nemško das Kern. 111 V nemščini (J, die JÜmtspaitflote. and simultaneously closing or slopping it a I the other. When stopped, only a single hole for blowing would be necessary to make the pipe sound in al least one distinct nine. This manner of usage produces a number of simple sound combinations, which one can imagine being used in ¿i ritualistic practise, such as that found in the heritage of the natural peoples of Oceania, Africa and ancient America. A characteristic of straight flutes is a beak-like mouthpiece (beaked flutes) (Fig. 14.U: 14). Inside the mouthpiece, a block or a plug is located (Fig. ¡4.6)." According to Z. Norusitzky (1955) and K. Mevlan (1975), pi eh i storic burners simply made a hole (or a slit) in the middle of the spongiose matter which itself was not completely removed. This left the remaining spongiose itself lo function as the plug or block in the mouthpiece of the pipe. I)y blowing through this slit jji the bone, a single tone can be produced. Similar simple instruments can still be found among some contemporary natural peoples, such as (he b.skimos or North American Indians. It seems fair lo assume therefore that the first duct pipes may have employed just such a m u SI. 14.5: KoSčcnc pišiali / eno luknjo za vabljenje vider (60 ■ 79 mil) >. ki so jih izdelovali švedski lovci \st: do leta 1'J.tO i/ račjih, go&jih in galebjih uln in golcnic; piščali .so / jedrom (nosom) m brez n.smitiuh rež, odpn konec cevi pa se masi / roku Lili prstom in Inko izvablja u glasbilu različne tonske viSitK-(Karsk Škagbmekimisčum F ivcrum iti Nnr.sk Folkc-nuíseum Oslo), Risba: Dragica Kuific l.uruk-r. Fig 14.5. Bone pipe.s with li single hule (60 - 71) 1111111 far altraetiiiL! ottcrs, ct.dted by Swedisli honlers until 19.1(1 I rom duck,goosc and sCagilll winu. Imnts arkdshin bi>ne>: the pipes liavc a híock (or plug) bat tto mouthpiece riok h. and the open end ofthe ducl is ü loscd « ilh a liand ur tmgcrj which iniikus the i n si ni 11 il-ni produce difieren I pilches (fsorsk SkagbruÍEk-rnuseitin Klvcrum and Norsk Folkemuseum Oskd. Dntwing: Dragica Knilie Lunder '' Das Kern in German. 141) n o t s o o LA U Timh [XillA KOSlTNNI AIA.AV K, i'lSiWl t in fi AVT TNI UOWNBVKA 1'AI LIH ITSKA rillALA SlOVI.MUI (ustnicne odprtine) na vrhnjem robu ali lik pod njim, temveč oh strani levi, odmaknjen od zgornjega roba. Pihanje v ustnik oblikuje zračili tok, ki pod različnimi koii (odvisno od načina pihanja vanjo) udaija v nasprotni rob ustnika in ustvarja rezilni ion." Po enciklopedičnem delu in temeljitih raziskovanjih svetov ne glasbene inštrumenta I ne dediščine tudi prazgodovinske - je Sachs (1940) zaključil, da sodijo najstarejše piščali v tip piščali z jedrom in režo. V tem mnenju se mu pridružuje tudi Moeek (1969, 41). Jedro alt nos lahko te/i v piščali v isoko, srednje ali nizko. Votla cev zazveni v osnovnem tonu, ki ustreza dolžini piščali in ga barvajo višji delni harmonični toni. Posamične delne tone vzbujamo \/ zvočnega spektra s tehniko prepihavanja,1' s katero dobimo iz votle cevi piSčali narav no tonsko vrsto a I i kvot ni h tonov, z Ink njami pa tudi druge tone. ki nastajajo ob nihajnih vozlih lukenj.1 L luknjami prcbiralkami obogatimo torej zvočne možnosti naravne danosti piščali. Seveda pa vsako cev ni mogoče enako prepiha vali. Menzura iu oblika notranje odprtine piščali nadalje omogoča ali omejuje oglašanje delnih ionov.11 Preširoke ali preozke cevi onemogočajo prepihavau je. Maj ustreznejše so cevi s srednjo men/uro {npr. tipa menzurc današnjih vertikalnih in prečnih flavt), ki omogočajo prepiha vanje večine delnih tonov. Sem sodijo tudi men/ure .stegnenic mladih in odraslih jamskih medvedov. Z ozirom na notranjost piščali so menzure koščenih piščali nepravilnih s-oblik in jih je možno prepihavali. Obema tipoma flavt in raznovrstnim piščali m lažje intoniranje omogočajo luknje {prstne luknje prebira I ke), Osnovni ton glasbila pa je odvisen tudi od tega, kako pihalec vzbuja glasbilo (cev) k zvenenjn. Prava umetnost je tehnika postavljanja lukenj. I .uknja na akustičnem mestu t mestu vozlišča valovanja zraka v cevi) omogoča zvenenje v harmonični vrsti manjkajočih tonov. Luknja ne sme bili ne premajhna (polmer vsaj 1 mm) nt ne preširoka, saj je tudi s prstom in mogoče zatesniti, pa tudi sicer se pri določeni Širini osnovni ton ne oglasi več. Najpomembnejša je lega lukenj."' Piščali iz kosii z vdolbenimi, izvrtanimi, pretolčenimi ali vdrtimi luknjami imajo najpogosteje Vendar prečna flavta zagotovo ni sodobna evropska iznajdba. Raymond Meylan( ll>7>. 21) navaja najdbe i/ traka (Tape (¡a\vra. 3000- 4000 pred našim Štetjem > več piščali i / kosti, ki nedvomno sodijo med predhodnice prečne flavte, ki so enostransko zaprte in s šestimi luknjami. Nadaljnja raziskovanja bodo pokazala, če predhodnice prečnih lin vi lahko iščemo mdt v evropski ledenodobni preteklosti. '' Cim močneje se piha, višji tilikvotlU ion ne oglasi Tako pišeaI zazveni v frekvenci dolžine piščali do pokrite luknje prebiralkc " Čim krajša je cev, tem višji toni se oglase. Konično ck s ven i rane ali konično inverttranc so vse naravne piščali. npr. žtvaski rog, 1,1 Najpreprostejši danes znani ljudski instrumenti iniajo luknje 20fi spongiose plug to direct air through a slii111 in the flute's lip The air blown through the slit is divided in tile lip of the pipe, and thus sharp-edge tones are created. Straight pipes differ from transverse pipes in that they contain an air reservoir ill the upper part (what we call today, the whistle head), The transverse flute does not have a mouthpiece or mouthpiece hole either on or under the upper edge of the instrument, but instead on ihe side of the duct, away from the upper edge, By blowing into this transverse mouthpiece, a How of air is created which, according to the technique of blowing, can he diller-ently angled to strike against the opposite side of the mouthpiece io create a sharp-edge tone." AI tile conc lusion ot his vast and thorough research into the world heritage oi musical instruments, a research that included prehistoric types of instrument in its scope, C. Sachs (llJ4(l) himself concluded that the very earliest pipes belonged to the type of duct pipe with block and flue. In ihis. he is supported by H. Moeck (1^69, p. 41) The block or plug can he located al a high, middle or low position on the pipe. A hollow duct produces a groundtone which is determined by the length oft he pipe and this basic sound can be enriched by exploring the harmonies oft he same tone. Individual harmonic tones can he produced through Ihe simple technique of overblowing, with which a natural range of aliquot tones can be produced from the hollow duct of a pipe, and in addition, a further range of tones can be produced al Ihe oscillation knots by playing on the tingerliolc.s. Thus fingcrholes enlarge the sound-producing capac ity of the pipe. Hut overblow ing cannot he applied to every ducted instrument in the same way. The internal proportion, or mensure, and shape of the inner cylinder of the pipe can either contribute to or diminish the possibility oi harmonic production." II a duel is excessively wide or excessively narrow, then the possibility of overblowing is excluded. Most appropriate are duets with an even mensure {as arc. for example, the proportions of present-day vertical and transverse Mutes) which allows most of Ihe tonal harmonics to he overblown. We find such appropriate mensure in the thighbones of young and adult cave hears. And apropos of the interior form, the internal proportion of a bone 111 Die KiTiispollftdtv in German. 11 The transverse flute, though, is not a modem European invention, According io R. Meylan 11975. p, 21) several end-stopped bone pi|ves with sis fingcrholes have been found in Iraq (Tape Gawra. 3000 - 4000 DO and these are clearly predecessors of the trans verses flute. Further research will reveal if ihe predecessors of the transverse flute dating from lee Age can also be found m Europe, '■' The harder you blow, the higher the harmonies ' 11111s the pipe sounds in the frequency of its lenglli as lilt as the Intgerholi'. |J The shorter the duel, the higher the tone. A IYHHrH,yiiF WWil IVIIISTI i MI'is AMI I i i i i s lui iim ML M i ll 11 nil WIKIi ISbFTtl'Mff-TS IS Sll)\ I-ÍU eno, dve ali ti i luknje Pogosto dve na eni stmti in eno luknjo na drugi strani piščali. kar omogoča iLic.ii igro (pokrivanje prebiraIk) zgolj s prsti ene roke. Enoroina igra se izkaže se posebej pripravna pri obrednih opravilih. Vendar so lahko luknje na kosteh izpaleolilske dobe tudi brc/ glasbenega pomena, na kar je opozarjal Moeck 11 969, 51). tudi Sat !is (194(1; I 962) opozarja na "neglasbena razmišljanja" pri tej problematiki. Še zlasti pri glasbilih, ki so del obrednega uiširumentarija, ne ozirajo se na časovno iu pros It irsko Opredeljenost piščalk Lega lukenj ie lahko tudi povsem slučajna, torej so luknje postavljene nesistematično. Drugič spet zunanji izgled pisca 11 ni pomemben ali pa imajo luknje na njej lahko okrasno vlogo, četudi spremenijo višino osnovnega zvena votle cevi t Sachs 1940, 43). Tonska višina iii nujno pomembna. Tako nas učijo civilizacije naravnih ljudstev. Pomemben je "nevidni /ven", ki prihaja i/ piščali in je opredeljen kol "vsemočni duh" stvarstva ali prodnika, /vočilo lahko služi zgolj za proizvajanje enega samega tona, ki je tonsko izredno učinkovit, če je ritmiziran, kadar muzicirala dva ali celo več ljudi hkrati s podobnimi enotonskimi Z.VOČili, je nastali zvok že dovol j bogai, da bi bilo uvajanje novih zvočnih višin tudi povsem odv eč. Po Saehsu 11940.441 naj hi najzgodnejše piščali zvenele z enim samim tonom, ptebiialke pa naj bi uvedb mnogo kasneje. Naravna ljudstva uporabljajo pri muz Karanju s lako preprostimi glasbili še Icllili k e barvanja zvoka z samoglasniki (pelje samoglasnikov v cev), ki dodatno bogatijo dobljene tone. Vemo pa, daje največja moč transcendentalnega zvoka v njegovem konstantnem ponavljanju in nittriziranju določene frekvence. Več pihalcev skupaj ustvari še bogatejši zvočni spekter frekvenc, ki zvenijo različno. Pomembno je zvočno bogastvo različnost i. Zato jc lahko rii o SI ! J 6: Piičal vabljenje vider i/ račje gol en ice (61) mm) z jedrom; osrednji nos piščali je iz vosku (I kiugesuiid Museum, HuugCSDiid) Risba; Dragico Knitjc I .under. Fig. 14:6: Pipe for ali I raci ing otters, made of duck shin bone ¡Ml mini with block: the central plug of the pipe i^ made of wax (lluiigesuiid Museum, Háugcsund). Drawing: Dragica Knifie I.under. postavljene na četrtini, polovici iu na u iíeti iini cevi. / njimi lahko vzbujamo osnovni um, oktavni ton in duodecimo). pipe is of an irregular x-shaped men Sure that itself does permit overblowing. En both llute types and tlie various types of pipe, the judgement of pitch or intonation is made possible by the holes in the duct itself, which is lo say. fingcrlioles. The groundtonc of an instrument also depends on how the player makes the instrument (or the duet) resound. The task of positioning the holes is very demand* tug. A hole at an acoustic point (the point where a knot appears) allows for the production of a harmonic range of missing tones. Fhe holes must be neither too small -the minimum should be at least Inuti in diameter - nor ton big lo be closed with a linger and so lo interfere permenantly with the basic groundtonc. The position of the holes tliei n selves is. therefore, of the utmost importance. " Bone pipes usually have one, iwoorthree holes variously hollowed out, drilled, punched through or otherwise perlbraluig the bone material. Usually, these are distributed with two on one side of the pipe and one on the other which enables the musician to perform the action of opening and closing the fingcrlioles with otie hand only. I lie one-hand technique is particularly practical during rituals, But the holes in Palaeolithic bones may nol have a musical significance, a I act which was pointed out by H. Moeck (1969, p. 5 ]). C, Sachs (1940; 1962) also draws attention to related "non-musical issues". particularly in respect of instruments whose use is con nee ted with ritualistic practise regardless ofw here or when ii was made The position of the holes may be completely arbitrary and unsystematic. In others, the external appearance of the pipe can be of no relevance to its iiiusicaliiy. antl (he holes themselves are limiied to a decorative function, whether or not they change the pitch oft he groundtonc of the duct (Sachs 1941). p. 43), The pitch is not necessarily important, as is evident from the cultural practise of natural peoples. What is significant is the "invisible sound" emanating from the pipe, which is purported to be the "omnipotent spirit" oft rea-tion or of an ancestor, The function and efficiency of the instrument may, in this way, be limited lo the production of a single rhythmical tone. II two or more musicians play togetheroji similar single-tone instruments, they produce a sufficiently rich sound and the introduction of new sound pitches becomes redundant. According to C Sachs 11940. p. 44). the earliest pipes were limited to single tone production and finger holes were introduced al a much later date. In playing music with such simple instruments, natural peoples employ vocal techniques (vocalising into the duct) in order to enrich All natural pipes such as animal horns, are either cónica I ly extroverted or conicallv introverted. 1,1 The holes on the most simple folk instruments known today are arranged along one-quarter, hal for three-quarters of the length of the duct and produce the grotindtone, oetave tone and duodecimo respectively. 141) Tfl'iiln nilJA Kvi-.\ni- iskanje tonskih višin paleolitskih piščaii povsem odvečno in nepotrebno delo. Luknja V kosi i nas lako tudi /avede: morda je bila namenjena le /a obešanje kosi i (ritualnega predmeta?) okoli vratu. Vendar nas piščali iz Oceanije npr. učijo, da so luknje za obešanje vedno manjše od prstnih ali se nahajajo na legah zunaj niza lukenj prebira I k ali na obeh straneh ustnika (podolžne) piščali. Luknje, ki imajo funkcijo ustnika, morajo imeli ostre robove, prstne luknje pa ne nujno. Luknje prebiral ke so lahko tudi povsem nepravilnih oblik (Meyer 1909, Vt). P6 raziskavah Moecka (1969, ) so prstne luknje lahko okrogle; izdolbljene navpično steni piščali (take so najpogoste jše), okrogle z ostrgan i no, (take so predvsem arheološke najdbe iz palcolitika. neolitika in starega Kima), nadalje okrogle in poševno vdolbljene v steno piščali (najpogostejše v Lvropi m Aziji), ovalne in eelo oglate (predvsem v Južni Ameriki, \ Oceaniji in v Sredozemlju). Tudi ni nujno, da bi morale razdalje med luknjami ustrezali razmikom prstov na roki, Še zlasti, če ima piščal le dve prcbiilalki. saj bi piskavee lahko prijel vsako luknjo z enim prstom obeh to k. Ustnik (iahium) ali ust nična luknja oz. odprtina mora biti ustrezno obdelana, Rob ustnika mora biti dovolj oster, da je mogoče s pihanjem nanj ustvariti rezilni ton, Ustnik podolznih piščali mora imeti gladek izrez, ati oster (odrezan) rezilni rob cevi. Tako ravno odrezane kosti, kjer je morda Se mogoče razpoznali morebitne ustnične zareze oziroma izte/e ovalnih oblik, lahko vidi m o tudi na paleolitskih piščalih iz votlih labodjih kosti iz aurignaeienskih in gravedienskih pkisli najdišča Isturit/. v francoskih Pirenejih, ¿al so tudi že poškodovane in zalomljene. Zareze in izrezi bi utegnili hiti prvotno usmični nastavki piščali. t e bi slednje držalo, bi isturiške piščali lahko uvrstili med podolžne piščali z ust nični mi izrezi (Uuisson 1990.424, si. 2; 425, si. 3: 4, 6 - K; 426. si, 4: 1,2. H; 427, si. 5: 1,2). St N. 7: Koščene pihati i/ ženskega graba (l>. stoletje, 54 muh. gtavanger Museum, Smvangcr). Risba; Dragica K ni lic 1.under. Fig. i4.7: Bone pipes from a woman's grave (9thcentury, 54 mm, StavangerMuseum, Stav anger], Drawing: Dragica Kniftc I under. lite sound. We know that the strongest characteristic of ritualistic music is the constant repetition and rhythmic playing of a given frerpjency. A group of several musicians together create a greater range of different sound frequencies. What is important is an extensive variety of sound. The search for different pitches in Palaeolithic pipes may therefore prove a futile task. I he existence of a hole in the bone may iisell be misleading: if may have been made merely to hang the hone (which itself may merely have been a ritua! object) around the neck, Among the pipes from Oceania we find that the holes made tor hanging an object arc-always smaller than fmgerholes and located either outside the line of the fmgerholes or on both sides of the mouthpiece of the (straight) pipe. In the mouthpiece hole, the edge of the slii must always be sharp, but this kind of finish is optional lor the lingerholes. The shape of the lingerholes may even be irregular (Meyer 1969, p. 36). According to research conducted by H. Mneek i 1969, p. 5.1), tingcrholes may be round and are. in most eases, hollowed out vertically through the wall of the pipe, they may be round and scraped into the pipe (such examples abound among areheological finds front the Palaeolithic, Neolithic and ancient Roman Period); or. they may be round and hollowed into the side of the pipe ai an angle (such examples are common in Luropc and Asia); or they may be oval or even angular as is commonly found in instrument types from South America, <)ceania and the Mediterranean. The distance between holes does not necessarily correlate to the distance between the lingers of one hand, this is particularly the case in pipes where we find only two fmgerholes which can be closed only with a finger of either hand. I lie mouthpiece (labium), mouili-hole or mouth opening must be of a suitable shape. The edge of the mouthpiece must be sufficiently sharp to produce a sharp-edge tone when blown, 1 he mouthpiece ol straight pipes must have either a smooth slit or sharp leul-olT) edge, We can recognise these kind of bones with straight, cut-oil'edges, bearing evidence of what may have been a mouthpiece notch or oval slit, among the palaeolithic pipes made from hollow swan bones which were discovered in the Aurignactati and Gravettian layers at Isiuritz in the t rench Pyrenees Unfortunately, all these examples are damaged or broken Nevertheless, such notches and slits may have originally functioned as the mouthpieces of pipes. If this is true, the Isiuritz pipes can be classilied as .straight pipes with moulhpicec .slits flinissoii 1990, p, 424. fig. 2; p. 425, fig 3: 4. 6 - X; p. 426, lig, 4: 1,2. (\ 8; p, 427, lig. 5: 1.2). Similar slits can also be found in pipes from the A Linguae ¡an layer at Geissenkidsterle (Hahn A Mflnzel 1995. p. <>, lig. 4). The oval slits themselves ollen appear to be merely half-holes and are mostly defined as such by archaeologists. "flic mouthpiece may be located on the same side ri^r ■ 1 141) A ivmn.«iv i f imsi wins ills, Pires ami fi.utís -imj phesumeu im ahii iiiih wish inmklimi s k is Si iivi sia Podobne izreze lahko opazimo tudi pri piščalih iz aurignaeienske plasti najdišča Geissenklüsterle (Malin in Münzel 1995,9, si. 4). Pogosto so videti ovalni izrezi i i. iih bolj kol polovične luknje in jih arheologi tako tudi označujejo. Ustnik se lahko nahaja na i sli strani kot luknje prebiralke, kar jc pri današniih piščahh sieer običajno ali pa tudi ne. Tako Mocek kol tudi Sachs (Moeck 1 %9, 46, navedbe po (.'. Stach.su) menita, da ustnika okroglih oblik zagotovo ne na jdemo na piičalih iz kosi i, ker je tehnika igre nanj prezahtevna. Piščali (tudi koščene) imajo torej lahko luknje (najpogosteje od I do 6, v paleoliliku od I do 5so brez njih ali imajo eno samo. Mocek 11969, si. -49) meni. da sopiščalt z luknjami prav tako med najstarejšimi glasbili. Sem lahko uvrstimo tudi aurignaeienske iu graveltienske pišeali. Vendar se zastavlja novo vprašanje: ali gre za tip glasbil, iz katerih se izvablja harmonska tonska vrsta s tehniko prepihavanja* glasbila pa imenujemo naravnotonske piščali (in flavte),1 imajo le nekaj prstnih lukenj ali nobene ali pa gre za pišeali, ki jim pravimo osnovnotonske pišeali" in zvenijo v osnovnih lomil dolžine cevi in v dolžinah cevi do prebiralk, ki pa se lahko oglašajo tudi v oktav ni prestavitvi, Oba lipa se razlikujeta Indi po številu in legi lukenj prebiralk in palčnih lukenj. Moeck ( 1969,69 s) je prepričan, daje v Evropi zagotovo že od kamene dobe poznan starejši tip, to je osnovnotonska piščal, pri kateri luknje prebiralke teže v i sok o'1' v cevi '" Tipa naravne tonske pišeali iz kosi i skoraj ni najli. Paleolitske in neolitske pišeali imajo največ pet lukenj, kar pa tudi pomeni, da omogočajo že Široke možnosti z venskega izražanja. Vmesni tip med naravnotonskiiiu in osnovno-tonskimi piSčalmi tvorijo pišeali z več luknjami ali eno samo luknjo na sredini cev i.21 Koščene pišeali z luknjo na sredi kosti so v paleoliliku pogoste. PiSdali z možno luknjo na sredini kažejo fragftienli koščenih glasbil iz najdišča Isiurilz (Buissou 1990. si. 3: 3.4. K; si. 4: 2 in 9), morda pa tudi npr. fragment iz Mokriške jame (M. Brodar 1985. t, 5: 8). Pišeali z luknjo na sredini so lahko odpne enostransko ali obojestransko. Poseben tip glasbil so pišeali s palcno luknjo, navadno na zadnji strani. Med najstarejši lili pišealmi s palčno luknjo naj bi bila po Moeckovem mnenju piščal iz votle ptičje kosu i/ najdišča Isiuniz. Nemško Dic Otterton/Iow. " Nemško Die Grtutdtonfláfó. " Višje in mžje ležeče luknje opredeljujemo glede na zgornji m spodnji konee pišeali Zgornji konee jc pri glavi glasbila. M je lam. kjer je ustrnčiia odprtina. ■'" Tip naravne Ionske Vrste naj bi bil mlajši la naj hi imel nižje ležeče prebiralkc, obranil pa se je v ljudskem izročilu do danes, celo v prazgodovinskih različicah pa v Skandinaviji, Danes so najinitj priljubljene med ljudskimi glasbili vzhodne livro|ic. lia I kana in Azije. Morda jl avtor imel v mislih piščal, ki jo objavlja Dominique as fingerholes, which is also a common characteristic of present-day pipes, but ibis is not always so. Both II. Moeck and t Sachs (Moeek 1969, p. 46,quoting Sachs) maintain that the rounded mouthpiece cannot be found on bone pipes, because the technique of playing llial it demands is loo demanding. Pipes (including those made of bone) may therefore be divided,ttito those with holes (generally between one and six, whereas the Palaeolithic pipe has between one and five), and those without holes or with only a single hole 11. Moeck (1969. Fig. 49) holds that pipes with holes rank among the earliest musical instruments, and be includes the Aurignacian and Gravettian pipes, But here another question arises: were these instruments with few or no finger holes, on which harmonics could be produced by overblowing, instruments which could therefore be classified as natural-tone pipes and flutes¡p or were they pipes whose fingerholes were used to produce different octaves, which is to say groundtone pipes, thai produced a groundtone respective lo (he length of the duet? These two types differ according to the number and position of the fingerholes and thumbbolcs. II Moeck 11969, pp. 69 s) is convinced that the early type of groundtone pipe with fingerholes placed high in the duet has certainly been known lo Huropeau man since the Stone Age. I! Practically no bone pipes of the natural-tone lype are known, Palaeolithic and Neolithic pipes themselves have five holes ai most, which means that they oiler a relatively wide range of possibililies for musical expression. An intermediate type between natural-tone and groundtone pipes are those with either several holes or only a single hole in the middle of the duct.21 Ii is common to find one hole midway down the bone among Palacoltltuc bone pipes. Pipes with what appears lobe a central hole can be found among the fragments of bone instruments discovered in lsturitz (Buisson 1990, tig, 3: 3. 4, 8; fig. 4: 2 and 9), and it may be the same kind of central hole that we lind in the fragment discovered in VIokriska jama (M. Brodar 1985, Table 5: N). Such pipes, with a single midway perforation, have two options lor playing, us both open and stopped pipes. Pipes with:a thumbboic. which is usually located behind, belong lo a special lype, According to Moeck, a pipe made from a hollow bird bone which was diseov- ! Hie Oberionjlotc 11 Die Gntndtvnflate. lif Eligli and low holes are defined according to die upper ami lower end of the pipe, The upper end is that of I he head of an instrument, which is iii say where I he mouthpiece, or mouth hole, is located. '" The natural-tone type is supposed lo be of a later date and lias low fingerholes. ll surviv es in folk heritage, while lis prehistoric Antecedents ¡ire still in use in Scandinavia. !l Ibday, these kind of folk instruments are most popular in Eastern Europe, the Balkans and Asia. 209 Ti mi.fK.ll i. KiiSrl MIH M'A.XVK, nSfAl MM M ,W1 I hK DOMNEVNA hI I H1LITSKA PIMA I Sum Mil PiSČali se razlikujejo Ltiiti po legi palČne luknje. Lahko so visoko, srednje ali ni/ko ležeče. PiSčali iz IsUirit/a ¡c Moče k prisodil visoko stoječo palčno luknjo.' Moeck (1969, 70) nas spomni na francoski flageotet z dvema pa lenima luknjama (tipa osnovno-lotiskc piičali), katerega predhodnike vidijo muzikologi v srednjeveških koščenih flavtah, ki zagotovo kot Človekova domislica izhajajo i/ staroveSkih in S! 14 <): Koščene piičali s palfinimi luknjami iz ovčjih in kozjih fcosn (okoli 1300,1 riimso Museum, Tromso), Risba: I iragica KiniW tunder. Fig 14.9; Bono pipes with thumbholeSj made of sheep and goal bones (around 3 300, TrSmso Museum, Trdimo), Druwing; Dragica Km lie L under Buisson (1990,427.il. 5) Visokostojcča palčna luknja je v ljudski .......temi insuuniuitalni praksi dancsnajpogostejSa. dve palčin luknji za oba p: ile a pozna le evropska glasbe™ praksa. Primer koščene piščali iz bronaste dobe (Corcclcltes-Cjrardson, ki jo hrani Hlsiorisehen Museum v Bernu) ima nizko ležeča pal i no lutnjo, znamenita koičena piščal i/ Wartburga iz 12. stoletja pa npr. sred nje ležečo luknjo. Si. 14.8: PiSCali iz goveje kiwii {257 mm) i/ llollihgiJalA. iz ovfijc ah kozje 1152 mm) in zajCje kusti 1129 mm) / visoko-leicio pal¿no luknjo (Nnrsk Folkemuseum, Oslo). Kisba: Dragiea Knific Lander Fig. 14.8: Pipes made of cattle hone {257 mm) from Hollingdale, of sheep or goat heme (152 mm) and rabbit bone (129 (rtrn)with a high thumHwle t Norsk Kolkeniuseum, Oslo). Drawing: Drag ica Kni fie Lunder. ered at Isturilz could possibly be One of the earliest pipes In have a thumhhole. Pipes also differ according to the position of the thumhhole. which may he high, midway or low. II Moeck supposes the Isturilz pipe to be an example of a pipe with a high thumbholc.'1 11. Moeck (196V. p. 7(1) draws our attention to ihe French flageolet, a small ground tunc pipe with two thumbholes, the predecessor of which is, according to prevalent musicological oplri1-ktn, the medieval heme flute, which, as a human invention undoubtedly originates among ancient and prehistoric instruments and whose relatives can be traced among contemporary folk instruments. In ihe Middle Ages, the flageolet was also called the petii tibies. as it w;is originally made from animal tibia, the shitibone. Or from the bones of birds 1 11 is also of some interest to note as well thai W. Meyer f 1969, p. 34) observes among I he author may have meant the pipe made public by I). Buisson 11990, p. 427. fig. 5). Fhe high thumbholc is tedav ihe most common in folk and artistic musical practice, while to have two thumbholes for both thumhs is known only in European musical practice. Ihe example from the Bronze Age (Corccletles-Crandson, kept in Hixiort&chi-s Mwh'Uih of Bern) has a U>w thumbhole, while I he well-known 12 th ccntury bone pipe of Wartburg lias a middle thumbholc. In l')lh century, ihey were modernised with keys and the 210 A tyi*xxvy »f BWl WHBTl.PS. PIH j FUnl.s ami mpsum n Ml M-.oi mm wlnO ihsiwi Mln Is IN Si uVlnia prazgodovinskih glasbil in jim Se danes lahko najdemo vzporednice v ljudskem glasbenem inStrumcntarijU, Flageolets so imenovali v srednjem veku ludi petit tibies, ker so bili sprva izdelam i/ ž i vaških libij, to je golenic, ah ptičjih kosi i 1 Zanimiv je tudi M cyerj C v podatek (Maycr I9f>9, 34), da so v Švici izdelovali koščene piščali tudi le iz koščenih diafiz. Epifizc so izdelovalci odstranili- Jo podobno napravil ladi fosilni človek in vseh epifi? / okoliško kostno sredico le niso odgriznile zveri? I udi Mocck i 1960,42 s) meni, da piščalne tipe iz starejših kultur najdemo v ljudskem izročilu v povsem zgodovinskih iii prazgodovinskih (izvirnih?) oblikah (si. 14.7 in 14.11), pa tudi v različicah s kasnejšimi oblikovnimi spremembami in uvedbami. Najdbe iz palcolitika so potrdi le izdelavo glasbil tako i z medvedji h stegnenic (fenuuje v i, golen ie (tibi j) in votlih ptičiih kosti (orla, laboda). Glasbila grške antike, rimskega cesarstva in srednjeveške najdbe vse tja do pričevanj ljudskega izročila zadnjih stoletij potrjujejo obstoj piščali iz.celihgolenic ali diafiz dolgih cevastih kosti raznih vrši sesalcev, vključno človeka in ptičev(.f/. 14,4 ■ I4.f>; 14.1,fin 14.')). Piščali oziroma n jihovi odlomki i/ paleolitskega najdišča Geissenklostcrle v Nemčiji (Hahn in Mon/el 1995) bi po mojem mnenju lahko pripadali eni sami piščali /. ravno odrezanima koncema in morda trikotnim ustničnim izrezom, zareze na njej pa hi lahko služile za drgnjenje ali s trganje po (eno ročni?) piščali in torej za doseganje dodatnih zvočnih efektov, kar sta ometu I a (oziroma citirala) uidi oba avtorja članka. Puščal z ustničnim izrezom bi utegnila biti tudi cevasta kost z luknjo iz paleolitskega najdišča Goyet v Belgiji, piščali s palenimi luknjami pa morda primerki i/ paleolitskih najdišč Pas de Miroir v Franciji in Pekarne na Moravskem {glej ftirk in Kaviar, ta zbornik, si 12.1. 10). the examples of prehistoric instruments from Switzerland, there exist pipes made from only the diaphysis of the hone, and that the epiphysis had been completely removed. Is this a fair explanation of the mystery of the missing epiphyses and spongiose in prehistoric instruments: they were not chewed off by animals as litis been supposed, but deliberately removed by the instrument makers? If Moeek (1969, pp. 42 on) agrees thai types of pipe from ancient cultures can still be found among traditional folk instruments in their historic, or even prehistoric I brill - possibly the original form? - or where they have been modified to assimilate later alterations of design and other innovations (Figs. 14,7 and 14, II). Palaeolithic finds have confirmed thai inslrail lents were produced from the thighbone or femur of the bear, also from the shinbone or tibia and from the hollow bones of birds, generally the eagle or the swan. Similarly, we find pipes from ancient Grecce, the Roman Empire, the Middle Ages and the folk traditions of recent centuries that arc also made from whole shin-bones or from the diaphysis of limb bones of various mammals including man, and birds. {Figs. 14.4. -14.6; 14 S and /4.9) The pipes and the fragments of pipes from the palaeolithic site of Geisscnklosterle in Germany (Hahn & Miinzel 1095) could, in my opinion, belong to a single kind ol pipe with cut-offends and possibly a triangular mouIh-sh I, and the marked incisions along the duel (of a one-hand pipe?) may have been made to be rubbed or scraped in order to produce additional sound ell'ecis, which is also men tipped (or quoled) by the authors of the article. A limb bone with a hole from the Palaeolithic siie oKioyet in Belgium could also belong to this same type of pipe with mouthpiece. I inds from the Palaeolithic sites of Pas du Miroir in France and Pekarna in Moravia arc possibly pipes with Ihumbholes |cf. Turk & Kavur, in this volume. Fig 12.1 10). 14.3. Rekonstrukcija domnevnih PlŠČAl I I/ MEDVEDJIH ČELJUSTNIC l/. Potočki-; zija i k h in Moki? i s k i jami-: Med svojevrstne oblikovne izjeme sodijo domnevne paleolitske piščali iz mandtbul jamskih medvedov iz Potočke zijalkc ter Mokriške jame (S Brodar in M. Urodar 1983; M. Brodar 1956). Piščali iz. spodnjih čeljusltiic jamskega medveda so slovenska posebnost in so naravno glasbilo! M.indibulami kanal je naravna cev zvočila, forumen ittaiH/ibultie (čel just- 1 V 19. stolelju jih modernizirajo / laknjičniml poklOpci ni Btihmovo mehaniko. V francoskih orkestrih slu/ijodo pih-e polovico 20. stoletju 14.3. The reconstruction of supposed pipes made from bear mandibles, as found in POTOfKA 7ija1.ka and Mokriska jama The fmds that appear to he Palaeolithic pipes made from the mandible of the cave bear, such as were discovered in Potoeka zijalka and Moki iska jama, are special exceptions in terms of the shape itself(S. Brodar & M. Brodar 1983; M. Brodar 1985). Pipes made from cave bear mandibuies are a Slovene peculiarity and are natural musical instruments: Tlie mandibular canal forms the natural duet of the instrument, while the foramen Uoehrn system. They were si ill used in French orchestra« until the first half nf 20th century. 211 TIHJLib^JA KOSÍTfílll ÍVIHiAVK. PIÍCALI 1 I W í "H IjijMNKVSA Prt] KHJÍSXA l'IIIAl \ Si OVINai nična odprtina) je narav ni ustnik (ustnični izrez) z ostro zglajenima robovoma v obliki črke V, Vsaka mandíbula, ki ima odbit rogelj, kar omogoča pihalcu dostop do čeljust nične odprtine in pihanje v kanal, je že lahko glasbilo - nekakšna podolŽna piščal, ki zazveni v dveh tonih, saj ima kosi tudi naravno nizkoležečo pa leno luknjo, to je hradrto odprtino (foramen menlale) ovalne oblike v kostni kompakti pod med zobno vrzel jo (ili-astema) med kamnom in premolarjetn(.v/, 14. 10). Vsaka nadaljnja luknja poveča zvočne možnosti še za dva tona. Nekaj centimetrov daljša rekonstrukcija domnevne piščali iz Potočke zijalke (desna čelj ustnica s tremi umetnimi luknjami) je izredno lepo in jasno zaz.veitcla v sedmih različnih tonskih višinah. V naši notacij i bi jih zapisali: g1, c . cis, d-, dis . g Dva prijema sta enako zaz veneta ['uprav je videti, da je bil rogelj lahko nedav no odlomi jen, priblii.no 1 -eentimeterski podaljšek v smeri roglja še ne vpliva na oblikovne značilnosti glasbila I o vrsten tip lahko potrjujejo tudi številni drugi fosilni primerki z odlomljenim ali odbitim rogljem iz naših visokogorskih paleo I i tsk i h lovskih postaj. ("e ima čeljustnica rogelj, se kost lahko oglasi kot trobilo v naravnt tonski vrsti delnih tonov (do Stifih ahkvotov) - lukn je v steni kanala tedaj ne vplivajo na zven. tovrstnih primerkov je veliko. Zastavlja se vprašanje, ali in kdaj je človek pričel uporabljati mandibule jamskega medveda kot zvočila ali glasbila naravnih zvočnih možnosti. Je slučajno odkrito (ob srkanju kostnega mozga?) postalo zavestno odkrivano, izdelano in rabljeno? Je glasbila te vrste odkril že ncandertalski prednik? V primeru glasbil iz čeIjustnic jamskega medveda z luknjami imamo opraviti z izjemnimi najdbami v evropskem in svetovnem merilu, saj podobnih piščali niso našli nikjer drugje na svetu (tri izjeme le na Hrvaškem} (Malez 1958 - 1<>59), " gre pa tudi za svojstven lip glasbil. V letih oii 1984- i()96sva s soprogom. Strojnim inženirjem in flav I i slom ter prav laku praktičnim poznavalcem ljudskih glasbil Matijo Icrlcpom Zvočno preizkusila številne fosilne kosti z luknjami, ki jih hrani Inštitut za arheologijo /Ki' SA/l" Oglasile sfi se miti kosti, eeljuslnice in fragmenti predvsem i/ Vlnkriške jame in Potočke zi jalke (glej razpravo v Etnologu LVH/6}, 1 Mekateri arheologi so domnevnim piščnlijjj iz mandibul jamskega medveda oporekali, čcS da gre /ji patološko nastale luknje (npr Midtn in M6nzcl 1995; Seewold 1935: Morusit/kv hišš; Motick 1969) in tako mandibule z luknjami kol dvomljive piAčal i citirajo tudi enciklopedije, Dvom je tudi razumljiv, saj do danes ni bilo opravljenih nobenih obsežnejših praktičnih preizkusov z objavami rezultatov. 212 mamiihuiae (the opening that leads to the ntanibular can til) is a natural mouthpiece, or mouthpiece slit, with sharp V-shaped edges. Any mandible wilh a broken ramus, which gives the musician access to the aperture in the jaw and thus allows him to blow dircctly into the mandibular canal, can be used as a musical instrument of the (straight) pipe type. El can be made lo sound m two tones, because the hone also has a naturally low thumbhole, in the shape of the (multiple) chin orifice, or foramen menlale, which is oval in outline and located in the bone mass under the gap for diastema), between the canine and premolar tooth (Fig. 14. HI). Any Other hole increases the sound capacity by two tones. A reconstruction of the supposed pipe from Poloika zijalka. a right mandible with three arlcftcial holes,'" was only a tew centimetres longer than the original and gave a beautiful and clear sound in seven different pitches, namely, in modern notation; g1, c\ cis:, d'. dis and g '. (Two different fingei positions yielded the same note). Although, on the original* the ramus appears to have been broken off recently, the approximately one centimetre long elongation that its presence would imply does not change the characteristics of the instrument's font]. The existence of this type is con finned by numerous other fossil examples with a fractured or broke 11-otl' ramus that have been discovered in Slovene Palaeolithic highland hunting stations. II the mandible includes the ramus, it produces sound like a brass instrument to play a natural scale up lour harmonic tones, and, in the case ol this instrument, the holes in the wall of the canal do not change the sound. 1 here is a great number ot such, finds and so the question arises as to precisely when if at all man began to use the bear mandible as a musical instrument lo make natural sounds [lid what might have been accidentally discovered perhaps as the marrow was suckcd out. become something to be explored, era lied and used deliberately? Ol was ii a discovery that had been made already by our Neanderthal ancestors'.' These cave bear mandible musical instruments with holes are exceptional, ns no similar find has been discovered, with the exception of three examples from Croatia (Male/ li.'iii -1950). cither in Europe or anywhere else in the world, and as such ihcy represent a special type of musical instrument. from I9H4 to 1996, my husband, Malija Telle p. a mechanical engineer, flautist and also a connoisseur of folk instruments. and I sound tested numerous perforated fossil bones kept at the Institute nf Archeology at I lie Scientific Research (.'cntrc of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Ails. The buries, mandibles and fragments which produced sounds had mostly heen discovered m MokrtSku jama and PotoCka zijalka (cT article fc Elnt)laf> LVII/fi), '' Si ii ui: ;i re heu legists have denied iIlii cave bear mandibles could he pipes, arguing that the Imles had been pathologically treated Ii. e. Ftahn 55) and Mcylan 11975) place the pipes of Palaeolithic hunters among wind instruments of precisely this type, But, when we; Consider the extant holes themselves, if the spongiosc was retained ill both epiphyses, it may rather have belonged lo the family of vessel pipes with cither one or two ftngerlioles and a single hole for a mouthpiece (in the Fig. 14.12, either hole 1 or .i), If we ignore the piv served half hole, the instrument may belong rather to the group of transverse Mutes with a single mouthpiece hole (tu this case hole I), and with just one or two tingerholes. While sparse remains of the spongiosc on either end of the pipe from Divje babe I may point to the latter, the epiphyses themselves have not been preserved. There is a deep fracture at the anterior distal end of the diaphysis that runs to a position just under the distal hole on the opposite side, if we consider it to be a fissure thai lead to the original hole on the back of the pipe, a hole thai in this ease is not completely round, then we can place the pipe from Divje babe I among pipes of the straight or transverse type, with a high tbumbhole. Borusitzky Mocck 1 J ami encyclopedias consequently describe mandibles as doubtful pipes. These doubts arc understandable in that so far, no exhaustive results from practical icsis have been made public. For a more deta ¡led aceoiiiii: cf. furktVij/, I99iband especially in this volume. 213 TlPUI.OUlJA 10 ¡í* I NIB tVIMAVK, I1SÍ /VI I IN j-LAVl II H DOMNI V-.A C.UtOI ITSKA I'll I M rt StjWI Mil SI. 14. 10 Replika desne spodnje čcljusttiiec jamskega medvedu Z odhitim rogljem (ftimu? nuimlihiiltif) i/ Potočke /jjulke (aurignacien), s tremi luknjami v steni nad mandilHilamim kanstum na notranji (lingvalni) strani.' naravnim u.itmCuim izrezom če lj ustnic ne odprtine (foramnom mahjelibidui'} in naravno patčno lutnjo, to je bnulno od pri i no (fon um>» > hud le), «i je oglasila km podolina pineal v sedmih različnih tonskih viiinah (dva prijema enako zaarvenita). Risba: Dragica Knific L under. Fig ! 4 III: Replica of t he right mandible of a cave bear with a broken ramus [nutjus mandibidtic) from Potočka /ijalka (Aurienaeiaii), with three holes in the wall above the mandi-bulurcanal on the inner (lingual) side, with a natural notch at the orifice of the mandible (Jbramcn mandibtdar) and ;t natural (huinbholc on the chin orifice (foramen mental e), which sounds in seven dilferenl pitches (two positions produce Ihe same sound} as i fin a straight pipe. Drawing: Dragica Knific t .under. The wall of the bone itself is solid, the x-shapc of ihe marrow cavity is appropriate in mensure and the spongiose has been cleared away. Traces of remaining spongioses can be found only at either end of the diaphy-sis, which seems to imply that Ibis was originally a stopped pipe of the whistle type with one or two fingprholcs and a single mouthpiece. A bone instrument whose duct has been stopped in the section of the epiphysis creates sounds of different frequencies to an open one. Any elongation of the internal cavity would lower the tone produced by the pipe. Although the holes are not completely round, they can be used both as tingcrholes and mouth holes. It is possible tp classify Ihe supposed instrument as a straight or transverse pipe with either two or three fingcrholes and a single thumbholc, But die distance between the proximal second and possible third hole seems to be loo short to allow lor the creation of a new pitch and so appears to be of no real significance, li is more probable that the original pipe was equipped only w ith two holes itn the posterior side, while the third and merely postulated hole may be accidental and therefore of no relevance to the way the pipe ilself llinciioned. 11 is only possible to overblow the instrument given a few of the many combinations of finger posi-lions, and in the case of the replica ii was only possible with a single finger position. The position ing of ihe holes themselves appears to be symmetrical - ii may even have been intended to he this way, C. Sachs and H. Mocck both stale thai bone pipes mostly belong lo the type of St. ¡4.11: Preglednica t Moeek I Risba: Družica Knific Lunder, Fig. 14 II Table of bene pipes {Moeek 1969). Drawing: Dragica Knific.- Lunder. i K UŠIVIH: ¿vij^tvke i/ pisiivpi čkuk.i scveHKjM jctetis i J» cm: itvtor ni navedel krajevne m čaMivne djinskil i Ive l. 2. I ¡lotnudo Lgii de ki vilic de Geni ve) I ftniit- pipes front the pluti,ing« of u relnd^j* cm; ilie pmveiUuice und 13 mu ari.' nut given by I lit: author). 5. Sii>yk' (One tioiK1 pipi: rrorn Jnz^gtlolbn (5 cm), Í. ttonc fiipc from Ülnlütz (2nd ccntuiy B.C., t2 cm), ■t Frqgincnt i>l" .i bo.ne fmm iMiir«/ (Auri^naeinti. 11 cm) í riagmcnt ni ji bomc pqw I'mni ilie urcheoldigical '■lie of Wcscr near Bremeti (Nwlithic, cm), (i Pan til j bone pipe from Modem (Umn/c A¡:c), 7 Hone pipe slipped on hnili sides, iviili two linuerbolcs. White pkiying, .L flitter t» placed oil llic aiouthpicti: noli.li in Order lo split the air (Estonia), s Rone pipi- from AdelsC ¡urt.i in Sweden, dating from the Vikim; pi'tiinl filial. Mum; in ii Mlockhulm. M.'l em). ly iti>ac pipe lioiu NieiiburgAVfcíí» (Ncolttliie, 1.1.2 cm). 10. I tone pipe from Kolmar in Sweden (Middle a^cs. NordiskLi Museel. Stockholm). IS. Vertieal pipes from Cutajunia. wihhI I 14 em Laid IX em). 12. Hone pipe from Holland [500 - fi(HI A. I J.. FricSfch Museum, t.ccuwankn) 13 ^punish ¡lint (2X cm i 14. Rceordet (leaked flute, duct flulc), |š. Bone |!i[ii; iVom lile arelieolo^ical site o( (.'weeknes-iiMiidsoii, wiili a low lEtudihholc (Bronze Age, Hiatorischcti Mvscum, lltim). t {>. Two K.imjiii hone pipes (Zenlnilmascain Mil in/) 17. shepherdV bono pipe from the l'Jth ceolury ¡Masév d'tiihno-logic de ki vilic de fit-aei'e). 214 A rvffa.imv ixint whssi m S, Cih s wmi.t rfc-s asi> i-ki m ¡'ai .-u ui iiiik wini> inStnijmikts in Slovenia ali pie; ne enoročne piščali / dvema do t rem i prebi-ralkami in eno palčno luknjo, /tli pa se, daje razdalja med proksimalno 2. m morebitno 3, luknjo premajhna m ne omogoča nastanka nove tonske višine, zato nima pravega pomena /a domnevno piščal. Morda je verjetneje, da je hi In prvotna piSfcal opremljena le z dvema luknjama na poster! omi strani, tretja, le nakazana luknjana isti strani, pa je nastala naključno in nima zveze s funkcijo piSfali. Tehnika pivpihavanja je tu mogoča le pri redkih prijemih (na repliki le v enem). Zdi se. da sicer luknje kažejo na neko simetrično (namensko'') postavitev, i ah ko bi tudi pritrdili Sachsu in Moccku, tla sodijo piščali iz kosti predvsem v osnovnolonski lip pihal, ie je imela piščal prvotno le dve luknji in ust nično zarezo. groundione wind instruments, and il is possible to agree. If originally the pipe had only two holes and a single slii for the mouthpiece, ii could have produced only two tones, but il in addition to this it had a thuinbhole; then the number of tones would be doubled, and this number would again be doubled if the musician stopped the open end of the duct with his hand or fingers. Played in this way. the musician could choose from a total of eight different pitches (2 \ 2 \ 2), But if there was no thumbhole anil if prehistoric man was not familial with the technique of stopping the duct by hand, so the pipe would merely be two- to three-tonal. If the fracture indicates an original thurnbholc, then this sophisticated structure would lie surprising forllhc Neanderthal period. Those palaeolithic pipes made from shafts of limb 215 riitxwua KOSftiNiHiviiiiiyK, nii' At.i in h.av j ii:h uimüi vsa iwii m ihka imhala Si tivi niii je hilo mogoče i/ oje izvabili dva Iona, če je imela še eno palčtio luknjo, se je število totiov podvojilo, / zapiranjem odprtega dela cevi z rok o ali prsti seje število ponovno podvojilo, kar omogoča osem različnih tonskih višin (2 x 2 x 2). Če paične luknje prvotno ni bilo in fosilni človek tehnike zapiranja z roko ni poznal, imamo opraviti s prepmsio dva do iriionsko piščaljo. Ce lahko prelom dokazuje prvotno pa le no luknjo, nas seveda ludi glasbilo neandertalske kulture preseneti s tovrstno konstrukcijo glasbila. Palcolitske piščali iz dolgih cevastih kosi i potrjujejo možnosti več tipov glasbil: a) lip na koncu pri eni od obeh epifiz naravno krile piščali, z naravnim jedrom iz spongioze, \ kaleri je reža (potlolžna piSČal) ler z I - i luknjami; bi tip na koncu pri eni od obeli epifiz naravno k rile prečne pišeali / ustllično luknjo pri epifizi in z 1 - 4 luknjami; c) tip podolžne pišeali ■ lahko z ravno odrezanima koncema diaf&c-zustničnimi izrezi različnih oblik; e| tip na obeh kuncih z epi fazama in okoliško kostno sredico naravno zaprle piščali. Kaj pogostejše so piščali z dvema do tremi luknjami Prva dva tipa imata lahko tudi eno do rfve palčrij juknji. Primerek iz Divjih bab I lahko potrjuje"1 Delottia je podobna pišč.ili iz jame Istallnskii. ki ü prav l;iko m.injkitta epifizi iti imaocLsiranjenospongio/o, Pumnnenjti Mueckai 1^re zaosnovftNonski tip z eno p&Jeno luknjo bones may belong to a variety of types of musical iti-strument: a) llic type of pipe that is naturally Stopped at either of the two epiphyses, where the natural block of spongiosc has been cut to form a slit in the case of the straight pipe, and with one to five holes; h) the lype of transverse pipe which is naturally stopped at either of the two epiphyses, with a mouth hole in the epiphysis and one to four Holes; c) the lype of straight pipe whose diaphysis has been cleanly severed, with a mouthpiece notch of different shapes; d) the type oi pipe stopped with retained spongiosc al both epiphyses. The most common are pipes with two to three holes. The first two types can also have one or two thumbholes. The example from Divje babe 1 may confirm this typology of Palaeolithic pipes.'1, The pipe in ¡k original, complete form may have belonged lo any of Ihe lisled types or even to some as yd unknown type But all known Palaeolithic pipes made of limb bones thai have survived to the contemporary period arc open al both curls, implying perhaps thai lltey have been cut-oil, chewed, fractured or otherwise damaged, Bone pipes from different l<>lk traditions and different cultures can be lound in all Ihe above menlioued forms. 1 SI N.I 2' Stegnenica približno enoletnega jamskega medveda /. vrisano piščaljo i/ I Jivjiti hab 1. Številke ¡Likmti se nanašajo na razlago pi5čal£v tekstu. U usmtk P palčna luknja rta nasprotni strani. Fig. 14.12. I high iMmc of approximately one year old cave hear with the outline of the pipe discovered in Divje babe I, The rfiimbcrs next to the holes refer to ihe explanation of ihe pipe in tlte article, 11 mouthpiece. I1 itiumhhole on the opposite side. Siuular is ti pipe diseovered ut ihe Islallusko ca ve. tvhieh a I so lacks bolh epiphvses a ti d froni whicli the spongiosc has been removed. Accordmg tO M Mocck I1 W>). it be-lougs tu (he iype o t'grnt i nd Ione pipo wilh a sinile lliumbliote and mouthpieee on tfie dnrsal side, wli|]e accordiug to /,, lii>iiisit/k>' (19551 tinti 1. Soproni {I9K51, it belongs lo the eross-tlutc typv'. It is my epinion (hal the pipe could erigi-naliv jiave belonged lo eiihemi ihesc lypcs. Bolh bone typcs produc« so ur t! of extrcmcly higJi fretiucncy - i a p resen i-day nolalion, thc (op oetave on Ihe third ledger l the highest tone of the presenl-ilay llutc) *, which raises lin i bet issuts ctvnccming tltc purposeand usc ofihiskind ofsound. Done pipes - mostly lliosc open al bolh ends tati be lound in tliiFcrenl cultural iraditions of the world, ]'l>cy tncluik forexample i lic most (amou* Peruvian instrument, tlio/urm, which issometiincs maile ol bone and uitmcroiis Asian and Oecamc pipes (cf. Collaer 1974 iml Marti l')7tl) 216 A [Vn>i lh,y Of unvi iuiimi i s. i'li'l-s WD Ml tl'S AMI) m si mi i: Ml .-vim HIik wind imiumuims in Sl.ovi mia omenjeno tipologijo paleplitskih piščali. Prvotna nepoškodovana piSČal hi hi ki lahko v vseh naStetih oblikah. Morda pase v kakšni, nam sicer neznani. Vendar so vse poznane paleolitske piSCaii, ki so narejene iz dolgih ce vasi i h kosti, danes na obeh koncili odprte (odrezane, poškodovane, odgrižene, odlomljone?), koščene ljudske piščali različnih kulturnih tradicij pa najdemo do danes v vseli naštetih oblikah. ' Za jasnejšo predstavo o zmogljivosti piščali i/ Divjih bab I bi bilo potrebno napraviti repliko v popolnoma enakih merah iu z rekonstruiranimi manjkajočimi deli ter domnevno palčno luknjo, t) njej še ni rečena zadnja beseda in ni napravljen zadnji tonski preizkus! t akarito pa tudi še nadaljnjih arheoloških najdb in novih ovrednotenj deponiranih ibsilnih kosti. Zvočni preizkusi na repliki domnevne pisca 11 z rekonstruiranimi tremi luknjami na poster toni i strani so dokazali le moi.no zvo ko tvornost tovrstne kosi i z. luknjami in sicer v treh do šestih različnih tonskih višinah (v naši notaciji bi jih zapisali: h- h , c'■■'eis\ d,T dis') glede ila spremembo rekonstrukcije tipapiščali;-*1 načina in jakosti pihanja. Zavedati se moramo tudi, da so človekovi predniki tako oddaljenega časa ¡11 kultur, kot so paleolitske, lahko Uporabljali kosti / luknjami tudi na povsem svojstven način, ki nam ni doumljiv, ¡11 da imamo pri domnev nih piščalih iz kosti lahko oprav iti tudi z izgubljenimi tehnikami priprav Ijanja glasbila in zvočne igre. Je morda naš fosilni prednik znmazat koščeno cev z glino, smolo, konec zaprl s kozo {membrano} ali telo lesenim čepom, je različne tonske v ¡šine dosegal tudi z zapiranjem 111 odpiranjem cevi z roko ali prstom, podobno kol nas poučuje iudi glasbeno izročilo različnih ljudstev na vseh kontinentih. ki se danes poznajo koščene piščali? 14.5. Zaključek / zvokoivoinimi (predvsem prelukrijanimi) kostmi paleolitskega obdobja človekove zgodovine se lahko pričenja zgodovina glasbil na današnjem iu ustnikom na dorzatni strani, po mnenju Horusitzkyga (! 9s? 1 m Sopronua 111>N3) pa le za tip prečne flav te. Vendar mislim, da hi tudi ta piscu i lahko hila prvotno priprav Ijena v katerikoli zgoraj omenjeni obliki. Obe koščeni piščalki se oglašala / zelo visokimi Irekvemauiii v naši 1 nunciji v trikrat črtani oktavi (najvišji toni današnje flavte), ki poslavljajo novo vprašanje o namenu in rabi tov rstnih /venskih kvalitet. Koščene piščali predvsem dvostninšto? odprtih- najdemo v različnih svetovnih kulturnih tradicijah. Meti nje sodi npr. tudi najbolj mapo perujsko glasbilo qiiena, kije lahko tudi koščeno, štev ilne azijske in occanijske piščali (glej t'ollaei 1974 in Mam 147(1). 1 Zvočni preizkusi subili napravljeni polen 1996, '' Natančne tabele hudo objavljene v /e omenjeni študiji v Ftuutugtt LVU f>. In order to form a better idea of the capacities of the pipe discovered in Divje babe I, il would be necessary to reconstruct a replica of idenlicaldimensionsand to replace the missing parts and the thumbhole. Tins report is far from exhaustive ■ more needs to be said and moni tesis need to be made. We also await further ar-eIdeological finds as well as further assessment of the known fossilised bones and bone fragments. When sound tesis 1 vv ere conducted on a replica ol the supposed pipe, that had been made with three holes 011 the posterior side, they were only able to prove thai this kind oí perforated bone is able to yield between three and six differently pitched notes (which can he transcribed as lr ! b\ e' eis'. d'' dis*). Phis itself depended on different possibilities with which the pipe itself could be reconstructed/1 and on the technique and strength with w hich il was blown. 11 must be taken into account when dealing with such a remote time and cultUrc as that of our ancestors from ilie palaeolithic period that they may have used perforated bones ui a completely different and to us Unknown and unimaginable way, and thai the supposed bone pipes may be connected wilh techniques of making musical instruments and creating sound that will remain forever lost to us. Did our ancestors cover the hone duct wjtli clay or sap, or stop the end with a membrane of hide or even wilh a wooden plug? Did they create differently pitched notes by closing and opening the duct with the hand or linger in the same manner thai persists in the musical traditions of different peoples from every continent, where bone pipes are still in use? 14.5. Conclusion The history of musical instruments in what is today the ethnic territory of the Slovene nation, the musical history of Europe and indeed, the entire world may well have begun with the use of bones, and particularly perforated bones, to make sound; hones thai date from the Palaeolithic Age. From prehistoric limes to the present day we can trace the continuous presence of cultural artefacts in the heritage of the world, and this presence that is con firmed by I he discoveries of archeology as well a.s m examples from ethnology and anthropology, is highly suggestive. In al I vie find the expression of a continuity that is more or less unbroken I or til is reason, the human invention of bone pipes, bone scraping instruments and free '" The sound lests were earned out in the summer of 1996. Precise tables will be included ill the alwivementioned fbrlli-Coming study which will lie published in E/naing LVII/(v 217 TmH.iX.IJA kOSi I Mil ¿VISuAVK, IMSfAl I IN n A V f P H IXIMH] VSA PAI i!JI II SKA ['IIIAI. I S[ l)\'l Mil slovenskem ciničnem ozemlju, glasbena zgodovina evropskega človeka ter tako tudi svetovna inštrumentih ta g las be n a zgodO vina. Več ali manj soslcdno pojavljanje k nI t mnega elementa od prazgodovine do danes v svetovni kulturni dediščini od arheoloških najdb do etnoloških in antropoloških pričevanj seveda mnogo pove. Prav zalo bi morda Človekovo iznajdbo koščenih piščali, pa tudi koščenih strgal in bniivk, lahko uvrstili med arhetipe človekovih ustvarjalnih zamisli, ki presegajo Časovno prostorsko omejitev. Med najstarejše lipe koščenih glasbil gotovo sodijo pišeali, na katere se piska kol na ključ (odprte pišeali) ali pišeali v obliki resonanČnc posode, med kateresodijo(skodelastc)piščali / luknjami inepifiznma z okoliško kostno sred i ep, paleolitske ler neolilske zvižgavke \/ prstnih členko\ Živali, naravna trobila (spodnje čeljustniee jamskega medveda) ler koščene bmivke (z obojesiransko prebito luknjo); razvojno sledijo pišeali z zarezami in izrezi (odprie pišeali), nato krile piSčali (na enem koncu zaprte z epi ti/o in okoliško kostno sredieo) z režo v jedru ali nosu, kamor sodijo tudi domnevne koščene piščali / režo \ spouigozi cpili/e. Na fosilnih primerkih se tovrstne reže skora jda ne morejo ohraniti, saj spongioza sčasoma razpade, Tako zapne kol odpne pišeali sodijo v akustičen tip podolžnih in prečnih piščali oziroma flavt. Nato razvojno sledijo prečne flavte z ustničtto odprtino na isti strani In v isti legi kot piebiralke. Iz glasbene prakse so po poročilih sodeč pričele piščah i/ kosti izginjati tako v Evropi kot tudi v Severni in Južni Ameriki konec prejšnjega stoletja, Pričevanj o sodobnih koščenih pišeali h i/ današnjega etničnega ozemlja nimamo (morda smo jih tudi prezrli ali pričeli raziskovali prepozno?), izkopanih pa je dovolj zanimivih arheoloških najdb, ki si zaslužijo natančen pretres in ovrednotenje. Zahvala Zahvaljujem se tir. Mitji Brodarju in dr. Ivanu Inrku za pomoč in vodstvo med fosilnimi kostmi Inštituta /a arheologijo 7.RC SAZ.U, aerophones (bull-roarers) can lie placed among the archetypes of human creativity, which reach beyond Lite limits of tune and space. Some of the very earliest types of bone instruments are undoubtedly pipes which are played in lite same way one would play a key (open pipes), or pipes with I lie basic form of a resonating vessel, such as vessel pipes with holes and retained spongiuse in the epiphysis. Palaeolithic and Neolithic whistles made from animal finger bones, natural trumpets (the cave bear mandibles), and free aerophones (bull-roarers) with complete perforation: In a chronological line of development these arc followed by pipes with notches and sliis (open pipes) and stopped pipes (closed at one end by retained spongiose in the epiphysis) with a slit in the block or plug, and Ihis type includes those supposed bone pipes whose slit is in I he spongiose, iu the epiphysis, It is practically impossible lor these kinds of slit to have survived in fossil finds, because the spongiose decays utter a certain period of time. Both Stopped and open pipes belong to the acoustic type ofboth the straight and transverse pipe or flute, In the line of development these are billowed by transverse 11 ules whose month hole and lingerholes are on the same side and at the same height on the instrument According to records, bone pipes began to disappear from musical practice both in Europe and in Northern and Southern America at the end of the previous century. There ate no records of con temporary bone pipes in the present-day Slovene ethnic territory (have they been ignored or did ihc relevant research start loo lateV), but (he numerous interesting areheological finds deserve to be studied and assessed in greater detail. Ack NO W L i : IX r EM EN' f I tlnink Dr Mitja Hrodar and Dr Ivan Tur k for their assistance and guidance llsrougli llic eolleetion ot fossil bones k epi al ihe Institute oi Arehcology in the ScientiTie lic sestreli Centre ol ihe Slo vene Academy of Seienees and A rt s. 570 15. 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