NEW MICROCOMPUTER APPLICATION IN THE INTERLENDING SYSTEM AT THE HELSINK I UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY LIBRARY Eeva Möritinen Helsinki University o f Technology Library Espoo, Finland The paper will discuss an automation project of the interlending system at the Helsinki University of Technology Library. The first stage is to automate the processing of the ILL requests to foreign suppliers. The very first step in this direction is taken with the requests sent to the British Library Document Supply Centre, the most important foreign supplier. The number of interlibrary loan requests sent abroad is about 12.000 a year, and half of that is requested from the British Library. The system uses dBaselll + software. All data of the request are entered in a database. The orders in the format required by the British Library are created automatically. Once a day the requests are transmitted to the British Library either directly via the public data network or via the telex network. The data about received items, or negative answers, are updated daily. The system will also be used for the control of ILL loans to the clients of the library. Knjižnica. Tematska št. IA TU L 1989 15