ACTA CARSOLOGICA XXVI/2 18 175-195 LJUBLJANA 1997 A HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF EGON PRETNER FOR BIOLOGY ZGODOVINSKI POMEN EGONA PRETNERJA ZA BIOLOGIJO TANJA PIPAN Izvleček UDK 57(091):929 Pretner E. Tanja Pipan: Zgodovinski pomen Egona Pretnerja za biologijo Egon Pretner (1896-1982), čeprav samouk, je bil v mednarodnem merilu eden najboljših poznavalcev evropskega krasa in živali v kraških jamah, še posebej hroščev. Odkril je nad sto novih živalskih vrst (migetalkarjev, polžev, dvojenog in zlasti hroščev), preko 20 vrst pa se jih imenuje po njem. Obiskal je 1492 jam: 649 na Slovenskem, 773 v drugih deželah Balkana, 70 v drugih evropskih državah. Bil je neutrudljiv terenski delavec, slovenski in celotni balkanski kras, pa tudi kraške predele v sosednji Italiji in Avstriji, je poznal bolje kot kdorkoli. Napisal je nad 70 razprav in člankov v domačih in tujih znanstvenih revijah. Za opravljeno delo je prejel mnoga društvena priznanja in odlikovanja. Ključne besede: zgodovina speleologije, biospeleologija, Coleoptera, Pretner E. Abstract UDC 57(091):929 Pretner E. Tanja Pipan: A historical significance of Egon Pretner for biology On the international scale Egon Pretner (1896-1982), self-taught person, was one of the best authoritis of the European karst and animals in the caves, beetles in particular. He discovered more than hundred new animal species (ciliates, gastropods and arthropods, and notably the beetles), more than 20 species are named after him. He visited 1492 caves: 649 in Slovenia, 773 in other parts of Balkans and 70 in other European countries. He was a tireless expert in the field of knowing better than anybody the Slovene and Balkan karst and also karst regions in neighbouring countries of Italy and Austria. He published more than 70 papers and articles in Slovene and foreign scientific magazines. For his work he gained numerous awards and medals from learned societies. Key words: history of speleology, biospeleology, Coleoptera, Pretner E. ' Karst Research Institute, ZRC SAZU, Titov trg 2, SI - 6230 POSTOJNA, SLOVENIA ' The author's name when presenting the paper was Čelhar. TO LIGHT UP LIFE IN DARKNESS It is justified to call Postojnska jama "the cradle of biospeleology". In 1831 the cave guide Luka Čeč discovered on Calvary (Velika Gora) in Postojnska jama the first cave beetle Leptodims hochenwarti (Schmidt 1831). By 1860 researchers discovered in Slovenia almost all the genera and most of the species of cave beetles. The studies of our cave fauna began anew in the beginning of the 20 th century when J. Müller was appointed professor at the grammarschool in Triest. Full of zeal he very systematically explored the caves in the Trieste karst, Istria and the Gorica karst. He educated a lot of entomologists, among others Egon Pretner who attended the grammarschool at this time. During field excursions he met many distinguished European scientists and he preserved these contacts during all the time of his research activity. Among the others they were: Fr. Blasich, O. Chenda, E. Gridelli, VI. Kodrič, J. Krekich-Strassoldo, Ljudevit and Vladimir Kuščer, C. Lona, C. de Mayer, Carlo and his son Giorgio Ravasini, A. Schatzmayr, H. Springer and St. Gaberščik. E. Pretner also maintained friendly and professional contacts with the following experts: B. Drovenik (Ljubljana), CI. Besuchet (Geneva), J. Fig. 1: At the entrance of Jelenca jama (Kras), 13th November 1910. E. Pretner, 14 years old, is in the first plan, pulling the rope (photo Dr. Lennig). Bole (Ljubljana), P. Brandmayr (Trieste), S. Brelih (Ljubljana), G. Castellini (Firenze), M. Seguin (France), B. Curčič (Beograd), P. R. Deeleman (Holland), C. D. Deboutteville (France), G. Drioli (Trieste), D. Mihajlovic (Valjevo), H. Frank (Laichingen), D. Godard (France), A. Gspan (Ljubljana), B. Hauser (Geneva), R. Husson (France), B. Jalzic (Zagreb), G. Karaman (Titograd), R. Mezzena (Trieste), S. Mikšič (Sarajevo), E. Pichl (Trieste), L. Quaia (Italy), L Rakovec (Slovenia), F. AneUi (Italy), M. E. Schmidt (Austria), R. Seemann (Austria), J. M. Thiband (France), T. Tischler (Germany), M. Vachon (France). An interesting story is told by B. Drovenik about cave beetle collecting at Dobrovlje. He was helped by Pretner who was the only one who succeeded in finding several specimens of the species Anophthalmus erebus erebus (Kraus), A. schaumi knirschi (Winkler) and Aphaenopodius treulandi cephalotes (Knirsch) although he used the same method as Drovenik and others. Before the last World War the beetles of Slovene caves were scientifically studied mostly by J. Müller, R. Jeannel and A. Winkler and after the war by E. Pretner. The interest of the Slovene biologists in cavernicolous fauna became very strong after the Second War. The biologists of Ljubljana University organised a series of excursions to the caves of former Yugoslavia and brought back very interesting material. By systematic researches they discovered new species and subspecies and got to know the geographical distribution of cave beetles. According to Pretner it is interesting zoogeographically that in the Dinaric part of Dolenjska the betle's species Antisphodrus schreibersi (Küster), and in the mountains between Postojna basin and the Notranjska Reka Leptodirus are not found, and that in some caves there live together two species of the genus Bathyscimorphus and two species otAntisphodrus (A. cavicola and^. schreibersi). Furthermore, "the centre of Carniola's fauna" is in fact located around Plitvice (Croatia) while almost all the genera described of Slovenia {Leptodirus, Astagobius, Anophthalmus, Bathyscimorphus, Machaerites and Troglorrhynchus) extend far to the south over the Slovene-Croatian border. In the years 1934-1938 Wolfs Animalium Cavernarum Catalogus was being published with a review of cave fauna, location of finding sites and references for each animal. In this voluminous work the cave fauna of Slovenia is included, studied minutely and in detail, mostly due to Pretner's research work and publications (Pretner 1974b). Pretner's first published paper is "Neue Hydrophyliden aus dem örthchen Mittelmeergebiet"; in 1930 two papers were published in Italian and the next year another three. However it was not until his undisturbed professional work in Postojna, that he could dedicate himself entirely to research (mostly to biospeleology and entomology) to such an extent that he became an expert in karst all over Yugoslavia and in particular on the underground fauna. Pretner also knew the karst landscapes elsewhere in Europe, in Italy, Austria, France, Romania, Bulgaria and so on, and he has taken part not only in all speleological congresses in Yugoslavia but also in numerous international congresses where he usually presented an interesting and fundamental communication. Thus he found at home and abroad a large number of followers (Pirjevec -Rebula 1986). Pretner's researches in the fauna of Postojnska jama were extremely extensive. He introduced the scientific importance of the Postojna area as a centre of the classical karst. Many are grateful for his professional list of the underground animals that lived, and unfortunately only partially live still in Postojnska jama (Annex 1). In the years 1970-1975 many reported about cave beetles appearing outside caves. Also in northern Italy and in Yugoslavia they appeared provided that the conditions of low temperature and high humidity were fulfilled. Due to this reason the abundance of beetles in some caves is smaller than under stones and rocks deeply buried in forest soil or higher in the mountains, close to the snow. In a special treatise E. Pretner explained this confusing phenomenon: "Primary habitat of cave beetles is fissures within the karst massif. From these cracks the animals migrate into the caves and thus the caves may be considered as their secondary habitat. To some extent some species may be found below rocks and stones but only in the period from autumn to spring, while they disappear during warmer seasons into cooler and more humid lower layers. Due to microclimate changes from cave to cave some species may be found at the entrance and other, deeper inside. The presence of animals is controlled by local temperature and humidity. Microclimatic conditions define whether the cave beetles are inside or outside the cave" (Pretner 1977a). The fissures underground are a true living habitat of the underground fauna and from them they come into accessible caves or artificial channels. Abandoned mine passages, catacombs and artificial underground cavities of any kind offer a habitat to the underground fauna and E. Pretner (1979) pointed out that their importance must not be neglected as the fauna is there extremely rich. The underground organisms find much more stable living conditions within the fissures than are provided in large passages of the caves. E. Pretner composed a finding site list of underground coleopterological fauna in artificial caverns of Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, France and Italy (Annex 2). When E. Pretner retired he deciphered the notes of L. Weirather relating to finding sites of cave beetles and prepared for the Natural Science Museum, Geneva, a 155 page study "Die Verdienste Leon Weiraths um die Biospäleo-logie, insbesondere Jugoslawiens, sein Höhlenkataster und seine Sammelplätze". L. Weirather was a famous biospeleologist who marked the finding sites of cave beetles by a number in his own cave register and by a false name of a cave or a region where the cave lies. By such a mode he protected himself against the concurrence although he disclosed to his friends, E. Pretner among them, the real name of a cave. The Natural Science Museum bought Weirat-her's collection of beetles together with all the notes and remarks which E. Pretner that he deciphered and studied from the German shorthand. He also elaborated the manuscript "Travunia" of K. Absolon about the underground beetles of Bosnia and Hercegovina and succeeded in determining the location and names of almost all the finding sites cited by Absolon (Letopis SAZU 1975; Pretner 1974a). A CHRONOLOGICAL REVIEW OF EGON PRETNER'S RESEARCH WORK FROM 1949 TO 1979 In 1949 Pretner published a newly discovered finding site of a species Anophthalmus egonis J. Müller. This species was then known only from the cave Pesjakov Buden, on the northern Pokljuka slopes; however he later found more than eight different caves containing this species. He discovered a new species Anophthalmus besnicensis that lives in Bidovčeva Luknja on the hill called Rovnik near Kranj. Probably he traced the same species in Častitljiva Jama, on the northern slopes of Jelovica. He discovered new finding sites for a species Anophthalmus erebus Krauss which is endemitic for Kamnik Alps. At the same time he confirmed the finding site of a species A. nivalis G. Müller on Triglav discovered by A. Gspan. He discovered a new species A. bukoveci in Turkova Jama, near Logatec. E. Pretner described also the species yl. pu-bescens Joseph and its subspecies. All of them live in the caves of Logatec plateau between Ljubljana Moor and Planinsko Polje. During his research work he dealt with the rules of nomenclature and, among others, explained the incorrectness in naming a species Anophthalmus scopolii Sturm while correct is Schmidt. In the literature all the coleopterists quoted Sturm as the author of a species A. scopolii with the exception only of Sturm himself (Pretner 1949a). Fig. 2: E. Pretner in the entrance to Gorjan-ska jama near Bled, 21st May 1939 (photo F. Bar). A species that E. Pretner discovered in a shaft Covška Prepad near Dobrovlje is calledAphaobius (Aphaobiella) budnar-lipoglavsek. He discovered a subspeciesyl. (A.) b.-l. mozirjensis in a small snow cave on Mozirska Planina in the eastern Kamnik Alps. At both finding sites he found also a species Aphaobius milleri Schmidt (subsp.). E. Pretner named newly discovered species after a curator of the Natural Science Museum, Ljubljana, Dr. A. Budnar-Lipoglavšek. Näphaobius (Aphaobiella) tisnicensis is a newly discovered species that Pretner found in many caves on a mountain Tisnik near Mislinja. This finding site lie on the northeastern border of the area in the Eastern Alps where cavernicolous silfides? live. The distance from it to the cave Covška Prepad, where A. budnar-lipoglavšeki was found, is about 18 km towards the south-west. In the hills above these finding sites Pretner did not find any example of the Aphaobius genus although in the caves and passages of the area live Anophthalmus hitleri Schreib, and Laemostenus schreibersi Küst. Pretner described and determined all the properties of silfides; it is important that he did not just cite the names but he described anatomic-morphological, physiological and ecological characteristics. He also composed a simple key for determining the genera of Aphaobius filogenetic species. According to Müller Pretneria is a subgenus of the genus Aphaobius; but Pretner determined Pretneria as an independent genus as it ressembles Orostygia and Oryotus in respect to its habitat and represents an intermediate to these two genera. Pretner also represented the differences between the species Pretneria latitarsi G. Müller and Pretneria saulii G. Müller. During long years of researches he found out that an important living condition for a genus Pretneria is low temperature; this is why it lives only high in the mountains or in ice caves (Pretner 1949b). Pretner reviewed the genera Oryotus L. Miller, Pretneria G. Müller, Astago-bius Reitter and Leptodirus Schmidt (Coleoptera). He described new finding sites that he discovered and described known species of these genera, many of them new. He also composed a key for determining the species of Oryotus L. Miller genus, and keys for subspecies Astagobius angustatus and subspecies Leptodirus hochenwartii Schmidt. He also collected ecological data on all the three genera (Pretner 1955). Pretner's researches of the rare genus Aphaenopsis confirmed that these organisms are rightly classified into philogenetic series that had baffled the researchers. Based on copulation organs of the male of Aphaenopsis, Scotopla-netes and Adriaphaenops genera Pretner started to solve the question whether three different genera are concerned or whether there is only one. He assessed the appurtenance to one genus only Aphaeonopsis J. Müller and at the same time he investigated the distribution of this Dinaric genus spread in a wide area of the southern Bosnia and Montenegro. Due to confusion within the systematics of genus Ceutmonocharis Jeannel, Pretner decided to resolve it and he found a lot of irregularities. He determined to this genus five species and subspecies: C. freyeri L. Müller, C. netolitzkyi J. Müller, C. robid Gangibauer, C. pusillus Jeannel and C. Matjasici n.sp. He elaborated the key to determine these species and subspecies and their distribution (Pretner 1959a, b). In spring 1959 a team of Karst Research Institute SAZU workers visited Prekonoška Pečina which was considered as the most beautiful cave of Serbia. A team surveyed the cave and prepared suggestions for its touristic display. In the final part of the cave Pretner discovered new bhnd species of the genus Duvalius (Coleoptera) and new genus of a blind arthropod Serboiulus lucifigus Strasser; both organisms are true troglobionts (Pretner 1959 c). Since 1963 only three superficial species of this genus were known from Macedonia. They were mostly found below the stones, at the altitude above 2000 m: D. fodori Scheibel, D. peristericus J. Müller and D. macedonicus J. Müller. In 1962 M. Gogala discovered the first true cavernicolous Duvalius in Macedonia D. s. str. gogalai (Pretner 1963 a). E. Pretner was enthusiastic about the Montenegro karst, wild and interesting, as he said, and almost untouched from the speleological point of view. He gathered all the known data about previous researches in Montenegro hsting explored and published caves, explored but not yet published caves unexplored caves. Due to his better understanding he classified the caves according to mountain massifs around bigger towns. He also noted a name of the cave, if it existed, and if the cave appeared in the literature under some other name he put it down also; he also quoted the author, the year and the name of pubhcation where it was cited. In this way he wished to contribute his part in preparing a register of caves and shafts of Montenegro. Pretner studied the cave fauna in Boka Kotorska and around Titograd and Virpazar in 1933 and he discovered some new species. From 1955 to 1973 he organised shorter or longer biospeleological excursions to Montenegro, except for the years 1960, 1961 and 1964. In the years from 1955 to 1957 the Slovene and Serbian biospeleologists and cavers explored the shafts, caves and swallow-holes on Nikšičko Polje for a planned hydro-power station "Gornja Zeta". They together explored the cave Duboki Do and other caves in Lovcen. In the years 1965-67 Speleo Club des Ardennes explored underground in Krivošije and Grahovo (Serbia). These explorations were controlled by E. Pretner who also carried out a lot of research excursions together with the family of Dr. P. R. Deeleman. They were good friends and they travelled and cooperated together a lot. In 1969 they explored 16 caves, in 1970 20, in 1971 30 and in 1975 17, altogether 85 speleological objects (Pretner 1961, 1977). Skakavac is an active cave located in SE Bosnia biologically explored by E. Pretner in 1956. He found two new troglobionts: Macrochaetosoma drinae Strasser and a new subspecies of a beetle Apholeuomus nudus subsp. petrovid. In the sixties he studied the cave fauna in Serbia and composed a list of cavernicoles endemic in Serbia. Besides the discoveries in Prekonoška Pečina he found in Ravnička Jama a new diplopod Bulgarosomacruds Strasser, and in Mirkina Jama a diplopod Typhoiulus albanicus Attems; for the latter it was the northernmost finding site (Pretner 1963 b, c). In the years 1964 and 1965 E. Pretner, together with J. Bole and S. Červek, succeeded in finding three new finding sites of a cave beetle Speleodromus pluto Reitter 1881. Till then it was only known that in the caves of Velebit. Like the genera Astagobius and Pretneria Spleodromus also lives only in caves with low temperature, i.e. in snow- and ice-caves at high altitudes. The animals walk over the walls and the rocks lying on the floor. Pretner reached these data by careful, long-lasting and patient sampling and contemporaneous measurement of physico-chemical parameters (Pretner 1966). At the end of 1967 the Laneyrie's Nouvelle classification des Bathysciinae was published, based mostly on different internal structures of the male copulative organ. In 1970 Pretner wrote the remarks to the Laneyrie's catalogue which substantially differs from Jeannel's classical classification although the material was not yet studied in detail. The first part of his remarks appears on four typed pages and includes mostly corrections of finding sites, wrongly written names and deficiencies. Typical finding sites of numerous species of the subfam. Bathysciinae cited by the authors often differ from those, described in Pretner's list (Catalogus Faunae lugoslaviae, III/6, Subfam. Bathysciinae, 1968). People who gathered the material were mostly foreigners, not understanding the language, and this is why they frequently cited the names of bigger places nearby or the names of the mountains. The gatherers, interested in cave beetle as dealers mostly, intentionally provided insufficient data about the finding sites. Pretner visited numerous caves and again he succeeded for many organisms in finding out the typical finding site and its correct name. He replaced German or Italian names by the original Slavs names. Remarks and completed literature were published on additional 7 typed pages (Pretner 1970 d). In the huge cave Vrthna in the southern Velebit Pretner, together with J. Bole and H. Freud, found with surprise that typical representatives of "Carniolian cave fauna" Leptodims and Astagobius reach so far to the south. Biospeleological researches in Gorski Kotar, Croatian httoral, in Lika and Velebit indicated that this area, compared to the vicinity, bears the most similarity with the cave fauna of Slovenia, in respect to the genera Bathysciotes Jeannel, Bathyscimorphus Jeannel, Parapropus Ganglbauer, Astagobius Reitter, Leptodims Schmidt, Typlotrechus J. Müller. From Dalmatia and Bosnia only Neotrechus J. Müller and Duvalius subgen. Neoduvalius J. Müller reach to Slovenia. Post-war researches showed that a line Zagreb - Rrk (that had been set up by Jeannel in 1928) as the south-eastern border does not hold, as the cited genera appear also more to the south. E. Pretner (1970 c) described all these genera ecologically and morphologically in detail, sketched them, described the finding sites and noted locus tipicus and added his own thoughts and conclusions based on the years of experience and observation. Pretner is found also among those who studied the genus Hydraena; most of this material he collected in Slovenia, but also in Bosnia and Hercegovina and in Montenegro. He found out that hydraena are not known in some regions or they appear with single specimens only; he assessed that the subgenus Haenydra Rey is represented in the area of the former Yugoslavia by 17 species. Among them Pretner found and described 6 endemites living in relatively narrow area: H. camiolica sp. n. is known only in Gorenjska, H. czemohorsky (J. Müller) from southern Slovenia, Croatian Istria, around Triest and Gorica in Italy, H. dalmatina (Ganglbauer) from south Dalmatia and coastal belt of Montenegro, H. montenegrina sp.n. from central Montenegro, H. devincta Orchymont and H. muelleri Pretner from Slovenia and Venetian Slovenia in Italy (Pretner 1970 b). In 1968 Pretner discovered a new species Antrosedes longicollis in the cave Kruščica near Ihdža in Bosnia. When he published the description of this new species he also corrected the name of a species Blattodromus herculeus Reitter which is an extreme rarity. He states (1970 a) that the right adjective form is herculeus and not herculaneus. The species that Pretner found belong to the caves of higher mountains. He concluded the biospeleological explorations of the Croatian karst by pubhshing papers (1973, 1977, 1979) in which he provided for each area a short historical review of the explorations in chronological order of discoveries of new species and subspecies. He also described the caves and shafts and cited discovered species of beetles belonging to families Carabidae, Bathyscii-nae, Pselaphidae, Scydmaenidae, Cumlionidae. In the systematic part he included for each species or subspecies a finding site, divided by areas. A shorter chapter is dedicated to zoogeography. Egon Pretner was modest and hard-working up to the end, full of new projects that remain our responsibility to complete. We shall hold him in fond remembrance, full of gratitude for everything he has done for Slovene speleology and the young generations that he introduced with love and rich experiences into this marvellous world of the underground. REFERENCES Pretner, E., 1949a: Prispevek k poznavanju anoftalmov (Coleoptera, Carabidae) iz Slovenije. Razpr. SAZU, cl. 4 (Ljubljana), 121 - 141 Pretner, E., 1949b: Aphaobius {Aphaobiella subgen. nov.) budnar-lipoglavšeki spec, nov., A. (A.) tisnicensis spec. nov. in opis samca Pretneria saulii G. Müller {Coleoptera, Silphidae). Razpr. SAZU, cl. 4, (Ljubljana), 143 -158 Pretner, E., 1952: Podzemeljski svet Slovenskega Primorja. Slovensko Primorje v luči turizma, 135 - 166, Koper Pretner, E., 1955: Rodovi Oryotus L. Miller, Pretneria G. Müller, Astagobius Reitter et Leptodirus Schmidt (Coleoptera). - Acta carsologica, 1, 41 -71, Ljubljana Pretner, E., 1959a: Doneski k poznavanju rodu Aphaenopsis J. Müller {Coleoptera, Trechinae). Contribution ä la connaissance du genre Aphaenopsis J. Müller. - Acta carsologica, 2, 79 - 95, Ljubljana Pretner, E., 1959b: Rod Ceutmonocharis Jeannel {Coleoptera, Catopidae). Die Gattung Ceutmonocharis Jeannel {Coleoptera, Catopidae). - Acta carsologica, 2, 263 - 284, Ljubljana Pretner, E., 1959c: Prekonoška pečina. Prekonoška pečina. - Naše jame, 1, 2, 65 - 68, Ljubljana Pretner, E., 1961: Speleološka istraživanja u Crnoj gori i spisak ovdašnjih pečina i jama. 2. jugoslovanski speleološki kongres, 219 - 235, Zagreb Pretner, E., 1963a: Novi Duvalius iz Makedonije. Fragmenta balcanica, 4, 185 - 190, Skopje Pretner, E., 1963b: Biološke najdbe v Skakavcu. Decouvertes biologiques dans la grotte Skakavac. - Acta carsologica, 3, 131 - 135, Ljubljana Pretner, E., 1963c: Biospeleološka istraživanja u Srbiji. Les recherches biospeolo- giques en Serbie. - Acta carsologica, 3, 137 - 147, Ljubljana Pretner, E., 1966: Najdišča jamskega hrošča Speleodromus Pluto Reitter 1881. Fundorte des Höhlenkäfers Speleodromus Pluto Reitter 1881. - Acta carsologica, 4, 221 - 227, Ljubljana Pretner, E., 1968a: Coleoptera, subfam. Bathysciinae. Catalogus faunae Jugosla- viae, 3, 6, 1 - 60, Ljubljana Pretner, E., 1968b: Živalstvo Postojnske jame. 150 let Postojnske jame 1818 -1968, 59 - 78 Pretner, E., 1970a: Antrosedes longicollis sp. n. iz Bosne, razprostranjenost vrste Blattodromus herculeus Reitter, rod Pheggomisetes v Srbiji (Bathysciinae in Trechinae). Razprave IV. razreda SAZU, 13, 152 - 164, Ljubljana Pretner, E., 1970b: Hydraena (subgen. Haenydra) v Jugoslaviji (Coleoptera: Palpicornia, Hydraenidae). Razprave IV. razreda SAZU, 13, 113 - 152, Ljubljana Pretner, E., 191 Qc: Leptodirus hochenwarti velebiticus ssp. n. in Astagobius hadzii sp. n. z Velebita, Astagobius angustatus deelemani ssp. n. in Astagobius angustatus driolii ssp. n. iz Like {Coleoptera). Leptodirus hochenwarti velebiticus ssp. n. und Astagobius hadzii sp. n. vom Velebit, Astagobius angustatus deelemani ssp. n. und Astagobius angustatus driolii ssp. n. aus der Lika (Coleoptera). - Acta carsologica, 5, 321 - 340, Ljubljana Pretner, E., 1970d: Pripombe h katalogu v Laneyriejevi novi klasifikaciji subfam. Bathysciinae {Coleoptera) in pojasnila h katalogu subfam. Bathysciinae - Catalogus Faunae Jugoslaviae (Pretner, 1968). Remarques au catalogue des Bathysciinae dans la nouvelle classification des Bathysciinae - Catalogus Faunae Jugoslaviae (Pretner, 1968). - Acta carsologica, 5, 341 - 365, Ljubljana Pretner, E., 1973: Koleopterološka fauna pečina i jama Hrvatske s historijskim pregledom istraživanja. Krš Jugoslavije (Zagreb), 8/6, 101 - 239 Pretner, E., 1974a: Zasluge Leona Weiratherja za jugoslovansko biospeleologi- jo. Acta entomologica Jugoslavica, 10, 7 - 13, Zagreb Pretner, E., 1974b: Zgodovinski pregled koleopteroloških raziskovanj v jamah Slovenije. Historische Übersicht der koleopterologischen Firschungen in den Höhlen Sloweniens. - Acta carsologica, 6, 309 - 316, Ljubljana Pretner, E., 1977a: On the ecology of the allegedly cavernicolous beetles with remarks on the classification of the alleged cave fauna. 6. Congres International de Speleologie, 5, 221, Olomouc Pretner, E., 1977b: Pregled podzemne faune koleoptera Crne gore. Glasnik Crnogor. akad. nauka i umjet. Odj. prirod. nauka, 2, 91 - 186, Titograd Pretner, E., Jalžič, B., 1977c: Prilog poznavanju faune koleoptera pečina i jama Hrvatske. Krš Jugoslavije, 9, 5, 239 - 271, Zagreb Pretner, E., 1979a: Podzemeljska koleopterska fauna umetnih votlin. Acta entomologica Jugoslavica, 15, 1 - 2, 89 - 102, Zagreb Pretner, E., 1979b: Lovricia Jalzici, novi rod i nova vrsta podzemnog kornjaša (Coleoptera, Carabidae) iz Dalmacije. Rad JAZU (Zagreb), 383, 377 -385 Sitar, S., 1987: Sto slovenskih znanstvenikov, zdravnikov in tehnikov. Prešernova družba, 78, Ljubljana ANNEX 1: THE LIST OF POSTOJNSKA JAMA FAUNA BY E. PRETNER Deblo: SPUŽVE (SPONGIARIÄ) Spongillidae, species Deblo: NEČLENARJI (AMERIA) Razred: Vrtinčarji (Turbellaria) Detidrocoelum lacteum O. F. Müller Dendrocoelum tubuliferum Beauchamp 1919 Fonticola albissima Vejdovsky Fonticola dalmatina Stankovič & Komarek Razred: Mehkužci (Mollusca) Podrazred: Polži (Gastropoda) Carychium tridentatum Risso Zospeum spelaeum Rossmässler 1837 Zospeum alpestre rossmässleri Wagner 1912 Oxychilus cellarius O. F. Müller Frauenfeldia lacheineri Küster Iglica luxurians Kuščer Hauffenia subpiscinalis Kuščer Acroloxus tetensi Kuščer Deblo: MNOGOČLENARJI (POLYMERIA) Poddeblo: Kolobarniki (Annelida) Razred: Maloščetinci (Oligochaeta) Nais communis Piguet Tubifex velutinus Grube Aulodrilus pluriseta Piguet Eiseniella tetraedra Savigny Helodrilus constrictus Rosa Razred: Pijavke (Hirudinea) Herpobdella octoculata Linne Species Poddeblo: Členonožci (Arthropoda) Razred: Raki (Crustacea) Nižji raki (Entomostraca) Red: Listonožci (Phyllopoda) Simocephalus vetulus O. F. Müller Ceriodaphnia affinis Lilljeborg Bosmina longirostris O. F. Müller Rhynchotalona rostrata Koch Pleuroxus laevis Sars Red: Dvoklopniki (Ostracoda) Cypria ophthalmica Jurine Cypria pellucida O. F. Müller Candona Candida O. F. Müller Candona trigonella Klie 1931 Typhlocypris schmeili Müller Red: Ceponožci (Copepod) Diaptomus spec. 1 Macrocyclops albidus Jurine Eucyclops macruwides Lilljeborg Eucyclops serrulatus Fischer Eucyclops prasinus Fischer Paracyclops fimbriatus Fischer Paracyclops fimbriatus f. imminuta Kiefer Cyclops bisetosus Rehberg Cyclops charon Kiefer 1931 Cyclops languiodoides f. gotica Kiefer 1931 Cyclops viridis Jurine Mesocyclops dybowskyi Lande Paracamptus schmeili Mrazek Bryocamptus zschokkei Schmeil Echinocamptus georgevitchi Chappuis Echinocamptus unicus Kiefer 1931 Echinocamptus dacicus Chappius Ehinocamptus luenensis Schmeil Attheyella crassa Sars Elaphoidella jeanneli Chappuis Višji raki (Malacostraca) Red: Deseteronožci (Decapoda) Astacaus fluviatilis Fabricius Troglocaris anophthalmus Kollar Red: Enakonožci ali prašički (Isopoda) Titanethes albus Schiödte 1848 Androniscus cavernarum tschammeri Strouhal Asellus aquaticus Linne Asellus aguaticus cavemicolus Racovitza 1925 Asellus istrianus Stammer Red: Postranice (Amphipoda) Niphargus stygius Schiödte 1848 Niphargus puteanus spoeckeri Schellenberg 1933 Niphargus kochianus wolfi Schellenberg 1933 Razred: Pajkovci (Arachnoidea) Red: Palpigrada Koenenia austriaca Hansen Red: Pajki (Araneidea) Stalita taenaria Schiödte 1848 Red: Paščipalci (Pseudoscorpionidea) Neobisium spelaeum Schiödte 1848 Neobisium pusillium Beier 1939 Chtonius cavernarum Ellington Roncus stussineri Simon Red: Suhe južine (Opilionidea) Hadziana postumicola Roewer 1935 Nelima aurantiaca Simon Red: Pršice (Acarina) Asca affinis Oudemans Ixodes vespertilionis C. L. Koch Labidostoma lyra Willmann 1932 Eugamasus loricatus Wankel Veigeia kocki Trägardh Cyrtolaelaps mucronatus G. & R. Canestrini Hygrobates longipalpis Hermann Neumannia limosa C. L. Koch Arrenurus albator O. F. Müller Razred: Stonoge (Myriapoda) Podrazred: Strige {Chilopoda) Lithobius stgius Latzel 1880 Podrazred: Kačice (Diplopoda) Acherosoma troglodytes Latzel 1880 Attemisia stygium Latzel 1880 Brachydesmus subterraneus Heller Gervaisia costata Waga Razred: Žuželke (Insecta aut Hexapoda) Podrazred: Pražuželke (Apterygota) Hypogastrura purpurascens Lubbock Hypogastrura sigillata Uzel Achorutes spelaeus Joseph 1882 Onychiurus armatus Tullberg Onychiurus boldorii Denis 1938 Onychiurus giganteus Absolon 1901 Onychiurus postumicus Bonet 1931 Onychiurus stachi Denis 1938 Onychiurus stillicidii Schiödte 1848 Anurophorus caecus Joseph (?) Isotomurus alticolus Carl Heteromurus nitidus Templeton Tomocerus niveus Joseph 1882 Oncopodura cavemarwn Stach 1934 Sminthurus coecus Joseph 1882 (?) Plusiocampa erebophila Hamann 1896 Podrazred: Krilate žuželke {Pterygota) Red; Pravokrilci {Orthoptera) Troglophilus cavicola Koliar Troglophilus neglectus Krauss Red: Enodnevnice (Ephemeroidea) Baetis bioculata Linne Ličinke {larvae) spec. ? Red: Pribrežnice (Plecoptera) Ličinke (larvae) spec. ? Red: Mladoletnice (Trichoptera) Ličinke {larvae) spec. ? Red: Metulji (Lepidoptera) Triphosa dubitata Linne Scoliopteryx libatrix Linne Red: Hrošči (Coleoptera) Anophthalmus schmldti Sturm Anophthalmus hirtus confusus G. Müller 1935 Laemostenus elongatus Dejan Laemostenus schreibersi Küster 1846 Bathyscimorphus byssinus Schiödte 1848 Bathysciotes khenvenhüUeri L. Miller 1852 Aphaobius milleri F. Schmidt (subsp.) Leptodirus hochenwarti F. Schmidt 1832 Atheta spelaea Erichson Quedius mesomelinus Marsham Machaerites ravasinii G. Müller Red: Dvokrilci (Diptera) Neosciaria vivida f. tenuicornis Lengersdorf 1932 Chironomus viridulus Linne Triphleba aptina Schiner & Egger 1854 Chiromia oppidana Scopoli Nycteribia biarticulata Hermann Nycteribia schmidli Schiner & Egger Ličinke (larvae) fam. Culicidae Deblo: STRUNARJI {CHORDONIA) Poddeblo: Vretenčarji (Vertebrata) Razred: Ribe {Pisces) Phoxinus laevis Linne Leuciscus spec. Trutta spec. Razred: Dvoživke (Amphibia) Proteus anguinus Laurenti Razred: Sesalci (Mammalia) Rhinolophus hipposideros Bechstein Rhinolophus ferrum-equinum Schreber Miniopterus schreibersi Kuhl ANNEX 2: THE LIST OF COLEOPTEROLOGICAL FAUNA OF ARTIFICAL SPACES BY E. PRETNER CARABIDAE Geotrechus saulcy subsp. metallorum Jeannel Rudnik hematitnega železa, Frivas (Ardeche) Aphaenops loubensi Jeannel Aphaenops cabidockei Coiffait Hydraphaenops vasconicus subsp. delicatus Coiffait Tunel do dvorane Verna na dnu brezna Aven de Pierre-Saint-Martin in do jame Grotte d Arphidia, Basses Alpes Speotrechus (s. str.) mayeti Abeille Rudnik hematitnega železa, Privas (Ardeche) Orotrechus (s. str.) carinthiacus Mandl Rovi na Obirju v višini 900 do 2000 m Orotrechus (s. str.) globulipennis Schaum Rov pod Piano nad Plužno pri Bovcu Orotrechus (s. str.) muellerianus Schatzmayr Kaverna pri železniški postaji Prosek (Prosecco) na Krasu Orotrechus (s. str.) Rov na vzhodnem rovu Tisnika blizu Hude luknje Orotrechus (s. str.) fabianii Oestro Podzemeljska kamnoloma Cogolo di Costozza in pri Covolo del Tesoro, Monti Berici Duvalius (s. str.) carantii Sella Podzemeljski prostori samostana Certosa di Pesio, Alpi Marittime Duvalius (s. str.) exaratus Schaum Knapovka jama, Paka severno od Velenja (obronki Karavank) Duvalius (Euduvalius) lucidus J. Müller Spilja-rudnik "Minera", Škrip (otok Brač) Anophthalmus bernhaueri Ganglbauer Obir: rov nad prevalom Saj da, rovi svinčenih rudnikov "Fladung" in "Seealpe", rov v gorskem hrbtu zahodno od Železne Kaple, približno 600 m visoko Karavanke v Sloveniji: gornji rov na Počivalu nad kmetijo Počivalnik na južnem pobočju kota 1172 Samuha; gornji in doljnji rov v Podlju-belju nad kmetijo Potočnik Anophthalmus kaufmanii subsp. weingärtneri (Winkler) Rudarski vrt, Sv Jakob na Medvednici nad Zagrebom Anophthalmus mariae Schatzmayr Rov pod Valvazorjevo planinsko kočo na Stolu (Karavanke): rudnik "Pri štolnu " pod planino Trento (Julijske Alpe) Anophthalmus egonis J. Müller Julijske Alpe: rov nad Rudnim poljem ob stezi za Konjšco planino, rovi "Janez I-III" na Rudnici kota 946 pri Studorju v Bohinju; rov na prevalu med Uskovnico in Ovčarijo; okohca Viševnik planine: rov ob stezi na preval nad Viševnik planino, tretji od zgoraj navzdol, rov pod "Jamo na sedlu" Anophthalmus ajdovskanus subsp. fodinae Mandl Obir: rov pod Rainerjevim domom na Ojstercu, rovi svinčenega rudnika "Seealpe" Anophthalmus ajdovskanus subsp. pretneri J. Müller Rov pod Valvazorjevo planinsko kočo na Stolu in rov "Pri knapih" pod stezo na Begunjščici (Karavanke) Anophthalmus ajdovskanus äff. subsp. muelleri Jeannel Viševnik planina (Julijske Alpe): rov ob stezi od Viševnik planine na preval, tretji od zgoraj navzdol, veliki rov pri mostu v steni nad jamo Zlatico Anophthalmus ajdovskanus aff. subsp. santiacus G. Müller Italijanska kaverna iz prve svetovne vojne za Gomiščekovim zavetiščem pod vrhom Krna 2245 m visoko (Julijske Alpe) Anophthalmus ajdovskanus /Ganglbauer/ (subsp. spec.) Trenta v Julijskih Alpah: rudnik "Pri štolnu" pod planino Trento in rudnik na Srednici pod Vršacem v Zgornji Trenti Laemosthenes {A.) schreibersi Küster Julijske Alpe: kaverna na Lajnerju nad Soriško planino, rovi "Janez I-III" na Rudnici kota 946 pri Studorju v Bohinju, rov ob stezi od Viševnik planine na preval, tretji od zgoraj navzdol; italijanska kaverna iz prve svetovne vojne na južnerd pobočju Kim 1600 m visoko, rov pod Planjo nad Plužno pri Bovcu; rudnik na Srednici pod Vršacem v Zgornji Trenti, 1800 m visoko in rudnik "Pri štolnu" pod planino Trento Karavanke: rovi "Pri knapih" na Begunjščici, nad in pod stezo ter tik ob stezi Menina planina: Selška luknja pri vasi Selo zahodno od Zgornjega Tuhinja Pohorje: Rov nad kasarno v Bukovju, Dravograd Kobansko: rov v Sturmovi grabi, Fala Škofjeloški hribi: rov Arnežov bavhenk na vznožju Šmarjetne gore pri Kranju BATHYSCIINAE Bathysciola (s. str.) linderi Abeille Rudnik galenita, Sainte-Marguerite-Lafigere (Cevennes) Bathysciola Boldoria (ghidinii) F. Lona Podzemeljski prostori trdnjave v mestu Brescia Aphaobius heydeni subsp. robustus J. Müller "Štoln" pri Dobravškem mostu pri Kamni gorici (Škofjeloško hribovje) Aphaobius milleri subsp. pretneri J. Müller Rov pod Valvazorjevo kočo na Stolu in 3 rovi "Pri knapih" na Begunjščici (Karavanke) Aphaobius milleri subsp. winkleri Mandl Rov pri Uletovega planinskega doma na Peci; rova Kolša in Heller na avstrijskem pobočju Pece ("Petzen") v Karavankah Aphaobius milleri subsp. brevicornis Mandl Obir v avstrijskih Karavankah: rovi v višini 1400 do 2000 m, rov nad prevalom Šajda in rovi svinčenega rudnika "Seealpe" Aphaobius milleri /F. Schmidt/ (subsp.) Karavanke: gornji rov na Počivalu nad kmetijo Počivalnik na južnem pobočju kote 1172 Samuha in dolnji rudniški rov nad kmetijo Potočnik v Podljubelju Menina planina: Selška luknja pri vasi Selo (Zgornji Tuhinj) Julijske Alpe: rov ob stezi Viševnik planina-preval, t.j. tretji rov od zgoraj navzdol, rov z navpičnim vhodom levo od steze Viševnik plani-na-preval, veliki rov pri mostu v steni nad jamo Zlatico; rudnik na Srednici pod Vršačem v Zgornji Trenti in rudnik "Pri štolnu" pod planino Trento Lotharia angulicollis Mandl Rov nad prevalom Sajda na južnem pobočju Obirja Oryotus micklitzi Reitter Julijske Alpe: rov nad Rudnim poljem na Pokljuki; rov ob stezi od Viševnik planine na preval, t.j. tretji od zgoraj navzdol, rov z navpičnim vhodom levo od steze Viševnik planina-preval, veliki rov pri mostu v steni nad jamo Zlatico pod Viševnik planino, rov ob navedeni stezi na levo, kjer ta ne traverzira več pobočje, ampak krene navzgor proti prevalu Spelaeobates kraussi J. Müller Spilja-rudnik "Minera", Škrip (otok Brač) STAPHYLINIDAE Lathrobium {Glyptomems) cavicola H. Müller Menina planina: Selška luknja pri vasi Selo (Zgornji Tuhinj) Phloeocharis (Scotodytes) winkleri Coiffait Les Cabesses, rudnik mangana, Riverenert (Aričge) CURCULIONIDAE Troglorhynchus anophthalmus F. Schmidt Menina planina: Selška luknja pri vasi Selo (Zgornji Tuhinj) ANNEX 3: SPECIES NAMED AFTER EGON PRETNER HROŠČI Coleoptera družina KRESICEV, Carabidae Carabus croaticus pretneri Drovenik-Krätschmer, 1977 Adriaphaenops pretneri Scheibel, 1935 (Vjetrenica, Zira jama, BIH - endemit) Neotrechus suturalis pretneri Scheibel, 1936 (Jama pri Vlaništu, Črna gora - endemit) Anophthalmus egonis J. Müller, 1923 (Jame na Pokljuki in Pršivcu, Slovenija - endemit) Anophthalmus ajdovskanus pretneri J. Müller, 1913 (Karavanke, Slovenija - endemit) Anophthalmus micklitzi pretneri J. Müller, 1913 Anophthalmus milleri pretneri J. Müller, 1913 družina MRHARČKOV, Catopiidae, Bathysciinae Aphaohius milleri pretneri J. Müller, 1913 (Stol, Karavanke, Slovenija - endemit) Pretneria G. Müller, 1931 Pretneria latitarsis (G. Müller, 1931) (Golobja jama. Trnovski gozd, Slovenija - endemit) Pretneria saulii (G. Müller, 1941) (Snežnice na Kaninu, Slovenija - endemit) Orostygia pretneri G. Müller (Julijska krajina, Italija) Speonesiotes pretneri G. Müller, 1934 (pečina Magara, Skadar - endemit) Leptodirus hochenwarti pretneri (G. Müller, 1926) (Jama nad Zosten, Čičarija, Istra) družina RILČKARJEV, Curculionidae Troglorhynchus pretneri Solari 1955 (Velika severna Notranjska planota) PAJKI, Aranea Troglohyphantes pretneri Deeleman-Reinhold, 1978 (Špela Koruns, gora Prokletije, Črna gora - endemit) Stalita pretneri Deeleman-Reinhold, 1971 (Donja Cerovačka pečina, Lika, Hrvaška - endemit) STONOGE, Chilopoda Scolopendrellopsis pretneri Juberthie-Jupeau, 1963 DVOJNONOGE, Diplopoda Attemisia pretneri Strasser, 1933 (Križna jama. Lož, Slovenija - endemit) Acherosoma pretneri Strasser, 1940 (Medvedja pečina, Lokve, Hrvaška - endemit) Orobainosoma pretneri Strasser Leptoiulus pretneri minor Strasser, 1940 (Menina planina, Savinjske Alpe, Slovenija - endemit) Bmchydesmus inferus pretneri Verhoeff Egonopretneria Strasser RAKI, Crustacea Spelaeocaris pretneri Matjašič, 1958 Niphargus aquilex pretneri Sket, 1959 (Gornja Cerovačka pečina. Hrvaška - endemit) Monolistra pretneri pretneri Sket, 1969 (Pečina kod Vrane, Hrvaška - endemit) Pseudocandona pretneri Danielopol, 1978 POLŽI, Gastropoda Zospeum pretneri Bole, 1961 VRTINČARJI, Turbellaria Bubalocerus pretneri Matjašič, 1958 ZGODOVINSKI POMEN EGONA PRETNERJA ZA BIOLOGIJO Povzetek Egon Pretner (1896 - 1982) je bil v mednarodnem merilu eden najboljših poznavalcev evropskega krasa in živali v kraških jamah, še posebej hroščev. Največ v tem življenjskem okolju je odkril nad sto novih živalskih vrst in je s tem bistveno prispeval k jamskim katastrom Slovenije in drugih dežel bivše Jugoslavije, saj je bil zanesljivo jamar, ki je obiskal največ jam v Jugoslaviji. Po svojih zapiskih je obiskal 1492 jam: 649 na Slovenskem, 773 v drugih deželah Jugoslavije, 70 v drugih evropskih državah in sestavil je kataster za večino kraških jam v Sloveniji in republikah bivše Jugoslavije. Za opravljeno delo je prejel mnoga društvena priznanja in odlikovanja. Bil je častni predsednik Slovenskega entomološkega društva ter častni član Jugoslovanskega in Francoskega entomološkega društva. Za znanstveno delo je prejel Prešernovo in Jesenkovo nagrado. Ob 80- letnici je bil odlikovan z redom dela z zlatim vencem. Skromen in delaven je ostal do konca, še poln načrtov, ki pa so ostali naša obveza, da jih dokončamo. Na področju, kjer je dosegel mednarodni sloves, je bil E. Pretner samouk in dolga leta po statusu zgolj amater. Bil je neutrudljiv terenski delavec, slovenski in celotni jugoslovanski kras, pa tudi kraške predele v sosednji Italiji in Avstriji, je poznal bolje kot kdorkoh. Pridobil si je pomembne zasluge na raznih področjih krasoslovja (evidenca jam, geografija krasa, tehnika jamarstva in jamarskega raziskovanja itn.), predvsem pa se je posvečal raziskovanju Življenja v kraškem podzemlju. Tu je odkril številne nove vrste migetalkarjev, polžev, dvojenog in zlasti hroščev. Kot žužkoslovec je posegel tudi na nekatera druga področja, tako je bil na svetu največji specialist za skupino vodnih hroščev Hydraena, vendar pa slovi predvsem kot raziskovalec jamskih hroščev. Razvil je izvirne načine za zbiranje tovrstnega študijskega gradiva. Poleg odkrivanja novih vrst je preverjal tudi že publicirane podatke in ustvaril si je celovito sliko o geografski razširjenosti posameznih vrst. Napisal je nad 70 razprav in člankov v domačih in tujih znanstvenih revijah, za sintezo raziskovalnega dela - monografijo o jamskih hroščih Slovenije - pa mu je zmanjkalo časa. Kot velik altruist je E. Pretner zbrano gradivo pogosto prepuščal v obdelavo raznim speciahstom, da so tako prvi opisah mnoge živalske vrste, ki jih je sam odkril. Preko 20 vrst pa se le imenuje po njem, kar kaže na veliko spoštovanje in cenjenost s strani biologov. E. Pretner se je med prvimi zavedel ekološke ogroženosti kraških jam in postal je zgoden bojevnik za varstvo narave tudi na tem področju.