SLOVENIA ISSN 1448-8175 |-^ ^ ^ Aus.-aPos, p« approved glB faBH SOUTH AUSTRALIA PP 534387/00013 m^Mm ^^■■BQI |SSUE No. 52 Summer / poletje 2009/10 NEWSLETTER President's Address It has been 5 months since the current committee began and I believe the Club is in good hands thanks to the generosity and dedication of the committee members and the strong attendance by members and friends each week. It has been great to see the number of people attending the various functions that have been held recently. Since the last newsletter, we have enjoyed a number of events. A two day bus trip organized by Olga Hrvatin took us to Renmark for the Beautiful annual Rose Festival. This festival, as well as the drive through the spectacular scenery of the lush and green Barossa Valley reminded us again of how lucky we are to live in South Australia! In readiness for the Christmas season, Toni Zupančič donated and decorated the Christmas tree and also assisted in decorating the Member's Hall itself. Frank Končina checked all of the chairs in the hall and carried out a number of repairs. Thank you to Toni and Frank. On Sunday 29th November, the children were excited by a visit from Sveti Miklavž (St Nicholas). There was a good turnout of children whose happy and surprised faces were a joy to behold. Entertainment for the children included a jumping castle and a special children's Christmas party. Thanks must go to Mario Jenko, who 'drove' Miklavž to the Club and the beautiful angels Catherine and Theresa Pistor. There was no sign of any parkelj (devil). Must be that all Adelaide Slovenian children are very good!!! Our thanks also go to the kitchen, bar and BBQ staff who prepared and served a tasty party for the children and dinner for all the adults in attendance. Thank you to all you for attending the now annual Club Christmas Dinner. Once again, attendance by members and friends went beyond our expectations. The continued enthusiastic response of people to events such as these helps to keep our club viable and ensures that valuable traditions are not lost. It also continues to give busy members and friends a chance to catch up and celebrate the festive season together. Our wonderful cooks outdid themselves with dinner! Thank you to them all for the diverse menu served and also to those who helped serve the meals and those who worked behind the bar. We are appreciative of the time and effort taken to prepare for such events. Our thanks must also go to Slovenian Choir Adelaide, under the capable direction of Jadran Vatovec, entertained us on the night. It is always a pleasure to hear them. The committee invites all members and friends to our Silvestrovanje (New Year's Eve) celebrations. Please book early through our secretary Cvetka Jamnik. There will be a selection of food available from the smorgasbord and there will also be music to entertain you. We look forward to bringing in the New Year with you all. We'd like to express our thanks to the people responsible for the 'Moja Slovenija Revija.' This monthly publication helps us to keep in touch with what is happening with folk in Slovenia and other Slovenians throughout the world. I would like to recommend this magazine to you. As 2009 comes to a close, I would sincerely like to wish members and friends a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year filled with abundant blessing and lots of success. I would also like to take this opportunity to wish a Merry Christmas to all of the other Slovenian Clubs, missions and religious centres who work for our Slovenian communities throughout Australia. Best wishes to all, Danilo Kresevic Upcoming functions / prireditve at Slovenian Club Adelaide December Christmas dinner / 13 ....... Božična večerja December New Years Eve / 31 ....... Silvestrovanje Vesel božič in srečno novo leto Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year 2010 rmvTfnwmn Jelka Rcichittan Slovenia South Australia: Input and involvement from all South Australian Slovenians is welcomed and encouraged. Expressions of interest and contributions should be forwarded to the President at least one week prior to the Slovenian Club Committee's scheduled meetings (second Sunday of every month). editor: Cultural Subcommittee contributions: Danilo Kresevic Ivan Legisa Rosemary Poklar Adrian Vatovec Cassandra Vatovec Marta Zrim Sources: include STA, Slovenia News, Radio Slovenija, Sinfo,, Delo, Mladinska knjiga,, The Slovenia Times. Slovenia South Australia sponsors: > Slovenian Club Adelaide > Office for Slovenians Abroad, Ljubljana, Slovenia Contributions are being sought from the Slovenian community for Issue No.53 of The Slovenia South Australia Newsletter. Contact the editorial committee. Copies of Slovenia South Australia newsletter are lodged with the National Library of Australia, State Library of South Australia, and the National Library of Slovenia (NUK). Slovenia South Australia Newsletter email contacts: Južna Afrika, prihajamo! Jernej Suhadolnik/Rok Tamše 18.11.2009 V 44. minuti je po podaji Birse zadel Zlatko Dedič. Slovenskim nogometašem je uspel veliki met, saj so na povratni tekmi dodatnih kvalifikacij za svetovno prvenstvo v JAR zabeležili zlata vredno zmago proti favoriziranim Rusom (1:0). Rusi so tekmo končali le z devetimi igralci. selektorja Matjaža Keka so namreč na kolena spravili veliko Rusijo in bodo povsem zasluženo prihodnje leto igrali na svetovnem nogometnem prvenstvu, ki ga bo gostila Južnoafriška republika. Res, Kekovi fantje so povsem zasenčili razrvane Hiddinkove zvezdnike, ki so na koncu izgubili tudi živce, Rusija pa je tekmo končala le z devetimi možmi. Kako lepo je bilo biti Slovenec na mariborski travi! Nova trdnjava slovenske nogometne reprezentance, ki jo resda utegnejo že prihodnjo jesen seliti na novi stadion v ljubljanskih Stožicah, je pokala po šivih: dobrih 13.000 podpornikov slovenskega nogometa, med katerimi je bilo tudi tisoč ruskih gostov, pa je pričaralo čarobno ozračje. Slovenci, veselite se odmevnega dosežka, bi lahko zapisali ob veliki zmagi nad Rusijo, ki nas je v Moskvi premagala z 2 : 1. Premalo. Novi slovenski junaki, med katerimi je sinoči zablestel strelec edinega gola Zlatko Dedič, so torej spisali novo pravljico, tretjo po tistih na EP 2000 v Beneluksu in SP 2002 na Daljnem vzhodu. Slovenia stun Russia to reach World Cup 18.11.2009 Scoring in the 44th minute through Zlatko Dedič, Slovenia shut up shop in the second half to clinch a surprise 1:0 (1:0) win over Russia and a place at the 2010 World Cup in Maribor on Wednesday November 18. Zlatko Dedič scored the winning goal. Veselje slovenskih navijačev ob vodilnem zadetku foto: Tomi Lombar/Delo Maribor - Šampioni! Slovenija gre naprej! Kdor ne skače, ni Sloven'c! To je le nekaj vzklikov veselja in evforije, ki so jih sijajnim slovenskim navijačem iz grl zvabili odlični Slovenci na igrišču Ljudskega vrta. Izbranci mladega Chasing a 1:2 deficit from Moscow four days ago, Slovenia's lone goal in Maribor tied the score at 2:2 on aggregate, but put Slovenia ahead on the away goals rule. The late goal scored by Nejc Pecnik for Slovenia in Moscow on Saturday proved the turning point in the playoff among the second-placed teams from the European qualifying groups. Slovenia's second-ever appearance at a World Cup tournament was deserved, though, as the Russians were thoroughly outhustled on the Maribor grass. Brimming with confidence ahead of the match, Slovenia exploded out of the gates to put pressure on the Russians and got a deserved goal when Dedič latched on a Valter Birsa pass to slot it past Russian goalkeeper Igor Akinfeev. While Russia put more pressure on Slovenia in the second half, the Slovenian defence held on and Russia grew increasingly frustrated. Slovenia held firm to reach their first World Cup finals since their 2002 debut. What makes Slovenia's win remarkable is its population of only 2 million people against Russia with 142 million. A real David versus Goliath success story. Slovenia is in Group C in the World Cup. Glasba - Music Slovenian Choir Adelaide (Slovenski pevski zbor Adelaide) rehearsals every second Sunday at 4.00pm, in the clubrooms. SBS Radio Tuesday and Sunday programs can be heard on SBS Radio 1 digital at 8.00 - 9.00am. The program is repeated at 10.00am. »Ju - hu - hu, kako je b'lo lepo« Lep dan se nam je obetal, dan ki ga je naredil Gospod. Lepa družba 44 članov se je zbrala na dvorišču vsi z nasmejanimi obrazi so nam obetali lep izlet v Riverland Renmark. Z udobnim avtobusom in zelo priljubljenem šoferju Harry-tom, ki vedno vozi naše izletnike. D obro je o vsem tudi poučen in rad razlaga zanimivosti. Pot smo ubrali proti vzhodu preko Gawler proti Barossa, ker smo se tam ustavili in pobrali Vido in Franka ki živita v Lyndoch. Vozimo do Nuriootpa, ker smo se za krajši čas postali, popili kavo in tudi »kačje solze« in seveda več sort dobrot, ki so nam nudili. Kar hitro smo prispeli v Renmark. Čas je bil za kosilo, ki smo si ga sami oskrbeli. Čas je bil da se odpravimo na ogled nasada vrtnic, kar je bil glavni namen izleta. Čudovito za pogledati. Vsako leto ob tem času je tam Rose Festival. Nekaj izrednega. Kljub vročini in brez dežja so v najlepšem cvetju. Vrtnarija obsega 11 hektarjev zemlje. Gojijo 4000 vrst 50000 grmov bolj modernih, in tudi starejših vrst. Človek se kar ne more nagledati lepih cvetov. V samem vrtu se nahaja Visitor Centre v katerm se lahko osvežimo. Imajo pa tudi lepo restavracijo za razne prilike kot so poroke in podobno. Kar lep čas smo se tam zadržali v senci, ker je bil kar vroč dan. Čas za odhod do motela, ker so nas porazdelili po sobah. Po osvežitvi in pa počitku je bil čas za večerjo. Nov dan, zajtrk, in spet naprej na ladjo, ki nas je vozila po reki Murray. Kapitan ladje nam je razlagal zanimivosti, videli smo veliko vodnih ptic in tudi koalas po drevju. Na ladji so nam tudi poskrbeli za malico. Kar prehitro je čas odšel. Skupinsko smo se slikali v parku ob reki, tudi tam je bilo vse v vrtnicah. Čas za kosilo, ki smo si ga oskrbeli sami po želji. Odhod proti domu. S tem še ni bilo konca. Šofer Harry nas je zapeljal v »bush« in čuda v tako lepo vinarno Banrock Station, ki se nahaja ob Wetland. Vinarna ni ravno tako velika, a zelo lepo urejeno. Na voljo je dosti za kupit ne samo vina pač pa tudi raznih lesenih okraskov, vloženih dobrot in spominčkov. Težko je opisati kaj vse nudijo. Pokušali smo vina in si tudi za domov kupili. Bilo je zelo vroče. Na pot do prve črpalke na sladoled, nato pa domov. Veseli da smo srečno prispeli domov. Poslavili smo se z željo, da bomo ob priliki spet šli. Hvala gospe Olgi Hrvatin, ki je vse tako lepo organizirala. Upam da se bomo še kdaj podali na izlet. Pa srečno, Marta Zrim »Ju - hu - hu, how lovely it was« A fine day awaited us, a day made by God. A lovely group of 44 members gathered in the yard, all with smiling faces promis ing a lovely trip to the Riverland and Renmark. Together with a comfortable bus and our very popular driver Harry, who always drives us on our outings. He is very knowledgeable on all things and likes explaining the sites and attractions. We made our way eastwards through Gawler towards the Barossa where we stopped and picked up Vida and Frank who live in Lyndoch. We drove to Nuriootpa where we stopped fo r a short time and drank some coffee as well as "snake's tears", and, of course, partook of all sorts of other goodies that were offered to us. We arrived in Renmark quite quickly. Time for lunch which we provided ourselves, then it was time to get on and see the rose plantings, which was the main goal of the trip. Wonderful to behold! The Rose Festival occurs there every year at this time. Something extraordinary! The roses are flowering most beautifully in spite of the heat and lack of rain. The nursery covers 11 hectares of land. They cultivate 4000 varieties of more modern roses, as well as older varieties, on 50,000 bushes. A person can hardly take in all the beautiful flowers. Within the garden itself is the Visitor Centre where we refreshed ourselves. They also have a lovely restaurant which is used for a variety of occasions like weddings, etc. We stayed there in the shade for quite some time because it was quite a hot day. Time to head for the motel where we were assigned our rooms. After freshening up and a short rest it was time for dinner. A new day, breakfast and again onwards to the boat which took us up the Murray River. The captain of the boat explained all the attractions, we saw lots of water birds and also koalas in the trees. Morning tea was provided for us on the boat. The time passed all too quickly. We took a group photo in the park next to the river, there were roses everywhere there, too. Time for lunch, which we provided for ourselves, and then time to head home. But that wasn't the end. Our driver Harry led us into the "bush" and wonder of wonders we came to the beautiful Banrock Station winery, which lies next to a Wetland. The winery is not very big but it is beautifully looked after. There were lots of things to buy, not only wine, but also various wooden ornaments, boxed goodies and souvenirs. It's difficult to describe all the things they had to offer. We tasted some wines and also bought some to take home. It was very hot so on the way to the first petrol station we stopped for ice-cream than headed home. Happy to have arrived home safely, we said our good-byes with the wish that we will go again at the next opportunity. Thank you to Mrs Olga Hrvatin who organised everything so well. I hope that we will go on another trip some time in the future. Regards, Marta Zrim Translated by Rosemary Poklar Finska na vrhu, Slovenija med prvih dvajset Jure Kosec, 27.10.2009 / Delo Indeks najbolj razvitih držav, ki ga vsako leto pripravlja britanski inštitut Legatum, je Slovenijo izmed 104 držav, ki so bile vključene v raziskavo, uvrstil na 20. mesto. Najvišje mesto je pripadlo Finski, takoj za njo pa so se uvrstile Švica, Švedska, Danska in Norveška. Indeks države sicer uvršča na podlagi različnih kriterijev, denimo stanja gospodarstva, inovacij, demokratičnih institucij, šolstva in varnosti. Slovenija je v primerjavi z lanskim letom napredovala za tri mesta (slika je simbolična). foto: Dokumentacija Dela Položaj Slovenije se je v primerjavi z lanskim letom izboljšal za tri mesta. Država se je najbolje uvrstila na področjih šolstva in varnosti državljanov, kjer je zasedla osmo mesto, in na področju stanja demokracije oziroma razvitosti demokratičnih institucij, kjer je na 16. mestu. Najslabše se je odrezala pri vprašanju socialnega kapitala, kjer je zasedla 44. mesto, razlog za to pa je slab dostop prebivalstva do omrežij religijskega razvoja. Na področju poslovnih priložnosti in inovacij je država zasedla 36. mesto. Avtorji raziskave pri tem opozarjajo na precej nizko raven visokotehnoloških izdelkov, ki jih Slovenija izvaža. Dobra razvitost storitvenega sektorja v državi se ujema s stopnjo internetne varnosti in številom osebnih računalnikov med prebivalstvom, kar državo uvršča v svetovno povprečje. Glede stopnje razvitosti zdravstvenega sistema raziskava poudarja, da Slovenija kljub trenutnemu pomanjkanju zdravstvenih delavcev dosega sedmo najnižjo stopnjo umrljivosti novorojenčkov na svetu. Pri vprašanju osebne svobode je devet izmed desetih Slovencev zadovoljnih s sedanjo pravico do izbire, medtem ko v primerjavi z drugimi državami precejšen delež prebivalstva uživa visoko stopnjo svobode glede prostega gibanja in verskega izražanja. Med dvajsetimi najbolje uvrščenimi državami je štiri petine evropskih in severnoameriških. Najbolje uvrščena Finska na vseh raziskanih področjih ni dosegla slabše uvrstitve od desetega mesta. Lanska zmagovalka Avstralija je nazadovala za šest mest, medtem ko sta Indija in Kitajska, največji državi po številu prebivalstva, dosegli 45. ter 75. mesto. Na konec lestvice se je pred Sudanom in Jemnom uvrstil Zimbabve. Raziskava, ki jo inštitut Legatum izvaja tretje leto, temelji na uporabi 44 različnih indikatorjev. Vanjo so vključeni podatki javnomnenjske agencije Gallup, Svetovne trgovinske organizacije, bruto domači proizvod posameznih držav, podatki Svetovne banke, Organizacije za gospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj (OECD) in mnogih drugih. Slovenia Ranks 20th on World Prosperity Index 28.10.2009 / STA Slovenia ranks 20th on the world prosperity scale, a report published by UK-based research institute Legatum has found. Finland leads the world, followed by other Scandinavian countries, while Zimbabwe is last, behind Yemen and Sudan. The prosperity index is based on a definition of prosperity that combines economic growth together with measures of happiness and quality of life. The research looked at factors related to economic fundamentals, entrepreneurship, education, democratic institutions, governance, health, personal freedom and security. "Slovenia was propelled to its position through its performance on education, security, and its government's capacity for fostering economic growth," the report says. Slovenia ranked highest, eighth out of 104 countries, in security and education. The report says that Slovenia's crime rate is low, making the majority of citizens feel safe. In democratic institutions, Slovenia ranks 16th, mostly because these institutions are relatively young, while in health and governance, it ranks 24th. In personal freedom, it ranks 33rd. Six of the top 10 countries in the 2009 prosperity index are located in Europe: Finland, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and the Netherlands. The US ranks 9th. Slovenia outranks Croatia in all factors except personal freedom and enterpreneurship, where Croatia holds a narrow lead. Overall on the prosperity scale, Croatia ranks 25th, followed by Chile. 15 let delovanja Urada za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu TISKOVNA KONFERENCA 13. november 2009 15 let delovanja Urada Republika Slovenija je z ustanovitvijo Urada postavila temelj za razvoj posebnega državnega organa, v celoti namenjenega skrbi za slovenske rojake zunaj meja naše domovine, opredeljeni s 5. členom Ustave RS. Od organa v sestavi znotraj zunanjega ministrstva, s šestimi zaposlenimi, se je Urad s časom preoblikoval v samostojno vladno službo s sedemnajstimi zaposlenimi in ministrom kot predstojnikom. v 15-ih letih delovanja je Urad dosegel veliko število pomembnih rezultatov, ki predstavljajo nujen pogoj in hkrati čvrst temelj za njegovo uspešno delovanje v prid slovenskim zamejcem, zdomcem in izseljencem sedaj in v prihodnje. V tem času se je zvrstilo veliko število zaključenih projektov v zamejstvu in po svetu na kulturnem, športnem, izobraževalnem in drugih področjih. Urad v 2009 Urad je tudi letos objavil razpis za sofinanciranje projektov in redne dejavnosti slovenskih organizacij v tujini. Letos je za zamejstvo namenjenih 7.800.000,00 €, za Slovence v tujini pa 900.000,00 €, kar pomeni, da Urad namerava kljub neugodnim gospodarskim razmeram zagotavljati nemoteno in neokrnjeno finančno podporo. Letošnja novost je možnost večletnega financiranja rednih dejavnosti pri ključnih in najbolj pomembnih slovenskih organizacijah v zamejstvu, ter poudarek na projektih in dejavnostih, ki vključujejo mlade. S to spremembo želimo spodbuditi vključevanje in aktivno sodelovanje mladih Slovencev, potomcev Slovencev, ki živijo izven meja RS. Urad odlično sodeluje z ostalimi državnimi institucijami, kot so Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve, Komisija DZ za odnose s Slovenci v zamejstvu in po svetu, Odbor DZ za zunanjo politiko, Služba Vlade za Lokalno samoupravo in regionalni razvoj, Urad za narodnosti in mnogimi drugimi institucijami (SAZU, Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja in druge organizacije). V finančnem obdobju EU 2007-2013, Urad intenzivno sodeluje pri izvajanju čezmejnega sodelovanja v okviru programov Evropskega teritorialnega sodelovanja (ETS) in Instrumenta za predpristopno pomoč (IPA). Urad daje pri tem polno podporo izvedbi evropskih projektov slovenske narodne skupnosti v sosednjih državah, njen delež pri črpanju EU sredstev pa je odvisen od več dejavnikov (priprave projekta, usklajenosti z razvojem regije v obeh državah, usklajenosti pristojnih resorjev in aktivnosti Urada, ki se izražajo v zastopanju interesov slovenskih narodnih skupnosti v skupnih nadzornih odborih za operativne programe (OP) čezmejnega sodelovanja Slovenija-Avstrija, Slovenija-Italija in Slovenija-Hrvaška ter pri OP Slovenija-Madžarska, kjer ima Urad svoje predstavnike. Poleg tega Urad tudi neposredno, preko rednega letnega razpisa, podpira organizacije slovenske narodne skupnosti v sosednjih državah pri naporih za pridobitev evropskih sredstev za njihove projekte. Prihodnji teden, v torek, 17. novembra 2009, poteka v Lendavi XI. zasedanje slovensko-madžarske mešane komisije za spremljanje Sporazuma o zagotavljanju posebnih pravic madžarske narodne skupnosti v Republiki Sloveniji in slovenske narodne manjšine v Republiki Madžarski z državnim sekretarjem dr. Borisom Jesihom kot sopredsedujočim. Slovenska delegacija se bo zavzemala za izboljšanje pravic slovenske narodne skupnosti na Madžarskem s ciljem, da bi tudi Slovenci v Porabju uživali podobno raven manjšinskih pravic, kot jih Republika Slovenija zagotavlja madžarski narodni skupnosti na svojem ozemlju. Posebno pozornost bo Slovenija namenila vprašanju šolstva oziroma izvajanju slovenskega pouka na narodnostnih šolah z dvojezičnim programom v Porabju kot tudi na ostalih šolah na dvojezičnem območju na Madžarskem, javni rabi slovenskega jezika, financiranju slovenskih institucij v Porabju in zagotavljanju finančnih 5 podpor za »lastna sredstva« pri projektih prijavljenih v okviru Čezmejnega sodelovanja Operativnega programa SI-HU 2007-2013. Prioritete 2010 Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu (Urad) namenja v zadnjem obdobju posebno pozornost sodelovanju s slovenskimi znanstveniki in drugimi vrhunskimi izobraženci v tujini. Prav tako sta prioriteti Urada v tem obdobju tudi sodelovanji s slovenskimi gospodarstveniki in mladimi v tujini. V pripravi so posamezni akcijski načrti, ki bodo s konkretnimi ukrepi in njihovo časovno izvedbo podrobneje določali usmeritve iz predpisov, strategij in drugih razvojnih dokumentov. Eden pomembnejših ukrepov je tudi ureditev baze podatkov o slovenskih znanstvenikih in vrhunskih strokovnjakih ter gospodarstvenikov v tujini z namenom: okrepiti povezovanje znanstvenikov in vrhunskih strokovnjakov in gospodarstvenikov v tujini v združenja; oblikovati mrežo povezovanj znanstvenikov in gospodarstvenikov, univerz, visokošolskih institucij ter vladnih in drugih institucij v RS s slovenskimi znanstveniki in drugimi vrhunskimi izobraženci v tujini; vključiti znanstvenike in druge vrhunske izobražence v pripravo strateških usmeritev RS na različnih področjih; predstaviti delo znanstvenikov in vrhunskih izobražencev slovenski strokovni in laični javnosti in omogočiti pogoje za vračanje slovenskih raziskovalcev v RS ob spoštovanju načela enakopravnosti s tukaj živečimi raziskovalci. K dosegu teh ciljev bo prispevala tudi vzpostavitev krovne spletne strani za sodelovanje z znanstveniki v zamejstvu in po svetu, ki je nadgradnja obstoječe spletne strani Urada ter ustanovitev odborov za znanost pri Svetu za Slovence v zamejstvu in svetu za Slovence po svetu, ki sta posvetovalni telesi Vlade RS. Podobne ukrepe načrtujemo tudi na področju sodelovanja z gospodarstveniki v tujini. Urad je vključen v shemo delovanja gospodarske diplomacije na Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve. Aktivno sodeluje z gospodarstveniki iz zamejstva, evropskih in čezoceanskih držav. Urad je tako v letošnjem letu organiziral Gospodarski forum slovenskih gospodarstvenikov iz sosednje Italije in omizje na temo čezmejnega sodelovanja in vključevanja manjšine v čezmejne projekte. Urad se zavzema za povezovanje slovenskega gospodarstva v tujini in nudi pomoč pri novih priložnostih za krepitev gospodarstva. Posebna pozornost bo s pripravo akcijskega načrta namenjena tudi mladim Slovencem v tujini. Ti so temelj ohranjanja in krepitve slovenske identitete v tujini. Mladi so dovzetni za nove razvojne izzive slovenskih skupnosti, kulturnih in gospodarskih institucij ter so neobremenjeni z zgodovinskimi in drugimi družbenimi ovirami, s katerimi se danes, še posebej v zamejstvu, sooča slovenska narodna skupnost. V javnem razpisu za dodelitev sredstev je letos prvič kot poseben kriterij za dodelitev sredstev poudarjena skrb za mlade. Na osnovi kontaktov, mnenj in drugih podatkov, s katerimi razpolagamo, lahko zaključimo z ugotovitvijo, da je tako v zamejstvu kot po svetu izjemno veliko število mladih Slovencev, pripravljenih na nove izzive na področjih krepitve slovenstva in vsestranskega čezmejnega sodelovanja. National Geographic ranks Slovenia No. 5 top world destination 30.10.2009 National Geographic Traveler in cooperation with National Geographic Society's Center for Sustainable Destinations, has devoted its sixth annual "Places Rated" Destination Stewardship survey to the world's most celebrated and iconic travel destinations and how well they have weathered the pressures of mass tourism and other threats. The Logarska Valley. Photo: B. Jakse- Jersic Slovenia was ranked 5th top world destination and received 78 points, after Norway's Fjord Region (85 points), British Columbia's Kootenay/Y oho National Parks (81 points), Quebec's Gaspe Peninsula (80 points), New Zealand's South Island (80 points), Japan's Ancient Kyoto (79 points) and US Vermont (78 points). Slovenia wins praise for being savvy about balancing tourism with cultural and historical preservation. Ljubljana, the capital, is colourful, vibrant, and architecturally appealing, and Slovenia's Alps and wine country remain among the most sustainable and authentic places to visit in Europe. Further information at: http ://traveler. 09/11/destinations-rated/europe-text/15 Miss Slovenije 2009 je izbrana 05.10.2009 / Po zapletih z licenco je v soboto vendarle potekal izbor Miss Slovenije 2009. Nova misica je postala 23-letna Tina Petelin iz Maribora. Tina Petelin Letos je izbor potekal stran od oči javnosti, saj so novo miss Slovenije izbrali v hotelu v Radencih. Nova misica pa je še brez krone, saj zaradi zapletov z licenco ni bilo uradne predaje. Misica brez nagrad Najlepša Slovenka ni prejela kopice nagrad, kot je bilo to v navadi v preteklosti. Novi lastnik licence Damir Osredečki je na tiskovni konferenci razložil: "Že na začetku sem jim povedal, da nimamo avtomobilov ali kakšnih pompoznih nagrad. Potrudili pa se bomo, da jim v prihodnje priskrbimo določene nagrade. Poskušali jim bomo najti čim več dela v tujini." Najlepša Slovenka bo potovala v Johannesburg Prvo priložnost bo nova miss dobila že na svetovnem izboru Miss Sveta 2009, ki bo letos potekal v južnoafriški prestolnici Johannesburg. Na izboru so podelili tudi nekaj drugih nazivov. Prva spremljevalka je tako postala Tara Zupančič, druga spremljevalka Janja Gašljevič, miss fotogeničnosti pa je Polona Golob. Novopečena misica ni novinka v lepotnih izborih Zanimivo je tudi dejstvo, da ima nova miss že več lepotnih naslovov: bila je že Miss Koprske noči, Miss študentov, miss fotogeničnosti na izboru Miss Universe, ter prva spremljevalka na izboru za Miss Maribora. YOUR AGE BY CHOCOLATE MATH Don't tell me your age; you'd probably lie anyway-But the Hershey Man will know! YOUR AGE BY CHOCOLATE MATH It takes less than a minute. Work this out as you read. Be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out! 1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to have chocolate. (more than once but less than ten) 2. Multiply this number by 2. (just to be bold) 3. Add 5 4. Multiply it by 50 - I'll wait while you get the calculator. 5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1759. If you haven't, add 1758. 6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born. You should have a three digit number. The first digit of this was your original number. (i.e. how many times you want to have chocolate each week.) The next two numbers are YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it is!!!!!) THIS IS THE ONLY YEAR (2009) IT WILL EVER WORK, SO SPREAD IT AROUND WHILE IT LASTS! Slavko Avsenik praznuje 80-letnico Mo. B., Delo, 26.11.2009 Radovoljica - Eden izmed slovenskih najbolj znanih glasbenikov in skladateljev Slavko Avsenik danes praznuje 80-letnico. Začetniku narodno-zabavne glasbe, ki je napisal tudi največkrat inštrumentalno zaigrano uspešnico Na Golici, so že včeraj čestitali člani občinskega sveta v Radovljici, župan Janko Stušek pa mu je podaril zlatnik, ki ga je Banka Slovenije izdala na 250. obletnico rojstva Antona Tomaža Linharta. Slavko Avsenik praznuje 80-letnico Kot najmlajši izmed petih otrok se je sprva navduševal nad skakanjem s smučmi, leta 1953 pa ustanovi znano glasbeno zasebno Ansambel bratov Avsenik, ki ponese narodno-zabavno glasbo povsod po svetu. Njihove plošče so se prodajale v milijonskih naklada. Kljub temu, da harmonika ni več njegova zvesta spremljevalka pa je na včerajšnji slavnostni seji obljubil, da bo skupaj s sinovi tudi v prihodnje ustvarjal novo glasbo. Nov medijski »podvig« Pahorja: Zapel je Slavku Avseniku C. R., Delo, 01.12.2009 Ljubljana - Predsednik slovenske vlade Borut Pahor je po čiščenju kopačk nogometašem poskrbel za nov medijski šov. V Vili Podrožnik, kjer je skupaj z nekaterimi drugimi visokimi gosti (notranja ministrica Katarina Kresal, bivši predsednik Milan Kučan itd) gostil verjetno najslavnejšega slovenskega glasbenika Slavka Avsenika ob njegovem 80. rojstnem dnevu, je namreč slednjemu skupaj s pevcem Alfijem Nipičem na ves glas in v kamero zapel pesem Slovenija, od kod lepote tvoje. Alfi Nipič in Slavko Avsenik v pogovoru foto: Tina Kosec/Bobo Legendary Musician Slavko Avsenik celebrates his 80th birthday Wednesday, 02.12.2009 7 The legendary accordion musician Slavko Avsenik, the founder of the legendary band Avsenik Brothers Ensemble celebrated his 80th birthday on 26 November. Prime Minister Borut Pahor and several prominent names in politics hosted a reception for Slavko Avsenik who put Slovenia on the world stage, to mark his 80th birthday. Borut Pahor je predal darilo Slavku Avseniku na sprejemu ob njegovi 80-letnici foto: Tina Kosec/Bobo Kot je v svojem »pop« govoru, v katerem je analiziral glasbenikovo kariero, dejal Pahor, je Slavko Avsenik s svojo glasbo po vsem svetu več kot uspešno predstavljal našo državo, notranja ministrica Katarina Kresal pa je k temu dodala, da je Avsenik za Slovenijo verjetno naredil več kot politiki. Slavko Avsenik Avsenik was born November 26, 1929 in Begunje na Gorenjskem, close to Lake Bled, a popular tourist spot in NE Slovenia. The Avsenik Brothers Ensemble was established in 1953 by brothers Slavko and Vilko Avsenik. The brothers have produced nearly 1,000 songs in Slovenia and Germany, and the band has performed before millions and in thousands of concerts, and has sold over 30 million records. Becoming a vehicle of ethnic musical expression for Slovenia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the Benelux countries, Avsenik was dubbed by some the "Johann Strauss of the twentieth century". The most popular song of Avsenik's band is a polka entitled "Na Golici" in Slovenian, or "Trompetenecho" in German, "Trumpet Echoes" in English. According to some the most played instrumental song in the world, being an early trademark and success of the Avsenik Brothers. Lepe Slovenke ljubijo starejše in bogate! Ljubljana, 14.10.2009, Z.B. Tudi pri nas je vse več znanih Slovenk, ki se zaljubljajo v moške, ki bi bili lahko njihovi očetje. Na srečo pa so ti možakarji vsaj premožni, če že niso več mladi in postavni. Melania je le ena izmed Slovenk, ki se ji je uspelo poročiti z bogatim in precej starejšim moškim, Donald Trump. Vsake toliko se na domači medijski sceni pojavi kakšno privlačno dekle, ki preseneti ali, bolje rečeno, šokira javnost s svojim spremljevalcem. Nekateri tovrstni pari so naravnost bizarni, saj bolj kot na zaljubljence spominjajo na incestne veze med hčerkami in očeti. Seveda se zavedamo, da leta ne smejo biti ovira za srečno partnerstvo med dvema, ki se noro ljubita, vendar pa so nameni takšnih zvez pogosto preveč očitni. V ospredju so vse prej kot prava čustva, najpogosteje gre za materialno korist, za privilegije, ki tem dekletom lahko nudijo njihovi ljubimci. Ti čez noč postanejo njihovi fantje in kmalu zatem še življenjski sopotniki, ki lepoticam postrežejo z ugodjem ter razkošjem, o katerem so sanjale že kot punčke. Dejstvo je, da ne moramo vseh tovrstnih parov metati v isti koš, a kaj, ko si v naših primerih nikakor ne moremo zamišljati, da se tako lepe in sposobne ženske dejansko zaljubljajo v povsem neprivlačne in zato toliko bolj bogate stričke. Rekorderka v lovu na ultra bogataše je nedvomno prelepa Melanija Knavs. Po uspešnem začetku kariere, kot perspektivni evropski supermodel, ji je uspelo nemogoče. Osvojila je srce nepremičninskega mogotca ter ultra bogataša Donalda Trumpa. Spoznala sta se leta 1999 na neki modni reviji v obdobju, ko je ne preveč postaven Trump prestajal ločitev od svoje nekdanje žene Marle. Kljub 24 letom razlike sta priznala, da se v postelji odlično ujameta in sta zelo poredna ter navihana. Nastal je celo škandal o domnevnih nenavadnih spolnih praksah slovenske manekenke, a je ostalo zgolj pri govorica. Vsekakor pa se je mlada lepotica raje kot za uspešno kariero manekenke odločila za vlogo matere in žene enega najbogatejših Zemljanov. Čeprav se še tako trudimo, se ne moremo prepričati, da je ena najlepših Slovenk resnično zaljubljena v podobo in karizmo človeka, ki s svojim videzom v hipu odvrne vse poželenje. To pa bi težko trdili za njegov bančni račun, ki poplača ves trud in zvijanje v želodcu zaradi slabega okusa. State Department Report: Practicing Religion Free in Slovenia Tuesday, 27.10.2009 / Slovenia News Washington - In its latest religious freedom report, the US State Department has established that practicing religion in Slovenia is free. The report for the period between 1 July 2008 and 30 June 2009 says that religious freedom is guaranteed by the Constitution, which is also facilitated by laws and policies. Moreover, the Slovenian government generally respected religious freedom in practice, and there was no change in the status of respect for religious freedom by the government during the reporting period, says the report. Still, Muslim community leaders expressed concern that their community continued to be unable to provide adequate religious services to hospitalised Muslims despite the fact that a relevant regulation was adopted in October 2008. The report however notes some progress in the construction of a mosque in Ljubljana. It also says that there were individual cases of minor abuse or discrimination based on religion. Jewish community representatives for instance reported some prejudice, ignorance, false stereotypes, and negative images of Jews within society. The report notes that according to the 2002 census, 58% of Slovenia's two-million population is Roman Catholic, 2% Muslim and 2% Orthodox Christian. Evangelical Protestants and Jews belong to the groups under 1% of the population. The 2009 Report on International Religious Freedom covers 198 countries. It is compiled on the basis of information provided by religious communities, NGOs, experts and media outlets. Mirko Tuš ostaja najbogatejši Slovenec 03.11.2009 / Ljubljana - Najnovejša lestvica najbogatejših Slovencev revije Manager razkriva, da na prvem mestu ostaja Mirko Tuš s 340,6 milijona evrov premoženja. Mirko Tuš Drugo mesto zaseda Igor Lah z 240,7 milijona evrov, tretje pa Darko Horvat z 112,1 milijona evrov premoženja. Premoženje desetih najbogatejših Slovencev je letos zaradi krize sicer za petino manjše kot lani, z lestvice pa je zgrmelo nekaj znanih obrazov, med drugim nekdanji prvi pivovar Boško Šrot. Najbogatejši Slovenci (v milijonih evrov) 1. Mirko Tuš: 340,6 2. Igor Lah: 240,7 3. Darko Horvat: 112,1 4. Dari in Vesna Južna: 93 5. Jurij Krč: 88,3 6. Tomaž Lovše: 73,6 7. Hetem Ramadani: 68,5 in Gabrijel in Petra Rejc: 68,5 9. Joc Pečečnik: 65,4 10. Družina Anderlič: 56,3 11. Ivan Zidar: 52,2 12. Stanko Polanič: 52,1 13. Bahtijar Bajrovic: 50,8 14. Vitomir in Miranda Počkaj: 50,2 15. Tomaž Ročnik: 44,5 Tuš Not as Rich but Still the Richest 04.11.2009 / STA Retail magnate Mirko Tuš continues to reign as the wealthiest Slovenian even though his fortune decreased by more than a third (38.1%) to EUR 360.6m from last year, according a survey by the Manager magazine. This year's list of top 100 includes a third of newcomers. Investment gurus Igor Lah and Darko Horvat retained their second and third places respectively. However, Lah's fortune was down 3.8% to EUR 240.7m, while Horvat's assets more than halved to EUR 112.1m. Next on the list is the investment duo Dari and Vesna Južna (EUR 93m) and owner of the Gratel telecommunications company Jurij Krč (EUR 88.3m), who climbed 13 places after increasing his fortune by 78.1% compared to 2008. Diners Card Slovenija founder Tomaž Lovše follows with EUR 73.6m. A newcomer to the list is Hetem Ramadani (EUR 68.5m), the founder of Salbatring International, a company specialising in the trading of oil related products. Also new are Gabrijel Rejc and his daughter Petra, the owners of roll-up door manufacturer Efaflex, with EUR 68.5m. The fortune of gaming magnate-turn-football club owner Jože Joc Pečečnik halved to some EUR 65.4m, which cost him three spots. The Anderlič family, which owns investment firm Kranjska investicijska druzba, was up by a spot and just made it to the top ten with EUR 56.3m. According to Manager, some familiar faces disappeared from this year's list, including the former CEO of beverage group Pivovarna Laško, Boško Šrot, and chairman of the Poteza group Branko Drobnak, who were among the top ten last year. However, others managed to more than double their fortune. Vitomir and Miranda Pockaj, who own gaming company Alfastreet increased their assets by as much as 298% to EUR 50.2m thus moving from the 86th to the 14th place. Hetem Ramadani meanwhile gained 42 places, as his assets increased by 231%. Gobova juhica in zajec Jedilnik je pripravil Mihael Vrčkovnik Mihael Vrčkovnik, zobozdravnik, je velik gurman in ljubitelj kuhanja. Pri kuhanju ne eksperimentira, temveč natančno sledi receptom, ki si jih sproti izmišljuje. Poglejmo kako! Bistra gobova juha Sestavine: pest suhih gob nekaj svežih gob (jurčki, lisičke,šampinjoni, ostrigarji ...) en velik koren majaron (vejica svežega ali žlička posušenega) lovorov list, sol, poper žlička prahu iz posušenih gob (ne nujno) kisla smetana 2,5 l vode čebula gosja mast Priprava: 1.Pol srednje velike čebule na drobno sesekljamo in posteklenimo na olju ali gosji masti. Pest suhih gob splaknemo v cedilniku pod vročo vodo in jih začnemo pražiti na čebuli na slabem ognju. 2.Dodamo ne preveč na drobno sesekljan korenček, začinimo s ščepcem popra in soljo. Dodamo še preostale očiščene sveže gobe, ki smo jih narezali na rezine, krhlje, ali pa jih pustimo cele. 3.Zalijemo z vodo, dodamo svežo majaronovo vejico in lovorov list. Kuhamo na slabem do srednjem ognju še tri četrt ure. Če imamo prah iz posušenih gob, ga uporabimo kot ojačevalec okusa, ni pa nujno. 4.Postrežemo v velikih jušnih krožnikih, k juhi na rob krožnika zvrnemo žličko kisle smetane in je ne zmešamo, juha mora biti bistra. Pečen zajec Sestavine za 4 osebe: domači kunec 30 dag suhe čičerke ali dve konzervi kuhane 10 dag slanine 3 rdeče paprike ingver, sol, poper Priprava: 1.Kunca narežemo na kose in ga nasolimo, narahlo popramo ter po vsej površini potresemo z ingverjem v prahu. V vsak kos mesa globoko zarežemo z nožem in meso pretaknemo s polovico vse slanine. 2.Pekač premažemo z gosjo mastjo ali oljem, pretlačene kose mesa zložimo vanj in damo v pečico na 230 °C. Po dvajsetih minutah potresemo meso z drugo polovico slanine, narezano na manjše kose, in pečemo še dvajset minut. Med pečenjem enkrat ali dvakrat zalijemo z mastjo v pekaču. 3.Čičerko večer prej namočimo. V kropu jo kuhamo približno 35 minut. S paličnim mešalnikom jo zmeljemo na drobno. Vmešamo žlico ali dve kisle smetane, da bo kot pire, sproti dosoljujemo po okusu. 4.Na krožniku ponudimo skupaj s kosi kunca. Postrežemo z zeleno solato. Iz priloge Odprta kuhinja! KNJIGE - BOOKS SURVIVING FttE PERILOUS MOHIHS H90AKD THE SPACE STATION M JERRY M. LINENGER U.S ASTRONAUT /MIR COSMONAUT Off The Planet tells of the hair-raising account of survival in the forbidding depths of space on Mir. Not since Apollo 13 had a mission been so beset by so many near-fatal catastrophes. In a dramatic, first person narrative, American Slovenian astronaut / Mir cosmonaut Dr. Jerry Linenger chronicles the crew's heroic day-to-day struggle to keep themselves and their mission alive in the face of failing equipment on board and bureaucratic arrogance and political maneuvering on the ground. We are very fortunate to have received a copy of this book sent by our dear American Slovenian friend Dr. Ed Gobetz (see letters to the editor), who tirelessly promoters Slovenian achievers. Dr. Jerry Linenger has written a dedication to Slovenian Club Adelaide members and it reads as follows: To the officers and members of The Slovenian Club Adelaide -Continue to enjoy life in the most beautiful of continents (Australia has a distinct look to it...), But always remember our shared roots (Slovenia -what a gem!). Reach for the stars ... Your fellow Slovenian, Jerry PS. What a great job our mutual friend Dr. Gobetz does to keep all of us Slovenians from around the world proud of our shared heritage. ZGOŠČENKE - CDs Rock Partyzani Rock Partyzane sestavljajo stari mački in mačka slovenskega popa in rocka, ki so se kalili v mnogih priljubljenih slovenskih skupinah: Botri, Martin Krpan, Agropop, Magnifico & Pismejkersi, Don Mentony Band in še nekateri. V bistvu gre za nekakšno slovensko super-skupino, ki jo združuje ljubezen do dobre glasbe. Njihov show program vsebuje največje uspešnice tujega, jugo in domačega pop rocka iz 70., 80., 90. let pa vse do današnjih dni. Skupina je do zdaj izdala en studijski album Dan zmage. Rock Partyzani so v sodelovanju z dolenjsko aktivistko Mamo Manko in narodnim junakom Kekcem posneli zabavno in, kot jo imenujejo sami, narodnoosvobodilno borbeno pesem Slovenija ma' jajca. V videospotu, ki je posnet v borbenem duhu našega junaškega naroda, ki se bori za lepšo prihodnost, nastopa približno 100 različnih posameznikov iz vrst ljudstva: od kmeta, delavca in mesarja do novinarske srenje in estradnikov. Kljub temu da so si karakterji zelo raznoliki, pa vsi na ves glas prepevajo ''Gremo Slovenija''. See video clips of your favourite Slovenian artists on You Tube. You« FACEBOOK As well as being able to connect with friends and relatives on Facebook, the opportunity is there to join groups of Slovenian interest. Some of the groups are: Slovenian Kangaroos in Australia People of Slovenian Ancestry Koliko je slovenskih državljanov na Facebook-u? Utrinek iz 39.dneva narodnih noš v Kamniku. Slovenija, predvsem mesta, potrebujejo še več tovrstnih dogodkov. Alenki Hribar fotko, avtor je Primož Hieng. Seen & Heard Apostolic Nuncio to Slovenia Santos Abril y Castello held on Saturday September 26 a mass dedicated to the late Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek, who made Maribor a bischopal city 150 years ago. The mass attended by some 8,000 people was the culmination of the Slomšek Year. Slomšek (1800-1862) moved bishop's seat from St. Andrae, some 50 km northeast of Klagenfurt, in today's Austria, to Maribor. Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek Nuncio stressed that Slomšek tried to reach everybody with his work, not only priests, but also the bourgeoisie, farmers, beggars, teachers, as well as the young and children, the sick and the elderly, and families. Slomšek was the first Catholic bishop to recognise the contributions of Protestant reformer Primož Trubar (1508-1586) and his followers, who introduced the first books in the Slovenian language. Anton Martin Slomšek was the first Slovenian to be beatified by the Catholic Church. The proclamation was made by Pope John Paul II as he visited Slovenia in 1999. Slovenian scientist Matjaž Kuntner has discovered a new and rare species of "giant" orb web spider living in Africa and Madagascar. Researchers describe Nephila komaci as the largest web spinning spider known to science. Matjaž Kuntner (right) in Guyana, 1999 Kunter, who is a biologist at the Slovenian Academy of Arts and Sciences, identified the species as he was going through a collection belonging to the Plant Protection Research Institute in Pretoria, South Africa. He checked more than 2,500 samples from 37 museums, but found no match to the giant female, so he presumed the species was extinct. Further information at: Several Slovenian companies and institutions have launched a web portal which aims to attract tourists to the country by presenting Slovenia's heritage, urban areas and countryside, traditional food and life-style in professional and amateur photos. Fountain of Francesco Robba, Ljubljana. Source: "Picture Slovenia" at includes a photo competition encouraging everyone to capture Slovenia's features with their cameras and upload photos to the portal, Tomaž Puh of Slovenia's subsidiary of camera producer Nikon said. The result will be a map of Slovenia featuring photos and descriptions of every corner of the country. The descriptions will be provided by the Slovenian Tourism Board (STO), which joined the projects because it believes that "a photo can say much more than a word". A 1582 painting of St. Nicholas by the Venetian master Jacopo Rubusti Tintoretto was returned to its home above the main altar of the St. Nicholas Church in Novo mesto following the completion of a EUR 100,000 restoration job that took a year and a half. The painting was restored at the National Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, which was able to conclusively confirm that the painting, which measures a full eight square metres, indeed came from Tintoretto's workshop, according to Barbka Gosar-Hirci, who took part in the restoration. The painting was commissioned specifically for the Novo mesto church by Novo mesto provost Polidor Montagnana. There are also records of the order by the Aquilea Patriarch Givanni, according to Marinka Drazumeric of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage. BUSINESS SLOVENIA Slovenia's GDP will shrink by 7.3% in 2009, according to the forecast by the government economic think-thank, IMAD. Next year the country's economy would grow by 0.9%, whereas a more robust growth is expected only in 2011, when the GDP should rise by 2.5%. Generally speaking, the Slovenian economy has been hit hard mostly due to the global situation, with crisis coming to the country through international exchange of goods. IMAD director Bostjan Vasle said that in dealing with the crisis, Slovenian companies opted for lower wages and small-scale lay-offs instead of massive sackings. Government measures targeted at preserving jobs also contributed to a better-than-expected situation, he said. A 20% drop in investments forecast in 2009 is another reason behind the stagnating economy, according to Vasle, who announced a further drop of 2% for 2010. *** The average gross monthly pay for women in Slovenia in 2007 was more than EUR 100 lower than that for men, representing 92.2% of the average gross earnings for men, down 0.9 percentage points year-on-year, according to the Statistics Office. While men were paid EUR 1,370 gross per month on average, women earned EUR 1,263. The difference is a result of different educational, age and occupational structure, the office said. *** Mura was, until this summer, the biggest textiles factory by number of employees in the European Union. Based in the north-east Slovene town of Murska Sobota, its 3,500 workers turned out apparel for a dazzling array of customers, including top-flight designer brands such as Hugo Boss and René Lazard. But the economic crisis caused the state-controlled plant such difficulties that 2,635 workers were laid off in a shock for the town and surrounding Prekmurje region, the country's poorest. Slovenia, now experiencing its severest economic circumstances since breaking away from the wreckage of the former Yugoslavia in 1991, is obliged to contemplate radical departures from past economic policy. The government is no longer as ready as it was to prop up socialist-era behemoths, such as Mura; even the guiding principle of post-independence economic policy - the retention of substantial government stakes in almost all the largest enterprises - is being challenged. As the first ex-Communist country to adopt the euro (in 2007), Slovenia is in a stronger position to weather the crisis than most other new member states and in a far better situation than the other countries of the former Yugoslavia, which are still struggling for union membership. Financial Times SLOVENIANS ON LINKEDIN Find Slovenian professional and business connections on the internet at LinkedIn - Linked^® Iztok Sila Iztok Sila is Strategist at Telekom Slovenia and he is responsible for coordinating marketing activities of Telekom Slovenia's companies in Macedonia, Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Albania. Iztok was the recipient of the 2008 Marketing Director of the Year award. The award is given by members of the Slovenian Marketing Association. The largest Slovenian groups on Linkedin are: biz Slovenia Friends of Slovenia Adelaide Slovenian Musicians Below is a compilation list of Slovenians in Adelaide over the years who have or are playing music as a performer or in a group. The list is not complete and I welcome additional information or amendments from the community to be included in this table. Name Instrument/s Musical Activity Marjo Paluza Trumpet Played in Polish band called Polmus. They performed at a wide variety of functions for Slovenian, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and German communities, dances and weddings, and corporate functions eg General Motors Holden. Marjo also performed in the Tatry orchestra. Viktor Konestabo Clarinet and Tuba Functions at Slovenian Club and parties. Viktor also played with his son (Trumpet) and daughter (accordion). Henrik Tomsič Saxophone Slovenian group Triglav. Performed at Slovenian Club functions. Bozidar Koš Piano Jazz clubs. Jože Strbenc Organ Organist at Slovenian Catholic Church. Choir leader. Ivan Benc Accordion Slovenian Club functions. Frank Končina Accordion Slovenian Club functions. Karlo Filipčič Drums Slovenian Club functions. Frank Pirc Accordion Performed at Slovenian Club functions. Joe Goyak Accordion Performed at Slovenian Club functions. Dinka Jerebica Accordion Performed at Slovenian Club functions. Adrian Vatovec Accordion, keyboards, vocal Played in Triglav, Hi-Lo, Tatry, Glasba Australia, Polaris and various other bands ranging from folk to rock (youth discos and High School dances and concert). In addition to playing for Slovenian community, performances for Istrian, Croatian, Serbian, Polish, German, Austrian, Ukrainian, Russian, Latvian, Greek and Italians. Corporate events such as Chanel 7 Staff Christmas party, Barossa Valley Wine Festival, Australian community Clubs, British Workingman Clubs, hotel residencies. Leopold Barbis Guitar Slovenian group Triglav. Performed at Slovenian Club functions. Mario Hrvatin Drums Slovenian group Triglav. Performed at Slovenian Club functions. Ana Barbis Accordion Slovenian group Triglav. Performed at Slovenian Club functions. Vladimir Kolman Accordion and bass guitar Slovenian group Triglav, Hi-Lo and Tatry. Performed for Slovenian, Po lish, Istrian, Austrian, Croatian, Serbian and Australian functions. Ludvig Albert Brgoč Trumpet and saxophone " Danny Brgoč Drums " Name Instrument/s Musical Activity Miro Celigoj Accordion Performed in band for Slovenian and other ethnic community functions. Bill Kolman Saxophone Played in junior Slovenian group for Slovenian functions. Frank Jesenko Accordion a Marjan Jesenko Guitar a Marjan Likar Guitar a Helena Likar Accordion a Margaret Kolman Violin a John Ritoc Accordion Played in Slovenian group called Glasba Australia. Group performed for Slovenian functions in Adelaide, Planica in Melbourne, and at the opening of Triglav Club in Sydney in 1982. Also performed on Slovenian Sydney radio program. Group performed at the Multicultural Festival as part of the Adelaide Festival of Arts . The group was taught by Adrian Vatovec. Pavel Čeligoj Drums a Daniel Leš Saxophone a Patricia Leš Violin and bass guitar a Robert Szivatz Guitar a Tonči Szivatz Clarinet a Rosie Ljubičič Vocal a Silvana Poklar Vocal a Rebeca Pistor Organ and Piano Slovenian community events and organist at Slovenian Catholic Church. Davor Pavlin - Premrl Viola and clarinet Slovenian community functions and various other activities. Daniel Smon Accordion, Guitar and Tuba Slovenian community events in Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney. Marjeta Ponikvar Flute Slovenian community events . Anita Polazer Flute Slovenian community events . Eric Vatovec Piano Slovenian community events . Chantel Zupančič Flute and vocal Slovenian community events . Sandy Hahn Piano Slovenian community and other events. Thomas Valenčič Accordion Accordionist for Slovenian Catholic Church Choir. A number of Slovenian musicians found themselves playing under the guidance of Polish music master Zigmund Matusiewicz - Matuszewski. Ziggy, as he was affectionately called, was leader of the Polish Tatry Youth Orchestra, band leader of a number of groups, and taught musicians in the Ukrainian and Slovenian communities. The strength in learning music from Ziggy was that he taught in a band/orchestra style where there were accordions, brass, guitars and drum players all present. You quickly learned about the dynamics of playing in a group environment. An additional strength was the variety of the music played with songs from Slovenia, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Latvia, France, Italy, South America etc. With the variety of music that Ziggy's bands could play they were in high demand by the various ethnic communities for dances and weddings, particularly in 1960's, 70's and 80's. The Tatry Youth Orchestra was part of the Polish folkloric group Tatry which in its heyday comprised of over 100 dancers, singers and musicians. Tatry performs all around Australia for the Polish community and for other engagements. I was privileged, along with the other Slovenian musicians in HiLo, to be the backing band for Tatry when they performed at the Polart Festival at the Sydney Opera House in 1975. Ziggy's other polish musicians had some issues with the operation of the orchestra at that time and did not perform, so it was Slovenian musicians to the rescue. Playing on the main stage of the Sydney Opera House was an awesome experience and the acoustics of the main hall are just fantastic for music. Polart is held at the end of December so our group Hi-Lo performed for the New Year Eve's party which was held in Toronga Park Zoo of all places, and that was another great experience. PolArt is a Festival of performing and visual arts and includes folkloric concerts, theatre performances, visual art exhibitions, literature sessions, classical music, short films and is held every 3 years, usually in a different state capital. The standard of performance is very high. Another memorable experience playing for Tatry was the Hobart trip. Tatry hired a commercial airline to fly the 100 or so Adelaide performers plus support staff directly from Adelaide to Hobart for a weekend performance. Again Slovenian musicians formed the core of the orchestra. I do sometimes wish that the Slovenian community in Australia was large enough (or is it?) to put on large scale, near professional quality level events such as Polart ( There definitely is a lot of talent in the Slovenian community. Adrian Vatovec 5EBI RADIOTON Spoštovane gospe in gospodje! Vsem, ki ste velikodušno darovali za RADIOTON se iskreno zahvaljujem. Iskreni Bog plačaj tudi vsem, ki ste se v tako velikem številu udeležili BBQ-ja za naš slovenski RADIO. Posebna zahvala gre gospel Mimi Božanič, ki je prevzela skrb za nabavo mesa ter gospe Ivanki Pahor, ki je nakupovala zelenjavo. Hvala vsem ženam, ki ste garale v kuhinji in zunaj nje ter poskrbele za vsesplošno dobro počutje. Enako smo hvaležni vsem, ki nas leta in leta finančno podpirate. Brez Vaše dobrote bi s težavo nadaljevali. Slovenski RADIO je naš in od vseh zato se ga moramo posluževati vsi. Želimo, da poleg žalostnih novice nam poročate tudi vesele trenutke življenja, kot so: Poroke, rojstva, krsti, rojstni dnevi, obletnice in druge zanimivosti iz naše skupnosti. Ponovno objavljam seznam RADIOTONA. V slučaju, da je kdo daroval in ga ni na seznamu, prosim naj nam to sporoči! Darovali so: $50 - Slovenski Klub, družina O. Orel, A Rant, T Kostaš, C & B Cassini $40 - A & R Kranjc, J Marinček $30 - B Stojanovič $20 - M & K Paluza, N Brown, T Kramar, R Trošt, družina Poklar, A &A Brand, T Ivančič, N & M Kodele, K & H High, C & B Galič, R & L Perkovič, R & F Šnofel, T Gustinčič, S Kovačevič, Slovensko Balinarsko Društvo, M Ivančič, N & M Polajzer, M & J Ritoc, B & T Kresevič, I & R Legiša, A Župančič, E Borlak, F Horvat, F Magajna, F Klemenčič, Mrs Viola, S & R Gabršek, S & Z Kolman, J Jerebica, P & I Ivančič, U & R Kašček $15 - A H Zivac $10 - J Klemen, F Venzel, A Strgar, F Goyak, M & M Jug, J Jagodnik, M Rother, C & J Jamnik, R & R Kresevič, A Batista, C & H Filipčič, P Vatovec, J Vatovec, H & M Kettler, D Kaluža, M Zagorc, A Lah, I & D Kresevič, C. Petrovski, V & F Končina, O & L Hrvatin, I Lukač, T Jesenko, I Gologranc, M Zrim, M Puž, F Klobas, M Božanič, A Dodič, $5 - B Kapelj Lepo zavedno smo pokazali, da nam je mar za našo drago govorico. Vse dokler bomo vztrajali bomo tudi dokazovali, da ljubimo in spoštujemo besedo naših babic in dedov; predvsem pa prepričevali svet, da smo tu ter da živimo v ljubezni do tradicije in do roda čigar del smo. V imenu radijskega odbora, VSEM hvaležni! Ivan Legiša LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Urednik Dear Adrian, I very much appreciate getting your informative Newsletter, with all the information and encouraging news from Adelaide - hvala lepa. By way of reciprocation, I sent your club the book Off the Planet by our astronaut Dr. Jerry Linenger. (He dedicated it to your club). Today, I enclose a few items which I hope may be of interest to you (including my article on Slovenian American inventors who have been changing for the better America and the world). I am impressed by all your activities to preserve and enhance our wonderful Slovenian heritage. With my very best wishes and warmest personal regards, Ed Gobetz, Ph.D Professor Emeritus, KSU Executive Director Slovenian Research Center of America, Inc. Willoughby Hills, Ohio, U.S.A. (We are pleased to say that the book Off the Planet has arrived and we are privileged to have such a book in our collection by an esteemed Slovenian. Thank you very much for sending it to us - Adrian.) *** Dear Sir/Madam, The National Library of Australia aims to build a comprehensive collection of publications relating to Australia and the Australian people. Your publication Slovenia South Australia is a valuable part of the collection. A recent check of our records shows that we have not received the following issue, issue 28 (Dec 2003). Would you please send this material to the Australian Serials Unit. Thank you for your co-operation and assistance in building the national collection. Yours faithfully, Barbara Hart National Library of Australia Canberra ACT *** Spoštovani g. Vatovec! Prosila bi, če lahko spremenite naslov za pošiljanje Vašega društvenega časopisa Slovenia na nač novi naslov, in sicer: Mrs. Maria Grosman, President Austral Slovenian Society Tivoli Newcastle Inc 7 Charles Street CARDIFF NSW 2285 Do sedaj smo prejemali Vaš časopis na naslov našega pokojnega predsednika, g. I.J.Klopčič, 36 Joslin Street, Kotara, NSW 2289. Moram Vam čestitati za tako dobro pripravo Slovenije. Je res odlična. Vsega je nekaj in vsakega nekaj zanima. Zelo bomo veseli, če nam lahko pošiljate še naprej. Želim Vam in Vašim sodelavcem obilo uspehov v bodoče. Ker se nam na hitrico približujejo prazniki, želim v imenu rojakov iz Newcastle Vam, Vašemu odboru in članom blagoslovjene božične praznike ter obilo uspehov v Novem letu 2010. Poseben pozdrav Rosemary Poklar, s katero sve se srečale v Ljubljani na arhivskem seminarju 1999. leta. Z najlepšimi pozdravi Maria Grosman *** S Spoštovanjem ! Tukaj iz Slovenije se obračam na Vaš elektronski naslov, ki sem ga našel na internetu z prošnjo, da mi, če lahko po Vaših močeh poiščete in posredujete elektronski naslov glavne notarske (Lawyer) pisarne v Canberri v Avstraliji. Rad bi se povezal z njimi potom elektronskega naslova (email contacts) za eno izmed oporok (testament), ki je bil v Avstraliji narejen na moje ime in pred smrtjo sorodnika deponiran pri notarju v Camberi. Potom njih bi rad izvedel pri katerem notarju se oporoka nahaja in kdo jo rešuje. Za Vaš trud in prizadevanje do mene se Vam iskreno zahvaljujem. Vid Sibelja l. r. CONGRATULATIONS ČESTITKE All the best - vse najboljše! Births - Rojstvo Rob and Sharee Redic (nee Vuzem), a daughter Isabella Marija. Born September 9, 2009. Igor and Sonia Rubacha (nee Jaksa), a daughter Nadia. Born October 7, 2009. Birthday - Rojstni dan October - Maria Zagorc, Sonja Kovačevič, Jože Klement (80th) Please let the editorial committee know of milestones and achievements for inclusion in the newsletter. Obituary - Osmrtnica The Slovenian Club, on behalf of the Slovenian community of South Australia, wishes to express its sincere condolences to the family and friends of : Dorotea Ljubičič Born in the village of Zavino (near Ajdovščina) Slovenia, 1937. Passed away in Adelaide, November 12, 2009. Aged 71 years. Loved wife of Ivan. Dearly loved mum of David (deceased), Romeo, Rosie and Dany. Mother-in-law of Teresa. Cherished stara mama of Lucas, Eloise, Jordan, Lara, Mathew and Tai. *** To Dorotea, the Slovenian Club was more than just a club, it was her link with the country that she missed and loved. As a member of the club she was a hard working committee member and assisted in the kitchen, worked in the bar, provided support on event nights and was involved in all areas in the running of the club. Her involvement with the club went beyond just its administration, as she also enjoyed a game of bocce. What began as a game of social bocce at the club, became a seriously competitive sport at which she excelled and became a champion in her own right. Playing for the club and also a member of the SA Bocce Federation she traveled, competed and represented the club in local tournaments held at the Istrian Club, Veneto Club, Campagna Club, and the Fogolar Folan Club, and also competed in homeland Slovenia where she won a title. The trophy won in this tournament is proudly on display at the Slovenian Club. And only this year in June, whilst gripped by her illness, she competed for a final time and won the tournament at the Slovenian Club National Day Match. Dorotea will always be a strength and inspiration to her family and to everyone who has known her. Maria (Mimi) Zupanic Passed away in Adelaide, November 22, 2009. Aged 83 years. Loved wife of the late Stanislav. Loved mother and mother-in-law of Stan, Danica, Victor and Clara, Yelka, Rudolf and Michael. Loved grandma of Joshua, Nicole, Leah, Stephanie, Kimberley, Jessie, Damien, Majenta and Michael. Cherished great grandmother of Claudia, Kaleb and Cooper. PERSONAL NOTICES Notices to be forwarded through the Club President, in writing (Slovenian or English). All letters will need to make mail delivery by the weekend prior to the scheduled Club Committee meetings to ensure inclusion in the next issue of the newsletter. HALL HIRE HALL HIRE Main Hall (seats 250) members: $400.00 non-members: $850.00 Clubrooms (seats 120) members: $180.00 non-members: $300.00 Hall&Clubrooms (seats 350) members: $550.00 non-members: $1100.00 Further information phone - President: 8340 7010 Secretary: 8344 4757_ USEFUL ADDRESSES Slovenian Club Adelaide Founded in 1957 11 Lasalle Street Dudley Park SA 5008 tel: 8269 6199 fax: 8269 2406 Slovenian Club opening hours: 2.00pm - 10.30pm Sunday Dinner from 6.00pm 10.00am - 3.00pm -Every third Wednesday for Dan Sončnic (Sunflower Day). President - Danilo Kresevič Vice-President - Milan Vrabec Secretary - Cvetka Jamnik Treasurer - Danica Kaluža Slovenian Catholic Church 51 Young Avenue West Hindmarsh SA 5007 tel: 8121 3869 fax: 8346 2903 email: Sunday Mass at 10.00am Pater Janez Tretjak 5EBI FM Radio (stereo FM 103.1mhz) 10 Byron Place Adelaide SA 5000 office tel: 8211 7635 studio tel: 8211 7066 internet: Slovenian program times: Wednesdays 7.00 - 7.30pm Sundays 2.00 - 2.30pm Ivan Burnik Legiša President Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije (Slovenian Embassy) St. George's Building Level 6, 60 Marcus Clarke Street Canberra ACT 2601 PO Box 284, Civic Square Canberra ACT 2608 tel: (02) 6 243 4830 fax: (02) 6 243 4827 email: internet: Gregor Kozovinc Charge d'Affaires a.i. Urad Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu (Office of The Republic of Slovenia, for Slovenians Abroad) Komenskega 11 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 230 8000 fax: +386 1 230 8017 email: internet: Bostjan Žekš Minister for Slovenians Abroad Slovenia South Australia NEWSLETTER ADVERTISEMENTS Advertise your business Contact Club President or Secretary. Sample advertisements may be submitted as hardcopy or on floppy disk or CD, or have it made up by the editorial committee. Rates: Business card size $10 %page (210mmwide x 75mm high) $15 (105mm wide x 150mm high) $15 / (210mm wide x 150mm high) $30 (105mm wide x 297mm high) $30 % (210mm wide x 225mm high) $45 full page (210mm wide x 297mm high) $60 Slovenian Media House PO Box 191 Sylvania NSW 2224 Internet: Internet publisher Florjan Auser Administrator Do you require a Justice ofthe Peace? Free service Contact Danilo Kresevic Telephone 8340 7010 YOGA at Slovenian Club 7.00pm every Friday night $3 for 1 hour Everyone is welcome. Božična večerja Christmas dinner Slovenian Club Adelaide Sunday December 13, Dinner at 6.00pm Silvestrovanje New Years Eve Slovenian Club Adelaide Thursday December 31 End of the Noughties Beginning of the Teens! It seems like only yesterday that we celebrated the momentous year 2000, the new millennium. How fast time goes by! Ura tače, nič ne praša. - time runs, it asks for nothing ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY Web Portal for Slovenian Emigrants The portal offers up-to-date information on Slovenians abroad and the work of the Slovenian government. Internet: