ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA ISSN 1855-3966 (printed edn.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic edn.) ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 16 (2019) 527-547 (Also available at Smooth skew morphisms of dihedral groups* Na-Er Wang , Kan Hu Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan, Zhejiang 316022, P.R. China and Key Laboratory of Oceanographic Big Data Mining & Application of Zhejiang Province, Zhoushan, Zhejiang 316022, P.R. China Kai Yuan School of Mathematics, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100037, P.R. China Jun-Yang Zhang School of Mathematical Sciences, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331, P.R. China Received 4 September 2017, accepted 17 January 2019, published online 28 March 2019 A skew morphism

n(a)(b) for all a, b G A. In the case where n(^(a)) = n(a), for all a G A, the skew morphism is smooth. The concept of smooth skew morphism is a generalization of that of ¿-balanced skew morphism. The aim of this paper is to develop a general theory of smooth skew morphisms. As an application we classify smooth skew morphisms of dihedral groups. Keywords: Cayley map, skew morphism, smooth subgroup. Math. Subj. Class.: 05E18, 20B25, 05C10 * The authors are grateful to the anonymous referees for their helpful comments and suggestions which have improved the content and presentation of the paper. This research was supported by the following grants: Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (No. LY16A010010, LQ17A010003); National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11801507, 11671276); Teacher Professional Development Program of Zhe-jiang Provincial Education Department (No. FX2017029); Basic Research and Frontier Exploration Project of Chongqing (No. cstc2018jcyjAX0010); Science and Technology Research Program of Chongqing Municipal Education Commission (No. KJQN201800512); Natural Science Foundation of Fujian (No. 2016J01027). E-mail addresses: (Na-Er Wang), (Kan Hu), (Kai Yuan), (Jun-Yang Zhang) Abstract ©® This work is licensed under 528 Ars Math. Contemp. 16 (2019) 445-463 1 Introduction Throughout the paper all groups considered are finite, unless stated otherwise. A skew morphism p of a finite group A is a bijection on the underlying set of A fixing the identity element of A and for which there exists an integer-valued function n: A ^ Z such that p(ab) = p(a)pn(a)(b), for all a, b e A. Note that n is not uniquely determined by p, however, as a permutation if p has order n, then n can be viewed as a function n: A ^ Zn. In this sense the function n is uniquely determined by p, and it will be called the power function of p. Jajcay and SirM introduced the concept of skew morphism as an algebraic tool to investigate regular Cayley maps [10]. Conder, Jajcay and Tucker have shown in [5] that skew morphisms are also closely related to group factorisations with a cyclic complement. Thus the study of skew morphisms is important for both combinatorics and algebra. Let X be a generating set of a group A such that 1 e X and X = X -1, let P be a cyclic permutation of X. A Cayley map M = CM(A, X, P) is a 2-cell embedding of the Cayley graph Cay(A, X) into an orientable closed surface such that the local cyclic orientation of the arcs (g, x) emanating from any vertex g induced by the orientation of the supporting surface agrees with the prescribed cyclic permutation P of X .An automorphism of M is an automorphism of the underlying Cayley graph which extends to an orientation-preserving self-homeomorphism of the supporting surface. It is well known that the automorphism group Aut(M) of M acts semi-regularly on the arcs of M .In the case where this action is transitive, and hence regular, the map M is called a regular Cayley map. The left regular representation of A induces a subgroup of map automorphisms which acts transitively on the vertices of M. It follows that M is regular if and only if M admits an automorphism which fixes a vertex, say the identity vertex 1, and maps the arc (1, x) to (1, P(x)). It is a nontrivial result proved by Jajcay and SirM that a Cayley map CM(A, X, P) is regular if and only if there is a skew morphism p of A such that the restriction p \X of p to X is equal to P [10, Theorem 1]. A skew morphism of A will be called a Cayley skew morphism if it has an inverse-closed generating orbit. Thus the study of regular Cayley maps of a group A is equivalent to the study of Cayley skew morphisms of A. Among the variety of problems considered with regard to skew morphisms the most important seems to be the classification of regular Cayley maps for given families of groups. This problem is completely settled for cyclic groups [6], and only partial results are known for other abelian groups [4, 5, 23]. For dihedral groups Dn of order 2n, if n is odd this problem was solved in [14], whereas if n is even only partial classification is at hand [11,12, 17,21,24,25]. For other non-abelian groups the interested reader is referred to [18,20,21]. Although skew morphisms are usually investigated along with regular Cayley maps, they also deserve to be studied independently in a purely algebraic setting. Let G = AC be a group factorisation, where A and C are subgroups of G with A n C = 1. If C = (c) is cyclic, then the commuting rule ca = p(a)cn(a), for all a e A, determines a skew morphism p of A with the associated power function n. Conversely, each skew morphism p of A determines a group factorisation LA(p) with LA n (p) = 1, where LA denotes the left regular representation of A [5, Proposition 3.1]. Thus, there is a correspondence between skew morphisms and group factorisations with cyclic complements. Let p be a skew morphism of a group A. A subgroup N of A is p-invariant if p(N) = N. Note that the restriction of p to N is a skew morphism of N, so it is important to study p-invariant subgroups. The first important p-invariant subgroup is Fix p, the subgroup consisting of fixed points of p [10]. Later, Zhang discovered in [25] N.-E. Wang et al.: Smooth skew morphisms of dihedral groups 529 another important (-invariant subgroup, called the core of ( and denoted by Core (. This is a normal subgroup of A, so ( induces a skew morphism ( of the quotient group A := A/ Core ( in a natural way. As a consequence, we obtain a new (-invariant subgroup Smooth ( = {a G A | a G Fix (a} by means of coverings of skew morphisms; see Section 3. Section 4 is devoted to a study of the extremal case where Smooth ( = A. In this case the skew morphism (is termed smooth. We prove that a skew morphism ( of A is smooth if and only if n(((a)) = n(a) for all a G A. It follows that the power function of a smooth skew morphism takes constant value on orbits of (, so smooth skew morphisms may be viewed as a generalization of ¿-balanced Cayley skew morphisms studied in [4]. Note that for abelian groups smooth skew morphisms are identical with the coset-preserving skew morphisms studied by Bachraty and Jajcay in [1]. We establish in Theorems 4.5 and 4.9 an unexpected relationship between smooth skew morphisms and kernel-preserving skew morphisms. Note that a skew morphism ( of A is kernel-preserving if its kernel Ker (is a (-invariant subgroup of A. Kovics and Kwon [13] have recently announced a complete classification of regular Cayley maps of dihedral groups. Thus, to complete the classification of skew morphisms of dihedral groups, it remains to determine the non-Cayley skew morphisms. As shown in [8], every non-Cayley skew morphism of dihedral groups is smooth. Our last aim of this paper is to employ the newly-developed theory to give a classification of smooth skew morphisms of the dihedral groups, see Section 5. 2 Preliminaries In this section we summarize some basic results concerning skew morphisms which will be used throughout the paper. Let ( be a skew morphism of a group A, let n be the power function of (, and let n be the order of (. As already mentioned above, the sets Ker ( = {a G A | n(a) = 1}, Fix( = {a G A | ((a) = a} and n Core ( = (®(Ker () i=i form subgroups of A. Note that, for any two elements a, b G A, n(a) = n(b) if and only if ab-1 G Ker (. Thus, the index | A : Ker is equal to the number of distinct values of the power function. This number is called the skew type of (, and it is strictly less than n if ( is not trivial. Clearly, ( is an automorphism of A if and only if it has skew type 1. If ( is not an automorphism, then it will be termed proper. On the other hand, Core ( is the largest (-invariant subgroup contained in Ker (, and in particular, it is normal in A [25]. Lemma 2.1 ([10]). Let ( be a skew morphism of a group A, let n be the power function of and let n be the order of Then, for any a, b G A, (k(ab) = efc(a)eff(a'fc)(b) and n(ab) = a(b,n(a)) (mod n), k where k is an arbitrary positive integer and a(a, k) = n((i-1 (a)). i= 1 530 Ars Math. Contemp. 16 (2019) 445-463 Lemma 2.2 ([7]). Let f be a skew morphism of a group A, let n be the power function of f. Then for any automorphism y of A, — = y-1(Y is a skew morphism of A with power function = nY. Moreover, Ker — = y-1 (Ker f) and Core — = y-1 (Core f). Proof. Since y is an automorphism of A, for any a,b e A, we have —(ab) = y-1(Y (ab) = Y-1f(Y (a)Y (b)) = Y-1 (f (Y(a))f^(a)(Y(b))) = Y-1fY(a)Y-1fn7(a)Y(b) = —(a)—nY(a) (b). Thus, — is a skew morphism of A with power function = nY. Since | —| = |f |, we have a e Ker — ^^ (a) = 1 (mod |) ^^ nY(a) = 1 (mod |f|) ^^ a e Y-1(Ker f). Therefore, Ker — = y- 1 (Ker f). Similarly, Core — = y-1 (Core f). □ Lemma 2.3 ([1, 5]). Let f be a skew morphism of a group A, let n be the power function of f, and let n be the order of f. Then for any positive integer k, ^ = fk is a skew morphism of A if and only if the congruences kx = a(a, k) (mod n) (2.1) are solvable for all a e A. Moreover, if ^ is a skew morphism of A, then it has order m = n/ gcd(n, k) and for each a e A, nM(a) is the solution of the equation (2.1) in Zm. Lemma 2.4 ([5]). Let f be a skew morphism of a group A. If A is nontrivial, then |f | < |A| and | Ker f | > 1. Lemma 2.5 ([9]). Let f be a skew morphism of a group A, and let Oa denote the orbit of f containing the element a e A. Then for each a e A, Oa-i = O-1, where O-1 = {g-1 | g e Oa}. The following result was partially obtained for Cayley skew morphisms in [4]. Lemma 2.6 ([7]). Let f be a skew morphism of a group A, and let n the power function of f, and let n be the order of f. Then for any a e A, a(a, m) = 0 (mod m), where m = |Oa| is length of the orbit Oa containing a. Moreover, a(a, n) = 0 (mod n). Proof. By Lemma 2.1, we have 1 = fm(aa-1) = fm(a)fff(a'm)(a-1) = afff(a'm) (a-1), so fCT(a'm)(a-1) = a-1. By Lemma 2.5, m = |Oa-i |. Thus, a(a, m) = 0 (mod m). Since m divides n, we obtain a(a, n) = y^ n(f® 1(a)) = —a(a, m) = 0 (mod n), m i=i as required. □ N.-E. Wang et al.: Smooth skew morphisms of dihedral groups 531 Lemma 2.7 ([7]). Let < be a skew morphism of a group A. Then for any a,b G A, |Oab| divides lcm(|Oa|, |Ob|). Proof. Denote c = |Oa|, d = |Ob| and i = lcm(|Oa|, |Ob|). Then i = cp = dq for some positive integers p, q. By Lemma 2.1, we have 3. (5.1) Moreover, for positive integers u and k, t(u, k) and p(u, k) are functions defined by k k t(u, k) = £ uk-1 and p(u, k) = £(-u)k-1. (5.2) ¿=1 ¿=1 If k is even, we use A(u, k) to denote the function defined by k/2 A(u,k) = £ u2(i-1). (5.3) ¿=1 The following result on normal subgroups of Dn is well known. Lemma 5.1 ([16, Section 1.6, Exercise 8]). Let K be a proper normal subgroup of Dn, n > 3. (a) if n is odd then K = (a"), where u divides n, 538 Ars Math. Contemp. 16 (2019) 445-463 (b) if n is even, then either K = {a?, b), K = {a?,ab) or K = (au), where u divides n. Lemma 5.2 ([5]). Let p be a skew morphism of Dn, n > 3, then Ker p = {a). Lemma 5.3. Let p be a smooth skew morphism of Dn, n > 3. If n is odd, then p is an automorphism of A, whereas if n is even and p is not an automorphism of Dn, then Ker p = {a2), Ker p = {a2,ab) or Ker p = {a2,b). Moreover, the involutory automorphism of Dn taking a ^ a-1,b ^ ab transposes the smooth skew morphisms of Dn with kernels {a?,b) and {a2,ab). Proof. Assume that p is not an automorphism of Dn, then 1 < Ker p < Dn. Since p is smooth, by Theorem 4.9(a), the power function n: Dn ^ Zf| is a group homomorphism with Ker n = Ker p. It follows that Ker p is a proper normal subgroup of A. Since Z*^ is abelian, D'n < Ker p, where D'n is the derived subgroup of Dn. If n is odd then D'n = {a), which is a maximal subgroup of Dn. By Lemma 5.2 Ker p = {a), so Ker p = Dn, and hence p is automorphism of Dn, a contradiction. On the other hand, if n is even, then D'n = {a2), so {a2) < Ker p. By Lemma 5.1, one of the following three cases may happen: Ker p < {a), Ker p = {a2,b), or Ker p = {a2,ab). For the first case, by Lemma 5.2, we have Ker p = {a), so Ker p = {a2). Finally, by Theorem 4.9(d), the automorphism of Dn taking a ^ a-1,b ^ ab transposes the smooth skew morphisms of Dn with kernels {a2, b) and {a2, ab). □ The following result classifies smooth skew morphisms of the dihedral groups Dn with Ker p = {a2) for even integers n > 4. Theorem 5.4. Let Dn = {a, b) be the dihedral group of order 2n, where n > 4 is an even number. Then every smooth skew morphism p of Dn with Ker p = {a2) is defined by ' p(a2i) = a2iu, U(a2i) = 1, p(a2i+!) = a2iu+2r+\ I n(a2i+1) = e, and (5.4) p(a2ib) = a2iu+2sb, | n(a2ib) = f, ' Kp(a2i+lb) = a2iu+2r+2sT (u,e)+1b (n(a2i+1b) = ef, where r, s, u, e, f are nonnegative integers satisfying the following conditions (a) r,s £ Zn/2 and u G Z*n/2, (b) the order of p is the smallest positive integer k such that rr (u, k) = 0 (mod n/2) and st(u, k) = 0 (mod n/2), (c) e, f £ Z*k generate the Klein four group, (d) ue-1 = 1 (mod n/2) and uf= 1 (mod n/2), (e) rT(u, e — 1) = u — 2r — 1 (mod n/2) and st(u, f — 1) = 0 (mod n/2), (f) rT(u, f — 1) + st(u, e — 1) = u — 2r — 1 (mod n/2). Proof. First suppose that p is a smooth skew morphism of Dn with Ker p = {a2). Then by Theorem 4.9(b), the induced skew morphism p on Dn/ Ker p is the identity permutation, so there exist integers r,s G Zn/2 such that 2s i p(a) = a1+2r and p(b) = a2s b. N.-E. Wang et al.: Smooth skew morphisms of dihedral groups 539 Since ^ is kernel-preserving, the restriction of ^ to Ker ^ = (a2} is an automorphism, so ^>(a2) = a2" where u G Z^/2. Assume that n(a) = e (mod k) and n(b) = f (mod k), where k = |<^|. From the above identities we derive the following formulae by induction: (a) = a1+2rT ("j) and (b) = a2sT ("j)b, where j is a positive integer and t(u, j) = Xj=1 ui-1. Since Dn = (a, b}, by Lemma 2.8, the order k = |y>| is equal to lcm(|Oa|, |Ob|), the least common multiple of the lengths of the orbits containing a and b. That is, k is the smallest positive integer such that (a) = a and (b) = b. Using the above formulae we then deduce that k is the smallest positive integer such that tt(u, k) = 0 (mod n/2) and st(u, k) = 0 (mod n/2). Now we determine the skew morphism and the associated power function. By the assumption we have ^(a2i) = (a2")4 = a2i", ^(a2ib) = ^(a2i)^(b) = a2i"+2sb. Similarly, we have ^(a2i+1) = ^(a2ia) = ^(a2i)^(a) = a1+2r+2i", ^(a2i+1 b) = ^(a2i)^(a)^e(b) = a2i"+1+2r+2sT ("'e). Since n: Dn ^ Zk is a group homomorphism, we have e2 = n(a)2 = n(a2) = 1 (mod k) and f2 = n(b)2 = n(b2) = 1 (mod k), so e2 = 1 (mod k) and f2 = 1 (mod k). Hence, n(a2i) = 1, n(a2i+1) = e, n(a2ib) = f, n(a2i+1b) = ef. In particular, since |Dn : Ker =4, (e, f} < Zk is the Klein four group. Therefore ^ and n have the claimed form (5.4). Moreover, we have a1+2r+2"e = ^(a)^e(a2) = ^(a)^n(a)(a2) = ^(aa2) = ^(a2a) = ^(a2)^(a) = a1+2r+2", and so ue-1 = 1 (mod n/2). Similarly, since (a2) = ^(b)^n(6)(a2) = ^(ba2) = ^(a-2b) = ^(a-2)^(b), we have a2s-2"f b = a2sba2"f = (a2) = ^(a-2)^(b) = a2s-2"b. Thus, uf-1 = 1 (mod n/2). Furthermore, since a2" = ^(a2) = ^(a)^n(a)(a) = ^(a)^e(a) = a2+2r+2rT ("'e), we get t(1+ t(u, e)) = u - 1 (mod n/2). (5.5) 540 Ars Math. Contemp. 16 (2019) 445-463 Similarly, 1 = y(b2) = y(b)yn(b)(b) = y(b)yf (b) = a2sba2sr ^ = a2s-2sr we obtain st(u, f ) = s (mod n/2). (5.6) Employing induction it is easy to deduce that yj(a-1) = a1-2"3+2rr("j), where j is an arbitrary positive integer. Then y(a)ye(b) = y(ab) = y(ba-1) = y(b)yf (a-1). Upon substitution we get a1+2r+2sr ("'e)b = y(a)ye (b) = y(b)yf (a-1) = a2sba1-2"f+2rr ) = a2s-1+2uf -2rr(«,/)b Hence, rT(u, f) + st(u, e) = s + uf — r — 1 (mod n/2). Since uf = u (mod n/2), the congruence is reduced to rT(u, f ) + st(u, e) = s + u — r — 1 (mod n/2). (5.7) Recall that ue-1 = 1 (mod n/2) and uf-1 = 1 (mod n/2), so t(u, e) = t(u, e — 1) + 1 (mod n/2), t(u,f) = t(u,f — 1) + 1 (mod n/2). Upon substitution the congruences (5.5), (5.6) and (5.7) are reduced to the numerical conditions in (e) and (f). Conversely, for a quintuple (r, s, u, e, f ) of nonnegative integers satisfying the stated numerical conditions, we verify that y given by (5.4) is a smooth skew morphism of Dn with Ker y = (a2) and the function n is the associated power function. It is evident that y is a bijection on Dn and y(1) = 1. It remains to verify the identity y(xy) = y(x)yn(x)(y) for all x, y G Dn. By Lemma 2.8, it suffices to verify this for x, y G Oa U Ob, where Oa and Ob are the generating orbits of y of the form Oa = (a, a1+2rr("'1), a1+2rr("'2),. .., a1+2rr("'i),. ..), Ob = (b, a2sr("'1)b, a2sr("'2)b,. .., a2sr("j)b,. ..). It follows that one of the following four cases may happen: (i) x, y G Oa; (ii) x, y G O6; (iii) x G Oa, y G Ob or (iv) x G O6, y G Oa. N.-E. Wang et al.: Smooth skew morphisms of dihedral groups 541 We shall demonstrate the verification for the first case, and leave other cases to the reader. If x, y € Oa, then x = a1+2rr(u,i) and y = a1+2rr("'j) for some i, j. We have y(xV(y) = ^(a2r(r ("'i)+T ("j))+2) = a2ru(r ("'i)+T (uj))+2" and ^(x)^n(x)(y) = ^(a1+2rr ("'i) Ve(a1+2rr ("j)) = a2r(r ("■i+1)+T (uj+e))+2. By the numerical conditions (d) and (e), we have r(r(u, i + 1) + t(u, j + e)) + 1 - (ru(r(u, i) + t(u, j)) + u) = r ^(t(u, i +1) — ut(u, i)) + (t(u, j + e) — ut(u, j))^ +1 — u = 1 + (t (u, j + e) — ueT (u, j ))j +1 — u = r(2 + t(u, e — 1)) + 1 — u (e) = 0 (mod n/2). Therefore, y(xy) = ^(x)^n(x)(y). Finally, from the choices of the parameters it is easily seen that distinct quintuples (r, s, u, e, f) give rise to different skew morphisms of Dn, as required. □ Remark 5.5. In Theorem 5.4, consider the particular case where u = 1. By Condition (b) we have (gcd(r, n/2), gcd(s, n/2)) The numerical conditions are reduced to V(e + 1) = 0 (mod n/2), s(f — 1) = 0 (mod n/2), ,r(f + 1) + s(e — 1) = 0 (mod n/2), where r, s € Zn/2 and (e, f} < Z^ is the Klein four group. If n = 8m, where m > 3 is an odd number, then it can be easily verified that the quintuple (r, s,u, e, f) = (m + 4, m, 1,4m — 1, 2m — 1) fulfills the numerical conditions. Therefore, we obtain an infinite family of skew morphisms of D8m of order 4m with Ker ^ = (a2}. This example was first discovered by Zhang and Du in [26, Example 1.4]. Example 5.6. By computations using the Magma system we found that the smallest n for which there is a smooth skew morphism ^ of Dn with Ker ^ = (a2} is the number 24. In this case, all such skew morphisms have order 12, and the corresponding quintuples (r, s, u, e, f) are listed below: (r, s, u, e, f) = (1, 3,1,11, 5), (1,4,1,11, 7), (1, 9,1,11, 5), (1,10,1,11, 7), (5, 2,1,11, 7), (5, 3,1,11, 5), (5, 8,1,11, 7), (5, 9,1,11, 5), (7, 3,1,11, 5), (7,4,1,11, 7), (7, 9,1,11, 5), (7,10,1,11, 7), (11,, 2,1,11, 7), (11, 3,1,11, 5), (11, 8,1,11, 7), (11, 9,1,11, 5). 542 Ars Math. Contemp. 16 (2019) 445-463 Note that in each case we have u = 1, so the restriction of p to Ker p is the identity automorphism of Ker p. However, further computations show that, for other n, there do exist examples with u =1. For even numbers n, by Lemma 5.3, the involutory automorphism 7 of Dn taking a ^ a-1, b ^ ab transposes the smooth skew morphisms of Dn with kernels (a2, b) or (a2 ,ab). Thus, to complete the classification of smooth skew morphisms of Dn, it suffices to determine the smooth skew morphisms of Dn with kernel Ker p = (a2,b). Theorem 5.7. Let Dn be the dihedral group of order 2n, where n > 8 is an even number. If p is a smooth skew morphism of Dn with Ker p = (a2 ,b), then p belongs to one of the following two families of skew morphisms: (I) skew morphisms of order k defined by -,2 iu 2iu+2r + l p(a) = p(a2i+1)= a p(ba2i) = ba2iu+2s, Kp(ba2i+1) = ba2r+2s+2iu+1 and ' n(a2i) = 1, n(a2i+1) = e, n(ba2i) = 1, kn(ba2i+1) = e, (5.8) where r, s, u, k, e are nonnegative integers satisfying the following conditions (a) r,s G Zn/2 and u G Z*n/2, (b) k is the smallest positive integer such that rr (u, k) = 0 (mod n/2) and st(u, k) = 0 (mod n/2), (c) e G Z*k such that e ^ 1 (mod k) and e2 = 1 (mod k), (d) ue-1 = 1 (mod n/2), (e) rT(u, e — 1) = u — 2r — 1 (mod n/2) and st (u, e — 1) = — u + 2r + 1 (mod n/2). (II) skew morphisms of order 2(e — 1) defined by p(a2i) = a2 p(a2i+1) = ba2r-2iu+1, p(ba2i) = ba2s+2iu, p(ba2i+1) = a2r-2s-2iu+1 and n(a2i) = 1, n(a2i+1) = e, n(ba2i ) = 1, ,n(ba2i+1 ) = e, (5.9) where r, s, u, e are nonnegative integers satisfying the following conditions (a) r,s G Zn/2, u G Z*n/2 and e > 1 is an odd number, (b) ue-1 = -1 (mod n/2), (c) st(u, e — 1) = u + 2r +1 (mod n/2), (d) rp(u, e — 1) = sA(u, e — 1) — 1 (mod n/2). Proof. First suppose that p is a smooth skew morphism of Dn with Ker p = (a2, b). By Theorem 4.9, the induced skew morphism p of Dn / Ker p is the identity permutation and N.-E. Wang et al.: Smooth skew morphisms of dihedral groups 543 the restriction of y to Ker y = (a2, b) is an automorphism of Ker y. It follows that there exist integers r, s, u G Zn/2 and I G Z2 such that y(a) = bV+2r, y(b) = ba2s and y(a2) = a2u. Assume that n(a) = e (mod k), where k = |y| denotes the order of y. Since b G Ker y, n(b) = 1 (mod k). By Theorem 4.9, the power function n: Dn ^ Zk is a group homomorphism from Dn to the multiplicative group Z£, so e-1 = n(a-1) = n(b-1ab) = n(a) = e (mod k), and hence e2 = 1 (mod k). It follows that n(a2i) = n(a2ib) = 1 and n(a2i+1) = n(a2i+1b) = e. Since y has skew type 2, e = 1 (mod k). To proceed we distinguish two cases: Case (I): I = 0. In this case, we have Then Similarly, y(a) = a1+2r, y(b) = ba2s and y(a2) = a2u. y(a2i) = y(a2)4 = a2iu, y(ba2i) = y(b)y(a2)® = ba2iu+2s. y(a2i+1) = y(a2ia) = y(a2)V(a) = a2iu+2r+1, y(ba2i+1) = y(ba2ia) = y(b)y(a2i)y(a) = ba2r+2s+2i"+1. Hence, the skew morphism has the form given by (5.8). Using induction it is easy to prove that yj (a) = a1+2rT and yj (b) = ba2sT where j is a positive integer and t(u, j) = ^j=1 ui-1. Since Dn = (a, b), k = |y| is the smallest positive integer such that yk (a) = a and yk (b) = b, which implies that rT(u, k) = 0 (mod n/2) and st(u, k) = 0 (mod n/2). Moreover, we have a1+2r+2"e = y(a)ye(a2) = y(aa2) = y(a2a) = y(a2)y(a) = a1+2r+2", so ue 1 = 1 (mod n/2). Furthermore, since a2u = y(a2) = y(a)ye(a) = a1+2r a1+2rT = a2+2r+2rT , we obtain r(t(u,e) + 1) = u - 1 (mod n/2). (5.10) 544 Ars Math. Contemp. 16 (2019) 445-463 Similarly, p(a)pe(b) = p(ab) = p(ba-1) = p(b)p(a-1) = p(b)p(a-2a) = p(b)p(a-2)p(a). By the above formula we have p(a)pe(b) = a1+2r ba2sT ("'e) = ba-1-2r+2sT ("'e) and p(b)p(a-2)p(a) = ba1+2r+2s-2". Consequently, upon substitution we obtain s(t(u, e) — 1) = — u + 2r +1 (mod n/2). Recall that ue-1 = 1 (mod n/2), so t(u, e) = t(u, e — 1) + ue-1 = t(u, e — 1) + 1 (mod n/2). Upon substitution the equations (5.10) and (5.11) are reduced to rT(u, e — 1) = u — 2r — 1 (mod n/2), st(u, e — 1) = —u + 2r +1 (mod n/2). Case (II): I = 1. In this case we have Then p(a) = ba1+2r, p(b) = ba2s and p(a2) = a2u. p(a2i) = a2iu, p(ba2i) = p(b)p(a2i) = ba2s+2iu. Similarly, p(a2i+1) = p(a2ia) = a2i"ba1+2r = ba2r-2iu+1 p(ba2i+1) = p(b)p(a2i)p(a) = a2r-2s-2i"+1. Hence p has the form (5.9). Using induction it is easy to derive the following formula (5.11) p j (b)= ba2sT ("'j) and pj (a) = 2rp(«,j)-2sA(«,j) + 1 if j is even, ba2rp("'j)+2s"A("'j-1)+1, if j is odd, where t, p and A are the functions defined by (5.2) and (5.3). Since p(a) = ba1+2r and Dn = (a, ba1+2r), k = |p| = |Oa |. Thus, k is the smallest positive integer such that rp(u, k) = sA(u, k) (mod n/2). N.-E. Wang et al.: Smooth skew morphisms of dihedral groups 545 In particular, since elements from the cosets (a) and b(a) alternate in the orbit Oa, k is even, and hence e is odd. Thus, a2u = ((a2) = ((a)(e (a) = ((a)(e (a) = a2rP(u'e)-2r+2suX(u'e-1). Consequently, we obtain rp(u, e) + suA(u, e — 1) = r + u (mod n/2). (5.12) Furthermore, we have ba1+2r+2"e = ((a)(e(a2) = ((aa2) = ((a2a) = ((a2)((a) = a2"ba1+2r = ba2r-2u+1, so ue-1 = —1 (mod n/2). Similarly a-1-2r+2sT ("'e) = ((a)(e(b) = ((ab) = ((ba-2a) = ((b)((a-2)((a) = a1+2r-2s+2u. Hence st(u, e) = 1 + 2r + u — s (mod n/2). (5.13) Recall that ue-1 = —1 (mod n/2), so t(u, e) = t(u, e — 1) — 1 (mod n/2), p(u, e) = p(u, e — 1) — 1 (mod n/2). Upon substitution the equations (5.12) and (5.13) are reduced to rp(u, e — 1) + suA(u, e — 1) = 2r + u (mod n/2), (5.14) st(u, e — 1) = 2r + u +1 (mod n/2). (5.15) Subtracting we then get rp(u, e — 1) = sA(u, e — 1) — 1 (mod n/2). Finally, note that 2(e-1) p(u, 2(e — 1))= £ (—u)2(e-1) i=1 e- 1 e- 1 = + ^E(-u)i-1 = 0 (mod n/2), i=i i=i and e-1 u2i A(u, 2(e - 1)) = £> i=i (e-1)/2 (e-1)/2 = ^ u2(i-1) + ue-1 ^ u2(i-1) = 0 (mod n/2), i=1 i=1 546 Ars Math. Contemp. 16 (2019) 445-463 Hence, rp(u, 2(e - 1)) = sA(u, 2(e - 1)) (mod n/2). The minimality of k yields k | 2(e — 1). But e — 1 < k, which forces k = 2(e — 1). Conversely, in each case for any quadruple (r, s, u, e) satisfying the numerical conditions, it is straightforward to verify that f of the given form is a smooth skew morphism of Dn with Ker f = (a2, b) and n is the associated power function. In particular, from the choices of the parameters it is easily seen that distinct quadruples (r, s, u, e) give rise to different skew morphisms of Dn, as required. □ Remark 5.8. Let f be any skew morphism from (II) of Theorem 5.7. Note that the orbit of f containing a also contains ba2r+1, so the orbit Oa generates Dn. Clearly, it is closed under taking inverses. Therefore, such skew morphisms give rise to the e-balanced regular Cayley maps of Dn, which were first classified by Kwak, Kwon and Feng [17]. References [1] M. Bachraty and R. Jajcay, Powers of skew-morphisms, in: J. Sirdn and R. 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