Community Culture and Educational Activities in the National Archives of Hungary, 2007-2012 T. CsABA REISZ, DR. senior archivist, honorary director general, National Archives of Hungary, Becsi kapu ter 2-4, Budapest, Hungary e-mail: Community Culture and Educational Activities in the National Archives of Hungary, 2007-2012 ABSTRACT The Hungarian Act on Archives (1995:LXVI.) determines the participation in education and community culture activities as one of the duties of the public archives ("The public archives shall facilitate through publications and in other ways the exploitation of archival holdings for educational or cultural purposes as well as promote public awareness of archival activities. ... The National Archives of Hungary shall contribute to the advanced professional training of archivists, and achieve its duties related to professional training at the intermediate level."). The general practice was limited to organising guided tour in the archival building with occasional documents' presentation for the interested groups (mainly pupils and students or senior citizens). The National Archives of Hungary (NAH) - reflecting also to the mainstream cultural activities, expected by the supporter ministry - has been engaged in intensive content developement on the domain of the community culture (CC) since 2007. The presentation (and the written article) summarises the recent results of NAH on the field of formal, nonformal and informal education (the last is the community culture!). The divers programmes organised by age and interest, the series of the events through the year, the various in- and outdoor scenes, the different, sometimes interactive types of occasions have resulted quantitative and qualitative growth. The creative CC activities gave answers for the challenges in the organisational developement, motivation of staff and covering the costs, too. The presentation shares some keywords of success, and, if time won't be enough for all, will focus on Night of Archives/Museums. The experiences of six-year-long work confirm that a really committed and ready for bids/efforts management can reach the satisfaction of all stakeholders (owners, users/visitors, workers/staff), increasing with these activities the social integration of the archives, too. La comunita culturale e le attivita educative nell'Archivio nazionale di Ungheria, 2007-2012 SINTESI La Legge ungherese sugli archivi (1995. LXVI) determina la partecipazione ad attivita di istruzione e cultura della comunita come uno dei doveri degli archivi pubblici ("Gli archivi pubblici devono favorire attraverso pubblicazioni e in altri modi lo sfruttamento dei fondi archivistici a scopi di istruzione o culturali, nonche pro-muovere la consapevolezza pubblica delle attivita archivistiche .... L'Archivio nazionale di Ungheria contribuira a realizzare la formazione professionale avanzata degli archivisti, e realizzera i propri compiti relativi alla forma-zione professionale a livello intermedio"). La pratica generale e stata limitata a organizzare tour guidati negli edifici archivistici con occasionali presentazioni di documenti per i gruppi interessati (soprattutto alunni e stu-denti o anziani). L'Archivio nazionale di Ungheria (NAH) - che riflette anche le attivita culturali tradizionali, attesi dal ministero competente - e stato impegnato in sviluppi intensivi del contenuto del dominio della cultu-ra comunitaria (CC) dal 2007. La presentazione (e l'articolo scritto) riassume i recenti risultati dl NAH sul campo dell'educazione formale, non formale e informale (l'ultimo e la cultura comunitaria!). I diversi program-mi organizzati per eta ed interessi, la serie di eventi durante tutto l'anno, i vari eventi in interni ed esterni, le diverse, a volte interattive, occasioni hanno prodotto una crescita quantitativa e qualitativa. Le attivita creative CC ha dato risposte alle sfide nello sviluppo organizzativo, motivazione del personale e pure copertura dei costi. La presentazione condivide alcune parole chiave del successo, e, se il tempo non sara sufficiente per tutto, si concentrera su Notte di Archivi/Musei. Le esperienze di lavoro di sei anni di lavoro confermano che una gestio-ne davvero impegnata e pronto per le offerte/sforzi puo raggiungere la soddisfazione di tutti i soggetti interessati (proprietari, utenti/visitatori, lavoratori/personale), incrementando anche con queste attivita l'integrazione sociale degli archivi. T. Csaba REISZ: Community Culture and Educational Activities in the National Archives of Hungary, 20072012, 83-95 Splošna kultura in izobraževalna dejavnost Madžarskega državnega arhiva v letih 2007-2012 IZVLEČEK Madžarski arhivski zakon (1995:. LXVI) določa sodelovanje pri izobraževanju in kulturnih dejavnosti skupnosti kot eno od nalog javnih arhivov (»Javni arhivi naj z objavami in na druge načine pospešujejo uporabo arhivskega gradiva za izobraževalne ali kulturne namene ter spodbujajo ozaveščanje javnosti o arhivskih dejavnosti .... Madžarski državni arhiv naj prispeva k naprednemu strokovnemu usposabljanju arhivistov in izvaja svoje dolžnosti v zvezi s poklicnim usposabljanjem na vmesni ravni"."). Splošna praksa je bila omejena na organizacijo vodenega ogleda arhiva z občasno predstavitvijo dokumentov za zainteresirane skupine (predvsem dijake, študente ali upokojence). Madžarski državni arhiv (NAH) - odraža tudi kulturne dejavnosti, sprejete s strani pristojnega ministrstva - se je vse od leta 2007 dalje intenzivno ukvarjal z razvojem vsebin na področju splošne kulture (CC). Prispevek povzema najnovejše rezultate NAH na področju formalnega in neformalnega izobraževanje (zadnja je skupna kultura!). Različni programi, ki so organizirani glede na interes in po starostnih skupinah, niz dogodkov, ki potekajo skozi vse leto, razni dogodki na prostem in znotraj in različne, včasih interaktivne oblike so prispevale h količinski in kakovostni rasti. Ustvarjalne CC dejavnosti so dale odgovore na izzive pri organizacijskem razvoju, motivacijo zaposlenih in tudi na pokrivanje stroškov. Prezentacija predstavlja nekatere ključe za uspeh, in če ne bo dovolj časa za vse, se bomo osredotočil na Noč arhivov/muzejev. Šestletne izkušnje potrjujejo, da lahko resnično zavzeta in pripravljena uprava doseže zadovoljstvo vseh udeleženih (lastnikov, uporabnikov/obiskovalcev, delavcev/zaposlenih) in s temi dejavnostmi tudi povečati integracijo arhivov v družbo.. Közmüvelodesi es oktatasi tevekenysegek a Magyar Orszagos Leveltarban, 2007-2012 SZINTEZIS A magyar leveltari törveny szerint a leveltarak feladata, hogy reszt vegyenek az oktatasban es közmüvelodesi te-vekenyseget folytassanak („A leveltari anyag oktatasi, közmüvelodesi celu felhasznalasat, valamint a leveltari te-vekenyseg megismerteteset kiadvanyokkal es egyeb modon elosegi'ti ^ a Magyar Orszagos Leveltar reszt vesz a leveltarosok felsofoku kepzeseben, es ellatja a közepfoku leveltari szakkepzessel kapcsolatos feladatait"). A korab-bi gyakorlat szerint ez szinte kizarolag az erdeklodo csoportok (altalaban diakok es hallgatok) szamara tartott leveltari vezetest, dokumentumbemutatast jelentett. A Magyar Orszagos Leveltar 2007-tol - a fenntarto mini-szterium altal elvart nepszerü közmüvelodesi tevekenyenysegekre is valaszolva - intenzi'v tartalmi fejlesztesbe kezdett az oktatasi es közmüvelodesi területen. Az eloadas (es I'rasos valtozata) összefoglalja a MOL formalis, non formalis es informalis oktatas (utobbi a közmüvelodes!) teren elert eredmenyeit. Az eletkor es erdeklodes alapjan kialaki'tott többfele program, az egesz even at huzodo rendezvenysorozatok, a valtozatos külso-belso helyszi'nek, a különfele ti'pusu, esetenkent interaktiv alkalmak nemcsak mennyisegi, de minosegi növekedest is hoztak a latogatok szamaban. A proaktiv tevekenyseg a szervezeti fejlesztes, a munkatarsak motivacioja es a költsegek fe-dezesenek teren is sikerrel felelt meg a kihi'vasoknak. Az eloadas a siker nehany kulcsszavat is megosztja, es ha meg ido engedi, a Leveltari Ejszakara fokuszal. A 6 evnyi munka tapasztalata igazolja, hogy az elkötelezett es aldozatokra kesz intezmenyvezetes minden erintett: a fenntarto, a munkatarsak es a latogatok elegedettseget erheti el, növelve ezzel a leveltar tarsadalmi integritasat is. Community Culture The Hungarian Act on Archives (Act LXVI of 1995 on Public Records, Public Archives, and the Protection of Private Archives, AoA) determines the participation in education and community culture activities as one of the duties of the public archives: "The public archives shall facilitate through publications and in other ways the exploitation of archival holdings for educational or cultural purposes as well as promote public awareness of archival activities" (AoA, 13. § h) point), and furthermore the National Archives of Hungary (NAH) "shall contribute to the advanced professional training of archivists, and achieve its duties related to professional training at the intermediate level" (AoA, 17. § (2( par. i) point)1. Due to the law, „Community culture activity: the out-of-school, autodynamic, self-educating, knowledge and culture aquiring and creative activities of the citizens that are mainly executed in cooperation, communities." (Act CXL of 1997 about the museums and their institutes, the public library services and the community culture, 1. attachment, r/ point). 1. The English version of the Act on Archives is available: (last visit on 18th 06. 2013). T. Csaba REISZ: Community Culture and Educational Activities in the National Archives of Hungary, 20072012, 83-95 Within the area of education regarding the organisational frames, as well as the participants, goals, tools and methods we can distinguish formal (school system), non-formal (organised by other ways) and informal (latent, not possessing direct aims) education. While in the first two forms archives have just a few institution roles (internships, registered skill trainings, archival lessons), the most obvious realisations of the latter form are the different actions of community culture activities, which are only limited by the commitment and enthusiasm of the employees and leaders of any level of the hierarchy. The practice of NAH is introduced in the following sections, however we have to admit that similar procedures have been applied in the other archives, and the scope of the community culture programmes have been identified similarly as well. The feudal Archivum regni (1756-1874) was a closed institute; it mainly served as the preserver of the documents, rather than taking the role of the present time archives. The reorganised National Archives (from 1874) had already been the preserver of the sources of history, however it became more open to the public after it was transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of Religion and Public Education in 1922. Between the two world wars some representative document sets (exhibitions and catalogues) were prepared that were open to the non-professional public as well. Other community culture activities were still not done at that time2. The democratic changes after the Second World War aimed at - however centralised, but still declared - cultural development as well. Within its framework the archives were ordered, encouraged to fulfil not only community culture tasks, but propagandistic activities as well, these activities resulted in more the kinds of fulfilment of the chores rather than quality. From the 1990s there were fixed elements of community culture (exhibitions, archival lessons, guided visits), however, in the first decade of the 21st century intensive developments were initiated in several archives. The commitments and endurement of the individual archivists determined and assured the colourfulness of the community culture activities, the search for and the realisation of the new ways, and the quality their professionalism. The efficiency of the community culture activities however, was determined by the eaders of the institute, who either only tolerated, or praised and encouraged, sometimes participated in them, moreover, how the organisational framework, the actors and the necessary finances were provided. The oldest way of the community culture activities is the exhibition, its content depends on several factors (organising institutes, topics, exhibited documents, the number of the objects, the target audience, the location, etc.). The general feature of the archival exhibitions is the thematic smaller displays, where the main goal is to introduce 40-150 original documents. In case of more than 30-40 documents it is advisable to create a scenario, which is often developed into the catalogue of the exhibition (the description of the exhibited objects, written information, it may contain the whole source, or professional studies). The second most frequent type of activity is the activity organised for a group. It may be a lesson in the archives for elementary, secondary pupils or higher education students, where they get familiar with the institute itself, its activities, the contexts of the documents found there. For the adult visitors organised programmes base on the request of work-place groups, pensioner clubs or other social groups, and the topics are very similar to the of student groups' programmes. These activities are generally organised upon the initiative of the groups, communities, thus the activity is reactive. Due to the practice of the last few decades the only proactive event organised for both individuals and groups has been the weekend of the „Cultural Heritage Days", earlier „European Heritage Days" organised on the 3rd weekend of September by those normally closed public institutes that generally are not open for the public. Although the programme mainly aims at the introduction of the historic buildings, temporary exhibitions and other cultural programmes also awaits the visitors. NAH - with increasing encouragement of management - has started intensive community culture activities since 2007, which aimed at on the one hand to identify the concept of the whole area, 2. Eva SziGETVÄRY, Közmüvelödesi es ismeretterjeszto feladatok [Community culture and populary informing activities], In Leveltari kezikönyv [Manual on Archives], Ed. Lajos Körmendy, Budapest 2009, pp. 535-540. The chapter gives the general description of community culture activities. T. Csaba REISZ: Community Culture and Educational Activities in the National Archives of Hungary, 20072012, 83-95 on the other hand to create a thoroughly planned and annually repeated series of events. They intended to increase the quality of the communication of the community culture activities; moreover, the programmes have been created based on the age and the intensity of the interest of the target group. The colleagues of the institute working in different areas take part in each programme; the number of the colleagues varies between 10-50 people, depending on the type of the programme. Everybody is enthusiastic, thus it serves the strengthening of the cooperation between the institutes as well. Due to the statistic data with the community culture activities of the earlier years (group visits and the weekend of the European Cultural Days) - still learning about the fluctuation of the data -quantity and quality improvements cannot be reached. Realising this issue, NAH has decided to change its educational and community culture programmes. It has resulted in the continuous increase in the number of visiting groups and individuals; slight decrease was caused by the bad weather or flue in the autumn programme (2011). The successful customer programmes organised by the museums have been adapted by the archives. NAH organises a community culture programme series that lasts a whole year. The first event is the „Museum May Day' (2007-2011), when the different institutes from all over the country introduce their annual offers of the different programmes, and the scope of their activities in the yard of the Hungarian National Museum. On this May weekend young and adult people, professionals and laymen all visit the tent of the archives, where games and funny activities, as well as professional discussions are offered. In early summer, on midsummer night (or at the closest in time Saturday night) there is the „Night of the Museums (Archives)', when the playful side of the archivists and the institute can be met, playful and playfully educating programmes are completed in the „cultural casino" introducing the archives, the cultural values, and history. NAH has participated in the activities of the Days of the Cultural Heritage since 1993, and has had a lot of visitors. The programme is mainly aimed at the introduction of the building, but the colleagues always increase the scope of activities. The series of events organised with the participation of several public institutes serve the strengthening of the cross-institutional cooperation that is why the archives offered programmes during the Autumn Festival of the Museums in 2010 and 2011. T. Csaba REISZ: Community Culture and Educational Activities in the National Archives of Hungary, 20072012, 83-95 Since 2007 we have been organised the Night of the Archives with the name of "History Near-at-hand", there are programmes in all the open rooms of the central building between 5 and 11 p.m. There are several programmes: the introduction of original documents, professional lectures, meeting with well-known experts, and repository visit with document introduction, exhibitions and visits in the buildings. Besides the mental refreshments we offer bodily delights as well, the colleagues bake cakes and cookies and offer them to the visitors. The group activities are held in the traditional framework, however with more intensive communication and publicity. In 2009 a complex archival lesson series under the name of „History is Near-at-hand" (detailed see below) was deve oped consisting of several modules and panels, which has been copied enthusiastically by museums and other archives, sometimes even developing the original ideas. It has supplied a European Union application's title with name as well. In case of the exhibitions the annually organised small displays, as well as the precise and rich catalogues are aimed at, depending on the financial possibilities. NAH actively participates in exhibition organised by other institutes, the programmes of the partner institutes are encouraged by letting the necessary documents. Printing quality photos have to be taken of the documents, which can appear in the catalogue; moreover in several cases it can replace the original documents, often in enlarged format. The community culture programmes are linked to the professional events. Book introductions and conferences are organised, the combination of the two has also appeared in the recent years. The photographer of the archives plays a significant role in the preparation of the tools necessary for the programmes and the goals of the community culture activities, as well as in their documentation. In some programmes they can even have individual tasks, such as the increasingly fashionable adventure photos, when the people put on the clothes of past centuries and the photographer takes photos of the visitors and sends them in electronic format. The unique feature of the clothes used in the programmes of NAH, that all the clothes have been prepared by the colleagues. This service is free of charge, too. The community culture activities encourage the social integration of the archives; they strengthen their status inside the national institutional system, and maintain the necessity of their contribution. Educatlon The most traditional educational activity of NAH is the participation of their employees in the higher education. Several courses have been given by archivists of the institute in different faculties of universities in the capital (Eötvös Lorand University, Karoli Caspar University, Andrassy University) as well as in other cities (Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Veszprem University). They teach/educate several special subjects for students of history, archivistik, museology, economy, law: general or special areas of history, Latin and German language teaching, German, Latin and Hungarian palaeography, the study of the source handling, the auxiliary sciences of history, history of public management, law and economy, records management, etc.). Since this activity raises the prestige of the institute, moreover the lecturers are not paid, or if they get any payment, it is rather low, NAH praises this activity, and supplies the lecturers with work time reduction, and also assures the venue of the lectures. The archivists o f NAH participate in the final BA- and MA-exams in the universities, as well as in the PhD defences. The institutional role of NAH realises in two areas. For several decades registrar and archival trainings have been organised - recently in modular format -, the duration is 1 year, 200 contact hours with once a week frequency, 30-60 people take the courses. This is the only training for the employees of the record offices, and although other players try to enter the market upon the liberalisation of the education (via accreditations), due to the prestige of the institute, as well as the quality level of the education there are no real competitors yet. The infrastructural conditions are supplied by the institute, and the employees of NAH and also of other archives act as lecturers. The higher level assistantarchivist education is built on these modules, which provides professional training and promotion for registrars. T. Csaba REISZ: Community Culture and Educational Activities in the National Archives of Hungary, 20072012, 83-95 For more than 60 years Eötvös Lorand Univerity (Budapest) is the only institute offering university level archivist education, and the employees of NAH are active participants in it. The majority of the internship practices (90-120 hours) have to be completed in NAH with our colleagues as tutors. For long years the content of the practice was ad hoc, thus of varying level. Since 2011 the practice is in line with the BA and MA education in its thematic. Since 20l1 an independent department has been responsible for the education, they determined the new schedule. The 14 week long period contains the following elements (we have to admit that one area may cover even a whole semester, however we can introduce the institute specialisations only): 1 2 3 4 5 # of week The content of the practice Duration # of unit (45') 1. BA MA 2. 1. Introduction 2. Work, fire and health safety 3. Record management 4. Research service 5. Restauration I. 6. Restauration II. 7. Community culture/Library 1. 08:15-08:25 2. 08:30-09:00 3. 09:10-09:55 4. 10:05-10:50 5. 11:00-11:45 6. 11:55-12:40 7. 14:00-15:30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3. Internship in the Records' Depts 8 10 4. Internship in the Records' Depts 8 11 5. Internship in the Records' Depts 8 10 6. Internship in the Records' Depts 8 11 7. Internship in the Records' Depts (BA) 08:00-14:00 8 10 8. Internship in the Records' Depts (MA) 08:00-16:00 8 11 9. Internship in the Records' Depts 8 10 10. Internship in the Records' Depts 8 11 11. Internship in the Records' Depts 8 10 12. Internship in the Records' Depts 8 11 13. 1. Reprography 2. Community culture (BA) 2. Electronic documents (MA) 3. Electronic documents (BA) 1. 08:15-10:00 2. 10:00-11:00 10:00-14:00 3. 11:00-12:30 2 1 2 2 5 14. Evaluation of the semester 08:30-09:15 1 1 Sum 90 120 The milestones of the practice in the records' departments: • (BA) Record knowledge, record handling, record storage Record reading Organisation, preparation of aids T. Csaba REISZ: Community Culture and Educational Activities in the National Archives of Hungary, 20072012, 83-95 • (MA) • Organisation, preparation of aids, scrapping • Regulation of record handling, servicing • Data-base preparation, usage of archival standards It is clearly visible that for the public education (elementary and secondary levels) NAH offered only limited number of trainings mainly in the forms of community culture for the under-18s. To change this situation the co-occurrence of several factors had to be present. The main element of success was a suitable institutional concept in which the educational forms and the community culture tasks are defined in their relations. It was completed in 2008. The inevitable factor of the success is the fact that the management has to demand these kinds of programmes, rather than just tolerate them, and assure their personnel and objective needs. It is optimal, if the task is completed by an individual group of professionals, it has been provided in NAH since the summer of 2011. The achievements of the group have proved the right of their existence, thus after the creation of the Hungarian National Archives (HNA) their independent work has been continuous, however in different organisational structures, dealing with the issues of the education and its special area, the community education. One of the tenders of the Ministry of Culture in 2008/2009 (Great Cul-Tour) significantly fuelled the creation of our activity. The ministry encouraged the institutes to create such educational packages that have been offered for the elementary and secondary schools, and offered financial aid to the schools to cover their travel and training expenses. Thus the financial aid was given to the schools, and the institutes could get it if they offered their programmes and attracted the customers. Trostovszky Gabriella, head of the department of the area at NAH and her colleagues created a rich offer that was attractive even for non-professionals, the people with some experience on the field could choose as they liked from the offer to create the content of F the training. It was created as a pizza menu, on which the different pizzas are offered under varying fantasy names for both who have a more traditional or wild taste, with the offer of "pizza as you like it", to offer the individual choice of the different elements. The programme offer contained 6 modules with 22 panels, with detailed description, schedule, age references, pre- and post-activity materials for teachers, and the definition of the necessary materials. The programme was encouraged by the education point of the NAH website. The well-established structure was so successful, that even after its closing the archival education was continued on its basis. The title of the programme (History Near-at-Hand) was used as an EU application title, and the modular setup has also been used by other institutes as well. The chart with the whole offer can be found in the attachments section (due to their lengthiness the descriptions of the panels are not attached). Since late autumn of 2011 due to the financial problems of the institute the so far free programmes have been offered for fare. However, in the definition of the prices we tried to maintain the achievements and the attractiveness of the events. The community culture great events have remained free. The basic elements of the fares are the following: The educational programmes are not free. In the archival lessons of groups besides the visit of the building in Becsi kapu Square as well as the actual exhibition, from several other programmes can be chosen as part of the package (e.g. the introduction of original archival documents, and their interpretation, visit in the repositories, the methods of archival research, etc.). The maximum number of participants is 15 people, its cost is 7000 HUF (€22,50/60-90 min). If the lesson is taken to the schools, it increases the price by 20%. In case of history lesson, the lesson is led by the teacher of the group in the building of NAH in Becsi kapu Square, the archives helps the lesson by providing the original documents and educational materials. In this case the group fare for 5-30 people is 3000 HUF (€10/45 min), and the technical costs of the educational material have to be paid. Loyalty programme: Those schools that sign a cooperation contract with NAH and bring at least 5 groups annually to the archives, only pay the basic fare for their groups. T. Csaba REISZ: Community Culture and Educational Activities in the National Archives of Hungary, 20072012, 83-95 Mammy-daddy discount: Those schools where the kids of the employees of NAH study can participate in the archival visits and lessons free. Higher education discount: students of literature, history, archivistic, museology, library, history of art, archaeology from the universities can participate in the archival visits and lessons free. Opportunity creation: Visitors with disabilities can participate individually with one helper in the community culture and education events of NAH. Groups of visitors with disabilities participate in the archival visits and lessons free. Between 2007 and 2012 NAH aimed at widening the scope of its traditional educational activities by programmes offered for the elementary and secondary schools, including the experts in this work. The success factors were the significant support of the management of the institute, the creation of the independent organisational framework (as an independent department), and most of all the committed, creative, ambitious work of the colleagues. The achievements have proved that the tasks of the archives defined by the law can be completed successfully, and this success depends first of all on the motivated colleagues, who love their work, and finances are only the next factor, and this success can be sensed via the daily feedback of the visitors. Submitting date: 10.04.2013 Acceptance date: 24.04.2013 T. Csaba REISZ: Community Culture and Educational Activities in the National Archives of Hungary, 20072012, 83-95 APPENDIX National Archives of Hungary (NAH) - Great CUL-TOUR application History is Near-at-hand - "From the archive of the noble to the digital archives" Teachers' resource material - Offered programmes T. Csaba REISZ: Community Culture and Educational Activities in the National Archives oflHi^t^(gary^,S^007- 2012, 83-95 Panel Age goou] 1 o ^ « ^ A 0 l .s 1= S n title content duration (mina) o ^ 1 se UQ 1. General history of archives Based on the existing knowledge of the age-group the guide introduces the creation of the archives shortly 10 * * * 20 2. The history of NAH The guide introduces the creation and the history of the national archives 10 * * * 20 3. Archival Museum Interactive introduction of earlier ways of storage and tools according to the interest and knowledge of the group 10 * 10 20 * * * 1. Introduction of the buildings The guide introduces the building of NAH in Becsi kapu Square according to the needs of the age group 10 * 20 20 * 30 * The guide introduces the building and the building's history of NAH in Becsi kapu Square 40 * The guide introduces the building of NAH in Langliliom Street (Obuda) 30 * * 2. Visit in the repository Introduction of a repository, and the documents kept there shortly, according to the interest and knowledge of the group 10 * * 15 20 * * 3. Visit in the workshop Introduction of the work of the restaurators 20 * * 10 Introduction of the bindery 20 * Introduction of thechniques of micro-filming 20 * Introduction of techniques of digitalisation 20 * 1. Visiting the current exhibition in the central building The guide shortly introduces 2- 3 documents of the actual exhibition according to the interest and knowledge of the age group 10 * 20 Regarding the concerned syllabus element the guide introduces some important documents of the exhibition 15 * According to the interest of the group the guide introduces some important documents of the exhibition 20 * * 2. Document presentation Upon preliminary needs analyses the guide chooses the 3- 5 documents according to the interest of the group 15 * * * * 10 3. Archival lesson Upon preliminary needs analyses the guide creates the interactive lesson based on archive sources according to the interest of the group. 30 * 20 45 * * l ■d e CS s Ü s Ii SS I ^ l O e Is l A o ■d .!= TS 'iŠ .s l t f l t o l0 l s l l t f T.C^i^aba^E^Z: Community Culture and Educational Activities in the National Archives of Hungary, 20072012, 83-95 Prepbrbtion Conclusions Other material provided For teachers For participants For groups of students: introductory discussion based on the topics proposed in the Educational Point of the website of NAH For groups of students: the discussion about the introduction. What are the practical advantages of the knowledge obtained in the archives? The sections about the history of the archives and the building on the website of NAH The summary of the archives history downloadable from the website of NAH e PH For groups of students: introductory discussion based on the topics proposed in the Educational Point of the website of NAH For groups of students: the discussion about the introduction. What are the practical advantages of the knowledge obtained in the archives? The sections about the history of the archives and the building on the website of NAH The summary of the archives history downloadable from the website of NAH e PH For groups of students: introductory discussion based on the topics proposed in the Educational Point of the website of NAH For groups of students: making experience report with drawings and/or discussion on experiences The materials of the virtual museum on the website of NAH 150 250 For groups of students: introductory discussion based on the topics proposed in the Educational Point of the website of NAH For groups of students: making experience report with drawings and/or discussion on experiences. What are the practical advantages of the knowledge obtained in the archives? The sections about the history of the archives and the building on the website of NAH Leaflet about the building ^ PH For groups of students: introductory discussion based on the topics proposed in the Educational Point of the website of NAH For groups of students: making experience report with drawings and/or discussion on experiences. Document descriptions on the website of NAH 300 500 For groups of students: introductory discussion based on the topics proposed in the Educational Point of the website of NAH For groups of students: deepen the knowledge by the test downloadable from the website of NAH. Downloadable presentations on the website of NAH 400 400 400 400 For groups of students: summary of the existing knowledge regarding the historical era concerning the exhibition For groups of students: processing and intensification of new knowledge regarding the historical period, person or event, the exhibition is devoted for, using the worksheet, which is available on NAH's website. Short description of the thematics and the types of documents introduced downloadable from the website of NAH The catalogue with short introduction and object description downloadable from the website of NAH ^ Ph For groups of students: summary of the existing knowledge regarding the topic concerning the document presentation For groups of students: intensification of new knowledge regarding the topic of the lesson, using the worksheet, which is downloadable on NAH's website. Teachers' book prepared by the employees of NAH Copy collection with explanations prepared by the employees of NAH 200 summary of the existing knowledge regarding the topic of the lesson intensification of new knowledge regarding the topic of the lesson, using the worksheet, which is downloadable on NAH's website. Teachers' book prepared by the employees of NAH Text collection with copies of documents prepared by the employees of NAH 800 1000 T. Csaba REISZ: Community Culture and Educational Activities in the National Archives of Hungary, 20072012, 83-95 Š ■3 1Š s < A panel Korosztaly ^^ S a « .!U « g cime tartalma idotartama o ^ X ofe !» tu IS :i3 S 1. The basics of Diplomatic The guide introduces the topic with several examples and projected pictures 45 * * 20 2. The basics of Sigillography The guide introduces the topic with several examples and projected pictures 20 * 20 45 * * 3. The basics of Archontology and Genealogy The guide introduces the topic with several examples and projected pictures 45 * * 20 4. The basics of Chronology and Historical geography The guide introduces the topic with several examples and projected pictures 45 * * 20 5. The basics of Metrology The guide introduces the topic with several examples and projected pictures 45 * * 20 6. The practice of Palaeography The guide chooses the Hungarian, Latin or German document based on the kopwledge and level of the group upon previous discussions. 60 * * 5 ■i3 1Š O S eg 1. Source study The guide introduces the topic with several examples and projected pictures about the different source types ant their usage 45 * * 20 2. Source analyses The analysis of the chosen archival source on the suitable level according to the group 45 * 10 3. Introduction into the practice of archive research The introduction of a previously chosen topic's research possibilities, the practical usage of the archival aids. 60 * * 5 «