SLOVENIA ISSN 1448-8175 Austral i a Post p ri nt a p prove d PP 534387/00013 aifeiMI — SOUTH AUSTRALIA ISSUE No. 32 Summer 2004/5 NEWSLETTER The Slovenia South Australia Newsletter is an initiative of the Slovenian Club Adelaide Inc. and is published by the Slovenian Club Cultural Subcommittee. VESEL BOŽIČ IN SREČNO NOVO LETO - 2005 - MERRY XMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR Sv. Miklavž (St.Nicholas) visits in early December with traditionally simple gifts. Father Christmas (developed by the Coca Cola company in the 1930s) who comes on Christmas Day is based on "St.Nick". Sv. Miklavž has origins spanning back to the 4th century in Asia Minor. President's Address Spoštovani člani, Trud in težko delo človek hitro pozabi, če je to uspešno in zadovoljivo. Tako smo v zadnjih par mesecih imeli kar vrsto uspešnih programov in srečanj. Očetov dan smo letos praznovali v soboto 4. septembra. Imeli smo večerjo in plesno zabavo. Udeležba in razpo loženje je bilo lepo ob prijetni glasbi. S pripravami za Vse Slovenski Koncert verskih središč, smo začeli sredi septembra meseca. Koncert na 2. oktobra, je organiziral Pater Janez. Imeli smo lep, visoko kvalitetni program, z gosti iz Sydneyja, Canberre, Melbourna in Adelaida. Vsem nastopajočim najlepša hvala, seveda tudi lepa hvala tistim ki so kakor koli pomagali. Po koncertu smo imeli dobro večerjo in plesno zabavo. Vsem Slovenskim Patrom lepa hvala. Pomladanski piknik je bil v Sandy Creek na ponedeljek 4. oktobra. Izvrstno lepo vreme, dober BBQ in lepo število veselih obrazov, je nekakšna nagrada našim odbornikom in zvestim pomagalcem, taki dnevi nam ostanejo v lepem spominu. Kot vidite bo v bližnji prihodnosti kar precej lepih praznovanj - Sv. Miklavž,Božič in Novo leto. 12. decembra bo prišel Sv. Miklavž ob 4 uri popoldne in bo obdaril naše mlajše otroke, kot je po naši stari navadi. Pridite in obudite nekaj spominov na mladostna leta. V nedeljo 19 . decembra bo v Klubu Božična večerja in na dan starega leta plesna zabava in večerja. Vsi lepo vabljeni. V soboto 20. novembra je bil dan splošnega čiščenja klubskih prostorov, najlepša hvala vsem za lepo opravljeno de lo. Najlepša hvala Ministrstvu za Kulturo in Uradu za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu za njihovo podporo, ne samo za koncert ampak tudi za radijsko oddajo in Slovenia SA. Cont. page 2 Ob koncu mojega poročila v imenu upravnega odbora želim vsem članom, sorodnikom in prijateljem Slovenskega Kluba in seveda tudi vsem poslušalcem Slovenske radijske oddaje vesele Božične praznike, sreče in zdravja v letu 2005. Lep pozdrav, Ernest Orel Dear Members, A person quickly forgets effort and hard work if the results are successful and satisfying. And over the last couple of months we have had a string of successful programs and get-togethers. This year we celebrated Father's Day on Saturday, 4th September. We held a dinner dance and both the attendance and the mood were good, together with fine music. In the middle of September we began preparations for the Slovenian Concert run by the Slovenian Religious Centres in Australia. The concert took place on October 2nd and was organised by Pater Janez. We had a lovely, top quality program, together with visitors from Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne and Adelaide. Many thanks to the participants, and many thanks, also, to all those who helped in any way. The concert was followed by a lovely dinner and dance. Our thanks to all the Slovenian priests. The Spring Picnic was held at Sandy Creek Oval on Monday October 4th. Exceptionally nice weather, good food and the large number of happy faces was like a reward for our committee members and loyal helpers - such days remain as fond memories. As you can see, the near future holds many pleasant celebrations - St. Nicholas, Christmas and New Year. On December 12th, St. Nicholas will arrive at 4pm to present gifts to our younger children according to our long-standing tradition. Come along and reawaken some memories from your younger years. On Sunday December 19th, Christmas Dinner will be served in the Club and on New Year's Eve a dinner dance. Everyone is warmly invited to come along. Saturday November 20th was a general cleanup day for the Clubrooms, heartfelt thanks to everyone for the work that was done. Many thanks to the Ministry for Culture and the Office for Slovenians Abroad for their support, not only of the concert but also for the radio programs and Slovenia SA. At the close of my address, on behalf of the management committee, I wish all members, relatives and friends of the Slovenian Club, and also all the listeners of the Slovenian radio programs, a merry Christmas, happiness and health in the coming year 2005. Greetings, Ernest Orel Translated by Rosemary Poklar Slovenia South Australia: Input and involvement from all South Australian Slovenians is welcomed and encouraged. Expressions of interest and contributions should be forwarded to the President at least one week prior to the Slovenian Club Committee's scheduled meetings (second Sunday of every month). editor: Cultural Subcommittee contributions: Olga Hrvatin Tomo Les Ernest Orel Lyn Perkovic Rosemary Poklar Adrian Vatovec Irene Vatovec Slovenia South Australia sponsors: > Slovenian Club Adelaide > Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Office for Slovenians Abroad Contributions are being sought from the Slovenian community for Issue No.33 of the Slovenia South Australia Newsletter. Contact the editorial committee. Radio Committee Contact the Slovenian 5EBI radio committee if you wish to acknowledge someone's birth, birthday, death, engagement, wedding, anniversary, get well wishes, achievement or some other community announcement. *** Thank you to all our Slovenian listeners who donated to the 5EBI Adelaide radiothon. Lepa hvala vsem darovalcem za 5EBI Adelaide radio-thon - $50 - Slovenski klub Adelaide, gospa Frank; $30 - Barbara Stojanovič, gospod in gospa Kranjc, Giani in Paula Simionato, Andrej Miljavec; $25 - Laura Premrl; $20 - Rezika in Oto Trošt, Tončka Kostaš, Štefan in Zinka Kolman, Ivan in Rozika Legiša, družina Poklar, Juliana Viola, Ana in Šteljo Likar, Sonja in Pajo Kovačevič, Rudi Perkovič, Cilka in Jože Jerebica, Albin Štefančič, Franc Visič, Emil Borlak, Jadran Jagodnik, Tone Gustinčič, družina Gabršek, Francka Ponikvar, Branko Kreševič, Davorina Gustinčič, Frank in Anita Magajna, Ernest Orel, Ana Brand in Andrej Carcich, družina Polajzer, gospod in gospa Segulin, družina Mavrič, Jože Ivančič, Vlado in Elizabeth Lah, Lenka in Štefan Ivančič, Marija in Jože Pahor, Milan Bunderla, Franc Lavrenčič, Meri in Ivan Benc, Albina in Branko Kalc, Marija in Jože Vuzem; $15 - Francka Wetzel, Viktor Konestabo, Anica in Hans Szivatz; $10 - Tone Jesenko, Francka Klobas, Rudi in Jana Mezek, Vida in Vinc Ketern, Anica Župančič, Jože Klemen, Marija Bernik, Frank in Vida Končina, Marija Novak, David Pahor, Magda Rother, Ana Strgar, Franc in Meri Železnik, Berta Kačič, Ivan Ljubičič, Danilo Kreševič, Maijo in Ivanka Jenko, Cecelja Petrena, Helena in Karlo Filipčič, Jadran Vatovec, Polda Vatovec, Milena in Hans Ketler, Jože Sever, Kristina High, Ema Juriševič, Ivanka in Milan Lukač, Jelka Pirc, gospod in gospa Šnofl, Meri Puž, Jože in Cvetka Jamnik, Marija Milošič, Frank Ivančič, anonimen, Cvetka Petrovski, Marija in Miran Jug, Roza in Lojze Kreševič, Filipa Hill, anonimen, Milan in Lidija Vrabec, Tine Kramar; $5 - Štefan Šmon, Angela Luter. GLASBA - MUSIC Slovenian Choir Adelaide (Slovenski pevski zbor Adelaide) rehearsals every second Sunday at 4.00pm, in the clubrooms. *** From the Slovenski pevski zbor Adelaide songbook. A Slovenian Christmas Carol - ANGELSKO PETJE (avtor Ignacij Hladnik) Angelsko petje se sliši v višavi; Gloria, slava, Bogu se glasi. Mir se oznanja ljudem po širjavi, dobri Zveličar nocoj se rodi. Bodi češčeno, o Dete preblago; samo ljubezen do nas te rodi, bodi češčeno, o Dete preblago, sama ljubezen do nas te rodi. Artwork of Master HGG (Hans Georg Geigerfelder), The Holy Family, 1640s, mission of the Name of Mary, Gorica vas near Ribnica, Slovenia. *** Skupno na poti Together on a Journey 30th Slovenian Concert hosted by the Slovenian Religious Centres in Australia. Held at Slovenian Club Adelaide, October 2, 2004. 27 acts boasting three hours of high quality Slovenian Australian talent. An inspirational concert which the large audience thoroughly enjoyed. Congratulations to all the organisers, performers, production staff and guests who attended from Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney for making this a truly memorable event. slovenska verska središča v AVSTRALIJI -SLOVENIAN RELIGIOUS CENTRES IN AUSTRALIA 30. SLOVENSKI KONCERT 30th SLOVENIAN CONCERT ADELAIDE, 2004 SLOVENIAN COMMUNITY Speech made by the Hon. J.F. Stefani in the South Australian Government Legislative Council on Wednesday 13 October 2004. The Hon. J.F. STEFANI: Today I wish to speak about the Slovenian community which celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Slovenian Australian Youth Concert on 2 October 2004. I was privileged to be amongst a number of invited guests who attended this special event. As a close friend of the Slovenian community, I was honoured to receive an invitation to attend the concert held at the Slovenian Club in the year when Slovenia also celebrates the 13th anniversary of its independence. The Slovenian Community Club in Adelaide was established 47 years ago and is part of our rich cultural diversity, reflecting a mosaic of the various traditions, languages and religions that are part of our everyday life in Australia. Over the years, Australia has become a home for many people. The early arrival of a small group of Slovenians occurred between the two world wars. Most of them were single men who were later reunited with their families. The first group of Slovenians to arrive in South Australia in 1946 were emigrants from displaced persons camps in Italy, Austria and Germany, after the communist regime took control of their country in 1945. They were seeking freedom and a better life for themselves and their families. From that early period in 1946, when some 20 families settled in the Riverland and worked in the fruit industry, many other Slovenians have settled in South Australia, making their contribution to the development of our state and assisting other fellow countrymen and women to resettle in their new adopted homeland. During the early 1950's, the Slovenian people gradually organized themselves into a community group to meet the social needs and interests of their people, and on 22 September 1967 the Slovenian Club was incorporated. The club occupied premises purchased in Young Avenue, Hindmarsh where the community hall was subsequently built and officially opened in 1971. On 6 June 1987, the Slovenian Club moved to its current premises in Dudley Park. The clubrooms were built as a result of the enormous efforts of the Slovenian community. I know from my own experience as a migrant that most of the people from Slovenia faced, and perhaps are still facing, the challenges and difficulties of starting a new life in another country, leaving behind their beloved homeland and relatives in difficult circumstances. In accepting these challenges, they have built a strong community spirit and have developed social activities and substantial facilities that have enhanced, with great human compassion, the social, cultural and religious life of their fellow South Australians. Sestre, bratje! Kak počutek, Kakšna radost in veselje dneva, Ki združuje, ki nas veže, Ki vzpodbuja, ki ohranja nam besedo. Ivan Burnik Legiša In paying tribute to the contribution made to the development of South Australia by the Slovenian people, I would like to say that, as a community, they have never forgotten their motherland - Slovenia -which is known to many European migrants as the 'Jewel of Europe' because of its diverse landscape and rugged mountains, its fertile valleys and beautiful lakes. This wonderful country represented in South Australia by the culture and history of its people will always remain alive in the hearts of many people from Slovenia and will continue to provide a unique opportunity for many South Australians to share in the rich cultural traditions and the proud history and success of the Slovenian community. Finally, in offering my warmest congratulations to the organizers and the participants of the youth concert celebration, I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to Reverend Father Janez Tretjak, the chaplain to the Slovenian community, for the honour of the invitation which enabled me to share once more in the life and traditions of the Slovenian people. I also pay a special tribute to the work of Mr Ernest Orel, the President of the Slovenian Club, together with all members of the executive committee for their continuing contribution for the success of the club and wish them every success for the future. ŠLI SMO NA POTOVANJE (drugi del. Prvi del Slovenia SA No.31.) Nadaljevali smo v Broome. Mesto ni veliko ima lepo obalo in še kar je najlepše je kraj, ki mu pravijo Kable Beach je res krasno pri morju lep turistični kraj. Dalje smo potovali do 80 mile Beach. To je kraj pri morju. Mi možki smo kar dobro ribarili več kod nikjer, ženske so pobirale školke in spekle ribe. Od tu smo šli v Port Hedland. Bilo je zanimivo šel sem na bus tour tam kjer drobijo rudo. Zdrobijo 200,000 ton dnevno. To rudo vozijo nekaj čez 400km daleč z vlakom ki ima 600 vagonov in je 3,753 metrov dolg. Zanimivo je videti kako razkladajo vagone samo jih dvignejo z tračnicami gor in to kar 3 naenkrat in jih obrnejo z tračnicami vred. Nadaljujemo proti Karratha. Obiskali smo kraj z imenom Roebourne, tam je bil enkrat zapor sedaj je muzej so še zmeraj po zidih verige in vse one stvari ki so se godile v tistem času. Še malo in smo prišli v Karratha. Ostali smo tu teden dni. Dopadel se nam je ta kraj. Šli smo za Dampier, tam v bližini črpajo gas pokazali so nam video kako so to delali in še vedno delajo naprej. Ko postavljajo cevi notri imajo največji žerjav (crane) na svetu, dvigne do 1,200 ton. Jaz imam tudi ta video. Katherine - during floods the water level can rise three quarters up this picture. Od tu smo šli v Exmouth od tam v Coral Bay eni so šli na ladjo in si ogledali korale in ribe, rekli so da je zelo lepo. Jaz sem to že videl zadnjikrat. Od tam smo šli v Carnarvon, 16km severno od tega kraja so leta 1905 izvrtali 914m globoko za črn premog sedaj izvira neprestano tako vroča voda ima 65 stopinj C. Kliče se Bubawarra Bore. Pri morju naprej od tu 67km imajo Blowholes od morja močen pritisk vrže vodo skozi te luknje do 20m visoko. To mesto je bilo zelo lepo saj smo največ časa tu ostali. Pridelajo veliko sadja, zelenjave, vreme je bilo odlično in tudi ribolov je bil v redu. Windiana Gorge Sedaj smo šli iz Carnarvon proti Denham mogoče je kakih 40km iz glavne ceste pri morju še rezano iz samih školk ki so pred dolgo časa zidali hiše iz tega materiala. Tudi cerkev v Denham je iz tega materiala. Od tu smo šli v Kalbarri, lepi kraj prav pri morju. Malo ven iz mesta je Wittecara Gully, tam je spomenik ki so leta 1629 prva 2 belca pristala v Avstraliji. Od tu naprej proti Geraldton šteje 23,400 prebivalevc. Tam smo videli velik spomenik, novembra 1941 je nemška ladja Kormoran potopila HMAS Sydney. Življenje je izgubilo vseh 645 oseb. Od tu smo šli za Cervantes tu blizu je kraj z imenom Pinnacles. V tem kraju je veter odnesel vstran rumeni pesek, so ostali ven veliki kakor kameni a niso kameni, limestone, so mogoče 3-4 metre visoke, je zelo zanimivo kako je narava ustvarjena. Od tu smo šli v New Norcia. Tu so se naselili 1846 prvi misijonarji iz Španije. Tem ljudem je bilo dano veliko napravit, kar na žalost je sedaj drugače. Od tu smo šli čez Perth, Armadale do Serpentine. Videli smo veliko, narava je bila lepa in zelena, veliko krav, ovac, sadja, vinogradov itd. Zjutraj smo se odpeljali proti Bunbury ki je ob obali in zelo lepo mesto nato v Busselton kjer smo ostali 4 dni. Šli smo na ogled v Margaret River, gozdove okrog nje in vinarne na poti nazaj. Dalje smo šli za Nannup, Pemberton, Walpole, Nornalup samo malo naprej od tu smo prenočili in si ogledali "Valley of the Giants", ko smo vozili ta dan smo veliko dreves videli ampak ta so zelo stara in zelo velika. Napravili so ko kličejo "Tree top walk" in to je 38m visoko od tal in ko gledaš doli se skoraj bojiš gori pa so še tako visoka ta drevesa. Drugi dan smo šli skozi Denmark, še veliko gozda, prišli smo do Albany. Ostali smo 2 dni, si ogedali mesto in okolico. Sedaj gremo proti Esperance, še smo ta dan videli drevesa potem pa zelo dosti žita in krav, ovac. Tu smo samo prenočili in šli za Norseman ki ima okrog 1,520 ljudi. Ta kraj da je bil dosti znan po 1890 letih ker so takrat dobili dosti zlata. Tu smo bili 2 dni, ker smo drugi dan šli v Kalgoorlie samo z avtom, da si ogledamo ta rudnik zlata. Mesto je drugo največje v WA, šteje 30,000 prebivalstva in tudi verjetno najbogatejše. Leta 1893 je Irec Paddy Hannan tam dobil veliki zaklad zlata, od takrat se ta kraj imenuje zlata milja "Golden mile" - najbogatejša kvadratna milja na svetu. Smo šli gledat kjer kopajo to zlato, se samo iz vrha gleda dol je tako globoko, po tem se vidi, da mora biti globoko. Tam smo videli slike od onih kamionov ki vozijo material ven. Dajo na vsakega po 218 ton, dva sta še dosti večja. Kadar jih gledaš doli misliš da bi ga skoraj v žep spravil saj zgledajo tako majhni. Šli smo tudi v stari rudnik - delo je bilo tu naporno sedaj je še samo za turiste. Potem je začelo deževati, nismo dosti videli. Vrnili smo se nazaj v Norseman. Drugo jutro naprej in to kar hitro skozi Nullabor Plain. To je najbolj dolga ravna cesta v Avstraliji. Vožnja je dolgočasna tako smo samo šteli km, dali kakšno kaseto gor, se ustavili prenočit kjer koli smo dobili mesto. Malo naprej od Eucla proti Ceduna je meja WA in SA takrat smo rekli sedaj smo že skoraj doma in tako je tudi bilo, 27.7.2004 smo prišli domov. Lepo je iti od doma a še lepše je priti nazaj domov. Hvala Bogu za srečno potovanje. Vsem lep pozdrav Marjo in Ivanka Jenko LOCAL SUCCESS_ Success story still in print and growing Tll3£§ ij Congratulations to Ernest and Olga Orel and family, and their company Finsbury Green Printing for the excellent article of their success story in the Adelaide Advertiser, October 9, 2004. Article highlights - • Ernest and Olga bought Finsbury Press in 1973. • With growth in demand for colour printing due to the introduction of colour television the company took-off. • In 1995 they purchased their latest premises, 6,000 sq m, on the site of the former Onkaparinga Woollen Mills factory at Thebarton. • Finsbury employs 130 people in Adelaide, 45 people in Melbourne (recently purchased printing plant), and 4 salespeople in Sydney. • $14 million has been spent on the business in the past ten years upgrading machinery to keep pace with technology and competition. • Business philosophy is to get a client early and as they grow Finsbury grows with them. • Finsbury emphasis on quality print production reflected in the 10 gold awards won at this year's Print Industries Craftmanship Awards -more than any other SA company. • With business growing at 12 to 15 per cent per year, Ernest at 72 years of age has no plans to retire. As Ernest says "Unfortunately, I haven't got a hobby that I can stick with. Really, my hobby is printing". Adrian Vatovec Finsbury Green Printing website: CANADIAN SLOVENIANS Below is a transcript of a speech delivered to the younger generation of Canadian Slovenians on the occasion of Slovenia's 13th National Day and other celebrations tied with this event. The speech was delivered by Stane Kranjc, a prominent Canadian Slovenian, on July 4 2004. Stane Kranjc Dear young Slovenians. This is the week of celebrations. Today we are celebrating 45th Slovenian day, 137th Birthday of Canada, 13th bithday of Independent Republic of Slovenia and our good friends and neighbor's Americans are celebrating 228th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. As Canadian Slovenians we can be proud to be citizens of the two most beautiful and friendly countries in the world. It is a day to honor all women and men who contributed so much to both our countries Canada and Slovenia. Slovenian day is one of our most important annual cultural celebrations, it is a manifestation of our national consciousness, culture and faith. Late Prime Minister Hon. Pierre E. Trudeau 30 years ago made this statement in The House of Commons: 'Canada will not have an official culture, it will embrace and encourage all cultures. A Multicultural policy can form the base of Society which is based on fair play for all' end of quote. We are very fortunate to live in the country where Slovenian Culture is part of Canadian national culture. Your parents and grand parents were dedicated hard working people, aware of the fact that Culture is the most important national representative and that historically nationality can be permanently recorded only with culture. On this day we should look back and examine their hard work, efforts, success and contributions they made to Slovenian Culture in Canada and with our culture added vitality to Canadian Multicultural Society. It is important that on this foundation you continue to build, remembering that now you are what your predecessors were. We hope that you will preserve and enjoy what you and your parents build. To achieve these important objectives you must stay united, dedicated and involved in Slovenian community. You need to find your way, the right way being involved in the sport clubs, families, friends, organizations and church. To us older folks it is very gratifying to see progress and your new realized ideas, like recently installed new children's play-grounds, improved sports fields, expanded childrens sports programs, Slovenian schools and many other activities. We are delighted to have successful young people like Mr. Matt Stajan, Toronto Maple Leafs (hockey team), joining us in celebration of 45th Slovenian day. Thanks to all of you, thank you Matt and best wishes for much more success in the National Hockey League. You are a good example that young people care and are proud to be Slovenian. We know that the Young generation is the only future we have and we are happy that our future looks bright. In the Canadian Census continue to register as Slovenians to preserve Slovenian nationality, culture and values in Canada. Remember: 'It's cool to be Slovenian' Happy Slovenian day to you all! Thank you very much - Hvala lepa. Stane Kranjc NADANJE SELO Besedilo/words Stane Kranjc TAM ZA BREGOM NADANJE SELO STOJI MOJ ROJSTNI KRAJ V PRELEPI SLOVENIJI. SREDI VASICE LIPA ZELENI POD LIPO DRUŽBA NADANJSKA SE VESELI. MNOGO TUJCEV KRALJEVALO JE TOD DANES NAŠ NAROD SAM SVOJ JE GOSPOD. NADANJCEV PO SVETU JE MNOGO ODŠLO TO VASICO ZA BREGOM RADI OBISKUJEMO. NADANJCI PO SVETU NADANJCI DOMA ZAVEDNI SLOVENCI VESELEGA SRCA. Stane Kranjc was born on 13 November 1932 in the village of Nadanje Selo, near Pivka, Slovenia. Ever since his arrival in Toronto, Canada, in 1951 he has been activlely involved in both the Canadian and Slovenian communities: President of GM United Appeal, 'Share Life', Industrial Committee of City of Toronto, Canadian Food for Children, and business school for the younger generation 'Junior Achievement'. In the Slovenian community he has held numerous positions in various organisations including Chairman, Director, President, Secretary, and Editor. In his business life Stane Kranjc reached the position of Director of the giant North American company General Mills (turnover over USD $10 billion). Not only is he the first Slovenian to obtain this position at General Mills but so far the only immigrant. He presently runs a consulting business specializing in management and food. Stane is chairman of the Canadian Slovenian Historical Society ( which is pulling together information on all Canadian Slovenian activity from which a book entitled ' Slovenians in Canada from Atlantic to Pacific 1855 -2005' will be published. In essence a reflection of 150 years presence of Slovenians on Canadian soil. Stane is also chief editor of a book 'Slovenian Summer Camp (Slovensko Letovišče) 1958 - 1998' pictured above. Slovenian summer camp is a rural retreat set on 22 acres of land where the Slovenian community meets and greets to enjoy the outdoor life. Included on the grounds are cottages in which people can stay, have picnics, play sport, and a hall to hold functions. Stane Kranjc, a successful Canadian Slovenian. Adrian Vatovec WALKING IN LJUBLJANA A walking tour of the old part of Ljubljana gives you all of the insides and history of the things you have seen and not seen. Tickets for the two hour tour cost 1,200 SIT and are available from the Ljubljana Tourist Information Centre (Turistični Informacijski Center Ljubljana) near Prešeren Square. You meet on the steps of the historic Ljubljana Town Hall where a guide is there to greet you. Our knowledgeable guide could speak in seven languages. I took the English language tour which began at 5.00pm and included in my party was a couple from Western Australia. Ljubljana we were told is built on marsh wetlands, soft soil, so there will never be giant skyscrapers lining the skyline as the construction costs would be too prohibitive for the deep foundations required. The tallest building in Ljubljana is Nebotočnik which stands 13 stories high and was built in 1933. The hugging baroque buildings facing the cobbled streets are protected both externally and internally so you cannot knock down interior walls for example. This can be a bit of a problem because back when these buildings were built, people were shorter in height so walking through some of the doorways today can be a challenge. If any repairs need to be done then the replacement must be an exact replica. Ljubljana was quite small when it first started and was surrounded by walls to keep out the invading Saracens. Some of the darker skin evident in Slovenian society comes from the Saracens. Laibach was the old name for Ljubljana. Jože Plečnik, master architect and town planner, played a major part in styling Ljubljana. The National and University Library, Križanke (which used to be a cemetery), and the veins of the city (bridges, paths and streets) are his legacy for this capital. He would make use of statues that nobody else wanted. Ljubljana used to have flooding problems with the Ljubljanica River before Plečnik designed a system to control the river's flow and he actually extended the river where now the Ljubljanica surrounds the old part of town, making it an island just like Manhattan in New York. Roller blading on Čevljanski most (bridge) over Ljubljanica River There are palaces in Ljubljana, not the size of palaces in Germany or England but about one quarter of the size because of the wall that surrounded Ljubljana, the size of palaces was kept in proportion. The first crest of Ljubljana was an eagle and later became a figure which was a combination of a bat, rat and eagle. The current symbol is the dragon, named after St. George's church in Ljubljana. The Pope invested the first archbishop of Ljubljana in 1996 and donated a door for St. Nicholas church (the church is located near the Ljubljana markets). The door is called the "Slovenian door" and depicts images from Slovenian history. The knob opening the door is a female head, shielding a male head. Females play a more prominent part in family life than males. The females are the generals. In olden days when the males went away fighting in wars it was the female who looked after the family. And it is the Slovenian female who chooses the male partner, not the other way around! Further evidence of the female position, the three major rivers in Slovenia are of feminine gender - Ljubljanica, Soča and Sava. Did you know that before Napoleon Bonaparte left Ljubljana (yes he was here too) he blew up half of Ljubljana castle (as a parting gift I suppose). Ljubljana is in a valley and that's why it is often foggy in the morning but when the sun rises the fog disappears. __Where do Slovenians come from? According to our guide, the Slavic race migrated west from the Ural Mountains and the most determined and willing went furtherest west to seek the sunny side of the alps and the best location in Europe. These were the Slovenians. This inherent determination in Slovenians drives them to succeed or as Slovenians say "se borimo". Switzerland is a spectacular alpine country but it doesn't have the geographic diversity of Slovenia - the alps, the plains, the thermal spas, and the sea. Slovenia is Europe in miniature in other words. To wrap up the walk I had dinner in the old part of Ljubljana, naturally, at the restaurant Sokol which serves traditional Slovenian food. I remember the flavoursome beef soup, vegetables, salad, deer meat in cherry sauce, leaving just enough room for gibanici. (As well as deer meat I ate horse meat for the first time a few days later. My cousin's wife in Selling "kislo zelje" at Ljubljana market. Fresh produce and delicacies are available at the market during the week. Ljubljana made a delicious horse meat goulash which we ate with pasta.) After Sokol a short walk saw me at Križanke to witness a knockout show by Vlado Kreslin and his band. Adrian Vatovec A version of this article appeared in Ljubljana Life magazine, an English language publication published in Ljubljana, Slovenia. HELLO Rudi and Lyn Perkovic (nee Dinison), married on September 26, 2004. I have only been part of your community for a year and I have to say I am really enjoying being part of your lives. You have welcomed me with so many smiles, jokes and shared times. I have really enjoyed your enjoyment at our marriage -Thank you very much. Earlier this year Filipa did a job on us and suggested to us that we could join the committee - which we did. Now I have learned to make cappuccinos and have opened my first bottle of champagne. I have only worked in the kitchen a couple of times so have a lot more work coming in that area. Serving at meals has been fun so Christmas Dinner and New Year's Eve should be more fun. Serving others is always a pleasure and it helps me get to know you better. I am trying to learn some of your language with a little bit of success but I wish I could talk to Rudi's family back in Slovenia. I will keep practising and listening so I can pick up a little bit more as time goes along. I'm sorry but I find some of your food very heavy - the roast meat is so good and the BBQ is really something I enjoy. I really enjoy your music and at the moment the piano accordions that are being played in the evening. I feel there is so much more happiness when they play. That gets me onto the choir, we have had them sing for us on rare occasions and they practise regularly I would love to hear them more often. I think we should let them know we would love a song after their practice. In my time with you I have heard a few of your stories of how you come to be in Adelaide. To you it's just your story but to others it is very interesting and I have noticed that a few have already passed and their stories are over. Has anybody thought of a book with a collection of your stories that can be handed around and down to families so you don't disappear along with your story? I hope that the time I spend with you will be filled with more good times and that I have helped fill the newsletter and not bored you too much. Thank you again and I look forward to our time together with a lot more to share. Lyn Perkovic Idrijska čipka - klekljanje! Ročna dela so mi bila še kot otroku posebno zanimivost. Imam goblen papige na žametu, ki ga je naredila moja babica, našite, nahekljane prtiče od mamike in drugih v družini in prijatelic. O idrijski čipki nisem znala dokler niso predstavniki iz Slovenije prinesli prtičke za darilo kot naš slovenski motiv. Bilo je v torek, ko sem šla pogledat v cerkev Rostrevor Baptist Church na ogalu Montacute in Stradbroke Roads kakšna ročna dela delajo to semester. Takoj pri vratih sem našla mizo in na njej pojštre s prtički in klekljami. V sredini mize pa knjiga »Klekljanje iz Slovenije«. Obstala sem, nemogoče - a je res da avstralke delajo slovensko čipko? Je res, je! Z veseljem so mi pokazale kaj delajo in vesele so bile, da so srečale nekoga iz Slovenije Upam da bo tudi Vam toplo pri srcu kadar boste to prebrali in se čutili ponosni, da tudi naša knjiga o idrijski čipki najde mesto na mizi pridnih avstralskih rok in delo iz nje krasijo njihove domove. Mogoče je še kdo med nami da ga klekljanje zanima, si to lahko pogleda ali se jim pridruži. Lep pozdrav Olga Hrvatin Idrijan Lace - Bobbin Lace Making Even as a child handcrafts were a special interest of mine. I have a needlepoint parrot on velvet, which was made by my grandmother, stitched, knitted/crocheted doilies from my mother and other family members and friends. I didn't know of Idrijan lace until some representatives from Slovenia brought a gift of doilies as a Slovenian motif. It was Tuesday when I dropped by the Rostrevor Baptist Church on the corner of Montacute and Stradbroke Roads to see what sort of handcrafts they were doing this semester. Right by the door I found a table and on it cushions with doilies and bobbins. And in the centre of the table a book »Lace making from Slovenia**«. I stopped, unbelievable - is it true that Australian women are making Slovenian lace? Yes, it is true! With happiness they showed me what they were doing and they were very happy to meet someone from Slovenia. I hope that it warms your hearts, too, when you read this and that you feel proud that a book on Idrijan lace finds a place on the table of hardworking Australian hands whose work decorates their homes. Perhaps there are others among us who have an interest in lace making and they could come along to have a look or even join them. FILATELIJA PHILATELY PHILATELY Poštne znamke - Postage stamps Greetings, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2005 Olga Hrvatin Translated by Rosemary Poklar ** Note from translator: Apart from the three books published in Slovenian by the Idrija School of Lace (Klekljanje 1, Klekljanje 2 and Klekljanje 3) I know of only two others dealing with Idrijan lace: Idrija Lace by Bridget Cook and Metka Tratnik (in English) and Idrija Spitze by Irma Sedej and Maja Svetlik (I believe in German, English and Slovenian). I have seen Bridget Cook's book but have been unable to trace a copy of Irma Sedej's book. I'm sure that others besides myself would be interested to hear of and see any other books dealing with Idrijan lace and how it is made. Največji slovenski objekt - viadukt Črni Kal Načrtovanje spusta avtoceste s kraške planote preko kraškega roba na Obalo (odsek Klanec -Srmin) je bila zahtevana naloga, saj je bilo treba na relativno kratkem odseku premagati višinsko razliko 420 m. Najbolj veličasten objekt na tem spustu je nedvomno viadukt Črni Kal nad vasjo Gabrovica, ki s 1.065 metri dolžine, z 28.173 m2 skupne površine in s 95 metri višine najvišjega stebra predstavlja največji slovenski premostitveni objekt. Gradili so ga od novembra 2001 do septembra 2004. Je najzahtevnejši premostitveni objekt na slovenskih avtocestah, tako glede funkcionalnih zahtev, konstrukcijskih in tehnoloških možnosti, zahtevnosti oblikovanja, težavnosti umestitve v prostor v povezavi z ohranitvijo naravnega okolja, kot tudi glede stroškov investicije in vzdrževanja v času njegovega obratovanja. Sestavljata ga dve ločeni voziščni konstrukciji (za vsako prometno smer posebej), ki sta v dolinskem delu podprti s krakasto oblikovanimi stebri v obliki črke Y. Prav šest visokih, značilno oblikovanih enojnih stebrov »Y« oblike, predstavlja bistveni oblikovni element in zagotavlja njegovo prepoznavnost med podobnimi že zgrajenimi premostitvenimi objekti v tujini. Osnovno vodilo pri zasnovi vozišča viadukta je bila prometna varnost, poseben pozornost pa je bila posvečena zaščiti pred sunki burje in varnosti pred poledico. Varnost zagotavljajo poleg drugih elementov še aerodinamično oblikovana protivetrna ograja v višini tri do tri in pol metra, ki vozila na viaduktu ščiti pred sunki burje, in vgrajena tipala - avtomatski javljalci poledice, ki so povezani z vzdrževalno službo v avtocestni bazi Kozina. The Črni Kal Viaduct With its 1065-metre length, a surface of 28,173 square metres and a maximum pier height of 95 metres, the Črni Kal Viaduct is both Slovenia's longest motorway bridge and its tallest structure. The viaduct was built as a part of the new motorway linking Ljubljana, the capital, with the Slovenian costal region (Klanec -Srmin section) in the period between November 2001 and September 2004. The viaduct is the most demanding structure built on Slovenian motorways in terms of functional requirements, construction and technological capacity, design requirements, the difficult installation into the environment linked with the preservation of the natural environment, as well as in terms of investment costs and easy maintenance. The viaduct consists of two separate carriageway superstructures that rest on joint Y-shaped piers. The shape of the piers is the main element of design that is a special distinctive feature of this Slovenia's largest viaduct, thus making it stand out among similar bridging structures abroad. In designing the project, road safety, protection from strong gusts of north-east wind and black ice were the main guidelines. A special 3-3.5-metre high wind barrier will protect drivers from strong gusts at this lofty height, while the road surface ice sensors will provide road condition information to the road maintenance service in Kozina. Pedja Ašanin Gole KNJIGE - BOOKS Zaljubljeni vampu - The Infatuated Vampire by Bogdan Novak ZGOŠČENKE - CDs Veliki vinski leksikon je prvi slovenski leksikon o vinu. Avtor Primož Plahuta ga je pripravljal osem let. Prvič doslej je vinarstvo predstavljeno univerzalno - v svetovnem merilu. The first Slovenian lexicon of wine. It took author Primož Plahuta eight years to write. Erna Meznar at the 30 Slovenian Concert held at Slovenian Club Adelaide in October, 2004. An autobiography of Erna Meznar. This book contains Erna's life story, from her birth in the part of Slovenia at that time under Italian rule, to her life in Australia. 82 year old Erna was born in the village of Nova Sušica, in the Primorska region of Slovenia. Printed and published in Gawler, South Australia, 2003. Mi navijamo za Slovenijo!- We Wind It Up For Slovenia! A CD of pop and rock tracks by Slovenian artists: Adi Smolar, Natalija Verboten, Vili Resnik, Slavko Ivančič, Anja Rupel, Big Foot Mama, Nuša Derenda, Andraž Hribar, Karmen Stavec, Miran Rudan, Gamsi, Marta Zore, Agropop, Slavko Avsenik ml., Matjaža Jelen, Don Mentoni Band, Polona Furlan, Brendi, Janez Bončina, Darja Švajger, Tokac, Tulio Furlanič, Janez Zmazek, Zmelkoow, Aleš Turenšek, Matjaž Zupan, Orlek, Robert Dragar, Tomaž Ahačič VSI NAJBOLJŠI MUZIKANTI Vsi Najboljši Muzikanti - 50 zlatih viž - All the Best Musicians - 50 golden years - Beneški fantje, ansambel bratov Avsenik, Veseli planšarji, ansambel Lojze Slak, ansambel F. Miheliča..... Multimedija - Multimedia CD-ROM Interaktivni atlas Slovenije 3.0 -Interactive atlas of Slovenia 3.0. What's Cooking? Carniolan (kranski) sausage Carniolan sausage is one of the best known sausages in Slovenia. It is made from the best parts of pork. To make carniolan sausages, take 2/3 of lean and 1/3 of fatty meat from the leg joint and shoulder. Per every kilogram take 30g of salt and 1g saltpeter (if there is too much saltpeter the sausages are too dry and hard), 1g of roughly crushed black pepper and garlic to taste. Cut the meat into small pieces, add the seasoning and add some white wine in which you have soaked the crushed garlic. Grind the mixture and mix well once again. Fill the sausage casings. Hang the sausages for 3 days in cool smoke. Recipe for Kranjska klobasa taken from Slovenska Kuhinja (Slovenian Cooking), 140 recipes from all regions of Slovenia, written by Andrej A. Fritz. In Australia, kranski sausages are very popular, widely available, and often wrongly attributed as belonging to other nations. Kranski sausages are SLOVENIAN ! VINO wine wine wine wine wine S« A* KS • ^ K Kranjska klobasa Kranjska klobasa je ena od najbolj poznanih klobas v Sloveniji. Pripravljena je iz najboljših delov svinjskega mesa. Za pripravo vzamemo dve tretjini pustega in eno tretjino mastnega mesa iz stegna in plečeta. Na vsak kilogram računamo 3 dag soli in 1g solitra, (če je solitra preveč so klobase puste in trde), 1g grobo stolčenega popra in česna po želji. Meso zrežemo na manjše kose, začinimo in mu primešamo po okusu malo belega vina v katerem smo namakali sesekljan česen. Meso nato grobo zmeljemo. Meso nato dobro premesimo in nadevamo svinjska čreva. Nato klobase visijo tri dni v hladnem dimu. Miklavževo vino - sladko - Laški rizling - od Radgonske Gorice, Slovenija. Grozdje se trga 6. decembra. Zato vino ima ime Miklavževo vino. Miklavževo (St. Nicholas) wine - sweet - Laški reisling - from the Radgonske Gorice region in north-east Slovenia. The grapes are picked on December 6, thus the name Miklavževo wine. Seen & Heard Female Slovenian pop group B.B.T. The group comprises Brina, Barbara and Tamara (ie B.B.T.). The Autocommerce group has become the first Ferrari and Maserati car dealer in Slovenia. The car dealer expect to sell three or four Ferraris and between twenty to thirty Maseratis a year. The price of a Maserati will range between SIT 24.6m (EUR 103,000) and SIT 29.7m (EUR 124,000), Ferraris will be available at SIT 38.8m (EUR 162,000) to SIT 61m (EUR 254,000). Photo: Slovenia News Bled in winter. Bled is one of Slovenia's most picturesque and popular tourist attractions, comprising a glacial lake created 14,000 years ago with an island in the middle on which sits a 16th century castle chapel. The water in the lake reaches a depth of 30 metres and in winter the lake's surface freezes over providing an ideal canvas for ice-skating. Sydney MP Tanya Plibersek (Slovenian Australian) has been promoted to the front bench of the Federal Labour Party. She holds the shadow portfolio of Work, family and community; youth and early childhood education; status of women. Tanya grew up in the southern suburbs of Sydney, the youngest of three children. Her parents emigrated from Slovenia in the 1950s. She completed a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications (Hons) from the University of Technology, Sydney and a Master of Politics and Public Policy at Macquarie University. Tanya worked for the NSW Ministry for the Status and Advancement of Women on domestic violence policy and research before joining the staff of Senator Bruce Childs and later Senator George Campbell. She was elected to Federal Parliament as the Member for Sydney in 1998. She is a member of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Economics, Finance and Public Administration. Tanya and her partner Michael have a daughter, Anna, and are expecting another child in the new year. Opportunity for Slovenian Australians highly proficient in Slovenian and English. The European Commission has recently warned that it failed to recruit a sufficient number of translators for four new official languages, including Slovenian, which could cause serious delays in the translation of new legislation. Part of the gap will be filled by freelancers, but the government also intends to help out: government employees with experience in translating and editing will be sent to Brussels. The European Commission will also join the effort: it is planning to mount a large-scale recruitment campaign, particularly in Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia and Malta, to recruit the target number of translators by 1 January, the European Voice has reported. This year alone, European Commission translators are expected to translate 1.6 million pages of documents. IRWIN Slovenian avant-guard art on display. Experimental Art Foundation Lions Arts Centre - Morphett St (cnr North Terrace) - November 11 - December 11, 2004 Open Tuesday to Friday 11.00am -5.00pm and Saturday 2.00pm - 5.00pm. slovenija.svet - revija za Slovence po svetu. Slovenska Izseljenska Matica. slovenija.svet - monthly magazine for Slovenians abroad, published by Slovenska Izseljenska Matica (Slovenian Emigrant Association) in Ljubljana. Annual subscription cost is $45. Running geese at the Royal Adelaide Show. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Urednik Sprejema članke v slovenščini ali angleščini. Dobrodošla je tudi dobra kritika in vsaka dobra ideja. Letters to the editor are to be addressed to Slovenian Club President. All letters will need to make postal or email delivery by the weekend prior to the scheduled Club Committee meetings to ensure inclusion in the next issue of the newsletter. The Slovenian Club Committee reserves the right to withhold publication of any letter which in their opinion constitutes personal criticism or attack of an individual or organization. g. Ernest Orel Spoštovani, Po kratkem vklapljanju v evropsko življenje se Vam končno javljamo. Srečno smo se vrnili, zdravi, zadovoljni, malo utrujeni, vendar polni prijetnih vtisov in lepih dožitvetij. Iskreno se Vam zahvaljujemo za Vaš trud, prisrčne sprejeme in za vse kar ste storili, da smo skupaj podoživeli lep večer s slovensko pesmijo. Upamo, da ste bili z našimi nastopi zadovoljni in da Vam nismo bili v preveliko breme, saj smo se trudili načrtovati vsak naš korak s ciljem Vaše čimmanjše obremenitve. Še enkrat iskrena hvala za vse in vedno dobrodošli v naši družbi v Sloveniji. Goriški octet Vrtnica Darko Šuligoj, predsednik Nova Gorica, September 2004 *** Slovenija - moja dežela Prelepi vrhovi, gore - planine, v jutranji zarji, se razkošno smejijo. A duh po encijanu iz razpoke žehti in kliče, na zdravje Slovenija ti. Kako smo presrečni, da rod smo dežele, čeprav zaskrbljeni smo z dušo in srcem. Naravne lepote pobrala je senca, neznano jih pelje v temo in zatišje. Ob ranem se jutru, nas sonce pozdravlja, na nebu se zvezde in oblaki podijo. Ljudem že naznanjajo pomladne lepote, ko rože in cvetje se prebudijo. O mati, dežela slovenska si ti, naj Bog te ohrani na veke vse dni, od kod ti lepote prinašaš vsak dan posebno še ljudstvu, ki naklonjen je nam. Polda Škijanc Radomlje, Slovenija, 30.9.2004 Slovenec A Stovtotm to ■ Slovenian Slovencu Matjaž Merljak Dober dan ! Opravičujem se, ker tako pozno odgovarjam. Res sem bil vesel CD-ja (Slovenec Slovencu), ki ste ga poslali in smo ga tudi že predvajali v naši oddaji Slovencem po svetu in domovini v nedeljo, 29. avgusta. Poslani CD priča, da Slovenci v Adelaidi ustvarjate na kulturnem in glasbenem področju. Izrekam Vam vse priznanje in spodbujam, da na tej poti vztrajate. Pozdravljam vse, ki so pri izdelavi plošče sodelovali. Zbogom, Matjaž Merljak Radio Ognjišče Ljubljana, September 2004 Internet : IkkJiIo Ivnn BuruiL Ij^ib •LldilaU-l j Adrian V«l<»vce Slovenec Slovencu CD - Ivan Burnik Legiša, Polda Vatovec, Rosemary Poklar and Adrian Vatovec SPORT UPDATE BOCCE BOCCE BOCCE BOCCE Contact Tomo Les regarding Slovenian Club Bocce Competition dates, played at the club. Tomo Les *** Slovenian athletes won four medals at the 2004 Athens Paralympic games. Mateja Pintar won gold in table tennis and Franc Pinter took the silver in shooting. Tatjana Majcen won two medals, silver in the javelin, and bronze in the discus. CONGRATULATIONS ČESTITKE All the best - vse najboljše! Births - Rojstvo Veronika Ferfolja and Richard Brown, a son Oscar William, born October 2, 2004, Canberra. Michelle and Lee Sinclair (Kalc), a daughter Chelsea, born October 21, 2004. Birthday - Rojstni dan November - Rezika Gabršek, Mathew Končina Wedding - Poroka Rudi and Lyn Perkovič (nee Dinison), September 26, 2004. Shrive - Bernik, Rebecca and Craig, October 23, 2004. *** *** Portrait of Luiza Pesjak, 1855, by Mihael Stroj. National Gallery, Ljubljana. Obituary - Osmrtnica The Slovenian Club, on behalf of the Slovenian community of South Australia, wishes to express its sincere condolences to the family and friends of : Ivan Lenarčič Born in Narin (near Pivka), Slovenia, 1937 Passed away Adelaide, 2004. 67 years old. Committed at Centennial Park Cemetery. Condolences to daughters Priscilla, Ardelia and Vanessa; sisters Ivanka and Men of Adelaide and families. Ivanka Zvodar Born in Tolmin, Slovenia, 18/01/1927 Passed away Port Lincoln, South Australia, 2/10/2004. 77 years old. Frank Cinc Passed away Berri, South Australia, 9/11/2004. 65 years old. Committed at Berri Lawn Cemetery. Husband of Stephanie (deceased). Father and father-in-law of Kristina and Mark, Peter and Sally, also Anna-Maria (deceased); pop of Jess, Leilani and Brodie. PERSONAL NOTICES Notices to be forwarded through the Club President, in writing (Slovenian or English). All letters will need to make mail delivery by the weekend prior to the scheduled Club Committee meetings to ensure inclusion in the next issue of the newsletter. HALL HIRE HALL HIRE Main Hall (seats 250) members: $350.00 non-members: $600.00 Clubrooms (seats 120) members: $135.00 non-members: $250.00 Hall&Clubrooms (seats 350) members: $450.00 non-members: $750.00 Further information from the Club President or Secretary USEFUL ADDRESSES Slovenian Club Adelaide 11 Lasalle Street Dudley Park SA 5008 tel: 8269 6199 fax: 8269 2406 internet: Slovenian Club opening hours: 7.00 - 8.00pm Fridays for Yoga 2.00 - 10.30pm Sundays Slovenian Catholic Church 51 Young Avenue West Hindmarsh SA 5007 tel: 8346 9674 fax: 8346 3487 email: 5EBI FM Radio (stereo FM 103.1mhz) 10 Byron Place Adelaide SA 5000 office tel: 8211 7635 studio tel: 8211 7066 14 Slovenian program times: Wednesdays 7.00 - 7.30pm Sundays 2.00 - 2.30pm Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije (Slovenian Embassy) Advance Bank Centre Level 6, 60 Marcus Clark Street Canberra act 2601 PO Box 284, Civic Square Canberra ACT 2601 tel: (02) 6 243 4830 fax: (02) 6 243 4827 email: internet: www. Ministrstvo za Zunanje Zadeve Urad Republike Slovenije za Slovence v Zamejstvu in po Svetu (Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Office for Slovenians Abroad) Prešernova 25 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 478 2291 fax: +386 1 478 2296 internet: SBS Radio (stereo FM 106.3 mhz) Federation Square Melbourne VIC 3000 tel: (Melbourne): (03) 9685 2519 tel: (Sydney): (02) 9430 2828 Slovenian program national broadcast: Tuesdays 9.00 - 10.00am Listen to Slovenian program at any time on Internet radio: p?language=Slovenian Ministrstvo za Kulturo (Slovenian Ministry for Culture) Maistrova 10 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 478 5900 fax: +386 1 478 5901 internet: Slovenska Izseljenska Matica (Slovenian Emigrant Association) Cankarjeva 1/11 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia tel: +386 1 425 1673 fax: +386 1 241 0280 internet: publisher of slovenija.svet Stičišče avstralskih slovencev (Slovenian Australian Network) PO Box 191 Sylvania NSW 2224 Internet: Internet publisher Slovenian Australian Institute PO Box 15 Camperdown NSW 2050 Internet: Internet publisher Radio Slovenija 1 Program of Slovenians abroad. Friday night (Slovenian time) 8.30pm -11.00pm Middle wave 326.8 m or 918 kHz. Internet radio: Slovenia South Australia NEWSLETTER ADVERTISEMENTS Advertise your business Contact Club President or Secretary. Sample advertisements may be submitted as hardcopy or on floppy disk or CD, or have it made up by the editorial committee. Rates: Business card size $10 %page (210mmwide x 75mm high) $15 (105mm wide x 150mm high) $15 / (210mm wide x 150mm high) $30 (105mm wide x 297mm high) $30 % (210mm wide x 225mm high) $45 full page (210mm wide x 297mm high) $60 Slovenian Club Adelaide Yoga classes professional instructor classes for young and old - you can join any time and just go at your own pace Every Frj day Night : 7- 8pm : $2.50 The ancient Indian art of Yoga improves all aspects of your life - mind, body & soul. all equipment provided by the Slovenian Club (we ar something comfortable) The Office for Slovenians Abroad runs seminars for people who are actively involved in their local Slovenian community. If you are involved with Media, Arts, Archiving, or Teaching the Slovenian language you could find yourself at an ALL EXPENSES PAID seminar in Slovenia. The semj nars are conducted in the Slovenian language. Watch out for announcements of upcoming seminars. Finale - Skupno na poti - Together on a Journey 30th Slovenian Concert hosted by the Slovenian Religious Centres in Australia. Held at Slovenian Club Adelaide, October 2, 2004. SILVESTROVANJE - NEW YEARS EVE - SILVESTROVANJE 6.30 pm 31 December 2004 Slove nian Club Adelaide members $15 non-members $25 2 course meal served at 6.30pm Country style band Booking at the Club or ring Secretary Cvetka Jamnik on 8344 4757