173 Original scientific paper  MIDEM Society A microfluidic micromixer fabricated using polydimethylsiloxane-based platform for biomedical applications Soracha Thamphiwatana 1,2 , Tonghathai Phairatana 1 , Somyot Chirasatitsin 1 , Mahdee Samae 1 , Guilhem Velvé Casquillas 3 , Hani Al-Salami 4 , Sanja Kojić 5 , Goran M. Stojanović 5 1 Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Prince Songkla University, Hatyai, Songkhla, Thailand 2 Drug Delivery System Excellence Center, Prince Songkla University, Hatyai, Songkhla, Thailand 3 Elvesys SAS company, Paris, France 4 Biotechnology and Drug Development Research Laboratory, School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, Curtin University, Perth WA, Australia 5 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia Abstract: Personalised dosing microfluidic devices have great potential in transforming current biomedical treatment into more efficient and patient-tailored using lab-on-chip designs. One of the current challenges in manufacturing microfluidic devices is designing suitable mixers, at the microscale level, with intricate geometrical dimensions. The study aimed at designing micromixers using polydimethylsiloxane-based platform and investigated their performance and potential applications in biomedical devices. New microchip-like structure was fabricated and consisted of two inlets and one outlet. A mould was fabricated based on polydimethylsiloxane platform and the new design was examined in terms of mixing patterns. The flow-mixing process was tested for efficiency and robustness. The novel design showed consistent intricate dimensions suggesting fabrication method was robust and precise. The mixing ability of the micromixers showed semi-circular flow with efficient mixing at low liquids pressure (< 50 mbar) suggesting ability to mix fluids with various viscosities. Accordingly, the newly designed micromixers using polydimethylsiloxane- based platform with two inlets and one outlet have promise in biomedical fluid-mixing applications. Keywords: Micromixer, PDMS; Mixing efficiency Mikrofluidični mikro mešalnik z uporabo platforme na osnovi polidimetilsiloksana za biomedicinske aplikacije Izvleček: Mikrofluidične naprave s poosebljenim doziranjem imajo velik potencial pri spremembi trenutnega biomedicinskega zdravljenja v bolj učinkovito zdravljenje s pacientu prilagojenim dizajnom lab-on-chip naprav. Trenutni izziv je načrtovanje ustreznih mešalnikov na mikro nivoju. Članek predstavlja načrtovanje mikro mešalnikov z uporabo platforme na osnovi polidimetilsiloksana in njihovo integracijo v biomedicinske naprave. Nova mikročip struktura ima dva vhoda in en izhod. Kalup je izdelan na osnovi polidimetilsiloksana. Nov dizajn je bil opazovan s strain različnih mešalnih vzorcev. Proces pretočnega mešanja je bil preizkušen na osnovi učinkovitosti in robustnosti. Mešalna sposobnost kaže semi-cirkularni pretok z učinkovitim mešanjem pri nizkih tlakih (< 50 mbar) in različnih viskoznostih tekočin. Ključne besede: mikro mešalnik, PDMS; izkoristek mešanja * Corresponding Author’s e-mail: sgoran@uns.ac.rs Journal of Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 173 – 179 174 S. Thamphiwatana et all; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 173 – 179 1 Introduction The proper mixing of reagents is an important process in biochemical experiments, which aims to incorporate various fluids as a way to detect concentrations of bio- logical molecules. Microfluidic devices have attracted a huge attention due to a wide range of potential ap- plications such as in diagnostics and pharmaceutical and biological applications [1-3]. The purpose of micro- fluidic mixing is to obtain a complete and fast mixing of numerous samples in microscale devices, by em- ploying the diffusion effect at low Reynolds number in microfluidic systems [4]. Microfluidic technologies can be used to produce micromixers in order to make the whole process more efficient and reliable, minimizing cross-contamination and reducing the time and labour costs. Mixing in microchannels is a principle applied in many modern biomedical devices. Active and passive mixing approaches can be found in microfluidic chips [5]. Active micromixers require external energy sources (electro-kinetic [6], [7], ultrasonic [8], electrostatic or magnetic fields [9, 10] to generate perturbations in fluid flow. These devices provide a very good mixing characteristics and flow control. However, they are ex- pensive for fabrication and cannot be easily integrated into complete microfluidic systems. Passive micromix- ers depend on diffusion process [11]. A smart geomet- ric design is a key enabler of efficient mixing process in this type of micromixers. They can be manufactured in a simple way, using low-cost fabrication techniques and can be easily integrated with other functional components in Lab-on-chip [12] or Organ-on-chip [13] concepts, which are very popular nowadays. Taking into account above-mentioned advantages, this paper analyses fabrication process and testing of performanc- es of a passive micromixer with innovative design. Vari- ous technologies can be used for manufacturing pas- sive micromixers such as: printed circuit board (PCB) [14], low temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC) [15], xu- rographic PVC foils-based technique [16], silicon-based or glass-based microfabrication [17], polydimethylsi- loxane (PDMS) technology [18]. An integrated micro- fluidic chip for rapid mixing of multiple liquids which requires few manipulations of pipettes has been de- veloped in [19]. That microfluidic chip was fabricated by PDMS casting, integrated a micromixer among four other components. The lost-wax casting technique was used in [20] for fabrication of 3D PDMS microfluidic de- vices, but with very simple design. The fabrication of PDMS microfilters, which were chemically bonded to polyimide (PI), polyethylene-naphthalate (PEN), and polyethylene-terephthalate (PET) substrates, was dem- onstrated in [21]. With regard to different geometrical shape of microchannels as a main constituent of pas- sive micromixers, the following structures have been reported: lamination mixer [22], rotational-type mixer or spiral microchannels [23], groove micromixer [24], staggered herringbone mixer [25] and splitting and re- combining the flow mechanism [26]. Manufacturing of high-performance microfluidic de- vices can be challenging, in particular when utilis- ing complex structures of versatile and inconsistent shapes. This study investigates innovative and complex designs of micromixer and their fabrication using PD- MS-based platforms. PDMS is chosen for the fabrication of the micromixer due to its biocompatibility, transpar- ency and mechanical flexibility. Design is based on semi-circular shapes of barriers creating disturbances aiming to achieve better mixing performances. The ex- perimental testing of the fabricated microfluidic chip has been also performed. 2 Design, simulation and fabrication of micromixer 2.1 Design of micromixer The proposed innovative design of the microfluidic micromixer, including its dimensions is presented in Figure 1. The chip is composed of two inlets and one outlet. Internal structure of the chip consists of semi- circular barriers which could provide the chaotic advec- tion with diffusion and enable efficient mixing of fluids from inlets. The calculation of the Reynolds number in the mixing area of 2000 µm width and 60 µm depth was between 0.2 - 3.0, therefore the chaotic advection with diffusion takes place. A design of microchannels was created in CleWin 4.0 software tool. Figure 1: Design and dimensions of microfluidic chip showing the positions of the inlets, the mixing cham- ber and the outlet 2.2 Simulation results for the proposed micromixer The proposed micromixer performances have been analysed through simulation results. Numerical simu- lation was carried out by software tool COMSOL mul- tiphysics, using two modules Laminar Flow and Trans- port of Diluted Species. The Laminar Flow module has been used for determination of the speed field vector which then transferred into the Transport of Diluted Species module which calculates the concentration of fluid in the designed micromixer. In order to provide 175 evidence that proposed mixer operates properly we started simulation with the following parameters: the fluid pressure at inlets equal to 50 mbar, concentration of the red fluid (on one inlet) was 500 mol/m 3 , and on another inlet (blue fluid) 0 mol/m 3 . The obtained results of simulation are presented in Figure 2. Figure 2: Simulation results of the micromixer design From the presented simulation results it can be con- cluded that around internal semi-circular barriers good mixing of two fluids from inlets is performed. 2.3 Fabrication of micromixer There are two main steps to manufacture a microfluidic chip in PDMS technology: (1) fabrication of a mould and (2) replica moulding. To fabricate a mould, photoli- thography was used to form a pattern of the designed channels as a moulding master on a glass substrate (75 mm × 50 mm size, 0.96 mm thickness, Corning, USA). A glass substrate was cleaned with isopropanol and heated at 120 °C for 15 minutes. A dry film photoresist (30 µm thickness, ORDYL) was covered and laminated on the glass substrate using a laminator. Using cutting- edge technologies and in-house built in systems, the first protective film was removed and then the resist was exposed for 10 seconds with an UV light (UV-KUB2) using the photomask. After exposing, the second pro- tective film was removed. To etch the pattern, the resist was developed with agitated manually for 2 minutes in a bath containing commercial developers. Then it was rinsed with the commercial chemical, following with isopropanol. Finally, the mould was dried with com- pressed air. The process of mould fabrication is shown in Figure 3. Once the mould was created, the microchannels were built using chemically integrated polymer-copolymer matrices, namely polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), by replica moulding. Using soft lithography, PDMS was used to replicate the patterned glass substrate served as a master. A mixture of PDMS base and curing agent (Sylgard 184, Dow Corning, USA) was prepared in the ratio of 10:1 by weight, and was stirred vigorously until well mixed. The mixture was degassed using a vacuum chamber in order to eliminate air bubbles for 30 min- utes. Next, the mixture was cast onto the master. The master filled with PDMS was cured in an oven at 80 °C for 2 hours. Then the replica was cut along the edge of the mould using a scalpel blade and was peeled off from the master. To access holes for the fluidic in- lets and outlet insertion point, the PDMS chip were punched using a biopsy punch (1 mm in diameter, Ted- pilla). The surface of the punched PDMS chip was ex- posed to oxygen plasma for 2 minutes, and was placed as soon as possible against a clean glass slide to form a permanent bond. The process of PDMS replication is illustrated in Figure 4. Figure 4: The process of PDMS replication using soft lithography 3 Experimental method After microfluidic chips were fabricated, the pattern of microfluidic chip was examined under microscope. The size of microfluidic chip was comparable to one-euro coin as shown in Figure 5A. The measurements were Figure 3: The process of mould fabrication using pho- tolithography process S. Thamphiwatana et all; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 173 – 179 176 performed in a mixing channel with a cross-section of 2 × 6 mm 2 . The first part of the channel was divided into two small inlets, and the shape of semi-circular was used as barriers in the mixing channel (the middle part) as shown in Figure 5B. Figure 5: (A) Prototype of the fabricated microfluidic chip, (B) Microscope images showing the pattern inside microfluidic chip The goal of microfluidic mixing is a thorough mixing of two or more samples in microfluidic devices. In order to achieve that goal, microchannel was designed with barriers to create the chaotic advection with diffusion (Reynolds < 10). Herein, the mixing pattern of the pro- posed microfluidic chip was studied with microfluidic flow controller (OB1) from Elveflow ® . The experimental set-up of microfluidic system is shown in Figure 6. Figure 6: (A) Schematic illustration of experimental set-up for microfluidic mixing study. (B) Photo of exper- imental setup. (C) Zoom-in version of microfluidic chip under microscope The flow controller was connected with vacuum pump, which is the pressure supply to the system. Pressure or flow was monitored by the Elveflow Smart Interface on computer. Microfluidic valves controllers were used to quickly start/stop flow. Flow/pressure sensor was also connected to the system for automatically adjusting the pressure in order to reach the set flow rate value. With this set-up, the pressured liquids from samples were smoothly and precisely flowed into microfluidic chip at desired rate. Flow in the chip was then observed under microscope. 4 Results and discussion 4.1 Testing of mixing performances at various pressures In this study, liquid pressure was varied from 40-200 mbar. The pressure for each channel was set at desired value. Two channels were set at same pressure flows. One channel represented the drug, which was in blue solution and another channel contained just water, which represented normal saline solution using to dilute the drug. At the first stage, the accuracy of the system was verified. At predetermined pressure, we collected samples at each pressure for 6 minutes. The representative of samples collected in each set of ex- periment is shown in Figure 7A. The measured volumes and appropriate flow-rates are presented in Figure 7B. Figure 7: (A) Representative photos of samples collect- ed at various pressure flows. (B) Volume and flow rate at studied pressure range The flow-rate results were consistent with controlled pressured as expected. The obtain results indicate that the flow was precisely tuned and controlled as it was desired in this experiment. This precise flow control is important for flow transition into microchannel in or- der to simulate controlled drug injection into the mi- crofluidic system. S. Thamphiwatana et all; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 173 – 179 177 4.2 Evaluation of mixing efficiency To investigate the mixing performance, the standard deviation of the concentration of the colouring solution was calculated by a custom JavaScript in ImageJ. Brief- ly, the captured images were split into 8-bit images of red, green, and blue components. The red component was only used for measuring the intensities pixel-by- pixel via the detection zone. A standard curve relating intensities and concentrations was established. After converting the intensities to the concentrations, the homogeneity was represented by the standard devia- tion of the concentration over the detection area. The standard deviation can be normalized by the mean concentration to calculate the mixing index (MI): that was defined as in Eq. (1): ( ) 1 2 1 N i i CC MI NC = − = ∑ (1) Where Ci is the concentration of pixel i, N is the number of pixel over detection zone, and C is the ideally aver- age concentration at well-mixing which is equal to 50% of the initial concentration. The standard deviation will be 0 for well-mixing. The mixing efficiency was defined as in Eq. (2): ( ) 1 2 1 N i i CC NC η = − = 1− ΜΙ = 1− ∑ (2) The efficiency is therefore between 0 < η <1. When η =0 means the highest variation of concentration, i.e. no mixing. While η =1 is well-mixing. To relate the intensity with the corresponding concen- tration, the standard curve was evaluated. The prepara- tion was used the concentration of 10 % (V/V) liquid food dye red in water solution. To cover the concentra- tion, range from 0 – 100%, the standard curve was fit by a polynomial. In addition, the mixing was investigated with different pressure set-ups. The liquid 1 (red colour) and liquid 2 (water), at room temperature, entered the inlets from separated channels. The flow in the proposed microflu- idic chip was observed under microscope. The mixing efficiency was performed and mixing was quantified using above-mentioned equations. The results are il- lustrated in Figure 8. The mixing efficiency of is 72% at 40 mbar. It can be observed that at lower pressure (≤50 mbar), two solutions were mixed thoroughly in- side microfluidic chip as shown in Figure 9. The pro- posed micromixer efficiency around 72 % for low pres- sure, is comparable with the already reported mixing efficiency. For example, in paper [27], authors reported the following maximum efficiency 69, 75, and 79 % for three types of configurations of meander types of microchannels. Additionally, in the paper [28], authors presented T-micromixer’s with efficiency around ~20% at similar pressures. Figure 9: Microscopic images (4×) obtained by mixing experiment in micro-mixer device at various pressure flows At high-pressure flow (>75 mbar), the mixing did not occur efficiently, because the high velocity flow rate along channel was generated, resulting in fluid could not travel across the channel by the chaotic advec- tion at a very short period of time. Even though, the mixing was not efficient at high flow rates, the diffu- sion area was larger when flow rate was slower. How- ever, design of a passive micromixer is dictated by its intended application. For example, for chemical reac- tors and for biosensing application, the flow rate and applied pressure of the tested liquid should be small. That means, the mixing effect in the microfluidic chip should be performed by diffusion. We proposed semi- circular barriers in one row 3 and in the next row 2, shifted in the space. In this way, it is achieved that fluid going between these barriers and diffusion effect are pronounced and chaotic mixing realized. Having one and the next rows close to each other, the good mixing efficiency can be reached only for low flow and small Figure 8: Mixing efficiency and enlarged images of outlet are representatives of the fluid flow within mi- cromixer at different pressure flows S. Thamphiwatana et all; Informacije Midem, Vol. 48, No. 3(2018), 173 – 179 178 pressures, which is appropriate for intended (above- mentioned) applications of the proposed microfluidic chip. 5 Conclusion Findings of this study showed that the new design of micromixers exhibits preferable features with promis- ing efficacy in biomedical and fluid-mixing applica- tions. The use of PDMS has enhanced the performance of the micromixers and enables improved flow-mixing properties, which has significant implications in bio- medical sensors and molecular-based detection capa- bilities. The ability of the newly designed micromixers to mix fluids of solution at a significantly low pressure (<50 mbar) is indicative of its potential biomedical ap- plications, and thus, future work will aim to enable fur- ther development and testing of the device in biologi- cal setting such as in vivo analyses. 6 Acknowledgement Results presented in this paper received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and inno- vation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no 690876, as well as partly through the TR32016. Authors thank to Mr. Mihailo Drljaća for help with some simulations. 7 References 1. Yong Hwang S, Jae Seo I, Yong Lee S, Ahn Y. 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