Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies Series Historia Naturalis, 30, 2020, 2 UDK 5 Annales, Ser. hist. nat., 30, 2020, 2, pp. 131-290, Koper 2020 ISSN 1408-533X KOPER 2020 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies Series Historia Naturalis, 30, 2020, 2 UDK 5 ISSN 1408-533X e-ISSN 2591-1783 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 30 · 2020 · 2 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies ISSN 1408-533X UDK 5 Letnik 30, leto 2020, številka 2 e-ISSN 2591-1783 UREDNIŠKI ODBOR/ COMITATO DI REDAZIONE/ BOARD OF EDITORS: Alessandro Acquavita (IT), Nicola Bettoso (IT), Christian Capapé (FR), Darko Darovec, Dušan Devetak, Jakov Dulčić (HR), Serena Fonda Umani (IT), Andrej Gogala, Daniel Golani (IL), Danijel Ivajnšič, Mitja Kaligarič, Marcelo Kovačič (HR), Andrej Kranjc, Lovrenc Lipej, Vesna Mačić (ME), Alenka Malej, Patricija Mozetič, Martina Orlando- Bonaca, Michael Stachowitsch (AT), Tom Turk, Al Vrezec Glavni urednik/Redattore capo/ Editor in chief: Darko Darovec Odgovorni urednik naravoslovja/ Redattore responsabile per le scienze naturali/Natural Science Editor: Lovrenc Lipej Urednica/Redattrice/Editor: Martina Orlando-Bonaca Lektor/Supervisione/Language editor: Petra Berlot Kužner (angl.) Prevajalci/Traduttori/Translators: Martina Orlando-Bonaca (sl./it.) Oblikovalec/Progetto grafico/ Graphic design: Dušan Podgornik, Lovrenc Lipej Tisk/Stampa/Print: Založništvo PADRE d.o.o. Izdajatelja/Editori/Published by: Zgodovinsko društvo za južno Primorsko - Koper / Società storica del Litorale - Capodistria © Inštitut IRRIS za raziskave, razvoj in strategije družbe, kulture in okolja / Institute IRRIS for Research, Development and Strategies of Society, Culture and Environment / Istituto IRRIS di ricerca, sviluppo e strategie della società, cultura e ambiente © Sedež uredništva/Sede della redazione/ Address of Editorial Board: Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Morska biološka postaja Piran / Istituto nazionale di biologia, Stazione di biologia marina di Pirano / National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station Piran SI-6330 Piran /Pirano, Fornače/Fornace 41, tel.: +386 5 671 2900, fax +386 5 671 2901; e-mail:, internet: Redakcija te številke je bila zaključena 21. 12. 2020. 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Navodila avtorjem in vse znanstvene revije in članki so brezplačno dostopni na spletni strani The submission guidelines and all scientific journals and articles are available free of charge on the website Le norme redazionali e tutti le riviste scientifiche e gli articoli sono disponibili gratuitamente sul sito ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 30 · 2020 · 2 Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Annali di Studi istriani e mediterranei - Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies UDK 5 Letnik 30, Koper 2020, številka 2 ISSN 1408-53 3X e-ISSN 2591-1783 VSEBINA / INDICE GENERALE / CONTENTS 2020(2) SREDOZEMSKI MORSKI PSI SQUALI MEDITERRANEI MEDITERRANEAN SHARKS Paraskevi K. KARACHLE, Caterina STAMOULI & Aikaterini DOGRAMMATZI Review of the Sharpnose Sevengill Shark Heptranchias perlo (Chondrichthyes: Hexanchidae) in the Mediterranean: Historical and Recent Data ................................. Pregled o pojavljanju morskega psa sedmeroškrgarja Heptranchias perlo (Chondrichthyes: Hexanchidae) v Sredozemlju: zgodovinski in recentni podatki Hakan KABASAKAL A Historical Catch of White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias (Lamniformes: Lamnidae), in the Sea of Marmara (Turkey) from the 1950s .................................................... Zgodovinski pregled ulova belega morskega volka, Carcharodon carcharias (Lamniformes: Lamnidae), v Marmarskem morju (Turčija) iz petdesetih let Nexhip HYSOLAKOJ, Rigers BAKIU & Alen SOLDO The First Record of Kitefin Shark Dalatias licha in Albanian Waters ........................ Prvi zapis o pojavljanju klinoplavutega morskega psa Dalatias licha v albanskih vodah Deniz ERGÜDEN, Mahmut İĞDE, Cemal TURAN, Deniz AYAS & Hakan KABASAKAL Occurrence of a Large Bigeye Thresher Shark, Alopias superciliosus (Lamniformes: Alopiidae), in the Northeastern Levantine Sea (Iskenderun Bay, Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Turkey) ................ Pojavljanje velike velikooke morske lisice, Alopias superciliosus (Lamniformes: Alopiidae), v severovzhodnem Levantskem morju (zaliv Iskenderun, vzhodni Mediteran, Turčija) Lovrenc LIPEJ, Janja FRANCÉ, Domen TRKOV, Borut MAVRIČ & Aleš BOLJE The Occurrence and Status of Thresher Shark (Alopias vulpinus) in Waters Off Slovenia .............. Pojavljanje in status navadnih morskih lisic (Alopias vulpinus) v vodah Slovenije Hakan KABASAKAL & Erdi BAYRI First Record of a Young-Of-The-Year Carcharodon carcharias in the Strait of the Dardanelles ................................... Prvi zapis o pojavljanju prvoletnega belega morskega volka (Carcharodon carcharias) v dardanelski ožini Francesco TIRALONGO, Clara MONACO &Alessandro DE MADDALENA Report on a Great White Shark Carcharodon carcharias Observed Off Lampedusa, Italy ................. Zapis o pojavljanju belega morskega volka Carcharodon carcharias pri Lampedusi, Italija Hakan KABASAKAL A Leucistic White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias (Lamniformes: Lamnidae), from the Northern Aegean Sea, Turkey .............. Belični primerek belega morskega volka, Carcharodon carcharias (Lamniformes: Lamnidae), iz severnega Egejskega morja, Turčija IHTIOLOGIJA ITTIOLOGIA ICHTHYOLOGY Christian CAPAPÉ, Youssouph DIATTA, Almamy DIABY, Sihem RAFRAFI-NOUIRA & Christian REYNAUD Leucistic Piebald Striped Panray, Zanobatus schoenleinii (Chondrichthyes: Zanobatidae), from the Coast of Senegal (Eastern Tropical Atlantic) .................................... Belični primerek vrste Zanobatus schoenleinii (Chondrichthyes: Zanobatidae) iz Senegalske obale (vzhodni tropski Atlantik) Fatiha DALOUCHE, Lotfi BENSAHLA- TALET, Sidi Mohamed El Amine ABI AYAD & Ahmed BENSAHLA-TALET Gonadal Development of Bogues, Boops boops (Linnaeus, 1758), from Oran Bay (Teleostei, Sparidae) ................. Razvoj gonad pri bukvi, Boops boops (Linnaeus, 1758), iz Oranskega zaliva (Teleostei, Sparidae) 201 131 147 157 187 175 151 193 165 181 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 30 · 2020 · 2 Francesco TIRALONGO & Roberto PILLON New Distributional Records of Gobius bucchichi (Pisces, Gobiidae) from the Mediterranean Sea and In Situ Comparisons with Gobius incognitus ................ Novi podatki o razširjenosti vrste glavača Gobius bucchichi (Pisces, Gobiidae) iz Sredozemskega morja in in situ primerjave z vrsto Gobius incognitus BIOINVAZIJA BIOINVASIONE BIOINVASION İnci TÜNEY-KIZILKAYA & Okan AKYOL Occurrence of Scarus ghobban (Scaridae) at the Border of the Aegean Sea (Kaş, Turkey) ................................................. Pojavljanje modroprogaste morske papige (Scaridae) na meji Egejskega morja (Kaş, Turkey) Argyro ZENETOS & Anastasia MILIOU Abudefduf cf. saxatilis in the Saronikos Gulf, Greece: Unaided Introduction or Human Aided Transfer? ....................................... Abudefduf cf. saxatilis v zalivu Saronikos (Grčija): nenameren ali nameren vnos? JADRANSKA MORSKA BIODIVERZITETA BIODIVERSITÀ MARINA DELL'ADRIATICO ADRIATIC MARINE BIODIVERSITY Martina ORLANDO-BONACA & Domen TRKOV After More Than Forty-Five Years a New Finding of Cystoseira foeniculacea f. latiramosa in the Coastal Sea of Slovenia ............. Nova najdba vrste Cystoseira foeniculacea f. latiramosa v obalnem morju Slovenije po več kot štiridesetih letih Valentina PITACCO First Record of the Echiurid Maxmuelleria gigas (M. Müller, 1852) in Slovenian Waters (Northern Adriatic) ............... Prvi zapis o pojavljanju zvezdaša Maxmuelleria gigas (M. Müller, 1852) v slovenskih vodah (severni Jadran) FLORA FLORA FLORA Amelio PEZZETTA Le Papaveraceae Juss. della Flora Italiana: Distribuzione Regionale e Considerazioni Fitogeografiche ................................................... Družina Papaveraceae Juss. v italijanski flori: regionalna razširjenost in fitogeografska opredelitev Toufik CHEDADI, Omar IDRISSI, Anas ELKHABLI, Youssef KHACHTIB, Abdelmajid HADDIOUI & Mohammed EL HANSALI Morphological Characterization of Orobanche crenata in Carrots and Legumes (Faba Bean and Chickpea): Indications of Potential Genetic Differentiation Towards Host Plants ................. Morfološka opredelitev vrste Orobanche crenata pri korenju in stročnicah (bob in čičerika): pokazatelji možne genetske diferenciacije proti gostiteljskim rastlinam OCENE IN POROČILA RECENSIONI E RELAZIONI REVIEWS AND REPORTS Lovrenc Lipej Book review: ICHTHYOFAUNA OF THE ADRIATIC SEA .................................................... Lovrenc Lipej Book review: KNIGHTS, BALLERINAS AND INVISIBLES: THE DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS OF THE BRIJUNI MARINE PROTECTED AREA ................................ Alenka Malej Book review: BIODIVERZITETA BIOGENIH FORMACIJ. ZAKLADNICA NARAVE SLOVENSKEGA MORJA ....................................... POPRAVKI IN DOPOLNILA ERRATA CORRIGE ERRATA & CORRIGENDA Corrigendum to “Capture of a Large Great White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias (Lamnidae) from the Tunisian Coast (Central Mediterranean Sea): a Historical and Ichthyological Event”, Annales, Series Historia Naturalis, 2020, 30(1), 9-14 ......... Kazalo k slikam na ovitku .................................... Index to images on the cover ............................... 265 245 215 223 227 239 283 233 284 289 290 290 285 ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 30 · 2020 · 2 239 received: 2020-07-27 DOI 10.19233/ASHN.2020.29 FIRST RECORD OF THE ECHIURID MAXMUELLERIA GIGAS (M. MÜLLER, 1852) IN SLOVENIAN WATERS (NORTHERN ADRIATIC) Valentina PITACCO Marine Biology Station Piran, National Institute of Biology, Fornače 41, 6330 Piran, Slovenia e-mail: ABSTRACT One specimen of the echiurid Maxmuelleria gigas (M. Müller, 1852) was found in sediments at a depth of 23 m, during a monitoring campaign for macrobenthos in the northern Adriatic Sea in 2020. This finding represents the first record of the species for Slovenian waters. Key words: Maxmuelleria gigas, soft bottom, macrobenthos, northern Adriatic PRIMA SEGNALAZIONE DELL’ECHIURIDE MAXMUELLERIA GIGAS (M. MÜLLER, 1852) NELLE ACQUE SLOVENE (NORD ADRIATICO) SINTESI Un esemplare dell’echiuride Maxmuelleria gigas (M. Müller, 1852) è stato trovato nel sedimento a 23 m, durante una campagna di monitoraggio del macrobenthos nel nord Adriatico nel 2020. Questo ritrovamento rappresenta la prima segnalazione di questa specie nelle acque slovene. Parole chiave: Maxmuelleria gigas, fondo mobile, macrobenthos, nord Adriatico ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 30 · 2020 · 2 240 Valentina PITACCO: FIRST RECORD OF THE ECHIURID MAXMUELLERIA GIGAS (M. MÜLLER, 1852) IN SLOVENIAN WATERS (NORTHERN ADRIATIC), 239–242 INTRODUCTION Echiurids, commonly known as “spoon worms” due to their tongue-like extensible proboscis, are a small and poorly known group, represented by 165 exclusively marine species of worldwide distribution (Tilic et al., 2015). They occur in benthic habitats ranging from the littoral zone to the deep sea (Tilic et al., 2015). Traditionally ranked as a phylum of their own, they are now, according to the most recent phy- logenetical analyses (Goto et al., 2020), considered as part of the phylum Annelida, even if they lack visible segmentation. In fact, it is now recognized, based on both molecular (Struck et al., 2007; Weigert et al., 2014; Struck et al., 2015) and morphological (Hes- sling & Westheide 2002; Tilic et al., 2015) evidence, that they are derived members of the Annelida, com- ing from a common ancestor that secondarily lost seg- mentation. Six species are currently known (Murina, 1984; Relini, 2008) in the Mediterranean Sea, but only two of them have been reported in the Adriatic Sea: Bonellia viridis Rolando, 1821, and Maxmuelleria gigas (M. Müller, 1852) both belonging to the family of Bonelliidae Baird, 1868 (Zavodnik, 2017). While both species are reported for Italian (Relini, 2008) and Croatian waters (Zavodnik, 2017), only B. viridis was until now reported from Slovenian waters (Lipej & Vrišer, 1999; Sket, 2003). Fig. 1: Maxmuelleria gigas. A. Entire animal, dorsal view, B. Anterior ventral part, C. Posterior part. Hc = hooked chaetae, p = proboscis. Sl. 1: Maxmuelleria gigas. A. Cela žival s hrbtne strani, B. Sprednja trebušna stran, C. Zadnji del. Hc = kavljaste ščetine, p = rilec. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 30 · 2020 · 2 241 Valentina PITACCO: FIRST RECORD OF THE ECHIURID MAXMUELLERIA GIGAS (M. MÜLLER, 1852) IN SLOVENIAN WATERS (NORTHERN ADRIATIC), 239–242 MATERIAL AND METHODS Sampling was performed during a benthic monitor- ing campaign in summer 2020 in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic) off the Slovenian coast. Sediment was collected with a Van Veen grab and sieved through a 1 mm mesh. The specimen was found at a depth of 23.5 m at one offshore location (Sed 6: 45°35’606”N, 13°37’456”E), in sediment composed of 53 % silt, 27 % clay, and 20 % sand (Ogorelec et al., 1991). The specimen was immediately photographed and fixed in 70 % ethanol. It is now stored at the Marine Biology Station in Piran. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Taxonomic account Phylum ANNELIDA, Class POLYCHAETA Grube, 1850 Order ECHIUROIDEA, Family BONELLIIDAE Lacaze- Duthiers, 1858 Genus Maxmuelleria Bock, 1942 Species Maxmuelleria gigas (M. Müller, 1852) The specimen of Maxmuelleria gigas was about 15 cm in length, with green-coloured unsegmented, papillate sac-like trunk (Fig. 1A), and a single pair of hooked ventral chaetae (Fig. 1B), characteristic of all echiurid species (Tilic et al., 2015). The green colour is due to a pigment called “bonellin” (Goto et al., 2020). The species is distinguishable from other echiurids by the distinct highly expandable non-bifid proboscis (Fig. 1B), and posterior part of the trunk (Fig. 1C) without chaetae (Riedl, 1991). This species lives buried in silty or sandy bottoms, 20-50 m deep (Riedl, 1991). Like most echiurids, M. gigas is a deposit feeder (Goto, 2016), collecting organic particles from the sediments with its highly extensible proboscis (Riedl, 1991). Unlike B. viridis, which have been investigated more deeply, also in the Adriatic Sea (Zavodnik, 2017), the echiurid M. gigas is still poorly known. Originally described as Thalassema gigas M. Müller, 1852, and assigned to the family Thalassematidae, it was later moved to the family Bonellidae and assigned to the genus Maxmuelleria (WoRMS Editorial Board, 2020). In general, the taxonomy and phylogeny of the echiu- rids are still object of revision (Goto et al., 2020). Most species belonging to the Bonellidae are characterized by marked sexual dimorphism, with dwarf males re- siding inside, or attached to, the body of the female (Riedl, 1991). Since this reproductive character is typi- cal of echiurids at bathyal and abyssal depths, Goto (2016) suggested that it could represent a mechanism of adaptation to deep water environments, and that in shallow water echiurids it could be the result of a secondary adaptation of the species after expanding its distribution to shallow waters. But while this phenom- enon is well documented for bonellid echiurids with a bifid proboscis, like for those belonging to the genus Bonellia, it has not been ascertained yet in the males of the genus Maxmuelleria (Goto et al., 2020). The echiurid M. gigas is reported as a Mediterra- nean and European Atlantic species (Bakalem et al., 2020). Despite being reported as locally abundant by Riedl (1991), there are very few recent records of this species, and only restricted to certain areas of the Mediterranean: central Mediterranean (Relini, 2008; Massi et al., 2011), western Mediterranean (Camp & Ros, 1980; Harriague et al., 2019; Bakalem et al., 2020), central Adriatic (Atkinson et al., 1998; Morello et al., 2007; Relini, 2008), and northern Adriatic (Si- monini et al., 2007; Relini, 2008; Zavodnik, 2017). Some records are based only on the burrow type (At- kinson et al., 1998; Morello et al., 2007). The present record is the first for this species in Slovenian waters. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was financed by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), in the framework of the project “Raz- voj trajnostnega modela rasti - zelenega pristanišča” (L7 – 1847). The author thanks Tihomir Makovec, Leon Zamuda and Matej Marinac for their work dur - ing sampling, and Dr. Branko Čermelj for sharing sedimentological data. A special thank also to Prof. Dr. Lovrenc Lipej for his suggestions and support. ANNALES · Ser. hist. nat. · 30 · 2020 · 2 242 Valentina PITACCO: FIRST RECORD OF THE ECHIURID MAXMUELLERIA GIGAS (M. MÜLLER, 1852) IN SLOVENIAN WATERS (NORTHERN ADRIATIC), 239–242 PRVI ZAPIS O POJAVLJANJU ZVEZDAŠA MAXMUELLERIA GIGAS (M. MÜLLER, 1852) V SLOVENSKIH VODAH (SEVERNI JADRAN) Valentina PITACCO Morska biološka postaja Piran, Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Fornače 41, 6330 Piran, Slovenija e-mail: POVZETEK Med vzorčenjem makrobentosa v severnem Jadranu v letu 2020 je bil na sedimentnem dnu na globini 23 najden primerek zvezdaša Maxmuelleria gigas (M. Müller, 1852). Gre za prvo najdbo te vrste v slovenskih morskih vodah. Ključne besede: Maxmuelleria gigas, mehko dno, makrobentos, severni Jadran REFERENCES Atkinson, R., C. Froglia, E. Arneri & B. Antolini (1998): Observations on the burrows and burrowing behaviour of Brachynotus gemmellari and on the burrows of several other species occurring on Squilla grounds off Ancona, Central Adriatic. Sci. Mar., 62(1-2), 91-100. Bakalem, A., P. Gillet, J.-P. Pezy & J.-C. Dauvin (2020): Inventory and the biogeographical affinities of Annelida Polychaeta in the Algerian coastline (Western Mediterra- nean). Mediterr. Mar. Sci., 21(1), 157-182. Camp, J. & J. Ros (1980): Comunidades bentónicas de sustrato duro del litoral NE español. VIII. Sistemática de los grupos menores. Inv. Pesq., 44(1), 199-209. Goto, R. (2016): A comprehensive molecular phylogeny of spoon worms (Echiura, Annelida): Implications for mor - phological evolution, the origin of dwarf males, and habitat shifts. Mol. Phylogenet. 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