ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 2 FEBRUARY, 1974 VOLUME 46 ACCLAIMED! The City of Cleveland honored the occasion of the 45th anniversary of Br- 25 to signify their recognition of an outstanding person in the t- Vitus community, Mrs. Mary Otoničar, former National Auditor and f^retary 0f Br. 25, the largest in SWU. She has earned highest honors y enrolling over 1200 new members and performing an impressive re-c"lrd of service and loyalty. ftalpl aciviue ana ioy Mary Moeningman 1 1 Marie Thompson 1 1 2 47 Doris Konestabo 1 1 Jennie Pugeiy 1 1 2 50 Mary Cesnik 3 Velma Gricar 1 1 Isabelle Hirsch 1 1 Ann Hočevar 5 Irene Jagodnik 1 1 Hattie Jenko 1 1 Mollie Junecic 1 1 Frances Marold 1 1 Christine Nestar 1 1 Mary Petrie 1 1 Betty Sernel 1 1 Mary Sterling 1 1 Albina UJIe 1 1 Sylvia Vegney 1 1 Justina Zakrajšek 1 1 21 52 Margaret Andrician 1 1 1 55 Mary Macek 1 1 1 56 Rose Maras 1 1 57 Frances German 1 1 Virginia Zevkovich 1 1 68 Frances UUe 1 1 1 71 Lucille Smith 1 1 1 73 Louise Epley 1 1 1 79 Anna Anderson 1 1 1 81 Josephine Schutte 1 1 1 89 Sophie Frank 2 92 J’une Perusek 1 1 1 95 Emma Yergovich 1 1 1 96 Paula Kokal 1 1 1 101 Bety Matjašič 1 1 1 TOTALS: 28 128 144 300 FANIKA HUMAR, Secretary PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE: GOOD WORK! 300 NEW MEMBERS! Happy Valentine’s Day to all lovely sisters of the S.W.U. and peace to the whole world! A big THANK YOU to the officers and members for your beautiful cards and letters that came as holiday greetings. I hope you enjoyed reading the December issue of Zarja. My thanks to our wonderful contributors especially our Honorary President, Marie Prlsland for her columns in English and Slovenian. Even the menfolk love to read them. She is really a gifted person. She started one of the finest organizations in America, our Slovenian Women’s Union of America. From a humble beginning we are proud to say we have members coast to coast and all doing interesting things. Women working diligently together have accomplished a lot. We should silently pause and resolve to guard this from any adversity so to keep its foundation strong and to pass it to our next generations as our forebears passed their heritage to us. Let us, each of us, do all we can to promote the S.W.U. by working harder together to strengthen our branches with new members and new activities. Thus do we honor all those who have worked so hard in the past and thus do we honor our future leaders. May we pray today that mutual understanding and united effort will keep us together forever. Little reminders: Do you realize that you and your branch can help in all kinds of projects in your parish and community? Do you realize the power of women united? Others do! Multiply the power of one woman — "you” — by many members in your branch — this is local power. Multiply the number of branches in your state — this is regional power. Multiply the number of all branches in the S. W.U. all over and this is the power we all have to do things! Use it wisely and you’ll be a winner for the S.W.U. To all with birthdays this month, my heartiest wishes. Get well to all our ailing members — special hello to the senior citizens who don’t get out too often! And God bless you all. MARY BOSTIAN Top Branches Congratulations and thank you to the hard working branches in the Post-Convention Campaign. You all deserve our compliments. First place winner is Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wise., with 56 new members followed by Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio with 32 and Br. 2, Chicago with 22. Thirty-eight of Zveza’s branches were represented in this campaign. Individual Workers Hats off to Rose Kraemer, sec. of Br. 43 and State Pies, of Wisconsin who enrolled 36 new members! Second place is a tie with Mary Tratnik, Pres, of Br., 43 and Nat’l Secretary, Fanika Humar with 15 each and third is Anna Lustig. State Pres, of Ml.-Ind. of Br. 16 enrolling 14. Ninety-eight members took the appeal for new members to heart and worked for its success. To each and every worker, our salute! Good work! Ed. FROM THE SPORTS & WOMEN’S ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR Kculihg Tour ne if TJext fttchth As the new director of Women's Activities, I hope I can fill the shoes of Liz Zefran who held this office or the past 18 years. The Midwest Bowling Tournament will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, March 30 and 31, 1974. Place is KUGLITSCH’S at 4401 W. Greenfield Ave. All interested in bowling please contact me at 484-5573 or write to me at 3731 Home Ave., Berwyn, III. 60402, if you are interested in the tourney. Entrees will be in the mail by the time you read this message. LIL PUT2ELL BOWLING NEWS. . . No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Marquette Super Service expanded their lead in the Chicago S.W.U. bowling league just before everyone took two weeks off for the holidays. As of December 18, they had a record of 33$ wins and 14$ losses — 4$ games ahead of Zefran Funeral Home, who moved yo to second~with 29 wins and 19 losses. Dr. Grill, 28 wins and 20 losses, fell to third. Stetina’s Bakery held onto fourth place with 26$ wins and 21$ losses. Lawn Fence (25-23) moved up to fifth. Stetina’s took over the lead in high team game with a 988. Other handicap leaders remained the same: high team series — Zefran's, 2816; high individual series — D. Knezevich, 666; high individual game — A. Salviro, 253. Townhall bowling lanes helped along the holiday "spirits" with bottles awarded to the bowlers who shot the most pins over average on their teams December 18. The lucky winners were: S. Melissa, R. Swartz, A. Hozzaian, A. Fingerhut, J. Kozar, J. Nowaczyk, H. Fitzgerald, M. Clement, M. Stuck and M. Krapenc. Some of the high games bowled during the month included S. Melissa, 231; S. Gorka, 222; A. Vucko, 209; A. Fingerhut, 208. Railroad pickups were a little rare during December. The "hotshots" were: J. Wrezzes, 2-7, 4-7-10 and 5-6-10; A. Vucko, 2-3-10; P. Robinson and E. Statkus, 3-10; F. Smulski, 5-6-10; R. Swartz, L. Putzell, C. Wrezzes, 2-7; B. Shiliga, 5-7. Hope you all had a happy holiday season! BARBARA ZUREK ACTIVITIES No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. The annual meeting which was held at Johnny’s Supper Club, received a good response from our members. Discussions were held on various matters. For the sick and shut-V\n.V/.VA%W.V.,.V.V.V.V.,.V.-.V.V>V.,.V.V.V.V.VVAW service to satisfy our many guests. Thank you to Sally Furlich at the door, Carol and Maryann Globokar, our usherettes and their Mom, Mitzi, who did a great job as concert ticket chairlady. Our inactive members, who this past year had to take a leave, also came to our assistance in serving guests. They are Mary Stražišar, Mimi Režonja, Tillie Špehar and Pauline Dolinar. Thanks a million! Sincere thanks and gratitude to our young and handsome pianist, Charles Navigante, and included with him, Ivan Heuptman, who tape recorded the Concert. An unexpected surprise was the bouquet of red carnations presented to the Choral Group by the Jugoslav Consul, Mr. Ivan Senicar, who with his lovely wife and son graced our audience. To you, Mr. Gorensek, we extend not only a thank you, but a sincere gratitude for your tolerance and patience. Without you and your directing the success would never have been achieved. God Bless You! We are grateful to those who attended and ask you at this time to come again to our next concert. May the Christ Child bless all of you and your loved ones with health and happiness dMring the year 1974, is the sincere wish of the, 1\j£)awn C^horai Cjroup FRAN NEMANICH, Reporter gifts, donations were accepted for a worthy cause. That, we felt, was the real spirit of Christmas, to think of others less fortunate than us. May God repay you. For news: Joe and Regina Burya celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary on Dec. 15th Congratulations from all of us. Pres, closed the meeting with prayer and the hostess and her helpers served a pot luck luncheon. The hall was decorated for us with a beautiful tree and soft lights. There were so many different pastries and home made desserts and salads with ham sandwiches that the table just groaned. We had plenty of everything. In the meantime, our president had a lot of door prizes and a few handmade articles to give out. We thanked all for the generous donations of food, prizes, and their personal efforts that made this Christmas party such a big one. I always said, you can’t beat Slovenian pastries and goodies. We wish you all happiness in the new year. ANNE TEKAVEC, Rec. Sec’y No. 33, DULUTH, MINN. The December meeting was well attended as it is always an important business meeting. The election of officers took place with the following elected: President, Sunny Spehar; Vice-President, Dorothy Rychlak; Recording Secretary, Josephine Gregorich; Treasurer, Jackie Rukavina; Auditors, Cyrilla Collard, Rose Kresky and Winnie Ellena; Sergeant at Arms, Stella Mattson; Sunshine Chairman, Marian Mrak; News Reporters, Mary Chepelnik and Alice Cacich. It was voted upon to have our meetings at 7:00 p.m. (note the time change) on the 1st Wednesday of the month. A Penny Social was held and was a success as many prizes were won. The lunch committee really outdid themselves with a delicious lunch of fruit salad, sandwiches and fancy cookies. Installation of officers took place at our January meeting. Our thanks and appreciation for faithful service °f Branch 33 go to out-going officers Frances Blatnik who served as president for six years, Helena Ellena, Emma Himebaugh and Florence Burger. A speedy recovery is wished for Stephie Szumal, Ann Podgoršek, and for all our members who are sick at home, in hospitals or nursing homes. MARY CHEPELNIK No. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Another year has ended and another Christmas. We had a wonderful attendence at the December meeting and Christmas Party. In charge of the Christmas Dinner, entertainment and decorations were the officers of our branch and many of the members baked and brought in many goodies. Thanks to all, officers and members. There were gift exchanges and door prizes — all prizes donated by our good officers and members. Thanks much. Election of new officers took place with the following results: President Agnes Jancar, Vice-President Albina Uehlein, Secretary Angela Kozjan, Treasurer Mary Klinar, Recording Secretary Antonia Gulich and Auditors Mary Kurjan, Rose Kragelj and Angle Zgohc. To our past officers Stephanie Po- lutnik and Mary Jere, we wish to thank you both for a job well done. We hope to see you at the meetings as in the past. At our meeting it was decided that each member pay $1 to be added to our treasury since we had no activity in 1973. It will help cover expenses and if all members pay this small amount it will mean so much to our treasury. It was also brought up at the meeting that we have short meetings followed by a card party and lunch. It was suggested to have a few ladies to be called up on each month to entertain. It will also help attendance every month and give a little extra to the treasury while entertaining the members. It will start at 7 o'clock instead of 7:30 as in the past. The first month, the officers .entertained. To all birthdays in Dec., Jan. and Feb., happy birthday! To our sick members, a speedy recovery and better health in the new year. An ardent reader from Joliet, III., cousin Josephine Buchar, sent a nice compliment to me on her greeting card. Thanks, and it was nice to hear from you, Jo. Also, from Cleveland, Hi! to Frank & Albina Stuper. It’s nice to know you read our Lorain news, too. See you at the meeting, second Wednesday at 7 p.m. In closing, I hope to see our gatherings and meetings grow larger in 1974 and from the officers and members and yours truly, a blessed and healthy new year to all. AGNES BUCHER No. 42, MAPLE, HGTS., O. Hello ladies! Hope you all had a nice holiday — and a Happy New Year, Srečno novo leto! Our Ghristmas dinner was a great success. Thanks to ladies who worked for that delicious meal, namely Mrs. Semoncic and her daughter, Theresa, strudels by Cilka Hočevar and Donna Stubljer. We had elections of officers also. Tonka Kastelic 's still our president, Cilka Hočevar is our treasurer, Mary Lou Prhne, secretary and Millie Lip-nos our recording secretary. To our February birthday girls, happy returns of the day: Antonia Cercek (hope you are feeling better), Nicho-letta Lerchbacker, Carol Ann Kastelic and Lillian Sadowski. My dear mother-in-law, Mary Prhne asked me to print her thanks to all her lovely friends for the Christmas donation and all the beautiful Christmas cards and masses. We welcome to our branch, Angela Gruden, daughter of Mrs. Angela Perko. To our sick members, we hope you are all feeling better: Agnes Vercek, Mary Prhne, Sr. and Jennie Intihar.. See you at this month’s meeting. MARY LOU PRHNE No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. In December unimportant issues of our meeting were dispensed with and only the most important business was taken into consideration. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, treasurer’s report and election of officers followed. The officers remain the same. In conjunction with the short meeting, a Christmas Party was held and it turned out to be a great success. Our members made it a big occasion by donating all the food, refreshments, prizes and believe me, we had just everything and plenty of it! An exchange of gifts between members and many door prizes were given. Also, 76 juvenile members received their gifts. Mary Tratnik, our president who was in Florida, donated 2 American Flag pins to two of our lucky members. Several other prizes were also given to the lucky ticket holders. I am sure everyone had a grand time. The committee would like to thank each and every member who in some way donated food, refreshments, money, their services and all the members who made it possible by attending. My articles will have to be shortened so I’m going to eliminate individual names of birthdays every month. All members having birthdays in February, our best wishes and congratulations. To our sick members, 6peedy recoveries. Donalyn Walsh was at St. Luke’s Hospital for major surgery and is now recuperating at home. Mary Musich was also in the hospital and Hermine Prisland Dlcke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. S3711 • * . For Christmas I received three cookbooks so the 1974 columns of POTS and PANS should have more of the "new” and hopefully lots of the "old” (from you) recipes. Please keep sending your family favorites. The readers love them! It is now Valentine time and there’s no more delicious way to say “Be My Valentine” than by serving special treats. The following are a few not too expensive dinner suggestions: CHICKEN LICKIN’ 1 small box mixed long grain and wild rice 1 stewing or fryer chicken, cut into pieces 1 can condensed cream of celery soup 1 can chicken broth £ cup milk Assorted seasonings to taste: minced onion, bay leaf, poultry seasoning, rosemary, paprika, salt and black pepper. now is at home. Just received word that Josephine Kolar broke her arm and has it in a cast from wrist to elbow. Pauline Plesko was at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Anyone owing 1973 dues, please take care of this as soon as possible. Our bowlers are doing a great job at Gorishek’s Bowling Alleys on So. 5th St. Come down some Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. and watch them. John and Esther Gorishek, proprietors of the alleys treated the girls to a delicious Christmas lunch after bowling. Each bowler received a bottle of wine and a pen. Thanks, Esther and John for your kind hospitality and for the delicious food. Esther also bowls with us. In conclusion, to our spiritual advisor, Father Claude, take it easy and our sincere wishes for your speedy recovery. Your monthly articles are very inspiring and interesting. To all, a Happy Valentine’s Day. ROSE KRAEMER, Secretary Butter a 9 x 13-inch baking dish. Sprinkle uncooked rice evenly over the bottom. Heat the celery soup and broth with the milk; add seasonings. Mix well. Place uncooked chicken pieces over rice; pour soup mixture over all. Seal baking dish securely with aluminum foil and bake at 325 degrees for 2J hours. Makes about 6 servings. • •• BAKED SQUASH For my holiday dinner I served food that has been included in past co- lumns except tor baked squash. This is a delicious way to prepare vegetable which can be baked the night before. Cut the squash in half; remove the seeds; then turn halves upside down on the rack of a large broiler pan. Add about 1 cutp of water to the pan to create steam which helps to soften the squash during baking in a 350 degree oven. Depending on size and number of squash it takes at least one hour to an hour and a half to bake thoroughly. Scoop out the squash with a spoon into a bowl. Add about 3 tablespoons brown sugar, Yt pound butter and 1 teaspoon salt or amounts to satisfy taste. Mash and mix well. Serve immediately or prepare the night before, place in a casserole, refrigerate over night and reheat before serving. SWEETHEART SALAD 2 cups crushed pineapple i cup sugar 1 i tablespoons unflavored gelatin Vi cup cold water 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons maraschino cherry juice 2 8-ounce packages cream cheese 12 maraschino cherries, diced 1 cup whipping cream, whipped Heat pineapple with sugar. Soften gelatin in cold water; stir into pineapple mixture. Add lemon and cherry juice; cool. Mash cream cheese; add cherries. Mix with pineapple, adding small amount of pineapple mixture to cheese at a time. Chill until slightly thickened. Blend whipped cream with pineapple mixture. Pour into mold; chill. Yield: 10 to 12 servings. **• CHERRY TORTE 1 14 cups sugar 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon Vi teaspoon salt 1 can unsweetened water packed cherries 2 well beaten eggs 1 tablespoon melted butter i cup chopped nuts Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Sift dry ingredients. Add drained cherries (reserving juice for sauce), two beaten eggs, melted butter and nuts. Mix. Pour into 8x8 greased pan. Bake about 45 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean in center of cake. Cherry Sauce: Cherry juice I tablespoon cornstarch 1 cup sugar Vi teaspoon almond flavoring if desired. Cook over medium heat until thickened and clear. Serve torte with ice cream or whipped cream topped with cherry sauce. CHERRY DESSERT II double graham crackers 'A cup melted butter Vi cup sugar Blend together. Press firmly in 9 x 13 greased cake pan. 2 eggs ® oz. package cream cheese. i cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Beat eggs, add sugar, cream cheese that has been creamed, vanilla. Beat until well mixed. Spread on crust and bake 20 minutes at 300 degrees. Cool thoroughly. Spread 1 can of cherry pie filling over the mixture and chill 6 hours or over night. * # »S* Two parties highlighted our holiday season. On Christmas Day my mother and dad entertained the family with thirteen for dinner. There was much good food, champagne, merriment and the exchanging of gifts. The following Saturday we entertained as many relatives as could come for the weekend., Unfortunately the severe cold weather and the timing kept my mother and dad, my sister and brother and their families from attending, but we did have fourteen fun-loving people. The “social” hour preceding the dinner was followed with each couple showing 25 slides. By then everyone was ready for the annual sing-a-iong (neighbors call ours "the singing relatives”) accompanied by two guitars, an improvised drum and a tambourine. Charades completed the evening. We all attended 11:15 A.M. Mass the next morning where our daughter, Kathy, led the singing and sang "Amazing Grace” like an angel. *** The "Parade Magazine” from The Wisconsin State Journal suggests the following resolutions for 1974: 1. Take care of yourself. Good health is everyone's major source of wealth. Without it, happiness is almost impossible. 2. Resolve to be cheerful and helpful People will repay you in kind. 3. Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the wrong. Sometime in life you will have been ail of these. . Be wary of giving advice. Wise men don't need it, and fools won’t heed it. 5. Do not equate money with success. There are many successful money-makers who are miserable failures as human beings. What counts most about success is how a man achieves it. 6. Resolve to listen more and to talk less. No one ever learns anything by talking. 7. Resolve to love someone you didn’t love last year. Love is the most enriching ingredient of life. Happy Valentine’s Day Keep warm! fondly, HERMINE At the last meeting of Branch No. 46, officers were elected for the coming year. Thanks to all who accepted the positions, and congratulations. The Mother of the Year was selected and Mrs. Marie Gartner received the honor. Our Christmas Party was held on December 2nd and was well attended. It was held at the home of Mrs. Gartner and she had her rathskeller decorated beautifully for the occasion. There was delicious food and beverages; and attendance prizes for all. Our condolences to member, Pauline Ruzicka, and family on the loss of their mother, Mrs. Gruber. May she rest in peace. Mrs. Helen Skoff’s family had an extremely happy Christmas this year since their daughter Helen was able to be home with them. She has been working for the State Department in foreign countries for many years and hasn’t been nome at Christmas time. Best wishes for good health in 1974 to everyone, and especially those who are on the sick list. May God give you strength to carry on. Sincerely, JOSEPHINE ANCEL No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO A happy and healthy New Year to all our members. Dec. meeting was combined with a Christmas party. One hundred and more enjoyed a delicious “domače” banquet, games, fun and laughter thru-out Sunday the 9th. Our election of officers was as follows: Ann Hočevar was unanimously elected to serve another term as president; amidst hand-clapping and cheers, she accepted. Jane Novak, our vice-president, declined on account of personal reasons and Dorothy Winter accepted the nomination of this office. Congratulations to a good worker and upstanding member. Irene Jagodnik was unanimously elected as our sec reta ry-itrea surer and accepted. We are glad because her work is excellent and we need her qualifications. Sophie Koplan declined her recording secretary job and Jean Paik was elected and accepted. Good luck and congratulations, Jean. Sophie Koplan accepted the reporter’s job for Zarja considering the club’s activities, etc. The club voted against sending birthday cards so we eliminated the Sunshine Chairman as of Jan. 1974. The Sargent-at-arms or Sentinal was accepted by Jean Tomsic. Auditors were elected to be Toni Turek and Marie Dolinar in d accepted. Mary Pe-rusek was chosen as Woman-of-the-Year for her outstanding willingness to help in any way to better the lodge’s activities. It was a nice gesture of the members to give Sophie Posch, our first president, and other charter members of Br. 50, a standing recognition for services as pioneers who started all this. Happy birthdays and happy anniversaries to our members in Dec., Jan. and Feb. Our next meeting will be Feb. 12th at the Euclid Library at 222nd St. Please try and come and also to pay dues for the year and also for 1973 if delinquent. We must close the books in order. Prayers to all the members who are sick or in hospitals. Above all, we ask for God’s blessing thruout the vear of 1974. SOPHIE KOPLAN Reporter No. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. Once again the holidays brought us a festive celebration! It was held at the Little Grove with yearly meeting and election of officers that resulted in the same slate taking over for 1974! Sisters: Josephine Oswald, President; Dorothy Russo, Vice-President; Rose Chiodo, Treasurer and Secretary; Rose Trombly, Recorder; Gertrude Ko-chevar, Reporter. Auditors are sisters Ann Roberts, Angeline Russ, Margaret Kochevar. Mother of the Year this time is sister Margaret Andrican. We know that she will be an outstanding Mother for her heart is extended to everyone who needs a helping hand. We know that there are many who uphold that title, but as only one can be chosen each year, we know the selection is the right one. Congratulations to you. We also have to thank the proprietor of the hall for doing such a nice job in decorating. Sister Frances Jerkovich and her family deserve all the credit for furnishing us the music and entertainment for the evening. Our Christmas party brought out about 35 members and it was one of the largest turnouts we have ever had. There was an exchange of gifts and smorgasbord style banquet service; also punch was prepared by the members. Everything was delicious. After eating too much, a little dancing and card playing passed the time. And it passed so swiftly that it was soon all over. After more holiday wishing, we were on our way home. But, don’t forget, members, that we meet every first Wednesday of the month and we would like everyone who can possibly make it to attend. The more we have, the more fun we can have and the business discussions are more interesting with your various viewpoints. May God bless you all and keep you in the best of health until we meet again. Yours truly, GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR, Reporter No. 63, DENVER, COLO. A Happy and Properous New Year to our officers and members from Br. 63. We invite all our ladies to the meetings for the year and urge you to attend. From time to time we have socials and popular games for your pleasure. See you then. ADELAIDE GLAVBITZ, Pres. No. 67, BESSEMER, PA. By the time you read this column, I wish to take this opportunity to wish all SWU members a Happy Holiday from our branch to yours. We had nominations of officers and some were re-elected for 1974. Mrs. Louis Serjuk is retiring so Mildred Hulina is taking her place as Vice-President. I wish to extend our deepest sympathy to the family of one of our members who passed away Dec. 3, namely Mary Percic. To her husband, Ernest and family, our condolences. May she rest :n peace. Also, extended sympathy to Mrs. Mary Dorsich and family whose husband and father passed away. May he rest in peace. Also, letting you know that Mrs. Mary Zorinich is convalescing at home since being discharged from the hospital after a fall at home. Notice to members to read and not forget: We are having an Anniversary Dinner Dance at the Croatian Club on Feb. 6th. That is a Sunday, and the dinner tickets are $4.00. Don’t fail to attend this affair. We had a nice turnout at our Christmas party — plenty to eat and drink. We wish alii our sick and shuHn members a speedy recovery. Belated congratulations to all our birthday gals in Dec.: Cili Hulina, Mary Yarab, Victoria Yardos, Mary Grebenz and whoever I forgot. Ladies, please see if you are behind in your dues. Mary Brodesko would like to have all the 1973 dues in and books closed. Hope to see you at our next meeting, God willing. God bless each and everyone of you. MARY PERCIC, Sec.-Reporter Our December meeting and Christmas party was held on December 9th at my home in Lansing, and "if I say so myself” it was a huge success. We were pleasantly surprised at the number of ladies who came, and also happy to see some who have not been around in some time due to illness or other reasons. One of these was Mrs. Janes who only recently came out of the hospital. We had a pot luck dinner, and I want to thank the ladies for the delicious food that they brought. As they say, you can’t beat the Slovenian cooks. A grab bag followed, and some nice gifts were exchanged. This was our election meeting, and the same officers were re-elected for the coming year. They are: Angela Arko, president; Wilma Zagar, Secre-tary-Treasurer; Margaret Vrhovnik, Recording Secretary and Stephanie Sheehy, Auditor. It is with sadness that 1 have to report that we have lost another member this year. Mrs. Fanny Levstik passed away on December 1, 1973. She was a member since 1939. She had been ailing for at least eight years and was bedridden for the last several years. She leaves two sons, John and Frank, and their families. To them we extend our sincerest sympathy, and for her we pray that her soul may rest in peace. Our very best wishes to ail for a healthy and prosperous New Year. WILMA ZAGAR, Reporter No. 73, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS. O. Our annual pot luck dinner and Christmas Party was held on December 3rd, followed by a game whereby winners were awarded “surprise” type prizes brought in and donated by members. Our usual door prize project was also held. A variety of excellent food and bakery was in abundance too. As has been our custom for several years, instead of exchanging individual Christmas presents, all the members donated a set amount of money, additional money was voted on and aproved to be taken out of our treasury, and the entire amount was sent to the Hattie Larlham Home in Mantua, Ohio, for the physically handicapped and retarded children confined there. Sorry to report that Vera Kozak was hospitalized for surgery recently, and also that Edward — son of Mr. and DATES FEB. 6 — ANNIVERSARY DINNER-DANCE, Br. 67, Bessemer, Pa. FEB. 17 — BAKE SALE, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. TO FEB. 27 — COMMhivlUrtAi iVE MASS, br., 14, Euciid, Ohio, 7 p.m. R MAR. 14 — HANDWORK EXHIBIT & DEMONSTRATION, Br. 2, Chicago, III. MAR. 16 — ZVEZA DAY, Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal. MAR. 30-31 — 36th MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNAMENT, APR. 15 — DEADLINE FOR SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS Milwaukee, Wis. /y\ JULY 21 — ZVEZA DAY AT LEMONT, ILL., Br. 2, Chicago, Illinois. SEPT. 22 — WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION, Br. 12,' Milwaukee, Wis. E M E B E DEC. 28 — FOURTH S.W.U. DEBUTANTE COTILLION BALL, K... Cleveland, Ohio ■av.v.vavav.v/.vv.v.v.v.vv.v.v/.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v. Mrs. Larry Franchini (Margarita) was hospitalized, but both Vera and Edward are at home now and convalescing nicely. We wish to express our heartfelt sympathy to the following members and their families due to the recent bereavements !n said families: Mrs. Virginia Cherosay whose husband -fames passed away; Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Shisila (Christine) as Mr. Shisi-la’s mother died; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bayus (Betty) as Mr. Bayus’ sister died in Michigan; and Mr. and Mrs. John King (Adeline) with the death of Mr. King’s brother. May they rest in peace! Betty Bayus and son Carl enjoyed a week in California recently visiting friends and an elderly aunt. Louise Epley and a friend recently returned from a trip to sunny Florida visiting member Helen Dusek, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Duale (Florence) as well as other relatives of the Duale’s formerly of Cleveland, all 'iving in Lehigh Acres, Fla., also visited my Mother — Mae Sedlak of Port Charlotte, Fla. They also Paid other short visits to many other relatives and friends. With a blizzard occurring at this writing, I can imagine Louise and her friend both wish they were still back in the land of sunshine. Daniel Adamovich, son of Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Adamovich (Betty), and Nicolette Petrocelli, were united in marriage December 8, 1973, at St. Patrick's Church in Staten Island, New Y°rk, with a reception following in Brooklyn, N. Y. at Chef Royale’s. The young couple is residing in Willowick, Ohio. We all wish sincere congratulations to the newlyweds and many Vears of wedded bliss. MILDRED D. ROBERTS, Reporting Secretary No. 81, KEEWATIN, MINN. The Slovenian Women's Union held their meeting on Decem'ber 5th. at Father Frederick's Hall, and at this Meeting we had our annual Pot Luck Christmas Dinner. Election of officers was held after tfle dinner and the following were elected: President, Mrs. Matt Brletitch; ICe-President, Mrs. John Mestnich; reasurer, Mrs. Joseph Marolt; Secre tarV- Miss Ann Dickovich; Recording ecretary, Mr. Joseph Boben; Audios, Ann, Mary & Sophie Michelich; Sargeant At Arms, Mrs. Matt Kolar; eporter, Mrs. Joseph Bolf; and Spiri-Ual Advisor, Father Marincel. We would like to mention that Mrs. 'lo F1 rebeck who held the position of secretary of o u r organization for lrty four years asked that her name FEBRUARY, 1974 not be presented at the election of officers., Our organization would like to commend her for the excellent work and devotion and the interest that she held in our organization all these years. After the general meeting and election of officers was over, we were entertained by Mary Spolarich on the accordian, and accompanied by her daughter Barbara on the guitar which they led us in the singing of Christmas Carols and Slovenian songs. A good time was had by all. Our next meeting will be on February 27th. CLEM BOLF, Reporter No. 83, CROSBY, MINN. Our last meeting and Christmas party was held at my home Nov. 27th. I roasted chicken, had dressing and Zup’s Bros, blood sausage that I bought in Ely when I was visiting my sister, Mary Gotchnik. The other food and goodies were brought in by our members. That only complaint I heard was that we ate too much. The reason for holding our party and meeting so early was that some of our members and officers leave for warmer climates early in December and stay until May. No meetings will be held until June, 1974 at Mary Deblock's home 'in Riverton. All members paid their dues thru May, 1974. Our meeting was brief and the officers are the same. Meetings are the first Sunday of the month at 2 p.m. Louise Puchreiter was chosen Mother of the Year. She well deserves this honor as she has been our secretary for many years. We lost three of our dearly beloved sisters, Mary Burgstaler, Katherine Mrkonich, Tonka Vukelich. We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to the tamiiies and relatives. To all sick members a quick recovery. A one dollar exchange of gifts was held at the Christmas party., The pre-siaent led us in prayer before and arter the meeting for all our deceased, /u me party we all enjoyed ourselves, nope you aid too, and that your will have a happy and prosperous New Year. MOLLY DOMIN, Reporter No. 95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. A cheerful atmosphere brightened our Christmas Party with holiday colors, glitter, and tree lights, and enjoyed by members and their long time friends, who flitted about with “Merry Christmas Greetings”! The response by 72 members proved that the years had not diminished among them. As usual, Santa Claus with all of his Christmas Cheer booming “Ho, Ho, Ho”, echoed thru the Jovial Club, with Ed and John, a duo-Combo, welcoming him with cheers and jing.e bells, and leading the group with Christmas songs which kept the fun popping. For all of this we have a very dedicated group of hard workers to thank, Eveiyn Driscoll, tickets and program, Helen Golich, Ann Sertich, Mildred Po-ropat, Helen Price, and yours Truly, hostessess. Gifts donated by the following members: Ann Kompare, Mildred Poropat, C h e s t r a Graezyk, Frances Scabloom, Ann Sertich, Helen Chorak, Jdlie Herson, Mary Malcic, Frances Radosevich, Helen Golich, Mary Perkovich, Mary Ann Sambol, Helen Price and Yours Truly. Cash donated by: ($5) Matilda Martin, Marg Pavletič, and Vicki Tomich, ($3) Mary Kahn, ($2) Katica Jacko-vich and Julie Twohig, ($1) Rose Ba- Ilock and Manda Špehar. Once again, we have closed the year by coming on top. As for our election of officers, the same slate will remain to serve our membership. I am sure we will carry on the duties of our office with fidelity and skill, as in the past. It is good to hear that all those on the sick list are up and around again and we're happy to see some of them at our Christmas Party. FOR ALL MEMBERS NOTICE: Making a meeting is a must, try to bring along a friend and a cake to celebrate your birthday. It is impossible to continue to have the same ladies always donating. Come on now, have a heart. Happy Birthday to the following who are celebrating in February: Polonia Ashenbrenner, Mary Brozynski, Ljuba Brunski, Louise Dolan, Ann Hlacer, Benedicto Marino, Sylvia Mitchell, Mary Provich, Anna Velcich, Helen Zee, Julie Hanson, and Carrie Plebanski. I inadvertently omitted Br. 20 from the list of branches who attended our State Convention and also failed to mention that Ihe beautiful Soprano voice of Ann Fandek from Br. 20 led the group in singing. Ann, your beautiful voice certainly helped to brighten up the day. In conclusion, try to attend our March 6 Meeting when we have on our program, "Decorating Your World” by Armstrong. See you all then. MILDRED JAMES, Pres. No. 100, FONTANA, CAL. I was unable to attend our Christmas pot-iuck party but thru the grapevine, I heard that everyone had a grand time and the food was super special. Of course, the food was delicious and of course everyone had a lovely time, that’s always the case when Slovenians get together. I understand that Fr. Horvath was also in attendance; his presence is always a treat. Speaking of treats, I had a nice one this morning. Mary Videgar brought me two strudels! Boy, was I surprised! The apple strudels were enjoyed Christmas Day. Thanks, Mary, it was a lovely, friendly gesture. Now, if anyone else wants to make such "friendly gestures”, you know where I live! I wish a speedy recovery to all our sick members and may God grant you good health ^nd happiness. That wish takes in all our members and all my dear friends. Birthday celebrants for the month wene Christine Filips, Ursula Gorišek and Jean Kurilich. I take this opportunity to wish my dear mom a special Happy Birthday. Many returns to all. EDITH DRAWENEK REGINA: rjCoue id a Special 1/is a if op Reeling ■ -V. <9 By Joan Walsh Anglund Love is a special way of feeling. . . It is the safe way we feel when we sit on our mother’s lap with her arms around us tight and close. It is the good way we feel when we talk to someone and they want to listen and don’t tell us to go away and be quiet. It is the happy way we feel when we save a bird that has been hurt . . . or feed a lost cat . . . or calm a frightened colt. Love is found in unexpected places.. . It is there in the quiet moment when we first discover a beautiful thing . . . when we watch a bird soar high against a pale blue sky . . . when we see a lovely flower that no one else has noticed . . . when we find a place that shelters us and is all our very own. Love starts in little ways . . . It may begin the day we first share our thoughts with someone else . . . or help someone who needs us . . . or, sometimes, it begins because, even without words, we understand how someone feels. Love comes quietly . . . but you know when it is there, because, suddenly . . . you are not alone any more . . . and there is no sadness inside you. Love is a happy feeling that stays inside your heart for the rest of your life. No. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. Our last meeting of the year was a lively and industrious one. The business was fast-moving and soon we were being instructed by Nika Kovačič in the art of making Christmas wreaths from an assortment of fresh evergreens. Because of her expertise in giving us some simple steps to follow, we made and were deligtited with what we thought were some lovely arrangements. This was one of our finest coordinate activities in which each member from the youngest to the oldest was able to participate. We were saddened by the news that Frank Baloh had suffered a stroke on Nov. 18th. Our prayers are with him and, Mary Lipar, who remains hospitalized. May they both have a speedy recovery. Our hostesses were Helena Špacapan and Ida Gregorič. Sincere thanks for their preparation of delicious refreshments. Because of rhe busy holiday season, our next meeting will be in February. A Happy New Year. FREDA H. MICHELITCH, Pres. No. 105, DETROIT, MICH. I hope you have ahl had a very nice holiday. May the New Year bless each of you with the best of everything. Our Dec. meeting was held at the home of Jenny Bole and it was a very festive occasion with all the Christmas decorating up. Jenny served a delicious luncheon. We exchanged gifts which everyone enjoyed. Our best Christmas gift was seeing Bette Kares again after a long absence and she looks great. A big thank you to Helen Troha, our guest, for driving Bette and her mother, Zorka Mai-sel to our meeting. We voted a twenty-ifive dollar donation to St. John Vianney Church. Many of our members attend Mass there. The next meeting is Feb. 10th at the home of Catherine Musich. Hope to see more of you there. If you can’t make it, please have the courtesy to call the hostess. Again, may I wish each of you the best in the year 1974 and may God bless you all with good heailth. Our prayers are Arith those who are convalescing. Sincerely, ANN POBANZ MARIE PRISLAND OH, TA SVET 'JdtaCje Naše telo je najpopolnejši stroj delajoč od prvega vdihljaja do zadnjega izdiha, zato ga moramo držati čistega in ga negovati; zanemarjen stroj se prehitro obrabi. Srce je najvažnejši organ v telesu. Z njim se ne smerno igrati! če si na srcu resno bolna se izogibaj vsakega prevelikega fizičnega napora. Ne hiti po stopnicah in ne Pripogibaj se prenaglo. Posebno to pravilo upoštevaj po jedi, ko organizem potrebuje moč za prebavo, čim čutiš težave pri dihanju ali tesnobo okrog srca, lezi takoj! Srcu ne škoduje le telesni napor, temveč tudi duševni. Izbruh jeze požene obtok krvi, kar srce močno obremeni. Tudi volja in razpoloženje vplivata na srce. Ob slabi volji in žalosti zmanjka srcu potrebne energije. Kadar te obidejo grenke misli in si žalostna, prikliči v spomin kako zelo veselo doživetje prejšnih dni. Srce bo s takim prividom pridobilo več kot si moreš predstavljati. Srce ima najmanj osem sovražnikov, ki so: Visok krvni pritisk, nabiranje maščobe v srčnem ožilju, debelost, zau-živanje preobi-le hrane in pijače, premalo telesnega giban-ia, kajenje cigaret, duševna napetost in prevelike skrbi. Ne le pravilna hrana, čistoča in red tudi zdrave, konstruktivne misli uplivajo na naše zdravje. Prepir, jeza, sovraštvo, sumničenje je za život ravno tako škodljivo kot nepravilna hrana in prevelik fizični napor. Misli in čustva so kot elektrika; niso vidna in otipljiva toda delujejo in Puščajo kvarne sledove v našem telesu, zato bodimo mirne, tolerantne in do vsakogar iskrene, kar bo naše srce okrepilo ter nam dalo zadovoljno življenje. če te kaj teži ne nosi tega v sebi. Zaupaj se osebi, ki je zaupanja vredna. Predmet težave bo izgubil svoj obseg, ko se razgovoriš. Kadar misliš, da se moraš s kom skregati, počakaj en dan. čas bo prinesel boljše obvladanje situacije in zadeva ne bo izgledala tako črno kot prvi dan. Da telo in duh redno delujeta je našemu telesu potreben počitek, ki ga prinese dobro spanje. S spanjem zaustavljamo neprestno deroči tok življenskih pojavov ter si nabiramo moči za prihodnji dan. Spanje nam jje potrebno kot zrak in hrana. Revež ie kdor ne more zvečer dolgo zaspati. Truden in zbit vstane ln nov dan nima zanj nobenega veselja. Morda bi k boljše-niu spanju pomagala sledeča navodila: Preden ležeš si izperi usta in izmij zobe. Popij malo vročega mleka ali skodelico kamiličnega čaja. Vstopi se k odprtemu oknu ter parkrat globoko vdihni 'n izdihni zrak skozi nos. Namoči brišačo v mrzlo vodo in si z njo obriši noge. Ne imej visokega vzglavja, ki ovira krvni obtok in ohladi noge. Vse dnevne skrbi odloži in sleci z obleko vred. To je sicer zelo težka vaja, a kdor je vztrajen, bo dosegel tudi to Lezi v posteljo s trdnim namenom, da boš takoj zaspala. — Misel ima velikansko moč! In končno, k dobremu spanju je potrebna snažna pos-te’i. po zimi gorka odeja in prezračena soba. — Lahko noč! VeAeli čaM Prišel je čas veseli, ko stari z mladimi se bodo zavrte- li — so maske pustne si kupili, bodo kar se da se veselili. “Bi drevi šla z menoj na ples, zdaj zadnjič vprašam te zares”, tako priletni ženi možek govori; “Nocoj se skupaj zavrtela bi.” “Eh, kaj bi hodil dedec stari! Vem, dekleta ti gredo po glavi! Se predobro te poznam, vrsto let te že imam." “ženka, no, ne bodi taka! Zame pa že res ni vsaka! Nikoli nisem druge snubil, le tebe sem jaz vedno ljubil!” “Možek dragi, ostala rajši bom doma, nisem za bal pripravljena, pa tudi glava močno me boli in spanec že zapira mi oči.” "Če je tako pa pojdem sam saj prijateljev dosti imam.” Zaveže si kravato, pred ženo postavi se košato: "Mar nisem še za mlade tri? Ugajal bi še mladi deklici!” Mož odide, žena, ljubosumna, obleko staro sleče, se v mlado deklico obleče, mladostno masko si nadene, lepše res nocoj ne bo nobene. Previdno še zaklene duri in jo vsa mladostna v trg odkuri, tam, kjer je petje, vrisk in smeh in nihče ne čuti revme v kosteh. V gostilni možek njen sedi, dekle mlado okrog vratu drži — pravkar "cmoknel” jo gorko. "Le čakaj dedec, tak’ ne bode šlo!” Mož pijan od vina, sreče, že gleda lepo maškaro ljubeče in brž povabi jo za ples. "Ti pa res si brihtna, lepa, ch da taka bi bila moja Pepa” — in z njo odide v temno noč, ki ima svojo moč. Za ovinkom pa se maškara ustavi. Za poljub klofuto mu prišije, osuplemu dedcu se iz rok izvije. Ko prišel možiček je domov, ga žena prijazno sprejel? je pod krov. "Možek dragi, kako je s tvojo glavo? Mar naj skuham črno kavo?” V dušku mož skodelico izprazne, iz ust mu vro besedice prijazne: "Le ti edina dobra si, ženica, za vse bolezni moje si zdravnica!" M. V. V predpustnem času smo - tudi oče in mati se rada zavrtita. p. Klaude Okorn, ofm: POMEN ZASEBNIH RAZODETIJ Večkrat slišimo o zasebnih razodetjih, ki so jih imele razne svete osebe. Včasih taka razodetja zmešajo ljudi. Pozabimo, da je še vedno zasebno razodetje, četudi je znano po vsem svetu. Ne smemo jih postavljati v isto vrsto skuipaj z javnim razodetjem, če bi v njih gledali večjo važnost kakor n. pr. kako romanje kakor izpoljevanje osnovnih verskih dolžnosti, zlasti dolžnosti do bližnjega v katerem moramo kot kristjani gledati Kristusa samega potem bi naša pobožnost brez dvoma bila prazna in žalila Boga. Značilno je, da so največji krščanski mistiki kakor sv. Janez od križa svojo globoko vero in življenje po njej vedno izrazito opirali ne na posebna razodetja, ki so jih bili mnogokrat deležni, marveč na sv. pismo in izročilo, kakor ju razlaga cerkveno užiteljstvo, kateremu je Jezus izrožil zakladj — avnega razodetja v varstvo in oznanjevanje. Vendar morejo zasebna razodetja, podrejena nadzorstvu Cerkve, biti zelo koristna ne le osebam, ki so bile teh razodetij deležne .ampak celotni cerkvi nekem času. Biti morejo n. pr. potrdilo za kako versko resnico. Pred vsem pa dajo pobudo za vse večji vpliv kake verske resnice na dejavno versko-nravno življenje v cerkvi. S smrtjo Kristusovo na križu in zadnjega apostola, se je javno in splošno razodejtje zaključilo. Pač pa posebna razodetja izražajo naročila določenim vernikom ali preko njih celo vsej Cerkvi, kaj je treba kristjanom storiti v določennem zgodovinskem položajo. V bistvu torej zasebno razodetje ne vsebuje nobene nove trditve, ki ne bi bila že vsebovana v javnem razodetju. II. vatikanski zbor je pokazal velik pomen, ki ga morejo ineti za življenje cerkve navadni verniki, ki jih sveti Duh napravlja deelezne posebnih darov. Zadanja zasebna razodetja posebno povdarjajo pomen pokore in molitve na kar današnji č'ovek tako rad pozablja. To je tudi edina pot, ki naj nas vodi pri presoji zasebnih razodetij, ko beremo ali slišimo o njih. i Sožalje Globoko sožalje izrekamo gospej Matildi Sever v Chicagu ob izgubi dragega soproga Johna, ki je nenadno preminul lani 12. decembra, Bil je mož, da malo takih! Pošten, prijazen, dober do vsakega. Poseben dobrotnik je bil slovenskemu Lemontu. Več let je vodil tajniške posle velike Reliance Federal Savings & Loan slovenske posojilnice. Bil je član in odbornik več društev in fare ter velik Zvezin prijatelj. Rojen je bil blizu Ljutomera, kjer ima več sorodnikov. Nekaj sorodnikov stanuje v Chicagu in Kanadi; vsem izrekamo naše sožalje. Naj naš dragi prijatelj John v miru počiva! Gospa Antonija Gornik, Chisholm, Minnesota, mati bivše Zvezine glavne predsednice Antonije Turek je, preminula lani 20, decembra. Bolna je bila dalj časa. Hčerka Antonia je jo večkrat obiskala ter prijazno stregla. Zapušča več sinov in hčera. Bila je sopštovana pionirka ter pri vseh priljubljena. Naj blaga žena v miru počiva! Sinovom in hčerkam pokojne gospe Gornik Izrekamo iskreno sožalje. Barbara Rosandich, Zvezina glavna nadzornica, ■■ žaluje za umrlo sestro Mary Shikonja, ki je preminula '■ lani meseca novembra. Gospej Barbari in vsem so- 'I rednikom izrekamo našo iskreno sožalje. s Pokojna Mary Shikonja je več let bila vzgled na '■ *■ predsednica podružniče št. 23 v Ely, Minnesota. Pri % vseh članicah je bila zelo priljubljena, ker je vsem / v potrebi rada pomagala. Naj počiva v božjem miru! £ MARIE PRISLAND H j V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VuV.V.V.V.V.V.V.-.Va' DOPISI ST. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Božični praznik so že minili. Zima je pritisnila in kar precej snega sc je že nabralo. Smo že daleč v letu 1974, pa vseeno želim Vsem članicam mnogo sreče in naj Vam Bog nakloni preljubega zdravja v Novem letu. Mesec december je bil polen živahnega dela. Božičnica za otroke je zelo lepo uspela. Otroci so priredili poseben program pod naslovom "To je Tvoje življenje, Santa Claus!’' Za zaključek pa še prave žive jaslice pri katerih so otroci predstavljali Sv. Družino, pastirčke Sv. Tri kralje in Angelje. Nato pa je prišel Santa Claus in obdaril vse otroke, nakar so otroci posedli okoli miz k majhnemu prigrizku. Vsem članicam, ki so pomagale na kakršen koli način, saj ne morem vseh imenovati, prav prisrčna zahvala. Naj jim Bog poplača za ves trud in požrtvovalnost. V decembru pa smo imele tudi redno letno sejo. Udeležba je bila zelo velika, saj se je kljub slabemu vremenu udeležilo kar 73 članic. Nekaj mlajših deklet je bilo sprejetih med članice in ponovile so prisego. Izvolile smo novi odbor: preds. Dr. Marija Bernik, podipreds. ga. Nežka Gaber, tajnica ga. Fanika Humar, treasurer ga. Lil Putzel, zapisnikariča ga. Corine Leskovar, poroč. Breda Modic. Novemu odboru želim v svojem imenu in imenu vseh članic mnogo uspeha pri delu v letu 1974. Po zaključku pa smo še posedele nekaj časa pri mizah pesnih dobrot, ki so jih pripravile članice. V januarju je bila prva seja novega odbora, na katerem smo sprejele program dela za tekoče leto. O tem pa bom kaj več napisala prihodnjič. Vse, ki so ze plačale članarino prav lepa hvala (skoraj 90%), vse ostale pa prosim, da se spomnijo na to ob prvi priložnosti. Vabljeni ste na sestanek 14, feb., ki bo združen z proslavo Valentinovega dneva srčkov, l.ep pozdrav vsem, BREDA MODIC ST. 10, CLEVELAND, O. Čestitamo Mr. in Mrs., John Trček iz 176 ceste, ki sta praznovala 50 letnico zakonskega življenja. Zlato-poročna sv. maša se je brala 30. dec. ob poldne v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete na Holmes Ave., katero je daroval Fr. Victor Tomc z lepo pridigo o ptičkih, ki so tako aktivni in zelo poznani v CoMinwood'U. Prijatelji in znanci smo se zbrali s sinom Al Trček in njegovo družino ter hčerko in njeno družino, ki so prišli iz North Caroline, v Slovenskem Domu na Holmes Ave., kjer smo bili postreženi z okusnim kosilom. Vse članice št. 10 želimo naši sosestri še mnogo let zdravja in veselja. Mrs. Trček je naša čla. od leta 1928. Kampanja zaključena s BOO novimi članicami PODR. ŠT. 43 NA PRVEM MESTU čestitke in zahvala pridnim delavkam podružnic v po-konvenčni kampanji. Vse z;jslužjo našo pohvalo in priznanje. Zmagovalka prvega mesta je št. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. z 56 novimi članicami, nakar sledi podr. št. 32, Euclid, Ohio z 32 in podr. št. 2, Chicago z 22 novimi članicami. ROSE KRAEMER VPISALA 36 NOVIH Posebni poklon Rose Kraemer, taj. št. 43 in drž. predsednici države Wisconsin, ki jc vpisala 36 novih članic. Drugo mesto si delita Mary Tratnik, preds. št. 43 in gl. taj. Fanika Humar, vsaka s 15 novimi članicami in tretje mesto je dosegla Anna Lustig, drž. preds. za lll.-lnd. od podr. št. 16 s 14 novimi članicami. Pozdrav in poklon vsem in. vsaki delavki za večjo SŽZ! (Podrobno poročilo je na prvi strani.) URED. Naša decemberska seja je bila vesela in udeležba članic je bila velika. Odbor je ostal isti še za leto 1974: preds. Anni Markovič, podpreds. Phyllis Attina, taj-'blag. Sophie Magayna in zapisnikarica. V nadzornem odboru so tri nove: Frances Žagar in Wilma Krall, vratarica ostane Jennie Koren. Hvala lepa vsem članicam, ki so mi letos pomagale. Millie Novak ni več sprejela za nadzorni odbor, ker ima bo'anega moža. MiIIie je bila naša nadzornica mnogo let. Seje se bodo vršile tudi naprej, kakor doslej, vsaki drugi mesec, to je na drugo nedeljo ob 2 uri pop. v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Za častno mater za majsko proslavo, smo izbrale Wilmo Krall. Čla. so bile vesele, da so jo izvolile in želimo ji vse najboljše. Za praznike smo prejele lepe čestitke od naše gl. preds. Mary Bostian, gl. taj. Fanike Humar in naše gl. urednice Corinne Leskovar. Lepa hvala! Naši tiketi so sedaj v nedu. Kakor sem vam zadnjič pisala, ko boste poslali vaš asesment po pošti, dajte se spomniti naše domače blagajne in vzamite vsaka en listek za afgan, ki ga je darovala Mrs. John Asseg. Po seji smo imele Božičnico, vsaka je prinesla majhno darilo, da smo se malo zabavale. Saj veste, da je luštno ko Miklavž kaj prinese. Praznovale smo tudi rojstni dan Pearl Mooney. Sedaj ko smo že v Novem letu, se spomnimo tudi na vse naše bolane članice in upam, da vam bo dal ljubi Bog zdravje. Sedaj so bolane: Jennie Fonda in Louise Zagorc. Vsem skupam želim veseli srčni dan, dne 14. febr. SOPHIE MAGAYNA, tajnica in zapis. ST. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Na januarski seji je bila prav pičla udeležba. Slabo vreme je zadržalo članice. Za novo leto pa smo dobili sne-8a in mraza, upamo, da ga ne bo preveč. Naša seja se je vršila v sredo, Prav na praznik Novega leta. Letošnji prazniki so bili bolj skromni. skoraj žalostni, ker ni bilo okraševanja z lučkami. Upamo, da bo prihodnji Božič bolj vesel. Na Novega leta dan je umrla Mrs. Rome Molina. Naj počiva v miru bož-leni in žalujoči družini naše sožalje. Mrs. Stefančič se je morala podati v bolnišnico. Molimo za njeno zdravje. Na tej seji so se zahvalili Jože Pe-*rič. Sv. Družina in Mavec šola za božične darove. Sv. maša za žive in nirtve članice bo na pepelnično sredo 7 uri zvečer. Vse lepo vabimo, da Pridete v čim večjem številu k tej ma- ši, 'ki je samo enkrat na leto, da pomolimo za pokojne sestre in za naše zdravje. Tega večera so darovale Mrs. Plut, Mrs. Bubnič, Mrs. Bunič je darovala v gud tajm blagajno. Na božični glavni seji so darovale: ses. Fajdiga, Ozanič, Kušar, Boštjančič, Jakobs, Koncilia, Vihtalič, Stražišar (Kevani), Kovač, Sodja, Čebulj, Zabukovec, Maurič, Tomažin, Stana Gril, P.. Cesar, Kuhar, Stana Gril Koljat, čukajne, Simončič, Plevnik, Tom a rek, Kral, Mahnič, Ba-jek, Eržen, Stražišar (Erohed), Pančur, Kožel, Collins, Zimerman, Milar, Plut, Fitzman, Humphrey, Kožel, Novak, Uk-man. Vsem se lepo zahvalim. Naj vam Bog povrne in naj vam nakloni ljubi zdravje. Prosim, da pridete na prihodnjo sejo, da nas bo več in še kaj novih članic pripeljite. Vse lepo pozdravljam in želim, da bi to leto bile vse zdrave Ir srečne. A. ŠUŠTAR ST. 17, WEST ALLIS, WIS. Naj na kratko poročam, da v decembru nismo imele seje. Vzrok je bilo slabo vreme in sneg, ki je padel 16. dec. Naša glavna seja je bila zaradi tega preložena na 20-tega januarja. Ko bo prišla ta Zarja v naše domove, bo ta letna seja že ža nami. Naj Vam vsem v imenu odbora želim srečno in blagoslovljeno Novo leto 1974. MARY MURN ST. 20, JOLIET, ILLINOIS Naša dec. seja je bila zelo dobro obiskana, čeprav je zjutraj bil snežni vihar, je vendar se zjasnilo, da je mnogo članic prišlo na letno sejo. Preds. je poročala o smrti nase dobre in agilne članice, Mary Schmid-berger, ki je dalje časa bolehala, vendar smo bile presenečene, ko je bila poklicana v večnost. Pok., izhaja iz poznane slovenske pionirske družine pok. Franka ;n Mary Skul. Rojena je bila v Chicagu in za njo žalujejo 3 hčerke, 2 sinova, 8 vnukov in 6 bratov, med njimi tudi poznani podšerif za okraj Will, Frank Skul ter eno sestro, Naj ji bo lahka gruda. Na seji smo se spomnile naših bolnih članic: Frances Kalcie se je pravkar vrnila iz bolnišnice, Theresa An-cel, Mary Terlep, Anna Mahovec in Mary Rudman, ki se je vrnila iz klinike Mayo Bros., dalje Theresa Žlogar, Helen Pluth, Clara Puz, Catherine Matkovich, Mary Dragovan, Dorothy Končar, ki je na poti okrevanja, Zofija Konevec. Menda je še kaj drugih bolnih članic, vendar nam ni bilo sporočeno. Čestitke Anna Adamich, ki je postala stara mama, sinu po ‘imenu Paul Mihael, ki je brat naše ml. čla. Beth. Prečitano je bilo pismo župnika Fr. R. Garbin zaradi daru za cerkev, nato iz gl. urada Mrs. Humar, ki je hvaležna tajnici Olgi Ancel za spretna poročila mesečno na gl. urad. Prečitana so bila voščila gl. preds. Boštjan. V spomin pok. Mary Schmidberger je bilo darovano $25 v šolninski sklad. Poročano je bilo, da je podr. imela svoj “štant” na farnem bazarju pod imenom "BONBONI IN DARILA”, kjer se je prodajalo slovenske izdelke in je bilo v rokah naših mlad. članic. Njihova slika je v tej Zarji. V slovenskem pavilijonu, je bilo prodanih največ kuharskih knjig “Kitchen Glory”. Dobiček je šel za cerkev. Na seji je bil izvoljen naslednji odbor za 1. 1974: preds. Emma Planins-sek, podpreds, Mary Ivanich, taj. Olga Ancel, zapisnikarica Josephine Erjavec, blag. Josephine Surnic in nadzornice: Frances Stonich, Emma Nosse in Theresa Marentich. Rediteljica Theresa Muhich. Duhovni vodja: Msgr. Butala. Plače so ostale po starem. Med božičnimi prazniki sta se vrnila na obisk k mami Emma Planinšek, hčerka Irene z možem Ken Odorizzi iz Washingtona, DC. Philip Puce! je odletel v Evropo za en mesec šolskega dopusta, da je obiskal sestrično in moža Vera in Rich Muir v Nemčiji, kjer je mož v amer. zračni službi za 4 leta. Od 1969 ko sta šla na obisk v Evropo stara stariša Jos. in Josephine Erjavec, se je to pot vrnil tretjič Urednica 'Jarje pccaAcena ST. 24, LA SALLE, ILLINOIS Ob priliki imenovanja urednice, Corinne Leskovar za "zaslužno ženo leta” zaradi njene civične in narodnostne aktivnosti, jo je med drugimi prijetno presenetilo posebno jolietsko zastopstvo, ki so se udeležile slavnostnega banketa. Na sliki so od 1. proti d.: Edward Ancel, gl. nadzornik KSKJ, njegova žena Olga Ancel, gl. blag. SŽZ in Rudolph Pucel, gl. porotnik KSKJ z ženo Millie. Stojijo: Ludvik in Corinne Leskovar ter Mr. in Mrs. J. Zalaloris od litvanske banke Mutual Federal. Na banketu je predsednik velike firme Ryerson Steel našteval delo Corinne Leskovar, ne samo med Slovenci, in kot urednica glasila SŽZ, Zarje in radijske napovedovalke ainpak tudi v splošni ameriški javnosti. V zahvali je Corinne povdarila izredni pomen narodnostnega dela, ker Amerika je dežela mnogih narodov in različnih kultur, ki imajo vse zaslugo, da je dežela danes dosegla tako visoko stopnjo. Ves dobiček od banketa po $25 na osebo je šel v dobrobit potrebne in zanemarjene mladine Chicago Boys Club. Tega večera je bil darovan ček za sedem tisoč dol. kot čisti izkupiček od banketa. Večera so se udeležile tudi čikaške gl. odbornice in več članic Zveze. !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■HB vnuk Philip. Pred dvemi leti je v Franciji pohajal v šolo, sedaj se bo vrnil v De Kalb univerzo. Nastopili smo leto 1974. Želim, da bi to leto bilo za vse članice zdravo in veselo. Obenem pa vas vse vabim na naše seje, kjer boste vedno našle kaj zanimivega. Po sejah bo tudi igranje "B” in drugih iger. Pripeljite kaj novih članic na prihodnjo sejo. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC ST. 21, CLEVELAND, O. Najprej voščim vsem srečno in zdravo leto 1974. Lansko leto smo izgubili nekaj članic, med njimi tudi Mary Hunter (Veharjeva). Pok. je bila vedno vesele narave in je rada pomagala ob naših letnih priredbah; za Božičnice in Materinski dan. Naj bo spomin na vse pokojne članice in njihove soproge, vedno lep med nami. Decemberska seja je bila lepo obiskana. Na seji je bila po daljšem času Mrs. Blažič, ki je okrevala po nesreči, ko je pri padcu si poškodovala roko. ■ ■■■■■■HIBDlHESBISiUnRiaH! Izvoljen je bila naslednji odbor za leto 1974: Preds. Rose Koško, pod-preds. Ljudmila Glavan, taj.-blag. Stella Dancul, zapisnikarica Lois Bab-nick in nadzornice: Lillian Lunder ter Mary Hosta. Poročevalka v slovenščini Anna Jesenko in v angleščini Helen Konkoy. Seje se vršijo prvo sredo v mesecu točno ob 7:30 zvečer v Slov. Domu, W. 130 St., West Park. Kot "častna članica” leta za Materinski dan, je bila izvoljena Rose Koško. Njen sin je zapustil samski stan. čestitamo. V decembru je umrla Helen Konkoy, roj. Koželj. Pok. je bila bolničarka v Akron, Ohio. Prav v kratkem času, pa ji je dne 18. dec. sledila v večnost tudi njena mama, naša dobra čla. Frances Koželj v lepi starosti 91 let. Zapušča dva sinova in dve hčerke. Naj ji bo lahka ameriška gruda in molimo za pokoj njene duše. Ob zaključku želim vsem bolnim članicam ljubo zdravje, tako tudi njihovim možem in družinam. ANNA JESENKO Drage članice: Vam moram sporočiti v imenu naše dobre dolgoletne članice, Fannie Kcbilšek, da je izgubila svojega zadnjega brata, Toneta Klopčič, ki je umrl v Calif, star komaj 52 let. Vse članice ji izrekamo iskreno sožalje, kakor tudi njenima sestrama, Mary Spelich in Pauline Pikula. Vse tri sestre živijo v LaSalle. Enako ženi Lucille Klopčič in hčerki, ki živijo v San Diego, Cal. Njegovi starši so pred več leti umrli tukaj v La SaJlu in v Chicagu je imel 2 poročena brata, ki sta že tudi umrla, a njihove žene še živijo tam. Nadalje sporočam žalostno vest, da 6. dec. umrl oče naše nove članice Angela Gail Wallock. Pok. Louis Bučat st., je dosegel lepo starost 85 let ter zapušča vdovo Angelo in poleg omenjene hčere tudi 3 sinove in 3 vnuke. K večnemu počitku je bil položen na pokopališču St. Vincent ob asistenci 4 duhovnikov, poleg našega župnika Fr. Michael Železnikar, in njegovega pomočnika, je pri pogrebnih obredih sodeloval tudi Fr. Bernard Horzen, kateremu je bil pokojni boter ter župnik iz De Pue. Žalujočim ostalim prisrčno sožalje. Pok. pionirju bodi ohranjen lep spomin. V lanskem letu so nas zapustile 4 članice: Caroline Močnik Trumipinski, Mary Piontek, Mary Spelich in dne 15. dec. se je za vedno ločila od nas sosestra Mary Struna, v lepi starosti 86 let. Pok. je bila rojena v Novem mestu v Sloveniji ter se je 1. 1910 poročila v cerkvi Sv. Roka s Frankom Struna. Poleg moža zapušča tudi 3 sinove, 5 hčera, 17 vnukov in 12 pravnukov. Slovensko žensko Zvezo so pri pogrebu zastopale kot častne pogreb-nice: Mary Piletič, Agnes Ostrowski, Emma Shimkus, Rose Kilter, Angie Hrovat in Mary Furar. Žalujočim naše globoko sožalje! Naša prva seja v tem letu se je vršila v šolski dvorani. Na pragu leta želimo vsem mnogo sreče in zdravja skozi vse leto, društvu pa veliko novih članic. Prosim, da pripeljete s seboj na sejo prijateljico, da jo vpišemo kot novo članico. Sporočam, da je naša dobra čla. Josephine Horzen v St. Margaret bolnici v Spring Valley., Podleči se je morala operaciji. Bog in Marija naj ji zopet vrneta zdravje in se vme med svoje na dom. — Naša Molly čavich je na poti okrevanja v St. Mary bolnici v LaSalle. Obiskujte bolne čla. Soses. Ana Meglen je sedaj zapisnikarica v angleškem Jeziku. Hvala lepa Anica! Naša tajnica nam je podala lepo poročilo od blagajne. Hvala vsem. Prosimo vas, da še za naprej delujete, kakor smo doslej. Vsaka malo bolj, ker včasih se ne ustrežemo, pa dajmo še bolj pritisniti za nove članice., OK? Dobro! V februarju ne bo seje, toda pridite na sejo v marcu ob 2 uri, ker imamo vedno dober zaključek. Rojstni dan od Agnes Ostrowski in NeMie Močnik. Postrežba 2 sestre: Ann Serri in Josephine Spayer. Slikala nas je Helen Gorgal in Pevci sv. Roka so zapeli na traku in veseli smo šli domov. Lep pozdrav vsem skupaj! MICI PILETIČ, zapisnikarica ŠT. 25, CLEVELAND, O. Nastopilo je zopet novo leto. Naj ga Bog blagoslovi, da bo dobro za vse. Z Bogom začni vsako delo, pa bo dober tek imelo. .. tako pravi narodni pregovor in tako upamo, da bo vse dobro pri naši Slovenski ženski Zvezi, da bi še v naprej lepo napredovala v slogi in članstvu. To so moje novo- letne želje. Pri naši podr. gre kar lepo naprej. V slogi po malem napredujemo. Žal smo v preteklem letu tudi izgubile 14 članic, ki so odšle v večnost .in 14 novih članic smo tudi pridobile in tako nadomestile pokojne. Imamo dobre uradnice, samo jaz zaradi starosti ne morem več voditi tajništva, ki je odgovorno delo in moči pešajo. Naj še nekoliko poročam o proslavi naše 45 letnice. Sicer ni bila ogromna udeležba, toda prireditev je bila dobro obiskana z malim in lepim programom, da je bito vse kar dobro za Podr. Ko bo pa 50 letnica obstoja, takrat se bo pa jedlo z veliko žlico, sai bo vse v mladih rokah, ki imajo svoje ideje in naš starejših bo malo dočakalo. Slike z imeni so na naslovni strani Zarje. Lepa hvala našemu spoštovanemu županu Ralph Perk za udeležbo, dalje našemu dobremu mestnemu odborniku. Councelman-u Robertu Novaku, ki mi je podelil odlikovanje za moje delo 2a cerkev in Zvezo. Najlepša hvala naši gl. predsednici, Mary Boštjan za nieno lepo pisanje v Zarji ob priliki naše obletnice. Lepa hvala tudi naš; State president, Sophy Magajne za njeno pismeno poročilo v Zarji in za s*'ke. Se enkrat vsem prisrčna hvala, ^ ste nam šli na roke, posebno tudi našim dobrim kuharicam, ki so pridno de|ale, kakor tudi strežnicam, ki so ®Po stregle gostom in našemu oskrbniku Vinkotu, ki je skrbel, da ni n,fiče trpel žeje. Bilo je prav fletno. Na svidenje na seji. MARY OTONIČAR ST. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. Zopet malo poročam iz našega mesta. Naše mlajše članice so tako zaposlene, posebno ob praznikih, ko morajo obiskati Santa Clause z otroci. 7.a nami je tudi že glavna seja in party. Na naši letni seji dne 18. dec. je bila zelo lepa udeležba, bilo nas je več kot vsa prejšnja leta. Letos je bilo 65 članic navzočih, kar je že nekaj. Tudi vreme nam je bilo naklonjeno, čeprav mrzlo, pa vendar brez snega, zato mislim, da nas ima tudi Bog rad. Na seji smo presejale vse kar bi bilo v prid podružnice. Ker je konec leta, smo tudi odobrile dar za cerkev in za radio program, to je naša Slovenska ura na radiju vsako nedeljo in jo vodita naša čla. Mary Skerlong in Joseph Belce. Posebno starejše članice zelo rade poslušamo in uživamo naše domače pesmi in slovensko govorico. Nato smo bile lepo postrežene z jedili in pijačo, kar so odbornice lepo uredile. Sledila je izmenjava daril. Tudi volitve so bile na dnevnem redu in je bil enoglasmo izvoljen ves prejšnji odbor, tako da ostane vse po starem, kar sedanji odbor tudi zasluži, ker vse tako lepo opravljajo in složno vodijo posle naše podr. Dne 9. dec. smo imele sejo in party društva Krščanskih mater, kjer je tudi bila velika udeležba in te odbornice, kakor čebelice delajo in zbirajo za pomoč cerkvi. Skoro vse tudi pripadajo Slovenski ženski Zvezi in tako je lepa sloga med nami, kakor pravi pregovor: V slogi je moč. Dne 2. dec. so pa imeli svoj party naši upokojenci in je tudi bilo dosti veselja in še celo tri muzikante smo imeli, to sta dva vnuka naše poznane Mary Tomšič in pa Bob Zgonc. Bilo je dosti poskočnih polk in veselega petja v obilju. Tudi dr. Marije Device št. 50 KSKJ so imeli prireditev in počastili člane, ki so že 50 let pri društvu in jih je bilo 94 po številu. To društvo je nekdaj bilo največje v Pgh. in sedaj je pa zmeraj manjše, ker starejši odhajajo in mlajši se ne zanimajo dovolj za napredek. Mogoče bi tudi tu potrebovali spremembo v odboru, kakor smo storili mi pri Zvezi, da bi bilo več mladih v odboru in bi se ta mlade bolj zanimale za pristop in bi tako društvo zopet oživelo, kakor nekdaj. Ob koncu želim vsem članicam in gl. odboru srečno in zdravo leto 1974. Pozdrav, MARY BAHOR ST. 30, AURORA, ILLINOIS LA GRANGE: Na Božični dan sem bila v Aurora pri starših moje sinahe, ki je poročena z mojim sinom in živita v Decatur, III. Peljali smo k njihovemu sinu v BeIIwood, kjer imata lepo hišo. Ko smo se peljali po Aurora Ave., smo šli tudi pogledati ko podirajo naš prej tako ljubljeni dom. Mr. Denny Buckley je kupil obe hiši, da bo postavil moderno poslopje z groce-rijsko trgovino, ker ima dobro tekoči obrat. To je bilo zadnje slovo od mojega doma.. V svojem življenju sem imela 4 pogrebe na skrbi in to slovo ni bilo dosti boljše. Moj mili in dragi dom, kjer sem preživela orez 50 let in kjer so bili rojeni in vzgojeni vsi moji otroci, ki so sedaj razkropljeni po celi Ameriki, jaz pa sama med drugimi ljudmi. Srečna sem, ker vem, da vsi pošteno živijo. Prosim Boga, da jih varuje tudi v bodoče. Moj mili in dragi dom je šel za vedno, a Mr. Buckley želim vso srečco v lepi novi prodajalni. Božični prazniki so bili zelo lepi. Sin Donald je prišel po mene in smo šli k Hermanu in Dorothy, kjer je bila tudi njena mati in smo vsi odpotovali v Chicago na večerjo k sestri od Dorothy. Ona je učiteljica v College, a njen mož dela filme za televizijo. Prisrčne pozdrave vsem, posebno na North Side Aurora. FRANCES KRANTZ ST. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Decemberska seja je za nami. Na naši letni seji smo se imele prav dobro. Navzočih je bilo precej članic, vendar bi nas moglo biti še več. Slišale smo poročila od zadnjega leta, ko nismo nič kaj dobro napredovale. Pred leti je bilo vse boljše, ko smo imele vsaki mesec kaj za na številke dati, kar je pomagalo društveni blagajni. Res je sedaj vse drugače, ker drugi rod se dosti ne zanima za društvene stvari, saj je enako pri nekaterih podpornih društvih ko na seje prideta 2 ali 3 člani. Ne vem kam gremo, morda nismo naše otroke dovolj učili, da bi bili ponosni na lepe navade in dolžnosti za društvene stvari. Sporočam, da je odbor ostal večinoma ta stari, samo zapisnikarico imamo novo, Antonija Gulič. Hvala Mrs. Mary Jere in Štefanija Polutnik in Agnes Buchar za vse delo v odboru. Najlepša hvala velja naši taj. Angeli Kozjan, ki nam je preskrbela dobro večerjo. Enako se vsem in vsaki po- sebej zahvalim, ko sle prinesle vsake sorte pecivo :n najlepša hvala ko so vse lepo pospravile. Bolnim želim ljubega zdravja in vsem, da bi ljubi Bog dal dobro zdravje v letu 1974. Pozdravlja, AGNES JANČAR, preds. ŠT. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO Pozdrav vsem članicam! Upam, da ste imele lepe praznike in želim, da bo Novo leto srečno in zdravo! Naša božična večerja je bila zelo uspešna. Prisrčna hvala vsem, ki so pripravile tako okusno večerjo, posebno Mrs. Semoncic in hčerki Theresa ter za štrudeljne Cilki Hočevar in Donni Subljer. Imele smo tudi volitve odbornic za to leto in Tonka Kastelic je še vedno naša predsednica, Cilka Hočevar je naša blagajničarka, Mary Lou Prhne, tajnica in Millie Lipnos naša zapisnikarica. Iskrene čestitke slavljenkam rojstnih dnevov v februarju: Antonia Cercek (upam. da se boljše počuti), Nicholetta Lerehbacker, Carol Ann Kastelic in Lillian Sadowski. Moja ljuba tašča, Mary Prhne mi je naročila, da se v njenem imenu lepo zahvalim vsem dragim prijateljem za božična darila, za krasne kartice in sv. maše. Veselo dobrodošlico kličemo v naši podr. Angeli Gruden, hčerki Mrs. Angela Perko. Želimo vsem našim bolnim sestram, hitro ozdravljenje: Agnes Vercek, Mary Prhne St. in Jennie Intihar. Na svidenje na seji. MARY LOU PRHNE ST. 64, KANSAS CITY, KANS. Pri naši podr. je še kar po starem ostalo. — Dne 18. dec. je mirno v Gospodu zaspala naša dobra članica in ustanoviteljica podr., Mrs. Josephine Toplikar, ki se je od začetka in dokler je zdravje dopuščalo pridno udejstvovala. Bila je več let podpredsednica in tajnica in pridobila je dosti novih članic. Zadnje čase so jo več let noge bolele, da ni mogla več prihajati na seje. Zapušča 3 sinove in pet hčera, ki so vsi poročeni, dalje zapušča tudi 29 vnukov in 5 pravnukov. Pokopana je bila iz cerkve Sv. Družine kamor je vedno spadala za časa bivanja v Ameriki. Dva otroka in soprog so šli pred njo v večnost. Draga sosestra, mirno spavaj v Ameriški grudi. Mi vsi te bomo ohranili v trajnem spominu. Dobra članica, Frances Petelin, je pa tudi izgubila nenadne smrti 47 let nega sina, ki poleg matere zapušča ženo, dve hčere, dva brata in tri sestre. Obema pokojnima naj sveti večna luč in preostalim iskreno sožalje. V cerkvi sv. Družine smo lepo in veličastno obhajali Božič s polnočnico, katero je daroval domači gospod Rev. H. Mejak. Pevci na koru pod vodstvom Don Lipovac, so se tudi dobro potrudili s slovenskimi in angleškimi pesmimi, častite sestre so pa tako krasno okinčale oltarje, da se človek kar ne more nagledati. Vsa čast vsem! Č. ses. Loretta se pa lepo trudi za orglanje črez teden. Čla. Marianne Zakrajšek, ki je zadnje poletje obiskala Slovenijo in vas Ma-linišče, župnija Osilnico, rojstno vas njene mame, je zelo razveselila mamico, ko ji je prinesla premikajoče slike od njihovega starega mlina in rojstne hiše, kakor da ji je prinesla košček domovine. Ker je naše mesto Kansas City, Kans. sestersko mesto Ljubljane, je naš župan Richard Walsh prejel novoletno voščilo od ljubljanskega župana, ki se je glasilo: Tone Kovič, predsednik skupščine mesta Ljubljane vošči srečno Novo leto 1974 mestu Kansas City, Kans. in vsem, ki v njem prebivajo. Na samo Novo leto je nagle smrti preminul moj dragi brat, ki je dosegel starost 72 let. V Ameriko je prišel kot 12 letni deček s starši leta 1914 iz župnije Loški Potok, vas Belavoda. Po domače Žnidarjev. Kot automobilski mehanik je vodil svoj business 53 let. Zapušča ženo, enega sina, dva vnuka, enega brata in tri sestre, kakor tudi veliko drugih sorodnikov. Ljubi Bog mu bodi milostljiv. Mi vsi Te bomo močno pogrešali. Ob zaključku iepa hvala za božična voščila gl. preds. Mary Boštjan in Tebi Corinne ter Anna Pačak v Pueblo, Mary Mihelich, Enumclaw, Wash., Tončki in Frank Turek iz Clevelanda. Posebno voščim častni preds., Marie Prisland in Vam vsem gl. uradnicam in članicam Zveze po vsej Ameriki, srečno leto 1974. Ljubi Bog daj, da bi nam prineslo svetovni mir. ANTONIA KOSTELEC ST. 68, FAIRPORT HBR., OHIO Želim napisati par vrstic v našo priljubljeno Zarjo. Na dec. seji nas je bilo kot po navadi. Nekatere so se gotovo zbale vremena, ker je začelo snežiti. To je bila naša letna seja in pri volitvah smo vse do ene izrazile željo, da naj vse zopet sprejmejo še za to leto, ker smo zadovoljne z njihovim delom. Ostale je po starem. Zdi se mi, starejši ko smo, bolj naglo tečejo leta. Nastopili smo leto 1974. Vam, ki uredite Zarjo in vsem bralcem želim vse skozi zdravje ter srečno in zadovoljno leto. Veseli nas, če more kaka članica pridobiti kako novo. V nov. smo se poslovile od moje sestre Ana Švigelj. Naša podr. se je poslovila od nje v pogrebnem zavodu. Pok. je bila ustanoviteljica in prva predsednica naše podr. Naj počiva v Bogu! članice pridite na seje, da se kaj dobrega in veselega pogovorimo. Na svidenje na seji. ANGELA GODEC, poročevalka ST. 71, STRABANE, PA. Naša glavna seja v decembru je bila lepo obiskana. Po seji smo obhajale Božičnico in vse članice so bile deležne malega darila, ki je darovala taj. Lucy Smith. Na seji smo ukrepale več točk v korist Zveze, največ kako pridobiti nove članice. Izvoljen je bil enoglasno ves stari odbor. Me stare bi rade odložile in bi bile vesele, če bi bolj mlade prevzele in nadaljevale naše delo, toda se vsaka izgovarja. Odobrile smo društvena pravila, da za slučaj smrti damo $10 za cvetlice in $5 za sv. mašo ter eno karo. Na večer pred pogrebom gremo molitvi in po možnosti se udeležimo pogreba s svečkami. Naše seje smo preložile od tretje srede v mesecu, se bodo odslej seje vršite vsako drugo sredo v mesecu in to vsak tretji mesec, to je: januarja, marca, junija, septembra in decembra. Hvala lepa Mr. Belec in Mrs. Sker-long, ki lepo oglašujeta novice in prireditve na slovenskem radio programu, preko postaje WLOA. Mrs. Sker long je tudi ustanoviteljica podr. št. 26 v Pittsburghu. Moram poročati tudi žalostno novico, da sta v decembru umrle dve članice. Dne 12. dec. je preminula ses. Mary Jliras in 25. dec. na sam božični dan pa je za vedno zatisnila svoje oči Jennie žužek. Obe sta bile naše dobre članice črez 30 let. Vsaka zapušča po eno hčerko, ki sta tudi naše lanice. V zadnjem letu smo izgubile kar 6 članic. Naj jim sveti večna luč in naj v miru počivajo. Družinam naše globoko sožalje. Na bolniški listi imamo več soses-ter, nekatere bolehajo že po več let. Želim vsem ljubo zdravje in olajšanje bolečin. Urednici Corinne najlepša hvala za koledar in voščilo za novo leto. Tudi jaz vam voščim vse najboljše v letu 1974 in tudi vsem članicam in odbornicam Zveze. Lep pozdrav, MARY TOMSIC, preds. ROSTER Of BRANCH OFFICERS - 1974 No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. 53081 Pres.: Olga Saye, 1210 So. 20th St. Secy: Margaret Fischer, 515 Wash. Sq., Kohler, Wis. 53044 Treas.: Dorothy Brezonlk, 1108 Alabama Ave. Meetings: Third Sunday, Church Hall No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Pres.: Dr. Maria Bernik, 227 E. Delaware PI., (60611) Sec’y: Fanika Humar, 1937 W. Cermak Treas.: Lil Putzell, 3731 S. Home Ave. Berwyn, 111. 60402. Meeting: Second Thur., Church Hall, 7:30 P.M. No. 3, PUEBLO, COLO. 81006 Pres.: Mary Guzzol, 62 Radcliffe Lane Secy 8c Treas. Frances Simonich, 1113 Mahren Meeting: Second Thurs., Church Hall, 7:30 p.m. No. 4, OREGON CITY, ORE. 97045 Pres.: M. Polajner, 1112 J. Adams St. Sec’y : Mary Gerkman, 16582 So. Livesay Rd. Treas: Stasia Petrich, 204 S. High Meeting: 2nd Tues. 8 PM member's homes No. 5, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. 46222 Pres.: Sylvia Stanfield, 744 N. Haugh St. Sec'y & Treas. Josephine Turk, 2437 Allison Ave., Speedway City, Ind. 46224 Meeting: 4th Sun. Jan.- Mr.- May- Sept.-Nov., S. N. 1). No. 6, BARBERTON, OHIO 44203 Pres.: Jeanette Killoran, 906 W. Tusc. Ave. Sec’y 8c Treas.: Mary Lauter, 640 E. Washington Ave. E. Meeting. 2nd Sun. 2 p in. Slovene Center; Jan., May, Oct., Dec. No. 7, FOREST CITY, PA. 18421 Pres.: Mary Kameen, 87 Depot St. Sec’y 8c Treas.: Josephine Gostisha, 1010 No. Main Meeting: 2nd. Sunday, Sec’y’s Home 2 p.m. No. 8, STEELTON, PA. 17113 Pres.: Mary Messersmith, 323 Myers St. Secy Anne Pavelič, 222 Myers St. Treas.: Katie Belicic, 245 Frederick St. Meeting: Last Sunday at members’ homes No. 9, DETROIT, MICH. 48219 Pres.: Hcnrictte Dimock, 4354 Ten Mile Rd., Warren, Mich. Sec’y.: Mary Jamsek, 18711 Stahelin, Meetings: Every 3rd month, Sec’y’s home. No. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44110 Pres.: Anna Markovich, 15705 Holmes Av. Sec'y 8c Treas.: Sophie Magayna, 315 E. 284 St., Willowick, O. 44094 Meetings: 2nd Sun., Slov. Home on Holmes Ave., alternate months 2 p.m. No. 12, MILWAUKEE, WIS. 5)215 Pies.: Josephine Wilhcm, 1634 So. 53rd St., Milw. 53214 Secy & Treas.: Mary Dezman, 649 S. 29th St. Meeting: 3rd Thurs. Lily Hall 2220 W. Nat’l Ave. 1 p.m. No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 94107 Pres.: Josephine Aiuto, 1907 Mariposa Sec’y.: Dorris Lovrin, 579 Kansas Treas.: Michele Seril, 1907 Mariposa Meetings: First Thursday, Slovene Hall, No. 14, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44119 Pres.: Pauline Krall, 20740 Tracy Ave. Secy: Vera Bajec, 19613 Chickasaw Treas.: Mary Iskra, 18814 Mohawk Ave. Meeting: 1st Tues. Slov. Society Home on Rechar Ave. No. 15, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44105 Sec'y.: Frances Novak, 3552 E. 80th St. Treas.: Theresa Jeric, 3583 E. 81st St. Meeting: 2nd Tues. every third mo. S.N. D., 80th St. No. 16, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. 60617 Pres.: Jean Bukvich, 1507 Brown Ave., Whiting, Ind. Sec’y.: Gladys Buck, 10036 Ave. L. Treas.: Anna Buck, 10036 Ave. L. Meetings: 2nd Thurs., St. George's Hall. No. 17, WEST ALLIS, WIS. 53214 Pres.: Marion Marolt, 1512 So. 53rd St. Sec’y.: Marie A. Floryan, 1512 So. 53rd St. Treas.: Frances Piwoni, 2635 So. 70th St. Meeting: 3rd Sun. 2 P.M. St. Mary's Hall, none in June, July 8c Aug. No. 19, EVELETH, MINN. 55734 Pres.: Catherine Pollack, 516 Jackson St. Sec’y 8c Treas.: Mary Lenich, 609 Jones Meetings: 3 times a year at Sec’y’s home. No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. 60435 Pres.: Emina Planinšek, 1314 Elizabeth. Secy.: Olga Ancel, 1115 Frederick St. Treas.: Jos. Sumic, 1305 No. Center St. Meetings: 3rd Sun., Ferdinand Hall, 2 p.m. No. 21, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44135 Pres.: Rose Kosko, 13128 Astor Ave. Sec’y 8c Treas.: Stella Dancull, 13390 Settlement Acres, Brook Park, Ohio, <4142. Meetings: 1st Wed. at West Park Slovene Nat’l Home, 4583 W. 130th St. No. 22, BRADLEY, ILL. 60915 Pres.: Anna Richards, 324 S. Blaine Sec’y: Gabrielle Lustig, 296 N. Michigan Treas.: Anna LaMontagne, 284 S. Grand Meeting: 4th Tues., Feb.-April-June-Aug. Oct.-Dec. at members’ homes. No. 23, ELY, MINN. 55731 Pres., Rose Pucci, 1220 E. Camp Sec’y 8c Treas.: Barbara Rosandich, 1212 E. Sheridan Meeting: 2nd. Tuesday, St. Anthony Parish Hall No. 23, ELY, MINN. DAWN CLUB Pres.: Frances Grahek, 804 E. Harvey Sec’y.: Gertrude Mosnik, 1123 E. Washington Treas.: Jennie Deyak, Box 375 1210 Main Meetings: Third Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Room 132, Comm. Center. No. 24, LASALLE, ILL. 61301 Pres.: Mary Piletič, 537 Tonti St. Sec’y 8c Treas. Theresa Savnik, 232 — 5th St. Meetings: 1st Sun. 2 p.m. St. Roch’s School No. 25, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44103 Pres.: Mary Kolegar, 17930 Windward (44119) Sec’y 8c Treas.: Christine Zivoder, 1068 E. 67 St. Meeting: 2nd Sun. 1:30 P.M. St. Vitus School Hall No. 26, PITTSBURG, PA. 15201 Pres.: Anna Trontel, 701 Kendall St. Sec'y: Mary Slaney, 1513 Hawthorne St. Treas.: Anna Bobel, 6004 Sawyer Meetings: Third Tuesday, Slov. Home No. 27, NO.. BRADDOCK, PA. 15104 Pres.: Mary Stephenson, 1721 No. Ridge. Secy: Mrs. Frances Kucic, 146 Churchill Rd., Turtle Creek, Pa. 15145 Treas.: Frances Celigoi, 1719 Poplar Way Meetings: First Sunday, 1629 Ridge Ave. No. 28, CALUMET, MICH. 49913 Pres.: Ann Heineman, 1 Park Ave. Sec'y.: Mary Jakovich, 810 Oak St. Box 15 Treas.: Stephanie Ryan, 107 — 6th St. Meeting: 2nd Wed. St. Paul the Apostle Church Hall No. 29, BROUNDALE, PA. 18421 P.O. Forest City, Pa. Pres.: Fannie Harvatine, 336 Main St. Sec’y 8c Treas.: Mary Hadley, 217 Vine St. Meetings: First Monday. No. 31, GILBERT, MINN. 55741 Sec’y 8c Treas.: Antoinette Lucich, Box 752 Meeting: 2nd Wed., Community Center No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO 44123 Pres.: Mary Bostian, 19617, Mohawk, (44119) Sec’y.: Josephine Comenshek, 924 E. 223rd St. Treas.: Alma Eppich, 23231 Chardon Rd. Meetings: 3rd Wed., Rehar Hall, except Jan.-Feb.-July-Aug. No. 33, DULUTH, MINN. 55808 Pres.: Suntina Spehar, 402 — 98th Ave. W. Sec’y 8c Treas.: Jackie Rukavina, 416 — 98th Ave. W. Meeting: 1st Wed., St. Eliz Hall, 7:00 p.m. ROSTER OF BRANCH OFFICERS - 1974 No. 34, SOUDAN, MINN. 55782 Pres.: Theresa Pahula, Box 91 Sec’y. 8c Treas.: Mary Pahula, Box 26. Meeting: 3rd Wed. Catholic Men’s Club No. 35, AURORA, MINN. 55705 Pres.: Anna Hren, 401 N. Maine St. Sec’y & Treas.: Frances Bradach, 28 N. Erie. Meeting: 4th Wed. Church Hall No. 37, GREANEY (Ghem), MINN. 55740 Sec’y: Mrs. Mary Krall, Gheen, Minn. No. 38, CHISHOLM, MINN. 55719 Pres.: Frances Hren, 300 N.W. 1st St. Sec’y. 8c Treas.: Anna Trdan, 215 5th S.W. Meeting: 2nd Wed. Slovenian Hall. No. 39, BIWABIK, MINN. 55708 Pres.: Ann Kragcr, 124 So. 6th Ave. Sec’y & Treas.: Margaret Setnikar, 307 — 6th Ave. N. Meeting: 2nd Thurs. St. John’s Church Basement. No. 40, LORAIN, OHIO 44055 Pres.: Agnes Jancar, 1686 E. 32nd St. Sec’y: Anyela Kozjan, 1628 W. 29th St. 44052 Treas.: Mary Klinar, 1326 W. 34th St. Meetings: 2nd Wed., S.N.D. 7.00 p.m. No. 41, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44110 Pres.: Mary Debevec, 14926 Sylvia Ave. Secy: Ella Starin, 17814 Dillewood Rd., 44119 Treas.: Rose Pujzdar, 1238 E. 169th St. Meeting: 1st Tues. S.W. Home 15335 Waterloo Rd., 2 P.M. No. 42, MAPLE HEIGHTS, OHIO 44137 (P.O. Bedford, Ohio) Pres.: Antonia Kastelic, 15905 Grant Sec’y: Mary Lou Prhne, 5141 Miller Treas: Cecelia Hočevar, 16512 Raymond Meeting: 3rl Tues., every other month, S.N. Dom, 5050 Stanley Ave., 7:30 p.m. No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. 53207 Pres.: Mary Tratnik, 3600 So. Howell Ave. Secy & Treas.: Rose Kraemer, 3162 S. Pine Meeting: 1st Thur., Lily Club, 2220 W. National Ave. Mil. except July & Aug. No. 45, PORTLAND, ORE. 97216 Pres.: Mary E. Roso, 215 S.E. 86th Ave. Secy: Wilma Frandskovich, 1031 “B" N.E. 90th. 97220 Treas.: Rosemary Gordon, 15338 S.E. Sunrise Ct., Milwakie, Ore. 97222 Meeting: 2nd Tues., 2815 W. Raleigh. No. 46, ST. LOUIS, MO. 63139 Pres.: Viola Plsoni, 6704 Clayton Ave. Secy 8c Treas.: Helen Skoff, 6255 Westway PI., 63109 Meetings: 2nd Sun., Jos. Prebil’s home, 3110 A. Providence PI. No. 47, GARFIELD HGTS., OHIO 44125 Pres.: Jennie Gerk, 9103 S. Highland Ave. Secy: Jennie Pugely, 10724 Plymouth Ave., Treas.: Antonia Dolinar, 8805 Vineyard Ave. Meetings: 2nd Sun. Alternate months at SNH, 5050 Stanley Ave. Maple Hgts. No. 49, WICKUFFE, OHIO 44092 Pres. 8c Sec'y: Mary Stusck, 29654 Grand Blvd. Treas.: Frances Kochevar, 19551 Nauman Ave. Euclid 44119 Meeting: Every 3 months at home of Jennie Kosten No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44143 Pres.: Ann Hočevar, 219 Maydale Ave. 44123 Treas.: Irene Jagodnik, 6786 Metro Park Dr. Meeting: 3rd Tues., Euclid Public Library, 222nd St. No. 52, HIBBING, (Kitxuille) MINN. 55746 Pres.: Jos. Owald, 330 - 2nd St., Hibbing. Sec’y 8c Treas.: Rose Chiodi, 312 4th St. Meetings: 1st Wed., Little Grove Club Rm. No. 54, WARREN, OHIO 44484 Pres.: Josephine Kassan, 360 Howland - Wilson Rd. N.E. Sec’y 8c Treas.: Joanne Ponikvar, 4010 Greenmont Dr. Meeting: 3rd Tues. Feb., April, May, Sept., Nov., Dec. Member’s homes. No. 55, GIRARD, OHIO 44420 Pres.: Mary Macck, 12 Pittsburgh St. Secy 8c Treas.: Matilda Cigolle, 1537 Greenwood, Girard Meetting: 2nd Thurs., Slovenian Home. No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. 55746 Pres.: Rose Maras, 2626£ W. Second Ave. Sec’y: Mary Meadows, 1410 15th Ave. E. Treas.: Cathran Marolt, 1986 E. 25th St. Meetings: 2nd Tues., Assumption Hall No. 57, NILES, OHIO 44446 Pres.: Frances Yerman, 2110 Robbins Ave. Secy: Virginia Zevkovicli, 2557 Chestnut St. Girard 44420 Treas.: Mary Strah, 318 Baldwin Ave. Meetings: 2nd Tues., Pres’, home. No. 59, BURGETTSTOWN, PA. 15021 I’res.: Frances Korošec, Main St. Sec'y: Virginia Bendlch, Box 213, Slovan (15078) Meetings: First Tues., Slovenian Home. No. 61, BRADDOCK, PA. 15104 Pres.: Johanna Chesnik, 1223 Milton St. Secy: Pauline Stolcc, 2019 Monroe, Pittsburgh, 15218 Treas.: Jennie Novosel, 901 Greensburg Pike, E. Pittsburgh. Meetings: Second Sunday, Croat. Home. No. 62, CONNEAUT, OHIO 44030 Pres.: Mary Jane Dello, 542 Detroit St. Sec’y 8c Treas.: Anna Mundi, 431 16th St. Meetings: 1st Sat. Treas. Home. No. 63, DENVER, COLO. 80216 Pres.: Adelaide Glavitz, 4760 Beach Ct., Denver, 80211 Sec’y 8c Treas.: Mary Musich, 5564 Worchester 80239 Meeting: 4th Sun., Slovenian Hall No. 64, KANSAS CITY, KANS. 66101 Pres.: Antonia Kostelcc, 617 Splitlog. Sec’y: Catherine Lastclic, 637 Orville. Treas.: Regina Cop. 317 Orchard Ave. Meetings: 3rd Sunday, Holy Family Hall. No. 65, VIRGINIA, MINN. 55792 Pres.: Celia Simich, 701 12th St. N. Sec’y 8c Treas.: Jennie Tavchar, 719 10th St. N. Meetings: 3rd Fri. 7:30 p.m. C. Simich's Home. No. 66, CANON CITY, COLO. 81212 Pres.: Christine Konte, 112 Catlin Ave. Secy 8c Treas.: Helen L. McFarland, 1442 Chestnut St. Meeting: No regular mcctigns. Home of Sec'y No. 67, BESSEMER, PA. 16112 Pres.: Mary Snezic, Box 47 Sec’y Mary Percic, P. O. Box 546. Treas.: Mary Brodcsko, Box 449. Meetings: 1st Sun. 7 P.M. Croatian Club, Poland Ave. No. 68, FAIRPORT HARBOR, O. 44077 Pres.: Rose Bradack, 8189 Plains Rd. Mentor, Ohio 44060 Sec’y 8c Treas.: Frances Ulle, 156 Charlotte St., Painesville, Ohio 44077 Meeting: 3rd Thurs. Amer. Slov. Club, Fairport Hrbr., O. No. 70, W. ALIQUIPPA, PA. 15001 Pres. 8c Treas.: Stella Cicconi, 104 Main Ave. Sec’y: Mary Derglln, 85 Maple Ave. Meetings: Second Tuesday, 104 Main. No. 71, STRABANE, PA. 1536) Pres.: Mary Tomsic, 431 Chartiers Ave. Sec’y.: Lucille Smith, 37 Latimer Ave. Treas.: Mary Boštjančič, 32 Latimer Ave. Meeting: 2nd Wed., K.S.K.J., 7 P.M. ROSTER OF BRANCH OFFICERS - 1974 No. 72, CHICAGO {Pullman), ILL. 60628 Pres.: Angela Arko, 2545 W. 183rd St., Homewood, 111. 60430 Sec’y & Treas.: Wilma Zagar, 17801 Wentworth, Lansing, 111. 60437 Meeting: 2nd Sun. every 3rd month at member's homes. No. 73, CLEVELAND, OHIO 44128 (P.O. Warrensville Hgts.) Pres.: Kay Yuratovac, 19511 Sumpter Rd. Secy: Louise Epley, 20294 Emery Rd. Treas.: Agnes Walters, 24717 Emery Rd. Meetings: 1st Mon. at 22714 Vera St. No. 74, AM BRIDGE, PA. 15003 Pres.: Mary Hablch, 160 Maplewood Ave. Sec’y & Treas.: Stephanie Plese, 112 Merchant St. Meetings: Second Sunday, Slov. Audit. No. 77, PITTSBURGH, PA. 15212 Pres.: Betty Ann Murphey, 1612 Walz St. Sec’y: Minka Chrnat, 937 Haslagc Ave. Treas.: Elizabeth Conway, 1610 Walz St. Meeting: Twicc a year: May-l)cc. at St. Mary’s Lyceum, 938 Chesnut St. No. 79, ENUMCLAW, WASH. 98022 Pres.: Mary Mihelich, 1730 Hillcrest Sec’y & Treas.: Anna Mae Anderson, 409 Rainer Ave. Meetings: 2nd Sun., Sept., Dec. and when necessary at members’ homes. No. 80, MOON RUN, PA. 15136 Pres.: Asn Pctanovich, Steubenville Pike, MrKees Rocks, Pa. Sec’y.: Mary Christian, 23 McCormack Rd. Meetings: No regular meetings. No. 81, KEEWAT1N, MINN. 55753 Pres.: Mary Ann Brletich Sec’y: Ann Dickovich Treas.: Mary L. Marolt Meet ing: 4th Wed., every oilier month, member’s homes. No. 83, CROSBY, MINN. 56441 Pres.: Frances Vidmar, 20 — 4th St., N.W. Secy: Louise Puchreiter, 405 4th St., N.E. Treas.: Mary Deblock, Riverton Rt., Ironton Meetings: 1st Mon. member's homes. No. 84, RIDGEWOOD, N.Y. 1112 7 (New York City) Pres.: Angela Voje, 1825 Woodbine St. Sec’y & Treas.: Elizabeth Birk, 61-20 67th St., Middle Village, 11S79 Meeting: Approx. 4 times yr. at Pres. home. No. 8}, DEPUE, ILL. 61)22 Pres.: Mary Oberch, Box 7, De Pue, II. Treas.-Sec’y: Mary Yermenc, Box 206 Meeting: 3rd Sun., 2 P.M. No. 86, NASHWAUK, MINN. 55769 Pres.: Mary Zakrajšek, 602 — 2nd St. Sec’y Sc Treas.: Christine Meyer, 225 — 4th St. Meeting: 4th Tues., Church Hall, Linsmeyer Hall. No. 88, JOHNSTOWN, PA. 15902 Pres.: Mary Kuzma, 218 View Street Sec’y: Jennie Stusek, 541 Russell Ave. Treas.: Mary Zupan, 546 Forest Ave. Meetings: 2nd Mon. 7:30 P.M. Dickinson House. No. 89, OGLESBY, ILL. 61348 Pres.: Caroline Dawson, 505 Mormon St. Secy: Mary Kernz, 125 E. 3rd St. Treas.: Sophie Frank, 311 Elm St. Meetings: 2nd Mon. 7:30 P.M. Dickinson House except Jan. & Feb. No. 90, BRIDGEVILLE, PA. 15017 (Presto) Pres.: Sophie Sorcan, 900 Steen Rd. Ser’y: Julia M. Klemenčič, 202 Charlet St. Treas.: Anne Sorcan, Kirwan Hgts. Meetings: 3rd Sun. 3 p.m. St. Barbara's Hall, Presto. No. 91, OAKMONT, PA. 15139 Pres., Anna kaltelic, Old New Kensington Rd. Sec’y: Jennie M. Flisek, 721 -3rd St. Treas.: Janet Kirn, 378 Hulton Rtl. Meetings: 2nd Tues., 7:30 p.m. March, May Sept., Dec. Sec’y’s home. No. 92, GUNNISON, COLO. 81224 Pres.: Sherry Carricato, Rt. 4, Box 15A, Gunnison, Colo. 81230 Sec’y: Myrna Krizmanich, 508 W. Tomichi, Gunnison Treas.: Margaret Malenšek, Rt. 2, Gunnison Meeting: 1st Sun. 7 P.M. Member’s homes No. 93, BROOKLYN, N.Y. 11237 Pres.: Agnes Klarich, 61-29 Gates Ave. Secy':: Anna Kerkovich, 1920 Greene Ave. Treas: Helen Hodnick, 60-42 68th Rd. Meeting: 3rd Sat. Amer. Hall, 253 Irving Ave., 3 P.M. No. 94, CANTON, OHIO 44706 Scc’y: Catherine Pauline, 5735 Grand Blanc Dr. No. 95. SO. CHICAGO, ILL. 60617 Pres.: Mildred James, 38 SW Florence Rd. RR 1, Mokena, 111. 60448 Sec’y.: Mildred Poropat, 8314 Saginaw Treas.: Helene Golich, 9633 Manistee Ave. Meetings: 1st Wed. at Sacred Ifeaft School 9l3th & Exchange Ave. No. 96, UNIVERSAL, PA. 15235 Pres.: Paula Kokal, 2820 Reiter Rd., Penn Hills, Pgh., Pa. Sec’y: Mary J. Klemenčič, 3401 Clements Rd. Plumboro, Pgh., Pa. 15239 Treas.: Mary E. O'Block, 668 Center Rd., Plumboro, Pgh., Pa. 15239 Meeting: March 10, June 3, Aug. 11, Oct. 6 & Dec. 1, Slov. Ass’n Meeting Room. No. 97, CAIRNBROOK, PA. 15924 Pres.: Nancy Satkovich, Box 6 Sec’y and Treas.: Mary Satkovich, Box 125, Meetings: 2nd Sun., Sec’y's home, 2 p.m. No. 99, ELMHURST, ILL. 60125 Pres.: Victoria Volk, 243 Larch Ave. Sec’y 8c Treas.: Mary Podgornik, 148 Maple Ave. Meeting: 1st Sun. Member’s homes No. 100, FONTANA, CALIF. 92335 Pres.: Mary Jasina, 1021 E. Yale Ontario, Cal., 91764 Sec’y & Treas.: Mary Omaits, 9527 Juniper, Apt. 2 Meetings: 2nd Thurs., K.S.K.J. Hall 7 p.m. No. 101, BEDFORD HTS, OHIO 44137 Pres.: Rosalie Brown, 2576 Garden Rd., Oak wood, Ohio, 44146 Sec’y.: Dorothy Kastellic, 5206 Joseph St., Maple Hgts. Treal.: Florence, Mertel, 21400 Franklin, Maple. Meetingl.: 1st Thurs., Bedford City Hall. No. 102, WILLARD, WIS. 54493 Pres.: Josephine Artac, R. 1 Sec’y: Mary Djubinski, R. 1 Meeting: Once every 3 mos. No. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20016 Pres.: Freda Michelitch, 9000 Old Dominion Dr. McLean, Va. 22101 Sec'y: Mary Mejac, 4445 Butterworth PI., N.W. Treas.: Mary L. Terselic, 5506 Greystone St., Chevy Chase, Md. 20015 Meetings: 1st Sun. St. Columba's Hall No. 105, DETROIT, MICH. 48221 Pres.: Pauline Adamic, 16844 Griggs Ave. Sec’y.: Johanna Bole, 434 E. Webster, Ferndale, Mich. 48220 Treas.: Audrey Krulic, 15834 Sussex, Detroit, Mich. 18227 Meeting: 2nd Sun. at member's homes. No. 106, MEADOWLANDS, PA. 15347 Pres.: Josephine Jacobs Sec’y.: Catherine Hofler, Box 197 Treas.: Anna Pavcllo Meetings: Third Thursday, Church Ha!L 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 49 50 52 54 55 56 57 59 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 70 71 72 73 74 FINANCIAL REPORT — FINANČNO POROČILO, DEC. 1973 Br. No.: Amount: Adults: Jr. R.: 77 20.15 41 28 79 — 36 18 1 $108.40 180 70 80 13 —. 2 267.50 413 203 81 14.25 28 1 3 149.10 251 151 83 6.85 16 2 4 — 11 — a 84 _ 43 2 5 — 87 15 a 85 33.50 36 2 b 6 51.85 111 18 86 19 7 44.60 87 33 88 21.05 49 7 8 — 39 — 89 28.80 65 26 9 20 1 90 16.35 40 6 10 121.75 279 20 91 73.65 41 7 d 12 65.35 150 65 92 18.65 26 12 13 107.80 102 26 b 93 56.50 49 3 £t 14 144.90 287 43 94 6 15 — 167 7 95 113.65 176 24 f 16 99.00 154 72 96 44.70 44 — b 17 171.60 151 107 b 97 6.20 14 — 19 46.90 98 14 99 4.60 13 — 20 181.05 356 103 100 34.60 47 15 21 62.40 111 49 101 23.90 32 12 22 15.50 15 — g 102 17.05 36 2 23 103.30 121 40 103 28.50 20 14 8 24 55.35 120 36 105 17.65 29 6 25 298.30 557 148 106 13.00 23 1 26 62.20 114 30 27 96.75 37 2 <: $4,146.90 7,788 2,326 28 42.05 69 28 Remarks: Pd. in Nov. a; Nov. & Dec. 29 9.75 23 4 b: July to Nov. c: Jan. Feb. Mar. d: 30 17.80 9 Oct. Nov. Dec. e; Nov. f; Dec. . & Jan. 196.15 122.00 19.25 29.20 34.15 19.70 57.85 48.90 18.70 13.45 54.85 189.10 32.05 30.25 42.40 31.20 16.55 37.60 32.80 42.10 37.85 57.50 14.20 52.30 77 170 190 36 50 18 91 42 106 175 50 175 38 31 100 27 275 52 50 56 90 56 26 5 20 90 41 41 57 71 58 14 115 21 96 26 26 a 69 I) 159 4 31 6 2 29 2 124 11 3 39 53 21 31 19 7 15 27 1 20 b 21 8 25 3 38 — b 59 1 g- INCOME — DOHODKI DEC. 1973: Assesment: $4,146.90 Interest: 2,231.65 Rent: 210.00 Tax Deposit: 30.62 Books sold: 191.00 $6,810.17 Books asset: -191.00 Total income-dohodki December 1973: $6,619.17 REGINA: DISBURSEMENTS — STROŠKI — DECEMBER 1973: Claim paid - ulačane zavarovalnine: $100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 1,225.00 745.00 21.64 71.66 25.00 1,571.41 75.00 45.00 19.65 75.00 83.00 Br. 1. Josephine Kobal Br. 5, Regina Codermaz Br. 20, Mary Schmidberger Br. 21, Frances Kozely Br. 23, Johanna Zupin Br. 24, Mary Struna Br. 27, Anna Luba novi oh Br. 38, Jera Novak Br. 55, Anna Krivak Br.. 64. Josephine Toplikar Br. 66, Johanna Adamic Br. 68, Anna Svigel Br. 71, Mary Yurus Br. 72, Fanny Levstik Br. 88, Jennie Sturm Br. 93, Angela Wavpotich Salaries — plače Administration Fuel & Electr. Kurjava, luč F.I.C.A. Tax — Social, zavarov. Maintenance — čiščenje Zarja — The Dawn Office rent - najemnina Advert. Oglasi Telephone Insurance - zavarovanje Donations - darovi cerkvam Total — skupno: $5,559.36 Balance November 1973: $572,459.62 December incomedohodki: 6,619.17 $579,078.79 Dec. disbursements-stroški: -5.559.36 HI BOYS AND GIRLS! Impossible! I don’t believe it. So said my 'hubby when I told him this month begins my eleventh year. Looking back — ten years ago February "has twenty-nine days which makes this a leap year." Included was the first and only Regina recipe — chocolate catmeal cookies, which required no baking; Valentine cards ideas; and a special tribute to our youngest, loving daughter, who was to celebrate her birthday on the 24th. Nine years ago, there was a story titled THE VALENTINE MYSTERY, a reference to Bishop St. Blase and his miraculous cure of a child choking to death on a fish bone; and Abraham Lincoln's thoughts on Duty: Balance Dec. 31, 1973: $573,519.43 FANIKA HUMAR, Sec’y “If I were trying to read, much less answer, all the attacks made on me this shop might well be closed for any other business. I do the best I can, the very best I know how and mean to keep on doing it to the end. If the end brings me out right, what is said against me will not amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing 1 was right would make no difference." Eight years ago, how to make a special Valentine bookmark for someone we love and enjoy his friendship was explained. "Love makes the world go around” and there are all kinds of love, as 'ove of Christ and His mother, love among members of the family, for neighbors, friends and "thy enemies". And there are other kinds — love for the common man, for TOR THE YOUNG AT HEART" JUNIORS: S.W.U. SCHOLARSHIP GRANTS FOR 1974-75 WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL APRIL 15th. SEE INSIDE PAGE 3 FOR INFORMATION. Santa Claus! Our Favorite Friend! Juniors of Br. 2, Chicago, III. were so happy to have Santa Claus visit them in December and while they Were waiting for his appearance, they performed a wonderful show called “This Is Your Life, Santa Claus”. The main roles (left photo) were played by Adam and Billy Leff whose mom was in charge of the whole production. A cast of some 30 made it a sparkling and delightful presentation. At the finale, a group of angels and shepherds showed a life-like picture of the Nativity Scene. The whole cast tried to fit into the right picture in order to say “hi” to everyone on this page. country, fame, money, work, music, a good book, happiness and knowledge, and love of iife. "In discussing the meaning of love our neanly-seven year °ld daughter said: That's simple — God is Love and Love is God.” Seven years ago the letter was based on this quotation: “V mladosti kaže kaj bo v starosti”, which loosely translated means in youth one molds his adulthood. Examples shown included composer Johannes Brahams, artist Leonardo Da Vinci, composer Johann Sebastian Bach, president Abraham Lincoln and president George Washington. Six years ago, the importance of Catholic Press was stressed. An Introduction to the Devout Lige was Written by St. Francis de Sales who with St. Jane de Chan tat established the Visitation Order to teach and take care of the sick. He said there are three ways to bring others to God: The first is prayer — pray to God for others. The second is good example — act so that others know you love and obey God. The third is learning know your religion well and speak to others of God. An excerpt from Hertha Pauli's Bernadette and the Lady spoke of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s first appearance to Bernadette °f Lourdes. Five years ago, because of the pre-vious month's inauguration of our country’s 37th president, a description of George Washington’s inaugura-ti°n, which was our nation’s first, was Presented. Also included was a bio- graphical sketch of our first president and a description of the Washington monument in the nation’s capitol, which manifests the American people’s “gratitude for the military accomplishments of Washington, for his statesmanship, and for his integrity.” Four years ago friends and friendships were shown as an important part of life. “When good friends walk beside us Our burdens seem less heavy The weary miles pass swiftly And all the world seems brighter.” Three years ago I wrote about a young girl, Vinnie Ream, who at the age of 24 made a marble sculpture of Abraham Lincoln. Formally unveiled in the capital rotunda January 25, 1871, her work was “an admirable representation of Mr. Lincoln in a mood of serious contemplation.” Two years ago this is how I began: Exactly 100 years after the year of birth of Susan B. Anthony, women throughout the United States at last had the right to vote with the passage of the 19th amendment.............Despite great odds and through the good use of her God-given abilities, great determination and hard work, Susan, who was born February 15, 1820, contributed unselfishly and nobly to the American Woman and the American way of life. One year ago the wedding details of our two eldest daughters were presented. The closing sentence read: And may the peace of Christ dwell always in their hearts and in their homes. Throughout the past decade a little over one hundred letters were written. In November 1971 the name was changed from the Junior Page to its present title, as it seems this letter was not only written for the very young but for all who are young in spirit. Proposed by our foundress to undertake this special task, with the editor's superpatience with my usual tardiness and with the many, many helpful ideas and constructive criticisms offered by my family, I sincerely hope my ietters were a source of fun -treading, education, information and entertainment. My closing thought is something from St. Francis de Sales: Do not look forward to what might happen tomorrow. The same Everlasting Father Who cares for us today, will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at Peace then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and Imaginations. God love you always!. Your friend, REGINA FRANC GORŠE % STUDIA 3LOVENICA P. . BOX 232 'OR? 1Q032 - PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS IF YOU MOVE, HERE'S WHAT YOU DO: Please fill out this coupon and mail to the Home Office, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, Illinois 60608: Name .......... OLD Address: NEW Address Br. no: Zip code Zip cede BUILD with ST. CLAIR Main office 813 East 185th Street 6235 St. Clair Avenue 6135 Wilson Mills Road 25000 Euclid Avenue 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. 7481 Center Street, Mentor 29001 Cedar Road, Lyndhurst "at St. Clair.. . we care" yj] I'l/V ’-'/I.-1-1 GEREND - HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN. WISCONSIN 53081 RECIPES! worms glow .. The OCitehviu (Cj) TESTED! Send $4.00 for your postpaid copy to: Mrs. Antonia Turek 986 Bryn Mawr Ave. Wiekliffe, Ohio 44092 A. GRDINA & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 70 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 3, Ohio ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 METROPOLITAN liANK & TRUST Company f 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago. Illinois 60608 FDIi Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin LISTEN TO CHICAGO'S SLOVENIAN RADIO PROGRAM! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, III. 60608 VI 7-6679 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941 43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Director and Embalmers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688