Vojaški napisi iz Celeje in njene okolice Julijana VISOČNIK Izvleček Avtorica predstavi vojaške napise iz Celeje in okolice; bene-ficiarski napisi, ki so že bili predmet raziskave, so navedeni le tabelarično. Napisi so zbrani v katalogu (delitev mesto - ager), kjer transkripciji sledi še prevod. V osrednjem delu so vojaški napisi analizirani glede na vojaške funkcije in enote, ki so izpričane na napisih. Avtorica opozarja tudi na druge posebnosti: imena, ikonografijo, jezikovne značilnosti ... Velik del vojaških napisov predstavljajo nagrobniki, votivni so trije, počastitvena dva. Največ celejskih vojakov je svoje služenje opravilo v Drugi italski legiji, torej v edini noriški legiji. Na napisih so izpričani predvsem navadni vojaki in veterani, srečamo pa tudi pretori-jance in centurione. Ključne besede: antika, rimski imperij, Norik, Celeja, rimska vojska, vojaške enote, funkcije Abstract The author presents military inscriptions from Celeia and its surroundings except the inscriptions of beneficiarii; they are listed only in a table since they were analysed elsewhere. The inscriptions are collected in a catalogue (division town - ager). In the commentary they are analysed according to the military functions and units attested on them. The author outlines various other peculiarities: names, iconography, linguistic and other characteristics. The majority of the military inscriptions from Celeia are funerary monuments; there are only three votive altars and two honorific slabs. Many of the Celeian soldiers served in the legion II Italica, the only Norican legion. The inscriptions mostly attest common soldiers and veterans but praetorians and centurions are also documented. Keywords: antiquity, Roman empire, Noricum, Celeia, Roman army, military units, military functions UVOD Članek E. Pochmarskega o vojakih iz Flavije Solve1 je bil spodbuda za pripravo tega prispevka. Odločila sem se, da obravnavam tiste celejske vojake, ki so izpričani v Celeji sami oziroma v njenem agru, ne pa tudi napisov celejskih vojakov, najdenih drugje po imperiju. V večini primerov gre za vojake, ki so v Celeji umrli. Njihov origo je praviloma izpuščen, tako lahko o njihovi prvotni domovini samo ugibamo. Ločiti je treba med "celejskimi" vojaki, ki jim lahko sledimo na širšem prostoru Celeje, in tistimi, ki so izpričani po raznih delih rimskega imperija - njihov origo (Celeia) je v tem primeru naveden. Ker je slednjih vsaj 30 in tvorijo zaokroženo celoto, se zdi smiselno, da se predstavijo na drugem mestu.2 Analiza vojaških napisov Celeje bo pokazala prevladujočo obliko spomenikov, izrisale se bodo vojaške enote, v katerih so omenjeni predstavniki opravljali svojo službo, njihove funkcije ter morebitne razlike med situacijo v agru in v mestu. Vojaški napisi Celeje kot celota še niso bili obravnavani, izpuščam pa skupino napisov beneficiarijev,3 ker so jih že večkrat preučevali. Pochmarski 2007, 269-291. 2 Načrtovana je objava v Arheološkem vestniku 60 (2009) kot nadaljevanje tega prispevka. 3 Prim. Clement 1980; Dise 1996, 286-292; Dise 1997 284-299; Nelis-Clement 1994, 251-260; Ott 1994, 233-249 Ott 1995; Rankov 1994, 219-232; Schallmayer 1991, 400-406 CBFIR (1990); Scherrer 2005, 17-30 (o beneficiarijih in njihovem položaju v Noriku). KATALOG4 VOJAŠKIH NAPISOV CELEJE Vojaški napisi iz mesta Celeja 1. Nagrobna plošča za Lucija Brecija Publija L(ucius) Braetius L(ucii) f(ilius) Publ(ius) Veron(a), vet(eranus) leg(ionis) VIIIAug(ustae), ann(orum) LXX, h(ic) s(itus) e(st). F(ilii?) f(iliaeque?). 5 Magiona Verulli f(ilia), an(norum) LXXV, h(ic) s(ita) e(st). F(ilii?) f(iliaeque?). Prevod: Lucij Brecij Publij, Lucijev sin, doma iz Verone, veteran Osme legije avguste, star 70 let, je tukaj pokopan. Sinovi in hčere ?, Magiona Verulova hčerka, stara 75 let, je tukaj pokopana. Sinovi in hčere ?. Objave: CIL III 5220 + p. 1830; ILLPRON 1681. Datacija: 1. st. 2. Nagrobna plošča za Gavijo Viruno Gaviae P(ublii) f(iliae) Virunae, L(ucius) Dindius Respectus 7(centurio) leg(ionis) XIII Geminae, P(ublius) Dindius Speratus 5 7(centurio) speclatorum Aug(usti) filii [matri] indulgen= tissima[e et sibi] fecerunt. Prevod: Publijevi hčerki, Gaviji Viruni, Lucij Dindij Respekt, centurion Trinajste dvojne legije, in Publij Dindij Sperat, centurion cesarjevih telesnih stražarjev. Sinova sta postavila za svojo najbolj blago mater in zase. Objave: CIL III 5223 + p. 1830 = 11692; ILLPRON 1683. Datacija: 1. st. 3. Počastitveni napis za Julijo in Domicijo (sl. 1) Levo polje: Divae Iu(l)iae. L(ucius) Cassius Cla(udia) Maximus (centurio) leg(ionis) VI Ferratae t(estamento) f(ieri) i(ussit). Sl. 1: Počastitveni napis za Julijo in Domicijo (CIL III 13524) Fig. 1: Honorific inscription for Iulia and Domitia (CIL III 13524) Prevod: Božanski Juliji. Lucij Kasij Maksim iz klavdijskega volilnega okrožja, centurion Šeste železne legije, je z oporoko odločil postaviti (ploščo). Desno polje: Domitia[e Aug(ustae)]. L(ucius) Cassi(us) Cla(udia) Max[im us] [(centurio)] leg(ionis) VI [Ferr(atae)] 5 t(estamento) f(ieri) [i(ussit)]. L(ucius) Cassius Eu[daemon] faciendas cu[ravit]. Prevod: Domiciji Avgusti. Lucij Kasij Maksim iz klavdijskega volilnega okrožja, centurion Šeste železne legije, je z oporoko odločil postaviti (ploščo). Lucij Kasij Evdajmon je poskrbel za postavitev. Objave: CIL III 13524 + p. 2285; ILS 8906; ILLPRON 1747 (levo polje), 1748 (desno polje); Lovenjak 2003, 336-338, št. 6 (sl. 6). Datacija: med leti 90-96. 4. Plošča s počastitvenim napisom za Julijo Procilo5 (sl. 2) Desno polje: Iuliae Cn(ai) filia[e] Procilla[e] L(ucius) Cassius Max[imus] [centurio] leg(ionis) VI Ferra[tae] 5 t(estamento) f(ieri) i(ussit). L(ucius) Cassius Eudaemon b(ene) [m(erenti) (statuam ?) f(aciendam)] c(uravit). 4 Napisi so razvrščeni kronološko; okvirne datacije so v tabelah 3 in 4. 5 Prim. Lovenjak 2003, 336-338: ploščo so našli vzidano v temeljih severnega stolpa zahodnih mestnih vrat. Pustili so 5 Sl. 2: Plošča s počastitvenim napisom za Julijo Procilo Fig. 2: Slab with an honorific inscription to Iulia Procilla Prevod: Juliji Procili, Gnejevi hčerki, je po oporoki dal napraviti Lucij Kasij Maksim, centurion Šeste železne legije. Lucij Kasij Evdajmon je poskrbel, da se ji napravi zaradi zaslug ... Objave: Lovenjak 2003, 336-338, št. 6 (sl. 6). Datacija: med leti 90-96. je postavila (spomenik) za najboljšega soproga in zase. Objave: Kolšek 1975-1976, sl. 3; Ubl 1996, št. II/13; Kremer 2001, Kat. I 35a (sl. 68); Datacija: 2. st. 6. Nagrobna plošča za dva Junija ? [--] et C(aio) Iunio Nicandr(o) fil(io) ann(orum) XXXVIII, Matt(iae) P(ublii) f(iliae) Verinae ann(orum) XXIIII 5 et C(aio) Iunio Isaeo vet(erano) ex dec(urione) alae I Com(magenorum) an(norum) LX [et Ul]p(iae) A[f]rodisiae an(norum) XXV m(ensis) I. Prevod: ... in sinu Gaju Juniju Nikandru, staremu 38 let, Matiji Verini, Publijevi hčerki, stari 24 let, in veteranu Gaju Juniju Iseju, nekdanjemu dekurionu Prve ale Komagenov, staremu 60 let, in Ulpiji Afrodiziji, stari 25 let in 1 mesec. Objave: CIL III 5224 + p. 1830; ILLPRON 1684. Datacija: 2. st. 5. Arhitrav edikule za Gaja Julija Ursina (sl. 3) D(is) M(anibus) C(aio) Iulio Ursino dec(urioni) alae I Com(m)agenor(um) an(norum) XL. Titia Procula marito optimo 5 fecit et sibi. Prevod: Gaju Juliju Ursinu, dekurionu Prve ale Komagenov, staremu 40 let. Titija Prokula 7. Nagrobna plošča za Enija Sekundijana [--- ] Ennio Secundiano equiti c(o)hor(tis) VII pr(aetoriae?) an(norum) XXV et Q(uinto) Enni[o] Apollonio an(norum) LX et Val(eriae) Maximil[lae] an(norum) L. Sl. 3: Arhitrav edikule za Gaja Julija Ursina Fig. 3: Architrave of the aedicula for Caius Iulius Ursinus jo na istem mestu. Viden je desni zgornji vogal levega in velik del desnega napisnega polja, katerega površina je poškodovana in na nekaterih mestih popolnoma odstranjena. Prevod: ... Eniju Sekundijanu, konjeniku Sedme pretorijanske kohorte, staremu 25 let, in Kvintu Eniju Apoloniju, staremu 60 let, in Valeriji Ma-ksimili, stari 50. Objave: CIL III 5222 + p. 1830; ILLPRON 1682. Datacija: 2. st. 8. Votivna ara za Najboljšega in Največjega Jupitra (sl. 4) I(ovi) O(ptimo) M(aximo) Barbius Finitus, mil(es) coh(ortis) Ipraet(oriae), 5 ob peregrina= tionis expedi= tionum regr[es]= sus in urbe sacr(a) v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito). Prevod: Najboljšemu in Največjemu Jupitru. Barbij Finit, vojak Prve pretorijanske kohorte, je, potem ko se je vrnil zaradi opravljene vojaške službe v svetem mestu, obljubo izpolnil rad in po pravici.6 Objave: CIL III 11697; Kult 161; ILLPRON 1735. Datacija: 2. pol. 2. st./začetek 3. st. 9. Votivna ara za Stanovitno Usodo (Fortuna Stabilis) (sl. 5) Sl. 5: Votivna ara za Stanovitno Usodo (Fortuna Stabilis) (CIL III 5156a) Fig. 5: Votive altar for Fortuna Stabilis (CIL III 5156a) Sl. 4: Votivna ara za Najboljšega in Največjega Jupitra (CIL III 11697) Fig. 4: Votive altar for Jupiter, Best and Greatest (CIL III 11697) 6 To je le ena izmed možnosti prevoda in s tem razumevanja tega napisa, ki je osnovan na nepravilnem besednem redu. In urbe sacra namreč ni odvisno od regressus, temveč od peregri- Fortunae Stabili. Pro salute domino= rum n(ostrorum) 5 imp(eratorum) L(uci) Septimi Severi= i! Pertinacis et M(arci) Aur(eli) Antonini Aug(ustorum) [[ et P(ublii) Sept(imii) Getae ]]. Ulp(ius) Valerianus c(enturio) leg(ionis) X G(eminae). Prevod: Stanovitni Usodi. Za blagor naših vzvišenih gospodov imperatorjev Lucija Septimija Severa Pertinaksa, Marka Avrelija Antonina in Publija Septimija Gete je postavil Ulpij Valerijan, centurion Desete dvojne legije. Objave: CIL III 5156 a + p. 1830; AIJ 42; ILS 3712; Kult 46; ILLPRON 1617. Datacija: med 197 in 211. 10. Nagrobna stela za Avrelija Gajana (sl. 6) D(is) m(anibus). Aur(elio) Gaiano, cives Surus, dec(urioni) Ital(icae) o(bito) an(norum) L et Aur(elio) 5 Maximo nepoti o(bito) an(norum) XXXV. C(aius) Gaia= nus et Aur(elius) Granus faciendum quraerun(t)!. Prevod: Božanskim Manom. Avreliju Gajanu, sirske narodnosti, dekurionu italske legije, ki je umrl star 50 let, in nečaku (vnuku) Avreliju Ma-ksimu, ki je umrl star 35 let. Gaj Gajan in Avrelij Gran sta poskrbela za postavitev. Objave: ILJug 389; ILLPRON 1601. Datacija: 3. st. Sl. 6: Nagrobna stela za Avrelija Gajana (ILJug 389) Fig. 6: Funerary stele for Aurelius Gaianus (ILJug 389) Messia Quartina pa= rentes fecerunt. 11. Nagrobna stela za Avrelija Justina (sl. 7) D(is) M(anibus). Aur(elio) Iustino militi leg(ionis) II Ital(icae), o(bito) in exp(editione) Daccisca an(norum) XXIII, Aur(elius) Verinus vet(eranus) et Prevod: Božanskim Manom. Avreliju Justinu, vojaku Druge italske legije, ki je umrl star 23 let na dačanskem pohodu, sta postavila nagrobnik starša Avrelij Verin, veteran, in Mesija Kvartina. Objave: CIL III 5218 + p. 1830 = 11691; AIJ 45; ILS 2309; ILLPRON 1679; Kolšek 1967, 31, sl. 22; Petrovitsch 2006, Nsl. 07 (196-197). Datacija: 3. st. nationis expeditionem (ne expeditionum), prim. še Galdi 2004, 249-250. Ta razlaga se zdi najverjetnejša tudi zaradi konteksta, v katerega lahko postavimo pretorijance. Iz samega napisa pa bi lahko sklepali tudi na drugačen scenarij. Barbij Finit naj bi se namreč vrnil v sveto mesto (beremo lahko tudi in urbem sacram), zaradi opravljene vojaške službe pa postavil oltar. Zakaj bi pretorijanec postavil oltar v provinci in se potem vrnil v sveto mesto, ni jasno. Prevod in razlaga napisa brez konteksta, ki narekuje branje po "pesniškem" besednem redu, ni niti logična niti smiselna. 5 Sl. 1: Nagrobna stela za Avrelija Justina (CIL III 5218) Fig. 1: Funerary stele for Aurelius Iustinus (CIL III 5218) 12. Nagrobna stela za Avrelija Saturnina in njegovo družino (sl. 8) D(is) M(anibus). Aur(elio) Saturnino vet(erano) o(bito) an(norum) XLV et Aur(eliae) Secundin(a)e con(iugi) 5 o(bitae) an(norum) XXXV et Aur(elio) Se= cundino fra(tri) o(bito) an(norum) VII. Decimia Qua= eta(!) avia. Aur(elius) Crescenti= 10 nus parentibus carissimis. Sl. 8: Nagrobna stela za Avrelija Saturnina in njegovo družino (CIL III 5219) Fig. 8: Funerary stele for Aureloius Saturninus and his family (CIL III 5219) Prevod: Božanskim Manom. Veteranu Avreliju Saturninu, ki je umrl star 45 let, in njegovi soprogi Avreliji Sekundini, ki je umrla stara 35 let, ter bratu Avreliju Sekundinu, ki je umrl star sedem let. Babica Dekimija Kvieta. Avrelij Kreskentin najdražjim staršem. Objave: CIL III 5219 + p. 1830; AIJ 46; ILL-PRON 1680. Datacija: 3. st. Vojaški napisi iz zaledja (ager) Celeje7 13. Črešnjevec8 (sl. 9) Votivni napis za Viktorijo, kraljico Norejo in provinco Britanijo9 Objave: CIL III 5300; RISt 365; Kult, Incerta 38; CBFIR 246; ILLPRON 1761; Pahič 1977, 46, Čre-šnjevec 14; Petrovitsch 2006, Nst. 04 (94-95). Datacija: začetek 3. st. [Victoriae ?] [A]ug(ustae) e[t] [N]oreiae re[g(inae)] [e]t Britan(n)ia[e] [pr]ovi(n)c(iae) L(ucius) Sep[t(imius)] [T]ertinu[s] [(centurio) ?] l(egionis) II Ita(licae) p(iae) [f(idelis)] [e]x vot[o pos(uit)]. 14. Henina pri Jurkloštru (sl. 10) Nagrobnik za Gaja Vibija Sabina D(is) M(anibus) C(aius) Vibius Sab= inus veteran= us l(egionis) VMa(cedonicae) an(norum) LXVP(ublius)[Vibius ?] Paulinu= s vi(vus sc. posuit). Prevod: Vzvišeni Viktoriji, kraljici Noreji in provinci Britaniji. Lucij Septimij Tertin, centurion (beneficiarij?) Druge italske legije, predane in zveste, je postavil po zaobljubi. Sl. 9: Votivni napis za Viktorijo, kraljico Norejo in provinco Britanijo (CIL III 5300) Fig. 9: Votive inscription for Victoria, queen Noreia, and province Britannia (CIL III 5300) 7 Fragmentarni napis z Janževe gore pri Selnici (CIL III 6525) morebiti predstavlja še en vojaški napis, vendar je fra-gmentarnost prevelika. 8 V cerkvi sv. Mihaela v Črešnjevcu in v obzidju okoli nje je vzidanih več napisnih in nenapisnih spomenikov (15), vendar njihova prvotna provenienca ni znana. 9 Napis Pochmarski (2007, 271 št. 11) uvrsti v katalog napisov iz Flavije Solve, saj natančna meja med Flavijo Solvo in Celejo ni znana, vendar se zaradi bližine Celeji zdi verjetneje, da je Črešnjevec pripadal njej. Prevod: Božanskim Manom. Gaj Vibij Sabin, veteran Pete makedonske legije, star 65 let. Publij Vibij ? Pavlin je postavil za življenja. Sl. 10: Nagrobnik za Gaja Vibija Sabina (CIL III 5130) Fig. 10: Tombstone for Caius Vibius Sabinus (CIL III 5130) Objave: CIL III 5130; RISt 361; ILLPRON 1834. Datacija: 2. st. 5 5 Sl. 11: Nagrobnik za Bardonovega sina Boniata in njegove (AIJ 13) Fig. 11: Tombstone for Boniatus son of Bardo and his (family) (AIJ 13) 15. Hudinja pri Vitanju (sl. 11) Nagrobnik za Bardonovega sina Boniata in njegove Boniatus Bardonis (filius) v(ivus) f(ecit) s(ibi) e(t) Mog= iae Terti (filiae) an(norum) L. 5 Sept(imius) Secund= inus m(iles) le(gionis) II It= a(licae) stup(endiorum) XVan(norum) XL Aurelia Ursa an(norum) XXX. Prevod: Bardonov sin Boniat je za življenja postavil nagrobnik zase in za Tercijevo hči Mogijo, staro 50 let. Septimij Sekundin, vojak Druge italske legije, ki je odslužil 15 let vojaške službe, star 40 let, Avrelija Ursa, stara 30 let. Objave: AIJ 13; ILLPRON 1785; Pahič 1977, 48, Hudinja 2; Petrovitsch 2006, Nsl. 14 (210-211). Datacija: konec 2. st./3. st. 16. Slovenske Konjice (sl. 12) Nagrobni spomenik za Tita Julija Belika T(itus) Iulius Bellicus dec(urio) alae Asturum II, Sl. 12: Nagrobnik za Tita Julija Belika (CIL III 15202,3) Fig. 12: Tombstone for Titus Iulius Bellicus (CIL III 15205,3) dec(urio) municipi(i) Cla(udiae) Celeiae t(estamento) f(ieri) i(ussit). 5 Ti(berius) Iulius Frontonis f(ilius) Civis frater et heres fecit. Prevod: Tit Julij Belik, dekurion Druge ale Asturov, dekurion klavdijskega municipija Celeje, je z oporoko določil postavitev nagrobnika. Napravil ga je brat in dedič Frontonov sin, Tiberij Julij Civis. Objave: CIL III 152053; AIJ 82; Wedenig 1997, 136, C 27; ILLPRON 1887; Pahič 1977, 55, Slovenske Konjice 3. Datacija: 1. st. 17. Stari trg (Slovenj Gradec) (sl. 13) Nagrobna plošča za Rufijo Krispino in Lucija Menavdonija Sl. 13: Nagrobna plošča (AIJ 9) Fig. 13: Funerary slab (AIJ 9) 5 L(ucius) Appuleiu[s - - -] [>(centurio)? le]g(ionis) X G(eminae) [p(iae)] fid(elis) [- - -] II v[ir] iur(e) d[ic(undo) — et - - -] Rufiae Crispin[ae - - -] et L(ucio) Menaudonio [- - -] Prevod: Lucij Apulej, centurion (?) Desete dvojne, predane in zveste legije, eden od obeh županov Klavdije Celeje?, (je postavil nagrobnik) Rufiji Krispini in Luciju Menavdoniju. Objave: AIJ 9; RISt 380; Pahič 1977, 56, Stari trg 2; ILLPRON 1911; Wedenig 1997, 146-148, C 37; Visočnik 2006, 380-381, št. 22. Datacija: 2. st. 18. Šentvid pri Završah (sl. 14) Nagrobna stela za Julijo Kalandino in njenega soproga D(is) M(anibus). Iul(ia) Calandina vi(va) f(ecit) si(bi) et Sacroni(o) Verino con(iugi) kar(issimo) vet(erano) leg(ionis) IIIta(licae). Custos ar-5 mor(um) o(biit) an(norum) L. Prevod: Božanskim Manom. Julija Kalandina je za časa življenja postavila (stelo) sebi in Sakroniju Verinu, najdražjemu soprogu, veteranu Druge italske legije, orožarju, ki je umrl star 50 let. Objave: CIL III 5106; AIJ 11; ILLPRON 1980; Pahič 1977, 61, Završe 1; ANSl 274; Petrovitsch 2006, Nsl. 13 (208-209); Visočnik 2006, 370-371, št. 7. Sl. 14: Nagrobna stela za Julijo Kalandino in njenega moža (CIL III 5106) Fig. 14: Funerary stele for Iulia Calandina and her husband (CIL III 5106) Datacija: med leti 175-185. 19. Trbovlje (sl. 15) Sarkofag za Vibija Sekunda in njegovo družino D(is) M(anibus). Vibius Secundus Sl. 15: Sprednja stena sarkofaga za Vibija Sekunda in njegovo družino (CIL III 5142) Fig. 15: Front panel of the sarcophagus for Vibius Secundus and his family (CIL III 5142) veteranus an(norum) C f(ecit) v(ivus) s(ibi) et s(uis). Cerula Tutori(s filia) an(norum) LXXXX, Vibia Avita an(norum) XXII, 5 Valeria Marcellina ob(ita) an(norum) XXII. Prevod: Božanskim Manom. Veteran Vibij Sekund, star 100 let, je za časa življenja postavil nagrobnik zase in za svoje. Tutorjeva hči Cerula, stara 90 let, Vibija Avita, stara 22 let, in Valerija Marcelina, umrla stara 22 let. Objave: CIL III 5142 + p. 1828; AIJ 21; ILLPRON 1927; Lovenjak 1997, 65, sl. 2. Datacija: konec 2. st./3. st. 20. Vrba pri Dobrni (sl. 16) Nagrobna stela za Avrelija Viktorja D(is) M(anibus). Aur(elius) Victor mil(es) leg(ionis) II Ita(licae) bello deside= ratus hoste Gutica 5 an(norum) XXX Aur(elia) Lupula con(iugi) karissimo f(ecit). Prevod: Božanskim Manom. Najdražjemu soprogu, vojaku Druge italske legije, Avreliju Viktorju, ki je pogrešan od vojne z gotskim sovražnikom, staremu 30 let, je (nagrobnik) postavila Avrelija Lupula. Objave: CIL III 11700; AIJ 10; ILLPRON 1770; Petrovitsch 2006, Nsl. 12 (206-207). Datacija: 2. pol. 3. st. 21. Zgornje Dovže (sl. 17) Nagrobni napis za Vibena in njegovo družino Vibenu[s] Vindonis [f.] v(ivus) f(ecit) s(ibi) et Secconi[ae] Vetullae con[iugi] 5 pientissimae an[nor(um)?...] et Secconio Vibio [fil(io)] mil(iti) c(o)hor(tis) IIpraet(oriae) a X[....] et Secconio eqis [-?]/ Urso[-?] Victori annor(um) [-] 10 et Seneciano Sever[o-?]/ mil[iti? -] Vi[b]eni fil(io) an[nor(um) -] r-IATVRMf-l [-]ONII-] [---]? Sl. 16: Nagrobna stela za Avrelija Viktorja in njegovo soprogo (CIL III 11700) Fig. 16: Funerary stele for Aurelius Victor and his wife (CIL III 11700) Prevod: Viben, Vindonov sin, je za življenja postavil (nagrobnik) sebi in Sekoniji Vetuli, najbolj predani ženi, stari ... , in sinu Sekoniju Vibiju, vojaku Druge pretorijanske kohorte, staremu ... let, in Sekoniju (?) Viktorju, staremu (?), in Seneki-janu, Vibenovemu sinu, staremu ..., in konjskemu hlapcu Ursu ter vojaku Severju _?.10 10 V osmi in deseti vrstici sta v širini vrstice vpisani besedi Eqis [-?]/ Ursof-?] in Severfo-?]/ mil[iti? -J, ki sta bili najverjetneje vgravirani naknadno. Prim. Visočnik 2006, 368, št. 4. in Šašel Kos 2001, 200. Sl. 17: Nagrobnik za Vibena in njegovo družino (CIL III 5105) Fig. 17: Tomstone for Vibenus and his family (CIL III 5105) Sl. 18: Torzo vojaškega oficirja iz Celja Fig. 18: Torso of an officer from Celje Objave: CIL III 5105, ILLPRON 1775; Pahič 1977, 47, Dovže 1, sl. 7; Visočnik 2006, 367-368, št. 4. Datacija: 2. pol. 1. st./2. st. Vojaški kipi 22. Torzo vojaškega oficirja (sl. 18) Opis: Odlomek kipa v oklepu je slabo ohranjen, a še razpoznaven. Dimenzije ohranjenega torza govorijo o njegovi nadnaravni velikosti, vendar je ohranjen le oklep z okroglim izrezom (brez glave in vratu). Objava: Kolšek 1994, 31-33 (sl. 1-4). Datacija: natančna datacija ni mogoča, vendar lahko sklepamo, da gre za zgodnji izdelek domačih kamnoseških delavnic. 23. "Noriški vojak" (sl. 19) Opis: Primer plastike v oklepu, ki lahko predstavlja noriškega visokega oficirja in/ali visokega uradnika. Oklep je skoraj brez okrasja, kar govori o poznem nastanku plastike. Objava: Kolšek 1994, 33 (sl. 6). Datacija: konec 3. st./začetek 4. st. 24. Torzo vojaškega oficirja iz Zagrada (sl. 20) Opis: Kip iz marmorja v naravni velikosti upodablja nižjega vojaškega oficirja (centurio ?), ki je oblečen v tuniko, čez ramena in hrbet pa mu sega težek vojaški plašč. Prsi mu pokriva spodaj listasto narezan oklep, ob levem boku nosi meč, ki je pritrjen na širok službeni pas. Na prsih je vidno tudi odlikovanje. Objava: Djura Jelenko 2006, 352-353, št. 10 (sl. 9). Datacija: najverjetneje sodi v konec 3. st. Beneficiarski napisi 31 beneficiarskih napisov, ki jih navajam le tabelarično (tab. 1 in 2), precej spremeni podobo vojaških napisov v Celeji; močno se poveča odstotek predstavnikov Druge italske legije zaradi konzularjevih beneficiarijev. Beneficiarije v Celeji delimo na dve veliki skupini: na prokuratorjeve (do markomanskih vojn) in konzularjeve, ko provinco ni več upravljal prokurator, temveč legat. Sl. 19: "Noriški vojak" Fig. 19: "Norican soldier" Sl. 20: Torzo vojaškega oficirja iz Zagrada Fig. 20: Torso of an officer from Zagrad Beneficiarski napisi v Celeji, od tega jih je dve tretjini iz prvega obdobja, potrjuje poseben položaj mesta. Zanimiva je primerjava s številom tovrstnih napisov v Virunu, noriškem glavnem mestu, kjer jih je le tretjina.11 Vloga beneficiarijev v rimskem imperiju (v upravi in vojski) še ni popolnoma pojasnjena, vendar ni sporno, da so opravljali upravno-policijske naloge.12 11 Prim. epigrafski bazi: Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg. http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/institute/sonst/adw/ edh/ in Epigraphik - Datenbank Clauss - Slaby. http://www. manfredclauss.de/ [zadnji dostop: 1. 8. 2008]. 12 Prim. Ott 1995, 113-155 (za naloge beneficiarijev). Obstoj njihove postaje ter število ohranjenih napisov v Celeji gotovo nista brez pomena. Povezati bi jih mogli s pomembno vlogo Celeje predvsem v prvi fazi roma-nizacije (1. st. in prva pol. 2. st).13 Morda bi na osnovi tega lahko sklepali na izreden pomen Celeje v 1. st. in možnost, da bi v tem obdobju imela vlogo glavnega mesta. Tudi po prestavitvi sedeža prokuratorja v Virun ne bi bilo izključeno, da so v mestu ostali pomembni uradi, ki bi jih lahko opravljali beneficiariji. Lazar 2002, 71-101; Scherrer 2002, 11-70. Tab. 1: Prokuratorjevi beneficiariji v Celeji. Tab. 1: Procurator's beneficiarii in Celeia (see page 351 for English version). Beneficiarij Datacija (CBFIR) Prokurator* Objava Surus 110 Memmius Apolinaris CBFIR 222; CIL III 5179 Antonius Maximus 2. ali 3. desetletje 2. st. Q. Caecilius Redditus CBFIR 238; CIL III 5163 L. Messius Frontinus 120 do neposredno po 135 C. Censorius Niger CBFIR 223; CIL III 5174 M. Ulpius Crescens 120-130 C. Censorius Niger CBFIR 225; CIL III 5181 Nonius? Primus okoli 140 Plautius Caesianus CBFIR 239; CIL III 5177 Masclinius Successus 1. pol. 2. st. C. Antistius Auspex CBFIR 231; CIL III 5173 Augustanus 1. pol. 2. st. C. Rasinius Silo CBFIR 226; CIL III 5165 Gemellius Adiutor 1. pol. 2. st. Drusius Proculus CBFIR 244; CIL III 5170 Q. Crescentius Marcellus 1. pol. 2. st. Q. Lisinius Sabinus CBFIR 235; CIL III 5167 T. Flavius Dubitatus 1. pol. 2. st. Q. Lisinius Sabinus CBFIR 236; CIL III 5168 C. Mustius Tettianus 1. pol. 2. st. Lisinius Sabinus CBFIR 237; CIL III 5176 CBFIR 240; CIL III 5175 Lucilius Finitus okoli 152-153 Flavius Titianus CBFIR 224; CIL III 5172 C. An(t)onius Valens 152-153 Flavius Titianus CBFIR 243; CIL III 5164 C. Fuscinius Catullus 154-158 Ulpius Victor CBFIR 234; CIL III 5169 Adnamius Flavinus okoli 158 Ulpius Victor CBFIR 220; CIL III 5161 Adnamius Flavinus okoli 158 Usenius Secundus CBFIR 221; CIL III 5162 Q. Kaninius Lucanus 158 Usenius Secundus CBFIR 242; CIL III 5166 Licinius Hilarus okoli 160 M. Bassaeus Rufus CBFIR 241; CIL III 5171 čas Antonina Pija? Caecilius luventianus CIL III 5182 * Za nova dognanja (predvsem natančne datacije) o prezidialnih prokuratorjih glej Winkler 2005, 435-442; ker odstopanja od CBFIR niso velika, v tabeli navajam ustaljene datacije. Tab. 2: Konzularjevi beneficiariji v Celeji. Tab. 2: Consular's beneficiarii in Celeia (see page 352 for English version). Beneficiarij Status Datacija (CBFIR) Objava Rufius Senilis konzularjev beneficiarij konec 2. st.-začetek 3. st. CBFIR 229; CIL III 5188 Flavius Decoratianus beneficiarij konec 2. st.-začetek 3. st. CBFIR 245; CIL III 5221 M. Ulpius Acilianus konzularjev beneficiarij Druge italske legije konec 2. st.-3. st. CBFIR 233; CIL III 5180 Q. Sextius Pullaenius konzularjev beneficiarij Druge italske legije 192 CBFIR 232; CIL III 5178 C. Licinius Bellicianus konzularjev beneficiarij Druge italske legije, predane in zveste 13. december 211 CBFIR 228; CIL III 5187 P. Aelius Verinus beneficiarij 213 CBFIR 218; CIL III 5154 Vibius Cassius Victorinus konzularjev beneficiarij Druge italske legije, predane, zveste in antoninske 215 CBFIR 227; CIL III 5185 M. Aurelius Iustus konzularjev beneficiarij Druge italske legije, predane in zveste 217 CBFIR 230; CIL III 5189 Aurelius Paterclus beneficiarij 3. st. CBFIR 219; CIL III 5160 ??? Quintianus konzularjev beneficiarij konec 2. st.-začetek 3. st. CBFIR 266; CIL III 11676; RINMS 107 konzularjev beneficiarij ? Lovenjak 2003, 343, št. 11 (sl. 11) OBLIKA NAPISOV (AGER IN MESTO, PRIMERJAVA) Večino vojaških napisov Celeje in njenega zaledja predstavljajo nagrobniki, med katerimi je največ nagrobnih plošč, pojavljajo pa se tudi stele in v agru en sarkofag (št. 19). Nagrobnih stel kot oblike bolje izdelanega nagrobnika z reliefno upodobitvijo je po pričakovanjih več v mestu (tri: št. 10, 11, 12), v agru je namreč samo ena (št. 20). Vojaki, Tab. 3: Predstavniki vojske v mestu. Tab. 3: Military representatives in the town (see page 352 for English version). Ime vojaka Funkcija, vojaška enota Datacija Objava Centuriones Lucius Cassius Maximus centurio legionis VI Ferratae 90-96 CIL III 13524; Lovenjak 2003, 336-338, št. 6 (sl. 6) Ulpius Valerianus centurio legionis X Geminae ok. 200 CIL III 5156a Lucius Dindius Respectus centurio legionis XIII Geminae 1. st. CIL III 5223 Praetoriani Publius Dindius Speratus centurio speclatorum augustorum 1. st. CIL III 5223 Ennius Secundianus eques VII praetoriae 2. st. CIL III 5222 Barbius Fintus miles cohortis I praetoriae 2. pol. 2. st./ začetek 3. st. CIL III 11697 Decuriones Aurelius Gaianus cives Surus decurio Italicae 3. st. ILJug 389 Caius Iulius Ursinus decurio alae I Commagenorum 2. st. Kremer 2001, Kat. I 35a Miles Aurelius Iustinus miles legionis II Italicae 3. st. CIL III 5218 Veterani Aurelius Verinus veteranus 3. st. CIL III 5218 Aurelius Saturninus veteranus 3. st. CIL III 5219 Caius Iunius Isaeus veteranus ex decurione alae I Commagenorum 2. st. CIL III 5224 Lucius Braetius L F Publius Verona veteranus legionis VIII Augustae 1. st. CIL III 5220 njihove funkcije in enote, v katerih so službovali, se pojavljajo tudi na votivnih spomenikih, vendar gre le za posamezne primere: en primer v agru (št. 13), dva v mestu (št. 8 in 9). Napis št. 13 iz Črešnjevca, ki je posvečen boginji Viktoriji, kraljici Noreji in provinci Britaniji, kaže na vojakovo službovanje v Britaniji.14 V mestu je en votivni spomenik posvečen Jupitru (št. 8), drugi pa Stanovitni Usodi (Fortunae Stabili) - št. 9. Omenjena božanstva niso bila izbrana naključno, saj se vsa lepo vklapljajo v svet vojaštva. Vojaki in uradniki kot del državnega aparata so se namreč pogosto priporočali prav Jupitru kot vrhovnemu državnemu božanstvu. Vojakova želja po stanovitni usodi -sreči (predvsem v smislu ugodne usode, varovanja na bojnem polju), prav tako ne preseneča. Če bi v obravnavo pritegnili še beneficiarske napise, bi se delež votivnih ar bistveno spremenil. Beneficiariji so namreč pogosto postavljali oltarje, na katerih so se priporočali uradnim božanstvom, predvsem Jupitru, Eponi, Celeji in Noreji, ki so v večini primerov označeni s pridevnikom augustus.15 Vojaki 14 Za vojaške vezi med Norikom in Britanijo prim. Birley 1952, 284-297; Birley 1985, 298-303. 15 Pridevnik augustus je znamenje, da gre za uradno priznan in municipalno pomemben kult, ne glede na to, če so bila božanstva lokalno zelo omejena. Za posvetitelje spomenikov uradnim pa so izpričani tudi kot posvetitelji počastitvenih napisov (št. 3, 4); št. 3 in 4 bi lahko opredelili tudi za cesarska napisa. Lucij Kasij Maksim, centurion Šeste železne legije, je namreč posvetitelj napisa za Julijo in Domicijo (št. 3) ter napisa za pripadnico višjega sloja, čeprav sicer neznano, Julijo Procilo (št. 4). Ko govorimo o obliki napisnih spomenikov, je treba omeniti še tri velike vojaške plastike: torzo v oklepu iz zgodnje dobe (št. 22 - 1. st.), torzo vojaškega oficirja iz Zagrada (št. 24 - konec 3. st.), ter t. i. noriškega vojaka iz pozne dobe (št. 23 - 3./4. st.). Kipom so nekoč pripadale baze, ki so bile zelo verjetno opremljene z napisom in postavljene na javnih mestih. Vojaški napisi v mestu (tab. 3) Iz mesta je znanih dvanajst vojaških napisov in dve vojaški skulpturi. Na štirih spomenikih so izpričani veterani, pri tem sta v dveh primerih enoti navedeni (katalog, št. 1 in 6), in v dveh ne (št. 11 municipalnim božanstvom je pričakovati, da so polnopravni rimski državljani, glej Clauss 1999, 280-289. in 12). V mestu je izpričan samo en navaden vojak (št. 11), oznaka miles pa se pojavi še pri pretori-jancu Barbiju Finitu (št. 8). Izpričana sta še dva pretorijanca: prvi je sodeloval v konjeniški enoti (eques VIIpraetoriae) (št. 7), drugi je poveljeval izvidnikom (speculatores) (št. 2). V mestu se funkcija centuriona pojavi v petih primerih (št. 2, 3, 4 in 9), s tem da je na napisu št. 3 izpričana dvakrat za isto osebo in da se prav ta oseba ponovi še na napisu št. 4. Centurion Lucij Kasij Maksim je namreč svojo službo opravljal v Šesti železni legiji. Na napisu št. 2 sta omenjena dva centuriona, brata Dindija, enega smo že omenili zgoraj kot poveljnika elitne enote pretorijancev, drugi je bil centurion v Trinajsti dvojni legiji. Dekurioni so v mestu izpričani na treh napisih (št. 5, 6 in 10); samo pri Gaju Juliju Ursinu (št. 5) sta funkcija in enota nevedeni popolnoma nedvoumno: poveljeval je namreč turmi v Prvi ali Komagenov. V isti enoti je vojaščino odslužil Gaj Junij Isej (št. 6). Kot dekurion italske (legije ?) je opredeljen Avrelij Gajan (št. 10). Njegova funkcija in enota sta podani ohlapno, vendar najverjetneje gre za oficirja Druge italske legije, ki je poveljeval konjeniškemu oddelku v tej legiji.16 Izstopa pa tudi po tem, da je naveden njegov izvor (origo): cives Surus. Družina Avrelija Gajana se je verjetno priselila z vzhoda po markomanskih vojnah. Med vojaškimi napisi Celeje izstopata počasti-tveni plošči (št. 3 in 4), ki nista samo počastitveni, ena od njiju je cesarskega značaja. Na obeh je omenjena Šesta železna legija, ki se je bojevala za Vespazijana v Italiji, a se je kmalu vrnila v Sirijo, kjer je bila stacionirana že prej (Raphaneae ali Samosata). V času tega pohoda v Italijo, ko je kar nekaj časa prebila tudi na Balkanu, bi lahko bil rekrutiran centurion Lucij Kasij Maksim. Najpozneje leta 119 se je legija premaknila v Arabijo in od tam leta 123 v Judejo (Caparcotna). Septimij Sever ji je zaradi podpore v boju proti Gaju Pe-sceniju Nigru podelil naziva fidelis in constans.17 Kot kaže njegovo volilno okrožje (Claudia), je bil Lucij Kasij Maksim verjetno po rodu iz Celeje. Za postavitev dveh počastitvenih plošč je poskrbel njegov domnevni osvobojenec: Lucius Cassius Eudaemon. Plošči je mogoče datirati razmeroma natančno s pomočjo omemb pripadnic cesarske družine (na eni od njiju): božanske Julije, hčere cesarja Tita, in Domicije Avguste, žene cesarja Domicijana. Spomenik lahko datiramo med leti 90, ko je umrla Julija (zato diva), in 96, ko je umrla Domicija, kar bi potrjevalo čas zgoraj omenjene rekrutacije.18 Okoliščine, zaradi katerih je ti plošči postavil, niso povsem jasne. Avrelij Saturnin (št. 12) je bil sodeč po imenih članov njegove družine domačin, ki mu je sin postavil nagrobnik; vojaške enote ni navedel, morda je šlo za noriško Drugo italsko legijo. Veteran Avrelij Verin (št. 11) je postavil nagrobno stelo za svojega sina Avrelija Justina, ki je služil v Drugi italski legiji in umrl star komaj 23 let v eni izmed dačanskih odprav.19 Tudi družina teh Avrelijev je živela v Celeji. Oblika Daccisca je nenavadna, saj bi pričakovali običajno, izpeljano iz pridevnika Dacicus, a se je očitno spremenila pod vplivom grških pridevnikov in samostalnikov na -isko~.20 Katerega pohoda proti Dačanom se je umrli udeležil, ni popolnoma jasno, a se je to moralo dogoditi konec 2. st. ali v 3. st., kar nakazujeta slog spomenika in ime Aurelius. Morda je Avrelij Justin sodeloval v pohodu Maksimina Tračana (236).21 Lucius Braetius Publius (št. 1) iz Verone je bil veteran legije Osme avguste, ki je imela po letu 9 po Kr. svoj tabor v Petovioni (Panonija), po letu 45 pa v kraju Novae v Meziji. Leta 69 je podprla Vespazijana in se pod Cerialisom bojevala proti Batavijcem. Zatem je bila nameščena v mestu Argentorate (Strasbourg). Naziv Augusta je najverjetneje posledica neke zmage, ki jo je legija dosegla pod Avgustom.22 Veteranovo osebno ime sicer ni izpisano v celoti, a je najverjetneje, da gre za ime Publius.23 Izviral je iz Verone, vendar si je v Celeji ustvaril družino, na kar lahko sklepamo na osnovi avtohtonega ženskega imena, ki se nahaja na napisu (Magiona Verulli f(ilia)). Imena ter okrajšave na napisu govorijo v prid njegovemu zgodnjemu nastanku, tako bi ga verjetno lahko povezali s časom, ko je bila njegova legija stacio-nirana v Petovioni. Centurion Desete dvojne legije (št. 9) Ulpij Valerijan je postavil oltar Stanovitni Usodi za blagor cesarjev Septimija Severa, Karakale in Gete, katerega ime je odklesano (damnatio memoriae). 16 RE IV.2, 1901, 2352. 17 RE XII.2 1925, 1587-1596; Cotton 2000, 351-357. Za zgodovino legije glej še Kennedy 1980, 283-309 in Dobrova 1996, 277-296 (posebej 285-288). 18 Natančno je leta 1992 najdeno ploščo komentiral Lovenjak 2003, 336-338, št. 6. 19 Morda še ena družina, ki se je specializirala za vojaški poklic. 20 Prim. Galdi 2006, 295, več deviacij, ki so nastale zaradi vpliva grščine oziroma dvojezičnosti, je mogoče opaziti v Meziji, Daciji in drugih bližnjih provincah, ki so bile grški kulturi bolj izpostavljene. 21 Petrovitsch 2006, 196. 22 RE XII.2 1925, 1642-1664 ; Redde 2000, 119-126. 23 Prim. Onomasticon III, 169-170: Publicius ali Publilius sta kot osebni imeni še manj verjetni kot ime Publius. Zaradi omembe cesarjev je napis mogoče datirati, nekako med leti 197, ko je bil Karakali podeljen naziv augustus in Geti caesar, in 211, ko je umrl Septimij Sever.24 Pri veteranu z oznako ex decurione (št. 6) lahko na napisu opazimo več zanimivosti. Gaja Junija sta bila brata in na osnovi njunih osebnih imen (cognomina) lahko sodimo, da sta se priselila z vzhoda, čeprav napis ne vsebuje izrecne navedbe izvora (origo). Zaj^c za Junije predvideva, da so prišli z vzhoda, konkreten dokaz bi naj bili dve imeni grškega izvora, ki se pojavita na napisu: Nicander in Afrodisia.25 Isaeus26 in Nicander sta bila prav gotovo brata, ime očeta pa žal ni več ohranjeno. Oče bi lahko bil veteran v enoti ala I Commagenorum, ki se je okoli leta 72 še mudila na vzhodu, od 106 naprej pa je izpričana v Noriku.27 Prvo alo Komagenov so najverjetneje v Norik poslali že v času cesarja Domicijana. Stacionirana je bila v Komageni (Commagena - Tulln), ki je svoje ime dobila po tej enoti.28 Pretorijanci v Celeji V Rimu in Italiji je bilo pod Avgustom nameščenih devet pretorijanskih kohort, ena morda celo v Akvileji.29 Pretorijancem sta načelovala dva prefekta pretorija, posameznim kohortam pa tribuni. V primerjavi z drugimi vojaki so imeli pretorijanci privilegiran položaj, saj so bili bolje plačani, njihova vojaška obveznost pa je trajala samo 16 let. Od Vespaziana dalje je bilo v Rimu nameščenih deset pretorijanskih kohort pod poveljstvom enega prefekta pretorija. Ker je vsaka štela 500 ali celo 1000 vojakov, so predstavljali pomembno vojaško silo v glavnem mestu. Politična vloga teh kohort in njihovega poveljnika je bila velika in občasno so celo soodločali pri izbiri cesarja V Prvi pretorijanski kohorti (Cohors I praeto-ria) je služboval Barbij Finit (št. 8), ki je postavil oltar Jupitru, ker se je srečno vrnil s službovanja v svetem mestu. Svojo službo je očitno opravljal kot pretorijanec v Rimu. Rim se sveto mesto ni 24 Več o sami legiji najdeš pri napisih iz agra. 25 Prim. Zajqc 1978, 73-74. 26 Onomasticon II, 197. 27 Prim. Zajqc 1978, 73-74. 28 Ott 1997, 108. Holder 1980, 112, pa pravi, da so enoto ustanovili v Siriji v času med vladanjem Avgusta in Klavdija. Prim. še Ubl 2005, 108, vojaška enota je bila tisoččlanska in sestavljena iz lokostrelcev. 29 Prim. Keppie 2000a, 99-122; Passerini 1939; Durry 1938. imenoval pred obdobjem cesarja Hadrijana,30 kar pomeni, da obstaja vsaj terminus post quem za datiranje. Najverjetneje je v Sedmi pretorijanski kohorti (cohors (?) VIIpraetoria) svojo službo kot konjenik (eques) opravljal Enij Sekundijan (št. 7), ki je glede na navedeno starost na nagrobniku očitno ni dokončal, saj je umrl star 25 let. Napis št. 2 sta postavila brata Lucij in Publij, ki sta oba bila centuriona, kar kaže, da je šlo za vojaško usmerjeno družino. Publij je poveljeval elitni enoti pretorijancev; Lucij pa centuriji v Trinajsti dvojni legiji. Ker je oznaki funkcije (speculatores - telesni stražarji, izvidniki) dodan še pridevnik augusti, lahko sklepamo, da je Pu-blij Dindij Sperat služil med pretorijanci, ki so varovali cesarja.31 Poveljnik speculatores je imel naziv centurio speculator,^2 kar je očitno funkcija, ki jo je opravljal Publij Dindij Sperat. Tristotim pripadnikom posebne enote pretorijanske garde so namreč zaupali še posebej pomembno nalogo cesarjevih telesnih stražarjev.33 Speculatores pa so lahko bili tudi telesni stražaji upravnikov provinc; izpričani so v številnih provincah, med drugim tudi v Panoniji in Dalmaciji. Gentilno ime Dindius ni pogosto, saj se v Noriku pojavi samo na tem napisu;34 v neposredni bližini so Dindiji izpričani še v Kamniku, Emoni in Akvileji, medtem ko družina prvotno izvira iz mesta Preneste v srednji Italiji. V bližnji Akvileji, od koder so se selili naprej na naše ozemlje, so Dindiji razmeroma dobro izpriča-ni.35 Dindija na našem napisu najbrž predstavljata drugo generacijo priseljenih predstavnikov te družine. Materin gentilicij Gavia je latinsko ime, ki je sicer največkrat izpričan v Italiji, a se pojavlja tudi drugje.36 Osebno ime Viruna, ki je izpričano samo v tem primeru, pa je verjetno izpeljano iz imena municipija Virunum, zato bi lahko sklepali na avtohtono poreklo.37 Nastanek napisa bi morda lahko povezali z obdobjem, ko je bila Trinajsta dvojna legija v Petovioni, torej z drugo pol. 1. st.38 Po bitki pri Akciju je delovala v Iliriku, od tam so jo prestavili na Ren (9 po Kr.) in končno v Vindoniso (Germania superior). V času Klavdija 30 Friedländer 1922 (1979) I, 32: ta oznaka se je razširila od 3. st. naprej. 31 Prim. CIL III 5223. 32 Domaszewski, Dobson 1967, 99. 33 Domaszewski, Dobson 1967, 20. 34 Onomasticon II, 100. 35 Šašel 1981, 337-342 (= Opera selecta 1992, 146-151); Šašel Kos 1984, 253. 36 Von Hüttenbach 1989, 81; Onomasticon II, 162. 37 Onomasticon IV, 175. Šašel Kos 2001, 193. 38 Iz bližnje Petovione bi lahko eden od obeh sinov (v imenu obeh) poskrbel za postavitev nagrobnika. (45/46) je prišla v Petoviono, kjer je nasledila Osmo legijo avgusto in tam ostala do okoli leta 90, ko jo je Domicijan poslal v Vindobono.39 Morda se je bojevala že v prvi Trajanovi vojni proti Dača-nom, gotovo pa je sodelovala v drugi. Ostala je v novoustanovljeni provinci Daciji, kjer je imela svoj tabor v kraju Apulum. Ko so se Rimljani umaknili iz Dacije (274/275), je bila premeščena v novo provinco Obrežno Dacijo (Ratiaria).40 V celejskem agru je izpričan samo en predstavnik pretorijancev, in sicer iz Druge kohorte, ki je omenjen na napisu iz Zgornjih Dovž (št. 21). Njegovo ime Secconius je psevdogentilicij, izpeljan je iz keltskega korena: Secco-. V osmi in deseti vrstici sta v širini vrstice vpisani dve besedi, ki sta bili najverjetneje vgravirani naknadno, povezava z ostalim napisom namreč ni jasna. Oba poznejša vpisa lahko povežemo z vojaškim življenjem; equis lahko stoji namesto eques (konjenik) ali še verjetneje namesto equiso (konjski hlapec), kar se nanaša na osebo z imenom Urso. V drugem primeru je imenu Severus dodana oznaka miles, torej vojaku Severju.41 Rimsko državljanstvo je bilo pogoj za vstop v legijo; pretorijance pa so med drugim novačili tudi iz legij.42 Družinsko ime vojaka Druge pretorijanske kohorte ni latinsko, temveč gre za psevdogentilicij, ki je keltskega izvora (št. 21). Ta pretorijanec je bil verjetno avtohtonega izvora (prim. Secco-). Dolgo časa je veljalo prepričanje, da so pretorijance v zgodnjem obdobju rekrutirali le iz Italije, od začetka 2. st. naprej tudi že iz nekaterih provinc, med njimi tudi iz Norika, od Septimija Severa dalje pa so bili predvsem iz Panonije.43 Če je okvirna datacija napisa s psevdogentilicijem točna, so pretorijance iz Norika morda rekrutirali že v 1. st. - št. 18. Za veterane so se uporabljale tudi druge besede ali besedne zveze: dimissi honesta missione, emissi, missici, emeriti, evocati ali exauctorati. Po odpustu so postali honestiores, zato so lahko dobili pomembna mesta v lokalni upravi, udejstvovali pa so se tudi v gospodarstvu, trgovini, nekateri so opravljali svečeniške funkcije. Tri osebe so na nagrobnikih označene kot miles. Dva vojaka sta svoje služenje opravila v najbližji Drugi italski legiji (št. 15 in 20), tretji je služboval kot pretorijanec v Drugi pretorijanski kohorti (št. 21). Preostali so posamezniki, ki so dosegli nekoliko višje funkcije: centurio in decurio. Med tremi sta dva centuriona, od katerih je prvi deloval v Drugi italski legiji (št. 13), drugi pa je služboval v Deseti dvojni (št. 17), dekurion je poveljeval v Drugi ali Asturov (št. 16). Poleg predstavnikov senatorskega in viteškega reda so bili centurioni (centuriones) v rimski vojski najpomembnejši oficirji. Predvideva se celo, da so centurione povzdignili v viteški red, a je verjetneje, da so bili tega privilegija deležni samo primi pili.44 Nabor za pomožne čete so izvajali med peregrini, ki so si z opravljeno službo (25 let) prislužili določene pravice in ugodnosti, med drugim tudi rimsko državljanstvo.45 Za poveljnike pomožnih čet, ki naj bi v večini primerov izvirali iz Italije,46 in druge višje oficirje v pomožnih četah (auxilia) je rimsko državljanstvo pričakovano. Tit Julij Belik (št. 16) je bil dekurion v ali, kjer je poveljeval eni turmi (turma).47 Potem ko je Tit Julij Belik svojo vojaško službo končal, je kariero nadaljeval v municipalni upravi, saj je postal dekurion, torej član mestnega sveta (ordo decurionum).4^ Nagrobni spomenik priča o bogastvu družine, saj mu je njegov brat in obenem dedič postavil zavidljiv spomenik. Vojaški napisi na območju celejskega agra (tab. 4) Druga italska legija je bila ves čas obstoja v Noriku; svojo pot je začela prav v celejskem agru, zato na območju Celeje (ager in mesto) srečujemo S celejskega agra izvira deset vojaških napisov oziroma deset oseb, ki so opravljale vojaško službo. V treh primerih se srečamo z veterani, pri čemer enkrat enota ni navedena (št. 19). Pri ostalih dveh sta nevedeni še legiji (št. 14 in 18), pri enem celo služba orožarja, ki jo je opravljal (custos armorum) 39 Za legije v Petovioni glej Vomer Gojkovič 2005, 463. 40 RE XII.2 1925, 1710-1727, predvsem 1713-1715; Wolff 2000, 203-204; prim. še Piso 2000, 220-224. 41 Šašel Kos (2001, 200) zato dopušča možnost, da so pozejša vpisa dodali moški člani iste družine, ki so se udej-stvovali v vojski. 42 Keppie 2000a, 115-116. 43 Šašel 1972, 474-480 (= Opera Selecta, 1992, 379-385). 44 Domaszewski, Dobson 1967, uvod XX-XXII; Le Bohec 1994, 43-44; RE III.2, 1899, 1962-1964; več o vlogi centurionov in primipilov v rimski vojski najdeš v Dobson 1993, 143-185; prim. še Domaszewski, Dobson 1967, 90-97. Domaszewski, Dobson (1967, 83-90) dodaja še, da so bili centurioni praviloma italskega izvora, ali pa vsaj iz rimskih vojaških kolonij. 45 O tem nam govorijo vojaške diplome, ki jih je mogoče najti po vsem rimskem imperiju. 46 Ott 1997, 133. 47 Ott 1997, 133, med noriškimi poveljniki pomožnih čet navaja Marka Belicija Saturnina, ki naj bi pripadal družini, ki je v Virunu obogatela s trgovino. Menim, da so Beliciji iz Viruna stranska veja tistih v Celeji. Kolonizacija in romaniza-cija sta najbrž najprej dosegli Celejo, od koder se je proces širil naprej. 48 Vstop v municipalno elito po opravljeni vojaški službi ni bil nič neobičajnega. Tab. 4: Vojaki v agru. Tab. 4: Military representatives in the ager (see page 355 for English version). Ime vojaka Funkcija, vojaška enota Datacija Objava Centuriones Lucius Septimius Tertinus centurio legionis II Italicae piae fidelis začetek 3. st. CIL III 5300 Lucius Appuleius centurio legionis X Geminae piae fidelis 2. st. AIJ 9 Decurio Titus Iulius Bellicus decurio alae Asturum II 1. st. CIL III 152053 Milites Secconius Vibius miles cohortis II praetoriae 2. pol. 1. st./začetek 2. st. CIL III 5105 Septimius Secundinus miles legionis II Italicae konec 2. st./3. st. AIJ 13 Aurelius Victor miles legionis II Italicae 2. pol. 3. st. CIL III 11700 Veterani Caius Vibius Sabinus veteranus legionis V Macedonicae 2. st. CIL III 5130 Sacronius Verinus veteranus legionis II Italicae, custos armorum 175-185 CIL III 5106 Vibius Secundus veteranus konec 2. st./3. st. CIL III 5142 največ vojakov te legije (št. 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20). Poleg pravkar omenjene sta na napisih celejskega agra omenjeni še dve legiji: Peta makedonska (št. 14) in Deseta dvojna (št. 17). Poleg legij je omenjena tudi Druga pretorijanska kohorta (št. 21) ter Druga ala Asturov (št. 16). Drugo italsko legijo je ustanovil Mark Avrelij leta 165 ali 166 med vojno z Markomani.49 Kmalu po ustanovitvi jo je poslal v Norik (168/169 ali malo pozneje), kjer je imela svoj prvi vojaški tabor na strateško dobro lociranem kraju v Ločici blizu Celja, da bi lahko preprečila dostop iz Panonije v Emono in naprej. Temu namenu ni služila dolgo, že Komod jo je namreč prestavil v Lavriak. Še v času, ko je bila v Ločici, naj bi si pridobila naziva pia in fidelis, saj so v okolici tabora - na Vranskem - našli opeko s tema nazivoma.50 V letih 174/175 so jo prestavili na Donavo, najprej v Albing, nato v Lauriacum, kjer je ostala do pozne antike. Po-chmarski navaja, da so ji v času cesarja Septimija Severa zaradi lojalnosti podelili naziv fidelis.51 Trditev očitno ne drži, saj je naziv izpričan že v Ločici, so ji ga pa pozneje najbrž podelili oziroma potrdili še večkrat.52 Pod Karakalo in Elagabalom je bila poimenovana Antoniniana, pod Aleksandrom Severom pa Severiana. Prva generacija legionarjev Druge italske legije izhaja iz severne Italije, kjer je bila legija rekrutirana; izvor naslednjih lahko iščemo v Noriku, še posebej po uvedbi constitutio 49 Več o zgodovini 2. italske legije glej pri Winkler 1971, 85-138; RE XII.2 1925, 1468-1476; Petrovitsch 2006. 50 Novejša dognanja so zbrana v Lorincz 2000, 145-149; prim. Lazar 2006, 37, kjer je omenjeni žig objavljen. 51 Pochmarski 2007, 278. 52 Lazar 2006, 37; prim. tudi Lazar 1997, 159-164. Antoniniana (212), s katero so postala vrata legij odprta širšemu krogu ljudi.53 Vojaško službo je v Drugi italski legiji služil Septimij Sekundin (št. 15), ki je očitno ni dokončal, saj je na nagrobni plošči navedeno, da je odslužil 15 let in umrl pri 40. O razlogu prezgodnjega odpusta ali smrti lahko samo ugibamo, pri obeh številkah pa je očitno zaokroževanje let.54 Na tem napisu je mogoče prebrati besedo stupendiorum, kar je razmeroma pogosta oblika, kljub temu da je bolj običajna tista s črko h stipendiorum. Oblika z U ni nepravilna, gre samo za ohranjeno arhaično obliko. Varon piše, da je bila takšna izgovorjava bolj lastna ljudski (podeželski) različici jezika.55 Nihanje v pisavi med i in u je opaziti od avgustej-ske dobe naprej. Pod vplivom takih primerov se je raba razširila še na primere, kjer sta se i in u izgovarjala podobno.56 Veteran Druge italske legije Sakronij Verin (št. 18) je na napisu izpričan s posebno funkcijo orožarja (custos armorum), ki jo je lahko opravljal navadni vojak. Vsaka centurija v legiji naj bi imela po enega, torej naj bi bilo vseh 59 (kot centurionov).57 Besedna zveza hoste Gutica pomeni gotskega sovražnika, s katerim se je boril Avrelij Viktor (št. 20), prav tako vojak Druge italske legije. Oblika Gutica je nekoliko nenavadna, saj za Gote takšne oblike doslej še nismo poznali, čeprav se 53 Pochmarski 2007, 278. 54 Prim. Šašel Kos 2006, 175-197. 55 Varro, Rust. I, 2, 14. Prim. z Väänänen 1967, 36-38; Baldi 1999, 254. 56 Zamboni 1966, 504-506. 57 Le Bohec 1994, 50, 65; prim. še Domaszewski, Dobson 1967, 44-45. za Gothicus (gotski, Got) na napisih poleg tukaj izpričane oblike najdejo še druge: Gotico, Guttico, Guthicus.5'8 Prvi cesar, ki si je nadel ta naziv, je bil Claudius Gothicus (268-270), ki je leta 269 pri Naisu (Naissus, Niš) odločilno porazil Gote. Avrelij Viktor bi lahko sodeloval v omenjeni bitki, saj že sama oblika napisa in celotnega napisnega kamna govori v prid nastanku v tem času. Poleg tega je svojo vojaško službo opravljal v Drugi italski legiji, torej legiji, ki bi se te bitke dejansko lahko udeležila.59 Petrovitsch omenja še cesarja Decija, ki se je med letoma 249 in 251 boril z Goti; po njegovem mnenju je verjetneje, da je Avrelij Viktor padel na tem pohodu.60 Pri tem pa ne gre zaobiti upodobitve vojaka v reliefni niši, ki je nadvse zanimiva. Poleg ostalih podrobnosti je na tem mestu ključnega pomena okrogel zaključek nožnice meča, ki ga je mogoče uporabiti kot kriterij za datiranje. Tovrstne okrogle zaključke delimo na dve veliki skupini, vendar obe datiramo 2. pol. 3. st.61 To dejstvo tako bolj potrjuje prvo datacijo (Claudius Gothicus). Centurion (morda beneficiarij) Druge italske legije Lucij Septimij (?) Tertin (št. 13) je poskrbel za postavitev votivne are Viktoriji, Noreji in Britaniji (sedaj v Črešnjevcu). Noreja je na tem mestu natančneje opredeljena kot regina, kar nakazuje na identifikacijo z Izido. Nenavadna je posvetitev provinci Britaniji, ki implicira, da je vojak služil v Britaniji. Napis bi lahko uvrstili v vrsto tistih, ki potrjujejo močno povezavo in stike med Norikom in Britanijo.62 Veteran Pete makedonske legije Gaj Vibij Sabin (št. 14) se je po odsluženi vojaški službi verjetno vrnil v svoj domači kraj, na kar bi lahko sklepali na osnovi njegovega gentilnega imena.63 Med letoma 30 pr. Kr. in 6 po Kr. je bila legija v Makedoniji, nato pa so jo prestavili v Mezijo, kjer je imela tabor v kraju Oescus. Leta 61 oziroma 62 so jo poslali v Armenijo, kjer je služila pod Vespazijanom v vojni proti Judom; še pred letom 71 pa se je vrnila nazaj 58 RE VII.2 1912, 1683-1685. 59 RE XII.2 1925, 1473; Petrovitsch 2006, 291. 60 Petrovitsch 2006, 206. 61 Pflaum 2007, 292-293. 62 Šašel Kos 1999, 37-38, o poistovetenju Noreje z Izido. Prim. Birley 1952; Birley 1985: o povezavi med Norikom in Britanijo. 63 Prim. Onomasticon IV, 165-166: ime je bilo v Noriku in Panoniji priljubljeno in zelo razširjeno, kar nakazuje podobnost z avtohtonimi imeni na Vib- (Vibenus). Ime Vibius je bil sicer prvotno oskijško prvo ime (praenomen), pozneje pa je prešlo v splošno latinsko rabo in postalo tudi gentilicij ter osebno ime (cognomen) (Lochner von Hüttenbach 1989, 181-182). Potrditev tega je mogoče najti tudi v imenu avtohtonega božanstva Vibes (prim. RINMS 115). v omenjeni tabor v Meziji. Ko so provinco leta 86 razdelili, je pripadla enotam, ki so bile stacionirane v Spodnji Meziji. Pod Lucijem Verom se je bojevala v vojni s Parti (162-166), leta 167 ali 168 pa se je preselila v Dacijo (Potaissa). Ko so Rimljani izgubili Dacijo severno od Donave (274/275), se je vrnila v Oescus, ki se je zdaj nahajal v novoustanovljeni provinci Dacia Ripensis.64 Po odsluženi vojaški službi (ob smrti je bil star 65 let) se je Gaj Vibij Sabin ustalil na manj romaniziranem območju Celeje. Napis je mogoče datirati v 2. st., vendarle se zdi verjetneje, da je Vibij svojo službo opravljal v Meziji in ne v Daciji. Naslednja enota je Deseta dvojna legija (predana, zvesta), ki se ji je začasno delovanje v Hispaniji končalo leta 63 po Kr., ko so jo prestavili v Panonijo (Karnunt). Še enkrat se je morala vrniti v Hispanijo; a le za kratek čas, nekaj časa je bila stacionirana v Spodnji Germaniji, kjer si je prislužila naziva pia in fidelis v zahvalo za zvestobo v času revolta L. Antonija Saturnina (med letoma 89 in 96). Okoli leta 103 so jo iz Germanije prestavili v Panonijo; kratek čas je bila v Akvinku. Kdaj natančno je dobila svoj tabor v Vindoboni, ni znano, gotovo pa še v času Trajana, nekako po letu 107.65 Na območju celejskega agra je bil njen predstavnik Lucij Apulej (št. 17), ki je po opravljeni vojaščini najverjetneje služboval kot župan v Celeji.66 Grobno parcelo zase in za svoje si je najverjetneje uredil v bližini svojih posestev, ki so se morala nahajati v celejskem agru, v bližini Kolacione. Spomenik sodi v 2. st., torej v čas, ko je legija službovala v bližnji Panoniji. Tit Julij Belik je bil dekurion v Drugi ali Asturov (št. 16). V začetni dobi so bili dekurioni poveljniki najmanjše konjeniške enote, v cesarski dobi (kamor sodi tudi naš napis) pa je decurio poveljeval eni turmi.67 Po rangu je bil dekurion ale nad centu-rionom (pomožne) kohorte in pod centurionom v legiji.68 Precejšnje število napisov, na katerih je omenjena ala II Asturum, so našli v Britaniji (na Hadrijanovem zidu), kjer je morala biti stacionirana 64 RE XII.2 1925, 1572-1586; Strobel 2000, 523-526, kjer avtor prizna, da se poznavanje zgodovine legije (v primerjavi z izsledki Ritterlinga) v zadnjih sedemdesetih letih ni bistveno poglobilo. 65 RE XII.2 1925, 1678-1690; Gomez-Pantoja 2000, 169-190. 66 Visočnik 2006, 380-381 (št. 22). 67 Najverjetneje je alo sestavljalo ali šestnajst (če je bila ala quingenaria) ali štiriintrideset (če je bila ala milliaria) turm (manjših konjeniških enot, ki so bile sestavljene iz okoli trideset konjenikov). Prim. še Birley 1966, 349-364. 68 RE IV.2 1901, 2352-2353; prim. še Domaszewski, Dobson 1967, 53. zelo dolgo.69 Po mnenju Wagnerja so Drugo alo Asturov še v času Tiberija prestavili iz Germanije na Donavo. Birley trdi, da je ala najprej delovala na območju Rena, nato so jo poslali v Panonijo in po tem v Britanijo. Krier pa zagovarja nekoliko drugačen vrstni red službovanja: v predflavijskem času naj bi bila ala del noriške vojske, po uporu Batavijcev pa naj bi jo prestavili v Panonijo. V Britanijo je morda odšla z Julijem Agrikolo.70 let, drugi dve osebi, ki bi lahko bila njuna otroka, pa naj bi obe umrli pri dvaindvajsetih. Pri prvih dveh je zaokroževanje let očitno, druga dva pa naj bi umrla enako stara, kar je malo verjetno. Vse ostale navedene starosti so zaokrožene na 5 oziroma 10: 65 (št. 14); 50, 40, 30 (št. 15); 50 (št. 18); 30 (št. 20). SKLEPNE MISLI NAVAJANJE STAROSTI NA VOJAŠKIH NAPISIH CELEJE Večino vojaških napisov Celeje (tako mesta kakor tudi agra) predstavljajo nagrobni spomeniki, pri katerih je običajno navajanje starosti, ki jo je pokopani doživel. Pri predstavnikih vojske bi pričakovali natančno navajanje starosti ob smrti, saj so velik del svojega življenja preživeli v državni organizaciji, kjer je bilo zelo pomembno, kdaj je nekdo v enoto vstopil, kdaj jo bo zapustil, torej njegova službena leta, s tem v zvezi pa tudi njegova starost. V mestu so leta zapisana na sedmih napisih (št. 1, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 in 12). Zaokrožena so na: 70, 75 (št. 1); 40 (št. 5); 25, 60, 50 (št. 7); 50, 35 (št. 10); 45, 35 (št. 12), ne pa v primeru vojaka, ki je umrl med dačanskim pohodom star komaj 23 let (št. 11), torej nedolgo po vstopu v vojsko. Na napisu št. 12 je omenjen tudi Avrelij Sekundin, ki je umrl kot otrok, star samo sedem let; pri mladih osebah je navajanje natančnejšega števila let pogostejše. Precizno navajanje starosti je mogoče opaziti še pri dveh osebah na napisu št. 6 (38, 24), na katerem so poleg starosti 25 let zaokrožena tudi leta ob smrti veterana Gaja Junija Iseja (60 let). Na tem napisu je zanimiva navedba starosti ob smrti Ulpije Afrodizije, 25 let in 1 mesec, kar je pri vojaških napisih pa tudi pri ostalih razmeroma redek, vendar razumljiv pojav.71 Na napisih iz agra se s starostjo srečamo pri petih (št. 14, 15, 18, 19 in 20); izstopa napis št. 19, pri katerem so navedene starosti štirih oseb: pri prvem lahko govorimo o t. i. stoletniku,72 njegova žena je prav tako doživela zavidljivo starost 90 69 RE I.1, 1893, 1231. 70 Prim. Wagner 1938; Birley 1952, 290; Krier 1981, 146-147. Wedenig 1997, 136 (C 27) navaja različna mnenja o omenjeni ali ter o Titu Juliju Beliku. 71 To je edina navedba let in mesecev na celejskem prostoru (primera z dnevi sploh še ni). 72 O zaokroževanju let, stoletnikih in sploh štetju let najdeš več v Šašel Kos 2006, 175-197, glej tudi pripadajočo literaturo. Na obravnavanih vojaških napisih Celeje so izpričani predvsem legionarji, pretorijanci, centu-rioni in veterani; samo v enem primeru je veteranu (Sacronius Verinus) dodana še posebna funkcija (custos armorum). Poleg edine noriške Druge italske legije so izpričane še Peta makedonska, Šesta železna, Osma avgusta ter Deseta in Trinajsta dvojna. Slednje tri so v različnih obdobjih sodile v sestav sosednje panonske vojske. Med pomožnimi četami se Prva ala Komagenov pojavi dvakrat, enkrat pa ala Asturov. Obe omenjeni enoti sodita v sestavo noriške vojske, saj sta bili v provinci stacionirani med 1. in 3. stoletjem.73 Noben od treh posvetiteljev votivnih ar ni navaden vojak: Barbij Finit (št. 8) je pretorijanec, Ulpij Valerijan (št. 9) je centurion, L. Septimij Tertin (št. 13) pa ali prav tako centurion ali beneficiarij. Omenjeno dejstvo je mogoče povezati s stroški postavitve oltarja, ki si jih je navaden vojak gotovo težje privoščil. Med vojaki Celeje ločimo domačine, ki so se po končani vojaški službi vrnili domov, in tujce, ki so delovali v bližini in so se tukaj ustalili. Med prvimi izstopajo pretorijanci (št. 2, 7, 8, 21) in druga generacija vojakov Druge italske legije (št. 10, 11, 12?, 13, 15 in 20). Izrecno je izpričan samo en tujec (št. 1), saj je naveden njegov origo (Verona). V Celeji so najverjetneje rekrutirali tudi vojake omenjene na napisih št. 3 (oziroma 4), 14, 17 in 19. Pri nekaterih natančna opredelitev ni mogoča. Če primerjamo vojaške napise Flavije Solve in Celeje, je treba upoštevati, da sta obe mesti sicer sodili v provinco Norik, vendar med njima obstajajo zgodovinsko pogojene razlike, predvsem zgodnejši nastanek Celeje. Te so vplivale tudi na vojsko v posameznem mestu, na nabor vojakov in vračanje veteranov v domači kraj. Primerjava pokaže, da je bilo v Celeji vojaških napisov veliko več, okoli 100, v Flaviji Solvi pa 46. Po številu napisov mesti nista primerljivi, sta pa po enotah in njihovem številu. Tako v enem kakor v drugem municipiju Prim. Ubl 2005, 107-120. je največ pripadnikov službovalo v Drugi italski legiji (v Celeji 11, z beneficiariji vred, v Solvi 7). Funkcije, izpričane v Solvi na eni strani ter tiste iz Celeje na drugi, so podobne: centurioni so razmeroma dobro zastopani. 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Epigraphik - Datenbank Clauss - Slaby. http://www.manfred-clauss.de/ [zadnji dostop: 1. 8. 2008]. ROMAN MILITARY INSCRIPTIONS FROM CELEIA AND ITS SURROUNDINGS Translation INTRODUCTION Encouraged by the article by E. Pochmarski about the soldiers from Flavia Solva,1 I collected Celeian military inscriptions. I decided to consider only those Celeian soldiers who are attested in Celeia itself or within its ager but not those Celeian soldiers that were found elsewhere in the Empire. These are mostly soldiers who died in Celeian territory. Their origo is generally omitted, leaving us to speculate on their native homeland. Since there are almost 30 inscriptions of Celeian soldiers attested abroad, it seems appropriate to present them on some other occasion.2 The analysis of the Celeian military inscriptions will reveal the prevailing form of the monuments, military units in which soldiers served, their functions, and the possible differences in the situation between the town and the ager. As a whole have not been published earlier, even though the beneficiarii3 were frequently studied. CATALOGUE4 OF MILITARY INSCRIPTIONS OF CELEIA Military inscriptions found within the town of Celeia 1. Funerary slab for Lucius Braetius Publius L(ucius) Braetius L(ucii) f(ilius) Publ(ius) Veron(a), vet(eranus) leg(ionis) VIII Aug(ustae), ann(orum) LXX, h(ic) s(itus) e(st). F(ilii?) f(iliaeque?). 5 Magiona Verulli f(ilia), an(norum) LXXV, h(ic) s(ita) e(st). F(ilii?) f(iliaeque?). 1 Pochmarski 2007, 269-291. 2 The continuation of this article is planned for Arheološki vestnik 60 (2009). 3 Cf. Clement 1980; Dise 1996, 286-292; Dise 1997, 284-299; Nelis- Clement 1994, 251-260; Ott 1994, 233-249; Ott 1995; Rankov 1994, 219-232; Schallmayer 1991, 400-406; CBFIR (1990); Scherrer 2005, 17-30. 4 The inscriptions are listed chronologically; approximate dating can be found in tables 3 and 4. Translation: Lucius Braetius Publius, son of Lucius, from Verona, veteran of legion VIII Augusta, seventy years old, lies here. Sons and daughters (?). Magiona, daughter of Verulus, seventy-five years old, lies here. Sons and daughters (?). References: CIL III 5220 + p. 1830; ILLPRON 1681. Date: the 1st c. 2. Funerary slab for Gavia Viruna Gaviae P(ublii) f(iliae) Virunae, L(ucius) Dindius Respectus 7(centurio) leg(ionis) XIII Geminae, P(ublius) Dindius Speratus 5 7(centurio) speclatorum Aug(usti) filii [matri] indulgen= tissima[e et sibi] fecerunt. Translation: To Gavia Viruna, daughter of Publius, Lucius Dindius Respectus, centurion of the legion XIII Gemina, and Publius Dindius Respectus, centurion of the emperor's personal guard. Sons had (the slab) erected to their most compassionate mother and themselves. References: CIL III 5223 + p. 1830 = 11692; ILLPRON 1683. Date: the 1st c. 3. Honorific inscription for Iulia and Domitia (fig. 1) Left inscription field: Divae Iu(l)iae. L(ucius) Cassius Cla(udia) Maximus (centurio) leg(ionis) VI Ferratae 5 t(estamento) f(ieri) i(ussit). Translation: To deified Iulia. Lucius Cassius Maximus from the voting tribe of Claudia, centurion of the legion VI Ferrata, in his will provided for (this monument) to be erected. Right inscription field: Domitia[e Aug(ustae)]. L(ucius) Cassi(us) Cla(udia) Max[imus] [(centurio)] leg(ionis) VI [Ferr(atae)] 5 t(estamento) f(ieri) [i(ussit)]. L(ucius) Cassius Eu[daemon] faciendas cu[ravit]. Translation: To Domitia Augusta. Lucius Cassius Maximus from the voting tribe of Claudia, centurion of the legion VI Ferrata, in his will provided for (this slab) to be erected. Lucius Cassius Eudaemon took care of the erection. References: CIL III 13524 + p. 2285; ILS 8906; ILLPRON 1747 (left part), 1748 (right part); Lovenjak 2003, 336-338, no. 6 (fig. 6). Date: between 90 and 96. 4. Slab with the honorific inscription to Iulia Procilla5 (fig. 2) Right inscription field: Iuliae Cn(ai) filia[e] Procilla[e] L(ucius) Cassius Max[imus] [centurio] leg(ionis) VI Ferra[tae] 5 t(estamento) f(ieri) i(ussit). L(ucius) Cassius Eudaemon b(ene) [m(erenti) (statuam ?) f(aciendam)] c(uravit). Translation: To Iulia Procilla, daughter of Cnaius, in his will Lucius Cassius Maximus, centurion of the legion VI Ferrata, had (the slab) erected. Lucius Cassius Eudaemon took care of the erection due to her merits. References: Lovenjak 2003, 336-338, no. 6 (fig. 6). Date: between 90 and 96. 5. Architrave of the aedicula for Caius Iulius Ursinus (fig. 3) D(is) M(anibus) C(aio) Iulio Ursino dec(urioni) alae I Com(m)agenor(um) an(norum) XL. Titia Procula marito optimo fecit et sibi. Translation: To Caius Iulius Ursinus, decurion of the ala I Commagenorum, forty years old. Titia Procula had (the monument) erected for the most worthy husband and herself. References: Kolšek 1975-1976, fig. 3; Ubl 1996, no. II/13; Kremer 2001, Kat. I 35a (fig. 68). Datig: the 2nd c. 6. Funerary slab for two Iunii ? [--] et C(aio) Iunio Nicandr(o) fil(io) ann(orum) XXXVIII, Matt(iae) P(ublii) f(iliae) Verinae ann(orum) XXIIII et C(aio) Iunio Isaeo vet(erano) ex dec(urione) alae I Com(magenorum) an(norum) LX [et Ul]p(iae) A[f]rodisiae an(norum) XXV m(ensis) I. Translation: _ and to son Caius Iunius Nicander, thirty-eight years old, to Mattia Verina, daughter of Publius, twenty-four years old, and to veteran Caius Iunius Isaeus, former decurion of the ala I Commagenorum, sixty years old, and to Ulpia Afrodisia, 25 years and 1 month old. References: CIL III 5224 + p. 1830; ILLPRON 1684. Date: the slab belongs to the 2nd c. 7. Funerary slab for Ennius Secundianus [--- ] Ennio Secundiano equiti c(o)hor(tis) VIIpr(aetoriae?) an(norum) XXV et Q(uinto) Enni[o] Apollonio an(norum) LX et Val(eriae) Maximil[lae] an(norum) L. Translation: _ to Ennius Secundianus, cavalryman of the cohort VIIPraetoria, twenty-five years old, and to Quintus Ennius Apol-lonius, sixty years old, and Valeria Maximilla, fifty years old. References: CIL III 5222 + p. 1830; ILLPRON 1682. Date: the 2nd c. 8. Votive altar for Jupiter, Best and Greatest (fig.4) I(ovi) O(ptimo) M(aximo) Barbius Finitus, mil(es) coh(ortis) I praet(oriae), 5 ob peregrina= tionis expedi= tionum regr[es]= sus in urbe[m] sacr(am) v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito). Translation: To Jupiter, Best and Greatest. Barbius Finitus, soldier of the cohort I Praetoria, after his return, due to the completed military service in the sacred city, fulfilled his vow willingly and deservedly.6 References: CIL III 11697; Kult 161; ILLPRON 1735. Date: the 2nd half of the 2nd or beginning of the 3rd c. 9. Votive altar for Fortuna Stabilis (fig. 5) Fortunae Stabili. Pro salute domino= rum n(ostrorum) imp(eratorum) L(uci) Septimi Severi= i! Pertinacis et M(arci) Aur(eli) Antonini Aug(ustorum) [[ et P(ublii) Sept(imii) Getae ]]. Ulp(ius) Valerianus c(enturio) leg(ionis) X G(eminae). 5 Cf. Lovenjak 2003, 336-338: the slab was found immured into the foundation of the northern tower of the western town gate. It was left untouched. The right upper corner of the left and the greater part of the right inscription field, the panel of which is damaged and in some places completely removed, remains visible. 6 This is just one of the possible translations and thus understandings of this inscription and is based on the incorrect word order. In urbe sacra is not, in fact, dependent on regressus but rather on ob peregrinationis expeditionem (not expeditionum), cf. Galdi 2004, 249-250. This explanation seems all the more possible due to the context into which the praetorians can be set. Nevertheless, the inscription itself could suggest an alternative scenario. Barbius Finitus supposedly returned to the sacred city (the possible reading is thus in urbem sacram) and erected an altar for the completed military service. It is not clear why a praetorian would have erected an altar in a provincial town and then returned to the sacred city. The translation and explanation of the inscription without the context, which dictates a "poetic" word order, does not seem logical. 5 Translation: To Constant Fortune. Por the welfare of our lords emperors Augusti Lucius Septimius Severus Pertinax, Marcus Au-relius Antoninus and Publius Septimius Geta, Ulpius Valerianus, centurion of the legion X Gemina, has erected (the altar). References: CIL III 5156 a + p. 1830; AIJ 42; ILS 3712; Kult 46; ILLPRON 1617. Date: between 197 and 211. Date: the 3rd c. Military inscriptions found within the ager of Celeia7 13. Črešnjevec8 Votive inscription for Victoria, queen Noreia, and province Britannia9 (fig. 9) 10. Funerary stele for Aurelius Gaianus (fig. 6) D(is) M(anibus). Aur(elio) Gaiano, cives Surus, dec(urioni) Ital(icae) o(bito) an(norum) L et Aur(elio) 5 Maximo nepoti o(bito) an(norum) XXXV. C(aius) Gaia= nus et Aur(elius) Granus faciendum quraerun(t)!. Translation: To the Spirits of the Departed. To Aurelius Gaianus, a native of Syria, decurion of the legion Italica, who died fifty years old, and to the nephew (grandson) Aurelius Maximus, who died thirty-five years old. Caius Gaianus and Aurelius Granus took care of the erection (of the stele). References: ILJug 389; ILLPRON 1601. Date: the 3rd c. [Victoriae ?] [A]ug(ustae) e[t] [N]oreiae re[g(inae)] [e]t Britan(n)ia[e] 5 [pr]ovi(n)c(iae) L(ucius) Sep[t(imius)] [T]ertinu[s] [(centurio) ?] l(egionis) II Ita(licae) p(iae) [f(idelis)] [e]x vot[o pos(uit)]. Translation: To Victoria Augusta, queen Noreia, and province Britannia. Lucius Septimius Tertinus, centurion (beneficiarius?) of the legion II Italica Pia Fidelis, had (the inscription) erected in accordance with his vow. References: CIL III 5300; RISt 365; Kult, Incerta 38; CBFIR 246; ILLPRON 1761; Pahič 1977, 46, Črešnjevec 14; Petrovitsch 2006, Nst. 04 (p. 94-95). Date: the beginning of the 3rd c. 11. Funerary stele for Aurelius Iustinus (fig. 7) 14. Henina near Jurklošter Tombstone for Caius Vibius Sabinus (fig. 10) D(is) M(anibus). Aur(elio) Iustino militi leg(ionis) II Ital(icae), o(bito) in exp(editione) Daccisca an(norum) XXIII, 5 Aur(elius) Verinus vet(eranus) et Messia Quartina pa= rentes fecerunt. Translation: To the Spirits of the Departed. To Aurelius Iustinus, soldier of the legion II Italica, who died twenty-three years old on the Dacian campaign, parents Aurelius Verinus, veteran, and Messia Quartina had (the stele) erected. References: CIL III 5218 + p. 1830 = 11691; AIJ45; ILS 2309; ILLPRON 1679; Kolšek 1967, 31, fig. 22; Petrovitsch 2006, Nsl. 07 (196-197). Date: the 3rd c. 12. Funerary stele for Aurelius Saturninus and his family (fig. 8) D(is) M(anibus). Aur(elio) Saturnino vet(erano) o(bito) an(norum) XLV et Aur(eliae) Secundin(a)e con(iugi) o(bitae) an(norum) XXXV et Aur(elio) Se= cundino fra(tri) o(bito) an(norum) VII. Decimia Qua= eta(!) avia, Aur(elius) Crescenti= nus parentibus 10 carissimis. Translation: To the Spirits of the Departed. To veteran Aurelius Saturninus, who died forty-five years old, and to his wife Aurelia Secundina, who died thirty-five years old, and to his brother Aurelius Secundinus, who died seven years old. Grandmother Decimia Quieta. Aurelius Crescentinus to his dearest parents. References: CIL III 5219 + p. 1830; AIJ 46; ILLPRON 1680. D(is) M(anibus) C(aius) Vibius Sab= inus veteran= us l(egionis) V Ma(cedonicae) an(norum) 5 LXV P(ublius)[Vibius ?] Paulinu= s vi(vus sc. posuit). Translation: To the Spirits of the Departed. Caius Vibius Sabinus, veteran of the legion V Macedonica, sixty-five years old. Publius Vibius ? Paulinus had (the tombstone) erected while still living. References: CIL III 5130; RISt 361; ILLPRON 1834. Date: the 2nd c. 15. Hudinja near Vitanje Tombstone for Boniatus, son of Bardo, and his (family) (fig. 11) Boniatus Bardonis (filius) v(ivus) f(ecit) s(ibi) e(t) Mog= iae Terti (filiae) an(norum) L. 5 Sept(imius) Secund= inus m(iles) le(gionis) II It= a(licae) stup(endiorum) XV an(norum) XL Aurelia Ursa an(norum) XXX. 7 The fragmentary inscription from Janževa gora pri Selnici (CIL III 6525) may possibly be another military inscription but its fragmentation is too great for recognition. 8 Many inscribed and uninscribed monuments (15) are immured into the church of St Michael in Črešnjevec and into the wall around it but their original provenience is not known. 9 Pochmarski (2007, 271 no. 11) places the inscription into the catalogue of the inscriptions from Flavia Solva since the exact border between Flavia Solva and Celeia is unknown. Nevertheless, the vicinity of Celeia renders it more plausible that Črešnjevec belonged to the Celeian ager. 5 Translation: Boniatus, son of Bardo, had (the tombstone) erected while still living for himself and for Mogia, daughter of Tertius, who died fifty years old. Septimius Secundinus, soldier of the legion II Italica, who died forty years old after fifteen years service, Aurelia Ursa, thirty years old. References: AIJ 13; ILLPRON 1785; Pahič 1977, 48, Hudinja 2; Petrovitsch 2006, Nsl. 14 (210-211). Date: the end of the 2°d or to the 3rd c. 16. Slovenske Konjice Tombstone for Titus lulius Bellicus (fig. 12) T(itus) Iulius Bellicus dec(urio) alae Asturum II, dec(urio) municipi(i) Cla(udiae) Celeiae t(estamento) f(ieri) i(ussit). Ti(berius) Iulius Frontonis f(ilius) Civis frater et heres fecit. 19. Trbovlje Sarcophagus for Vibius Secundus and his family (^fig. 15) D(is) M(anibus). Vibius Secundus veteranus an(norum) C f(ecit) v(ivus) s(ibi) et s(uis). Cerula Tutori(s filia) an(norum) LXXXX, Vibia Avita an(norum) XXII, 5 Valeria Marcellina ob(ita) an(norum) XXII. Translation: To the Spirits of the Departed. Veteran Vibius Secundus, one hundred years old, had (the sarcophagus) made while still living for himself and his family. Cerula, daughter of Tutor, ninety years old, Vibia Avita, twenty-two years old, and Valeria Marcellina, who died twenty-two years old. References: CIL III 5142 + p. 1828; AIJ 21; ILLPRON 1927; Lovenjak 1997, 65, fig. 2. Date: the end of the 2nd or to the 3rd c. Translation: Titus Iulius Bellicus, decurion of the ala II Asturum, decurion of the Claudian municipium Celeia, in his will ordered (the monument) to be erected. His brother and heir Tiberius Iulius Civis, son of Fronto, had (the tombstone) erected. References: CIL III 152053; AIJ82; Wedenig 1997, 136, C 27; ILLPRON 1887; Pahič 1977, 55, Slovenske Konjice 3. Date: the 1st c. 17. Stari trg (Slovenj Gradec) Funerary slab for Rufia Crispina and Lucius Menaudonius (fig. 13) L(ucius) Appuleiu[s - - -] [>(centurio)? le]g(ionis) X G(eminae) [p(iae)] fid(elis) [- - -] II v[ir] iur(e) d[ic(undo) - - - et ] Rufiae Crispin[ae - - -] 5 et L(ucio) Menaudonio [- - -] Translation: Lucius Appuleius, centurion (?) of the legion X Gemina Pia Fidelis, one of the two mayors (of Claudia Celeia?), (had the tombstone erected) to Rufia Crispina and Lucius Menaudonius. References: AIJ 9; RISt 380; Pahič 1977, 56, Stari trg 2; ILLPRON 1911; Wedenig 1997, 146-148, C 37; Visočnik 2006, 380-381, no. 22. Date: the 2nd c. 18. Šentvid near Završe Funerary stele for Iulia Calandina and her husband (fg. 14) D(is) M(anibus). Iul(ia) Calandina vi(va) f(ecit) si(bi) et Sacroni(o) Verino con(iugi) kar(issimo) vet(erano) leg(ionis) II Ita(licae). Custos ar-5 mor(um) o(biit) an(norum) L. Translation: To the Spirits of the Departed. Iulia Calandina had (the stele) erected while still living to herself and Sacronius Verinus, her dearest husband, veteran of the legion II Italica, armourer, who died aged 50. References: CIL III 5106; AIJ 11; ILLPRON 1980; Pahič 1977, 61, Završe 1; ANSl 274; Petrovitsch 2006, Nsl. 13 (208-209); Visočnik 2006, 370-371, no. 7. Date: between 175 and 185. 20. Vrba near Dobrna Funerary stele for Aurelius Victor (fig. 16) D(is) M(anibus). Aur(elius) Victor mil(es) leg(ionis) II Ita(licae) bello deside= ratus hoste Gutica 5 an(norum) XXX Aur(elia) Lupula con(iugi) karissimo f(ecit). Translation: To the Spirits of the Departed. To dearest husband, Aurelius Victor, soldier of the legion II Italica, who is missing from the war with the Gothic enemy, thirty years old, Aurelia Lupula had (the stele) erected. Date: the 2°d half of the 3rd c. 21. Zgornje Dovže Funerary inscription for Vibenus and his family (^fig. 17) Vibenu[s] Vindonis [f.] v(ivus) f(ecit) s(ibi) et Secconi[ae] Vetullae con[iugi] 5 pientissimae an[nor(um)?...] et Secconio Vibio [fil(io)] mil(iti) c(o)hor(tis) IIpraet(oriae) a X[....] et Secconio eqis [—?]/ Urso[—?] Victori annor(um) [—] 10 et Seneciano Sever[o—?]/ mil[iti? —] Vi[b]eni fil(io) an[nor(um) —] [—]ATVRM[—] [—]ONI[—] [———]? Translation: Vibenus, the son of Vindo, had (the tombstone) erected while still living for himself and Secconia Vetulla, a very devoted wife, aged and his son Secconius Vibius, soldier of the cohort II Praetoria, aged _ years, and Secconius (?) Victor, aged (?), and Senecianus, the son of Vibenus, aged _ and stableman Urso and common soldier Severus _?.10 References: CIL III 5105, ILLPRON 1775; Pahič 1977, 47, Dovže 1, fig. 7; Visočnik 2006, 367-368, no. 4. Date: the 2°d half of the 1st or to the 2°d c. 10 In lines 8 and 10, two words are subscribed: Eqis [—?]/ Urso[—?] in Sever[o—?]/ mil[iti? —, which were most probably engraved subsequently. Cf. Visočnik 2006, 368, no. 4, and Šašel Kos 2001, 200. 5 Tab. 1: Procurator's beneficiarii in Celeia Beneficiarius Date (CBFIR) Procurator* References Surus 110 Memmius Apolinaris CBFIR 222; CIL III 5179 Antonius Maximus 2nd or 3rd decade of the 2nd c. Q. Caecilius Redditus CBFIR 238; CIL III 5163 L. Messius Frontinus 120-immediately after 135 C. Censorius Niger CBFIR 223; CIL III 5174 M. Ulpius Crescens 120-130 C. Censorius Niger CBFIR 225; CIL III 5181 Nonius? Primus around 140 Plautius Caesianus CBFIR 239; CIL III 5177 Masclinius Successus 1st half of the 2nd c. C. Antistius Auspex CBFIR 231; CIL III 5173 Augustanus 1st half of the 2nd c. C. Rasinius Silo CBFIR 226; CIL III 5165 Gemellius Adiutor 1st half of the 2nd c. Drusius Proculus CBFIR 244; CIL III 5170 Q. Crescentius Marcellus 1st half of the 2nd c. Q. Lisinius Sabinus CBFIR 235; CIL III 5167 T. Flavius Dubitatus 1st half of the 2nd c. Q. Lisinius Sabinus CBFIR 236; CIL III 5168 C. Mustius Tettianus 1st half of the 2nd c. Lisinius Sabinus CBFIR 237; CIL III 5176 CBFIR 240; CIL III 5175 Lucilius Finitus around 152-153 Flavius Titianus CBFIR 224; CIL III 5172 C. An(t)onius Valens 152-153 Flavius Titianus CBFIR 243; CIL III 5164 C. Fuscinius Catullus 154-158 Ulpius Victor CBFIR 234; CIL III 5169 Adnamius Flavinus around 158 Ulpius Victor CBFIR 220; CIL III 5161 Adnamius Flavinus around 158 Usenius Secundus CBFIR 221; CIL III 5162 Q. Kaninius Lucanus 158 Usenius Secundus CBFIR 242; CIL III 5166 Licinius Hilarus around 160 M. Bassaeus Rufus CBFIR 241; CIL III 5171 the time of Antoninus Pius? Caecilius Iuventianus CIL III 5182 * For new findings (especially precise dating) about the presidial's procurators, see Winkler 2005, 435-442. Since deviations from CBFIR are not significant, the table cites the established ones. Military statues 22. Torso of an officer from Celje (fig. 18) A fragment of a statue in armour is poorly preserved but recognisable. The dimensions of the statue testify to its supernatural size even though only the armour with a circular cutting (without the head and neck) is preserved. Reference: Kolšek 1994, 31-33 (fig. 1-4). Date: It cannot be precisely dated; we can assume that it is the product of a local stone-cutting workshop. 23. "Norican soldier" from Celje (fig. 19) An example of the statue in armour that could represent a Norican ranked officer and/or high official. The armour reveals practically no decoration, which testifies to the late creation of the statue. Reference: Kolšek 1994, 33 (fig. 6). Date: It belongs to the end of the 3rd or to the 4th c. 24. Torso of an officer from Zagrad (fig. 20) The marble statue in real-life size represents a lower rank Roman officer (centurio ?) wearing a tunic, his shoulders and back are covered with a heavy military coat. His chest is covered below with leafily cut armour, he wears a sword along the left side, which is attached to the wide official belt. A medal is also visible on his chest. Reference: Djura Jelenko 2006, 352-353, no. 10 (fig. 9) Date: The torso most probably belongs to the end of the 3rd c. Beneficiarii 31 inscriptions of beneficiarii, presented only in a table (tab. 1 and 2), significantly alter the picture of military inscriptions of Celeia; the percentage of the representatives of the legion II Italica rises immensely due to the consular's beneficiarii. Beneficiarii in Celeia can be divided into two groups: procurator's (up until the Marcomannic Wars) and consular's, when the province was no longer run by a procurator but rather a legate. The 31 inscriptions in Celeia, of which 2/3 are from the early period, testify to the notable role of the town. It is interesting to compare this number with the number in Virunum, the Norican capital, where there are only one third.11 The role of the beneficiarii in the Roman empire (in the administration and army) has not yet been completely clarified, even though there can be no doubt that they performed duties of an administrative-police nature.12 The existence of their station and the number of the preserved inscriptions in Celeia thus cannot be without meaning. It could be connected to the important role Celeia bore mostly in the first phase of the Romanization (the 1st and the first half of the 2°d c.).13 Thus we could assume that Celeia had an important role in the 1st c.; and possibly it was even the provincial capital in this period. Even after the procurator's headquarters had been transferred to Virunum, it seems that important offices remained in Celeia, in which the beneficiarii were employed. FORM OF THE INSCRIBED MONUMENTS The majority of the inscriptions from Celeia and its surrounding are tombstones, mostly funerary slabs and, less frequently, also steles, while one sarcophagus (no. 19) has been discovered 11 Epigraphic databases: Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg. http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/institute/sonst/adw/ edh/ in Epigraphik - Datenbank Clauss - Slaby. http://www. manfredclauss.de/ [date of acession Aug. 1, 2008]. 12 Cf. Ott 1995, 113-155 (for the duties of beneficiarii). 13 Lazar 2002, 71-101; Scherrer 2002, 11-70. Tab. 2: Consular's beneficiarii in Celeia Beneficiarius Status Date (CBFIR) Reference Rufius Senilis bf. cos. end of the 2nd c.-beginning of the 3rd c. CBFIR 229; CIL III 5188 Flavius Decoratianus bf. end of the 2nd-beginning of the 3rd c. CBFIR 245; CIL III 5221 M. Ulpius Acilianus bf. cos. leg. II Ital. end of the 2nd-3rd c. CBFIR 233; CIL III 5180 Q. Sextius Pullaenius bf. cos. leg. II Ital. 192 CBFIR 232; CIL III 5178 C. Licinius Bellicianus bf. leg. II Ital. p. f. 13 December 211 CBFIR 228; CIL III 5187 P. Aelius Verinus bf. cos. 213 CBFIR 218; CIL III 5154 Vibius Cassius Victorinus bf. cos. leg. II Ital. p. f. Antoninian. 215 CBFIR 227; CIL III 5185 M. Aurelius Iustus bf. cos. leg. II Ital. p. f. 217 CBFIR 230; CIL III 5189 Aurelius Paterclus bf. 3rd c. CBFIR 219; CIL III 5160 ??? Quintianus bf. cos. leg. II Ital. end of the 2nd c.-beginning of the 3rd c. CBFIR 266; CIL III 11676; RINMS 107 bf. cos. ? Lovenjak 2003, 343, no. 11 (fig. 11) Tab. 3: Military representatives in the tow Soldier's name Function, military unit Date Reference Centuriones Lucius Cassius Maximus centurio legionis VI Ferratae 90-96 CIL III 13524; Lovenjak 2003, 336-338, no. 6 (fig. 6) Ulpius Valerianus centurio legionis X Geminae around 200 CIL III 5156 a Lucius Dindius Respectus centurio legionis XIII Geminae 1st c. CIL III 5223 Praetoriani Publius Dindius Speratus centurio speclatorum augustorum 1st c. CIL III 5223 Ennius Secundianus eques VII praetoriae 2nd c. CIL III 5222 Barbius Fintus miles cohortis I praetoriae 2nd half of the 2nd c./ beginning of the 3rd c. CIL III 11697 Decuriones Aurelius Gaianus cives Surus decurio Italicae 3rd c. ILJug 389 Caius Iulius Ursinus decurio alae I Commagenorum 2nd c. Kremer 2001, Kat. I 35a Miles Aurelius Iustinus miles legionis II Italicae 3rd c. CIL III 5218 Veterani Aurelius Verinus veteranus 3rd c. CIL III 5218 Aurelius Saturninus veteranus 3rd c. CIL III 5219 Caius Iunius Isaeus veteranus ex decurione alae I Commagenorum 2nd c. CIL III 5224 Lucius Braetius L F Publius Verona veteranus legionis VIII Augustae 1st c. CIL III 5220 in the countryside. As expected, funerary steles as a form of a tombstone more carefully manufactured with a relief are more frequent in the town (3: nos. 10, 11, and 12) as the ager has just one (no. 20). Soldiers, their functions and units also appear on votive monuments but these are only isolated examples (1 example in ager: no. 13; 2 in the town: nos. 8, and 9). Inscription no. 13 from Črešnjevec, dedicated to goddess Victoria, queen Noreia and province Britannia, points to the soldier's station in Britannia.14 One votive monument in the town is devoted to Jupiter - no. 8, and another one to Constant Fortune (Fortunae Stabili) (no. 14 For military connections between Noricum and Britannia cf. Birley 1952; 1985, 298-303. 9). These deities were not chosen by chance but coincide well with the army deities. A soldier's desire for stable destiny or luck (especially in the sense of favourable fate and protection in the battlefield) cannot come as a surprise either. If we also added the inscriptions of beneficiarii to this discussion, the percentage of votive altars would be considerably changed. Namely, beneficiarii often erected altars dedicated to the official deities, mostly to Jupiter, Epona, Celeia and Noreia, all of whom are mainly characterised by the adjective augustus.15 Soldiers are also attested as 15 The adjective augustus confirms that this is an officially accepted and municipally important cult regardless of whether deities were locally very limited. It is reasonable to expect the the dedicators of honorific inscriptions (nos. 3, 4; of which no. 3 can also be imperial). L. Cassius Maximus, centurion of the legion VI Ferrata, is the dedicator of the inscription for lulia and Domitia (no. 3) and the inscription for a member of the upper class, although unknown, Iulia Procilla (no. 4). When discussing the form of monuments with inscriptions, we also need to consider three large military statues: a torso in armour from the early period - no. 22 (1st c.), a torso of a military officer from Zagrad (no. 24 - end of the 3rd c.), and the s. c. Norican soldier from the late period - no. 23 (3rd/4'h c.). These statues were once placed on bases, which were most probably inscribed and set in public places. Military inscriptions within the town of Celeia (tab. 3) Twelve military inscriptions and two military sculptures are known to date. Four monuments attest veterans, two of which state their units (catalogue, nos. 1 and 6) and two do not (nos. 11 and 12). The town has only one common soldier (no. 11). In the town, the function of centurion appears five times (nos. 2, 3, 4, and 9): L. Cassius Maximus centurion of the legion VI Ferrata is mentioned twice in the inscription no. 3 and again in the no. 4. Inscription no. 2 reveals two centurions, brothers Dindii, one of whom was mentioned above as the commander of speculatorii, and the other was the centurion in the legion XIII Gemina. Decurions appear in town in three inscriptions (nos. 5, 6, and 10). With C. lulius Ursinus (no. 5) his function and unit are stated clearly: he commanded one turma of the ala I Com-magenorum. The veteran C. Iunius Isaeus (no. 6) served in this same unit. Aurelius Gaianus was a decurion (of the legion?) Italica (no. 10). His function and unit are imprecisely described but we can assume with a certain degree of probability that this is an officer of the legion II Italica, who commanded the cavalry division of this legion.16 Honorific slabs (nos. 3 and 4) differ from the military inscriptions of Celeia due to their contents and type, they are not simply honorific, one of them is also imperial. Both mention the legion VI Ferrata, which fought for Vespasian in Italy but soon returned to Syria, where it had been previously stationed (Raphaneae or Samosata). In this time of the legion's campaign to Italy, when it spent some time also in the Balkans, the centurion Lucius Cassius Maximus could have been recruited. The legion went to Arabia in 119 at the latest and from there to ludaea (Caparcotna) in 123. Septimius Severus awarded it the titles fidelis and constans due to its support in his campaign against C. Pescenius Niger.17 Judging from his voting tribe (Claudia), L. Cassius Maximus must have originated from Celeia. His supposed freedman L. Cassius Eudaemon was in charge of erecting two honorific slabs (nos. 3 and 4), which can be dated fairly accurately with the help of the mention of two female members of the imperial family: deified Iulia, the daughter of the emperor Titus, and Domitia Augusta, the wife of the emperor Domitian. The monument is dated between 90, when lulia died (thus diva), and 96, when Domitia died; this would confirm the time of the above-mentioned recruitment.18 The reason why these two slabs were erected in Celeia is unclear. Aurelius Saturninus (no. 12) was, judging from the names of his family members, a local inhabitant, who had the tombstone erected by his son; his military unit is not stated, it could have been the Norican legion IIItalica. The veteran Aurelius Verinus (no. 11) erected the funerary stele for his son Aurelius lustinus who served in the legion II Italica and died barely 23 years old in one of the Dacian campaigns.19 The family of these Aurelii also lived in Celeia. The form Dacisca is unusual since the usual adjective Dacicus could be expected here - but under the influence of Greek adjectives and nouns in -isko~,20 this form obviously changed. Which campaign against the Daci was fatal for the deceased is not completely clear but it must have been at the end of the 2°d or in the 3rd c. according to the style of the monument and the name Aurelius. Aurelius lustinus could have participated in the campaign of Maximinus Thrax (236).21 Aurelius Gaianus (no. 10) probably served as a decurion in the legion II Italica, even though his position is described solely as: dec(urio) Ital(icae). He is also exceptional due to his origin being explicitly stated: cives Surus. His family probably moved from the East after the Marcomannic Wars. L. Braetius Publius (no. 1) from Verona was a veteran of the legion VIII Augusta, which after 9 AD was stationed in Poetovio (Pannonia), and after 45 AD in Novae in Moesia. In 69 they supported Vespasian and fought against the Batavians under Cerialis. Later it was stationed in Argentorate (Strass-burg). The title Augusta is most probably the consequence of a victory achieved by the legion under Augustus.22 The veteran's surname is not written out in full but it seems probable that it is Publius.23 Even though he came from Verona, he started a family in Celeia, which can be inferred from the autochthonous female name in the inscription (Magiona Verulli F(ilia)). The names and abbreviations in the inscription speak in favour of its early erection, thus it could probably be connected with the time of the legion's station in Poetovio. The centurion Ulpius Valerianus (no. 9) of the legion X Gemina erected an altar to Fortuna Stabilis for the welfare of the emperors Septimius Severus, Caracala, and Geta, whose name is cut off (damnatio memoriae). The inscription can be dated between 197, when Caracala was awarded the title augustus and Geta the title caesar, and 211, when Septimius Severus died.24 Many peculiarities can be observed in the inscription for the veteran denoted as ex decurione (no. 6). Caii Iunii were brothers and from their surnames (cognomina) we may assume that they came from the East even though their origin is not explicitly stated. Zajqc assumes that the Iunii came from the East, he sees a firm proof for this in two names of Greek origin appearing in the inscription: Nicander and Afrodisia.25 Isaeus26 and Nicander were certainly brothers, the name of their father is not preserved. The father could have been a veteran of the unit ala I Commagenorum, which around 72 AD was still in dedicators of the monuments for the official municipal deities to be Roman citizens, see Clauss 1999, 280-289. 16 RE IV.2, 1901, 2352. 17 RE XII.2 1925, 1587-1596; Cotton 2000, 351-357. For the legion's history cf. also Kennedy 1980, 283-309 and Dqbrova 1996, 277-296 (especially 285-288). 18 Lovenjak 2003, 336-338 no. 6 commented on this slab found in 1992. 19 Possibly another family specialised for the military professions. 20 Cf. Galdi 2006, 295, several deviations occurring from the influence of Greek or bilingualism can be observed in Moesia, Dacia, and other nearby provinces, which were strongly exposed to the Greek culture. 21 Petrovitsch 2006, 196. 22 RE XII.2 1925, 1642-1664 ; Redde 2000, 119-126. 23 Cf. Onomasticon III, 169-170: Publicius or Publilius are as cognomen even less probable than the name Publius. 24 More about this legion can be found with the inscriptions from ager. 25 Cf. Zajqc 1978, 73-74. 26 Onomasticon II, 197. the East and is attested in Noricum from 106 AD onward.27 It was probably sent to Noricum already in the time of the emperor Domitian and was stationed in Commagena - Tulln, the settlement later named after this unit.28 Praetorians attested in Celeia Under Augustus, Rome and Italy had nine praetorian cohorts, praetorians were commanded by two prefects praetors and the individual cohorts by tribunes. At least one may have been stationed in Aquileia.29 Praetorians were privileged in comparison to other soldiers since they were better paid and their service lasted just 16 years. From the reign of Vespasian onwards, there were ten praetorian cohorts stationed in Rome under the command of one praefectus praetorio. Political role of the Guard and its commanders was often of the great importance Cohors Ipraetoria was where Barbius Finitus (no. 8) served his years. He erected an altar to Jupiter for the fortunate return from the journey to the sacred city. His service was obviously performed as a praetorian in Rome. Rome was not referred to as the sacred city prior to the period of the emperor Hadrian,30 hence this is terminus post quem for dating. Most probably it was with the cohort VII praetoria that the cavalryman (eques) Ennius Secundianus (no. 7) served his duties that were not completed since the tombstone reads that he died when just 25 years old. Inscription no. 2 was erected by the brothers Lucius and Publius, both centurions, which suggests a family oriented toward the military. Publius commanded the speculatores and Lucius was a centurion in the legion XIII Gemina. Because his function (speculatores - personal guards, scouts) is supplemented by the adjective augusti we can assume that P. Dindius served among the praetorians who guarded the emperor.31 The commander of speculatores bore the title centurio speculator,'3'2 the function performed by P. Dindius Speratus. Three hundred members of a special unit of the praetorian guard were entrusted with the especially important task of being the emperor's personal guards.33 Speculatores were sometimes also the personal guards of the provincial governor; they are attested in numerous provinces, among others also in Pannonia and Dalmatia. The gentilicium Dindius is not frequent since it appears in Noricum only in this inscription;34 in the immediate vicinity Dindii are attested in Kamnik, Emona, and Aquileia, while the family originated from the town Praeneste in central Italy. In Aquileia, the town from where they moved on to the neighbouring territory, Dindii are relatively well attested.35 Dindii in the discussed inscription probably belonged to the the second generation of the family. The mother's gentilicium Gavia is a Latin name, most frequently attested in Italy but not uncommon elsewhere.36 The surname 27 Cf. Zajqc 1978, 73-74. 28 Ott 1997, 108. Holder 1980, 112 claims that the unit was founded in Syria between the reigns of Augustus and Claudius. Cf. also Ubl 2005, 108, the military unit was assembled of a thousand archers. 29 Cf. Keppie 2000a, 99-122; Passerini 1939; Durry 1938. 30 Friedländer 1922 (1979) I, 32: this naming has spread from the 3rd c. on. 31 Cf. CIL III 5223. 32 Domaszewski, Dobson 1967, 99. 33 Domaszewski, Dobson 1967, 20. 34 Onomasticon II, 100. 35 Šašel 1981, 337-342 (= Opera selecta 1992, 146-151); Šašel Kos 1984, 253. 36 Von Hüttenbach 1989, 81; Onomasticon II, 162. Viruna, attested only in this inscription, is probably derived from the name of the municipium Virunum, thus we could assume the autochthonous origin.37 The inscription could possibly be dated to the period when the legion XIII Gemina was stationed in Poetovio, i.e. to the second half of the 1s' c.38 After the battle of Actium it was active in Illyricum and was later transferred to the Rhine (9 AD) and finally to Vindonissa (Germania Superior). In the time of Claudius (45/46) it came to Poetovio, where it succeeded the legion VII Augusta and remained there until around 90 AD. Domitian sent it to Vindobona.39 It could have participated in Trajan's first war against the Daci but it was certainly there in the second one. It remained in the newly formed province Dacia and it was stationed in Apulum. When the Romans retreated from Dacia (274/275) it was moved to the new province Dacia Ripensis (Ratiaria).40 The Celeian territory reveals just one praetorian of the cohort II Praetoria attested in the inscription from Zgornje Dovže (no. 21). His name Secconius is a pseudogentilicium derived from the Celtic root Secco-. In lines 8 and 10 two words are subscripted that were probably incised later on since there is no clear connection to the original inscription. Both later entries can be connected to military life: equis can stand for eques (horseman) or, even more probably, for equiso (stableman), denoting the person named Urso. The second entry is the word miles, which seems to supplement the name Severus.41 Roman citizenship was the condition for acceptance into a legion; praetorians , too, had to have Roman citizenship and they could also be recruited from legions.42 The gentilicium of the soldier from the cohort II Praetoria is not Latin but is a pseudogentilicium of a Celtic origin making this praetorian most probably an autochthonous inhabitant (cf. Secco-). It was believed for a long time that praetorians were in the early period recruited solely from Italy, from the beginning of the 2nd c. also from certain provinces - among others also from Noricum, and from the time of Septimius Severus mostly from Pannonia.43 If the approximate dating of the inscription with the pseudogentilicium is correct, the praetorians were drawn from Noricum already in the 1st c. Military inscriptions in the Celeian ager (tab. 4) Ten military inscriptions and ten people who performed military offices come from the ager of Celeia. Three of these are veterans, with one his unit is not stated (no. 19), and with the other two we find legions (nos. 14 and 18) and with one even his function of an armourer (custos armorum) - no. 18 explicitly written. Many words and phrases were applied to veterans: dimissi honesta missione, emissi, missici, emeriti, evocati or exauctorati. After their discharge, they became honestiores and were thus able to acquire important positions in the local administration, and were also active in the fields of economy, trade, some even performed sacerdotal functions. 37 Onomasticon IV, 175. Šašel Kos 2001, 193. 38 One of either sons (in the name of both) could have taken care of the erection from the nearby Poetovio. 39 For the legions in Poetovio see Vomer Gojkovič 2005, 463. 40 RE XII.2 1925, 1710-1727, especially 1713-1715; Wolff 2000, 203-204; cf. also Piso 2000, 220-224. 41 Šašel Kos (2001, 200) thus allows for the possibility that the subsequent entries were added by the male members of the same family, who were soldiers. 42 Keppie 2000a, 115-116. 43 Šašel 1972, 474-480 (= Opera Selecta, 1992, 379-385). Tab. 4: Military representatives in the ager Soldier's name Function, military unit Date Reference Centuriones Lucius Septimius Tertinus centurio legionis II Italicae piae fidelis beginning of the 3rd c. CIL III 5300 Lucius Appuleius centurio legionis X Geminae piae fidelis 2nd c. AIJ 9 Decurio Titus Iulius Bellicus decurio alae Asturum II 1st c. 1 CIL III 152053 Milites Secconius Vibius miles cohortis II praetoriae second half of the 1st/ beginning of the 2nd c. CIL III 5105 Septimius Secundinus miles legionis II Italicae end of the 2nd/3rd c. AIJ 13 Aurelius Victor miles legionis II Italicae 2nd half of the 3rd c. CIL III 11700 Veterani Caius Vibius Sabinus veteranus legionis V Macedonicae 2nd c. CIL III 5130 Sacronius Verinus veteranus legionis II Italicae, custos armorum 175-185 CIL III 5106 Vibius Secundus veteranus end of the 2nd/3rd c. CIL III 5142 Three persons on the tombstones are miles. Two soldiers completed their service in the legion II Italica (nos. 15 and 20), and the third was a praetorian in the cohort II Praetoria (no. 21). Other persons on the tombstones achieved somewhat higher functions: centurio and decurio. One of the centurions belonged to the legion II Italica (no. 13) and the other of the legion X Gemina (no. 17). The decurion was commanding in the ala IIAsturum (no. 16). Centurions were the highest officers in the Roman army below the members of the senatorial and equestrian orders. Some even believe that centurions were promoted to the equestrian order but it seems more probable that such a privilege was accorded only to primi pili.'4'4 The recruitment of auxiliary troops was done among peregrines who, after completing the service of 25 years, were awarded certain rights and benefits, including Roman citizenship.45 Commanders of auxiliary units and other high officers, who mostly came from Italy,46 had to be Roman citizens. T. Iulius Bellicus (no. 16) was a decurion in an ala,47 where he commanded one turma. After completing his military office, T. Iulius Bellicus continued his career in the municipal administration, where he was a member of the municipal council (ordo decurionum).48 His tombstone testifies to the wealth of his family since his brother and heir erected to him an enviable monument. 44 Domaszewski, Dobson 1967, introduction XX-XXII; Le Bohec 1994, 43-44; RE III.2, 1899, 1962-1964; more about the role of centurions and chief centurions in the Roman army in Dobson 1993, 143-185; cf. also Domaszewski, Dobson 1967, 90-97. Domaszewski, Dobson (1967, 83-90) adds that centurions were generally of Italic origin or from the Roman military colonies. 45 Diplomas found everywhere in the Empire testify to that. 46 Ott 1997, 133. 47 Ott 1997, 133 lists Marcus Bellicius Saturninus among the Norican commanders of the auxiliary units and he supposedly came from the family, who made a fortune by trade in Virunum. I believe the Bellicii from Virunum to be a side branch of those from Celeia. Colonization and Romanization must have reached Celeia first and later spread further on. 48 It was not unusual to enter the municipal elite after completing military service. The legion IIItalica was stationed in Noricum for the entire time of its existence; it was first stationed in the territory of the Celeian ager. As can be expected, in the Celeian area we encounter the most soldiers of this legion (nos. 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, and 20). The inscriptions of the Celeian ager feature two other legions, the legion VMacedonica (no. 14) and the legion X Gemina (no. 17). The legion II Italica was founded by the emperor Marcus Aurelius in 165 or 166 during the war with the Marcomanni.49 Soon after its founding it was sent to Noricum (168/169 or just after), where it built its first legionary encampment in the strategically well positioned settlement of Ločica near Celje to prevent access from Pannonia to Emona and further toward Italy. It was not stationed there for long, since Commodus had already relocated it to Lauriacum. Already in its time at Ločica it supposedly received the titles of pia and fidelis, since a brick with these titles50 was found in the immediate vicinity of the camp (at Vransko). In 174/175 the legion was moved to the Danube, first to Albing and then to Lauriacum, where it stayed until late antiquity. Pochmarski believes that due to its loyalty it was awarded the title fidelis in the time of the emperor Septimius Severus.51 This is obviously not true since the name is attested earlier in Ločica but probably the title was later awarded the legion or confirmed several times anew.52 Under Caracalla and Elagabalus it was named Antoniniana and under Alexander Sever Severiana. The first generation of its legionaries originated in northern Italy, where the recruitment of the legion II Italica took place. The origin of the next generations can be found in Noricum, especially after the introduction of constitutio Antoniniana (212), with which legions were open to a wider circle of men.53 Septimius Secundinus (no. 15) served in this legion but died prematurely at the age of 40, after 15 years of service; obviously 49 More about the history of the legion IIItalica see Winkler 1971, 85-138; RE XII.2 1925, 1468-1476; Petrovitsch 2006. 50 New findings are collected in Lorincz 2000, 145-149; cf. Lazar 2006, 37, where this brick stamp is published. 51 Pochmarski 2007, 278. 52 Lazar 2006, 37. 53 Pochmarski 2007, 278. both names were rounded.54 Even though quite frequent, the word stupendiorum in this inscription is somewhat peculiar - a more frequent form is that with an I: stipendiorum. The form with the U is not incorrect but rather archaic. Varro notices that this use was more common in the vulgar language.55 The variation between I and U can be detected from the Augustan period on. Under the influence of such examples the use spread to those examples where I and U were pronounced similarly.56 The veteran Sacronius Verinus (no. 18) is attested in the inscription with a special function of the armourer (custos armorum) that could be performed by a common soldier. Each centuria in the legion was to have one armourer, thus making them 59 in all (like centurions).57 The phrase hoste Gutica means the Gothic enemy, with whom Aurelius Victor (no. 20) fought as the soldier of the legion II Italica. The form Gutica is a little unusual, since such a form had not been known before for the Goths. Nevertheless, the standard form Gothicus (Gothic, Goth) is often replaced in inscriptions by Gotico, Guttico, or Guthicus and the form Gutica is thus just a variation of the adjective Gothicus.58 The first emperor to bear this title was Claudius Gothicus (268-270) who decisively defeated the Goths at Naissus (Niš) in 269. Aurelius Victor could have fought in this battle, since both diction of the inscription and the relief depiction on the tombstone speak in favour of the erection in this time. This date is supposed by the fact that the soldier served in the legion II Italica, the legion which could have actually participated in this battle.59 Petrovitch believes that it is probable that Aurelius Victor was killed in Decius' campaign against the Goths.60 The depiction of a soldier in the relief niche is extremely interesting. Among many other details, the round chape of the sword is here the key component for the dating of the monument. This kind of round chapes is divided into two groups, both of which belong to the second half of the 3rd c.,61 which confirms the proposed dating under Claudius Gothicus. The centurion (possibly beneficiarius) of the legion IIItalica L. Septimius (?) Tertinus (no. 13) erected the votive altar to Victoria, Noreia, and Britannia (now kept in Črešnjevec). Noreia is called regina, which may point to her identification with Isis. The dedication to Britannia is unusual and implies that this soldier was stationed in Britannia. This inscription could thus be assigned to those inscriptions that confirm connections between Noricum and Britannia.62 After the completion of his services, C. Vibius Sabinus (no. 14), the veteran of the legion V Macedonica, returned to his home town, which could be suggested by his gentilicium.63 The legion V Macedonica was in Macedonia between 30 BC and 6 AD, and was then transferred to Moesia, where its camp was at Oescus. In 61 or 62 it was sent to Armenia, where it served under Vespasian in the war against the Jews; but it returned to its camp in Moesia before 71. When the province was divided in the year 86, the legion was assigned to the units of Moesia Inferior. It fought against the Parthi (162-166) under Lucius Verus and relocated to Dacia (Potaissa) in 167 or 168. When the Romans lost Dacia north of the Danube (274/275), the legion returned to Oescus, which was now located in the newly formed province of Dacia Ripensis.64 The inscription belongs to the 2nd c. but it seems more plausible that he served in Moesia and not in Dacia. In the inscriptions of the Celeian ager we also encounter the legion X Gemina (pia, fidelis), which left Hispania in 63 AD when it was sent to Panonnia (Carnuntum). For a short time it had to return to Hispania once again; for some time it was stationed in Germania Inferior, where it earned the titles pia and fidelis for its loyalty during the revolt of L. Antonius Saturninus (between 89 and 96). Around 103 it was transferred from Germania to Pannonia; it stayed in Aquincum a short while. It is not precisely known when it was permanently stationed in Vindobona but it was certainly in the time of the emperor Trajan, somewhere after 107.65 L. Appuleius (no. 17) served in this legion; after the discharge, he was probably a mayor in Celeia.66 He probably arranged a grave plot for himself and his family near his properties that should have been located in the Celeian ager, near Colatio. The monument belongs to the 2nd c., thus to the time when the legion served in nearby Pannonia. T. Iulius Bellicus was a decurion in the ala II Asturum (no. 16). In the early period, decurions were the commanders of a smaller cavalry unit, and in the imperial period (the date of this inscription), they commanded one turma.67 The decurion of an ala was superior in rank to the centurion of an (auxiliary) cohort and inferior to a centurion of a legion.68 A significant number of inscriptions attesting ala II Asturum were found in Britannia (on Hadrian's Wall), indicating that it must have been stationed there for a longer period.69 According to Wagner, it was transferred from Germania to the Danube still in the time of Tiberius. Birley believes that it was first active in the area of the Rhine, later in Pannonia and then in Britannia. Krier, on the other hand, argues a somewhat different order of service: in the pre-Flavian period the ala was supposedly a part of the Norican army; after the Batavian revolt it was transferred to Pannonia. Iulius Agricola could have led it to Britannia.70 54 Cf. Šašel Kos 2006, 175-197. 55 Varro, Rust. I, 2, 14. Cf. Väänänen 1967, 36-38; Baldi 1999, 254. 56 Zamboni 1966, 504-506. 57 Le Bohec 1994, 50, 65; cf. also Domaszewski, Dobson 1967, 44-45. 58 RE VII.2 1912, 1683-1685. 59 RE XII.2 1925, 1473; Petrovitsch 2006, 291. 60 Petrovitsch 2006, 206. 61 Pflaum 2007, 292-293. 62 Šašel Kos 1999, 37-38 about the identification of Noreia with Isis. Cf. Birley 1952; Birley 1985: about the connection between Noricum and Britannia. 63 Cf. Onomasticon IV, 165-166: the name was popular and widely spread in Noricum and Panonnia, which points to the similarity with the autochthonous names in Vib- (Vibenus). The name Vibius was initially the Oscian praenomen but later became widely used in Latin thus being used as the gentilicium as well as the cognomen (Lochner von Hüttenbach, 181-182). Confirmation for this can be found also in the name of the autochthonous deity Vibes (cf. RINMS 115). 64 RE XII.2 1925, 1572-1586; Strobel 2000, 523-526, where the author admits that the knowledge about the legion's history has not deepened significantly in the last seventy years (in comparison to Ritterling's findings). 65 RE XII.2 1925, 1678-1690; Gomez-Pantoja 2000, 169-190. 66 Visočnik 2006, 380-381 (no. 22). 67 An ala (wing) was assembled either of sixteen (if this be ala quingenaria) or thirty-three (if it be ala milliaria) turmae (smaller cavalry units assembled of about thirty cavalrymen). Cf. Birley 1966, 349-364. 68 RE IV.2 1901, 2352-2353; cf. also Domaszewski, Do-bson 1967, 53. 69 RE I.1 1893, 1231. 70 Cf. Wagner 1938; Birley 1952, 290; Krier 1981, 146-147. Wedenig 1997, 136 (C 27) cites various opinions about this ala and Titus Iulius Bellicus. STATING OF AGE ON THE MILITARY INSCRIPTIONS OF CELEIA The majority of military inscriptions in Celeia (both town and ager) consists of tombstones, where it is usual to state the age of the deceased. All the more we would expect the precise age of soldiers as they spent the greater part of their lives in a state organization, where it was extremely important when somebody entered a unit, and left it, hence his years of service should be known well. In the town of Celeia, age is incised on seven inscriptions (nos. 1, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, and 12). The rounding of numbers is evident: 70, 75 (no. 1); 40 (no. 5); 25, 60, 50 (no. 7); 50, 35 (no. 10); 45, 35 (no. 12). The years are precisely stated with the soldier who died soon after entering the army, on the Da-cian campaign, at the age of 23 (no. 11). Inscription no. 12 is erected to Aurelius Secundinus, who died as a child at only seven years of age; the precise stating of the years is more frequent with young persons. The precise stating of age is evident also with the two persons on inscription no. 6 (38, 24 years), in which the age of the veteran C. Iunius Iseus (60) upon his death is also rounded. The age of Ulpia Aphrodisia on this inscription, 25 years and 1 month, is also interesting since such precise stating of age is a rare, but understandable phenomenon on the military and other inscriptions.71 The situation in the ager is similar - age is stated on five inscriptions (nos. 14, 15, 18, 19, and 20). The most interesting is inscription no. 19, where ages of four individuals are noted: the first one is the s. c. centenarian,72 his wife was also of the venerable age of 90, while the remaining two persons, who could have been their children, supposedly both died at twenty-two. With the first two, the rounding of the years is obvious, and with the latter two the identical of age is unlikely. All other years are rounded to 5 or 10: 65 (no. 14); 50, 40, 30 (no. 15); 50 (no. 18); 30 (no. 20). foreigner is explicitly attested (no. 1): his origo was Verona. Soldiers mentioned on the inscriptions nos. 3 (or 4), 14, 17, and 19 were most probably also recruited in Celeia, although in some cases the precise data are lacking. When comparing the inscriptions of two Norican towns Flavia Solva and Celeia, we need to consider the historically conditioned differences between them, primarily the earlier foundation of Celeia, where soldiers are more numerous. These differences also influenced the presence of the army in the town, the recruitment of soldiers, and the return of veterans to their home town. They are approximately 100 in Celeia compared to 46 in Flavia Solva. Celeia and Flavia Solva are not comparable in the number of the inscriptions but they are comparable in respect of units and their number. In both municipia the majority of soldiers served in the legion II Italica (in Celeia 11, including the ben-eficiarii, in Solva 7). Functions attested in both towns are very similar: centurions are well attested, and so are also praetorians (Flavia Solva 11, Celeia 12 - including those attested in other parts of the Empire). The expected differences between the town and ager occurr, most noticeably in the form of the monuments, their number, and a wider variety of units and functions within the town. Translation: Maja Sužnik Julijana Visočnik Nadškofijski arhiv Ljubljana Krekov trg 1 SI-1000 Ljubljana julijana332@yahoo.com CONCLUSION Military inscriptions of Celeia attest mostly legionaries, praetorians, centurions, and veterans; the veteran Sacronius Verinus (no. 18) was custos armorum. Among legions, II Italica - the only Norican legion, V Macedonica, VI Ferrata, VIII Augusta, and X and XIII Gemina are attested. The last three belonged to the neighbouring Pannonian army during different time periods. Among auxiliary units, ala I Commagenorum is documented twice and once ala Asturum. Both units belonged to the Norican army and were stationed in the province between the 1s' and the 3rd centuries.73 None of the three dedicators of the votive altars are common soldiers: Barbius Finitus (no. 8) is a praetorian, Ulpius Valerianus (no. 9) a centurion, and L. Septimius Tertinus (no. 13) a centurion or a beneficiarius. This fact can be connected to the costs for the monument's erection, which must have been extremely difficult for a common soldier to afford. In Celeia, we can distinguish between the local people, who returned to their homeland after the completed military service, and the foreigners, who were stationed in the vicinity and settled here. Praetorians (nos. 2, 7, 8, and 21) and the second generation of the legion II Italica (nos. 10, 11, 12?, 13, 15, and 20) are distinctive among the former. Only one 71 This is the only statement of years and months in the Ce-leian area (no example with days has yet been discovered). 72 About the rounding of years, centenarians, and about the counting of years in general, see Šašel Kos 2006, 175-197. Cf. also the appended references. 73 Cf. Ubl 2005, 107-120.