EUROPEAN TERRITORIAL COOPERATION LIFE AND WATER ON KARST Monitoring of transboundary water resources of Northern Istria Editors Nadja Zupan Hajna, Nataša Ravbar, Josip Rubinic, Metka Petrič ZALOŽBA Z R C Editors Nadja Zupan Hajna, Nataša Ravbar, Josip Rubinic, Metka Petrič LIFE AND WATER ON KARST Monitoring of transboundary water resources of Northern Istria Authors of the chapters Ranko Biondic, Clarissa Brun, Tamara Crnko, Sonja Dikovic, Janja Kogovšek, Alenka Koželj, Franci Malečkar, Andrej Mihevc, Bojan Otoničar, Metka Petrič, Tanja Pipan, Gorazd Pretnar, Maja Radišic, Nataša Ravbar, Josip Rubinic, Igor Ružic, Nadja Zupan Hajna SI^H^HR EUROPEAN TERRITORIAL COOPERATION The monograph was published within the Project "ŽIVO! Life - Water" in the frame of transboundary Programme Slovenia-Croatia 2007-2013 (IPA CBC SI-HR 2007-2013) Project Partners • Region of Istria • Karst Research Institute at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts • Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka • Public Institution Natura Histrica • National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food 2015 Editors Nadja Zupan Hajna, Nataša Ravbar, Josip Rubinic, Metka Petrič LIFE AND WATER ON KARST Monitoring of transboundary water resources of Northern Istria Authors of the chapters Ranko Biondic, Clarissa Brun, Tamara Crnko, Sonja Dikovic, Janja Kogovšek, Alenka Koželj, Franci Malečkar, Andrej Mihevc, Bojan Otoničar, Metka Petrič, Tanja Pipan, Gorazd Pretnar, Maja Radišic, Nataša Ravbar, Josip Rubinic, Igor Ružic, Nadja Zupan Hajna Reviewed by Gregor Kovačič, Andrej Kranjc, Janez Mulec Translation and language review Hugh Brown, Roger Metcalfe, Peter Altshul, Pavle Perenčevic (Amidas d.o.o.), David C. Culver Layout Rudolf Z d.o.o. Issued by Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU SI — 6230 Postojna - Titov trg 2, Slovenia http://w w Represented by Tadej Slabe Published by Založba ZRC For the publisher Oto Luthar Editor-in-chief Aleš Pogačnik Printed by Collegium Graphicum d.o.o. in 300 copies Cover photo from "Water - Life!" in Istria competition Julien Duval, Old mill on the river Rečina, Kotli, Istria Postojna 2015 ZALOŽBA Z R C Digitalna verzija (pdf) je pod pogoji licence prosto dostopna: CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 551.44(497.472+497.571)(082) 556(497.472+497.571)(082) LIFE and water on Karst : monitoring of transboundary water resources of Northern Istria / authors of the chaptors Ranko Biondic ... [et al.] ; editors Nadja Zupan Hajna ... [et al.] ; [translation Hugh Brown ... et al.]. - Ljubljana : Založba ZRC, 2015 ISBN 978-961-254-819-3 1. Biondic, Ranko 2. Zupan Hajna, Nadja 281077504 LIST OF THE AUTHORS WITH ADDRESSES LIST OF THE AUTHORS WITH ADDRESSES In alphabetical order Biondic Ranko, Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering, University of Zagreb, e-mail: Brun Clarissa, National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food, e-mail: Crnko Tamara, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka, e-mail: Dikovic Sonja, Public Health Institute, Region of Istria, e-mail: Kogovšek Janja, Karst Research Institute at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, e-mail: Koželj Alenka, National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food, e-mail: Malečkar Franci, Caving Club Dimnice Koper, e-mail: Mihevc Andrej, Karst Research Institute at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, e-mail: Otoničar Bojan, Karst Research Institute at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, e-mail: Petrič Metka, Karst Research Institute at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, e-mail: Pipan Tanja, Karst Research Institute at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, email: Pretnar Gorazd, National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food, e-mail: Radišic Maja, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka, e-mail: Ravbar Nataša, Karst Research Institute at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, e-mail: Rubinic Josip, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka, e-mail: Ružic Igor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka, e-mail: Zupan Hajna Nadja, Karst Research Institute at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, e-mail: ill CONTENTS CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PREFACE........................................................................................................................................................vii INTRODUCTION TO THE KARST AND WATERS OF THE NORTHERN ISTRIA.....................................................................................................................1 Josip Rubinic, Metka Petrič, Nataša Ravbar, Nadja Zupan Hajna, Sonja Dikovic, Janja Kogovšek, Alenka Koželj I. GENERAL ON KARST WHAT IS KARST? .........................................................................................................................................6 Nadja Zupan Hajna SPECIFICS OF KARST HYDROLOGY......................................................................................................16 Metka Petrič, Josip Rubinic ENVIRONMENTAL VALUE AND VULNERABILITY OF KARST RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................23 Nataša Ravbar, Janja Kogovšek, Tanja Pipan II. STUDY AREA: NORTHERN ISTRIA LOCATION, TOPOGRAPHY, CLIMATE ..................................................................................................36 Andrej Mihevc OVERVIEW OF THE GEOLOGY ..............................................................................................................43 Bojan Otoničar OVERVIEW OF THE HYDROGEOLOGY.................................................................................................60 Ranko Biondic, Metka Petrič, Josip Rubinic THE ROLE OF EPIKARST FAUNA AS INDICATORS OF SUBTERRANEAN AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM HEALTH......................................................................75 Tanja Pipan RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MAN AND WATER THROUGHOUT HISTORY....................................82 Tamara Crnko, Josip Rubinic, Franci Malečkar iv CONTENTS III. KARST WATER RESOURCES MONITORING HYDROLOGICAL CONDITIONS.............................................................................................................94 Josip Rubinic, Maja Radišic, Nataša Ravbar, Metka Petrič, Igor Ružic, Tamara Crnko GROUNDWATER QUALITY IN CHANGING HYDROLOGICAL CONDITIONS AND COMPARISON WITH THE RESULTS OF LONG-TERM MONITORING................................105 Sonja Dikovic, Alenka Koželj ASSESSMENT OF FLOW DYNAMICS AND SOLUTE TRANSPORT BASED ON THE MONITORING OF A FLOOD PULSE.......................................................................124 Metka Petrič, Nataša Ravbar, Clarissa Brun, Ranko Biondic, Janja Kogovšek MICROBIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SELECTED KARST SPRINGS..................................135 Gorazd Pretnar MONITORING THE QUANTITATIVE STATUS AND QUALITY OF KARST WATER SOURCES......................................................................................143 Nataša Ravbar, Metka Petrič, Josip Rubinic, Sonja Dikovic, Alenka Koželj, Tanja Pipan, Janja Kogovšek Photo from "Water - Life!" in Istria competition; author: Josip Madracevic v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The monograph was done and published in the frame of project ŽIVO! Življenje - voda! (Life - Water!) (IPA CBC SI-HR 2007-2013) as an activity of the project partners Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU, Faculty of Civil Engineering of Rijeka, and the National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food, Koper Unit, with the assistance of the lead partner Region of Istria and also the project partner Natura Histrica Public Institution, which merit major thanks for their assistance in its creation. The financing source for the monograph was the IPA Programme of Transboundary Cooperation between Slovenia and Croatia 2007-2013, in the implementation period 01/2014 to 09/2015. The preparation of the monograph, as well as setting up the observation networks, sampling and analysis of results obtained, involved the collaboration of numerous institutions and individuals that each in their own way contributed to the book. Their work is not reflected in the form of their own published work, but we thank them here for their assistance and cooperation. In addition to the above-mentioned partner institutions, special recognition is due to the Buje Speleological Society for its willingness to set up and carry out monitoring in selected caves of the project area; the staff of ARSO (Slovenian Environment Agency) in Ljubljana, of the Croatian National Hydrometeorological Institute in Zagreb and of Istramet for meteorological and hydrological data; staff at Istarski vodovod in Buzet (especially Mladen Nežic) and Rižanski vodovod in Koper (especially Melanija Pavšič, David Bembič and all the operators at the Rižana Waterworks) for their help in monitoring; Hrvatske vode (Croatia water management corporation) of Zagreb for data on water quality, VGO of Buzet (Vojmil Prodan) for information on water conditions in the area, POU Buzet (Dijana Kolakovic) for help finding archive material and the residents of Northern Istria, who not only collaborated in preparing the monograph, but who for centuries have cared for water and water resources. The book shows 30 photographs selected in a public photographic competition for best photo on the topic of "Water — Life!" in Istria, which was organised as part of the ŽIVO! project by the Region of Istria. The authors who took the photos selected and reproduced in this book are listed in alphabetical order: Mirna Bartolic, Dani Celija, Julien Duval, Kristian Macinic, Josip Madračevic, Doriano Orbanic, Aleksandar Tomulic and Igor Zirojevic. Editors Photo from "Water - Life!" in Istria competition; author: Josip Madračevic vi PREFACE PREFACE This book is the result of joint work and many years of mutual cooperation between researchers from Slovenia and Croatia. It was made as part of the transboundary project ŽIVO! Življenje - voda! (Life - Water!) (IPA CBC SI-HR 20072013), which involved the participation of authors from project partner institutions as well as invited authors who are familiar with the characteristics of the karst area of Northern Istria and the conditions there relating to drinking water supply. The monograph presents the natural features of Northern Istria, the karst and karst phenomena, karst hy-drogeology, ecology and microbiology, and highlights in particular the vulnerability of the karst to various human activities. The main focus of attention is on karst water sources. In assessing their characteristics we used available knowledge of karst water on both sides of the border and supplemented it with new research on the transboundary area in question, which was based on field measurements and sampling, and chemical, microbiological and biological analysis of water. The collected findings form the basis for planning more effective monitoring of the quality of karst water sources, their protection and consequently the improvement of their quality. The book therefore touches on the area of protecting nature and the environment as the main theme of the project ŽIVO!. During its preparation, publication and, we hope, its path among readers, the general transboundary goals of the project were and will be achieved: preservation of the karst aquifer and natural water sources and sustainable use of the project area through common, sustainable management in the transboundary area; increasing capacities, cooperation in coordinating regional organisations for the protection of nature and the environment; a contribution to improving the quality of life by reducing ecological hazards and through appropriate management of water sources, and linking the environmental protection sector with the tourism sector. The specific transboundary goals of the project were achieved: spreading scientific knowledge of the karst and the state of water sources in the transboundary area of Slovenia and Croatia, and raising the level of awareness among local inhabitants of all age groups, as well as specific interest and professional circles, regarding the biological and environmental value of karst land, with the aim of improving the quality of life. We also fulfilled transboundary aspects such as mobility of researchers and their joint cooperation in field work, analysis of samples, processing the results and writing chapters and the exchange of existing knowledge of the karst in the border area. The monograph was written for wide professional circles and represents a solid basis for planning life in the karst and managing karst water sources. It is also aimed at people living in Northern Istria whose active relationship with water, adaptation to change and constant concern for maintaining the quality of water contribute to preserving water sources in an area that crosses the national border. The syntagma ŽIVO! Življenje — voda! (Life — Water!) is tied to people and water. An appropriately active relationship between them through history, in the present and in the challenges brought by the future is the best guarantee for preserving sensitive water sources in the karst area of Northern Istria and beyond. Editors vii Photo from "Water - Life!" in Istria competition; author: Julien Duval INTRODUCTION TO THE KARST AND WATERS OF NORTHERN ISTRIA INTRODUCTION TO THE KARST AND WATERS OF NORTHERN ISTRIA Josip Rubinic, Metka Petrič, Nataša Ravbar, Nadja Zupan Hajna, Sonja Dikovic, Janja Kogovšek, Alenka Koželj In the monograph produced as part of the ZIVO! project, we wish to expand the sum of scientific knowledge of the karst, the characteristics of underground water flow and its vulnerability and the state of water sources in the border area shared by Slovenia and Croatia, and in this way to do as much as possible to help preserve natural water resources and their sustainable use. Slovenia and Croatia are countries that host some of particularly widespread karst landscapes. Carbonate bedrocks on which karst is formed, underlie about half of both states (Slovenia 43% or 8,700 km2, Croatia 46% or 26,000 km2). The area of Northern Istria stretches across the border area of Slovenia and Croatia, which is characterised by karst terrain with a developed surface morphology and complex underground water flow (Fig. 1.1). Figure 1.1: Karst and non-karst areas of the Northern Istria. The project area features alternating karst and non-karst terrain, depending on the rock base, in other words permeable limestone and dolomite and impermeable flysch. The area lies in an extremely dynamic tectonic region, so rock beds are often overthrusted and fractured in various directions. The tectonically deformed and thrusted rock beds the base for varied relief as well as the fragmented surface features and the method of water flow. At the contact between the flysch and limestone are developed typical morphological forms of contact karst, such as blind valleys, ponors where surface water flows into the karst, cave entrances and on the other hand large karst springs. 1 J. RUBINIC, M. PETRIČ, N. RAVBAR, N. ZUPAN HAJNA, S. DIKOVIC, J. KOGOVŠEK, A. KOŽELJ One of the tasks of the ŽIVO! project was to improve the existing model of managing water sources and protecting their quality in the Northern Istria. In this karst border area between Slovenia and Croatia, surface and especially subterranean hydrographic networks have evolved. The sources of the Rižana, Sv. Ivan and Bulaž are transboundary water sources of exceptional importance for supplying drinking water to Slovenian and Croatian Istria.. They are fed from a complex aquifer structure which is recharged both through direct infiltration of precipitation and also through sinking streams, which enter into the highly permeable conduits of the karst aquifers. This binary structure renders them extremely vulnerable to various sources of contamination. Their effective protection requires a good knowledge of the processes of water flow and the transport of substances in the system of precipitation — karst aquifer — springs, both in terms of quantity and quality of karst water. The essential precondition for the quantification and thereby also better understanding of the functioning of complex karst aquifer systems is adequate monitoring, which in current practice is generally limited to monitoring precipitation and the quantity and quality of groundwater at the point of outflow to the surface, i.e. a karst spring, and this with a large discretization in terms of time — once a month or even less frequently. This is insufficient for the modern management of water sources. The basic concept of the ŽIVO! project is therefore to study the functioning of sources and analyse the dynamic of changing water quality at these sources and associated watercourses in the wider impact area. Close monitoring, with sampling performed every few hours, was conducted at times of flood pulses after a long dry period. Preliminary research has shown that at that time changes are most notable, but our understanding of these processes is still very lacking. We also monitored the state of groundwater both at the points where they flow out through large karst springs used for drinking water supply, as well as on selected surface watercourses in the catchment areas of these springs, at certain other permanent and seasonal springs that are hydrologically linked to these karst springs or their catchments, and in two caves which allow us to monitor the state in the subterranean part of the study area (Fig. 1.2). Given the characteristics, importance and accessibility of the selected sampling points, we opted for a different dynamic of monitoring. On the Slovenian side we focused on the main water source, the source of the Rižana. Numerous studies in the past have yielded solid research into the hydrogeological characteristics of its catchment area, but no detailed analysis of the changing quality of the source in changeable hydrological conditions had been performed. We decided to monitor two sequential flood pulses of differing intensity in June 2015 with a maximum sampling frequency of every two hours during the most pronounced hydrological changes, and with appropriate extension of this interval in periods of smaller changes to the water level. Figure 1.2: Water sampling at the Butori swallow hole (Photo: Natasa Ravbar). On the Croatian side we put greater emphasis on the spatial component of the changing quality of karst water. Our main attention was focused on the major water sources, especially the Sv. Ivan and Bulaz springs, while at the 2 INTRODUCTION TO THE KARST AND WATERS OF NORTHERN ISTRIA same time we monitored events at selected ponors and watercourses in caves in the catchments of the two springs. In order to determine the differences in the functioning of individual sources, to a slightly lesser extent we performed monitoring at selected smaller springs in the observed area. At all these points, with differing frequency of sample taking we monitored the second, more intense flood pulse in June 2015. Research was focused on monitoring the dynamic of water flow and the solute transport of substances in the karst, so it was important to conduct detailed parallel measurement of precipitation and hydrological conditions. We used publicly accessible measurement data provided by various agencies. At all the locations where there is no such data, we ourselves set up the measurement of levels, electrical conductivity and water temperature. In selecting the parameters for monitoring physical, chemical and microbiological parameters we took into account the results of previous research. In addition to the wide selection of basic physical and chemical parameters, we selected certain specific ones that are typical for the area in question. We performed isotope analysis, and placed special emphasis on analysing various microbiological indicators. All the sample analyses were performed in compliance with the standard procedures and methods in accredited laboratories of the National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food. The results of our research are presented in this monograph. The first part sets out the general characteristics of the karst and its vulnerability, and the special features of karst hydrology. It gathers together detailed information on the geographical, geological and hydrogeological characteristics of the observed area of Northern Istria and its impact zone, and on the biological state of subterranean environments in karst caves, while also presenting the culturological aspect of the development of water supply in this area and the attitude of local residents to water. The main section of the monograph is centred around a presentation of the findings of analysis focused on the quantity and quality of water during the observed flood pulses of June 2015. An interpretation of the results of hydrological measurements and of the physical, chemical, isotope and microbiological analyses yielded an assessment of the dynamic of the changing state of the water, and this served to provide guidelines for improving the monitoring of karst sources and aquifers. The existing legislation does not properly address the relevant issue of monitoring the quality of karst water sources, which are characterised by very rapid changes in their quality. The results obtained point to similarities in terms of the reaction of individual sources to changes in hydro-logical conditions in their catchment area, and also to variation in the response of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the water to these changes. And just as variation is itself the foundation for ensuring stability of the environment, so too is knowledge and timely prediction of changes in the state of karst sources and aquifers the foundation for improved management of karst water sources. In unfavourable climatic and hydrological conditions, the presence of climate change and increasingly complex anthropogenic impacts, which are reflected in a deterioration in water quality and increasingly limited reserves of water for public drinking water supply and preservation of natural ecosystems, the establishing of operational management of karst water sources in real time is urgently needed. In this sense the contribution offered by the results in the study set out in this monograph is especially great. 3 Photo from "Water - Life!" in Istria competition; author: Josip Madracevic I. GENERAL ON KARST NADJA ZUPAN HAJNA WHAT IS KARST? Nadja Zupan Hajna Karst When we hear the word "karst" the first things that come to mind are well-known karst phenomena such as the world-famous Postojnska jama (Postojna Cave), stalactites and stalagmites, the curious cave salamander (Proteus anguinus) sometimes known as the "human fish", and perhaps also the Kras Plateau, Lipizzaner horses, Teran wine and air-dried Karst ham (prosciutto). Well known are also Škocjanske jame (Skocjan Caves) and Plitvička jezera (Plitvice Lakes), both UNESCO World Heritage sites, the intermittent Cerkniško jezero (Lake Cerknica), karst poljes and numerous caves. Karst represents almost half the land surface of Slovenia and also of Croatia (Gams 2003; Matas 2009). The karst landscape we live in can appear uninteresting and its characteristics can make it seem hostile and uninviting. Karst areas usually have no surface streams or thick soil. The surface is rocky and unsuitable for cultivation. All precipitation quickly sinks beneath the surface, and even rivers disappear through ponors (sinkholes) into the karst, where their waters flow deep underground, out of our sight. For all these reasons karst areas have never been densely populated and the people who have persevered here have eked out a meagre existence and worked hard to survive. What is the difference between the terms "karst" and "Karst" and what do these almost identically written words mean? In the Slovene language the word kras (karst) means a rocky, barren surface and is frequently used as a toponym. In the scientific sense, "karst" means a landscape with typical karst landforms and underground water flow. As well as a type of landscape, the term "karst" denotes a precisely defined process of dissolution of rock and the characteristic flow of water beneath the surface. "Karst" with a capital K, on the other hand, is the name of the plateau between the Gulf of Trieste and the valley of the river Vipava. It was given this name because of its rocky surface. Because of the precisely defined characteristics of karst topography, the multiplicity of karst landforms and research carried out in the nineteenth century, the word kras, or rather its German form Karst, has also become the international scientific term for karst as a natural phenomenon (Gams 1974 2003; Kranjc 1994). A characteristic karst process is the dissolution of carbonate rock (limestone and dolomite) by carbonic acid. Viewed more broadly, then, karst is part of the Earth's crust the characteristics of which are conditioned by the chemical action of water on relatively soluble carbonate rocks. As a result of secondary porosity development through dissolution, the enlargement of fractures by corrosion and the lengthening and widening of conduits, the underground flow system typical of karst areas also develops. Karst rocks The rocks most typically subject to karstification — the formation of surface and subterranean karst features — are limestone and dolomite. Limestone and dolomite are the most important sedimentary carbonate rocks and differ in terms of age and formation. Carbonate rocks by definition contain more than 50% of carbonate minerals, mainly represented by calcite and dolomite. Limestone and dolomite also differ in terms of their mineral composition and the mechanical and chemical properties. The limestone on the Earth's surface is for the most part of shallow-marine origin (deposited in an environment with a tropical and moderately warm climate) and derives from former platforms. Limestone is still forming today on carbonate platforms and coral reefs (Fig. 2.1); for example in the Bahamas, in the Persian Gulf and off the coast of Australia. Carbonate sediments also form in smaller quantities on the deep sea floor and on continental slopes. 6 WHAT IS KARST? Figure 2.1: Reef growth and the death of organisms that are the basis for the formation of reef limestone; Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia (Photo: Nadja Zupan Hajna). The geological properties of carbonate rocks are important for the formation of karst. These important properties include both the primary and secondary porosity of carbonate rocks and their mineralogical composition, grain size, texture, bed thickness and degree of tectonic deformation. Water penetrates carbonate rocks through open spaces such as bedding planes (the boundaries between strata), fractures and faults, and at the same time further enlarges them through corrosion. Some interesting facts: the purer the rock, the less insoluble residue it contains; the higher the degree of tectonic deformation, the faster the rock dissolves (Fig. 2.2); sulphur content accelerates dissolution; dolomite dissolves more slowly than limestone and is more subject to mechanical decomposition. Figure 2.2: Tectonically deformed bedded limestone with karstified fissures (Photo: Nadja Zupan Hajna). Dissolution Karst forms in all carbonate rocks provided there is water available to dissolve them. Water causes dissolution through its chemical composition and mechanical properties such as the quantity and manner of flow and the nature and size of its contact with the rock. The intensity of dissolution depends on the quantity of CO2 available to form carbonic acid. 7 NADJA ZUPAN HAJNA Karstification of carbonate rocks begins as soon as the rock transitions from the environment in which it formed to a different environment, i.e. from the sea to a freshwater environment. When limestone and dolomite karstify this involves, in principle, the dissolution of the minerals calcite and dolomite, while impurities remain as an insoluble residue. The most important chemical process for the karst formation in carbonate rocks is dissolution by carbonic acid (Fig. 2.3). Rainwater is enriched with CO2 in the atmosphere and when percolating through soil, and with it forms a weak carbonic acid: H2O + CO2 = h2co3 When percolating through carbonate rocks, this weak carbonic acid dissolves them, resulting in the formation of calcium and hydrogen carbonate ions: CaCO3 + H2CO3 = Ca2+ + 2(HCO^- When the water enriched with the dissolved ions reaches an open cave environment, the difference in CO2 partial pressure in the cave results in the degassing of the solution, which causes the precipitation of calcite in various forms of calcareous deposit: Ca2+ + 2(HCO^- = CO2 + CaCO3 + H2O Karst thus forms in all carbonate rocks if there is water available to dissolve them. Figure 2.3: Water enriched with CO2 from the soil and vegetation enlarges fractures through dissolution and penetrates ever deeper. When the water containing the dissolved ions reaches the cave, calcite deposits are precipitated from it in a wide variety of forms. 8 WHAT IS KARST? The intensity of dissolution is influenced above all by the quantity of precipitation, the partial pressure of the available CO2 and the properties of the rock (Gabrovšek 2000). The key is the amount of precipitation: the more water there is available, the faster the rock will dissolve (rainfall is highest in the tropics — somewhere around 2,500 mm/year). If there is no water (arid areas: deserts, the Arctic, etc.; e.g. just 7 mm/year), there is no dissolution either. Denudation of a karst surface or karst denudation (the uniform lowering of the surface) represents the removal of material from the surface in ionic form. The denudation rate is expressed in m3/km2 per year or mm/1000 years. Values are based above all on climate (quantity of precipitation, temperature), evapotranspiration, CO2 partial pressure and the composition of the rock (minerals, texture, structure, etc.). Surface relief forms in karst The dissolution of limestone and dolomite results in the formation of characteristic landforms on the karst surface that are described below (Ford & Williams 1989, 2007; Gams 2003; Mihevc 1997). Various factors dictate what types of karst features will form: the quantity of precipitation, the type of rock, the presence of soil and vegetation and the incline of slopes. Suitable conditions result in the formation of both small solutional features (karren such as flutes, meanders, solution pans, grikes in limestone pavements,) and classic karst features (dolines, conical peaks, poljes, etc.). Karst rock features form through dissolution, which takes place where there is direct contact between precipitation and the bare rock surface. Their formation depends on the quantity of precipitation, the manner of flow and the contact between the water and the surface of the rock. Features directly formed by precipitation on a rocky surface have sharp edges (Fig. 2.4). Rocky features formed beneath the soil or fine-grained sediments are rounded and smooth. Figure 2.4: Dry solution pans (kamenitzas) with rain flutes (rillenkarren). Solution pans are round or irregular hollows in the rock with a flat bottom and, frequently, overhanging sides. They form as a result of water standing in depressions in which organic matter also accumulates (Photo: Nadja Zupan Hajna). The doline is the most characteristic karst landform of moderate geographical dimensions. It is a closed funnel-or bowl-shaped depression in karst, whose width is usually greater than its depth (Gams 1974). The same landform can be the result of different processes, for example dissolution, collapse, the washout of fine-grained sediments and the subsidence of strata above more soluble rocks (Ford & Williams 1989). The most common are solution dolines (Fig. 2.5); the water in them dissolves the rock from the surface and carries it underground in the form of a solution. This is how most topographically closed karst depressions of different sizes form. The density of dolines on the surface depends on the type of rock (they are rare on dolomites and very numerous on medium-grained and coarsegrained limestones), on the incline of slopes (dolines are not found on steep slopes) and the degree of fracturing of the rock. Dolines on limestones are rockier than those on dolomites and have less soil on their sides. Soil typically accumulates on the bottom of dolines, which because of the thicker layer of soil are often also cultivated. 9 NADJA ZUPAN HAJNA Larger depressions are collapse dolines. A collapse doline is a large karst depression with vertical sides (Fig. 2.6) formed by the collapse of the roof above an underground cave formed by dissolution. Remains of the collapse rubble lie on the floor of the collapse doline. Karst water can be present in it, or it can lead to a lower-lying cave. Larger collapse dolines are between 50 and 200 metres deep and up to a few hundred metres wide. Their volume can reach millions of cubic metres. A karst polje is the largest type of karst depression, with a leveled rocky floor and karst drainage (Fig. 2.7). It has a sheer perimeter and a sinking stream with springs on one side of the polje and ponors on the other. A typical karst polje is formed by dissolution of the rock floor at ground level and at the margins in zones of water table fluctuation. Karst poljes can extend for several tens of kilometres in both length and width. Heavy and long-lasting rainfall causes the underground water level in karst areas to rise and flood the bottoms of karst depressions, both big and small. Because the karst is full of water, the ponors are no longer able to swallow the additional water carried by the sinking stream. This leads to the formation of intermittent karst lakes. In dry periods the karst polje is dry and the water level is deep below the surface. In rainy periods the water level begins to rise and floods the karst polje, resulting in the formation of a karst lake. 10 WHAT IS KARST? The surface of limestone karst is very rocky and rugged and therefore relatively impassable. The soil is thin or accumulates at the bottom of depressions. The surface of dolomite karst is formed through the reciprocal action of denudation processes and fluvio-erosional geomorphic processes. The surface of dolomite karst is smoother and less rocky, and traces of surface water flow are visible. Dells (dolci), a typical surface landform on dolomite, are present (Fig. 2.8). There is more soil than in limestone karst areas and the landscape is therefore inhabited and cultivated. Figure 2.8: Dells (dolci), a typical surface landform on dolomite (Photo: Nadja Zupan Hajna). Caves Karst caves are underground cavities large enough for human entry that are formed as a result of the dissolution of rocks along the route of subsurface water flow in various environments (Ford & Williams 1989). The geological structures and lithological composition of carbonate rocks have a decisive influence on the formation and development of caves. Caves form where water penetrates most easily into rock, in other words through open fissures, faults, bedding planes and the most soluble layers. In the hydrological sense, caves are conduits in a karst massif in which a turbulent water flow is established as a result of dissolution (Gabrovšek 2012). The water, pushed through an initially hairline fracture by constant pressure, dissolves the walls of the fracture. The flow thus increases and the fracture widens further, since the chemically aggressive water penetrates ever deeper. The repetition of this 11 NADJA ZUPAN HAJNA process leads, via the accelerated growth of the fracture, to a breakthrough point in which the rate of flow increases by several orders of magnitude in a very brief period. Caves frequently form below the water table, in the saturated or phreatic zone. Conduits develop around their entire circumference, so typical phreatic passages are round or oval in shape. Epiphreatic passages form in the zone of fluctuation of the karst water table. These passages develop partly in phreatic conditions, i.e. symmetrically under pressure, and partly in vadose conditions, i.e. in a flow with an open surface. The typical shape of passages is usually a combination of the oval (phreatic) shape and the canyon-type (vadose) passage (Fig. 2.9). Vadose caves form between the karst surface and the karst water table. The water in this zone flows gravitationally and only washes a limited part of the cave ceiling. As a result, most of the caves in the vadose zone are shafts. Figure 2.9: In the epiphreatic zone, the typical shape of passages is most often a combination of an oval (phreatic) shape and a canyon (vadose) shape (Photo: Nadja Zupan Hajna). Sand and gravel in karst rivers can mechanically grind and significantly transform cave conduits. On the other hand sediments deposited around the circumference of the passage protect the walls against corrosion. If sediments are deposited on the floor, the passage generally grows in an upwards direction, where the walls continue to be exposed to corrosion. This type of passage development is technically known as paragenesis. Since in karst areas the water table (and also the surface) usually lowers over time, caves travel upwards in the hydrological sense, first into the zone of water table fluctuation (the epiphreatic zone) and then higher into the unsaturated or vadose zone (see also Fig. 3.1). Here they intersect with vadose shafts created by water percolating from the surface. The term speleo-genesis is used to describe the entire life cycle of caves, from their formation to their collapse. Age of karst Karst is an important land-based source of information about past conditions in an environment. The most important carriers of this information are sediments on the karst surface and in caves. Sediments are classified in terms of their formation into clastic, chemical and organic, and in terms of their origin into autochthonous and allochthonous. Cave sediments (speleothems, alluvium, collapse rubble, etc.) reflect climate and processes in caves and on the surface. Cave mineral deposits are chemical deposits precipitated from a saturated water solution. The quantity of cave mineral deposits is usually greater in lower positions, warmer climates and in the presence of higher rainfall, because dissolution of the rock is more intensive and more ions are available. Speleothems vary in form, mineral composition, colour and age (Lackovic 2003; Zupan Hajna 2006). Their form depends on the type of water inflow. Different shapes grow from dripping, running, trickling, trapped, capillary or condensate water and through evaporation. The 12 WHAT IS KARST? mineral composition and colour of speleothems depends on the composition of the rock above the cave which is dissolved by percolating water. The vast majority of speleothems are composed of calcite (CaCO3), aragonite (CaCO3) and gypsum (CaSO4-2H2O). The formation of speleothems is an indicator of climatic conditions in the environment, since cave minerals are not as a rule precipitated in dry and cool climatic conditions. The intensity of dissolution of limestone is dependent on climate, in other words on geographical breadth, surface relief, the quantity of rainfall, temperature, soil cover, the quantity of biogenic CO2 in the soil and the properties of the carbonate rock itself. The more rock is dissolved in a given period/environment, the more concretionary material can consequently be precipitated in caves. Thus the quantity of cave mineral deposits is usually greater in lower positions and warmer climates and in the presence of higher rainfall. Allochthonous cave sediments are above all sediments carried underground from an impermeable zone by sinking streams (gravel, sand, silt, clay). These provide important information about the environment in which they formed before being transported and deposited in the cave. The same rocks on the surface weather differently under different environmental conditions (temperature, quantity of precipitation, pH, Eh). Various minerals accumulate in the weathered residues. Some derive from the original rock, while others formed during the weathering process. In the case of Eocene flysch, which is a relatively common rock in contact with carbonate rocks in south-west Slovenia and Istria, the most common final products of weathering are quartz, feldspar residues and various clayey and ferrous minerals, which reflect the weathering environment (Zupan Hajna 1998). In the last 20 years knowledge of the age of cave sediments in Slovenia has advanced considerably, above all thanks to the use of various dating methods (Mihevc 2001, 2007; Zupan Hajna et al. 2008; Zupan Hajna et al. 2010). In the study of cave sediments, past researchers have mainly linked sediments to events in the late Pleistocene and Holocene, above all because of a lack of suitable dating methods. Sediments are believed to have been influenced in particular by alternations of warm and cool Pleistocene periods. Thus the deposition of clastic sediments is assumed to be tied above all to cool periods and the deposition of concretionary material to warm periods of the Quaternary. Datings of cave mineral deposits using the carbon method have not had a significant influence on these interpretations, because of the relatively short range of this method. A new view of sedimentation in caves has been opened up by palaeomagnetic and magnetostratigraphic research supported by numerical datings and by mineral-ogical, petrological, geochemical and geomorphological analyses. The rate of denudation also helps us calculate the theoretical resistance of caves in an erosion environment. Within the erosion cycle caves can endure for up to 10 million years, if the rate of denudation is somewhere between 20 and 60 m of dissolved limestone on the karst surface in a million years (Gams 2003; Mihevc 2001). Geomor-phological interpretations and analyses of roofless caves (Fig. 2.10) have clearly shown that some sediments in caves accessible to humans are Pliocene or even older. Figure 2.10: Part of roofless cave named Ulica outside the entrance to the Ulica Pecina cave in the Podgradgrajsko podolje near Racice (Photo: Nadja Zupan Hajna). 13 NADJA ZUPAN HAJNA The age of sediments in caves can be determined using absolute (numerical) methods — those that tell us when they formed — and relative/comparative methods that tell us which sediments are younger and which are older. We can use results regarding the age of sediments to reconstruct Cenozoic tectonic and karst processes in Slovenia. With the help of palaeomagnetic research of sediments and other dating methods, in particular biostratigraphy, we have in several cases determined cave sediments to be of enormous age and found that many cave sediments in caves in Slovenia were already deposited in the Miocene, meaning that the caves must already have existed then. The oldest cave sediments in karst areas of Slovenia are more than 5 million years old (Zupan Hajna et al. 2008, 2010). Two ages of cave sediments stand out in the research: between 1.8 and 3.6 million years old and around 4.1 to 5.4 million years old. In Raciska Pecina, a cave in the Podgrajsko podolje, for example, a profile just 3 m high has been found to contain recent mineral deposits, older Holocene mineral deposits with strata of Palaeolithic charcoal, cave bear bones from the Pleistocene, strata of sandy loam containing the bones of small mammals — believed to be around 2 million years old, and, in the lower part, mineral deposits up to 3.2 million years old. On the western edge of the Podgorski kras two different ages were determined in two profiles of sediments in roofless caves in the Crnotici quarry. Recrystallised mineral deposits with intermediate strata of red clay are all more than 1.77 million years old. Meanwhile the strata containing sediments carried into the cave by a former sinking stream are between 2.6 and 4.5 million years old. The most important result concerns the age is that cave fills, caves and karst are substantially older than expected earlier in general. References Ford, D.C. & P.W. Williams, 1989: Karst geomorphology and hydrology.- Academic Division of Unwin Hyman Ltd, pp. 601, London. Ford, D.C. & P. Williams, 2007: Karst Hydrogeology and Geomorphology.- Wiley, pp. 562, Chichester. Gabrovšek, F., 2000: Evolution of Early Karst Aquifers: From simple principles to complex models.- Založba ZRC, pp. 150, Ljubljana. Gabrovšek, F., 2012: Speleogenesis, telogenetic.- In: White, W. B & D. C. Culver (eds.): Encyclopedia of caves. 2nd ed. Amsterdam, Academic Press, 765-769. Gams, I., 1974: Kras.- Slovenska matica, pp. 359, Ljubljana. Gams, I., 2003: Kras v Sloveniji v prostoru in času.- Založba ZRC, pp. 516, Ljubljana. Lackovic, D., 2003: Sige: što su i kako nastaju?- Katalog Zbirke Siga mineraloško-petrografskoga odjela Hrvatskoga prirodoslovnoga muzeja, pp. 88, Zagreb. Kranjc, A., 1994: About the name and history of the region Kras.- Acta carsologica, 23, 81-90. Matas, M., 2009: Krš Hrvatske: geografski pregled i značenje.- Geografsko društvo, pp. 264, Zagreb — Split. Mihevc, A., 1997: Kras morphology.- In: Kranjc, A. (edit.), Kras : Slovene Classical Karst. ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC: Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa ZRC SAZU, 43-49, Ljubljana. Mihevc, A., 2001: Speleogeneza Divaškega krasa.- Zbirka ZRC, 27, pp. 180, Ljubljana. Mihevc, A., 2007: The age of karst relief in West Slovenia.- Acta carsologica, 36, 1, 35-44. Zupan Hajna, N., 1998: Mineral composition of clastic cave sediments and determination of their origin.- Kras i spe-leologia, 9(XVIII), 169-178, Katowice. Zupan Hajna, N., Mihevc, A., Pruner, P. & P. Bosak, 2010: Palaeomagnetic research on karst sediments in Slovenia.-International Journal of Speleology, 39, 2, 47-60. Zupan Hajna, N., Mihevc, A., Pruner, P & P. Bosak, 2008: Palaeomagnetism and magnetostratigraphy of karst sediments in Slovenia.- Carsologica, 8, Založba ZRC, pp. 266, Ljubljana. Zupan Hajna, N., 2006: Siga v kraških jamah.- In: Jeršek, M. (edit.). Mineralna bogastva Slovenije.- Scopolia, Sup-plementum, 3. Ljubljana, Slovenian Museum of Natural History, 192-203. 14 METKA PETRIČ, JOSIP RUBINIC SPECIFICS OF KARST HYDROLOGY Metka Petric, Josip Rubinic Introduction Karst areas with permanent surface water flow are rare. Precipitation quickly disappears underground through karstified terrain, where it flows — for the most part hidden from our view — through karst conduits, fissures and pores of different sizes towards karst springs, where it again flows out onto the surface, usually at a point where a karst area meets a non-karst area. Together with the water, pollution — the consequence of various human activities in the sensitive karst environment — can also spread quickly and represents an increasing threat to the quality of karst waters. The latter are an extremely important source of drinking water and according to some estimates supply almost a quarter of the world's population. This percentage is even greater in Slovenia and Croatia (approximately 50% and 35% respectively), while karst water sources represents practically the only source of drinking water (80-90%) in the area under study within the ZIVO! project. Good knowledge of the characteristics of karst water flow and contaminant transport is essential for the successful safeguarding of the quality of water sources. Thanks to the use of a variety of research methods, some of which are specially adapted to the characteristics of karst, understanding of these processes is constantly improving (White 1988; Bakalowicz 2005; Ford & Williams 2007; Goldscheider & Drew 2007; Kogovsek 2010). The main characteristics and features of the presence and flow of water in karst are presented below. Water in karst Because of fracturing of karst rocks (for the most part limestone and dolomite), rainwater percolates rapidly through the barren karst surface or scant soil cover and passes underground, and together with surface watercourses from non-karst zones (e.g. flysch areas) that sink underground on contact with karst, recharges a karst aquifer. This is a rock formation containing voids in which water flows or is stored for periods of a longer or shorter duration. These voids can be intergranular pores in the bedrock, fissures of different sizes and karst conduits. Karst aquifers are thus characterised by great diversity in the flow and storage of water. Their structure and functioning differ greatly from those of non-karst aquifers (e.g. intergranular aquifers). Permeability is extremely high, the rate of flow is high and the usually unknown directions of underground water flow can reach sections that can be several tens of kilometres distant. Aquifers can be divided into several parts in terms of flow characteristics and underground water storage processes (Fig. 3.1). The upper section, in which rapid vertical flow through primary drainage conduits combines with slow percolation through less fractured bedrock, represents the unsaturated or vadose zone. This section, in which the pores are only periodically filled with water, can be several hundred metres thick. The top section, which is more heavily fractured, is known as the epikarst zone and plays an important role in shaping the rapid and slow flow of infiltrated water (Mangin 1975; Williams 1983; Kiraly et al. 1995; Klimchouk 2000; Trcek 2003). Karstifi-cation within this section reduces with depth and vertical percolation is impeded, except via the enlarged principal fractures. As a result, temporary storage occurs, particularly after heavy rainfall, and some of the water runs off laterally towards the main fractures and quickly flows vertically down them towards the saturated zone. The remaining water percolates slowly through the unsaturated zone and continues to recharge the aquifer even in periods without rainfall. 16 SPECIFICS OF KARST HYDROLOGY Figure 3.1: Schematic model of a karst aquifer (Ravbar 2007). The lower part of an aquifer consists of the saturated or phreatic zone, in which all pores are filled with water. The transitional region between the unsaturated and saturated zones is known as the flood zone or epiphreatic zone. Here the pores are full of water when the water level is high and dry when it is low. It is limited by the range of fluctuation of the water table, which is defined as the level below which all pores are full of water. This is often unconnected and its position is very hard to determine, since it is constantly changing and very dependent on hy-drological states. We can only observe it in individual flooded caves and boreholes, and therefore the level of karst groundwater is frequently unknown. Water flow in the saturated zone is through conduits, fractures and porous bedrock. Flow is frequently turbulent and is usually sub-horizontal in the direction of springs. As a result of the rapid solutional enlargement of fractures, during the process of karstification the hydraulic conductivity of the system of underground karst conduits increases and the level of groundwater gradually falls (Gabrovsek 2000; White 2002; Ford & Williams 2007). In the same geological timescale, these processes are paralleled by global climate changes. These are reflected in global changes to the sea level, which represents the lowest erosional base of the free discharge of groundwater. With the rise in sea level at the time of the last glaciation, the sea flooded the lower sections of karstified walls (Suric & Juracic 2010), which slowed discharge from previously formed karst drainage systems. The velocity fell in the lower sections of karst aquifers, which also changed conditions for the depositing of sediments in karst aquifers and their coastal zones. At the same time, a dynamic freshwater-saltwater balance was created in the coastal parts of karst aquifers. Groundwater usually discharges on the surface in large karst springs, while more dispersed discharge is also possible on a smaller scale. Springs are extremely important points for the study of karst groundwater, since they can be directly observed and their characteristics reflect the characteristics of the karst aquifer by which they are fed (Kresic & Stevanovic 2010). They are also extremely important as sources of drinking water, something to which we devote particular attention in this monograph. In karst areas, then, we observe water at the points where it disappears underground, in some karst caves through which water flows, and in karst springs. By using a variety of research methods we attempt to establish where and how water flows through the underground. In the first place we are interested in the directions and velocities of this flow. Owing to the already mentioned heterogeneous nature of karst, differences in speeds can be very great, ranging from an order of magnitude of km/h through the most permeable karst conduits to an order 17 METKA PETRIČ, JOSIP RUBINIC of magnitude of cm/h through zones of very low permeability (Milanovic 1979; Petric 2009). The directions and characteristics of underground water flow and the transport of contaminants in it are also significantly affected by hydrological conditions, which are above all the consequence of the distribution and quantity of rainfall. The amount of time that precipitation water will need to flow from the surface to the outflow therefore depends on the permeability of underground conduits and on precipitation and hydrological conditions. Water passing through main conduits, where it flows very quickly, can reach a spring in just a few hours or days. Water that percolates more slowly through the system and can remain inside the less permeable zones of an aquifer for a longer period, can stagnate and accumulate underground for several weeks, months or even years. Only sufficiently intense rainfall that establishes water flow through even the smallest fractures can drive this water out onto the surface. Karst springs Karst springs represent the natural outflow of groundwater onto the surface. An aquifer can empty through a single spring or through a system of several springs, some of which can be so-called overflow springs, which are only active periodically when the water level is high. The rate of flow, which gives the volume of discharged water per unit time, changes very rapidly in karst springs. During dry periods the rate of flow can fall to just a few litres per second or springs can dry up entirely; after long periods of plentiful rain, rates of flow can increase to several tens of cubic metres per second. A diagram of changing discharges over time, known as a hydrograph, shows the considerable rapid changeability of flow rates in karst springs and their dependence on the distribution and quantity of rainfall in the catchment area of the spring (Fig. 3.2). 23/10/12 12/11/12 02/12/12 22/12/12 11/01/13 31/01/13 20/02/13 12/03/13 01/04/13 21/04/13 Figure 3.2: Example of changing daily precipitation in the catchment area and discharges of the Rizana karst spring. Changes in precipitation and hydrological conditions result in changes in the physical and chemical properties of the water, and thus also of its quality. It is therefore necessary to take these dynamics duly into account when planning monitoring of the quality of karst water sources. The catchment area of a spring includes the entire area from which surface water and groundwater flow towards the spring. Areas that mark the divergence of water flows towards different springs or into different river basins or drainage areas are called watersheds. In porous aquifers these correspond to orographic boundaries (surface watershed), while in karst it is extremely difficult or impossible to determine them precisely (Fig. 3.3). Watersheds are typically influenced by the geometry of the aquifer, while a special feature of karst is that their position can change, which consequently changes the size of the catchment area in different hydrological conditions. Another phenomenon that may be observed is that of karst bifurcation, which describes the drainage of water from a specific point 18 SPECIFICS OF KARST HYDROLOGY towards different springs, in other words an overlapping of the catchments of different springs. Sometimes changing hydrological conditions can change the direction of underground water flow in karst aquifers. Figure 3.3: Sketch of the catchment area of a karst spring (from Vigna & Banzato 2009). Defining the catchment area of a karst spring is an extremely important part of hydrological research. Knowing the size of the catchment area helps us estimate the yield of the spring, and is particularly useful when planning how to protect it from pollution. The best results are obtained through a combination of different research methods (geological and hydrogeological mapping, hydrological balance, tracer tests, etc.). Importance of hydrological and hydrogeological research In order to undertake comprehensive study of water in karst areas, we use basic hydrological and hydrogeo-logical research methods, which however often need to be adapted to the special characteristics of karst aquifers (Goldscheider & Drew 2007). Basic information about the boundaries and structure of an aquifer is provided by geological research, which can be effectively complemented by the use of geophysical methods. Geomorphologi-cal analyses provide us with information about karst landforms, which significantly influence the characteristics of infiltration and underground flow. Speleological research is a special feature of the study of karst areas. This type of research, carried out in karst caves, enables the direct study of water percolating through the unsaturated zone and of water flow in karst conduits. With the help of hydrological research we analyse and compare the recharge and discharge of an aquifer and link these two processes with an estimate of the hydrological balance. Methods to determine the hydraulic parameters of underground water flow and storage are specially adapted because of the significant heterogeneity of karst, and considerable caution is necessary when interpreting the results of borehole tests. Tracer methods using natural and artificial tracers have proved to be very suitable for the research of karst waters. When tracing with natural tracers over a longer period, we monitor in detail the changes in various natural parameters of karst waters (e.g. temperature, electrical conductivity, Ca and Mg ions, isotopic composition, microorganisms, etc.), and by comparing the collected data we reach conclusions about the characteristics of karst aquifers. When tracing with artificial tracers (e.g. fluorescent tracers, salts), environmentally harmless substances are injected into the aquifer system, after which we are able to monitor flow direction and characteristics through observation at various points within this system (in flooded caves, boreholes or springs). Increasing use is being made of numerical modelling in the simulation of water flow and the transport of substances in karst, although when modelling it is necessary to take into account the special characteristics of karst and, because of these, to be aware of the limitations of models and to use extreme caution when applying their results in practice. Good knowledge of the characteristics of karst aquifers is also a precondition for their adequate protection 19 METKA PETRIČ, JOSIP RUBINIC and optimisation of their use. Where and how quickly pollution from the karst surface spreads in the karst interior and in what springs we can expect to see it can only be successfully predicted if we have sufficient knowledge of the characteristics of the geological structure and hydrogeological and hydrological conditions in the area under consideration. Rapid and appropriate action is therefore only possible if adequate research has already been carried out (Knez et al. 2011). Karst water sources and climate change It is also necessary to highlight the importance of protecting karst water sources with a view to climate change processes, which are particularly present in the Mediterranean area (Bolle 2003) and which are expected to intensify in the future (IPCC 2007). Unfavourable air temperature and precipitation trends across the wider region are reflected in clearer trends of flow reduction and decreasing water reserves (Bonacci & Geres 2001; Svonja et al. 2003). Such unfavourable trends are also present in the research area of the ZIVO! project and have been illustrated in the case of the Rizana spring. Fig. 3.4 shows the modular values of the mean annual discharge of the Rizana at the Kubed station downstream of the source and mean annual air temperatures and precipitation at the Postojna climate station, which although it is located outside the boundaries of the spring's catchment area nevertheless offers a good reflection of climate conditions on the regional scale. The figures are taken from the website of the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia. Analysis was carried out at the level of hydrological years, which correspond better than calendar years to the hydrological cycle of filling and emptying of water reserves. In the analysed period of 52 years, an upwards trend was identified for air temperature (an increase of 4.5% over 10 years), while downwards trends were identified for precipitation (2% over 10 years) and discharges, where with an increase in drinking water needs discharges of the Rizana fell by as much as 10.3% over 10 years. Hydrological year Figure 3.4: Modular values of annual precipitation and mean annual air temperatures at the Postojna station and mean annual discharges of the Rizana at the Kubed station (for hydrological years from 1961/62 to 2012/13). Since the problems of water quantity and quality are becoming increasingly serious, accuracy of forecasting and effectiveness of water source management will become more and more important (Coppola et al. 2003). Karst aquifers are usually treated as static systems with the characteristics they had in the past and still have in the present. However, in order to understand the functioning and protection of water sources and predict their behaviour under extraordinary conditions, it is necessary to analyse them at the conceptual level as dynamic systems in a constant evolution of climatic and hydrological conditions and related changes. The hydrological component of real-time operational water source management using mathematical models that enable us to estimate water flow in karst, and 20 SPECIFICS OF KARST HYDROLOGY also changes to its quality, is becoming increasingly important. Here it is essential that in our analysis we use good-quality data obtained through the well-planned and accurately implemented monitoring of climatic and hydrologi-cal processes in karst springs and their catchments. References Bakalowicz, M., 2005: Karst groundwater: a challenge for new resource.- Hydrogeology Journal, 13, 1, 148-160. Bolle, H. J., 2003: Mediterranean Climate: Variability and Trends.- Springer, pp. 372, Berlin. Bonacci, O. & D. Gereš, 2001: Impact Assessment and Adaptation to Climate Change: Hydrology and Water Resources.- In: Jelavic, V. (ed.) The First National Communication of the Republic of Croatia to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Ministry of Environmental Protection and Physical Planning, pp. 175-189, Zagreb. Coppola, E., Poulton, M., Charles, E., Dustman, J. & F. Szidarovszky, 2003: Application of artificial neural networks to complex groundwater management problems.- Natural resources research, 12, 4, 303-320. Ford, D. & P. Williams, 2007: Karst hydrogeology andgeomorphology.- Academic Division of Unwin Hyman Ltd, pp. 601, London. Gabrovšek, F., 2000: Evolution of early karst aquifers: from simple principles to complex models.- ZRC Publishing, pp. 150, Ljubljana. Goldscheider, N. & D. Drew, 2007: Methods in Karst Hydrogeology.- Taylor & Francis, pp. 264, London. IPCC, 2007: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis - Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.- [Online] Available from: publications_and_data/ar4/wg1/en/contents.html [Accessed 15th Febraury 2015]. Király, L., Perrochet, P. & Y. Rossier, 1995: Effect of the epikarst on the hydrograph of karst springs: a numerical approach.- Bulletin d'Hydrogeologie, 14, 199-220. Klimchouk, A.B., 2000: The Formation of Epikarst and Its Role in Vadose Speleogenesis. In: Klimchouk, A.B. et al. (eds.) Speleogenesis: Evolution of karst aquifers, Huntsville, Alabama. 91-99, Huntsville. Knez, M., Petrič, M., & T. Slabe (eds.), 2011: Karstology and development challenges on karst I - Water.- ZRC Publishing, pp. 167, Ljubljana. Kogovšek, J., 2010: Characteristics of percolation through the karst vadose zone.- ZRC Publishing, pp. 168, Postojna-Ljubljana. Kresic, N. & Z. Stevanovic (eds.), 2010: Groundwater hydrology of springs: engineering, theory, management, and sustainability.- Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 573, Burlington. Mangin, A., 1975: Contribution a l'étude hydrodynamique des aquifers karstiques.- Annales de Spéléologie, 29, 4, 495-601. Milanovic, P.T., 1979: Hidrogeologija karsta.- HE Trebišnjica, pp. 302, Trebinje. Petrič, M., 2009: Pregled sledenja voda z umetnimi sledili na kraških območjih v Sloveniji.- Geologija 52, 1, 127136. Ravbar, N., 2007: The protection of karst aquifers. A comprehensive Slovene approach to vulnerability and contaminant risk mapping.- ZRC Publishing, pp. 254, Ljubljana. Suric, M. & M. Juračic, 2010: Late Pleistocene — Holocene environmental changes — records from submerged spe-leothems along the Eastern Adriatic coast (Croatia).- Geologia Croatica, 63, 2, 155-169. Svonja, M., Pavic, I. & J. Rubinic, 2003: Analiza kolebanja karakterističnih prosječnih protoka vodotoka Jadranskog sliva u Hrvatskoj.- In: Gereš, D. (ed.) Hrvatske vode u 21. stoljecu: zbornik radova. Hrvatske vode, pp. 123-130, Zagreb. Trček, B., 2003: Epikarst zone and the karst aquifer behaviour: a case study of the Hubelj catchment, Slovenia.- Geološki zavod Slovenije, pp. 100, Ljubljana. Vigna, B. & C. Banzato, 2009: Aquifers in carbonate rocks.- Teaching resources for Speleology and Karst 2009, So-cieta Speleologica Italiana. 21 METKA PETRIČ, JOSIP RUBINIC White, W.B., 1988: Geomorphology and hydrology of karst terrains.- Oxford University Press, pp. 464, New York. White, W.B., 2002: Karst hydrology: recent developments and open questions.- Engineering Geology, 65, 1-2, 85105. Williams, P.W., 1983: The role of subcutaneous zone in karst hydrology.- Journal of Hydrology, 61, 45-67. Photo from "Water - Life!" in Istria competition; author: Mirna Bartolic 22 ENVIRONMENTAL VALUE AND VULNERABILITY OF KARST RESOURCES ENVIRONMENTAL VALUE AND VULNERABILITY OF KARST RESOURCES Natasa Ravbar, Janja Kogovsek, Tanja Pipan Introduction Karst terrains are one of the landscape types that provide humans with numerous and multiple benefits, which are derived from ecological services and aesthetic attractiveness. Due to the special intrinsic characteristics of karst, climate change effects on recharge, together with the increasing pressures on karst groundwater quality, the exploitation of karst natural resources and accompanying urbanization at various karst regions, has already caused landscape and ecosystem deterioration. Their protection thus poses many scientific and practical challenges, which requires a specific approach (Drew & Hötzl 1999; Ravbar & Sebela 2015). Slovenia and Croatia are countries that host some of particularly widespread karst landscapes. Carbonate bedrocks on which karst is formed, underlie about half of both countries. Among various types of karst, Dinaric karst is the most widespread and ranks among largest contiguous karst areas in the world (Gams 2004; Mihevc & Prelovsek 2010). The extensive Dinaric karst landscapes are unique to both countries, considered the locus typicus for karst landscapes around the world. These territories have created unique environments with values related to natural and cultural heritage having relevant natural and environmental significance. In the present chapter environmental values of the Dinaric karst are considered. Reasons for karst being an extremely vulnerable environment are presented and the importance of enhancing its conservation is stressed. Environmental value of karst In both countries, karst aquifers cover about half of the needs and are of exceptional importance for drinking water supply (Fig. 4.1). In many regions karst aquifers often afford the only exploitable reserves, which therefore present invaluable sources for human health, food security, and the economic sector. Moreover, many karst springs contribute to surface waters and play a major role in maintaining numerous aquatic ecosystems and wetlands (Bo-nacci et al. 2009; Kresic & Stevanovic 2010; Ravbar & Kovacic 2015). Figure 4.1: The Rižana karst spring is a drinking water source for about 86,000 inhabitants of the Slovenian coastal region, but supplies more than 120,000 people in the peak tourist season (Photo: Nataša Ravbar). 23 NATAŠA RAVBAR, JANJA KOGOVŠEK, TANJA PIPAN Particular karst landforms, such as caves, poljes, springs and other geomorphologically remarkable phenomena contribute significantly to geodiversity and are fundamental to the retention of biodiversity and other ecosystem services. These landforms are also historically a focus of human attention for recreation and well-being. Many have become tourist attractions and prompted the development of tourism (Hamilton-Smith 2007; Williams 2008). In the predominantly mountainous areas of practically untouched Dinaric karst nature, several national parks, such as for example Risnjak, Plitvice lakes, Paklenica, Krka, Kornati, and protected natural reserves (e.g., Snežnik, Velebit, Biokovo) have been established (Fig. 4.2). Caves also offer opportunities for scientific study and education by providing an insight into past environmental, geomorphological, ecological and anthropogenic conditions. These can potentially include undisturbed archaeological sites and well-preserved animal and human remains. Figure 4.2: The Notranjska Regional Park with its 22,810 ha of land is the second largest natural park in Slovenia. It includes sights such as: the Snežnik mountain, the intermittent Cerkniško jezero, the Rakov Škocjan, the Križna jama, etc. (Photo: Nataša Ravbar). Figure 4.3: The raw materials from the quarries are useful as construction material, stone aggregate for preparation of concrete, mortar, bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads, airfields and other trafficked areas, as bulk material for railways and jetties (Photo: Stanka Sebela). 24 ENVIRONMENTAL VALUE AND VULNERABILITY OF KARST RESOURCES Karst terrains are also important for mineral resources (Fig. 4.3). Most common mineral resources are carbonate rocks, such as limestones, dolomites, gypsum. They are used for a wider range of purposes than any other rocks. While this activity is of undoubted importance economically and commercially, it poses demanding environmental and restoration challenges (Gunn & Bailey 1993). Due to specific geomorphological and hydrological characteristics karst areas provide the physical habitat for particular communities that are characterized by high biodiversity. A great variety of species are present both on the surface and in the underground. Unusual fauna that develop in the light-deficient subsurface environment range from bacteria to crustaceans, spiders, fish and small mammals. Many species are rare or even endemic, strictly tied to the local habitat (Culver & Pipan 2013). Microbial organisms are important in karst as well. The organisms and their role in karst has just recently been studied more intensively and appeared to be important in biological and geological processes in karst environment. They may accelerate dissolution, contribute to the deposition of flowstone or may be indicators of contamination sources (Barton 2006; Mulec 2014). Vulnerability and degradation of karst Karst systems are generally stable environments that have developed over thousands of years. Air and water are the media connecting surface with the underground. Aeration and rapid infiltration conditioned by heterogeneous permeability of fissures and voids have the main effects on consequent corrosion processes and complex surface — underground air and water exchange. These particular structural and hydrological characteristics rank karst landscapes and related habitats among the highly vulnerable ones. Therefore any maladjusted land use practices may cause serious and irreparable alteration of the natural processes and pose environmental concerns. Human impacts and encroachments may result in different types of contamination, natural hazards, ecosystem degradation and loss of biodiversity. They may also cause alteration of other natural karst processes, such as corrosion and carbon cycle. The underground is particularly susceptible to these changes, as it is characterised by relatively constant temperatures and humidity all year round. Once damaged, karst surface and underground environments often take a long time to recover. The process of recovery may be very difficult or even impossible (Ford & Williams 2007). In the past few decades an increased pressure on karst landscapes, i.e. by intensive and unsustainable spread of settlement, infrastructure and industry, the development of tourism, and intensive agrarian land use have occurred. Exhaustive reshaping and degradation of the landscape have greatly expanded, largely as a result of technological development and mechanization. Modifying the natural conditions may intensify the natural susceptibility to contamination and degradation (Drew & Hotzl 1999; Parise & Pascali 2003; Kovacic & Ravbar 2013). Quarrying and engineering activities, excessive filling of dolines have become a major encroachment on the surface (Fig. 4.4). Many dolines are filled with construction waste, sometimes also with other waste, for levelling purposes. These issues are closely related to deforestation and consequently to soil destruction or erosion which alters surface — underground transmission of air and water. Thin or even absent soil, sediment and vegetation coverage provides minimal absorption or other natural cleaning processes. The absence of these protective layers prevents pollutants from degrading chemically, biologically, or physically and further accelerates infiltration into subsurface. Diverse types of hazards, coming from different human activities, threaten karst landscapes. The greatest contamination mainly derives from urban wastewaters, where sewage is not well regulated or not regulated at all, contamination from unsuitable transport systems, hazardous spills of dangerous substances and dumping. Some serious hazards can derive also from industrial, agricultural, tourist, sport and construction activities (Fig. 4.5). 25 NATAŠA RAVBAR, JANJA KOGOVŠEK, TANJA PIPAN Figure 4.4: A) Doline filling and B) landscape levelling (Photo: Gregor Kovacic). Figure 4.5: Illegal waste disposal in caves and shafts present high risk of groundwater to contamination due to direct linkage of surface with the underground (Photo: Karst Research Institute Archive). Water transport is the easiest and the most rapid way for contaminants to enter the karst system. Underground solution conduits and voids very rapidly convey most of the flow. In areas of localized recharge (e.g. swallow holes, shafts), surface water is directly linked to groundwater. Transport mechanisms in the underground are several orders 26 ENVIRONMENTAL VALUE AND VULNERABILITY OF KARST RESOURCES of magnitude greater than in non-karst systems reaching velocities up to several hundred meters per hour. Due to the complexity of connections and extreme changes in different hydrological conditions, the courses of underground water in karst are often unknown. Connections and intersections of water paths over large distances (up to many tens of kilometers) are common. A greater distance does not necessarily mean less danger from pollution (Ford & Williams 2007; Kresic & Stevanovic 2010). In the underground, water flow is often turbulent, in limited conditions of aeration and reduced biological activity. Turbulent flow often means the mobilization of insoluble pollutants and prevention of their retention (Fig. 4.6). In anaerobic conditions the rapid flow reduces the possibility of biodegradation. As a result, the self-cleaning capacities of underground waters in karst are very low and limited to a considerable degree. Figure 4.6: A consolidated cave stream, the Reka River of Škocjanske caves in southwestern Slovenia (Photo: Nataša Ravbar). Vulnerability of karst water Self-cleaning processes of karst waters are often less effective due to the rapid infiltration, reduced filtration, high-speed flow and transfer away from the entry point. Fracturing and karstification degree of underground pathways and respective hydrological conditions are determining underground transport processes (White 1988; Kiraly 2002). Groundwater flow in karst aquifers is often characterized by strong variability of flow dynamics in response to different hydrologic conditions within a short time period (Kogovsek & Petric 2012; Ravbar 2013). Consequently, water table fluctuations are often in the order of tens of meters, differences in flow velocities between low- and high-flow conditions can reach ten or even more times. Dependence on hydrologic conditions also results in variation of flow directions, and thus in contribution of different parts of the aquifer to a particular spring (Fig. 4.7). 27 NATAŠA RAVBAR, JANJA KOGOVŠEK, TANJA PIPAN Figure 4.7: A conceptual model of a karst aquifer system functioning during low- and high-water conditions with wider arrows indicating proportionately great flow volume. Hydrological variability has many implications for contaminant transport, groundwater availability and vulnerability. Rising groundwater level reduces the thickness of the unsaturated zone and decreases protectiveness of the overlying layers. Higher water flow velocities reduce underground retention. During high-flow conditions there is usually more surface flow and hence more concentrated infiltration underground. Change from laminar to turbulent flow may occur resulting in higher transport velocities, shorter transit times, more effective transport of sediments and bacteria, mobilisation of DNAPL's (Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid). Raising water table above the conduit ceiling induces change from open-channel to pressurised flow. During low flow conditions contaminants may thus be temporarily stored in the overlying unsaturated zone or accumulated in the adjacent non-karst areas that drain into karst. After enough substantial and intense precipitation accumulated contaminants are directly transported through preferential routes towards the springs. If dilution is not sufficient, the springs may be characterised by increased levels of contaminants (e.g. nitrates, phosphates, sulphates, chlorides, bacteria and other). Such contamination conditions have been observed in a very dry year 2012 in Slovenia, when numerous karst water resources were heavily microbiologically contaminated and not suitable for potable use before proper treatment (Kogovsek 2012). Results of similar studies reveal that after an intense recharge, spring discharge often increase rapidly, while there are no or very minor changes in electrical conductivity and temperature. This is explained by hydraulic pressure-transfer in the aquifer, i.e., the water discharging at the spring during this phase is displaced conduit water (old water). A turbidity signal that sometimes occurs during this phase is due to the remobilization of sediments from karst conduits. A temporary electrical conductivity increase that is often observed before or during peak discharge can be explained by the arrival of water from other zones of the aquifer due to changing pressure relations and flow fields, such as water from the epikarst or from fissured rock volumes adjacent to the conduits (Shuster & White 1971; Worthington 1991; Fournier et al. 2007; Ravbar et al. 2011; Kogovsek 2013). Subsequent decrease in electrical conductivity that often coincides with turbidity increase and increase of other contaminants, often accompanied with changing temperature, indicates arrival of new (i.e. surface) water (Fig. 4.8). 28 ENVIRONMENTAL VALUE AND VULNERABILITY OF KARST RESOURCES Discharge Precipitation 11/05/12 13/05/12 15/05/12 17/05/12 19/05/12 21/05/12 23/05/12 Figure 4.8: Storm response of the Malenščica spring showing dynamics of natural parameters (discharge, temperature, electrical conductivity, chlorides, nitrates, sulphates and phosphates), and precipitation in spring 2012. Precipitation values represent daily time intervals. Besides groundwater quality problems, the biggest actual concerns especially from the karst water management perspectives, are changes in the large-scale hydrological cycle induced by global warming. As it is expected, climate stresses may have implications for water quantity and quality in many areas and affect freshwater dependant ecosystems and several socio-economic activities (Kundzewicz et al. 2008). Because karst aquifer systems are highly controlled by heterogeneous permeability, they have very low retention capacity (but still higher than for example surface flow), limited to low-permeability matrix. These aquifers are highly dependent on respective hydrological conditions and have the potential to be strongly impacted by freshwater shortfalls and floods. 29 NATAŠA RAVBAR, JANJA KOGOVŠEK, TANJA PIPAN Karst subterranean habitats and their vulnerability Karst underground creates highly specialized ecosystems with a permanent absence of light and hence an absence of photosynthesis. Due to low-energy and aphotic conditions, primary productivity is extremely limited or even absent. With the exception of a few caves and possibly most deep-groundwater habitats with significant chemoautotrophy, all subsurface food webs rely on the import of surface organic matter. Thus, subterranean organisms must contend with complete darkness, limited food, and at least a reduction in seasonal cues which makes subterranean ecosystems extremely vulnerable to any changes and disturbance (Humphreys 2006; Culver & Pipan 2009). Subterranean environments include aquatic and terrestrial habitats. A variety of subterranean habitats originate in many small solution pockets and cavities with complex horizontal and vertical pathways that are either dry, temporarily or permanently watered. Aquatic subterranean habitats occur in cave streams and seeps, and may show greater temporal variability in chemical and physical parameters. Phreatic water habitats occur in water-filled underground voids, often tens to hundreds of meters deep. It is characterized by very slow flow rates and consequently long residence times (decades or even centuries). An intermediate between an aquatic and terrestrial habitat is the cave hygropetric — a thin layer of water flowing over (sub)vertical surfaces. The flow is well oxygenated and often relatively rich in organic matter. Figure 4.9: A conceptual model of energy flux and distribution (as organic carbon) in a karst basin. Solid and dashed arrows represent the flux of particulate (POM) and dissolved (DOM) organic matter. Standing stocks of organic carbon in cave streams include fine (FBOM) and coarse (CBOM) benthic organic matter and biofilms on rocks (Simon et al. 2007). Energy and food sources (Fig. 4.9) enter subterranean habitats in a variety of ways (Culver & Pipan 2009, 2014). Percolating water carries with it dissolved organic matter, some suspended particles of organic matter, and a variety of microbes and minute invertebrates. This seemingly unimportant source of nutrients is actually the most important one in many situations. Flowing water, especially streams entering caves, carries with it not only dissolved organic material, but also particulate organic material, in some cases up to the size of logs (Simon et al. 2003). Flowing water provides nutrients not only to aquatic communities in caves but also to terrestrial communities that live alongside cave streams (riparian communities). Wind and gravity bring nutrients into caves when organic material comes into an entrance. Examples include falling leaves as well as animals that fall or wander into a cave, cannot exit, and die. The hallmark of this food source is its unpredictability. Active movement of animals is, in some caves, a major source of nutrients, especially in terrestrial cave habitats. The most notable examples of this food source are bats, and in fact distinct communities of organisms specialize on the bat guano of caves. Finally, roots penetrate into some shallow caves, and species utilize the roots as a food source. 30 ENVIRONMENTAL VALUE AND VULNERABILITY OF KARST RESOURCES Many organisms spend some or all of their life cycle in caves, particularly cave entrances. The entrance and twilight zone of a cave are refuges from temperature extremes of the surface. Some species, such as the spider Meta menardi, are specialized for the surface—subsurface ecotone at cave entrances. The entrance and twilight zones of caves are relatively predator-free, at least for vertebrate predators. Some birds nest in caves on a more or less regular basis. The best-known visitors to caves are bats. Depending on the species, bats use caves as maternity colonies, as hibernacula, and as temporary roosts during the warmer months of the year (Fig. 4.10). Many species spend their entire life cycle in caves. In the case of terrestrial species, troglobionts have an obligate dependence on caves and must complete their entire life cycle in caves (Fig. 4.11). Troglophiles can complete their life cycle in caves, but they can also complete their life cycle in surface habitats. The equivalent terms for aquatic species are stygobionts (Fig. 4.12) and stygophiles. These species are adapted to spend their entire lives in these extreme environments. Most of them have no eyes, often lack pigment, and have elongated legs and antennae. Some have specialized organs that detect smell and movement to help them navigate in a totally dark environment and find food, avoid predator or find a mating partner. Currently, more than 4,000 troglobionts and 2,000 stygobionts have been formally named, and at least several times that number probably exists (Culver & Pipan 2013). 31 NATAŠA RAVBAR, JANJA KOGOVŠEK, TANJA PIPAN Figure 4.11: The first troglobiont, the cave beetle Leptodirus hochenwartii found in Postojnska jama was described by Schmidt in 1832 (Photo: Slavko Polak). Figure 4.12: The remarkable cave amphibian, Proteus anguinus anguinus, was the first stygobi-ont to be mentioned in scientific writing, described by Laurenti in 1768 (Photo: Jurij Hajna). ■ i^T t. g vvy^- í Í W j "v • V.r % ■ ■■ V*' . , - ■ ■ Karst resources and ecosystem services conservation Karst landscapes are important for natural resources, ecosystem services and biodiversity yet are increasingly threatened by urbanization and development activities. Unfortunately karst and cave protection is rarely considered in landscape planning. Because karst areas are extremely vulnerable to anthropogenic and other environmental impacts, their particular structural and hydrological characteristics must be understood and considered when carrying out investigations, confronting with specific environmental and engineering problems or when planning management of resources. Management planning must consider all of the natural resources found within the region, as well as interaction between various components. Any interference with this relationship is likely to have undesirable and irreversible impacts, while disturbance in the natural balance of any of these components may have implications for all the oth- Laws and regulations that are effective in other terrains may not be as effective or may even fail in karst set- 32 ENVIRONMENTAL VALUE AND VULNERABILITY OF KARST RESOURCES tings. Therefore, proper regulations may be needed to satisfactorily protect karst resources, particularly as related to the location of landfills, underground storage tanks, oil and gas wells and pipelines, and facilities that manufacture and/or store hazardous materials. Additional necessary actions are certainly identification and protection of highly vulnerable karst features, monitoring of cave climate and groundwater quality and public education about cave and karst conservation. References Barton, HA., 2006: Introduction to cave microbiology: a review for the non-specialist.- Journal of cave and karst studies, 68, 2, 43-54. Bonacci, O., Pipan, T. & D.C.Culver, 2009: A framework for karst ecohydrology.- Environ. Geol., 56, 891-900. Culver, D.C. & T. Pipan, 2009: The biology of caves and other subterranean habitats.- Oxford University Press, pp. 254, Oxford, U.K. Culver, D.C. & T. Pipan, 2013: Subterranean ecosystems.- In: Levin, SA. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, second edition. Academic Press, pp. 49-62, Waltham, Massachusetts. Culver, D.C. & T. Pipan, 2014: Shallow Subterranean Habitats. Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation.- Oxford University Press, pp. 288, Oxford, U.K. Drew, D. & H. Hotzl, 1999: Karst Hydrology and Human Activities.- International Contributions to Hydrogeology. Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema, International Association of Hydrologists, pp. , London. Ford, D. & P Williams, 2007: Karst hydrogeology and geomorphology.- Academic Division of Unwin Hyman Ltd, pp. 601, London. Fournier, M., Massei, N., Bakalowicz, M., Dussart-Baptista, L., Rodet, J. & J. P. Dupont, 2007: Using turbidity dynamics and geochemical variability as a tool for understanding the behavior and vulnerability of a karst aquifer.- Hydrogeology Journal, 15, 4, 689-704. Gams, I., 2004: Kras v Sloveniji v prostoru in času.- ZRC Publishing, pp. , Ljubljana. Gunn, J. & D. Bailey, 1993: Limestone quarrying and quarry reclamation in Britain.- Environmental Geology 21, 3, 167172. Hamilton-Smith, E., 2007: Karst and world heritage status.- Acta Carsologica 36, 2, 291-302. Humphreys, W.F., 2006: Aquifers: the ultimate groundwater-dependent ecosystems.- Australian Journal of Botany, 54, 2, 115-132. Király, L., 2002: Karstification and groundwater flow.- In: Gabrovšek, F. (ed.) Evolution of karst: from prekarst to cessation. ZRC Publishing, pp. 155-190, Ljubljana. Kogovšek, J., 2012: Characteristics of percolation through the karst vadose zone.- ZRC Publishing, pp. 168, Ljubljana. Kogovšek, J., 2012: Kras in voda.- In: Brilly, M. (ed.) I. kongres o vodah Slovenije 2012, Zbornik prispevkov, 22th March 2012, Ljubljana. Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, 91-101, Ljubljana. Kogovšek, J., 2013: Vpliv sušnih razmer na kakovost kraških vodnih virov (primer izvira Malenščice).- In: Kuhar, M. (ed.) 18. strokovno srečanje Slovenskega združenja za geodezijo in geofiziko, 29th January 2013, Ljubljana. Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, 111-120, Ljubljana. Kresic, N. & Z. Stevanovic (eds.), 2010: Groundwater hydrology of springs: engineering, theory, management, and sustainabil-ity.- Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 573, Burlington. Kundzewicz, Z.W., Mata, L.J., Arnell, N.W., Doll, IP, Jimenez, B., Miller, K., Oki, T., Sen, Z. & I. Shiklomanov, 2008: The implications of projected climate change for freshwater resources and their management.- Hydrol. Sci. J., 53, 3-10. Mihevc, A. & M. Prelovšek, 2010: Geographical Position and General Overview.- In: Mihevc, A. et al. (eds.) Introduction to the Dinaric Karst. ZRC Publishing, pp. 6-8, Postojna. Mulec, J., 2014. Human impact on underground cultural and natural heritage sites, biological parameters of monitoring and remediation actions for insensitive surfaces: Case of Slovenian show caves.- Journal for Nature Conservation, 22, 2, 132-141. Parise, M. & V. Pascali, 2003: Surface and subsurface environmental degradation in the karst of Apulia (southern Italy).- 33 NATAŠA RAVBAR, JANJA KOGOVŠEK, TANJA PIPAN Environmental Geology, 44, 247-256. Ravbar N. & G. Kovacic, 2015: Vulnerability and protection aspects of some Dinaric karst aquifers: A synthesis.- Environmental Earth Sciences, 74, 1, 129-141. Ravbar, N. & S. Sebela, 2015: The effectiveness of protection policies and legislative framework with special regard to karst landscapes: Insights from Slovenia.- Environmental Science & Policy, 51, 106—116. Ravbar, N., Barbera, JA., Petric, M., Kogovsek, J. & B. Andreo, 2012: The study of hydrodynamic behaviour of a complex karst system under low-flow conditions using natural and artificial tracers (the catchment of the Unica River, SW Slovenia).- Environmental Earth sciences, 65, 8, 2259-2272. Simon, K.S., Benfield, E.F. & S.A. Macko, 2003: Food web structure and the role of epilithic biofilms in cave streams.-Ecology, 84, 2395-2406. Simon, K.S., Pipan, T. & D.C. Culver, 2007: A conceptual model of the flow and distribution of organic carbon in caves.-Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 69, 279-284. Shuster, E.T. & W.B. White, 1971: Seasonal fluctuations in the chemistry of limestone springs: A possible means for characterizing carbonate aquifers.- Journal of Hydrology, 14, 93-128. White, W.B., 1988: Geomorphology and hydrology of karst terrains.- University Press, pp. 464, New York, Oxford. Williams, EW., 2008: The role of the epikarst in karst and cave hydrogeology: a review.- International Journal of Speleology, 37, 1, 1-10. Worthington, S.R.H., 1991: Karst hydrogeology of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. PhD Thesis, McMaster University, 380 p. Photo from "Water - Life!" in Istria competition; author: Kristian Macinic 34 II. STUDY AREA: NORTHERN ISTRIA Photo from "Water - Life!" in Istria competition; author: Igor Zirojevic 35 ANDREJ MIHEVC LOCATION, TOPOGRAPHY, CLIMATE Andrej Mihevc Northern Istria The territory that is the subject of research in this project is small but with considerable diversity of landscape. There are two reasons for this. The first is the transition from warm, coastal Istria to the hilly interior and the related differences in climate features. The second is the geological structure. Two types of rocks alternate here: limestones and flysch sandstones and marls. Because limestones predominate, these set the character of the landscape: an absence of continuous soil cover and subsurface water flow. Soil thick enough to allow agriculture, and thus also settlement, is only found here and there, in karst depressions, but above all on flysch bedrock. Water flow is also dependent on the rocks. At the point of contact between flysch and limestone we find numerous ponors in the hilly part of the landscape and a large number of karst springs in the lowland part. This landscape can be characterised by the name "Northern Istria". The central part of Northern Istria lies at a latitude of 45° 27' N and a longitude of 14° 5' E, at the transition from the Istrian Peninsula, the largest peninsula in the northern Adriatic, to the interior. Figure 5.1: Morphology of Northern Istria. The clearly demarcated relief units and different types of surface are plainly visible. A ridge-and-valley relief on flysch and flat, plateau-like limestone areas broken up by dolines and other karst depressions can be clearly distinguished. LiDAR data: Geodetski oddelek ARSO and SRTM NASA. Northern Istria is composed of several prominent units of relief (Fig. 5.1). The central, widest, highest and most prominent section is Cicarija/Cicarija, a chain of hills that extends in the Dinaric direction, from northwest to 36 LOCATION, TOPOGRAPHY, CLIMATE southeast. It begins near Kozina with a narrow crest that rises up to Slavnik, then expands in several parallel ridges separated by elongated uvalas, dolines and other karst depressions. It reaches its highest point on Ucka and then descends steeply towards the Kvarner Gulf. In the interior, the highland section descends in steps to an extensive, already somewhat disconnected karst plain (Gams 2004). Its northern part, the Podgrajsko podolje (Podgrad karst lowland), lies above the Gulf ofTrieste, while on the southern side the Brgudsko podolje (Brgudac karst lowland) lies above the Kvarner Gulf. Above them rise the Brkini and Jelsane hills, from where a series of sinking streams flow into the valley. On the seaward side of Cicarija/ Cicarija the land descends in step-like fashion in a series of elongated strips of alternating flysch and limestone, into the so-called flysch-grey Istria (Fig. 6.28). Overview of the different units of the landscape Brkini The Brkini are hills composed of impermeable flysch rocks. They reach their highest point in their northwestern section on the ridge between Ajdovščina (804 m) and Artviže (817 m). The Brkini become lower towards the southeast and then continue without a visible transition into the Jelšane and Novokračine hills. The alternation of deeply incised valleys and rounded ridges is a basic characteristic of the Brkini. Since the valleys are narrow and steep and covered with forest, settlement and also the main routes stick to the ridges. Waters flow from the Brkini towards the Reka River on the north side, while towards the south each stream sinks underground separately at the margin of the Podgrad valley system in blind valleys. Figure 5.2: Northwestern part of the Podgrajsko podolje. In the foreground is the Brezovica blind valley; behind it, on the edge of the erosional surface, is Kozina; on the horizon is the Gulf of Trieste (Photo: Andrej Mihevc). A J 'i.ti V ■ . % ■■ m ^mm >> > ftw?t>. vf Ji tk^SR «¡Si Podgrajsko in Brgudsko podolje A series of streams flow towards the south from the slopes of the Brkini and Jelsane hills. When streams from impermeable rocks flow onto limestones, they flow over them for a time and then sink underground. In doing so, and of course in contact with precipitation, they help form karst, which is therefore known as contact karst (Fig. 5.2). The first landforms to appear at the edge of the karst, when the water level in the karst was still high and the streams could not therefore sink underground, were marginal corrosional surfaces, plains and karst lowlands. These include the Podgrajsko podolje and the Brgudsko podolje. 37 ANDREJ MIHEVC The Podgrajsko podolje is 2—4 km wide and rises gently from around 500 m at Kozina to around 670 m at Starod, at the national border. Towards the SE the lowland descends in a gentle but distinct curve into the Brgudsko podolje. This lowland lies at height of around 450 m near Rupa but descends to around 300 m and then drops steeply towards the sea between Opatija and Rijeka. The Brgudsko podolje is up to 7 km wide. Both of the lowlands are composed entirely of limestone and feature many dolines (Fig. 5.3), collapse dolines, blind valleys and caves. These landforms could only develop after the land had lifted as a result of tectonic forces and karstified, and the rivers could begin to sink underground, in the process forming valleys that end as blind valleys in ponors. Blind valleys formed in limestone and usually have a broad floor covered with alluvial deposits (Fig. 5.4). Alluvium is deposited outside ponors from flood water that stagnates outside ponors because underground routes to distant springs are full of obstacles. Figure 5.4: Brezovica is a typical blind valley with a broad sediment-covered floor. Above the village is the flysch catchment area of the sinking stream. Floods are of short duration (Photo: Andrej Mi-hevc). On the southwestern edge of the Brkini and Jelsane hills, 24 sinking streams collect water and sink into the karst. These waters have carved deep ravines in the flysch, while in limestone areas their valleys have widened into blind valleys. The valleys extend in a series from Rodik to Sapjane or Rupa. The largest blind valleys are Brezovica, 38 LOCATION, TOPOGRAPHY, CLIMATE Odolina, Velike and Male Loce, Jezerina and Raciska, Brdanska in the Podgrad valley system, and the Sapjane and Novokracine blind valleys on the edge of the Brgudsko podolje system near Rupa (Fig. 5.5). Figure 5.5: Digital model of the relief of the Podgrajsko podolje along the southern margin of the Brkini hills. The dotted line indicates the contact between limestone and the flysch of which the Brkini and Brda are composed. Sinking streams are marked as blue lines with blue circles at the points where they disappear underground. The blind valleys are, running from west to east: Brezovica, Odolina, Hoticna, Slivje and Male Loce. Cicarija/Cicarija and Ucka The central, morphologically most important part of the Northern Istria is Cicarija/Cicarija. This is the common name for the predominantly karst area or series of hills and peaks rising above the karst erosional surfaces between the Gulf of Trieste and the Kvarner Gulf. Cičarija/ Cicarija formed as a result of the underthrusting of Istria towards the northeast. This process saw the formation of the characteristic geological structure, the alternation of limestone and narrow bands of flysch, and a raising of the entire territory. In its northern section Cičarija/ Cicarija begins as a narrow ridge of Slavnik. This widens towards the southeast and is joined by parallel ridges, with the result that above the Kvarner Gulf it already forms a range of hills more than 10 km wide with numerous peaks above 1,000 m. The relief reaches its highest point on Učka (1,400 m), which is just 6 km from the shore of the Kvarner Gulf. The rocky slopes of the karst elevations, doline-rich erosional surfaces and other karst depressions are littered with hundreds of dolines that are clearly visible in grassland but hidden in the extensive forest areas. A basic characteristic of the landscape is karst formed into high ridges and, between them, elongated strips of lower relief. These can be erosional surfaces, as at Golc, Vodice, Vele Mune and Brgudac, or doline-rich lowland in the Dinaric direction, such as Podkruh between Golubovac (1,013 m) and Mahen Vrh (1,144 m), or large uninhabited uvalas such as Vodički Dolac south of Vodička Griža (1,142 m). In this relief, small elongated karst poljes connected to the flysch belts have also formed near Lanišce, Račja Vas and Praproče. These are the only areas with surface water flow in Cičarija/Cicarija. Streams emerge on the edges of these poljes, flow across them and disappear into the karst on the other side. Because of the flysch bedrock there is also more arable land here. 39 ANDREJ MIHEVC Podgorski kras On the seaward side of Cicarija/ Cicarija is a slightly lower flat relief zone which is geologically conditioned by the alternations of bands of thrust lenses of flysch and limestone. This is no longer a uniform shelf and we may probably see in it the extreme edge of the great Istrian erosional surface that is tectonically and erosionally badly damaged and disconnected at the foot of Cicarija/Cicarija and Ucka. The limestone sections of the shelves are doline-rich erosional surfaces, while the flysch parts are elongated depressions. The best-preserved and widest section is the Podgorski kras, a broad erosional surface about 5 km wide between the edge of karst plateau and Slavnik at a height of around 450 m. It continues at a similar height above sea level in a southeastern direction past Rakitovec, Slum, Krkuz, Kompanj and Semic to Brest. A common characteristic of this landscape is the plateau-like area which extends on the north side to the slopes of the Cicarija/Cicarija hills or plateaux, and on the seaward side ends with a prominent steep margin. Below them are numerous karst springs, where the water from Cicarija/Cicarija emerges, and also the water from the sinking streams of the Podgrajsko podolje. Figure 5.6: The Podgorjski kras — old cultivated dolines surrounded by dry-stone walls are visible after a fire (Photo: Andrej Mihevc). Istria Below the edge of the Karst, which is defined by the contact of limestone and flysch, the tributaries of the Rizana, Bracana, Mirna and Boljunscica emerge in numerous karst springs. These rivers formed a ridge-and-valley relief in the flysch, which strongly disconnected and lowered the originally flattened surface. The doline-rich erosional surface on limestones near Buzet, which is cut through by the gorges of the Bracana and the Mirna, is better preserved. Owing to its lower height above sea level, the prevailing flysch rocks and the abundance of water, this landscape is much more densely populated. Climate characteristics Northern Istria is also very diverse in terms of its climate. Various types of climate exist in this region, from moderate Mediterranean to moderate continental and Alpine, depending on the height above sea level and the distance from the sea. A common characteristic is the cold continental wind, the Bora wind, which is particularly pronounced in winter, when it brings snow, low temperatures and frost right up to the coast. A good description 40 LOCATION, TOPOGRAPHY, CLIMATE of climate conditions can be provided by the data measured at weather stations in Koper, Buzet and Kozina and on Ucka (Perko 1998, Ridanovic 1975). The average annual temperature by the sea in nearby Koper is around 14 °C (Koper 13.5 °C). The average July temperature in the same period is 24 °C and the average January temperature is 4 °C. Annual rainfall is around 1,000 mm and is highest in October and November. In the summer months droughts are frequent because of the high temperatures and heavy evaporation. Temperatures are similar in the area around Buzet. In Kozina (500 m) the average July temperature is 19 °C and the average January temperature is 0.2 °C. Average annual rainfall is around 1,300 mm. Most rain falls in the autumn months and the total annual quantity increases further east. In Cicarija/ Cicarija and on Ucka rainfall is as high as around 3,000 mm. Behind these hills, in the lower Podgrajsko podolje and the Brkini hills, precipitation is significantly less (around 1,500 mm a year). Average July temperatures are below 20 °C because of the greater height above sea level, while January temperatures are around 0 °C. Snow is rare in the coastal region but the thickness and duration of snow cover grow rapidly in the hilly interior. Climate features, particularly the summer drought characteristic of the Mediterranean coastal area, are more marked in limestone areas. Because of the very thin soil cover and deep karst water flow, the effects of drought are much greater than on thicker soils developed on flysch marls or sandstones. References Gams, I., 2004: Kras v Sloveniji v prostoru in času.- ZRC Publishing, pp. 515, Ljubljana. Perko, D. & M. O. Adamič, 1998: Slovenija :pokrajine in ljudje.- Mladinska knjiga, pp. 735, Ljubljana. Ridanovič, J., Rogič, V., Roglič, J. & T. Segota, 1975: Geografija SR Hrvatske.- Sjeverno hrvatsko primorje. Skolska knjiga. Photo from "Water - Life!" in Istria competition; author: Josip Madracevic 41 OVERVIEW OF THE HYDROGEOLOGY OVERVIEW OF THE GEOLOGY Bojan Otonicar Lithostratigraphic data The oldest rocks of the area in question crop out in the central part of the Podgrad corrosional surface (Podgrajsko podolje). They are represented by Lower Cretaceous limestones and dolomites (Sikic et al. 1972), which sedimentation ended in the wider area with regional emersion at the Aptian/Albian boundary (Velic et al. 1989; Jurkovsek et al. 1996; Durn et al. 2003). Emersion, which is defined above all by carbonate breccia, was followed by deposition of the Upper Albian to Upper Campanian sequence of shallow marine carbonate rocks of the penultimate megasequence of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform (AdCP; sensu Vlahovic et al. 2005). In the central part of the Podgrajsko podolje, the oldest rocks of this megasequence are predominantly represented by grey limestones and dolomites of Albian—Lower Cenomanian age, in which a significant proportion of coarse-grained calcareous and dolomitic breccias occur (Sikic et al. 1972) (Fig. 6.1). Similar rocks also appear in Cicarija/Cicarija, and elsewhere in Istria (Stache 1889; Polsak 1965; Blaskovic 1969; Biondic et al. 1995; Vlahovic et al. 1995; Velic et al. 2003) and in the Kras plateau, where they are defined as the Povir Formation (Jurkovsek et al. 1996, 2013). Figure 6.1: Coarse-grained dolomitic breccia was presumably formed through dissolution of intermediate strata of gypsum/anhydrite (Lower Cenomanian) (width of image: approx. 1 m) (Photo: Bojan Otonicar); Figure 6.2: Bioclastic foraminiferous packstone with the foraminifera Broeckina (Pas-trikella) balcanica (Upper Cenomanian) (Photo: Jernej Jez). In the area of the Buje Anticline between Savudrija and Buzet (Placer et al. 2010) the oldest rocks are represented by peritidal Lower Cenomanian limestones of the stable carbonate platform. In the upper part of the Lower Cenomanian and in the Middle Cenomanian carbonate successions the lithofacies of which indicate deposition in different depositional environments of the disintegrated carbonate platform follow (Vlahovic et al. 1994; Tisljar et al. 1998; Velic et al. 2003; Durn et al. 2003). Thus in a relatively short distance we can observe simultaneous lateral transitions from peritidal limestones to those deposited in various parts of the slightly inclined slope (ramp) of the intraplatform basin or deep lagoon. In such slightly deeper marine environments, finer-grained micritic limestones were mainly deposited, in which cherts are sometimes present (Vlahovic et al. 1994). The intraplatform basins were gradually filled by prograding sandy bioclastic bodies advancing towards the open sea. Until the end of the Cenoma-nian relatively uniform shallow-marine carbonate environments were again established on a more or less leveled carbonate platform, where light-grey micritic limestones of the mudstone structural type and bioclastic (rudist) 43 BOJAN OTONIČAR floatstones were deposited (Vlahovic et al. 1994; Dum et al. 2003). The Albian and Lower/Middle Cenomanian are not precisely distinguished in the Podgrajsko podolje, and only the Upper Cenomanian can be treated separately on the basis of the Chrysalinina gradata-Broeckina (Pas-trikella) balcanica biozone. Here grey and brownish-grey bedded bioclastic foraminifera limestones (Fig. 6.2), for the most part deposited in the subtidal environments of the internal parts of an open lagoon, predominate over light brownish-grey dolomites. At the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary a tectonically controled deepening of the internal parts of the platform occurred in a large part of the AdCP, the scale of which was also significantly influenced by a simultaneous global eustatic second-order sea-level rise (sensu Haq et al. 1987) (Fig. 6.3) and the related oceanic anoxic event (OAE2) (Jež et al. 2011). A consequence of this was the partial drowning of the platform and the gradual deposition of a succession of hemipelagic calcispheric micritic limestones at least around 50 m thick, in which pelagic foraminifera and bioclasts also appear (Sribar 1995; Jež et al. 2011). The equivalent of these limestones in the Kras is represented by the calcispheric and bioclastic limestones of the Repen Formation (Jurkovšek et al. 1996), and in Čičarija/Cicarija by grey bituminous limestones (Blaškovic 1969), the central part of which is also composed of calcispheric limestones (Biondic et al. 1995) or a sequence around 100 m thick of grey to grey-brown poorly bedded to massive calcispheric wackestones of the drowned carbonate platform (Sveti Duh Formation) (Brčic et al. in press). Figure 6.3: Upper Cenomanian/Turonian section of the lithostratigraphic column of the Hrusica geological profile in the Podgrajsko podolje with interpretation of sedimentary environments and the eustatic curve (from Jez et al. 2011). 44 OVERVIEW OF THE HYDROGEOLOGY This sunken marine area was gradually filled with relatively coarse grained rudist bioclastic material. Thus around 90 million years ago shallow-marine depositional environments were re-established in the area of the Kras and the Podgrajsko podolje (Fig. 6.3). Although a relatively stable or slowly rising sea level and stable tectonic conditions can be sufficient for the filling of a basin, in our case we cannot entirely exclude the influence of a marked Upper Turonian global third-order sea level fall (sensu Haq et al. 1987) on the establishing of shallow-marine sedimentation conditions (Jež & Otoničar 2009, 2010). Micritic limestones with desiccation pores and limestones of the oncolite horizon that comprise the lower part of the Sežana Formation in the Kras (Sribar 1995; Jurkovšek et al. 1996) were deposited over rudist bioclastic limestones. Limestones with a micritic matrix in which algae, rudists, miliolids and cyanobacteria(?) of the Aeolisacus genus alternate are also characteristic of higher parts of the formation. "Peritidal" limestones with desiccation pores are also present here (Sribar 1995; Jurkovšek et al. 1996). In the Kras, researchers place the Sežana Formation in the period between the Upper Turonian and the Lower Santonian (Jurkovšek et al. 1996). Figure 6.4: Rudistfloatstone (Velika Gobovica; Coniacian—Santonian) (Photo: Bojan Otoničar); Figure 6.5: Well-sorted fine-grained peloidal (pelletai) packstone/grainstone (Podgrad; Coniacian—Santonian) (Photo: Bojan Otoničar); Figure 6.6: Bio-peloidal packstone with little channels formed through non-selective dissolution of the bedrock, fossils andallochems (Podgrad; Coniacian—Santonian) (Photo: Bojan Otoničar); Figure 6.7: Bioturbation [?(bio) erosion] burrows are in places surrounded by sparite displaying the characteristics of marine cements. Marine conditions are also indicated by thepeloidal foraminiferalpackstone/grainstone that fills the burrows (Podgrad; Coniacian—Santonian) (Photo: Bojan Otoničar). 45 BOJAN OTONIČAR In the Podgrajsko podolje, lagoonal micritic limestones predominate in Sežana Formation for the most part, with rudist bioclasts only appearing frequently in the lower part. On Slavnik, beds with rudist bioclasts are also slightly more frequent in the highest part of the formation, directly below the palaeokarst surface (see below; Otoničar 2006) (Fig. 6.4). Both in the southeastern part of the Podgrajsko podolje and on Slavnik, a distinctive horizon of partly pedogenically modified peloidal limestones appears in the upper section, respectively approximately 75 m and 50 m below the palaeokarst surface (Otoničar 2006; Jež et al. 2011) (Figs. 6.5 and 6.6). Above this horizon, limestones (in particular) in the Podgrajsko podolje (in the area around Podgrad itself) show frequent sedimentary-diagenetic forms linked to repeated short-term exposure of carbonate sediments on land and/or the sea floor (Otoničar 2006) (Fig. 6.7). In the southeastern part of the Podgrajsko podolje the bedrock below the palaeokarst surface is composed of Coniacian—Santonian limestones (Jež et al. 2011); in Čičarija/Cicarija it is composed of massive Upper Turonian to Coniacian recrystallised micritic limestones (Biondic et al. 1995); and in parts of the Slavnik area it is composed of grey limestones of Santonian or even Upper Santonian age (Otoničar 2006). In the Podgrajsko podolje, limestones of this age were deposited on a slightly inclined carbonate ramp that was generally inclined in a northeastern direction (in today's position) and which is represented here by the various lithofacies of open and closed lagoons and the peloidal shoals between them (Otoničar 2006) (Fig. 6.8). Between the Upper Santonian and the Upper Campanian, limestones of the Lipica Formation were deposited in the Kras (Jurkovšek et al. 1996). The thickly bedded to massive light-grey to medium-grey limestones with rudists in the Kozina area are also believed to belong to this formation (Jurkovšek et al. 1997), although in places directly below the palaeokarst surface they contain foraminifera of the Coniacian-Santonian Scandonea samnitica-Murgella lata biozone (Otoničar 2006). Figure 6.8: Idealised depositional model of the AdCP in the area of present-day Istria, the Podgrajsko podolje and the Kras (Coniacian—Santonian). In southwest Slovenia and the Croatian and Slovenian parts of Istria, the passive-margin Cretaceous shallow-marine carbonate successions of the AdCP are separate from the Upper Cretaceous and/or Palaeogene shallow-marine sequences of the synorogenic carbonate platform with irregular palaeokarst surface (Otonicar 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009) (Fig. 6.9). 46 OVERVIEW OF THE HYDROGEOLOGY Surface palaeokarst landforms are in places covered and filled by bauxite (Fig. 6.10), while below the surface there are horizons of intertwining conduits ranging from centimetres to tens of centimetres in size (Fig. 6.11) and both vadose and phreatic caves (Fig. 6.12). All karst cavities were later filled with several generations of sediments and cements/flowstones. In the epikarst zone, carbonate and non-carbonate rocks were frequently pedogenically altered, while dissolution-widened root channels (so-called root karst sensu Viles 1988) are also typical (Fig. 6.13). Vadose channels, small shafts and pockets can extent up to several tens of metres below the palaeokarst surface, where in places they reach originally horizontally oriented phreatic caves. The latter show characteristics of halocline caves formed at the interface between salt water and fresh or brackish water (Otonicar 2006). Although in places small fluctuations of sea level can be recognised from karst landforms and their fillings, systematic trends in the isochrones of the carbonate rocks that immediately overlie and underlie the palaeokarst surface and, consequently, the extent of the chronostratigraphic gap (Fig. 6.14) can mainly be explained by the evolution and topography of the peripheral foreland bulge (forebulge) (Otonicar 2007, 2008) (Fig. 6.15). Figure 6.9: Undulated palaeokarst surface separates the Upper Santonian limestones of the Lipica Formation from the Maastrichtian limestones of the Liburnian Formation (Kozina) (Photo: Bojan Otonicar); Figure 6.10: Bauxite peloids and ooids in pelitomorphic bauxite (bauxitic wackestone), partly replaced by hematite (Kozina; Maastrichtian) (Photo: Bojan Otonicar); Figure 6.11: Smaller cavities filled with several generations of various sediments and cements (flowstones) branching away from larger karst caves (Podgrad; Palae-ocene) (Photo: Bojan Otonicar); Figure 6.12: Large irregular originally generally horizontally oriented filled halocline cave (Podgrad; Palaeocene); (the cave is coloured in red for better visibility) (Photo: Bojan Otonicar); Figure 6.13: The dissolution-enlarged root channel is filled with pedogenically modified carbonate (root karst; Podgrad; Palaeocene) (Photo: Bojan Otonicar). 47 BOJAN OTONIČAR Figure 6.14: Isochrones (in millions of years) of the carbonate rocks directly underlying the paleaokarst surface (a), the extent of the chronostratigraphic gap (b), and the carbonate rocks directly overlying paleaokarst surface (c). The Figures also show the main structural characteristics of the area and the locations of the geological profiles considered. The Maastrichtian and Palaeocene—Eocene shallow-marine carbonate rocks of the Adriatic-Dinaric region, which lie between thick Mesozoic carbonate sequences and palaeogenic clastites, comprise the youngest (terminal) carbonate megasequence in the area of the former AdCP (Košir & Otoničar 1997). It is made up of three higher-order lithostratigraphic units that combine to form the Kras Group (Košir 2003) (Fig. 6.16): The Liburnian Formation, the Trstelj Beds and Alveolina-Nummulites Limestone (ANL). The carbonates of this megasequence were deposited at a time of strong tectonic activity in the Upper Cretaceous and Palaeogene and may be defined as sedimentary sequences of synorogenic carbonate platforms (Košir & Otoničar 2001, 2002) (Fig. 6.15). In southwest Slovenia and Istria, and also elsewhere on the AdCP, sediments of different ages of various lithofa-cies, members and formations are deposited on the palaeokarst surface (Fig. 6.14). This discrepancy is the result of sedimentation over the uneven palaeokarst surface and the specific tectonically conditioned uplift and later subsidence of the platform, where an important role was also played by local or regional structural-tectonic conditions (Otoničar 2006, 2007, 2008) (Fig. 6.15). In the whole of the northern part of the AdCP (SW Slovenia and Istria), the palaeokarst surface is only covered with carbonate rocks of the Liburnian Formation, which are of Upper Maastrichtian age, in the Kras and in the area around Kozina (Drobne 1977; Jurkovšek et al. 1996; Otoničar, 2006; 2007) (Fig. 6.17). Facies of directly overlying limestones change rapidly both laterally and vertically (Figs. 6.18 to 6.22). They are frequently very limited in spatial terms and represent sediments of fillings of karst depressions during oscillating transgression [the so-called blue hole phase of transgression (see Durn et al. 2003)] (Fig. 6.21). During the initial phase of transgression, some palaeokarst pockets and shafts were filled with breccia containing remains of fossilised vertebrates, for the most part pulverised dinosaur and crocodile bones and teeth (Debeljak et al. 1999, 2002) (Fig. 6.22). Otherwise, the lower sections of the Liburnian Formation predominantly comprise dark-grey bedded (and, locally, laminated) micritic limestones containing ostracods, gastropods, foraminifera and, in places, rudists (Fig. 6.18). The limestones are 48 OVERVIEW OF THE HYDROGEOLOGY pedogenically altered in places (Figs. 6.19 and 6.20) and thin inclusions of coal also occur (Otonicar & Kosir 1998; Ogorelec et al. 2001). The sedimentological and palaeontological characteristics reveal that the sediments of the lower part of the Liburnian Formation were deposited in marginal salt water to brackish environments. Towards the Cretaceous—Tertiary boundary, pedogenic and pseudomicrokarst forms (breccias) are increasingly frequent, while the limestone bedrock shows characteristics of closed-lagoonal sedimentation (Jurkovsek et al. 1997). Figure 6.15: The schematic block diagram of the foreland basin system shows the position of the orogenic wedge, the deep-marine section of the foreland basin (the foredeep) and the peripheral bulge (the forebulge). The model also shows the distribution of macrofacies before the completion of tectonic plate convergence (adapted from Bradley & Kidd 1991). Palustrine limestones of the "Kozina type" are followed by only rarely pedogenically modified foraminifera (miliolid) limestones of the Slivje Formation (Delvalle & Buser 1990) (Fig. 6.23), or Slivje Limestones (Jurkovsek et al. 1996), which Pavlovec (1963) combined with Operculina Limestones as a separate subdivision of ANL in the Trstelj Beds (Fig. 6.16). In the Kras and the Brkini hills and on Slavnik, the upper levels of Slivje Limestone are of Middle Palaeocene age (Hottinger & Drobne 1980). In the upper section, operculinas begin to appear increasingly frequently in limestones with large miliolids and encrusting red algae, while discocyclinas and the first small nummulites appearing slightly further up. At Kozina and Divaca, on the basis of the fossil inventory and sedimentological characteristics, Zamagni et al. (2008) divided Thanetian and Ilerdian mainly foraminiferous limestones into the different facies and foraminifera assemblages characteristic of the depositional environments of a carbonate ramp. Although individual red algae, Dasycladaceae and corals can already appear in the upper section of the limestones of the "Kozina facies", a special feature, particularly in the lower section of Operculina limestones, is represented by microbialite-coral mounds. The alternation of the main mound-formers (microbes and corals) points to relatively rapid changes in physical and chemical conditions in the environment, which is a consequence of a seasonality and the accelerated inflow of terrigenous nutrient-rich fresh water from subaerially exposed parts of the platform to the area of the inner ramp in the period of the warm, humid, subtropical climate of the Upper Thane- 49 BOJAN OTONIČAR tian (Zamagni et al. 2009). At the same time, the appearance of microbial mounds also predicts wider, even global changes in climate, from a seasonal and drier climate in the Lower Palaeocene to the extremely humid and warm climate at the Palaeocene—Eocene boundary, which corresponds to the so-called Palaeocene—Eocene Thermal Maximum event (PETM) (Zamagni et al. 2009, 2012). Figure 6.16: Generalised lithostratigraphic column of the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene succession of rocks in the Kras and the Podgrajsko podolje (after Kosir 2004). Legend : I Transitioned Berts" and Fiysch Akeolma- Njmmuliles Liines'ci:e ■B Trstelj Beds (Opercullna Limestone) ■„W. Trstclf Beds ' " " " (Slivjs Limestone! Libumia Formation -*- - (Paieocanei Libumia Fornalion (Crsleceous) Chronoslraligrapliic gap (P^ieokarsl) Lipica Formation Seibis Fomtaiiûri Repen Fornalion Kozina and Veliko Gradiàte ML Slavni k e; npm Central and SE part SEZs.e* o I Podgrajsko podolje Pis EBZ3-* E' HP13.14-SBZ7" Povii Formalion Thickness cl cartjonate Ë Kleni of suuüwisioris rjirrinùstral^iaphpc rjitjn mu os^ratig 'aoh ic boundary appris*. riirnn OS i 2 5 E E Figure 11.22: Comparison of ionic composition of the water from the observed springs a "Ç o < o o s d ponors. □ Na+K (meq/L) □ Magnesium (meq/L) □ Calcium (meq/L) ■Sulphates (meq/L) □ Chlorides (meq/L) □ Hydrogen carbonate (meq/L) Conclusions During the conducting of regular annual monitoring of groundwater quality, hydrological changes of a rapid increase in water level are usually not recorded. The research conducted at short time intervals during the flood pulses clearly showed that this is the period in which the largest changes occur in the water's chemical composition, as well as the input of various substances — both natural, which are deposited in the sediment or are transported by torrential water, and contaminants, which are the result of human influence. At the springs observed in this project, the hydrological conditions were varied: at the Sv. Ivan spring, measurements were conducted on a very short, one-day, but very intensive flood pulse, at the Rizana spring over a longer, two-weeks period with two marked flood pulses, while the flood pulses at the other springs were of lower intensity. The large amount of precipitation in the recharge areas caused changes to the chemical composition of the water due to mixing of water from different sources — the baseflow and in particular rainwater. During the first stage of the flood pulse, electrical conductivity increased as a result of the pressurising of older water with higher mineralisation. Thus the largest change was recorded at the Rizana spring, and to a lesser extent at the Mlini spring, while it was not observed at the other springs. Changes were expressed in the dilution of the total concentration of dissolved ions, primarily the predominant calcium and hydrogen carbonates, and smaller oscillations of ions which make up less than 10% of the total ionic composition, which led to a rapid decrease in electrical conductivity. The change in the ion ratio at low and high water levels was very small, which means that the water type did not change. Only the total concentration of dissolved ions changed. The input of pollutants was very low at all springs. Thus all of the characteristic parameters used as measures of organic pollution, such as total organic carbon and nutrients, were as a rule found at lower concentrations in comparison with the results of the long-term monitoring, since during the flood pulses there is a decrease in dissolved substances. Increased concentrations of nutrients and other organic matter can occur in later periods of stabilisation of the water level, after the establishing of equilibrium with respect to the processes of decomposition, self-cleaning of the water and a steady water level. Increases in turbidity or suspended material are accompanied by increased concentrations of substances which are adsorbed on the surfaces of particles in suspension — primarily heavy metals. The high content of suspended substances binds the high proportion of iron, manganese and aluminium, i.e. metals which are commonly found in sedimentary rocks, as well as in sediments which are transported by torrential water. Since there were no significant increases in pollutants during the period of observation, except for the ubiquitous metals during times of extreme turbidity, we can conclude that the ecological status of the catchment area 121 SONJA DIKOVIC, ALENKA KOŽELJ and the area of the springs is good. However, with rapid increases in water level there are changes in the chemical composition of the water and input of pollutants which for a brief time period exceed the limit values for use in the water supply, and can later have a negative impact at low water levels. The standard periodic sampling (quarterly or monthly, and even daily) is often not sufficient to describe the influx of turbidity and the input of pollutants. The occurrence of rapid increases in the water level, accompanied by intensive movement of sediments and a high concentration of pollutants and microorganisms, is often not recorded, which indicates a need for careful planning of the monitoring of the water quality of karst springs in order to recognise their responses to various hydrological conditions. References Dikovic, S., 2008: Fizikalno-kemijska i bakteriološka svojstva krškog izvora Mlini u različitim hidrološkim uvjetima.-Magistarski rad. Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Biološki odsjek,. Katz, B.G, Catches, J.S, Bullen, T.D & R.L. Michel, 1998: Changes in the isotopic and chemical composition of ground water resulting from a recharge pulse from a sinking stream.- Journal of Hydrology, 211, 178-207. Kogovšek, J., Dikovic, S., Petrič, M., Rubinic, J., Knez, M., Hrvojic, E. & T. Slabe, 2003: Hydrochemical research of the Mlini springs, Istria.- Annales: anali za istrske in mediteranske študije, Series historia naturalis, 13, 1, 91-102. Mayer, J., 1999: Spatial and temporal variation of groundwater chemistry in Pettyjohns cave, Northwestern Georgia, USA.- Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 61, 3, 131-138. McCarthy, J.F & J.M. Zachara, 1989: Subsurface transport of contaminants.- Environ. Sci. Technol., 23, 5, 496502. Smith, J. & K.L. Wahl, 2003: Changes in streamflow and summary of major-ion chemistry and loads in the north Red River basin upstream from Lake Altus, Northwestern Texas and Western Oklahoma, 1945-1999.- U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 03-4086. Toth, V.A., 1998: Spatial and temporal variations i the dissolved organic carbon concentrations in the vadose waters of Marengo cave, Indiana.- Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 60, 3, 167-171. Vesper, D. & W.B. White, 2003: Metal transport to karst springs during storm flow: An exapmle from Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Tennessee, USA.- Journal of Hydrology, 276, 20-36. Vesper, D. & W.B. White, 2004: Storm pulse chemographs of saturation index and carbon dioxide pressure: Implications for shifting recharge sources during storm events in the karst aquifer at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Tennessee, USA.- Hydrogeology Journal, 12, 2, 135-143.v 122 fli Photo from "Water - Life!" in Istria competition; author: Aleksandar Tumulic 123 METKA PETRIČ, NATAŠA RAVBAR, CLARISSA BRUN, RANKO BIONDIC, JANJA KOGOVŠEK ASSESSMENT OF FLOW DYNAMICS AND SOLUTE TRANSPORT BASED ON THE MONITORING OF A FLOOD PULSE Metka Petric, Natasa Ravbar, Clarissa Brun, Ranko Biondic, Janja Kogovsek The physical, chemical and microbiological properties of karst springs change very rapidly in different hydro-logical conditions. Detailed monitoring of these changes and their comparison with precipitation and hydrological data enables analysis of flow dynamics and solute transport processes in the karst aquifers that feed these springs. Research to date (e.g. Kogovsek 2001; Vesper et al. 2001; Williams et al. 2006; Hunkeler & Mudry 2007; Ravbar et al. 2012) has shown that changes in the quality of karst water are most pronounced in the case of flood pulses caused by intense precipitation events following a long dry period. A special feature of karst is allogenic recharge with sinking streams from non-karst zones, which represents a concentrated input of frequently polluted water into the highly permeable conduits of a karst aquifer and onwards towards karst springs (e.g. Kogovsek 2002; Bailly-Comte et al. 2007; Pronk et al. 2007). The selected area of study in the transboundary area of the Northern Istria represents such a complex system, where diffuse infiltration in the highly permeable karst surface combines with concentrated recharge from sinking streams, and the diverse nature of recharge is also reflected in flow dynamics and solute transport. In order to better understand these processes, in June 2015 we carried out detailed monitoring of the quality of major karst water sources during two consecutive flood pulses following a dry period that had lasted since the end of March 2015, while at the same time monitoring precipitation and hydrological conditions. The Rižana spring The most exhaustive monitoring of changes in physical, chemical and microbiological parameters was in the Rižana spring. We obtained data on precipitation at the Škocjan station and the flow rates of the Rižana at the Dekani station from the website of the Slovenian Environmental Agency (ARSO). In the previous period in 2015, the last marked increase in the flow rate of the Rižana occurred at the end of March 2015, when it reached 12.6 m3/s at the Dekani station. This was followed by a lengthy period of low water levels, with flows not exceeding 1.5 m3/s. Individual more intense precipitation events were not reflected in increased flows owing to the small proportion of effective rainfall and the retention of precipitation in the vadose zone. In June 2015, a total of 25 mm of rain fell in the three-day period from 14 to 16 June at the Škocjan station and flow increased from 0.5 to 1.2 m3/s (Fig. 12.1). We decided to observe this small flood pulse and therefore took 11 samples for chemical and microbiological analysis between 16 and 19 June. The measured parameters are presented in the previous chapter on groundwater quality. A few days later there was a brief but more intense precipitation event, when 71 mm of rain fell at the Škocjan station, beginning on the afternoon of 23 June and continuing overnight into 24 June, and the flow of the Rižana at the Dekani station increased from 0.5 to 10.6 m3/s. We monitored this pulse even more closely, taking samples every two hours while the precipitation event was at its most intense. In this second flood pulse we just took 24 samples between 23 and 29 June, and one further sample after stabilisation of conditions on 8 July 2015. During both flood pulses we obtained data on water levels at the spring during the sampling period from the water company Rižanski vodovod d.o.o. and used an Onset HOBO Conductivity Data Logger to measure electrical conductivity (EC) and temperature at 30-minute intervals. These data are missing for the time when the Data Logger was above the surface of the water. 124 ASSESSMENT OF FLOW DYNAMICS AND SOLUTE TRANSPORT BASED ON THE MONITORING OF A FLOOD PULSE 20 "Ö P 16 — Ä £ (C 12 O S (C Q. o <3 300 73 Bulaž 12 11 4 0 >300 35 Butori 22 22 2 0 260 20 Rižana 5 4 4 1 >300 30 Marušici 73 73 9 0 >300 38 Filarija 1 0 6 0 >300 15 The results shown in Table 13.1 are the average standard microbiological picture of karst springs. Coliform bacteria are present in low numbers, as is E. cooli. The number of both is for the most part in mutual correlation, with the result that we can say that E. cooli predominates. The results for enterococci and Clostridium perfringens merely indicate their presence. The most interesting figure is the number of heterotrophic bacteria incubated at 22 and 37 °C. Those heterotrophic bacteria incubated at 22 °C represent the population of the natural background. The majority of them do not survive at higher temperatures. And they are not a potential health threat as long as the number remains below 100/100 ml. Heterotrophs that survive incubation at 37 °C are representatives of the group of bacteria that could potentially survive in the human body and are an indicator group expressed merely as a number of potential pathogenic bacteria. A situation showing a high number of heterotrophs (22 °C) is expected in all karst springs. The results are mutually comparable and are a relevant indicator of natural background conditions. Assuming that not all species can be cultivated in laboratory conditions, their number is slightly higher than shown. Heterotrophs (37 °C) are numerically significantly fewer than heterotrophs (22 °C). 138 MICROBIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SELECTED KARST SPRINGS Microbiological measurements carried out in all locations in January 2015, in a period with no notable precipitation, are mutually comparable and no location deviates significantly. The first flood pulse (between 16 and 21 June 2015) is accompanied by growth in the number of coliform bacteria, which decline in number with the decrease of the flood pulse (Fig. 13.3). If we were to make conclusions merely on the basis of this flood pulse, we would undoubtedly conclude that we were looking at faecal contamination as a consequence of precipitation washing coliform bacteria from the land. Or faecal contamination carried by sinking streams. This assertion would be correct if the same picture had appeared in the second flood pulse, which followed a few days after the first. However, notwithstanding the strength of the second flood pulse, the number of coliform bacteria fell consistently until 26 June. We may therefore state, as our colleagues noted, that the first and second flood pulses were characterised more by dilution than by influx. The second peak in the appearance of coliform bacteria is only noted when the water level falls, something which could be more plausibly explained by the flushing of the higher-lying water basins of the karst aquifer. The behaviour of E. cooli during the flood pulses in the karst aquifer of the Rizana is identical to the description of coliform bacteria shown graphically in Graph 1. Clostridium perfringens is one of the most common bacteria and is found in nature in decomposing organic matter of animal and plant origin. We find it in the digestive tract of both vertebrates and insects. Throughout the first flood pulse and until the start of the decrease of the second flood pulse on 25 June, the number recalls our base measurements in January 2015. The number remains low throughout this period. This means that during the first pulse Clostridium perfringens was not the subject of dilution, as was found for coliform bacteria. If this had been a case of rapid flushing from the surface, we would have seen this in both pulses, either at the beginning or in the middle. The shift in the appearance of an increased number of Clostridium perfringens is the surprise of this project. It is highly likely that this is a case of the percolation of water on the surface through the soil and fissures filled with organic material. Clostridium perfringens is always an indicator of old contamination or of a long-lasting natural process of demineralisation. A few other conclusions may be drawn from the results of the measurements of the presence of Clostridium perfringens in the two flood pulses. We may conclude that there is very little likelihood that Clostridium perfringens is a representative of the biofilm of karst aquifers. While this is, of course, a hypothetical assertion - one that it will be possible to prove through other studies involving sampling of the biofilm - it is certainly probable, since despite reciprocal contact inhibition of growth, representatives of the biofilm ensure their own reproduction through planktonisation. In the specific case of Clostridium perfringens this would be a process of sporulation. And the number, following a lengthy dry period, would in this case be greater and at least comparable to coliform bacteria in terms of the time of appearance. The measurements are not only interesting as a new scientific finding, but also as the basis for advice to hydrologists on what to expect when a flood pulse decreases. Clostridium perfringens infections are very common in some European countries, particularly in the United Kingdom. Such infections are very unpleasant. It would therefore be logical to note that reservoirs should be filled before major precipitation events and that the flood pulse should be allowed to pass until complete stabilisation is re-established. Such a contingency would make it possible to avoid a potential hydric epidemic caused by Clostridium perfringens. This advice is particularly relevant to smaller water supply systems connected to karst aquifers. It would also be useful to take samples following a flood pulse and to carry out microbiological analyses to test for the presence of Clostridium perfringens. Table 13.1 (the Rizana spring) shows a numerical value of >300 CFU/ml. This value is the product of an accredited method, which we preferred not to change by increasing dilution. The second reason is that a value of >300 CFU/ml already exceeds the permitted limit for drinking water. This does not make the results any less valuable, since even in this context they clearly point to a process of flushing of the planktonic part of the bacteria from the karst aquifer. The results of the second pulse are not as homogeneous as those of the first. There is a fluctuation of the presence of heterotrophs (22 °C). These fluctuations following the first pulse may be attributed to particular features of the internal structure of the karst aquifer, including the diversity of the surface and the hydrology of the sinking streams. 139 GORAZD PRETNAR Water level - C. perfringens Heterotrophs Coliform bacteria E. Coli 0 16/6/15 18/6/15 20/6/15 22/6/15 24/6/15 26/6/15 Figure 13.3: The graph shows the presence of coliform bacteria, E. cooli, Clostridium perfringens and heterotrophs (22 °C) during the two flood pulses at the Rizana spring. 0 Microbiological analyses of the flood pulse of the Sv. Ivan spring The flood pulse in the Sv. Ivan spring was not as pronounced as in the Rizana spring but still sufficiently strong to allow observation of microbiological changes. While the sampling frequency was lower, it was nevertheless high enough to enable a comparison. In this case, too, coliform bacteria corresponded numerically with the number of E. cooli. Likewise, we may point to the effect of flushing, as seen in the case of the Rizana spring. The flood pulse in the Sv. Ivan spring began on 23 June and reached its peak on 24 June, coinciding with the second pulse in the Rizana spring. Since in the case of the Sv. Ivan spring we do not have two pulses of at least approximately equal intensity, comparison is difficult but nevertheless possible. The only logical comparison is that of the first pulse in the Rizana spring and the pulse in the Sv. Ivan spring (Fig. 13.4). Owing to the previous flushing, the second pulse in the Rizana spring is not comparable at all.In both springs the number of coliform bacteria and E. cooli grew steeply. In both cases this was very probably a consequence of the flushing out of the karst aquifer following a long dry period. The first difference appears with regard to Clostridium perfringens. Clostridium perfringens is barely detected in the first pulse in the Rizana spring, and is not observed until the last part of the second pulse. In the Sv. Ivan spring we detect it immediately, on 24 June, during the peak of coliform bacteria, E. cooli and enterococci. This is followed by a fall in the number and a new peak on 25 June when the pulse is already abating. In between, a further lower peak is detected. We attribute the difference to the different structure of the karst aquifer and the different landscape of the recharge area. Heterotrophic bacteria (22 °C) reach their peak in the flood pulse in the Sv. Ivan spring on 24 June. The peak continues despite the fact that the flood pulse is abating. On 7 July the number of heterotrophic bacteria (22 °C) decreases to 105. In terms of a comparison of the number of heterotrophic bacteria (22 °C), both karst springs — Sv. Ivan and Rizana — are comparable. When the flood pulse occurs, the number of heterotrophic bacteria (22 °C) increases rapidly and persists long after the water level falls. We may conclude that tracking the number of heterotrophic bacteria (22 °C) is the factor that indicates that microbiological stability has returned to the springs following a flood pulse. 140 MICROBIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SELECTED KARST SPRINGS 300 250 200 150 100 50 fre p .C 0 23/6/15 Water level C. perfringens Heterotrophs E. Coli 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 24/6/15 25/6/15 26/6/15 0 27/6/15 Figure 13.4: Ivan spring. The graph shows the presence of E. cooli, Clostridium perfringens and heterotrophic bacteria (22 °C) during the flood pulse at the Sv. Conclusions Our measurements demonstrated and confirmed the claims of our peers that karst aquifers differ from each other, with the result that it is difficult to arrive at a common denominator. This means that every manager of a water supply system that is fed by karst aquifer needs to know it well. And it is only possible to know it well through a sufficient number of microbiological analyses and familiarity with its individual specific characteristics. References Ahem, H. E., Walsh, K. A., Hill, T. C. J. & B. F. Moffett, 2007: Fluorescent pseudomonads isolated from Heb-ridean cloud and rain water produce biosurfactants but do not cause ice nucleation.- UK Biogeosciences, 4, 115-124. Hunter, A. J., Northup, D. E., Dahm, C. N. & P. J. Boston, 2008: Persistent coliform contamination in Lechuguilla cave pools.- Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 66, 3, 102-110. Megusar, F. & B. Sket, 1977: On the nature of some organic covers on cave walls.- Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Speleology, Academia, 159-161, Olomouc. Mulec, J., 2008: Microorganisms in hypogeon: examples from Slovenian karst caves.- Acta carsologica, 37, 1, 153160. Mulec, J., Zalar, P., Zupan Hajna, N. & M. Rupnik, 2002: Screening for culturable microorganisms from cave environments (Slovenia).- Acta carsologica, 31, 2, 177-187. 141 Photo from "Water - Life!" in Istria competition; author: Mirna Bartolic 142 MONITORING THE QUANTITATIVE STATUS AND QUALITY OF KARST WATER SOURCES MONITORING THE QUANTITATIVE STATUS AND QUALITY OF KARST WATER SOURCES Nataša Ravbar, Metka Petrič, Josip Rubinic, Sonja Dikovic, Alenka Koželj, Tanja Pipan, Janja Kogovšek Introduction Establishing the quantitative and qualitative status of waters and detecting exceptional situations requires regular monitoring of climatic, hydrological, physical, chemical, biological and bacteriological parameters. The characteristics of the monitoring through which this is done are defined in the national regulations of each country. The specific characteristics of karst waters are not adequately taken into account by legislation either in Slovenia or Croatia, and for the most part the same method is used for monitoring of groundwater from karst aquifers as is used for intergranular aquifers, which, however, typically differ in terms of their hydrological dynamics. For this reason one of the objectives of the research forming part of the ŽIVO! project was to carry out monitoring of the quantity and quality of water in selected karst water sources in the Northern Istria in conditions of changeable hydrological conditions with the appearance of a flood pulse following a long dry period, when usually critical values of individual water quality parameters are recorded. Analysis and interpretation of data obtained in this way represent the basis for the recommendations submitted here for an improvement to the existing model of monitoring the quantity and quality of karst waters. Monitoring in the national regulations of Croatia and Slovenia In EU Member States, national regulations (laws, decrees, rules, etc.) relating to monitoring must take into account the requirements of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) and the Directive on the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration (2006/118/EC). The umbrella laws that regulate the legal status of waters and numerous other measures and activities related to water and water resources (e.g. management of water quality and quantity, public water supply activities) are, in Slovenia, the Zakon o vodah (Waters Act) and its amendments (Official Gazette RS 67/2002) and, in Croatia, the Zakon o vodama (Waters Act; Official Gazette RH 153/2009, 130/2011, 53/2011, 14/2014). In Slovenia the quantitative and qualitative status of karst groundwater is assessed on the basis of groundwater monitoring, which is regulated by the Rules on Groundwater Monitoring (Official Gazette RS 31/2009) in accordance with the EU directives. The Rules set out the method and scope of groundwater monitoring and the frequency of sampling, analyses and measurements. Groundwater monitoring includes monitoring of chemical status and monitoring of hydrological phenomena. The parameters of the chemical and quantitative status, the values of the quality threshold of groundwater, the criteria and method of assessment of quantitative and qualitative status and action to be taken, where necessary, are laid down by the Decree on Groundwater Status (Official Gazette RS 25/2009, 68/2012). The network of monitoring sites, measured parameters and sampling frequency, and sampling and analysis methods are laid down by the Water Status Monitoring Programme prepared for the period 2010-2015 (2011). In the context of national monitoring, sampling in shallow aquifers is envisaged, in the case of karst-fissured aquifers, in boreholes or springs up to twice a year at each sampling location. Groundwater monitoring under this Decree is carried out by the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia. The Rules on the Definition of Bodies of Groundwater (Official Gazette RS 63/2005) include karst springs in groundwater monitoring. Monitoring of the quantitative status of groundwater in bodies of water with predominantly karst and fissured porosity will take place in the period 2010-2015 in 21 springs and four boreholes (Water Status Monitoring Programme for 2010-2015, 2011). These include the spring of the Rizana, which is part of the groundwater body »Coast and Karst with the Brkini«. National monitoring of water status for 2010-2015 does not envisage biological analysis and identification 143 N. RAVBAR, M. PETRIC, J. RUBINIC, S. DIKOVIC, A. KO2ELJ, T. PIPAN, J. KOGOVSEK of the ecological status of groundwater. Biological analyses of water quality assessment are analyses of a consequent state, where we analyse the effects left by allochthonous substances in the water environment in biotic communities, populations and organisms, and are an appropriate complement to chemical analyses. Ecological analyses (biological and microbiological) are carried out in the natural environment and used to establish the state of biotic communities in a given environment (in situ). A biotic assessment is a summary assessment in that it takes into account abiotic and biotic factors. This type of monitoring would mean regular (at least two or three times a year) monitoring of biotic parameters. Natural waters in Croatia fall within the purview of the Ministry of Agriculture's Water Management Department. The Decree on Water Quality Standards (Official Gazette RH 73/2013, 151/2014 and 78/2015) transposes the European water directives into Croatian law. This Decree prescribes quality standards not only for groundwater but also for surface waters, including coastal waters and territorial waters. It prescribes special water protection targets, criteria for setting water protection targets, conditions for extending the deadlines for the achievement of these targets and elements for water status assessment, water status monitoring and water status reporting. No special legislation exists for groundwater. Groundwater status monitoring is carried out according to a monitoring plan of Croatian Waters at a network of measuring stations as control and operational monitoring and, where necessary, investigative monitoring. It includes the taking of samples and the analysis of groundwater with regards to parameters indicative of the quantitative and chemical status of each prescribed element of quality. This provides a comprehensive overview of the chemical status of groundwater in a river basin district and identifies a perceptible and constantly increasing trend of pollution of this water. In both countries the different purposes of monitoring the qualitative and quantitative status of groundwater also require different types of monitoring, which can be divided into control monitoring, operational monitoring and investigative monitoring. Control monitoring complements and evaluates pollution assessment procedures and provides information for the assessment of significant and constantly growing trends which are the result of changes in natural conditions and the impact of human activities. Operational monitoring is carried out in order to determine the chemical status of all bodies of groundwater for which a danger of failure to achieve water protection targets has been identified by a study of the characteristics of the river basin district and in which changes in status are monitored during implementation of the programme of measures and identification of significant and steadily worsening trends in terms of concentrations of contaminants as a consequence of human activities. Investigative monitoring is carried out when the causes of exceedance of limit values of water status assessment parameters are unknown, when control monitoring indicates a low probability that a specific body of groundwater will achieve water protection targets and operational monitoring to determine these causes has not yet been established, in order to determine the extent and impact of sudden pollution and obtain information necessary for the establishment of a programme of measures to achieve water protection targets and the definition of a programme of special measures to eliminate the consequences of sudden pollution. Monitoring of the quantitative status of groundwater must enable a reliable estimate of the quantitative status of a body of groundwater, including an estimate of available groundwater reserves. The spatial distribution of stations and the frequency of measurement of quantitative status must enable an estimate of groundwater levels in each groundwater body, taking into account short-term and long-term changes in the recharge of these bodies. Groundwater bodies identified as being at risk and transboundary aquifers require additional measuring locations, which are essential for estimating the direction and rate of flow of groundwater. In Slovenia the possible presence of pollutants in drinking water sources is additionally verified through monitoring of quality and conformity with limit values on the basis of the Drinking Water Monitoring Programme (2015) prescribed by the Rules on Drinking Water (Official Gazette RS 19/2004, 35/2004, 26/2006, 92/2006 and 25/2009) and implemented under the aegis of the Ministry of Health. The purpose of this monitoring is to verify the conformity of drinking water with the requirements that must be met by drinking water and to protect human health from the harmful effects of any form of pollution in drinking water. The Rules lay down a set of parameters and limit values, monitoring procedures, requirements for sampling and testing methods, internal control procedures for operators, and the required number of samples, which varies depending on the quantity of water distrib- 144 MONITORING THE QUANTITATIVE STATUS AND QUALITY OF KARST WATER SOURCES uted in the supply area. The Programme defines sampling locations, sampling frequency and sampling methodology and lays down requirements for personnel and the laboratories that perform the analyses. The number of samples is evenly distributed in time and space, so a weekly schedule is drawn up of drinking water monitoring for regular and periodic testing (Drinking Water Monitoring Programme 2015). Regular testing provides basic information on drinking water such as organoleptic properties (odour, taste, turbidity, colour), electrical conductivity and consequent mineralisation of water, turbidity and microbiological safety, and also information on the effectiveness of treatment of drinking water (particularly disinfection) where this is used. Periodic testing is carried out in order to obtain information on the conformity of drinking water with specific pollution parameters. The Programme includes consumers' taps as sampling locations, while internal controls from source to consumer are carried out by the operator of water supply system. In Croatia the Decree on Water Quality Standards does not apply to water intended for human consumption, which instead falls under the Water for Human Consumption Act (Official Gazette RH 56/2013, 64/2015). Just as in Slovenia, the Act prescribes regular monitoring and audit monitoring of the water supply system and monitoring of springs as the entry points of these systems. The Rules on Conformity Parameters and Methods of Analysis of Water Intended for Human Consumption (Official Gazette RH 125/2013, 141/2013) prescribe the scope of analyses (mandatory parameters for regular monitoring, microbiological and chemical parameters of the wholesomeness of water and indicator parameters in audit monitoring and monitoring of springs). The frequency of measurement and the number of measuring stations are defined with regard to the quantity of water delivered within the water supplies, expressed in m3/day. Monitoring of springs takes place once a year and covers all wholesomeness parameters and indicator parameters, with the exception of those parameters that are characteristic of the polymer materials of water supply pipes in the water distribution system. Monitoring of springs observed within the ŽIVO! project In the course of the regular internal controls carried out by Rižanski vodovod Koper d.o.o, which provides the mandatory local public service of drinking water supply within the three coastal municipalities (Koper, Izola and Piran), between 7 and 12 tests of untreated water are carried out each year in the Rižana spring, including at least two tests covering an expanded set of parameters in accordance with the Rules on Drinking water. The water in the spring is untreated and, owing to frequent microbiological contamination, is unsuitable for drinking water supply. For this reason it is appropriately treated at the Cepki waterworks. In 2013 and 2014, only one set of samples per year was taken from the Rižana-Zvroček spring as part of groundwater monitoring. On this basis water quality for the groundwater body »Coast and Karst with the Brkini« was assessed as good. The Sv. Ivan, Bulaž and Mlini springs are monitored within the context of the control monitoring carried out by Hrvatske vode d.o.o., and also as part of the monitoring of springs under legal requirements for water intended for human consumption. The other measuring locations included in the žIVO! project are not included in any kind of monitoring. In 2014 four analyses of chemical and microbiological parameters were carried out under the Decree on Water Quality Standards at the Sv. Ivan and Bulaž springs, while a single analysis was carried out at each spring under requirements for water intended for human consumption (Rules on Conformity Parameters and Methods of Analysis of Water Intended for Human Consumption) as part of the monitoring of springs for all parameters contained in the Rules. The assessment of the chemical status is good, while regarding microbiological parameters the water does not meet requirements and needs to be disinfected before use. Weaknesses of existing monitoring The quantitative status of water in karst aquifers is determined by the level of groundwater and the quantity of water discharged by springs. The Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) provides that the basic indicator for an estimate of quantitative status should be the level of groundwater. However, unlike in non-karst areas, where piezometer boreholes enable a relatively good generalisation of the spatial distribution of water levels on the basis of 145 N. RAVBAR, M. PETRIC, J. RUBINIC, S. DIKOVIC, A. KO2ELJ, T. PIPAN, J. KOGOVSEK point data, in karst aquifers the lack of homogeneity means that this is not usually possible. For this reason, monitoring of the dynamics of fluctuation of the groundwater level in order to estimate quantitative status is extremely rare, and for the most part quantitative status is monitored in locations where groundwater is most accessible and dynamics are greatest — i.e. at karst springs. It is of course also necessary to develop monitoring of the fluctuation of groundwater levels in the active parts of a karst aquifer, where speleological structures — ponors and caves — which have a contact with the base water flow are highly suitable measuring locations in that they reflect the situation in these most active parts of karst aquifers. Establishing the qualitative status of groundwater is conceived in such a way that analyses of samples only show the current status at the time the samples were taken. The hydrological circumstances at the time of taking untreated samples of water are not precisely laid down in existing national monitoring programmes. In cases where a spring is not simultaneously a water source, the planned density of sampling is too low. Furthermore, the existing national monitoring programmes do not take sufficient account of the fact that in karst areas current conditions are to a large extent influenced by the specific characteristics of water flow. Since conditions in karst aquifers change rapidly, the results of the planned monitoring do not necessarily show representative values of the qualitative and quantitative status. Owing to the specific characteristics of groundwater flow, the quality of karst water sources typically changes in different hydrological conditions. The most intensive flushing and transport of contaminants usually takes place in periods of more intensive rainfall, particularly after rainfall following a long dry period. In such situations, the quality of karst waters can deteriorate very quickly. Fluctuations in the values of individual parameters are particularly significant in karst springs which have a complex catchment and are not only fed by diffuse infiltration of precipitation but also by sinking streams. In karst areas, knowledge of water flow dynamics in the catchment is therefore important for good monitoring of quality. When planning a sampling programme, it is also sensible to take into account the characteristics of water flow and the transport of contaminants in karst, since periodic sampling — usually monthly or quarterly — which is independent of hydrological conditions cannot give an insight into short-term climaxes of flood pulses at a spring, which are not measured in days but in hours and are dependent not so much on the season as on current hydrological conditions in the catchment. Individual detailed research of flood pulses points to different reactions in individual springs, meaning that in the case of karst springs there are more exceptions than rules. In the case of karst springs, it would therefore make sense to supplement basic monitoring of groundwater quality with accurate monitoring of water quality during flood pulses. At present, monitoring of this type is only carried out rarely, usually as part of research projects. The situation is different when it comes to biological assessment of water quality, where in periods of greatly changed hydrological conditions, e.g. in the case of increased rate of flow, we do not usually carry out sampling, since a specific organism may only be present as a result of floating matter. Sampling is carried out in periods of stable hydrological conditions. Underground, just as in surface waters, the presence or absence of organisms is a criterion for the evaluation of water quality and changes to the environment. Indicator species (or bioindicators) are therefore species that indicate specific characteristics of an environment without the need to use instruments to measure pollution variables. An indicator organism is one that is chosen for quality evaluation because of its sensitivity or tolerance to different sources of pollution or consequences of pollution (e.g. pollution with heavy metals, reduced oxygen concentration, etc.). The best indicators are those with a narrow ecological tolerance, since their presence best reflects conditions in the water environment. A frequent problem in groundwater is the accumulation of organic matter. Since primary production is absent underground and the circulation of matter does not take place in the same way as in surface waters, subterranean organisms use surplus organic matter as a source of food. This results in changes to the composition, biodiversity and numerical size of subterranean biotic communities. The recommended European directives on a common water policy envisage biological methods that are mutually comparable, particularly when it comes to determining the borderline between good and poor quality. At the same time, however, they recommend that each country should use its own, already established method. It is important to realise that the majority of biological methods used in a given region or country require modifications when transferred to new environments. This is necessary above all because of species specificity, particularly among macroinvertebrates. 146 MONITORING THE QUANTITATIVE STATUS AND QUALITY OF KARST WATER SOURCES Results of the ŽIVO! project study The weaknesses described above were our starting point when planning activities in the ŽIVO! project. We conducted a study of the dynamics of changes in water quality in selected karst water sources managed by Rižanski vodovod d.o.o. (Slovenia) and Istarski vodovod d.o.o. (Croatia) and related water flows in the wider area of influence. Detailed monitoring of rainfall and hydrological conditions, measurement of physical parameters at 30-min-ute intervals and the taking of samples for chemical and microbiological analysis every few hours took place in June 2015 in a period of flood pulses following a long dry period. The results of the monitoring, during which we observed several different springs in parallel, showed that every spring is specific and that even within a small area its activity is affected in different ways by the local distribution and intensity of rainfall. It is therefore extremely important to carry out adequate research during the planning phase of monitoring in order to better understand the functioning of the karst aquifer in the catchment areas of individual karst water sources. The results confirmed the suitability of sampling at brief intervals, since only in this way is it possible to detect rapid changes in the observed parameters and individual extreme values that are not detected by infrequent sampling. The highest sampling frequency is necessary in periods of the rapid changes in physical parameters, which can be measured relatively simply using appropriate measuring devices. The establishing of online monitoring of characteristic parameters such as electrical conductivity and turbidity guarantees the timely acquisition of information on the need for temporary exclusion of a spring from the water supply system, to avoid overburdening the water treatment system with harmful substances that would prevent it from functioning correctly. Though these parameters are not directly determining the contamination. Additionally acquiring information on the occurrence of such extreme states is equally important purpose of such monitoring, so as to allow the preparation of background documentation for the drawing up of prognosis models of such states. With models of this kind, we would be able to foresee critical situations involving extreme turbidity or the appearance of the contaminants even before they occur and take appropriate measures (e.g. abstracting larger stocks of water from a spring before deterioration of its quality and storing it in reservoirs in order to be able to use it to bridge periods of extremely poor quality). Observation of two successive flood pulses in the spring of the Rižana confirmed that it is important to monitor the quality of the first flood pulse triggered by heavy rainfall following a long dry period. Such rainfall causes contaminants stored in the unsaturated zone to be flushed out, while at the same time the dynamics of contaminant transport are greatest during heavier rainfall. Monitoring of a large number of different parameters has pointed to characteristic differences in their transport through the karst aquifer. Analogously, different types of contaminants are transported differently, a factor that must be taken into account when planning monitoring. On the basis of analysis of collected results and our knowledge of the characteristics of water flow and contaminant transport in karst, obtained through numerous previous studies, we have drawn up some proposed guidelines for the monitoring of the quantitative and qualitative status of karst water sources. Guidelines for monitoring the quantitative status of karst waters It is recommended that all important springs, and in particular all springs connected to the public drinking water supply system, be included in a monitoring programme that includes monitoring of water levels at the spring, the quantity of captured water and overflow water and the total water flow in these springs. The data obtained need to be used to allow an estimate of the water balance at various levels — from an estimate of the current flow value at the spring to an estimate of the average balance of discharge and quantities abstracted for water supply over a number of years. In order for the status of a water body to be assessed as good, the mean annual quantities of abstraction from this water body must not exceed the mean annual recharge quantities, less environmental flow, over a longer period. As well as monitoring the overall water balance of discharge, it is essential to carry out hydrological monitoring of the quantities entering the system, i.e. meteorological parameters (above all rainfall) and concentrated inflows in the catchment area, i.e. watercourses, which most often end in ponors. This monitoring of quantitative status includes 147 N. RAVBAR, M. PETRIC, J. RUBINIC, S. DIKOVIC, A. KO2ELJ, T. PIPAN, J. KOGOVSEK monitoring of water levels in surface flows before their infiltration underground or into a ponor and an estimate of flow from data on recorded levels and the consumption curve for this profile. Hydrological stations should be set up in such a way as not to slow the drainage of water underground. In addition to providing hydrological information for control, operational and investigative monitoring of the qualitative status of water, monitoring of the quantitative status should also provide a basis for adequate active management and use of water sources in karst areas. In this sense, it is also essential to ensure the remote transmission of data on water levels from measuring points to the water supply company's administrative centre, since this would enable optimisation of water use. Also important, alongside the monitoring of water levels, is the parallel monitoring of specific physical and chemical parameters (e.g. water temperature, electrical conductivity), while in springs where problems of increased turbidity are more frequent, this parameter should also be measured. The interval for reading hydrological data depends on the size of the aquifer and the spring through which the aquifer discharges, and also on the speed with which the spring reacts to changes in its catchment area. The recommended interval is a maximum of 1 hour under stable hydrological conditions and a maximum of 10 minutes when monitoring changes during flood pulses. Guidelines for monitoring the quality of karst water sources Accurate monitoring of water quality at different water levels in karst areas significantly increases our ability to detect contamination. We are most likely to detect poor water by carrying out detailed monitoring of a flood pulse. This is a period in which water flow grows, peaks and falls. It is triggered by heavy rainfall and accompanied by changes in physical, chemical and microbiological parameters. Periods of rainfall following a long dry period usually result first in a flushing-out of contaminants stored in the unsaturated zone. If rainfall is particularly heavy, the movement of these contaminants towards springs can be very fast. In order to plan monitoring logically, it is first necessary to draw up a monitoring plan (Fig. 14.1). This requires the collaboration of an expert in karst hydrology who understands water flow dynamics and contaminant transport in the catchment area of karst water sources. After an appropriate period, the suitability of the plan needs to be verified on the basis of analysis of the results collected and, if necessary, the plan should be adapted to the identified characteristics of the source or to new research findings. Since every karst aquifer system is unique, an individual monitoring plan is required for each individual water source. The strategy below merely offers guidelines for such a plan: Figure 14.1: Schematic diagram of a monitoring plan and monitoring performance. 148 MONITORING THE QUANTITATIVE STATUS AND QUALITY OF KARST WATER SOURCES Because many karst springs have large and complex catchment areas in which autogenic recharge (rainfall) combines with allogenic recharge (sinking streams), the combination of negative impacts from various sources of contamination is possible. In order to adequately plan quality monitoring, good knowledge of the functioning of karst aquifers, the area in question and the hydrological characteristics of the water source is necessary. A variety of geological, hydrogeological, hydrological, geomorphological, speleological and other data can be of use here. Sampling locations in karst areas are usually springs, which represent the discharge of karst groundwater onto the surface. Occasionally, boreholes are also used. After choosing the monitoring location, the reaction of the water source to rainfall needs to be evaluated. A reaction of the water source to rainfall and the transport of contaminants through the karst is only triggered by sufficiently abundant effective rainfall. Flow data and simultaneous measurements of temperature, electrical conductivity and turbidity are very useful. Changes in the values of the latter parameters also indicate the possibility of changes in water quality. Earlier hydrological studies or tracer tests carried out in the area under observation can serve as an additional basis for an estimate of how much rainfall and what conditions are sufficient to result in the transport of contaminants. In cases where sufficient data are available, we can use special technological equipment and knowledge to model the reaction of a water source to rainfall. When sufficient quantities of rainfall are forecast, frequent monitoring of precipitation and hydrological conditions is essential. Sampling is carried out in the period from the initial low rate of flow, during the growth phase and after the peak has been reached, and during the decrease in the flow rate until conditions before the precipitation event are restored (Fig. 14.2). Since changes are very rapid during a flood pulse, sampling needs to be carried out at intervals of every few hours at the start of the precipitation event and during the increase in the rate of flow. Sampling frequency should be greater during the growth phase until the middle of the decrease in the flow rate, since this is also when the dynamics of contaminant transport are greatest. Sampling frequency should be adjusted on an ongoing basis with regard to the reaction of the water source and ongoing meteorological and hydrological conditions. Figure 14.2: Proposed sampling during a flood pulse. Sampling frequency should be adapted to the reaction of the water source and ongoing meteorological and hydro-logical conditions. In order to identify the actual qualitative status of karst springs, additional monitoring is necessary of the quality of ponor waters in their catchment area, in order to provide a complete picture of the flushing and dilution of contaminants. It is recommended that biological monitoring and monitoring of the ecological status of groundwater should include seasonal (or at least twice- to thrice-yearly) sampling of subterranean aquatic fauna, in order to identify any changes to communities of organisms and their vitality or eventual threatened status. Subterranean fauna is specialised for life under specific conditions, and the species composition is entirely different from that of surface fauna. 149 N. RAVBAR, M. PETRIC, J. RUBINIC, S. DIKOVIC, A. KO2ELJ, T. PIPAN, J. KOGOVSEK For this reason professionally trained personnel are required. Since the subterranean environment is closely connected to the surface environment, monitoring of the fauna in water that percolates underground (»epikarst fauna«) is also recommended. The epikarst zone lies a few metres or less below the surface, and inappropriate or uncontrolled activities on the surface can endanger the epikarst population. Epikarst fauna is frequently also the main source of organisms in underground water flow. Safeguarding and protection must include, as well as the cave habitat itself, the wider catchment area, which also includes the epikarst zone and the land above it. Seasonal sampling of subterranean aquatic fauna is recommended. This should include as many sampling locations as possible, from ponor to spring and along the underground watercourse, and the same time sampling of fauna in percolation water. Conclusions Despite the high percentage of carbonate rocks and the economic importance of karst areas, particularly of water sources in Slovenia and Croatia, current standards for their protection and rational use are too loosely defined. Numerous examples of poor management of karst water sources in the local environment and more widely, on the global scale, show that existing findings regarding the characteristics of water flow and solute transport in karst areas also need to be taken into account in practice. The studies we have carried out as part of the ZIVO! project are therefore an excellent basis for amendments to national regulations governing monitoring of the quantitative and qualitative status of waters. These regulations are not only written for the countries in question, but can be adopted and adapted to national water quality regulations by other countries with abundant karst water sources. The proposed guidelines represent a general basis which can be adapted to the search for solutions to specific problems (e.g. detecting pollution, planning safe water supply, etc.) and which opens up new possibilities for addressing the issues highlighted. References Decree on Groundwater Status.- Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 25/2009, 68/2012. Ljubljana. Decree on Water Quality Standards.- Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia, No. 73/2013, 151/2014, 78/2015. Zagreb. Drinking Water Monitoring Programme 2015. Program monitoringa pitne vode 2015.- Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia. Ministrstvo za zdravje Republike Slovenije. 21 pp. Groundwater Directive.- 2006/118/EC. URL: html. Rules on Conformity Parameters and Methods of Analysis of Water Intended for Human Consumption.- Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia, No. 125/2013, 141/2013. Zagreb. Rules on Determining Water Bodies of Groundwater.- Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 63/2005. Ljubljana. Rules on Drinking Water.- Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 19/2004. Ljubljana. Rules on Groundwater Monitoring.- Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 31/2009. Ljubljana. Water for Human Consumption Act.- Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia, No. 56/2013, 64/2015. Zagreb. Water Framework Directive.- 2000/60/EC. URL: Water Status Monitoring Programme for 2010-2015. Program monitoringa stanja voda za obdobje 2010 - 2015.- Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia. Slovenian Environment Agency. Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor Republike Slovenije. Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje, 112 pp. Waters Act.- Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia, No. 153/2009, 130/2011, 53/2011, 14/2014. Zagreb. Waters Act.- Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 67/2002. Ljubljana. 150