in 46th Year of Fraternal Servie—1904-194» r PROSVETA OFFICIAL ORGAN OF SLOVENE. NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY ISSUSD DAILY EXCEPT SATURDAYS. SUNDAYS •ad HOLIDAYS Of lie« of Publication tSI7 SOUTH LAWNDALE AVE. TCLCPHONCi ROCKWELL 4N4 su» Yearly CHICAGO 13. ILL« WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER t4. 194« MUrtd M secoua class maltar January I«. ISM. at tha PoU offl«» at ChtMuru llllnola. under tha Art of INmgrass of Msrch », im NUMBER 231 Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for In acctlon 4103. Act of Oct. 8. 1S17, authorised on June 4. 1818, DETROIT JUVENILES CELEBRATE SUCCESSFULLY Active ill Sport Activities This roar many of our active Juvenile Circles have taken advantage of the opportunity to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Circle movement of the SNPJ and. no doubt, have profited by their experiences financially and morally. They hare done so by sponsoring ^ various types of affairs, either alone or in collaboration with the parent lodge or federation, most of them combined with some form of entertainment program. One such oelcferailon was recently held by the "Juvenile Spirits of Detroit." Circle No. 29. who very ap-propriately honored this important anniversary oocasion with a short but enjoyable musical program, combined with the showing of movies of recent SNPJ ectivities, speaking and dancing. The affair was staged in the Slovene National Home on John R Road and was attended by a near-capacity audience, representatives of all the local lodges and two Circles which make up the official SNPJ family in the city of Detroit. Most numerous were members of the Wolverine and Young American Lodges, although preaent also were a goodly number of adults and juveniles of Lodge 121, as well as Lodge 018, the weetside branch. At gatherings of this kind one usually meets the officers of lodges, directors of Circles, and many active members and their families. This proved no exception for such waa my experience on my first visit to Detrit as a guest speaker of the Society. Many "old" old-timers and many "young" old-timers were met, some for the first time, among them the Krainzes, Bernicks. Grums, Travniks, Stromars, Korsics, Serdo-ners, Stimacs. Massert, Modics, Te-hovniks, Krzianiks, Ruperts, Pinks, Tauchers, and many others. I believe it did all of us some good to come together for an evening. I! was eneoureglng to see and to have the opportunity to say a few words to so many juveniles and young adult members in the audience. It waa a pleasure to meet the Directors of both Circles, Slater Helen Sttmac. Director of Circle 20, who; tetfelKer wHn her two able assistants, Slaters Lena Maaaer and Mildred Barnlsh. was in charge of the evening's program and, also, Sisters Gertrude Taucher. Director of Circle 58, and LouiaO Pink, her capable aid. I must say that both Directors and their respective assistants are doing a very splendid job in keeping up the interest and enthusiasm of our juveniles in meetings, social affairs, and other worthwhile activities offered them by the SNPJ. The musleel selections played by the juvenile members, the soloists as well as the tno, were exceptionally well rendered. The master of ceremonies, whose name I don't recall but who couldn't have been much more than ten years old, also did very well in introdacing each number of the program. These and other young people in our Juvenile Circles are gifted with a lot of good talent, and more and more such affairs are needed to give them a chance to show what they can really do and gain new courage and further develop their abilities. Judging by the amount of applause the "Juvenile Spirits" musicians received, their efforts to please were fully sppreciated by *(the listeners, and Director St I mac and her assistants can well be proud of their accomplishments. Let's hope that some day in the near future, these boys and girls will have an orchestrs they can call their own That would be quite an achievement Many of the Juvenile members seen that evening had on blue snd white shirts or blouses, lettered "Circle No. 18—S.N.P.J." on the backs. These were their new bowling outfits and they were wearing them publicly for the first time thst day, You can be sure they looked mighty trim and proud as they went sbout their business st this special celebrstion In fact, a large share of the profits, and I understand s considerable sum was realized, wilt he used to defray the cost of the outfits and bowling fees through the season The "Juvenile Spirits' hsve a four tesm bowling league which ireet* ' every other Saturday afternoon at the Palmer Park Lanes wher.' they have a lot of fun playing against each other as loams snd individual competitors and. at the same time, preparing themselves for the Ilk annual Notional SNPJ Juvenile Tel-egrapbic Sow tin« Tournament which will take place early in April Both boys and girls have their eyes on I national championships they hope u» annos for the first time in IMS. I hod quite a long conversation with young Tom Sumac, secretary of the league and he provided me with a lot o( facto and steUetics showing the standing of the teams, high individual scores, and how mu'h ear* i.i.n o^-iitl«* n hod iiiifie <*i «»*• < the last season scores. With more than half of the current season to go yet. these youngsters should be fit and ready to bring home a big slice of the "victory bacon." come next April. Tom and his brother, George, and, of course, sll of the other members of the league will certainly try to have their bowling arms keyed to perfection and their hopes running high. And, no doubt, the same can be said of the remaining Circles interested in the bowling sport. BoarUstg Isn't the only activity on which these young Detroiters are building their future claims to achievement. They also have their midns set on organizing a strong softball team next season and entering one of the local juvenile leagues. Heretofore, they have played only amongst themselves, but ln '48 they plan to do things in a way that will bring fame to the Circle, just as their older brothers, the Wolverines, brought fame to their lodge in the past year. And while aporto are getting their proper place and attention. you can be sure that a number of these young people and others, who don't participate in sports, will begin to work on handcraft projects for diaplay in the 3rd annual National Juvenile Handcraft Exhibit which will be staged, most likely, at or near Gi-rard, Ohio, over Labor Day weekend, 1849. These and other worthwhile endeavors, particularly the new Voice of Youth contest which starts witht he January isaue (get your contributions in by December 1), will keep many boys and girls active the whole year round. Whatever will be the measure of their accomplishments in ihe final analysis, you can be sure they will profit by their experiences, win, lose or drfcWr T" ' x " " Before leaving the Detroit en vlrons I. also, spent several hours visiting with members st the Slo vene Workingmen's Home on the West side. This home was remodeled recently at a cost of more than 811,000 and now presents s new snd modern appearance. Plans are under way to also redecorate and make other changes in the interior. This ''face-lifting" has, no doubt, caused quite a few of the young members of Lodge 518 to become more active in its affairs. Already they have organized an athletic club under the jurisdiction of the lodge. They are represented by three teams in the*SNPJ Bowling League on the east side. They, too, are getting their playing personnel organized for softball next year, and it wouldn't be surprising to see them give their neighboring rivals some real competition for the right to represent the Fourth Athletic Die-trict in the national softball playoffs. The Juvenile Circle of Lodge 818. under the guidance of Sisters Gertrude Taucher and Louise Pink, is also msking strides of improvement. Yes. all in all. Detroit is moving right along, lodges and circles on the esst side and west side, to what probably will be one of their best years in the SNPJ. MICHAEC VRHOVNIK, Juvenile Director Before the war. Avs a Twentieth Century Fund survey, cartel agreements increased the orice of tungsten carbide, an alloy of diamondlike hardness used on the cutting edges of high-speed machine tools, 800 per cent over the prevsiling price in the United States msrket in 1927. Its market value wss 1.8 times the value of sold. stop m press! How to Get a Ship at Govt. Expense SAN FRANCISCO- (FP)-The taxpayers foot the hills but the ship-pV* companies rake in the profits. Illustrating this maxim, a bulletin put out by striking west coast marl-time worker« tells the story of the SS Effingham Built in 1919 at a cost to the government of |l.98«,849. the ship was sunk in 1942 while under charter to the Lykes Bros. Shipping Co. Although valued by the company at 848,020, the ship was insured by the government for 8727.080, This windfall was put in a tax-free reserve fund by the company. According to the bulletin, the 8717.080 may now be used by the comapny to buy a ship which ports 82 million to build during tha war. The following chart sums up the loss to taxpayers: "*w I I ••.Mi MMM TIT,SM MM,IM MMt "Kill that 1952 edition with the DEWEY line!" haa* whose iron curtain is it By ALBERT WEISBORD Always whenever the subject of the Eastern European countries Is mentioned there is some one ready to use the phrase "lyon Curtain." Apparently the pupils of Winston Churchill, that master of English phrases, have been very successful in their propaganda that the cOuntriea of Eastern Europe are sealed off from the others by s thick impenetrable wall. The implication is that these countries have placed groat difficul ties in the way of the average trav-' eller, end that j If he should ever penetrate.behind this 'Iron Curtain" he would find It impossible tot talk freely to anyone, tha populace being completely terrorized by an omniscient and ubiquitous espionage system set up by tha rulers of a terrible bloody dictatorship. As I Went to Europe this summer Albert Weiskeri I found out the truth of some of thene things for myself. The first shock came when I received my passport, Stumped «hi the - document were the lorn iduhle words "Thui in not valid for travel to Jugoslavia " Ahove this sentence was another stamped in senu*n<* which said: 'This passport, if prop erly visaed is valid for tavel in any country except Germany, Austria, the Main Islands of Japan, Nansei Shoto, Nanpo Shot«» or Korea lie fore trevH in any of the aliove named places may l»e undertaken. November 30 Is the Deadline for New Members II Is important fee campaign conleatenls to bear 1« mind that applications for ell new members, intended for the JUVENILE ANNIVERSARY CAMPAIGN, must he sen, plated on or before November 88. the last dey of this month. The lodgs secretaries have unMI December 8. however, to forward thorn to the Main Office. Msnsberahlp applications mailed here after that dote, with •■caption of these returned for eerrecfion or additional information. wUI not bo scsspisi In the Juvenile Anniversary Campaign Be Tuesday. Nevewbov 38. to the DEADLINE for writing up Even though there are esdy e few days loft of the* eon still be aecetnpllshed to secure its success Yes, If yen fry herd enough. yen can even SMASH THAT QUOTA I < ^i» O S» » WW '1QW «.*»< an appropriate miiNery permit must be affixed to this patoport" • 1 must confess these two State mento left me somewhst confused. On the one hand the passport declared it was valid for tavel If "propely visaed" in any country except Germany, Austria. Japen or Korea, on the other hand It aaid It was not valid for travel to Jugoslavia. ln regard to the first men tioned countries one might defend the restrictions as not too unrea sons hie; There were no peace treaties with these enemy countries, the people might lie hateful and re sentful, the country Itself might be destroyed snd incapsble of taking care of foreign visitors, the army of occupation might be hsinf>erod, etc But what could bo said of the outright ban established by the passport for travel to Jugoslsvia, country which had heen our valiant ally during the war (not yet offl nally over), and u member of the United Nat ems which had an ee-credited ambassador to the United States? There war an even greater contiadictjon in the sort of restrlc tion imposed foi Jugoslavia and for the enemy countries. For these, not recognized as part of the family of nations, travel was merely limited l«y the eondiiion of obtaining t proper military pern it. For Jugo sliivia, no si'ch channel was left open ; Naturally the question arose whether Jugoslavia was being trest-ed differently lie« suae of her new social legime. What about the other countries behind the "Iron Curtain First the former enemy countries Midgut le, Rumania and Hungary; then the former allies. Csechoslo-vakis, Poland, an I Kuasie? At this point f noticed a pink slip that had come with the United Slate» passport »Milled "Warning This slip, afU'i reaffirming that the inclosed pusspoit if pioperly visaed was valid Utr travel to any country except dermany, Austria, Japan and Korea, also said. Travel to Bui rails, Kumania, irs at the Viremis Oak Tannery )n Lutev. Va. who have been on sltlke since June | Charging that Ihe punitive prlaon at-ntoneea wen an attempt to break the 8-month strike, the IFI.WU branded tha trtal as a ftemeup by the employer to smash the union AcctMdln* to a Twentieth Century Fond refintt Ihe averse* farmh Seenet^er later Ihe country will again return, as U has always lh the put te 18t 8aMr end than wUI be aahamed el Us hysteria. In last one could le£ thai the nation Is reelly tired el Ibis cold war agetaal Itself and would be glad le return le senity. But II to quite possible thet the powers that be will prevent this ler a while, possibly lor a number el years ys4, until they are reedy le make a settlement with Ihe Soviet Union on tha International Held And this they will have le do or plunge the world Inle another holocaust, perhaps Its supreme end last tragedy as lar as waslern slvlllse-iipn Is coneornod. Until one or the other occurs, a return le sanity er a plunge most horrible madness, the result ol which will be a multi national sulstde. wa, whe are editing your official organ and directing your organisation will continue te carry on along the iradiltonei progressive policies el Ihe SNPJ snd try te preserve our sanity In these trying times. For us who have gone through the mill ol life with our eyes open and our mind developed towards Ihe crtttcel snd qulsleal It Is Infinitely easier to sell sgalnsl ths HI blowing wind Ihsn te Join Ihe mob with lbs ancient slegeni "Crucify html" We only beg you le have some patience with us andi with your progroMive frsternal organisation. Fer. to use Ihe apl homily ol our new President. Sro. Culksr, there Is slso something good in us et well as we believe there Is something good In you tee. This even If we disagree politically. fight for health . By THE PHYSICIAN« FORUM HUSH HUSH ON MENTAL i As out knowledge has grown, we ILLNESS have learned that mental Illness is An,,.», who I,«,». „ lh. tl'ii knows that the latent givraway, # ^ ( ^ ^ ^^ ^ -f||.t.liMj contest IS for the benefit of otasni /allons devoted to the fight aguiliat mental disease The winnei of the conteet will re reive all sorts of things a trip lo Wsshinglon. a new rwi, proverbial kliehen sltik-guess the nstnes of Mc. Hush This column has no idea who Mr and Mis Hush ate. But we do know that mental illness has foi many hundreds of yeais been given the hush hush tieatuient Even today, must people have vct> im eolno Ideas alarul mental lUm even the If he ■ g|| and Mts Ton rnany of us l«a»k on )t us snme thing différent lt«»m a physleal s88 ness sueh as heart dteeaee 01 kidney diaeass' 01 appendieilis Mental il! actfs is stlll thrrUgjM "I as sornethins lo M' ashettied of and to lie hi'hlen Of course, Sueh attitude» have le en vety eommon in other disesses, sut h ss tuberrulôsls, for esemple One of the fit et thingrt whleh hsd lo lie done Iti llie fight against tu berculoeis was to ge rld of Ihe hatrn fui altitude thel tuberr-uloals was »omettons to I* eshetnod of, to l»e hidden. that tulienoloais was in curable. and so on Kltnilài idées alioot eetuet have lieon a iesl sturn biing biork m oui fight «s«'»i»i thls dise aee In the past, people with aefiou« mental lllriese hev» tieer. thwtghi |j» poaarssed by the «tovil Thev wete treeted as ouuasts frotn an nety — with btulsllly and negllg« 'I hey slMHild heve lawn treated us | Ihey teelly at» -su k peuple vho eerd « edl» d fie ittornt fre •» ep ! illneea 1 of his lardy, lila hesri. Is affected, If he has IiiIk imiosis, It is usually another oigan. the lungs, which are dlseused If he has mental Illness, it is still another otgan of the laxly, the 111 am. whic h Is sffecied, Thür, when a person has haïtien* llig of the aliènes which supply blood to the hesit. the function of the heait is inlerfeted with, and the heait may In sdi to fsll, Such a person will develop I et lain symptoms like shortness of breath, swelling of the ankles und ao till In the »«me way, If the hardening takes pluie in the erteile» which supply h|iM«d to the hraift, the futu-lions of the hiain sie intetfered with Sur h u peiiuin will alao develop ceitain symptoms, but these symptoms will have to dir with III» mind,'his thinking, because thinking is'the function of the bi«in just a» pumping hhaid is the funeUon of Ilu- lirait Ile will iMrgin to luse his merroiy for certain events, his ability to ieus*m and so on There are many mental illnesses diseases of the bi sin--whet a we S now s glial deal about the symptoms mid also wtist esuaes Miein Th< re «re »ome mental illnews, on the othei ha rut. where we know s lut alfoot the symptom» bul do not know why oi how the brain is being effected We shsll dis« usa tliese different kinds i>f mental illne»» in futuie aitules ers and non-members as well. Thru social ac tivities we are helping to make good clean-minded Americans out of our youth, as well as our grownups. The are a eontenU'd. happy group, »6, naturally, they stay out of trouble For us not to take Interest in lodges, civic enterprises, etc., tends to nsrrow our lives down to an empty shell—then in turn this breeds selfishness snd bitterness toward our fellow men. Regard les*—come what may—we all must live together and work together, so why not pool our common interests snd efforts in s fine lodge such as our SNPJ lodge hare in StrabanC The world will seem like S better place to live in and in the process we can make lifelong friends of which none of us ever have too many and which too, are more pre. clou« than gold. The next meeting will be on Dec. 5 at 7 pm (note the hour Just for this meeting, other meetings in thu future will still take place at 8 pm). Being a yearly meeting, we are starting earlier. The Indianapolis bowling league will not bowl that Sunday. This Is to give every tel. low a chance to attend the meeting. This #111 be the most important meeting df the whole year, so please attend. » There will be s free lunch served sfter the meeting. The plans are all made for our Xmas dance. Rum Romero and his orchestra will furnish the music for all of you slick chicks. It will be a semi forme I; you can come in evening dothot or, not. just as you wish. We bet all our young Pio-neer lassies will come in gowns, and what a pretty lot they will be. Of course, their friends and our neigh boring lodges are all cordially in vited, being our annual popular Xmas dance. Bowling Busses The Indianapolis Bowling League sre sponsoring s dance on Dev. Ii in the SNPJ ballroom Popular Frank Marsek and his Melody Mak ers of Barberton. O , will play the Tony Progar is always hitting the headline« in one form or another We think maybe it would l>e a g«»od idea for all of you boys to have' your appendixes removed like Tony ! did. Ixxik how Tony bowls now. I The spoils page of the local news By Ann Sannemenn Lodge Slavija No. 1 held a regular meeting on Friday, Nov. 12, and the usual business was on the agenda. Report of the Lodge's 45th anniversary was given and it was quite a success fineneially, which makes everything perfect since it was just that morally ~as well. An ad was also granted to Lodge 631 for their dance program book. The forthcoming annual meeting was discussed and it was decided to start the December meeting at 7:30 pm sharp in order that all business und the election df officers can be taken care of in good fashion. This will then enable the members to partake of refreshments, liquid and otherwise, and a chance to visit and extend the season's greetings uf fellow lodge members. The date is Dec. 10. Sylvia Trojar and RobAnn San-nommn, Slavija juvenile members, are being broken into "convention harness" at an early age. They attended the Northwest-Northeast District of the Illinois Association of Student Council meeting last Saturday at the Morion High School in Cicero. They were representatives of their school's student .council group of which Sylvia, a senior, is president. The girli were pleasantly surprised to see Johnny Lenassl, Juvenile member of Lodge «31 there too; he was representing his school, Lane Technical High. Last Sunday a large group of friends had the pleasure of watching Slavija member Edward Udovich play a featured role in the Goodman Theater production of "Alioe in Wonderlapd." He had the part of Tweedle-Dum" and he made the most of it, much to the amusement of the full house. Edward is doing splendidly as a second year student, and he has our best wishes for continued success. Generalities That very active and popular couple. Frank and Dot Sodnlk celebrated their 14th wedding anniversary last week with the very generous gift help of their son, Norman Congratulations and many more such! <*• While Ml. and Mrs. Michael Thomas of Johnstown, Pa. were celebrating their 28th anniversary last week, their daughter, Molly and husband Lrfty Lotrich, were Just rounding out their first. Thst makes it extrs nice, and congratulations to Milt Speaking of the Lotriches, that family pleasantly surprised their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Lotrich on her 70th birthday last week by giving hdf- a grand party. Among her many nice gifts were seventy new silver dollsrs which helped to mske it s very hsppy birthday. Many, many more to you, Mrs. Ixrtrich! On Sunday, Dec. ft, an affair will be held at Pilsen Park celebrating the lilieration of Jugoslavia. Mirko Kuhel, treasurer of SNPJ will be the principal speaker, France Pre-ieren Male Chorus will participate, while Milan Medvesek will act ns master of ceremonies, Plan to be ihere for this auspicious and entertaining occasion. It was a "gad about" weekend lor yours truly ss Friday evening Westmoreland Co. Federation News EXPORT, Pa. — The Westmoreland County SNPJ Federation is sponsoring a benefit dance at Men-ce's Hall here on Dec. 4. Music will be furnished by Frank PdTovne and his Musical Stylists. All arrangements have been compte Uni and everyone that attends is assured of a good time. Well be looking forward to seeing all of our old friends and quite a few new ones. Half of the proceeds from this dance will be used to support the Slovene Hour program heard each Sunday from 12 0« to 1 pm over tàdio station WLOA, 1550 on the dial. Admission tickets were sent to all affiliated lodges The secretary of each lodge is requested to distribute as many tickets as possible. All tickets that are not disposed of by Nov. 30. should be returned to Freda Rogina, Export, Pa. At our last meeting the question was brought up, "Why don't all of the SNPJ lodges in Westmoreland County belong to the Federation?" After quite a discussion, it was decided to send invitations to all the lodges that do not belong to^ the federation, to send representatives to the next meeting. These representatives, as wejl as the regular delegates should express their ideas as to how we can improve and enlarge the federation, The next meeting will be held at Yukon on Jan. 23. at 2 pm. Although the date is practically two months a^ay, I don't think it is too early for all the lodges to start thinking about this meeting. This will be the annual meeting at which time the officers for the coming year will be elected. Activities of the federation will also be planned at this meeting. We would like to see some of our younger members come to this meeting and take an active part in our federation. FRED ZECKER, Vice Pres. Sheboy&m News SHEBOYGAN, Wis.—The dance committee reports that plans for Lodge Moderns Annual Dance, Dec. 1), at Turner Hall, are nearing completion, and are expecting a large crowd. Neighboring lodges are cordially invited. Louis Ba-shell's PolkS Band of Milwaukee will furnish the music and dancing will begin at 8 o'clock. At our meeting last Sunday five new members were initiated and Lily Social'Club, MILWAUKEE, Wis —To all members of Lily Lodge 764 or any person who is interested m participating in the activities of the lodge, join our club. For further details call either Tlllie Butchar at Ev. 4-9038 or Johnny Skusek at Or. 4-6116R. Returning recently from her va- seven were nominated for member- - catjon „ our »-«tary Carol Kra-, ship and will be initiated at the ^ who viglted Marinette. Wis. and ] December meeting » tyepomjAee, Mich. One women's team of Lodge Tlllie feut^r and Dorothy Va-Moderns which bowls at the 1500 jencich express their, sincerest ap-Club Alleys- Is in first place in a predation to all those of the Lily sixteen team ieague, with 26 wins Social Club ___ - P----- _ ■ ---------who gave them such and 4 losses. The team holds high'a yypnderful surprise party. 'The gifts, dinner and music were really three game series of 2450, Arljne $ery fihe and they were very much team single game of &66 and high three game series of 2450; Arljne tMm Rami leads the team with a 159! surprised average, Min Lei belt has 158. Tone Siebert 163, Ann Aldag 146, and Albina Janttjljk J45. Arline Rami hit a nice 566 seflis in last weck'i session, on game» of 211, 144. and 211. Scores were below par In the Men's Snappy "J" league Sunday-Bobby ZoVe was high with a 568 series followed bv Ed Resnlck wRh 535 and George LuJcich 534. Max Resnick, wife Jennie and son Billy have moved to Los Angeles, California Ma* has always been an active member in our Lodge and we are lure he will continue as an actvie member of sortie SNPJ Lodge in the f-os Angeles *réa.,'Wé of Lodge Moderns hope you ilk« California, Max and Jen, and wish you lots of luck Harlon Grossheusch has been in our midst only a short time but he has already secured seVen oew members, is a member of the dance committee, and it Is rumored he is working on some prospects for the Snappy "J" softball team for next season. Nice going, "Savoldi," keep up the good work I JOS. JERUC, 634 Veronian News VERONA. Pa.—Remember, Veronian members, you have a date to attend the monthly meeting Sunday, Nov. 28, beginning at 2:30 p. m. Some of you members rely on your is ax e a^m. in ine a. r.. n^e. wn | othe - )low members to attend the agenda will be the election aTihese meetings. but it is the duty officers for 11149 and other affairs Annual Meeting Of Lodge No. 34 INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.—The mem bers of Lodge 34 SNPJ are cordially invited to attend the annual meeting which will take place December 12 at 9 a. m. in the S. N. Home. On which must be settled at this meeting. Whoever does not sttend the meeting will be dealt with according to lodge by-laws. Refreshments will be served when the meeting is adjourned. Try to attend this meeting in great number. JOHN SPARF.NBLEK, Sec'y paper carried headlines to this ef-!iuund another group of friends at feet "SNPJ keglerTcmy Progar top-1 Orchestra Hall for the first Youth pies 287 pins." In eounty league Symphony «( the year. 1 sat en match, highest pinfsll this yesr. He, thralled as these youngsters played was just 3 pins shy of the all time ,0"'«' verV beautiful music. Includ-Washington Co. league record of 290 Congratulations. Tony. howling league Our SNPJ Downng league art* leaders in the American Div. also with 22 wins, II ItNises. We always did contend that some of the best keglet s in the country are right here in Sti abane ing the difficult "Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Opus 67," by Beethoven in a fashion that even had the critics acclaim the next day in the papers. Th.rty three high schools were represented from a tadius of 100 miles, and the young people come in every week from this distance for the very Their is another mixed-doubles, «»duous rehearsals that are so nec contest scheduled in the near future in our slleys. Get in touch with the bowling alley's trgrs. for more detail. Pioneer Personalities The wintri season is here, witii It curnrs out popular Sunday eve ning rendezvous in out rlubroom* We can't help but boast ,i little about our swell little band comprised of our boy ilub members Not on» of these boy* are ovei 1H They rail themselve« the "Polka Aces" We all kno* these l>ovs well Frank Tomtic. the lead» r of the group. John Pleskovltch, Gerald Yrokosky. John Kosiuttftky George Gourtand They play every Other Sunday nrte W<- predict for them within u few yeer» the same populuiity in a mess ure that Frank Ysnkovlc enjoys (kstd luck to you' On aHernate Sunday nites snother up snd ctwtung duo plsys the svrtch, sis«, t loli mm miters So msny thing» taki- OAr s Intel e«t St thoM* Holiday niU- gft together s For instsn««- s Inn «liar fight. T<>ny "Slim" Tetshel unawstingly sdvtrtumi the simply delicious "Grsmsli" holoity and kiaut ssnd wirhe* out women in the kitchen put Out My guodnees, Tuny, you made everybody's mouth water st the fast rate you werr buying thoM rand withes then paiaditig them tu your tsble ftum the kitriien servln ber Congratulations go to out Pre» , Henry Mavrich snd his wife Mm tells on their recent wedding snm versary Our best wishes go to a newly married happv young couplr, j Mr and Mrs Vin»«nt Ittaddork Is everybody still wondering who ; MARY KOVAL. MS I canary for symphony work. My personal Interest this litre was Mvrs Hemger who plays the luisa in the orchestra, and Myra, you snd your |>arents should feel proud of your a»»ociation with a group such an the Chicago Youth Symphony. Future Dotn's Dec 4. at the Slovene Labor Center, a ha/aar sponsored by the Pro greoslve Slovene Women of Amett < an, with a "domat a /ahavn'" after wards De« III at the SNPJ Mali, the Chicago Federstion of Lodgr* An nusl Xmas Parly foi SNPJ juveniles, dancing in the evening Dec 31. at the SNPJ Hall. I.odgr Nadu will hove a New Year's F.\e celebration dance, featuring the music of peppy J<«e Kovich and his or chestra Notice to Members Of Lodge No. 240 BENTLEYVILLE. Pa.—Attention, members of l^odge 240. The regular meeting will be held Nov. 28 at 2 pm at Independence Club. All members are urged to attend as important maUers will be taken cere of. Let's see some new faces at our meetings and get to know one another better, and try to get new meinbcis, both in the adult and in the juvenile department. FRANCES SKERBET7., Sec'y PSW Group Will Meet on Dec. 91 4LIQUIPPA, Pa.—PSW Circle 13 held its regular meeting Nov. 11 with a fair attendance. Final arrangements have been made for our anniversary dinner held Nov. 18 Also plans were discussed for our next meeting which will be held on Dec. 9 when we will exchange gifts. We will also have election of officers, so come prepared to take a Job. After each meeting refreshments are sefved by a committee of four members selected at the previous meeting. Come to the meeting on Dec. 9 F.DNA YONKOVlCH of each and every member to attend, for the club belongs to each one of you and your Opinions carry a lot of weight. Many important matters are up for discussion and plans for future events have to be made, but you members are needed at the meetings to voice your opinions on same, so attend the meeting on Sunday. ...... Layry Cassol again reminds members to pay their dues by the 15th of the month so he can complete his records and have the books ready and up to date for the new Lodge Sec'y, as Larry is resigning from this office. Many of vou are wondering about the bowling league and again state, get in touch with John Peretic or Elmer Eiffler for more information. ExU*nd get-well wishes to Mrs. Tony Mestec who Is in the hospital. Congratulations go forth to Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Grayson, who are the proud parents of a Ira by boy. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Scwarcx are celebrating their 2nd wedding anniversary and we extend our congratulations. Mrs. SetMnv will be remembered as the former Josephine Sa-inec. CORNELIA GORUN, 680 Celebrating their wedding anniversary are Mr. and Mrs. August Vodnlk. both Lily members. Congratulations and best wishes to' you both in future years, p Members, don't forget the date of our next monthly meeting. Dec. 2. BOWLING HIGHLIGHTS: Still pn the top is Lily Social Club with 20 .games won and 10 lost. Second is Ermenc Funeral Home with 15 i[times won and 15 lost. Crawling rpnr. last to third place is Yankovic and his Yanks with 14 won and 16 games lost. Anortant meeting due to the feet that there will be election of officers who will be at the head of the lodge tor the next year Now is the time to make your choice. Refreshments will be served (eats and drinks). Abo I wish to remind you that on Dec. 19. we are holding our annual Chriatnes Party for the kiddies, so let's ell bring the kids out for a good time. In fsct, all members are invited, young and old alike Movies will be shown of sll our affairs as well as Mickey Mouse, etc. The time is 2 p. m. Please make an attempt to have your dues paid up for the yeer so thst the new secretary can start with a clean slate. WALTER C LAMPEe Sec'y This and iTiat By Peter Elish Sir John Should Go to Work Our idle rich are constantly amusing us by their gnUcs snd misbehaviors. A few years ago we were entertained by a cafe society lawyer who, to prove his undying love to a socialite, would stand on his head in the lobby of New York's famous Opera Hgpse. I don't know the outcome of his heart affair, but I do know that he was good copy for the boys that work at the sensational press. , ^e are, currently, being entertained by the antics of the gallant knight," Sir John Fitzgerald, the worthy offspring of an Irish lord and a daughter of an American storekeeper. Hip difficulties started when he married a blonde model from New York. Sir John claims he was sober when he met her at a nij^ht club, and that he was sober when they married in Elkton, Maryland. where it is as hard to get a marriage license as it was to get a crock of beer in Chicago during prohibition. Instead of living happily ever after among the scotch and sodas of the gin mills of New York's polite society, the "young" couple were faced by a lawsuit. Ex-Princess Lida Thurn-Taxis (the grocer's daughter) violently objected to her son's marriage. She judges Sir John as an incompetent and an inebriate. So on these grounds she filed an annulment proceedings in the Fayette county court at Uniontown, Pa. Some interesting facts were disclosed at the hearing. Sir John, for example, admitted that he never did a day's work in his 49 years. It was shown that he dranl^ the potent stuff day in and day out, at times doing nothing else. His doting mother controlled his life just as ruthlessly as she controlled the purse strings. Sir John was never more than a year away from her roof. He is a good example of what too much money and a title dazed mother can do to an offspring. It's a reflection of an era that I hope has gone forever. An era that thought only money mattered. The dignity of man is impossible in any society where one's well being is tied to the purses of some one else. Consequently, the very poor and the very rich have little of dignitjM*. privacy. I speak of the idle rich, and the poor who depend on the large'sse of a benevolent government. Character can deteriorate in both circumstances. No remedy is better for that which ails man's spiritual make-up than hard work that is voluntary in a free sodety. I dare say that If Sir John was plain John Fitzgerald and had gone to work for his keeps, he would have been a more useful citizen, and less a problem to a somewhat possessive mother. n DETROIT, MICH. Cleveland Federation Will Meet Nov. 27 CLEVELAND—This is to remind all representatives of Cleveland SNPJ lodges that the next regular meeting of our Federation will be held on Saturday. Nov. 27 at 7 30 pm et Slovene Nat l Home on St Clair, A report on the present sr-rangement for the Christmes party fur out youngsters will be submitted for your epprovel Ail the lodges are esked to coopeiate and support the perty Two Juvenile Cicrisis are expected to partietpeU- Pleoer plan to attend this important meeting. MATT PCTTIOVICH. Pres Victorian News CHICAGO—Another year just went by and it's annual meeting time again. The date is Thursday, Dec. 2, at Gratchner's, 2653 S. Lawn-dale. Since this is a very important meeting, all members are urged to be present. Election of officers will take place and other matters will be discussed. Don't forget to bring a 50c gift* wrapped for the grab-bs*: for years we always have a lovely social and grab-bag after our annual meetings. Victorians, you know you can bring a friend as we always welcome newcomers, and don't forget to bring their gift. There is still talk of the grand time had by all at the Halloween arty which was held at Kegl's in lllow Springs. It's also an annual affair carried on for years at Kegl's, which is a grand place to go in the summer or winter. At the present time we have three sick members, namely. Katherlne Pouhe, 3039 S. Millard ave.; Diana Johnsen, 4339 W. Altgenlt st, and Theresa Stua, 1100 Union ave., Chicago Hights. Please visit them whenever possible. We wish them all a very speedy recovery. Mary Lah. our member, is back at 1 her home in sunny California. Many more of us would like to take a nice trip like that and maybe some day we can have that chance. Lots of luck to you. I It will not be long until we will have wedding bells ringing for three of our members; will tell you later who the lucky ones are Congrats to all three! At the lest meeting we got in three new members. ns.rely. Vers Dicen-, zo. Florence Pokrayas and her cute little daughter. We are verry happy to have you. The two ere good bowlers and are taking pert on our teem. Come on members, let's get more It's wonderful to belong to such a grnad fraternal society as the SNPJ. It's still nice weather here in Chicago and vou can still play belina at the Slovene Center et 2301 S Lcwndele, They also hsve television in their quarters It's e grand piece to spend an afternoon , I leant to thank all members end friends who have eoopereted a h me m the poet yeer*. hoping Sent* will be good to you MARY E NOVAK There err 137.000 c lergy men ta the Uaiied Stetes gays a Twentieth Century Fund report, or about 104 far every 100.000 person* 1« 1000 there were 137 clergymen for every 100 00 BAD6ERLAND NEWS MILWAUKEE, Wis—An important duty of all members is to visit the sick. So try to visit the following members that are Qfi the sick list. Edward Obluck. 323 W. Washington st.; Blanche Monoghan, 1501 S. 59th st.; John Hren, 1126 W. WalkeT at.; Tonamy Leskosek, 1009 W Scott st.; Ruth Heinemann, Green Lake, Wis., and Rose (Zager) Nagei, who is in the hospital after undergoing an operation recently. Only a few more days left and the membership campaign will be over. So what say, let's really get going these last few days. Remember No. 30, so don't delay, sign up that new member NOW! Dates to Remember Nov. 21—Yes, this will be your last reminder to attend the regular monthly meeting of our lodge. The meeting will start at 7:30 pm sharp and the officers are alerted on this, so let's cooperate on this score. This meeting will take place at the Schlitz Brown Bottle on upper 3rd st. All members are asked to bring their friends along for the after-meeting* get-together. They need not be members. Sisters Stuckert and Hausner have worked hard to get everything in readiness for your, pleasure, so let us not disappoint them and haev a big turnout. There will be plenty of eats, drinks and music. Again I say, make it a date and be sure to be there. Nov. 27—Also your last reminder to attend the annual fall dance of the Fun-O-Leers Club at the Collins-Meyers Clubhouse. 725 W. National Ave. Doors open at 7 pm. Dee. 10—In last week's writeup we had Dec. 17 as the date of the kiddies' Xmas party. We were informed that it was incorrect and It will be Dec. 19. As it falls on a Sunday, there will be doings both afternoon and evening. Tickets for this affair can be obtained from the lodge sec. or the All Stars. Circle Dirertor Marie Ermenc again makes a plea for help to put this affari over. . Those willing to help can call Marie on the phone and we hope the oldsters respond in goodly numbers. So make it a date and watch the kids have a good time as it was not too long ago that we looked forward to these parties. v Bowling Taps ■ The Badgers 825 league thru its tenth w<»ek of biffing finds the leading Redskins taking two on the chin from the Town iaps. Matty Graf led the Taps with 543. helped along by Lou Glavan and his 517. Leacf-ing the Redskin cause was Harry Uhle who rapped out an honor 607 on. g^mos of 189-108-220. Nice going. Harry. The De-belak Plumbers were pushed into the cellar by the Iliria Foods who cracked a 2648 total lead by Ed Evanich who entered the select group with a 605 series on gomes of 200-219-186. Joe Ambrosh came thru with 577 and the bearded bard from Mayville, Joe Barbarich hit 543. For the Plumbers Matt Levar hit 530. The Rebernisek Bars finally moved out of the cellar as they beat the Remic Alleys for two. Johnny Mohorko was top man with 554 and helped along by Vic Kouchich with 547 and Tony Obluck with 546 Amon gthe lassies we find Ann Zortz led the parade with 175-408. In second spot was Fanny Kropu-sek with 179-449. Lillian Bakke 159-445. Marion Stuckert 168-442. Olga Bolka 173-437. And all Badger team bowling in the Remic 900 under the banner cX the 901 dub shot a record 2Q24 series. M^j^Graf was tops with 614 (ollow^HkAl Jeray any Johnny SedmaaWHSbboth cracked 605. Johnny Bitenc and Ralph Simons totaled 545 and 555 respectively. Nice going, boys. In the same league Joe Glavan who does his bowling for the Walter Food Market, shot a neat 648 set. Gen. Hren cracked a 505 in the Wis. Marino Women's loop. In the Silver City 900. Matt Levar pounded out a nice 609 set. The man of the hour was Tony (Zip) Verbick who went up itno the stratosphere as he entered the National honor group with a big 75 total. Yes. a three game total that most of us settle for four games In his first game Tony started out with a spare and then drilled eleven strikes for a 290 game. With 3 strikes in the first three frames of the second game gave him a stung of fourteen In a row. My. my and I am lucky if I get a double in three games. Tony finished his second game with SlS. Then he bunched enough strikes in his last game for a 247 finish Tony had one open frame thru the whole series. This fine bowling was done in the Silver City 900 loop, Zip bowls with the Chet Barnekow garage who Is also a Badger and if you need that new car. see Chet SALTY. 504 Dance at Hackett Saturday, Nov. 27 HACKETT Pa —Hackett Legion will sponsor a dance on Nov. 27 at the newly rerrodeled Slovenian IMa hoes. 'm taking this oppor tunitv to Invite ell of the neighboring lodges end friends to attend Music will be furnished by the StroemJiners there will be plenty of polkas, wsltees snd fox trot* So come out snd spend en ejoyeble evening at our beautiful Slovene Hall WM PERNISEK 00 L Izhaja vsak dan, razen sobot, nedelj in praznikov PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Uredniški in upravnUki prostori: 2657 5. Lawndale Ave. zmoooooooomemmeoaommooeoeoBOt LETO XL TRETJA STRAN CHICAGO S3. ILL.. SREDA. 14. NOVEMBRA 1141 Cwi lUtu )• $1.00 STEV. 231 Murray predložil program konvenciji CIO Zahteva razne gospodarske in socialne reforme; eksekutiva vzela carter unijskemu svetu v New Yorku Portland. Oregon--Philip Murray, predsednik CIO, je konvenciji v imenu eksekutive predložil legislativni program, katerega bo delegacija gotovo odobrila z navodilom, da ga voditelji CIO zanesejo pred novi kongres. V svojem otvoritvenem govoru je Murray žigosal voditelje treh unij in jih pozval, naj re-signirajo, ker so se izkazali nesposobni razširiti organizacijo v industrijah, nad katerimi imajo jurisdikcijo. Te unije so United Public Workers, United Office and Professional Workers in Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Employes. Prvi dve sta pod levičarskim, zadnja pa pod desničarskim vplivom. Unija trgovskih klerkov je popolnoma disorganizirana, ker je večina ¿lanstva v revolti proti samopašnemu vodstvu Samuela Wolchaka, ki je bil zadnji teden na konvenciji v Grand Rapidsu, Mich., ponovno izvoljen za predsednika. Pred nekaj tedni se je od unije odcepilo 40,000 članov v New.Yorku, šest tisoč pa v Toledu, O. Murray je sugeriral konvenciji, naj da moč eksekutivi, da se posveti tem unijam in jih reorganizira. V bistvu to pomeni da jih eksekutiva prevzame in nastavi nove voditelje. Murray se je v svojem obširnem poročilu (107 strani) dotaknil številnih delavskih, gospo dtWaldh in socialnih problemov, popolnoma pa je ignoriral notranji boj, ki se vrši v raznih uni-jah CIO med tako zvanimi "levičarji" in "desničarji". Slednji so se po zadnji konvenciji vrgli na "očiščenje" komunističnega vpliva v raznih unijah. Ta boj v glavnem vodijo lokalne zveze katoliških unionistov, katerim pomagajo razni drugi desničarji, ki so bili nekdaj aktivni v socialističnem gibanju in drugih levičarskih skupinah. Na prvem mestu programa, ki ga je Murray predložil konvenciji, je preklic Taft-Hartleyevega zakona. Druge točke so: "Kontrola strukture tl»n, da preprečimo nepotrebna zvišanja cen. "Davek na nadprofit, da se od pravi čezmerno profitarstvo." "Sprejetje zakona za porazde litev, racioniranje in kontroliranje inventorijev (izdelanega in nakopičenega blaga)." "Pod pod glavnimi farmarski-mi pridelki (garantlranje mini malnih cen)." "Splošno zvišanje minimalne plače vsaj na dolar na uro in razširjenje programa socialne zaščite" " "Javna gradnja cenenih stanovanj." "Zvišanje produkcijske kapacitete v industrijah kot so jeklar ske, električne centrale in po dobno." "V z a k o n i t e v Trumanove-ga programa civilnih svobod ščin za zamorce In druge rasne in verske manjšine." "Ojačanje delavskega depart-menta " "Splošno zdravstveno zavarovanje za vse državljane " Murray Je dejal, da Je uveljav Ijenje tega programa potrebno za zagotovitev zdrave notranje ekonomije, obenem pa Je tudi priporočal nadaljnje aproprlaci-je za Marshal lov načrt. O kakšnem novem ali četrtem mezdnem gibanju po vojni ni ničesar omenil, tods domneva se, da bo konvencija prišla na dan tudi s to zahtevo, Vsaj Walter Reuther. predaednik avtne unije. je tak<» omenil zadnji teden, ko je prišel v Portland na sejo eksekutive Murni v )c v svojem poročilu poudarjal tudi važnost politične akcije v okviru Političnega odbora CIO- Ta odbor je s svojo kampanjo "pripravil pot za konstruktivno akcijo v prihodnjem kongresu", ki naj vzakoni Truma no v program. "Zadnja kampanja je pokazala, da je naš Politični odbor splošno priznan—kar smo mi v CIO sicer že dolgo Fmatrali— kot stalna politična sila večje važnosti. Njegova bodočnost je zdaj zagotovljena," je dejal Murray. Konvencija se je pričela zadnji pondeljek. Zadnji teden pa je zborovala eksekutiva CIO. ki se je bavila z raznimi problemi v zvezi s konvencijo in poslovanjem federacije. Najvažnejša zadeva pred eksekutivo je bil notranji boj Sveta CIO v New Yorku, kjer so si že del j časa v laseh levičarji in desničarji. Eksekutiva je na priporočilo posebnega odbora, ki ga je bil imenoval Murray, NewyorSkemu svetu CIO odvzela poslovnico. Mestni svet CIO v New Yorku so namreč dominiralž levičarji, državni svet CIO pa desničarji. Newyorški svet je bil obtožen, da sledi komunistični liniji", ker je podpiral Wallacea in novo progresivno stranko in nasprotoval Marshallovemu rtačrtu. Oboje pa je v CIO—tabu, prepovedano. ¡i Pristaniška stavka »Uiti lin rt M*i-»aVI»1 o»,ol m se nadaljuje Unija odklonila . "koncesije." Zastav-kali so tudi vozniki New York. — Vse kaže, da splošna stavka pomolskih delavcev, ki je paralizirala vsa prists nišča na vzhodu, še ne bo poravnana. Na dnevnem redu so sicer sporadična pogajanja med unijo ADF in delodajalci, toda z njimi niso nikamor prišli. Delavci zahtevajo 25c več na uro in razne druge koncesije. Unija je odklonila zadnje "koncesije", ki so jih ponudili zastopniki delodajalcev. Predsednik Joseph P. Ryan je dejal, da jim sploh niso ponudili "nobenih koncesij", marveč slične pogoje, kakršne so delavci zavrgli. John V. Lyon, načelnik delo- letne seje in volitve društvenih odbornikov * , Zopet prihaja mesec december, v katerem se imajo vršiti letne društvene seje in na katerih se ima v smislu pravil izvoliti odbor za bodoče leto 1949. Ce se ozremo nekoliko nazaj v zgodovino naše jednote in primerjamo tedanje čase s sedanjimi, opazimo skoro neverjetno veliko razliko življenja na društvenem- polju. Komaj dvajset ali petindvajset let nazaj je bilo med članstvom naše organizacije še jako močno zanimanje za letne društvene seje in marsikdo si je one čase želel, da bi bli izvoljen v društveni odbor. Izvolitev člana v društveni odbor je zanj pomenilo čast in prestiž. Posebno lahko je bilo izvoliti upravne odbornike društva, kajti v številnih slučajih je bilo po več kandidatov za omenjene pozicije. Tako je bilo v naši, kakor ostalih slovenskih podpornih organizacijah tedaj, ko je med članstvom preveval načelni duh, ki je dajal zlasti članom naše jednote vzpodbudo za društvene aktivnosti ln agitacijo. Danes, na Žalost, je msterislizem v marsikateri instituciji prevzel mesto idealizma in simbol $ je najbolj češčen. Kam taka psihologija, ki se razširja med narodom kot ogenj po preriji, vodi, si je lahko misliti. Počasi, toda sigurno stopamo v novo dobo, v kateri bo pričela naša tu rojena ln vzgojena mladina prevzemati odgovorna društvena mesta, med katero pa ne opažamo tistega navdušenja in zanimanja za društvene odbore, kakor je živelo med našimi priseljenci. Kako bomo vozili z novo vprego, bo kajpada bodočnost povedala. Krivda, da velika večina naše mladine, ali ameriške mladine vobče, pozna malo ali nič razlike med kooperativnim bratskim zavarovanjem in komercialnim inšurencom, ne leži toliko na njeni strani kot na učiteljih skrajnega individualizma, katerega se mladini vceplja v meso in kri od njenega rojstvs. Vsled tega moramo imeti z njo potrpljenje in ji nuditi vsestrsnsko pomoč, kjer je pripravljena prevzeti odgovornost društvs z rsmen sta rejšega članstva. S tem se pa ne misli reči, ds nsj stsrejši člani v društvenih odborih takoj prepustijo vsa vodilna mesta v ne vešče roke. Treba bo delati sistematično, to je, mlajše člane pri društvih je treba polagoma uvajati v društvene odbore, ker, če tudi imajo boljšo šolsko podlago kot so jo imeli nekšteri starejši člani, pa nimajo praktičnih izkušenj o društvenih zadevah, kar je velike važnosti. Apelira se na brate in sestre lokalnih društev jednote, da se pripravijo prevzeti svoj del odgovornosti v društvih, posebno oni, ki imajo za to potrebne sposobnosti. Bodočnost jednote je zepojSadena predvsem v lokalnih društvih, ki morajo biti živa in aktivna, pri čemur je potrebna direktiva od društvenega odbora. De bo pa društvenim odbornikom omo gočeno posvetiti več njihovih energij napredku društva v našel bini, se priporoča članstvu, da gredo društvenemu odboru na loko. Posebno vsžno je, da člani točno plačujejo svoje mesečne asesmente. Želimo, ds članstvo razume, da društveni tajnik ne more hoditi, po hišah pobirati od članov mesečne prispevke, am pak da mu jih plačate na seli ali dostavite v njegovo stanovanje na en ali drugi način. Zadnje čase je težko dobiti društvene taj rdke po gotovih naselbinah baš iz razloga, ker se članstvo pre malo briga za svoje obveznosti napram društvu in jednoti. Kot člani organizacije, katera je last nas vseh, se moramo za vedati, da imamo poleg koristi, tudi dolžnosti ln odgovornosti, Če bomo v tem smislu kooperirali, vsestransko sodelovali z lokalnim društvenim odborom, smo lahko uverjeni. da bodo tudi odpravljene težave, dobiti dobre in sposobne društvenike na letnih sejah. F. A. VIDER, gl. tajnik i Domače veiti , ČITATELJEM > Ker ie luirl Zahvalni dan. Pro-svetr ne lalde.—Pomošnl urednik Tone Slabo le še vedno v bolnišnici. Oblak Chicago.—Dne 22. nov. so ob iskali glavni urad SNPJ Frank, Mary in Helen Mikuljch iz Tre naryja. Mich., in John Lee lz Amhersta, Wls. Novs grobova v Pennl Garrett, Pa.—Dne 14, nov, je umrl Anton Estnick (Istinič), star 63 let, doma lz Planine, v Ameriki od 1903. Bil je usts-novni član društva Zva^ti bratje št. 71 SNPJ in blagajnik več let. Tukaj zspuičs ženo, tri sinove in štiri hčere, katerim društvo izreka sožalje. Verona, Pa.—Dne 8. nov. je po enojetni srčni bolezni umrl Frank Božič, Član društva 216 SNPJ, star 50 let, doma iz So banja pri Podgradu, Primorsko, v Ameriki od 1923, ves Čas tukaj. Zapušča ženo in dve hčeri, od katerih je ena poročena. Bil je naprednega mišljenja in civilno pokopan. Proavetna matica rasposlals knllgo Chicago. — Prosvetna matica JSZ je pridruženim društvom in klubom razposlala najnovejšo povest Etblna Kristana pod ime nom "Brata". Snov Je vzeta lz starega kraja in delo je krasno. Oceno podsmo v petkovi Pro-sveti. Komunisti zavzeli Paoting v severni Kitajski Vroči boji južno od Sučova. ostanejo v Koreji Ameriftke ¿etc Nanking. — Ljudske čete pod pinga in Tientsina bodo komuni Komunisti zasegli radio-oddajo ameriškega konzula Nanking, Kitajska. — Tukaj šnje ameriško poslaništvo je da lo v javnost, da so zmagovalci Mukdena zasegli radio oddajo a meriškega generalnega konzulrf v Mukdcnu. Ameriški konzul Ward se po gaja z novo oblastjo v Mukde nu, da bi mu dovolila radio-(xidajo, ker je v sedsnjih razmerah edino komunikalno sredstvo konzulata z vladnimi agencija' mi Zedlnjenlh držav. vodstvom komunistov so v pondeljek zavzele Paoting, glavno mesto province Hopeh v severni Kitajski. Komunistične armade so to mesto začele oblegati zadnji teden. Padec Paotinga je naznanil komunistični radio, ki je obenem posvaril Ameriko, da vsa njena jMimoč Kajlekovi vladi je ne bo obvarovala pred porazom, Paoting se nahaja 90 milj ju-gozapadno od Petpinga in enako daljavo zapadno od Tientsina, ki sta prihodnji tarči komunističnih armado. Paoting so pomagale zavzeti tudi Čete generala Lina Plaova, ki no se pod njego vim poveljstvom borile v Mandžuriji In nedavno zavzele Muk den. General Plao je že preme-stil sto tisoč mož svoje mandžur-«ke armade skozi prelaze v se verno Kitajsko. S padcem Pel- Tito dolži Kominformo zaviranja svetovnega naprednega gibanja * Beograd. — Predsednik Jugo slovanske vlade maršal Tito je posvaril komunistične voditelje "ljudskih demokracij", da njihovi nebrzdani napadi na Jugosls vijo ogrožajo uspešno širjenje progresivnega gibanja po vsem dajalske skupine, je po triurnih "v«lu pogajanjih v pondeljek dejal, da bo v torek skušal dobiti več mo čl od podjetniške zveze. V New Yorku je situacija po ¿tala še bolj komplicirana, ker patera je zastavkalo tri tisoč voznikov ti okov za več jo plačo. Kot posledica tega je Pennsylvanska železnica preklicala ves dovoz Maršal Tito je izrekel te od prte obdolžitve v govoru, ki ga je imel pred Akademijo umet nosti in znanosti v Ljubljani, tpu je podelila naslov častnega člana, Njegove obrekovalce v državah, ki tvorijo Kominformo, je imenoval "modrijane" i n "dla- blaga v New York v manjših kocepce", toda jih ni imenoval količinah kot poln vagon. Majnarji šli na simpatično stavko Pittsburgh, Pa —ftest premo gorovov Pittsburgh Coal Co. je'težav. I po imenih. Dalje je odkrito priznal, da te države ovirajo jugo slovanski petletni načrt z diskri-minacijskimi trgovskimi meto dami, radi tega je morala jugo slovanska vlada podvzeti poseb j ne ukrepe, da najde pot iz teh prenehalo z delom, ker Je ftlo, NJei(OV ROvor je v bistvu po-2,100 majnarjev na simpatično trdl, «tališče Jugoslovsn- stavko To so storili, ker Je zs kjh komunistov, ds morsjo u stavkalo 160 premogarjev v ro §tJft| na gvwj, p^ vrjlc ^.n vu Mathles proti nekemu pted-igk(,mu «„nJtvu od strani Ko- delavcu. ki Jih Je hotel šikanirati. Zastavkali «o na svojo pest brez dovoljenja unije. Zmaga pivovar-ni ski h delavcev minforme. V svojem svarilu voditeljem "ljudskih demokracij", je med drugim dejal "Progresivne sile svets z ve llktm zanimanjem sledijo rezvo ju tistih dežel, ketere ime Jo nsj New York -Tri tisoč pfrovar- bolj progresivne eon sine uredl-nlikih delsvcev v tem mestu, ki so zestevkali pred per tedni pro ti predloženi novi pogfidbi, Je zmagata na vsej črti Iz pogodbe je bile e rte na klavzule, ki je odpirala vrata priganjašfvu ga poleg druge in dokler obstoji na svetu zatiranje narodov ter brezsrčno kolonijalno suženstvo, tedaj se mo rajo ustvariti pravilni odnošaji (med socialističnimi državami), da epogumijo vsakogar, |>o*ebno ona ljudstva, ki se borno za na todnostno in socialho svobodo in enakopravnost. Ti odnošaji morajo biti zgled In vzpodbuda za nadaljnji razvoj* socializma po svetu, ne pa /avora, Kar se dogaja v socialističnih dtžavah, ne zasledujejo samo progresivne »'le sveta, marveč prav tako pazljivo nazadnjaške sile, katere so nedvomno na de lu, da Izkoristijo vse negativne pojave v odnošajih med socisli-stičnimi držsvsmi. Teoretično vpiašanje o odnošajih med deželami, ki gradijo socializem, še ni bilo in ni moglo biti rešeno. Lenin in Stalin sta v svojih delih dejala, ds Je mogoče zgrsditi socializem v eni deželi. V mislih sta imela Kov jetsko zvezo, nikjer pa nista dejala, da Je to možno Izven Sov jetake zveze N< da bi omenjal druge države. Ishko pa rečem, da je bilo to prav tako dokaza no v Jugoslaviji, dasiravno temu oporekajo razni 'modrijani* in ne-utiudljivo brskajo skozi znanstvene dela Marica, Engelsa, lunina in Staline, in sicer iz razloga. da potrdijo svoje rmotlji t ve Toda one prav tsko skrbno vo mnenje opazujejo kakšno medsebojno j poleg teh po so še rszni dls rs/mer |e vlsds med temi deže-( kocepci, ksleri zmajujejo z gls lami " je nadaljeval Tito i vami, brezpomembno govoričijo "Kader «»hetojata ksoitsllstl-(ter pravijo, da to nI mogoče, in čna ln socialistična dru- sicer /slo ne, ker tsko oni prs vijo in žele. fteveds, dejanja glasneje govore kot besede in fakti so močnejši kot trditve, Poudariti moram fakt, da bi mi lahko gladili gotlaiizem v na šl deželi hitreje in laže, ce ne bi razni voditelj v raznih ljudskih demokracijah stavljali zaprek na našo pot. Tako stališče odgovornih ljudstev in komunistov proti naši državi, ni spodobno stališče v odnošajih med socialističnimi deželami ... Z deželo kot je naša, katera Je toliko trpela v vojni, se ne bi smelo po stopati na ta način. Ljudstvu, katero Je toliko pretrpelo, se bi moralo pomagati In ne stavljatl ovire, ko se trudi, da se čimprej izkoplje iz revščine Naše de lovno hudstvo ima jjravico, da preizkusi svojo zmožnost In moč ker Je že «»svobodilo samo sebe izpod narodnega in druži>enege zatiranja," Je dejal maršal Tito Glede diskriminacijskih metod "ljudskih demokracij" v trgova nju z Jugoslavijo, ps je dejal premier Tito: "Gospodarski od nošajl med socialističnimi državami danes še vedno temeljijo ne kapitalistični izmenjavi blaga Do sedaj še nI bilo riKesai spiemenjrno v tem oziru. Ita-zumljlvo, taki odnošaji niso vzpodbuda za tesnejše zblitanje mod socialistični državami Države ljudskih demokracij danes zavzemajo slabše stališče v trgovini nasproti Jugoslaviji kot pa naspiotl kapitalističnim državam," |e delal maršal Tito, Kako bodo Husija In ostale d? že ve v sovjetski »fert reagira* le na to odprto Titovo kritik»• bo pokazala bližnja bodočn»>st Britski domini ji zapustili "mater" Anglija ostala osamljena glede Palestine Parls.—V konfliktu o bodoč nosti Pslestine je Angina ostala popolnoma osamljena, ker so jo zadnje dni zapustili tudi njeni dominiji. Anglija je pred leti nom dni predložila resolucijo > polltičneni odboru za Indorsira nje lieinetloltevcga načrta glede .¡bodočih palestinskih mej, toda ni uoblla nobene podpore. Ni' podlagi tega načrta in resolucije bi Izrael izgubil skoro ves Ne gev In v zameno dobil kos Ga* lileje. "Pod pritiskom razmer" jo je zadnji petek najprvo zapustila Amerika, ki se je izrekla proti temu, da hi Žldje izgubili Negev, blizu tri petine ozemlja, "proti njih volji. V soboto se je Južna Afrika izrekla za direktna pogajanje med Židi in Arabci, zadnji pon deljek pa ste enako storili tudi Avstralija in Kanada. Avstral ska delegacija je *u torkovo sejo jjolitiČnega odbora pripravila resolucijo, k| poziva Žide in Arabce na direktna pogajanja Ta resolucija je v popolnem kon fllktu z angleško resolucijo. Kanada pa je zavzela enak«' «tališče kakoi Amerika. Njen zunanji minister Pearson je na pondeljkovi seji dejel, da stvai-no ni nobene možnosti, da bi mogli Žide piegnati Iz Negeva Na drugI stiani se morajo pa tudi Žid je "sami obvladati" in odstopiti ona ozemlja, ki so jih nedavno zavzeli z orožjem in do katsrih "niso upravičeni.** V mislih je imel kos Galileje, Ruski delegat pa je na pondeljkovi seji okrcal obe Angli jO U) Atnenko m dejal, da v Pa lestiril zasledujeta "svoje Imperialistična Interese" in da njuno politik»/ naiekuje "atabeko olje," ne pa inteiesi palestinskega ljud sive Unija zahteva preiskavo lobistov Washlngton Mednarodna u ni je bliojnlkov (neods isna) Je pilšla na dan z zahtevo, naj novi kongtes j)osvetl lohlstom s temeljito piejskavo Krlc Peter-son, tajnik blagajnik unije, ki I ma čez 600 000 članov in je bila v zadnji volilni karnjamjl zelo aktivna, piavi, da so v zadnjem kongresu loblstl j »itiošlll naj ( manj" $12 milijonov /a svoje ek-t i vnos t i v kongresu, Mazne biz-nlške skupine *o imele m padcu Paotinga razglasil obsedno stanje v petih provincah, ki so deloma pod njegovo, deloma pod komunistično kontrolor Južno od Sučova so ponovno izbruhnili vroči boji. Poročila neodvisnih vojaških krugov pravijo, da komunistične sile ogra-žajo vzhodno krilo na sučovskl fronti. Kitsjski opazovalci pri snavajo, da no Kajšokove arma-de napravile taktične napake, ker zadnji teden niso zasledovale "poraženih" komunističnih sil. Najbolj vroči boji so južno od Sučova meti Suhsienom in Peng pujem. Seoul. Korela. — Kim Dong Sung, predstavnik vl^de v južni Konji, je v pondeljek naznanil, da je njegova vlada prejela zagotovilo od Amerike, da slednja ne ho potegnila svojih čet Is Koreje v bližnji bodočnosti, rasen ako se sa to Izrečejo Združeni narodi. Ameriške čete sn se zadnje čase v Koreji regrupirale, kar je po Hungovl izjavi vzbudilo "bojazen med IJudstvom"—med vlado in njenimi pristaši, Korejski srmadni krogi so naznanili, da je bilo v spopadih i uporniki ubitih 230 rebelev, 400 pa ujetih, kar pomeni, da se tudi v južni Koreji širi revolucionarno giba- __ Konvencija ADF zaključena Green in ostali ¿lani eksekutive ponovno izvoljeni Clnclnnall. O.-«Zadnji pondeljek Je bilM tukaj zaključena 67. konvencija Ameriške delavske fedeiauije, ki je ponovno izvoli« la 7.Vletnega Willlama Greena za predsednika, kakor tudi vse ostale člane eksekutive. Imeli niso nobene njmzicije. Green Je dejal, da bo prva na» logu federacije preklic Telt-Ifartlevevega zakona, čemur bo posvetila vse svoje sile. Dejal ju, da z» federacijo nastojia "zora nnvega dneva, nove irkušnje In nove prilike,N Delegacija mu je |n# Izvolitvi za njegov 2A. termin priredila velike ovaclje Konvencija je sprejela legislativni program, ki je podoben programu, katerega Je predlo!!! Philip Murrav konvenciji CIO, ki se je pričel» zadnji pondeljek v Portlandu Oregnn. Sprejela Je tudi razne druge zaključke ln resolucije Kksekutivl je dala nalogo, da podvrame nove kora ke za /druženje obeh delavskih fei.i racij, ADF in CIO Izvolila Je tudi jKisebno komisijo z misijo, da stopi v razgovore s voditelji nidarske (IJMW) in strojniške unije za tesnejše s<»delove-nje s federacijo. ADF bi rsds obe uniji zopet pritegnils v svojo sred»i. /ran teli spravo z Rusijo Teheran, Iran Premier nove Itanake vlade Mohamed Saed Maiegej je pred perlamentom izjavil, da si njegova vlada šoli; "pi ijeteljske sprave z Rusijo". On Je formiral nov kabinet po odstopu bivšega nremierja Ab-dula Huaseina llažirja. Saed je leta 1944 vodil opozicijo proti ruskim zahtevam za petrolejske koncesije v Iranu Na Ameriko in Anglijo )e "apeliral", naj p<»- narjem in "po svoje" vplivale na kongresnike in senatorje lavnata škodo, ki jo Je Iran ulr l'nijsk» lobisti niso šteli nič'. >|H med vojno PODPREDSEDNIK FEDERACIJE VABI NA VESELICO Export. Pa.—Federacija društev SNPJ za okraj Westmore land bo priredila veselico 4. de cembra v Mancetovi dvorani v Exportu. Za plea bo igral Frank Perovne in njegovi godci. Odbor bo preskrbel za vse potrebno, tako da ne bo nihče ne žejen ne lačen. Imeli bomo tudi domače klobase. Upam, da se bomo zopet videli vsi stari prijatelji in tudi novi. Polovico dobička od te prired» be bo oddanega za slovenski radijski program, katerega poslušamo vsako nedeljo od poldne do ene. Ta program oddaja ra-dio-postaja WLOA iz Braddocka. Vstopnice za federacijski ples so bile poslane društvenim tajnikom. Prosim vse tajnike, raz-pečajte vstopnice med članstvom, tako da bomo imeli lepo udeležbo. Neprodane vstopnice pa pošljite na naslov »Freda Ro-gine, Box 475, Export, Pa., ne pozneje kot 30. novembra. Na zadnji seji smo razpravljali, zakaj nimajo zastopnikov pri federaciji vsa društva SNPJ v okraju Westmoreland. Sklenili smo, da pošljemo vabila vsem društvom, naj pošljejo zastopnike na sejo, ki se bo vršila 23. Januarja v Yukonu. To bo letna seja in na dnevnem redu bo tudi volitev odbora za 1. 1949. Začrtali bomo tudi naše delo za prihodnje leto. Torej apeliramo na vsa društva, da gotovo poš'jejo »voje zastopnike na to važno sejo, toda izvolite take zastopnike, ka teri se bodo zanimali za federacijo. Potrebno bi bilo poslati na sejo tudi, več mladih zastopni kov, tako' da bo stopila v naše vrste tudi naša mladina in vodila to delo, ko pride za njo čas. Če se ne bo mladina zanimala za naša društva in federacijo, potem bodo naše društvene aktivnosti pešale z vsakim letom. V nedeljo, 14. nov., sem se podal v Pleasant Valley. V Slovenskem domu sem srečal moje prijatelje, V dom je prišel tudi Rudy Bohinc in začel nagovarjati, da bi šli balinat. Henry Lenart je bil takoj pripravljen In je zbral Toma Miharčiča za tovariša, Rudy Bohinc pa Louisa Volkarja, Tom se je sicer nekaj časa branil, šet-da j» premrzlo in tudi že pozno. Pomagalo ni nič in pričeli so bali-nati. Seveda, mladina gre naprej. Rudy in Louis sta imela osem, Tom in Henry pa nič. Ali kaj pomaga, ko so nehali, sts Imela stara dva 12, mlada dva pa samo 10. Vse kaže, da se bo treba še precej vaditi, da bodo mladi kos starim mojstrom. Na koncu pa kličem na veselo svidenje v soboto, 4. decembra, na federacijski veselici. Fred Zecker. podpredsednik. ZBOR VEROVÄEK VPRIZORI DRAMO KAMNOLOM Cleveland.—Dne 28. novembra popoldne vprizorl dram. društvo Anton Verovšek znano Se-liškarjevo tragedijo "Kamnolom" v štirih dejanjih na dru Slovenskega delavskega doma na Waterloo rd , v režiji Johna Steblaja. Na ta dan Im» dramsko društvo praznovalo 25 letnico svojegu obstanka in zato izbralo eno boljših dramskih del za vprizorl te v ob času te važne obletnice V Igri nastopijo v glavnih vlo gab dobri igralci in ansambel Drama Kamnolom je eden u med pojavov, ki pokaže rak-rano stare in nove dobe, višek pustolovščino, pohotnosti, zapeljivosti na račun uboitva « pri lito tii unijo in ob koncu razočaranje. V zadnji sliki je (toka/ano izredno veliko razumevanje mase. ki sle di očetu Adamu o sodbi za|>clja-ne žene Lize, ki se je iznehila svojega moža Milanu in ki je /bezljala s pustolovcem Allie-dom. Želeti je tudi in so iskreno vabljeni na to 25-letnico posebno še živeti ustanovitelji tli am-skega društva Verovšek in vsi oni, ki mi v teh letih igiuli ali j>a sodelovali pri yprizoritvah v teh letih in se zopet enkrat skupno snidemo in pozabavamo Društvo je v teh letih vpri/ortlo H7 iger, to je lep rekord, čeprav nismo bili redni v zadnjih letih, In je dober m «asten dopnnos na našem kulturnem polju Zato vsi ljubitelji naše dramatike v nedeljo, 28 novembra j>opoldne. pohitimo v SI)D na praznovanje Verovškove 25 letnice, zvečer ho pa ple>, kjer bodo ikim)i Vad nalovi. I.. K*f»r|e. Glasovi iz naših naselbin 30-LETNICA GOSPODINJSKEGA KLUBA SND V LA 8ALLU La Salle. I1L—Minilo je 20 let, odkar je bil ustanovljen gospo dinjski klub Slovenskega narodnega doma. V teh letih je klub storil veliko dobrega in koristnega dela m Slovenski narodni dom in veliko pomagal tudi drugim slovenskim organizacijam na njih priredbah. Zato si je kljub pridobil velik ugled med delničarji Slovenskega narodnega doma in tudi med drugipn Slovenci, ki zahajajo v SND. Na naših sejah smo članice že večkrat razpravljale, kako bi najlepše proslavile 20. obletnico, končno pa smo prišle do zaključka, da vprizorimo šaloigro "Posredovalnica", in sicer 28. novembra, začetek ob dveh popoldne. Podan bo tudi umetni ples, iz Elgina pa bodo prišli "Sensa-tional Commediaries", kateri znajo poslušalce spraviti v smeh. Torej priredba bo nadvse zanimiva, zato smo prepričani, da se je udeležijo vsi Slovenci iz La Salla, Peruja, Oglesbyja, Otta-we, De Pueja in Molinea. Po programu bo pa ples in prosta zabava v spodnji dvorani, kakor običajno. Krožek št. 15 Progresivnih Slovenk bo pa priredil zabavo na starega leta večer. O tem bomo več poročali pozneje. Omeniti pa moram še toliko, da ta krožek obstoji iz članic goapo-dinjskega klubu. Prvi četrtek v mesecu decembru (2. dec.) bomo pa članice gospodinjskega kluba imele glavno letno sejo, na kateri bo potrebno kaj dobrega ukreniti za bodoče leto. Na dnevnem redu bodo tudi volitve odbora za prihodnje leto. Zatorej vabim vse članice, da se seje gotovo udeleže. Začetek ob pol osmih zvečer. Mary ŽokalJ, zapisnikarica. PRED 35 LETI IN DANES Mllwaukee. Wla.-Pred 35 leti in še poprej so prihajali Sloven- dana polna moč. Sli smo navdušeno na delo In končno kupili Arcadia Park. Naj bo pojasnjeno društvom in članstvu SNPJ, da naše društvo ni to storilo radi kakšne osebnosti, pač pa imamo izkušnje iz preteklosti, zato smo molčali in iznenadili vso našo slovensko naselbino. Pregovor pravi, da je najbolje, da molčiš in delaš, ko pa napraviš svoje delo, pa previdno povej narodu. Ker ae društvo Lilija zaveda pomena takega prostors, je odprlo ns stežaj vrsts vsem društvom zs skupno delovanje za ta velepomembni narodni hram. Sedaj pa opominjam vse člane društev SNPJ, da se udeležijo letnih sej, ker bodo zelo vsžne. S tem, ds se udeležite seje vs-šegs društva, pokažete, da ste dober član svojega društva. Ns glsvnl letni seji boste irrteli priliko slišstl pogoje za skupno delovanje pri Arcadia-parku. O tem bomo še pisali. Sjx>roČam tudi, da bo pevski zbor Lilija priredil kartno zabavo dne 5. decembra v Reberni-Škovi dvorani. Ves dobiček je namenjen za našo lepo slovensko pesem, zsto upsm, ds nss posetlte. Vstopnice se dobijo pri vseh članih zbors Lilije. John Dobnick. čtu vseh krajev v Ameriko, da si tu preskrbijo boljšo bodočnost. Nekateri so prišli z namenom, da si prihranijo nekaj denarja, nato pa zojaet odrinejo v staro domovino, zopet drugi > pa so kmalu pričeli misliti na stalno bivanje v tej deželi. Bili smo pač različnega mne-Inja., Kakor hitro pa so se nsši i rojaki v Milvvaukeeju privadili . novim razmeram, so se pričeli I zbirati v skupinah, pričeli ustanavljati razne jjevske in dramske zbore, društva itd. Marsikatero kulturno društvo pa je prenehalo, to j>a iz razloga, ker javnost ni znala ceniti jjožrtvo-valnega dela kulturnih skupin. Pred 25 leti pa se je organi-Izirala skupina zavednih Sloven-cev z namenom, da postavi svoj. slovenski narodni dom. Toda premalo koofHMacije od strani javnosti, pomanjkanje dobrih organizatorjev in druge neprili ke so bile vzrok, da v Milvvaukeeju, ki je sicer velika sloven ska naselbina, še danes nimamo narodnega hrama, Društvo Lilija je bilo že od vsega počel ka na strani napredka, vedno delalo za napredek naselbine, gojilo našo lepo slovensko |>CHem itd. In prav tako tlela za nu|>redck in slovensko kulturo tutii danes Preti kratkim jta Je naše društvo pod v zelo velik korak in kupilti znani-Ar catlian Park, ki meri II akrov zemlje, toicj dovoli jnostora za velike piknike, dalje je na pro štoru prostorna dvorana z go stilno, k.tkoi tudi velika dvorana na piknihkih prostorih s tlemi tot ilniuiml in luzni predmeti /a zabavo otrok. 1'iostor je tudi opremljen s JtekiHo votlo. Prostora je za več tiso< ljudi, piav tako je velik prt»stoi /a pai kanje avtomobi lov, za igranje žogometa itd. Torej |»o vseh teh dol«ih letih smo kontno dosegli cilj in si na , bavali izletniški prostor, na ka-, t« lega nismo pfSnosni samo člani Itliuštva 1 .ilije, pa< pa vsi člani SNPJ m ostali Slovenci Upa-eno, da bomo delali složni* /adnja letna seja društva Lilije je namreč na|>tavila sklep da £ie naše društvo samo ns de lo m jMiišče primeren prostor v ' korist društva In naselbine Iz t voljen je bil ptisehcn talsck treh I * l mn\ k ilet im je lulrt zaeno DENUNCIJANTI NA DELU Cleveland.—Naj pojasnim, da so me sovražniki denuncirall pri oblasteh in kaj se je zgodilo. Bil sem naznanjen, da sem kot tajnik društva 406 SNPJ "komunist", prav tako članstvo. Prišli so k meni zvezni detek ti vi in so me pričeli vpraševati: "Ali si tajnik društva, ki je vče raj pokopalo članico?" Odgovor: "Da." "Kakšna organizacija je SNPJ in kaj pomenijo začetnice? Ali je katoliška organizacija?" Odgovoril sem, da ni. "Kje je glavni urad?" "V Chicagu." "Ali so člani komunisti?" Odgovor: "To je njihova zadeva." Nato^^o sledila vprašanja, če verujem v Komunizem, ali sem državljsn in koliko čssa, dalje če sem član še kakega društva itd. Odgovoril sem, da verujem v našo obliko vlade, da sem že 28 let državljun in da spadam k društvu št. 135. Rojake svarim, naj bodo previdni kaj govorijo, kadar so v družbi. Dragi, navidezni prijatelji, posluževali ste se dušnih pastirjev za mojo pokojno soprogo, ali brez uspeha. Zame pa se poslužujete zveznih agentov, ali tudi to pot ne boste ui-peli. Povem vam, da bo treba za tako osebo kot sem jaz nove vrste krtače, kajti IzkrtaČiti natančnost in "skopuštvo" iz moje duše bo jako težko. Teden jxj tem dogodku pa so mi zlikovci ukradli telefonsko žico, in sicer od hiše do droga, toda telefonska družba mi je napeljala drugo. Tlček se bo ujel, ker nanj pazi kompanija in tudi jaz. Ako bo kateri kaj dobil, naj si pripiše posledice samemu sebi. John Cermel). tajnik. BANftET SND V WAUKEGANU Waukegan. 111.—V soboto, 4. decembra, bo v naši dualni naselbini izreden večer. Na ta večer so namreč povabljeni vsi delničarji ter delničarke Slovenskega narodnega doma, da prisostvujejo veliki slavnosti ter banketu, kateri bo prirejen za vse delničarje, in to poginoma brezplačno. Letošnje leto smo namreč preuredili ter prebarvali prostore v našem hramu, in na ta večer bomo priredili "open house", da pokažemo naši publiki, kaj se lahko stori v vzajemnosti. \ Predelava prostorov nas je stala okrog štiri tisoč dolarjev. »Našim delničarjem, kateri so doprinesli svoj delež k naši stavbi, bomo s to proslavo poskušali vsaj nekoliko povrniti za njih trud. Tajnik SND je razposlal karte vsem delničarjem, s katerimi vas vabi na to proslavo. Prinesite s seboj to karto, ker to bo vaša vstopnica. Priloženo karto pa vrnite takoj Slovenskemu narodnemu domu, da bomo vedeli, za koliko ljudi pripraviti. V slučaju, da ima pri hiši delnico samo mož, sme pripeljati s seboj tudi svojo ženo. Ravno tako velja v nasprotnem slučaju. Ni pa dovoljeno, ako ima slučajno vaš sin ali hči delnico, da pripelje s seboj svojo izvoljenko ali izvoljenca. V takem slučaju bo treba vstopnico plačati za drugo osebo. Poleg banketa bomo imeli krasen program z raznimi pevskimi ter godbenimi točkami. Po programu bo ples, za katerega bo igrala tukajšnja najfinejša slovenska godba pod vodstvom Stana Gregor i na. Krona naše prireditve pa bo nastop moškega pevskega zbora Lilije i* Milvvaukeeju Nastopili bodo a šestimi krasnimi pesmimi, med temi bo pesem iz opere mmmm^ samo to bo vredno visoke vstopnine, toda na hi večer bo pri nas vse brezplačno. V veliki dvora-\ ni ne bomo točili pijače, pač pa si bo lahko vsak privoščil okrep-člla v spodnjih prostorih. V ta namen bomo razdeliti zastonj vsakemu delničarju za gotovo vsoto trošnih listkov. Slovenski narodni dom je podjetje, katero ne posluje za dobiček. Vsi delničarji so lastniki tega podjetja. Ker delničarjem ne plačujemo nikakih dividend, pa jim skušamo na ta način nekoliko povrniti za njih lojalnost do te narodne ustanove. Torej na svidenje v soboto zvečer, 4. decembra! Prosim vas, bodite točni, ker mi bomo pričeli program točno ob napovedani uri. Za odbor: Paul Bartel, stoloravnatelj. ' sem čitala članek našega gl. 'predsednika Culkarja, v kate-' rem opisuje, da je mladina hrb .tenica SNPJ. Tudi jaz bi želela, da bi se pri društvu št. 13 or-Iganiziral mladinski krožek. Prepričana sem, da bi lahko krožek ustsnovili, spj imamo dovolj otrolf, samo trebs je iti na delo. Nisem še pozabila mladinskega ravnatelja M. Vrhovnika, kateri nas je nagovarjal, da bi ustanovili mladinski krožek. To je bilo 1. avgusta, ko je bil naš govornik. Torej želim, da bi res kaj ukrenili, kar bi bilo v korist društvu in jednoti. Na koncu pa še opominjam članstvo, naj plačuje asesment ob pravem času, posebno ob koncu leta, ker mora tsjnik račune urediti. Mary Poinlck. tajnica. VABILO NA PLESNO VESELICO Fairport Harbor. O.—Ameriško slovenski klub bo priredil plesno veselico v nedeljo. 28. novembra. začetek ob 8. uri zvečer 'v dvorani na Plum st. Vljudno vabimo občinstvo t»d blizu in daleč. Odbor je pridno na delu in bo gledal, da bo vsem dobro postregel. Se ve, brez plesa ne bo. Igral bo znani orkester "Polka RhythmH. Ta orkes ter igra vsako aoboto ob 2 15 po-poldne na ratlto-otitleji W1CA v Ashtabuh, O Lovrenc Bale. NAZNANILO PODR. 2 SANSa Chlcago III. Obveščam članstvo podružnice 2 SANSa, da se bo prihtidnja redna seja vršila v soboto, 27 t m,, začetek ob pol osmih zvečer pri br. In ses So-ber, 185« F remont st. Naše seje so važne m potrebno Je. da pridemo vsi -skupaj in ra/motrtvamo tekoče probleme Organizacija SNPJ in naše podružnice Nt le vedno potrebne v mriffgih ozirih, zato pridite vsi na sejo prihodnjo soboto! John Turb. tajnik. RAZNO IZ BRIDGEPORTA Brldgeport. Ol—Tukaj ni posebnih novic. Sedaj se bližamo zimski sezoni in tako bomo zopet najrajši sedeli pri peči, pri tem pa bomo Imeli več časa za čitanjc časopisov in drugega čti-va | Delamo pa v tej okolici še vedno dobro, to je v tovarnah' in tudi v premogovnikih. Kako dolgo bt»do tovarne in premogovniki obratovali, pa je težko reči. V tej draginj! vsaka velika družina težko iz.haja. ker cene potrebščinam so res neznosne. e ■ Sedaj (ni želim opomniti članstvo društva 13 SNPJ, da se gotovo udeleži decembrske seje, kajti na dnevnem redu bodo volitve društvenih odbornikov za prihodnje leto, kakor tudi več drugih va>nih zadev. Naj omenim. da dobi «ret en član. ki potegne svoje ime. za en mesec plačan asesment. Seveda, ko je njegovo ime potegnjeno, mora biti navzoč na seji. Po letni seji bomo imeli nekoliko prigrizka in tudi okrepčila za žejne Dalj« sporočam članstvu, da se bo pričel aaesment pobirati takoj po IX url. Torej udeležite ae seje vsi. ker ns tej seji boste imeli priliko, ds si Izberete uradnike zs prihodnje leto. V Prmveh 7 dne 10 novembra KROŽEK 9 P. S. PRIREDI . BAZAR V CENTRU 4. DEC. Chicago.—Krožek št. 9 Progresivnih Slovenk bo priredil bszsr v soboto, dne 4. dec. v Slovenskem delavskem centru, po končani baz a rs ki razprodaji krasnih ročnih del in drugih po-darjenih predmetov pa bo ples. Seveda, članice krožka bodo ser-virale tudi okusen prigrizek. V današnji angleški sekciji Prosvete so navedena imena o-seb, ki so podarile razne pred mete za bazar. Pripravljalni odsek, ki mu načeluje Ann Sanne-mann, je do sedaj zbral že lepo število krasnih izdelkov, ki so zelo primerni za božična darila. Poleg mehiških ročnih del in domačih novotarij, ki so jih podarile članice, bodo na razpolago tudi lepo izdelani predpasniki in cela vrsta drugih predmetov. Cene bodo zelo zmerne Pomnite, da bodo na razjsolago tudi jestvine, namreč domače pecivo—potice, štrudelj itd. Vljudno ste vabljeni vsi, da pridete v Center dne 4. dec. in se zabavate na bazarju našega krožka. Odbor. • v*-«. , * Vv. I RAZNE VESTI Frontenac, Kana.—Naj se tudi jaz oglasim v Prosveti, da bodo čitateljl po širni Ameriki vedeli da tukaj še vedno živimo. Na društvenem polju je vse po starem. Pri društvu smo vsi bolj postarani člani in članice. Kampanja gre proti koncu, a pri nas ni napredka. Kolikor imamo mladine, je tako rekoč hipnotizirana. Br. Zornik je zapisal resnico, da bo prišel čas, ko bo sjaoznals, da smo imeli starejši prav, a tedaj bo že prepozno. Torej počakajmo kot čaka prosjak konca božjega pota. Tudi jaz sem pričakovala, da bo Wallace prejel več glasov. A kaj hočemo, strah in ignoranca sta največja sovražnika člove štva! Sedaj pa vabim na letno sejo društva 27 SNPJ, ki se bo vr šila 19. decembra. Po seji bomo imeli tudi malo zabave. Naj še napišem nekaj vrstic v blag spomin ob 4, obletnici smrti moje drage matere Apolo-nije Barborič, katere se še vedno spominjam. Pred kratkim pa sem prejela žalostno vest, da je umrl moj brat Slavko. Zapustil je žalujočo soprogo, šest hče' ra, enega sina, dva brata, eno sestro v Ameriki in tri v stari domovini. Naj mirno snivajo v hladni zemlji moj dragi oče, mamica in brat. Zaključujem in pozdravljam vse pravoverne, kakor pravi Anton Jankovich. Pavlina Vlčtč. blagajn k a KONCERT MLADINSKEGA ZBORA SDD Cleveland. O. — Dvanajstega decembra dan otroci zapojo, za mračne misli, tuge ran prostora tam ne bo. Kje? V Slovenskem delavskem domu na Waterloo rd., za četek ob pol štirih popoldne. Mladinski zbor šteje okrog 40 pevcev in pevk in prekaša po številu marsikateri zbor odraslih Opozarjam vas v Imenu mladine, da pridete na njihovo prireditev, ker Je tukaj rojena mladina zadnji vir naše pesmi in beaede v Ameriki Na svidenje I? decembra' Za zbors J. Tomšič. POZDRAV ... IN ZAHVALA Cleveland. O.—Bratje in sestre, prijatelji in prijateljice dramskega društva Ivan Cankar! Usoda je naklonila prijetno priliko, da praznujemo letos 5. decembra 30-letnico obstanka Slovenskega dramatičnega društva Ivan Cankar v Clevelandu, O., In da ob tej priliki počastimo spomin našega odličnega slovenskega sina, nesmrtnega pisatelja in borca za delavske pravice Ivana Cankarja, ob 30. letnici njegove smrti, ki je umrl v Ljubljani U. decembra 1. 1918. Ob tej priliki se spominjamo lahko marsikaj. Spominjamo se naših mladih let, spominjamo se našega in vašega plodonosnega dela, ki smo ga v več ozirih skupno, s sodelovanjem in h pomočjo drug drugemu, doprina-šali vsa ta leta. Vse priznanje in zahvala gre tisočerim rojakom in rojakinjam, ki ste vsa ta dolga leta tako številno in vztrajno obiskovali naše predstave ln nam s svojo prisotnostjo dajali poguma in navdušenja za naše nadaljnje delo, da smo danes ob tem redkem jubileju še tukaj pred vami in z vami. Mnogo naših dobrih posetni-kov predstav, žal, danes ni več tukaj, že so odšli in počivajo v materi zemlji. Odšli so od nas in naše društvo upravičeno žaluje za njimi. Naša sveta dolžnost je, da se jih ob tej slovesni priliki spominjamo in da počastimo tudi njih spomin. Odšli so v večnost tudi že naši števlini člani, igralci in igralke dramskega društva "Ivan Cankar". Naj bo vsem tem.v.spomin in v porast poklonjena tudi sedanja Cankarjeva drama "Kralj na Beta j noui". Ni morda daleč čas, ko odidemo za njimi tudi nekateri izmed nas, prej ali slej pa vsi. Iskreno zahvalo in priznanje naj prejmejo številni slovenski trgovci, profesionalci in vsa podjetja, ki so društvo podpirali z oglasi v progrpmnih knjižicah. To je bila lepa in izdatna podpora, da je moglo društvo vršiti jvoje samaritansko delo na desno in levo. Hvala vsem za vaš doprinos pri tem! Vsakdo, ki je v prošlosti kdaj naredil kaj koristnega za dramsko društvo "Ivan Cankar", je lahko danes |x>nosen na svoj do-orinos, ko skupno praznujemo ta redki jubilej, 30-letnico obstanka društva. Iskrena hvala vsem Hevilnim članom, posebno še igralcem in igralkam, ki ste tvorili niti v močni vrvi, bili ste členi v verigi, ki se plete in vzdrži skozi vseh 30 let; hvala vam vsem, ker ste delali, ker ste igrali in nas in druge vzpodbujali k vztrajnosti in nadaljnemu delu. Skupno smo vzdržali, s pomočjo drug drugemu, v zavesti, da delamo vsi za plemenite namene, za plemenite cilje in da vsi skupaj tvorimo v Ameriki živ spomenik velikemu pisatelju in budniku Ivanu Cankarju. Slovenski pisatelj Ivan Cankar zasluži, da se mu tudi tukaj med ameriškimi priseljenci ohrani trajen spomenik, živ spomenik vse dotlej, dokler bo še slišati tukaj kakšno slovensko besedo. Dramsko društvo "Ivan Cankar" lahko obstoji še v nedogled no bodočnost in se vodi naprej z uspehom kot do sedaj, s pomočjo in sodelovanjem tukaj rojenih Slovencev in Slovenk, če bo med njimi kaj zavednosti in spoštovanja do slovenske dramatike in petja, do slovenske stvari, do svojih staršev in do lepe Slovenije in Jugoslavije Društvo "Ivan Cankar" želi pridobiti v svojo sredo še več igralcev in igralk, vet članov in članic, da bomo delali in igrali še naprej, da bomo praznovali tudi še 50-letnico in še kaj več. da bomo doživeli leto 2000 Hvala še enkrat za prijazno sodelovanje v minulih 30 letih; hvala vsem slovenskim časopisom, ki so prinašali članke o igrah in vabili ljudi na predsta ve. Prosim vas vse. ostanite zvesti Šimenci tudi še v bodoče, s tem boste tudi dobri ameriški državljani, ohranite čim delj mogoče živ spomenik Ivanu Cankarju in storili boste dobro delo' Za slovensko dramako društvo "Ivan Cankar": Erazem Gcrshc. predsednik. VELIKA PROSLAVA OSVOBODITVE JUGOSLAVIJE V PILSENOVEM PARKU ChLcago. — Jugoslovanski javnosti v Chicagu je znano, da se vsako leto v mesecu decembru vrši velika jugoslovanska priredba. Prvotno se je na tej pro slavi praznovalo ujedinjenje Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev, zadnja leta pa oboje: ujedinjenje in osvoboditev Jugoslavije izpod nacifašističnega jarma. Ta Velika proslava se bo vršila letos v nedeljo pojaoldne, 5. decembra. Vsekakor je potrebno, da sodelujejo s centralnim jugoslovanskim odborom vse jugoslovanske narodnosti. Ta proslava ni samo zadeva Hrvatov ali Srbov ali Slovencev, jjač pa vseh Jugoslovanov! Kakor druga leta, tako bo tudi letos program obširen in pester, katerega bo vodil poznani Slovenec Milan Medvešek, pom. urednik Prosvete. Kolekte pa ne1 bo letos, kot je bila v navadi zadnja leta. Spored programa: Ameriška in jugoslovanska himna, kateri bo igral tamburaški orkester "Ruža". Pozdravni nagovor predsednika Momčila Opuhicha, nastop pevskega zbora Prešerna, govor tajnika SANSa Mirka Kuhla, nastop znanega hrvaškega baritonista Johna Barich, nastop Kovičevih sester, ki bodo pele slovenske narodne pesmi, za njimi bo sledil tamburaški orkester bratov Kapugija, nato zbor Matija Gubec, za zaključek pa bomo imeli priliko slišati jugoslovanskega veleposlanika g. Sa\j0"TCosanoviča. Pb programu bo sledila prosta zabava in ples, za katerega bo igral tamburaški zbor Ruža pod vodstvom Josepha Pavelke. Čikaški Jugoslovani, pravilno je, da se Vsako leto enkrat spominjamo naše stžire domovine, naših bratov irt sester, ki ho toliko pretrpeli v robstvu naci-fa-šistov, nato pa s potoki krvi osvobodili svojo domovino ter jo prav tak junaško pričeli na novo graditi. Pohitimo vsi 5. dec. v Pilsenov park! ! Pri takih priredbah so potrebni številni delavci. Apeliram tudi na Slovence, da nam priskočijo na pomč;" —4 > • Joaeph Pavelka. tajnik. SEJA ČIKAŠKE FEDERACIJE Chlcago.—Vljudno vabim zastopnike društev federacije SNPJ za čikaško okrožje na prihodnjo sejo, katera se bo vršila v petek, 26. novembra; v dvorani SNPJ. Na seji se bo razpravljalo o božični priredbi, katera se bo vršila 19. decembra v dvorani SNPJ. Letos se je prijavilo za sodelovanje več društev kot običajno. Da bo vse delo zadovoljivo izvršeno, je potrebno več delavčev. Zato pridite na sejo in razdelite delo, tako da ne bo padlo vse delo priredbe rta jsosamezne člane ali posamezno društvo, kakor se je to že dogodilo v preteklosti. Vsi vemo, da je božič-nica velika agitacija za je-dnoto in moramo delati na to, da jo izboljšamo z vsakim letom. To pa bo le mogoče, ako sodelujejo vsa društva., Zato ponovno apeliram na zastopnike, da se udeleže te važne seje. Frank Aleah. tajnik. JAVNO PREDAVANJE O JUGOSLAVIJI Chlcago, 111. — Pod avspicijo centralnega odbora podružnic SANSa. društev in klubov, se bo vršilo v soboto, 11. decembra 1948, zelo zanimivo javno predavanje o Sloveniji in Jugoslaviji, in sicer v dvorani Slovenskega delavskega centra na 2301 So. Lawndale ave. Začetek ob 8. zvečer, dvorana bo odprta že ob 7:30 zvečer. Predaval bo mr. Albert Weis-bord, pisatelj in predavatelj, ki k» je pred kratkim vrnil iz Jugoslavije. kjer je opazoval ta-mošnje razmere in življenje. Mož je bil v Trstu, Gorici, na Jesenicah, v Ljubljani, Belgradu in drugod. Videl je delo in napore ter uspehe jugoslovanskega ljudstva pri gradnji svoje od dolgotrajne okufMcije in bojev opustošene domovine. Ker je g. Weisbord dober po-znavatelj ljudi in razmer, bo njegovo predavanje vsekakor zanimivo, zato že danes opozarjamo naše rojake in rojakinje, da se tegs predavanja udeleže v obilnem Številu in jim rotnvo ne bo žal. Odbor centrale. SREDA, 24. NOVEMBRA 1948 Zdravila za Evropo Mi lahko ispoinimo »»«ko naročilo »drevll aa Evropo, po »drsvnlških prodpisih. Streptomycin in Penicillin. Pililo nam in ml vam drape-volje damo odgovor na vala vpre-tanjs. Ohranite ta naslov ss bodočnost. Mandel Drug Company LODl MANDEL. slovenski tekernsr Clan društva *t. 614 SNPJ. 11702 Waterloo Road Cloveland 10. Ohio aaartosisoaaahamwwanoecni «anri>fi nrioa> PROSVETA the enughte1vmewt OLAÄXLO ® LASTNINA SLOVENSKI MARC JZDHOTZ . HIŠA NA PRODAJ Naprodaj je tri »obna hlla s vaen» pohištvom in Shower kopulnica. Lota zemlji Vr meri Mxl37S čevljev. Oglasite ae uaebno, ali pa pismeno ns moj naslov: Jacob Krek. 2121) Norih Und fttl 1'h... iu/. Arizona. Adv. cL¡fS-^sT PO' J** ** '•trt Ista; ee Chicago i. okolico coon Co* 09.50 se celo lato. 84.75 se pol letaj se lnosemstao 011 JO. r^HT^T nimt ior Uuit*d («scepl Chioopo) end £££ IZL ChiCMO 00.S0 p« yeei. foreign countries 811.00 per yoax. •Cone oglasov po dogovoru—Rokopisi dopisov In nenaročenlh člankov so no vračajo. Rokopisi Uiorcme vsebine (črtico. povootL dreroe^pesmi Ud.) «o vrnejo poiUJatelJu le e slučsju. če Je prlletll Advertising retss on agreements—Manuscripts of 1-munlrrsttses end nnsolicitod srticlcs will not bo returned. Other manuscripts, such as stories, plays, poems, etc. will be returned to sender cnly wh,1 accompanied by sell-addressed and stamped envelope. Naslov ne vso. kar Ima stik s listami PROSVETA 1057-59 Sow Lawndale Avo* Chicago 13. PHnrta »»»««»»»»»»» ............ Hitra odpomoč sorodnikom v Avstriji Poliljanlo livil (kava. sladkorjs. moke Itd.) kakor tudi oblsks in čev« ljev v Avstrijo so sede) lahko tsko uredi, de tem vsii sorodniki In pri-laicljl dobe le stvert le v 0 do 10 dneh. Mi vam namreč preskrbimo posebne dolarske čeke. TI čeki so pošljsjo po srečni polil valim rod-nikom. ki takoj po prejemu lahko gredo V gotovo trgovino in si kupilo blago, kakrlno sami hočejo. Take trgovine so v skoro v»eh večjih mestih Avstrije, ludl so v Sptttal a. D.. Vtllaeh. Klagenfurt. Lian«. Selsburg, Judenburg. Looban lld.. io Jo mestih, kjer )e seda) veliko naših beguncev V omenjenih trgovinsh se dobi vsakovrstno smertlko blago In v »ploš nem so cone nekoliko nitle kakor le se blago polije od tukaj.—Na la način Je mogoče, da ism prejmejo v slo pomoč ta pred presnlkl. — Počljtie nam inesok, ki sle ga pripravljeni dali v la namen, pa bomo stvar uredili sa Vas. 'TUDI ZA GOTOVE DELE NEM ClJE sprejemamo naročila tc vrsle. ZA ITALIJO IN TRST oskrbuje-mo naročila sa moko In drugo blago. OENERL TRAVEL SERVICE INC. Leo Z s k r s J š e k 902 E. 72nd Bi.. New York 21. N. Y. Dr. John J. Zavertnik PHYSICIAN * SUROEON 0714 W. 20th Street ir no AJtcwaa call austih ms orrtes nouna IM to 4 P. II.—CJS «s las P. M Bsespt Wedaaedaya. Saturdays and Sundays ResHoncoi 2210 S Ridge way ■ ▼sled Glavobola . Nerodnoall i el odea Neprohavnoetl Norvoanoatl j Vadlganja plinov Iaguba spanca la apattla od aaprljsl Dv. Palar rshrnay ' I MO - IMS Nabavite si prelskuteno. prljasno Tel. K Udare 0070 Slovanska pokanja lil špcctslizlrsmo v rasnsm pecivu: TORTI ZA SVATBI In drugo pecivo in slaščice. Se priporočamo J0SEPH KAD1VNIK »400 W. Monlrosf A v s. Chicsgo, HI. Conemaugh. Pa.—Odbor dru štva 168 SNPJ vabi vse člane na letno sejo, ki se bo vršila 5. dec., začetek ob desetih dopoldne v navadnih proatorih. Seja bo izrerttlo važna za vse člane, ker bomo izvolili društveni odbor za 1. 104H in sklepali o drugih važnih zadevah v korist društva in jednote. Opominjamo tudi mlajše članstvo, da se udeleži seje, kar jo njegova dolžnost v smislu pravil. Blaa Bresovsek, tajnik. Naznanilo in zahvala HÖBOKO Žslostnegs srca nasnsnjsmo vsem sorodnikom, snsnccm In pri-JslcIJsm iulno vesl, ds smo nsill dne 21. oktobre 1048 mrivsgs moss in očeta Ta p*l)aaae «tadka odvajalno talodtao-lontha lOivUa vam uradi vato toeve k pravamu daleveajs to peeseea edetveollt aaSasaaa ivarlaaj pemaeo ecalvoelll ss-prlje plina. da toladaw Stall udaSal pedali v nee l prihaja od aaaaalvene lormula. hI vaehuje IS (aa la aoa ali dva) naravnih ••UM baraolna In helanlho skrivnostna lormula prtrajaaa ■host Tl-lslno pori J odo Pa, aa pravilno, dohaaana prljaana odporno* mlsartja dohila n who ho to danaa v vali (If^l aoaoSMnl alt pa po*l|Uo po [gij POSEBNO J1SL posnanaivono iVlVk PONUDBO lAUl ANDREJ PROSENA Rojen |c bil 20. novembrs 1004. doms od Sv. Katarine v Jugoslaviji. Pokojnik Je bil šlvčno bolan nad pel let. Sil )e člen Samo. •lojnega društva WaJkeganNorlh Chlcago. Pogreb se )e vršil 21. oktobra 1. 1. ne Norih Bhore Oarden of Mcmorlca pokopališču. Iskreno se sahvallmo društvu W.N C. sa darovani mu vcncc In ss oskrbo pogrsbs in ravno tako ludl se ločno Isplečlisv posmrinlne. Nadalje najlepša hvals vsem ss podarjene krssns venec In cvellice. ss oblsks pokojnike ob mrlvašksm odru. Icr vsem. ki sls dsll avlo-mobllc ns rsspolsgo ob sprevodu pokojnike k mirnsmu počitku na midodvor. Hvale pogrebntku mr. Joe Nemanlchu In enako lena hvala vsem se Israsc aošalja, bodisi oaebno ali s karticami. Se enkrat najlepša hvala vsem skupej. Počivaj v miru. Pokojnik seputča v slari demevini sestro, tukaj pa lelulečo »oprogo Jossphlne Presen. Antone In Andrya sinova. Icr njih lene in enegs vauks la eno vnukinjo. Waukegaiw Illinois. Barberton, O,— Letna seja društva Triglav 48 SNPJ »e bo vršila v nedeljo, 5. det*., začetek ob dveh popoldne v običajnem prostoru na 14. cesti. Na dnevnem redu bo Volitev društvenega odbora za 1. 1940 in ukrepali 'SHOPPING D^YS LEfT Naznanilo in zahvala Žslostnegs arcs nssnsnjsmc sorodnikom, snsnccm In prijateljem Iulno vesl. ds Je pe del-gl In mučni belcsnl ss vedno preminule 21. oktobra t Ml nadvse ljubljena soproga In mali J emSTMT . ( «kio»)e........ URSt'LA AMRROZICH. leal« okrotja JOHN PETRI TE. eedmo akru»)«---- ... PRANK POLSAK, oamo okrotla ..._....... Geepadertkl odaek _......Ml K I MU» St., Clavaland IP, Ohio M87 So, l.ewnrtale Ava., Chlrago M, 111. 2&7 So LawndaU Ava., Chlcafo M. Hl „. MIT So. Lawndala Ava, Chlcapo M. IU ______1400 S. Lombard Ava.. Berwyn. III mifirxj»! I lao-M ______________ ______________ W * *<•• tu,Ud' °hto KîJ^ V tSnocÄ ..... -______»•« *». Trum^n av.. ones»«, as. m SIM Phalleroaa St . Philadelphia M. Pa . ; „■______Bo« M. Har.nlnla. Pa- "..................... Box XI«. Harwick. Pa. _ p. «0th Bt.. CUveUnd I. Ohio _____________ Mil Randall St.. SI Loula If. Ma, _ ... «i« P larca St., Evalath, Minn 14» (.armons Ava., Loa Ansalaa IS. Ça Hi tos ltd St W , Roundup, Mont. MATH PETROVICH. pretUednlk JOSEPH CULKAR r A. VIDER --------------- MIRKO O KUHEL _---- JACOB ZUPAN ANTON SHU!.AR. predeednlk PRANK VRATARIOI-------- ANWtrW VI ORK H JOHN K OBI. SR-------------- C AMI L US ZARNIC'K------ fRANK ZAITE. pradaaonlk MIC H A EX R KUMER------ MATTHEW J TURK-----—■ LOUIS KAKERLC ----------- ANDREW GRUM------ Porotal _______________ Box 17. Arms. Kanaaa ................ SIS Tanar St.. Lu»aroa. Ps. W4fi forreat Ava , Johnstown, Pa. . . /os So Mnd Ava W.. DUIuth 7. Mlnn. ............ JM4 W. 07 th St.. CUveUnd f. Ohio Madaernl odaek ________________KAI Sc Lawndala Ava . Chlcaso ». III ........ÏZ.—........... Bos S4, Unlverapl. Pa. "... UM« S Lawndala Ava.. Cltic««« M. III. ........... IH30I Eaat Park Driv«. Clavalsnd. Ohl« __________________171*2 Snpwda*. Datroit 11. Mich. Moli Jona« Ladi* ftfafcbodts Anna snroela now Dombaavsbr Mary DoUM« Pichara PekUy Miidr.» Kaalaaar mm I1MM IIMM Joaeph Lapp Viator Pala a Edward surbaMU /ohn YurcWak rrans oaapak Joaapb Z orinan / Mary Krwlanlp lohn Berneed Armella Skalla Dolor»* SuppanchUk P atar Hollín Hanriatla CaHn Trank Vuvaa Rrldgat Humpkaavllla Mary Vankovlak John Rudmaa Martin Puatpvarh Varontka Andro|na Malila Culltia Gereldine Bleak frtncee Sartal Joaapklna Rular ipmi Mars mwi liya STi MS Aberdeen Wuh. Ml Carltevttte. III. SS4 Da t rail, Mlak. . Ä Detroit Mich Wanke« an. 111. MS Wankapaa. lu. . M« Wawkapaw. I IL MS Wankapan. III. M4 SnTw* u'k ■ m * W U MM IMS« MM M M S! 36 UM M.M llttll IMSI« ir»'i7 IM» MS CkaawtcS. Pa. Mil* Mt Clavaland, O. »vir m crisiUbna. o. MM I «H Lm Anaalaa. »Uli 1I97I II77M 1MM4 Anaalaa. Ca Iii •17 Lincoln H1U. Pa. •M Barbarlo«. O. §94 Sháboypan, Wli SM St. LamU. Ma. •M Library. Pa. SM Ma tehtna««, Pa. UM Mas Ma« MB HM •«.M 1 MA« MM ».M INM POPRAVEK V imeniku dlanoV, katerih asesment je plačan v soglasju s posebno resolucijo, sprejeto na zadnji konvenciji, ki Je bil pri občen 10 novembra, je pomotoma navedeno "Drtlštvo it. 317, West Frankfort, 111.". Glasiti bi še moralo "Društvo št. 3171, EKport, Pa." F. A. Vider. gl. tajnik. tieesa Mil Mil! •»Ml I1MJÍ iim- IIMM 711 ronlaaa, CaBf. •tu tm»imna, C«Hf. 711 rani ana. C siti. . 747 Milwaukaa, Wli. 711 Huron. Ps. 7U Sharon. Pa. 7M Milwaukaa. WU 7»4 Milwaukaa. WU. Skup«! » Tala I P. A. VIdar. ft •0 m upo MM MM MM MM til.«UM talnih—Supr. Sac y. IZKAZ IZPhkCkntñ SMRTNIN V »EPTEMBBU Jt4B REPORT O* PBATH CLAIMS PAID IW »EPTEMBgR. 1»4S rdn.ltva-Mè«bar al lod«a VMM Mama of Pae d Mambar I THa Ma.f St-|l»-__ POROČILO O IZPLAČANIH OPERACIJAH IN ODÔKODNINAH v taplambru 1141 REPORT OH OPERATIONS AND DISABILITIES in S«pi*mb«r, 1S4I Ima eiaaa Mama ol Mambar Paarl Mahnleh Cmtly Marchionl Luha lurovlcb Mathilda Turtco rranea* MlhallC Math 0«rin Mary latan* Joaaph Madvad Jakob Martnlch Andraw Tratholt OI«a Laaho«ac Mary Sla|ko Jahn A. rarhul An« Vovh Jaaapklaa Strah Parlha PawaU « Leonard Dr revac EH Zventuah |«aapktn« Strah Mary Opa Ik Budalph KraC Praaaa« Maar» John Zabac Slava Raalalac Charla* Kalartch Mary Kuima Pranca* Urana Mary M Va*le Paulina Salti Amalla h Anlen Kneel Robert Martíniaa Paler Malbevlch Ana lavle lennt* Oalak Katarina Bmelick lo*aph Vwdlch Evalyn Parlas Frank Kna laSn kotnik Anion O barklar ^ Jaha Naglic n 0»or«a Danlchek Prank Ma«t*t*r Mary Cmbevlch Ana* Pleee leha Mrhar Sieph»n Ketsmen Verenlee Sahtmaii Jo»»ph raba« Martin Draper Rulh Penka Aniala Pural| Mary PrtmMlch , Anlen Suehar A meha K ehe I Re*a Prternel Leul* rahUn Emmi« Rlrby \ rr»ac»» Sam»« Antonia Mah Je**pS Umb*r«ar Tem Reheruda Syl't* Uaenttnih Anne Pelrebovlch Anion Paiehar MiS* Slarh Jo»*phlna f arnar Maadalene Wtnhlar Rom RelvUle Q*»i|* Oedleh Kluaheth Stephan' Sar Hm Sar«o Kale Oralam Pranh RoreHch Peter Dom|an*t« Pranh Slrreli A«ne» l.ukman Mich Sivo* Prence* Varhovnlk lohn J Keaialr Mih» Slrh Mir* Strici, lehn Simenlth Anlen SSeharn» Amelle Ctalanatht at»«» Mervail« Marlin S»IS« Mary Mai««r John Pevll*»vlch iMriv «orli M* HM* Le»h« Mar« 1 Waith* Prane Sa«*h*S Emm* RIm»I loa Shea lelli 1 ail*** ___ Balheryn* OdertlcS Dolora* Stopnr Tony Srecnihat ho^ Plot Anton Q»ytrh Aon* Ktiameolch U«r«K M*a*k a«rh*r* LMMttrk k lah* Zupan*. Cerl. »t Cerl Be IMMI Mt«7 član drullv* Member •« ladpa ! V*ala St. Na._____v-«!_I Amounl • M.M •M«l I«1471 47071 MM« MtM-HM*7 •»•1 • JMI -IHM« UMI« 11 »17 M474 I Ml» 77171 tati •M» 1U11 IIM7I »I MM» TIHI ••771 •••44 11«771 ••74» •lili I MM IMMI I4IM »7» IM» ••Ml IN» I0«4M 7M» »•M »»» »M» IIMM »MI7 »•••4 • IM» tIMI 11(711 100410 • II» IM»M («Ml« »It tiMi 41177 441» »Ml 77»» IMII 44047 4MM 104414 UMI« I H7t7 14M4 111771 4>MI •UM I L« Salle. III. I Le Salle, III M *J • Chicago III. t «*M • Chlcape. 111. j M* II Srldpeport. O. »M 14. Weub*«*n. Ill ".M 14 Waukepan. Ill It Milwaukee. WU. MM II Chicago 111. I MM » Ely. Minn. MA® » Cleveland. O. j MM » Cleveland. O. IM Ji » CUveUnd. O. HM » Clevelen«. O. ' '»M » Cleveland. O. »M » India napeli*. Ind. MM 47 SprtMlUld. III. j MM 4« Olrard, O MM M SrougKlon Pe. MM •1 CUveUnd. O. MM M We* I Maw Ian. Pa. 7»M M Weel Newton. Pa. 7» oo 7ft Raelyn. Weeh. MM • I Red Lod«e. Moni MM • I Red Lad**, »tont MM •I Johnatown. Pa. »M •7 Hermlnle. Pa. M.Oo M Midway Pa. »•* M Midway. Pa. MM M W Coleredo Sprlnp*. Celo MM •7 Soeeemer Pa. M M 101 ChUape III. MM IM Weel AIIU. WU. MM 104 Weal AIIU. Wl*. MM 104 Win AHI*. WU. MM 1*4 Weel AIH*. WU M.pü 104 Weal AIIU. WU. MM l«7 SI. Loul*. Mo MM 110 Chi*holm. Minn »M II« ChUhelm Mlnn MM llfl ChUhelm. Minn , » M III Beer Creeh. Ment 7I.M III Peer Creek. Moni 7IM II» PHUhurtk Pa. MM 111 Ptliaborpk Pa. MM I» Oallup M Me« MM I» Oallup N Max MM l»0 Oallup. N Max M »o III Delrett Mich MM III Det rail. Mich MM I» CUveUnd. O, MM I» Cleveland O, MM IM Cveleth Minn. »M.M IM EveUth Minn MM III Chleepo. 111. MM 117 CleveUnd O. »M M I» Strehene. Pa. Oo I» Sir »ben* Pa MM 141 CleveUnd O. MM 141 CleveUnd O «•» 141 CleveUnd O MM 141 CUveUnd O MM 141 Ca*l H*Un* Mont »M 14» Clill Mine Pa. MM I» Mary ville, 111 7» M I» With Haven. Pe l»M Anton Ssfsr William SpoUrtrh loeeph Slmor. Joeapk Kaece Anton M«r««c Anna Bwcsr rrenOttka terjev Prank Kutar Ansa Kobal lak« Cobalcb Stave Kaatelac Jacob Bave Petar BrUkl Andraw Zapar Anton Kaueak frank DebaUk Mary Zabukevec Ludvik Roeh»l Stall BUiak Jull|a«a Ma lovec Barlol Bervar John However Mary rrancal Mary ZaMr Urtul* Mllavaa Anton Tltechar ». Joseph ZSlc 1'he reel* Petek , John Jereb Antonie Slaba Stephen Bmir Spare Vuk«vUk Olge Richter Lake Oeravec Jahn Slapar Prank Rosne Bara LooeerovUh Katharine Simmer LouU Poekay OI«a Preith Ana Barle Joeephlne Manart Anten Skulca 117» HTM IlfM •IM tP«l« IlfM 1I7M 11741 HTM IfSM IITM IIW I1TII I17M HTM 11TII 11SM 11717 IITM 1171» um» UM» 117» im« 1171« I17«7 117«« 1174* 11711 um HTM 117» 1171« IltM 11744 IUI7 II7M 117» HTM HTM HTM 11*44 1171» ' • Sypan. Pa. 1« Mllweukee, WU. M Cleveland, O. ... » Thome*. W. Va. u tlemlnp. Eana. M tndlanepotU. Ind. » Morth B re «dock, Pa. 44 Con*mauph, Ps. - fl Obvtksd, O. II JOhnaMwm^Ps. IT Karmtaila, Pa. ..... •I PrankUn. Kan*. » PrskliUa, Ksiu. M La Salta. III. I«7 SI. Loul». M«. Ifll Betrdll. Mtch. I» Cleveland, O. IM Clave 1«nd. O. 117 ClereUnd, O. 141 Cleveland. O. 174 Krayn, Pa. 114 Mullan. Id«he , t» Dan ver, C«ta IM Mllwaukee, WU. »• MeedowUnde, Ps. Mt Pkrrel. Ps. »• Tira N1U, Ps. IM 'WsUehbur«, Colo. . MI ChUholm. Mlnn. 11» Ironwood. Mlch IM Madrid. lawa M» Rueaolton. Pa. »• Rueeelton, Pa. 40» BultaU. M. Y. 417 Ceverdal* Pa. 477 CUvaUnd. O. 411 Welrton. W. Ve. „ »•4 Oaklend, Catll. •M Bheboyoan. Wl*. 7» Enumclew, W»ih Skupsi —'ttel I I M« M •MM HU M MIM IM 00 •MM •MM 1,000 00 •MM M0M IMS 1,100.00 l.OMM 1.000.00 •MM I ' 1,000 00 POROČILO O IZPLAČANI BOLNlêKI PODPORI Jl.oktobr* t Ml RSPORT OP SICK BEMEPIT PAYMEfIT Oclaber IL. IM« I Julia Met'*ol I» S Jean WoJ^Uchowakl 120 I Dolore* Tltotna* 130 • Prank hociencic Ue S Julie Sym»«>k M» K Ptencr* O'Cunnall •». MeiHen Hart-nie »u. Matilda Turtc 113. Itadnja Sfidvancanin »4, • Mety Orne »1» 14 LouU Kurnlk M7, Prenk Genter »». Jr »um Nmith »37 Prenk Keucnlk »3. A«nr* Pance IIS. Nick lleclmovlrh •,'IH, Mary UleiHch 14». John l^akovcc U« Peter' Dolenc II II Eleie Rrnerdu IM M Mai y BUIR» »4. Alhlna Haievtc %W. (H«a Leikovec »7 Betty Tueher III, Mett Pialrt »0. Matt Pl*Ur 190 71 Josephine- Grad »20 II Prance« Sa»ota 121. Suva Blazlna M. Charlr* KoUrtch «94. Jerry btrukel 128. Mary VerhoU 127 M l/oui* Baloh 114 Anna Osvalt »27, Prank 'Aubell M2 /> 94 Amalia MlhcUlc »20 M Anton Kropuaak »150. Pater Pouch •44. Edward H«lnaut 112. «7 Joseph Wlah «2«. John Pusnlk 128, Eva ZeUnika »44. M Daiiene Bori*ek »20. Mary Sever |20, 7 Anuria Strukelj »20, Anna Stor «7». VaUntin Trtfln 9». Vlhcanl KUReek •MM iOfl Prank ObUk 13». Prank Goronel 9M.M 110 Prank Def«k M2. Charles Brsnk 132. Jonn Kukich pi4 M. John Suanik »30, John Perko 130, John Gomlk »28, Prank Vidmar »42. Ipnsc KlaiWrrtk $14. Prank Kne 112. 119 John Boetjanclc 924. Cecelia Rus* 928. Jakob MlhelUr 9191 Prsnc»« Kqkaly 9M Joaaph Rfkar 991. frank Ziv«c 937, Anna Zelettllk 9*3. Jon eft Potts 923 lit Cecelia Velovcan 910 50. Ma«daUna Bobnar »13. John Kropar »42, John Kropar 928 118 Mat Herlievlch 920, Mary Pe»ut 92«. Amalja Mlhclc 932. Anton Dolmovlc •26 Mike Turkovich •14.6« Joaeph Muaka S38, Prance* Troha »16. Doml nlc Plorlan 910. Barbara Srebaclc 924 Stave «CvVlkovIc IBS. 191 Prance* Babich * 983. Jennie Hocevat •14. Veronica Shlmatz 913. Ipnatz Re poz «2«, Katherina Sap*ula 9M. An tonla Hubner 995. Matt Ozanlch 928 Peter Jurtcic 921 1M Oeorpene Yuko M. Margaret Lenarcic S, Julia HarbU 990. Anton Poxacar , Anton MuhS 913 50. JerneJ Krarnar 914. Joaaph Plorfandc 927 1M John Vlrant 997 130 Nellie A»S»le 950. Asne* Znldersich 928, Jennie Soatarich 935, Anna Kin kela 914. Prance» Novaljan 914. Pran cae Rock 920. 191 Nlek Mlhaltc 930. 132 Peter Jeler 914. 137 Mary Belaj Ml. Josephine Kurtz 950 Mary Kolenc »31. Amsljl Nouaek 992 Irma Tratnlk 923. Joaephlnc Hirter 933 138 Mary Braddock »90, Raymond Hoetln nkv 917. Jdaeph Ssblc 99«. Anton Me zek fl«. Matllds Stelner 920, Mary Ml kec |3I. Prank Pcrtocar »14, John Chesnik 928. Prank Senklnc 928. Jo aeph Zupanclc 950. .. , 141 Vencal potocriik »30. Ward Cla»« 915 142 Olpa McArdle 120. Sylvia Jonaa 930 „ Ivana Srebot 13«, Eunice Shlrby 933 Gabriel Demehar 114 M, Stefan Stefan clc »28. Ipnac Erjavce 19«. John Pre laz 934. Anton Bokal 900. Anton Ku* Ian $M. Prank J*podhik 9». Prank Jhgodnlk 94«. 146 Prink Sterle 923. \m Pauline Vatinal 93B. Nick Spelleh 995 Rudolph Zupanclc 940. 14« Anna heller 950. . 151 Walter Scerkna* Ml. I«0 Draputln Paterin 917, Mlrko Plana I 92» 102 Jennie Trojar 917 50. H^len Hudson ■ ISiM. IM Ann Oaalla 920. 170 Tony Erzen 920. 173' Miltfrod Tomco 920. John Petahe $30 Joaeph Orehovec »30. Prance* Jin »30 Ignac Perko 930. Maty Susteralc »30 Mary Kenlk Ml. 174 Joaeph Krajnr 992 ' ' " " "" 170 Joseph Porar |78 177 Mile Popovlc »* 17« John Kramzar 915, John Kramrar »30 190 Prank Sebal 9M. Marko Yaunatidge »2(1 iDurothy Krayctlrlk 934. Zoflj Vlatjika 152. Evan Jaklclc 928, Jacob Hartnh 9» . IU2 Roee Ccapia 930, Roee Ctappa $5 57 Martin Kajtna 99« Joaeph Mllnav Violet Galletto 930 917 50, Jo*eph TurU 915 50. Jo*eph Turk Pril-k Kemperle 998 •M 00 I 209 Prancen Hocevar »31 ' 5tt John Draran »28, Martin Novak 928. 203 Kmll Brenku* «28. Elizabeth Slephan Hlaz Vllcnlk »2H | $19 00 no Mary Prcun III, Joaeph Grower 914. *oo Matt Ruaa 9101. Prank Zaler »M 20« Peter Promm 913 <11 Andrew Barle »35. Angela Zagat »42, m Mary Raamuaaen 940. Mary Skantel Prank Borlrh »» | 921.00 75 Anton Andler »4». John 7,obec 932 310 Joaeph Bostiianclc »40. Mary GSapa-7« no«« Brletlch 990. Philip Marin 914. ric »42 «Q0.00 i MM IJMM 240 74 9M9.M •MM I.IMM «MM ■a« L9MM 1,600 00 160.00 •MM 9M.49 1,000.00 •MM I.OM.M «M .00 •M.M Mt.Ml.93 P. A. VIDEE, «L lal«lk—Supr. Bac'v. is Anton Guile 913 20 JennUt Dover ||a. Andrew Vldinan •28 JohN Rogelj M4 33 Antonia Grahdove 990. Mary Strelec 93100 35 John SUfanclc M3 38 Malt MtkUuc 9M. 41 Paaquale DeVlnoentU 910. Charte« PI-nazza »20 Mary Klnkela «38, Mary Bohinc 990 43 Prank Kaatellc »30. 47 Joaephlne Cemafear 930. Mary Oetroz-nlk 934, Steve Lah 9«3. Martin Banlch »22. Marlin Banlch M4 I 52 Prance« Chepllc »20 223 Dolores Sever 114. Ml Mary Omerza 944. Vincent Markovlch M. Nick Sivec 93«. 263 Stephanie Gállete «M 254 Prance« BUjak 914 2M Nick Prebe« 9» 2M Joaeph Puatmrlch 910. .Andy M lia vac 9M. Jacob Prlmoztc 924. Prank Jun-ko »27 2A0 Stephan Markovlch »42 Joeephlne Cvelbar 91». Elizab«th Stain-bal 919, Prank Paullc 914. Jakob Jert 934. Prank Novak 948. Vincent Oara-aic US M3 Ann« Peton »K-, Mary Dtnard f 13,50. Anna Zele U0 Prance« Snundor 928 So , i«5 Mary Patixraky »21, Sylvia Obuevaaki »10 00, 271 latdor Crnkovlch 935, Dragic Kuruzo-vic SM. 275 Johanna Mowity »30. Anton Skoi^rrne 984, Helen Stua 914. 270 Karo) Kanik 930 277 Anton Lonear 912.60. Nick Juklch 910 278 Anna Popovich »25. Prank Rem« 944. Daiiiel Peschel »28. Andrew O korn931. 284 Amalla ClglenéCki 991 287 Harry Mendek»l4. Anna Spontak 930, John Saje 914. John Saja $28 290 Pauline Evanko 920 201 Anton Marolt 936. 297 Srečko Horacek »28. Carmel BuUich M. Henry Wodzek »49. Enrico Loren-zelll 921. 300 Ivan Ludinic 922. William, Soja 930. Prank Sale »24. Mary Rajzer »36 304 Margaret K^urnik »40. MSrgaret Klf-ner 919 50, Alice Matozel 915. Cvitan Prlich (28. John PavlUlch 902. Nick Savage 945, Philip Shoryat 910, Kate Oatarman 923, Mary Mervar 954. 312 Irene Strancar »30. ¿tllke Kroinar 910. Peidinand Strancar 910, John Mohor-clc 958. LouU M2. 313 John Maidich »10. Julia Gibala »28. Jack Vldovlc 918. 315 Virginia Lapanja 918 310 Mathilda Lenko 915. Prank Pintar 942 322 Rose Elltch 910. Prance« Kochevar 925. Kate fetrak 93«. Prank Shevshek Ml. Anna Baearich 917. Ann Paternal $35, Mary Mramor 917.50. Mary Holker 950. Anne Zlebnlk $17.50. Mary Pakiz 910. Mary Brlaki »32 325 Mary Nechamar 920. Mary Jakubow-ski 920 347 Millie Odorcich 930. Millie Odorclch 95, Prances Hoani 915 353 Mate Jugovich 914. Walter Matko-vlch »4 301 Vincent Jaksetich 992 384 Mike Slatt 927 ^ 374 Steve Rod Ich 9». Mltar Lalicevich 943, Peter Novak 930 377 Joseph Piute 95.50, Lawrence Mu-hlch 850. 388 Edmund Gallon 928. John Thaler 914. Anton Maslo 930, Anton Maslo 909, 396 Mike Stagesln 910 50, Peter Ivanac 949. George Crljenica 970. 407 JÓhn Cazln »30. Jdeephine Kertel 922. Josephine Kertel 922 419 Stephana Ezatoff 920 492 Peter Cacich 939 420 Michael Runac 915, Ivana Smrkol 950, Peter Mila« 934 427 Adolph Tomate 913, John Bellan 929 438 Joseph Rozano 940.50. 440 Math Jakae 936. Joaeph Novak M». 459 Antonia Spicko 931. 402 Loula Skaron 932 464 Stevan Vojnovlch 940. . 409 John Valenclc 927. 477 Lydia Zadnlk 920. Anton KalUter 964 4M John Oaar 925 193 Marllan Blloa 9150. 518 Joseph Palle $29. Prank Snyder $16 50. Thomas Kuroaky 917, Paulina Crnko-vlcn 928. Anton Staffier $17.50, Ciril Smarda »3», Anton Steffler 935. -923 Anton Pintar 928 531 Vaso Sucevich 938. Peter Jellch 924 533 Joaeph Turkovich 928 543 lilla Eroshevich 945 544 Vincent Race 932. * 959 Mary Wittek 920. Maty Goriahck 920. Anna Jackanicz 990 Ml Nick Kajtna $34, Joseph Jezernlk $1«. LouU Mahkovtz $28, Loula Mahkovtz $56.00. 67C Pauline Slabe $42. Tony Gabrenja M M4 Betty Krolnlk 920. Craula Gavperlch 930 00. 010 Andrew Jarkovlc 917.M. John Golob «30 00. j 617 John Bernard $48. Edith Bernard 928 027 Prances Rlegler »19. John Vukovlch M7 00, S30 Nick Dimlch »22 •43 Mavy Slpuslc »20 Pauline Drummond $20, Anne Mcrrlck »12. «50 Lillian Pouchnik »20 «59 Lillian Brum field »14. M* Matilda Valenclc Ml. OIlvU McGrew «xu oo f77 Mary Ooience »30. Mary Gorence ». Antonia Bogatay 993 •79 Mary EalU »13. Luka Perhat 913. Prank Perencevic •» 683 Prank Yuvan $19 700 Mary Pirtt I». Sylvia Ravnikar 930. Mary Bublich 921. LouU Gusich »28, Henrietta Petersen »28 Louise De-Vore M 71« Eatiiet Osborne $12 ( 711 Steve Mazer $29. 7» Olga Janesko $30. Thelma Clair $26 747 Stephanie StrlaeU $30 Richard Klop- clch IM, Veronika Androjna $41 704 Mary Cvar $30. Josephine Saje $73.30. Anton P lor j an »14. John Butchar ,$38, Joe Saje ». . SKUPAJ-TOTAL $11.437.00. v LAWUENCE GRAOtSKK, taj bol odd. Sec y S B. Dept. DOMAČIJA NA PRODAJ Proda se domačija v Vrbovo selu, poŠta Orle na Hrvatskem v Jugoslaviji. Posestvo obsega 7 oralov zemlje, hiša. hlev in lep vinograd. Kdor želi imeti lepo domačijo, naj se obrne pismeno ali osebno na moj na«lov: GEORGE BENKOVICH, 6325 So. Karlov Ave., Chicago, 111. —(Adv.) KLOBASE prekajene in po domače narejene s česnoVim okusom zopet izdelujem in razpošiljam po vsej Ameriki, rečem vam tako okusnih klobas niste dolgo časa jedli, kot so moje. Prepričajte se, naročite še danes, da ne pozabite. Pošiljam S funtov ali vpt. cana 7Sc funt Preksjsn« šunka, laika 12 do 14 funtov, po 7Sc luni Salam« suh«. 9Sc funt Žalodci po SOc funt V okolici Racine, kjer lahko sami osebno pridete v našo klobasarno, je cena znižana. Odprto v soboto celi dan, v nedeljo do 12. ure in enako ludi vsak dan čez teden. e Pošljite denar z naročnino na naslov: Joseph Leskovar 608—14 St. • - Racine, Wisconsin MhMaakepÉi KREDIT ZA ASESMENT ČLANOV MLADINSKEGA t ODDELKA prestopil v oddelek odraslih m«««ca nov«mbra 1941 Credit fer «••••smvnt« given to Juvenil« members who transferred into lh« adult d«pt. in Nov.. 1141 IMM7 »117 II141 «TM« I«»«« IIUII titrt »7711 t 11 toa» IUI»« IIMM »«»M I9ITM »144 «MI« 4 IM« «171» I7IM »»T» m«a «it» am T »M» «•4M ll*«tt um« MIT» umi «4« i nam M IM «}«•• 44 »a 4T«M Ill Gilbert. Mtnn. Ill Mtlweubee Wli III Mll«aubea Wt» 114 Kaawattn Mtnn IM Arene Pa. »S Biabo» Pa. IU Denver Calo III Denver Cel« III Denver. Calo »4 ra valla Cllv Pa, III While Valley Pa. t» Canon City Colo. »1 Ely. Mtnn tos IIS »».M 10 M MM »0 «0 ««M MM M.M M.M ««.M M.M MM »4 B»n Air Fa »M IM «atlSa Calo MM »t M»..«lowland» Pa ».M 171 Lvena 111 MM IH L von» III. MM 17» Mavnar* O » M »4 PtMUdelabie. fa MM IM 7lia Hill. Pa MM »4 »an rrenaUca Caltl » M »4 »an rrancla« a Catll » M »«« San rraaeteco Cain »»M Iti C la v aland O »»M II« UanvllU III MM »II Warran O 1» M Dr. It« Im« člana L. Ne. Nam« of 2 Arthur W Roge! .1 William Perich S Edward K Udnvich 14 Rudolph Dnlfncv 27 Coletta M Urstr ¡Mi Otis V /.svprtnlk 68 Jeannr Deirhmsnn 76 Kranceh Rucir PA Marilyn Gardin 08 Dorothy TrebuMk Osrteno Witrk I C«k prejel tajnik See*y rs««tv«d 'SHpEMMBMPtB«« • «SM A Bien s Mahnleh ! Mary Vldmm John Krebcl France« Zakov«t>k Frank Krajsel Anthony Cvetkovich 1 Kinnce» Slan« JoKcph Odak Frank Jerse Vsota Amenai $ 18.0O 4 00 17 00 20.00 500 17.00 1200 1700 800 19.00 1600 Dt. fc. läse «laaa I C«k prejel tajalk Vs^a feNe. Naieef Reibet l SeCTre^v^ 4 Joan Fllipcich | Annu Barich ... 14.00 315 Alph. A. Kompara Peter Chufar ......................19.00 325 Dolore» Beneiki ......| John Bratosh, Sr..........4.Ö0 S65 Barbara Hwostow Jack Pompe ..............37.00 381 Joseph Sam Curgus Joseph Kolence ................2.00 386 Eugene Celin ..... Nick Triller ............................17.00 387 Angela Bartol .......... Max Knaus ............2.00 388 Wilhelmina Rubick Ro»e Selak ....................10.00 397 Gloria Kvaternik .. Martin Tetak . 18.00 412 Rose M. McAfee George Zadel ........................18.00 425 Joseph S. Lokrner Mary Kosem ........................17.00 ROLAR FLORAL CO. Slovene Florists CVETLIČARNA •115 W. Cennak Rd. CICERO SQ. ILL. Telegraph er PhoMi OLYMPIC 1330 • IM Del. to Chicago, Berwyn. Oai J Park, Lyons * mmei Priznanje in priporočilo Naravno je, do dobro blago kupci hvalijo. To velja tudi za sedaj že dobro poznano knjigo, Slovenako-ameriška kuhariča. o kateri so naročnice poslale izdajateljici že veliko pisem priznanja in zahvale. Med zadnjimi tu priobčujemo ono od rojakinje Mrs. Anna Zadeli, Rock Hill, Bellaird, Ohio, kr piše: "Vašo hukarsko knjigo ««m v redu prejela t«r s« Vam zanjo sa-hvalim. Svoj« mnenj« o knjigi bi Vam bila i« pr«J pisala, pa s«m bila z«1o sapMljona. kep je na fatonl vedno dovolj dola. Knjig« s« po-«lutujam ob vsaki priliki, a slasti jo pridn« prebiram ob v«č«rih, ker j« v »nj«j toliko poučnags. koristnega in sanimiv<>ga. aa si n« morem mislili. IcJ« »t« v«« to l«po gradivo dobili. Povem Vam. da j« po mojem mnenju knjiga do«ti v«č vredna kakor $5. in da bi nobona naša rojakinja v Ameriki n« bila br«s t« knjige, ako bi vedela, kaj v«« J« v nj«j. MoJi otroci ml dostikrat pravijo. taka) nišam š« prej naročila t« knjig«, kajti od kar J« ta knjioa v hiši. jim vodno kaj nov«ga pripravim. C«nJ«n« rojakinja Ivanka, vs« prisnanj« in rahvala in sahvala Vam gr«. da st« isdali to knjigo. Vas prav l«po posdravlja—ANNA ZADELL." Ako še ni te knjige v vaši hiši. je v vašo korist, da si jo naročite. Stane $5 skupno s poštnino. Pošilja •e tudi COD. Naročilo naslovite na: Tvanka Zakrajftak. 302 E. 71nd St.. N«w York 21. N. Y. 464 George Bskich Edward Gornak lil CSlsholm Mtnn «II ChtthelMi M Hin 141 On. nt lit 14« Sh*beypan Wl» >41 M. <..»|K.rl Pa Ml Uah.wav N M.. Iti CU Hum Math »7t «enlen Sok I i ..t Wnr««ei*r M V 1*7 Ceesle« Bolle C«U eat îmHKt With «•» Sulfate n v «es B antes C il v Rett» MM MM •«M MM »M MM »M t» M t» M »M Loo Zevnik 35 00 102 Rtoharti KoImi M ink a Alosh 800 Iti Ksthenno Zidar Mttiy Polssk 4 00 119 Doloroi Hoil« Antonia Berrk ROO 120 Anton Gsntsr Anton Gantai 1700 126 Evelyn Somple John J (¡ubien)ti J 16 00 138 I^iuii F. Krajiceh 300 l'uul Winsrck 14 00 John Zoinocki 1 HO Jiicoli Pavele 18 00 Matt Libar )«M4 «II WtndSa« fa mm IkliiMi «m,hali »MI« Ht C lauto« Pa »m lob« Cratae it««a «II Barraebavttto W Va mm franb BoeMrk Ir |t«M IM Arma Ka«» mm M al Hat toa Bw«S II«»!« «o farb falla Wla mm Ca« itta Suba i »ra» «4 ' ...tan« O m«i laMpt MlatSavt« l««M Mt C i«ero lit mm floran, a Ha lu II Saara i«mt 4»4 Sara Cote tea Maal mm «|M«** i«ew« 4»« riinl Mis S mm Si. Ha WatUrK «un 4«t «aetla m MM lar A«*e»eeb n««|t m cm. ae« m t« m Bor « Pevetic* «i»» mt HlSSttat Mtnn »«m Sta «a Mlliaevttk ««»n ta» M< niaae« Pa mM Denial lafklt »MM k|t R.|k Ha» mm fat Turtmvtr* IH» »1» SKI««ton «V Va mm frank Mlakar laeen «M A S ron O ««M A «na MMlaaBS «»MI «4t Tborman lli mm Mer« OaMtk tlMI «M Na«ta< oti« Pa mm Mat t ftaraynekt «IM« »»• Cklra«» III mm Ml tarad Pasta ne« «M Cklroaa III mm Bala He Wapon •aatt «M CtHr»»a 111 «»« «•eapbine Anpaian »a a» M« COI« a«n ||| mm l«eepS Te»«In »«»«i »• CSua»a III mm 204 Joseph Kuient. John Pnlannek 218 Annlfi! 225 Robert llu-so 234 Om Benekn* i «h 2f7 Geoigo Maikutu- 285 Hamid Bai toi John Opekw 2M I>onna M B«»«»it.n Hovel l> Stolnot MiMred Bomeatar 483 Merco Spanovich Joseph SkiUrelic 559 Marian Chrattka , Arthur L. Sotrrek Delo res Videgar Donald J. Lot rich 16.00 20.00 3600 17.00 29 00 370 Car. J. Wallencheck Annie Wallencheck 14 00 John Mslovrh Jerry O Korit Joseph Itsfhun fiank Knsfrlc Marv Piel«» Mat tin I ■apish 2w: IVMiHIiX Is t m Hophte Hulula I h l*i. IH 00 1000 901 083 ' 304 20 011 010 17 OH 10 00 3 00 IS OH 4 HH 17 00 "" 017 •32 ««h il no 043 •oo M on 1400 706 T4» 2h no 704 H (kl It (M| t 380 Christine Kepic Dolore« MoCooley Hutchison Mas R Krause. Jr Arthur H Kuhel John Valentl . 3 00. 1700 William F Fugina ... 20 00 Gabriel UljaB Joseph K lun Franre« Drbelak France» Koalo l„uks Yutkovich Ms i y Novsk J ABdrija Narttilovich 1600 200 14 00 1800 17.00 1700 32 00 »43 Gordonna J Bul mer Mary Setak •v Bod ich wreno« Casaol i«e A Vltmevpr 1 Frsnces Krally In Klrkead Dorothy Glavar h Carolyn J. V so bet: Jacob Rom 10 00 17 00 17 00 POŠILJANJE MOKE in vsakovrstni paketov ♦ % v Jugoslavijo A.) Po naročilu pošiljamo STANDARD GOTOVE PAKETE št. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4A. 5A. 6. 6A, 7 in 8 v«ak v svojem močnem lesenem raboju in naslovljeni na prejemnika. St. 8 edini, ki ni v zaboju a je ravnotako naslovljen na prejemnika. * PAKET iT. 3 vsebuje: 100 funtov NAJFINEJŠE MOKE CFan-cy XXXX Enriched Flour). vreča je rapakana v močnem lesenem zaboju ........................i......................... 113.73 PAKET ftT. I vsebuje: 40 funtov špagetov, 30 funtov sladkorja. 30 funtov zelene kave in 25 funtov rita ..............................................339.00 PAKET ftT. I vsebuj«: 100 funtov BELE EKPOBTNE MOKE v dvo»tročni vreči (močna, debela vreča) In vreče njltji tam dobro pridejo rs mnoge razne «vrhe....... . 311.2» S temi vsotami mi la vit v naprej plačamo prevoz do Reke In zavarovalnino pošiljko proti l/gu%ltvl celega zaboja ali vr«*e do primitve. Pakete it 3 in 6 »H 8 in 0 pe lahko poAlje skupaj, drugače samo en paket na vsako osebo z enim in istim pami-kom DENAR SE MORA POSLATI Z NAROČILOM. B) Ako gornje vam ne bi odgovarjalo, potem lahko po «vojl volji naročite večje pošiljke it nalegs cenika, ali pa poftljeto svoju hrano, obleko, obuvala, «troje, orodje, barvo itd. C.) Pri na» lahko naročite tudi raine manjš« pakete (do 44 funtov). Ceneje kot potom pošte in paketi so zavarovani. Vpra-ftajte n listino toh paketov nupn kupu lete od naa v Ne*v Y«rRu t« tabo poetane vaSe laetntttvo enaSo Sot Mapo Beterapa ti »a m t peljete In al S u vm hi««o tanl mama I« ah rt, i> no kot apentt po4il)a«al|a Na podU«t w«a mi PoeSrbtma M «ovotjenle Itvote oP vlade v WaPlm|tatm n C. Paniki odpluje,o »a R«ko b« vsakih šiiri»«J«i dni a blag« «prvminso kakor hilft» mogoč«. Vsak po*U)«MtJ «amore poslan m)v«č m pet rasnih oaeb » «nim la »sttss J. FABRIS & C0. I Skupaj- Total 3838 00 f A. VtDFR. fl tajnik- »uprem« See'y 4M WEST 23RD STREET NEW YORK U. N. Y. Avella News "AVELLA, Pa.—Dates to remember: Dec. 12. our tegular meeting and election of officers. All members of Lodge 292 are requested to be present. Your present officers are Pres., John Resnik; Vice Pres.. John Bar-widi; Sec'y. Paulina Debelak; Treas., William Debelak; Rec. Sec'y, Vera Bresko; House Committee. Vicotr Bresko. John Barwidi, John Cotely; Auditors, Frank Zrimm, Art Nunn. Vera Brcsko; Juvenile Dep't, Ethel Resnik. Dir., Vera Bresko and John Barwid, assistants. A few of last year's officers will not be available for next year s? it is the duty of all lodge members to attend and elect the new or old officers (or the incoming year of 1949. Doc. 24. Coming up a gala Xmas party. Santa Claus and everything Morn d« tails later. Off the sick list we have Frank Steklaucic and John Simonetti. On the sick list we have Mary Bregar, Pete Kartalia, Frank Pecnak and Chas. Brezinski, so we give them our hurry up and get well wishes. We wish to congratulate "Billy" Andrews on his recent marriage to Helen Whitko. I'm waiting. Bill, with an SNPJ application for membership in my hand. On Nov. 27, we have two members who believe in brotherhood and teamwork. They will be married. So we wish happy days and best luck to Constantin Gevanosky and Julia Karpls. Softball manager Ail Nunn is going to have a hard time getting Frank Brownlee to pitch next year. Fiankie is iilso going to team up with pretty little Dorothy Roux of Washington. Pa. Bowling has got started with the men fielding six teams and the women ganged up and dcided to have a two team leagues. Overseers on the leagues are Polly Debelak for women, Prof. Gottlieb, treas.. Art Nunn, statistician. Art has all the high scores in bowling and he can count better than everybody including Gottlieb. The girls have sevi n On each team and bowl once a week. s To members of Lodge 292 who read this column and who participate in the lodge stop in some time i nd get acquainted. Come down to llrowntown and meet the oeople. FRANK ZRIMM. Juvenile Circles Of the SNPJ Universal Comets UNIVERSAL. Pa —The Comets' dance held Nov. 8 was both a moral and financial success. They wish he.e to thank members of other latest campaign standings Jr. All Stars Busy As Little Bees MILWAUKEE. Wis—There was much activity at the regular monthly meeting of the Jr. All Stars, Circle No. 4, held Nov. 20. JoAnn Gla-van, vice president, presided over the meeting. Mary Slavec was the acting recording sec'y for the meeting. A short synopsis of the program was presented and the Christmas comnittee showed samples of their work, trying in every way to make our Christmas program the most outstanding ever held. In addition to the meeting, re-hersals were held in Slovene folk dancing an(| the younger ones were busied making Christmas cards with the help of Lillian Puncer and Louise Seruga. Refreshments were prepared bv Mrs. Caroline Urbancic and Mrs. Mary Vasil. Music for dancing was furnished by Lud Vod-nik Jr., Mike Makreff, Jim Urbancic. JoAnn Glavan and Jack Re-pensek. Rehearsals are held every Saturday afternoon at Rebermsek's hall from two to four. Repeating as star bowler in the Jr. All Star bowling league is nine-"year-old Bobby Verbick with high game of 176.. Other star bowlers for the week are Matt Pontar 184, Dick Glavan 152, Joe Fon 146, Don Osep 181. High bowlers for the girls are Antionette Pontar, Ellen Novak and Marilyn Remic. Glad to report that Mrs. Tillie Vodnik is coming along nicely. We all miss'you. MARIE ERMENC, Director Perfect Circle 26 Plans Yule Party National Contest Leaders Wllh only a tew more Says left of the JUVENILE ANNIVERSARY CAMPAION. the standing ol the twelve leading lodge* and individual lodges and friends who helped to contestants in the national eenteat on Mcnday. November 11, 1S4S were contribute to this success. And the ai followsi ■ fraternal feeling being what it was. I , rmr>wm I comments such a« this were heard. I LEAPING LOD«J'w8 .388 Kramer lead the team with "Why can't we do this more often?" n«at T«wa inn Mmbin Oust* triples with 9, which Zickar and I Well, this is to those of you who Pa. 71 IS Simtnich punched out 11 and 10 , had such a good tin e at the last ta»_Avella Pa In Chicagoland By Clarence Zelts in two base hits. With many of the dance, come again to the Slovene members transferring to ihe adult Hall on Saturday. Nov. 27. Tommy department. Circle 21 will field a . Uertovich and his Melody Tour (we team made up of both departments. | told you more about them before) With mushball season over, the ( will play on this occasion. The Corn-members are getting set to open mitlec reports that many tickets are their basketball season for their , being sold, assuring a large crowd fourth straight season. i The refreshments will also be right. During the summer the girls of so we'll be seeing you! the Circle took a camping trip to Fruitsn ill for one week. As indications have shown they seemed to have a wonderful time. On October 28, the Circle held their annual Halloween parly. Games, dancing, and re freshments were the highlights of the evening. On Nov. 21, the Circle held a dance at the Slovenian Home. ED KRAMER, Spts Mgr. Circle 4 Planning Yule Party Dec. 19 MILWAUKEE, Wis—On Dec. 19, the Jr. All Stats, Circle No. 4 of the SNPJ, are going to present a Christmas party. We are having a variety of entertainment, an original play written by Lorraine Sterle, secretary of the Jr. All Stars, consisting of Slovenian folk songs and dances. Short poems by our younger members, skits, and other individual acts. Children accompanied by aarents will be admitted free and later on in the program be presented with a bag of goodies from Santa Claus. Tickets are on sale and if you know of someone who would like one, contact one of the Jr. All Star Salesmen, Director Marie Ermenc, or any of the lodge secretaries in the Milwaukee Federation. This is our first affair in six years, please attend and show us that you Xmas Parly—Juvenile Director Mary Caesar is busily preparing the youngsters for the Xmas Party which will be held on Dec. 19. Let's cooperate with her to make this annual affair the best we have ever had Meetings—For the members' Information. Comet meetings are held on the first Sunday of each month at 8 p. m. These meetings, and subsequent Lodge activity, Can be as interesting as the members wish to make them. At the Nov. meeting, it was decided to telegram our wishes to Supreme Pres. Jos. Culkar for a successful administration. Also, a letter was read from Athletic Director Vrhovnik statin« that SNPJ films would be sent to us for our Dec. 5 meeting. Refreshments and entertainment will also be provided at this meeting, so let's have a large turnout. Bowling—Mary Kumer has been polling men and women bowlers with the idea of getting team« to bowl in the Federation Inter-Lodge bowling league. Federation teams! Look to your laurels, the Comets are out after them I The Giants and the Cubs are leading in the Comets Intra Lodge league; closely followed by the Dodgers and Bums. In, individual scoring Sammy Bonardi is leading the nen with a 196 average, while ISI—Avelta. Pa. 71 II •At—Arma. Kansas M I« III—Ptney Fork. O. 44 14 7|1—Hosteller. Pa. 37 7 SI4—Milwaukee. Wis. 47 30 7)4—Latrobe. Pa. I« • fit—Johnstown. Pa. 30 14 III ^Bdlsoa. Kansas IS IS Ohio U II 711 - • Aliqulppa. Pa. 31 II IS4—Cleveland. Ohio 31 II CHICAGO.—Perfect Circle 26 held are one hundred per cent behind us | a meeting last Saturday morning Movies will be shown by Bro. Mich-1Ste S^i^nen 220 There was ouite a larae attendance Vrhovnik, Juvenile Director of ™te •»* Pelr babock-men- HU, mere was ouue a laige attendance cNuf Uiu .... "Babs" Deming—women—174. Hen- ry Previc is leading in having fun-He maintains that a person, can't STRUGGLERS' STAR-GAZETTE CLEVELAND, O—The time is once more at hand when we begin to think about whom we would like to have lead us for the coming year. As we look back at the months that have. Ail ready, gone by we find that we have been more than active and many new faces have appeared on the scene. Some of the real old-timers have virtually retird from the Strugglers society columns and have settled back and are enjoying the fruits of old age while still young! This fact has been proved by their absence at our fall dance, and we did miss you, yes, all of you! Have you seriously thought of that member who in your estimation is qualified for that respective position on the executive board? Our annual election meeting will take place on the first Wednesday of the month, Dec. 1st, at the Slovene Workmen's Home on Waterloo rd.'"Please make every effort to be present. There will be refreshments and more than enough for all. Sec'y Lampe will send out cards reminding the members of their obligation. Strugglert Newty-Notet Our fall dance was a great success and here's a great big 'Thank You" to all who helped make it so. W« found Tony Trennel behind that bar all evening long, ditto for Johnny Marolt and Nick Shirilla. and to think that Nick isn't even a member but he came with his wife and gave us a helping hand. Another one who isn't a member but helped quite a bit was Helen Marolt, wife of Frank Marolt. Amy Shirila and Marie Stephanie Shaver came to our rescue by woiking in the kitchen almost all evening long Frank Line in the admission booth while Ted Laurie had charge of the refreshment tickets. Wally Lampe always on the go seeing to H that «verything was running smoothly and being ably assisted by Frank Ipavec. Almost forgot about Fred Perusek who also kept the thirsty patmns well satisfied Thanks a million to all who helped rfnd if I have forgotten to mention any name pi* use excuse it a* my memory fails me at the present time All about out Kiddii -Xmas Party in the next issue of the Piosvet* Watch for it! ANNE ZELE, 614 and much was accomplishd. The !lh« SNPJ Big dance in the eve- thing mainly discussed was the furnished by Milwau „,.„.„.„. lIiai „ ,„., Christmas n roc ram The olav was kee's popuUr band, the Pugel Broth. "«-"i.iiu-,n. »'«» " I" • , isimas piogiam. ine piay uas * "a . . fc, . both b . . . t a good game and bowl decided on and parts were discussed the 8™le ?l^th*ri Fr*nk ono too und anvwav he aets more and issued. The meeting was quite Bewitx and Frank Perko Come one one to°- «nd ""y"»* mo" come all. Harmony Hall, 939 S. 6th st. Program will start" promptly at 3 pm. '; ANTOINETTE PONJAH ELLEN NOVAK, Circle 4 long. Rehearsals will be held on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 and on Saturdays at 10:30 a. Vn. until Dec. !9. Everyone participating in the"'program is asked to keep these two dates open weekly and all are asktd to attend every rehearsal promptly. ELLA MAE SELAK; Vice Pres. Circle 21 Sports, Social Activities SHARON, Pa—The end of September rang down another successful mushball season for Circle 21. After four months of exciting Contests th$ team compiled a record of fifteen victories and four defeats. The scores of the nineteen games are as follows: Circle 19—C. Squires 9. Circle 9—St. Merchants 6, Slovenians 12-St. Merchants 15. Slovenians 14-C. Center 13, Slovenians 10— Hbly Name 11, Slovenians 8-H.N 0, Slovenians 19-H N 10. Slovenians 7-C. Wildcats 0, Slovenians 23-C. Wildcats 3, Slovenians 15-Shenango 3, Slovenians 16-V.F.W. fl. Slovenians 9 Wash. Playground 0, Circle 8 All Stars 7, Slovenians 17-All Stars 15, Slovenians 15- H E FT. 8. Slovenians 4-Zem Zims 7, Slovenians 11-Esposito Nine 10, Slovenians 7-T. Merchants 8, Slovenians 15-Pargany 3. The three leading batsmen were Kramer 513. Zickar 457. Simintch fun out of doing the former. So Now About Socialism In arguments and discussions with people "t work or at Union Hall or at the club, they will say—after . going over many of the pros and j tons of Socialism, and being themselves convinced (at the moment) that perhaps Socialism is O. K — they will say, "Granted that Socialism us all right, how in hell are you going to bring it about? People don't even LEADING INDIVIDUALS M*» Nasi* L*ae* * NnsSw Pally 8 ladle k (711) 77 Mary Qorence (SSI) 50 John Mandich (171) 44 Frank Irlmm (312) M Pauline Debelak (IIS) 31 Theresa M ««on (7IS) 17 Francas Debelak (SI4) 47 Jerney Okorn (III) Il Mary Der molle (471) II Martin Urana. Jr. (17) 34 Mary Pahule (311) II Mike Maehek (103) 32 i Qu»l« II People That Think. And Those Thai Act I had one of the side seats up front, and the streetcar was completely filled, when I noticed a penny lying on the floor, two seats back, and across the atale from me, A penny isn't anything but I was sort of inclined to reach over ami • piak it up iw-u Rm mm heek <>f »» 141 Then I began to think of the J things that could happen. 1 would bend over to pick It up. and the DISTRICT CONTEST LEADERS Selew are the standings of Ihe four leading lodges and Individual con* testants in seek of the lour campaign districts, showing their total gains lr the second half coniesi up lo November 21. DISTRICT NO. 1 712—Hostetier. Pa. . 11 7 Martin Urana. Jr. (17) 31 13 17—Hermlnle. Pa. 21 13 Theresa Maion (711) II I 741—Johnstown, Pa. 20 14 Ann Sricely (741) 12 7 71ft—Imperial. Pa. 11 13 Polly Sladtek (71ft) 11 13 DISTRICT NO. 1 171 Plney Fork. Ohio 43 14 John Mandich (171) 43 M 104—Cleveland. Ohio 11 11 Jchn Marolt (114) 17 II 321-Warren. Ohio 13 14 Dorothy Temasln (311) 13 14 114—Cleveland. Ohio 17 11 Genevieve Jelinek (104) 1 10 DISTRICT NO. 3 111—Lincoln, III. 7 1 Louis Brouch (lift) ' 7 I 714-Milwaukee. Wis. 24 II J s cob Rosic (7ft4) 14 II 130—Eveleth, Minn. 13 11 Jo>«phlne Fr«nter (130) 13 II Ill—Chicago. 111. . I 17 M. Fleischhacker (131) 7 17 DISTRICT NO 4 •OS- Arma. Kansas 50 II Mary Qorence (101) SO II 101—Gross. Ksnsaa 1 I John Shular (201) 1 1 Ml—Edison. Kansas 10 13 Jerney Okom (III) 10 13 434—Arma. Kansas 10 11 Anten Shular (434) 10 13 MICHAEL VRHOVNIK. CampsHn Director FLASHES •streetcar would give a lurch, and J0 I'd be sprawled out on the floor, " looking. I'm afraid, very emharassed, 1 Then again. I figured that maybe the girl sitting in the fust seat, on my side of the car, would get suspicious» and maybe schram—if I started stretching down the aisle, in her direction I gave up the idea as S bad case. 1 watched lo see If anyone else would pick up Ihe cold and lonely Abraham Lincoln 1 noticed several people eyeing the coin anxiously, hut they were much like me, afraid of being too conspicuous. 1 don't know, it always happens that way, a half dosen people can stand there looking at something they know will be picked up eventually, but It takes qutte a while before the risht person comas along and finally picks it up. A ifcan finally did get bold enough to pick up the penny, and I don't think he was emharassed- -no one even looked at him. The same thing happens once in a while when someone gets off a streetcar and leaven a newspaper lying on In» neat. The other day this happened on my streetcar, and I eyed the paper easerly. It was the current day's issue, and would have while riding the car, 1 looked st It • fur a while yet, and Just as 1 got up enough courage to pick it up— it was right across the aisle from me- «ome guy In front of me reached over and picked il up, folded it neatly, and began leading And thus, he was four cents, anil about II pages of newsprint richer 1 Ihan I, only liceauau he hud the By Donald 1. Lotrteh CHICAGO —With the largest at- 1 Argus, Indlsna. Memliers are asked nerve to act without thinking about tendance lot 1948, the Pioneers lit to them .being WSIpleuous » ♦ « Quite often there will be a group We get a chuckle as we look back of people standing on a busy atreet on the election campaign literature. i«r, eagerly waiting for seats. I'll be standing nest lo Lodges 569 and 728 Hold Grand Opening FONTaNA, Calif.—Here is the big news! We^are naving two big days here in Fontana to remember, Nov. 27 and 28. These are the two days know much about . capitalism, the the grand opening of the Slovene »ystem under which they now live, llall will be held by Lodges 569 and They merely vote for its vehicles, tingly observed their 23rd Anniversary meeting at the SNPJ Hall last Friday night Fifst of all, we lni-N tlaled 5 new members and accepti«d 3 others by transfer. Secondly, we took up the various applications, in good fashion* and discussed various activities. J(jr Cerkoney related the ^tory^if the 1948 softball team, and how he liMiks forwaid to the new season with bitfv expectation*. To pay pail of their way, the softballers sold subscriptions and awarded Joe Debelak. BOO W National ave., Milwaukee, a table model, recorder and radio. The yuung people rigged up some refreshments and muidc for dancing and the prire for the 728. Our Hall is really nice now, They have built a large barroom, kitchen, and a large n eeting room, two rooms for the caretaker, and also made the dance hall larger. All folks front Los Angeles and all the neighboring towns are invited. How about it, Big Tony and Pete Benedict? Our ladies will see that there will bo plenty to eat, potica, klobase and such, also plenty to drink. Dancing to the music of Louis Simoncic. So, come all to get latter acquainted. M. STRASSBERGER, Sec. 569 More than 20 per cent of the in habitants of Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia, Tennessee. Alabama, Mis sissippi, Arkansas. Louisiana, and New Mexico had less than 4 years of schooling in 1940, says a Twin tieth Centurv Fund report. night, also selected by the young folks, was a turkey, won by Hleve I evidently »uns this committee, Cerkoney It was nice to see so ma- • « • /iy present and looked like old tlmu* ' f)ur ( ,.ol n oni|l wa„ (he hish- The Cumn it tee for Constitutional be standing neat lo a woman, as Government- wanted 100.000 Paul usually happens In cases like this, Itevers to save our government front and when s seat is vacated, 1 don't laboi boss control It's a good thing know whether I should sit down or the Republicans were so sure of not. My the time I wait for Ihe winning that tliev bait, Else, such lady to sit down, some man slide« outfits aSTibove would have made into lbs seat So, I «ontinu«? stand the labor bosaes sweat while Ihe ing~ )u*t because | give a woman Workirs would have been kicked a chance to have a seat, How am 1 around They really knew that Is supposed lo know that »he gets «»ff bor was out to get the Congressmen and Senators who voted for Ihe Tafl Hartley Act And they admitted that such lawmakers "stuck then necks out" when they voted for the art. Nig Business at lt|e nest stop! In the pioirotlon of their activities. movies of snpj activities Listed below are a number of 16 millimeter silent movies which may now be obtained from ihe SNPJ film binary These films are almost entirely in technicolor and are appropriately titled on attractive back* giound*. They are available on request to lodges, juvenile rircles and federations without charge It is recommended that our IrSciges make use of the film library as often as possible, especially during the fall and winter season* of the . .„J UMt hu„ l? "' " j "¡7"". ™ ' iz r\T r............-r "/frf ""V'T, < <~ jar&si.'sr "vr •nd •1 "*,/r,h wriu- to the Main Office requesting the reservation of films desired If ----- ----- ---- interested arrangements can also be made to include in your movie pro-grsin short educational features, as well as comedies, either silent or sound These, of course, must la obtained from othei film libraries. R< quests for films will be acted upon and reserved in the order re teived. Smre it is likely that two or more lodges might request rertainl ( for the same date, it would be advisable to select two dates, one hsve taken place the Democratic and Republican parties because they have been and are there. To get them to vote Socialist you would have to have a lot more people to know and understand the score, wouldn't you? Knowing people as 1 think I do, It seems to rne a very tough proposition to accomplish what you Socialists are trying to do." The answer to that is; "It's being done. Charlie! As a matter of fact, the United States Is the only country In the world today which se*ems to be able to afford the luxury of the continued existence of the Capitalist system, 1 say "luxury" deliberately because that's just what it is! How else can you describe a situation undei which there Is such a wanton and waste ful destruction of our nstural re-source^ as we have here? In the short spsn of our machine age (about 150 to 200 years) our country has almost exhausted our supplies of arable laud, oil, gas. coal, timber, Iron, copper, aluminum ore, etc. It must be remembered Urn, J ..............-" » - ————— — that the speed which these ^^ ^^ nml tha( in u T < situation (capitalism) whe.e there ing ACCELERATED with Increased u ^^ fer%very,MK,y( ,MJ( ^„.y. industrialisation. , ,H|dy ^^ for jt mu(t, is de Future historians will write (If B|IOyed that everybody loses they have the pap« r) that it was the Whereas under a>l ¡^cord, being "larger^ than The ...... ikillllW 01 offlaSn I aUo will come to the December meeting government agency's closest esti-, wish to inform than» that the etfi* to elect the 1949 officers We also mJ|tl, that will lielp bring *•'» have big things in mind for the hope that Oscar Godina will '»m-|down thr (.QHt (lf Bult«, food „luffs | »omlns year tinue to work with the young folks «-Heporta say there is an oversupply I Every year around this time we of national rubber If the law of iwue a challenge to our other lodges supply and demand means anything, • luneerning bowling and softball and rubber goods must come down in vou would lie surpiiaed how msny price - Many shoe manufacturers »«ke us up. Distance Is no barrier have been operating only four days I" our bovs when we send them out per week during November and De I to meet our challengers. Ho to you camber because of lack of orders. | food people in Center, Library. Htlll the prices of shoes sren't com- Htraban. and Universal we again ing down The' worst sign is Ihe caution to the winds and chsl* one on layoffs. Plants cutting help l»nge all comers for lack of orders Several have' To put a plug in for Export I la-en reported in Ute Wall Street want to give them my support be- Journal recently i*1"»* *rw *u,n« r,*hl •h*"ld when It come« to activities. Jusi „ ... . / ' ... look what they have In store foi On Thanksgiving Day we should (i|WM, (Wli dM(r>al Tickets for the Dec. 31 dame of I^odge Nada were received and placed in charge of Ernest J. Die shar — Joan Rak reports that she is now home from the hospital. Her address is K K 3, Box 375 A. Chesterton, Indiana.—Roy Cartier ha« been placed on the sick list An invitation was received frofti Circle 9 of the Progressive Hlovene Women for their Dec , 4 baraar which will lie held at the Canter, Those who tan, should attend —The other sick rnemljeis are Louis Kiamer, 3245 Huruiyslde, litookfield, Andiew Mi-«ko, T B Sanitarium, North Riverside; Filip K meter, 2414 H Central Paik; and Rose Krempusch, It It 2, that people have to all become til too late, thus dooming future generations to p^ipetual poverty Had they socialized the land and nalufal resource» in Wie, and set up a planned economy for the nwi mon good, this waste would not Yukon Lodge 117 Dance Saturday YUKON, Pa —Raturday Nov. 27, all you friends and neighbors can look forward to a great time !>«dge 117 will sponsor a dance at the Slo venian Hall, with music by the pup ular Jake Martinric The dance be gins at 9 o'clock This danc* is being held for a good cauae Half of designated as first choice, a week or two apart Filrra will lie sent to the Judge secretary in such time as to insure delivery a day oi two be-foie the date of showing Prompt return will lie expected In each case in order that filma can be serviced and foiwsided in time to some other lodge lot the following week Lodge« are advised In advante that It will lie necessary for them '»o recure the services of a reliable person, as well as equipment in good operattng condition, to show the movies Title of Film Hut I have strayed front your question It's true that n any p*«o pie know neither about i'apileli«m nor Socialism- In feet to make matters woise ^hey know ton damned much THAT IHN T IV) tbout both But people live in a house without kpowing how to nuke one' They irijsh a button to turn on a tight or give a thought Lo ourselves and our home« and ex pi ess the hope thai some day all people, everywhere, tan liave the go<*d fortune of living for and serving the neads of one another thru our many organ!re lion«.- Which reminds one that the Hd music lined up ----------_ _ - -- ----- — . — —- - i nn«u op, • Butam which was so condemned lie K<)| |ht. farn 0rt |)m. 4 Krank Po fore its adoption thiee month« agu, ' r(jVfM, „„^ Musical HtylisU and Is now really turning out to lie a blessing for everyone, even the dor tor, dentist, pharmacist, air. Moie people than ever are now being tiealed for sickneates and ailments And til« doctors like It bei suae they have no bill collection worries They leteive a check from the govern' for the latter, Dec IS, no one but Johnny Kiek and his Polka Dots Ko to have a good time and have fnerptly arguments, see me and the gang on l>oth the«« dates I see Yukon la the de«lgnated place foi ihe Federation lo meet and •lert office*» for Ihe yeai 194», Ho, _Place «od Ye*> Ts*** THIRTEENTH SNPJ CONVE|TT!ON-Ev«Utto. >'« TWELFTH SNPJ CONVENTION Pittsburgh. Pa IMI FI FVFMTH iivpj CONVENTION—Cleveland Ohle. 1137 IITH NATL SNPJ Day—Milwaukee. Wis.. 1141 ITH NATL SNPJ Day—Cleveland. Ohio 1147 ITH NATL SNPJ Der-Clcswlaod. Okie IMJ 4TH NATL SNPJ Day—Milwaukee Wis ISM I ITH NATL BOWLINO TOURNEY Detroit. Mkh IMI HTH NATL BOWLING TOt/RVEY—Ckicao*. III. 1M7 I ITH NATT SO V/LI NC TO JUNE Y—Cleveland Oh» IMI the proceeds wlU go to the Mover» | JUVENILE CIRCLE ACTIVITIES IMI 44 Day p rog ran You are all cort.aliy , JUVENILE CIRCLE ATIVITIES IMI 44 nvdid to attend and help mak. H s JWENILE CIRCLE ACTIVITIES IM7 41 rreaP iu mankind, which Steele, ptopurUuo 41 Minuter by th. «lo* pof nature h»v* II - , were made avsilaiite for man s u»e IS - ' o\ei million» of years* II " Under the capitalist system of 2ft '' You get your* and III get mine 30 ' ..nd to hell with the other fellow : II ". {or "Each man to/ himaelf and th* || " Devi1 take (lie Mndnuat," this 1« 10 • } what we have arrived at No don I 11 " | give n+ that old »aw about human II " ; nature i«"ing s#;fr«h m» nothing ran II " | br don* about it' 31 " fcocialiMii i« metely the leali/a I won erf ENI.Kiin EN Eli SELFISH 71 " \ NESH or KEI.F INTEREST if you M " | want to c all it that H doesn t mean operate a gadget without even an without watting Ut act umulete the ment each month Just imagine ^ mw wl|J hMV# u> urg„ you K hat the plan can do make tli« (o |m> |i|JW -|g(| mm1 Mk yotl tu rili«h the healthiest people in ihe (|U( |||t|| |f| ||ff|ri, w„, Jl||(k,. world Why? Because It duesn't M „«.,„„„*,„, home for t|)« Federa coat anything lo get your ailments ||(>n # lM,lly -nd qult ^uanämiutg dlagn«m*d liefore they get to lie mon#y tm ,hm||fc ,h-l Uln|| lMuk n ! foi the fir«t tin»* I «aw bow the nature w»'l hllV4r u> ^nmw tli* '"score" tliari a| futUcm «oak« the ptM»r mopo • at any lime previously, and we are j ^ (|.g lt.m^y , «hame Speeding (uunting on that W« have hop*« because m moat of the Heandiitavi mu coontrie*. lit* Etiglish «peaking «.ouhbie« (Great Ibitain. Canada, Auktralui New Zealand und cm ■nd parking bring in a raft ol vto latora They art really the sinkers bet MU«e It Itatk« like th«'V measure the tin* in mile« me« »h» lt*rit «I People, who didn't « m to have Continent*! Eur d'^fted forever, and m being replaced urtii j lMM. en I inO'lfed fi «m l#y I>emoriatH Hot ialt««fi (I||H m| tf i/m. wa«o i «ny «dh o Ihie» this anawer your qoe«ti lie hvkl down' m i' Euclid iss and K Krsmpel's 418., H. Kronik j^J.'i is still tops in hi 3 with s 558, and -third in hi 1 with her 210. She is also lesding the league in individual averages with a 163 J Kronik holds second place in hi 3 with a 552 and first place in hi 1 with a 225. Good showing, (toilettes! The V Bojcrs trounced the Good-timers in all three games, as they ' collected four points. D Pike, who JjgJgJ ¿ is really improving, posted u 423 i^y.m, 4 series with s 181 high gam«', and M. Tonejc chslked up a 387 For the cellar place Good-timer«. Capt Spehsr hsd s 310 series, and M Clifford a 293 (How is the "gutter ball" fund coming along, girls?) Struggler I Utopian 3 Struggler t Cleveland 1 CcmrsdM V Ho) I Cleveland S Z Hratla 3 I.under Adamič Loyalita 1 Taam HI I Concordian I Utopian a Cleveland I Utopian I Loyalite I w L PIS. 30 10 ap 30 10 37 .. 1« 11 37 I« 11 98 10 11 28 17 13 34 IS 13 23 IS IS 23 1» ia 33 IS 14 31 IS 14 31 18 14 30 IS ia IS .. 14 18 1« 14 18 IS 14 18 18 13 17 17 13 17 17 13 ib 17 is 18 18 13 18 18 13 IS 18 10 30 13 8 34 1 Taam hi a-« losS. 27SO Concordian I >717 Utopian 4 VMM Utopian 1 3871 Loyallta I SSM Utopian 2 2644 Cleveland I 111 runo coming «."»»a. > i„irUn S 2S44 Cleveland I The Loyslltes set bsck the Wo«»d- ^n Krivec Jary Kegling Kapers Bv J. J. SpUar J Zupanlc r Ma roll A Oerehman r Svigel M Pok lar I Spilsr IsS. Ht-8-Hasd. 807 B Schiarb S3« W. Johnson SIS A Pok lar «34 / Zupanlc SI« r Svigel « 807 H. Lise t « MIO D Novak I «03 W Jary « Ind. HI 1-Hasd 30« A Gerchman 257 C. Krivec S47 J. Zupanu- 347 H Lisci. M7 r. Msrolt 340 r. Svlsel 340 A Matulls 238 P Jakove» 741 738 W 703 CLEVELAND. Ohio—The battle for first plsce in this second knockdown series found the pscesctting Spartan No. 2 gang holding on to their one point lead over the Utopian No. 2 challengets. The Uto pisns won the first two tilts and things looked dsrk for the leaders until a belated rally in the finale was good enough fur total pins by a «cant five sticks snd a two point split. Csptain Stan Zagsr inspired his mates with a 561 series snd Bill Kronik was best on our side with 547 They just keep rolling along! The V Boj No 2 boys jumped up into s tie for second place utter lambasting the Utopian No 4 entry in two games. Tony Stai man's 574 Jolt was the mainstay tor the fighting V-Boj-ers who posse«» s 745 tesm sversge but have been victorious in ten of their 1.1*1 twelve owUnsa W> establish them ss u definite threat for the "team of the yesr" so far. Bernie Zalai's 530 topped the loser* wh<» now have lost five out of six to th« ae luds in a regulin scheduled contest snd this knockdown The Concordian No 1 clubbers subdued the defending Cleveland No I < hemps in eonvtnaUm *t>l«- to tske undisputed possession of third plsce 877. »45 snd 963 team scores formed a lesgue high 2785 sctusl snd 3283 handicap mark and their 112» tied for the single spot eff«»rt Wallet Jsry whs led in a 828 set that wss good for third plsce in the Individ usl column Tony Yuretic's 554 led the Whir Kids win» now have l«*t the whir snd hsve furled seven consecutive gsrne* Imn't pinch youtself Gereh. it really happened' Anton Gerchmsn provided the psyoff pun« h ss hi» t'Utpisn No 1 buddle» tiMik over sixth plaiv after blanking the No I V-Bots Tony p»»uiMled «Hit s 584 aerie* Ihst wss climaxed by s fin* 245 gsmr snd hi* 284 with the hsn dicsp is too* in that department Jor Mersnik hsd a 483 sei irs tor the Istler. 200 Cm It A Gereh man 245 <)s«kpotj. W Jary 233 228 T 8tsi man 22» B Kneravfc 223 T De bellsk 222 C Stusen 272 M Ktsll 215 209 (jsckpoO A Lender 214. F Marolt 212 P 211. S Zu pon 211 F Ostsnek 210 J /.upanci« 210 F Tolsr 2<>S 20ti A Poklsi 207 J /gon< 205 204 Y Svigel Ji M Debensk 203 J Rugle 2 nil/ Fwllel N- 1» Soutkside SNPJ Interlodsre News CHICAGO. — Another Interesting snd exci4ing week of interlodgc bowling coinp«'tition was had in the SNPJ's southside league here In Chicago. The Punthers came alor\g, with llauptnuin's 552 series pacing the team, to humble the league Whose Iron Curtain Is It? Continued from Page 1) by the Soviet Union whose will all the other Eastern cquntries implicitly obeyed. Apparently the U. 8. Government did not itself believe in any one "Iron Curtain" since the countries of Eastern Europe were being treated in three separate ways. Furthermore each way was quite different from that which might have been rationally expected. In regard to Russia, which supposedly was responsible for the reprehensible "Iron Curtain," as well as in regard to Czechoslovakia and Poland, no restrictions could be found at all. (I am here disrefard ing the statement given in the official "Warning" to the effect .. You are urgently requested to confine your travel to those countries where your presence is required by compelling reasons. American citizens travelling unnecessarily to those areas of the world which are struggling to recover from the effects of war will only add to the extremely critical food and housing conditions now prevailing and become liable to great personal hardship and privation." Since the United States has pledged iteelf to boost the tourist industry of Western Europe and of Italy, can not these idealistic phrases be used as refusals to grant pass ports to those going to Czechoslo vakia, Poland and Russia? The ar bitrsry actions of the passport Division of the U.S. State Department have already been the subject of protest from indignant American citizens.) In regard to the former enemy countries Bulfcarla, Rumania and Hungary, travel was possible but grestly restricted with permission to be obtained from the Allied Control Comfnission (not directly from this commission, let us note, but only through the Passport Division of the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D. C.). And then, finally, there was this third mys-terous category ln which one country alone was placed, Jugoslavia, for travel to which, it was stated, the passport was not valid, whether visaed or not, and no place was given where the rule might be re-laxed. Jugoslavia thus was treated as a sort of Ishmael among nati-m*. It must be indeed a criminal country. «But if so why was no explanation given? The answer seemed to be that it was Jugoslavia's fault, that this country had really established an iron Curtain" all its own for some important minister reason. This made me all the more determined to visit the place and find out for mysfelf So I applied for a visa and to my great surprise quickly received onc from the Jugoslav government. Whose Iron Curtain was it now? Perhaps this was merely a trap) perhaps when I got there, over the door of Jugoslavia would be found written the Immortal words of Dante; "Lasclate ognl speran/u vol ch'entrate."— laiave all hope behind, ye who enter here." At any rate, so far as the Jugoslav government was concerned 1 could get Into the country and that was the most important thing If the government of Ju Family Helpmate By Dorothy Sodalk From now until the holidays are upon us 1 will devote this column strictly to seasonal goodies and novelties. Xmas Cookies must be plentiful snd always on hand. Here is one recipe from which with a little ingenuity and imagination you can make little Santas, stars, bells, reindeer and ireus. Bed and green sugar, raisins tor eyes and other features can be made from red candies and gum drops. Rolled Cookies—Heat 14 tablespoons molasas and add 2 cups light brown sugar and 1V* cups hortening or butter. Blend well. When cool, stir in 2 beaten eggs Sift and measure 3 cups flour. 2 teaspoons ginger, 1 teaspoon cinnamon and 4 teasp. cloves Stir into first mixture. Now add 4 cups sifted flour and 2 tea s{>oons soda dissolved in 1 tablespoon warm water Stir until smooth and chill thoroughly. When ready to be used roll out to V4 inch thickness and cut Into desired shapes. Place on greased cookie sheets and bake ten or fifteen minutes in moderately hot oven. When cool, decorate with thin confectioners' icing. If you don't have the kind of cookie form in the house you would like, cut them out of cardboard, place over dough and trace around them. Novelties—Quilted house slippers make a very useful gift for any member of the family. Trace outline of foot on paper, make pattern little larger all the way around. Place pattern on print material, sateen Velveteen or any other goods you may wish to use. cut two for each aole, one for the outside and one for uie inside. Cut one or two thicknesses for the interlining from old coats or blankets, run sewing stitch in a quilting design thru en tire thickness by hand or machine. Bind around fc^ges. Cut bottoms from heavy sox snd attach sox with blanket stitch to sole. Very comfy. Lovely little tea aprons can be made up wtthout tbo much time and trouble by trimming circles or half circles of taffeta, bengaline, remnants of silks, rayons or colored cottons, with a big wide ruffle or shirred lace and a nice wide sash Try them for Xmas in green or red with white. Wear them with your dress-up when you are entertbiningr Official Proceedings leading Mustangs twice. Frankle SodeU's 552 wss high as the Cougars lf| „ inP HUYVriuvlv,„ „M-took the Royals for two games. J gog|av|a WOuld protect me while in Berenice Vrhovnlk again led her thal country, the support of my own team this week (506) as the Sox gtstes would not be neces trounced the Tigers twice. K. Ma- ' j decidtHi lo ukc the chsnce, 1...U..U ....II...J .. R4A ...Flu. I.. I..,.a '' tushek rolled a 525 series to lead Cutis in their tw«> wins over the Rangers. Joe Kosich Jr. hang«'d out a 584 score as the Beats won all three games from the Rumblers. K Gorence had the beat totals foi ssry But l\ow to get to Jugoslavia? There were several main routes; one via Italy, another via Germany, o third by airplane via Praha, Chechoslovakia. There was no use try r., norencf nuu 01c o«-si 10mm 101 ----------- -----_ - the week, and it was a big help to 1 ing the routes via Greece or Turkey, the Lions In downing the Se ntinels «rst because the guerillas were (wlri. I fighting there and second because High scores for the ladies Included the way was barred by the State M Vihovnik's 560 (204), K Matu- Department's control over Allied shek s 525 (194». F Soctetr's 521 Control Commission a1 permission1 to <(193). I) La/rerl's 520 (176), 8. *nler Bulgaria and Rumania. Ap rn patnrk's 51(1 (194). and A Chan-nic's 514 (194) The mens high scores wore Go-renrv'g 823 (225), Be/laj's 598 (219), Jim- Kosich Jr.'a 584 (218), Beiger's 5(¡5 (221) Kosele's 557 (210). F So- i2I5i M /.stk«»virh's 546 (211), j J Tnller Sr's 541 (221). Wsntuck's 5.1» <192». J»«- Kosich Si s 538 (209). 1 IF l.a//ei 11 537 (205), Perkovlch's : 535 <2, K Kubel's 534 (215). L ] Kuhel'» 53Í < 191 )¡ J Seidell's 533 < HM i I'oppen's 530 i230>, Gruch's ' <206) and M Kuhel's 521 (197). All THAT SORT OF THING 1 l.«-t .« football not* creep into our jiv..ik Just recently, «»ne of the ' Tistlhlarers' members Rollie Kuhel, jilaved a bauK up gsmc for Feng«-r lltyl» » eU-ver» 1m the »eml-fmsl f«*»t-I..«Il gétiiii- Mt Chicago'« famed Soldiei Field Ttie same ended in s 13 13 ti« hut it Wss It Kuhel who csught the tv.11 to«i« h«lo\A n p«»«es fot Ken-iii Afti-i th<- aumif then opponent l.mdbkim II.kIi h> to*« of a coin, i4-< aine ouallfied to plsy for Chi-• sgr1''« prep school titl<- ' So long, onul again h K . 610 Kallin». water, one of the moat i«n« teni source« of enei«> is esten ixrlv ti e1 !.. « ii, i.l I., l-. lt ti. MH%e parently, there was also no use in trying the route through Germany Since here, too, a military permit must be obtained from the U. 8. State Department and they had al ready announced a policy of cate gorically hairing trsvel to Jugo The Itallsn route «»tiered the best opp«»rtunlty, even though the principal aateway. Trieste, was barred by the same military men ss in Germany There were other gateway« in Italy, for example through Goriris This wss s smsll town, not much frequented by travelled. Entering JugoslsVla there, one would pass thiough s section nf the coun'iv where visitors were not eaped« d and where consequently one coul«l it-ally sec what «1 s whst. go one d«\ 1 Mflived at Gorlsia snd pie«**nle«t nivaelf to the sston-isbed Italian holder psttol and Customs men who « *an»lne«l everything tsrefully but «iMi!ct do milhing else but pass me There luring no isil-toad ststion lull only a toad block. I t'»»»k m> siiitcssas in hsnd snd trudged dou n the toad until 1 cstre to snotbei ntuHlilmk Tins wss Jugoslavia lice I «01 nun Mv tsken in hand by the fiontier gusrd ami ushered into the cu^trans office 1 knew not 4 Moid of Sl«»venian nor of Herts» Ci«»*t but »in«e the "l^it-nik" men Ohe lepiearntative of the sgenev ' Pntn«k ' handling tourmm in JugoslsM« which ao|>atentlv hss Its sgenl» at » ei\ ar. det p«*t no matter how »n\«lll «-mild »pesk French ¥« Wi ie attic to g« t .«long PSWA Bazaar To Be Gift Center CHICAGO—Everything is going along so well for the bazaar that is being sponsored by the Progressive Slovene Women 'Of Americe, Circle No. 9. an Saturday, Dec. 4, at Slo-Vend Labor Center, that one cannot help but be enthused about it. Donations of every description have been pledged or already have been accepted, and here is just an idea of what you tkill be able to buy: I Mrs. Rabaus will donate a homemade potica; the Josko Ovens and Mama Jelenc, Mexican hadncraft; Mrs. Bostic, dish-towels; Dorothy Sodnik, Xmas novelties and baby aprons; Betty Nadvornik, fancy tea-aprons; Agnes and Gloria Bohinc, feather flowers and toy dog; Mis. Merger, pillow-cases; Frances Vidcr, Frances Rak, Elizabeth Zefran, house-aprons; Ixmlse Harmon and Mis. Podbevsek, kitchen novelties; Angela Zaitx, utility tray and caosters; Mary Andres, homemade studcl; Rose P9dbevsck, Evelyn Terse lie and Ann Sanoeir.ann. 8 stuffed toy frogs; Josephine Mersol, pairs handmade argyle gloves, and Minku Alesh is giving two beautiful felt hsU which she obtained from her employer. Besides all to is. Fiances Stark has been commissioned to purchase clever and practioal novelties which all adds up to quite a variety of gifts You will be able to buy presents for almost any member of your family, or friends, at ressonablc prices, snd whst better chance will y«>u have than this to do your Xmss shopping? Somatime during the Evening too, a beautiful iron and toastmsster will ge given away snd you msy be the lucky one. Because Xmas will be light sruund the corner. Dorothy Sodnik hss ssked Ssnts Claus to be present during the whole bszaar so thst the children will hsve a chance to really talk to hirr snd give sn ides of whst they would like to find under their tree on Xmas morning. L T7 Plans hsve been made by the decoratitm committee to utilise the Xmas theme everywhere, so thst everything will be "merry snd t'tighl " The hsr will be «»pen. delictus iefrashmef||a will be served, and there will be dancing for those who like to do so. and thus everyone should also feel "merry snd bright" in keepinf with the general theme , ANN SANNEMANN. Chm. From 1930 to 1040 savs a Twen tieth Centurv Fund report, while ! private i\r>endktures for industrial resesreh in the United States rose I from tl 16 million to 8240 million, or s bout 100 per rent, government ex-nenditutes for «cientifu resesrrh rove slightly le« than 200 per cant -from S24 million to $69 million During the wsr, fovamment ex-psndituie« on technics! research fat sur pasted those of private In-duiktrv. running 19 Is 12 billion on L 11.1 ft. I»n tl 4k SNPJ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Meeting of SepL 29 Meeting is called to order at 9 a. m.; all n embers aie preieat except £ec'y Vider. who is still ill; minutes of the Sept. 8 and Sept. 20 meeting approved. President, who has jiut taken over his office, has no repoit yet; treasurer reports for that office as follows: The Penna Fralernul Congress holds its 37th annual convention at Scranton Nov. 11,-17, and the society is invited to send a representative. F. Vratarich of the judicial committee is delegated. The Michigan Fiateinaf Congress aiks t«a sqnd a representative to its third quarterly meeting Oct. 11 in Detroit. Since it «is not customary to send representatives to quarterly meetings, the invitation is only ac5 knowledged. The Jugoslav Workingmen's National Home of Cleveland is asking for an ad in the program booklet to be issued for its grand opening celebration on Nov. 7; one page ad for $25 is approved. Assis't secretary reports: Director of Circle 26, Terry Alesh. Chicago, is asking for permission to use the SNPJ halls for the Circle's Halloween party Oct. 29; request granted. He read« a letter from the Croatian Fraternal Union expressing sympathy on the death of the late preeident; the letter Is acknowledged with gratitude. ' ' Furthermore, he reports that many telegrams were received during the days of sorrow, all expressing condolence and regret over the sudden death of Brother Calnkar. The committee is thankful to all these groups and individuals for their thoughtfulness. The manager reports that Slavija Lodge 1, Chicago, is asking for F. Vider as a speaker at the 45th anniversary celebration Oct. 10. if he recovers from his illness by that time; in case of inability, Ph. Godi-na will replace him. Sec'y of sick benefit reports that Bteve Kostelac of lodge 81, passed away; according to the report of the lodge, a daughter had been taking care of him; and he recommends that the balance of sick benefit be paid to the daughter; approved. He also reports that his clerk suddenly quit her Job after two weeks leave of absence, which time she had deliberately taken off without permission; work now is accumulating and it will be necessary to allow some overtime work so that we can catch up and render satisfactory service to the members; decided that he may hire as help, whomever he deems suitable to fill the position. Juvenile Director reports thst circle 11, Arma, Kansas, desires to have films sent for use at its affair Oct. 10; approved. Likewise, Lodge 564, Detroit, if asking for films for use Dec. 10; approved. The request of Lodge 106 for SNPJ convention film* to be shown In conjunction with SANS films, either (Oct. 17 or 31, is granted. He also reports that he attended all sessions of the American Slav Congress in Chicago on Sept. 24-25-26 as a representative of the society. Approximately 1,400 delegates registered at the convention. The entire program, stressing the importance of world pcacc. dvil liberties and the need of a strong third party, made a very inspiring impression on the delegates and visitors. The Slovene delegates, numbering about sixty altogether, held a panel session, as did all other nationality divisions. at which 1512 was collected and turned over to the ASC. It approved Mirko Kuhel as a candidate for vice-president, Slovene division. of the ASC and six others, including Fred A. Vider. for the nationat committee, all of whom were later elected on the convention floor. The Slovene panel also made a collection of $28.50 in memory of the late Vlnccnt Cainkar, and directed that, instead of using same for a floral piece, the amount be turned over to the Free Press Fund. The three day sffair ended successfully on Sunday afternoon at the Chicsgo Civc Opera House where the Progressive Party csndi-date for president. Henry Wallace spoke before s cheering audience of more than 3.000 people. Report ac cepted Treasurer asks for a declaon as to whom the check for the last week s psy of the late president shall be issued. The committee rules that the check shall be msde payable to Mrs Marie Calnkar. his widow The SNPJ prtntery will sponsor a tesm in lodge 559 bowling league The expenses caused by work in the buildng during the time the Iste president's body laid In «tate at the SNPJ hall, »uch a« service to the people, receivng telegrama. etc shall be paid from the expense fund Kuhel will trsnslste the minutes of the executive committee into Slovene until different srrangement Is made * Joseph Culkar. 2nd vice president. Is proclslmed ss the 1st vlee presi dent of SNPJ. snd Anton Verbiek ss the 2nd vice president. God ins shall hire somebody to mske the chute from the pressroom to the editors offices Vrhovnlk is suthortsed to eom plete the titling of recent SNPJ films Kalal snd Tiavtnk lufrtfcrr witl Louis Cainkar. son of the late Vincent Cainkar. are to check everything in the presidents office so that private belongings can be turned to their proper piace. A letter of gratitude shall be sent to the Lawndale Police Ststion for the splendid service rendered duiing the time of Brother Cainkar's funeral. Recognition awards for charter members of various lodges are to be obtained. Since R. Travnik needs to arrange his personal affairs at horre, he will leave today and return on Monday, Oct. 4; in the meantime. Kuhel will take oare of the president's office. The following operation claims are approved upon recommendation by the supreme medical examiner; An ton Oberstar (110), $25; Anton Ger gich (393), $25; Martin Pustovrh (723), $25; Josephine Rutar (764), $50. Meeting adjourned at 10:40. Raymond Travnik. Anton Troja* President Ausis'tSec'y Meeting of Oct. 4 Meeting is called to order at 10;10 a. m. in the presence of all members except president who is at home to arrange his personal affairs; manager is presiding; minutes of the special meetings of Sept. 24 and 29 ¡ are approved as read. Treasurer reports he received telegram explaining that Bro. Travnik has been hospitalized and advising that a letter of resignation i is to follow; he then reads the let 1 ter in which Travnik thanks the executive committee for cooperation during his brief period at the office , and, at the same time, he presents his resignation as the president of the SNPJ. A general discussion takes place in which all members participate; the course of procedure in succession for presidency, as provided in the by-laws, is thoroughly discussed; the question arises as to whether a meeting of the supreme board be oalled instead of accepting the resignation at this meeting; moved, seconded and carried by 5 votes to 1, that the resignation be accepted. It is further decided that Bro. Joseph Culkar. 1st vice president, shall be notified of the fact that he is now to take over the office of president, and asked to do this as soon as possible; notification is also to be sent to Bro. Anton Verbich to assume the position of 1st vice president of the SNPJ. Treasurer also reports that he and Travnik have checked over material in the president's office; more work is to be done in this connection. Matter of ¿.P.O. whier week; also decided to advertise for a new employee. Juvenile Director presents a re-quest for films to be used Dec. 5 by lodge 715, Universal. Pa., at a social after annual meeting; granted. Editor reads a letter from Gorenje Tribuie, Jugoslavia, in which financial help is asked to build their cooperative home; since we already have a number of similar applications for help from various places in Jugoslavia and there are so many collections among our people at the present time, the letter is placed on file. ' Manager presents a request from Paul Berger for one year's subscription to the daily Prosveta as compensation for his writings to the paper while in Jugoslavia; granted. He asks who is to pay the expenses for installment of a chute from the editors' offices to the composing room; decided that all bills pertaining to the building be paid from the building fund. Lawndale Police Station asks for printing of a letter; decided that this request be granted as compensation for services rendered by the Police Department at the time of the funeral of the late president. Badges for Lodge Slavija No. 1 charter members at their 45th anniversary celebration have been ordered. \ To remedy the late arrival of mail for weekly Prosveta. the manager reports that V. Locniskar will be picking the mail at the post office early in the morning every Monday and Tuesday and bringing it to the office; however, lodge officers and contributors are urged to send their material for publication on time. Assis't Sec'y presents the following nst of names of aged members who have been recognized as needy so that their assessment shall be paid from the special fund beginning Oct. 1, 1948. inasmuch as the 13th regular convention provided for this purpose, lodge and certificate number in paranthesis: Mary Jane (1, 11715), Chicago; Anton Mahnil (2. 16809). La Salle, 111.; Michael Kotar (7. 42282), Claridge, Pa.; John Ocepek (7. 110135), Claridge, Pa.; Ulstttn SksMi 'ftO, 742), Ely, Minn.; Frank Sterle (48. 5737). Barberton, Ohio; John Bizjak (57, 1524), Black Diamond, Wash.; Peter JendW (91. 27900), Johnston City, 111,; Alois Oblak (92. 112010, 42702). Franklin. Kans.; Frances Novak (100. 113431), Chicago; Joseph Kau-, 6ii (123, 11661). Panama, 111.; Jernej Bohinc (232, 2912), White Valley, Pa.; John Masser (434, 5337), Arma, Kans. Meeting adjourned at 3:35. Philip Godlna. Acting Chairman Anton Trojar. Assistant Secretary Micji. Slav Congress Plans Folk Festival DETROIT—On Sunday, Dec. 5, at 2 pm. at the Masonic Temple, the American Slav Congress of Michigan will present its 2nd annual Music and Folk Festival. Nationality groups participating are Russian, Ukrainian, Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian. Czech. Slovak. Carpatho-Rus-sian Bulgarian, Macedonian and Polish. All Slavs and their friends are cordially invited to attend. COMMITTEE About 1.5 million Americans ar^ covered by medical insurance plans run by the companies for which they work, says a Twentieth Century Fund report. GIRLS There is a position open la the Main Office of the SNPJ for a single girL who is a member of the Saciaty aad interested and qualified for geaeral oHloe work. 27 Vh hours. $ day weak. Good salary. Applications for position should be addressed to Sla-Tens National Seaeflt Society, c/o Secretary. 2057 South Lawn-dais Avenus. Chicago 23. Illinois. In Memoriam In loving of our dear Mother mary gasvoda who passed away aine years ago on Nov 23. 1020. Maay a lonely haart aches. Of tea a silent tear. Sat always a beautiful memory Of oaae we lave sa dear. Sadly aúa«ed by- SOIVS AND DAUGHTERS Swiihdaa, r«