Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! Amerk LZSZ-IOZZZ VA NOJiONITHV 901-1 jjv oh asnoHinnoo loex i 864.300 YfNVAVHH NYIIH » I Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Serving rn Ohio and Nationwide, over 200,000 American-Slovenians Vol. 99-Nc. 13 (USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 27, 1997 ISSN Number0164-68X 60C Bad News, Good News - Easter 1997 By Anthony M. Pilla Bishop of Cleveland An individual, it seems, cannot read the newspaper, turn on the radio or television without being bombarded with bad news. Even at this writing I have been made aware of a Jordanian soldier killing Seven school girls. This c°nies at the same time when we mark the one-year anniversary of a group of kindergartners and their teacher being brutally slain ln Scotland. And all this news 'n a year when still recovering froi shock of TWA fligl cashing shortly afl takeoff in NY. We he rifying stories about CaJtes, rapes, murders, scandals. It is no > at some people choc 0 have a TV „r cad the newspapers b assaumng As a student of airi painfully aware °n this fragile pi a "'ays had its shan eofyidr>butas a,th l am also i t..are that in the aJ. World’s advei n7K«™, there Jesus Christ i: t is is the me and it is no P 0Us talk. It isagr truth on which ' 0ur lives. ci I** ^°^n’ the beloved dis-p e> we are told, saw an empty tomb. “He [like St. Peter and St. Mary Magdalene] saw an empty tomb and evidence that the body was gone. He saw, but he believed so much more. He believed and was able to see and recognize that the Lord was risen! Can we with the eyes of faith see the Risen Lord? The world might see hunger and homelessness, depression and despair, abuse and abandonment. Because we are not fools, we see exactly what the world sees. However, because we are “fools for Christ’s sake,” we have the eyes of faith to see and believe what St. John saw and believed: He is risen. So, in the midst of what the world sees, we see, through God’s grace and our generosity, wondrous deeds of life. Where others see brokenness, low self-esteem, and isolation, we see people taking the time to listen and offer comfort and consola- tion. Where others see hunger and homelessness, we see people providing meals, serving soup, setting up a clean bed, and pursuine justice on behalf of those far less fortunate than we. Where others see children being viciously slaughtered, we see communities of people coming together to share tears, remember loving stories, and open their arms and homes. Where others see the destruction made by flooding, we see agencies and individuals pooling resources, getting muddied, and sharing heart and hand. In short, we see the Risen Lord alive and well, and acting in union with his body, the Church. What a great gift we have been given to be able to see and believe. One hundred and fifty years ago we were established as a diocese. We have seen the Risen Lord working in, through, and among us. We have seen God’s abundant blessing and we celebrate and give thanks. As wonderful as that is, it is not enough. We have a responsibility. We are summoned to be like St. John, St. Peter, and St. Mary Magdalene. Our celebrating of God’s blessing would be but an empty and scandalous ritual were we not to proclaim in our lives and actions that the Lord is indeed risen. Jimmy Sturr is Out of Sight ^°lka Grammy Nominees Wonder Where Winner Is % Tony Pet here was mu f/ Awards at t °'jVer Hotel in Pi Lenny Gomu l ^ Massachi h. Pes of possib phyV^ flrst G Ken- f P0,ka Manial Eddie 81 former3"3^ i er> came ft Slovenian style artist vying for top honors, while the “king of kings,” 81-year-old Frankie Yankovic was in from Florida hoping for a second shot at top honors, having won the very first polka trophy back in 1986. He was accompanied by wife, Ida, who was attending her very first big Grammy show. But Jimmy Sturr, another nominee, was nowhere in sight. The stage was set on Wednesday, February 26, as we were in open seating for the pre-telecast awards at Madison Square Garden. I was sitting about 20 rows from the front and glancing around and spotted Tony Bennett directly in the row back of me. The awards were beginning and a very special lady was in the audience who actually received a Grammy award for “It Takes a Village,” in a field that competed with former news correspondent of Slovenian descent, Charles Kuralt. The very special lady, just five rows in front of me, was Hillary Rodham Clinton. (Continued on page 4) Primož Peterka wins Slovenia’s 1st World Cup in Ski Jumping By Stan Krulc In what proved to be a historic weekend for Slovenia, (March 22-23) the world watched as young Primož Peterka entertained 130,000 visitors to Planica (dolina pod Poncami), a ski jumping facility tucked neatly in a valley between the Julian and Karavanken Alps. Peterka, who just turned 18 on Februaty 28tk, held off his German challenger Dieter Thoma, to capture the first ever World Cup championship for Slovenia in ski jumping. Peterka went into last weekend’s two competitions with a 122 point advantage over Thoma. The Planica Organizing Committee worked, feverishly all week to prepare the “Giant,” the largest ski jumping hill in the world (at 185 meters to the critical point in the hill, ski jumping is known as sky flying). Spring weather had melted away the snow earlier in the week, and threatened to cancel or postpone the events. Instead, the resourceful and hard-working Slovenians trucked in snow from higher elevations. Even a police helicopter was employed to get the snow to the out-run slope. Work continued day and night from Tuesday to Thursday morning when training runs were to be held. The flying-hill was not yet completely prepared and the work continued on thru the night to Friday. The hill was pronounced fit Friday at about noon. On Friday, March 21st, during the training jumps and in front of an estimated 20,000 spectators, Peterka jumped 191 meters, but fell and bruised his back and his head. Being in the top 15 in the overall World Cup standings meant that he did not have to go thru the qualifying round. In a rather unusual and almost unheard of turn of events, the rival German physical therapist (the Slovenian team does not have their own) worked with Peterka so that he would be ready for Saturday’s events. Meanwhile, Thoma jumped 197 meters in the training run, for fourth best. He, like Peterka, chose not to jump in the qualifying round. Saturday, March 22nx JoIxtl IVEerciira. A Happy Easter to all The Readers of American Home Newspaper-May this be a beginning of a New Spiritual Rebirth in our lives. HE WHO HAS DIED FOR OS did so that we may be saved. MY REMEMBRANCE OF EASTER AS A CHILDI • Holy Thursday - The looooong Mass. Could not quite figure K out why Jesus spent so long eating supper with the Apostle*’ • Good Friday - Two separate trips to church. First was for th* Stations of the Cross, second was for the separate service lo the late afternoon. Small meal and not even water to drinlt between the meals. • Holy Saturday - The mouth-watering aromas emanating ft001 Individual baskets containing various foods being blessed. • Easter Sunday - Early Mass, afternoon Litanies and plenty d food, followed by a belly ache. playing the saxophone for the Joey Tomsick Orchestra, or taking his kids for bicycle treks from St. Mary’s parish in Collinwood to Slovenska Pristava in Geneva, Ohio, some 40 plus miles, or voluntarily serving on the board of the Slovene Home for the Aged. At Easter it is good to pause and reflect upon those who generate wholesome family values during a time when society really needs it. Rejuvenating, indeed! * Read with interest Tony Petkovsek’s well-written, well-thought-out article about the Grammy Awards. Among the items mentioned was the fact a country-western singer read the polka nominees’ names and mispronounced almost all of them. What the Grammy Awards people should do is have someone read the names who knows how to pronounce them correctly, thereby save embarrassment to the music association and the nominees. That person should be our very own Tony Petkovšek. * Speaking about musical instruments, another one is the horn. The other day I saw Stane Kuhar pumping gas in a service station at E. 260 St. As I passed by, I tried to honk the horn in greeting. I pushed and pushed, but no sound came out. 1 discovered to my dismay, that I was pushing the “resume speed” button on the steering wheel. I looked closer and there was a little picture of trum- pet on the bottom of ^ steering column. But alas, by that time. Kuhar was mile^ behind, still feeding Petr0 into his car oblivious to the fact his chum had passed by- There was another car had in which nobody could find the horn. It was in the turn-signal arm; but you had to push it in - in order to ac' tivate it. I use a car horn ^°ut twice a year, twice as often as I use an exclamati°n point. But when an emcr' gency arises, we should be able to find the horn button instantly, if only to sav® lives. To the engineers >n Detroit: don’t be so clever you outthink yourself an deposit us in harm’s ^ay-Put the horn back where vV6 can find it in a hurry. * Last week I met one 0 our great writers for the f*rst time. Rudy Flis came int0 the office to say hello. Pe0' pie have asked me, “Wh3* does he look like?” he’s a combination of Wayne and Mel Gibson, b*J with a brush cut. Very m° ern. * A good movie to ^ during this holy season called “The Robe.” If y°.| j , want to know what it’s , about ask KSKJ Lodge ; Secretary John Turek, saw it over 400 times. ^ was an usher at the La Theater in Euclid. * Sincere best wishes f°r Blessed Easter holiday in 1 company of loved ones! Comments: E-Mail: jim@buckeyeweb.com “Ambassador’s Banquet” Honors Slovenia’s Envoy Dr. Ernest Petrič Slovene National Benefit Society Sponsors Impressive Tribute — 272 Attend Sometime this summer Slovenia’s first Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Ernest Petrič, will return to his homeland after serving his new country in Washington, D.C., since September, 1991. For those of us who attended his first meeting with a group of Slovene Americans soon after his arrival, during the annual meeting of the National Fraternal Congress in Washington that fall, it is hard to believe so much time has passed. Last Friday, March 21, the Slovene National Benefit Soci-ety (SNPJ), the largest Slovene American fraternal insurance organization, held a banquet >n honor of Dr. Petrie at the Lodge 106 Hall in Imperial, a-> just adjacent to the headquarters building of the SNPJ. In addition to the members of the SNPJ national board, a arge number of invited guests also were present, some from as far away as California. SNPJ President Joseph C. vanish served as Master of Leremonies. SNPJ National treasurer Robert J. Lawrence mtroduced the honored guests an SNPJ National Secretary aren A. Valencie the mem-ers oi the SNPJ National °ard and Heritage Commit-rBe' Prester of the guests present. Making a special presenta- th ^ PetT*c *n behalf of e Progressive Slovene Wo-en of America was Florence ■tetich, the organization’s resident. The impressive list speakers included Igor Ker-b ln> a Minister of the Em-Slovenia and a former dent of Dr. Petrie’s, as was Nev^v3'5 Consul General in " Y°rk City, Vojislav Sue. As28USt B- Pust, Special Gen 3nt to Ohio Governor mark86 Yotn°vich made re-vene S m BnShsh and Slo- dovioh11! S3id Governor Voi-Petr-v had proclaimed Dr. Ohi* an Honorary Citizen of Min«118’ ^ames L. Oberstar of ence eS°ta ^ehghted the audi-‘husi^f- his extended and en-and nS *C support °f Slovenia butionTdfUifly °f the COntri- to hno, * Slovene Americans Sloveniathe United States and Pormer °r. NASA astronaut sPokf. °nald Sega also gave a W.a^mly of Slovenia and t\v0 S lde Presentation of his Ph°>0?o?S,fligh‘S' i,,dUdin8 °rbit t. ' Slovenia taken from ' “°th Oberstar and Sega detailed their contacts with Slovenia and spoke of their Slovene American heritage and immigrant ancestors. Also present at the banquet was Janez Podobnik, who is the president of the Slovene Parliament. He was on a week-long official visit to Washington and had earlier in the day met with House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who accepted Mr. Podobnik’s invitation to visit Slovenia. Mr. Podobnik spoke in Slovene and thanked Slovene Americans for the support they had given to Slovenia both in the recent and the more distant past. His remarks were translated into English by a member of the delegation accompanying him. Among others present at the testimonial to Dr. Petrie were Honorary Consuls Dr. Karl B. Bonutti of Cleveland and Mark Ryavec from Los Angeles. President Evanish presented Dr. Petrie, a U.S. Civil War buff, with an authentic Union sword in behalf of the SNPJ. A number of other presentations were made, with Miss SNPJ 1997 Elizabeth Buchner participating. Cecelia Dolgan sang the national anthems of the United States and Slovenia, dinner music was performed by Darryl Valencie and Harold Pernisek (both accomplished accordionists), while the Joe Grkman Orchestra played for dancing after the program. After the various speakers had concluded, Dr. Petrie came to the microphone and expressed his appreciation to all who had come to the event and especially for all the support and cooperation he had received from Slovene Americans during his more than five years in Washington. He also thanked his wife, Sylvestra, for her support, and noted a number of the guests present. His stay in America had allowed him to see many parts of the country, and to meet Americans and Slovene Americans from many walks of life. He was most impressed by the work ethic and determination of Americans, and again in particular of Slovene Americans. Judging from the response of those present, it was a very enjoyable evening for one and all. The SNPJ is to be congratulated for sponsoring the event and for the excellent organization. Rudolph M. Susel Lari' ^isit ,es Auxiliary Slovenian Society Home President — Rosemary Toth Vice President — Dorothy Lamm Recording Secretary — Esther Podboy Treasurer — Ruth Korelec FRY Every Friday 11 am - 7:30 531 - 8348 — Euclid, Ohio Happy Easter! ‘Ve&ete *l/ei£&o*MČ*te The Republic of Slovenia 202-667-5363 216-589-9220 Embassy, Washington, D.C. Honorary Consulate, Cleveland, Ohio Dr. Ernest Petrie, Ambassador Dr. Karl B. Bonutti, Honorary Consul GATEWAY MANOR Located just off East 200'b Street and 1-90 in Euclid, Ohio, the Gateway Manor has ready access to major freeways, shopping malls and recreational facilities. The Gateway Manor is a 3-story, attractive apartment facility in the park-like setting of the Gateway community. Its concept is for those who desire a quiet and relaxing atmosphere and convenience of many available services offered for care-free living. Jerry Grimm Kari Vohnout Property Manager Manager (216) 383-1459 For additiona| information call Kari 383-1459 (216> 383-1459 #4 Gateway Drive Located just off E. 200 St. & 1-90, Euclid, Ohio Paul J. Hribar and Associates ATTORNEY AT LAW A.M. PENA BUILDING - Suite 500 27801 Euclid Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44132-3589 Phone (216) 261-0200 Fax: 261-7334 We Wish You Happy Easter Front row, left to right: Sharon Badertscher, Timothy N. Toma, Joyce Ann Hribar, E. Daniel Mamrack; back row: L. to R., F. Patrick Rosati, John P. Fitzmaurice, Michael P. Lavigna, Paul J. Hribar, Michael R. Perme, Kenneth D. Devo, William B. Davies AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 27, 1997 IŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 27, 1997 4 Polka Grammys... (Continued from page 1) Now the show proceeded with many different categories all prior to it being aired on CBS-TV and in walks the Yankovic entourage with Joey Miskulin of Nashville, a very vital part of the musical production; and major record producer, the colorful Steve Popovich of Cleveland International Records. He not only produced this album but also Yankovic’s ■5 very first winner “70 Years of Hits.” Many people believe Popovich was the man responsible for getting a polka category for the Grammys in the first place. This Yankovic entourage kind of scooped everyone, [I’m sure, was Popovich’s doing], as coming in late they were escorted to the very first row, about 15 rows ahead of where the First Lady was seated and about 20 rows ahead of Tony Bennett and Tony Petkovšek! Can you appreciate the drama so far? Somehow, there was the gut feeling that Yankovic, who in his 80’s and somewhat slowing down in the past six months, would maybe be able to capture this coveted prize. After all, it had every marking of a real winner -“Frankie Yankovic and Friends” with performers like TV’s Drew Carey, country guitarist Chet Atkins, and many more including a classy “For Old Times Sake” arrangement with Miskulin and written by Lenny Gomulka. Ed Bla-zonczyk also vocalized on the album. It is 1997, some 50 years since Frankie Yankovic recorded his first and the only really million-selling hits for Columbia Records plus he is still a big drawing card in polka promotions everywhere. The presenter was some country western singer who really mispronounced all of the polka names except the winning name, a simple Irish name, Jimmy Sturr! With the announcement came people looking in all directions for STURR, after all, he was based right in New York state and obviously should have been there - win or lose! On top of that, for the second consecutive year of winning a Polka Grammy, there was no designated person to even accept what has become the most coveted trophy in the world of music. We all really wondered, to say the least. If anything, the immediate reaction in the Yankovic camp was summed up in the face and eyes of Ida Yankovic who had a hard time holding back her sorrow. I think many shed a tear that Wednesday night realizing that a moment like this would be hard to ever duplicate again. Yankovic and, for that matter, Ostanek’s loss were significant for the Cleveland-Style movement if you consider two key players were nominees and somehow because of the circumstances that perhaps Yankovic should have won “for old times sake!” You can be sure Steve Popovich won’t fall asleep on this one as he already has said there will be another Yankovic production. Relives vacations Just read Jim’s article about his trip to Mount Rushmore and Yellowstone National Parks. You do such a good job of describing these trips, A1 and I want to go and do the same thing. We’ve always enjoyed the columns. You and Madeline have gone on several trips that we, too, have taken. It’s fun to relive the vacations through good words. —Agnes Terček Hudson, Ohio Play tennis This summer Play Tennis America is sponsoring free lessons in 80 cities across the country. Call 713/587-6029 to find a participating club in your area. Take Your Time A long, leisurely stroll will help you drop as many pounds as a shorter, more rigorous jaunt, according to a new study from England. HOUSE FOR RENT —^Euclid— Near E. 223r(^, 6 rooms, carpeting, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, air conditioner and garage. Ideal for adults, no pets. Call 531-2239 (10-13) HAPPY EASTER VESELA - VELIKA - NOČ MAIL BOXES ETC: Available Only At: Mid-Town Shopping Center 1922 Snow Road Phone:741-7373 • Fax:741-7375 Hours: Mon-Fri 9 am - 6 pm ■ Sal 10 am - 2pm MBE -- ____hours: Mon-rn ^ am - o pm» oai m am - y COPIES & MORE H It’s Not What We Do. It’s How We Do. $1.00 OFF I 20% OFF UPS Ground Service $5.00 Minimum Order Authorized UPS Shipping Outlet COUPON REQUIRED Laminating Our service doesn't end when you've tinished making copW< We also otter a lull line ol laminating services • perlect tor y business proposals, presentations, or special projects At Mail Boxes Etc®, we know a copy is more than just a copy So. our Centers are equipped with high quality.^9°^% amtained copy machines so your copies will be clean, c MAIL BOXES ETC: Available Only At: 1922 Snow Road jnm mail boxes etc: Available Only At. 1922 Snow Road Expires March 15th, 1997 Not Valid Wilh Other Otters \ Expires March 15th. 1997 Not Valid With Other Otters - a-1”’. ^ 3c COPIES Limit 500 per person One Side, 20# White Bond. 8 1/2xir, Sell Service MAIL BOXES ETC ^922asix>w Road rw^eahzTyouTcop^ee^^on't end when our Denl*U Expires March 15th, ,997. No, Valid With Other Otters ^ ^ ' B ^ CsbiJ We accept and recycle your cleann loose packaging peanuts^ We Wish Everyone a HAPPY EASTER! FERFOLIA Funeral Home * ’ /aw j 5386 Lee Rd. at Broadway Maple Heights, Ohio — 663-4222 Visit Us or CAll Us Now: Our SECOND Location To Serve You BETTER! . 1 356 West Aurora Rd. ! Sagamore Hills, Ohio 44067 467-4500 j Louis L. Ferfolia - Donald L. Ferfolia | Donald B. Ferfolia - - Mary Ferfolia Lansky i GABRIEL Insurance Agency Professional Insurance Management Remember — If It’s Insurance— We Sell It! Auto • Homeowners • Business • Bonds Life • Annuities • Hospitalization — Happy Easter to All! — Call BILL GABRIEL 731-6888 Fax: 729-2840 8251 Mayfield Road - Suite 208 Chesterland, 0 44026 . - Primož... (Continued from page l ent at Saturday’s event celebrated. Despite being disappointed by his two jumps he said, “If I have a few more seasons like this one then I will start thinking that I must have been born under a lucky star.” He went on to say, “I was a bit scared during the first jump today because of yesterday’s accident. I was only thinking of landing safely. Our team psychologist kept telling me to think about other things.” A new chapter in Slove-nia s sports history was written. The effect of Primoz’s victory on the people of Slovenia can be best summed up by Radio Slove-n‘a s sound bite, “Rare are the moments that Slovenians think and breathe as one. Today in Planica was one of these moments, and it was a unique experience.” Saturday’s medals wen to Span’s Takanobu Okab "'jto finished in first plao *‘th jumps of 197.5m am Countryman Ka ^uyoshi Funaki was secom 1 204) and Jan ^oimnen of Finland wa third (203.5, 187). The huge crowd cheered ,an8; drank, danced and en JOyed the beautiful day am urroundings. They had seei ?nnJUmpS °Ver the “magic 0r,01 mark, two world rec s and one of their owi ad become a champion. Police estimated that 80i Uses and 5,000 automobile day6 31 the facility on Satur jj today’s weather condi try1?8 Pr°ved to be a bit mor War^ ^'§ber winds am Cal.rtler temperatures wer ah-56 ^0r °Pticial discussion at ah1 eVen *10*ciing the even out ^aS’ t*le weather heh that3 h spectator had gathered for thi new vfVent were treated to Slovenian record. Sent°re'jUmPer (a jumpei to t °Ut a^ea^ °T the other: a„yest t*le conditions, usu enoUer considered Socx •lanii t0 comPete) Gorar rec S of Slovenia flew to : gat r (the starting than WaS 10 Positions highe n that used during th< actual competitions Slovenians US! ^ Koporc, Jr. Tnlwidiw -'',l 481-1104 Primož day). He later said, “On Saturday I jumped only 99m and still fell. My knee and neck still hurt. I did not sleep very well last night, but not because of my injuries. The whole time I was thinking: I’ve got to jump better to show that I’m not really as bad as I had shown. It turned out to be the best jump of my life. “What a flight, I didn’t even see the 200m mark, I just kept going and going. The feeling was so unique, words can’t describe it.” With his second place finish, Primož Peterka overtook Okabe of Japan in the race for the year’s ski flying title. ‘T am delighted to have won the ski flying title. But I am even happier that I managed such a good second jump in front of my people,” said Peterka who finished with 290 ski flying points to Okabe’s 260. “It is a great feeling to have won both titles at home. Now I have to get some sleep in order to have the energy to celebrate.” WATJ 1560 AM PRESENTS Weekend Polkas Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 10 a.m. Polkas with Al Markič 10 am -12 Polka Spotlight, Host Joe Godina 12-1 p.m. Mario’s International Music Host Mario Kavcic 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Almar with Guest Musician 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Polkatime America Sunday 10 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Magic Sound of the Button Box Host John Pestotnik 10:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. Reflections of the New Slovenia Hostess Linda Cimperman 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Polka Fun With A1 & Harry Host Al Markič & Harry Faint 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Polka Tributes Host Al Markič 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. Just Good Polkas 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Polkatime America Specialists In Corrective Hair Coloring tina Si brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Rd. 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 Slovenian Workmen’s Home LADIES A UXILIAR Y 15335 Waterloo Road --FRIDAYS ONLY- Fish Fry (Walleye)......................$6.00 Shrimp Dinner (6).......................$6.00 Combos (Fish & Shrimp)..................$6.00 Breaded Pork Cutlet.....................$6.50 Fish or Shrimp & Pork Cutlet............$6.25 Goulash & Polenta......................$5.75 Half order Pork Cutlet Dinner (1).......$4.75 Half order Fish or Shrimp Dinner........$4.50 Apple or Noodle Strudel.................$1.00 Coffee.....................................50 Frozen Unbaked Apple Strudel (strip).$6.00 - Happy Easter - Vesele Velikonočne Praznike Želimo - vsem - našim Ljudem - HAPPY EASTER TO ALL - Board of Directors and Membership Slovenian Society Home 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid 44119 President: Dorothy Lamm Vice President: Jackie Ulle Recording Secretary: Rosemary Toth Treasurer: Marty Koren Secretary: Joseph Stavanja loin tbe^roup from Slovenia. . Baraga Bicentennial Pilgrimage ______________ and Las Vegas June 24 - July 5,1997 Join your countrymen in faith from Slovenia as they visit America in honor of the bicentennial of the birth of Bishop Frederic Baraga (1797-1868) This group is here under the sponsorship of the newspaper “Družina” and includes Auxiliary Bishop Alojz Uran from Ljubljana and a number of other priests from across Slovenia — Daily Mass and other devotions Be a part of the motor-coach tour and visit Baragaland”, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan ^ Marquette, MI ^ St. Ignace, MI Mackinaw City, Ml / pjwmnp s s L’Anse, MI Frankenmuth, MI ^ Niagara Falls Toronto Chicago & Lemont, IL Optional tour to Las Vegas and Hoover Dam Air from Chicago to Las Vegas to Cleveland. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL TODAY TRAVELMAX, INC. 911 East 185th Street Cleveland. Ohio 44119 (216) 692-1700_______(800) 677-1313 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 27, 1997 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 27, 1997 ( George's Hobbies Many people collect various items as part of their hobby activities. But. few will match the auto and radio equipment collections of George Misic, Radio Amateur KE8RN. Originally he lived on E. 63 St. just north of Carl Ave.. in Cleveland, a product of St. Vitus like his dad, John. George's current collection of automobiles totals sixteen. Mostly British cars, the oldest is a 1931 - Armstrong Siddeley and the newest is a Triumph TR-8. Other makes in his collection include Austin, Hillman. Humber, Sunbeam. Jaguar, MG, and a 1965 Cadillac convertible. While some of the cars require restoration, most are fully operable. George displays them at local and nearby auto shows where he has won many awards. How would you like to pay his garage bill? His vintage amateur radio equipment includes some seventy-five pieces. These items were manufactured during the Forties to the Eighties. All were serviced by him and all are in like new operating condition. His collection has representation from most of the great ham radio equipment names we remember. Though no longer made and sold, names such as Collins, Galaxy, Gonset, Hallicrafters, Hammarlund, National, Swan, Central Electronics, Clegg, Dentron, Drake, Heathkit. Multi Elmac. RME, and P&H Electronics continue to live in collections such as George's. George remains interested in acquiring additional vintage items. You will see him at most of the nearby Hamfests looking for that special or unique gear from the past. .And, he is willing to swap or sell some of his Swan and Heathkit items. His telephone number is 216-338-1496. Furthermore, he believes and wants to remind you that “real radios glow in the dark”. George is a “whiz” when it comes to dealing with and repairing electronic equipment. You may recall his employment as a sales and service person at another couple of names from the past. Bemie's Ham Shack and Pioneer Standard. Following the closing of the Pioneer Standard facility at 55th and Prospect, and his graduation from Case Western Reserve with an EE Degree, he started his own business, Sound Services. He sold this company when he accepted employment at still another name from the past, Dentron Electronics. He was Vice-President of Engineering at Dentron when they ceased operation. From there he went to Picker Xray and then to his present position as Manager of Engineering for Medrad Inc. where he is responsible for the directing of the design, development, and application of radio frequency devices used with RMI, the Magnetic Resonance Imaging equipment. John J. Misic DID YOU KNOW Slovenia... Joseph Zelle **************** From March 3 to 5 the annual meeting of the Central European biblical societies was held in Ljubljana. There were 15 countries represented including Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Poland, Czsch, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Greece, and Slovenia. On March 5 they were received by his excellency. Rev. Dr. Alojzij Šuštar, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the diocese of Ljubljana. At that time Jansz Jeromen, the president of the Biblical Society thanked Archbishop Šuštar for helping in forming the society four years ago. He also thanked him for the aid the society received in revising the text for the new issue of the Holy Scriptures in Slovenian. On March 4, the newly named bishop of Terst, the Right Rev. Msgr. Eugenio Ravignani stopped in Ljubljana. He was received by Archbishop Dr. Šuštar. Accompanying Bishop Ravignani were the vicar for Slovenians, the Rev. Msgr. Franc Vončina and golden jubilarian Msgr. Stanko Zorko. Bishop Ravignani expressed the wish that the relations between the Diocese of Terst and that of the Church in Slovenia would continue to grow and expand. Did you hear about Dr. Duck? He was a real quack. Another golden wedding celebration was held in Voice pri Tolminu. Our congratulations to the happy couple Mr. and Mrs. Pavla (Leban) and Viktor Kacafur. As reported previously the new Archbishop and Metropolitan of Ljubljana, named by Pope John Paul II, is Dr. Franc Rode. He replaces Rev. Dr. .Alojzij Šuštar, who is retiring. Academician Professor emilijan Cevc received the 1996 Stele Award for his life’s work. The award was made before a full audience in the National Gallery by Dr. Jansz Juhant, dean of the Theological Faculty of the University of Ljubljana. Dr. Cvec was lecturer at the faculty from 1985 to 1991. Congratulations, Dr. Cvec! B. Nežmah, Ms. A Puhar, and J. Markez are the recipients from the Josip Jurcic Fund for 1996. Congratulations. After 6 years of study at the Theological Faculty, 27 students received their degrees. From Ljubljana Diocese there were 14, and from Maribor 13. Dean Dr. Janez Juhant made the presentations. Docent Dr. Bogdan Dolenc delivered the address titled “The Church in Crisis and the Certainty of Faith”. Slovenian actor and director, Frido Beznik died in Argentina. He was bom in Beljak October 20, 1941. He was forced to flee with the family during the glorious Communist revolution and spent the rest of his talented life in Argentina. God rest his soul! Slovenians AR£ US Make the gas company wonder if you’ve moved. Our Freedom 90 gas furnace is one of the most efficient you can buy. Over 90% efficient - compared to around 65% for most older furnaces. You can shrink your monthly gas bill to a fraction of its former self. And enjoy greater peace of mind, thanks to the FYeedom-90's lifetime limited warranty. So see your American-Standard dealer about the Freedom 90. and give your neighborhood meter reader something to wonder about. I AMERICAN STANDARD Built To A Higher Standard Gdmmc~ 944-9444 W Wy, 30170 Lakeland Blvd. HEATING A Name For All Seasons- Wickliffe, Oh. 44092 Visit us! We are a GIFT SHOP IN EUCLID, Ohio The "Feel Good" Store —a place nearby where you can find unique treasures that reflect the human spirit-fortified! Take a few minutes to see what’s 1 Art here to inspire, encourage and delight you and those close to ( ^You’ll feel good when you do! t * Books dutteftffrz • T-Shirts • Sweet Nothings Whimsical Somethings And much more! 22056 Lake Shore Blvd. • Euclid, Ohio 44123 * (216)289-4225 Hours: Monday - Probably Not Tuesday thru Friday: Noon to 8 p.m. Saturday 10 to 4 p.m. Sunday: Noon to 4 p.m. A Happy and Blessed Easter St. Vitus Post 1655 Catholic War Veterans and and Ladies Auxiliary Cleveland, Ohio once again to., »... r Slovenia Triglav National Park July 26 - August 3 August 9-17 Longer tours available September 8-16 Experience the great outdoors as you visit the Magnificent Slovenian Julian Alps Six memorable days of hiking through the Julian Alps. ♦ alpine peaks ♦ glacier valleys ♦ lakes and forests Fully organized and safe hiking managed and escorted by trained and tested professionals. These mountaineers, some with climbing experience in the Himalayas, are members of the most prestigious Slovenian alpine clubs- Become a TRUE SLOVENIAN! Stand on the summit of Slovenia’s most celebrated peak, the “Očak”, - Mt. Triglav, at 9,390 feet. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: TRAVELMAX, INC. 911 East 185th Stroot Clovoland, Ohio 44119 (216)692-1700 (800)677-1313 Councilman Mike Polenšek speaks to HAPpy gathering All 180 members attending the March meeting of the Holmes Avenue Pensioners warmly welcomed Ward 11 Councilman Mike Polenšek who took time from his busy schedule to address us. He talked about a variety of subjects pertinent to this most northeast Cleveland ward serving over 25,000 residents, but focused mainly on the future of the old NYC (New York Central) railroad yard. After many years and much speculation, this historical focal point of the Collinwood area is finally being purchased for development as an Industrial Park, housing both commercial and manufacturing businesses. Before any actual development can begin, however, the entire site will have to be tested for environmental hazards which may or may not exist there. Councilman Polenšek was enthusiastic over the purchase of this site since the advent of new business will most certainly improve the overall economy of the Collinwood area. We all sincerely thank him for speaking to us and sharing such good news. Dobro došli (welcome) to new members ob and Dorothy Lamm and Ray Stražišar. e hope they will find the renewal of seeing friends among the membership and the flaking of new ones as satisfying as the rest of The month of March (March 22, to be e act) marked the 35th anniversary of our H/ association. Not only do we celebrate our lo §evity at this time, but we also tip our h< a great deal of gratitude and affection and^086 rr,ernbers who first organized H^ 110 have long since passed away. As ^ celebrate this anniversary we also honor their memory. Stan Rome and Myra Jerkič reported on a study they made concerning the reasons for non-attendance by quite a few “active” members throughout 1996. There proved to be numerous reasons, not the least of which was serious chronic illness. Stan made a motion to establish an “Inactive List” for such people which would enable them to continue paying dues, thereby retaining their club privileges, and agreeing to re-admittance to the group, as they are able, from the present waiting list. The discussion on this matter will be continued at the next meeting. A committee including Stan Rome, Antoinette McGrath, Mary Zgonc, and Myra Jerkič will meet before then to further study the question of membership and will present their findings in April. For everyone’s calendar, here are a few dates to jot down: 1) April 6^ - the HAP Dinner/Dance (tickets $12.00 and still available). The starting time has been changed to 1:30 p.m.; 2) May 3 - Holmes Avenue “Man of the Year” dinner honoring Lou Koenig; 3) August 20 - Federation of Pensioners’ Picnic at SNPJ. After the April HAP meeting, members will go to the Slovene Home for the Aged to host a Valentine’s Party that had to be postponed from February. For all “Bingo” fanatics, we will play Bingo after the May meeting. Finally, HAP members paid silent tribute to Josephine Klemenčič who recently passed away. Our condolences to her family and friends. Slovenians - a heritage '''ith good taste! srJ^ertain fo°ds are as-seaeated with the Easter orlni°n‘ Pretzels were TtX^'V a Lenten food. geste!rSted ^Pos su9-Prayer u"18 crossed in Which hMot cross buns’ of jCjnnave a cross made first . 9 °n the top were ^ se^d in Engiand to but arc ^ on Good Friday the Eattn°W eaten throu9h caster season. Looking for w ^0ny Caruso? E^0uNDHIMATHIS TONY’S OLD ^°RLD PLAZA barber shop 664 E. 185th Haircuts $5.00 Mon. - Fri. 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Sat 7:30- 5:00 pm 531-6517 GLOBOKAR’S Auto Repair Service Phone: 531-0066 General Repairs - Tune Up - Ignition Brakes - Computer Wheel Balance Call Vince Globokar 17600 Lake Shore Blvd. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 To AH Our Customers and Friends -HAPPY EASTER Easter Buffet Roast Turkey Roast Chicken • Baked Ham • Roast Beef • Boston Scrod • Rigatoni SOUP: Chicken Rice, Cream of Broccoli POTATO: Mashed Potato, Sweet Potato TSt H»95 VEGETABLE: Green Beans DELUXE SALAD BAR, ASSORTED DESSERTS EASTER BREAKFAST BUFFET FROM 8 A.M. TO 12:00 NOON. *7.50 FULL COURSE EASTER MENU PRICES STARTING AT >10.95 t«i 12 NOON - 7 P.M. Larger RESTAURANT • LOUNGE • PARTY CENTEI 22305 Lakeshore Blvd. *701 1 OAA Euclid, Ohio Call For Reservations /d 1 “T OUU Happy Easter Dr. Mirko Vombergar D.D.S. 6551 Wilson Mills Road Mayfield Village, Ohio 44143 Call for your appointment 473-4746 Hours: Monday, Tues., & Thursday We are open from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Fri., & Sat., we are open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. We also speak SLOVENIAN! VESELO ALELUJO HAPPY EASTER! FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES "" 1997 Roster -- President - Patricia Ipavec Clarke 1st Vice-President - Tony Mannion ? 2nd Vice-President - Robert Hopkins Recording Secretary - Helen Urbas Financial Secretary - Jean Fabian Corresponding Secretary - Celeste Frollo Auditors: -- Lou Grzely, Bob Royer, Anna Mae Mannion Historians — Mr. Joseph Petrie Jr. and Mr. John Habat _________Emeritus — Ella Samanitli______ Executive Secretary & Legal Counsel — Charles Ipavec Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185,h Area 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Services) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, iviMnoH 2/, 199/ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 27, 1997 s Spring Comes Early for the Slovenian Cultural Gardens All gardeners and other interested persons are incited to join us for our first spring clean-up on Saturday, April 12*h from 8 a.m. to mid-afternoon. Help will be needed to clean up fallen leaves and branches, clear walks and pick up trash which has accumulated over the winter. You are invited to stop by at any point during the cleanup to help get the garden ready for public viewing. The clean-up will be in conjunction with a parkwide clean-up held the same day so make sure you go to the right garden\ The garden is located off 1-90. Take the Martin Luther King Boulevard exit and head south. At your first opportunity, turn left up a short hill to East Boulevard. Turn right and follow East Boulevard until you cross St. Clair Avenue. The Slovenian Garden is the second garden on the right. Garden walks will take place on Sundays at 1 p.m. on April 27th, July 27th, and Oct. 26th. The walks take you through the nationality gardens each of which display monuments to the celebrated persons of science, philosophy, and the arts of each of the ethnic group. One World Day will be held on Sunday, Sept. 14^ from 12 noon until 5 p.m. This is our BIG EVENT for the year. Those who were able to attend last year enjoyed bands, choirs, costumes, dance troupes, ethnic pastries, art displays and the nationality parade. Travel around the world this summer at the One World Day celebration! Work continues for the restoration and beautification of the Slovenian garden. Visitors to the garden can see that there is still much to be done. The Association wishes to thank all those who have offered assistance in the way of labor, in kind services, and monetary donations. Keep an eye out for our up-and-coming membership drive. In keeping with the Association’s newly adopted bylaws, the board has elected its first officers: Mary Ann Vogel, Chairperson; Ron Jaksic, Vice-Chairperson; Helen Nemec, Treasurer; and John A. Valencheck, Secretary. Board meetings are held the first Wednesday of every month at St. Mary’s Slovenian Church Rectory, 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland 44110 at 7:30 p.m. and are open to the public. For further information on the Garden write to the above address or call John Valencheck at (216) 943-7851. What is a good recipe for honeymooners? Lettuce alone. T^e SNPJ will once again.. Return 0 to Slovenia JUNE 11-26, 1997 The SNPJ invites members and friends to return to our ethnic homeland for a grand and glorious vacation... • Experience a 16-Day, fully-escorted motorcoach tour through majestic Slovenia, Croatia and Austria. • Enjoy comfortable accommodations, sumptuous meals and old-world hospitality — all inclusive! • Several free days allow the guest the opportunity to explore on their own or visit friends and relatives. • SNPJ's extensive contacts with Slovenia means guests will receive “red carpet treatment” at each stop. • See new sights and journey to breathtaking areas of the region not seen on previous SNPJ tours. Call 1-800-677-1313 or 1-800-821-8565 \fjf-fy for more information on this exciting tour. Travel arrangements made by Travelmax, Inc. and Buchner Globe Tours. TravelMax Inc., 911 East 185th St., Cleveland 44119 Call Mike Cerar 1-800-677-1313 or 1-800-821-8565 St. Mary’s Video Available The Easter Season is one of the loveliest times of the year at St. Mary of the Assumption Church in Collin-wood. Share the spirit with a gift “Many Voices, One Heart,” the video story of St. Mary’s parish. You’ll see how “butare” is made and enjoy Palm Sunday traditions, as well as other memorable moments from the church’s 90 year history. It’s a thoughtful gift for out-of-towners, shut-ins, and relatives from Slovenia. Each hour long video is $29.95 and is available in the rectory office. European format videos are also available. Have a Joyous & Blessed Easter Philip Hrvatin Roney & Co. 800-321-8190 Foods That Fight Ulcers The more fruits and vegetables people eat, the lower their risk of developing an ulcer, announce researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health. 432-1114 Ann’s Dressmaking and Alterations Tues.-Sat.: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. (Same Day Service) Weddings, Special Occas 'ns 6027 St. Clair Ave"., Cleve. 1800 E. 9th St. Cleveland, OH 44114 Members New York Stock Exchange & SIPC We Wish All Our Customers - HAPPY EASTER - Richmond Restaurant 25911 Euclid Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44132 Phone: 261-5430 r WMnms Signature Series Touring Package Moon Roof Leather Last One Stk. #6871 33,999 M&imwniM Chrome Wheels Moon Roof Leather Seat Trim • Heated Seats • Used with Low Miles • Stock #601184 MO. 24 M0S. LEASE $3100 DOWN PAYMENT $3875 TOTAL DUE ON DELIVERY 1997 MERCURY MYSTIQUE Stk. #1140 Air, AM/FM cass., spree package, alum, wheels, speed control, power windows. One At This Price MO. 48 MOS. LEASE $1250 DOWN PAYMENT $1899 DUE ON DELIVERY One At 5199: 1997 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS Stk. #629832 $ Power Seat Windows & Locks. Wire Wheel Covers, Tilt Cruise Pick from 18. Three at this pričel MO. 48 MOS. LEASE $1595 DOWN PAYMENT *2414 total due on delivery. TICK IT mil IO. I 269) 1997 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER, V-8 Engine Stk. All Wheel Drive • Sport Buckets Seats • Anti-Lock Brakes • Electronic Group • Privacy Glass ( • Fog Lights Choice of 6. One at this pričel ^ MO. 24 MOS. L®*5 $1850 DOWN PAYMENT *2599 total due on delivery- *349: ID 1997 VW GOLF 199 TOTAL DUI Drivers wwitedT^) 1997 VW JETTA GL * * MO. 48 MONTH LEASE ‘850 DOWN _ _ PAYMENT $ 1729 TOTAL DUE'ON DELIVERY , APR’ ^ iDPKfi# # 942-3191 °Pen Mon'& Thurs-Til19 fnm Sr 5 SrTues ' Wed' Fri' * ^ Til1 6 O 357-7533 9647 Mentor Ave.. Mentor 0 J Wi Tomsic delights audiences thru over 50 years of keyboard magic This article is taken from the Boston Globe of Wednesday, Oct. 11, 1995 and illustrates the superb talent of Dubravka Tomsic. LJUBLJANA, Slovenia -fifty years ago a little pianist girl made her recital debut in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia; the prodigy was only 5 years old. Like now, it was a time of war. There were no pretty clothes anywhere, so her niother made her white dress out of an old curtain. Finding shoes to match was out of the question; her mother was lucky to come up with a pair of white galoshes. At least they didn’t squeak — the pianist’s legs couldn’t reach anywhere near the pedals. Now Dubravka Tomsic has given more than 3,500 concerts and has become the national pianist of Slovenia. When she walks along the sftcet, strangers stop to greet her as a friend; when she steps into a country bistro, ®*ght men sitting at a table Urst into a perfectly harmonized octet. Last week Tom-Slc Celebrated her 50th anniversary on the concert plat-0rm, w>th a recital in Ljubl-"[ana s cuhure complex, the an erjevega Doma, in the presence of the president of Slovenia, Milan Kucan. There were an additional 200 seats onstage, and de- Blessin Easter ] An Eastern E ilem .. d>tion n ' that !?U|* in me United < t, 1jin8 of E; U0|y Saturday. Here at jUoll inwood) ■ tb°th 1:00 an h* !n the tra fn f0r Eas . ods- Easter b ‘s Embolic of bread of life. 1 °Und syr Cr°Wn of thorn: Sausage is S°d s favor ar ^horseradish is nailc ^ any ln8 His bit E8gs at Action spite the fact that the recital was broadcast and televised live, the demand for tickets was so intense that Tomsic had to repeat the entire program two days later. Flowers crowded the stage even before the concert started, and there were messages from friends all over the world, including one from the wife of Tomsic’s most important teacher, Arthur Rubinstein, and another from a recent colleague, Seiji Ozawa from Boston, where Tomsic has built a large and loyal public. Along with mezzo-soprano Marjana Lipovšek, Tomsic has become her new nation’s musical ambassador to the world... Tomsic was playing on a new Hamburg Steinway brought for the hall by the leading Slovenian insurance company... Despite the emotion of the occasion Tomsic seemed utterly nerveless: She was playing her very first public performance of Ravel’s tricky “Alborada del gracioso” on an untested piano - and on national television. “I have been listening to Tomsic for eight years now, and still haven’t figured out the “secret” of why her playing moves me so much,” said Boston Globe music critic Richard Dyer. “Some Whipping cream is about 30 to 35 percent butterfat. Sour cream is about 20 percent butterfat, coffee cream about 20 percent butterfat and half and half, ten to 12 percent butterfat. of it has to do with an unsurpassed technical apparatus -although her playing is never about being perfect. Some of it has to do with a rhythmic steadiness and propulsion that is virtually unrivaled. Some of it has to do with a marvelous legato, developed over years of performance before her feet could reach the pedals. But most of all, it has to do with fearless, intense and completely honest emotional expression — the ekind one remembers from earlier generations of musicians. This was Mozart that could make you laugh and cry, sometimes simultaneously; Ravel that was exotic and perilously close to home; Chopin that told stories, exposed feelings, sent shivers down the spine and spangled the sky with fireworks.” Tomsic didn’t match her Leningrad debut of 17 encores, but the five she offered brought something in memory of her mother; a vigorous Macedonian dance by her husband Aloys Sre-botnyak; a darkly liquid Brahms intermezzo; some Brazilian hi-jinx by Villa-Lobos; and a Siloti transcription of a Bach chorale prelude that was perfect bliss. Slovenians a heritage with good taste! (especially during the holidays!) Thank you for your support and HAPPY EASTER FROM TOUR Cuyahoga County Treasurer Jim Rokakis and Family 9 The Potica Marathon By Rudy Flis This past weekend was our Easter Season potica marathon in our home. My daughter Carolyn came in from Madison, Ohio, with all her potica stuff, and set up shop in our home, for the weekend. We have two ovens, and she uses both of them, allowing her to do all her baking in one long day. My wife worked yesterday, so I was Carolyn’s right hand man, and chief dishwasher. I also mixed the filling: nuts, butter, scalded cream, honey, sugar, vanilla, egg yolks, beaten egg whites. Not a bad memory, I did mess up one batch, but it was fixable. Carolyn mixes the dough, and rolls it out on a floured table cloth. She spreads the filling, and rolls it up, forming a long potica. She gets three pans per roll (or table). She measures, cuts and puts the soft rolls into the baking pan, and lets it set to rise. The ends that are left over and can’t fit into a potica pan, are put into a cake pan, and when filled and raised, are baked. We call these small pieces of potica “heels,” and they are all mine! What is nice about this is I get to eat them right away, and I love them. It is a long day and tiring, but I am proud of my daughter Carolyn’s delicious tasting and beautiful looking poticas. My granddaughters help their mom with the dough making, and filling. This guarantees I will be enjoying delicious potica for years to come. My family, my parish priest, and some very close friends, will enjoy Easter feasting, a little bit more because of these poticas. This is sharing our Slovenian heritage, a heritage with good taste, and I am proud of it. And I love it, every bite of it. May I wish all, a Happy Easter! HAPPr MASTER LAVRISHA Construction and Repair Plus PRODUCTS: Windows, Doors, Awnings, Railings And... on Sundays Listen to “SLOVENIA” Radio on AM 830 WKTX from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. PAUL M. LAVRISHA 6507 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland (216) 391-0035 - Fax: (216) 391-7225 Happy Easter to ALL American Slovenians Vesele Velikonočne Praznike Slovenian American Council AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 27, 1997 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 27, 1997 INCOME TAX PREPARATION Peter J. Kuhar 944-1468 Personalized and Convenient Call for Appointment Now Trusted name serving the Slovenian community financially and MUSICALLY ©AFITOl. IBeVEHA®! imported Seers, Wines, and Champagnes, Including Slovenian wines Under New Management Mr. Frank Mocilnikar - Owner Sharon K. - Manager 6104 St. Clair Ave. - 361-1229 Happy Easter to All! Fritz’s Tavern 991 E. 185 St. - 481-9635 The Hribar Family Your hostesses Nancy and Mary Lou HAPPY EASTER Easter Greetings from the TRUSTEES and MEMBERS OF St. Clair Business Association 6220 St. Clair Avenue - 391-7332 - Cleveland, Ohio (We Take Pride In Our Community) Vesela Velika N6c HAPPY EASTER Hauling & Deliveries 946-4727 Jože and Jožica Cerer and Joško Patrick Celebrating Christ’s Splendor WEWS-TV5 will broadcast on Easter Sunday, March 30th, at 8 a.m. the ABC-TV network special “Celebrating Christ’s Splendor” an hour-long Easter Prayer Service celebrating through prayer, scripture and song, the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The setting of this Easter Prayer Service takes place at The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, E. 9^ Street and Superior Avenue in downtown Cleveland. This national broadcast will project the ethnic and nationality mosaic of the Diocese of Cleveland as it enters its 150th Anniversary Year. Shepherd in the City WJW-TV8 in Cleveland will broadcast on Holy Saturday, March 29, at 6:30 p.m. a Fox 8 News special. It is titled “Shepherd in the City” a half-hour profile of Bishop Anthony M. Pilla’s visionary “The Church In The City” initiative for urban area redevelopment and investment. The special will summarize the last several years and the progress to date as well as the hope for the future. Smoking and Gray Hair If the threat of lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease can’t convince smokers to quit, maybe this will: A study of 600 people in England found that smokers were 400 percent more likely to have gray hair than their nonsmoking counterparts. Potato Potassium Most people think a banana is a good source of potassium, and it is. But the fruit has just 450 milligrams compared to the humble potato’s 610 (experts recommend 2,000 mg a day). The mineral helps regulate your heartbeat, and research suggests that it can lower your blood pressure and the risk of stroke. Lady Needed to care for an older person. Euclid area. Call after 5 p.m. 481-9635. Help Wanted Waiter or waitress, kitchen help, full time or part time. Annie’s Restaurant 8430 Mayfield Rd. Chesterland, OH 44026 729-4540 ____ (12-13) Happy - Easter! When you need Legal Help CALL ... Richard A. Vadnal Altorney-al-Law Euclid Councilman-at-Large 216-771-4050 1650 Midland Building, Cleveland, OH 44115 — Happy Easter — Vesela - Velika Noč from The Board, Lodge Officers, and AH Members of the AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION 19424 South Waterloo Road Cleveland, Ohio 44119 - 3250 Phone: 216-531-1900 Fax: 216-531-8123 To All Our Customers or Friends — HAPPY EASTER Vsem odjemalcem in prijateljem voščimo vesele velikonočne praznike. SMREKAR HARDWARE 6112-14 St. Clair Ave. 431-5479 Cleveland, Ohio Festive Easter Ideas Make Exciting Traditions (NAPS)—Easter holiday spirit has always been tied to traditions, especially customs surrounding the family. This Easter energize your family’s holiday time with a variety of arts and craft activities and seasonal recipes that will liven-up” the season while building on your established family traditions. For example, the Marsh-niallow Peep , an icon of the Easter season, can be used in a variety of activities that take these tasty Easter classics out of heir wrappers so the whole fami-y can share in hands-on festivi-le® that add flair to the season. Tasty Recipes Recipes can be another exciting way to bring Easter traditions a ive during the holiday season. ith almost any cake, the whole anuly can chip in to decorate its Marshmallow Bunny Patch Cake to seasonal perfection. Using w ite icing, adding blue sprinkles or sky and dyed green coconut for the grass, and finally opping the cake with several arshmallow Bunnies and jelly oeans, your cake wil, reflect the classic Easter scene. Decorating cal? be.just as easy with cup-. f,s Just use the same creativi-y. out on a smaller scale. Peeps in a Cloud is another treat that is easy and fun to make while enjoying the Easter season. Just prepare your family’s favorite flavor of gelatin dessert, spoon into indi- vidual servings, add a dollop of whipped topping and top with a colorful Marshmallow Peep. A truly unique Easter recipe, the Peep-a-Boo Puff will impress everyone at your Easter table. Follow a basic cream puff recipe, but hide a Marshmallow Peep in the center of the base and surround it with vanilla pudding. Finally, top your Easter treat with a chocolate glaze. Prepare to surprise your whole family with their favorite pastel Peep when you serve this treat during Easter dinner. Creative Crafts Create the CenterPeep, an attractive addition to any dining room table. Arrange fresh or silk flowers in a wicker basket, place Marshmallow Peeps on floral-taped skewers, nestling them among the flowers, and finish off with an attractive bow. For another great craft project, an Easter bonnet is not only fun to wear, but just as enjoyable to create and decorate to your liking. Using any unadorned straw hat, add ribbon, glue colorful Just Born® Jelly Beans, and of course attach Marshmallow Peeps or Bunnies to your heart’s fancy, making a truly “sweet” bonnet! Edible necklaces are another festive activity, especially for kids. With strawberry or black shoe-string licorice, kids can weave their very own Easter necklaces with pretzels, cereal or any other stringable dry food. With the addition of Marshmallow Bunnies, the necklaces will shine with Easter character, while bringing a traditional Easter favorite to one simple and fun Easter craft. Other arts and craft ideas can include Easter wreaths, candle holders and decorations like the Jelly Bean Egg that is as simple as gluing jelly beans to a Styrofoam egg and placing it in a wicker basket filled with Spanish moss. Craft supplies can be found at craft stores and most mass.merchandisers. With a little creativity, it is easy for Easter to be exciting. The whole family can get involved and create new Easter traditions using favorite Easter candies like Marshmallow Peeps and jelly beans. This Easter, color the season with these craft and recipe ideas that bring the family together to share in the holiday spirit. Isn’t it time that you sweetened the Easter season with some fresh ideas for the whole family? ofpennies nears end of the road j. ev- John Kumse of St. Mary’s parish in Collin-^0°d, Ohio says, “We’re *nally almost at the end of e mile (a mile of pennies). e still need $275.00 to C?lete the mi,e- If y°u coin gny pennies or other d°nat 31 y°U would ,ike to Wiatel„WOUId 8reat‘y rectory office is lo- nueinn15519 Ho,mes Ave-*n Cleveland. Allergy At Women who a ragweed she C*,100* a>,he naturaTprod gomile, a reI; nY nose, headac ■^gestion. Ju!^3VOUr Vi,ami> cans i percent of Ame erg] take v‘tam in and m acCoSPplements these da Heato"18, 10 the Nati“ Thau a ,nterview Surv in ,nldown from 28 hm6r before8Se 0f a cand,e in hot ber Tu, Potting it in a nanrile ■ Thin it in a a w||l help it stick. Order Now - Makes a Great gift Posledni Let - The Last Flight by Stane Stražar and Stan Krulc, Jr. A true story of an American B-24 bomber that crashed in Slovenia during World War li in Sveta Trojica. Read the eyewitness accounts, crew members’ recollection of evasion and capture by Germans, and the effect of the crash on the local people. Hard-bound book - 135 pages - pictures, maps, historical, artifacts. Complete text and captions in BOTH Slovenian and English (side-by-side). Send $20.00 (US) + $2 shipping to: Stan Krulc, Jr., 375 Beechwood Dr., Willowick, OH 44095, or call (216) 585-0112. Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL LOCATED AT 452 E. 152 Street Phone 481-3118 ____Family owned and operated since 1908 * ' 531-3536 »Century Tire service co. * * * * * * * *- * * * 153(10 Wulcrioo Kd «Si ( ulmltu ( k'M'lynd. Ohio 44110 'fires r one HOME AND AUTO SUPPLY RON DOVGAN President * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LUBE, OIL & FILTER • Chassis lube • Up to 5 qts. new oil • New Firestf'tie oil filter FRONT-END ALIGNMENT • All odiustable angles set tu manufacturer s original specifications • No extra charge for cars with factory air or torsion bars £ Parti tMiro 'irrde-l ★★★★★★ Such Friendly People 37819 Euclid Avenue W illoughby nvdc ivr cz> □ Yes, Gorder Manor is a home designed to accommodate the individual needs of the senior citizen who requires some assistance with their daily activities. □ Spacious living quarters featuring elegant living rooms and a glass enclosed solarium overlookin 4 acres of scenic wooded surroundings □ Home cooked meals, 24 hour care with an experienced staff, social & recreational activities, laundry, etc. We Wish You a Happy Easter! Collinwood Slovenian Home Board of Directors 1997 Evelyn Pipoly - President Joyce Segulin - Vice President Alba Plutt - Treasurer Frank Ferra - Financial Secretary Jennie Tuma - Recording Secretary Stephanie Dagg - Corresponding Secretary Mike Pipoly - Auditor Mary Podlogar - Auditor John Plutt - Auditor Domenic Cekada - House Committee Mike Pipoly - House Committee John Plutt - House Committee Frank Urankar - House Committee James Krann - By-laws Florence Urankar - Director Steffie Segulin - Director Stan Frzen - Director Josephine Wuttchiett - Alternate John Grm - Alternate AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 27, 1997 12 The extraordinary Alyce Royce The following eulogy was given by Barbara Cunningham, niece of Alyce Royce who died on January 27, 1997. The eulogy was not given at the Saturday, Feb. 1st Mass because the priest forgot to give her the time; therefore Barbara read it at Alyce’s graveside. It isn’t so long ago we gathered to say good-by to my Aunt Jane, our DeeDee -and here we are again today, mourning our loss of her sister my Aunt Alyce. But besides mourning, we know we are also here to celebrate my aunt’s entrance into life everlasting and to honor her life here on earth as well. The lives of most ordinary people are largely hidden - behind the walls of their homes, and in the minds and hearts of family and friends. The occasion of their funeral is the single opportunity most of us have to make public what is good and beautiful about somebody we love. So, today, I want to tell you about some of what was good and beautiful about Alyce as our Aunt Ahee - for Ahee is what we called her. As you all know, Ahee was unmarried and lived with us as part of our family all our growing up years and well beyond. As far back as I can remember, Ahee was always there and could always be counted on as a playmate. I remember, for instance, that when I was sick as a kid, Ahee would make me those great dot-to-dot games on her office typewriter. No Xerox machines then, no automatic keys to ripple across the page. Just carbon papers stacked three deep and line after line aftertedious line of typing. “Space, space, space, dot, space, space, space, dot.” Not only that - when she came home, she played them all with me. My lifelong love of books must have come at least in part from Ahee. She gave me so many wonderful books over the years, but certain ones are even more special than others. She gave me my nursery rhyme book when I was less than three -a well-loved and well-used book that I, in turn, shared with my children. The Xmas I was ten she gave me three books - among them, one of my all-time childhood favorites - Anne of Green Gables. She had carefully covered each of them in celluloid and bound them with colored bookbinders’ tape. I still remember the delicious agony of that Xmas after- noon, trying to decide which one to start reading first. She shared her own books with me, too - an original edition of The Wizard of Oz, her copy of Little Women and, as 1 grew up, her collection of O’Henry’s short stories and Jane Austen’s novels. She awakened me to beauty in so many small everyday ways. Every Xmas, I remember her spending hours wrapping one beautiful package after another. When I was little, I helped her with the tape and the knots, so I saw close up, her enjoyment and loving attention to each detail. She always loved decorating around the house, so when she and my Aunt Jane finally had a place of their own, she made it into a lovely home for the two of them. Again, she was both my natural mentor and Susan’s. Her own enjoyment of creating beauty in a home passed on to each of us in countless, almost automatic, ways. As I entered my teen years, she was my mentor in the fashions of the day and she handled that delightful female responsibility both happily and seriously. In the days when the downtown department stores opened on Monday evenings, we used to meet often to go shopping after she was finished working. We customarily began our excursions with a steaming hot fudge sundae at a favorite coffee shop -Ahee’s treat, of course. To this day, I listen avidly to those oldies and goodies radio stations, largely because Ahee brought the popular music of her day into our home. She was a young woman in her thirties during my childhood, so 1 grew up to the Big Band sounds, Bing Crosby, The Four Aces, and, of course, the Andrew Sisters singing Rum and Coca-Cola. I know the popular music of those years better than the tunes from my own teen years. I remember, too, those occasions when I got into trouble with Mom or Dad and, being both angry and miserable, went to her for sympathy. She always made it clear that Mom and Dad were in charge and she couldn’t interfere or take sides. But then she always found a way to smooth my ruffled feathers and restore my spirits. When I was 18, she and Dee took me on the Greyhound bus to see New York City, where they had lived for several years during their 20s. Besides the usual tourist round, we did many of the things they used to do when they lived there - like eat at the Automat and go for treats at Shraffs and bar-gain-hunting in Macy’s basement. Later, when Susan reached 18, she was treated to that same rite of passage. It was Susan who reminded me of how Ahee always managed to add a little something extra in her relationships. I’d forgotten how she always called my son Jason her “little guy.” And way before that, Susan was already Ahee’s Special Pal. They even signed their cards and notes to each other that way. When Susan and I married, moved away and began homes and families of our own, Ahee’s love followed us and continued to be an important part of our lives. She has loved us all - our husbands, Paul and Stan, my children, Hillary, David, and Jason - and even my children’s children, who may or may not come along some day. Ahee has already bought toys for these children who aren’t yet even a twinkle in anyone’s eye. Just recently, she entrusted these toys to me for safekeeping, in case she wasn’t around to bestow them herself. All her life, Ahee had a special soft spot for children, so being 200 miles away from my kids didn’t stop her from doting on them. Trips to Cleveland became occasions for many outings over the years - to Sea World, Cedar Point and at the beginning, to Euclid Beach, where Hillary made her first acquaintance with the up-and-down horsies. Ahee had endless patience with children and was a natural teacher. Always, she taught in a way that respected a child’s dignity. And when she gave advice or felt it necessary to correct one of us, she invariably found a tactful way, a loving way, to do so. Dogs have a lot in common with children, so it isn’t surprising that Susan’s doggies became Ahee’s kids too - first Dolly, and now Mulligan. She adored their enthusiastic greetings and responded completely to their innocence, their unconditional love. She was also a sucker for their advanced begging skills and slipped them generous treats of doggie biscuits, forbidden but tasty table morsels, and she did more than her share of dog-walking when she. Dee and Mom came to dog-sit while Susan and Paul were away. Ahee was a great lover of old movies and had a large collection of them that Susan had taped for her. Hillary was telling me just the other night about how those tapes were a regular highlight of her visits to Ahee’ and Dee’s apartment. After supper, when Dee was already apt to be snoozing in her chair, Ahee and Hillary would change for bed, make up the sofa-bed in the living room, gather Cheezies and ginger ale, and hunker down to watch those old movies - just two girls together, having their own pajama party. For her kids, Ahee was always available for favors. One year, as an Xmas present, Ahee did me the favor to end all favors. She took my years-long collection of snapshots and put them all in chronological order in albums for me. With her usual meticulous care, she even put the negatives in matching order. For the last 30 years and more, as you know, Ahee had an endless series of health problems that just piled up over time, so she often felt lousy. But that never stopped her when it came to her kids. She still came to visit; she still took us out for treats; she still played games; she still went shopping with us; she still listened when we wanted to chatter; and still took an interest in whatever interested us. Ahee always had a great appreciation for wit and humor - and illness didn’t dim that gift either. Her conversation was sprinkled with wise cracks - even a few of them for the doctor at the hospital just hours before her death. It was also her custom to save clippings in order to share the quick wit of her favorite experts - like Ann Landers, Emma Bombeck, Mike Royko, and Cleveland’s own Dick Feagler’ When we visited, she usually had several of them saved for me. The other even«1# as I was looking for photo5 of her, I came across a whole album of cartoons she had saved. 1 know I will revisit those cartoons to find out what was so funny. So many blessings flowed to all of us out of Dee and Ahee’s love. Our mom-Vicki, has always been deeply touched by - aI1“ grateful for - her sisters loving attachment to us-Mom has always known've got something extra, some' (Continued on page J3 artments ftocaied just off E. 200th Street and 1-90 in Euclid, Ohio, Gateway Manor Apartments Take a Closer Look at Euclid’s Finest Senior Residence • Scheduled Transportation • All Electric Kitchens • Walk In Closet • Full Carpeting • Housekeeping • 24 Hour Security • Activity Room with Bacci/Balinca Court and Swim SPA/JACUZZI For Information call fKari Vohnout 4 Gateway Drive Euclid, Ohio 44119 (216) 383-1459 An apartment you can call home... with an independent life style and service Gerald Grimm, Property Manager Alyce Royce... (Continued from page 12) thing special that lots of kids don’t get. In fact, it’s hard to imagine any children more loved than we were. Dee and Ahee received blessings too, - the joys of motherhood without most of the usual headaches. But their love did not spare them any of the real heartaches of mothering ~ in fact their love made such pain inevitable. In these last years it’s been hard to watch Ahee’s increasing health problems, knowing there was nothing we could do to make it all better. So it is with real relief for her sake that I give thanks she was spared the Pain of a long final illness. . Her sudden death has been a shock - but it has also been a iift in disguise for us all. This is my story of Ahee - mostly my memories and thoughts with some from the other members of our family. You all have your own stories of Ahee, too - which I expect you treasure as I do mine. Let’s rejoice and be glad that she was among us. And let us honor her by savoring our stories of her and sharing them with others. Ahee was an ordinary woman. She was also an extraordinary aunt. I will miss her. Some of the joys of my own life have left with her. It is truly the end of an era for me to have my extra mothers gone. Some of the things that I will miss, I don’t even know about yet - they’ll make themselves known as the days go by. To comfort my heart I will say to myself, “But it’s not forever.” TV Mass back on channel 8 WJW-TV8 and the Cfe of Cleveland P eased to announce th< lum of the “TV Mass’ ehannd 8. The “TV Mas a -hour diocesan Mass forded in studios at W ’ again be broa( ac Sunday morning b( "•"g on Easter Sun 6-.3ot.m0 ^ 'tS tiir ^verend Cu^ M' Pi"«. Dioces Oweland, will celebrat, tL er, Sunday “TV M air on March 30 “'shop Pina TVo ftersonal gratit °s new thp ^ •' ^enda whi “TV to The “TV Mass” on TV8 has a long history that began in 1962. The Reverend Joseph H. Kraker was the regular celebrant from October, 1969 to April, 1994. The Easter and Christmas “TV Mass” broadcasts were traditionally reserved for the presiding Bishop or one of his auxiliary bishops. In more recent years, with Father Kraker being transferred from St. Timothy Catholic Church in Garfield Heights to St. Vincent’s in Akron, and at Father Kraker’s request to be relieved of his “TV Mass” responsibilities, Bishop Pilla initiated a rotation of diocesan priests to celebrate the “TV Mass”. Happy Easter FROM The Jerse Family Ed, Shannon, Teddy and Mairin Anne Jerse Donates $350 in memory of Josephine Klemenčič JoAnn D. Kaifesh of Kirtland, Ohio, donated $350.00 to the American Home newspaper in memory of her mother, Josephine Klemenčič. MANY THANKS! Donation Thanks to the Progressive Slovene Women of America Circle #3 who donated $20.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. Interesting Articles Enclosed is my check for $30.00 for my brother Lud-vik’s subscription. I formerly mailed articles from this paper to him in California, but found it was feasible to have the paper sent directly to him. Too many interesting articles. He recently told me seeing Robert Debevec’s name and articles in print gave him a feeling of gratification, even though we’re not related. —Josephine Debevec Cleveland, Ohio A Farmer’s Feast from Bela Kraiina Belokranjsko Cvrtje FILLING: 500 g. (1.1 lb. or 17 ozs.) ground pork, salt, pepper, garlic, parsley. Mix all the ingredients together well and shape into patties. Coat separately with fine pancake dough and fry. DOUGH: 2 egg yolks, 2 dl. (6-1/2 oz.) milk, 200 g. (7 oz.) flour, a pinch of salt. Whip egg whites and fold into dough. Matevž Mash together 350 g. (2/3 lb. or 10 ozs.) boiled potatoes and 250 g. (8 oz.) mixed cooked beans. Season to taste with fried chopped onion, garlic, salt and pepper. Sprinkle with cracklings. Kisla repa (Sour Turnip) Boil 500 g. (1.1 lb. or 17 ozs.) sour turnip for 30 minutes or longer. Add salt, whole peppercorns, and bay leaf. After boiling, thicken with a pinch of flour. Before serving, sprinkle with cracklings. Kislo Zelje (sauerkraut) Prepared like Kisla repa. On a platter we also serve: • 500 g. (1.1 lb. or 17 ozs.) boiled smoked pork ribs • boiled homemade smoked sausages • 500 g (1.1 lb. or 17 ozs.) roasted pork neck Garnish platter with dried or tinned fruit. Bulgarian Easter Traditions Red Eggs for Good Crops On Holy Thursday the Easter red eggs are colored (vapsuvat). People take one of their red eggs to church for the service of the 12 Passion Gospels. After the service they bury the egg in the vineyard so that God keeps them from hailstorms and to give them a good harvest. People believe that a Holy Thursday egg will last that way all year. On Holy Friday each family always buys a new pottery dish. The Easter markets are generally very busy on Good Friday. One or two days before Easter each Christian family would send presents to their Turkish friends: a loaf of bread and 10-15 eggs. The Turks feel honored by the gifts. If they don’t receive it, they feel offended. The person who delivers, usually receives a little money in thanks. During all of these days each Christian family also makes a special bread (Jkolachetd) which is specially decorated for the children. Until recently there was a tradition that a hostess gives a red egg to every guest during Easter. _ (KOLLANDER POLKA TOUR HEADQUARTERS) 971 East 185th Street* Cleveland, Ohio 44119 TONY PETKOVŠEK • CO HOST-JOEY TOMSICK • Featuring-ALKE KUHAR DUKE HA8S1C PATTY SLUGA (216) 481-TONY (8669) or KOLLANDER (216) 692-1000 Happy Easier to all Our Friends, Relatives in Slovenia, USA and Canada želita vsem sorodnikoim, prijateljem in znancem Maria and Anna Lunder 1150 E. 60 St., Cleveland, Ohio Best Wishes for a Happy Easter! ANGELA’S Family Restaurant Breakfast Served from 5 a.m. on... Sundays 6 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Lunch and Dinner features DELICIOUS HOME-COOKED MEALS 7121 St. Clair Avenue - Cleveland -881-2342 - AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 27, 1997 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 27, 1997 14 Traditions and History of Easter Easter is a time of springtime festivals. In Christian countries Easter is celebrated as the religious holiday commemorating the resurrection and ascension into heaven of Jesus Christ, the son of God. But the celebrations of Easter have many customs and legends that are pagan in origin and have nothing to do with Christianity. Scholars, accepting the derivation proposed by the 8th century English scholar St. Bede, believe the name Easter is thought to come from the Scandinavian “Ostra” and the Teutonic “Ostern ” or “Eastre, ” both Goddesses of mythology signifying spring and fertility whose festival was celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox. Traditions associated with the festival survive in the Easter rabbit, a symbol of fertility, and in colored Easter eggs, originally painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring, and used in Easter-egg rolling contests or given as gifts. The Christian celebration of Easter embodies a number of converging traditions with emphasis on the relation of Easter to the Jewish festival of Passover, or Pesach, from which is derived Pasch, another name used by Europeans for Easter. Passover is an important feast in the Jewish calendar which is celebrated for 8 days and commemorates the flight and freedom of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. The early Christians, many of whom were of Jewish origin, were brought up in the Hebrew tradition and regarded Easter as a new feature of the Passover festival, a commemoration of the advent of the messiah as foretold by the prophets. Easter is observed by the churches of the West on the first Sunday following the full moon that occurs on or following the spring equinox (March 21). So Easter became a “movable” feast which can occur as early as March 22 or as late as April 25. Christian churches in the East which were closer to the birthplace of the new religion and in which old traditions were strong, observe Easter according to the date of the Passover festival. Easter is at the end of the Lenten season, which covers a 46 day period that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends with Easter. The Lenten season itself comprises 40 days, as the six Sundays in Lent are not actually a part of Lent. Sundays are considered a commemoration of Easter Sunday and have always been excluded from the Lenten fast. The Lenten season is a period of penitence in preparation for the highest festival of the church year, Easter. Holy Week, the last week of Lent, begins with the observance of Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday takes its name from Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem where the crowds laid palms at his feet. Holy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper, which was held the evening before the Crucifixion. Friday in Holy Week is the anniversary of the Crucifixion, the day that Christ was crucified and died on the cross. Holy week and the Lenten season end with Easter Sunday, the day of resurrection and ascension into heaven of Jesus Christ. St. Vitus Parish BREAKFAST Sunday, April 20,1997 In Auditorium - 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon Sausages & Eggs Toast - Sweet Rolls - Coffee - Juice Donation: adults $4.50 - children $2.25 For tickets call the parish house 361-1444 Pancake Breakfast A Pancake Breakfast, sponsored by St. Mary (Collinwood) PTU will be held on Sunday, April 13, in the school cafeteria from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Donation is $3.50 for adults. \--------------------------------------------- Island Style Ham ; l and Sweet Potatoes i I Recipe by: All Maine Cooking Serving Size: 6 • 6 medium sweet potatoes • 1 tablespoon butter or margarine • Vi teaspoon salt • 1/8 teaspoon pepper • pinch nutmeg • milk (to whip potatoes) • 2 cups cooked ham - coarsely chopped • 2 tablespoons butter or margarine • Vi cup green pepper or pimento strips • 1 #2 can pineapple chunks in juice - drained • 2 tablespoons brown sugar • 1 tablespoon cornstarch • % cup pineapple juice • 2 tablespoons vinegar Cook, then mash potatoes. Add 1 tablespoon butter, i salt, pepper, nutmeg, and enough milk to whip. Heati oven to 375°F. In a skillet saute the ham in 2j tablespoons butter stirring until golden. Add green i pepper (or pimento) and pineapple chunks. Cook 2 or 31 minutes. Stir in combined brown sugar, cornstarch, i iuice, and vinegar. Cook, stirring until thickened andi clear. Pour mixture into 9-inch pie plate or casserole i dish. Drop spoonfuls of potato on top. Bake until hot in i 375°F oven about 20-25 minutes. When planting a young tree, pick a day in the appropriate season that is cool, overcast and windless. Your tree will have a better chance ot surviving. _ Happy Easter to All Our Customers and Friends SMOLIČ MACHINE CNC Machining Specialist Happy Easter to All Our Customers! West Park Slovenian Club OPEN DAILY 11:00 to 11:00 LUNCHEON SPECIALS 4583 West I30th Street • 941-3224 Hamburger HALLS FOR RENT Small and BIG WE CATER WEDDINGS, BANQUETS. COMPANY PARTIES, WAKES, ETC. - SPORTS CLUB - WE BACK ALL TEAMS SOFTBALL, DARTS, GOLF OUTINGS, BOWLING, VOLLEYBALL POLKA DANCING FRIDAY & SUNDAY UPPER BALLROOM BUFFET SET-UP Cheeseburger B.L.T.-------- Turkey Club -Combo Club -Chicken Club - LUNCHEON ENTREES Steak—------------ Meatloaf ------— Chicken----------- Pork Chops-------- City Chicken------ Country Fried Steak-Veal Cutlet — Fish-------------- ShrimpVScallop Combo -Daily Salad Bar -2.00 -2.75 -2.00 -2.00 -3.00 -2.00 •4.00 •3.00 -3.00 -3.00 -3.00 -3.00 -3.00 -3.00 -4.00 rin price dinner! Rib Dinner $7 Buy Full Slab, get 2nd Slab at 1/2 Price [in price dinner] Strip Steak $6 Buy one Strip Steak, get | 2nd Steak at 1/2 Price i--1 r\n price dinner! Seafood Combo $6 j Buy one Seafood Combo, J get 2nd at Half Price CHICKEN WINGS hot • mild • bbq MUNCHI E BASKETS — 3.00 15$ “HOME COOKED MEALS” West Park Slovenian National Home Invites You. VISIT US! (216) 946-1747 37127 Ben Hur Ave. Fax 946-9139 Willoughby, Ohio 44094 EMIL SMOLir WATJ 1560 AM PRESENTS Weekend Polkas Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 10 a.m. Polkas with Al Markič 10 am -12 Polka Spotlight, Host Joe Godina 12-1 p.m. Mario’s International Music Host Mario Kavclc I p.m. - 3 p.m. Almar with Guest Musician 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Polkatime America Sunday 10 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Magic Sound of the Button Bo* Host John Pestotnlk 10:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. Reflections of the New Slovenia Hostess Linda Cimperman II a.m. - 1 p.m. Polka Fun With A1 & Harry Host Al Markič & Harry Faint 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Polka Tributes Host Al Markič 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. International Hour Host John Krizancic 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Polkatime America DEATH NOTICES Raymond a. svetek Services for Raymond A. Svetek, 71, of Chester Township, Ohio, a retired police lieutenant were Saturday, March 22 at St. Anselm church in Chester. Mr. Svetek died March 19, 1997, at Meridia Hill-crest Hospital, in Mayfield Heights. Born April 11, 1925, in Cleveland, he lived in May-field Heights before moving t0 Chester Township 37 years ago. He was a member of St. Anselm Church and a member of the St. Anselm Young at Hearts Club. Mr. Svetek was hired as a Patrolman by the City of Beachwood Police Department in 1955. He was promoted to sergeant in 1965 and to lieutenant in 1975. He ret,red Apri, ^ 1985) after years on the force. Survivors are his wi ary L. (Kapudja); dauj er, Janet (Robert) Frazier son. All ynne) of Stoutsville; : grandchildren; sister Estl aye of Falls Church, V n mother-in-law, Mž Kapudja Pacelli. v. A SOn> Robert, died Ma^Zd’ \"2' •aren A- sletVk eSar) and Aug' k> are also decease <■ S‘,r,al in All So, "»'teryinchardon. Harry e. peters ^Services for Harry E. F resin ^ a 27'year Menl lo*S" f0m'erl>' of W lck, Were he,d at 10; 26 at°R .'yednesday. Mar nerai ^^man & Sons F Aven, °me> 2 ^00 Euc 'nue. Euclid. 22. 190T>eterS died Mar Pital; at b-akeWest He P ta'ln Will0Ughby. Cl'*elandAuril 5> 1924 Wan, ?d’ he was a Woi Mr p^yVeteran-°f thP ceters Was a memt #386 V‘F-W- Pc and 14’ .the Recher Aven nian o m.es Avenue Slov Uke and'? H°mes’ * Lodge m ^eaUga F O P' County ^ 25 and the La AssOciaHrt Cen$e BeVera ^ner °"- He was c of /.W,th h.s twin broth, Warn Paintin8 a, 19s9 1 8 from 1948 monvand 0wner of the Ht fr°m 1970 in Wi,,ougbl 1972 to 1978 and tl CARST-NAGY Memorials 425 Waterloo Rd. 48l-2237 Twins Tavern in Mentor from 1964 to 1987. Survivors are his wife, Arline (Sustarsic); sons, Gary, Gregory (Jennifer), Glen and Geoffrey; daughter, Elaine Coughlin; seven grandchildren; brother, Walter; and twin brother, Harvey. The Rev. Craig Bode of Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Euclid, Ohio officiated at services. Burial in All Souls Cemetery in Chardon Township, Ohio. JOSEPH M. FARRELL Services for Joseph M. Farrell, 53, of Euclid, Ohio, a dean of students, were at 10 a.m. Monday, March 24 in Holy Cross Church, E. 200 St., and Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid. Mr. Farrell died March 20, 1997, at home. Born Aug. 10, 1943, in Cleveland, he was a lifelong resident of Euclid. He was a member of Euclid City Council for more than 20 years and president for the past eight years. He was a former teacher, administrator, counselor and alumni director at St. Joseph High School, where he had been inducted into their Hall of Fame. Mr. Farrell was a former member of Holy Cross Parish Council. He was known for his humor and compassion. He touched the lives of countless students and their families. Mr. Farrell had been Dean of Students the past eight years at John Carroll University in University Heights. Survivors are his wife, Ginny (Gornik); son, Michael Farrell; daughters, Megan and Katie Farrell; brothers, James and Dennis Farrell; sisters, Mary Alice Larsen, Peggy Smolka; Jean Sweeney and twin sister, Ann Hoenigman. Friends called Sunday, March 23 at Euclid City Hall. Burial is in All Souls Cemetery in Chardon Township. The family suggests contributions to Endowment Fund at Villa Angela St. Joseph High School, 18491 Lake Shore Blvd., Cleveland 44119. Arrangements by Brick-man & Sons Funeral Home in Euclid, Ohio. Be wary of the man who urges an action in which he himself incurs no risk. ____________--Joaquin Setanti Finnish Easter Traditions Witches Fly at Easter Stories and tales of witchcraft are a part of widely-known folk tradition. In Central Europe, witches are out and about especially on Walpurgis Night, but in the Nordic countries they fly between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, the time when Jesus is still lying in the Garden Tomb behind a sealed stone door. According to popular belief, witches were old women who had sold themselves to the devil. They SEE YOUR DOCTORf Sports Medicine: What You Should Know (NAPS)—If you’ve ever injured your knee during a workout or a basketball game and was told to visit a sports medicine doctor, you’re not alone. It happens often. When it does happen, the question many ask is, “What exactly is a sports medicine doctor?” It’s a good question. In fact, several types of doctors—family physicians, pediatricians, orthopedic surgeons, internists and chiropractors, call themselves “Sports Medicine Physicians.” According to the AMA’s home page on the Internet, there isn’t a medical specialty designated as “Sports Medicine.” Digging deeper, the American Board of Family Practice (ABFP) in Lexington, Kentucky, which certifies and recertifies family physicians, reports that a physician who passes a voluntary exam-ination holds what is called a Certificate of Added Qualifications (CAQ) in Sports Medicine. This CAQ represents that a physician has added knowledge. Board certified physicians in family practice, internal medicine, pediatrics and emergency medicine who elect to take the CAQ examination must qualify to take the test by having completed either one year in an accredited sports medicine fellowship program or have practiced for at least five years with 20 percent of the practice time devoted to sports medicine. Physicians holding these CAQs are required to be recertified every ten years. This does not, however, preclude other physicians from calling themselves sports medicines doctors. So how would a consultation with a primary care physician with a CAQ in Sports Medicine differ from a sports medicine orthopedist? Most sports injuries can be taken care of by a primary care physician—that is, a family physi-cian, internist or a pediatrician. According to Douglas McKeag, M.D. and M.S., Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Family and Orthopedic Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh, a primary care sports medicine physician (PCSMP) will act as the diagnostician and will broker care as needed. For example chest pain can be muscular, skeletal or cardiac related and he or she would most likely do a wider range of clinical testing than an orthopedic surgeon. John Lombardo, M.D., Medical Director of the Sports Medicine Center, Ohio State University Athletics Department, believes that many patients also seek a primary care sports medicine physician for prevention. “Diet, exercise, proper equipment, relaxation and sleep are all compo-. nents to maintaining full function, which is the definition of good health,” according to Doctor Lombardo. Both Drs. Lombardo and McKeag, along with other doctors believe that a PCSMP emphasizes the benefits of physical and medical treatment when surgery is not immediately required. My Brother, Anthony J. (Tony) Drenik Died January 29,1997 God looked at His garden and saw an empty place. He looked down on earth and saw a smiling face, Tony. God put His arms around him and lifted him to rest. Though Tony’s smile is gone from us and his hands we cannot touch, we will always have the memory of his smiling face. We love him so much. With love, your sister, FRANCES KOSMERL BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio were much feared, because 15 they had the power to hurt people and domestic animals. In some parts of Western Finland, the custom still remains of burning bonfires on Holy Saturday. This is said to be connected with the age-old habit of scaring witches. During the last century, a witch with her broomstick and cat became part of children’s Easter games; the devil’s advocate flying on her broomstick thus became a fairy-tale character. Of old, witches were associated with Easter, and now they began to symbolize the festival. Pictures of witches were featured on Easter cards and letters. Children began walking around villages dressed as witches as early as the 1800s. At Easter you may well see quaint little characters walking around Finnish villages and suburbs. Children with sooty faces and scarves tied round their heads go begging, carrying broomsticks, coffee pots and bunches of decorated v/>-povitsa willow twigs. Little girls and sometimes even boys dressed as witches go from door to door, reciting good luck poems in return for money and sweets. Daycare centers, schools and the mass media have actively promoted the spread of this tradition, especially since the 1980s. Calcium on Tap Order a Sophie McCall - “the queen of beers” -and you’ll get 150 milligrams of calcium with your suds, about a sixth of the recommended daily amount. The mineral-spiked beer was created with the help of nutritionists, but a brew master concocted the light, golden lager. Look for it at specialty markets. Fatty Muffin? Not sure how much fat is hidden in a muffin? Place the muffin on a napkin for a few minutes. If it leaves a greasy spot, nutritionists say, it has more than three grams of fat, about the same as a pat of butter. Commemorative Glasses St. Mary’s parish (Collinwood) is offering a four glass set of tumblers embossed with a picture of the Slovenian church for a donation of $10.00. They may be purchased in the rectory office. Supply is limited. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 27, 1997 IŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 27, 1997 St. William’s Brownie Troop #1692 took part in the annual Girl Scouts World Friendship Day at St. Felicitas Parish in Euclid, Ohio on Sunday, March 9. The group chose to study and represent Slovenia at this event. The girls had a lot of fun and learned about Slovenia and Slovenians during the preparation. The event itself was a huge success. Thanks to everyone who contributed to our efforts to make the girls familiar with beautiful Slovenia. --St. William’s Brownie Troop #1692 Coming Events Sunday, April 6 Holmes Ave. Pensioners Spring Dinner Dance, at Collinwood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Ave. Music by Dan Peters orchestra. Donation $12.00. Tickets call 943-3784 or 531-2088. Sunday, April 6 Dance at West Park Slovene Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 4 p.m. with Frank Morave ik orchestra. Friday, April 11 Dance at West park Slovene Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland beginning at 7:30 p.m. with Ken Zagar. Saturday, April 12 Jadran Concert at Slovenian Workmen’s Home. Contact: 481-3187. Sunday, April 13 Super Button Box Bash 15-SNPJ Circle 2 from 1 to 9 p.m., Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio - 20 orchestras. Tuesday, April 15 Dubravka Tomsic, Slovenian pianist, in concert at Severance Hall. Friday, April 18 Dance at West Park Slovene Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, 7:30 p.m. music by the Casuals. Saturday, April 19 Primorski Club Dinner/dance at SNH on St. Clair Contact: 944-9049. Sunday, April 20 St. Vitus Parish Breakfast, 8:30 to 12 noon featuring Sausages and Eggs. Donation $4.50 adults, $2.25 children. Sunday, April 20 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Community Band, under direction of John Nemec, concert in school hall. Tickets at door. Sunday, April 20 Slovenian National Home in Newburgh E. 80lh along with the Slovenian National Home Maple Heights, is sponsoring a Testimonial Dinner Dance honoring Sister Albina Mulh. Dinner at 2 p.m. Music by Dan Peters/Frank Moravih Orchestras from 4-8 p.m. Donation $15.00. Tickets call 341-6136 or 581-6744. Saturday, April 26 Zarja Concert, Dinner/Dance Recher Hall, Euclid, Ohio. Contact: Vicky Kozel 531-5542. Sunday, April 27 St. Clair Pensioners Club Dinner. Sunday, April 27 Dubravka Tomsic performs at Mechanics Hall in Worcester, MA. Friday, May 2 Emil Adamic Chorus from Slovenia, 7:00 p.m., at Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Tickets call 481-2985. Sunday, May 11 Mother’s Day Breakfast 9 to 12 noon at Slovenian National Home E. 80^ St. $6 adults, $3 children under 8. Monday, May 26 AMLA Memorial Day Polka Bash at AMLA Center in Leroy Township, Ohio. Monday, May 26 Slovenian Cultural Society (Triglav) of Milwaukee, Memorial Day Picnic at Triglav Park at Wind Lake, Wisconsin. Sunday, June 1 Friends of the Slovenian National Home (St. Clair) Dinner and program 10^ Year Anniversary. Friday, June 20 Pork, kraut and dumpling dinner 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Slovenian National Home, E. 80 St. Donation $7. Happy Easter From the Officers and Members ot St. Vitus Lodge #25 K.S.K.J. bH^rERN:-L IfiSiJRANCE MEMBERS & FRIENDS Fr. Joseph Boznar, Spiritual Director Joseph Baškovič, President John Turek, Secretary Albin Orehek, Treasurer Frank Zupančič, Sgt.-at-Arms Easter Eggs Of all the symbols associated with Easter the egg, the symbol of fertility and new life, is the most identifiable. The customs and traditions of using eggs have been associated with Easter for centuries. Originally Easter eggs were painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring and were used in Easter-egg rolling contests or given as gifts. After they were colored and etched with various designs the eggs were exchanged by lovers and romantic admirers, much the same as valentines. In medieval time eggs were traditionally given at Easter to the servants. In Germany eggs were given to children along with other Easter gifts. Different cultures have developed their own ways of decorating Easter eggs. Crimson eggs, to honor the blood of Christ, are exchanged in Greece. In parts of Germany and Austria green eggs are used on Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday). Slavic peoples decorate their eggs in special patterns of gold and silver. Austrian artists design patterns by fastening ferns and tiny plants around the eggs, which are then boiled. The plants are then removed revealing a striking white pattern. The Poles and Ukrainians decorate eggs with simple designs and colors. A number of eggs are made in the distinctive manner called pysanki (to design, to write). Pysanki eggs are a masterpiece of skill and workmanship. Melted beeswax is applied to the fresh white egg. It is then dipped in successive baths of dye. After each dip, wax is painted over the area where the preceding color is to remain. Eventually a complex pattern of lines and colors emerges into a work of art. In Germany and other countries eggs used for cooking were not broken, but the contents were removed by piercing the end of each egg with a needle and blowing the contents into a bowl. The hollow eggs were died and hung from shrubs and trees during the Easter Week. The Armenians would decorate hollow eggs w'!*1 pictures of Christ, the Virgin Mary, and other religi°uS designs. In Czecoslovakia, there was once a tradition where boys and girls saved their most beautifully decorate eggs to give to the person who they loved the most. Often, the exchange of egg5 was a pre-engagement sym- bol. A favorite story there 15 of a young man who decorated an egg tree below the window of his loved one -when she awoke on Easter morning it was a beautift* sunrise. Germans have a custotn of filling blown eggs ^ messages inside - messag65 that promise to do a task such as polishing a father5 shoes or doing the dishes. The British use hard-boiled eggs for egg rolling games. Sometimes the 'v''| ner is the egg that rolls t 6 farthest, other times it is t 6 one that rolls between two pegs. In Moravia, dried e§o shells were filled with Pe^' bles or beads to make rattk5 for children. The Moravian5 also practice a very dift1 egg-decorating techmQ using wheat, oat or bar ; In Barcelona, an egg *s set atop the jet of water in the fountain at the Barceld13 Cathedral. There the dances all day long. In Red Cloud, Nebraska they claim to have the 1^$ est Easter egg in the world it is 12 Vi feet long and rd11® feet wide - they display 1 each year at their annual e8 rolling. And in your own hom6’ you might want to exp ment this year with so different dyes - do like used to do in Serbian they vi>' juice’ lages - used berry J boiled onion skins (g° . brown), boiled walnut she Ide3 Happy Easter and your eggs be beautiful. may - HAPPY EASTER - Albie’s Place The Euclid Office & Medical Plaza 26250 Euclid Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44132 Albert Somrack Owner/Manager Hours: Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m- (216) 289-0836 FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina kliTj 1 4 rl Ecftlk'g iTiT Tl I i AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, March 27, 1997 Vesti iz Slovenije Janez Podobnik ocenil obisk v ZDA kot uspešen in koristen — Številna srečanja v Washingtonu — Gost na banketu SNPJ za poleti odhajajočega veleposlanika Petriča Sledi tekst ponedeljkovega poročila Slovenske tiskovne agencije o obisku ZDA, ki ga je pretekli teden imel predsednik državnega zbora Janez Podobnik: »Ljubljana, 24. marca (STA) - Predsednik državnega zbora Janez Podobnik je na novinarski konferenci ocenil, da je bil enotedenski delovni obisk parlamentarne delegacije prejšnji teden v ZDA uspešen in koristen, ter znova poudaril, da se vloga parlamentov v mednarodnih odnosih krepi, tako tudi državnega zbora, ki navsezadnje ratificira mednarodne akte. »Na obisku v ZDA sem znova pojasnil argumente, na podlagi katerih Slovenija zasluži mesto v prvem krogu širitve zveze Nato,« je dejal Podobnik in poudaril, da nihče od ameriških sogovornikov ni nasprotoval članstvu Slovenije v severnoatlantski zvezi. Najpomembnejše je bilo srečanje s predsednikom predstavniškega doma ameriškega kongresa Newtom Gingrichem, ki je Podprl prizadevanja Slovenije za vstop v Nato v prvem krogu, pogovarjala pa ste se tudi o dveh konkretnih projektih, predstavili muzejev in knjižnic na Internetu in video-f°nski povezavi vseh predsednikov parlamentov. Gingrich je sprejel povabilo za obisk v Sloveniji, je povedal Janez Podobnik. Med številnimi srečanji je Podobnik omenil še pogovor z Danielom Friedom v Svetu za nacionalno varnost (Bele hiše), Ru-dolphom Perino, namestnikom pomočnika državnega sekretarja v ameriškem zunanjem ministrstvu in Frankom Kramerjem, pomočnikom obrambnega ministra v Pentagonu, ter pogovore s številnimi kongresniki in senatorji. Podobnik se je sestal tudi s predsednikom enega največjih učiteljskih sindika-tQv v ZDA, predstavniki National Democra-dc Institute, obveščevalne službe CIA in nekaterimi investitorji, ki so se zanimali zlasti 2a področji telekomunikacij in turizma. Zadnji dan obiska je bil navzoč na srečanju, ki so ga priredili člani društva Slovenska na-r°dna podporna jednota v Pittsburghu. Na dobro obiskani novinarski konfe-renci v Washingtonu so ameriške in druge tuje novinarje zanimali predvsem odgovori na vprašanja, zakaj želi Slovenija v Nato in kateri so morebitni zadržki za njeno član-stv°> je še pojasnil predsednik DZ na današnji novinarski konferenci.« Tako STA. Srečanje v mestecu Imperial, blizu Pittsburgha, je bil banket, ki ga je priredila bratska zavarovalninska organizacija SNPJ na čast dr. Ernesta Petriča, ki zaključuje svoje delovanje kot prvi veleposlanik Slovenije v ZDA. V ZDA je prišel septembra 1991 in je bilo njegovo prvo večje srečanje s slovenskimi Američani prav s predstavniki slovenskih bratskih organizacij, ki so bili tisti čas slučajno na letnem srečanju Nacionalnega bratskega kongresa v Washingtonu. Dr. Petrič je ob privoljenju predsednika SNPJ povabil Janeza Podobnika, naj ga spremlja na banket. (Daljše poročilo o banketu na str. 3.) Parlamentarne stranke o vstopu v evropske integracije — Sejo vodil Marjan Podobnik Pretekli četrtek so se zbrali predstavniki vseh parlamentarnih strank v prostorih podpredsednika vlade Marjana Podobnika in razpravljali o vstopanju Slovenije v evropske integracije. Pogovori so potekali za zaprtimi vrati in so bili sklicani na Podobnikov predlog. Med navzočimi sta bila zunanji minister Zoran Thaler in direktor urada za zakonodajo Lojze Janko. Seja je bila prva te vrste ob vstopu nove vlade. Pogovarjali so se o dosedanjem delu pri usklajevanju zakonodaje ter o različnih pogledih na zaščitne ukrepe, ki naj bi jih Slovenija pripravila pred vstopom v Evropsko zvezo. Ob tej priliki je predsednik SKD Lojze Peterle naslovil posebno pismo na Marjana Podobnika, v katerem izraža pripravljenost SKD za pošteno in formalno dosledno sodelovanje med koalicijo in opozicijo, tako pri vključevanju Slovenije v EZ kot na drugih področjih. Milan Kučan sprejel novega nadškofa dr. Franca Rodeta na nadškofovo željo Predsednik Slovenije Milan Kučan je ta teden sprejel na vljudnostni obisk novega ljubljanskega nadškofa in metropolita dr. Franca Rodeta. Do srečanja je prišlo na željo nadškofa. V pogovoru je bil izražen obojestranski interes, da se ob načeloma urejenem položaju Cerkve na temlju ustave v strpnem dialogu poiščejo rešitve za še nerešena vprašanja med Cerkvijo in državo. Prav tako je bil na tem srečanju poudarjen interes za pogovor o vprašanjih, bistvenih za prihodnost slovenstva. Na srečanju sta bila navzoča tudi vodja tiskovnega urada Slovenske škofovske konference dr. Janez Gril in predsednikov svetovalec dr. Miha Ribarič. V torek je obiskalo dr. Rodeta ožje vodstvo SKD pod vodstvom Lojzeta Peterleta. Vodstvo je nadškofu izreklo voščilo za velikonočne praznike z najboljšimi željami. Zgoraj je slika nove slovenske vlade ob priliki sprejema pri predsedniku države Milanu Kučanu. Na Kučanovi levi je predsednik vlade dr. Janez Drnovšek, na njegovi desni pa podpredsednik vlade Marjan Drnovšek. Veselo Veliko noč vsem svojim naročnikom, sodelavcem podpornikom in dobrotnikom vošči AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA Iz Clevelanda in okolice Družabni večer Tabora— Tabor DSPB vabi na svoj družabni večer v soboto, 5. aprila, v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Za rezervacijo vstopnic in več informacij, pokličite 851-4961 oz. 731-0195. Primorski večer— Primorski klub vabi Primorce in vse druge rojake na svoj letni Primorski večer, ki bo v soboto, 19. aprila, v SND na St. Clairju. Pokličite Sabino Milavec na 953-9116 za rezervacijo vstopnic in več informacij. Novi grobovi Bojan Presečnik Dne 24. marca je v Parma Community General bolnišnici po kratki bolezni umrl 84 let stari Bojan Presečnik, rojen 11. jan. 1913 v Sloveniji, v ZDA pa prišel 1. 1950, zaposlen do svoje upokojitve pri Ford Motor Co., vdovec po Hilde, brat Brede Skerbec in že pok. Marjana (oba v Sloveniji). Pogreb bo v oskrbi pogrebnega zavoda Sterle v torek, 1. aprila, s sv. mašo dop. ob 11. v cerkvi St. Francis De-sales v Parmi. Ure kropljenja bodo v ponedeljek, 31. marca, od 2. do 9. zv. in sicer v pogrebnem zavodu Zabor, 5860 Pearl Rd., Parma, s pokopom pozneje v Sloveniji. Mary K. Zigman Umrla 81 let stara Mary K. Zigman, rojena 8. okt. 1915 v Moon Run, Pa., vdova po Antonu, mati Anthonyja, 3-krat stara mati, 5-krat prastara mati, sestra Helen Jesenovec, Francis Wichert, Roberta in že pok. Roberta Koci, zaposlena do svoje upokojitve kot šivilja pri obratu General Motors na Coit Rd., članica SNPJ št. 53. Pogreb je bil 22. marca v oskrbi Sterletovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebov-zete in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Koncert— V angleškem delu je članek o sloviti slovenski pianistki Dubravki Tomšič, ki bo imela koncert v torek, 12. aprila, v dvorani Severance. Vstopnice po različnih (in za rojake tudi znižanih) cenah so na razpolago, če uporabljate posebne naročilnice, ki jih imajo v Polka Hall of Farne, vhodih pri Mariji Vnebovzeti, glavnem uradu ADZ in Polka Hall of Fame. Koncert priporočamo. Okreva na domu— G. Janez Povirk se je vrnil iz bolnice in okreva na svojem domu. Prav lepo se zahvaljuje za obiske, rože, lepe kartice, predvsem pa za molitve ter za obiske župnika Janeza Kumše-ta in g. Jožeta Černeta ter č.s. Nine Vitale. Popravek— Ga. Ann Cendol, Euclid, O., je darovala $20 v podporo AD, v spomin na moža Johna. Za neljubo napako v objavi pretekli teden se iskreno opravičujemo. Maše zopet televizirane— Televijska postaja WJW-TV8 in clevelandska škofija sporočata, da začenši z velikonočno nedeljo bodo sv. maše televizirane vsako nedeljo zjutraj ob 6.30. To nedeljo bo maševal sam škof Anthony Pilla. Tedensko bodo maševali razni škofijski duhovniki. Spominska darova— Ga. Jo Ann D. Kaifesh, Kirtland, Ohio, je darovala v podporo našemu listu $350, v spomin na mamo Josephine Klemenčič. Prav tako sta v spomin na go. Klemenčič darovala $50 g. in ga. Joseph Spisich, Wickliffe, Ohio. Darovalcem se najlepše zahvalimo za velikodušno podporo. Dopisi po faksu— Najhitrejša dostava dopisov je preko faksa. Naš je 216/ 361-4088 in je stalno vključen. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 — Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države in Kanada: $30 na leto za ZDA; $35 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $40 na leto (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $160 letno SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U S.A.: $30 per year; Canada: $35 in U.S. currency Foreign: $40 per year U.S. or equivalent foreign currency $160 per year airmail to Slovenia AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-68X) is published weekly for $30 per year by American Home Publ. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, OH. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 13 Thursday, March 27, 1997 Vstajenje Vstajenje. Koliko radostnih predstav in veselih čustev zbudi ta beseda v srcih Slovencev, raztresenih po širnem svetu. Pričara jim prebujajočo se slovensko zemljo, vso posuto z belimi zvončki, rumenimi trobenticami in vijoličastimi podleski. Pričara jim ozelenele slovenske gozdove, polja in travnike in iznad njih v nebo kipeče gore, vse ožarjene v pomladnem soncu. Vstajenje. Kot da pomladne sapice prinašajo k nam pritrkavanje slovenskih zvonov, zažive pred nami veličastne vstajenjske procesije z mogočnim petjem slovenskih velikonočnih pesmi, ki znajo razveseliti še tako potrta srca. Jezus naš je vstal od smrti, razveseli se kristjan! Smrt in pekel je premagal, vstal je iz groba tretji dan. Sledi pesem za pesmijo, ena veselejša in veličastnejša od druge. Vmes pa pritrkavanje zvonov, streljanje in zažiganje raket. Vse se mora veseliti in radovati ob Jezusovem vstajenju. In ob teh mislih na Jezusovo vstajenje na slovenski zemlji vzklikamo: Ali praznujejo kje na svetu tako lepo, tako veselo in tako mogočno Jezusovo vstajenje kakor ga Slovenci na slovenski zemlji? In vsak Slovenec pravi: »Ne! Ni lepšega vstajenja kot je vstajenje na slovenski zemlji z veličastnimi vstajenjskimi procesijami. In vendar je celo praznovanje Jezusovega vstajenja na slovenski zemlji, čeprav je tako veselo in očarljivo, komaj senca, komaj jecljanje vsega tega, kar dejansko za nas Jezusovo vstajenje je. Duša slovenskega človeka je sicer v globoki veri zaslutila veličino Jezusovega vstajenja in ves pomen, ki ga ima za nas, zato je izlila to vero v velikonočno pesem, v mogočne velikonočne procesije, v ubrano pritrkovanje zvonov. To niso ostanki poganskih običajev, ko so Slovenci še oboževali Vesno — boginjo pomladi; to so zametki tiste žive vere, ki sta jo prinesla Slovencem slovanska apostola sv. Ciril in Metod, ko sta jim govorila o predednih časteh in o novem Adamu — Kristusu, ki je prinesel ljudem vstajenje in poveličano življenje. Slovensko praznovanje Jezusovega vstajenja se približa temu, kar je o Jezusovem vstajenju zapisal apostol Pavel, kar veruje Cerkev že skoraj 2000 let, kar bogoslovci še vedno raziskujejo, a ne morejo priti veličini Jezusovega vstajenja do dna. Eden najbolj priljubljenih sodobnih duhovnih pisateljev Michel Quoist pravi v knjigi: Kristus živi o Jezusovem vstajenju: »Skrivnost odrešenja je tudi skrivnost vstajenja, kajti križev pot se ne ustavi pri grobu. Nadaljuje se prek smrti, da se izlije v sijajno radost večnega življenja. Jezus Kristus je veliki zmagovalec greha, trpljenja in smrti. V njem je umrl vsak človek, v njem je umrlo — pa tudi vstalo — vse nekdanje, sedanje in prihodnje človeštvo. Tako ni nikogar, ni nobenega greha, nobenega trenutka našega življenja, niti trohice veselja, ničesar, kar bi ušlo zmagi Jezusa Kristusa. Zunaj njegovega odrešenja ni nobena reč za vedno uspela. Vse je združil v sebi, ljudi, človeštvo, svet. Vse je daroval, dal, vse preusmeril v Boga, vse obudil.« In prav to vseobsegajočo resnico Jezusovega vstajenja hočejo verni Slovenci na slovenski zemlji čim globlje doživeti. Ker je Jezusova zmaga popolna, mora biti tudi naše veselje popolno, vse Neusahljiva ljubezen... CLEVELAND, O. - Dolgo je od tega, odkar sva se poslovila. Ko si bil v Vetrinju, si me večkrat obiskal. Tam so bili tudi moji starši. Tvoja četa je morala večkrat vežbati in ste korakali mimo, kjer je bilo nešteto beguncev na prostranem polju. Koncem meseca maja pa si prišel in mi povedal, da naslednji dan Tvoja četa odide v Italijo. Že zgodaj zjutraj sem stala ob cesti in gledala, kdaj bodo pridrveli angleški tovornjaki, da vas odpeljejo. Prišel je čas. Hitro ste poskakali na tovornjake — toliko si še imel časa, da si me še enkrat objel, poljubil in izustil: saj se kmalu vidimo v Italiji. Tovornjaki so se začeli premikati, zamahnil si z roko in mi podal poljub v pozdrav. Cesta se je izpraznila in ni bilo več slišati ropotanje motorjev. Odšla sem žalostna k vozu, kjer je bilo ležišče mojih staršev. Čestokrat se spomnim dneva, ko sva se prvič seznanila in govorila. Ob nedeljah sem stala pred oknom in gledala, kdaj boš v spremstvu drugih se približal. Stopila sem iz hiše, ti pa si pristopil in tako sva šla skupaj v cerkev sv. Antona na Brezovico. Jadran vabi na svoj pomladni koncert CLEVELAND, O. - Po dolgi zimi smo spet dočakali lepo pomlad. Zaenkrat sicer samo še na koledarju, saj zna biti zima še trmasta. Vendar je pomlad nastopila tudi pri pevskem zboru Jadran, saj se pripravljamo na koncert, ki bo v sotobo, 12. aprila, v Slovenskem delavskem domu na Waterloo Road. Kot je že naša dolgoletna navada, bo koncert združen z večerjo in plesom. Večerjo bodo začeli deliti že ob 5. pop. v spodnji dvorani, koncert pa se bo pričel ob 7. uri v glavni dvorani. Za ples in zabavo po koncertu bo igral Fred Zivvich orkester. Vstopnice za ta lep večer so po $18 in jih imajo vsi člani zbora. Lahko pa pokličete Betty Rotar na 481-3187 ali pa Dolores Dobida na 951-1694. Pridite in nas poslušajte, saj boste z vašim obiskom imeli ne le prijeten večer, ampak nam boste dali pogum in korajžo, da nadaljujejemo z našim kulturnim poslanstvom. Vsi pri Jadranu pač želimo, da bi mogli še dolgo prepevati priljubljene slovenske pesmi. Jennie Zakrajšek Od početka so ljudje malo z začudenjem gledali, potem pa se je vest že razširila po Lukovici. Včasih si me spremljal do hiše, saj moji starši so vedeli, povedala sem jim. Najbolj pa mi je ostalo v spominu na tisto velikonočno nedeljo, ko si se ustavil na križišču ceste, kjer je postavljeno znamenje sv. Florijana in cesta je peljala v zgornji del vasi, druga pa do Velike ceste. Takrat si me prvič poljubil - opazila sem v Tvojih plavkastih očeh ljubezen in iskrenost. Tisto noč nisem mogla zaspati, tako sem bila vesela. Prišla pa je v naše kraje tudi vojna vihra, zasedeni smo bili od fašistične vojske. Sprva je še šlo, toda pozneje pa so se začeli v gozdu Križanskega zbirati ljudje, kateri so govorili, da se borijo proti okupatorju. Borili pa so se za oblast in tujo demagogijo. Ljudje niso bili varni življenja, zato so se združili v vaške straže, pozneje pa v domobranstvo. Spominjam se še dobro, kako so napadali Loško šolo; niso je mogli zavzeti, v jutru so se umaknili in odšli v Polhograjske hribe. Vojna se je bližala koncu, ljudje so se že veselili, da bo zopet nastal mir na podeželju. Toda za naš narod se je Kalvarija šele pričela — odhod iz rojstnega kraja. Na Vetrinjskem polju se je ustavila procesija ljudi, ki so zapustili dom. Tu se je pričela Golgota. Angleške zasedbene vojaške sile so raznesle vest, da se umaknejo domobranci v Italijo. Po nekaj dneh pa se je zvedelo, kam so jih odpeljali in kaj se je zgodlo v Kočevskem Rogu, Teharjah in drugih krajih Slovenije. Narod slovenski je zajokal, kajti izgubil je sinove, ki so se borili za geslo1 Bog, Narod, Domovina. Sedaj sem tu. Starši so mi že pomrli. Ostala sem sama. Vedno mislim na Te. Na nočni omarici imam Tvojo sliko in se v mislih pogovarjam s Teboj. Hodim v cerkev sv. Vdia in se vedno ustavim pred kapelico na desni strani cerkve - tam na steni je pozorno nakazano, kaj se je zgodlio po končani vojni. Tu je vsako leto na Slovenski pristavi pri Spominski kapelici spominska svečanost za naše mlade fante in žrtve vojne. Tu prisostvujem, misli pa mi gredo tja nazaj na prete-kost, na veselje mladih fantov, ki so se s pesmijo poslavljali. Niso se vrnili, izdani so bili- Letno pa Tabor pripravlja zabavni večer. Letos še posebno, da se udeležimo, da organizacija pridobi nekaj podpore in da se lahko vklešejo imena na farnih ploščah, imena tistih pač, ki nimajo svojcev. Tako vsako leto pridem s prijateljico na ta večer. Opazim tam obraze iz taborišča Spittal. Ob mizi, kjer sedim, pa se mi zdi, da si tudi Ti poleg, saj me misli vedno spominjajo na Te. Sedaj sem že v letih in ni daleč od snidenja, takrat pa bom vedno ob Tebi in bo samo šepetanje o ljubezni... Tabor DSPB — S. V. Prošnja župnika sv. Križa nad Mariborom Dragi slovenski rojaki! Pred tremi leti sem prevzel kot menih sv. Benedikta župnijo sv. Križa nad Mariborom, kjer je doma ga. Angela Ra-dey, da obenem kot stalni župnik za to župnijo poživim v državi Sloveniji red sv. Benedi-tka, ki so ga komunisti pred 50. leti razpustili, menihe pa pregnali iz samostana v Vetrinjski ulici v Mariboru. Se prej pa so to storili nacisti leta 1941, ko so zasedli Maribor. Župnijo sv. Križa sem izbral zato, ker se nahaja v okolju, primernem za meniško življenje, pa tudi župnija zaradi odročnosti ne bi po vsej verjetnosti imela še kaj stalnega duhovnika. Sem pa sem prišel 1. oktobra 1993 iz Marijinega Celja (Mariazell) na gornjem avstrijskem Štajerskem, kjer sem kot menih bil v službi spovednika za slovenske in ostale romarje na voljo. Župnišče sdmo je bilo od komunistov-partizanov 24. fe- se mora veseliti Kristusovega vstajenja: zemlja, rastline, živali in ljudje. Tudi trpeči in umirajoči človek dobi v Jezusovem vstajenju veselo upanje. Že omenjeni pisatelj pravi v isti knjigi: »Ce hočemo, nam niti trenutek življenja ne more uiti prekipevajočemu veselju velike noči. Pravi kristjan ne more živeti mimo radosti. Po Kristusu je vpeljan in ustoličen v radost, ji izročen. V svojem življenju ne more doživeti resničnega poloma: niti greh, niti trpljenje, niti smrt zanj niso nepremostljive ovire. Vse je prvina odrešenja, vstajenja, kajti odslej ga v njegovem grehu, njegovem trpljenju in v njegovi smrti čaka Jezus Kristus-zmagovalec. Če smo žalostni, smo zato, ker se uprti vase spogledujemo s smrtjo in si tako zapiramo življenje. (dalje na str. 20) bruarja 1945 razrušeno, tak° da sedaj prebivam v skladišč’ kolikor tolikor prirejani za stanovanje in možnost verouka. Tukaj snujem načrte, delno tudi uresničujem, saJ imam že enega novinca, se Pa kaže, da jih bo tudi še več za meniški stan. Potrebno je popraviti zaradi zamakanja notranjost župne cerkve sv. Križa, kakor tudi graditi novo župnišče, ki naj bi bilo tako veliko, da bo služilo tudi za samostan. Jezus je rekel, prosite in se vam bo dalo. Ravno to delam sedaj s tem pismom, ki ga P°' šiljam po rojakinji Vam, delno tudi na njeno pobudo, ter Vas prosim za kakršno koli P°' moč, bodisi enkratno ali večkratno. Vsak dar bo župnij* oziroma samostanu sv. Benedikta edinega v Sloveniji, v veliko pomoč. Ce bo samostan ponovno zaživel, kar pa sem prepričan* boste vključeni lahko kot P°' samezniki ali pa skupina v vsakdanji memorium molitve* v kar ste kot morebitni o°' brotniki že zdaj, kakor tud* nekrologium spomina dobrot' nikov župnije in samostana. Vse to polagam sedaj v božje roke, prav tako v pripr0' šnjo sv. Benediktu, Cirilu i*1 Metodu, se posebej svetniške* mu kandidatu A.M. Slomšku* kakor tudi ostalim slovenskim svetniškim kandidatom, kot so (dalje na str. 19) MARKO KREMŽAR Buenos Aires, Argentina Etika, mednarodni odnosi in Slovenija Dokler Slovenci nismo imeli svoje države, smo mogli gledati na mednarodno politiko precej neprizadeto. Bili smo gledalci, večkrat pa tudi objekt odločitev drugih držav. Zato smo tudi načelo, da »države nimajo prijateljev in sovražnikov, marveč le koristi« (namesto besede »koristi« smo navadno uporabljali tuj izraz »interesi«) sprejemali kot nekako dokončno modrost, ki pa se nas ni tikala neposredno. Na področju meddržavnih odnosov naj bi pač držala pravila igre, ki so ji evropske velesile dale ime »realistične politike« ali kot pravijo Nemci, ki so tako politiko najbolj dosledno uveljavljali: »realpolitik«. Malokdo je pri tem pomislil, da v takem realizmu ni prostora za etiko, a to nas ni preveč skrbelo, kajti odločitve na meddržavni ravni so bile daleč od slovenske narodne in z moralno problematiko prežete stvarnosti. Ko je ob pričetku tega desetletja zaživela slovenska država, smo se kot narod srečali s pravicami pa tudi z odgovono-stmi meddržavnih odnosov — to je z vprašanji slovenske zunanje politike. Cez noč smo se niorali vključiti v zapleteno igro, v kateri skušajo države vsega sveta ne le usklajati Medsebojne koristi, temveč Predvsem uveljavljati svoje koristi na račun drugih. Skraja se nam je zdelo morda skoraj otročje preprosto odgovarjati na vprašanje, kaj so slovenske koristi. ^rv' vPrašanjih na primer, ki se tičejo ozemlja, so odgovori naravnost otipljivi. Ko pa se ^Puščamo polagoma na zaple-enejša področja mednarodne-nivfosPodarstva in medkultur-v Vplivanj, odgovori na tasanje, kaj je v interesu ovenske države, niso več tak0 Preprosti. Dokler so v vladale Evropi absolutistične monarhije, je '1° lahko določati državne 0r'sti. Kar je bilo v dobro Monarhu oziroma njegovi di-nastiji, je bilo dobro za drža-^ 'n kar mu je škodilo, je bilo v nasprotju z državnimi interesi. Ustavne monarhije pa tudi evropske republike zadnjih dveh stoletij so določanje, kaj je v korist državi in kaj ne, prepustile parlamentom, ki so navadno predstavljali gospodarsko najmočnejšo plast v državi. V totalitarnih državah je odločala o istem vprašanju nezmotljiva partija. Kako pa naj na to vprašanje odgovarjajo mlade demokracije, ki izhajajo iz totalitarizmov? Kaj je v interesu slovenske države? Ker je gospodarska premoč v okviru demokratičnih ustav še vedno v rokah nekdanjih pripadnikov totalitarnih struktur komunistične partije, je prav mogoče, da bi tudi v prihodnje gledala parlamentarna večina na njihove koristi kot na koristi slovenske države, kar seveda ni nujno tako. Zanimivo, da ljudje, ki pričakujemo, da bo sodna oblast delovala po resnici in pravici in da se bo držala etičnih principov, sprejemamo navadno brez posebenga presenečenja, VESELA VELIKA - NOC HAPPY EASTER To AH Our Customers and Friends VSEM PR! JA TEL JEM IN ZNANCEM ZEUMO VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE Gruzina Angie & Frank Fujs Frangie’s Fashions 692-2099 475 E. 200 St., Euclid, OH 44119 Hours: Monday - Saturday 9-4, ------------------ kadar zakonodajna in izvršna oblast v državi odločata negle-de na moralnost ali nemoralnost svojih odločitev. Ali je taka nedoslednost v demokratični državi sprejemljiva? Pri tem razmišljanju nam nepričakovano priskočijo na pomoč današnji usmerjevalci zunanje politike Združenih držav Amerike, ki so se znašli pred podobnimi vprašanji. Ko so se po drugi svetovni vojni spustile ZDA na področje svetovne zunanje politike z vso sebi lastno zavzetostjo, so se zavedale, da stopajo na področje, ki ga ne obvladajo tako kakor na primer imperialistične velesile stare in takrat oslabele Evrope. Vendar so se ameriški politiki kaj kmalu priučili in pričeli posnemati zglede evropske »realpolitike«. Henry Kissinger je postal naravnost model te zunanjepolitične smeri, ki jo je zavestno posnemal po dvesto let starem zgledu dunajskega machi-avelista grofa Metternicha. Šele po vietnamskem polomu so se pričeli nekateri ameriški teoretiki spraševati, če je zunanjepolitični model, ki so ga privzeli po imperialistični Evropi, resnično primeren za veliko ameriško demokracijo. Ta je zrasla pred dvemi stoletjema konec koncev iz strogih moralnih principov evropskih verskih in političnih beguncev. Izhodiščno vprašanje, na katerega so si morali odgovoriti ti misleci, je bilo: kaj je v interesu ZDA? Pred podobnim vprašanjem stoji glede na svoje razmere vsako državno vodstvo in seveda tudi slovenski politični vrh. Katere in čigave koristi je dolžna braniti in podpirati demokratična država? Odgovor ni lahek. V demokratičnih državah, kjer prevladuje tržno gospodarstvo, katero je po naravi pluralistično in ne redko samo v sebi kontradiktorno, prav zato ni lahko ugotoviti kaj je na gospodarskem in zato tudi na zunanjepolitičnem področju državljanom resnično v korist. Kar je namreč v korist porabnikom, utegne biti v škodo podjetnikom, kar je v interesu dela zmožnega prebivalstva, je lahko v škodo upokojencev. Visoke obresti koristijo varčevalcem, a otežkočajo razmah podjetnikom, s tem pa tudi manjšajo zaposlenost. Tuje investicije so na nekaterih področjih potrebne, na drugih primerne, na tretjih škodljive bodisi okolju bodisi domačim podjetjem, a skraja navadno zmanjšujejo brezposelnost. Nadzor nad tujimi investicijami bi bil ponekod potreben, a ni v skladu s pravili, ki jih hoče uveljaviti svetovna globalizacija, ki ima ključe do velikih trgov. Nizke plače koristijo industriji in njeni konkurenčnosti, a škodijo zaposlenim. Odprte meje znišajo cene in višajo nekaterim življenjsko raven, a pospešujejo koncen- (dalje na str. 22) <'• Ponovno o verskem pouku oz. pouku v verstvih v javnih šolah Kaj bo storila Cerkev? Ljubljana — Naključna sočasnost oblikovanja nove vladne koalicije in sprememb v vrhu hierarhije slovenske Katoliške cerkve bi lahko ostala brez posebnega pomena, če ne bi to naključje postalo pomenljivo zaradi nekaterih malce enigmatičnih stavkov v izjavah novega slovenskega nadškofa gospoda Rodeta. O »enigma-tičnosti« je kajpak mogoče govoriti, ker novi vrhovni pastir slovenskih ovčic ni povedal nič določnega o tem, kaj namerava storiti. Ta razsežnost je prepuščena ugibanju. Vsakdo, ki je politično minimalno pismen, pa lahko v izjavi novega nadškofa zazna napetost med dvema ključnima deloma izjave, med tistim, ki se nanaša na verski pouk v javni šoli, in tistim, ki govori o naklonjeni strakarski partnerici v vladi. Iz tega ni mogoče razbrati nič drugega kot jasno znamenje liberalni demokraciji, da bo morala računati na Katoliško cerkev kot politično PROŠNJA (nadaljevanje s str. 18) Baraga, Gnidovec, Gošnjak, kot tudi mučenik 2. svetovne vojne Grozde. Mati božja Marija pa naj Vam po Sv. Duhu podeljuje obilje milosti ter razumnosti srca. p. Modes! Merkač OSB žup. in predst. reda Naša rojakinja ga. Angela Ra-dey je sprejela to pismo od podpisanega župnika. Če kdo želi poslati dar v ta namen, je naprošen, da ga pošilja na njen naslov, torej na: Angela Radey 4314 Swaffield St., So. Euclid, OH 44121 Tel. (216) 381-5478 sogovornico, ki bo nemara v močnejšem položaju kot v prejšnjem obdobju. Gotovo ni nujno, da bo dialog med državo in Cerkvijo konflikten, kar bo v največji meri odvisno od modrosti Cerkve. Ce bo ta nekatera že rešena vprašanja v odnosu med Cerkvijo in državo razglasila za sporna skupaj s preostalimi še nerešenimi vprašanji, potem lahko destabilizira pravkar rojeno vladno koalicijo. Seveda pa je veliko vprašanje, ali bo Cerkev ocenila, da je taka destabilizacija v njenem interesu, saj bi se navsezadnje s takim ravnanjem lahko tudi sama diskreditirala. Po enem od mogočih scenarijev bi npr. Cerkev lahko skušala obvezati ljudsko stranko, da ji v vladi in parlamentu izbori posebne pristojnosti v zvezi s poukom o religijah, če ne že kar verouka samega. S tem bi kajpak ponovno odprla vprašanje, ki je bilo ob sprejemanju paketa šolske zakonodaje rešno v vsestransko nezadovoljstvo: v javno šolo ni bil uveden obvezni verouk, vendarle pa je bil uveden nekakšen obvezno-izbirni predmet, o katerem je tako v strokovnih krogih kot v širši javnosti še veliko dvomov. Kljub vsemu pa je ta rešitev v šolski zakonodaji pomenila nekakšen pakt, ki bi lahko prispeval k zbliževanju nasprotnih polov, močno opredeljenih z zgodovinskimi označevalci. Ljudska stranka, ki bi sama morda lahko živela s takim paktom, pa bi, če bi ga Cerkev preklicala, prišla v nezavidljiv položaj, saj bi najbrž težko pretrgala dosedanje vezi s Cerkvijo. Ce pa bi LDS na drugi # (Dalje na str. 22) Del slovenske politike oporeka Cerkvi lastništvo gozdov Referendumi kot pretveza za odvzem nepremičnin V Sloveniji pripravljajo tri referendume političnih strank in enega, ki zanj zbira podpise upokojeni gozdarski strokovnjak iz Kočevja Z referendumi bi ugotovili, kaj menijo volivci o predlogih in zahtevah za vrnitev zemljišč in gozdov lastnikom, ki so jim bile omenjene nepremičnine odvzete pod bivšim režimom. Referendumi bi po zatrjevanju predlagateljev bili del postopka, s katerim bi vladi omogočili nadaljevanje denacionalizacije, potem ko je Ustavno sodišče razveljavilo zamrznitev vračanja premoženja za zemljišča in gozdove, večje od 200 ha. Zamrznitev vračanja bo odpravljena 20. julija, dotlej pa je treba sprejeti drugačen zakon oz. predpise glede omenjenih večjih površin. Prvi je dal predlog za referendum Janez Černač, nekdanji direktor Gozdnega gospodarstva Kočevje. Sledil mu je Zmago Jelinčič, predsednik Slovenske nacionalne stranke; na referendum o nepremičninah, večjih od 200 ha, se pripravljata tudi Liberalna demokracija in Združena lista socialnih demokratov. Vsak pobudnik za referendum mora zbrati 40 tisoč podpisov volivcev, v Državnem zboru pa bi bilo dovolj 30 glasov podpore poslancev. Različna stališča glede vrnitve nepremičnin Cerkvi Podpise za referendume zbirajo v vzdušju zmede, ko je dovolj prostora tudi za manipuliranje z javnostjo. Medtem ko vsi pobudniki soglašajo, da tujci v Sloveniji ne morejo postati lastniki velikih površin zemljišč in gozdov, pri čemer so mišljeni predvsem t.i. fevdalci iz prejšnjih obdobij, so stališča do vrnitve nepremičnin Cerkvi različna. Najbolj skrajnostna so stališča Zmaga Jelinčiča, ki celo meni, da Cerkev že zdavnaj ni več lastnik gozdov, ki jih zdaj zahteva zase. (To seveda ne drži, saj so vse cerkvene nepre- mičnine vpisane v zemljiške knjige). Cerkvenih pravnih oseb, ki bi morale dobiti povrnjena zemljišča ali gozdove, naj bi bilo v Sloveniji okoli dva tisoč. Po predlogih za druge referendume bi Cerkvi vrnili do tisoč hektarov nepremičnin, za ostale nepremičnine pa bi prejela pravično odškodnino. Namere referendumov S pobudami za referendume poskušajo stranke doseči svoje politične cilje, ki naj bi povečali prestiž in vlogo v slovenski politiki in javnosti. Pri tem ustvarjajo ali poglabljajo razne predsodke in sovraštvo do Cerkve, ki naj bi po njihovih zatrjevanjih bila bogata ustanova, čeprav je res prav obratno, saj slovenska Cerkev nima zagotovljenih stalnih virov za svoje delovanje. Tudi mora sama vzdrževati cerkve, samostane in druge sakralne objekte, čeprav so slednji del splošne nacionalne zgodovine in kulture. Pobudniki referendumov tudi molče o tem, da je Ustavno sodišče v svoji razsodbi zapisalo tudi naslednje: »Potrebno je posebej upoštevati, da Cerkve in verske skupnosti v primeru, ko se pojavljajo kot denacionalizacijski upravičenci, glede na njihovo vlogo obče koristnih ustanov in glede na njihov položaj v našem pravnem redu, ne bi bilo ustavno dopustno enačiti z veleposestvi fevdalnega izvora oz. z lastninskimi odnosi, ki izvirajo iz historično izkazanih fevdalnih odnosov.« Nepremičnine naj bi vključili v sporazum o gmotnih temeljih za delovanje Cerkve v Sloveniji Slovenska Cerkev se ne odziva na posamezne trditve in laži, ki jih razširjajo posamezniki oz. okolja v strankah, ki zbirajo podpise za referendume o usodi slovenskih zemljišč in gozdov. Cerkev pričakuje uradna stališča vlade o tem, po kakšnih načelih in merilih bi izvedli denacionalizacijo njenih zemljišč in gozdov. Vendar sta pomenljivi in značilni izjavi, ki sta jih o denacionalizaciji cerkvenega premoženja dala dr. Janez Gril, glavni urednik Družine, ter Mirko Krašovec, ekonom mariborske škofije. V bistvu sta poudarila, »da kakor hitro bi bila država pripravljena s pogodbo med Svetim sedežem in državo zagotoviti gmotne temelje za delovanje Cerkve, bi se laže pogovarjali o odstopu od vračila v naravi večjih kmetijskih in gozdnih površin in o sprejemu nadomestila, ki bi bilo trdno zagotovljeno s to mednarodno pogodbo med Svetim sedežem in državo.« Predsednik vlade Drnovšek meni, da referendumi o lastništvu zemljišč in gozdov niso potrebni, saj bo zadevo obravnavala vlada, ki bi se tudi opredelila o spremembah zakona o denacionalizaciji, kot jih je zahtevalo Ustavno sodišče. Vlada bo zadevo pospešila, očitno tudi po sporazumu s koalicijsko Slovensko ljudsko stranko. Nastaja skratka vzdušje za sklenitev sporazuma med državo in Svetim sedežem o gmotnih temeljih za delovanje Cerkve v Sloveniji. Del tega sporazuma bi sestavljale tudi nepremičnine, ki so last Cerkve. Marjan Drobež NOVI GLAS, 13. 3. 1997 Anton M. LAVRISHA Attorney-at-Law (Odvetnik) 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 Complete Legal Services Večja gozdna veleposest v Sloveniji ATTEMS • zahtovtk 4021 ha IORN • zahtevek 4000 ha AUERSPERG, SCHONBURG tfeil • napovedan zahtevek 41216 ha Vstajenje (nadaljevanje s str. 18) Vsi slovenski velikonočni običaji, vse slovenske velikonočne pesmi in vse slovensko praznovanje Jezusovega vstajenja je ena sama pesem veselja ob Jezusovi zmagi nad smrtjo in ob polnosti življenja, ki prehaja na vse ljudi in na vse stvarstvo iz vstalega Kristusa. Povezan s skrivnostnim pomlajevanjem slovenske zemlje vsako pomlad znova doživlja slovenski človek na slovenski zemlji tudi velikonočno skrivnost, skrivnostno prerojenje iz trpljenja in smrti v vstajenje in v poveličano življenje. Michel Quoist do doživljanje velikonočne skrivnosti izrazi takole: »Zato lahko največje trpljenje in največja radost živita skupaj, tesno združena v toku istega življenja. Pravo veselje, ne prehodno, ne lažniva blaženost naivnega duha, ne odpoved zgrešene mistike, ne nepopravljivi optimizem tistih, ki določajo, daje ‘bolje smejati se kot jokati’, ampak tišina, notranja vedrina, globok mir in žar človeka, ki kljub razklanemu srcu in razpadajočemu telesu, kljub trpljenju svojih bratov in sestra, ne da bi pozabljal nanje, ne da bi jih zatajil, ne da bi zapustil svoj boj proti trpljenju, z vsemi močmi veruje v zmago Odrešenika in se neločljivo veže nanj ter se združuje z njegovim bojem. Človek, ki je tako vstopil v veselje in v njem živi, je v Kristusu postal takšen, kakršnega želi Oče. Doživel je pravo postavo živega, popolnoma razvitega človeka, kar je v skupnosti z Jezusovo skrivnostjo šel do konca. Ni šel le do skrivnosti njegovega stvarjenja, učlovečenja, odrešenja, ampak tudi do skrivnosti vstajenja.« Slovenci praznujemo Jezusovo vstajenje na veliko noč veselo, veličastno, zmagoslavno. V vsakdanjem življenju se pa mora seveda ta praznična veselost in veličastna zmagoslavnost umikati v tišino, notranjo vedrino, globok mir in v neomajno zaupanje, da za trpljenjem in smrtjo pride vstajenje in poveličanje. Tako so doživljale in še doživljajo velikonočno skrivnost verne slovenske matere — svetnice, mučenice. In tako naj bi jo doživljali tudi verni slovenski sinovi in hčere vernih slovenskih mater. Vsi gremo vstajenju in poveličanemu življenju naproti. In čim več sedaj trpimo, čim bolj nosimo na sebi umiranje, tem bliže smo vstajenju in poveličanemu življenju. Velika noč — Jezusovo vstajenje ni le največji praznik za slehernega kristjana, ampak tudi njegov končni cilj, smisel vsega njegovega življenja. Za vstajenje in za večno življenje smo bili namreč ustvarjeni in odrešeni. Zato je in ostane za nas največje in najbolj osrečujoče upanje upanje na vstajenje in poveličano življenje. Iz tega upanja je živel tudi največji slovenski pesnik dr. France Prešeren, ko je v svoji največji duševni krizi priznal: Minljivost sladkih zvez na svet oznani, kak kratko je veselih dni število; da srečen je le-td, kdor z Bogomilo up sreče onkraj groba v prsih hrani. Se malo prej je poveličeval smrt, ko bi moral vstajenje. Kajti smrt je le prehod, ne nekaj stalnega, ne človekov cilj, ampak le pot do cilja. Zato moramo obrniti na vstajenje tiste besede, ki j'* je zapel o smrti: Vstajenje le predolgo se ne mudi! Ti ključ, ti vrata, ti si srečna cesta, ki pelje nas iz bolečine mesta tja, kjer trohljivost vse verige zgrudi. To upanje temelji na Jezusovih besedah: »Jaz sem vstajenje in življenje. Kdor v me veruje, bo živel, tudi če umrje; in kdor živi in v me veruje, vekomaj ne bo umrl« (Jan 11, 25-26). Vstal je Kristus, vstali bomo tudi mi. Slovenci to živo verujemo, zato Jezusovo vstajenje z največjim veseljem praznujemo in iz te resnice živimo. Janez Kopač, C.M- Božja Beseda, Toronto (April 1972 — torej izpred 25 leti) VOŠČILO IZ ITALIJE: Nikoli več velikega petka za slovenski narod, temveč samo resnično vstajenje in zmaga dobrega nad zlim. Rane, ki jih je to zlo prineslo slovenskemu narodu, se še ob vstajenju vidijo in bolijo. Daj Bog, da bi se kmalu zacelile. TO SO MOJA VELIKONOČNA VOŠČILA SLOVENSKI DRŽAVI IN VSEM ROJAKOM TAKO V DOMOVINI KOT V ZAMEJSTVU IN DRUGOD PO SVETU. Cav. Vinko Levstik, predsednik družbe S.A.R. SPA, lastnica hotelov: HOTEL EMONA Via Statilia 25 00185 Rome, Italy Tel.: 011-39-6-7027911 Fax: 011-39-6-7028787 V obeh hotelih imajo slovenski gostje popust. Pričakujemo Vas! PALACE HOTEL Corso Italia 63 34170 Gorizia, Italy Tel.: 011-39-0481-82166 Fax: 011-39-0481-31658 DRAGO LEGIŠA: Komentar Trst, Italija Nova slovenska vlada iz našega zornega kota Od državnozborskih volitev je moralo poteči več kot sto dni, predenje Slovenija dobila novo vlado. Že samo to dejstvo zgovorno pove, da se slovenska demokracija še vedno zvija v porodnih krčih, čeprav je od prvih svobodnih volitev poteklo skoraj sedem let. Slovenci v Italiji se sicer nad takšnim stanjem ne moremo ne zgražati ne čuditi, saj vemo, da italijanska demokracija še zdaleč ni dosegla ravni zahodnih demokratičnih držav, četudi je od osvoboditve poteklo več kot pol stoletja. Za Italijo ostaja namreč politična nestabilnost eno ključnih vprašanj. Novo slovensko vlado, ki ji spet predseduje liberalni demokrat Janez Drnovšek, je parlament v Ljubljani potrdil v četrtek, 27. februarja. Pri ^olitvah tokrat ni bilo presene-^enj. saj je za Drnovškov predlog glasovalo 52 poslancev, od skupnih 90. To pomeni, da so poslanci LDS in SLS spoštovali sklepe svojih strankarskih vodstev, čeprav se je v nekaterih krogih še tik pred glasova-šušljalo, da bo gotovo Prišlo do kršenja strankarske u'scipline, kar naj bi veljalo Predvsem za SLS. Za vlado so glasovali še po s anci stranke upokojence' (skupno jih je pet) in ob; manjšinska poslanca (Italija: ln Madžarka). Predsednik Drnovšek je bi z ‘zidom glasovanja vidno za ovoljen. Njegovo zadovolj vo je tudi upravičeno, saj t; v ada lahko v parlamentu ra J1”3 na solidno večino. N J. na ^ pa se tudi v Slove spre a*C potreba P° nekateri! dajjmdembah v volilni zakono 8lasovapoPcetPreČiraZPrŠer strančic Tn * VrStl Str 11 • To Pa je glavna ovir Poti politične stabilnosti '■‘nkovitosti vlade in parla ttenta. nrNa televizijskih zaslonih j doh Sedn‘*c SLSS Marjan Po vil0n* kazal ob izvolitvi pra ma resen obraz, čemur s seveda ni bilo čuditi. Na svoja ramena je namreč moral sprejeti breme očitkov, češ da je pustil na cedilu Janševe socialdemokrate in Peterletove krščanske demokrate, s katerimi ga je vezala pogodba o skupnem nastopanju na pogajanjih z mandatarjem Drnovškom. Prav gotovo ima prav, kdor pravi, da so Podobnik, Janša in Peterle naredili veliko napako, ker niso predvideli več alternativ za rešitev vladne krize. Njihova formula 3 + 1 (pomladne stranke in LDS) dejansko ni dopuščala nobenega manevrskega prostora, vztrajanje pri tej formuli pa je bilo za zunanjega opazovalca naravnost nerazumljivo, saj je od vsega začetka bilo jasno, da »pomladniki« niso imeli moči, da bi jo mogli uveljaviti (ne glede na Puckov primer). To pa je zdaj že preteklost. Iz sestave vlade je predvsem razvidno, da ohranja LDS krepko v svojih rokah ključna ministrstva, kot so zunanja, notranja, socialna, finančna, gospodarska in kulturna politika ter šolstvo. Ko se je že zdelo, da bo slednje prevzel minister iz vrst SLS, je na koncu vse ostalo pri starem. LDS se očitno zaveda, da so humanistična področja odločilna za nadaljnji razvoj naroda in družbe. V tej zvezi priha- Bl4GOSLOVLJENE velikonočne PRAZNIKE ŽELIJO VSEM SL O VENSKIM ROJA KOM fantje na vasi iz Clevelanda Vesele Velikonočne praznike HAPPY EASTER '° All Members and Friends St. Vitus Lodge No. 25 KSKJ President: Joseph Baškovič Vice-President: Joseph Hočevar Secretary: John Turek Recording Secretary: John Hočevar 1895 p Treasurer: Al Orehek -paternal Insurance sin< ja v poštev predvsem šola, o kateri je znani in ugledni italijanski pravnik in politik Piero Calamandrei (1889-1956) napisal naslednje pomembne besede: »V demokraciji je šola važnejša od parlamenta in sodstva. Politična plast, ki bo jutri sprejemala zakone in delila pravico, prihaja iz šole in bo takšna, kakršno bo uspela izoblikovati šola.« »Svet politike, znanosti in šole, skratka vodilna plast - je pred dnevi izjavil predsednik poslanske zbornice Violante -si mora narediti natančno idejo o Italiji. Država in narod ne prideta nikamor, če nimata v sebi preobrazbene moči in nekaterih velikih usmerjalnih vrednot. Trdno moraš biti prepričan, da so potrebna pravila, da moraš spoštovati mnenje drugih, da ne smeš imeti predsodkov, da moraš odklanjati ideološke vojne in sprejemati boj idej. Delati moraš za prihodnje rodove, moraš imeti državni čut, kar pomeni, da je javna oblast v službi državljana.« Kje naj se vsega tega naučijo mladi, če ne predvsem v šoli? Slovence izven meja matice tudi zelo zanima, kolikšno skrb bo nova vlada posvečala njihovim življenjskim vprašanjem. Do zdaj je za te probleme operativno skrbel Urad za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu v okviru zunanjega ministrstva. Nad njegovim delovanjem se Slovenci v zamejstvu ne moremo pritoževati. Kritika, ki je kdaj pa kdaj letela na njegov račun, je bila večinoma zlonamerna, v slabi veri in krivična. Jasno je, kako trdno računamo, da bo ta urad nadaljeval z delom in da mu bo omogočeno svoje delo še okrepiti, kar bo seveda odvisno tudi in predvsem od volje celotne vlade. Na koncu bi omenili še nekaj. Kot vemo, je v Italiji v teku akcija za priznanje volilne pravice izseljencem. V tej zvezi je bilo treba zavrniti predvsem mnenje, češ da se to vprašanje rešuje p« znanem angleškem načelu, izraženo z besedami »no representation without taxation« ali po naše »ni predstavništva brez obdavčitve« (op. ur. AD: V ameriškem, in verjetno v angleškem pojmovanju, gre ravno obratno: No taxation without representation, kar je seveda bistveno drugačno.) Najstarejši italijanski aktivni časnikar Indro Montanelli (prekoračil je mejo 86 let) je pred dnevi označil odklanjanje volilne pravice izseljencem za bedasto, češ da se Italija na ta način odpoveduje milijonom svojih ambasadorjev. Vemo, da četrtina slovenskega naroda živi izven meja svoje domovine. Se more dvomilijonska Slovenija odpovedati tolikšnemu številu ambasadorjev, ki svoje delo opravljajo brezplačno? NOVI UST 6. marca 1997 ZDA in Slovenija Slovenija in Slovaška nista isto Američani niso ravno doma v zemljepisu — To tudi priznavajo in se šalijo na svoj račun Ljubljana — Stefan Kapsch, profesor političnih znanosti na univerzi Reed v Portlandu, Oregon, ima slovenske korenine. Njegovi stari starši so se izselili iz Bele krajine v ZDA pred kakim stoletjem. Zato Kapsch nikoli ne izpusti martinovanja v Črnomlju, kadar obišče Slovenijo. Predstavlja jo Američanom in ker ve, da njihovo znanje zemljepisa ni ravno zgledno, zmeraj nosi s seboj majhen zemljevid. O tem, koliko v ZDA poznajo Slovenijo, pa pripoveduje takole. Američani ne bi bili Američani, če se ne bi norčevali iz svojih šibkosti. To se je lepo pokazalo v televizijskem reklamnem filmu o Sloveniji, izdelku velike severnoameriške investicijske družbe, ki se je specializirala za nove trge. Skoda, da se s prevodom njegove izvirni humoristični naboj nekako porazgubi. »Ali veste, kakšna je razlika med Slovenijo in Slovaško?« Razsvetliti želi predvsem ameriške poslovneže, ki jim je namenjen. V ZDA namreč radi zamenjujejo Slovenijo s Slovaško, ki jim je kot del nekdanje Češkoslovaške bolj znana. Malo se tudi ponorčuje iz nevednosti rojakov. Američani se na splošno radi posmehujejo samim sebi, zbijanje šal na tuj račun pa velja za surovo in vulgarno. Omenjena reklama je imela hkrati namen predstaviti Slovenijo in ponorčevali se iz neznanja rojakov o Srednji Evropi. Pouči jih, da ima Slovenija močno gospodarstvo, trden politični sistem, da je skratka primerna za naložbe. Film je svojevrstna zaupnica Sloveniji. Za Slovenijo je pomembno, da se ime Slovenije omenja v ameriških občilih, še bolj pa, da o njej slišijo poslovneži, vodilni ljudje, ki imajo vpliv v gospodarstvu, politiki in družbi nasploh. Posnetek so predvajali med poročili o gospodarskih gibanjih, ki jih gledajo predvsem ekonomisti. Poleg tega, da imajo smisel za humor in zbijanje šal na svoj račun, so Američani tudi naklonjeni vsemu majhnemu. Nadvse občudujejo trdo delo, kakovost, vztrajnost in premagovanje sovražnosti — te lastnosti presojajo današnjim in preteklim rodovom Slovencev. Več ko se naučijo o Sloveniji, bolj jo občudujejo in širijo njen sloves po ZDA. Kot pravi profesor Kapsch, je bil omenjeni reklamni film le korak v odpiranju Slovenije Ameriki. Veliko za to je naredila ena najbolj priljubljenih ameriških medijskih osebnosti Charles Kuralt, ki je slovenskega rodu in je posnel igrani film o slovenski reprezentanci iz leta 1992, ko se je Slovenija v Albertvillu prvikrat predstavila na olimpijskih igrah kot samostojna država. Silno navdušenje je požel tudi olimpijski starosta Leon Štukelj, ki je lani poleti v Atlanti očaral milijone ameriških televizijskih gledalcev. Marsikdo med njimi še nikoli ni slišal za Slovenijo. Njegova življenjska zgodba pa ne bi bila niti približno tako zanimiva, če bi namesto iz majhne Slovenije izviral iz velike Rusije, Kitajske ali celo iz ZDA. Američani imajo radi svoje nasprotje, to je nekako njihova narodna značilnost. Vse to, tudi Kapschovo razsvetljevanje, je pripomoglo, da ima ena največjih ameriških knjigarn v Portlandu, ki leta 1994 ni imela niti ene knjige o Sloveniji, zdaj že polno polico del o njej, celo slovarje, slovnice in zgodovinska dela. In kar je najpomembnejše: ljudje jih kupujejo. (A.Z.), Delo, 12.2.1997 MALI OGLASI Marcella Road 2 family, down. Taking applications for rent only. 2 bdrm, carpeted, appliances, central air, family rm, Ige well-maintained yard. No pets.382-1773. (11-14) Etika, mednarodni odnosi in Slovenija (nadaljevanje s sir. 19) tracijo kapitala in v nekaterih predelih večajo brezposelnost. Državni podpori kmetijstva, ki jo ob prosti mednarodni konkurenci narekujejo socialni in narodnostni razlogi, nasprotujejo zagovorniki globalizacije in odprte trgovine, pa tudi domači davkoplačevalci ker obremenjuje ostale družbene plasti. Družinska politika, ki hoče s pospeševanjem rodnosti zagotavljati narodu prihodnost, navadno ni naklonjena neomejenemu pritoku tuje delovne sile, ki sicer pomaga reševati trenutne socialne zagate, a hkrati odpira nove; nekatera zavezništva ponujajo varnost pred potencialnimi sovražniki, a nimajo odgovora na vprašanje, kako se zavarovati pred zavezniki. S tem lista nasprotujočih si interesov v demokratični družbi seveda ni izčrpana. Pod kakšnim vidikom naj ugotavlja država, katere koristi naj na mednarodnem področju brani, ali pa naj enostavno prepusti, da močnejši obvladajo šibkejše, in se sprijazni z dejstvom, da bodo domača podjetja postala podružnice mednarodnih koncernov, narodna kultura pa komaj še folklorna zanimivost? Ali s pasivnim odnosom do teh vprašanj ne odstopa država bistveni del svoje suverenosti in molče sprejema vlogo evropske province? ZDA, katerim se zaenkrat ni bati, da bi postale komurkoli provinca, so se zavedle, da je od pravilnega odgovora na gornje vprašanje odvisna njihova politična smer v tretjem tisočletju. Pričelo se je pojavljati mnenje, da v množici nasprotujočih si interesov država ne more in tudi ne sme odločati glede na posamične koristi podjetij ali družbenih plasti, marveč mora poiskati višje, objektivnejše vidike. Država mora pri svojih odločitvah zamenjati pragmatičnost z etičnostjo, ne sme se spraševati, kaj utegne biti koristno, temveč kaj je dobro in prav. Tako se je razvila v ZDA šola »načelne« zunanje politike. Njen najvidnejši predstavnik je nekdanji ameriški zunanji minister profesor Zbigniew Brzezinski. Vendar je bila Madeleine Albright, kateri je predsednik Clinton zaupal vodstvo ameriške zunanje politike v svojem novem predsedniškem obdobju, diplomati-nja, ki je vzbudila pozornost v svetu s svojimi načelnimi stališči. Albrightova ni le učenka Br-zezinskega, temveč ima tudi sama toliko poguma, da omenjene principe javno zagovarja in se po njih odloča kljub skepsi zunanjih ministrov evropskih držav. Po njenih besedah naj bi usmerjali politiko (v mislih je imela zunanjo politiko ZDA) nadčasovna etična načela in ne kratkoročne koristi in naj bodo celo mednarodna zavezništva podrejena zakonom etike. Take besede so v sodobnem svetu vsekakor novost. Pri tem ne gre za več ali manj zanimivo posebnost ameriške zunanje politike, marveč za nekaj veliko pomembnejšega. Države, ki se bodo odločile, da bodo usmerjale svojo politiko na podlagi etičnih načel prav kot so to delala od nekdaj gospodarsko in politično neodvisna sodišča, smejo upati, da bodo ohranile demokratično družbeno ureditev in z njo svojo identiteto. Države pa, ki se bodo prepustile pragmatizmu, pa čeprav le na področju zunanje politike, bodo kmalu postale povsem odvisne od centralnih (celinskih ali svetovnih) oblasti, ki bodo iskale največje koristi za najbolj izbrano elito. O tem naj bi razmislili tudi oblikovalci slovenske politike, kajti svet ne drvi nujno po poti pragmatizma, temveč se deli in se bo delil vedno temeljiteje na take, ki delujejo v osebnem in družbenem življenju po svoji vesti v skladu z nadčasovnimi etičnimi načeli, in na one, ki prodajajo svojo prihodnost in usodo svojega naroda za ceno neposrednih in večkrat le namišljenih skupinskih koristi. Seveda se lahko vprašamo, ali ima majhna država kot je Slovenija sploh lahko samostojno zunanjo politiko in ali ima smisel govoriti o etiki tam, kjer je vpliv na dogajanja v svetu komaj opazen. Res ne bo odvisno od slovenskih odločitev, kako se bo razvijala politika recimo na Srednjem Vzhodu. Muslimani in Judje bodo živeli na robu vojne ne glede na ostali svet. Kitajska bo rasla kot velesila tretjega tisočletja brez nas, Japonci bodo gojili svoj nacionalizem ne glede na naše težave, Rusija bo skušala obnoviti imperij na razvalinah Sovjetske zveze brez ozira na to, kaj se dogaja na področju nekdanje Jugoslavije, in Evropa bo poskušala uveljavljati svojo skupno denarno valuto s tolarjem ali brez njega. Gledano pod vidikom ma-kropolitike je res težko opaziti, kaj naj bi bilo področje zunanjepolitičnega delovanja slovenske države. Kdor pa čuti slovensko, ne potrebuje posebnih dokazov za to, da vidi, v čem je posebna naloga slovenske države. Ta država v središču Evrope ima en sam in popolnoma nedvoumen namen. Ohranjati mora življenje, omogočati mora polno in svobodno rast narodu, ki jo je priklical k obstoju. Republika Slovenija brez slovenskega naroda nima smisla. Ohranjati življenje v družini ali v narodu pa je predvsem moralna naloga. Prvenstvena naloga slovenske zunanje politike ni omogočanje materialnih koristi skupinam ali eliti v okviru slovenske države. Naloga celotne državne strukture je ohranjati in krepiti biološko, kulturno in gospodarsko življenje naroda, kateremu naj država služi. To nalogo je mogoče razumeti le pod vidikom etičnih načel, ki presegajo kratkoročne, pragmatične kriterije političnih odločitev. Narodne manjšine, ki živijo v okviru slovenske države, imajo pravico do življenja, a glavna skrb Prijatel’s Pharmacj' St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE Želi vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem HAPPY EASTER! Albina Mršnik Cleveland, Ohio MAJOR & MINOR AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATE EMISSIONS INSPECTIONS DIESEL ENGINE REPAIRS AWHEEL A FRONT WHEEL DRIVES COMPLETE DRIVE-TRAIN SERVICE FRONT END ALIGNMENT EUCLID SI. LJ B23 CO SERVICE APFROVCO AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Joe Zigman, owner za njihov narodni obstoj sloni na ramah njihovih matičnih držav. Podobno je slovenska država odgovorna za življenje in razmah celotnega slovenskega naroda, bodisi da živi v njenem okviru, bodisi na svoji zemlji zunaj državnih meja ali kjerkoli po svetu. Kar je prav, je končno tudi koristno. Zunanja politika naše države naj bi bila zavezana nadčasovnim, etičnim principom, med katerimi je na prvem mestu omogočanje in krepitev zdravega, človeka in naroda vrednega, svobodnega življenja. Kaj bo storila Cerkev (nadaljevanje s str. 19) strani enostavno pristala na povečanje pristojnosti Cerkve v šolstvu, bi tvegala morda tudi usodno izgubo kredibilnosti pri svojem izrazito seku-lariziranem volilnem telesu. Iz tega jasno sledi, da je »verouk« v javni šoli izredno eksplozivno vprašanje, ki bi ga Cerkev lahko instrumentalizi-rala v nameri — če bi seveda takšno namero resno gojila — spodkopati sedanjo vladno koalicijo. Verjetno bo takšno namero Cerkev skušala uresničiti, če se v Vatikanu ne bi nič naučili iz poloma svoje politike na Poljskem, kjer so se vo-lilci množično odvrnili od strank, povezanih s Cerkvijo. V Sloveniji pa bi premikanje meje med Cerkvijo in državo v prid prvi lahko bilo za Cerkev in »religiozne« stranke dolgoročno še bolj razdiralno, kajti v Sloveniji je sekulariziranost družbe veliko globlja kot na Poljskem in je dokaj primerljiva z zahodom. Cerkev bi, če bi namreč ravnala bolj subtilno, svoj nedvomno močni politični položaj lahko izkoristila za konstruktivno podporo vladni koaliciji in bi s tem nemara svoj prestiž celo povečala. Ne nazadnje bi z modro zadržanostjo v političnih zadevah prispevala k odpravljanju razcepov iz preteklosti in nezaupanja med verniki in ateisti, za kar se je novi nadškof v svoji izjavi prav tako zavzel. Darko Štrajn (Internet, 16.3.1997) MALI OGLASI KOLEDAR APRIL 5. — Tabor DSPB priredi spomladanski družabni večer z večerjo in plesom v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. 12. — Pevski zbor Jadran ima spomladanski koncert v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Igra Fred Zi-wich orkester. 13. — Kr. št. 2 SNPJ im« Super Button Box Bash 16 v SDD na Recherjevi ulici, od 1-do 5. pop. 15. — Izredno: Koncert svetovno znane pianistke Dubravke Tomšič v dvorani Severance v Clevelandu. 19. — Slovenska šola pri sv. Vidu priredi Materinsko proslavo v farni dvorani. Pričetek ob 6.30 zv. 19. — Primorski klub prireja »Primorski večer« z večerjo in plesom v SND na St. Clair Ave. 20. — Župnija Sv. Vida pr'" pravlja zajtrk v avditoriju' Serviranje med 8.30 zj. in 12’ opoldan. 26. — Pevski zbor Zarja ima koncert z večerjo in ple' som v SDD na Recher Ave. 27. — Klub upokojencev SL Clair Ave. ima večerjo v SND na St. Clair Ave. MAJ 2. — MePZ »Emil Adamič« iz Ljubljane ima koncert v SND na St. Clair Ave. 17. — Pevski zbor Korota1* poda svoj koncert v farni dvorani sv. Vida. Po koncerta ples. 25. — Društvo SPB Cleveland sponzorira spominsko sv. mašo ob 12. uri pri Lurški Materi božji na Chardon Rd- v Euclidu. JUNIJ 1. — Odprtje Slovenske pristave za letošnjo sezono. 14. in 15. — Tabor DSPB im« spominsko proslavo pri Spominski kapelici na Slovenski pristavi. Dne 14.6 zv. moliteV pri kapelici in prižiganje kresa. Dne 15.6 sv. maša ob 11- doP-22. — Ohijska Federacija dtV' štev KSKJ priredi piknik ^ Slovenski pristavi. JULIJ FOR RENT 4 rooms, up, with garage. E. 52 St. No deposit. Ideal for adults. Call 881-8709. (12-13) 13. — Misijonska Znaf' karska akcija priredi piknik112 Slovenski pristavi. Ob 12. ufl opoldan sv. maša. 20. — Vsakoletni piknik fare Sv. Vida, na Slovenski prista Za vsa električna popravila in preglede napeljav, pokličite J & J Electric na 486-5318 ali 481-7432. FHA Inspections, Insured, State Licensed. Seniors: 10% Discount! vi. 27. — Slovenska šola pr' sV’ Vidu prireja piknik na Slove11 ski pristavi. (dalje na str. 24) MARK PETRIČ Certified Master Technician Petrie's Automotive Service Foreign & Domestic General Auto Repair (216) 942-5130 33430 Lakeland Blvd., Eastlake, Ohio 44095 / LOCATED IN REAR i i ( i \ S d s ti P SJ a] ča Zi k kt Nj Sk, ‘Ul ko dni do: za ( $a, C W ALEKSU PREGARC v Novem listu Gorica, It FOJBE, JAME IN SPRAVA hraz »fojba« diši po nečem tujem, umetelno-okultnem in zato zavajajoče. Tega izraza Slovenci ne poznamo, zato je »fojba« po našem kraško brezno, jama, lijak itd. Ti geološki pojavi so skozi stoletja naše naselitve na Krasu ponazarjali pravljični in skrivnostni pojem, ki je postal nedeljiv del našega lokusa, empirična podoba zaključene bivanjske celote, sozvočje človeka in narave, sožitje med površinsko zgradbo in dražljivostjo Podzemlja, ki zaradi svoje izzivalne privlačnosti še daleč ni raziskano, skratka, med kraško hišo in globinami Krasa so razpredene vlažne stalaktitne korenine, ki kraške ljudi vežejo na neponovljivost bivanja; Jame, brezna, lijaki, ledenice ln Površinske špilje so torej, poleg uporabnosti, že od vsega začetka postali nenadomestljiv el Kraševčevega mišljenjskega in usodno-slutenjskega vsakdana. Res je, da je včasih neos\ scen človek teh tal objesti obvladoval svoj preluknja °Hš in v brezna odmeta\ dvečno šaro, smeti, crkovii •> tudi vsa odplaka in odp ue vode so se in se še del: —* jv. pica aooo indus oga posilstva vse to zrm sor?niCa krepk0 izPrati ter ^m.erno dobro preči Dreni01150'1' trdne snovi v stne podzemske kota sre^a,Sdaeiked^bilazgodil£ aiida je nrl °Veka p0teg častil J Prabltn°st globin < S!° nasilje s človeškim Zan ’ Kraševec nagor jo t,,*!. kr°g okrog odprtin krb * °b^el» največkrat s panjem. Nin^0 po'drugo tisočli Ške iam° podatkov, da bi 'dfških1? P°lnili s trupli’ š >i'n,oa X Tiff* X dno 7a • 00 naJdisč, gre d°SeE7. amskega človeka, I Zalastno°St !.0tlin uP°ral 0h ?° Preživetje. s». ■nedVka‘C'in Uubi,elii Katenmi ne m domačih Italijanov, so edinstveno čarobnost kraških pojavov, kljub včasih malomarnemu spregledovanju in neupoštevanju njihovega človeka-gospodarja, spoštovali. Nič koliko o tem priča ustrezna znanstvenoliterarna knjižna ponudba. Celo fašističnim eksekutorjem štirih bazoviških žrtev ni prišlo na misel, da bi bližnje priročne jame (zanje -fojbe) spremenili v nekatalogi-zirana grobišča. Kako so kraške jame med vojno postale »fojbe« Kraške »jame« so postale »fojbe« med vojno ujmo, ko se na nasplošno veljavne vrednote sprevrgle v svoja nasprotja in se, na žalost, še nekaj časa po njej obrabljale... Praktični in vsiljeni fonem jama-fojba je tako dobil domovanje v naši zavesti in se za italijanske nacionaliste samodejno poistovetil z nekakšnim slovensko-slovanskim ontološkim zlim nagonom. Od tega do pripisanega genocida nad italijanskim narodom je pot kaj kratja... Italijanski nacionalizem je s pravo kukavičjo spretnostjo podtaknil svojo zlohotnost slovenskemu ljudstvu, potem ko se fašizmu ni posrečilo dejansko uresničiti lastne inačice genocida nad nami. To je tudi edini in hvala Bogu neuspeli genocid v kraško-istrski naravni sceneriji. Obsodbe vredno je tudi dejstvo, da je italijansko območno časopisje ves čas diktature podpihovalo izvajanje tega genocida, žal na narodnostni in ne na ideološki podlagi. In tu je srž celotnega dogajanja. Primer. Tudi če bi se ob nastanku fašizma vse slovensko prebivalstvo množično in navdušeno ogrelo za fašistično Idejo, bi samo nikoli ne imelo nepremičnine v Sloveniji pRI najemu, nakupu in prodaji NEPREMIČNIN v SLOVENIJI SE OBRNITE NA POSREDNIŠTVO Toman co. d.o.o. IN* ‘galetova II, 1000 LJUBLJANA, SLOVENI Telefon: 011 (386-61) 133-9047 Telefaks: 011 (386-61) 133-8657 V Torontu: Tel/Fax: (416) 244-0646 are a Real Estate Company \y , Based in Slovenia re Ready To Serve You — Contact I nobenih šans za kakršno koli obliko dvojezičnosti ali kaj drugega, enakovredno nado-mestitvenega. Da je tako, naj bo v premislek, da se je še po zlomu fašizma razmeroma malo italijanskih prijateljev postavilo v bran osvajalnemu nacizmu, čeprav je bilo malo verjetno, da bi bilo po morebitni nemški zmagi Jadransko Primorje spet priključeno Italiji. Nasprotno, verjetno je umazana vest pred Slovani marsikateremu Italijanu postala ko-laborantska povezava s Saloj-sko republiko in s tem najmanjše zlo, kljub temu da je v dneh ustanavljanja te republike prav slovensko prebivalstvo najbolj pomagalo italijanskim vojakom pri begu iz Ljubljanske pokrajine... Toda vojna sreča je obrnila hrbet apetitom po tuji zemlji in osvajalec je ostal ponižan in praznih rok; v glavnem je po vojni s pomočjo zahodnih zaveznikov izgubil le tisti del vzhodnega ozemlja, ki naj bi ga bil fašizem genocidno narodnostno očistil. Ob zgornjem primeru se mi vsiljuje še druga misel: v času stalinističnega terorja se o narodnostnem genocidu nad Italijani sploh ne more govoriti. Lahko bi bil o tem kaj napisal npr. sen. Paolo Šema. Bil je v prvem povojnem času šolnik ali celo ravnatelj šole v Piranu - italijanske šole, prosim - in nič ne kaže, da bi se bil iz tedanje cone B umaknil zaradi svoje narodnostne pripadnosti. Dopusten je sum, da je bil tamkajšnjim takratnim oblastem res marsikateri Italijan nevšečen, tudi glede na znano italijansko vratolomnost v menjavi zavezništev v obeh svetovnih vojnah. Da je ob tem balkansko politično lisjaštvo znalo prečesavati ljudstva, ni novost: sedanjost je ponovno potrdila, da so zapuščena bivališča pobeglih lahko kaj kmalu zapolnjena - v nekdanji coni B z zaupanja vrednimi aktivisti. Italijanske šole pa so le ostale, ostal je italijanski tisk, o-stala so tudi italijanska društva in organizacije, vsa vodilna in odgovorna mesta za italijansko populacijo pa zasedena od strogo stalinističnih do kasnejših Titovih pristašev italijanskega rodu. Tudi dvojezičnost je bila uzakonjena. Če spet omenim sen. Šemo, so njegovemu odhodu botrovale komunistične razprtije, se pravi, da je bila glede narodnostne strpnosti stalinistično-titovska oblast propustna, medtem ko je bila fašistična oblast do slo- MALI OGLASI Double House For Rent 1 min. from St. Christine’s Church, off E. 222. 2 bdrms, garage, appliances, no pets. $550 per month plus sec. & references. Applications available by calling (216) 256-3137 after 7 p.m. (12-15) vanskih ljudstev na vzhodni meji kraljevine Italije kot tudi Salojske republike zgolj naro-dnostno-genocidna. Ce je kdo torej obema mejnima ljudstvoma oziroma plemenoma povzročil toliko gorja, je bila to dvojna ideološka izključnost. Odtod brezvestnost in krute metode dveh ideologij, slovenski in italijanski narod pa sta bila nenaravno vpletena v medsebojno konfrontacijo: prav to pa je rojevalo taborišča, streljanja, dolgoletne ječe, Rižarno itd. na eni strani, na drugi pa posledično njihove »fojbe« in naše jame. Fašizem in stalinizem sta znala to vzporedno in navzkrižno udejanjiti, ne glede na narodnost. Na obeh straneh naj gre torej za korenito razčiščenje, za prenovo, na katero se prav v teh dneh posebno Slovenci obešamo. Gre za obojestransko odkupitev spomina na nedolžne žrtve: tem je treba res vrniti dobro ime, jih enkrat za vselej dostojno pokopati in se jim pokloniti, brez ping-ponga s trupli. Zgled naj dasta obe vladi, italijanska in slovenska, brez fige v žepu, sicer bo evropska zavest le papirnata opcija obojih. Zadnji del tega razmišljanja prihranjam našemu t.i. notranjemu dialogu glede žrtev vojnega nasilja. Ce smo že Primorci z vso pravico, včasih s pravo ihto, večkrat tudi z dvojnim obeležjem z istimi imeni, vse naše narodno ozemlje v zamejstvu hiteli posejati s spomeniki in pomniki za naše žrtve fašizma in nacizma, nas doslej še ni prešinilo spoznanje, da je bilo storjeno tudi nad pripadniki naše skupnosti nasilje, ki kar kliče po usmiljenju in po vrnjeni časti mrtvim. To nasilje se je rodilo med nami, po naši roki, zato naj tudi naša roka umije trupla. Verjamem, da je to težko, toda dokler ne bomo normalen narod in v naših dušah bo vedno zagreda, ne glede na to, če o tem govorimo ali samo šepetamo med seboj ali pred drugorodnimi. Zadrega pa se je začela v trenutku, ko je svoboda nam, nevajenim svobode, zameglila čut pravičnosti in dostojnosti; divjanje od drugod se je tedaj zalezlo v naše pore, a nam v trenutku streznitve pustilo usedline, ki še vedno hromijo prozornost naših dejanj. Potreben je involucijski pristop, o katerem naj najprej premislijo naše občinske uprave, pri čemer lahko odigra prenovljeni in prepihani Primorski dnevnik odločilno vlogo. Istočasno svetujem časopisu, ki naj bi bil vseh nas, da začne spoštovati Slovenski pravopis z imenovanjem krščanskega Boga z veliko začetnico in naj se za božjo voljo neha poigravati z »našim štetjem«. Kar se je glede tega počenjalo, ni v čast nobeni laični skupnosti: glasilo Unita (op. ur. AD: časnik italijanske komunistične partije) naj bo vsem za zgled! Mislim, da je marsikdo mojih misli, položil pa bi jih na srce naši mladini; za italijansko mladino pa je prav, da čim več izve o »resničnem« genocidu in se čimprej, družno z našo, z zbranostjo in brez travm pokloni žrtvam obeh mračnih ideologij. To naj bi bila vzgoja srca, a brez te ni ne strpnosti ne demokratičnega duha. NOVI LIST 6. marca 1997 Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD . 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VASI ŽELJI! Progressive Slovene Women of America proudly announces the Fourth Edition of Treasured Slovenian and International Recipes Name........................................... Address....................................... City/State/Zip................................ Number ordered______($15.00 + $3. S/H each book) (in U.S. Dollars) Make checks payable to “PSWA COOKBOOK” Mail to 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110 Vladimir M. Rus Attorney ■ Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1175. Vstal je Kristus, Aleluja, Vstali BOMO TUDI MI! Lepšega in bolj tolažilnega voščila si za Veliko noč ne bi mogli želeti. Jezuit Vladimir Kos iz Tokia je v zadnjem pismu, ko je poslal za MSIP svoj novi esej -objavili ga bomo čim bo mogoče - spodaj kratko dodal: »Že zdaj Ti iz srca želim veselo Veliko noč, pa ne le tebi, tudi vsej MZA. Da bi nam praznovanje te največje zgodovinske resnice bilo vir nove moči za širjenje Božjega nesmrtnega kraljestva.« Na praznik Brezmadežne je kratko posebej sporočil: »Poseben Brezmadežin dar se mi zdi, da sem prav danes prejel Tvoj misijonski dar v banjem znesku $2000. Trenutno pišem eseje, za katere me je naprosila založba Obzorje v Mariboru; a ko končam, bom imel malce več časa za opis svojega dela na japonskem misijonskem terenu. ’Bog lonaj’ še enkrat za tako velik in dragocen dar! Vsak dan priporočam Najsvetejšemu v tabernaklju vso MZA, posebno pa naše drage misijonske sodelavce v večnosti. Tvoj v Gospodu in zmeraj hvaležni Vladimir.« Lani nam je poslal dve pesmi na čast sv. Jožefu in danes obe objavljamo ob letošnjem praznovanju tega praznika, patrona krščanskih delavcev. Hvaležen je, da sem ga vzpodbudil za ti dve pesmi. »Gospod naj napravi, da bodo tu in tam v MZA koristili.« Kako bi bili Bogu hvaležni, da bi med Slovenci enkrat dobili kaj sličnega kitajskemu članu Konference sv. Vincencija, Lo Pa Honga, ki živi danes po smrti v vrsti velikih dobrih del, kot v Aberdeenu v salezijanski po njem imenovani gimnaziji za zapuščene fante iz ceste in ubogih družin. Vodijo jo salezijanci in sem šolo leta 1951 obiskal z g. Stankotom Pavlinom v Hong Kongu. V testamentu je zahteval, da v to šolo ne more biti sprejet nobeden iz bogatih družin. Šola je ena najboljših v angleški koloniji, ki bo L julija po 99 letih padla v roke nenasitnemu rdečemu zmaju kitajskega komunizma. Kaka škoda! Gotovo bo čez noč slu- MALI OGLASI FENCES — OGRAJE Any type of fence. Chain link, wood and ornamental iron. Railings for steps. Porches, balconies. We have our own surveyor. Call: JOKIC FENCE CO. 944-6777 (x) Housekeeper Needed For older woman. Euclid area. Room, board & salary. Full time. Call 944-3561 after 7 p.m. (13-16) * 1 FOR RENT E. 185 St. & Lake Shore 1 bdrm apt. Central air. Carpeting. Garage. 383-1464 or 486-6028 after 5 p.m. (13-16) Visit Our Slovene American Auto Repair Shop! NOTTINGHAM AUTO BODY & FRAME Frame Straightening Collision Repair Painting 19425 St. Clair Avenue Tel. 481-1337 Michael Bukovec, Owner žila novi oblasti za formacijo mladih janičarjev komunizma. Praznik sv. Jožefa 19. marca nam je posebno dan, da bi posnemali tega velikega in idealnega mizarja. SVETI FINANČNIK Tako kot nekdaj v stari Palestini, je tudi zdaj v Nebesih skoraj skrit, naš Jotef, Cerkve sveti ekonom. Po duhu smo sorodni Angelom; s telesom smo v tivolski pradruiini; ah, srečni, da v Gospodu smemo biti! Kdaj bodo mnogi, mnogi v širnem svetu spoznali Ga, se Ga oklčnili -da s srca jim solzč obupa zbriše? Sodelavce povabljene, podpri nas, finančnik sveti, Jožef, božje hiše! Naš svet še ni z ljubeznijo prežet... Druga pesem je bila za MSIP poslana ob drugi priliki. Morda bo le ganila kako slovensko dušo, ki na MISIJONE redko misli. LJUBI SVETI JOŽEF! Tvoj duh stoji ob Njem, sveta vladarju, ki Zanj z imenom jamčil si nekoč, in z Njim si bežal v egipčansko noč, in z Njim si delal, kar je i> čast tesarju. Če spet bi žiivel zemeljsko življenje, bi znova rad z Njegovo materjo se ves razdal, kot si z ljubeznijo nekoč na pleča Zanju vzel trpljenje. Ne smeš zameriti, če prosimo Te besed za vsak ubogi misijon: da bi ljudje spoznali, kdo je — On! Ti veš, kako denar deli dobrote... Jezuit Jože Cukale iz Kalkute se je nedavno zahvalil za in-tencije od prijatelja g. Jožefa Goleta. Za objavo v angleškem delu smo poslali njegov angleški sestavek v obrambo Matere Terezije kot odgovor indijskemu novinarju, ki ji je v vplivnem dnevniku očital, da je v svetu ustvarila vtis, kot da v Indiji ljudje umirajo brez pomoči po ulicah. Zahvaljuje se tudi za prijateljski zapis o njegovem delu v Prijatelju, ki izhaja za bolnike v Ljubljani. Je vsebinsko bogat in božji dar bolnikom. Omenja, kako je bil srečen Vesela Velika Noe HAPPY EASTER Brickman & Sons, Inc., Funeral Home 21900 Euclid Avenue, Euclid 481-5277 Serving Families With Dignity and Respect for over 84 years. sobrat, indijski jezuit, ki smo ga v podpiranju prevzeli na njegovo priporočilo že leta 1952 in je sedaj bolan, vepdar uči novince angleščine v Kalkuti. Občudoval je kopijo njegove zahvale v K.M. 1952. »Za Veliko noč pa Tebi, in vsem Tvojim misijonarjem in misijonarkam v MZA zaledju VESELO ALELUJO, Tvoj stari prijatelj Jože.« (26.1.97). Za Gospodovo oznanjenje Mariji 25. marca je primerna tale njegova pesem: VES TVOJ Tvoj klic je kakor v logu slavca klic, ki poje stavki v noči neprespani, kjer sto ljubezni kakor v panorami skoz grlo vre mu in prebuja zor. Tvoj klic je pesem, ki presega slavca, sladi mi dolge ure in moj sen, ko Ti zapoješ, spev nobene ptice ni slajši kot je Tvoj, srca Kraljica. Deviška ženskost moje rahločutje razvnela bolj kot deva je Petrarka, bolj kot razvnema Julija Prešerna, ki poje danes mu slovenšna cela. Čeprav tišina Tvojega je klica za čas prevpila je deklet milina, Ti si nadpela vse, Ti Lepotica, ne bom Te puščal več v nemar, Devica. Jože Cukale, d.j. Bangladeš Nabirka po cikonu na Madagaskarju je znesla od 1.-15. marca $2890 in je ček kot šest drugih že na potu trpečim v pomoč. Naslednji so darovali: Neimenovana iz New Yorka $1000; Maria Mlinar, Chagrin Falls, O., $300; po $200: Neimenovani, Milwaukee, Neimenovana iz Clevelanda, Mari Celestina ($100 dar in $100 za sv. maše za + Mirota Celestina). Po $150: Neimenovana iz Euclida (za Roka Gajška), Niko Tomc, Jupiter, Fla., $100 in hči Veronika $50 (oba za s. Marijo Pavlišič). Po $100 Rudi in Anica Knez; Viktor in Nežka Tominec; Frank Šega $100 in $60 za sv. maše za + Johna Šega. Po $50 Ivanka Kete in Neimenovana. Katica Drew $20 in Marjana Doljač $10. Nabirka za o. Podgrajška zobe v istem času $760 (imena bomo objavili prihodnjič). V imenu trpečih VSEM iskrena zahvala! Rev. Charles Wolbang CM St. Joseph’s Seminary 65 Mapleton Rd. P.O. Box 807 Plainsboro, NJ 08536-0807 Telefon: 609-520-8839 Fax: 609-452-2851 KOLEDAR (nadaljevanje s s(r. 22) AVGUST 3. — Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristav priredi pikn' na SP. 17. — Žegnanjski festival župnije Marije Vnebovzete na Slo venski pristavi. SEPTEMBER 14. — Vinska trgatev na Slo venski pristavi. 21. — Društvo SPB Clev«' land sponzorira romanje k Za lostni Materi božji v Fran > Ohio. Sv. maša ob 12- url’ druge pobožnosti ob 2h P°P' OKTOBER 4. — Fantje na vasi koncert ob 20. obletnici ° stoja v SND na St. Clairju’ 12. — Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave priredi »K° ne« na SP. 25. — Štajerski in Prekmurs^J klub prireja martinovanje SND na St. Clair Ave. november 2. — Ameriška Dobr0(^a Zveza priredi banket v SN . St. Clairju ob 85- obleti ustanovitve. 16. — Kr. št. 2 SNPJ jesenski koncert v SDD na cherjevi ulici v Euclidu. Independent and Catered Living • Private garden apartments • Housekeeping • Planned activities • Transportation • 24 hr. Emergency Pull Cord • Free Laundry Facilities • Nutritious Meals • No endowment or entrance fee Call us today for a lunch and tout 25900 Euclid Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44132 261-8383