‘■'■‘»»m ZARJA - DAWN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVFNIAN WOMEN'S DNION R 5 VOLUME 36 URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ZENSKE ZVEZE MAY, 1964 NUI CHICAGO—CROSSROADS OF THE NATION CONVENTION CITY OF S.W.U. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Instituted, December 19, 1026 in Chicago, 111. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, 111. Incorporated December 14, 1926 in the State o) Illinois Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Adviser—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS-. Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave. Sheboygan, Wis. President—ANTONIA TUREK, 19170 Monterey Ave., Euclid 19, Ohio Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road Chicago 8, Illinois Treasurer—'JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave., W. Duluth, Minn. Auditor—VICKI FALETIČ, 1076 East 72nd St., Cleveland, Ohio Auditor— FRANCES J. GASPICH, 619 Nicholson St., Joliet, 111. DIRECTORS oj Women’s Youth and Sports Activities: IVomen's Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois * ZARJA — THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mesec Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, III. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Vice-President—MARIE A. FLORYAN, S830 W. Mineral St., West Allis, Wis. State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K. K„ Cudahy, Wis. State President of Ohio-Michigan— ELLA STARIN, 17814 Dillewood Rd., Cleveland, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabanc, Pa. State President oj California-Oregon-W ashing ton— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Calif. State President of lllinois-Indiana— MILDRED JAMES, 10727 Ave. M, Chicago 17, 111. State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * Finance Committees: ANTONIA TUREK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAP * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; ANTONIA TUREK, ALBINA NOVAK * * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ★ ★ Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 5 v mesecu. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN MAY! Supreme Officers: May 15—Josephine Železnikar, Supreme Treasurer, Chicago, 111. May 2G—Frances J. Gaspich, Supreme Auditor, Joliet, 111. May 1—Marie Floryan, Supreme Vice-President, West Allis, Wis. May 10—Mary Tomsic, State President of Penna., Strabane, Pa. Branch Presidents: May 5—Anne Satovich, Br. 50, Hibbing, Minn. May 11—Christine Konte, Br. GO, Canon City, Colo. May 18—Anna Jackovich, Br. 81, Keewatin, Minn. May 21—Angela Voje, Br. 84, New York, N. Y. May 25—Frances Yerman, Br. 57, Niles, Ohio May 30—Mary Snezic, Br. 07, Bessemer, Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! ON THE COVER . . . CHICAGO welcomes the 13th National Convention this Month. Composite photo of Chicago’s amazing sights shows, clockwise from left top: The beautiful lake front aerial view with Meigs Field and Belmont Harbor, Art Institute, Museum of Science and Industry, and Oak Street Beach along the Outer Drive. In the Center: A Panoramic lakefront view of Chicago’s skyscrapers. DATES TO REMEMBER . . . May 1—Elephant Sale, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio May 3—Card Party, Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo. May 3—Mother’s Day Banquet, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. May 4—Mother’s Day Pot-Luck Dinner, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts, Ohio May 5—Mother's Day Party, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio May 6—Mother’s Day Party, Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio May 10—Mother’s Day Program, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. May 12-—Mother’s Day Party, Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio after meeting May 17—20—13th National Convention, Chicago, 111. May 20 — Luncheon and Card Party, Br. 20, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1 p. m., St. Mary’s Hall. June 14—Pot Luck Picnic, Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Sept. 2—Yearly Card Party, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Sept. 13—Minnesota Zveza Day, Biwabik, Minn. Sept. 14—Wiener Roast, Br. 73, Warrensville, Hgts., O. Sept. 20 — 35th Anniversary, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio Sept. 27—Miscellaneous Card Party, Br. 17, W. Allis, Wis. Oct. 14—25th Anniversary, Br. 95, So. Chicago, 111. Oct. 212—Annual Birthday Celebration, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio Oct. 27—Usinger Sausage Demonstration, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis., also Card Party, 7:30 p. m. Dec. 7—Christmas Party, Br. 73, Warrensville, Ohio ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXVI, — NO. 5 MAY, 1964 LETO XXXVI. — ŠT. 5 REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M.: SALVATION OF THE FAMILY In an allocution to the Union of Catholic women Holy Father Pius XII said: “We do not know any object to which the Church should more apply her forces than to the salvation of the family and of the youth. And for this she relies particularly upon Catholic women and mothers. We affirm at once that whatever we can contribute to a sound social policy for the good of the Christian family and of Christian youth, can always count on the efficacious support of the Church. While we recognize all the importance of a sound social policy for the salvation of the Christian family and of the Christian youth, it is nonethless only a preliminary element. Otherwise the family in the higher social classes would not be (as it is, in fact) subject to decadence as much as, if not more than, the family a-mong those lower in the social scale. The true evil for the family, as for youth, is in the weakening of the faith and the fear of God, impiety and conscientiousness, in the infiltration of materialism not only into thought and outlook, but also into practical life, even among many who wish to be and do remain faithful believers. Against this evil there is but one remedy: firmness of faith in the parents, which, together with example, religious instruction and moral training, will generate into children, too, a steadfast faith. Firmness of faith. No superficiality, therefore; no mere form without substance, nor piety made up of pure sentiment. The pious traditions in Christian families — the crucifix and sacred images — must be held in the highest regard, certainly. But they have a true meaning only if they are founded upon a deep, solid, faith, at whose center are the great truths of religion. What immense value has, for example, for the active, believing man, the thought of the omnipresence of God. What an incomparable aid it is in the education of children. The example of parents. Who does not realize its irreplaceable efficacy? Prayer of the father and mother with their children, conscientious faithfulness in the observance of Holy Days, respectful language in speaking of religion and the Church, serenity and diligence, an honest, loyal, irreproachable conduct on life. The religious instruction of children. In their early years, it is the sweet duty of the mother. You, mothers, have the child in your hands, then. But time then lost can with difficulty be regained, and what is sown then in their souls, can with difficulty be completely eradicated later. In this, O Christian Mothers, consists your role full of promise, but also of responsibility. Pope Pius IX once said: “Give me truly Christian mothers and I will renew the face of the earth.” Really remarkable statement. This is the model a man is looking for. P. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M.: REŠEN JE PO MARIJI Vedno radi dajemo čast materam, posebno pa tisti, ki je pod križem postala mati nas vseh — Mariji. Njen vpliv v življenju kristjana je vedno velik. Njena pomoč je bila vedno izdatna. V naslednji zgodbi bomo še posebej videli njen poseg v življenje človeka, ki je bil judovskega pokoljenja. Alfonz Ratisbon je bil sin bogate in ugledne judovske družine v Strassburgu, v Nemčiji. Starši so mu zgodaj umrli. Skrb zanj je prevzel njegov stric. Študiral je doma in v Parizu, kjer se je navzel brezbožnega duha. Zelo je sovražil katoliško cerkev, ker mu je oropala brata, ki je postal katoliški duhovnik. Ko je bil star 27 let se je zaročil s svojo sestrično. Ker pa je nevesta bila stara šele IG let, se mu s poroko ni mudilo. Namenil se je zato, da za razvedrilo potuje še na Vzhod. Pri tej priliki, je mimo svojega popotnega načrta iz Neapolja obiskal še Rim, kateremu se je prej iz sovraštva do cerkve hotel izogniti. V Rimu je slučajno prišel v stik s protestantskim konvertitom Teodorjem Bisjerom, ki je bil globoko veren in bi Ratisbona rad pridobil za krščanstvo. Toda Alfonz je bil trd in neizprosen. “Jud sem rojen in jud bom umrl,” je bil njegov mrzki odgovor. Vendar ga je Bisjer po nekem daljšem razgovoru o verskih rečeh, pregovoril, da je sprejel čudodelno svetinjo Marijinega brezmadežnega spočetja in obljubil, da jo bo nosil na vratu. Tudi se je iz vljudnosti in ker ni hotel veljati za nestrpneža, vdal, da bo prepisal in potem zjutraj in zvečer molil molitev sv. Bernarda “Spomni se, o premila Devica." Bisjer je poslej z ženo in družino vsak dan molil za njegovo spreobrnenje. Ne dolgo potem je umrl Bisjerov dober prijatelj. Na poti k pogrebu je srečal Ratisbona in ga je povabil s se- boj v cerkev. Bisjer je odšel v zakristijo, da uredi svoje zadeve, Ratisbon pa si je ogledoval cerkev. Stopil je slednjič tudi v stransko kapelo in tu se je z njim zgodilo nekaj podobnega kot s Savlom pred Damaskom: pred njegovimi očmi je nastala hipoma tema po vsej cerkvi, samo ta kapela je zažarela v prečudni svetlobi in nad oltarjem se je prikazala v sijajni lepoti Marija, kakor je upodobljena na čudodelni svetinji. Ko se Bisjer po nekaj minutah vrne, ga najde na kolenih, s sklenjenimi rokami, z obrazom žarečim do sreče in mokrim od solza. Bisjer ga dvigne in pelje iz cerkve. Na vprašanje, kaj se je z jim zgodilo in kam naj ga pelje, odgovori samo: “Peljite me kamor hočete. Ko sem to videl sem pokoren.” Preveč je bil pretresen in osupnjen, da bi mo- gel kaj povedati. Samo svetinjo vzame v roko in jo s solzami v očeh poljubuje, med potjo proti domu pa neprestano ponavlja: “O, kako sem srečen. Kako je Bog vendar dober.” 11 dni nato je bil Ratisbon že krščen, birman in prvič obhajan. Pri krstu si je privzel ime Marija.. Ker se zaročenka ni marala odpovedati judovski veri in skleniti z njim krščanskega zakona, je Alfonz zaroko razdl, začel študirati bogoslovje in postal duhovnik. Kot duhovnik je veliko deloval v sveti deželi in delal na spreobr-nenju svojega ljudstva. Umrl je 70 let star. Ob njegovem grobu stoji pohlevna tamariska, na grobu pa kip Brezmadežne in pod njim napis: O, Marija spomni se svojega otroka, ki je sladka in častitljiva osvojitev tvoje ljubezni.” Kdor ima poleg telesne matere še to nebeško mater se mu ni treba bati dušnega pogubljenja. Delegates to the 13th National Convention held in Chicago May 17-20, 1964 Branch Delegate Alternate 1 . Sheboygan, Wis. Anna Modiz Olga Saye 2 . Chicago, 111. Frances Zibert Jennie Puhek Stephanie Osterman Luba Troha o. . Pueblo, Colo. Pachak Anne Sitnonich Frances Frances Skul 5, Indianapolis, Ind. Josephine Turk Sophie Mumaugh fi. Barberton, Ohio Jennie Ozbolt Mary Pavlovich 7. . Forest City, Pa. Josephine Gostisha Mary J. Kameen 10. Cleveland, Ohio Millie Novak Anna Markovich Mary Camloh Sophie Magayna 12. Milwaukee, Wis. Frances Plesko 13. San Francisco, Calif. Margaret Fager 14. Euclid, Ohio Molly Sodja Pauline Cesar Mary Iskra Mary Okicki 15. Cleveland, Ohio Frances Novak Antonia Stokar 16. So. Chicago, 111. Katie Triller Gladys K. Buck 17. West Allis, Wis. Marion Marolt Victoria Kastelic 19. Eveleth, Minn. Mary Lenich Frances Sterle 20. Joliet, 111. Josephine Sumic Helen Golobic Mary Kunstek Mary Lesnik 21. Cleveland, Ohio Stella Dancull (53) 23. Ely, Minn. Katherine Slogar Mary Shikonya 24. I.a Salle, HI. Angela Strukel Mary Uranich 25. Cleveland, Ohio Pauline Stampfel Dorothy Strnisha Mary Otoničar Mary Kolegar Josephine Golinski Antonia Mihevc 26. Pittsburgh, Pa. Mary Bahor Ann Ferlan 28. Calumet, Mich. Stephanie Ryan (94) 31. Gilbert, Minn. Antoinette Lucich Frances Lopp 32. Euclid, Ohio Theresa Potokar Anna Godlar 33. Duluth, Minn. Roseann Munsell Frances Danko 34. Soudan, Minn. Mary Pahula (79) Mary Vollendorf 25. Aurora, Minn. Frances Bradach (37-48) 38. Chisholm, Minn. Frances Kren Frances Jelenich 39. Biwabik, Minn. Angeline Karish (81-83) 40. Lorain, Ohio Angela Kozjan Rose Kragely 41. Cleveland, Ohio Mary Debevec Anna Rebolj 42. Maple Hgts, Ohio Louise Prime (51-101) 43. Milwaukee, Wis. Josephine Kolar Rose Kraemer 47. Garfield Hgts, Ohio Jennie Pugely Roselyn Shuster 50. Cleveland, Ohio Mary Bostian Ann Dekleva 52. Hibbing, Minn. Rose Chiodo (45) 54. Warren, Ohio Rose Racher (55) 56. Hibbing, Minn. Anne B. Satovich Amelia Domen 57. Niles, Ohio Frances Yerman (59-61) 62’ Conneaut, Ohio Peggy Gurto (68-106) 66. Canon City, Colo. Christine Konte (78-92) 67. Bessemer, Pa. Mary Snezic (74) 64. Kansas City, Kans. Regina Cop (46-100) Dorothy Petrich 71. Strabane, Pa. Mary Boštjančič Mary Kocjan 12. Pullman, 111. Wilma Zaggar, (65-86) 73. Warrensville, Ohio Louise Epley Rose Zbasnik 84. New York City Angela Voje (93) 88. Johnstown, Pa. Jennie Stusek (27-104) 89. Oglesby, 111. Frances Nemeth (85) 90. Presto, Penna. Johanna Aubel (91) 95. So. Chicago, 111. Mildred James Ann Kompare 96. Universal, Penna. Pauline V. Kokal (9-105) 99. Elmhurst, 111. Mollie Remec (63) CONVENTION PROGRAM The 13th National Tri-ennial Convention of Slovenian Women’s Union of America will be officially opened with the solemn offering of Holy Mass on Sunday, May 17, 1964 at St. Stephen’s Church ,1852 W. 22nd Place, Chicago, 111., at 11:30 a. m. The Mass will be offered by the Spiritual Director of S.W.U., Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M., Pastor of St. John the Evangelist Church in Milwaukee, Wis. The Choir, under the direction of Rev. Yendelin will sing the Latin mass for the Feast of Pentecost. Convention meetings will be called to order Monday, May 18, 19G4 at 9:00 a. m. at the Embassy Room of the Hotel Morrison. The duration of the Convention will be three days, from May 18th until May 20, 1964. Morning sessions will begin at 9:00 a. m. and afternoon meetings at 1:30 p. m. The Cotillion Room of the Hotel Morrison will be the location of the Convention luncheons, each of the three days at 12 o’clock noon. Anyone wishing accomodations at the Hotel, or wishing to contact the Convention may do so by addressing mail to: Hotel Morrison, 79 West Madison St., Chicago 2, Illinois Telephone Franklin 2-9600 (Delegates and visitors are urged to send in room reservations at the earliest possible time.) Registration and presentation of Credentials may be made at the Hotel Sunday morning before going to St. Stephen’s Church or early Monday morning. Committees will be on hand for this service. CONVENTION DINNER & PROGRAM for delegates, visitors and friends will take place Sunday, May 17, 1964 immediately after the Solemn High Mass, at St. Stephen’s Gym Hall, 1848 W. 22nd Place, Chicago, 111. Serving will be at 1 p. m. followed by a colorful and entertaining program and dancing. Those groups visiting for just Sunday will have a full day of pleasant activity. The Dinner, Program and Dance is sponsored by Br. 2, Chicago. Guests for this day will be the: Cleveland, Ohio DRILL TEAM and JUNIOR DRILL TEAM & BATON TWIRLERS! (Representing branches 25-50) Opening the program will be the Choral Club of Br. 2, Chicago, Illinois. Participants include: Youth Choir of St. Stephen’s Church, Slovenian American Radio Club Folk Dancers and junior groups: Tots and Teen-Agers, Soloist: Mrs. Marija Fischinger, mezzo-soprano. Music by Frankie Kovacic Orchestra GRAND CORONATION BANQUET at which time the Convention Queen and Princesses will be crowned and awards made to 25-year officers is Tuesday, May 19th at 7 p. m., Hotel Morrison. A special musical program will be presented by talented Chicagoans! Since many visitors are expected from the states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennslyvania, the /ar west and far east, midwest and near Chicago, the l3th National Convention will be a time for re-acqusintance! The invitation is extended to every member to attend! CHICAGO WELCOMES YOU! Corinne Leskovar SPECIAL MEMORIAL MASS The delegates and visitors to the 13th National Convention will participate in a special Memorial Mass for members of Slovenian Women’s Union at Chicago’s famed Church of St. Peter on Madison Street in downtown Chicago. It will take place on Wednesday May 20, 1964. The Pontifical Mass will be celebrated by the Most Rev. Aloysius Wycislo, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago, who has graciously consented to offer it. for the living and deceased members. As a special tribute, at this Mass will also be sung cherished Slovenian hymns appropriate to the occasion by Mrs. Marija Fischinger, mezzo-soprano and soloist with the St. Stephen’s Church Choir. Accompanying her at the organ will be Rev. Vendelin Spendov, O.F.M., assistant pastor of St. Stephen’s. The Mass will be at 10:00 a. m. on the last day of the Convention for which the delegation will be asked to make a slight change in the usual schedule. Most Rev. Aloysious J. Wycislo, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago SUPREME PRESIDENT’S CONVENTION REPORT Sunday, May 17th, 1964 we shall all meet in the large city of Chicago, Illinois. The Morrison Hotel will be the site of the Convention meetings that begin Monday, May 18, 1963 at 9 a. m. Every National Convention is important and the coming Convention will also be justly so. The Convention is the place where the delegate can voice the opinion and view points of the members represented. By-laws will be relived and we will retain sections which have proven to be advantageous and revise those which are not practicable. Delegate must never forget that she is a representative who must hold sacred the trust imposed upon her by her branch members who deserve the best and most sincere results. The Credential committee has been appointed. Give your credentials to the members of this committee Sunday morning from 8 a. m. until 10 a. m. at the Morrison Hotel. This will save time Monday morning when the Convention is called to order. My first term as president the past three years has passed very fast. It was a great pleasure to work with the officers and members as they all co-operated 100% with me. I had contributed articles every month in the Dawn that you all were able to read all of my services that I had performed for the progress of our Union. Reports from the Zveza Auditors and also the State of Illinois Examiners find the books all in order which means that the secretary and treasurer and finance board have fulfilled their duties faithfully. Monthly magazine. Zarja the Dawn, is giving you a full report of all the business and activities that have been performed each month by the officers, branches and members, and I am sure that you all enjoy reading it! Editor is doing a fine job editing this lovely magazine with the help of the articles that are contributed by our Spiritual Advisor, Father Claude Okorn, OFM, officers and members. State Presidents have worked very hard and have done a marvelous job in their respective territories. State Conventions are very important and the State Presidents see to it that they are held each year so that they are able to get the branch officers and members together and discuss ways and means to improve the activities of their respective branches. Campaigns that have been held the past three years we have obtained 1,099 new members. We are fortunate that we are able to replace the large amount that we had lost during this period. Tours which have been sponsored by our Union have been very well represented and educational. We are very proud to know that we were the first Slovenian group to visit the new State of Hawaii in 1961 and the White House in Washington, D. C. in 1962 The cookbook “Woman’s Glory—The Kitchen”, which I have charge of to mail, have been selling very fast. All orders are mailed out immediately and the customers that order them get delivery in a few days. Orders have come in from all parts of the United States and Canada. Many compliments have been written that the book is beautiful and they are very happy that they are able to get the old Slovenian recipes that their mothers had prepared and now have passed away. Our supply is going fast and Branches that have not ordered any yet better do so and have a supply on hand before they will all be gone. This concludes my report and hope to see you in the best of health and good spirit. Antonia Turek The following are members of the 13th National Convention Credential Committee who will be on duty to accept delegates’ credentials Sunday, May 17, 1964 from 9:00 to 10:00 a. m. at Morrison Hotel and Monday, May 18, 1964 from 8:30 a. m. Mildred James (95), Pres., Josephine Golinski (25), Sec’y, Mary Camloh (10), Roseann Mun-sell (33), Pauline V. Kokal (96.) OVER THE TOP WITH 373 HEW MEMBERS! Pre-Convention Membership Campaign Winner is VICKI FALETIČ who enrolled 42 new members! OUR CONVENTION QUEEN, VICKI, is Supreme Auditor of S. W. U. and member of Br. 25, Cleveland Ohio All the members and her sisters at Br. 25 join in heartiest Congratulations to Her Majesty, the Queen! Princesses of S. W. U. Sfi whose diligence brought them into the top three are: ROSE ŽELODEC, BR. 50 with 35 members! ANN PODGORŠEK, Supreme Auditor, Br. 33, with 26 members! ROSE KRAEMER, State President of Wis., Br. 43, with 25 members! OUR STARRING BRANCHES: 1. No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO 62 Members! 2. No. 25, CLEVELAND, OHIO 42 Members! 3. No. 33, DULUTH, MINN. 41 Members! 4. No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. 27 Members! 5. No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. 20 Members! Congratulations and Heartiest Thanks to all! Albina Novak, Supreme Sec’y Br. Name Class A Class B Class Jr., Total Br. Name Class A Class B Class Jr. Tot. 1. Margaret Fischer 5 1 6 43. Rose Kramer 1 11 13 2. Anne Zorko 1 3 3 Mary Tratnik 2 27 Elizabeth Zefran 1 5 47. Ann Christofek 2 Albina Novak 1 3 Roselyn Shuster 1 Josephine Železnikar 1 1 Anna Kresevic 1 Clara Vrasich 1 20 Mary Rusjan 1 3. Anna Pachak 1 7 Caroline Sustersic 1 Frances Simonich 1 1 10 Mrs. Konestabo 1 7 5. Josephine Turk 2 1 50. Rose Želodec 3 23 9 Louise Loviscek 1 4 Mary Bostian 13 G. J. Okolish 1 Ernestine Jevec 5 Mary Mohar 1 Susan Peternelj 3 Jennie Ozbolt 1 3 Josephine Trunk 1 7. Josephine Gostisha 1 1 Mary Hočevar 1 10. Mary Korošec 1 1 Bernice Somrak 1 12. Frances Plesko 1 9 Antonia Turek 2 Mary Schimenz 2 12 Marie Kobe 1 62 14. Tillie Spehar 2 1 52. Josephine Oswald 1 1 Anna Zabnikar 1 54. Josephine Kassan 1 1 Mary Stražišar 1 4 55. Matilda Cigolle 2 2 16. Katie Triller 2 56. Amelia Domen 1 1 2 Josephine Krai 1 3 57. Louise Mateyko 2 2 17. Marion Marolt 5 1 G8. Nadine Bajc 1 Marie A. Floryan 3 9 Mary Grzely 1 1 3 20. Helen Golobic 5 1 71. Mary Tomsic 5 Frances Caspich 1 9 Lucille Smith 1 G Josephine Sumic 1 1 73. Louise Epley 1 1 12 21. Stella Dancull 1 1 Betty Bayus 1 15 23. Barbara Rosandich 1 6 7 77. Elizabeth Paulovkin 1 1 24. Angela Strukel 1 2 3 79. Anna Lokovšek 1 25. Vicki Faletič 1G 2G 42 Fannie Ramshak 1 2 2'8. Barbara Butkovich 4 81. Mary Kolar 1 1 Anna Heinemann 1 1 83. Anna Widmar 1 1 Mary Kocjan 1 7 89. Frances Nemeth 2 3 5 31. Antoinette Lucich 1 1 90. Frances Moore 1 6 32. Genevieve Calta 4 Mildred Demshar 1 1 Theresa Potokar 1 1 Mary Rupnik 1 10 Anna Godlar 1 91. Jennie Boštjančič 3 2 Molly Gregorc 1 Anna Kastelic 1 Lillian Vehovec 1 9 Ludmilla Bergaich 3 33. Ann Podgoršek 3 G 17 Mary Skul 1 Frances Danko 2 G Amalia Sorch 1 Antonia Panyan 1 Mrs. Tony Ferrante 1 10 Josephine Gregorich 1 95. Mildred James 1 Sophie Tomich 1 Helene Golich 1 2 Mary Fresl 1 100. Cecelia I-Iorzen 2 2 Mary Chiovitti 1 101. Lucille Piccone 2 Mary Chepelnik 1 Helen Hoerl 1 Verna Homich 1 41 Doris Burdyshaw 1 4 34. Agnes Mesojedec 1 1 105. Pauline Adamic 1 35. Frances Bradach 2 2 Catherine Musich 9 4 40. Angela Kozjan 5 5 — 41. Ella Starin 2 2 T otals: 60 132 181 373 JOLIET LEAGUE STANDINGS APRIL 3, 1964 High Team in League: Bluth Sausage Won 58, Lost 32 High Team Game: American Slovenian Home 816 High Team Series: American Slovenian Home 2282 High Individual Game: Gen Klainsek 225 High Individual Series: Gen Klainsek 588 High Game, (March 30) Marge Wajchert 203 High Series, (March 30) Marge Wajchert 524 No. 20, Joliet, III., Bowling News. Five weeks of bowling left and we find Bluth Sausage leading American Slovenian Home by 8 games, Kraus Radio & TV and Papesh’s Funeral Home are close behind. Papesh’s Funeral Home have been taking 3 games for the last three weeks, their bowlers have all picked up a great deal. Edna Grohar rolled her first 502 of the year with (167-177-158), and Dot Horvat had a nice 486 (139-194-153). Ann Cernetich and Mary Rezick have been picking up some nice splits along with Lil Anderson, Jo Mlakar, Vicki Bemickas, Helen Golobic, Ann Stefanich, Edith Rosenquist, Mary Lou Bluth, Ann Kobe, and Bernice Suski. The bowlers were all very pleased to see Millie Briski at the alleys, and we all hope to have her back with us next season. On March 17th most of the bowlers were talking about the good time that we all had in Milwaukee. From all the talk most of the fun was had at the Motel, with card playing and the serving of Bluth Sausage and sweet soda. Everyone at the alleys were wondering what Lodene Hayes and Lil Anderson were looking for; we found out that Lodene lost her lucky worm and Lil was helping her look for it. Thanks again to all the subs who helped us in the month of March; they were, Tlierese Trishner, Frances McCarthy, Evelyn Luistick, Bernie Bluth, Evelyn Gregory and Evelyn Skul. Get Well Wishes are sent to Mary Rezick and Therese Pavnica. Agnes Lovati, Sec’y. ACTIVITIES No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. May will be our Mother’s Day program with entertainment and refreshments. Try and make this meeting as this will be our last for the summer session. Ann Modiz is our delegate to the National Convention to be held in Chicago. Remember the date, May 17th for our trip there. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pentik (Phyllis) a daughter; and to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Turvey (Mary) from Houghton, Mich., a son. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fischer, our secretary and the first great grandson for Mr. and Mrs. John Prisland. Our deepest sympathy to Christine Panko on the loss of her husband who passed away suddenly. Surviving are son, Michael, Jr., and Ruth Sheclc, Sheboygan and Carol Engler from Portland, Ore. May God grant him eternal rest. We wish to congratulate two new B members, Ann Schlegel and Frances Sass who joined our organization. With our card party in September and no meeting till fall, let each member do her duty for a successful card party. We are happy that Mrs. Marie Prisland is on the mend and will be with us in the near future. To all our sick members a speedy recovery and to all our birthday gals, “Happy Birthdays” and an enjoyable summer to all. Mary Vertacic No. 2, Chicago, III. We are eagerly awaiting the visit of our delegates and guests this month as they attend the 13th National Convention. Ail preparations are in the able hands of our committee and we hope the members will all join in on the festivities. Tickets for the Sunday Convention Dinner have been mailed to all members with the request that they attend the event at St. Stephen’s Gym Hall. On the Program will be many enjoyable acts, among them, a reunion appearance of our own Choral Club singing the opening songs and in a few popular folksongs. Our juvenile members will also perform in a tribute to all the members of S.W.U. — those with us still and those who have departed. Guest singers and dancers will join in a lively program and they are the S. A. Radio Club children and seniors and the Youth Choir of St. Stephen’s directed by Fr. Vendelin. As solists we will be presenting our beloved Mrs. Justina Cieblinski who has sung for so many events at our branch and church these many years and also Mrs. Marija Fischinger who is a wonderful young talent in our community and leading student at DePaul Univ. School of Music where she is in her last year of studies. We also hope many of you will be attending the Coronation Banquet at the Hotel Morrison on Tues., May 19th which will be a memorable affair. On our sick list for the month of April were the following members, Mary Ferenchak who broke her wrist, Jennie Kovacic who had a mishap and broke her finger and Theresa Balazic, hospitalized and seriously ill at this time. Recuperating at home is Mary Klaczynslci to whom we all wish a lot of luck. To all our ill members, speedy recovery. Due to the busy schedule this month, we are postponing the annual Mother’s Day social until the June 11th meeting at which time our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Jennie Puhek, will be the honored guest. Until May 17th, na svidenje. Corinne Leskovar No. 13, San Francisco, Calif. Happy Reports this month: Anniversaries, improved health and Convention News. May I thank the members who voted for me to represent them at the Convention. It is an honor to be thus honored. To know the members have confidence to allow you to represent them is indeed a showing of trust. I regret to tell you I will not go to the Convention as it was my intention that Bara Kramer and I should attend together and somehow I feel a void at her loss and can’t make myself go alone. Rose Scoff's sister, Margaret Fager, the alternate will take my place and I know Margaret who is well qualified will do an excellent job. We extend our wishes for a successful Convention. — With Albina Novak at the helm we know all will be well taken care of. — To Toni Turek we wish success during the Convention and know she too will do her job well. Success for Zveza is our wish for the future. Mary Ansel, our treasurer, is much improved at this writing. She had quite a bout in the hospital but all is well now and our beloved friend Mary is improving daily. God bless you. God bless all our members for a successful Convention. Frances E. Chiodo, Reporter No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. Meeting o-pened with prayer by our president, Tillie Spehar. A very nice attendance — ladies, keep it up! The members are asked to remember our sick members who are: Mrs. Piklar of Geneva, Ohio; Mrs. Vodnik and also, Mrs. Zadnik. Wish them a speedy recovery. Our sympathy to the family and relatives of Mrs. Klun who passed away in March. "May God grant her eternal rest.” After the meeting, we had a very nice social get-together and played a game which everyone enjoyed very much. Refreshments were also served, donated by Mrs. Antonia Sustar (crackling potica), Mrs. Mary Iskra (cakes). Thank you ladies, it was very good! Best of luck and good health to all members. May God bless you all. Caroline Turk VICKI’S TRIBUTE TO MOTHERS! No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. It was very cold and windy on our meeting night in March; even so, we had a nice attendance. There will be no meeting on the third Tuesday in May. Our luncheon and card party will be on the fourth Tuesday, May E'Gth, so on that day, before and after the luncheon, we will collect dues. All members and friends are invited at 1 o’clock in the afternoon at the Slovenian Hall on 57th Street. Donation will be $1.00. We wish our treasurer, Mrs. Mary Bahor, a safe journey on her trip to the convention in Chicago. Happy Mother’s Day greetings to all our members. Ann Frankovic, Sec’y No. 38, Chisholm, Minn. This is my first letter in Zarja so I will try to make it brief, so other members from other branches will have the opportunity to participate, too, especially for this coming convention. At our February meeting, the members elected our president, Frances Hren to be a delegate to the convention which will be held in Chi- cago May 17-20th at the Morrison Hotel. Alternate is Frances Jelenich. Our members will trust our delegate in doing her utmost best for the benefit of the S.W.U. No. 38. I would also like to mention at this time that our selected delegate’s daughter, Pat Hren, is a member and would like to thank the scholarship committee for the sum of $200 in 1958 which helped towards her education. She graduated from Marquette University in Milwaukee and is now teaching in Chicago. At our April meeting, our secretary, Ann Trdan reported that we have three members on the sick list: sisters Palsich, Tobak and Zaitz. All of the members pray for their speedy recovery. We hope God will bestow his blessings on these as well as all members. We are having a Mother’s Day Banquet for members on May 3rd at one o’clock at the Slovenian Nat’l Home after which cards will be played. We hope to see you all there and hope this day will be a joyous memory for our mothers here as well as all the mothers everywhere on Mother's Day, May 10th. And now, may God bless you all and keep you in the best of health until we all meet again. Frances Jelenich, Vice-pres.-rep. No. 40, Lorain, Ohio. Isn’t it a and glorious feeling to know that spring and summer is just around the corner? With the crocuses and tulips pushing their heads out of the ground. Here it is, the beautiful month of May when many activities take place, like the. crowning of the Blessed Mother in every church. On the 10th of May, is Mother’s Day and you see the mothers and No. 25, Cleveland, Ohio. A dedication to all Mothers. Everyday should be Mother’s Day because they are always striving to improve by doing good for their children and family. With so many responsibilities they have to be a combination of counselor, builder, coach, trainer and referee. But most of all symbolizing warmth and comfort. As the saying goes — a crown for each child — imagine a mother wearing 4 or more crowns while she’s doing dishes or baking bread, (sort of a pretty picture but a little heavy on her head.) Her hard work often goes unnoticed, keeping her home and family tidy. Naturally, father is there listening to ma, but who else is there to console and nod yes to everything as she relives her problems at the end of each day. Mothers have more homework than school children and that’s a fact. (I never did care for lots of homework as a child — but I sure have plenty now. Just can’t win!) When a child is sick a mother nurses and comforts, caring and daughters receiving Holy Communion together. On the 17th of May is the beginning of the 13th National Convention of the Slovenian Women’s TTnion. Angela Kozjan was elected delegate and Rose Kragely, the alternate of Br. 40. A welcome to the new members to our branch — they are: Albina Rupnick, Florence Rigo, Elizabeth Zalar, Ann Evansco Tomsic and Cynthia Kozjan. Cynthia is my granddaughter and Florence and Elizabeth are the daughters of Rose Kragely. Wishing a happy birthday to the members of Br. 40 who had a birthday in April and also to all who are celebrating in the beautiful months of May and June! We wish a speedy recovery to our members who are Eva Balog, Agnes Mejak, Mary Cernilec, Johanna So-klich, Luba Matos and Louise Matičič who is in sunny California. To Mr. and Mrs. William Buchar, we say: God bless you and your new home. May you enjoy it and have many healthy and happy years in it! The following members donated towards our treasury: Johanna Paul, I^ouise Mahnic, Frances Sharpellini and Johanne Svete. Thank you very much. On hand I have the latest edition of the cookbooks. If any would like one, you can call me by phone: 25134 and 1 will gladly deliver it. They cost $2.75. Just reminding the members that it is time to pay up your dues, and I am inviting all of you to attend our meeting June 10th at 7:30 p. m. worrying with such love that her heart-strings seem to burst, until finally the fever subsides. Then of course back to the paddle when the kids need it. (They really do at times.) Grandmothers are truly a dependable lot. Children always run to gramma when mother scolds. For baby sitting or visiting or anytime, they welcome you with open arms. Why? Because there is that word “Love” or call it charity but it’s there you can feel it. So to all Mothers and Grandmothers a 21 gun salute! God Bless and keep you! In reading through Zarja the write-ins from different branches certainly keeps one posted on the doings and activities of each branch. Getting back to the deserving crowns, Corinne Leskovar gets 2 crowns for 2 children, but if I were dishing them out I’d give her another extra big one one for the excellent job she does as our Zarja editor. Vicki Faletlc (And yours, Vicki, doubles mine in number and worth! C.) and this is especially for those of you wrho never attend. Come and surprise us. May God bless you all! Angela Kozjan, Sec’y No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. — Belated Happy Easter Greetings to all! Now that Easter and the Lenten Season have passed, our thoughts turn to Spring and, of course, warmer weather. Perhaps our meetings will be better attended during these coming months. The February meeting was held at the home of our president, Mrs. Josephine Prebil. Mrs. Prebil informed us that after approximately forty-two years, she is now moving to a new home at 3110a Providence Place. Please note the new address for future meetings. Good luck and happiness in your new home, Josephine. We were again invited to receive Easter Communion with the Sacred Heart Lodge on April 19th at St. Joseph’s Croatian Church, 12th and Russell Boulevard Our Annual Mother’s Day Party will be held on May 25th, at 1:00 p.m. at The Chariton Restaurant, Broadway and Chariton St. Any relative or member of the family is most welcome to our Party and especially Mothers and Mothers-in-law. One of our members, Mary Golobic, has been hospitalized and is now recuperating at home. Mrs. Helen Skoff visited her and she was very happy with her visit We all wish you a speedy recovery Mary. Mr. Franko had been in the hospital for some time and we sincerely hope lie is now on the way to recovery. Notices were sent out to the extent that our good friend, Mr. Anton Skoff has moved his realty office to new quarters, 6025 Chippewa St. Good Luck, Tony. Reporter No. 50, Cleveland. Ohio. Hello to you and you! This lovely spring feeling sure gives us a lot of ambition. Just like new blossoms! Yes, it won’t be long when new blossoms will be seen — spring is just around the comer. Today we had our first drill team practice. It sure was a lot of fun. There was a lot of laughter, but after an hour’s practice, we were ready to go to work! So, since it was our day of meeting, we all went to the meeting. Toni Turek opened the meeting, as our president wasn’t present. We sure had a large attendance. This was a great evening. We had 5 door prizes and they were won by Ann Krulac, Marie Beck, Jac-quueline Brooks, Agnes Trebar and Mary Chesnik. Agnes Trebar was one of our long lost members welcomed back at the meeting. We hope she will attend more often. Oh, another long lost member who was graciously welcomed — she hasn’t attended since her girlhood and now brought in her daughter — that 's Julia Centa. Now we have two sweet members. Next month we will start initiating our new members. This surely was a great membership campaign! Rose Želodec is our campaign manager and I hope she wins! We all wish her good luck! Time is strolling along, getting closer to the Convention time. Oh, my, oh, my! We are so excited about it as we have many plans. Our drill team plans to attend and many more of the members who will join us all in a charter bus. How great that will be! I am very proud of our drill team and thanks to wonderful Frances Seitz with her big help and wonderful instructing. It is not easy to try and organize a team. I didn’t realize it was such a job. But, since there is such a grand bunch of ladies, they all try to cooperate nicely, and we are grateful to them. I hope they all continue. I will do all I can to help them. I don’t mind it, I do it all from the bottom of my heart because I know it is appreciated. I hope Chicago will appreciate our hard work; I hope we will do O. K. Of course, we are amateurs but we will do our best. Our Captain is just IT! and she’s giving us confidence! What a wonderful person she is! So, Chicago, here we come! Hello! Hooray! How do you do! Same to the conventioneers from all over the country! Hope we make many new acquaintances! Congratulations to Louise Križman, her second time grandma! Good luck to the new mother, father and baby girl! We hope that Louise is enjoying her new home and lots of luck to her! We also hope Theresa Naro’s father has a speedy recovery and also, wishes to many of our members for good health. I guess we need some good old sunshine, how about it? A special notice to the juniors of the S.W. U. in the Cleveland area! Anyone who wishes to join the Jr. Drill Team may do so by getting in touch with Ernestine Jevec. Her telephone number is HE 1-5572. She is a lovely person and will be glad to have you or you can go right to the St. Clair Recreation Center, G250 St. Clair Ave., on Saturdays at 1:30 p. m. So much for now. May God bless you all. Mary Bostian, Reporter No. 55, Girard, Ohio. March meeting was opened with prayers led by the president, Barbara Umeck. These prayers were offered for the repose of the soul of Mrs. Anna Yaklevich, a good member since the branch was organized. At this time, Barbara U-meck asked the members to try and attend the funeral masses for our deceased sisters. It may call for a sacrifice, but will be repaid in time. She also thanked all the members that participated in the Rosaries recited for the deceased members the evening before burial. We always have a fine group. Prayers were also offered for our sick members. A sympathy card was sent to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Yaklevich on the loss of his beloved mother. Get well cards were sent to Mrs. Victoria Penksa, who was in Trumbull Memorial Hospital in Warren and Mrs. Emma Zore, hospitalized at St. Vincent Charity Hospital in Cleveland. Congratulations go out to Mrs. Mary Lukz on her brand new baby boy. Marian Jo Cigolle was proposed as a new member and cheerfully accepted. A social hour was held with games enjoyed and prizes going to Mrs. Sophie Kren and Mrs. Amelia Robsel. Spring is here so let’s all plan to attend all the meetings and the activities of the branch. May God bless you all with good health. Mary Ann Mehalco SOMETHIN’ GOOD? TRY A DISH FROM "Woman's Glory The Kitchen" Postpaid $2.75 Order your copy now: ANTONIA TUREK 19170 Monterey Euclid 23, Ohio No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Since it was lent, our March meeting wasn’t too well-attended — hope we have a nice attendance at the May meeting when we will honor our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Frances Bozich. She is a gracious lady who in modesty hides her talents, but one thing we know is that she loves to sing and has an outstanding voice, too. Our best wishes to her and all the mothers for a wonderful Mother’s Day in ’64. Our winter travelers have returned, namely Val Carlson who spent four months in Cuba, Boston and New York, and Mary Drobnick who had a month’‘s tour in California with friends and relatives, also Frances Puhek who with her husband has spent the winter in California. Glad to see you back. To all our sick members, a speedy recovery. Cards were played and prizewinners were: Agnes Barkis, Bar- bara Doshen, Amelia Domen, Caroline Kozina, Angeline Passino and Mary Meadows. Until our May meeting, best wishes to all. Anne B. Satovich, Pres. No. 57, Niles, Ohio. We are having a really good attendance at our meetings, so let’s keep it up, ladies. I’m sure everyone enjoys the evenings of games and the lunch after the meetings, too. On our sick list we have Jane Logar who was in the hospital for surgery. We all wish her a speedy recovery. Our most sincere sympathy goes out to the Davarich family on the loss of their mother and one of our oldest members, Mary Davarich. She joined the Union when it first began in Niles, and was a loyal member attending meetings often. She was the mother of six children and will be sadly missed by all. Hope all those who have birthdays this month will have a happy day. At our last meeting we had a Stanley Party which was a success. See you at the next meeting. Mary Moler, Reporter No. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio. Sunday afternoon, March 15th, at the American Slovenian Club in Fairport, the ladies of our lodge enjoyed a very happy and social gathering. The meeting was opened with prayer. Mrs. William Ulle, our vice-president presided. A motion was made and passed to make a donation to the crippled children’s fund. On the sick list we still have Mrs. Angela Godec. It was wonderful of Mrs. Kočevar to stop in and say hello after five weeks of illness. Her smiling face is always welcome. Best of health to both of these ladies. Celebrating namedays on March 19th were Josephine Urbas and Josephine Ulle. Door prize was given to Mrs. Frances Zuzek. To all members of S.W.U., we wish a Happy Mother’s Day! Julia Grabelsek, Reporter No. 73, Warrensville, Hgts, Ohio. Easter has come and gone, hope you all had a nice Easter and did not catch cold dressing up in your fine lightweight Easter finery. We wish to express our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Sophie Mauer and family on the loss of her granddaughter (4 years old), Margaret Mauer. May she rest in peace. We must have many new graduates this coming June! One is Irene Chase’s foster-daughter, graduating from Hoban High; Ann Modic’s daughter from the 8th grade of St. Jude’s School and all the others from various schools. Congratulations! On our sick list are Evelyn Majer-sic and Adeline King. Hope they are feeling fine now. Our new mother is Betty Bayus! After 9 years, another son! Good luck to both! (The little boy was born March 11th and came just in time so Betty won’t have to miss any meetings! L. E.) May is the Mother of the Year’s Month! We are celebrating with a pot luck supper. Don’t forget to come! We all hope our measles, chicken pox and mumps are soon over so that our mothers can get back to a regular schedule again. No meetings in June, July, August. They start again in Sept. Have a happy and safe vacation. Betty Bayus, Reporter No. 74, Ambridge, Pa. Here it is, the time of the year when we honor our mothers! I wish to all mothers a very Happy Day with health and happiness all the days of your lives! And, a special wish to those members celebrating their birthdays these months of May, June and July! — Here’s wishing all the best of everything. Our meetings are the same and we wish our sick members the best of health so we can all be together again. To my sister, Anna Petrich from Fontana, wishes for a speedy recovery, too. God bless you all. Mary Habich, Pres. No. 91, Oakmont, Pa. Our meeting in March was well attended and we were happy to name three new members. Our next meeting will be May 5th and we would like to see a very nice crowd. It is going to be an important meeting, so please come on out. I am sorry I didn’t have a report in since Jan. as we had sadness at our home. I always write about our members losses and now I have to write about my own. My husband, Martin, passed away on Feb. 6th. I want to thank each and everyone for their help, the mass offerings, floral bouquets sent in memory of him and the Rosary prayed by the members the evening before the funeral. Thanks! “Eternal rest grant unto him, o Lord and may the perpetual light shine upon him.” Sadly missed by wife and children: Anna Kastelic, Anna Marie Usnik, Raymond and Martin, Jr., and three grandchildren. Best to all. Anna Kastelic, Reporter No. 96, Universal, Pa. We are so very happy that Gertrude Shifrar, Anna Podobnik and Kathleen Podobnik are recovering so well and we wish that health returns to them with extra speed. We send our sympathy to the Bolt family on the sudden loss of their nephew in California. Mary Klemenčič, Sec’y Happy Mother's Day May 10 th ----------------------------~---------t No. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Plans for a fun-potluck picnic meeting which is to be held on the next regular meeting day, June 14th. We’re going to have the get-together at Pete’s Pool, above Enumclaw, and urge every member to come and bring her family. There’s plenty of room and play material for all ages. Our last meeting was held at the home of this reporter in Auburn. Our turnout was small, but mighty. See you all in June. Mary Bratovich No. 95, So. Chicago, III. Come rain or shine — or snow and gale — our members are always in the mood for a fruitful meeting and sociability. After the swearing-in of our new officers we welcomed two newcomers, Neda Mihaljevich and Lucille Ben-kovich to our group. New names continue to swell-up our membership. It was moved and seconded that we donate $25 to Sacred Heart Croatian church at their dedication ceremonies in June. Evelyn Driscoll reported in accordance with the letter sent to all of our members about our Books, that you have had more time to dispose of your books than usual and to try to return them by May 6th. Much of our profits comes from these Books. We also had a lively discussion a-bout our coming convention, since we are all bound together by a desire to make the convention friendly and wholesome, with many vital plans discussed, we are hopeful that our common goals will be attained. The members are particularly urged to try to attend our 13th National Convention, as all of you know, it is within driving distance for anyone who prefers the flexibility of traveling by bus or that you drive yourself. It should be exciting. Many happy returns to the following birthday celebrants in May: Mary Barsevac, Johanna Malcich, Mary Prebeg, Marge Rozich, Lucille Svalina, Eva Cora, and Matilda Turica Try to attend one of our meetings, you will find our sessions are relaxed in every respect — no formality — for you are with friends. Invite a friend to attend with you. In closing, my heartiest greetings to all mothers who are spending an uninterrupted mother’s day in heaven forevermore. Yes, good members, a happy mother's day to you — today, tomorrow and throughout eternity. Hope to see all of you at our Mother’s Day program May 6th; when we honor our “Mother of the Year", Mary Aslienbrenner. Respectfully, Mildred James, Pres. No. 105, Detroit, Mich. Our March meeting was held at Catherine Mu-sich's home, and as always, we o-pened the meeting with prayer. We were very pleased to welcome two new members, Alice Becker and Ann Prehay. We hope they will continue to attend our monthly meetings. We were equally pleased to have Ann Lindich back again, after recuperating from a minor operation on the heel of her foot. Fulvia Rosa also returned from a month’s stay in Minnesota. She went there primarily to consult her old family physician, and from a recent report, she is feeling considerably better, and that is always good news. I imagine while she was there she also had a chance to visit with friends and relatives. We will be glad to welcome her back at our next meeting. Alice Kocjan was named “Mother of the Year”. Prizes were donated by Ann Plazar, Catherine Musich, and Alice Kocjan, as usual, and were received by Ann Prehay, Rose Jamnich, and myself. It was Catherine Musich’s birthday and she was presented with a handsome patent leather purse. Julia Panzica is also celebrating a birthday this month. Happy Birthday to both of you. Meeting was adjourned and lunch was served; a delicious one too, with the help of her daughter and her son. Now you just show me a young man going to college, pouring coffee for a group of joking women? Catherine also had a large birthday cake, and we all sang “Happy Birthday” to Julia and Catherine. Thank you for a delightful afternoon, Catherine. Stephanie Hometz, Reporter Hermine Prisland Dicke: Rosy-pink rhubarb and fresh asparagus are two of the first garden crops. Here are some tasty recipes worth trying. RHUBARB GELATINE SALAD 1 package raspberry-flavored gelatine 1 cup boiling water 1 cup stewed, sweetened rhubarb Dash of salt 1 Ms tablespoons lemon juice Dissolve gelatine in boiling water. Cool slightly. Add remaining ingredients and stir well. Pour into 6 individual molds or a large mold. Chill until firm. For special occasions, place each mold on a pineapple slice or peach half and top with whipped cream. RHUBARB CUSTARD PIE Roll out plain pastry to a 12 inch round on a lightly floured pastry cloth or board; fit into a 9 inch pie plate. Trim overhang to y2 inch; turn under; flute to make a stand-up edge (to flute: Place left thumb and index finger % inch apart on outside of pastry edge. With right index finger, press pastry gently between fingers. Sharpen points by pinching. Repeat every % inch.) For custard filling mix together: 1 % cups sugar (early rhubarb requires less sugar) 4 tablespoons flour % teaspoon nutmeg (if desired) 4 cups cut-up rhubarb (Save time by cutting up several stalks at once. If tender and pink, do not peel.) Fill pie pan with above mixture. Dot with iy2 tablespoons butter. Pour over: Z egg yolks, slightly beaten; adding 2% tablespoons milk Bake 450 degrees for 10 minutes; then 350 degrees for 40 minutes. (If meringue is not desired, then use 3 whole eggs slightly beaten,, in a-bove mixture for custard filling. MERINGUE 3 egg whites 6 tablespoons sugar % teaspoon cream of tartar Beat egg whites with cream of tar. tar until stiff but not dry. Add sugar, 2 tablespoons at a time, beating until glossy after each addition. Pile meringue onto pie filling, being careful to seal the meringue onto edge of crust to prevent shrinking. (Remember, too long baking and incom- plete blending-in of sugar causes “weeping”). With plain knife swirl meringue or pull up points for decorative top. Bake until delicately browned: 8 to 10 minutes at 400 degrees. Cool gradually, away from drafts. RHUBARB CONSERVE 10 cups diecd rhubarb 5 cups sugar Juice of 3 oranges Juice of 1 lemon Parboil orange and lemon rind. Scrape off white part with sharp edge of spoon. Grind yellow rind. Add to first mixture. Boil 45 minutes on slow fire. Pour into sterile glasses GARDEN-FRESH ASPARAGUS Break off, rather then cut, woody end from each stalk. It will snap easily at point where tender part ends. Wash. Tie stalks in bundles. Cook standing upright in a deep sauce pan with a narrow base, with boiling water about half up the stems. Salt lightly; cover. The tips will cook in the steam. Cook 15 minutes. Serve with butter. With cut-up asparagus: Place in a saucepan, pour in about one inch boiling water, salt lightly, cover. Cook 10 to 15 minutes. ESCALLOPED ASPARAGUS 2 cups medium white sauce 4 cups cooked asparagus, cut in pieces 2 eggs 1 cup fatted crumbs Beat eggs well. Pour hot white sauce slowly over eggs. Add asparagus, put into buttered baking dish, cover with crumbs, and bake in moderate oven for 20 minutes or until crumbs are brown. HAM AND ASPARAGUS 1 cup diced ham 1 small package noodles (cooked) 21 cups cooked asparagus Put in layers and cover with white sauce flavored with 1 cup diced sharp cheddar cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. RECIPE FOR FAMILY FUN Start out with a basic liking for other people and a generous portion of self-confidence. Sift together ideas vfrom each family member, spice it up with a genuine interest in learning about the world in which you live, and mold into interesting experiences shared by all the family. Add a large amount of appreciation and some opportunities to learn how to do things you didn’t think you could do. Chop up the criticism, ridicule and nagging and throw them in the garbage. Stir well with kindness and pop it into an oven full of warmth and affection. Bake until well done and serve as a treat to your family! Mother’s Day issue would not be complete without at least one potica recipe. In the current cookbook “Woman’s Glory—The Kitchen”, the following Special Walnut Potica recipe is included by Mrs. Mary Lenich of Eveleth, Minn. Upon request from Mrs. Shriver, Mrs. Lenich baked, decorated and sent this potica to the White House where it was served during President Kennedy’s inauguration. SPECIAL WALNUT POTICA 7 cups sifted flour % cups sugar 1 pint milk V2 cup butter (1 stick) 1% tablespoons salt 4 eggs Large cake of yeast Scald milk, add sugar, salt and butter. Set aside to cool. Dissolve yeast in Vž cup ol’ lukewarm water with 1 tablespoon sugar. Add the raised yeast to milk mixture. Add very fluffy beaten eggs and then flour, one sifter at a time, beating with hand or electric beater. Keep adding flour until dough can be handled without sticking. Knead dough on flour board for a-bout 20 minutes. Put the dough in a bowl, cover it and let it raise in a warm place for about 2 hours. Do not knead dough after it has risen. Spread the dough on table covered with cloth and sprinkled with flour. First roll the dough, then pull it thin. Cut off thick edges. Spread the dough with filling then roll up as jelly roll. Cut roll into 4 loaves 12 inches long. Put it in greased pans, cover it and set it in a warm place to raise until double in bulk. Bake it one hour at 325 degrees. Filling for potica: 2 pounds ground walnuts 2 cups sugar % cup butter % cup honey 1 pint milk 3 eggs 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 pint whipping cream Melt butter. Add honey, sugar and milk. Bring to a rolling boil. Pour this mixture over ground walnuts. Add beaten eggs, whipped cream and lemon juice. Space does not permit me to give you all the latest information on the freezing of fruits and vegetables. For those of you who are interested; a very complete bulletin can be obtained free from the U. S. Government. Write to Office of Information, United States Department of Agriculture, Washington 25, D. C. and ask for Home and Garden Bulletin No. 10, revised, which is, “Home Freezing of Fruits and Vegetables.” SPECIAL FEATURE: Let every day be Mother’s day! No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Mary Vertacic, Sheboygan branch has this year honored its treasurer, Mrs. Mary Vertacic, as their Mother of the Year. “Mitzie”, as we fondly call her, was born in Sheboygan, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zagorz. On June 1, 1940, she was married to John Vertacic Jr., a fine baker by trade. They have two children: son, John, is assistant manager of PARK & SHOP, a local Super Market and is president of Sheboygan Communication Radio Club. The daughter, Mary, is a senior in High School. Mrs. Vertacic is another “Florence Nightingale”. She has done much for sick friends and neighbors, always ready with a helping hand. Her sister, Frances Tauschek, was bedridden for seventeen years, crippled with arthritis. Through all those years, Mitzie was with her sister daily; taking care of her hospital needs, consoling her and bringing cheer to her bedside. She passed away two years ago. Our branch is happy to have Mitzie as treasurer. This is her seventh year in office. She is friendly, always helping with activities and is an efficient treasurer and reporter for Zarja. In her model home she is an excellent homemaker and loves sewing. Her daughter, daughter-in-law and only granddaughter are members of our branch. The best of wishes from all of us to this fine family. Marie Prisland No. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Lucille Jesik Few of our chosen mothers can boast having 12 children! Mrs. Jesik of Pueblo can and does! This young mother whose birthday is Sept. 30, 1925, is not only a wonderful wife and mother but also a dedicated servant of the sick, occupied full time as head nurse in the Psychiatric Ward of St. Mary Corwin Hospital. She has earned the respect and love of everyone who knows her for giving of herself so freely and with such unselfishness. Mrs. Jesik and her husband, Joseph A., were married Nov. 20, 1947. They make their home at 29 Tulane St. and when time permits, this mother enjoys bowling, sewing and reading. Mrs. Jesik says she always wanted 6 children, but God has granted her a special favor and doubled that number! Mrs. Jesik’s husband is a city fireman. He’s in the center of a three ring circus when he’s home to witness the usual morning rush getting 8 children off to school. Luckily, Mrs. Jesik’s mother, Mrs. Mary Ercul, is handy to take care of the youngest children when duty calls their mother to work. All the children are members of Br. 3 which with their mother does make it an all-Zveza family. Best wishes! Mary Maricich with grandson No. 16. So. Chicago, III. Mary Maricich, A proud mother of seven sons and grandmother of 15 children, is the honored mother of Br. 1G. She is a native Chicagoan, born there on June 6, 1900 and now residing at 10305 Calhoun Avenue in the city’s south side. As with most of our mothers, she is an excellent cook and spends loads of time in the kitchen. At many functions of Br. 10, she is again in the kitchen where she most willingly volunteers to help. The members love her for her loyalty and deep sense of helpfulness. There are times when she does other things, and enjoying her grandchildren is one of her greatest pleasures. She is pictured with one of her little grandsons. She also does crocheting and embroidery for her home and friends. Sincere wishes for a happy Mother’s Day every day! Lucille Jesik holding her baby boy No. 17, West Allis, Wis. Sophie Mose, A past officer, serving as secret-tary, treasurer and president during intervals of the history of this branch is Mrs. Moze, a charter member. She is another hardworking mother who has three children, Mike, Helen and John and 5 grandchildren. In recent years, 3 great-grandchildren have been added to the growing family. Mrs. Moze was born on April 2, 1893 at Karlovac in Yugoslavia. She arrived in America on Christmas Day, 1911 and married her husband, John in 1913. They were married 29 years before his death 2a years ago, so Mrs. Moze has had widow’s loneliness for many years. The family home is at 1358 S. 64tli St., in West Allis. There mother Sophie works, enjoys handwork and when with her friends and family, delights in card playing and bowling. Heartiest wishes from her sisters at Br. 17. Sophie Moze on right with her longtime friend, Elizabeth Machnik Make roses grow along her way. ONLY ONE MOTHER Hundreds of stars in the deep blue sky, Hundreds of shells on the shore to gather, Hundreds of birds that go singing by, Hundreds of lambs in the sunny weather. Hundreds of bees in purple clover, Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn, BUT, Only One Mother the Wide World Over! No. 28, Calumet, Mich. Mary Kreus Thirty-three years a member of S.W.U. is quite a record! Mother of Br. 28, Mary Kreus is the holder of this record along with many others. She is a mother of six and a diamond jubilarian this year! Mrs. Kreus was born Nov. 9, 1889 at Tančagora, Yugoslavia. She came to America in 1910 and a year later on, May 27, 1911, was married to Joseph Kreus, now deceased. In her seventy-five years she has seen many changes and lived through many eras. Three of her sons served in World War II, giving her a mother’s share of uneasiness and worry. Besides sons Joseph, Rudolph, Frank, Edward and Carl, she has a daughter, Mary Ludwig. She attends meetings of the branch regularly and has contributed generously all these years. She also enjoys fancy work such as braiding rugs, crocheting and spends much time in her garden. May the flowers of May everlastingly delight her. No. 20, Joliet, III. Olga Ancel (nee Erjavec) Br. 20 has selected as the Mother of the Year, a very well-known and active person, Olga Ancel, who has found time to participate in many church, school, veterans and girl scout programs. She and her husband, Edward G., have G children, who are: Vera, (17), Joseph (15), Nadine (13), Carita (11), Marie (5), Andrew (6 months). The family home is at 1115 Frederick St., in Joliet, Mrs. Ancel’s birthplace on July 8, 1921. As her hobby, she says there is none in particular except a sincere interest in the activities of her hus-hand and children. She has stood at his side in many of his interests including that of Commander of the American Legion Post 1080 in Joliet. Through her husband’s membership, she became an auxiliary member and held various committee offices including community service, publicity and veterans crafts. She has a deep interest in her children’s school, scouting and other diverse interests. Family vacations together are a highlight of the year and their home is constantly filled with happy friends and relatives. It is a real gathering place for important events. She is a charter member of Br. 20 Champion Drill Team from 1938 to 1952. Served in many capacities for the team, the branch and the Union especially during the years of 1939-52 when her mother, Mrs. Josephine Erjavec was the Supreme Secretary. She is proud of having lived those 14 years wholeheartedly for Zveza. Compatible to her interest in children and the S.W.U., Mrs. Ancel has undertaken the task writing for the Junior Page of Zarja, under the pen name of Regina. Felicitations and Pnnf innorl cimnoo« f OLGA ANCEL No. 24, LaSalle, III. Anna Jakse Another large family, and a Zveza family at that, is that of Mrs. Anna Jakse of 9G0 Gooding St., LaSalle. She is the widow of Joseph whom she married in 1905. Together, they celebrated their 50th Wedding An-nivesary in 1955. There are six sons and daughters in the Jakse family: Joseph, Edward and Julius are the sons and daughters are: Ann Butler, Millie Kehle of Glenview, 111. and Olga Fritz. 14 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren complete the family. Mrs. Jakse was born at Jurka Vas in Slovenia on Jan. 24, 1882. She came to this country just a few weeks before her marriage. She is a typical good Slovenian homemaker, cooking and baking Slovenian Potica which everyone loves to eat! She also crochets and her favorite patterns are for stoles and afghans. Mrs. Jakse has been a trustee of Br. 24 for 15 years and attends all meetings. Whenever asked, she willingly helps and donates. Her daughters and granddaughter are active in bowling and have participated in the S.W.U. Tournaments. The best in the world to Mrs. Jakse and her family. Anna Jakse in front with great-granddaughter, Nancy Kelso, daughter Olga Fritz and granddaughter, Diane Kelso And beauty everywhere, Anna Rasich is second from left in back row . . . others on photo are members of branch. No. 30, Aurora, 111. Anna Rasich, The love of a family is the most precious thing and if the family is chosen, it becomes even more precious. The 3 stepchildren of Anna Rasich feel that she is the best in the world for she has taken them into her heart as closely as her own three. When Mrs. Rasich married her husband, Joseph, it was 1933. Her patience with the family was something to remember, since the children were all grown. She couldn’t do enough for them and they remember her for it. They consider her a marvelous cook who bakes the best potica and apple pies anyone ever tasted. She is a good member of Br. 30, also. She attends meetings and helps out whenever she can. In 1956 she made a trip to her homeland and to visit her mother whom she hadn’t seen in 45 years. She still does a lot for her other relatives there. Now, Mrs. Rasich has seven grandchildren and besides sewing and baking, likes to take walks and writes letters for shut-ins. Her birthday is Feb. 3, 1893 and she was born at Marsalavos in Yugoslavia. The family home is at 631 Adams St., in Aurora. Her family and sister members are very proud of her. No. 31, Gilbert, Minn. Angela Susnik In the accompanying photo, the chosen mother of Br. 31 is seen with her own mother, her daughter and granddaughter. It was taken for mouther, Mary Majerle’s 92nd birthday! This occasion was a very special and wonderful one for the whole family. Angela has been working for the Cluett & Peabody Co., for 15 years at the Gilbert plant where the famous Arrow shirts are made. She belongs to the Homemakers Club and is always busy making things for her home and family. In her spare time, she visits with older folks that can’t get out. She was on the committee for the Pioneers of St. Joseph’s Church held in February. This was the last mass offered in the old church. Hand made golden carnations made by the committee were given to the pioneers attending this 50th Anniversary mass. Now, the folks in Gilbert have a most beautiful new church. This chosen mother has been very active with the branch, selling tickets and donating prizes at the monthly meetings. She was president in 1963 and also auditor for some time. There are three Susnik children, Joseph Jr., Albin and Eleanor and five grandchildren, and the family home is at 117 Virginia Ave. Her birthday is Nov. 4,1900 born at Sparta, Minn. She and her husband, Joseph have been married 43 years. To Angela, heartiest wishes for a continued happiness. No. 34, Soudan, Minn. Louise Chiabolli A member who has been active in all the projects of the branch and attends all meetings was chosen to be honored by No. 34. She is Louise Chiabotti of Tower, Minn., who is a native Minnesotan. Louise is one of the most active members in Br. 34 and is willing to help out in every project. In the same manner she also is active in church work — and has been a member of the Choir and sings for all occasions with the Choir. Her husband, Louis, now retired, owned his Ford Garage and was a dealer for the Ford Company until his retirement. Her son, Ralph owns and runs his Standard Service Station, also in Four generations of Susnik Family... mother Angela on left, grandmother Mary Majerle, granddaughter, Susan and daughter, Eleanor Gregorich. Tower, and has 3 children, Lisa, David and Deborah. Her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Erkkila has 4 children, Kathy, Monica, Jackie and James, and daughter Lorraine, has 2 children, Patricia and Michael. Mr. and Mrs. Chiabotti have a summer home at Eagles Nest Lake where they spend the summer, and where they are gracious hosts to their many friends and relatives. They give their home for the use of the sisters who come there to give religious instructions during the summer. Many wishes for blessings and good health to Mrs. Chiabotti! Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel No. 42, Maple Hghts, Ohio. Pauline Hribar Our beloved Mother of the Year was born on January 25, 1902 in Yugoslavia. She was married to George Hribar on April 27, 1921 and shortly after arrived in the United States on June 5, 1921. The happy couple was blessed with four children: George, Albina Mrocz-ka, Daniel and John. She is also a grandmother of six: Judy, Patty, George and Steven Hribar; Jeanette and Diane Mroczka. Last month the Hribars celebrated their 43rd Wedding Anniversary. Pauline has been quite busy in the past years raising her family and keeping up with her lovely grandchildren. She loves to work around the yard especially with the beautiful flowers blooming around her cozy home. During the summer months one never passes by the Hribar’s house, located at 15716 Otis Place, without pausing to admire the gorgeous flower box stationed on the Oh, never let her eyes be wet No. 40, Lorain, Ohio. Angela Kozjan Reaching her quarter century mark as secretary ot' Br. 40 is Mrs. Angela Kozjan whom the members wish to honor this May as Mother of the Year. Mrs. Kozjan is well-versed in affairs of the branch and organization having served as president and auditor for her own branch in the Past and delegate to many national conventions. She and her husband, John, have just celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary and this month, one of their daughters, Angeline and husband George Voytko, celebrate their 23rd anniversary. There is another son, Edward and a total of C grandchildren. One of them, Arlene Voytko, an honor student and an exceptionally brillant girl was a S.W.U. Scholarship Winner in 1962. Mrs. Kozjan can often be found in the kitchen at many weddings, super-vising the cooking. She also loves to embroider and raises African violets in her home, which is at 1628 W. 20th St. On April 8th, Mrs. Kozjan celebrated her birthday, too. Many happy returns of the day — tho belated; and many happy wishes this Mother’s Day! No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. Anna Johnson The nicest wajy to celebrate an occasion, is to have your friends and relatives about in an atmosphere of love. Such was the celebration of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Johnson of 5662 Oleatha Ave. in St. Louis. Mrs. Johnson, chosen as the year’s outstanding mother, treasures the memory of that day Nov. 22, 1963 which began with a solemn high Mass, a special blessing by their pastor and a wonderful reception that evening for over 150 persons. Their son, Dolph, daughter, Dorothy Dains and granddaughter, Mrs. Carol Ann Meyer hosted the celebration which was further enhanced by long distance calls from the Johnson’s other daughter, and son-in-law, Rita and George Eschbach-er and Mrs. Johnson’s sister in Calif. The members of Br. 46 are especially grateful to their chosen mother for her gracious work at various affairs and for her kindness to others which she manifests in social work. God bless her! No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. Madeline Es peres The Mother of the Year of Br. 43 is a quiet and loving person who faithfully tends her home and house plants, loves her garden and has many, many friends. The Esperes home is at 1411 W. Walker St., and she and her husband, John, have three sons, John Jr., Joseph and Paul. Five grandchildren give her many pleasant hours. This chosen mother is a native of Hungary. She was born there on July 4, 1905. She came to America as a young lady in 1921, and this July she will be celebrating her 23rd wedding anniversary. During the war and since, Mrs. Esperes donated 29 pints of blood, mostly to veterans. She is a very generous person and humble about it. For the branch, she has donated many times for which the members extend deepest thanks and heartiest wishes on this occasion! MOTHER DEAR, OH PRAY FOR ME Mother dear, remember me, and never cease thy care, Till in heaven eternally, thy love and bliss I share. Mother dear, Oh, pray for me! Should pleasure’s siren lay E’er tempt thy child to wander far from Virtue’s path away: When thorns beset life’s devious way, and darkling waters flow, Then, Mary, aid thy weeping child, thyself a mother show. Pauline Hribar holding granddaughter Diane Mroczka porch rail. At times Pauline crochets little hankies but most of her time is occupied with housework and cooking hearty meals for her husband and sons. As a charter member, Pauline graciously invited members to attend the Sodality meetings and Catechism lessons at her home in which Frs. Oman, Baznik and Virant came to give instructions. She is always ready and willing to assist in club activities and is a regular attendant at the S.W.U. meetings In conclusion all members extend their best wishes to you, Pauline Hribar — Mother of the Year for 1964! Marie Matis With tears of sorrow or regret, No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. Ernestine Jevec Ernestine Jevec was born on Dec. 17, 1913 at Thomas, West Va. At the age of 8, she moved to Europe with her parents where she completed her education in a town called St. Rupert na Dolenjskem. Later, the family returned to the U. S. and resided in Cleveland. In 1936, she joined Br. 50 and also, the Prisland Cadets. Ever since that time, she has loved to march. On Sept. 7, 1940 she married Leo*-pold Jevec. They have two very nice children, son Robert who is in his 3rd year at Ohio State Univ., majoring in Chemistry and Pre-Med; daughter, Betty Lee, is presently working and studying at St. Vincent Charity Hospital as a practical nurse. Betty Lee is also a member of No. 50 and was captain of the Jr. Drill Team for a few years. Ernestine is loved by the whole branch and busy as she is, is ever ready to help in any capacity, especially for the Jr. Drill Team which she has helped to organize and now is in her second year as instructor. Under her supervision, it has increased in number quite substantially. At our annual bazaar, she managed to have a booth for the juniors and was quite successful. Besides this, she Btill helps at all branch doings. Her hobbies are marching and traveling especially with her family, while working most of the time, there isn’t much time for these trips. Ernestine loves to paint and we hope to view some of her work one of these days. She still has her mother and sister living close to her; her father passed away several years ago. Our Mother of the Year is never too busy to help others whenever needed and has gained all our love and respect. R. Z. No. 52, Hibbing (Kitzville), Minn. Mary Gulziviller “Just having my daughters and their families around me is all any mother could ask!” A thought shared by many mothers and understood by all is quoted by Mrs. Mary Gutzwiller of 2811% E. 2nd St., Hibbing, chosen by her sister.members to represent branch 52. The family which means so much to her consists of 6 daughters: Mrs. John (Kathryn) Kennedy, Mrs. William (Florence) Techer, Mrs. Ruth Spane — all living in Hibbing — Mrs. Gordon (Helen) Kelly of Moorehead, Minn., Mrs. Larry (Louise) Ochsner of Gardner, No. Dak and Sandra, 14 years old and an honor student in high school. There are 8 grandchildren. She especially loves to bake good things and crocheting. She enjoys long walks, too. Her birthday is Oct. 23, 1908 and Chisholm her birthplace. She is a past officer of Br. 52 and always helps when called upon. Sin-cerest wishes from her sister-members. No. 54, Warren, Ohio Josephine Kassan Our worthy Mother of the Year is Mrs. Josephine Kassan, a diligent and energetic member of Br. 54 for a number of years. Josephine was born in Colorado, Nov. 24, 1920 and moved to Utah at the age of 2. Her family then came to Warren in 1938 and she has been a resident and member of our group ever since. In 1950, she married Andrew Kassan, a city fireman and they are the parents of three lovely children, Barbara, Joseph and James who all attend St. James school. Besides being an active member and sgt.-at-arms, also past secretary, she is active in the Home and School Association of St. James and this takes up up much of her leisure time. She enjoys playing card games and is very sociable. Her mother, two sisters and sister-in-law, nieces and nephews and naturally, her three children, are all members. To Josephine, health and happiness is our branch’s heartfelt wish! J. P. No. 55, Girard, Ohio Matilda Cigolle Mrs. Matilda Cigolle of 1537 Greenwood Ave., was chosen Mother of the Year. She was a Valentine delivered to her mother on Feb. 14, 1910 in Coketon, West Va. On Aug. 6, 1927, she was married to John Cigolle at St. Rose Church in Girard. Her husband is deceased, leaving Matilda a family of three youngsters to raise. She has done a very good job of this. Her daughter, Sister M. Jeanne is a Ursuline nun. Two sons, John and Thomas, are married and each has a son, Thomas A. and “Tad” Steven A., making heir a proud gradma. Matilda organized the S.W.U. Br. 55 in Girard on June 6, 1932. The first meeting was held in her home. At present, she is holding two offices — that of vice-president and secretary. Where most women have hobbies, Matilda donates her spare time and energy to charity. She works a-mong and for the Ursuline Sisters to lessen their burdens. She is always willing to lend a helping hand when it comes to branch activities, as well. Our fondest wishes to Matilda Ci-golle and hearty congratulations! Mary Ann Mehalco No. 57, Niles, Ohio Louise J. Maleyko Mother, Louise J. Mateyko’s life is all wrapped up in her children, too. She, like many mothers, joins them in their activities and work. A daughter, Joanne, is a teacher of Home Economics (a talent she has undoubtedly received from mom) and one of her two sons is a mechanical engineer. She also has a grandcihld. The George Mateyko home is at 306C Vienna Rd., in Niles. They were married on Sept. 4, 1937 when Louise was just 19. Her birthday is Oct. 7th, and Cleveland is her birthplace. She has won many prizes in 4-H work and loves her garden and flowers. The members are so grateful to Louise for all her loyalty to them and her help in serving on various committees for their functions. Sincere good wishes. And never cease to care! No. 73, Warrensville, Ohio. Mary Rivacuk Mother of the Year from br. 73 hasn’t held any office but has been a very faithful member. She attends meetings regularly and everyone enjoys her apple strudels which she bakes and donates whenever asked. Mrs. Mary Rivacuk has a jolly good nature and is very sociable. She keeps up with the younger members with complete ease and the members hope she’ll continue to be so active for a long time to come. Trebic, Slovenia is her birthplace on Sept. 5, 1896. She and her husband, Dominic, who passed away 2% years ago, reared five children, Peter (deceased), Mildred, Joseph, Kay and Fred. There are 10 grandchildren and a great-grand son. Gardening, making good sausage and baking strudels are her specialties. The family around her enjoys all these good things at her home at 19513 Raymond Street. No. 63, Denver, Colo. Mary Zemlak In the beautiful, moutainous state of Colorado, there are the friendliest people! So, naturally, it is a fact that the members of Br. 63 are all very warm- hearted, friendly ladies and their chosen mother of the year, Mary Zemlak, one of the best! She is rated high by her sister-members who appreciate her loyalty all these years since the branch was founded and Mary became a charter member. She was the first president of No. 62 and is still active. She loves to travel and has been in Hawaii, Europe and the far western states of Calif, and Oregon. She She’s especially proud of her granddaughter Laureen, who served with the Peace Corps and now resides in California. Mrs. Rivacuk was one of the first to agree that charitable causes should be supported by the branch. The members are most happy to honor her and extend congratulations and God’s blessings to her. hopes to travel to Europe again this summer. There are 2 daughters in the family, Mary Johns and Millie Heath and 6 grandchildren, all members. Her rose garden is a beauty at their home at 4660 Brighton Blvd. Mary was born Dec. 7, 1896 at Velke Lašče in Slovenia and came to this country in 1921. She was married a year later to Louis Zemlak, now deceased. She has the warmest wishes of all as a wonderful mother and grandmother. No. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio Josephine Vile Another silver officer is Josephine Ulle, vice-president of Br. 68 for 26 years. She joined the branch in 1936 and has been a loyal member ever since. For the branch’s various activities Mrs. Ulle is always on call. She claims no special talent, except to be “just a housewife” but even that humble title means a great deal! The Ulle’s four sons and three grandchildren (two more on the way!) can attest to that. Josephine was born in Cleveland on May 22, 1912, so she’ll be having a birthday this month. Happy Returns of the Day! She married William Ulle on June 24, 1933. They reside at 314 East St. The branch sends heartiest Mother's Day greetings to her! Louise Mateyko with her family, sons James, and George, daughter Joanne, husband George and grandson, Brian. Let every day be Mother’s Day! *-v^*-x.**->.**-x.*»-x.«rx.»»-X4»-x.»*-v.»»-^.«»-x.«*-^**'^-« No. 86, Nashwauk, Minn. Marian Derg ants A faithful member who has done more than her share in the progress of the branch is the chosen mother, Marian Dergantz, secretary for the past 3 years. She was born in Soudan, Minn., on Jan. 21, 1903 and took Frank Dergantz as her husband when a young girl of 20. This June they’ll celebrate their 41st anniversary. They have 3 sons, Bernard and Floyd who work in the mines and Jerry. There are 4 grandchildren. Raising house plants and gardening in the summer, sewing in the winter, are her chief occupations besides cooking and baking. She’s good at whatever she does. Her husband, Frank is a Municipal Judge in Nashwauk since 1958 when he was appointed and elected for a No. 91, Oakmont, Pa. Mary Zakrajšek May is the month of mothers and the month of many wedding anniversaries. On May 30th, Mary and Pri-moš Zakrajšek will observe the 46th wedding anniversary — two fine people who have the respect and admiration of all their friends. The couple has a son, Carl and daughter, Dorothy Solomon, and 2 grandchildren. They live at 801 North Ave., in Verona. No. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Gertrude Kranz A mother and grandmother with an exceptionally large family is Mrs. Gertrude Kranz of the far-western state of Washington. She has nine children, 17 grandchildren and 7 greatgrandchildren! Her sons and daughters are: Mary, Helen, Anne, Ger- trude, Elizabeth, Eileen, John, Peter and Lewis. This means that when grandma bakes goodies, she must be at it all day! Mrs. Kranz was born in Slovenia on March 17, 1881 at a place called Čatež. She was 21 when she came to the U. S. and was married that same year to John Kranz, now deceased. In 1952, they celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary. She loves to entertain and family birthdays and anniversaries give her just the right opportunity to keep busy. Her sociability makes her very well-liked by all. Heartiest Congratulations! Marian Dergantz with grandson, Jim. 6 year term. Before that he was a special judge. She’s rightfully proud. The sisters of Br. 86 are all happy with their Mother of the Year. “She is a grand person and we all love her!” Best Wishes! Mary, chosen by her sisters at Br. 91, is loved for her fine homemaking. She is considered a wonderful hostess and housekeeper and as a hobby, raises African violets and other flowers. She was born on March 8, 1902 in Germany and came to America as a small child. Her mother, Mary Petak is 85 years old and resides at the Zakrajšek home. Mary takes good care of her as befits a loving daughter. She is a member 25 years. Congratulations and best wishes! No. 83, Crosby, Minn. Lillian A. Sipper With a family of 14 children and 23 grandchildren, Mrs. Lillian Sipper’s story could fill a book! She must be a wonderful, generous and kind person and one without a trace of nerves! Large families such as the Sipper’s are unique and their mother surely deserves special recognition. That is why the members of Br. 83 have accorded their highest tribut^to her as Mother of the Year! Feb. 26, 1903 is the birthday of Lillian Sipper and it must be a red-letter day in their household. She was born at Lakefield, Minn. On Aug. 24, 1921, she married Steve Sipper so they’ll be celebrating their 43rd anniversary this year! After her daily chores are over, Mrs. Sipper enjoys restful knitting for which she has many orders! May God continue to bless her with good health! Mary Zakrajšek No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. Rose C. Carricato When someone is born in the beautiful high regions of Colorado, she seldom leaves it for other places. So, our mother from Br. 92 is a native of Crested Butte, and here we find her still living on the high slopes of the Rockies at Gunnison, Colo, some fifty years later. Rose was born on July 1st, 1911 in Crested Butte. She still has all her friends there, for she remains a member of that local branch, tho living in Gunnison. On Aug. 2, 1930, she and Joseph Carricato were married and in a year or so, they will be celebrating their 25th anniversary. They have four children, Frank, Virginia, Joseph and Anita Louise and seven grandchildren. Rose is a good cook and enjoys her kitchen duties. She is very loyal to her branch sisters and participates in all their functions. Best wishes to her and hers! No. 95, So. Chicago, III. Mary Ashenbrenner There aren’t many tasks more difficult, and at the same time agreeable, than picking out the Mother of the Year from a large number of loyal members such as ours. Our members had that job in choosing Mary Ashenbrenner, 3017 E. 97th St. a member of 25 years to represent our branch She was born in Slovenia, Dec. 6, 1891, married to Anton Ashenbrenner June 19, 1910, arrived in this country in 1920. Now, she is a widow of 8 years with 5 living children namely: Frances Butkovich, Helen Peloza, Mary Santoro, Steve and Joseph Ashenbrenner of Nashville, Tenn. The most important episode in her life are her nine grandchildren and love and roses strew her No. 89, Oglesby, III. Josephine J. Morrison The members of Br. 89 have selected Josephine J. Morrison this year to receive special Mother’s Day honors. She was born and raised in the Peru-Oglesby area — her birthdate being August 13th, 1907. Thus, she is well-known and popular among all her neighbors. On Aug. 1, 1936, Josephine married Lyle Morrison and they have four sons: Lyle, R., Douglas A., Dennis M. and Robert P. There are also 3 grandchildren to complete the family. She and her husband observed their 25th Wedding Anniversary in 19G1. She is an avid stamp and coin collector, a hobby that keeps her quite busy. With her branch, she accepted the position of chancellor for 1963-G4. Heartfelt wishes to her and her happy family. Mary Ashenbrenner four great grandchildren, she said, because of their wisely-guided minds and nurtured faith are a priceless resource of the years to come. Besides being a active member of Sacred Heart Croatian Church, Altar and Rosary Society, Croatian Sons and Daughters No. 229 and S.N.P.J. Dela-vac Lodge, she has a well-grounded background with many skills, working out everyday with ease. She works zealously — at cooking and baking, and perforins many outdoor tasks. Over the years Mary has contributed generously in the form of bakery goods and cash, and attends our meetings with meticulous regularity. This happy combination linked with a modern know-how enables Mary to make a swift influence to her children and community. She believes to be sincere, honest, devoted to duties, courage to be forthright and burning zeal to do which is right are all her basic elements in her private life. Through her wisdom and her great service to our branch in the formative years has earned her the right to be remembered forever. Mildred James Josephine Morrison and 3 lovely grandchildren Lee, Robin and Rick. No. 100, Fontana, Calif. Jean Kurilich In sunny and flowery Southern California, there is the city of Fontana where our members enjoy their lovely homes, beautiful weather and loyal friendships. There lives Mrs. Jean Kurilich chosen by her sister members of Br. 100 as the most deserved Mother of the Year from their group. She is a very popular and well-liked lady who has a husband, Sam, two children, Victor and Frances and loves to take care of her garden which is a year-round chore. The home at 9415 Acacia St. is the center of activity for the family. She claims Dec. 27th, 1916, as her birthdate and the place is Hudikonec na dolenjskem in Slovenia. Her knowledge of the language has given her the task of reporting for Zarja from the branch which she does faithfully. Her participation in all group activities of S.W.U. has earned her a high place in the admiration of all her sisters at Br. 101! rAnd smiles of joy and pride! away eight years ago. She has one daughter, Joan, and 2 lovely grandchildren, Donna Marie who is a Junior Member and 11 years old, also Steven who is 9. She resides at 18845 Carrie Ave. Alice has worked for the past 7 years at the beautiful J. L. Hudson Northland Center in the china department. She is very generous with her treasures and brings a prize with her to each meeting. So, somone always gets the benefit of her generosity and the branch makes money for the kitty. She has been treasurer for the past 5 years. Our very best wishes, Alice Catherine Musick, Sec’y. No. 105, Detroit, Mich. Alice Kocjan The members of Br. 105 have chosen Alice Kocjan as their Mother of the Year. She was born April 5, 1912 in Slovenia. Alice was married thirty years to her husband, Peter, before he passed No. 101, Bedford Hgts, Ohio Dorothy J. Kaslellic A mother active in many things helps keep the four children of Dorothy Kastellic very proud and happy. Their home is at 52GG Joseph St., in Maple Hgts, Ohio where Dorothy’s main avocation is helping others. She and her husband, Frank, and four children, John, Anthony, Mary and Katherine enjoy doing many things Dorothy Kastellic with officers of Br. 101. together, too. But, mother’s main sports are bowling and dancing with some time off spent playing cards. She was born on Nov. 6, 1921 in Cleveland. As a member of the newly formed branch 101, she has taken an active interest in its progress and has served as secretary for the past two years. She’s also reporter for the branch. The members join in a great big wish to Dorothy for a happy Mother’s Day and every day! Marie Prisland: V BLAG SPOMIN — bodo naše misli pohitele k petim svežim grobom, ki krijejo NA Spominski dan — 30, maja -5 bivših Zvezinih gl. odbornic: Barbara Kramer, je bila v gl. odboru od 1927-1939. Evelyn Križaj Hudek, je bila gl. odbornica od 1946-1952. Christine Menart, je bila gl. odbornica od 1958-1963. Mary Kocjan, gl. odbornica od 1939-1943. Mary Markezich, gl. odbornica od 1943-1949. Vse, ki smo poznale sestro Barbaro Kramer vemo, da Zveza ni imela bolj zveste in navdušene članice kot je bila ona. Poleg njene družine ji je bila Zveza najbolj pri srcu. Mene je obiskala 13-krat in vsaki krat je bila njena prva beseda o Zvezi. Tudi ko je iz gl. odbora izstopila se je še vedno za našo organizacijo zanimala ter svoji domači podružnici bila dobra svetovalka. Kakor sem zapisala v marčevi izdaji ZARJE leta 1940, ko se je “naša” Bara iz gl. urada poslovila, tako se danes poslavljam od nje z besedami: V imenu vseh članic, ki so Te poznale in rade imele, Ti pošiljam zadnji pozdrav na daljni Pacifik! Spavaj v miru! Sestra Evelyn Križaj Hudek je bila izborna Mladinska voditeljica. Vsak mesec je njen Mladinski list imel zanimive spise, ki so ugajali mladini. Te članke čitati je bil pravi užitek. Vodila je celo kontest za najboljši prispevek. Smrt jo je poklicala v najlepših letih. Bila je stara komaj 41 let, ter članica pod. št. 6 v Barbertonu. Sestra Christine Menart je bila 5 let jako aktivna mladinska voditeljica. Da šteje njena podružnica 136 mladinskih članov je njena zasluga. Zadnje leto mi je večkrat potožila, da ji zdravje peša, a delati za Zvezo vseeno ni odnehala. Več let je bila delavna tajnica podružnice št. 7 v Forest Cityju. Sestra Mary Kocjan, bivša gl. podpredsednica, pionirka in za Zvezo dobra delavka, je bila ustanoviteljica podružnice št. 28, v Calumetu, Michigan. Podružnici je predsedovala dolgo vrsto let. Njeno delo zdaj nadaljuje hčerka Ann, ki je vzorna predsednica svoje podružnice. Sestra Mary Markezich, bivša članice gl. odbora za Mladino in Razvedrilo je vestno svoje dolžnosti vršila. Zveza je v njej imela veliko prijateljico in zagovornico. Za svojo podružnico št. 95 v South Chicagu, katere predsednica je bila več let, je veliko dobrega storila. Družinam in sorodnikom gori-navedenih pokojnih glavnih odbornic izrekamo globoko sožalje. Slovenska Ženska Zveza se s hvaležnostjo spominja delavnosti svojih odbornic in vseh pokojnih članic, ki jih bo ohranila v najlepšem spominu. Naj blage sestre v miru počivajo! ^ Mati moja, $ Št. 2, Chicago, III. Jennie Puhek Marljivost in ponižnost sta dve lepi čednosti za vsako mater. Nekatere so srečne, da se znajo udejstvovati na prozoren način, s svojimi dobrimi deli in ena teh je prav gotovo Mrs. Jennie Puhek, katero, je podružnica št. 2 počastila z naslovom odlične matere v tem letu. Mrs. Jennie Puhek, 2041 W. 23nd Place, je bila Št. 6, Barberton, Ohio. Mary Valenčič 393 — 4th St., Barberton, Ohio, je bila rojena v vasi Juršče, 24. okto-brat, 1892. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1912 in se 28, avgusta, 1912, poročila z Antonom Valenčič. V družini je bilo rojenih devet trok od katerih so umrli trije in živi šest, ti so: Antonia, Mary, Olga, Angela, William in Stanko. Stara mati je 12 vnukom in prastara mati šetim pravnukom. Leta 19G2 sta z možem obhajala zlato poroko. Družina je spoštovana po vsej naselbini. Mrs. Valenčič ima zelo lep vrt, kjer pridno neguje krasne cvetlice. Pri podružnici ni v odboru, ampak vedno rada pomaga, kjer vidi, da je pomoč dobrodošla in potrebna. Članice ji izkrekajo iskrene čestitke! rojena 12. junija, 1903 v Chicagu, III. Deliško ime je bilo Vidmar. Poročila se je 23.junija, 1934 z Gabrielom Puhek. V družini imata tri hčerke, Dolores, ki je v službi kot tajnica velike pisarne, Mary, poročena Podder in Gen, ki je tajnica v pisarni zdravnikov. Stara mati je enkrat (in pol.) V ročnem delu je ena najbolj spretnih rok ter je izgotovila že nešteto krasnih ročnih del in to v vseh vzorcih, kar jih sploh na svetu obstoji. Mrs. Puhek je tudi aktivna članica šivalnega kluba. Čeprav jo muči arthritis v prstih, ona kar naprej rabi svoje roke, da jo je kar veselje gledati. Članica podružnice je 24 let in je bila nekaj let nadzornica. Ko se je pošiljalo pakete v stari kraj, se je žrtvovala za mnoge potrebne in jim stalno pošiljala obleko in hrano. Mnogo oseb se je k njej zateklo za pomoč in ni bil nihče odvrnjen. Velikodušni in nad vse pridni članici, Mrs. Puhek, članice izrekajo najlepšo zahvalo ter ji želijo še mnogo zdravih let in družinske sreče. Obenem ji čestitajo k 30 letnici poroke, ki bo v juniju. r? T ▼ T T T T'T V T T1 ŠMARNIČNI ZVON Šmarnični zvon zvoni, vabi in kliče v sanjavi večer: "Proč vrzite skrbi, ki vas tarejo venomer, in pridite k svoji Materi: čaka na vas od ranega jutra do pozne noči.” Šmarnični zvon zvoni . . . Ljudje hite . . . Na oltarju sveče gore; med njimi poljske rože cveto in nagelj vmes in še rožmarin. Sredi cvetlic smehlja se Kraljica: v rokah ji počiva božji Sin. Ljudje pred oltarjem kleče: v očeh jim gorijo solze. Prinesli so s sabo tovore skrbi in jih polagajo pred oltar — trpljenje in žalost — Kraljici v dar. Pogled na Gospo jim je vzel grenkobo iz prs in strah iz srca. Gospa se v oltarju smehlja in blagoslov deli. Šmarnični zvon pa v tihi večer drhti. * * • To pesmico poklanjamo v blag spomin pokojne mame, stare mame, Angele Križman, za njen rojstni dan 26. majnika. Št. 7, Forest City, Pa. Anna Prince, 700 Susq. St., Forest City, Pa. je bila rojena 29. maja, 1895, v Rakitni in prišla v Ameriko 24. avgusta, 1912. Stara je bila 18 let, ko se je dne 29. septembra, 1913, poročila z Josephom Prince. V družini imajo štiri otroke: Joseph, Anna, Henry in Albert ter o-sem vnukov. Dočakala je srečo imeti zlato poroko in to je bilo lansko leto. Svoj prosti čas porabi v ročnem delu in njena posebnost je šivati posteljne odeje (quilting}, katerih je že mnogo izgotovila v najlepših vzorcih. Pri podružnici vedno rada pomaga in daruje v dobrodelne namene, za kar ji gre iskrena zahvala in čestitke od vseh članic. Št. 10, Cleveland, Ohio Anna Markovich Podružnica št. 10, Collinwood, Ohio, je letos poklonila odlikovanje častne matere, svoji vrli predsednici, Mrs. Anna Markovich, 15705 Holmes Ave. Sestra Markovich je v kratkih treh letih pokazala svojo zmožnost kot voditeljica in članice se počutijo zelo srečne, da imajo za svojo voditeljico prijazno osebo, kakor je bila pred njo Mrs. Urbas, ki je predsedovala dolgo vrsto let. Sestra Markovich je bila rojena 7. novembra, 1906. Vzgojila je lepo družino, ki ljubijo svojo mamico. Kot vestna gospodinja, mati, družabnica zasluži biti odlikovana. Članice ji pošiljajo iskren« čestitke in želje za veselo bodočnost in vso družinsko srečo, ki pod nebom sije za dobre mamice! (Urednica se želi oprostiti zaradi slike, katere ni bilo pri rokah, bo prišla v naslednjo izdajo.) venec pletem, Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs. Frances Tratnik, 703 So. 5th St., Milwaukee, Wis. obhaja svoj rojstni dan na 25. marca. Rojena je bila leta 1894 v vasi Bršlin pri Novem Mestu. V Ameriko je prišla v maju, 1911. Poročila se je 19. februarja, 1912 z Antonom Tratnik (sedaj pokojni.) V družini sta imela dva otroka: Frances, poročena Day in Anthony. Stara mamica je trem vnukom in prastara mamica petim. Za kratek čas rada igra karte in balina, kjer je zelo spretna. V veliko razvedrilo ji je tudi delo pri cerkvenih prireditvah. Mož, Anton, je umrl leta 1960, ko sta bila v zakonu 48 let in 11 mesecev. Pri podružnici je bila tri leta podpredsednica in večkrat delovala v odborih pri delu, ki je bilo za korist podružnice. Članice se ji zahvaljujejo za vsa dobra dela in prisrčno čestit ajo svoji zaslužni materi! Št. 13, San Francisco, California. Barbara Nemanič, 741 Rhode Island, San Francisco, Calif., je bila rojena 11. novembra, 1882 v vasi Dragomlja pri Metliki. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1902. Poročila se je z Markom Nemanič in imela sta tri otroke: Mary, poročena Rahmer, Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. Ana Pinc ulic, 18940 Newton Avenue, Euclid, Ohio je bila rojena v vasi Veliki Kal pri Novem Mestu. V Ameriko je prišla 3. decembra, 1920. Poročila se je 29. januarja, 1921, z Mihaelom Pinčulič. V družini sta se rodili dve hčerki: Paula in Alice. Z možem sta praznovala 40 letnico zakonskega življenja pred par leti. Pri podružnici ni bila nikdar v odboru, ampak je vedno pomagala pri vsaki dobri stvari. Ona je Zelo prijaznega značaja in velikodušnega srca. V življenju je imela mnogo izkušenj, posebno, ko je bila mlada. Spomini iz starega kraja jo bodo vedno spremljali, ker je mnogo prestala, toda vse je lepo prenesla s svojo dobro vojlo, katere ji nikdar ne manjka. Članice tem potom pošiljajo najlepše čestitke in zahvalo za vsa njena dobra dela. Bog jo živi! Št. 15, Cleveland (Newburgh), Ohio. Angela Stražar 360G E. 81st St., Cleveland, Ohio je bila rojena 26. septembra, 1897 v vasi Zagrič, Velika Loka, Čatež. V Ameriko je prišla 17. septembra, 1921. V zakonski stan je stopila s Frankom Stražar 23. janurja 1922. V družini se je rodilo pet otrok: Frank, Albin, Anthony, Raymond in Angela, poročena Lemut. Stara mati je 19 vnukom. Njeno najljubše razvedrilo je pri de- Anna, poročena Stich (ona je tajnica št. 13) in Josephine, poročena Silvester. Stara mamica je enajstim vnukom in s ponosom nosi tudi naslov prastara mamica 16 pravnukom. Razvedrilo najde posebno pri gospodinjstvu in kuhinji. Njena posebnost je doma pečen kruh in potice. S tem še posebno razveseli svojega vnuka, ki pravi, da je stara mamica najboljši pek na tem svetu. To potrdijo tudi ostali v družini, ker so imeli že večkrat svatbe in gostovanje. Pri podružnici je bila dve leti predsednica in eno leto podpredsednica. Članice ji tem potom izrekajo prisrčno zahvalo ter ji pošiljajo najlepše čestitke! Angela Stražar lu na vrtu in negovanju cvetlic. Zelo rada dopisuje in ima 35 strank s katerimi drži redno korespondenco (pen friends. Z družino ima posebno veselje in to za rojstne dneve, kakor tudi druge praznike ter vsako leto priredi za vse člane družine piknik na 4. julija. To je veselja, ko pridejo vsi skupaj! Pri podružnici je nadzornica deset let ter ponosna zastavonoša. Odlikuje se tudi pri prodaji ti-ketov in pri vsaki prireditvi se u-dejstvuje pri delu. Najlepše čestitke ji pošiljajo vse članice št. 15. Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Lucija Kapsh Mrs. Lucija Kapsh, 806 Adams St., Eveleth, Minn., je bila rojena 17. februarja, 18821 v vasi Deskova, Slovenija. V Ameriko prišla v aprilu 1905 in se še isto leto poročila s Petrom Kapsh. Mož je preminil 20. marca, 1953. V družini se' je rodilo šest o-trok: Theresa, poročena Krall, Agnes, poročena Novak, Mary, poročena Kotnik, Rudolph, John in Peter. Zadnji je umrl v starosti šest let. Stara mati je 14 krat in prastara mati pa 21 krat. Mrs. Kapsh je vredna odlikovanja častne matere, ker je mnogo koristne- ga doprinesla v življenju. Vzgojiti le- Štirje rodovi v družini Kapš Častna mati Barbara Nemanich in prav-vnuki ki so vnukinje taj. št. 13, Ann Stich. venec roz tere potem deli med svojim sorodstvom in prijateljicami ter pri tem uživa mnogo veselja. Iskrene čestitke ji pošiljajo vse hvaležne članice! Št. 22, Bradley, III. Agnes Zajc Letos je bila odlikovana za najbolj zaslužno mater pri št. 22 Mrs. Agnes Zajc, 412 North Grand Avenue. Mrs. Zajc je bila rojena 21. januarja, 1892 v vasi Spodnje Pirniče, št. 28, pošta Medvode. V Ameriko je prišla 12. novembra 1912. Poročila se je z Johnom Zajc 25. oktobra, 1913. Rodili so se jima štirje sinovi; John (zdaj pokojni), Edward, Stanley in Bernard. Stara mamica je štirim vnukom. Njeno največje zanimanje je v pekarstvu. Lansko leto sta z mo- št. 21, Cleveland (West Park,) Ohio. Frances Perušek, 11801 McGowan, Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, bila rojena 5. aprila, 1882 v vasi Ragljevo, župnija Struge. Dekliško i-ma je bilo Strekal. Poročila se je s Petrom Perušek 2. novembra, 190G. V Ameriko je prišla 9. septembra, 1912. V družini se je rodilo šest otrok: Pauline, poročena Friedel; Josephine, poročena Piatelc; Frances, poročena Kukec; Julia, poročena Zakrajšek; Albina, poročena Capek in Peter Pe-rusek. Soprog ji je umrl pred leti. Stara mama je šestim vnukom ter prastara mama trem. Razvedrilo najde v gospodinjstvu, vrtnarstvu in ročnem delu. Pri podružnici zelo rada pomaga, čeprav ni v odboru. Njena posebnost je delati doma nudeljne, kapo in spoštovana družino je pomenilo mnogo žrtvovanja in to je ona storila z veseljem, ker iz nje kar kipi ljubezen do vseh članov družine, kakor tudi vseh ostalih sorodnikov in prijateljev. Skozi vsa leta je pridno gospodinjila in negovala svoj krasni vrt in s tem dela krasoto vsej okolici. Saj ni v Evelethu osebe, ki ne bi poznala prijazno Mrs. Kapsh. Ona je zelo vesele narave in rada poje. Ko je še živela njena sestra, Mrs. Shukle sta neštetokrat nam krasno prepevali po seji in še posebno ob praznikih. Naša zaslužna Mrs. Kapsh je pridobila mnogo članic za podružnico. Naša zaslužna Mrs. Kapsh je pridobila mnogo članic za podružnico. V uradu ni bila, ker je bila vedno zadovoljno z odbornicami, ki so uradovale, toda pomagala je pa vselej, kadar je bilo treba in se tudi udeležila vseh Zvezinih prireditev. Bog ji daj še mnogo let zdravja in družinske sreče. Bog Vas živi, Mrs. Kapsh! žem slavila zlato poroko. Pri podružnici ne zavzema urada, ampak zmeraj rada pomaga pri vseh stvareh, zato je v naselbini priljubljena in zlasti med sosestrami Zveze, katere ji tem potom pošiljajo iskrene čestitke tet ji želijo še mnogo let sreče in zdravja Št. 23, Ely, Minn. št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio Mary Kolegar Z veseljem predstavljamo našo podpredsednico Mrs. Mary Kolegar, stanujoča na 7004 Hecker Avenue, katero smo izbrale za “zaslužno mater leta 1964.” Mrs. Kolegar je bila rojena 31. marca, 1893 v vasi Drnovo, fara Leskovec, pri Krškem. Dekliško ime je bilo Fabjančič. V Ameriko je prišla 25. maja, 1913. Poročila se je z Leopoldom v cerkvi svetega Vida 14. junija, 1915. V zakonu imata dva otroka, sina Henry J. in hčerko Mary K., oba poročena. Stara mati je štirim vnukom in petim vnukinjam. Mrs. Kolegar je zelo prijazna ter dobrodušna do vseh. Na njenem obrazu je vedno nasmeh in to jo dela Angela Marolt Visoka čast zaslužne matere je doletela v tem letu Mrs. Angelo Marolt, 229 E. Pattison St. Mrs. Marolt je bila rojena na Ely 9. septembra, 1901. Poročila se je 20. julija, 1940. V družini sta se rodila dva otroka, Edward in Dolores. Stara mamica je šestini vnukom. Za njo je največje razvedrilo in zanimanje v gospodinjstvu in negovanju doma. Pri podružnici je bila v uradu zapisnikarica ter vedno prav rada pomaga pri vseh prireditvah in kjerkoli vidi, da je njena pomoč potrebna. Njen prijazen značaj jo dela zelo dobro dražabnico in članice jo imajo zelo rade. Tem potom ji pošiljajo najlepše čestitke in želje, da bi dočakala še mnogo zdravih in srečnih let ter nadaljevala pri delu za dobrobit podružnice in Zveze. 20 too; oltar. zelo priljubljeno med članicami. Pri podružnici je zvesta članica že nad 30 let. Članice so ponosno na svojo izbrano “Mater leta 19G4” ter ji želijo zdravja in sreče ter še mnogo let delovanja med njimi. Iskrene čestitke, sestra Mary Kolegar! (Lansko leto je zastopala št. 26 sestra Dorothy Strniša za “Mater leta 19G3.” Vse članice želijo, da bi jo Bog ohranil še veliko let med njimi ter ji podelil boljše zdravje.) Št. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. Johanna Cesnik Na glavni seji je bila izvoljena za častno mater v tem letu sestra Johanna Cesnik, 5163 Natrona Way, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ona je ustanovna članica ter bila izvoljena v prvi odbor za drugo nadzornico. Sestra Cesnik je rojena v vasi Golek, fara Vinica v Beli Krajini. Njeno deliško ime je bilo Tomec. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1913. Poročila se je v letu 1914 s Johnom Cesnik, zdaj pokojni, ki je tudi doma iz Bele Krajine v slovenski cerkvi na 57. cesti v Pittsburghu. O brede je izvršil Rev. John C. Mertel. V zakonu se je rodilo pet otrok, trije sinovi in dve hčerki. Ena hčer je tudi članica podružnice. Od sina Jožeta hčer je v redu Notre Dame in nikar ima svoj dom na 229 Front St., Broundale, pošta Forest City, Pa. Rojena je bila v vasi Dragomelj pri Ljubljani 30. julija, 1893. V Ameriko je prišla 13. januarja, 1913 in leto za tem, to je bilo 12. januarja, 1914 se je poročila s Frankom Blodnikar. V družini se je rodilo osem otrok katerih imena so: Anna, Frank, Mary, Anthony, Albert, John, Jennie in Angeline. Stara mati je 18 vnukom in enkrat prastara mati. Dočakala je srečo, da sta z možem obhajala zlato poroko. Mrs. Blodnikar je vedno pripravljena pomagat, kadar gre za korist podružnice. Članice ji pošiljajo iskrene čestitke in upajo, da bo dočakala še mnogo let zdravja in družinske sreče. Ses. Anna Blodnikar s soprogom Frankom, sinom in vnukinjo. o kateri je slišala toliko lepega od svoje ljube mamice. Hčerka Ann je nadzornica dietičark v veteranski bolnici, San Francisco. Rose je poročena in ima dve visoko akademsko izobraženi hčerki. Sin John je v državni službi v Milwaukee v gozdarskem oddelku. Mož je umrl v letu 1953. Članice želijo njej in Celeste, srečno potovanje ter mnogo lepe zabave v Evropi. Pošiljajo ji iskrene čestitke in ji želijo mnogo nadaljnih blagoslovov, da bi vedno bila vesele narave kot doslej! nosi ime Sister M. Joanita. Stara mati je 12 vnukom. Podružnica je ponosna na svojo izbrano častno mater ter ji tem potom pošiljajo najlepše čestitke ter prisrčne želje, da bi dočakala še mnogo let v sreči in zdravju med njimi! Št. 29, Broundale, Pa. Anna Blodnikar Letos je podružnica št. 29 počastila sestro Anna Blodnikar kot najbolj zaslužno mater med njimi. Sestra Blod- Št. 39, Biwabik, Minn. Anna Špehar Zaslužna mati pri podružnici št. 39 je prav gotovo Mrs. Anna Špehar, Box 6, McKinley, Minn., ki je bila letos odlikovana. Mrs. Špehar je bila rojena 22. februarja v Jugoslaviji. V A-meriko je prišla 25. maja 1913 in to v Ohio. Za moža si je zbrala John Špeharja in se ž njim poročila 11. januarja, 1915. V družini so se rodili štirje otroci: Anne, Rose, Celeste in John. Stara mati je dvema vnukinjama. Sestra Špehar je bila ustanovna članica ter dolgo let predsednica in tajnica podružnice št. 3G, ki se je pred par leti združila s podružnico št. 39. Njeno največje razvedrilo je vrtnarstvo in pridno neguje cvetlice okrog svojega doma. Nad vse pa rada potuje in letos se bo podala na obisk v staro domovino in žnjo bo šla hčerka Celeste, ki ima zelo važno državno službo v kongresni čitalnici, Washington, D. C. in želi videti Slovenijo Št. 33, Duluth, Minn. Frances Kaplenk Odlikovanje za častno mater v tem letu je bilo poklonjeno sestri Frances Kaplenk, 1101-101 st Avenue W. Duluth, Minn. Rojena je bila v vasi Šmartno pri Cerkljah 24. septembra, 1882. V Ameriko je prišla 5. oktobra, 1905. Za ženina si je izbrala Josepha Kaplenk s katerim se je poročila 23. junija, 1907. V družini se je rodilo devet otrok: Joseph, Anton, Sister M. Francis, Viktor, Mary, Johanna, Helen, Frank in John (dvojčka). Stara Belih, rdečih, mamica je 22 vnukom in devetkrat prastara mamica. Sestra Kaplenk ni samo dobra gospodinja, ampak zelo spretna v ročnih delih in je tudi priznana šivilja. Ročna dela izdeluje krasno, da vsak občuduje njeno veliko zmožnost. Dela tudi vsakovrstne u-metne cvetlice. Bila je eno leto predsednica, eno leto tajnica in več let zapisnikarica ter se vedno odzvala s pomočjo za korist podružnice in Zveze. Članice ji iskreno čestitajo k imenovanju za Mater 1. 19G4. Št. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio Agnes Žagar Za leto 1964 je bila izvoljena za častno mater Agnes Žagar, rojena 20. januarja, 1900 v Clevelandu. Vsa leta stanuje v Newburgh okolici in spada k fari sv. Lovrenca. Poročila se je 29. oktobra, 1924 z Andrejem Žagar, doma iz Podreče Bogoviča pri Trstu. Mož je bil zelo aktiven društevnik; umrl je nepričakovano v letu 193G ter ji zapustil tri mladoletne otroke, katere je tedaj mlada mati lepo vzgojila s svojim delom in zaslužkom. Sedaj so vsi srečno poročeni. Stara mati je 13 vnukom. Agnes je ostala vdova in poleg otrok ima pri sebi tudi ves čas svojo mater, ki je letos dopolnila 84 let. Mrs. Žagar je aktivna članica pri društvih KSKJ, SDZ in SND. Pri podružnici je že več let nadzornica. Dokler je obstojal vežbalni krožek, je bila pridno na delu z dekleti. Agnes ima poseben dar petja in je bila članica društva Zvon in sedaj pri Glasbeni Matici. V cerkvenem pevskem zboru je že od mladih let in farani cerkve sv. Lovrenca so ji gotovo hvaležni za njeno lepo petje. Bila je tudi navdušena za nastope v narodni noši in vselej častno zastopala newburško naselbino. Udejstvovala se je tudi pri University Settlement klubu, kjer so nastopali v narodnem plesu in pet- Št. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Frances Bozich Častna mati pri podružnici 56 v Hibbing, Minn. je letos Mrs. Frances Bozich, Rte No. 4, Boxl67. Rojena je bila 10. junija, 1887 v Loškem Potoku, Slovenija in prišla v Ameriko 19. marca, 1909 ter se isto leto, dne 22. septembra, poročila s Josephom Brozich. V družini se je rodilo sedem otrok: Cecelia, Joseph, Frank, John, Jennie, Ludvick in Matt. Stara mati jet osemkrat in trikrat prastara mati. Mrs. Bozich najde mnogo razvedrila pri delu na vrtu, kjer goji krasne cvetlice, v pletenju majhnih preprog in v petju. V njeni družbi ni nikdar dolg čas, ker je vesele narave in spravi še druge v dobro voljo. Mož je umrl toda ona poskrbi, da ima vedno dovolj opravka in prežene čas z ju. Žrtvovala je mnogo časa in dela za slovensko pesem, dramo in narodne običaja. Njej se s ponosom da naslov “AMERIŠKA SLOVENKA.” Zaposlena je pri The Venus Industries, kjer je presednica in voditeljica delavcev ter bila že večkrat delegatka na konvencijah International Ladies Garment Workers. Podružnica ji tem potom pošilja prisrčne čestitke in želje, da bi jo Bog blagoslovil s srečo in ljubim zdravjem še mnogo let! Mrs. Žagar je doprinesla mnogo za slovenski in ameriški narod s svojim nesebičnim delom. Bog jo živi! dobrimi deli. Pri podružnici tudi ved-na rada pomaga. Članice se ji lepo zahvaljujejo ter ji želijo še mnogo let zdravja in zadovoljno življenje. Št. 53, Brooklyn, Ohio Anna Jesenko V naselbini na zapadni strani mesta Cleveland je zelo aktivna skupina naših rojakov. Med terni je Mrs. Anne Jesenko, 3567 W. 61st St., Cleveland poznana kot ena najbolj agilnih v društvenem oziru. Pri podružnici št. 53 je bila tajnica več let in je v veselje članicam pokloniti ji naslov “častne matere za to leto.” Mrs. Anna Jesenko je bila rojena 26. julija, 1901 v Žiri v Sloveniji. V Ameriko je prišla 15. novembra, 192'3. V zakon je stopila z Jakobom Jesenko 10. oktobra, 1920. V družini so trije otroci: hčerka Anna, poročena Lekan, sin Marion in hčerka Ruth, poročena Abbet. Stara mati je štirikrat. Njeno največje zanimanje je v pisanju ter pridno poroča novice v slovenskih časopisih in tudi v Zarji od časa do časa. Posebno ljubezen ima tudi do petja in je agilna članica pevskega zbora, ki poda večkrat koncerte v slovenskem domu na Denison Avenue. Lansko leto sta se z možem podala na obisk v stari kraj, kjer imata še sorodnike iln znance. Mrs. Jesenko je doma iz kraja, ki je središče čipkarske obrti in se tudi ona večkrat zabava s kleklarijo. Vrli Slovenki izrekajo članice iskrene čestitke in upanje, da bo še dolgo lte delovala za svoj narod v širnem Clevelandu. s JBele rože so simbol veselja, zato se spominjamo ob nijh veselih \ t dogodkov iz Marijinega življenja. Rdeče rože so simbol trpljenja; ob j £ njih se spominjamo trpljenja in smrti Moža bolečin, obenem pa tudi j j bolečin Matere sedmerih žalosti. Zlate rože nas pa spominjajo na ča- v • stitljive dogodke iz Jezusovega in Marijinega življenja ter poveličanja ( C v nebeški slavi. j l________________________________________________________________________________J žarno zlatih Št. 63, Kansas City, Kansas Johanna Anžiček Podružnice št. 64 si je za letos izbrala Mrs. Johanna Anžiček za svojo častno mater. Mrs. Anžiček, 285 Orchard St., Kansas City, je bila rojena v vasi Zagrad, fara Škocjan pri Mo- kronogu, Dolenjsko in je prišla v Ameriko leta 1910. Poročila se je 11. maja 1911 s Johnom Anžiček, ki je doma iz vasi Gomila, Mirnske fare. V družini se je rodilo enajst otrok, sedem hčera in štirje sinovi. Poročeni so vsi razen dveh. Stara mati je triindvajsetkrat in dvakrat prastara-m ati. Oba z možem sta vesele narave in rada pojeta slovenske pesmi. Leta 1961 sta slavila Zlato poroko v krogu svoje družine in prijateljev. Imeli so veselo praznovanje slavnostnega dne. Mrs. Anžiček se redno udeležuje sej in vseh prireditev. Za Zvezo ima vedno dobro besedo in pomaga kjerkoli vidi potrebo. Z možem sta tudi vneta farana cerkve sv. Družine. Mr. Anžiček dela že 49 let za Swift Company. Dal Bog, da bi še dolgo lete bila srečna in blagoslovljena z zdravjem. Iskrene čestitke! MARY MARINZEL Vnuka Patty in Terry Rupert s staro mamo Cila Hulina let. Sedaj je zopet vdova, ker je mož umrl v aprilu, 1963. Stara mati je štirikrat. Mrs. Hulina se zanima za delo na vrtu, po. sebno okoli rož in pozimi se kratko- st. 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. Mary Marinzel Najbolj zaslužna mati pri podružnici št. 77, North Side Pittsburgh je za letos imenovana Mrs. Mary Marinzel, 1533 Hatteras St. Mrs. Marinzel je bila rojena 1. decembra, 1891 v Jugoslaviji. V Ameriko je prišla 23. decembra 1923. Poročila je Josepha Marinzel (zdaj pokojni) 30. decembra, 1930. V družini so se rodili trije otroci: Joseph, Anna, poročena Denvin in Edward. Stara mamica je osemkrat. Zanimajo jo ročna dela in zlasti kvačkanje in štikarija s katerim se kratkočasi ob priliki. Tudi rada igra Bingo, kadar ji čas dopušča. Mrs. Marinzel je ustanovna članica in je bila več let nadzornica. Ves čas je požrtvovalno podpirala vsako dobro stvar in pomagala, kjer je bila treba za kar so ji članice iskreno hvaležne. Svoji zaslužni materi pošiljajo čestitke in želje, da bi dočakala še mnogo blagoslovljenih let v sreči in zdravju! Št. 66, Canon City, Colo. Theresa Shustarsic Podružnica št. 66 se počuti srečno, da lahko tem potom pozdravi svojo častno mater, ki je letos Mrs. Theresa Shustarsic, 808 Cyanide Avenue, Canon City, Colo. Mrs. Shustarsic je bila rojena 6. oktobra, 1884 in prišla v Ameriko meseca aprila 1921. Poročila se je v starem kraju, v oktobru, 1911, z Valentinom Shustaršič. V družini se je rodil en sin, Ladislav, ki je umrl leta 1931. Z ročnim delom, kvačkanjem, si dela kratek čas, kakor tudi z vrtnarstvom v poletnem času. Bere tudi zelo rada. Njen brat je dobropoznani rojak Frank Opaskar, ki je lani slavil z ženo 60 letnico zakono v Cleveland, Ohio. Sestra Shustarsic ni bila v odboru, ampak zvesto pride k sejam; in dokler ji je zdravje dopuščalo je tudi pridno pomagala pri delu za korist svoje podružnice. Iskrene čestitke in želje za mnogo nadaljnih let ji pošiljajo vse članice št. 66! Št. 71, Strabane, Penna. Mary Tomsic Ena najbolj poznanih družin v Pennsylvania, to je v Strabane, je prav gotovo Tomšičeva. Vsi, ki poznajo to podjetno družino vedo, da je bila mati, Mrs. Mary Tomsic, steber, ki je s svojim kremenitim značajem pomagala sinovom k lepim uspehom. Kakor je delovala požrtvovalno pri svoji družini, tako se pridno udejstvuje tudi Št. 67, Bessemer, Penna. Cili Hulina Ako je katera članica vredna časti najbolj zaslužne matere je to prav gotovo Mrs. Cili Hulina, Box 242, Bessemer, Pa. Mrs. Hulina je bila rojena 12. decembra, 1898 v Iška vas, Slovenija. V Ameriko je prišla 1. aprila, 1921 in se poročila 23. septembra isto leto. Prvi mož je bil Tony Rupert, s katerim sta imela sina, Toni in hčer Jessie. Mož ji je umrl leta 1932 in v letu 1933 se je poročila z Tony Hulina, ki je bil vdovec z veliko družino. Živela sta lepo skupaj 30 časi s kvačkanjem in pri bingo. Pri podružnici je ustanovna članica in je bila 25 let zapiskarica in nadzornica. Večkrat se je oglasila tudi z dopisom v Zarji. Vedno je z veseljem delovala za korist podružnice in članic, katere se ji lepo zahvaljujejo in ji čestitajo ter želijo še mnogo let sreče in zdravja! zvijem tebi v dar. OBLJUBA V naročje sem belega cvetja nabrala, ozaljšala z njim sem Marijin oltar, ves majnilc blesteči bi nji darovala, ovila bi v zlatega sonca jo žar. S podobe se vame Marija ozira, na licu ji rahel trepeče usmev in njeni premili, proseči pogledi mi v duši budijo tajinstven odmev: “Oj, lepo je cvetje pozemskega raja, saj delo je božjih stvariteljskih rok, a dražja od vsega razkošnega maja so Materi srca ljubečih otrok.” V tistih trenutkih tam v tihi kapeli obljubila sem dobri nebeški Gospe: vse dneve naj polni mi eno zelenje, da vnela bi zanjo vsaj eno srce. Stusek. V družini se je rodilo pet otrok: Elsie, poročena Terček, John, Mrs. Stusek je bila delegatka na konvenciji v Milwaukee, leta 1958. Zadnja dva leta opravlja posel tajnice pri podružnici. Posebno pridna je pri zbiranju prispevkov v dobrodelne namene in tudi v društvenem delu se pridno udejstvuje. Članice čestitajo svoji zaslužni materi ter ji želijo mnogo nadaljnih blagoslovov. Častna mati Mary Tomsic s sinom Frankom in ženo, vnuknjo Margie in prav-nukom Frankie. pri delu za korist Slovenske ženske zveze, kjer je že dolgo let v glavnem uradu. Pri podružnici št. 71 je pa voditeljica odkar podružnica obstoji. Letos so pa članice odločile, da je ona Častna mati za leto 1964, kar ji prav gotovo privoščijo vse članice. Mrs. Mary Tomsic je bila rojena v Jugoslaviji 10. maja, 1889. V Ameriko je prišla v januarju 190G. Poročila se je z Ignacom Tomšič 18. avgusta, 1907. V družini se je rodilo pet sinov: Jim, Mike, Frank, Tony in Bill. Sinova Mike in Tony sta umrla kmalu po rojstvu. Mož je umrl 14. marca, 1956. Stara mati je trem vnukom in prastara mati dvakrat. Glavna podjetja avtomobilov in električnih predmetov so v rokah Tomšičevih sinov. Vsa čast jim! Urad predsednice opravlja že 25 let in je ena odbornica, ki ni nikdar prezaposlena ali trudna, da se ne bi udeležila društvenih prireditev in to bližjih kot oddaljenih za kar so ji članice vse povsod zelo hvaležne. Tem potom ji izrekajo najsrčnejše čestitke in želje, da bi v zdravju dočakala še mnogo let in da bi jo veselje do delovanja za Zvezo nikdar ne minilo. Št. 88, Johnstown, Pa. Jennie Stusek Letos so članice št. 88 poklonile odliko častne matere tajnici Mrs. Jennie Stusek, 541 Russell Avenue. Mrs. Stusek je bila rojena 5. avgusta, 1900, v vasi Hotederšica na Gorenjskem. V Ameriko je prišla v januarju, 1920 in čez tri mesece, to je bilo 12. a-prila, 192l0, se je poročila s Johnom Št. 96, Universal, Pa. Anna Podobnik Častna mati pri podružnici št. 96 je v tem letu Mrs. Anna Podobnik, 858 Center Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. V družini ima štiri otroke; Frank, Tillie, Philip in Avgust ter je devetkrat stara mati in enkrat prastara mami. Mrs. Podobnik je izvrstna kuharica in njena posebnosti so peči okusne potice in nudeljni, s katerimi obdari svoje prijateljice. Zelo je pridna pri obiskovanju bolnih sosester. Mrs. Podobnik je 14 let podpredsednica podružnice ter vedno rada pomaga za okrist in napredek Zveze in naselbine. Iskrene čestitke svoji častni materi pošiljajo vse članice št. 96! Josephine, poročena Hill, Matilda, poročena Pavlik in Mary Agnes, poročena Melikant. Stara mati je petnajstkrat. Njeno najbolj priljubljeno razvedrilo je negovanje vrta, kvačkanje in pri cerkvi, sv. Ane, kjer oskrbuje za cerkveno perilo. Lansko poletje je potovala z izletom SŽZ v stari kraj in obiskala Lurd in Rim, kakor tudi rojstni kraj. Njen sin je bil 20 let v vojaški službi in zdaj je vpokojen. Ima tudi vnukinjo, ki je posvečena redovniškem stanu ifl se nahaja v samostanu sv. Jožefa, Ba^en, Penna. Marie Prisland: • • • Prijateljica piše: “Zelo rada čitam Tvojo kolono. Lepo pišeš, poučno pišeš, za kolono meseca februarja se pa posebej zahvalim. Veš, imam težko življenje. Mož je bolan in jaz sem rahlega zdravja tako, da včasih oba naenkrat stočeva in jamrava ter se pusto drživa. Prišla pa je Zarja z Burtej parti. Z možem sva prizor po večkrat prečitala, se smejala in smejala. To branje je bilo kot zdravilna injekcija, ker sva vsaj za nekaj časa pozabila najine težave. Še kaj takega, prosim ..." Življenje je večkrat tragično. Treba je veliko potrpljenja in močne volje, da se prenaša križ, ki sloni na naših ramah. Če je ta kolona komu samo za trenutek privabila smehljaj, da je pozabil svoje težave, je moje delo obilo poplačano. Zbirati in pisati šaljivo gradivo je mnogo lažje kot pisati resno. I)a ustrežem prijateljici, bo kolona ta mesec le zabavna. * * * Ženin rojstni dan se je bližal, pa je mož še ni vprašal, kaj bi rada za darilo. Ona mu je že parkrat nekaj namignila, a mož je bil kar nekam gluh za vse take pripombe. Nek večer, ko on udobno v naslanjaču sedi, mu žena reče, da bi mu rada prečitala neko pismo, ki ga je prejela, če jo bo pustil, da ga do konca prebere in jo še le potem vpraša kdo ga je pisal. Mož obljubi posluh in žena čita: “Preljuba moja! Dan in noč mislim nate. Koderkoli hodim mi je tvoj ljubi obraz pred očmi. Kar verjeti na morem, da me res ljubiš ...” Mož: “Kdo je to pisal? Povej!” Žena: “Tiho! Obljubil si poslušati do konca.” Čita dalje: “Kako jih ljubim, tiste tvoje čudovite oči, tista sladka usteča, ki sem jih včeraj prvikrat poljubil ...” “Tristo rogatih,” poskoči mož ves razkačen. Žena se pa ne da motiti in čita dalje: “Ljubica! Komaj čakam ure, da te spet vidim. Piši mi, kdaj smem spet priti, sicer skopornim!” “Kaj to pomeni?” kriči mož. “S kom maš razmerje za mojim hrbtom? Kdo je ta falot in norec, ki ti pše?” “Ta norec si ti, ljubi moj mož. Brala sem ti eno izmed tvojih pisem, ki si mi jih pisal, ko sva bila zaročena. Takrat si me rad imel. Še veš ...” Mož se spet komodno vsede v naslonjač in se zakoplje v časopis. Čez nekaj časa zamrmra: “Kaj si rekla, da bi rada za rojstni dan?” * * * Neki farmar, ki je umrl pred kakimi 60-leti, ni bil v nebesih nič kaj zadovoljen. No, saj hudo mu tam ni bilo: nič dela, nič skrbi — a vendar! Ko bi vsaj smel iti na zemljo za en dan, da bi videl svojo preljubo farmo. Ob takih mislih je vedno globoko vzdihnil. Končno se je opogumil, stopil pred sv. Petra in mu svojo željo razodel. Sv. Peter farmarja premotri in ugotovi, da mož res ni podoben srečnemu in veselemu nebeškemu prebivalcu kot bi se spodobilo, zato obljubi, da bo govoril zanj pri Rogu Očetu. Takoj drugi dan je farmar dobil dovoljenje, da sme iti na zemljo za en dan. Farmar, ves srečen, se takoj odpravi na pot. Ko takole lepo po vsemirju frfota proti svoji farmi v državi Missouri, bi nek velik bel ptič kmalu vanj zadel. Mož se čudi odkod pride takle ptič, z velikanskimi peruti in brnjenjem, ki kakemu ptičjemu petju ni prav nič podobno. Ko nekoliko pozneje “pade” na svojo farmo, spet sliši brnjenje, ki prihaja po široki, lepo tlakovani cesti, ki je za časa njegovega bivanja na farmi bila ozka in prašna. Avto za avtom se podi po cesti; kočije ki bi jo konji vlekli, ni nikjer. Še bolj pa je bil presenečen, ko se iz polja pripelje mlad mož — najbrž njegov vnuk — a ta mož se ne pelje z mulami kot se je vozil on, temveč sedi na nekem ropotilu, ki kar samo gre. Pozneje izve, da se ta reč imenuje traktor. Mladi mož vpraša farmarja odkod prihaja. “Z nebes," odgovori farmar. “Ta kraj mora biti blizu Washingtona. Odtam vedno kaj čudnega pride,” komentira mladi mož motreč obisk ter povabi farmarja v hišo. Na mizi leži časopis. Farmar začudeno bere z velikimi črkami napisano vest: “Mrzla vojna!” “Kaj Španija še vedno nagaja?” vpraša svojega vnuka. ‘Španija! Kje si bil dobri mož, da ne veš, da smo Španijo že davno nabili. Nemčijo smo sfiksali dvakrat, Japonsko tudi in zdaj Rusija nekaj nagaja, a tudi to bomo naklestili.” "Rusija? Moj Bog, kdo je pa to?” Vnuk pojasni in stari se zamisli . . . “Torej mi poveš, da ste v zadnjih GO letih bili v treh vojnah in zdaj pričakujete že četrto,” se farmar čudi. “Vse je mogoče,” meni vnuk. “In mule, ki jih je bilo toliko na tej farmi, tudi več ne redite? Take močne in lepe živali so bile, čeprav malo trmaste ...” “O, mule! Te smo že davno odpravili. Obdelujemo vse s traktorji. Živimo pač v modernih časih,” pojasnuje vnuk. “In kaj je tisto, ki visi v štali pri vratih?” poizveduje farmar. “To je mašina za krave molsti.” “A-a- mašina za krave molsti. Za božjo voljo, kaj ne molzete krav z rokami, kot smo jih včasih?” “Ne, dobri mož. Časi so se spremenili in zdaj je vse moderno! ” Stari mož vstane, globoko vzdihne ter se počasi odpravi iz hiše. Čim bolj se je od hiše oddaljeval, hitrejši je bil njegov korak. Ko pride na sredo pašnika, dvigne oči in roke k nebu in zakliče: “Sv. Peter! Hitro odpri nebeška vrata! Pa nastežaj jih odpri, ker bom naglo pri letel!” Od takrat se farmarjeva otožnost ni več pojavila. Z veselim in močnim glasom je prepeval pesmi ter hvalil Boga, da je v nebesih in ne na zemlji. * * * Francoz, Anglež in Slovenec so se pričkali, kateri jezik je najbolj imeniten. Francoz je rekel, da njihov, češ, mi pišemo Bordeaux, izgovorimo pa Bordo. Anglež je trdil, da je njih jezik najbolj imeniten. Oni pišijeo “Allright” izgovorijo pa olrajt. Slovenec se široko nasmeje in pravi: "Najbolj imeniten je naš jezik! Mi pišemo lonec, rečemo pa pisker.” * * * Na Operaciji V skrbeh je Jurče šel v špital; ga mlad je dohtar spraševal : “Kaj narobe je s teboj? Povej, da sfiksamo te koj!” “Imam nadlogo to in to, za fiksanje najbrž prepozno bo. Bi rabil nove štikelce, ta stare so že znucane.” “Jurče, iz tega nič ne bo,” mu reče dohtar učeno. “Ne delajo več štikelcov, k mašinam starih modelev;” nato ga šlata, trka; srce posluša meri, vrta. Na eks-rej mašino ga pritisne in globoko vzdihne: "Ja, bo treba rezati, spucati, namazati, pa boš spet fant vozil kare.” Zjutraj so mu dali šate; ga peljali s cizo, položili na trdo mizo, potom pa rezali, trančirali; popravljali, šivali .. . So postregli mu lepo. Ko je čas minil, se od vseh je poslovil: “Adijo, dohtarji, špital; doma bo Jurče zdrav postal!” * * * Vsem materam in starim mamicam izrekamo prisrčne čestitke k njih prazniku ta mesec. Bodite srečne in vesele v krogu svoje ljube družinice! 'mm DOBRODOŠLI NA NARODNI KONVENCIJI S2Z 13 Redna Vse-državna Konvencija ZVEZE se bo pričela s slovesno sv. mašo v slovenski župni cerkvi Sv. Štefana, 1852 W. 22nd Place, v Chicagu v nedeljo dne 17. maja ob 11:30 dopoldne. Sv. mašo bo daroval naš duhovni svetovalec, g. župnik p. Klavdij Okorn, O.F.M. Pri maši bo pel slov. cerkveni pevski zbor Sv. Štefana pod vodstvom g. p. Vendelina Spendov, O.F.M. Takoj po slovesni sv. maši, se bo vršil KONVENČNI BANKET IN PROGRAM v veliki svetoštefanski dvorani, črez cesto od cerkve. Kosilo bo ob 1 uri s programom na katerem nastopijo zunanji in domači gosti, med drugimi tudi slavni VEŽBALNI KROŽEK podr. št. 50 iz Clevelanda. Nastopili bodo: Mladinski pevski zbor Sv. Štefana, Slovenski Radijski Plesalci in mladinska ter otroška skupina, odlična sopranistka ga. Marija Fischinger in Frank Kovačičev orkestr. Banket je v oskribi domače podružnice št. 2, ki vabi ne samo vse delegatinje, ampak vse goste od blizu in daleč. Popoldne bo prosta zabava s plesom. SPOMINSKA SV. MAŠA za žive in umrle članice Zveze, se bo vršila v sredo dne 20. maja ob 10 uri zjutraj. Slovence bo počasti! sam čikaški pomožni škof, prevzvišeni Aloysius J. Wycislo, ki bo daroval sv. mašo. Cerkveni pesmi bo pela ga. Marija Fischinger in na orglah jo bo spremljal č. g. p. Vendelin, OFM. Občinstvo je vabljeno. Sv. maša bo v krasni novi cerkvi Sv. Petra, 110 W. Madison St. v Loopu. -KONVENČNA ZBOROVANJA se bodo vršila v HOTEL MORRISON, 79 West Madison St., Chicago 2, IH. (Telefon: FRANKLIN 2-9600). Delegatinje in gostje so vabljeni, da pošljejo čmprej svoje rezervacije za prenočišča na gornji naslov hotela. REGISTRACIJE in predložitev kre-denčnih papirjev se vrši v pondel-jek zjutraj v hotelu, kakor tudi že v nedeljo zjutraj pred cerkvenim opravilom pri Sv. Štefanu. GLAVNI BANKET KRONANJA KONVENCNE KRALJICE IN PRIN-CESINJ ter počastitev podr. odbornic, ki služijo več kot 25 let, se bo vršilo v torek 19. maja ob 7 uri zvečer v Morrison hotelu. Za to priliko bodo talentirani čikažani predstavili program slovenskega petja. Pričakujemo mnogo gostov iz držav Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio in drugih predelov Amerike, tako da bo naša 13 narodna konvencija v resnici prilika, da se prijatelji Zveze ponovno sestanejo in na novo sklenejo svoja prijateljstva. Iskreno vabljeni vsi! Cerkev sv. Štefana v Chicagu, središče mnogih slov. gibanj. CHICAGO VAS PRIČAKUJE! Corinne Leskovar DOPISI št. 3, Pueblo, Colorado. Materinski dan bodo naše podr. slovesno praznovale po vsej Ameriki. Naša Zarja tudi vsako leto posveti majsko številko na čast vsem, posebno zaslužnim materam nase Zveze. Bila je mati, ki je ustanovila našo SŽZ in si pridobila neizmerne zasluge za naš ženski svet in to je naša gospa Marie Prislaud, kateri poklonim venček zvestega spomina za njen Mother’s Day. Moji sedaj že pokojni materi v duhu položim vejico cvetja, ker so vam v življenju cvetele le rožice trpljenja. č. p. Klavdij Okorn, O.F.M. duhovni svetovalec S.Ž.Z. Šele ko je mati odpoklicana, se zavemo kaj smo izgubile, toda prepozno, matere ni več. Vsem članicam Zveze, ki so matere in stare matere, želim, da bi svoj dan obhajale v polni družinski sreči; to je moje voščilo za materinski dan. Po šest tedenski bolezni v 1 olniš-nici, je smrt pobrala prvo članico naše podr. v tem letu, ses. Thereso Centa, ki je dosegla lepo starost 84 let. S pokojno sorodnico, ki je l ila teta mojega moža, sva si bile zelo blizu, večkrat sem jo obiskala v njeni bolezni. Zavedala se je, da so njeni dnevi šteti in da smrt hiti do nje. Pred smrtjo mi je naročila pozdrave za vse njene prijateljice. V mladih letih je bila zelo delavna za nove članice. Bila je ugledna in zavedna čl. naše podr. in Zveze. Za njo žaluje (i sinov, ki bridko občutijo pretrgane vezi z izgubo matere. Zapušča tudi brata Antona Rupar in ostalo sorodstvo, kakor tudi sosestre naše podr. Zelo me je pretresla novica o izgubi naše ljube Bare Kramer od št. 13, ki je bila moja iskrena prijateljica. Zelo sem upala, da se bomo videle na konvenciji v Chicagu, toda Bog je odločil drugače. Našo Baro sem ljubila odkar smo se spoznale leta 1946. Bila je dobra družabnika in aktivna čl. naše SŽZ. Usoda deli brit-kosti in prekriža naše načrte. Ker smo v času pomladi, posvetim naslednje vrstice pokojnim soses-tram, Centa, Kramer in Mollie Svi-gel, ki je podlegla smrti še v mladih letih, v marcu. Bila je priljubljena med čl. njene podr. št. G3 v Denver, Sosestram v zadnje slovo: Pomlad bo spet na svet dahnila, zemljo z zelenjem ogrnila, spet kos zapel bo z mokrih vej, spet cvet bo vstal iz živih mej. O sestre, spomnite se me tedaj, ne rada pozabljena bi bila vekomaj. Ko v pesmi zadehtel to rožmarin, še mene naj objame Vaš spomin. Ta mesec in za našo SŽZ. mo zbrale na Chicagu. Pred bit članstva in do delegatinje važnih sklepov podružnic. leto bosta pomembna Po treh letih se bo-13. redni konvenciji v očmi mi je le dobro-Zvese. Upamo, da bo-prinesle nazaj obilo za napredek SŽZ. in Anna Pachak, preds. Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. — Vabim vse članice na sejo dne 21. maja v cerkveni dvorani točno ob 1 uri popoldne. — Na bolniškem listu Imamo več članic. Prosim, da obiskujete bol ne sestre, ako vam je le mogoče. Bolne članice so: Mary Erman, Jo- sephine Martinčič, Kathie Stuller, Josephine Seiko, Hedvig Kodrich, Mary Evanich, Sophie Rozman, Mary Koropec, Josephine Berginc in Rose Sluga. Vsem želimo hitrega ozdravljenja. Prosila bi tudi, da bi pripeljale kaj novih članic v društvo, ker smrt večkrat poseže v naše vrste. Vljudno tudi prosim, da bi članice redno plačevale asesment, ker meni je težko zalagati. Vsem sestram, ki v mesecu maju obhajate svoje rojstne dneve, kakor tudi vsem materam, želim vse najboljše. Pozdrav gl. uradnicam, članicam naše Zveze, posebno sestram pri podr. št. 12. Mary Schimenz, taj. Št. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — Dan naše aprilske seje je bil kakor nalašč za lepo udeležbo ne seji. Bilo je sončno i toplo, da je privabilo mnogo sester. Upamo, da nam boste se večkrat napravile tako veselje s svojo številno udeležbo na sejah. Vedno imamo mnogo za razpravljati in odločiti v prid društva. Čim več nas je, tem lažje sklepamo. Zadnji mesec je umrla naša članica Mary Klun, ki je bila dolgo let v našem društvu ter je prav rada se udeleževala sej. Bog ji daj v miru počivati, žalujoči družini pa naše sožalje. Obiskane so bile dve bolane članice, sestre Vodnik In Zadnik. Obiskale so ju naša preds. in podpreds. — Zelo je tudi zbolela Mrs. Pihlar. Zelo nam je žal, da jo nemoremo obiskati, ker stanuje tako daleč od nas. Toda ko boste brali te vrstice ,Mrs. Pilhar, vedite, da Vam želimo hitro ozdravljenje. — Mož naše podpredsednice, Joe Stražišar je tudi bil hudo bolan in se je moral podvreči operaciji, sedaj je boljši in se zdravi doma. Hudo je bolan mož naše članice Rozi Klemenčič. On je bil 7 tednov v bolnici, na to je prišel domov za par tednov, nakar se je moral zopet vrniti v bolnico. Molimo za težko bolane, da jim ljubi Bog se vrne ljubo zdravje. Ponesrečil se je tudi soprog naše sestre, Mary Knavs iz Ženeve. Zlomil si je nogo. Naj mu Bog vrne zdravje. Po seji smo imele prigrizek in prinesle so ta večer naslednje sestre: Mary Iskra, prav dober cake in Mrs. Sustar ocvirkovo potico. V good time blagajno pa so darovale: Mrs. Volter in Mary Rolih. Vsem skupaj se najlepše nahvalju-jem v imenu članic in lep pozdrav vsem. Antonja Šuštar Št. 17, West Allis, Wis. Naša februarska setja je bila prav dobro o-biskana. Po seji smo imele lunch in kavo ter okusni cake. Sprejele smo 4 nove članice: Mrs. Clara Foster, Mrs. Betty Mae Slevitzke, Miss Anna Vodovnik in Miss Barbara Kozleuchar. Dobrodošle v naši sredi in upam, da se boste rade udeleževale sej, ker rabimo novih moči. Nahajamo se sredi prelepe pomladi. Kako lepo sije sonce nad to božjo naravo in ogreva zemljo, da nam bo zopet obrodila obilni sad. Mesec maj je gotovo med najlepšimi meseci, ker je posvečen Materi Božji, kateri se obračamo v naših molitvah. V marcu nismo imele seje, zaradi Bowling Tournament in meseca maja tudi ne bomo imele seje, zaradi konvencije SŽZ, ki se bo vršila v Chicagu. Naša prihodnja seja bo v juniju, nakar ne bo sej v juliju in au-gustu. Moram poročati žalostno novico, da je naša Mrs. Barbara Kerrar tako nesrečno padla na tlaku na poti iz pogrebnega zavoda, da je še isti večer umrla v lepi starosti 81 let. Pogreb se je vršil iz Ermenčevega pogr. zavoda v St. Paul cerkev in na pokopališče Mt. Olivet. Zapušča 2 hčerke in enega sina ter več drugih sorodnikov, katerim izrekamo v imenu podr. iskreno in globoko sožalje. Naša tajnica, Mary Florjan je 1. maja praznovala svoj rojstni dan. Vse članice podr. ji kličemo naj ji Bog nakloni še mnogo let v zdrajvu in sreči, da bi vesela slavila v krogu svoje družine še mnogo, mnogo rojstnih obletnic. Enako vsem drugim, ki slavite rojstne dneve, vse najboljše. Tajnica ima v zalogi nove kuharske knjige, ki so velike vrednosti za vsako gospodinjo, posebno še za mlada dekleta. Vabim vas vse na prihodnjo sejo, ki se bo vršila 21. junija, to je tretjo nedeljo v mesecu v navadnih prostorih. Vsem bolnim članicam želim ljubega zdravja in na svidenje na prihodnji seji. Najlepše pozdrave vsem. Angela Kastelic, poročevalka Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Lepo prosim vse sestre, da bi se udeležile seje G. maja, ki bo na domu tajnice, začetek ob dveh popoldne. Seja bo važna, ker bo zadnja pred konvencijo, ki se bo pričela v Chicagi 17. maja. Bila sem izvoljena za delegatko, toda vsled bolezni mojega moža, mi ne bo mogoče iti in bo šla namestnica, sestra Frances Sterle. Njo vse poznate, da je zmožna nas odlično zastopati. Po seji v maju bomo praznovale tudi Materni dan in med nami bo naša zaslužna mati, Lucija Kapš. Sicer je bolj rahlega zdravja, ker je lani prestala teško operacijo, ampak je obljubila priti. Ob tej priliki se bomo spomnile tudi vseh umrlih članic. Več naših članic se nahaja v bolniški postelji. V bolnišnici se nahajati sestri Josephine Frantar in Margaret Drobnich. Iz bolnišnice se je vrnila sestra Brine in na domu se zdravijo sestre Jerome, Mihevc in Ule-sich. V rest home se nahajajo sestre Skriner, Lustik in Strahan. V bolnišnici se nahaja tudi moj mož, Tone, ki je prestal težko operacijo in tudi mož od sestre Udovich. Vsem bolnim se zdravje polagoma vračuje. Želimo jim skoraj popolno okrevanje. Smrt je zopet posegla v našo sredo in nam vzela sestro Mary Rupart dne 18. marca. Zapustila je pet sinov, vsi oženjeni. Mož je umrl pred par leti. Vsem preostalim izrekamo globoko sožalje. Enako sožalje družini Erklatz, kjer je zapustil mož in oče ze vedno svoje drage in družini sestre Catherine Tomas nad izgubo moža. Naj počivajo v božjem miru. Čestitke sestri Sterle, ki je prvič postala prastara mamica, ko je vnukinja povila zalo hčerko. Zahvala vsem, ki ste darovale v blagajno in to so sestre: Sedaj, Menart, Zadkovich in Udovich. Kmalu bo tukaj praznik posvečen materam. V našis srcih je kotiček napolnjen z materisko ljubeznijo, ki nas spremlja vedno in povsod. Drhteče bije srce z željo, da bi vsaj za hip mogla greti v njem njen mili o-braz in se ji zahvaliti za žrtve, ki jih je prestala pri vzgoji družine. Poklonimo ta dan živi materi šopek na prsa in če v grobu spi pa duševni šopek pri Bogu. Vsem materam želim vse najboljše. Naj vas Bog ohrani še mnogo let! Ob tem času pošiljam prisrčne pozdrave vsem, ki bodo zbrani na 12. redni konvenciji. Želim vam uspešno zborovanje ter mnogo koristnih zaključkov. V duhu bom ves čas z vami. Pozdrav vsem skupaj, Mary Lenich, tajnica Št. 20, Joliet, lil. — Naše čestitke vsem materam tega leta, katere ste bile izbrane za najbolj popularne matere svojih podružnic pri Zvezi. Taka čast je redka in katera jo doseže, ima gotovo mnogo zaslug v svojem krogu. Čestitke veljajo tudi vsem materam sploh, katerim je Bog dal dočakati še eno leto, ki sicer ni dolgo, toda tu in tam zmanjka ena ali druga. Mnogo naših članic gre v večnost ter jim ni usojeno biti zopet med nami. Spominjajmo se jih v naših molitvah. Čestitke veljajo tudi naši članici Mary Schmidberger, ki je bila izbrana za najbolj popularno mater pri Oltarnem Društvu Sv. Rožnega Venca. O-na je večletna predsednica tega društva in svoje delo najboljše izvršuje. Tudi je lepo, ko slišimo, da se vedno moli po slovensko, kadar umre kaka članica te bratovščine Sv. Rožnega Venca. Njena mama je bila Mrs. Mary Skull, ki je umrla pred dvema letoma ter je bila naša družabna članica. Tudi ses. Schmidberger ima dve hčerki pri Zvezi, obe sta kegljačice, ena je tudi tajnica te skupine. Naša prihodnja seja bo 31. maja, ko bomo tudi obhajale spomin mater ter počastile mater tega leta naše podr., Olga Ancel. Vse članice ste vabljene, da pridete na to sejo, ki je najbolj lepa v celem letu. Zbor naše podr. pod vodstvom Mrs. Spren-gel, bo zapel. Tudi pogostile bomo Nekaj novega in nekaj starega pri podr. št. 25 vse članice, zato pridite v velikem številu kot vedno na majevo sejo. V maju bo tudi konvencija Zveze in že sedaj čestitam našima delega-tinjama, Jo Sumic in Mary Kunstek, ki jima želimo mnogo uspeha in dobre volje, enako vsem ostalim delegati-njam, ki bodo zastopale svoje podružnice. Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, Ohio. — Seja dne 1. aprila je bila prav povoljno obiskana. Rojstne dneve so obhajale, naša tajnica Dancel in zapisnikarica Ančka Palčič, ki sta nas dobro pogostile. Prav vse jima želimo ljubega zdravja in mnogo božjega blagoslova. Enako vsem ostalini, ki so slavile svoje rojstne dneve. Lepe poročne obletnice slavijo, naša predsednica T. Lah, ki obhaja 40 letnico zakona in ses. Ana Kožek 43 letnico poroke. Naše dobra blagajničarka, Josephine Weiss pa slavi visoko 50 letnico in vse ji želimo da bi dočakala še mnogo let v zdravju in sreči. Vse ste vljudno vabljene, da se u-deležite dinner za Mother’s Day, ki bo dne 11. maja ob 6:30. Pridite prav vse, ker obeta biti zelo dobro in odbor vabi vse k številni udeležbi. Vse ste tudi vabljene, da pridete na prihodnjo sejo in pripeljete kaj novih članic. Bolehajo še sestra Mary Ratre, a ses. Mary Vehar se zdaj zdravi na domu. — Veseli smo, da smo v prelepem mesecu majniku, kakor pravi pesem: "Preljubi maj, konec zime je tedaj ...” Naj bi Kraljica Majnika izprosila zdravja vsem bolnim sestram. Vse najlepše pozdravljam in želim, de se v velikem številu vidimo na prihodnji seji. Frances Kave Št. 23, Ely, Minn. — Na pustni torek je imela naša podružnica Card Party. Prireditev je zelo lepo uspela. Tudi naša blagajna, ki je že bila precej slaba si je s tem opomogla. Po igri je bilo vsem postreženo s slovenskimi krofi in kavo, kakor se spodobi za pustni torek. Iskrena hvala članicam, ki so prinesle lepe dobitke in to v tako velikem številu, da je še ostalo za prihodnjič. Zaradi tega smo sklenile, da bomo imele enako party zopet v mesecu maju z isto ceno. Preostanek te prireditve pa bomo darovale naši cerkvi. Po igri pa bo zopet kava in še kaj drugega zraven. Naša članica Julia Russ se nahaja že dalje časa v bolnišnici. Želimo ji ljubega zdravja, da bi se skoro vrnila domov k svoji družini. Tudi Mrs. Belaj je v bolnišnici in upamo, da se bo kmalu vrnila domov. Sedaj smo v najlepšem mesecu leta, v cvetočem maju in zopet smo zaposlene s sejanjem zelenjave in cvetlic. Pozdrav vsem članicam, K. Slogar CLEVELAND, Ohio — Maj ! ------------ Krasni mesec maj . . . mesec naše blažene device Marije ... in mesec, v katerem izkažemo posebno čast našim lastnim rodnim materam, tako živečim,-kot onim, ki že počivajo v božji njivi! Ob tej priliki tudi č islamo našo Mater leta 1964 pri podružnic. Izvolile smo prijazno, vedno smehljajočo podpredsednico Mary Kolegar z Hecker Ave. Njeno sliko boste lahko videle na drugem mestu Zarje. Prihodnji mesec vam bomo lahko poročale, katero članico bo zadela čast biti KRALJICA PODR, ŠT. 25. Torej, ne zamudite seje, da boste prisotne pri izberi. Zdaj pa bom poročala nekaj veselih novic. Mary Jane Mahne z 827 E. 249 St., vnukinja pokojne Mary Mahne, bo obhajala svoj 22. rojstni dan. V cvetu mladosti je in vesele smo, da je naša članica. Želimo ji še mnogo veselih rojstnih dni! (Da bi mogla jaz še enkrat praznovati 22. rojstni dan!) Sestra Josephine Zakrajšek z Carl Ave. je praznovala svoj rojstni dan, ko so Irci godovali svojega patrona sv. Patrika. Imamo še več drugih članic, katere so pred kratkim ali pa bodo kmalu imele rojstne dneve. Med temi so sestre Mary Papp z Bonna Ave., Josephine Perpar, dolgoletna članica z E. 177 St., Julia Stobierski z E. 41 St., ki praznuje rojstni dan, s katerim, kot pravijo, se šele prične življenje; in da ne pozabimo, pretekli mesec je praznovala svoj rojstni dan tudi naša Annie Hočevar z 1172 Addison Rd. Da bi še veliko let uživala dobro zdravje in kuhala za naše v šoli! Svoj 79. rojstni dan obhaja v tem mescu sestra Johanna Speh z 18321 Hiller Ave. Mrs. Speh je bila pred leti naša soseda in dobra prijateljica moje pokojne mame in pokojnega očeta ter je vedno dobro ž njo obujati stare spomine. Veseli smo, da imamo v naši sredi tudi njene tri hčerke, Jennie, Mary in Josephine. Tudi svatbe bodo na dnevnem redu. Vnukinja naše “tete” Mary Otoničar, Mary Ann Otoničar, se bo poročila 2. maja v cerkvi Sv. Vida. Za svojega življenjskega druga si je zbrala zav-ber fanta, Philipa Zak z Carl Ave. Mlada nevesta, njena mama, Mary, in mama ženina, Josephine Zak, so vse naše članice podr. št. 25. V maju se bo tudi poročila Barbara ICovacic, hčerka poznane družine Mr. in Mrs. Edward J. Kovačič z 7308 Hecker Ave., in Michael Kocet, sin Mr. in Mrs. Geza Kocet z 1221 E. 71 St. Nevesta je poklicna bolničarka, njene oče pa je bil dolgo let mestni zastopnik 23. warde in sedaj je pri Tranzitnem odboru. Njena mama in Barbara ste članici. Naše iskrene čestitke obema mladima paroma in obilo božjega blagoslova v novem življenskem stanu! Z veseljem poročamo vesele dogodke, ko pa usoda zahteva življenje katere članice, nas to obdaja z žalostjo. Danes moramo torej poročati tuž-no vest, da je po daljšem trpljenju v Gospodu izdihnila svojo blago dušo naša splošno poznana in spoštovana ustanovna članica Johanna Gornik z 6217 St. Clair Ave. Bila je tihe, mirne narave, z vdanostjo in potrpežljivostjo je kot dobra krščanka mati vzgojila številno družino, pomagala je pri raznih ustanovah in pridobila si je zveste prijatelje, mlade in stare. Še mnogi nekdanji člani telovadnega društva Orel se spominjajo, kako jih je pogostila s svojimi okusnimi poticami. Spomin nanjo bodo ohranili vsi, ki so jo poznali. Spomnite se je v vaših molitvah! Kakor smo že pred nekaj časa omenili, naše mamice, stare mame in prastare mame so žilave in trdne narave. Kar poglejte one, ki so pri naši podružnici! Sestra Amalia Mule, ki pa je to časno v hiralnici, bo v kratkem slavila svoj 87. rojstni dan. Lepa obletnica! Jennie Vokač z E. 61 St. ji bo 88 let, pa pravi, da bi prav rada plačala dvakratno vsoto asesmenta, če bi ji to pomagalo zbrisati nekiaj desetletij s križa. Svoj 82. rojstni dan pa je obhajala Mary Murgel z Edna Ave., ustanovna članica Mary Peterlin z E. 150 St., je že prekoračila svojo 81-letnico, sestra Mary Vesel z 60 St. pa svoj 79. rojstni dan. Dalje imamo sestro Johanno Miklavčič z 71 St., ki bo prekoračila 77. leto, sestra Jennie Pekol v. E. 41 St. bo dočakala 76. rojstni dan,mladenka med temi pa je Ernestin Perše z Norwood Rd., ki je 75 let mlada. Vsem slavljenkam iskreno čestitamo in jim iz srca želimo ljubega zdravja in še mnoga leta v krogu svojih domačih in prijateljic! Mesec maj je mesec veselja, je pa tudi mesec, v katerem se s tugo spominjamo naših pokojnih. Dne 30. maja je Spominski dan, ko okinčamo grobove naših dragih. Pri tem pomislite na sledeče vrstice: Mislite na to, ko bi stopili na breg in spoznali, da so tu nebesa; Ko primete za roko, da spoznate roko Vsemogočnega; Ko vdihavate čist zrak, da spoznate nebeški dih; Ko se počutite oživljene in spoznate neumrljivost; Ko prestanete nevihto in neurje in preidete v mir. Ko se zbudite in spoznate, da ste prišli domov! S sesterskim pozdravom, Josephine (Antončič) Golinski, taj. Št. 24, La Salle, HI. Letošnja Velika noč je izgiedala kakor Božič, ker nas je obiskal novi sneg. Ves dan je snežilo kakor za stavo, toda sedaj smo sredi prelepe pomladi. Globoko sožalje izrekamo naši članici Josephine Majcel ob izgubi moža Josepha. V januarju sta slavila zlato poroko, toda v februarju se je že preselil v večnost. Poleg žene zapušča tudi štiri sinove in dve .hčerke ter več ostalih sorodnikov. Pokojnemu naj bo ohranjen lep spomin. Družini naše iskreno sožalje. Težko operacijo je prestala Mary Piska, kakor tudi Nelli Zabreski. V bolnišnici se je nahajala Ana Ravnikar in Ana Frankovič. Vse se sedaj zdravijo na domu ter jim želimo zdravja. V bolnišnici pa se še nahaja Mary Savnik. Upamo, da bo kmalu boljša. Štorklja je povasovala pri članici Mrs. Robert Kostar. Materino dekliško ime je bilo Marian Šerman. Iskrene čestitke ob rojstvu sinčka. Vabim vse članice, da pridite na majsko sejo, ker bo to zadnja seja pred konvencijo, da boste razmotri-vale in naročile kaj želite predlagati. Delegatka ne more vse sama poročati, zato pridite in ji dajte navodila. Želim vsem članicam vse dobro, mnogo, lepih pozdravov in na svidenje na prihodnji seji. Angela Strukel, tajnica Št. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. Po daljšem času se zopet malo oglašam in van) prinašam nekaj novic od naše podružnice. V decembru smo imeli lepo o-biskano sejo in prijetno zabavo. Volitve so bile kakor po navadi; je vse ostalo po starem. Samo ena nadzornica je bila nadomeščena, ker je Anna Frlan pustila in ji ni bilo mogoče več prevzeti. Na njeno mesto je bila izvoljena Frances Žugel. V zadnjem letu smo izgubile tri članice: Katarina Movrin, Josephine Ostroska in Rose Balkovec, ki je bila dolga leta v odboru in je še potem vedno rada pomagala, ne samo za Slov. Žensko Zvezo, ampak tudi pri društvu Krščanskih mater. Njena družina jo bo zelo pogrešala, posebno njen mož Joseph, ki je sam skoraj podlegel srčni bolezni in so ga peljali v bolnišnico, ko je ona umrla. Tudi jaz sem izgubila eno svojih najboljših prijateljic, ki je mi bila kakor sestra štirideset let in sem jo obiskovala zadnja leta, leta, ko ni mogla več hoditi okoli zaradi kostne bolezni in slabega srca. Tudi bolnih članic imamo vedno dovolj. Molimo za vse skupaj, kar ja naše najlepše darilo. Naša podr. se je zopet namenila, da bo priredila I uncheon in to bo 26. n-aa. Skušale bomo napraviti kaj dobička za našo blagajno, ki se je zopet izpraznila. Vedno imamo stroške; plačujemo za sv. maše za pok. članice ter dajemo nagrado mladim mamicam ob rojstvu otroka in tudi rade prispevamo za našo cerkev, kakor tudi drugi izdatki, lipani, da nam bodo članice zopet šle na roko in nam pomagale do lepega uspeha, kakor ponavadi in že v naprej najlepša hvala vsem za prijazno sodelovanje. V febr. nismo imele seje, ker je zapadel sneg, tako na hitro, da nas je vse iznenadil. V marcu pa smo imele zelo lepo udeležbo. Sosestre, ki so obhajale rojstne dneve, so nas zopet zelo lepo pogostile s tolikimi dobrotami, da je bilo vsega dovolj in tako okusnega, da ne more biti boljše. Hvala Vam za tako lepo sodelovanje v letu 1963 in upamo, da bo tako tudi v letu 1964. Najlepše pozdrave vsem članicam in glavnemu odboru. Mary Bahor, blagajničarka Št. 29, Broundale, Pa. Najprej prisrčno pozdravljam vse članice po širni Ameriki in tudi tiste iz Clevelanda, kjer sem se udeležila njihove konvencije in se mi je dopadlo, čeprav nisem pri najboljšem zdravju. Naša blagajničarka Josephine Debevc je izgubila moža, ki je dne 2. febr, zapustil ta svet. Bil je dober mož in oče svojih otrok, zato naj mu bo Bog bogat plačnik. Vzgojil je veliko družino 5 hčera in 2 sinova, čeprav je še mlad prišel v Ameriko. Doma je bil iz Notranske, kakor jaz, zato smo se dobro poznali. Praznovala sta tudi zlato poroko. Imel je lep pogreb, bilo je nad 50 vencev. Odšel je odkoder ni vrnitve, kakor tudi moj brat, katerega so položili k večnemu počitku v hladno domačo grudo pod Triglavom. Srečen je, da v domači zemlji sniva, rada bi se vrnila domov, da bi ti venček cvetja položila na grob. Naša tolažba je, da vidimo se nad zvezdami. Sporočam tudi, da je pred Božičem umrla naša dobra članica Mrs. Bucer. Žalujočim naše iskreno sožalje. Vsem sestram pošiljam najlepše pozdrave, Mary Pristavec Št. 30, Aurora, III. — Zelo sem presenečena ko piše naša častna predsednica, Mrs. Prisland v marčevi Zarji glede 25c naklade na leto zaradi podražitve tiskanja Zarje. To je 2 centa na mesec. Kaj pa moremo kupiti za 2 centa? Še candy ne. Kar se mene tiče vam povem, da prav nič ne pogrešam tistega kvodra; Bila pa sem prav zadovoljna in kar ponosna ko sem govorila z ženami drugih narodnosti o naši Zvezi, pa so rekle: “To je pa res lepo, da ste ženske povezane med seboj po celi Ameriki. Me pa nimamo nič takega.” Že samo te besede so vredne kvoder, ali ne? ZARJA pa prinese tudi toliko lepega berila, da je tudi vredno dodati tisti kvoder. Za vas, Mrs. Prisland so pa najlepše besede našega pesnika, ki pravi: Dajte mi cvetja v življenju, a trnje shranite za grob. To ste si v polni meri zaslužili pri Zvezi in Zarji. Dne 10. aprila je poteklo 50 let odkar so umrli moja nepozabna mati. O, mati, če bi živela še lOkrat 50 let Vas ne bi mogla pozabiti. Bili ste trpinka v polnem pomenu besede in upam, da Vam je bil Bog dober plačnik. Jaz vedno mislim na Vas v globoki hvaležnosti. Žena je vprašala sosedoveg'a 5 letnega fantka, kako je grandma? Fantek pravi: Fine, I like her, and when I get big. I’ll marry her, but we won’t have children, because she got 2 already. Veselo dobrodošlico kličemo naši novi članici Veri Prapernik. Konvenciji priporočam, naj bo previdna in “ne”—preskopa pri Zarji. Saj vendar vidite kako slovenski listi eden za drugim prenehavajo. Je sicer naravno in ni pomoči proti temu, vendar držimo in podpirajmo to, kar še imamo, kajti kadar prenehajo, bo prepozno jamrati. Frances Kranjc Št. 33, Chisholm, Minn. Tudi v Minnesoto je segla zelena pomlad in prijazni robin že prepeva v zgodnjih jutranjih urah. Tudi konvencija SŽZ je pred durmi. Pričakujemo, da se bo na zborovanjih kaj dobrega ukrenilo v dobrobit Zveze in njenega članstva. Posebno “darilo” bi bilo za članstvo, da se ne bi povišalo ases-menta, seveda če bi bila zavarovalnina malo povišana v prid starim članicam, ki so pri Zvezi recimo že od začetka, bi lažje pozabile, da smo že precej prispevale v prid SŽZ in v prid domače podružnice. Vsekakor upam, da bo konvencija napravila vse dobro za svoje članstvo, saj se vodstvo Zveze nahaja v sigurnih in sposobnih rokah. Kakor je razvidno v ZARJI iz poročila gl. taj„ se finančno stanje kljub velikim stroškom dobro drži in bilanca je ugodna, zato ni nobene skrbi za dobro poslovanje Zveze tudi v bodoče, ker smemo zaupati našemu vodstvu v glavnem uradu. Naši urednici Corinne posebna hvala za tako vzorno urejevanje naše ZARJE. Vse članice smo lahko ponosne na njo! Vrea obiščete bolne sestre bodisi v bolnici, ali na domu, ker s tem jim storite veliko olajšanje v njihovi bolezni. Vsem želim najboljšega zdravja. Srčni pozdrav vsem gl. uradnicam ter vsem delegatinjam konvencije. Anna Trdan Št. 39, Biwabik, Minn. Končno je izbran datum našega Zvezinega Dneva, ki se bo vršil dne 13. septembra. Odločite se sedaj, da se boste te priredbe gotovo udeležile. Naša pridna ses. Johanna Zallar je spletla lepo pregrinjalo (afghan), ki bo oddan ob tej priliki. Iskrena ji zahvala za tako izredni dar. Enako iskrena hvala naši odlični, 88 let mladi ses. Mary Strukel, ki sešila je lep predpasnik. Poslala nam je lepo zahvalno pismo v katerem je izrekla svojo hvaležnost za vse kar smo storile ob priliki njene žalosti, ko ji je umrl njen sin. Darovala je tudi 5 dol. in G lepih predpasnikov, katere smo dale na številke in klicale enega za vsako sejo. Ponosne smo na take zavedne članice. Upamo, da homo vse videle v Biwabiku v sept. Pošiljamo izraze globokega sožalja družini Frances Sherek, ki je dosegla lepo starost 85 let, ko je umrla 19. marca. Pila je naša zvesta ustanovna članica in vse jo bomo pogrešale. Ona nam je vedno rada pomagala, čeprav je bila že v visokih letih in ne pri najboljšem zdravju. Za njo žalujejo 3 hčerke, 7 sinov, 32 vnukov in 15 pravnukov. Pogrešala jo ne bo samo njena družina, ampak vsi, ki smo jo poznali in spoštovali. Članice so ji izkazale poslednjo čast in molile rožni venec za pokoj njene duše. G naših članic je bilo tudi častnih po-grebnic. Naj počiva v miru. V upanju na boljši jutrišnji dan, vse lepo pozdravlja, Angeline Karish, poročevalka Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio. To muhasto vreme nam to pomlad prav pošteno nagaja, toda upam, da se bo v majniku izboljšalo. Naši trinajsti narodni konvenciji, ki se bo vršila 17.—20. majnika v mestu Chicago, želimo lepega zborovanja ter mnogo koristnih zaključkov za članstvo in organizacijo. Našo podružnico bo zastopala ses. predsednica, Mary Debevec, kateri želimo prijetno bivanje med so-delegatinjami in vesel povratek. Vsem materam in mamicam želimo vse najlepše za materinski dan. Resno se je pri padcu na domu poškodovala ses. Rose Glavič. Nahaja se že par mesecev v bolnišnici. Ses. Mary Jenovic se je tudi zdravila v bolnišnici na poškodbi v hrbtu. Lažje poškodbe je dobila pri padcu ses. Mary Germ. Vsem trem želimo čimprejšnjega popolnega okrevanja. Po seji nas je prav dobro pogostila ses. Mary Debevec v počast njenega rojstnega dneva. Vse ji želimo še mnogo srečnih in zdravih o-bletnic. Prisrčna hvala ses. F. Jamnik in F. Zakrajšek za dar v blagajno. Odkar sem prejela žalostno sporočilo Iz domovine, da je IG. marca t. 1. preminula moja mama, moje misli vsaki dan poromajo k sveži gomili na farnem pokopališču v Domžalah, kjer sedaj mirno počiva. Pokojna mama se je 1. 1928 naselila v Clevelandu, pa se je po devetih letih zopet vrnila nazaj v domovino. Tukaj zapušča vnukinji, Nežko Skok v Kalif, in Julio Bolka. V domovini pa sestro Francko Čučko in več sorodnikov. Vsem naj bo na tem mestu izrečena prisrčna hvala za izraze sožalja. Ti draga mama pa snivaj sladko in lahka naj Ti bo rodna zemlja. Ella Starin, taj. Št. 49, Noble, Ohio. — Pričakovala sem boljše udeležbe na seji. Seveda vreme je bilo zelo neugodno, kar je bil vzrok pičle udeležbe. Zaradi male navzočnosti tudi nismo izvolile častne matere podružnice za to leto. Ker pa smo tudi skoro vse članice, matere, smo nekako vse upravičene do časti biti zaslužna mati. Vsem materam iskreno želim, kakor tudi starim materam, da bi materinski dan obhajale v zdravju, sreči in zadovoljstvu v krogu svojih družin, to je otrokov, vnukov, a nekatere tudi pravnukov. Enako želim, da bi v prihodnji kampanji vsaka vpisala vsaj po eno novo članico v Zvezo. Vsem, ki ste namenjene to poletje na izlet v domovino, želim srečno pot, obilo zabave in vesel povratek. Vse članice, posebno od podr. št. 49 prav lepo pozdravljam. Mary Stusek Št. 55, Girard, Ohio. — Predsednica, Barbara Umek odpre marčno sejo z molitvijo. Molile smo za pokojno ses. Anno Jaklevich, ki je bila dobra članica od ustanovitve naše podr. Preds. prosi članice, da bi se v večjem številu udeležile pogrebne maše in tudi če mogoče pogreba naših članic. Zelo lepo je, ker se večje število odzove k molitvi rožnega venca na predvečer pogreba. Včasih je morda kak zadržek, toda malo požrtvovalnosti in je vedno poplačano. Pomlad je tukaj in naša želja je, da bi se v velikem številu udeležile naših sej. Bog daj vsem blagoslov in zdravje. Vas pozdravlja, Amelia Robsel NAGAJIVKA Zakaj pa mama joče, zakaj solzice vroče si briše, briše iz oči? Mar sinko njen bolan leži? Veselo skače sinko po vrtu s sestro Minko, je živ in zdrav kot drenov sok. Zakaj potem, ti ljubi Bog, se uboga mama joče, zakaj solzice vroče si briše žalostno iz oči? — Čebulo, reže, hi, hi, hi . . . Mirko Kunčič Št. 71. Strabane, Pa. — PENS1L-VANIJSKI DAN in državna konvencija se bo vršila letos v mesecu septembru pod pokroviteljstvom podr. št. 91 Oakmont ter zborovanje in banket se bo vršil v Acorneantonio dvorani. V zalogi imam novo povečano izdajo kuharske knjige Woman’s Glory—The Kitchen. Knjiga je lepo darilo za vsaka priliko, predvsem za rojstne dneve in za mlade neveste. Če bi katera želela knjigo, pa ne more do mene, naj me pokliče po telefonu 745-8913 in vam jo bom prinesla. Ses. Mary Chesnik je resno bolana in se nahaja v bolnišnici v Pittsburghu. Ses. Prisland želim, da ji Bog povrne to ljubo zdravje, da se bo lahko udeležila bližajoče se konvencije. Priznanje velja našim gl. odbornicam za lepo delovanje za napredek Zveze, Corinne za lepo urejeno Zarjo in Rev. C. Okorn za lepe članke. Prihodnji konvenciji želim obilo dobrih priporočil in napredka. Vsem bolnim članicam želim ljubega zdravja, a vsem sestram najlepše pozdrave. Mary Tomsic Št. 77, Pittsburgh, Pa. Slovenski pesnik je zapisal: Zlati maj, krasni maj, konec zime je tedaj. V tem lepem mesecu praznujemo obletnico naše podružnice in bo že 28 letnica, zato vas vse vabim, da se udeležite te važne obletnice. Pridite vsaj enkrat na leto, ker vaša navzočnost in pomoč je nujno potrebna. Bo vse kakor prejšnja leta, le želeti je večje udeležbe. Pomagajte po svoji moči, ker veste, da stroški so veliki in bodo še večji, ker smo večinoma že bolj v jesenskih letih. Proslava obletnice se bo vršila dne 14. maja zvečer v navadnih prostorih. Pripeljite tudi svoje prijateljice ,da nas bo več. Za častno mater je bila soglasno izvoljena ses. Mary Marinzel, ki je zelo aktivna in rada obiskuje vse naše prireditve. Smrt je tudi posegla v naše vrste in nam vzela dolgoletno članico, Mary (Pešut) Krultz, ki je preminula 25. marca v Greenwood, Wis. Njeno truplo je bilo prepeljano sem, kjer je pokopana. Počivajte v miru, Mrs. Krultz. V Ameriki praznujemo Decoration Day, kinčanje grobov kot spominski dan naših prerano umrlih, ki so padli v obrambi domovine. Ta praznik je 30. maja ko je narava v svoji najbolj svečani obleki, vse je pogrnjeno s prelepo zeleno odejo. Ta dan bomo premnogi obiskali grobove naših dragih. Toda premnoge gomile pozabljenih grobov bo prerastla trava, ker ne bo nobenega, da bi jih okinčal. Grobovi premnogih naših slovenskih pionirjev bodo ostali pozabljeni, ker so raztreseni i>o vseh predelih Amerike, posebno so bili naši rojaki tam, kjer se je kopalo premog, rudo, sekalo les, da ne omenjam jeklarskih plavžev, ki so zahtevali premnoge prerane smrtne nesreče. Zapuščeni grobovi naših pionirjev, pa pričajo, da so naši rojaki prišli sem pred mnogimi leti, ko je bilo življenje naših priseljencev še mnogo težje, kakor pa je danes. Nas Ivan Zorman je zapisal o naših prvih izseljencih: “V samotnem grobu zdaj ležiš, nad tabo čuva nizek križ. Kdo spomnil se te bo, ko mene tukaj več ne bo.” Res, resnične besede, saj še mi dostikrat ne vemo za vse gomile naših sorodnikov in se jih nihče več ne spominja na spominski dan. Vsem bolanim članicam in njihovim družinam, želim ljubega zdravja. Po-zdravja, Minka Chrnat, tajnica Št. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Meseca marca smo imele sejo pri ses. Mary Bradovich. Hvala Mary za lepo postrežbo in prigrizek. Sporočam, da smo izgubile v mesecu januarju dobro članico. Bila je bolj slabega, zdravja, pa nas je vseeno novica kar pretresla. Zvečer je šla v posteljo, a zjutraj jo je hčer našla mrtvo. Naj v miru počiva. Žaljujo-čim naše sožalje. Na zadnji seji smo sklenile, da bomo imele prihodnjo sejo dne 14. junija pri Pites Puli. To je lepo kopališče, da bodo tudi otroci šli zraven. Kdor hoče lahko tudi gre plavati in imele bomo pot lunk in bake sale ali pentofe — vse kar bo katera prinesla, bo prav prišlo. Ne pozabite pripeljati s seboj tudi svoje družine. Če bo slabo vreme, bomo imele pri spodaj podpisani. Brala sem, da je zaslužna mater podr. št. 3 v Pueblo, Colo., Lucille Jesek. Njena mati Mary Erčul je moja sestrica, ker sem tudi jaz prišla iz Puebla. Iskreno ji čestitam k tej časti. Vsem delegatinjam konvencije želim lep uspeh. Vem, da boste vse lepo ravnale. Pozdravlja, Mary Mihelich, predsednica Št. 100, Fontana, Calif. Kot zaslužna mati naše podr. je bila izvoljena naša preds. Jennie Kurilich in počastile jo bomo na naši majski seji, ki bo 7. maja zvečer. Upam, da se bodo vse članice udeležile te slovesnosti. Naj še poročam, da je bila Prances Kurilich, hčerka naše preds., počaščena kot najboljša učenka in dobila naslov “Miss Tohis High School.” V juniju bo graduirala, potem bo pa šla na University v Berkeley. Čestitke Frances in ponosnim staršem! V naši ZARJI sem čitala v članku “Oh, ta svet” izpod peresa Marije Prisland, ki piše zelo lepo zaradi Zarje. Jaz se popolnoma strinjam z njo, da Zarja še naprej izhaja v taki obliki kakor je sedaj. Jaz rada plačam 50c na leto za Zarjo, da bo izhajala taka kot je sedaj in priporočam vsem de- Financial Report for the ' Finančno poročilo za Branch Assesments Membership No. Total Adult Junior 1. 79.05 158 45 2. 187.00 348 159 3. 142.40 289 163 4. 4.85 19 — 5. 91.72 106 41 $ 6. 49.70 124 17 7. 65.45 111 136 8. 62 1 9. 192.75 34 3 @ 10. 146.95 367 45 12. 209 70 # 13. 52.35 118 18 14. 140.60 220 31 15. 115.85 251 27 16. 70.75 140 81 17. 75.85 165 56 19. 85.75 138 43 20. 179.00 432 127 21. 42.80 87 53 22. 19.80 22 — $ 2>3. 101.00 226 57 24. 78.60 174 78 25. 398.55 747 235 26. 46.30 110 12 27. 82.30 66 6 # 28. 39.20 82 10 29. 12.60 32 7 30. 16.45 18 — $ 31. 50.60 104 40 32. 60.39 117 32 33. 76.30 147 80 34. 18.05 41 7 35. 26.80 73 41 37. 8.95 27 5 38. 60.95 148 1 39. 23.95 59 23 40. 46.55 100 5 41. 102.85 266 37 42. 23.50 50 — 43. 51.80 112 64 45. 76.35 60 7 *** 46. 13.40 30 5 47. 54.65 116 25 48. 4.20 13 3 49. 36 — & 50. 70.85 121 81 51. 7.80 17 — 52. 26.30 53 15 53. 17.45 37 8 54. 37.50 71 66 55. 30.75 70 7 56. 47.30 110 19 57. 40.20 78 35 59. 31 2 61. 13 — 62. 17.10 35 1 62. 61.80 118 63 64. 57 2 65. 27.90 62 24 66. 26.50 53 20 67. 76 27 68. 24.95 43 5 70. 14 3 & 71. 51.05 103 21 72. 12.95 33 4 73. 50.10 107 49 legatinjam, da bodo glasovale za Zarjo. Želim dobrega zdravja Marie Prisland in naši zapisnikarici, Edith Drawenik. Pozdravlja, Frances Lukanich, poročevalka Month of February, 1964 mesec februar. 1964 No. Total Adult Junior 74. 23.25 44 4 77. 25.65 56 33 78. 25 9 79. 18.75 34 20 80. 19 — 81. 8.85 26 — 82. 11.45 23 5 84. 88.70 69 6 ttt 85. 11.45 29 5 86. 9.95 20 — 88. 19.60 40 7 89. 42.20 96 57 90. 22.45 53 24 91. 29.00 52 8 92. 13.15 23 2 93. 65 6 94. 31.20 18 1 % 95. 100.50 171 39 96. 23.65 51 2 97. 11.50 21 6 99. 8.75 27 — 100. 21.25 43 9 101. 30.95 48 21 102. 17 4 & 104. 8.55 23 — 105. 9.70 19 5 106. — 20 1 $4,348.01 8845 2620 $ paid for Feb. and March @ paid for 1962; # paid for Nov. and Dec.; & paid in January, *** paid for Dec., Jan., Feb.; ttt paid for Aug., Sept., Oct.; % paid for Jan., Feb., March and April. Income — dohodki: Assessment from members $4,348.01 Rental income in Febrary 155.00 Interest on bonds 938.76 Total income — skupaj $5,441.77 Disbursements — Stroški: Mary Gulich, br. 10, Cleveland $100.00 M. Sholar, br. 13, San Francisco 100.00 Anna Ponikvar, br. 22, Bradley 100.00 Angela Virant, br. 25, Cleveland 100.00 Angela Jeraj, br. 25, Cleveland 100.00 Ant. Modic, br. 25, Cleveland (B) 150.00 J. Kmett, br. 35, Aurora, Minn. 100.00 M. Nose, br. 37, Greaney, Minn. 100.00 Ursula Jalovec, br. 41, Cleveland 100.00 Agnes Sernel, br. 41, Cleveland 100.00 Anna Yaklevich, br. 55, Girard 100.00 Eva Chernugal, br. 56, Hibbing 100.00 Marie Fleck, br. 65, Virginia 100.00 Mary Mravich, br. 71, Strabane 100.00 Cath. Cacich, br. 95 S. Chicago 100.00 Salaries and administration 955.00 Zarja — The Dawn February 32 pages 1,593.52 Traveling and per diem 812.26 Bowling awards East, tourney 121.00 Department of Insurance 25.00 Home office monthly rental 75.00 Printing, insurance, sundries 294.91 Total — skupaj $5,426.69 Balance January, 1964 $492,901.79 Income in Feb., dohodki 5,441.77 $498,343.56 Disbursements—stroški v feb. 5,426.69 Balance Feb., 1964 $492,916.87 Albina Novak, Sec’y. JUNIORS PAGE MOTHER DEAR Dear Mother, I’m grateful For your tender cares, The worries and heartaches And your constant prayers. May Mary, God’s Mother, Spread her mantle blue, Enfold you forever With her Son there, too. Each day, while I’m thinking Heaven is meant for you, My heart keeps on singing, Mother, Mother I love you. Rev. Walter J. Mikosz, C. R. HI BOYS AND GIRLS! Teendom for many, many children Is a new phase of life—a ‘ wonderland” of new joys, experiences, hopes and dreams. Rut alas, there are also new duties and responsilibities, all of which go into the makeup of a future mature adult. Entering the teens this month and looking forward to it will be our second daughter. Born with a deep, conscientious concern for others, she is tenderhearted for those less fortunate. Through her worrisome nature she is an ulcer-cultivator. She longs for happiness among all fellowmen. Her childhood vocation was nursing and thus is an excellent baby-sitter. Doing things for others keeps her happy. Speaking of nursing, May 12 marks the birth date of Florence Nightingale. Born in 1820 she became a famous English nurse and heroine of the Crimean War. She is also the world authority on scientific care of the sick. The American Red Cross was organized by Clara Barton, May 21, 1881. Her work began while nursing wounded soldiers in the War between the States. She originated the clause in the Red Cross constitution which provides for relief in calamities other than war, as famines, floods, earthquakes and epidemics. i ................ MAY is the month dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Your Church holds special daily devotions to Christ’s Mother, whose statue is crowned and her altar is adorned witli many flowers. In your own home it would be most pleasing to Our Lady, if you should adorn Her statue with flowers and other decorative articles. Then each day with your family offer a special prayer or say the rosary. No doubt in this little way you will be bringing a soul to Jesus through Mary. As we honor our Heavenly Mother in MAY so we also honor our temporal mother. The second Sunday is so designated and on this day especially we present our mothers with flowers and gifts and help with the day’s dinner. It’s a real satisfaction and pleasure to make a gift expressing your love for your mom. A practical gift as a Button or Pin Cup may be made-up of different colors of art paper. With one edge scallopped and measuring two-inch square the cup may be a-dorned with a butterfly or flower. The older children could make an a~ pron, which is always appreciataed. Also make a Mother's Day card and inclued one of the following verses: “You’re just the SWEETEST Mommy That I ever, ever knew And I hope—when I grow up— I’m just AS NICE AS YOU!” "May Mary bless you, Mother On this Mother’s Day— Showering graces and blessings Upon your way. May her nearness to you Make you see— How very much you mean To me.” Memorial Day or Decoration Day, a patriotic Holiday, is observed on May 30. It is a day to honor members of America’s armed forces who have given their lives for their country in the Spanish-American War, World Wars I and II and the Korean Conflict. This day originated when Southern women scattered colorful spring flowers on the graves of soldiers during the Civil War. Today graves of soldiers as well as civilians are decorated. Military parades and special programs are held. Have you seen members of’ veteran organizations asking you to wear a Poppy? This little red flower grew everywhere in Flanders Field during the first World War in France. And so it was chosen as a memory flower. Be sure you and your folks wear Poppies proudly in memory of the millions of soldiers and sailors who died for each of us “to build a better world.” Your friend, REGINA MAY is one of the most beautiful months of the year with snows and ices gone, trees and grass are green and wildflowers in bloom. Many garden crops being to sprout. Do you have a little garden you can call your own? You'll find it very interesting and educational. May is the month of Mother Nature’s outdoor babies. Look around and you may see a baby rabbit, squirrel or chipmunk. A quiet visit to a reedy marsh may show you a mother duck with her newly hatched ducklings. She may be teaching them to swim, or to find their own food. But there is some hidden life you probably will not see, such as field or meadow mice and moles. You may find a baby bird that has fallen from its nest. If you handle it very carefully, you may put it back in the nest. The mother bird will be very happy to have her baby saved. (From the Lookies) \ TREAT YOUR MOTHER TO AN ALL GUIDE TOUR TO LOURDES Last opportunity to join one of the four S.W.U. trips to to Europe at lowest rates. Make reservations at once! These special prices are in effect for S.W.U members and their families Tel. BI 7-2014 Write: HOME OFFICE, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Tel. BI 7-7999 PILGRIMAGE TOUR 1 PILGRIMAGE TOUR II DIRECT TOUR $121.00 $424.00 $424.00 June 10—August 3 June 22—July 31 June 16—July 13 New York—Ljubljana New York—Ljubljana —-(Aug. 10) 7 days: FAT IMA-LOURDES-— 7 days : LOURDES— -ROME ROME, $89.00 $89.00 NEW YORK—LJUBLJANA U. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois H.GRDINII& SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 61 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin JOS. ZE1.E & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities GEREND FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN AVE AFELY 013 East 10 0th Str**t 20000 Euclid A v • n u • 0230 St. Clair Avtnue ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors & Embalmers CHICAGO 8, ILL. Virginia 7-8888 We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2G32 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 Velika množica Ameriških Slovencev bo obiskala prelepo Slovenijo v letu 1964. Potovati je najbolj prijetno v domači družbi. Najboljše boste potovali v skupinah, katere organizira najstarejša slovenska potniška pisarna: AUGUST KOLLANDER TRAVEL BUREAU, INC., Odhodi z letalom JET: June 10, June 16, June 22, July 18, Odhod z ladjo “Queen Elizabeth” 3. junija vodi gl. predsednica, Toni Turek