ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT VENEZIA GIULIA THE ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT GAZETTE VOLUME II No. 24 - 11 August 1947 -w Published by the Allied Military Government under the Authority of the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theatre of Operations, and Military Governor. Editoriale Libraria, S. A. Trieste - 1947 Allied Military Government VENEZIA GIULIA General Order No. 115 (111 B) PROVISIONS RELATING TO COLLECTION OF CEREALS WHEREAS, it considered advisable to vest jurisdiction in certain penal offenses created under Allied Military Government Order, in the competent Courts of the Territory, in those parts of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces, (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES J. CARNES, Colonel, Infantry, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I The application of penal sanctions for violations of Article II of General Order No. Ill (failure to declare to U.C. S.E.A. the cultivations and the cultivation plan within the prescribed time limits) shall be made, as an exception to the provision of Article XIV of General Order No. 61, by the „Pretore“ competent for the Territory where the farming enterprise is situated. ARTICLE II Any person failing to comply with the obligations set forth in Article II of General Order No. Ill, shall be punishable by a fine („ammenda“) of from 2.000 to 10.000 lire to be inflicted, on the ground of the prgceding article, by the competent „Pretore“ by means of an order („De-creto penale“). ARTICLE III This Order shall come into force on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 7th day of August 1947. JAMES J. CARNES Colonel, Infrantry Senior Civil Affairs Officer / A.M.G. Gazette - Voi. II, No. 24 - 11 August 1947 783 Order No. 398 SPECIAL PROCEDURE FACILITATING THE FILING OF DOCUMENTS WITH PUBLIC OFFICES WHEREAS it is considered advisable and necessary to grant some accomodations for documentations to be furnished to public offices by those persons who have been compelled to abandon their residence in boundary areas or have not been able to return thereto, in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“) ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES J. CARNES, Colonel Infantry, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I ACCOMODATIONS FOR DOCUMENTATIONS TO BE FURNISHED TO PUBLIC OFFICES Section I. — For the recognition, though indirect, of any requisite or right as regards those persons who as a consequence of political events connected with the last war had to abandon their residence in boundary areas, or were unable to return thereto, the furnishing of documents other than those prescribed by the existing provisions shall be allowed, if recognized suitable by the competent Authority. Section 2. — Whenever the recognition referred to in the preceding Article should require so, the competent Administrations may grant in favour of the persons indicated in such Article, and upon their request, an adequate prolongation of the time limits established for the filing of documents. Section 3. — The persons indicated in first para of Art. 1 may, in any case, for documentation of applications submitted or to be submitted to public administrations, refer to similar documents already submitted to other public offices. The said persons may also refer to deeds existing at public offices showing the juridical positions or facts which have to be proved. The administrations shall issue, an authenticated copy of such documents or deeds, if requested by the parties concerned. ARTICLE II DURATION OF PROVISIONS AND EFFECTIVE DATE The provisions contained in the preceding Article shall have the duration of two years. This Order shall take effect on the day of its publication in the Allied Military Government Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 7th day of August 1947. JAMES J. CARNES Colonel, Infantry Senior Civil Affairs Officer 784 A.M.G. Gazette - Vol. II, No. 24 - 11 August 1947 Order No. 409 (190 B) FISCAL PROVISIONS ON GOVERNMENT CONCESSIONS WHEREAS it is considered necessary to make new 'provisions concerning taxes on Government concessions in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES J. CARNES, Colonel, Infantry, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby ORDER: ARTICLE I Taxes on administrative measures (concessions, authorizations, licences, statements, legalizations, registrations, disciplinary measures, approvals and similar measures) listed in Table Annex „A“ and issued or renewed after the effective date of this Order, shall be paid at the rates fixed in the said Table. ARTICLE II Table Annex „A“ mentioned in the foregoing Article, including the notes contained therein, shall be and is hereby made part of this Order. The said Table has been deposited in all Registry Offices of the Territory and may be freely examined by all persons concerned. ARTICLE III All provisions inconsistent with this Order are hereby repealed. ARTICLE IV This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Allied Military Government Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 7th day of August 1947. JAMES J. CARNES Colonel, Infantry Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 421 (183 A) ESTABLISHMENT OF SUMMER COURSES WHEREAS, it is considered advisable in those parts of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter called the „Territory“), to establish for the year 1947 summer schools, in both the elementary and secondary grades, NOW, THEREFORE, /. JAMES J. CARNES, Colonel, Infantry, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, A.M.G. Gazette - Vol. II, No. 24 - 11 August 1947 78S ORDER: ' ARTICLE I REPEAL OF ORDER No. 183 Order No. 183, dated 2nd August 1946, shall be and hereby is repealed. ARTICLE II OPENING OF NEW SUMMER SCHOOL COURSES There shall be established, whenever they are needed, summer school courses for elementary and secondary school pupils for the year 1947. The afore-mentioned courses shall last approximately two months. ARTICLE III REGULATIONS FOR THE COURSES The regulations for the courses mentioned in the preceding Article and compiled by the Education Division of the Allied Military Government are hereto attached and shall become part of this Order. A true copy of the afore mentioned regulations, certified as such by the Chief Education Officer of the Allied Military Government shall be deposited at the „ Sovraintendenze Sco-stiche“ of the Territory where they may be freely inspected by any person concerned. ARTICLE IV EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the day that it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of July, 1947. JAMES J. CARNES Colonel, Infantry Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 422 ESTABLISHING OF TEACHERS TRAINING COURSES AT TRIESTE AND GORIZIA WHEREAS it is considered advisable and necessary to establish Training Courses for teachers at Trieste and Gorizia; NOW, THEREFORE, J, JAMES J. CARNES, Colonel, Infantry, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I ESTABLISHING OF TEACHERS TRAINING COURSES There shall be hereby established, at Trieste and Gorizia, Courses of elementary teaching on the basis of the special method („metodo globale“) ; also Courses of the Slovene language for Italian teachers as well as Courses of the Italian language for Slovene teachers. 786 A.M.G. Gazette - Vol. II, No. 24 - 11 August T947 ARTICLE II REGULATIONS FOR COURSES The regulations for the afore-mentioned Courses, compiled by the Education Division of the Allied Military Government are hereto attached and shall become part of this Order. A true copy of these regulations, certified as such by the Chief Education Office of the Allied Military Government shall be deposited at the „Sovraintendenze Scolastiche“ at Trieste and Gorizia where they may be freely inspected by any person concerned. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the day it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 7 day of August 1947. JAMES J. CARNES Colonel, Infantry Senor Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 427 AUTHORITY TO THE „SEZIONE AUTONOMA DI CREDITO F0ND1AR10 DELLA CASSA D1 RISPARMIO“ TO ISSUE MORTGAGE DEBENTURES WHEREAS by Article II of Order No. 3gi issued by the Allied Military Government on 25 March 1927, the ,,Sezicne Autonoma di Credito Fondiario della Cassa di Risparmio“ has been authorized to grant credit over land; and WHEREAS it is notv deemed opportune to. provide for the authority of the said „Sezione Autonoma di Credito Fondiario“ to issue mortgage debentures, NOW. THEREFORE, I, JAMES J. CARNES, Colonel, Infantry, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: ARTICLE I The „Sezione Autonoma di Credito Fondiario delia Cassa di Risparmio“ is hereby authorized to issue mortgage debentures corresponding to the respective loans over land guaranteed by mortgage and granted in accordance with the existing laws regulating the credit over land, up to an amount equal to a sum 25 times the guarantee-fund. . ARTICLE II The „Sezione Autonoma di Credito Fondiario della Cassa di Risparmio“ shall pay to the Public Treasury, as a contribution tfor the expense of control, the sum of Lire 10.000.- yearly beginning as from 1st January 1948. A.M.G. Gazette - Vol. II, No. 24 - 11 August 1947 787 ARTICLE III This Order shall come into effect on the date of its publication in the Allied Military Government Gazette. TRIESTE, 7th August 1947. JAMES J. CARNES Colonel Infantry Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 431 (201 A) PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE HUNTING SEASON OF 1947-1948 WHEREAS it is considered advisable and necessary to provide for the extension for the hunting season of ig4y-ig48 of Order N%o. 201, dated yth August 1946, relating to the control and regulation of hunting in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „ Territory“ and to make some amendments thereto ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES J. CARNES, Colonel, Infantry, Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE I EXTENSION OF ORDER No. 201 TO THÈ HUNTING SEASON 1947-1948 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO Section i. —With the exceptions, amendments and supplements as set forth in the following Sections of this Article, the validity of thè provisions of Order No. 201 dated 7th August 1946 entitled „Opening of hunting season 1946-1947“ (hereinafter referred to as the „said Order“) published in the Allied Military Government Gazette No. 25, dated 1st September 1946, shall be extended to the hunting season 1947-1948. Section 2. — Article I of the „said Order,, is hereby revoked and in lieu thereof shall be substituted the following : „Hunting shall be permitted for : 1) quail, from 1 August to 15 January 1948 ; 2) rock-dove, turtle-dove, woodcock, from 1 August to 30 April 1948. ; 3) mallard, from 15 August to 28 February 1948 ; 4) ducks, except mallard, waders and other migratory birds, from 1 August to 30 April 1948 ; 5) gray partridge - common partridge, from 1 September to 15 January 1948 ; 6) rock-partridge, pheasant, hare, from 1 October to 15 January 1948. 788 A.M.O. Gazette - Vol. II, No. 24 - 11 August 1947 Section 3. —■ The managers of hunting preserves are hereby authorized to provide, within the limits of the above hunting calendar, for such restrictions as the technical necessities of the preserve will require.“ Section 4. — The following sentence shall be added to Article IX of the „said Decree“ : „Calibre 8 shall be the largest type of hunting gun to be used. “ 1 ARTICLE II EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me.» Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of July 1947. JAMES J. CARNES Colonel, Infantry Senior Civil Affairs Officer Order No. 432 (325 B) FAMILY ALLOWANCES PAYABLE IN COMMERCE, PROFESSIONS AND ARTS WHEREAS it has been deemed advisable ami necessary to adjust the rates of Family Allowances provided for the workers of the categories of Commerce, Professions and Arts, and the rates of contributions therefor, in that part of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Territory“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES J. CARNES, Colonel, Infantry, Senior Civil Affairs Officer ORDER: ARTICLE I NEW RATES OF FAMILY ALLOWANCES AND CONTRIBUTIONS The rates of Family Allowances and contributions set out in Table „C“ and „G“ annexed to Order No. 325 dated 5 March 1947. shall be revoked and in lieu thereof shall be substituted the rates set out in the following Tables with effect from the beginning of the first pay period after 30 June 1946 for the allowances, and from the beginning of the first pay period after 16 January 1947 for the contributions : • TABLE „C“ FAMILY ALLOWANCES AND COST OF LIVING BONUS, AND RELATIVE CONTRIBUTIONS - COMMERCE - I. Monthly Benefits Those working in shifts and casual workers, shall be paid daily benefits equal to the number of days of actual attendance, without exceeding for any one month the amount of the monthly benefit. A.M.G. Gazette - Vol. II, No. 24 - 11 August 1947 789 See Note i. BENEFICIARIES For each child For the wife and for the disabled husband For each parent 0. B. (*) C.L.B.(*) O. B. C. L. B. O. B. C. L. B. Workers 104 624 130 ' 754 65 624 Employees •.. 156 624 182 754 104 624 11. Contributions , (to be borne by the employer) Rate : 19% on gross earnings. TABLE „G“ ORDINARY FAMILY ALLOWANCES AND COST OF LIVING BONUS, AND RELATIVE CONTRIBUTIONS FOR PROFESSIONS AND ARTS I. Monthly Benefits See Note i. BENEFICIARIES For each child For the wife and for the disabled husband For each parent O. B. (*) C.L.B.(*) 0. B. C. L. B. O. B. C. L. B. Workers 104 624 130 754 65 624 Employees 156 624 182 754 104 624 II. Contributions (to be borne by the employer) Rate : 19% on gross earnings. NOTE 1. — (Convertible into daily and fortnightly benefits applying the proportions of 1/26 and 1/2 respectively ; and into weekly benefits taking six times the daily benefits. Where the labour contract is of less than one month duration non benefits exceeding the amount of the monthly, fortnightly or weekly benefits shall be paid). (*): 0. B. : Ordinary Benefit ; C.L.B. : Cost of Living Bonus. ARTICLE II ALLOWANCES SUBSTITUTED BY INCREASED FAMILY ALLOWANCES The increase in family allowances as result from the Tables referred to in Article I hereof shall substitute to all effects the shares of contingency allowance relating to family dependants in terms of the provisions set forth in Article II of Order No. 325, dated 5 March 1947. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDER This Order shall become effective upon the date it is sighed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 8th day of August 1947. JAMES J. CARNES Colonel, Infantry ■ Senibr Civil Affairs Officer 790 A.M.O. Gazette - Vol. II, No. 24 ■ 11 August IÇ47 Order No. 437 MILITARY PAYMENT CERTIFICATES WHEREAS it is considered necessary to make it an offence to be in improper possession of Military Payment Certificates to receive, traffic, or deal with such certificates or counterfeit, alter, or forge said certificates in those parts of Venezia Giulia administered by the Allied Forces (hereinafter called the „Territory“J NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES J. CARNES, Colonel, Infantry, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby ORDER: ARTICLE I Any person (other than those legally authorized by the United States War Department) who receives, has in his possession, passes, deals with or traffics in „Military Payment Certificates“ issued by the United States Army (commonly known as „script“) shall be guilty of an offence. ARTICLE II Any person who counterfeits, or alters, or forges Military Payment Certificates shall be guilty of an offence. ARTICLE III Any person found in possession of counterfeited, altered, or forged Military Payment Certificates shall be guilty of an offence. ARTICLE IV Any person who deals with, possesses,_or in any manner traffics in counterfeited, altered, or forged Military Payment Certificates shall be guilty of an offence. ARTICLE V Any person convicted of an offence under this Order by an Allied Military Court shall be liable to punishment by such imprisonment of fine of both as 1 he Court may determine. In any case the „Military Payment Certificates“ shall be confiscated and, if good, restituted to the United States War Department ; if counterfeited, altered or forged, destroyed. ARTICLE VI* This Order shall become effective upon the date it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 6th day of August 1947. JAMES J. CARNES Colonel, Infantry Senior Civil Affairs Officer A.M.G. Gazette - Vol. II, No. 24 - 11 August 1947 791 Administrative Order No. 185 TEMPORARY PROMOTION OF OFFICIALS OF „SOVRAINTENDENZA DELLE SCUOLE“ OF TRIESTE I, JAMES J. CARNES. Colonel, Infantry, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, ORDER: 1. — The following persons at present employed with the „ Sovraintendenza delle Scuole“ of Trieste are hereby promoted to the grades as specified below : LIUZZI dott. Giovanni, First Secretary, group A, grade IX, with seniority in the grade 1st June 1940, is hereby promoted to grade VIII (2nd cl. Secretary General) ; MEDICI Enrico, First School Inspector, group B, grade VIII, with seniority in the grade 1st January 1934, is hereby promoted to grade VII (Chief School Inspector.) 2. — The promotions as set forth in the preceding para shall be. considered as temporary and shall be valid only for the duration of the Allied Military Government. 3. — This Order shall take effect on the day it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 7th day of August 1947. JAMES J. CARNES Colonel, Infantry Senior Civil Affairs Officer Administrative Order No. 136 DECLARATION OF LEGAL INEFFICACY OF A PROVISION OF THE SO CALLED ITALIAN SOCIAL REPUBLIC WHEREAS by Article I, Section 3, of Order No. 163, dated 21 June 1946, the Allied Military Government, while confirming certain acts and provisions made under the so-called Government of the Italian Social Republic, maintained the right of declaring, within one year from the effective date of the said Order, such acts and provisions or any of them as having no legal effect; and WHEREAS it is now considered advisable to declare the legal inefficacy of the approval („visto") given by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the above Government of the Italian Social Republic to the decision taken by the President of the „Consorzio per la Bonifica dell’Istria“ on 13 January ig44 and concerning an amendment to the service regulations for the personnel of the said „Consorzio“ ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, JAMES J. CARNES, Colonel, Infantry, Senior Civil Affairs Officer, hereby ORDER: 1. — The approval („visto“) given by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the so-called Government of the Italian Social Republic to the decision taken by the President of the „Consorzio per la Bonifica dell’Istria“ on 13 January 1944 and concerning an amendment to the service regulations for the personnel of the said „Consorzio“, is hereby declared to have no legal effect. 2. — This Order shall take effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated at Trieste, this 31st July 1947. JAMES J. CARNES Colonel, Infantry Senior Civil Affairs Officer 792 A.M.G. Gazette - Vol. II, No. 24 - 11 August 194J PART TRIESTE AREA COMPULSORY PILOTAGE IN THE PORTS OF TRIESTE AND MONFALCONE AMENDMENTS WHEREAS it is considered necessary that the rates shown in Schedule II of Area Order I I Area Order No. 56 (47A) COMPULSORY PILOTAGE IN THE PORTS OF TRIESTE AND MONFALCONE AMENDMENTS WHEREAS it is considered necessary that the rates shown in Schedule II of Area Order No. 4J, dated 14 September 1946, be expressed in Italian Lire, NOW THEREFORE, I, A. H. GARDNER, Lt. Col. R. A., Area Commissioner, Trieste, ORDER: 1. — Schedule II of Area Order No. 47, dated 14 Sept. 1946 is hereby cancelled and substituted as follows : SCHEDULE II — PILOTAGE TARIFFS : for the ports of Trieste and Monfalcone to be applied on and after 1 July 1947 as established by the Chairman, Port Control Committee, Trieste : A) PILOTAGE IN up to 1000 G. R. T................................... Lit. 2.000.— from 1001, to 2500 .................................. „ 5.000.— from 2501 to 6000 G. R. T............................■■. „ 6.000.— from 6001 to 10000 G. R. T........................... „ 8.000,— over 10000 G. R. T........................................ 10.000.— B) PILOTAGE OUT up to 1000 G. R. T................................... „ 2.000,— from 1001 to 2500 G.' R. T............................ „ 5.000,— from 2501 to 6000 ..................................... „ 6.000,— from 6001 to 10000 G. R. T............................. „ 8.000,— C) SHIFTING IN THE PORT up to 1000 G. R. T................................... „ 1.000,— from 1001 to 2500 G. R. T............................ „ 3.000 — from 2501 to 6000 G. R. T................................. 4.000.— from 6001 to 10000 G. R. T..........._............... „ 5.000.— from 10000 up.......................................... „ 8.000.— A.M.G. Gazette - Vol. II, No. 24 - 11 August IÇ47 793 D) ANCHORAGE ON THE ROADSTEADS a) Anchorage on the outern Roadsteads fixed rate Lit. 2.000.— b) Anchorage on the inner Roadsteads to be considered as pilotage in, for ships on arrival c) Anchorage on the inner Roadsteads from ships from the berths, to be considered as a shifting d) Sailing from the inner Roadsteads to be considered as pilotage out E) H. M. S. For all H. M. S. : fixed charge of Lit. 2000.— for all services (pilotage in, out and shifting) F) OVERTIME AND HOLIDAYS Pilotage in overtime and on Sundays and Holidays 50%, increase on the fee** shown in para A, B, C, D, E. Time after 1700 and before 0700 shall be counted overtime. Holidays are : January 1st Easter Monday, May 1st, November 3rd and December 25 th. G) COMPASS ADJUSTMENT AND TRIALS For detention of a pilot on board for assistance during compass, adjustment or trials, a fixed renumeration of Lit. 4000.— is to be paid. H) DETENTION OF THE PILOT ON BOARD For detention of the pilot on board more than 2 hours, a remuneration of Lit. 500.— each hour is herein fixed starting from the first hour. I) CANCELLATION OP ORDERED MOVEMENTS For cancellation of the ordered movement, when pilot has already been on board, 50% of the applicable fee is to be charged. L) PASSENGER SHIPS For passenger ships increase of 50% on the applicable tariffs. All above mentioned rates, as modified herein are to be paid with effect as from 1 July 1947. 2. — This Order shall enter into effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated in Trieste, this 26 of July 1947. A. H. GARDNER Lt. Col. R. A. Area Commissioner, Trieste 794 A.M.G. Gazette - Vol. II, No. 24 - 11 August 1947 Area Administrative Order No. 83 DISCHARGE OF MEMBERS OF EPURATION COMMISSION OF THE PROFESSIONS AND ARTS — TRIESTE WHEREAS by Area Order No. 14 and Area Administrative Order No. 33, certain persons including those after mentioned were appointed members of the Epuration Commission of First Instance for Professions and Arts for Trieste, and WHEREAS this Commission has now terminated its work and it is desirable that those members no longer required be discharged from their offices, NOW, THEREFORE, I, A. H. GARDNER, Lt. Col. R. A. Area Commissioner, Trieste do hereby ORDER: ARTICLE I The following persons are hereby discharged, from the Offices held by them with the Epuration Commission of Professions and Arts, Trieste, Avv. BRAUN ERNESTO — Via Beccaria 6 - Trieste Dr. PINCHERLE BRUNO — Galleria Protti 3 - Trieste Dr. FURIAN EGONE — Via Donota 2 - Trieste Ing. MATTEO EULAMBIO — Via S. Giorgio — Trieste Dated in Trieste this 28 day of July 1947 A. H. GARDNER Lt. Col. R. A. Area Commissioner. Trieste Area Administrative Order No. 84 DISCHARGE OF MEMBERS OF EPURATION COMMISSION OF FIRST INSTANCE, TRIESTE WHEREAS by Area Notice N. I, Area Adm. Order N. io, Area Administrative Order N. 28, Area. Administrative Order N. 42, Area Administrative Order N. 44 and Area Administrative Order N. 49, certain persons, including those after mentioned, were appointed members of the Epuration Commission of First Instance for Trieste, established by General Order N. 7, 7 a and 8, and WHEREAS the Commissions have now termined their work and it is desirable that those members no longer required be discharged from their offices, NOW, THEREFORE, I, A. H. GARDNER, Lt. Col. R. A., Area Commissioner, Trieste, ORDER: ARTICLE I 4 m The following persons are hereby discharged from the offices held by them with the Epuration Commission of First Instance, Trieste : A.M.G. Gazette - Vol. II, No. 24 - 11 August 1947 795 1 - Sig. APOLLONIO GIOVANNI — Via Cosulich N. 116 - Monfalcone 2 - Sig. BLASIZZA TULLIO — Via Commerciale 88 - Trieste 3 - Sig. CASTELPIETRA GIULIO — Via Carpaccio, 16 - Trieste 4 - Sig. EAELLI LUIGI — Via D’Alviano 86 - Trieste 5 - Sig. MARI MARIO — Via Alfieri 12 - Trieste 6 - Dr. NEDOCH ADELMO — Via Rugg. Manna 18 - Trieste 7 - Sig. NEDOCLAN-'GINO — Via C. Battisti 41 - Muggia 8 - Prof. PAOLETTI ATTILIO — Viale XX Settembre 80 - Trieste 9 - Sig. PITTONI GASTONE — Via Pietà 35 - Trieste 10 - Sig. PODRECCA EMILIO — Via Romagna 22 - Trieste 11 - Prof. POLACCO ARNALDO — Via C. Battisti 24 - Trieste 12 - Sig. SIRZA GIORDANO — Via Tartini 12 - Trieste 13 - Avv. GABRIELLI AUGUSTO — Via Scorcola 6 - Trieste 14 - Aw. COSULIGH GIUSEPPE — Via Giulia 31 - Trieste 15 - Dr. MILLOK VALENTINO — Uff. Contratti - Municipio - Trieste 16 - Sig. EDER OLIMPIO — Via Donadoni 6 - Trieste 17 - Aw. LOVISATO ARMANDO — Via Carducci 35 - Trieste 18 - Aw. VERRI Lucianp — Via Giulia 22 - Trieste 19 - Aw. JERICH MASSIMILIANO — Via Roma 13 - Trieste Dated in Trieste, this 28 day of July 1947 A. H. GARDNER Lt. Col. R. A. Area Commissioner, Trieste Area Administrative Order No. 86 APPOINTMENT OF COMMUNAL COUNCIL FOR THE COMMUNE OF SGON1CO I, A. H. GARDNER, Lt. Col.. Area Commissioner, Trieste, pursuant to the powers given to me by Sect, y, General Order N. n, dated August nth, 1945 ORDER: 1. — The following appointments to the administration of the local Government for the Commute of SGONICO : President of the Council: GRUDEN GIOVANNI Members of the communal : MILIC ANTONIO Council : BRISCAK ANTONIO MILIC JO SIP CERNJAVA FRANC Deputy Members: MILIC ALOJS DOLJAK HENRIK 2. — This Order shall enter into effect on the date it is signed by me. Dated in Trieste, this 1 Day of August 1947 . % A. H. GARDNER Lt. Col. R. A. Aera Commissioner, Trieste 796 A.M.G. Gazette - Vol. II, No. 24 - 11 August I94y GORIZIA AREA Area Order No. 142 (69 B) APPOINTMENT OF A MEMBER TO THE SUB-PRICE FIXING COMISSION WHEREAS the Sub-price Fixing Commission for Gorizia Area was constituted by Area Order N. 6g dated 13th March zg46, WHEREAS a vacancy now exists by reason of the death of Bar. Antonio Locatelli, member of the said Commission, NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRED 0. MAVIS, Lt. Col. Inf., Area Commissioner for Gorizia Area, by virtue of the power vested in me by General Order N. 26, Art. IV, Section 2, Para B, hereby ORDER: That the vacancy hereinbefore mentioned be fulfilled by Dr. Antonio JURETIC. This Order of appointment shall become effective on the date that it is signed by me. \ Dated at Gorizia, this 22nd day of July 1947. FRED 0. MAVIS Lt. Col. Inf. Area Commissioner Corizia Area A.M.G. Gazette - Vol. II, No. 24 - iz August IÇ47 797 VOLUME II GAZETTE No. 24 ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT CONTENTS PART J HEADQUARTERS, TRIESTE General Order Page No. 115 (111 B) Provisions relating to collection of cereals . 783 Order No. 398 Special procedure facilitating the filing of documents with public offices................................................ 784 No. 409 (190 B) Fiscal provisions on Government concessions............... 785 No. 421 (183 A) Establishment of summer courses ......................... 785 No. 422 Establishing of teachers training courses at Trieste and Gorizia.. 786 No. 427 Authority to the „Sezione Autonoma di Credito Fondiario della Cassa di Risparmio“ to issue mortgage debentures.. 787 No. 431 (201 .A) Provisions relating to the hunting season of 1947-1948.. 788 No. 432 ( 325 B) Family allowances payable in Commerce, Professions and Arts 789 No. 437 Military payment cerfiticates 1.................................... 791 Administrative Order No. 135 Temporary promotion of officials of „ Sovraintendenza delle scuole“ of Trieste ............................................. 792 No. 136 Declaration of legal inefficacy of a provision of the so-called Italian social republic ................................................ 792 798 PART 11 TRIESTE AREA Area Order Page No. 56 (47 A) Compulsory pilotage in the ports of Trieste and Monfalcone- Amendments ......................................... 793 Area Administrative Order No. 83 Discharge of members of Epuration Commission of the Professions and Arts — Trieste ......................... 795 No. 84 Discharge of members of Epuration Commission of First Instance — Trieste .......................................... 795 No. 86 Appointment of Communal Council for the Commune of Sgonico 796 GORIZIA AREA Area Order No. 142 (69 B) Appointment of a member to the sub-price fixing Commission ......................................................... 797 799