ACCELERATED RELIABILITY TESTS OF LEAD - FREE SOLDERED JOINTS Zdzislaw Drozd, Jaroslaw Bronowski, Jarosiaw Drozd, Marcin Szwech Warsaw University of Teclinology, Institute of Precision and Biomedical Engineering, Division of Precision and Electronic Product Technology, Warsaw, Poland INVITED PAPER MIDEM 2005 CONFERENCE 14.09.2005- 16.09.20045, Bled, Slovenia Key words: reliability tests, accelerated tests, tests of lead-free soldered joints, mechanical stiear strength, fatigue strength Abstract: Important condition for implementation of lead - free technology, according to the RoHS directive of European Community, is the warranty of good quality and reliability of electrical joints executed in new, environment - friendly technology Especially for small electronic enterprises it is difficult to prove that the product reliability is not lower than before the change. One of the solutions is application of appropriate accelerated test methods. Typical tests applied in Warsaw University of Technology for reliability assessment of solder joints are investigations of mechanical shearing strength at appropriate temperature and fatigue strength in cycling processes. For investigation of fatigue strength are applied different accelerating factors (temperature changes and thermal shocks, cycling of electrical charge and mechanical cycling). The principles and discussion of appropriate test methods are presented.. Some preliminary results show that mechanical fatigue tests may be used for accelerated comparative reliability investigations for certain classes of electronic products. Pospešeni testi zanesljivosti spajkanih stikov brez svinca Kjučne besede: testi zanesljivosti, pospešeni testi, testi stil jaws t 1 PC - Controller Samples i t Moment sensor Stepping motor —► jaws Figure 9: scheme of mechanicai test stand General view of laboratory stand for mechanical fatigue tests is shown on the fig.8. Block scheme is shown on fig.9. The stand consist of bending jaws, two servomotors, and motor controller. The main parameters of mechanical cycling: bending velocity, time intervals ti, t2,t3,t4, bending angle a and bending moment M (fig.10) are controlled by PC. I mm Figuren: Number of cycles N to failure as a function of bending radius r (preliminary data for PbSn soldered 1206 resistor) Preliminary tests, performed for SnPb eutectic solder, showed that mechanical bending cycling has in relation to thermal cycling following advantages: uniform charge of all components on the test board, large range of acceleration factor can be achieved by appropriate choice of the bending radius (fig.11), verification of materials and manufacturing process parameters relative test results can be achieved in short time, good accessibility of tested joints for verification and measurements (fig.12), low cost of testing equipment and necessary energy environmental compatibility iiili^sisii BiBP^illllil Bi^SBPiii M M„ _^ t2 t3 T M M„ Figure 10: fvlechanical testing schedule; a)one - side, b) two - side flexion s® '; i s Si Figure 12: PCB sample fixed in the jaws 4. Required functions and failure criteria Choice of required functions and parameters is very important for determining of the failure criteria and failure definition. In certain solutions the interconnections can be evaluated visually during the test, however precise definition of such failures and their detection during the tests is problematic. Application of electrical parameters (resistance, impedance, noise) as the failure criteria is more objective. The most important parameter is the value and stability of electrical conductance of all soldered joints. Good criterion is the stability of electrical resistance. During the tests performed in Warsaw/ University of Technology the resistance changes more than 10 moms were defined as failures /1 /. The resistance increase 20% was also admitted as failure definition in IPC-9701. 5. Failures data collection and analysis Failures of occurred during thermal shock and mechanical cycling are shown on fig.13a and 13b. By mechanical cycling smaller number of cycles is necessary. a) b) Figure 13: Failures of soider joints; a)after 2000 thermal shocks, bjafter 100 mechanical cycles Dependent of the results of the tests the failures data can be expressed in following forms- Absence or presence of failures Time to first failure Number of failures as time function Cumulative distribution function F(t) True reliability R(t) = 1 - F(t) Density function Mean time to failure (F^TTF) Failure rate X Graphical presentation Confidence intervals Statistical distribution (exponential, Weibull,..) Some examples are shown on figures 14, 15 and 16. 500 1000 cycles 2000 Figure 14: Numberof failures m after thermal cycling of soldered joints for 400 joints cycle ^ 7,5 lO'*" 5 2,5 1=1 11 - 1 - solder 1 - - J- ■ -------J------ 1 ~ solder r ^ -T -1-1-, 500 1000 cycles 2000 Figure 15: Failure rate X calculated for the test sample 400 joints c (D u 0) Cl (D > =3 E ri