3 50th Documenta Praehistorica: a few notes On the occasion of the publication of the fiftieth volume of the journal, it is a privilege to contemplate its development. Three events have been of decisive importance over the de- cades. The first was the founding of the journal by Professor Josip Korošec. The second event was a system of stable funding introduced by Professor Tatjana Bregant, who became editor of the journal after Professor Korošec's passing. The third represents the editorial concept, with which the journal was embedded in an international scientific research environment, and the programme, in which the journal presents and discusses interdisciplinary research approaches and relevant explanations of prehistory worldwide. The journal was first published in 1964. The first two volumes were published by the Depart- ment of Archaeology of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana. The first editor was Professor Josip Korošec. The journal focused on presenting the results of the first five-year research programme of the Department of Archaeology on the Neolithic and Eneolithic sites in Ljubljana marshes. It was no coincidence that the journal was titled Report on Neolithic and Eneolithic Research. A new editor, Professor Tatjana Bregant, added the subtitle Cul- ture of the Ljubljana Marshes to the third volume. With the new excavations and research, the content expanded and the editors changed the subtitle of the fourth volume and the title of the fifth volume again. The journal thus became Report on Palaeolithic, Neolithic and Eneolithic Research in Slovenia (1976) with the subtitle Pre-Metal Cultures in Slovenia. Under this title the journal published for the first time interdisciplinary palaeoenviromental studies and modern 14C calendar chronologies. The 22nd volume was published bilingually in 1995 with the subtitle Neolithic Studies until 2017. Professor Mihael Budja became the editor and connected the journal with the Neo- lithic Seminars, international scientific conferences organized annually at the Department of Archaeology. Selected papers were published in the journal in Slovenian and English. The journal thus transcended the national framework and became part of the international scientific milieu. With the 25th volume in 1998, the journal was renamed Documenta Prae- historica and printed only in English with Slovenian abstracts. It was co-financed by the Ministry of Culture (until 2001) and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia, and edited and published by the Department of Archaeology and the Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts (i.e. Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete), and in recent years by Ljubljana University Press. It is a Diamond Open Access journal, publishing one volume per year. The journal maintains presentations, discussions and analyses of modern interdisciplinary approaches focusing on paleoclimate dynamics, archaeogenetics, paleo- demography, archaeometry, biochemistry, 14C modelling, social and cultural processes in prehistory. Mihael Budja