ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 7-8 JULY-AUGUST, 1974 VOLUME XLVI THE POLKA MASS GAINS POPULARITY Fr. Frank Perkovich, the Choraleers and Joe Cvek Orchestra have had amazing response and enthusiasm shown to their Polka Mass presentation. It is something that blends Slovenian folksongs with liturgical praying. The Group hopes to tour the US later this year ZARJA - THE DAWN No. 7-8 JULY-AUGUST VOL. XLVI Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske ženske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. 'Mutual Subscription $5.00 — naročnina $5.00 letno Fcr Social members, $4.00 — za družabne članice $4.00 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. All communication6 for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do 1. v mesecu. F.ditorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, HI. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 ON THE COVER: This month, we bring you news of an inovative and daring new idea in liturgical music, a POLKA MASS that has been called a real "people to people” experience. Fr. Frank Perkovich will bring his friends to the midwest this month and we hope to have a POLKA MASS at ths Pilgrimage and Outing in Lemont, July 21st. On this photo taken in Resurrection Church where Fr. Perkovich is the pastor, we see the Joe Cvek orchestra and Singers of the Men’s Choraleers group. They are also hard at work promoting a recording of the POLKA MASS which is now available, proceeds of which will go to charity. We heartily recommend it. See page 16 for details. Here's what Fr. Perkovich says about the POLKA MASS: Th'3 POLKA MASS consists of the same basic worship service celebrated in the Roman Catholic tradition but utilizing a unique mode of music. Folk music, cher-isned by generations of Slovenian and Croatian people, has been specially arranged and adapted with hymn lyrics in English. These old ethnic melodies are presented in the pc!ka and waltz stylings of JOE CVEK and his orchestra and are sung in reverence by the congregation and the Choraleers. The result is a joyous, inspiring worship service with the most unusual music and orchestration presented in a manner of dignity which enhances the solemnity of the Mass. A collection of songs and nymns from the polka masses celebrated by FATHER FRANK PERKOVICH, Pastor of the Resurrection Church at Eveieth, Minnesota, has been recorded and is now on the market. The first polka mass was initiated by Father George Belasko in Lowellville, Ohio with Bob Timko orchestra in 1972. The first polka Mass in Minnesota and the second in the United States was held by FATHER FRANK PERKOVICH at the Resurrection Church >n Eveieth, Minnesota on May 5, 1973. The enthusiastic response of the parishioners and friends has been overwhelming and this record album is the result of their numerous requests. Some of the songs used are, češeana si Marija, Pod mojem okencem, Adio pa zdrava ostani, etc., Combined with English church words and lyncs we have a most beautiful result. The group plans to be in the Coicago area on the 20th and 21st of J'uly. July 20th. 6:15 p.m. Mass at St. Joseph’s church, Joliet, III. Br. 20, will sponsor a dance at St. Joe’s Park hall that evening. A tour has already been arranged for 1975 (summer) to Slovenia with a few Polka Masses scheduled in Ljubljana. Slovenia Is Beautiful In Summer MEMBERS JOIN OUR DEPARTURE AND SAVE FROM $300.00 TO $500.00 | Nc ctianging of planes — fly direct from Chicago, Cleveland and Pittsburgh to Ljubljana Brnik airport. FROM CLEVELAND: July 1 to July 23 July 3 to Sept. 5 July 4 to Aug. 2 July 15 to Aug. 4 July 20 to Aug. 10 Aug. 6 to Sept. 3 Sept. 4 to Sept. 27 FROM CHICAGO: July 1 to July 24 Aug. 6 to Sept. 3 Sept. 4 to Sept. 27 Oct. 10 to Oct. 25 FROM PITTSBURGH: July 21 to Aug. 4 July 20 to Aug. 8 Also weekly departures from Detroit-Bel-grade connecting to Ljubljana. Excellent car rental service; European, Adriatic, Slovenia tours available for all departures. CALL FOR YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW: KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL, INC. Foe Cleveland and East: 589 East 185th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44119 — Tel. 692-2225 (area code 216) For Chicago and Midwest: Mrs. Corinne Leskovar 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 — Tel. 847-6679 (area code 312) i i ; Come to Lemont for Zveza Day! : SUNDAY, JULY 21 st. CHICAGO ST. MARY'S Br. 2, Chicago, III., hostesses for the annual PILGRIMAGE & OUTING known as ZVEZA DAY IN LEMONT, cordially invite you to attend on the Sunday of July 21st, 1974! Sunday morning we will meet for breakfast at 9:00 a.m. and have a chance to visit. This will be held at the Mt. Assisi High School cafeteria, next to the Slovenian Franciscan Fathers' Shrine and Retreat House. With us will be our beloved Founder, Marie Frisiand, National President, Mary Bostian, Secretary, Fanika Humar, Treasurer, Olga Ancel, Ohio State President Sophie Magayna, Honorary State President, Anna Pachak Secretary of Scholarship Fund, Hermine Dicke, Editor, Corinne Leskovar and many branch officers and mem- ; > bers. We shall meet for an open discussion — an informal conference. Mass will take place at 11:30 a.m. at the Grotto of Our Lady. Afterward, dinner will be available by reser- vation at the Retreat House. POTICAS — POTI CAS — POTICAS The ladies of Br. 2 will have loads of freshly baked Slovenian Poticas ready for you to eat there or take home. They have prepared also a delicious picnic ’ menu of Slovenian klobase, beef sandwiches and 1 other goodies that will be available all day on the > picnic grounds. « On the photo are a few of the Br. 2 members who worked to bake 58 Poticas for ZVEZA DAY. Head baker was Frances Zibert, seen at the right and 1 among her co-workers were, left to right: Mimi > Leskovar, Mary Jagar, Frances Kozel and Fanika . Humar, (rear) who oversaw the project. > There will be many delights during the day. Music, entertainment and games will give you a joliy feeling. Afternoon highlight will be the Vesper Service at t'ie Grotto at 2:30 p.m. followed by the culmination of ’ our latest SWU project to take place at the pavillion. SATURDAY, JULY 2Gth A most beautiful and inspiring Candlelight Procession to the Grotto from Baraga Retreat House will take place at dusk on Saturday evening. The Singing Litany with all the favorite Slovenian Marian Hymns will be sung by the participants. If you are in the vicinity of Lemont cn lhat evening, you are most welcome to attend this traditional part of the weekend S.W.U. Pilgrimage. Lemont, III. is easy to reach from the Illinois expressway system. We are happy to know that our members will be coming from all our neighboring states and as far away as Colorado, Minnesota and Ohio. So, spend the day with us at St. Mary's, j 1400 Main St., Lemont, III. Call Fr. Daniel for re- ] joliet servations: (Area 312) 257-5102 or the Home Office 1in Chicago, (Area 312) 247-2014. »&». .W*i. Th is is how they marched down St. Clair Avenue Members of the Marie Prisland Cadets, donned in their new uniforms and flags flying, made a sprightly appearance at the parade in Cleveland, Ohio May 19th. Many more paradet are in their future as they represent Zveza in a most attractive way! Present A tfleAAage Compliments to our Editor for having artist Emilija Razman-Bucik do such a fine job cn the sketch for the cover of our May issue. I just loved it and it certainly did biing out the whole cycle of a woman’s life. I’m going to frame mine. We must recognize the necessity of continuously emphasizing the need for getting new members. Wcnder what it wrong — why can’t we encourage young ladies to join our organization? As the Editor pointed out in the May Zarja, we have so much to offer our branches thru our Zarja. It inspires us and uplifts our spirits by reading how our members are doing things in other parts of the States. We are promoting cultural life of our members and their offspring. We are promoting their recreation. Today, great interest is being displayed in our schools to study and learn the language of our ancestors. In a course just concluded at Cleveland State University, students were asked to go into their communities and collect Cleveland folklore. Some used their parents and relatives as sources for this information. "It’s really something,” one girl commented at the end of t e project, "in a couple of hours, I learned more about rr.w parents than I had in 18 years!” Maybe to gain an interest for our young, we, too, should have a course asking “Why should you be a memBer of S.W.U.” It might work., Let’s try. Have something interesting to promote. Invite prospective members and explain all the benefits they can receive belonging to S.W.U. It could increase our membership. Do it now. "Round Out” the total of members in your state! Report of the Minnesota State President, Angeline Karish was especially good and thank you, Angeline, for the compliments extended to me. Thanks to Br. 96 for extending the same. I am always willing and ready to help all the officers and members. I hope you read the Capsules Special Feature on our State Presidents, Ann Trontel, Sophie Magayna, Ann L.ustig, Rose Kraemer, Rose Scoff, Angelina Karish, and Olga Mesojedec. It’s good to know more about our officers. Thank you, Hermine, for the instructions on how to make a nylon stocking stuffed Quilt. The instructions are easy to follow. This is a good project for members to do after each meeting. Make squares for a quilt to be used as a prize later on. I just marvel at all the good deeds our branches, such as No. 73 and No. 101 are doing as charity work. We should all follow their example. I feel proud to realize that we have so many wonderful and active members who were chosen as Mothers and Members of the Year. Almost every branch had a party of some sort to honor their chosen members. Br. 21 invited Ohio State Pres., Sophie Magayna and your truly to their Mother’s Day affair and the evening was enjoyed by aii. Pres. Rose Kosko was the chosen Mother. An "Orchid of the Month” to Ann Hočevar, Pres., of Br. 50 who had her dream come true. It was her ardent wish to renew interest in the Marie Prisland Cadets, to get them new uniforms so that Br. 50 would represent our SWU on all occasions. Cogratulations to 'Lil Putzell, Director of Women's Activities on the Midwest Bowling Tournament success — this being her first since being appointed as Director. May 17 thru 19, were busy days for the Slovenian Community on St. Clair Ave. for thousands of people said "Happy Birthday” to the Slovenian National Home. ‘‘We don’t pay tribute to mortar and stone, but to a Great Slovenian Heritage!” These were the words of the former Senator of Ohio, Frank J. Lausche, who keynoted the S.N.D.’s 50th Anniversary celebration that concluded with a big parade and cultural program. Thousands lined up and down So. Clair Ave. from East 38th to the S..N.D. at 6417 St. Clair Ave. to cheer the parade marchers and participants. In this parade, I am proud to say that the S.W.U. was well represented. We participated in three units, the marchers were Marie Prisland Cadets of Br. 50 and the Baton Twirling Group were our junior members from the Combined Cleveland Branches directed by Patty Graben and Sue Urankar, and in the charge of Antoinette Zabukovec. Third was the Dawn Choral Group who sang at the program. Honorable Mention Award was presented to the Twirlettes and Ohio State Pres., Sophie Magayna and yours truly had the honor of being seated in the Grandstand along with other dignitaries. As this article is for July and August, may I wish you all a very good summer and to all our birthday celebrants, a Happy Birthday. And to our sick members, all our best wishes that you will get better soon. Have a pleasant summer. MARY BOSTIAN J"Jlianh you.. A most hearty “THANK YOU” to all who have remembered my birthday in such a grand and sincere way. Your warm words touched me deeply. It's not important who has organized Zveza, important is that the organization survived and is growing and that is YOUR CREDIT, dear officers and members. So, please keep on! May I accept as a birthday gift the 28 new members enrolled in the Cleveland Branch No. 50 and may I ask for more such gifts? How deeply that will be appreciated! I love you! MARIE I’RISIjAND ACTIVITIES No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. A report was g'/en at the May meeting on the successful bake sale. The Committee thanks all the ladies for their generous response in bringing bakery or money donations. To the St. Cyr;l and Methodius Church a sum was donated towards the decorating fund. Discussions were held for the annual card party to be held September 11th. After the brief meeting president Olga Saye opened the program. A lovely recitation was given by Mary Jo Grabner from the junior department to all mothers and grandmothers. The president introduced our Mother of the Year, Dorothy Bre-zonik, and presented her with a spray of red carnations. There were musical accordian selections by Olga Saye’s pupils (including Mr. Ferdinand Ferenz) ind voca! by Valentino Conto. Our branch Folk Singers in Slovenian costume rang several beautiful songs. A buffet lu'ich was served by the kitchen committee following the program. Our deep -sympathy to the Joe Tevesh family iiDon less of dear wife and mother. Please contact me if your policy concerning beneficiaries needs to be changed. Congratulations and best wishes to my daughter Margie who graduated from Kenosha Technical Institute and will go into court-reporting. In conclusion have a pleasant summer and hope to see many of you at the September 15th meeting and bring a prosepctive member if possible. MARGARET FISCHER, Secy. No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. We are over the busy springtime when we had lots of branch activities and now busily into our summer program which focuses on the big Zveza Day in Lemont, July 21st. It’s a most happy feeling to know there will be another grand time in store for us, with a beautiful mass, the gathering of so many friends and sisters of the S.W.U. from all over the U.S. This mass usually brings out many hundreds of local people and this year, we will have the added numbers of our guests from Minnesota, also members from Colorado headed by Honorary State President, Anna Pachak. From Cleveland, we expect the wonderful numbers of members led by National President Mary Bostian. Our good friends in Milwaukee will come again to visit us according to Marie Floryan, Vice President and Indianapolis members have already reserved their rooms for the weekend in Lemont. Housing will also be provided by the Sisters, so you see, dear members, we will have a large and happy group of members of Slovenian Women's Union from all over the U. S. We want our own members of Br. 2 now to come out in good numbers to Lemont and spend the day. All the preparations needed for the picnic and entertainment will involve many members and we are asking kindly for your donations of baked goods and prizes. It’s time to really get busy and help out! The kitchen will need several "shifts” of workers to take care of our day's business. Please don’t wait for us to ask, but do volunteer your services and help. We know you will be most co-operative and we thank you in advance.. A most pleasant observance of Mother’s Day was held in May that seemed to be enjoyed by all present for our evening mass and party. Mother of the Year, Lil Putzell, was our honored guest and a happy lady she was with her daughters, Carol and Marilyn, son Tommy, mother, Mrs. Julia Pavlin, sister, Helen Smu-da and other relatives and neighbors in attendance. Everyone enjoyed listening to the lovely singing of Dawn Cherway who sang a selection of songs about LOVE .ind accompanied herself on the guitar. This program plus the indulgence of good sweets made the party complete. We also thank Fr. Fortunat OFM of Lemont for coming to St. Stephen's to conduct the Slovenian vernacular mass and Singing Litany of the Blessed Virgin. At the organ was Prof. Alfred Fischinger for the mass hymn singing and before mass we had an organ concert in church by Patty Zu-bek, young pupil of Mr. Fischinger's and our member. We were especially happy because so many of our young people attended that evening making us all feel younger than springtime! Our deepest symathy to our fine member, Amelia Russell whose husband passed away in Washington where he was employed. Amelia and her mother, Luba Troha, our Sgt.-at-Arms are always on hand to help us at Lemont. And, we extend our get well wishes to Luoa who underwent surgery and couldn’t be present at the May festivities. CORINNE LESKOVAR. No. 3, PUEBLO, COLO Our May 2nd meeting was held at the usual place, St. Mary’s Church Hall. It will be the last meeting until Sept. More plans were discussed for the convention to be held Aug 25th at Minnequa University Club. Helen Micklich was ejected delegate and Josephine Reems will be alternate. The ladies of Br. 3 were asked to donate items to be sold at the Convention. A card with a donation was received from Anna Pachak. Our Mother of the Year, Mary Guzzol was given a gift. Refreshments were served and enjoyed by at'. Mrs. Fay Pa-pish entertained the group with piano selections. Thank you, Fay! Mary Di Nico donated a German chocolate cake which was given away Mary is always doing something nice for our branch. Thanks, Mary. Our sympathy and prayers to the families of our deceased. Edith Moody and Ann Burnes passed way. Eternal rest grant unto them, o Lord. Happy summer vocation to all. ROSE MARY KLUNE, Reporter, 1974 Slovenian Women's Union Scholarship Winners The Slovenian Women's Union eagerly announces its 1974 scholarship winners wno will each receive me recipients are; 1. Miss Miriam Noeile Leskovar, aaughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Ludwig A. Leskovar of 2032 Lermak Road; Chicagu, Illinois. Mimi is a member of branch Wo. 2 and will attend the University of Illinois majoring in law. She ranks fws> in her class at Nazareth Academy in LaGrange Park, lil Sne was editor Oi her school news magazine, is a member of the National Honor Society. 2. Miss Martha M. Kregar, aaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irrank Kregar or 1575 Norwood Ave., Girard, unio. A member of Branch No. S4, Martha win be attending Youngstown suite university to study in the or special education and elementary teaching. She is a member of the Outstanding American High School Stuoems Society and of the Who's Who in American High School Students. '6. Misj Margaret Louise Hodnik, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hodnik, lives at 706 Summit St., Aurora, Minn. She is a member of Branch No. 35 and pians to s-udy law or jou/nansm at Macalester College in St. Paui, Minnesota. Margaret was highly recommended for a. scholarship by her school counselor. 4. Miss Patricia Alice Graben, daughter of Mrs. Alice Graben and the late Mr. Graben of 20301 Lindbergh Ave., Euclid, Ohio. Pat is a member of Branch No. 32 and will attend Bowling Green State University to enroll in the Secretarial Administration course to enter the field of business. Pat has been an excellent student in Euclid High School. Three of the students are life—time members while one has been a member since 1966. For scholarship elegibility all students must now be members for at least three years. Congratulations! Mimi, Martha, Margaret and Pat. We wish you continued academic achievement and success in your chosen careers. Sincerely, -V|I» n.-HI HI I|. n. ||. ■ No. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Congratulations to Wilma and Rudy Krall on their 25th Wedding anniversary. Sons Gary and Dennis planned a suprise party for their parents and all the relatives were invited. We sincerely wish Wilma and Rudy many more healthy years of married life. Wilma was also selected to be our Mother of the Year at Br. 10 and at the meeting, our president Ann Markovič presented her a beautiful corsage. Pearl Mooney donated a corsage lo all the ladies who came to the meeting and we really looked all dressed up as we celebrated Mother's Day together. A Holy Mass was to bs said for all our living mothers sometime in June at St. Mary’s Church on Holmes Ave. In May we had a wonderful month of celebrations and it really made me feel good. So, those of you who don't attend our meetings, you missed something. The Slovenian Home on St. Clair Ave. celebrated their 50th anniversary. What a beautiful parade they had. And, the Slovenian Women’s Union was well represented. The Dawn Cho- Mrs. HERMINE DICKE, Sec. Scholarship Committee, S.W.U. ral Group sang on the program. Br. 50 in their new cadet uniforms did a wonderful job in the parade — they surely looked nice. Best of all were the baton twirlers. Tony Zabukovec instructor. They marched so well and performed their act while marching and believe it or not, they came in second place and received a $25 prize! Congratulations to all the cadets. The Slovenian people really came thru for the big event. We would like to express our deepest sympathies to my sister, Albina Zimmerman on the loss of her husband, Otto. They had 37 years together but God called Otto to His home and relieved him of this pain. May he rest in peace and the eternal light shine on him. Ladies, just a little reminder. Those of you who naven’t paid your dues yet for this year, please do so now. Half a year has gone by already. Just mail me your ifieck. To all sick and ailing members, a speedy recovery and May God bless you all. My very best wishes to all. SOPHIE MAGAYNA, Reporter. No. 1,2, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Our May meeting started on time with prayer as usual, and was very well attended with Rose Kraemer, the State President, as a guest. We needed information on the forthcoming State Convention at St. John’s Hall and Church Stjpt. 22nd, which Rose supplied us. The reports were ail well given. Card Party report was a wonderful one and results were most pleasing. Most of the Convention plans were finalized and in June we hoped to have it all completed. Tickets for the dinner at $5 can be bought from the various officers or me. If you care to donate anything for the program or a prize, they are always welcome as well as any help you may volunteer to give. We seem to have a very dedicated and loyal group who always help. God bless them. We had a very good lunch and the table looked more like a small banquet. We sang arid celebrated four of the members’ birthdays; the Misses Ahcin, Alpner, Bisjak and Kratchnik all donated the lunch in recognition of their birthdays. We even had wine! You folks who don’t attend are really missing something! The usual games were played and enjoyed by all. Let’s try to see more of you in attendance. We also need more new members. Now, again, I’m adding a personal note. I lost my youngest son, (18), the first Junior member whose policy I have ever had to turn in from branch. His death was a very tragic one and I find it difficult to write much about it. It’s God’s will, I know, and I cannot question it. I’m only grateful for all the loyalty of his many, many young f iends as well as the loyalty shown by the members as he truly had the largest representation at his funeral and this was very consoling to my aching heart. I thank God that he was able to have so wonderful a funeral and was buried through the church by Fr. Okorn who also baptized him. Father Goulet said the rosary and prayers the night before and also gave a very comforting talk for all his young friends as well as we who belong to the older generation. I wish to express my utmost "thank you” for all the flowers, masses and financial donations given by all. It helped so very much to make my sorrow easier to face and it made me proud to hear so much praise for the part i.he Slovenian Women’s Union took. It w.ns very much noticad and i m p r e ssive to the outsiders. Thank you all, verv, very much. MARY DEZMAN. • THE 4 MS • © The 4MS fire a peppy instrumental quartette consisting of the Rudy Maurin family — Rudy playing electric guitar, Janet, his wife, playing piano accordion, John, their 12 year old son, playing drums and Paul, theii 10 year old son is not only vocalist but also 15lays banjo. They are the only family band actively playing in the Sheboygan area. Their professional career began with their first appearance on the 45th Anniversary of Sheboygan’s Branch 1 Slovenian Womens Union celebration. Since then, the family has become a well known orchestra playing in a wide area of Southeastern Wisconsin. Their demand has put them on a very busy schedule. Rudy Maurin was born in Deskova vas, Stari trg ob Kolpi, Slovenia, Yugoslavia. Even during his teenage years, he organized his own orchestra in his hometown area as well as made musical instruments in Kočevja at The Artac Company. It was there he was taking his apprenticeship for furniture making. In 1956 he came to America. Janet, whoso hometown was Theresa, Wisconsin, followed in her father’s footsteps enjoying playing piano at the early age of 4 and later after taking piano accordion lessons joined her father’s band. When she got married she gave up playing temporarily to change her role to mother and homemaker. She is a member and presently auditor cf Sheboygan’s Branch 1 of S.W.U. The boys are also members of this Branch. Their older son, John, is a sixth grader at Sheboygan Falls Elementary School. He plays the drum. Paul is a 4th grader. He started to sing at an early age and through the years has aquired a varied library of song ranging from Slovenian and German to the Country Western and popular songs of today. The fami'y have just embarked on a recording venture recording their first record on the Blue Eagle Label. The Maurin’fc reside at Jared Van Treeck Trail, Route No. 3, Sheboygan Falls, V/isconsin. Our sincere felicitations! No. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Our May meeting was very well attended — 42 ladies — which was a wonderful turnout for our tribute to our Woman cf the Year — Mary Iskra. The meeting was quite short — mostly discussing the increase in dues and it was explained in detail by our Secretary, Vera Baiec & President, Pauline Krall. Our meeting onded with prayer and we then proceeded to have our party. Delicious hot fresh ham sandwiches were served, with baked beans, bean salad and cole slaw, topped off with a heaping plate of desserts — such as krofe, potica, cake etc. We wish to thank all ladies who brought these goodies for the party. Mrs. Mary Iskra surprised us by treating us to a special decorated cake for the occasion, which was baked by Frieda Miller's husband. Thank you to the kitchen committee for the great servings of the food. Our members Antonia Tanko and Ivana Stefančič passed away this month. Our deepest sympathies go to all the members cf their families and their friends. May God in his mercy and love grant them peace and eternal rest. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Jennie Lenarc;c who lost her husband and a son ;n the past few months and to Trances Mocnik whose husband passed away recently. May they rest in peace. Thank you to the ladies who donated to our 'aoodtime Fund: Mary Mramor, Jennie Lenarčič, Jennie Vidovič, Mary Koliat, Mary Gregorich, Mary Stražišar (Kewanee Ave.), Mary Paskovich, Molly Tomarik, Frances Cesen & Anna Bizjak. Donations to our Sunshine Fund was made by Mo’ly Tomarik, Mrs. Rose Rupert donated to our Treasury. Thank you again for your generosity. Congratulations are in order for our member, Anna Tomsic who cele-bated her 90th. Birthday on April 25th. Bog vas živi. To our shut-ins we extend best wishes. Drop them a card or now that the weather is nice go to see them, especially those in Nursing Homes. Best wishes for a Happy & Healthy Summer. ANTOINETTE ZABUKOVEC, Reporter. No. 16, SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. Our meeting in May was very well attended for our beautiful Mother of the Year celebration. President Jean Bukvich opened the meeting with a prayer then recited a special Marian prayer. Edna Winters, our 1973 Mother, crowned Mary Cholak, our new Mother of the Year. Marge Spretnjak was chosen to pin on her corsage and Sylvia Spretnjak presented her with a souvenir book. Gladys Buck carried a tiara of flowers to Mrs. Cholak who crowned the Blessed Virgin and led the procession of ladies who each offered a carnation to Mary. Pauline Klobučar presented a flower to Mary in behalf of all our deceased members. Marian hymns in English and Slovenian were sung to taped or- gan music played by Mary Rago. This little ceremony, planned by Edna Winters, is becoming a tradition at our May meeting. At the social hour, Marie Cieslik and Desa Pearce took charge of serving the refreshments which were brought by Dirtliday celebrants, Gladys Buck, Mary Btiblich, Helen Pas-tirik, Desa Pearce and Mary Soldo. Congratulations to Chris Krai and Mary Rago for their prize winning bowling at the tournament in Milwaukee in March. There will be no meeting in August. MARGE SPRETNJAK, Reporter. With this issue the Introduction of Zveia's national officers is complete. Father Okorn’s biography is published on page 18 in Slovenian. He is the spiritual advisor of our Union since 1958. His timely write ups in ZARJA illuminate the paper like stars in the firmament on a dark night. I hope that it was as interesting for you to read these biographies as it was for me to prepare them. I was impressed how our fine officers are also wonderful mothers who hava raised their children to take responsible positions in our American society. Marie Prisland: SpeelaC j eatuze Today, I am concentrating on t!ie last national officer — the Secretary of the scholarship crmmitttee and manager of the scholarship fund, my daughter, Hermine Prsland Dicke. Sinco 1963 she also edits the popular column, POTS AND PANS AND PASTIME in Zarja. Hermine was born in Sheboygan, graduated from St. Mary’s School of Nursing in Milwaukee and on August 24, 1940 married Dr. Robert J. Dicke, professor of Entomology at the University of Wisconsin. He spent three years as an officer in the United States Navy during World War II. The oldest of their four children, Robert Ted, is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin in electrical engineering. He served as a lieutenant in the Army and is row an assistant district supervisor for the Wisconsin Power and Light Co. in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. William John who attended Milton College is employed as a Pharmacist’s Assistant at the University of Wisconsin Hospital. Mary, an art major graduate from the Wisconsin University, currently lives in Snn Francisco while Kathy who loves to sing will graduate from the School of Music next semester at the University of Wisconsin where she is majoring in voice. Hermine loves organizational work and has served as president for several organizations: The Queen’s Guild (church); Madison Area Association for Retarded Children (city); Daughters of Demeter and Madison Friends of International Students (University of Wisconsin). In April she was awarded the 20 year pin for her services to the Black Hawk Council of Gir! Scou+s which included assistant trcop leader, finance committee member, day camp assistant, neighborhood chairman, the Council's cookie chairman for five years and a vice-president cf the Council in charge of community communications. POTS AND PANS AND PASTIME has been a challenging assignment for Hermine. She enjoys your cooperation and hopes you will continue to send hei your special recipes which makes the column unique. Alpha Gamma Dels Sorority. She will be doing her internship at Waukesha Memorial Hospital for Medical Technology. Best wishes and congratulations are extended to Marija Djukis and Val Stroj on their recent marriage. We wish you both rmny years of happiness. REMINDER: Wisconsin State Day Convention will be held on Sunday, September 22, 1973 at St. John the Evangelist Hall, So. 84th Str. & Cold Spring Road. The hostess branch will be Branch No. 12 — Milwaukee. A banquet dinner will be held and any member interested in attending the affair, please notify the secretary or president for leservations. To our members on the sick list, namely; Bernadette Iverson, Stefanie Hvala, Katherine Kokošin, and our No. 17, WEST ALLIS, WISC. Please remember that we will dispense with our monthly meeting during the months of June, July, and August. Our next meeting will be on September 15, 1974. Our meetings have been fairly well attended, and we enjoy seeing even more at them, so keep that date in mind. On Sunday, July 21, a bus has been chartered for Lemont, Illinois and any one interested in making her reservations for a clay of prayer and leisure, please contact either the secretary or president — 327-1444 or 327-3871, as there are only a few seats still available. Th's is a big day for the S.W.U. not on'y for members, but friends, relat'ves, and perhaps maybe a new acquaintance, which will be added onto the circle of friends. Some of our members are going to travel with the Silver Strings Tam-buritzas to Ljubljana this summer, namely: Marie Floryan, Lorraine Kluck, Margaret Mesich, Mary Bushnik, Rose Udovich and Marija and Val Stroj. Best wishes are extended to Nancy Sue Nimmer, daughter of Josephine Nimmer (our auditor) and granddaughter of Josephine Schlosar (organizer and Honorary President of our branch), who graduated from Carroll College with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Biology on Sunday, May 19, 1974. Nancy also was on the Dean List, belong to Beta Beta Beta, Biological Honorary Society, Scroll-Womens Honoring for Good Scholarship & Leadership, and belongs to Hermine Dicke AS THE SEASON EX IIS... shut-ins, namely: Anna Kegel, Mary Kastner, Mary Podlesnik, Antonia Ri-bich, Frances Imperl, and Agnes Matko, we send our best wishes for a speedy recovery. Now that the days are getting nice, if you have a chance drop in and pay them a visit, or drop them a card. I am sure it will brighten up the day for them. I hope you all have a safe and wonderful summer, and to those traveling, either abroad or here in our United States, enjoy yourselves. May God also travel alongside of you. MARION M. MAROLT. No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. It was an exciting and interesting meeting held by the branch in St. Joseph’s School May 26th, where we honored our "Mother of the Year" Mrs., Mary Mihelich. In fact, we honored all the mothers of the branch as this was their day. Most honored was Mrs. Mary Mihelich as an outstanding member and mother. She was presented with a corsage by our president, Mrs. Planinšek who placed her on a chair next to her. Later she was showered with numerous gifts from the members. She gracefully thanked them all. Also honored this meeting was our well-known bowler and officer of the Altar and Rosary society of St. Joseph Church, Mrs. Marge Gasperich. She also was presented with a corsage from our president, Mrs. Planinšek. There were a number of sick members reported at this meeting. Get well cards signed by all members present were .naijed to them in hospitals and homes. Those ill at 4 Seasons Nursing is Sophia Kore-vec, at the Broadway Nursing: Catherine Matkovič, at St. Joseph, Anna Mahkovec and Anna Pucel, at home convalescing are: Helen Pluth, Mary Gerl, Mary Terlep Center Str„ Mrs. Marg. Muha (Rockdale), Catherine Zadel, Mary Valcntic, Eleanore An-nunzi, Caroline Gregory, Theresa An-cel, Theresa Zlogar, Frances Ukovich, Angela Silc, Mary Nemanich, Johanna Marolt, Mary Maichin, and Katherine Bostjancich. It was also reported that our junior member Theresa Sterle was one of the Miss Teen contestants at JCHS. in semi finals. An entertainment followed with the junior members performing. Tori Ho-fer (grandaughter of our president, Emma Planinšek) performed her roll as Master of Ceremonies. The Flutist was Marie Ancel, accompanied by (Please turn to page 8) NO. 2, CHICAGO, ILL-BOWLING NEWS Dr. Grill needed to win just one game on position night, the last night of bowling, and they did just that to clinch first place in the Chicago SWU bowling league for the second year in a row. Final standings for the 1973-1974 season were: 1. Dr. Grill 64 38 2. Marquette Super Ser - vice 62 i 39'2 3. St. Paul Federal 55 i 46ž 4. Zefran Funeral Home 54 48 5. Lawn Fenie Co. 53 49 6. Stetina’s Bakery 51 51 7. Reliance Federal 45 57 8. S.W.U. Headquarters 45 57 9. K. and K. Market 42 £ 59* 10. Zarja 37* 46* Handicap winners were: high team series—St. Paul, 2817; high team game—Stetina's, 988; high individual series—D. Knezevich, 666; high individual game—A. Salvino, 253. Mildred Cepelak was the outstanding bowler of the night, to lead the sweepstakes winners. Her 524 series, which included games of 192, 217 and 115 was 119 pins over her 134 average. Liz Zefran’s 399 series was 69 pins over her 110 average. Rose Swartz tied her with a 441, also 69 pins over her 124 average. Other sweepstakos winners were R. Steponiaitis, M. Zahorsky, H. Fitzgerald, G. Niedzielko, D. Ceska, C. Wrez-zes and M. Krapenc. Helen Fitzgerald had a 503 ssries and Shirley Melissa had a 210 game. The railroad pick-up hotshots the last night of the season were M. Stuck, J. Ovnik and M. Zefran, 5-7; H. Fitzgerald, 3-10; J. Nowaczyk, 5-10, and D. Ceska, 2-7. BARBARA ZUREK No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. BOWLING NEWS We met recently for our spring banquet which was held at Sill’s Restaurant and Lounge. With prayer, president Jo Suirrc opened the meeting and thanked all the members for the nice cooperation she has received for the past year. She thank J'o Mlakar and her committee, Millie Briski, Agnes Verbiscer and Millie Ellena for the beautiful table arrangements. Reports were then given by all the chairladies. Later, games were played and prizes awarded to Ann Stofko, Lill Anderson, Mary Kay De-fick, Marge Gasparich, Judy Furdek and Mary Rudman. First place team is: Northwest Rec. Club: Mary Lou Bluth, Joyce Soko-lowski, Millie Briski, Marilyn Nemanich and Mary Mihelich, Capt. Second place: Fred C. Dames, Funeral Home; 3rd Place, American Slovenian Home; 4xh Place, Crow’s Nest Lounge; 5th Place, Merichka’s Restaurant and Lounge; 6th Place, Tezak Funeral Home. Trophies were awarded to Catherine Putrich for the most improved bowler, Mary Lou Bluth for good fellowship and she is, and Judy Furdek. Officers were eected as follows: Jo Sumic, president; Marg Wajchert, Vice-Pres., Ann Stofko, Sec'y. Bernice Planka; Treas., Acnes Verbiscer; Cour., Mary Mihelich, Social, Ann Sternisha, Sgt. at Arms, Mary Rudman, Publicity. Also, a great thanks to all our wonderful sponsors who never complain and the subs, specially Mary Zadra, who subbed for me while I was at Mayo Clinic. Mary, I really appreciated it very much — thanks. This is it for now, girls and here's hoping to see you sometime in September. May God be willing. MARY RUDMAN. :l' *>• >*« 1" nn month of September. We take this opportunity to wish everyone an enjoyable summer and most of all, a healthful one. Let us all try to enlarge the list of names into the Slovenian Women’s Union during the up-coming months. Till the next time, get well wishes to to all the sick. Respectfully submitted: HELEN CHESNIK, Rec. Sec’y "'T—»/•— No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO We had a nice group of ladies at our May doing. Actually, it was not a meeting, just d brief discussion on what’s coming up next and the Le-mont trip is close. Sign up with the president. There’s not much time as it is the weekend of July 20-21. A delicious luncheon was served by our hostess Mary Drobnick and the tables were so nine with fresh flowers. We thank all who donated in any way to make this party so nice. Space is limited, that’s why we don’t mention names and what each one donated. Our president pinned a lovely corsage on Barbara Baron as Mother of the Year and she was presented with a gift and pictures were taken. Our hostess had Vlasta Radishek and Tinea Kanalec sing ano we all joined them and it was beautiful. President had a surprise for us, the little baton twirlers performed for us and they were so cute, thanks to their leaders. There were a lot of door prizes also which made it n'ce. We didn't forget the sick. Annie Godlar was in the hospital for quite some time and our president had a get well card ’-eady for her that we all signed and with it, a little gift was sent. We hope this bouquet brought her good cheer, knowing she is not forgotten. We had 3 funerals since our April meeting. On April 28th Agnes Jazbec passed away in Cincinnati where she lived with her son, Stanley; another son, J'ohn lives in Euclid. We extend our sympathy to sons and families. May she rest in peace. Mary Ludwig passed away May 13th and we send our condolences to her family also. May 20th Rose Brgles passed away. She was our charter member and was sick a long time. Eternal rest give them, o, Lord and let the perpetual light shine upcn them. We hate to 'Ose them — let’s pray for them! We have a committee that takes care of calling members for the wake of any member to take some of the burden from our president and it’s very nice to have a big showing at the funerals. It's good not to have the same ones all the time. The honor guard stands at the bier during the praying of the memorial rosary. Summer is here and these are our vacation months and no meetings. Read the Zarja for news and our trips. Lemont trip is July 20. Our 45th Anniversary d.'nner is Oct. 27th at the Opera House, and more on that later. Check your dues, our secretary can’t wai+, she has her responsibilities, too. May God bless you all and protect you. Have a nee vacation. If you travel this summer, let us know and your trip will be reported in this column. ANNA TEKAVEC, Reporter. No. 34, SOUDAN, MINN. For the final meeting, before the summer recess, the members of Branch No. 34 SWU held a potluck dinner at the Parish Hall at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15 Rev. George Kryspin was a guest of the members. A social hour fallowed the meal. Winners at POKENO were Mrs. John Spollar and Father Kryspin. At "500” winners were Mrs. Mary Pahula, Mrs. Frank Planton, Sr., and Mrs. Mary Vollendorf. Prizes were donated by Mmes. Joseph Gornick, Frederick Myre and Joseph Zupanich. Mrs. John Pahula presided at the business session at which the annual MINNESOTA DAY was discussed. The date has been set for Sunday, September 8, in Eveietn with the Eveleth Branch as hostesses., Further information will be published at later date. However, reservations must be made by calling Mrs. John Pahu'a or Mrs. Mary Pahula, with the deadline set for September .1. Transportation will be made available for all who need rides. The evening was concluded with coffee "and” with everyone wishing each other a nappy summer vacation. Meetings will resume in the Fall, and the September 17th hostesses will be Mrs. William Lilya and Mrs. Joseph Jamnik. Mrs. Lilya will also provide the attendance prize. A Mass for deceased members of Branch No. 34 Was arranged for in the near future, which will be an-nonuced in the church bulletin. Summer time would be a good time to get someone interested in joining our SWU — it was so nice to see 24 members at the dinner all enjoying the evening so much. Let’s try to increase that number during the summer. A Happy vacation to all SWU members — see you all in Eveleth. BARBARA YAPEL, (Reporter.) No. 38, CHISHOLM, MINN. The Ladies of Branch No. 38 held a pancake breakfast at the Slovenian National Home on Sunday, May 5, following the 913b Mass at St. Joseph’s. About 80 members and guests enjoyed the menu prepared under the supervision of Mrs. Jennie Adamic assisted by Ann McAlpine, Frances Schaefer, Lucille Palcich, Helen Ba-lich, Frances Kosnik, Katie Medved, and Katie Palcich. A short program, "Tributes to Motherhood” was presented under the direction of Frances Bizal. Included in the skit were five scenes: My JJ-anclsome f~^air 'lAJed Mr. & Mrs. David R. Paik Baby by Martina B zal; First Day of School by Cheryl Samsa; Graduation by Bernie Palcich; Middle Age by Anna Trdan. Vice-president Jennie Adamic presented gifts to the following: the oldest member present, Mrs. Frances Seti-na, age 86; to the oldest member of our lodge but unable to be present, Mrs. Mary Sinko, age 102; to the youngest mother piesent, Ruth Samsa. The program ended with a tribute to Immaculate Mary by the singing of češčena Si Marija. The members will not meet until September but hope to see yo u in Eveleth at the Minnesota State Convention. FRANCES BIZAL, Reporter. No. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Our May meeting was attended by a large group of members. It was a pleasure to see sucn a nice attendance. Honoring the Mother of the Year, Sophie Pogachar, she was presented a corsage by Angela Kozjan and a gift from the branch. To a truly nice person, Sophie, a good worker with a sunny disposition, again we say: we 3re proud of you and again, we you and your family health and happiness for many more years. A tribute to Mothers was given and read by our Vice President, Albina Uehlein. Thank you, Albina, it was June Karl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clemence W. Karl of Le Mars, la. and David R. Paik, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph J. Paik of Euclid, Ohio were married in a recent ceremony in Le Mars, la. A reception at the K. of C. Hall followed. Robert Paik of Los Angeles was best man for his brother. Other out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Paik from Eden Praire, Minn.; David's aunt Mrs. Mary Jaksic from Euclid, O. and David’s sister snd brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey F. Rozanc from Richmond Hts., Ohio. The couple spent their honeymoon in Las Vegas and are now residing in Omaha. Mr. Paik graduated from Ohio University in 1965 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is a self- employed residential building contractor. David’s mother Jean E. Paik is presently Recording Secretary for Br. No. 50 and a former Zarja reporter. His sister Carol Rozanc and niece, Karen are members of Br. No. 50. well read. At this meeting we had a long time member, Mathilda Strukely visiting us from Florida. It was nice to see you again and we hope you can come back more often. The ladies that entertained at the meeting were Angeline Tomsic, Bertha Anzelc, Katherine Evanish, Angie Grayson, Mary Janezic, Helen Kozjan, Helen Sekula, Jennie Zgonc. The lunch was very good and thank you to all ladies donating the prizes. Also, to Mary Hochevar, Mary Mudrock, Jean Balog and Anna Dutrich. To all the ladies who had Dirtndays in April, May, June and will have in July, a very Happy Birthday to ail. Hoping to see you all at the future meetings. Our sincere congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Charles Smith, who celebrated their Silver Anniversary May 21st and may you both enjoy many more years together. On our sick list :s Mary Mudrock who has been hospital;zed for a while. Wishing you a speedy recovery and good health in the future, Mary. Our best wishes to the sick and aged members. We are thinking of you and hope the summer sunshine will cheer up your days. Wishing to all the members a very enjoyable summer. Take good care and May God be with you in your travels and undertakings. God bless yoj. AGNES BUCHER, Reporter. Hermine Prisland Dicke. 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 and AS*11** * ♦ . * With my mother I spent the last two weeks of May in beautiful Slovenia and a tour into Austria. I collected a number of recipes for your interest. The first two are from our former trip into Slovenia: WIENER SCHNITZEL (From Logar’s Restaurant in Logarska Dolina (Logar's Valley) 1 pound "natural” veal cutlet or steak Salt and pepper Flour for coating 1 cup clear beef soup After pounding veal dredge lightly with the seasoned flour. Fry slowly on both side in small amount of oleo or shortening. When browned add 1 cup clear beef soup, cover, and simmer about % hour or until meat is tender. "POURED" NOODLES 1 egg, beaten 4 to 6 ounces milk 2 heaping tablespoons flour Mix well. Pour into greased frying pan., Brown then turn once and brown other side. When cooked cut into fine strips and serve in clear soup. *** A delightful passenger, Mrs. Mary Gnader of Milwaukee, Wis. is happy to share three of her favorite recipes: SLOVENIAN POTATOES, POHAN-TE CHICKEN AND SCHAUM TORTE: SLOVENIAN POTATOES Potatoes, as needed Onion, sliced in small pieces Sat and pepper Chives, if desired Boil potatoes in jackets until tender. Cool, pee! and slice. Saute onions until lightly browned in greased frying pan. Add potatoes, salt, pepper, and chives (if desired), and fry over low heat for about 15 minutes until potatoes are heated through. Stir occasionally. FRIED (POHANJE) CHICKEN One chicken Salt Flour to coat 2 eggs, beaten % cup fine bread crumbs Wash and .Jrpin chicken well. Salt chicken. Roll in plain flour. Roll the chicken in the beaten eggs and then in the bread crumbs. Fry slowly in greased frying pan about 30 minutes turning once. Remove chicken, then place on cake tack in a pan and bake uncovered at least 30 minutes longer at 350 degrees or until well done. SCHAUM TORTE 6 whites of ?ggs (% cup) at room temperature 2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla \ teaspoon baking powder £ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vinegar Beat whites of eggs with salt until soft peaks beating at high speed. At medium speed add two tablespoons of sugar at a time and continue beating until the 2 cut>s of sugar are added. Add the vanilla, baking powder and vinegar and beat 30 minutes longer at medium speed. (Mary says that the long period of beating is the secret for preventing a chewy dough)., Bake in angel food pan or better — in individual shells: Cover ungreased cooky sheet with brown paper (do not grease or water paper). Drop about 1/3 cup for each shell on paper. Makes 8 to 9 servings. Indent center with back of spoon for filling. Bake in 275 degree preheated oven for 45 minutes. Leave in oven until cold. Fill or top with sugared strawberries or other fruit and top with whipped cream. **» Mr. John Femec of Cleveland, Ohio whom I met on the return plane flight enjoys cooking. He happily gave me two of HIS favorite recipes: CITY CHICKEN and BARLEY SOUP. "CITY CHICKEN”, he says, "Is really something special”. CITY CHICKEN 2 pounds boneless pork 1 pound veal Garlic powder Salt, pepper 2 eggs 2 tablespoons milk % cup bread crumbs 1 tablespoon floui 10 six-inch long pointed sticks (from butcher) V\ cup oleo or snortening The United States Department of Agriculture offers these suggestions when pickling: 1. Use good quality, firm pickles preferably freshly picked. 2. Use vinegar that is high grade cider or white distilled of 4 to 6 per cent acidity. 3. Use pure granulated salt (sells in pound packages); not fine table salt. 4. Heat processing is recommended for all pickle products. Have a water boiling in canner with a rack for the jars at the bottom and add one to two inches water above tops of jars. Lower in jars that have just been filled with boiling brine. Start timing immediately (unlike other canning where you time when water returns to boil) and process for 15 minutes. Summertime so short — enjoy it as much as possible. Fondly, HERMINE No. 42, MAPLE HGTS. OHIO Dear Ladies. Please everyone, have a nice, happy, safe and healthy summer! Our ladies: Happy Birthday in July: Jeanne Ann Legan, August: Ann Drag-anic, Mary Fink, Betty Ann Harr and yours truly (me)! All our ladies who aren't feeling too well, please get well soon. Our wishes and take care. Mary Hočevar, glad to hear things are getting along so well for you. Good for our traveler, Pauline Hribar and her two sons. They visited Slovenia in April. I hear you are going back again! Thanks to ail the members and their families who came to Donna Stubljer’s dinner. It was a great affair and she looked so lovely, our Mother of the Year. Her daughters, son and their families all came and her sister and husband and their family, too. Of course, our wonderful cook, Mrs. Simončič cooked cigain. Thanks to all. Ladies and everyone, take care and see you at the meeting in September. MARY LOU PRHNE. No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Congratulations to our SWU Bowling gals, namely, Cathy Matzelle, Mary Kiel, Agnes Jenich, Jenny Pugel, and Captain Connie Lewandowski. Once again, summer is upon us. This means no meetings in July and August. On Sept. 5th, a Thursday, we will resume again. Hope to see an overwhelming group because of the State Convention. The June meeting was interesting and a hearty welcome to all new members. To ill our other members who assembled in a large group, our thanks. The order of business followed as usual, and we elected our delegate, IT WAS 50 YEARS FOR THE SEELYES Josephine and Jack Seelye, came back to Cleveland, Ohio to repeat iheir marriage vows fifty years after that day in May. They are pictured at fhe altar with their son, Raymond and daughter, Arline partially visible. Jo Seelye is a co-founder of Br. 50 and attended many functions and conventions as an officer, delegate and as “Urna Než’ka" depicting a living representation of a favorite cartoon character in Zarja many years ago. She was always the life of the party. Her many friends in Zveza wish them loads of luck and happiness! Photo was taken at St. Justin the Martyr Church, Easl-lake, 0. Mary Tratnik cind alternate, Doris Frahm. The question then arose about the raise of dues. I was in trouble. All I heard was why? why? why? Our ladies are not just members, but women who have the Slovenian Women’s Union in their hearts. They are interested in what is happening. Every member has a right to express her feeling and opinion and I do hope that no hard feelings will develop from this report. I feel these points should be brought up at this time as they were discussed at our meeting. In the month of May, Br. 12 invited me to their meeting. The main topic was the State Conven+ion on September 22nd, 1974. Again, the raise of dues was brought up. I was treated like a queen at Br. 12th birthday party for those members who did nave birthdays. A luncheon was served and it was lucious. Thank you No. 12 for the invitation. I enjoyed every minute and met new friends. At both branches, I stressed the importance of new members. There is some good we ran all do, better than others (I agree) but unless we do it ourselves, it remains undone, so talk to people, friends, and relatives and explain the sociability of our organization. Don’t just take No for an answer, take time and explain. Elsie Gallun was at St. Luke's hospital again with eye surgery and I do hope she is getting along well. Mr. & Mrs. Gallun’s daughter, Betty, just graduated from St. Joan Antida High School. Her plans are to go into nursing later on. The grandson of Mr. & Mrs. J'osephine Verbick also graduated. To the above, our congratulations and best wishes. Our sick and shut-in members are wished a speedy recovery. Dues can be mailed to me during July and August. To all celebrants this summer, best wishes and congratulations in whatever it may be. Just received word that Marie Floryan, our Nat’l Vice-President is in the hospital going thru several tests. Those of you planning on trips, have a good time, but please take care. Vacations are needed at this era. God bless all. ROSE KRAEMER Secretary July - August Issue Happy Vacation time to you! This issue is our annual combined two month edition for July and August. We resume regular monthly printing schedule in September. Deadline for Sept. issue is August 1st. Thank you and have a happy summer! Editor 1' T >*' V V 'I' No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO Our meetings have grown to full-up capacity with 97 members present in May! We honored our Mother of the Year, Maty Perusek, a warmhearted personality with tal e n t e d qualifications. She was escorted to the front by last year’s mother, Mary Petrie. A beautiful Slovenian melody denoting motherhood was sung by Ann Kristoff and Rose Mary Marn with the group joining later in the English version of MOTHER. Flowers and gifts were given to her and were accepted with gleaming eyes and a joyous smile. Welcome to the guests from Br. 25, Christine Zivoder, (their new secretary) and Dorothy Augustine and from Br. 49. Mary Stusek and Jane Novak’s Mother, Mrs. Jennie Prijatel. Frances Seitz was rewarded with a monetary gift, shared by her sister, Carole Traven, for her sewing expertise on the Cadet Uniforms which were finished in time to be worn at the 50th anniversary of the Slovenian Nat’l Home on St. Clair Ave. for the May 19th Parade. Everybody commented on the beautiful Marie Prisl-and Cadet Guards’ colorful and smart outfits. So, thanks to the ladies for their work in producing these gorgeous uniforms. Our bowling winners team champs of S.W.U. No. 50 were Ann Hočevar, ............ w ■■■ ■■■■ ■■>■ Dorothy Winter, Jean Pierman., High Game, Angie Shine 203 and High Series 510 also Highest Average at 135 was won by Helen Bonac. Frances Marold, secretary, had the honor to present the trophies. We need more bowlers for next season and to those who participated, better luck next time. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Jack and Josephine Stelye, residing now at Lee High Acres, Florida, on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Josephine was an active and generous member in our early years. (She was also our beloved Urna Nežika, playing that role to the hilt in the late 30's! Ed.) We wish her the best that life can offer. Happy Birthday was sung and wished to all members who celebrated in J'une and will in July and August. Our deepest sympathy to a faithful and active member, Mary Susnik who lost her beloved brother, Frank Mocilnikar in May. God grant him eternal rest. Ann Hočevar. Jean Paik, Jean Tomsic visited our confined members, Louise Mlakar and Jo Debelak with a floral arrangement to each, designed and donated by our generous Jean Tomsic. Get well wishes and prayers for Josephine Plavcan who had heart surgery. Dime folders feauH Choral (jrcup ucrkerA rate high hctej! were sent to hospitalized Cecelia Žnidaršič and Agnes Tome. Mary Petrovič thanked everyone from the bottom of her heart sincerely for cards and prayers received during her major hip surgery and for her miraculous recovery. We are happy with you, Mary. Remember to make reservations for the excursion to Lemont, July 20-21st. Keep gifts and food baskets coming in every month for the Oct. 18th Card Party. Thanks to members who do remember our important days. Our new grandmothers are Louise Vovko and Ann Knstoff. Please note: Our annual picnic will be held at Mary Susnik’s lovely home at 18012 Marcella Rd., Cleveland, Ohio 44119, on Tuesday, August 13th at 6 o’clock p.m. July is for freedom and too many take this word foi granted and don’t appreciate the value and significance pertaining to this particular word. Think over carefully and remember so many people who have died for the cause of freedom. God bless us all during the future months ahead. SOPHIE KOPLAN. No. 52, K1TZVILLE, MINN. Dear Sisters: Summer is upon us and vacation time is here. We pray that this summer will be a beautiful and safe one for all of you and we will be looking forward to seeing you again. Our meeting was brief — thank you cards were read from our sick members. We also had another sick member to report in the hospital, sister Patricia Hrovat. We hope and pray that she soon will be on the recovery list. And, to all the rest who are ill, we wish them God’s speed to a rapid recovery. Discussions were held on the Kitz-ville reunion. Asking aH interested parties to please send or submit answers to the question whether or not they will attend. Then plans can be made for the food, etc. We surely hope to hear from you all soon. Our meeting was then concluded with a prayer by our president, Josephine Oswald. We initiated two new members, sisters Joan Erdal and Virginia Krak. We Would like to see more young people join. Our branch will remain long after We are gone if we lock now to enroll younger members to take over. Please think of this and bring a friend to the next meeting. We then resumed the evening's fes tivities with lunch served by the following sisters: Ann Roberts, Julia Mancuso, Ann Mansfield, Ivana Prel- EUCLID, OHIO. On May 29th, we chalked up another successful Card Party, held at the Euclid Club House. An afghan of hair-pin lace in three shades of pink, made and donated by Mrs. Margaret Tomazin, mother of our Secretary, Mitzi Globokar, was the special item in the "game” held after the card games. Mitzi, again was the ticket chairlady and did a bang-up job. Numerous and useful prizes donated by our many generous neighborhood merchants and friends were claimed by lucky winners. Our Dawn members contributed generously and co-operated wholeheartedly to ease the burden on Pauline Krall, our vice president and chairlady of this event. Pai’lir.e is a real Pro when it comes to Card Parties. Any assignment she accepts, she follows through one hundred percent. We are fully aware of the time and effort involved and hereby extend our gratitude and appreciation to her. Another busy-bee is second soprano Jo Commensek who not only comes diligently to our singing sessions but is also the Secretary of Branch 32 of the S.W.U. Somehow she managed to find time to crochet and donate a lovely “broomstick" shawl in a soft shade of gold for our Party. It was a beautiful piece of handiwork as also was the afghan made by Mrs. Tomazin. The week-end of May 19, the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair r'"i' '1* T 'I1—h/i-ihi-'hi esnik. Games were p ayed and prizes went to sisters Gertrude Kochevar, high in Smear, Teresa Montcalm, low, Mary Techar, Rose Zidarich, Bridge; Celia Palitano, Josephine Palitano, “B”; Josephine Oswald, Angeline Russ; Door Prize was awarded to Rose Chiodi. We had a very nice evening. And, hope to see you at the meeting on the first Wed. in September. May God bless you all ar.d keep you in the best of health until we meet again. Yours truly, Reporter, GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR. No. 54, WARREN, OHIO Our group had a lovely luncheon last week, honoring our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Isabelle Rek. She wasn’t chosen until the April meeting and that was toe late for the writeup in our ZARJA. She and her Avenue celebrated its 50th Anniversary, to which all Slovenian cultural and fraternal groups were invited. The S.W.U. did themselves proud with the participation of the Dawn Choral Group, the Prisland Cadets and the Baton Twirlers. All three groups were in the Parade and the Dawn Choralers sang in the Sunday afternoon Concert Program. The Prisland Cadets, Branch 50, led by Mrs. Frances Seitz, were striking in their new uniforms, and the cute little Baton Twirlers did so we'l that they received an award of twenty-five dollars. Our sincere congratulations to them. We were especially proud because their instructor, Toni Zabukovec, is one of our second sopranos. We were invited to sing on June 23rd at a “benei^t" picnic to be held at the Slovenska Pristava in Geneva, Ohio. All proceeds will go towards sponsoring the arrival of over fifty young ladies and men comprising the Jakob Petelin Gallus singing group from Celovec, Kcrosko in Europe. They are expected the latter part of August. In my next article, you will read more about this group, their sponsors and appearances programmed for them while here in the United States and in Canada. In closing, thanks a million to our chairladies, Dawn Choral members, benefactors and our many, many friends who made it possible to add another successful event to our endeavors. Dawn Choral Group Reporter, FRAN NEMANICH. ’»i1 »r iF"»ri m n husband, August, married 34 years, have three children, two sons and a daughter. Her eldest son is married and the father of 4 year old twin girls. The second son is in college and Zoe Ann, ner daughter, is a secretary in Florida. Isabelle loves babysitting for the twins and enjoys bowling. She is a devout person arid often attends daily mass at our parish. She attends our meetings quite regularly and is always willing to help or donate as the need arises. In a few weeks she will sail to Italy with her father, who is 86 years young. Bon Voyage, Isabelle! Our luncheon was well attended at the Brown Derby. Our final plans were made for the card party June 27th. Articles hand made for the affair and done by Helen Gorsick were shown. Congratulations to Tina Dunlap, a junior member, who will be graduating from High School, second in her class and ready to go to O.S.U. in the fall. Our wishes also to Marta Kregar, our member of Girard, Ohio who is always high in her class, listed in Who’s Who in High School and very energetic and active at school and in her community. We are all very proud of these members. Congratulations to my daughter, Patty, who was Maid of Honor for the May Crowning at St. James school and she also received a trophy for the best swimmer in her age group in the YMCA Swim Team. She had quite an exciting week. Get well wishes to our dear member, Mrs. Anna Gladd. Our deep sympathy to Virginia Shine on the loss of her father, Michael Slyk who was 80. Come to our next meeting on Sept. 17th at 7:30 p.m. my home at 4010 Greenmont Dr., S.E. Have a happy and safe summer. JOANNE PONIKVAR. No. 55, GIRARD, OHIO Our annual card party was held April 25th at the Slovenian Home and was a tremendous success. Chairlady Nancy Dombrosky and co-chairlady Mary Kristin and their committees are to be commended for getting the large amount of door prizes. Thanks to all for a job well done. Special thanks to Sophie Cekuta who sold the most tickets. Everyone on the committees worked very hard. Those that were responsible for the successful party were: Mary Macek, Sophie Kren, Beatrice Brayer, Sophie Cekuta, Mary Kristin, Nancy Dombrosky, Mary Selak, Frances Hribar, Jo Perusek, Virginia Bestic, Maria Cvetnic, Tillie Cigolle, Rose Juvančič and Nettie Juvančič. A big thank you to Rudy Tabec, Joe Catone and Stan Hribar who really were a great help during the evening. We honored the Mother of the Year, Virginia Bestic at o'ir Mother’s Day Banquet held at the Slovenian Home. Virginia truly deserves the honor bestowed upon her. Being a registered nurse and rearing five wonderful children takes up most of her time. In attendance at the party was Virginia’s mother, Mrs. John Juvančič, Sr. It was surprising to see her as she has been ill for a number of years. It’s been hard for her to get around. There were many guests present. Most important of all was the presence of Father Lisi of the St. Rose Church, also the Mayor’s wife, Martha Masternick and Sister Edna Marie and Sister Jean of the Mother House in Canfield. Sister Jean is the daughter of Tillie Cigolle. Tillie introduced all the members and guests present. Father Lisi gave tne invocation and the benediction and gave a very interesting speech. A delicious dinner prepared by Ann Rovan was served. Later we had the pleasure of being entertained by two fine vocalists, Sandra Kobal and Irene Meser who sang a few selections in Slovenian. They were accompanied by Ed Standahar on +he accordian. Irene and Ed concluded the party by playing many se'ections on their accordians. Sophie Cekuta did a wonderful job in taking charge of the arrangements of the party. To all mothers, I hope each and everyone had a wonderful day. Best wishes to all those who are celebrating their birthdays and anniversaries. I would like to remind the ladies of our branch there won’t be any meetings for the months of July and August. Meetings will resume in September. Until then, happy summertime to all. FRANCES HRIBAR. No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. A beautiful turnout of members for the Lady of the Year party, 45 women, and I hope they come again and again to our meetings. To our sick member, Margaret Imbertson, a wish for a speedy recovery. We discussed our Minnesota Day, Sept. 8th to toe held in Eveleth. We would like to have our ladies call the secretary, Mary Meadows or Rose Maras, President, if you plan to go. Then we can charter a bus or know how many cars we will need. Our first fall mect:ng will be on the 2nd Tuesday following the Minnesota Day. On that same day, our member Mary Bissonette and her husband, Joe, will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Congratulations. May you have many more years of wedded bliss. Our visitors for the Lady of the Year party were from Keewatin, Mary Zevenick and Ann Koski and Delores Lucas, Lutonia, friends of Margaret’s. Margaret Shelko, our Lady, was presented a corsage made by Mary D.ob-nik and gift on behalf of the ladies was presented by Rose Maras, Prer. Entertainment was furnished by Mary Spolarich with iiei accordian together with daughter, Barbara and Karen Olson, on their guitars. All from Keewatin, they presented a sing-a- long of Slovenian and other favorite songs. Lunch was served by Ann Sato-vich, Mary Bissonette, Barbara Do-sen, Mary Drobnik, Dorothy Obestar, Angeline Passino, Mary Puhek and Mary Babich, sister of the honored guest who also poured. Hostesses for our 1st Meeting in Sept. will be Dorothy Anderson, Mary Jerkovich, Katie Lamson and Lena Paprunner. ROSE MARAS. No. 72, PULLMAN, ILL. We were saddened this month by the loss of our d*ar member Mary Centa, who passed away on April 17th after a long 'Jlness. Mrs. Centa was one of our charter members and a good friend to all of us. We will miss her. Our deepest sympathy to her sons and their families. May she rest in peace. Greetings and gooii wishes to all our ailing members. WILMA ZAGAR, Reporter. No. 73, WARRENSVILLE, OHIO Our annual combination Pot^Luck Dinner and Mother’s Day Recognition Party was held May 6, 1974. As usual our cooks outdid themselves with not only quality but a quantity of foods. After the dinner we all felt we should run around the block so to speak, as we ail wanted to at least taste everything on the table. Door prizes were awarded, and many thanks to Josephine Turk for her donation of packages of her home-made-nood-les which were added to the group of door prizes given. Congratulations to our Mother of the Year, Irene Chase, who was most deserving of the recognition. Irene was presented a beautiful white orchid corsage, and her gift from the group was a lovely nightgown as well as a jar of cream sachet. Irene was very thrilled and wants to thank everyone who made it possible for her to be so recognized. At this time, since it would be difficult to list all the graduates and their parents' rames, all the members of Branch No. 73 want to offer c o n g r atulations to all elementary, high school and college graduates, and wish them all much success in their future endeavors. We would like to announce the engagement of one of our Junior Members, Susan Lynn Svette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Svette (Ruth), to Raymond Pietrzak of Madison, Ohio. The young couple are planning a Fall If LADY OF THE YEAR Margaret Shelko, Lady of the Year of Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn, (left) was honored their May party ana is seen here with President, Rose Maras who presented her the branch's good wishes and a gift in recognition of the day. i ivv v ir"'y f -iji WJ* iBi wedding. Our congratulations not only to the engaged couple but their parents as well, and our best wishes to all. We are in the process of collecting discarded "eye glasses”, and any member having same and wanting to donate same, can give them to an active member to bring to a meeting, drop them off at one of the officer’s homes, or put them in the mail to one of the officer’s homes. We have four places in mind that these are acceptable, but definitely will give some to Father Berard from St. Jude’s Church who is connected with the Matt Talbot Inn for Alcoholics. Broken or whole, all used glasses are acceptable. We did not have our annual card party this spring due to the uncertainty of the "Energy Crisis” affecting people not having sufficient gasoline to attend, so instead we decided to have a project for Government Bonds. Tickets are being printed now, and were distributed at our June meeting, and our inactive members will receive tickets in the mail. We are hoping and praying that this project will be a success, as whatever amount is earned, is used for charitable purposes. So ladies, active or inactive, let’s all do our duty, and in small way we will be helping those unable to help themselves. Those ladies receiving their tickets in the mail, we are hoping you will take this project seriously by taking and selling your tickets, and if not possible, return same to our Secretary, but to be truthful, we would rather you would call and ask for more. MILDRED D. ROBERTS, Reporting Secretary. No. 89, OGLESBY, ILL. Mrs. Charlene Bekeleski hosted members and guests of the Oglesby Slovenian Women’s Union at the May dinner, under the direction of Mrs. Betty Hamilton and her committee. Guests present who were introduced were Mrs. Rena Rygalski, Mrs. Linda Roach, Miss Emily Danzick, Mrs. Dorothy Green, Miss Eleanor Paprocki, Miss Mary Vecchi, Mrs. Diane Folty Mrs. Shirley Basil, and Mrs. Sophie Wallis. Mrs. Caroline Dawson, president and bowling chairman, gave a report on the recent Midwest Bowling Tournament held in Wisconsin. Prizes awarded to the bowlers were Mrs. Josephine Argubright, Mrs. Helen Ko-mater, Mrs. Anne Querciagrossa and Mrs. Lena Dawson. A birthday gift was presented to the guest, Mrs. Rena Rygalski. Special gifts were also presented to Mrs. Josephine Morrison, Mrs. Shirley Basil, Mrs. Irene Peteriin, Mrs. Frances Rolando, Mrs. Diane Folty, Mrs. Rose Ann Prey, Mrs. Ann Querciagrossa, Mrs. Georgia Bima, Mrs. Vicki Kos-cielski, Mrs. Joseph'ne Schmidt and Mrs. Betty Hamilton. Mrs. Antoinette Muhich was presented a gift for being the oldest member present. Sick members listed were Mrs. Sophie Frank, Mrs. Magdelina Skoporc, Mrs. Ana Krancic, Mrs. Julia Kulpa, Mrs. Alvie Jerin, Mrs. Mary Cenkar, Mrs. Mary Yazbec, Mrs. Emma Cas-serly, and Mrs. Cecelia Hobneck. JOSEPHINE LIVEK, No. 95, So. CHICAGO, ILL I have the most pleasant duty to write about the recognition I received at our May Meeting which was a privilege and delight for me to be chosen as the Mother of the year. I have a tremendous philosophy about life. For me it’s “do the very best job at whatever you do” this is just the way I want it to be. I want to be respected for what I am as a person not for what I can get out of something I did not earn. Long have I cherished in my heart, a sacred spot — for our branch. This phrase describes my feelings to the fullest. To Ann Kompare I thank from the bottom of my heart for her friendly tribute she has paid me. To Virginia Kwiatkowski her daughters Debbie and Cynthia for their time and efforts that they put in on all the decorations which was all made by hand. Virginia, I was deeply touched by your ingenuity. I wish to thank all the members and officers for the beautiful sterling silver candle sticks and vase which was presented to me by Evelyn Driscoll, the flowers, the engraved plaque, your prayers and congratulatory messages, all the gifts which I received, if I listed all the names I just wouldn’t have enough room on this page. I thank all of you for making me so expressibly happy. There were 41 names listed who have donated the array of delicious delicacy's that we all enjoyed immensely. On hand were the following ladies who who worked so hard in serving all the food, Emma Yergovich, Helen Price, Carrie Plebanski, Mary Ann Sambol, Chestrs Graczyk, Cynthia Dewey, Virginia Kwiatkowski and daughter Debbie, Ann Kompare, Helen Golich, Mildred Poropat, Evelyn Driscoll and Ann Sertich. Donations by ($5) Marge Doherty, ($3) Marge Pavletič, ($2) Fedilia Svalina, Ann Loncar, Ann Nagoda, Mary Nick-sic, Ann Sertich, ($1) Kathy Hanson, Bernice Morrison, Manda Yergovich, We have on list at the present time who have been hospitalized and are still in ill health, Helen Stewart, Ann Loncar, Kate Musa, Ann Nagoda, Barbara Sambol, Emma Yergovich, Rose Mary Dichele Rowe, Bernice Golden, Irene Evans, and all of our older members who are unable to attend our meetings. Best wishes to the following birthday celebrants in July: Louise Dichele, Mary Margaret Faron, Matilda Gre-po, Ann Loncar, Milka Miljak, Joane Pavelich, Manda Nosich, Sylvia Werner, Marge Krmpotic, Ann Matesevac (Cal), Mary Jarie Brezene, Ann Pol-ancic, Rose Mary Grafrath, Madeline Trivador, Mary Possedi, Anna Sabljak, and Mary Perkovich (Exchange). In conclusion, try to attend one of our meetings, bring along a friend; if you can try to bring a cake to a meeting so that we may celebrate your birthday. God bless you all! MILDRED JAMES The Pennsylvania State Convention will be held at St. Janua-rius Church at Renton, Pa. October 6, 1974 A fine program is being planned. Hope to see you all there. COMMITTEE. No. 100, FONTANA, CAL. Think Cbristmas-Thtnk Calendar Why not surprise a special someone with a Christmas card or gift which will last a year? Give a BARAGA COMMEMORATIVE ART CALENDAR with original drawings by a Baragaland native. Make 1975 a memorable Baraga year. Special bulk order prices are available until November 1, 1974. 51 calendars (or more) ................................. $ .60 each 25 to 50 calendars ................................... $ .75 each 15 to 25 calendars ................................... $ .80 each 10 to 15 calendars ................................... $1.00 each 6 to 10 calendars ................................ $1.25 each 1 to 5 calendars .................................. $1.50 each (Prices include envelopes for mailing.) Enclosed is $ ................................ for ........calendars. Name ................................................................ Street .............................................................. City .................... State Zip code........... Mail order tc: Bishop Baraga Association 239 Baraga Avenue Marquette, Mich. 49855 The Slovenians here in Fontana surely have a wonderful time when they get together. That's not saying that Slovenians don’t have a good time eleswhere, but a grand time was had by ill the day we honored our Mother of the Year, Marie Arne-son, whose loveliness was complimented by a snazzy long gown and a beautiful corsage. The food was as usual, delicious, and attractively displayed. Our ladies outdo themselves on each such occasion. Recognition must be given to the following members who always find time to set up tables, cook the meats, wash dishes, etc.: Jean Kurilich, Mary Videgar, Rosie Krainik, Mary Omaits and Gertrude Rupert. The organization functions beautifully under their capable hands. Father Horvath came out of retirement to honor us with his presence. He was our original Spiritual Advisor. We are always happy to see him and I believe he feels the same sentiments toward us. I’m not through yet with the gu<5st list. Mayor Horzen and "Mrs., Mayor" were also in attendance. It sounds like I’m bragging, but then, how many branches can claim that their original Spiritual Advisor and a Slovenian Mayor attended one and the same event? Last, but surely not least, among the celebrants was my dear mom. Birthday wishes are extended to Jennie Stone, Elsie Cizak and Anna Pegan. Many hea'thy and joyful returns. A prayer is sent forth to our sick members. God grant them speedy recoveries. God willing, we’ll you in September. EDITH DRAWENEK. No. 103, WASHINGTON, DC. First of all, I wish to thank our Vice President, Molly Thomas, for conducting the March meeting during my illness. A sincere thanks to the other officers assisting her and for the fine attendance of our members. Mr. Bogomir Choke!, President of the Bishop Baraga Society of the Washington branch of the KSKJ1 was our guest speaker. His topic dealt with plans formulated by the Bicentennial Committee which controlled the projects and activities of the various ethnic groups. Mr. Chokel asked us to give some thought to the idoas concerning this forthcoming event. An invitation to participate in the Hecht Company’s (downtown store) presentation of "Celebration” was extended. This is a tribute to the cultural and religious traditions of the Easter Season as it is celebrated in other parts of tha world. Our ladies accepted the invitation and did a tremendous job to make this new venture a successful one. The exhibit area was transformed into a pavilion for the display of costume galleries, cons, artifacts, eggs and paintings. Mr. Chokel arranged our Slovenian exhibit area which was simple but done with very good taste. We wish to thank all those who generously loaned personal items to be used in the display. "Celebration" began with a reception for distinguished guests and pressmen. Following a speech by the President of the Hecht Company, commenting on the contributions of the different ethnic groups to America’s growth, we were served a delicious buffet depicting the foods and beverages of the countries represented. Through April 11-13, the exhibition was open to the general public. On Monday, the day after Easter, the celebration took on a more festive air. Many singing and dancing groups from the metropolitan area provided Washingtonians a chance to enjoy the holiday. Fr. Frank Perkovich Presents... SONGS & HYMNS FROM THE POLKA MASS Celebrated cit Resurrection Church, Eveleth, Minnesota With JOE CVEK and the VARIABLES ORCHESTRA AND CHORALEERS. Stereo record: $5.00 8—Track. $6.00 Cassette: $6.00 Add 0.50 for postage and handling. For orders: Write to: POLKA MASS BOX 586 Eveleth, Minnesota. 55734 ■ rV -«lr Ai r*-i r Among those performing were the Washington Slovenian Choral Group, directed by Mr. Vladimir Pregelj. Their presentation included five different songs from the various regions of Slovenia. Our sincere thanks to them for adding to the festivity. Each group was given permission to prepare and seU their regional foods. We wish to thank Mimi Mejac, lea Zebot, Helen and Maria Mejac for taking responsibility for our table. Mara Chokel deserves a special thanks for baking three Nut Poticas. One was used for the original display, the second was for sale and the third Potica was served to the pressmen. Also many thanks to Matilda Pod-borsek, Molly Thomas. Matilda Terse-lic and lea Zebot for preparing the other delicious poticas and pastries. In conclusion, I would like to say that We found the event interesting and enjoyed mingling with the other Slavic groups. We were shocked and saddened by the death of our beloved member, Mary Lipar on April 19th. She was one of our newer members but an active and contributing one. She was typical of our ^roup, hardworking, generous, fun-loving and proud of her heritage. To her cousin Angeline Herzog, whom she iived with, we extend our deepest sympathy. Following our meeting on Palm Sunday, we went to the funeral home to pay our last respects to Mary. Farewell to Mary. On such a lovely day it was easier to think of her tending her lovely flowers. Shortly afterwards, we heard the sad news of the sudden death of Mr. Rudy Vecerin, of Rego Park, N. Y. We'll always remember him for making his annual appearance as St. Nicholas at the Christmas Party, sponsored by the KSKJ with much spirit and jollity. To his wife and daughters we offer our sincere condolence. Also we would like to extend sincere sympathy to Irene and Kenneth Odorizzi on the sudden death of Ken’s mother in April. Our hostesses for March were Dora Voyatzis, and Molly Thomas. For the April meeting, Ana Cernelc and Matilda Terselic. As usual, the refrashmonts were delicious and plentiful. FREDA H. MICHELITCH, President. No. 105, DETROIT, MICH. Our Mother of the Year dinner was a very pleasant evening and we enjoyed it very much. Our Mother of the Year, Pauline Adamic, looked lovely and was very appreciative of the honor and festivities. We think she deserves it very much. Speaking of Pauline, she and her husband, John celebrated their Golden Anniversary June 15th. They are the most active couple at our Slovene Club. You can depend on them for a job well done no matter how large or small it is. We, their friends, wish them the best in life and may God bless them with the best of health so they can enjoy m?ny more happy years of wedded bliss. It would be nice for their friends of other cities to send them a card on this occasion as they are well known. I’m sorry to have to report some sad news. We lost two of our members on the same day, May 6th. Mary Ozanich, mother of Mary Golid and Steve Ozanich passed away after several years of illness. We extend our deepest sympathy and prayers to Mary and Steve. Our dear friend and members, Bette Kares will be missed ever so much. We extend our deepest sympathy to her mother, Zorka Maisel also our member and to the others in the family. May her soul and all the souls of our departed rest in peace. In closing, let’s remember our members in our prayers for good health. Happy birthday to all our July and August girls. ANN POBANZ. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN JULY & AUGUST! National Officers: July 3 — Anna Trontel, State President, Pittsburgh, Pa. July 18 — Olga Ancel, Nat’l Auditor, Joliet, III. July 28 — Rose Scoff, State President, San Francisco, Cal. Aug. 5 — Ann Kompare, Nat’l Auditor, So. Chicago, III. Aug. 11 — Ann Lustig, State President, So. Chicago, III. Aug. 12 — Mary Bostian, Nat’l President, Cleveland, Ohio Presidents: July 4 — Ann Heinemann, Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. July 11 — Jo Wilhelm, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. July 13 — Anna Richards, Br. 22, Bradley, III. July 21 — Pauline Adamic, Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. July 23 — Ann Hočevar, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio July 25 — Mary Messermith, Br. 8. Steelton, Pa. July 26 — Ann Petanovich, Br. 80, Moon Run, Pa. Aug. 6 — Rose Pucel, Br. 23, Ely, Minn. Aug. 7 — Mary Habich, Br. 74, Ambridge, Pa. Aug. 14 — Mary Jasina, Br. 100, Fontana, Cal. Aug. 27 — Mary Jane Dello, Br. 62, Conneaut, Ohio Secretaries: Ju|y 0 — Mary Hadley, Br. 29, Broundale, Pa. JUly 10 — Anna Mundi, Br. 62, Conneaut, Ohio July 17 — Mary Percic, Br. 67, Bessemer, Pa. July 18 — Angie Wortman, Br. 63, Denver, Colo July is — Mary Djubinski, Br. 102, Willard, Wise. Ju|y 23 — Louise Epley, Br. 73, Warrensville, Ohio JUly 27 — Rose Chiodi, Br. 52, Hibbing, Minn. July 30 — Mary Jamsek, Br. 9, Detroit, Mich. Aug. 5 — Jennie Stusek, Br. 88, Johnstown, Pa. Aug. 13 — Virginia Bendich, Br. 59, Burgettstowri, Pa. Aug. 16 — Frances Ulle, Br. 68, Fairport Hbr. Ohio Aug. 22 — Mary Kernz, Br. 89, Oglesby, III. Aug. 22 — Mildred Poropat, Br. 95, S. Chicago, III. Aug. 26 — Catherine Lastellic, Br. 64, Kansas City, Kans. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! DATES JULY 21 AUG. 13 AUG. 25 SEPT. 8 SEPT. 22 OCT. 6 OCT. 17 OCT. 18 OCT. 27 OCT. 29 DEC. 28 DEC. 28 TO REMEMBER.. — ZVEZA DAY AT LEMONT, ILL., Br. 2, Chicago, III. hostesses. — PICNIC, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio at Susnik’s — COLORADO STATE DAY, Br. 2, Pueblo, Colo'. — MINNESOTA ZVEZA DAY, Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — WISCONSIN STATE DAY, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wise. — PENNA-NEW YORK STATE CONVENTION, Br. 96, Universal, Pa. — MISC. CARD PARTY, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis., 7:45 p.m. St. Mary’s. — CARD PARTY, Br. 50, Cleveland, O. — 45th ANNIVERSARY, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio — CARD PARTY, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio, Euclid Pk. Clubhouse. — FOURTH S. W. U. DEBUTANTE COTILLION BALL S.N.D., St. Clair, Cleveland, Ohio — OH 10.-MICH. STATE CONVENTION. MARIE PRISLAND OH, TA SVET (Pripomba: Rev. Claude Okom, O.F.M., Zvezin duhovni svetovalec od leta 1958, je s\oje življenske "utrinke” napisal v slovenščini. Priobčujem jih kot take, ker bi v prevodu veliko čutečnosti izgubili. Father Okorn je naš duhovni voditelj. Njegovi sestavki v ZARJI so slični zvezdam v temni noči. Njegov življenjepis bo zanimal Zvezine članice pa tudi širšo javnost saj je podoben brušenemu kamnu v zgradbi slovenske narodnosti. Spisu pa manjka opis dejavnosti in oskrbe za zgradnjo njegove nove fare, ko je Father moral biti voditelj, arhitekt, graditelj, nadzornik, oskrbnik in diplomat pri nadškofiji. Nosil je ogromno breme odgovornosti. Njegovi farani se tega zavedajo in so mu globoko hvaležni.) P. Klavdij Okorn, ofm: Utrinhi iz mojega žiuijenja Luč sveta sem zagledal dne 8. novembra 1912 v Podbrezjah na prelepi Gorenjski v Sloveniji. Moj oče Franc in moja mati Ivana rojena Osterman sta takrat stanovala v Dolenji vasi št. 36. V tistem času se je samo župnija Imenovala Podbrezje, sedaj je to ime rastegnjeno na vasi Dolenja vas, Srednja vas, Britof in Podtabor, ki so s tem izgubila svoja imena. Oče je bil sodar in mati delavka na velikem Pavlinovem posestvu, kateremu so po domače rekli pri “Frančku”. Posestvo je bilo v novi Jugoslaviji podržavljeno. Pozneje sta oče in mati prevzela posestvo v Dolenji vasi št. lo, danes št. 7. To posestvo je prvotno bilo namenjeno mojemu stricu Janezu, ki pa je padel pri Gro-deku v prvi svetovni vojni. Ker je prva vojska zahtevala tudi strica Jožeta, je posestvo prešlo na mojega očeta, ki je bil najmlajši. Predno sta moja starša prevzela posestvo in gospodarstvo, kar se je zgodilo še pred prvo vojno, sta živela v svoji hišici v Podtabru. Tu se je med prvo vojno rodil moj brat Ivan, ki je postal pozneje žrtev druge svetovne vojne. To je bila vsa naša družina, Leta 1919 sem začel hoditi v dvorazredno ljusko šolo v Podbrezjah. Med učnimi močmi je najbolj spominjam učiteljice Sever in učitelja Antona Lovšeta. Ta nas je navajal na vzdržnost v pijači in odsvetoval kajenje. Oprijel sem se njegovega nasveta in ga še danes držim. Bil je zelo umen vrtnar in je imel smisel za izboljšanje kmetskega gospodarstva. Pri njem sem se veliko naučil. Versko življenje nam je prikazal v sliki in zgledu župnik Vaclav Vondršek, ki je bil po rodu Čeh a se je dobro naučil slovenskega jezika. Posebno živo nam je opisal sveto deželo, ki jo je sam videl. V meni je s tem obudil smisel za duhovski stan. Bil je zeio blaga duša. V Podbrezjah je župnikoval čez trideset let. Med drugo svetovno vojno je bil pregnan. Pregnali so ga Nemci. Po vojni se je vrnil v Podbrezje telesno in duševno izčrpan in kmalu nato umrl. Bil mi je vodnik v marsičem. Pomagal mi je, da sem se odločil za študiranje. Po posredovanju moje male tete, sestre Gabrijele, članice reda Presvete krvi, sem začel gimnazijo pri očetih jezuitih v Travniku v Bosni. Po treh le-tih sem na osebno prošnjo bil sprejet v konvikt, ki so ga vodili očetje frančiškani v Novem mestu. Tu sta name močno vplivala o. Ernest Jeno in o. Ladislav Pintar. Po dveh letih šolanja v Novem mestu ali po prejšnji peti gimnaziji, sem se odločil za frančiškanski način življenja. Ko sem svoj sklep povedal nekaterim svojim sošolcem so seveda to povedali mojemu razredniku Novaku. Ta je v začudenju izjavil: “ta: za vsakega bi prej mislil.” Bog drugače misli kot ljudje.. Vrže seme poklica v srce čoveka za katerega hoče, da je priča Zanj. Pri vsem mi je seveda zopet pomagal dobri župnik Vaclav Vondrasek. V frančiškanskem redu je bila navada, da v vstopu v red dajo novo ime. Vsem se je čudno zdelo, da so mi predstojniki dovolili izbrati svoje ime. Izbral sem si ime Klavdij (Claude), ker je padel na moj rojstni dan, kakor da bi že takrat vedel, da v Ameriki praznujejo rojstne dneve in ne godove. Hotel sem imeti ime Marijan, pa je že nekdo drugi imel to ime. Ni bKa navada dati isto ime dvema. Novicijat ali leto preiskušnje sem opravil v Kamniku v letih 1929 — 30. Po dovršenem novlcijatu in neslovesnih obljubah so me predstojniki poslali v Ljubljano, kjer sem kot frančiškan nadaljeval gimnazijo ra tretji državni, ki je takrat gostovala v Bethovnovi ulici. Ko so to gimnazijo zaprli iz političnih razlogov sem nadaljeval in končal gimnazijo na prvi državni, ki je bila j Vegovi ulici nasproti univerzitetnega poslopja. P. Klavdij Okorn, O.F.M. Po končani gimnaziji sem se vpisal na teološko fakulteto (bogoslovje) v Ljubljani. Po prvem letniku me je doletela dolžnost služiti vojake. Vojaške oblasti so me poslale služiti vojake v Valjevo v Srbiji. Tu sem služil kot bolničar h bil dodeljen na delo v vojaški apoteki. Tu sem tudi imel prvikrat opravka z vojaškim sodiščem. Civilna bolnica kakor se jo takrat imenovala je bila poleg vojaške. Bolnikom tam so stregle sestre usmiljenke. Preko vojaškega duhovnika sem dobil zvezo z njimi. Večrat sem se udeležil svete maše v njihovi kapeli. Večkrat so me tudi povabile na zajutrek. To ni bilo všeč vratarju bolnice in me je zatožil vojaški oblasti, češ, da hodim tja brez pravega dovoljenja. Trdo so me zaradi tega prijeli. Izgovoril sem se pri tem mi je pomagal vojaški kaplan — da v času narodne žalosti, bilo je to po smrti kralja Aleksandra, je popolnoma naravno, da človek moli in išče tolažbe pri Bogu. To mi je pomagalo, da me niso zaprli. Dali so mi le strog ukor. Zabranili so mi tudi hoditi še naprej v civilno bolnico. Po šestih mesecih sem končal službo. Vrnil sem se k svojim bogoslovnim študijam. Po tretjem letniku bogo- slovja dne 5. julija 1936. sem bil posvečen v duhovnika. Za to so dobili posebno dovoljenje iz Rima, ker še nisem imel 24 let. Posvetil me je pokojni dr. Gregorij Rožman takratni ljubljanski škof. Frančiškanski provincijal, ki me je pripustil k posvečenju je bil Dr. Rant. Po posvečenju sem še študiral dve leti in končal teološke študije. Po končanem bogoslovju sem b;! nastavljen v Ljubljani pri Marijinem oznanenju. Bil sem kaplan in obenem katehet v Marjanišču pri sestrah. A že po enem letu so me nastavili za kaplana pri svetem Cirilu in Metodu za Bežigradom v Ljubljani. Tu sem dobil prvi vpogled v duhovno življenje in razmere v cerkvcnem življenju v Ameriki. Moj župnik p. Kazimir Zakrajšek, me je seznanil s tem načinom življenja v Ameriki. Sam je bil dušni pastir v Ameriki več kot 27 let. Za časa mo!e službe na tej fari me je doletela druga svetovna vojna. Najprej je sledila okupacija pod Italijani in leta 1943 pod Nemci. Pod okupacijo se je odprlo zame novo polje dušnega pastirstva. Nemci so ob zasedbi pregnali duhovščino in inteligenco. To se je zgodilo tako na Gorenjskem kakor na Štajerskem. Da bi pomagal ljudem pri njihovem duhovnem življenju, sem dalj časa na skrivoma obiskoval kraje po Gorenjski, tam maševal, spovedoval, krščeval in celo poročal, čeprav je bilo pod smrtno kaznijo prepovedano. če bi me našli, bi me gotovo zaprli, če ne še kaj več. Do tega je pozneje prišlo, ko so Nemci zasedli Ljubljano. Leta 1944 je prišla vrsta name Zaprli so me pod pretvezo, da imam preveč vpliva na ljudi. Iz zapora v Ljubljani so me Nemc: poslali v koncetra- cijsko taborišče Dachau, kjer sem leta 1945 in to na nedeljo dne 29, aprila dočakal osvobojanje po Amerikancih. Začelo se je novo življenje. Po osvobojenju se je pokazala potreba pomagati našim ljudem, ki so bili razstreseni po celi Nemčiji ali kot zaporniki, ali preseljenci ali delavci na prisilnem delu. Obiskoval sem naše ljudi kjerkoli so pač bili in jim prinašal duhovno tolažbo. Iz Nemčije so ljudje, ki so se zbirali in živeli nekaj časa po raznih taboriščih, v novo življenje na vse strani. Moje delo se je raztezalo prodvsem na ame-rikansko zono zasedene Nemčije. Tako se je glasilo pooblastilo, ki mi ga je dala Vatikanska misija, ki je imela svoj sedež v Taurusu pri Frankfurtu, pod vodstvom škofa iz Fargo, North Dakota in poznejšega kardinala Muencha, rojenega v Milwaukee, Wis. in zmožnega govoriti nemški jezik. V tem časa sem dobil povabilo od slovenskega fra- nčiškanskega vodstva v Ameriki, da naj pridem tja. Moje delo na Bavarskem in amerikanski zoni Nemčije so prevzeli drugi in tako sem mogel leta 1947 oditi v Ameriko. Na ameriška tla sem stopil dne 12. decembra 1954. leta. Na La Salle železniški postaji me je sprejel p. Benedikt Hoge, predstojnik slovenskih frančiškanov v Ameriki v tistem času. Sprejel me je tako ljubeznivo, da sem mislil, da sem prišel domov. Saj tudi sem. Za nekaj tednov sem se ustavil v Lemontu, da se nekoliko odpočijem. Od tu so me predstojniki poslali k fari sv. Stefana v Chicagi. Tu sem zopet začel z rednim dušnopnstirskim delom, že po enem dobrem letu so me predstojniki poslali k fari sv. Terezije v Johnstownu. Tu sem tudi prvikrat pridigal v angleščini, čez pol leta sem po volji predstojnikov odšel na delo v South Chicago k sv. Juriju, kjer sem ostal komaj dobro leto. Veliko naših ljudi tako iz Avstrije kakor iz Nemčije se je selilo v Avstralijo in tam začelo novo življenje. Od tbm so začele prihajati prošnje, da rabijo duhovnikov. Prijavil sem se in 6. maja 1951 leta odšel na to novo polje dela. Bilo je pravo misijonsko polje. Vse je bilo treba začeti znova. Dobro je bilo to, da sem dobil streho pri očetih frančiškanih v Sydneyu. • Potoval sem skoraj po celi Avstraliji in obiskoval ali iskal naših ijudi. Da smo obdržali zvezo med seboj in budili versko zavest smo ustanovili list Misli, ki še danes izhaja. Popisati vse delo na tem področju zahteva poglavje zase. Po preteku vize za Avstralijo, sem se po dveh letih napornega dela vrnil v Združene države. Nastavljen sem bil za kaplana pri fari sv. Janeza v Milwaukee, Wis. Sem sem prišel dne 6. junija 1953. Po odhodu p. Aleksandra Uiankarja, ki je bil župnik pri sv. Janezu in obenem vrhovni predstojnik slovenskih frartč.škanov v Ameriki, so me nastavili za župnika, kjer sem še danes. To se je zgodilo 13. marca 1954. Dela je bilo dovolj posebno še, ker je fara sv. Janeza bila slovenska fara in je lahko vsak Slovenec spadal v faro če je le hotel. Bili so pa Slovenci razstreseni po vsem Milwaukee kakor so še danes. Kmalu se je tudi pokazala potreba po novi cerkvi in šoii. ki jo fara do sedaj ni imela. Cerkev sama je provotno hila judovska sinagoga in stara čež osemdestet let. Pri načrtih za bodočnost smo imeli v vidiku položaj kakršen je bil takrat. Kmalu pa je postalo jasno, da tam, kjer smo bili ne bo mogoče naprej. Nova velecesta je prekrižala naše načrte. Začeli smo misliti na preselitev. Končno n^m je škofija po ponovnih prošnjah naklonila to možnost, ko nam je dala na razpolago ozemlje pri 84 cesti in Cold Spring Road. Škofija je kupila to ozemlje predvidoma za novo faro. Škofijski odlok o premestitvi naše fare nosi datum 10. septembra 1965. Preselili smo se na to posestvo, kjer je stala hiša stara 130 let dne 1. avgusta 1966. Delo na tem novem položaju se je samo ponujalo. Začeli smo načrte za novo cerkev in šolo, poskrbeli za stanovanje duhovnikov in sester, obiskovali smo družine in se začeli poglabljati v nove razmere. Pri tem delu so mi poleg kaplana Krištoferja Sedlaka veliko pomagali ljudje, ki živijo v tej okolici. Fara je poleg tega, da je v osnovi narodna — slovenska, dobila svoje meje in s tem zagotovilo za bodočnost. Dne 9. oktobra 1966 smo zasadili prvo lopato. Načrti so predvidevali cerkev, in šolo združeno. Prvi Načrt so imeli v vidu okroglo cerkev, ki pa jih je škofija odklonila. 24, junija smo imeli v novi cerkvi pivo sv. mašo, že dan poprej pa prvo poroko. Vse do tedaj smo imeli službo božjo v dvorani na 9. cesti in Mellody bar na 108 cesti in Layton Ave. V dvorani smo imeli tri sv. Maše in v Mellody bar pa dve. Cerkev je bila posvečena dne 23. septembra 1967. Posvetil jo je mi-lwauški nadškof William E. Cousins D.D. šolo smo odprli v septembru 1968. Začeli smo s prvimi tremi razredi. Vodijo jo častite sestre iz Lemonta. Sola je osmorazredna in ima letos 1974 prve graduante. Do sedaj je vpisanih 223 učencev. Ko se je začela služba božja v novi cerkvi, je s tem prenehala služba božja tako v dvorani kakor pri Mellody bar Slovenci imajo še vedno eno sv. mašo in sicer ob S:45. Da se omogoči starim ljudem in bolj oddaljenim, ie fara najela poseben avtobus, ki prvaža in odvaža te ljudi k slovenski sv. maši. Službo božjo zelo poživlja pevski zbor, ki je znan daleč naokrog, že vsa ta leta ga skrbno vodi znani organist Ernest Majhenich. Zemljišče, ki ga fara poseduje znaša 30 akrov. Gra-anja in zemljišče je stalo okrog sedemsto tisoč dolarjev. Sestre imajo svojo hišo pet blokov stran od cerkve. Stanovanje za duhovnika je začasno razdeljeno na dve hiši, ki sta kakih 400 jardov narazen. V niš;, ki je bila že prej na posestvu je pisarna in stanovanje za župnika. Kaplan stanuje v drugi hiši. Župnik hodi tja na hrano, ker tam živi tudi kuhar. Fara vidno raste. Okrog osemsto družin je že sedaj vpisanih in še vedno prihajajo. Le delavcev v vinogradu Gospodovem manjka. Nove moči so petrebne. Prosite zato Gospoda žetve, da pošlje delavcev v svxDj vinograd. FANIKA HUMAR NAVDUŠENI ODMEVI ZVEZINE AKCIJE Počitnice — čas za telesno in duhovno obnovo nas je navdahnil, da smo podvzele najširše vabljenje za Zvezino romanje v Lemont dne 20. in 21. julija letos. Veliko zborovanje se bo pričelo v nedeljo zjutraj v veliki dvorani pri čestitih sestrah, katere bodo pripravile zajtrk za vse članice naše Zveze. Za podrobnosti dnevnega programa glejte na drugem mestu v Zarji. Od vseh strani Amerike dobivamo presenetljivo veliko odgovorov, ki so zelo raznoterni. Največ starejših zvestih članic teži o slabem zdra vju in o veliki želji, da bi mogle priti na ta dan v Lemont ter nas prosijo, naj se jih spomnimo pri naši Mariji Pomagaj pri molitvah. Tukaj je nekaj odgovorov na naša vabila, ki bodo ogreli še tiste, ki vedno vidijo vse temno. Magdalena Wiclina, Puli. Pa. |>iš<‘: “Želim vam veliko uspeha pri tej najlepši zamisli! Bog vam bodi v pomoč 'i Marija Pomagaj, ki je tudi moja priprošnjiea v vseh težavah. Vas prosim, spomnite se me na ta lepi ti i.n in molite tudi zame. Jaz bom v duhu z Vami. Nič se ne ustrašite težav. Delajte naprej, kakor smo me delale v časih, ko so nam prerokovali le 5 do 10 let življenja v Zvezi, še smo tu in še bomo, dokler bomo imele voditeljice, ki so smožne tako požrtvovalnega dela. Rog živi Mrs. Prisland še mnoga leta! želim vsi.m srečno pot 1; Maiijl Pomagaj in vas vse lepo pozdravljam.” Drage moje sestre: Molite še zame, da mi Marija izprosi zdravje. Zbogom moje drage! želim vam veliko sreče! Mrs. Roso Sluga, Br. 12 Milw. Wise. Vam želim veliko uspeha pri vašem plemenitem delu! Ako Bog da zdravje, se vidimo v Lemontu pri Mariji Pomagaj. Pozdravljeni. Bog blagoslovi vaše delo! Mrs. Mary Hochevar, Joliet, 111. Tukaj priložim svoje dobre volje in upam, da bo pomagalo; želim vse lobro v Lemontu in da boste vse dobro izvršile. Mrs. Frances Hoffner, Hollywood, Calif. Želim vam veliko uspeha, dosti dobre volje in božjega blagoslova v Lemcutu, da bi vse fajn naredile in da bi vas Marija čuvala vsake nesreče. Lep pozdrav vsem. Mrs Frances Sardoč, Bivša preds, š>- 2, Morris, 111. Bog daj srečo vsem in obilo razvedrila za Z vezin dan v Lemontu! S sestrskim ’ ozdravom. Mrs. Ivanka Svet, I S 4 N.Y. Ne pozabite lepih “pink” listin prinesti s seboj. To bo najlepša priložnost srečati in nare diti nova prijateljstva in s tem pomnožiti naše vrste Kampanja nas čaka, a čas hitro mineva. Poletje je pravi čas za kampanjo. Lepota in toplina narave bo tudi na nas vplivala, da ju bomo mogli še na druge prenašati. Pridite in povabite s seboj vse, kar more hoditi. Več nas bo, tem bolj mogočno bomo utrdile naše vezi in ideale, ki nas družijo. WE WANT OUR ZVEZA TO GROW AND PROSPER! Membership campaign which will end Mrs. Rose Kraemer Sec’y of Br. 43 has Dec. 31, is gaining new spirit. We want to another magic secret. She is a never tiring share some ideas with you all: campaigner. Come and hear Mrs. Kraemer Mrs. Mary Slaney, Secretary Br. 26 Pgh. Pa. in Lemont. She will be there as every year, writes: Well wishers for Lemont Zveza Day: on c* u ■ ■ • , . T . , Dear Ladies: I am glad to help out with Our Church had a four-day Trip down _____________________•„ <- t i c .1 r i_ • i_ ■ l j u your project, i have greatly enioyed receiv- South, of which I was in charge, and when . Z. t-ui nu u , . .. . . . . ing Zarja publication monthly. It has become we were coming home from the trip, knew „ J , .. . . . . ... ,, , . a favorite magazine of my family and that we had a few adies on the bus who 6 J J friends. I wish you c 'ntinued success. Sincerely, Mrs. Johanna Gale, where not our Zveza Members; so, I told Helen Gulla, who is our 1974 Mother of the R i qv ,v Year, to go and tell them about our Zveza, „ ,, e,.°^aj and ask them to join our organization, and W'tY 1U°k & P™y G°f i< really worked. We have seven (7) new bleF y0U' MRrs’ A|b'"a Savel, . T ' ' Br. 10 Cleveland rs‘ It was cheering to hear from you ladies. "This is the way that we got our last God bless you! Your welfare, your petitions, members, on one of our trips, and I see if your intentions: all are sharing remembrance there are any new ladies, we get a hold of in our Novena Masses. I pray that God will them right away. I hope that we can con- favour that which you seek, tinue to gel more new members this way.” Fr. Raymond, O.F.M. New York p. Klavdij okorn, ofm: Javno mnenje v cerkvi. Iz verskega lista Družina posneman sledeče misli. Cerkev kot družba ustreza vsem zakonitostim, ki so potrebne za nastanek in razvoj javnega mnenja. Že papež Pij XII je izjavil, da je Cerkev "živo telo in bi njenemu življenju nekaj manjkalo, ko bi v njej ne bilo javnega mnenja.” Nosilec javnega mnenja pa je lahko le skupina ljudi, ki se zavedajo pripadnosti tej skupnosti. Če je javno mnenje danes v Cerkvi šibko ali ga ponekod sploh ni, je krivo to, da se kristjani premalo zavedamo, da smo kristjani. Ponovno izjavljamo svojo pripadnost temu ali onemu narodu, državi, celo športnemu društvu ali družabnemu klubu, šele na izrecno vprašanje p? bomo morda obotavljaje se odgovorili, da smo kristjani. Najbrž je bila tudi služba obveščevanja znotraj cerkve v preteklih desetletjih nekoliko kriva, da se javno mnenje ni utegnilo razviti kakor bi bilo treba. Skupina zavednih ljudi je namreč le brazda v kateri more vzkliti javno mnenje. Potrebno je še svobodno kroženje obvestil in mnoštvo mnenj. Zanimivo je, da smo pred Koncilom navadno govorni ali pisali o svobodi tiska in drugega obveščanja. Pokoncilske listine pa povdarjajo predvsem pravico vsakega člana Cerkve do obveščenosti. “Ko trdimo, da je javno mnenje v Cerkvi bistveno, moramo dosledno priznati vsem vernikom pravico do vseh potrebnih obvestil, da se bodo mogli spoprijeti z odgovornostmi, ki jih imajo v cerkvenem življenju.” Toda listina se ne ustavlja zgolj pri pravici biti obeščen, temveč od vernikov zahteva sodelovanje. Samo poslušanje bi bilo premalo. Takole pravi: “Zato se morajo katoličani jasno zavedati, da imajo pravo svobodo besede in izražanja, ki temelji na čutu vere in ljubezni. Na čutu vere, ki ga Duh resnice i>udi in oživlja v božjem ljudstvu, da more verske resnice pod vodstvo učiteljstva globlje dojeti in popolneje živeti; in na ljubezni, ki jo plemeniti občestvo s Kristusovo svobodo. Kristus nas je namreč rešil greha in nas s tem usposobil, da presojamo vsako stvar svobodno, v skladu z njegovo voljo.’” Delajmo z besedo in zgledom, d.i se širi božje kraljestvo in tako Kristus zavlada povsod. V Opomin Jfoami Štefančič ŠT. 14, CLEVELAND, OHIO V pondeljek dne 29. aprila ob 11 uri zvečer je umrla na njenem domu, 231 E. 200 St. naša dobra čla. Ivana Štefančič. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Milavec in rojena je bila na Mali Bukovici, po domače Lovričeva pri Ilirski Bistrici v Sloveniji. Dne 1. maja bi bila stara 92 let, pa jo je Vsemogočni Stvarnik vzel en dan prej v sv. nebesa. Zelo rada je hodila v cerkev, če je le mogla je šla vsak dan, dokler jo ni prijela bolezen, katera jo je navezala na posteljo več let ter je bila zelo vesela obiskov naših članic. Dokler je mogla je rada hodila na seje in je pomagala kjerkoli potrebno. Bila je naša čla. 44 let in tudi vse njene 4 hčerke so pri naši podr. in sicer: Silvija Milavec, Mary Mersnik, Jane Lube in Štefka Petrič, kakor tudi vnukinja Olga Klančar, naša dobra pevka in predsednica Pevskega zbora Dawn. Naše čla. so se v velikem številu zbrale pri pogrebniku Anton (Na sliki je družina po kojnice ob njeni 90 letnici rojstva: štiri hčerke ter sinova Frank in Stanley.) Grdina in molile rožni venec za pokoj njene duše. Mnogo naših sester se je tudi udeležilo pogieba saj je pokojna bila priljubljena in spoštovana od vseh. Pogrebno sv. mašo so imeli 3 duhovniki in v srce segajoči poslovilni govor. Malo je takih pogrebov, saj je bila polna cerkev in 2 duhovna sta obhajala številne udeležence. Mrs. Stefančič je prišla v Ameriko kot mlada žena s soprogom Frankom, ki je umrl 1. 1966. Prišla je v Penna. 1. 1905 v gozd upravljati camp in imeti borderje na hrani. Bilo je mnogo trpljenja, saj je morala vse na roke prati in tolikim ljudem je pekla kruh in to za 20 ljudi in več, da so ga imeli zadosti. Marsikari je rekel, to je mati od kruha, ki ga je rada dala vsakemu. Doma je bila od velike družine in najstarejša in tako je zna'a pripraviti hrano z