Vol. 94 - No. 12 (USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 19, 1992 ISSN Number: 0164-680X 50C Receives John Ambrosic Award At the 29th National KSKJ Basketball Tournament held recently at St. Vitus Auditorium, Josephine Ambrosic presents Matt Drobnick of Christ the King Lodge No. 226 the Individual Sportsmanship Trophy, given in memory of her son, John Ambrosic who was active in fraternal sports events. Peacekeepers in Yugoslavia The first United Nations peacekeeping force to operate on the European mainland began settling into Sarajevo on Sunday, its commanders aware of the ethnic tensions among Bosnia’s population of Savic Muslims, Serbs and Croats and the risk they pose to one of the United Nations’ most volatile operations ever. The commander of the peacekeeping forces in Yugoslavia warned of the perils awaiting his troops as advanced parties prepared to fan out to the war zones in the now independent Croatia. Japan recognizes Slovenia On Tuesday, March 17 Japan joined major European nations by recognizing the independence of Slovenia and Croatia. A Foreign Ministry statement said Japan would establish diplomatic relations with Croatia and Slovenia but would first ask them to make a “sincere effort” to settle peacefully the conflicts in Yugoslavia and respect the rights of minorities. It said the situation in Croatia was “heading toward stabilization” since the U.N.’s decision last month to deploy 14,000 peacekeeping troops in Croatian war zones. —Robin Mission Aid Dinner The Catholic Mission Aid, known as the “Misijonska Znamkarska Akcija” in Slovenian, is sponsoring its annual benefit chicken and roast beef dinner for the support of Slovenian religious and laity missionaries around the world on Sunday, March 22 from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. in St. Vitus Auditorium, 6111 Glass Avenue. The Slovenian Catholic Mission Aid, referred to as MZA-CMA, primarily services countries in Africa and Asia where the majority of Slovenian missionaries work among the native population,. Dinners are $7 for adults and $3.50 for a child’s portion. The best teacher — One who makes you want to learn Slovenia received the shaft! bv James V. Debevec The United States has given diplomatic recognition Lithuania, Russia, and other nations seeking independence and democracy — but not Slovenia. (To add insult to injury, the United Nations has sent Russian troops to Croatia as a Peacekeeping force.) Why is that? Last Thursday’s New York Times said, “It was reported the United States plans to recognize four newly independent Yugoslav rePublics, possibly as early as April, following the lead of the European Community. Administration officials said President Bush approved the plan last week after nearly two months of deliberation... The Administration’s rationale was that it would serve no purpose to expand recognition until the United Nations had completed plans for inserting a peacekeep-in8 force of 14,000 into the war zones of Croatia and some outstanding disputes among the republics had been resolved.” Say what...? Notice that not one word about Slovenia Was included in their excuse for non-j^cognition for the last eight months. As we ave mentioned numerous times before, there Were never any border disputes in Slovenia, never any problems with minorities there. The U.Š. has refused recognition all this time — for no logical reason. Slovenia has been designated as guilty by association — that is they lived next door to where the problem is. That’s like sending you to jail along with the bank robber who lives next door. Why couldn’t the U.S. have recognized Slovenia a long time ago — when there were no problems there and it could have done a tremendous amount of good? It looks as if Slovenia was the victim of an illogical U.S. foreign policy in this one instance. — But what the heck, no sense crying over spilled milk — you just get ulcers. It’s time to get on with our lives. The European nations, and the International Olympic Federation recognizes Slovenia — and eventually even the United States will recognize Slovenia. Who would have ever thought it would come to pass? When Slovenia is given full U.S. diplomatic recognition it will be a time of great joy and celebration for us both here in the States and Canada, and those in Slovenia. We in America are enjoying the fruits and benefits of living in the world’s greatest democracy. In generations to come we feel confident the people of Slovenia will share similar happiness. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Kosilo MZA— To nedeljo ste vabljeni na kosilo Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije, ki bo v avditoriju pri Sv. Vidu. Serviranje bo od 11.30 do 1. pop. Kosilo se bo lahko vzelo domov. Nakaznice ($7, za otroke $3.50) dobite pri vhodu. Ves prebitek gre v podporo slovenskim misijonarjem po svetu. Pridite! Krofi— MZA sporoča, da se bodo prodajali krofi to soboto v šolski dvorani pri Sv. Vidu, ob običajnem času. Gospodinje so pa lepo naprošene za pecivo, ki se bo prodajalo v nedeljo, ob priliki MZA kosila. Tarok turnir— Letošnji prvi turnir taroka bo to soboto ob 7. uri zvečer, v Baragovem domu. Tudi novi igralci vabljeni. Upokojenci Slov. pristave— Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave ima mesečno sejo v četrtek, 26. marca, ob 1.30 pop., v Baragovem domu. Članstvo lepo vabljeno. Korotanove vaje— Zbor ima pevske vaje vsako soboto ob 7. zvečer, v SND na St. Clairju. Korotanci lepo vabijo vse prejšnje pevce in nove člane v zbor k petju! Seja— Klub upokojencev v Nev-burgu-Maple Hts. ima sejo v sredo, 25. marca, ob 1. pop., v SND na E. 80 St. Občni zbor— Občni zbor Baragovega doma se bo vršil v nedeljo, 5. aprila, ob 6. uri zvečer, v prostorih Doma na 6304 St. Clair Ave. Vsi člani lepo vabljeni, da se občnega zbora udeležite. Nov grob Joseph Novak Dne 17. marca je v Gateway negovališču umrl 95 let stari Joseph Novak, rojen v Šmar-jeti pri Rimskih Toplicah, v Cleveland prišel kot mlad fant in živel 47 let na Nottingham Rd., lastoval in vodil slaščičarno na 6128 St. Clair Ave. od 1. 1920 do oktobra 1944, ko je bila uničena v katastrofalnem East Ohio Gas požaru, nato sta pa z ženo odprla drugo trgovino na St. Clairju in jo vodila do upokojitve 1. 1972, vdovec po pok. ženi Mary, oče Ernesta, 2-krat stari oče, 1-krat prastari oče in brat Angele Janz. Pogreb bo iz Želetove-ga zavoda na E. 152 St. jutri, v petek, v cerkev sv. Vida ob 10. dop. in od tam na Vernih duš pokopališče. Ure kropljenja bodo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 6. do 8. (Osmrtnice so tudi na str. II) »Dve nevesti«— Dramatsko društvo Lilija vabi na svojo predstavo veseloigre Dve nevesti in sicer v nedeljo, 29, marca, ob 3.30 pop. v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Primorski večer— To soboto prireja Primorski klub »Primorski večer«. Pride okrog 100 Kanadčanov in avtobus iz Pittsburgha. Krajši nagovor bo imel č.g. Tine Batič iz Toronta, ki je bil pred nedavnim na obisku v Sloveniji, dr. Dominika Lango iz New Yorka bo pa zapela nekaj Dvorakovih pesmi. Vabilo— Odbor društva SPB vabi člane in prijatelje, da se pridružijo letošnjemu romanju v Kočevski Rog in Teharje, ki ga organizira Slovensko ameriški svet. Za nadaljnje informacije in prijave, pokličite g. Toneta Oblaka (481-9150) ali pa na potniško pisarno Kollander World Travel (692-2225). 90. rojstni dan— Frank Staniša, 6509 S. River Rd., Geneva, O., praznuje 27. marca svoj 90. rojstni dan. Visoki starosti navkljub, je g. Staniša umsko še mlad in mu za njegov rojstni dan želijo vse najboljše ter še vsaj deset srečnih in zadovoljnih let z božjim blagoslovom družina in vsi številni prijatelji. V Slovenijo— Konec tedna odpotuje v Slovenijo na poslovni obisk g. Robert Tomsich, podjetnik iz Clevelanda, ki se zanima za investiranje v Sloveniji. Z njim na njegovem letalu potujejo še sin in predstavnik njegovega podjetja ter prof. dr. Karl B. Bonutti, ki bo ostal v Sloveniji nekaj čez teden dni. G. Tomsich bo obiskal še Madžarsko, kjer ima investicije. Prijavnice za poletno šolo— Slovenska pisarna je prejela nekaj prijavnic za poletno šolo slovenskega jezika v Ljubljani in sicer od 6. do 31. julija. Vse potrebne informacije so v dvojezični prijavnici. Zainteresirani naj pošljejo kuverto z naslovom in priloženo znamko za 29 centov na naslov: Slovenska pisarna, 6304 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Slov. pisarna je sicer odprta vsako soboto od 9.30 do 1. pop., v prostorih Baragovega doma, ali po dogovoru, tel. 881-9617. V spomin Sally Furlich— Ga. Josephine Trunk, Cleveland, O., je poklonila $100 v spomin njene pred nedavnim umrle hčerke Sally Furlich. V isti namen je darovala $10 ga. Antonia M. Lausche, Richmond Hts. O. Iskrena hvala za podporo! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 19, 1992 2 The noble accordion by James V. Debevec In last Saturday’s local morning paper there was a cartoon called “Far Side” by Gary Larson that ridicules the accordion. It shows a person going to heaven and being handed a harp, while in the other half of the drawing it depicts people down below in a cave filled with fire and the devil handing out accordions. By GARY LARSON I guess the idea of the cartoon is that accordion music is so bad that as punishment for your sins you would be forced to listen to it for eternity. I disagree. To me accordion music has the opposite effect. It reminds me of the tranquility and hearty atmosphere of an Alpine life high in the mountains where a cool wind whips through the trees and a mountain stream cascades with beautiful waterfalls down the side of a rocky hill. Paradoxically it can also bring to mind exhileration of a couple doing a fast-paced polka without missing a step — or each other’s feet. It can equally bring about the triumph of two souls sliding along a dance floor in perfect harmony to the strains of a majestic waltz. Besides conveying mental serenity, it can be of physical benefit. I recall two years ago suffering with a summer bout of the flu with painful cramps but somehow making it out to Slovenska Pristava where the Alpine Sextet was playing and Stan Teskac manipulating the accordion as if it were a natural part of his physical being. I sat on one of the picnic benches and just listened. A half hour later all ailments were gone. Accordion music brings back memories of our wedding when the late-great Johnny Pecon and his orchestra entertained guests where nobody left until the end when the music stopped. A friend of mine Frank Mahnič loved to blow the sax for the Johnny Vadnal orchestra. Vadnal is, of course, a remarkable legend in his own time. Everybody knows and appreciates the fine music produced by the venerable Frank Yankovic and many admire Lawrence Welk. Personally I’m a great fan of the fantastic blind jazz accordionist, Art Van Damm. Today there are many great young tajented persons taking up the baton of accordion music and providing happiness wherever they go. Joe Tomsick and Jimmy Horzen readily come to mind. At the KSKJ convention a couple of years ago we had the privilege of listening to Jimmy Horzen. His regular employment is playing the accordion at Walt Disney World in the German Pavilion. I purchased a cassette of his music and have played it at least once a week since that time. It has to be one of the greatest collection of Slovenian-Alpine style folk music ever produced. Jimmy also has a knack of attracting the young people who are entranced by his accordon playing and have been known to sit for hours as he plays song after song of popular music. Last Sunday at the Slovenian National Home, a Lorain, Ohio group of musicians brought down the house during the annual Awards Banquet sponsored by the Federation of Slovenian National Homes. Along with the two beautiful singers were eight button box accordions all harmonizing perfectly to the complete delight of the audience. Even Master of Ceremonies, Charles Ipavec was impressed by their skills and said everyone should travel to the Lorain Slovenian Home if it is only to hear the music. There are many outstanding accordionists from across the nation who have brought happiness to those fortunate enough to hear them, including Tony Klepec, Steve Valencie, Don Slogar, DanWojtila, Lou Trebar, John Hočevar, Johnny Turek, Teddy Hoyer, Frank Kramer, Sam Pugliano, Joe Fedor-chak, Marjan Florien, Bryan Papesh, Fred Kuhar, Eddie Andres, Greg Cekada, Hank Haller, Bob Timko, Milan Tonkli, Roman Possedi, Richie Vadnal, Jeff Pecon, Eddie Habat, and many others. We could go on and on about the mental and physical benefits gained from listening to the accordion. The point is it is my opinion that Gary Larson was incorrect in depicting accordion music as a form of punishment. Rather it should be described as a nectar produced by the gods in heaven to give us mortals respite from the chaos and burdens of everyday life. ŽIVIJO! — LONG LIVE the great sounds of the accordion and God bless those who have the talent to play it! Vegetables keep people alert Fruits and vegetables may do more than help keep people physically healthy. A new study suggests that they also help keep people mentally sharp, reports Mature Outlook magazine. The study indicates that boron, a mineral found in leafy vegetables and most fruits, but not found in meats or dairy products, can substantially affect the way a person’s brain functions. The study suggests that the more boron a person eats, the more alert he or she is. Potica bake When it comes to holiday trimmings be sure to grace your table with poticas baked by the Circle No. 1 ladies of P.S. W.A. We have been offering our baked goods which include nut, nut and raisin, or just plain raisin poticas for your holiday Easter baskets. How about remembering a friend and surprise them with one of our fine loaves of pastry! Place your orders by calling either Fran Mauric at 531-6393, Dolores Dobida 951-1694, or Dorothy Silc 481-6071. Last time to order is March 27. Pick-up date is Wednesday, April 8th. We thank you for your support as we in turn support less fortunate by contributing throughout the year to many charitable organizations. Vida Zak Publicity Continued publication Editor: I’m enclosing my renewal and also an equal contribution to insure the continued publication of our excellent Slovenian newspaper. I commend your contributions to our community and especially congratulate you on the leadership you have demonstrated on behalf of a free and independent Slovenia. May God continue to bless your work. Ronald Šuster (State Representative 19th House District Ohio) John merclna 3224 EUCUD AVE, # 101, CLEVELAND, OHIO 441 IB m EB11B1 s YOURS TRULY RECENTLY HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO TALK TO A VERY SUCCESSFUL U.S. BUSINESSMAN WHO ALSO HAPPENS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE. ASKING HIM WHAT ADVICE HE WOULD GIVE TO A YOUNG PERSON AS TO THE CHOICE OF CAREERS, HERE ARE HIS PICKS FROM THE 25 CAREERS NOTED IN THE NATIONAL BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT WEEKLY AS BEING "HOTTEST CAREERS": 1- BANKRUPTCY LAWYER 2- COMMERCIAL LENDER 3- VETERINARIAN 4- INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTANT 5- NUTRITIONIST FOR ELDERLY 6- PHARMACIST 7- PERSON HANDLING EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PROGRAMS PLAY TODAY. WIN TONIGHT! Anytime today would be a good time to visit one of the Ohio Lottery’s Sales Agent locations and get in the games for tonight’s drawings. 100% FREE Freedom CHECKING • No ATM Fees •No Monthly Fees •Initial Supply of Checks FREE • Unlimited Check Writing • No Minimum Balance Required • Cleveland 920 E. 185th St.......486-4100 • Cleveland Hts. 1865 Coventry Rd.371 -2000 • Euclid 1515 E. 260th St.........731 -8865 • Pepper Pike 3637 Under Rd......831 -8800 • Richmond Hts. 27tOOChardon Rd..944-5500 • Shaker Hts. 20200 Van Aken Blvd.752-4141 • South Euclid 14483 Cedar Rd.....291-2800 • Willoughby Hills 2765 SOM Center Rd 944-3400 METROPOLITAN IGSBANK Your Friendly Neighborhood Bank Metropolitan Savings Bank of Cleveland • Member FDIC Should U.S. policy favor an independent Slovenia? Events... by M. Isabel Roche - Klopčič English 126 August 1, 1991 Diablo Valley College, Calif. In the past few years we have witnessed dramatic changes in Eastern Europe as communist controlled nations revolutionize into democratic nations. Not a single Eastern European nation has been left unaffected. The Eastern European nation of Yugoslavia has captured headlines as two of its disparate provinces seek independence. American newspapers relay the status of the situation and provide vivid pictures of the civil uprising which is taking Place. However, we Americans have yet to hear what our government thinks of the whole Slovenian and Croatian versus Yugoslavia dilemna. The U.S. policy in regards to Yugoslavia is to back the European Community which is trying to negotiate peaceful compromise. To understand why the U.S. is remaining route on this controversial subject, one has to look at the situation closely. Yugoslavia has been an ally of the U.S. since the 1950s. Tito, Yugoslavia’s famous Post-war leader, was regarded as the least oppressive of the communist leaders. Jugoslavia has been considered the most western of the communist nations. Because of the friendly terms between the U.S. and Yugoslavia, prosperous trade relations have developed. Perhaps it is fear of losing a good trading partner that keeps the U.S. from speaking out and stating whether it was for or against the Slovenian and Croatian secession from Yugoslavia. Traditionally, the U.S. has supported nations which fight for democratic governments and overthrow oppressive leaders. Most recently in the ^alf, the U.S. went to war to Overthrow a dictator, Saddam, who invaded a sovereign na-hon, Kuwait, and declared it his own territory. So. why did the U.S. not speak out when Yugoslav cderal troops overran ovenia and killed several People? Perhaps, the U.S. maintains silence because its policy towards the Slovenian and Croatian secession of Yugoslavia is to support and maintain the status quo. Perhaps, the U.S. just wants to protect its economic investments in Yugoslavia. But, since the U.S. is the model of democratic process (which every student is shown), and since U.S. support is important to any nation in the world, should not the U.S. support Slovenia and Croatia’s struggle for independence? U.S. support for Slovenia and Croatia would lend credance to their cause; other nations would, most likely, also show support, thus giving Slovenia and Croatia strength for their cause and possibly aid, as well, and U.S. support to their move for independence would give other nations courage to throw off the yoke of communism in support of freely elected, democratic governments. Should the U.S. change its policy and instead, be supportive of Slovenia and Croatia’s act of secession? Let us look at what the Slovenian contentions for secession are. Slovenians are seeking independence based on historical, cultural, political and economic differences. Historically, Slovenia, a nation of approximately two million people, was founded by the Romans and ruled by the Holy Roman Emperor for over 600 years. Thereafter, it was subservient to the Austro-Hungarian Emperor. Conversely, the remaining part of Yugoslavia (aside from Slovenia and Croatia) primarily an area often referred to as Greater Serbia, but really is made of five other provinces, was ruled by the Ottoman Empire for 600 years. Slovenia’s character was shaped by the Romans, whereas, the Greater Serbia’s character was shaped by the Turks. Culturally, the Slovenians differ from the Serbs in that they have a different language, religion and even a different alphabet (the Slovenians use the Roman alphabet, whereas, the Serbs use the Cyrillic alphabet). The Slovenians have always maintained their McDonald & Company builds relationsnips that work: For investment advice call, Stephen Koren Sharon Krnc 765-8357 765-8356 McDonald & company SECURITIES, INC. 30050 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 150 • Pepper Pike, Ohio 44124 NYSE Member SIPC Golub Funeral Home 4703 Superior Ave. -17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 391-0357 Service To Render A More Perfect Tribute” separate identity as Slovenians rather than Yugoslavians. If you ask a Slovenian on the street, even a misplaced one, such as in Cleveland or Chicago, “What nationality are you?” He will respond, most likely, “Slovenian,” rather than Yugoslavian. Yugoslavia doesn’t mean anything to a Slovenian other than a political union. Their identity as Slovenians reaches back for centuries and was not erased with the formation of Yugoslavia in 1918. Being surrounded by the Alps and having the Germans, Austrians and Italians as neighbors, has imparted alpinic characteristics upon Slovenia. Southern Yugoslavia is bordered by Albania and Greece who have bestowed their own flavoring upon the Serbs. The political difference between Slovenia and the federal government of Yugoslavia is a very important factor. First of all, Yugoslavia is governed by a rotating presidency. Each of the provinces has a representative in the presidential circle. One presidency rotates so that each provincial representative has a turn governing the nation and so that no one province can take over. What has happened in Yugoslavia today is that the Serbian representative did not allow the rotation of the presidency, so that the next representative, who was to be the Croatian representative, did not come to govern. The representative who currently governs Yugoslavia is the Serbian representative who is a member of the Communist Feighan excited about Slovenia Editor: I wholeheartedly share your excitement upon hearing on March 11 that the State Department finally announced that it intends to recognize independent Slovenia and Croatia. The Administration has finally realized what we have known for a long time — that the old Yugoslavia ceased to exist eight months ago. I have long supported the independence of Croatia and Slovenia and am a co-sponsor of H.Con.Res. 224, a resolution calling for U.S. recognition of both. Our job now is to hold the State Department to its promise. It has not said yet when or how it intends to recognize Slovenia and Croatia. As a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I am working hard to press for full recognition of all republics seeking independence as soon as possible. And even then our fight is not over. As long as the Yugoslav Federal Army occupies Croatian territory, as long as hundreds of thousands of refugees remain homeless, and until the Slovenian and Croatian economies — severely disrupted by the war — are rebuilt, we in Washington cannot rest. You can be sure that I will continue to work hard to press for a more forthcoming U.S. policy that addresses all these concerns. Edward F. Feighan Member of Congress party. On the other hand, Slovenia has a freely elected, democratic government. One of Slovenia’s quests is to rid itself of Communist subjugation. Every nation which seeks to secede from a greater nation has to bear in mind whether it can be self reliant. From an economical standpoint, Slovenia is the wealthiest part of Yugoslavia. It is the most industrialized and has the highest standard of living in comparison to the rest of Yugoslavia. Greater Serbia, which has primarily an agricultural economy has a much lower standard of living and relies on economical support from its richer neighbor, Slovenia. Slovenia’s independence would be a great loss to Yugoslavia since Yugoslavia would lose its breadwinner; however it would be able to stand on its own two feet. Perhaps the U.S. will have a new trading partner in Slovenia in the near future. Slovenia has made a very strong argument for its independence. It is historically, culturally, politically and economically disparate from the remainder of Yugoslavia. The Slovenians maintain their own identity, and as such, should be allowed to secede from a nation which wishes to suppress and subjugate them. Since the U.S. is a proponent of freedom and democratic process, should not the U.S. policy be one which supports Slovenia and other nations with a cause, as an independent nation? Collinwood revisited Watch “Collinwood Revisited” on Sunday, March 29th on channels 45 and 49 (Akron-Alliance) at 5 p.m. John Habat and Mike Polenšek will discuss the Lakeview (Memorial) school fire in which 172 grade school children perished in 1908. The most dangerous person — Liar The most disagreeable person — The complainer Sunday, April 5 Holmes Avenue Pensioners 30th Anniversary dinner-dance at Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. Tickets $12. Louise 261-1678 or Matt 943-3784. Saturday, April 11 Spring Dinner-Dance sponsored by Board of Directors of Collinwood Slovenian Home, 15810 Homes Ave. honoring Man of the Year John Jackson. Music by Bob Kravos Oreh. Dinner 7 p.m., music 8 p.m. Donation $12. Saturday, May 2 “Odmev Slovenije” Slovenian mixed chorus from Toronto performs under the direction of Rev. Tomaž Mavrič in concert at St. Vitus auditorium, E. 62and and Glass Ave. at 7:30 p.m. Dance and social to follow. Sunday, May 3 Annual Spring Brunch sponsored by Friends of the Slovenian Home, St. Clair Friday, May 15 Annual Meeting of the Slovene Home for the Aged at Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd. — 7 p.m. Sunday, May 17 St. Clair Pensioners Annual Chicken & Pork Dinner at St. Clair Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave. Serving from 1:3() to 3 p.m. Social to 5 p.m. For tickets call 391-9761. Thursday, May 21 Ohio Federation of KSKJ Lodges meet at 7:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine on Chardon Road, Euclid, for devotions to Our Lady of Brezje. Saturday, May 23 Korotan Concert, 7 p.m. Sunday, June 28 Ohio Federation of KSKJ Lodges annual Ohio Family Picnic at Slovenska Pristava in Harpersfield, Ohio. Saturday, Oct. 3 Fantje na Vasi 15th anniversary concert at the St. Clair Slovenian National Home. For more information call (216) 352-7455. Sunday, Oct. 4 Fall Brunch sponsored by Friends of the Slovenian Home, St. Clair. THE WAY TO C«v 22078 LAKESHORE BOULEVARD EUCLID, OHIO 44123 Mexico: charter flights every Saturday. Call for special rates. AIRLINE ‘ CRUISES * RAIL * HOTELS * AUTO RENTALS * TOURS Donna Lucas, owner--------- Patricia Spivak, Travel Consultant 261-1050 Vladimir M. Rus Attorney - Odvetnik 6411 St: Clair (Slovenian National Home) 391-4000 Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 family owned and operated since 1908 3 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 19, 1992 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 19, 1992 4 DEATH NOTICES FRANK M. KOSICH Frank M. Kosich, 68, passed away March 12. He was the owner/operator of Carst memorials, a family owned business established in 1926, until his retirement in 1983. He was born in Miren, Italy on October 26, 1923 and came to Cleveland at age 2. He was a resident of Bratenahl since 1959. He served in WWII in the Army (C-2) Intelligence Corp. in the Southern Philippines / Okinawa. He became an active member of the Euclid Veterans Club in 1948. In 1950 he was appointed by the Mayor of Euclid to the Memorial Day Committee. He continued to serve in this capacity as a member of the Euclid Joint Veterans Council Memorial Day Association, and was involved in organizing the annual parade for 42 years. He was the recipient of numerous service awards including the Euclid Veterans Distinguished Service Lifetime Membership Award and the Outstanding Service Award from the Mayor of Euclid. Mr. Kosich was the past president and honorary Member of the Board of Trustees of the Slovene Home for the Aged. He was a past president of the Cleveland Lake Shore Lions Club and a major supporter of the Bratenahl Community Foundation. He attended the Barre School of Memorial Art in Barre, VT. He was a member and supporter of the Case Western Reserve University Alumni Association, Adelbert College Class of 1945. His musical talent earned him a First in Trumpet at the National School Music Competition, and he was an Ohio All State Trumpeter. He also performed as lead singer in many Jadran Singing Society operetta productions. Mr. Kosich was a 50 year member of the National Benefit Society Lodge 53 and a member of Western Slavonic Association Lodge Washington. Following his retirement in 1983 he enjoyed world-wide travel with his family. Frank was the son of Frank and Augusta Kosich (both deceased). He is survived by his wife June (nee Zele) and daughters Melanie and Deborah, and mother-in-law Anna Zele. Visitation was Tuesday at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Cleveland. Services were Wednesday at 10 a.m. at Zele Funeral Home. Burial in Lake View Cemetery in the family plot. Friends who wish, may make contributions to the Slovene Home for the Aged, 18621 Neff Road, Cleveland 44119. ANNA LUKASKO Anna Lukasko (nee Hlad), 88, a lifelong resident of Cleveland, passed away in Meridia Euclid Hospital on Thursday, February 27. Anna was born in Cleveland and was a resident of Arrowhead Avenue for 51 years. She was a member of KSKJ Lodge No. 162 Slovenian Women’s Union No. 25, and Euclid Pensioners. She retired in 1970 from Enamel Products where she was employed as an inspector for 40 years. Anna was the widow of Joseph who died in 1972, the mother of Beatrice Tanko; grandmother of Kathleen (Mrs. Glenn) Williamson, and Kevin (wife Bonnie) Tanko of California; great-grandmother of four; sister of John Hlad, Josephine Hlad, Vicki Hlad, and the following deceased: Rudy Hlad, Louise Hlad, Marie Hlad, Jean Macerol. Funeral services were at Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Saturday, Feb. 29, burial in All Souls Cemetery. Zele Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. JOSEPH EVANCIC Joseph Evancic, 86, of E. 172 St., died March 13 in Meridia Euclid Hospital. He was born in Chicago, the son of John and Mary (nee Zalatel) Ivancic (both deceased). Mr. Evancic was retired from the Penn Central/Conrail Railroad where he was employed as a maintenance man. He is survived by his sister Mary Ivancic and brother Anthony Ivancic. Funeral services were Tuesday at St. Mary Church. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. Zele Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. JOSEPH F. GABRIEL SR. Services for Joseph F. Gabriel Sr., 77, a resident of Mayfield Village, Ohio, owner of Lake Discount Transmissions for 25 years, were Thursday at Chapel of the Divine Word, 8100 Eagle Road, Kirtland. Mr. Gabriel died Monday, March 15 at home. Born January 6, 1915 in Cleveland, he lived in Cleveland before moving to Mayfield Village. He was a member of American Mutual Life Association. Survivors are his wife, Bertha (Tekavec); sons Clifford J. of Kirtland and Joseph F. Jr. of Mentor; sisters Sophie Svoboda, Julia Tekavec, and Helen Legan; brother, William Gabriel; and four grandchildren. His brothers, Frank Gabriel and John Lackner, and sister Ann Donut, are deceased. Friends called at the Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Road, Willoughby Hills. The Rev. Norman N. Smith officiated. Burial in All Souls Cemetery. The family suggests contributions to Hospice of Western Reserve, 5786 Heisley Road, Mentor, 44060. Why play so loud? ANTON VOLK Anton Volk, 95, died Feb. 28 in Venice, Florida. He was born in Slovenia. He was a member of Epiphany Catholic Cathedral in Florida. He was a past parishioner of St. Vitus in Cleveland. Survivors include a daughter, Virginia Gallo (Steve); two grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. His brothers Frank and John, sisters Jennie Medved and Julie Jenko preceded him in death. Also surviving are two nieces, Jean Sadowsky (Michael) (Willowick, Ohio), and Emilee Jenko (Euclid, O.). Burial was in Gulf Pines Memorial Park, Venice, Florida. In memory My subscription is $25 and I am enclosing an extra $5 in memory of Charles Kikel. Fran Kikel Willowick, Ohio WALTER KOPEC Walter Kopec died March 11 at St. Augustine Manor after a long illness. Born in Poland, he was the husband of Ivana (nee Valencie), the brother of Wiktoria Zwolin-ski, Stanislawa Kotyza, and the late Josepha, Mihael and John. Services were Friday, March 13, from the Zak Funeral Home, 6016 St. Clair Ave. and Funeral Mass at St. Vitus Church. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio JOSEPH NOVAK Joseph Novak, 95, a resident of Nottingham Rd. for 47 years passed away at Gateway Health Care Center on Tuesday, March 17. Joseph was born in Smarjeta Rimske Toplice, Slovenia. He immigrated to Cleveland as a young boy. He was the owner/operator of a confectionary store at 6128 St. Clair Avenue from 1920 until the building was destroyed in 1944 during the East Ohio Gas Explosion. Joe and his wife Mary then opened a card shop further up St. Clair. They ran this shop until he retired in 1972. Shortly after, Mary passed away. Joseph was the father of Ernest (wife Emma); grandfather of Ernest and Eugene; and great-grandfather of Andrew, and brother of Angela Janz. Visitation today (Thursday) from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. Funeral services Friday at St. Vitus church at 10 a.m. Burial in All Souls Cemetery. 90th birthday Frank Staniša, 6509 S. River Rd., Geneva, OH will be celebrating his 90th birthday on Friday, March 27. His family and friends wish him a happy birthday and the Lord’s blessings for many more healthy years. Editor: In the article that I wrote about the U.S.S. Band annual concert, I mentioned that almost all bands that are performing for the purpose of dancing, are playing much too loud. It is impossible to enjoy music that is blasting through the speakers so loud that one cannot talk with friends sitting together at a table. The band is supposed to play for dancers who are usually in front of the bandstand and that is all. People who are not dancing like to talk among themselves as they relax at the tables. But that is impossible when the sound system is set so loud that it is hard to hear a friend sitting next to you even if you both shout at each other. . Musicians know that every hall has different accoustics and they must set P.A. systems every night to each hall’s demands. I heard rumors that some of the bands even set the PA louder when someone complains — just to spite them. I walked out recently from two dances because the bands played too loud and it was just impossible to talk, while they were playing. I would like to mention that it is not just me complaining; many guests have the same feeling. I hope the band leaders will start to play softer so that the enjoyment of being at dances or wedding receptions will be the happy occasions that they are intended to be. All of this brings back memories of my years when I was playing with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra. When we started the engagement at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City the leading trombonist, Warren Covington, told us, “Play so soft that I will hardly hear you.” All brass instruments were using “buckets” to soften their sound. It was not easy, but the manager of the room came to Warren and told him how pleased he was that the band played nice and soft. He also mentioned that he let go Larry Elgart’s orchestra because they did not play softly enough since the room was not that big. Well, we played for a month and a half under those conditions. The customer is always right and the dancers always gave us a tremendous amount of applause because they were able to talk with one another while the orchestra played. Duke Marsic A Taste of Mexico If your travel tastes run to “Mexican,” half of the fun will be reading the menu. Mexico, less than four hours from most North American gateways, offers a vast menu with something to please every palate. Mexico’s ancient culture attracts the history buff with its palaces and pyramids, and the Colonial towns of Zacotecas and Oaxaca are 17th and 18th century architectural jewels. Modern Mexico offers fine shopping, outstanding hotels and dining, beautiful beach resorts and thrilling nightlife. Euclid Travel can Fill you in on the details and get you to your destination in time to en-joy all the festivities. 261-1050. CARST-NAGY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Community.’ Paul J. Hribar Joyce Ann Hribar Attorneys at Law A.M. Pena Building — Suite 500 27801 Euclid Avenue -near 1-90 261 - 0200 PROBATE, ESTATE PLANNING, REAL ESTATE MATTERS AND GENERAL CIVIL PRACTICE 2W‘& rj£, 'an Choice FUNERAL HOME Oirust Ouruxaf OaatfUy in cJVoxtfxux^ Our Complete »traditional service Y$1990> compare elsewhere at $3,500. Includes: • Protective 20 gauge Steel Casket • One Day Visitation • Professional Services of Director and Staff • Hearse, Limousine, and Escort Vehicles for information please call 944-7976 Dedicated to Excellence in Funeral Service Dignified and Reasonable Luncheon Rooms Available 28890 Chardon Road, Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 Mayor Strgar impressed with area Slovenians Upc i his return to Slovenia, Mr. Jože Strgar, Mayor of Ljubljana, sent a letter with the request to convey in his name and in the name of his delegation members (Mr. ^imitrij Kovacic, Mr. Janez Senear and Mr. Vital Kovacic), their heartfelt gratitude for the unexpected and warm reception received trom the Slovenian community of Cleveland and the public officials. Mayor Strgar is aware that because the three day agenda had a tight schedule, the delegation was unable to meet with all the representatives of Slovenian organizations specially with some who have greatly contributed to the preservation of the Slovenian heritage in the Cleveland area and they apologize for this. The delegation was amazed by the vitality and dedication so many people to the Slovenian culture and recent efforts for the recognition of Slovenia’s independence, including many of non-Slovenian descent and especially public officials. Mayor Strgar wishes to express his gratitude in a special ^ay to the newly established Cleveland - Ljubljana Sister Cities Committee for taking uPon itself the responsibility for the arrangements, including the local financing of the event. The delegation left Cleveland with a deep impression of the Slovenian parishes of St. Mary’s and St. Vitus, of the St. Vitus Slovenian school, the Miles Park Elementary Public School which has established a sister relationship with one school in Ljubljana; the role of the newspaper ‘Ameriška Domovina,” ^tany National Homes, the Slovene Home for the Aged, Kollander Travel, radio programs, especially the one by Mr. Tony Petkovšek, the visit to the Home Office of the American Mutual Life Association, the Slovenian American Heritage . Foundation, Svet, the Alliance, the Federation of Slovenian National Homes, the Slovenian American Business Council, receptions with the County Auditor Tim McCormack, the County Commissioners with President Jim Petro, the Cleveland City Council and discussions with Mayor Michael White of Cleveland and Mayor Lynch of Euclid. They also expressed thanks for visits to the Greater Cleveland Growth Association, the reception at the Workmen’s Home with the beautiful singing by Glasbena Matica, Fantje na Vasi and Ms. Florence Unetich, the opportunity to meet with Most Rev. Bishop Anthony Pilla, Bishop of Cleveland, and Most Rev. A. Edward Pevec, Auxiliary Bishop, the ho-pitality of Father John Kumse, pastor of St. Mary’s, and Father Jože Božnar pastor of St. Vitus and the enjoyable dinner evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tom-sich. All these and many other meetings left an indelible impression that will be hard to forget. The delegation returned to Slovenia with the firm commitment to promote, revive and establish where necessary, mutually beneficial ties but especially in the areas of government, education, business and medical fields so that the heritage transplanted to Cleveland by Slovenian immigrants will continue to flourish and enrich the American life^ —Dr. Karl Bonutti homi: i'kdkrai. savings hank Come Visit Your New Home Visit Home Federal’s new office located at 798 E. 185 Street, Cleveland, OH 44119. Kuralt famous Slovenian name (from the Plain Dealer) Charles Kuralt always thought his name was ‘‘ethnic German.” Then his brother researched family history and found its roots were in Slovenia, the CBS reporter told a flag-waving group of ethnic Clevelanders during his “Dialogues” visit at the Front Row last Wednesday. Key to the discovery, he said, was a foreign magazine article he was sent that had the Kuralt name sprinkled throughout. Translated, it turned out to be a Swedish woman’s recollections of her youth before World War I, married to “a drunken lout, Kuralt.” One night, she complained, the lout and his brothers “got so drunk they rode their horses through the halls of the castle,” Kuralt said. “Kuralt castle? My brother was intrigued and streaked for Slovenia and discovered the valley of the Kuralts, north of Ljubljana. It’s been very satisfying. It’s only a country of 2 million. There are probably more Slovenians in Cleveland than that brave little country on the sunny side of the Alps.” In Memory Josephine Trunk, Cleveland, donated $100.00 to the American Home in Memory of her daughter, Sally Furlich. In Memory Antonia Lausche, Richmond Heights, Ohio donated $10.00 to the American Home in memory of Sally Furlich. In Loving Memory Of The 25th Anniversary of the Death of John J. Turk Ask us about; ■ Free Checking ■ MasterCard ■ Home Loans ■ Certificates of Deposit ■ Home Equity Loans ■ Insured Money Fund Accts. Complete Banking the Completely Personal Way Rose Marie Balogh - Manager - 529-3059 FDIC Insured Grdina — Faulhaber Funeral Homes 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 4703 Superior Ave. 531-6300 Funeral Facilities Available Throughout Lake County 944-3300 A TRUSTED TRADITION FOR 85 YEARS Who passed away on March 17, 1967 In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly, tender, fond, and true. There’s not a day dear husband and father That we don’t think of you. We all say we learned from you To do all tasks before us Dear Dad we feel you’re always near And ever watching o’er us. SADLY Missed by: Wife — Anna Daughters: Florence, Gertrude, Pat and Anita Son — Daniel Sons-in-law Daughter-in-law and Grandchildren Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-1104 The 80th birthday party for Jožefa Kuhar (4th from right) was held on Sunday, March 1 at Sterle’s Slovenian Country House restaurant on E. 55th Street in Cleveland. From left are Stane J. Kuhar, Frančišek Kuhar, Mary Cimperman, Bogomir Kuhar, Mrs. Kuhar, Uršula Kuhar, Zalka Zupan, Jernej Zupan. Standing is St. Clair historian Frank Zupančič. Art Lecture Dr. Walter Persegati, International Coordinator of the Vatican Museums will give a free lecture at the Cleveland Museum of Art, 11150 East Boulevard, Cleveland on Saturday, March 21 at 3:30 p.m. His lecture, sponsored by the Patrons of the Vatican Museums will be a fascinating talk about the facts and myths of Michaelangelo’s artistic creation. His lecture subjects will include “The Creation,” and “The Last Judgement,” the latter never bfore publicly discussed. Meeting cancelled The Slovene Home for the Aged Auxiliary will not be holding a meeting on March 23. Instead, the next meeting will be held on Monday, April 27 at the SHA. If you intend to come for the luncheon which will be served around 12:15 please call Bertha Walden 531-4445, for a reservation. Correction In last week’s St. Clair Pensioners News the wrong date for the St. Clair Pensioners Annual Chicken & Roast Pork Dinner was listed. It should have read May 17. Slovenian picture Thanks to Ivanka Yuko (Glasbena Matica singer) from Novelty, Ohio for sending in the front page of the Olympics section of the Atlanta Con- in Georgia paper stitution from Feb. 21. On the front page was a full color picture of a Slovenian Biathlete competitor in the Winter Olympics. ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-3112 or 361-3113 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 19, 1992 52 Countries Recognize Slovenia A fax sent from the Republic | of Slovenia, Ministry of ; Foreign Affairs dated 17 March, contained a list of countries who have recognized the Republic of Slovenia and the dates they have granted recognition. The last seven were Ireland, Burkina, Iran, Columbia, Peru, and Japan and Libya this Tuesday. The United States was not among those who have recognized Slovenia. Thanks to Linda Cimperman of Richmond Heights, Ohio who sent in the fax. Thanks The Cleveland-Ljubljana Sister Cities Committee wishes to express a deep appreciation to all those who in one way or another contributed to the success of Mayor Strgar’s visit but especially to the following organizations and individuals who financially helped to defray the expenses connected with the visit, namely: Slovenian American Heritage Foundation — $300 American Mutual Life Association — $200 Slovenian American Business Council — $200 Tivoli Enterprises (Mrs. Jennie Zaman) — $200 Mrs. John Dejak — $200 Andy Cashen — $200 Frangie’s Fashions — $100 Jadran Singing Society — $100 Drago and Slava Prelog — $100 Federation of Slovenian Homes — $100 Victor Lamovec — $100 M/M Boris Music — $100 Precision Grinding — $65 F & H Grinding, Inc. (Larry and Louise Frank) Thanks Many thanks to American Home and Madeline for the nice article. What a surprise. It’s nice to have a fan club in Cleveland. Sincerely, (Mrs.) Robin Verbose (Robin can be heard from S. to 5 daily giving the stock report from the Business News Desk in New York City. It can be heard in Cleveland on WHK -AM radio. Remembers Mom Sorry I am late but when you’ve had back surgery you sure do have your bad days. I wouldn’t want to miss your paper. I only wish my Mom, Mrs. Frances Klein, was able to know Slovenia is a free country. Coming to the states at the age of 10, the way she would relate her childhood and also the history of her dear homeland. From visiting there three times and always with her, and how she remembers all of the places and how she saw the marriage of one of the royal (Hapsburg) families in Bled. She would describe everything in detail. I do believe it was German Austria at the time. She was born in Bled, her last name was Machnic (Klein). She loved the Ameriška Domovina and all of you who run it. I thought you’d like to know. Life is so short and I feel it’s nice to give credit to all of you. Love and prayers, Franny Kristoff Parkman, Ohio For the press Enclosing is subscription renewal and $25.00 toward the press. God bless you, Father Vic Tome -r i UllllOJIX r W- H TRAVEL BUREAU ' ^ "Tor All Yuur Tiavel Nectlt” •1118 Si. Oiiir Avc. Cleveland, Ohio *M1U3 TAXI (216) 4)1-5712 I’llOIK! (216) ‘131-5710 swissair^^ Introducing Swissair’s $292’ summer fare Jto Europe, Tickets must be purchased by APRIL 30th for travel from MAY 1 to SEPT 30, 1992 • $292 from BOS. CHI. NYC, PHL; $320 from ATLi $342 from LAX to ZHH and QVA. Fare« are each way, baaed on round-trip purchaao (Fare Baala YKXAB30 ehown). Fnre applicable 01MAY-15JUN, allQhtly higher on/after 10JUNB2. Weekend laroa (Frl., Sat., Sun.) are allghtty higher. 7/Mln, 30/Max. 14 Day Advance Purchase. Similar fares apply froul Many oilier U.S. Cflletl And, to make vacationing In Europe even better, wo can offer our clients choices from over 900 hotels starting as low as $31 p.p./dbl occupancy . GUARANTEED USD! European Travel Invention 1-800-779-0391 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★A * * * * 4-. * * * *> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * X- * * wsw EATERY • FUN DRINKERY • Nationality Menu: Liver Dumpling Soup Chicken Paprikash, Slovenian Sausage, Stuffed Cabbage Rolls — Plus More! * fVEL fV Polka Parties Every Saturday Nite 8-12 Razzberrys at 239 Richmond Rd., Richmond Hts., O. 44143 261-2040 (Call for Reservations) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Will continue Enclosed is a personal donation from me in appreciation for your kindness in publishing my articles. I never planned to continue writing for this length of time, but surprisingly to me, it must appeal to some of the readers... and so can I give it up now? I will continue until I or my readers give up on me. Sincerely, Stanley J. Frank In Memory Enclosed is a check for $50.00 in memory of our parents John and Frances Grill. Mrs. Alma Terček and Mrs. Rose Rodgers Euclid, Ohio In Loving Memory of the 30th Anniversary of our Dear Mother Margaret Marolt who passed away on March 13, 1962 In our hearts your memory Ungers, Sweetly, tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear mother. That we do not think of you. Sons Rudolph and Albert Cleveland, March 12, 1992. In Memory Joseph Odar of South Euclid, Ohio donated $25.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of wife Albina Odar. Thanks Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Chauby of Willoughby Hills, Ohio who donated $50 to the Ameriška Domovina. In Memory Florence Zak of Euclid, Ohio donated $20.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of her parents, John and Nettie Zarnick. Extra $10 Enclosing $10 extra and just want to thank you both for a great newspaper “American Home.” We are so lucky. Mrs. Stella Rupe Willoughby, Ohio Button Box Bash The Slovenian Junior Chorus of Youth Circle 2 SNPJ is sponsoring its Super Button Box Bash 10 on Sunday, April 12 at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio. For listening and dancing, 15 button accordion clubs will play in two halls for eight hours from 1 to 9 p.m. Poticas Progressive Slovene Women Circle 2 is taking orders for all nut, all raisin, or combination (raisin and nut) poticas at $9.00 each. Please call Marge Kaus 585-2603 or Jo Turkman 531-3595. Pick up orders on Wednesday, April 1 between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. at the St. Clair National Home (lower hall - rear entrance). Scandal in Belgrade Editorial in the Arizona Republic on Tuesday, March 3: The overweening attachment of President Bush to the status quo remains curious, if not downright mysterious. Some 45 nations have accepted the breakup of Yugoslavia, a jury-rigged artifact cobbled together out of the vestiges of the old Ottoman and Hapsburg empires and have extended recognition to independent Croatia and Slovenia. The White House, however, continues to withhold recognition. As former undersecretary of defense Frank Faffney told the Croatian-American Association last week, the Bush administration is sticking to the same stability-over-freedom theory that U.N. negotiators followed in cease-fire talks between the Serb-dominated government and the breakaway republics of Croatia and Slovenia. The diplomats feared bloodshed. In fact, European recognition led to a durable cease-fire and diplomatic pressure to ease the country’s breakup. Now comes the word that U.S. policy may be more involved — and more reprehensible. The Washington Post reports that before joining the Bush administration, National Security Adviser Brent Scrowcroft and Deputy Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger had close business dealings with the Communist leaders in Belgrade. In the early 1980s, while Messrs. Scrowcroft and Eagleburger were employees of Kissinger Associates, an international consulting firm headed by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, they promoted a lending arrangement between Saddam Hussein and the scandal-plagued Banco Nationale de Lavoro, a bank with ties to a Yugoslav bank Mr. Eagleburger had helped establish in the United States. Both men appear to have had business relationships with Yugoslavia’s leaders. The suspicion is unavoidable that these dealings may have contributed to an official reluctance to accept the demise of the Belgrade regime. Such concerns are not new. Mr. Bush’s China policy, critics charge, is affected by personal and business relationships betwen the Beijing regime and Mr. Bush’s personal and official families. Washington’s continued refusal to recognize the independence of Yugoslavia’s breakaway republics is a national embarrassment. Delayed recognition will only postpone, not prevent, the eventual freedom of these republics, with each of which it is in our national interest to get along, whatever the private views of Messrs. Eagleburger and Scrowcroft. * * * * * * * * * * * * * *• * *• X- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ♦ STOP IN AT BRONKO’S Drive-In Beverage 510 East 200th St Euclid, Ohio 44119 DMH Corp. 531-8844 Imported Slovenian Wines (Laski - Riesling Šipon) Also available are various imported beers, wines, etc. Open Mon. - Thur. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wines sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. * Domestic and Imported Beer & Wine * * * * * ♦ * * * a * a * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A * * * * Jf * * * 4- 4- £ — Owner - David Heuer J ♦ 4- ★★★★★★★★★★★★A*********************** I I ( ! 1 1 1 I 1 Ž C t c c i FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina 1.111 T, 11. J r,j. «1, ; r«7, T, I —f' — AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, March 1 9, 1 992 Vesti iz Slovenije Voditelji treh bosanskih narodnosti dosegli sporazum o neodvisni Bosni — Republika bi postala neodvisna s sedanjimi mejami Včeraj so voditelji treh največjih narodnostnih skupin v republiki Bosni in Hercegovini dosegli sporazum, ki predvideva neodvisno državo, ki bi obdržala sedanje meje. Soglašali o tem so voditelji srbske, hrvaške in muslimanske narodnosti. Načrt za Bosno je Predlagala Evropska skupnost, katere posredovalec Jose Cutleiro je dejal, da je dokument osnova za nadaljnja pogajanja. Končna oblika bo vsebovana v ustavnem osnutku, 1 ga bo moralo prebivalstvo republike na mednarodno nadzorovanem referendumu odobriti. Že doseg tega sporazuma pomeni, a je bilo omogočeno mednarodno priznanje osne in Hercegovine, kar baje daje zeleno uč tudi Združenim državam, da priznajo vse tiri republike bivše Jugoslavije, ki so bile za mednarodno priznanje zaprosile, torej Slo-venijo, Hrvaško, Makedonijo in BiH. Bodoča država Bosna in Hercegovina bi Po včerajšnjem sporazumu bila neodvisna v 0 viru sedanjih meja, vendar bi bila politič-no-administrativno razdeljena znotraj na tri e e, v vsaki katerih bi imela v okviru demo-ratične ustavne ureditve prednost prevladujoča narodnost. V ustavi bi morale biti ga-rancije za spoštovanje pravic manjšin, živečih v vsakem delu BiH. V republiki je pač 1,9 milijona Muslimancev, 1,4 milijona Srbov in 750 tisoč Hrvatov. Najbolj pomembno pri tem sporazumu je privolitev Srbov, tako znotraj BiH ter v Srbiji sami, da ne bodo živeli v eni skupni srbski državi. To kaže, da je v svoji zahtevi Po eni veliki srbski državi popustil srbski voditelj Slobodan Miloševič, sporazum v BiH J® podpisal tamkajšnji najmočnejši srbski voditelj Radovan Karadžič, predsednik Srb-ske demokratske stranke. Če so Srbi pristali Pa to v BiH, jim bo težje zahtevati, da se v ončni razrešitvi jugokrize Srbiji sami pri-jučijo od Srbov naseljeni kraji Hrvaške. Včerajšnji sporazum o BiH sicer pusti še Potešenih veliko težkih vprašanj. Nič ni v Pjem rečeno o tem, kakšne bodo pristojnosti osrednje bosanske vlade s tremi kraji, v kate-n j’odo gotovo imeli veliko avtonomije pre-n x U|0^ nar°di. Srbi v srbskem itd. Tudi ni 1 rečeno o usodi kakih sto tisoč pripadni-o°vV ^P8°vojske, nastanjenih po BiH, in nič Q tevdnih tovarnih, ki proizvajajo vojaško Premo. Zahodni diplomat je komentiral za t aPašnji New York Times, da bo izredno zk0 zarisati meje med narodnostnimi skup-simi v BiH, saj so mesta narodnostno zelo lilf ana’ Ce^° P° P°sameznih ulicah, zelo ve-* 0 je mešanih zakonov itd. Sporazum pa ^redvideva, da mora priti do konsenza vseh e narodnosti glede pomembnejših zuna-^Jepolitičnih, gospodarskih, obrambnih in Pgih zadev, ter morajo biti mesta v osred-J1 j^žavni upravi razdeljena po ključu, tako a o vsaka od treh narodnosti pravično zakopana. y kolikor bo ta sporazum držal do zase-s aPja zunanjih ministrov Evropske skupno-'> Predvidenega za 6. aprila, in če se bo mo-a Padaljevati že začeta razmestitev vojakov nihtVne enote Združenih narodov po spor-krajih Hrvaške, je zelo možno, da bo ES bod"313 tak° BiH kot Makedonii°>s tem pa gt. .° 2DA gotovo prisiljene, da priznajo vse da? republike- Združene države so sicer že e vedeti, da je priznanje Slovenije eno, odVezavo dejanskih diplomatskih stikov z doP,rtjem veleposlaništva drugo. Slovenijo je Žav e^a por°čanja priznalo že več kot 50 dr-> dejanskih diplomatskih stikov jih je pa navezala le polovica teh. Res je pa tudi, da je navezovanje stikov predvsem tehnična zadeva, kajti bistveno je samo priznanje. Politično manevriranje med slovenskimi strankami se nadaljuje — Zeleni Slovenije ne podpirajo vlade več — Razne kombinacije Zelo težko je ostati na tekočem glede političnih manevriranj, s katerimi se ukvarjajo in — skoro bi komentirali — zabavljajo slovenske politične stranke. Stranka Zelenih je izjavila ob koncu tedna, da ne podpira vlade več. Določene stranke skušajo ustanoviti neKakšen sredinski blok. V njem naj bi sodelovale Socialdemokratska stranka, Demokratična stranka. Liberal demokratska stranka, Socialistična stranka, Slovenska ljudska stranka in Zeleni Slovenije. Med možnimi kandidati za mesto predsednika vlade (namesto Lojzeta Peterleta) so omenjeni minister za znanost in tehnologijo dr. Peter Tancig (podpirajo ga med drugimi Zeleni), Jože Pučnik, ki je bil omenjen od samih Slovenskih krščanskih demokratov, Darja Lavtižar-Bebler, ki naj bi bila kandidatka Socialistov, in Janez Janša, ki je pa za javnost izjavil, da je bilo njegovo ime predlagano oziroma omenjeno brez njegove privolitve. Janša je minister za obrambo v vladi in zelo zapleten v debatah o obsegu izdatkov za obrambno ministrstvo v predlaganem in zelo spornem proračunskem osnutku. Janša meni namreč, da so predlagani izdatki za obrambne namene katastrofalno nizki. Kljub raznim blokadam v slovenskem parlamentu, ti pa preprečujejo sprejem številnih zelo pomembnih zakonov, so od časa do časa premiki naprej. Dne 11. marca je parlament na primer odobril zakon o zadrugah, ki je del paketa zakonov o lastninjenju. Zakon med drugim določa, da se sme privatizirati 45 odstotkov imetja prehrambene industrije, ki je sedaj v javni lasti. Parlament sedaj obravnava proračunski osnutek. Ker je Slovenija v zelo hudi gospodarski krizi, občani in podjetja se pa že itak pritožujejo zaradi izredno visokih davčnih obremenitev, je debata burna. Vsako ministrstvo in sploh vsaka interesna skupnost ima pač svoje zagovornike med poslanci, nihče med temi pa ne predlaga zniževanja izdatkov, marveč ravno nasprotno. Ker je njen obseg v celotnem proračunu tako velik, je tarča napadov obrambno ministrstvo, njeno stališče pa vneto brani minister Janša. Med panogami, ki imajo močne zagovornike za večji kos proračunskega hlebca, sta zdravstvo in cestna infrastruktura. Zaradi številnih in si med seboj nasprotujočih zahtev, bo imela vlada težko nalogo oblikovati za parlamentarno večino sprejemljiv kompromis. Podjetje Elan kupili hrvaški investitorji Slovenska tiskovna agencija poroča 15. marca, da so upniki svetovno znanega in doslej slovenskega podjetja Elan zbrali dovolj denarja, da podjetje kupijo. Kupci so združeni v podjetju Komel, 75 odstotkov jih je pa s Hrvaške. Našli so namreč 32,5 milijona nemških mark in podjetje kupili. Pravijo, da bodo Elan registrirali kot delniško družbo in izdali 750 tisoč delnic, katerih bi nosila vsaka nominalno vrednost 100 mark. Če bi prodali vse delnice za to ceno, bi enostavno prišli do 75 milijonov mark. Vprašanje za možne investitorje je seveda, če je vsaka delnica res vredna 100 mark. Ko že teče beseda o markah, je po obisku Bavarske pretekli teden rekel predsednik vlade Lojze Peterle, da lahko pričakuje Slovenija posojila v vrednosti 200 do 300 milijonov mark. Ustava Republike Slovenije (NADALJEVANJE) VIII. USTAVNO SODIŠČE 160. člen (pristojnosti ustavnega sodišča] Ustavno sodišče odloča: — o skladnosti zakonov z ustavo; — o skladnosti zakonov in drugih predpisov z ratificiranimi mednarodnimi pogodbami in s splošnimi načeli mednarodnega prava; — o skladnosti podzakonskih predpisov z ustavo in z zakoni; — o skladnosti splošnih aktov, izdanih za izvrševanje javnih pooblastil, z ustavo, zakoni in podzakonskimi predpisi; — o ustavnih pritožbah zaradi kršitev človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin s posamičnimi akti; — o sporih glede pristojnosti med državno in lokalnimi skupnostmi, in med samimi lokalnimi skupnostmi; — o sporih glede pristojnosti med sodišči in drugimi državnimi organi; — o sporih o pristojnostih med državnim zborom, predsednikom republike in vlado; — o protiustavnosti aktov in delovanja političnih strank; — in o drugih zadevah, ki so mu naložene s to ustavo ali z zakoni. Na predlog predsednika republike, vlade ali tretjine poslancev državnega zbora izreka ustavno sodišče v postopku ratifikacije mednarodne pogodbe mnenje o njeni skladnosti z ustavo. Državni zbor je vezan na mnenje ustavnega sodišča. Če zakon ne določa drugače, odloča ustavno sodišče o ustavni pritožbi le, če je bilo izčrpano pravno varstvo. O tem, ali ustavno sodišče ustavno pritožbo sprejme v obravnavo, odloči na podlagi meril in postopka, določenih z zakonom. 161. člen (razveljavitev zakona) Če ustavno sodišče ugotovi, da je zakon protiustaven, ga v celoti ali delno razveljavi. Razveljavitev učinkuje takoj ali v roku, ki ga določi ustavno sodišče. Ta rok ne sme biti daljši od enega leta. Druge protiustavne ali nezakonite predpise ali splošne akte ustavno sodišče odpravi ali razveljavi. Ustavno sodišče lahko pod pogoji, ki jih določa zakon, do končne odločitve v celoti ali delno zadrži izvrševanje akta, katerega ustavnost ali zakonitost presoja. Če ustavno sodišče pri odločanju o ustavni pritožbi ugotovi tudi protiustavnost predpisa ali splošnega akta, ga lahko, v skladu z določbami prvega odstavka, odpravi ali razveljavi. Pravne posledice odločitev ustavnega sodišča ureja zakon. 162. člen (postopek pred ustavnim sodiščem) Postopek pred ustavnim sodiščem ureja zakon. Predlagatelje zahteve za začetek postopka pred ustavnim sodiščem določa zakon. Vsakdo lahko da pobudo za začetek postopka, če izkaže svoj pravni interes. Ustavno sodišče odloča z večino glasov vseh sodnikov, če ustava ali zakon za posamezne primere ne določata drugače. O tem, ali bo začelo postopek na podlagi ustavne pritožbe, lahko ustavno sodišče odloča v ožji sestavi, ki jo določa zakon. 163. člen (sestava in volitve) Ustavno sodišče je sestavljeno iz devetih sodnikov, ki jih na predlog predsednika republike izvoli državni zbor, na način, ki ga določa zakon. Sodniki se izvolijo izmed pravnih strokovnjakov. Predsednika ustavnega sodišča izvolijo sodniki izmed sebe za dobo treh let. 164. člen (predčasna razrešitev ustavnega sodnika) Sodnik ustavnega sodišča je lahko predčasno razrešen na način, ki ga določa zakon, samo: — če to sam zahteva, — če je kaznovan za kaznivo dejanje s kaznijo odvzema prostosti, ali — zaradi trajne izgube delovne zmožnosti za opravljanje svoje funkcije. 165. člen (mandat sodnikov) Sodniki ustavnega sodišča so izvoljeni za dobo devetih let. Ustavni sodniki ne morejo biti ponovno izvoljeni. Po izteku časa, za katerega je bil ustavni sodnik izvoljen, opravlja funkcijo še do izvolitve novega sodnika. 166. člen (nezdružljivost funkcije) Funkcija sodnika ustavnega sodišča ni združljiva s funkcijami v državnih organih, v organih lokalne samouprave in v organih političnih strank, ter z drugimi funkcijami in dejavnostmi, ki po zakonu niso združljive s funkcijo sodnika ustavnega sodišča. 167. člen (imuniteta) Sodniki ustavnega sodišča uživajo enako imuniteto kakor poslanci državnega zbora. O imuniteti odloča državni zbor. IX. POSTOPEK ZA SPREMEMBO USTAVE 168. člen (predlog za začetek postopka) Predlog za začetek postopka za spremembo ustave lahko da (dalje na str. 12) AMERIŠKA DOMOVIN A DVE NEVESTI 6117 Sl. Clair Ave. - 216/431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države in Kanada: $25 na leto za ZDA; $30 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $35 na leto, računano v ameriški valuti SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $25 per year; Canada: $30 in U.S. currency Foreign: $35 per year U.S. or equivalent foreign currency Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1627 Fax (216) 361-4088 Published every Thursday e® No. 12 Thursday, March 19, 1992 Delovanje po priznanju Slovenije V nekakšnem prehodnem času smo. ZDA sicer res še niso uradno priznale Slovenije, vsi znaki pa jasno kažejo, da se ta korak naglo približuje. Tako na primer slišimo, da kljub ameriškim ekonomskim sankcijam, ki so formalno še vedno v veljavi, gredo ZDA Sloveniji na različne načine dokaj na roko. Omenili bi omogočanje nakupa goriva za jedrsko elektrarno Krško. Jutri ima zopet sestanek z Lawrence Eagleburgerjem vodja Biroja RSlovenije v ZDA dr. Ernest Petrič. Ker gredo stvari Sloveniji v prid pri ameriški vladi, Slovenija ne bo uradno odgovorila na verzijo dogodkov ob njegovem obisku junija lani v Beogradu, ki ga je dal v javnost državni sekretar James Baker. Po Baker ju naj bi mu slovenski in hrvaški sobesedniki lagali v obraz in mu obljubili, da ne bodo podvzeli nobenih enostranskih odločitev, pet dni zatem so pa proglasili neodvisnost in »s silo« prisvojili meje njih novih držav. Ko gre zadeva v zvezi s splošnim mednarodnim priznanjem Slovenije končno k uspešnemu kraju, bolj in bolj izstopa gospodarska kriza, s katero Slovenija soočuje. Ameriško priznanje in slovensko članstvo v Združenih narodih, ki bo sledilo, bo seveda omogočilo vključitev Slovenije v mednarodnih ustanovah in ji odprlo pot do raznih oblik gospodarskega sodelovanja in pomoči. V Sloveniji si že prizadevajo za vnovično vzpostavljanje gospodarskih stikov z južnimi republikami bivše Jugoslavije, tudi s Srbijo. Trenutnemu razpoloženju navkljub, treba je misliti na čas po razrešitvi jugokrize oziroma po razrešitvi določenih elementov le-te. Slovensko gospodarstvo mora v bodoče zopet računati na tkim. »južni« trg. Novi odnosi bodo seveda na drugačni, bolj enakopravni ravni, kot so bili pod prejšnjim jugoslovanskim režimom. Do teh sprememb bo gotovo prišlo. Ne morda med Srbi in Hrvati. Med Slovenci in Srbi pa. Demo-nizacija Srbov, do katere je prišlo tako v Sloveniji kot v slovenskih skupnostih po svetu, bo prešla. V tem oziru bi že bilo pametno, da bi ameriški in kanadski Slovenci začeli iskati možnosti za navezovanje stikov s predstavniki srbskih skupnosti v njih okolicah, kakor tudi intenzivizirati stike s hrvaškimi skupnostmi. Tu seveda pridejo v poštev med Srbi in Hrvati tisti njih, ki so pripravljeni na strpen dialog in izmenjavo mnenj. Takih v sedanjem trenutku gotovo ni veliko, so pa. Prav tako bi bilo koristno, če bi Slovenci razvili boljše stike ne le s predstavniki drugih ameriških in kanadskih narodnostnih skuou. vzhodnoevropska ''ti1 aiuguiL CLEVELAND, O. — Zdelo se je, da bo Lilijina igra letos sredi poletja, tako je bilo vroče. Moj sosed je že travo kosil. Kdo bo hodil na igro, če je trava že dovolj velika za košnja? »Ti zmešana narava,« sem se potihem jezil. Zgleda, da so tudi v nebesih odločili, da je za poletje še prezgodaj. Zapihal je mrzel veter iz kanadske Alberte in narava se je povrnila v zimsko spanje. Kakor nalašč za prireditev igre. Igra Dve nevesti je ljudska igra, ki jo je napisal C. Golar. Je preprosta in lahko razumljiva, kakor vsa Golarjeva dramat-ska dela. Golar v Dveh nevestah opisuje socialne razmere na vasi. Čeprav je tema resna, jo Golar obdela na preprost način, poln smešnih situacij. Njegov namen ni reševanje socialnih problemov, temveč opis navad preprostih ljudi v zabavo gledalcev. Kritiki zato igre niso sprejeli. Lilija uprizori veseloigro Dve nevesti v nedeljo, 29. marca, ob 3.30 popoldne v dvorani SND na Holmes Avenue. M.O. Č.g. Alojzij Hribšek se upokojil FAIRFIELD, Conn. — V nedeljo, 8. marca, je bilo poslovilno kosilo v restavraciji Three Door v Bridgeportu za č.g. Alojzija Hribška, ki se je upokojil kot župnik fare sv. Križa v Fairfieldu. Rev. Hribšek je začel delovati pri Sv. Križu po nesrečni smrti Rev. Farkaša leta 1967, najprej kot upravitelj fare, od leta 1969 pa kot župnik. To so bili časi, ko je bilo vprašanje, ali naj se stara cerkev opusti ali pa naj bo zgrajena nova. Stara cerkev je pač postala žrtev obnovitve mestnega dela, v kateri je stala oziroma zaradi tkim. »urban renewal« in sicer v Bridgeportu, kjer je bila. V zvezi s tem je bilo mnogo nesoglasja med farani in škofijo. Škofija je videla zniževanje števila faranov, a Slovenci so hoteli za vsako ceno obdržati faro sv. Križa in v tem so tudi uspeli. Vso to burno pot Kosilo Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije CLEVELAND, O. - Zopet je leto okrog ko Vas, dragi bralci Ameriške domovine, vabimo na kosilo Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije. Kosilo bo v nedeljo, 22. marca, v šolski dvorani pri Sv. Vidu. Na razpolago bo od pol dvanajste do ene ure in je možno, da vzamete kosilo tudi domov. Obsegalo bo govejo juho, pečeno govedino ali pol pečene piške z rižem, krompirjem, solato, kavo in pecivom. Cena kosilu bo za odraslo osebo $7, za otroka $3.50. Nakaznice za kosilo lahko dobite, če pokličete št. 881-5163 ali 481-3768, možno bo pa dobiti nakaznico tudi pri vhodu v dvorano. Post je, čas, ko skrbimo, da bi nabrali čim več dobrih del, da bo lepša Vstajenjska nedelja. Pomoč misijonom je tudi dobro delo in prav v nedeljo, 22. marca, bo prilika, da se odzovemo klicu ter pomagamo po svojih močeh. Če bo kozarec vode poplačan, bo tudi kosilo prineslo svoj blagoslov. Iskreno Vas vabi Odbor MZA, Cleveland je vodil Rev. Hribšek. Zgradili smo novo cerkev v Fairfieldu 1. 1972, pozneje je bila dograjena še večja dvorana z učilnicami, kar je tudi vse bilo pod vodstvom in trudom g. Hribška. Poslovitev od župnika 8. marca se je pričela ob 11. dop. z mašo v cerkvi sv. Križa. So-maševali so Rev. Alojzij Jenko, Rev. George Karscinski in Rev. Michael Mendel, peli so tri zbori oziroma cerkveni zbor, folklorna skupina in mladinski zbor. Poslovilno kosilo v restavraciji se je pričelo ob 1. pop. ob udeležbi okrog 500 gostov. Nekateri so prišli iz New Yor-ka, Washingtona, Massachusetts in drugod. Program pri kosilu je povezoval Al Ruel, ki je bil tudi glavni govornik. Povedal je, kako je Rev. Hribšek pred 25 leti zapustil delo učitelja in prevzel vodstvo Sv. Križa. Poudaril je, da je Rev. Hribšek tekom let ustvaril res pravo farno družino. V imenu mladine sta nato recitirala Steve Drmrč in Susan Stal-pero. Kot tajnik društva Sv. Jožefa št. 148 KSKJ sem govoril o dobrih prijateljskih odnosih med faro in društvom in to od začetka fare do danes, torej 79 let. Društvo sv. Jožefa je pač bil začetek fare, kajti je bilo na pobudi društva, da se je fara ustanovila leta 1913. Č.g. Hribšek je bil naš društveni vodja in nam vedno pomagal, zato smo mu zelo hvaležni. V slovenščini sem se tudi zahvalil za vso skrb in delo, ki ga je nudil vsem in tudi slovensko govorečim. Opomnil sem, kako naj delamo sedaj, ko nimamo več slovenskega pastirja, kako naj ohranimo slovensko faro, da je potrebno delati skupaj, nesebično in složno, da dosegamo uspeh. Karel Klesin ml. se je v imenu newyorSke fare sv. Cirila zahvalil za vso pomoč, ki jo je tudi tej fari nudil Rev. Hribšek, za njegove številne obiske itd. Bivši okrajni poslanec, advokat Owens, je rekel, da je Rev. Hribšek dejal, ko je začel pri Sv. Križu, da ne bo zdržal narodnostmi. Ker je njša sku ost v tem oziru še v !-io zelo zaprta vase, ni pričako' ati, da bo veliko ljudi za takšno delovanje na razpt go. Tisti pa, ki bodo voljni sodelovati, oodo mogl irsikaj konst- ii.-i., aosc Dr. oh M. Susel Slovenci zastopani na posvetovanju v Beli hiši CLEVELAND, O. - Obveščeni smo, da je bilo kar pet slovenskih udeležencev posvetovanja v Beli hiši v sredo, IT marca, ki ga je organizirala ameriška vlada za zastopnike vseh vzhodno in srednjeevropskih narodnostnih skupin v ZDA. Navzočih je bilo okrog 100 udeležencev, srečanje je pa odprl bivši republikanski kongresnik iz Chicaga Edwin Der-winski, ki je sicer sam poljskega rodu. Navzoči iz Clevelanda so bili po abecednem redu g-John Dejak, g. Peter Osenar in g. Michael Perles, iz New Yorka pa dr. Silvester Lango in g. Hilary Rolih. Naslov posvetovanja je bil »Central and East European American Business and Economic Briefing«. Med obiskom v Wash-ingtonu so se zgoraj omenjeni sestali tudi s predstavnikom Republike Slovenije v ZDA dr. Ernestom Petričem ter z g-Ben Irwinom, predstavnikom odvetniške pisarne, ki sodeluje z Gospodarsko zbornico Slovenije. Dr. Rudolph M. Susel več kot pet let, da pa se je zmotil. G. Owens je dejal, da Rev. Hribške ni bil samo dober in uspešni voditelj, amPaJc odličen politik, ki je vedno fr' bral srednjo pot. Sledili so nagovori predstavnikov raznih farnih organizacij. Nagovori so vsebovali ob hvaležnosti Rev. Hribšku tudi mnogo humorja. V imenu hrvaških faranov je govoril g-Bilač in se zahvalil za pomoč; ki jo je nudil č.g. Hribšek, naj bi to bilo pri krstih, pogrebih ; ali pri nabiranju pomoči za ; Hrvaško. Že 80. letni ReV‘ Jenko je tudi v imenu newyor* J ške svetocirilske fare, kajti se j kosila ni mogel udeležiti župnik p. Robert Mazovec, povedal, da se bodo Rev. Hribška s hvaležnostjo spominjali. Besedo je dal naš novi in sicer začasno zastavljeni župnih Rev. George Karscinski, ki nas je s svojim govorom spravil v ; dobro razpoloženje in smeh-Č.s. Anna Marie je imela zares odličen nagovor in rekla med drugim, da ako res ljubimo g-Hribška, ga moramo pustiti' da gre od nas, saj je to njegova želja. Tudi naš nedeljski P°' močnik, salezijanec Rev. Michael Mendel, je podal krajši’ a lep nagovor, isto sosedni slovaški pastir Rev. Pakar ter diakon Kevin Moore. Na koncu je prevzel besed0 še sam Rev. Hribšek. Bil Je nadvse ganjen nad lepimi g°' vori. Rekel je, da je bil on tre* ji župnik pri Sv. Križu, 3 j6 prvi, ki gre v pokoj živ. Rev. Hribšek je omeni ; kako boleče je bilo, del31 spremembe pri cerkvi, da s0 bili lepi in težki dnevi, razoč3 ranje in veselje. Povedal J ’ zakaj se je odločil za upok°J tev. Gre pač na Koroško, v Cc, lovec, kjei bo pouce ai in vrb uslugo tamkajšnjim salezij311 (dalje na str. 9 Državljanstvo slovenskih izseljencev Vodja Biroja Republike Slovenije v ZDA dr. Ernest Petrič je nas prosil, če bi objavili sledeče pojasnilo Zunanjega ministrstva Republike Slovenije v zvezi z državljanstvom slovenskih - izseljencev. Pojasnilo, ki ga spodaj priobčujemo, je pripravila '• oziroma podpisala Vlasta Valenčič-Pelikan, republiška podsekretarka. V našem listu smo 20. februarja t.l. objavili pojasnilo v zvezi s to zadevo, prav tako izpod peresa V. Valenčič-Peli-a kan. Pojasnilo, ki ga objavljamo danes, je bilo odposlano iz e Ljubljane v ponedeljek in prvega dokaj dopolnjuje. Urednik ZADEVA: Državljanstvo slovenskih izseljencev j Zakon o državljanstvu Republike Slovenije ne predpisuje oblike in vsebine vlog za pridobitev državljanstva Republike Slovenije. Vsebina vlog je določena z zakonom o splošnem upravnim postopku. Slovenski izseljenci, ki živijo v tujini, ne izpolnjujejo , Pogojev za sprejem v državljanstvo Republike Slovenije po redni naturalizaciji (10. člen Zakona o državljanstvu Republike Slovenije) ali za pridobitev državljanstva Republike Slove-, nije z naturalizacijo »z olajšavami« po 12. členu citiranega , zakona, saj je pri obeh temeljni pogoj za pridobitev državljanstva dejansko prebivališče v Republiki Sloveniji. Slovenski izseljenci bi torej lahko pridobili državljanstvo Republike Slovenje le z izredno naturalizacijo po 13. členu zakona, zaradi gospodarskih, znanstvenih, kulturnih, nacionalnih ali podob-uih interesov države. Sprejem v državljanstvo mora biti v korist državi, zato o obstoju tega interesa daje mnenje Izvršni svet Skupščine Republike Slovenije. Za obravnavo vlog so potrebne naslednje listine: — prošnja za izredno naturalizacijo, — izčrpen življenjepis z opisom vseh okoliščin, ki zadevajo prosilca in njegovo družino (državljanstvo zakonca, otrok, ali imajo namen naseliti se v Sloveniji, točni osebni podatki Prednikov, ki so živeli v Sloveniji, njihovo zadnje prebivališče v Sloveniji, itd.), — naveden mora biti razlog, zaradi katerega oseba želi »neti državljanstvo Republike Slovenije (dvojno državljanstvo), — predložiti je treba potrdilo o nekaznovanju, — preložiti je treba dokazila o eksistenci (trajen vir preživljanja in stanovanje), — predložiti je treba priporočilo izseljeniškega društva oz. Slovenske izseljeniške matice. Vse te dokaze mora predložiti stranka sama. Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve lahko priskrbi le mnenje Slovenske izseljeniške matice. Za osebe, ki živijo v tujini, je vedno bolj aktualno vprašanje vročanja odločb in plačanja taks. Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve predlaga, da prosilci v Sloveniji pooblastijo °sebo, ki bi jih zastopala v teh postopkih in tudi plačala takso. Takso je treba plačati tudi za negativno odločbo. ^L^ortunat Zorman: Obstoj »Ave Maria« Pri delu za mesečnik »Ave ^aria« sem spoznal nekatere zadeve, ki so za obstoj meseč-juka potrebne in koristne. .n°gi poznajo naš mesečnik, j!lso pa naročniki, a uporab-^aJ° ga ob raznih prilikah v ^zne namene. Pri dušnopas-lrskem mesečniku je potreben ^ruiv, iz katerega pogostokrat rPamo gradivo in imamo obe-nem niožnost, da se prepričanj10 o resničnosti zgodovinskih ejstev, ki jih omenjamo. obivamo pa razne prošnj 1 od nenaročnikov. Zgoc e’ da so nekatere zadeve, z yatere prosijo, samo v arhivi takih primerih smo v nepr 2 ih položajih. Ali naj usta enio tako, da posežemo v ai lv ali pa odklonimo njiho\ /° nji. v zadrego nas sprav: n ’ ak° kar naprej pošljejo dt ar s svojo prošnjo. Ne pomi ‘Jo navadno, da tega, kar je nar'VU’ n' mo8°^e pačati z de k a UsPešen obstoj mesečni-so nujno potrebni naročni-. ' letih, kar urejujem Ave naan*a’.Sm° iz8ubili okoli 8000 za^ n'*cov- To je zelo veliko lja^0vensk> mesečnik. Izgub-° j‘h še naprej, ker starejši naročniki umirajo. Koliko časa bo šlo to? Dohodek, ki ga prinašajo naročniki, je potreben. Ta dohodek mora biti tako visok, da imamo nekaj denarja tudi za zadeve, ki so potrebne za izhajanje lista. Prišli smo do spoznanja, da moramo imeti slovensko ameriško kulturno dediščino. Ob 200-letnici ZDA smo spoznali, da je Baraga prinesel iz svoje rodne domovine dragocene slovenske tradicije, iz katerih je črpal gradivo za svoje delovanje med Indijanci in raznimi narodnostmi na svojem obširnem misijonskem področju in pozneje v svoji škofiji. V svojem misijonskem delu ni imel Slovencev. Slovenske tradicije so njemu in misijonarjem za njim pripomogle, da je uspešno deloval med raznimi narodnostmi. Ti so ohranjali načine verskega življenja, ki so jih prinesli iz svojih rodnih domovin. Tudi v delu za slovenski mesečnik je potrebno poznanje slovenskih narodnih in verskih izročil. Zanimanje za verska narodna izročila se je zelo poživilo v času skoro štiridesetletnega dela za »Ave Maria«. poda veseloigro »Dve nevesti« v nedeljo, 29. marca, ob 3.30 uri popoldne v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Avenue V raznih srednjih in višjih šolah so prirejali tečaje, predavanja in razstave o narodnih zadevah. Slovenske skupine so se obračale name za potrebno gradivo. Narodni običaji in navade so se ohranjale posebno po družinah, največ ob raznih praznikih in letnih časih. Mladina je želela več zvedeti o tem. V ta namen smo hoteli več zvedeti o slovenskih izročilih. Spoznati smo morali, v čem obstojajo slovenske navade, običaji in izročila. To delo ni bilo lahko. Najprej smo morali spoznati, da imajo Slovenci v Ameriki res svojo versko in kulturno dediščino. Ob naseljevanju prejšnjega in v začetku tega stoletja so se Slovenci naseljevali v skupinah. Tako so nastale in se tudi poživile slovenske fare. Njihova zgodovina je bila velika opora za obstoj slovenske dediščine. Ko je »Ave Maria« pošiljala svojega zastopnika za pridobivanje naročnikov, je ta spoznaval, kje živijo Slovenci, ob poslušanju slovenske molitve, ob angelskem češčenju. To se je sčasoma prenehalo, ker so se Slovenci razkropili tja, kjer so našli zaposlitev. Ohranjali pa so svoje navade in običaje in v družinah tudi slovenski jezik. Potujočega zastopnika pa »Ave Maria« ni bilo mogoče pozneje pošiljati za nove naročnike. Nekateri Slovenci so še dolgo časa podpirali mesečnik z novimi naročniki. To je pozneje prenehalo. Tu bi posebno poudaril, da narodne skupine ne morejo delovati, ako so brez opore. Tudi brez slovenskega rednega tiska je obstoj nemogoče. Potrebujemo rednih naročnikov. Denarne podpore so sicer dobrodošle, a brez rednih naročnikov ni mogoče delati za obstoj naroda v ameriškem svetu. Na to naj pomislijo tudi tisti, ki so osamljeni in včasih zaprosijo za pomoč v kaki zadevi. Letna naročnina za »Ave Maria« je $7, izven ZDA pa $10. Naslov je: A ve Maria 1400 Main Street P. O. Box 608 Lemont, IL 60439-0608 Rojaki! Priporočajte Ameriško Domovino svojim slovenskim prijateljem in znancem! KLIC DOMOVINE... Č.G. Jože Vovk odšel v Slovenijo GILBERT, Minn. - V torek, 25. februarja, se je naša mala slovenska skupina spet zbrala na Aurori. Prišli smo, da se poslovimo od dobrega prijatelja, upokojenega župnika g. Jožeta Vovka, ki se je odločil, da se za stalno vrne v Slovenijo. Vsako slovo je težko, zato tudi tukaj ni bila izjema. Odkar so se pred letom in več pričele nagle spremembe v Sloveniji, je č.g. Vovk iskal in delal načrte, da bi se tja vrnil. »Tam sem bil rojen in tam bi rad umrl,« nam je dejal večkrat. Ta želja se mu je sedaj izpolnila, ko je 2. marca odletel iz Minneapolisa v spremstvu g. Franceta Gabra. Ustavila sta se za nekaj dni v Rimu, potem pa končno pristala v Sloveniji. G. Gaber se vrne nazaj v Be-roun, kjer je sedaj v pokoju. Ko smo prosili g. Jožeta, da nam pove kaj iz svoje bogate zakladnice izkušenj in dela v dolgem pastirovanju ter to med- in pred vojno v Sloveniji, potem pa dolgih 44 let dela v Ameriki, nam je takole povedal: »Posvečen sem bil leta 1932. Posvečeval je kandidate-novo-mašnike škof Gregorij Rožman, ki je bil že drugo leto v svoji škofovski službi. Kajti 1. 1930 je delo opravil še škof Bonaventura Jeglič. Ob mojem posvečevanju nas je bilo 40 bogoslovcev. Polovica je bila škofijskih kandidatov, druga pa redovnikov. Kar lepo število nas bo še, ko bomo v juniju obhajali svojo biserno mašo v ljubljanski stolnici. V Ameriko sem prišel julija 1948. Bil sem tedaj star 39 let in že 16. leto v službi Gospodovi. Moje prvo mesto je bilo v Ely, Minnesota. G. Frank Mihelčič je tam župnikoval v skoraj pretežno slovenski fari. Sam je začel tam takoj po svoji novi maši in bil v pomoč msgr. Francu Buhu. Ostal je tam vse do svojega pokoja. Samo leto pred tem — 1967 — je imel zlato mašo. Bil je sošo- Č.g. Alojzij Hribšek (nadaljevanje s str. 8) cem, ki so mu jo nudili v težkih časih. Čuti, da je to dolžan narediti, vsaj za par leti, ko je še zmožen in pri dobrem zdravju. Obljubil je, da se bo nato spet vrnil v škofijo Bridgeport, v kateri je živel mnogo let. Dragi gospod Hribšek! Hvala Vam za vse! Zbogom! Želimo Vam mnogo uspeha ter seveda zdravja in sreče! Anton Malenšek Moja pripomba: Nam Slovencem pri Sv. Križu je sedaj velika skrb, kako ohraniti slovenski značaj in slovensko faro ter bogoslužje v slovenskem jeziku, naj bo to tudi samo delno in brez slovenskega duhovnika. To je sedaj naša naloga, ki pa zahteva naše skupno delo. Mogoče bomo res dobili slovenskega duhovnika. A naj ne ostajamo samo pri besedah, delajmo in uspeh bomo imeli! A.M. lec mojega strica, Alojzija Vovka, pa bil zato tudi meni bolj naklonjen ob mojem prihodu. Bil sem na Ely 7 let. Privadil sem se ljudem in jeziku, ki mi kmalu ni delal težav. Drugo službo sem potem začel v Cooku. Sicer je bila fara na Grea-ney, pa jo je škof potem premestil v Cook. Tam sem začel znova. Treba je bilo zgraditi cerkev z dvorano, župnišče, parkališče in drugo. Poleg je bila tudi bolnica in dve hiši za ostarele v oskrbo. Ko je bilo delo opravljeno, se je spet bilo treba seliti. Leta 1966 sem šel v Beroun, kmalu potem pa v Willow River, kjer sem bil 6 let. Leta so se nabirala in zdravje se je pričelo krhati. Zato me je škof poslal v Brainard, kjer sem bil za kurata v veliki bolnici. Pomladi leta 1978 pa sem odšel v pokoj. Bili smo trije »Jožeti«, ki smo se odločili, da gremo na sončno Florido uživat zasluženi pokoj: Jože Ferkulj, Jože Cvelbar, ki je tudi moj sošolec, in jaz. Kar lepo smo skupaj orali. Ob nedeljah smo maševali v bližnji podružnici, ob delavnikih pa kar doma in po slovensko. Skupaj smo tudi oskrbovali mlade fante v ječi, stare od 18. do 25. leta in maševali zanje ob nedeljah. Po šestih letih se je Jože Cvelbar odločil, da se vrne v svojo škofijo, v Pittsburgh, Pa. Leto kasneje sem tudi jaz odšel nazaj v Minnesoto. Ostal je le Jože Ferkulj, ki je bil starejši od naju, pa še vedno zelo delaven. Lansko leto pa ga je odpoklical Gospod v 89. letu starosti. Spet sem prišel na Ely, kjer sem prvotno začel. Tu je bil zdaj za župnika moj dobri prijatelj, g. Janez Šuštaršič. Vendar sva se pa v par letih že selila na Auroro, kjer je on prevzel faro po g. Janezu Dolšina, kateri pa je potem pozno v jeseni tudi odšel h Gospodu po svoje zasluženo plačilo. Tako sem zdaj na Aurori tudi dočakal svojo biserno mašo. Poleg mene je v duluth-ski škofiji letos še en bisero-mašnik, Joseph Hughs. Oba naju je povabil škof Roger Schwietz na prijetno slovesnost in nama podelil svetinjo v priznanje dolge službe v škofiji. Odločil sem se, da grem v Slovenijo. Nimam tu ne družine in ne fare, da bi me zadržala. Sicer »vreme« v Sloveniji še ni čisto jasno, pa kakor Prešeren poje, upam tudi jaz — da »Vremena Kranjcem bodo se zjasnila, jim mil’se zvezde kakor zdaj sijale in pesmi bolj sloveče se glasile...« Daj Bog tako in tudi da bi še mogel kaj dobrega storiti. Imam doma še pet sester in 22 nečakov in nečakinj, pa dosti znancev-duho-vnikov. Za vse doživeto v mojem dolgem življenju, saj v maju bom star 83 let, rečem: Bogu hvala in čast in vsa zahvala!« (dalje na str. 10) VINKO LEVSTIK, Gorica, It. KOMENTAR KLIC DOMOVINE... Slovenci v svetu smo upravičeno razočarani nad političnimi dogodki v Sloveniji Od vsepovsod iz sveta, kjer živijo Slovenci, neprestano prejemam pisma od prijateljev in znancev s skupnim imenovalcem v pomenu: »Levstik, zakaj ne pišeš/pišete o tem, kaj se dogaja v Sloveniji — imamo vtis, da se dogodki v domovini ne odvijajo v smeri krepitve in razvoja mlade demokracije...« Naj takoj povem, da sem se zdaj odločil, da kljub svoji delovni preobremenjenosti v svojem poklicu hotelirja, poskušam po vrsti nanizati nekaj perečih težav, ki se zadnje čase kažejo v domovini, in seznaniti rojake po svetu z naj novejšimi dogodki, da se bodo na tej ali kaki drugi osnovi potem tudi sami potrudili, razvoj dogodkov proučili in temu primerno ukrepali ter, če bo tako potrebno, tudi korigirali svoje stališče do teh dogajanj. Dopuščam seveda možnost, da sem zaradi svoje vpletenosti in s tem prizadetosti, pristranski, da bo poročilo subjektivno, saj na razmere gledam tudi s svojega zornega kota. Obenem na moje gledanje na razmere v Sloveniji vpliva tudi bližina, iz katere spremljam te dogodke. Če bo torej katera koli ocena razmer v Sloveniji napačna, bo storjena z najboljšim namenom, v dobro slovenske države in slovenskega naroda. Naj grem zdaj po vrsti: 1. — Najprej bom precej kritičen do ravnanja zunanjega ministra dr. Dimitrija Rupla, ki postaja vse hujši levičar, predvsem pa se skrajno nekorektno vede do predsednika vlade. Njegovo ravnanje je tudi povzročilo razkol v Slovenski demokratični zvezi (SDZ). Kot posledica razkola je prišlo do odpovedi podpore vlade s strani levičarskega dela razklane SDZ, ki je ustanovil novo stranko: Demokratsko stranko (DS). V DS spada še notranji minister Igor Bavčar in minister za informiranje Jelko Kacin. V trenutku, ko je njihova Demokratska stranka dala nezaupnico Peterletovi vladi in jo se tem naredila manjšinsko, bi morali vsi našteti ministri dati ostavko. Čeprav jih je Peterle opozoril, da je njihova dolžnost, da zapustijo ministrska mesta v vladi, ki je ne podpirajo, niso bili pripravljeni odstopiti. Vsi pa vemo, da bi bilo to v kateri koli demokratični državi prvo, kar bi ministri, ki svoje vlade ne podpirajo, storili. Človek ostaja za-prepaščen: če so ti trije ministri tako neizkušeni politiki, se to da razumeti. Ne da pa se ra-i zumeti, da tako malo dajo na| svojo čast in ponos. 2. — Notranje ministrstvoI je žal ostalo podaljšana rokal udbe, ki se je le preimenovala, f Notranji minister Igor Bavčar, I ki je tudi najvišji šef preime-j novane udbe (zdaj se imenuje varnostno-informativna služba — VIS) in ki bi moral, tako kot Rupel, odstopiti, saj jel prav on predsednik te nove, razkolniške, levičarske Demokratske stranke; on se torej požvižga na svojo čast ter še kar naprej trdno sedi na svojem stolčku. Nimam časa, niti prostora, da bi vam Bavčarja ponovno predstavljal, saj sem prepričan, da ga mnogi dovolj dobro poznajo. Kaj je počel kot urednik študentskega glasila Tribuna in pozneje v policijski šoli... Pravzaprav drugačen niti ne more biti, saj je bilo njegovo najožje sorodstvo v vodstvu ozne in pozneje udbe na Primorskem. Ob tem postane tudi razumljivo, zakaj ni nikoli dal raziskati, kdo je uničil pretežni del arhiva ozne in udbe. Kar pa je ostalo od omenjenega arhiva, ga drži strogo nadzorovanega. Slovensko ljudstvo še vedno ni bilo seznanjeno s tem, kdo so bili agenti ozne in udbe ter njihovi vohuni, ki so našemu narodu povzročili toliko gorja. 3. — Ker sem že omenjal Igorja Bavčarja, notranjega ministra republike Slovenije, ne morem prezreti njegovega pomočnika Boža Trudna, vodja službe za stike z javnostjo pri notranjem ministrstvu; torej Bavčarjevega porteparola. Omenjeni gospod Truden redno podpisuje komunikeje notranjega ministrstva za javnost. Končno je to njegovo delo. Tako je v petek, 28. februarja, v ljubljanskem Delu objavil v »Pismih bralcev« odgovor in skorajda opravičilo Jožetu Pahorju, predsedniku komisije za informiranje pri občinskem odboru ZZB NOV iz Nove Gorice, v zvezi z njegovim javnim vprašanjem (Delo, 3. februarja 1992), češ kako, da so dopustili registracijo društva Nova slovenska zaveza. Kot že rečeno, se je g. Truden zares potrudil in pojasnil borcu Pahorju, kaj vse so ukrenili, predno je prišlo do registracije Nove slovenske zaveze ali »domobranskega društva«. Navaja, da so se obrnili na komunističnega zgodovinarja prof. dr. Toneta Ferenca, na Republiški odbor Zveze združenja borcev NOV, na skupščinsko komisijo Republike Slovenije za notranjo politiko, ki je potem 5. septembra 1991 obravnavala zadevo. Pregledati je morala tudi zakon o društvih iz Nurn^erškega protokola. Prav tako so poklicali na pomoč prof. Borisa Mlakarja iz Inštituta za novejšo zgodovino (gre za inštitut, ki Našemu Očetu FRANK OBLAK umrl 24. marca 1923 se je preimenoval iz Inštituta za zgodovino delavskega gibanja). Ko so vse to skrbno preučili, so končno pristali na registracijo Nove slovenske zaveze pod pogojem, da društvo štirinajst točk pravilnika popravi ali črta. NSZ ni preostalo drugega kot da so črtali, kar Bavčarjevemu ministrstvu ni bilo všeč, če so hoteli, da jih sploh registrirajo. To je očiten dokaz, da ne vlada Peterletova vlada temveč komunisti in Zveza borcev NOV. Ta Božo Truden, ki je zgoraj omenjenemu Pahorju poslal ta opravičilni odgovor, je tisto Božo Truden, ki smo ga pred leti, še pod komunistično oblastjo, videli na »okrogli mizi« ljubljanske televizije o politični emigraciji. On je takrat nastopil kot predstavnik udbe oziroma takratnega Sekretariata za notranje zadeve Slovenije. Dokaz, da je bil pristojen za slovensko politično emigracijo, je v tem, ker je na omenjeni »okrogli mizi« navajal nek moj citat, ki sem ga objavil v goriškem Katoliškem glasu, ne da bi pri tem omenjal mene ali časnik. Po vsem povedanem torej lahko rečemo: nič se ni spremenilo v tej demokratični Republiki Sloveniji- 4. — Sodna preiskava, ki se je začela v letih 1981—82 proti meni in še petim ljudem, je bila, kakor je splošno znano, »zrežirana« s strani udbe. Tožilec v tem »sodnem« postopku je bil udbovec Ivan Eržen, načelnik SDV (Službe državne varnosti) Ljubljana-mesto. Po dveh letih je bila ta sodna preiskava prekinjena in odložena. Kljub moji pritožbi in zahtevi, naj jo nadaljujejo, tega niso storili. Kar pa je sedaj zanimivo, je farsa, ki se jo gre sedanja demokratična oblast v Sloveniji: Po desetih letih je namreč sedanja oblast takratno sodno preiskavo obnovila; seveda še vedno po Kazenskem zakoniku Socialistične federativne republike Jugoslavije, ki pa je že nekaj časa ni več. Slovenija še vedno nima svojega kazenskega zakona in tako sodstvo še naprej deluje po komunističnih zakonih Jugoslavije. Zaradi tega grozi meni in še petim ljudem aretacija in sodni postopek, če se vrnemo v domovino. Nekatere priče pri tej preiskavi so že izjavile, da so morale pričati pod pritiskom in grožnjami udbe tako, (dalje na str. 11) V imenu naše slovenske skupine se je potem zahvalil g. Jožetu še Andrej Pučko: »G. Jože! Kot izgleda, gre zdaj zares! Odločili ste se, da greste v Slovenijo in se danes od Vas tu poslavljamo. Kaj je domotožje, to vemo vsi! Okušamo tujino, katera pa nas je pred toliko leti dobrohotno sprejela. Postali smo ameriški državljani z vsemi pravicami in dolžnostmi. Kljub vsemu pa domovina Slovenija še vedno živi v naših srcih in nepozabnih spominih. Kmalu boste spet sredi Vaše lepe in sončne Dolenjske pozdravili svoje drage. Za Vas je bila in bo spet topel dom, čeprav so minula leta pustila veliko težkega in grenkega, veliko preizkušenj in gorja, ko je morala Slovenija na Kalvarijo. Obetajo se lepši časi zdaj in Bog daj tako. Bodite srečen in vesel sredi svojih dragih. Iskreno se Vam danes zahvaljujem v imenu nas vseh za vso Vašo očetovsko skrb za nas, posebno ta zadnja leta, ko ste bili z nami zelo povezan. Pogrešali Vas bomo zelo, pa zvesto sledili Vašim naukom, katere ste nam delili z ljubeznijo in dobroto. Naj Vas dobri Bog čuva in ohranja še lepa leta v svobodni domovini Sloveniji!« (nadaljevanje s str. 9) stila Škrbčeva mama. Šla je k počitku in v spanju mirno odšla v Večnost. Kako lepa smrt! Vendar za njene drage težka preizkušnja, saj bodo skrbno mamo zelo pogrešali. Ohranjala je družinsko skupnost zvesto, odkar jih je pred petimi leti zapustil oče Janez Škrbec. Z njenim odhodom se je naša slovenska srenja vidno skrčila. Ko je lansko leto sredi avgusta avto povozil dobro Krulčevo mamo, je kmalu zanjo odšla Micka Menartova. Bila je bolna dalj časa, vendar je bila doma, kjer so ji dragi domači skrbno stregli do njene zadnje ure. Komaj smo se poslovili od nje, je odšla še Ivanka Kovačeva. Tudi ona je po smrti svojega moža vidno pešala in tiho odšla, kot je bila tudi v svojem življenju. Vse, prav vse zelo pogrešamo v naši sredi, saj smo z njimi delili lepe in žalostne dni našega življenja tu na Železnem okrožju. Vendar se veselimo z njimi, saj so vse našle večno srečo in veselje s svojimi dragimi pri Bogu. Anica Tusharjeva Komaj smo se poslovili od g. Jožeta Vovka, je našo malo skupino zadela še ena ločitev. Čisto brez slovesa nas je zapu- Zahvala Slovenske šole pri Sv. Vidu CLEVELAND, O. - Kosilo Slovenske šole pri Sv. Vidu je izredno lepo uspelo. Hvaležni smo Bogu za lepo vreme, da so ljudje lahko prišli od blizu in daleč. Veseli smo bili, da se je kosila udeležil tudi ljubljanski župan g. Jože Strgar s svojim spremstvom. Prav lepa hvala vsem, ki so kakorkoli pomagali pri kosilu, vsem, ki so že v naprej prodajali nakaznice, in vsem, ki ste se kosila v tako velikem številu udeležili. Še posebno zahvalo naj prejmeta glavni kuharici, ga. Ivanka Pretnar in gdč. Anči Mihelič. Sledeči dobrotniki so podprli delovanje Slovenske šole z velikodušnimi darovi: g. Joseph Zelle $25; g. Frank in ga. Nežka Vidmar $20; g. Peter Osenar $4; ga. Josie Novak $3; in gdč. Frances Bogovič $1. Vsem prisrčna hvala. Hvaležni smo g. Jamesu Slapniku za podarjeno cvetje za okrasitev dvorane. Odbor staršev MALI OGLASI House For Sale — By Owner 3 suites plus store front. 2 bedrooms each suite, large kitchens and modern bathrooms. New carpets. Full basement. 4 brick car garages, fenced yard, very good income. St. Vitus area. Call after 8 pm. 881-8423 (10-12) FENCES — OGRAJE Any type of fence. Chain link, wood and ornamental iron. Railings for steps. Porches, balconies. We have our own surveyor. Call: Jokic Fence Co. 944-6777 Hiše barvamo zunaj in znotraj. Tapeciramo. (We wall' paper). Popravljamo in delamo nove kuhinje in kopalnice ter tudi druga zidarska in mizarska dela. Lastnik TONY KRISTAVNI* Pokličite 423-4444 (X) POTUJETE V RIM? Nekoč hotel Bled, danes hotel Emona! Obveščamo vas, da smo odprli v Rimu hotel Emona. Za rojake poseben popust-Naslov hotela: 00185 - ROMA’ Via Stalila 23, Tel: 06-7027911 ali 06-7027827, telefax: 06-7028787. Dobrodošli! Lastnik hotela Emona. Vinko Levstik V BLAG SPOMIN Materi Stari Materi MARY OBLAK MARY SESEK umrla 24. marca 1948 umrla 25. marca 1912 Bratu FRANK OBLAK umrl 30. sept. 1973 Prišel je k nam spominski žalni čas, ko misel na Vas spet združuje nas. Cleveland, O., 19. marca 1992. Žalujoči: Otroci in Vnuki Spomine svetle vedno nam budite, v ljubečih srcih vedno nam živite. Slovenci upravičeno razočarani (nadaljevanje $ str. 9) kakor so želeli »režiserji« sodnega postopka. Sedanje pravosodje v Sloveniji pa še ni preverilo resničnosti takratnih lažnih pričevanj proti meni. 5- — Glede Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa naj povem, da se je ta inštitucija že rodila ■nvalidna. Dovolj je, da pogledaš, kdo sedi v vodstvu te organizacije in že ti postane vse Jasno. Z eno besedo: Svetovni slovenski kongres ne more biti Merodajen predstavnik Slo-vencev po svetu, še najmanj pa sovenske politične emigracije. redstavniki Svetovnega slovenskega kongresa niso uspeli a' n*so bili sposobni doseči: a. samodejno priznanje slo-venskega državljanstva slovenski politični emigraciji, ki je 1 a prisiljena, da si ohrani živ-^enje, zapustiti domovino. ^aj nimajo slovenskega državljanstva, čeprav je jasno, a jim to pripada že z rojstvom v Sloveniji. Tega državljanstva jim zato ne more nih-e odvzeti. Toda zakon o dr-Zavljanstvu pod sedanjo, demokratično oblastjo pa nalaga siovei ncem po svetu, da mora-J0 za državljanstvo prositi in Predložiti celo goro birokratke dokumentacije. k- volilne pravice — torej soodločanja pri prihodnji uso- 1 slovenskega naroda. To sta dva dokaza, da je anahronističo telo, Svetovni slovenski kongres imenovano, Hemerodajno za predstavljanje in zastopanje Slovencev v svetu. 6- — Glede vlade Lojzeta Peterleta je treba reči, da je to vlada, ki ne vlada, oziroma ni nikoli vladala, saj so ji komu-nisti in njihovi dediči to spret-n° onemogočali in dejansko 0ni vladali. Namesto da bi slo- ^ blag spomin JE v3^°BLETNICI- ODKAR gospodu preminul NAŠ LJUBLJENI OČE •n STARI OČE ^°uis Cimperman ^dihnil je svojo plemenito ^ U 0 dne 22. marca 1949. v *'?bu Vašem, dragi oče, m “ U danes spet hitimo; biQgU^a^e nam mogoče, * na yas imamo spomin. Žalujoči: sin: Louis erki: Josephine in Rose snaha: Mary in vnukinie q’ 0hl°. 19. marca 1992. venska vlada začela z nekakšno — seveda politično — »kontrarevolucijo«, se je ustrašila besede »revanšizem«, ki jo je spretno zlorabljala Zveza borcev, ki jo je tudi lan-sirala. Obnašanje predsednika vlade prof. Peterleta se mi zdi poniževalno. Nujno bi moral odstopiti že pred enim mesecem, čim je ugotovil, daje v manjšini. Tako bi ohranil imidž vlade, ki ji predseduje, ohranil pa bi tudi svoj politični imidž in svojo zasebno pokončnost. Ko je pozval tri ministre, ki ne podpirajo vlade, naj odstopijo (gre za ministre nove Demokratske stranke) in ti tega niso storili, bi moral odstopiti on. Namesto tega se je skušal poniževalno pogajati o sestavljanju nekakšne vladne koalicije s prenovitelji, nasledniki Zveze komunistov Slovenije. Dr. Ciril Ribičič, predsednik SDP — Socialdemokratske prenove, mu je rekel »ne«. Obrnil se je še na Školjčeve »komsomolce« in Žakljeve socialiste, ki so mu oboji dali »košarico«. To seveda niso zgolj moje ugotovitve; o tem so poročali tudi mediji in vsi, s katerimi sem izmenjal mnenja, delijo z menoj željo, da bi Peterle že enkrat nehal s tem poniževanjem in samosmešenjem. Ko bi vsaj zdaj odstopil, bi imeli dediči komunistov povsem dovolj časa, da se do volitev politično onemogočijo, saj ni mogoče na hitro popraviti razpadajočega sistema. Peterle pa bi si v opoziciji nabral nove glasove, ki si jih pri vodenju vlade ne more, saj ljudje za slab gospodarski položaj pač obtožujejo njega. In za konec še tri nasvete ali pripombe v razmišljanje rojakom po svetu. — Ko boste spet zbirali denar za Slovenijo, dobro premislite, komu ga pošljete. Če ga boste poslali slovenski vladi, postavite pogoj: »dam — daste«. — Zelo obžalujem, da je prišlo prezgodaj do razpustitve Slovenskega narodnega odbora. Kakšen teden pred tem razpustom so komunisti v Sloveniji ustanovili vlado v senci. Takrat sem svetoval, naj se Slovenski narodni odbor ne razpusti, temveč naj postane »vlada na soncu«, ki bi ji bila naloga okrepiti mlado demokracijo v Sloveniji. — Z ozirom, da Ruplovo zunanje ministrstvo imenuje in za ambasadorje Republike Slovenije po svetu namešča skoraj same nekdanje komunistične funkcionarje, ki bodo postali neznosno finančno breme za slovensko državo, čeprav bi lahko, oziroma bi moralo na ambasadorska mesta imenovati naše rojake po svetu, bomo morali v prihodnje resno razmisliti, da ta prazen prostor zapolnimo na kak drugačen način. Toliko v razmišljanje, vam, dragi rojaki! yjnk0 Levstik V Gorici, 12. marca 1992 Zaslužni slovenski duhovnik umrl v Trstu V soboto, 14. marca t.l., je v Trstu umrl slovenski duhovnik msgr. dr. Jože Prešeren, star 83 let. V 30-ih letih je bil Prešeren dalj časa tajnik škofa Rožmana, nato bil poslan v Rim, kjer je promoviral iz kanonskega prava, stanoval pa v francoskem kolegiju. V drugi polovici maja 1945 se je na prošnjo bivšega ministra dr. M. Kreka podal na pot na Koroško, kamor je prišel 29. maja (mnoge vojaške ovire je pri Angležih premagoval s francoščino), da vidi in spozna položaj slovenskih beguncev. Od Gorice naprej ga je spremljal goriški duhovnik Stanko Žerjal. Naslednji dan sta tudi onadva zvedela, da Angleži izročajo domobrance Titovim silam. Ob vračanju je Prešeren sporočil to žalostno novico slovenskim beguncem v Trevisu in nato dr. Kreku v Rimu. Čeprav je vojna leta preživel v Rimu, se ni vrnil v Slovenijo, ampak se ustavil v Trstu. Več kot 30 let je bil dušni pastir za slovenske vernike pri novem Sv. Antonu na koncu kanala in tam obnovil slovensko nedeljsko mašo. Bil je glavni ustanovitelj skavtske organizacije v Trstu, seveda ob pomoči domačinov. Po zgledu te so bili ustanovljeni skavti tudi v Gorici. Sestavil je za skavte mikavno knjižnico, ki naj bi bila duhovni vodnik. Poleg molitev so v njej pomembni odstavki znanih vzgojiteljev, pisateljev in teologov. Za knjižnico je iskal literaturo tudi v Angliji in Ameriki. Pomagal je pri znani ustanovi Draga na njenem začetku, sezidal dokaj velik Marijin dom, obenem pa bil verouči-telj na slovenskih šolah. Za učence teh je urejeval mesečnik »Pastirček«. Prva leta po vojni je večkrat tudi on začutil nevarnost ugrabitve. To je bil čas, ko je slov. komunistični režim dal ugrabiti več vidnih protikomunističnih beguncev. Na to nevarnost so ga opozorili Angleži. Nasprotovali pa so dr. Prešernu tudi nekateri prenapeti Italijani, ki jih je motila obnovljena slovenska nedeljska maša. Kot mi je sam pravil, so mu na škofiji predlagali, naj bi prevzel ugledno mesto v cerkvenem sodišču za več škofij v Benetkah. Torej po načelu: promo-veatur ut amoveatur. Toda Joseph L. FORTUNA [POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 [Moderni pogrebni zavod lAmbulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Prešeren se je znal upreti raznim pritiskom. Pri tem ga reševala njegova dušnopastirska gorečnost in osebni pogum. Ni se bal raznih zamer. Ko je stopil v pokoj, je čez nekaj let prevzel v tržaški okolici precej oddaljeno faro Trebče in jo oskrboval tri leta in pol. Vsa Prešernova dejavnost v Trstu zasluži priznanje tudi z narodnega vidika. Ker je želel biti pokopan v domači fari tik Novega mesta, je njegovo truplo bilo prepeljano tja. Pokopal gaje ob številni asistenci duhovnikov njegov prijatelj in rojak, upokojeni beograjski nadškof Alojzij Turk. Naj dobri Bog obilno poplača svojega gorečega služabni- ka- M. in J. Grum Novi grobovi Frank M. Kosich Dne 12. marca je za srčnim infarktom v Las Vegasu, Nev., kjer je bil na obisku, umrl 68 let stari Frank M. Kosich z Bratenahla, rojen v vasi Miren, Italija, 26. oktobra 1923, v Cleveland pa prišel kot dveletni deček, v Bratenalu živel od 1. 1959, mož June, roj. Žele, oče Melanie in Deborah, zet Anne Žele, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, v kateri je služil v vojaški obveščevalni službi na Filipinih in Okinawi, mnoga leta do svoje upokojitve 1. 1983 lastoval in vodil Carst Memorials, od upokojitve do svoje smrti pa z ženo veliko potoval po svetu in bil aktiven v številnih dobrodelnih ustanovah, bivši predsednik in član direktorija Slovenskega doma za ostarele, pred leti V BLAG SPOMIN OB ENAJSTI OBLETNICI SMRTI NAŠEGA LJUBLJENEGA SOPROGA, OČETA, STAREGA oCeta, PRASTAREGA OČETA, TASTA, BRATA in STRICA ANTON ZALLNICK ki je zaspal v Gospodu dne 22. marca 1981. Minuto je enajst let, odkar točit si se od nas. Otoinoje življenje, ker Te več med nami ni. Počivaj v božjem miru, kjer ni gorja in solza. Božja volja naj nas pripelje k Tebi, vrh zvezda! Žalujoči: Anna Zallnick, soproga; Anthony, Joseph (Tom) in Frank, sinovi; Helen, Betty in Mary, snahe; vnuki, vnukinje, pravnuki in pravnukinje; Pavel, brat v Sloveniji, ter ostalo sorodstvo. Cleveland, Ohio, 19. marca 1992. med vodilnimi pevci pevskega zbora Jadran, član SNPJ št. 53 in Zah. slovanske zveze. Pogreb je bil 18. marca iz Že-letovega zavoda na E. 152 St. na pokopališče Lake View. Darovi v pokojnikov spomin Slovenskemu domu za ostarele bodo s hvaležnostjo sprejeti. Joseph Evancic Dne 13. marca je v Meridia Euclid bolnišnici umrl 86 let stari Joseph Evancic z E. 172 St., rojen v Chicagu, brat Mary Ivančič in Anthonyja Ivančiča, zaposlen do svoje upokojitve pri Penn Central železnici. Pogreb je bil 17. marca iz Želetovega zavoda na E. 152 St., s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Joseph F. Gabriel st. Dne 16. aprila je na svojem domu v Mayfield Villageu umrl 77 let stari Joseph F. Gabriel st., rojen v Clevelandu, mož Berthe, roj. Tekavec, oče Clifforda in Josepha ml., brat Sophie Svoboda, Julie Tekavec, Helen Legan, Williama ter že pok. Franka, Johna Lacknerja in Ann Donut, lastoval in vodil Lake Discount Transmissions 25 let, član ADZ. Pogreb bo danes iz Dan Cosic pogrebnega zavoda na Chardon Rd. v cerkev Chapel of the Divine Word v Kirtlan-du dop. ob 11.30 in od tam na Vernih duš pokopališče. Družina priporoča darove v pokojnikov spomin Hospice of Western Reserve, 5786 Heisley Rd., Mentor, OH 44060. MALI OGLASI For Rent 1 Bedroom Condominium. For April and May. Marco Island, Florida. Call 481-1074. (9-13) V BLAG SPOMIN 10. OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠEGA MOŽA, OČETA in STAREGA OČETA MARTIN ERDANI ki je umrl 18. marca 1982. Deset let je že minilo, odkar Te več med nami ni. Žalostna so naša srca, ko se spominjamo na Te. V raju prosi zdaj Boga, da raj nebeški nam da, kjer bomo zopet združeni, veselje večno uživali. Žalujoči: Antonija — žena Miro — sin z družino Mari - hčerka, v Avstriji Bratje in sestra v Sloveniji Euclid. Ohio, 19. marca 1992. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 936. MZA New York misijonska prireditev je 9. februarja zelo lepo uspela. Blagajničarka ga. Marjana Burger je poslala blagajniku Štefanu Maroltu v Cleveland 26. februarja točno finančno poročilo s pripisom: »Bili smo zelo srečni, da je nepričakovano uspelo! Prejmite pozdrave od članov newyor-škega odseka MZA! Prilagam poročilo in obračun naše misijonske prireditve. Kljub temu, da so slabi časi, smo imeli kar dobro udeležbo na proslavi, bogate dobitke in dozdaj še naj večji uspeh! Dohodkov je bilo: Vstopnina $109; kuhinja $289; srečke in prispevki $1803. Skupno $2201. Izdatkov: Tiskanje srečk $80; znamke in kuverte $94; hrana in pijača $110; zbor »Zvon« $60. Skupno $344. Dobiček v celoti: $1857. Od te vsote naj se uporabi $300 za vzdrževanje študija bogoslovca, ki ga podpira naš odsek, ostalo pa razdelite med misijonarje, torej za vse, kakor po navadi. Kakor vidite je bila naša prireditev zelo uspešna, in to zaradi dela zvestih članov, posebno ge. Helene Klesin. Pecivo je bilo odlično in obilno, pridno delo mnogih kuharic. Zabavali so nas bližnji sosedje iz Bridgeporta, Conn., pevci zbora Zvon, s slovensko pesmijo. Za dobitke se zahvalimo sledečim: Daniel Antonovich od Daniel A. Furs je daroval kratki kožuh, vreden $1000. Marjan Skubic od Wall Furniture Outlets je žrtvoval pohištvo na izbiro, v vrednosti $500. Mirjam Pezdirc je pripravila oljnato sliko v okvirju, v vrednosti $650. Lepo prosim, če ob priliki pošljete potrdila za ta darila in za tiste, ki so na dodatnem seznamu darovali $20 ali več. Rabili jih bodo za davčno oprostitev. Priloženi so čeki, osebni in bančni, za vsoto dobička in ce- Pnjatel s Pharmacy St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED ____PRESCRIPTIONS___ loten seznam darovalcev. Prejmite lepe pozdrave, v upanju, da bo misijonsko delo še naprej procvitalo. Marjana Burger, za MZA New York.« Darovali so naslednji: $150 g.ga. John Hawkins; $100 g.ga. John Sodja; $60 ga. Antonia Burger; $50 g.ga. Fredric Velepec; $45 g.ga. Serge Delak; po $40 gdč. Maria Adam in g.ga. Vincent Burger; $35 gdč. Cilka Petek; po $30 gdč. Bogdana Zimič in gdč. Frieda Mihelič. Po $25 g.ga. Anton Babnik, Ludvik Burgar, Peter Nike, Jacob Zaletel, ga. Sonja Kregar in Rev. Alojzij Jenko; $22 g.ga. Jerry Zupan; po $20 gospodične Lillian Fox, Mary Jane Juvan in Frances Shager, ga. Anna Stalzer, g. Louis Simončič, dr. in ga. Mladen Solar, g.ga. John Kamin, Valentine Pfeifer, Joseph Schimi-tsch, Henry Stalzer in Rudolph Vrabec. Po $15 ga. Elizabeth Grili, g. Stanley Ivančič, Ranko Po-ropat, Matjaž Šebenik, gdč. Mary Pirc, g.ga. Ludvik Tomaži in Miro Zupančič; $13 g.ga. Carl Prelog; $12 ga. Anna Kerkovich. Po $10 g.ga. John Babnik, John Batič, Ivan Blejec, Ivan Cerjak, Steven Chabalik, Miro Cec, Frank Cerar, K. Chinckel, Paul Dennis, Frederick Eckert, Max Grom, John Hribar, Anthony Jenko, Peter Jenko, Valentine Kalan, Willi Kern, Vekoslav Kramarich, James Ladstatter, Felix Magajna, John Paulin, Vincent Pavlič, Frank Peterka, Mile Pezdirc, Janez Puc, Janez Ravnikar, Peter Remec, Vincent Rode, Louis Rupnick, Stanley Rupnick, Joseph Višinski, Jože Vodlan, Albin Zaic. Še: Dr. in ga. Anthony Bruno, dr. Albert Jurečič, g. Max Capuder in Ann Rode, Stanley Dežjot, Mark Juvan, Jerry Koprivšek, Armin Kurbus, Joseph Pilagonia, John Ravnikar ml., Glauco Sluga, Josephine Supancich. In: Gospodične Amelia Bruner, Anne Bučar, Frances Co-rrell, Marie Crowley in Johanna Fugazzi, Marinka Gorenc, ^ T A *3un*\a[ *DaaiIity in c/S/o\kfutXkt 'Dkio Naš celoten tradicionalen pogreb za $1990 vključuje: • Sodobna, železna krsta • En dan kropljenja • Strokovne usluge direktorja in osebja • Mrliški voz, limuzina in spremna vozila Za informacijo, pokličite 944-7976 Zagotavljamo sočutno in dostojno vodenje pogreba, za zmerno ceno Sobe za pogrebščino tudi na razpolago 28890 Chardon Road, Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 Frances Graf, Marjana Klesin, Mary O. Kobe, Frances Ko-chevar, Dolores Kreck, Eva Lisec in L.C. Breuer, Maria Peschel, Cirila Saksida, Josephine Wise, ga. Daniella Sto-yan. Po 6 g. Peter Grom, ga. Ljudmila Grom in Ivanka Svet. Po $5 g.ga. Raymond Bernik, Joseph Habjan, Marie Končan, Karl Klesin, John Petschauer, J. Skrl, gospodične Ivanka Block, Mildred Crawford, Matilda Dovnik, Frances Klun, Veronica Kunz in Ann O. Chester, Anna Malenšek, Bonaventura in Rose Mennella, Mary Palcic, g. Robert Forrester, Henry Kiriin, Edward Klarich, Vinko Rode, Frank Serjak, M. Stoehrer, Peregrin Us, Nick Wisniarski, dr. Silvester Lango, dr. Majda Mazovec. $3 so prišli v pomoč od Neimenovanega. Vsem, ki so v New Yorku spet poglobili ljubezen do slovenskih misijonarjev in znova izrazili predano ljubezen misijonski Cerkvi, naj božji Misijonar povrne stokrat. Zvrhano mero, kot sv. pismo obljublja vsakemu, ki ljubi uboge in potrebne. Vodstvu MZA New York pa še posebna zahvala za vso organizacijo in zdravega misijonskega duha. Nadškof dr. Alojzij Šuštar piše glavni tajnici MZA gdč. Sonji Ferjanovi 3. marca: »Najlepša hvala za Vaše pismo z dne 7. februarja 1992. Izročil sem ga ravnatelju bogoslovnega semenišča, ki je preveril vso stvar in Vam sedaj prilagam seznam bogoslovcev v ljubljanskem semenišču, kakor so jih prevzeli različni dobrotniki v Kanadi in ZDA. Ravnatelja semenišča dr. Franceta Šuštarja sem tudi prosil, da vodi točno evidenco o dobrotnikih in bogoslovcih in poskrbi za to, da bi bogoslovci pisali svojim dobrotnikom. Dejal mi je, da je za to poskrbel. Zadnja pošta, ki sem Vam jo poslal v začetku februarja, se je srečala z Vašo pošto. Vam in gospodu Wolbangu bi se rad prisrčno zahvalil za to veliko pomoč, kakor tudi vsem v glavnem odboru MZA. Želim Vam obilo božjega blagoslova in Vam pošiljam prisrčne pozdrave -l-Alozij Šuštar.« Za temi dvajsetimi bogoslovci bomo prevzeli spet dva nova, ker sta se javila dva nova dobrotnika. Neimenovana v zahodni Kanadi, ki je že poslala kan. $1400, kar znese $1200 ZD, za štiriletno vzdrževanje bogoslovca. Z njo smo si dopisovali, ko je zanimanje pokazala in se je sedaj za to žrtev odločila. Družina Matilde in Martina Simčiča iz Franklina, Wis., je poslala za enoletno vzdrževal-nino v ljubljanskem semenišču $300. Preds. Mici Coffeltova ji je dala prečitati pismi dveh bogoslovcev, ki popisujeta, kako sta iskala srečo povsod in jo našla doma pri oo. frančiškanih. Tako Bog obuja med nami vedno nove misijonske pionirje misijonske Cerkve. Rev. Charles Wolbang CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 Ustava Slovenije (nadaljevanje s str. 7) dvajset poslancev državnega zbora, vlada ali najmanj trideset tisoč volilcev. O predlogu odloči državni zbor z dvotretjinsko večino glasov navzočih poslancev. 169. člen (akt o sprejemu ustave) Državni zbor sprejme akt o spremembi ustave z dvotretjinsko večino glasov vseh poslancev. 170. člen (potrditev spremembe ustave na referendumu) Državni zbor mora predlagano spremembo ustave predložiti v sprejem volilcem na referendumu, če to zahteva najmanj trideset poslancev. Sprememba ustave je na referendumu sprejeta, če zanjo glasuje večina volilcev, ki so glasovali, pod pogojem, da se glasovanja udeleži večina vseh volilcev. 171. člen (razglasitev spremembe ustave) Sprememba ustave začne veljati z razglasitvijo v državnem zboru. X. PREHODNI IN KONČNI DOLOČBI 172. člen Ta ustava začne veljati z dnem razglasitve. (Ponavljamo, da je to bilo 23. decembra 1991 — op. ur.) 173. člen MALI OGLASI Part-time help needed, seven hours 2 or 3 days a week, assist elderly woman. In KW land, O. Call JoAnn: 256-3$ (l For Rent Single Home. Mohawk, offf 185 St. 3 bdrms. All remodels Call 531-7478. For Rent E. 72 St. Up. 4 rooms & ball Call 951-3322 or 1-257-1291 (12,13 Nottingham Area — Lafg family home w/natural woo parents and children converged on Mr. Louis Sente’s house — somewhere in 70’s off St. Clair Avenue! rh® line stretched down the street! The first successful concert ^ergized each Slovenian o^he to establish its own Vj^or chorus; thus, in 1934, adinski Pevski Zbor was °rn at SWH, and North Col- nwood children transferred to MPz. Here, under the direction of r- eme and the tutelage of ‘Z ^nna Vadnal, Florence and °rmed at MPZ concerts ^ lodge programs. Al-QulU8h the membership re-Flnrenient °f Jadran was 16, vitedT6’ 3t age 14, was in' Jad °y ^nna Vadnal to join to d^0' sf'e was happy collinwood High School of- —n rered T7i . r'Orence more oppor- tu . more oppor- forl y t0 develop as a vocalist, den 11 an excellent music a artment and in those days stud^01 °r mlnor course of art'/ *n music (as well as in p ' .Was possible. While the hav/*03* oonsideration of tio u8 t0 tra*n f°r an occuPa" kept her from majoring in a m’1C’ S^e focused on music as jp ln°r; Her first formal vocal d ruct'on came in the voice j?r *es conducted by Mr. In h'"0 Uke at CoUmwood-^th'^th^^00^ Sbe Performed Chr. M1C ^lrls’ dee Club, as a ra* ^lol3’ Madrigal Choir, Self S°lolst in concerts, and in ^0°' operettas. ater, Frecj Lake invited her to sing in his church choir as a stipendee. The church, First Presbyterian of East Cleveland, paid for private voice lessons for 4-5 promising choir memb Since voice lessons at that L.ne were not financially possible for her, Florence joined the choir and thus began a long period of vocal training and musical enrichment. Fred Lake was not only an excellent vocal teacher, but a wonderful, warm human being, as former students attest. The ideal teacher, he was able to challenge students, encouraged them to believe in themselves, and taught them how to sing well. Ultimately, Florence served as soloist at First Pres1' ‘erian for several years, later also at Windermere Presbyterian, and did solo work at other churches as well. In later years, her vocal instruction continued with Dorothy Vogelin, who still serves occasionally as her vocal coach and advisor. She also studied piano with Dorothy and piano and music theory at the Music School Settlement. While employed as a clerk-typist at Cleveland Public Main Library, Florence sang with the library choir. Later, at Tapco, Florence frequently sang with the employee’s band as they entertained during lunch hours, and with the twelve member chorus which performed weekly on the T.P., Inc. radio show on WHK. Beside professional church work, she was registered with a booking agency and appeared in northern Ohio at conventions, trade shows, etc. The first year of her membership in Jadran, Florence had a small part with solo in an operetta. At 16, she sang her first operetta leading role and from then on sang leading roles in all Jadran operettas, the last one being a “Fleder-maus” production in 1957. She has done solo and/or ensemble work at Jadran’s concerts, including Jadran’s two Slovenia tours. Florence has also served the chorus in other capacities. She was recording secretary in the late 1940’s, when meetings were still conducted in Slovenian and minutes had to be written in that language. She has served as librarian, and set-up and catalogued the music library. Except for the years of her sabbatical (studying in Columbus and her first years of teaching), she has served on the music committee since the 1950’s and is still a member. Since 1973 she has authored or co-authored scripts for Jadran shows. That same year she was elected president and served a total of 17 years. In the absence of Reginald Resnik, Florence serves as musical director of the chorus. In the 1940’s and 50’s, two well-known dramatic societies, Ivan Cankar at the St. Clair Slovenian National Home and Anton Verovsek at SWH, still performed plays in the Slovenian language. In the early 1940’s, Florence appeared with the Ivan Cankar Dramatic Club and during the 1950’s participated in dramas with Anton Verovsek at Slovenian Workmen’s Home. In 1947, at the suggestion of Vinko Coff, secretary of SWH, and sponsored by Jadran, Florence gave a solo concert at Waterloo Hall. The program, which was very well received, consisted of Slovenian folk and art songs, Italian and French operatic arias, and English folk and art songs. Her accompanist was Dorothy Vogelin. In addition to voice lessons, church singing, Jadran performances, a occasional dramatic performance, and, of course, a full time job, from 1947 to 1950 Florence also directed the MPZ children’s chorus at SWH, presenting two performances annually. In 1972, Florence and Angela Žabjek appeared for the first time as a duet at Jadran’s spring dinner dance in a unique performance — strolling table to table with Gil Dobida accompanying them. And so the “Jadran Songbirds” duet — as their Jadran colleagues dubbed them — was born. In the ensuing 20 years, they have made countless appearances together. Several years ago, they produced their own recording, “Echoes of Slovenia,” still one of the best recording of female vocalists. Together, they also appeared frequently on the Polka Varieties show on television. Earlier, Florence had twice appeared on Sidney Andorn’s TV Talent Show, and early in her career, on the Slovenian program on WJAY. She also recorded “Blue Skirt Waltz” with A1 Strukel’s orchestra. At age forty, Florence enrolled at Ohio State University to realize a dream which had not been possible financially when she graduated from high school. Again, practical considerations compelled her to major in a field other than music, so she turned to another love — literature and language. While at OSU, she volunteered as an usher at Mershon Auditorium, and sang in the 325-voice Ohio State University Chorus, which performed choral symphonies such as Beethoven’s Ninth with the Columbus Symphony, as well as choral concerts at Mershon Auditorium. In 1967, she graduated with two degrees, a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science in Education, with a grade point average of 3.78, earning one degree cum laude and the other summa cum laude. In her junior year, she had been elected to Phi Beta Kappa, national scholastic honorary society, and was a member of Chi Delta Phi, OSU English honorary. In her senior year, she was a candidate for a prestigious Woodrow Wilson Fellowship. Her teaching career began at her alma mater, Collinwood High School. In her second year, she was assigned to teach a 9th grade honors class; at the end of her third year, she was given the 12th grade honors Advanced Placement English class to teach — a course the equivalent of college freshman English. During her twenty-year teaching career, she taught Advanced Placement English for seventeen, and many of her AP students performed well enough on the Princeton Advanced Placement English Exam to be given credit for freshman English and/or be placed in advanced college English classes. During summer vacations, Florence returned to OSU to pursue a Master’s Degree, which was awarded in 1972. In 1977, she was appointed Chairman of the English Department at James Ford Rhodes High School on the west side of Cleveland, and served there until her retirement in 1987. The last five years of her teaching career, besides teaching classes and chairing a department, she served on curriculum writing committees, textbook selection committees, and spent five or six weeks every summer as part of a team which wrote teacher’s manuals, composition activities, etc., and presented a workshop for English teachers before the start of school in September. Besides Jadran, the Progressive Slovene Women of America is another organization very dear to Florence’s heart. She has been a member of the National Board since 1975, serving as auditor and corresponding secretary. In 1983, she was elected National President, and re-elected in 1987 and 1991. She is the Cultural Trustee on the Board of the American-Slovenian Polka Foundation, has served on the Executive Committee the past two years, and been chairman of the Awards Committee and editor of the newsletter “Quarterly,” for the past three years. Other Slovenian organizations of which she is a member are AMLA, SNPJ, the Alliance of Slovenian Americans (chairman), United Slovenian Society, American Slovenian Committee for Cultural Exchange. She is also a member of the American Association of University Women, Euclid Branch. Although she did some professional singing, Florence’s singing, as well as her other activities ifl the Slovenian community, have been almost exclusively volunteer in nature. A guiding principle for her has been that we each owe the world something for having passed through it. Each of us should do what we can to make it better and thus enrich our own lives. Her singing and other activities, she states, are her way of expressing gratitude for life’s blessings. Florence’s immediate family includes brother Ed, sister-in-law Carol — more “sister” than “in-law,” — niece Debbie Rissler and husband Rick, nephews Bud and Chris Unetich, and grand-nephew and grand-nieces Bill, Angie, and Card Stearns. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1! MARCH. 199? Fairport Honors Kochever z o p u w in Z O pj w Q w ta. < Z > o s § -c -2 5 w Z < “I got a million of ’em.” That was comedian Jimmy Duran-te’s claim to fame when it came to the bag full of jokes and stories he told to make people laugh. He had nothing on Frank J. Kochever, the Fairport Slovenian Club;s Man of the Year for 1992. If Durante had a million, Frank had more. He was never lacking for a good story to share with his friends in his seemingly never-ending quest to spread a little joy and laughter, not only at the Slovenian Club, but throughout his world. It was this same caring, good nature that made him a true fraternalist, deserving of the honor of being named man of the year. Unfortunately, he won’t be around with another story to defuse his fellow Club members as they salute his continuing contribution to the Slovenian community. Frank Kochever died December 10, 1991, six days into his 87th year. He was born December 4, 1904 in South Fork, Pa., and moved to Ohio and this area in 1925. He worked at what was then known as the Diamond Alkali Co. in Fairport for 44 years, employed in the Caustic Dept, and in fire inspection prior to his retirement. In addition to the Slovenian Club, Frank was a member of the Lake-Geauga Bowling Assn., the Painesville Eagles Lodge, Fairport Pensioners Club, and the Fairport VFW. He had a passion for polka dancing most of all, perhaps, traveling throughout the area to attend dances, listening to the music and gliding across the floor with his companion for the last 13 years of his life, Marge Ogren. The two of them were a familiar sight on many of the polka-sponsored bus trips. Everywhere he went, he had a good word and a funny story to brighten your day. At the Slovenian Club he could be found on that corner stool at every event, manning, along with Marge, the 50/50 concession. It was so much his job, and so automatic, he did not even have to be asked. He| just came. Frank Kochever In Memoriam FRANK KOCHEVER Fairport Man of the Year from The Fairport Polkateers Button Box Club Fairport Harbor, Ohio Earlier, he served on the Board of Directors and invariably could be found participating in various work groups helping maintain the Club and its grounds. He was always ready to help out. Although he was not a member of AMLA’s Grand River Valley Lodge 30, which has its headquarters at the Fairport Slovenian Club, Frank could always be counted on to help out at the lodge’s picnics in Leroy. He and Marge spent many hours manning the entrance gate. Frank’s wife, Mary, preceded him in death in 1974. He has two sons, David in Arizona and Frank in Grand River, and a daughter, Sally, also of Grand River. Also surviving are sisters Mary Kochever and Elsie Natalo, both of Painesville, Dorothy Pendergraph of Escondido, Calif., and two brothers, William of Painesville and Fred of Newark, Delaware. Two other brothers, Moxie and John, preceded him in death. Congratulations from Fairport Patrons Steve & Ginny Hambar Tony & Carol Satej John & Adeline Kutie Stan & Poppy Modic John & Wilma Kovaly Pat Salvato Sheila Salvato Dan Zalek Herman Kapel Mary Ann & Lee Jackopin Tony & Mitzie Mahne Joe & Betty Pirman Charles & Josephine Kapel Lloyd & Dottie Cross Anne Pureber Andy & Elda Pillar Alex & Dolly Nemura Rose Bradack Marge Ogrin Rock’s Farms & Garden Specializing in Flowers & Vegetables 10935 Chillicothe Rd. & Rt. 306 Kirtland, Ohio 44026 Tom & Elsie Rock Tom & Marilyn 216 - 256-3630 In Memoriam Frank Kochever Fairport Harbor’s Slovenian Club Honoree Spear-Mulqueeny Funeral Home 667 Mentor Ave. 312 Eagle St. Painesville, OH 44077 Fairport Harbor, 0.44077 357-7514 — Jim and Arlene Mulqueeny Personalized Service IN MEMORIAM Frank Kochever Value Decorating Inc. 12156 Chillicothe Rd. Chesterland, O. 44026 216 - 729-7004 Frank - Ann Skomrock In Memoriam Frank Kochever Fairport’s Man of Year Warren & Jean Fabian In Memory of Frank Kochever Posthumously Awarded the MAN OF THE YEAR from The American Slovenian Club Fairport Harbor, Ohio BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tony Satej — President Tony Mahne — Vice President Lou Grzely — Treasurer-Financial Secretary Dot Barbis — Recording Secretary Stan Modic — Head Auditor Jean Fabian — Auditor Frank Sajn — Auditor John Kutie — Sergeant-at-Arms Nick Vukčevič — Sergeant-at-Arms Frank Kochever In Memoriam Fairport Harbor’s Slovenian Club Honoree FROM FAIRPORT SLOVENIAN RETIREES CLUB Nick Vukčevič — President Rose Bradach — Vice President Dorothy Nemura — Secretary Frank O’Hara — Treasurer Auditors: Milly Richards, Tony Sturm, Fran Marn AND ALL ITS MEMBERS In Memory of Frank Kochever Good Times, Good Memories 7743 Doty Rd. — Madison, Ohio 44057 rSh % halet ^ eBonne. ineyaRgs 216-466-3485 The Debevc Famil Tony, Rose, Tony and Beth IN MEMORIAM FRANK KOCHEVER Fairport’s Slovenian Man of the Year — from Ladies Auxiliary — American Slovenian Club 617-1/2 Third St. — 1-359-5046 Fish Frys every 2nd & 4th Fridays plus specials of month In Memoriam: Frank Kochever Fairport Waterfront Store Ohio Liquor Agency Beer - Wine • Cordials - Coolers Located Corner of 3rd & High St. Operated by Tom & Rita Open Monday thru Saturday — 357-1750 Mramor Named FederationManof the Year The past seven years have seen a resurgence of activities at the Lorain Slovenian Home. Almost solely responsible is Stanley Mramor. While others have contributed, his dedication and enthusiasm have been the spur to all. A general contractor, Stanley is qualified in all phases of construction and remodeling. It is impossible to estimate the hundreds of hours he has spent working at the Club at no charge. In addition, his access to distributors has saved many thousands of dollars in materials. He serves as an inspiration to others who work voluntarily with him. The major accomplishments include: * Repairing a water prob-mm which threatened to de-® foy the building by dig-Sttig deep around the Perimeter of the building mid replacing the tile soved the problem. ® Complete remodeling of me middle hall with parti-loning for offices resulted w,anu^tractive rental unit wmcb is occupied by Catho- Social Services. „ , Clubroom has been rS?nfVely changed and pm 0c^e(h The room was wanr*8ed.by knocking out a „ari. ° eliminate an unused game room. Paneling light- 2 “d were82re- P aced. Ceiling fans were mstalled and the air condi- tioning system renovated; new exhaust system installed and one constructed for the handicapped. In the kitchen: Five of six restrooms in the build have been remodeled. All of this has been accomplished during Stanley’s tenure on the Board of Directors as House Committee Chairman. It took a great deal of time. He has sacrificed many vacation days and works many hours at the Club in addition to his normal daily responsibilities and regular employment. Too numerous to mention are the many lesser jobs he has undertaken. He is available for any emergency that may arise. Stanley initiated our building fund drive. Many members contributed in varying amounts simply because he can accomplish so much with so little. With our building more than 65 years old and long neglected, Stanley’s accomplishments border on the miraculous. His time, energy, and expertise have been invaluable and, to quote Stanley “I’m not done yet.” Stanley is often called upon and always responds to his pastor at SS Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church in Lorain to repair or maintain facilities at the church. While a staunch citizen of the United States, Stanley’s love and dedication to his Slovenian culture and heritage are unlimited, as witnessed by the time and energy expended. All this quality free time at both his church and the Lorain Slovenian Home would not be possible without the understanding and cooperation of his family, who also contribute time and energy to the Home and church. Preceded by his father, ^Stanley arrived in the United States in October 1953. They were followed later by his mother. Unable to speak English, he encountered many problems. Self-taught, he overcame the language barrier and took employment at U.S. Steel in addition to plying his trade. For the past 26 years, Stanley has been employed at the B.F. Goodrich Plant in Avon Lake. Stanley married Marie in 1958 and a fine family ensued. Eldest son Stanley resides in Houston, Texas, as an employee of B.F. Goodrich. Living in Arizona is daughter Christine, with her husband Richard Ni-hei. Daughter Marie is employed in Dallas, Texas. All are college graduates. Daughter Lonnie graduated from Akron University this past December. Son Vincent, a graduate of Lorain Catholic High School, is attending the General Motors Institute. Stanley is a member of KSKJ Lodge No. 101, fern* Stanley Mramor Urbas is Federation Woman of the Year Helen Urbas Chosen by her peers, Helen Urbas has been one of Lorain’s representatives to the Federation of Slovenian Hornes since 1982. She also has served as second and first vice president of the Federation; declined to run for the presidency in 1991, and has served as recording secretary since May 1991. She was Lorain’s hon-oree in 1984. Helen has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Lorain Slovenian Home since February 1980; served as auditor and chief auditor, and has served as recording secretary beginning in 1981. She has been president of the Lorain Slovenian Heritage Association since 1980, which has been inactive in recent years except for sponsoring a Slovenian girl as a Slovenian princess in the Princess Pageant of the Lorain International Festival, and helps support the young Slovenian folk dancers. From 1982 until 1990, she was a member of the Princess Pageant Committee and served as recording secretary for four years. Helen runs the kitchen for the Lorain Home’s steak dinner dances; bakes past- ries and makes canapes for other affairs sponsored by the Board of Directors, including the weekly fish fries. In addition, she arranges for the Women’s Auxiliary to make strudel and flancate for its annual bake sale and also strudel for the fish fries. She has been interviewed by the Lorain Journal for views on ethnic clubs and the situation in Slovenia. Helen is a native Lorain-ite, went to SS Cyril & Methodius Church and school and graduated from Lorain High School. In 1937, she became employed by the Ohio Bureau of Unemployment Compensation in Columbus as one of the original employees, assist-irlg in establishing the machinery for operating the umployment insurance program in Ohio. In 1942, she transferred to the Federal service and to the Cleveland regional office of the War Manpower Commission. In 1942, she transferred to the national office in Washington, D.C., when her supervisor was promoted from regional director to national director. She remained in Washington, working in these programs until her retirement in 1973 when she returned to Lorain. Helen has been a member of American Slovenian Society Lodge No. 21, AMLA, since her teens, and the Slovenian Women’s Union Lodge No. 103, which she joined while in Washington, D.C. FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES —mama AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, IŠKA DOMOVINA, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1992 82 Society Home honors Dorothy Lamm Thanks to all the Board of Directors at Rechar Hall who voted for me and to A1 Novinc for remembering all I have done at Klub Društev for eight years. In those eight years our chicken barbecues, dances, balina tournaments and reverse raffles were always well-received. The Bessemer people in Pennsylvania and our Slovene homes made it all worthwhile. I am a Slovene girl, born in Park Hill, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. I graduated form Conemaugh High “ School, the daughter of | Mary and Jacob Koss. My father was outstanding in music and helping many people. He was a jack of all trades. I am proud to be a coal miner’s daughter. I still belong to the ladies Slovene “Independent Circle” of Bon Air, Pennsylvania. I have been married to Bob Lamm 39 years, have two daughters, Denise Kneisley and Robin Hegeduš, and five grandchildren. Denise is married to Dr. R. Kneisley, with three daughters — Stephanie, Lisa and Krissy. Robin is married to Joe Hegeduš, attorney at law. They have two children, Ashley and little grandson Joey — my only grandson — the apple of my eye. SNPJ Circle No. 2 Children’s Chorus has left me with the best memories. Both girls belonged and I too was active as a parent being secretary there for a short time. Our stay at Circle No. 2 was a good 14 years. Daughter Denise was crowned Miss SNPJ 1972. Robin received an SNPJ Activity Scholarship. Belonging to SNPJ Comrades Lodge 566, I hold the office of Vice President and auditor. In PSWA Circle No. 3 I hold the office of President and have for the past four years. In SWU No. 2, I hold the office of President and have for the past six years. I have been somewhat inactive these last few years due to my 93-year-old mom and Bob’s car accident that set us back two years. I have been involved with the SNPJ Farm Board, Cleveland Federation, Cleveland Athletic League, bowling and golf. I now am Vice President of the Shor-ettes Bowling League and do volunteer work for the Slovene Home for the Aged where my mom is a resident. I totally enjoy all Slovene singing groups and I do like Recher Hall and its activities. Bob and I try our best to support Slovene cultures and the Slovene homes. I have always been proud of my heritage and upbringing. Euclid Home Relates to Beginnings by Joseph F. Petrie Jr. Looking back thirty yers relating to my initial beginnigs at the American Jugoslav Center, known at that time. The membership worked diligently to bring the level of social and cultural heritage to a community awareness. Euclid in its earlier days was just villages dotted with homes amongst the many grape vineyards, dirt roads, a rural community. Slovenians raised chickens, pigs, goats, a few cows, used horse and buggy transportation, with a few city visitors driving automobiles and streetcar stops along St. Clair Avenue. The times were slower paced and the economy weak, recovering from the Depression, but these Slovene immigrants who left their oppressed homeland, knowing how to make due with essentials and living off land called America. Their Catholic faith dwelt deeply in their hearts fortifing their many trials of struggles and now it was free to express their labors’ determination to survive for another tomorrow, the yearning for human dignity. Can you stop to relate to your own families early beginnings in the early 1900s. America, surviving its own early Civil War and early beginnings of a young democracy, constantly adjusting itself to the migration of many nationalities, multiple traditions and customs of people from the old world. A fraction of this migration came to the Village of Euclid, where they planted the first beginnings of a new life and human dignity. Families grow and married, more families and more marriages, the village became a town and now a city of many ethnic beginnigs. Sunday afternoons gathered families and backyard politicians on a variety of subjects under clusters of trees or trellis’of grape vines, filtering the gentle breeze of the hot afternoon sun, which perfumed the air with grapes and sweet clover. Well, they won personal wars about what was happening back home in Slovenia until for another tomorrow. That yearning for human dignity. Can you remember your own families’ history and relate how those you love came to the new world, America, the land of freedom, opportunity, and self-determination. Well, it wasn’t that easy and inspiring. But once they settled in Euclid village, these Slovenes were on their own. But, tuciia Slovenes survived and organized their small Slovenia here in the new land. They bought a parcel of land adjacent to a road soon to be called Recher Avenue, with an abandoned church from the Cleveland Catholic diocese. There was established the first and only Slovenian Home in Euclid, a place for families and friends, gathered, concerts, picnics, performing Sokols, a little Slovenia of common interests. It grew with minor additions and a hand dug basement, becoming a club room, and then a major addition, with minor extensions years later. From unknowns to well knowns the Slovenian Home on Recher Avenue and Ljubljana Drive became a bountiful harvest of Slovenians, eight hundred strong and one thousand social members. The community has reaped from it: councilmen, mayors, state representatives, many noteable cultural and social and fraternal organizations. Seventy-three years of individual growth and support of its membership developed clicks of Slovenians developing with personal talents and professional experiences — a model to the Euclid community — a strength of proud heritage and family unity. These same ideals have come forth on June 26, 1991 when the self determination of the people of Slovenia placed their ballots to be counted for a free republic, with human dignity for all. They also will yield their harvests to the world and take their place in this new world order, so embraced in the Slovenian anthem “Zdraviga,” a toast to the people, the pride, and the dignity of loving Slovenes. God bless them all! Živijo Slovenci! Dorothy Lamm 'We're As Near As Your Phone" 486'4343 or FLO'WERS Bon DiGiovanni BIG BOUQUET FLORIST 480 East 200 Street' Euclid, Ohio 44119 Best Wishes to All The Honorees Joseph F. Petrie Jr. Executive Secretary Federation of Slovenian National Homes Congratulations to Dorothy Lamm \\ Klub Društev Officers and Members Congratulate SSH Woman of the Year Dorothy Lamm President - Marty Koren Vice President - Frank Kosten Secretary — Pat Nevar Treasurer - Ruth Korelec Auditors: Pat Stanič, Jackie Ulle and Don Swift FUTURE EVENTS at Slovenian Society Home BALINA TOURNAMENT: June 12, 13, 14 DINNER DANCE: Oct. 11 ■ Don Wojtila Band CONOR A TULA TIONS To All Honorees of the Federation of Slovenian National Homes Slovenian Singing Society “ZARJA” The oldest Slovenian singing society in the USA. Entering its 76th year of continuous programming. We wish you a successful day on Sunday, March 15, 1992 1987 Man of the Year AL PESTOTNIK interior Exterior “We do all types of remodeling.” A. J. Pestotnik & Sons Painting & Decorating Free Estimates 439 E. 272 St. 731-9431 Euclid, Ohio WE SALUT ALL HONOREES ESPECIALL Y OUR MEMBER DOROTHY LAMM P.S.W.A. CIRCLE NO. 3 OFFICERS & ALL MEMBERS Congratulations from the Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid, Ohio Patron Ads Slovenian Society Home Karen Alicti Chip Alich John & Ann Adams Jack & Marie Selan Rose Lewis Harry Brule Nick Vukčevič Stanley F. Bencin Ann Filipič M/M Joseph Stavanja John & Frances Mauric Chuck & Anthony Cek Tony Drenik / Mentor, O. Mary & John Lonchar Al Simonič Geo Beale Katherine Skully Julia & Frank Sadar Bob & Marge Agoy Josie Arko Ruth & Frank Korelec Mary & Al Sintič Agnes Turkovich Mary Furlong Marica Lokar Congratulations to All Honorees From JOSEPHINE TRUNK In Loving Memory of my daughter, SALLY FURLICH Congratulations to All Honorees Bill and Mary Frank S.S.H. Euclid, Ohio Best Wishes to All Honorees Rose Mary & John Toth Congratulations All Honorees Albina Mršnik Congratulations and Best Wishes DOROTHY LAMM Officers and members Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 14 Euclid, Ohio Best Wishes from the Board of Directors of the Slovenian Society Home 20713 Recher Avenue Euclid, OH 44119 Joseph F. Petrie Jr., President Rosemary Toth, Vice President William Frank, Treasurer Dorothy Kapel, Recording Secretary Karen Alich, Auditing Chairman Dorothy Lamm, Auditor Joseph Stavanja, Secretary Edward Koren, House Comm. Chmn. Esther Podboy, Auditor Robert Cigoy, House Comm. Robert Cigoy, Auditor Richard Škufca, Membership Comm. Congratulations Dorothy Lamm from the Ladies Auxiliary Slovenian Society Home Pres. — Christine Kovach Vice Pres. — Marica Lokar Recording Sec. — Katherine Salopek Sec. & Treas. — Mary Ster CONGRA TULA TIONS President DOROTHY LAMM HONOREE Officers and Members Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 32 Euclid, Ohio EVENT Mother’s Day, May 20,1992 Dinner - 6 p.m. For tickets call Ann Cooke 481-4194 A.M.L.A. LODGE 6 “Slovenski Dom” 80th year Anniversary “Pozdrav” to our member DOROTHY LAMM § AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEDERAT1 n s z' o u c« Z o West Park Home Honors Zupančič Posthumously ‘Lou’ (Flash) Zupančič was born in Cleveland near East 38th Street, one of nine siblings to Anna (Tranik) and Anton Zupančič. He was the middle boy of three brothers. As an adult, Lou soon realized that in order to “amount to something” as was said then, he would find it necessary to work and earn to help the family and himself. He knew early on the work ethic as it was demonstrated by his parents who strived by every method to exist during the depression times. In a family of 11 it seems to be a daily depression year to year. However, Lou managed to attend West Technical High School and graduated. Soon after a term of employment he was called to the military of WW II. Lou passed the test easily wnen the country called every available young man. He served 1942 through 1945. Lou worked for National Carbon Co., Modern Took Co., and Swift & Co., then somewhere as an electrical apprentice. He liked that field and attended West Tech night courses to learn the basics and then an advanced correspondence course. This eventually certified him as a permit electrician, when. American Airlines employed him as custodial electrician. For three of these adult years, he and his wife, Ronnie (Budan) Zupančič, managed West Park Slovene Home, 1957-59. He was very successful in that management. He and Ronnie were married in August 1948. An only daughter, Karen, was the pride of her father. In early 1974, Lou again became involved in the life of Slovene Home at a time when the Board of Trustees was discouraged by two fires, poor management and burglarizing. The result was that Lou and three other interested shareholders, with the help of Progressive Women’s Union and a two-day festivity, began a new regime on the board. Lou was a positive force in bringing about the change until he suddenly died within five years of active involvement on the job at American Airlines of a heart attack on Jan. 20, 1978. He has been sorely missed, a gentleman of genuine integrity, steadfast in his loyalty and concerns. Slovenian legacy left by our parents to us I’m not aware of the Slovene in Slovenia having involvement in community Lodges or Fraternal organizations as we have here in America. Are they knowledgeable of our Slovenian Homes lodge functions? Our voluntaryism, so time consuming as officers, cooks, bartenders, maintenance people? The ciub bars — meeting places for socializing any day of the week — home away from home. Our non-Slovenians appreciate the Atmosphere of bowling teams, dart teams, balinca and all the camaraderie because they are away from the risks of violence and bad language. This is the legacy our parents left us as we continue the pendulum. Perhaps, there are not as many of us as we could expect to help carry the burden of responsibility. There is a determination about us not to let go — give in to problems of our older buildings, economics, and criticism. If our parents have done the original management of struggle and adversity,' we will strive in the present struggle of sacrifices and doubt. Our folks concerned themselves with business, family, neighbor, church, school and the Slovenian Home. Dad, especially made a practice of reading the newspapers, commenting on editorials, politics, advancements, building a better city, new roads, access to cross town. Likewise, he was interested in the politics, editorials of the American Home Slovenian newspaper and the beginnings of Communist infiltration. Today, Dad would be adamant due to the delay of our President to acknowledge Slovenia’s independent defnocracy, especially since the rest of the world countries support the advancement of our small country. He would be enraged that our United States isn’t charging a tariff on imports. Since World War II we have gradually lost industry, garment, shoes, steel and electronics technology, among many; only to have empty buildings here in America, loss of employment, inflation and a huge budget deficit. Slovenians have proven their perseverence in industries and culture. Isn’t that proof enough for the Administration to make a move, a positive gesture, admit acceptance of a small mighty country so well received by their neighboring European colleagues and the many Eastern Countries? Patron Ads West Park Slovene Home Henry Capek Rose Žnidaršič Albina Capek Bea Zakrajšek Darlene Bartunek Margaret Meyer Michelle Bartunek Edith Garsteck Craig Capek Mollie Samker Gregg Capek Theresa Krisby Megan Capek Joe Each Zina Sesek Ruth Each Donna Ohman Mary Goršek What Is The Slovenian Trait? Fair play? Hard Work? by James V. Debevec There are two types of civilizations: the builders and the destroyers. Where do the Slovenians fit? The answer may be found throughout these pages of this special edition to ihe Ameriška Domovina. Many persons of Slovenian background have paused a moment from the hectic pace of their daily lives to reflect on the wisdom of predecessors who have gone before them and built the Slovenian Homes. These writers have also lauded the present Directors of the various Slovenian homes in their duties of preserving the Homes and making them a comfortable stop along life’s tiring highways. Although those of Slovenian heritage have been in this country for only a century, they have contributed to the technology and successful growth of America. Most of the men and women who arrived at the turn of the century had little technical skills, yet they brought with them a tendency to be unafraid of hard work. Company owners and foremen appreciated the staunch reliability of the Slovenian men and women. When the offspring of these pioneers came into being, their parents encouraged them to develop technical skills and go to school. Those families who arrived after the Second World War came with little in their pockets, but with their mind filled with knowledge. The two groups have multiplied and with their offspring are now forming some of the greatest think tanks America has ever seen. We are producing in great numbers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists, writers, artists, teachers, accomplished musicians, computer wizzards, agricultural specialists, architects, builders, government leaders, and business experts and now even industrialists. There are no fields in the arts or sciences, or sports where the Slovenian has not contributed to the success of the venture. In these fields and the many others in which Slovenians are involved we discover they are areas of progress and construction. From the earliest times when Slovenians were farmers and eventually landowners we ascertain they have been occupied with construction, making things grow, and improving the standard of living. Therefore the answer to the question into which category does the Slovenian fall as builder or destroyer, the answer becomes obvious. Slovenians are builders. And the first thing Slovenians did in the U.S. was build their National Homes. It is therefore fitting we pay tribute to the principles of Democracy both at home and abroad at this time when the United States is preparing to give formal diplomatic recognition to the Republic of Slovenia. We salute our Slovenian heritage of fair play, hard work, education, — and yes — enjoyment of life — especially at our Slovenian National Homes. We and the United States are recognizing a quality that is bred within us and we will pass to the next generation. We are consequently charged with the awesome responsibility of insuring the Slovenian trait will continue to command respect and wholesome admiration from civilized society. From Past Honorees our Sincere Thanks ' and .• '' Best Wishes to the Man and Woman ■l and Louis Zupančič from Albina Capek | Rudy Pivik Ladies Aux. Rudy Jaksa Joe Peresutti Marie Pivik Joe Lach Helen Konkoy FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES To West Park Slovene Home and All Honored Guests on this Day. From Lou “Flash” Zupancic’s wife Roni & daughter, Karen Continued success to West Park Slovene Home & Federation Elsie Lowery, Parma To All Home Honorees and Man and Woman of the Year Our Best Wishes Lou “Flash” Zupancic’s sisters Josephine & Rose Kosko Frances Levy -Virginia Modic (Jeanne) Albert Zupančič Congratulations to all deserving honored today. Success to the Slovenian Homes! Norm-Norm’s Barber Shop 4605 W. 130 St. Congratulations! FODOR Realty Co. Since 1916 3308 Lorain Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44113 19 — 631-0116 — MLS Thank you to All Honored Guests and West Park Community Patronage s & R PRODUCE, 13425 Snow Rd. Congratulations to Uncle John Jackson and All Honorees Sandy and Di Seaferio gas - SNOW PLOWING - 333-6054 FOR HONORS DESERVED -OUR LOVE AND CONGRATULATIONS °ur Loving Sisters Geri, Margie, Jennie, Elsie Sheerest Best Wishes for a Jubilant Day So Deserved To Federation and Homes Honores Guests Casey’s Cleaners, 5425 State Rd. Parma With the Personal Touch. Enjoy the Honors So Richly Deserved To West Park Honoree and Federation Susan Brys Interior Designer — 676-8722 Video Taping - Production Service Weddings - Special Events • Film to Video Transfers DON BRYS — 676 - 8722 Sincere Congratulations to All Honores Guests American Harvest Health Foods Inc. In Memory of Louis Zupančič so honored today and Mr. and Mrs. Marko Kuhar from Dr. & Mrs. M. M. Kuhar 4682 W. 130th St. From our Ladies who Appreciate the Volunteerism of our dedicated Man and Woman of the Federation and the LOYALTY of Louis Zupančič Ladies Auxiliary of West Park Slovene Home Joan Cifranic, Pres. Best Wishes to Federation Man and Woman and Louis Zupančič posthumously and family from Retirees Local UAW 2015 Congratulations to the Man and Woman of the Year AND All Honorees! from Circle 77 SNPJ Mladi Slovenci Director - Marie Pivik Ast. Dir. - Alfred Žitnik Pres. - Michelle Bartunek In Memory of LouisZupanclc So Honored This Day Best wishes to honored guests and Slovene Homes for continued Success JOE TOMAZIC Joe’s Amoco 4700 W. 130 St. Thanks to the Federation of Slovenian National Homes for selecting us as WOMAN OF THE YEAR — 1981 MAN OF THE YEAR — 1991 We share great memories of our day today with all of you! Marie Pivik Rudy Pivik Our Club Members Wish the Best to All Honores Guests today Available Cassette “First Time Around” POLKAS AND WALTZES William Ilersich, Pres - 238-4108 Albina Capek - cassettes - 888-1454 IN FOND MEMORY OF Louis Zupančič Who Left a Legacy of His Management Skills and Loyalty to the West Park Board of Directors. West Park Slovenian Home Board of Directors To West Park Honoree Louis Zupančič AND THE Federation Man and Woman Congratulations and Thanks! John and Linda Turk 6405 Fleet Ave. — 883-9549 Grabowski’s Square Deqal Superette To West Park Honoree AD Federation Man and Woman Our Heartiest Best Wishes for Continued Success in the Slovenian Community Wm. Isaac Ins. Agency 6505 Rockside Rd. No. 333 — 524-588 > 2 H 90 VO s IŠKA DOMOVINA, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1! g Congratulations All Honorees ČESTITAMO Congratulations to all 1992 Federation Honorees Kollander World Travel Newly Expanded! Cruise Department 971 E. 185 St., Cleveland (216) 692-1000 • Group Tours • Corporate Travel • Vacation Travel • World Wide Destinations Join Tony Petkovšek on the Q E Ship to LONDON ENGLAND ON APRIL 25 Congratulations! JOHN JACKSON Man of the Year Frank and Eleanor Zernic Congratulations and the Fullness of God's Blessings to John Jackson Collinwood Slovenian National Home Man of the Year St. Mary Church Holmes Avenue, Collinwood Best Wishes and Congratulations to the Honorees Slovene National Benefit Society Slovenska Narodna Podporna Jednota 88 Years of Traditional Service 1904-1992 Congratulations John Jackson POLKATS Social Club Special Benefits for Aged Humanitarian Endeavors Accident & Health Insurance Retirement Annuities Ethnic Heritage Center Athletics Membership Awards Educational Scholarships Recreational Complex Interest Sensitive Life Products Cultural Activities A Future with Opportunities W eekly Newspaper Inter-Society Youth and Young Adult Conferences The Voice of Youth Magazine Happiness and Camaraderie of Youth Circles Universal Life Products Slovene National Benefit Society 166 Shore Drive • Burr Ridge, IL 60S21 (708) 887-7660 St. Joseph Lodge No. 169 American Slovenian Catholic Union - KSKJ John Jackson, you are our member and we are proud of you. Congratulations! Društvo sv. Jožefa št. 169 — KSKJ Duhovni vodja: Rev. John Kumse Predsednik: Eugene Kogovšek Podpredsednik: Anthony Tolar tajnik: Anton Nemec, 708 E. 159 St., Cleveland, OH 44110, tel. 541-7243 Pomožna tajnica: Anica Nemec Bol. taj.: Helena Nemec, 541-7243 Blagajnica: Jennie Tuma Zapisnikarica: Mary Okicki Nadzorniki: Frank Žnidar, John Obat, and Charles Eržen President Jackson Named Collinwood The Collinwood Slovenian Home has selected its president, John Jackson, as its Man of the Year for 1992. John has served as president for the last three years and has served on the Board of Directors as a member of the House Committee for the last four years. John grew up in the Euclid area and attended Roosevelt, St. Christine and Shore High School. A World War II veteran, John served in the U.S, Army for over four and one-half years. After returning from service overseas, John ventured into business, owning and operating a butcher and grocery store in the Eastlake area. He also operated a gas station in his community of Willoughby Hills. He also had his own landscape business. John was employed at the TRW facility in Euclid for 31 years as a tool room machinist, from which he retired in March, 1981. He served as a union representative for tool room employees for over six years. He presently holds the position of secretary for the TRW Retirees Association. John also worked part-time in the Sears Automotive Dept, for over 21 years, retiring in 1981. Mr. Jackson is very active in many organizations. He has been the precinct committeeman for over 35 years in Willoughby Hills. He is a past councilman and also a patrolman in this growing community. Currently he works part-time for the Lake County Board of Elections. Among the other organizations to which John belongs are: American Legion No. 775, of which he is a life member; PLAV Euclid Post No. 31; VFW Post No. 4358, Willoughby Hills, of which he is a life member and past commander of this organization, which he formed; AMLA Lodge No. 6, of which he is a 50 year member; KSKJ Lodge No. 169; Federation of Slovenian National Homes, which he serves as treasurer; TRW Retirees Association, which he serves as secretary; member of St. Noel Parish, Willoughby Hills, where he is an usher and a member of the parish’s Fellowship Club; member of the St. Mary Holy Name Society; a member for more than 40 years of the West Lake County Democratic Club; Waterloo Balinca Club. John has been married to his wife Mary for 44 years. They have three children, Joyce Ann, Judith Ann, and John. He enjoys the company of his only grandson, Michael. During any spare time, John likes to bowl and play golf and enjoys traveling with his wife. Collinwood Again Was Home Away From Home Here we are again! 1991 has l me and gone, and what a bUsy year it was. Spnn we had our Annual Franif cDance and honored Year » f//3’ °ur “Man of the ' We had a full house. e Bob Kravos Orchestra Ptayed for this affair and Marie Dular prepared the deli- c'°us meal enjoyed by every- one. Also in April we had our tnter Bowling Banquet, gain we had 22 teams. Mrs. tanonik cooked for this af- tiine ^Veryone had a good Ij h* other years, we still ^ve our sports department. 0j.e ave three dart teams. One j ese shoots darts on Tues-Sh0o^Ven‘n8 anm ^„to,.hHp out. Thanks go to all. Hopefully, we can do even more this year than last. As summer approached, we started to make plans for our Homecoming. A lot of hours go into this affair. First, we have to pray that the weather will be nice and that people will attend. This year our Hall Musician was Denny Bucar. What a nice person he is. So many people came to honor him. The dance floor was crowded all evening. We had ten bands playing during the day and evening. We have to again thank Mrs. Stanonik and her great crew of hard workers. They can’t make enough krofe and strudel to meet the demand. There really is nothing like homemade goodies. The ladies all donate their time and hard work. We also have to thank Frank Koncilja. If it wasn’t for him and his hard work, our Homecoming wouldn’t be such a success. Thanks again, Frank! It was during this time of the year that the entire board had to function as the Home’s custodian. This lasted for about I'/i months. We have a 50/50 Split every other month. These too are a great success. So we urge you to support your hall by buying these tickets. We want to thank the Holmes Hall Button-aires for the entertainment after the raffle is over. In November, we started getting ready for our “After Thanksgiving Dance.” We start off by having a jam session in the Club Room. This year we had so many people that some were waiting in the hall. We thank Corky Godec for putting this affair together. A big thank you also to the Pol-Kats, who gave all their time and talent to make this jam the best ever. As in other years, Frank Yankovic put in an appearance. Everyone sang along with him as he sang all his hit songs. Our Thanksgiving Dinner Dance was held on a Saturday this year. We again honored all our out-of-town guests. The hall was filled. Johnnie Vadnal played for this event. The guests from out of town sure enjoyed our home-cooked meal. I guess they don’t get food like this anywhere else. December is always a busy month for us. We have our appreciation dinner for all our workers who helped make our Homecoming such a success. Thanks again to our button box players for providing the music for us. As the year comes to a close, our Club Room is getting ready for its annual Christmas Party. Everyone waits for this affair. Thanks to managers John and Alba Plutt for all the hard work that goes into this occasion. Free food and music for everyone’s enjoyment is part of the attraction. The Board of Directors of the Collinwood Slovenian Home wants to thank all those who patronized our hall this past year. As you see, we were quite busy. We do hope to do even better in 1992. I’m sure that with everyone’s help we will! Mary Podlogar John Jackson Congratulations! VISIT FREE Slc^enia We are a reliable, professional agency helping 3 generations of Slovenes and Slovenian Americans fulfill their dreams. CALL US ABOUT OUR TRAVEL TO SLOVENIA PROGRAM • NEW CONVENIENT CONNECTIONS FOR 1992 • DEPART: Cleveland -» Frankfurt -* Brnik TUESDAYS: June 9 to September 15 RETURN: Brnik -» Frankfurt -* Cleveland THURSDAYS: June 18 to October 1 Fly direct to Frankfurt via AT A 757 charier then connect to Adria Airways for a non-stop flight to Ljubljana. Brnik Airport Round Trip Flight: S898.00 plus $30.00 tax and customs fees • If paid in full 90 days prior to your departure (plus S50.00 if less than 90 days) • Seats are limited and 1st come. 1st serve • Prices and schedule subject to change • One way and children's rates available • Slovenian speaking staff, ask for: Tina, Sonja, Maia, Vida • Hotel stays, car rentals, and escorted tours available Call Us Today! Kolia nder World Travel 1-800-800-5981 Cleveland: (216)692-1000 FAX: (216) 692-1831 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1992 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1992 CONG RA TULA TIONS and BEST WISHES TO ALL HONOREES lAmerican Slovenian Catholic Union Life Insurance for the Family Home Office 2439 Glenwood Avenue - Joliet, III. 60435 Best Wishes to the Honorees Fritz’s Tavern 991 E. 185 St., Cleveland — 481-9635 Noon Day Lunches — Fish Frys - Fridays The Hribars Congratulations, John Jackson E. 305 & Lake Shore Blvd. 944-9266 R & D SAUSAGE CO. Homemade Smoked Sausage 15714 Waterloo Road, Cleveland 44110 Joseph Zuzak Owner Bus: 692-1832 Congratulations! In memory of my husband Clarence Segulin Stefanie Segulin All Honorees Collinwoodske Slovene No. 22 AMLA President — Tina Collins Vice-pres. — Joyce Segulin Rec. Sec. - Stephanie Dagg Secretary - Frank Koncilija Auditors: Stephanie Segulin, Tina Collins Joyce Segulin Congratulations, John State Representative DANIEL TROY Congratulations t o John Jackson from Alba & John Plutt Collinwood Slovenian Home Congratulatons “Big Brother” John Jackson from Gene & Gerry Congratulatons John Jackson from D’ Gents Dart Team Marty Wisnieski John Peckins Chuck Conrad Bob Dickson Dorothy Dixon Congratulations to All Honorees! Mary C. Jackson George Knaus Real Estate GEORGE KNAUS REAL ESTATE, INC. 819 E. 185 St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Jutt a Little Bit Better Computer Multiple Listing Service “Just a Little Bit Better.” 481-9300 m REALTOR ' JOHN JACKSON Because Of Your Dedication and Devotion, You Have Been Chosen As Man of The Year. May God Bless You for Your Many Inspiring Qualities. Don Fitzgerald Mayor of Willowick CONGRA TULA TIONS! W. pil CONGRA TULA TIONS from the Officers and Members of Klub Ljubljana Christina Kovach, Pres. Steffie Segulin, Sec’y. —H 'iilllllll||i|||ii Representative RONALD SUSTER Legislative Law Office E. 185 & 1-90 18519 Underwood Ave. 531-7000 Cleveland Ohio 44119 Congratulatons John Jackson Collinwood Slovenian Home Man of the Year Collinwood Slovenian Home BOARD OF DIRECTORS John Jackson, President Matt Kajfez, Vice Pres. Mary Jackson, Treasurer Jennie Tuma, Recording Sec’y* Frank Ferra, Financial Sec’y-Mary Podlogar, Auditor Charles Femec, Auditor Joseph Sterle Auditor Carl Schultz, House Committee John Jackson, House Committee Matt Kajfez, House Committee Charles Femec, House Committee, alt. Philip Yan, Sv. Alternate Bonnie Quagliata, By-Laws Other Directors: Tom McNulty, Max Jeric, Stephanie Segulin, Joyce Segulin 1st alt. Mary Blatnik, 2nd alt. Frances Kajfez Congratulations John Jackson and other Honorees Carl and Jennie Schultz Congratulations! John Jackson from Stanley Restaurant Supply, Inc. 4180 Clark Avenue Cleveland 44109 In Memoriam a Joseph Ferra December 2, 1988 A beautiful memory of one vo dear, We cherish still with love sincere Till memory fades and life departs You’ll live forever in our hearts. Husband, Dad, Grandfather and Great-Grandfather tVe miss you very much. Sons Joseph Jr. and Frank Wives Betty and Charlotte Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren Fraternal Greetings to All Honorees From The Supreme Board, Lodge Officers and All Members of the AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION i£Mm; am 19424 South Waterloo Road Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Phone: 531-1900 Congratulations! John Jackson from the officers and members of St. Mary’s Roly Name Society Congratulatons! JOHN JACKSON V.F.W. Post 4358 29412 White Rd. Willoughby Hills, Ohio St. Joseph Picnic Grounds Rentals Picnics, Weddings, Graduations — Catering Available — 944-1642 Congratulations! John Jackson from Frank, Charlotte Ferra Congratulations to John Jackson Raddell’s Sausage Shop 478 E. 152nd St. Cleveland 44110 Best Wishes In memory of my mother and father Steffie and Joseph Koncilja by daughter Stefanie Segulin Congratulatons! John Jackson from Holmes Avenue Pensioners 15810 Holmes Ave. Cleveland 44110 Congratulations to ALL HONOREES! FROM John, Mary Jackson i Best Wishes to Ali Honorees Holmes Hall Buttonaires Anton J. Ogrinc D.D.S. Inc. Preventive Dentistry Family Dentistry 5227 Fleet A ve. 15609 Waterloo Rd. Cleveland, OH 44105 Cleveland, OH 44110 641-1760 531-6665 Best wishes to All Honorees Jennie M. Tuma In remembrance of the Svetina - Tuma Families Congratulations to all Honorees L. Baker Candies, Inc. 3rd Generation Family Business (216) 451-7779 16131 Holmes Avenue — Cleveland Bulk and Fancy Boxed Chocolates Tom Alushef Kathy Galgoczy President V.P. - Treasurer 1-800-743-7779 VISA or MC Welcome — Senior Discounts — We deliver via U.P.S. — Congratulations to All Honorees! Cadillac Music 3201 Carnegie Ave. Congratulations to John Jackson 481-8660 Open Mon. thru Sat. Dean Supply Bulk Foods, Cookware Glasswear, Holiday Decorations, Cleaning Supplies, Wedding/ Birthday Items Paper Goods Bakeware 361-5587 7000 Euclid Ave. (Our Only Location) Secured Parking Open Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Sat. 8 - 4 Congratulations on being chosen Man of the year John Jackson daughter Judy & Grandson Michael Guarino Congratulations JOHN JACKSON from Lenka Mismas Helen’s Beauty Salon 566 E. 200 St. Euclid, Ohio 531-5240 Congratulations! John Jackson Man of the Year Dramatsko Društvo LILIJA PAULICH Specialty Company, Inc. Trophies & Awards, Inc. 15813 Waterloo Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44110 216/481-6300 Congratulations! JOHN JACKSON from ED & ROSE LAH Congratulations Catering for All Occasions (216) 975-8400 čffofoiciaii Congratulations John Jackson Man of the Year Dart Team No. 1 Brian Austin Denny Austin AI Cefaratti Bob Federico John Kerko Dave Nosan Jack Smith Tony Stanonik Joseph J. Dorsey JPasfyCat/b* 33150 Lakeland Blvd. Eastlake, Ohio 44095 Congratulations £U Clambake, Man (Bean ^ear Testimonial for A1 Cn?e) *esnik< Pre-Lenten Cluhr°n ^ance. Dinners in the nrage °c1^' Gi8antic Rum-Bosen, ae was ebaired by 8reat unH Pof?relli> a tru,y SUccessfn|dertakm8 and very ly Loo U proJect. A Quarter-by p ery Baffle was chaired Tonv iu ^fobnic, Sr. and now ay Mannion. $°redn Soefol Event spon- Laure .y tbe Nash and the Raffle ula"s was a $5,000.00 ed t0 aeld ln September prov-carrte au very fruitful. This lbe eft^ °ut mainly through hr’ II win Kf Frank Mahnic> held on !' be a yearly event September6 tb*rd Saturday of ^earsStR but not (east, New bas bpVC D‘nner Dance- This NewbuS" a tradition in ‘s rUna 8h where the Old Year tings h, Ut and the New Year $\ygez 199iwin find us fecial i n w‘th the above Easier th;Vents’ II wil1 be a lot f'Ve newS near as we now have Horp wp ?°ard °f Directors now will be a great asset to us. The new members are Frank Mahnič, Jr., William Mahnič, Lloyd Delach, Emma Delach, and Bunny (Albina) Trisinar. Welcome aboard. The new members bring the total on the Board now to 11 members. Parking has been a problem at the Nash. This will be alleviated somewhat, as the lot directly behind the Nash has been purchased through the City for $1.00 plus title. Much work and effort was put to this by a former board of director Jean Marinčič. Plans are to renovate the lot in the next coming months. The East 80th Lanes along with the Slovenian National Home will host the ANNUAL A.M.L.A. BOWLING TOURNAMENT this year. The tourney dates are April 2 thru April 5th. This will be the Fraternal Bowling and social event of the year. The A.M.L.A. Newburgh Lodges Mfl —- Frank D. Mahnič Sr. will work in conjunction with the hall. There will be music, good food and fraternalism featured throughout the entire bowling tournament. Come join us for a truly unforgettable four day weekend. On November 14, Bob Zura (Zip) passed away suddenly. He was a former President and Vice President. December 1991, was a very sad month of the year for the Slovenian National Home in Newburgh, the Slovenian Community and the Mahnič Family. A great loss occurred when Frank D. Mahnič, Sr. passed away after a short illness with cancer. Frank was a great supporter of the Slovenian National Home in Newburgh and will be greatly missed. The saying, ‘‘Your Slovenian Home is your Home away from home,” really held true for Frank. He was a member of the Board of Directors for thirty-five years, holding many offices, such as president, vice president, auditor and Board of Director. Frank was also the Slovenian Man of the Year from the Nash and the Federation Slovenian Man of the Year. Frank was president of the Federation of Slovenian Homes and was also the Executive Secretary. Frank and his wife Mimi, the former Mary Kužnik, were married for 49 years. They have five children. Frank was a great saxophone player with the John Vadnal Orchestra. Wherever Frank and Mimi went, they were always promoting the Slovenian National Home in Newburgh and the Slovenian Community. (Continued on page 3) John D. Kužnik CONG RA TULA TIONS AND BEST WISHES TO ALL HONOREES from AMLA Newburgh Lodges Lodge Mir No. 10 AMLA President, Louis F, Boldin Secretary, Josephine Boldin Treasurer, Vickie Hočevar Lodge Bled No. 20 AMLA President, John Krofi Secretary, Anna Mae Mannion Treasurer, Dolores Pelko Lodge Kraljica Miru No. 24 AMLA President, Anna Perko Secretary, Alice Arko Treasurer, Rose Mary Pozarelli In the spirit of togetherness, join the above lodges at the Annual A.M.L.A. NEWBURGH DAY at the A.M.L.A. Recreation Center in Painesville, Ohio on SATURDAY. JULY 25. 19Q9 with Polka Mass at 5 p.m., accompanied by the John Vadnal Orchestra. C1 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1992 3 2 a CJ a? 2 o c/i O P w Q bd (b z p 0 1 < i 1 2 nvr.Unity- ŽIVIJO SLOVENCI! As the year came to a close, onea8fain iooked forward to thP ° the joyous months of Wh/ear’ December- The time Co n We gather together in Semmunity at Borromeo Ma’nary to celebrate with our cell tbe Year, his ex-Edw*1^ t^le ^ost Reverend A. No arCl pevec, Bishop of the trad t ^ Region> for the Mas ^t- Nicholas Day Am«’-hosted hy the Slovenian ti0n flCan heritage Founda rtia^1 (;e1venin8 is enj°yed by sine * 61ovenians, especially i°Ur newly independent we }-e and achieved its goal, offe°rt‘fiecl it with our united mun*-1118 of Payers and com-sjSte1011 t0 our brothers and Who"’ ^^iiies and friends, $anie'Vere- nlso enjoying the durj religious expressions in tL8 this most blessed time JRede C .cburch calendar. The ti^p^n was represented by the nfaVec Pnmily, presenting tleeds°netary gift towards ^e Relief Pi'shops favorite 1 Program. FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES Various other representatives of Slovenian Homes also joined: Rose Mary Toth, Joseph F. Petrie Jr., Mimi Stibil, Patricia Ipavec Clarke, Alice Arko, Anna Mae Man-nion, and Louis Champa. The Maple Hts. Slovenian Home hosted the Annual Christmas Party on December 17, 1991. A delicious meal was served and introduction of our newly elected honorees were introduced. The Federation first introduced our Woman of the Year, Helen Urbas of Lorain, Ohio, then the Man of the Year, Stanley Mramor also of Lorain, Ohio, as honorees from the Federation of Homes for 1992. Then each individual Slovenian Home president was acknowledged, with their honorees as follows: West Park: Lou Zupančič, posthumus award; East 80th/Newburgh: John D. Kužnik; St. Clair Home: Jean Križman; Recher Home: Dorothy Lamm; Waterloo Home: Florence F. Unetich; Maple Hts.: Ludwig Hrovat; Lorain Home: Raymond Pavlovčič; Fairport Home: Frank J. Kochever, postumus award; Collinwood Home: John Jackson. We salute them all and God Bless! We acknowledge the host Home for this year’s banquet arrangements on March 15, 1992: the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue and its representatives: Patricia Ipavec Clarke, Charles Ipavec, and John Trinko whose dutiful care will make this another successful celebration. We are again treated to a delicious dinner by Julie Zalar and staff as was experienced at the 1991 banquet. Appreciation is acknowledged to the following for their news coverage: AMLA: Our Voice; SNPJ: Prosveta and PSWA Section; KSKJ: Glasilo; SWU: Zarja; AFU: New Era; and the local news media, with the radio support of Torjy Petkovšek, Ed Bucar, Milan Pavlovčič. This year, 1992 is one of anticipation, for our homeland is anxiously awaiting for recognition, as well as all American Slovenes, from our United States government to hear the welcome words to the world community by our President George Bush. In unison we say, “Mr. President, embrace our homeland and its peace loveing people, who also wish to play their role as responsible dignified human beings, exercising their natural rights as free men, women, and children of this New World Order, God bless you, Mr. President!” Dear friends 1991 has come to another fruitful and inspiring close; we will again fill you with another episode of the Federation of Slovenian National Homes. NA SVIDENJE! . Maple Heights Slovenian National Home Board of Directors! Front row: JoAnn Lampa, Lud Hrovat, Lou Champa, Mildred Lipnos, Tom Meljac. Rear: Anthony Kaplan, Andrew Hočevar, Josephine Rezin, Albert Lipnos, Frank Hrovat, William Ponikvar, Tony Planinšek, and David Lipnos. G3 g & SR s > o o s o 2 > ■n r*i g 5 0 2 cn M 3 § 2 > x X 1 second row: Lou Champa, Vice Present nTiT’ Treasurer; den,; *"d T”1" Meljac, Financial SecrCrj '' Pre!i' Life and death were 1991 IN NEWBURGH (Continued from page 1) Frank Lay in State in the Slovenian National Home in Newburgh, where thousands of people came to view him at his beloved Home Away From Home. What a great tribute to a great promoter of Slovenian Culture and Heritage. Na Svidenje, Frank, a loving husband, father, friend to many and a special friend to me. You will be greatly missed. John Kužnik, the Bowling Alley Manager and supporter of the Nash, will be honored as the Slovenian Man of the Year for 1992 from Newburgh. The great day for the Federation of Slovenian Homes Man and Woman of the Year will be Sunday, March 15, at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue. Congratulations to John Kužnik from all the members of the Board of Directors in Newburgh and all your many friends. John will be honored with a Testimonial Dinner Dance on Sunday, May 31, 1992 at the Slovenian National Home in Newburgh. Music will beffrom 5 to 9 by the Harry Faint Review featuring George Stadiduhar. Dinner will be served at 2 p.m. Tickets are $12.00 and can be purchased from any Board of Director or from John. A heartfelt thank you to all the many friends of the Slovenian National Home who helped the small but mighty board with all the many special events because without you, we couldn’t have done it. Thank you to my right arm, Alice Arko for without Alice, I don’t know what the Slovenian National Home or myself would do. Alice is truly a great asset and supporter of the Nash. Congratulations to Helen Urbas, Slovenian Woman of the Year, and to Tony Mramor, Slovenian Man of the Year. Congratulations to all the honorees from all the Slovenian Homes and especially to Newburgh’s own John Kužnik. In 1991 Slovenia declared its independence from Yugoslavia. A great step forward for our Motherland, Slovenia. Long may she flourish and grow. This is the long and short of the year. See you at the Federation of Slovenian Homes Man and Woman of the Year Awards Banquet on St. Clair on Sunday, March 15. Na svidenje. —Anna Mae Mannion AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, FEDERATION SECTION, MARCH, 1992 Congratulations and Best Wishes Stanley Mramor, Federation Man of the Year Helen Urbas, Woman of the Year Ray Pavlovčič, Lorain’s Slovenian Man of Year FROM James D. and Audrey P. Yurman Brecksville Congratulations Dad (Ati) 1/Ve Are Proud of You. Mom, Stan, Denise, Chris, Rich, Marie, Gary, Lonnie, John, Vinnie and Your No. 1 Grandson Congratulations and Best Wishes Helen Urbas, Federation Woman of the Year Thanks for your endeavors in the Slovenian Community The Mramor Family Lorain Congratulations Stanley Mramor, Helen Urbas Federation Man & Woman of the Year, and Ray Pavlovčič, Lorain’s Slovenian Man of the Year Joseph Škapin & Don DelPrincipe Central Bookkeeping & Tax Service — Lorain Congratulations Stanley Mramor Federation Man of the Year We couldn 7 do without you. Helen Urbas, Lorain Congratulations Stanley, Helen and Ray Sue, Dottie, Dennis, Jenny, Beth, Dessa Lorain Slovenian Home Bartenders Sincere Congratulations Stanley Mramor and Helen Urbas Federation Man and Woman of the Year and Ray Pavlovčič Lorain’s Honoree AMLA Lodge 21 Congratulations To All Honorees SNPJ Lodge Bled 17 Lorain Congratulations Stanley, Helen and Ray Marilyn and Frank Renusi Lorain Slovenian Home A Great Choice! Ray Pavlovčič, Lorain’s Man of the Year Mramor Family Lorain Congratulations and Best Wishes Ray Pavlovčič Helen Urbas, Lorain Congratulations and Best Wishes Stanley, Helen and Ray Steve & Lori Docs Frances Yurman Bob & Diane Reinker Lorain Congratulations Ray Pavlovčič Lorain’s Honoree Alice, Mike, Michael, Dale Rutar, Harry DeBevec, Lorain Congratulations Ray Pavlovčič, Lorain’s Slovenian Man of the Year Helen Urbas Federation Woman of the Year Stanley Mramor Federation Man of the Year — 1992 — James, John & Mary Kaye Schrenk Joseph Schrenk, Joni Bane Jerry, Dawn, Kelsey, Alex Schrenk The spirit of Lorain is represented by the honorees Ray Pavlovčič, Lorain’s Slovenian Man of the Year Helen Urbas, Federation Woman of the Year Stanley Mramor, Federation Man of the Year The culture and traditions of the Slovenian Community are continued because of them. Joan Rahotina, Acting President Linda Sekular, Financial Secretary William Brletic, Treasurer Helen Urbas, Recording Secretary Stephen Docs, Auditor Michael Tomazin, Auditor Frank Renusi, Entertainment Stanley Mramor, House Louis Kamnikar, House John Schrenk, House James Kamnikar Board of Directors Lorain Slovenian Home RICH/UW J. FUNERAL HOME 1783 E. 31st Street, Lorain, Ohio RICHARD J. REIDY, Director PHONE: 277-8164 Lorain Home Still Strong Ray Pavlovčič Wins Lorain Award Sixty-nine years and the Lorain Slovenian Home is still going strong. We don’t make a lot of money, but what we do make goes right back into the Home for repairs, renovation and replacement of equipment. We have a trerrific Board of ’rectors and a Club Manager who do everything possible to keep stockholders, social members and other customers coming back. Our weekly fish nes draw people from all around the vicinity. The machine bowling league, dart earns, golf league, sixty-six tournament, steak fries and dances, the 175 Club, hristmas dinner dance and the annual picnic keep a varie-V of people interested in supporting the Lorain Slovenian ome. We reinstituted jam essions - the first one was held ls past March 8. If they are sucessful, we’ll continue them tough June and then start again in the fall. We had a fourth generation ^‘ovenian girl, Debbie u 'ck. as our Slovenian mcess at the Lorain Interna-X?1 Festival last year. Our » Slovenian princess is ■. y Kamnikar, whose grand-Ver^nts ,ancl parents have been affa-Ct*Ve 'n Slovenian Home era 0ver the years. Amy’s ^andfather, Louis Kamnikar 1986 ^ Fora’n s honoree in Our Women’s Auxiliary has been very supportive in purchasing electric roasters and ry pans, flatware, dishes and °ther items for the kitchen; Purchased new drapes for our jhain hall. Also, the Auxiliary akes strudel for sale at the bat ^r'eS anc* at our annual showSa^ at 3n 3rtS anc* cra^ts The roof has been repaired; ma uep*aced our ice-making cleaned f the mainha11; wood t nd varnished the rewirpH tuIm’ cleaned and sound tae c^andeliers; added east pij°0lmg material to the coustiVai ’ 3nd sPrayed ac-ine i3 mater’als on the ceil-mais ,ta!led dart boards, for tu p ex’glass shields, etc. IOr ‘he dart teams. thronlk j'8ht stockholders and 8 dPa‘b this past year stockhoiqderrsed f°Urteen Continued on page 8) Congratulations Ray Pavlovčič, Lorain’s Honoree ' and Dorothy Brletic Best Wishes an,ey, Helen and Ray Ceorge & Mary Lerlic, Lorain SL?8ra.tulations to Lorain's venian Man of the Year aymond Pavlovčič 'uda & Helen Sekular Raymond Pavlovčič comes from a long line of stockholders and supporters cc+he Lorain Slovenian Home. He is a man on the go — has to be doing something constantly. After 40 years with U.S. Steel in Lorain, Ray retired in 1986 to become a volunteer for the Lorain Slovenian Home, helping to repair, replace, remodel and renovate from the roof, to the large ballroom, to the street floor space, which is now leased to Catholic Social Service, to the clu-broom in the basement. Whenever our House Committee Chairman needs assistance, Ray is there to do whatever he can, devoting hundreds of hours of labor without compensation. He also assists with repairs, etc. at his parish church, SS Cyril & Methodius. Ray is a product of SS Cyril & Methodius School and is a lifetime member of the parish. He is a graduate of Lorain High School. Ray and his brother Frank won the 1991 championship of the Lorain Slovenian Club Golf League. In 1983, Ray and his wife, Lee, were part of the Lorain Slovenian Button Accor-diionists’ group tour of Europe. Ray was thrilled to visit his father’s birthplace and church in Vhrnika, not far from Ljubjlana. Ray is a member of KSKJ Lodge No. 101, Lorain, and AFU Lodge No. 6, Lorain. Congratulations Cousin Congratulations Alice, Mike, Michael, Dale Rutar, Harry DeBevec, Lorain Stanley Mramor Helen Urbas Ray Pavlovčič Serazin & Deery Attorneys at Law Elyria Congratulations and Best Wishes Congratulations 1 Ray Stanley, Helen and Ray Fran, Fritz, Kathy and Alan Lorain Women’s Auxiliary 1 Lorain Slovenian Home Congratulations HELEN URBAS Federation Woman of the Year Alice, Mike, Michael Dale Rutar, Harry DeBevec, Lorain Congratulations and Best Wishes Stanley, Helen and Ray I Dr. Bob & Diane Gradišek I Dr. Frank & Mary Gradišek Lorain Congratulations and Best Wishes Stanley, Helen and Ray All the Kamnikar Families Lorain Congratulations STANLEY MRAMOR Spartan Private Police Lorain Raymond Pavlovčič Sincere Congratulations to Stanley Mramor and Helen Urbas Two of Lorain’s finest — as Federation Honorees for 1992 Bill and Dorothy Brletic Lorain čestitke Stanley, Helen, Ray Matt Mlakar, Lorain Congratulations Ray Pavlovčič, Lorain’s Honoree Dolores & Steve Kos Lorain CONGRA TULA TIONS TO ALL HONOREES Helen Urbas, Lorain Lorain Patrons Agnes & Michael Tomazin Louise, Kathy, Janosik Dottie and Butch Joan & Mary Rahotina Angela Solack Adolph & Lillian Ravnikar Ray and Edie Udovich Martina & John Woelfl Jack Tomazic Joyce & Ernest Dugovich Angeline & George Voytko Tony Yelenc Margie & Joe yuricich Agnes & Joe Serazin Congratulations to Stanley Mramor and Helen Urbas Two of Lorain's Best Linda & Helen Sekular Lorain 7 f 5 s: a o LI) O a ian National Homes Section, March, 1992 Federation of Slovenian National Homes Section, March, o? Os Congratulations Grandpa Lud Hrovat from your grandchildren Rocky, April, Lilly Lud HI Isacc, Mark, Jill, Kenny, Katey, Korey, Nicole and Christopher Good Luck to Lud Hrovat and All Honorees Cadillac Music Corp. 361-5800 Congratulatons All Honorees Maple Heights Catering “We Cater to Weddings, Clambakes and Banquets” The Hočevar Family 663-7733 AIR CONDITIONING HEATING & REFRIGERATION EXTRA EFFORT IS OUR SPECIALTY COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL JOE SIKA 439-1411 (216) 475-0212 Congratulations to All Honorees Music Manor Inc. “TO SERVE YOU BETTER MUSICALLY” Ron & Rick Smotek 15789 Broadway — Cleveland 44137 Congratulations and Best Wishes to All Honorees from Maple Heights Button Box Club RESIDENTIAL & INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL ULLE “YOUR SLOVENIAN HOME PLUMBER" Plumbing & Heating, 2100 Lakeland Blvd, Euclid — 731-6913 — Maple Heights Home Coming Events — 1992 — March 50/50 Fund Raiser April 25: Spring Dance — music by Dan Peters May 6th: Fund Raiser July 1st: Fund Raiser Sept. 2nd: Fund Raiser October: Grape Festival Nov. 4: 50/50 Fund Raiser Jan. 6 ’93: Fund Raiser Congratulations All Honorees Millie Lipnos Best Wishes from Meljac Family Good Luck to Lud Hrovat and All Honorees “Joey Tomsick” The “J.T.O.” Music For All Occasions — 531-2745 Congratulations to our Dad Lou Hrovat and All Honorees Lenny and Gail Hrovat Kathy and Ed Hrovat Larry and Debbie Hrovat Lynn Marie and Jim Rink Lud Hrovat Jr. Karen Roseweiser Congratulations to my Dad Lud and all honorees Polka Aerobics Button Box cassettes with Lynn Marie Videos RINK ENTERTAINMENT 916 - 486 - 3639 P.O. Box 1560 Poway, Calif. 92074-1560 Congratulations to all Honorees and Lud Hrovat RAINBOW MUFFLER - BRAKES BRAKES, BRAKES -Domestic & Foreign Cars - Cars, Trucks, Vans Suspension Repair, Custom Made Exhaust Stainless & Aluminum Available • Lube, Oil, Filter $11.99 662-1566 341-3600 5130 Northfield Rd. Maple Hts. 7816 Maple Heights Cleveland Congratulations Lud Hrovat & AH Honorees William Ponikvar Peter & Rose Kisley Joe & Delores Hrovat Jennie Intihar Congratulations from the Directors of the Slovenian National Home 5050 Stanley Ave. Maple Hts., OH 44137 Phone 662-9731 OFFICERS Lud Hrovat — President Lou Champa — Vice President Tom Meljac — Financial Secretary Mildred Lipnos — Treasurer JoAnn Lampa — Recording Secretary Auditors: Lud Hrovat, William Ponikvar, Frank Hrovat Directors: Al Lipnos, Anthony Planinšek, David Lipnos, Andy Hočevar, Jo Rezin In Memory of Jane Kaplan 13th Anniversary Anthony Kaplan and Son CONGRA TULA TIONS TO LL HONOREES SNHAC INC. MAPLE HEIGHTS, OHIO Don Zarko - President Don Krause - Vice President Mike Groholy - Sgt.-at-Arms, One Year Trustee Fred Farinacci - Chaplain Frank Lewicki - Outer Guard Ed Templeman — Three Year Trustee Mike Soroka - Two Year Trustee In Loving Memory of Andrew, Anna, & Andrew F. Rezin Lud Hrovat Takes Yearly Honors at Maple Ludwig F. Hrovat was the eighth of eleven children born to Michael and Johanna (Vidic) Hrovat. In the early 1900’s, Johanna, from Novo mesto, and Michael, from Zagradec, Slovenia, immigrated to America and settled in Maple Heights, Ohio, where Lud was born July 31, 1927. Lud graduated from St. Wenceslas Elementary School m 1941, and then attended Holy Name and Maple Heights High Schools. At the age of seventeen, Lud enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served with the 114th Naval Construction Battalion in the Aleutian Islands. Upon his discharge in 1946, Lud, a self-taught accordianist, formed his own polka band. For fifteen years Lud entertained at all types of functions, along with being the “house band” the Slovenian National Home in Maple Heights, just own the street from his home of 53 years on Stanley Avenue. In 1946, Lud, along with a fiend, started Lu-Jean Stu-10s. which later became Kn°wn as Avon Photo. |n 1948^ he married Lillian ’Llaus of Warrensville Heights; through the years they had six children. He owned and operated Lud’s Friend-Lee Beverage in 1958, and then, in 1960, along with his wife Lil purchased Lud’s Tavern on Libby Road in Maple Heights. For many of these years, Lud was employed by the Lewis Welding & Engineering Corporation of Bedford, first as a shop clerk, then in positions as shipping and receiving supervisor, production control, traffic manager and, later, as employment manager. He left that firm in 1965 to devote full time to his successful tavern business, where he continued to solo entertain with his accordion. In 1978, due to a near fatal accident, he sold Lud’s Tavern and in 1980 gained employment with the City of Cleveland in “Operation Snowbird,” in the Streets Department. He retired in July, 1991 as shift supervisor of Radio Room Operations. In the early 1940’s, Lud served for a short time on the Maple Heights Slovenian Home board, and was a Sunday bartender in the Club Room. He would entertain often at children’s Christmas parties, for various lodges, and at other fraternal events. As a youngster, Lud sang with the Kraljički Youth Singing Society, then under the direction of Ivan Zorman. After the untimely passing of his wife Lil in 1982, Lud moved to Seven Hills, Ohio, where he presently resides. As noted, he is the father of six children. They are Ludwig and LynnMarie, who reside in California, Larry, now living in Denver, Colorado, and Kathleen, Lenny, and Karie, all in the Cleveland area. His children have given him a total of twelve grandchildren. From just prior to his retirement and since, Lud, along with daughter LynnMarie and son-in-law Jim, has been busy in yet another new venture, “Polkaerobics with LynnMarie,” which is proving to be a tremendous success. Currently, Lud is serving on the board of the Maple Heights Slovenian home as vice president, a position he has held for the past six years. He stays active in the Slovenian community by entertaining and promoting polka music whenever possible. Lud Hrovat here is much to be dis< ba *et °f the histoi call of0Und of the peopli a,J Slovenes. Are they in i as some anthropolog Relieve, Croatians i ^eparated from the la lavic family during the Migration movement c ^stern and central Eure re they perhaps descend of the family of Veneti w] ^ttled in the northeast coi °f Italy? th^*St°r*Ca^ eve'