VELIKA NOČ EASTER SUNDAY RESURRECTION OF THE LORD SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 13/52 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 27. 3. 2016 Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 TEL.: 905-561-5971 FAX: 905-561-5109 E-MAIL Gregory_sdb@ WEB PAGE HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL Hallrental@ VESTNIK WHY DO YOU LOOK FOR THE LIVING AMONG THE DEAD? Easter message by Bishop Douglas Crosby, O.M.I. Bishop of Hamilton and President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops As Syrian refugees begin to settle into their new reality of life in Canada, stories of their journeys to this new land all have similar themes. Feeling under siege and faced with an uncertain future in the midst of war, many people were compelled to flee their land, their homes, their work, their education and all that seemed familiar in order to find new life. We have been shocked by stories of thousands of families walking miles and miles to the borders of other countries to escape the destruction of war. We have heard of their existence in crowded refugee camps awaiting news about whether they would be accepted into other countries. We have been horrified by the suffering of young children separated from one or both of their parents because of brutality and even death. “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.” This was the question asked of the women at the tomb that first Easter morning and it is something we must ask ourselves. It is a question that is perplexing because the answer seems obvious. Just as the story of Jesus’ death did not end at the tomb when the women found it empty, so too the story of the Syrian refugees does not end at the borders and in refugee camps. In fact, the story begins anew with the hope of the Resurrection. The Apostles were skeptical of the news about what the women had discovered at the tomb. We too might question how well the refugee families are doing in their new land. Undoubtedly, they are grieving, having been stripped of the freedom to live in their own homeland and yet we see many signs that they are rebounding and making the best of their new reality. This Easter, many refugee families are celebrating new life in their new homes. They are cared for and guided by the generosity, love and mercy of the many communities that have marshalled their resources to provide food, shelter and warm clothing for the men, women and children who have finally found a safe place to live among us. The signs of this new life are evident in the children who are playing in nearby parks and being welcomed by friends in their new schools. They are evident in the lives of the adults as they seek to learn a new language and to find meaningful employment. They are evident in the community suppers and special events that have been organized to welcome and support refugee families. Easter calls us to look for life among the living with grateful and joyful hearts. Easter calls us to move beyond the tomb and share the good news of the Resurrection with one another. Easter calls us to courageously follow Jesus Christ, the risen one, and to boldly proclaim that out of darkness and suffering come new life. In feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, welcoming the stranger, and all the other ways by which we protect human dignity and reverence the sacredness of one another’s lives from conception to natural death, we proclaim the death and resurrection of Jesus and participate in his saving redemption. We affirm our profound trust in the Father’s promise of new life. We join in the proclamation of the Good News of the Resurrection, “He is not here, but has risen.” Happy Easter to you, your family and your loved ones! Holy Sepulchre Cemetery - Mausoleum - Hamilton 118 | VESTNIK 2016 120 | VESTNIK 2016 122 | VESTNIK 2016 124 | VESTNIK 2016 CVETNA NEDELJA V HAMILTONU, PRI DTUŠVU SAVA IN PRI DRUŠTVU TRIGLAV Letošnja cvetna nedelja je bila ena od bolj zgodnjih. Kljub sorazmerno mili zimi, pa v naravi še ni kazalo, da bi bil to prvi pomladanski dan, vsaj pri nas ne. Tako se je vsak moral znajti, če je hotel narediti butarico, ali pa so si pomagali kar s palmovi-mi listi, ki jih vsako leto naročimo v cerkveni trgovini in si jih vsak lahko nekaj vzame. Pred slovensko mašo smo se zbrali k blagoslovu zelenja in butaric ob 9:15 zjutraj v naši zgornji dvorani. Sveže, a lepo jasno jutro, je privabilo precej faranov. Mešani pevski zbor je ubrano prepeval in po blagoslovu smo se napotili v procesiji v cekev, kjer smo nadaljevali s sveto mašo. Ga. Olga je spletla lepo butaro in okrasila v prezbiteriju, možje so po vlogah prebrali poročilo o Gospodovem trpljenju. Za angleško sveto mašo je prišel na pomoč iz Toronta Fr. Frank Kelly, med mašo pa je pel angleški zbor. Sam pa sem odhitel k društvu Sava-Breslau. Pod vodstvom Magalene Razpotnik in Marije Prilesnik so že med tedno spletli nekaj lepih butaric in smo jih po blagoslovu, ki smo ga imeli zunaj - ob toplem soncu - potem pa jih v procesiji ponesli v dvorano, kjer smo nadaljevali s sveto mašo. Tudi tu so bralci prebrali po vlogah poročilo o Jezusovem trpljenju. Ob konu maše so bili vsi povabljeni tudi še k dobremu kosilu. Ob štirih popoldne smo praznovali cvetno nedeljo tudi pri društvu Triglav. Sveto mašo z blagoslovom zelenja smo imeli v cerkvi St. John the Divine. Tudi tu so poleg starejših, ki so brali berila in pasijon, sodelovali tudi mladi pri strežbi, prinašanju darov in branju prošenj. Hvala tudi vsem gospem, ki so poskrbele, da smo se po maši zbrali in se pogostili v župnijski dvorani. Še posebej hvala Štefanu in Tončki Horvat, ki usklajujeta in pripravljata za mašo, da vse teče kot je treba. Hvala tudi Gabrielli Noordink, ki od lanskega leta spremlja pesmi na klavir. Veliko lažje je peti, če je poleg tudi spremljava. Lepo je videti, ko se slovenci zbiramo ob različnih priložnostih in se tako povezujemo, pa tudi mladin, ki pridejo VESTNIK 2016 | 119 VESTNIK 2016 | 121 VESTNIK 2016 | 123 EASTER SUNDAY Response: This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. First Reading Acts 10:34. 37-43 Peter proclaims the Good News of salvation to Cornelius, a Roman centurion, who had invited him to his house. It results in the baptism of Cornelius and all gathered with him. Second Reading Colossians 3:1-4 Through baptism we have died with Christ and entered into the life of the resurrec-tion, to be revealed fully when we are with Christ for ever. Or 1 Corinthians 5:6-8 Only unleavened bread is used in the Jewish Passover celebration. Christ has fulfilled the meaning of the Passover through his death and resurrection and so his followers should be “unleavened”, living in sincerity and truth. Gospel John 20:1-9 John testifies to the empty tomb on the first Easter day. “Till this moment they had failed to under-stand… that he must rise from the dead.” Illustration For well over a thousand years people have gone on pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in north-west Spain to visit and pray before the tomb of St James, the first of the apostles to suffer death for being a follower of Christ. An ancient tradition that his body was brought to Compostela and en-shrined there made the city a major place of Chris-tian pilgrimage, after Jerusalem and Rome. Many routes traverse France and Spain before converging on the approach to Compostela. The centuries have witnessed a multitude of pilgrims, most travelling on foot, some covering a thousand miles across Eu-rope. They still walk the same old interwoven roads and paths today, if not always the whole way. One man who did walk the whole way was Mark Hoare. His pilgrimage began in September 2000 at Le Puy in the French Massif Central, a start-ing point for pilgrims since the tenth century. Mark was then in his twenties and the idea had been in-spired by a friend who had walked part of the way in Spain and had described the “ever-changing land-scape whose changes somehow reflected the spir-itual journey of pilgrimage”. As a painter, Mark was captivated by the novelty of painting a “spiritual journey” even if, at that time, he wasn’t sure what it meant or how it could be done. The result is a re-markable book, A Painting Pilgrim: A Journey to San-tiago de Compostela. Each day is recorded and each day he paints, sometimes two or three times, even when it rains (quite often torrentially), or snows, or is bitterly cold. One hundred and thirty beautiful paintings accompany the text. He is a pilgrim in search of faith; as he says, “wanting but struggling to open my heart”. Gospel Teaching In the dark hours after the crucifixion the disci-ples would have known exactly the meaning of those words. Jesus had been put to death; he was gone, laid in a tomb. Was this the end? Did anything have meaning any more? They still wanted to believe in him, yet they were struggling to open their hearts. There is a quiet contrast between those dark hours and the early morning that heralded the dawn of the first Easter Day. It was then that Mary of Magdala and the other women disciples went to the tomb and found that it was empty. Mary believed that the body of Jesus had been taken away. When she ran to tell Peter and John what she believed had happened she sought the help of men whose individ-ual behaviour had been very different at the time of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion. Peter had denied three times that he even knew Jesus, but John had stayed close to the cross and remained with Jesus to the end, as had Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her sister Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala herself. But now, united in grief, Peter and John run to the tomb, see the grave clothes and believe what until then they had failed to understand: “that he must rise from the dead”. For all of these disciples the truth of the resurrection dawns upon them slowly. According to John, it comes to Mary of Magdala in a uniquely personal way when a little later in the Gospel she remains at the tomb, weeping, and sees a man, whom she supposes to be the gardener. Only when he speaks her name does she realise that he is Jesus. Application No one witnessed the resurrection itself, but Christ in his love sought out the disciples, opened their hearts and reawakened their faith by appear-ing to them, risen from the dead. The change that then came about in his followers was a new begin-ning, inexplicable in human terms, for it was a glimpse of the world to come when we shall see God “face to face”. In the words of St Bede: “Christ is the morning star who when the night of this world is past reveals to his saints the eternal light of life.” After reaching Compostela Mark Hoare then journeyed on to the westernmost point of mainland Europe, Finisterre, arriving there on the shortest day of the year. He had walked one thousand miles in all. “From now onwards,” he writes, “every day is longer… so that it really is the beginning and not just the end.” God calls each of us to make a spiritual journey throughout our lives and the end will really be the beginning. FEAST OF DIVINE MERCY - APRIL 3RD Join us at the Cathedral Basilica on Sunday, April 3rd for the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 2:30 p.m.; Chaplet at 3:00 p.m., concluding with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. You may wish to use this opportunity to enter through the Doors of Mercy at the Cathedral Basilica. All are welcome! - Father David Wynen, Rector of Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King * * * Come And join us at the Pilgrimage Site: To celebrate The Feast of divine Mercy at SACRED HEART OF JESUS PARISH (Jubilee Pilgrim Church) 19, Viewpoint Ave., Hamilton, on april 3, 2016 (Sunday) with 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Adoration and Sacrament of Reconciliation / 4:00 p.m. Holy Mass OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS PEVSKE VAJE Mešani pevski zbor bo imel pevsko vajo v četrtek po većermo maši. Hvala vsem pevcem za sodelovanje pri velikonočnih praznikih. Prav tako hvala Carlu, Johnu in Ivanu za njihov trud. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI . 2. april - Saturday: London-Triglav - Spring Banquet . 3. april-Sunday: Slovenski park - Spring Member's meeting . 10. april: St. Gregory the Great - Spomladanski banket; Mass at 10:00 a.m. . 17. april-Sunday: Sava-Breslau - maša 1:00 p.m. . 23. april-Saturday: Hystorical Society - Dom Lipa - Dan odprtih vrat . 24. april-Sunday: Lipa park - Mother's Day Luncheon . 30. april-Saturday: Slovenski park - Spring Banquet . 1. maj-Sunday: Bled - Mother's Day Banquet . 7. maj-Saturday: Sava-Breslau - Mother's Day Banquet . 8. maj-Sunday: Triglav-London - Mother's day . 8. maj-Sunday: Slovenska šola at St. Gregory the Great - Mother's Day - Mass at 10:00 a.m. PRINAŠANJE DAROV: GIFT BEARERS . Velika noč, 27. marec, 9:30 a.m.: Jože in Jožica Groznik. . Bela nedelja, 3. april, 9:30 a.m.: Karol in Milka Ferko . Spomladanski banket, 10. april, 10:00 a.m.: Toni in Marija Franc KITCHEN SECRETS COOKING SESSION Our "Kitchen Se-crets" Cooking Ses-sion for April 16, 2016 at which we will make Potica and a Barley Stew is FULL. With so much in-terest, I have booked a second session on Sat-urday, May 28th. We already have a number of sign ups in this second class, however, there is limited space still available. For this rea-son, if you are interested in participating on May 28th, please contact me with your infor-mation to confirm a spot. You are welcome to email me at, or text me at 905-317-6002 to reserve a place for this kitchen ses-sion. It is so wonderful to see such enthusiasm, eagerness and interest to learn how to make some favourite recipes in the kitchen. We hope to be able to keep this initiative going for many years to come! CANADIAN-SLOVENIAN BUTTON ACCORDI-ON CHAMPIONSHIP During the July long weekend, Slovenski Park is hosting the Canadian Slovenian Button Ac-cordion Championship. Tickets for a chance to win an accordion will be sold at church events. Half the proceeds of these tickets sales will be going to Slovenski Park and the other half will be going to the Girls Club and the church. Any questions about the draw sales please contact Leah Škerl at 905-979-1551 or by email at DAROVI Vida Sajder in družina so darovali za cerkev $50 v spomin na pokojnega Steve Sajder in $50 v spomin na pokojnega Steve Booth. Lojzka Novak je darovala $10 za rože. Hvala za vse vaše darove. FIRST FRIDAY Drugi del tedna je že v aprilu in prvi petek in sobota v mesecu. V petek zvečer bo prilika za zakrament sprave in molitev pred najsvetejšim. Smo tik pred nedeljo božjega usmiljenja in zato v tem svetem letu še posebej povabljeni, da tudi sami storimo nekaj zase in za svojo duhovno rast. ZAHVALE Pred cvetno nedeljo smo imeli duhovno pripravo. Hvala gospodu Toniju Burji in Jožetu Planinšku - lazaristoma, ki sta priskočila na pomoč pri spovedovanju v četrtek in petek, 17. in 18. marca in pomagala z bogatim duhovnim nagovorom, da smo se dobro pripravili za velikonočno praznovanje. Te dni je bila naša cerkev zopet lepo okrašena, tako za cvetno nedeljo kot tudi za velikonočne praznike. Iskrena hvala ga. Olgi Glavač za njeno skrb in izvirno okrasitev. Kdor tega ni poskusil, se mu niti ne sanja, koliko priprav in dela je s krašenjem. Hvala tudi vsem, ki ste svoj dar namenili za rože. -Hvala vsem, ki ste vključeni v čiščenje cer-kve. Še posebej v zimskem času je precej zahtev-nega čiščenja, ker se nanese v cerkev tudi sol iz parkirišča. Bog vam poplačaj za dobro delo. Hvala članicam Slomškovega oltarnega društva /Jožica, Gizela in Rosemary/ za pripravo božjega groba in prtov. Hvala sodelavcem pri bogoslužju: bralcem beril, pasioja, delilcema obhajila-strežnikoma /Joseph Gosgnach in Alojz Sarjaš/, hvala našim mlajšim ministrantom/še posebej Victoriji in Janu Janiac/, možem, ki zberejo nedeljske nabirke; hvala Toniju Francu /pripravil je ogenj za velikonočno vigilijo/, hvala vsem, ki ste pomagali pri križevem potu nositi sveče in križ; hvala Milki Ferko, ki nam redno pere prtičke za bogoslužje in verjetno sem še koga pozabil... SPOMLADANSKI BANKET Zadnja leta imamo Spomladanski banket 14 dni po ali pred veliko nočjo, odvisno, kako zgodaj ali pozno je. Letos ga bomo imeli v nedeljo,10. aprila, za kar ste dobili že prijavni-co skupaj z velikonočnim pismom. Tudi če niste dobili prijavnice, se lahko prijavite tako, da pokličete Terezijo Sarjaš (905-560-1218 ali Pamelo Gosgnach (905-304-8719). Leto bodo naši gostje člani Mladinskega zbora župnije Brezmadežne-Toronto, ki bom pod vodstvom Milana Vinčeca pel tako dopoldne pri maši - ta je SAMO OB 10:00h - kot tudi ob koncu kosila, v naši župnijski dvorani. Vabljeni ste, da se nam v čimvečjem številu pridružite. Prijavite se najkasneje do nedelje, 3. aprila, da bodo člani župnijskega sveta lahko organizirali vse potrebno. SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Ponedeljek/Monday – Petek/Friday: 7:00 P.M. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 P.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 A.M. – slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 A.M. – angleška / in English KRSTI / BAPTISMS: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app’t, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app’t, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 P.M. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest – please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. DON BOSCO VELIKA NOČ EASTER 27. MAREC Rupert, škof †† †† Za žive in rajne župljane Marija Grebenc Pokojni iz družine Bohnec 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Lojze in Peter Grebenc Vera Gonza z družino PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 28. MAREC Velikonočni ponedeljek † Lado Kukavica V zahvalo 9:30 A.M. Mimi Dragica Đundraš TOREK - TUESDAY 29. MAREC Bertold, red. Za zdavje 8:00 A.M. N.N. SREDA - WEDNESDAY 30. MAREC Amadej, menih † Marko Ferfolja 7:00 P.M. Društvo sv. Jožefa (1) ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 31. MAREC Konerlija, mučenka †† † Pokojni iz družine Kološa Vid Kastelic 7:00 P.M. Majda Salajko Mešani pevski zbor PRVI PETEK FIRST FRIDAY 1. APRIL Irena in agapa, muč. † † † Za verne duše v vicah Martin Glavač Janez Gal Marko Ferfolja 7:00 P.M. Tone in Marija Bukvič Ivan in Minka Šemen Ivan in Minka Šemen Manja Erzetič SOBOTA SATURDAY 2. APRIL Frančišek Paolski, ust. †† † † †† Ciril in Sofija Virant Ivan Tompa Steve Prša Jože in Marija Slobodnik 8:00 A.M. 5:30 P.M. Pavel in Jožica Novak Aprilyn, Rhiannon, Etha John Tompa in Kathleen Č. Alojzij Slobodnik z družino 2. VELIKONOČNA NEDELJA - BELA NEDELJA BOŽJEGA USMILJENJA 3. APRIL Sikst I. Papež muč. † † Za žive in rajne župljane Alojz Novak Ivan Mertuk 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Alenka in Tomaž Košir Kathy in Joe Prša SVETE MAŠE - MASSES Od 27. 3. 2016 Do 3. 4. 2016