DATA-STREAM-BASED COMPUTING: MODELS AND ARCHITECTURAL RESOURCES Reiner Hartenstein Kaiserslautern University of Technology, Germany INVITED PAPER MIDEM 2003 CONFERENCE 01. 10. 03-03. 10. 03, Grad Ptuj Abstract: The paper addresses a broad readership in information technology, computer science and related areas, introducing recontigurable computing, and its impact on classical computer science. It points out trends driven by the mind set of data-stream-based computing. Računanje na osnovi podatkovnih tokov: modeli in arhitekturna sredstva Izvleček: Prispevek naslavlja bralce s področja informacijske tehnologije, računalništva in sorodnih področij z uvedbo pojma rekonfiguracijskc računanje m njegovega vpliva na klasično računalništvo. Poudarja predvsem trende, katerih gonilo je računanje na osnovi podatkovnih tokov. 1. Introduction An alternative general purpose platform. The dominance of the instruction-stream-based procedural mind set in computer science stems from the general purpose properties of the ubiquitous von Neumann (vN) microprocessor. Because of its RAM-based flexibility no costly application-specific silicon is needed. Throughput is the only limitation by its sequential nature of operation (von Neumann bottleneck). Now a second RAM-based computing paradigm is heading for mainstream: morphware, electrically reprogrammable by reconfiguration of its structure /1/. This is a challenge to CS curricula innovators, also an occasion to reconsider criticism of the von Neumann culture /2/ /3/ /4/ /5/. CS to explore new horizons. From this starting point Computing Sciences (CS) are slowly taking off to explore new horizons: a dichotomy of two basic computing paradigms, removing the blinders from the still dominant von-Neumann-only mind set, which is still ignoring the impact of Reconfig-urable Computing (RC). It has been predicted, that by the year 2010 more than 90% of all programmers will implement applications for embedded systems, where a procedural / structural double approach is a pre-requisite. Currently programmers do not yet have the background required for this new labor market. This challenge can be met only by the dichotomy of machine paradigms within CS. The education gap can be bridged. A rich supply of tools and research results is available to adapt fundamental courses, lab courses and exercises /6/. There are a lot of similarities between both branches, like between matter and anti matter. But also some challenges are waiting. Our basic curricula do not teach, that hardware and software are alternatives, and, how hardware / software partitioning is carried out. E. g. some urgently needed new directions of algorithmic cleverness are not yet taught. For instance, how to implement a high performance application for low power dissipation on 100 processors running at 200 MHz, ratherthan on one processor running at 20 GHz. A curricular revision is overdue /7/. 2. Reconfigurable computing In morphware application the lack of algorithmic cleverness is an urgent educational problem. Advancing maturity is indicated by a growing consensus on terminology (fig. 1). Occupied by other areas, the term "dataflow machine" /8/ and the acronym DSP should not be used. So this paper uses the term anti machine. platform category source "running" on platform machine paradigm hardware (hardwired) morphware configware ISP* software von Neumann AM* flowware anti machine rAM* tlowware & configware *) acronyms see Fig. 1: Platform fig. 4, terminology: fig. 8 and 9. categories language categoiy vN language (hke e. g, C) anti macMne language state register program counter data counter(s) sequencing operation examples read next instiiiction, goto (instiaiction address), jump (to instiiiction address), instniction loop, loop nesting instruction stream brandling, escapes, no parallel loops, read next data item, goto (data address), jump (to data address), data loop, loop nesting, data stream brandling, escapes, parallel loops, sequencing primitives control flow data sü'eam management other primitives data manipulation address computation memoiy cycle overhead overhead avoidable instrTLCtion fetch memory cycle overhead no fetch at nm time Fig. 2: Traditional Software ianguages versus Flowware languages. The dichotomy of fundamental models. More important is the terminology from a global point of view (figure 1 a). Whereas classical CS deals with software (SW) running on hardware (HW), the new branch deals with flow-ware (FW) /9/ running on HW, or, configware (CW) /10/ and FIA/"running" on morphware (MW) /11/,. This paper gives introductions for a broad readership mainly with a CS background.. M I instruction stream data path (ALU) rei u c Ol nnemory data address generator (data sequencer) CPU instruction a) sequencer b) data asM' stream DPU or rDPU M M M M I/o ■i i" (r)DPU M d) M M M M • • • M I/O ■1 ■1 memory (r)DPA *) auto-sequencing memory Fig. 3: Illustration of basic machine paradigms: a) von Neumann, b) data-streambased anti machine with simple DPU, c) with rDPU and distributed memory architecture, d) w. DPU array (DPA or rDPA). This paper does not deal with fine grain morphware (FPGAs, using single bit wide CLBs) already being mainstream. Recon-figurable Computing (RC) uses coarse grain morphware platforms: rDPUs(reconfigurable datapath units), which, similarto ALUs, have major path widths, like 32 bits, for instance - or even rDPAs (rDPU arrays). Important applications are derived from the decay of "general purpose" vN computer architecture /2/ /3/ /4/ and its performance limits /5/, creating a demand for accelerators. For very high throughput requirements RC is the drastically more powerful and more area-efficient and energy-efficient programmable alternative /5/ /12/ to FPGAs (fig. 6), also providing a massive reduction of configuration memory and time needed for configuration /13/. AM anti machine (DS machine) asM autosequencing Memory rAM r econfigurable AM CPU "central" processing unit: DPU and instruction sequencer (vN) CS Computing Sciences, Computer Science CW configware DPU data path unit without sequencer rDPU reconfigurable DPU DPA data path array (DPU array) rDPA reconfigurable DPA DS data stream DSM data stream processing machine EE Electrical Engineering ESW embedded SW FW flowware HW hardware ISP instruction stream processor MW morphware RC reconfigurable computing SW software vN von Neumann (machine paradigm) Fig. 4: Some acronyms. systolic array style flowware schematics ti me flowware flowware time flowware defines: which data item enters or leaves which port at which time step Fig. 5: Flowware. Commercial architectures. In application areas like multimedia, wireless telecommunication, data communication and many others, the throughput requirements are growing faster than Moore's law, along with growing flexibility requirements due to unstable standards and multi-stand-ard operation /14/. Currently the requirements can be met from commercial sources only by rDPAs from a provider like PACT/15/ /16/ /17/ /18/ /19/ (fig, 11). Domain-specific approach. A a currently viable solution appears the domain-specific approach /13/, where a design space explorer may help to derive within a short time an optimum (r)DPU and (r)DPA architecture from a benchmark or domain-typical set of applications /20/ /21 /. 3. Data-stream-based computing Traditional instruction-stream-based informatics is based on computing in the time domain, where a program de- 1000, MOPS /mW 100 T. Claassenetal,, ISSCC 1999 ) R. Hartenstein, ICECS 2002 0.001 a) 2 1 0.5 0.25 0.13 0.1 0.07 performance flexibility Fig. 6: Energy efficiency and performance vs. flexibility incl. Reconfigurable Computing. serves scheduling the instructions for execution (fig. 9). Classical basic structures and principles in computing are X-C is the C la nguage _, extended ^ by MoPL high level source program jF M ^ host antimachine *] Data Path Synthesis System X-C . configware compiTer DPSS* ajiyi * data sequencer Iauto-seqencing M memory bank UrDPU Fig. 7: CW/ SW Co-Compilation: a) CoDe-X partitioning Co-Compiler, b) DPSS details, c) anti machine target 230 von-Neumann-centric, which are instruction-stream-based, where instruction sequencer and datapath are in the same CPU (fig. 3 a). Due to reconfigurable a second basic model has emerged, so that we now have a dichotomy of models: instruction-stream-based computing vs. data-stream-based computing. There is a lot of similarities, so that each of the 2 models is a kind of mirror image of the other model - like with matter and antimatter. expression tree DPU library ^ ^ mapper | i expression tree hardware -»I wrajper | configware ^ ^ _ routing & jj) I instruction scheduler I P'""""-'"' | data schedule?] software I fiowware 4 ' Fig. 8: Compilation: a) von-Neumann-based, b) for anti machines Data counters replace the program counter. Datastream-based computing, the counterpart of instruc-tion-stream-based von Neumann computing (fig. 9), however, uses one or more data counters instead of a single program counter (example in fig. 3 b). However, there are some asymmetries, like predicted by Paul Dirac for antimatter. Figure 7 b shows the block diagram of data-stream machine with 16 autosequencing memory banks. The basic model allows the machine to have 16 data counters, where as a von Neumann machine cannot have more that one program counter. The partitioning scheme of the data-stream machine model assigns a sequencer (address generator) always to a memory bank, never to a DPU. This modelling scheme goes fully conform with the area of embedded distributed memory design and management (see section on Embedded Memory). The vN microprocessor is indispensable. But because of its monopoly our CS graduates are no more professionals. Fiowware. Data streams have been popularized by systolic arrays /22/ /23/ /24/ (fig. 5), the super systolic array /25/, and more recently by projects like SCCC /26/, SCORE /27/ /28/, ASPRC /29/, BEE /30/ /31 / /32/, the KressArrayXplorer/20/ /21/and many other projects. In a similar way like instruction streams can be programmed from SWsources, also data streams can be programmed, but from FW sources. High level programming languages for flovware /33/ and for software join the same language principles and have a lot in common, no matter, wether finally the program counter or a data counter is manipulated. Figure 8 illustrates the basic semantic principles of flow-ware by 12 data streams associated with the 12 ports of a DPA. The data schedule generated from a fiowware source determines, which data object has to enter or leave which DPA port (or DPU port) at which time. This way fiowware can be used to program the 12 autosequencing memory banks (asM) of the embedded distributed memory to generate the expected data streams. machine calegoty (a) instruction set (b.c) data stream processor processor (b) haalwired j (c) morphware machine iiaracligiii von Neumann (vN) anti machine recoiifi gurabil i ly support no no yes 1 progiajii Illing instruction-procedural no structural (super ! "instmcüon" fetch) ; data scheduling prograii source solhvare Howware flowware & configware ; "insfriiction" fetch i at nm time ; at fabrication time before run time i execution at inn time instioiction schedule; 1 data sciiediile i oj)ciation spin instiiiction How 1 ; data strean^s) operation resources CPU 1 ; DPU, or, DPA rDPU.or,rDPA hardwired i i hardwired reconfigurable paralieiisin only by inuhipio i machines by single machine or muiti|ile machines state register single program "counter one or more data counttT(s) ■ state register located within CPU outside DPU or DPA: oiitside rDPU or rDPA: ^ vvithin asM (autosequencing memoiy banks) Fig. 9: Asymmetry between machine and anti machine paradigms. Two programming sources. Figure 7 a. Figure 8 a and Figure 10 d illustrate, why a von Neumann machine needs just software as the only programming source, since the resource part being hardwired is not programmable. Figure 7 b, Figure 8 b and Figure 10 e show, why a reconfigurable data-stream-based machine needs two programming sources: configware to program (to reconfigure) the operational resources, and, flovwvare to schedule the data streams. Figure 10 f shows why hardwired anti machines need only a single program source: fiowware only. Figure 7 c illustrates the structure of the compiler (DPSS /25/) generating the code of both sources from a high level programming language source (here a C subset /25/): phase 1 performs routing and placement to configure the rDPA, and phase 2 generates the fiowware code to program the autosequencing distributed memory, so that the data streams fit to the routing and placement result from phase 1. The same model for hardware and morphware. There is In principle no difference, whether a data-stream-based DPAs is hardwired or reconfigurable. The only important difference is binding time of placement and routing: before fabrication, or, after fabrication (compare fig. 9 b). Embedded Distributed Memory. Together with applica-tion-specific embedded memory architecture synthesis also fiowware implementation (for memory management strategies) is subject of performance and power optimization /34/, also by loop transformations /35/. Good flow-ware may be also obtained after optimized mapping an application onto rDPA /20/, where both, data sequencers and the application can be mapped (physically, not conceptually) onto the same rDPA/13/. Memory bandwidth. To solve the memory communication bandwidth problem the anti machine paradigm (da-tastream-based computing) is much more efficient than "von Neumann". There are alternative embedded memory implementation methodologies available /34/ /36/ /37/ /38/, either specialized memory architecture using synthesized address generators (e. g. APT by IMEC /34/), or, flexible memory architectures using programmable general purpose address generators /39/ /40/. Performance and power efficiency are supported especially by sequencers, which do not need memory cycles even for complex address computations /34/, having been used also for a smart memory interface of an early anti machine architecture/41//42/. Data-Stream-based vs. concurrent Computing. Classical parallelism by concurrent computing has a number of disadvantages over the parallelism by anti machines having no von Neumann bottleneck, what is discussed elsewhere /32/ /42/. Amdahls law explains just one of several reasons of inefficient resource utilization. vN-type processor chips are almost all memory, because the architecture is wrong. Here the metric for what is a good solution has been wrong all the time. 4. Configware compilers Co-Compilation. Using coarse grain morphware (rDPAs) as accelerators changes the scenario: implementations onto both, host and accelerators) are RAM-based, which allows turn-around times of minutes for the entire system, instead of months for hardwired accelerators, and, supporting a migration of accelerator implementation from IC vendor to customer, who usually does not have hardware experts. This creates /43/ a demand for compilers accepting high level programming language (HLL) sources. Partly dating back to the ZOies and SOies know-how is available from the classical parallelizing compiler scene, like Nick Tredeiinick _A_ resources fixed resources fixed resources variable ■ ■ ■ algorithms ^fixed algorithms variable algorithms variable a) b) c) Tredenni ck,''Hartenstein A Tr,/B roderson A / hardware d) ^ \ / \ configware hardware i e) X f) resources fixed resources variable resources fixed ■ ■ g algorithms variable: instruction stream algorithms variable: data streams algorithms variable: data streams software \ / flowware \ / flowware \ / V 1 V 2 V 1 program source: software program sources: configware & flowware program source: flowware Fig. 10: Nick Tredennick's digital system classification scheme: a) hardwired, b) programmable in time, c) reconfigurable d) von-Neumann-like machine paradigm e) reconfigurable anti machine paradigm f) Broderson's hardwired anti machine, terminology also from:/5/. platform application example speed-up factor method PACT Xtreme 4-by-4 array [2003] 16 tap 1-IR filter xl6 MOPS / mW straight forward MoM anti machine with DPLA* [1983] grid-based DRC** 1-rnetal 1-polynMOS 256 reference patterns X2000 (cojnputation time) multiple aspects , XV. V ^ 1,11 ^ ^^ I j^i Mill 111 i-i I./i V 1 L,-1 1 V 111 a 11 u a <4 V I u 1 V u L./y L:. . l. O . Design Rule Check based on 4-by-4 pi.xel reference patterns Fig. 11. Configurable System-on-Chip with XPU (xtreme processing unit) from PACT AG): a) XPU array structure, b) the structure of a rDPU, c) speed up factors (PACT & MoM). software pipelining /43/, and, loop transformations /44/ /45/ /46/ /47/ (survey in /48/). Mapping applications onto rDPAs. Classical systolic arrays could be used only for applications with regular data dependencies, because at that time linear projections or algebraic methods had been used for mapping, which yield only uniform arrays with strictly linear pipes. However, today for DPA synthesis or mapping applications onto rDPAs simulated annealing is used instead, to avoid the limitation to regular data dependencies /5/ /25/. This ("super systolic array") generalization of the systolic array by Kress /49/ also supports inhomogenous irregular arrays, supporting also any wild shapes of pipes within rDPA pipe networks/20/ /21/. Automatic partitioning. Until recently, not only for hardware / software co-design, but also for software / config-ware design, the compiler is a more or less isolated tool used for the host only. But accelerators are still implemented by CAD. Software /configware partitioning is stiii done manuaiiy 1211 /50/, requiring massive hardware expertise, particularly when hardware description language (HDL) and similar sources are used. Compilation from HLL sources /25/ /26/ /43/ /51 / still stem from academic efforts, as well as the first automatic cocompilation from HLL sources including automatic software/configware partitioning /52/ (fig. 7 a) by identifying parallelizable loops /5/ / 35/, having been implemented for the data-streambased MoM (Map-oriented Machine) /21 / /39/ /42/. 4.1 Machine paradigms and other general models Simplicity of the machine paradigm. Machine paradigms are important models to alleviate CS education and for understanding implementation flows or design flows. The simplicity of the von Neumann paradigm helped a lot to educate zillions of programmers. Figure 3 a shows the simplicity of the block diagram, which has exactly one CPU and exactly one RAM module (memory M). The instruction sequencer and the DPU (datapath unit) are merged to be encapsulated within the CPU (central processing unit), whereas the RAM (memory M) does not include any sequencing mechanism. Other important attributes are the RNI mode (read next instruction) and a branching mechanism for sequential operation (computing in the time domain.) Figure 9 compares both machine paradigms. Since compilers based on the "von Neumann" machine paradigm do not support morphware we need the datastream-based anti machine paradigm (sometimes called Xputer paradigm/ 52/) for the rDPA side, (based on data sequencer/53/). The anti machine has no von Neumann bottleneck. The Anti Machine Paradigm for morphware /42/ /55/ and even for hardwired anti machines the data-streambased anti machine paradigm is the better counterpart (fig. 3 b) of the von Neumann paradigm (fig. 3 a). Instead of a CPU the anti machine has only a DPU (datapath unit) without any sequencer, or a rDPU (reconfigurable DPU) without a sequencer. The anti machine model locates data sequencers on the memory side (fig. 3 b). Anti machines do not have an instruction sequencer. Unlike "von Neumann" the anti machine has no von Neumann bottleneck by allowing multiple data counters (fig. 3 c) to support multiple data streams from/to multiple autosequencing memory banks (fig. 3 c) allowing multi-port operational resources much more powerful than ALU or simple DPU: major DPAs or rDPAs (fig. 3 d). General purpose anti machine. The anti machine is as universal as the von Neumann machine. The anti programming language is as powerful as von-Neumann-based languages. But instead of a "control flow" sublanguage a "data stream" sublanguage like MoPL /33/ recursively defines data goto, data jumps, data loops, nested data loops, and parallel data loops. For the anti machine paradigm all execution mechanisms are available to run such an anti language. Its address generator methodology includes a variety of escape mechanisms needed to interrupt data streams by decision data or tagged control words inserted in the data streams /55/. Figure 9 compares both paradigms. Architectural resources, conform with the discipline of embedded distributed memory. The anti machine model, where the DPUs are transport-triggered by arriving data, goes conform with the new and rapidly expanding R&D area of embedded distributed memories /34/ /37/ /37/, including the architectural ressources, like applica-tion-specific or programmable data sequencers (see /40/ /53/ /54/). 5. Turning PC into PS (Personal Supercomputer) Many application areas. There is a number of HPC application areas, where the desired performance is hard to reach by "traditional" high performance computing. For instance, the gravitating n-body-problem is one of the grand challenges of theoretical physics and astrophysics /56/. Also hydrodynamic problems fall in the same category, where often numerical modeling can be used only on the fastest available specialized hardware. Analytical solutions exist only for a limited number of highly simplified cases. For interpretation of dense centers of galactic nuclei observed with the Hubble Space Telescope to unite the hydrodynamic and the gravitational approach within one numerical scheme. Until recently this limited the maximum particle number to about a 105 even on largest supercomputers available. The situation improved by the GRAPE special purpose computer /57/. To improve the flexibility a hybrid solution has been introduced with AHAGRAPE, which includes auxiliary morphware (FPGA-based processors) /58/. Another morphware usage example is cellular wireless communication, where the performance requirements grow faster than Moore's law /59/ /60/. 6. Conclusions The paper has given an introductory survey on reconfig-urable logic and reconfigurable computing, and its impact on classical computer science. It also has pointed out future trends driven by technology progress and innovations in EDA. It has tried to highlight, that deep submicron allows SoC implementation, and the silicon IP business reduces entry barriers for newcomers and turns infrastructures of existing players into liability. The paper tried to illustrate, why many system-level integrated future products without reconfigurability will not be competitive. Instead of technology progress better architectures by reconfigurable platform usage will be the key to keep up the current innovation speed beyond the limits of silicon. The paper advocates that it is time to revisit past results from mor-phware-related R&D to derive promising commercial solutions, and, that curricular updates in basic CS education are urgently needed. The exponentially increasing of CMOS mask costs demands urgently adaptive and re-usable silicon area, which can be efficiently realized by integrating (dynamically) reconfigurable hardware parts on different granularities into sSoCs with great potential for short time-to-market (-> risk minimization), multipurpose/-standard features incl. comfortable application updates within product life cycles (-> volume increase: cost decrease). This results in the fact that several major industry playersare currently integrating reconfigurable cores/datapaths into their processor architectures and system-on-chip solutions. 7. Literature /1/ J. Becker, R. Hartenstein {invited paper): Configware and Mor-phware going Mainstream; Journal on System Architecture (JSA), 2003 /2/ Arvind et al.: A critique of Multiprocessing the von Neumann Style; Proc. ISCA 1983 /3/ G. Bell (keynote): All the Chips Outside: The Architecture Challenge; Proc. ISCA 2000 /4/ J. 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