Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 7/56 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 16. 2. 2020 6. Nedelja MED LETOM 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Phone: 905-561-5971 Cell: 905-520-2014 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Jezus je prišel dopolnit postavo Današnji evangeljski odlomek je precej dolg. Jezus nam v svoji jasnih besedah razloži kakšno je njegovo poslanstvo. Najprej pa se opredeli glede Mojzesove postave in jasno nakaže, da ni dovolj, kar je zahteval Mojzes. Kdor hoče biti njegov učenec mora storiti korak naprej. In tako pravi: Če se pri pripravi darov kdo spomni, da ima njegov brat kaj proti njemu, naj ne nadaljuje s svojo pripravo. Takoj naj se odpravi na pot k temu bratu in se z njim spravi. Ne zadošča, da smo pripravljeni sprejeti brata, ki se hoče spraviti, ne smemo se pred njim zapreti. Jezusova beseda zahteva več: ti moraš napraviti prvi korak, če ima tvoj brat kaj proti tebi. V zgodovini ni bila vrednota - človek - sama po sebi umevna. Nekateri niso imeli pravice do tega imena. Veliko stoletij je bilo tako celo uzakonjeno v suženjskem sistemu. Mlada krščanska vera seveda ni mogla takoj odpraviti suženjskega sistema, ki je vladal v starem veku. Toda s svojim evangelj-skim naukom o enakosti vseh ljudi je vplivala na humanizacijo odnosov med gospodarji in sužnji. V zgodovino se je počasi prebijala misel, da so vsi ljudje enaki, da imajo enake pravice. Velika zmaga človeštva so pravice, ki so razglašene v Deklaraciji OZN iz leta 1948. Vemo pa, da z deklaracijami ni vse rešeno. Lahko je razglašati deklaracije, toda pomembno je, kakšna je življenjska praksa. Dokler ne bodo človeške pravice zagotovljene v vsakdanjem življenju vsakemu človeku, nam tudi še tako slovesne deklaracije ne bodo pomagale. Dolg proces bo potreben, da vse to ljudem pride v meso in kri. Pred nami je še dolga pot do obilnejše pravičnosti. Jezusove besede v današnjem evangeliju: Jaz pa vam pravim - kar štirikrat jih ponovi - lahko vzamemo kot eno najbolj razburljivih izjav Svetega pisma, če seveda upoštevamo, kaj je Jezus v teh štirih nasprotnih trditvah k judovski etiki s tem slovesnim uvodom zahteval. VESTNI K 2020 | Gre najprej za novo razumevanje pete zapovedi - kje se začne umor. Jezus zahteva več. Ne samo, da ne smemo ubijati: »Kdor se na svojega brata jezi, zasluži, da pride pred sodbo.« Kdo od nas se še ni na svojega brata jezil. Jezus pozna človekovo srce in ve, da ima umor svojo predzgodovino in da je njegovo jedro v človekovem srcu. Pripravljajo ga odpor, zavist, nerazpoloženje. Gre tudi za novo razumevanje zakonske nezvestobe - kje se ta začne? Ni hudobija samo nezvestoba v dejanju: »Kdor gleda žensko, da jo poželi, je v svojem srcu z njo že prešuštvoval. « To je zares huda beseda. Gre za prakso ločitve zakona. Sedaj ne velja več Mojzesova postava, ki je možu dovoljevala, da je svojo ženo odslovil. Jezus pove, da je vsak, kdor svojo ženo odslovi, kriv njenega prešuštvovanja. In kdor se z ženo, ki jo je drugi odslovil, poroči, greši proti zakonski zvestobi. Gre končno za razumevanje resnicoljubnosti v govorjenju. Ali sme človek Boga klicati za pričo svojih izjav? Jezusov odgovor je jasen: NE! Jezusov učenec naj ne prisega. Beseda mora veljati. Če je bil izrečen DA, mora biti res DA, prav tako mora biti NE zares NE. Ko premišljujemo govor na gori, vidimo, da je Jezusova etika resnejša, resničnejša, da gre v zadnjo globino. Kljub temu zdihujemo: »Kako more Jezus take reči zahtevati, saj nas pozna.« Ve, da ne moremo drugače, kot da se jezimo. Ve, da nam poželjiv pogled ni tuj, da se izgovarjamo, včasih pa tudi zavestno lažemo. Danes si moramo jasno reči: ne samo da so zahteve, ki jih Jezus postavlja, težke - sploh jih ne moremo izpolniti s svojo močjo. Naše moči so preslabotne. Kdor to vidi, bo žalosten in žejen pravičnosti, bo zares ubog pred Bogom, ker bo vedel, da mora vsako pomoč pričakovati od Boga. Zato lahko rečemo: Blagor njim, ki se o sebi ne varajo in si ne predstavljajo, kaj zmorejo. Blagor tistim, ki ne zaupajo sebi, ampak Bogu. Blagor nam, če smo spoznali, kako smo slabotni, če smo res kot otroci, ki pričakujejo vse dobro in vse, kar potrebujejo, od staršev. Tako pričakuje tudi veren človek to, da bo živel v pravičnosti, da bo vesel, da bo delal za mir, da bo luč, od svojega Očeta - od Boga. (Prim. Bogoslužno leto A) 70 I VESTNI K 2020 - 6TH Sunday in Ordinary Time Response: The Lord has not commanded anyone to be wicked! First Reading Ecclesiasticus 15:15-20 We are taught to keep the commandments, for behaving faithfully is within our power. Second Reading 1 Corinthians 2:6-10 Paul warns believers against basing their faith on human wisdom instead of God's wisdom. Gospel Matthew 5:17-37 Jesus did not reject the Jewish scriptures but brought them back to basics: love of God and of neighbour. Our lives should reflect this love. "If your virtue goes no deeper than that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven." c_, cxiioo Illustration In ten days' time, on Ash Wednesday, around one hundred Christian peace activists will gather at the Ministry of Defence in Whitehall, London, to protest about nuclear weapons. They have done this for three decades. They will call for the UK government to get rid of its nuclear weapons and support the international treaty on their prohibition. "Choose life, not death" will be quoted from scripture. Pat Gaffney - who last year retired as General Secretary of Pax Christi, the international Catholic movement for peace - has been a regular leader of this vigil. She has organised for the word "repent" to be written in ashes at the entrance to the building and for ribbons to be tied to the surrounding fence representing those countries that have signed the nuclear ban treaty and those who have yet to support the treaty. Some years, she and others have been arrested for marking the Ministry of Defence with crosses in the same ash used in the liturgy. How does she explain breaking the law to protest in this way? She feels that God's law of love is of higher priority; that government tolerance of weapons of mass destruction breaks a moral code. In 2016 she joined eighty people - theologians, pastoral workers, practitioners, peace workers - from thirty-four countries, including Pope Francis, at the Vatican to discuss Gospel nonviolence. They looked at how to be proactive peacemakers, even in contexts where their countries produced weapons. Gospel Teaching In today's Gospel, from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus brings us back to the basics of our faith: love of God and love of neighbour. Jesus says he is not contradicting the Jewish scriptures and the Ten Commandments, which give a framework of discipline and order. However, he is opposed to the legalistic type of religion the scribes and Pharisees have built upon them, full of petty rules which have little to do with God's Law. "If your virtue goes no deeper than that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven," he warns. Jesus healed on the sabbath, which was against the Law. He spoke to women in public, which was taboo. Jesus says that the Pharisees have so defined the Law in their own terms that they have missed the point. And so he begins to ex- pound the Law as it pertains to six subjects: murder, adultery, divorce, oath-taking, retaliation, and love for one's enemy. Instead of a litany of more commandments, Jesus looks to the spirit of the Law. The presence of God's life within us is the real reason the Law commands us not to kill others, and not to lie about them or steal from them. In other words, we are called to love like God loves. It is the challenge presented by the Beatitudes of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus himself lived up to this ideal. His life of love and compassion is the kind of life we are called to live. Application Today's first reading suggests that there is a choice to be made, and it is between what gives life and what brings death. Being a Christian is more than following the rules, including simply attending liturgies. Jesus is setting us free to make choices that support, sustain, grow and nurture life for ourselves and one another. We choose life when we care for those who are poor, respect the dignity of every human being and protect God's creation. We choose life when we are generous with our time, compassion, money and resources. Would anyone looking at us and listening to us know that God is at the centre of our lives? Jesus says we should love others and the world as God does. We are to be compassionate and passionate -not lukewarm people. The Beatitudes call us to humility, simple living and peace, which often oppose prevailing values in the world. Our human lives are capable of transformation when we reflect something of God's glory and love in our daily lives. A commitment to justice and peace has long been one of the hallmarks of how the Catholic Church operates on a global, national and local stage. We could look into giving greater support to Christian organisations that have been doing the work of peace and social justice for decades. The potential of the Church to be a model and a powerhouse for active nonviolence and valuing those who seem to be unloved is immense. VESTNIK 2020 | 71 Slovenska skupnost London - Maša_ Skoraj vsak mesec v letu imamo sveto mašo tudi pri - sedaj po novem - Slovenski skupnosti v Londonu. Že kar nekaj let imamo mašo v angleški cerkvi St. John the Divine, prej je bila v cerkvi župnije St. Martin. Tako smo se zbrali tudi 9. februarja letos. Ko sem te dni listal po preteklih številkah Vestnika, sem našel tale zapis: »Po naročilu gospoda hamiltonskega škofa in na prošnjo gospoda škofa iz Londona smo že lani (1974) prevzeli skrb za slovensko službo božjo v Kitchenerju in Londonu. Ob takih prilikah ste že zapazili, da ni bilo v naši cerkvi nikogar, ki bi z orglami spremljal petje pri božji službi. Dokler se ne usposobijo mlade moči, ki se že vneto vadijo v igranju na orgle, bo vsak vernik, ki ima glas za petje, moral povzdigniti lepoto božje službe s svojim petjem brez orgelske spremljave. V Londonu in Kitchenerju bo to leto slovenska božja služba navadno tretjo nedeljo vsakega meseca med šolskim letom, v poletnih mesecih je pa ne bo. Tamkajšnji Slovenci blagrujejo in skoro zavidajo slovenskim vernikom v Hamiltonu srečo, da se morejo sleherno nedeljo udeleževati slovenskega bogoslužja. Premnogi Slovenci v Hamiltonu pa te sreče ne znajo ceniti.« (Vestnik, štev. 3. - 19. januarja 1975) CWL - KZZ: BAZAAR 2020 CWL Bazaar - Save the date: Sunday, March 1st, 2020. Preparations for our BAZAAR are well underway. Blue lottery tickets continue to be sold. A book of 10 tickets for $5. Please return monies as soon as possible. We also ask for your support with the following: Lunch tickets: Prepayment of lunch tickets is required to reserve a seat. This will assist with planning in the kitchen and optimize delivery of service. Prepaid adult tickets (11 years and up) are $20. On the day of the bazaar these tickets will be $25. Please reserve a seat by Sun. Feb. 23rd. Tickets will be sold in the church foyer as of Sun. Feb. 9th. Contact person is Terezija Sarjas, 905560-1218. Penny Sale and Children's Centre: Donations are welcome. Please bring them to the upper church hall on Sat. Feb. 29th, in the morning. The Children's Centre is in need of new toys, games and stuffed animals. Baked Goods: We invite you to contribute your tasty baked goods to our pecivo tables. Please bring them in early the morning of our BAZAAR. A number of volunteers have been working diligently to prepare for our annual BAZAAR and we look forward to sharing an enjoyable time at this annual event with you, our parishioners and your families. Proceeds of our bazaar directly support our church and community. With heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for all of your contributions and support! Hvala za razumevanje in podporo! 72 I VESTNI K 2020 .st. č^regorij the č\rtat CWL Afu^ucal parish "B-azaar DONATIONS: to the pemA-y .sale rabie ofi^ew or crafted í-ten^s dr. -for the chi-tcti-eia-'s centre will loe graciously received Saturday w-erw-iw-g Feb 29 MK5t> ¿¡OOÏS.S: will be accepted early suw-elay moirw-íivg Muri PIEASE JOIN US FOR AN AFTERNOON OF FUN WITH FAMILY AN? FRIENPS! Sum Mar 1,2020 WE 100K FORWARD T0Y0URSUF IswiA- Mar i E>oor£ opeiA-5lt íi:00 aw,i vXArtv "ei^tre ■peci-vo .stmdel Wrofe J Noodles _tKTiMrD wim Teafflé Lottery pei^iA-y saU At the Door Adult $25 A imtv^CTT ' Child 5.10, m arch VESTNIK 2020 j 7B ONE hearj n ONE soul CCD jlu The Diocesan One Heart, One Soul Campaign began in January, 2019 and 46 parishes have already completed the active phase of the campaign. The Stewardship and Development Office of the Diocese has provided update on campaign results in those parishes. You will find this "Mid-Campaign News" in this weekend's bulletin. I encourage you to review this newsletter and the campaign results. As you will see on the second page of the newsletter, our Parish is in Wave 2 -which means that we are currently in the preparation phase of our campaign. While most of our work has not been public until this point, a group of leaders is working with me to help identify projects and goals for the parish - projects we hope will inspire your support. Seeing the large number of parishes who have had success in the campaign to this point gives me hope — I am confident that with your prayerful and generous support, our Parish will be included in that group. The most important things I ask of you now is your prayer for our parish campaign, and your enthusiasm and support once we have further details to share. If you think you might want to be part of the campaign team we are building to help in the effort, please be sure to let me know or call the office 905-561-5971. SKD Sava - Prešernov kulturni praznik V društvu Sava smo v nedeljo, 9. februarja, praznovali Slovenski kulturni praznik - Prešernov dan. Najprej smo se zbrali k sveti maši, ki jo je daroval g. Drago Gačnik, po maši so nam iz naše kuhinje postregli z enkratnim kosilom. Iskrena hvala Christini Schal in njeni ekipi. Po kosilu se je začel kulturni program. Steve Ivančič je pozdravil vse navzoče in se zahvalil za tako lepi obisk. Posebej se je zahvalil naši kuhinji, odbornikom in tistim ki so se pridružili in pomagali izpeljati ta dan. Po himnah je Marija Prilesnik naredila kratek uvod in v nekaj besedah predstavila vsebino praznovanja. Program je nadaljeval Tony Jalovec, naš poznani harmonikar - Polka Mojster. Zaigral je pesem Na Golici in tako spravil vse, preko 80 navzočih obiskovalcev, v veselo vzdušje. Nadaljevali smo z recitacijo Prešernovih pesmi: Iz Sonetje nesreče je Zinka Mirt recitirala prvi sonet »O, Vrba! srečna, draga vas domača«. Nato sta Kristina in Ivan Mihelič z recitacijo »Od železne ceste« spravila v smeh celo dvorano. Elisa Volčič, vnukinja naše računovodkinje Francke Volčič, je na klavir zaigrala pesem »Für Elise« by Ludwig Van Beethoven. Med točkami je Tony popestril program z lepimi melodijami na harmoniki. Na koncu programa je Steve Ivančič (začasni predsednik) poklical člane društva na oder, da so prejeli priznanja za njihovo delo v društvu. Letos so bili izbrani: Helen-Jelka Blazon, Vida Kobetič, Lucijana Sirotič, Thomas Blazon, Martin - Tinko Mirt in Jeff Majeed. Iskrene čestitke prejemnikom. Nadaljevali smo s plesom in veselem druženjem v pozno popoldne. Za odbor, Marija Prilesnik 74 I VESTNI K 2020 VESTNIK 2020 | 75 76 I VESTNI K 2020 Slovenski Park VESTNIK 2020 j ?? Obvestila - Announcements dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti_ ♦ 16. feb.: Slovenski Park - Family Day Celebration ♦ 22. feb.: St. Gregory the Great - PUSTOVANJE ♦ 1. marec: CWL-KŽZ - Bazaar, Mass at 10:00 a.m. ♦ 15. marec: Društvo sv. Jožefa - Mass 10:00 a.m., Banquet 12:00 noon. gift bearers - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO_ ♦ 16. feb. 9:30 a.m.: Jože in Albina Antolin ♦ 23. feb. 9:30 a.m.: Sue in Zdravko Augustin ♦ 1. mar. 10:00 a.m.: CWL-KŽZ pevske vaje_ Pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor so ob četrtkih po večerni maši, za angleški zbor pa v sredo po večerni maši. Slovenski zbor poje naslednjič v nedeljo 1. marca (CWL Bazaar Sunday), skupaj z angleškim zborom, ker je maša ob 10:00h. društvo sv. jožefa_ * St. Joseph's Society - 2020 membership - $15.- is now due. Please see Frank Novak -membership convener, for payment and new card. New members are welcome to join! * St. Joseph's Society Meeting - Annual meeting will be held on Sunday, March 1st after the 10:00 AM Mass at the Villa. Coffee & krofi will be served. We are looking for new Board members to put their names forward and join the Board. * Villa Slovenia Bingo is every Monday at 1:00 PM - Break up your dreary winter and join us! Also join your friends for our Tuesday social nights. * Annual St. Joseph's Banquet will be held on Sunday, March 15 th. More details to follow! confirmation 2020_ This year Confirmation is on March 29th, at 11:00 AM Mass. The Most Rev. Douglas Crosby, OMI, Bishop of Hamilton Diocese will be the celebrant. Today, after the 11:00 a.m. Mass is the first meting in preparation for the Confirmation. darovi - donations_ Za gradbeni sklad so namesto rož in v spomin na pokojnega Joe Lackovič darovali: - $30 Vlado in Marija Mlačak - $30 Thomas A. McCoy (IN-USA) V spomin na pokojnega duhovnika salezij-naca Štefana Ferenčaka sta Angela in Ivan Antolin darovala $100 za gradbeni sklad. Hvala vsem za vaše darove. koledarji niagarske koordinacije V atriju cerkve si lahko vzamete koledar Niagarske koordinacije, kjer so datumi vseh prireditev posameznih društev skozi vse leto. hamilton right TO life AND THE diocese OF hamilton_ HAMILTON RIGHT TO LIFE AND THE DIOCESE OF HAMILTON are co-sponsoring a showing of the eye-opening film UNPLANNED. The film is based on the true story of Abby Johnson, the youngest Director of Planned Parenthood, and her journey of transformation. The film will be presented at the Nicholas Manci-ni Centre, 44 Hunt Street, Hamilton (behind the Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 78 I VESTNI K 2020 Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King), NEXT WEDNESDAY, February 19th, at 7:00 p.m. (doors open at 6:00 p.m.) The movie showing is free. Donations to Hamilton Right to Life to assist in the affirmation and education of the sanctity of life will be gratefully accepted. pokojni - deceased V petek 14. februarja smo dobili žalostno vest, da je Bog poklical k sebi našega farana Jerry-ja Ponikvarja. V skoraj dopolnjenem 80. letu starosti je nenadoma odšel k Bogu po večno plačilo. Od njega se boste lahko poslovili v torek, 18. februarja, med 3. in 5. uro popoldne, ali med 7. in 9. uro zvečer v Smith's Funeral Home na Guelph Line 1167, Burlington. Ob 4:30 p.m. bomo, kot je naša navada, v Funeral Home v slovenščini molili rožni venec. Vabljeni! Pogrebna sveta maša se bo darovala v sredo 19. februarja ob 11:00h dopoldne v St. Raphael's Roman Catholic Church. Iskreno sožalje želi Lillian in otrokom z družinami, prav tako sestri Mary DeSanti in bratu Fre-du z družino. Pokojnemu Jerry-ju pa večni mir in pokoj v kanadski zemlji. In predvsem zahvala za njegovo vsestransko udejstvovanje in skrb za slovensko skupnost, župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega in slovensko društvo sv. Jožefa. Diocese of Hamilton - Parenting Tip_ Hugs, kisses, spending time together and looking after our children's needs are all ways of letting them know they are loved, but experts are telling us we also need to use words to convey this important message. I love you - three simple words with a powerful impact. Children, especially as they age, need to hear us tell them they are loved, over and over again. So tell them you love them each time you greet them, remind them you love them as they leave, say goodnight and add those three powerful words and your child will know that they are indeed loved! (Diocese of Hamilton) MARRIAGE TIP February is often referred to as the month of love, since we celebrate Valentine's Day on Feb. 14th. Real love isn't a fairy tale though - it takes time and effort, good communication and spending time together. This Valentine's Day go big: write each other a love letter, write out a list of the 10 things you most love about your spouse, commit to a date night each month on the 14th to keep the love day alive, look through your wedding album together and remember that moment when you united your love into one. Perhaps most importantly, commit to praying together each day because God is always present to give us strength when we need it! (Diocese of Hamilton) Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Ottawa The Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia in Toronto-Burlington: 5096 South Service Road, Suite 102 Burlington, Ontario, L7L 5H4 Monthly consular hours will take place at the above mentioned address on: Tuesday, February 18, 3:30 to 6:30 p.m Kindly note that at this new location, appointments will be mandatory so please email: or call 613565-5781 to make an appointment. # i # svete maše - mass times: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is 111 only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - krsti / baptisms: For an appointment, call one month before. poroke / marriage: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call don bosco for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971, VESTNIK 2020 | 79 od 16. 02. 2020 do 23. 02. 2020 svete maše - masses 6. Nedelja med letom 16. Februar Julijana, mučenka Onezim, škof Za žive in rajne župljane f Irma Dorenčec f Florijan Miklavčič ff Julijana in Alojzij Pozderec 9:30 a.m.----- Mož Ignac z družino Žena z družino 11:00 a.m. Julija Sagadin z družino Ponedeljek - Monday 17. Februar Aleš, red. ust. f Eileen MacKenzie 8:00 a.m. N.N. Torek - Tuesday 18. Februar Flavijan, škof ff Pokojni Malevich in Oberman Za zdravje f Franc Marič 7:00 p.m. Družina Malevich Družina Malevich Društvo sv. Jožefa (5) Sreda - Wednesday 19. Februar Bonifacij, škof ff Marija in Alojzij Joželj 7:00 p.m. Hči Sonja Langenfus Četrtek - Thursday 20. Februar Frančišek in Jacinta, fat. f Franc Saje 7:00 p.m. Angela Kobe Petek - Friday 21.Februar Irena (Mira), devica Peter Damiani, škof ff Pokojni sorodniki in prijatelji 7:00 p.m. N.N. (MB) Sobota Saturday 22. Februar Sedež apostola Petra Maksimilijan Puljski, šk. f Matija Vlašič f Joseph Pleša f Francka Pust f Joe Lackovič ff Marija in Alojz Mes f Cecilija Smodiš f Verona Prša, obl. 5:30 p.m. Žena in otroci Družina Antolin Družina Pust Žena z družino Amalija Štadler z družino Jože in Albina Antolin Olga Glavač 7. Nedelja med letom 23. Februar Polikarp, škof-muč. Za žive in rajne župljane ff Marija in Alojz Mes ff Verona in Štefan Prša, obl. 9:30 a.m.----- Družina Mes 11:00 a.m. Joe in Kathy Prša 80 I VESTNI K 2020