ANNALES - Ser. Iiist. nat. - 11 • 2001 - 2 (25) original scientific paper UDC 504.064(262.3-17) received: 10. 12. 2001 POLLUTION HOT SPOTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS ALONG THE SLOVENIAN COAST Valentina TURK Marine Biology Station, National Institute of Biology, St-6330 Piran, Forrwce 41 Branko POTOČNIK Public Municipal Enterprise oí Koper, SÍ-600G Koper, Ul. 1 5. maja <1 ABSTRACT Pollution hot spots and sensitive areas on the Mediten anean coast of Slovenia were identified according to recent data and UNFP/VVHO guidelines. The Bays ofKoper and Piran have been considered sensitive areas, since they can be affected by polluted waters of the Gulf of Trieste as well as by land-based sources of pollution along the Slovenian coast. The inner part of the Bay of Koper is receiving effluents from the municipal wastewater treatment plant and individual industries and agglomerations along the Pilona and Badasevica rivers. Domestic and agricultura/ discharges into the inner part of the Bay of Piran by the Dragonja river,, tourism and intensive aquaculture reduce the quality of the water and may cause local changos in the marine ecosystem. Key words: pollution of coastal waters, wastewater disposal, wastewater treatment, loads, pollution hot spots, sensitive areas, Gulf of Trieste, Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Sea ARCE CRITICHE E AREE SENSIBILI ALL'! NQU IN AMENTO NELL'AREA COSTIERA DELLA SLOVENIA SINTESI Uno del maggiori problemi inerenti le seque internazionali comprende il degrado delle risorse acquifere e degli habitat nelle zone marine e costiere, causato da una gestione non appropriata. Nelf'articolo vengono presentare le aree critiche e le aree sensibili all'inquinamento situate sulla costa slovena, identifícate grazíe a dati recenti e alle direltive UNEPA'VHO. Gfi autori classificano ¡e baie dt Capodistria e Pira no come arce sensibili. in quanta possono venir condizionate da acque inquínate provenienti da! Golfo di Trieste come da font! di inquinamento situate sulla costa slovena. La parte centrale delta baia di Capodistria riceve efffuenti dall'implanto di depurazione delle acque di scarico municipali eda singóle industrie ed agglomerati situati in prossimita dei fiumi Risano e Cornalunga. Tramite i! fiume Dragogna, in vece, scar it hi domestici e agricoli arrivano alia parte centrale delta baia di Pirano, dove la quahta dell'acqua viene ridotta pure dalle attivita 80%) lives within the 1.5 km wide strip. The population growth is slightly higher in the coastal region than at the national level, but in the last decade (in the 90's) the population growth stagnated (0.1% increase). Tab. i: Population and tourist overnight stays with percentage of average seasonal increase in the coastal region in the year 2000*. Tab. '/; Število prebivalcev in nočitev turistov z odstotki sezonske rasti v obalni regiji v letu 2000*. ^Statistical yearbook o' the Statistical Of fire of ïhe R Slovenia (2000) The principal industries in coastal region include metal manufacturing, production of chemicals and food industry. Economic development caused regression in agriculture activities that now mainly include wine, fruit and olive growing, and vegetable cultivation. Because of good inland transport connections, the Port of Koper has become the most important export-import port in Central Europe and is increasing its activities every year, The Port of Koper handles about 10 million tons of cargo per year (over 1,500,000 tons of oil and oil products and over 100,000 tons of chemicals and inflammable liquids). At the Port of Koper, there is a general cargo terminal (coffee, metal, paper, fruits and vegetables, cotton, textiles), a RO-RO and car terminal, a timber terminal, a terminal for iron and coal, a liquid cargo terminal (chemicals, phosphoric acid, vegetable oil, Latex), a terminal for fertilizers and other bulk cargoes, and a silos for cereals and oilseeds, aluminum). The oil terminal is operated by OMV-ISTRABENZ - Instalacije d.o.o. The main sources of pollution in the port are tank cleaning, inadequate drains, volatile emissions and general spillage during the emptying of hoses Preliminary estimation of organic loads from industries represents 22,550 P5 (population equivalent) (individual loads have been calculated where data were available) (Tab. Tab. 2: Estimates of pollution load (PE - population equivalent) from industries along (he Slovenian coastline. Tab. 2: Ocena obremenitev slovenske Obale (PE - populacijski ekvivalent) z industrijskimi odplakami. Contribution from Load in PE Delamaris 7,000 Ladjedelnica.....shipyard 100 Mehano 200 Argo 100 Droga 1,800 Frigomar 800 Hospital 1300 Cimos - Koper 500 Tomos 800 Intei europa 250 Kemiplas & Polisinteza 2,500 Luka Koper 2,000 Vina Koper 6,500 Industry total 22,550 The sea is also used for bathing and recreation (including spoils like sailing, wind surfing, rowing), fishing and maricirlture: along the Slovenian coastline 29 registered beaches are located; Area (km2) Population Population (%) served by municipal sewer system Number of total overnight stays Average seasonal j increase (3 months) Koper 311.2 48,251 57 239,000 5.4% Izola 28.6 14,590 80 222,818 1 6.6% Piran 44.4 1 7,440 86 1,306,454 81.4% 244 ANNALES - Ser. Iiist. nat. - 11 • 2001 - 2 (25) V»lcorin,> TURK. Bianko POTOČNIK: POUUTION HOT SPOTS AND SfNSITIVE AREAS ALONG THt SLOVENIAN COAST. 235-252 - fishing (about 2000 tons/y) and mariculture (shellfish: annual production about 50 tons; fish: annual production is about 100 tons (Marčeta, 1997; Statistical yearbook of the Statistical Office of the R Slovenia 2000); - transportation •• in addition to the Port of Koper there are three marinas (in Portorož, Izola and Koper) (Novak et a/., 1998). A two-fold increase in moorings and yachting harbors in the last 10 years (from 898 to 1618) indicates the growth of yachting" tourism (Statistical yearbook of the Statistical Office of the R Slovenia 2000). Main loads and hot spots 'Ihe Rižana river receives mainly untreated urban and industrial wastewater fron- the town of Kooer and inland agglomerations along the river. The combined sewer system (which also collects storm waters) is connected to a mechanical wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), with total yearly effluent about 4.7x10' mVyear. About 34% of the wastewater is from indus-tiy/enterprises/pubiic sector; 66% is household wa>te-water. I he sewage effluent is discharged into the estuary of the Rižana river. The system also collects effluents from the following industries: VINA KOPER wine production (combined sanitary and technological effluents, pretreatment); CIMOS car industry (combined sanitary Riid technological effluents, pretreatment); l&l bus service (combined sanitary and technological effluents, pretreatment); INI LREUROPA, AVTOPLUS, CESTNO podjetje, SGP, TOMOS, car washing, lacquering, electroplating (combined sanitary and technological effluents, pretreatment); Port of Koper, washing containers, trucks, cars, store-house (combined sanitary and technological effluents, pretreatment). There are also some industries with d.reri discharge into the Rižana river: KEMIPLAS, chemical industry (combined sanitary and technological effluents, pre-treaiment), INSTALACIJE (combined sanitary and technological effluents, biological treatment), and LAMA -metal manufacturing (combined sanitary and technological effluents, biological treatment). The expected organic load from industries in the Koper Municipality is around 12,550 PE (Tab. 2). The sewage of the community of fzola is collec ted in a treatment ba>in and discharged without treatment into the sea about 300 m from the shore, with a flow rate of about 3.5x102 m3/day. In addition, there are several small outlets discharging directly into the sea and discharge i>om the L>LLAMARIS fish-cannery pre-treatment plant (discharge rale 82,000 mVyear). The system col-Iccts effluents from the following industries: LADJEDELNICA shipyard, pretreatment, some activities in the dock - wastes directly into the sea; City HOSPITAL, DROGA - food processing, MEHANO - toy factory, other small enterprises. Expected organic load from industries in izola is app. 10,000 PE (Tab. 2). The sewage system in the community of Piran has a central sewage treatment plant with a capacity of 30,000 PE and total yearly effluent about 2.7x10° mVyear. After mechanical treatment (screening, sand and grease removal, sedimentation), the sewage water is discharged into the sea, through two submarine pipes, 3450 m and 3600 m from the shore, with diffusers at the end. No industry is connected to the wastewater treatment plant. Tab. 3: Present and future loads (PE) on wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and the Izola's pumping station*. Tab. 3: Trenutne in pričakovane obremenitve (PT.) čistilnih naprav in črpališča v Izoli*. Present winter load Present summer load Future winter load Future summer load Existing treatment capacity WWTP Koper 31,569 34,686 52,490 58,605 WWTP for 50,000 PE WW1P Piran 14,953 27,101 17,780 32,980 WWTP for 30,000 PL Izola outlet 19,575 23,195 22,330 29,530 none ■'Future loads on wastewater treatment plants estimated or) the base of demographic industrial and tourism development, "Priiiikovane obremenKve cistilnih naprav ocenjcne na osnovi demografskili kazalcev, razvoja ¡¡idusirije in turizma. Some present and future preliminary individual loads on wastewater treatment plants Koper and Piran as well as on Izola outlet have been calculated separately for summer and winter, since summer loads are higher due to the increase of tourist population (Tab. 3). Future loads on wastewater treatment plants have been estimated by contribution of potential future connections to VVWTP-s. These potential factors are population, industrial and tourism development. A net 0.5% population increase per year has been estimated according to the review of Demographic analyses. The contribution to the wastewater treatment plants of pollution originating from the industries is based on figures from the report as performed by IF! Engineering (1999), the pilot testing project in Izola performed by BIO-TEHNA (1991), and the future policies concerning the connection of industrial wastewater to the public wastewater treatment plants. 245 ANNALES - Ser. Iiist. nat. - 11 • 2001 - 2 (25) Valentina TURK, Branko POTOČNIK; POLLUTION HOT SPOrs ANO SENSITIVE AREAS ALONG THE SLOVENIAN COAST, 2*9-252 Assessment of the pollution level Estimated yearly freshwater input into the Gulf of Trieste from the Slovenian coast is 206.x10'Jm3. The total quantity of urban and industrial wastewaters is 11x106 mVyear, taking account that the existing flow measurements contain rain water as well as intrusion seawater. The gross fluxes of some pollutants have been estimated for the entire region according to the available data of mean annual concentration and flow rates. The estimated yearly input from the wastewater treatment plants Koper and Piran, and Izola outlets is presented in tables 4a and 4b and for rivers in labies 5a and 5b The Ri2ana and BadaJevica rivers are the main pollution hot spots according to data and criteria of severity of effects on public health, drinking water quality, recreation, other beneficial uses (transportation, sport activities, aquaculture), and aquatic life (including biodi versity). For the inner part of the Bay of Koper the pollution loads were estimated from data collected at the sampling stations at both rivers, and at the outlet of primary treated sewage of the WVVTP Koper. The estimated gross flux for suspended solids is 1231 t/y, for nitrogen 710 t/y, for phosphorous 23 t/y (Tabs. 4a, 5a), and for heavy metals, such as nickel 2.7 t/y, zinc 2-2 t/y, copper 1.0 t/y and 0.7 t/y for lead (Tabs. 4b, 5bh Both hot spots having mixed sources of pollution account for 56% of total BODs load and 63% for COD. Much lower inputs were estimated for the Bay of Piran for total suspended solids 322 t/y, for total nitrogen 1 53 t'Y, for total phosphorous 9.3 t/y, 0.14 t/y for nickel, 0.6 t/y for zinc, 0.38 t/y for copper and 0.13 t/y for lead (Tabs. 4, 5). Sites of biological and ecological value Various economic activities have developed over roughly 80 % of Slovenia's coastline, leaving only about 8 km (20 %! of the coast in its natural state. It is obvious that even on these few kilometers we can not speak of true naturalness since there are numerous indirect and direct impacts from various human activities due to sewage and industrial outlets, traffic and other activities on the urbanized part of the coastal area. Direct impacts on the remaining parts of the natural coastline are derived mainly from tourism (leisure boat traffic, anchoring), fishing and collecting mussels. Salt-pans, fiysch cliffs and solitary lime rocks are important littoral ecosystems in terms of biodiversity. The list of landscape parks, nature reserves, and nature monuments of great importance needing protection for their natural assets and biological diversity is presented in table 6 (Turk & Odonco, 1993; Turk & Vukovic, 1994; Turk, 1999). Tab. 4a: The gross flux of some pollutants estimated on the effluent data for the year 2000. Tab. 4a: Celoten vnos nekaterih polutantov, ocenjen na osnovi meritev odpadnih voda v letu 2000. Loads Flow rate(m'/y) Pollutants COD BOD, TotN Tot P TSS FC* Det (t/y) (t/v> (i/y) ft/y) (t/y) (No./tOO ml) (t/y) WVVTP Koper 4.7 X 10* 2054 583 126 14.6 662 6.3 X 105 12.4 WVVTP Piran 2.7 X 10" 594 270 92 8.1 270 1.4 X 10' 5.4 IZOLA 3.1 X 10s 1976 641 88 16.2 641 2.4 X 10' 5.1 DELAMARÍS 8.2 X 10" 399 16 15 2.0 91 0.3 Total 1.1 X 10 5023 1658 321 40.9 1664 23.2 1 mean concentration ol seasonal measurements * srednja koncentracija sezonskih meritev Tab. 4b: The gross flux of selected heavy metals estimated from seasonal measurements of effluents during the year 2000. Tab. 4b: Celoten vnos izbranih težkih kovin, ocen/en na osnovi sezonskih meritev odpadnih voda v letu 2000. Loads Heavy metals Hg Cd Pb Zn Cu Ni (kR/v) (kg/y) (WS/v) (ks/y) (ks/y) tkg/y) WWTP Koper 0.804 47.3 236.0 520.5 236.0 47.3 WW T P Piran 0.440 13.5 21.6 602.3 280.9 27.0 IZOLA 1.257 46.0 61.3 953.5 371.0 24.5 DELAMARIS 0.021 0.41 0.6 0.018 5.9 1.88 Total 2.5 107 319 2076 888 99 246 ANNALES - Ser. hist. nal. • It • 2001 • 2 (25) Valentina TURK, Orarlo POTOČNIK: POUUTION HOT SPOTS AND SENSITIVE AREAS ALONG THE SLOVENIAN COAST, 239.252 Tab. 5a: The gross flux of some pollutants estimated from the riverine inflow data along the Slovenian coastline for the year 2000. Tab. 5a: Celoten vnos nekaterih polutantov, ocenjen na osnovi podatkov rečnih vnosov vzdolž obale Republike Slovenije v letu 2000. Flow rate Pollutants Loads (m'/y) COD 1 SOD, TotN TotP TSS Det FC* (t/y) (t/y) (t/y) (t/y) (t/v) (t/v) (No./lOO mi) l\i?3na 1.5 x 10" 2138 688 547 7.4 507 2.3 70,000 Badasevica 1.0 x 107 909 47 38 0.5 112 1.0 33,000 Dragonja 3.0 x Î07 85 9 9 0.1 10 0.02 680 Drnica 1.6 x 10' 602 28 52 1.1 42 0.3 1860 Total 1.69 x 10" 3734 772 645 9.1 671 3.6 * maximum concenlraEion of seasonal measurements * najvišja koncpntra<-ij2 Tab. 7: Identification of hot spots along Sloevenian coast according to ranking system (1- no effect; 6- extreme effects) and the importance of the effects (depending grade*) nn public health, drinking water quality, recreation, other beneficial uses, aquatic life (including biodiversity), economical and welfare (UMEf/WHO, 1999). Tab. 7: Razvrstitev žarišč onesnaženja vzdolž obale Republike Slovenije glede na stopnjo (1- brez vpliva; 6- najvišja stopnja) in pomen vpliva (*) na zdravje ljudi, na kakovost pitne vode, na kakovost vode za rekreacijo in druge namene, na kvaliteto življenja (vključno z biodiverziteto), na ekonomijo in naravne dobrine (UNFP/WHO, 1999). Name Type Public Health Drinking Water Quality 1 £ a er < Recreation \ i I Other Beneficial use Welfare and economy Weighted total Category Nature of investment ay (0.9V (0.7)* (0.8)* (0.8)* (0.7)* Rizana river Domestic, Industria! 3 1 3 5 4 5 16.7 C WWTP extension + sewage system reconstruction Izola Domestic, Industrial 3 1 3 5 4 4 16.0 C WWTP construction + sewage system reconstruction Badaíevica Domestic, Industrial 3 i 3 4 4 3 14.5 D See Rizana river and WWTP Koper WWTP extension + Piran Domestic 3 1 3 4 3 1 12.3 D sewage system reconstruction Dragonja Domestic, Agricultural 2 1 7 •> 2 8.9 F 1999). Being aware of the severe pressure of conflict activities, an integrated coastal management programs (Malacic eí al.. 1994, 1995; Slovenian coastal zone management - Report 1996) and other activities (MalaCiC et al., 2000) have been already developed and proposed in the coastal region. in order to solve the problem of municipal and industrial wastewater, an appropriate management project Iras to be implemented tor a long-term solution of pollution in the region. The future projects should provide a determination of the most cost-effective integrated investment solution for sewage collection and wastewater treatment facilities for the municipalities of Koper, Izola and Piran. The project should cover the preparation of detailed technical specifications tor the most cost-effective investment projects and the completion of ail the necessary project documentation, such as an identi ficatson of the optimal locations for the new wastewater treatment plants, an evaluation of the environmental impacts of the proposed facilities, and the Environmental Impact Assessment. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful for helpful comments of A. Malej and reviewers, as well as co-workers from J. 5tefan Institute, Department of Environmental Science, Ljubljana and National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station Piran collaborating in the National monitoring programme of Slovenia. This work was supported by UNEP/MAP Coordinating Unit for the Mediterranean Action Plan and the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia (project no. 252100-200026). 249 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. 11 2001 • 2 (25) Valentina 7URK, Rr.inko POTOČNI?" POUUTTON! HO T 5POTS ANL1 SENsTllVf ARrAS AlONG T1-1 F. 5I.OVFNiA,\ COAST, 239-252 ŽARIŠČA ONESNAŽENJA !N OBČUTLJIVA OBMOČJA VZDOLŽ OBALE REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE Valentina TURK Morska biološka postaja, Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Si-6330 Piran, Pornače 41 Branko POTOČNIK Komunala Koper, d.o.o,, Si-6000 Koper, Ul. 15. maja 4 POVZETEK Žarišča onesnaženja slovenskega obrežnega pasu in občuljiva območja smo določili na osnovi dolgoletnih podatkov onesnaženja s kopnega in kvalitete obalnega morja po metodologiji in priporočilih Agencije združenih narodov za okolje {UNEPAVHO). Upoštevali smo kriterije naravnih značilnosti morskega okolja Tržaškega zaliva kot ekološke celote severnega Jadrana, vplive številnih dejavnosti in pritiskov s kopnega, ki ogrožajo ekosistem, zdravje ljudi in ekonomski razvoj. Vnos nekaterih polutantov v obalno morje Republike Slovenije smo ocenili na osnovi razpoložljivih podatkov kvalitete in kvantitete komunalnih in industrijskih odplak, srednjih letnih vrednosti izmerjenih koncentracij izbranih polutantov, pretoka rek in čistilnih naprav ali črpališč za leto 2000. Najbolj obremenjeno je območje notranjega dela Koprskega zaliva, kamor se izlivajo odpadne vode koprske čistilne naprave in reki Rižana in Badaševica. Ocena letnega vnosa za lebdeče delce je 1281 ton, 710 ton za dušik in 23 ton za fosfor, razmeroma visok je tudi vnos nekaterih težkih kovin in mikroorganizmov tekalnega izvora. Kakovost obalnega morja lahko izboljšamo le z omejevanjem onesnaževanja, ohranjanjem naravnih delov obale, nadzorom nad različnimi dejavnostmi in pravilno zastavljenim razvojem tega prostora. Med prioritete zmanjševanja onesnaževanja sodi vsekakor sanacija komunalnih in industrijskih odplak ter graditev ustreznih čistilnih naprav in izpustov. 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