GEOLOGICAL MAP OF THE IDRIJA - CERKJANSKO HILLS BETWEEN STOPNIK AND ROVTE 1 : 25 000 Ivan Mlakar and Jože Čar, 2009, Geological Survey of Slovenia ISBN 978-961-6498-16-6 (map) explanatory book to the MAP: GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE IDRIJA-CERKNO HILLS Jože Čar, 2010, Geological Survey of Slovenia, 125pp, Paperback ISBN 978-961-6498-21-0 (monograph) Price for both: 30,00 EUR At the end of 2009 the Geological Survey of Slovenia published an excellent geological map of the Idrija - Cerkjansko Hills between Stopnik and Rovte 1:25000 by Ivan Mlakar and Jože Čar. In September 2010 the map was followed by an explanatory book with the title Geological Structure of the Idrija-Cerkno Hills written by Jože Čar. Main components of the new map are the results of detailed geological mapping by Ivan Mlakar in the 1960s and 1970s, on a scale of 1:5000 and partially at 1: 10 000 and paper on Nappe structure of the Idrija - Žiri region that was published in Geologija (1969). That paper was a fundamental work on the geological structure of the Idrija - Cerkljansko and Rovtarsko Hills, with explanations of the structures and thrusts of western Slovenia. Additional geological mapping at the scale of 1:5000 was done by many other geologists who are listed in the explanatory book Introduction, and Jože Čar, who was the main protagonist of the mapping. The map represents very well done basic geological mapping, with expressed lithological-structural elements accompanied by extensive interpretation that goes beyond the usual interpretation. The scale 1:250000 has proved to be very good for expressing very complicated geological structures. Also the quality of digital cartography, detail drawings and print is excellent. Explanatory Book to the map: Geological Structure of the Idrija-Cerkno Hills, written by Jože Čar on 125 pages, presents in the Slovene language a long tradition of geological explorations in the Idrija region, geographical position of the researched area and a review of previous geological research. The main part of the book comprises litho-stratigraphy and tectonics of the research area with emphasis on description of mapped units from Carbon to Eocene and complex tectonic structure. There is also a chapter on karst and mineral resources in the area with detailed geology of the Idria mercury ore deposit, a chapter on geological evolution of the region, a list of new statements and supplements and a list of available literature connected to the geology of the area. The map and book are available from the Geological Survey of Slovenia ( Nadja zupan Hajna ACTA CARSOLOGICA 39/3, 605, POSTOJNA 2010