RMZ - Materials and Geoenvironment, Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 2127-2133, 2004 2127 Possibilities of modelling surface movements in GIS in the Kosice Depression, Slovakia Vladimîr Sedlàk Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control & Geotechnologies, Institute of Geodesy & Geographical Information Systems, Department of Geographical Information Systems, Park Komenského 19, SK-04384 Kosice, Slovakia, E-mail: vladimir.sedlak@tuke.sk Received: September 23, 2004 Accepted: December 10, 2004 Abstract: It is necessary to understand the geo-tectonic recent movements and landslides and mining subsidence of the earth surface and the earth crust movements as a natural continuation of dynamic tectonic processes. Determined movements by means of using the geodetic terrestrial or satellite navigation technologies give information about displacements in concrete time information on the base of repeated geodetic measurements in the concrete time intervals. 3D deformation investigation of the point of the monitoring station stabled in Kosice-city and the Kosice Depression territory in East Slovakia is the main task of the presented paper. The obtained results are transformed into GIS (Geographical Information Systems) in a frame of the environmental protection. Keywords: 3D deformations, GPS, geo-tectonic movements, mine subsidence, landslides, GIS. I. Introduction The terrestrial and GPS (Global Positioning System) measurements are realised on points of the geodetic network (GN) localised in the Kosice Depression, Slovakia (Figures I and 2). The aim of these measurements is to determine recent geo-tectonic movements, landslides and subsidence of the earth surfaces caused by underground mine activity in the urban agglomeration of Kosice-city. The terrestrial and GPS measurements are periodically realised twice a year (spring and autumn). Altogether, 20 points of GN are measured by means of using the trigonometric and GPS kinematics method. The determined GN points are solved by double GPS vector technology always regarding two ref- erence points, i.e. three GPS receivers are used for measurements. The main tectonic fault in the Kosice Depression, according to which two expressive geological faults of the Earth ground blocks should move, is assumed in the north-south direction along the river Hornad. The secondary tectonic faults of smaller extent are in the direction perpendicular to the Hornad fault, i.e. in the east-west direction. These secondary tectonic faults are mutually parallel. The landslides are expected in the territory of Kosicka Nova Ves closed to Kosice-city. The mining subsidence is occurred in the Kosice-Bankov forest park, which is situated in the magnesite underground mine Kosice-Bankov Scientific paper 2128 Sedlák, V. (Figures I and 2) (Frajt & Misovic, 2001, measurements. The non-linear rotary matrix Sedlák, 2000, Sedlák et al. 2001, 2004). method was applied to the adjustment. After transformation, the coordinates were con-The GPS receivers ASHTECH: ProMARK secutively adjusted by an adjustment with X-CM and the total stations TOPCON: GTS constraints (Frajt & Misovic, 2001, Sedlák 6A were used for satellite and terrestrial et al., 2001, 2004). Figure I. The Kosice Depression GN (GPS measurements). 2. Deformation analysis The Kosice Depression GN can be adjusted by two ways. If we consider datum parameters as absolutely accurate and we do not include them into an adjustment process, the adjustment with constraints is considered in this case. In fact, those datum parameters are also determined with a concrete accuracy that has an influence on an accuracy of adjustment parameters except for measurement accuracy. In this case a network can be adjusted by a free adjustment with consideration of datum parameters. Regarding the applied confinement adjustment in the Kosice Depression GN a theoretic procedure of this adjustment is presented, which is the most convenient for our national geodetic (Frajt 8 Misovic, 2001, Sedlak et al., 2001, 2004). RMZ-M&G 2004, SI Possibilities of modelling surface movements in GIS in the Kosice Depression, Slovakia 2129 The least mean square method is chosen as an estimate principle, and the inverse solution is chosen as a mathematical principle (Gauss-Markov model), which is a standard procedure in an adjustment of the Kosice Depression GN. After adjustment the position and form of GN are changed but the datum point positions are not changed (datum points are considered as absolutely accurate). Analysis of deformations is realized through the following basic phases: • Measurement of the GN points in the first - base period and determination coordinate estimates. • Measurement of the GN points in the further period and determination co-ordinate estimates. • Determination of the position differences and their testing. REFERENCE POINTS OBJECT POINTS \ / INDIVIDUAL TEST M. 'ELIMINATE ORN TRANSPOSITION UNSTABLE REFERENCE POINTS AMONG OBJECT POINTS GLOBAL TEST INDIVIDUAL TEST 'OBJECT POINTSx WITH OR WITHOUT MOVEMENTS V OBJECT POINTS*"* WITHOUT MOVEMENTS . NUMERICAL AND GRAPHICAL ■ REPRESENTATION Figure 3. Test decision procedure. RMZ-M&G 2004, SI 2130 Sedlâk, V. The test decision procedure for appreciating the stability of points is demonstrated in Figure 3. At first, the global test for reference points is made. If the test is positive, unstable points are transposed to the object points. The test of object points is similar. The stable and unstable points are determined by an individual test (Sedlâk, 2000). The least mean square method is chosen as an estimation principle, and the inverse solution is chosen as a mathematical principle (Gauss-Markov model), which is a standard procedure in an adjustment of the Kosice Depression GN. After adjustment the position and form of GN are changed, but the datum point positions are not changed (datum points are considered as absolutely accurate). 2.1 Graphical representation and analysis of accuracy vidual periods by graphical representation in the following epochs: • The isolines and vectors of movements (2D) in the period of two years since 1997 to 1999. • The isolines and vectors of movements (2D) in the period of two years since 1999 to 2001. • The isolines and vectors of movements (2D) in the period of the years since 1997 to 2001 (Figure 4). It is evident, the biggest movement occurred in the Kosice-Bankov and Kosicka Nova Ves territory. It was verified by the deformation tests. The numerical values (WGS-84) of the horizontal and vertical movements of terrestrial and GPS measurements are shown in Table 1. The points: KN2, KN3, 33, 112, 220, which changed their position according to the used test-statistics, are colour marked. The condition of observed points is transparently and completely displayed in indi- The confidence ellipses, which cover non-random vectors parameter, were determined Figure 4: Isolines and deformation vectors, 1997 - 2001 epoch. RMZ-M&G 2004, SI Possibilities of modelling surface movements in GIS in the Kosice Depression, Slovakia 2133 for each of the object points. The spectral analysis cofactor matrix of the co-ordinate estimate determines the structural parameters of the confidence ellipses. Table I. The deformation (2D & ID) vector values and the vector bearings. Object points 1997 -1999 1999 - 2001 1997 - 2001 Sp[m] 0