Vojko Kilar AR 2014/1 ZAKLJUČNO POROČILO O DELU, TRAJNOSTNO OBLIKOVANJE KVALITETNEGA BIVALNEGA OKOLJA Prispevki sodelavcev v okviru projekta Tadeja Zupančič IZZIVI IN PRILOŽNOSTI ARHITEKTURE MODERNIZMA CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES OF MODERNIST ARCHITECTURE POVZETEK Programska skupina Fakultete za arhitekturo se intenzivno povezuje v mednarodne raziskovalne tokove. V pričujočem prispevku izpostavljam rezultate razprav v programski skupini, ki so posledica sodelovanja v evropskem SEE projektu ATRIUM - 'Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes of the 20th century in Urban Management'. Ideja evropske kulturne poti, razvita kot eden ključnih rezultatov omenjenega projekta, je v programski skupini sprožila diskusijo o priložnostih, ki jih ta ideja ponuja za zaščito in razvoj arhitekture modernizma na Slovenskem, še posebej v luči kulturne dimenzije trajnostnega prostorskega razvoja. Kulturna pot v tem primeru povezuje tako bolj ali manj zapuščene kot tudi drugače 'problematične' prostore, bolj ali manj obremenjene z mnogoterostjo zgodovinskega spomina jugovzhodne Evrope. Po drugi strani pa se problem zaščite in razvoja povojne modernistične arhitekturne dediščine v Sloveniji kaže v pomanjkanju sredstev za obnovo, kar izhaja med drugim tudi iz pomanjkanja zavedanja o možnostih, ki jih ponuja kulturni turizem (slika 1). V programski skupini smo torej razvili kritično-refleksivno raven omenjenega projekta, ki jo je izzvala priprava priročnika za upravljanje z obravnavano dediščino dvajsetega stoletja [Zupančič, T. et.al. - eds., 2013]. Prvi rezultati refleksije so bili objavljeni v reviji 'Architecture & Urbanism' [Ifko, S., Juvančič, M., Zupančič, T., 2013], kjer smo slovensko povojno modernistično dediščino obravnavali kot turistični produkt. Rezultati druge faze razmisleka pa so predstavljeni v reviji 'Architecture & Science' [Zupančič, T., 2014]. Tokratje izhodišče razmisleka sama ideja kulturne poti. Kaj se zgodi s splošnim, idealiziranim konceptom ob soočenju s tako občutljivim socio-prostorskim kontekstom? Odgovor smo poiskali v specifikaciji uveljavljenih splošnih kriterijev za opredelitev kulturne poti. Rezultati nadgrajujejo sistem spremljanja in vrednotenja kulturne poti, razvit v projektu ATRIUM, in sicer tako, da postaja kontekst kulturne poti nova priložnost za razvoj dediščine slovenskega modernizma. UPORABNOST REZULTATOV Rezultati sodijo k prvemu ključnemu cilju programa: prispevajo k razvoju sodobnih zasnov arhitekture in urbanizma, ki izhajajo iz posebnosti slovenske kulturne dediščine. Usmerjeni so torej k poglobljenemu poznavanju specifik arhitekturnega prostora v Sloveniji in k razvoju kritično- kreativne raziskovalne projektantske praske. SUMMARY The programme members collaborate in diverse international research consortia. This contribution is intended to emphasize the research discourse arising from the interaction of the program framework with the recently finished European SEE project ATRIUM-Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes of the 20th century in Urban Management. The concept of a European cultural route, developed as the main result of the project mentioned, is discussed in the programme group as one of potentials to protect and develop the modernist cultural heritage. The new European cultural route is developed from the abandoned and problematic places, more or less intensively associated with the diverse notions of totalitarian regimes of the 20th century in the South-Eastern Europe. The problem of the post-war modernist architectural heritage is addressed, facing the lack of resources for its renewal, deriving from the lack of awareness of the above-mentioned potentials (figure 1). The reflective meta-level to the project mentioned, developed in the programme, is challenged especially by the preparation of one of the key project deliverables: the Manual of wise management, preservation, reuse and economic valorisation of architecture of totalitarian regimes of the 20th century [Zupančič, T. et.al. -eds., 2013]. The first results of this reflection were published in the journal "Architecture & Urbanism" [Ifko, S., Juvančič, M., Zupančič, T., 2013], where the Slovenian post-war modernist architectural heritage was interpreted as a tourist product. The second stage of the development of this meta-level is presented in the magazine 'Architecture & Science' [Zupančič, T., 2014]. It is focused to the specification of the concept of the European cultural route. What happens to the general concept when faced with such sensitive challenges? The general criteria to develop a cultural route are taken as starting points for their re-interpretation within the sensitive context discussed. As a result, the key starting points for the monitoring and the evaluation system of the ATRIUM cultural route are upgraded and the cultural-route context as the opportunity for modernist architecture discussed. ISSUES AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE The results fit to the following program key topic: the development of contemporary concepts in architecture and urban design based on particularities of cultural heritage in Slovenia. Directed towards the in-depth knowledge of Slovenian architectural characteristics, they challenge critical creativity in design practice research interpretations. KLJUČNE BESEDE arhitektura, modernizem, urbanistično oblikovanje, upravljanje mesta KEY WORDS architecture, modernism, urban design, urban management REFERENCE ATRIUM - Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes of the 20th century in Urban Management http://www.atrium-see.eu/ . IFKO, Sonja, JUVANČIČ, Matevž, ZUPANČIČ-STROJAN, Tadeja. Slovenian post-war modemist architectural heritage as a tourist product = Architektonicke dedičstvo povojnoveho modernizmu v Slovinsku ako turisticky produkt. Architektura & urbanizmus, ISSN 0044-8680, 2013, vol. 47, no. 3/4, str. 183-199, ilustr. ZUPANČIČ-STROJAN, Tadeja (urednik), IFKO, Sonja (urednik), FIKFAK, Alenka (urednik), JUVANČIČ, Matevž (urednik), VEROVŠEK, Špela (urednik). Manual of wise management, preservation, reuse and economic valorisation of architecture of totalitarian regimes of the 20th century. Forli: Municipality; Ljubljana: Faculty of Architecture, 2013. 208 str., ilustr. ISBN 978961-6823-32-6. ZUPANČIČ-STROJAN, Tadeja. European cultural route as a new opportunity for the modernist cultural heritage. A&S Architecture & science, ISSN 2303-5404, 2014, vol. 1, no. 1, str. 67-78, ilustr. Slika 1: V mesto vtkane modernistične sledi 'revolucije' v Ljubljani (E. Ravnikar s sodelavci, 1960-1984, foto: T.Z.) Figure 1: Modernist traces of'revolution' in Ljubljana, interwoven with the city and its life (E. Ravnikar with collaborators, 1960-1984, photo: T.Z.) Alenka Fikfak RAZISKOVANJE POSELITVENIH VZORCEV IN MREŽENJE' V PROSTORU POVZETEK Številne študije o stanju in trendih prostorskega razvoja nudijo podporo razvoju politik v smeri uresničevanja ciljev teritorialne kohezije in skladnega razvoja ozemlja Evrope. Po drugi strani pa se v prostoru srečujemo z vprašanji vpliva globalizacije, socialnih in demografskih sprememb, ki nenadzorovano spreminjajo želje in potrebe prebivalcev in obiskovalcev. Zato je tudi v raziskovanju vse večji poudarek na oblikovanju scenarijev prostočasnih dejavnosti, rekreacije in turizma ter možnostih prilagajanja teh programov vse bolj spreminjajočemu povpraševanju. Vedno bolj se opušča tradicionalna organizacija poselitvene strukture na podeželju, ki se prilagaja sodobnemu načinu življenja, drugačnim poselitvenim strukturam, družbenim in demografskim spremembam [Mrak et al., 2013]. Prostorski posegi so vse bolj usmerjeni v trajnostno naravnane, bolj etične in odgovorne koncepte, ki ne vključujejo samo vprašanja varovanja okolja, ampak tudi kulturne, ekonomske in politične vidike trajnosti. Raziskovanje in razumevanje raznolikosti poselitvenih vzorcev (slika 2) za nadaljnji razvoj, s poudarkom na trajnosti razvoja, je proces, ki se ne osredotoča samo na gospodarski razvoj, temveč vključuje uravnotežen ekološki in družbeno-socialni razvoj. Izpostavljena je misel, da sodobna družba gradi na občutku za skupnost in skupne dolžnosti, torej socialni kapital kot 'življenjskost' družbe danes. Pri zagotavljanju socialne vzdržnosti (več zaupanja in sodelovanja, manj neenakosti) ne gre le za zagotavljanje, da se ohranja sedanja oblika, temveč se zagotavlja stalno izboljšanje tudi z gradnjo novih oblik skupnosti. Le ob zavedanju vsestranskih vplivov med človekom, tehnologijo, grajenim okoljem in naravnimi potenciali, z dobrim poznavanjem vseh dejavnikov in aktivnim delovanjem, je mogoče graditi kakovostno bivalno okolje ter obenem upoštevati načela trajnostnega razvoja [Čok et al., 2013]. Zato iskanje SUMMARY Policy development towards the realization of the objectives of territorial cohesion and coherent development of the European territory is supported by many studies exploring the situation and trends of spatial development. On the other hand, we are confronted with the impacts of globalisation, social, and demographic changes that uncontrollably affect the desires and needs of inhabitants and visitors. Hence, research, too, should devote more attention to scenario building related to leisure activities, recreation and tourism, and the possibility of adapting these programmes to the increasingly changing demands. The traditional settlement structure organisation in rural areas is increasingly being abandoned; it is adapting to the contemporary way of live, different settlement structures, social and demographic changes [Mrak et al., 2013]. Spatial interventions are increasingly focused on sustainable and ethical concepts, and concepts of accountability that address not only environmental protection, but also cultural, economic and political aspects of sustainability. Research and understanding of the diversity of settlement patterns (figure 2) forfurther development, with an emphasis on sustainable development, is a process that focuses not only on economic development, but it also includes balanced ecological and social development. Notably, the modern society builds on the sense of community and collective duty, i.e. social capital as the 'vitality' of the society today. Ensuring social sustainability (more trust and participation, less inequality) is thus not only a matter of ensuring that the current situation is preserved, but to continuously provide improvements, also by building new types of community. It is only by acknowledging the different interactions between man, technology, the built environment and natural potentials, with good knowledge of all factors and action, that we can build a good quality living environment, and consider the principles of sustainable development at the same time [Čok et al., 2013].