ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 13 • 2022 • 1 83 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROČILA IN OCENE, 77–84 REPORT ON THE EASS & ISSA 2022 WORLD CONGRESS OF SPORT SOCIOLOGY Tübingen, Germany, 7–10 June 2022 After two years of online conferences and uncertain times, the EASS (European Association of Sociology of Sports) and ISSA (International Sociology of Sport Asso- ciation) have joined forces to organise a joint World Congress of Sociology of Sport with the working title: Why Sociology Matters? The Role of Sociology of Sport in Interdisciplinary Research. Scholars from around the world pondered the question of why sociology and its very special relationship to society is hardly noticed. Sociology seems to have a reputa- tion problem, not only in the public and political contexts, but also in scientific research networks. The aim of this congress was therefore to provide a clearer insight into the complex descriptions of reality and to reveal the contradictions and inconsistencies in the common sense and everyday constructions that target the field of sport. The organiser of the congress was the University of Tübingen, together with the Institute of Sports Science of the University of Tübingen. At the three-day event, 230 papers were presented by over 350 authors in 10 sessions. Among the papers, the topics of depression and the deviant behaviour of elite athletes and coaches, and the impact of COVID-19 measures on sport participation and sport policy issues were the main topics of interest. The main key lectures: 1. Addressed the novelties in European football and its organisation in lectures presented by prof. Mark Turner, PhD (Against the European Super League: Re- ading this critical juncture for English and European football) and prof. David Webber PhD (Rewriting the future: Alternatives to ‘the present’ (and presence of) capitalist realism in elite European football) 2. Opened up new questions in the field of sport impact on the local community with the lectures: (Re)configuring for sport, volunteerism and the civil society landscape: Toward sustainable communities and capacity building in a post- -Olympic metropolis by prof. Niki Koutrou and prof. Geoffrey Kohe, Recipro- cation and Responsibility – “Giving Back” to Children and Youth in Community Organizations by prof. Christine Dallaire and Steph MacKay. The conference gave the expected impetus for further cooperation between rese- archers and their institutions, so we are looking forward to the next, 19th EASS Con- ference in 2023 with the working title: Transitioning Sport, Transitioning European Societies to be held in Budapest, Hungary on 30 May––2 June 2023. Saša Pišot 84 REPORTS AND REVIEWS/POROČILA IN OCENE, 77–84 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 13 • 2022 • 1 POROČILO S SVETOVNEGA KONGRESA SOCIOLOGIJE ŠPORTA EASS IN ISSA 2022 Tübingen, Nemčija, 7.–10. junij 2022 Po dveh letih spletnih konferenc in negotovih razmerah v času covida-19 sta EASS (Evropsko združenje za sociologijo športa) in ISSA (Mednarodno združenje za socio- logijo športa) združila moči in organizirala skupni svetovni kongres sociologije športa z delovnim naslovom Zakaj je sociologija pomembna? Vloga sociologije športa v in- terdisciplinarnem raziskovanju. Udeleženci z vsega sveta so razmišljali, zakaj sta sociologija in njen posebni odnos do družbe premalo opazna, saj se zdi, da ima sociologija težave z ugledom, ne le v jav- nem in političnem kontekstu, temveč tudi v znanstveno-raziskovalnih mrežah. Glavni namen tega kongresa je bil zato spodbuditi jasnejši vpogled v opise resničnosti, pro- tislovij in morebitnih nedoslednosti, ki se kažejo v »zdravo razumskih« in vsakdanjih konstrukcijah na področju športa. Organizator kongresa je bila univerza v Tübingenu skupaj z inštitutom za znanosti o športu univerze v Tübingenu. Na tridnevnem dogodku je več kot 350 avtorjev v desetih sekcijah predstavilo več kot 230 prispevkov. Med referati so bile v ospredju predvsem teme depresije, deviantnega vedenja vrhunskih športnikov in trenerjev in vpliv ukrepov za zajezitev covida-19 na participacijo v športu in pereča politična vprašanja s področja športa. Glavna vabljena predavanja so: 1. obravnavala novosti v evropskem nogometu in njegovi organizaciji, ki sta jih predstavila prof. dr. Mark Turner – Proti evropski superligi: (Kritičen trenutek za angleški in evropski nogomet) – in prof. David Webber – Rewriting the futu- re: alternativa »sedanjosti« (in prisotnosti) kapitalističnega realizma v elitnem evropskem nogometu; 2. odpirala nova vprašanja na področju vpliva športa in politik na lokalno skupnost s predavanji prof. Niki Koutroua in prof. Geoffreya Koheja – (Re)configuring for sport, volunteerism and the civil society landscape: Na poti k trajnostnim skupnostim in krepitvi zmogljivosti v post-olimpijski metropoli – ter predava- njem Reciprocation and Responsibility – »Giving Back« to Children and Youth in Community Organizations, ki sta ga pripravila prof. Christine Dallaire in Steph MacKay. Konferenca je pričakovano spodbudila nadaljnje sodelovanje med raziskovalci in njihovimi institucijami, zato se že veselimo naslednje, 19. konference EASS 2023 z delovnim naslovom Transitioning Sport, transitioning European societies, ki bo od 30. maja do 2. junija 2023 potekala v Budimpešti. Saša Pišot