Od tedna do tedna CHAMBERLAIN JE ZA¬ MAN ROMAL V RIM Angelski premij er Chamber¬ lain je sicer, po vseh znamenjih sodeč, naj večji optimist pod solncem, ker verjame ali se vsaj j dela, da verjame, da je mogoče živeti v miru s fašističnimi dik¬ tatorji, ampak ko je pretekli te¬ den romal v Italijo na razgo¬ vore z Mussolinijem, je z njim romala tudi njegova slovita ma- rela. In pesimizem je bil gotovo upravičen z diplomatskega sta- j lišče, ako ne z vremenskega. Uradni komunikeji, ki so bili objavljeni tekom rimskih razgo-j vorov, so značilni v poglavitnem j VOLUME III. Cleveland, Ohio, January 18th, 1939 This issue in two sections NUMBER 129 T)opisi in poročila članstva Koledar prireditev SSPZ DVE LEPI PRIREDBI DRUŠTVA ŠT. 181 PETEK, 20. januarja — Za- pa tudi, da v času suspendacije f )ara /„ f ry ” društva “Slo- v- e 4 i niste upravičeni cfb bolniške pod- Žne sestre,” št. 120, C LEV E- Kongres znižal dajatve za relifna dela Poiver Point, Ohio. — Dolž- vsled tega, ker nič ne povedo. V j nost me veže, da se zahvalim SMRTNA KOSA Harmarville, Pa. — D .... januarja se je v Hanvicku pri, P°i' e - Plačate lahko na se.ii, ki se L AND, O., v prizidku S. A. Do- , v delu v premogovniku smrtno j vrSe vsako tretjo nedelj o ob pol- ma v pomoč kegljavskemu Mu- \ J.011J1 SO glaSOVall Za StedllJO na faCUn njih se sicer ni priznalo, da je bila konferenca fiasko ,ampak v njih tudi ni ničesar o dosegi spo- vsem članom in članicam dru¬ štva št. 181, ker so tako mar¬ ljivo delali za uspeh naše pri- razuma glede dveh najvažnejših j re dbe na starega leta večer. Za- problemih: italijanskem sporu hvalim se tudi vsemu občinstvu s Francijo in pa italijanski vde- 0 d blizu in daleč, ki nas je po-1 ležbi v španski civilni vojni. setilo na ta večer in pripomoglo' ponesrečil Joseph Komatz. Po kcjni je bil rojen leta 1886 v va si Soča na Primorskem. V Ame- jriko je prišel pred 26 leti. V i društvo št. 196 SSPZ je stopil desetih zjutraj v starem poslop- . ju S. N. Doma, št.,4, ali pa na SOBOTA, 28. JANUARJA— mojem naslovu: 1090 E. 74 St. Veselica društva št. 102, BON ljudske mizerije navzlic protestom od strani Roosevelta v decembru 1926. Bil je med ustanovitelji tega društva in tu-; John Turk, tajnik. AIR, PA., v lokalni dvorani. - SOBOTA, 14. JANUARJA— - DRUTVO ŠT 117 Banket društva št. 140, SLO- Nakljub temu, da nihče ne za- Zupani velikih mest niso za tako VAN, PA., ob 8. ure zvečer v nikuje, da je danes v Ameriki še “štednjo” dvorani S. Tomicha. vedno najmanj deset milijonov p 0 i 0 žaj, ki je s tem nastal, pa SOBOTA, 4. februarja — Ve- oseb brez dela, in nakljub temu, navzlic svo jj tragičnosti ni brez E velet h, Mimi. — Na letni Neuspeh rimske konference J do boljšega uspehah. Bodite za- * ^^ni^^t^e J l a ^ Tkcembrnf dvorani Sn"! ki za objektivne opazovalce se- j gotovljeni, da bomo o priliki do svo f e smrti J K ako f* bn i^olien šledečTodb^ 100, PULL- ida je predsednik Roosevelt par komedije, župani velikih mest, veda ni nič nepričakovanega, je uslugo povrnili. je bil priljubljen med vsemi, ki za ’i et o 1939: predsednik John M AA,ILL., vStancikovi dvora- m popi k' so neposredno odgovorni za Francijo odel z oblaki pesimiz- j Na sveti večer pa nas je obis- SQ ga poznali> ie bi i 0 razvidno Usnik podpredsednik Frank Ce- TA , . A ?! '1^, brezposelne mase m so v dnevni ma. Mednarodno poznani fran- kal Santa Claus. Naš Vrtec je iz cvetUc> ki so bUe položene rar, tajnik in blagajnik Rudolph i „ ^/7 ooslanSa Tbomtee z^zne^a' 8Uki " prob !?^° m rel . ifa ’ S ° b f Z coski komentator Pertmax opo- namreč priredil party na ta ve- h ip o o ral e iz obiskov in r n 7 ;i "is FUv, Avp uvoiotu Drustvo Balkan, st. 24, MIL-, poslanska zbornice z\ezne„a 0Zlva na po hti Cno pripadnost o- zarja, da se ni odprto sovražni čer. Bilo je malo po osmi zve- obilne Udeležbe pri pogrebu ki Mimi' zanisnikar Phil in Peritž tVAUKEE, W1S., priredi doma- kongresa prošli petek odsekala goročeni nad početjem kongre- . 1 obilne vaeiezoe pri pogreDu, ki lVlinn., zapismkai 1 hilip Peritz; „ s „ w™. 150 mili ionov dnlnnAv od velif- .„ _ .... in skiajno izza alm ton Italijan-j cer, ko se zaslisi cingljanje, P°- se j e vršil dne 7. januarja in in društveni zdravnik dr. F. tem pa se odpro vrata in notri s - cer _ p 0 civilnih odredih. Kotchevar. stopi sam Miklavž, oprtan z ve- Pokojni br. Komatz je imel Prva seja v letu se je vršila likim košem. Kar je bilo botjg iroko p 0 znans t V G tudi izven na- 15. januarja v običajnih prosto-, Administracije je v pričakova u ' še naselbine ter bil tudi član rih. Opozarjam, da kdor ne bo /> e / Domu na 437 Liver’ SOBOTA, 18. FEBRUARJA j ciranega budžeta izvršili atentat | koma -i dvema mesecema hodil po skega časopisja niti najmanj spremenil, in da Mussolini na¬ vzlic ponovnim zagotovilom, “gentlemanskemu sporazumu” iz januarja 1937 in aglo-itali- janski pogodbi iz aprila minule¬ ga leta, da se bo odpoklicalo ita¬ lijanske vojake iz Španije, na tem sestanku ni hotel niti oblju¬ biti, da se bo to zgodilo, kadar bi bili lojalisti poraženi na boj¬ nem polju. Novo stališče Mus¬ solinija je, da morajo Italijani ostati v Španiji, dokler ne bo “boljševizem” tam do korenike iztrebljen. Z drugimi besedami: rani (v spodnjem prostoru). ne postavke, katero je adminis- župan Burton, ki je republika- SOBOTA, 11. FEBRUARJA trki j a predložila kongresu. neC) apeliral na ohijske republi- — Pl A£A™“ U %J2* tVa ' ! , Št ' Administracije je v pričakova- kance v kongresu, da naj v tem majhnih otrok, so se malo u- še nase i bine ter bil tudi član rih." Opozarjam, da'kdor ne bo i DETROIT MICI!., v . blov ‘ nju, da kdo torlji pri tem zase- j VOg\edu podpirajo predsednika strašili, misleč si, kaj bo zdaj— SNPJ) WS DBF in par drugih plačal asesmenta o pravem Ča-T'L ™™ ? A™t Jl\ danju v imenu štednje in balan- j? n to .- ,e lstl zu P an ’ ki je pred ali nas morda v tisti svoj koš k i ubov . Bil je oženjen ter za- su kot določajo pravila, bo sus-i pobaše? Saj je še mene malo p U šg a ženo, sina, hčer in dve 1 pendiran. Z bratskim pozdra-i <•/ zaskrbelo, ampak če bi kaj ta- sestri v Ameriki. Josepha Ko- ‘ vom, ' ’ kega poskusil, bi se mu gotovo matza bomo pri društvu težko naramnice potrgale in bi se zna- pogrešali in ostal nam bo v traj¬ nem spominu. Lahka ti bodi Plesna veselica d r u št v a j 0.3, SHEBOV- šel v zadregi. Ko sem na to po- 1 . mislila, me je takoj minil strah. | ameriška zem lja, dragi brat. No, zgodilo se ni nič hudega ne j družini pa izrekamo od društva meni ne našim malim. Santa je j g loga) št 196 g i obo ko sožalje NA PULLMANU BO VESELICA prijazno povabil mladino da naj pridejo k njemu. Člani Vrtca so Mussolini sploh nima namena ; mu zapeb v pozdrav božično pe- umakniti se Španije. sem, potem pa je začel deliti darila mednje. Ko je bil koš Razumljivo je, da to zlasti Franciji dela skrbi, kajti če se Mussolini vgnezdi v Španiji, bo imela sovražnika v Pirenejih, in kadar bi Mussolini s španskega ozemlja začel v vojaškimi ope¬ racijami proti Tuniziji, bi se o- na znašla v vse prej kot zavi- SKUPNA DRUŠTVA Cleveland, O. — Sedaj, ko smo ' l J ' U” ", se novemu letu malo privadili, prazen, stegne Miklavž roko , . , , . ’ pod božično drevo in razdeli Je cas zopet tukaj da vabim vse tam pripravljena darila. Tukaj m zastopnice Skup- . , . mh društev, da se gotovo vdele- smo bili deležni tudi mi starej- „ ’ Pullman-Chicago, lil. — čla-| Anton Flisek, tajnik. nom članicam društva št. 100 _ -'naznanjam, da na naši''zadnji seji se je precej obširno razmo- trivalo o veselici, ki se bo vršila 4. februarja v Tancikovi dvora¬ ni, le žal, da vdeležba članstva na seji ni bila večja. Bili smo na¬ vzoči isti kot navadno. Vsem onim, ki se seje niso vdeležili, že seje, katera se vrši v soboto i £ ore j sporočam, da je bilo skle-i dne 21 . januarja ob osmih zve¬ na relifne dajatve, že naprej j škodili in urgiral izvolitev re- , ..znatno znižala tozadevno po . I publikancev v kongres. Rudolph Bazil tajnik ^ ^ F/urfer/,,Aoi;f stavko. Gotovo niti njene šte- V kladnih številkah pomeni __ ’ dvorani, 8,lo Indiana Ave. vilke njs0 odgovarjale dejan-1 akd i a kongresa, da bo od treh skim potrebam. Ampak torij i s ! milijonov oseb, ki so danes za- i tem niso bili zadovolji. poslene pri IVPA, izgubilo delo in zaslužek pol milijona, med- Prcdlof/ za redukcijo sprejet z te m ko je administracija na pod- orjromno večino lagi postavke, katero je ona V Alleghenv Gounty Home, v Relifna predloga 'admniišfFa-' P rei dl°žrla računala le na odslo- Pennsylvaniji, je 11. januarja, ^ cij . e j e predvidevala, *da se za do-: vitev 130 tisoč relifnikov. umrl 76 letni ANTON MER-; bo ( j 0 j julija določi vsota 875! LAK. Pokojni je bil rojen v Bis-j m iiij onov dolarjev, ampak kon-! MllilSldo lil D O I ZJ1 tri pri Vrhniki v Sloveniji. Bil | p. rps _p • sn ji, - w onvpipli aHon ! P n _ v rnniKi v oioveniji. m*; g resniki so ter sprejeli sklep, je tu oženjen in spadal je k diu- j c j a 725 milijonov dolarjev zado-! štvu štev. 55 SSPZ, Broughton, j s tuje. Apeli, da bi vsaj demo - 1 Pa., od leta 1912. | kratje stali ob strani predsedni¬ ka so bili bob ob steno. Predlog obrambo V svojem rojstnem mestu, v: za rec j ukc jj 0 relifa je bila spre- danja vrednem položaju. Med- ganizacijc, in da tem pa Francovi fašisti z vso si- vs j dečki in deklice lo pritiskajo na katalonski fron- idejam svojih staršev ti in resno ogrožajo Barcelono ijevali z njihovim samo. Jasno je, da ako fašizem k j er bodo oni nehali. Pa oblju- ši. Predno je Santa odšel, nam je naredil lep govor. Rekel je,! “ ne ^V ,aiIUiirjit 1 ou . os “ l “ 1 7 Vti 'i n jeno, da mora vsak član kupiti,, , ^ ^ ^ . , „ -__ da ga veseli, ker ima SSPZ mla-!^® r v stare " 1 poslopju . MD na vstopnico in za 50c pivskih list- Cleve kmdu, O., je dne lo^ jam j jeta z ogromno večino 397 gl dino, ki se tako zanima za or- ^ Clair Ave ' Na , tej se , J1 bo ikov. Izvzeti so le bolni člani.' PL e “JL n ^_ 21I ^ m RUD 0 LPI J! sov proti 16 stre republikanski režim v Špa¬ niji, ne bo prepozno samo za Francijo, temveč tudi za Angli- dosti; član je postal takoj po iz¬ polnitvi prvega rojstnega dne. j bomo imeli kranjske klobase in bili ie da nas »rihodnii božič ^ VC1 ie prva seja v letu, pio- jZa p j eg ko jg ra j na g dobro po¬ mil je, cia nas prinoanji Dozic sim vse zasto pnike in zastopni-m PlIPol . zopet obišče. Torej zbogom San- , j. t znam Joseph Pucel, o katerem 1 j o qq gQ gotovo navzoči, KaKoi i vnrnA aa ta, in ne pozabi na svojo oblju- f j- h Hrnm*n v l^tn vemo, C ^ cl * ie c * ot3ei 111 priden go- • r> • i jo, da bi rešila svoje interese v| bo i _ Potem so se oglasile ! u & lh sejah \ letu !dec _ Na t ■ ves člici bi ne smelo v Donori, Pa., je nagle smrti, i , r I D0 - — notem so se oglasne 1939 ^ da g tem lzpolnite nalog0) Sredozemlju. Anglija še vedno zagotavlja Francijo, da bo stara'na njeni strani, brez ozira kaj se zgodi, in Chamberlain je baje to po¬ vedal tudi Mussoliniju, ampak Francozi gotovo še niso pozabi¬ li, da je Chamberlain z njihovim lastnim Daladierom vred skoro do zadnjega trenotka podajal enake obljube tudi Češkoslovaš¬ ki. “Edina značilnost, ki jo ima¬ jo anglo-francoski komunikeji,” pravi omenjeni francoski ko¬ mentator, “je ta, da Chamber¬ lain noče pred vsem cvetom o- glašati, da je njegov osebni pro¬ gram občega pomirjenja dobil hud udarec.” Kako ponesrečen je ta Cham¬ berlainov program, je razvidno še iz enega nadaljnega dogodka minulega tedna. Madžarska, o kateri se je zdelo zadnji čas, da je prišla v konflikt z osiščem Berlin-Rim, oziroma vsaj z nje¬ govim severnim koncem, je na¬ znanila, da bi rada stopila v nemško - italijansko - japonski “proti - komunistični pakt”. Nazori predsednika Roosevel¬ ta glede minimalnih, obrambnih potreb so se izkazali bolj zmer¬ ni kot pa se pričakovalo, in kot izgleda, jih bo kongres odobril ememb. V poseb- e predsed- pretekli če- potrošenje ci pri novemberskih volitvah, še vsote 552 milijonov dolarjev za vedno v ogromni večini, s tem obrambo, ampak do julija pri- jasno pokazal hrbet predsedni- hodnjega leta se namerava po¬ ku ,oziroma da demokratje več! trošiti le okrog polovico te vso- ne poslušajo glasu iz Bele hiše te. niti o tako vitalni zadevi kot je Največja postavka obrambne- relif za brezposelne. j ga proračuna je ona za armadno letalstvo, za katero je Roose- harmnnikp in v nriiatelicki ' * ~ ' j manjkati nobenega člana in čla- sedeče v avtomobilu, dozdevno harmonike prijateljski katero vam je dalo vase društvo,! j in tudi sosedna društva so zdrava, umrla 61-letna KATA- druzbi smo se vrteli in zabavil k. ;. /V nliln . soseuna ur ušiva ’ T . , . nA . n n lk° xas -l e molilo. . prijazno vabljena, članice bodi- BINA IVIČ, doma iz Skiadma, v ... . 1 Nadzornike pa prosim, da so | te priprav jj ene> da bos ^.g poma _ j pri Šebeniku v Dalmaciji. j Par dni preje, ko se je zvede-! vpb . nv inoročal tri sto miliionov °,7l in I na y ZOC1 ob , 7:3 ?;l a Pregleda J°|g a le, ako bo treba, kajti le s ko-j Zapušča tri odrastle sinove in i lo, kaj se pripravlja v kongresu, j dolarjev> kar p0 meni nabavitev operacijo se da doseči uspeh. | eno hčer. Bila je članica društva je Roosevelt časnikarjem v trp- J na j man j 30 OO novih vojaških 'štev. 140 SSPZ. V Zzevo je pri-! kem tonu rekel, da oni, ki zahte-j letaL Nedavno je bilo poročano, stopila Jeta 1916. | vajo znižanje izdatkov za relif, j da bo predsednik urgiral zračno majo svojih otrok pri kakem i ra čune za leto 1939. društvu, apeliram, aa jih vpiše- John J. Kikol, tajnik. , Naj se tem potom ce i okup . jo v nas Vrtec. Vem, da vam, - I nemu članstvu zahvalim za trud, DRUŠTVO ŠT. 222 prijaznost in sodelovanje v pre¬ teklem letu, za novo leto pa ape- MOŠKO OPRAVILO Povprečni moški, ki se dnevno brije, si med 20. in 65. letom starosti odstrani brado v dolgo¬ sti 71 vardo v. ne bo žal. Prepričana sem, da vam bodo vaši sinovi hvaležni, 1 West Frankfort, lil. — Dru- kadar dorastejo, ker ste jih u-, g j b nov j c tukaj ni kot da imamo peljali v tako dobro organizaci- prav m ji 0 zimo. Toplomer še jo kot je naša Zveza. zmerom kaže 30 stopinj nad nič- Dolžnost me veže, da se za -1 j 0 . Na društvenem polju gre bolj hvalim vsem, ki ste me obdaro- j počasi, ker povečini delamo pri vali za božič, zlasti še za darilo |\VPA, pa še tam jako pičlo, od mladinskega oddelka iz glav-| vs i ed česar je težko agitirati za nega urada. Torej lepa hvala j n0V e člane, vsem skupaj! Pri našem društvo smo izvo- Naj še opozorim na sejo na- lili sledeče uradnike za leto liram na vas, da gledate, da bo¬ do tudi naše seje bolje obiskane. Zapomnite si to: Da obiščete vsako mesečno sejo; da redno plačujete asesment; da poma-j gate s svojim sodelovanjem naj naših sejah, in da smo vsi bra¬ tje in sestre. člane, katerim res ni mogoče zvečer. Torej na svidenje in upam, da vam Novo leto nudi vse dobrote, ki si jih želite. S sestr¬ skim pozdravom, Jennie Andolsek, tajnica. “SLOŽNE SESTRE” VABIJO Cleveland, O. — Gotovo veste, oči\ idno mislijo le na številke in; brodov j e dese 4 tisoč letal. Na dolarje, ampak njemu ni mogo- pod ] ag j sedanjega priporočila če, da bi pozabil, kaj bodo re- bodo Zedinjene države razpola- dukcije pomenile v obliki mize-j gale z osem tisoč vojaškimi le- rije neštetih družin, katerih o- tali, k ar je olcrog dva tisoč manj četje bodo izgubili zaslužek, ki, ko £ pa jj m j ma ba j e Nemčija, ga jim je dajalo delo za WPA. ; ppedsednilc je v jiosebni posla- ,Kimanje reakciji se pravi bili n i c > tudi urgiral, da se določi “neodvisen” vsota 10 milijonov za izvežbanje 20 tisoč novih avijatikov. da priredijo Složne sestre, st. j Nadaljno nezaupnico je kon- Na podlagi budžetne poslani- vdeležiti se mesečnih sej, opo-!102 v petek 20. januarja v pri- j greš izrekel Rooseveltu s tem, ce k j j Q j e ^R ooseV elt predložil še Federacije, ki se bo vršila 29. 1939: predsednik Martin Pave- zarjam, da sem doma vsakega zidku SND (vhod pri strani) j da je razpolaganje z denarjem k nreišnii teden bi januarja, 1939, in ne na 31. jan-: lich, tajnik Frank Tominšek,' b 2. v mesecu od 6. do 6. ure zve- - ' * - J - u ~ -*—1 t„u_ I --i-j. _ j-i 1 1 -* " ' ' uarja. (To je bila moja pomo- j blagajnik John Jarec, zapisni-, čer. Ne pozabite datum in čas. ta.) Upam, da ne boste prezrli kar Daniel Turkaly. fish fry in da nam bo igral John j za relif podredil kontroli, ki to- Zedinjene države sprejele naj- Pecon lepe valčke in polke. To-!zadevno znatno omejujo oblast, ve č p obramni proračun v mir- Z brat- j Na ta dan sem na razpolago ‘ rej se prav uljudno vabi vse čla-i ki jo je imel doslej predsednik. nem ^ aRU v svop zgodovini. V tega datuma, ker to bo prva fe- skim pozdravom, j vsem onim, ki ne morejo priti na j niče in člane SSPZ in njih pri- Pri tem so se političarji v kon- do tič n i poslanici se namreč deracijska seja, ki se bo vršila’! Frank Tominšek, tajnik, iseje. Ako pridete plačat ases- j j atelje na poset. Vstopnina je gresu opirali na argument, da je ! predv id eV a redne tedatlce v vsoti v naši naselbini. In društva, ki - ment na dom kak drugi dan, j samo 25c, za kar vam postreže- administracija z relifom “igra- ^i ; i0 9) 558,000 za armado in še niso včlanjena v Federaciji 1 DRUŠTVO ‘SAVA’, ŠT. 87; vam ne moreni zagotoviti, da me mo z ribami. la politiko,” kakor da oni sami m orna r ico, lcar pomeni, da skup- vzhodno-ohijskih društev SSPZ, Cleveland, O. — članstvo dru-i boste našli. Obenem prosim čla-; Posebno so vabljeni fantje od ne igrajo najbolj umazane po- nj obramb ni budžet ima znašati naj pristopijo sedaj, ko smo ^t V a “Sava” opozarjam, da toč- ne, da obiščejo bolne brate, ako j društva Lunder-Adamič, ki zna- litike in to na račun najbolj bed- ve( - ko {. m |jj j ardo j n po j stopili v novo leto. Več kot nas j no plačujete svoj asesment. Zna-1 dobite obvestilo, in če vam ni jo tako po sredi kegljati, da somih. pred po šiljatvijo obramb- bo, tem več koristnega bomo v stanu storiti za društva in orga¬ nizacijo. Po seji se bomo pa ma¬ lo poveselili, in West Pointčani se bomo potrudili, da bomo vsem ustregli. S sestrskim po¬ zdravom, no vam je, da do prvega v me-, mogoče priti na sejo, sporočite nas zadnjič kar dvakrat “ušpli- Beremo n. pr., da je kongres s ne poslanice kongresu sta na seču mora biti asesment poslan pismeno, da bom mogla poročati lali.” Pa nič zato, vas bomo že svojim nastopom pokazal, da je predsednikov poziv šla izpidče- na glavni urad. Kdor torej ne na seji. enkrat v roke vzele. Torej ker j začel misliti z lastno glavo, da je j vat pred kon g resn j odsek za vo- pride plačat o pravem času, bo Na koncu vas še enkrat opo- vem, da ste vsi radi veseli, pri- postal “neodvisen.” Po pravici j a š ke zadeve poslanika v Lon- suupendiran , ker zalagati ne; zarjam, da se polnoštevilno vde - 1 dite nas obiskat in ob priliki! bi se reklo, da zanj sedaj mislijo donu j n Paidzu, Joseph Kenne d y morem za nikogar. Torej upo- ležite veselice v soboto 4. febru- vam vrnemo. Na veselo zabavo glave ultra-reakcije in da je j n William Bullitt. Javnost k števajte to, ker s tem napravi- ! ar ja v Stancikovi dvorani na vas vabi i postal izvrševalec volje burbon- t ernu zaslišanju sicer ni imela Predsednica. ’ cev. Mary Bogataj, tajnica, te sebi dobro in tajniku. Vedite 115. cesti. Začetek ob polosmih (Dalje na 3. str.) I _18- januarja, 1939 STRAN 2 •Wr . Zgodovinarji danes nazivljajo to stopnjo v razvoju verstva “animistično”, iz latinske besede “amma ki pomeni duh ali duša. Na svetu je.se danes na milijone divjakov, katerih verstvo je na animistični stopnji. JNaj- i demo jih v Indiji in Afriki in drugih oddal jenih ki aji , i oklepajoč se primitivne vere, ki je morala biti nekoč veia vsega človeštva. GLASILO IN LASTNINA SLOVENSKE SVOBODOM! SELNE PODPORNE ZVEZE. _ - IZHAJA VSAKO SKEDU ~~ Črne oflasom: 4flo palec u posameznike: 35 palec ta društva Naročnina u člane 18« letno; za nečlane »1.50; za Inozemstvo 82.00 PROGRESS OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENE PROGRES SIVE BENEF1T SOCIETY Film SSPZ iz Slovenije, posnet tekom lan¬ skega jubilejnega izleta v domovino Oirned and Publlshed by tbe Slovene Progressive Benetit Soctety ISSUED EVERT WEDNESDAY Sobscrlptlon for memhers 8.18 per year — nonmembers 81.50 forelgn countries 82.00 __ Advertislng rates: 40c net for Individuals; 3 5c net for societleo NAPREDEK Naslov uredništva in upravništva: «231 ST. CI.AIR AVENIJE Telephone: HEnderson 5311 VOLUME III. Film, katerega poseduje SS-;ob deroči vodi, nad glavo vise PZ, bode kazan dne 27. januarja ogromne skale. Ko gledaš, si mi¬ na petek večer v Slov. Nar Do- sliš: zdaj pa zdaj se bo utrgala mu na St. Clair Ave., in 3. feb- in zdrknila s teboj v deročo vo- ■ Iruarja pa v Collinwoodu v De- do. Ko sem korakal lanskega i lavskem domu na Waterloo Itd. junija v spremstvu brata moje jFilm Slovenija je nekaj poseb- žene, Leo Škrlja in pa gospe jnega. Niso to skupine ljudi, da štokljeve, sem večkrat tu pa — j bi se nastavile za sliko, ampak tam skoro nehote potipal kako _ je vse povzeto tako, da sploh ni skalo, ki je visela nad mano. Bil tistim znano, kateri so na sliki, je res krasen sprehod čez ta lepi CLEVELAND, o. • ^ gQ na slikah. Akademični sli- Vintgar, kateri mi bo ostal v kar Božidar Jakac je jemal sli- spominu, dokler bom živel. To- 3 e nemška. To je bil pač vzrok, zakaj so si Nemci v zadnji vojni tako želeli tega pristanišča, ki bi jim prinašalo zlata jabolka. Bil je seveda račun brez krčmai- ja NUMBER 123 ; ke pQ gvo j em okusUj tako kot bi | raj tu vam bo vsem dana prilika, Entcred as Second Class Matter August 5th, 1936, at the Post Office a«. ; jih slikal, ne pa fotografiral. 1 tistim, kateri ga niste še nikoli Cleveland. Ohio, under the Act of August 24. 1912. IZ PRETEKLOSTI ČLOVEKA Film se začne na ladji “Nor- videli, imandie” (filmal Janko N. Ro- Z Vintgarja se podamo v gelj). Prihod Amerikancev na! Ljubljansko okolico. Tam bomo Ikolodvoru v Ljubljani. Tu je videli delo na polju: mlekarice, II. Ivzel v roke aparat g. Jakac in j cigane in drugo. Nato se podamo nadaljeval skozi vse slike. Prva: na Dolenjsko stran, v Ponikve TRSTVO in vera Sta besedi, ki — dasi se ju često je lepa Gorenjska s Kranjem — pri Dobrempolju — Potok, ki labi kot da pomenita eno in isto — ju je 'treba Brezje od daleč — romarji ponikuje (senca slikarja Jakca razlikovati. Kajti verstvo (religija) je le del vere. Jesenice — Matuljek skupina —| V globini žrela ponikovalnice) Z besedo vera si mislimo tisto nujno potrebno — j Kranjska gora — Kamniška Bi- Višnja gora — Tuso (bivši ame- in torej nezdrobljivo — iluzijo v srcu človeka, da navzlic ! strica — Skaručina — Škofja rikanec Avgust Holmar, večlet- t'. mu, da se zdi kot da je samo majhen črv na zemlji, j Loka i. t. d. Ker je preveč, da bi ni organist, Lud. Medvešek in lahko postane gospodar vsega vesoljstva. Z besedo ver- vse popisaval, gremo* naprej v j Janko Rogelj) žabja vas stvo (religija) pa si mislimo le neko specializirano meto- Ljubljano. Ljubljana je povzeta Straža pri Novem Mestu, lu se do, neki poseben način, s pomočjo katerega človek skuša skoro vsa, vsi glavni trgi, Kon-;bo videla 92-letna starka, kate- uresničiti to svojo iluzijo. Verstvo ni nikakor prvi tak presni — Stari Florjanski ra še vedno dela. Grad Soteska pripomoček ali tehnika, ki si jo je zamislil človek, in Marijin Mestni i. t. d. Nato (kneza Auersperga) in žaga morda tudi ni zadnja. Dolgo prej ko je človek začel mi- 80 razn * spomeniki, Promostov-, Ajdovec žužemberški grad šiiti o verstvu, je skušal kontrolirati “siie” vesoljstva z -i s ’ pred Prešernovim spomeni-j Grad Otočce pri Novem Me- v^aknvrstnimi “maničnimi” 8 liteiaiy about you Rudy, Willie and work in the i “venile section of Johnnie? You used to contribute; • very good articles. Why not pick j I tried to thank Bro. Vrhovnik but I stuttered; words j ust couldn’t come out of my mouth : You know hov a person feels at i such moments and I know that | sister Elsie Oho jak who received ' a gold medal vas as happy and proud of the av/ard as I was. (Continued from Vrtec Section) You see, we’re young, and \ve’re filled with an excess of energy that we put to a dis-1 advantage. We rarelv if ever, mas carae around when Zaker think of the fact that perhaps was supposed t0 meet Clara in for some of out fiiends there s how, but can you imagine may be no tomorrow. And yet I _ Gk for one, know what it is to lose Zaker Oh one’s very finest and truest trouble be? friends, and that even in the Clara didn’t even sit with what could the It seems to me that Dolores emptiness and loneliness that i va ncic didn’t have a good time up that pen and start seratch-j ing? Now that a ne\v year is . , ,j ... . _ smoothly. I vas too overjoyed. here we would lnce to see more 1 J J J articles from our Comet mem¬ bers. So don’t disappcint us. Frances Rosenberger will do a good job as president since she just loves to talk. Don’t you! Frances? j Mr. Vrhovnik made a fine! Was Willie nervous when he ; speech about the activities of j made that speech when accept- the Vrtec Section of the SSPZ.j ing Office? No, not so much but ; He praised the entire juvenile! anyway he’ll get used to it soon. What do you say? Our Sec. Rudy has what it takes to be a secretary. He talks like a real professor. Mr. Anthony Rosenberger of the membership; vhat bright, tal-I ented, good vorkers they are,! the future membership of the SSPZ. He spoke \vith pride of the boys and girls everywherej follows, there is the contentment in knoving that you did ali in your p over while she was living to make her life a bit easier and lighter. I feel very strange vriting an i article of such solemnitv, for, as I said before, usually I confine my vriting, if not my thinking, to the lighter vein, but the sub- ject is of such great importance, and there are so very many il- lustrations among our young oeople of their inconsiderate re- marks and actions, that I felt, for a moment at least, we ought to forget about humor, and fun, and take the subject in ali seri- ousness. - Evidently our Vrtec at one time discussed and appreciated this subject. for otherwise, what else could have made us choose as our motto, one of the great- est rules ever set forth : “Do uri- to others as xjou ivould have them do mita you .” full of enthusiasm for their Vr- senior lodge talked to our mem- ^ ec and SSPZ. bers at this meeting. He told us en tire celebration on the to cooperate so that we will was enacted and run by us succeed in making our Vrtec I y0U11 £ s ^ ers ’ Avbbe the adult bigger and much better. ! membership took čare of the; Our meetings vlil be held ev- drin ^ s ’ Iunch and other inciden - ery first Sunday of the month ta itenis. at 2:30 p.m. at the S. N. Home! , lh f r f waa a s6od attendance; Well so much for this time ° f adult member f and frienda ’ but Pil be back again soon. ! and there werealso alkny , ch f . , „ , t , dren non-members. Everybody „ r &ne ' : ’ ® ^ ai ’ looked happy and satisfied with Recording sec., Vrtec 44 ,. T , . , , ' our pertormance. It ought to be m n good advertisement for the fu- AMbRIDGE, I a. The Com- ture of 0pr Vrtec and the sspz ets yearly meeting was held on | j want to thank the f0 „ 0wing January 2, 1939. The new ofu- ;Vrtec No _ g3 members who s0| cers vere elected as follows:L plendidly enacted their parts ; Frances Rosenberger, president;; and helped to make the affair Bill Knafelc, vice-president, Ru- a success (if i by m i st ake don’t I dolph Rosenberger, secretary; mention some names, please re-! Agnes Tekstar, recording secre-; mem ber we are grateful to you tary; and Joseph Tekstar Sr., justthe same); administrator. We ali wish the Herman Jerkich, president,! new officeis success for the; accompanied by Rudy Smole, i coming year. We wish that ali accor dion playing; Betty Jane of the members would attend Bernik and Dorothy Rozman, 1 THE OUTLOOKER REPORTER (See ali, know ali, te'l more) What Spartan Junior failed j 0 keep an important engnge- :ent, when he didn’t come and fill up one of our front rov/ j seats at out last meeting and try to make the officers giggle? To prove that politicians do not alwa.ys get their way, we shall use g s an example, Cousin Andrew Artel, who was NOT elected vice-president, even af¬ er . previous months of “con 1 ing". One person, vv h o ihought he v/as clevah, votel or “And:,ew PL Brc.vn,” an ! 'ost him .the eleetion. Three eheers go to the for er Spartan Junior prexy who •ho e d up at our meeting smil- ng anl full of pep, after sev¬ at ali. What’s vvrong’ “D”- are you slippihg? What wa,s vvrong with “Dot” Semenich and Alma. Klemenc? “Dot” didn’t even crack a smile, but Alma did when goodlooking “Gene Raymond” or “Drum Ma¬ jor” came along. 1 always call Anthony Bajt “Drum Major”. Sylvia Naumsek seemed to be vvorried that afternoon. I guess she vas vorrying about-? She tried to get Zaker and Clara together, but it is hard to teli a mule anything, isn’t it? I knov it isn’t niče to eaves- drop. but I heard Sylvia’s and Clara’s conversation. Here’s vhat I heard. “My goodness, Clara, you sure are stubborn. You think ali the boys have to run after you, just because one person remarked that you have beautifui hair. You really think you’re something extra don’t you? Why, I don’t see vhy you !on’t vsnt to speak to Zaker. 1 sure don’t blame Virginia Kro- icshek crying over him, do mu?” J. M. G. Pioneer Vrtec CI ICAG3, 111. — flere ve a : .gain, Rožnik Jrs. 160, kind of late but better late than never. 'Vhat a great day ve Rožnik Jrs. had Dec. 25! We had a Christmas party and vhat a party ve had! It started off vith the talent shovvn by the members of Rožnik Jrs. First Havaiian mušic by the Sig jak Havaiian Studios of v/hic our member Frank Skubic i . študent. Second, a song by Frank Zupe ncic. Third an accov dion solo by Angeline Možina P^ourth a dance by Mary Lou Gratchner accompanied by Ru- lolph Townsley. Fifth a short play by Eddie Udovich, Jack larinich, S‘anley Možina and members. Then our good old stand-by Brother Vrhovnik gave a short and entertaining talk, next came the movies and real movies they vere, “Slovenia of 1938” and of course some come- dies for the kiddies. Then came Santa Claus. He vas very jolly and generous. He made a hit v/ith Eddie Rokavec. Eddie shoved Santa that he vas not afraid of him. That proves hov courageous our members of Rožnik Jrs. are. Then came the feast vhich vas prepared by Roznik’s 227. Thanks to ;hem, it vas enjoyed by ali the members. The evening vas spent vvith dancing, mušic being fur- nished Pfy Edvard Petan and his orchestra. It vas a great oarty and I hope ve vili get together for another grand time piished. Ma-y ve ali share the Plappiness, Pro3perity and Suc- ; cess that has been granted to ali; for the nev year. # *Y* n- n* Christmas Party Great Success In spite of the stormy veather at Sygan on Dec. 26th, the Vr¬ tec^ annual Christmas party vas a great success. As the custom of Vrtec 72 is to have a program at our an¬ nual party, Ve presented a pro¬ gram vhich consisted of poems, songs and playing of Instru¬ ments. A play, “The Christ¬ mas Orphans,” direeted by An¬ tonia 0’Korn, vas planned to be presented, but due to the illness of Rose Ursitz, the, play vas cancelled. Santa Claus distributed candy to ali members. A late luncheon was served by four prominent members of Senior lodge. The remainder of the evening vas spent in dancing. Hope you ali vent home vith the thoughts of again return- ing to our parties. Julia Kramzer, Sec’y, Vrtec 72. “Donald Duek” that can be heard quackking here, there and ev’erywhere' at Hauptmans. — (Take a hint from Donald, Ann). What’s Your Answer “What vas the gift you liked best that you received for Christmas?” nn Stražar — The pin San- . ga. e me at our party. Virginia Kmet — My gun (3ut it doesn’t vork veli.) Elbin Blazick — My sveater. Vieky Lesnik — Ali I asked for (Plenty). Justine Hauptman — My Christmas dinner invitation.(?) Vosella Hlarick — My d:ess. h res I e ni’: — i.Iy catck- h. . ,i.i . — The base- il I Vanted., Billy Pechnik — My sled nov I v/ant some snov.) Amy Hauptman — Donald | Du'ck. Betty Pechnik — My hockey’s (Gee! hov I v/ish for some ice to skate on.) Betty Blazick — My scarf and muff set. Florence again soon. Wilma Gratchner, Vrtec 106 VANDLING, Pa. — The first meeting in 1939 of Vrtec No. 1 vas held on Sunday, January 8. Wish this vili be a very suc¬ cessful year for ali, but the members did not start out vith the resolutions that each mem¬ ber should make: to get nev members and to attend ali our regular meetings. Without mem- i bers ve cannot make any ar- rangements for affairs. Officers vere elected for the coming i year and I think ali vili co¬ operate and vork together in the future as they did in the past. Members don’t forget our npxt meting, February 12. There Go-Getters Report LIBRARY, Pa. — The Go- Getters of Library held their annual meeting at the Slovenian Hall. It vas called to order at i ing ali members made a Nev Year resolution — to attend ali ■ meetings of the coming year. I The organization of a Juvenile ! orchestra vas mentioned and ve 1 hope to carry out this plan. ! Nev officers vere elected. In- j jtead cf electing the older mem- 5 ;ers ve decided to elect the ounger ones so that they voulJ j ‘ake a more active part in this zrganization. the monthly meetings. They are to be held on the first Sunday graceful and agile tap-dancers and Betty Jane, an unexcelled of each month at the Slovenc acrobatic dancer. Home. After each meeting re- freshments vili be served. The Comets Flashes I see vliere Joe TekstaFs starting to valk the stieets Our little accordion player Johnny Zainer, 4 years old' did excellentlv. Also his brother Ro¬ land Marie Gnader for their ac¬ cordion seleptions. , , , , Virginia Reigel, accompanied ev-ery evemng lately. Wny does by Prank Faletich on the elsc . Chuck Kerzan not go vith the tric ^ Also Joh Marp> boys .anyniore? .. John Uhernik playing guitar . The stampfe , starting to take up basketball sjgtel , Sj the 0hojak gisters and ali of a sudden... The Comets Jeanette Gaber for theil . fine lads are ali going in for air- singing Rosemary Baraga for ))lane building . . . Bill Sopiiak exce iient violin playing. June vvaitirtg for a letter from a cer- Bohte for recitation _ aral mondis of feeling dov/n in w j]] be exchanging of Valen- ,he dumps. tines, and arrangements have to An Outlooker maiden has los: b g made for our meeting in her interest in Collinvood and March. has turned eyes and heart 4o- THE LIFE QF ABRAHAM varaš Spartan Junior territory! . xj —around St. Clair and 65th. . . , T . , . „ , Abraham Lincoln was boru m Our ever-popular prexy is go- T , , , „ , 10An . . . J, 1 , L. Kentucky, Februarj- 12, 1809. ng to join the rest of the Slejko „ , J His parenia vere verv poor. He brothers m a super-concert on , ,, . T j- i , ,, , • moved vith them to Indiana and March the 5th. Good lučk! In plače of our former preši ; ent Violet Polgar ve elected ! e popular Mary Strimlan. Lit- I le R.ose Cie took over the job | :if vice president from our j pianist Edvard Rupnik. Our ' songbird Bcnald Triller took i er the job of secretary from Iary Cie and last of ali but iot least, V/illiam Kral — our .e-man — took over the job- of Lreasurer from Steffie Ritonia. None of these officers are over .he age of eleven years. We are ali veli pleased vith our nevv officers and are sure that they will do their best to fulfill the duties of their offices. A Member. After centuries of glances and smiles dripping vith beljied to cut the logs for their M cabin. For this reason he vas called the “vail splitter.” The tain lassie in Cleveland.. . The We also thank Mr. Vrhovnik boys taking^ dancing leSsons f cr coming to our celebration from Joe Tekstar... Frances and tfie vonderful picture sii 0W Rosenberger vas ali smiles a )j 0 ut activities of the SSPZ and vhen she vas elected president the beautifui film “Slovenia for the coming year... Gus Ro-; 1938’.’ aenberger going steady vith Our most'hearty appreciation Marie. to the dear administratrix sister Comets Sports S. Stamjjfel for her guidance The Gomets basketball team^nd špirit and vork for our Vr- he sorrovs of a lost and never- Lincoln famiLy then moved to to-return romance, Jaykay and niinois Essess have finally given up the, Taking advantage of vhat op- ghost and lost hope of any mu- porlutiities he had Lincoln .uši reconciliation. jstudied lav and vas admitted VVon t Cousin Andrev be dis- to the bar. While he vas vork- appointed vhen he finds out ing, j a a store he acquired tim that a certain Dorothy Lou Pre- name “Honest Abe.” bil vas present at the last Spar- j j n 1840 he vas elected' to Con- tan Jr. meeting, vhen he chose gress. He vas a candidate to absent himself ? Too bad, ki B- Katai, 160; J. social and athletic functions of|®P d ^ ar ’ 4 59; Stokel, 158.9. this league since both are and j Women’s A. Žagar, M. Kre- have been members of the Inter-j v ^ c » 130.8; F. Svetina, 124; M. Lodge for the past several years.; Duša, 118; A. Gruden, 116. Inter-Lodge has booked Lee IND. HIGH THREE GAME j Allen and his orchestra for the; Men’s — D. Steckar, 545; M.I dance thus assuring dance lov- Lenassi, 533; K. Stokel, 532. ers of a delightful evening of | Women’s — A. Žagar, 458;; dancing to a band that is knovvn M. Duša, 431; F. Svetina, 427. has a boy friend — don’t forget j younger girls, thus, represent- the 28th Elsie!.. . Mr. and Mrs. ing the Slozne Sestre in the SS- Johnnie Spelars are dvvejling PZ league. Girls, you have the alone in their love nest. . . Hop- right špirit and I only hope vve ing you’re enjoying your nevv! contin ne to sail along and im- guarters... The Krevic sisters! prove and also enlarge the mem- planning things to see that ev- bership of the Slozne Sestre, ery one vvill enjoy themselves on No. 120. My only vvish is that Jan. 28th.. . Keep up the good j ali the young ladies holding vvork in bovvling girls. .. Since membership in 120 attend the Al Bohinc has been unemployed j February meeting so that vve for such a long time he said hejmay get better acquainted. and sum- i Yes, many a merry hour vvere marizing the past events, the * enjoyed by both our young and older members and their friends in these arranged social, cultu- ral and athletic activities, not’ alone considering the discus- sions at meetings and their SSPZ National Bovvling Tourna- ment held on Sat., March 19 post-meeting alfah s, but may and Lodge Balkans 30th anni- * vve be fortunate and even have versary celebration held the fol- more in the Nevv 'Veai ! lovving day. Domača zabava. Feb. / The tournament, thru the To start the Nevv Y ear activi- splendid cooperation of variousjties vvith a bang, Lodge “Bal¬ kan” has arranged to hold their annual “domača zabava” on participating teams, vvith the local Committee, vvorked out in systematic and satisfactory or- Saturday night Febuary 4, 1939 der, and also proved to be a at the lovver So. Side Turner financial success. This can also Hall. be attributed to the Anniver-i According to the motion pass- sary celebration, the follovving ed by the membership at the day, vvhen again due gratitude! regular meeting, every member, vvculd enter a hog calier contesi The success of our lodge is! should be given to ali partici- j unless reported sick, vvill be as- Let s knovv the^ outeome iargely due to the untiring ef- pants, vvho remained for same, sessed 50c for admission, re- Jackson . t rances Klemens is; fort of our former President as a i so to the splendid attend- gardless, vvhether you attend or looking forvvard to seeing the Agnes Lunder (novv Vice-Presi-1 ance from Chicago lodges, and not. So, every member is urged Bridgeville gang for the Liith- dent). Well, a lot of us appreci- j especially that svvell group from: to attend and partake of the da y BalL ^ ate such Service, Mrs. Lunder— Sheboygan. j good eats and drinks, vvhich the Gal Reporter. so do accept this public recog- The next events worthy of Committee vvill have in store for nition of your fine SSPZ špirit, mentioningvvere Lodge Balkans’ i you, as also dance to mušic of; Here as alvvays actions speak ■ pj cn i c a t Jackson Park, as also , Matt Pink and orchestra and ' louder than vvords. several outings arranged and en- j in general, enjoy a grand re- I am appealing to the officers j jcyed by the Vrtec 33 group, at’ union vvith your fellovv-members HOOSIER PALS Stan Zorc lies that the St. Clair Center has seen in some time. The fans! vvere on their feet for almostj the entire last period. Undoubtedly the Blepps’ loss vvas due to the poor start they had. The team looked lifeless and trailed 12 to 2 at the first j quarter. At the half they ! looked hopelessly outclassed as the Serbs scored almost at vvill to build up a 23-8 lead. The third period vvas a little more interesting to vvatch as Spartans gave a little competition by holding the Serbs to 3 points. I In the last quarter, paced by Joe Jene and Benny Borchert both of vvhom played great games, the Blepps vvent vvild. With the Serbs leading 26-14, the Spartans opened up vvith a 1 dazzling attack that had the! Serbs running around in cir- cles. The Coombs streaked thru lhe St. Lazar’s defense time and again. VVhen the final gun went o'V the score vvas tied at 32 ali. In the first overtime period the Serbs scored the first basket but Adolph Jalen kept the Spar¬ tans in the game by dropping the bali thru the meshes to tie the score again. The second overtime found Spartans mak¬ ing the first basket but the Serbs came back vvith a last minute attack to vvin out. \Yith this defeat Spartan’s hopes fir remaining in the league after the first round have faded sonievvhat. In order to be eligihle for the second round the Blepps vvill have to vvin both of their remaining games. Spartans are novv tied for 6th plače in ihe Inter-Lodge League. throughout the country. Allen’s band has been featured in many of the better dance spots, among them the Southern Tavern here in Cleveland, and broadcasts nightly on the NBC netvvork. If you haven’t gotten your special rebate ticket yet, do so The priče at the door vvill be 40 cents—but if you have a cour- the Slovene National Home be-! fore Saturday, it vvill only C ost'^P artan vou 30 cents. Courtesy cards vvill not be honored at the door. \ Utopian IND. HIGH SINGLE GAME Men’s — D. Steckar, 237; A. Bolka, 212, 205; Women’s — A. Žagar, 184; M. Krevic, 172; A. Žagar, 169. STANDINGS INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — Here vve are in 1939. Doesn’t time fly fast? I vvish to thank ali vvho cooperated vvith me in any way. Hoping you ali vvill do the same in 1939, for vve vvill need a lot of help. SCHEDULE 2 vs Lunder Adamič, Alleys 1-2 1 vs Utopian Ladies, Alleys 3-4 Utopian 2 v s Slozne Sestre, Alleys 5-6 Spartan 1 vs Spartan Ladies, Alleys 7-8 Due to the fact that the Slo¬ zne Sestre are holding a Fish Fry this Friday, ali teams are asked to come before 7 o’clock. The officers for 1939 are as j follovvs: President, August J. Semenick; vice-president. Frank Ivančič; recording secretary, So- phie' Turk; secretary, Zora M. Corviorii^g, Trustees: Adolph Madley, president; Frank Stroy and Sophie Krapes. We have tvvo nevv members, one girl and one boy, Stephana and members to give me their which both the younger as vvell assistance and encouragement; as ^be older people enjoyed a for a bigger and better lodge mer rv “get-together.” No. 120, and remember: The! Th e final event and a fitting road to failure is paved vvith c limax to the year’s activities kanite bovvlers have also m- j applications that no one was was sponsored by the Vrtec 33 vited the Windy Cty (Chicago) asked to sign. Balkan Juniors on Sunday, Dec. Vic’s and T.B.’s to attend a re- and friends. For the benefit of the Bal- kanite bovvling bosters and friends must state that the Bal- President. 18, 1938 at the Harmonie Hall,; turn match game arranged for vvhen the youthful group really that Saturday night (Feb. 4) put on an elaborate and out- starting 7 p.m. at Greenfield standing program featuring , Arcade, 1400 So. 7th St., and their talent in various forms, | then upon completion of the such as dances, instrumental meet the Windy City groups vvill solos, recitations and singing be hosts at our “domača zaba- Itemember it’s Lee 7±llen an 1 his orchestra at the Inter-Lodge League’s llth Anniversary dance Saturday, Jan. 21, at the Slovenian National Home. There vvill be a doorman to greet you upon arrival and this is the chance you ladies have been vvaiting / for to display those lovely nevv evening govvns. Teacher (teachmg arithmetic): “Now Jimmy, in the Mitchel family there are A curious inquirer asked: “What are Mother, Daddy and Ronnie, the baby. the sister States?” And the country How many does that make?” | editor answered: Jimmy: “Two and one to carry.” — “We are not quite sure, but we should ; Boys’ Life. judge that they are Miss Ouri, Ida Ho, \ — Mary Land, Callie Fornia, Allie Bama, j Teacher: “VVhere is the Suwanee Louisa Anna, Della VVare, and Minnie! River?" ®°t a - ; VVillie: "Far, far away.” —Christian Science Monitor ] —N. Y. Journal-American ' Masquerade Dance at Moon Run MOON RUN, Pa. — Hello Central! Give me the line call- ing ali neighboring lodge, ex- cluding none hovvever. There vvill be an Annual Masquerade Turk and Anthony Sekula. Dance 011 February 18 at the Here’s hoping they vvill be one Moon Run Slovene Hall. Con- of us for the rest of their lives. sidering that our doings are fevv Ali members be prepared and and 4ar betvveen, vve vvould like get your feet ali ready to do to have this opportunity to en- ^ voung and old, and en- thereof, to either our lodge sec- some dancing on February 11 tertain you ali at this affair. I joyed immensely; and due ap- retary Sister Sophie Stampfel, as vve are going to have a good b°pe vou stili knovv vvhere this preciation is to be given to Bro.; or to me personally, before the orchestra and vve guarantee thn J big ciiy it. Bemg a typical lodge Michael Vrhovnik for his vvill- will be a good floor too. affair, everything along the line ngness in attending and con- enting to favor us vvith the ihovving of these films on this fcllovved by an hour and half of movies, shovvn by Bro. Michael Vrhovnik, and exhibiting tvvo of the most interesting films, the SSPZ Events and Activities va”. Above mentioned vvas fav- ored by their groups at our last meet in Chi, so, no doubt, their reply vvill be favorable. Also vvish to remind ali those of 1938 and Slovenia in 1938. vvho have taken bovvling tickets oth proved to be a real treat to kindly return same, or money affair, everything along the line of refreshments vvill be on hand. And don t forget to attenc The mušic has not as yet been our next meeting to be held or seleeted. Ref er to later editions February 6, at 1 :30 p. m. Also of the “Napredek” in regards to vlease be sure your dues are mušic and also mask prizes. A paid by the 25th of each month jr 0 pd time is in store for ali, Start the nevv year by paying or y0 ung and old, so let’s meet Feb- time. It is alvvays only a fevv tha J ruary 18th. nkver make it. So. see if ali can be prompt from novv on. I vvould i end of the vveek of Feb. 4, 1939, so that those stubs sold vvill be properly disposed of on the night of our “domača zabava”. 7 irst Performance of Com- edy from Life of Amer¬ ican Slovenes The three act comedy vvill be given under the capable direc- torship of M r s. Antoinette Simčič. The čast vvill consist 0FFICIAL NOTICE SUPREME BOARD MEETING AND SEMI-ANNUAL AUDIT Members of the Supreme Board are hereby notified that the semi-annual audit of the Supreme Auditing Committee vvill begin on Monday morning, January 30, 1938. The meeting of the Supreme Board vvill be held, starting on Thursday morning, February 2, 1939. Both the audit and the meeting vvill be held at the Home Office of the SSPZ, Chicago, Illinois. WILLIAM RUS, Supreme Secretary. “Prež.” CLEVELAND, O.—Dramatic of ^ 4rS- d °sephine Močnik, vvho _ |Society Ivan Cankar again vvill tal is being played by Wal- to 1 p. m. on Sundays to collect Dr. Jean Pajus, lecturer on “DENAR”. This three act com- ^ er d ‘ Bevar > a nevv aetor vvho ex- dues. Any other time you come foreign affairs at Cleveland Col- edy called “Money” vvas vvritten pects to bring to you many you are taking the chance of lege, vvill induct the initial cul- by the competent Slovenian b^ easan t and exciting moments. finding me home. tural activity of the nevvly writer Audrej Kobal of Nevv I ^ rs - ® m ily Svigel vvill play the Fraternally yours, formed Slovenian Language Club York, vvho has succeeded i n ,part of Agatha, vvho comes to Zora Semenick, Sec’y b y giving on Friday, January Iramatizing the every day lif e New York from Montana vvith 1026 N. Warmar. Ave. 37 at the St. Clair Public Li- °f the average Slovenian family,! Amalija, youngest school teach- -- brary the first of a series of Uving under modern economic f r amon tt the Slovenes. Amalija lectures to be sponsored by the circumstances into three hours ! is be ^ n S played by Joyce E. Gor- club. Dr. Pajus vvill lecture on ° 4 laughter and mirth. she. Vinko, a boarder at the present day Yugoslavia. UNITED LODGES OF CLEVELAND CLEVELAND. O. Mehi-1 The Slovenian Language Club You cannot realize hovv hu- Berce family, vvho falls in love with Agatha, is played by Max requested to attend the regular Lausche, vvho is president. Sec part of the maid, vvhile John bers of the United Lodges are* is headed by Mrs/Frank J. STdla^ag^T ° f ^ cents I Traven - Ann Schuster vvill P?ay J 0 is President. Sec- morous reactions eLTed by tl liss Genevieve Ger- plunging of a typical Slovenia er, Mrs. Wilham J. f a mily, struggling for existem l.hn 1 . KH.OA ° r ' Anth ° ny J 1 i ? t ?=“