Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 48/50 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 21. 12. 2014 4. Adventna nedelja 4th Sunday of Advent Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Tel.: 905-561-5971 Fax: 905-561-5109 E-mail Gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail Hallrental@ Božič 2014 Dragi bratje in sestre v Kristusu. Božič naj bi bil čas veselja in miru. Kristusovo rojstvo v štalici je predstavjeno z mehkimi in čudovitimi izrazi. Sporočilo in melodije angelov naznanjajo božji značaj dogodka. Človeško gledano pa je pripoved o Jezusovem rojstvu pospremljena tudi s stisko, zavrnitvijo in begom. Marijina ljubezen, Jožefova odločnost in pobožnost pastirjev zmanjšajo grozoto brezdomstva in selitve. V zadnjem času smo te grozote videli v življenju preveč ljudi, ki so bili prisiljeni oditi iz svojih domov zaradi odločitev, ki so prinesle smrt, uničenje in obup. Ti ljudje so zapustili vse -svoje domove, službe, svojo lastnino. Kljub vsem grožnjam so ostali zvesti veri v Jezusa Kristusa - njihovo edino upanje! Na ta Božič se spomni vseh teh ljudi - sester in bratov v veri. Moli zanje. Morda bodo nekega dne sedeli poleg tebe v župnijski cerkvi, v molitvi in zahvali za dobrodošlico, ki so jo doživeli, in za versko svobodo, ki jo vsi tukaj okušamo. Imamo veliko bogastvo božjih darov - potrebno jih je varovati in deliti. Ostani čuječ in pozoren, da se ne bodo izgubili. Velikodušno jih deli, da se jih bodo veselili tudi drugi. Iskreno v Kristusu in Mariji Brezmadežni OMI (Most Rev.) Douglas Crosby, OMI, hamiltonski škof BOZICNICA pri Društvu sv. Jožefa_ V torek, 16. decembra 2014 so se številni člani društva sv. Jožefa zbrali na tradicionalnem predbožič-nem praznovanju v društvenih prostorih. Lepo okrašene mize z »božičnimi zvedami« na mizah in dobra večerja, ki jo je pripravila Milena Krušič so napravili večer enkraten. Pa tudi dobro razpoloženje vseh navzočih. Za glasbo je že tretje leto zapored poskrbel Jalovec Toni s svojo harmoniko. Izkupiček od žrebanja za božične zvezde gre za Baragov sklad. Hvala g. Jerriju Ponikvarju in odboru, ki so organizirali tudi ta lep večer za vse, ki so se ga udeležili. čHaffp Qleu' Op* 2015 Župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega prireja "Silvestrovanje" New Year's Eve Banquet & Dance 6:30 p.m. December 31, 2014 Igra ansambel "Murski Val" Live Slovenian & modern music by "Murski Val" Večerja v banketnem stilu servirana na mize A delicious banquet with service to your reserved seat A family oriented event with lots of fun and surprises Cena vstopnic - $65 Admission per adult, $45 Student, $25 Children (12 and under) For Reservations contact: Heidy Novak (905)-689-1367[] Milan Ferletic (905)-643-2494 (905)643-3076 ext. 228 [] Come welcome the New Year with your friends at St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Parish Da bomo v prijetnem veselju preživeli zadnji večer leta 2014 Vljudno vabi župnijski svet St. Gregory the Great Parish Council Another 50th Anniversary Event By Your Parish Council An event and facility presented for members and supporters of St. Gregory the Great and the Hamilton Diocese Response: Forever I will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord. First Reading 2 Samuel 7:1-5. 8-12. 14. 16 King David wants to build a house, a temple, for the Lord; but the Lord promises rather to build a house, a dynasty, for David. Second Reading Romans 16:25-27 The mystery of God, revealed in Jesus, has to be made known to pagans everywhere to bring them to faith. Gospel Luke 1:26-38 The angel Gabriel reveals to Mary that she is to be the mother of God's Son. He will be given the throne of his ancestor David and his reign will have no end. "You are to conceive and bear a son, and you must name him Jesus." Illustration Imagine a young man and a young woman in love as their relationship develops. They begin to think about the future. They dream about their home. Where will it be? How many rooms will it have? They wonder about how many children will be born to them. Their hopes and their dreams form the foundations on which they will build a successful relationship, which they hope will be strong enough to survive all the storms and difficulties that life will throw at them. Their house will be their home, the place where their love for each other will grow and mature, where they will bring up their children, where they will live happily ever after through poverty and wealth, through sickness and health, until their life reaches a peaceful end after a happy old age together. Do young people today have such romantic longings for their lives? There are so many negative influences to crush their dreams that not so many are ready for the commitment that marriage requires. Many just live together to see if it will work for them. They know only too well how many relationships break down in bitterness and regret. They know also that they are just cogs in the great economic machine that has little room for romance and sentimentality. Gospel Teaching The message of scripture, however, is a message of hope to overcome such negativity. It, too, is a love story. It is the story of the Lord our God, who loves us so much that he wants to live with us, to build a home with us. David knew well how much he depended on God's help in the building up of his kingdom. He wanted to build a temple in which that dependence could be expressed in worship. But God had other ideas. God wanted rather to make the family of David a lasting sign of God's care and protection. This would be a house built not with cut stones, but with people who would enter a covenant relation- ship of lasting love and fidelity. Of course, the story of Israel shows us that this "marriage" between God and God's people was just as rocky as many relationships today. The difference is made by God, who continues to believe in the possibility of a love that endures despite the many failures of both kings and people. The prophets had taught the people to trust that God would be faithful to that promise to David, and today we hear of that trust finding its fulfilment when Mary says: "Let what you have said be done to me." God doesn't give up on fickle humanity. God believes that men and women are worthy of God's love, and so establishes God's dwelling place on earth among the people of Israel, in the house of David. And now, in Mary, God's presence is affirmed by the incarnation of Christ, God's Son. However, with God there is always something more. As we will celebrate in the coming season of Christmas, Christ was born to be the king and saviour not just of the people of Israel but of the whole of humanity. This is the secret mystery of God which, as St Paul tells the Romans, has now to be made known to the pagans so that everyone may know just how much God loves them and wants to share God's life with them for all eternity. Application In our modern world today, many people think of the Christmas story as just another feelgood fairy tale. Such "happy ever after" stories are only for children, to help them go to sleep. The real world is much more scary, with real-life monsters, committing real-time atrocities. And yet, for those of us who still believe, behind the glitter and the sparkle of Christmas lights, there is the truth of God the Father who loves us so much that he sent his only Son, Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary. Jesus is the abiding sign of God's eter- nal love; that no matter how much we might experience human failure and disappointment, God's love never fails; God will never turn back on the promise to come to us and make a home with us. Let us welcome this Good News and have a very happy Christmas. Božič je tik pred durmi in priprave za okrasitev cerkve in postavitve jaslic so v polnem teku. Kar veliko prostovoljcev je potrebnih, da pride vse skupaj. Gospa Olga Glavač je v drevesnici označila smreke, Maks Pavlič jih je posekal in pripeljal in skupaj z Mirkom Zorkom sta jih postavila na podstavke. Eno od dreves sta Maks in Milena darovala otali dve smo kupili. Ivan Krušič je nabral in pripeljal mah. Robi Letnik pa je, kot že vrsto let, v petek začel s postavljanjem jaslic. Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor - vaje V torek po večerni maši in v petek ob 7:00 zvečer, bod pevske vaje za župnijski zbor. Zbor poje na božični večer, na Božič in na praznik svete Družine. dogodki v bližnji prihodnosti ♦ 21. december: SAVA (Mass at 12:00), LONDON (Mass at 4:00 p.m.-St. John D.) ♦ 22. in 23. december: DUHOVNA OBNOVA - spoved: 5:00 p.m., maša ob 7:00 p.m. ♦ 24. december: BOŽIČNI VEČER - Maše ob 6:00 p.m. (Family mass), 10:00 p.m. -Slovenian mass. ♦ 26. december: LIPA PARK-Mass 4:00pm ♦ 31. december: SILVESTROVANJE - Lipa Park, Bled, St. Gregory, Triglav, Sava naročnina za ognjišče 2015_ Leto se bliža koncu. Vsem, ki želite imeti naročeno Ognjišče tudi v letu 2015 sporočamo, da je naročnina 80 kanadskih dolarjev. čiščenje cerkve_ The church cleaning volunteer schedule is almost complete for 2015. We need another team of two/ three people to make the workload easy. If you have time for this important volunteer work please talk to Jozica Vegelj or Pamela Gosgnach after the 9:30 Mass or phone Jozica at 905-664-5240: Pamela at 905-304 -8719. We will be happy to hear from enthusiastic men and women of the parish. Za leto 2015 smo skoraj spravili skupaj listo za čiščenje cerkve. Potrebovali bi še skupino ali dve (dva ali trije v skupini), da bi šlo delo lažje. Če si lahko vzamete nekaj časa za to pomembno prostovoljno delo prosimo če pokličete Jožico Vegelj (905-664-5240) ali Pamelo Gosgnach (905-304-8719) ali govorite z njima po slovenski maši. Veseli bomo vsakega, ki je pripravljen priskočiti na pomoč, da bomo še naprej lahko ohranjali naše svetišče čisto in urejeno. Hvala! hamiltonski škof douglas_ as we approach the christmas season, I thank the Priests, Deacons, Lay Pastoral Associates, and Parish ministers (Music, Word, Extraordinary Communion Ministers, Hospitality (Ushers), Sacristans, Environment, and Maintenance) for the extra time, energy, and effort you put into the Christmas and New Year's liturgical celebrations! It is a very demanding time of year and so very important for everyone who makes their way to church to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ - the Light of the World! Let our greetings be warm, welcoming, and reassuring - representing the love of God for each and for all! - Most Rev. Douglas Crosby, OMI dobrodošlica_ G. Bogdan Kolar je v petek prišel, da nam priskoči na pomoč v tem božičnem času. Iskreno dobrodošel, da bi se dobro počutil med nami teh nekaj dni, čeprav bolj v delavnem razpoloženju. darovi_ The Brabant Foundation iz Burlingtona je daroval za našo cerkev $500. Za Oltarno društvo za rože so darovali: Družina Baznik $50, Frank in Marica Majzelj $100. Hvala vsem za vaš dar! duhovna obnova_ Jutri in v torek imamo duhovno obnovo. Priložnost za spoved bo od 5:30 popoldne naprej in tudi še po maši, če bo potrebno. V torek bo maša tudi zjutraj ob 10h in bo ravno tako prilika za spoved, pred ali po maši. V atriju imate tudi KADILO, da boste lahko na sveti večer pokadili svoje domove. Na razpolago so tudi pratike in koledarji, če jih kdo še ni dobil. otroci slovenske šole_ V sobto, 20. decembra smo imeli mašo z otroci slovenske šole. Pri maši sedaj redno berejo berila, psalm in prošnje. Lepa priložnost za vajo v branju. Po maši pa so najprej okrasili smrečico v atriju, nato so bili v šoli, po dvanajti uri pa so prišli v cerkev za vajo za sveti večer, pri angleški maši. svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - slovenska / in lii Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -don bosco Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971. OD 21. 12. 2014 DO 28. 12. 2014 svete maše - masses Nedelja- Sunday 4. Adventna 21. December Peter Kanizij, duhovnik za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. ff Frančiška in Stane Napast ff Frank in Vera Staniša 11:00 a.m. ff Pokojni iz družine Muhič 12:00 noon ff Pokojni iz društva Triglav 4:00 p.m. Družina Pinter Sin Frank z družino Alex Muhič - SAVA-Breslav St. John the Divine-London Ponedeljek Monday 22. December Frančiška Cabrini, red.u f Ivan Sobočan ff Tončka in Albin Genorio ff Pokojni iz druž. Rajbar f Terezija Hajdinjak Duhovna obnova spoved 7:00 p.m. Žena z družino Elizabeta Gimpelj Ana z družino Terezija Prša Torek - Tuesday 23. December Janez Kancij, duhovnik f Terezija Hajdinjak f Janez Recek f Mijo Starešinčič f Terezija Hajdinjak Duhovna obnova spoved 10:00 a.m. Slomškovo oltarno društvo 7:00 p.m. Družina Recek Žena Ivka Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš Sreda - Wednesday 24. December Adam in Eva Sveti večer f Sidonija Drvarič ff Max in Maximilian Sagadin ff Nežka Šparovec f Darinka Ferletič ff Pokojni iz družine Zorčič 6:00 p.m. Daughter and family Julija Sagadin z družino Sestra Marija 10:00 p.m. Milan, Sandy, Mike Jožica in Ivan Vegelj z druž. Četrtek - Thursday Za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. 25. December f Janez Kosednar Žena in družina Božič - Gospodovo rojstvo f Štefka Rihar 11:00 a.m. Družina Rihar Petek Friday 26. December Štefan f Štefka Rihar 9:30 p.m. f Štefan Prša f Štefan Zadravec f Štefan Hozjan ff Marija in Blaž Molan, obl. 4:00 p.m. ff Ivan Kunej in pokojni člani društva Lipa park John in Ann Božnar Žena Terezija Prša Žena Terezija Zadravec Marija Hozjan z druž. Pavla Kunej Pavla Kunej Sobota Saturday 27. December Evgen, mučenec Bogu v zahvalo f Janez Hočevar f Elizabeta Ferko ff Dane Jesih f HancRudi ff Tereza Salajko 8:00 a.m. Poavel in Jožica Novak 5:30 p.m. Kathy in Martin Simončič Anica Vrečič (Windsor) Teresa Koželj Štefan Petek Štefan Petek Nedelja- Sunday Sveta družina 28. December Nedolžni otroci za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. ff Jožef Pust ff Miroslava in Viktorija Sinigoj 11:00 a.m. Družina Pust Julija Sagadin z družino