ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 8 AUGUST, 1965 VOLUME 37 OUR FOUNDER S BRANCH WINS FOUNDER’S CAMPAIGN! Marie I’risland, S.W.U. Founder How appropriate that Hr. 1, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, the home branch of our S.W.U. Founder and Honorary President, Mrs. Marie I’risland should take top honors in the recently concluded Founders’ Campaign which was instituted to honor her and all the founders of our many branches. Secre-lary of Hr. 1 is Mrs. Margaret Fischer who led the branch in individual awards with 255 members; doubly significant as she is our Founder’s daughter. And as our leading campaigner in enrolling the most new members herself, was our Supreme President, Antonia Turek, with 35 new members! -'A They are showing us the way with action of a kind that’s most important to the future of this organization! ZARJA - THE DAWN Published monthly — izhaja vsak mescc Annual subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually. Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher-. ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office-. 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO S, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the fifth of the month. Kji dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do S v mesecu. VOL. XXXVII No. 8 AUGUST, 1965 LETO XXXVII — Št. 8 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, lil. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois SLOVENSKA ZENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, lil. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Reprint from BEDFORD TIMES-REGISTER Thursday, May 6, 19C5 NEWS and VIEWS from BEDFORD HEIGHTS by Julius Seliga Most people enjoy a good surprise as long as it’s not on themselves. Something on that order happened the other evening at the annual mother’s day dinner held by the Slovenian Women’s Union, Br. No. 101, Bedford Heights, Ohio. For some years now, the ladies of that group have made it a custom to select some deserving local lady to honor as “Mother of the Year.” The lady is not notified but is publicly acclaimed the evening of the dinner. I might add that the dinner is a real feed bag, to put it bluntly. The food on each occasion has been out of this world, and this year’s dinner was no exception, with stuffed cabbage, chicken and other delicacies loading down the tables. Likewise, the tables are usually well surrounded with people who know a good dinner when they see one, and the recreation room at city hall was pretty well filled with overflow going into one of the side rooms. Along about the middle of the dinner, Mrs. Ann Gyuricik, president of the group got the place quiet enough for a few moments to introduce Father John Paulin who is spiritual advisor to the lodge, and then she quietly announced the name of the mother of the year. “And the mother of the year is Mrs. Mary Szabo,” said she. Boy, oh boy, you should have seen the surprised look on her face. Mary was presented with a placque from the ladies of the lodge, and her granddaughter, Kim Marie presented her with a bouquet of roses. Introductions of honored guests and city officials followed, including Mayor and Mrs. Robert E. Willeford, Councilman and Mrs. Joseph Castiglione, Councilman Lucille Reed and Councilman and Mrs. Julius Seliga, Mrs. Rob- erta Stebel and Mrs. Sarah Bonko and Recreation Director William Ritt-wage. Short speeches of congratulations by the Mayor and Father Paulin followed. All in all a splendid evening, a splendid meal and a delightful surprise for Mary Szabo who has most certainly done a yeo-man job in many capacities in the community. Although it is not generally known, Mary and Julius Szabo have a foster child in Korea, and Mary is, of course, well known in her latest capacity as president of the high school PTA. Incidentally, as I said, Mrs. Ann Gyuricik is president of the Lodge, Mrs. Ann Swaney is vice-president, Mrs. Ethel Rittwage is secretary, Dorothy Kastellic financial secretary, and Mrs. Lucille Picone is treasurer. Mrs. Mara DuBoyes, entertainment chairman, Mrs. Gyuricik tells me that they are looking for new members, so if you’re interested, please get hold of one of the mentioned ladies, won’t you. ^ Supreme President, Antonia Turek was traveling throughout the west S x in June and will have a full report on her visits to our branches in Kan. X sas, Colorado and other states in the next issue. ^ HAPPY BIRTHDAY //V AUGUST Supreme Officers: Aug. 32 — Mary Bostian, State President, Cleveland, O. Branch Presidents: Aug. 1 — Emma Tomse, Br. 30, Aurora, 111. Aug. 1 —■ Rose Veronick, Br. 31, Gilbert, Minn. Aug. 3 — Helen Cobai, Br. 921, Crested Butte, Colo. Aug. 7 — Mary Krogulski, Br. 24, LaSalle, 111. Aug. 18 — Frances Lindich, Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio Aug. 22 — Mary Habich, Br. 74, Ambridge, Pa. Aug. 29 — Rose Racher, Br. 54, Warren, Ohio MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! DATES TO REMEMBER . . . Aug. 29 — lll.-lnd. State Convention, Joliet, 111. Aug. 29 — Minnesota State Day, Aurora, Minn. Sept. 1 — Card Party, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Sept. 12 — Trip to Dickeyville, Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. Sept. 13 — Cook-out, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio Sept. 19 — Penna State Day, Br. 91, Oakmont, at Acme-tonia, Pa. Oct. ------ Annual Birthday Celebration (Date to be an- nounced), Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio Oct. 17 — Slovenian Day, Combined Branches of Cleve-Oct. 24 — Party at Aurora Rd. School, Br. 101, Bedford Heights, Ohio Nov. 11 — Penny Social, Br. 2, Chicago, 111. JOLIET SCENE OF ILLINOIS - INDIANA STATE CONVENTION This year’s State Convention is Sunday, Aug. 29. As you know, this is exclusively a State Convention anil we rely on the following Branches to attend. They are: Br. 2, 5 (Ind.), 16, 20, 22, 24, 30, 72, 85, 89, 95, and 99. I appeal to all of the members to consider and make a special effort to attend. Please let me have your acceptance. Your cooperation will be a source of encouragement to me. PROGRAM FOR THE DAY: 12:00 P.M. Holy Mass at St. Joseph’s Church (Chicago and Clay St., Joliet, 111,) 1:15 P.M. Dinner at the famous and exclusive club, D’Amico’s, 214 Ottawa St. The cost of the dinner will be $3.35 2:30 P.M. State Convention Meeting Please note that this schedule must be maintained so that the events of the day can go on as planned. Mildred James, State President of Illinois-Indiana ST. JOSEPH’S CHURCH, JOLIET, ILL. INVITATION TO MINNESOTA STATE DAY A sincere invitation to members of all branches in Minnesota, to attend MINNESOTA ZVEZA DAY, SUNDAY, AUGUST 29, 1965 AT AURORA, MINN. All arrangements are being worked out to make it a huge success. Our member, Mrs. Pauline Pleveli, has crocheted a beautiful afglian that will be given away to some lucky member at the State Convention. Our toastmistress will be Mrs. Ralph Hodnik. Both Mrs. Hodnik and Miss Anne Hodnik are in charge of a money-making project for this affair. We hope to see you all in great number in Aurora, Minn, for Zveza Day, Aug. 29th. Mary Smolich, Pres. Br. 35 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SCHOLARSHIP Because of the many applications received, the Scholarship Committee recomended ;iiul the Board of Directors approved that four scholarships be awarded for the academic year 19G5-1966 instead of the usual two granted each year. One of the additional scholarships will be dedicated to the oncoming 40th Anniversary of our Union (1966) honoring the officers and delegates of the last National Convention who so generously contributed to the Scholarship Fund, and remembering Mrs. Anna Pachalc, State president of Colorado, for her generosity for this cause. The other scholarship, made financially available from the proceeds of our cool; books, will be given in the name of those members who so efficiently handled its sales. 5,000 books were sold in one year mostly by the Supreme officers and officers of our branches. May this additional scholarship bring joy and satisfaction to all of you who promoted the sale of our cook books. The Scholarship Committee: Marie Prisland, President Antonia Turek, Member of Committee Albina Novak, Member of Committee Hermine Dicke, Secretary Mary T. Statkus Diana L. Schriver John M. Novak The four scholarship winners are as follows: Miss MARY T. STATKUS, member of branch No. 2, Chicago will attend Alvemo College in Milwaukee to study nursing. Mary is an excellent student who always finds time to be active in her branch’s activities along with her mother. Another outstanding student, Miss DIANA L. SCHRIVER, member of branch No. 26, in Pittsburgh, is enrolled at the Edinboro State Teacher’s College, Edinboro, Pennsylvania, for the fall semester and will enter its school of education to become a teacher. She, as well as her grandmother and several aunts, is actively engaged in their branch's work. Branch No. 1, Sheboygan, is proud that one of its members has a son eligible for scholarship. MICHAEL S. FRANCIS, a straight A student in his senior year, has been accepted by the State University of Colorado in the department, of aeronautical engineering. Michael is a registered member of the Federal Aviation Agency, a student pilot, and the recipient of the Amelia Earhart National Civic Air Patrol award. Michael as a cadet of the Sheboygan Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol has been selected for one of CAP’S top activities. He has been chosen for the CAP international exchange program to visit Jamaica. He is one of the 144 cadets selected out of 50,000 participating in the national program. Cadets will be sent all over the world to represent United States in the international air cadet exchange. i JOHN M. NOVAK, a student with an excellent record, is from Warrensville, Ohio, where his mother has been an active member of branch No. 73 for 27 years. In the Fall, he will attend the State University of Ohio as a pre- law student. To our scholarship winners we offer our congratulations and best wishes for a successful future. OUR SCHOLARSHIP STUDENTS WRITE: “WHAT THE S.W.U. MEANS TO ME” MAIIY T. STATKDS: An organization of Slovenian women, who have shown greatness in their endeavors toward their country and toward individuals, is my definition of the S.W.IJ. As a child, I remember the many happy time« spent at the children’s Christmas party, which the different branches arranged for us. Now in my young adult life the S.W.U. has given me a wonderful opportunity, for which I am very grateful. That chance is the furthering of my education. In my adult life, I hope to be of help and serve the organization and its members, to my fullest, capacity. MICHAEL S. FRANCIS: Webster defines it as a feeling or an interest in those with whom one has a common bond, but no matter how you define it, l’raternalism is the keystone of the Slovenian Women's Union. Michael S. Francis The organization was founded in 192fi by a group ot energetic women who believed not only that women of Slovenian descent should be bound by a common unity, but also felt that the American public should have understanding of a great nationality. The S.W.U. today is a nationwide organization devoting itself to the preservation of all Slovenian traditions and customs. The union sponsors several pilgrimages to Europe each year as well as an annual retreat to Leinont, Illinois. The S.W.U. preserves its social spirit by means of Musical Groups, varied Mother's Day programs, and a sports program which includes bowling. Its scholarship program proves that the society has a desire to help the needy student and promote education. Last, but not least, tlie Union publishes its official organ, “Zarja - The Dawn,” which relays all activities of the organization and brings its widespread membership closer together. The Slovenian Women’s Union deserves only the utmost in praise lor their tremendous effort in the past and their ever watchful eye on the future. To me personally, it means that I am now able to a-chieve the goal I have set for myself in life, that of a college education. Belonging to an organization of such tight personal bonds between all its members, 1 feel as if I have a second home. With their youth’s interest in mind and their undying service to all, it is a privilege for me to say that "I am a member of the S.W.U.” Again I want to thank the S.W.U. for the scholarship and the faith you have put into me. DIANA L. SCHRIVER: What is it like to be in a new country, with strange customs and few friends? This is why the Slovenian Women’s Union of America was founded. Through the Slovenian Women’s Union, Slovenian women all over the United States can be united under their cultural background, and form a sanctuary where they can be fully understood and appreciated while gaining new social assurance. Social functions are essential to belonging to an organization such as this. It gives the members the oppor- tunity to participate in a social context where our heritage is preserved with all its customs and language. The Slovenian Women’s Union allows its members to perpetuate their cultural heritage with its Christian ideals as an ethnic organization in ways that would be difficult for them as individuals. Suporting churches, charitable and educational institutions is an example of this. Everyone appreciates monetary gifts in times of need or jubilation. What better way is there to help a friend than by group participation for such things as weddings, funerals, or the birth of a child? I, in particular, realize the value of this kind of financial assistance, since 1 was fortunate enough to be awarded a scholarship from the Union. As a Senior member of the Union, I will do everything 1 can to preserve the posterity of the Slovenian Women’s Society, necessary in such a large nation as ours, with a mixed population. JOHN M. NOVAK: The Slovenian Women’s Union was founded in in order to unite Slovenian women and enable them to carry on the heritage of the old nation and the new. In the past the national chapter has served to unify its local branches through conventions and the publication of its monthly magazine Zarja - The Dawn. The lodge honors a mother of the year and also encourages academic achievement by awarding scholarships through a committee headed by Mrs. Marie Prisland. Branch 73 of Warrensville Heights, Ohio of which my mother is a charter member, was founded in 1936. Under the guidance of president Kay Yuratovac and vice president Uouise Eppley the branch chapter has sponsored many functions including card parties, Christmas parties and bake sales. As a junior member of the lodge I am proud to belong to a organization which has enabled Slovenian women to take part in many social and charitable activities, and above all, to promote education. Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. LADY, WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE! Our human society shows signs of breaking up, of dissolving, as the various elements which constitute it desin-tegrate before our eyes into materialistic individualism, or rise up one against the other. What social life remains tends to bo governed only by the interplay of private interests, or the struggle for power of party against party. There is only one effective cure for this malady: the return of the mind and heart of man to the knowledge and love of God. To apply this remedy to the living flesh of humanity, torn by so many shocks, the hands of women seem providentially prepared, rendered gentler as they are by a more refined sensitivity, and by a more delicate tenderness of heart. Some time ago I read an article on the behavior of business women. They can exercise a great influence on the human society and that for better. The advice came from Miss Jo Foxworth in a talk before the national convention of the Advertising Federation of America. She is the president of the Advertising Women of New York. She presented a code of ethics for the woman who wants to succeed and called it the ten commandments for women in business. They seem to have a lot of bearing on present day social life. Here they are: 1. You should try harder. You need not be No. 2. 2. You should know when to zip your ruby lips and let the men do the talking. — The longer we held out cm the men, the harder they will listen when we do break down and give them the inside, straight picture. 3. You should not attempt to hide behind your own petticoat. — Petticoats do not. hide nearly so much as they used to. Nowadays they are apt to reveal rather more than they conceal. 4. You shall speak softly and carry no stick, save lipstick. 5. You should serve your lady boss as graciously as you serve any man. C. When success comes you should not get too big for your bustle. — A man grown too big for his own raiment is hard enough to take, but a woman who is too big for her own bustle is impossible. 7. You should watch your language; there may be gentlemen present. 8. You should not match martinis with the men. 9. You should save your sex appeal for after 5, even though your C-cup runs over. — Sex around the office is like alcohol on the highway. 10. Fill in your own or keeping of the commandments of God will give you the right idea. This came from a lady. What better way can we say? PENN A ZVEZA DAY — SEPT. 19 Members of Pennsylvania are invited to attend the annual Penna State Day which takes place at Acmetonia, Pa. on Sept. 19th with hostess branch, No. 91 of Oakmont. This will again be a wonderful time for visiting with your friends from all over the state and to talk over our common goals as members of the Slovenian Women’s Union. We have received word that the Supreme President, Antonia Turek plans to be with us and we have extended the invitation to our other Supreme Officers, including Mrs. Novak, Supreme Secretary. We also hope to have our neighbors from Ohio with us as they come each year. We are looking forward to Sept. 19th at Acmetonia! Mary Tomsic, State President BR. NO. 43 ENJOYS HUGE SUCCESS AT ANNIVERSARY The 35th anniversary celebration on June 13, 1965 was a wonderful affair which I enjoyed as well as all members who joined the crowd at St. John’s Hall. The State Convention of Wisconsin was well arranged also, with State President, Rose Kraemer presiding. The day began with the offering of a solemn mas given by Father Claude Okorn who is pastor of St. John the Evangelist Church and our S.W.U. Spiritual Advisor. He is a fine speaker and made many good points to remember in his talk at the banquet that afternoon. My fondest wishes to all the members and to Mrs. Kraemer for abundant success in the future. It was a pleasure to be with you. Josephine Železnikar, Supr. Treas. DEEPEST SYMPATHY . . . to the family of the late MARY KRZNARICH, secretary of Br. 94, Canton, Ohio for 15 years. The officers and members of Slovenian Women’s Union join in many prayers for the repose of her soul and heavenly reward for all the good she has done in this life. “May the eternal light shine upon her.” u Ohio Will Meet Oct. IT at Rechar Hall Stop ,look and listen! In just two months we’ll have our Slovenian Day celebration. Beautiful colors of costumes worn by many of our members will be the order of the day. It will be Oct. 17th, 1965 at 20713 Lindbergh Rd. and Rechar Avenue in Euclid. Sponsors are the combined branches of Cleveland, Ohio. There will be Slovenian food served and do you know what? There’s going to be the special dish called "Crackling Potica”! Come out and taste this treat! And the menu will include polenta with sauer kraut and Slovenian klobase. There’ll also be roast beef for these who prefer. On the program will be many things to entertain you right along. It will be so exciting, so, do come and enjoy yourselves ! Find the missing Miss Slovenia and win a prize. There will be many nice prizes. Come and meet the Slovenian Beetles — oh, what beetles! All this for $1.75, dinner and entertainment ■— where else could you get more! So, I’ll be seeing you and greeting you with a big smile! COMBINED BRANCHES REPORT Meeting In July was a gathering of branches for the interest of all. The discussions were all about our Slovenian Day on Oct. 17th. How about our outsiders? Are you planning to be part of the affair? If not, please do, as it will be such a joy to see you all at this great celebration. We will have a bake sale to start off the day from 9:30 A.M. to 1 P.M. The dinner will start at 3 P.M. A Slovenian menu is in order with a klobase or roast beef dinner. There will be lots of variety all day with a nice afternoon program and many of our members in Slovenian costumes. We want all our members to attend and bring along their friends and relations. I am aiming to do all to make this a successful day. All branches are asked to have a part in it —- to help and cooperate whatever way possible. This is for the benefit of ADD branches so, let. us work together, smile together, sing together and enjoy this day together. ANNOUNCEMENT! Our I960 State Convention will be held on April 21, 19GG and will be a joint celebration with Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio on their 30th anniversary. We hope everyone will mark this date in the calendar! Mary Bostian ACT IV IT IES No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. — Summer is a happy time for young and old alike. I sure hope our Zveza travelers in Europe are enjoying their trip and are thinking of us back home. It is that time of the year again when our branch members are out-selling tickets for our annual card party. Please help them along by buying a few when you are approached. Also door prizes will be greatly appreciated. For further information concerning the card party please contact Ann Modiz, Chairman or Mary Turk, Co-Chairman. The card party will be held the first Wednesday in September which is September l at 7:20 P.M. at the St. Cyril and Methodius Church Hall. Our meetings will reconvene on Sunday, September 19. We wish to extend our most hearty welcome to Mary Jakum who most recently joined our branch. Also a little reminder to all our members to go and visit our branch’s sick members in the hospitals and those at home. Your visit would bring happiness to those that felt they were forgotten. Happy Birthday to all our birthday girls and with this thought in mind we hope to see you all again September 1 at 7:30 P.M. at the card party and on September 19 at the meeting. Mary Vertacic, Treasurer No. 2, Chicago, III. -— We’re happy to hear of the new arrivals at the homes of our fine members. Little baby girl, Paula was born to Elsie and Frank Piszezor making their family complete with little Laura and Steven, a happy sister and brother. John and Ann Hozzian welcomed a new baby boy recently, too. And, our fondest wishes to two new grandmas, Stephanie Osterman, our Vice-Pres. and Frances Gomilar (sisters, themselves). Dawn Marie was born June 12th to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Osterman and Heidi Dawn arrived on June 26th to Pvt. and Mrs. Ronald Gomilar who live in Germany where Ron is stationed with the U.S. Army. Brides-to-be this month of August will be Sandra Meden on Aug. 7th, Joan Zorko on Aug. 8th and Justi Bevc who will be married Aug. 21st. To them, all wishes for sublime happiness! Our members spent most of June and July completing plans for the big Lemont Zveza Day July 18th. We hope to have a fine report on that event in Sept. Zarja, We’d like to thank all our workers in the last campaign for doing such an excellent job that brought Br. 2 into third place with 32 new members. Most diligent were Secretary, Albina Novak, with 12; our hostess at all meetings, Ann Zorko, with 7; Pres. Josephine Železnikar, with -1 and yours truly, with 4; Angela Zugich, with 2 and Jennie Puhek and Angela Simic, each one. Thanks to all and best wishes. We have no meeting this month but will see you Sept. 9th at the usual place and time. Corinne Leskovar No. 7, Forest City, Pa. — The Slovenian Women’s Union, SŽZ No. 7, Forest City will no longer hold the monthly meeting at the VFW Rooms, Dundaff Street, but will have their monthly meeting at the home of our secretary, Mrs. Josephine Gostislia, 1010 North Main St., every second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 P.M. Those who cannot attend the meeting may come to her home anytime to pay dues. Please pay dues promptly. Mary J. Kameen, Vice-Pres. No. 14, Euclid, Ohio. — We had a very good attendance at our Annual Mass, which was held Sunday, June 13th, at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, Chardon Rd.t Euclid, Ohio. Special thanks are in order to the Sustar family for the loan of their organ, Mary Gerl as the organist, and the members who sang so nicely. Congratulations are in order to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Medved, who celebrated their Golden Anniversary June 26th, 1965. An open house was held at Orso’s Lounge, 38860 Mentor Ave, Willoughby, Ohio, to celebrate this great event. They have two sons, Joseph and Henry, and eight grandchildren. Mrs. Medved was secretary of our branch 5 years. Mr. Medved retired in 1959 from the New York Central after 49 years of service. May they have many more anniversaries. Ann Snyder is a proud lady today, becoming a grandmother for the first time. Her son and daughter-in-law became the parents of a son. Misfortune has again hit Frances Modic, who is in a hospital for the second time. Hope to see her up and around very soon. Condolences are extended to the family of Jennie Vodnik, who passed away recently. Her four surviving daughters are members of our branch. Mrs. Vodnik was also the grandmother of eight, and great-grandmother of five children. She will be remembered in our prayers. Molly Sodja No. 20, Joliet, III. — Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dem-ick. (She is the former Mary Kay Spellch who is our member for many years). They have increased the little family by a son. Grandmother who also is our member is Mrs. Mary Spel-ich from 911 N. Broadway. Mrs. Mary Kolar from Raub Street has returned from the hospital — also Mrs. Mary Spellch from Dawes Ave. We wish them both — a speedy recovery. HAPPY AT 50! Fifty years of happy married life was celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Medved in June. Mrs. Medved is past secretary of Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio. Our condolences to Mrs. Mary Val-entich from N. Broadway who lost a daughter, age 43 — Mrs. Mary Pederson. Besides her parents and husband she is also survived by four children. On Father’s Day our members had a family picnic at the Kunstek resort in Yorkville. The members and their families enjoyed the outing and we thank Mrs. Kunstek for the grounds and thank the members as well who helped this day. At this writing, our church is sponsoring an annual carnival, from June 27 to July 12th. Many thanks to the members who came and helped at this church affair which helped make it a success. Until we meet, with best wishes. Josephine Erjavec No. 20, Bowling News, Joliet, III. — New officers were elected at the annual Award Dinner of the S.W.U. Bowling League held recently at the Blue Willow Restaurant, in I^ockport. Directing the activities of the group for the coming year will be Mrs. Frank Gasparich, President, Mrs. Josephine Sumic, Vice-President, Mrs. V. Guertin, Secretary, Mrs. Fred Suski, Treasurer, Mrs. Gert Padavich, Courtesy, Mrs. Lill Anderson, Sergeant at Arms, and Mrs. John Rudman, Pub licity and Reporter. Mrs. Helen Golobich , retiring president, conducted the business meeting. She thanked the officers and members for their cooperation for the past two years. Miss Josephine Mlakar was presented the High Series Medal Award and Mrs. Michael Papesh, Sr., received the WIBC Achievement Award. First place winners were the Northwest Rec. Club with four teammates: Marilyn Nemanich, Barb Terlep, Ann Kobe and Marge Gasparich, .Capt Congratulations from the members. Our girl from Lenox, Marj Wajchert took High Individual Average for the season — 156. Congratulations. Prize winners for the evening were: Ann Kobe, Lill Anderson, Ann Ariag-110, Marj Wajchert, Marilyn Nenianich, Helen Golobich, Dorothy Horvath, Barb Terlep, Millie Ellena, Mitzie Mrozek and Mary Rudman. Guests for the evening were: Miss Fran Gas-pich, Br. 20, Secretary, and Bernice Bluth, our most loyal sub bowler and also S.W.U. sponsor. We want to thank you Bernie for subbing for us and also to Ann Ariagno who will be back to bowl with us next season. So, may God be willing, we hope to see you all at the next meeting sometime in September. Your Reporter, Mary Rudman No. 33, New Duluth, Minn. — We shall again resume our meetings this month. Plans will be made to attend Minn. Zveza Day in Aurora by Charter bus on Aug. 29th. Many will still be away on vacations this month. If so, contact the pres., Rose Ann Mun-sell for reservations as quickly as possible. Our trips to the Range are always enjoyed by all each year. Let us a-gain have a good turnout. On June 30th, our pastor of 11 years at our parish, Father Wm. Larkin was assigned as pastor to St. Rose’s church at Proctor. We have much to be thankful for to Fr. Larkin for all the hard work done in our parish in the building of a new church. May God bless him in his new assignment. Fr. James Golden is our new pastor. We know he will be a wonderful replacement. Let us cooperate with him heart and soul so that we will continue to be one large family at St. Elizabeth’s. A reception was held by the parishioners for Fr. Golden on July 11th as a formal welcome to our new pastor and to bid farewell to Fr. Larkin who will not be too far from us. May God shower his blessings on them both. A happy voyage and safe return to all our Supreme Officers and other officers and members traveling a-broad and throughout this country this month. Hope to see you all at the Aug. meeting. If there are any members on the sick list, we extend God’s blessings for a speedy recovery. Best to all. Ann Podgoršek, Rep. No. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. — No meeting in July or August but our branch has several vacationists who are enjoying themselves in their home-land, Slovenia. Celia Marolt, our charter member, decided she needed a vacation after the 35th anniversary celebration and she is now visiting her relatives there. From the card 1 received, she’s having a wonderful time. Stefanie Bajric and her daughter, Rose Mary also left for Rečica to visit Stet'anie’s parents .brothers and sisters. Received a card from them, too, and she is having a grand reunion. The Anton Frangesh family spent a week traveling thru Canada and came back thru New York. They had a sensational trip. The Tratnik’s and Ambrosh’s are traveling to San Francisco then on to El Toro, Calif, to visit Jerry Am-brosh who is stationed at the Marine Base. From there, they are going to Lake Tahoe and Las Vegas. I wonder what the big attraction is in Las Vegas??? Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dybul are vacationing in northern Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dybul are proud parents of a baby boy. Congratulations to mother and daddy and grandparents. Congratulations also to Pat, daughter of Marge and Slip Zefran, who is graduating from the college of medical technology and is going to Washington to work. Anne Rebernisek is still conveiesc-ing, so if members can pay her a visit or send a card, she will be very happy. To all our sick members, a speedy recovery. Pay them a visit or remember them if you can. Jim and Ann Goggins are back in the tavern business. They’d appreciate your visit, too, at 15th and Mitchell St. I’m sure they’ll be delighted to see you. Our next meeting is Sunday, Sept. 12th. Don’t forget to pay your dues. Congratulations to all August birthdays and anniversaries. May God bless you all. Rose Kraemer, Sec’y No. 55, Girard, Ohio. — June, the first vacation month and no meeting. But you may be sure that dues will be taken any time at my home. We’ll start off this report by letting you in on some happy news. Two of our members are celebrating their silver wedding anniversaries; the celebrants are Mr. and Mrs. John (Nettie) Juvančič and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (Margaret) Umeck, Jr. Congratulations and our best wishes for many, many more years of wedded bliss. We also send congratulations to Miss Mary Louis Umeck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Umeck, who graduated from Niles McKinley H. S. and is in nurses training at the South Side Hospital at Youngstown, Ohio, also studying at the Youngstown University. Congratulations to William Richard Umeck, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Umeck also a graduate of Niles McKinley High. He will attend Kent University this fall. On our sick list we have Margaret Tripoti, she was hospitalized. Get well wishes were sent to her. Deepest sympathy was extended lo Miss Annette Lopolla on the loss of her beloved father, Vincent Lopolla; also to Gala Jhoss on the loss of her beloved mother, Mrs. Gortrude Zimmerman. Mrs. Zimmerman was a very good member for a great many years; she will now receive her reward in heaven. May they rest in peace. Wishes to all for a happy, safe vacation! Till next month .adieu! Mary Ann Mehalco No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Our summer season is on and we hope you all have a wonderful time. We don’t have meetings during July and August so the news will be brief. This is mostly to notify members who plan on attending Minnesota State Day, as we won’t be having a meeting before. Members will be contacted by phone, so anyone interested in going to Aurora please let me know. The date is Aug. 2«, 1905. Our June meeting wasn’t too well attended. Business meeting was short. Cards were played and winners are: Mmes. Agnes Barkis, Caroline Kozina, Mary Drobnick, Dorothy Oberstar, Angeline Passino and Margaret Shellco. Hostesses were Delores Passino, Rose Vukich, Mary Meadows and Angeline Passino. So, until our Sept. meeting, when the hostesses will be Frances Puhek, Mary Puhek, Theresa Hattam, Mary Massich and Mary Ayotte, we wish you a nice summer and God bless you all. Anne B. Satovich, Pres. No. 66, Canon City, Colo. Our congratulations to Ruth Ann Blatnick who was recently married. She’s a Class B member. Our sympathy to members who had relatives anywhere along the flooded area; and, to all who were hit by such a great disaster. We saw so much misery and destruction at very high levels with the river growing miles wide. We are used to hearing about floods in certain low areas of the country, but this was so unexpected and it was the worst in Colorado his tory. We were fortunate in our town, but we still had a scare. Pueblo was hit and towns below it and Denver was very hard hit. We have cousins in Denver who had to evacuate their homes but thank God, were not damaged. A niece’s husband was one of (he two men who rescued an elderly couple at Castle Rock with surrounding water; a tree trimming rig was used to rip the top off their car to get them out. He worked on the telephone lines. Their family also had to evacuate altho their home in Littleton was not damaged. Some, tho, were washed right off their foundations. Our thanks to members who donated their time and energy sorting clothes. Hermine Prisland Dicke: and. BLUEBERRY PANNU KAKKO (Pancake) The “pannu kakko” is a Finnish dish used as a main dish for supper, brunch or a late Sunday breakfast. 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons sugar i/2 teaspoon salt 2 eggs, well-beaten Vz cup butter 2 cups milk. Pilling: I pint fresh blueberries % cup sugar. Sift flour, sugar and salt into large mixing bowl. Add 1% cups milk; beat with a mixer until smooth. Beat in remaining milk and eggs. Divide butter and melt in two bread pans, 9” x 5” x 3” or two-quart casseroles. Tilt pans to grease sides. Pour in batter. Bake in pre-heated oven of 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Pancake may fall if oven door is opened during baking. When done, pancake will be puffed with a rolled brown edge and a depression in center. Combine blueberries and sugar — pour half into center of each pancake. Return to oven for 10 minutes. Gently stir blueberries once while baking to help dissolve sugar. Serve at once. May use variations of fruit or may be served plain. Serves 12. boxing food, etc. for the hard-hit flood victims in our church drive. Mrs. Frances Dremel had her daughter and granddaughters visiting her from 111. Josephine Kunisich also daughter and family visiting with her. Christine Konte had visitors from Weston, Colo. Patricia Legan visited her sister Arlene and family in Iowa. Happy summer days, everyone. Cecile Adamic, Sec. No. 72, Pullman, III. — I hope you are enjoying the summer. We could not have a July meeting because a number of our members .including several officers, would be away 011 vacation. It was therefore decided to skip July, and we look forward to seeing you in August. At the June meeting we were pleasantly surprised by the attendance of several of our ailing members. Mrs. Sheehy, Mrs. Arko and Mrs. Dolinar were able to bo present. We hope these members, as well as any others who might be ailing, will soon be well enough to join us every month. Best wishes to all for a happy summer. Wilma Zagar JELLIES Homemade jellies are always something special. And you will be too, if you’re the one who's made them. Even if you’ve never canned a thing in your life, think seriously about making a few jars of jelly this year. CRABAPPLE JELLY (without added pectin) ■I cups crabapple juice (takes about 3 pounds crabapples and 3 cups water) 4 cups sugar. To prepare juice: Select firm, crisp crabapples, about one-fourth underripe, the rest fully ripe (it is usually best to have part of the fruit underripe when no pectin is added, because underripe fruit has a higher pectin content than fully ripe). Sort, wash, and remove stem and blossom ends; do not pare or core. Cut crabapples into small pieces. Add water, cover, and bring to boil on high heat. Reduce heat and simmer in 8 to 10 quart kettle with a broad flat bottom for 20 to 25 minutes, or until crabapples are soft. Extract juice by putting the cooked fruit in a damp jelly bag (usually made of several thicknesses of closely woven cheesecloth, or firm unbleached muslin, or of canton flannel with napped side in). The clearest jelly comes from fruit that has dripped through a jelly bag without pressing. More juice, of course, can be obtained by twisting the bag of fruit tightly and squeezing or pressing, or by using a fruit press. Pressed juice should be re-strained through a double thickness of damp cheesecloth or a damp jelly bag; the cloth or bag should not be squeezed. A colander can be used to hold the jelly bag. To make jelly: Measure juice into large kettle. Add sugar and stir well. Boil over high heat to 8 degrees P. above the boiling point of water (use jelly, candy, or deep-fat thermometer) or until jelly mixture sheets from a spoon. (Dip a cool metal spoon in the boiling jelly mixture. Then raise it at least a foot above the kettle, out of the steam, and turn the spoon so the sirup runs off the side. If the sirup forms two drops that flow together and fall off the spoon as one sheet, the jelly should be done. Another way of testing doneness is to pour a small amount of boiling jelly on a cold plate, and put it in the ice compartment of a refrigerator for a few minutes. If the mixture gels, it should be done. During this test, the jelly mixture should be removed from the heat. The temperature test, however, is the most dependable). In making crabapple jelly, I found 5 minutes of full rolling boil (one that cannot, be stirred down) to be perfect. 7 minutes was too long. Then remove from heat; skim off foam quickly. Pour jelly into hot glasses to within % inch of top. Cover immediately with hot paraffin using only enough to make a thin layer a-bout Va inch thick (a thin layer is preferable to a thick layer because the thin layer can expand or contract more readily and will give a better seal). Cover with a metal or paper lid. Metal lid should not fit too tightly- GRAPE CONSERVE Conserves are jams made from a mixture or fruits, usually including citrus fruit; often raisins and nuts are added. 4% cups grapes with skins removed (takes about 4 pounds Concord grapes) 1 orange 4 cups sugar 1 cup seedless raisins Vz teaspoon salt skins from grapes 1 cup nuts, chopped fine. Sort and wash grapes; remove from stems. Slip skins from grapes; save skins. Measure skinned grapes into a kettle and boil, stirring constantly, for about 10 minutes, or until the seeds show. Press through a sieve to remove seeds. Chop the orange fine without peeling it; remove seeds. To the sieved grapes add the orange, sugar, raisins, and salt. Boil rapidly, stirring constantly, until the mixture begins to thicken (about 10 minutes). Add the grape skins and boil, stirring constantly, to 9 degrees F. above the boiling point of water (about 10 minutes). Do not overcook; the mixture will thicken more on cooling. Add nuts and stir well. Remove from heat; skim and stir alternately for 5 minutes. Ladle conserve into hot containers and seal immediately. “CHIXS AND BROCCOLI” An elementary school teacher brought this (all-in-one meal) dish to a PTA pot luck supper. It went over big. 3 whole chicken breasts 2 packages broccoli (frozen or fresh) 1 can condensed mushroom soup Vz cup milk 11/2 cup grated Cheddar cheese Salt and paprika Bread crumbs Vz cup melted butter. Simmer 3 whole chicken breasts until tender (this can be done the day before). Break into large slices. Cover bottom of a well greased casserole with 2 packages of cooked frozen broccoli. I.ay cooked slices of chicken on top. Cover with a sauce made of: 1 can condensed mushroom soup Vz cup milk 1/2 cup grated Cheddar cheese Salt and paprika as desired. Top with fine bread crumbs and i/2 cup melted butter. Bake 350 degrees for one hour. BIWABiK, MINNESOTA RECALLS WONDERFUL BRANCH ANNIVERSARY Sunday, June 27th, our branch celebrated the 35th anniversary with a dinner at the churcli hall. The program was very interesting and entertaining. Johanna Zallar led grace in Slovenian and did it so beautifully. Fran Anzelc was a delightful toastmistress. She also is our president. First she welcomed everyone and then we all dranlc a toast to the members’ health and future of the branch with a glass of home-made wine. Wayno Hakala provided the dinner music which was greatly enjoyed by all. We have twenty members that have been in the branch over 25 years .namely: Mary Strukel, Annie Bezek, Johanna Zallar, Ursula Urick, Frances Rib-ich, Annie Paulesich, Johanna Geržina, Margaret Poster, Mary Vodnick, Amelia Mestnick, Angeline Karish, Katie Krize, Frances Pajares, Pauline Topalka, Mayme Mohar, Anne Spehar, Mary Krall, Anna Ahlin and Jennie Ahlin. A white carnation was pinned on each of them and we called them our charter members. Before dinner, pictures were taken of the charter members and then, of the whole group. We hope to have one in Zarja. Talking of pictures, we have a large group that was taken in 1933 and it was so much fun to reminisce and identify the different members, many of them long gone. Johanna Geržina made the remark: Look, I’m not even grey on that picture! A special tribute was paid to Mary Strukel who is the only living member still active in the branch from the chartered list and she is only 89 years old! Founders of this branch were: Johanna Sever, Mary Strukel and Frances Sherek, now' deceased. These three women worked so hard for Zveza, they went from house to house to enroll the first members and together, kept the spirit alive. In those days, there were no cars or telephones so they went mostly on foot. The delivery boy played an important role in these beginnings, for many a member got a ride in and back from the surrounding locations. Zveza was the only social group of its kind for women so the meetings were well attended and ideas, recipes, remedies and so forth, were discussed and we know they were all better homemakers for it. Honors were also extended to Johanna Zallar for being the president for over twenty years. She worked diligently for the advancement of Zveza. Like I said, we didn’t have the conveniences in those days so if anything came up, you had to leave everything and get in contact with the officers and members. Many a trip she made to my door, for I was the secretary, to let me knowr if anyone died or if some dignitary was coming to town, so we could get the ball rolling on the celebration. Anyone who needed help of any kind was given priority. Mrs. Zallar’s home was always open for our meetings, special entertainment, and many a meal was put together in her kitchen. She was always willing and we knew if we needed advice, we could always go to her. A meal was prepared after every funeral, there were big Christmas parties, two state conventions, bake sales, buja suppers, donations for the church or collections among the members. Buses were chartered to go to the banquets in neighboring towns for Zveza Day, the big day of the year, and we would sing all the way there and back. Hats off to this grand lady; she still is active and willing. Even her illness hasn't kept her down — tho recently hospitalized, — at our 35th Anniversary she looked great. Angie Karish (yours truly) and Fran Anzelc have held office since we were enrolled and still do. I have missed very few meetings and only one Zveza Day and that was when I was in the hospital myself with a blood clot in my leg. So, you see, we wrere really all brought up “Zveza!” Shirley Sherek is our new secretary-treasurer and doing a wonderful job; her efforts have helped to make possible this wonderful and happy occasion. Thanks, Shirley. We are grateful for a wonderful dinner that was prepared by the October Circle under Aggie Licari and her fine group and lovely waitresses. It was grand and thank you. The tables were beautiful and w'e know the girls went out of their way to give us such good accomodations. All the members had a wonderful and most enjoyable time and we regret the absence of those who missed it. The three little Ribich boys sang a medley of Slovenian songs and can they sing! A big hand to their lovely mother who teaches them. Nellie Smith, Fran Anzelc and Shirley Sherek sang two lovely selections —- such talent was heavenly. Door prize winners were: Margaret Poster, Millie Mestnick and Ann Paulisich. The gifts were donated by Mary Strukel. Mother of the year, Mary Krall from McKinley, was presented with a lovely gift, too. Space doesn’t permit my telling you of the work of the past presidents who worked so hard for the good of the branch. Besides Mrs. Zallar, some were: Johanna Shain, Margaret Setnikar and Anne Kasteliz, who is the one who gave the branch a good shot in the arm when it needed it the most, by enrolling new members, introducing the sport of bowling and by making money with after-mass breakfast bake sale. Also she worked so hard at our last convention. We do have fun and it’s always nice to come to the meetings. Our heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. P. Ahlin from McKinley who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on June 12th. She had the most beautiful orchid, a gift from her children and they each contributed something, dinner, refreshments and from Chet and Bob, 60 red roses. We pray that God will give them courage, strength to live in happiness and contentment and most of all, good health. Happy anniversary! This summer our members planned a charter bus trip to Duluth Zoo for a picnic and then, every member is expected to attend the Sept. meeting at. which time wee’ll see you all. Ann Bozioh, 1 received your pretty hanky. Thank you. Angeline Karish Mrs. Johanna Zallar Pres, of Br. 39 for 20 years No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio. — We all want to thank Br. 101 for joining us et Helen’s Kitchen, the food was delicious and we all had a swell time. Our officers want to thank Br. 101 for the pretty corsages given us. They were lovely. At this time we would like to thank Sally Kunka for being chairman and another project of hers; “well done” also to the bartenders. Thanks. Ann Fike, grandmother, her first grandson! Congratulations and hope all are fine. Mrs. Agnes Walters is grandmom for the 24th time. Sure must feel good to see so many grandchildren. Congratulations and hope you botli live to see many more. Br. 73 wishes to extend deepest sympathy to Ann Statuta on the death of her husband. May he rest in peace and eternal light shine upon him. We all want to say “work well done” to Josephine Novak’s son on getting the scholarship award from the S.W.U. (See special report in this issue). Hope you all have a nice and safe summer, see you Sept. 13th at the next meeting — our picnic. Betty Bayus, Rep. No. 90, Presto, Pa. — Mrs. Mary Rupnik, past secretary of Br. 90 celebrated her birthday on July 11th. Slip is now visiting her daughters in California. They are Helen Smith who lives in Oakland and Cel Joplin of Fremont, Cal. Tho belated, the members all wish her a very happy birthday and many more of them. E. No. 54, Warren, Ohio. — Summer is here at last and our meetings are over until Sept. when we will meet at my home, Tuesday, Sept. 21st. The address is 1040 Meadowbrook S. E. Those having birthdays during the summer and in Sept. will be hostesses. Our spring card party was a great success and Josephine Kasson, our chairman, is to be commended for a job well done! Her small committee worked very hard, so that we could realize a sizeable profit. It gets harder every year to form a good committee, but we pulled through! Many thanks especially to our Slovenian merchants who all donated generously of their products. Two days later, we had our covered dish dinner, in honor of our Mother of the Year, Mary Waltko who was presented with a lovely corsage for the occasion. We had a nice attendance and a good gab-session! This month, Angela Petrich’s son. Frank, was married to Virginia Gladd, also our member who made a beautiful bride. It was a wonderful wedding with potica, polkas and happy faces all around. Welcome back to Warren is in order to John and Anna Petrlch of Fontana, Calif., who came for Frank's wedding. It was certainly nice to see them and we hope they enjoyed their visit here. To those of you ailing ,a speedy recovery and I hope all of you enjoy your vacations and have a safe and healthy summer. Joanne Ponikvar, Sec-treas. No. 94, Canton, Ohio. — Well, it’s been a long time, but with the grace of God, you will be hearing from us more often. We feel bad that death took our secretary Mary Krznarich who passed away May 23rd. This loss awakened us to the fact that our lodge had been going down-hill. So, our sincerest sympathy to her daughters and sons and grandchildren. We know of their great loss as it wras also our loss. Mary was our secretary for 15 years — she kept the books and sent in the dues even tho some of us didn’t pay her on time. God rest her soul. We are very proud that her daughter, Rose Maurich accepted the duties as our new President. Congratulations. Our greatest memories and tribute to Mary is that the Branch of No. 91 in Canton will grow as she always dreamed it would. Catherine Pauline, Your New Secretary No. 95, So. Chicago, III. — While our members are on vacation, I would like to extend a true wish and birthday greetings to the following members: Rose Ballock, I.ouise Bogovicli, Rose Dosen, Ann Kompare, Bernice Golden, Ann Kuehl, Matilda Martin, Mary Matijevich, Anna Nagoda, Ella Nosich, Lucille Nosich, Anna Plesha, Mildred Poropat, Genevieve Ross, Katherine Rukavina, Mary TJgarko-vich, Matilda Stevens, Olga Krmpotic, and Mary Zelenika. I am delighted to hear that Mary Pozeck is on the mend after an appendectomy operation, but terribly sorry to hear that her husband is ailing. Try to attend our first meeting in fall, September 1st. Mildred James No. 96, Universal, Pa. — The June meeting of our branch was held at the home of Mrs. Stella Bolt in Renton, Pa. The ladies gathered outside under a large apple tree since the day was quite warm but before long, we could hear the rumble of thunder a-way, off in the distance. Finally, we had to move inside, then a few min-uts later the rain poured down heavily. After settling down, we enjoyed playing the usual games. The hostess, Stella Bolt, served a delicious poppy-seed cake and three layered pastry which the members thought delightful. The Penna. Zveza Day will be Sept. 19th at Acmetonia when we hope to have a large delegation from our branch attend. The next meeting of Br. 96 will be held Aug. 8th at the home of Ann Montanari, 9014 Oak Rd., Renton, Pa. at 2:00 P.M. Antoinette Mozina, Rep. No. 100, Fontana, Cal. — I have been appointed a temporary fill-in reporter for Antoinette Kovach who is ill and we all wish her a speedy recovery. The meeting was well-attended and we initiated a new member into our branch who is yours truly! There also was a visitor amongst us, who was Mrs. Mary Strukel of Br. 14, Cleveland, Ohio. She now lives in Van Nuys, Calif. The sick members on the list are Edith Drawenek, Gertrude Rupert, Jennie Jaresh and Antoinette Kovach. Best wishes and get well soon. There will be no meetings during July and August. Next meeting will be in September. Faye Vidergar, Sub. Rep. No. 101, Bedford Hgts., Ohio — Due to the holiday, our meeting was postponed to the following Monday. Hope all had a happy and safe Fourth of July weekend. At our June meeting, we were honored with the presence of our Supreme President, Mrs. Toni Turek, and the State President, Mrs. Mary Bostian. They spoke about the Slovenian Day and about costumes of old Slovenia to be seen on Oct. 17 at Cleveland. On July 17 we hed a combined outing of our branch and that of branch No. 73 of Warrensville as we attended a delicious dinner at Helen’s Kitchen. A delightful evening was enjoyed by all who attended and it was really nice to see many old friends. We want to express our sincere thanks to Helen Kunka for arranging such a wonderful evening. Plans for our annual party to be held on Sunday, October 24, at Aurora Road School are in the making. I wras really surprised to see Doris Burdyshaw hopping along on crutches. Unfortunately, Doris slipped and broke her ankle. Hope you are getting along better! Also, sorry to hear that Lois Atkins has been hospitalized. Hope you are feeling better, I^ois! To any others wrho are on the sick list, a speedy recovery. Our deepest sympathy to our spiritual advisor, Father Paulin, on the loss of his brother, Peter. Heai’d that the Hoerl's are spending a week in New York and New Jersey. Other vacationers are the Ritt-wages who traveled to Virginia to see their son, Jim, who is with the Kansas City Baseball Team. The Fab-jancic’s just returned from a two week tour of the South. Hope you all enjoyed a wonderful vacation. Your Reporter, Betty Matjašič GONE IS THE SLOVENIAN “MUSIC MAN” Who ean believe Tone Schubel is gone? He was one of those rare legends that seemed to be without a peer. How could anyone ever think of this world without Tone Schubel. He was and is irreplaceable. During his lifetime, I think he was universally loved. Meeting Tone cheered you up, gave you a smile and lift and set you on an even course. He inspired in many talented musicians and singers the courage to seek great heights in musical careers and gave them the basic instructions they needed to do justice to his teaching and to their talent. He lived a selfless life without shame or excuse — inhibitions or temperament. And, he could have been the most temperamental man alive, for all his ability that gained for him world-wide fame and love. When the news came of his passing on June 9, 1965, there were tears and sad feelings that were summed up in many beautiful eulogies. His friends from every walk of life paid their respects in tributes widely read. A fund has also been started for a permanent memorial to Tone Schubel in Cleveland’s Slovenian National Home. Providentially, less than four months before his untimely death, his friends honored Tone with a testimonial dinner that was a great manifestation of love and respect. Youthful Days at the Foot of Triglav Anton Šubelj was bom April 26, 1899 In Rodice near Domžale. He was the 10th child in a working family. The father was a tree-cutter and stonebreaker, the mother a strawhat seamstress. Little Tony inherited the joy of singing from his mother. She could not read music but she had an excellent musical ear. She directed her own choir in the branch church at Groblje. Little Tony began his musical career in this choir. When he was six years old, it happened that no one was in the choir one Sunday morning, except his mother, Harlan, and her little Tony. So the mother decided that the two should sing alone. Mother sang soprano, and Tony alto. The people were so touched that they asked the two sing alone from then on. The mother was fifty-four years old and Tony six, when he made his first public appearance. In the Ljubljana Opera In the spring of 1918 Anton Šubelj was called into the Army. When he returned home in the fall on leave, he learned that the war had ended. He went to Ljubljana, where he was introduced to M. Hubad. This man recognized his talent and accepted him in his conservatory. The following year he was introduced to P. Golja thru the efforts of Prof. Grafenauer and was accepted as a member of the Ljubljana Theater. For his first performance he appeared on stage on his birthday, April 2fi, 1919, in the Tolstoy drama, “The Might of Darkness". He stayed in drama until 1922, then completed his dramatic school and studied singing. With the help of his sister, Johanna, in New York, he went to Berlin, where he studied voice in a conservatory. Upon his return from Berlin he made a tour of Slovenian Primorje, which was under Italy at the time. In 1923 he returned to Ljubljana, was accepted in opera, and first appeared in “Gorenjski slavček". Among American Slovenes He traveled to America where after 14 days he was assigned to singing in the Lutheran cathedral of Brooklyn. Soon after this, however, he appeared on the radio for the first time — singing Adamic’s “Uspavanka”. (Lullaby). This appearance opened the doors to the Slovenian public for him. He received an enormous amount of mail from Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, and elsewhere. In letters, people pleaded with him, to come to sing Slovenian songs. Therefore Anton Šubelj decided on a concert tour. The first concert was given in New York on Feb. 28, 1928. The success of the concert was sensational. He therefore repeated the concert and then arranged a third concert for (he American public on Park Avenue. Concerts in Cleveland, Chicago, and other American cities followed. In the At that time his life story was told and especially endearing was the narration of his musical beginnings at his mother’s knee as it was she who taught him to love music. The earliest lessons of life he learned from his mother were the basis for a half century of service to his country, his nationality and his profession. We have taken the liberty of reprinting an excerpt of his life story written by Dr. Joseph Felician, professor at St. John’s College in Cleveland, Ohio and translated by Mr. Joseph Zelle, a fine writer also of Cleveland. In it you will follow Tone Schubel’s meager start in life that blossomed into a rewarding musical career. You will note that throughout the story, Tone showed a fearless personal courage that never wavered. He gave stimulation to much of the cultural life that is seen today in communities from Washington, D.C. and Pittsburgh, Pa. to Cleveland, Ohio, his home port and greatest field for musical teaching where he spent almost half of his life. Not only is it an interesting biography for those who didn’t have the good fortune to know him, but it will bring closer to those of us who did know him, the man who was artist, teacher, friend, and beloved maestro of Cleveland. course of HI months, lie held more than a hundred concerts for the Slovenian and American public from New York to San Francisco. In Frisco a Slovene, employed by the city railway, hung placards in all the cars, showing Šubelj in his native -costume. Back to the Homeland In October of 1929, Šubelj sailed for liis homeland. Before Ills departure he arranged for a concert in New York to benefit the Home for the Blind. As “Jutro" reported on Oct. 23, 1929, the net proceeds amounted to 14,000 dinars which Šubelj forwarded to the committee for the Fund for the Home of the Blind. The Second Time in America Šubelj returned to America during the depression. It was difficult to think of a concert tour, but Šubelj managed even in difficult times. He became acquainted with pianist Ruth Julie Hall, who had accompanied the famous singer, Emmo Calve, at concerts in her youth. Šubelj outlined a repertoire for schools and clubs. He selected the most unusual songs and entitled them: "Songs from Distant Lands; Songs for children from eight to eighty.” Slovenian songs were also included in the program. Both Šubelj and the pianist, appeared in Slovenian national costumes. The pianist appeared under the name of Ljubljana, so that the name of the principal city of Slovenia was popularized. The success was great.; In the first season he had 145 concerts in various cities of eastern America. In the Metropolitan Opera In 1932 the director of chorus at the Metropolitan Opera invited him asking if he would be interested in accepting an assignment in the Metropolitan opera. When Giulio Setti returned from Italy in the fall, Šubelj signed a contract with the Metropolitan Opera. He stayed in the Metropolitan Opera fourteen years. In 1940, while the tour was In Boston, the singer for the role of Rosenka-valier suddenly took ill. At noon Šubelj was asked if he would accept the role for the performance scheduled that night at eight. Director Erich Leinsdorf was amazed as Šubelj completed his role and congratulated him. In the summer opera season, Šubelj appeared in Cincinnati. Ohio, and even outside the U.S., in Caracas, Venezuela. Havana, Cuba, etc. He also sang- many times at concerts directed by Toscanini. Van Cliburn After his departure from the Metropolitan Opera, šubelj accepted a position with Associated Concert Bu reau. The purpose of this agency was to help young A merican artists find the way to their artistic vocation. Krom 1947 to 1948 Šubelj traveled across America, listening to more than 6,000 singers, pianists and violinists and gave 125 young artists the chance to appear in Carnegie Hall, New York, and thus begin their artistic fame. Among them was also the young pianist Van Clibum. In Washington, Capitol of America In 1949, Šubelj established The Opera Workshop, his own school for solo singing and opera in Washington. This venture, too, was a success. With his students he was soon able to appear at concerts and on television. However, as Šubelj himself says, he was attracted to his people in Cleveland, where he found quarters for his studio and opera school in the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave. However, he continued to commute between Cleveland and Washington for two more years where he was a professor at the Washington Institute of Music. Every Thursday after practice at the Glasbena Matica in Cleveland he took off for Washington to teach for 3 days. Then on Monday morning he returned to Cleveland. Despite the fact that he made most of his trips by air, such a life was very trying, because he traveled mostly by night and thus lost about 100 nights of sleep per year. Therefore, after two years, he stopped teaching at the Washington Institute of Music and settled permanently in Cleveland. Among Cleveland Slovenes As early as 1934, Šubelj organized a young people’s singing chorus in Cleveland in which 500 Slovenian children sang. Their appearance in the Slovenian National Home was a great event and out of this choir grew' several youthful choirs. Unfortunately Šubelj could not stay in Cleveland at that time because his contract bound hiKi to the Metropolitan Opera. In 1940 the independent singing choir Zarja (Dawn) was re-organized and took on the new name of Glasbena Matica. The directorship of the choir was divided between the late poet, Ivan Zorman, who drilled the choristers for the spring concert and Anton Šubelj who supervised the fall opera performance during the summer. The first Glasbena Matica concert took place on Sept. S, 1940. It was a great success which is still remembered by the people. On Nov. 3, 1940 the choir gave Sattner’s cantata: Assumptio. Then the Glasbena Matica under the directorship of Šubelj, presented “The Barber of Seville”, “The Bat”, and “The Gypsy Baron'’. In order to appreciate the importance of the work which Anton Šubelj did among Slovenes in Cleveland, a few facts should be enumerated: Since 1950 the Glasbena Matica has enacted the operetta, Mamselle Nitouche, the Opera La Traviata (3 times), Rigoletto (twice), Caval-leria Rusticana, Pagliacci, Mignon, Tosca, Marriage of Figaro, Carmen, and Massenet’s Opera, Mary Magdalen (twice). This last opera constituted a kind of record for the Glasbena Matica, for it was the first to sing this opera in America. If we consider, that all America barely has two permanent opera houses, — we can be proud that 40,000 Cleveland Slovenes have their own opera attributable to the efforts of Anton Šubelj and the singers of the Glasbena Matica. In addition to the operatic performances we must not forget the numerous concerts in which Subelj’s singers participated. However, Subelj’s choral work was not limited to the Glasbena Matica. In addition to the Glasbena Matica, Šubelj conducted “Triglav", “Slovan”, youth choir of the SNIM, two Serbian singing choirs, the American — Slovak singing choir. Only a few of these facts testify to the importance of the work which Anton Šubelj has done among Cleveland Slovenes. , A Singer’s Mission In the life of nations often insignificant causes have great consequences. We also read the autobiography of Mikhail Pupin and discover the interesting story of how Mikhail Pupin as a young lad came to New' York and was accepted by a Slovenian family. Many years later Mikhail had returned the kindness by pleading with Wilson that Died, which the Italians wanted to grab, be assigned to Yugoslavia. Mikhail Pupin, in a most beautiful way returned the services once rendered to him, a poor immigrant a-Ione in a large city of the New World, by a Slovenian family. This family did more for the Slovenians than trained diplomats at the peace conference. Every good and honest Slovene is the best ambassador of his nation. Among these ambassadors we must also include Anton Šubelj. In other words, with his work he has again confirmed the well known fact, that a nation s future and its spiritual life, in the last analysis, is always decided by self-sacrificing individuals. He sang to the wealthy Americans who had hardly ever heard of Slovenes. He sang to Slovenian men and women scattered across America, singing to them about home, just over the hill, about mother, brothers and sister, and the old homeland. The young lad from Rodice suddenly appeared on the stages of great cities, with a song on his lips, speaking of the nation wedged in between the Alps and the Adriatic Ocean, a-bout the Slovenes, about their joys and sufferings, and also about their limitless confidence in the victory of justice and finer days. Anton Šubelj, singing ambassador of the Slovenian Nation in America. Slovenian Song First Time on Television Anton Šubelj had his “first” in the history of television. In other words, he appeared during the fourth transmission of the first television station in New York. He was also the first to sing Slovenian songs on television. Glas Naroda on Sept, 18, 1931 printed the following report: “On Monday at 9:45 p.m. one of the largest New York stations, the Columbia Television Brodacasting station transmitted Slovenian national songs. Our good acquaintance, bariton Anton Šubelj sang. Since he could be seen as well as heard, he was dressed in the Slovenian national costume and he accompanied his singing with facial pantomime. At the piano was Miss. R. J. Hall, likewise dressed in national costume, explaining the content of the song in English. “First, narrator Miss, Erskin described the beauty of Slovenia and presented Šubelj as the best exponent of Slovenian songs. Then she asked him to greet the public in the Slovenian language. After that he sang the follow- ing songs: “Zagorski zvonovi”, (B&lls of Zagorje), “Megla v Jezeru”, (Mist in the Lake), “Uspavanka”, (Lullaby), “Bod’ moja", (Be Mine), and others. “The television program can be seen in Europe too, since Station W2XAB has a frequency of 2750 kc. In New York alone there are some 30,000 private television sets. The program was so well received that the management immediately signed up Tony Šubelj for the great autumn exhibition in Madison Square Garden, New York. He will sing the same program on television as he did last Mon day.” These are some of the memories we have of Tone Schu-bel. May the Good Lord reward him with heavenly peace and happiness. REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M.: DRAGOCENE SOLZE Neka perzijska legenda pripoveduje, da je Bog poslal svojega angela na svet, da poišče in mu prinese najbolj dragoceno stvar na svetu. Angel se je podal na pot. Vrnil se je k Bogu obležen z dobrimi stvarmi kakor čebela z medom. Toda Bog ni bil zadovoljen z nobenim od darov, ki ji je angel prinesel. Angel se je podal na novo iskanje. Nekega dne je naletel na človeka, ki je veliko grešil. Ta človek je spoznal svoje grešno življenje. Iz vsega srca je obžaloval svoje prestopke, zares s pravim kesanjem. Tolika žalost je napolnila srce tega človeka, da so mu sloze prišle na oči. Angel božji je ujel eno od teh solza in jo prinesel pred božji prestol. S tem darom je bil Bog zadovoljen. To je bilo znamenje kako nekaj velikega je to pravo, prisrčno kesanje. Ko grešnik spozna svoje grehe, mora v srcu obuditi žalost in kesanje nad svojimi grehi. Brez pravega kesanja ni odpuščanja grehov. Če si nekdo še tako dobro izpraša svojo vest, če se še tako natančno spove svojih grehov in če tudi sliši vsako besedo s katero ga duhovnik odvezuje od grehov, je vse zastonj, če ni bilo resničnega kesanja v duši. Tako velikega pomena je kesanje nad grehi. Tako kesanje je nujno potrebno za dobro spoved. Če smo včasih kaj prezrli pri spraševanju svoje vesti ali če smo v razburjenosti pozabili povedati kak greh, nam je greh odpuščen, če je bilo v srcu resnično kesanje. Tako mogočen vpliv ima kesanje. Ker je 1 esanje tolikšnega pomena si ga oglejmo nekoliko podrobneje. Po besedah tridentinskega koncila je kesanje žalost ali bolečina duše, ker je žalila Boga, izgubila nebesa in zaslužila pekel. Ta žalost pa ni samo čuvstve-no nerazpoloženje za greh, ampak je dejanje naše trdne volje s katero se postavimo grehu po robu. Mi greh sovražimo, se nad njim zgražamo, ga obžalujemo, se obrnemo stran od njega in želimo, da se ne bi nikoli to zgodilo, kar se je zgodilo. Znana nam je zgodba o izgubljenem sinu. Odšel je od doma, ker ni hotel več biti pod družinskim nadzorstvom. Predal se je vsem mogočim grehom. Zapravil je očetovo premoženje. Pa je prišlo spoznanje. Pa je prišlo kesanje. Vrnil se bom k očetu. Prosil ga bom odpuščanja. Popravil bom kar sem zagrešil. Nisem vreden, da se imenujem njegov sin. In tako je napravil. Oče ga je sprejel in mu vse odpustil. To stori kesanje. Včasih pri tem igrajo svojo vlogo tudi naša čuvstva, včasih pa ne. To ni važno. Čuvstvo ni potrebno za dobro kesanje. Kesanje zavisi od naše volje in ne od naših čuv-stev. Človek ima lahko popolno kesanje brez vsakega čuvstva. Na drugi strani pa lahko veliko čutimo pa smo kljub temu brez pravega kesanja. Važno je, ne kako mi čutimo, ampak kako je razpoložena naša volja. Ona je tista, ki odloča za ali proti. Državna Konvencija za Illinois-Indiana Letošnja državna konvencija se bo vršila dne 29. avgusta v Joliet, 111. Kakor veste, to bo izključno Državna Konvencija in mi računamo, da se bodo udeležile zastopnice in članice naslednjih podružnic: 2, 5 (Ind.), IG, 20, 22, 24, 30, 72, 85, 89, 95 in 99. Pozivam vse članice, da se potrudijo in res pridejo v lepem številu. Vaše sodelovanje bo gotovo vir nadaljnje vzpodbude in pojačenega delovanja. PROGRAM DNEVA: 12:00 opoldne: Sv. maša v cerkvi sv. Jožefa (Chicago in Clay Street) 1:15 pop.: Kosilo v slavnem Klubu D’Amico, 214 Ottawa St. (Cena kosila je $3.35) 2:30 pop.: Zborovanje državne konvencije. Gornji program se bo izvajal, tako da bodo vse točke dneva izpeljane po načrtu. Mildred James, Drž Preds., Ill.-Ind. Vabilo na Minesotski Zvezin Dan Vse članice minesotskih podružnic ste iskreno vabljene, da se udeležite ZVEZINEGA DRŽAVNEGA DNEVA, dne 29. AVGUSTA v AURORI, M1NN. Vse članice minesotskih podružnic ste iskreno vabljene, najlepšega uspeha. Članica Pauline Plevel je naštrikala krasno preprogo (afgan), katero bo dobila srečna udeleženka državne konvencije. Naša stoloravna-teljica bo Mrs. Ralph Hodnik. Obe, Mrs. Hodnik in Miss Anne Hodnik imata v oskrbi pridobitni načrt te prireditve. Vsi načrti so pripravljeni, zato upamo, da vas bomo videli v velikem številu na našem dnevu dne 29. avg. v Aurori, Minn. Na veselo svidenje vam kliče, Mary Smolich, preds. št. 35 Lep uspeh slavnosti v Milwaukee Imela sem prijetno dolžnost se udeležiti slavnostne proslave 35 letnice podružnice št. 43, združeno z državno konvencijo za Wisconsin. Slavnost se je vršila dne 13. junija. Državna predsednica Rose Kramer je lepo vodila banket in zborovanje. Slavnostno sv. mašo je daroval duhovni vodja Zveze, č.g. Father Klavdij Okorn, OEM, ki je bil tudi glavni govornik na banketu. Pošiljam iskrene čestitke podružnici št. 43 k lepi obletnici ustanovitve, drž. preds. Rose Kramer in vsem članicam pa izrekam priznanje k lepemu uspehu ter želim, da bi še v naprej tako vzajemno sodelovale za napredel; društva in Zveze. Vse prav lepo pozdravljam. Josephine Železnikar, gl. blagajničarka Sr. Remigia iz Euclid, O., Sr. Sabina iz Dulutha, Minn. Vse mi pišejo, tolažijo in molijo za mene. Naj jim Bog bogato poplača. Zahvala mojemu sinu in družini, sorodnikom v Bradley, v Waukegan, v Barbertonu in Clevelandu. Tukaj sem sama Slovenka, med tujimi ljudmi in tujimi bolniki, zato sem tako vesela, ko dobim vsaki mesec našo priljubljeno Zarjo, ki je tako lepo urejena in zanimiva. Rada čitam tudi dopise članic, ki potujejo v domovino in drugam. Kako srečna je Mrs. Rose Racher, preds. št. 54 iz Warren, O, ki je tako lopo popisala svoj obisk Slovenije, predvsem Ribnico in Sodražico. Bila je tam v cerkvi, kjer sem bila jaz krščena. Domači kraji so mi še vedno v živem spominu. Lepo se zahvalim Mrs. Albini Novak za DOPISI Št. 2, Chicago, III. —• Preljube mi članice št. 2 v Chicagu in št. 22 v Bradley, 111., kakor tudi vse sestre združene v naši dični Slovenski Ženski Zvezi širom Amerike! Če kedaj, potem sem posebno sedaj vesela in ponosna, da sem članica Zveze, ker v moji bolezni in starosti, mi je to v največjo uteho. L. 1964 sem si zlomila nogo, bila sem 4 mesece v Joli-etu v bolnišnici. V tem času sem prejela mnogo voščilnih kartic in daril od sester iz Chicaga, Clevelanda in drugot. Vse so mi dajale korajžo, kar mi je bilo v izredno tolažbo in vzpodbudo. Imela sem mnogo nepozabnih obiskov. Prišel je moj sin z družino, .sorodniki iz Bradley, čestite sestre iz Lemonta. Ne moram vam popisali v kako veliko tolažbo mi je bilo vse to v bridki uri. Tudi sedaj ko se nahajam v Burr Oak Nursing home v Blue Island, Illinois, se me mnoge spominjajo s kartami in darovi širom Amerike. — Naj bo vsem na tem mestu izrečena moja najiskrenejša zahvala. Moja prisrčna zahvala velja posebno tudi Fr. Dominik od St. Bernard Parish, Joliet, ki je prišel vsak teden ko sem bila tam v bolnišnici, z nebeško tolažbo sv. obhajila. Moja iskrena zahvala č.g.p. Medic, p. Pelagij, iz I^emonta, g.p. Tomaž od Sv. Stefana iz Chicaga, ki mi pišeje in večkrat obiščejo tukaj. Res lepa zahvala sestram iz Lemonta, Sister Emery, Superior, Sr. Borgia, Sr. Virginia in vse druge iz Lemonta; Sr. Adolorata, 35 LETNICA ST. 43 IN DRZ. KONVENCIJA LEPO USPELA V nedeljo 13. junija, 1965 je prisostvovala lepa družba na proslavi 35-letnico podružnice št. 13 Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Proslava se je vršila v cerkvi in dvorani sv. Janeza Evangelista na Deveti cesti. V zvezi s to proslavo pa se je vršila tudi peta državna konvencija Slovenske Ženske Zveze za državo Wisconsin. Vse podružnice slovenske Ženske Zveze so poslale svoje delegatinje, da v skupnosti pretresejo vse probleme, ki se tičejo tako celote kakor posameznih podružnic. Proslava obeh dogodkov se je začela s peto sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Janeza. Pri sv. maši je pel pevski zbor slovenske cerkvene pesmi pod vodstvom organista Ernesta Majhenicha. Pevski zbor, ki je znan po svojem petju, je napravil mogočen vtis in veliko doprinesel k slovesnemu razpoloženju dneva. Po banketu, ki se je vršil v cerkveni dvorani sv. Janeza je bil kratek program. Pozdravne besede na goste je izrekla Mrs. Kose Kraemer, ki je državna presednica slovenske Ženske Zveze za Wisconsin. Glavni govor je imel duhovni svetovalec Slovenske Ženske Zveze Rev. Claude Okorn, župnik cerkve sv. Janeza. V svojem govoril je razvil dve misii in sicer dostojanstvo žene in pa vpliv žene na duhovno rast naroda. Banketa so se udeležile tudi tri ustanovne članice podružnice in sicer Josephine Kolar, ki je obenem predsednica podružnice, Cecila Marolt in Christine Rebernišek, četrta članica Antonia Velkovrh pa ni mogla priti. karto iz Brezij. Upam, da se me je tudi letos spomnila v molitvah pri Mariji Pomagaj. Posebno se zahvalim tudi gl. odbornicam za lepo karto. Nikdar ne bom pozabila vaše prijaznosti do mene. Najlepši spomini mojega življenja so zvezani z našo Zvezo in vesela sem, če sem kaj dobrega storila za našo organizacijo. Nepozabna so vsakoletna romanja v Lemont na Zvezine dneve, saj je pri Lemontski Mariji Pomagaj tako nebeško lepo. Ne smem pozabiti z izrazi zahvale Birthday Clubu iz Chicaga št . 2, ko so me iznenadile za moj rojstni dan s potico, kolači, cake, rožami in pogostile so tudi bolniške strežnice in iKjluike. Rože imam še vedno, čeprav so suhe, pa mi vzbujajo spomin na drage prijateljice od Zveze. Bog vas živi še mnogo let. Naj še omenim, kako je vse aktivno sedaj v Chicagu, seje in velika letna prireditev, kakor se sliši na naši slovenski uri pod vodstvom Mi'. L. Leskovar. Ti programi so tako zanimivi, da ljudje komaj čakajo vsako soboto popoldne pričetka radijske ure. [’osebno za oddaljenejše je to čas najlepšega razvedrila. Prejmite vse skupaj in vsaka pose- Vse ustanovne članice so počastili s posebnim darom in šopkom. Glavni odbor so zastopale Josephine Železnikar, ki je glavna blagajničarka, Marie Floryan, doma sicer iz West Allisa a je podpresednica Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki, in Elizabet h Zefran, ki je glavna direktorica za šport. Posebno prisrčna je bila minuta molka posvečena pokojnim sosestram. Podružnica št. 43. je zelo delavna. Svoje redne sestanke ima vsako drugo nedeljo v mesecu v dvorani sv. Janeza. Podružnica šteje 213 članic. Mi podružnici čestitamo na njenem jubileju in ji želimo še bodočnost. Kmalu po banketu se je začela državna konvencija. Podružnice so podale svoje poročilo. Zastopane so bile sledeče podružnice: milwauška št. 12. in 43., vvestalliska št. 17., sheboyganska št. 1. in willardska, ki je poslala poročilo, ni pa imela svoje zastopnice. Pri tej konvenciji je bila Mrs. Herta Majhenich nagrajena s šopkom orhideje, ker je bila izbrana za mater leta 1965. Mrs. Mary IJdovich iz Sheboy-gena je pa zadala veliko košaro čvetja, ki ga je potem podarila cerkvi sv. Janeza s posebno prošnjo, naj krasi Marijin oltar. Župnik je z veseljem njeni prošnji ugodil. Vsa proslava je potekla v prisrčnem duhu in upajno, da bo rodila veliko uspeha. Omenimo naj še to, da so se kuharice št. 43. zelo postavile. Piščance je pekel znani kralj piščancev John Rebernišek. Naš fotograf Fred Pugel pa je jemal slike, da se je vse bliskalo. (Ponatis A. D.) bej mojo iskreno zahvalo. Naj vam Bog bogato poplača z ljubim zdravjem in dolgim življenjem vaša dobra dela. Ostajam vam vsem hvaležna. Paulina Ožbolt Št. 7, Forest City, Pa. — Na naši seji v juniju smo sklenile, da se odslej naše seje ne vršijo več v VFM rooms na Dundaff St. Odslej se bodo seje vršile vsaki prvi torek v mesecu ob 7:30 na domu naše tajnice, Mrs. Josephine Gostisha, 1010 North Main St. Razlog za to spremembo je v tem. ker je bila včasih slaba udeležba. Imamo nad 100 članic, toda mnoge pridejo plačati asesment na dom, tako bo sedaj enostavno. Ona ima dobro pripravo in veliko prostora, velike sobe, da lahko pridejo članice na sejo v velikem številu, če pa ne, pa lahko plačajo kadar hočejo. Po vsaki seji bomo imele tudi pokrivanje številk ter ste vse vljudno vabljene. Ne bo vam žal, ker Mrs. Gostisha je odlična “hostess.” Prva seja je bila 6. julija in odslej bo naš meeting vsak prvi torek v mesecu ob 7:30 zvečer. Na zadnji seji je bila vzdignjena številka za pillow cases, ki jih je darovala naša dobra članica, Mary Telban, naša ustanovna članica. Iskrena ji hvala. Napravile smo lepo svoto. OlilSIv IZ SLOVENIJE Št. 2, Chicago, lil. — V mesecu ma-iu se je za en teden mudila v Chicagu kot obiskovalka iz stare domu-vine, ga. Ana Komočar, rojena Jurkas iz Pol. Skopice. Ga. Komačar ima otroke v Kanadi in v Chicagu dve sestri: Mrs. Mary Polden, Mrs. Alvi Jerin ter sestrične Millie Paisoli in Ana Zorko. Vse omenjene so pridne članice podr. št. 2. Pred svojini odhodom je Mrs. Komočar napisala naslednjo iskreno zahvalo iz njenega nepozabnega obiska Amerike: “Iskrena hvala vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem, ki so mi pripravili tako prisrčen sprejem dne l(i. maja 19G5 na 1950 W. 22nd Place v Chicagu. ga. Komačar s sestro Mary Ta izredni dogodek mi bo ostal vedno v trajnem in najlepšem spominu na Vas vse, ki sem vas videla in srečala. Prav lepa hvala vsem za darila in posebno se zahvalim moji sestri, Mary Polden, Alvi Jerin, moji sestrični, Millie Paisoli in Ani Zorko za njihovo gostoljubnost. Res prisrčna hvala pač vsem, ki ste me kot svojo sorodnico in rojakinjo sprejele in pozdravile na amerikans-kih tleh, ko sem prišla obiskati v spremstvu svoje družine, ki živijo v Kanadi svoje sestre in grob svojih staršev in bratov Jurkas v Jolietu. V mislih na Vas vse, se še enkrat iskreno zahvalim jaz in moja družina iz Kanade in želim se na veselo svidenje! Pozdravljeni! Ana Komačar, roj. Jurkas, Dol. Skopice.” Omenjena ima še tri sestre, ki živijo v Fontani, Calif, in sicer: Mrs. Agnes Werbich, Mrs. Caroline Jarvis in Mrs. Christine Soukup. V načrtu imajo še lepo družinsko združenje vseh pet sester v mesecu septembru v Kanadi. Hvala tudi sestri Lucille Jerin, Vand-ling, Pa., ki je darovala lep tea apron. Srečna je bila Julia Nick. Hvala vsem, ki so prodajale listke in tistim, ki ste jih kupile. Največ sta jih prodale ses. Josephine Gostisha in ses. Frances Lesjak Novak. Se vam priporočamo še za drugič. Letos smo izgubile dobro članico Mary Romich iz Honesdale, Pa. Bila PRIZNANJE ZASLUZNl Z ENI Št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio Ob tej priliki upravičeno ponosni dajemo priznanje ženi, dolgoletni prebivalki te naselbine, Mrs. Mary Otoničar z 1110 K. 6G St., za njene velike zasluge skozi dolga leta v prid cerkvi in narodu. Mrs. Otoničar je vedno v tihem zadovoljstvu storila kar je bilo v njeni moči, ko se je zavzela za kako stvar, najsibo, da se je odzvala za delo pri cerkvi ali šoli Sv. Vida. Skoro od začetka (to je že približno 50 let) dela z dušo in telesom za Oltarno društvo Sv. Vida, pri kateremu je tajnica in blagajničarka. S sodelovanjem drugih dobrih žena v fari, so spekle ogromno krofov in pripravile na stotine obedov za javnost, da so spravile skupaj lepe vsote denarja, s katerim jim je bilo mogoče nabaviti razne potrebščine za cerkveno uporabo. Poleg tega je bila Mrs. Otoničar tudi ustanoviteljica podružnice št. 25 Slovenske Ženske Zveze ,pri kateri je skozi vsa leta v uradu, največkrat (in tudi sedaj) tajnica in blagajničarka. Dalje je bila tudi med ustanoviteljicami društva Sv. Cecilije št. 37 SDZ in društva Sv. Marije Magdalene št. 162 KSKJ. Pri Sv. Vidu je več naših slovenskih fantov imelo svoje prve sv. maše, ko so bili posvečeni za duhovnike. Za tako priliko je treba vedno več dobrih src in pridnih rok za pripravo obeda pri sprejemu v počast novemu božjemu namestniku. Mrs. Mary Otoničar in pred nedavnim umrla poznana Mrs. Johana Gornik sta bile vodilne duše ob takih prilikah. S pomočjo drugih žena v fari sta prevzele delo in ga dobro završile. Med temi novimi duhovniki, za katere sprejem so te vrle je vedno dobra plačnica in je rada priložila kakšen dolar v našo blagajno, liila je sestra Mrs. Jennie Feme, iz Clevelanda ter pokojne Sr. Carmelita, OFM in še nekaj bratov in sester ter moža Harry in več sinov ter hčera. Naj ji Bog da večni mir in pokoj. Več naših članic si je moralo iskati zdravja v bolnišnici in se sedaj zdravijo doma. Ses. Jennie Shamro je bila več tednov v bolnišnici ter se sedaj zdravi na domu njene hčerke, Mrs. Albert Orasini. Ses. Gertrude Urbas in Fannie Kavšek so tudi bile v bolnišnici in se sedaj zdravijo na domovih. Obe zelo progrešamo, ker sta se redno udeleževale naših sej. Upam, da bodo na prihodnji seji zopet zdrave med nami. Omenjenim sestram i vsem, ki se slabo počutijo, želimo največje bogastvo tega sveta, ljubega zdravja. God bless you all! Anna Kameen, preds. MRS. MARY OTONIČAR žene pripravile okusen obed, so bili: sedanji župnik in monsignor Louis Baznik, Father Baraga, Father Celes-nik, Father Cimperman, Father Gab-renja, Father Praznik, Father Tomc in drugi, katerih imen se ob tem času ne moremo spomniti. Nekaj, kar ni splošno znano je to, da je Mrs. Otoničar nad 40 let skrbela za cerkveno perilo, prala in krpala je oltarne prte in drugo perilo. Tudi več kot 35 let je redno pekla lioste za Sv. obhajilo. Ponižno je delala vse to, za kar je imela v plačilo tiho zadovoljstvo, da vrši velikodušno delo. Marsikatero opravo je izdelala za naše duhovnike tukaj, v Kanadi in stari domovini. št. 20, Joliet, III. Naše čestitke Mr. in Mrs. Rich. Demick ko so dobili sina v družini. Mrs. Demick roj. Mary Kay Spelich je naša članica več let, kakor je tudi njena mama Mrs. Spelich iz 911 N. Broadway St. Mrs. Mary Kolar iz Raub Street se je nahajala v bolnišnici. Želimo ji hitrega in stalnega zdravja. Ravno tako Mrs. Mary Spelich iz Dawes Ave. se je tudi nahajala v bolnišnici Sv. Jožefa. Naše sožalje Mrs. Mary Valentich iz N. Broadway, ki je izgubila hčerko Mrs. Mary Pederson staro 43 let. Poleg moža in starišev zapušča tudi štiri otroke. Na očetov dan, so priredile naše članice družinski piknik na Mrs. Kun-stek resort v Yorkville. Hil je lep dan in tudi članice in družine so se dobro imele. Hvala vsem ki so pomagale, in pa Mrs. Mary Kun-stelc in sinu za lepi prostor kateri nam je bil dan na razpolago. Naša cerkev je priredila letni carnival na našem parku in to v dneli Zanimivo je, kako je prišlo do tega, da je bila takorekoč uradna perica cerkvenega perila. Njen sinček je bi! učenec v šoli Sv. Vida. Neki dan jo prišel domov s soli- in rekel je: "M;i lila, Fader Ponikvar so naročili, da morate priti v župnišče.” Takoj ji je šinilo v misel, da je sinček morda nekaj zagrešil. Resno ga je prijela, naj pove, kaj je storil, da mora ona do župnika. Mali Rudi, tako je bilo sinčku ime, ji je zatrjeval, da je bil priden, ni bil poreden in ne ve, zakaj hoče Fader Ponikvar mamo videti. Ko je šla v župnišče, ji je g. Ponikvar povedal, da je doslej prala perilo neka faranka, ki pa tega ne zmore več, češ, da ima sedem otrok, ona (Mrs. Otoničar) pa ima le enega in ima več časa za to. Tako je Mrs. Otoničar na lepem podedovala delo perice, ki se ga je držala skozi 40 let. Vzlic njeni zaposlenosti v dobrodelne namene, je Mrs. Otoničar tudi slovela kot izborna kuharica. Na stotinah svatbah je bila glavna kuharica. Ni malo slučajev, ko je bila kuharica kar trem rodovom ene družine. So pa tudi številni banketi in društvene priredbe na seznamu onih, za katere je Mrs. Otoničar pripravila okusna in slastna jedila. Pred nedavnim je Mrs. Otoničar praznovala svoj 75. rojstni dan; je pa še vedno živahna in delavna. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Arko, po domače Ravenškova, rojena v vasi Pod-klanc, fara Sodražica, Slovenija. V A-meriko je prišla 4. novembra 1900, potem ko je bila na ladji cele tri tedne na poti iz domovine. Pred 55 leti se je poročila z Rudolfom Otoničarjem, imela sta edinega sina, Rudija, ki pa je pred kakimi 15 leti umrl. Veselita pa se treh vnukov in dveh pravnukov. Naš poklon zaslužni ženi! Josephine (Antončič) Golinski 27. junija ter 4. in 12. julija. Pri tem so pomagale tudi naše članice. Hvala vsem članicam, ki so prišle pomagat, za to letno cerkveno prireditev. Lepe pozdrave vsem članicam, Josephine Erjavec Št. 38, Chisholm, Minn. — Ker sem tudi jaz med tistimi, ki rajše beremo, kakor pa pišemo, zato se že dalje časa pripravljam, da napišem nekaj kako se kaj imamo pri naši podr. št. 38. V maju smo slavile 35 letnico ustanovitve Slovenske Ženske Zveze na Ghisholmu in obenem smo tudi praznovale Materinski dan. Spomnile smo se vseh živih in pokojnih mater-članic. Kot predsednica podr. se iz vsega srca najlepše zahvaljujem vsem, ki sto na eden ali drugi način pomagale k uspehu te proslave! Vso čast zaslužijo naše dobre članice, ki so nam z veseljem pomagale pri prodaji tikcev, kakor tudi onim, ki so kupili tikce, ker to je res veliko delo. Zahvala vsem onim, ki so delale v kuhinji na dan proslave. Zahvaliti se tudi moram na- ČESTITKE ZLATOPOROCENCEMA Dne 12. junija sta slavila r>0 letnico zakonskega življenja, Mr. in Mrs. Anion Ariel v krogu družine in prijateljev. Slavnostni sprejem gostov je liil ob 5 uri pop. v liecliar Slovenskem Domu. Slavljenca, ki živita v Highland Heights, imata dve hčerki, Mrs. Valeria DeSaussure iz Cal. in Mrs. Alice Cech iz Clevelanda ter dva vnuka. Mrs. Artel je naša dobra članica Zveze, podružnice št. 41 ter želimo njej in soprogu, ki je upokojeni mizar s čestitkami, še mnogo sreče in zdravja tudi v bodočnosti! Mr. in Mrs. Anton Artel Šim trgovcem, ki so nam dali dobitke. Po okusnem kosilu smo zaključile proslavo s slovenskim petjem ob spremljavi harmonike, katero je igral B. Virant. Saj je znano, kjer so Slovenci zbrani, tam je tudi petje! Ponosne in vesele smo bile, da je prišla na našo proslavo tudi naša Državna Predsednica, 1!. Rosandich iz Rly z njeno sestro in prijateljico. Največja čast, kar jo more moja roka zapisati pa gre našim vrlim ustanoviteljicam, ki so pred 35 leti imele dalekovidnost in ustanovile našo podr. na Chisholm. Danes so že v visokih letih življenja, toda naj jim ljubi Bog nakloni še mnogo zdravih in veselih let. Naša Zveza pa naj bi lepo napredovala tudi v bodoče! Videla sem pri sv. maši pred kratkim našo gl. predsednico, Antonijo Turek, ki je najbrže prišla obiskati njeno bolno mater, Mrs. Antonija Gornik, kateri želimo res hitrega ozdravljenja. V letošnjem letu smo izgubile kar 2 članice, ses. Frances Lesnik in ses. Mary Sušnik. Bog je obe poklical k sebi v nebeški raj. Potrudile se bomo, da na njihova mesta pridobimo nove članice. Naša podružnica se že pripravlja, kakor vsako leto na obisk Minesotske državne konvencije. Letos bomo šle z autobus! v Aurora, Minn., kjer vem, da nas z veseljem pričakujejo. Dne 7. junija je moj mož Joe Hren odpotoval po 44 letih z jet letalom v rojstno domovino, k njegovim in mojim dragim v Žužemberg in Ljubljano. Piše mi večkrat, da so veseli skupaj s sorodniki in mu pogosto prirejajo parties. Dne 5. julija pa je naša mlajša hčerka Ruth Hren odpotovala skupno z njeno prijateljico, C. Petrich z ladjo na daljše počitnice v starem kraju. Obe sta diplomirale lansko leto iz College Scholastica, Duluth kot bolniške sestre (nurses). Zdaj sta najbolj vesele, ker bosta 1!>. septembra obe začele delati v ljubljanski bolnišnici. Moja hčerka, ki je učiteljica v Chi- Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — PENNA ZVEZIN DAN BO 19. SEPT. Že sedaj vljudno vabim vse podruž nice države Pensilvania, da se udeležite našega Zvezinega dneva in državne konvencije 19. sept. pod pokroviteljstvom podr. št. 91 v ACMETONIA HALL. To je zelo pomembni dan za našo organizacijo, ko se zberemo iz vseh krajev države vsaj enkrat na leto. ' Med nami bo naša glavna predsednica, Mrs. Turek in upanje je tudi, da bo tudi gl. tajnica, Mrs. Novak, kateri želimo srečno vrnitev iz Slovenije in nam bo imela veliko za povedati. j Tudi vsem drugim članicam, ki so se podale na obisk stare domovine, želim vesele počitnice, mnogo zdravja in srečen povratek, med njimi poleg imenovane Mrs. Novak, tudi Mrs. Prlsland, Mrs. Pachak in Mrs. Shore. Lep pozdrav in na svidenje dne 19. sept. v Acmetonia, Pa. Mary Tomsic, preds. cagu in Kuthie sta bile z menoj leta 1954 v starem kraju. Dne 10. junija sta odpotovale s skupino pod vodstvom naše ustanoviteljice, Marie Prisland, tudi naša tajnica, ses. Anna Trdan in bivša blagajničarka, ses. Silvija Petrich. Vsem želim vesele počitnice v rojstni domovini in srečni povratek nazaj med nas. Naše seje se bodo zopet začele v septembru in sicer na prvo sredo v mescu. Vse članice vabim, da pridete na sejo v obilnem številu. Več nas bo skupaj, bolj veselo bo in več koristnega bomo ukrenile za SŽZ. Ob koncu mojega dopisa, pozdravljam našo glavno podpredsednico, sestro Marie A. Florjan in njeno družino. Obenem želim, da bi ljubi Bog dal vsem članicam Zveze širom Amerike ljubo zdravje in vse najlepše pozdrav jam. F. Hren, preds. Št. 68, Fairport, Ohio. — Poročilo mesečne seje dne 20. junija. Te seje se je udeležilo lepo število naših članic. Zaradi poletne vročine, smo sejo kar na hitro končale. Posebnih poročil v korist članic ni bilo. Sklenile smo, da bomo za par mese-cov opustile mesečne seje, ker se je mnogo članic opravičevalo, da prihodnji mesec ne bodo mogle ne sejo1, ker mnoge odpotujejo na razna potovanja, ali obiske sorodnikov. Smo pač v času letnih počitnic in izletov. Tudi piknikov se bomo udeleževale, kolikor bo mogoče. Torej prihodnja seja se bo vršila tretjo nedeljo v septembru. Do takrat želim članicam veliko zabave in zdravja, da bi se srečne vrnile med nas. Frances Bajc Št. 96, Universal, Pa. — Drage članice: Naznanjam vam, da bomo imele avgustovo sejo pri Anni Montanari, 9011 Oak St., Renton, Pa., drugo nedeljo dne 8. avgusta. Prinesite 50